Wayne ville l-tl8h
Spirit Week Spant Week is held each year during the week preceeding Homecoming. It raises spirit in the school and allows students to participate an a week-long exercase of fraendly compemaveness. Students compete in such contests as the Tug-of-War, Greased Pig Contest, Hall-Decorating Contest, etc. Hat Day, Button Day and the Powder Puff Football game led up co the Homecoming Game, crowning of the Homecoming Court and the successful Homecoming Dance. The Senaor/Freshman Team won the Powder Puff game. The Junaors won the Over-all Spine Week Compemaon.
Senior-Freshman Team (Powder Puff Game Winners): I. tor. kneeling: Kelly Lamb, Mtssy Gradel, Mtssy Davtdson, Dana Wilson, Lora Whttesttne, Jamte George, Tammy Bargo, ecia Valentme, DeAnn Snedegar, Lynne Wilson, Juhe Dunham, Pia Sripen; Row 2, Coach Chns Brookshire, Kim Kleskt, Laura Morgan, Kim Lamb, Jenny Elton, Angte Higgins, Kelly McKenzte, Shawna Meador, Anne O'Conner, Heather Musson, Tncta Elliott, Tracey Daniels, Mindy Knisley, Coach Troy Patton.
Junior-Sophomore Team: I. tOr., kneeling, Amy Thornburg, Kim Dakin, Amy Hess, M1chelle Lucas,Jennifer Vegso, Kristen Raasch, Rita Sandy; row 2, Denise Brown, Donna Carter, Debb1e m1th, Erin Ray, Angie Slaven, Debbie Bunch, Coach Donnie Rockhold, herry Rockhold, Kristy Wilson, Laura Furnas, Apryl Shelton, Melan1e Waddell, Kathy Myers.
The Spartans came into the 198~ season w1th Western star wmeups of dominating the league (wh1ch they proved by losing only to co-champ Southeastern). In the1r 7-3 season, the other rwo non-league losses were to Summ1t and Mason. 11 In the home opener, Waynesville hosted the Bulldogs of Summit Country Day. The offense could not get anything going the whole game. The Orange Crush Defense held them to JUSt 10 pts. and the team lost 1o-o. #2 The Little Miami Panthers came mto our town thmking they could beat the partans, but Waynesville had other plans. The game was fought hard and in the end, the Spartans won 14-10. Waynesville had just handed L.M. their only loss of the year. The defense executed perfeetly again, and Chris Cole lead the rushing attack with ~4 yds. and a touchdown. #3 Waynesville went to Madison Plains to play former coach Ke1th Mescher"s team in the cold. The Spartans came out fired up and beat them 3Q-O. Steve Taulbee was really psyched for the game, bur luckily for M.P., h1s helmet was still m Waynesville. The defense (cont. on next page)
KTC Champs!
turned m another excellent game whtle the offense executed perfectly. Bryan Agee and Gary Gnsmer had fumble recoveries while Mark Wolfe and Eric Coffman had mtercepc:ions. Chns Cole led all rushers wtih 151 yds. while Andy Morgan added 48 yds. rushmg. 14 In the Homecoming game agamst Clinton Massie, the Spartans came out ftred up and easily overpowered the Falcons, cruising to a 42-6 win. Chris Cole set a new smgle game rushing record with 327 yds. in 3 quarters Thts helped to cap off his evening after being named '"Homecoming King . The reserves got a lot of playing time and Mark (The Shark) Smtth recorded his first QB sack.
5 The partans then traveled to Greenview for the 5th arne of the ea on. Green\1ew had sent po ters and igns to chool g1ving the team the impression that Greenview thought they were going to win. Waynesville had knocked the Rams out of a chance for the tate pla}·offs the previous year and Greenview was hungry for revenge. However, the panans prevailed again, winning 24· 16. It was a very tough game and the whole team was nervou about Chn Cole bemg out. Roben Manning filled in well fini hing the game with 113 yds ru hing. 'ext the partans went to play the Ea t Clinton A tros on a cold, wet and rainy night. It was Ea t Clinton's Homecoming and they were really fired up. However, they didn't have anything co celebrate after the Spanans left cown. The team beat them lo-6 and the game was capped off by a crucial QB ack late m the game by Roben Mann mg. #7 In the next contest against Yellow Springs, the panans cruised tO a 42-Q halftime lead, and the re erves got to play the econd half. There were 8 QB acks by the Orange Cru h Defense as they defended a 42-6 wm. The next game against Southeastern was the most 1mponant game of the year. A wm would put the Spanans in the tate Playoffs. It was a very hard fought I t half and ended up in a 6-6 ue. The injury of teve Taylor early in the game and lots of penalties hun the team m the 2nd half and the final score was 2o-6 in the favor of outheastern. 19 The Spanans then traveled to Cedarv1lle where the} won 3-Q. Tim Williams kicked the eventual winning field goal in the 1st quaner. Cedarvdle was fired up and held the panans scoreless the rest of the game, but The Orange Crush Defense played great-led by Andy Morgan· and hutout the Indians to ecure the win. 10 The ~a on finale was agam t Ma on and was the last chance for the Spanans tO qualify for the State Playoffs It had been rammg all day and the field was a mess. Way~esville couldn't move the ball at all while Mason ran With east. Ma on won 12-Q and Waynesville's chances to make the Playoffs were rumed. COACHES: Head, Tim Gabbard, Am~tants : B1ll Woosly )1m Philpot, and teve Woods. Trainer: Cindy Malcolm and wonderful field director, Anthony Lamb. Thanks tO Mr. Woods of Franklin for a number of pies used in this lay-out!!
Chns Cole: ~ yr. let; ta1l·back &: def back, ru hm leader w.7)2 )d~. TI), 104yd. reCeiVUJg; all· league. all rea; 2nd team-Dist. HM-All· tate; 1VP, top off. back.
Bobby Da\!S' 3 yr. let, played center · lmebacker, had 57 tackle , led (ue) team in QB sack ; had 1 TD. H f>t.--all·league, all· area
T1m L1vmgsron: 2 yr let.; played off. tackle & def tackle; had 7 tackles; H 1. Da)tOn Daily Kev.'S ream.
Brent Wentzel 4 yr letterman; He played off guard & def. tackle, he had 51 tackles · led the team (ue) in QB acks, KTC All-league all· Area, top off. I eman
Bryan A ee· 2-yr. let., dcf. & off. tackle; had 33 tack, KTC allleague, HM-all·area, Oumanding def. lineman.
Enc Coffman: 2-yr let., played swingback & del. back; 61 tackles. 4 mterc, 1 fumble rec., liM-aU· league &: area.
