: ... - • •"r .. . . . ~ .... .... -. ~ .. .. . . . . . ,
~ -.,--
10 Cents I'
Dear Dennis" This is for a renewed subscription. I'm digging ' your paper! Bonni~ Pemberton P.S. I re~Uy like Mrs. G's column! Dear Mr. Dalton, Thank you again for inviting us to shoot at the Waynesville Country Fair. We certainly enjoyed. every minute of it. We. know you went to a lot 'of
Dear Dennis, In behalf of our club members that attended Waynesville
ElaSEI ·
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" . . . \ '"
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I '" ":r.; '. .IIII.. " UmuL ':~II ,. ~ ~, , '~ .'ftB <. " ,.AD , . " .".. .,.' ~
Nc:i coRt~nor., I' A&:L ACCOUNTI1NSUR.ED UP'lO ~ THEl=EbERAL DEPOSIT 1,auRA ~"..
• .,.IIS ", 0Iie .
P.O. . . . ·71 ....... " '..111
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..~nnll OIIlton
R.glnald O. Hili •••.•••••••• ' ,' .••••.. ' ,' ••• , Advertising Manag.r Phillip Mor.n •••••••••••••••••••.••• Aut. AdvertiSing Mana•• r OIIvld EdAn . ' . " ••••••••••••.•• '••••••••••••.• Gitn.raJ'Manag.r Reglnal~ O. Hln~· Qavld·Ed.. I'" .' • ••.•••• ~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ~ubUSh.rs
P.O. 7 •• Wa~....v",. 01110 410•• M.....~ of .... 01110 ~ewipel*. ,AIIOO..tlO"
Harold Whiltaket ,and Mrs. Paul Vander Voort were in charge of the program. Mrs. Fulkerson introduced her s.ister-in·law, Mrs, Van Pelt who gave a most interestinga~count of a Caribbe~ tour she and ber husband had recently t~lk~n. She illustrated it with beautiful" slides and also showed many things bought on the trip. , , 'At the close of the program, the gavel was presented the new president, Mrs, Don Workman.
subscr'i pti on
t.t.r.lk • • • By Mo.
. Here's an answer to the letter , form .a very successful mutual received from the reader whose admiration society, birthday is Marth 31. You asked about your best . Dear Aries, It is_ not likely .friend, but didn't give your .that your Gemini beau is string· friends birthdate. Give your / -, ing you· along consciously. It 'friend every opporturuty to re.would be much more realistic tb turn' to your side. In tinle; if the say he doesn't know him~lf hew friendship , ,waS ,worth~hile, he .f~els. ' " . thinw; will f311 irlt~ place for the Gemini is the sign of : the two·of'you. ' , . twins 'a!1d .'this -produces ,people Remember . : . friendship .. , with sort of 'Ii split personality. true friendship is'so very rare .. , By this, I meall lie can feel two and if we have one' true friend different and distinct emoijons in a whole' lifetime '. , . we are on any given sUbject. · truly blessed. He is quite impetuous and ' Thank you for writing, . o~en 'has more irons in the rue Mrs.G. than .he can handle. He is also easily bored so bone up on , cunent events and let lUm do _-/ the ', ta1~ng while you bnpress :. ",' hUn with t your intelligent ques-
NAME _----..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - -
Bus Land Of, all the foreign countries in the free world, Japan bas tbe most buses. The 1968 World Motor Cel1lSUS lists 129,000 buses registered in Japan as' of January 1, 1968, Ull' 14,700 from the previ· ous year.
,P. O. Box 78 WaynesVille, Ohio 45068
I CITY _ _ _ _ _ __
STATE _ _ _ _ _ _
PHONE _ _ _ _ __
DATE _ _ _ _ __
Take Me AlDllg ,
" tlon!t'
· 7~
.. Qemirii peop!e' are . JIot ·, tlie , most dolllesticate~ . sign;," therefoi'e': yau"may l1iiti,eOlWderable " ,diffic:Wty in evef, getting him' to )!
", fiuly settJ'.,::aowtr. ; ;... -',:':' • '
, hectio~
, Travel right !,~h ,,,. ,: . '; :il:.:l. .. . "k" '. ' "c0l!'~~.... ,.'.F-J."I . 0 ,... ~ . : .~,., ; ..: ,:-: :'·1 ':tashfibs'hm ~ our'selem.,.. ,4f: ip~~wear and .!.1~
You are. an' Aries -and the two' Y.ou hav.e mu~h in common.t. 'Yo,!.' al~ ' are testle.SS and can " ~0me easily bored and yOUJ .. '., life, together ,will be so~ewhat '.. >' ,.
Choose your fa,orite'styles. '
'You 'are impressed 'by intelligence and most Ge~nians ade-, . qu.ately , ~ this bip. You like , action and sO does he. There will ,~, '>"·· n~~ be ~ d.ull .moment 'Y.h~n , ' 21 II;'." ST. . '.tyou , tw~ ar~ .9setlier. " :~' J. r~y · s~ l no reasoAr why . : . WAYI"VIL~~ ,OHIO 4l1li . you ~ffd; ' ,OU~ Gemini .. coUl~'t r'
r .. "' • •
, l
' ,'
• •
J ':'
C.hev Im'Pa1a,'2:do9r . ' . . HT,..uto. RBtH, ps.. ..gr~n ..... $1095
Th. light, bright way to go anytther. is with our wonderful weekt,ndtrs.
fs62 .BuickSky Lark Conv",auto, ,R&H,~, clean ......• $ 496 .
.' ,
.. ~M. ~~ ~•.,.,
~re~~ ,su,
.HARV.£VSBURG :By M.rjeen·PricI
The Harveysburg Fentilizer Company, one of the notable landmarks of Harveysburg, w~ destroyed by fire early Saturday morning. It was established in 1902 oy Joun Morris and was' operated as a Fertilizer Company until a few years ago when.it was purchased by the Darling Company of Cincinnati which used it CIS a pickup station only. 'Hawke an~ evening. Mr. and Mrs. family of Lebanon entertained to dinner Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Oint Taylor of HalVeyS- . burg, Mr. and Mrs. David Allen and children of Tampa; Fla. and Mrs. Lenora Hollon of Lebanon. Toe Allen's left for their home in Tampa, Monday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Qaude' Ball and family attended the Ball family reunion &mday held at the Home Federal Building at Wilmington. Mrs. J .W. Smith of Hamilton has been a houseguest this week of Everett Snell and Mrs. Mae Lytle. The three dined at the Golden umb Inn Tuesday evening.. Mrs . .Smith was a for~ mer Harveysburg .resident and opemted a store here at one
The Adult Bible Class of the United Methodist Church met Thursday night at the borne ot ' ... 'Mr.1lfld Mrs. Harolu Ary. ained ell~eri :Mr. rhihp MyC'rs
--_......_-IT'S TIM~ TO
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an~u~ 1
RENEW / 1.
subScr.l ption
P. O. Boz '18 ,!a,. mlle , Ohio 41018:
.i 'NAME
----------------------~ , AODRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-~-~~
STATE _ _~ ____~
I CITY. .~
......... - -
--:.... ..
PHONE ---- .... --~- -
'.lnR,J:h""'l nf'lys '" lora,'. ,
Mrs: Edna St. John Saturday
.8y PAT VAIR ., . , W.,...Yme :;" 97.~
e.~e ning.
, Miss Mildred j iartsl>Ck' of,At· ' Ian tic: Christlarl"'College,:" Wilson, North ~rQfina < ~as a guest J his w.eek, of Mr. ' 'and Mrs. liarris Mosher ~na ~rs. £<lith .ijawke. · "Mrs. Winifr~d ·.Ha~·tsock was Jl • ,supper.,gUeS't '~of Mrs. Hawke (>0 '" Mortday, 22. ~j. Maty's Episcopal WOo ' ~n.'s SeWing .Group were guests · fof, :the, )~n.~ · m~eting with Mrs. ~eth of Lebanon. The morning 'I:~jl'~ \spent, sewiri'g' under tile di, " rectfoJ;l of Mrs. Annette Anderle, . afte~whieh Mrs. Deeth serVed a 'nyf).(:ourse ,~ I'uncheen to ,the groups','
Sunday ' ufternoon ·Mrs. St. John visite~ nl~lma' Settlemyre.
I~h lD'.' '( i'DIS YDU t"h
l YTl-E ,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vaught and girls, Mr. and , Mrs. David Wilson and childre'n, Mr. Robert Young, Mr. and Mrs. Bee Gil· lotti, Mrs. Adam_ Gillotti, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young were Sunday afternoon picnic guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charte!; Bunnell and Dennis.
Roberta \1Jifson
Ph. 897:4246
. The Seniot Citizens Club wi I n:,teet fo( a "·carry·in" dinner at 12 noon in the United Methodist Social Room on Tuesday, July
Congratulations to Karen Sheehan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheehan, who' was 7. one of three girls in Warren 4-H NEWS County , selected by the Ohio The Oever Clovers 4·H Club uons Club youth exchange promet Friday, June 26 at the home gram to ' spend one month in of Becky 8oal's with Teri Sackett Germany and Austria. presiding. During the new busi· Also going on the trip "(ill be, .ness, it .was decided that Kathy Brenda Vaught ; daughter of Mr. Madison would plan a menu for and Mrs. Golrdon Vaught of West the pic.ni~ to be held July 8 a,t Carrollton, who is a niece oJ Mr. ,LeSolJrdesville Lake to celebrate and Mrs. Don Vaught. 4-H ·Day·. Karen and .the ,other girls will Connie Ellis gave a safety leave Columbus International _~ttiel, .Portsmouth. and speech on- bicycle safety and Airport June 29 and return July Mr. \,William'. 'Fuhrman. v-Jere, Sun· ,demonstrations were given by 29. They will arrive in Frankfort, ty.pn Click (measuring), Dee Ann day aft~rn90n l·guestS ' Q( M,r.~ ,nd Germany, June 30. A total of ISO . Ohio Uons' Mrs: urr'y Riddle o(ty< t1e R<?~4~ 'Haw.kinS (how to measure for , ' ' ' . \r T.2 " ~ ' Cl k a ,butloh' with a 'f·square), and · ", ~r. a'; ~ · .Mrs. ~n(i)war.~ } Ifr sons and daughters from ages 15. . BeckY '80al -(basting-s'titch). · A ' of Whittie.r, ..car f., wer~; over,.' 21 win participate in the Ger. Mter! the bUsiness 'meeting, . many.Austria Program. " nigh~ gues~. la ~.rue$daY '·ofl,~r;",1 refJ:eshmerits :' were served and ,and ,Mrs. 4rry', ,lti4die. ' Welcome home from Viet. Mrs. Eclna st. John has, just ga'm~s were played. nam, Bill Undauer! retu'rned from a' ··two ·week . va· . ' The next meeting will be Congratulations to Tim Mil· · cation trip to ,San jose~ Calif., held at Dee Ann Hawkins home, tenberger on his graduation from June 30 from 7 p.m.,until 9 p.m. where she visted a friend. Sinclair CoUege a",d to Johnny Mrs. 'Mild~ed Meng\e'" v~sited qub members who will take Miltenberge:r on his graduation part . in ,the . program for the from Wright State. , meeting ~re Teri 'Francisco, Congratulations to the 'Tim Sandy Sheehan and Teri Sackett. Miltenberge~r's, too, on the birth of their second daughter, Heather ... SPRING VALLEY Jean. Mr. and ~rs. Guy Elder 'flew Mn. Flew. Burns , ', Ph. 882-4190 . to New Orleans, la. to attend a , :, ." ' ., . Real ,Estate Seminar. Their sons, "\"~l' " ~ · : ,i~~et ~:'~~~~~' ~I~e9.P.y. . ...-~,·~eve !,and ·PaUli aCG~~panied;: " Of~, .~~ . : , attended r.the ·,NationaLH...eague I,,'.tbem. MJ:s. Ed Flder~ (luys' InO' " .. Qld : of Poslmasters . in'·Olhton. ·Mrs.' : th~t, 0f Mi,chigan is staying witlr ". ", 1-. • I.A,sher, •.,resi'des ', on Main: She.et . th~ other children. ,\Vas: crow~ed . at Spr.mg Valley. ' Mr. andl Mrs. Stoner Wilson, ;'",!&!,aaAU Valley Qairy Mrs. Celia Mun and Mr. and Mrs. h.."-' . , . .r.rtlrlce:ss. n~ght at 'IJfjYPolice lieutenant and M Illvid Walso~.. and children, and lin~~':~use N.?rth. ~'I : ~ :Paul Sackett and family recen~~ Mr. and ~rs. Marvin W~son ~t. 1969 ,.j ,~ ~~~ High.-, returned from a vacation trip tended a b~rthday party ti~non~g .1ad~te '~ill reIgn" ,for ' tliro~~ southeastern Ohio. ~. Ma~m Wil.son ~nd ber ~wm . y~~ and .,~ ,.be ', PointS of interest for the Sackett sIster, Shidey, on then ~ lst buth· .. ,. ) ,"- ~e 1971 Obip Dal~... falnily 'inclu'ded a tour: on the day at the home of tl).eu parents, lr~~~ess contes!-next June. . W:P. .Sny,der Bardge in Marietta, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Isbell of
Valley .Dairy "Ohio arid' a·tour through Quaker , , by 1,969,. " aty. They 'a1so-'t ook ,a guided il'Pi,nn .. toU'rthrough ,the Loatus Glass \':QJLUll:~'1 '. Company ' in Barnesville, Ohio and the .7 .Caves' Ul-:Rainsboro, if.Y";J'rJ~~~«~'~, quo: ' " . - .' ~ ¢.PI(t~I~J J.;Ql~lmtl~U,~c;.~~~ I .. . ,
Fra~~i:~d Mrs. "Richard' Baecher
lieutenant Colonel (Ret) and Mrs. Donald Malloy of Ket~ering. Mrs. Ruth E. Morg~n returned to her home in Scottsdale, Ariz. Saturday after spending the past ~everal days with her sister and nephew, Mrs. Paul Williams and Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Stoner Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Eric and Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Mrs. Celia Mull and Mrs. Orner Greer spent last week at Sunset Dock, Dale Hollow lake, Tenn. Congratulations to Ray Brown of Lytle Boy Scout Troop 30 on receiving his Eagle Award. He 'was honored at a banquet , Saturday evening at LytleChurch, ' ChaPlaiii Pete Vermillini' left this week for a year's duty in Vietnam. We wish him God speed and all our prayers go with him.
LEONARD TINNEY RECEIVES DEGREE AT OHIO STATE Leonard M. Tinney. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tinney, graduated cum laude with a Doc· tor of Veterinary degree at Ohio State UniverSity at Columbus June 12, Dr. Tinney was the past president of the student chapter of the American Veter-inary Medical Association, a member of Alpha Psi professional fraternity and a member of the Society of Phi Zera honorary. He win assume an associate veterinarian position at the Beak· man Small Animal Hospital at Lockport, N.Y. Dr. Tinney is married to the .. former Cheryl Ratliff of Waynes· ville. Early Spy. Spies and librarians owe a debt to John Dancer of Manchester, England. In 1938 he combined- the techniques of photography and microscopy to produce a microphotograph of a document,
'. )'
:J.tj~bjjiD.~~(,lW('ntj~~~.iY ~C""iint~~I'l~[
",,"P'riVsite 'c' ._.......
~·i.• .~,~~I.• ,.,
, t·
of Akron visited with Mr. and
'i, IS" , . :fort'~~ .;:' ~·,Mii ..Iraul 'WiIliams a'nd Neil
: I'~ttended 't~e, w,~deiing .. and re. .... ~)n Sa.i~.td8y · after.n9Qn !&1San ";Bob~{$tein 'to . ~:leCOlila !, ltJC\JltCI)6all' lt' Mal· I
ContinuouS' Aluminum Gutter & Downpipe In 11 biked on decorator colorL
Gutt... repelred, cluned, ' coated and gutter lCNen Installed.
"",, < ,
Mrs. Fred Rush. Mrs. Baecher is the 'sister of Mrs. Rush. Miss Marcia Vaught had her ' fonsils removed this weeJc_ . There will be an Admini· stration Eloard meeting at the church, Thursday, a,t 7:30 p.m. The annual'meetingand picnic ' of the .General Socletywas held _ Wednesday evening at the home of tdr. and Mrs. Vernon· Pursley at rudgevHl,e. r,tany thanks to all who helped in Bible School last week, es· o pec;iaTIy Dena Kenrick, Dennis .. Bunnell 3lnd Rev. Smith. .. M(s. Paul Williams attended . , the, w~d~ijng of Michael CraiL ~ Fox 'to Ca{rie' Mae Adams, Sa· 'turday, June 27, at tlte Elizabeth· .town First t;hurcru of God in . ;Franklin. ,She ' littended the re,,'ception later ,held at Chantaqqa.
F:lll ED
H & R Building Maintenance 12 W. Mulberry Lebanon, Ohio PIIone .32-. . . .
1967· FORD Galaxle 500dJOOd con· dltlon. all vinyl Interior. f'\one 897,; 4026. , 23ctf
PART Colile' .pupplest.: 7 w..ks old; $3.00 ea, Call Mike 89,-6671. , 26cl •
SORRY ~I Is now a merry gal' She used. Blue Lu~re rug a~d ,upho stery cleaner. Rent electrlc·.snampooer $1. , Waynesville Furniture Cpmpany, . .' 26cl ' . ' . . HOOK'S farm Market. Open ctally 9 a.m.-9·. p.m.. Route 48 south, aU ~agev", •• I ,Op crop oeans. nan run· Mrs. cabbage, squash. sweet corn. =~. hon;v' sor~hum. apple ~~~er._
1.Jlee-lUlw , ,ve. .1 9.~.,e1
state ~ ' 11.~••' ...... " , ·I ......, t "
, , ' LADY- tQ stay with seml·lnvall~ lady 8' hours a day Monday thru frlClay and do small amo~nt of hou's,wor:~ ' 9Iftt noon Imeal.r !live . refererib. "'cal ( a e, 6 p.m •• 880-1319. , " 26c,~ , " ,',', , '(IAN,T ED: Babyj lttIQg. · Phone '97~ 5921. ~~ for Jean. ' . , 1~nCtf
, lelatirel v
' awaid8 ,~
CENTERVILLE South. s' room ' house and garage. seml·modern $69.50 depOSit. elderly couple. Call 885· 7161 24c,f .
SERVICES REEDY PLUMBI NG-For your complete plumbing Installation 'and repairs. call 897-4961 Waynesville. 4c~f
HOME repair an~ maJntenanC41 car· penter. concrete. sh..t metal paint· . 'Ing. roofing and electrical. Phone 21ctf 746-2982.
FARM fencing. barn palntln'g and repair. Free estimates. Phone Mlddl .. .town 423-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf
All Types Exterior Building Maintenance
OPEN BRIDGES FEATURES DR .. LAUBACH Dr. Frank C. Laubach's last book "Forty Years With .The Silent BUlion" will be released late this menth. A-second op,port" IDty to se~ tJUs great" Apostle to the miterates" Will be offered by WLW·:D, Channel 2, on "Open Biic:\Jes;" at 9:30 '-am. Sunday, t , June 28~, Yti I • Dr. l~Jlbach" . ',86. died "sUddenly on June 1r ju~t prior to ,~ ',( ' trip to a world lit~racy conference ~'in Africa 'which he had planned to attend with his son. Lowe1l1 Thomas paid a nationwide radio ~tribute tg , him on his 85th prOclaim, L birthday "", • f ing him 'as one of the 'gf~teSt men 'of the time. ' His 41'CIHU" ("Can I Help " YouJ") philosophy and com~t ment led him to teach indiViduals to read and write in over 100 countries and' more than 300 languages. His motto "Each'One Teach oDe" followed .. him throughout tne -world. Two of his best-seller tiooks, numbering moie than 3'5;. wen~ published by the time he was ~O · and the last one was completed soon after ' his 85th birthday. J
Painting. roofl .... Ildl .... foundation waterproofl.... brickwork. new store frontl. aluminumwindows. doorl. awnl ... s, patio and carport cov..... For free estimate. contact:
H & R Building , Maintenance 12 W. Mulberry ,,.ebano '!. 0 Phone .324. . &
CAMPING EQUIPMEt(r Wheel Cam...... Camping Trailers Wayne Camper Tops, Truck Campen and Tmet Traiiers. We _11JcJttt. _
. . . - ReI... :...
~ on
Rou1a 42, 1 mile north of Routa 73, WIYIWIriIIe
. . . . 817:.7I3a
'~ailbox Name )""
'Yair '
.. _ _ _ . . . ViItJI .......... ' ~ftIdI.) J_JlI'IIlII_,lt ....
Jl'ar2:: ...... loIIda POnJq:. ...........t 1iIaa . . . . . c-w-..
P.O; Box 188 Springboro, Ohio 45066
.... .
",S,O11 WITfR"
', " "
, ".
Witt giYe you cleaner laundr:y and save you money. Modern .."Inl beIInl with "10ft water'·. Accordlnl to a ludlnl Independent tesUng lab, lOft water Impro"el Cleaning , efficiency up to H04M.. ' . A Mat. , Wat.. Condltlo.-, witt pay for lbalf time and time qaln. For comll!lete 'd etails caU:
Reedy P'Ium~ i nI 897-4961
11111'1 ............... 2
' · 4: Old
E Y L 'E R 5 &PriDIIIon 7'-1
22. Pneumatic
and others
n1&'ht ..." 24: KlDdof '
1Janaila '
25. Treaty
'21. Kmdof vieW ' 28. IIi thia way 30: Doctc)rs·
group F1at~rlng,
&8 some
words 33. Chinese ~ce
measure M . LlkeTiny Tim 35. Vene fonn 36. D: C. group 38. Sun Valley
Res. 897-6656
song . 15. Fuel.,'l 18. Holst 19. ~4Wlth
. r::r;;;. . . . ...--.
- 1t'l -.
22. VOI~e
23. 'EdIble root
24. AJitler
· .,
., f 32. COWllrY ' .b\pnp~ ,
ali. Damon and M. Ho'Y ~ ; pYthiu " ," of ~a' • "
6, <Uneralls ' . 26. FNnch city 31. AdV!rl» of . aal8tant '2'1. St. Pe~r'a " ~~on " , 7, Mqnk's feature 38. W"ilht Utle 28. ~cel," , ' ,, ~in " , 8. Bank ' .at ,', I1ulla,. ' worker, , 29. Poel1lS of ' 11. Sa1l on hJgJl pralle maUon '
.0.lCxc,,- ,
23. " - I n
20. MU81c note 21, Seobman'.
, «I
" ~~ta
14. canadtoD 'prOvince: abbr. '15. Vaulter.s aid 18.~ , IT. Showy floWen 19. Skirt'
. bapd "
2. COW~y , equlpn,ent' · 3, Invite, u
ReadeJS ' 'Natched ," the sign fo~ last week's' Where Is It whi~h was the shed on.: the' -little ' Red Shed AnUques, Shop sign. Those who correctly - identified it included Greg Blytbe; Kevin Miran- . da,' David, Vint, Ionni'Wampler, Rhonda Evans, IeffWatkirts~ .Jack Stubbs, Randa Hill, . Robin ])akin, Jeremy Dakin, .Ala·n Wisecup, Sheila Wisecup,: Kevin Miranda and Peggy Graham.
'. 1.1Darly ace
12. Olympic
::~j,g.d~~~~~. ~e:,c.~~~~~ ot~~~: HOUSE ,FOR REN'T Big discounts ' on walf-to·wall carpet.
1961 BUICK Special 4-<loor. radio and heater dlres. Interior and exterior. all good. rim $140 gets It. Phone 897-6021 27nctf
nlDg " Sophl, Tuck- ,
el"'l ,
.: b&dp "
" 42: Heraldic
tU1) l • 1" •
41. SI'erltf'a
sma.. lawnmower. Save up to,~ 75"" Carpets. linoleum AlSO , a child S la~ . riding trl(':y~Ie.. floor and wall tiles. Remnants. odd ' Phone , 897-59~1. '. ' netf '
Carpet & :rile Falr's War~ouse. 129 ~ Detroit; )(enla. Mdnday & Friday.: 9-9. Tues"ol'..JhUls •• Sit .. 9-5:30. Wed. 9-1. Fr~, l;.Jdmates. Phone 372-6995. Bring thlS"ad and receive $1 off on any purchase over $10. 24c3 '
40. eomman~
WAN'liE .-"" '. . D . ,',
:12.Walj ' Today', . " ", .is. Begin-
'5; Huck
:.. _:. 39' . A'~t.'
MV ,Slnce,r . thanks to the peopl ~ of Waynesville fp'r restor.lng upon me t1le ho~or of the Georg4f A:rnold AwarCII man of the year.', '~" My sl"cenup~reclatlon. - . Albert "Cap ~ Stubbs .', , . 264:1,
~ARVEYSBURG -, 'Friendship Baptist Church
WAYNESVIL l::E · , Church 6f 'ChTirt" Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist 10 :00 a.m; - Sunday Morning 6:30 p.f\l. Sunday Evening ~:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Phone 8974462 for information'
Southern Baptist Convcntion Norman Meadows , Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m. , Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. , Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible Study
First Baptist Church North ~tain Stre ~ John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m.,Sunday School 11 :00 a.m.,Morning Worship 6:30 p.m., Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7 :30p,~ ." Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated ·with Southern Baptist Con~ention).
Jonahs Run Baptist . Church Ohio 73 !::.ast Lester Kidd, Pastor 10:00 a.m. , Sunday School 10:00 & 11 :00 a.m ., Sunday Worship Service 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship
first Church of christ
East High Street
Thoma~ Stevens, Minister
United Methodist Church
9:30 a.m ., Sunday Bible School 10:30 a.m;, Sunday Worship and Communion 6:00 p.m., Sunday Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m., Sunday Christian Youth Hour 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Bible Study
f}dvid Harper, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Service 10:30 a.m. , Sunday School II :00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service Youth Fellowship and Bible Study
9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Sunday Meeti!1'g for Worship (unprogrC:lmmed)
7 :30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday· Young People's Service 10:00 a.m . Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
St..)'ugustine Church High Street Rev. Joseph H. Lutmer, Pastor
, Church Third &"Main Streets . Rev., 'Har~)la Deeth, Rec,tor
,1.1 ! I S 3.m:, Morning Prayer ,
. ~,'J~(~ 3t~ &'.'5,th $undays: ........., .• tHt)ly £'~mA)union" 2nd & 4th . , .
· .. ~:n4ajs ~. ,-:-.'~
. - ,
..John K. Smith, Minister , 9:30 a.m., Sunday Wor~hip Service 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday, Evening . Worship Services conducted ~y youth
JO:OO a.m. MotningWorshi'p 7',00 p.m."Evening Wership ~ " . 8:00 p.rn.. WedneSday EVening . . 19: L5 a.m., Ctnj~cb at Worship Worship " 9:00a.m.., 'Sund;ly Oturch at -.1~~~t:it'litl ··" ..-;,stuay ,- ," , '" ,'Spring.Valley '.6~OO~'P':ml.• ~rfa~y;~ Yoijtti Fel' ;.' Friends,; Chtirch , ":loWstiw, , ;. ,~' " , ; Mo~nd Street W~y'n_iIIe Fl8Scue : , EXFriend Cou~er, Pastor ',' ·' ~iSlion :· '.' ..' 9:30 a.m. -Sunday Sc~ool €at-ner ot.73 'Be;Corwin Rd. -" , r0,:3Q a'.~· Morning Worship ': , Rev. Sherman Cool<', Pastor , 0:3,0 a.m., Sunday .sChool c,hriStian Baptist' Mission :00 p.\fi.,:Sunduy Eve. Service , Main Street 'Mrs. Lois [)unaway, Pastor 7;30 p.m .• Wed'nesdl6' Eve. · " ~l"ViGe ' 10 a.m. Sunday School ·" 7 :30 p.m.,Sa . ' Worsh'Ip ' 1. E~e . , Sc lVice . LI' a.m. Mornmg ;'; .:. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 7:30 p.m. ·Evening Worship 7:3Q p.m. Prayer Meeting, , 49 S. Main S~reet ' 9:10alm~ -Sunday School Wednesday & Thursday _,l;t"\~ ~'I. \" 10:30 a.m. -'Morning Worship 7:30 p·.m. Song-fest, Last 7:00 p.m. - ~nday evening Saturday each month.
R. R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio Pastor, James Coffman 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 7:00 p.m.-Sunday Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m.-Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Evening Worship Service
Wilmington Pike & Sodiil Row Road Bus Wiseman, Minister 9:00 a.m., Sunday Bible School 1,0: 15 a.m., Sunday Worship 10:.15 a.I11.; Sund.ay Youth Worship. 6:30 l1. m., Sunday Evening Bible Study, all ages: 7:30 p.I11 ..' Evening Worship 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Midweek Prayer and Bible ~tudy
DOpOS free Pentecostal Church of God
FERRY ferry Church of Christ
9:30 a.lll. SUnday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth Recreation 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Youth Services
\~ .... '>' : TIiirc:f" ,'Notth$ treets
St . Rt. 48 & Lower Springboro Road Ray L. Shelton, Pastor
;: .' :'~T.!:.L L ¥oung,:Minister
Ridgeville Community Chu.rch
LYTLE United Methodist . Church'
Glady Street
'. -; ' ;;Cilureh
.9:'30 .a .m., Sunday School II :00 a.m., Sunday, Worship Scrvice 7 :30 p.m., Wednesday, Prayer Service
Spri" Vall.~ Church , of' Christ .
{)t.Jiilted. Ift1ethodilt,
9:30 a.m. Worship Servil:c 10:30 Sunday Churdl &:hool 5:00 p.lII . Stlllday Youth Fellowship
Rev . Leonard Baxter
9:30 a.m. Sunday ~hool 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship· jr. high & Sf. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday choir rehears;lJ .'
' •
Ray Stormer. Pastor
MT. HOLLY' • United Methodist Church
Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor
' St. M~ry-~ ~ Episcopal
Route 42 at Genntowll
Acy Lamb , Pastor 10:00 a.m ., Sunday School 7:30 p.m. , Sunday , Wednesday ~nd Saturday, Evenin g Worship Services 7:30 p.m. , Wednesday Youth Service
SPRING VALLEY United MethOdist ,. ,;; " Church
7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses · )~.: .m. & 8 p.m. HolY Days . / 7:lQ p.m...erst :F.J~day " ?:~5 a''!1 .. l)dify Ma~s, ' , ,~ ; ~or,p'~.m ~ Saturday Mass
'~I"',"",:-'-·"'''' .
Pentecostal Holiness Church
E. South Street Rev. lack Hamilton , Pastor
Fourth Street near High ·
GENNTOWN Genntown United Church of Christ
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
. 'Friends Meeting
ENOCH, OR WALKING WITH GOD (GENESIS 5:24) 1. What 15 meant by Enoch's walking with God? a . That he was well pleasing to God (Hebrews 11 : 5) . He walked In amity , friend· ship, intimacy and love . b . That he realized the divine pres~n(·e. '(Heb 11 :6). God was to him a living Friend, i n whom he confided and by whom he was loved. c. That he had very familiar Intercourse with God. d . That this intercourse with God was cont i nuous. He did not take a turn or two with God and t~en leave His company, but walked with . God continuously hundreds of years. Do you walk with Him continuously? e. That his life was progressive. At. the end of two hundred years , he was not where he began; he was not In the same company, but he had gone forward In the right way. Have you grown any lately? Spiritually? Are you running around with the same old crowd? Don't kid yourself, you are either for God or against Him. You c;annot be neutral. If· you belong to God, you will be found in service of Him . You will waik to house of God with Him on Sunday. 2. What circumstances were connected with Enoch's walking with God? a. The details of his life are very few. It Is quite enough to know that he walked with God. Are we? b . It Is a mistake to suppose that he was ~Il::~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ placed In very advantageous circumstances .Il for piety. 1. He was a public man just like you and I . 2 . He was a family man very close to his family . 3. He lived In a very evil age. Stili he bore his witness for God We are living In evil age also. Are we bearing' wit· ness to God's saving grace? We should. 3. What was the close of Enoch's walk with God? a. He finished his work early. Are we trying by the help of God to finish our work? Do we expect someone else to finish It? We were saved to work. b. He was m!ssed. "Not found" (Heb 11:5). Are we missed as we work for God? c. His departure was a testimony. What are we leaving be· ~Ind? Are we leaving a testimony that will live on after we depart this life ? John P. Osborne First Baptist Church
CENTERVILLE The Centerville First Pentecostal Church 173 E. Franklin Street Ray Norvell. Pas'tor (;enc Bicknell, Ass'l. 10:00 a.Ill .. Sunday ScilOOI 7:00 p.I11 .• Sunday Evening 7:30 p.I11 ., ~ednosday Evening
~il C.hUrc~ .~.l.~.~~~· .For ·y~~ Through T;he COurtesy Of The Following Area ' Merchants_ •
I ..
" , .
, ELL'S ~Uf;E~ VALU' ",,'~ ' . . ~: • - .: WAYNHVIU.. £, 'O HIO"
.' ·, ~E MAY'S aC&,· R 'CLEANERS WAYHI!SYILL.~ 0".'0'
WaynnvHlt, Ohio
, ~'
OHIO ' ,'
. ,
/-, {t
ALICE M. A~'NOLD .' Mrs. Alice M. Arnold, 96, of WayneSVille Route :1, died Sa.. , turday at Middletown Hospital. ' Mrs Arnold was preceeded · in dea th by her husband, Hugh '" W. Arnold. She is survived by four sons, Dr .. James H. Arnold of Lebanon , Hugh G. Arnold of Aorida, Richard E. Arnold of ,. Franklin and Dudley M. of Waynesville ; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and several nieces and ne·phews. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home at Waynesville by Rev. M.G. Mittelstedt. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery in Mason. MRS. EDITH ATCHLEY Funeral services were con· ducted at the S.T. Blount Chapel at Tampa , Fla . Tuesday for Mrs. Edith M. Atchley, 64, of Thonotosassa, Fla. Mrs. Atchley, who was born in Pike County, died Saturday in Tampa, Fla. She was a graduate of Willmington's Teachers College at Lakeland, Fla. and Florida Southern College. Mrs. Atchley was principal .of the Thonotosassa and the Temple Terrace Elementary Schools. Survivors include a son, Donald Lee Atchley of River Beach, Fla. ; a brother, Charles McKibban of Springboro; a sister , Chloe Hubbell of Ferry and a granddaughter, Maxina Atch-.. ley of River Beach, Fla. Funeral arrangements were handled by the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home at Waynesville.
HERBERT T. DOSTER Herbert T. Doster, 74, of Harveysburg died Sunday . at Marion. General Hospital. He was a ' member of the 10na's Run Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Oifford 9f Bellbrook and James of Centerville; a daughter td,ary 'Edith aine orMarion; a brother, William Doster of Harveysburg; a sister, Anne Cossum of Center. burg; eight grandchildren; four great grand~hildren and several neices and nephews. Funeral services were Conduct· ed at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Homeat'Waynesvilleat 1O:30a.m. Wednesday. The Rev. Lester Kidd officiated during the ·services. Interment was in Miami Cemetery at Corwin.
HERBERT SHAFFER , Herbert Shaffer, 45, of Oregonia Route I died Monday at Grandview Hospital at Dayton. He was a former employee of Henry Galenstein Constf\1ction Company at Springfield. Shaffer is survived by his widow, Ida; three daughters, Sylvia Johnsen of Corwin, Joyce 10hnson"'"of Waynesville. and Betty· Nichols of Wilmington; 1hree .sons, Herbert, lr. of Wayn'esville, Charles and Ricky . both ~t ·home; a step-son, Stan Kroper of Xenia; a sister, Thelma Johnson of Wilmington; a _bro~her, Charles 'of Dayton~ - ,10 " . (Continued on page 8) '.
," -ru
...... 'J
- .... .
. Page 8
AU games will be played on Sunday evenings at the high • . d coache Royals "B" school ball diamond. The Oass June· been have Opening night action, by Harold Stanley 7, saw the Ding-Dongs wallop scoring a lot of runs, but haven't the Bandits 13-3. In the second been able to contain their opgame of the evening, the Ou tlaws ,ponents. bopped the Monumentals 11-2. The Royals were defeated 18-0. and .In- the . night cap, the Hustlers twice by Mason t 8-1 They lost two games to Clarks- destroyed the Duffers 7-2. The coaches of each of the . ville with the scores 7-4 and 7-5. Butlerville handed the Royals teams are: Bandits-Delve ' Harttheir other defeat by edging.them sock and Harold Stanley; Duf. fers-Sam Anderson and Mike 4-3. The Royals victories were HUbbell;Hustlers- limJones and Bill Kier; Outlaws..! John Sackett scored over Morrow 14-4 and and Dan Simpson;Monumantals~ngs Mills 4-2. s include Skip Stiles and Warren Tinney; roster The Royals Ted and Ding-Dongs- Jerry Bradley Chris Plummer, Mike Jones, Borgerding, Steve Stanley, Tom and Tom Hatton. There were no games scheduled Ric~ey , Jeff Morgan, ~Jeff Wat· on June t 4 due to the Country kins, Dale Bowman, Chris SimpFair. , Powell Dan ck, son, Barry HartsQ Greg Scott, Keith Penrod, Jay The local Pilots of the Warren Maynard, Mark Cornett and Rob County Knothole League suf- Lutes. fered two shut-out defeats this Bob Smith Oualifies For past week. The Mason VFW nine Golf Comp etition handed the Pilots a 2-0 defeat Bob Smith, senior-to-be at on Friday evening, June 1'2. 111e WHS, and Number I golfer on Mason team went into the game the Spartan Golf Team, has quaundefeated. The Pilots held the lified for the State competition Mason nine scoreless for eight in the Pro-Youth golf tournainnings, but WayneSVille wasn't ment to be held in leRoy , Ohio able to get to Andrews, the on July 16 and 17. Bob finished pitcher. Andrews struck second in the Dayton qualifier Mason out twelve Pilots and after Mason to Ron Hangen of Centerville. their two runs in the top The winner of the State Tourney scored ninth, he bore down and the of will travel to Oklahoma City, the Pilots in order in 'the Oklahoma in mid August to com- retired bottom of the inning. pete for the national title. ConOn Monday, June 16, the grats Bob and good luck in journeyed to ' Springboro Pilots leRoy. zeroed by the Springwere and Waynesville Softball League boro Jets 9-0. The nlots were Gets Under Way the baU, but couldn't Waynesville's league this year hitting push across any runs. consists of six teams. The Pilots are now 2-7 with EaC.1 team will play· I 0 games. By Bill Brann~k
thre~ " :straig..t ~ losse·s. LOok for thei~ games tJUs week ·in the schedul~ at the cl)d of the co· :IulJln. Come out and support these boys. Get them started on a winning streak. This week's schedule at a glance . Thursday, Ju·ne is- Class "B" Knothole at home vs Morrow; Sunday, .hne 28- Softball Hustlers vs Momimentals; Duffers vs Ding Dongs; Outlaws vs Bandilts; 'Tuesday, June 30"Major" Red$ vs Cubs; "Major" Dodge:rs vs Giants; "Minors" Phils 'vs Pirates; Tuesday, June 30'- Oass "An Knothole away vs Oarksville Astros; ' Wednesday, l1,lly 1-'~Majors" Mets vs Cardinals; "Minors" Astros vs Braves; "Pony " ExpQs vs Pad!es. WayneSVille Softball League Team Rosters - I 970. .BanditsD. Barton, J. Barry, D. Cessna, Don Coffman, S. Conner, D. Hartsock, B. Karnes, T. Kier-,.-R_ line, A. Proffit, H. Stanley, J. Stanley and B. Woollard. Duf· fers - S. Anderson, Dan Coffman, R. Gons, D. Howard, M. Hubbell, H. Miller, M. Palmer, L. Sandy, G. Smith, G. Van Nuys, L. Williams and D. Wisecup. Hustlers M. Bauer, C. Booher, G. DaVis, R. IUlrtsock, J. Howard 1 F. Hubbell, J. Jones, B. Kier, J. Miller, J Sharp, R. Sharp and C. Welch. Outlaws- B. Alford, R. Dunlap, B. Fredericks, J Garrett, D. Jordan, D. Kingan, J. Purkey, S. Rainey, J. Sac~ett, L .. Sharp, D. Simpson lind E. Wekh.' Monumentals-T. Barton, K. Bradley, S. Carrier, S. Copas, J. Cristman, R. Kiser, B. Lucas, D. Ratliff, .R. Sho~maker, S. Stiles, W. Tinney and K. Oils. Ding DongsD. Akef~, .J: Barney, R. Beatty; J. Bradley, K. Eakins, R. Federie, T. Hatton, J. Leyes, B. Ratliff~ H. Robbins,' H. Whittamore and C. Talbert. ,
FURNITURE 10 e"hafI()(J !l0UI' Home . "flle. w.iU. be. gLad tc4b 4.ut you. IAIitIt yoWl de.eo~" ~
. '.
.PH. 897-4971
WI ynesville Flrni\~re
Mary L. Cook . . . . . . (Continued from page ])
dence at Corwin, 1833-1845, home of the man who started Miami Cemetery, (now home of Mr. and Mis. ·Glen Smith); the Corwin Council House and the Hicksite Friends Meeting House at WayneSVille (this building was constructed in 1811 and has special significance this year duro ing the sesqhicentennial of Yearly Meeting being established by the Ohio Yearly Meeting in 1820. Mary.1-. Cook's historic Read· ing Ciub was .again the ,clever .
DI nnil Bunn 8II. '. Si·, n8d FII r 811 r AI AU8tin .P8,_Y '
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn .Dennis Bunnell, a junior-couege pitcher from WayneSVille, Ohio, has: become ··the second baseball signee at Austin Peay State Uni· . ~ versity. APSU head coach, Tom Won-. deding, aimounced the signing of the control artist hurler who attended Christian College of ,the Southwest, a junior college in Dallas, Texas. ~ "Dennis is the type young man we want in our system here at APSU," Wonderling stated. "He is a better than average baseball player, a good student and' a fine young man. We are delighted th8t ~e chose to acceru our scholarship offer." Bunnell' graduated from Waynesville High School in 1968 after earning 13 varsity letters in five · stx>rts. In addition to baseball, he also lettered in foot· bllll, . cross-country, basketb~ 8llld track. He also was elected president of his senior class in high school
... . .. r.
where he had - a 4·3 won·lost record With a 2.63 earned run average. He compiled a .345 batting average. - He transferred the past year to Christian College, where he had' a 1·3 pitching record, a 3.50 ERA and Ii .600 batting average. He was coached by Sam Car. penter. . Scar· of'the wearer future The two fn ' pitched let and White , suinmer leagues (1967 ~nd J968) compiling an over411 recOrd of 15·1 on 'the mound. The teams on which he played had a com· bined 61·21 record during the ' two years. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunnell, the junior-to·be will major in physical education while at APSU.
., (~.:
DeIiths-contiltued!·· . '
• I...
(Contjnued from ~/1.) :'1 g(a~.dCbildren ana .' . ...d' neph~ws,. , , ....
'Vuitation·has ,b.een tcJll.11Mf~
at the Home' at p.ni::.:-9 p;m; Wecln.q~·,Ui;i 'Fune~ .
_.w.. .
F ;a.,m'
dueted tw ' Rev. Maid«tn funeral h9me at:2 ~ ;~r day. ~ _ ~;.. Interment will be , Qmete . ry at Corwin.: :;;rif
·and was named the receipent of fJ!e ci~izenahip award 'upOn pad. .', uatiort. from~~ ICh~l. asMeU attended Pikeville ' (Kentucky) COIleI' in ~I ~•.. " · ~;-·:·,. ~~~,:;,-,.......~~e~~~oP'!!~~~ . ,
~c.·on4-dass po~t:lge .,aid at Wayn,esville, Ohio
10 Cents
July 8, 1!970 - Waynesville, Ohio (
iday-Explodes With Tr.agedy At Waynesville; ':~;rlD8 Youlh. lille·d, Anothlr Critical'I, Injured .
He further stated that Griffey immediately applied his brakes. A group of male bystanders lifted the auto off Miss Alexander and she was taken to Middletown Hospital by the Franklin Emergency Squad and later transferred to, ~ercy Hospital. Waynesville's 'Sing ~t' group had remained at Franklin to watch a fireworks display display. Police Chief Harbach re'ported that traffic was heavy on Sixth Street prior to the firewprks progr~m. , Miss Alexander is survived by her ,parents, Mr. and ~rs. Eugene Clark; three brothers, Christopher, '1i!l1othy ~lnd. ~ichael, all at home; maternal grandparents" ' Mr. and Mrs. Sil Lamb of Waynes-
The July 4th holiday exploded with death for Waynesville citi"-zens Saturday night and grimly ~· n 'With a near electrocution ~"'of"'U"J afternoon. services were coaat the Corwin Pentecostal "': Chuich at 2 p.m. Tu~sday by 'Rev. ky larnb fO,r Gloria Alex., ander, 14. Miss Alexander died of inat ' Hamilton's Mercy' Hosa,t 11:10, p.m. Saturday , :~fter' she was struck by an ' auto ~;at ,8:'55 p.m. on East Sixth Street . . ''.(0hio 123) at Franklin. ,~ • e,. , ' Gloria and fellow member . '" ~~~f."Sing Out Waynesville" Cheryl 'Green were :croSsing the street " west of the entfance to , vUle~ ,paternal gr~dfat~er"Ralph where €l~'rk . :,of ' Cincinnati; six urwles ,J., 'i\Jld fwo, ~\ihts. I, ',r ,",' ' , funeral ar,a.ngements \Vere handIed .by the', Stbbhs.Cohner ", . ~";-Gfiiii!)gn\i~ders-:ofri~a~ejec'tr~uti~n' ~t~ scattered in front of-defunct, old Twin Theater on South:. Main Street'. - Dennis Dalt.on ,Photo '. ~ Funenll Home. BUf~af w~s in Miami Cemetery. Gloria's death ,was the second , ~L.;{·',n.: : F' kl'~ , , in ~eve~,. nlonths t9 jolt W~ynes: ~ 1'U ~:~I~rel ran , l~.. "v.ille \' 'Sing "Out' membership .. ':':!"'''~~IUIJ.Q,' ~ ~~'~ ~ft)y the '~Icl~~, ,', ~~reiJI! ' fiust~," th.€2 .' group's , ,an.~ (PU~J~~t,.un~er.~ t~\~ : . dhlIfuil.er;;.~s f~1~I~y , irijuf,ed in ~}~~~i~1"ye,')l9lle, ;,\ 'Yhi~~," ~s fra~eU~~~ ,3!: P, . an~ut~ f a~~i~~nt ', orf. <?,fuq 73. , of, rs. 'ijp~~PFr ~Ou[, , ~~; westc;. of WayoesYille~'I8st ', Decem-, E~i1ors , Note: The editor Rise. The Wards were quite {~;-:l~t'Olrdi'i:lI!, to Fri!oIC;h~ ~o'lce Chlef",;"' ber; ' ,' :~ . , Ji ~ 0: " Cooper and wife, Mildred, J. revered by the public for Miami and Publishers of'The have been associated with insti· , 'y,~ • h The life of ,Harold Bowser, 1-5, their excellent admini~ Gazette ~."ess their best Uiu ,t t t e ' r tion of the Friends Boarding tutional administration 'for the wishes to 'Mr. and Mrs. Cladidn't look east " (C:ontinued on ~ge 8) . past 12 years . _ _ ,D. .
Vla,f:dslxU"At Friends Boarding Home: Je:\V -Administrators G.t Positian,s ,
J ,
h : a
.-e",5e Ward and daughter,
Horne. ,I am sure that the community will weatly miss these excellent citizens and bUsin~s associ~ates.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ward" Superintendent and Matron of Waynesville's Friends Boarding Home officially vacated ' their positions Monday after their ser,vices were terminated May 19 by Home Board of Trustees. The Ward,'s ' ~nd their daughter, Rise, b~gan preparations Monday afternoon for a Pennsylvania vacation.' To date they have no concrete plans for employment, but will reside at the Charles McMahn Mobile Homes Court at Wilmington. The Wards, Datives o'r Troy, "Fa., assumed their positions at
; ,:,,: tlie friends Boarding Home over : .t1~e years ago. .' They relinquished their seats ' ~lhout . comment to Mr. ,and 1,hornas 'Goc;>per of Rich.,,"",....".... ';Ind. • ,, " :J
They were previously associated with a number of institutions inc,luding a private Friends Boarding School at Barnesville where Cooper was business manager. Cooper was also formerly a dormitory director at William Penn College at Oskaloosa, Iowa. Mrs. Cooper was affiliated with the college's book store. Their last positions were at Quaker Hill Retreat (;enter for ' Frienc;ls United Meeting at Richmond. Clarence and Marie Ward plan to ''visit all their many Waynesville friends" and Friends Home residents around Sept. 1 when they return to Wilmington.
LAUNCH fUND The eighth,gra'de classmates of Gloria " Faye ' 'Alexander have l~llI1:~hed ~ Jfi¢lTlpriaJ fund f~r her. ',; :,', _.' " ' , .
1,;' '
FRIENDS HOME NEWS ' By Nellie Bun·n?11 ' : TIlls 'W~K ·b ld . 'w od::b.ye . and good luck" to the Wir~ ' as
they leave for thei! new hom~, and Welcome the Coopers to·the Friends Home. Hoping their stay with us will be as pleasant as the past years have been w.ith the Wards. Mrs. Jack Depner of Ocean ~ Boulevard, Fla. made · a brief visit to the "Home" on July. 4. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunnell of Piqua made a call a t the Home on Sunday. They were· on their way home from a vacation at' French lick, Ind. Bertha Hess was a Sunday guest of the Irwin Ell is' who have just returned from a Florida visit with relatives. Among Sunday visitors at the Home was Jean Bunnell of Wilmington . The Arthur Eatons were ~-
4th STREET •
riAYTON- Dairy fanbers pro- ' , ducil)g mille fOli the M.a~j Vall,ey ' Ohio Marketing Area received. gross blend price of .$S.43 per hundredweight fOr ) mUk sol};! during May, according to Les1i~ ~. Map}>, general ',manager of·' Miami Valley' Milk Producers Association. , . The blend ·priee. 11 cents higher than last · May and eight cents, bighe( than May' 1.9 68. The. blend. price was paid for mUk testing 3 . 5 pet cent b'uttef7 fat content with 8.2 cents added or subtracted for each one-tent~: of one percent variation in butterfat above or below 3.5 per cent. . . .' '
on her mother, Florence Crane on Saturday. . Our cook, Hazel Dakin, reports her daughter Brenda graduated from Miami Jacobs Junior Business' College in Dayton at the NCR Audi,torium on Sunday June 28. She was an honor graduate in the Executive Seoretarial course and is now employ~d at the Dayton Power -and light Company. Florence . Hollingsworth vi·sited. Mrs. Ward and 1adies at ~<?me Sunday evening. I
A View from the Nile I Chose Prison Mouse On Wall Street He Slew the Dreamer
Mapp saiCl th.llt milk produc· ' tion in the Miami Valley area .'" durihg May' totale'a 49:4 million pounds ' compa red to 45.6 mil·lion pounds last' May. He pOinted out that the increase 'in milk · production in the Miami Valley over t~e past several months was followiWg a simil'ar trend across ,. the nation. The general manager said th~t a ' fall production payment setaside of 25 celrtts a hundredweight was in 'affect during May and will ' continue 'for .June.~:He estimated tb8t after' 'th(~ J~ne set:aside' th·e ' hi-end ' ~tice f,O[ tha~ m~nth
PH. 897-4826 :. ' , 40\
l'lellll Antiques, Household Goods, Garage Equipment & Misc .
.S'I , URII y, JUl Y II, .191- 0 BEGINNING AT 10~OO A~M. LOCATED: 14 fnues Northeast oLLebanon, Ohio and 3 miles Southwest of Harveysburg on the Oregonia Road. (Follow arrows ..... from center of Harveysburg.) ANtiQUES: Ginny Unn bed~ compie~e; walnut double. bed; mil[ble top dresser;chest of drawers; dresser; vi~h· stand;2 cherry cupboards; 3 corner cupboards; hardwood drop leaf table; pie safe; , cherry stand; stands; bookcase; library table; rockers; chairs; Illusic cabinet; coat rack; Seth Thomas mantle clock; dinner bell; side saddle; trunks; high chair; scales; oil lamps; mirrors; lanterns; stone jars; fruit jars; books; pictures & frames; flat irons; picture albums; easel; wash bowl & pitcher; dishes; quaker bonnett; straw bonnett and misc. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 2 elec. refrigerators; GE range; 2 elec. dryers; 2 Sigler oil heaters; 2 Super Aame double burner heaters; 3 May tag wringer type washers; sink cabinet; base and wall cabinets; elec. ironer; Singer sewing machine; new 3 pc. bath fixture set with glass shower enclosure; bath tub, stool, lavatory, medicine cabinet, new vent fan ; 3 2 pc. livingroom suites; 3 studio couches; 2 dinette sets; oak desk ; buffet; dressers ; rockers; occasional chairs ; chairs; tables ; stands: utility cabinet ; 3 9x12 ru~; mirrors; lamps ; pictures; bedding; cooking utensils ; .dishes & misc. GARAGE EQUIPMENT & MISC: Motor analizer;Kellogg air compressor ; Sioux valve grinder; Sioux valve seat ring equipment; Airco welding & cutting torches with hose & gauges; parts cleaner; 6-12 volt battery charger ; Vulcanizer ; parts cabinet; welding bench; transmission & chasis grease dispensers; adjustabl-e- car stands ; snap-on tool cabinet; work bench; chain hoist; wheel pullers ; pipe vise; pipe dies ; 4" vise; creeper; shallow well pump & 40 gal. storage tank ; 52 gal. elec. water heater;. 2 275 gal. oil tanks ; florescent lights; light fixtures ; power lawn mower & misc. Lunch Served TERMS: CASH. day of sale Mrs. Edith Davis & Mrs. Marjorie D. Starr ROUTE 3, WAYNESVILLE PHONE 8"97-5316 Sale Conducted By
232 1\1. South Street, Phone 382-Z049
~ 'Eve .. .......
L .-LI
. Anno'uncement . has - been made of the engagement, of Miss Yutonia Horton of W~ynesville to' Mr. Girry Lee Watson. Miss Horton, daughter of Mrs. Frances Elliott and ~r. Joe Horton both of Middletown, currently heads the home economics , department of Wayn~ . I.pc~l1 '. !uniQr, ~ Schoo~: ' .
foUce Department following his Marine serviCe. ',' An August 1 wedding is planned for six-thirty. o~c1ock in the everting at tthe Waynesville United Methodist Church. Miss Horton is ~xtending . a cordial ~ wedding invitation 'to all her former students . . ;
ITEM: Buying.. a hom'e free-zer,? Wh,ether yo~ ""c~oose :an 'upright ' H . oI:.-<;hest 'type . dep~nds on (loor Hi.gh Sc hoaf, MlSS .orton ' re~ .' . space available.. There is little c~ived her Bachelor of SCience difference in' cost of operation. 4egree .in 'hMne economics 'from " The.. size freezer you I buy will Ohi.o University a.t Athens. depend on the size of your family now and whether the number of . Mr. Watson is th~ son 9f Mr. persons at home will change in and Mrs. Willie Watson of Midthe next ~!ve to !~n y~ars. d1etown / He is a graduate of Mid~etown High School and is ITEM: Heavy .~uty aluminum currently' 31 sergeant with the foil is an excellent .wrapping m.ilterial. It will hold moisture in , Marine Corps stationed . at Nor, the meat and will keep ~ir out folk, Va. . if put .on properly: and handled . , Miss Horton's , fj~nce will be gently. When using foil, mold it around the meat. employea by the Middletown ~
A graduate Of ~mon-Monroe
The "Where Is It?" phone was certainly quiet this week. Mrs. Raymond Adams and David Stubbs correctly identified the deer statue as being in the Miami Cemetery. Give this weeks picture a try . On with the thinking .cap, then call 897-5921.
. \ . l./r ~' -=={
, . "'~ih a~~~Ihe e4i~t<>,rshj'p on August
. : 1 .;·,~~,~~~ ~s~!l ~s<icjate ' Editor ~ ft.oW .1 9~1 to 1967 when h~ -reo . ~igne(1 'iq~·order to resume· the
:; .J¥.~ltjji€.U~liC pr~~fi!!'~, ~ :~hr!s£Ian .x;lence:- ,.. ..1.,-:: : ' ~ \
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~SHIO. NS . . .-... - -"
, l! I
. On
the go with a fashion flair that spell wacanOD' good
times. See our, . selection soon!'
9 A.M; - 9 P.M.
279 BATT ERS IN .J1!J.lIL/f WIAlN IN6 18 6AME S F()~ 4 LAST PLAC E TEAM. #t: 'S
011111£1 101 -
--- -
ttE ZE MIBoltGA The MIA 78 P.o.
I. I
WapeaVi1le, Ohio tIi088 - .
___ ___ ___ ___ __~___ ___ ____
I AmmESS ___., ___ __~--~~~----~~
I .
Robtirta Wil':son Ph ..,897 .~24~ ,
' Gary Knedler r is touring Europe with t , ~J1 blii~~Youth Choir. Conc~rts wiU be- pres~nted , in Wales; '[.on,don " Paris, _Copen, hagen, SWitzer1a~d" " Roine and J jsQon. The grqup d~parted from ' the Columbus Airport Monday, ' , and will retum Ju]ly 27. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Qiuk and , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moran spent a week in Florida, touring the Cap~ Kennedy area. ' Mr'. and Mrs. Earl Knedler, Gary and ,Unda attended the ' Knedler Family ',Reunion Sund,ay at tffe Marioif Knedler home at aarksville. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. CHarles BunneU, Dennis and Joy Zuroweste, M~. and Mrs. David Wilson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vaught and gifls attended a family picnic .Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Young and family . Mr. and Mrs. Orvillle Young were Visiting from , Miami ~ach , - '"Aorida,;, ·A1~Q atlending were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Artz and \ family . Mr. and Mrs. Bee Gillotte pf Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young an~ Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Tamey of Greenville. ' We wish a spee:dy 'recovery to Walt Burdin~ :at Granqview Hospital. .' Starting Auguslt 2, the Sunday SChool hour will ibeat '9:30 A.M. and the ,church hour at 10:30 A.M. Bible Study and Prayer them a .,' Service will l>e :held , every Wed, saiJ1~~" -r" ~esd;,ty evening, 8 P.M ..:..9 P.M. ~i:Jl~!jgbibor~}!(~r8Jidnlia :t;ej·lle~" , lat ,: ", at the church. _
10 TALK TO EACH OTHeR. , . . ON Tl.-IE PHONE .. .
mE WEEK'S LETrER: "You may say my 'problem isn't serious, but I think it is, Please give me an answer" l am 11 years old and I like this girl: She says she likes me, She doesn't live close to me and we only- 'get ' to talk to each other on the phone. On the phone, we have some pretty good conversations' but; when I see her, she seems to "turn off", even when I just say hello. 'Please give me a straig~t 'answer. OUR REPLY: There are several possibilities. The girl maybe the type personally shy, yet . conversation on the ready With telephone. She may want your
:¢ ~i
r'f I'
bat)i~)lt" ~~
. ,• •
birth bf their first child, a 'son,
rode . . up. ", John, 60m " ~t '9 p.m. JUl)e ,,3 0 at 'wblte, ' bilt: .
Kettering Memorial Hospital. 'Mrs'. Evers,'is tlil former Suz'. ro:s;. I . . 'anne ', Cu~rent . of.;- Wa-.yn~sville~ · .'te~·· , , '" , 'tradi~' '~·GrandP,3ients i~Cl'ude Mr. and .: aM r.' Mrs: '.G¢orge: Current of Waynes-, ~oses . vine- and 'Mr. 'and Mrs. ArthurEvers of Mon~gomery.
ITEM: Nothhlg say.s welcome <attracti~ly
' lJIore
,than a row
. 0,' clay:p~tted gerslniuDUl, 'begon-
ias" or other ' suoller · flowering , plJnts displayect . on t)le, front . 'steps of yO~r home: U,~ m~tch ing clay ,sa}lcers under each pot to ~atch ex~e8S water.. . ," . , ,·JIl'EM: Enterqumng? lJeJre's a , .:good "party . eailape. ,Gelie,roualy' , .sprud buttered"toast fingers with •
., - ,
. ( fin~lY.teboP, ped hll~-C:~O.~ed e'if ;maeq wlth mayonilliise,. .f\lTan.~ itwo whole Norway lsardines, dOVe- . ,: ',tan; on each ,~p with a .liy~ .. . ..of pimentO.. .,:.., , , . ' , , .
~":" ,A:
'.. . belp-y~~ b!un~h
becOme aD aftei:-cbur.eh, tra-
· U&L&VU.'
Keep '~Uia*~.,: :and •
~o~,}iOffee .
'menu::, .
~r. and Mrs. Steve Reynolds and daughters were Sunday dinner guests of 'the Claude Ball family. Jeffrey Wayne Huddleson was honored I;;riday afternoon, June 26, on his 4th' birthday ' with a surprise ~rty. The guests included ' ~ul and ,Shirley -Speaks, Bart, 'Bret, Rickie , and Angie Clark, 'Kelly sUe Reynolds, Eddie Wayne Brothers, Robyn and Shelly Dodds, Mary, Donald, and Vicki Caplinger, Joyce and Martin Ball apd gt!lndmoth~r~ '. Mrs .. Henry Hucf<Ueson and Mrs. Roy CapUnger. ,Children's Day was observ~d "
'f you hove a teenage prob'em you want to discu5I or an observatian to make, odd,.» your 'etter to fOR AND ABOUT TEENAGERS, COMMUNITY AND SUeuR. IIAN PRESS SERVICE, FRANKfORT, KY.
at Jonahs Run Church Sunday morning. Mrs. Charles Farrington (nee Jane ' l)oster) of Medical Lake, Wash. is Vlsfting her parents. Mr.: and Mrs. ' William Doster. She is here for the wedding of her brother, John. ' Paul Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs., Frank Gibson, was taken to Miami Valley Hospital for xray 's Monday evening following an accident when he and other companions were thrown from a load of hay on which they were riding.
, \~
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brandenburg of Middletown were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert Brandenburg of here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smedley (nee Peggy Gibson) announce the birth of their first child, a son, Rick, born July 2. He weighed 5 p'oim~ 10 ounces. 'Tht WSCS of the United Methodist Church will , meet Thursday at noon for a covered dish picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Wyatt. AlI are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Den Wiatt and family and Mrs. Sue Wiatt returned Thursday from a trip through New England States. They visited _ Niagara Falls, stopped at Bar Harber, Maine and New Hampshire and Vermont. They yi,sited ' Plymouth Plantations in Mass., were aboard the Mayflower and stopped and vis~ted the Seaport at Mystic, Conn.
If ·'111 H·IV·I
pi~lier-" ol ' o~ange
Several people from i his community attended the wedding of John Doster and Sharon Wilt at the Rocky Point Community Chapel near Springfield, Saturday at 1 :30 p.m. Due to the vacationing pastor ' of her church, Rev. Lester Kidd of 10nahs Run Church officiated at the deuble ring ceremony. A reception folIQwed in the church social room.
"an ' au~Itl~~c ·' fry~~P~. , . i
Ph. 897.&312 '
" , Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCarren and Sandy visited Rick last weekend at Greenway Farms near .Versailles, Ky. where he i~ spend- , ing the. sunim~r. They camped ov~rnight at Oay's Ferry Camp, ground and also visited Pleasant Hill ,where Shaker Village has been reconstruoted.
" 81 R1:H'ANNOUNCED, , Mr. and' Mrs. John E. Evers of 'Waynesville' ;lie 'a~li1oun~ing the wOillleJrln,il
"'arjean .Price
telephone conversations to, remain a secret between the two of you, and assume that you ~eel the same. way--: And, you may be just one of many boys'whoshare her telephone hours. The telephone is a means of communication, true enough. But a person's telephone personality is not aiways that individual's personality person·to-person. Unless, as we said, the girl is personally shy, you can get an indication of how she feels about you from your eye-ta-eye encounters.
P1'11,1 >
:~ \
1967 FORO GaUixle 50,0 ..900~ condition, all "lnyl l"t1'r\or _ It!lhone 897f __ ~_ct_ .2....: . 40~6_ . HOOK '5 Farrrl .~rl(et. o~e'n dal.IY at' . 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Route 48 ·. southrUlh Rlagevl lle. I. up c,rop: Deans, ~ill' corn, sweet ners s:abbag e, squash, butter, ap'Ples honey, sorghum , aDDle . !:'of 26c2. eggs. " . .
1969 INTER NATIO NI\L Ti'avelall station wagon, {V,'Iodei .1000, power steering &. brakes! alfto trans). air cond tinted glass, $3495 , .Call u97-57 31. 27c1 ," . . . " . -'h-X9-O-O-'d PICKU P tru ck Calm'per ' TO~'sha,pe. Phone 897·68 76.'" 27C;? ' 1 roll-aw ay ~d, $15; 1. old sohool '
10 SP,EEO blcyCleol , Schwin n. G.ood . conditi on. Phone u97 ·7331. '27cl " , .----HP;Yol Al ' Tlm dOiY'an · mlxe~·clover. 27cl , CaIl .u97-41 47 ~nytlm e .
milk maohlneJ. $2~ j ~ , c,Cif~ee stand $5 each; 1 1~" , =Tv, portabl e, , Include d, $~O; 1. 'antiqu e' 011 lamp ~ 100 yrs old, $20;. 1 wig, never worn, ~ddi 5 h brown, $18.,PhonE! 897-65 52. ' : 27cl~ , ,---,...:..- -,-
GARA GE SALE: July 11-1.2, beds, all ,sizes ' of · 'Clotl\es, -baby '& chlld'_ clothes and other Item's. 'Turn left or 42 Clear SpringS R,d. · off Rout~ . 27cl " , ", ) '.. . 1964 VA'Ll ANT, 4 speed hurst, r,e d, also r 'englne needs white vinyl top, B4ick '1953 S~-=Iall.' nice Interior , very 'good engine, Pnone 897-51 28. 27c1 " "
m \ ROlllantic Eik are 'the most poryga:n'o~ of American deer. In mating season, a bull elk may collec't . a harem of QO cows. ,
i!a , ~~~I , fl~~~ ,a'~g~~:aei'~'\2'J.OC'~~ ta~)es.
HE~~ W~N.:rEO ·
; ....
A[i)ULT waitres ses and' '<ltchen . help. Apply at Spnny' s Orlv,,·ln In person. 27cl' No pf\one el511s plilase. ower. 'WANTE.O; ~ : small ·,awnm Also a ch Id s 'Iarge riding tricycl,f . ·, ,P19ct . 21. Phone' 897-59
WANTED: aabysit thig. Phon. ,Si7. '· 592<1. Ask' for Jean.
' 18'ncl4'
CENTt: :RVILL E .South. - 5 ~Q.om house and garage, seml.moClern $69.50 deposit , elderly cOLlple: Call. 24ttf 885'71 61 I
CW~in!1~ . 280 CHAPM AN ST~~ET ESVILL E: ..ClHIO', ' " , WAYN • 1'...... . ~. '8.7-7S 86 . ........
All TypeS of
Exterior Building Maintenance ,
Paintin g, roofl"" siding, foun~a tlon waterpr oofing, brlckw~rk, .... Ito,e fronts, alumin um· window s. doors, awn!", ,, patiO al1d CIIrport cove,.. For fre. esU- , ' mate, contact :
'H & R Building M~intenahce
12 ~. M,..llMrry Le.banG!,. 0 , Phone 932-81 61 $
CAMPING "EQUIPMENT ' Wheel Camper c;amping"rrailers'
Camper Tops, T.ruck Campers and Travet Trail~ W. III. bottle'. . ' ",
s."-~"'.~i. ·
bf.9 tti';. _
\\tM ViDylIIIIIIiIlW-. (£-= 'a _ _ __ "WI: ell!- 1t ..,.. }1IIl ddr" dcIlr, Loc.ted on,Rout. 42, 1, ml~ ' I~ l'OnIilnt. hiq'liteab riutori/ill- .z._ Ihkb-. ~~f R~~3, Waynewm. : RED lIOr'rSAI..ES ' ]1'01' ),tecu
Phonel~.~ ::.~kl
CIIIlJllldoo r ('5Iat~ ~;o_.,
:, ~: p.;o. 'Box ~r88 Springboro, Ohio 45~ ,
(SH()~' WHERl: YOU SAVE Will give you cleaner laundry and AYe you money. Modern living begins with "10ft water". Improv e, Accord ing to a leadlnt Indepen elent testing lab, soft water lcleanin g , effjclen cy up to 250%. time ... In. A Mater Water Conditi oner will pay for Itself time and Fe" comple te detall, ' c~lI:
. Rie-dy, Plu ,mb.ini 8974 961 '.
E Y L . E· ~R 5 SprlnpO~ 7_ _ 1~
Continuous AluminumGutter &"Downpipe . , " , . - .. In' 11 ba~ed on dec:0ti tor, colors. Gutter . reptlre d. ' ~Ie.ned, coated . anel guu.~ screen I.n .talled. , ~
, a'II'I
". , H & A"-Suilding Maintenance 12 W. Mulberry '~ebahpf\, Ohro f
. ,
."i '
, "To lead ' a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, blJaring fr uit in every g7)od work a71d...,inc!'casing in the knowledge of God." - Colossians 1:10
Fi~st ~1Jt~st Ch~rch
a.ad your IIILE dally
;:;, NOl1 t.h ~ain Street
Jonn P. OSborne, I>'..stor-· . .' '·10:00 a'.rri. jSunday Sch'ool 11 :~ a.m :,Morning Wl)rship . , 6:30 p.m,,:Frai!iing ,Union , 7:30 p.m.,evc~ing Worship , 7 :36p.m!,Wedncsday PraYe.r " ,,":.,,', ~ceting , ,.' .' (AffiHat~(1 Wj ~ti Southern "Bap.. (,.1r.,~,\,!:.;, "tist Conventfon): , '
'Eirst 'Churc'hoo
;' Eastliigll'Strc'c t · 'Thom.. s Stevens, Min is ter
Run Baptist Churcb '
Olli,; 7] Lbt , u strr Kidd . Pastor I () :O() a.111 .. SUIl (ht'y Sl: hot)1 10 :00 & II ;()O a:II1 ,. SUllda y Worship SL'rvkl: , , ,/ 7: 30 p.l1l.. SUllda y Evcning. . Worship
?~ 30' a :,m' 1 Sunday &;ilO«~1 10 ;4~ a.m. Sund,ay Meeting for Wvrshi p (u n pm~ra anmcd ).,
,St: AUgUstine ' Chur~h ' "
'..'" 'I High 'St'fcet , ~ev. Joseoh ,tt,. 'LlJ'tJuer., p.ds'tor,
~ "
United Methodist Church
9:3d a ..I11. , Sunday
Bihlc &llOUI .IP::30 a.m., Sunday 'W,(lrship and C() ~:nmunihn " ' ,; 6:00 P.Ill., Su'nday Youth ' Meeting ~ p . ~." Sunday Christi ;'ln , y(')Uth HOl,lr .' 7:30 p. IT~,; ,Sunday .Evening Worslltp. ' 7·:3Q,p.m,., Wednesday Bihlc St'ud~ . " ';' Friend.s M~ing fou'rt~ Sheet ncar Iligh , , '
David Ilarpl:r. Pastol 9 ;30 a.IlI .. SUliday ( 'hurdl Scrvil.:c 10:30 a.II1 .. Suud:;y School II :00 a.Ill .. SlIlIda.y 'Will:ship Servicc Youth Fellowship and 13ihk Study 4
Harveysburg Full Gospel . Ch",rch '. E. South Srrrct 'Rev. J"II::.I< llilllli1t,;n, Pastor 7 :30 p.m. Tucsday . 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young Pcople's Servicc 10:00 a:lll. Sunday &:hUlll ,7:00 p.m. Snnday Evcnitl~ {
Many of us consider "the good life" to be the attainment of luxuries, modem conveniences, and personal teeU-being. It is milch more. The value of the life YOIl live shollld be mepsured by a dJfferent ,.;:. ,¥ardstick. WJ/(~t YOll have is not so ""'" ''''portant as leIJat you , are. )'ollr monthly bank balance may be a source of comfort and pride. But, how do you rate debits and credits in the matter of meeting your responsibilities ancl obligations? A "good life" is a life pleasing to '0'd; rOll should 'have little difficulty, In any situation, deciding the course of action most pleasing to God.
Harry M. Con'ner, 5,.of 151'2 Wyoming Street , ,Dayton dl~d ' I, June 25 at his'residence. ' , The former Waynesville~ re~i dent had worked ,:at Union StatiOIl ticket offic~ · for 46 yeats: He was a cha~ter membe,r of Alpha Lodge Nb. 729 F.and A.M. and Scottish Rite of Valley of Dayton . . Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Benson ,of Dayton,; a sister, Mrs. Lena Burris of I)dyton ; a brother, Carl C. of Dayton and a gra nddaughter, Miss Kathy J . Conlier of I)dyton . Funeral services were conducted at Dayton June 29. Arrangements were handled by the Stubb~onne'f Funeral Home at Waynesville . Interment was in Woodland Cemetery . I
Pentec:ostal Holiness Church I\ c ~
Lall1h . P:I~l or I() :00 a . 111.. SUllda .v Sl h, 11,1 7:30 p.l11 .. SUllday. \\\l dlll'sd:1\ anu Salllrlla\'. 1',Vl:llill !! . Wllrship S\! I'~kl' :' • 7:3()p.lIl.. WL'UIIl'sd:l\ Youth S~rviL' l' .
Genntown United Church of Christ Routc '42 at (;1:1111(own RI Y StlHllll' ''' Pa.;tm \) :30 a.lI1 . Worship" ~rVil'L' I0:30 SUlld:t~ (,hu rdl Sdl(lol 5:0() P,I1I , SUlld:t\ YOllth ' h,'II,\\V~hip .
MT. HOLLY iii United ~ethodist Church .
7 a.m..~ 1·1 a·~Jll ............. ~
Ridgeville Community Church SI. RI. -l:-i & LOWl'r SPI in~hoH\ Road RI~' L. Shelton :' P.lstm l) :30 a.lll . Sunday St:h",,1 lOA:' ,a.nl. ~.I"rtIill ~ Worship 7: 30 p . 1I1. SlIlIlb~ I'wllillg St,'r\'kl' 7:30 p.l1I . \\\ 'dlll'sday t:wllillg.
, Rl)v -::' L~,ollal'd .U:lx.\L'r . t 9 :30 a .lll .. Sunu:IY St,;hool II :00 :1.111. . SUllday. Worship ~'rvil:\.'
7:30 p.ni.. Wl'dtll's{T;1~ . PI a~ ' L'r ~crvkL" '
, Sl'i ~
LV'TLE. Methodist . Church ..
DODDS Free Pentecostal Church of God IUt 122 - Dodus. Ohio 1~I~tm. Jal11l:s ('utlman
,/ 10:30 a.m.-Sunday &:hool 7:00 p.m.-Sunday I':vangl'listk Sl'r.vicl: 7:.~0 p.I1l.-Wrdnrsd:IY Praver
---'. . Ferr" Churcl) of Christ
Wilnlin!!toll I'ikl: & ' Sodal Row Road Bus Wisl'lllail . Min;:';tL'r
, m:15 a.III.: SIIlHI.ty Worship
10,: I'S :I .m., SUllda,' Yllllt", ' . . Worship·"·'· · , h':30 1'.111 .• S~lJlday i-:vt:nin g nibil' Stud·\'. :'ill :I ~l's. i :30 'P.III :: I\'~;'n rn~ \\'oi'.ship 7:30 Jl . IIl..lVl'~IIL's da,· . Midwl'('k Pran~r :lJld Bibl\.' StuLl" ' I . ... '. •
. -
7:.'0 p.l11. Saturday Evctling Wurship Sl'rvicc
" t) :()O :1 . 111 .. Sunua,y Bihlc , SdHl(~1
The Centerville First Pentecostal Church ,'"
)ohn K. Smith.'Minister lJ :'3() ~l.fII .... stll'tl:I~J Worship ScrvkL' IO :,~O a,.Ill .. SII11U;I\, Sdlll,,1 ~:OO 1'.111 .• Slillda~ '. •·\'l'lIin ~ Worshi p St,'rv il'\.'~ ~tllldIlCIt:d h~ you I h
What is wrong with this na,Hon of ours? The answer you get depends upon the individual to . whom the qqestion is posed. We are sprouting every ,new, small armies of protestors and dissenters. All t~ _many of these can tell you what is wrong with the country (in their particular area of interest) but the solutiQns they propose are made from dreams rather than reality. What is needed in this nation, if it is to be firmly held togeth; er, is a strengthening and, ... some cases, a renewal Of lbe family life. When the family unit is strong, there is a qnity, a working together that de~rs individual members from chasing off to pursue rainbows. There is a serious attention to family needs and to the family philosopby. Another word, perhaps, is togetherness. .
i..· l'
5:30 p ,JII , SI'llIda'~ S... Youti, . Rl'~rL'atil)l1 () :30' 1'.111. SlInLla~ S... )'llllth
hallt.:lill Stl\'C( Ib~ \U!'\'l·11. Pa:o.tor (;L'lIl' Bld,lIl'1l. Ass '\.
1O;Il() :1.111. . SlIlIi.I:t~ Sl'Iwol . 7: (){) P ,III.. SUlld:r~' rVL'lIin!! " 7~:iO p.lIl:. \h'dlll' s Ll:l~ ' hL'lIillg
Saturday, June 20, ' Lytle United Methodist Church was the scene of the presentation of the Eagle Scout Award to Ibyrnond Brown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of Waynesvill~ •. Brown is the holder of 44 merit badges. The program was con-, , ductcd by Mr. Ella Abraham and Senior Patrol Leader Ronnie Osborne. Members of Troop 30 and guests were hosted to a dinner given by Lytle Women's Auxiliary in honor of Ray Brown. Ouring the evening, charter presentation and a court of honor was held for other members of the troup. Advancement went to ' Rodney Brown and , Jerry ' Helterbridle receiving life, John Moseman and Jerry Malcolm recei~ing star, Ronnie Osborne receiving Ist class., and second claS$ ,goin~ to Wally ,Patton. Ronnie Robinson ' Steve Wilkerson , Franklin Os~ , borne and Mike Brown. ' Merit Ba,~gcs were also presented that evenirtg .~ith · Ronni.e Osb~rne . lea~iJlg \he, f..cld with · J5 .Jerry Malcolm 3. Tim Miller, 5. Paul Elder , :6~dolil1 MOlsef1nan 5, Jerry Held~rbrjdle. 12, ncy '~town , ", ' and Ray .........n~.,
,With 10. ;'
May'St"'B '
nd R,Gle neil
Ro.;' ,u$es the ,W;,.{,aynesvill~" lilsQ(Jw . ",-- , 'n...t.o...... .
~ce ~H'" ,,,ment.
,' 1
Harold~s rp~rt~d. irtctitie;ll •
r. .:, (Continued f[o~ Page 1) cqn4ition"at . ~tteritrg MeIlioriaL ..' . ,- ~ , son. o,f Mr~'. Gl~dy~ . WiUiams af . ' Ho~Pi~al at'-pre~ti,tn~ MOl)daY. ~I, §pnngfie\d St~~et, Jl!lyton! hangs , ' G. ' 'A," Gti.e,~, ~yision 'Manager . on the balWlce :at Ke~te~ng Me-, . of Xenia Dayton P6wet ,"and , light, said :that l~ was"'~dssible" , .morlal . HospiUQ "after near elecfor a ' pefSon ,to live after making ·" trocution Mommy at Waynesville. Hatold, who . resides with an .cohtact.Nith 7200 voUs. " . .", older brother and sister-in-law, Louis and Jenny Bowser 'o f Corwin, was knoCJCed an estimated 24 feet to the .paveme,i from the roof of Ute:.o1d, now defpnct, : Twin Theater, a4jacent tlie Miami Gazette on South .Main Street . . The- youth :'!cis painting the EaDeIij~orSemon exterior of tHe; building with a . l"or most of us, our "de~ old roller fitted With .a 15 foot, school days" ended on golden homemade me~tal handle. gra~u~on day many years ago. Waynesville ... Police Chi~f But did you ever stop to con- ' sider that education n~ver really tllarJes leMay ~d that Harold ends? made contact with a 7200 volt Education is a continuing pr~ power line while 'hoisting up his 'cess ~ a stepping-stone when we were young, and guidance while long handled paint roller from a we . worked. And now in retirethe on t bucke five gallon paint ment it's become essential . . . sidewalk in fron~ of the building, if we intend to keep pace with under redecoration for his broohange and the future, ther, Louis'sJ~roposed used furnTnis is why thousands of sen. Jors return to ciassroolllB every iture store. day. Unfortunately, .som~ of . us leMay commented that the feel youth monopolizeS educ'ation. handle' of the paint roller apBut education's doors are wide parently became top heavy and open -to everyone. fell into the high tension cable." Our gray hair doesn't m~an lost our ability for intelliext we've n · staff e Gazett Miami The t. We never lose our though gent door ' eard the near death dealdesire to learn. Add ' to it. our . ing crack of voltage and the grisly years of experience and wisdom, hit it and we really got something. body 's thud of Harold At any age we need ed,*cation _ the sidewalk. for nothing else' than to solve if . Harold's body was hurled everyday.,problems - in finances, down' against the si~p.waIk paint housing, health. It's a great morale ' and confidence ·booster, can which was. crushed in.ward too. It sparks our curiosity, ·keeps· by the impact of his shoulder as minds alert, and helps us . our he struck. the cement. establish a prominent pla(:e ' in: The Main ~treet entrance of oUr !!Ommunity and SQCie~y. , _ old the and e Gazett Miami the . Yqu'U find, too, there :ate ~17 red showe ways plenty of opportuni~es . theater building were around for new e"pre81Jions .of· ' with casCading severed power I
intelligence, imagin~tionl . )mowledge. We can choose from. bunWaynesville Police Chief • meds of educational o~tlets - . adult education classes in al- ' Chades leMay and a number of most any subj~t, coll~ge courses Wayne Township Firemen took credit or fun, vocational for , rapid safety measures to protect trainmg for' money. ulated There's a lot .of education outthe crowd which accum . 1", side the formal classroom, too. around the youtb, ' who was I've been , gaining deep personal rushed to . KetterinR' Memorial rewards from informal discus~ospital by Stubbs-Conner Funsions at clubs and senior centen , exploring museums and libraries, eral Home ambulance. 1 know lots of people wbo -, and Crewmen from the Xenia Di- . educat e themselves right-in their vision of Dayton Power and own ·home with hobbies or corre. spondence co~. light Company were · on the Let's face it - we ·certainly s. minute within scene an enormous learning p0have Main Street was roped off tential, but it's up to each one ~ from the comer of Miami Street of us to take the initiative. Yesterday I w'as reading an to the south edge of the Williaib- . excellent booklet, "A Time For son Apartments next to the old Learning," which looks into all . theater. these educational possibilities for us. It also shows formal and inThe accident occured between formal learning methods, -educa12:40 and 12:45 p.m. according tional profits and pleasure, and to the resultant power failure the many ways we seniors can sWayne own downt hout throug use learning to enjoy living. For a copy send $1.00 to Harvest interthe ivlle. Traffic lights at Years Publishing Co., 104 East sections of Main and North 40th st., New York, N.Y. 10016. Streets and Ohio 42 and 73 were • knocked out. ITEM: The deficiency disease beriberi got its name from a word Police Chief Charles leMay "I cannot" because its meanin said that the electricity went off victimsg felt too ill to do any-· at that time as he was leaving Le.. thing
paid ' ar ' 10·Cents
July 15, 1970 - Waynesville. Ohi~
i, •
. "
asslsteo at W:ayhesville by Harold Goiter. Mrs. J3:fle , (Sat terthw aite) 'Young, who has 'been associated - with 'Leban un Walker's seve~ .,' years, will also, be among the new , "'faces' at Waynesville. , Master oply . 'Walker said' that Cilarge~ill be accept~.d and th~ . Waynesville s.t ore and charge plans for Aid ..For the Aged and Me'di-Met wiill be Jlonored. . ·His ot.ner busipesses , include the 'Quick Stop Carryo ut at lebanon " and four laundr omats at, WaY~esviHe. Lebanon and ' Mor: I
TOW • .",
'. ,Walker, his wife, Unice and c~il~ren , Det;>bje, : six; Wendy, ~. t >
(Cc;lhtinlUed qn Page 8) I
The Miami Gazett e pJans to start & datebo ok listing of communi~y and area club meetings and events. The datebo ok will be pubUsne'd weey,y. Persons interested ill' listing ' events should phone the Gazett e at 897-59 2] or mail
them to The Miami Gazette, P.O. Box 78,.Waynesvil1e, a week in adv~mce of the pubHcation prior to the actual meeting date. Dateb ook listings should inch.ide the name of the club, group or organization. date of meeting, time and place. ,
Mla'mi Gazette Sta-rts
Harold Bowser Fund · The Miami Gazett e is spearheading a funds drive for IS-yearold Harold Bowser who was nearly electro cuted last Monday while' painting the exterio r of a building adjace nt the Gazett e . .. A Harold Bowser ' Fund will go into effect this week at the WayneSVille National Bank. ~nk Executive Vice-President Earl Conner was· contac ted' by t,he \J'clzette and has agreed to arrange
The first progress report of WaYllesville's Summ er Head Start , ' Program has been released by Mrs. Robert 'Edwards, Teacher'Director. A-' total 23 youngsters from ages four to, six have been enrolled in ' Head' Start since it b~gan June .}$: Mrs. Edwards, assisted by aides, 'Mi~s)ana Merris and Miss Elaine , Taylor, has been conducting, Head Start. daily in the Wilyne;vIUe ." Flc'me ntary School ki!l~~rprt~n classroom. .' Site fepOrt~d that ,to da~~ the 'gwup has vis~ted a~ nUf!lber of . local' businesses including The Miami Gaz~tte, Post Office and .. lee creiun ' parlor. The ice cream ,: :,e~rlot ~~ '.b~~n the mo~t ~n , j~y;abte' vi,si!. yet, according to ',h~r-. >
1~~1;: :,~~~e' would welcome anyon e
-who .q Ao· sometHing for us, ;:.,- .' mch a$" "n~art lesson, music, play a ba~h , <>,f c~gUi'~ar~i ,,"!J' on ,the ~!Uld g n , ; :~~S1 \ OJ l~ythi, ~wards Mrs., ' " <•• ,'r~n-'s~ age~ -ieVcl~'
, Contri bution s may be made to the Harold Bowser Fund by mailing them to the Waynesville National .I;lank or by personally presenting them at the bank. The fund will be used to pay any of Harold's medical bill~ incurred after the extent , of insurance coverage : Louis Bowser, Harold's brother and legal guardian, told the Gazette that he had 'some medical insurance that would apply to his inj4red brothe r: The Miami Gazett e arranged a Harold Bowser Fund after seven-year-oJd Kimberly Fox, niece of Gazette Editor Dennis Dalton, volunteeretl the conten ts of her piggy bank to help "the little boy get well" and after several inquiries, by local citi'zens who wished to lend financial assistance. Mrs. Lester Rasnake of Wilkerson lane was one of the resi- ' dents who contac ted the , Gazette about contri bution s for Harold. Mrs. Rasnake volunt eered to make a door-t o-door canvass in her neighborhood~nd has' . alr'eady begun her c~llection. Harold's condit ion has ~ pro' gressed from critical to fair in the lntensive care unit at Ket- . tering MertlOrial Hospital. He is being treated for severe head injuries and third d~ee burns of his hands and feet.
and 'direct the program.
Miami Gazette Editor , Dennis - Dal~on, is curren tly researching the history of 'sauerkraut ~ and , 'd. '; , ,,'sal . ':, collecting original German and , ,the uce introd 'to 'like ' f:. ~ . '..German-American recipies _for _ t n, differe ,t o as many the pick,ed -oabbage for a: sa~er-· ........'Ull ..· and activities as we can." kraut cookb ook he will' .uthor .: • .. .&IiU,v. R is. welcom e to visit '. ." , " - in "the fall. . ·til11e. You may H.C will be ,in collal)or~tioa ' ~!~l~~~:g~!~~~\}~~~t·t))~h~~~~~J~.T$~:~~;J~~i~~,u' :r:.c.:t~>.~;C~"~r-~::::I.tY~~t' se~i~es. ~ri with America's' most f~mo~ , as a" helper If you , German restaurao;f, ~cbow.~s,.-, rn";,""" ,..,.•...,._. ' . are served ;t :. New-l'..erk City · N.;~Y" .'.' ' from '.~'.mjiJ~f!~J;l'te~~fal$~ ' so tale ki!; MQR~Y A letter , help, ~sQ." tor ~ 1J!.~, . -' ' ltei~~ . , give. of
Dear Editor~ nrls is a·fin~ ,ime to acknnw: , . ',~ Je~ge such Ii wondetful ~xpe~ience as • attending tqe first '. "muzZle loading event af ' Waynesville. Truly', you boy,s put on a fine show and deserve '8 great"hand for. its grand success. . ',- " I am 'sorry thaf 'I ''am so late in ' expressing to yotl and memo bers of your , cci~ittee just how -wonderful I ,thought your program was . . HOwever; ,please .. re~eJ1lber t~ stacks of',Jpaper~, ~;~';, letterS and magazine matel'ial tbat always gr~e-es my desk. " . ~~. I have ' attended 'a ' muzzle , '~' '; stiu~ . ,. loading shoot e~~ ( ~~ekend -..... ", De¥1.iS '~' w.~rld '!I-: U s,ttll .~of b~n ' ~ . Pac18c ~ds $ince being in Waynesville.i..:and Mlcr~neSla" In ~g~, ',.qugtit ieJi. .' at shoot your of 's heard plaudit . ~crap_ metilt proVJdes ~~e ~ ~ -, . . , " . each one off them.-even, (rom . Territory's ~ond ' OJt 'ya1~e far off Manistee, Michigan where ' exporl . af~r, .c;opra. " ,_ . . '' some 'Of the boys'(Charles Oder .c
"1 ,>,'
t,· .. ·.•: " "4
, peIS{ ~w.ef,r/ ~11ained
'. . .
day evePing ,at Ra)trilond Brid~ ,dock's. Henry Burge of W~n8toll': , RR. was a 'caller at. :tnehojpe . 4i.<1,rtrg;,:'~H the, past week. Mr:~d Mrs. Roy Muqisbaup: ffIlMu,;;:.:om , and granddaughter 'of xenia was a visitor of Mrs. BesSie. QJajiey/. la~t Thursday. , Mrs: Egie Campbell was :a1S9 ' , r.!;:~C'ti~!:;" a visitor of Mrs. Chaney. , Gladys Hartman visited rela·" tives at Wilmingto~ on Supday. ' Miss Alice, Hook and Mr~ Flizabetb f:.athaw visited -Friend's Home and Fort ' Ancient scenic spots Surida.,Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smitley of Mansfield called oli Jessie Robitzer SUnday. ' Jack Marlatt and Bess Ballentine visited their cousicn, Jessie Robitzer Sunday. Ladies from the Bethany Oturch called on Mrs. Carrie Russell on Sunday afte1l\pon. ,y,'),
w,cille ,Armitage was calling on friends at the Home on Thurs. day. ' Nellie Bunnell's .' guest on Thursday was Mrs. R. J. Ousley of Route 3. Jessie Robitzer ' visited the Everett Marlatt 's on Wednesday. It's surprising the changes in , the growing crops and the thin~ that go on' in the country in -a few days time:' The scribe \Vas treated to a nice country ,ride on· SUnday which was thoroughly enjoyed with her gr ,nd~ughte[, Rhoda Bunnell ,of, Blooinington, Ind. ,Bertha He~ spent Sunday With the,Irwin Ellis'. Ruth "Reeder was a Saturday evening guest of friends at' the Home. . Our hosts, the, Thomas Coo-
OUl Church . St. ',Peter~s Church in the' old town, of St. Gleorge, Bermuc;Ja, . is the oldest ,Anglic,n ,C.hUJ'ch , ~Jl continuous' use in the Western Hem\Sphere. 'It' -contalns ' ,exafit· pies ~ of workmanship' and maier· ials from , thf~ 17th thro.ugh the 20th century.
Wi'f n. S I eI , ' 1-, Is's. m:b,1i , ItO ,eJ .r 0 i t, , ','Hundreds' of thousands, of men and ,wOlllen from ' all ,walks of life ' are ':receiving :a ,blessing from God ~thllt proves they have Gdd's "goodv/ill/' stated Eugene Kohnert, Waltch Tower Convention' manage;~. John W. Kilgore, presiding 'minister of the ' Lebanon ~n gregation of Jehovah's Witnes, seS, quoted Kohnert in arinouilc.' ing 'the ~·Mein of Goodwill" District ~~m~ly of lehovah's Wit~ nesses ~h~tllqled",to be hela July, '
\i' ::.-,,; .,~ .
What's ' . It Like Out Tbere ,The Adventuress The Voyage Of Franz Joseph • The Jocks
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, ,(4'Ir..sP.t~'~llt.tf.tf\prd~~sts, ': " - , pus renelll~ns~ "wars 'and inci4th ,STREET WAYNESVILLE. ' OIitIO PH '. 897-4826 dents wbic~ 't lUeaten ' war' that' , , " ' . '~ are ,Jco'nfin(Jl~y ,' 'in'' ttie, "news, . . , p6ice isaIr~ady 81') establ~she(l_ r~ity ~ih::th~ lives of · J~hovab's " .-';;~""';'....;..-."";"",\"""---!,~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _-:-"",, . : , Witnesses' and, Will .becoine',eveR, " I
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. This,'.,suJIlJ1ler Witnesses ', Will ' convergirig 00,' 40 cities,'iri ijte; " ',Umt,e'd ~St~lte " taq4, ~~(4B",~ '~'·,~!'1~~~~;;'~;;;~;;::;:~T~~;:~32:';;i7~---:-T . ...~.",'~.',.r l , ' ' ' ~tt.,nd op~ of! J~~~ jlss~bl~~~~ I: ' , i, "We'-,are 7;lV'e~rin ' faJ. t~ , ,. •....... "-.hO\F--'· J·~ $ c..':' -4 ~l. ~ -" , ... Ilrgest' total',itt ~ncel ,at') lOY," , ~ of ,opt' ~serh~1ie's" e;et,~t" , . ~, di~' ';Contlli~l~ i::-~es·, ':fPom~ ~ . , , ; ijie';" ~iitife~i' state ef. ·~Mic~g8ri~r; ,r' , :', :, we~i~tp l" OhUf '~ri4.':~aale~il\1Wi'" :' , <' ana ,are' iJlj~t~plan~ ~ !>~~~e:~:' , .' "lntiJ ~Detrmfto},ddinonstrate, riot , ,:' " by ',8: si~e~t.' ~rc~, ' but·1iy,'liviri~ , wor1cing"' ~orSh1ppm., ' t~e~~~ , ',' . for· fo~r dnys;"tbat ,there' .4,do",, 'ri~r ,. haVe to . be ,:~confrontatiobs' ·"e.: ' ,,~,~au~ ' ~ple' ,h&ve<;,'diffoie#t/~'~ " , . ;e~~c or~' ~~w., ~~lc· \ , "', , grpiunQs'. .~' ".'~. " " " '1' uBec ' w ' "tH'1" ....1""' , , ause s , 1 nesses", ", F" "
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Don't" forget , tjle ' Ice Orea~ . Social ibis SaturdaY at the church Serving' will , star~ at 5:00.' It wU I " be homemade icp. cream! ' r' " The 'You~g , 'Adulf Chi$s of the church held a going-away , - , picnic f~)[,.Neit' Wlllia~~, Su~~,ay'; , at the home of Mr .~ and M(S. Don ., ,Vaught Neit' lea~,es We4nes~y : for the Air Force. , . """ ' LYtle Boy Scout ' TTOQP, 30 spent the - w~k of'" Jilly' '5 at . , Summer camp ,at Camp HoQk : . with 90%,of the boys at~e~l(ting ,· 1-, with t~ee adUlt leaders, SCout: masteJ: Robert. Stansberry, I)ew ' , ASst, 'SCoutmaster "Franklin 'Os\ 'r'" ' ,' Ttl,.,..."",.... !""
. , ' ,
---------------' , .rW RAMeV. .,HOJOS , ,
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Home. Made
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Ice Cream Sbci-.I ,
Juiy 18 - 5 P~M, United Methodisi-Church . ':\ Lytl., -Ohlo
" Vene~e1a'l 3,212-(oot-htab A;il~. , .et Falls, biglrest of a1l' ~ft ~tat- . . cts Ii aboUt three t1mei .~er a ." - - ire':"Stite 'BuildiJ)C.· -thln. the EJnP ':'" . ' ." " _
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n~U8:ht~r·lA1idr~ :of':Waxnes\'ille,ii . Mr. ,a!ld Mrs'/ 'David. W;iJli~gford " . of I:ta,veys'burg, . Mr;""~d 'Mrs.
'Ed..Brothers and' children,· 'Eddie . ., Wayne' and"-Cathy" of Jtlrveysbqrg, Mrs'"Jon, ~nnan 'of JacksoQvUle, Fla.;' Mrs. SUe Cannan and, chlldr.e:n Jim - i~d Lori of , HarVeysburl~, Joe George Harveysburl~, ,.Mrs,.' po~na,John· J son· and chilldren 'Todd and Mike of near Oregorua.and Mfs..Freida. .
evening callers on the ,Were Miss Betty ,Watker. and MissJ>ebbie Delvison of Oakland. ' ' ~s. 'Blanche Carr, formerly ~f Harveysburg, is now a patie,n t at Americare on ' Hale Street in ~Run~on. ' Mr. and Mrs. William . O. Mc~t ,,' Taylors
of'ne&- '
.. ..
..~~~~~ t~;, "., '~;~•.; ~~
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Mark Penni~gt~fi" .' and Mis. Dlnny' "ennin8t~n, t celebrated 'his '7th birtl{~y ' at,. :' . luncli~n With his. inoth~;t MJ:s,' " Margaret . Penn.ington and aunt" Mrs. ~, BrandenbUrj ~. the,- : forum Restaurant in~tl:te o,Ytpn ", Mall Monday .' I . Mr. and Mrs. John, Schrack, Mae Stevens, Mrs. Kay 4forge . ' and daughter, Mary Kay, an 'of ' Wilmington were Friday ' guests · . of Mrs. lucy McCarren in.hoilor of Mrs. McCarren's birthday., Mr. Oarence ..,orrison, manager of Radio Station WFCJ at Miamisburg was guest speaker at Jonahs Run Church ' Sunday ' morning in the absence of Rev. Lester Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoagland took MrS. Verna Shanks of Xenia to dinner in Xenia Sunday then Visited,the lloyd Hoagland family of Yellow Sprin~. Leslie and Crystal Brown of Columbus were weekend. guests of their grandparents', Mr . and, Mrs. Charles Beck. Sunday guests were their parents, Mr. andMIs. I Jerry Brown, Mrs. Kathleen Beck and sJaughter FJaine motored to' Columbus and took l..eslie and Crystal . to their home then stopped ,in Columbus Monday.':' Mr. and Mrs. William Zurface ' of Wilmington were SunCJay guests of Mr. u:td Mrs. ctiades Price and ,all dined in Dayton ' Sunday evertin~. Mrs. Jane Doster Farrington is spending sometime at the home of l,er br~ther" ~ward Doster, of l.atay~ite, . b)dia~ ~ ,she,. , ·will visit .her ~UJ1Pda , f8Jllily in Milwaukee, WISConsin before 're-', turning ,to her home in Medical
!.to. ~
•• ~
hle" Waahingtop. , "Mrs. Lydia ~y who' bas .:. ~~med to her bo~ fromGran~ view Hospital wishes to thank,alI.
". ,!
~"~ :
I .
<' '~
who remembered ·her while there and all callers ' over the ,~th of July weekend 'including '~. ~d ' Mrs. Ruudl StinBl;ey of ~~. :, ._ ,:. l' Valley, ",. Nellie ', ~oor~, 01 ',' '". WaynesWle~ Mn.llorothy Vogat, ' , and mother of Dayton, ~ and J' ' ' Mrs. Joe ,~orp~ of 'Waynesville; ~', Mr. and Mrs. Oyde ~cy and son Edwin' of Lebanon and Mrs. , ~1ia Gordon of Hamysbu;g. ' ~wm. (Bud} lIonaker , of' , WaynesviUe bas , a~m~edhis : .::.~'. ',. daughter Mrs. Jon '(Connie) min on the trip'back to her home in ~acksonvi1le, Rodda. . . ',- , . Mr. and Mrs•. Tom Haendel of Kettering, Mr. and: Mrs. Ron·.Ji. . ' ald Haendel and ~ugbten,Rhon- ,' ,'~ , . ;' ;. da' and O1eryl of :,TrotWQQd" . _' 'j Do~d Haendel '8n~ '~,~ ,Smi~: . '~'J' " ' ; of Dayton, and l,dr •. anCl:, ~ . . .' ;.~. ~ Olarles Price -enjored .• coOkout ..". . ,.r picnic at the lDu, MMrt 'fum , ,," , ''; 'fuesday 'evening. c" ...,'~:t., ";-: «·11 Neighbors of OuI' Mayor BOb .. " :.' , ; :,,-'~ T~ Willis, Sr., ~.,.brOJl8ht : ~ '" ·1'.~. , !_ the attention.of your, W1tt,ei," ";,,'" , beautifully he has cleanW:~u."his-'~, -..:~".~,,~ .' ,back .I~t...J)j .' .~ ..11 ' ':t.'IlabI ~,~' 'f"! !.alll.wh·. - ,.....,',,<
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• /,_" '. _ .t·· , .:'i1~"":i-!!~~"""'~';.}J:r,,->;".. of :~ri$t- "...' , ". . :', ~ '" , 'fIi\i'd & Mia'mi S~reet~ : - '. . . " , . . ¢o~ve ~~~pn S9u th.ern, ~PhS~ . • CNtrles ~~e.' EVaJ1geijst Norman Mei qo, , 'PastQr : .... , , ng Morni y Sluida a,m: , J0:00 -"'~""""'~_._ .'
6:30,.p ~ . ." SUnday ~yening ',' .~:30 'a.m" ~o.d,ay ,Si;hOQI : . . .6:3.Q p.m" 7Wednesday Evening; ' .0:30 a.m., Sund~y. MQt~iryg , .' , .. WorshiP, : ' Phone 897-4462 for 'infon'natiof" 7:30. p,m:, Sundciy' Eve,ning' i . . Servi~e ' " h Churc st Fi'r st $apti 7;30 p.m., Wednesday,. Midweek No~h Main Street '. Prayer an.<t'hible Study John,P ~ OSborne, Pa$toJ' . ' Jonah ' A'un '~aPti~ 10:OQ a.m.,Sunday School . . . ip Worsh ing .,Morn l-I ~OOa.m h Churc . " U T ' . Ohio 13 East ~'. 6:30 p.m~, raining nion ", ~iUster Ki~d ; J'astoJ' , ... 7:30 p:fn.;Evening Worship Prayer y dnesda .m.,We 7:3Op: 'Su'nday School' . 10:00 Meeting , . . 10:00 {i 11 :00 a:m., Sunday (~fillated with ~uthern Bap.' ..., Worship ServiCe ' , . tist Conyention). 7:30 p;m., Sunday Evening F,int ChUrc~ Chris t Worship East High Street Uni-te d-M-e thodis t · Tho.mas Stevens, MiniSter Churc h· , 9:30 a.tn., Sunday Biblo School J)dvid Harpe r; Pastor 1O:30 .a.0)·., Sunday Worship and 9:30 a.m., SUnday Church ' Communion Service Youth y 6:00 p.m., Sunda 10:30,a.m., Sunday School Meeti~g CORW IN ' II :QOa.m ... Sunday Worship . 6:30 p·tJl·. ~unday Chri§tian -",. , ,. 'Pentec;Q~ ~ Mo'i~hMS Service . You'th ..Hour ....Ctlurc h ' ~ t'::, ,Yol)th ' Fellowship a'nd Bible '·.T 7:30 ·p.m. Sunday Evening . ., Study ~ l', • 1. '" '' Worship ' , Bible sday 7:30 p·.lD:. Wedne 'HarV eysbu rg Fun G'o spel' Siliily ... Churc h 'Frien ds Meeti ng South Street E. FQurth Street near High Rev. Ja,ck Hamilton, Pastor ' 9 :30 It.n,., St;anday School 7:30 p.m, Tuesday · 1{):4S'a.m. 'Sunda y Meeting for 7:30p .m. Friday ; Young · Worship (unprogrammed) Pe~ple's Service · C . A 10:00 a.m. Sunday. School .~, st' . ugust ine hOrch High Street 7:00 p.m. Sunday EVening . Re~. Joseoh H: Lutmer. Pastor
,: 7 a.m. 4£ i I a.m. Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days 7:,30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 'a.m. :l}dily Mass $:30 p:~~ Saturday Mas~ . St. Mary' s Episc opal Churc h Th.rd & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector
United ~Metl;iodisf -:".
ChurCh ~ '
.. '. Walnut-Vintt R9gert R. Mel'.e dith, Pas,tor . 9:30 a ;~. Sunday &h Qol ' . . . 10'30 a.Ol, ~prning.worship.. 6 :30 P,Ol.·"'outh f;~1I0,~ip: '. : . . . ". i , jr. high &:sr. high 7:45, p.m. ,\Vednesday..ehoir' · 11: 15 a.m., Morning Prayer . UhiteJi.·Met hpdi$ t: ,". ',: " . ':~ . rchea~s:il' , ' " 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: . ' 6:3'~ii;~~$ij4d';~~)~,·~~6ii'ffi'. . ' ~hu~ p::,: .~: · ,~ Sprin g ~an~y' 61!~f-ch' ". . ,'P , , ~. '~" Holy Communion 2nd & 4th .'~ ',:'. ,;, ~ .J.OJjnI: ~~~~; ~~te~ .:, i' . . . . of.Ct)~i~ Sun~Ji~ed Meth odist ' . ~~;;!~t~ "~" ~ sbip '" '. .",: al"'Qr .. ;cSttnd a.m 9:30 -Sheet qlady . ~ ~ . . .. ' . ' ! ,!:, ,' ', ok ) .,,~ . "; . ' Se '. . ' '. . ... ~, J. , . ' •. .',,< ' .. , , . ' Church · , "'Ieen~~j~~~_~:ij:ft~~ :.;.'~ .~."""." : ~~~t, ~ ,:~ :~/ Third & North ·Streets:· ....;. .' 1O:Q{) ~:nv _ ~r~lrg ~~ishlJ' . ·.t~· .;:''i.r"IOq?a :!J'i,,, SUfl~ y , SC.~o~I ,'. ,'," '.'(' 7:gop,l~ ~ '.E~eJli~.Worsll.ip .: . : ':, · ." , L. L. Young, Minist ~r !. , ."Sunday,..,E!eri!ng .R.m . ~:OQ ' . _ : ~ ~. :.' 8 ;,QO. p;r}l sye~~e.Sday r EVen:ing ' . ; ' . , .' . cJed cond4 ~ices' ~h~p~ r ~Q; ",' , ... ; :. ~-' , ' 2; . ~". t. .8 ,00 a.m ..Wor~hip Sel)'lce : . ':. :. )Vorship "::." . , , ,~, t'\:;:',' , .• ' ~ . r~ ," ' ' . ~.'.~. b\/~ol~ '. . ' .. ip · ': ' , I . .. Church at WorW ~I J ill ·W: 1$ a.m ' . 1. ' r I fl U 'w . S " . ' pr'1r:-tII y,a~I~< ..~:, "" , ." . ~ ". ' , ~.~ .;.f " : . ' .~ :~ at h '9:00 a.m'. Sunday Churc 1 '.' ; , ',,,."1, .;. ',I :·7'-:llQ~J1~~Si~i14ay ~\lJll!'g"lis,.: i~?~;I.}~~:.~ tMi~.~lril-~:tl~~d,~1111 ~ ,V, FERR , .. h ~hurc nds ~ f:rl. . ' ,., . . St~dv' ,.,.~ . ',"'c I '_ , ' . ' " . ( ' . {, . ' .. Mound ·Street . ." ' ~U~~ .~~~.P~!I~t:r:l:' E~ Fri~nd Cou'se:r, Pa~or' -:' ; '.: . .. .~e~~,l ::f, Wayn esvill e RfSCu e : '-' . 1~ll •..• ; ," , ',I .. ~ ,- J. ' '!, '., . ~., . ~. ' " 9:30 'a.m. Sund;ty School . Missio n ;;;. -::.' 7 ; 1O:3Q a.m. MOqling Worshi'p ' :" ' ::. -; ~ ~~~,[~lt~gi ~~i. ....;~ . ... Corner of 73 & Corwin . Rd ; : :·W.,\.lil.. ift' ,R9~Jlo"d; . : ' .,:Sofj • .". to Rev. Sherman CooI<, Pastor ,..: ~ .~. ' ': . :.\ ' ~ , ~";o' ~ . '
. .. : ,'. /
';, . .
t: .
