Powderpuff Tht Powdtrpuff gamt was tht usual spirit-filltd gamt agam th1s ytar, with tht Soph-Junior ttam taking tht gamt 22- . Michellt Lucas scortd tht only Stn-Fresh. ttam T D Tht nvalry di ipattd ovtr pizzas at Pizza Hut in Ltb. (ntarly $300 in piZZa was tattn)
The Mock wedding, sponsored by the Home Ec Dept., is staged co teach students the planning of a wedding. Rev. McCloud officiated.
Own Buns
'86 Foot
Back row· Coache Woo le) Philpot. Gabbard, and '\ell. 5th row Phillip Lamb, Ja on t. P1erre, Rob Kallage. Perr} ole , Don Booher. Matt Carnes. Tim William . 4th row. Rodney Kmg. Jack Wh1tesone, Bryan W1l on, Ken Grismer, T1m Bogg . Dalla Hollan, Robert Mannmg. Johnny Cole, Maynard andy 3rd row; Cra1g Mmnick, D1rk Coyan, teve Taylor. Dan DaviS, cott Campbell, Ja on YanHoo e. hane 1ders. Joe Howard. Doug Graham. 2nd row: Jerry tapleton, Paul Woods, teve Taulbee, Ke1th haffer, Joe Cupp. Mark m1th, M1ke Z1mmer, teve RICe 1st row: Darren Amburg}. Gary Gnsmer, Andy Morgan, cot oles.
I. to r.; Maynard andy: Runnmg Back, Defensive Back (award), All KTC, Captain Darren Amburgy· Tight end Defensive end, rece1ved the Coaches Award, 1st Team All Western tar, 1st Team All KTC, 2nd Team All Southwest tate, All State Honorable MentiOn, Andy Morgan; Linebacker, 1st Team All KTC, 2nd Team All Dayton Area, Gary Gnsmer Guard, Coaches Award, Honorable Mention. Captam cot t1les. Quarterback, All Western tar Honorable Men1on, All League, and All tate Honorable Mention
lst row Mark mtth, Offensive and Defenstve Tackle; Joe Cupp. Offensive Guard and Defensive Tackle; 2nd row: Jerry tapleron, Wtde Recetver, teve Rice, Wide Receiver, Defenstve Back, All KTC, All Western tar; 3rd row¡ Keith Shaffer, Tight End and Defensive Tackle, Most Improved Award; Mike Ztmmer, Wtde Recetver and Defensive Back, teve Taulber, Offensive and Defenstve Tackle.
Dawg 18
The 1986 football season started out great when the Spartans defeated Summ1t Country Day, m-o. A week later they went to Little M1am1. hoping co score big once again, but ended up losmg because of a bit of bad luck. Then they went on, beating Madison Plains, Clinton Massie (48-0), Greenview {Homecoming,, East ClintOn, Yellow Spnngs ( X)-6), and Southeastern Their chance to become KTC champs for the second year in a row then came, 1f they could just defeat Cedarville. Although they lost the game, we all know who the real champs are The1r over-all record was 7-3, and the1r KTC reocrd was 6-l. The season ended when they were defeated by Mason on Parents '1ght. During the season Tim Williams broke the record for longest field goal at Waynesville, ~1 yards. Although the year IS over, the memories will be remembered by the seniors of four great football years, and of bemg KTC champs their jun1or (198~) year.
.. ,
Varsity (Top Left); cop to bottom Ang1e Prewitt, Donna Carter, Laura Morgan, K1m Kleski, Teresa Boggs. Jamie Brower. Re erve (below); I tor.: M1ssy Farley, Amy Prewitt, Ang1e Higgins, Lynn Hou eright, Kri ti Ray, Enn Ray.