Kevin Dakin. transferred from Calif & won fullback & no:>e guard po,itions; he had ~3 tackles.
David Ger pacher played only hL~ Sen. yr. but helped the team a lot
Tom 0 borne lettered his Senior year, was a def. end.
Mark Wolfe: 2 yr let., pla)ed ta• back & Monster; had ~ tackles & 1 interception; "-'b a great team leader all year
Denny Johnson 2 yr. let; played u ht & def end: had 168 ·d. on recept, had 3 TDs & 1 two-pt. com·etston; he rece1ved Most Improved Award
tan Jordan· 2 yr. let.; w1de·receiver & safet)-; He had 12 tackles &: 202
yd. on 10 Clltche and 2 touchdowns.
E 1:11 G 1:1 _ __ 198~ K.T.C. Champ'" Row 1, Cheerleaders, I tor Donna Cnrter,Jamte Brower, DeAnn Snedegar, Tammy Bargo. Mis y Davtdson, Row 2, Cnptams Bobby Davts, T1m Livmgston, Brent Wentzel, Chris Cole; Row 3. Bnan Howard, Tom Osborne, Kevm Dakm, Denny Johnson, Bryan Agee, Eric Coffman, Da,·id Gerspacher, Mark Wolfe,, tan Jordan; Row 4, Jerry tapleton, cott ules, Steve Taulbee, faynard and)·. Gary Gri mer, Andy Morgan, Darren Amburgy, , teve Rtce, Curl Reeves, \.had Reeves; row :>,Jeff Harner, Ttm Williams, Dirk Coyan, Robert Manning, Steve Taylor, Dan Davts, Scott Campbell, David Prewttt, Matt VnnHoo e; ro~· 6, Kenny Gnsmer, Dallas Hollan, T1m Boggs, Jack Wlntestme, Brian Wilson, Jerry Stanle), Mark mtth. Row 7, Coaches J.m Philpot & Tim Gabbard (Head Coach), Trainer Cmdy Malcolm, Coaches Steve Woods & Btl! Woosley.
K.T.C. Champs!
Spartan Marching Band
The W.H.S. Marching Band/Rifles/Flag Corp~ is p1ctured above. Kneeling, l. to r., Marchelle Merlet, Rhenee Sm1th, Tracy Sch1eman, Jeff Sch1eman. Mark Hurley (Field Cmdr.), Brent Coy, Ben Ghearing, Kevin Fenner, Dale Campbell: Row 2, Mr. Leist (Guard Advisor), Melea Sh1vely, Lori Wentzel, Lisa Raa ch, Melanie Maybury, Dorothy Crawford, Jenny Peters, Wend) Linton. Jill Cessna, V1vian ander , Anne O'Connor, Amy Prewitt, Tonya Cornett, Brad Thacker, Ryan Ray, Mindy Knisley, Carmen Fields, Lee Jame , Mr. Bilbrey (Band DirectOr), (Partially h1dden behmd rifle corps¡ Missy Gradel, usan Gmocch10 Row 3, Robyn Hodge, Krisu Brunton. Ang1e Prewitt, Lance Bennett, Duane 'ap1er, Collins Granmer, Robby Parker, Jason Wright, Amy 'ap1er, Jenny Ce sna teve Koesters, Kevin McCann, Jimmy Shuler, Aaron Wright, Chns Engel, David Clark, Bonnie Hoffer, Teresa Kilpatnck, Juhe Dunham; Row 4, Wendell Ferguson. Carl Chaney, Tom Bonham, Lisa Spargur, Michael Weidlich, Tom M1chener, Robin Morrow, Craig Minn k, Sam Hoffer, David Ashmore, Julie Michener, Theo Smith, Becca Smnh, Edd1e Bucholtz, Heather Malone)~ Row ~.Jason VanHoo e, Debb1e Ditmyer, Holly Hayes Mary Trimble, Heather Frasure, Amy Jones, Lisa Agee, Heather Miltenberger, Tricia Christy, Robin Lmle, Marie Gaffin, Becky Forsythe, Ca 1e Crabill, Dawna Edward , Rob Phill1p , Peter Brown.
Right, Flag Corps & Rifles The Guard ~ Row 1, Rhenee mtth, Lon Wentzel, Lt a Raa ch, Margaret William , Melea htvely, Marchelle Merlet; R.2, Dawna Edwards, Holly Hayes, Mane Gaffin, Becky Forsythe, Robin Litde, Heather Miltenberger, Cas ie Crabtll; R.3, Heather Frasure, Lisa Agee, Arnie Jones, Lynne Houseright, Tricia Christy, Mary Trimble. Below, Flags; Bottom, Rifles.
The Guard
Spartans Scalp Indians The 198~ Spartan Volleyball ream started rhe season off well, bur suffered some losses before a few problems could be worked our. The season record of 8-9 was capped by a big win ever Cedarville for the KTC ride. In the Districr rourney, the Spartans bear Cin. Country Day and Mariemont before falling co St. Bernard. Season awards went co: Angie Slaven (Most Improved and Jamie George (Most Valuable). Rtghr KTC Champions, Row 1, I. cor., Sheryl Bowles, Michele Ames, Lora Whiresttne, Kathy VanNuys, R.2, Jamie George, Debbie Bunch, Tawn Williams, Angte Slaven, Sherry Rockheld; back, Apryl Shelron, Coach Weirauch.
For KTC Title
Reserves: I. to r., Shannon Kikta, Trish Elhott, Shawna Meador, Laura Morgan; Row 2, Geneva Isaacs, Jessie Russell, Angte Higgins, Jenny Elton, Shannon Coffman, back, Coach Rod Wetrauch
Semors: Top. jam1e George, Enc Coffman Top left. Lora Wh1testine, Bobby Dav1s Bottom left: L1sa Raash, Mark Wolfe Top right¡ DeAnn Snedegar, Chris Cole Bottom right: Marchelle Marlet, Brent Wentzel
King Cole 30
Queen George
Top left to rt. Freshmen: Angie Prewitt David Prewttt Sophomores: ]ana Cash Robert Manning Juniors: Michelle Lucas Andy Morgan
Homecoming Dance
Mr. Gehrman Mrs. Polly Mr. Leist
Miss Cooper Mrs. Watson
Mrs. Wolfe Mr. Bilbrey Mrs. Clark Mr. Liffick
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
Phillips Finch Townsend Conley
Mrs. Malcom Ms. Tackett Mr. Webb Mr. Barton
Mr. Dillon Mr. Tharr Mr. Brower
Mr. Weirauch Mrs. King
Mrs. Mash Mr. Woods Mr. Gabbard Mrs. Helleman
·The Whole Crew"
PLEASE SUPPORT THESE FRIENDS Complete Lone of peckegong Supplies
Specoaoozed Packogong
Mailing Address P .O . Box 447 Waynesville , Ohio 45068
Busi ness Address 9000 Kenrick Road Centerville , Ohio 45459 513-885-3365
ELLIS' SUPER VALU, INC. 80 Marvin Lane Wayneavlne, Ohio 897- 5001 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK UNTIL 9:00 P.M.