7:00 p.m .• Sunday Evc .. ~rvi~c . 7:30 p.m., Wednesdct,y Eve .. Service ' . ', ' ' Sa' t. E:Yeo SC rvlce 7 :30 p.m., GOD OF FIRST CIJUR-CH 49 S. Main Str':et . 9:30 a·,m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship .' 7 :00 p.m. - Su nda y evening This Churc h Page Is
~~~ .. ,:.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · ~ ~n~ '~~ .&~~ , ~-·. ~ ~~~ ~~: ~~~ ~r~ ;.h~6r} & e'· ;;>. ~( . .9 :~ ~',:~.'," Sti"tda~ Bit) "~ . ,,' . .: Main St~e't ~r. ' Mrs. ~is Dunawa)'~ Pastor. ""'. .. ~'. '. lO· a .m>Sund~y·~h~1 : ) 13.m: Morning' Worship ' .. . ' :.. . t., 7:~0 p.m. Evening Worship' 7 :30 p·m. Prayer 'Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday '1:30 p.m. Song-fest';Last. Saturday each month. '
For Y9~ Thr.:ou • Sponsor~ "~' "
NERS .. . LE MA.Y'S B & R· CLEA . ' ~HIO :~.
... -.,., '! ...
':. . ,
1-0: 15 :J\ ~m'j. Sullday ~orship ., .\ ~. , . 10 ; 15 .~t.J~~ .• ~f1d;lY'.YQlIt~ ~ '. '~: .,' . ','~ ...... .' " ' :, d.' E .... WQrsh .630 P ~p S . .' . , ... m., u~ ay· vcm.ng , ..; ::. "". .-; , ' , ' . . ., .A~~ I, ,l!c k ~rc. . Bible Stu~y •.~l1 ages ..- . • '. ~ .:",', ,~~~, ~'i ,U\j11l .1. 30 p: n~ •.EY~'i",ng.~~sh}p ,: _,; l6:v.""' ~""II,. ~\" ,.' 7 '. cq~ ;~Mic,Jw 7;30 P'~~'" Wcd~cs.daY 'saUV) t ,VC'il "lIIfeQllc Prayer ~.I.ld ~1.~le Stu~y. < _---
n. ~u~:9f;.rt.,, ~:P,~'~~j,~;'j~'~t~~~~ft~il~'i~ •
" , "
... : '
SERVICes > •
-REEDY '~LUM~I 'NG-F~r 'your ~im~ p~"te plumJ)lng Ins,aIJatlon and reo pairs. Call 897·4961 Waynesville. 4ctf
r~~~~~~~~~r->~, '. Ii.dR :SAt6;·'~·~ "
,.' OMS repair a"d maln~enanc!, ca!-
~I . 1 .··.8RON;EWI¢'K · PeSol Table. For ' . .~ter, concrete, sheet·' ,metal palnt-
"i7~~"""""'~..J..----":~..--.t~..c:i¥-:- , '4~:"':"'~'--~~:":":'''':':';':'''''::;''=''::''::::''''':'"
:: sa).- 'cr" trade' for, tnd ,
lng, roofing 746·2982.
FOR SALE: 5 room house on big lot
6 · rcom house ' with 3 room rental 10catilCl ' Ii! ,Corwln~ See HoYiard Pur" key? , ,;1•. " " 28(:1
UVE In housekeeper for elderly lady. Referentes. - Phon'e' 885·7161. , 28cl .
SUPER , st.uff~ Sur.e~ nurl , That's':'Blue Lustre for cleal1lng carpets. Rent. ele<:trlc' . shampOoer .1 ~ Waynesville. Furnl~nr. " ~$c~ .
PERSON for general office work at new limestone pl,nt at Lytle. 5·6 days per week. Flltll tl,!,e ' ,mployment. American A~lrlgates , Corp., Da·yton. Phone 223-3~38,,' EqtJal Opportun.lty Employers. , 28c3
I ~~rence ~~"~Ier, Hal'i~~~act.~
ca\' • .call 897· ; 2~1 HbME~ROW~: Vegetables, peas; ·Iet· tClce, ~ets/~to~toes,.and green ~ns. 6618.
'i'2 car ~ragel. full basement, located "'-Cdrwln 'On!W See Howard Purkey •
.. " ZENiTH " .!;arIY,:, ArtlC?rlcan ' conSOle' 23" TV; black 1. white. call 'S97.14240. • ' .• '. ' 28(:1 . H(l)OK'S 'F irm Market. Open dallV 9 9 p.m.,1 Route 48 at Ridgeville. ,"t p ,crClp · OT beans, ' half runners, bbage, squash, sw~ , corn, appies, honey,!" \orjl~m" . aRD.le butter, 8995, tomatoes" peppers ~d cucumbers. . ., ; '," .:: i ~' , ,< ;,~ "28c3 ,~. • to
and electrical. Phone " 21ctf
FARM fenclnlg, barn p~ntlng and r,epal". Free ,sItlm.ates. Phone Middle- . town 423-1424 or , 422-7494. \ l7ctf
. WANTED: A small : lawnmower. Afs.o a child's large riding ' tricycle. Phone 897-5921. 19ctf ,
WANTEI!»: ' Sabys ttlng. Phone 891- ' 59,21. ~sk (~f' Jea~; , 18nctf
LOST 81' E:OUND ACAMERAieft 'J.n truck'~n Saturday
• .: ' at the . paralte ,.durlng the 'fair. May'· 4:49 :DR~)(E(: Avenue,.l:.ebanon, satclaim by camng 897-4395, Allie car'",ret!'!)!" July 18, beginning at 10 a.m., ' ter, Jr. 28c1 M~ ... rene ·Batrd. 28c1 '.
"Yo. .en yoar ..,'de" II 10 diu, tIlat ........ lie _eab yoa .. tile tr1DIkf"
Whell 7011
I. . ~
.~II" ~"'.
11'1 the" 1.0.' of "our, cSaughfer:, ~Iorla F:aye Alex.oMr.· we wa~t to express our ,gra.tefilin8SJ for:. the m~ny :.klnd • :~'llQwntO'uS'ln this great sorrow, . ~ , ,flor.l. ;amnIMi:Ylents. the -foOd '~nd " esi*:lllly•. ·the· ' many prayers. We think the sln~' toT the beautiful h\tm~. Out 10Ve " ~": ·out · to Sister ,,'t;'aye ~~'92..t~r .t~!. w9tits., Qf' ;com J 'fort. AI , ,"ev. :Acy t:amb., anel tbe .~ specl~1 . 1( ndness Shown to .us from , Mr. Copnet'. MaY.,GOd 'blt!SS all of you. ,·Mr.. and, Mrs. ,EugeJ;le ~Iatk , ~ " I and famlly~ .' . ' 28c1 ~s
Ethopia bas never had a national census, The population is estimated about 22 million.
ExtElf'ior Building Maintenance, Painting,' Irooflri.-, sldl", foundation wat ... prooflnt, brickwork, new· stolre ,fronts, aluminum· windows, ~oors, awnl",s, patio and carport ·covers. Fo.. free estimate, conltacl:
H & R Buifding ~lIaintenance ' .2 W ••MUlberrY .Lebanon, 0 Phone 9.32·11&6
':. R,I"(1e'V 'lt:LE 3 Acres",'On R'i. :48. Trees and Creek . ' . , $4000. ,' . , . CO·RWIN· " -6 Bedtoom house witH 4 , ' room Illpartment attached . . A r~1 buy at .-
' $I3,bOO-'; ,
.. CALL 01 LS 897~2526 . Elder R~'W ,885'-5863
' K~Nl'
" WI'LLvOU,FJN'O' A BETTER ~liY ':'>.,.• ON A
~e~~ ~~,f~~~e~e~~.~t! ~~~ ~~ ~~.c.a~~~~a.r.~a.y.s.e.n.d.I~~· .••• $7,73'~,541.00
~. .
'~..," \ '
(SHOP·W~RE'¥OU. $A'V~)" ~,
<E. Y ·~L_.,E ,~~
S .~ . ,"SPdalltoro' 748.a8i
LEGAL NOTICE Charter No. 2220 National Bank Region NO.4 CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Including domestiC, subsidiaries, of the Waynesville National Bank of Waynesville In t~e state of OhiO, at the close of business on June 30,1970 published In response to the call made bY comptroller of the currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. ' ASSETS . Cash and due from banks (including $ none unposted debits, $ 787,655.66 U.S. Treasury securities ....•••.•• _ • . . . . . . . • • . • . . • • . .. 1,431,941.57 Securities of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations none Obligations 'o f States and pOlitical subdivisions. • • . . . • • . . . . 1,416,253.39 Other securities (including $ corporate stock, ..•••.•. , • . 10,000.00 Trading account securities •••••••••••.....•..•.•••.• , . none Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ............••••.•.•.. , .............. , . 100,000.00 Loans •...•.•.•• ' . • • . • • • • • . • . . • . . . • • . • . . . . . • . • . . • . 4,589,970.60 . Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets repre· sentlng bank premises ..•.•.•••••••......... '.•...• , 18.334.88 Real estate owned other than bank premises. . • • . . . . . • • • . . 167,759.00. Investments In subsidiaries not consolldatCld • . . . . • • . • • . • • . none Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding. . none Other assets' (Including $ direct lease financing, • , • . • • . . • . . 15,083.28· TOTAL ASSETS ••••..•..••.•••••...•.. , ..... , ..... $8,543,998.38 LIABILITIES . Demand depoSits of Individuals, partnerships and corporations '$2.011,534.37 /' Time and savings depOSits of individuals, partnerships and, . corporatioi}1I. . • . • . . • • . • . • • . • . • . • . . . . . • . . . . • • • . • . 4,841-,316.27 'Deposlts of Wnlted States Gov~rnment • . . . . . . . . . • . • .. . . • J7,771.43 Deposits of States 'and political subdivisions ••....••.•• , • , 768,943.42 08poslts.of foreign ,governments and official institutions- .. • , none ,1 DepOsits of eom~JClal ' banks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . . . . • none Certified and officei's', checks, etc •..• ; •..••.•... , . . . . . • 72,583.16 TOTAL pEPOSITS. ·... . • . ..•. $7,712,148.65 (a, Total demand deposits. •• $2,333,832.38 , ' (b) Total time and savings ' . . .' deposits............... $5;438,3.16.27 Other Liabilities ••••...•••••.•••.•.•..••••••..•. _. . 119,400.51 l'OTAL LIABILITIES •••••.••• _ ••• • ••.•..•.•.••.•..• $7,951,549.16 , . , RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITtES Reserve for bad ~ebt losses 'on loans (set up pursuant ..to IRS 48;07.8.36 rulings) •••. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ~' .. ' . : . $ 45,000.00 Other reser.'l~ on loans .•• ; .•..•••• : ••••••..•• '.••.• : . 10,000.00 Reserves on 58curltles ...••• ••• .- ••••••. ' ••.•..•••• ; .. . TOTAL: RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES •.•. _ ... $ ,103,078.3.6 , CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ' 489,370.86 • Equity capital-total . ~•.•••••••.••.• ,; ' ••.•••••...•••.•. 75,000.00 ~ Common 'stock-total par value •.•••••.•. ; •......• • •. No. ~ares authorized 1000 No. shares outstanding 1000' 225', 000.00 Surplus ••••.•.•••....••.....••..•. , ........•..•.• 189,370~86 Unc1!vlded profits .• • .•• _ ••••.•••.••...•... . •.•..••. $ 489,370.86 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITlES' RE.SERVES AND CAPITAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS •••..••..••.•••• :. ....• ,. $8,543,998.38 J • MEMORANDA Call No. 474
of total loans for the 15 calendar days endlng~ , Wlth'call ,date •••••••• '. . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • . . • . • 4,569,160.00 - : I, Ear! W. Conn,e r, Exec. Vice Pres. of the above-named bank dO,..herebY declare that this 'report of: condition Is true and correct to the best <'of my knoWledge and belief, , ' -,', " . , , ." EARL W. CONNER ~.~ the under.s1gnecf directors attest the correctness of·thls report of con- . ' _ ' dltlo,,"a~ 'deClarelhat It--has been examined by us and to The best of our.know- ' , ... ledge an'd t;eH.f'ls ttue and'carrect. ' ,- . ,.' . : ,:,.. ROSS H. HAATSOCK Directors. ~ • . . OWEN F. HARTSOCK . '!: ,: THOMAS FLORENCE
" New Businf;tsseS ppen (Continued from 'page 1) 11 and Greig, 17, reside at McBurney ' Hill in Lebanon. Louis and Jenny Bowser of Corwin 'will open a second hand furruture store adjacent The Miami Gazette, 105 South Main, Saturday. The young couple , newest and youngest of the WaynesviUe business set, will handle a variety of items in their new store including - furniture, antiques and musical instruments. Opening of Bowse·r'~ . Fur~ tule was delayed last week when Louis's ' 15-ye r-9ld brother, Harold, was critl¢ally injured .by 7,200 volts of electricity while _ painting. the store front. The 'Bowser's have been working at beaver pace for the past .few weeks cleaning, reconditioning and painting the old Twin Theatre"building. Bowser, 21, was steared ' toward a first self business enterprise by his enthusiasm for country auctions. The personable young business man showed some disdain for the high pri~es charged by some used furniture stores and said that he planned to sell his inventory at modest prices. The Bowsers have. one child, Louis. five months old~
kr~ut ~ alid Jhe '~nclosures' you sent , us. Of ~purse , 'we'li be happy to 'collahorate.' with . , you: tly seeking curren is n "Dalto recipie's and sauerkr~ut . 'background from America;'s Pennsylvania Dutch Country and several prominen't restaurants throughout Austria" Germany and Scan. danavia. Mrs,CarltoI} Corby-ofWaynesville has " already vol'unteered a more. than c.entury old .sauer.kmut recipe given - h~r by he,r husbaQ'd?s grandmother, whose parents were natives of~ermany ., Dalton is ' asking all Miami Gazette readets .who have originhl, old, family s:Juerkra\lt recjpes either for m.aking it or s'erving it to share them with him for his . forthcoming cookboOR':' , Recipies must be authentic and a background of them submitted, according to Dalton. Sauerkraut recipes may be mailed to DaltQn at The Miami . . Gazette, . Box 78, Waynesville, ,. ~ 45068 .
& ~
Can't find employ ....ent?!'f Train !lOW & work your own houri. Weekly pay. plus Green ~bmpi. S~II adorab le ~OYI
Request for zoning charge, Far Hills ~ubdivision ,of' tt~e '
Preston farm. Public hearing .July 21, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. at Mayor's office in Waynesville, Qhio.
...... ..
. ,~
SU~~eR~.. - .
, '\.
annua 1 subs cri pti on
--- - - --- i· .··· NEW ·
ZETTE GA MI The MIA P. o. Bos '18' W&Jllll'riUe, Ohio _
___ ___ ___ ___~__~~~~~_
I. -AD~ESS ---...:......~~~---~~~~if~:l I CITY _ _ _ _ _~~
10 Cents ' "
'ColplaiDts lount Against United canvassing the 897 exchange arEDITOR'S NOTE: The Editor and Publishers of The Miami Gazette would ea of ~ the United Telephone welcome 'Letters To The Editor' both Company · of Ohio in an effort , pro and con conce,nlng a telephone to change present phone ser"';'Ice change from United to Ohio Bell. vice to Ohio Bell. Mrs. Raymond McKeehan of She has already registered a formal cor:tlplaint with the Ohio Township Line Road near Waynesville has been receiving a dePublic Utilities Commission at Columbus and been advised: luxe version of the proverbial "red carpet" treatment for the "It will necessitate a public past several weeks n!,t because hearing at which time you and she's a famed celebrIty but be· cause of her spunky campaign t~-·'the other petitioners can introget Waynesville area citizens duce evidence as to the inadebetter telephone service. quacy of the service provided . The pen housewife, who by your present telephone comwon't be intimidated by anyone pany. If that is proved, the has dispatched a brigade of petCommission would order the itio~ CjlrrvinQ cohorts who are (COntinued on Page 8) FEDERAL JOB OPPORTUNITI ES
East Fourth Street, Dayton, 'requirement is ·that contributors . Kay Brumenschenkel; financial, Ohio 45402, announ~es employment opportunities for Workermark on their ple,dge cards that . Carter Terry;. 8Qvernment em.ployees, Leslie Spaeth; edu~a the money to be· turned over Trainees in such posit~oflS as tional, Ron Surface; professional, to 'the Warren County ' United Laborers, Food Service Workers, .. APPeaI. ' John Oswald; special gifts, MarHousekeeping Aids, La~ndry . Workers, Oerks and other similar 'Although t~e Montgomery· vin Young. , The next meeting of the board Greene County United Fund jobs. There are no experience'or organization has declined to sign will be held at the Lebanon educational requirements nor do a .reciprocal, agre~ment, spokes- Citizens National Bank at 7:30 applicants have to pass a written p:m. Augusf6. • men said the group will honor test. Starting salaries range from The United Appeal office, any designa.tions made to Warren $2.44 to $2.80 per hour, delocated at Room I, 24 North C~u~ty on pledge c.ards it repending upon the location of Broadway, Lebanon, is expected ceives. the job. Information and appli"We are just .going to have to to be staffed on a part-time baforms can be obtained cation sis within the 'next two weeks. get ttie word out to Warren be' the County resid~nts. sa that t~ey will The 1970 fund drive from the Federal Job informafint of its' kind in Warren County. know to make the deSignation tion Center. Knott Building, 21 The united appeal effort was PR,ICE', FOR when the faU campaign begins, East 'Fourth Street, Dayton, . ANNOUNCE!) said bi}ard' president Ho~ard organized ~rly thiS year as an Ohio 45402, or from the Federal ,' \," "'~i~y 'Farlners'-\¥ho,·; iuoduced • Wilson. outgrowth of a feasibility study Job Information Center, Federal rJF~i;~~ttnJ,.jimL~.i~k..'tl;r.j .' tii~g~t. .J, ~:~~lkl:)'~(s~l~ :,~. 'th~ '~iam'i Valley Assisting Mjllei in ' the 1970 conducted by! the Area Progress Office Building, Room 1523. " . .~~~ .;r~~iyed ' a gr:bss· ble~d price ·Warren County f~nd ' drive, wilt· Council,' a group of county in550 Main Street, Cincinnati, , ..',' of' S~':tt? .,*t hundr.cdwei~tJ for . be th4e following committee dustri,i1ists, businessmen, civic Ohio 45202. ~'j .~~ttq)~-od&~ed 'dUJlngJ~he, ac·· chairmen : Industrial. committee. leaders and 'interested citizens. \I ~'ii,,,,,\,!Ill,I\:.I~'~. '.cor'4ing tQ ·J..,AsJi-e C. ' ~ ...pP,J~en .. Robert Strasberger: commercial, .' ~ruJ' .•j1ana~er of 'M~.l " Vall~v .. i!"'.....-------------~-.----------.-------------.. I,M'ilk PrQducen ~ociatiop . .; . ~ ,e' ';<:J:: was' 20 ','.!,' "\'1 •. . /. ',' ':1' ',:1:' . C' (;fi)$S~i~)Giirt;~ ooouls;~ . ,~ou.ts~ cents high~I';,,~.h jJn !·Ias~ .~~.me and • ~~I' LValton,.!l- ,.·.•_ •. eoi'n-; , 14 ~e ..'ts .· above.lu6e~. 1 968·: " ':' ,, ' . -. , I II,) ('.: . I ; .It:: ,, ' '. .:' ' II '" ": ~; . : ': ,.witth .ll. ~~tt\~i(at·, ¢o,l~t~~lr"b~~· a~d- . . '. r' . K\niJreJfa:n~ilGtCni~":.\ iit' , ~t~,~ ; · q~g :Pts~illtr~cH.Qg"~i~11{:a ·n d,.tW~ .'.:, ti. . .: .', :;:~: . ~~ed~ ,;. ~e,'l~.hs .c en'~ ~;!?t I c951\.''p~~-~.e,h~rl ::' .' " . '. " J, '" .pais Pl-I t HtcJaturc for the Demo- and age. Girls must have ~re Il~ .:Of*. Hlt~, .1~rcoll,~ vll r.latt<?n' ~n· but":, Gr61llps '. 'Of , yOl.~11IL girls 'a~c i' "'cflatic candidate. consent. 'cQnl'cnt". aB6ye.l '-o'-;:' below ' ..., n~}w il,g " sought from : ca-ch .. Women interested in hA",n...,.~ '.'!Sdht;::''':,; .;;;,::: . :':) . t:.,~,."· ': ;4~~h. P,i,liHict to.tlCr~",'·' ingchairmeo 'in thei'rareassncnml," , '~~{rJ~t ':'" . 1,)" . Ru'p\~e. rt ~S" '. : ,:'Oi'rls, aged 14 to I~. il)1Cralso conta,ct th~ frall'kll'n ,..·,.,,.,t'",Z",~U"" . , c~ tea·· in '. joining the politi<:ally . : ' ," . ps sh~ lI,l ~ .~ritc t o:
,i~J10Use"1i: lh, ·'K.~d, · ,iI
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. turday nigtl ,·Susie Har,tsoCk w;is !I, On Thursda ' . 1uly' 9' SIX girls' <PlttaUe 4', as :~~a " H~siess fot' and 'three ~duIt~. from 'Waynes- ,the ' y~ar 19-10-1 ~. This' appoi?t- ~e ~nbow i\ss~lJ1b!~· No ..140.· ',ment ll'8S. made; ~y. Mrst--, ~~tpce, " traveled, . .,to Qhf6 'University at 1;1.,.OyieOS', ~preme; ~~uty -of 'Atheds to attend the 39th '()ruo 'OhiQ. #~ .::. _ - . , ' . , , Rainbow Grand Assembly. . on 'July '28, se:~eral girls -from Th..ose going we're carfa' Sa'w-.' W&y:n~s'ille ', ~mb~y., ~ be, of- '; 1eaytng fur Cleyetal}d' wb~~e ~hey'
trip, on Sa· '\
Your choice ,
on one ~ye~r:;.:: ' . .,.' . certificates
or ,
:~" '
on. two year certificates \
permitted by law!
, I '"
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.It . 1 , . . ,
,oh. . "VtitiOg' Di~·"" · ct ' ",'. ' ~ ,,1Iw.a A
' , .'
dit ,, ' to " /
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t~~ Y!ltln~' age::to 1~·~n. ~~~ ~.~~~~1s~ and .' traffi~... vlola-.,.. ....... Wide baSIS, The ~nate ' I .; ' ~J!:\blulSe'd tJte bill and ' it now goes ' ~e " r~po,rt .concludes ~aJter. t ·· · na,tlve ~~ns to serve such dri- . fi .. SIgnlad ':I,re ·, ' ver~, Tb.isrePQ~t may be. <lb- .... ~tQ! 'f e .wou no t . ~ . " fl ••, . , .. ~ ...... t ••" ... until next year ,ie>' , ,:.t~nedr by'., wnh".S, ~o PlY offi«e, , fQr a ~~u.tl test on .~~~: l.ongw~f!~J~o.use o~~e " . , 4~e a~e may .b~ I~~,eret ~~~l)~, ,as ngtpn, .' ~: ~nJy ' b~. ~ Constitutional amend·· ~stal Ref B'II ;;~ '~ment I , .', 'orm I .: . ';~.Whit~ 'I ~upporte~ the Vote , The , House th,is week, passed " 'l9' Re"'erendu' m )'n Oh' I'o 10 ·~ '1'96'9, ": "a '11" ",ajor pOstal r,e(orm ,I) .t . • bill Iwhich I, ..... J OPpos,cd the natl'onh'I'de votl'n'g w. ' , 1 mltla e sw, eepmg c langes w , 1Y.!l. !lg~ to 18, by le~slative action, ~.;o~r coul~try~ , pOdst~1 systcm · I' r, d .. I '. .' \.Nngress re mqUishc I ts age 0 ld n.a dl,b on, beheve \ '~ry strong- . uth'" 't of -regu Ia t'109 th e mal'j s vrt y ,~ ly~ :~~t vo:t ers o~ ~a~h. mdlVl~u~:1 to a,n ipde.pendent postal Co'm. ,. s~ut~. have the m~henable nght. mission, designed , to promote f Jfl set ~heir own state's voting efficiency and fiscal resp~si})'~~e : I. still do not want New bihty, The bill provided for a 8 per ' , :l!I,Y,orkcrs voting' on Ohioan~s , '< ~oting age ' limitations, Also', cent pay raise, retroactive to , :, young , people have. an oppor- April- I?, \0 ~stal workers. Pos,; tunity to 'practice p~litics in their ta~ employees living in high cost ,own sta~e by organizing,state 'by of living areas will receive a pay , stat~, "Vote ' 19" movements. diffe~ential. This is of help to :l' . ' . Auto Insur"nce Studies employees living in citie~, such . );;:' ~~ny cpnstit~tents have writ- as Cleveland and, New York, '·".t~9 r:ne .oomplai~ing about ex- where prices are highe! than the :~ pens.ivc -and of~en 'unsatisfactory ' na,tion~l average'; , In ~dditi,?n, '" a';l'io>' insu:rar:tce~ You will ~e, in- :a ! postal employe~ under this ,!;' ler~$1~d to .know. that" t)te- 1),. bi~l does not have to wait 20 · ~it·m~nt of Tr~ns:p'o.rtat~on '. y~rs ,(as has been the .. case) to - .'!t;l/ eleasil;lg:" reports on au~o inreceive his' maximum salal'Y':of " I, ~'r~nc~~ ~tu,~ies: , The l~t~'f,.j" f ", .often $~;OOO, ''');I"s~:r~'~~e ', A~~~sS~~il'ity f6r. ,!l:te Po~tal rate i,ncrea$es' will be • ~1 Hard1T.o;Phic~~.o(jvei has just , ap.proved by a new postal service rei e"sed , .' ~ 'CommisSion-and shall take effect j, ?":J';,' J;h~ve~s: •.{ ~h.o '. canngt ~re'~ly' , uri-lesS CongFess vetoes .their de'" ~bJyl:;:-:u~Q"triobile insurance from " clsio'ri withih 90'days. : ~\. ~~rg~,iV~s "~of '/ttiei( choite .. ~~ ,', '" ~sicanyl ', the bill , introduces r ~, f:~lar ~ates a,re kno)Vn in . in- "modern management .practices ·~q~;.!,~1 ~,r~~nce , :.as '~!,'h,~rd-~?" ,;i~to ~.he Po~t ~fioe .. which wiJi , ii:, ~a'ce.rdi1v~rs~. This .. group 10- hQpefully 'ehmmate some of the j:'~npt~d~s :';~:di" proportionale :~nOm~:; · pqs.t~.1 deficit 'w~iie proViding ',,: '!;,~r '~:of young, eldedy, unem- ,- more . efficient service .to all " . ' ·~plpt.~d "and' <;crffraf" city dfivers Americans, One particulaJ ·addj· .: ....as welf-"as those : wit.h ,poor or tion is the introduction of a more I.
• •
. .,
1, I
' ~,1
:-:.,: " "th ' -. accura,te ,'p ost acc.,.ountj~g system
'ln~\ I:fou,~e , t~i~ :<week'.yote,d \ no I ~[e ,, ~~ tng.;-a~ , t . o~e ~l
BY CO,NGR~"'" O:E. ''Buz'rLUKENS ~; , . , ,
, ,
' '
< /:fil.
which' will, indicate various service~' costs :~nd profits.·The Post Office has operated too 'long without an , adeqUat~ 'cost ac,"ounting system; a tool that every modern. business mus ' have to account for its ' costs, After over ~l year of hearings by the Post Office Committee and three days of House'debate, 1 feet that the postal reform will safeguard the welfare of thou~ san ds of ah r dl wor k ing postal ' empIoyees, whi Ie prOViding for more efficient service flo the .
American public.
PestJ' Weeds Get Push In Play_Areas Are ugly weeds and unwanted gra.s ses invading the patio, barbecue or poolside area? Theire's n.o need to waste weekends pull1ng and digging thE!m out. These farnlly recreation areas can be kept free of pesty weeds throughout the year with a simple appl1cation of a sQil sterUant, noq.-selective weed - kUllng chemical. Such a ' berblclde destroys all vegetation on which jt Is sprayed, . deslra1)le as well as undesirable grasses and plants. It alsO sterilizes the soli to prevent further weed invasion. This kind of we,d klller is perfect for removlDg' all ,unwanted grasses and broadleaf weeds from terraces, sports arleas, .. playgrounds, dr.iveways, building ,foundations, fene,e lines anc:r similar areas . ,
WHAT is it? - What IS it? - What is ITI?? introdUcing an old game with a new twist. Two weeks ago, our last Where Is It? picture, a bir5i bath at the Friends Home, failed to receive a correct guess from this columns fans. This week the game is changing from Where to What. It is no longer necessary to know where it is, but rather WHAT it·is. Each picture will accompany an honor roll from the picture of the week before, plus a due to help mak~ the next _ week's honor roll. This weeks clue is "A Sweef Tooth". Phone in your answer to what this picture is and take your place 011 next weeks honor roll . Call 897-5921. '
RENEWING FRI ENDSHIPS Mrs, Wanda Lou Johnson (nee Wanda Lou'Wilson) was a recent house guest of her sister, Mrs. Jean Sackett. One ' day of her visit was spent renewing ,past friendships. A group of her friends enjoyed a lunch at the Forum.in the Dayton Mall with her. Those in attendance were: Mrs. Ma :: y Frances Scott, Mrs . Marty Sheehan, Mrs . Carolyn Purkey, Mrs. Mary Ros~ Herald, Mrs. Evelyn Strope, Mrs. Nancy War, ner and Mrs. Judy Powell.
.' ' .
Special weekly rates or will sit by hour or day. Constant care in a good Christian home, X97-5 l )21 Ask ~ H Jean Hill Phllll~
WARREN E. SNEAD, D.V.M. Announces the opening of his office for the practice of Veterinary Medicine
at 3646 MIAMISBURG-CENTERVILLE RD. MIAMISBURG; OHIO 45342 Office Hours By' Appointment
Telephone 866,5949
... ....,
Qualify-SaI,ty First H Pays To 8uy TIf.
Under CQnlrol
On'e application of a non.,:1 I " .., '" selec:;ite herbicide eliminates ',' ' ., ,. pesty plants for the entire summer. About, a week after treatment, the weeds start to turn white or brown. ,As a rule, most are dead in .abOut three or four weeks. This fOlrmulation may be applied any time when vegetation, is fi~rowing actively, If I " weeds or grasses have al• , • "':! I·" ready ~apture<l 'favor.it~ b9,ckSHIPwA¥ .. !~e' i<n~.;.tt .~ ~' .". ' ',. yardjpots, cut them back to JAMES', ; ",. ' ;' "Children .in',:TrolltiIG the ground. Use the non, . ' selectlye spray '\I!!hen re.ED'MAN Anotlier....·$pring . . growth appears. Five Paji~ts ' . ' CRICHTO,N For best results, be sure the air is calm when you I: ' spray,' acc=ording to ~grono , , . mists, 'at Amchem Re~earch F'arm, Ambler, PIi, Spray drift , ".,. • I' • ". -" ,;' from ,this ~ype of general "4th. "STREET.• ,WAVNESVlttiE :, ,OHIO,. ~PH. ' 897-4826 . We~kUler c4n ft1jur~ or de~~, ~'" "'~.f" ~"'.! .t.,~. "':"-" stroy 'graSses, nowers or ornamental plantlngs. " . Be ~Jectlve ' , ·Mos.t '· ~lon-seleet(y'e ~'eec;t kUlers will' not spread out to', dllmage clesirable gr~sses or or~~entals growing next-to - ~r.e,,~ a,r eas. Nor wlll they soak :down-to ,w here there are •~~ '~~, :$hrub,·roots. "":.Basleatty;' .It's impractical' , to' .use' . herbi- in\!~~I!;i)):i~il ;"1 "'cldes, f I
LEBANON PARTS CO. fpH • 897-2931 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ~--------~-------------------~"
Enj., fair PrIces '·Wlde Selecllon Quallt1 .Merchandise ":"'st, 'rlendly 5_",1e. "
....... ....: ... &. ... ~ ...'itI -.iI' ".:. '. ~ ~ 11&""";' .J' i'>'·~.J • ~ 46.~t · "M , ~ ' ~ dl~~tiRi·
: "
] 0:00 a.m. , Sunday-School 10:00 & 1 ) :00 a.m ~;SiJOd~y , Worship Service ' , vening E ' y Sunda p.m., 7:30 ~ Wors~p
United ~8ttiodist," Church
Davtd HarP.eT, ~astor ' 9:~0 a.m., Sunday Church' ....,. t~ , SerVice ' ,10:30 a.m., Sunday .Scho'ol ) ] :00 a.m., .Sunday Wqrship " " Servi~e Youth Fellowship and Bible _ Study
Churc:h . '
Acy Lamb Pa'sio~ ) 0:00 'a.m' l Su.nday SCh~ol : 7:30 p.rn., .S~odly, ~e@e~day and Sat~lr~ay, Evehjn8 ~' , '" Worshi p' Scfiiiccs 30 p.m'.;Wednes~~Y" Y6~th , : Service
Harveysburg Full Gospel
Church ".
, E. 'South Sireet , ton, Pastor Rev: Jack Hamil . '.e" 7 :30 p.Ih. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young . People's Service ')O:qoa) n •. Sund~y . School . 7:CXJ p.m. Sunday Evening
. , \ 'v,'United 'MethpdiSt :'CIlurch -:" , ,'"
United Methodist
II : 15 a.m., M()rning Prayer 1st, 3rd &. 5th Sundays: . Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays Unite d Methodist'
Church Third & North Streets , r r. l. Young, Ministe \ 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:) 5 a.m. Church at .Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday .Church at Study ,
or 73 & Cl 'rwin
Sherman Cook. P~lstur 10 :30 a.m .. Sunday Sdwol 7:00 p.m.. Sunday he . ~'rvil' e 7 :30 p.m .. Wl'dnl'sday Evl'. ~'rvkl'
7 :30 p.m. 'ia I. rVl'. Sl'rvi~e FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - MOf.llillg Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
Unit8d Methodist '
, . , . 'Chureh '
Fr,iends Church , . Mound-St reet E. Fr.cnd 'Couser, Pastdr' . 9:30 a.m. Sunday &:hool , 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Christian ~ptist Mission Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunaway. Pastor 10 a.lI1. Sunday Schoul I) a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Mccting. Wedllcsday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Song-!'est, Last , Saturday cach month.
• . Jo~ K. ~rnith,. Minister. ;' ' :: 9:30 a.m., ~nday ~or~hip . .. . Servic.~ 10:30 ~.m .• Sunday ;School 7:00 p.m,. , S,;,nday. t;.venfng Worship ServICes "conduCted : .) " . ' by youth "
. LYTL E :
GladY: Sh cct , 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednl!s~ay Evening .\ ,:,' ': Worship
Rl'V .
Spring Valley Church' of Chr i
Rd .
: 9:30 aEm.; sdnday"Sch~I ~:;·· ~ J ) :00 a.m.,~ Sunday, Worihif{. '. ' ," . , , . Service , , T:~O p.m .• Wedncsd~y, Prayer:
( .<
-J!ev..,Lcori,,~ Q3:Xt~i; ,,' .
Waf otiVine t Rober R. MeretJith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sch901 ' lO:.JO a.l11. -Morning Worshi'p t 6:30 J.>.m~ Youth ,FelJowshipjr. high ,& SF. high 7:4~ p.m. Wednesday choir . · relu.';m::1I..
WaynesVille 'Rescue Mission ('Orlll'r
CORWINc'''' ' ". Pentec~1 Holiness
1.~· .:.~~r
, ' , . ...
, '.... . F~rfY Church ,of ChJiit _
' fE~RV
.Pike ·& .
Sodi,ll Ro'w ~ Ro~d '
BUs Wi~eman. Minl$ter ., C~NTER,Vll't.E . 9:00 a.m .• .S{"l'daY~ Bible &:ho'ol .' ',' :TI1~~~~l'V,iII., 1·0: 15,a.m .• Sunduy Worship . ,: ~'P~o~OS;~~ :'Ch~rch ,'" ! 10: 15 a.m .• Sunday Youth ' "I'111"SHeet ,~,!', -t' ,,',,~ , 'i ' 1'73 E• F,ruhfi. . . W~)rship Ray .Noryell, P~~i()r . " 6:30 p.m .. 5uiulay E~cl1ing' .. , de~lc Bic~nclf~ ~Ss'tf" ;' Bibll~ SlUily, all ages. ,! 730 p.m .. Ewning Worship ) o.:QO a.Ill,.'.'SU'n&'y Sch~)()1 ,,' . ' 7. .30 p.111 . ' W~dlJ'esd~y ~""Mi'ilweck :7:00 p.ll] .•Prayc ..,alrd 8ihl~ Sllidv ", . , ".7 :]0 .p.~ jf;': W"'I"~I..,i".. 1 't,;.;. \
FirSt '
LE MAY'S S' & R CLEANERS - --, JNAYN ESVILL .E, 0"'0 " ~
' I
"~ollowi.' This Church Page Is Sponsored ~or You ThrOU,gh The Courtesy~ Of, The W~VN_ESVIL~!,
0.,.... 0 '
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. What
We '~a'(e m~st- of i~ ·p6isorf ~.,. ,~~;...., ~'~'t·t~~~:;'~""':';';;i~R':-"'""''~ ' )
I~Vy,'We ,~J;~. gOln~:." t<t ha~e';~o" get
, bus~ ' Wi'hth~'S9hrve ,we~k" killer}~nd '1. .us~)1 'II 1l~ t e plants'are young and 'easier to kill : . A FARM DIARY Nex~ ~eek . is' . the "CQ,Unty' By D.J. Frazier Fair. I..ast year, ' I didn't get .. J~1y17, 1970 . Home again. there, but perhaps I , can this We ~ame down from the mounyear. Things in the g~rdens ar.e tains Monday after almost two eatly this year, so they, may ;1, , f have mo're to exhibit. weeJ\.s b enjoying the beauty . and the 'lice cqbrair. Denver was ' ,We! haX~Il't '~!!-d any luck get~ot; bvt ,I came east with ,a C091 ti~g . r~~ , o~ any dogs, that is to s~ll them. W~: put an an in the . d" h he w~ve, an It, . a~ en quife , \!*! . . " , comfortable . ever since. Every-. _ lYud~'etov{n pap~r and got some thing is begi~ning i:o .tasSel;. ~We i~,qu.iries ~~d ne .sale~. , That was " , , a~~ the last of the' earJy' s"Y pet 'bet,~er l'~ t~a~ we ,h~,d (rol)'l the r • tllc ~ , .- d L l' . corn last night, but we have.alo~: " 0 :J ~e~ ~~~o fl s ~el(:>re ,~that. It - !ll(~re coming: '. 1 haven't ,been looks ~ as th09.8h we might have down to iook 'at the next patch 'to .. aavert\'se a bargaln sale. or yet. ' . something·for we,are getting too ,J... I wen~.. to the sale yesterday ma,?Y', -t,~arjJ.lst ~have to 'liie iq .I ~th Howard in the truck-. "We , kennels' and a~cr QO goo,d; to any'. took a calf and:, bought a small one., The " ~i~t\ ll]e y.oungest , Sc " . Holsten that Beth is bottle fe'ed- , o~tie ;living in !he house. wel-iog: If was lu~ky that ·we .decided cori\ed m~ with joy. 'It was,very ,to bottle feed'it ·because it seemed flattering. , :.A"", ",~o ' know at ,' I abo, t it, and it .11}ey fi.nished cp'~~niJ;tg..th~ . r , might not h!lve recogt1ized a cow, oats yes~erday. He said they ' ones tl1at do riot.' al'ways know were very good, but ~ do not , _wha~ it is aU ab6ut. last year, know just how many we got to we bought a 'set of,those bottles the acre. Now to cut the st,ubble with nippies that himg ' down in and bale the straw. The price on a: sort of rack that inakes them oats rig,ht now is very low,hardly into a set of nipples like a cow's enough t~ pay for them. W~ udder so now ",ve can use it prob~bly will: have some straw (' . again. Everyone welcomed -me to se,lI. There is some hay to be . -,especially th~ gi.-Is i'n the office. cut now , also. The 'Iast they cut ~ ,My ' · chic~9ry a'nd Que'en ' got rained on, but not too bad: Arine"s -lace are 'pretty this niom- . We ' hope for ~. third. cut ting this yea,r .. ., ' " ing,' 'bJlt' ~J~e of it is' gofng to i I .. ',b3~e, to be 'clea'ned 'Qu'i 'as. they .It IS always mc~ to get ho~e ~ ~r~ I~tting· straggly: P.erhaps I no m~tter ,hOW OIce. a ,vacatIon . can 'get some mums .to fill in ar has been. I do not .drlve yet, but , : \ ~~be'. t,h~y ', still , have ,somc .~_ perhaps soon .1 can. get a car and tui1~a~'::,r :~l~~.?:rwr~ery.', Th~ ~ .~i " be <?n ·th,e, road agam. 'Geod luck :~, . ,soPl'er.w.I~r;po~w.,~r~t!i!~pu,n_d here, . ,.nd h~pp'y summer days to all ,\I.
. t'
,"\'.~~EMJE. M!I'
, ~,iv~ THIE":OLD T'M'lErt'!t.~ .' "
p ,:
~q"n~ ,.";lS'!
a y' ii$~.1lher.e.\',we.re ·'
.:'.~ " jtt t~e;T1loiintains.. Were.arc some' -', ,~:.,,, piet1Y: bl~ck:eyed suSan! ,a'ioni ' "'~' l.he'~s;~e of that cut just-outside ' , '. "/ of' ,' Waxn~sville on Route 73. ' ; t : ;.f' . '. ~ ~
of you.
You're our kind of girl, and with you in mind, we've stocked your favorite styles Lots of Shells ,and Shorts,
Sho rtl
' The annual Marconet filmily : ( , 'reun'ion was held at'Oeder's lake on Sunday, )uJy 12. TIiose atteriding were: Mr. arid Mrs. Aultman Drake~Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Milrconet~ , Elaine Marconet and Stacy~ Mr. and Mrs. Fores.t Wagner, Tall), ,Ken, Phil and Sandra; " Mr. ~rid ; Mrs. M,elvin Marcon~t; 1MI': crnd Mis. '~Dale! Marconet, )Jeff and Cin,dy.~ MrS., Paul Marco• '-. ", Ilet and JerrY' Mr:' and ·Mrs. '~ .. ~.~~ . ' \Ronald, ~ Mar<:u~~t;Xim, Randy >':,.:/' "'1. :pregg, '~eff l and'~ Doug; Mr. "', ':,1:' : ~," M~S'. c, 'Donald Wright, :Donnie, _:.;.:.. , 'r ', ,I, ; Paul"Debbie and Jennifer; , " . . -, " M~. and Mrs. Robert Marconet I • '. ' and': Kristin; M'r. and. Mrs. Wilbur T AK-e .~ TI P. c· ... -:'. ThOl;npson and Ji~ ~ ' Mr. Tom , ' . , F,R OM , QeBrossc; Mr. and "Mrs, Cecil ~illo~OUiRtJn . ,/;;-~Pu.n_~w~~. Timm~, Tony and . . :!,' ' " , ', :' , ', .... : , ' , Alpy; 'Mr_ and ~rs. leon, Hines; . '., T Prot8ctio~~: ,Mr. ,B.nd , ,Mr~: ~~stt:.{ ;- H~ffn,er ••,anS '1 'fNSUR1< " an~ JI~ JlOd: ~oe; :;Mr.. an.d Mrs; ,Robert Kamp, Ray, DaVId and , . ' ., .. .' ~' plu~ ~ast, fll~r: '~ftI8:~ ~bbie "Su.e7',Mr. ,and Mrs. Dqv.id ·, O~ ~11~m" 'j:\ y:t~ ~ ~. '.! Cuttery; . Mr. t an(l Mrs.· Charles ... ~ iBushelman Uild Be~ky; : " , - '" Mr. ~d Mrs~ F.r.a~c~s' Marc,a.get , ~ehssa ar[4 R.ta';, Mr. and / -Mrs" ·'Charles ·' Freeland;' ,Mr. and , . ~Mrs~:, Gene .Marconet, Mike, WaJt? " MN;g~ d"Pat \ M~s': Lola Ghest~r; , ',Mr:, aild.,.N1rSt· ErilcstGlistfll; Mr. ", a'nd.::) ~~,s~ ;-- ~,oscpl~~, ~fclbbe: , M.r: , '!l1\d", MrsP"Hen1jalr Schreck; and ' J
' , From ,Mis. Jane PlpplD, 'K a;. S8S City, Kansas: I remember when you could go fishing in a clear stre;lm of water, sit lazily on a creek bank and just wait for' the fish to bite, Every 'care in the world was far away. How different it is today. Do you remember homemade lye SOBIP~ 'We used to catch rilin water in a Qarrel . (wooden) as, soft. w:at~r seemed .to make, ~he soap bc!tter, How about our homemade dresses, and tne hasset to " 'FUND BOOSTED-Selliflg Kool Aid at three cents a cup get aU the ' sewing done before TIuusday and Friday for the Harold Bowser Fund was the result of a school started, Those cold winter furids campaign originated Tuesday p-y Gary Bellma,), son of Me. and ' nights were sQmething else, with our feather bed and homemade Mrs. Herman Bellman of North Fifth ·Street. Gtsry , sparked the addiquilts, with aJl old )njck wrapped - 'tional funds raising pr9Ject after he and Greg Polly, son of Mr. and in a towel to keep the feet Mrs. Vernon Polly of North Sixth Street, hit upon the idea of a pop . w.aI~~those days, there were no bot~le dri.ve to increase the Harold Bowser Fund at the Way:nesville moderln -refrige1'8tors, just an ice National Bank. Kevin Miranda, behind the Ko.ol Aid stand above; set box alnd a drip pan that was ' up'his refreshment stand after joining soft drink colleCtors' who unemptied every morning. We had'" an ice card in the window so the self1shly ./gave of their energy and time to canvass door door in the 'ice man would know how 'many North Fifth and Sixth Street neighborhoods. Kevin, the son of Mr . . pounds to leave. and Mrs. larry Miranda of Marth Fifth Street, serves Kenny Pope a ' Remember the kerosene lamps, cool aid. While these projects were in progress, JefLVanderpool and. with chimneys be cleaned once a wee}t, and thetowick trimmed 80 lllve Hendrickson headed a group that gleaned deor to door cash it would burn evenly. contributioll$ (or the Bowser Fund. All were joined by a sizeable cash (Send cOntribution. to thl. coI_ to donation to, th~ fund by local American legion Post ~ 15. Co,ntribu~~yO~U','j' lox 639, Frankfort, ~en· tions to The Harold Bowser Fund may be made at The'Waynesville National Bank.-David Edsall Photo
':" .
:l.M~s. , Est~c.r f
ltl ri,ispn, . .,
• Sizes ,, 8' l - 18
'·FRi:~ND$ 'HO. , T'
. av:Neilie ~n$ta<i, ~~k , ~d ;:';/
Miss;- Ram~~a.',
'.,' ' a school Jrie~d ' f~om}owa we~e " 'Friends Horne ~'()'ts ,on.,1'u,*, " , day after~oon. ]!t'ei;T.g~~' '~'" '" . p(~sent 'Jennie Cheng, "gave' ~;, an , ~lu-
~" on: n.,o;~_
They ,' seWiali
Ihe ~Oe; ~ , the w.!'k~n,i'gu_e.t,or ed sea:\1ces :'
nttend ' . ~~~ . ' Mary V~hlr. ;! ~th. b~t ' and lI'tr.ia "Pa1,,"~ . sars 'Creek neip..bor~oo~:a~d her ;, dress. ~ry: V,illars l~t "'t~ c!o;' sister, ~'t4D~ . sta ., Fjsher" of " ver leaf ro~ls and Lucille Plynure " 2ridwith rolls. , ' New '. ~enrnl yisited Mrs. ~ ~o: of Circle \ 'Tqe. ~SSi8rlalY , Bailey' Wedn~sday-e~ening. . , _ RUn ,Ch,urch , ~~t ,Wednes.l\ahs be . wjll l Mrs. Carrie Russel 85 .yeal'S old M~nday" ~Uly :20. r : day aftern~n at tQ~.:h~~e, of, Mrs. Mary <;oates ,i n WilI1Ungt?n. : ~. ' Marian Bailey Cole and ' Geo~ge ' ~ngra~ Mis. Delbett &,il~ . of ~~ton ' Mr. and Mrs..were lio~se~ests . outh Portsm of visited their' aunt, Elma ~~y, last ' w,eek' "of' ~he 'rJ,~: . Smith, \ ' .. last 'Sunday afterrioon. Mrs. jan~t P\,Irtell, ~. Mar- " family. "Tuesday - everu~g they '$ulJpef 'guests , oJ Mr. gatetPushee and Miss Mary Sbac- , were ' ~dld Williams, and ' ' Mrs. and klefo'rd· of Leesburg were Monfa~y' and also in- ~tt~nda~ce . <Jay . morning guests of ~ were Mr. and~s."Eddie Cline - _". ' Bailey. and falnily of Harveysburg and Robert Palmer was a Saturday ~ol~ ,In'gram of Mf. ' ~nd evening ~lei at ~he Home. ,,' , St. Brno, 111. Mrs. florenoe - Steams of Price s Charle Mrs. and Mr. xenia called on Mrs. Florence ,, were h~ts to the annual picnic Crane on Friday. ' Ud~r,ital. (; of the We!come Bib~~ O~ , o~ , ainto n Me#i~>.~~· Mrs. Homer ~by and little . > • _" . . " ~en. daughter.and son, Michael, called " Jonahs Run Oturc~ Fnday F_I!D~ ing ~t the I..ou Mihrt. on their, ,,",t. t:'lellie BunneD, Special ' guests were AngIe a~k " ' &turd ay <.fterno on. .,' and Lori Carman. Ro~i't Palmer visited his ba!e ramuy ' The Ralph Dell mother :Nettie 'PaJmer, Saturday 'returned home from a,trip to the , evening. ' . Smoky MQuntains. Mrs. Harold Thackara and Mr. and.. Mrs'. Don Smedley daugtite.r. Mrs. Ivan oa~, were Tuesday guests of Mrs. ~nand son Ricki~ spent &1nday With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. nacka ra. ' Frank Gibson. . , r Palme m ,Willia Mrs. ' Mr. and We.4nesday afte,noo~ caller~: called on Mr. Palmer's mother, at the Oint T~ylor home ' were Mrs. N"ettie P:aimer; Sunday afterMrs. Nancy Newsome and son ., noon. ' of Xeni3. Jeffrey Jessie . Nina St. John visited tained s'enter Mr. Philip Meyer Robitier Sunday afte.rnoon. a group or. young people at his Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ritfarm near town Sunday, aJt~r- . ,tenhouse of Xeni~. nephew, and noon. Iii (he ' evening, they all ,: -niece of Bessie Chaney. and. Mr. enjoyed hayride in town. , , and Mrs. Robert P. Rittenhouse Riek McCarren ~J>ent · th~ ' of Dayton, nephew and niece weekend with his" parents Mr. also. were recent visitors. and Mil. Walter McCarren. While enroute b;lck to the farm where Sea Soane he i$ spending the s~mmer, he The sea offers much of value had an auto aCCident,' but forbut supplies only three minerals ' in large quantities - cor;nmon . wnate ly he was not injured. salt, ~gnesium, and bromme. , Me. and Mrs. George Ingram '." of 'Portsmout~, Mr. and Mrs . . James Smith and ~1;1_ners, Mr. '. '~A!JIBY P and Mrs. ArnQld " W~ni'S and ulJlng~ daughter Pam,Jlnd, Mr: and Mrs. Harold Ingram of , ~. ~mo, m. 210 CHAPMAN 5:rRUT WAVNESVILLE." OHIO, visited a~d picnice4 at Fantasy
w~re ' sUpper.,. ~ests! also~J : Ca~, Mrs'.'RUth' 'Haines, o( t~e. I
os .
: .<w
117-:71 11
Iish C111 'hl 5c Ea SPECIAL 11th I,i lll 2 for
,79c $149
~ ._ .. '
..................______' ~_
.. "
, .&CB088 ' 1. Rtdln,
WANT,~O: Bablfslttlng. Phone 897· 5921: Ask , . for'Jeln?, ' . 18nctt .
" AlitJM!'N~M:$torm' Door, ' 80"':1<36' " Includt"ll(5c{een, glass- & 'all hardwar:e ~ , $10 "'€il h 422·5237 ' (MlddletowrtJ' ---, " , .. _ ,d"" • , after' 5" p~m . ,J;' i ' <t, 29cl , HOOK'S F.arm Market. 'en dalJy. 9 , • " a , a;m.to' 9 p.m. Rpute 48a RidgeVIlle. " FRIGIO~~R&elec:\rJc stove ~fld ~ot· " ' Ybj, crop o~ beans~ half runners, pol"t'r~frlgeratori 14 cu. ft.; 1 klt~hln 1 albbage, squash, sweet' corn, apples, ' sink. caU,89152 '7. i " 2~c1 ' , ~ t:lo~~y., sorghUm, apple butter, eggs , ' " l.. , ,"" '. ~" , tomaJoes, peppers and cucumbers~ PICKUP. ,ruck ~mpe,.top', exc~lent • , , J 28c3' condition. Pbo"e 891-6876. .--:-;"r.-----,----,.-,. '- -• . ' ,,' 291:1: • , '. , J FORO ' Gala.xle 500, gootf con· ,' alt vinyl Interior !" 'Phone 897, 23ctf
, ·5. Tall atory
PERSON for gelneral ' office-work at ryeyt II mestone plilOt at Lytle. 5·6 days J)8r, week. . Full time employment. A'merlcan ,AggrlCiates Corp., Dayton. Phone 223·3238, Equal O'pp,ortunlty
Employers ~
'9. Slope ior , toboggan. ,
- -' I,wnmower.
..: Real Est~t" $81~ People ~ ~ _, MA~TAG wis"" ,-i.9 -(yearsQ!d,'(~1t
• , Two ,0 r t'h~' ' Ie WI' I~1- '" after ,5.i-30, ~,9Nn 14. 2~~~ " ree- peop . " , ','17' • , ' 1:.' ' ,. , '., l ' - EVERY 'make electric carpet' sHam· .' " Ing t~, vyor~; ,M ae ~r Fe., , " ,P90et" does !l ,~t~' ... .'Job with fal)'lous , male. Excellent Oppottu- ' .. 'j: 81 ~ e, L~.r... " wa.~nJ,!~lIllIe 2:~in,~ture. nitv. ~orl< , out· of , "ew~' - . office. SprihgoofO, Ohfo. , " '. , Stop a,t office or giV'(t-U5 a
call " ' ,' P~ 'LUIY,74e:-8870 '~r"
,t:'.t;. W~de"66 Real,v, .
REEDY PLVMBI NG-For, your com· • plete Plum6ln'g Installat/on and reo ·palrs. Call 897-4!~61 Waynesville. 4ctf
" H<SMEGRO~N' ~egetables t~matoes, .- peppef~, ubbage;- potlltoes, ,CUC:UfTl' • be,", 'an~ 89g,'plant. Lawrence Keeth· .Ier, Hllnes ,Rpld , ' 29c1 '
: "',
, J
HOME repair and maintenance car. , penter, concrete, sheet metal paint· 'lng, roofing ' anid electrical. Phone 146-2982. 21ctf
:/fA,RD '~IF~:t;-H~NK~ ,'"
,FARM" fenCing, barn ' painting and repair. Free eStimates. Phone Middle- , town 423-14,24 clr 422·7494. 17ctf
.:an: !'~,~~~d ~~~~et~m~ytJ~t':r~o~ pltal at tt)e·:t.l)11e of; my receht heart " aUac!<: ' Thariks for all the tards ,lnd help to my friends of the nelgh'bor· hood: .you never know the value of these deeds untlJ yoU are the. reclpJent of them :' ,~.. .. ' 29c1 . ," ' Thanks a million ' . Wa, t Buri:fLne ' ;, . Grandview Hospital', '
. '"
19.' ~addle '
of Guatav
22. BbOat 23. &of , .cover· iDg
25. Eye 26. More . -..........""!! than 36. ,Hawaiian enoUlh' - tree 28. Frivolous 38. Earth . gal of I9ng ,od~ 30. 8eismo41. Seecl coat graphic 42. CeremCJlly recordings ... Stockpiie SI. Certain 45. Purpoeea . , fishennen 47. Pauing . ~3, Greater ,grade, : 35. Colonial 50. J~wlah iIlsects month
weight talker 35.NLrival 37. Felled tree 39.'R&ilroad
Mothers & Housewives ·
43. Begin
, Can't find emplloy~entl1? Train now .. work YOu~ own hours. Weekly pay. plus Green Stamps. Sell adorable toys -$1 to $10. Give! me a call for details.
34. Nonstop
again '
46. A third time
48. He_brew lyre 49. ·'Peer Gynt" or
289.. 2702
~fO~R~R~E__ N~t~ ·, ~ : ~ ~ ~___
16.. NCtIon Sun ~ pel
3. Fnend
In A Na~e'?
FOU~D: - ,Black , wlt.h white puppy. ;' Part _col/Ie, North Main' Street. Phone , " 897.?9~6. -: ' 29~1
IDe' ell.
32. Unit of
Whale's Gulch, Mizzen Topsail, and Come By Chal1ce are among place names in the seafaring , province of Newfoundland, Can· '
: LOST ik'FOUNP :", , ,- ,
~r 2. Dl&inond
10. Palm cockatoo 4. Hebrew 12. Penitential . letter season 5. St. 13. Famous Anthony'. evangelist crOBB 14. Claaa1fy 6. Piaa's 16. Greek river 7, Laaaie'. l,1lountiun friends ,17. GUicSo'. 8, Expunge )owest note 18. Put outside 9. An to dry arUcle 20. What? ina 21. Ancient contract il. Eastern Imh clan U. Source nana 21. Assam silkworms 29. Corres-
WANTED: , A small A1so a child', large riding tricycle• "';one ' 897 ~59~1. 19ctf
~!"--:--~~~......~:;....~~-..;... ' ' Q~·VENP.OI!T, at' Ct)airt,:' like' new, ' , ;" WANT, , ,~th: $~~ ,..hone 897.1:J6~9C i :' ,
, .. ' , , '~T 13. Cook- .
DOWNSTAI 'RSi.tnfu;nISheda~artm'ent
iii, Waynesville. G'ost f75 per. .'TIonth. Ptibt.l!il 897·6876. , 2.~c1 ,
GO. Declares
3 Acres on Rt. 48. Trees
51. Tar'a tenn 52.AFlrBt
and Cr~k
Lady ,
5 Bedroom house with 4 room ' apartment attached. A real buy at
" ' '$lIa,OOO - ' , I,;
'CALL ,KENT 'Ct'l L.S 897-2526 Elder
- ...
Rectify - 885·5863
NOWHERE WILL YOU FIND A BETTER ' BUY ,ONA C!,'y1l :11Mb bOat ,ID lett", ...
iIIiiWit,....... '
" ..1i11....1C4lldr' vla,I.'PmI"aa wilkllaitn, TIley liar.
"!P~~ C;~d IfIUJat~ :! ~/~~ ~
,<' ,
.a. .
'~'allbox No me I '
Springboro 7466281 0
'NIIiI •
LoII ,I,lil_l. ' , tt40 per month) III ncrillio. 11'11 Swlmml"l Poe! Sc<hnal Bu., Servt.ee OPEN '1' DAYS WEEK
\v.tLnLtrl~ l.,ECREATION
at. Spr'ln,
Ph , New eliTll'1l1tl).,
, {<
"SOfT WIT I R," .' < Will I."e you cleaner . laundry and .."e you money. Modern 1I,,'nl' ..... ns with "soft water". Accordl", to • . leadlnl , Independent testing lab, soft , water Impro... icleanlng , efficiency up ' to 25.,.., , ' A Mater Water Conditioner' will pay for Itself time and time ,...In• For complete details call:
Plumbinl 897-4961
Garages & BasementS Oeaned
BI WS8 r'I HI UI,'nI 'I-Ir, i CI . 897-8.185 .
, ..
"We Haul Just I\bout Anytttfng'~ ,
: .,------------~~--------~-=~~~
. ~inu~d fr~m
., 0:,
Coun, J4ly . .. 7,:30 p.m. nncr " e ty' Repu.blic.. n Finaoc " , Granvill~, ·Inn" '~vl1let'~Oh~o 'Sun'day, July I 26;. ~ p:m . .ear'roll COunty Fair, ,carrollton Ohio~ FairgrolH1ds' 4' :p.m., , Fra'nklin ' County ,Fili'i, 'Hilli,ard, .ohiQ-Fa irJ ~ou~~~' ,5, 'p.m. ~Warr~ll ,CpJlnty R~publlcari Picruc i Mt Iview Park. '
Wayn~sVmet Oh!IO; 7IJ P,~~.; 9tth~
olic Kolping Society "Schuetzenfest", Kolping Crove, 9J S8 Winton ,R!->;lq CincinnatI. These are estimated times for arrival at each 'eyent.
Ruziek~ ad"i~ed M~'., Mckee:
han to' make a daily 10Q of j'
$1395 .,. . 1967 Pontiac, 2-do~r sedan , standard. shift. .. . .... : . <
1961 Ford, 6cyl, standard shift ..... ... -: ..... ..... . $ ' 145,
Fut~re, 4-do~r,' ~ 'Oy!', aJt~, PS,.!lhf'rp . $1495 ... . . .. R&H .. 1$11~5 1967 Ford Fail'lane 500, 6 eyl, 4-door sedan,!auto, " . ,
196,8 Falcon Wagon
'1965 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr HT, auto, PS ,.. . ... :.~ . . . . . .. $895 "
1965 Chev Impala, 2-door HT, auto, R&H, PS, g~~n ..... Sl095' 1966 Ford 2-dr. HT, LTD, air, Alf1o., ~,' R&H ..... : $1495 1966 Ford, 2-door hardtop, PIS, PIS'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1095
1'965 Chevrolet Impala, HT, auto, R&H, PS, bl~e .<.. '. !'.. $:1.095 ,
.' ~'$ 995 . .. . .. ' ~". .... R&H . 1966 Chev S~IAir, ~oor sedan, auto, .
. .
1~66 Ford Galaxie 500, 4-door sedan, auto, R&H,' PS .... $ 995
, 1966 Rambler Converti'ble Classis 77, 6 eyl, auto, ,PS, ~ean ..... .. : ..... ..... ..... ...•. ..... ..". :' ..... $ ~95
Ph. 897·4036
Sy~~!" 11 an~
call .t~~ty-five . . 'people ,on .t he.United T~I~ph'OIie ' :,
~f th~y!re ~ti,s· ,
" tied ' ~jith ,. ,heir' phQ.n~ :·~ic~/' I' ~';Ilt'i"'""' I .comm,.enteti. • . tI "\ : she ' . ,,,, "
, Wlyn,e"vjIJe~ O.
L ",..
. ~'"Oftd·tlall ~~t3Je '" paid at Waynaville~ ' Ohio 10 eents
July 29, 1970 - Waynesville, Ohio
,'" ;1~18 , 'lllld "
10,'Ist 1 .
, ,...
'"" y
:SING 'OUT' GOeS TO FAIR-- ';Sing Out Waynesvillc" v~ckctJ thcir talents Thursday night ~uring ali appearance a't the Warren County Fair. OthN photos "nd stories ahout Waynesville and area fau h!lP~'~.nfl~ , ,,~xt ,~cyk, s. 'M'alt~i. Gaz~ue. . .' ,...... .
OPEN BRIDGE~ FEATURES ' DRUG SUBJECT 1~~V . ~nny Cuesta, former drugaddict, who 'is flOW a Baptist minister and direc~tor of I,..if~ Anew Rehabilitation Center, WiD be thc featured guest on diao.nel :! 's community service show "Open Bridges" on Sunday, Aug, 2 at 9:30 a,m. A young lady who has also experienced drug addiction will also participate in the program discussion. Pro,gram hostess, Mrs, Robert C. Roderick, Wi'll interview these knowledgeable guests concerning _"Drugs ~ A Major Mcnace To Modern Society", "Opep Ridges" is a w~ekly series which offers topics of interest and concern to the interdeno'minational church com·, munity and also the secular so· ciety,
Waynesville Head Start Reports Active Summer The Waynesville Head Start program has reported a most active summer. "We have now progressed to two rooms," 'said Director Mrs. Robert Edwards .
e y i.
rr' ~~
~~ f" ~~.}
is n 1-
in )f ,h
,b ~IIVtn~ IUIQ.U-
p~~. on Sunday from, S p.m.
'0 _ ••••••• '
_ _ • _ _ _ _ • _ _•• •
,_~OA . . _ . ' •
County Teachers Workshop, no and 6-3; Jim Rowe defeated pf'many Sln,ce thei'r .soft cover : 9 p.m. school; Oct. 23, Southwestern Barney Graham 6~ I and 6-3 and and ' sanall.neS$ 'make for ,easier " Althou8Jt the Spot will be pri· OhiQ Teachers Association meetJohn Alred defcated Keith~~nd.H~~ ·'~~d'~ ~a!rying. ~on~c~~_. marily' sc;a1ed to the·. you~·J~vel, d pg, no school; Nov. 26.27, lamb 6-0 and 6-0. ienc~. ; " ' .~ it'will w,'clcome,.all ages to sample , .Th3 , ' tnksPiving Ddy vacation. no Tournament . doubles sc-h~ Miry jer~c,~ , its: in.fini't~' hospitalj~y';:'t . , " ,$cho01 ;Dec. 23.Jal1'. 3, Christmas dulcd _for Monday were J}9S~~ ,.. " ," ' '.IIMn. , Sflid Jb,.~ ,bope~ , Vacation: 'tlQschop1; April 5-12, poned until Tuesday. Rcsub.s -,:" ,'.,,' ' w~ul,d:' .Easter, Vacation. no schoof and , were not available at " .,' "'3f, ,\MeftlOrial; Da¥ , 110 , and ' 'will ' ~ppe<4r-'i futu'rc 11" . a,nd ' ,..' '~"lOOII!~' -".I, , ,:, ~ , . iSsu; pF , 'lh~ , .:r1J. . \. I~ '~" !" ~,.." ... """"",,.'
. , ,. PP"""
. 'July I
kin~ Coun~
. 7:30 p.ll).
Republio~n ' ririirice~. Dinner , '
Jnn ~_,~ GJ'~nville, ,,'Ohio, ~n<tay ~. Ju~ .'f6 ( 2 p.rn." .carroll
County Fair, Qarroirton; O~l i b~ Fajrgro~ds; 41~13 .m ., . Franklin· County ,fair, Hil~iard, Ohio·Fa it·' ground~; ~ 5 p .m.~ "Warren Count y RepubJican pi~rtiG ) Mi1Lvith" Park. Wayn~sville, 0 j'o ; Z",p.rp.; C.ath· ,otic· Kolping Society "Schuet· zenfest", Kolping Grove ; 9158 Winton Road CihGinnai.. , These ~re' esti,mat ed times for arnvaJ at each event.
pany" . han to make a dailX log
1961 Ford, 6 cyl, standa rd shift ..... ..... . .... ...•. : $, ,1 45, 1968 Falcon Wagon Future , 4-do~r, 6 GYj, auto, PS, ~hprp . ,$ 1495
.. 967 Ford Fairlane 500,6 eyl, 4-door sedan;,auto, R&H .. 1$11~5 ,
'1965 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr HT, auto, PS ...... :-.. .. ... ' $895 1965 Chev Impala, 2-door HT, auto, R&H, PS, g~een ..... $1095 1966 Ford 2~r. HT. LTD. air. Auto., Ps,' R&H ..... .. $1495 1966 Ford, 2-door hardto p, P/8, PIS' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1095 $1095 , \965 Chevrolet Impala, HT, auto. R&H, ps. blue '. - .... . ..... ~
r" ,.
1966 thev 81!1Air. 4-door sedan. auto, R&H . . ... -. ..... . $ 995 1966 Ford Galaxie 500. 4-door sedan, auto, R&H. PS ~ .. . $ 995 1966 Rambler Convertfble Classis 77.6 eyl. auto, PS, .•.• .•. .•... ..... ...•. . . ',' •....• • • •-. : .•.• crtean ,
Ph. 897-4036
, .;,'
Mrs. McKeehan 'fias .been aSs~ :' )tier 'doOr" to ' dbor' . : ' isted phor:ae crusad e by her sister-in ,- :' "" law, Mrs. ' Glenn McKeehan. :
-PUbli~ ",Utilitles "1 dare 'lhe , , ·fi\ie cOmmissio.n to ~~II t~8I')ty
895 .
, people on the United Teleph one sy~~~ a~d , see if t~~y!re satis. fied' ~ith ' their ' phon~ Sgrvice." 1>.,;, " she comm ented. .
LIMB'S· IUTI SALEI ; 172 North St.
:; ,
,', '
in me." .. '
Waynesville. 0 ,
. t. " - I ., ~
.' ;.- .J
1- '
t~I!V . SOn'ny €uc~ta, f~rm~r drugaddict, who is OO ~' a Baptist minister and dire~'tor ,Qf lif~ Anew Rehabilitation CentF{., '+nD be the featured guest on 2's community service sh "Open Bridges" on Su nday , Aug. 2 at 9 :30 a,m. A young lady who has also expericnced drug addiction will also earticipate in the program discussion. Program Ilostess, Mrs. Robert C. Roderick, will interview these knowledgeable guests concerni ng " Drugs - A Major ' Mcnace To Modern Society". . "Open Ridges" is .a weekJy s~ries which offers topics of ·interest and concern to the interdenominational church com-. munity and also the secular society.
WaynesViUe Head Start Reports Active Summer (
'·:_"--.'-: :l apJ 'f,e:r: 'Sn,efl tlu'lle soti, 81
2J~~~lit.; Mer~JlUmts· at~ \ meetin~
,''oc'toi;;ler. .... to, 'cabbage~ J
\ Qnight (Wednesday. , . July 29) at· 1:3Q p.ill. at thc co,:' fee shop' of The. fireside Inn . " " '" Wayn~sYille ' Saue{krjlut Fcs:J:' t~~I ,pI~hs "ha~;; ex'tr~cte~ interest ,.treiii the U:b.anon .A.rea qtambcr of' ,~om'?~tc,~, Inc., sponsors of The Ohio Htjney Festival.
be than glad to help your . and ·type ,exhibits. . group in any way that wc can ," Pnzc~ Wit.' be ~~en for t~e Thercwm be no commerciamost I glgant'lc t~a . age hlOb e -broug It to t lC .cstlva tizcd ,entertainmcnt at Wayncs- , . l, teest ville's tlrst Saucrkraut Festival. homemadc sauerkraut and the Instead. hC7.lvy emphasis will b,e (Continued on Page 8) put (In old fashioncd' rural fun ..:..._ _ _ _ _-.:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
H-'I 'IpOt ''PIrIIr -II. - , I~I" \,'· . Ie"8~ v. ~ 1'8,. I U1-11811
for the ' '.' .A . recent letter f~om . James serii~r ( O'Brig,_Chamber Executiv~ Vice. WafAitiVille~I.'b\llsinessn)a~:.IAl1)ei't . pfesiderit'~ stated: •.' , "So Ws ·to b~ sauerkr~ut days!
Co~gratuiations ,~n , ~hat
The 'Hi~st' spot in the Waynesville business dist rict also ·becaine the 'mo~t 'pador-ized' Wednesday wh.en local grocer Don Hockett opened an ice cream parlor type confectionary at the former location of Hub~ell's Barbe:J..s&.Qp on South· Main Street. Mrs. Barney (Florence) Graham. Jr. of Waynesville has tastily stocked the dining nook with a delicio1l1s assortment of ice cream (sunru.es and' banana splits to be a specialty) and cI~erly ap-
• " . . ~i:tl1 "drugs- and ' the pop~lation . DeI!~n,;,c01~erleGi;"DV . tile' explOsi'o n- .For. ,the more ' cul.·: U. ·"\:· tU.iaIJy,';ni.i~a~~~.'iJie!e are selecarfi- . I • doris on plays ari~ novels which " have insp~red movies. ' . ... :,,~1,9.1r.t~~ra,p;!J..~.~ ,' . . All, 'tu.¥e. ',bee.~ generously ~ 'in'bted'iwith a ', fine' ~:atteriilg of pointed it. . l.(lc$1r1W&1~;;\ , .. $h~ will lend her pr~iou~ re~-' fiction. .;.~ taurlnt experience and her giant " hic~ t~a.n: .::~ '~people liIdng"" touch to the Hi ' ~pe~"ac~. b,~~~~ W , ~fe l~ ti~ rna l~Q~ " spot daiJly from 9 a.m. to 9 aptI$SI~CI .,th~ !cading h~bl(s . ," on .'Sunday from 5 p.m. to . '
' J,
Three Local YO:Jths Represent Waynesville In Tennis Matches
, t(r be a , fine idea. ,Hope , itseems will " , work'out for you'. . _ "As '8 member of the Festival and 'Events , ~s9ciatioriJ w~ w~1I
The Waynesville Head Start program has reported a most active summer. "We have now progressed to tWo rooms," 'said Director Mrs. Robert Edwards. Cooperation from the community and parents has been excel· ' lent. There has been from one to four volunteers every day since our program began." Mrs. Edwards said she was positive that Waynesville had . the best school in the whole of Warren County with which to work. Way.nesville Superintendent, Mr, Pa£ Swamber~er arrang~d a trip for ~ Start to Wnght (Continued on Page 8)
" '
, .,' ·9. ,-II
luncheon diners and judges of home cooking. , The Hi Spot will also be available for birthday ·and Scout parties with advance notice. A carry-out service has also joined future plans to serve the community.
The official calendar for the .,Wayne Local School System at Waynesville }las been dllnounced for the approaching 1970-71 school ¥ear. , It includes: Sept. l. first day .of ~chool.;·· ~pt , 7, Labor Day. 1)0 '. school; Sept. 23, Warren County Teachers Wt>fkshop, no ' '. school; ·Oct. 23, Southwestern ()J1iQ T.~chcrs Association n~eet:VOlllln', lever; '~~. i~i~:' "no ';..school; Nov·. :!6-27, iI."IItr, ~U $8mple . t "mnksgivirtg Day vacation. no ---" ..... " :.'.: ··l;:~' ,.".t:k hQok P¢C. D-Jan'. 3,Chtistmas ,l'f!tI·..'h 'flift' . b~pe~\'\,';;y" ' a~tion; "no 'sCho~1; 'ApfU 5-1 2. . ;. school and . :Day, 'no
WayneSVille was wp.1I H.·presented at the opening of the 75th Annual Dayton Daily NewsMontgomery County Tennis championships Saturday. Although defeated (but not in spirit), the boys proudly re~)fe scnted their school and community. The following scores were tallied by Bob and Barney Graham . .sons of Mr~ and, Mrs. Barney Graham, Jr. of Franklin Road and keith Lamb. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamb of North Main Street . Bill Montie defcated Bob Graham 6-2 and 6-2; Alphonso Smith defeated Jeff Benner 7-5 and 6-3~ Jim Rowe defeated Barney Graham 6~ I and 6-3 a.nd John Alred defeated Keith lamb ' 6-0 and 6-0. '" Tournament doubl~s duled .. for 'Monday werc . poned until Tuesday.. . werc ~ not available. at . t. . illld·J\tilt" '.' :~
,' .
. ,',.
. ". 25~9 NOY'69
.11.." .1.
¥iu'll' ~ye . a bigi~
slice of
·extra :·cash .h . . " .
.'•.. wit a ""')',.- .' j.).
Savings ~~ouit ,
e sure you get your cut ·o lthe money you eorn ... , save for yourself and ..lor your ,f",ure. Open ~ ,', -'" '
'. : . Savings ~ccou~t here. Then, selve ·steadily •• • put aside ' . :' '," . ~ ..-_ a little som.~thing every fp ayda y. Interest, com, poul\de~ ._.' '
regularly, helps YO'ur money g~ow faster. '~ '
• I>
Pnly Hose
;..". t
Sp 0
Half SIi ps spa Umbrell as $1"0 BE SURE TO REGISTER FOR $25.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE
T'his' 'value ,windfall is not to be', Jrlissedl We'te ~learing ,' , "tn~~'~p~rtswear you need , "fpJ;' right now. .
, ; ,'t"
1 .. \ '
All Summer Sports Wear 1/2 Price Shorts- Shells Scaal Ir Ikir 18
j \
;!. v '\
Does ,.1 Hail to the King and Queen e _ of the Zodiac! " If your birthday ·falls be- . " marrying 'this " Ldl!1trte self, proclaimed ruler? " , . t~een July 24 and August 24, Het'e's,~_tbe otlier slde:o-o f you are a Leo. Leo the lion is birthyour ' fo~ l him. ,Ydu shQuld ' rieve~ ,be the symbo the' b,pr:.ed by him~he is courtly ' date, and you are ruler 9f " " 'and ou.rteous: and if you ihjnk zo~iac! ic. majest are t-hat"s a s'~all thing, you don't leo people know much 'about, ' try loday You often can spot them in'a living with ' another humar cro~d ,b~ the way they carry . being.- ' pride. with s themselves. Alway You' will ' never lack for ,The womcm are agile and cat- ': warmth~the warm SUJl is alSQ : , ,lil~e in their movements. O(ten have n wome his symbol. Affectionate bOth men and p~ise 4s ' l)is fort~, and he' san4Y meins. : ,gives it lavishly if you deserve One of the most generous _ " " feels it. Up , zodiac signs of the good a' Leo 'ustlall y ma~es ,acommitment -to other ~Ple living and evehtuaUy ,make a . a royal ,commitment and pace at the top'of their pro· . when you are truly in need, themenish fession for themselves. They they will impov are lOving devoted 'fathers selves in order to fulfill their and will 'spend I!ours playing high prin~ipled sense of duty. you n, childre With their cubs. Their home Even as small, of is . their castle, and it will be will notice their attitude as well appointed as they can ''noblesse oblige". Their feelcarries tion obliga afford. Good food arid drink · ing of noble for is a must for them and enterover into a need to care Taining in their castle,is where . stray animals. A little Leo . they shine. ' stray with house your Will (ill Being que~~ to the lion cats and dogs. As they grow king is just that-w ith aU that up, you will have a house full s expect he it 1inpies-;::-and it isn;t alwa~s which of guests , '~s¥,.'to :be, a queen! <,,: you to' treat roy8Ily., . _ rming, ,BUt ~heh " Pr.ince , qh'a If YOlf' are', 'married ) o a comes 'along, 'it's ,~fiar4 ; for a Leo, you will , fWd that his , resist -and Why ," ould girl family bas bou$Pt'com.p.fetely you~ Who ne'ed('r~ :' ':Ii coat his kingly at~ifqde ~~d- neyer tJl~ when rqv ~jt , ba: .. hesitates ~o ~Q~e t .!liin,j~ , liol) nobl~' g this ~ttlin of warm sun distress. He ~ ,be .1. hearted man. , di~putes like the proverbiaL Na· LeQs: s famou Some j~bless the all and on . Salom poleon Bonaporte; ' Alfred allnts, uncles and cousirts rely Hitchcock; Aldous ' Hoxley; on his generosity . 'C,oorge Bernar~ Shaw; Robert If you've decided you Taylor.; Lucille Ball; Mae West: want ,to be the queen in a Jacqualine Kennedy. leo's world, you must always Next week in this column. be the lady -'Ilothing distresses an answer to a let ter received a Leo man more than a wo° by Mrs .. G which was signed regal. man who is less than W9rried Saquittarius. That money for that new waIf you have any questions sher you wa,nted may be loaned about Horoscopes, please to an indigent 3rd ,cousin. write Mrs. G, c/o Miami GaBut his generosity also ex- ,zette. tends to your family as well. I
LYTLE ' Roberta Wilson Ph. 897..4246
oJ '
.. ,
at, ' 3~6 MlAMJSBURG;CENTERviLLE RD. MfAM,ISBURG. OHIO 4'342 TelepboDe
Office Boars Sr AppoullmeDt
The senior Citizens CI,ub met on Tuesday afternoon. July 21, at the United Methodist Church' Social Room. Mrs. Wilson, an Artex Fabric Paint representative was a guest for the afternoon. She had many interesting sampies on display and also gave a demonstration 1esson on how to ~o this type of painting to th<?se who were interested. , The nex:t meeting will be a "carry-in" din~er on Tuesday; _ AO'gUst .4 ilt 12 0 'clock n~n. The ,~ni?r . Citizeri~ Qu~: of ~aYileSVllle 1$ ~po'h~nng a bOit l' .:,' ~,lJidj.y'· .nde "l)p t~e: Ohio Ri~er ,on Mon- :;·elUt~.4~!' 1Q day.., August 3. They will go to . ." . ,. , ", ' r . Cin~innati by' bus. ' ' ig " club the e If anyone outsid _ "'; frip: interested _ in taking this please, cOl)tact one of the follow~ ,'. ing-committee members (or ,de- . tails: John Burs~e; Jim Wical, ' ': Katherine ,Barnhart, Nin~ St. Joful or Mildred Sheehan, . , ANNOUNC6~ENT The plb of 1Wnbow,'~m-,' , , bly No. 140, will 'proVide a swle ~w for the pqblic FridaY,; Septerpber 4 in the Juruor High " . School Gymnasium; .,at . 8 p.n't. l'~, ' Refreabme:nts will ,be served and "~ the Rainbow Jirls win fun<:tion ; ". as mOde~I. nc~ls 'wiit b'e sold by ( the gidah fore " he Show and th~can '~ sNrc.haaed. 'at . t!t~ '~: ',' door. ;' . Mo , Mr•.and of Lyt(f itoa~" ,,'a]'fnClmlle~ " · "" "tt~' .'d'.'":f.'" I,
Announces .t he openi ng of his office for , th~ practi~e:.otVeterinaty Medicine
·A.GBNCY .... .... 'AMI~y
oiI ...,.. . 1NIiufwtt...-I :
Mrs. Paul Williams was a ,guest at a family dinner of Mr. and ~. 'Ivan Barnhart'of New -Cir"lisle Sunday. ' Mr. and ',Mrs. Oyde Wyri~k and family of Sarasota, Aa. f:lave been visiting 'Mr .,and Mrs. Donald Y~~gI) and 'farini;'. 'and:,MrJ ~n~' Mr~. ~.. Jerfy Ru ~~ aod, ,I fat:JliJ 't Neil E. Williams reported to, Lackiand AFB, , San ' Antcmio; Texas for 'his basic tr,ainillg .. His ", 1!fi!~~~~:=;:;~ :address: Neil ··E. Wjlliam.s, ,.:;tK,~~C"':1 44-t}721 t','CMR-Na. 5-Sq '3925; Right 07~$, La'c'icland,AfB, Tex. 78236. ' . ,,~ . I" . · , , · Steve " Wood' spent. 17:, ~ys leave from the NaYY ' with liis ., fam~y, Mr . . and Mrs. 'Rooert, ": ! .', ' Wood. , . 'Get wc~l, wis~es ' to lU~pf1 ':'""" Johns : St. " Efizabeth, -Mec!iC81 ' ' f ! -, Center, and , ' walter burdine.. - ; Gr.andview tjOSPltal : ~':, '. ,':' / .:, ' -. ', ' Mrs .. DoriS SMith :'):anJ;EiQl~ :"" mother' alJd sist~r, ~of :~ur ~st~ir ' are .',retu~~ing to Pennsylvarua , , " ,this. WeeJ(. Rev. ~th 'i,s retuf11. .'. ·~g.also to': be mlirried 't!ijB.~ek. ' : " '.. ' .', '. ' end.: " • ',: "~t:,:' su~~j:! : , ':'.i;~ I:i;~~~!J==~1 ;. ",t.» pn't
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,' yilla~c. C9l ~~~I , ~j~t il~ sll~cial . ~ . 'Fue$daY.~~ I~ ' ! t~ Her, bert G.Ut'i , ;PU,Hlic' .. F.acilities ; Speclali'st o'r.l)rlla\~'~~elQpment J}ivision. ~ of ., th ;~partmel1t . of ~rball AtJ:il,rs,;, who:~Jes~nted to ;thc. Council a: »r~rPrcliin'r.13ry ' :~I~~ for ,Wa.ic'r al!<f":SewerracilH.ics. in Ha'rv.ey.sb Mr. Utz "~cnt , thr~)Ugh '~ ,tl~;'J.~:~~.tire ·plan ,!~ith' tn~ -C<!l;Il!~)~' e ·plaining the. ~ ~ssible sol~~id"~-1 ~~etho.ds of 'financing and: ..~on'Rlendations. ThQ COUU~ I'" f~1t 1 hat it was ail 'excellerH, :: plan,, ·. th~nke~ . Mr. Utz and h~v~ .arr.i nged.: to have a public , m~eHJ\g ~ on ' si! me August :: 1'9 at. 7:30'~·p:iri , ;~at tttc. school \, gynu~~si~.IJl, f't>I. which Mr. Utz ':, will also bc, ptesef'!t ~ We' sincerely .:.urge ~~l! . (esi~~rlt,s .to,. qttend this mcc,ting, ~~ in ~ic~-of the Caesars f reek '-RcscrVoir a crisis will be l. '~llced' :in ·tbc,.f V ·ilIagc, duc to 11. " " ~ nitary ' cond,i~ion's. Again we :1:~fge -all' resi~~,~tS'A ~nd property !, wne~s 1.0 attend/ this meeting. .;~/ Mr. ' and" · M~s.Gcorge Wall ~ ~ctve returned ;honlC ;following a·' {hree week 'vacation spent at MUliit-oul'an . Islhhd. Ontario,
• • 11,
,", Mr. ·'and· -.
'"n·!,~,, ·';;t h'e ~ipll~
T'dY!,or's . . &totda~ ' even ing they ' .. ' ~d: oll-:~r., and Mrs., ~yiht>nd ins of ne.!lr· ... FOft Ancient. ' The Adult Bible ('Iuss qf the tJl).Hed Methodist Church' rIlet tlU1fsd~y night at' the home of Mrs. ' H.S. Tuoker. the meeting was held in honpr of Mr. 'and Mrs. Hu~ Vance of Florida. · Mr. and MrS. Charles Ellison ~nd children of Apache Junction, Ariz. ,ate spending some time at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ruth Sullivan of near town. Mrs. Sue Carman and daughter l:Dri were hosts for a campout slumber party Saturday night at ·the Robert George farm. Guests included Angie Clark, Debbie lamb and Pam Plummer. They ~pent Sunday camping and cook-thg out. . The Clinton County BYF Associational meeting was held ~t Camp Kirkwood Saturday afternoon July 18. Swimming, games and . contests followed a bUSiness meeting. We wish to welcome to the community Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Rogers and family, formcrly of Dayton. who now reside in the Ernest Chenowet h propert y on West Main Street. Mr. Rogers is with the Rogers Eledronics Company of l>.iyton . Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dodds and daughters , Rohyn and Shelly. returned Sunday night from a weckend trip to Swd.. port. Ohio on the West Vir~inia boroer . . Mrs. Faye Dodds anJ Mrs. Jenny Williams wcrc hosts ror a -storK shower hcld in honlll' or
.·,'-;11 11·i l' 1
- ' Dnll'Wlift_
. .•
.. .'
Mrs. Barbara Mcf~r~cn Saturday aftC'rno~l~ at her' hOlllc. 111e many guests prescnt ·were served cake .utid p'unch, each ,piece of cake ' bci'llg decoJl'a'H~d with a plastic stork in rainbow color's. Vacation Bible SChool is in . session at the Friendship Haptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of near town announced the birth of their 3rd child. a son, Mark Randal, born July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison and children and Mrs. Ruth Sullivan were Tuesday visitors at the ('Jint Taylor home. Miss Robyn Dodds celcbrated her 7th birthday fuesdayevening with a party given by hcr mother. 1110se pres,ent were John A1lcn and Jeff Huddleson, Joyce Ball, Kclly Sue and Tonya Reynolds, Rhonda and Todd Fairchild, Debbie ~..ak·ins, Eddie Wayne and Cathy Brothers, Mrs. Evelyn Ball. Mrs . Barbara ~airchild and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray· mond Eakins ~lIld Mrs. Ruby Reynolds . Massie Township Volunteer Hn:men responded to a call early SIIIH.\ay morning on Harlan farroll Road . Upon arriving at the scenc of the fire. they Icarned that a stripped autol11ohile had IK'l'n set lire to thlls ignitinggrass ami callsi ll!! a si/eahle gwss lire. Thl' ()Wlll~r Ill' 1he a lit 0 is not I..Il\lWIl . .hl"~ (l3ulII) Woods was 1he driver "I' I.hl' I.·al' which caused a \I'l'clacul;n accident at the corIh.'1" Ill' Clark Avellllc anJ M;lpk Sll'l'l't hl.'l'l' WeJIll'sJay night. I k was apprllal'ilillg tOWII Oil Orq!ollia Rllad. allli it was I'epllrt.(.' d fh:tl ill! s\V\.'rvell 10 avo.id hitting a yOUlIgSI\.'r 1111 a hicydc . Apparl'lltty. travl'llilll:! at ;1 high ratc Ill' specJ. he lost l'olltrol Ill' thc vehiL"le . slid ,through the Fril'ndship Baptbl Church yarJ. knockcd JOWIl a stop sign, a street si~~n and thcn slallll11cJ into the car owneJ by Lester Schoonover kllocking it over Oil its side alld ag;.lillst the side of the house occupieJ hy t he Schoon· ovcr famil y. Alt hough he apIK'ared 1I0t to hl' in.iun:d, it is cst imatelil t hat bot h vehicles are ' total losses and there was con· siderable damage done 10 the house . Our get well wishes to Mrs. Marge J-ake, a' patient at Grandview Hospital and' to Miss Kathleen Graham uf Wilmington, a patient ar Kettering Memorial Hospital folluwing. surgery. Mr. alild Mrs. Sam Russell of nC41r Lebanon were Monday callers on Mr _and Mrs. Clarence Price. I'
. Mil. flora Burns
Ph. 862.... 190
Mrs . Howard Schrack of Walnut SI reet is home from Millllli . Vallcy Hospital al [}dyton . Mrs . Leo l}dMko of CincinIlat i has been a recen t guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Morg... n of Bellbrook Avenue. Donations were taken recently by door to door c... nvasi llg to fog the village again. Those taking the donations were Mrs . Richard Hall. Mrs. Paul Barton. Mrs. Clarence Burns and Mr. A. Reed . PI:II )'i ror the refogging have nol hecn W Illpletcd as or 1I0W . Dona tions were taken to fog the first time and tOlaled ovcr SI19 .00. Mr. Irvin Yancey of Main Slreel has recently returned home from thc hospital.
The Miami Gazet tc 's first What Is II last week received surprising results since it was surprisingly difficult . The following correctly identified a "candy slicer " : Jerf Thompson : [)dl c ThlllllpSOIl. Ricky Littleton. Terry Irons. Donald Head, Diana Hcad and Vanessa Lambert. To identify this week's What Is It, phone the Gazette at 8<>7-S9:! I .
Starting at
Down to
HARVEY,SaURo,. &'Mlami ,Streets ",," Ghatl~ ~ Pike. Evangelist 1''9:00 a.n,lo - Sunday Morning 6~30~ p .m ~ - Sund~y Evening ,6 ,.30 p.m .• Wednesday Evening Phon.e 89744 6 2 for info!'tnatioP'
North Main Street John P. Osborn e, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunda y School II :00 a.m.,Morning Worship 6 :30 p.m. ,Training Unio n 7: 30 p.m. Evenin g Worship 7:30p ,m.,Wednesda y Prayer Meetin g (Affili ated with Southern Baptist Conve ntion) .
Ohio n La ~ t Les ter Kidtl . Pastor IO :()() 41.111 . • SUlldiJ Y School J 0:00 & I J :00 a.I11 .. SUlldu ), Wu rship Sl'rvlcc ' 7:30 p.Ill .. SUlldu y /:veliing Worship
GI st lIi gh Street Tholl1a s Stcven s. 'Minister 9 :30 a.Ill ., Sunda y Bihlc School J 0:30 a . I1l " ,SlIll~b y Wor:-.hip and f Communioll Youth y Sunda m., . p· 6:00 . Meetin g 6:30 p.m ., Sunday Chlistian Youth Hour 7:30 p.m .. Sunday Evening . Worship 7:30.p.I11 .• Wednesday Bihk Study .
United Methodist Church Duvid tlarpcr. Paslor l) :30 a.l11 _ Sunda y Chul'l:h Servicc 10:30 a.I11 ,. Sunday School II :()O a . Ill .. SUllua y Wlll"ship &"rVicc Youlh Fellowship and Bihle Siudy
L Sou th St fl'Ct I t.1I11ilton ~ P~lstm jack Rcv. 7:30 p.m. Tucsday 7:30 p.m. Frid~IY - Youn!! Pl'oplc's Servil'l' 10:00 a.m. SUllduy Sdllllli 7:00 p:n1. 'SlIlldu)' hcnin g
Fourth Street near lIigh 9;30 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Sunday Mecting I'm Worship (unprogrammed)
. St. AugUstine .Church . High Strcet H. Lutmer, Pastor .Joseph . Rev , 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy o-.tys 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a . ~l. J)dily Mass 5:)0 p.m: Saturday Mass.
SPRING VAll EY I United MethOdist Church Wa.lllut-Vine R. Meredith.. Pa ~ tor 9 :30 ~.I1l . Sunday &11.001 . I O:JO a.I,1. MOrllilig Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship jr. high & sr:. high 7:45 p.m.-Wednesday c lUir rehea r~:.11 .•" R~)bert
St. Mary's Episcopal Church Third & Main St rcets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector II : 15 a.m., Mprning Prayer Ist,,3rd & 5th Sundays : Holy Conimunion 2nd & 4th Sundays
Spring Valley Church of Christ
United Meth odist Church '
Glady Street 10:00 ~ . rn. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednl!sday Evening Worship '
Third & 'North Streets L. L. Young, Minister 8:00 a.m. Worship Service '10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Chupch at Study
Mound Street E. Friend (;ouser, 'Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday &hool 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd . R~v. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.m .. Snnday School , 7:00 p.m .. Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m .. Wednesday Eve. Service · t EVC . Sc'rvlce 7 :30 p.m., Sa. FIRST CHURCH,:OF GOD 49 S. Main Sf-reet 9: 30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship , 7:00 p.m . . Sunday evening
Christian Baptist Mission Mai'n Stree! Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worslll'p 7 :30 p.m. E ,',vening Worship 7 :30 p.m. Prayer Meeling, Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Song-fest, Last Sa. tur d a~h month.
at (;CIUl\oWIl
Itly Stormcr . I'astllr 1):30 a.lll . Worsh'ip s...·rvkl· ' 10:30 Sllnd;IY C1iurl'i, Sdlllol 5:00 p.m . Sunday You'ih rl'llllwship
Rl'V , t collaru Ba.xll'r 1) :30 a , Ill .. Sunday SdHlll1 I J : O() . ~I.n l. . SUIl day . Wurshi p ~.'rvkl'
7:.H)"p .lll.. Wl'd",csuay. Prayer . Srfvkl'
LYTLE United Meth odist " Church John K. Smith, Minister l) :30 :1'. Ill.. SUlluay W~ Hship Sl,'rvicc 10:30 a.Ill ., SUllday SchulIl 8:00- 9:00 p.m., Wednesday . evening, Bible StUdy
. , ' ~.
Ferry Church of Christ
St . Rt. 4X & lower Springhuro' Road .. Ra~' C. Slid{()II . . l)~tslor ():30 a.llt. Sunda \"; '&':lh·)oL . i0:45 a.m:·' Ml;rtii~lg Wl),rship 7:30 p,l11 . SUllday' helliJ * . ~rvice 7_)0: p,m . Wl!d'ncsdu'y Evl'llilUt \ . ;; ,'~ r S~ rvi~~ , Yl;uth 5:30 un . SlH,d~IY Sr.. . _ :' . ,". Rl'Cfeatinn lr ):'lmt Sr. y Sunda . p.m ,6:30, Servkcs ~ DoDDS
,:,. .' , ~Free ~Pentecostal Chur chof God . '.
- ,: R.R. 1·2 2· Dodds. Ollin . . .' :;. ')lastm', ·J.) n~cs (,~)ffm~lj{.•:, '. 1O:~10~l.m.~·Stu,d~~ 'S::hool ',"': ' 7:'0"9 p.Jl1.. ,SlII.lday iva~gcljjii~.,; 1 . ."', . ' ~rvkc c
" $C:rvl~~ . .~ ~
7 :~W· p.n)<Sa.tur.d,ay: · Evcning ~vrS.h!p ~ivitc ·
Wilmill!!tilll· Pikc & ' .-< . Sodal Row Road . Bus Wlsl'nmn. Mi;,ister CENTERVI.l.,L~r:·_:· ,: , 9:00 a.m., Sund:l V Dible &:hool The,¢ ante.. villi f ,irst- ,. 1·0: 15 ~1.1Jl .• Sund~ly~ Worship Pent~9sq.I '.C~ur~h ·· 10: 15 :1.111 . • SUI!U;IY Youth ' ' . ', 17.~ 1:. Vr;I11~ lin.""SUCCI . Wor.ship '" f . . . r.'.~I'A' .' 'as.' t.nr ; ., ' N-n,rvc :",y .• ' S , "0 ~~' " ;'. '. ,.'" h :.l 11.111 .•• unday i:vcninllr ,,,,. Ass"a: dl. " (;cll.,; ·UiCkn Dihlc ·Stull.v. all al'l'S, r 7 :30 p.m .. i:vl'ning Worship _ ' I O:O() ;1.111 •• ~uuday SChool 7:30 p.ID\ .• 'Wcdlll'sday • Midwllck ~ , 7:(JO p. lll~:~Su~.,lduy T~c _III .'. . :. . ' 7" P,r..~ycr ,am' .Bibll' . :-lO;'IJ. Il1: ~ '~~f~ncs~ay, , . ' St'IUY•
- 7:)~ Pf·111.. W~dhc sd·ay Pra~~t :' J' .
,,~, . . ~~''' ., Pale Is Sponsored For You Through The Courtesy Of The F~lIowing Area" ''''''~~
Ridgeville Comm unity Church .
MT. HOll Y United Methodist Church
t\cy Lalllh . ":IshII 10 :00 a.l·lI .. Sunday Sdlool 7:30 p.III ., SUllday-, \\\'dlll'Mla\, . and Saturdav, I':w"iljl' t"' r~icl'~ Sl: Worship 7:30 p.III ., WcUnc sda\' Youth . Sl'lvil'l'
._ Y F.ERR .
Spring Valley . Friends ChUrch
Waynesville Rescue • Mission
' ," J'The PetsO(l VCiu 'Are~~
GENN tOWN Gen'ntown United Chu'rch of Christ
CORWIN Penteco.stal Holiness Church
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church
Friends Meeting
Jonah s Run Baptist Church .
First Church-of Christ
.', w,
Southern Baptis t ('onv <;nti {~n Norman Meadows, Pastor 9 :30 a .Ill ., Sunday Sc hool ' ;~ 0 ) 0 a..Ill. , SuiHfa y Morning Worship 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Scrvil:c 7:30 p.I11 ., Wedllesday.. Midweek Pra ye r alld Bihl t' Study
First Baptist Churc h
~. "-,.J!j.
,, O,f thls . tW~MI.th., QeJl:tuw are J ",far seeihOl" V:ou 'a ''1''ISled .91 ner.atlo l'\. when . Y91.1 ' hea r,' PliO pIe .' say' I , afl change, or quit a habit. f. I F rom , them; you get th ~' 1 human natuce can, I~O any tI)l wan~ s to. ~o . gr~t er ..fall jtCy plagued 'any generat ion t han , . Is. Does any of us ,want to become ~ slalle?' ~nd yet many of us p re slaves, to many things. We neyer wanted It , this' way. but this· Is the way It has. turned .out. We star,ted sometli lng and then when we saw wh ere It was golng~ we resolved In OUl'- m l.ndS to sto"Pi only to find we were- not able to t ranslate Int o 'facts our' resolutl .ons. . This "I'" that we al'e .that olalm$ It can ctlanga overn ight, withou t outSide help, ls th'e .sum ' total of the . , acts commi tted and the decision s ·made In our yesterd ay's. It would be nice If out yesterd ays cou l d t>e t ied In a package ari d 'stored SOl11e Wherel but instead of. thiS. t ney 'are 's part OT us. They are~ 1I p r.esent When ' we (:! us In make decisio ns; hetPln9 t o kee , . ' ,. line. small he t that , Is It any wonder sins of -childho od and youth become the..: deadly sins of pr ide, . envy;" jea10u SY~ anger. Intblh!tance, ' 'despair . 91"eeq and covetuu,$ness In later life? , If the human race could have'ch a this picture , .there would haile been no need or reason for Christ to ale on the cross. The cross has no 'meanin g for the person who wltJ not turn to Christ for help-:: It takes' all tnere Is within U51 pIUS the grace of GOd. to change tne directio n of a human soul. He will help if you will ask. L.L. Young .
'Frlendship ,BaptiSt ' '. Church
•This Church
., ;/
WANTED; BabY,.lttlng. Phone '8975921. All< for ~ean. l8nctf , I.r •
.. Fe
SA~E .
' .. '
i . _.
2-1(4" INCH PI~te glas5-5'x6' anq 2- 5 x6'-w/damaged corners. Phone 933·1105. 30::;c:.:1~_ FORD, 4-spd 'a nd Shifter , bel lhoUsi ng, flywheel', pressure plate and clutch, good condition $125', Phone 8974036. 'fI 30cl '
PERSON for general office work at new limestone plant at Lytle. 5·6 days per week. FUll time employment. American Aggrlgates Corp .. Dayton. Phone 223: 3238, Equal Opportunity Employers . ·28c3
Two or ttlree people ~ill ing to: work. Male or: Fe· male . .Excellent opportunitv : ;-Work out· :of new office/',Springboro, Ohio. Stpp at office' or give us a . cal L. ' " .. PfHI~·tusy 746·8870 or
GARAGE SALE-4436 , Ellemead Drive on ThursdaY and Friday only. Located 1 square south of Route 725 off Wilmington ~Ike . 30cl
13. Of the ends of the earth 14. Earth goddess 15. TVA feature 17, River
mPeru 18. 8ocmer ~.
- --
HOOK'S Farm Market. Open daily 9 _ a.m . to 9 p.m,) Route 48 at Ridgeville. Top crop OT beans, half runners, cabbage, squash, sweet corn, apples, honey, sorghum, apple butter, eggs, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. 28c3
- - - -- - _ ._--- - -
GRAVITY Bed Wagon, Gruln elevator, Wood Brothers corn picker , MagiC Chef gas range. Phone 897· 4282. 30el
HOME repair and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal pdlntlng, roofln9 and electrical. Phone 746-2982. 21ctf FARM fenclj19, barn painting and repair. Free estimates. Phone M iddle. town 423-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf LlNOA ' S Beauty Salon-300 ' Wade Street- -862-6581 Spring Valley . Open d,ailY--1!venlng apPts.- tligh styllngI
~e~~reUfb~~r~~n!SN;-J~r~:Op ,
up ,
Mothers & Housewives -~. Can't find employmentH? Tral!, now • work your o1fl'n .hours. Weekly ~y. plus G,,~n ~ta",pl. 5,11 a~c)fabl. toyS . $1 to $10. Give me a call for details.
orproa 47. KlDdof preview 48, Persian
coins 49. Martini preference 50. Works with a needle
8. Tellers'
Today's ·. A"J~r
places 10. Mother-
ofpearl 11. Igneous
16. Stom-
ach 19. Identi-
. .,. of Ida.
fied 21 . Rover or Fido 22. Urban oasis 24. Lacerations
3. Dismem-
27. Stake
DOWN 1 . Secret
2. Neighbor
ber 4. Analyze 5. Detonator 6, Yore 7, Trusting
29. Percolates 30, Greek name
tor-Troy 31. Just miss
the basket
33. Pearland
Bermuda 34. Works on
a piano 36. Roosters 40, Filly 43. Audience 44. Heavens 46. Sll1Jlg:
tban Watch-
at Urnes CA VE SOLOIST . . . Song· stress Sheryl Lynn, who used to own her own nightclub in st. I_ouis. is the nation's only female singing cave guide at Meremac Caverns, Stanton, Mo. She ' is easy to spot as she always wears a leopard·skin
SLINGERLAND Drum Set. Call DenniS Bunnell, 897·5149. 30cl
... " 746~2766
cubicle 8. Workil with a knife on
12. Roae-Uke plant
YARD Sale Saturday August 1 at 278 south Main Street. Wayriesville. Proceeds will tie · donated to Corwin Pentecostal Church. 30cl
R.E. l\Na'de Realtv
pddess 5 , ~eer's
9. Inlurance man ,
OLD Upright Plano. Phone 897-4686 : ' 30cl
ACR088 1. Vegetation
Real Estate People . Sales .
I WOULD like to thank all the people who helped my ~ .. other when he had his accident and to everybody who Is J)C!rtlclPating In The Harold Bowser fun~. I have never' seen a town In my whole life who could be so nice; and Harold thanl<s you to. God Bless You All. Mr. Louis H . Bowser . 30cl
MAYT AG Washer, 3 yrs old. ' Call after 5 : 30' 89'7 -6114_ 30c1 14 LAYING' HenS-L-Segrous, 50¢each. Phone 897·4495 . 30cl
'-AI R Conditioner, 6000 BTU, used once; Menter, two ·.700x15 tn.\c ~ tires, DOdge Truck . Erwln .Ulls, ,R o'ute I, Waynesville. ' . , , 3OCl ,
WANTED: A small · Iawnmower. Also a child's ' large riding tricycle. Phone 897 -5921. 19ctf
ITEM: Generally speaking, if there is less t han a 7 per cent price spread per dozen eggs between one size and the next small size in the same grade, you get more for ~rour money buying the larger size. I::
ITEM: Enamel is a good choice to revive an y type of furniture . Enamel is colorful, &overs surface marks and scars. It IS also color-fast and durable. You can use enamel on everything from umbrella stands and mirror frames to cnd tnblps and ehair~.
r---~ ,cu~s~fOM
.' 23. Get the lead 26. Works with a loom
26.Tuae 28. Numerical prefix •. Smirk 32. Speed
unit 35. Flexible 31. Wilde-
beest 38. HeallDg cocldell8 39, House-
hold figu~
U,Athome 42. Nudges
289 ·2702 .