Var It}' (1.) clockwise: Lvnn !lou enght, Enn Ra} K1m Kleski, Ang1e Prewitt. Donna Carter, Jamie Brower Res. (above). clockw1 e· Am) Prewitt, Knst1 Rav. Jenny Peters. Ang1e Higgms, Jenm Ce sna, 1arv Beth Lander. ·
Homecoming 1987 was September 26. The ceremonies were rained out and held at the dance the following night. It still turned out to be a memorable evenmg. Jennifer Vegso was crowned Queen and Andy Morgan was crowned Kmg. Pictured left to nght are the Semor Queen Candtdates: Alana Jenkins, Jennifer Vegso, Melea Shtvely, Knsun Raasch and Tawn Willtams. Senior Kmg candtdates ptctured clockwtse are¡ Gary Gnsmer Scot tiles, Ketth Shaffer, Darren Amburgy and Andy Morgan. To top off the Homecommg the Spartans defeated the Greenvtew Rams. Right, the 1986 Homecommg Kmg and Queen Andy Morgan and Jenntfer Vegso.
PICtured clockwtse are Junior attendants Bonnte Hoffer and Roben Manmng, Sophomore attendants, Angie Prewitt and Todd Cook, Freshman attendants Tammy Manntng and Rob Kallage. Knsttn and Roben racing out the door tO get to Taco Bell. The Queen and Kmg candidates ltned up for the last picture before the big night. The Queen candidates decide to kick back and relax. The kmg candidates grin tn front of their favorite statue. This year ptctures were taken at the Dayton An Institute
Marching Band -
The 1987 WHS Marching Band/Rifle/Flag Corps, Row 1¡ Charlotte Campbell, Robyn Little, Dawna Edwards, K1m Drake, Angela Behnken, Tracy Sch1eman, Debb1e Damyer, Jeff Sch1eman, Kevm Fenner, Kerstm Bremser, Shannon Miller, Becky Forsythe, Heather Miltenberger. Row 2. Steve Clark, Lisa Graham, Jill Cessna, Steve Stewart, Amy Prewitt, Bonnie Hoffer, Carman Fields, Vanessa Va1r, Ed Bucholtz, Tara Williams, Chns Engel, Lee James, Jeff Bradley, Anne O'Connor, Ryan Lamb, V1vian Sanders, Rob Parker, Rhenee Smah, Heather Maloney, Tony Smith, Row 3: Mrs. Phillips, Kim Drake, Aaron Wright, Dav1d Clark, Jim Schuler, Tonya Cornett, Collms Cramner, Ryan Ray, Rob Sules, Rob Phillips, Mike We1dlich, Dav1d Ashmore, Mel1ssa Gradel, Sam Hoffer, Kevm McCann, Knsty Brunton, Melan1e Maybury, Jenni Cessna, Julie Pettit, Mr. Bilbrey .
.. we¡ve come a long way.. might be the phrase to best describe the 1986-87 edition of the WHS Spartan Band. Begmnmg with Band Camp in August at Rio Grande College, continuing through a .. rainy .. marching season, and into concert band, the group steadily improved wah each performance and realized a very successful year overall. The band received several honors during the year, including an overall excellent ratmg at the D1strict Band Festival with a superior rating in the Sight Reading Caption. Twenty-seven band members received superior or excellent ratings at the Solo and Ensemble Festivals in February and March. Amy Prewitt was selected to the first O.M.E.A D1stnct XIII Honor Band, and five band members were selected to participate in the A.AYH.M. tour co London, England m June. The b1ggest highlight of the year was a very successful weekend trip to Gatlinburg, T and the Great Smoky Mountains in April.
KTC Champs-'86 Volleyball By defeating ouch¡ Eastern, the partan Volleyball team was named KTC Champ for the second year in a row. Their overall record was 12¡9, and their conference record was 9 wins and only 2 losses Honors were given co Kathy Van 'uys First team all KTC and the Spartan Award; Tawn Williams: KTC Honorable Mention and the team's Best Server award.; Michele Ames: First team all KTC, KTC Player of the year and the Team's most valuable player award; Sherri Rockhold: First team all KTC; and Shawna Meador KTC Honorable Mentaon. These players made the team successful and they will nor be forgotten .
Left; ]ess1e Russell, Shawna Meador, PatriCia Elliot, Ang1e H1ggms, Sherri Rockhold, Debb1e Bunch, Tawn Williams, M1chele Ames, and Kathy Van uys. Below: Semor players: Kathy Van uys, Tawn Williams, and Michele Ames, doing one of the things they do best.