Waynesville, Ohio
PHONE 513-294-1297
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88 S MAIN S TIIIIIT Po llo• 887 WAYNI IYILL I , OWIO . _ .
Student Center.
. ..-. -··-4 ... ..... ..... _........ ....-= ..... "::.'...:.:-==~ "'"· ....... o.o...··~··
39 5 . N IEW B U ,.LINGTO N RD .
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650 E. Main St. Lebanon, Oh., 45036
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Society Bank Friendly up-to-data bankin& services for over I 00 yean.
Waynesville Oflice
Harvcysbura Office
Tellerific: 24-Hour Ban~in&-Visa- Mu~rcard
LAMB'S TOOLS and ACE HARDWARE 814 Corwin Ave. Waynesville, Ohio (513) 897-2060 Owner : Carl Lamb
~f\CO Pf\INTeD Pf\ODUCTS CO. Specialists in School Supplies Paper Custom Printing • • • •
• • • • •
Bustness Forms Stattonery Envelopes Flyers
• Resumes 14
Lane •
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Brochures T1ckets Busmesi Cards Weddmg lnv1tatoons And Much More I
Clnte~•llt ,
IWtm~~n .
Otuo 45459
South of C.nterv,11e 1
Telephone )513)433 5680
II'LOD ...
Producers Admtmstranon, Clockwtse this page starting top r.. Mrs. Dee Willtams, Treasurer-Bd. of Education; Mrs. Janet Carter, Payroll Clerk; Mr. Dave Cessna (wtth Mrs. Cessna), Htgh School Counselor; Mrs. Roberta Wilson, High School Secretary; Mrs. Dorothy Patton, Bookkeeper-Secretary, Mrs. Carolyn Smallwood, Sec"y to Mr. Williams; members of the faculty & admtntstration at the ¡86 Prom.
\ 38
Left, I. to r., the 198~-6 Wayne Local Board of Education: Jiles Farley (V Pres.), John Sackett, Walter Lamb, John Rudd (President), Clatre Dunkin, Dee WiUiams, pic. on p. 38 IS Treasurer of the Board of Education. Clockwise from below: Mr. & Mr . Harnng; Mtsters Cessna, WiUtams & Harring; Mr. Cessna School Counselor); Mr Charles Williams, Superintendent; Mr Ketch Harring, High School Pnnctpal; Mr. & Mrs. Williams at the Prom.
Thanks, Merchants, For Your Support
Feed Seed Fertilize Grinding
Hignell Prices Pajd for all Grain Stamped Weight Ticket Scales Stamped Moisture Tellor Testers
Bowersville, Ohio
Ohw 4 ~ -,t,o (513) 885-3965
Phone (513) 453-2343 Fast, Courteous Service
Perrill Woods, Mgr.
Jeff and Mollie Wentworth
MODELS LOCATED ONE MILE WEST OF WAYNESVILLE ON STATE ROUTE 73 Open: Tues. thru Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat & Sun. 1 5 p.m. SOliD CJIIOINTH
FDIC - -. ~
Waynesvolle Offoce 354 South Maon Street
Phone 932-1414 Toll Free 1·800-344 BANK
'?'] 4884 State Route 73 AUTHENTIC LOG HOMES Waynesville, Ohio 45068 (513) 897-7333
Fred Osborne Owner
FRED'S MOBIL LOCKSMITH 932·5639 Mo btle Phone 932·5556
101 Farvtew Lebano n, Ohto 45036
MEMORIES Antiques So. Main St. Waynesville
A \k for unit 9 30
Best Wishes, Class of '86 from
Billie & Murray Davidson, Missy's Grandparents
Bill's Electric 8616 Old Stage Rd . Waynesville
Our Cafeteria, Bus & Mamtenance taff works as a super suppon team for our schools. Because of circumstances, we have used several of last year's pies here. However, they make the already young & lovely even more so. Left to right, top: Mr Lamb, Mrs. Howard, Mr. Keplmger, Mrs Stiles; M1ddle, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. O'Ban1on, Mrs. Mellott, Mrs Shepherd.
Above, Row 1, Mrs eeley, Mrs. Honaker, Mrs. Robmson, Mrs. O'Banion; Row 2, Mrs. Monroney, Mrs Stiles, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Hopkms. Jr H1gh/Eiemenrary Cooks. Several are not pictured.
Above, I. to r., C Pummill, Anrhoney Lamb, Marvin Pummill. The chool Bus Drivers are not p1ctured!
Christmas Assembly The Chnstmas Assembly was alive and electric this year! Mr Tharr and a group of students were in charge this year and did a good job! The gym was decorated with crepe paper streamers, trees hung w1th little lights, poinsettias, and tinsel. Pop and popcorn were enjoyed by the audience and the air was filled With excitement kits, singing, piano-playing. the Bag Brothers, Santa With elves and vanous other acts were well-received by all. Santa tossing candy drove some to wildness! There was a good feeling; everyone was " up." Christmas vacation had begun electrically!