REMODELING . .R()bertCarter &, Son 21 N.3rd ST.
' ~iA1
~~\ ,
in,·1t 1~! to lellff' and}!!!,!,,,,,,. or _ . an t , : .. " ""(~'. ick \ in ~l. I'r~'SI on Wllb ''''ltlS, Tb: y ;tay. :'l « : V 13: : " u~rd ItliU'at ior.s. Z lOr 14,95. 4 • •. ppc1.
.' m1MtJlii~tiU.iliui. ran_ . ·l1li1.... vm,1 ..'' '' , 'Your_ 'O
'1"« ~ l.- door. (Stale w!:i~) JIIIt prs QIL It ...,.. . lotKtal 'O nali~. Inq·!ite abnul liInlllilnllor lnI:laI-.
RED LiON SALES P.O. .Box 188
Springboro;' Ohio 45066
or. 897o:-2Z41 ,
EYLERS , Springboro 74&6261
, L'________._______________
RIDGEV!LLE 3 Acres 0'; RI:. 48. Trees and CreE,k , J
5 Bedroom house with 4 room apartment attached. . A real buy at t ,
:~' .
$13,000 CALL KENT OILS 897:25-26 El~ ' Reaity : 885·~63 ·
. , ••••.•
. 1 ~ . 8 ~n ,' ~
.em, '
Now at its seasonal peak, the Ohio ,countryside beckons hiking . cnthustasts and horscback riders to its nature trails and b~idle ' paths which blush with foliage and wildlife in late July and August. A hike or horseback ride along the newly·established SO().I11ile Buckeye Trail, which runs from Cincinnati to Ocveland's Mentor, promises an ideal yenture through the widest variety of Ohio Country . .' The trail takes its followers· ~hrough ri'dgc' tops and valleys, through farmlands and forests , sma.1l villages and large cities. h cr9sses reclaimed strip mined lands, passing many new lakes, wildlife refuges and camping areas. It follows back roads, woodland paths, county high· ways and city streets. In other words, it gives travclers the truest picturc of Ohio from the most rural area to the most heavily populated spots . Hikers and horseback riders may start at the be~nning of the trail .or at any other point
along the way', thereby sc.Hing their OWil pace. A trip along the trail milkes fo~. an . inexpensive pastime because the trail is open to anyone without chargc_. or registration. Though ~ome portions of the trail may not be used for horseback riding, all 500 miles of the trail arc open to hikers . State .parks located along the t'riJil ptovide such .ou t~ . door activities as picnicking, swimming and naturc study. The '"Trail Blazer" is only limited by what he can carry in his knap sack or saddle pack . .. Though campsites along the trail are not frequcnt at this time, some 24 camping areas for hikers and four ca mping areas for horseback ridcrs have been established along the trail or already were constructed before the trail was established. TIle Buckeye Trail can be found by following the "Blue Blazes" mark~rs whkh ·are 10' cated ncar the trail in the ~O counties which it crosses . Detailed maps of the Buckeye Tmil
.,' .~' . :' can be obtainerl;,.by seQ~ing. 5:'1t . , c;;r·vey, . Geolo'"\fI·C. to the Ohl'".,' ~ b " 1207 ' Orandvicw :Av~nue; CoiUhk · 43"12 ..' \ ' ' . . bus, Oh 10 'nfonlla·tion on ~ther out. ' door activiti~ in ,Ohio can. 'be ' o'btairied by w(j~ing to the Ohio· ,. 'n.'1rtm~nt,. lnfo{.' v.elopm'ent De DC mation 'Centrai, Bbx ~ lOO't. , :CO- ·· ,'. . lumbl:l~, Ohio 43216 .
.:' er,
erij~·. a:. "'raclng:·s"'ow.~t' '
day, . e.w ,show·
.,' I,llBf ' 'l~s~,~I' Y~~' .
e' good -idea to
cboo.e w)lite
or other light ·colors, wide" re..of ~~oWit fltld the ~ateat .. wlll' be safer light. Your,stairway ' and more attradive. '. " "
a:.-I[,:, ~1't·.qpliv.I ·_;d.i••
I. ~ 'Hri:II ''1Iiai "Pr••
lur.' .
"If .you. have high bloot" l>res· lead · to complications.. Avoid sure-':hypertension 10 the, phy- sports wh.ere you can'I stop if sician - you are not alone," says you become tired .. the Amc'rican Hcart Association, Southwestern Ohio Chapter. Por more information about Millions of Americans..:.are af- , high blood pressure, write to nicted with this disorder, and (your) Heart Association, 2535 most of them arc getting along Gilbert ' Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio well after having consulted with 45206 for thc leaflet "Your a physidlln . Many drugs are avail· ~ood Pressurc". But remember, able to help him tailor treatment. it takes two to treat it - you and to a pa tient's needs and CUlldi'your doct.or. tion. .Certain prescribed diet changes and rcst also "re lIsefuL Huwever; apart from this, there <llI'e a half do/cn general rules that most patients with hi1!h blood pressure sl.1Uuld follow. IXtpc'nding on the patient. SII\l1e will be more important thall others. says a lcallet recently issued by the Heart A~sl>cia· tiOIl. TIle hypertellsivc individual iSi.urged: to ask' his doctor which of , thes,c is il!lportani ' f()r him:
;,·,~.!~t·"·"[1;!~~i.;\ \i;""""'!Ii n ·...i<.._.IIIa....
Tbtest~" new' cond·\jo~. " ~'~~'h\re.t . ~e , o ' av~ id , s,~ uen ~~g~ o. 0 s or icy' ~old water with .eli.nse t • . of wat~r preSSure. " ' '. ~ .. til .' • . til ' t· .' . e"1 "",hten S&air ~ . l. When selec.'ting • paint :tor. use on walls .of an enclosed Ita~rcue.
WORKERS spUG HT (Continued from POdge I) most original recipe using'sauerkraut. .
. I. Try not to worry. Worry, llC!,V,UUIi, .~ensiun
and'- cmoliunal
. sJUfms help. tu push bloud pres·
hi~ftef :
. '
1... Dlm't put on ex~ess wci~lf. Overweight· is a hazar~ to health.
]. Regulate 'use of tob..cco ;lIld alcohol a~ your doctm .sped. tied. Smoking- can £:lise blood pressure; alcohol dnesn 't, but some people rcact pomly .to it. (
.2~ FlJR 71/E )YIIJ7E ,~"y L,lfS r,sE-4StJ4I. ••
4. Follow a regUlar ' patten t of rcst stops du'ring the day. Taking time out- even b~fore you become ·tired will help you to avoid the tenseness uild irrita: bility (to be 'avoided ,by ~he hyper.tei1siv~ pe{SQ~) that gQ with ·f:atigue. 5. Get plenty 'of sleep. During sleep, blood press~ e falls t~ i~s lowest levels. It ri~ on waking.
6. Ch90se·, sports ,~~t arc not" competitive: . Ex~rcise ·is good ' for·. you. But overexertion can
first importance.
Special . ~Iy
win sit· by hOur or .v.
in ~ gOod
-st°.;.,.«ir 'Ii..:"-~ ... ,'" \A1nlani, t~"'V' " .
185 N. Main
. P.O. Box 1'45
. . . . '>.!
?/: ,.'..
'1966 Ford 2-dr. HT, LTO, air, Auto,·, PS;:R'&, ff-. . . ~~. ~~ .
Personal Service is not a mere phrase with us. It means a helpful and ready response to a bereav~ family's individual needs, and willingness to meet whatever special preference they may have. Our attenti on to them, for their comfort and convenience is of
15170 - Waynesville, Ohio
By Dennis Dalton
LIONS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS . Waynesville lions OUQ officers were recently installed during ceremonies conducted by Harry Hannah of Carlisle lions
The Hi Spot was nearly "overkrauted" Wednesday night and the thoughts of the Wayne Retail Merchants meeting there were "sauer". The state of mind was appropriate, however, since merchants and interested citizens have begun plans for what they believe will be the first Ohio Sauerkraut Festival at Waynesville Oct. 3 and possibly 4. 'Plans are already in the making for the group to tour Ohio's
Those elected to serve during the 1970-71 term included: President, Warren Sheehan; First Vice-President, David Hartsock; Second Vice-President, Harold Anderson; Secretary, Robert Palmer; Treasurer, James Miller; . Tail Twister, Adam Davidson llnd Lion TaPler, Edward Gingerich.
(Continued on Page 8) ,
. 50'0 Attend Annual Picnic: A-II U.rU_ed 10 Su pport ,Ni. o
imated' '00 persons dent NixO)1 ' f-or hi& wprk with : were ort hand', for 'the ,Annual the handicapped. .' ' ; ;." .Repu~li~aJ) P,ic~c ,held' ,at Mill-' -, .~ loqg , 'time - professio~ ,.~ ,',view park ~t ~WaynesviJl~' SUridaY. ~nget" Shp3I t ~: injured 'durihg , • '\l~;' '~PlaHorlh :'guests for'the affair World WaX' ~ II' and has recovered ,/:' ," mcluded BObTaft, Walter-Po~ell, , from ·three near fatal strokes. A , PEt::.~Jh rOd,!'·,(ift,2500." Buii.ukens; Corwin Nixon, DiU 'mo~ie; "starring Bob Hope, .is d ~, , Ar Li Hild b ' ro aze "k" r e .10 ",loung, Cll ,' e rant, Les Currently in making telling ~, ," ~~m;G~H~~~J!~~:mJ~~/;o. pj~e!~iS;~,tP.f~'~,AJ~ipi[i)er~t~::jPl~jltCt:~"k flre ~partment Spatth 'and Sherill Ooud~daughlife story. ' : , fue Departter. of Roger Ooud. SpealdDg . 'i n harmony ' with' The Franz ,~ leber German the theJ.l1e of the picnic, 1'0Band provided entert,ainment gether We ' Can', both Powell ' throughout the fried chicken picand Taft urged- support of -the_. nic dinner. GOP ticket in Nove~ber,. ''Y/e . must give President NIXon otjr Lukens, who served as emcee support," said Taft. ' for, the affair, opened the proThe Cincinnati native COI1*'- , gr~m , by .introducing the guests tjnued, "We need to giv~ 'Dlc.lc .'; , and reviewing. the Republican Nixon a majori~y in the ~~~~~~~ ...~ ticket 'loc.ally and slatewide in "If we can win s~e~.eig}\!:, '" the ~pCoini~g November ' elec~ tion. -Miss Qoud ' spoke on be(Co~tinued' o,n Page 8). 'I"~ ,,1~!!!~~~ half of her father. Key speakers for the day were Powell and I
" .Just before Pow.ell was intro-) ducea, AI sitoai entertained the singing his new hit record, ,'No 'Man Is ' An Island'. Shoal "''',r~ently 'recognized by Presi-
~ • ..
'(" , ,~
J \ ,,'
The,'~am~ ,Gaz~t~e'.~x~ct.~d<
~. al~ niQJqtis~' t~'coirec~r" i~e!lt~fY
,the traffic Sign. designa tlO8 a~, intersectio,n' of.. highw~ ys ·last.' week. B.ut it. was only correctly . " identified by Terri ' and Scott Arnold', the Jones Sinolair ,gan'g, ., . David Vint, Paul Vermillion, and . Gary Bellman; To identify- the I ~t Is It, phone the ~amj : Gazette at 897-5921. I.
\ '·The .Roacf : \
No.fatherla,,~ . Grooks
., "
The Kenoedv WomeQ ,. • I,
CER+lFI:CATES" Pay up ,.to., ' .~~% , \
Increase your income from. savings' by _ ' choosing one dfnttiese matu....ities; with. .. ," 1.-. / ,r ,~, '. the, interest rat~ gUClirarit~~d: : ~ . "
4 i/z%
,< " ,
.. '. .' ANNl JAl, INT~Re$T O~ ATES.1)F D .I!POSIT• t' . -~O~E. VEAR' C.ERTrFIC .: " -. " , I ;oo.' .-
51/ 2 %': ~.
' ,"
, ·...ANNUAL. INTE REst ON,.
" .~
. '
'MtNIM UM $1,Oo~ .'
. . ., '
" ";.,
~ ;, ~ , < , ~ . >. ,'..
i';; " }
~.f.: .' ~ \ ! .: \' ,..
This type of acc,?unt, paying this "new is completely .,f;'exible. . A higher rate, t opens your account. amoun ient conven withdraw any amOl,lnt or You can add you wish, whenever .WlU :·,wish. Your 'pd$$::' book gives you 'a _~!'Tl~I8te . re~()rd :of and withdrawals, intereSt ' deposits, accoun t balance.
AR CERTIFICATES;.Of ·,:--TW O-VE <: •. (MJNIM UM $1000 00) , ....
., : :
. '
Insui'~nce '-C9rpora-
havir:-g both nience of. . Here at our full-senlic~ bank, you can"alsd ;enjoy th.e. time-saving .conve r king adVar'ltag&..Of a-·.,Cie your checking accOunt and savings . ~ugt ..m'·the sam'e place and-ta . visit. l1ient range of useful banking services-all rat Qne ·con.Je I
j '" ,
j The Federal :' ~" United .,the Qf -tion, " ' an io~mentality now ' Insures . the. ; Government, States funds ".9 f each depositor h.... to $20,00 0'. ' ;... "" JIli! ihsur~~cfk ~p.~i~ r,::. .~u.tomaticafly . to \:,._. ; ,: . all <a~ount$', 'neW'Qr ,old:-"· ': ~~. "" Your depOsits here .are, of " course, alsO afY,ply ' ~o~ed by OUr capital fund~,.. ~V .. . souhd " inveStment and by. able .and experienced management. De~it
.. ~7
aftel their / auto ,'struck ' a car driven by Charles Se,tlow; 21, of .cHffton. Albrecht, 64, was cited to Waynesville Mayor's court by Chief leMay for failure to yield the right of way. He drove into the Setlow auto while driving east on North Street across Ohio 42. Setlow was driving South onto Ohio 42 at the time. ~ Jane Palmer, an Antioch University student, was a passenger in the Setlow vehicle and was injured in the crash. . Mrs. Albrecht was treated .at Good Semaritan for broken ribs and abrasions allld contusions of the head and face. Albrecht was treated and released at the ~ospital for glass in the shoulder and abrasions and , contusions. Extensive damage was done to both vehicles, according to Chief leMay. •
Paperback Book, Collection
TOKYO VISITOR- Miss Emi Kuwabar~ of Tokyo, Japan joined the Stoneybr~ok coui1seling staff thls summer through the ef· forts ,of her.aunt, MA. Nooiko Fields; a Brownie Scout Leader, of CincinpatL The attractive' Miss Kuwabara, an EngliSh major, will ' ,. , be a sophomo;e at the University of Cin~innati this fall. She re.' , ' sides witll her aunt. Emi is shown above with Scouts during a song fest. ·J;\esidence camp will close at Stoneybropk Aug. 15. ~Dennis " Dalton Photo '
.Summar C.laaranca 3 p'rs. Pan thi 8 $1.10' Pant". Ha.18 $'1.00 ,60 w'.n8 . $"2.00 . .. ,p'J' -1 $' 2. I I ,
1 "
H 'llf Iii ps '$1.10
Sports Ie. r 1/2 Price .
SIDRIS' 'B.S ••NTS SHIRTS . . Swim Sui Is 1/2 Pri ce ,
3 FOR $1.01
No Return On Sale Merchandise
Dresses This leek Only . t:30 "':
luy, I 'l l III,. P. rj..c~: ' . lie l 'l .j :, l/·'t:,~r l.l>". .,~: ~~ ' ,' ~. .' . •
• j. .
A.~~ . :9::,00- '.P' ~M. .. . ,
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Mi. and 'Mt:s. Kenrtefb' Brduh."·,,, -. sommer reSidenoe . of Mr. ·and.. of Cincm nati wife IiftemQOo:cjd: ..:'.... rmJJUllgti }jq~ti!l1l,~r:,oa,1~tw.!t~t, t to i .&" ...~,aJ"'''; lers of Mr. a~d! Mrs': Lor~n. Rout~ ' t , ~: Harrison.' A ''very larBe ' ' mh)gtori. ·.. )V~I[1Q,illlg \ .. ,~ roast pig was the feat\lred, at- . _ .' . ~ zahn~ ed t r af,place" at~ th~ , dish d " ' . covere p9 e r. the of traction - .8il1 U~dauer "'has te celebra g fair. Guests h~lpiri back to Fort J3tagg r N.~. aft~r a, ' Mil ,Force , Base ..........."'. '0(the ~ fs .' ~~". Mrs~ ' ' J ., I, the luau included: Mr. and month's leave at home. ">(V ,. ..u\t.. f"nxis .. .:," ,'_ • . Pvt. Steve Feder1e was"h.orne . • Air" Force' Roy Oary; Mr. and' Mrs. Lowell 1 , The .Cnl'sadei's ~f craru,' of the :1 .. Oary; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd lilyover the week.end.from 'Fort) ix. lor; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor ' Walter ,Burdine iiI~ ~tiU' in .,: enited ,,:Me~llo~t ·Church",' en:., I ' ' 'nd t; ;_..IA'," and children; Mr. and MiS. Jack . Grandvi~~ Hospitill · at.. o.yton'. ,.' .' joyed,.a', pOilu'ok .aupper m~e~ng, "~'~ ".a,. ' Wa,me!ivme.; M,~., ' ~d. Mr: ' of hotfte the Barber and children; Mr. and SUnshine ,Comer,: ~s. ~yla · '. . at .........."'., ,. RO~hie '. ~airc1i#d ,.'_Wedn~ay ', ...:'~~. -. .1!i'"l1TiKilitti' Mrs. Harvey Fritts; Mr. and Mrs. Wharton, Mrs. '~~li3 . Mull and ' . '. Neil, ' 1 " " " . ' . , . ,; . Mrs. Edna Bunnell. · J~es Garrett and Sue; Mr. and , ' W~,ncle.U:)tMI~M.l.lJa.llt,1 ~~":m ..' '. . J MrS. evemn . . .';; "' Bran: .. Robert Mt:g.,a'no , . Donna child,. Mrs: Charles Bunnell, Mrs. Wade Wilkerson and . ratnCll{ rI:lwrlC81IlJ,' Ka.thy . .and tJ~~~~a Vaught an~ , denbu~~r! were. among thos~ ' ~n" ren; Mr. and ~. Ronald Cook attertdahce ~of the'! ~tern ,Stai: . , -Enc Wilson vIsIted Mr. and ~. and .Becky; Mr. and ~rs~ Ray picnic " heid . Friday ~ evenfug ~t . ' . , Lamb and Tammy; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young i~ Gr~envillet : ~p- . WA'IIne !llVUle day and ·wa.tched, G,eenville's.' the ',home ot MI'. ,artd MrS. cAr( "/':, Junior .hhnson and children; • • ;~ .' ..' • Gunther,' 1 I-75th Parade celebrations. Mrs. Doll Lamb and children; Mrs" ':tewiS . Hoagland ~d Mr. and Mrs. Roy ates; Mr. Dewey Mr. and son; dausl!ter ~tw 'an~ r gl'lmdson Catter and HARV.EYSBURG' Johnnie spentJh~ weeke'.ld wjth Lamb: :ay ~ :priOe ' . Mr. and MrS. fred 'floa'glJrid and Dr. and Mrs: Leonard M. Tin: 72· .,.&3 . Ph _' ' family of 'Ashland. , ney of ~kport, N.Y. visited" RAMBY PHOTOS Mrs. . Shirley · Ann McElfresh , over the weekend with their Open house was held at the <W~j. and daught~rs <;>fTioYt Mr: and~_~;..fi-I""'_~"!",,,,~'-;;:~~~;""-:=~ \j; . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry Rat- . Jonahs Run Church Social Mrs. Mike Riesinger and soos liff of Waynesville and . Mr. and z... '-HAllM AN STREE T rooms Fri,day night where near ~od Hppe-,, !lnd Mr. and WAYN ESVILL E. OHIO. Mrs. William Tinney of Lynch.friends and relatives spent time 117~7"& Mrs. Bern J. GOrdon and fflmily . burg. and' visited with Mr. ana Mrs. Mr:......and , .of )Vere SUn~y ViSitors '1 \ Charles Ellilson and .fa~U'y ' of Mrs. Everett Gordoil. Apache . .Junction, ~ Ariz, The Mi. ~nd' Mrs. ~Harold Wolfe of ' Ellison 's left for home WednesRochester attended·' church 'sel - , day. .vices at J'oriahs Run'Church &.n~ Sam Russell arid ' Frank Fannin of near Lebanon were Tues- .. day. Mr. Wolfe i~ . a nephew of'day night callers . on . Mr. and - Mrs. Oint Taylor. Massie , Grange Won first place.. .' Mrs. Clarence Price. with ttieii boo'tb at the Warren .. _Claude. Ball and' children ' Julienne, Jackie, Marty; · an.d . Coun.ty. ' Fair, an~~ the , Juni~r Joyce spent Tuesday a6 Cowa!1 .... ~I?ooth.~~on 3rd p)~<i~. . 1-' " ,', ' ' ,. Our.' s~t weU .,~lS,t(e~" to Mrs~ , Lake. James (Doris) Smith' who is 'a' Mrs. J u4y. ;McCorinafia' . t ,;,qin(Q,n:I\~~~p~iar . near Colur;obus spent tile wee.!' · Vatie'n ,., .~t . .'. " Hospit~t·:/" .... ~:i' ~ :':" end with _tier .Jf1lrents;', Mt: ,.and Mat : 897-2966 Mrs. \'Robert -Hough . . rtlark ' . Major a~nd Mrs. Richaf<t Ki • ..the hart, nee Anna' Marie George., 'the , . were the hon~ted guests ' 'at a dinner Thursday, night"' a't 'th~ · '. ,AqgUs tt 19 at ~ ;30 tbe pr~~'Jjt~~linm:''': Driftwood in Wilmington. Aniong , , presentation' ,o f'i ter fOJ:~Y{a nary ,plan i those' irt · ~tt~n~nce "Wer~ Mrs. :; : .for Harv,eysburg .. , HOUS EHOL D GOODS ~e Carll!an' a.nd daught~~,- y:>ri, , MISe E L LAN EOUS Mrs. Cheryl , Bro~hets'f Mr.,and . of south miles 4~ sville, Wayne of north miles 2 LOCATED Mrs. Theod(ire George'~ " Mr. and Road. k Bellbrook on Waynesville-Bellbroo Mrs. Mik~ Geo~ge an4 Mrs:..Ptrol Lee Schuster. The Kipharts, stationed at Fort HoOd~ Tx., have bce~" in Ohio ' visiting friends Beginning at 11 :30 A.M. and relat.ives. Everett Snell and Mrs.' Mae 4 Pc. maple bedroom suite (very good), - cedar chest, - twin -.. Lytle. W4~re Sunday .' guests · of . beds, - console table, - camera and projector, - baby bed, - play. the ,Charles Snell 'family fu. Daypens, 10-1" maple counter tops 24x28, -linens, quilts and other "ton. All had'supper at the L & K -white doors, /FJass w ry secreta t -walnu bedding, -old brass bed, SUnday night. cutting maple hed), (refmis doors Mrs. .Rachel P~rker of Anaw/g).ass rd cupboa china pine heim, CaJJif. visi~ed Friday :afterboards, - 2 school desks, - sewing table, - old chairs, - dry sink old noon with a long time friend, (refinished), -arrow back chair, -old tin cigar box, - dIshes, Mrs. Claudia Brandenburg. butternut door, - old shutters, - dinner bell, - iron kettle, - old . Mr. and ~'. Harry Rager pictures and frames, - lau~dry stove, - walnut stand (refinished) (nee Brenda Stevens), of Glarksplus many other antique and household items. ville announced the birth of a son, Matthew Wain. Gravely tractor with cultivators, rotary and reel mowers, ~ Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves plumbused press, drill lathe, turning wood s, work benche spe.nt the weekend with .his paring materials, pipe , copper tubing , etc, - air compressor with ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norville Reeves parts, and block let Chevro V8 )ent, equip11 al of Nankin, Ohio and attended motor , - electric kitchen g, floorin the Re{.'Ves reunion in· Ashland cross cut saw, - lot of used lumber, - oak Sunday _ cabinet doors, - concrete blocks, - 5 Thermopane plate glass . Mr. ,and Mrs. William ~st~r listed. panels J 8x 72 in .-and many miscellaneous items not attended ", the , Underwood reUluon at the Frien'ds Red Brick , r LUNCH TERMS CASH sOcial building. in Waynesville, ' , ,~lt~: r~oop,. " .. . .Sunday . enter-jog 6 ~s, \ and s Witham Bess I. Mrs. , t Mrs~. ~.' Ohio , AmeHa of ith Galbra ' . Al,ma ,., m ' f...o ' " Mrs. f o , , ;' .'"tests were weekend. p- " 'n~ ~. . . , H:S . . l'ucke(... ' .', h. ".- • . -, Mr. and Mti. Cljnt' STAN LEY & WORKMAN, AUCTIONEERS -attend ep tbe ' " , , Xcni:! 372-3172 Waynesville 897-2946 g~t together a~' ';, '
SITUID 'I ', IUIIST 8, 181D··
Mr. & Mrs. Ear Cot t er,mIn, OW.ne r s .
: ""
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~dl:' OJ!'
1ol,,,,.JI'n/'l I"liIl'
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The Waynesville United Methodist Church provided a candlelight setting for the marriage of Miss Yutonia Caye Horton and Mr. Garry Lee Watson at sixthirty o'clock in the evening on Saturday, Aug:-l. The doubl'e ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. L. Young. Miss Horton, the daughter of Mrs. Frances Elliott, 3227 Mohawk Street, Middletown and Mr. Joe E. Horton of 4312 Central Avenue, Middletown, was given in marriage by her father. Mr. Watson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will ie Watson of 2128 Carolina Street, Middletown. Miss Horton was gowned in a white crepe wedding creation smartly designed and sewn · by her. It featured an empire waist softly gatherc~d to the bodice and princess seaming, Miss Horton's gown was aceented by puff sleeves and its neckline, bodice and cuffs were delicately ornamented by teardrop bead trim. Her train length veil of bridal illusion was caught to a soft bow of matching crepe. Teardrop beading was repeated on her headpiece. Miss Horton carried a cascade bouquet of pink Rubium lilies and Stepha notis. Gold candelabrum complimented by attached appropriately hued floral arrangements softly caressed the church sanctuary. Appropriate . selections were
presented at the church organ by Mrs. William Vaught: . -Miss Horton was attended by . Juanita Sue McClary, friend 'o f the bride, Maid of Honor and bridesmaids, Miss linda Watson, sister of the bridegroom, Carol Lynne Ratliff, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. All wore matching street lerigth creations of deep rose pink, polyester and cotton crepe, softly gathered at the sides and fashioned with an empire waist, lowered, round neckline and short puff sleeves and front panels of matching lace. They. carried baskets of white Rubium lilies and pink daisy pompoms. Mrs. Elliott, the .bride's mother, and Mrs. Watson, mother of the groom, chose 'appropriat'e fashions accented by white cymbidium orchid corsages. The bridegroom was attended by best man, Mr. Larry Watson, his brother. Ushers included Mr. Jerry Davis and Mr. Melvin Williams, ffiends of the groom and.- Mr. Robert Aitman , step-brother of the bride. The wedding reception was hostessed in the church multipurpose room and featured a three tiered cake baked and decorated by the bride's aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will return from a ·one week wedding trip to the East on August 8. Mrs . Watson, a graduate of le-
, h,."-
~, 1
BRITISH SINGERS SPOTLIGHTED ON CHANNEL 2 Old and new hymns in modern style comprise the charismatic reo pertoire of England's interdenominational emissaries, "The Contact Singers". Of this group of apprOximately 40 young people from various sections of England, a girls quartet from Bromwich and its Congregational ministe~·advisor from Dudley, Rev. Ken Newton, will be featured on Sunday, Aug. 9, at 9:30 a.m . on Channel 2's "Open Bridges". Mutual cooperation of The University of DaytQn, Gergamo Center for Christian Renewal and Dayton 's Council on World Aff· airs 'brought this inspirationa.1 group to Dayton . Program hostess for this weekly community service program · is Mrs. Robert C. Roderick, a lay member of Dayton's Grace United Methodist Church.
mon-Monroe High School at Monroe and Ohio University at Athens, teaches home economics at Waynesville Junior High School. Mr. Watso.n , a graduate of Middl etown High School, is a Sergeant in the United States
Watch Wax Although nothing does so much to enhance the beauty. of a furni· ture finish as a fresh waxing, occasionali y wash your furniture to remove heavy wax build·up. Wash a section at a time , using a sudsy solution of warm water and a· good detergent or soap Hakes. Rinse your cloth often and always follow the wood grain with your strokes. After the surface is thoroughly dry, you are ready to rewax or polish. Do not ., wash furniture that has been finished only with oil.
The MIAMI GAZETTE P.o. Box '18 WaynesVille, Ohio 45068
.I I
..- -l;J ( QATE t
STATE _ _ _ _ __
C.lTV > .
Marines statio·ned · a~ .'NOrfolk,~: Va. ' , .. ' . : ..... Mr. and Mts. \Vatson W ill 'be at home to their friendSiat apartme.nt 0 at 50 North. Four(h .. Street, Waynesville. '
PHONE _ _ _ _ _
First Baptist Church ' NQrtli Main Street ' John P. Osborne, Pasto~, 10:00 a.m. ,Sunday School , 11 :00 a.m.,Morning Worship _ 6:30 p.m.,Training Union ,' 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship ' : 7:30p.m.,Wednesday Prayer ' Meeting (MfiHated with Southern Bap· t ist Convention).
" First Churct.Of Christ '
, East High S'tr~e t Steve Tigner, Minister 9:30 a,n1., Sunday Bible School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and Communi.on 6:00 'p,m., Sunday Youth Meeting .... 6:30 p.m., Sunday Christian Youth Hour 7:30 p.m. , Sunday Evening Worship 7:30 p.m" Wednesday Bible Studt
- Friends Meeting ,
Fourth Street nea~ 'Hig~ 9:30 a.m., Sunday Schoo l 1O ~45 a.m. Sunday Meeting for Worship (unprogrammed) ~, St. Augustine Church ' High Street , Rev: Joseph H: Lutmer, Pastor
10·:00 a m.. Sunday &:hO()1 10:00 & II :00 a.ln.: Sunday ' "'Wors hip Service 7:30 p'.m., Sunday Evening Worship
United Methodist ' h.urch · [}Jvid Harper. Pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday Church Service I O: ~O a.m" Sunday School II :00 a.m., Sunday W,mhip Service Youth Fellowship and Bible , Study
CORWIN , Pentecostal Holiness Church Acy lAIinb. Pastor 10:00 'a.I11 .• Sunday School 7 :30 p.m., Su.nday, Wedne sJay and Saturday, Evening' . ,Worship Scrvices. 7:30 p.m., Wc-dnesday Y<)lIth ' Service
Ha'rveysburg Full GOSpel Church ' , E. Sou,rh' Street Rev. Jack Hamilton. Pastor 7:30p .m. Tuesday '7:30 p.m. Friday· Young People ) Servicc J0:00 a.lll. Sunday School 7 ~00 p.m. Sunday Evenin g
7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Holy Days ,~ 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a.m.,[}dily MaSSe 5:30 p.~l. Saturday, Mass,
Third & Main Streets Rev: Harold Deeth, Rector II : I 5 a.m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th S\Jndays Third'& North Streets L. L. Youn~, Minister 8:00 a.m. Worship Service ;10: 15 a.m. Churcl! at Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church at Study
LYTLE U.,~ted
Spring Valley Church of Christ , Glady' Street 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship 7:00' p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship
.'Spring Vailey Friends Church Moun iStree t ' E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday SChool ) 0 : 3~ a.m. Morning Worsh,ip
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Corner of 73 & Corwin ' Rd. Rev . Sherman Cook, Pastor ) 0:30 a.m., Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday Eve, Service 7:30 p.m., Wednesd~ Eve. Service . 7:30,p.m., Sat. Eve. Service , FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m .• Sun~y' 'School 10:30 a.m. ; MorniDK Worship
Rev. Leon.ird n. . xier. , . . 9:]0 a.Ill .. Sunday , SChut)I ·......' , ' 1]':00 ;1-;111 .• ,Sunday', Worship I.., .I ; &,n;ico . ' Prayer .. sday Wedne ,. p.I11 7.30 Ser:v kc
St. Mary's Episcopal Church .
United Methodist; Chur:ch
'MJ'. ·HQLLY. . United Methb~ist . , ' Church
Christian Baptist Mission
Methbdist Church' '_
John K. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., ~nday sChool 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship . .. ' ' SeJrVice 8:00·- 9:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, Bible Study
FERRY '. . , t Chris Ferry Church of
----- -.-
Wilmington Pike & Social Row' Road Bus Wiseman, Minister
Main 'Street ' , Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.rn: Evening,Worship 7:30 p.m. PFay,er Meeting, ,Wednesday & Thursday
...,... .. .,
WA~N~VIL,""~' OH'O '.
. '
•.' /
'S BARs.E'RSHI'JP<l. "':""C1i!.'.:;'~'" :GRAV , WAYN .VJL.I. .II
GENNfpWN . Genntown'Ur:iited' Ch'urch 'Of C"r;si Rout e 42 al Gcnntowll'
I. : Puslm r'' Rlly Stornle . .' .. . 9)0 a:I11. I.w'urJ lllp ~[~ i~c<" ~'" ' 10:30 Strn"dav Clillrdi &:lw'ol . : Youth y ,5:00 p.•il.: ~1'IHI~ " Fellow ship
j .
"1 . '
•MI'AM r G4ZEne '
" , WANTED, Babysitting. Phone 897· ' 5921. Ask for Jean.. ', ' 18nctf ,'WANTED: A , small ' ' Iawnmo~er~ AIJO a child's large riding tricycle. Phone 897-5921. ' 19ctf
L INDA'S Beauty Sa16n- 300 Wade Street- -862-6581 Spring Valley. Open , daIlY-:'6venlrig. appts.-hlgh stylingsa.oo' uQ~rmarie!lts~$10 . 00 up . , We care abOut our custo(T1ers. • "-" • 30c2
.,. _--
', '
HOME ',repair ' and maintenance carpente ~, cb"crete, sheet metal paint• lng, roofing ,and elec.trlcal. Phone 746-2~82. 21ctf
,F ARM fencing, barn " painting and repa,r. f't:e' estimates. Phone Mlddle- , 10wn ~23-1424 or 422-7494. 17ctf
, . {free state' California claims the world's ol~est tr.ees (bristlecone pines), tallest (coast , redwoods)" and ~arges~! -<Sequoia gigantea) :
MALE & Female ' peklngncse; half Arabian and half Apolosee, 13 mos. o.I d filly, Phone 932·7203 . 31cl FOR Better cleaning, to keep colors gleaming, use Blue Lustre carpet clea ~ nero Rent electric shampooer, $I, Waynesville Furniture. 31cl LARGE Swing Set, new, $35. Phone 897-52 64. 31c1 JIG ,Saw, wood lathe, 4 chroine reo verse wheels for Ford . Phone 897· 5436. 31c1 SINGLE Car garage door, good condition, complete with track . Phone 897-6451. 31c1 HEATING stove..! '40,000 BTU, natural gas, 'Phone a97-6451 . 31c1 1968 CAMARO ; 4 speed on floor good condition, Phone ·after 5:30 p.m ., 897.. 6761. 31c2 SWEET 'Corn, purchase or pick your own. Pho~e 932-9131 . - 31c1
Bv D .•). Frazier July 31, 1970. How often you hear peoplle say, "It isn 't the heat, it's the humidity" , but I say ' of some of the weather we have it',s the heat and the humidity . Over 90 is hot in any eli, mate , even over 80 is good swimming weather only I haven't been swimming yet. It may be good corn weather, hQt with showers, but it is nlJt so good-for-people weather. Not good hay weather , either. AKC Registered,' miniature poodles, also AKC 'mlnlature dachshunds, Yesterday we went to the Phone 897-7476. 31c2 sale. We didn 't take a veal because SONY TC-8 Cartridge Recorder. Records 8·track cartridges: $125. we had sole a nice little heifer Phone 897-6416. 31cl to a neighbor. Now we had to have a replacement so we brought THANK YOU I WISH. to tllank my friends, neigha small Holstein, bors and relatives for all the Kindness Head calves were .as high as shown me and my wife while In the hospital. Also for the flowers, cards, usual or even higher ' as ' Some the visits and prayers of Rev. John Smith. Thank you ' very, very much, Herefords went as high as $60. Frank KLlrflss 31c1 Some owners of Hereford flocks must have been clearing LOST & FOUND out their calves for there were BABY Stroller at high ' school ball,field,. reward, Phone 897,6451. such a lot of nice big ones from 31c1 250 pounds to 350 pounds that looked as though they ha~ been running with their mamas. Calves . ,i, that have been running ou t do MOBILE,HOME:SAl,XS not bring quitle. as high a' price LoIi:':·I'.lIi~I' per pound as: what the auc?,~ it40 per qlonth) ,,~ tioneer calls barn calves. Ror the first time in a long ~,,;~ time, there were so many veals Swfmmtn', Pool ' , ,School Bu. $ervJc:e that it took more than an hour .~' ~rEN ., DAYS :.WEEK to sell them instead of the half , to three quarters of an hour it " WlLnLlP'E 'R~CRtAIn.6N has been taking. That makes it .t Sprlnl "alley Lake ' , Ph, New BurU " ,t,on • 488·J483 a little hard on the men like ,....!JooO-~-~~--..;~~'~''''''''"~~~... i Ho~ard who work , on second shift and want to buy head calves. We had to hurry after the sale, but he made it. . One of our poor give-away puppies that had adopted Sandy for' a friend got tangled up in his t l"l'k :I I neb bolt 10 lett'" ,nd _11m. 01-"_ chain th~ otJter day and hurt its .. b l~ «lr·nICk " lri~l. PR'tI9IIwithfi/liCft, TII:y.Ita1. ' : Mc<l "'3" G,u;rll UIIIIIIIIOIII. 2 101' IUS. , •• PPdpaw and got a terrible fright. ., ~=!!I1IIII'I1iii . Sandy was Sica-red, too, and 'Y_ _ 'o b~rked and carried' on, ana 't he other poor baby howled and FarddtOldOar. 1~1.-~;i'I~;;i lofftU'PO rtJIIiII. ,.. shook itself loose and was at" .. RED LION SALES ' tacked by the Saint, and that P.O, Box 188 scared it some more, and when Sprlfigboro, Ohio 45066
~I"d a Home'"
," ' ,:- ..r••tlon:lrel: .'
• "
' ,
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARiNG · Request for zoning charge, Far Hills $.ubdivision of the Preston farm. Public hearing Aug. 10,1970 at 7:00 p:m. · at Mayor's off,ice in Wayne5\tUle, Ohio. t
t: '::; ..
, ~.
Mothers & Housewives • I can't find empl~,ymenUn Train now • work your own hours.' ,eelcly Plyplus G,.~n StamlP i. Sell adorable toyS' t, to $10. Give Ilfte a call for detail ••
'·"· r
3 AcreS on Rt. 48. Trees and Cr.eek , $4,,000. ~
,>: ' :";82 , SQPTH
MAtti ,Sl . ':~ '
.~<~~ . ".; GREASE' -.JO~S "
'" Fl'AT'.i ,
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5 Bedroom house with 4 room apartment attached. A real. buy 'at · .
Pl1; ,a97'-7946
$13,000' . CALL
, Q(l ' CHANGES 'IBES " '" R~~Alk~n . '. : ,. v,
,KENt 01 '-8 897:-2526
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~ .:,~:,;\: ,',',' ,<SHQP,WHERE YOo-SAVE) '
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Summer is a delectible season for a backyard or patio luau, a . wine t8$ting party or an evening with the ~odi.~~ f~turi,ng hors. '
d'ouvreS that are out of this world. ' . '~ .For. A Party Uniquely 'Epi~uri·al\ ' , ,
PI\one 891-,6021 '.
.' .
BART'S' "_
will not be enough to<kee:ij;tll:1 eiiD' do~n. So-" pretty. is' tities, but such a pest runs loose. ls the United Teleptione doing anything about improved service yet? And how about , a courtesy mailbox? Parking is a real problem at the post office quite often, Think about these things and don 't forget to renew your subscription, Funny , isn't it, how you read something on one subject and then run into others on the same thing. I have just had a good review on the early history of our country's first Benjamin Franklin in July Reader Digest. '1hen the next book I picked, a Reader's Digest condenced book, not a recent one, was the one that had t~e novel on the life of John Adams, another great American , and this month Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, All of them review parts of the same parts of our history and are worth reading. It is good for us to look back at our eariy principles and great men.
we r~scue4: it , .t just went limp in Happy 's' ai m and 'didn't move for a long time. It is better now and is out again, but I think its paw is broken . It hangs loose, and he doesn't put it down . Doesn't anyone want a sweet ,pup.py with a lame paw? He is one of Fat Albert's and has his sweet disposition. What became of all but one of Snuffy'S last litter , we do not know, We have not found any trace of them . They were pure bred Scotties, I have one handsome pink zinnia and a few that haven't bloomed yet. That was all that I got from a 75t package of seeds. Inflation, even seeds show it. Higher prices and fewer seeds to the package. The county will not lack for. seed enough of Queen Anne's lace to seed the whole county. It is growing along the roads, whole fields ,of it: Are those , fields ones that are.in the feed grain program and should be . mowed twice a ye~r? The sad Part is that even two mowings
HOSTESS OPEN HOUS E-frid ay-was get ac'~uaintedday at Camp Stoney brook at Waynesville for Waynesville busin~~en . and 120 Girl Scout carppers from the Cincinnati and Warren Coun- . ty areas. A group of businessmen ineluding Miami Gazette Editor, Dennis 'Dalton were given a mini tour of Stoneybrook facilities by Camp Business Manager, Miss Celia Uremia of Santiago, Chile, The . group hiked through the five camping units currentl¥ settled on Stoney brook's scenic 320 acres with the charming Miss Urenda who introduced camp staff and pointed out new-activities includ- _ ing golf and horseb'ack riding. Miss Orenda is a 1969 graduate of Western College for Women at Oxford. Miss Urenda is shown above with from left to right, S. Ray Wallace, owner of The Fireside Inn; Waynesville Postmaster, Owen Hartsook and Walt Session, a visitor from Perry, Aa.-Dennis' Dalto~ .Photo
TO 'US Precision
Wo rk Is a "Must" Hw e
(I '
We would 1:ike to introd uce to you our "NEW high quality printiD i." Much .effort has lODe into IMPROV ING our quality .taDdarda. 11le Iatat in typeaettia , equipm ent briap to you thia quality at lower prica. • lUll I Eli CARDS • WEDDII' IIIVITATI.,.I , • AllOU lCOlU TI • LETTERHEADS • EI"RO PD • lROCHUIEI • POm ll - LAIEU • CALElDARS • ITATDlEII1I
--.,.. IPEClALTlD K.t • bill paiI& .... ' . . . . . ....... ......., ......, .., bIp, ...... . Iat __ . ....... .. ~ JI&W . . . . . . . pol ........
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is ~~4" tall. ,we~gbS. .l~,,:~q r,\~'i f' ' ' and has two , ~iWtel\; , Will¥i ,~. eight m~les a ,d;ay, '~~ d~ ~+ , " sleep well. ,Aboul ho.ooo thDugb tl; race thrwg h ' lier ,tWO .'lb.' U;'Or.. brain dall,. :She .• ~ be~n I:. 4.800 and '5.000" worda "'m . a W hour pet'IOO ~ I~~ ol)'~ fe~ of ber' Ufe · on the teiep..one:- ,;
t ~in lee the ~ 'i~ , Be&r . the ntoWa Wa . c Do1r Located at the offices Of
E E'R W I IAM The 'MPH on .-69 21 ' 105 ·S. )lain .
ITEM:: ,Of ; the 11.8Qo Amerl.!' . cans kiUed ;in I boiQe . falls 1,lt year" 9,9,00 ~ere 65. ~an of. ~ge·., .
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'use an approved cockrOach spray, " followir.g cau~IOQl and 'dlrectioq,.:,· on the la.,eC A1IO~, .tore the"'m- ; secticide well 'olit of, the'"re acb" " " 'I.'.~ '~r.' l",",' ,,"{ri. n',1nd of cbil:Jlre I" ' . 1 , y"
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ITEM: Mrs. Average, Ame~ican L}.
I'QM: TOY ' ti~'e: , ~~
many injurie s to 'children eBd;i ' year, PIaitiC:, ~Us.; and metal: -,' toys, wbi¢b ~ve 'Very ~ " edges when." J)rok-rn,: are:--~' cboice8 ' fOf': tll~ ' ~JfoOrbJIi14~,' You CIUl collnt -'on rough ment (If tOYl1from iaUJ ~~iy '~e" '
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pO&~Je ' paid at Wa"'riYilt,. OJ,io -,
, Au~st f2,, 1970 - .WayneSville, Ohio .
11"ltil'g lllq,li Slltian Slatld ," _,IIIYO'llvi UI'I 'Whit-IBric'i '
By o-nil Dalton
Waynesville '~Quakerdom" will adcl more historical promi· .oence and acclaim to its already outstanding background Aug. 20-23 during the 150th session of Indiana . Yearly Meeting. The sesquicentennial meeting will convene at 1.0 a.m. Aug. ~o at Waynes1~Ue's .landmark 'White BriCk' Hic,ksite Meeting House, which was built in 1811. An historical celebration will 'honor the 150th anniversary of Ohio. Yearly Meeting establishing Indiana Yearly Meeting . at \Vaynesvme. ,". : Pre'ViOl.lIS to 1820,. when Indi/, ana ' Yeady Mee~ng Was orga,'.~ nized, Friends of westefn Ohio - and eastem In.dia~a assembl~d at Mount PLel\sant fot. Ohio Ye~~ly 'Mee jng ~hich , had' been ~ esta,.' '. . 6lislied:~ tbere: 'ill .1813. :..-. . ' The:"tlirst session · of Indiana i~:~~'l~lY~,!,"J~et~)g" ,t., s ·c.pnd'uoted... wru,.le.~~u,~ (I!0W Iljchmond, 8th ,-0 (' he · telfth month, 182V'. ;, At that · tim~, Wayne,s~lle ..f.rien~s Were ' . affiliafed· with the Baltimore Yearly Meeting. ,Wayntilsvj}le's first c Quaker families arrived around 1800 after Ezekiel "Oeaver led a group .,
of Friends from Virginia to Brownsville, Pa, Oeaver and several of his followers constructed a log meeting house at the east corner of Miami and Third Streets follow· ing their settlement. Another log meeting house was built by the group in 1805 on West High Street un the lot which is now occupied by the Orthodox Friends Church, 'Red Brick', built in 1835. Fri,ends organized and built the first school in Wayne Township in' 1802. A brick school was .- constructed by them in Waynesville in ] 811. The building is now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart of West High Street. Another first for ' them was _ the organiza.tion and location of the first r~gu!ar, ceme~ery in the township - plotted . adj~cent the 1~t log meeting ho~e during 'l the sarne-,ear. Waynesvilfe's famed 'White Brick' Meeting House, was constructed 40 feet by 60 feet between 1811 and 1813 at a' total - cost of $1,500. . An Orthodox meeting branchedin 1'828 and worshiped in the
1805 log meeting house until 1835 when the 'Red Brick' was , constructed . Highlights of the YearJy Meeting sesqui program will be an address by Joseph Engleberg on .the "Techniques of Nonvio· (Continued on Page 8)
FELLOWSHIP PICNIC PLANS FINALIZED FOR SEPTEMBER"6 It will be an old time country get-together' on .a grand . scale when WaY'nesville and area fami-. lies jurn out for a Community FeJlowship, pre-Labor Day celebration ~pt. 6. Mrs. Charles LeMay,chairman of the Fellowshjp, that will be sponsored by the Wayne Retail Merchants Association, has a1.,.. ready begun contacting lc;)'cal and area churches an~ is urging everyone tQ come-out for the program that promises heap of old fashioned fun. She's also looking for local musicians and singers who might like to share their talents and perform at the Community Fel-
Continued ,t o page 8
.':n~~~$t . cepted a church calling afWayneswii'uen . Ville' after. 'leaving ···Bridgetown -as.~~e ' -, where'~v 1i8*teF' Was a$sistant iri .. !p~, ~b1:1rcJ:l ,': pa~~nag9 ~ on ittst - - Hi8IP~treet. ,. .. . ,. . ..
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Tigner Will,a~so' b~ a~s~~~ "-at ,Waynes- .
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,-. vUle Jfigti' Sch~I '&,Jpe~ntend~nt .'
, paUl Swamberger, 4e "·p~ns ' to institute a Feilo~p of. -Olds-
, 'tian ' Athletes, ~tbln' t~e , ~~ool . system. . I' ...._
Comp lete BOok of Sky' Sport s Halloween 'Party The Case Against Private Aviation
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. Ice Cream Sociar. ... Sat. Aug. :!2 · 5 P.M'.. . United Methodist Church ' ( Lytle, Ohio .
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S<?rlie plain fads about electriC .heat from DP&l:
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Yes, I'd like ' a free, ·no-obligation ~stima)e of the c.~st of heating my hO.me; erectiically'. - , -
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r~o:n ~e . : ·.tl~~~ ' a'~'cf'trr·r~ ':(li~et.:.t:~l~ ,/ ~','set~ 'of l'lm~, )hic,~a1t'terl'4.~:¢:ChYi·clif, t
•no-on ·tin 'fU~d8y, " Augus~,) S ",: ·'JJbtiiahs' seMc~s at the' 'Umted' Metf\odist· ~ureh '. • :. ': '":~ .'~'he~) (lUltitlJl!: ,Cllll1r(l:n • Socia l 'ROOlJl : • ~ . . "I . , Mr~ art~rMrs:1 ~t:ry, Rathff ()f, : W?O .' thie~ .tto~r . ,bo!»\ t~P,~, on .oaJ;d CO\llJlSe.IO.o . ttl.e' ; ~a~k .d £Wal{L .Mort~y; , '. N9rth Stre~L :yisit~d ' over the',. as Mf. " Au~st ·~,.' on t~e ,,0\).10' ,~~~r; ... w~eke~~ Wi~,their relatives,;Car' of Ratliff &iSh' ' . Mrs' and . ~,whicli , s, . A to~aI , of. SO per~~:>n . inc,ude d '16 ,g\i~~ts fr~llt Spti~- . lisle,' k'y .. ". . '.'. 'r: ' ' " ~l.....:=.."~:~;~..oo..:~bolO, artd Fra9)d~n. ~oarde, d two, buses outside the United Metho- : . diu :' Chur~h in· Waynesville at:'d ' 'traveled toO Cincinnati. A'delightful .buffet luncheon was served to 'ttie .advefiturers and a ~ruly. delightful irlp'was enjoy~d. ::1)e next meeting Will ip- ', I
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michener . of Waynesvin~ are announcing their first child, a ' the 'birth 29 at Ointotr' July gid, 'born Memorial Hospital. The little lady weighed ,S, lbs. 4 ,oz. ~nd has been named Julie Christine. Qandpareilts are Mrs. C.B. Michener of W~ynesville and Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Beydler of Greeley, Colorado .
F_irltBlptilll.1t ow.
C.OllN .CRIB -
.A fire shortly after 9 p.m. Monday .destroyed· 2~
~n the Vir~il Harris farm on.Ohio f~et by-32 feet garage and nearby corncrib flanked by storage sheds eqUIpment and tool~ m~lud. 73 west of W~lynesvi1le. The blaze ~f unknown o'rigin. consumed a quantity Qf dl~O' essor, electric welder, <bills and saw~,. Harris estimated the loss at $2000. Hams.
ing an air compr reported that the buildings vered {he fire: shortly after 9 p.m. as he was returning from Waynesville. He housed m a nearby barn were engulfed in flames by the time he reached them. Neighbors freed six hogs r-old daughter of Mr. a~~ which had its siding burned away on the sout~east side. Sherry Rains, 13·yea Jo the Wayne Township blaze the d reporte Mr~. Walter Rains of C"Mter Drive. was amonR neiJdlbors who David Edsall Photo. f. himsel shields above, rd, Wootla Bob n Firema Fire Department.
FIlii dl
JhII'VI S· THE II·.1:lrCI ti'eI Hun.i I.t .IIY Ii "Vi II t' -"
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·.Police Chief Ch4lrles .LettJay,. is' s~i1l invesij· ed R~~~~~l!tfe;:~~bak~~~~' 'calf '. gating a' break-in ~hjch.,,,,occut:I het\\i~e p
;i;fiI9111111~""""'''''''~'''!' '
IWalker'S .: P.harJll3~y :,t t.: ··n: 1.S p~m. Wednesday and 8:30
.' . .at:;~'i
'old 1 soldf,unt ir' later in. n~l)9Pn" ;aiid /ie: tljer 'not as .a8~large\ {l
.' . . €tpef ~~y . !w , "theorized .: that the 'burglars we(e looki.ng .. tij.~y. . ~eaIs,' . for ~r4 narcQtics".whicb ~alker . ~ does ~pt ~eep in thewstore. ':calyeS ' >Utat o pullet-t lock a ~gla fS, \lse~ ,.....".'IIoVO.'" ftri~A.II'. 'b,~t noJie " ,;.tJie ftQnt .door (ock ,and remo~e ..' aced f _ wm~e : ;· ."nt,lIn·; gain '·entry. '. The." sam~ method . ,. . ',. . 'dn4's: . . ,We ~ '~n"!\~by , t~ .. ,~~" 1ele-. has been .~d .~~ a series of drug Ma.on, Leban at ins store ·break~ ·, tL 't , . 'ain,' . .'~: ~. '~"'··"<~.ml:..:. ~' -. din g t 0 . and' pc.......... lUI IS I;»_mg ~~WII t'uvne" .. in .accor Iltf,CUI, son :. , ....... . . • ' tl...::': ' " " _,,' ' ' , ' '''':''b . . . . >uv~! .."! (;,O~,." . ,. &I.ey·· .... m~g IDa ·) ' .u::I ~on . Robert Walker, owner, ~. ~ ~ .• 1" .. " ',;-, " ; . ' '-; .'I;tllle~~;naine;'.o.f~tthc'll1Son : which . s drawer .of er 'nurilb A . ~y. ,IL8~:~ ~~~ .th~e. stones. wo~ci- ordinarily be used fQr iJlt9...t~e>gr.~und·, It ~y ~e~te~r·storage of narcotics were 'left . . : .. " :.0 .......·• >rl . Bdt open by · the wOuld . be thi~es. . ..,...• •~....."fI!'..1 >.:~lj!Ji!~9~~b,!:4~ d - ·Nothing else ,was touched or . \br~~... . missing from: the store . Walker . "S81 d ' »._...,< ,."• • _ • .- ..... ...,..... .. .,a out ''' ', ' Walkers 61.:.;' " ~.. need -h :flUt·~~~JP~{(IY~t111i1Wl1ioXi·? lJUee monU&:i ago, l ' "in8ilin '.' PharmacY" on Colu'mbus:Avenue g • eo \ ~ at Lebanon waS hit. Burglars . will ~ve to go also 10bking for narcotics, mov~d ' ''''t(~~~~gt)1~6l~fley:tlUllve -8, ~j the,.stP1e 's safe halfway out the y.6~j=1~!iit;iJ:flt):ter~ne~, door befor~ ~eeing, Three weeks t prior tc;; that break-in the store ~~ ~mm"ge,~ (or-.narC?0tics , -am:.Thursday.
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Pr.d slo n ·wo rk Is a
"Mu st" Hw e .i '..
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We would like to iattocluce to you our "NEW high quality priDliaa-" Much . effort baa lone into 1M.' - PROVING our qUality ICaDdarcla. The latest in typeMttiaa equipmaac briap to you thU quality at p:ica.
~FO." · . ICR ,retR• r.t .el'lC Km
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,. • \ "., Nm:man ~ ([' • . ,'. '3 I '. ~; '0 ,*.m., . Sunda~ '&:hvof ' , .WeElm~cUlY ~v~nir1g ' - :to:3q 'a.nl. S':lna~y,.~ornt~g· ' . Worship . for infotm'atiol'" '7:30 p:ril.. Sunday Evening ~ \ 1. " ','. . $crvi'clr . 'Fir" aaptist ,churc h ek Midwe sday. ' 7:30 p.m. Wo(j'pc ,,: ,",,".Nort~ ,M~i{l ·~it~et - . ' , Prayorai)d ~~i~le Study ...... ~0I:in,' P. ..Osborne, Pastor ...
. . . . . ,..
.j I'
, 1'0':00 a.m.;Sun~y Sc·hnol . ,.i ::00 a.m.,Morning Worship ,6:3(fp.m:,Tf8ining Unio'n 7:3~ p..m.,J;:yc'ling ~D,rship ,1 ,30p.m :,Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Af~liated wit,h Southern Bap· list ConVenti~>n).. . I
F.rst Churc h.of Christ.
.'J ona'h sRun, B~Ptist .. . .. Church
'. " 7 lio 3 l:as t ' . ~sler Kidd, Pastor! " "" .' IO ~OO &l.ln.. SlInd",y &;hool , 10:'00 & II :,OO·a.m :, Sunday ," . W().rship Service -7:30 p.m .. Sun'day Evening . : Worship ' 0"
East High Street Unit; i"Met bod'ist Steve Tigner, Minister . . Ctiurch 9:30 a.m ., Sunday Bihle Schoul . Harper, Pastor 1f,lVid ro:30 a.m., Sunday Worship and ' 9:30 a,m., Sunday Church .' Communion Scrvil:e Yuuth 6 ;00 p.m., Sunday -10:30 a.m., Sunday School Meeting .. II :00 a.m., Sunday Worship 6:30 p.m., Sunday Christian Service Youth Hour Fellowship and Bible Youth 7:30 p.m., Sunday Evening Study . , . Worship 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Bible Harveysburg Full Gospel Study
Friends Meeting "
Fourth Street ncar lIigh 9:3'0 a.m., Sunday School ' 10:45 a.rn. Sundlty Meeting for Worship (unprogrammed)
"St, Augustine
High Street ' Rev. Joseoh H. Lutmer, P-dstor 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses R a.m ..& R p,m. Holy IfdyS 7:30 p.m. -First Friday 7:45 a;m.. lfdily Mass 5:30 p:.~n. Saturday Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal , Church Third & Main Streets. Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector II :-15 a:m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: . Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
~ E. South Street Rev. Jack Hamil,toll, Pastor 7:30 p.m'. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday· Young People's Service 10:00 a.l1). Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening
SPRI~ VAl lE" United Methodist '- ' Church , " Walnut'-Vine - Robert R. Meredi'th ,'Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday SChool ) 0:3.0 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m ..Youth 'FeUowship~ jr. high & srL hj~ 7:45 p.m. Wednesday choir rehears:l1
Un'ited Methodist: Church Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Mi'nister , 8:00 a.m. Worship Service ,'10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship . ,9:OQ a.m. Sunday Church at
Spring Valley Church ~ of Christ Glady Street 10:09 a.m . Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednes~ay Evening, , Wo ship
Mound Street Cous~r, Pastor Friend E. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m l Morning Worship ,.i
Waynesyille Rescue Mission
7:30 p.m., Sal. E~c. Scrvi~e FIRST 'CHURCHOF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m .• Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship, . 7:00 p.m.· Sunday eveni~g
Genn town Unite d Church '" :. : '. ' , , pf Chfist· . Rouic.'41 ~1 ~clll~ln~n
Pentecostal Holiness Chur~h -
Christia.n Baptist Mission
' Main Street Mrs. Lois DUnaway, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Mo'rning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening WQrShip 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday &-Thursday . _
This Church Page Is ~nsorea ;-or You VALU ELLIS SUPER £, OHIO WAVNE5VIL~
. Acy Lamb, Pastor . -, ~·y.' Stt>nncr. Pastor . .. ' &:hool 10:'00 a.m':. Sunday ,Worsllll) SCtvi..:~ . . ~' .~ .I1l. a , ,9:39 7 :30 p.m., Sunday, Wcdll~sday , 19:30 S(lIiduy ~hllrch.~hI.H)I .' " ·and. Saturday,',Evening ," Y()uth ~Suh.d:Jy ' 0:111: 5:00 . ', ' \":1 ' , . Wurslh'ip Services ; . FcU"wship .; . '. "or .. 7:30 p.m ~, Wednes'~ay LY(juth . , Seryice ·RIOGEVil:.l'E " '
·MT. HOh lt United Methodist' . ChurCh:, . ". ~ -
, Rev. ,Leof)ard ,BaX:ter' 9:,30 ·a.m.~ SundaY 'Schooi -. . 11:00 a.m ~"Surrday,,- ;WofS~ip . Service " ' .. 7:3'0.p:m., Wedne~aay. Prayer
, .
, Lv;rL E ' / ,. United Methodist ' . Church ' ,' ,John K. Smith, Minister ;'
9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship . .. Service .:
,8:00- 9:00'p.m., Wedn~y evening, Bible Study ,
Spring Valley Friends Church
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor 10:30 a.m .. Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday Eve: Service 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Eve. Service
..... ' ".
, ~
Wilrilillgton Pike & . Social Row Road Minister:. Bus Wis~ma , n,' 9:00 a.m., Sunday.. Oible School \.0: 15 a.m.:.Sunday Worship 1'0: 15 a.in., Sunday Youth Worship '. '., : ~ , .. '
.. f . , , '
, . FOR'V:8.0.
WOODWe,Rt<,.I'\fG wi £QuIP:nent; -10" table ,saw1t_ble Dlaner ••4'.' be,t sander ~d porta·ble:.,.'} t.iuid router, ' '$200. ,..."one 897t64, ,6,~, 32t1'
I' ....
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,"- - -
38 LA VI NG.• hens, 50~ a piece. Call 897·4107 . . ' , ,.' ' 32cl !
MAVTAG. Wringer 6waSher, il'k e new. 550. Call ~'f'ter ' ~:3 p.m., 897·61l~. " t . 32cl UPRI G ~'r PraCtice, plano, Make offer. Call 885·2184 af,ter 5:30 p''''' ' .32cl GARAnE.sALE'; Boys and girls cloth · Iny from :small to teenage sizes. On Miami Street' by SChOOl QUllalnQ oh ThurSday afterl'ioon, 9:a:m. to S p.m. on Friday' and ,Satur~ay , . , ::I2cl ENCVCl,C>PEDIA Brltannl~. latest edition!. Junior and regular set. Phon~ 897·61;)3. . ,.... 32cl ~--
1964CHE~QOL.ET Plck·up Tru·ck.
Pay balance l:JlIe Waynesville National Bank. CaIl ' 8~'-2.0~5 ; 32<:1 , .
E~PERI6Ncge,: .F.C • . bookt<eeper' ' wants . full or ,parttlme employment. callaftliir 6 p'.m., 897 ~ 6551. All replle~ confidential, ' 32c I
,WANTED : RIDE' to, NCR from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. shift. Pho"he 897·5741. 32cl
THE new c~IRlren'5 day ' cam~ for chlrdren from 6- 12. Recreaflons, hikes and classes on good grooming, nature study, etc . If Interested, call 897·6681. 32cI OLD vlolln or celto. Call colttkt Dayton 299·0217. 32e8 ' WANTEP: B8byslttlng. Phone 897· ' 5921. Ask for Jean. 18netf 'W ANTED: A small ' Iawnmo~er. Also a child's large riding tricycle. Phone 897 ·S921. 19ctf
In Memory of Our Son HOOK'S Fal'~'~ Market. Route ' 4,8 Garry Lewis Moore , south at ,RldgevJ,le. 9pen dally 9 a.m. Born 'December 261.1947 to 9 p.m. Homegrown sweet ' corn, ' DledJJuly, '26, 1 !:I67 tomatoes, be_ns. :. peaches melons • Our darting Garry, how brief thy stay, peppe;s •. honey, e~c;. AlSo ,by bushe' : So short and hasty was thy day. cabbage, - '$:.!; cucumbers, $2.50; to· Ending so ..soon thy ' journey ner~. matoes, field ' rim $3 p,lcked; ' $2 50 Pain and grief no more he'll bear. you piCk •. .., .~, .. " I ,",~ 32C1, ' . . Garry was mild and lovely. 1968 CAMARQ; 4 sp,eed on' floor as a summer breeze. g09d condition" Phone after. 5:3d ' Gentle ~easa(1t as ttle air of evening. p.m" 897':6761'. ' ' . 31c2 . When If floafs"'a mong the trees. , , 'AKC Regl~tered, ' 'mlnlature p'oo'dles( : ~o AKC ,miniatUre dachsh'unds • Hard It Is from thee to part, Stili Inside, we have an aching heart. ~~~97-7476 .' 31c2 • But we know up In heaven you're gone. ., . SCRATCH.pads for sale at 'The 'Mlaml" As days 99 bY, we try to say, Gazette. loS, S:"Maln St. W.~iies'vliii: God, thy will 'be done. ~ . ... , ' . ' 16!"ct~ Mr. and Mrs. Hen y Moore and family of Waynesville FOR SAt.E: Lot,1 2.227 acres located ' 32c1 on Corwin Rd,~' Ph. 891~4415 I ' 32ctf < -f.J
A narrow belt tends to
, mak~ ·the waistline appear small·
" '.vARl ET~ 'S ftow "
Waynesville . Are.a, U.S.O, ', I: ~h~irmari, . ~s. Helrm~n (Maiy) , Bellman, is "scouting local 'and . ' . area'talent-for a two ,hour variety show tent~tfvely scheduled for Sept. 24 at Wayriesville High School. Proceeds from the eVent will be forwarded for U$e in entertaining ,servicemen throughout the world. "We are looking, for all' kinds .of talent in the are,a," Mrs. Bellman said. "We lleed all the volunteer help we can get ,and I'm hoping that parents of servicemen overseas will come forward to assist," she continued. ' This will be .the first area pro· ject to be piloted by Mrs. Bellma.n since she was appointed area U.S.O. Chairman earlier in the summer. Mrs. Bellman works in cooperation with Honorary U.S.O. Chairman, WayneSVille Mayor, Dexter Martin and Mrs. Tom Williams, U.S.O. Treasurer. ' Persons interested in participating in the proposed variety show e.r volunteering their help may contact Mrs. Bellman at 897-5826. I
LEITL VISIT'S LYTLE-Florian Leitl of Line, Austria has been visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sheehan at nearby Lytle for the past two weeks. Florian is here on the Ohio Lions Qub and Upper Austiran Lions Oub Youth Exchange Program. The Sheehan's daughter, Karen, who was affiliated with the same program visited Florian and his family a few weeks ago. Aorian has two brothers who are also visiting the United States on the same program. They are Martin and Andreas Leit!. Aorian's visit will last a month. - Dennis Dalton Photo ACB088 1. Radar
..,ot 5. KOIUIters and such
er, while a'-wide bell tends to. ' make it ' look' iarger. ' •
10. Labora-
word 50. Fashions 51. Frees of
14. Shag or
Aug'..~ 6 8e'gfnniog af ,t ,P.M. .each. month hereafter , pickqp.call;.' 933~3173
-iT. Kiatakea 49. Intercom
12. Badge IS. Haul U.Very poor marks 15. Humerus IS. Freudian term 11. Tinfoil
19.A1rllne abbre-
width size n ..Played out 23. COin~ • . paratlve
: wAYNdV'I~LE. " ~H'O h4'"
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22.StyUah 25. Roman money 27. Canadian
37. From 40, Unearthly
44. Peruvian
29. Mortal 30. Uses a
46. WhIte
7. Warpyam 8. Wild plum 9. Camped
31. Reverse 32. Quagmire
48. Music
33. BanIshed
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thIIIIly Ill'll rCl'
34. Steam
twist 11. Two
1. Faith 2. Cry from the back . row 3. PartiCiple ending 4. Writer's addendum 5. Adjacent S.Type
20: Shoe
21 N. Sni ·ST.
Today's Answer
tory items
centime 26. lI'iablDg
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38. Greek
letter •. Hau! 41.R&vel
P.O. Box 188 Springboro, Ohio 45066 " ~
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42. Verb form
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48 & Lower Springboro Rd. offers
111111-1' CI ·~sses···lodivid· ~81; , lfte"'ioo ' C'h rfl't i a0 'r I i or n9 HJlh ' I '~. dim ic St a oda r ds "Phoo'de ~Ippr.cb T. ·a.~di"I·" C'laslIs , a.iI.bl~ hr"" {}tb~71
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Pre·kindergarten (a_.2%. 3~4t. '.: KinderlJllrten, 1st '!Vade ' " .
,'. ':.;'
: "
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PHONE 933-&788 ' ,
cpmes first .•.and So~. do. you Ttaditionally, . we c.arry on,ly fine ' quality p~~duct;. -T~di t~o~~i~~ ,t~, ... your satisfaction is g1iar~~eeJ.
....- . .
~,..~ ~ '. ~;~
11 PH '0; .89j~~ • _
' WaJne8villeJ~nlt'ur8 ,.
4 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 13 pts. to 24 pts.
Starting at
~\'ond-das, po~t3le paid ae W.Yne.v~lIe, Ohio
AugUst 19",1970 - Waynesville, Ohio
"Relrilvls afiloal Championship Waynesville in the past may not have" been known as the hO'me of chamljions, but Aug. 9' it was nationally distinguished by Fieldhobby Charlie, a fiveyear-old German short hair pointer, owned by Bob Poore. Fieldhobby Charlie brought Waynesvill·e sports renown by winning the National Retriever Championship at the National Water .Retrieving Championship for German Short hair pointers held at Defiance. Charlie retrieved a handsome rotating trophy prize that was added . to Poore's collection of 40 plus trophies and ribbons won by him and other of Poore's thorohred dogs. Saturd"y, Aug. 8, Charlie walked away with the State of Ohio Retriever Championship. He also won first place that day in Amateur All Age and Open All Age. Charlie placed third in Derby' division. ~Charlie's 17-month-old daugh-
ter, Quailridge Jean, gained Poore more honors by winning first place in the Puppy division, Aug. 8. The blooded champion started the year by 'winning the 1970 Spring, the Indiana Ama teur Gun Dog rotating trophy. last year's winning record included the Buckeye Retriever Trail at Tropy. Charlie won five out of six contests. Charlie took two out of two lady handlers only Powder Puff contests at Troy. He ,was handled by Poore's wife, Carol, also a dog en thusiast. . Poore, assisted by his wife, has been raising and training German shorthair pointers for fouf,and a half years . A friend talked Poore, an avid hunter, into buying a German shorthair pointer and Bob chose· since he was the first to run up to him, Charlie from the 13 survivors of a 16 pup Ii tt er.
"I haven't been sorry," Poore said. The young dog raiser-trainer has turned down some tremendous cash purchase offers for Charlie. Poore said that it requires about two years to complete the training of a quick learner. German short hair poi nters, beautiful dogs to watch in action; ta.ke a large amount of training, according to him. Poore said that he spent around 70 hours final working time with Charlie during his preparation of the dog for the National Championship. He carefully utilizes his leisure time for dog training when he isn't working six days a week at Jones' Sinclair Service at Waynesville. Poore exemplifies his hard work and skills with his champion quail and pheasant dogs which he enters in competition as far away as Highland, Mich.
.,;. 'lile, 'lll.,ii hClI liver 'Dllutill Waynesville has a stinker of a situation staring it in the face fromtheeyesofUttle Miami Inc. ,which alleges , that the village is polluting the ' Little Miami River with raw sewage. • But It he whole thing smells according to village officials who also ha¥e taken action to correct the accusation. "Its at pac~ of lies," trumpeted William sawyer, Street and Water Superint.endent. "We've never dropped! raw sewag(! into the river. " Waynesville village officials have letters in their possession from the Ohio Department of Hea1~h stating that "the village was doing will a~ could be expected wit~ its facilities." The village of 1,732 popula,
ti9n operates a primary sewage treatment plant __and is in the process of getting a secondary treatment facility. "We know that we need a secondary treatment plant," Sawyer continued. "We knew that when the state okayed plans for primary treatment." Waynesville has had its pri~ry treatment plant since 1962. All sewage has gone through the
primary treatment since and no raw sewage has ever been bypassed in to the little Miami Sewyer said. Sawyer reported that the plant is removing apprOximately 50 per cent of the Bio Chemical Ox· ygen Demand (BOD) and 80-90 . per cent of the suspended solids. These percentaged vary from
BUSY POLICE CHIEF MAKES BUSY (::OURT Waynesville Mayor) Court was a busy place last Thursday . night with a total 19 'cases brought before Mayor ' Dexter Martin. These included four cases. for '~ speeding', the fastest beh~g in ex7,', ' cess· of 95 mile.s·' per hour, one sppeelillig and p,e:elirtg,~ f9l;U: j}l~·., . mt1 puking, two ttaffjc light:Vio.. hi tioQs; :~~.'~,l!l'e~ cl~ ~is!8nce yiolati,C?lI1s'? :Q~~..(friying· while,un.:.: ·aer,. tlte .,i~~ueg~:or.~l,¢ohol,one
, '"
~P.r,~~ri~le. ~ ''{,C?r 'road ~nd , . HAPPYNESS tS A BROWNI E KISS.:-~Ila. McCue, , .' . '. ~weathet '. one nO: b fjerator's I u~ " ' o( ~t. and M{s. James E. McCue of WYOnllllg, IS shown above ~.~ I
,Q~~I~I~Qn~UC;~'~, ... -";"".QJr-. gt,,,,;a.IOO~\Q,iJlI}hh. ~:i' .' .
·... ~iei·, lijl(Sf:~d ,:.:~ lshe.·g~ves ~rs. Ada Kelly, 101, of The Fr·ierids Boardin~HO\ll~ ;~~. "
gr~t': b!s.·hug and !iss. l..cila, a Brow"i~, wilt b~ going i~to Two t~ 26 ~ifl Scouts soon. Sl,,~ ~as atneng 35 Cind hna t i' ~r'ea .. , and {~iil S¢out~' ~h9 toured hjstori~ W*yncsvillc TI}u~sd~y guided by. Mialili·Gaze,tte ~itor, Dennis ~'.ton. -~.Dc(\l~is 1)·.Jlton.th~to.~·i
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.' Dennli Dalton. ..•.••.••.•...•• ' . • • • • • . • . • . • . • •
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R"'IUI.~ O. Hili •. ' /' • • •••• ~'• •• '. ~ ••.••' . • .. • • •• Ad.ertlslnl M ......r. '; ~ Phtrllp Mor... n •••••••.•••• ~ . .. , . ', •• ,' ," A~t. Ad.ert.llln. :M.~ler David Edsall ' , , ..• , ., •..... ' . ' .' ..••. ~ . . . • • . . • ~.n.r.1 M.na~. Regln.l~ 0, Hili, D.vld-Edsall ••• , .•.• , .• • ....•.••••• • .• ·P.UbUlh.rs.
. .),"1 . " go : to 'the ,.saJ<" , . .y~~~er~¥ ~ .~~Ul ~'~ C~ :~~y -i' I(ulle~ . ~g.. :~le~e(\ the' t~ck .up·~o ,~he"!l1atn 19 l~ad : Qie egg: 'luis ~Ie\ren·.,~~mlmii',,'nro~ ~lie , calfs'~ ,s~met~ng' btoke, ~qd;'~:, could .not 'be" fi)'{ed witl!o~t a pa ' I t " "so . we. 'haw , '. "to ' wait ,tu.n , 'ti,l ' , ~;~ ':" next week. The girlS, were quite ~isappOinte.~· b~cause ,,th~icotild.
nQt go.last.,W,B ,.'ei be,cause it. mad~ . ' ' too m.any -on. the front , seat 9f to be milked and calves fed. the truck which is against the Fall crops of little pigs are be- , law and dangerous. It cIpwds , ginning t o arrive. Iron weed an~ • the dJiver. tlOO ,muc~, and ' nQw thistles are the flowering weeds 'again ~thi~week, . , " . I" now. Too bad they are bad An .. interesting ' controversy A FARM DIARY weeds because they ' are liandhas come up iil ' tlie, papers over Bv D.J. Frazier some, that is the Dig Scotch that report s:omeone made about thistles, nQt thedrab Canadian lack of nourishment in some of August 1,4, 1970. Mid-Auour most advertised cereals. No gust . . Vacation time is almost ones that are such a pest. Together, they make a ' nice flower ' n ourishment in .shredded wheat,' over, ilt least for those with any arrangement. cherrios . and corn flakes. Of connection with schools. Hot Buffy, the Httle Scottie pup, courSe., inO!it of U$ take all ads spells and cold fronts, one after is beginning to develop quite !l with a grain of sait, ,bO u t cereiiIs the other until it is hard to reand milk has become a stilndard member which days were hot personality. She ,hides under the breakfast, mostly carbohydrates, enough to want to go swimming liVing room sofa, and comes out gJ'ow,ling to join in with a rush, it is true, starch and sugar except and· which one were cold enough the game that .shoebutton and for the tfrilk. Then the answeR to make a little fire feel good. the Saint are having. Dirk and come back -good energy proLots of wind from the tail end Snuffy finally arrived at their du' cers, just as good as bacon and of the tornadoes. Fortunately, destination at midnight instead eggs, so what? ' There is much. none hit here. The slack season as planned. Just why of noon talk now-about the need for pro; on the farm. Time for farmers tein in OUI diets, and too much to go camping or take a trip. we have ' not learned, · but it seemed to be that the flight sugar and starch, All the -weight Rather dull around hete, no that they were booked on out reducers know a.bout that. Ac.Country- Fair, no horse show to cording to a ch3rt calle4 mostly amuse ·us, but always chores to of Chicago did not go to Wichata. from ' t sources: shreddo if have stock. Cows have At any rate, they got there and P.O,
eo. 11. W.y..........o ..... 410.1
M .......' of tIM OhIO N .......... AaOclatlon '
Time and money;: ',. are difficult to account for..:..
. A ·CHECKING 'ACCOUNT can save time and steps and keep track "
of your expenses
911101 CITIll19
II Illl II lill EI CIIII E' I' 'III , I C'I
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,.. I'DBW FEDeRAL 1''1111 I , .. . _
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ted. by " wi'll ~e " 'the ' R3 , ~ T , ' \',; ' ·an,' event ,o f F,d~ay evening, Sept. ,.,.,......·,.c., ' ,~- "~'. . (;~. ,.ana }~rs. ;&;A. , Dra~~ ' of :4 :'~t 8 ,:p.m. i~ the Waynesville ' .' New. ' 'York ' C.tYJspent the ' week " .Junfor. High Auditorium. Adm,is' ert~ 'Wi~h. '~ma~ ~ijiner: ' bUfir~g, ' sion lis $1.00 'per ' pe~son and , ,then 3tay,~ .. they ~ttende'd i the tickets· are now ',being' sold by com.men~~il).er1t : of the~r'" son, the Raihbo\v girls, Lynn's Dress EddIe. I?tag.o.' ~.wh6' graduated Sh~p. or you can' purchase them. frorp ,'the 'Umvers~ty ~f ~yt'<;m ' at the door. " Models for the show will be on. Aug: 2. , " " " ,·.ijt_s, ,John ~w.ke a~d 'Sons oJ the Rainb<;>w girls' and ,featured , S~~ingfleld were r.ec~nt weeRend for th~ exciting evening will be , ", gue~ts of ;.~r~ ~ ,E41th 'Hawke, the"WaynesvilJ~ Sing Out group ", Mrs . . Wlf'lfre? Hartso~ l~ft which will sing ~urihg the inter. Sunday . (or;- Milwaqk-ee t' for , a mission : Refreshments and door , month's ~sit with , h~r son, l)avid prizes will be inclu'ded 'in 'the ,program. -. Hartsock ,~d family. The Rainbow Girls are mighty '. \ : .,' RTH AN"NOUNCEMENT . buSy this summer. Some of thed events which t hey have enjoye , " . ~. and Mrs. William Settle- and are about to enjoy are as - myr~ proudly announce the ar- . follows: on Thursday, Aug. 13, , ' r~val of ~ 9 lb. }'4 oz. baby boy the line offiqers enjoyed a' slumon Sunday ; Aug. '9 'a t Wilrni~g- be( party at the home of the '""'- ..ton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Set- Worthy Advisor, Sherry Jsaacs; tlemy renam ed their new son Saturday, Aug. 15, six girls went . . , , ' Pt\~ William and ~ ne joiris an to Middletown'.s Friendship .. olde~ brother and sister a,t home. and brought home the" traveling : ~s. Thelma Settlemyre of Wil- trophy; Sunday, Aug. 16, fiftee'n ·rni.Ogtohis the paternal "grand- girls enjoyed r~ni~ at Cowan ITuesaay, Aug. 18, .mqttter and,Mr. and Mrs.Clirney lake; and on Oxford >~sembly's Converse of Latonia' are the ma- they visited Oxford. A in Night .t,~fn~l · 8rand~rents. The new Fri.endship arrival's ' gieat-grandriwther . is coming event in which all Rainare invited is a slum·Mrs. :Edna St. John of Waynes- bow Girls on Saturday, Aug. 22 party. ber ', ville . ., ' Mr. 'arid Mrs. Forester Wen. held at the home 'o f .Mrs. Larma . . the , '. ~ - . ~.. 'd~ll :Ferguson' of Rt . 3 are 'an. Hart, Mother Advisor of :' ,\nouncing the ' ~'j:ival of a first girls. The next morning the girls h" . ',' , :. 89n, ,For.e~ter ~~ndell, Jr.; born Will observe a "go-to-churc , .),- ':.,,' Sa~UI.4aY, ..A~g. .~ .; at; I\~t~erjng ~nc;lay in Whi,ch they will go to
d .':
.: . ".b:oy.joiJis three sisters ','at home. ,.' . ';PIoud grandparents ate Mr. and '. ,t', :", ""Mr~. , Foiest~r 'Ferguson of I,tt.' 3 . ~,~ ..~ ~pd; .Mr~. Ju.lia Smith ,of. Lvtle. .}~
t ••~
As active an sembly enjoy being group and they have fun working together.
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~fh, in. a ·gro~~, <. . ' , ' ~.Me!Jl~ , :~tal:··~(The"·.t'baby ~~~'The ~rls in .the ~inbow
' !;'r~, Sat;;:·Aug:.;22 ,urch. ,\P.r~h~a!, deep;':ftYer to;3? 5 de· Un'ited .Methodist'ch Lytle, Ohio ." ~· gre~s ... Q.in~. ,'Wit~ , a medium ' ; bla~e: ~ ~b , .' each '·'ham·, cornep beef . an~ l~an pork. Saute the H.ELP BEAUTI FY WAY NESV ILLE l11eat.i~: 3 t~~ ,but~er or fat ~ith .1/3, cup ,finely chopped omon. Buy Trash Can Liners until 1 mmer and~~ MlX1 sti~. ~n 50 'IN A DISPE NSER BOX tPick, stlfqng constantly: ~ cup AT $4~OO Plus Tax , WE DELI VER flour, to 1 tsp. dry ",lustard, 1 Call 897-6 185 or 897·6 961 ts.~. sal,t aqd.2 cups rrulk. When comd, cooke has e thIS rruxtur bine it with: 2lbs. cooked drained ~uerkr.a\1t. Th,en regr~nd the en~re rruxture. Form m~o 1 1/4 10ch ~alls. Roll the.m I~ Bound Breadmg. ~ep fr~unhl golden brown. Dram on absorbent paper and serve at · once: Apples stuffed With sauer-' .kraut. Preheat oven to 375 de- . gree.s. 'Pare the to~s of 4 large KURA LT To The Top of The World bakm~ apples. Remove the 'pulp COOPER The Castaways and dIscard the core, leavmg a HARMON Great Radio Come dians ~ i~ch shell . Ch~p the pulp, and CRON IN A Pocketfull Of Rye to It 2 cups .dramed canned or cooked sauerkraut, 1/5 tsp. pepper, 1/4 tsp. cara~ay seeds, and salt as nee,ded, . FIll ,the shells . Place them In a dl~h WIth 1/4 cu~ 4th STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHIO PH. 897-4826 water .or dry wme. Bake until tender. Baste frequently , 4 servI ....._--~....... ...-......i ings. ,
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laliFashions Arriving Daily CONT,~CT ANY RAIN~OW GIR LS,
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'. .,". MaSs.i~ . Grange Jntt'in' ieguIa{' ; .' ~iop~~nd3y .nJgttt: wit,h ' Wdr~ i thy Master Ross Vi~$fS presiding: Tribute and honor w~re given ~ ,ill memory of Past Master. of Natiomll Gr nge, MJ:. 'Herschel' ' Newsome, who died July'2:following ·a heart aU'ack. He was National Master 18 years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brothers.aQd family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brothers .returned home Saturday from a vacation spent at Muskegon, Michigan. Me. and Mrs. William Reeves have moved from the Ed Burton rental property on Main Street to Brandt Street in Dayton. Mrs. Mae Lytle a·nd Everett Snell attended the Snell family reunion at Shawnee Park in Xenia Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. Ted George and family returned Sunday from a camping vacation spent at Cowan lake and Barberton. Ohio.
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1n~tli~r .',v~9":1' ~r~!l l: of ~n~a vis~ted ··Stin4ay. willi rtl~-
" and 'I'" l' .. ,rM.-.alld: · . ' . ~o ge a~!J Me1;ho(USt;· . ~ves ,n Millsboro atl<J, lalSo -Mrs. Mr; arid:,Mrs;;. ntve ·;,W~I~gford ., , . ,~of. , Irt~z Ramsey Qf.Greenijeld. " returned .Friday. from. a tiip.tfitu .'HenlY. Sl\e, r'eceived:.m~.~y;.l . Me. and Mrs . . t:'rank Gibson Michigan,,' into', Clpad!i: :vi~ted· gifts. ,', I ~ "~.,.,",,' ;'. and family have returned home . Niagara F~USaQd , Othe... points ,of ". An ·. ~~~ .:. cr~~ ,~o¢ial ,. wi1J..;t\:ge,· . r.~I:l"4Il.Y after spending Ii week at · Cum. interest. " ·held .,t.t~~ ~~ur~h ·thi·$ &ltu~day, . berland·Park, Tenn. Mrs. NOrvi1le . ~~ves.an4 sops Aug ... 2~. ~mn'g wilL' s~t:at... S Jon Carf1l!lJ1, son of Mrs. Sue Ed and George 'o f As~nd," Ohio p.m'- .The fee'creart1 wi~l ,be"home: Carman, . left Sunday nigh to visited ~ J and Mrs; William ' ma~de. r • '.' ''' ,' ' . . \:;"" ceivi,n ' l)el ted report back to his 'ship the USS Reeves pn the weekend before . Mr: and ~ Mr·s:, . Milton ' 1Jf?nes" ,,: Je~~",; WilliamS ' Meredith. He had accomPanied they moved -to DaYfO.A> ...... al}~ .ra~~,:., ~nd·, ;,fti~Q~s ~~- -hom~,;fhis.,;w'~k·. fQUQWj:ntli~~~~~~~:1 his wife ~o~e to Ohio where Wednes. 4ay . calle~s , at the ti.one~ aL~~.r , ~1 JJc?ck, .~le ~t :·&w.• ~....... !>"Me:mQlnaJ she will stay with her father ' home ·of Mr. and Mrs. F,~al\k. HQI\ow La~e} rt:~:, ' '. ,; .. ' . . tn," f"..·t ilh'n ,W" "Bud" Honaker of Waynesville Gibson a0(1, faplify were ·his par~ ' .Mr. ~fld ., M,r~. Rio,h fid Briggs " , . while Jon is at sea'. ' . 'ents Mr. ana' Mts ~ Arthur Crih~on . and '~ faniily a,lso -wcjltionoo ,t' ., . at Mrs. Mary Hinkins Shanholtz ~nd daughter ~~Y of ~e~ Creek Dale: Hollo~' Lake, Teqn,."'. :',. }, ..;' '. _: 'OOr is recovering . from eye surgery and her P'l~~ts'· Mr: 'and Mrs... · a~d ·Mrs . .Qona!C:t .Yauglit Mr$ lJlieo . which 'she rec~nt1y underwent Murphy of ·Dayton.- '.... . and F,ls .spent tttre~;· .day~ ~t,o . ·~ the.,· death - Qf':het"': Df,(Jltnc::r.~.;· at Good Samaritan Hospital in ' ..Mr. and J~frs. Roger DOdds, ing· ~jth . ~. ~d , Mr~~' RQ.dney ' . ,,(prlgra Ulatiorls'" Cincinnati. ' R~bynand ~ell~yhave ret~ned Yaught a ~ ., ~Qns ~t .Masil~on . .":I MrS ; ~ r,wt _Qus:, on~·. Mrs. H.S. Tucker has returned from ~ ~mping. f~p,..on · Whifh . ' ~,.;T aJKl.~1th~~:.~ '.Ri~IC~Yilll~·~ ~)/tlrsiibi((f/~'; SO,l) ~n~It1aJC:ata,(: home after a visit with her grandthey ~S1ted ~ny pOints of I~.famiJY·.I1lQ~Qre~ . to: .~~ver ,.' ~l: I' JaFn' ~~gust ,2. ~ ~"p~leri '.",,,,,,,r=, daughter in Washington~ D.C. t~rest tn Washmgton, D.C., ~~n on th~lt vacation, YlSlting. ~ny., '_ na~~'~ Ja",e,·.J)a~el ~n4:,'we,i~tt,4 Mrs. Evelyn ' Ball hosted ari City, Maryland, Pennsylwrua,. scea;tW' spots. . ~ . ·eigl)t'::.pounds. OOerna~ . @AAdj{. ., ,...;'' ' ·.... Artix Party Tuesday , night for etc. . ~. ~~ Mrs. Bill Mel!o~' of ' ~Qth~[ is ' Gl~Ma fii.~ ~ .' . 'HAMBY PHOTOS Lucille Pennington • .Instructor. . Mrs. J~.nnette Ol~pbell , aild sp-RiNGBORiCiuB-~ " ""' ,:, Those in attendance 'were Mrs. Mrs. Ameha Gordon were h.osENT-=ATAINS' .:. ' .. i. . .<WuldLngf.. Sue Carman, Mrs. Ruby Reytesses for the ~ WSCS meetlDg . zao CHAPMA" STREET nolds, Sh.irley Speaks, Mrs. held at the United Methodist L9CAL ~ARDeNER~..,' WAV"~:;~';:~ Claudia Brandenbur.s and Mrs. Church Thursday afternoon. The :~prmgboro, ~r~.en . Clu~ . , ~_iiiiiiiiiiiii_;;;____""'-----~~----l Officers for the year were In- en~ertatned ', the WaynesVille 'Garstalled by Mrs. Luci,le ,PI ymire of den ~ub on August , 1~. ra!~ ~e.._ the Olive Branch Church. Among sumr,ner cottage of,. ~~.~ Mir~m visitors' prc~ent were Cathy Bol- tDuh ~lin't' tnl ~rMiWa~neRi ' s~I~, ~on,~ · dda gh f MY e e allU Equal or surpass SA.E. standards and IlOger, gran u ter o . s. Th' '" ,. . '.7 ver. ' 'vill' ..wh ' E l ose ·lrom "aynes e .~.o ,\'" •, Hel'en Robe rtson, Mrs. ve yn . d ' t' h"e ' piCRIC . . ' d:mner' were: .lion.. O{'. '''~C:it~I:n~J1tt~ all O.E.M. specifications! . Ma fX .' ~ enJoye "':, .. ' e~laH' agh ' ot~er memAlma . Skinner, '. Ruth ~oUp, '~~>.. 'dev.ou~ .'· nII,, 'In-It · stersdo M ber .an Are brand line merchandise of recognized 'quality! rs,. · u . vance 0 f . Frieda Box, Flimbetb ~bahdler'-" ~,tterJled ' e",~~y Ronda. . . Edna St. John, Atba .Furnas, · . ship.of th~· ~rly,: Nelw:l~$t:lUnl~nt. . May be purchased with complete confid~nce in . Our·.g~t. w~lI~WI$.hest~Hals,ey Mabel:. iR.vis" Aorence HasJjn~ .. , · ~p~~h;}:qere W~ods~ . , Sa~ ' t4i~h~\s ~and :. ' Nellji~' ciarlidn, Alice' Morpn. .. ~k~ y.ou their dependability! Ri~harq ,p~Jbn.m~:~ .it ~f~r ~-; ~.. iC8rolyn 'Retalr''k',' . . ' . ' ~eysb~r~-' resi4ent, · .~Il.( cc:mfi.l)~ ' Vaught of Wesf ~ro~r:ntfJ~~l~, 10 atn~olil " MemoIlal HospItal. ., Mr' Wiill':··· F f SI . ~n't forge~ the meeting s. '. lam ox 0 . pnn~;f tonight at. the, school regardmg boro was I~ charge of games and .. ,e;~ ~~-e ~ (,Y~~~~/" Water and. ~wer fot ~rveys- .. co~tests duting the. a(t~m~n •. .' . . '. Th~ one ~~e ~ . pa~~cular ; burg. _ , '.. . The Walter ~cCarren fa~nily '. t~ted the, Wits and ,. ar~jsti~ ta. were hosts to the 3rd annUal ·Ients ~f each one, ,by ' d~~mg a ' . ~ack Fan-lily C$nPout, ' Aug. '. picture to , represent"~e riam~ ~f WAYN~bVIlLE. OHIO PH. 897-2931 14 thru 16~ A family talen,t show. a we~-kno,!~ s~~~ o! I~R a~o. Saturday ni'ght 'and church serThis o~Sion· proved '!9, be a .vic~s Sunday !D~rning ~er~ high frien~y gest~e ~ get , be~!er.. . lights of the. weekend. ' , ~~~!,nted .With sister,~r.~~ers ' . , .....----,---~,"'!"I-_ ' 10 this.area . . _. ,\, ·",.l·,~ , 'WIle LOIHI&er .WaynesVille. qardtn';- d~bers: The New ; Englaiid ' lobsterin-, hope to,. .tet~n tile '~ospit~lity : of. the<h~.e~ and. J)6; . Sp,dng- ·, serts a grain ', ~ ~nd ne~ . . t.be base of eacJt feele~ to help ~p 'bo Cl 'b b . .'t' ~L I . I ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS a,bearing in .~ }l~arly weightless ,ro , U. ,'~ y IDYl 109 . u~etp, .to : ' CARS AND TRUCKS MISCELLANEOUS ~tafe in wa~l:~ Gravity ~xerts a ., . be 'th'~r guest's ilt. a.' later d8t~ .. faint but (!onstant 'downward pull About '30~ladies atteridtxt' ttUs Located 3 miles east of State Route 48, 4 miles west of on the sllnd grains, giving the meeting. WayneSVille, Ohio, approXimately ~ mile south of State Routelobster wbat amounts to a buUt. in plumb :line. : 73 on Township line Road. (Watch for arrows on State Route
, ".
' I
•• '
*. •
All products bearing the IAPA Seil:
, .
. ~tHa.#.<IIP;f~~! u -Me . LERi\NOl\7 P·ARTS CO IIIIIIITRI TOR'I
IIIIIIIY, IIIIIT .22,1111 Beginning at 10:30 A.M . .ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS' ITEMS: Glass front bookcase; round oak table; 7 piece diningroom suite; walnut bedroom suite; chest of drawers; numerous old rocking chairs; highboy chest; plank chairs; dressers; odd beds; square table; buffets; guns; pistol; air rifle; gas mask; gun cases; ammunition. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Upright deep freezer; Admiral refrigerator; Frigidaire range; Sunbeam mixer; refrigerator electric defroster; electric coffee maker; toaster; portabl,e sewmg machine; Royal typewriter; metal typewriter table; card table. CARS AND TRUCK: 1958 Dodge and 1949 Desoto automobiles; G.M.C. J952 panel truck. •
i \
0 .. ·,
MISCELLANEOUS: Wood cabinet wittr metal doors; camp stove; clay birds; cI.ay bird trap; desk light; smpking stands; vegematic ~ large amount of grocery can·goods; new bed clothes. TERMS: Cash . 4anch Stand . The e,tate of RAYMOND L. CA"TES, CALVIN CATES, Adniinistrator ', . RALPH D. BELCHER, DON WORKMAoN; f-\u~ti9... eers . Ph. 897-2946' " \, . , .' .. .....,....·.,... Wur,e. Attorney. -1~3'3 ~~t }"hird St." QaY'-()~f
JJgbtabJg -. . Most lightning Oashes. man
electric storm. however violent, occur in a single cloud or be.tween two clQuds.
G<WERt4~ENT .~ ~E URGE io,oo
REsPoNsiBLE ClnZENS eECOME 1tCfI\Ia" 'lONcERtlEO, . ;
the ,neces~ ,I: '/~, '1', ,\", . ' facilities :" \S the" Mason.'~ ':, funds were can be, placed hoOr:w~,tch. '.. ' , ,"You're talking iJn he area of $30;00Q a , year. emt>loyment" when ' y'pu ,talk about a 24 hout , p1ant· Ch~ck, accOirding to him. ~ , LITT~E ',MJAMI lNC.' • • Waynesville topk another slam this we,e k c'oncernlng "Poor bacterial~cal results in two
- 'I
months i f~
"OVer a period of three to four years is what It doesn 't say," Sawyer remarked. Two water samples are sent to the Ohio Department of Health monthly by Sawyer and another by the Warren County Health _ Department. Irnpwe water, a dirty tap, a bad test jug or any numb'er of things could affect the tests, ' . "Saw yet siad. "1be state just sends back a , s~p of paper marked unsatis. fact9ry," Sawye:r commented. " ' ''We have ne1"er had a repeat."
\ .
I;,:~'!t' .,
_ Mill'.
: 1, ~aS:f7\al~o.' ":yv.~~~':f\Jtu,re, 4-door, 6 cyl, auto, PS, &hl' rp . $1496 ! •• •
"". f
• _
, ..
~~'~. ~t_.. .
Don't ,ever. try to put ' anything over on the super detective mentality of the Scorpio . He has a sixth 'sense which will see through your actions, sometimes befor~ you yourself know wha t , yo~'re feeling or thinking .
, •.
' Ford,Fiiitiane SOO,.6 eyl,. 4-door sedan, auto, R&H .. 1$11~6
,: '.'.
Are you really 'in tercsted in being dominated? He will dominate your every waking hour and some of ' youl' slee,ping ones as well. I told you" 'he was heavy ,stuff. Better leave him to the Cancer girl or the C'.apricorn who a~e much better equipped to handle this irrascible male.
'1 965 Oldsmobiie 442 2·dobr Sed., Auto., P/S-PB , .':- Bucktrt SeatS' ~ .. '~ .'. . . . . . . . .. . .. '...... : . $ 896
' Dear Aries, ' Your letter "sked how astro, logy could help you 'to catch a ,certain Scorpio male. Here are a few hints: First of all , Scorpios are pretty heavy stuff an~ the Aries, Scorpio combination is a highly inflamable one, so 'you had best look (several tim~s) before you leap. (111 this , case, 'with both eyes wi~~ open) ,
1'967 Pontiac;'2-door sedan, standard shift ............ $1396 t· .. ' ~
••• By Mn. ''Ott
,1'96l1 mpHla ehevr6Iet. , , , 2 c;I~ hardtop', auto~ R/H ·...... $1696-
. Furreralservi(:es were conducted at 2 ·p.m. Saturday at the Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home by Rev. L.L. Young o( the Way-
His passionate nature will 'never. permit him to feel lukewarm about anything. He wiJr love with a white hot flame and nesville United Methodist Church hate the same way. (Fore warned .for Elzie Scott. is fore armed) ScorpiO is a fixed ·' Scott, 78, fdrl11erly · of Way·· sign and therefore not prone to , nesville,.and teeently a patient of ,.change, even in small things. It's Crest Nursing 'Home a~ Mor- · , ' ~~ though he had been pro,row, 'died Wedhesday \'a t Epp grammed in early life, like a Memor~al" Hospit~1 at Cin~,i~nati'. computer and don't attempt to Survivors ' indude his widow, change him in any way.~ He's Mary -Scott of Ea ton; three inflexible, to say the least. daugliters, Mrs. Ethel Henderson Aries is outgoing in every of Xenia, MJIS. Miriam Hudgel of sense of the · word. Scorpio is a , Xeni;l, Mrs. Olive Franer of Dayloner. Change is inherent in the ton, a soil, Loren of Mt. Oi'ib; a Aries individual. There are simibrother, Bay of Ha1t1ilton; 2S larities in both of your signs, ~ut , gmndchlldl'eQ and 70 great grand· I'm afraid the siinllari ties would ", 'children. only cater to the warlike Mars Burial was in Miami Ceme- . which is the ruling planet for each tery . at CorwiIll. of your signs. If you plan to go ahead with RETAlL MERCHANTS your pursuit of this Scorpion, DISCUSS FESTIVAL don't say I didn't warn you, for The Wayne 'Re~il Merchants -you are not ~om~~ible .. Association will discuss pla~ for , The b~t po~slb~e s~gns for ' its ohio. Sauelrkraut Festival af ' y?U are Leo', . SagItta~lUs and Th ' Hi ' ~t'V\t ' a,t 7 :30 WedUbra. For ScorpIo, the signs least e (t':'i""da- ) ' a~ to produce argument and . unhappt' ness a Ca ' p' nesd ay 0 y. WaynesVille will be the home . re ncer, lSC~S, ' festival Capncorn and another ScorpIo. Thank you "lor, wn't'109 t,( ' n.e. 1 o f t h e fius t sauerdik tautt letter · g h Sincerely, in t e dsta~e, ,acc~rh n 0fj 'a th ' ~ receive l!y m~c ant s rom e Mrs G " " '. . - (JUo . Department of Develop' , , ' ~ugo I~ tb,e Slxt.h sign of the , ment. , The festival will be held in the '" ~dj~c·. It·s ruler ,IS the planet del-. 3. ' . ' Mercury. Mercury was the mes-
\ ".ftine
senger of the gods in mythology, and was known as the god of intelligence, eloquence and merchandise. Virgo is the sign of analysis. Some 'of the most capable and some of the most difficult personalities in the entire zodiac are found under this sign. It produces good reasoners and convincing talkers though they are apt to spend too much time over trifling details and at times talk a subject dry . The over critical nature of these people is at times unfortunate as it causes misunderstanding; and lost opportunities. Order and harmony are essential to Virgo . Therefore, they should simplify their lives, or they will bog down under a mass of detail which their exciting minds cannot ignore. In busines, Virgo, you. are suited to analyzing -conditions and market trends, Writing, editing, practicing law or a professorship would suit ,yow talents admira\?ly. The li~rary offers your special talents for order an outlet, for you make the best librarians. Marriage presents a special problem for you because 'y ou are so exacting and because of your tendency to faultfinding. There· fore, one of the, best marital combinations for you is with another of the same sign, since each will understand the others moods. You should find great ,happiness with Pisces; while ' Aries, Tau~!ls and Capricorn should prove compatible. Vugo and 'Ubra should be helpful to each other, but their minds too often come into conflict, but once you and libra decide who is boss, the .combination should be a }Vorkable one. Be careful with the librian as criticism can and does kill the gentleness and loving nature of libra. CAPRICORN~~. ',22-JAN
, Ii Special weekly ra~es O~ will sit by 'hour or' day. . Con~al1t ~re in 1I:' 99dd:~ Christiah home. , ",' , .'
,, "
.,' I
• '.:
i.: ,
'!.. "~
. ' I ' , ',
. ";'b.
'<' !.JJ:OD1"'~~
•....l ' .. " '1;,
, ~.
-: '
", Gibbsl Hill ,-Lighthouse "hi'
~ . muda' JSr fli-teet-ta1Hm~
FREEZ ER dryer desk 2 sofas 2 end tables' and lamps- 'Phone 8-~7- . ~3c1 '. . 4736 . " '. " .EXC.E Lli.ENT . effiCien t, econom ical. . BILle Lustre carpet clean.er. Rent sham· . -pooer Sl." Waynes vllle Furnltu re. _ 33c1 . _ ___....,--_ _ _~-~--.....:.-i964 FORD" 2 dr HT. $200. Phone ' 33cl 897 -42'2-0. '
WOMA N - . for " fUll -time restaura nt' work. Post. ·comple te charge. wage , plus commlS llon. Bart's. WIU:Ulfe Recrea tion at Spring Valley Lake. . ~3ctf " " Phor e 488~2\483. ( City. Moraine A RIOE to qP&L In HoUfS 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone 89733cl 4364 In 'the evening s:
continuously' for one...hour on ,all four sides, .would still be strong, er than a 9-by·9-inch board n~ver touched by fire. Even when exposed to fire, thick wpod members retain their strength , for long periOds of time.
OLD violin or ' cello. Call cOliect ' ' 32c8 Dayton 299-02 17.
EY L ER5 Spring boro 746-628t -
t:h r k 'l Inch \)(\at 10 lett .... and nutnbftt, or niIH; Gil h;k in ~l. PI\'III on with finaen. Tb~y •. !..te M« ; C',a·: G,utrd , t zulatim;.s. Z for 14.95. 4.19 f'IId.
other: reason. Cut off the money and the favors, and you have- ~ad the course. Sensible ' people know that you cannot buy friendship or love, at any. price. You can make this girl "appear" to like you ' more by giving her more money 'and doing more things for her. But , ~ .\ ,and you· will discover that,the more you give, the more she expects you to' give. You're better off to find someone ,are, OUR REPLY: You won't like who like.s you for what you what or have, you what for not we answer best the is it, but here can give you : be sensible. If you you have to give away. have a teenage problem 'y ou . a,re ~mart en91,lgh to know she If youdllCul$ or an observat ion to make. want to only likes you because you give address your letter to FOR AND ABOUT 11 th ITY AND SUBURand d on COMMUN her m ey TEENAGERS. 0 0 er sma favors, you also know that she ,BAN PRESS SERVICE . FRANKFORT. KY .
«VJnJI~" 'Your_ '. JDnIean oaldo ]I'()I' tkIif "'~. (State w!>icb.) JUtt ~ QD. Jt' ~ lo IH~ i'O rulinc, tllCl'lire aboot I iInlliP. ~ ~-b __
have a problem with a girl., 1 have been trying to get her as a girlfriend. But, she is seeing other boys a lot. I don't know which one is her boyfriend. It seems she only likes me because 1 give her money and do other small favors. 1 really like her a lot. I'm thirteen, and .she is, to.o. What do you think I should do? Please try to give me a sensible answer."
~~ltt·>''in~i';f4I •
THE WEEK'S LE'M'ER: "I isn't going to like you for any
P.Q..Sox 188
ITEJ.I: To help clean inside , c?rners of windows with regula r SIze or Small panes, use a wet cotton-tipped swab.
' Mothers & Housewives ( • $1 to $10. Give me a call for dehiUs.
289.. 2102
g ----"-W-e--Ha--U-l-JU-s-t-A-b-ou-t-An--y-t-h-in__"____ ____ ____ ',
PH. 897-7931 or 897~2241
II ncr lllll l -.aN I Swimm Jq Pool Schoo!! Bua servtce
897-6185 OR 897-6961
, (NO per month)
Bowser's Hluling Service
.; , .~ . ".
Garages & Basements Oeaned
, Can't find employ menU7 1 Train now · work your own hours. Weakly payplus G~en Stamps . S_8I1 adorab le toys
~,,~:,. q~ "~ ' •... >:.~.,,;W ,..,
.?,; ~,~ . '0"'; ' P ' I
..~~ ~
S~UERKRAUT FESTIVAL-Tonnie, left, and lishi Alford, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alford of Franklin ROf&');~.~ and Ohio 42, ~sited .the Mary 1. Cook library Thursday ..Th'e·girls~'~' . v.-:ere dressed in auth.'entic Gertruln-costume to p.fomote the fust ,' r C?hio Sauerkraut Festival at Waynesville Oct~ 3. They are shown af . "' ~tHiy.\ by g the li~rary's ne~ SWQRL paperback book tack... A. paintin ... Workri1a~ is shown in the background. Workman",js the,. library' ... ' .. Photo Dalton Dennis guest artIst for August ~
(.4 ~
&Ui ONLY LIKE!> ME ~fCAU* .:I.
" ,,;.t ", ... '
[ ForAnd About Teenagers J
BOard Streng th .. A 1:~-b~-12-'nch board, b,urned
16' STARC RAFT . alumin um boat. WA~TEQ: Babys·lt tlng. Phone 897- ' 65 H Mercur y motor and gator trailer. 1Bnctt 33c2 5921. Ask for Jean. Phone 8.97-41 28. n Chapma SALE- 344 WANTE D: A small ·Iawnm ower. · GARAG E street. Thursd ay, Friday and Saturda y , Also a c'hlld's large riding tricycle . 19ctf Phone 897.-59 21. Aug. 20, 21 and 22., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clothln9 ,. (new and used) and shOes, boys & girls 8-18, women s 12-16, mens (3 new suits), bike exercls or CARD OF THAN KS newhant'enna, tires, lots of nice school clot es-che ap, and miscella neous I WISH to thank my many fnends for 33c1 Items. all the cards and letters I received during my stay In' the hospita l. 33c1 •AKC Registe red, miniatu re .poodles , Lester Gordon also AKC miniatu re dachshu nds. 31c2 Phone 897· 7476. FOR SALE: Lot 2.227 acres located SERVICES 32ctf on Corwin Rd. Ph. 897-44 15 " HOME repa rand mal"ten ance carSCRAT CH pads for sale at The Miami coricret e, sheet metal paintpenter, Gazette . 105 S. Main St . 'wayi'iesvIW'i ,' Ing, roofing and electric al. Phone 16nctf 21ctf 746-29 82.
", • • (
entlrelY iof c4st-irojL only 21 sUch , structu~ made from riveted cast~iron ,p1;at~s-, -The " top of the lighthouse sometimes . sways ItS much as seven inches in ..... heavy winds.
It ria orie:6f ' -
.. I \'. ~ ' h',··. Sei- .. A':"
WILDLIP'!: . RECR~ at Spring VaUey Lake '-' . ~._ Ph. New BurUn, ton
MAR LATT REON TOW. , NOTES 45TH YEAR The .45th animal Marlatt Reunion was held at the Friend's Social Room at Waynesville, Sunday, Aug. 16. A total 69 persons enjoyed a basket dinner at noon. The dinner was followed. by a business meeting and highlighted with visiting and rentinising. Mr. O.B. Marlatt, 99-year-old reunion President, conducted the business meeting assisted by VicePresident Mr. Harold B. Earnhart and Secretary. -Treasurer ' Mrs. Harold (Josephine H.) Earnhart. A new slate of officers elected for 1971 included: Mr. O.B. Marlatt, President; Mr. Ernest A. Earnhart., Vice-President and Mrs. Suzanne Earnhart, Secretary -Treasurer. The Friends Social Room on West High Street was again voted the place of meeting. ~
HARVEYSBURG _ Friendshrp Ba~tist Church .
t.WAYNESVI llE. . Church of Christ Third & Miami Streets Charles Pike, Evangelist .I 0:00 a.m . - Sunday Morning . 6':30 p.m. - Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evcning ..~onc 897-4462 for informatior "
First Baptist Church North Main Street . John P. Osborne, Pastor 10 :00 a.m.,Sunduy School II :00 a.m .,Morning Worship 6:30 p.m ~ ,Training Union 7:30 p.m .,Evening Worship 7:30p.m .,Wcdncsday Prayer . , Meeting , (~ffi~iated with Southcrn Buptlst, Convent ion).
Slluthern 13apti . . t Conv'l'l1tilln \() ~ I1l:ln \kJUII \\'\, Pastili' 9 :30 a.l)l,. Sunua\ S-:ltl)lll .'W :30 a.lll .. SUllu'a y \lorning Wor . . hip 7:30 p,lll .. Sunuay Lv ~ ning Srrv i(c 730 p.ll1. . \\'eune<,ua y. Mitiwe ek Pra yer anu 13ihlc Stuu}'
Jonahs Run Baptist Church Ohio 73 La~t Ll,\ ter Kiud . Pa . . tor 10 :00 a.l11 .. SUllua\ Sl.:llool 1(1 :00 & II : O()'a . Il~ .. Sunday ' WllI'~hi P Servke 7 :30 p.l11 .. SUIllJay !:vening Worship
First Church-of Christ
"si: Augustine
. E. South Street Rev . J~ck Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7}0 p.m. Friday - Young People's Servke 10:00 a.m. Sunday 'School 7:00 p.llI. ~'Inda~ ~vening
Walnut-Vine ' Robert R. Meredith, Pastor
, ',: ~~~:'~r¥'s ,~piscopat ' . , . ' ~':Church ' ,
9:30' a.~1. S~nday &:hool
10:30)&.111. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship -· jr. higlr & sr. high , ·7 :45 p.m. Wednesday oholr ' . . rehcar~:ll
:,- .~. " ThirU & Main Streets Rev. flamld Deeth, Rector •• )
,,~'I::' ,s·a.in:: M~lrning'Prayer
: ... JsI; 3rir& 'Sth Sundays:
Spring Valley Church . of QlriSt '., :
Holy' Cuil101uniUll;2nd & 4th , Sundays
GJady Sire,ct .
, Un.ited ·Methodist· Church
10:00 a.m. Moi:'ning Worship 7:00 PiOl . I;vc'1 in g Worship 8:00 p.m. Wedn~sd~y. :livening L' Wors~lp . ~ . , " . " '.: Spring :Vall,eY
Third.& ,No'r,lh Streets , L. L_ Yuung; Mini~t~{ . .... ;" ' \11 " " 8 00'" p service . , , . : ,a.m. ~oj~hj , ,10!15 a.~ :' Church at ~Worship. , 9:9Q'a,.m. ,SuodaY Churc bat 'Studv " , '. ,. . : ~ . ~
R. R. 122 - Dodds, Ohio P-Jstor, James CotTman 10:30 a.m.-Sunday School 7:00 p.m.-Sunday Evangclistic Servke 7:30 p.m.-Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Evening . Worship Servit.:c
Ferry Church of Christ \
' '-'. ' t{);a:.m. Suliday' Sc.iflc;ol
MOfni.ng Worshjp' : ' . 1-1 ,a.m, 1;30 :p,m. ~vcl1ing WoiShip:: , 7:J() p.m. Pi'ayrr Meeting, .y '1"- ,'T.h ursda . ' Wednesday' .Ro .1:'30 p';~1l. Song-fe~t, ~st ,~',"'. ~ur~~}{t~~.;h, n'9pth .
· WmshlJl . ' h :JO p.Ill .. 'Sun~ay !-:vening Biolr Sllluy ~ ;tIl agt's. .' ~O p.m .. hl'n'ing Worship 77:30 :.l .p. l~l.: \~\~dl~~sday, MidwL'd.: Pray.:r ~nll Blhk Study
Main' Street
Mrs. Lui~ o,.m~waY . P.dstor
DODDS Free Pentecostal Church of God
'Christia'n .Baf,tistMission
49 S. Mftin Street " .\ ~ :ol ' ' y"-~';'-ho "'. 9:30,''a:,'n. -',Sullda ' ;' .10:30 a~m, - Mo~n!nt.~q~~hip ~ 7.:00 'p;m. }&.a·i1.~'~~.~I~ng ·.
Joh!, K. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a;m., Sunday School lO:30 a.m., Sunday Worship · Service '8:()IJ'-9:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, Bible Study
Wilmillgton Pike & Soda' Ruw Ruall Bus Wiseman. MinislL'r 9:00 a.m.. SlIIHlay ' Biole SdlOUI ~O ; 15 :f.I11., SumklY Worship d YoUlh 10'1 . .S :1.111 . ,.Sun;tV
~ .'· .'Iic_"~, ~, . ~ ~Y~H>':·O~:.'Gi~'OfD ~\,."~. 1:~lF·O~l'n,.Ae'!1Tl'.'C S "~~H'l)t RC .
LYTLE United Methodist Church
Mound Street E. friend Couser, Pastor . 9:3P a.m. Sunday School 10:~() ,u.m:~ Morning Worship _
, , . CUrlier 'ol: 7J'&.Corw.in ,Rd: ' .' '.,' : R~v.. Sh~rman to.uk. ~asior ' ' .,: '10;:30 a.mL Sunday;· Sd,l'~lOl " 7:00 p,m., Sunday Ew. Service " [ I:10,p.~n .• Wednesday Eve., ' , c. . . _ :;' .scrvlce ..... : ' " , < :'i'~~ •
St. RI . 4H & Low~r Springhoro Road Ray l. Shelton, Pastor 9:]0 a.m. Sunday &hool 10:45 a.lll: Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evcning Service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday EVL'ning Service 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sf. Youth Recreation 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sf. Ymlth Services
9:30 a.m., S~lIlday Sl:hoo' 11 :00 ~1.1l1 .• Sunday, Worship &rv)ce 7 : .~() p.m .. Wednesday, Prayer Servke
Friends Church
, ;:Waynesville"' Rescue Mission .
RIDGEVILLE Ridgeville,Community Church
C~urch -Rev . Let l'ard 8axter~
.- ....
Ra y StOfll1l'1' . 1':1'11l1 9 :30 a.lll . Worsilip SL'I'; j,,'l' 10:30 SUlluay (,llIlrd. ~'hlllli 5:00 p.lll . SlIl1UaV Youtll Felluwshi p .
MT. HOLLY• United Methodist
" 7:4$ a.I!'. l>.tilY Mass -:', 5:30 p:m. saturday M8S$
Acy I...<lmo. Pastor 10.:00 a.Ill ,. Sunday Sdwo l 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Wdncstlay and Saturday, Evcning Wurship Services 7:30 p.IlI., Wednesday Youth Service
SPRI1«; VA'LLEV' . ;~nited, Mett;,Odi$t
GENNTOWN Genntown United Church of Christ
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
Full GdSpel ,Church'
'! ~ ' ~,ni.7&." ~Jl ;'n: tI()IY" D~ys' · , ' 1:,30 p;m. ;First : ~'fid~y
I.Ii gl,l St ree' h,ft:' Lu liner, Pastor -)bi!eo .. "Rc\I " ..': 1.~~;n{& .11 ·~.1l1. Mas~es '
I}Jvid lIarper. Pastor \) :30 a.l11 .. Sunday Cllurt.:h Service 10:30 a.I11., Sunday School , , :00 a.m.,·Sunday Worship Service Youth FCllowship and 'Biblc . Study
Friends .Meeting
Read your I.ILE dally and GO TO CHU ICH
United Methodist Church
Fourth Stleet ncar IIi'gh 9}0 a.m., Sunday Selu')ol 10:4~ ;t.m:· Sundcry Meeting fur . Worship (unprogrammed)
Rev. Harold Deeth St. Mary'S Episcop al Church
bist Iligh Street Stevc' Tigner, Minister 9:30 a.Il I . , SUllday Bihle School HklO ,1.111., Sunday Wop,hip and Communioll 6 :00 p.IlI., Slinday Youth Meeting 6:30 p.m ., Sunday (,hristian Youth flour 7:30 p.m., Slinday Evenillg Worship 7:30 p.m., Weuhcsday Bible " . Study
has acted through out our lives. Therefore, It Is our respon sibility to be In contact with him, even when life seems easy. When we keep open the channe ls ,of commu nication contln uousl Y It Is only natural to ask his help w hen life seems hard • The Christia n gospel Is an invitation to trust In God at all times. To keep In union with him through prayer and worship . He Is not a form of health Insuran ce; He does not guarant ee success In busines s. But he lifts us up from the depths of despair, and despite our trouble s gives ' meanin g to life. This Is the victorio us faith that St. Paul knew: "For I am convinc ed that there Is nothing In death or life: In the realm of spirits or superhu man powers : In the world as It Is: or the world as It shall be: In the forces of the univers e In heights or depthsnothing : In all creatio n that can separate us from the life of God In ~~~s.t Jesus our Lord." Roman 8:38
. Jesus said: "In the world, you will have trouble . But coura~le, the victory Is mine. I have overcom e the world .. • John 16:33 NEB A world In which we c;Ud not encounter trouble of some kind would be a sorry world. But we would like to live, so we think, wltlhou t troubles . If we did, this would c~eate a serious problem for us because we would cease to grow. Ufe would contain no challen ges-life ts always a series of problem s and difficul ties. We grow as we meet and overcom e them. This Is why we provide problem s for young minds In our educati onal systems . But frequen tly our major problems or trouble s become burdens which we cannot handle. There appears to be answer tel them. When this situatio n become s bad enough , we are "kely to turn t o GOd. Is It a fair deal to ask him to come In at the last momen t? Granted , because he loves us, It Is never too late to turn to him, but we need to remind ourselves that he Is no strange r. God Is our father who has acted through out history to reveal himself to us, and
CENTERVILLE The Centerville First D C\oostaI Ch urc h ren tStreet h :lnldin 17J L "urv~'II , 1):Isltll: Ray (;elk' Bid.;nl'll. Ass'\. ulluay Schuul 10 :()() a.I11 ...S·I 7 :()O p.II1 ., SUl1day hl'l1l1l!! 7 :3Q p.m., .Wcdl1l'sua~ t-:vel1il1g
' MArchants. ,. ~if~@~)): ~ Is~~~ :.t".Of, You·. • hr~gh The Court~y Uf The Following Area .
.~ l ,'"
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:WAVNES~lL:':::~ ~"'IO '.: ,'\
E'( 'LIS SUPER:VALtJ '~ •'
'r' ,
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, ·. ·i'
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DAYTON - Dairy farmers whose milk was marketed in the Miami Valley area during July received a gross blend price of $5.54 per hundredweight f~r their production, according to Leslie C. Mapp, general manager of Miami Valley Milk Producers Association. The blend price was 23 cents higher than last July and five ceats higher than July 1968. The price was paid for milk containing the standard 3.5 per cent butter fat level with eight and two-tenths cents added or subtracted for each one-tenth of on~ per cent variation in butterfat conten t above or below 3.5 per cent. Mapp said that this July's milk production for the Miami Valley market totaled 44.6 million pounds, up from last July's production 41.9 million pounds. This July's milk outpu t was valued at $2.5 milWi>n. July was the last month in which the milk of area dairy farmers was marketed. and priced under the Miami Valley Federal Milk Marketing Order. The larger Ohio Valley Federal Order, which is a consolidation of five <llio federal orders, became effective Aug. 1_ With that C(tnsplidation, the.' number of federal milk marketing ,orders regulating the marketing of milk in Ohio was reduced to twOA The general manager said that Illy was the final month of take-out for the 1970 fall production premiums and estimated that the blend price for August milk. will be around $5.89 per hundredweight for '3:5 per cent milk . PA.RE NTA.L EXA.M PLE Modem parents too often believe that it. is sufficient to send a child to the "right" church and to the "right" school. 'They are careful to select only the "best" whenever the child has a need . But, they forget one of the most 'important things of ali - the value of good ' example. PO'int a child in any direction and JDore than likely he will soon· fall back and foUow in the footsteps of the parents. Because childre!' flnd t~e things they see more ImpreSSionable than the things they ' hear, '\l>on't' 'do as I do" do as I say do:' is a waited .. . admonition. . ,1 ~' ~
. Uz,z'l,ng ' Around , TheCapifgJ -
BY CONGRESSMAN D.E. "BUZ" LUKENS MILIT ARY BUILDUP TIle Soviet Union is continuing its military bUild-up which is causing concern to defense planners in this country. ,In the process, the Soviets have extensively increased their international domination. Perhaps the most illustrative example has been the deployment of Russian airmen and missile crews in Egypt. The only effective means of curbing 'Such activities is often by countering with a show of force equal to or greater than that of the Russians. For this reason, I strongly believe the Phantom jets which Israel requested should have been sold to them months ago. By' not approving this sale, the President has seriously endangered the cantinued sl,.Ipremacy of the Israeli Air Force. The Russians military budget has skyrocketed from $36 billion in 1960 (mostly spent on ' conventional armament and 'manpower) to a record $70 biJlion this year (spent mostly on nuclear weapons of all kWds). Their total number of nuclear missiles
I __ Tlt··· :1 LD
u.s. 42'. . . . .~ 'GIIIiI -
TH.uRS 8/20 - TUE 8/25 •
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Disney ProducIIOM
AND a.UllBIA P(lUIIIS Im"'1 *" 1_
itll" P!OIb'ICI!'
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,~ l'ECHNICOLOfr ~ ':; Mij
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~, -~~ AND
COLUMBIA PICTURES,; ':' , ' Presents
, has grown from 230 ten years ago to 2725 in 1970. Already, the Soviets have, su'rpassed the United States in total number of Intercontinental BaJIistic Missiles and have substantially cut into our previously unchallenged naval supremacy. They have shown no indication that they are about to slacken their pace. For these reasons, the United States must maintain a strong military posture and readiness. New systems which we have implemented over the past few years (such as the ABM, the new Poseidon missile for submarines, the multiple nuclear warhead) have kept this country in a mili; tarily favorable position~ even with the Soviet build-up. Hopefully, the Strategic Arms Umitation Talks (SALT)' now going on in Vienna, will prove to be successful in halting the wild spiral of military expenditures. Until that time, however, we must be willing to grant our armec forces the funds they require ll) keep this country the strongest in the world.
Since the .introduction of H.R. 16699 ," a bill regulatin'g the use and transportation of explosives, I have received a number onetters fro~ persons who d'isagree with the definition of explosives as outlined in the bill. While the intent of this legislation is not to penalize the'lawabiding citizen, the bill's current . definition of explo$ives would have~ this effect. Under the explosives bill, ammunition normally used, in the hahdloading of sporting guns would be restricted",'B\~ck pow~ der and other compofients used by antique gun collectors would -also be ,restricted. It weuld seem __ liJ~e a small matter, but I fe~l that the liberty of the sportsmen and gun collectqr can be lost that ' way, bit by bit. Judie Hous, I have asked the ciary Committee, which is now holding hearings- on the bill, to redefine the legislative 'language' so as not to penalize the sports- 'men an~ gun ,collectors. : ,
LOCAL ' YOUTHS RAISE RACK ET AT LEBANON Four Waynesville youngmen really raised a racket this w~ek at Lebanon where they scored heavily in the second annual Lebanon Tennis Tournament conducted at Harmon Tennis , Courts. The tournament is jointly. sponsored by the Civic Trust. of Lebanon anet Lebanon Recreation. The four players from Waynesville were Barney and Bobby Graham, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graham, Jr.; Keith Lam~ son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamb and: eIf Benner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benner. The boys tallied the following scores: Doubles, Barney Graham and Keith Lamb weredefeated by ))ale Pea~h and Freq Kindred 6-2 abd 64; Bobby Graham and Jeff Benner, bye; Semi Finals, Dale Peach and Fred Kindred defeated Bobby Graham and Jeff Benner 6-2 an~ 6-Z; ()Jarter Finals, Barney Graham defeated Steve Cochran 6-0 Mike Hasselbring defeated Jeff Benner 6-4 and 64, Bobby Gra- ' ham defeated Dave Dawson 6-3 and 64 and Keith Lamb defeated B. George 6-1; Semi Finals, Bar'ney Graham defeated Bobby Graham 6-2 and 64 and Keith Lamb defeated Mike Hasselbring 6-2 and 64. Finals, Keith lamb defeated , Barney Graham 6-1 and 6-1.
COLUMB.lJS, 0., - - ' Parents - " of junior and seniot high school _ football pla'Y>rs were urged tb- -_ day' to encourage their sons to prepare for excessive' heat candiHonS:encountered in pre-seas9n practice and eady games. So] Milggied, M.D., of . West ' Jefferson, chairman of the Jojnt Advi~ory Cotilln~tt.ee .. Q.n·/~poa;!S . ~edicine 'of the' Ohio State~~Med-' ~~al Associ~tion ';'~n~ Ohio ~" SC:~oo] :Atl}Jetic.(ASsocia ,ion;-said that. he'~t ,strokeJ~~whi!Jh_ ~~ veT: ," , <: heatlOg due to failure o'f'sweating. . . ~ is one ,o f the m.ajor _cau~es-."o'( ,~· ",death in American football. ' . . ' .' . ".Proper pie~pract,~c€, . j ondi.. " . .' tlOnlOg ca.n hel~ pr~i~~r,.?the :. ' r 'as lon .~ondH this , t player agalOs well as 'against heat' eilius lion .' caused ' by excessive loss Of ,~t ,', .. ': from profuse sweating., EitJle~ ' of these can cause serious phy'si~ . ' cal harm and even ' death,'!' he ' : said. Dr.,' Maggied pointed out tl).at ~ .. Ohio recorded a~ lepst one death from complications from.'excessive heat during -the 1969. hlgh school football seasoh. · Ite - '~x~ plained that'. heat p~oblems>in athletes occur when, high temperatures combine .with exc~ive humidity and that such cOhdi- ' : tions prevail in Ohio during the football tr,ining pre-season pleriod . "Even though ,most coaches alre increaSingly aware of the, pr~ blem and take measures to' PJe~' vlent heat strokes/ tflis' c6J)dition still occurs during the first )'leek or so of practice among those athletes not acclimated to heaf , '. :;, or- conditioned to a si~enQo"'$ -", ;, exercise program," said the doc-". -.' .. ._ . tor. Harold A. Meyer, commis- . " , , , sioner,.of the Ohio f:ligh, ~hqp,:,,1 Athle,tic As,soc~tion (OHSAA); ':; added an ~ncou'r~~n'g" oQte I ~ti8t many scholastic athletes ate be,. ' ~" ' comj~g acclinlated earlY =thl9P8a;t ;" ", ~~r~ipat~~~: inyply~ta~~ ~,':~ :.~,:
ITEM: If you order a chicken burger, it must be 100 per cent chicken, according to U.S, Department o( Agriculture standards. Chicken Chop Suey must -contain at least ,four per cellt chicken and Chili Con Carne must have at least 35 per cent " ' beef and not more than i5 per da. ing to standu cent fat, . " . , .accord ..
.: "
~r l?~Y~~ fitilC~ ' pl'ogranu,'
, appro~ed ,
, ,." . ~~rl ' -
flle- ,OHSAA.'
'550 of' ,
.,:r,' ,'~"l'!' .,... .
''If.~ ' ."rdtM ,, ' I~ , 3
~l·Md·class po!\t:lge paid af
Waynle.ville, Ohio
August 26, 1970
10 Cents
:> l i 550L o'cal School-SludeD Is Arl Ex,pI clld i: l,s',·' a'YDlsville School Prlparls '0 OPID
: ,. ';Flnal
para hons have been . ;:" 'coffipJeted and a teaching staff ,2 booked withln ' the Waynesville "" . School System as school officials brace themselveS-for an onslaught of 1,550 students. ~; Superintendent Paul. SchwafA'\ ';berger has. reported that schoo~' ~ b~!ldln~ have ,been' thoroughly ~>,,· clean~~ ' and minor ' repairs and. '
Hi:gh School: Ervin B. Pack, High School Principal; John Harvey, Physical Education and Football Coach; Vernon Hooper, Social Studi~s, Driv~r Training and Basketball Coach; Mrs. Bar· bara Adams and Mrs. Sara Conley, Vocational Home Economics and Robert Seigel, English and Junior High Football Coach . .!unior High: Mrs. Jane Vermillion, English. Element.ary: Mrs. Gail Pack; Fifth Grade and Mrs. Jackie Praete,r, First Grade.
~jnting finish~d.
, ':t
The st~ff is now complete and 'consist ,of cight,.new teachers '~i).e new administrator. They
Mary Hartsock, Language ; Jerry Henson , John Harvey, Pamela Pursiful, Physical Education; Dianna Hisey, Art; Yutonia Watson, Barbara Adams, Sara Conley, Home Economics; Vernon Polly, Alan Kleman, Mitchell Smith, Science; James Rowland, Bill Vanderpool , Dorsie Benton, Vernon Hooper , Social Studies, Elementary staff members include: Byron Ames, Principal ; Clara Waldroup , Lucian Hatfield, Darrell Watson , Mary Ellen Lacy,
Hi .High School and Junior High School staff members are as fol· , lows : Ervin B. Pa,ck, High School Principal; Craig Francisco, Junior High, Principal; Miss Fran~es Anderle, Typing; William Biven , Music; Paul Brower, Betty Tackett, .Cheryl Hartsock, Julia Townsend, Robert Seigel, Jane Vermillion, En~ish; Alex Brunton, Gale Gerard " Industrial Arts; Lonzo Gibbs, James Conway, Mrs. Johnnie PuBy, Math ; Alfred Osborn, -Gary (}dvis, Science:
Sixth Grade ; Jane Fran(jsco, Helen Vanderpool, Mrs. Gail Pack, Elen Gadd, Fifth Grade ; Margaret Palko, Bonnie Pack, Sylvia Wardlow, Barbara Sawyer, Fourth Grade; Bonnie Click) Betty Slone, Vera Benfer, Pearl Courtney, Third Grade; Dorothy Perry , Geneva Davis, Wanda Hodson, Sara Cook, Mary Hatfield, Second Grade; Thelma Barker,. Ruth Edwards, Estella Richards, Isabel Skaggs, Maxine (Continued on page 4)
, ",
,yo ..
vUle--Ratarians Plan Dinner .:.'Ie,s,- IOY'8 And Girls .,;.
' have ' program by the 'Waynesville Ro'~'~~~)~~~grnjl!tl~~:~ijlj a\~,\~;j: Q t1."Cl11'::r·,' t'.r\t" '" far'" Club.. <.' :~:~h' ~ I J'. ,. 1 t' . H .....
Phillies Tops In league
a(ia~s " wiIl bc . ~oinmend-
'".• trig: the 'a~tm ' y't:~~Q:r "their ·ef-·forts and loyah~,; t.o their jobs - fot putting ,th~ir . respective pa-pers within our reach regardless of weather and 'time". The"t'pOt~~ti3I ' businessmen . and ·women 'of the 'future to 'be h~nored \,ViII be honor~d ql\rWS . the appreciation dinnet program
will' indu.dc: Dayton Daily News,. Gary Bl~n, Dale Thompson,. Paijl Vennitlion, Kevin Miranda, Wally Patton, Richard Casebolt, Allan Hannah and Phillip Gibbs ; Dayton Journal-Herald, . Stephen Wilkerson, Robert Briggs, Mike Ne,lson- and Bill Snoddy; Wes,tern Star:, Eric: Whitmer, Sandy ~~ee.h~.n, - Cheryl~ GPeen, Keith Rathff and Dottle Hannah and
The Phillies, league winners, became home team after a flip of the coin with the All Stars, the best players chosen from all other league teams. They clobbered the All Stars 8-7 to become the top team of the league. No runs were scored in the the Cincinnati Post ; ' Rebecca first inning and it looked like a Boa I. pitchers' duel was in the making. Gale Koogler, Assistant CirHdwever, this was hort lived be. culation Mana~er for The Daycause in the second inning the ton Daily News, will deliver the All Stars banged out five runs guest address. and took a commanding· lead. The Phillies jumped back and scored three r·uns in the' last of the second inning but in the third, the ' All Stars scored two runs bringing the score to 7~3. They again scored two runs in the fifth inning and went into the final inning loosing by only two runs. The All Stars were unable to BROWNIE LEADER score and the Phillies had their " BADLY NEEDED Jast cllance to bat. Orie run down A leader is urgently needed , and only three outs away, the for the Thursday afternoon All Stars took the field to try Brownie Troop at Waynesville. and save their two run lead. The leaderless Troop is comteams should be comBoth posed of 20 girls. Their leader mended for their efforts. These doesn't have to be the mother of boys were playing under extreme one of the Troop members. She pressures for their ages and each most importantly should be a parent at that game can be proud woman interested in the future of how their son performed. of second and third grade aged They also conducted themgirls. selves on a high level of sportsAll interested persons or promanship. Only under this type spective leaders should phone of organized league participation Mrs. LasandraJonesat 932-2161. can boys learn' and grow to the point where they enter into high Tabernacle construction has school competition with the true -been ten~tively scheduled to value of the lessons taught them. ' begin following the Aug, 29 "It seemed a shame that one program. ' . of the teams would lose ' tit,s . -,The., Midwest Gos pel Music hard fought game, but in reality Association originated seven no 'one lo'oses 'because every bQY . years ago at Dayton: .Some of who plays the teague ' conU~s ". l t:i 'or,ganl£ers '. . tnc . Iude- J'llll,G' nmsout a Winner in experience and ~ Gospel-AireS, sportso:utnship," remaTke~t '\,~,gt};~ , ~n~er, ' f~.ef..~r,.~W:~. P);l Mello-'J" loUie Lander. . "", - , . " ." ' The Phillies and All Stars 'bat-tied' for ar exciting PhiJlies victory Monday, Aug. 10, during the big game that ends the little league baseball season at Waynesville.
' . :"·~I.,~amm~nity FellDwship Planned: ·",," 8J I,i l,e1l. Urged 'a .Attend ,
fa\,]rie;llC.et~lil Nl~r~:~.i~JS",~ .
... Merchants
are ' urgmg all
a'cPr~ . Waynesville and .. area citizens to
Wlrtm\~".ty' F~llo\y-:, ' ,' b~iQg thei~ families, ~ picoic bas":' "Y': ." ~JCet tllat can . be sh8red ~ with 'a iirtgle aT. ~'Ut..in ~rSQn and', tq tote ~d.og JIlusiC3J i'nstrument. 1
~~ l!:!'
, "This Comm'-nity fo'elloW$ip . '~o~l\iry' f~n . can only be a sl.icce~ if YOlf are '(81111101111'0 there, ". said Mts. Charl,es LeMay , .....·' ... ·'I',n-d~ ... uri:IU • at ,',.l "p.m., 'program ~~~~ .. ' ~lIiI,;t","i" tal1lt(J; . Sn)Qr~ ..
" ",
" w,itl '?e' ,: :¥rs,: ~MJY1" is stiU "l!~aJent ,enlpn:aoe a~d scot)ting for.' mU3icians .or voca~"':'4~t'l7i~~, cornOJitne,nlS W~Y!le.. lists '·Ot-" other' , el\tettain:er~ ' who would be interested in perform~ •
ing at the 'picnic. She can be reached 'at 897-5961. W~yi1es\tiUe's big Pre-~bor Dayc Community Fellowship Picnic will include the Waynesville, Corwin, LytJe; Ferry, Mt. Holly and HaIveysburg 'areas. local shut-lins ' will not be left out of the festivities. Merchants plall .to deliver numerous picnic lunch plates to them within the community. This old fashioned country picnic promises much fun, food, entertairll'nen~ and visiting time.
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:tHE' MiA~IG~r;T;rEh . P.O. Box 7. : 'Phone ••7-1. 21 ;
~il~y of' Pl~to~ '. ' v,of~ RJdge- ,. Tho~u s Char\e .~s . . ·.Tipton of . J.P. ville illod·· Mrs. ~chmiond, l{y. are great-grand ..{ " .', - . . :: ' parent . s. .'. '
an4 Mr. ' Allie
, '" Editor . .. ...... .. . . . . . . . ~ . .•. .••. .•...• , OIlton Dennis ,. • , Advert "lng M......' .• r R.91·~lld 0 Hili . . . . . . . ....•........ .. •. .•.•...•....• .Asst. I'dvertlsl~, ,Mana,e r .. . . . . . Phillip Morian : : . • Genera l Mana,~r . . . . • • . • . • • • • • • • . • . • . . . . . David Edsall . . . . • . . " . . . l:!ubllsMrs • • • • • . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . Reginal d O. Hili, David· Edsall P.O. Box 7', W.y....,;UI., Ohio 45011 M.mbe r of the Ohio N.wspa..... AlIOClAtlon'
fr am ·rhi' ·Lpoj r .c ,h··~,<. " F'AIENDS 'HOME i'll~WS By N~IHe Dunnell
Memorial tIospi tal. Heathef weigh , 7 ,pounds and 7 ounces. She has a brothe r, Jeffrey, three and one halfyear~ old. Grandparents include Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs. Roger 'Bailey of Route 2, Catlall Place, Waynes· Ville announce the birth of a second child,a daughter, Heather Lynn, born Aug. 5 a t ~ettering
Editor's Note: ,WEt.eOM a; , HOME NELLIE, . . . . ,YOU
Corn , S,upper " ·iwJI& GREEN BEAN)
SAl.A [l)
lUI. US I 28th '···5 -8 P.1. Adults $1.50 .....- Children $.75
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No Service Charge for Anyone
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,. "
hongr of Phyllis .li.ndauer 'l;lt 'the home .of Shamn-Wentze . ' : :' Mr. and Mrs, Don Laird arid child'ren and Mr , Vic Laird speilt a week ~acationing in Pennsylvania. , Mr, and ·Mrs. Mike Durbin and chiidren have' be~n vacationing i'n Michigan. They reoently moved into the former Early home. Mr . and Mrs. Charles Bunnell visited with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Young, at Greenville,~ Sunday,
" •~ , "', -~ . I.,
':~', ,,Our
,.PART' ', 8UIPIIES - _........!.-
............ SUN - THURS 1,0 - 10
FRI -- SAT 10 - 11
. . . .-
flats'are off to them; the' . coache~ , and. the umpires. Umpife,' Ken Bn'idley, ' should be commended for his unselfish work throughout the year with these tea ms. " Up to the final innmg, the All Stars had given the Phillies all they could handle and the pressure was at a fever pitch. The Phillies managed to load the bases and the next batter was allowed first base because the catcher interfered with his swing. This tied the score 7-7. , Next a batter lined a grounder tpwards the. hoid between th'ird and short and the shortstop was able to knock the ball down, but when 'he retrieved it, the winning run had already been scored and tile Phillies had·captured the topmpst victory they had sought all season. Waynesvil·le's victorious Phillies and top baseball players of the season include : Jody Amburgy , Louie Lander, [}avid Hisey, Allen Davis, Mike Rush, Ji!!1my McDonald, David Barber, Jerry Bourne, Rick Miller, Rick Cop~s, Russell Lamb, Tom Mit, chell and Joe Mitchell.
... ·BABYSITTING ,· ..
. I'
Special weekly rates, or ' will sit by hour or' day. Constant care ' in a good' Christian home. Pholle >N7 ,5 l ) 21 Ask I'llI' .I ea ll Ilill
Roberta 'w'Jilson
Style Show
Ph. 897-4246 A miscellam:ous bridal shower was held last Monday evening in
. ABOUT OUR WOFlSHIP , - Our '~orslup is simple and based entirely on what is taught .in the New Testamen t. We will sing together. You will probably be familiar with most of the hymns· and are invited to join' with us in the singing, Men in the congregation willlead.in prayers. There will be a ' sermon , Christ centered and designed ' to te(Jch and uplift all who are prescnt. You are urged to take notes and check what you hear against what your Bible, says. There is ,never any-a.ttetnpt to teach anything . . profound or mysterious, just simple ~ible, truths. At the close bf the sermon, those who wish to become Christians are invtted to ' rna ke: this knOW!1 by '~omirig to the front of the assembly. There will be no singling . out of visitor's .or any,one 'pre, se· nt~ . ho.,' one wjll be asked to raise\ • their halnd Or stand: No·one J) . \vm go abo~t the audience urging , ~People to come' foiwaid. Neither. 'the :woiship:, nor th~ invitation, are 'desigJled to embarrass, but rather 'to teach. . . "~':'. :iAlring th~iworship the Lord's &1ppe{O~' Communion wil.1- be ' serve~ men of' the congiega, tiop. :' The' New .Testament .te~~ ches .,iruit Ch(ist,ians. Or ·me~ber.s the .Lord's 'church are to ,. ,this tthe first day o.f the .week , 20:1 .You 'will i1ot~,.be , ' ted to do ·s~. "A ~iai~ ,. ~
Saptlmber. 4 , 1910 -8.:0IP ..I.
0:0 YOU
. '
Also 'Sing Out' will perform at Intermission Time DOOR PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN
.. . I
• I"
Tickets May 'Be Purchased From: LYNN~S· DB'ESS SHOP
or PURCHASED AT THE 'DOOR THAT EVENING ,' Proceeds Go To Rainbow Assembly • A.M•.--8·P.M.· Public Welcomed ,
~'"1"~~"'''' ....... 11.,., .
.CIa" -,
, Locai .studenti • . . . . . (b9nti nued from Page 1~
and History; BettY Tackett; Cui· First r, Praete e :.)acki ' ~ "" &nt~n riculum Coordin:at~r ' ~nglish;' Kil). Irelal), Uatie Mrs. , " ;'Q-ade, Vernon ' Polly, Curriculum Co· 4~{en, -Jane Weltz, M.usic; ordinator Sci~'nce; Dorothea Wilma Watson, 'Physicill Educa:- ' Rye, School Nurse; Phyllis Mar· tion; Jewell Sewell, Ura Grover, kelQff, School ,Psychologist. " Special Education. Paren~ of children who have . Vocational Education: O.W.E. not attended Wayne Locat ,pre· ,:' William Myers; D.C. T., Andrew viouSly are asked to regiSter them ctuJrko; B.~lE., Miss Patricia Aug. 27-28 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Jones. Kindergarten and first grad~ Other program areas include: pUpils entering for the first time e· Couns ' ce Guidan , Dive Cessna must 'present birth certfficates an; lor; Unda Robinson, Ubrari . and a' aoctor's record of the llirsie Benton. Audio Visual Aids basic immunization. All neW stu· WAYNESVILLE SPARTANS BASKETBALL ' 1970-1971 ' Lebanon Nov. 25, 1970 Mason Dec. 4, 1970 carlisle Dec. 5, 1970 Kings Dec. 11, 1970 . Little Miami Dec. 18, 1970 ~st Clinton Jan ..2, 1971 Springbor.o Jan. 8, 1971 Blanchester Jan. 9, 1~71 Clinton Massie Jan. 15, 1971 Mason .)jn. 22, 1971 Kings Jan. 23, 1971 Little Miami Jan. 29, 1971 Yellow Springs Feb.-·5,1971 Springboro Feb. 6, 1971 .. Blanchester Feb. 12, 1971 Bellbrook Feb. 13, 1971 Clinton Massie Feb. 19, 1971 Q-eenview (PN) Feb. 20, 1971 Reserve Games 6:45 P.M.; Varsity Games 8:00 Superintendent - Paul Schwamberger Principal - Ervin Pack Athletic Director - Crai!; Francisco Head Coach - Vern Hooper PN - Parents Night Craig Francisco, Athletic Director Wayne~ville High School P.O. Box 306 Waynesville, Ohio 45068 (Office Phone: 513-897-4706)
HC' - Homecoming PH''' :' ~rints Ni~t 'Athletic-Director Cl:aig
. ,. "
SchOol· :
,".. ~ '. ' .. " . . , . ' ,ROOM '.'.\'
' to ~. 'bnng .their dents are naked ~ f ,I
ArnOld, ,~tt; '81gg, Ta!:""1) or transcnpts ' jf ·avanab ' . Dob9"SOoher Klttly; ~ ~.. ~ 'Eu. ' . ~ " ~' l' t ai" f ,1_, ~I,IJ'I;' U4y 0 reD;'ll r~ lQn~ , ' . . :,''1. ":',. ii6r\e; 'Cc?Ok. \ R'.btc~1 ~'I<I~~i Hep" t ; , Gic:t~. Mike; y~r ..w,ill .0~Q,~if.. :Frr'i e. ~~h8ryn The schooL ~1~h·.II.; LOP9, ttl., L. Mar'Vtni "neW, , . T! o t' ' : ,. ., ' "h .... : ~~I • ~i,6li:ri!!llter, K\m- ' wIth a gen~•• Cll tea~~,e!s m~e. I~g I. ~ ~r:Ol~; ' ~C4It~'F'tan.k; ' PO~'i~, ·Jennj. PJy,tQn~ ·~I:Y;'. , l. ay, ' ..Al)g. at · 9 a.m. .' 'Morid "fl Rat,lff, MarlC·j ,Roark·,. S.~ven i ' . > _"'1.' ~ e·. .. . , : ..~~ . . ~ . ;~n~,.r$On~ ,.baYI4.1 whlt.rn$, ;Fran~l Regular cla.sses . wu~'~gi Uar;.d ,·:Rober't' •.\" L""'~C " ',.,' ,~.',~'! .. " .' ~\" '., 1· Sept ·· day, ,~'? " "/.' ~ . "'lo.~.:' .. ·· ··.:: BOO~. 113. MRS. " . . ',' ,j ' '., ~llch r,oo~ w ~ b <10 oper· ~ ,.. PR~T~R,. ,GRAO~ l' BI~s~ tlm;~~I~ Chrlsj' t~,l t~h~oW. steVe'f Bd9QS, .. ' '. c1latgeS . l 'Wi,tli ~.'lunch atian Sept lu, ,',. . . .., '!In. ¢!1rl!i; ,ElII~tt, Victor; F.arl.y,dHI51., . . ~ ~~.. 'Dla)'f"r d, Y~:'iea' d san' GroSs; ,./lant, 35 SiX iiougli d -I' for · grades one kelly; '. Si.vel. .Jot)nso n, Jam·e.· , ~rti~. t ...~ ·· h .;, . d' N,i. J.ff; Miller; Randy, nald, .MJ;DO 1~9ug , .seye~ es cen.ts-:;-gra Cln. R.v,s, oy;. n . tton!' T.J.;,Pa ~I~r;, . . twelve 40 · cents . .... " . ',/; n.. dY"SramPl~s, Stl.nnQ nj SGherer, Pam; : n.. k Hi':\J;' c.!.!L "I'Pr' , Slmp'~n. Jenrilte,rj·Slzelove, Karen; ' ErVin "'-dC , i gil ~1l00 tn· on .. Lucinda ; Wort~lngton. Sta'Plet eat , new ·that ced ann~un cipsl, . , Kef Iy. ' . ROO~ ~15 i ~R$. C9 0 K, , Ch ers Will l:nee t Aug!31 a t 1 p.m. E.2 ;,Adam s, Mark; Br,own; , in the school cafeteria 'for orie~n· . GRAD Treva; campbe ll .. BobbYj Cllnehens, Ricky; Dlls, TawflY; EdWards, Dalej, . ,,' " tation J Fo)(, M.'lssa..:~r;ost, ~bble; ~I'lear· :' First..'dav Of sol\ot>1 '4for, ' high In,g, ~t~j Glb~s, '1\IIicrnllle; Ha\1sard, '8 J :Hls~~. " _ ~rwln':M~'t.l?rld'e, ~lke; begin.: ~t school student.s will il'f9,lIy; ,MOgan, Ka,fj,lna ; Horn, o'6l:.ig. . ' " c "~ ,,+,, l' . h " /-toward; Gary; !sa.acs;-Sc;q,tty; t.;1~. a.m. 10 t e .~mnaSl~.m 10r, ~~~ o,h ~: Rhon·da; M!!t.hews. MI",; '·l{ln9st , uct.1on mtro<t and-, es ing exercis . l'Y'I,cDonal.d, ,MIke; Mellott., Jon, N.ee~ .t " , · <': of teacners an d c.1ass a~lgmllen s. .. 'ley , Deb~le;"Wardlow, '~nn .' .~OOM , ., ;.: ........ ~·' .l}t-I. ' l All Senior Citizens 6S years, 'c:.LD,. ~R~I:?E 2: " t , ' 213, 1Vl~;:,~ ' H~~AIAyers~ . 'l",J t ', ' . Debora h; s on ,stttve; Ander, . , 0 pass". and over, are enttt ~ 0 a I!1li Carter., . • K ae,~Yj pavld;, Ba1ie~~ ',-:-' : rj'nteJ\; e Sup, , es. activiti l all school '" Paul', (l;Oln.!tt ,'·oaVI,\;"Fry, "James ; ._ • .,' . ,,,' ' . ~~" Garr~ft; , Patrlcla; , t:tp,rr~so.(ll 1:~ul~a. i.;·~ qent PaUl SChwarnberg<fl,r~q4ests. ".1', t:t9I1and,~'ort ~ Norma: Isaa~''' Deb· , •. ,.. "" d"t 1 t" . ' _. h -' al' ~n~,!ijg~rt\ :Kri!sll!.V!, -f\aren ·' ;.. orah);:k ~7 y .. e J ,!~~. q ,w m~ any that> t>.~{ttL.a,~ rn~.'Jtlsatlt;"')'h': . ·~ a e P!,~ ~I.'. ':~on,e,o'." ,ge.r:..ei' · whb. d.q.e.s'ln?t pass. (lOq·. Tun... ' . mg .gan. ~ .,Va, ~.. ,f ' _ " ...... t.Me,sse t t" 1.: • J L 'of rI 1" " HIlIIUit'ldilil(Oi't,h-;:i;JO!"I'!'fl ' . ' Taiti~ l ;J~OIr:!h :~tie(ry. Rrr:iCe oj '.:Shar'o :'''''' . s~~e ~~l~ . ' to p. ease con ,a« .Ellzabef., mv,j R,u\seU, A'~n; ~li:II :' Jeft; Wise· , 1
Away Home Away Home Away . Home Home Away ,Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home Home P.M. .
. ,.
cup, 'Allen.
;; r
" ,
L.Y..I:t~n :'GI'fMI: :MlIUJ!PU,"LQIN.1
"~lr,g.lnf:IROI)ln; It s ba4lk to school hme agam , .,.',' .: i ...RC)(.;M '2'i2:· ~~$'•.·t iOp.: SO!lf. G.R~DE 2: 'Ar.tderson;'S1tet'~y; and Byron Ames, Wayoe LocaL ' ' " ~nl')er .. MeliSsa' Bor~rdln9; '$ cpu; ,- 1 Sch 1 Pr'lO(f!pa · .. " ; . EI.Ost~ ~~; (l,itk. T,ll;Tlr:~wards, FJ ementClK';Y . . ot?, : Go,*~~: Sh.rr~; " ,.. ~~.;" Fox. t(lm; .b,hqso.n om ,assign' has announced classro ; Bob,.,le;,.. , l ' HattCin ~ndr4ll; . ') ~ruy, T,ereSa,. !L..:a'Ir,d;· ~nnleiP!attot'.I ' ,.. , . ' '] ments; •.phl.lIlPs, Teresa.! ppr:'d.r ; ErIc; , .' toCld 'nOt -does The following list. ' .j' . .St'Vej Ralos, ~aYI'I,el ~ah • .', "'; Pop~ , • ';;, KathyI' Rlct1@rd.s, JayCte,ne; dolpl), ' tnose. and n garte. mclude kinder :1'· . ~ ~'/ ~ n!,I: , J. ~u~h, '1l '1=l1j:har not yet . " Rob~j~s,Randvr newcomers 'who ha\ie. , Watkln s, Je f. ",., ' . " , ' " Taylor: ,"" ' .i :f3Ir1CCWI "l!IIi.Ilt"rV: ....., . Glreliil1lt. '""Olnlilcl jl •"'" I ... ' , . . .'" ROOM . r" . I',~, .. ' ' . enro11ed' . • .QI iz";, ;rJ~!j:H'~ 2: A'.' 'f, '. ·,;(all"'i. .. ' 2il ; M Registration for n~w students Bunnell" ." ,':&;ii.E[$'t";'rir.i;;' who haven ~t been e'nroJled "" ",iIl ~.. ,~ forc;t, DSliorlA e be conducted at AlneS' office.ill' ',, 'the eleinen~ary .~chool'un.til.Atig·," .: 28 from 9 a:m. ~3 ' p.rn;, accord· ": ' . ' ," jng·.to hit/no Wayne '~C{ll , , EJem~ntat¥ '[ .. School stm\ents: fro.rJt grad~s one . thtougb six have. b~eri , ~ssign~~ to the following,class,rooms: , .
"'. ,
h ..
ROOM 114iM.RS. s.~Q.GS •.'J UN·· . ,; , lOR SEeON O: Cutlls'Cin,. Pat; Fields, ;~\;: "HeIDne.'; ,Kennet h, Sher.riJ Holland sworth, T~nV,. I5a~e~;· . I tferfnv. . .. Lowe Rodney . Jone$, Oorlsi Mallko at. Robbie ; McFarl and. Tony; . • Menott l Rebecca; Palfrey , Lori; Ro~ s.n.cer ;', bins;' Paul; Smith •. USIl; 'S tout, Glenn . ~, 8:00 P:M. Younke r, t<evln. ...f; . . ROOM llJ;, Mlss . . ., . 8:00 P.M. , BARKE R, GRADE 1 : .A<i_ms, Gregj '< Briggs, Jludy. caSsidy ; Patrick ; Ch.t,· ' 8:00 P.M. Chllr~et:on, .' " e. Flo:renc ald; n RO. Qa~s, -- tin, Oonll; 8:00'.P.M. Jeff, ,FUI~Z, Kevln;. ~~~~n! Vfrgll; , .. " Kerns, 'amJ.'1~' ~nga,*l, Kennet h. , . .. ,:00 P.".. ~'h.....,. .. McInto sh, .... 58; Qlb9rn-,., Kennet h... cull'iuil! ter·: %8ndra ULeV..... VfJ"llc.ntt;:.p ': ., Donna; Rigney. DIIwn; •• P.M. Rasnak 8':00 , \'_Mln/r iu. Roc~hbld, 'Don j SCJ'l~gal, C!?J'een; ., 8:00 p.M.. · Smlt"'. · ~I~'i. Stout',,'Mll{e; Walt,z.; '_. TraC~J Winsted ; CIYCM; ,wrseWlah~ " .. . "'1 " . , 8:00 e~M. : l:ottrl; 'yJya Ran~Y ,,,' '-'f • 4_ 8:0o.".M. .. . -'".~' .~~), ::~~, .~' ,~ RooM ,!'l GRAG E 1 tAn· ~"':"1 I:lloln"' an d ., ' ~.t.
,~I(.l1I." ,
1':-: .. '. - . .; .""":':Doo'iI••!~~:~~~~.:l~X~~f~~~~~~\ M"S.~:, QENTO'f;G~~DE , f; fiJOggs,
. ~ds, ~ ~healtl(rec;o .d~ ~d :fe~rt le'O~1 tl)e."
WAYNESVILLE SPARTANS FOOTBALL 1970 Home on Green 1970 Sept. 11, Horne Sept. 18, 1970 Cedarville AwaySept. 25, 1970 Blanchester Home Mason Oct. 2, 1970 Home Kings (HC) Oct. 9,.1.970 Away Oct. 16, 1970 · East Clinton Home (PN) Sprin~oro, Oct. 23, 1970 Away Clinton Massie Oct. 30, 1970 Away UttJe.lYlismi ' Nov. 6; 1970 be treate will game all footb ·The East Clinton away game,.but will be played' at Wa.ynesville. Superin1Bndent - PaUl,SchWambe.rger Principal - Ervin Pack " Athletijc Director - Cr8ig Francisco
Head COach .... John Harvey
' ' -.;
' ..
.'" lql1 A",n MOs~~ ,·~I~.tljlel .Nt!lson, I r~ ~!1,'1- ea.!ton, ~~tf!e{!n.e PO'rtgr· ~ J,S~Oj .~~~D F ~~ )~IT!PQr9y nl~;' ,';~,: f~"e~~ l ,,~elttl . Katll'f, c;6n: .;QUi~ r;t"1c;eh .' B~rgo,. ,TJrnl · ae9 ey,. .Dlane: B;rlggs, '1,.'
.~:,:I~!~~~()M .2'1.01 N\R$, F~N: -
nle Ridinger" Klir a ;!R.obbt:ns, Richard , ~ I1O~Jq; iBU)(f'~ n, ~ ~~Je:·.<;jlrter, . '" RO~blr15, '"Immy Rogel's, Donald . Nanc:l. t (!Otvt:n•. Kennet h: CQl'(lbS, .:. r.:rJf\ney , T!1.,~sa ' ~I,nS?1j, Jamie LOIJ .;1" ~fq,~i'p't,u ".~(\t~~y; .t1~th" Sel,don:; l:! ' Wllk'er-s on. Curt 15 L:.el!. ~ Hl.lgheS.,utry.; 'Irons:..Charles N Q'nes, ·" :> WCjb~ •. ~jan a c,;ar~ Wooe:J'. . ~f');"J~~ Q ·,.<,.wp. . ,;{ 1:1. ~Qna ' r, e 9' ~en.~er. o Kf.' ~lle: fh . ~ k qJlI.ch.eue· Ad' lja~soc ! r rs ~i~iI?I c.,. , n· Lit i Te~esa (,limo, · Ta.mniy , ;:1.ia!"t>, kln,~ ...Kurt An:~r~s,. Th4dd,el.l~ Barney _ der.; louie; Lemast er ,'uana: Wt'tte' '" ~~adle.Y,,:·. ~reh ~rowl:l, Kim: 9Y'lthla , r.rl~,i':. e M. e:· ~~ortb r"ton' . ~fCkY; I·!\1alns, n, [)elilse Christ Ia n Lar· a~.!.I~to ~ l bij~. .' , : lIi'IilrJ(' RIChard: Miler 'J ti6ug: Neele~, .Con(eS-, Brtlnct'a . .,Ray ~· Br,et't U~I'd,I,n~e't, st\errY(~niltl1,.~· 'I' r~'t:lltl<r;Mell.nda h .. C~'uCh. ; ~?~1 n Qale. DilI<ln, Kennet , • RhOfl~a:' Stjamo.er.1t;e~t VaWll1t;~'~;~{1" , MerryJyn . .:Kattly; WIt , I~ ms, ; ~ni!;.' woPd Me. . , DuN way, .~aron Elder F,Qster j RI~ky' Frye, Jeihn Hammo nds, \ " · II$~. Hofacke~ , n,esa Lamb, Tlmo· , 5cc?t ,,>'" £R~ VANt)l !Io1RS. 09, .. ROOt,f2 U!mb, David Morgan, De· K,~ltfl thy MI nl~ndeu6 ~: POQ ...., GR~DE . T.ry NQ,.wlln, Juanita Neeley bra , , ~r~er ~"l~' Bennet t Alan: Bo~j O'b~II, wal.~ Patt0rl, Randy Purkey , David; Brown: ~Ia'h~~an;', Aaro~; ~e.1a ~?bl.~s(;"i , Davld,,-~hai..p, Sa.':'IEld~r~ Sue; f\'anCI.pc:p; T~rr.~: Hannah , .: dr. She~~n, C,hrlsto'j)her Simpso n, Dottle; Huey., Eddie ; luaGS, Janetl ." Gregory, Smallw ood, Donald Smith, ~er ! Julie; ·Kr. .., 'Charlo tte: .Laln. JaCkl, Lynh Smlth, Barbara Vincen t, ' h;ir~, T~esal ' MII"'rj: Karttnl Miller, o.vld Vlnt, Pam; , ,Nowlin ti, -Rober Rlckl'l Neeley, .:------·.Q'oell, Karen: Altterso,fJ, Teresa; ~r>, ~ Stjer.r~ r ~tllff ; Sherry; Ro,· blnson, Fra.nk; Rush, LOretta f Rush, M'kei ~~er, ~tsy; Smith, 'qt'8g; W.hs~"! ! D?~ldl Wenclllng,,-IIr1);'" Wlsecup, Sti4JII~; Vaugnt , qo.n na!
"_I ,. .' '. .-. . e; '.
-8A"';"Mr . Vander pool: Sharon I'. Blevins ; Evelyn Blytfae: :Dale Coftrrian Jolla Ann Coker , Jay, COoper, Mark ' Cornett , Randy Dellard , Loretta E'ar"har t, Garry Frantz, Sandra Kay Frye, Nl(:Ola J. Oompf , Gregg A. Gross, Nell ' R. Hawkin s, Allen Ran· dell Head, Teresa G. Hoskin s, Marilynn Johl)so n, Randy Lee ~mb, Robin Leyes, Jeff Livi ngston, Wendy Martino , Richard C. Peak', Keith Pen· rod, Daniel E. Powell, Terry G. Reed, Rheda G. ~Igney" Karen J. Russell, Rodney R. Roarlk , Gregor y W. Scott, Sue Smith, SteVEt" D. Stanley , Kevin D. Stone, Sharon L. Wallace, ChriS WlJters . 8B-Mr s. Vermill ion: Stephen Hugh Ames, Debbie AYCOCk, James O. Bailey, Kathlee n Banas. OiIvld Blalr ~ Ruth Ann Briggs, Mona Combs A. June CoOk, Vicki L. Dakin, Me.
lody Diamon d, Connie J.,Ellls, Joyce' D. Englan,d , Dru L . GllllianCl, T~.eSil Helterb l'ldle, Terry Lynn Irons, Rose· mary Keethle r, Barbara Jean Koch, Timoth y A. McCull och. Sandra L. Meager, Claudia MllI(lr, Susan Maloy, Julia L. Mosherl, CarOlyn ryI. Orndor f, Sherry L. Rains, Tommy Rickey, Be· linda Rlsell, Pamela J . Simpso n, Frances J. Stampe r , Patty L. Whltn"y , . Cynthia Ann Wlcal. 8C-Mr . DaviS : Gregpr y fityt h,~, Ted A. Borgerd ing, Marla R. Cales, Richard L. carter ,. Cha rles E. JO,nes, Jimmie Dale Hayes, Larry J. Johnso n Brian K. Jordan, Angela ' Lynn Lamb, Tommy E. Lamb, Ricky A. Lewis, Lester Linville, Archie Littleto n, Robert Lutes, CUrtis J . Maynar d, Anthon y McKeever, Tim Nowlin, Arlie Randol ph, Ricky Saylor, Dorthea K. Shutts. Pamela Ann Smith,
Dale Thomp so'n , Linda Lou Todd, David W~ 1'l5I,1m, Jeffet y Watk ins, Denise 'York,,;' 8D-Mr . Henson : Tina Marie Blqgs La.Rona BOggs, Cherry Boomer Shine, Mike Bradley , Rodney Brown, Ca thy Bunnell . Charlen e CaudlU, Susan Dellard, Larry Frantz, Peggy Grtesho p, Linda Grim, Debora h HarriS, Barry HartsOCk, Jeff Hlldebr echt, Vanessa . HoskIns, Kennet h Hough, Michael Jones, Tom Jones, Melinda Leet LDmb' Raymo nd Lewis, J. R. (Ricky) Lundy Audrey Maddy, Christin a Martin, . quls Plumm er, Marcus Reeves ;Russell Ruse, Linda Stiver, Brenda Sue Todd, Roberta Thiele, Raymo nd Wai ters. Usa Whitme r . Room 12 Roster - Mr. Grover : Robert E. Arnold . William Michael Brown, Jack carmac k, Garry Cook, Vicki Jo Farley, Gary HOllanc:t.sworth ,l Veronica Neace, Kldd Rogers, Darlene Thiele.
R~M.208, MRS. LACV ;' QRAD E 6 t,Adam s, Ricky; Boeck, Mar.k; ~ Brown, Anita; Brown, Jennife r: Bro· magen, Laura; Campbe ll, ,Patricia ; Clark ,'Chris. C~)f}ley, D;ale; ¢Ook~ . Steve; Couf:h, MIJ<e; CO)(, Pam ;; CrI ~ . dar, StJlrla, Engel, Matl~·HOlJan'd.s, -' wortt;:: Ar'llce; HOcket t.. Arnolcfj . HunstaCl, ~1~,J9rd"n ; . RIj:ha'rctl · _ Lamb, Tim; Lundy,; T~t' I; ~er, 5, Dennis: 'MII,er • .~Irid'y; MItc;l1ell i ; TJlresa; Morgan, ,Winifre d; Mc.F ar· · I~rid, Donna: Ne~l ~ Barb~ra; Spence r, '. Ch~;yll . St.. John, Roger; Todd, John: Wllltmer. Erici Wlcal, Bonnie . WII, 'I,(.-son, _Steve: ·ROOM 202; MISS , " . .. ;. · ViALbA:O'UP, GRADE 6: Baldwin . . ,Kelly; BixbY, Lori: Bu)(ton , Donald ; ..... ,.' Ca!maCk, Linda; ~pas, Carl;_Flint, ' • . ·vJay\'l~: friCke, Kara: Gwln, Tina: • . HaWKins, Jeff: HOSkins, Steve; Hughes , Linda; Kbch, Beth; Lamb~ Kevin ;' Littler, James; Uttleto n Phillip,' f)IIalicote, Gall: Miller, Dale; Miller, ~ymOnd t Mullltls, ~lIIy, Neace, Da. vltt: Potteng er, Kathy: Peters Fran· tis'; ~I!",ce. !11n:"R evnolds , 'T~mmy; ,I, Rlgney., 1t(,en'he th, Shoup, Dawn/ .( .. _Sn'1'~h. ' KatbY i Smlth, Larry; Th ", " • . ', Fra'Ilk; War;npler,:Jonn h Wilkinson,
, =_ . .
.' ./ V~n!1". " .eM· •. .:.: Y;:' \,;, 'RO'q,M 206, M~ _ WATSON,' · ~ ~A_DE 6r Alexan der, DeWay ne:
~.n !y, ~a.ron; .Begley ; Mlke;'Blggs, RI· , c;t'lardj Esselmall, Benny ; Gadd, Terry; . Good, ; Janet: Hendric kson, Davldj ,Jen nlfer; .H911a r:!dsworth, , "'!":','"':':.~·flf" " Susan; JQnes, Pam; !tiber, : vati'esSa i Kler, , Shawn; McFadd en, Mt'r ... ",n. Brent; Morris, . Pl!ck, 'Lynn; Prln· , Cindy; Nusn, "'am: 15;'Self.. .Louann ; Snoddy , . Kevl,,; Walt~,s, ""aria.
;:r.0!T'1Carter;--Merrlllj Casebo lt,
s: Barbara Scsslar, Jane Churko, Jackie Morgan , Jan The WayneSVille High School Charioteers Drill Team this year include Cathy Blair, Bev Clark, Karen Isaacs, Cathy Ingram, Cindy Reese, ~rgatt, Susie Workman, Cindy Watkins, Marilyn Smith, Horn, Cathy Vint , Judy McFadden, Diane Crabtree, Sherry Robinson, Donna Stergal, Cathy .Sullivan, Pam Taylor, Sandy Van David Edsall Photo. Cir)cy Sullivan, Rose Lindauer, Rita Lindauer and Sharon Hickey .
HARVEYSBURG· Church of Christ ..' ) Third & Miami Slreets Charles Pike, Evangelist IO:QO a.m. - Sunday Morning 6?30 p.m . . Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Phone 897·4462 for informatiur '
F,irst Baptist Church North Main Street John P. Oshornc, Paslor 10:00 a.m.,Sunduy S<.:hnol 11 :00 <I .m.,Morning Worship 6:30 p.m.,Truining Union 7:30 p.m., Evcning Worshij) 7:30p .m.,Wcdncsda y Prayer . Mecting (Affiliilted with Southcrn Bap· tist Convent ion). .. First Church-of Christ . \:';1\1 I fi glJ SlreCI Stevc Tigncr , Minisler I) :JO 'I.IP . , SUlilb y Blhle &111101 10:30,1.111 .. SUllday Wllr\llIp ;Jlld ( 'Ollll11UniOIl (,;f)O p.III ., SlIllda y YOIII" Meelllig .(1 :30 p.IIl .. SUllday Cllri ~ liall You I" 11011 r 7:30 p.lI1 .. SUllday Evcllillg W()r~"ip
7:30 p.m., Wet.lllcst.lay Bihk Sludy' 1=riends Meeting Fourth Stlcctllcar lIigh 9:30 a.I11., SUllt.luy Sl:hool 10:45 a.lll. SUllday Meci ing for Wors"ip (unprogrammed) St. Augustine Church lIigh Streel Rev. Josenh II. lUllllcr, PasliJr 7 a.lll . & I I a.lll. Masscs lIoly Days 7 :30 p.l11 . Firsl Friday 7:45 a.lIl . Daily Mass 5:30 p.;Il. Saturday Mass St. Mary's Episcopal Church Third & Main Slreets Rcv . lIarold Deeth. Re~tor II : 15 a.IlI .. Mornillg Praycr lSI. 3rd & 51h Sundays : Holy Comlllunion 2nd & 41h Sundays United Methodist Church Third & North SI.(cets L L Young. Minister 8:00 a.m . Worship Service 10: J5 a .m . Church al Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church at Study
United Methodist Church Walnut-Vine Robcrt R. Meredith, Paslor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m . Morning Worship ·6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship-· jr. high & sr. high 7:45 p.m. Wcdnesday chOir rchcar~: .,1
Spring Valley Church of Christ Glady Slrect 10:00 a.in. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m . Evening Worship H:OO p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship Spring Valley Friends Church Mound Street E. Fricnd Couscr, P!lslor 9:30 a.m . Sunday School 10:30 a.m . Morning Worship
Waynesville Rescue Mission Corner of 73 ~ Corwin Rd . Rcv . Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.Ill., Sunday &:hool 7:00 p.m.. Sunday he . Scrvil:c 7:30 p.IlI .. Wcdnesday Eve. Scrvil:c
Christian Baptist Mission.: Main St-reel Mrs. lois Dunaway. Pastor . C"I I 10a.llI. Sun day.x:lOO I I a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.llI. Evcning Worship 7:30 p.m, Prayer Mccting, Wedncsday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. SunIl-fest. lasl t:> Saturday cad, month.
7 ·...,0 p.III., Sal . I·,·v·· . S··rvl···· ) ~ OF ~ GOD ~~ FIRST 'CHURCH . 49 S. Main Street 1
9:30 a.l11. - Sunday. Schoo 10:30a .I11 . -MorningWorship 7:00 p.m . . Sunday evening This Church Page Is
~nsorea ,..or You
'.: ',' .
di~Uy , invites:'" tin citizens'. ,9f WaynesVille I;:lementary SChool' at l ' p.m. on september 6' for .8 , Pre·l.abOJ Day 'Community FelI lowship Picnic. The picnic will- be hosted OJ'! the elementary school lawn and ' iii case of inclement weather ,will be moved inside the Waynesville. Junior High School cafeteria. To make this holiday pro· gram a success, you must pack a picnic basket, bring your fru:nily and tote along a musical ins!ruJ'nent if YOlJ play one. . The Wayne Retail Merchants 'will be lao-king forward to seeing '/ everyone at the picniC.
LL'\ IL'r Kidd . Pa~l()r I ():(JI) ;r .IIl .. SIIIIJa~ Scholll I o :{)O &. II :(JO :1.111 .. SUllu;ry 'W,n\llIp ServicL' 7:30 p.llI .. SlIlIlJa y !:vL'ning Worship
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E. Soulh Slrcct Rcv . Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.llI. Friday - Young People's Servil:c 10:00 a.m. Sunday &:hool 7:00 p.llI . SlInday Evening
'T ,"',
~ociati,oIi": Qf ' Wayn~viUe c~!.
Jonahs Run Baptist Church
United Methodist Church Daviu· llarper.Paslur 1) :30 a.Ill .. Sunday Church Servil:e Imo a . III., SUllday School II :()O a.I11 ., SunJay Worship ScrvicL' Youth Fellowship and Bible Sluuy
The Wayne Retail /Merchants
t=riendship Ba~tist Churoh Soulhern Bapli~1 CUIl\;l.'lllic)11 . 'or ill~lIl \kadllw\, Pa ~ tlH 9 :30 a.lll.. SlInda\ s-,·ltllol .~ O:3{) a.l·ll .. S~lnd:l~ \l ll rnillg Wl1P.,hip 7:30 p.lII .. SlInda y I-.vl·ning Servl(e 7 :30 p.lII .. \\\:dlll·sda y. \liuwed, Pr:I) L'1 allu Bihlc Stuu)"
H a.lll. & H pm .
..; • .' - . . ~
CORWIN Pentec'osital Holiness Church Acy lamh. "as'ur 10:00 a.Ill .. Sunday SdlOol 7:30 p.m .. SUIlU.. y. Wdllcsuay and S;iluroay. Evclling Wurship Serviccs 7:30 p.lll.. Wednesuay Youlh Servicc MT, HOLLY I United Methodist Church Rev . l,~ollard Baxter 9:30 a.IIl ., Sunuay Sl:huol II :00 a.lll .. Sunday. Wmship Scrvil:c 7:30 p.lll .. Wednesday. Praycr Scrvil:c .
UnitEtd Methodist Church John K.. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Service 8:00-9:00 p.m., Wednesday evening, Bible Study
Gen.ntown ~United Church . of 'Christ ., Route 42 at (;el1ntll,wlI .. Ray Sltlrllll'r: PaslllJ" . 9:3,0 a.m'. Worship s..·I'.-i\.·L· 10:30 Sunday ('h\lrdl &.hlllll 5:00 p.III. SlIlILlay YIIIII h Fellllwshi P
RIDGEVILLE Ridgeville Community Church SI. Ri' 4~ & lowl.·r Spl:i iiih'on ~ ;'R()aiJ Rav t., Sheltoll, Pastor 9:30 a.lll. Sunday &:hool 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunllay Evcning Servicc ' 7:30 p.m. Wednesday EVl'ning J Service . 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. Yout" Recreation . 6:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. YOllth Services ~
Free Penteeo,s tal Church . ~f G.o d R. R. '2:! - Dodds: Ohio P-Jstnr. Jatlles ('lIITIl~an .-
10:30 a.m .~Sunday &hool 7·:00:i>.m:-Sull'<tay. Evangelislic' FERRY SeNICC . . Ferry Church of. Christ 7:30 p.m .. Wednesday Pr}1yer Servicc . Wilmington Pike & 7:30 p.m, .'SaJurday" Evening SOl:ial Ruw Rdad· r Wor~hip Service [Jus Yf.scman, Minisler '.~, CENTEAVI L:LE 1):00 a·.Ill .. SlInday [J,hlC Sdwol. ' '1·0 : 15 a.m .. Sunday W~lrship The eertferville First 10: 15 :I.nl.. Sunday Youth Pentecostal' Cfwrch 17~1 ' I" " 1. S .. W\II'ship .~ '..lI.'"I::\III~ ,Ir~~t , '() S .I I ' I>'" "rv II IIII) : l:t (, :.l p.I11 .• unuay , ·.vcning '"'i I'll) c. ' ,a" .,or . (. U · I. II 'A ' . Bihle St.pll~". all ages. ,L'III: ull:r\lic. .; s~ ,1/ ' 7 '0 I" \\ :.l p.l1l .. ·.wlling., ~orship 10:00 a.lll .. Slllld:iy Sd',(ihl. 7:30 .ll.Ill., Wl;dnl·sda~· . Midwcek : ' 7'()0 p .Ill .....SII'"'.'lIa.'\ I'v , .1"1'1 J ~ ell . to Pa ,1' 1)'1.1 SI.I ' . ' r' ycr :lnu -.uh.' ~ ' . l!u:Y 7. : 30 ·p.,,~: , .W~,dl1~sd,;'IY 1 ': Y~J jfng . t
I hTOUgh The Courtesy Uf The
FolI~Wing Area ' MP.rcha(ritl..·· ~~:..;<t:. ,,"~, ...<.-
~ MR
. '. "Funeral. . . . . dueted" ~f : tfte ~lUUUi)",",VJ
Funer~ ~oit.ie
. .
W~dne§day. (todaYlat 7 .p.m':·for ~ · Mrs. Tincie M:.B.urns. '';; -, -<. :';., Mrs. Burns, 75, ' fon!,1(~rly at Waynesville, died 's~nday at her reside"flce at 4984 Depoy ~tr.eet; Dayton. Survivors inC?.1ude a', daughter,Mrs. Ray (Ruth) Mullins of D~y,. . ton; -a' sister, Miss J;,ulu ~~ines DC. RichmQnd, Ind.; two · brothers; Marshall anti . Wilbur . Maine~, botn of Richmond, f Irld:; two grandsons,". BillY ' and . Mic~el ; a gran,ddaugl:lter, Teresa ·. apd several.nieces and nephews. ' .,' Mrs. Burns was ,a m~mber of the First Baptist Ch~rch " of WayneSVille. She was the wid?~ of well-known Wayile~ille P,!Slnessman, lhe 'late ~'drge ~urn&. · Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. john Ov borne. Interement was in Miami Cemetery at Corwin.
tones and K~n:ny and The cadets. '. , Zeke Ho~k.ins and Jim :I.amb , 'LOSt!' lit f 'OUN.D '' . ; ... ' of Waynesville~ Association Pres- • , LOST~ N<?relco fal?erecorder near the '11brar.y"swlngs. Phone 897-4791. idc;nt 'and boal[d member respec; :.'; 34c:l tively, were instrumental in lo," ,lJ4 T,ON 'duel Wheel Dodgetruck Con. cating the Midwest Gospel , ' ,tact ,Erwin Ellis. ' '~. 34ci Music' Association picnic and 2 , BEDROOM apartment i for rent. , • GARAGE SA'L.~: '~r'IC!a'~ a~(t ~tur: ' l;Ihone 879-2906. 34ctf ,day, Aug. 28 , aJ1q ,29, oil Clarksville camp groundls In the' WaynesRoa,d, 3 mUes $outh ~Qf State ,Route ville vicinity. 73, north , of Henpeck Roa~. Charles and Inez Shoup. , Watch , for sign. SERVICES The purpose of the proposed , • 34'cl, open ; air tabernacle and picnic" HOME repair a'nd ' malntenance carTOMATOES for c'ann [ng : Pho~~ ~97. penter, concrete, -sheet metal paint2260. ' 34ctf camp grounds will be to proIng, roofing a d electrical. Phone BIG Garage Sale~ Furniture, antiques , ,746-2982. , 21cU mote Qospe~ musi<~, according and, miscellaneous: Saturday and Sun: to them. daYl.Au9. 29 and 30. Old Route 42 In Mt. Holly c:Jo.se 'to county line. Big Eater , ' " Association' officials said that , 34c1 ' ~ woo~cock ma.y. co~sum~half they will plan to sponsor an '16' STARCRAFT aluminum ' boat. of , Its weIght in worms in a sin. 65 H Mercl.\ry' motor a nd gator trailer. gle day. average of nve Gospel sings Pho!1 e 897~128. ' 33c2 annually on the tabernacle '. FOR SALE: Lot 2.227 acres located 'grounds, 0'0 Corwi n' R~. Ph. 897.441~ 32ctf : Mothea & Housewives -I , c~n~~' find e~PIOym~II'It??1 Train no~ " t The Association has just reo " ' ~.cRATdH pad~ ~Ci't' sale ar~~!!, MI~.!!!f & work your own hours. Weekly pay_ cently purchased a Gospel music Gazette: 105 ~. Main S't. W.,.l1'esvllre-. ,: 16nctf plus Green' Stamps. Sell ~dorable toy. recording studio ' at Waynesville. $1 to $10. GIve me a call for details. A group of Association mem, 289 .. 2702 .. bers are ,already ,s cheduled, for a -WANTED, , ' lO-day Holy Land tour Oct. 19. • a~EAN.UP MAN. ' 3' .' 4 ' hours J)er nrght, 6 nights per week. $50. No These will include' the Southern- , Pllo.ne calls please. Apply In person at NO WHERE The Fl,r pslde ~nn ••' ' ,34c1 Aires Quartet, Country GospelWILL YOU FIND Aires and Lamb Family Singers. WA~TEQ: . BabySltung. , Phone '897;" A BETTER BUY , : 592,1. Ask ,for'Jea~; 1Bnctt The Midwest Gospel Music ONA -./ ' . : 'Association has extended a warm ... ,~ WANTED ~ A ' small ' Iawnmower. ', Also , CI child's I~rge " r,ldlng , trlcycltl, . • invitation for everyone in the ', SERTA MATTRESS Phone 897-5921. ' - 19ctf ' area to attend its upcoming all OLD violin or cello. Call collect night Gospel sing. A donation (SHOP WHERE YOU SAVE) Dayton 299-0217. 32c8 .,"'- - - - - - - - - - - will be collected at the gate . .."., WO~A'" for f,~II ' time restaurant '.
RAIPI' '1Il,CIEI Lebanon, Ohio 932·6101
annua 1
Springboro 746-6261
SPRINC3i VALLEY Mrs. Flora Burns Ph. 862-4190
Waynesville area. Well kept tri·level. Buil~ to meet the need o,f a , ~owing fami,y. '
LUBOW REAL tv CO_ Phone 885.5801
E_ V~ BOOKER 897-6119
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilcher of Waynesville are announcing the engagement of tn~ir daughter, Ruth Ell€:n, to Pvt. John W. Burns . Miss Wilcher is a graduate 9f Waynesville High School and is employed by Ind~stry Service of Centerville. Pvt. Burns attended Xenia ttigh SChool and was employed by Valley Service ee-nter before entering the service. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and family of Big Stone Gap, Va. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rasnic of I Walnut Street., , LYflO Holton is home on leave after finishing his training at ,Great l..akes, UI. with the ' U.S. NaVy. He is the son of Mr. Ivan Holton of M~in Street.
P.o. Box '18 WaJDeaViUe, Ohio 46068
__ -
- --
-- _J .\
1967 Pontiac, 2-door sedan, standard shift ..... , . : ... , $1395 1965 Oldsmohile 442 2·door Sed., Auto" P/S·PB Bucket Seats ....... . ..... , . . . , , . . . . . . . . $ J~95 1968 Falcon Wagon Future, 4-door, 6 eyl, auto, PS, sharp. $1495 1967 Ford Fairlane 500, 6 eyl, 4-door sedan, auto, R&H .. 1$11~5 1967 Impala Chevrolet, 2 door'hardtop, auto, R/H ...... $1595 1965 Chevrolet Impala, 4 door sedan, auto, R/H, PIS . ... $ 895 , 1(',
1965 Chev Impala, 2-door HT, auto, R&H, PS, green .. ', .. $1095 1966 Ford 2-dr. HT, LTD, air, Auto., PS ' 'l&H ...... .$1495 1966 Ford. 2-door hardtop, PIB, PIS . ..... , . . . . . . . .. $1095 1966 Ford Conv., Auto., P/S-P/B ...... , ... , ..... $1095 1961 Mercury. Auto .• P/S-P/B
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 195
1962 Olds, 2 door hardtop, R/H, PIS .. .............. $ 295 1966 Ford Galaxie 500. 4-door sedan. auto. R&H, PS .... $1095
, '<WuLUngf.; " at.
1966 ~ambler Convertible Classis 77,6 eyl, auto, PS, clean ......................................... ' . $ 795
. ~~~,N~V.IL~. OH~O',\
',- ..
Post ' complete charge. Wage pIUs commiSsion, Bart's Wildlife Recreation at.. Sprl(ig , \Jalley Lake, Phdne 4'88,-2,483. 33ctf
-' - --I' 0 NEW. 0 ' RENEW
\ubscri pti on
~ W()I'K.
Waynesville. Ohio Route 2
I, 1
, 'i n,,North St. '~
Ph. 897·4036
Waynesville. G.
Mrs. ~t Vair 2Yl-3-4--youngS'slnciudad
. for.further information call 8971H11'~D
. ED' S" I A,. AT H 0 N,
&2 ,'SOOTH. ,
PH. 697,-. 794.6 . . ~
I,' , '
., ,
j:~f :ttie , Mason,i~ ':[templ;e ~~r~~.9 :,'/ ,
J'~;m: \P,1t(S p~~. :QIl; ,b?tti,,~at?s " , , ,>so:; tHat' Ilny 'e ~~te~e,s~t;\ /m~.~ , ~:.*~' ;i, w-..'-",oc~" "" .. " e,," '.'ltiJli"tfteif , ~~1':' 49w.:P,\ !9 'f!,~.v~niJ~~~i~t~,R~.f:~~ ';t emple :atew~lc 'nt' ,'tp '" 4p,, <? , ;., on' 1 " 'Al'sb! ~~sOhS':~ ar.e"~ ' gea:rJ~ ' Ci!ll ,' 't11~ , , _-0"_",_ Hi~h'L~~),u'alit~oJt.itffJi'~ , eith~r : ~. 'I;il(BuCJtart' (&91- '8",p':,1!i'. , ~401 )'or ~ss 'Shei,rY ,s~a~~ (8~~- ,,'soJ~~ , ' .. 796 1) 'i£,, !hey " desii'e '.',te " m.~ , sot;l:\ , HR~iJl !ari'~''' ':'&R~.. l~ ......,....•• ~I)~ir , pa~r .'Pic ke d-:up a~ ,t~e~ ', Ucket~ , ynti's t , 1 ' , home. ' . " , - Oil ,Saturday,' &1pt. 29, tht;' ' dQ()J~" . , , '
stay. 'with the
. ' , "' _
fa:IDil~, the~ a~e~pW ,v.sitl?gt~e
WIthington family 10 N..a., . ," ro, Hillsbo . Mr. and ~hi Ricpard .~orkman announce the arrival of a
"Aren' t we stretching our coffee break a Uttle too far:?"
'E$¥i~ LE'~,'. Y WAVN 'HE,l.;p--BEA.lrrIF ~¥'"; ", . _ •• J ' ,
y~ A~g. son, MictuieJ R~id, Sunda 23 in Inclillnap:,lis, Ind. Maternai grandpar.ents .are Mr. ' ,and ~ Mrs. John W. Holly, ~r;' Carmel, Ind. and paternal ' gra,ndp~rents are ' Mr._ an~ Mrs. P,on ,W?~~fuan of Waynesvd1t?-. Sawyer William MrS. Mr. ,and ........ entertainedl frienQS ' last 'week from- Buff.alo, ~.Y. 'TheY" .were
:a,Jy:, T~a~h " ~n', ~~~e~~
", 50 IN '(4. DISPE· NS~R . B~'?f ' 'AT $4.00 Plus 'l si " ~E" D,,~lt 'J
D~ I: Y~D~P '~ -l "I-~fW I: I: I: : :~;: :;!s ~:~~ ;::: .. p ho ~ y t au Be a~s d n ~ew c , ~ bO!l;lDe er '. e~gine II , LI 1=::'-:;:-;:' 1:
Mon. Thru Sat.
" nt Available intme Appo Evening
PHONE 897 2334
on the the of whic.hJ~, "B~ll" Sawyer was , , ",' ' the pilot.
'. '
20% off
' Scout News ,
II:'"' ) .',
,,~R', ;, . Call 897'TQ1SS:or '.891.. d.96f , '. ", ~ 'w •. ..."" ,, .. .',
Troop 1107 will resume 'its' actiVities ,on Tuesday, ·Sept. 1,' after school at St. Mary's·Church. , If th~re are any q~estions, please . call Mrs. Poore at : 897-4394. , All the caaets will meet on , Wednesday, _Sept. '9~ at the United Methodist ·Churd.. Mrs. ~ne~e bradley has started ,a new cadet troo·p. Mrs. , Bradley's 'co-leade~ is 'Mary 'Wilkerson. Their troop will 'begin activities "on Monday, sept. 14, from 3 :30 p.m. until 4.: ~O p"m.. , at St. Mary's. Church. .
Brownie registra'~i9n will be. held at ·the .United .Methodist Church Social' Room on Wednesday, Sept. ,:9, ',~~iween,2'.1 0 ~'!D' and 12 ' noon. This 'will be ,~ -tea ',' ; ' fbi' the 'mothers. All ~j'tls . must -', be regi&tere'd 'by their ·.~,? the~s · ,~;"', rec4J,(04'.rs--; ' m:!~ij~~.l~it at this Hme incl,Q,ding: l,a ~t yea.r ~ . "/:," ,:"-:, I:4:M~ .~:Ntri6'ARfjJ,S'N ~':~·I~m::a :~Q;~~~~~~r~~J.i:t~~I~~ tw'' . " :4" . ". be ~nly' ' w~)l·' li~~ as ,there Brownies ~ , 897~295 :~Pl:i~ of :'~a ~ith three troops npIID:te~~iQt~~~t J twenty girls per ,~ro<?p ,t illS y~~~. ,r,r,v,,,,nC!"" _. I!'ee this , If you cannot atten,d rW4 -...... ing, and you 'want- YOUi'.dau~~er to be . ~ Brownie,., ple}S~ 'c~ll Mrs. Helen Gross (897-5746) or Mrs. usand ra ione$ (891-g j61) I
HA RD W AR 'E PH,. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO .,-_._ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
!''''~''_ ''_''_ bii1~cle:·s ~~J'Jg~).P$'l; ;trjiQyc;l ,; ,;: '~;'" after .Se,pt. 9.. ' ¢~i~'d.~~)w4i~ni!~i{5:'p~i~;~~ , . ''' ''~~f~om , .' There is ,Ii, nee.d , f~I ' ~ }~a~er : _, . : ~tC ; for one of the .tr.oops.:. lf,anYQne '., ~m~ ' ELECT~CA:L i( interested; , please contact " icine' cabin~,is'i '"nl'l.nA r . either Mrs. Gross. ~r ,It,tr~o J~nes. . :SeniorGitlzens'
The WaynesV,ille ,Senior ''citizen's will meet on 'Tuesday, Se,Pt~ in the' , . I , for at "carry-in" dinher Social Church United Methodist Room.
Sundown to Sunup
Grange News
Under big tent on State Route 42, 4 miles south of Waynesville, Ohio and 5 miles north, of Lebanon~ Ohio on a 16 acre ' scenic, naturally landscaped Refreshments Consisting of Sandwiches and Soft Drinks Will Be Served All Night
Fanners Grange- No. 13 wj)l meet at the Friends 'Social Room . at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. ,29: i .' instead of Sept. 5: Theri will be ' work illl the I st ~nd 2nd degrees . for two candidates. There will be juQging 9f Ute State Sewing ,Co~test al)~ yeast" ' rolls for .t~ SUbQrdinates . The . :, _. ,.Cl.1!m~fiiV~~ Junior c,ontests " conslsting ~.of J;-:' .,'.
maCaroni craft$~ oatril~ C90\.it.J;: ': ';.:' '
• .
burlapl wall ~gi~g/ ',', plates "04' ~~e~ts . j':l,4g~a . .'- ' . ' . '
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THIRD ANNUAL YOUTH, HORSE SHOW SLAT~ BY BITS 'N' SPURS' Waynesville's Bits 'N' Spurs 4-H Saddle Club will return its popular All Youth Horse Slow to the Warren County Fairgrounds at Lebanon Sun'd~y, Sept. 6. of the First Pres:byterian Church The event will be the third annual horse show sponsgred by of Nelsonville. , . the group. Last ,year's show atOther organizational affilia· -tracted an estimated 200 youths. tions included the Warren County ' Those interested in entering Law Enforcement Association the show need not be 4-H Club and the ,Masonic Lodge of Huntmembers but must be 19 years ington, W. Va. or younger. Mayor Wj1lis:. was also a Past The proceeds of the show will Safety " Director of N,elsonville. be used to boost the Mary Clingan REV. BOBBY SLAGLE , Survivors include hIS widow, 4-H Scholarship Fund. - Mai:y 'E.; t)Vo sons.- Robert, Jr. Dr. Charles Hutton of Ohio and. William. C. -both of HarveysState University will be the show bur~ three grandchildren and judge. Dr. Hutton has bee'1asso, a neioe. ciated with ,Ohio State Uruversity for the past two years servFun'eral services were coning as its horse speciali~t. ducted at ,2 Satur~ay at the He has 'been most instrumen- i Stubbs-C6ntiet. ' Funeraf Home tal in evolving an excellent , 4-8 at -Wa}"n~syilLe by the Rev. David .J~les Farley, 'Youth Director: horse program for the youth of Harper. of the Wayne'sville 'First Baptist the state, according to a Bits and Interment w.as in Miami CemeSpurs spokesman. Chur~h, ~s announced that the church expetienced.a i'iighfy. suc-" . P~rso~s inter~sted in , entertery 'at Cor,w~rt. cessfUl Y(>Utn. ' tlevivaJ. :at ' the mg the An Youth . Horse Show . , '" . '. : ~~u~& Atig: ,; ;?,~~ ' ,: - ~ .. : : . : _ and saddle horse ,program . may i '1' t' ~)itl~ · g.,the · CQlltilpf ;M1s-., ~r~ ~r~, tWayn~ · , •,," ..'-'it ' " ," • "'~ r.... " ";buru$!f~{-iaJr -, ~a,t attert&nce :, viUe; 891·58B~~ 1d~$"- ~nard . ~ ,~: l ' )~ +' ~: I ',i was 8Q'Q ~~nd n~mef{)uS ee,rsons ~II, ~..erry ~9ad~ ~.S;"2Q2 ' or' ,':: - n~~~Prt -.un~t~d. ~~ ~~~d ~(( ti'~~~ : tw:er~ 18 "~(J~nd'teaed!tat'~d: '.: ." ~ ~. W~~en ,Co~~y ~~c\lltllra1 ". A. me,~a~e d.:w,~~ .b!Jl:lgl~~ ~~d;:m - ~. ~ ,~ , *~' B3p,i.k ,you g; p:e0P~~ ::: ' :,fXtr!lSIOn '.~~~.~ ~. ' _' on, , memo.rY·lt l,ngefS staU .~, _, , spread their revival ihto the com- ,932,1891. . , ~ : • ~ "LONq ];.Iv,i THE PEOPLE '... ' 'inunity' Satur'day 'Aug: '22 . The ' 14\,H Jl!~:' ~tlers of :~ 9F WAY~,~~Svn:r£~" . " when 1l gi'~up from the church Warren County ~l De handling 'W!'\ttern by -: '£O'ntinued to. Page 6 the food concessions at the horse ' .. Marjor'le Fa~~ Lam~19'70'. " show.
Successful. Yooth R,evival
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; !W~f§'[]lainlted :Wit~ltan' elttral~str'6kc~+a\stil1
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, Duncan H. Campbeli, Dayton, is ' headi~g the Emergency Relief Fund Dt:ive ' ' launche~ by the Dayton Area Red ·CrOS$ ,as ' part
Let U8 ~ke "the opportun~" ~n'. Labor Day and throu gh t~ year ~
, to ..(Ilu~ our le.lloW workers
"or.. ",'
make our coun try , helpi ng to : '. '
one ~hat is unf1&atched lor
~" ~/i; ~ndard ol 'Uv'ilif,
'a coun try that works ,
together.to bette r the 'world.
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. ~t ,.7' .. p.m . ..1~\e .. speaker wjlll' b.~ M;rs. 'Ii : Clil\ton . )ta~:~ie School te~dher. Site Will shpW' a' film,I $tiip · ani1 .ta,lk ab~'ut her ' trip,· lO: s.co1tla~d. · "
o~r puny' ~uma,. .. ~nl~llecf '<1 England newscOmprehension. : : '.' ".. '. , ';:' paper s~m~ariz:ed, the arg!lments " 'Editor's , ~ote ;. Now·,_ tbit/ . · to.rrid and 'pQrtentous....,th~n . pre. vaQing agru.fisf ,t he .ihtr~du~tiorf , you'~e -read this' qu·a~rit:.1!~~"~I.· ditty; dOes it remind ·yeu. 9f·the ' . of gas :Cor street lighting. ,They patterns ' ot l.hought :of anyone ' 'I ,J8:'I!~lt';l'!fpj~' I!~mI '. coritended: . _ you_know'or the village', in which, ' . Artificial . illorrtina-tion was a you-live .It ~as gas street lighting . . human att~mpt (do.uQtless inin New. England ·164 yeat:s flgP • . spjred by the ~in ,to.interfere· Today its a housing d~velop with the divine scheme of things ment here in Waynesville . . wherein it had been ordained that 'it should be dark at ~ight. Emanations ' of illuminating gas were injurious. lighted SCOUT NEWS streets would incline people to . Brownie registration remain late out ·of doors, which be held Sept. 9 'from to a.m. would lead to an increase in ail' to 12 noon at the United Methodist Church. This is a ments of variou~ kinds which Mothers Tea. Girls do not were "known" to be caused by atte'nd. "exposure. to night air .~" . .... .Fear of ~a!~~ss w.?uld. ya- : : , :Tfo9P 1469 wiu have their . ~sb~,:a~~ dr~~enn.ess ~d. d~., . : m((etjog Sept. ~ at St. Mary's PJ::~~.ty mqea~_. -;-..: -. .' , ; 'Clniicb after school until S. Horses. WQuld' :b~ '. frjgb~(!n&! ~·: :.:: It r;e~ ' junior Girl Scout ~d -t~eves' : e~bol~eried . .arid ~ :r~oop with, leaders Mrs. Jane aided·' tn ' plymg ·then . nefanous . - . W~Jtz ' and Mrs. Caroline Pur·craft. . , , . . key meet the second Tuesday, Sept. 8, at St. Mary's If st.reet.s were Illorru~ted ev.ery mght, such C9.nstant .illuChurch after. school. mination would rob festive occa· '. The mothers should attend the first meeting for registrasions of their c~an~. . . ~owever ~ this dlabohcal mn~tions of the girls. The new vatt~n pers~sted, and the evIls troop will be a form· of flypredicted did n.ot co~e to pass- . _ up girls and fill in with other girl scouts' with a limit of 20 . much to the disappomtment of girls. the prophets. Gas gave place to electricity, a far more brilliant street illuminant. Gold States The slowest of us cannot but Five sq.tej ,-:- .California, Coloadmit that the world moves; and . rado, .South Dakota, Alaska and I is always several laps ahead of. Nevada - have yielded more
. . Ih 181'6,
Lawson '
.':~11l(r- ~Q;' 18 ~lSb ' inviting , the"members ,'a bd mothers of , the Showboat FE~~~Y ·Gals and '1he' Clever Clovers. .
The Rainbow Girls of 1<3in- . bow Assembly No. 40 'wish to thank all those who participated 10 both their paper dnve and' car walsh 'o n Friday and Saturday OIf last week. The' girls would also like to remind you readers of their upcoming style show on Friday, September 4 in the Junior High Auditorium at 8 '. p:m. Ti~kets are'·c;me ,dollar and- are'; being .siold ' by, ' ~i{l. bow 'girls .o r 'in. Lynn's Dress .Shop. The fickets. will, also be available .. . ~t the door : that
will '
i .4
Dateb'ook THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 Waynesville A~rea Chamber of Commerce, Wayne Retail Merchants combined meeting, 7:30 p.m:, village council rooms. P. T.O.Halloween organization meeting, 7:30 p.m., Waynesville Junior High Schoo} multi'purpose " room for further information
~ ROJ1. K~o,r lenbeq~e.- i.:~1; ~7. .. . . ,. • ".
.~ ;10 , ,"
than 7S per cent· of the gold produced in the United States.
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.. Co-sLarring
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1/'~omris: "~O; of '20 Torrence St ; 'Dayton, ~ietJ Mon. , day', 'A~g. 24 ~t ~rO\\;n' ~~pi~al . a"~ Dayton..
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Th~. fQrmer:, HarYeys~Urg :r~-
.d~nt ~~ "ei~~,l' -Qf."'orld,)V~ He was precee~ed , ;n a~tll- by a d3ughter" Myrtle ~n and' a 'sis'ter, Ber~ .Kri~~lt(W' . Survivors ipclqde; six, ~~s, Jphn of New' Carlisle~ ~c~el, Walter) Jr., Rdn8Id, Carl. and Robert, . all, of ~yton.; two .daugbters, .Mis. Carolyn chnder.s ~f DaytQn, Mrs. ~ :Joyce -Byers. of Marytand; four sisters, Mrs. Liz- ' zie' - McKeever of Waynesville, Mrs. Fanny Bane , of Lebanon, Mrs. Vi~la 'F~ey,' of, Harvey&Hurg anc;l ~s. 't.ollise Walker of Wilmington, 12-, .grandchil~en and ' several neices' attd 'nephews. Funeral ~ services were conducted at 2 p.m. on, ~hur~ay ~t the Stubbs-Conner Funeral' Home by Rev, Steve " Tigner. Interment was in Miami Cemetery at Corwin.
•• r
GILBERT LAMB Funeral services were conducted for Gilbert L. Lamb at l' p.m. Saturday by Rev. Bill Rose at the Red Lion Pentecostal Church. Lamb, 70, 0(, Lebanon Route
Your.A-{) ma~ will save:You money on youf" car insurance. 'No surcharge or high~r.rate. ~ .. See' yo~r' A-fJ '!1lan - h~'s a~! out for you.
. .....
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, \','\ :,. ·o', ston., 'isJ\Qme ,on a ~O da:y ; J~v.e .. ,::, Cll~rY' Df' 'rnt,Wfl<lllt 1 PI ab'sence 'after his second' tou, " :afid ' M".' and 1t'JI.l~."'.","'U"I'~!i:. lffl\j,ct'5jiii';! · ' "'o~ d~ty ' in Vietnall\~ 't1is "w~~~ " e!ljoy~'d ' a ~~'9kQ~~ , ",,,,~,.,. ,,..,,. -, , Ruth , an~ &'of! Jay reside· in F~jrMahrt farm MonPaY ev~n ,horn. He plans to continue h i s . J t is a .mos1 pleasant _ ",._-,."'. 'car.eer 'in the armed 'services. ' for aU who attended as tile .;'., by Rev: John Word has b~en received, ~ele iowing evening Mr. Willis was : was performed of .t.1i~ · ~e~t~ "<?{ Willi,~m ' Wi!spn~ tak~n ill and succumbed to tleath DeYoung. ' hus~and <?f. Gracie lJenr;y." Whif;h , on Wed~csday , morn ing in CI in- . A rece!ptilt }vas, held L~ the ton Memorial Hospital. Oui sin-' cburch. ~lcial room ifoUowirig the , . Oc,c,ur~ed at , his home 'Satl:lr<tay, morning. She ~ th~ sister of cere sympa'thy to the WiOis' fam."·:· " lceremony. .. < ' Wtlbu,r ~nd Har~ey .Henry- and ily: Both a.re gra4~ates of Clinton they reside at Route 1" ,Midland We extend also our sympathy Massie ffigh School. She is em~ City. They had celebrated their to the family of Mrs. Florence . ployed at the First National Osborn. Mrs. Osborn died Thur~· Bank in Wilmington and he is : <l9ldcn W~dding Anniversary, Sunday, Aug. 16. day morning at Clinton Memo'rial assistant manager,at the Standard Miss Donna York has accepted Hospital. OJ} Station at State' Route 73. {he Ashland Richar~ Bollinger, a former employment with and . (-71.. TlJey,_will reside on q.il .Company in C9lum!Jus and Harveysburg resident, is still a Sugartr~ ~treet in' Wilmington. is residillg there., patient in Clinton Memorial , Mrs. 'Elffle DOdds, Mrs. Miriam The late ~ayor Bob T. Willis, Hospital. Geo~ge, Mrs. Sharon Chenaweth, Sr., and Mrs. ,WilIis, .Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. ' Phyllis WJlliams 'and ' Mrs. James Smith and daugqters, MarGinny Stingley and their children Observing tha Jo and Georgianna. 'Mr. and SPACETRACK is the system spent Thursday at the Ohio State opented by the U.S. Air Force ,Mrs. ThoJ;Ilas Haendel and 'sons, Fair. Ae~.pace Defense Com maD d Tommy and .Jeff, of Kettering, ' , Mr. and Mrs: Frank ,Gibson , (J\DC) .to m,onitor Earth-orbiting and fa'niily 'and Mr: and Mrs. 'DOn Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haendel military ~d civilian satelites. and daughters, ~onda ' and ~Smedley lilnd son attended a family dinne:r at the home of Mr. and Mrs'~ Arthur 'Gibson at ' Lees Creek Sunday. Mrs. 'Mabel Hawke spent Wednesday' with the Qarence Prices. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clint Taylor attended a B9~man' family get together at the home 'of Mrs. 'taylor's sister, Mr's. Stella Rorea .J ' , ' ' of Blanb)llester ,Sat~rday evening. Others ' present were Mr. and Mr$. Fred Wolfe and Dora Mae ,
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Soulhe rn Baptist (olW°(, jl{ion ", " , Chilrles Pike. Evangelist _ :'\()r n{~n .~C:i41"'W~ ~~stl')r ., , .J (tOO' a.m.• Suriday' Motn,ng 4" .'), ~::" · ()' :30 :I.tH , Sunda\' &:h,i){jJ, , ~':30 p.m: · ~nday ",~ve~'mg '. ~~3Q p.m :,,~ Wednes~.y Ev.ening . · :W :JO ~,Il1 ", 'S~ind'a~' ~t.~i ',li;i g , "'f ',' WIlTSlllP~ Phone 897·4462 fo·r.'infotmatibr, .\ - . Slll,day -Ev'cnillg 7,: ]0 ' , ' . ;. " . ; ' .:c l "St'rvi· h, t 'Chur, st Ba..pti ' .~ Fitst 7:30p .mJ. WcdI1csday,\fiJ~ec~ ' North "Maih Street . , . , 'PraYl't undt Bihlc, Study John P". Osb,orhc, Pastor ..... 10:00 a.m:;SundaY Schnoi ' Jonah s Ru"-:Baptist :,.. . I f :OO' a :~Tit . ;Morning Worship Church " 6:36 p.m.;TraiIling Union . . ()hjo 7.3 I·.a~t · ' , 7.:~tj·-p :m :,'Ev(m~ng Worship Kidd,. I~a; t()r USIc.r ". . . 1:30p.m.,Wcdnesday 'Prayer ul SdlO' .10:0(1 a.m .. Stllldav M~eting , 1.():t)(h~:" 1 (00 ;I.II~ . , Stl! dll}'.' , (Affiliated with Southern Bap· ·Wor~hip. Servkc. :.'., tist Convention): p.pl .. SunuilY I~ven!ng, '. ' 7)0 First Churc .... Of Christ Worship" blst 'I tigh 'Strect ' ; Ministe Ste\'c Tigner . 'Unite«fMethodi's t r, .. . r'- , . . ,
• • --.,....-
'Friends Meeting fourth Sllcet near lIigh 9:30 a.m ., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. SundClY Mecting for Worship~unprogrammcd)
, St. Augustine ' Church
" 'lligh' Street . Rev. Joseph U. Lu tiller, Pastor 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses Xa.m. & X p,m. Hilly f)... ys 7:30 p.llI. First friday 7:45 a.m. f)Jily Mass 5:30 p: ~n\. Saturday Mass
St. Ma'ry.'s Episcopal Church Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Decth, Rector II : IS a.m., Morning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays
United Metho dist Church Third & Nurth Streets L. L. Young, Minister 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Chu.rch at Studv
Acy yimb, Pa~lor , . l -6dwu y nda .~~ " ) l a.I, 10: 00 d;ty W.~dncs . 7:30 p.m., Sunday ' g, Evenin and &Il,ul:day, , WtJrsllip Services ' - 7:30 p.Ill. ; Wednesdliy, Y()~th • Service ,
E. South Street , Rev. Jack Hamilton. Pastor 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday · Young ' People's Servkc l 10:00 a.m. Sunday, School 7:00 p.m. Sllnday Evening
'SPRINe VALLEY~ United Methodist Church Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor · 9:30 a.m. Sun~ay Schoul 10:30 a.m. M()rni~g Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship jr. high & Sf. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOIr
Sprin g Valley Churc h of Christ Glady Street 10:00' a.m~ Mor~ii{g Worship 7:0() p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. WCdllcsday Evening , Worship
Spring Valley. ., Friends Churc h' ~. MOUhd Street
E. ~ricnd t~Jscr; Pastor 9:30 ~.m: Sunday 'School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mission
. . Main Street Pastor Mrs. lois Dull"way. 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening-Worship 7:30 p.m. Pruyrr Mc,cting, Wednesday & Thursday
FIRST'CHURCH OF GOD ,49 S. Main Str~t 9:30 a.m .. Sunday School 10:30 a.m .. Morning Worship
.81 ;8 CLEAo,NERS LE MAVi S 8EsvILL " ... a;,OHl .
TOWN GENN ;! , : ¢
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Genntowl1 Uriited t.hurc h' , , ,:' , of, Ch't ist, ,~' \
Pentecostal Holiness ' Churc h
Full Gospel Church
7:30 p.m .. Sat. Eve. Servkc
Curner of 7J & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook, Pastor 10:30 a.m .. Sunday Schoul 7:00 p.m .• Sunday fv~. Servicc 7:30 p.m., Wednesday ,Eve, , Servkc
, ' -' . WAvN
I}Jvid' lftlrper : Pastor· . l?:.10 :J .I·n., S.und:Jy rllUr~h Scrvit.:e 10:30 a.m ., SUllday School ' II :00 u.'m., SUIH.luy Worship Service , Youth Fellowship and Bible , Study
Waynesville Rescue Mission -
Church-,., ' . ,
tj:30 a.ill., SUlluay 'Bihk &hoi,l 10:30 .LIll., SUlluay Wor,hip anti ('ommunion 6:00 p:m., Sunuay YOll1h Meeting 6:30 p.m., Sunday Christian YlIllth lIour 7:30 p.m., Sunday Eve'nin~ Worship 7:30 p.m., Wedllcsday Bihlc , ' Stud£
R()~lll' 4~ .,I ,Gt;n.'.lli1wn
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~y Sturi~ll·r..
Pa'\tlll' .