"A CHRISTMAS CAROL" Thunday, OK<mbn 19, I
Alldo111 E..kn Ovu<nw On<< Aptn. B<s'll Wlut< O>namas - - An Bocalt Sopnno SoiOUt, Kdly ll<llman ll<thkh<m Bor Gray
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VOL. 21, NO. 1
CHRI BROWER The Class of 1986 Valedictori· an is none other than Chns Brower. This fall, he plans to pursue a maJor in electrical engineering ot o;t'hn.,.. ("\\...; _ C+ ...... f.,.. 1 t-; ... ,.. .,.,.. ;f. ... """"
: t
havt. _
""""" .. "" ""--•!--
Senior Superl
Best Looking ......... Jamie George, Eric Coffman Best Student .......... Julie Dunham, Chris Brower Best Dressed ....... Marc helle Merlet, Rich Longacre Best Personality ........ Tammy Christy, Chris Cole Best Legs .............. Lisa Raasch, Chris Brower Most Creative ........... Mary Tr1mble, Paul Smith Most Likely to Succeed .. Julie Dunham, Theo Smith Most Athletic ............Jamie George, Chris Cole Class Brownie ....... Tammy Bargo, Tim Livingston Class Chatterbox ...... Missy Neace, Tim Livingston Class Muscles ............ Renee Isaac, Mark Wolfe
Class Sho Class Sm Rowdiest Dizziest . Best AllShyest .. Prettiest Friend Class Fl Sweetest Most N
MAY 30,1986
cacte war f'RO&RAM
off ....... Missy Davidson, Kevin Dakin ....... Supaluk Sripen, David Gerspacher ............ Dana Wilson, Jerry Stanley ............ Tracey Arthur, Bryan Agee ound ...... DeAnn Snedegar, Mark Wolfe ...............Tina Bailey, Tim Shuler res ••••• Crystal Gibson, David Gerspacher . . . . . . . . DeAnn Snedegar, Eric Coffman .......... Lora Whitestine, Kevin Dakin .......... Tammy Christy, Bobby Davis .......... Supaluk Sripen, Bobby Davis
Darren Amburgy M1chele Ames Beth Ashburn Kathy Boyer Jamie Brower
Mark Bryant Jill Cessna Stacy Christman Renee Cook Soma Creech
Joe Cupp Kimberly Dakm Debra Ditmyer Bnan Fenner Melissa Flannery
Becky Forsythe Julie Fox Heather Frasure Scott Hafner Michele Harner
Pamela Harri on Erin He1den Amr Hess Alana Jenkins Rebecca John on
Chnsty Kmser Charlene Lamb Lois Long Michelle Lucas Rick McCloud
Andr Morgan Jimmy Myers Amy ap1er eeley 1chols
Tracee Patton Theresa Prewitt Knsun Raasch
The ]un1ors worked together very hard to raise enough moner for a succe sful prom. They started their bank account with 165 dollars and ended It with 3,800 dollars, by sellmg donuts w1th the emor , having a candy ale, and semng up a concession stand at basketball games. Robbie Rasnake Their success was due mainly co the Steve R1ce hard work of the officers-S . Tracy Schieman Creech, Pres1dent; M. Ames, Vice President; J Vegso, Secretary; ]. Stapleton, Treasurer, S. Taulbee, Bus. Tracy Patton Theresa Prewitt Knstin Raasch Ke1th Shaffer Melea Sh1veley Jerry Stapleton Scott Stiles Steve Taulbee Ben Thacker Eric Thompson M1ke Tidwell Cathy Van ' uys Jenmfer Vegso
Lori Wentzel Tawn Williams Mike Willson Mike Z1mmer
Mark Ander on Mel! a Bailey am Bailey
Melis a Boggs Tom Bonham heryl Bowles Den1se Brown Denms Brown Jamie Brown
Peter Brown Eddie Bucholtz Jason Buckle Debb1e Bunch Donna Carter John Cole
Robert Collard D1rk Cowan Bryan Coy Dann} Davis Tonya Dee Dawna Edwards
Chris Engle Randy Freeman Laura Furnas Beverly Garren Doug Graham Scott Groom
Luther Hacker Jeff Hall April Hawk Bonnie Hoffer Joe Howard Mike Hubble
Mike Is ac Bryan Johnson Aimee Jones Yvette Jones hannon Kikta Rodney King
Crystal Lamb Shelley Lamb Tara Lamb Tonia Lamb Jeff Lipovsky Stan Lynch
James McKeever Robert Manning Julie Michener Robyn Morrow Stacy Murill Cathy Myers
M1chelle Orrender Jodi Parks Robert Parks Kevin Percy Berry Ratliff Erin Ray
Sherry Rockhold Russell Rogers Steve Sch1mdt Chns Sesslar Apryl Shelton Ang1e Slaven
Debb1e Sm1th Mike Sutherland Steve Taylor Jason Van Hoose Jennifer Vanover Melanie Waddell
M1chael We1dhch Knsti Wilson Mark Woods Aaron Wnght Heather Young
Randy Abbott Lisa Agee Michael Allen
Joe Anderson Davtd Ashmore Sam Bennett Marty Boggs Ttm Boggs Louis Bowser
Kristt Brunton Davtd Bryant Davtd Burke Dale Campbell Ryan Campbell David Carman
Joe Carter Benji Casebolt David Cates Jenni Ces na Tncia Christy David Clark
Russell Oark Charles Cockrell Amy Coffman Shannon Coffman Todd Cook Tonya Cornett
Casste Crabill Tracy Dantels Ginger Doyle ' edra Ellmger Jenny Elton Jeannie Fields
tm Fox Greg Freeman Mane Gaffin Trevor Gasaway Susan Gerspacher Mtssy Gradel
Ken Grismer Delons Hafner Joe Hall Jeff Harner Michael Hayes Robb1e Heiden Dav1d Henry
Angie Higgins K1m Hisle Dallas Hollan Lynne Houseright Geneva Isaacs hane Jackson Bret Jame)· on
Jerry Johnson Ang1e Keever Wayne Kibler Tim Kilpatrick K1m Kleski Mendy Kmsely Johnathan Lamb Kelly Lamb K1m Lamb Wendell Lamb Mary Lander Bnan Lew1s Wendy Limon Robin Little Tom Llewellyn Kevin McCann Connie McCloud Brian McKeehan Kelly McKenzie Heather Maloney Melanie Maybury hawna Meador teve Milby Heather Miltenberger Cra~g Mmnick Laura Morgan Heather Musson Joe • 'eace Kevm 'ichols Anne O'Connor Julie Pettit Anita Poole Amy Prewitt Angie Prewitt David Prewitt
Perry Purkey Jessie Russell Terry Salyers V1V1an Sanders Jeff Sch1eman John Shaffer Jim Shumaker 72
Rhenee Smath Lori Stafford Jason St. Pierre Amy Thornburg Dan Toedtman Matt Van Hoose Jack Whitestule
Tam Williams Bryan Wilson Jeff Winkler Courtney Zimmer
ot Pictured: Tara Bolanger, Scott Campbell, J.P. Carney, Steve Casebolt, David Dakin, Wendell Ferguson, Davad Foster, Vargama Foster, Doug Gabson, Scott Johnson, Kelly Kidd, Steve Me utt, Paul Mead, Amy Myers, Massy Palmer, Rack Pettit, Gary Proffit, Chad Reeves, Rata Sandy, Lloyd Smath, Charlotte Spears, Joseph Taulbee.
Class of '89; Take ONE!