, . 9:)0 ~.m. W(lrshjl~&'I\'i<l' ' 10: 30 Stlnl)':I\' {'hurdl &:hlllli . . 5:00 rdn . Sl;'llil:iy Yllllt'h Fcllnwship
.... . -
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and , ; new; partaple 'co. ter, gaaa- canaltlan, $5; underwoad .typewrlter In typing condltlan $10; a typewriter stand, "'1' tucade a~ curls, brawn: brawn stretch wig: black shaul~er length fali •. ~.6ne · 897·4601 befare 9:30 a.m•. \. , 35,Cl '\
2 BEDROOM ·a'pat~me~t . far 'rent. ' -ptlone , 879·2906'. " 34~ '
, 250 G'A L. all tank. Phane 897·7641. !., , . ' ·35cl . t. .' .' . : . ' . / ~ Rt;:MOVE '-carbet paths and SP-Qts; r ~Iuff, beaten dawn ' nap wIth Blue . ' ' t::.ustre. Rent shampaoer $1. Wily"e5. , v~lI, I7l.jrnlture. '" ,3~cl .-'
OLD , \/,10.1'111 ar cella_ Call callect' Dayton 299-0217. I 32c8
1 •
WOMAN _for full time resta'urant wOllk .. Po~ compl'ete charge. ' Wage Dlu5 commi$Slan. -Barf's Wildlife Recrea,tIQr\ , ,at ~prln9 Valley l.,.a.!<e. Phohe 1J88.2483. 33ctf ·
' TQMATOES far -canning. Phane' 89734Ctf · . ' ~260 • .. ': _ . , , '
WANTED: Babysitting. Phone 8975921. ~~ for Jean. ' 18nctf
'" FOR ' SALE: Lat 2.227 acres lacated , on Garwjn Rd; Pft. 897-4415 32ctf .-'
'I$C"RATcH pad~ !~r '~le ~t.1t'!e. ~.I~!!1i , .' ~azette. lOS ,S. Mjlln $t; WeYneS"IIft: · tN MEMORIUM . ., . ," ' . l~nc;tf - - -.- - - -..........--;,;,;",--;- - In lavIng memary af" Mrs.' Evea Yaung. • Gad knaws that yau were suffering, .1 That-hills were hard to. .cllmb, So. 'He 'clased yaur weary eyelids and -, whIspered vpeace be thine". '. WE WISh' to 'ttlank our frl~nd5, nel~'" Away 1111r. the beautiful hills o,f · God, By the valley of rest so fair, , bors and {elat Ives for. their expressions Sameth1'le, someday, we know nat ; of SymrathY and the food that they, when, .,brough ', In, whlch- meant so much to We' ,wlll__ meet aur laved ane~ there. ' us during aur time of sarrow at the Sadly missed ,by her death . of . our wife and mother, , laving family \ Florence G."':esborn. , 35cl ' , 35cl , MorrIs 'Osborn and family
, The ~
. .Historic
DAYTON-Gary ~e Knedler son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knedler Route 2, 'Waynesville, is one of seven 'wbo ha's b'een. awarded a r Mus'ic Sc:holar~hi~ to lite Uni.. ,v,ersity ,of Dayt?.p;, Jllmes Hoover, . Dinactor " ~_, Student Aid ,an~ Sch()larship, ' announced t~· day. Knedler ,has been a member of the Waynesville High School ,band and chorus for fou'r years. He also played On the baseball team throughout his 'high scho<;>l career Knedler, who was awarded the John Phillip Sousa Award, given to the best musician in the school, ran across country as a freshman and wa~ a member 'of Sing-Out Waynes~lle fof two years;' ' , He participated in two music~l. productions, ,"Oliver;'; and ; 'Babes in Toyland,'" in high sChool and last spring conducted one phase, "Sound Pollution'! of the Earth' Day. p'rogram . He was president of the band during his junior year, . f.
'Greentree House
Specializing In 18ih Century . _ "
Ear1f 'Ohio Country Furniture,
Accelsorlel etc. ,WE BUY. SELL Located
'Green"" Road'. :
Charl8$"~~~ait Weis JUST LISTED . Waynesville,area. Well kept ~ri·tev~L B~'itt to meet the need of a 9':owing' family. '\ " . , LUBOW REALTY CO. " ,. Phon~ ' 885:58dl,,· - '. CV. BOOHE~ '897.;611_9
! '
By' MR. "Gn De~r
Dreamer, Your questio~ dealt with the interpertation of dreams.' ' f,his ;, practice is technicaliY . called Oniromancy. . Sinc~ the beginnings of written history, there have been certain people who claimed the ability to fort ell the future through dreams. In the more recent past, the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmond Freud used the dreams . Of his patients to gain valuable insight ' into their innermost problems. The type ' of 'dream book' available in bookstands 'is of doubtfull yahie when ' it comes to meaning(ul! jnterpertation of dreams. I have n~yer seen a book on this ... subject that ,convinced me it was of any real importance. Medical science tells us that the dream process is vital to mental health and that everyone dreams every night. The people whom ' ou might know that tell you they never dream are mistaken. The fact is, they dream, but do not remember that they do. The books that I have available' give the following interpertation to your nightmare pertaining -to death ... a marriage will soon take ·place. . Thank you for writing. Mrs. G" Dear Looking, Yours is the first letter re'ceived from a male reader and J. am very happy to be able to give you a rather specific answer.
MOlttJers &, Ho~sewives
Frotn your .birthdate apld \ o~tain .¥{)or.~' , time, I was• ahle .t0 " '<i • exac~ ascendant., )}tis ~ tl19 '~n: ' risjng Qn the horizon· at,. tJi~ tj~$1 of your birth. This wa~ Geinini.,;; Since the sun was al~o in t\le .. sign Gemini, you are a true Geminian. Your moon \1{as in the sign ' Taurus. Now a good rule to fol- low is for a male to choose a girl'with the sun il1 the same sign and degree as your moon. In youri case, .a Taurus-April 21 to May 20. Now the ideal girl for you would also have a prominant Mercury. .The process for the ' complet,e lJn~lysis of a horostope is time consuming and there is a' charge for this. If you are inter" ~sted in learning about your best career choices and other , facts obtainable by the method of astrological analysis, you may contact . me through the Miami Gazette, and we can make arrangements for the erecting of a complete_astrological chart for your birthday, moment and place. Thank you for your letter. . Mrs. G. Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 20 Aquarius-Jan. 21-,Feb. 19 Pisces-Feb . 20-:-~i'. 20 Aries-Mar. 21--Apr. 20 Taurus-Apr. 21-May 21 Gemini-May ~2 -June 21 Cancer-June '22-July 23 Leo-July 24-Aug. 23 Virgo-Aug. 2,4 -Sept. 23 Ubra-,Sept. 24-Oct. 23 Scorp~o-Oct. 24-;-Noy. 22 Sagitarius-Nov. 25-Dec. fl
Can't flrld employmentl1? Train now ,' • work your own hours. Weekly Ply· plus Green Stamps. S~lIadorab'le toy..
. $1 to $10. Give me a c~1I for det,l lIs.
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Rt. 42 S.
Xenia, Oliio
,I ''--HOME PHONE 897-7496 ....J '
' .
-HE:II "
.\ " Aug~t 71"
mY ,
~910. l~iday " y,ear'.and ·aftertlhe ho~., ',.4ay, ", .~ again. HQ~, tl,le ~eeks ..sJlde ,by.!, ' jt' w8s:wonderful"ltut : OQt"lWlny I ;.; M~~fn:rtr'j~tTd Only ,one more .',we,e~, in . ~I:I8U~t, ' a~~lts ' ttJkint )l4~nt~ge" ;Qf:'~~V Some ,childre~, but ~ot ~ ' ~~Y and 'bY" the ~me l'y~~ geL t~?' I
,... '~'1 :i' ' ~.
.:'... as usual. there will. only 'be ,~, few days a bit~, Qf, lun~~., , for o'u~ :nme , left. Just ~ La~or bay, w~e~m . Somej ~w.~ 'I' pro~le a is Lunch end. It is.going to,be labotJ )ay, do not eat lun~~, ., b'!t' n~p'ttion : ~ ': isn't it? No,.'l ~m wroRg. ~ugust '. I runs a few more days and Sep- - ! , experts say , tI\a~ ' is, ~, ~6t,~e., yo,u ar~ ~~J~~ :", ~f.:, scnpol ~scJ[e~W~ij.,;.;t4.,~.~lq.<>! tember first.i~ on 'TQ~sday. · So .' No matter whethergam ~J~ust ,~o , ¥ ,will when does school be~n? l' ~a-- to, lo~e, weight"to. get nd , of; that , ~u:ed fe~ I~" to . ven't seen the . Qffic181 ~otl~e have alol' of energy ' or C!en;Jus! " though it mUst ' have been m last we~k's paper. Well, that just 'to fill in tint'e. They ~y. e;lt ,sl1l4l} . nutritious ,meals, ~~x': ~ ~~y .:~re ~ 's~m no, , shows one sh~uld r~ad the pa.. We oldy ,.. pen carefuUy even m su~~r. , bett~r tl,Ja~ ~o , or t~e~e ...~cb meal must ' hav~ ,all n:Utntious ';:._ y~r~' and I Our beautiful eorn crop IS 10 element~. at the".same. bme, ~ot ~ , ,Ptber people'~~ • ' danger'. This is t~e unpleasant , ' WhY. don't we? I~ allsug u: land s~~h .~t one, ~al news I just read m the paper, ..: '~s weed; and ,the pest We went out and look~d at,ours ~ and all protem ,at . an~t~~~ a. ", used \85t .sp~i(lg?...' ·~ond~r . .We There are ~ny d~~g.leaves, really balanced dlet,. every t,!me., I' ___ :, ~ny as nqt bltds~ some have Some of you remem~er some but is that bhght or 1S It Just the .". fiiltJim " . 1a!1 red wingeil' ".J>lacl< 'birds as natural thing for nlnety-day yea;s ago, . Adelle I;Ia>is' . book, ;, ",M,.'Prtl!l_~~ year, wh~n" the~" wet~ . q~i;te a ' "Eat Right to Kee~Fit".~as the corn p~anted in May. We looked , pest. I saw ,~',. pair " Qfx:ar~.~l~ most popular boqkm .th~ ,hbrary. at ,two ears, one was, ~st in 'the lan~.y~ster~y.' They ~at , Eyeryon~ wa~ ~kmg y~urt hard and the other was shll qwte the wild cherries and tJ.ackberr~es , soft. Neither ear was filled out and' talkjn~ Vltan:ams. I ',wonder 'and ,rose hips ,there. I, also~ saw a hoW many':ar~ still doi~g it., ¥ to the end, but that might ~ve ,\ blown , th.lJ!sh,er. ,; ~t , ~s.· ~~.ny , bee I the fault of that corn, ~ar item in the Wall' Street ', Jp~r?al :: mocking l)irds ; as :usual~ an~ I worm that we found. As wnO\ls said that yogurt has kep~ gammg, , have riot.seen':a~.irta f$O ~unf'ing'''''. farmers that were interviewed ~y in popularity un~il it has becomtt this y'ear., t>ljr" htt'e'Y~1lf;)wbii.a8~ ~. '. ','" : News said, big business. You have probably the lAyton Daily .,. IOlltUi" . I .. a ., 'l ~ hi ' has .''ts ~egular a" . "" c,. ~ ha t 11 hllS; tiII.!ri~ do" s,;lr~,. .rmohe gold I d nolice . "There.is nol ng we. can. J have' Jle8td ~. o'tll'er titr~aS , so~'at I ,: . ~ I So we just 'have to walt ~d se~. pla~e ~n the supe~r~et ReI. . ...' .' least: they ar~:'!l0t alh gon~' ,'!, ::~ Weavils in th~ al,falfa, bhght an shelves. Now. they have ~t ,with '. j' not kn'6w We still If the corn, nqtl}in,g to do but hope all sorts of frUitwhat y~ -' are .n; , <;QJ: ,tli~: ~n teav~. brown the' It ,is, that the blight will not ,d~ ~y doesn't know due \tij:',natutai ripe.n hg .~,.;l)~i$h~~,., .. more harm tha.n the weaVlls dId is. milk soured by a" diffe,e nt bU1 )h~ 'earg"~be,; t)e8i,n[l~n~ tQ '." this year. Cross your fing~s ~acillus than the ordmary olJe turn .aovln " ~nd';tthat l i~. a,:Si~;o,f . and hope for lhe best. The~~ IS t~t sours milk. ~ey ~ve the , rfp'enin),io 'we 6o€.e~ .ll'~ j,,'J/ If .: :" \ a lovely stand of alfalfa waltmg vi(tue of pot be,mg kille4 ,~y. ~' w'e '~~an~t 'go'.'to :,~~:~!e:. !fflS1~- ' for the· third cutting, and th~ b~y heat so t~t the~ can go w~~. Itjodlipg 11\, )~IJ ~~4\.:'lo~t ' soybeans lepk :, wonderful so t~ou~ the stomach l~tO ~he milk; eno.uf~"' fOJ "attQtij~t , cal~ mtestines where ~hey help dlgescross your fiDgers, and pray. Or ~ecaus-e the~ .blgJ heifef.~ stql ' t.I~ ,' tion and help make (.~ertain vitawould crossing our fingers show 'milk:, fr~~' tft~ :ltttl~ .~~~;,;, ~~, lack of faith in the 'power of mins that the body needs. ~ jumps .the: fence i{ '~e":p~t\her I~ came to us 'from. eastern Europe prayer and counteract Its po~er. _ another "'pa's~ure, We must" tty :a' Not many people a t the sWlm- where it is given credit for p~omuzzl~. if we shut her ~p~ ~:~'e' ", ,. ' has to be ' fed and~ watered; a,~d HELP BEAU TIFY WAY NESV ILLE that is a" prQble \, , ' is n~ ,~ .' , th~re h t b m a~ Buy Trash Can Liners <,', watef at't a , am. . ," ,, didn:t. we : g in. s~meth got "W, 'I , 50 IN A DISPE NSER BOX .-; ·,doR: ~r h a~oti ,weeki need thi$ ' I AT $4.00 Plus Tax WE DELI VER I A <bor'der icojJ(tf \f>uP. 'that ,l ~ , , I. Call 897:-6186 or 897..6961 'l:'
flavor~ t any<?n~
Wheth~r ,~" ~~6J.~~~~~~~S;1~~~~~~n~~
I ~~j~t 'j)~~t r~~f, ~qt~~!fi~\ ';. ~~============~:;:::;::=~l heally Lf~ thing· happened' tp u n,c ,WJP',.we . f wanfed ISO, w~, ~t~c;l ~~~/g~t .\o~e :. of ,the. s~uh~, ~re~~iri8.:. igctnG.w'
we have ~iin. : Tom is"l»ast ·, thl round" cud'41y , size" ~l:: is 1, ast ,
b~onuBg ~ long-l~'ggeti ·~ncf.-'~!g;:
. . " . ;.\~; "_ :t;., ~!: :~,
;;' , ", Sh.~n;;,;,'Ellqe;:l;!~~-'~:';Ir. .. footed. ' He 'waS .SO. .Scared at fust ". j1i(~~~~:'~~:-~i.~;H".£1d~ - I~'~ ~: that he :\\Ient under a -cnair a~d'. ' , stayed there. ' I~:;fitt¢ ~m ,li,)(e'~'~~~ ',~" (I .~ '.. ca~e. But ,now h~ ' ~a.s t'~CQyer~ , . . ' !" · " f . & ~. ~'::,.,:' '-and 'demand~ his ,shar~ p .at~n~!' '. ' .. t. the)es with tion along , TheY' pu't in: . tb~d' c~t~~: " , t).'utiful~. of alfalfa '- ' 'Q.e8n.~,. .buf:'~ hay'-:!N "-i ~l' . , tum ~ . t they ha~~~,' REV. ACY LAMB, PASTOR , yello~ y'e t, an4" TI).en 'we .Will:;ha~'l" 'the" .tuiW~r , WE INVIT E YOU TO HEAR THE REY. LC. ~AT~ , to 'wn,etner (,tncN:nl.J~'!ij,n",! AS ED SERV WHO A. ESOT MINN IN, FROM AUST CHAP LAIN IN THE KOREAN , WAR, SURV IVED A PLAN E WRECK AND S",IP WRECK. THIS MAN ISTHE AUTH OR OF SEVE RAL BOOKS ~ND MINISTERED IN A CHURCH WHERE 160WER~ KILL~D , BECAUSE THEY BELI EVED IN CHR ist. '
COIIII PEllECOITll 'CHIICI Beginning September I J:80 P.I.
'ii i .
", "
dance a( three an~'ual tWo:week , on the Maaoon and. the satisfactory completion Of ex~ensiQn ' problems between ' the iesident sessions. 111¢ S£bi>ol is spo~soied by The Central States', C:oriference of Bankers Associations, consisting of bankers associations from 16 Midwestern states. Over 1,450 bankers are enrolled this year from 39 states, and several foreign countries. The present high standards of banking service in communities throughout the country will be enhanced by attendance of local bank officers at this specialized banKing school. The faculty of over 135 instructo~s jil~ludes ba nkers who are spe~iaJfs~s in their respective fields, :: pi~cticing' ' attofneys, business ' executives, economists, and members of over ' a dozen unive'rsity and college faculties. The instructors are among the most competent men in their professions. Many of them are nationally knoWn authorities in their special lines and come from all parts of the ' United States. ' Am~ng !he featured speakers at, ~Pf I ,~~7Q , se~ql) ~ere The Honorable 'Paul W. 'Mct'r;lckell, Chairman of 'president Richard NiXon's of Economic , ... ,. 'Council .. . Advisots; The ·fJontirable {;eQrge W. Mitchell; meJDber of the BOit!(1: 9r(io~ernors' the ' Federal ~~erVe ' System, , Wa$in~ ton, D.C.; Charles Bartlett, syndiC?lt~d , newspaper columnist from Wa~gton, D.C.; Dr. Walter R ,&1ier, Professor of EconomiC!', Jhe, UrtiYersity of Minnesota, arid Tht'lionorable Bruce K. Maclaury, Deputy U~der Secretary of the Treasury for Moneta~y Affairs, Washington, D.C. Dr. Herbert V. Prochnow, re<{ently retired President of the F'l{st; Na'N.- nal Bank oj Chicago, is' ,Dfr"~~1 I~":li;" l~ . ,e ._ 51 '' f'ill.e' ~",f'\i , 00 • , il'.J."~ . . \.1 "; I . ,s
campus:. ' , ,
~\.')l:tq~!~,~. ~C:.JiO(),t <iay,s'~r¢ Ihead
,dads, .aunt~, and adplt (it tne W~y.ne ~..~A~~;~h~ot District due to .an ~~ji~nal , nrst , at Wayn'esville ~~'~lnOCI". ' ' " B~ Pack,. Principal, has U"~""'''.''';;u tl1at!'begin~ing ' Sept. , s~hool ' will he ope'.' for
adults po' Monday,)'ueSday and . ' Th~s~y from 7 p.m. 'to 9 p.m. ' The 'C1a~ses will be in session until Novetnber 20. '*,egistration for ,one or aU of the. f91l~)Vihg cl~sses will be in the hilJh sohool'library Sept. 14 at 7 'p.m.: Monday, Physical Education Activities (women)"
dafs". lip lhra'ugti· , Hallll ;I.lma
Industrial Arts aasses (men); Tuesday, F'hysical Education Activities (men), Home Economics aasses (women) and Thursday, Arts and Crafts (men and women), Typing I (men and women), Community Chorus (men and women). The Waynesville High School teachers have volunteered their time for 8upervision in order to offer the school's facilities and a variety of activities to the adults. Wayne Local Board of Education members have authorized the use of the school's facilities for this pll'Ogram at no charge for ' aU adults, living in the Wayne Local School District. Other activities will be ' offered at the request of 12 or more adults. Guide lines on all activities will be outlined at the first class meeting;
WALTER D. COMPTON RECEIVES 'DIPLOMA FROM BANKING SCHOOL Walter D. Compton, ~is tant Cashier of The Waynesville National Bank, Was awarded a diploma at the commencement exercises of The Graduate School of Ban~g at the Univer,~ity of Wisconsin, Madison, on Friday evening, August 2ft G~a4uation requires atten,I
: .' Septem~ has been ~mcial1y , .proc~nfi,d Uiiited Servi~ Or~zations month for WaynesYilIe and viCinity by Waynesville
to head U.S.O. activities in·the area, was the fust Waynesville citizen to receive formal recognition ,from State u.S.0. officials. She was presented a certificate of appreciation honoring her for her U.S.O. work to date. The award ' was received from Thomas J. Kuni, Regional Exe.. cutive, .zatlO,JlS; . • llriited. . ......-SerVice ... . ~ OrganiIpc., CTeveland. ,. A letter Qf ptesent~tion sia~ iii "par't ; ''01) ~eb31fbf.*~ r~~ , men and women 'in Service -::for- ' ' Cfr~~ ! ".:~R 'HANTS ' whom you are devoting' time' - MEET 'J oINTty' , "What is needed iii Waynesand effort, our sincere appreville?" was one of the main ciation. ~uestions 'raised Thunday night The upcoming Variety Show 10 Waynesville ' village council ~ highlight' '¥ts. Bellman's chambers during a joint meeting ~te of September U~S.O. proof the,Waynesville Area Chamber jects. Mrs. Denman will be as-: of ~qunerce and Wayne Retail , silted . by Mrs., il'om '\yp!iams, Merc~ts ~ciation. local u.S,0. and Ma,Both Chamber and Retail yor Dex*er ,~ act ' Merchants , Wrestled with this q\1~tion and others pertaining ~~ ,,~~e~ .~~le$ ,in village and ~ea ~
~~YlG;'..~CtiVlt~~~ , ~ , 11i~ ~f?er ~s mailed ques1
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tio1l f ," ~~~ ,i!s, ~~~bers. The fo . '.' . , ~~ o~" }ypes of " ~~l'~in.P-•.P.t~j~$ -all4 '~~iR ' (~ '" ::owraU
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,Like ' a modern money "superf11ark,et'~, ~ ,.-' IS,; ~f a~~( this is cQnvenient pfa~e 'to take .' ' ,-,,: r~uilj , l a , i , your fa'milv and business ' 'financ ments. Besides helping you wilb m~~,Y ~':"8n:-:~ , " . "-.:r: cial iervices,-QLlr bank. bas tbe' expej'i.,c;e_to • ~ .~. • ~J . 1a,~ provide financial c()l/risellirtg, ~hjclfi1 valuable to you. You' a;e ,cQrdii,l ly 'i~vj!ed ,to" . ,':', ~ ,. _" , '" , make this your financial headquarters r
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~.. ".~ ......- Sw,c~~t~,'deUnCiIS',~na~I:'':\A . '. " \vjtlli<t~e " &>iaF& pf:~Ble ~~o 5{t~'! : ot " . :,: ',vedf~f Ey~n ' ·tb'Oitg{Y ,. y'b~·~ ay~! :"" " ~r .•; !9io.g~ncr.'y~je(S ~s'" ~!t. "l . ' It tij'e. (I ~ i , ' ., ~ or: Jh~ m~tJ~ .haYe 'registel(ed ~t' <me time" i( . thut~ay" ~Igtfi. '. egaon~ . . ' et~ ell ,~ ' Warren of ns' jfafto Past you: have : nClt ., v.ot~d inetwo con,\. ~ of the •
(nust, regi~ter again- to be eligible to .vote. We , '. , ' " "arge' all. tO~·dt9. so. . , . . '. ',. Mr>. and 'Mrs",Oljules' Williams, . WaynesviUe Senior Cit,i-' .• after J.~.,., P'lrp noon. · Those in. Mr. aI\d ~r~ Ralph ~a'rris ' artd ~lI:i"I.'",I"UI ': met . 'SeP,t. . 1 .for a ,. ,).~,,~st~4 1 i~~ ~~P9rtj.ng, ~p~ii~ soc1a) ,., . ' lyl~,&la , George ' ~t,.J h~·'· Wa.yn¢s.·.' ac,ti~ti~~ :~t;~hope .~er ~~V:8~n- . -: ~. '.~n~-, Mrs. .~tlJr'~y and ~o~day at ·' M~th~d,ist • Ch.l;lJch: . 68,76. :. _ '.. " .'. . '", '<'. ';" " ;:~ $pf~~: '. . State Fair. ' Ohi6 ' the !, " ", ,.., t . . \. - . ,.,r . ·'·I,-~·¥.'.... ,. -R.oom. ,;,' , and' -: )lO'gan en Kathle , \ ~Mrs. ., " . ' ~... . , " ~ent~red'a.round aiid'~'Debb~' ·Gtb~~n spent ' O~e~ . , ' H4RV~YS8U"G' pnTITIP, "" . ' ",~h~pl "Days". ,' at the Qhio State Sday .W¢dn¢ :By Mar-.n"pHce· ' .> ' Hastings , nrtJ'nI'A ~: . .' . r.ai~. :, .~st ' ~s;the 'teacher'. ... . Ph. 8i7-6372, of WashPelt, Van ~jn , Mrs. "t" h '.w.t:Lvt'l'~lil1 ; '~:' .. .: ' '. Cit· " 'u ' ha b.... "mgton C.n. ' ., . mg er lZcns VlSl , r SeeR .""mo , ..' . ' ~ 'neXt ' t ' th ' U "t 11 h"""'C='" Wyatt. Sue MrS. ght~r" u da, ' . \ .1 , ·w.~uld·.~'Ii.ke. '..~o· r~mJ;nd ;all .~' , -?~'<' PJ~ ~ . • " .' r~se~~a!lV~~ ~J:' , ~, :" -MarVi~ Ayers, Jr. .~nd James ~tIlQ!OlSt "pn~:~~, la~~,. ~ ::P'.~ " ... , re$lde~!~..~hat r~,~ctlons ~lll)e a!.. : Ayers, of Cin-cinnati visite~ Mr . !:~.' :. /~. :} .. .'1~:. th«!' B,Pard'"?f",.F1e ~:,,; . . '"arid Mrs. Clarence Price Wednes.' ~rs.; tt;>O~~d'.';'shuhs·. ~he~, Mayor s ,~ e.. W.e.dl~esda . dllV~ ,. to .a,m. 10 from . 16 be(, •~~, ~ .,. d ~ .,. ... ..'. . Septem -J 'h : ," ¥.Lt· . li 'bl ' .'J1U' ~1'1 w,e.re u,,,n ay eV.enmg , ' . Mrs~ Raymond 'Cox and son, Mt .•' arid Mis. . 9 p.m. so. u~t e ~ e voters VI .G Mark, ' of near Ferry' spent may do ·.so. regt.stered d f: '1 . are not 1 d' ha r' ' H ,;.'t-nUII.n , Bell " man,·Sr. a·!.l ami y. Wednesday at the Clint Taylor's. We.have loun t t ~any peop~e IJohn '(Pat) Yair will 'be The regular meeting of the 1Jeheve they, .ar e , r~glstered and Q~~'&_u,,,,' .. ' fo~ news calls daily Uni~ed . Mf~thodjst Chur'c}:l Board .. the ~~~......_~_~~ , llJe! . Thursday : night at s,j3cu~iv~ .yealfs, . Y9U
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Bagnold' .BriitGW '8radb~rv '
:Second Chance
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to call your home, ' in an emer• gency situation, Tbe telepfione is ·a· convenience, for ev~ry ~.mber of the family, It is se.1fis.1l for anyon e . persO!1 ' tti .mon~oItze it. Your mother ~5 not ,old ~I$~ned, but sen.s~ble. ' Stte: is ~~ con· cerned With what otbers ~o:-you ar.e. her concern. aqd .ne,r . relJPQn· . sibility. "She ' might, pos~ib~y let you date before you are sixteen -if you show her that you have OUR REPLY: Your mqther is a sense of responsibility . you right 'about the telephone, in both don't show too much if youupsee 'a instances. If you cannot cut down nothing wfong with callingfor an pl,lone the on talk to boy sation, conver on the time of your most likely you will find that you hour, h~y" a ' . .nag" IO!roblem you cannot talk on t~e telep~o~e at If y'ou wan' ,0' dis.u~> 0' an obse,vall on to make, all. You are abusmg a priVile'dge. add,,,ss vou, trlt", '0 FOR AND AIOUT h rt Consl er TEENAGERS, COMMUNITY AND SUBUR. Keep your ca 11 s so. the fact thclt sOlpeone may need BAN PRESS SERVICE. FRANKFORT, KY .
'THE WEEK'S LETtE R: "I am 15F years old and: :in t:he ' ninth grade and 1 have a problem. 1 talk one hour on the phone· to my boyfriend and my mother does not approve of ~he , time, My mother thinks it is wrong for :a girl to call a boy, My mother IS old·fashioned ; 'She. said I cannot dat~ ... ~ until r am sixteen, . Other girls date at twelve years of age,"
C~lI~~: ~innie Walte~s of Xenia
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Mon·H=R : ~INKS
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AutobiOgraphy Night Season . The·betober ·Cou'ntry ..
has bgen a houseguest of Mrs. Mae . Lytle and ' Everett Snell this week. Miss Shirley Speaks was a weeke'nd' guest' of the Claude . ~Il family. ickle Grossn Earl Mrs. and . .Mr. (nee Shirley Osborn) of Los Angeles, Calif. have been here due to the death of her mot tier , Mrs. Florence Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. · Eldon Fullen of Xenia were Saturday visitors at 'the Clarence' Price's. ~s" ' M~e 'Lytle ' i~d Mt: Everett SnelJ' spent the weekend I
Nll1L Y OPENE d-'~" '~ M "_ _
'L!·.~, ~., ~):".~. ~, :~; ~., I , : ~ ,h~. p; M ,!I' Thru
Evenmg AppOintment AvailablQ . .::;, __j. 34 .._ PHONE 897-23 .. ,- .__ -.1.0.-' ___ -'-._
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~HE CO~P~t~9~~Y~P?~1 ~l~~ ~ .• ,
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hewas never 'elected
th~ Pt~s!~rig office'r, o( the Grand'!
The imprint of this man on ,the Waynesville area is . still to be ,found 133 years after his death. His descendants are still found in this vicinity as well as in 'o ther parts -of Warren County. John Satterthwaite was a man of means and a person of influence in Waynesville prior to his death at age 51 in June of 183 7. He was, the son of William and Mary Satterthwaite and first saw light of day in Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. His father gave each of his eight sons and two daughters a' farm when they reached adult· hoo~, which teStifies that he was a man of considerable meahs by the standards of either that day or today. John came to Ohio about 1802 while still a teenager. He , was to engage ln,t.he mercantile business here. He later engaged in the milling ~usiness and took part in establishing the village of Mt. Holly where his mill was located and also ran a stage line from Cincinnati to Columbus, In addition, he was a contractor and built the old 'White Brick' Friends Meeting House here and quite a number of residences in the village. It would be interesting to know which ones still standing are his handiwork. He was active in many ways and enjoyed very much his membership in the Masonic fraternity at Lebanon. There was no lodge here until 1848. He was Grand Master of Masons in Ohio (blue lodge) and was also active in the Royal Arch Masons at Lebanon where membership was predifated on lodge membership.
FRI- SAT - SUN - SEPT '·, 11 • 12·
built by hl~ in '1,8'12,(is'loeattf,(l just off North Third Street"in Waynesvil1~ and. is now the regia denceof Mr. Mrs.:' Ed" J,\ndr~, Jr. . :-;. ,'.'r ~
and· f
lotH~ ~~)\.li't; · 4' :w~: ~\te'.~ ha~ 'SOJj}~ j, ft~~ :' 1,,1 ;.., :bnth, '6»t theilimanachS~~on."'"··'~ ....
.. .
" qei$h~r'. '. ~~! J' ·Wa~· ;~90,dl; . ~e ·, ~t<l~· it sunmte!,'~nti1 the twent~~! ~ " '.:' tlf·st or.' when ever the equinox a' late crop, but ."!Ie never.got it comes. . done. I have "been -eating ,corn :r - 8ave you renewed· your subfritters' or I more .exaCtly conI scription yet. We would hate to jrcmc~kes f01 breakfast·· qui e lose you. Oh, how about it? or.ten. My "reCipe rfor fritters Do any of you have katy-dids? calls for a little flour and-baking We haveI\'t. We have locusts t;owcier, .but my bi'eaRfa~t .~kes, an~ . grasshoppe(~, but no katy~. ,II" .. ,." 'i' _ ' . ..".. I'-ju~ cut and scr~~d "couple .dids ·or didn'ts. 6:30 ;a.m. Then 'a any .flo\Y~s ' thiS summer, ,~ut· I. of ears of com and, beat it up _ _.....,____ , . ~nj9y aJ.1 ~liose of my :nei~bo!s ~,,wi~ .an egg and fried it. Very $harp Lens . the ~hustle' bjistl~ -and alo)l& ~he roatis both .~i1d ' .:'good ,!~ough ~hey ' loo~ed more .. Po~~S~bj:~~ls~:~::~~a~a: c~~~ , il'seVe~-thitiy. · .and in the .gardens. "," - Uk~' p~~ca~es,...than· fritter~. We ' pact car from altitudes of 100 to UlO,;.dC!loti;lslalinsMid silence reigns ·;···Our 'sweet corn. is ail gone, used to 'call September a fall 300 miles. pUJJs think we should ~""'"J""'U ~tart ·the ·<lilYs, wqrk. nave-.,b.een put ,'in' I so noW-that the " _had :th~ji. breaicrast,~ [ne~·M';Wi1. nt1ist be ,tet out. It is. pJ~:~~t:to starLthe ~~y \\1.tl1 a ,'C\-_- "",== ~f fresh air and a look "the ·piace. I.. didn't see this ~orning, . " day ~ we' ,heard a PmJrw;ti(ln and' the:-soqnd' of', . •". . .,......11.· We " hpftiej~ 'potf ".r" ......... the~·pups after a' Whit~ ;tjrCl~ltier ' Vfe stopped them. and. ne;:.weirlt .uP into a tree. WJ:teie he ,.- }" .....,~&.'1.... , we hadn't any idea, " . .:fl.M" )..'....~I't any chickens and . ~i::f .,~46"j'''V& • haven't any, ' but , ~er:':W,dis . : a_y.9ung ~~e leg~ !ro:~.~9~"~~~:r.• He. Wat~roundJof' . ~. didn't' see him i8'iilrr()rnin.fl,·~ "'U · ' ' ,. ,. be~n having · som~ r tb~~~~~'~!Y.~l~~~'t~l;n~J .but)la~t night we . about · 7 or S . ·Q~<;JjelfJ~~ll>·ts of wiria' and. thun. . " '. an,,' !p'g~nts veQ'Jong, , , ,10_11 ...,",' nln:~" :"'lIInllp. .if
. taJ.ke4 .. ab.o.ut· ·pla."ti(lg sonte, f9r
' .
, .....
ITEM: k four-member :(amUY; using the<recpmmeMed 21 quarts.: of milk in a· ~eek CliP sav~ ·m ore than $4 a wee~ by using "i)qnfat dry milk -inSteaif 'of' homt!' odeliv- . erd whore tn-il~. "The nonfat· drf' milk contains ,all · the nutritive.~ . elements. of whole .flu(d milk except vitamins A and D anjI has half the calories, -If you wish, ·· you could mix -equal amounts Of nonfat fluid milk and whol~ fluid . milk.
I t
.. 'Some . plain facts about electric heat from D~&L:
face·th,e . no~· the Otlt';"Yere tnUJ....rd t' the' rising ltal~ed. :t~~' ~y
. odt; they .
(Ijf,eet:lons~ They ~t.e '. l1>l~l~ij~jl~ab:l~,W·'. o{ bIfJOm
~·hi",dht- Colot~ :i~"i!~i1trai2hlte~ ~" IDYl
" , yv .
I I The Dayton Power and I ' Light Company, .
25 North Main Street,
,. "ayton, Ohio 45401
'. r · I I
I ,...
, S()ll~he rn ~~ rti s t ( u'!l\tCtlt "I~ r . ":~qr lllan , \1~ u J, )\\'~ '.~Pasi\ ~ O
~ .;~
" . . .' ,.9'" l (l ' ~~:~f~l;I?f: Y 1ll0~ E cn~ ng ., . . ,Hi:i3Q: ..,
. .U! " c ; I'\ O ..'<1 1m.. .S.)J ~ d:.!~ '.01."
SlIn'd~l\~ ~h~ nj ill~ ~.. ~ ~;9'i:mr, l?r . :, ,; ,.:,n o,r. W~ "~ :,~, .' ,,: 7.3Wp,.Ill .. ~UIHJU Y ' i-.vl? hlllg ~ "".~: ,~. , "SrJviJe .. . ',--: ~\' b~:!:~'' .. first ~~t1stt Chu~ \! k \1iu,,'~ . U~I)' S \\'CUJlC .. 7:30 p,Il1 NQrtll )¥tain Strcet . ' . . ., ,: , ~~;; l)r:I~:c.(a Il J Bi ~1 e ~t , '~John P. ,9sborne, P~st '~ ) r. , .::: .: "
r- ..
\O,: O~ ~.mllSund.~y .~ h(;.~ r: \
,J J .00 a. m.,Mornmg W,orsfi lp
· · U '. . 6 :30 . p.m.,.Tramlng ' Olon ., · Wors' h'Ip 7 :30 p.m." Evcnmg 7 .30p.m.,Wednesday Pr,ayer . ' , Meetin g · · (Affiliated with Southern Sap-. list Convention). .' " '
, First Church-of'Chiist , b st I ;igh .~ir~~ 1' '.,. ~
Friends Meeting
fourth Sheet near Iligh <) :30 a.1I1. , SUlltlCJY Sdwol 10:45 :i.llI. Sund"y Meeting I'm Worship (unprogrammed)
St-. Augustine Church lIigh Stree t Rev . Joseoh II. Lutmcr, Pastor
St. Mary's Episcopal Church Third & Mai rl Streets , Rev. Harold [)cctli, Re<.:tor II : r 5 :1.111., Morning Prayer rsl,, 3ru &.51 1 Suoday , s: . n~ ~l1d & '4th i:-Iul·y Coill lmjni() " • '" '1 ,\ ,~. s Sun,lay • ~. ..... ( 'U
. 1
United MethodiSt Church ,
A(;y Lamb, Pastor
r~ hcan;:.t l
. ~ J ~;.fS"~.~.~hurch. a
.W{)fshi,P ~;.. 9;;00· .;it·f.' SUndaY ~'it h at ;,
7 :30 p.III., Sunday. Wednesuay and Sa~urday , Evenin g " Wurshj p Scrvicc.s . Youtl; sd;!y Wedo~ 7:30 P:IlI., Service
. ,':' 'Churct( " . '
. . ,.
LVTLE . United MetbQdist Church
...... . ..-....
DODDS Free Pentecostal Church '~ : 'of (lod ~~.. . . . ..
i .l
. :, -FriendS!£hurctt
\-1 .• ' t 'It~ 'h'l. 'ynesvt Ie nescue
Mission ·. . ,
Christi~n Baptist Mission
Maih Slrc~t Mrs: Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 ~.m. Sun4a): School , , II a: m. Morni'11g Worshi'p 7d O p:m. Evc"ing.~WolShip ".,' 7:30 p m. Pt.aycr: Meeting, &_Thursday " So ' :," La 7'30' p.m. ng .es,t, . s." " ~turda~ month.
", , R.R. L2~ .tJIOUds, ·'Whi :. ' r.~;rft11an " , P.ast:()r~
'. .. .......
___ ,~ .
~~~...., ~'.I"'.... *- ,,:~,
: . ) 0:30 a ~.m.:SuI ~day. ~ h . ~l'
. ' Mou'nd S'ticetE. Friend Couscr~ Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday &:hool 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
SI: ~t . 41),& bower. Road, . S'Pli',~gh' );'l) , \. n. Ray L. Sheltu l)tlstm , 9:30 a.l1I. Sunday Schuul ' 10:45 a.m. Morning Wurship . 7:30 ",.It . Sunday Evcning . ' SerVice7,:30 p.m'. Wednesday Evcning Sc'rvice 5:30.p.'nl: ~nday Sr. Yu~th .#. Recrcatidn uth~ Yo ' Sr. SUnday .in· 6:3Q~'p _Sei'Vi~ s ., \ -" . . . .
. .·$ptlh g Yallity
RidgeyiUe C9romU'nity . ,. h ',..... £h"ro
R,!v: Lctmard Baxter ' 9 : .~ 0 a .IIl .• Sunday Schonl , I 1:00 :I.tll ., Sunday, Worship , " , Scrvk c 7:30 p.IlI., Wednesday , Praycr Servh:e
, r:Y "'"l' r. ~ !'!'r: CJ r., ~
7:30 p.m.. Sal. EVl'. &'rvke ' . FI RST CHURCH OF GOD ' 49 S. Main Streei 9:30a .m. - Sunda~ School .p .10:30 a.m. - Mornlllg WorshI 7:00 p.m. - SundaX t:,ve!ling
. ,*
r' .John K. glnith, . . .Ministe . Glady Street 9:30 a.m., Sunday Schoo) 10:30 a.m., Sunday ·Worship . lP Worsh g J0:00 a.m. Mornin Service 7:00 p.~l . Evening Worship. 8:OQ P,£!l. We.d tl,C~tlay ,t::~eoip,g _; ~. 8:OQ:..;.,9 :ocrp;;Jn.; W~dtfe~y Worship .' enir1&,; Jl\b)e~StuD~ ~.
Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rcy. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.IlI .• Sunday School ,7:00 p.IlI., Sunday ·he . Servicc 7:30 p .IlI .. WCulll"Suay Eve. , . Scrvi~l'
MT. HOLLV•. United Met~o~ist .
Spring Valley Church of Christ .
T,A •
Ray Sturmer. Past(\r '>:30::..'.111. Worship &'!\'i':l' . 1():3(j 'sl~.lI.d~~: '(:'IIt,rd.I:&:h;l(lf / ' 5:00'p;l1I. SlIlIUav Yuurh :Fcll;' 1~ship :.- . . '
1O:0().a . m .~ Sunday &:houl ....
Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.lll. Mornin'g Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowshipjr. high & sr. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOIr
~·-'S:OO ;.m. \y<),s~ tP- ~ ~c; ~
CORWU" . ' PenteC, ostal Holiness , Churoh
, Ii. South Stre ct Rev. Jack Hamilton, , P.~stor, . 7:]0 p.m . .Tucsday Young Friday p.llI. 7:30 People's Service 10:00 a.tH. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. SlInday Evening
Third &. No;tl,;-'Strects _ l. 1. Young, Ministcr
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church .
United ~dist ~;aF"-
I)Jvid lIarper. Pastor l~: JO a.lII .. Sui~da'y Chun:h Scrvil.:e , IO:JO a,II1 .• Sunday Schooi . I I :qo a.IlI ., SUlluay Worship Scrvi<.:e Youth I-'cllow ship and Bible , Study ,
~ d\".i ':"\. _
',&( . , "'h .' \ . ~ 7urc", . ()I .r" " 4:. ' . .' .-.a~t ')' L ' 1111L;' . 1'. 1 '1 '''Iuu. ' a,~ t (» C~ ICT _r ' " to :OO :I: II i .. SUlluay' &:It,;,')\ ' I(},:(~! & I I :0 (.>"1 ,111.. s'~I1I(.ttl Y ; .WII (),hip Servil.:e 7:30 p.m:. .SlIndu~ ' t:V,CI)j'I~g W;'Il'il,lip . ., " "
SP·RINt( VAI,.LEV , . Uijit8c¥ Methodist Ctiurch .
7 a.1I1. & II a.l11 . Masses X a.m . & X p.llI . tloly l}.JYs 7:30 p.lII. First Friday 7:45 a.I!l. i}Jily Mass 5:30 P: III. SatUHJ~y Mass
,~ .,~"{
,Ptist '. ~, . J,.o~a~ri" .
, Sf'.cve ' Tigner"." Minisler 'J : ~ ( a.JIl .; Sti ldaf ,Bihle ~hl)l)l J() : 3(~.. h m., ~lllld i.ty Wllf\lt ip and ('()lllmUII i()1l 6 :l'>O p.IlI., SUllda y YlIlltil' . Meet illg 6 :30 r.II,I., Sunday ( ' ltr i ~lian Youth H.our 7:30 J]JIl. , Sunday I:vcning I .' Worship ' lJihlc stlCJY Wedllc p.m., 7:30 Stud9
.Ill .. , '"
", t
~eiTy ctaurch 'of Christ
?:OQ p.Jl1.:Sun~~y Ev~riMl lsi k:
r.,·. " , .~:r ' ,~....' ' Se rvlce ", , e~ 7:30 :p:m,-WCdne~day~.pray ' &trvicc ~ 7:30.p.m. ~lurday "~vcnln g '. Worship Service .
Will1linghlll 'I'jkc & . Sucial Ruw Road lJus WiSCl1lill) , Millister ~ _~ C~~T~~"' ~H~E~ I~,~. 9:00 a.lll .. Sunday Uible Sdlo~ll '.''' i ~:lr~ . ,Jlft ~~~ ;Th,, ~", 1·0: I ~~ ;1.111., SUl1~:ly Winship :' ch ;Cftur !Gstal , ' '''ntIl$ .10: I ~~ :1 . 111.. St,~ nday Yo.ut h '. · 17.11~ . 1 :ra'nldl1l ;Sl ~ ,', ,'" .:.... ~ ' . "'; ;'~.: . Wb..slffp 'JI.I " '" ;' ..' ,"" ( 1(" ,.~ 'S, ~ tJ • I""': '" ':--',"'.;!.. , " . 1> Ny .~"', ~(\1£ '" r;ts.h)r • :J ' " . ., ):. I p.m..~ all ~y .;v.~i) iil' ~ '~~~n~~~i"zA~~;l~ ~~,~~ ~~t~~ : , r , • ;~: ;;, rlo"!· ~ B.ibl\.l,;Sllht~". ;i&U~a~ ·4 '. , 7 . '~I ' St'" .1 • • I:" . , . 7'00" ~k'+ 7:_,Ocp . 1I .. W~dllC'!i uay'. Mi(tw~ ·." ~l:lllllg . • , '~ . .I'!u, .' . II~; • .:I,.. ' " '1 ,i;-", " . " , , Pr. g, hCI~in stJ~~· ~c~i1e .. p.Il~: ~ycr-ond 81hl.: Stl(IU~ ', ~ \, I'
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:.~O ll,.,~~·· E\l'!Jin~}VJ.": .~ I~ I ~'
nts. , ,.,' 1'1 ~:nsotea "Of. Vc,u I hrough The Courtesy 'Uf The"FbltoWing .~ t.~ 'MArch8',~ , This c$ir ;;.' i f~ ~.' ...
... ,~.
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ELLI~ SU~'~~c:, VALU OHI~ t
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: MU~IC~CENt~R <-' ' G·~.E~ ':!' ",'W.Y~.lii•• .
GRAV'S BAlilB~fI: .....r,.._
0Il10 ' , .:' •. ' ' 'l
iLLE FURNITli a£': " WAY•NESV ~AV~ E-SVICL t, OHIO ". ' f:! ' ;. ," ~ I,':' '· '" ,W .'
", 197~ ;~a~ , . ':t, I.::, :' l. Iquu, .. i ~. - : '. '8OU~ • nfOlij6 t este' So).ithw ~' <.~ pai8lll 'in.'! f! "" ~.!t~Cfl ,. ,'1' hai.:'~eadied a : n~~·. ;ecoid ~· ~8h';' ".' .,;:.. :,: :'~~::~
;': , .ow:', ~~t the
!'i. Special' '. . '.. . in'conttibtiUon·s. ' ' ,'. ' ' . ;::. ~ .,.lntem t ·· , ' . . ... . . h 'SJ)8,nls ~ J .' ' croup ; : ~,come n 1. arnpalgfi c . . f,fe~ ·I1Ulttt ~mpQSer , ~. CitY'ln . " , .~ . " for 14iriilto'~ : ,~'Ada~~, ',Browq r .- . Geor.gi~ f. .,' .2-.3•.·Frostie .· '.,. W ~V-:~--'----. ..---- + ~a.ed '~ .. " n..tl. . G. L -.--l- Wrlte.r io 10. 2.227 aere5Io .~. arren and ·· ~"t aeJ(I? ~!, . \.~ I. , .~".., ' . 32etf . 897'~4 1_5 ,••.H~~ls . fables . 0. -; . '; Phd;ut :897· ". , '~ Counties tota1~d'i $~OS .959.0 ttlng, 'Bibysl EOi' W,ANT .5.Deg tee " , . ...:.., -, ' :-,·12. Fore.l p'eu ;""-"",-.• -fOr-~ , .,' "'1ri~~ :' 1 ' ;' ' . , '. .. .' lanett' . , . • ,.1• . ~r.ahldi· . ..... . (abbr.) :~~A:lPP.IIII;J. ~ Partter rJo.;! ·4: ~elT@.l~ "'·_ 5121 Askfor :.Jea,n 31,;, ~ . . ·~ ' ': ~, :.. Nl,.. additl0J~iU_< ~99, :~3?1. was 6. Guided $12. each • .~61l LYtl~. . ~ • .. ,;". ..' t., <':'" J;':', 'j ... ',>:.. , iIGIIJ' .. , navan and - "Cakes . . I d "t . ' h . ' d' i" ~ ." 7. .,' . .\ , '" . 15. ' ~·. , egacles ' ~~......:.-. ~ecelve tn 'i",~.EJ.ue s' a9 .m~~",:";",--",--",,, 38....80)"". nlc)tJohnso n, " -,' of ·total ,'ldld 'Cm Qame ,(pea, ) ~A' making ' '. aut~r --:$.. ' ' ", ". _ . 16. V.boat 1CES .-./" ,'e " ,"" ' SER\1 I~ 0;;. ~ . oIi.j 41. Speedy _ ie Carn('g 8, ." Book18. Q; ' l:N~ ~ar~ .the ~~ ••: Inlet . .' "to be" . ClSTER'~' Cleaning. Ph·~~~ 89'7'4142.~· . "$405, 3"~t>'~;!t"'Year HaU : .. ·, ~e.eDlng ;. + ·Je· ew that"'n . .~. ElnsteiJ)'s straigh fift~ t '. Elemen 30. g 35c2 . offerin .' term " '" . - r, . , birtbpla~ ) (sym. Dutch 9. ,' ' (abbr.) cords hav.e been set or this area, Conjun ction 47. nt 'HOME repair and mainten ance car· Ointme 32. river 19. Famou s . . of year ·this se "increa an' with Navy 49. paint· ent metal gates Contin 'sheet , 34. _ 11. oncrete c , p~nter, puppet eer . ' . police lI'g, roqflng and electrIc al. 'Phonf (abbr.) Indeed 13. of Type 21. $73,000. 21ctf ". (abbr.) name :746·?9 8.2. · Girl's 36. Fellow 17. bearing :., ·Cam· ·Mr LACart ~r , Genercu 24. Custom - .......--J'!!'-.._ 26. British title paign ehain'nan nott j that . the ~~: ~W!~1~:ted increase in' contributions 'would (s1.) allow the Heart Association to 3~. u.s. playFROM ,Y£ST ERYE ARS wnght . DATE S AND -:EVEN increase it~~ activities in com32.,p.",blic , '; iqnal educat and ;Service ' mumt vebi~le . \ 33. Uktatnhln ~ progratns while :Slilf' iriaitifaHung . Llnlcolli·Dowrlls debates¢.began, AugUst 21, 1858; The city ... .Be6.t't mfll'ftt ~f 4 Jrlculture ap.POinted U, fint - its out standing iesea~~h program . .. 35. Garden spot ~ itt~.'t-\~~e,ru:8t,"Jl\agus 39: New; ' '. .'~peaking~ fo .the..J ~,QQO :: Englan d YOlunteers who made this our state , (abbr.) I ign, campa sful most" succes 40. Landon would like to eX.press .our deep cry Arena 42. South· gratitude to the citizens of 43. Beige 46. Furnish ed western Ohjo who made it pos· with sible", Carter stated·. "Their be· worker s 48. Jibs, Heart the of rt suppo and in lief -- f -------ers spanke rs, ~--~Moth wives House---&',---us to enable will iation ·Assoc etc. ·' now Train ment?U empfoy find Can',t 50. Psalms d pronge three a d f9rwar ' ~y: carry .iete.y w · ·hourl. own , . & wo~ your attack on the heart disease pro· plus Green stam.ps. seI'ado .... fllti'e'.toYI. blem." $1 to $1 O.-G've me a call for dehill •• 702 289~2 A breakdown by individual counties shows, Hamilton, $347, 200., Adams, $3,6.~3. , Brown, . NO~WHERE .:.) ~ I I . ·Sl ,841':1 flut,l€!r, $3,3 ,6.~2." C1&r· WI'LL ~V'AU; FINO., 't. biont~ ·$8,gaS. 'anl\va~rren 'Coun~A1iETr~~'R BU.V",'· ty, $10,078. - , ... ' '0;,
, , ' . ;:.,
I '
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ON 'A \'. ,:, -
. .SeRTA MATrAE~ ' YOl) SAVEl ; (SHOP WHE~ '''. . . -'''\:
,.e,y, ~C E R S ~~~7"1 "
Trip To Fame
·Assignedl by the New' York . World in 1889 to duplicate the feat of JuLes Verne's hero in . ' 'ArouDd the . World in Eighty Days," NeUie 'Bly gained fame by making the trip in 72 days, 11 h,ours and ~ minutes. She is .less well known for a"more durable feat: her American Steel. Barrel Company ,p opulari zed the 55-gal·
Ion steel drum ,.used by industr y
C11StOJi'- ;. ~ ";'.2 i .... .VftV "P BtJ' "\ . ~ 1 1 ,*~~ . ALL "Y'PBS., . .' .~B~O~JMNG . • obert Carter " Soli ,
' 1'
21 N. IN ST. WAYN~I.LLE. OHIO ~...
',MEtP .BE'A Utl FY WAYNESVI L'LE .....: _J
~r# .Can Liners .
.. ; 5.0 IN , ,A. I;)ISPENS~· R . B.oX WE DElIV E·R l AT" $4~OO ,Plus·' T"ax. 185" or 897~696' 1 " .';897~ , \' ,
' 1,·e··I· -''H ; .-, -...... ,~\ '''C ~ ~ ,~'Ff
.. '
. :. '
1'1'IB" '
,. ' ,
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N.S -.-, P~E; "8~Z ~~ ,"UKE ONGRESSMAN " 7' ".,' :;ilY"C J. '. !;:,-.... ~~ ~
J ..
~ ~... ; ~~:~ t,~:::..
those wJ:tich 'Y~uld : ,stdke ;' ~t zed crime, gamblmg and organi , .. foot-dF'-. al{8ing, Demo1b~: drugs; assist mass transi~ ; m~e. crat~hl~9Iled Onite~ State "workfare"' of welfare 'reforrp, has es entattv s , ~Repre '·':~r" Ho~ provide (Ievenue sharing :; with . gone (:into its 2S-day SUt:J1mer \;~ori'so " • State~ and , ~jti.e s; assist . recess with 41 m~jo~·;:. pieces (,)f ,. of~ Represehta~jVe only~ ~ '~. ~I};vi J~ mers; hell) clean .,up {the .I\dministr~tion's Jegislation . - ' ... 8 have passed t\le Senate ronmerit; protect tl:te ,.. P,1:l. ic " only. still p(lnding. . from explQsives; and imp~Qve 3 have passed both .of the fourteen money bills , .. , ." . Social S~tcurity. ' r~uired to run the Fe~er~l 'Go- : t hou~es, but> diffe{el1ces lJ!us~ now ~ If ' ne~~led improveme!lt~' .,ate be worked out---before a final bill , ve-~ ment, only fo~r .have a'C~ to be made and government can be sent to 'the President. tually reached the President operations are to run smootiily, . .. 7 have been signed into though -the fiscal year began in Congress must begin to m~)Ve the , ,. July 1st. Of the four bills, Mr. law.' legislation which is 6efore it. his include use. law to d into impelle signed was Those Nixon The Nixon Administration ' is the highly significant postal reo veto 'power on two of them in actively working on crime, poform bill; a bill improving uneman effort to combat inflation verty, pollution and other vital ployment insuran,ce; and a mea· ,generated by government overissues. We in Congress must supspending. Most of .t1!e Jemaimng sure aimed at ramp~nt crime in port these efforts by 11)eeting,our appropria ti;os '. !ii,W ~, ~v.e -been the District of' Coiumbos: (The responsibillity and acting o-n this the e is includ _w~ich not Senate does the tion in d ta,bula delaye need~d le,gislation.. ' also D mociaf-co·ntrOiled. (The appropriations bills- 2 of which Federal Funds For Ohio Senate is scheduted to take a are law, 2 of which were vetoed, The Department ,' of the Incleared . not have Day.) which of Labor 10 and after recess terior has announced apportionAn analysis of 61 major pieces Congress). ment of $1 76,728,673 from the Among bills' still waiting, Nixon-sought legislation of land and Water Con&,ervatiop shows to what extent the Demo· either in one or both houses, are Fund for flScal year 1971- an increase of more than $117 million over the 1970 apportionment. This additional money was requested 'last February by President Nixon in his Message on the Environment. , Much of.' the 1971 , inqney will be used for ~rban parK and recreation purPo's,es. In, his Message on th.e · Envirorune~t, Presi-, dent Nixori stated that he , hop~d -this year's increa~ 'woutq ,provide additi9nal park and ,recreational f~lcilities, with increased emphasis on iocation~ that can be easily reached by the people REV. ACY LAMB , PASTOR , in the crowded urban areas. Ohio's share from the F"nd:. S COAT L.C. REV. THE HEAR TO YOU E WE INVIT will amount to over ,$9 million .. AS ED SERV WHO A. ESOT MINN IN, AUST FROM All mOl1ley allocated ,is,. given to , A D VIVE the Individual States.on a' S()"SO CHAP LAIN IN THE KORE AN WAR, .SUR inatch b3$is with ijldiyidual pro~ PLAN E WRECK AND SHIP WREC,K. THIS MAN IS jeets approv¢d by appropriate THE AUTH OR OF SEVE RAL BOOKS AND MINI . State officials and. the I)e~ STERED IN A CHURCH WHERE 150 WERE KILJ.,ED ment of Interior's Bure~':l of IST. ·CHR IN BECAUSE THEY BELl EVED Outdoor Recreation, Whi~h ad~ ........ ... ministers the funds. , will r sunuile \ Hopefully, next .' 4(.-" ....
.' Pendi"g i.::.a..iSlatiOn,
cratie l'eadership has perniitted this sitiJation to deteriorate: . . . 33 have passed neither house: of; Congres's.: -:: . . ... 10 h~v~ passed ~e ,~ou~e
CI Rill PIIT Ie II Til CHII CH Beginning September 8 ' 7:30 P.I.
&" e t 'I b,,~ 'I Wei c".. e
.·~~i:e . pJa¢es ;available for ""-
- .
'HUIIIII SEISII IPEIS ' ;. FIR SOUIRREtS SEPT. II' Complete line a'. HU~_I'-;~) Equip eat Ind .A ••.a" , ,
, .
" "' Loo~s lik~' 'sociai' 'Q ';-urU:,n'f jlifUI Social Seeutlty TOday _ . , It's b~n thirty,five years since pre.tty gOO~ ., nnl~'ill Sl'.PE!iWI~1 '8~~==l1i~ji; With the .-\' Frankl in,D. 'floosevelt signed ' the ' benefit , iii .' ha~~·: s, law. into Act ty Social Securi ~ biill~et,j'lii ,en; , ' enf! child! Our. in¥, _ ~f This,' we know I was th~ start socill insurance program that C~ren can .expect truly become 'part of the Ameri- ' efits , to ' ,keep ~ce-'~~~f_~ costs. . cali way Of ~ife. BeSOCIal of shape · What's the cu,rity tQday? 1Iell; the 8ta~Uc8 Of:.~~ o~ inveBUR I teU' U8 that mnety percen t ve .. AmericaJlS reaching sixtY~ft are eligible to collect social' s9curiJ;- ' secll~!l!""'illlll';' l'lIilUii"" "~~lIiwa;~nlll
('P,eople, 25 qlillioi s . .' ~t and , over y . bene~t , monthl getUpg to sounds pretty solid ~e. ~ut , ~!.~ \a'''~uqJj of Pi'Cllttt8~' ~'; HJjr~p~m still :natura l to- question so~~ '. . its concepts. There's one ,of particUlar In- , " terest' to aU 9f us _ ,why IIhould ,),;J 'J be penalized if We want 'to ciIJil l ,being, UJUlij"U!lidWbM::'~ supplement ·our soci~ se,curity ~~ ' , "ulafo~lncrjl!Clia~Cl~~il:! working after we·reme·? The reason given ~ th,i ~ocl~ ~"" " 'J.I:I!I""~ 'U , 'I,,"IQ" ~.~'.¥I "soCial 'security's pui'pose fa to partially '" replace' ' l~ , iil.~~f:' If ' aD)C:I.unl i It:r~",UiIUci''&M we're' still ' maJdtig a d~~flt .a1- oe"le~ seeili';:~~lJ';'I5.~ ary; : we ·liayeo·t 'lOst !n~~. ~A tv &eC1lll'1 p.()~ey .. y securit lOCi~1 in change here would mean, either, lower enrO\t ¢8Dy ',;" benefits or higher ~o~tributi~n.s ,.futvre. . f', ftom today's worker. We know, " So' "hy' ','i,......oiItroa too that the "retiie men.t test" -" IIIIiI~IaJ.'I.:.' _ which reduces beneii~ for' tli,qse IlSoulidD_~,' a: co~e/ ' It's ,.8ftel' who earn a ceriatD' anioun~ retirem~t - has been l!beral l- ~ 'te,Y ", . ,. . ',. ' ~I• e,en oel1~r.j""':JiJ.l" ·zed frOm time to time. ., " ,
'~('nnd·class pou01ge, paid at
Waynesville, Ohio
Single Copy lot
,. 'Septemb,er 16, W70 - Waynesville, Ohio
l.~"lS·. ue rk', a"u.tFest-iva I Ferments Ex ei t em nt: ,fa,:", ilyF unA mid st F0IkAt m0spher e ,
By Dennis Dalton, Editor Waynesville is bubbling like crocks of homemade sauerkraut as Wayne Retail Merchants continue to welk on the final stages of the first Ohio Sauerkraut Festival in the village Oct. 3. Three weeks ago Leroy A. Wenger, Executive Vice-President and Treasurer of The Lake Erie Canning Company at Sandusky whet festival worker's enthusiasm by donating a barrell of sauerkraut· to their cause. . This and gallons more sauerkraut will be served at an all day sauerkraut dinner at the festival's 'cabbage patcp' which will be planted at Wayne Township Fire Department. It will be an all you can eat for one price affair and the menu will include homemade fruit cobblers. Authen:tic Dutch apple past_ ~ies will als.o be found among , ,,.: ,~:#f' '~y'~ ~f.~ , A.grQ~p .of women ", 'lW'embers , cif DaYtori's HollandAtnericail' 'Club will be at the .festival garbed in native Dutch Coxtume to' make pastries at -a booth that will ' be decorated with a Dutch windmill. The day's festivities will feature an invitational Arts and Crafts show" Farmers Market, Festi~ Queein Contest, Old Fashioned' Spelling &e, Folk I>clnciog and homespun games for the entire family. . WaYnesville"s ' Ohio Sauerkraut· FestiVal wiD be the first . )qa~f festi~~}' in the state' to ,bear, th~ 'title~ 'Ohio'.
"Senior Citizens have supported our school for years. There is another sauerkraut "Now it's time for us to do festival in Ohio but it is located something for them." in the norther jpart of the state This is the feeling of Wayneand is identified by the name of sville Superintendent of Schools the county in which it is sponPaul Schwamberger , Craig Fransored. cisco, Junior Hjgh School PrincThe following colonial type ipal, Wayne Local Board of Eduinvitation is being circulated and cation members and school facwas drafted by Charles Alford: ulty. "All ye citizens by this bill A complimentary school athinformed are tendered a most letic activities pass has been the cordial invitation to join in the result. Schwamberger is extendconviviality and wholesome froing an invitation to all Senior lic of the first Ohio Sauerkraut Citizens (persons 65 years or Festival in our fair village of older) to accept a free admissWaynesville on the 3rd day of ion ticket to all football, basket~ October in the year of our Lord ball, baseball and other athletic 1970; The most worthy Festival events. Committee, sturdy townsmen The Senior Citizens pass is aall, have conceived many entervailable upon request. Senior tainements, both bucolic and Citizens should mail their names urgane, for the enjoyment of and addresses and phone numour guests. bers to Craig Francisco at WayHearty ~ppetites are expected nesville Junior High School. to make- l)ugh inroads into our Passes will be filled out and stores of sauerkraut, frank- ' mailed back to the ones who furters, and other viands to be request them. Then all a Senior served byd the ladies 'o f the town . Citizen has to do to be admittThe arts and 'labors of the area ed to athletic activities free is round about will be on display and artista may be seen at their show his .J?~~s. WayneSvilJ~ School officials work. are also interested in assisting ~erchants of the vilJage wilJ those Senior Citizens who would show their wares with many sac attend athletic events but are rifices in price to celebrate the without transportation. day. They have organized a shuttle Folk dancers will .perform the service for' them. If a Senior Cit· dances of mat:IY lands and times. -izen doesn't have a ride to or from a game, he may ' phone (Continued to page 8) Waynesville High School at 897· 2776.
Chare,hS,ets Plans ,; F:. rHisto rie 49t'h lomeeo ming By ,
Dennjs Dalton, Editor
Unlt~: iletJlodists at nearby
The churc.. , possibly a log structure, was CQnstructedonthe hilltop west of the Dale Lander residence on old Ohio Route 42. A cemetery was established and remains one of the most unusual in the state since it includes . a Moundbuilder burial mound among its pioneer graves. A~und 1845,. a frame church replaced the initial structure which was moved to its present ..., site in Mt. Holly more ,than a ,', qual'ter ce~tury ago. !aC1~'lye ,ai,tC!~~:t~~i1!ij)IJA~tr.:~1R¢4~:' A soci~' ~Bit · .~as added to ~he ·· ~~:,' 1933 unller the ausPices ~·Of .Rev. Merel Scarff.
i .: ~stortc
liolly. are nearing , ~ . a nine~olile Jotbeir tiny con. gregalion' l!l history. _ Plaps. are· r~aching 'finaliza.-lion stages 'for 'the 49th annual , chUlTch homecomlDg sfated for OCt. 4. A tentative program calls for ,;.;, ~a ~eaker, a bas~et d4mer . , of acconHng , . the
i " ·~1 ~ ~ -....
expanding its membersbip. Sadly enougb for several years, this landmark edifice and its determined little congregation bave faced the consequence of numerous small, rural churches being absorbed by larger and more affluent urban cburches. But the tenacity of a bard working, . dedicated, cburch women's organization bassavedMt. Holly United Methodist Church from demise. Bake sales,. rummage sales and variQus fuJid rai~- .; iog projects .;:,f· the·' rural type . . sponsored ~ . these determined " few bave~ept the church doors . open 'the:' secf ~~bni~g. --:-. ,...
, •
·places : .
LIONS SC{tOLA,RSHIP AWARD~D:-Jill Ec~er: of WaY~~ sv~ie.: . was this year's recipienf of the Waynesvhl~, 'Lions Club's Scholiu- , ship Award. Jill Was selected (;m J) ' ~asis of ,apilde~ic a€ll!ev.e;- . ment. Lion's .. Treasp!er: Jim, Mille~'f,~~~pye,'~,.p1:es~nt~~ ~i(~~ J . ~, :' , ; "" I;>a\?d' ,~~san. 'pjjot6 half of the,' award to Jill. ~:•. ..... '~,~ r:-' , .. •• "
will do?
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Full Service Bank ·fou! ' ,Do~ .- ..it ALL for •
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this is a convenient place to take care 'of aU' your family and business financial ' requirements. Besides helping you with many financial services, our bank has the experience to provide financial cc)unselling which may prove valuable to you. You are cordially invited tQ ' make this your fi~ancial headquarters
Wayn,lsvUle ·
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' ~~·--I.ti.onal , Bau=
"r " -
1 . ' ,
,.' j
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' Benny~'
, improving ,at ~~
at 'Ci.n¢i.pnati
with Bright 's Oi5iea~~e'a ,w e.".'"",,,, Bbth have AYn,f'ACCAit ,""'~I~" llear from their· .and ·neigbbor~. C~rds and "C~"""I', ...... may ' be sent to Benny ,at 4 , and to Cathi, 4 West. .... 'reeubeen . also ' has ~enny apency emerg an from g peratin pendectomy performed afte,r his " admittance to the hospital. Cathi and Benny are the children of Mr. and Mrs. James MCKeever of Waynesville. 1
Fu nn ie•
Taxi . dt,iver~ fn-:
Bermu da.' put as much' as 25,000 miles a year on th.e ir vehicles althoug h the islanli is only 22 square mile& in area.
L-E"Vi \bUR represen~ed throug! Qut the third annual Waynesvm~ Ohio HoneY- ' F'~stival at Lebanon by the ·..!lents ,of lZ-yea r-old
~ON : '- $AT. - 9"- 7
. FRI. - 9 -;g'
steve Huffman, shown above. Steve's fine organ music back,gtounded bee ' beard performance by Don Cook daily at the fesiNa!. '~eve ; w~ bas been playing the organ since he was eight years old', kept. the Honey Mall buzzing with sweet music .. The Waynesville student is the son of Mr. ~ Mrs. samuel Dennis Dalton Photo. lIuffm anof Waynesville.
Style Show ' By :lyo 0' S
' I';!:~:J u.s.a" .'" .~.. . Fri - Sat - Sun - 9/18 -19 - 20
Tblt 'pub~lC ~. ~~tr~ ~ ureiS, - ", "'"~&:O:;~ perIotJnBd a:-.:".C.\l\&·Y
to attend ~e t"·~~,Q-= \. JD;~ _ tonigbt at,' the . cboOlIkJtIjj at , daUgnt4~rs~,~s"i1t 8 p.m: ·Tbi~ ' wilt 'be ( !ft.C..e~SIl . uu,u:.u . Reception' night, ~ :~~# lfjU be entertainm~r We' ,-~~. -aU", to attend and , get to'~ ~ow , ,the, . , ' .... . . teacbers. Mrs . . Marg~ty Mc9ar:fhy of Wilmington spent Thursday af-. .by ' Efjl' ttf(lltnet"s ternoon with her father, Romine Wayne, . Shumaker. ' Mrs. Louise William s an<;l Pa~' Rl'Oth~1 ,YI MOnda speDt daughter, Pam, and Mrs. 'iand Mr. Smith and daughters, Martha Jo att~nded ' il ' £AUl11&&Y " 2et:~0i;etlit!r and Georgianna spent tbe weekthe end in Portsmouth visitin g Mr. ~theRa,,~c)M,,~s'h ~~~~ and MrS'. George Ingram. n1e~ber$ campQd . I.~ ne~Ib,tt~rj~"I(!:.AAJ~l,t.s":~J,UUitji)Q Warren Chapter 224 OES will turday. tbe w~end , and ' otbe~s ' meet in regula r meetipg Tburs - over returned ~)" to day, Sept. 17. at < '. ~e WSC'S ' m,t , Mr. John Hahn callecrO,n friends tbe l1nite4 M~odis~urCb" lor': in tbe community SatuJ;'day. bostes~~~ . " 'spent two regula r meeting. ·:.'"Fbe Mrs. Jenny. QstlOrn ... ..
' . ,, ".' eat. T, hor.
God is an Englishman _ " Part 35 Amazing Mrs. Pollifax ' Cape Cod & the Offshore Islands
Delderfield Iannuzzi Gilman, Teller
. 4:thSTREEl ~y'NESVlllE. OHIO ~H~ -89'7-4826 "
, .,' 'ot " Wa ll tM.m rtl
GAIN: ",: .: OUALITV IS A'LWAVS YOU" UEs i:SAR rio ~ ..... '., ..' .
J .,.
. SHq'''WAY~ESVIL1-E FUR'NtTURE AND SEE. :~ , .'\ ..
.. ,
.. '
,' "
• ....
PH. 897-4,71' .
W&JI~8fille · Flrn·UITt·· f
CIlIpll:l ll, lut l • .• 'ie . 811 I ~I.il Hillin I ' .
Superf 11118 "Fue I Siver Hllting , E~IJp.:e·nf .
·....h ..t ..",fi·. _',
"n. "G'
By ,
Th3JIlc you .for the lovely let. b~isk approach, it is surprising ter. It - was ,an inter1esting one to note that people confide in sinee ,You( and your husband are ' you readily, at times much to 'botli bOrn under the :sign Aries your own'ilmazement. Their conbofb '~ ' under the sun sign fidences are not misplaced, howAries; 'Ttiat "is all you gave me ever, silice you have a genuine to g~ ~n 'aQd a great deal can be . desire to help and you can be gleaned from thi:S fact; however, relied upon to give frank advice. had you includ~ you,r birth years, You are not prone to reveal conit would have been possible to fidences. . -determine your asceilldants. The You are the sort of people poptilarbelief that the sun s;.gn who are just what you seem is the determining factor in perto be. There is something sim-, sonality . is a falacy. The most pIe, childlike and direct in your important tbiilg in an' Individuals nature. People know ' you after horoscope is the asc:endant (the an hour spent together, ' and they . ~ign rising on the horizon at either like you a great deal or the ti~e, 'of your birth.) Next in strongl)! dislike you: You possess order are the sun sign and the many :appealing personality placement of the moon in your traits. For sheer charm, the chart. In ,your case, the ascenArian is way out front in, any 'dant '- was inserted in your charts croWd. as Aries, and this gives 9s a , On the debit side, you are solar chart . .This is not a comhasty in decision and frequently plete natal chart; but the results form friendships that disappoint .are adequate to gji~e you the you. This is because you feel followiQg information. that everyone has the admirable Your '/ birt~day ,on April 1 ~d trait you possess, the ability to your hus~d' s on March 30,place be jus~ wbat you are and not you very close together on your waste time with false ' fronts. sePuate cbatts, aJIl~ it's ~ven others, in the habit of using these false fronts, are dismayed possible that you share ascendants. I imagine tbalt,YQu and he at your forthrightness. (J find see eye to eye on .many subjects this quality endearing; in friendand yOur, idealogies shouldn~t ship, almost -a prerequisite). , conmet ,whatsoever. At times ~ he , The ability to keep things out may. DQt enjoy your seeming in the open, where they do not begin . to fester inside is ,a good ability 'to see right throUgh him ..: ' \ 1. and vice versa', You are both omen for -marriage. Yours may i indi~Wl1ists. 'You'llave an alert he an explosive house at times I'II~;~~~ ~s. I and-Pow'e~' miOO;al,1d asateam" ~ince both of you have this poI~j '11~~i~I';.iimli:,'~~ ·liijtf~~Dt'~;at Il't!:.: :, th;e'l"~' ~f you~ ,ben ~agr~~ent ·. tem1al. , But once the air bas ft! " iIf!!tl~1!QII lI~NrliJ " " are ':~bQu. : ~_tcJl~'"grasp.:,Jle.Jt'\ ' ~~eaned you are both ba~, . '/ IIIill~~~~~~"""" '" rW I:rtf.." 1, i{J~ 1b;i~~) ~(', Y~U;"<~~ '~~. 01\ ,~·<e~en keel and most mar '. tb~ .faDI~J: of ' stOdgy ' type; /I~u ~IoD'~ e~ing to · ,rilles ' suffer from the bidden u ••..ftIi,v, ;,durmg tbe ,; \ ol~ outwo.rn ) deas , ~r ,methods. resentments that, your may never , '" Youl. ue ~een'ly interest_c. in get the , cb8nce to form, since ,. , " , 0th~rs', ,'~'Since' ~ul.~ve a ratll~r , JOu d()n,' t ,bold, things back long
< , ••
enough for them to become \ a real sore spot. ' The world, needs its spontaneous people, and you are just that . Thank you for your enthusiastic interest . Sincerely,
Mrs. G.
. ,':CAPRICORN-DBti· ',22-JAN
, ~ ~QUARlUS-JAN 21· 19'; PlSCBs.PEB 20MAR,.20; AJUES.MAR 21· ' APR 20; TAURUS-APR 21· ,MAY 21, GEMJNI....AY 2·2JUN 2.1; CANCER-JUN 22JUL 23; J..EO.JUL 24-AUG 23; VIRGO-AUG 24-SPPI' 23; UBRA-SFPI'· 24-OCT 13; SCORPI().()C1' 24-NOV 22; SAGITARIUS-NOV 2SDEC 21.
,Special weeklY ' ,~ates , ,or '~ .will sit by hour: or: 'day. . Consta.nt care .in a good ~ Ctiristiah home. 1 \
Phone 897-5921 "
Ask fur Jean HiU
I ~
... . .
lode I E-Z Automatic C.hain Sa w
"" ,
- . ~hur~h of Christ .·
~.:: 1', (
. ~. nut'! ~'Miami Stree-ts
Frien'dship ,B4ptist " . '.. ' I .•. Chur~h ' ·St~(I.tl. C;f) Bapti)l t('onv·..:'lltioll . I
., .. Charles Pik-e, Evang~list • ~' ~I)b~P l) '~1cauI~ \~'~.. P;lSt or, ." , ,10.:.0.0. ,a:l!i.• Sunday M.orning . ~: &h1lOl ' ', </. 'd\;. l1,..,: .stinuu 6~3o. p,m. ~ Sunday Evening' . t ·.6:3o. ,p:0\. 7 Wedne ~day Ev~ning .' ...1'0 :30 "l. lll .. Sullday \ttlrtl ill!! .. I)r~ h j'n ~oQe 897-4462 for 'inform,IHor " 7:30 P:IlL. 'Stl'IHby Evclling St-rvkc h First ~ptist Churc 7:30 p .lIl.. \\'~·Unl·sua y. \1iuwc ck ,' North Main St reet Pra, ,L'r :IIlU Bible Stuuy· John P. Os~()rne, Pastor 10.:0.0. a.m.,Sunday School Jonahs Run ,BaPtist '. II :0.0. a.m.,Morning Worship 'Church 6:30. p.m .,Training Union Ohio D La:--t 7:30. p.m.,Evening Worship Ll·~ t tr "iud. P:l ~ tor 7 :30p.m' Wedne sday Praycr I (I :(lO ;t.. Ill. .,SII IIu:.ty 'Sdwol Meeting J () :00 & I I :()() ;t • Ill ..· SUJldav (Affiliatcu with Southern Bap· ' .Wllr~ll i p Scrvil'e . tist Convention). 7 :30 p.lll .. SUIIJay Eve,lliJlg First Church-of Christ .Worsh ip bs\ lIigh Stree t ~ Steve Tigner , Minister United Methodist . J
9 :30.a .n1 . , SUllua y Bible Sdl(),,1 10:30.1.111., SUllua y Wnr,hip allu Communioll 6 :00 p.m., SUllu.. y YOllth Meeling 6 :JO p.m., Sumh. y Christian Youlh lIour 7 :30 p.m., SUllday Evening Worship 7:30 p.m., Wednesuay Bihlc Study
Friends Meeting
fou rt h St reet nea t lIigh 9 :30. a.m., Sunday &:hool 10.:45 a.m. Sunday Meet ing l'Or Worship (unprogrammed)
. st. Augustine
lIigh Streel Rev. Joseoh II. Lutlller, 'Pastor 7 a.m. & I I a.m. Masses H a.m. &' ~{ 'P : IIl ; tloly Days 7:30.·p.1l1. First Friday 7~45 a.lIl. [}Jily Mass ' 5:30 p!;ll. Saturd~y Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal Church llliru & Main Streets Rev . Harold Deeth, Redor ' 11 : 15 a.Ill. ; Morning Prayer 1st , 3rt! & 51h SUlluays : Holy COlllmunion 2nd & 4th Sunda ys
I}Jvid Harper. Paslor 9 :30 a'.Ill.. Sunday Chun:h . Scrvil.:e 10:30 a.m." Sullday Schopl I J :00 a. m':, Sunday Wors'lip ScrYi~e
Youth Fellowship and Bible Stu.dv
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church E. South Street Rev . Jack Hamiltqn, Past~r 7:30. p.m. Tuesday 7:30. p.m. Friday · Young People's Service 10:0.0 a.m. Sunday &:11,001 7:00 p.m. S.'nday Evening
SPR.lN6 VALLEY .... United Methodist .Church (
Walnut·Vine Robert R. Meredit h, Pa'stor 9:30 a.m. Sunday Schoo.l ;. ~ '. 10:30 a.m . Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youtll FelJowsllip':'· jr. high & sr. high 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOIr
United Methodist Church Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minislcr 8:00 a.m . Worship Service 10:) 5 a.m . Church at Worship 9:0.0 a.m. Sunday Church at Studv
rchear~; ..41
Spring Valley Church of Christ Glady Street \0 :00 a.hl . Morning Worship 7:0.0 p.m . Evening Worship R:o.O p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship
Spring Valley Friends Church
Rev . Sh~rman Cook. Pastor 10:30. a.lll .. Sunday School 7 :0.0. p .lll .. Sunday hl' . Scrvi~e 7:30. r·m.. Wednesday Ew . . Scrvkc 7:30. p.IlI .. Sal. Eve. Scrvi~c FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 4<) S. Main Street 9:30. a.m. - Sunday Sehool 10:30 a.m . . Morning Worship
Main Streel Mrs. Lois Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7 ;30. p.m. Pray('r Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday
. .. ,"
l ""
. :
itwSt mnh'f. PllShl1' <) :3o..a.m. W"rsl.lip '~'.I \'i.:l', \0:30. Sundilv Churl'll Sl:hllul (00 p.m, Su'i) d;l~ YO'I;tl~ '. ' . Fcth,wship .. 1" .
''"1 ~.
MT. HOLLY United Methodist ,-, . "Church" ,.-
• ( A
, " Aidg8ViII~ ,Community , ' Church ' . .'~SL. Rf..4~ ,.. " '~ 1:;.... ·lwet'
-. .'; .\
Spr1 ngh~ro ,Road": ., J.;. ShcllHn. 'pllstor
. ,.
I . ,
Re·v. Le,~nard 'Ba~ ter ' . ' .. '" RUy~ ~ 9 ;30. a.n} ., Sunday Sehoul 9 ;.10. a.m.' Sunday Sch,)(.)1 H :00 .1. tn. , ~unday. \Yorship . 10,,45 a.m. Mo~nil l g W(;~slJil) . . Service . ... p.ln. ' Sun~ay:. Evcnii)g "'''' . 7:30 ·p.m.. Wedne'S~i!Y. Pray~r \1 ': " 1:30. ". ," ' ,~ .,..~ se~ioc '" ~~,.,' . . '...... ... , , t·, Service ing. l< p.rn: Wedl)c s ~a y.4;\lon .\ ", 7:30. I.,' , . . '•. Se "t __" ~. . . r:vlce~. I .. ,' iy ~th Sr}Y(~ S¥~l,d~y . jJJll) S:3~ , .:,.,....;r '., . , \ ti9.l1 Re'c,rea . Urlited MathodiU Q:30"p.l1l. SU)'1day Sri Youth;· .;, .Church , . ., : Services ,~,. .,, ' . . ',' I.', ' t o>, er ' . John .K. Sm.ih·; Minist ....... ', .. - - ,," , ,. ,. ~ DOPD ' 9:30 a.m., 'Sunday' SChool10:30. a.m., Sunday Worship Servic:e 8:00-"9:00 p.m., Wedneswiy: evening, Bible S~~~~ . :
, ••
'.. ',"
FERR . Y FerrY Ch~rch ~.
~hrist ':
Wilminglon f>ikc.& Sodal .Row Roud Bus Wiseman. ,~, "'is't~r 9:00 a . Ill., Sunday Biplc· .Seh!)uJ'. 'WOi'sllip ' _, . . .' , (; :.W' P.llt.. ·Sund.. y r,:v~'illJ.g:
Route 41 at (ielinlllWll '
Acy Lamb. Paslor 10:00 a.n\ .. Sunday School 7 :30 p.m., Sunday. Wrdllcsday and Saturday, Evening . Wurship .~rvkes 7:30. p.m., Wednesday ·Youth · " Service
. :.
· GENN:r.OWN Genntowh Unlt~d Church ... ' of 'Christ :'
Christian Baptist Mission
CORWIN Pentee·ostal Holiness' . . Church
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor <) :30 a,m. Sunday School 10:30. a.m. Morning Worship
WaynesVill'e Rescue Mission . C()rn~r or 73 & Cor~in Rd .
. ' ~ber Waitei" '~nri6k ' . C.B. ' J.ohnS', foUowefl ' t. and WHl' S. Mc~y·. ,Mr. Bunnell Keys, W.l;, ,Kilbo:n, and.· Mr~' :M~~y" later meyed to . ' \ : C.$: La~b,.Will~m . . t: Ubanon. Mf. Kenrick was a Ciiff and M.P. ,member of' the 'Warren County A" Maffit, C. V. MhsOq~ , ,; Historical SQciety -from its early, . 'Missildlne, AA. 'Monfo)'t, , days until his death. . arid Ed Mullen. , Desc~ndents of: many of the ContinUing we find listed Or; 1903 members still reside in the W. E: • Oglesbe~, M. L.' Parma!), ) area and any interesting inforW.J. Phillips, C.D. Reed, W:G. ' mation about th-em will be appreRich, Rodgers, Charles Smail," ciated. In addition to the three A 'Sellers, J. L Sellars and James men previously mentioned, the Sears. ' alphabetical lists starts with' J.C. The well known businessman Ballard followed in turn by ' of his day, AB. Sides, is listed James Benham, F.M. Bispham, next followed by A. L Sides, Walter Bolts, C.H. Braddock, Otto Smith, James Stoops, C.H. C.R. Qements, J.H. Coleman Surface, C.H. Thompson, John and then O.E. Cornell. Underwood, Wilford Walker, The list continues' with W.H. AE. Williamson, A.C. White and (Will) Dinwiddie, Clifford Elliott, LA. Zimmerman, John A Funkey, W. E. Gray, (continued to page 8) S.K. Haines, J.R. Hisey, G.H. wi)
;..;""....~~__;;.;..;;.;,;;j....~~;;...:.. . .,;...J
Editor's Note: Material .for 'this 'ser'ies,of artlcles 'has been 'P"pvided by thi Warren - Oounty Historical SocietY andthe articles appearing were prepared by MariOn' Snyder', a ~st preside{'t of the Society and editor .o f its monthly publication, "The Historicalog". Readers of the Ga~ette are invited to contribute items of interest (due credit will be given) aild if an error is detected (to err is human) please advise the ..editor or Snyder who's telephone number at Lebanon i~s 932-8320.
MANY thanks to my . neighbors. friends and relatives for their cardl, flowers, and kindnesses r shoWn to ~ me during my *tay in the hospital. Berry Retliff ,
OLD . violin or cello. Dayton 299·0217. I'I ••II,,"U"" · breakflst set, fOur chairs, good :-: 'Cc)ftd,'hon. $26. Phone 891-78811 37c1
WANTED: 'A small ' Iawnmower. AI~o a child's large riding tricycle. Phone 897-592~. , 19ctf
'~ 1~ 'F,ORD, 4-door cU,stom, 428 engine, "",","\J9C!jf condition. Phone 897-4359, (17c2 ,;
WANTED:' Babysitting. Phone 8975921. Ask for Jean. 18nctt
,; ~~LETI; Aurora Ho gauge roadrace I.' 's.t with loads of accesSl)ries.$35. Phone ' 07-5120 evenings.37nctf
-~ I '
BEST buy' in tOWnI Building on corner' of Main ..,d Miami; three business ,locations. , $15.000 down payment. Phone 897-4486. • 37c2 , , $100, Phone 897-2350. 37c1 "
IF carpets:
1001( · duW lind
dreary, remove'
.~,-ipots as tt\e'( aPPear. with Blue Lustre.
ACME Senitation; licensed 'with Board of Health; all modern equipment. Clean leaching beds outside vaults, septic tanks. All work gu~rantee6_24-hour service. Middle town ~e 423-2945, 37c4
'" :Rent electric sliampcioer $1': 'Waynesville .\. Fur;nib,Jr'e. 37c1 ,
CISTERN Cleaning. Phone 897·4142. HOME ,repair and maintenance car· penter, concrete, sheet metal paintIng, roofing and electrical. 'Phone 746-2982. 21ctf
,RoUND Iron table, 4 , chairs, like new,
Call coiled 32c8'
, ;~
'DODGE ', 6 oylinder, standard. $395, ft., sleeps 8, ~, , Both in good condition, t;»hone 897,·~1 . 37c1 ! , .
1968 'SKAMPER trailer. 13
HOUSECLEANING: 2 . ledies will do any kind.· anytime. Phone 897-6243. 37c1 WOMAN for full time restaurant \!Iork . Take complete charge. Wage. plus com. mission. Bart's Wildlife Recreation at Spring Valley Lake. Phone 488-2483.
1 m,ale, 2 females. Pure37c1 bred, Phooe,862-4255 , ,
, . R~DUCE excess body fluids with' FLUIDEX , ~ diuretic fatllets, only $1,69 at Waynesville ". Drws. 37c2 , :1:: -
~~,~,~, -. >---.-~~,--~----------~
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS There were, at one time, eleven lodges of the K. of P. Order .in Warren County including Crown Lodge No. 538 here in WayneSVille. The lodge was instituted February 17, 1892. (Can anyone tell us when it was disbanded?) Springboro is the only one remaining. A list of its members in the 1.903 Atlas of Warren
3.8 Ac&OkDt
·~t '~4ie't:iQt
, ';,5.0 Acre Jract 5.0 Acre Tract · f2.9~bact " 15.0 Acre Tract
.:thr~e ... .
lie. •
city lots in
free Shoulder Patch and a free car decal in matched kit
--- -
- --
Short On Money?
Earn $$ piull Green Stamps. Work until Decemberl, part tlme.No collecting, no d4,lIvery and free supplies. Sell PI.yhouse Toys
, 't/v_ se~tAMATTRE~ .
- - _J
I Heli0 Mothers!
,- . '
Judy 897.. 2235
,'<sHeP, !wiiEi~E YOU SAVE) /. ....i
!f#': I.' ..~~,. '",
;, -." . ..:
','.,.. J4~. M ~,~ ~E ".
~ ~'.S.'"
sj~re . . . 7...1.·
in I
WAll I
PH. 897-2931
Lt'HilNON /-' ,1RTS·': cO
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.I CITY :1
. .. AND SAVE!
NAME __________________________
ECHII ~~rf~IgnitioJ
P. O. Bos: -18 WaynesVille, Ohio 45Q68 ,
., -'
' .
-- - '- - - " D ' RE~EW I,:I
\ubscri pti on , ·3.5A~t
WA·YNESVILLE LUMBER and SUPPLY 897-2966 Warren County Emergency Police PAPER DRIVE
Sunday, Sept: 20th 1-2 Noon to 5 P.M. '
. ,"
. AJ;.L "y.,ES.
" B• •ODEIJNG ,Bobert Carter &I Son
21'- N.•
,.~ .
. '~AYNU,\fILLE.
Fur#ter Information
933-3173 .',
Mrs. Pat Vair 2Y1-3-+-young S',lncluded
For further informatiOn call 897-6826 Garages. Basements Oeaned
.' BII II ~r 's H~ ulin I Ilr v~'i CI Trash Can Litiers .. 50 h, oi,s penser Box - $4.00
PHONE 897:.6185 ''We 'Haul Jmt About Anyt~g~
'PROTECT -' PROFITS A[L WINTER , We'll give you some ~dded pro tect io'n besides. . By booking winte r feed needs now, you ses increa protect-yourself agains~ any feed price later lhls winte r. And just for booking in advance, we'll give you one of th~e famous , Bernz-O-Matic fire extinguishers ..•·an added measure of protection for your fa,miiy and property. Now, Ma.st~r M Ix feeding can be more profit able than ever for you. See us today. Off.,.
upl,.. oct. ~" '''0
'( dealer imprin t)
Council ' ,".,' . Ofticer'i InStalled ' ,-.. : "-', . St~d8111t
The · .91~7.1 "ayne~l~ High School Student. Countll· officers aJld members . were;' fri'~': 1?ri(tay, "' ,stalled in a Sept. . 5. . 'Th~ ~te: ~ as f6Dol¥s: ' . ' ' _,lllJd'\l~mlld:lliftv.M& . ,UTry..: NelsOn;.: p[,eSid~~! '; i;~,ff. _
", Bourne,- " Vie~PIesfClent;" let$Y~ -;' , 'Bryant Secr~tary;. ' u.~(a' :Kiil ,
ANTI QUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS MISC ELLA NEOU S CE EQUIPMENT -OFFI locate d on South Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio. (Formedy known as the Old Theater Building).
; Treasurer. ~ilior re:p~e'~ri~tiy~~ ,
, John ~gel, '€hristy JUe~y, " Debbie Wlltld8S, Dick Whitaker.: .' Junior ' rejJr~n~~ves; .'.,i..any '" ,Bargo, llaib Brafney~ 'Eatli~ Cut- . lison" ~eve J~;i~s. · ~,fh~'!l~re(·.
allurdly, a.'... ..r II, ,ltJI
BEGINNING AT 12:30 P.M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Gas ranges ; electric dryer, autom,atic washer, several televisions, conso,1e and table models,. record players, radios, car reco~d p.,layer, tape recorder, twin Hollywood bed, footstool, upholstered chair, end tables, step tables, vacuum sweeper, odd beds, table lamps, floor lamps, wall .mirror, clocks, and several other househoid items. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTOR ITEM$: Glass front bookcase, buffets, books, vanity, school de'sk, highchair,. flat' irons, old rocker, straight chairs, chest, old records, Avon bottles, bucksaw, old pictures, copper kettle, iron skillets, old 'glass jars, coin collection, lantern, pitcher pump, old 'canner, many pieces of glassware, and other interesting items. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Office desk, me cabinet, cash register, office desk chair.
repreSentatives: Gao'
COo~ iGUS " ,
.EdwardS, ,Tom ,Jaanes, 'fI'erf Sac< . ,
t-ert 'Port.erf,wld, Jeff ,RiChardS:"
I .. ,
. .,'
11. I ••.••'; I ••,.: ", ,Ir. 1·lrl.. 1111 , : Slie conduct8d by' ' '- . , , '
,·Ralph Belcher.,
'tetM t.n 932~ , 1
(continued from pagf, 7)· t
p .
It's . resrettable t~t .:. m~)f~ given n:ames were not. given 'in : the,list, but Ws Q!niion~i' h~lped , '!'r all the ~mes 'have b~~ s~tl -
"},. .. correctly. . , Anodtr.r frilter~ty:l ., t~~ ::~as liste,~ in the . 1903 ';A~Ii~ ,~s , • Miami Vallley Council NO~ '103, Jr. O:U..AM; · known .l',to ".!Dost , It,' 'met' i." jUst as "The JUhior '~. every ' Fr~y .. eve~I~, of P.. '. fr¥mdl, conyeJ;led;\,: , ·op;, ~ "',. '?f:~' ~. "_..a_ , . ! :. 'fr ' . "edn~y . "' .
MISCELLANEOUS: Water softener. portable air conditioner, used tires and wheels, electric drills, card tables, folding table, bicycles, folding chairs, work bench, jigsaw, complete sink witli cabinets, plumbing supplies, hand mowers, snow plow, golf cart, electric shavers, typewriters, roller' skates, lawn and garden . tools, movie projector, screen Teels; ~ccordi8n, vases, mailb':lx, ,. , useful items. and lots of other " . ' ,~,', ~nch, A~lt~le • TERMS:, Cash
~tt. ' Eret~r .~epie~tativ~s:" , Ann ~k, ~niSe ~~~.,) I R~/ ~,
',' wm and
' 'l>S ~oo
,oD1y': '·>onei~:';Hl1lea"lrt Wiith
",~!ri'I :I!~' :!~,,;Jj
F_lr F_'irll Irllt (1Iti,-
WaynesVille proVided
f~r . Mr~ Marie hte ~d ~rile fast gUm~es .of Am~rican lifestYle.11 i.y )iUy h,o~egut;sts: of her .sister ,
. son, .F~~~~ , De:::Vt?$, 9f.J.rle9, ponata,~..~ ~ ~ ~ EinBt" ", cf,Fi~ ~er ,: tliUted States visit. The couple, g their 'Mrs;' J..IL 'f~on ,<019P6 Staowood 'Dri . £etfari6 s" Gai~~e E~or, '~niiis Dalton, were Thursday .lUncheon ,psts of Mrs. ChUle l,
Mrs. '1~uest()n' and ~ ncheon~ the gr,9UP ~,,!, Alford at her horne;'Buc~kin ~', ~n Franklin ~oad ilIld Ohio 42. Following.lu I18 at ,LyIin's Dre~, d shopPi give'! ~ ~our ofWaytlesvme by ~s. ' A1ford and Dalton. The.Hollanders enjOye abo~ in the formal 'pi.. shown are They Shop. es Shop,. The ~a Shed $ltiques and The Village Antiqu Tun ,Gambrel, ownen Of ·deps'IQf J{eighway House, horne of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stull and Mr. and Mrs:'are-seated on stepi.nio~ The ~iilbJ8eAntiques Sh~p. MrS: Ernste, left, -Mrs. 'Fueston (Clara) arid ,Frans Dennis Dalton Photo. " tharl' 1SO years old.
. People born between September 23 and October 23 are born under the SuD Sign of Libra . . . 'In Libra, the ~UD gi'Yes a· love of justice, pea~e. aDd banilony. p'l~sant,
:... " .' ~ "
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• "
.h11.I.i hy'
the inimedilte aVJllilability of a growing (und ' of hard cash which ~uilds a pl~~asant feelillg of in~ep~~d~n~:':, ; and self-sufficiency, coinmonJf kD~~ a8 ~ "f~an!,ial~ ~e~!y~'~ . "0"
.~ "
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.... ~, ,\,.f ,J,./,_
a freedo~ from oon~m ". . ; .~",,~ .' .....;:' ;. -.it .. i. about .the unknown" " " " the comforting ae~uraDCe that '-ni ma~~~ ..' ::' ., : ',' what emergencies arise,you will be rea4y with ~e . r~4y ~~~ . :.. ,: ~
I" """
' , '
~... l,.f
. '
"i l
" . '
for . a 'fuller e»ijQJJ.'e]l1t,;~4)f;'J~f.,~
• __ "
1~' ~.. •
;: 'T"
Ro;e ,.' . Widga'y
the 'Pete R~ Story Trull.lpet at the G.tes
stern.,."g · .', Mor. " r~n,:Skin ee,p , Hoffman '
, A ;~8Ik
'.1 ,
,I ,
I ,
. '
';., J
~~~noto~e.e~~~1:~~:;Sco~ :·~; .. ' '~aQl CIJ~!\ JlO~;' , C~di '~~iv~" ,
HEATlN-G '".
H·ClME: . .
.Jo.yed· a 'complete recovery.and . - F~tb; ,Mary P~lDgle; , Rae Lynn lias ret~l.,d_ tP bts .#rst 'gr.act~. . Davis; Ltii Self; Teresa Mayo; . a:ctiVities. . J(aren Isaacs; Judy strouse; Ka. , ' . tby Lamb;. Gwe~ Per~ue; Debbie Waynesville- Assembly No. 40:.. , 'Harris; ,Janet Crutchfield; Vicki _ I>Iktn; Loree Hall; Cbristy Marof the Order of the ,RainbOw for Girls installed tbeir new officers Un; Cberyl Hamm; and Barb Kocb~ ' Saturday afternoon, sept. 19, at' 2 p.m. in tbe Waynesville Ma": , , Sherry's calendar ' is a busy sonic 'I:emJple. calendar and tbe Rainbow girls Miss SUsy Hartsock, Grand will be kept active. Included in Hostess, 'Qftj.ctated (pr.tbe ~ertbe calendar are parents nigbt, go-to-cb\1rcb Sunday, carolling , noon a~ 1n~~Ung oificer. Those and Marriage and Majority De, assisting ~Sy, wer~ Carla SaJiyer, Past Gri1I14 Representative grees. to NewUampsbire; LaV~meCauPro j e c t s include packing Christmas boxes for tbe needy dill, Past Wortby Advisor of Waynesvi11le; ' Shirley Wiant, Jr., at · DESC; visiting tbe Shriner's Past Worthy Advisor of Oxford; Burn Hospital; a fisb fry; serving Jill Taylor, Grand Junior Exeat auctions; and a rum,magesale. Anotber beautiful Installation cutive Board Mmeber; Marty Keller, Grand Lecturer of Dis- . was witnessed by all those wbo trict No: 20; Penni Lowery, Past attended and tbe girls· are preWortby Advisor of Waynesville; pared to begin a new term. and Mr. JackVair, WortbyPatron Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Harlow, of Miami Cliapter O.E.S. nee Debbie Irelan, are tbe proud Tbe offIcers installed were parents of a 9 lb. 5 1/2 oz. baby boy born on Friday, Sept. 18, at Sherry IS8taCs, Wortby Advisor; Kettering, Memorial Hospital. Karen stiver, Worthy Associate Advisor; Cberyl Hart, Cbarity; Mr. and Mrs. Harlow bave named tbe baby Grant Cabot and be will jam bis older brotber, Gregory, at bome. Happy grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dick A. Irelan of 581 Nortb street and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlow of Kettering. Mr. Frank D. Belleri ,of st. Louis, Mo. was' a recent 10-day visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dellard of,Route 1, Waynesville. \ .
LYTLE Flober.ta Wilson Ph. ~~1·424~ . Mr. and Mrs. Dave stratton and family spent a week vaea-
tioniog in the Smokey Moun~. Miss Melinda Wakefield of Morrow and Mrs. Paul Williams attended the Miami-xavier football game at Riverfront Stadium at Cincinnati Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. stoner Wilson, Mrs. Celia Mull and Mrs. Da~ vid Wilson, Eric and Lynne, atteaded the Amburgy reunion at Mt. Sterling, Ky. SUDday. )Irs. Ronald Rush, Mrs. Don Patton and Mrs. Dand Wilson attended a leadersbip training session of tbe Women's Society of Christian Service at Franklin. College students addresses: Mary Ann Stratton, Room 17, Bishop Hall, Miami University, Oxford, 0b10; Dennis B1iDDell, Austin Peay Unlversitj, P .0. ~x 7671, ClarksvUle, Tenn. 3'1040; Judy Wood, Kettering College of Medical Arts, Room 213, Kettering, Ohio. Serviceman's address: steve R. Wood, Apt. 9-A, R. No.3,
, . Kir.by,RdJ: ~idCi,
~. ,
Home Grown
Summer squash and its rotund relative, the pumpkin, are both native to America
10 Are You Looking For The Church of Christ's Choice? Many honest and sincere people have never tboug,bt that Cbrist migbt have a cboice of religion, so often do tbey bear tbe statement: "Attend tbe cburch of YOUR cboice." y~ Paul satd, "wberefore also we make it our aim; wbether at bome or .absent, to be well-pleasing to HIM." nCar. 5:9 (A.S.V.) Aren't we more interested in compljiog (" witb Cbrist' s choice than our own? The Lord does bave a choice and tbe cburcb of Cbrist'schoice is found in tbe New Testament. Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my church." Matt. 16:18. It was establlsbedinJerusalem in the A.D. 33 tbrougb the preaching of Cbrist's GoSpel. Acts 2. No man ever bad authority to bulld another cburch. ' , ,Cbrist chose to call the churcb by 'bis' own name. Forthls reason Paul said, "Tbe churches of Christ salute you." Rom . .16:16. Cbrist chose to command men to: BELIEVE-"Ue that believeth ,.' aDd is baptized sIuill tie saved." Ilk. 16:16. REPENT-God . . . Commandetb all men everywher, to repent. Acts 17:30. CONFESS CHRIST-Wbosoever sball confess that Jesus is tbe Son of God, God dwelletb in bim, aDd be in God. I In. 4:15. BE BAPtized be commandetb them to be baptized in tbe name of the Lord. Acts 10:48. Cbrist chose to instruct meD . to worsbip in this way: LORD'S SUPPER-Acts 20:7. "Upon the' first day of the week When the disciples came together to break bread. " PREACH-D Tim. 4:2, "Preacb the ward; be iDstaJ¢ in season, out of season. " , PRAY-Acts 2:42, "Tbey con-' tinned steadfastly . . . in pra- , y e r s." SING-Epa. 5:19-20, "Singing aDd making melody in , your beart to tbe Lord." GIVE-I Cor. 16:2, "Upon the first day of tbe week let everyone of you ' , ,,' . lay by bim in store as the Lord (, bas prospered him." Visit tbe Cburcb of Cbrist at T b i r d and Miami Streets, Waynesville, Ohio. Paid ~dv.
. !\
· · I . ,~ i ,..Ii \ ': lJril
~ ~lL~,e.~ .l. ".hol~~ ;i~l~'j n6ttl;,,'t '. . 0 ',
.. '. \\i t ' j~: ju.lQw:~ ~to,,; ai)d:, ~thg
':~'iJ 'lbel~A 'liJe1if, Z:~,'~~~~
. 'A FARM DIARY .BV O~J,. Fraz.,er .'
September l8, i9'10.- IWnaft~r a week' 'of bOt, bumid weather. Hazy moriiiog~ ' and 'Jlof, ' Clen afternoons. Tbe cOrn l~ surely tUl'lling brown and in tIleJ;»ltibted fields', tb~ ~s are fa!liDg over and look very bad. NO'Oll8 seems to know just how iDbch' it bas ' damag~. And th.e goldenrod 1s surely yellow, fields of it. It is beautiful, and it is the national Dower of. the Unit~ States . -At different ·times. there have been movements to cIlaDge it. but tbey could n~ver decide what to change it to. 'It grows in every state in the Union. and there are a number of dUferent varieties. but tbe sad thing about i~ is. that it NEWL Y OPENED
, Phone
897-2334 E".I" , A.PIIO 'IIt_"t A ",'lIbl.
Q'," .
20" WIIDOW FIIS.121t~88 · ARM STRO 18 ··. CI RP,ET· $Z.9l-·: ",
,~;...:a.:l ~~'~"~.'ii. ; .' , '. ..... ! ~l~, ,..sb~·" ~I~: "t it.? ''fbey " loo~~ \MO~J i! .i~ ~ef'e pigs, we :b\~t, :, ~!f. . ~y ~~..,'.~ .. ~~s' DOt pro:.. duce ~ ba~'1 fev~r, bUt so~e I~'" ~§I~~e ."...~ ,~~ra~. "We ~ne, '"'' 'n""U~" t~ ' ~e ~~ aJ.!~ll~f :to po.ll~n Of. ~beeD . loo~ .. fOr ,some .'plls · " !, ,. SOme ·5II':~DJ ~ime ,som~ for C()nl our . e~t , .~y tbi~, .so, I . suppo~~ ~~~f ·.so1· """""11'" ,1I, _ U '·'::'. " '1: '~WQ' :,u . fer. Lik~ eve~ ·else. t1>9 : ~!.:. wi~o1it '·.. m~c;l1 1 ~~ .ult tJiey' 1.1 . • iIg~~. tliA't '·.w4bnt" np s"'.ana m~ch . ~f a ' g~ ·tbiDg is bad. : ~fre lood; :tll~' 7:were gc»a.e r'be~··! fore . w~ ;'~': til , .; ,iDd ., we ' , dOllars a . ,ADd so It goes. .',., .,' ,'11!&A'IC):ld' WOd~ is '"lt\Y·'9''''' ~oo . much of a good ~ing ·. l()O~edat tbell!), ffi.eJ wfti':eitber 1s tUrlMDil~'~ yello'1'~~ 'thiDi' a1~ "applies to dogs that you ... ·too sm~ ·.! olr ~O() ,b_b:. j)nC,ed " 1 ..... , ,fie.~s .. ' ~tt s,ell, ' ~99. Tbe .dog ~arket .. but, y~sterda~l. 1·,w8'.lt 'to I~k 'at ~ .. a. p~¥ ' .'.. felld" is poor rigbt nOw. ' We haven.'t ~me,' wi~ ~ :, ~eigbbor; . H~ , S~<l , they, ·'wiU" tu.... 'J)fon .;" been able to ev~ give ~way a oyer on· ~~1iray'1~2, '8C:!lttiOugl1t " . The" '. CaD" ~DJ)jine them and pair of nice little dogs. Tbey,. .DOt far a~a~. '"at ~e- dJ'O!, and so 1s Ii~d;r '(It . season.. Is do need someone to ,love the~, clrpye. · I dis.cover~ ~~. 'it :,!U .t rhera 's ~e~ba) .. lhe·,S.lleruaUt and they are 'loveable even if . IlIgbwar 122 vest· o" .Yf~~o~, gQOdl: 'fi'.::' ~ , ~iDg goOdiluek.· they are not ~e breds. They and DOt .do~ ~ere ~. ~~ :Ll~. . ..~e~ to ~piQm~er~\':Some ~-, A~,:have almost their .fu,U glVwtJ;i ' We ~ly, got ~e~ . ...~d ~r., ·v"': 'pI, ', ....ve Dot ',l~'rn~' ,.to .itke follow84 tJie.l)~'Qwner~r~~ DOW and are ~ going to be big ' .,but ~blice mu 'ctO ev~'lhe dogs, They have coats' like Scot- ten or twelve, mUes oV~I"J»eyolid '" ,kraUt ..: we~: ." Smell~js a~i,*" ~: ".' ,"') ii~',~.Pt!9pl~E()~I!Il ties, ' but droopy ears, Does~'t Camden to- wJtaere .tbe j)igs. a't",hif..·,.llilil PtE~_ltid,:i ; 11' .' " '£:, . ' ,' t .:.:," f ' .' :.,': ." . someone want them? We ~ill Th~y lOO~ed very n1e~. " get w~~" ". . . . ·in may buy them it ,.) cab .give them .to a good bome. Pure breds, registered with touch with HowaJ4J befo're if Js fiDe pedigrees. seem to be a . too late. Tbi~ . ~ miy .JPak~ " , I ,~~ drug on ·the market. too. Four him tbiDk th,e r! , is,· DQtbiD '~ , ls, be! re ~ Tb, toclaJ" do ' more of those have just ~ can gO cl'to :settle aI1 &t > haYe we DOW added to the famUy. Jo, not . · ; ilg: monat ow tomorr ine short for Joseph or Joseph We took a ~w, Ciilthy' 'AIm, but ;Jo. a Scotcb *ord meaninl sweetheart. had a Utter of four to the sale yesterday, but we on Wednesday. The dog house di~'t stay to see bow well she was so hot 'that tbe poor Uttle sold. Tbe cows' sell tate in the things were gasping for breath. afternoon. IUICt' T(e will get the, so J so. as you can guess, they are cheek OD Saturday. She was fit ' barely she that loag 1 DOW in . the bouse, and their mo- bic and ther. too. Dogs. dogs, dogs, inside bito the little truCk, ~ tortu..