Above: left, Angie & Kam (reserve Cheerleaders,) middle Mr Barton coachmg Freshman BB team; right, Angie & David Freshman Homecommg Attendants. Left, Powderpuff Cheerleading Squad. Below, Senior/Freshman Powderpuff Team.
Machin~. und~r
th~ l~adersh1p
of Mrs. Kmg As 1 t~d by Ms. Tack~tt, Mr . Clark, Mr. Bilbry, Mr. L~ist), is an mnovativ~ fin~ arts club for secondary stud~ncs. Its purpose 1 to ~ducat~ young ~opl~ in th~ arts, and its goals ar~ to ~nnch th~ cultural lives of ar~a young ~opl~ Wayn~svill~ is th~ only H1gh School in Warr~n. Co which is a m~m~r R1ght, mem~rs, L to r., Row 1, Jill c~ssna, Scott Hafner, Dawna Edward , W~ndy Linton, Rh~n~~ m1th, Missy Boggs, Melam~ Maybury, Juh~ Pettit; R.2, J~ff Schieman, Michel~ Am~s. Amy Hess, M1ch~lle Lucas, Tracy Schi~man, Debbi~ D1tmy~r.
Kathy Van 'uy , Tawn Wilhams,J~nmf~r V~g o,
Bonn1e Hoffer, Aim~~ Jon~s. Bucholtz, Ryan Brick!~~~ R.3, Am~ 'ap1~r. Ja on Wnght, J~nmf~r E tes, PJ. Burk~. ~n Gh~aring, Doug &idl, Th~o Sm1th, J~rry Stanley, Paul mith, Mary Tnmbl~. Holly Hayes, Pla Sn~n. Juli~ Dunham. Mrs. Gradel was the JuniOr H1gh Advisor. In School Edd1~
activm~s mclud~d
The Dayton Contemporary Dance Group, O~ra 'The Telephone"), The Dayton Philharmonic Brass &ction, and a scene from "Animal Farm".
The Waynesville Htgh School Powerlifung Club had a successful year, takmg 6th Place in State A·AA . Compeuuon and 2nd in the A Competiuon. Pic left I. to r., R.l, Jason Van Hoose, Joe Howard, Maynard Sandy, Rex Kuriger, Robert Mannmg; R.2, Mr. Philpot, Ken Grismer, Mark Wolfe, Brent Wentzel, Mr. Woosley; R.3, Mr Stacy, Cratg Minnick, Scott Campbell part hidden,, Jack Whttestine, Mr Woods; R.4, Mark Bryant, Mark Smtth, Andy Morgan, Gary Grismer, Mark Rush. A lot of hard work went in to achieve these great results. Mr. Woosley & Mr. Woods supervise the activities after school and on weekends in the weightlifting room.
Reserve Basketball
The reserve basketball team had a fairly successful season, finishing the year with a record of 11¡9. They had a very strong start, posting a 7¡1 league record at one point but declmed m the second half of the season and fin1shed second behind Yellow Springs, Pictured l. to r. above: Coach Byrd, J. Brown, R Brickley, M. Anderson, M Tidwell,). tapleton, M. Zimmer, and R. Manning.
Freshman Basketball
The freshman basketball team finished the eason with a lo-6 record, and at one point lo s to Y Spnngs for a 2nd place finish in the K.T.C. tourn. Leading scorers on the team were: Joey Anderson (12.8}, Todd Cook (11.1}, and Dav1d Prewitt (7.6) B. McKeehan led the team in 75%. Above, the Freshman Team, I. to r., Terry Salyers (mgr.), David Ashmore, Jack Wh1testine, David Prewitt, Michael Allen, Todd Cook. Devin 'ichols, Tim Williams, Ken Gnsmer, Brian McKeehan, Coach Barton.
Bees Buzz Spartan Ladies tn District Finals PICtured right are the Secuonal BB Champs & the D1strtcc Runners-up co tate Champions, the Bethel Bee . Kneeling I co r., Kathy Van 'uys, MIChele Ames, Bonn1e Hoffer; Scandmg, Jamie George, herry Rockhold, Debbie Bunch, Tawn Williams, K1m Dakm, Coach Tim Gabbard The Lady partans carted the season off w1ch a string of 4 viccories. Then, injuries cook their coli and in some games as many as three careers were on the bench. Then, with Jamie George, Debb1e Bunch and Michele Ames back m the line-up, the partans cook off on a 8¡v1ctory spree, culmmaung in the Sectional Championship, 3 v1ccories in the D1strtcc before falling co the State Champions. Awards chis year¡ MVPsJamle George, Michele Ames; Most-Improved, Debb1e Bunch, KTC all-League: Kathy Van uys, Michele Ames, Jamie George. The g1rls felt close co each ocher and worked well together And the result was a successful season with a lot of good memories.
Girl's Reserve Basketball
(back Row) Rod We1rauch,Jess1 Russell, Tonya Dee, Tnc1a Chnsty, Shannon Coffman (front Row) Shawna Meador, Heather Musson, Bonn1e Hoffer, Anne O'Conner not p1ctured-K1m Lamb, Julie M1chener, Yvette Jones
Student Council
Seated L to R-Jamie Brower, Sonia Creech, Donna Carter, Bonnie Hoffer, Kim Kleski, Angie Prewitt, Aimee Jones, Tammy Christy Back L toR-Robert Manning, Lora Whitestine, Jennifer Vegso, Andy Morgan, Bryan Agee, Jamie George, DeAnn Snedegar, Kenny Grismer Not pictured Adv1sor Mr. Cessna
Life At
Waynesville High! 83
Varsity Basketball The Boy's Varsity Basketball team under first year coaches, Greg Cecere and Mike Byrd posted a somewhat deceiving 9¡11 record. Deceiving due to the fact that the Spartan cagers lost a couple of games by less than four points. The Spartans, led by seniors Chris Cole and Tim Livingston battled through many close games. The season was highlighted by two overtime
games. The first was a dramatic four overtime loss to East Clinton, and a single overtime victory against Clinton-Massie, on the Falcons home court. Coach Cecere, though losing key seniors, looks forward to next year as both his scoring, and free throw leaders Steve Rice and Darren Amburgy return.
Tony Stafford
Bryan Agee Varstty Basketbali-{Standtng) Coach-Greg Cecere, Ketch Shaffer, Darren Amburgy, Ttm Ltvingsron, Scor Stiles, Bryan Agee, Sreve Taylor, Manager-Steve Taulbee Kneeling Chris Cole, Tony Stafford, Sreve Rice, John Cole, Rick McCloud
Tim Livingston
Chns Cole
Chns Cole drives for a layup.
Tim Ltvingsron powers up a shor.
Coach Cecere and Byrd dressed to kill.
Tim playing the mean defense.
Spartan Basketball
Nat'l. Honor Soc. Far left: auonal Honor Soctety member pictured at the March mducuon of new members; I. to r, row 1, Tawn William . Amy He . Ben Ghearmg, Chris Brower, Ja on Wright, Theo mtth, Tammy Chnsty, Tina Bailey, Tammy Bargo, DeAnn Snedegar, Mark Wolfe, Tim Shuler; row 2, Mrs. Clark (Advisor), Mtchelle Luca , Kathy Van uys, Michele Ames, Julie Mtchener, Bonnie Hoffer, Brent Coy, Amy apter,Jill Ce sna, Holly Hayes, Tracey chteman; row 3. Tony a Dee, Jenntfer Vanover, row 1, Yvette Jones, heryl Bowie , Eddte Bucholtz, Scott Campbell, Ryan Brickley, Robert Manntng, Tom Bonham. P.91 lower right: auonal Honor octety officers, top to bottom, Prestdent Jason Wnght, Vice¡ President Theo Smtth, Treasurer Tammy Christy, Secretary Tina Bailey P.91 mtddle left, the new inductees: front, Bonnie Hoffer, Julie Mtchener, Jenntfer Vanover, Tony a Dee, heryl Bowles, Yvette Jone ; back, Eddie Bucholtz, Tom Bonham, Robert Mannmg, Chns Sessler, con Campbell, Mark Anderson, Ryan Brickley. P 91 mid.nght, Amy Napier, ass't. by Jill Cessna, plays a selection. P. , clockwise from nghr: Robert, Yvette & Bonnie during the candle-lit ceremony, Yvette's candle is lit by Tina; Robert Manning pinned by hi proud parents; below, Sentor auonal Honor Soctety Members.
Choir, Pep Band Enliven Our School The WHS Choir and Pep Band put a lot of music into our lives! The Chotr performs at the Xmas Assembly & Concert, Spnng Concert, Graduation and other events throughout the year. The pep band performs at home basketball games and pep rall1es R1ght, I. to r., row 1. Amy ap1er, Heather Miltenberger, Becky Forsythe, Dolons Hafner, Amy Prewitt, Soma Creech, Jeanie Fields; Row 2¡ Debb1e Dnmyer, M1ssy Gradel (part, h1dden), Melame Maybury, Julie Dunham, Charlene Lamb, Shelly Lamb, A1mee Jones, Amy Myers, Row 3: M1chael We1dlich, Jeff Sch1eman, Mike Allen, Joe Carter (part, h1dden), Glen Kuras, Chns Engel, Courtney Zimmer. Below the Choir p1cture are Shelly Lamb & Chns Engel solomg at the Sprmg Concert. The other pies are of the Pep Band at a Basketball game'
A Musical Sculpture: Art's Alive at WHS!
Members of the Art Dept and Muse Machine, under the direction of Ms. Tackett (see pic. bottom left) created a "Musical Sculpture" for a contest of all Muse Machine Schools (It was held at Carillon Park m Dayton). The creation, a dinosaur, won First Place in competition w1th schools from throughout the Miami Valley. This is but one of the successes of the Art Dept. this year. The annual art show 'pies this page d1splayed projeCts which took Gold Key Awards (M1ke Z1mmer, Mary Trimble, Jonathan Sloan-HM). Art College Scholarsh1ps were won by Mary & Paul Smith.
"Knock It oil, I sold! .. . This Is a lfllt lu.r'
The Tenms Team finished the regular season wtth a 15-3 record and a 6-o record in the KTC League. Thts was the THIRD consecutive year to win the KTC. Chns Brower finished 21-3 & took 2nd place m the Middletown Distnct. He was, aU-league, league MVP as well as team MVP. Theo Smith (2nd Singles) was Hon. Mentton·all-league. The first doubles team was Larry McGutre (aU-league, M.I.P.) & Mark Wolfe (H.M.-all-league). Brent Coy & Mike Ztmmer played 2nd doubles. The team took second place m the Brookville lnvit. Tourney. Olaf Reeder (16-4) played thtrd smgles & was all-league KTC. Row 1, across both pages l. to r Chris Brower, Coach Dave Barton, MVP Chns Brower, MI Larry McGutre. Row 2, the remaimng Semors. Theo Smtth, Olaf Reeder, Mark Wolfe, Jason Wnght, Brent Coy, Tim Shuler.
., ~
Row 3, across both pages l. to r. Aaron Wright, Tom Bonham, Mike Zimmer, Brent Coy, Mark Wolfe, Ltsa Raasch, Larry McGuire, Theo Smith, Olaf Roeder The Tenms Team faces a big challenge next year since it will lose etght Semors. Congratulattons on a fme four years of good tenms Semors!
. •
r, f
The WH MusiC Department presented tts annual Spnng Concert on Thursday, May 22. It included 3 charmmg selccuons by the JuniOr High Chorus followed by the H1gh chool Cho1r's program ""I'm so ExCited" Dcbb1c D1tmycr & hclly Lamb solOISts)" , If (Chri Engel, soloi t), "Walking on un hmc", " Longer", ' Can't Fight Th1s Feeling • Mr. Leist ducctcd; Amy apier was the accompani t. The combined Chous then sang '"We arc the World The Concert Band's Program included, · 1lvcr Jubilee Overture", selections from the Edgewood Fe tival", Pnnccton Vananons", & " Battle of the 'ctwork tar " Mr. Bilbrey directed .
Spring Concert
Baseball PICtured right, the 1986 Waynesville High chool Baseball Team Left tO right, Row 1, Mgr. Ja on St Pierre, Mgr. Ryan Campbell, Stan Jordan, Chris Cole, Mike Hubbell, Robert Manning, Dirk Coyan, Row 2, Coach teve Wood , Bryan Wilson, Todd Cook, Denny Johnson, Joey Anderson, Bryan ')ughead" Agee, Darren "Flash" Amburgy. Jerry Stapleton. The Ba eball team finished the season With a 5-13 record, quite an improvement over recent years' teams. They won the Secuonal Championship, losmg to Bethel in the District Semi-fmals. Pitchers this year were Denny John on, Bryan Agee, Enc Coffman (not pictured), Todd Cook Catcher wa Robert Manning. MVP-chris Cole; MI-D1rk Coyan; Best Def.- tan Jordan, Bat Avg.-c. Cole; PHD (Pnde, Hu tie, Deme}-Eric Coffman, Robert Manning.