AIR COIDITIONER $100·.00 ' ". ,
13,000 BTU - FEDDERS
Ser vic e to You Is Ou r Business •••
•... . .
.., , battl~' ;~Jtii rJ1:,e 'H~~P;" A:St~s~
', I?eb ,Mothers , in~lu~e: nen 3, ..... '.,""".. and ". T~ansportatloD,; w.6Aur.o1slt~ , ''' " 141",&. r' ~vb'/' Bixby, ' Assi~t, Ool\lmlD\is j spent . ' by the:Wi.YQ~'s:VlilE~ lilh'ericariiL'e.. ' Mr~ ; ', e,taig Fl'an~isco; Den 4, Mr. " gjon;";ppst 615'. 'Tbe Cub Scouts Mrs: HoplE!r Hamby, Assistant, Mrs. , William Ashmore; Den 2, were mp~ ,appreciative. , At the,' SelJt~m~er " Pack meetMrs. 'Richard Sizelove and Den 1, ing; 11 De:t;~, ~~ ScOuts received Mrs. HatOld Anderson. At the their Bob cat pin$. present time, Pack 40 is still looking for a Webelos leader f9 r , This y,ar-!~~~e' CC)mmiijee is comPosed olUlefollowing: Cb&irthe 10 to 11 year old boys. If man, Larry Miranda; Cubmaster, anyone is interested in working .. t..'I{a,y..esVipe Cub Scout, ,Pack H,rold Al)derso~; AWllrds, Loqzo with the boys, they should call ,.~ 40; ~~, l~s year with a trip oE1 1 Gibbs; P;rograll), ' R dD Kronenthe Cubmaster or anybne on the atb~mcJOD'. .sar.8lJ :QUr tt, '.:,last' Tu'e~day to ~e new ,River- berger; and Tt easurer-SecreCommittee. '., ,( lront Stadium at Cincinnati · to ----a~::. , watch the CincUmati Reds, do .: tary, BUly VanderPoOl. . ,~@IJlmblu.n.'1 '. .. , GIRL SCOUT NEWS ' J
Wanda Lambert 897-4270 Junior Troops No. 1469 and No. 1107 , will have a skating party Oct. 1 at Lebanon Roller Rink from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. Senior Girl Scouts will meet Sept, 29 at 7 p.m. at the United metbodist Church. Plan ' to attend because of the Scout-Out sign up. , Wednesday, Brownie Troop No. 307 will not bave a meeting Sept. 23 because of school being 'out that day,
,I." 8LOC~ WOR'KEFt' ,
Signed: ~dr8lS:
., Fun For Teens
".'Phone: ,- - - - - - - - -
*Ice,er.m , , -Home made Chili
, hi, y-
-Sandwiches .
, '1 1
~ G
Tony Arbino, Chl~ irman Route ,1 , Box 91 ' , Lov~land, Ohio 45140
!" ,
't"'~""';;"rb.,.,r.::\' ..
Mr. Roben /r~~se~a ' patient , at Kettering . M~mo:maJn~'~:~~ Hospitjll. Mr. Charles Elti~""5 t~e.n . to Kettering ",emorial Hospitil.';.I' last week. , Mr, Dale Lander has returned from Kettering Memorial Hos,. pital following two weeks treatment for a bulged disk in his back.
If you have, a meeting you'd like to have listed in our DATEBOOK calendar, phone THE MIAMI GAZETTE at 897-5921.
Sept. 23 The Wayne Retail Merchants Association will meet with Wayne Township Fire Department Committee, 7:30 p.m., village council chambers, Ohio Sauerkraut Festival reports will be presented. ' Sept. 25 New Century Cub, 1 :30 p.m., home of Mrs. David Hartsock. sept. 28 p. T. O. meeting, 7:30 p.m., Waynesville High School, Teachers reception in high school gym.
Oct. 20
Buttons to Beau C.C.L. Bot Lunch During 1969, ~~ of hot canned food sold through vending machines . increased ' to about $53.8 millibn, a~gam of three per cent ov,er .tI\e previous year. . .' . ~.
leUers To The Edi·tor Gentlemen: We wish to thank the Miami Gazette.· tor -sponsoring our troop. H you ever need our help, we'll be glad to. Tonnie Alford, Elizabeth Atkins, Kristy Longacre, ' Deborah M.tter, Karen Brunton, Joan Wendling, Hope Gorsuch, Kim Purkey, Cheryl Waltz, Pamela Furnas, Terry Arnold, Sherry
'10 ,I I
E•Z 'a-'u tom a tic ' Cha.'h' , 8~a w . . . . .iLi . . .
Jack Lemmon Sin dy lin nil. In
., ,
,' I .
Ig"-If-Tol Dlrl -ANO-
".',L- "
:. HARV'E--YS RG ~ . ., . Friendship ~ptist ~ Church .
WAY."!::~Vlld~~ . '. ·Christ. . ·ehur.ch of, f- #,
~ Third & Miami Streets
ChaFles Pike. Evas;tgelist . 10:00 am. - Sunday 'Morning 6:30 p~m. ,- sunday) Evening , , 6:30 p.J!l. - We<lnesday Evening· Phone 8974462. for informatioP' ,., -,_'if., I, . I
BUptj~ l ('OI·1V'(,l1tiol\ ··~. \orman \1 c~ u!lw~. Pastor 9 :30 a.Ill .. Sundu\ s(htio\ :W :3Cj a.lll.. Sund~.y Morning
First Baptist Church
.' .' 7:30 p.m .• Sunday t:vcning , S<'rvkc : . 7 :30 r.m.1\"edm! aay. Mldwcek I)ray~r and Hihl S~U~Y
" Norih~Main St reet . ' John f . Osbarne, P-dstor lO:QO. ~.I11.,Sunday Sehool .lQnahs Run Baptist · ' 11 :OOa.rn:,Morning W~.. ship . 'Church ' 6:30 p.m .•Tr~ining Unio.n . . Ohio" '3 l:;.,~ l '.:' 7:30 p·: m ~.Evcnirig Worship L:c~lh Kidtl. PaSlq~ 1 7:30p.m.,Wed.nc\ day Prayer ,Meeting \ - 10:00 a,lll .. Sundav &:houl 1O:(iO & t"i :op ~J.n; .. Sunday (Affiliated with Southern bap· \ 'Worship Scrvicl!" tist ConvenUon). , 7:.l0 r;.I1I .. Sunday 'Evening f.irst Church-of Christ Worship East ~ 'rgh St reel Steve Tigner, Minister United Method'i ll
9:30 a.Ill., SUllday Bihll! &:hool 10:30.1.111., SUllday Wnr~hi p and , ( 'onlllluilioll 6 :00 p.m., Sunilay Youth . Meeting 6:30 p.IlI., Sunday Christian YouJh lIour 7 :36 p.m .• Sunday Evcllill~ Worship 7:30 p.m., Wednesday Hihle Study . :Fri~ Meeting Fuurth Street near' ligh
9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 :i.m. Sunilcty M~~tjl)g ,for Worship (unprogrammed)
. st. Augustine
. lIigh Strcet Rev. Joseoh '1.' Lu t mer, P-Jstor
St. Mary's Episcopal
. Church . Thirll & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector II : I 5 a.Ill., Mnrning t,Jrayer
1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: Huly Communiun 2nd & 4th Sundays
. Church
I)JVi,d lIar-pcr. Pastuf 9:30 a.m .. Sunday Church " Service 10:30 a.m., Sunday Sehuol II :00 a.m., Sunday Worship Service Yuuth Fellowship and Bible . Study ' .
Hatveysburg\full Gospel 'Church , E. South Street ' Rev. Jack Hamilton, P.dstor 1:39 p'.n]. Tuesday 7:3()"p.m: Friday - Young . People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Sehool 7:00 p.m. S.,nday Evening
Walnut-Vine . Robert R. Meredith, Pa~tor 9:30 ;,a.m. Sunday Sehool , , 10.:30 a.m. Morning Worshl'p 6:30 p.m. Youth f'eUowshipjr. high & sr. higll . .' 7:45 p.m. Wednesday choir rehears:.ll .
Third & North Streets L. L. Young, Minister 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church at Studv
Friends Church
..' 'Mound Sire'et E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School' 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship ____
Curner of 7.1. & Curwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Couk. p.Jstor
7 :30 p.m.. Sa' I. I:.VC . .xrvu:e FIRSTtHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. _Sunday Sehool 10:30 a.m. _Morning Worship 7:00 p.m .• Sunday evening
. ' " Route 4:! at (ienntuwll ,'. , ..
R;iy Stl)flil~ r. "ash,r
Chrl'stla' n Baptl'st MI'ssl'on M3in Street Mrs. Lois'llunaway. P.dstor 10 a.m. Sunday School . II a.m. ~orning Worshl'p . 7:30 p.m.. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meering, Wednesday & Thursday .1:30 p.m. Song-fest, Last ~turda~ month.
~ '):30.a.lh.~W.msili Jl~ ~r\'l:~ ·' .:'
10:30 &tllda,; ,C'kun:h ~11Ot)1 ~ ~:OO · p.m~ ,StI·I\lI",y~. ¥out" ." ~, Fellnwshi p,,. :: ~'
RIDGE.vILL:E ' ,.' ."
Unite4,Methodist, Church . ' " Rev .. Lchnard Baxter I
.9:30 a.m .• Sund~y School . 11 :OO'a.II1 .• Sunda}<WurShip ~rVicC' ""
' '.
'. of
7:30 p.lI1.-; Wednesday, ,'Service' ,
' '
.LV·lil.:e .\ .' ' .....
u~lii~ ,MethodiSt '
,. Church:.
'. ,
John K. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., Sunday Sehool 10:3,0 a.m., Su.nday Worship · Serv~ce
8:00:""9:,0 0 p.m., Wednesday evenilllg, Bible Study
j '
,. I,,' '.
Fer;V ChU;ch of Chrid Wihnin~tun ·Pikc'&..:, . . Social Ruw Road :"'" Bus Wiseman: Miliister
-7:30 ,p:nl.~cdnesda·Y ~Pia;~~'.,
Service " '"; . '..: .. ~ ..":..~ ; ';7:30 p,m. Satu~da)" Eve~inl:r''';' ' :, Worship Service ' · ' . .~;~. ., ., . ' t.
. CENfERVILLE " 9:00 a.m .• Sunday Bible Schuul '; .' , : . , ," 1-0: I S lII.m:. Sund~.y Whrship . The Ce~8rville', fi~ . 10: I S a.I1I .• Sunday Yuuth . Pe~tec~I ·.Ghqrctt ~ Worship " 17.1 L Fr.ankIiIl'St,rcct I. ( lO S·I I' ' Ra "'. , II IJI ' " ':. p,m .. unuay :vcni'l~ - , Y I.... om; ... l1astpr , \". Bihle StUdy. all ages. (ien,c Uj~l{n:"II. -Asi,t,:" ",'h 7:]0 r·m .. I:wning Worship I 0:00 a~in~. SunllJ'\' '~~'(~~I ./. 7:]0 r·m .. Wclll~esday. Midweek 7~:QOIl.n,~: · St:"il~a~: t:v~ni'll~ ' . ...., Pray.cr and Blhle SlUdy 1':.\0 porn:.• ~cdnc~day , l~vcl hli£·,.·,
This Church Page Is ~nsorea ~Or You Ihrou" The Cou~; Of The FoIICMIIing -Arii":
Spring Valley
Waynesville Rescue Mission
10:30 a.m .. Sunday School 7:00 p.m.. Sunday he. Service 7:30 p.m .. Wednesday Eve. Service
. of Christ .
Acy Lal,lb. Pastor 10:00 a.I11., Sunday Schuul' . 7:30 p.m.,. Sunday, \V{'(~nes~ay and Saturday, Evening Wurship Services 7:30 p.m., Wednesd.iy Youth Service
of Christ 10:00 a.m: Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship . 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship
Gennt~wn United Church' , ,
Spring Vatley Church Glady Street
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church .
/, '
United Methodist·
SPRIN(; VALLEV United MethodiSt Church
7 a.m. & II a.m. Mas.'ic& X a.m. & X p.m. iluly ()JYs 7:30 p.m. First friday 7:45'a.I!l. Dai'ly Mass 5:30 p: m. Saturd~y Mass
, ~
. ~.: Tbe. . '. ,,,,', :pubU~
year ~
. ~~' H!idtem:~ :~;e'~ciate . tor ' '" ·Re~'\.', CoUQt, " CoD1mls~j9,!lef 'and wu- '- ' SuII"~t~':
... ...
. ... ~l:IaDizatioli8l ".~ ~ ' ,W~ ~" ~oq' eudidate fOf m~1Dc ' last "eek " 'temporary ~mm~n .Pleas Judg~ ..Al$O, Wal-" lofficets w~re appQintedtto bead', ter PO,'.eU:.~lsseekingthe24th the 01l8n1r.au~D ·~to~ a:·m~nJ ,:,.. . €c?ogre~siolial Seat 'and Robert beflfbij)' ~ve . , . ,. ,- Taft, can~date for the :U.S. SeK~~ NiXOq .aDd Craig '~ontad "Date. Tile Republican t~ctet · ~s were ~ed CO-cbairnt'eo; ,CYn-'" 'be84ed fJr stJ.te AudItol"'.Roger .; d~ Sulllvanwunamed'Secretary 'Cloud who is running .for Gov~ Aaron (U:ickey~ · Wrillit w.s ernor. named Trea.i1.Jlrer. " , ~1ke Smitb, Joe Detwiler and MASON KIWAN IS 'mark Clark were cbosenas trus- . SLATE PLANS ... '·t~8. ~ Sam ' Castleman was fOR CHICK£N FI::fE '!,:~ed ~~, balDdle ' pPblicity for' ." , ' ~I ' ....e group. . The Ktw....s Club of Mason . " .~ccordin( to Ii joint statement will bold its 13th Annual 10isSued by NiJ:on and Conrad folwanis Cbieteli Bar-B-Que Sun101l1ng the meeting, tbe 'group day, Sept. 27 at the ' William will open a Imembersbip drive Mason HigbScbool, Masoli-Mont~ next week" for wbieb detans will goillery Road, MasOn. be annQUDced .~llowllig a meet.: Delicious ' barbecued cbicken ,inc tbis week. - . cooked in a rugged outdoor atSeveral activities were dis'mospbere on tbe 40 · foot bot c.us,ed ~cludjpg . recept'ioDS for ~barcoal pits will be presented vaQous camnlllates.. Detatls wm f 11 t 7' H rt ~ ' r.eleas.ed 'as defini ' 'te tes rom a.m. 0 'p.m. ea 'J appetites from Ohio, Kentucky are set. and Indiana will be satisfied witb a menu of Golden Bar-B-Qued Chicken, country baked beans, REPUBLICAN . slaw, fresb ripe tomatoes, rolls, HEADQU~~~TeRS and . butter and your cboice of . ~ .OPEN SATURDAY a beverage, coffee, te~ or milk . .', The Warren'County Republican Headquarterfil will open on Saturday' 'Oct. 3, according to a statement issued by Morris Turkelson, Warren' County Chairannual
Area Boy ~ut '" Knothole Teams, Boys State, eye care for ' the .-eedy; ~edt7 .' .;."";'::."J!1\~ cal services and bo~~ theo~ ~ standinJ students of ,ple ,area: ;. President, Di~k Johnson .aDd,. . . Bar-~ .!Que Chairman, .FranclJ '., Girton, coJ"4ially invite everjone to come and enjoy a fine meal wbile bel~ing KIwams with ~e lQanJ .wortbwhUe projects tbe, sponsor .. I
Early Crop Beans were one of man's first. cultivated crops, The wild bean probably came into the ancient civilized world from the shore. of the south Caspian Sea or· North Africa,
011 City Edmonton, Alberta; the Oll Capital of Canada, has more than 7,000 producing all .wells within a 100 mile radius 9f the city and' natural gas reserves estimated at more than 20,000 billion cubic feet.
d ' a
Eii~~~:ri~~~~~ . • ~~~tJ~::~~~~~~~~:~~::~
/.., \ i
. ,WE 'wish to expr"' our ii"ce,.e gratitude .fOr . the "'08 lind ' klndne.. shoWn to u, duri"p h .ill,,",, '8!)d ttl, death of~r hul~ band . ~ father, the belUtiful carda and ,_I. i!nd ".lIVelY Jlowera~
. ~re
rI" ~rec,ated.
. . the food deeply A ~ia", thank . You to. the, stubbl-Conne,. Funeral Home of Wayne,vllle allo to the ~."'~~~~~!-I-""~"'" .,Of SDrifl~ro .Lif. ~lr)dtoChe"l" LaMey . , . WrmnYI~le, . I " ' " w;wife 'end family of Gilbert LII Lamb, I . lr~., :- .. ~. . :
man. Tbe b1eadquarters will be ' located at US 'E., Mulberry st. ~t L~banon. ·
until Decem~l . .....-t tlm..,.o colo 1ec:t1n.. rMt dellv.,y and fr.. lupplleL Sell ''-yhOuse T.o'y~ .'
'eail Judy 897-2235
.. ' ; ( " . '
:.- .... \
,. ' w.&.i.~1le . ' 'I,A6Vfif,.. ';t Ohio ,"·46088 . .,
I j
________~_________" ~____ .•
ADDRE5$· _~...:-
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-_3:. .,-----,,.'. .'. -
ED'S 82
____ _
STATE ______ I PHONE/.cc:i'_..w ;. .,.....· .;..~.........._
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~-:..:..:!L ~ ..:.....
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Christian.' hOn.e: .' . • '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I .CITY _ _ _ _ _ __ :1
:wi ....si·t, b".~'hour tit day. 'Ccmstarit' (:are ' io a go.q d •
P.o. BOs'18
Special ' weekly ,~~18s or
All area Republican Candidates
in addition to stale bopefuls will be invited to attend ' the opening along witb the general public. Ribbon cutting ceremonies are expected to get underway at 10:30 a.m ~ Coffee and donuts -will tie se.-ved to-those pr;esent"and tbe PUblic is in~lted to attend. In is~ulng the statement about the opening of tbe beadquarters, . Turkelso~ said, · "We feel we have secur~' an ideal location for tbe 'bead~luartersandbopetbat . all Warren County v"!,ters will 1I$e the facUlty." Anyone lnterest~ in working ~t 'the . beacl~rters . may contact .the 'RepubUcan Office at 933'1806 or .the IHeadquarters;
--. .~ -
53PO .' 'subscription'0
Sc:04Il P.'*' 'l5, ,,-''',..... ,.*Ir8·
. _
Phol~e . •
I\sk for
897·5921. 0 ... ,. :Je~n Hill.
RICHARDSOI. VOlKSWAGEI Rt. 42 S. Xenia, Ohio \
HOME PHONE 897·7496 . . A HOME 8t INCOME OR INVESTMENT One old two family brick apartment in Waynesyille. All elect~c · . brick and aluminum make for easy upkeep. This is a ~ce one with " built-in kitchen & air cond., 2 bedrooms. A g~lden. opportunity fOt
• Cute little -3 bedroom house on Chapman St. in Waynesville. All new,,: ly decorated inside &. out. Aluminum siding • spouting. Full walk.:; out basement. Nice yard with trees & all within walking 'distance' . o ·schoC)ls~ mopping. Priced rea&onable. .'
'1lllEillm ',. '. i
885-2327. . r.al'llll*iAl'" 8i sar~,. lnc.
)' X8" lr.ted ~ fence
. '
., " .. .
By ·O....."is Dalton, Editor . receive the ,total ent~y fees a,s a olate Sauerkraut Cake' and 'Sauerkraut Ice Cream'.' . prize. There will also be an all day Another excit.ing festival .a· sauerkraut dinner at VOte Cabb· ttraction will be an old ' fashione4 free for all spelling bee at age Patch', Wayne Township ' Fife Depart.:ffie~t Fish Fry, Arts ,the progral'\l platf9rm at 3 p.m. andCrafts galor~ and a Farmers Ther~ will be an entry fee of a . dollar and all entry fees will go • Mark-et. to the champion .festival speller. Waynesville village council The Miami Valley Folk Dail· a~ its. last meeting authorized ~rs Association will be sppt· blocking ·off ..~.in Street ,,from 1i~ted · at 8 p.m. A group Qf 18 North t~ ~a~. All residents costUmed ' dancers will demon· al,?ng th~s s~ction o~ Main w~o: strate several German folk 4an. " j ,~~.!c Itpe.l~ .car~ on tP,lS ,street, .and ~ . .tfte< audience '. :T \>1:,'~ ~~4 ,. ~q \'nP~F .1~~~ ~bi~l~t. \ to ~~.~*l' I. , f:~cifl,8:~,!es and .,i' , ~~, o~h~. ~ree\s .Prl~Y, mahto dance Wlt~ ~em. A gta~t street , Poop and f~n WIIf be' syn~ny· dance will conclude the feStival. ~OU$ ,a~'i9hi~'s, flt.st.sa~etkr~~~ " "/' " ,'/ . festivat. 'Faste buds wilt t;loom . 6n hot ;"Du~ch . a'pple pastries Oh~' Sau..kiaut f.. .. tival\·.sC.hedu'e of events ap; made on the $pot by costumed .,.art· o-:t 'Rage' 2-' of: ·the . members Qf Dayton's Hollapd·· . Miami, ' GaZtit8 ,.t ""'y · '.' . American Club, EintrachtG~r· man Oub's 'augsbutgers', 'Otoc" ." .', :;:~. ':..
, Waynesville citizens will pay _.~. ~oJllage;. to ' the "noble sauer, ~aut". when the first Ohio Sauerkiaut fes~jval gets uriderway in ·lte histqric·. village at 11 a.m~ Sat. '·Cay. . WaYn.~Ue I~rownie Troops . and 'Mllag ofnci~ls Will open the , .; f~,sti~1 ,\Yuh"~ . s~· .1 flag 'cer-e. .. mony; '· 8ro'wnie:s. Will ,raise the ;Ameliica(l.F1ag·.a:tt~e village. flag· w~e .at: ttlteM~iiice ~9 t~' 'Yash. " II'~gton &i~(~"" pping , Plaza.. WiU pl~t.
will ces
', .' .,'
September .25, '1970. -Rai'n, . thunder, lightening. ;Why does . one say Uwndei and lighte.ning
when li'ghttming ,comes first and". ¡ â&#x20AC;˘
._ ,. .. .... v ,. .
' ' ~. Fa~tb ' " . '. ~~ti~n ~ee~~nd 0ft"-~, 3,' !lind 4. " . ~ '.. ~, t . ". "'s ' .. ' , Other Faith' At W'ork1ea~.¢rs , :. .particlpatiog in 'tha~ program .will ' , inClude:- RaI}1h Osborne~ . coaut~~r',: of . <'The ~merging ,Church " Heidi . Frost and . Bill . Qark. Fulle,r .will share his true life story "Fro.m Milking to MiIHons to Miss,ion" with ,Mrs. Robert G~ Roderick, p~ogram hostess, for W.L.W.-D's weeJqy show, "Open Bridges". -------
t() " join ~, .....,
' .its , " quar~ers ' ,his. .' y'! , ' . 10be willi .· rters ... The: h~dqua . ·~.c~t,~d "a,f dJ:~ B. MulberlYand a" nbho.Q "cuttmg ' is ',scheduled-, foj' · -l~;3D . a:m..,· free refreshments":' 1 WilP~e .~fved (ollowing the cere~ ' .' · ,!pqnY. :. ,.::. All arei,and .stilte R~pubfican can~!date$ .have .been -invited, ~'Qy o.f :'Yhom have confirmed ~ '. the~ ,b.~ing ,abhl to attend. openin - . The . g of the head, 'quarters ~s a regular event for the Republican Party in Warren County and this year's opening looks to. be one of the biggest and best in the Party's history. A large crowd is expected and · several candidates will be on · hand' for ~he .largest ~rt of the' day' to aiscuss issues and' answer ,_ . questions,fo.r all voters. On Oc?t. ~ 9, a rally. is: sche- . duled for the -Armory in lebanon where mnny or' the candidates will. spe:ak and meet the voters of Watren County.
Wet Golcl .' The ocea~ of the world contain nearly 27.5 million tOIUJ of gold.
Millard Fuller ' of Koinonia Farms at·' Atnericas. Ga. will relate ~ome of ' his abundant .life experiC'!Ices on. Channel 2's comm~nity . ·~ ser~'ice show, "Open arjdges"', on. ! ~und~y ' ·!.,":or~.jri$) .. ~ Qct. 4, at ': ·:3;0 a.m.-· t .·'" 1 , ' : _·M~)Jaid, ~s' 'a' res(~~rce p'~ql)":
' .
• r · Hartman and '.' Mts. Gladys Mrs. ~lma Bailey each Celebrated ' . their birthday last ' week. EaCl) has received .' many cards ailQ . good wishes. These ladies ar'e l both in their nineties. -. Mrs. Bertha Hess spent ' Sunday with her daughter, ~s. Grace Ellis.. Rhoda Bunnell of Bloomington, Ind. visited with Nellie Bunnell on Sunday. Mary BroWn was a Sunday caller in the Home. . Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer called on his mother, Nettie Palmer,' Sunday afternoon . . Mrs: Herb Hodson and Mrs. Mary DaUer of Xenia called on Mrs. Bessie Chaney.
Genesis Two The Reporter O. Henry Weekend Tennis
Davis Stearn O'Conner Talbert
, ~·t~ ;ST~E~T: , "'AY~ES·VI-L~.E; OHIO .: P.tf. 897.":,4826 ' .L.--~....... ._~ I
• -
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... . . , 'to
.:~ 1"'1·
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.. , .
.. ~.~. ,
lOOKING BACK -. tontinued '
From Page 2
.. ye~ce as a qUtct ' review 01 "G~e IUstory in WarreoCouqly , W1ll show. With a cluster of Dew
" ~es in Warren County in lOme 25 years, there were only. tWo. remaining active ,Farmers No: 18 here at Waynesville; 1JId" b1s bom'e grange in Sp~ro. .;' The subordinate lralige m~m-":' ,
- bers were 'eUgtble to become pomona (or county) grange m~em bars an4 U.e minute book '01 the Warren County ~mODa Graage for 1898 is my ' authority for stating there were.bUt twa"active
Fun For Teens
-Home made Chili
J _·Y
19 So. M.ln St.
~~yj ,eVe~ing ,at ' i~';·' ~~~~~j~~il~~i~~t~n~p:~;~ ",.f.\~'_'J' 1l~()st{n;as~ter~ ' ~t). '" ' U4 n . ,·" I
Adidt· B'ible 'Class' of·.the '-, IU;:' " .. :,> ~nited" rMetnodlst Church . 'met "" VVILUU~' "L''t''~'.' , "; . of home the at, night ay .', .:~\ .. ~;" :,./ .·','~., Thursd .' "'.'1", '7', ". Mrs:'.' .S},le ' Wyatt. .'! ~ss1e . J;6wnsliiIi:; ,'V'blu'n'~ er '" I , , e of Lytl~ .. ,_ WaUa n. Nev(to ~( ·!'''· Fireinelf h.a,ve :'respon(ft~d'r~ Cen~~Y regular' meetin g-oC FarThe' '. . ap~af ; to.'1't\\O ,tiiore .fir,es;~the"fl:ts( pn~ ", 9alletl,·' ' on,'~ }(qmine ' Shumaker :, ~ \~ijl , ' : , mers~ .Grange will be held Oc't. ~: ,:' c" N<?v~~l)ef.j$',~ , " , "a""wee,k ag~ .:.Th¥t~d~Y :ni8!it rWh'~~l\,r t'u~s)da If~ne~ hp9~'~.t:' \ .3 ~t::8 ~.m. It ~ill b~~'pr~ c~~~d ~che ~ ~ennedy of Rf~h- "': an ~~~le~~e . . .,;. 7'.' " ':',.'' ;;', ""- J~e J~s,.:b~U~Lng af, the ,oHi,fer.ti- ~ , "' ~~" "" '~" 1~a'd:.,;~ s. , &J).' Campbell . by ,a cp~ered dish supper at 7. , " ~zer ' pI Of Was completely en~, "m9 nd,' Inq. v~s'ted Sunday wlth ' have m~~d ~ into, tpeir ~ome' on. p.ili:: All' members are asked to gulfed in"'Tlllmes, amr·1ast Friday her slst'er, Mrs. Jeanette Camp- " bring a qovered dish. Guests .are Main ~ti:~~i, ~?rrn~dy o~e~ " by , ' ', niSht 'when' lhe ,barn oQ S.~, 7~" , beJ1~ , expected. [ , the T,ed W.uE~l' s.", ':;. ttie , for'tn~r . hOlpe, of, Dewey . Mr ..' and "~s., Charles Pr1ge! Mrs. Emma McClure from ~~n~r ~~e~ts, o~ ~. ',', Mr;~:~~~ 1', MrS: Wi!bu~ ' lamb . ".'~, SiO)p.Son, . ~~~ also , comple~ely , ~e.re ~~nd8yWpham Otlando, Fla. was a recent guest '~urface of," an,d fa,truly l~'Ve q10ved lOto t~e , ~\ifi JO~mes.~, Bi>,~h 'properties ' are and Mrs. of Mrs. Edith Ha~ke and Mrs. , h6rhe. on ·Maul. Street formerly • .own~'d: by !' thtf'.State; ' and . ~rs9n ~ihnington. " : ~. ....:" Winifred Hartsock. Mr. ' an~ " Mrs.~,Danny , Th?mas - o~cupled ~.y the late and Mrs. . ",~, ,1;l$ "been' ,ruled as the caU$6 ~f Mrs. Edith Hawke entertained '. .. , ,Clyde ~Vlcy : ., P~ltn Wes~ ~f r ,:,gh~~ grand~a an~, he t_ hope " ly. sjpc~re w.e.; " h-: ~o : .• "-1: Miss Glenna Hawke from DayMrs. Bo~' New~~e of-Xe~la .~~J' l:ow'ijsnip:J's 'r.,:ribr:. ' g~iri~ , ~~ . be Bea~h, :Fl~.',were,~~ st~ ,I,ast~ w~~Is _ ',' ton, Mrs. Emma McClure and spent MonQay ' wltli her grand" 'pli gued, ~y anorh.er : seties.6£ , ofMr~.~omassa~ntand. uncle · Mrs. Winifred Hartsock to lunch parents the Clint Taylors. .,'.. . , ,: Mr~. M,ae Lytle and. ~verett Snell. ,:.;, ,fires. ,',... " at the Fireside Inn. "Sandy" Ca~~bell,: a. form~r : ' . -."~~\ ~~rvey,s,b.Ufg_ ,Book Re- ", -,~rs. ' )~nrile ~unyan a~d Harveysburg reSident, IS III at his fa.mj1y ~pd Mr.s",Anna--Belle Clark ..! '( .view Cir~Je. : m~t ,T,ue,sday ,night in Lebanon. home ~, at ,t}\e H<?itle of ' Mrs, ,: Shirley , ' aI1d fa~ly picni~ed at J"o,rt AnMrs. N<l!tma ·. leWis ha~ , ,reWbat We Wear ~ 'Arne's.'. A ~revi'ew of the i book cient last Sunday. ' of every 20 persons in out iew 'One turned home f.t.om Grandv Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson , tov.e - Story ,was presented by , a uniform on the wears U.S. the surge~y. ing follow ' al Hospit y birthda a ed attend family and . to the best .availing , job. Accord Mrs. Sandy. Pidgeon. a still is Davis Anna Mrs. his represents a of this te, honor in estima y able 'Sunda dinner s ," .<' several rriembets of 'Jon,ab persons. iew, million Grandv 10 at t about of paltien l total medica Lees of , Gibson father; Arthur !\' R6n:'€fiufch aHehded th~ ; Fall " meeting "of the ·Clin ton' cHaptist Creele. Mr. and ~s. W.O. McClelland 't' Association 'held in the BapUst Oarksville were Tuesday calof , ChUrch ~t 'Greenfield-Saturoay. '~;" ~s (;~~~ ·&gc!n . ;sang a solo on: ler$ 'on the Clarence Price's. . Mrs. H.S. ~ucke'r', ~ Mrs. Lucy ' .)' -,,0( th~ e¥:ening~pro8ranl .: ": Mr. and."Mrs.:( ~~' ~yers. .M.(!C~~fen" ~s . .la~et.Wyatt and " ,and son; Mar,vin, Jr., and daugh- Mrs. 'Sue _ Wya~t . a1t~nde4 ~ ~he , t~r, {)Onns . lou" o~ Cincinnati Wiln;1ington District WSCS meet. ;". wer-e WednesdaY "callers on Mr,. , irig nel~ at Franklin Tuesday. Rick Clark has ,ac'cepted eman(rMt~.~·<;Iarence 'Priee: "'. ' Mrs. Sue AQn Carman Jtosted ' ploymeQt ' at the' Ra'ndall Comf" " . in W~nUngton . . , , ' meeting of,the ., ' ,
J ••
scour 'NEW,S, ' "
Mrs., Bradley's Cadette 'Gi{1 &out troop held a 'meetipg ~pt~ " 2) . from'. .2i30 'tb ' 4 pm. at tile . Episcopal Church. jThe .meeting was0p'~ned with the' gi,ds Say'ipg - ,~~~wm the Girl 'Scout ' Pfomise. >,'Jtidy Thill, .'explained fhe ' hlWS .and · '1;'~i"l:m.".WI ba~ges' to the younger girls:" • 'The club decided' l<Y"haye' 'a booth at·the Sauerkraut Fe~Hval. ' It ,Will contain baked ,goods. :and mimy different crafts. The ~ootli will be' -located. neil!: 'the .Fire ' '-' . Department.' . ~'" Girls decoratil1g it should'- be d.<;>wn ~t th'e booth F~iQay ,' Oct. 2, at 6 p.m, Qub members are t~ have their crafts and baked goods to the booth before 11 a.m. Saturday morning. The next meeting will be Sept. 28 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. ' This will be a workshop for gills to finish their crafts.
.:" ...
• ~.~
to .'lour home wit h Du Pont Nylon ' Shutters : "
• They are husky. ,~turdy. s~oljd and, handsome.
ZII eHA; ""N ST"&J 1: . WAVN UVIl.... OHIO. " • ~t'I~"'''
1'1 -, U· III I ,~
. Christ Built One Church ',.',
Christ said He was going to build His church. (Mat. 16:18 ) He said the church and thekiitgdam were the same (Mat. 16: 18, 19) The kingdom was to be built in the lifetime of some of' His disciples. (Mk. 9: 1) It was to come with power, After His resurrection from tHe' dead, He told His apostles to tarry in the city of Jerusal~m, until the p0wer from on high came. (U. .24:49) Th~ ,power was- to come, When the l-\oly Ghost came upon . them. (Acts 1: 8) Acts 2:4 says, "1hey were all filled with the Holy Ghost ." In Acts 2:47, we are t~ld, "The Lord .added to the CHtIRCH daily such as'-shoUld be saved." " 'thus the Lord's . church was estab~tted by ;1he preach~ q~ the gospel. .{Mk. J6.1S ; 16, ~ 24:47; A.cts '2 ~ 14-47) Peter, the apostle', preached that Jesus was "'app,roved of God,"crucified and slain, raised from. the dead,. and .exalted to the rIght hand ot God." Men were pricked (cut) in their hearts and said, "Whatshall we do?" (Acts 2:37) Peter said, "Repe nt and be baptized 'everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ fOf the remission of sins ... " (Acts 2:38) ''They that gladly received his · word were baptized ... and they COiltinued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, and fellowship, and in breaking of .bread, and in , Pr.8yer . . . and the Lord added the church daily such· u i to 'should be saved." (Acts ~:41~ 47) . _Christ built His church. All the, saved are added to the Cb~ch. There is·one body. There , . iabut one body. The body is , , ' .. ,.' ' the· church. Therefore, there is 1)ut'one chur~. (Eph. 4:4; I Cor. -~ 12;~Q; Eph. 1: 22, 23; C~l. 1: 18, ,. 24)·I This is jhe church that Jesus
,bunt.. I.
PaUl says in Rom. 16: 16,
"1be churches of Christ salute y<ijt." 'Local congregations were CIf\U'ches of Christ. There ha4 fO:be'a church 'of Christ 'for there ~later'to be "churches of Christ." ;if you are not a Christian, .that Jesus died for rI:','iv~t)ur;,·sins, confess Him as Christ, ropon tand be baptized, and let f,.~dd you to His . clturcb. ~':~~,:JJ1III!ft,;~livp. a · righteous life as
~~jr.~r~~~.ln .~. yau" may· ~ve iru;' r:llf~lt~l~PIDi~;4 to" those ~9.4id-
• JI
f l. .
ye.a r'.· Mil'asboted abl]lotltnal
".ves' 'Off ·jlD '
, not'~ , ell'rani<: ,.lethargy. and· loss o~ bibil»iUODs' fo.r two:years ·a fter' , t~eir. ~st us~~e. ~~ese, obsetva"" hons,. 'Miras felt', were evidence I Herb~~'s I iDv~st- . of "significant· .and lasting oryear.: ; 2 '., , ganic. ~ttw,l c~~g.~." _., '. W Dt:!D'j,(llle ;U .S: N:*tional Inst,i - ,I" "1I9~y ~ t~e ) .)r.oponents 'of ; marijuana us~w.ill , d oome" to . ,: tb~ir' $J!~ses" 'and realize"'ffiat I" ' ~adj_ slDoking . is a rulzard 5(a.n-1I~H:IlCe'S- :' 09t oilly to ' the indiVidual, but to society, as a whole. '. I wo~Cl like to commend the . 'I{rpger. C'om)!)aJlY.,·Witbout legislation" or ' gl)Yernment subsidy wtthdUf .governinent .harassment or· thr~at, b~ entirely on their \copt~lilt '. 'of , the ~ew.rt has ~wn initiative, they have taken ::m~~JI[c_,ei$:-~()r~~I!Uile~'~state;~~:~~I~~!-';i'''''''.'' ·' ''~e1eased '~relimi": .. ~~efie~ent ,steps . to do their part in battl~ •. _ ~etai-y· ,requirements. By mCJ;'easiDi the nutl'itiona1 va1ue of all their baked gOOds, they are improving nptritional intake by .all their customers , also ~esultiJng i~ giving more value for the consumer dollar, This is fr·ee enterprise at its best; furtber indication- of business and industry accepting res. ponsib1Uty ·;It · its own expense and ,inifiativE~ . Kroger is tbe first major lood processor and grocery 'store cbain to do so, It is ~y hope t~at all other food processors ;w'Ul follow their ex. ample. ' 1
A very 'g~. way to keep. your name, number and addraa m front of your esr.hlished cuatomen and . abow your appreciation for their husiness is with
Our. cata'o~ of cale~ct.rs is very Complete; giving YOll
a Wide chOice of Size and color photographs. Deak caleadar. are also availahle. . .A picture of your own place of husiness may also he uaecI; furnished hy you or photographed hy us. . I (also complete line of novelty printed Items)
la· 11.1 1111-, Illp In I·, CIII , ad I , The·'MIAMI GAZETTE
Glacier land Alaska hals more s'q uare miles 01 ·glaciers than the rest of the
inhaQited . world , put "!'~U~;~~UIt:'-
$25. $44.
~i.E PR ICED · $15.00 SALE PRICED $25.00
r •
~ q~~stiob freqJentl~ -as1<ed' ' ~lina~jon ,are· ~not , 'r~p.eat~,d : i~ ~ · of th~ 'astrolage! .is ,in :referenee ' lifetj-rqe.. . .,::' ::', ,~ l ~,. " " to the .facf th3.( the "Sun Sign" , :. The ,4~tefmjn tio .'. of the 'for a ' given ' birthdate -doe'sn't" " asce,nda~r; t~')igit riSit:ig"over ,t~ej;' horlm n " at< the, time~, ~nd quite fit ' the . petsonality,. The place pf ,irtll,)'gIves the k~y to rea$on·:for this is, to theastrolothe ere.cdng..~f, a Na~~ .'fharl. : ' \ " ger '9uite ,apparently 'the fact · tha~ the Sun Sign is not tlJ,e'most , J:he ,c0InPutatiol} are , well ' ~pwn to; As~,Qnom~rs ~d the ····.. . impQrtant; .nOt is ,it- the, 4tost '. revealing- factor in a horoscupe. ' proce~ .~oll<)wed is 'an &strono:", · {'Tht: ~n Sig,,:can b~ a- source.' '" 1l1in~ : 6~~ w~~p "'ere~~g the,; of J ~'-gr~t , 4~al. of info~matio.n , ~a.taI · ~art. Th~ ' d!ffere~ce or . ~ about individuals but the compu-, the, further an~lyziOg ofJ tle fac'tation of the"Ascendant 'is much' tors .one.e, .obtairie~ ,is' th¢ art t, known as(Astrology..1 ' . more ~seful in this respect~ ,The The astrologer ., begins reasQns for this one readily aplearni!tg all he can about parent when even a small ,knowkno~ t~ Astrolop, , . ledge ~f the process for deter. Th~. astrolo~r ' begi~ by mining the ascendant has been , lear~g' all he can abo.~t the acquired. The Sun Sign is cominfluenc~, of the' various planets mon to all persons born between in " t~~ di,ffereil~ '·plac~~nts·. in a . certain dates while the' degree horosc~ and USing this know- . of the,sign rising on the.porizon at a given time for b.irth :and the.. ledge, fo~s opioieDS about h<?w ~~ese will. affect the life of a placement of the planets and .client. It.' IS not lef~ -up to. the their 'degrees of apogee -and de': individual person to simply jump . to: ,any .concL~i9n ,he chooses . 20 n. 22-Ja ec. . Ulpricorn-D about .ilt~ ·influences of the varAguarius-Jan~ 21-Fe b . .19 ious plan~ts. Sinc~' te~rded hisRsces-Feb. 20-Mat. 20 tory began: astrologers have been 20 . r' 2r":'Ap ~r.ies-Mar. writing down the valuable inforT~udiS ~Apr. 21-May 21. mation .titey gleaned (rom the ,Gemini-May ~l-JJJne 21 heavens .~nd the ,~teachings of .' 23 ly 22.-Ju r-June Cance tra~ition. ~elp : in,. 'analysis of a, , l:.eo:..<Juiy 24 ~l\ug. 23 . .~ . chart. t Virgo,- :Ayg. 24,-:-sept. 23 . HiPE.~rates. ~4~j!t,the~.of ined'· I . Ubra':="-sePt. 24=-Qct. 23 , cine, felt" '~~f~'t1i ~ ' ,sfrolOgic~ : Scorpio-Oct. 24-Nov. 22 data on his paiie'nts " ~s invalu- ' Sagitarius-Nov. 2S·-Dec. ~l able in diagnosis and today there . I
, •
W C-71 CHAIN·SA Msi · wasti .
y "
NOW '/
$ eetIIpl._~"15· ~..,
IIId lit.. · .
Here's a chain saw pclcked with all the features 'p~ ' sional woodcutters want- but a price anyone can efford! For a limited time only, you can now own a depehda.ble Hometlte c;l1 'for just $169.95, ~h1"" With 18" ~~ . ' and ~hain. If you've never tried the famou s Hometlte Ca71, ask ' for a free demon stratio n. And·if you already IInow .bout . ttre value, better buy it today. : . wt1.~ It~ I ' 'still sP'C'aIJy Tip . •• Iow,~. •
MARKED MONEY . . . Money, mar:ked Invisibly by atomic ' methods, may prove to be further legal nemlsisto track down criminals. By aiming a beam from a ..,urce of the ra~ioisotope Calofornium·252 through various apertures, the money can be made ever so slightly radio-active in. a variety of patterllJ. Dr. James Wing, an associate chemist at the Atomic Energy Com· mission's Argonne (Illinois) Nationallabo~tory, said the nuclear markings In no way constitute a health hazard,
Reg.9Se For
'Klf~('sOz~: Reg. :$1 ~75
For .
The first U.S. track and field meet was held October 2, 1871. The United States passed an antl·ln8ation law, October 2, 1942. . President 'Wllson asked voters to endorse the League of Nations, October 3, 1920. Thanksgiving was made a national . hollday, October 3, 1863. The first United States district court was opened at Green Bay. Wis., by Judge Duane Doty, October 4. 1824.
TO US Predslon Work Is a "Must" We would like to introduce to you our "NEW hip quality printing." Much .effort baa gODe into 1M.' PROVING our quality .tandarda. The latat in typeaeuiD, equipment brill. to you thia quality at lower prica. • lUll. . . CA,ROS
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• .POiTEill
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• WEDD',.. U.VITAnOl. .. A.... OU..CEllEllTI
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• 'AiI"'~ ~ .' ",IOOJQ.ETI -illOOlCi , .:
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.z;11,' :~=='!r4~~""-:" -: _>......... . hl,!lJ"""
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.- 'Churj:h Pti~ ' -
Third & Miami Streets Silll·tlll:r·i, liapll,,1 C;,I\·\!\?n.ti, In Charles Pike, Evangelisl ,~l)rll1: . ' . tn \1 ~~ u tl \\\ . P;,t!>tIH ) Q : ~. a.m .• Sur/day Mo~ning' <i:'}{J .a.m.., Sltnda\ s...hl)ol · " .6:30 p.h1 .. Su.ll~ay . Evcni,ng ' :W:]O a.m.. Sllll{,la'Y ' \fqrnill~ 6:30 p·.m. - Wednesday Evening .inform atior'. \\'lJr ~ h fr 'Phone 897-4462·fpr , 7:30 P,Il1 .. SlInd,ay Ev\:nillg . ~r\'k~ First Baptist Church 7:30 p. lll .. Wctlnc sdtly \1hh\'c('k ' • North Main St ~cet l)r;lyt.·r and Whlc-. I~Hly John P. Osborne, Pastor 10:00 a.m .. Sunday Schl ~ ol Jonahs Ron .Baptist 1.1 :·O(}a.m " Morning Wors!lip Ch~rch . . 6:30 p.m .,Training Union Ohio D bbl J' 7:30·p.m.,Evening Worship ll'\ICr Kidd. l)a~l\lr 1:30p.m.,Wednesday Prayer IO ;(JO a .lIL. ~lIl1day SdH')I)1 . ~eeting. ;OP &. II :()O .a.m .. Sunu:.ry IO (Affiliatcd with Southern Bap· i'p Servkc ·Wor:-.h . ·tist Convention,. 7:30 p.m,.. Sunday Evcning First Church-of Christ Worsilip bl~1 lIi gh Sireel -United Methodist Stcve Tigner, Mini!\ler , ' Church ' , . () :30 a.Ill .. SUllua y Bihk' Sdillul 1},lVid tlarri'cr. Pastor 10:30.1.111. , Sunday Wllr,!rip and . ' ('onullullioll 9 :30 a.m.. Sunday Cllun:h , , . Yllulh . Service 6 :00 p.m. , Sunday . . ' ./ TOWN GENN ;, • i .~. ' ) . Meeting 10:30 a.rn .. SUII1.I;ty Schoul CORWIN ...:,' GenntoWn 'United.Churoh II :00 a.m ., Sunday Worship 6 :30 p.m., Sunday (,hrisliall of Chr.ist '". ",.' ; Pentecostal Holiness.' ,. . Yllulh flour Service , wn Roule 4.:! al Geflilln Chu~h .' 7:30 p.m. , SUllday Evening Youlh Fellowship and Bible , SlUdy Worship lor l'a~ Utnio: ,Al:y,' 7:30 p.m. : Wedncsday liihlc . Harveysburg Full ·Qospel. Stud}' . 10:00' ~ .1ll . : SlI'inJily '&hoo l ' ' . Church , friends Meeting 7 :30 p.n1 .. Si.1~Hhl}' ..WI.··.J,'CSl.lav " ; E. South Street tligh ncar Street th Fou! and SalurdaY. Evell'illl! .. Rev. Jack Hamiltim. Pastor' . . Wurship &:r'vi<.:Cs 9:30 a.m .• Sunday School y Tucsda p.m. 7jO Ymllh illl\: Wl~dIlCs .• p.m 7:30 10:45 a.m. SunditY Meet ing for .. Service 7 :~0 p.lli. Friday · Young ' W(~rshi p (u n pH)gra mmcd) , People's Service St. Augustine Church . 10:00 a.lll. Sunday School .I .' r lIigh Strect ~l ' MT.HOLLV' 7:00 p.lll .. Sunday I;v~tlil,g .· Rev. Jnseph II. Lutmer, P-Jstor U~';tectMethodi~ . '. . 'J" : SPRIN6 VALL E\' 7 a.m. & I I a.m. Masscs Church · ' United Methodist H a.m. & H p.m. lIoly I>dys Rev. ' L~una~;d 8a,X\t.'r ", .., Church 7:30 p'.m. First Friday . 9 :JO a.lll .. SUIl'day' : SCh~llll Walnut-Vine 7:45 a.m. l>-Jily Mass 1 I :00 a.m... &inuay. Worship ": Robert R. Meredith, ~astor 5:30 p.;n. Saturday Mass ~. Scrvkc St. Mary's Episcopal 9:30 a.m. S\Jnday School sd'IY. Prayer 730 p.in .. Wcdn.:--Church , 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. • ScrVke 6:30 p.m. Youtll Ft:llowshjp-· Third & Main Streets • jr. high &"sr.' high . . Rev. Itarold Decth. Rector E LYTL 7:45 p.m. Wednesday I!holr II : IS a.m .• Morning Pmyer . '· Unite(t.Mt!tho"i" " ;~ rehcar~:il 1st. Jrd & 5th Sundays: :, ::': -" :Church lIoly Communion 2nd & 4th' Spring Vall~ Church . John K. Smith, .Mini.$t~~ ''',' Sundays of Christ ' Glady Street United Methodist.9:30 a.m." Sunday -Schooi . .. Church 10:.30 a ~~: ., ,Sunday.WQ'rshij, 'r' 10;00 a.m.. ~o~ning Worship · :~J ' "..~ t.,.. .. _ - : • . Third & North Streels . Service • 'p.m .. Evenitlg Worship 7:oo L. L. Young , Minisicr . 8:ob~9:00_ P;m;,~W~an~aay -.. J R:OO p.m. Wednesday' E~nin'g ,. ,,:' S'iud}t' ~ ~ ', : '. . Worship , ' evening, IBibl.~. J 8:00 a.m . Worship Service ' . . .........-. +"'. \":~';o: _ • ~ ._ .. . ~.:: ' t·,:.-!f 10: I 5 a.m. Church at Worship y Valle Spring 9:00 a.m. Sunday Church at Frie~ds Church Studv ' . . . -M'0und 5t reet i. , Pastor ' . . .~ Couser friend E. Waynesville Rescue . ~- . " " ~):JO a . m ~ Sunday School ' Mission & . .. Rikc. t,OJ1 Wilming \ I0:30 a.m. Morning Worship Corner or 73 & Corwin Rd. Ruad "Row Sudal ': Rev . Sherman Cook. Pastor r Mini~tc litis W'i!jclmt• 'r1~ ' • Christian BaptiSt Mission t .. . ' • SdHlol Sunday .. a.l11 10:30 " . ,9 :00 a.m:: SIII1t1ti, : Bihle' xhuul . . . Street Main 7:00 ".111 .. Sunday Fve. Scrvi,c .1:0 : 15 a.ilt·; s;i.)(J~IY Wim;hil) Mrs. Lill~ Quiiawa'y: Pastor 7:30 r .m., Wl,Jnesday Eve. ' of ,'0:15 ,a.n,I.. Sll1d,j·Y: YOUlh c"1 j, ~; .. n' ', WI Servin' JO a.m. Sun d~y ~ lq~ ~ ' , " , '. , ." <"" , UP -Irs ( , . , • • · · W· . t.. . '. . .;' . ',~ t"'" " " ' ... ' 7i 11:a.m. M , ornlll,g, .prsillp 7:30p .m.. Sat. EVt.?Selvl'c . .... . g:~~. he~liil Sunuay .. p.m !,:30 7:30 p.m. Evening Wor~hip FIRST'cHURCH OF GOD (fU,~~l'I S ' , . • n:, "•. ~.... "! ' lB,i~I~',~ ' . 1 .... ,Il'd,\';, nil,ycr. Meetlng. 7 :30 p.m. n.. 49 S. Main Streel : ' .1O;OO·'a.lll .. ,Su ;J:: ~ p.m:. hcniil~'Wu~ship - We.l. ncsd· ay & Thursday • W 10 7 U 9:30 a.m .. Sunday School :. p.lll; ..:.dJI~sc1aly.·;<~lid~~e.:k .' 7':00' if'n..,: , 7:'30 p.m. Song-fest. Last 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 7.1~0.o n.lii. d¥\ ~*'".," Bihle SI~J.IJ'.:; ., . Pray~,,;r ralld J: ..,;,p..........~ ay· each month. Saturd a ' ng ' . ~ ,! .!.. _ Su nd '00 I _ , , ~1',' : . ,,! g yevem 1. p.m. l~ y _~i:ti~~Z;;~~: This Church Page Is,:;ponsorea J:Of YQU.,I hrQUF. Jbt COur tlly Of 1"';.;~,_ ;
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. ITE~I~ ','J;he . ele~tric . hairs~tter has jumped ·from a new item on ' the, ' ni'arke " to one of the most sO\lgHt. Neatly 6.7 million units \ were ' sold, ~~st year. . 1,.1
twd Cif 9l1rage. Phone 897.783,2 or ..- 897.5634. , 39c2 _.
ups:h~1 R~ A~artme~t; '
." '39~1
.sha'r e · hgme with lady. call ',897-7832 or 897-5634: .' 39c2 ,.. ."' .: ~ ; <{ : .!~. ... r' '.. ~
NE~O Flrewod.4. 'C all .8Q 7-2,6!i5 after 5 p.m, ,' ~~ • 1'; . 39c1 ' sAiiVslTTING Wanted: ' Reliable 9lrls'1' ' experlellced with Infants. 60c before midnight; 75c after. Call 897· 70/9 ~ . . 39c1 Call collect 32c8 .
WANTED: 'Part time typist to learn ' type~ttlng. Must. be willing to work nlaht hours and oroaress toward full time work. Apply The Miami Gazette 105!'S. Main, vvay.n~vlll!! , 39m:1I
",,1 J
• .y
ITEM: Shoe sizes are determined in n1l1mbers for length and in letters for width. The ,difference between each numbered size is minute-only one·sixth to one-eighth .fnell,. but;it can seem mountainous· when it ;'comes to correct fit. ,.
ITEM: Rappini.)s a:·~oung~.t~~ nip . plant that's !'pulled when there is little or no bulb development of ' the root. It's in the green family with dandelion greens, mustard greens, spin. ach and kale.
" ~Jt....:~.:~«..-:.~." ........ :,: ., .......,..... ," ....., ,.vI' ,. •••
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:'I'ROM M•• DOHERT'Y,; ' HAT. • TIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI; ,Only' 'i " a mall town or ·country boy can W.~'n81Ivll1rr. ' i'elJle~ber what fun it w.as to ~a-'::ib~~~;-'--:ri~~; ··"';'vT. """';''; . . I;l,u~t crawdads along >the creelE. ,You 'could take the larger ones, strip' the tail ' of its prot~cUve coveJ;'ing and fry them just as you would shrimp. The tails also . made excellent bait fOr sunfish. 1:he smaller one!i you.' could qse whole. .Crawfish, like snakes, , ' shed their',"outer skin" to grow. , " .So't , I cra,w !J-those ~hich 'Wad ' tiMI,c;1·1iiW"H-.• MIIti. .....MIt"''''
...... y
. '"V ... " '1
air tlontd, no pets. Phone': 897',4 ,,21. ·
,:; 1
ItlEM: >it- , has " been - estimated that 75 tOl ' 80 per cent, of all women .ip _lllrban areas own some type of hairpiece or wig, with a sri'ialle'r 'percentage of women in rural areas· joining th.e fashion , trend. Sales of men's toupees are .also on the increase. '
. -FOB RENt any verliIal<:e. Rt.
~~I~ .thtirL1s~. ~'B~ I!~' D~et
· fOmletl anotHer .~r~ 'l1roteclfve · o.ubir covering":':were -, the .. best l · ba~t Y:~~ coUld find • . ' . ; ,
, Crisp autumn days set 't he mood for a harvest of parties including one for wine tasting for example. For A Party Uniquely Epicurian Phone 897-6021 .
I 1ffil®(!]@lli~ ~W . ~®®~ For a breakfasttre~t combining four foods ,from the 'basic four .. f.ood pile split 'hot 1I0g buns" with sliCes, of cooked smoked pork shoulder and Cheddar cheese. Broil until- the pork is hot. the cheese bubbly a~d the buns are', .Ughtly touted . . Serve Ii tomato jtdee atarter.' Cubes of cheese arid UJOr:ted 'crackers make tasty after·schoo) snacks. Peat flavor is usured
when most cheese is served at room: tempera.e. Tate- the amount to be served from the -~ refrigerator 'a hill hour to · an , hour before serving time; C~ic in cookles and cake~, · ~ caraway seed can also add a PI- .. quant flavor to saurekraut, nOod- ~ . les arid' cbeeSe. . ..' An ~1Cotic blend ()f many apices, .:.. curry powder is the staDd-bJof .: Indian cookery. Wonderfully wr- ',. .'.' saUle, it can give an exciting ":. /' ~ pickup t~. ~eftpver meats, 'Itew8 i" ." \ . and fish dish~. ". '
. ...
Classes open Sept. ·,8
Mrs. Pat Yair . l' .
ZYl-~oun. S',lncluded
" ' : SeRT~ :~ATTRE~ _;
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Garages & Basements Oeaned
QNA .: ,
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, For·further informati~ call897-68~ ,
' . "
T~~ . Qil) .liners .
- 50 irr Di~
Box - $4.00 , .', .~, ~
PHONE ', 897-8185 ""We:~ul ,~ . Just Atioqf AnYthing" . '/
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.'••• :
79 ~ $1 : FORMULA I ~ AIn.'l~K
•.......•. ....•. ...... ~
45 RPM . '
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$89.95 ....
$179.95 ' ZE NIT H PO RT AB LE TV
B~~ $89.95 ,
ELECTRIC SH AVE RS· Nore lco Tripl e ·head • Reg. $29. 95 ' ,
Now $23.95 Doub le head
$~ · 5.~5 . '12~ "5 ;\ .
· . .·.,··".-;,-· hti . ~llklslo·cll
lauerkrlut COlslmad J
Wldsh', who,wnI reimt for the next year. Her duties ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ifijesttjral ',llit:o'(1~Jliom"~'I~p~ilJ3trc~s thr()'Uatiout ~~ area. -David Edsall Photo- ' ' , drawings and sculptures. Lieneke's , grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kces van der Sluijs of :);;:' Zevenbergeri, 'Holland-were fe..;{ ':. tival v~it~rs 'from the gr,~tes.~· diStance; " ~'" ,'';' ·,11 ,"':"';!~'u'2!il;"\1~: I
h. (
Y6~'" ';and~d,:,I~ ,t8aJM~~
given an old fiShio folk by the ,festival's 1«111' ·, '«1~" ',"I)III"U bee. ' '
Mrs. Calvin Bright of Dayton demonstrated '!JLearly craft at her spinning wheel. Mrs. Bright was accompr4J1i~d, by Mrs. Fred Mcaellan who exhibited ~hanQsome wove~ articles and sa,t at her loom for weaving demonstrations. rio
.... -
The New C~ntury Club met on September 25th at 1 :30 P.M:" for a dessett course at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Hartso ck Robert Ardrey's "Terri torial Imperative" was reviewed for t he club by Mrs. Esther Doster. The next meeting will be at the Fireside Inn on October 23rd at 1 :30 P.M. Mrs. Paul Williams will be the hostess 'for the after· noon.
Mr. Lester Gordon has ' reo turnea home from ,Gre~n~ Mem· orial Hospital at enia fol1o.wirl'g ' surgery. ; r '•
GUt Request:-
The ASmat; New Guinea's for· mer headhunters, ,seldom send a visitor away empty·ban~ed, To -, praise an Asmat's proP,eJty) s t~ request it. The owner in~t then give it away to ~void seepling stiqgy, I
Service :,' co~es first ... _nd so dO yOli , qualitY products. Traditio~y, too; ".. your satisfaction is gu~teed. . ;,' ~...
.- -
. ..,. \-~~~.~ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Way-n88vilI8 '~F.JL ·
4 Drale,[ Ch.lt);!;,~ MAPLE
Table I ·4 Chairs $IB~O ,
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r": '. ,.• tion/ had' \trto~. b~ring" on the Pe'l1. ~ * : ftit~Qns '~ , THe~e, 'Was ;,a'PPa'rehtly a , .:.Ba!\d, B~inn~ , ',,; ,: ',' J~ :'l'tW" ;;<Uttle .' niisl1p4e(st~lIiding. ' among App!!r;Ir- ,~~cett " ',', . .' '., .," sqmi';'o,t: ,the 'pp.uqcil ·me.~~e~s, For MU$ic ~r..nts ... .,.
, . I •
. .
,.Rev.,Bonnell ; . ! , but · tliey- ai'e ' 'human and was th~.~~ti~W~s Pa.s~<?rvof,tpe, Friend-· qul~n~ ,n ~~f?rf to assist and ship . ~ptlS , Cpurch, h~r~, ' l~~t Jtelp fello}\! cltt~ns. As several , ~d,~Y: ; A: ~~i.Y~~?f, ,tIydeh,,~y.. '/ iSst;J~~ ~~ :;be 9n t~e b~l1ot this Rev; :::~,ple~ .resIdes .,!~: .SOuth ' 'year~\sucti as .the 3.9 mlll S~1.1001 ,~banon .. When h:~ is ' an ' Ele- ' . 'leVy • ·renewal only and the 6% m.entary. 'sch..<?ol tea~her. · He ·was Beer Carry out lic.ense only, etc. .. r~~ntly., pa~tor, of, '~he ~ Calvary, we ' felt most elig.ble residents
sapti~t :,~.~~~~h ·ih- Middleto~.
\W:u~~ like,,\~Q ~oie. ~e cou~~il
Wayn !sville Music Parrents Association will meet Oct. . 13 at 7 :30 p.m. in the new high sc~ool gym. ' A grief conced will be presented by the' sixth grade 'beginning band clas'S. A business meeting will follow . . All parents of music students and all other interested persons are invite~ to attend the pro~ram.
. From' 'Mrs. OUve Kopka, Good. indiana: I remember ,when · . ' fitling the copPer boiler from the cookstove reservoir 'Sunday night a(ter supper was forerunner of the Monday wash. D.a d would get up early a,nd start the fire 10 ~other would have boiling water by the time she had white clothes ready to boil. .:Qoiling' water p"oured through table linens removed fruit stains. Extra rubbing on the washboard took care of shirt-collar soil. Seeing mother make starch was a thrill. If any was left, we kids could use it for ' pasting pictures cut from . old magazines, ~d.
" ~);olle ~!,h;~,I)g~to. 9pn.verse. Wl~~ \ membet$'~bad no . desne to . m· Phone ·.~~~. ;JtJa,p~~i:', . ~ ph<?p~, l\i~ ~t fr'inge o:n:.}.~e' privacy ,of any 897-2334 ..494:-1604. Rey. Meadows, t'he citizens ,J, ..•.• Evenlnt Appointment Av.llllble . . forIiie'(') '. is "still · affili~t~d . . ,', \~I " . Witli ,',.. ~~~--:--------------------------------------, .~
S6me plain facts about electric heat from DP&l:
• • .. .
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.... 4
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Call "Long Distance"
818-112-21 &1 NO TOLL CHARGE Mon~·Fri.,
8 a.m.:-S p.m.
I I I I I I I I ,I
. , . Churc h of Christ '
Third &. Mia~i tr~ets SIl.Qthcrn B,a pl b l 'C4IllV'(' nt illll . Charles Pike, 'Ev~ ngeli st .Sorl11:J1l \k~ u (l \\,~: Pu·. tor IO:OQ a. m . . Sunday Morning. . 9,:.10 iI .Il1 .. Su nday ~ h l)ll l ' 6:.30 p.m. - Sunday Evening :HJ :.1() :J .I11. . Stlnd~y \1 llrn ing 6:30 p.m . . Wedn.esda y Evenin g , Wllr~hip Phone 89744 6 2 fo r info rmatio r' Eve nin g y U:J I1 S.lI .. .1l1 p 7:30 ' Srrvi(l First Baptis t Churc h 7:.1 0 p.l11 .. \\\:Ull L'Slby . \1 idweck North Mai n Street PraYl'1 an u ilihl c . 'IUUY John P. Osborne, Pas tor 10:00 a.m.. Su nduy Sc hl10l Jonah s Run Baptis t I I :00 a.rn. ,Morn ing Worship \ Churc h 6:30 p.m.,Trai nlng Un ion (Jhin 73 LI~I 7:30 p.m:,Evcning .Worshi p LC~ l cr Kiud . Pa~ 1 1)f 7 :30p.m .. Wednesday Praycr , IO:(J() a.l11 .. SIIlH.1ay S( holll Mceting I O:(JO & II :(JO \I. nL. Su nday (A ffi liated with Sout hern Bap· ' Wlll'~ h ip Scrvil:l' • ti st Co nven tion). p.I11 ., SlI nuLl Y Evening :Hl 7: First Churc h-of Christ p Worshi LI\ t Iligll St reet Stevc Tigncr, Min is tcr United Metho dist Churc h () :30 ~1. 11' .. SUli da y Blhk St: ho()1 Ila rper. P<ls tllr I}Jvid 10:30 ,1.111. . Sun tb y Wllr,hip Li nd ( 'oll1l11uniOIl 9:30 a.111.. Sunday Churdl llth YO , (d )O p.I11 .• SlInday Sc rv it:e Mee ting 10:.10 :J . I11 .• Sunday School (, :30 P,I11· , SU l1 dLl Y C h ri~ t ia ll II :00 ~ . n1., Sunday Worship If YIIlI tIt /lOll r Se rvice g !:venin y Bible and Sunda .. ship p.IlI 7:30 Youth Fellow 'StudY ' Wo rs hip 7:30 p.m.. Wcdnc sdLlY Bihle Harveysburg Full. Gospel Stuuy ·,
Friends Meeting
Fourth SlIeet ncar lIigh 9 :30 a.Ill ., SUllday School 10:45 a.l11 . Sund<JY Meeting for Worship (unprogrammed)
. St. Augustine Churc h lIigh Street Rev. Joseph II. Lutmer , Pastor 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses H a.m. & X p.m. Holy I.}.t.ys 7 :30 p.llI. First friday 7:45 a.Ill .. I.}Jily Mass 5:30 P:~l. Saturd~y ~
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
" 0( •
Third & Main Streets Rev . lIarold Deeth. Rector II : IS a. m.• Morning Praycr 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays : Hol y Communion 2nd & 4th Sunda ys
United Metho dist Church Third & North Streets . L. Ynung,. Ministe r 9:00 a.m. Church School 10 : 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p. m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
'. Churc h
E. South Street" Rev. Jack Hamilton , Pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday · Young People's Scrvil.'e 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.m. Stlmlay Evening (
'Pente costal 'Holiness Chur.ch '
, GENNTOWN Gennt own Unite d Churc h , of ·Christ
A,cy lAImb: Pastor I OiOO a.l11 .. Sunday Sc-huol ~ 7:30 p. Jl1~ . SUllday. Wednesday , and Saturday, Evcning '. Wurship Scrvices ' 7:30 ·p.1l1r., Wednesday. Youth '., Scrvicre
Walnut-Vine . ' Robert R. Meredith, Pastor ,9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 u:m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth 'FelJowship- , jr. high & sr. high. 7:45 p.m. Wcdnesday chOIr rehear!;jl
Spring Valley Churc h of Christ Glady Street 10:00 a.m . Morning Worship 7:00 p.m . Evcning Worship H:OO p.m. Wednc sday Evening Worship
Spring Valley . Friends Churc h Mound Street Couscr , Pastor Friend E. () :30 a.m. Sunday School 10 :30 a. l11 . MOTlling Worship
Rllute -42 at Gcnllillwn
Rl.I y Sll;rln\!I-: ' I'a~i ll" ~ 9 :30'a'.I,n. Wt\ r,shirl · ~n:i~~ ',};" ..: . \0:.30 Sunda . '(hnrdl" SdillC.r , ' 5 :OQ~p.~n~ ·¥"'ltJ:1Y Yoi'll 11 ' '. Fciluwsliil" .: ... ~ .' ". ".lt 1 , -'i'/
9:30 -a .m ..: Sunday School
11 :00 '1.In .. 'Sund"y, Worship , ~ .. Service Prayer sday, Wedne .• p"m 7:30 Scn' i ~e
" Unite d Metho dist . Churc h John K. Smith, Minister ' 9:30 a.m., Sunda)( School \0:301 a.m., Sunday Worship " Selvice 8:00--9 :00 p.m., Wednesday . evening; Bible Study
FERR Y Ferry Churc h of Christ
• • , " ' . . ' . ..... .
",.>'.' '"
RIDGEVILLE. : ' Ridg,wjlle Com~njty ..
Unite d :.M ethod ist :, Church: . d' Bax lcull~r · ~cv. . ter
SPRI N6'V ALLE Y United--MethodiSJ . Churc h
Waynesville Rescue Mission
·tt;lln:h'-' +·l. '~"t" ·;Sa. ~t. 4K r~~('llowl! =0 . '.
. Sprinlfb~()rn Ru,td " Ray L. Sllclton, :P".sJ ur .'-Sch;;o. l '.' 9:30 a.m. Sunday ,'..:,.... lO:45 a.m.,\·Morn'ing Worship .. . ' 7:30 p.l,l. ~,~4a,y: l;vRn iJ.~g ,\' '~ ~ '.... . . ' Scrvice '~ .. . 'tjaY· Ii~c 7:JO p.m', Wcdncs " · ' . oA· ~ ', ~ ; ..", .\'"','. ,~. ' ., Sc.rvjce • -~ .. , ,' , , Y;v~lh Sr,; , S: ~O p.lli. Sti \l d;'y~, ' ':. . : ': 'Recrcq.tien .. ,', 6:30 p.nl.,.sun·day"Sr: Xo~t.h Services ,.' - , . ,' -
I";g:': ' .
DODDS· ·~ ~.;
Free P~nteCostal 'Ghurch of God R. R. 12~ - Dod~s~ Ohio ? istor. James Corfman -10:30 a.m.·Sunduy sdu)ol ' . 7.:00 p.m .-Sunday EYangeliStic \ , "SC rvice 7:30 p.l11.-Wedhcsday P~ayer ' ... " • . Service . g ~n l1 E~ y 7: 30 p.m. Saturdu Worship,-Se.rvice
Wilmington Pike & Social Row Road Bus Wiseman. Ministcr CENT ERVI LLE n Missio t Baptis ian Christ Sdll1ul nday Su l., ,In I t ) .H) . ...1 . !):OO a. II1 .• Sunday Bihlc ..sdlo(ll Main Street 7 )( ) p . ll l. . S\lll J ay ~·v ~ , s..,.'l . . I.. L First' rville Cente The 1·0 : 15 a.Ill .. Sun{]a y Worship Mrs. Lois Dunawa y. Pas tor -; )U p . I11. . We J Ill'suay EVl' , P~ntecos~aIChurch. J.O :15a .III .. Sulluay Youth I ~' I 17.V I·:. f: rallkl ill Sh ect ~:rvi(l' If) d S a.lIl . lin ay ;x lOll Wl irship I~·.I\· N,'o rvdl'~ ' I~a " t (;r : : S.I I ' . '(l " '. II a.m. Mornin g Wotship (, :., p . I11 . • • lInuay ·.vc.l1ln~ - ~ () 11 . 11 1. . Sa t. Lve . Scrvil'C (;cI1'c Uk kl;cll . Ass·\. .'" . · .r Hi hk Study. all' agl's, 7:30 p.m. Evenin g Worship . " I IRST CHURCH OF GOD 7:30 p.l11 . Pra yer Meeting. i:!ol . &h' " 49 S. Main Street 'SUIH!; • .)I1. a OJ)O 1 . p Worshi g EVl'ilin .. I11 . p ]: 30 . Wedne sda y & Thursday ' .' S' ',' 1\-" .I d ' ' '1 ' I\\'l'C'k \V '0 7 7: 00 p.)11 ..,. un~ay ·,v:: n~ II ~ ' IY Il ay. .l'ul1l'S · .. p.IlI ~/ ;.0 a .111 . • Sunday School :.' List est. Song-f p.m. 7:30 7' ~O n 111 \1" " 11"S· I·1 . I:VI'II Prayef ;lI1d nihil' Stud.v I , .. ':-., ~~( . ""_l~ ~' . '" :,:;;, ~ ,.. 10 .30 ;1.111 . ' Morning Worsh ip _ . month rda~ liatu "". r:, ~Vi{... ... . 'f ... r 7:00 p.I11 . . Sunday evening ..... ,. '.~ ~ ~ hants. ,~C? . · ~re8 ifl9 The F~lIow This Churc h Page Is ~nsorea I'"or You I hroug h The Court esy Of " ~~~ " . , i . C/ CENl ~r>lI~~"" " ~MUSI . . '''fll er u ( 73 & Cnrwin Rd. I{L'V. Shcrman Cllllk. Pas tur
SPELTZ - sell any amo~nt. Harold . Overstake, R,t. 2, HI~lsboro. Phone · ~27 . 5401 ; .· 39c2
'BASEMENT SALE - Clothes, furnl'hlre, ,antiques...r misc., Oct. 8, 9 & 10 from 10 to I) p.m.' Located at 210. 6tl\ St ~ eet, ~Wayneslillle. 40c 1
1966 EL CAMINO - 283 auto· < .matlc - red w/whlte tonneau cover"': excellent - ' ws - tires $1575. Phone 897.6225. 40G1 ,: ,WANT, a new ca r:pet , but can't afford It? , Cal 932-7876 for a 'lIke . new . cleanlhg. Paul's Xpert 'Carpet Clean· 11)9. 40c1 t
"NivER Used 'anythl119 like It"r say ·
User~ of ~IU!l hustte carpet cleaner. . Rent shampooer $1. Wayne~vllie Furn.lture Store: ' 40c1 t
· 1 ' p'RICE CARPET S'ALE -' kitchen , ca r.~t, Arr'Qstrong sC,urpt!ue'd ",ylon .or .DuPont SOl; Your cllolce, com, pletely ' Installed at no extra cost, ,, $7.90 SCluare . y"rd, free 'estimate. Phone 372 r 6995, GAR PET FAIR, ,1 29 S. Det!OI..t. s~, Xenia., Qh!O 7 FeaT POol . Tablel-lE!5S'thari a year
~Id' $~~ • .PhO~'.897-o552
' GARAGE S~LE ' - Friday c1nd.Satur',' Cijy,' . C>ct. , 9, & 10. on South Main ,. St ~,et Lool<fol' ~gn. 40c1
· 5 DAY
SALE - 25% offon all 1970 trllvel trailers· .and wheel camper cam'plng trailers., See the new 1'971 ' .Re.valla . Astro Cruiser truck ' .'.""""',.''', ~mper.s. ,W a:tnesvllle Campers. phone 897-7936:", ' . r • 40cl moae~ I
\CA'RTS~ Ib~IVE• p.m'L..2 /TIlles wllst , off t<oute 73. Btlck . ree , room, Ilatdwood, garage,' Ibw S2'O~s. " C~ V "'~p9, . ,t.:;~l:iow •Re_a.lty .
TWO Car garage. Phone 897·7'83 2 or . 891·5634. . 39c2 WILL shar.e my home with lady. Call .897-7832 or 897-5634. 39c2
Mrs. WiI1iam Stubbs of Waynesville ble,w, a whopping five inch bubble to win the. festival's bubble gum bubble blowing COIl-
BABYSITTING rn' my home, by hour, day or week, fenced In yard. Ask for • Joan,n. Pl)one 897-6021. 39ctf HOME ' repair and maintenance carpenter, concrete, sheet metal paint· lng, roofing and electrical. 'Phone 7~6-2982, 21etf
·ACME Sanitation; licensed with Board of Health; all modern equipment. Clean leaching beds. oUtside VIUItS, septic tanks. All worti 'guaranteed-24-hour service. Middlo tOWI'! P~0.ne 423-2945. 37c4
, WANTED WA~T to trade 1961 VW Karmann Ohio In good condition for VW sta t!on wa~on. Phone 897-2060, 40ctf
Lop.N. for small nursing near Waynes· ville, hours and wages open. Call 933· 5866. 40c1
HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED body repairman and painter for permanent position. ' Above-average pay for the right man • . Apply or call for further Information at Ken Cole Ford, 105 E. Market. Xenia. Pho!1e 372-6798. 40c2 WANTED: Part time typist to learn typesetting. Must be willing to work nlaht heurs and oroaress toward full time work. Apply The Miami Gaze r.te 105 S. Main, waynesville 39nctl
.' ,
(, ltIMbPJ,Qtf·" ·,,, : ·. obem ..Ci.J.ter
. 21 N: Ini ST. WAYN ESVI L:LE, OHIO 4I0Il .
N.ttI·,' . -. Hiin. ;f~· . MOBILE HOMF; SAJ$S '
Lltl A'IIII~I. '
, -, .' ittO pel' mCllltb) '
II· . ·..... r••tl.i -Irea Swtmmtnl Pool , 'Schooi BUI Servtce · OP,EN '1 DAY~ -WEEK
· . 'BART'S WILDLIFE RECREATION . •, Sprin. '~alley Lake ' PJt. ~e'" BurUn.l~.on 488·2483 " .
test. The other winners of festival games were nol available at presstime Monday. . Tradit ional um pah pahs of the Bohemian-Bavaria n Brass set a rich musical atmosphere . and reminded visitors of sauerkraut's nativity. Foot tapping German and Dutch melodies enlivened the festival mall throughout the day. These a uthentic tape recorded tunes Wf!re continuously sounded from TowQsend's TElevision Shop. Claudette Mullins of Dayton is shown above during a demonstration The iirst f Uhio Sauerkraut at the potters wheel. - David Edsall Photo Festival came to a classic, lively, fun packed conclusion with a culturally colorful performance of nearly 30 cosltume clad members of the Miami Valley Folk Dancers Association of Dayton. Miami Valley Folk Dancers highlighted the festival mood with their gaiety, genuine friendliness and ar'tistie dancing. After performing,se.veral .Ger. man and~ .Htthet l· '1 fo}kt 'l dances, these jolly masters ·of congeni- · aBty invited the .. audience to dance with them, several accepted and tlie first Ohio Sauerkraut Festival in history came to a JOVial end in a crescendo of folk color.. .
ITEMI: Edam ' and Gouda, . Dutch-t.ype cheeses, : arere~dily recognized by their red coatmgs. ITEl\'I: The beef rolled ru~p roast comes from the beef round, a section of the hindquarter. The standing rump is boned, rolled and tied to make a compact cut.
~ello M~:>thersl Short On Money? Ea;n $$ plus Green Stlmps. Work
untll- Dllcember1, part" tlm.. Noco," lectlng, Ino 'dellvery ancUre, suppll.s. S.II·P"yhOuse TOys
Call Judy 897·2235 .
' ......, . ... . w..;..' ,
:" -
. !
W. Henry Young of Germantown, one or' few broom makers in the area crafts a handsome broom. -Davi~ Edsall Photo. The Loui"ana Purchase treaty was ratified, Oetober 20, Ilt3. . Spain opened tbe .Mississippi River to Americans, October 21, l'I95. Thoma. A. Edison invented an electrical incandescent lamp, odober 21, 18'9. "Old Ironsides" was launched October 21, U9'J. . Sam HoUlton of Virginia was elected fint president of the RepabUe of Texas, October 22, 1836. The MetropoUtan Opera DOGIe opened In New York City, October Z; 1183.
Garages cl Basem~nts Qeaned
'. 81,lllr',
Hillinl'· ·llrvJC.I ·. ·.·:.
Tr~ Can LI~ers . - 50 In Dispenser- Bo)( ~ '$4~OO ; ,,,, PHO~t - 891-8185: " •. .';. " . " .:.'" ,,::-,n'M , ; "We -Haul ijJst Ab9~t Anrt~lJ1g"
~, f RfMfMl.tl~'·. ' ~'.. ~ ..
DOES HE KNOW _ ABOUT GOD·POWER? Your teen·ag er may already know a60ut atomic-power,
hydropower, manpower. He is aware that many other things are referred to, as power. But Is he aware of the greates t power in the universe?
. learnin g about God's power will give your child confidence to tackle the obstacles we all face in lif•• Through, a study of the Scriptures, the Christian Science Sunday School
encourages _II children to see the .power of GOd for themselves. You are lnvit8d tr have your children visit or enroll in our cluses SUnday mornings at
Sunday SchoO'- 11 :00 A.M. Church S.vlce - 11:00 A.M.
Church of Christ, Scl.ntls t
ioo ,' Sout';
_'n ~tr_ '
C.nt..vI .... ,Ohto' J
~ ~
Ft~~ M.,.• •elYn 'v~ra, Be... • aire" Teus: I ,I'eJDember' when I , had to ' walk 'a mile on Saturday:
-pfck afternoon' to a ,beef ,c.\ub the week, Whe'u up our meat I got · hQme, my job', waS to cut the ~eat" ott tbe bones and grind enough to make chill for Saturday night. I was ahour 11 or I! years old when I started l;,tis . ..-. . ch.ore. I used to put cottOh 'leaves (sprinkle,d wit,h water) in my straw bat when I' we~t to the field to p,ict cot!oli, p~ com; etc., to keep out lOme 'of the ole . hot burnin g·'Sun. My mother would go to 'town to shop once a month at the , and my brotbe r and I waited for our treats - sa,l tmes ~d eam
I 'would by on f('eshJy picked
cotton in ~ wagon ~d look u~ at I sky ,ull' of stari 'laid a fuD moon- nc; pollution. ind tlJif wu '. " . I wonde dlll sigbl, ' iii! In..a tJie to' -kent My father wa.i0n pulted ,In', muleH bO'at ~ , mile, each way-a tid m.y brother. . and I woUJd go wjth. him., It. wu. ' ~ a treat for ,us.:-like kids golng , ~ : ' Dian,yland today. After the ',~ . WJS ,Iin~ed. father ~n;;, 1014" the eattou eed 8Qd.-c!ommg"hOme . we ~pped at·· a' 1nWl ·· ~ ::" '"
" '., "; ,"'.
sto~' wb~re f.~l.l~r "',~h , .
and ' : ~5 ~1 "
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Diaclplb;ae ,,,,,'· Vety , ~· · oD the front , ,~JA '~ .~ fUO.l;: sidp' ·'f.~ ~ 19iCf"'.t o.,. . '--and that' " ~aaer: ~~'
-Wi: .r~ '7~~~:1\!~t1i!}~ili:~~~}:~·~~~~iJj~~
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'.pg~~~t(~·~y,;ru~tl\lj~~. ':Un.~uty or health, cOOsciQtis' dUmpers who have.now achieved the ultimlte •• y ....ulll l~t>th~ in'~e~tion 'of W,ddletown 30 and Waynesville Roads. ~e d~ani· e',P1toper:8\\ltI1~tities ~~ ~een contactea,'b'Uf the niaCabre.piece of garbage remains as of pr.esstime
'M islmi lW~ett~ i1S aS1t:~ i~ I ~~nlo 1I1h"'·t',.,..
\\'QUld'take the time.and trouble of totjng a 300 pound carcass to the river for ..: • ". " .•, ' , D~s balton Photo. ..
"AtL-:UOUR; "
Use our 24-hour "
r .
oeposjto~y , ~ " • t
.•\~ "
1. Endorse Checks
Checks should be endorsed for deposit in your regular way.
3. Enclose in Envelope Place all items in one of the envelopes we provide, and seal;
4. Place in Depository
" In~rtthe " compfe~ed transaction in our 24-Hour Depository.
' "
-, Th~. ~~ Valley cers' of ~Yton Will host .a 'Weeke~d ,.9f: ~~r~,~ a.n~, A~triaQ Dancmg1, With ,noted· dance, tea, . chers,,~ Pau(!ll)a~'Gr:et~a D~nsirig Opt. ·'17-18, at l.o~rey Comml.1n, ' ity. Center ,at Dayt.on. Th.~. ).?uhsin~, now retired , ... ~ ,frQtti George Williams College . " . ~t ' Chi~go" wh.e~e they ta~ght .le ':COl; s~vera1 yea'rs, ,will-give step ~y , ,st~p ipStruCtiOflS. to Miami Valley Folk ' Dancers and their friends. " , '
Foik'oan- ·
R Rich8rd Lutes, a Waynesville High School graduate, has been enrolled for the first semester classes this fall at DePauw Urnversity at Greencastle, Ind.
The' Spartans first runner arrived fifth during last week's fi~st 'Cross-Cquntry .~e.et. " . , ,. The five Spartafi boys who . , p'1aced w.ere: J~ff ~e'nner, Gar,y <Cook; Dave Dick; Mike' Hartsock ' . and BOb Graham., l' . A .second meet with Little School at, Morrow , Miami . :' saw the fust Spartan runner pbice sixth. . . ' , 'Waynesville's first · five in- , '~'; cluded Jefr-,Benner; Jeff Bourne, . Mike',:! &rtsock~ Bob Graham, ~ landl ··(;al\y •.:,C06k. ' .' . ,'. , The Spartans ' next meet will "' he , "the Fort Ancient Valley '-, J~ague}de~t at Kings Mills. I
, ....
Lutes, a jUnior, is the son of Alva Lutes of 3141 Larue Drive , Dayton and Mrs. Betty Lutes of Waynesville Route 3. Starting its 134th academic·
year, DePauw. has a total enrollment of approximately 2,400 students in its combined College of Uberal Arts; School of Music and School.of Nursing. -.
Y• I r baa k St I f·f 'e 8~ ns Wark At. \WI Yne s Vi II e . 'This 'year's Spartan yearbook staff is directed by Robert Seigal. . ' !4embers are, at present, collecting ads and taking pictures of5 students caught off ~rd. . Some of the members of the staff. are tirO Barney, Allen Bernard, laVerne Caudill, Pam -Click; Steve 'Jones, Marty Mayo, Susan ThilJ" Mark Florence and· Dime weSt. It, looks ~ !' ifsJ)a~k to the, """'~"""""oograpp":" machine' for l he" ac)iooI,' ', newspaper. , Mrs., Robett TownSend, joum~m te~cher, , stated that the paper ,",ould be an after school project. $le also I
Those 'students enrolled this fall will be among the first group of DePauwites to engage in a new 4-1-4 program that calls for two conventional semesters sandwiched around a one-month special Winter Term in January . To be ,emphasized in the wii\ter Term 'is the general theme, "Our Dete:rioratingEnvironment: . Can Man Remain Human?'" Lee- , tures by a.uthorities such as architect Buckminster Fuller, Dr. Elvis J. Stahr, Alan F. Glltt- ' rnac~er, president of Pla~ned PMenthodd ' World PopUlation, i Indianapolis may6r Ricllard"lligar, and Standard Oil (Ind.) Qtairman John Swearingen are among the speakers scheduled. Consumer aavocate Ralph Nader appeare4 on the ~mpus earlier
said a meeting for people interested in the paper would ' be called. .' The fust edition should , this ,month to ,discuss the topic. . . Related to the general topic , rUI,S., M Force ~~rospace De- ' . , ~p1e out around Halloween. will be four-we,ek irtdividual stu~m~~~. ,_ ~other ' group ,of busy-veod~n,t pr9jjects supervised by fapIe . is the debate team direoted "by "Mrs. Roger HartsocJc. John c~1ty an(1 administrators, many - Fngle; Ken Vincent and sOme projectsrelat~ng to the overall theme but several also keyed to , others- join returning debators individual student predilections. Darty~ Edwards .an~ 'Dwite ~er-,
......,.'... sic' Asso€iationlnc. '. ..
Waynesville High School Junior High : scalped the Clinton-Massie Indians for a victory Thursday. aiff Meager Photo.
All 'products bearing the NAPA Seal':
.it Equal or surpass S.A~E standards and
all O.E.M. specifi~ations,! Are brand line 'm~rchandise of recognized quality!
it May be purchased 'with complete confidence in their dependability!
dTb~~6~/ LEBi\NO.N ~· P·ARTS··:cd.~, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
BOOK MASTER MIX BEEF OR DAIRY ,FEEDS NOW PROTECT PROFITS _ ALL ,WINTER We'll give you some added protection besides. By booking winter feed needs now, you protect yourself against any feed price increases later this winter. And just for booking in advance, W8"1I give you one of these famous Bernz-O'-Matic fire extinguishers ••• an added measure- of protection fOf your family anCl property. Now, Master Mix feedi,ng can be more profitable than ever fo~ you. See us today. Offer ...... Oct. 3'."70
(d8aler' lmprlnt~
:Papsi ·lal 'a 6:-1 6 OZ.
480 '
Braid CHICKEN PARTS S.H. Bart lett
PEARS Whit e Villa
WHOLE KERNEL CORN.. Whi te ' Villa
16 OZ. . CAN
Dog y .
. 18 O.Z. CAN
.. . I
.; . ~ ...
16 Oz'~
.'., is ,confined to Ointon Memorj's l·/, .Hospital. ' . . Howard Ary of Oregonia Road ,is a patient at Kettering Memor.' • f I." • ial Hospital. Village COu~lcil metih regular Our ' get well wishes to all. session Monday: ·night. Charles ' ~~,flP~S. Grand~~en~s ate Mr. Our sympathy to the family Sanders was s\\(orn in as Council "and ~s: He(man BeUman, Sr. of Ira E. ' Surface, former resi· Il}embei ih\ls, ·filling ,the ·Vacant 'ari:d ·. ~:,JamfMts: Viva'*," Fry~, all dents of near here, and the s~at created by the death of our of 'W.aynesVille; family has expressed to your late . Mayor B<>b Willis. Charles writer -their deep appreciation Beck, fOI~mer 'l~esident of 'coun· to the many local residents who cil, automaticaily became Mayor remembered them at the time and was sworn in by ,G.M. ~c· of their loss. Donald. George Wall was elected - ', -. -~-:-:----,----. School menu for the week by Council ~as President and of Oct. 19-Mon. Barbecue on Charles Sanders- term will. run bun,. tator tots, Harvard beets, through 1973 as he is replacing cookie, milk; Tues., luncheon Charles Beck's seat as council fRIENDS HOME r"EWS member. meat sandwith, buttered green beans, potato chips, spice cake By Ne,lie Dunnell Mr. Carl Rode of Carl Rode & FOR (coconut topping), milk; Wed., .,. _ Associates, Inc., Engineers Sur· EXPERIENCE toasted cheese sandwich, tomato Mrs. Florence Crane attended veyors of Colutnbus, also visited a: !>irthday; dinner for her son, COuncil regarding Water & Sewer soup/crackers, hot rice pudqing, 'Edward J. pineapple slice, milk; Thurs., Carmen Crane, on Sept. 28. for the Village. Mr. Rode will . . spaghetti & hamburger in tomato Delmar. Chaney called on his meet later this month with th~ sauce, buttered corn, slieed peamother, Bessie Chaney, on ThursCorps of Engineers in Louisville ' for ches, bread & butter, milk; friday. to ascertain where S.R. 73 may JUDGE day, No School, Teachers MeetRobert Crane called on his . go before fUirth~r plans might Warren County Court ing. niothe~, Florence Crane, on Tue~be made. day. .. Mrs. Sue Carman returned 'RAMBY PHOTOS County Court Mrs. Allen Koonce visited her home Saturday from the PostServes the Township of mothe.r, Florence Crane, ort Frima,sters Convention held in St, <WuLUn,~ Wayne Union Clearcreek day ~ Louis last week. Maslle-- Washington Hamilton 210 CHAPMAN STRaaT Harlan Salem Opal Tresslar took"several lao Mrs. Claudia Brandenburg, WAYNUVIL.LE. OHIO, dies for a ride to Hidden Valley Ralph Brandtmburg aild Miss Sue II7~~II' on Thursday: They came home Steele spent Tuesday in Pataskla .lQaded:With ilPples. visiting Mrs. Francis Barker. . . Mis. B.e~ie Chaney was a Mr. and Mrs. W.O. McOelland w~kend,:guest of Mr. and Mrs. of Clarksville were" Tuesday Roy Muterstiau8h of Xenia. evening callers on the Clarence Mrs'. Nellie Bu,nneU;s cousins Price's. calle'd onher .Thursday.· Mrs. Judy Mills entertained ....,...lily Fulton of Columpus, Mrs. Annabelle Clark and Oau·· : James Odell and daughters, detta Reedy at her home SaturCatolee Holohan and Marilyn day. night. . ~~~ney, RQe and Antha Din. the WSCS 'o f the United . Wid(1ie of Dayton Vis,ited Sarah Methodist Church met Thursday JIl~f;l!Mr~!~i~ g~~~l~;~~.S~t~~,:t.\,,- " ~ . , .. Burnett S9nday afternoon. ,. afternoon at the ., church witli . me .,way~ Robert' Palmet called 'on his· Mr~. I~ogean Voiers ' 'and Mrs. " ~~ few Moth~ on Surida~;: . '.' , Mary Jo Haines as hostesses. ~:flrid···'jt:.~ ,I {Matt. Carrie 'Russel spe ' nt the week- . llJ.! , ';r e program lead.ers were Mrs. 1 ~«:'·llf:.'I]I:"I'''' .T,A -':~~_"""~~ 81~ said, .'.1 ~ end with her family. ' . ". Helen 'Robertson and Mrs. Lucy ~·.,. and tb,,::~f~:, Mr~. ' ;Nellie Bunnell's family McCarren. . . , , ~~j;:wn,~.~~ :~~~o the ,Fa~her;: '. ~P~At 'Sunday everung with her. Dale Cahill, Prjncipal of Har'" !.' . . " . : .: veysbtirg.School"anno_llficed that ,t,~ J~ney ~~s .and ' T.B. .t~sts. will ~, given at- the ;... ~~~ett~' -l~lDP~y 14dley call,ed school Oct. 19' to_ali .Kindergar· . on, -Jessie Robitzer ' and other ten, 1sf grade, 4th grade and all ,.friendS :'at th ' Friends Home', new students. Make sure your ;;'U( ye :are ; ~t~~y. '" /,". youngstCfrs .have had their tests! :";~g; ,... :Mr,s. J~¥ L. , Jo~,~son_of.New Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and ~~,,:~..,.. " ._;;- :York Cjty: and MJuQr ,~l<e, New family have moved into the Ed We Would like introduce to you our "NEW high Jlim~~~', is~" v;sit,ng- her ~o. Burton rental on Cross Street quality printing." Much .effort has gone into IM·le'sSie ; Robitzer! at the and:Mr. an~ Mrs. William -Michael PROVING our quality ltandarda. The latelt in typer.nenclI " ,. ' and family have,\moved into .the equipmau "brill. to you thia quality at lower "''''rYQ'T ~m~r and.'Mrs. lM Buiton rent1l1 on Main 'Street. Pricaof r' ~isb~j ,'. ~,~..'~)n't forge( tl1e anQUaI Hali~~J~P:~i\Q'-~.t!~""VI ~d!l'Jlll,*,et: 14o~er, .' , loW'¢en C8miVal to .be held,Oct. . • FOR • . • IUIUIEIi CARDa ii2~~I~~~I~II~r~ after~C?On. ' , 24 ip. the';schopl gym. Food will • WEDDINa 'IiVITAn • • -Nea FOR. e,i . at,t~nded " , b~ served;frorn 5 p.rn.-on~very,eTlCKm .. AIINOUNCEIIENlI '~~~ClIt!i~~eJ ~t' her.' daugli. body~ is U(~d to at~en~.~;iu~ -HANDIILU . • Lm'ERHEADI ·.WIIIIAIM Ge~~~r on '. port this event sponsored ,by the .• EIIVELOPD -MAILERI i~YI~~~ . ,,'t ." '. ,. . P.T.O: ' ,. • NEWlLE1TERI - lROCHURD iack)~~ .~nd ~s.~! Mi'~• .~~ ~rd .gr~4e tea~her e NEWSPAPERI .- POSTERI .~~ JeSSIe ,., h:ere t hai " re~UIned ,.to ' ber. ' h9~~< . 'LAIEU - ,AllPHLETI .looKLETS 5'1=1~~~' :(m~J~es~JJ,,~.flr;~~J1liJf~;~~~'tt~~, !r.tern~n. : ,', from .Nt. <;.armel ·Ho'$pital .i.n • CALENDARI d .dr.·bi)1oJ) \ :ColumbUs 'wti~re\ she; bid und~A ' . e ITATEIIEITI • lOOKS r,J;l.g&~~~;~~tAtq ,Eh~ .'iiijl~Y~ ,'gone'eye sU{g~• .. -. . :. ' Ki 'L~- ~ - •.i-~ .....~ ..~• . I;~~~~~~Y..i)'~~~~~()n:, '.' '., ...... ~~~ . 'Marle~e ,.(J¢ftf), ~yton .· lPECIALna ...... WI paia& ................... 1IIa ~" ,~
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Work Is a "Must" Here to:
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CIIP"'_ t.f.....
Located at the offices, ...~f' .. ' ,! ~'r
HARVE-¥SBt:J'RG . '~ri,endshiP' Baptist )~. Chutch ·
V,NESVIl::l E , iChU}Ch '-Chris,
Third '&::Miami IStreets '. SI'llllwm BU pl i~ t ('~) m;cn l i OJl . Charles Pike~ Evangelist , , : \6flllan \1c;iJowll. P\.l ~HH " I ()::OO a.- ro •.. SU'nC,lat. Mo(nil)S '. ~ :'30 p.m. - Sunday Eyening 9:3{) <l. 1ll .. Sunclij \' ~ ht)o l ' '6 :30 p.m. -, Wednesday Evening ,.)O:3tru:lll oo Sunu':J Y "I.HI'ling Phone. 897.-4462 ror.i nformatioP· , .Wor~l ri r , 7:30p.m.. SUI1UU Y Evenin g S(' rv i~ c ' ' First Baptist 'Ch'urc;h 7 :'3 0 p.m., Wl.! unl.!sda}. ~1iu\\'cck North.Main St ~eet PrilYl.!f anJ Bihle St ud), ' . John P. Osborne, Pas tor 10 :00 a.m. ,Sunday Schllol , ;J~na~s Run Baptist . 11 :00 a.m:;MOrl'ling W~HSh i p . ". . Church . 6 : ~O p.m. ,TrainingiUnion .Ohiu 7 ~ UI!>I t .; 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship : L.'~tc r KiJd. Pa'~ior 7 :30p.in .,Wednesday Prayer I'O:O() a.Ill .. SlInJa\' SdlO'ol ' . Mec'tin'g : ' 10:0') & ' I I :00 Sund.. }: ' (Affiliated .with Southern BapWmshi r ~I.! rv h; e . . tist Convention). 7 :3()'lun .. SlIlIuay !:veiling First Church-of Christ Worship bl ~ t IJi g" Street Steve Tigner, Minister . United Methodist Church () :30 a.1l 1·... Sulid ay IBihlc &holll 'l>Jvid lIarpcl'. Pastor , 10:30.1.111. , Sunday WIIP,hip and ( 'OI1lIllU II i C)II 9:30 \.1 . 111 •• Sunday Chu rch 6 :00 p.IlI ., SIIIH.la i YlIlIlh Scrvit.:c Mc'ctillg 10:30 \.1 . 111 ., Su,;d; y Schuol 6 :30 p.in .', Sunday Christian II :00 a.m., Sunday Worship Youth tlour Scrvi~e 7:30 p.m., Slinday Evcnillg Yuurh Fellowship and Bil}le Worship . Study 7:30 p.m.. Wedllcsuay Bihlc Harveysburg Full Gospel Study ,
Friends Meeting Fourt~
Stlcet near lIigh
9 :30 a.m ., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. SUllditY Meeting for Worship (unprogrammed)
St. Augustine
High Street . Rev. Joseph II: l..u,t mer. p.Jstor 7 a.m. & t I a.m. Masses H a.m. & H p.IIl:J Joly ()4YS 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:45 a.m. ()Jily Mass 5:30 p.;". Saturday Mass
7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Yuung People's Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:00 p.llI. Sunday Evening
SP.~IN6 VALI:..E.V ."
Walnut-Vine R. ,Meredith, Pastor . 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:)0 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth FeiloWshipjr. high & sr. high 7:45 p.~n. Wednesday'chOlr rchcan:.il ~obert
Third & Main Streets Rev, Harold Deeth, Rector I I : I 5 a.III., Murning Prayer 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays : Holy Cqmmunioll 2nd & 4th Sundays
United Methodist· Church
Spring Valley Church of Christ Glady Street
Third & Nnrtl,l Strects . '. l. Young. Mlnistcr 9:00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m.. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.n~. Wednesday-Evening Worship , , '-
Corner uf 73 & Corwin Rd. ,· Rev. Sherman Cuok. Pastor 10:.10 a.I11 .. Sunday Schuul 7:00 p.m .• Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.. Wedilesday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m.• Sat. Eve . Service FIRST 'CHURCH OF GOD 49 ~. Main Street 9:30 a.m. _Sunday School 1O:~0 a.m. _ Morning Worship 7:00 p.m .• Sunday evening .
Spring V~lley Friends Church . .
.... . , Mound Street E. Friend CoUser, Pastor · 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sch~1 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Waynesville Rescue Mission
Christian Baptist Mission Main Street Mrs. luis ~naway. P.dstor 10 a.m. Sunday School I I a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evenin~ Worship... 7:30 p.m. Prayrr Meeting, Wed,:,csday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Song-fest, last ':;aturday .each iUOIlth. \ •
Ruute 42 .. t Gellnh~wn
., Acy lamb·..-Pasto r 10:00 a:m.• Sunday Schuul 7:30 n:'!I., S(JIlday. WC IJllcsduy and Satur~.ay. ~vcning Wurship Services . 7:30 p,.lll . • Wedncsday Youth Service . . .
~y , Sh~rnh.',r . ')a~ t(l r
, 9:30 a·.'~I, Wnis.Ilip .Scr',' ke .~. 1O~ 30 SUnd .. y CI ~lird\ &:111101 ' . :. 5:0Q ().Jil': Sundav Yll\'1h ' \ ," Fcllnwslfip ",,:
MT. H,Ol.:a':y ·'
.' United Met'hOdis-( . Church
st. Mary's Episcopal .
E. South Street , Rev. Jack Itlll1i\ton, Pastor !
GEN,NTOWN ' _Genntown United Church , ' of Christ -. .
CORWIN' Pentecostal Holiness Church
,r!u .
United MethoClist . ",, -";.wh"': '. ' r·,~I .
' ~ .Ur~
Rtiv. ;I ~0 ' )liard Ba' x't ~r- ,' '-M . , 9:30 'a .m.• sUnday SChm,I ' ,'. .- . . I I :00 .1.111 •• Sunday. W,,{ship . " " .9 i30 a:m. Sunday Schuul Service. fl. 7jo p.m.• We~~~~~ay. Praycr , Servicc I
'United Methodist · .. Church !' , ' John K. Stnith, Minister : ',
9:30 a.m., Sun,~y School . 10:30 a.m., ~nday WorshiP : Service " -.8:oo-9:oQ p.m., We~nesday , evenirt;g, Bible Study':
-"""--.. Fer,,~ ChUrch of Ohrist ' .
'WHming'ton Pike & Social ,Row Road Bus Wiscm .. ,;. Minis'lcr 9:00 :I. Ill .• SU,.nday ·tilblc Sclu;ul . ,.0: 15 a.m., Sun~ay wors,1i p . . ~ 10: I 5 a.m., SlIIld.ly Yuuth W"rship , -' . ,. . (, :30 p.~n .. Sunday EVi!ning Bihle Stud'y., al.l.ages.... 7:.10 p~ nl.. 'I-:~'e"ing, WorsJlip . '. ·7:.10 p',m.• Wcd,~es'day~ Mi~~c.~k Pra.~cr..an.lr~ibIC StJ,dy :,.,,'~':: ...
_ ....'
This Church Page Is tipORSOrea ..or You tlvough The Courtesy·Uf 1}1e.. Follo.'ina )An.·\ · fMrbtllnu51'~ ·. . :·<l.··Mo:\.·ji.· •.i ~
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' . , WA-NTED"~"
'WANT to trlde ,.961 VW Karr1nann ' Avon .. bottt . ... TV, ·SWlvelstafld, him- Ght.. In 'g ood , condition for ,VW sta,''" "*ed cop~r ra", . hood, '. b.lcycle, '. t'Oh 'W.gon , Rhone 897-2060• . 40ctf , ....V bed, sterilizer, ctC!th'ng & mls=, ,' . ,. OI"'MOU'h()",sehotdlt.~.; 6010,p.m. ' .HELP WANTED . Oct. 15 ' 16, 17. 2'-1'0 slxtl1 St., 'Way'" , , nilvl ...... · . i, ' 41c~ , . . EXPI;RIENCED bOdy repairman and . ' ' , ' . " ;' paInter' "for 'permanent ,position • . ... V . . ' , ,'. ., t . , .... , ,n . ,~t)o.ve aVerag.' ~y for the rIght- man~ .:-' ~.' :ROl:.~T 4, $Peed,! ran 11,,·,0 , , AQpw"or' GaIl tor further Information " 1!I~W~rn~r.T:.i~, !(tur?t ,~nkage,.,~5'p~ K.n Cole Ford, 105 E. Mlir. ket , • · ....~ .197-44~8 I~~~ ,5 p,m. :a.k 'for. , Xehla~ Phon'e 372-6798. . 40«:2 1lllli..1 ·" ~. I ' 41ncl' ,,! • I" , ' , , rn I.,...." I _ ' . r • • : '. : . " ' ." . : ' qpENI~G fj)r L,.P.N. tor small Nurs' p'~ASONI~ , AM·FM r:'~UOlrecor.der l'1.g ~bme "ear Waynesville. Hours and _ ' WJth Qr brad(et, a ,.1.955 C~evrolet wlge. oPen. Cali 1933-5866 41cl ' , ~ .11. new tl,es~ cl(J~ch ...nJf shock.. , ""lj""' , ~ : ~~ , .:.. ' _ - : - -_ _ _ _ _" ' - 41,000 P..hQI\, ,8~7~5569 ' 41cl WANTED : Pan 'tim. t~PI.st to lear n • ., ;e typeSetting. Must be WIlling to work " ,. N~O,. flre ~ WoOd'? Cal! 89'7-2ti55 , _ nlciht hours _nd Droar,ss toward full )' 8ftiW . • p~m .. ' J ,41nc1 __ ~ .... trine ,Work. App,y The 'Mllml Gaz8\' W 105-5; Main, -waynesville 39ncn " ~ .