Softball Pictured left is the WHS 1986 Gtrl's Softball Team, left to nght, row 1, Counney Zimmer, ~hannon Kikta, Shawna Meader, Tnc1a Chnsty, Amy Hess, Row 2, Shannon Coffman, Julte Winters, M1chele Ames, Sherry Rockhold, Tammy Bargo, Deann Snedegar, Kathy Van uys, ot Pictured Debbie Bunch, Robin Morrow. The '86 Girl's Softball season had a few bright spots, mcluding the first round sectional victOry over Landmark Chnstian and the good play of several of the g1rls. The season ended w1th a loss to no. 1 seed ew Miami, givmg the girls a ~-11 record. MVP was Kathy Van uys with Most Improved gomg tO Shannon Coffman. Batting average honors went tO Debbie Bunch.
Track The track season was again domanated this year by two excellent cinderwomen, Lora Whtte tine & Jamie George, both of whom turned 10 good showings in the Otstricts, Reg10nals & State Tourney, The Boy's & Gtrl's Track Teams were small this year but a lot of experience was gained and good individual effons were made Boy's team right, Bret Jameyson (Mo t Improved), Stm Fox, Jack Whnesnne, Joey Howard and (below) Mark Bryant (Most Valuable Player). P. 10~, upper left, Gtrl's team Angte Higgans, Jamie George, Lora Whne nne, Donna Caner; not pic. Laura Monan, MIChele Ames. Most Valuable Players for the Gtrl"s Team were Jamte George & Lora Morgan . . . both of whom have set numerous school, league and tourney records. The competitive spirit of the e two young ladies led them to the tate Track meet for several years; this year, Jamte took ~th in lOOm. hurdles and Lora took 3rd in the same event. They were 1st Qamie) & 2nd (Lora) in the Regional 1 ?. hurd.
French Club Rolls The French Oub rolled through another successful year, terminating wath the annual gourmet dinner and trip to France. Most Club members are piCtured below. Left to right, front row, V Pres. Ja on Wnght, Treas. Mark Wolfe, Pres. Theo math, Sec'y Lora Whatesune, V. Pres. Fr. II Machelle Lucas, Row 2, Bnan Fenner, Jennafer Vegso, Jennifer Vanover, Jamie Brower, Kathy Van 'uys, Amy He s, Li a Raasch, Bonnae Hoffer, Donna Carter, Tammy Bargo, Sonaa Creech, Karan Hendricks, Mary Lander, Angae Higgins, Laura Furnas; Row 3, Amy apaer, Make Zammer, Tom Bonham, Aaron Wnght, Denase Brown, Yvette Jones, Tawn Williams, Berry Ratliff, Paul Smath, Andy Morgan, Tam Boggs, Kam Kle ka, Scott Campbell, Ryan Brickley, Tonia Lamb, Jason VanHoo e, Chns Engel. Right, posed in front of the Loua XIV tatue at Versaille is the group whach went to France: I. to r., front, Paul Smith, Rach Longacre, Row 2, Jamie Brower, Tyra Radaff, (Kane from Carlisle),Julie Dunham, Kerry Bradley, Lora Whatestine, Libby Smith, Bonnae Hoffer, Lisa Raasch; Row 3, Andy Morgan, Michelle Lucas, Scott Hafner, Jason Wright, Aaron Wright, Theo Smath. The French Club raised a lot of money thas year towards the trip to France pastry sale, bard seed & candy sales, Gourmet dinner). Pans, imes, Cannes, Carcassonne & Vezelay, France were included in the March 20-April 5 trip.
• • •
Scenes on this page & p. 106 mclude the Gourmet D1nner (Menu. Pate aux Pistaches et au Canard, Potage Crecy, Tru1te aux Crevettes, Blanquette de Veau aux artichauts, Salade verte, Brie, Meringue Glacee, Friandises), Scenes from the trip to France (clockwise from top left: Jamie in Monte Carlo; Jason, Aaron Scot, Mis y & Jill prepare cheese course; Oceanographic Museum in Monaco, Paris fashions, dinner at Chez Julien; Chef Dillon at the Gourmet Dinner; the Yule Log at the French Club Xmas party, the Madeleine Church in Paris; the hotel in Paris; the harbor, Monaco.
Boy's and Girl's State Reps
Right, left to nght are the 1986 Boy's & Girl s tate Representatives from WH . Andy Morgan, Alana Jenkms, Jill Cessna, Darren Amburgy. The Pancake Breakfast (piCS th1s page) is prepared by the H.S. faculty & admini tration as a reward for students whose homerooms have maintained the highest tandards of attendance & scholarship. The Mock Trial (p. 109) was organ1zed by Mr. Barton & Mr. Webb to g1ve Social tudies students practical expenence wnh the workings of our courts. Th1s year, local lawyers & a tudent jucy made the trial (a gut wanting to JOin a soccer team) realistic.
Mock Trial
F.H.A. Mem~rs of the Future Homemakers of America, sponsored by Mrs Conley and Mrs Watson, are ptctured left. Left to right, Row 1, Courtney Ztmmer, Crystal Lamb, Cassie Loxley, Shawna Meador, Shannon Kikta, Robm Ltttle, Mane Gaffin, Demse Brown, Susan Gerspacher; Row 2 Todd Cook, Sherry Rockhold, Lisa Thornburg, Berry Ratltff, Steve Schmtdt, Tonta Lamb, Bryan Agee, Jana Cash, Rick McCloud, Steve Taylor, Missy Hadley.
Academic Awards; McCann Fresh of Year! The annual Academic Awards Program wok place May 20. The Freshman-Of-The· Year Award went to Kevm McCann (pic. right Clockwise, from right. Mr. Williams, upt., awards Fre hman-of·the· Year Award; emors wtth 3.5 or above avg: seated, l to r., Vicki Streep, Tammy Barge, Tina Batley, Tonya Conner, tanding, Brent Coy, Ben Ghearing, Chris Brower, Enc Coffman;Juntors, 3.5; Row 1, Melea htvely, Charlene Lamb, Michelle Lucas, Michele Ames, Jamie Brower; row 2, Kathy Van 'uys, Tawn Williams, Mike Tidwell; Sophs w. 3.5: row 1, Jennifer Vanover, Chr•s essler, Robert Manning, Bonnie Hoffer, Eddie Bucholtz, row 2, Julte Michener, Ryan Brickley, Mark Anderson; Freshmen, 3.5. row 1, Davtd Clark, Courtney Zimmer, Jennifer Ce sna, row 2, Kevin McCann, Bryan Wilson, Joe Carter. P.111, upper left: Amer. Legion Te t winners. row 1, Shelly Lamb, Tracy Schieman, Jenntfer Estes; row 2, Mike Tidwell, Mark Anderson, Bryan Wilson, Tim huler.