~ILLERs ! Gul') ClUb,
Tu.rkey and Ham Shoot every sundlY, 1 p.m., township ~oad. Ph. 8~7-~071 41c4
'HOME repair and mllntenance 'carpenter, concr.te, sheet metal palnt-' :tng, rOOfing ·and' electrical. 'Phone: 746~2982. 21ett : '.,
2. Populates
,l.IDltant 6. Append
WHERE ARE THEY? In ·tbe late" hours of television viewIng, we See the timely reminder that the bour is late and are asked the quelltion, "Do you know wh~re your cbilldren are?" , It would be difficult to determine how many timles this public service ' commercial hus -caused parenl!i ' to become awart~ of the fact their children were not present and accounted for. " ~nd,. there is tbe Q~er ~lde of the COlD. ' The commercial 18 seen ,by children~ viewing television at home, who do not know wbere their parents are, and, if tbey do know, have liO idea when their parents will b.~ returning bome. RegreUully, in these ' modern times, the hOlme is becoming less and lea the lEocal point of family activity: Everyone, parents and children, , always 'seem to have "somewhere" to . go, some activity tbat takes them outside the borne. Home, for many, is merely a place to eat and to sleep-a place to go wben the hour is late or the stomacb is empty. Think about it for a moment. Is your bouse a bome? Do the occupants really "live" there? U not.
3.Podla. trist's concem
4. Wane
10. Pan. itreet
:I.Tlme , period
11.Palned 12. Jeyes (It.) 14. Wheeled shoe
6."'The Sheik
24. 'Olil40
'I. Stupid
15. '''l'b.e - , " 8eottnovel
8.B&nlah ' 11. Vlperj 12.F.D.R.
U.Some 18.8unJod
le.-Image (2 wclll.)
22. Eye Ul
13.RenWn 11. Auxiliary bull4inl
ticket' buye1'8
,25. Large
26. Jow .21. Preatnc
35. Bartlett or
29.Bealu 31.- ,
Amo, cartooDiat
34. TrIm away
no good (2wda.)
-to. From
21. Attendance
U.IIaD's _ DUlle
21. Jlythleal creature 3O.~Uon
11. Peace S2.Apncy oUIle .
lt3O's 31. Two-footed 35. Qlubby aT. Say
38.DueUnc norda
D.J'onnerly (poet.)
40.Ofa eertaln eereal 41.WelPt
. BABYSITTING In my home~ by 'hour, day or week, fenced 111 yara. Ask for - Joann. Phone 897-6021. , 39ctf
42.U~= /
1. J:levate (2wda.)
Each man, must seet salvation. One cannot wait for God to appear in the heavens, for some miracle ,to suddenly ;bring the bleaings of ' tai~h; .. '
ITEtK: Wlhen a homemaker sees 1.5 pou!nds registered on a meal pac"agl!! at 'the supermarket, she should nlDt take this to mean one pound and five oQnces of meat. It means one and one-half pounds or one pound, etght ounces. Automatic weighing and pricing machinery computes ' these in intervals of ten.
ITEM: The padc;ling, ' also called
or "underlay," will increase the life of your carpet or rug by as m1l1ch as 30 to 50 per cent.
I" "
"How do our parents learn aD the things the>: teU you not to do?"
E Y ,t i , R S, SprlDPoie H&62I81
.. ,, '"
",c trst,OM
, ~. ALL , ' "YPIl"S,
,Bobert Oarter r
21 II. ,S~
WAVNDYILa.£. OtuO ..MIl , . ",
••• N
, "Bow a~ut a great big amlle thla mondDg .•. THA'rS IT. ~."
~" I
~:s!I'''~I'':.!i-''; :I~'''lJ .
" a'tlgreal
'by ;:,we got..cr~owa~d· oJf the reporLanq '-~aQy ; p.otures. , I' 'f:h~y, ',ha~~ ~h,tere~ting ' exhib~ts of . , A ~fl'r~ 'D IAR'Y ' v~rJous ' 9r~ftsmen. Wh~n V{e had " . ' ',I : .• ' , .. " a'. br,o om ~Jcer in the nej~bor • \' " ', ' BV 0.;;),: ,~ra,2,;~,~r . . Friday, . October. 19, }.970.. hood, we used' to r~ise ' .a1'ittle " Another mild partry 'c1o.!1d y, or broom cd ' everY' year ana, ~~ve '"pjrtly' sunny, ~ w~cliever you .some :broQi'ns made on shares. :' '.'~ hQose to ,:call .it; ~~y '.I: The~.nd' " There wer~' ,~ riu~bcr ,' of. q~her .' , .' lows and lots' 'of 'leaves ar~ ~. eXhibits. According 'to all accorning dow,n, lb'e foliage is be: ' counts, they ' must have" ~aten . \. ~nning to turn.• b~t many lea yes I, ,.aI,~t of kraU~t ~ t<?o, I,t ' ,w~· ni~ . ' !Jtave dried up wltho,ut turnmg tha~ they ,had such good Weath~r. Yester!1a~ afternoon we, had and ,are falling off, but many are sun green. The two big maples in '. dogs in the sheep again. 'I found my neighbors y~Fd that are a big shecrp , in the pond' in tile ' usually so . gorgeous have not east pasture with a big fresh hole turned yet. 'The trees th'at only in its side and saw two dogs runturn a pale~ yellow have ' turned ning away when r came . into and the poiso'o ivy along 'l'fhe sight. There was a · big' brown fences has turned a brig~(red. dog, big as a small calf and a That is its only Virtue. It, 'does 'smaller black one. One of our turn a lovely color in .the fall. SO' neighbors has just gone down docs its non-poisonous cousin, ,with a gun to see what he can . woodbine! the five leafed I?~d. ,see. If ,anyone has dqgs loose that Too bad it is not all that Ktnd. anSwer that description, they Can you teU 'the difference? 'better ,tie them up because if
:}t' ,
, 'I
II-FIEEIE -$. 6.9 '.
G~L .
.) elr r,,·a'U-'
SI.N eL A lR .·
.Ph. 897-5016 , 7 Days A Week
, ~ So. Ma,in ·S1, , Wayn8iYme. p.
....i-. ..
.. Way'nesville ,Police Chief, '.,' , : Chatles is in ,~rious con.J1J~> "t ""'~tiohi'at Sft'iithville General H0s'~. " .' pital, ~thyme, Tenn. fol~owip'g ;;, ':8 h~' attack early Sunday. '. ' . 'Chief leMay was stricken at a flOOng-resort when~ he and his . 'Wife, . Mary and his sister; Ruth lokey; registered nurse, had been ~ vabtiooing for the past two weeks. . Mrs. Lokey diagnosed l.eMaY,'s condition as heart attack when ., his iiltense vonuting awakened , ' her and tdrs. leMay, Previously : '" '- LeMa:)I,' J,acl"sllffered from what ~,J ", app~ed to; be flu sy,nptoms\ ~ 8Pspital exa;minatiol'i showed, ~t . 'I:;eMay ~Yt'8$ suffering fro~ a blood clot in the heart. '". Jt~ ":-;xpected, 'from a local
..report, that he will be moved from Smithville to Murfreesboro within two o:r three days . d~ pena~g 'o~ the improvement of his condition. . The 'fariliiy, Pr. and Mrs. Gary Hayes of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred leMay of Cincinnati, tom Robinson of Waynesville and Dr.-' Richard Robins~>n of Rochester, Mich., have joined the LeMays at Smithville. . No further details were avail· able to The Miami 'Gazette at presstime ~(>1nday. Police protection will be , ~intained in Waynesville I by . Homer R8mby, Jack Gross and Floyd .Lynch , unijl leMay's re- , covery. . I
Ohi~ 'and 73 intersection at WaynesviUe was overworked with -accidents between Friday an~ presstime Monday. Two telephone poles and a 200'pair 10l)g distance cable was cut by a du~p truc.k at the intersection Friday, Monday afternoon two cars collIded at the same~ intersection sending two persons to the hospital. No further ac· cident details were available at presstitne.-David EdsaU Photo
The . Wayne local Board of Education will place on' the No· vember . ballot a Renewal Tax Levy of 5 mills to maintain the fmancial support of Wayne Lo· cal School. The Renewal ,will not increase property taXes or ·result ,~ any increased costs to the people of ,the district. The passage of the renewal issue will merely renew or guarantee. the amount of money originally voted by the people. "Your fine support of Wayne Local Schools in the past has been great," said Superintendent Paul Schwamberger. "Your support of this iss\le is needed and will be appreciated."
RETIRED TEACHERS ORGANIZE IN WARREN COUNTY A W~rren County Retired Teachers Chapter is being orga. nized and the group is seeking out all retired teachers in the county. An organization meeting was conducted Oct. 5, according to a report from Miss Elizabeth Cha(1dler of Waynesville. . The next meeting of the new organization will be Oct. 26 at 2:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church at Oregonia.
" . It is possible' that you .have' heard ,aboUt-." plans for . ,' .
.. 'much needed retirement:-.d 'nurSing ..h9m..·,. faj:ilhy.·, that .is baing planned by ,the Friends l:IO~ , i~
. :'_ .. : ,' .'.,
, '.,:-
.... . way "-', .'- . ','
mafian on the prow• .of the pIa,..1 (<<;)I' 'this_~ci~i:tY at ~
· .
meeting to be held in the ~ultl;.purpo. roOm of the Waynesville schools at 7 ·'p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. .~8. A~i who are interested are invited to 'Come.
2 Autom~tic receipt
. 3 Any denomination /', :: ~~ ,.. ' .. '.. J.
. 4 .Fingertip' :.conven,ienc~ -: · ~ .
:5 East to' 'carry 6 Theft proof . 7 No loss, if ,.I~t, .'
.;, BEl\I: . :Bte:ndibg ..:'of.
"n"... t-I\'PtQ~II"'~in ·;
fibc.cs is done bpfore spinlling a yarn from , exact pl'oportions :0£ dj'f fere'n t Ii· be)'S\ A blend may, consist of synthetic ,and n,a tur,a1 fibers', com,bin· ations of synthefics, or combina: 'tions "of nlitural fibers. ' A fiber nlix~ure i$ ac~ieved' after spin"ning' by twisting ' together' two or . more strands ','of SPUD' yam or· continuous filament. A fiber mixlure may consist of a mixture of y'arn~ .~or warp yarns of '()n~. fib~l' and fil1i~g .:yal'~s o.~ ,flndth~r ,fi,be~,
other : , i, " ..:...-...1.__ 'ITEM: ' Sewing machines are room. " It equippe~ With 'd1e~ic,e,s I~O c~ntr~l J6,was telJsion. 'a t bott):..UPP'er 'and ,bobbm , ijI' .' ,di4i\ .k~ow, ~e.re \ threads, Pr9perly adjusted ten·: ·.llll ' ,pups "Carne :frojri. She sion.s give a b'alanced stitch. Ad· ' justrnents, usuahly 'are .. made in 100k~d tbem,over,'gotin the- box upper tension instead . of the' wii~ ,_,tl.t~6i ';lI1.d fi6ally deCided' . the one' which controls the' .bobbin tbat...·they -"were not ~ hers and " thI:ea.d. ,68-----~--~ ~ -~ ~-~~~~~-~1~.~. ~~~~~~:,~ t~t:she didri' lulve to t~k~ care - " of tllem. '·,Blaze' ~as ' deli8llted:fa ,be 'in;~the:hd-Use a~ii and' came aro'und to all of us and 'had to be. ~ied'"~".d' loved'by - all. However, , there it few little ' soraps: befo;e ,they were all frien~ a~ gain. Buffy, the littlest Scottie,' , stUt finds the pUps inttresting. She s~ts by their box and watc~e.s th~tn. w.ith great interest. If oidy there was a good dog auction like the stock SIlle. We are deep in t~ · hog busiBEG'INNING NOVEMBER 3 ness ~g3in. We' kot sotne more, a ,i boar , and a couple of sows. Ho: CLOSED MONDAY Weird, :.~oUldn't ;'· resist what he ,_ " OPEN ' MONDAV :, EVEI\IING FOR BANQUETS BY RI;SERVATION thought-,twas a..~rgain; aria as he" , sa YSt it ~s'no ,mOre trouble- to:take ' ',' . CL'<lSED AT NOON. ,TUESDAY ,THROUGH SATURDAy , ,· ·, care :of, 1hese ..than' it would be: ' half'as many~1he- pigs we bought ,OPEN 'BY RESERNATION ,FOR ,20 OR MORE . . .
.. .. ...
were "
'""\ .1".
. 'SPECIAllOTICE 11'1, HIII,.8
~~~Qj~~" ". :th~y ,;" '~e~~~lle$1.. ;,t~e'~ ~::},~.~k, :fi,~~ a~d are ~~~h1~ SQrJ1Pture,.s , ~~y.: ,<:~ct~ ~.1;J I!,., . 'Pati:ick"Jhe ram that the ~ogs
i ' ..
we !i.,ould h:e~d the Lord .s . got' died rlt, was too bad because \!i'j:l~lo~"!~1n and ",emulate t h e ' '. ""Camp,le "f 'th Be ' . 'Kind ~e wa,s a fine young regIstered e ,reans. 'as you "'Search the scrip- ' -""-'-"'~",' Can ~u find the follow-
0 .
. ---;,'
' Shir
t th 'b .
~Il'!P e,an , Just. a. e egmrung of t~e breeding seaso~. I went' lo flie sale yesterday, Just to keep ; trac~ of things, not t6 buY: 'Not 'many calves and 'prices high fdrcgdOd \things~ Babt white-- ' fa<iejl rcawea !'stlll-; .forty '~10 ' ~flft!y: . " dolWs a' head and- not-many of·!
For Reservations
' 11 . A.M~ ' .'TO'. 9:00 P.M. .' . . Phone 897·7046 OR ' 897·4766
~--__~~______ ~~ : __~__,~ .J
theMt l,s\'ette 'caTv~~ ~ Yiere ru8h, J :
. ,..
alsO. "A, nbmber':of 'flocks of nice > •
looking sheep:Sold: at fair prices: , _ Not many ' flo}Veis left. This rOU ' , A ; MBM,~ER? If , )8 ~1ie s~ason for cluysanthemums Bible:' is our '''road ' map nom - ,~nd ~here, ate)ots of pre.tty O?es earlli" 'to , heaven, :how ~can', We ~ tli~ y~rds ar~und to.wn. Min~
~x~'~ct ~be0,mg ~e~chi~e, dbFed, dsoem~ie'~ .' ~~dr1:::' y~~ r~!~~n~.tq~~~,: t~ a f1lem I\'r 0 f " . ' -' .' ._ ' ~
._~OS~ .I iiatne' I'do\'s: ~ ~~~" .'~ur~thrr to, get sOhme, ?ut
.. .' d't ' ? JlAe 'every mg else, t e pnces , f.P);~~H~ P~{~~ have 'gone up ' a~d,not all the n~.... YO,...,...'I"7Y1ln· "· ,,'.• .;.;: ' ,~\ ..J.d: 't d ' . ' series had them. I haven't' planted , 'you pr"l)'Ifn 1 t li ~ . et ha ' ? I . till ' " . r '.. for:" · ~r. ~ ~,y, ve y~)U''' , s . ' ~.nc IOn. '. have_some catrot~ and ~eets to' .~,;;.<.,--,,::- ,l)\lJtmllg;<4~~(1!P~~J)'e,~ . dig 'ajlCt~sti1l sottie ' weecI~ In the , il'1S1t~lP:tte.nl"!~··'tll)tJlf!~~· ,'m*:-bed: ',:lhen ;" It mUst ,'be ~ . '{!Jnll1ltCnea ~~ P.u1 .in shaPe for ' wIDte;; ·,S',-)rm 'windows to': 10
~n.~ tOQ.,,'
weather has 'put Us , " , i)li8h~ed ~m ,to ' .h~ ,Soybeans com. \iomet,hi~. Far- . ' dillCOll11'al(e'Q, bu~- there
"" ;"'_·~"._ C"
better, ',:
ho~ ,
, •. I'Ie, has worlUKl8shr,thin.. from a' bellhop to duck driver; he has operated : ~,i buSinessel.' ·allCl ,worked : in, '.factor,ies while, obtaining his educatic;m. · ..
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'".N',,,~"" .... .. ,.....' d H . 'sight here. , , . ~ .. It,he .(o'r~ps · tllen :bemg ,use ... .e, . He 'left ;Rush., Conege.n~ .. 'was' active in' .~he ea~ly days .o~ , vate practice 'Shortly \, . ,,'~ ,a . .; bo~h the nUnol~ a?d the ,Amen · statt of the civil War. He member of the Republican cq~_ .) can Medical SoCieties. ' . ." E~ns soon found. himsel~ a vention that ~ominated Abramember of ·the Chl~ago .C~ty ham lincol n. He remained tn Council and ~ssisted tn . wr!tmg pOlitics until President Andrew and placing into law educat ional Johnson vetoed the Colorado ial Mater . ' : -Note Bill. r's' .EditO 'iri1provements which includ.ed has es articl 'qf _ieI for thisPresident Lincoln sent Dr. the fust high school in that city Warbeen prov~ded· ~y . as well as a city superint~ndent Evans to Colorado to be a terriren Courity Histo ncal ~ toriai governor and he lived the, of schools. ciety and the articl es appearremaining 35 years of his life in ion His interest in educat ing w.e prepa red by. Mar· Denver. He helped start the use caused him to look beyon d the d ion Snyder, a past presl~t high school and he founde d, ,of cable cars in Denver, erecte of r edito and ty Socie of the with others , Northwestern Uni· a business block there, took part its ' mont hly publi~t~n, versity, locate d at Evanston, m., in starting the Colorado Semir ''The H istoricalog'~. Read .s which was named for him. ':Ie nary which later became Denve to d invite are a tte as Gaze served the of assisted in getting the state legIS· University, which he contribute items of interest lature to exemp t the new col- trustee until his death. (due credi t will ' be given) His name is perpet uated in lege from taxatio n and also to ed dat~ is ror .• an and if Colorado by a station on the giye it valuable lands. please n) (to err is huma Meanwhile, the elder Evans Denver and Pacific Railway, a advise thEI edito r or Snyde r relented in his stand on his son's massive mount ain peak north. who's telopl:tone' numb er at passing up the oppor tunity to west of Denver. He also had ex. Leban on 'ist932 -8320 run his father' s -store and ad- tensive banking interests in Den. vanced money for investments ver where his descendents still JeHN EVANS in real estate which lead to t~e make their home. In an earlier ' 'colulJUl, I men. vast Evans fortune. Dr. Evans ~ . He was m~rried twice. His tioned both David Evans, a mer· . first wife was Hannah Canby repo{te'd 'to have given' the chant in WaynesVille over 150 versity as much as $100,0 00. of Ohio by whom he had four years ag~ and, his noted son, ' children three who died early; A .tidy sum a centur y ago. John Evans. At that time j I The great Bish~? Mat~ew a . dauU:ter, Josephine married briefly revi~wed John Evans' ~ Simpson "conve rted the ~rrth. samuel Elliott, who was govercareer -, withou t any reference He 4. 1873.7 right Quaker into a Meth~dlst. to no'r df Colorado material. the benefit of that denorru~hon later married Margaret Gray of I have since locate d addiin later years. He soon became a Maine who gave him four chilo tional inform ation which I wish projector for the Methodist Book dren two sons and as many to use in this colum n. John WelS Concern, a builder of the Meth- daughters. the elder IOf 13 children born to Dr. Evans died on July 3, o'dist Olurch Block (an early David 'a nd Rachel (Burne tt) 1897. He was indeed a credit to Chicago office building) and supEvans. The elder Evans had some _ ported the' "North west Christian the comm unity of his nativity. 60 -acres of land in additio n to Waynesville. Advoc ate" publication. _-..._ _ _ __ his store. He had "big plans" for He branch ed out into busibut stor~, the Jo1m -to take over ness and perhaps his great hi :- spn.: ~{l other ~~~s, .. he achievement in this area was ~ - ITEM: Homogenized milk keeps wante a to becom e a ~octor. . the format ion and building up of in plastic coated paper car· best John won out and after at. tons. Research i~dicates that the Chicago and Ft. Wayne Railtendin g .the Qerm ontAc ademy light creates an off-flavor c~led road (in our time in the Pennd milk when the bght oxidize in Philadelphia, he graduated sylvania system) which he tes slightly opaque plastic penetra from the -medical depart ment brol,lght into downt own Chi~ago bottles, it was reported clear or of the Cirllcinnati College in 1838 sity of Pennsyl· eth Univer twentI by the for its terminal. Many vania. · at theage~ of 24. His father gave centur y citizens have uncon · him saddle, bridle, pony and sciously blessed him- for his fore· ten' dollars md'-h e started to . make ·hiS. Wely weStward. He, fust located . in. Attica, Ind. Here he . beciu'ne interes ted in the men· tally ill und . spent several years worlci:ng to secure Indiana's fu~t mentat~ . hosp~tal. He. assisted m its constructi~n 'about J 844. . . He ~Came a ' .professor of . obstet tics ' at" the RU$h Medical :. College a:n,d lectur ed there while : ,overseeing , the -hospi tal's con· · struCtion · if Indian~polis,. He -, moved to aiicag o in 1848· and COMPLETE FAMILY is . until 1852 edited the "Dlino ariC! Indiana tledical Journa l" OR BUSINESS INSURANC~ ~,: ·and abo ~,wrote extensi,wly on I
;;u...~·INSURAN CE
- meCUcal 'I_L
, ' He. is cteditecl With inventing o ' .... :' . extractor whidi , '. ' t 'IJl""~ , ~ a.;latt,~ : he.(el t ,.,.. ...' impl'Ovement ' . VI
,: '" 0_ •
.' .
.... , ..
Ph. ~-4958: ,~ .. ;: ,,1$ i, '-;. ~~,
23 S. MIin W.,neMI..;4 '
..... ,
HARVEYSBURG Friendship Baptist Church ' .
Church of Christ Third & Mia'mi Streets Charles Pike. Evangelist 10:00 a.m. -. Sundat Morning 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Fvening 6:JO p.m. ~ Wednesday Evening Phone 8974462 for informatior '
S(JlIlhc~1\ 'l3<.1pli\1 ("( fur'culiIlJl \1)f1ll.;tl1 \1C~Jc i\\·'1. P<.I.~ t()r ~) : JO. a . rn .. Sund~~
, ~O : J(J
<.1 :111 .. SUIl.(.b \ \1cHllintJ Wor~hip . ~ 7:30 p.lll .. SUJlday /': vclli'ng
First Baptist Church North Main Street John P. Oshorne, Pastor 10 :00 a.m ..Sunday &hnol II :00 a.m. ,Morning Worship 6 :30 p.m .,Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7:30p.m. ,Wednesday Prayer Meeting (Affiliated with Southcrn Bap· tist Convent ion). First Churct.of Christ 152 High Street Steve Tigner, Minister 8 :3U a.m. Th~ Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9 :30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires (Ch. 12 12 noon TV, Cinty) 6:30 p.m. let·Cadets 6:30 p.m. Alpha Teens 7:30 p.m. ,Evening Worship! Friends Meeting Fourth Stlcct uar IIigh 9:30 a.~n., Sunuay &hool 10:45 a.m .. SunditY Meeting for Worshil) (unprogrammed) St..Au~stine Church • l"Ii gf1 'Streel Rev. Josc'ob :11. Lu tmer. Pas.tor ." c· - , ... 73"'11.'&' I' J'iJ .ln-: Masses X a.m . &.:~ p.m; floly [)JYs 7:30 p.lll. First Friday 7:45 ;J.I!l. i}Jily Mass 5:30 p.m. Saturd~y Mass St. Mary's Episcopal Church Third. & Main Streets Rev. IIarold Deeth, Re~lor II: 15 a.m., Morning Prayer lSI , 3ru & Sth Sundays : Huly Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays United Methodist ·Churc" Third & North;Streets . .',l.. Young, Minister I 9:00a.m. Church $chool t 10: 15 a.m. Churchiat Wo~ship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sri Youth Fellowship
Srrvi(c 7:30 fl<1l1.. \\\: dll ~s·da)· . \1iJwcd; Pra~ L'I' ;JIlJ l3il)lc 'Study
Jonahs Run Baptist Church Ohio 7 -' bt~1 L ..'\IL' r Kid'd . P:t\lor 1() :(JO
I.ad your IIILE daU, and ~ 00 , . CHUICH
Sd ll>ll I
a . lll. . Slllllb\'
lO : OO~& 1'1 :1)0 a :Il~ .. SUlld~IY .WClI'~hi I' Service
7 :3{) 1"5. 111. . S\lllda~ Evctling
Harveysbur.g Full Gospel ·· Church E. South Street Rev . Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7:30 p.m . Tucsday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Servii:e /0:00 a.m. Sunday sChool 7:00 p.m. SIInday Evening '
United Methodist Church Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School I O : ~O a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m . Yout" FeUowship jr. high & sr. high / 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOir . rchear~; :il_
Spring Valley Church Qf Christ . ' Glady Street .. _ 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday I;vening Wor'Ship , . ' ..... . .. .-----. . Spring Valley Friet:'ds Church Mound Street R: Friend Couser, Pastor <)':30,1'.111. Sunday &hool 10 ~30 a.m. Morning Worship
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church'" Acy Lamb. Pastor10:00 a.lll .. Sunday SdlOOI ' 7:30 p.m .. Sunday. Wednesuay anu Saturu~IY. Evelling Wurship Serviccs 7:30 p.IlI., Wcdnesday Yout'h Servicc '.
9:.W a.m.. Sunday School II :00 a.m.. Sunday, Worship Service 7 : .~O p.m .• Wedncsday. Praycr Ser~icc
Ly:rLE United Methodist Church John K. Smith" Ministe! : ,- 9;30 ,a.m., Sundcty School'· 10:30 a.m., ~n~ay Wotship . . Service " . 8:00-,?:OO p.m., Wednesday evening; Bibl~ Stu4y.
Ferry Chut:Ch of Christ
~ '. CE MAyiS B a..R .CLEANERS •
WA.YN"VIL~•• ~'O ' I .;
" ~ ;I
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....... .
". <..,,:~,....i-~~~~a..{...~. ~~!!~i~~i~~~ .~.•• ,
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Genntown United Chur~ 'o f Christ _' Rtllll·~ :4.:! <If ~;el;IlIllwI(
. By GERAl-D ANDREWS Ray Storml'r, Pasllll'
Re'firement. Adviser
'9:30 a.m. Wl'>rship &'IVi.:l' 10:.10 Sunuuy (,hurdl ~' hll\ll 5:00 p.m. Sunday Youth Felluwship -
RIDGEVILLE Ridgeville CommunltyCh~rch '
St. Rt . 4X & , .l~)w~r . Sp .. ingbor~J ftx~ . Ray L. Sherton. 'Pastor 9:30 a.lll. Sunday &hoo.1 10 .45. a.l11. Morning Wl>rShip . 7 :30 p.m. Sunday Evening . Service .' , . 7:30 p.Ol. Wednesday Eve~,it~g Servicc ':~ 5:30 p.m. Sunday Sr. You'th Recreation· ' ..... 6:30 p.m. S~nday Sr. 'Youth ' t
'. ,,'
DOOQ ~, '.'"t ': . ) t .. . ....
The Oppressed Majority.? 'The other night I pui doWn my newspaper, looked at my wife and " said, "To put it plainly, h~ve you felt oppressed silice you'· married me?" . S'he looked amused . . . "Op-' . pressed? ~ Whjltever do 'you, .' . . mean?" ( -......··we~t~f knew...1 w.S')st ,.ng my , 9wn trap.l ·but I J?oJn~~d :to; the newspaper. "I've J; ~en reading . · he're about what' they call ·.t he women's HbeJ,'atiol) moveme~t. , ~ a dumb . male, I'lh ' ~oMus-ed;'" VVould YOU ·' care tal '. enlighten me?" . " . Sne thou~~,t a moment, ~ti . · said: "Reme~be~ wh,e n my 'm~th : ~r got deck~d out in her A-m~lia,,. Bloomer f;>",tfit,: and,< matclied :W.ltbc . ~fher su~rage~t~s. · woPiel,l's.: "~ights i~ 1~~8tl~h't S } he. ,sR~rit..., '·~.' "...v,'" -Of today~s · mov~m.ent"'t~o.'" .,1 , ,' .•; I , "VVell, they ':: On the ·· right . ; .~v~te, didn~t""theyf Wh~l{s '/the .... " gtipe now?" , '10" .' , •• ". to'" ~.~ .. . , . "That was on,ly.. a' bei!:in~lin~:;" · s~e said. "Women . ..' "salaries than men. motio.,s, .' , Jlsc:l'1nU.Dlltion\ '~('.lIali. It"•.;:. what: Bel;idE~s. q~y waht when !hey , t~e .· (aud!y; . solmel'odllT .:'!~ . ~ilre . of".th't!il\
(qr. :
, I
MT HOL:LY . " .. \ . ! ', '; " ' :! . .. !. ~. !.! ::'. .. ~ :: ::.' :' . ' United, Methodist ' Ii ,'ChUrCh .', Rev . Leonard Baxter
. ..
10:30 a.IIl ., Sunday School 11:00 a.m., SUlluay W<;rship . Servicc Youth FCllowship and Bible . SluJy
Waynesville 'hescue Mission Corner of 73 & nHwill Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:30 a.lll .. Sunday &houl 7:00 p.m .. Sunuay I-:vl'. Service 7:]0 p.m .. Wednesday Eve. Servicc
United Methodist Church I}Jvid lIarT?~ r. Pastor 9:30 a . Ill . . Sunday Church '
WinDing Someone has said, pf " sports, "The race is never won until the . final gun." How true-and how revalent to the game of ' ljfe, as . well, is this statement. . To try, always to try-how great is this virtue. Many' of us· stay with the pack so long as we feel there is hope, dropping quickly to the wayside when,1it appears there is ,little chance left to win. To the contrary, ·We should always renew our, efforts as th~ chances of success appear less probably. .' . . Hope is an incentive, ·.b ut it has little value without. active effort. One cannot hope to win. and make it so. One must try~ To , give up hope is to' expect defeat, to accept defeat before th~ race is ended. . . VVhen reason tells you tfiit a cause is hopeless-give it abother try. You are never out of the race ' until cease· to try. ."
Search for the goodness in life. Meet your responsibilities with honesty and determine the purpose of your thoughts and your actions. Search for your salvation, You w!ll come to know God and you . WIll find the strength to live a life that is pleasing and fruitful.
Fret ~.~Stal Church' .
,,', "' :01 :(Jod
R.tt 122 ·<'Dodds, Ohio ' .. Past;;r,:jamcs ·Co·frman·
'FOR 'SALE" . : , . , J,.,
/.. j
.. I . .
• •
GA'RAGE SALE'I Oct. 23". rain or ACME Sanitation, licensed with Board shine. MinI ~Ike , .n~lques, Avah bot. · Health, all modern equipment. ·tles, ~Iothlng, aft: Sites. Carter Drive, · of Clean leachlhg bedS, outsIde vaultsl 'second house on left. '42c1 septic tanks. All worK guaranteed-24 ----~ hour service. Been In business for 25 DARK Room ,Equipment, black & • years. Phone Middletown 423·2945. white. Good for beginner, Instant . 42C4 prlnter~ enlarger, basiC equipment. Phone ' 8111·6451. 42c1 BABYSITTING In my home by hour, day or week, fence" In yard. Ask for 39" RANG'E for sale. Phone 897· Joann. Phone 897·6021. 39ctf 4306. ' 42c2 ,~
WElL McLain P·562 hot water 011 fired boller, expansIon tan~ two 275 gal 011 tanks. Phone 891·66/1. . 42c2 PATIO SALE: Antiques furniture, dlshes~ clothes, mIsc., Oct.. 23, :t!4 & · 25 Trom 10 to 6. Lo· cated at 62 Suncrest, Lebanon. 42cl
HOME repair and maintenance car· penter, concrete, sheet metal paint· 'Ing, roofing ·and · electrical. 'Phone; 746·2982. 21ctf .
3 BEDROOM brick home patiO hardwood floors an~ garage. Located near the school. $18,000. Phone 897· 4501 or 897-5616. 42c2 CLEAN carpets the save and. safe way wIth Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Waynesville FurnIture. 42cl . REDUCE safe and 'fast with Gobese tablets and ' E-Vap water pills. Walker 42cl Pharmacy. CHEVROLET 4 speed transmission, Borg-WarnerT·10, Hurst linkage, $150. Phone 897·4488 after 5 p.m. ask for Phil. 41nc1
MILL CLOSEoOUT CARPET SALEI Your choice of Armstrong nylon, kitchen carpet or DuPont 501. Reg,,· lar $9.95 value all at one low sale price $1.99 sq, yfJ. Completely In· st'a lled over: heavy ·foam pad.
CARPET FAIR 121 S. Detroit, Xenll
, Phone 372·6995. Free estimate. Out of town. cali collect. This coupon worth $1.00 'wlth purchase. APPLES & fresh cider. Lumpkin'S Fruit Farm, 2 miles sOuth of Center· ville on Route 48 to Nutt Road, east 114 mile. 39ctf
F.OR RENT NEW 3 bedroom house. Phone 897· 2372. , ' 42c1 5 ROOM, 3 bedroom house, large garden, carpet 'In IIvlngroom and 1 bedroom, across from Baptist Church on North Main Street. Phone 8977456. 42c1
NOTICES MILLERS Gun Club, Turkey and Ham Shoot every Sunday, 1 p.m., Township Road. Ph. 897·4071 41c4
WANTED WANT to trade 1961 VW Karmann Ghla In good condition for VW sta· tlon wagon. Phone 897·2060. 40ctf
"And the world passes away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of Cod abides forever." . - I John 2 :17 . We. are all concerned with time. It moves too slowly during periods of waiting or antici. pa.tlOn ; It may "run out" when the re is an important task unfinished . The age of maturity brmgs to many. of us. a true sense of rrason, an awareness that few things in this life are permanent and ImpervIOUS to change. ' . We . learn,. so~e of us, that God's love is constant and unchanging, as is God's will. With thiS realization, we may be led to make the greatest use of our minutes hours days and years that mark our time upon this earth. ' •
WANTED: Part time typist to learn typesetting. Must be wlllln~ . to work nlaht hours and Droaress ,t oward full time work. Apply The Miami Gazette 105 S. Main, waynesville 39ncn
J.TEM: Remind dad and the young folks that breakfast should include some protein food. Even when eaten on the run, this helps to eliminate that craving for high calorie mid·morning snacks.
I don't see why Homer had to break ",is leg playing baseball? I heard Howard telling Bill how clumsy Homer could be. But Homer plays a good game of balll
. . ' ,:1
..... .
C!asty -Topic)
CHEESE CHIPS % cup sifted aour If.a te;lspoon salt Ij., cup butter 1 cup shred4ed cheese 1 teaspoon caraway (or sesame) seeds Combine flour, salt and butter, ' cutting the . latter-in ·with . a ·pastry blelider~ .iuitU the. mix· ture resembles , coarse meal. Add chee~e and press into a flat patty. Roll on a lightly 8~ured board into a rectangle about 9 x 12 inches. Sprinkle with caraway or sesame seeds and cut into 3 x I-inch fingers with a pastry wheel or into rings with a smaD doughnut cuttell'. Bake on an ungreased baldng sheet in a 350· oven aboutt 10 minutes, or until Dghtmy browned. Makes 3 do· zen chips.
ACROSS 1. Cashew,
2. Hideous 3. Golfer's pin
for one
4. Askew
4. Moreover T. Canary's
5. Not any
20. Moun. tain pass 21. Civil
S. Pull 7. Deal' (It.) 9. Suffer hunger 10. Rocky
signal 22. Tour of
14. Air route for birds 15. Coin (Peru)
(abbr.) 12. Circuit courts 14. Grease
24. Strike 26. Project 28. Mortise
IS. Consume
16. Time
8. Sailors 10. Shade tree 11. Angry
13. Sy.atem of . weights
zone (abbr.)
19. Biblical vesael
(abbr.) 18. Downto. Grotto 22. Brief U. Cavities 25. Traffic aound
Today's Answer
Defense duty
23. Vener-
a~ iiillDl~i
30. Cereal
35. Liberate 31. Gown'.
grain 31. Secondary 33. Shower
26. Jack'. com· - paDkm
21. Pftpomtlon 28. Expreaalon •• eom.,lke
, .
. .,*:L .'.·· . .~
. ,-
..Iutruct 3'1. Greek
IlIand . . Poidder vat·
8rochure giving det.rr. . ' .. -26c
35. 8oo1d- ' mercUeuJy
cord (poa.) 40. Gilt'. nlcJmame 41.---cUem DOWN
(SHOP WHEaE YO~ SAVE) $7.00 pro cIII.
. ,..
' (Y
E: Y' 1-e,'R $
r·l'onner I'reIleh coift
. ~~. . ~
. ' . : ' '" "
. . .,.
.- .:
·. A~ ... . . . ... i .,
.- .
-CAliP.ING .......... .. ' . .,
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E'0'· i
I AIi ATHO N 82 SDUTH MAIN ST. PH . 097-7946
b·~ 'L
By ,Mrs.
Happy Birthday to those of you who~e bir~hdays fall be· tween October 23 and November 21. The p'erson born under this sign is very "deep ". The Scorpio personality is strong, and these peopl~ ale rather fixed in their ideas .and tend to be the .sort of people who have their own opin· ions and are not easily shaken from them. Scorpio is a passionate sign, he is deep in his feelings,. pas· -sionately and devotedly attached to the person or cause that is rus, but equaUy passionately un· changing. in this detestation of what is disliked.
If .you' get ~e i~pression from the . above stateQ'lent 1hat these Scorpio ,types are' gO,od tohave on your s~de,- a~d th~t they make formidible'o.pponents, you are quite right! " . :. The nature of Scolipio is na~ -turally secretive 'and don 't tr~· to delve too ~eeply in'to , his ., psyche because there is some· thing in his nature that a,bhor~ ·, the idea of having someone ,qo close, it's almost as if he needed' ~ room to breathe freely and canI .•
ARCH. F.. ,
Successfu~ Ex.,erle.,ce In
Public Office and Business GENERAL ELECTIO·N ,•.N~V. 3, 1970 . Your Vdte and Supp ort· Ar. Resp ectfu lly
Cake ~AM 'OINN·ER Ser ving 5 p.m . .to 9 p.(1l. r
Christlllas . . Box I sRI pea f' 8d:. . ~.':~.'~ ,- '
"" i J
for Servic I m:8 n The Waynesville American Legion Auxiliary Unit 6"5 has announced that · it , will agaln sponsor a Ouistmas box pro· gram for local servicemen in Vietnam. Boxes have been placed in Don's Market and the Ellis Super· Gift contributions ,can P--so'"."'.l:ii:ii" ;';;;':':" t ~d in them. The conIII be picked up and ges prepared for mail· next few weeks. ne in the Waynesville ~as someone currently Vietnam is urged to names and addresses :rviceman in the boxes I them to,Joanne Stiver, tamore or Alma Skin•11. '
«~~ ,/-
I ~ '..;.!... ,'/ ,.,--...-
VEMBER 15-21
'"Q:l'mriii.•·~ i~.;-. >Co~! pf bOrip~ng mQtley is more crease was based 01} aver~ge ~ th8n . the 'cosf of,s~ years . uSage tor ' 12 months ended , the 'Ohio 'excbe tQ~ .. June 30, 1969. Average monthly ·• ..lIII l ... 'rJsenJrCUD ihiec' to ' ':.resi~~,tial in~eases , of ll.~ or ,,"'" . lS.l: ,per . cent will apply to" :ib- :., , ., W*ynesMlle and ' cOrwin' 'users . A
\: I:~·,
Chr i st I I s: Bax', s Rep far ·S8 rvic 8 ' 1D~1':n "! ---
The Waynesville American Legion Auxiliary Unit 6 1'5 has ·· announced t.hat it _ will again sponsor a Christmas box prow,am for local servicemen in Vietnam. Boxes Have been placed in Don's Market and·the Ellis Supermarket. ·Gift contributions can be deposit(ld in them. The containers will be picked up and gift packages prepared for mail. ing in the neXt few weeks.
Everyone in the Waynesville area who has someone currently serving in Vietnam is urged to drop the names and addresseS of their serviceman in the boxes or forward them to.Joanne Stiver, Ruth Whitamore or Alma Skinnero
rea y c.'y ,.liio .. . . stma~. N.~¥.~~Y~~ft~~;~;(:::! .C;hri .. one ."- !I,o. in, .. ',' j.
_. . . . . . .
' ". "I
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. ', ' ,Christmas -Clult~:~a:t:,atlJiiS1-::n"bw~~'i:
" In, or. '- .
'. CI',ses '
-. ... '1,'.:/~-fr-l"-.
l..:....."..: ..... ~:',
Miami': C:az~he :cllmel a.s ~llis hobo c~upl€f: a~ they t~amped; around town during the Waynesville P.T.o.·'1J.nIo "eEm: CarniVal.> , bums (in teal· life attractive, 'vivacious housewives) ~ot onjy ati1)Qs,.' pItered..dil.e c~.I!iVar but' a I~cai wedaing ,,!hen :tl1ey were steered into the United M~th09i~t Churc.h to ·be. , J .:'
• -Durant .
I nterpretations of Life
...'" Young'
The L.ast of the Loners Festival Killer Boy Was Here ~
" Hopkins ~~y '
. .
4th . STREET WAYNESVILLE, OHI' O PR~:' Q97~4826'. " • ,.. .. , " l o ' "
I. . t ,
7 P.M. .. Having sold' our house and moving into a.-trailer, we will offer the folleWing for auction located on Main St., Harv~Y~\lrg, Ohjo~··· '.,
.:".~,~T."~;~'-·~i< iC .... l"~"·.: J': . '.! ' . '
:;;::i, ~~~~I~~~=~';:~.
" .
-. " .
HOUSEHOLD·", . '. ,..... .. Uke' new formica top dinette with 4 chairs, 2 chro~.e di~ites with chairs. ~ p{;. brown sectio~al, ~ ~sks, . me.t~I....~r:4(~~.~.•.. ',.," .... ' .. R~A portable TV;Pecca portable recor~ pLa~e.r.-~h~t .dr.a~e'.r~;;· '. ~~'" .', square . table; b.uf(et, gla~ front china close.t,. radios, electJ;ic . ~ ,. clocks, .flo~~ :s1!¢Jves! magazine' rack, toast~r ~ ftot pl.ate,. pore lamp. pictures and. frames, electric ~~inps. e.l.ectri~..f~n,!. ~~~n.. .an~ l;Jenderson upright piano. canisle.t set and 8; large ~.ele.ction o(distteS· an~{. other household iteJ.ll$.. . . . . ., . MISC. AND·· ANTIQUES :' '... Appro~' 200.,(t. ,o~. k .tile flooring.:bicy~le~ Fram Oil-mters, seal, .beam ~i~ts; ~~e tools }.l~~ otller gara.ge, ~quipm~nt. .
Tobacco. 4>[ess; Avpn bottles. limp.ie':liSiiei~ish ; irori 'bean pot',:; . ~n; .~ 'wago.n wh.,els; ~orrib.r~,~ 8fi4i~" many otfi~.r,.
.,•. ,_',' :...,' tce~ose'rie .
" I
.. ~ ~~.'I ·
-sale 1P$~de !o.,' Te!1lls .~ "Casb" . I
,i\emstOo' num~[a".s . to' list. · .. . ..'.
' ,..
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,,~. lESS~~PI~NJN~l;tlON
~"~I~~Pl]lIJjJc"d ""
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The , ..ca t
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al.wa~s~'Q~ ijlt~ . own ~Cf,ts,:} 'a ~t
, al1d.r" pa~~ , ~y~r! .
'tim:es •.~~ol1lpany. '·'Yill " dire,ctip . ...},p- whi~~ ". .. j~ • , 'IQoking/ is. , the directi()n from
cat ,
, JV.lVch..cQWPatl,Y wni.arrive. Bt~ck
. ca~s. bring. good )tick. J.f. thb~ , come·, to yoUr hQijse~....Gr.ay' .-cats br/~ng: very,~gQQd ' 1U,ek~. ~ut ~hi~~i --~~~,--_.~_._~~~_:_r cat.s, are. , doubtt:~~; :,some cl~im: . th~y:'·'brlOg ",uck.. oth~~s sickI\e~. , 3 ' cat ' follQw§ LYoli: ypu'" can e,q~e~t .'to. receivi . m(m~y : .,' . :W~r a ¢oip in -eacb sh.oe on. Ne,w X~r's. 'Day' .a-nd , you will h3ve. money 'all .year" . . 'Cric~ets ih'the house are 'said !b· l),~n(g~od ! l~c~;~~ h~~ l>ee~ ~he ~~ters, ex,p'erience thitr .ttley. eat beHspr' a'~ ' 3 ~!,,;dra~eii~s.)1 ~ I~ h'o\\ilH\~ ! d.dg~i~ '6eJle~ea " \S~ tlie ; ~trat su,perstidQus, to'lt)~ '3ri' '.·om~n of death~: 1£"a 'strange dog . comes lQ ,'yo,ui home;,.it is a sigll ; . tn goq4. tuciC'. . . ;k sQperst~tion about eggs I~, once: t.h~. s~e l's ~fe; cracked, they niuS't be·" ~~i'nple:iely··~~keri :· t~ _ _·I-;; avoicl;. b,a" .tut~ . !IbiJ'iorre rn~ke~ ~ense : jf; .you .. : ~w apytping ' about' sanitation::or- salmon.ella.) ,Never. giv~ !t khi,fe'to pne you . Jove ' t'Qr it will' sur¢ly cut your love in two. . .'· '.~.. .; Also tw.ol.dollar bills are ·ton~ , . sidere.d ,tO ,I1e u~ucJci. (Anyone' wishingrto'Jid.themselves '(jf \ty}{)I, dollar . tiills and" the' bad iuck, : they can bring 01'~ 'send them to Mrs. .G in care of the ·MjaJ!ti . Ga1,.ette.) •. ,' '".,~" ,~ ,,' ..c.. ,.'
t----------......;'"---...-----------.. . . ---.;.......
' .
8.90 I
J:·9:'0 ~
2% size
16 OZ. CAN
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IS·' IIc:
5/ $1. 0'0'.2% si~jt car.a
89c .· .
"·. ·.: . 11"
/1' """i '.',
2% LB•
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,";, : \ •.-\'
'MoOD1GloW: ,. ; Strange elowHajl(I " lipar~Q1gB have tieen ~~:on th~. moon.:.•;.
Some astro~omer'ir think the cur, iQUS phenomena, "kDown as ." ib~~(s. ,. nar, u-ansien~"" may ~U\t 'from':... _, gas })9urinf' out c;f volca.9ie .. cen" . ,. , , ten. ·If... so; ' both · water ~d': ' . warmth, 'may e·xjst· ~neath· 'tlU,~" , t , moon~8 dry, cold surface. .~; ,.~. I
The South· p.robabiy ' received the name .of .Dixie $.10 ~i.)la , pririted. in .New .Orleans ~y the CitizenS Bank of ' Louisiana.. ~nd "
used up and down the MissiSSippi.
TJle . f ~ills ..carried ·. ,lIie" 'French ..
word for ten, "Dix." the origlDa. lyrics of the p'o~ul!lr ·.8~!!)-·weI1.: . I .wish .I·wuZ in' the ·LJad :01. the ; " ff , . " '1.· . t ~
~ .:
.,DDN'S . WA.¥
al·, t" O .~;
'~" !~~;'! ,.' . ., )7' t.(_. "
.~ .. ;" ' .
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• 1..(
picker .... _ ••• _ • • 1&<> -"11"' ....
·. ~~.,:t04ay~ ca yesterdaY' I ,,-p·:l.. r.o: ~ 'J100'ri:' blit . after a r.Qund or , , soihething broke,' a'n~" they
d\~~.::~toP ~ nd. t~ke !~e-'part to
.' m~ndea . .They came back ~ark a~d :' w~n;t' around ':;'a nd 'pickel a truck IO'ad whi~h .;. they' took 'to 't , ~ .;elevator ~his "mornihg. ,We w'~r~ ' glad to _see that it was nott as bad as We . .. \. feared 'moi'sturc;. ,-i ~ Lots of p'retty ' chrysantheQlums in Wa,yoesvill6 yards. .: They are , so .. satisfactory after ~ everything.eise is g0ne.'1haven't :'j any of~. my own this year, but I "do enjo'y other 'people's~ I have a ,,",;.- few Betty Bryor roses out. That , 'is the ' kind that are in the yard of that ,white house near the south eod of WayneSville. They look aHttie like wild roses, single ~d ' bri~t p'~nk; ~~t t~ey are in ' Gloom almQ'st all'tlie"time;JQvely '~ "
.~p~axs .'~ttir~.nit :!"i~~~ -'~hem ',- eV:ery·tJtiie I ~d tiy. ~~~ rtq(ure '. cate~ b'6t are .YeiY.':·Soo4: espe1
'.. cially' tne ·~te bloofhing' i1I the
:rall~ .:'. ". ./ There has lieen enough rain,so ~t ·t~e aftermath as they call . ,:p:'it .~~l~ olvely:' '~n('~een 'and tl1~ ,~. 'p,t' caf,~1s' R0fumfiio: ;Octob'er.' is ~!~::t" ~,:. ~~,t~pl~~'ij~~r ~J~~ilth~? b'ut '.:-'.~ w~'~p.lanted ' s9;rte'L after thanks· .~-:- 8ix!ri'gon~ yea'':, and' it'still made ~~, ,gtjtti). buf no 'do!1bt not as good . ' :'is·tl\e earlie", pl~ritmg • ... _ . .,,..,:::,1 Wtien I,~rif...rtt""the. ruitchery .:~~!~: ~Qtnln$ for-1'• .~, .ti),e,'p'\!"ce ~~. ~'~ (,;~~~-~?f.!lt~!e: puffy yc1fq:W";b,1I;l1~,; , 9~by ~~S~" , that i wer_~ . being 'r~died, ~~f shipping. .~·~Op a.chirpiilgl~ .tf\er~'lwa.s, b~t :. "wild g81~{ or.c;liscom· ...... cri~~iPt - ., ,'!
"":;C~~~,:1S:".,f!. -. perfe~t
If tlley :, ale 'qol,1lfoft..,...,.,........ ,' litere ig~ a.;,qt)ie,t ~~Ping. ,". i ~' it·gets
'. on¢ wants pi~k'~YJan.d. wl\e~: ,a machi-ne "\yin piek -and , sh~ll ' ,·, Then th~y Jtake it-to the.'elewtO{ Wh~h~- the~ . will stole it and: when- yoo~Wi~~ 'g'r~ und feed; they take it ot\t of storage, ·gri~.d it,. !nix 'wit'l1 s~pplement, .' pfdt"ciiis' like soybean meaJ vita· ·ntitls. ahd whaHiave-you, deliver it "~nd blow it ,d'ireq ly into: the ' sdlf ,feepers' im<i' there you' are . . The pigs come' out ':- li~t up the lids the . feeder with their snouts; grat) a mouthful .and you hear the Ifd' go back down with n cl unk. . . )t is too bad that Beggars 'Night has gotten so out of hand, It is fun ' wh~n the neighborhood kids' dress up and .come around, but when they come by hundred,S! from other places, it is just too much. Old timers like to brag about thc awcful things they ' did, but somehow now there are just too many people for those things tG be funny. 'Thc' PrO is having its ailnual spree and the ghosts wlU walk, but that will be a thing of the past when you get: this and the next thing will be t.he elections. Go09 ' luck and may the best· man win.
One of several area Halloween haunts was the P.T.O. Carnival at Harveysburg where a band of 'bewitchingly' clad youngsters thronged the festival area. Gazette Editor, Dennis Dalton, joined Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Rogers for costume judging. The judges chose .the above to receive a cash prize in 10 divisions. Winners shown above included: funniest, Paul McCarren; ugliest, Donna Lamb ; prettiest , Jodi Plummer ; pat'riotic, Jeff Huddleson; television character, Patty Williams; best couple , Amy and Sherri Schoenherr; witch, Robin Mattingly; story book, Dianne Stingley; most original, Lynn Settlemyre and youngest, Nina Rich., one and a half years old. "Dennis Dalton Photo
. October_30, 1970. Here it is Ftiday again, and the dead line .;, is approaching. . . •: , It, is anoth~r loy-ely: sunny fall, . ' truck 'and ~ook two _.c~lves. ~ ,~f~~r , rain,ll11d ,fog. ~erc~.is a ,~, i,bere were . not : :matt)" :calves ~light.:nip ~ the ~r tbis mor9i~g. there, and the prices ' were just Most of the leaves are down, but fair. Lots of nice feeders that )lere and there are the trees- that HQward longed! to buy for the have just turned a lovely yellow prices did not seem to be too or orange and stand out against high. Veal's StilH topped in the , the dark back~oun.d. Still some forti.es, and head calves thirty gr~e,n ,u:~~s .. H)f;' .p',\r~errY b~sl:l . ,tQ: .(or: •:!..:W~· ~wete pU2:zle.p ,.bY. ~';' . · by.4the -house. has a; lovely, br-ight . trockf i (ls"at sheep thai 'did' not red 'branch tru.t I can see from come into 'the ring. They must the window over the sink to have been going to sell them in brighten .the job of disliwashing. the other ring, but we didn't Mrs~ G. and I got squeezed know when. Loads of hogs o~t of the paper thiS ' week by cOming in. 4>t$ of soybeans poliJical ads' arid :now. by . the Y-~.t to be combined, but this time y ,Ol,l get'. t·rus; the ..electiohs - week has been too wet- for that. will ,.be)an· Gver. ,We can't.-pleaSe As .soon as we can;~er ~~e fences everyone ~ but' we 'hope they Will fixed, we can turn ' the hogs and be -for the best for us all. Goo ct· cattle into the corn fields. There luc.k to the winners and better was so much com down that the luck next time ·to the losers,' I picker couldn.'t: get it all so as hope you all voted, win or lose. soon as we can, we will turn .' Perhaps our, luck has changed. c'ows and hogs in. We sold, a puppy .last -night. Our The Salvation Army has ad in the MIddletown . Journal finally taken lOver the last of qas brooght' a number ~f'inqui the land I owned on the right nes" That 'leave~, us f1ve ' to' go: hand side of Middleboro Road. 11Jere is one ou~ on approval. Have you ever visited their camp? ~p.a .:and the, littl~ girl and boy It is one of the best in the recame to' look at .them and were gion. Good cabins, a big dining allowed to take ~ one home to hall and office building, big pond · show 'Mama'; who does not want and many other things. They ·3 W.e do 'not "o(ten~ do expect to use Miss Bertha Harris' tha,t" lbut this ~. a spe.cial .case house for one of their mainte,.. ' and; we ' hope Mama ' was so nance men,and the barn is to be ., cinir med when ~e ~w her little the center .of 'Wat is called uA .".. ~ c!,U!chin..8 'i~~ loyely , tiny Oillmen's F!l£!n", where they , that sbe will relent. bring city chil.dren to look at we .could ·get' rid of... the \ #.. " .. ·all the farm animals and show - ~11i!S~ tlilii~ would them where their ' food comes from. In our Illodern built-up .u:_' , ,
AnCient. They have a very nice lodge ' that can be rented by groups. It has horses to ride and a large . pond with canoes. A lovely place for a group weekend. And that is enough for now till next week.
Neighborly Brazil shares a common border with all other South American countries except Chile and Ecua· dor.
An item"
. '.
Kids & Chocolate The Harvard School of Dental Medicine, after a two-year study, concluded that chocolate milk containing sugar does not produce cavities in the teeth of children.
23 S. Main Waynesville, O.
TV Sales 'And Service
regions-, the ceuntry is too far a~y' for lo'tsi'of children to ever Ft tA~re' So fll(IDS are arranged as ' ~xhiDit$~ nle John Autl farm . ;north· of Payton has be.en oper. , aUng for ·same_years now and County Park , ., the . "opened ~ one
Pigs Not New Pigs were probably on this planet 39 million years before man came on the scene. Primitive man began to adopt the wild hog to his needs between 7000 and 3000 B.C.
Service to You Is Our
Business .• .•
-1' . . ..,.
Churc h of Christ Third & Miami Street Charles Pike . Eva ngelist J0 :00 a.m. - Sunday Morning 6:3D p.m . . Sunday Evening 6:~ 0 p.m . : Wednesday Evening ' Phonc k97:4462 for information '
,HAR v!.vS BURG ' Frie~d~tl~fl Baptis.t. " ' \. : Churc h ,' . S;,uther'i, ·Bu.prh't ('o !1\~~1l 1i()1l -, . ~()rl1lal1 \ k ·atl,,\\,\'. Pa~li')l
First Baptis t Church
W()r~ l\iJ1
r.lIl ..
\ l'lrnill)!
, SUllda.) Evelling ' .
7 :30 -r .lIl .. \\\:oll esdav. \litl\\'c ~k Pr:l~ l'r an ti Bih\C Stud y
Jonah s Run Baptist Church Ohi'l 73 Last ll'\l cr Ki Lld. Pa\ tor I l.On d . Il!. . SlI!lLia\ Sdll)()1 I () :OO &. II :(){) ~!.I1~ .. SUlloa \' 'Wor\hip S~rvi(l! 7:30 )1 ,111 .. SUlltlay I:vcnin g Worshi r
First Church-of Christ 152 High 'Street Steve Tigner, Minister 8:3U a.m. The Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9:30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a,m. Junior Church Revival Fires (Ch. 12. 12 noon TV, Cinty) 6:30 p.m. Jet-Cadets 6:30 p.m. Alpha Teens 7:30 p.m. 'Everung Worship
Youth ....cl\owsbtp aud Bible . Study .. .
... l GO$.pe full ysburg HarVe <it
Unite d Metho dist Church
'.. Spr,n g.VaJley. Churc h . "., of -Chrjst '
United Metho dist· Church
Third & North StreeTs . L Young" Mini~'t ~r 9 :00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & ·Sr. Youth Fellowship
Worshi~_ Spring Valley Friends Churc h
d -Street F Mound rien Couser, Pastor I:. 9:30 a.m. Sunday Sch~ol 10:30 a.m, Morning Worship l:
Waynesville Rescue ' Mission
('tImer uf 7.l & Corwin Rd. Rev . Shcqnan. Cook. Pastor 10 :30 :l. 1I1.. Sunday SdlllUI 7 :00 p.l1l .. Sunday Eve , Scrvitc 7 :30 p.m .. WCdlll'sday bc. S;.'!
' j( C
7:.'\(J p. IlI .. Sat. Evl' . Scrvitc H RS,T CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Ma.in Street 9 :.30 a ,nl , _ Sullday School 10 :30 a.m.' Morning Worship 7:00 p.m . • Sunday evening
Christian Baptist Mission
Main Stree~ lui,S Dunaway. P.dstor '.' 10 ~.Iil. Sunday &hool 1I a.m . Morning Worship 7:30,p.m. Evening Worship . 7:~0 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wellncsday & TIlUrsday 7:30 p.m. Song-fest. last ~turday each.month .
Acy lamb . Paslor 10':00 a.l1i .. Sunday Sdwol 7 :30 p.m.; ~\ln~luy. W,dncsday and ~Ilirday. Evcning . W(}rship Services 1':30 p. ih .. W~dllcsday Yuuth Servic~ ,
.. ,
.. " , .";". :
' . ..... I
r;' ~.
Sunda" Churth &hoi"11 5:00 p.m. St;ndav Yuulh _ ;._ fclll)~. o;hin l·_ , ... . .. 10: .~O
.' Ridgeville Comrtluntty;:'·,
LcOflard B;txt~r 9:30 . .J .m:. &Juday &:hunl :00 a.Ill .. Sunday. Wurship • • " Scrvice' . 7:JO p.m .. Wednesday. Prayer -Scrvicc
; ,~
St. RI. 4X ,& lnw~r Springboro Rbad Ray L ~leltt)Jr. pastor
9:-30 a.:ui: Stinda)! ~ School -. '
LYTL E , Unite d M~thodist Churc h
lO:4S a.m. Murnin g WorshIp , . ' '7: 3O:''p':'nV~Aday<:t:v.clitllg' .' :.,. ,. Servicc ' . . ' '.1 :~O p.l)l. \V~dnesdaY . Ev~nillg Service 5:30 p.m . .Sunili:l~ Sr:,.Y()UJ~l :.'~ Recreat ion ";";" :~" '.' .-....... . 6:30 p.m:, ~n~:y:Si-; ,Yollth services ' ... ~ ,,' ~. :'
9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m .• .&,mday- Worship ·
Free pentecOStal' Church of God . .. - " R.lt .122 - dOdds. Ohio ' J;._ Pastor~. Jam~S'Cufl:Il1'II~ ",, ', ~
Servjce ~
8:00l 7 9:00.p ;m., ~dnesday ~~~ning, Bible Study
._ FE.RRY ' Fe ., Chu h f C re . 0 hrist rry
10:30 a.m.-Sunday Sehou t ;. 7:00. p. m.-Suqd~y: EvangcHst.ic ., . . .'. Se.wice . I 7:30 p.m.-Wednesday. Pt~y~r "" Service
; :30 p.m. Saturd"y
Wilminghm Pike & Social Ruw Ruad
. ) Wo~shi.p ~rvicc . 5
~vcilihg " .,' .-:" .. '
Bus WiS~l11lln. Minisl~r CE.N"FER,VU.L:E 9 :00 a.m.. Sunday Bihle xhuo) C8rrterVilie First . I S a.m.. SUllday Wurshill Pentecostal Cilurcll" .' 10: 15 a.I1I .• SUIH],IY Vuuth . 17j )~. F~~Ii;kt in Si~e~( ... Worship , . . ~(~urvl.·il. .Pastu~ ,~~ h:30 p.lI1 .. Sunday Evening (;l'nc' UkklidLA~s·I ·. ' .".~ 8ihl~ Study. '1lI'lgcs. ~" I",iiql ."~,~-'''''' . 1" "~ ()(J' a :llh':•.SI)nu:IY ro : ,. 7:30 lUll .. i:Vl'nillue- Worship 7:00 I,:m;: Stllld:~' Evdllllg . 7:30 p.l11.. Wl.:~ncsday. Midw~~k day' l:v~niHg . 7 : Jo: ·r;.lh~ . ~cdncs Pta.y~.~ and Bthle S'u~y '
( 'Th~
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EN;'JER f:i::MuSlC'C GOsP ".,' , , : Ii '. "C . ' •.• ' .;.
' : '. BRADDOCK I·MiUR ANCE • : e qtti6'
GRAY'S1fAaB~8. SMOe '., a WAV,e UVJU:
iuR URfll. c:e;F&" ~SvH"SVQi: ·wAY,NlWAVNE O'HIO' ..... ,
·. w.y",...,~~,OIifO ,
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WAv'1L1r.-."a,. . ··"...,: n...
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'· 9:30 a.m. Wmshi'p' &n'i.::l'
BIiend ~hip'
Oub; .-
1.:30, p.m., hollle of Bess Tinney: ' :(ihe , club meets ' evqy s~cond ,.-. '..
FotlOWing.Afea:: ""':ch . . ... ' irris. This Church Page Is ~nsorea ~or You I hrough The Courtesy Uf The R VALU ELI.IS SUPE ESViL ... ,£. OHIO
ri-'. r'as-Iof R.Jy, Sh~(;u\ .. ~'t '.t
I .
John K. Smith, Minister '
Glady' S"ie~t 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ~:~ p.m. !VCdning:orshi P : p.m. e nes . y Evening
Nov. fr '
ehO'tc'; .....
R()ut ~ .42. al (j ~'niiluwl1
J~~v .
Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9 :30 a.m. Sund<lY School I-O:JO a~ m ; Morning Worship 6:;30 p:m: Youth Fellowship-· - jr. high & sr'. high 7 :45 p.m. Wednesday chOir rehear~ ..&1 .
111ird & Main Streets Rev. Harold Decth. Rector I I : I S a.II1 .• Morning Prayer l sI. 3rd & Sth Sundays : I lilly ('ummuniull 2nd & 4th " : Sundays
' . ._of
V• . MT., tllQlL s ., Unite d ,Meth odist ' Churc h
St. Maryts Episcopal Church '
, GENNTOW Nt: , . GenntQWO U~jted Christ ~.
CORWIN . Pentecostal Holiness Churc h
7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Yuung Pcople 's ~rvicc 19:00 a . n~. Sunday School 7:?9' p:nr. Stlilday Evening
!ligh· Streel Rev . Jllscoh II. lutme r. P-Jstor 7 a.llI . & 1 I a.m. Mas.'ies X '-'.tn. & X p,m, lIoly ()JYs 7:30 p.m. First Friday 7:4 5 a.m. l>Jily Mass 5:30 p.'-n. ~turday Mass
..': 'Il1e. S~niOf '~ GU:l Scouts , ~ili .. ::~~ r- • flaw a'm-eefing t4~:w.ayilesvil\e '~.: : Urijt~' M~ho,dist,'- Ct1urol ~.; . N~v. " ...;"J '. ., :/ . '~1 . .10" aC 7 ·pm " A',
I}Jv\d, parpcr. ~as lor 9 :30 a. II1 .• Sunduy C'hurth Scrvite I 0 :30. a,m., Sunday Schoul 1.1:00 a.Ill .• Sunday Worship
E. South Strect , Rev . jack HamIlton. Pastor .
St. Augustine Church
;. " . ,\ ""
" '-,.; _. ~;c: '.
United Metho dist Church
Fourth SlIcct ncar High , 9 :30 a,m., Sunday &:hool 10:45 a:m" Sunday Mceling fur W,!rship (unprogrammed)
.' ,
0 :30 :1.111 ..
SC' r VI(l"
Nl)rth Main Street Jllhn P Oshorne, Pas tor 10:00 a.m.. Sunduy Schnol II :00 a.rn .•Mor nin g Wor~hir t) :30 p.rn .,Trai ning ,Union 7: 0 p,m.,Evening Wor~hir 7 :J Or . !lJ.. Wed n e~ day Prayer Mee ting (Affill<lh.: O with So uthern Bup· tist Conven tion).
~):3(} .•t.I1l .. SUlldu~ S( I\I Hl I
I;'" '/~
., "
' " ,101.
-,~.'~' ~ \: .';: ,,,, .. ... ,.:.: -
, -. "
~ H~IlP, WA~TED " ." NO regret, the " best yet; Blue L:.ustl'e cleans carpets beautlf\JlIv • . ,R ent eI.ectflc shampoo'''$l. Waynesville Furniture. '. , , ' 44cl ~ )..;'s> ~:
-. .,
ENCYCLOPEDIA ·Brltannlca. Junior arid ' regular · set, .. latest Jldltlon.; big savings of original cost • . Phone 89~. • 6153. 4~C,~ "."
"~ " " .,
, '.
1962 OLDS, power steering and brakes, good condition. Phone 885· 3512. 44cl 1962 RAMBLER, 4 door, 1 owner, Go'c d second car. Phone -897-2196. , ' 44cl
COMPLETE Aurora He, 9a\.1ge roadrace sot with loads of accessories , $35. Phone 897 -5120 evenings.37nctf
APPLE S & fresh ' cider, Lumpkin'S Fruit Farm, 2 mites south of Center· ville on Route 48 to Nutt Road, eaSt 'l/4 mile. , 39ctf CHEVROLET 4 speed transmission, Borg.WarnerT-10. Hurst linkage, -. Phone 897-4488 after 5 p.m. ask 19r Phil. . 41ncl FRED'S ' MuShroom Compost, superb mulch and ground conditioner for all plantings excellent for roses. flowers, shrubbery. lawns, gardens, etc. Con ,' talns all ~ plan~ Tooa avallaOle IU( green crops, completely sterilized, also widely used for building greens and tees on golf courses 'and spreading '~' lIghtly on fairways. Muchroom 5.011 ~Iso available for top drElsslng al)d too" soli Phone Clnn. 683\6491, all , 'hO'(jr~ - or -South I!.ebanon, 494-1000
f( ~
,"1:,-rt ,p·l;l;'·
"HOME repair and maintenance car· penter, concrete, sheet metal paintIng, roofing and ' electrical. PhonE 746·2982. 21ctf
I)IIANY thanks for the flowers and during oor time ' of be· r.ea vement. 44c 1 ~ " ~ Everett· Gus'tlo.F.aA1liy , . ' . ' . , Ma,x ~tep~en 5,.. ,, ':~ '
'fi!t!~~~~~~: , Vitamin Loss It is estimated that 50 per c~nt '" of the . American ' ,populatIon " I \ starts the ~ay with an madeq~ate . 'bfeakfast. By 'skipping or,_ s~p· ; in~..-Qn thjs· i~po~ant p~~al, in· . ! ..~ ' , . ·~1I. J Is ' an -m~ . ~ .tQ '33,;per
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sPecial' week.¥> ra~e~
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,will sit by ho·ur o~, day. Constant care in a-good Cl,1tisti,an home.
, l)h,~nq 8~,7.?92) .
'AS'k , .-
," Jean HiJ~ . " ,
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Quakers comprised the greater portion of Waynesville's early settlers, and tbe formation of a Yearly M1eeting (equivalent in most cburches to a conference) was only a natural development of events, Tbe local Meeting was formt.>d in 18tO, and its recent sesquicentennial a memorable event. Our columns seem to be partial to Quakers !is Qur fir,st coluqm wa~ on JOQn Sa~tertb waite, ' a devout Friend, and. next week we bope to write about anotber equally interesting Quaker, Seth Ellis.
MY slncJre thanks to my friends, neighbors and organizations f~ r thei r cards, 'vlslts and other ex pressl~ns of kindness at the time of my aCCident. Florence Hastings 44cl
') " ,',.. '
Lebanon is 932-8320.
. ......., ,
MILL,ERS Gun Club, Turkey and Ham Shdot every Sunday, 1 p~m., Township Road. Ph. 897-4071 41c4
i ' ;t t . ; · ... J' \ ~' ! 4 -
Editor's ', ,N ote: "teria~ for · th~'_ieS~of 18rticles~has' been pro"ided· -by the ;WarCounlty ' Historictl S0ciety and the articles appearing were prepared by Marion SnydEtr, a past president of tl1e So,ciety and .e ditor of , its " monthly publication, "The Historicalog". Readers of the Gazette are invited to contributie items of :interest (due credit will be given) and if an error is detected (to err is human) please advise 'the editor or Snyder who's telephone number at
, 43c:~
"fiistOriCiil' hi hi i hts. . . •
1960 VW.L_$165, David Bradl!~~pl~ , ... ,~ .2. :BED ROOM Apar.tmelWfor flint' In ' ". service, $v-u :-PhOne 897·4621 . Waynesville. Phone 879.2906. 44ctf ,1970 DODGE Challeng~rl six oack • Al . condition owner dt~Hted, m~s t WANTED sell $2~OO. Pt;Qne ' Clarksvl"e 28~,7 .:.:,::;;:.:.; ~~_ 2441. 44cl • BABYSITTING In my hom'e. Phone 932·7203. 1966 FORb· 4 dr Cu's tom ·428 ::::.;. , :...:.::.::~_ _ _ _ _._ 44cl __ ,,\ engine· good condition $350. Phone WANT to trade 1961 VW Karmann tl9/-4~~!#: " 44C.l· Ghla In good condition for VW star . Bicycle, like new, $7, , tion wagon.• Phone ~~7·2060. 40ctf EXERCISE " .. " Phone 897.4619~ 44cl .- SE'R VICES '; ~. ' 67 000 BTU Mor·Mac Furnace duct· and olpe lipprox. 50 feet .and 275 gal. 011 tank, $75.00. Call between 12 noon ana b p.m. ...hone 897·5323. .. 44cl
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·":,FO,I1. R,EN.T, ~(' .~.. ,.
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'Hula'va Good Time'
WI,L.'- yO'(J~ f,i,NP:
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PH. 897-7931
''80B '' $M I TH , . r. , _ '; • aACkHO~ 'EX&,AVA.T.ING·. SEPTIC. SYStEMS ~ ":i:~~t,UJ;VE~TS l~rAtL.~D T~ENCHI.NS GRAVEL. f;()p:, - S&lL. COMPOST,. fJLl. D.IRT. ~I": " . : ' .... _.4Jl ~Jn/. ' , . FAIRF'IELD ' DR.~~· ,
or 897~2241
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come territorial K<?yernor .9H':~"~.' lorado. The . rest ,of ~,ohn .El~~ life was spent 'in ttUit state wbefe he did much in the ~evelopme,nt. of Denver and where bi~ , des:!: .- ~ cendents still reside. The fa~l1y " has been engaged iIi banking, and ' allied business since3obn's com:;,' . .. ing to Denv~r. , ReturniOg , to the Quaker' churcb it experienced "the separatidn" in 1828 wbentbemem-, bers remaining steadfast intheir orthodox beliefs. Lead by Elias Hicks they became known .as "Hicksite Quakers" . The Indiana Yearly Meeting has beld ~ts annual session at Waynesville on tbe even numbered year eacb bi -annu'al since tbat date, It meets witb tbe Fall Creek OMeeting (Indiana) tbe alternate years, . A reprint of an 1894 publicahon sbows tbe Yearly meeting at Waynesville bad an advertisement of Hadden and Janney of tbis village for tbeir' "Carpets, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, also Blankets" . A comment reads " And so the Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends at Waynesville, First day , 9th month , 30th , 1894, may be reco rde<1 as a happy assembl y of Chri.stlans _.. , Several pictures are carried including the present Friends Horne as well as the White Brick Meeting House, a reprint of a picture of Miami Valley College at nearby Springboro, also pictures of Henry Thomas and Nancy Irwin Wales Butterwortb and their home down near Fosters in the south part of Warren County . Tbe Butterworth family came all the way to Waynesville to - attend meeting ea,cb Sabbath .Day by horse drawn vehicle. A bit slower tban their descendent, Nnacy Foster Newman , ber husband and children do today. Nancy's grandmother was a Butterworth, ber father was Tbomas Foster named for bis grandfather.
E",,'..,Appo.nt . .~t " ...........
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PHON E 897-4994 •
~Jiougb spac~ ,~::. pi'e~ide~r 'f".Lbloo4.f; , co~
quickly througb it, I was struck by a photo of Dav~dEvans, clerk of the local Meetihg ' for m~y years. A ' portion of a treahse be published titled ' "Calumny, etc:' is reproduced. It bear-s tbe date of , 1st of 6th month 1832. Beers 1882 History of War:ren €ounty·· 'States tbat ' David Evans and bis wife were tbe first couple to be married in the White Brick Meeting House bere in 1813.) Mrs. Evans was formerly Racbel Burnett, Tbe history furtber states tbat Mt. Evans was a prominent man in tbe business interests...?f Waynesville; was for a conSIderable time engaged in mercantile business and attended largely to tbe execution of wills ~d tbe settlement of , esta~es and frequently served as guardian over minors." David and Rac~el Evans' oldest son, Jobn, became a great man in bis day and was p~obably as well known in bis day as any person born in Waynesville , A capsule review of John 's life will testify to our claim . He was born March 9, 1814. John studied medicin~ a?d be,carne a phYSician at CInClnnatI; moved into Indiana where he took a leading part in the estabUshment of that state's " Insame Asylum ", the only mental insti tution of a century ago. He soon moved to C~icago, then a small settlement even for that, day. Tbrough his business foresight (inherited from bis father?), he took part in bri~ging a ra.ilroad to Cbicago and mto wbat IS, now the Loop, Some opposed the Idea, but it bas a great ~ffect ?n the development of Cblcago mto a great rail .center.. . , He took a leadmg part 10 the establis~ment ~f N?rthweste.rn Universlty and Its Site, the CIty of Evanston, is named for bim, To appreciate bis role at .N?rt.bwestern, one needs to VISit .1tS - ' campus and check its early blS-
Mon:. Thr,u Sat.
MARATHON '· MAIN ST. PH. 097-7946
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WAN'TED: Typist to learn ty~set. tlng Must be able to tvoe 65 words per 'mlnute and wlOfng to work over· tlln~ When he,cessary. Apply Tile MI19ml Gazette, 105 S. Main Stre!!,tJ . ~ayi1eS'lllie. · 4~n'ctT '
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,.' CAWING EauIPM~ ~
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' Jenny Vinson had a 'hula'va~ g~od time at'Waynesville's P.T.O. Halloween '·Carnival. Garbed HcfWaiian style, she was one of-many . C,ostum.ed YOUngstetS '.Who paiticjpat~d in \tfie c~rniV!lI's costum.~ , piuad~. , '" ' . Dennis Dalton' Pho"(b. ·· ..~ . r-
By Cliff Meager 'After a scoreless first half, ·Eddie Cullison started the Spartan scoring with 6: 15 minutes left in the third quarter . . This began the Sparta n's 20-0 victory over Qinton-Massie. s later ' two minute Less . than Marty Mayo scored the second .Spartan touchdown with Ron Sackett making the extra points. Bob Keller scored the Spartans final touchdown with" only 3:21 minutes remaining in the third quarter. In a desperate attempt for a score, the Falcons got to within only the 20 yard line in the last I
WAYNE RESERVES BEAT SPfUNGBORO . On Oct. 2~, Waynesville's reserve foo.tball team beat the Spring . boro reserves 14-0.
minutes of the game. There were some pass interceptions and fumbles on both teams, but there were very few penalties for either team.
Reserve and .Varsity basketball practice ·started 'Nov. 2 under the direction of c;oach Vernon Hooper. The 'freshmen basketball coach is Lucian Hatfield. ' , On Oct. .3], the District A Cross Country me~t was held at Princeton High Scho~1. This Was the last event of the season except for the state meet.
By opini~p" poll suggesiiort Tuesday, Oct. 27, ' was the. ',. was passed ,and :a ..'C or;pmit iee :. latest Student ~uncti meeting,' was .. four e{ ~lk' &tpie .CuUison . ''rhe discussioo' .centered plainly as- c.hair~an . .The otber n)embers around the tne",be'r _.e~chanRe of the c0p191it~e~ atel:.arry Nel- , with Fairmol}t West Hi~~hbOJ. s<,>n, Ilz ar;y~nt; · llarb...Bi.adl~y . 'Those ;tttcl\(iing" were lairy Nelson, ~~. ~ant, ..~hilsty Ric- ,and.Steve Jone~';:'Th~re a St.~~ ;. ' '~nt Council WQI'ksh<>,p at ·ebilli·. key, Debbie 'Watkins, ,; £(JCiie .cuI; .,. cothe 6n ~Oy.j4'. ' · ' Jison, Steve 10 es~ Gary Cook, e Lo",ng ~ '. The ,Junior·S,enio Gus Edwards, Arln Boe.ck -and r~~s are:'··.(~) No s.r:nolQng~ (2) Jeff Rich.Q,rds. CORRECTION A summary of studen~ coun- . ,Kec;p lqu.nge ole~n, (3) .L~it the The telephone number to consound tif music, (~) No tardiness cil proposaI"s·. and projects until tact Junior High Principal Craig to ciaS$,'s, (5) .Th~· lounge is to th~ present time has been -reFranci~o is 897-4706, not the · be used only during: ~tudy ' halis', leased. In adldition to ,or .in plaCe one .printed in the Oct. 28 issue. (6) ,Juniors : and SeniOrs 'oilly, , of the Good Grooming-Awards·, there wi~b~ aJ;itiu nshjp Award. . (7) Th~ lounge j s ~19sed · during nte stud'en s sel~cted (rpm "the break, (8) Oflly,Seniors to ~e admitted duriDg 'lu,nCh and (9),' " each cl! ss would be judged on Ke~p tpe., t8!kiJ)g;.\0 ~ ~iI!lum~· con<.;ern, partl-fipation, ~hoJare' do i~t~f f.. . h~"'lt\ ..:.'SQm~ J .. \ I' - • . ' ship ana sP;iit • • , • " . . tib)es : as' . !hin~ ' suc~ ~~g The ..~udent CoU~ijl pJanS : :~ J. to have fl.Ye",mem1?er e~hang.~ . ~l!.S, ~ " ,~~c-.;Qrd... p~Y~l .. ' ..' '" television. with other schools. OTHER lRAPPE~II~G$~" , . The Junior·Senior l.oung¢. and the juke box in th~ cafeteria' ~ . Sing Out Wiy~ille ·kfaliif · . n.lDIllI ~ IUIJunK l.all,a,,:1' IJl"~II.~~' are tWo of the .Student Council -. comnuttee .wiIl."meet on:Novt fl . : . . p'r9.Jle~~s f:rh.'~,juk~ box costs Sl S aC~h~ fir~~~urch . ~f quistj t" f" . ' .~yhe§Y1lte, .,itt ~:30, iUn~ a£jij '.. '. ~ V(~.k ,to,~~-!,~, 'r. ,. . . ~ Schbo~. 1,;1.' . • ~" . f' ; ! .. ': ''';.. :..r, . .' 1,"TwJ~~I~~~~:5P.~~B! ~'~~ltA~".Yr~. ·The opening of the lounge bas· been delayed for lack' of a ' . Natio~ J;.dqoa.tion·W~kl~was .\ Oct. 26·30;'. . , '... .'. , ':~,' tockable door. ' ~ '/ ' :.~: ''': ' ".'1.
"Mu st" H.- e We would like to introd uce co you our "NEW high quality printing." Much .effort baa gone into 1M•. PROV ING our qualinr .tandards. The laeat in typesetting equipm ent briags liD you this qualit y at lower prices. • • • • • • • • • •
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liaI{ea~ ~y ·~ Jlutea,u ot ~~ :: , tion ' for ~e :Handi~apped pf tbe-y.S. 'nep~eAt o.{. H~th. '
a....:severely ,handicapped child can be "iven special training t a~.,.n~le. ~im t9 ,~~rp, say. ~l! .~. O . A'~!8kfor 4tt~,e~ tl,;e ~~ 0 ' qe
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This should be an easy goal to reach and United officials m the Sidney Division solicit your cooperation in this effQrt. United would like to give you ' the finest possible service · (with your help) that its System is ca pa ble of giving.
You would n't doubt your best fri~nd if he or she made a statem ent of fact would you? The telephone is a good friend to almost everybody. United Telephone Company officials recognize (statistically) a growing number of doubting phone users. Operators have been busier than usual, over the last few months, with "verification" requests. When a busy tone is heard, a large segment of customers simply don't believe it !? As a result, the operators Will get a request to "verify" the busy sig~l. This involves a twoput operation. First, the long distance operat or must place ~he call herself to get a busy signal. Second, she must now monitor ' the . line in use and see if it is, busy, and 'it usually is busy United has discovered! The total result is that long distance , ser,vice to ' subscribers does suffer, even though the operators are trying -10 serve requests J>etter! The solution to .tile ~woWing p~okl,m is simple and painless. Subscri~ers 'are -requested to believe the busy signals they hear. The result of the anticip ated econem y of effort is obvious. A higher level of overall longdistance service to subscribers. Why? Operators will be available to~nswer your calls faster. EqUipmEmt and operat ors won't be involve9 in unnecessary "checking up" on each other.
~()J!9~~:' " ~1;lt.! I! . . ~~ ,~.h" ~Q
spe,nd JiiS, ~J;l~lre Jlre lB 'a pubilc inijitiitio.... he w~1 cost the . $aXpaye~I ~· fr.()m .150,0 00 to
Films law AVlillble Ta Ar81 Ichllli Helrt
The Southw~tern Ohio Chapter of the American Heart Association has a new set of ftlmstrips available to the elementary schools in this area. The set includes f.our ftlmstrips and two 33 1/3 records, each runriing less than five minutes. The topics ars: How the Doctor Jklmi nes Your Heart,
- Education '~d Welf8r~;~bl~d " at- ' this' center, is' , $200,009.!'.~' .' int9rmation on facDities ,and , J , More thaD '30000 0 addi"tion.'" tf!:Il'C:htlrs are' needed to '; .teachm·I '·' Rro~' for ' handi· ' ch the haridicapped.. 'fa .en~a' , ' c~p~ · c;hi1~n pai~takinlllY e high school' and college courag .'\ ~be'.. over al! !rom".:' , tPth~d·" " 'i tudent s ana others to choose_' _ r;latio~. ,:NthougJt It ' baa ~n , -. .. . '. funMl omn"o nly a , lhort~tlme~ a c~~, as lo~ Educat SpecIAl a ~t .'i~ the " 'With ., Center . ..the lon IS ,~ucat of Office U.S. t~e ~omputer, ,is already answering this 0,000 $30,00 ing allocat . m~re t~ a tho~h~ in.'Ru~es loans Continued on pg. 2 and grants in year school , .parents from' ~acb . week . . of friencb and s teachers,.doctor to qU iBhfled students. .. ' ~8ridieapPed children. --------~--~-~~ -----------------the of 15% ted An ' estima 4!i!!P ~ N,.tinn'. ,~bildrell are ,sufferinl ' ' ~, ~m.~Clicap.~Ji.dditionto iuiltli thiiib ,I ~,' , ". tI,le hum.D~ aspect of tills M Jif ~h . '" ov"'J)l;!Int., ~ff9rt,thatth~ . " ',,$~al ,1Me~iJutt'Wl'l'te " .. .. , C~ ,j pOint' ,o ut
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Side 1 ---- A CHRISTMAS CAROL with , Ro~ld Coleman a,s ScroOge " " ;, Side 2 ----MR. PICKWICK'S CHRISTMAS~S'1bla by Clarles:Lau.ton ·: :" '; I ... I....
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Mr. 'and Mrs~ 'Ronald , ~nor/ of near ' Spring Nalley have re- t'o( -tur'ned home from a' co'nducte~F' tour of the HolY l arid. Manor 's a,ttend church at JonaJis Run. Mr. and Mrs. E<fBrothers and Lori Carman was' host to a Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dodds were "Turnip Day Party" Friday ni~t , hosts Saturday night at the Dodds at the Carman home. In attenhome for a Halloween Party . dance were: Angie Qark, Debbie masquerade. The night was filled lamb, Peggy and Lillian Schoon" _ - with games, dancing and judging over, Chris and Kimb.erly Payof the costumes. Prizes were ton, Debbie Leyes, Cheryl, Thelgiven for the following: Best ma and Velma Campbell, Susie Costume: Barbara George as a Bussell, Kenny Watkins, Junior Genie, Best Couple: Jean Eakins Speaks, Rusty Oark, RQnnie and as a Hula Dancer and Dick Cava- Kenny Campl,dl, Jim and Bobby naugh as Miss Halloween, FunBussell. Games, dancing and reniest: Ed Brothers as a Southern freshments were enjoyed by all. Mammy, ,Worst: Roger Dodds _ Mrs. Irrna Taylor spent Saturas 1971 New Years,Ba by, Ugliest: day morning at the home of her Pat Dodds as Father Time .. Other sister, Mrs. RJwens Wolfe , in guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lebanon. David Wallingford, Mr. a'nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. lionel Camppell Bob Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. Doug have moved to lebanon. George, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mrs. Irma Jean Palmer and Wallingford, Joe George, Mrs. daughter, Tanya, were guests at Donna Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Jonahs Run Sunday School SunTed ;George, Mr. and Mrs. Mike day. The Palmers have recently George, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gough, moved into their new home on Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenny Ashcraft, Brimstone Road. Mrs: Freida George, Mrs. Kenneth The Junior Girl Scout Troop Brothers and Patty, Mr. and Mrs . No. 114 of Harveysburg invited David Carman, ~s. Jon Carman t hp Cadets on a hike and campand Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. " ... at the home of Kay SchoenSparks. herr recently. The girls met at Mr.. and Mrs. Don Smedley the school and hiked five miles. and son have moved from WellWhen they reached the Schoenman to a home on ' State Route herr home, they gathered wood 134 near Wilmington. , and b~ilt a fire for a weiner Mr. and Mrs. Dave ' Martin roast. The Brownies were guests for and son, Sean, of DaytQn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and daugh- the evening along with their ter, Patti Ann, of Dayton and leaders, Mrs. Barbara Fairchild Mrs. Vernon Shanks of Xenia and Mrs. Barbara Williams. After the weiner roast, the were Sunday guests of the Lewis Hoagland family in their new girls set up the tents and retired fOJ the night. The nex~ day they home on State Route 48. , " .;, . ' &mday . dinner ;~, ~~ tSj,; of ..: cooked their breakfast _~nd lunch , ~L t Ev~tett SneU:ahdI"Mrs. Ma:e'tytle :'t· over the campfire, thim ,returned were Mr. and Mrs. Jo Tassoe home in the afternoon. The Cadet leaders Mrs. Norma and family of Kettering and MIs. Esther Snell of Dayton. GOugh, Mrs. Janet Wyatt and the The regular monthly meeting Junior leaders, Mrs. Kay Schoen::, of the Church Board of the herr and ~. Pat Dodds accomUnited Methodist Church was panied the girls on their outing. held Thursday night at the Leon Davis underwent surchurch. gery recently at Brown's VeMr. and Mrs. Charles Beck teran lbspital at Dayton. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Pe~y is a have returned from a tfip to , Portugal. They Visited Lisbon, surgical patient at Qinton Me~ Estaril, Cascias and many other morial Hospital. points of interest including tiny Mrs. Ernestine Moore has re- , fishing villages. Also, on the 'trip turned home following sur~ery with the' Beck's were Mr. and at Qinton Memorial li>sPltal. Mrs. William Simpson of Dayton, Robert Brandenburg returned Mr. and Mrs. William Weiland of to work Thursday after being Dayt~n ;nd Mr. and Mrs. Richard confmed to his home for several Bro,wn of Columbus. days with the flu.
THE WEEK'S LE'lTER: '~I am ,14 years ol~ and ', I nee~ , your 'help. " t 'have, a p,ro~lerD about getti"g a i)oyfrif!'nd. t dress "ice. and I don't ,say bad words. What should I . do to get a bonriend?" OUR REPLY: We sUggest ~t you fQ&:g~t,. abQu~ getting a boyfr(~~~. "At , ~~ast, dop't c~)D8i~er ) t" ttt~ ni9!Jt Impo~t thing in yquf " .WQr:ld. ," Concern 'y.0urself $'st with preplfing for the fu~ tUre: This..must , be 'dope ,by pay! "jng A~t~nt~on. to y~ur 8,chool work. Do your assignments, make the ' best ' possible'· grade D ' lop . '.. . s. e~e ' , .your.persQnality. In y~ur search
for ,knowledge, search also for a '. way to improve your relationships with your schoolmates, with your teacbers, witb your parents, with the elder generation. If you do these things, you become a' well-rougdM individual. You make a. place for , yourself, in sch091, in your community. When you begiri to.<1lchieve in tl)is manner ,y()u won't 'h~ve to go 'looking for boYfriends - they'll com~ 10~king for you. ' If you hove 0 t"nage probl8ftl you want to discul' or an observotlon to molte, addNSS lour letter to FOR AND AIOUT TEiENAG liS, COMMUNITY AND SUeURIAN ..R£55 SERVICE, FRANKFORT. KY.
COAL ... So much American coal is being exported at premium prices, the American Electric IPower Company has' pubUc1y called on the Federal Government to reo strict the export of coal to oversellS markets while domestic utilities are facing • criti· cal fue!l shortage this winter. Photo "hows hopper cars, each loaded with anywhere from '70 to 110 tons of coal, jamming the Norfolk & Western yards, Norfolk~ Va., awaiting loading on ships' ln *h~ nearby harbor.
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IIi -surreyst . Jij'tehQu ' 'mOd- ' . be' to~ard tne ~ltChen and;J.ts · ' I em1ZattoJllQf:ren ~$, tpe 11a,~ " PossJb11lties. , .. ," , r Knickers and gauchos, . ponchos ' a~d cape$\ the wet .IQok , ,~ h f I k d . 'of m~t-·wlllted Ifi9~e ,\"'lm~ " If a ;remodet!iig: project .J$ .; J(Ui(~4e:n, 71~~~':~f,,"};if,_,"__ _"",, __ ~nd,the reptile .look, the c~het l~oA and."t e. U~· 09 , o~ ·, . '. ' , pr~v~~~n l'9J e9ts .,". ':' .. ' planhed, AI)e., He~'~ the op-:;. ",:,,"~'_~_~'_' "collars aria scarves, leather and ~ frtnge, slit skuts a)1d wJ;'ap . ,I n .. ne\1l~ ,hOme~, I~tlti'e ,famll, I" portq~~ for .:e~ansion; fOf_" , ~~sJ:~ca1:~e>c~an;)e~ll!,~ skirts, long skirts and short skirts -~ you name' it, the youn$ . aha, ltltch~~} :mat' p(ovl~i clecor!oting ' O~~~~:~=ii~~~~~!=:: set has it, in fall's (ashion ~lec, ~Qn . ' . ' .' , , - }~e 'one and ' ~e sam,e.!" \,\ " I sJ)ecllQ; t. arelW il witlUn i.. the . u""' ~~ . d' I th 1...:"'1 1m d "alf J.t 11 Some liLrcrutects and geeo-' kltcqe .: -;- 'per,hap$ ~Jio~e,' ';'~.~""'JI While the · mi t eng - uc ow ee to mt -'" -:; J rators ' are goil,lg<one .~ stel>. . omce·,for " Mom" ',whlcn c'an awaits final pronouncement froin the girls .who will- Ot furt-her:8~n<l1l<lv)8lDg a:retum ' also' t?~ a; :.stucb. are~ fQi'tl,le won't - wear it, 'at least one fashion .direction is certaio. to "l1v~II"~ th~ ~~h~n," 9r " 'ChUdl'enil.' or:a dining are.:.fQr · at least,.. mak1il~ tile Itltchen the] fam 1~. ' .'. ' . . ".' R egardless of length , .fa sht'on this fall turns to the new ' .the 'an e~~lriSlon ,'of', tb~ 'lh'mg '. The ; latter ' might· ,be.' deo! varied, the exciting: room,· Vflth no", b~r1~:rs-):Ie- ·s lgned to dO~l?le as 'a ga;~~ ':' WardroQes, and especially young wardrobes, are due to ·tween, so 1amUy and,'guests room ' !n :,the eve~gsi' to~ " " t1;~~~tn~ltl.t have a whole new look. Innovation starts at the- .top; with can md,e .freely, between .t ne. .' table~p galpes ~ve..,one C,an: . ~,~"",:,".--:;," crocheted berets and long, long scarves, and continues through two areas. " '" ,·enjoy. . , ~ ". ~u'&I,y"'''' the poncho and its cousin, the cape, to a wealth of total-up ·rut·au these l!I-Pts 'a nd ideas" I~~e.~ Space '.:' " I : . • " , togeth~!! anij..t1;lt~Y 'td21~ to S~elf, cabinet and' stOr~ge . ~~~~o~ parts and partners. a rena~~nce 0 ', the ~wb~p. space can' btf increased. The " Enter Gauchos, Midi-Minded 'as a place to five and' ~a~e , kitchen' w1l11obk' Plore ,b eauJ , 1I~:~1::~:~1~~~~~1~~~~:~~; Pants, of course, are favorite partpers with the young set. fun .~ wel\ ' as work,., ' . tllul when 'thete's lplenty~l'or '~' l~ d'· al fI d l' I f 11' 1 .-' GOD,ce for clOsef. famUy.'. 'roonl" " tb ~ store ' everytntnJ ." "'~"'",, .. h Along Wlt. h tetra It10n are ors 1m styes, a s se ecrelatloruihips IS one: J)o'Wepft~1 ' . p,onerli ,l ~ .and 'stU! "morC!I;' , ~~(!n~!n,i tion includes some new ideas, notably the gaucho. This ~s a reason fo~ the tre~.OnJ. the , bealit1flll- wheg, . e~a shelv-" flared pant that's midi-minded. Length may vary from just purely practical' , S1de~ the · 'lng '~oWs for :a~~pl."C?f , la; )1;, below knee to mid-calf. need t<J~ make double and ~vorlte o~a ' sUver and ,glass-. . d sometimes triple 1lBe ~f 11m.. umre; ' orr ~c!lal ,.hpbbv col~ h th gh fr t1 Knickers are anot er new ou t, equen y compamone , It¢d spBlcels' another~ " .. i~Etl~nB. " .:, ~,. ~ . rI" " by a vest. The vest is, in its own right, an important fall f,ashTime 10, ;Re~odel ,p .' . ~ew gas or eleCtrIc " tiJ)~l1 ... ion entry, appearing with skirts; too, or as a ~le~veless jacket Recent de.velopments , in ance~-' wlthl ~elr ' sltmlii~~l "';; for a suit Again. the midi . · ftuence appears, as vests go ' furniture ~d" 'f~sh1ngs, , tnm~er ·llile~ Jand·. colortw '. longer and lankier. ' appl1~(:es .and even enter- finiShes, qelp , dress Up",' ,t he ';r " ORI~~N1r:A.J:~jll~~,)l,\'t;'jlW Still another pants partner, the midi tunic, doubles as a tain~nt units 'have led k1~h.en and stre~,b" kitclie ". . OR ." .., • .."...... many famllies to ~the reall- . S}jace.~ :.,_ .~~ .. _ ' , h ':L·~~pg~ ~~)apjPl~~L'I!'.!' ntU"n:.:· ~: coat to wear with other separates or dresses. zation that the Idtchen 18 a, SePl¥'&te cqolttdp ~nd ' waAt When the scene calls for skirts instead of pants, the choice room for decoratJng, and for oven'uhlt8l incre"se.1lex11illitY · ,~!1.~tlq~~" J::I is equally varied'. Since the young set is usuhl1y in the van- . using a,t 'o ther than meal cof ·-1d.tc'Qen plannUlg, -.8 ao " guard of fashion news fall preparation times. , . wor'k ~~nlersl~wh.ic} . "an·· beJ . introduces many midi skirts, II;l the fall, thpughts tum.:· lQca~~ as lij)ac,e, ~ic~tes T ~" in slinky 30's looks, with ,to mak1n~ ~lie" ho~e 'Jntenol; .·;:; l~tetally· bi tb~ ;.center ~of th~, ~~OJ:l.~ ,::c6ttO:n;fuma~J! more comfortable an" lnvtt-, rdoWoW/I for .. instance. ' : '" ." 1 !!-~ti1r~p;: ( Tasty pleats or Dares. h t hiS:':."J 'L!-~ Iln For girls who continue to .lng. T e urn .t ~, fall mi~ht' Ey~n wb~n. reID:od~ gJsn:t .. , ~I~ favor mini, or at least short, ~ FISH FILLETS WITH I
'room:' the'"
ecnd .
:.t && .....
CELERY CHEESE SAUCE 1 pound fish fillets 1 can (10% ounces) con·
densed cream of celery ~up
Ih cup shredded Cheddar
cheese U using frozen fish; thaw and blot dry first. Arran,.. in shallow baking dish (lOx6x2"). Stir ,.souP in can; pour ov~ fish, Top with cheese. Bake at 350°F. for 20 minutes or until done. 4 servings.
Sh~~~~ T;;;;e~hO
both the short and ~he want long of fashion, still other skirts combine mldi..Llength with a look of brevi~.Both separate skirts and dresses fea-
~ . ~d~·~~~
an4 partly-~uttoned closings , that reveal as well.as conceal. Long vests and tunics 1m': part bit of '.the midi feeling abovea other short skirts. Sweater and shirt cOJl1panions feel the Imp~ct of ·fall 's penchant for variety.' The' long cardigan comes into its 'oWilL contributing "to the 30's lOOK that the midi fosters, while the turtleneck sl1pon expresses the same wrapped up look conveyed by so m~ IODg seanes. Material8 -of Fa8hion
Shirts and blouses show off their sleeves. Usually, they have, body shaping, a trend that's echoed in the long, Dowing lines of fall dresses. T n ..~ Jd ts k d
c~r ~als 8r~atior: s~~t
,Auto-Owners FARM FIRE is Tailored Insurance Protection. Protect your farm business for all it's worthl
and long. Brief, fitted mUltary Jac~ets continue in fa-vor.._and the longer car coat maKes a comeback in fashIon. The materials of young fashion are as varied ~ and as interesting-as the styles. Wet-look vinyls shape manY raincoats and casual coats. Leather and its Imitators come on strong. Lush plies, first cousins to fur, the fashion nod for
-Green "PlarttsiT00,
or 897-80,., 23 S. Mail" '
Way,."ille, Ohio
., With Epery-.t\.if!dpl!1Jr.~~,~,"~ ',ot,':;' .'~: 1!ilil~ljllllli , '.. . I • This ',faU ' ~ a good time to ·, ·,pebble get JlC'~trted .~th ,the al..:· -'" . c.arved. . most,· tless - variety' '· Of· ,fet. . ,r·, green plants that c~ C~)D~. • . -SImplY .
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''" decorating sCheme of ,thtIlgs fent , plants Follage'- p~ts, u$e4 .hi, '. .' " • many mteresttpg aJ]d e~it- "'.~ .. ' . ,," , 1l)g ·,ean ~k up every 'cia" . 'No -: 475 . ;~~~i~;11111111 kindwaysl of- Iurnlture ' style. ' ; . ~ In the ¢oD,ie~porary ' or ' ' dO~::~I~;r~~~~~~~~~~~~'~l:IO'IirOf modettJ bouse 6r apartment, . good ,pla~f chf;)lces ~clJlde . large-leafed' Schemera ;' al;l(1' dramatic dracaena;' ~'i~ .' Use the sene.era at one side of a ,sofa. arid surround ' it w1t~ a f.ew·smaller plants,: Keep ·the plants in natural red clay '.co~tatDer8:· With . matchinl' saucer~, for good '. plant heiiLlth. '.- - .-, Dracaena can be Used most' , succeS8fllllly in '-a dlfticwt , comer area or standing ilone in 'f ront of any wall area. Its ·long barkl1ke stems and :Indlvlaual1zed leaves give It • . d1st~ctlve, 'scJJlptured lQOk. ". With· Spanish or'Medlterranean styUng, two of -the most coDlpatlb~e ~reen!plants are Boston fems -and-rubbel', trees. · , ' A grOlllJ)ing of ferns: with· lacy,-ftollring fronds, captures the romance of the -Catved ,",' and ornate SPan18b look: ' Here's a place to. use;pedestals of dHrerent sizes. Top each peciest41 with one'· full fern plant. Or m~ a :, small I
SEARS C'USTIIERI The hi The- ..' .. Nell WlynesvUle Ir••: ':' 81,'~
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l ' has ;it 'i .~ ~~tterihg ' ';':of·' hri~t.t : siln Js ~ nice' ah:d 'warin today j'. 51~ ~ ':' / ,yellow., li~~ve.s , witlf,,:' th~ ' I)l~ck ., tJ¥l~ :i;'wpen ,l . look~d o1:1t ;.1 saw ',.~ I " I)f~l '~h~~.' ·.~~o~,g ~,,;~t,titougfi{, I~'.' '; ',$indf ~nd,.:t1i~",~,est of the d~gs , ' ' ha~, £e~n soJovely with its light ,that ,wer,e.,out laId out, flat belhes gre~n ' ba~ls. Does' ariyqne know to the "~un apd enjoying it. TOQ , of , anyl.:~se' for them. ;The}' ~y many ,dogs,; but what can,we do. We need a -good dog au'ction like thJy wil'['keep.off.roache$, but I hiven't t tried ,it-. · I ' naven't had the stock sale. We advertise, but . , No,vember 6t 1970:'" Another Iulve o~ly ~Iold two pu ps. any roache's. Once, after they t'.1 l '. , , ,week' gone and by .th~ .hme yO~ ' , ,had been on Jhe ground a long ' ' 1 do not know any November get tiiis,"it will be 'another one: tiine, I, saW' some chic,kens pick- " poem except the mournful one How." time do~s 'fly, ClUi~tin~s at them so perhaps birds do we learne~ 'in school by one of 'ing' . , _', "f . . Will be here, before we~ krtow it, eat them. I , the New England poets, tha,t '.'today ' is a~other" br'iglit snappy "Yesterday there was a lovely starts out "The day is cold and " fan : <lar~ li·.': r~ined on; Mbnday pair of cardinals outside my dark and dreary, it rains ~nd the and.l,!li~ dl~ saying th~,t if it rains ' kitchen window. 1, have consiwind is never wpary and ends up on,'Mon,diiY,,Jih ,will rai,n fo,~ tllf~~ dered putting out some suet for and into each life some rain must '19.r:'1.njore ,days,. rut Ytas true the bi~4s, but I wond~red if they fall, som(, days must be dark and e .. ,it"d!d (air] off and on ,:'i1llij~r would find it. Chickadees, titdreary." Is that the way you feel ',:"and 'was clou<lyrmost <.>f the. tilJle mice and the various kinds of about it? Of course, we do have for days. ' , woodpeCKers, ~uthatches imd ,a some 'bad days in November, but ," .Jis' ~y:oy(fa~otit'e superfew other :kinds uSed to come to then too that is 'when we have ~1.1VIl1 , MrS .. ~G~ listed alot Of the suet I put out at myoid 'Indian summer. ,We haven't had UU1L1Ul'"1 ;:,0I1.~; but-.Wh.at., is your ' house, One advantage of suet, is squaw winter yet, at least not at f~fatjte. Seemg ,thene.w this writing. My almanac said that. the sparrows :do not come "yo~i '~j8ht S~~)\ildei1 for it as they do for bird seed. cold wave the sixth which is ,a !o.Ug !ime ,was,:that There are such enormous swarms -~ to~ay, but fortunately it hasn't ,Ieft!.hand, itch~~ YO'll , of them. Cardinals like corn an~ arrived, and we hope it doesn't. ~t some monely: It' will get very tame if you put it It is cooler today, but not a cold .. worJC' tha,t' ,~y, but ' outJor them. wave. Another old weather say~o ' , ~. Maybe it Shoebuttons kept trying to -ing is that the date of the first I .....~ '-+ •• ,.. n'n'. '~!l\ltnlJ ' all signs"of sit in t~e chair with me which snow foretells the number of made typing very difficult and snows for the winter. November fi~)y I ~~d to put her out. The tenth, ten snows and so fortb. , Can you remember to keep ~"~~~~~~~~~~~~IIiIe""'~~"----""-"" count. I never can. If you think that I talk too much about the weather.. that you alread'y know about, remember that this paper goes to quite a number of out-of-towners, exresidents of this region and if you know about the weather, you can better picture what is going on in the old home town so that is why I do it. Have you planted those spring bulbs yet? Better be about it, ·spri~g. you" Wilr ' b'e ~~~ Now is C\ ~:ood time to buy some, the stores... have begun to mark them d0WI:l. No.w is also a good time to plalJ,t seeds of -some annuals. Mari~olds planted now will come' up. in the spring and so will batchtelbrs button sand larkspur ·and various others. Any of them that see~ themselves will come up in spring if planted now. Did you';SC:1!4. in' your renewal? We would bate tv lose you because y:ou fo'~got. I
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Federal troops queUed the "Whiskey Rebellion" in Pennsylvania, November 13, 1'794. The first intercollegiate football game was played November 13, 1869, between Princeton and Rutgers. President Roosevelt declared the Phillipine Islands • free commonwealth, November 14, 1935. Sherman began his march to the sea from Atlanta, November 14, 1864. The American Federation of Labor was formed, November , 15, 181$1. A declaration on control of ato~ic energy ,was issued by President 'Truman, Prime Minister Attlee and Prime Minister Mackenzie King, November 15, 1945. The United states and the Soviet Union established dip. lomatlc relationship, November 16,1933. President Roosevelt and Secretary Hull re'Ceived Japane.e . envoys, November n, 1941. iohn L Lewis resigned as president of the CIO, November 18, 1940. The battleship Maine was launched, Noyember 18, 1890. The W.C.T.U. was organized November 19, 18'7•• Lineoln made his Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.