Left, PTO Scholarsh1ps, presented by Mr. Cessna: Tina Bailey, Tim Shuler; Below, Sc1ence Awards: row 1, Tawn Wilhams, Kathy VanNuys, Michelle Lucas, M ichele Ames, Tracey Sch1eman; row 2, R1ch Longacre, Joe Cupp, Mike Tidwell, Chris Brower Two pictures below¡ Oh10 Reading C1rcle Awards: Shelly Lamb, (Mrs Clark), Jennifer Vanover.
Oockwise, from Middle left pic.: Mr Harring, Mrs. Clark and Michelle Lucas prepare for the Awards Presentations, Students of the Month Awards Shelly Lamb, Kathy Van uys, Kevin McCann, Scott Hafner, Jenmfer Estes, Pia Snpen, not pic. Theo Smith; Distnct Test Awards: Tammy Bargo, Julie Michener, Mark Anderson, Tim Livmgston, Chris Brower, Eddie Bucholtz, Pia Snpen; U.S. Army Reserve Student Athlete Award Chris Brower, French Awards Amy apier, Tawn Williams, Jennifer Vanover. Congratulations to all of our fme scholars (including those whose pictures we couldn't fit in, or were absent).
Argyle socks and plaids were quite the fashion during the 8th, 9th, & lOth of May and for some time leading up to these days. Brigadoon was a well-played and hard-worked-on musical and a great credit to the Drama Department, Mr. Leist, Mr. B1lbrey, the student actors, dancers & musicians. The leads this year went to Julie Dunham, Glen Kuras, Jamie Brower, Chris Engel ... with excellent supporting roles performed by Jennifer Vegso, Joe Carter, Amy Prewitt, Ryan Ray, Becky Forsythe, Jeff Schieman, Berry Ratliff, Mike Allen, Missy Gradel and Amy apier. The remaining cast as well as Eva Kay Sheets, Dean Sellers, Patrick Cassidy, Paul Bernard, Lois Gradel and the technical crew made this year's Musical BRIGADOO an enjoyable and professional production.
May 8, 9, & 10, 1986 8 :00p.m .
Cast of Characters
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'86 Prom Wins an ((Oscar" The 1986 Prom was an "Oscar-Winnmg" evemng held May 3, at the College Football Hall of Fame at Kmg's Island. The kids ''cleaned-up'' well and looked simply ··maahrvelous" The food was great th1s year and the musiC, prov1ded by Chns Ge1son of 96 Rock was ternfic. Tammy Chnsty and Chns Brower were crowned Queen & Kmg. Popular songs included the " B1rd'' by Morris Day & the Time, ''Shout", 'Tender Love" by AtlantiC tar. The After-Prom didn't pan out so there were a lot of mdividual parties afterwards. "The memories will last for ever", sa1d several Juniors & Semors.
f Above right, 198~ Queen Emily Purkey crowns 1986 Queen Tammy Chnsty. Above, Queen Tammy and Kmg Chm Brower blush & dance together!
The 114th WlL Commencement went oft qutckly, ..varmly &: wrth digntty 1 &nror~ were 10 the dass of '86. "Pomp & Circumstance" lead the nior imo the Red · Whtte geranium-decorated auditorium. The Invocation & Benediction were given b)' Rev. Jone of the Church of Chn. t. ~umbers by the band & choru~. speeches by cia .tlutaronan Theo Smrth & Valedtcronan Chri~ Brower followed Oa~ President Tamm)· Chrbty\ welcome. The presentation of Awards preceeded the pre entation of Drplomas. Depanmental & Medal Award~ went to the following: Theo • mtth (Engli h. French, Acuvrue , alutarorian), Chns Brower (~ocial tudic:s. Math, Lcience, Valedicronan), Mary Trunble &: Paul mtth (An), Angie haffer (Busmes ), Ben Gheanng (laun, ousa Award), Glenn Kuras (Choru. ). Pam Hu sey (Vocanonal Award). Tammy Christy (Citizen htp), Lora \X'hitestine (Hansock Athletic Award), Mark Wolfe (Hatfield Athletic Award). tate Dept. ol Ed. Awards: C. Brower, I.. McGuire, T. rntth, M. Wolfe; Ohio Bd. of Regents: B. Coy, T. Bargo. B. Ghe-•.rin ,). Wright; Presidential Acad. Fitnes~ A'111.1lrds: T. Bailey, T. Bargo. C. Brower, B. Coy,). Dunham. B Ghearmg, H. Ha)es, P. mith, D. nedegar, M. Wolfe,]. Wright. ~umerous scholar hip av.ards were given al o. ~moothly,
114th Annual Commencement
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Final Takes ...
W.C.C.C. Juniors/Candids
The making of the 1986 Spartan has been a lot of work for the few people who took us completion as an important responsibility. As photographer for the yearbook, I would lake to thank those people who were kmd enough to comnbute photos (especially of events I m1ssed while hospitalized): Mrs. Allen, Mr. Woods of Franklin, M1ssy Davidson, Tina Bailey, Delmar tudios & everal others. The burmng of Osborne tudios added very much to our d1fficulnes this year. Mistakes have been made as have om1ssions. I feel that in spite of what went wrong (especially finances!), we have created a book wh1ch has done its JOb~ to depict our school and its happenings in 198~-6 With fla1r and professionalism. I would like to thank Paul Sm1th for the cover design & art work, Mrs. Clark for her positive comments, Michelle Lucas for accepting the job of EditOr for the 1987 Spartan, K1pp Stewart of Herff-Jones for h1s help & Mr. Harring & Mrs. Wilson for their support. And a pox on Mr. Brower for dumpmg this job on me 11 yr. ago! (joke!) Mr. Dillon
Odds (N ' Ends Right, Bret, Joe, JeH before a football game; Below, Geneva entertains; Middle 2 nght photos¡ Kevin Dakm & Stan Jordan (Sen. piCS received too late).
198~ Soccer Team (photo rec'd. late). Above, at Yellow
Springs Freshman Tourney. R1ght, left to right, from: Chuck Cockrel, Joe Carter, Paul Bledsoe, Paul Trimble, Dav1d Clark, David Ashmore, Bradley Burton; back, Coach Allen, Aaron Wnght, Joe Anderson, Mike Allen, Bret Jameyson, Kevm McCann, David Bryant, Coach McCann; not pic. Todd Cook.
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