Shaker Plain And Fancy Bazaar 01 FRI.DAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1970
It Mrs.
M. C. Blaey, Seotti'bUlI'I, Ind.:. Sometimes I . FroDl. -
think it's nice to be an old tUner, .I ' couldn't. , tell 'you ,'about t,hose 'decoratt~n days. EverY JSqlu~ay ' in ,Ma, ~pur churclles ~ad preac~g an~ SlDging. with different ~in1sters tatinM put. ,,' ", ' .. '. , ' ',We dlClI't't.' have catetaiers for the -graves; but theY·were:usually cleaned ~ up', before tbe i..blg day. My, ~Iia~p~~ts " would take their' hoe. rake 'and weed cuUer. as d-id other folkS. TJU!f would ~ke , ~ets ,of flo\1f~n: Everyone - hacl pJenty ~. ,flo'{Vers in thoSe i;1IIYJ "'lb~ ~uybig .them was unheatd of. Every I,dy had to-have a ~ew .hat or trim up the old one, from "'iuf.' yell!'. Sometimes, we aled th'e We ' "rats" in ~ Will remember otberWi~
m.~e .m~~
l'lOII. P;'II'I'''it'',~.,..1''@ ; pl!~a," 1A :~e
. C9l1ibed , over ' •.\ pUfJ: ,oV,er ,the, ,
Wa yne svi lie Unit ed Met ho dis t Chur ch Iv.ill Mell
Bllaar Hours
Adults $1.75
l1.:QO A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Children $.75
RI~bil 111111'\
Friendship Bapftst " Church . : . ,
, Third & Miami Streets . . , " Charles Pike. Evangelist .. 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Morhing . 6:3'0 p.m. - Sunday ' Evening . 6. ;~ O p.m. ~ ; Wednesday Evening Phone 89-?--446Z for informatior '
Soulhern Bapli1l1 fO ll v'elll illll ?\ormall \fe~I.l()\..·'1. PasttJl' ' 9 :3<1.a.n'1.. SunJa\ ~ht;()I " . :W :.1O ;j : I1l .. SUild':JY \111rniJig Wor~,hip
North Main Str~el john P. Osborne, Pastor , to :OQ.a .m.,Sunday Schoul I I :00 a.m. ,Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. ,Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7 :30p.m ., Wednesday Pra.yer Meeting with Southern Bapated (Af.fili ion). nt list ·Conve • . I •• ....
First Church-of Christ
'Friends Meeting
St. Augustine Church ' , lIigh SI[Cei Rev. joseoh II. lu Imer, p..tstor 7 a.m. & II a.m. Masses H.a·1J1. & X p.m. Holy ().tys 7:30 p.lII. First Friday 7:45 a.m. ()Jily Mass 5:30 P: ;ll. Saturd~y Mass
St. Mary's EPiscopal Church Third & Main Slreets Rev. lIarold Deeth. Rector I I : 15 a:m ., Morning Prayer lsI, Jrd & 51h Sundays: Huly Communion 1nd & 4th Sundays
United Methodist· Church Third & Norlh Slreets '. L. Young, Minister 9:00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
. 7:.10p.I11 ... \\'edne sday. \1idw.eek ·
Pra yer and Billie Siudy
Jonahs Run Baptist Church Ohi(\'7 3 I:a~l Kidd . Pa~lor IO :()() a.l11 .. Sunday Sl:houl . . 1O:O() & ,II :00 a.l11 .. SUllday ' Wor~hir Servil.:e 7:30 p .l11 .. Sunday Evening . Worship ll'~ Ier
United Methodist Church . I}Jvid lIarper. P;tslur 9 :30 a.III .. 'Sunday Churd! Service 10:30 a.m ., SUlld:IY ~hool II :00 a:m., Sunday Worship . ScfVil:c Youth Fellowship and Bible . Sludy
Harveysburg Full Gospel Church . 1:. South Street Rev . Jack Hamilton, Pastor 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service ,10:00 a.m. Sunday Scl\ool 7:00 p.m. SlInday Evening
SPRIN6 VALLEY United Met6c:idiit , Church
Glady Street 10:00 a.m.' Morning Worship . 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Worship
Spring Valley Friends Church Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunaway. p.clstor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday &: Thursday .1:30 p.m. Song·fest, Last
Ch0T;'Ch ' .:..~ :·n."
$,',) ,
Ridgevill.e CbmmUt:lity Church ' -Rt ·St. ! 4~ "& ~t)wcY -/ .~ I.
Springb~~ru RO;l<!,:'
LYTLE United Methodist Church
John K. Smith, Ministe~ .9:30 a.m., Sunday Sc'hool 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship , \ Service 8:QO-9:00 p.m .~ Wednesday evening, Bible Study .
FERRY Ferry Church of Christ Wilmington Pike & Soda I Row Road Bus Wiscman, Minister 9:00 a.m ... SUlldav Bible Sehuul 100: 15~a.m., Sund~y Worship 10: I 5 a.m., Sund&lY Ymuh ., Worship " 6:.l0.p.m ... Sunday EveningBible StUdy,. all ages. :, 7:.10 p.m .. Evening Worship, • 7 :30 p.m." Wedncsday, Midwcck Prayer and Bft!lc Siudy - ~
rd Baxter Rev ; LcilO' , ~):30 a.m., Sunday &;hQol . II :00 &I.m .• Sunday. Worship Service 7 :]0 p.m., Wednesday, Pra'yer Service '
RJOG EVllt E '
MT. HOLLY ," Unitt d Methodist
Christian Baptist Miision
. Ray Stllrlnl'r, I'astol' ~' 9 : JO a;lIl. Worship &IVI,:C 10;"30 Sunda\' ('Iund l Sdlllol 5:00 p.m. StI'IJi!ay_Youlh Fellowship .,.
Ruute 4:! al Gl'nn'!own
Al:Y ullnb, Paslur , I~:OO a.m .. Sunday Sd1(;ol 7 :]0 p.IIl., ~nday. WC'dnesday and Saturday, Evening Wurship -Sc(Viccs. 7:30 p.Il1., Wednesday Youth . Service
Spring Valley Church of Christ
GENNlOWN Genntown United Church ', of Christ
CQRWIN Penteco!t1al , Holiness . . -Church
.I l l
Walnut-Vine ' - Robert R. Meredith, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship , 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowshipjr. high & sr. i,igh , 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOir rehear!;;}1
Waynesville Rescue Mission Corner of 73 & Corwin Rd. Rev. Sherman Cook. Pastor 10:.l0 a.m .. Sunday School 7:00 p.m .. Sunday he . Service 7:.10 p.m.. Wednesday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m .. Sat. Eve. Servicc FIRST tHUR CH OF GOD 49 S. Main Stree,t 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship
, Sunday 'Evening ,
152 High Street 'Steve 1'i~~r , Minister 8:30 a.m . . 'Jhe-Christians Hour (WCKY radi<r, Cinty) 9 :30 a.m. Bible School (classes, for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires (Ch. 12 12 noon TV, Cinty) 6:30 p.m. Jet-Cadets 6:30 p.m. Alpha Teens 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship" Fourth Sllcet ne:lr lIigh 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. SundClY Meeting fur Worship (unprogrammed) '
r.m ..
" First Baptist Church
Rav . . .. L. Sheltlll, l. Pastor ~. ~:30 a.in. Sunday Schll~)1 . ~ . " ' 10:4'5 a.m.' M9{llillg,Worship. \. . 7:30 p.m. Su~d;ty Everling'"' ' \. ~. .,., Service 7 :30 p.in. 'Wednesday EV"cnii'lg' Service. ':-' . 5:30 p.ril. Sunduy Sr. , V(~~th _1 " RecreatioJ~ ~' '6.:30' p.~l: sUnd.ay.'Sr. 'Youth .~. _._- : Services ~ .... . - - - - /. ' . ..~
DODDS .,', .' . ... Ch~rc -Free Pentecostal '. " h - . qf .GOCI . ,
R.R. 122 , ~ Dodds, 'Ollio Past~)r,. James ~,pftlJlan ' 10:30 :a.m.-Sunday' School 7:00 p.m.-Sunday Evangelislic ,.' Service " . 7:~0 p.m.-Wednesday Prayer' SerVice 7:30 p.m:S;iturday l!vcning Worship Sc'i'vic'e 'r •
... "
,J\1WEftTlSE .IN, CtASSlftED ~
,FOfl SALE 5 FORt.y.LS . ~ lize 9-10 & 11, reasonable. Phbr1~. ,897-5806 'J • ': ~ . •' .t5c:1 1963 FORD Station ' Wagon. Clean and !ng goctd condl.flon.' $325. Call · 897·2639 .t5c:1 ' PORT·A·CRIB and ,mattresl • play pen. 909d . condition pli. ,,897·2374 . .t5c:l , L,~ATHER, ' lackef, ' heeVy ' sfeer hide, full qullfed 1I(llng,' by awing back', 4 oUtsl~ 'pockets, Ilze ~. 'Phone ' 897·7586 : .t5c:1 , 1160 VW,J, '$,16~:~O.:vld" Bradi~y chair.
ACMESlnJtltlon, licensed with BOard of, ~"Ith, ,all modern ,equIpment. CI-.an leaching beds} Qutslde vaults1 septic tanks. All worK guarlnteed-24 hour service. Been In business for 25 years. P,hone Middletown 423·2945.
spendmg suits eyerybQdy , . each of us has individual styles and tastes. But everyone cpn use the booklet's important guide· lines on how to\ set up a budget, increase income, safeguard emergency funds, invest spare cash.
Following the booklet's WoJ:k Sheet, I listed items under two , 42e4 , main beadings: monthly income AL TERATION'S, . men:ai' "a;" ':women',s and monthly expenses. Right clothIng. No calls please between 12 away I put dll)wn my' income noo!' ... . nd 4 p,m., Vada Snoddy. PhOne from my social 'security, savings 897~237 4Sc1 ~rYlc;t, ./~:' Pl:lOne ~~1-4621. 44c1 account, and pension. BABYSITTING In my home.J by hour, But the booklet pointed out -. REpuCt, .fe alid 'fast lwlth GOb'ese day or week, fenced In Ylra. Ask for Ublets and E,:Vap w~t., ,PUli. W~lk" , ~ann. Phone 897-6021. 39tH , that I'd overloo·ked some impor, .....rmaey.".l . , ...... 42_ - , tant items on my list . . . the ~: ,' . ;- " HOME repaIr and maintenance car·' . equity of my home, the cash ROLET. : 4 sPeic$' transmlnlon, .penter, .co~cr.t., sheet metal pal~t-; Rbra.\Nili'IWU·T·l0, HUI'IUfnkag., ,_ -', value of my wife's jewelry, the. 'lng, roofl:"9' and ' electrical. ~o"l 8,7.4488 after 5 ~m. ask for cash value of my coin collection. '. 'r, 4~-:tcl ' . l445 •.2~~~~ ., ' . : 210tf . « t .1 It added up to a handsome sum that surprised IlDe. I: gave a great deal of attention to the section ,j'Detensive Investments." This tells how to get the .' . most of our surplus cash in re, tirement. We all need a certain amount of readily available ."liquid" assets to meet emergencies,. but to be truly defensive vie must examine investments Making .lIie Most of Oar Money that offer safE!ty, liquidity, in..Everywhere we tum these days . come, gr(,)wth. we find 'rising costs 'biting away . The booklet gives a full and atrour wallets. And" we all. kriow 'easy,·to·underst8lnd description of , ~ that. in :planning retirement fieach of these alld which ones are ~nces we must . learn new ' ways best to meet individuai needs. So .~"~---~.-..o;;":"-i~~~---_, _._: 10 make jvery 'penny count. The perhaps the best investment you key to the problem, of course, is could make now is getting a copy , to s~ , planni.ng now ... so our of this "Financial Planning" ebances ~of enjoying . financial . booklet. Send 50c to Harvest security in bur later yeJkrs will be Years Publishing Co., Dept. FP, greater~ 104 E!lSt 40th Street, New York, - . Like .hundreds of other reN.Y. 10016. , tirees. l've been looking"into the , best ways to cut expenses and in· n- ' ,.' :,1 ~reaBe\ jnc~me; : One ' Qf the ' most Paln1t Project Here's a colorful paint project 1ti~ttiiliHEl~~~~~~~i )leli)ful~' boO~le~ , tbat I've picked U :,.'. up ~ '~Jlarvest Years ' Guid~ to for the childreJll. Around Thanks· Financial PlaillUng." The reo giving, have t:hem make paper· search that went into this bookl~t , mache napkin · rings Just mix includes interviews with scores of flour, a dash of salt, and strips of flna1lCial' experts 'and consultanewspaper with water t~ form a :::~,~~~~,~=~~ 'ti9M ~tJl ~~y 'fllla?~ial. ~.!'ganipA.ste. Mold it, into rings large zations.· .. , " enough to slip .napkins tbrough. , , . ·, It gives ·. ahswers. to "many of, When the ri~p are drY f enamel the questions :we ' aU have like them in' brjgbt , au~n colors. ~'~ow mji~', mope)l,., '!Y.W ~we ,have Add diniestor~1 . de~,*, of turkeys, iu retirement?" and "How much pumpJOns and Pilgrims for a flnal money , d~ we 'need to Uve com· decorative touch. ' fortably?,1 " : .' ,Of 'course, ncr one pattern of' .
• .1 .'
...- -- - -
time ,To ",:'
. To day's' ACROSS 1. Koney (al.) ~.Llft
10. Konater 11. Ancient 12.Tlme ·
13. Huge If.~
15.-481& . J'aix
-Ie. Month
20. Greek
letter 21. Office·
holden U.Burlap
"5. Afternoon gatherings DOWN 1. One who jinxes
2. Market place 3. Intersect 4.
(Scot.) 5.gallery 6. Foreign 7. Girl's name
8. Dlapatch 8~Triple-
15. Schism
22.SPrinC 23. Plural
pronoun 24. Apothecary
25. Lexi. co-
126. Apiece (abbr.) 27. Refrain
eating 29.PrlIon keeper
31. POAeIIBlve pronoun
17. Hblta
32. SUly
19. Render
33. Cuttleflah
Sf. Cads (al.)
36. PropDltor 40. Brltlah
airmen (abbr.). 4l. Dr. Seuu
. cbaracter
U.Uve4 2'1. CircUIt afeguards 28. Genuine 29. Pruene 8O.JewI.Ih
month 31. Bad·
tempered 35. PublllhlDg
term (abbr.)
the deck 38. Bam 39.A1p1ne diItrlet 41.--
Ialand "2. Expunge
"a. In'cUgo
".DIrect attenUon
'\ ,
It is ILLEGAL to use
'. E·. V. . t . ·E ' .ir~·S sPr1n'~
I ustam C'la I'nin g ALL 1r-VPES: \ Mobil Homes, Campi~g' Trailers, "
Aluminum Siding,
Q'-rs,~ Truck$, and ~ts:-
Plan" ,- ( ~ "
. C"a ';1
DIt S l
electronic calls while hunting waterfOWl. It is also illegal to hunt over baited water. , Know your waterfowl regulations. Distributed as a public 'Service by National Rifle Association
' WORTH A S~ILE ... :l~ncy Cothran, 'left, Wa~ter , Re~' Cen:' good. j
eral H9spital's first kidney transpl ant pl!tient~ bids a, happy, ' , , bye to lit. Col. <Dr.) Joseph L. Alexander, fourth froln left, as-slle of ,chief der Alexan Dr; D.C. ' . , leaves 1he hospital in Washington, Transp lant Service, Jed th~ team of Army surgeo ns which per. ,for.med the transpl ant Sharin g Janey's smile , are h~r parents , Air Foree Lt. Col. (Ret.) arid Mrs. Benjam in A. Cothra n and Capt. John P. Frank III, head ' nu,rse of the ward In Which Janey recupe rated.
Borgenicht Browing Holt Vorspan
A V8!' Thin Line The Phychic World of Peter Hurkos The Secret,Woman So The Kids Are Revolting
' 82ti ~ 897~4 OHIO ' PH :.. .' . i
BUSINESSMEN - Merchaab, 'Electridaa., P111111hen, CaIpeaten, Iala'io r aad 'Exterior Deca nton - atty_ ' ODe
Iuae 01' ...u.
CAlE A-RS liE I 'l l ~I I11111lE _
Miami Qizette will move its 1I ri'~ WS ' 'and" ~dveri isiri'g deadlines 'to' i 2 noon , Frida,y! Nov. 20 ,due ,0 the Thanksgiving holjdflY. - ( No news items, classified or ~splay advertising wni be ,accepted after the dea,dline. , Miami (;-dzette office will be closed all day Thanksgiving Day. J
, .
.. ,
. he ,would complete his investj. 'gat ion, tuesday. , <~el€Jt. left the house at about . ' way' to work.at J>ntmn ' n .. l\lln lligh Sehoul ~,t 'Monroe. For a time, th~re i·Was,!.serjiju~ ",'C(jn'cern about the Wh~teabouts' of'Mrs. Welch ,who . wasfoot . ", at, the' fire ·scene. Neigh·l;>Pr.s' 'fete_fearful that s~e was in the ~ hQij~. . ~ j., "1. Mrs."Powell also relllted that .'" ~h~ midn't ~eif Mrs., Welch.slnce , a!o~J;l(1.. ,4. P1Ul:,·t.!iat day: :H~\v- , :ever., Mrs. ,WelQch was located·at " 'fhend's ' 1iO\JS~ where "she had .:. been 'vi'Sitiilg~ ', ' .. ' :The.orily 1~tality was a dog, , . r~ pOrte~ ,t~ ha.ve bef;o one' of _ ,11" .""1~llal'tfIlIOJ(~.i\ "• .two ' German Shepherds in the '. ! ."'. q ',' wbose',- chailled ' ca'r~ss / ,1 • ~ by ' fire~en. . . l'
~ •
.... Ir]~"""'.n
al~! o~~ ep!~ t ~~Q'
.. ' br6ugf.it to the aa~' u tnb,Wat(r ' ynesville: , . :. . '."'''''''''''''''''I'P ·qf Wayne To~" ,. twas' hin1
pn page 4) ,
Mrs. Ada ' M. Courtney; one uf W~ynesvJUe's oldesJ and most , highly ' respected citizens ~ ~e~ Sunday at The Friends Boarding Home"where she had resided for the past several ye~Js. , Mrs. Courtney. tile former Ada Marie Stokes, ~came a pf(;>",ip~nt figure lri ~ocalliQrary ,hi~tq~y , uAcirl , .~er " r¢t~~¢p1en~ ' .from W~yne towns~ip Public 41)raty (n~~ Mary L ~~)~ip , 'tanuaiy" .L955 comp~enng 'a record 30. years as. liQrarian. (Contjnued~ on Plge 3)
' Hunt
Ben Hunt's Bi9 Indiancraft Book Wfiispers in'THe Ni~t ' , The Embroidered Sunset Wathe8d' ~ " " .. :-' , ' " ._, t
'Rdss' "
v , • ,;
scou't s,ATTEND
" :,'~G~rson .
. . .. . ' .
. . : ~t~ . stREET: WAyNESVlt.l:.E,t' OHI.{) PH ~ , 897-4826 ..
.. -
,9 P.M • .... ~. ...
... .,
... : ,
... "
.. .
reasons to work toward an -ele'Illentary or II high s,chool ceftifj~ , ' h~~l'"'!'i~ IfBte,. . '. , . Th'e courses are free with' no' .charge to the adults ,who desires to take the classes. No local . funds are to be used to finance the projection and all monies ' used are from state and federaisources of Title I Adult Basic Education, according to Pack.
we can get no price support unI~ss we stay within our all()tment •. Our allotment was only four acres and it expired so we are on our own and glad of it. I have never been able to profit .by any.' of th~ government prQgr~ms. ' Wh~1]J we stored some cdrn on the place and took a loan on; i~ , ,~hen they measured it for sal'· ttiere- wasn'{' a& much corn there 31S in the beginn ing ani:l w.e Juld to pay"back some of the .m.o~eY. · . . . Still lovely fall., ,weath'er and soiri'e bits ' ,lOf color here and there. wifinington had ,a lot of , gold and orange tre~s with lea\'es on them. Phlnt sugar maples for br~1liant fall color. I planted my tulips' y'~sterday "hbw about ' •• '
I. 1
, ~
COLORING CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED Winners of the "Shepherds Rejoice" contest include; age division 5· 7; first.. Aliul- Wardlow, five: second, Edward O'Dell. five and third, Robin (Barney) Wilcher, six and age division 7-9; first. Kevin Miranda, nine ~ second, Gary Karman, eight and third~ Ann Wardlow. ' - Area youngsters may send their contest entries to The Miami Gal..ctte, Box '78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 by -saturday ' of the drawings publication. Winners will be selected in two age groups, 5-7 and 7-9. A grand prize winner will be named prior to Christ mas and will reo ceive a $5 gift certificate. This week's Christmas Color. ing Contest drawing appears on page 7.
Cessna. The foHowing subjects will be taught in the Adult Basic Education Program: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. 'There will be some enrichment courses taught: Arts and · <Jafts, Home Economics, Physical Education and Typing. The Adult Basic Education Program is designed for adults t 6 years of 'age and over. ~ot enrolled in .. school, who have not graduated -from high s~hool. It is to help adults who may have dropped out of school for various
Brochur. giving detail. -25c
Elec. Cntr. 6 ·Candle ATtN . $42.50 deUvered
$7.00 pro del . Hand made Colonial ,
reproductions pewter like finish
Fran~ G. Hart 2906 F-=tory Rd., R. R. 1 . Franklin, Ohio 4!i006
$15.00 OeIivend
'Emb~d textuted ·.~ct .wlth neutral ~Ige to!ieI.
10RGII-,S.11KIE,,1 ''"'_
Ul1ited Me tho dis t Ch urc h ' ,
, [).~vid lIaq?Cl', 'Past :,,' . '.
9 ) 0 a . m ~,. Sunday,,(,I~llrdl , .: Scrv lIJo ' ' ," 10:3 0 ;1.111 .• SUfIU:ty Seliolil II :()() '.I.Il J .•-StIl'IU:ty W~'{ship ; &rvk~ le YOlyh I:dl ow ship and Bib Stuu." .... HarVeysburg F",II Gospel
'- -
Ch urc h
'E. Soulh Street
9 :30 a.m., Sunuay &:hool 10:45 a.m. SunuitY Meeting for Wc~rship l (unpmgrammeu )
St. Augustine Ch urc h
lIigh Street II. Lulmer. I)aslor eph Rev . Jos 7 a.Ill ..& II a.m. Masses Xa.m. & X..p.J)1 . lIoly [}.Jys 7 :30 p.m. Fir~ 1 Friday 7:4 5 a.I!' . l)Jily Mass 5:3 0 p.:m. Saturd~y Mass
Un ited Me tho dis t· Ch urc h
Third & Nnrlli Streets , .. L. Yuung, Minister 9:0 0 a.m, Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:0 0 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Yo uth Fellowship
9:3 0 a':·m.• Su nday~':Schqol., ' 10:30 a.m " Sunday Wo rship : . . >' Service 8:0 0- 9:0 0 P.I11., Wedne,sday evening, Bible Study·
FER-RY.· '. Fer ry Ch urc h of Christ
Mound Street E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9 :30 a.m.,Sunday &:hool 10:30 a.m . Morning Worship I '
Willllingtoll I~ike & . , &'l' ial Row Rll;UJ .' ~us Wisem.an . Millish~ r, . () :00 a . Ill .. Sl! IHla y Bihle &~IC)(l1 1,0 : 15 a .Ill .. Sl!IH.la y Worship 10: 15 a .111 .• S'unuuy Youth , ' , Worship g lili I~vel luay (1 :30 p.m.,. SUI • Oink Study. all,ages,. '; " ', p 7:3 0 p.m.. .Ewlling'W(lJ~11i 7:3 0 p.rn :. Weulll,,,day. ~Ijilwed: ,~ ~" uv Pray er allq 8""~ Slu .~ ~
Christian Baptist Mission
Main Street Mrs . Lois Du,naway. Pastor I 10 a.n,1. Sunday &h ool II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. hen ing Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wedne~d:ty & Thursday 7:30'p.m. Song-fest, Last " Sa,turuay 'cach month .
-. a ..--The'Fo,low.ia,g ·.Ar'-.., or You I hro ugh Th e Courtesy.Of
L .' "W~:YNU"'L"E, OtfI O' ,
RS ' >., !",~F.Jl'·ii·H\ EAQNE 'CLQHl .• !.8 :8UV ,Y'S "MA t1~~r1: LE " ~~}I . 'ti' L~. V" WA " " }j,: '
r ;' Ministe John, /4(, Smith; ," ,
Spring Valley Friends Ch urc h
Th is Ch urc h Page Is ~nsore
,0"'. '..
LYTLE Un ited Me tho dis t Ch urc h '
,Glady Street 10:0 0 a.m. Morning Worship7:0 0 p.m. Evening Worship , R:OO, p.m. Wednesdiiy Evening Worship
49 S. Main Street 9:3 0 a.lll. - S!!nday School 10:30 CI.m.: - Morning Worship 7:0 0 p.m. - Sunday even,ing
~ ..
, i
Spr ing Valley Chur~h of Christ
r.chear~:l l
Curner uf 73 & Corwin Ru . Rev. Sherman.('nuk. Paslor I O:JO ;l.In .. Sunday Sdw ul 7:0 0 p.m.\ Sunday he . &rvil:e 7:3 0 p.m .. Weunesday Ew . Scrvil:e . 7:3 0 p.IlI .. Sat. Ew . &rvil.:e
Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith, Pa~t~! 9 :30 a.m. Sl,Inday School J0:) 0 a:m. Morning Worsh}p 6 :30·p.m. Youth FellowsHip.~ jr. hj~h & sr. high ir cho y 7:4 5 p.m. Wednesda
Waynesville Rescue Mission
, !~United MethodiSt .' -, Ch urc h '
Mary's ~piscopal Church
&:'100' /
a.lll ..
TIl ird" , Main Streets Rev. lIarold Deeth, Rector II : 15 a.m., Morning Prayer lsI, Jru &' 51h Sundays : Holy CUl11mUniOIl 2nd & 4th Sundays
Rev . Jack Hamilton, pastor 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 7:3 0 p.m. Fri day · Young People's Service 10:0 0 a.m. SUlrday School' 7:0 0 p.ni. Slin.day Evening "
Acy Lamb. Pastor Su,nday , 10:00 7.3 0 p.IlI .. Stll~ da)'. W"dnesuay anu Saturil~IY, Evening , Worship ServiCe's ' 7:30 p.Ill .. Wednesday Youth Service "
_ ,J
.cJ~np~i ,~Jt~~~~~.#i!~~~~:~~:~, 1
I , N
,> ,
SI"i~ carols is so much fun~
• ..
Color'the slngen, one t;y ~. ,.; ,
Mon. T~ru ' Sat. "
PHON E 897·4994 .: ~· I,.
. ;,'/
-. ~
\ ub;s cri pti on
P.O. Box '18 WajiieaViDe, Ohio ~
ADDRESS --';;';_~________--..;.~_ _ '. CITY, ,_ _ _ _
- .-
--- _J
Brenda Shrack puts up poster information on NatiQnal Book Cliff ¡Meager Photo Week. and a mobil~ . Nov. 16-20 is National LiDuring the week~ each stU-' -, brary We~k with high school dent cliecking out a book librarian, Linda Robinson, havreceive a special book ' mark. ing planned book talks in all the Mrs., Robmson 'wants t6 have a' English -classes during the week. paperbacJc book sate 'during t'he , ", The halls will be decorated week and continue it through , . with posters and the li,brary will the year. I s be brightened with other .poster
,Nov. 6 the National Honor
Spciety ,!!Jet , in r~gular session 'after sch()Ot ' There'::;wa's' an 'asse mbly: 'a t the.~ov, " 6 Junior High tti&"tI .fo ,"j
The yearboolf staff Riet ~~y, ,wlth a repre.entat~ve 'from 'J1te ' .'m~c;t:~g ',~ WjlS to " fQf ' the,.'
Santa "Aniv','s Saturday To light Village Tree 'The Waynesville Area C/lall1. ber of Commerce and Wu'yi:1'c' 'RJtail Merchants Assot:i:H'ion, .fi1l team this year for Waynesville's downtl)wn Christ mas Lighting program. Santa Claus will arrive hy sleigh. at the comlllunity ChristIllas tree. in the Waynesville National Bank parking 101 at 7 p.m .. Friduy. Nov. 27. He will distribute (fCU t~ t () UII youngsl ers An in formal l:erelllony has heen slated for lighting the vii.
lage Christmas tree and holiday street lights. Local bl!sinessman Robert Townsend headed the lighting installation assisted by workmen from the United Telephone Company ilt Lebanon . . One of the Waynesville School· hands has been sl:heduled to perform and there will be group carolling.
leg·ion ·Ieeds .. Iid '.
' @ ,"
The',: first
fer. a day Friday ,begun by the ,~"'ea history ......,,''''.... .Plain and
Several '
- CQu~ty Uniled Appeal Campaign reached $53,189.06 Nov. 4. Over 300 reports "'~re still to be re- ,.
turned. . Campaign leadership estima.t~s $17·,000 will still ,be- r~ised from those who have m~~ yet repOrted and w~lI submit; l7.G,OOO to t~e ' Unites! ,. A>ppeal ·'~itizeli, 8udgeJ
SJ\CKIN~ IN ... At Ft. I.ewis. Wasltington. newly.arrived Army reccptees find beds already made and prepar e to settle ' ' down for their first night and a new way of life:
'Uneven SpUt
l'he 'UneYi3Q "alve$ of Pakistan
lie sep~rated frOlll , each- Qthel" by nearly 1,OO() miles across ' India. , West Pakisllin has 85 per cent of the' nado,n's land, only 45, per cent of its peopl~. ' . , Wide RAA-ge ' . . '; , Plants range. in "size 'from bac· teria only. a , few micron$ (mil· lionth of a meter)""long t9 ' gian ' redwoods more than 350 feet high,
Don't Fall Off the Meuntain Hu il to the Ch iefs Conversations With Americans Doctor's Kingdom
MacLaine Montgomery Lane Seifert
, "
'OHlO ·: PH .' 897-4.826
rJ,isfilJas (JUJ -,
You will need money for next 'year's Christmas just as you need_it this Christmas. By joining OUR CLUB' now, you can ,easily accumulate money not only for Christmas Gifts, but for Clothing, Fuel, Taxes, Insurance and all the many other ' demands th8t come at the end of the year. Our Club has'a class for every purse.
Join one of. thes e Chri stma s Club grou ps now : . SO week s
$ 25.00
$ 1.00 a week for ,so week s
SO wee~s
$ .50 a week for
$ 2.00 a" week ,for "
I'~rvoysburg history will be Icngthcned by a dam site when this
• ~Jndm~rk '~rick, farm home off Sfa~e Route 73 lit the west 'cdge of Ih~ .vi!!uge colhl''''s~s ullder the thrust of progress. Tl1e, I 82,9 slru~turc. vno of the nldl'st of the village. IOt,;atcd in the Caesar's Creek ulke , ,dis\,tict , hilS already bc,guJ\ its ,slide 'into ohscurity. - Dennis Dalton . PH6(o--. ,ro~ghl)' what this might cost
and Mrs. Everett Gordon. Mr. Everett Snell and Mrs.· The annual community Lytle were Sunday guests of Thank,sgiving'Services will be held Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spivley of Troy and Sunday evening guests at the Zion Baptist Church Wednesday; NO¥r. 2S at 7 :30. Everyof the Charles Snell family ,in one is cQrdiaUyjnvited to attend. ' Dayton. ,: Sunday 'cvehing ,at Jonah's The cheerleaders for HarveysRun Church Mr. ~nd Mrs. W. ~, burg School elected QY vote Dur~baugh of Xenia showed Thursday were Jenifer Rogers, slides and narrated a program on Debra 'Eakins, Heather Plummer their conducted trip to the Holy and Beverly Tietmeyer. Cheri Lan~ rec~ntly. They showed appleyes was elected alternate. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenc/,f roximately . one third of their pictures ,and will continue to Martin~ville will ovscrve ttieir finish them on Nov, 22 and 29. 68th Wedding Anniversary and , .They showed the tour leaving her 87th Birthday Wednesday Vandalia, arrival at New York, Nov. t 8 by attending Bob Braun's Frankfort, Germany, Jerusalem, 50·50 Club in the company df Mi. of Joy, Shiloh Bethel, Jacobs Edith Lukens, their daughter of W~tJ, Samaria, Nazareth, Sea 'of Xenia and three of her childrcn , Mrs. Robert Greulich of Chicagp. Gallilee, and Mt. of Beautitudes" The public is invited to attend Mrs. lois Short of Springfield and Donald Lukens of Washing· the next two showings of the most interesting and colorful pic· ton, D. C. Mr. Greene is 90 tures. years of age. enjoys excellent Mrs. Norma Gough, Mrs. Kay health. They maintain their OW!l Schoenherr, Mrs. Janet Wyatt, home and are very active in comMrs. Louise Eakins, Mrs. Barbara munity life. " Fairchild and' Mr. Pat Dodds Mrs. Lucille Inwood Lafferty attended the Bob Braun 50-50 of Coshocton, Lecturer of the Stat~ Women's Christain TempQub Monday. They enjoyed seeing Leif Erickson of High Chaperance Union, was speaker at the arral and hiter lunched at the WCTU county convention held recenUy at the Friends Church . Holiday Inn. Warren Chapter 224 Order at Wilmington. Her sister, Mrs. of . Eastetn S~r . met Thursday )Maurifc Bogan provided the {light 'at tJie.:lo~Jiali. ; : \ . ~!~ rUSic for the day. . Wcekeni:l guests 'o f Mr and ,'j.. Miss Jean Eakins entertained Mrs. William Dosier wef(~ Mr. and to dinner Saturday eveniJ)g at her Mrs. Herschel Whistler of Penhome ~r. and, Mrs. Cecil Eakins dleton, Ind. Also supper guests and daughters, Romona and MarSaturday w~!re . Mr. and Mrs. Raycie, Mr. and · Mrs. Raymond Eamond Braddock of WaynesviUe lcins, ,Doug and Debbie, Mr., and and Sunday dinn~r guests were Mrs. Roger Dodds, Robyn and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Furnas of Shelly \ and Dick Cavanaugh. AfWaynesvjJ1e" ter dinner, ~hey enjoyed an even-The Missionary Circel of ing of playing cards~ Jonahs Run .ch,urch,met Wednes- , Mr~ , and, Mrs. Don Wall of day afternoon. at the home of Dayton have announced the birth 'of a daughter Julie Marie - Mrs. George Pidgeon of near Wilmington. born Nov. '7. She has a four year ,Mrs; Evelyn Ban e'ntedained , old brother Jeffrey who spent the weekend with his grand,' Mrs. Pat, Dodds ,and daughters, . Robyn and Shelly, 'and Miss - parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. George i Sbirley· Speaks,. .with ;a. shrimp ,,' wall. " . . supper Fri&y night... , - . ". Mr. ,and; Mrs.' ·Her'sehe. Whist' Mrs. Slliaron ', ~~Js~gt:r aha . ' ~r . of ~endlet,~~, Ind. and Mr. C',
• .,.
and Mrs. Don 'Were visitors,' at. Church Sunday . Presen tat t he Open House Warming for thc nc,w hoine of Mr. and , Mrs. Lewis HOllglal1d :' last Sunday from :!:30 t,o' ~ p.ill. ' werc Mrs. Verna SllanKS ot ', Xenia. Mrs. Harold Shanks and childrcn. Mr. and Mrs. T(ul}lan~ Shanks. Mrs, Anna Maric Haney·' and childrl!n. Michael IJdle:,-Pa1- " rick George and Terri Gay~e. Mr. . and Mrs. Marvin Prewitt and ' children~ Ri.t:I5.iUlltJollll. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heinl.. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin and Scan, Mr. and Mrs. Grill' Turner and ' Pat. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reeves and Tieas'll. Donald. Betty and John· nie Hoagland, Mrs. James P~rk· ins and girls. Susan. (,hris and Cindy .. Mrs. (,harlottl; Maloney and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilk. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prke visited Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McClel· land of Clarksville Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. MI:Clelland havingjust ret urned home from Ihe hospital in Springfield, The Welcome Bible Class of Jonah's Run Church met .Friday night at t he home of Mr. and Mrs, Clint Taylor. Mrs. Tom Hacndel was a guest and Mrs. Helen Wall presented an interesting Thanksgiving program. Many friends of Mrs. Wendell Hixon will be happY' to learn she has returned home following some time spent in Clinton Memorial Hospital. She is the mother of Mrs, Charles Williams of near town. . Mrs. Evelyn Palmer has return- . 'ed home folloWing time spent in Green ,Memorial. Hospital.
Monday: Nov. 30, Ravioli buttered corn, chilled apple sauce and peanut butter sandWIch. Tuesday; Dec. I, swiss steak mashed potatoes and gravy, harvard beets, jello cubes.and bread and butter. Wedn~sday i Dec. 2, Chicke·n 3)ld noodles, buttered broccoli, peach cobbler and br~ad and . ,butter; Thursday; Dec.3, beans :and : ham, cabbage and carrot slaw, pineapple c~p, hot biscuit and butter with jelly and .Friday; Dec. 4, weiner sandwieh/ ' catsupi buttered potatoes, celery ,and"carrot sticks and apple crisp.
Many things in this world have changed, but the tradition of7giving ,than~s 'Qn 'this: specipl·day is still with us. We sen~ to all our patrons, and fr'iend$ wishes for a happy , Thanksgiving Day,- with best ()f everything all 'year long . .' ,
, 'saO
;. .mil ot' J ", X";'li':"·• •!·.. .I~)r. A 'F.ixRM D,t A.R,' : phoil~ to , wily~ ~ , ~.n ~< Bv D.J,. Frazier turne'd up, for,"dJnpcr. · ~11 ~od. . November ~O. 1970. ThankS- ··butsornewere.better tllan .Olher,s:•. " ~ll " ~ : .. 'I,!,' ,,,,,,:"'f1tl; . ' ·an,Y~Qnc ,"'! Ulho ,"se"s. nil o~n IS.I' over , 'mariN" ' ""JrIo....... '... ~y,$ ' to ~ ,-'" .~ . ... .... " " .~ {-o> '\., ro. ' L ', ~. ~.' giving. How thankful are yo'u?' Aa ppy .. II.. this especially to tl'ii>se ,Who' g~VJlIg 1$ , .,I~.SI : ap rl,:~a~l ~mg a , ,','.r How often does that overwhelm- shared any of them . . !Ht_~~~~~~ 9" . ~I~ M,n ,Wlntef- . ing feeling of thankfulne~ com~ .t ., IS oecon'ltng More notIceable' on ,";., ' over you? Not very often. I am We v-:e nt to t,h~ sale yesterday. . • 'windowpanes in the early r;nOro-. . ' ~n~ 'entn'1SIIII·S' afraid. It is true. once in a while The h<,>t:t 0m had dropped out of 'ing "ours, ~ . . . ; . . , :~tt ' ·-...·..'··"" ....L."';~ ,~ when the young man of the (ar:n- _the v~1 calf market' but the one . " .: . " , ;'H ,a , ily comes home safe from way'. ~r we took Wafnot tops t~Qugh it'. , ' 8' ' t~ I ~ '''r' 'AI" : .. " ". \ \t' .i .~~ "5 '; ' 1tJ1~, 1 I' • h f 11 .. . U ', 'O v )IOauS,.• WII "r,"'. , ·. 01" " Th someonc wc lovc g~t~ w~lI, osc . welgh~d m~re t an , t oug~,t ~ not . all blusterY',weafhet,'" co~dl"!'\, ,~. " 9"IS ~nClIWtlI\Onnlnl!( are the big t,hanksglvmgs ~ut how , ,I g~t Ju.st ~~ut ~~t I e,x,pec~d.~ ~ 'fe~t . an'd 'snlfOcs that ~ 8i'st, f()r . ' aboll,' the hltl~,cver,Y, .~ay one~;. a ' Pe~h~ps ;, ~be t~o~ble \yJth. tti~", .. L. weeks'. ~~uc keytlillrdMr~ re abie " ; lovely fall ooy .~ a bnbiflt bcaulll ul', . market \Va;' t ~ t ·t he calvesl ~ha} . t " -~ ' I~ cl~t' " r • f -\y" t ~ (.. . . ' tree to look at":u b ight st~~ry ) :came in _were .un~er ' ~igtiran(J": . 0 , ~nJoy.~ .a\ , . ~Y, ,'~' e " ,'." ..."" . ... ,.., night a happy' time ,wlfh friends. nol really'"very go'0(1 and the few SPQr !, a~1) lac IV.I~J~ , !f <;o~el~ ,j' ,. ".( , .' .' a mo;,. . every , areu" 0 co' .. :u ' , l<tly . a sollc retu(Il home Irom ewn a ..good o~es brought the usual l. . ','." ., . . ' . . \ ' '. I.h We-cUner rC'-'feaIIOn. " "; . ~ ' ;( .' '.. •... ' .. '. ~ J . ,;:~.'o' ~.' , short tnpllT tllc Ha~. 'U1I the I!ttlc good prtC~$. ;Feedcrs wer~ ug. nicc things tnat,'d ) ~'happcn . An~ and fat : tZattlc -br.ought goo~ ~fI. tec s ~ lll1g'lalld "sl~d~;rtg:. ,1'wO'!i;' , s~f;~~ \ a~\;d ,' . '~, wethallkflllcnl)U~ht(), sa,y ~oalld .. <-'-'Cs: ,Nt,) sal,c o.n l1la~~~g'v!n~; ~c~f'Il!f1~ :olt.k--si ;Wintct~t~~;: can ,'~.,~ ·be.-enJ~Y/cy ,." ,~ "i peThaps drop ~ ~~lin'. in t.h~ Ii,tlk IlI.Y~ ~lIt the;sal~:~i'{ ~ J~cl,~ .o,n , . , ' ~.~ cl).i.o ~,~ ~ 'dj .~ ~~unl.~qsf :~~~~~s,,..~ '. th~ O~I.~ ~veI9~meNJ,. ,~p.''''~ , blue Thank Olf~rt1lg box! Fnday. ' " '" .• ', lhfl)Ugbuut , ·the Sla ,c. : '~ Ight.y. •' tntonhat,lon r.c.~tral, ~~ 100.1." _".r~"" " "''' Than ksgiving has :I Iways h",cn I was shocked and su rprised' I wo icc skating finks,~'Mnds ali~·.; f oluo!.bu.! ; 43'2 . my favorite holiday' espl'dally when Ilk·ard ,o.~· Ada \Ollrtnct~ . lakc~.·ac~oss' OJ'iio., 'wijl ,~t\iC,ll~t!~y •.~,:.L· , when I can have a p.. rtY:lt home. death. Whcn UJllall)l ·he.fl rd ul It. many , Im,~rs .(>1' plcaslrr¢' ttl, ,'hi! t . We have had sllI.:h lot s of fun the fUllerul .w~s ali'~a.dy ~v~r. ~bc whole family" like, t'!Y' 'try!' to parties out here , There was the WJS a ,very g\lO~ .friend of 'minc rCCU)lt.ur;e that chilahoijtr~r;I " or year that we moved into this ever since the, libr<;try W'ds down t·bclly~ia lJu li~lif?' Murc·.thu·r1. 5.0 house and, some of the f:lrnily on Main ' Street al'\'d I used. 'to go' .afC-....s,ill Ohio onc r hill~{lh"t' joined us. The stove wasll't there for books and sit down and tlt'l ydu(' a(iernoori~ IWith $lcd(jiIH~ ,.',.', hookcd up to the c[ectricity yet Ghat Jl while , .abou,t books an,d fU'i l. :TobOggillling sl0P.cs:' urciil!ip , '., so we borrowed a "r-oastcr for the ' far~s! and' life ill' general. I did ' found ' 'a t ninc ,Ohio ' parks . chid . turkey, cooked the " )th~ .. thing~ not see her so ·oftel~. but ~alwclYs " recreation areas. . ". in the ,tlrcphlcc and had a lot of enjoyed it wilen I stopp~d in at • ,Fm the 'haie"an fun doing it. And the ~ ime the friends home and we v~,sjted for a(e 54, !;pots' . Parks family and a group'of Anti- a\\i1Ue. She had a·, keen , min" iOg ~ jlnd 4 8 ooh ~tudents , and Daisy ,Snyder and ( enjoyed her f~iendshlp. r' . ' version of' and I crowaed fifteen of us into shall misS'her . 'I did not my little old kiiche~ and)aughed , Q.f tim but '( and ate until ~c were,as stuf~ed ~ . ~,:,~d l ~'~o "'!'\f,:!",'~!~J":'!.it~ ~':!~~~.~'J[!.~~~~lUlj as the turRey ~rid many others, fdp to l1e , some here and some away Trom things they ' do to you . to ' keep here with the Pclrks in Detroit you alive a little Jonger when it. ~s ·fQr "you?, and oth~r people other places. time to gOa' ~ ,.. . , Jor "$jie:-:-toil can s~illl the 'ice Those are things to be than.kful A chilly. rainy. day t9day. We- ' . ' at ' speeds of 40 ,.to SO miles' ~r~ \ , for and remember. had our first snow on the fourhour at any ohe: 9f ':!2' Ohio >§' Then there ' was the first teenth and that is how many winfer recreation areas. Of, .if-' (- " Thanksgiving after wc moved to snows we will' have this wint~r,.· you would ~;tther~,(,~nf-y ,:-an ",i~Y- :" '. the cou~try, a suddcn cold wave so some people ~y ; Keep count lake '~' si~ ti~i iWnne' ~ret.~~ try' hit and our car froze up. We and see and Teport to us next . one o~' the :sfal.e's 46"1.ic~ fishh!g,.: -'" didn 't know it until our neighbor spring. ' lakes. , ,~' .~ .' .... i ... :. came over to get us to start their Happy Thaiilcsgiviog· to you ,One of the fasfest gfo.wilig ~; . car started and we found ours all. '. .' spotts. in Buckeyeland is sk,iing( , 1
, . '
wm ' ... : .
,' T
,' ,
. 2M CifAPMAN STitm . wAVNDVIi.LL OHIO. '.7~7'"
PHONE 897·4994
SEIBS CUSI'IEBS _._ .,.In 1 .. -. ~",- II,nelvIU. - ·lrl. 8'_,11 '-
.. I '
• . I~'~
,.. ( . This week's Qlris1n~s CoLoJ- - '.~ , mg Contest drawing ap'peafs on .'/', page 7. ' .,1, .
, .: Area . young~ters Illay send
. I '·
PUFFS HUFfF ~' P~FF -:- Waynesvilie Hi~ : School sophomore and junior girls were ~!~~~us ove!. freshmel1 and semor girls dunng an action packed powder-puff football game. ;-Cliff Meager Ij.
tie car!ried 95 times for a IOtal , ~f 555 y~rds and cauSIlt. 'eight ·passes. for a total of. 90 yards gained. . ~ . · I,n ' the defense .linebacker , position, Mat,~~ · . ade 39 tackles, seven assists, caused one fumble recovered two · blocked one punt. . . . Ron' f~CKe~' play~d lend'. on offense and scored three TOs. and 2 (-"2) exu:~polnts for ' a .total of 22 points. H~' caught seVen ~sse~ tfi(ee .of them good for tQ\1QhcJowns': , ~ . . ~'a defeilScsafety, Ron made rnnur"pL: .. '-33 tac~eSi~d I:S _ssis*$, recover· . ""':".l.~~"""""'-IIOl.i"" , ~<-:' .' e~ :~~e ,fumble and. intercepted ..
My God, I thank thee, Who liast made the earth so bright, So full of splendor and of joy Beauty and Light. .
(ummes -. a,id
So many glorious things are here Noble and Right. . I thank thee, too, that Thou has:made joy to abound. So many gentle thoughts and deeds circling us 'round That in the darkest spot of earth Some love is1found. '~
' .
~1:r..DIt! ...:. ', . .fo~r pa~s. ~ ::. .... ,' " ."T~ '" bin~ri '
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'playcd', ,end, a~d
,A. ~ming for a de8~ peace
'~~red , three' ~, 'one'(+2) eX'tra
"'.4 P1Jises,total..;.
t.talaiik t"~ a,,9rd, ' . 'that thou has k pt,ihe best'in store We have enough, ' ot-too much; to long for more~ , .,
.P.fiyed' 'as ;J "', defe.n-: t~n~'\~~n8 '; ~;:'t.ckles,· '
. " '.J.~ ~~s~'1: and fum til- .
* t litnown before. : .,
;$tubb-~- Co~n£'t - oJ"
:FU ~" ERAL ~OME ,-: ~
. •
~, IIS· "'. MAIN
,'Church of Christ · Third & Miami Streets Charle's Pike, Evangelist 10:09 a.m. ' Sund'!y Mornin ~ 6 :30 p.m . . ~unda y EV,cning .' 6 :30 p.m. - Wedne sday E~ ening rhone 89744 6 2 for info Fmati <:l r'
First B&ptist Church North Main Street John I~ . Oshorne, Pa-stor 10 :00 a.m.. Sunduy Sdwul 11 :00 a.m., Morning Worship 6:30 p:m.,Training Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Worship 7:30p.m.,Wednesduy Prayer Meet ing (Affiliated with S<iuthcrn Buptist €onvention).
Jona~n Baptist Church
Ohit \ 73 b :-. I · .. U'" l t...' r Kidd ., Pa:. tor
I() :o() a.lIl .. Sunda y ~c htl()1 . 10 :00 & I I :()() :t :ill .. Sunday . · ~; H:-. hip Service . 7 :30 p.l1l .. Sllnda~ Evcning Worship
First Church-of Chr.st
High Street Steve Tigner, Minister 8 :30 a.m. The Christians Hour (WCKY radio, Cinty) 9:30 a.m. Bible School (classes for all) 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Junior Church Revival Fires 12 noon 5 :30 p.m. Junior Choir Practice 6 :00 p.m. Jet-Cadets AJpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers
United Methodist ' Church I}Jvid
Sunday (,hurt:h Scrvil:l.' . 10:30 a.IIl .• Sunday Schoul 11:00 a.Ill .. Sunday Worship Scrvil;c You th I:ellowship and Bible Study
lIigh Street R~~' IJ()sc oh II. Lulmer, l)astor. 'iJ,.' " 7 a.ni. & J 1 a.m. Masses X a.m. & X p.m. fluly l)JYs 7:30 p.lII. Firs! Friday 7:45 a·.I~l. Daily M'ass 5:30 p.llI. Saturday Mass
SPA. '."
\tALl EY ' United MethOdiSt Church .
Third & Main Streets . Rev. lIamld Deeth. Rector II : 15 a.Ill ., Morning- Prayer 1st. Jrd & 51h Sundays: t loly Commun iun 2nd & 4th .l ' Sundays
LYTLE: Unite d'MethOdiit , .' Church 9:30 il:fJ1'. , Sunday' School 10:3.0 a.in., Sunday Worship 8:00..:..9:90 p.m.,. We~nesday evening, Bible Study , ;. ,
Spring Valley . Friends Church
- .~
FERRY '" Ferry Church of Christ ( .... t
W!II1l'ir~gl()1I i;ike & Stl\! ilJ I R(,w 'Ruud . · lills Wi~Jrll ;III., Millisler ~ ' '.: .. CENTE,R..VILL -'9 :()(hI'.l1l., Sunday ltihle &hopl iVilie. First ,., ,CenteJ The ~O : 15 a . m~" SIII.ld;IY Worshin Pentecos~a"'Churqh : ~ 10: 1'5 ;1.111 .. Sundhv Youth 173 L rraJlkl in St reel' • '. . W( ~rshil~ ' ." Ra\' !';orvl'll, "',·. "t\tr· I" .1' C (~() t ,~. . , , ' , . ~nil1!! v '" p.Il .. '-?ulluay I :, , (;et~f '~kkll~ II.~As~:r. , ,.", ' Bihlc Study. ;ill ilgrs. . , i.i'II ..:. 's1.J'."' l);j·,-. : ~h(?'.,(,~/ .I,,;'; " 10:0(' g Worship EWlliu i,l ,m... \1/ 7;,10 . .1 .1 ~o 1 ·.I1)"· Sllfll,Ia'~ : Fvclling: ' oM ' :. p.,,) .. m;ul eSua)". Midwl'ck :... 7:00.p .,C' ·"" .I U ·.I 7 '~O Prayer and tnhl" Stll·tv ' '" , ~ ; .~ p.m .. ,n'eUlll'suay 1 ·.v~JlIl1g " .' "'.. ,
' I'on Chrl'stl'an Baptl'st MI'ss Main Street Mrs. Lois Dunaway. Pastor \0 a.m. Sunday &hool II a.m. Mc.lflling Worship 7:30,p.nh Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday & T.h ursday 7:'30 p.m. SOlfg-fest. List h I Sa d , . tur a~ mOllt .
9 :30 a.m. - SundaY,. School 10:30 a.m. - Mdrn~g Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
1').'" '.~
Mound Street E. Friend Couser . Pastor 9 :30 a.m, Sunday &hool 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
7 :30 p . IlI . • Sat.· Ev~ . ~rvke FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street
John'· K. Smi~h; ;Minister
.10:00 a.m. MQrnjng Worship 7:00.p.m. Evehing Wo.:ship R:OO p.m. Wedlll~day Evcning~ . Worship
('lIrner Ill' 73 & ('urwin Rd . Rcv . Sherman (\hlk. Pastor 10:30 a . lll .. Sunday &hlllll 7 :00 p.lIl .. SUlidilY Evt' . Scrvil.:e 730 p.IIl. , Wednesday Eve . Service
'. ~hut~JI ' '.,>" ~"
II :OO·(I'.ln., Sunday" Worshi'p' Service 7 :30 p.m .. Wedncsd,:,y . Pra'ycr Servit.:,c
Spring Valley .Church of Christ · '. :' .
Waynesville Rescue Mission
. . 9:]0 a'.m..: SU1l~ ~ScJ.u,~ )f .
. , '. t) : ~0 a.I1~ . Wurshlp Scl·,'i..:l' ' 10:3Q 'Slf llll:J~ ~ Chllrdl Scllll\11 5:00 p . I'~ S;lJId;ty ·Youtb ' Fellnwshiil ,'" .' ' ,
,( RC~r. Lc.tlnaru ~x"t:... "
Glady Street
Third:&. Nor! h.Strec.ts .. L'YOU11~t Minister 9 :00 a.m. Church School , 10: IS a.m. Churqh at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowship
Walnut-Vine Robert R. Meredith , Pastor 9:30 a.m. Su'nday Schooi 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth felJowship jr. high & sr. high , 7:45 p.m. Wednesday chOir
St. Mary's Episcopal.;, Church
Rout J' .42 ;11 (ienlltllwn
Acy Lumh. Paslor 10:00 a.m.. Sunday School 7:30 p.m .. Sund:ty. WC'dJlc sdav . ,and Sat urduy. Evening W(Jrship 'Scrviccs' 7:30 p.Ill., Wcdll ~sJa y Youth Service
E: South Street Rev. Jack Hamilton. Pastor 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday 7:.10 p.m. Friday - Young People's Service 10:00 a.lll. Sunday School 7 : ~. p. .m. S.'~day' .Evc,\ing
St. Augustine Church .
GENNTOWN '. Genntown United Church . of :Christ
' ----~)..:..
CORWIN Pentecostal Holiness Church
Harveysburg F",II Gospel Church
Fourth Sllret ncar lIigh 9 :30 a.Ill ., Sunday &:hool 10:45 a.lIl . Sunday Mceting for W(~rship (uJlprogrammed)
1) :.10 a.II1 .•
Friends Meeting
United Methodist Church
lI~rpcr .
foll9\Ving Arai ' MArchantS'. This CHurch Page Is :sponsoreo toor You I hrough,The Courtesy Of The ..' . GOsPE'L ''''USI~ " ANCE R INEU' DOCK BRAD VALU R ELLIS SU.PE :
SB~' :!· ~JjIAO·l~ER$ .LE MAV' WAYf.I.'~J~"~," , . '; -:- . .
F. ,.... , . . . . /
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cENtER' ,'.:
SAV~ 20 0(0 011 ', fllrnIHt r,c ..! /llld ' '1'llO cleaning If you' move all" furlllltlr,c, Pho'ne ,932·7.876 today: PaUl'S, Xpert Carpet ' Cleaning, ' 502 Oak- 'Street, L.ebanon, Ohio. . , " 46c6 HOM!:. 're~alr' and mai ntenance ~ar. pel'lter, concrete, , sl)eet metal paint· 'Ing./. roofing and electrical, Phone 74b·2982. , 21ctf , '
\ .
,I I
FACTORV CARf!lET CLOSE·OUTS • , We 'hi,ve ~.. fine selec;tI~n of ,Du· .. ' .~orit nylon, Her'culon, acrllon, Indoor, " and outdoor. ~,~t In many COlors. ~ -Ull tn A% off reGular 'Dr~Cel on these ,factory close,Quts. Wall·to-wall or .. In.tall · It yo'~tle", .Free , estimates. , CA~PET FAIR 129 S. Detroit St., ·Xenla" OhIo, Phon. 372·6995. ~, Open ' Mqn. & Fr.I. till 9, p.m, Closed .. ~edn'sday • . ~ .,' ", , , l'h,s ad wOrth $1.00. with pur· ~,",ie ' ov~
$1 p"OO, :; " . , ,-
'FOR' 'R'ENT ' ,"
B'EbRhtiM APa'r'tlment f or re'lt In i ~~yl'lesvIlJe :,Pttqn~ ~79.2906. 44cH "
'" Dreamy Idea ,:. ,: rhose whoipdulge i'n dreaming up 'the ideal have cOl)1e up with this situation: 1~68 wages with 1935 prices and ' '1929 dIvidends ' ,' with taxes-as of limo, , ,
WANT to .. trade 1961 VW Karmann Ghla ' in good cORdltlon for VW sta· tiot;lwago,n. Phone 897·2060. '40ctf BABYSITTING In my horn!! by hour, day or week, fenced in yard. :Ask for JOI'nn. P~one 897·6021. 39ctf
WAR~E~ rC;o. Emergency Police will not have a. paper drive until further ,J:lo,tlce. , 47c3
WE would like to thank'our friends & neighbors for the thoughts ot kind· ,",esS' shown us upon the paSSing of ou~ Mother. The family of Mrs. Edna Slansberry. ' 47c1
Big Crop Celery, one of the nationts top 10 yegetable crops, has an an· :ilUal farm value of more than $60 million, " .
First Vaccine The first cholera vaccine was deveh>p:ed in tbe IEtte 19th cen· tury by Dr, wald.emar M, Haff· 'kine of the Pasteur Institute in ': Paris, who discoveted that the cholera baccHus was harmless ',after infecting several animals in j succession.
For E!xtra safety, a new kind of snow tire has been designed . with the inner portion Of the tread diesign wide open for big , bites in snow and mud, while the au ter portion has a design similar to that of conventional tires, The manufacturers tests show that this design gives 40 per cent better starting traction in loose snow than a car equipped with conventional snow tires, The design also makes the new tire practical for use on the front wheels, as well as the rear. A car with , four of these Firestone studded tires stops 32 per cent quicker on ice than the same car with two studded conventional winter tires,
Color the
~mily on Christrrias mom.
gl~s time
when He was born.
"youtre right Henryt a shipt. captain is its master and youtre captain of the car •• :t
',I Yt11-S' , 'Spriilgboro...... 746-626 ..... '
rT ,S"W FlU- t-\16 9-\pes. "
nwnArchl,n_ manage-
Title 39,
Oct. 23, weekly general Dul,IIsher's, located
Wavnllsvlllle. Ohio,
annual subscription
1l-\f EA5IER
--1' I
NAME _________________________________ AOORESS _______________________________ CITY
STATE OATE~______________ PHONE __________
____ J
.... .
'~.: ,:'.,;:.' "i"
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1l1C :tpOVC pn:tciuJ Shakci' Sisters <Ire ' <III mcmbers or the Waynesville Unit~d Mcthod~st Chhtch omcns Sodety For Christian Servicc. TIleY and' othcr hard workilig mClllb~rs ~,. their group hostcsscd a ulliquc Shaker s.ji'aar ~ Friday . ThcY:trt.' frolll Icft In right Mrs. Daniel Prcwilr, Mrs. ' Challc~ Ryc, Mrs. Ed-, wJrd Andres Mrs. Vernon Shutts, oal'aar co·cha'irm::II\. Mrs. Edna [}dltOIl St John and ' Mrs. Earl Rye, bazaar c().,chahma il.' ~ 'Dennis Photo -
. c.r:ita's
Accepted a'1I6v~rJown :I~ .~ . all over Ame rica.
TOWNSEND TV ' - Main S~. S~. - &· 73 .•. ·:-. Mail'.' JONES -51 NCl:A1 R SE,RVICE , ,.' • I· • , Sq~re " n~Qn Washi INN THE -FIRESIDE GOSPEL ~ECORDING STt)Q'tG - .North Sf PARTS CO. - Washinlrt~n . MILL VIEW PARK - Rt. 42 LAMBS AUTO SAl.ES ~ ~C?rth St. ,
.• . If'. .AI ••
I .
• I
~~@ " .", '.'
- . ~ . ,- :'. . ' second.~lass postage paid at Waynesville' .. j , . ' Ohio . . ~.'.;/'.~ . ,.:' '~,:"
,. Decerrtber 2. 1970 -' Waynes~ilIe . Ohio
COMPETE SUNDAY - Patti' Hall of Waynesville, above, will compete in the Warren County Junior Miss 'Page'ant Sunday, Dec. 6, at Lebanon High School. Two other Waynesville HigJt School students, laverne Caudill and Luvenia Cook will also participate in the contest. The winner of Sunday's pageant will represent Warren County in the Ohio¡ Junior Miss Pageant. -Cliff Meager Photo-
~ ).
i' :
4\ _..
partiCipant's \\Iith'the- e?,periences ot ' library -tObpet~tion as p'ro. , vided by a library system. Mrs. Ihrig is pre~ntly a trustee of the Oak uwn, 'Illinois Public library, currently, using all the services, of' a" library system composed of,S9"Hbrlfies. , ' The worJcst.top win. aid trustees in the , SWOR,L area with the development of' an Area Library
!j I ~rvi.ce Orpni'1Jlt~on which ~iIl ~ ,
I ;
r '"
eventually provide'l \lety fesi*nt of southwestern Ohio access to essential public library services. , Mrs. George R. Current, librarian ; Mrs. F. M. Wolfe, Mrs. Carlton. Corby, Assistants; Mrs. Ernest ,coOk, ' Ttustee and Mr. Ernest COoti'We~ejn attendance from the' ,MfrJ..;IL--ÂŁook ,PubliC library.
, ~
a. The St ude:n :.. ~';;\Ul~ rii •hud .. scll il , t! \t.:Cfl}in \.:0 shor t, mcc(in g with thc cXdlalige Wilkli;'j l;\Y~ \()Il ' '., . " ~ '., . Iligil St-hool , rs ' who. The mcmbe - .... ·...ye llt to , . •
Macl a·ine Montgomery Lane Seifer t ,
Don't Fall Off the Mot..nt.in . H::ail-t o' the ~iefs '
Conye rsatio ns Wit'll Americans' Doctor's Kingdpm
Chec hi ng Ac~o -u"t
o e e o
I t sa yes a lot of time and steps requi red to pay your bills tn perso n, and elimi nates time waiti ng in line.
Your check stub ' gives you a daily r(,cord of your bank ba1ance~
Your check book , provi des a record and remin der of bilts paid. and cancelled checks serve as proof of paym ent. A checking accou nt helps to build prest Ige and cre,di t stand ing - it's the mode rn busin ess-li ke _way to pay ~'
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wientjes of Route 3, Wayn~ville, are 'announcing the en~gement of their daughter, Sharon,- -to' Jiles : Allen Farley, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Stanley Farley of ~rveysburg. ( . Miss Wientjes is a graduate of- Waynesv~lle High School ' and a graduating ,senior at Eastern Kentucky" University. ' Mr. Farley is also a graduate of Waynesville and Morehead State University. He has recently announced his·calling into the ministry. '
. Talk Of ·lhe-ToWB. ! '
. Mr~ an~ Mrs. Ralp~ McKinney of 398 East Main Street,'Harveysburg,
,are announcing the engagement of ~their daughter Brenda Sue to Kermit D.ale Farley, ,son of Mr. land Mrs. : Stanley Farley of Harveysburg. Miss McKinney is a graduating ,senior at aiD'ton. Massie ' li:igh School. Mr. Farley is a 1965 graduate of WaynesVille High School. No date has been ~t for the wedlling• .../
Nn'lIPni lhPir 13r~ ~J~ ","h.'
'4,1", 't'- '.
r. .
.- 'Pebp~~ born '\y~.e,llt ~~e. ~U9" ~s. ,/.: ....' ......"'.....: ~~~.~ljl\~'ei1t~ ~~.f... ~_.., ..... " " in :' tti~ · .sign of ,sagit!*q~s ,are .' J
active. , they ~re , m?,(e. metu~i .. ! ctiQtOJIiy'tO " ". ';'than physica~, ~~t y'60,-wi.U" {tnd,!~,<, aston(she~ t :;b~t · o,~' " , - - them' wherever ther~ is a sp,6r.~s" ":roQsidet '. them " event ' in progress. ' !h~e . fu,~ " the,S~t'igHt ' .',~ :, ,!e!i~~11 ~ 10vi,ng meh,.and ~m~n g!Ye .t~.I,.~ .lS u~.uaUy, :(J!J:~O~?~ .. 9r :~9!!Uly appearance of. oolog ",dc;vtl .~ay; ' phil~~oPl.ii~ ~.''\I1i~~,:~(~,:~,~~alIy care, but- amqk)g the Jl!O~t lRt~J , 'fo'uQd . '!lly\y'l1erer,. ~~ctl! , .n t t~e lectual and philosOphi~I, they" I mtiiale ' of the~ r'baa~ .or' 'on ~~~ arc in their eleme~ .t. I~~~'~, ~ot ;'. je~~e . .. ' ' .' ;;~.' _ . . ,_: '~ ", acti~n, you will ~~~, 'It in the . ' Frari~eSs and,.fo'rthtig~ttl~ss , are'.Jhe:..sag.tfarJu~"~gn~~~re, and ' .. _ Sagittarian. 't hey are SUspiCiou~ of t~o~ w.h~ . ar ~ , l symbo the i~ The centaur Sagittarills and IS representattv~ are mote reti(je'n t abo\,Jt dielr of the nature of this sign. Th~se feelings. as'S~niing ~hat pebple people are often rather de.ceptJve, who ar~m 't ~s O~I) as ~he.y 11lust in that they ·appear, at times, to have something to hide. 'The impulsive Sagiltarjus ~n be physically weak, but you and strong are they that will find make amazing recoveries from ~ illness as well as adversity. The ir, Vl't c . UI Ir well things ability to do , many On Nov,- 25 t there was a pep stands them in good stead when it comes to making a living; and assembiy for the baske~ball.Mme they also have the fact;1lty that with Lebanon that nigb~. . Dec. 'I, the Shake'Spere .cl~~ enalbes them to concentrate their whole efforts toward one w~nt to COlumbus on a fiel~ " ~, goal. Like the archer, they aim trip. School High 2,' , On Dec. for their target and are apt to er, I>.lvid Cessna gave the councJ this of e score a hit. Becaus Forces Test tp the senArmed tremendous ability. they should ' ' : "" ,: iors. seek projects worthy of their The girls Phys~B'll ,Educahon protean efforts. Th~ sa~ng,:'No!, classes are now lea'ming the basfailure, but low aim, IS Crime, l
I' . . Y, f.
;'SCc)fjilj t~ the_Sa!i!tari~n. ic~ volly~ll. la(~r::~~~, classe~ ~~rt;;r:i;lt~~l~~..1i~pr0grej~-:~t;fi'~ Ite1l:lhn:
'of y applies directl Sagittarius. people ,, ~bld~ .• ~;, "will .tie 1ellP,lf9S and ptaYIo'!l~I~8f-. ", J r ;. :~ • . the adage, "Live;and Le.t bive~ . . kefSi l~n ~mna~tics. ...ooKi.!l ~ , cS, Eco~l lome' 11iel b\tt can 'be amazin.gly,. Iv~.r. JP,1 prepar ~n:d g. their attitudes regarding the be- , clas~s are plannin . havior they feel fitting to any ing various deJights fO'r the season , occasion. At times they can. -holidafs. .. startle their more 'square l
Wed. thru' S,at.
·," r
• I
, i an.Qrt~US.j ~iS',Hp~~~ ~d·~. .:. \'
Spf;1ht 'TIlatiks- . ~ at thtf, home ·q(Mr: and • lilltd -. ' diifdr.eh :of t' ' .. Da~e ~ttin ,·,' an~ Sean of .. .-. ., . Dayton. .,., Mr. ,¥vere! t,,., Snell and . Mrs. . Mac . Ly~l~ . s~~! Thanks~iving ~y at 'the ·oome ' pf Mr. and . ~s." Charles Snell a'nd ' family of Dayto n. Thanksgiving Day guests of M,r. and Mrs. Charles Beck and Elaine were Mrs. Marie Gray of Dayton. M.r. and Mrs. Gerald Brown and daughters OlTyst1e and Leslie of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. William Weiland and Melissa of Dayton. Those in attendance at the Robert George farm Thanksgiving Day were Mrs. Sue Carma'n, Lori and Jim of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ted George and family of Harveysburg, Mr. anl Mrs. Bill Suttles and family of Oarksville, Mrs. John' Meadows and family of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Mike George and family of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Doug George and family of Oregonia, Donna Charlton, Todd and Mike of Oregonia, Joe George, Mrs. Frita George and Robert George and son Michael. ~od
'! ..
Doster family Day dinner was
-att'im4s W_'l':'·_ :'~· (
-<'" ',.
CQllege ucky Our- sinc¢r.e' sy r,ti family .' of i.a Fealy upon ,his Pi! ') Claude Hal) is a medica' .. patient at Gran4view IiQSpital~,:, ..~.":.~ :',:~~W~~~ Your WT!ter is rC(..'Overiog sat", .. isfactorily ., from :.' fOQt surgery.. "" ~r~.IiJ2!:::;l; undergone.re.cently. . . SCHOOL MEN U . I burg~r eiggyMonday; Dec. :7, pickle, buttered green " bean's. chilled fruit cup. a'1d cookie. Tuesday; Dec. 8~' Chili:.crac~er packet , celery & carrot sticks, ~ cherry cobbler and bread 'a:nd .. butter, Wednesday; Dec. 9~ Mea~ loaf, Inashed ' pota toes/grav.Y, tossed salad. apricots. and 'bread and butter. Thursday ; Dec. 10, Weiner & sauerkraut casserole. buttered potatoes, cheese cube, ' sliced peaches and bread and butter. Friday; Dec. 11. Sea dog/tartar sauce , buttered corn, ~ello with topping and cookie. .1
I , ' '.
The vocabu lary of African H () t lenlots doesn' t include words for numbe rs higher than tht'ee. Ask a Hotten tot how many fingers Itt' has and he'll atlswt'r "Muny . 'I
in G re en e 'C ou nt y ;"~Qnd-.iti6ned ' w ith
.,. ,. -. ~::;J..".~~, ,,,,,,,r '· h~ .~e
- .
-i.;,~ '
J :Jheh ome of . Ira,Firestone ' \1
.:~2 ~bns Drive . )Ce '
. ~~.
'. Il,Ia
United Methodist Churc H
bJvid lIarper . Pastor . t ~ 9:30.a.pl. . Sunday Church Scrvil.;c 10:30 a.IIl ., Sund:i'y Schqol 11 :00 a.m., Sunday Worshi p.' 12 noon " Scrvil.;e e Practic Choir Junior ,5 :30 p.m. You t h f-'ellowshi p and Bibic' " 6:00 p.m. Jet-Cad~ts , Study
_Alpha Teens
7:00 p.m. Evening Vespers I
'Friends Meeting
fourth ' Sheet ncar lIigh 9:30 a.m ., Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Sund"y Meetin g for Worship '(unprogrammed)
St. Augustine
Hi.gh St rec I Rcv . Joseph ', II. Lutmcr , p.Jstor 7 a.IlI .•& II a.m. Masses ' , H a.m. & H p.m. Huly (}.lYs 7 :30 p.llI. first Friday 7:45 a.llI. i}Jily Mass 5:30 P:.-lI. saturd~y Mass
St. Mar.y's Episcopal' 'Church . lllird & Main Streets Rcv . lIarold Deeth, Rector II : 15 a.m ., Morning Praycr 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays: tloly Communiun 2nd & 4th 'Sundays
United Methodist Church Third & North Streets " L. Young, Minister 9 :00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church afWo~ship 6 :00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Youth Fellowsl1ip
'CORWIN PentecC)$1tal Holitless Church'
,. GENNTOWN ": ." . ~Genn . it&t Chur~h " . town Un' of Christ , Routc 4.:! ;II · G~i l'ittlwll -' ~.. .'
Acy Lamb. ~a s tor 10:00 a.m.. Sunday &h~ I~,( " p.lil., SU'nday: \\I"dlles.day . ' 7:.W . . E. South Stre~t Saturd ay, Evenin g.· and Rev . Jack Hamilton,-Pastor . .wu~s hip SCrv'iccs , ' , ... 7:3.0 p.m. Tuesday ._ .-'YoutJl 7 :~0 P:111 .• "Wudncsday 7:30 p.m. Friday · Young Scr;vic.c ( People ~s Servke School Sunday 10:00 :1:111. , 7:00 p.m. SI'oday Evening " MT. HOLLY '
Harveysburg Full G9$pel . Church
United Methodist Church ~obert
L!onard. Ba~tc i . " 9:30 a.m .• Sllllda'y Sctio~ll 11:00 a.m., ~~nday, 'wlnshi'p .. Service Rcv~
R. ~tredith . Pa.st~( .~
9:30 a.m. Sunday .School . " . 10:30. a.m: ·Morning Worshi p'" shi().l.... Youth .Fellow p.m. 6:30 .. .. .. a. , ·& sr;. high high . jr. .: . chOir 7:45 p.m. Wcdncsday . . rchean;JI
Unitecf Methodist . Church '
Spri,ng Valif Y ~h~.rch: '., of Christ Glady Street
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p:m. Wednesday Evening. Worship
Waynesville Rescue ,Mission Corner of D & Corwin Rd. Rev . Shcrmal} Cuuk. Pastor )0 :30 a.m.. Sunday Sdwul 7:00 p.m.. Sunday Eve. Service 7:30 p.m .. WednesJay Eve. Service 7:30 p.m .. Sal. Eve . Sl'rvkc FIRSTCHURCH OF GOD 49 S. Main Street 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School '10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Sunday evening
Spring Valley Friends C.hurch
Mound Strcet E. Fl'icnd Couser, Pastor Q:30 a.m. Sunday School '., 10:30 a.m. Morning Worsb!p
" Christian Baptist Mission It... ~
• Main Street Pastor ay. Mrs'. luis Dunaw 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Song-fest. Last . ~turday cach month.
Ara8 ' .'R,j....'~hAlnft ~ollQ.Wing ...;.: This Church Page Is :spGnsoreo ,"or V~u .1hrou' " The Courtesy Uf .The .'
' .. W~y'N"YIL~ O~IO
.. '
GRA~:s B~RB~R $H'OP ,
, A handsome. double hitch of bright wooden relJldecrs helped night. The deer were the artwork of Lisa Workttlan. - Rcgimild ,
N'EW REINDEERS FOR SANTA pull Santa's sleigh into Waynesville Fri Hill Photo·' ,
t .'
Man lMay Do Atl These· Yet Be Lost
~r'i .1.<
~ '- ,
, .(i) Man
PH. 897-1931 or
" J may hear ;the Gospel " · BOB . and yet be lost. The ' people of A~tioch ' in Pisidia ~ heard but , ". ' BACKHOE EXCAVATING SEPTIC S'STEMs, NOTice judged themselves unworthy of CULVERTS INSTALLED TRENCHING GRAVEt. fOp eternaLlife by contradicting and WARREN Co. Emergency Pollee will SOIL. COMPOST. FILL DIRT. ,not have -. paper drive until further blasphemin~~(Acts 13":44-46). notlce~ :,. 47c3 Felix ' heard and trembled but . FAIRFIELD DR. WAYNESVILLE, O. declined the invitation to obey(Acts 24:24-25). James writes , that hearing,:T,nd refusing to "do'" , is self-deception{James 1:22-25). " (2) Marl may believe and be lost. The tulers who heard -Jesus 8Z SOUTI:I MAIN ST. PH. 897-7946 ! are exarltples: . "neverthcl'ess among the' lohiefrulers also many GREASE JOBS ,OIL CHANGES , believed in ~ hifrt; but because of FLAT TIRES REPAIRED the Ph~rtse(~s they did not confess TIRES-TUBES-BATTERIES him, lest th~,y should, be put FAN BELTS-HOSES ouf of the synagogue: ~:or they lo~ed the praise of man more h ' - -tRim . the praise of God" (John 12:42-43). ri annual NEW RENEW (3) Man may be alm9st per- 'I 5ubsaiption s~ded and sHlI be lost, ~kemem, .' ber Agrippa: . (4) ~an may be scripturally baptized a,nd later be lost eter- nally. Simon, a former sorcerer, P.O. BOX 78 felf back ililto iniquity after .h~v WA YNESVILL,E, OHIO 45068 ing obeyed the Gospel "(Acts 8:13-14). (5) Men may be disciples and NAME ____~----__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ then be lost. "From that time , many of his disciples went back, ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - and walked no more with him" , CITY ____________ STATE _____________ (John 6:6j5). DATE PHONE __________ (6) Judas was unusually close ,to :the Lmd for a white, but was lost. " . . . Woe unto thatman ' by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for tliat man if he had not been . 'I i III bo'rn~' (Matt. 26:24). . . ' , (7) ~e ,~risees were religious, . II but· were condemned (Matt, 23). I ' :, , (8f J~sUs 'stated that many, ' F~~~~~~~7fh~~r~~~~~~~"""~";;"";:';;~ I whe bad !done wonderful w.orks "w061d' 'be lo~t (Matt. 7:21-23). 6-ROLL Gin WRAP This will ':bccur because they did .:'nof oi>¢y: th~ Father;s wHl (Matt; , " ( \ 6 rolls of quality lift wrap-paper. Each l' ~ ~ " roll 26"x74" or I total of 444", Asstd. 7:2.J); " " , designs, 4520/HP2660 ' . (.9) M1my w\1o have zeal will Sh~s 2 out-of,3 as clo~_ or closer than OIlyBBC 1~4~~=~=::::=::==~~~ " 'lo~~ 'beca,use they. did, not a blade. Micfoeraove floath, head fol· if have knowledge '.of God and' His lows antours for faster, closer, more ~y (Ro~nj 1-0:2). " .. ' comfortable "shaves. Flip-fop cleaning; , ~(ro) The (oolish ,virgins made pop.out side '~immer; . 'soJjle- p'il~~~ra~ion to ' mee,t ' 'th~' , . ~~" ~lIIfnsll ~ ••• ,bridew,oom, but we~e 'oot per.,HOME , HUMIC.FIEAS
- - - - - - - - - - - - - l'
'I I I
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1B.8 a
TRI'P'L H'EADER' 351 ' I
2 '2 .8S
m~ft~#.:.~Cl en~er,{MatL'. 2s.;.~~,t~l.:,
· Th~y·:~ere I)ot ready·(MaU,.}5\: .' ~ 1b) ' " ~ '<, ,r .
. f ..
J' , :'. 'j- Dillie Partible 'AutoMatic ~, ',' :';
__ , ___ J
-CI r.1 lin dn C t. mea . Sit
,~' •
, .'
Dessert and Beverage not included in specials prices
Make Business Pleasure Let us help you create the right impression on clients. Enjoy hearty food and prompt service in a friendly atmosphere. Our business is your pleasure.
Pleasant' Place to Meet Join your friends here to sample our. un,
_ " . '
s~rpossed, savory cuisine. Relax 'in. our,
~"pleasant dining room 91'!~ ehl~Y:' ,pro~"1~;' '"couneo.us service:'" ViSit " us>soo~/ " . " . ' - I.';" ", .~ ~ -
,.......: ~
'f'-~,1 '= 4-
Second-class pOsulge paid at Waynesville~ Ohio Dec~m~r 9,197 0 - Waynesville, Ohio "
United Stat6 ; First lady of States most United w's. Lucho famous German Restaurant, of sin,g1e'~ ~o~Ulle cotn- l~~ ' nj.lton 's , first, will be the pre: New York, N.y'.~ Maria Von paration and, serving of cabbage ,- ..~ualr,1" ~nd}!$ bY:I?~o~uct, Trapp, of "SQund of Music" ;·.... .. ..... l,.j_.~.. fat '@n'·', un.c~JtI?'?~ ", and sauer,J(tcrut. fame ~ The Stallmastaregarden, It 'WiW'contain many recipes ~~l18ges " :A~d;' the oldest (I754 ) restaurant in colleCted locally apd 'on ,the o,n' scneGulled · to Stockholm, Sweden and Rules, nat! nal arld' 'international basis. U&,:w.u one ' of Lon40n, England's foreReelpes will range from ,sturdy, most restaurants once patron-n:(ore than century , old table f~re 'to the unusual and gourmet: ize'd by lung Edward Yll and Charles Dickens. "Of Cabbages' And ~aut" 'The i~ea for OdItOfl'S upcomwill embra~ a pptpourri of suco. cU1\'ot . recipes submitted :from ing cookbook was ~timulated by ns, the ', first Ohio sauerkraut Festi~lJd area , kitche .. ,:,' ,)~yrreSvi1le, , .. r· val in' which he took part in f~~~~~ .'P~r~~ns, aod restaurants originating at WayneSVille in ' ' . ,~n~~l1m:~~~~:tll~tth:, ~~,el)~,j~.}, :,YUC?!tghqut ttie world. er. '.:'i",!: 1f :'~Q!J~~ ~.~~d ~eci~s ' will in- : Octob , :">~''''"...;,." •.;. began his research the Dalton , ,::' .,c1uCie, r0r.'e~·Jnple; ones coUeetpast June. "He gleaned informa,';::"',ed from: 'Mrs. Richard Nixon, " ~
-ta~les of early Ohio settl~rs. '~ ~ ,,;, "" Ed' :"~ 'i ~~ !~~, . ' the essence of ~ the book ,. ' l~or , uentlls :~~·!:.,·~~,;", UII~tte ,'''",'
" I.. ot
tion from The National Kraut Packers' Association, historical records and the cookbook diviSions of the Mary L. Cook library at WayneSVille and the Cincinnati Public Libmry, among others. Recipes were obtained by making a local plea and by writ- , ing many national and international figures and dining houses . Among his renowned replies, were communications from ' Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II of England and tier Majesty Queen Julianna of Holland. Dalton has to date accepted a number of book reservations from the Dayton-Cincinnati area inclu~g the 'Cincinnati Public
Library. TIle Copper Coin. a prom~ inent gift imporl house near Franklin has also r~q~ested permission for handling sales of the book.
'Chr i stil,II
Pragr Ilnl
Plans' for special Christmas services have been completed at , the Ferry Church of Christ. , A cordial invitation has been extended to the public to attend a Christmas program at the s Howard, Synder Entrie church Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m. The Win Co,ritast Firsts program will be a costtiIrted play place ' second and first Only a~ut the birth of Christ perweek this d rs 0 th , winnQrs wert :selecte formed by' youo . -- ~,tJii:' 11 ' 1 1:i8zef·t t· , CllriW "- church. ' JlUlS' Coloring cOntest due td a ''The Bethlehem Sttu''' 'by number of enteries spar~ J.W. Kenney will, be presented submitted. by the church's adult choir at Robyn Snyder, Six, ,o f Mary 7 :30 p.m. on Dec. 20. The Ann Drive, 'lebanon was judged cantata will be direct~d QY first ,place,' winner' in the 5-7 age David Brown. Mme diviSion, division. In, Christmas Eve serVices have' David Shafef,.,siJf~ of Haines Rd. been scheduled for. 7,:30 p.m. Wayne~e 'too~ second place. The service will center on· the Kathy Howard, nine, of 722 true meaning of the ' celebration Miami Street ~ Waynesville recei· , of Christmas. . ved first place in the 7-9 age division; ~cond place in that division went to Bernadine Gordon, seven, of Harveysburg. This wee,k's ' Christmas CoI- ". oring Contest ,entry 'appears inside :.today's Miami , Gazette_ It may be colored in any medium and . :,mailed to The Miami \ Gazette., ·P. ' 0:' Box 78, Waynes· ~ViUe, 45008: The Waynesville Christmas Contest entries should reach ay., Saturd by · offices e lighting cOntest, sponsered for the Gazett the fourth year, by the lions foU~Wing publication of the " Oub of Wiyrmrii,lle, will be entry. judged by 'repr.eSertti't ives of the Dayton Powi and light ' Cam!! pany at Xenia and two Xenia ' City officials. Ribbons"will be a'~[ded for " . " fIrst,' second ' and ' ~""d p1a~ ,,' ~d honorable, mention fot.,tlle' , "entraQee, houSe and b~~ ~ 1,'
Uans Club Spansari .Canlest
,I, f;:. -<
I,.l .!.",
De"nlSDatton O. Hili Phillip Morgan
- Regln ~ ld
, " AdverUalrjg Manl,er Aut. Advertising Manl,e" David Edsall Generai'Mana,er . Reginald O. HilI, David Edsall Publll,her, . P.O. Box 78, Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Member of the Ohio NeYi,pa'pet Auoelallon
letters ,To
The Editor Dear DenI1Y,. Agaifl this year the American legion Auxiliary ' has placed boxes at l~llis Super Valu and Don's Market for Christmas gift contributions for our local servicemen who will spend 'their Christmas in Vietnam or other '
foreign countries. , The response this year was as poor as last. I wonder how many , can enjoy sitting down to a , Christmas dinner in a warm house · with a clear conscience 'knowing , our boys are far from ' home. maybe in cold fox hole with, no hot meal. They would like to . be-·home.too rbut can't. Maybe YoU ' don't rellllze how' much a gift, froni ,home means " to these men; just to know that you are not forgotten by·. those at horne. ' . "
, I.
Charity Girl The Methuselah Enzy~e Whitewater The Politics of Pollution ,',
Heyer Stewart
'Horgan Davies
,, .
,4th STRE~T WAYNESVILLE, ....... O~l().. ~H:_ ... , 89.~~~82~ '.,. "'" . : : ,;.. '
Poinsettas & Chri's' t'mcis ~ Flowers
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DEC. 26 AND SATURQAy,rdAN: 2' :~.' '" 1 ,' " #"
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, .nih~ ev,e~,t dr 's~h9Pf closing " ~"'ftiri;ril/ilg Q~e' ~~r !ate~;; afl~t'aU " ' , '
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part,s Q(,~~, regular to\1tes ~I. covered,i,f at aJLP9~ible sth.oo ~e di~mi~se".d '.in the eveni~~ , at the -regular ~~me, ' , ,":' ~ , f~" , Th,is , alt,e~:~~e"" ~~~ wil~' '~. J, known as Plan.,~. ~f It ,lS '~C1de" 10 usc 'the, ~bO~e Pia" :B. the, sc~ool will try ~'? have i. it ~n- , ~ nounced t~e c~~llang ~for~ a cA " I early next,mornmg;'
due to snow' or other, e~er· ~ " ,gencies , the,o,fficial closing inforrna-tion may be heard on ~he foUowing radio stations: WHIO Thlyton. WIN:G Dayton, WPFB Middletw In the announcement, Wayne LocalA school will be identified ,as Wayne , Local" of Waynesville ' in Warren CounJY (n'ot Wayne Township.) School closings are usually announced on , the J 1 and 7 . newscast. 'Some stations \lim carry- the i~fo.rmation at other times as'weil. The announ· cement · will be made ONLY WHEN SCHOOL WILL BE' CLOSED or if the DEALYED PLAN IS NECESSA~Y. School will be open If no announcement is rnade. AJl persons are requested not to can the radio stations; school offices or school officials at home. Such calls only tic-up the lines that should ,be left open to deal with the emergenc·y. according to school official. ','We hope you will cooperate with the school and stations. This wil1 enable us to .handle J:.~ergencies with greater efficlency~" said Superente'ndant Paul . . , , SchwalJlberger. . t, tlJe, warran tions . If cOl\.di school will use ali a'tern~t.e time days when schedule , fo~ ions,and condit llriving hazardous l prevai r ,,'~dverse weaJlle The alternate plan 'is simply delaying the betinning of school one hour. Buses will be also
wucsa Lambert 8S'l-U'lO ~ Mrs. Bradley's Cadette "Girt: Scout Troop attended Hara-, ;' Arena to ,see the show Dlsne.y on Parade. There t.hey were d~· "; lighted to meet their favorite:-, . \ Disney characters again. DOnald Duck and Mickey Mouse seemed . 'to be the favorites. The show'was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The troop. will give a party , December 7th. This will be a , tea for the mothers of the girls. It will ,be· held at Saint Mary's Episcopal Church from 3-4 p.m. I
ALTER'ATIONS Mens • women .
C~thlnl ·
NO CALLS PLEAS E Betwee n 12 Noon and 4 P.M. VEDA SNODD Y PHqNE .n·Z4.a 7
'Janil"s B'luf,f:,,',.Shep . . . ." "
SU 'DUll
. " WED. ~HURS. ,BY. APP.Ot NTMEN )'
<w~ ,
. 1 CHAflMAN,'STiI~
mllil north of W.yne.vllle
, WAVH UVILL L OHI~. 9810 IiIELLB ROOK ROAD " ,The 4·h awards banquet was .41·735 1 heJd at the Waynesville Junior '"~~I" High School cafeteria at 7 pm Nov. 21. The , f1rst hour was spent en~, jo.)t.ing a 4elicious ham dinner. ;~~i::t==::;#:!::::#,;:;:=;;;:=~;;:=::::;:t~~~~=::.: THE WAYNESVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COM After the meal, Judy Rye welM,ERCI=,;-,A P:l.fBLlC SERVICE TO ,THE VILL AGE , ARE cPOled thds~' attending and GlenURGING" CITIZENS TO ATTEND THE ZONING da', M,illet in,troduced the, &U~sts. MEETING CONCERNING A REQUEST FOR ZONING ", Ken ~rincent gave a report CHANG'E, FAR HILL S SUBDIVISION OF THE PRES at>qut tb~ club"'ac~ivities during TON FARM, DEC. 15, 7:30 PM WAYNESVIL·LE COU N- , 1970. On March 7, David, Dick CIL CHAMBERS AT WAYNE TOWNSHIP FIRE HOUSE. a~d Doug O~Banionplaced sec· ===:::::::;::::=======:;::::;;;=;;;:;;;;~ =::== Judging "::;: orn Sho~th tb~ at ' ond t· " .. t Comes GIVE A MUSICAL GI FT FOR THE , The ch,lb ,sold'" },344 bags of WHOLE FAM ILY THIS CHRISTMAS, -potato ' ~hips during,its ,sale. ', 'I In .:June .at the Senior Camp, Powell, Barbia and Karen sa:~~" safety , ~JM7che~\. , , " the Warren- 'County" " seve~al ' membets received ,Famous brand organ with auto rnUTnn ,u , jht,bOlllS . and trophies for their
.. ' ,
'One "of."the' yotlilgest mem'ofi be 'club. Anthony' Grill. demonst,tated how to 'select for rabbits' and Pete gav~ ,)I' repOrt ,on .his' soy~ " RCA~eo
:REG RCA Stereo '" REG
Compare our price
$599. 329;
SALE $399. SALE 279•
\. ...'1
" I
MOn~" 9:30 till 6:00
'Tu.. thrLi Frl~ 9:30 tlll'9:,OO
:.', sat. 9:30 till 7:00 , Sun.
till 6:0P '.' .
with both
• easy one-knob Colo r' Commander Control • AFC-Automalic ' I
Fine-tuning·Contro~ ONLY
.... '1
.... n' .. r ...
,. .' ;, '...
:The: ", .'c1'lul~d .Ea 'I Gor's~ch of M~;rQw : ~ou.fe~ .- 1' and ~ul Steb.bitis
" ,FaflllctsviUe ,Route I. .;{nd acres 181 owns , ,Gorsuch rents 'an additional 15 acres for a total of 196 acre,s farmed. , :His pfesent 'milking herd avo
IE ,M OL PACK OF TWO 4~io~"""In
_ _.
S.'''.,tiell .. , Ita". It. ..
Stebbins owns: and farms 200' .. acres in a fa~ming relatienship with a son. The milking herd ' average§ aro\1nd 53 cows. farmStebbins has been 'dairy ing for 24 years aod pl~ns to 'continue his operation about the same as at present. He has been a member of M~mi Valley Milk Producers Assocfation for 24 years. He has been a member of the. board ot director's for 15,
• T.......,.S oIId S_AM R.dio ",,," .",*Uent 10':" CompleUt INl1h o.1rphone . bill
'9 FOO,T
75~ ' VALUE
, The new 8 push-button '
, blender.. " a••ll.blaln : Whll.
Avot .do
!'1m":•• , Gola
' Fl. .. , 4
ttfy . Cltrv inrg
Gltt-bo..red .
~AYN ',e.~\",q:E , Chu~h ~f Chrisl .
"'Third &: Miami 'Stree'ts , . '., Ch,arles Pike;
10:00 a·.m ..- Sunday"Morning p.l1} . ., Sunday EV~!1ing ~:30 p.m.· We~l'\es~y -Ev.enihg Phon~ . &97:4462 for informatfor ' ..
' ~:30
First BaP.ti~ Churc~' North ' Main Street John . Osborne, .P'cIstor 10:00 a.m .,Sunda y Schnol II :OO'a,m.,Morqing Wl>rship 6-:30 )1:m.,Traini'ng Union 7:30 p.m.,Evening Wnrship 7:~Op.m.,Wcdnc$day·' Pt~yer
" Meeting'" with Southern &p . . tist Conventiqn). ' _... ~t.
First Churct.of ChriSt
152 High Street' Steve Tign~r" Minister , 8:30 a.m . . 'the Cfuistians HoUr . (WCKY 'radio, Ci1'lty) 9:30 a.m. Bible School (classes . for all) " ip Worsh g Mornin 10:30 a.m. 10:30 U11. Junior Church ' 12 noon Revival Fires . 5 :30 p.m. JuJlior (boi( Practice 6:00 p.m. Jet·Cadets
Alpha Teens 7:00 p.m. Evening·VesJl.e'rs Friend s Meeting .
. Fuurth Strec~ ;Yea'r lIigh 9:30 a.m., Sunday &huol " I0 :45 a.m. Sunday Meeting for Worship (unpmgrammed)
. st. Augustine
Street Rev. Joseph II. Lutmer, P-Jstor 7 a:m . & II a.m. Masses I< U': m. & H p.m. Jluly ()JYs 7:30 p.llI. First Friday ' 7:45 a .• ~l. i}Jily Mass 5:30 P: IlI. Saturd~y Mass
St. Mary's Episcopal .
Third & Main Streets Rev. Harold Deeth, Rector II : 15 a:m., Morning Prayer 1st, Jrc.J & 5th Sundays: Holy Cummuniun 2nd & 4th . Sundays
United Metho dist
Third & North Streets " L Yuung, Minister 9:00 a.m. Church School 10: 15 a.m. Church at Worship 6:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. Yputh
Waynesville Rescue Mission Curner uf 7J & Corwin Rd. Rev, Sherman CO"lk, Pastm 10JO a.Ill., Sunday School 7:00 p.m., Sunday h~. Service 7:30 P. Ill., W~dncsday Ev~. Scrvke 7:30 p.m .. Sat. Ev~. Service FlRST ·CHURCH.OF GOD 49 S. Main Street .• Sunday School a.m 9:30 10:30 a.m. - Morning Worship '
(Jni~hodist . Chutch .' I)Jvid lIarpet', P.,'.., slur . 9:30 a.m. : Sunday Churd ,' ' Sc""icc 10:30 a.Il". Sunday Schut)l II :00 a.m., Sunday Worsi;ip Service Youth f'cllt;wship alld Bible Study _,' -'" .' "
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SPRI.' " V~t.:ttEYJ . . '''~ ; V."it8d ~hodiSJ . ,_ . Church
rehear~ :.iJ
. ' Church " .,
. lQhn K. Sillith, ~nis~e~ ~ 9:30 a.ln., Sunday School ' . 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship · ' . " . , .Service
'I': _ ~__ j.
8:00-9 ~00 p.I}l., ·W,dn~~y ·" everung, BibJe ,Study · , ~ .',
Mound Street . ...;<.•\ E. Friend Couser, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.n~ . Morning Worship
Christian Baptist Mission
" ... LYT,L E .~ ~ ~ Unite d Methbdist
'. s,Jri"ng Valley Friends ~hurch
Main St.reet . Mrs. luis Dunaway, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School II a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship ? l30 p.m. Prayrr Meeting, Wednesday ~ Thursday
.' Rev,. , i..c()nard ·B;txtc,:.~.!/ ...
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'Glady Street t 0:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. EvcningWorship R:OO p.m. Wcdncsday I:vening Worship
II~, I
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II :00 a.m .•.. Slmday. W(lrs~lip '. Service 7 :.lO'-p;ni .• ·,WcdncsilaY f Pr.ayer . . Scrvi.;.e .
Spi-ing Valiey Church , of Christ
' 1" , ~ " "1' _~ I:/ .:ut
~, Ua+"'~"i' Ilnit ,. ~I~",~ I,¥.!"'.
():30 a.m.:, ·Sunili.~ Schf;(~1
Walnut-Vina Robert R. Meredi ~ h, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:)0 a.m. Morning Worship . 6:30 p.m. Youth FeUowshlpjr. high & sr.,hig t(: ' 7:45 p.m. Wednesday ·cholr
. ,f
' . ~: , f~, ~ ..\i, -"., ( ~,' . 10:00 ~.!n."Sunday St.:huul ,' ". . ~ ,. ").30 ". ~ Church urslup &; JI,',~c ' '.. a.m.iW ::1 · ... .1 W ' p.wt ·:·~.iUa\ ) 'I: 'SOut'" C!Ii ';Jtot ,•. , ,I';" , ' . .l';~JO d·.J. ti ~' .,', .. ?' ~ f~.. es~ay ..' "J(f>~O Suillla"·2{'ln& " Il stJlu ~I' ~r..""." .~., ." -.-".~, ; '.> . . " ' ..... ~' :~ ~, . co"-"::' " ;:' J.,·a~ ~t~lrdayt liyc'.ling,,. · '. '. " S.oo-'· . " Rev. Jac~ ~milcn'n, "'tI,~tof ~tn.yav rUlI",,, p.m. . ' s serVice p' Wors'U . { I • ,.' t.·' " ,. _.' . '~";" ., ~ '.', ,. • " . , . .. ". , . ,. . ,. , ', ' ' . .. - , 7:30 p.m. Tuesday ' ' Youth dilY Wcdn~S ~}., .• 7.30 p ft • F· ....: - Y 7'10 ' Servo ,> f1Ui1Y • ,oung . :- p.m. . . . Coo; .~ pl' ,,_ . D ',' . naJYV YlMlUl w
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FERRY ' '. Ferry C~rcl1 of Christ ,
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en· ~nd fU~ ' bath LlrrJ<,1 '4 d ",$20; .' ' «<105e~ ; ba.c k porchi " larg·e' .backY.a'rd, .. · 8$.Cl ·O"'~ ~ 5'; ~,' t o ml~ ~,ea\led (lQu·p le. only. ' PH' 897. J' ',"0 .149c1 ~756 af ter 6 p.m. . ~ 6~ ' "'1 ', '... .. f -"j $300. PH ~ ~/' . .. ,-,' 4Q,...~ .,. •. , ~nt' .for r.e nt in Ap~'1m . , M Q.~O@. BE . ~ . . \Vayne~IJII ~? Phone 01 .8.79r29,06 10 SPD SCHWINN $40. 20" Schwin n . '44ctf • . 49cL Q; 897.~39 $20. GoOd cond. 'p,H . ~ ." '," " , ': ..,: . ..\ ,•. ,~:\~ ;l~l!" ~,;.".'; ",." ;: ;,.." '.1.:' .' . .< • ", ;.:: I;NT R '<, :~ou~' •. WHI1'~ ~ ' maJ~ f'"renct). pOO(lJ~ t;O' TQ R_EN) : .Countr y"home ' t ", . broken • ..$25 7 ,~ I:i ' 8971' 41 ~ 5. , E.arly" WANTa Jequ~te .J8"Fld 'to st'arJ 'a s,;jall . • .. 6' ,iJ'.h1. ,F:rut >.hO Use 01'1· 1 ) With mornin g rd~'- P.11: 01·866: 0284 . . H, ~ttJiJ, Beef 49cl Camp. raller J right beloW Dakln . -.... . oj .: " .• · -4 8C4 : , ' •. .p:,m 4 after " . ' ( ' ' I " In Id ",... . ,,, /. •
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learn that God never commanded anyone to receive Holy: Spirit .. - -......- - ., ' ·..;;,,;;.:;;;...;j.iioOiio~.-"!" " SAVe: UPT,o 65"'" ,,' fre' t.·sm. Thoun ... . men '''ere ·bap . ,· will P.ollce W~"'REN Co'~. Emer-9.."cy P~I~ " w 6" CA~PET .T t~ , J~1 st:tt~$. .RtlBIllE until further " drlv paper • "!,ave ~ot, B oC\~o RNS. PAT"fE ANI.I . quently CO, mmanded to be bap, 47c~ .·· , OC?tl~ . BAOK:· ~ARPE·T'S."J.2 F'T. -A~D ltf ' ' . ; DESI ·tized in water (Acts 1·:48), •. WiDE, AND MANV " tn" AND"C OLO'RS; COME IN 'O R Holy Spirit . baptism was always ' .'{1 "" , ' j';'; r,P ·" j ", WE WI and to l ,H,: i~;;~'~ :.l: " '. a promise, never a comm This 1). i 3:' ' (Matt. obeyed be 4. I 1 .. s s .a . promise of the Lord never included many people, but was .givell only to a certain few , ':'AUDE individuals. J~sus promised the MJiud~ ' ~1 wwe, age .14 died apostle, "ye shall be' baptized Wasrungton .. Manor Nov. :'21 . in the Holy Spirit not-many days . Nurs~g Home in Centerville.. hence" (Acts 1':5), which pro. She is: survived· by two sons, mise was fulfIlled about a week Vern~n ' of .Waynesville an(,l. Ova later (Acts 2:4). Peter said this ter, t~o 1i'<'t~.'~~~~~~~~~~~;';;;"';'''='' '-of q pcirtnati; one daugh also fulfille.d the pr0l>hecy of sist~,· ~~ '. ~~ , ~[~~,,!r~ ~~Joel (Acts 2.:16) which ·should , ' 11.... '. tuckj. ·· .include "all lftesJ¥!! Whell' a,<hoUSe '. F,n~ral ~XiJ;~~ '~~:e'14~v: I#.4 of Gentiles ('eceiv~ d Holy Spirit at Otleil Funera t Home, ~rbin, . . baptism (Acts' 11 : 15). Kentucky; •Interment was at These are _the. only two ,ocry. .' I Dows' C~pel, .,Cemet . casions 'in hlstory when men received the baptismal measure NOWHERE of the Holy Spirit. But in conWI LL YOU FIND trast to the few who were proA BETTER BOY miscaJ HOly Spirit baptism was ,. ON 'A only needed for a few years and . . .... , . 1. c~ased, the baptism authorized S TRES MAT TA ·6ER '.~ . the great commission is to in \ 7' . • ' . " eil~ure always, ' even to' the end ;-' ~:(ShQP'Wh~re You ,Save) <;If the world (Matt. 28!19~20). The purpose of 'Holy Spirit Baptism was not to regenerate sinners and save them from sjn, - Springboro 746-6261 nor to give them a good feeling of ectasy• . The apostles were cleaned of ~heir sms long before receiving this ,power '(In: 15:3) and Cornelius' household was not save~e~len afte~ receiVing the Holy Spirit. They still had to comply wi~h. the req~rements of God~s wOr(J1 (A~s 11 :1~). The apostles received Holy Spirit . baptism to · confIrm the divine of the words they preached P~~E;#;;#,;;;;::~;:;F;:#.=;::=~=.:;=~=r~~~~~~'. I . orgin (Mark 16':20). ne New Testament had not been- written and the miracl~s which the Holy Spirit enabled them to perform conftr!l1ed the truthfulness of' what.. the . apostles preached (Heb .... 2:3,~.,,4). " But ilfter tll,e New .Tes,tamen,t ' Was confirmed : and sealed .miraculous manifes.. I
" . NOVCE" ~ .'
The little children kneel to Pft1Y,
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.. !h~i~ p.~pose. If 'people ·:"conflintation from, ·the 'Spirie in' 'il)O~~n times it ~~t
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22 .88
22 .S8
comfortable shaves.
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6 rolls Of ""Itty 11ft wrap :~. EIc:b roll 26"x74" or • total of. 444". Asstd. desiCns. 4520/HP2660
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The Waynesville Spartan var~ sity lost to the Maso~ Comets Friday with .a final score of 59The Mason Comet reserves 69. After Mason scored the fust defeated the Waynesville Spars in the game,' Steve Jones basket tans with a 45 . to 46 fInal score start~d the, 'Spartans scoring by , Friday night at Waynesville. Afger Mason scored the fIrst making a fouhh ot. , , Af~er trailing most of the points of the fust period, Dave Dick started the Spartan scori~g period, MaSon 'forged ahead with to ~ the lead an4 retain it for less than two minute s remau,ing, , , the remainder of the period. ,in the period. first ,~~e cQred s , ,Jim. Bento~ Spartan, Bob Ruggles, scored ' · of the second penod for pomts second the of basket the first period. The Spartans retained the ~partans, the Jater)n ade the their lead by not letting Mason ba*et that pu~d the Spart~ns score until the 'last put of the ah~d. After lead~g for a time, the Spartans lost the lead to t.be ' period. Mason scored first in the Comets in .the last seco~ds of I , third period with Doug O'Banion the period., ' ~son In the · third ,period, scoring fust for the Spartans. ~, The lead see-sawed for 'most of scored 'the fu:s~ ' p0mt~ but until ,score, didn't , the period with Waynesville on Waynesville the last few minutes witJi;a bastop at the end. " The fourth perio~ stru;ted ket by Jeff Benner. The fourth period sco~ing was with a basket by Spartan, ~ve Dick and continued with the opene d by a £ou1 shot by Spar: ' score see.sawing until the final tan, Jeff 'Bourne. The even scorsecond when Mason was fouled. ing that prevailed throug hout and made both shots to raise the period enabled th~' Comets its score one point above the to remain ahead the entire period. Spartan's.
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