Y/2.i C$eJe-.,. TeVJfT:¥
Anderson In State Golf Tourney
Mark Anderson (piC below right) led the Golf Team th1s year as he qualified for the tate Tourney. He received team MVP while Dale Campbell below, 1.) was Most Improved. Above, I to r., front, Chris Ses ler, Dale Campbell, Don ' eeley, Travis Hatmaker, Duane ap1er; back, Coach Dave L1ffick, Ryan Ray, Rob Ph1llips, Mark Anderson, David Oakes
One Act Plays
L~ft. Kn tin Raasch upset w1th Joe Carter and his dependenC) hananne M1ller does her thmg . Below left: Deloris Hafner and Mike Allen can"t depart from each other. Bottom right Enn fle1den and Mike Allen dealing with th~ir first born. Ryan Ray scoping the scene and the rest of the cast m~mber
A Qualified & Excellent Faculty! MR BARTO (Dr Ed., Gov·t., CiviCs, Fro BB, Tennis), MR BILBREY (Band, Pep & tage Band), MR BROWER (Engltsh, World & Bible Ltt.), MR. CE A Career Gutdance, Counselor, t. Council, QuiCk Recall Team).
MR. CLARK Librarian, at"l. Honor Soctety), MRS. CO LEY (Home Ec., Fatr Dtspl., FH.A.), MS. COOPER (Cheerleading, Computers, AP Math, Algebra), MR. DILLO ' (French, Yearbook, Fr. Club, photograf).
MRS. HELLEMA ' Btology, Physto, Zoology, Phys. cience), MR . KI 'G English, AP Eng., Muse Machme, Short tones, Comp.). MR. LEI T Drama, Chorus, Speech, Plays, Mustcal), MR. LIFFICK P E., Golf, oftball, Adv. P.E.
MRS. MASH (Amer Htstory, Geography), MR ELL (Gen'l and Phys Sctence, Health, Baseball, Asst. Football), MS. PAUL (Gen Math, Algebra, Math II), MRS. PHILLIPS (L.D., Flags, Rtfles, Jr. Cl Sponsor).
MR. PHILPOT (Shop, Assr Football, Jr. Hi.), MRS. POLLY Algebra II, Tng, Pre¡Calc., Geometry, Adv Alg.), MS. TACKETT (Art I-IV, Muse Machine, Onentatton), Row 2 MR. THARR (Macro-Sao, Chemistry, Physacs, Baol, Scaence Club), MRS. TOW SE D English I, Freshman Cl. Advasor), MRS. WATSO (Home Ec, Independ . & Family lavang, F.H .A Faar Booth), MR WEBB (Civacs, World Hist., Sociology, Fane. Lit. Mythology), Row 3: MR. WEIRA 'CH (Laun, Orientation, Res. BB, Volleyball ,, MRS. WOLFE (Sr Class Adv., Onentation, Typang, Attend., Spartacus)
Farewell Mrs. Finch! Hello Newlyweds!!! Two maJOr happenangs touched the faculty and Waynesville family this year. One brought us sadness, the other surprise and delaght. Mrs. Finch, a highly qualified and excellent teacher, decided to reme. She was replaced by Ms. Paul at the end of the first Semester. Mrs . Finch as a giving, patient and thorough teacher. She as well-liked by both students and staff. We miss her a lot .. . but wish her all the best in her retirement. The second event was quite a surpnse to many of us. It was the marnage of Ms. Malcolm and Mr. Gabbard. Most surpnsed was the football team, wath whom the Gabbards are so closely associated. We also wish them all the best in their marned life' Pictured left, Mrs. MaraJean Finch. Pictured above, Tim and Cindy Gabbard .
d Pre~tae t . Mr
J es far"
Vt e Pres
!\1r John
cket Mr
The Yearbook class planned & sponsored chis firsr ever Chrisrmas dance & IC curned our co be a huge success & much fun' Picrured clockwise from upper lefr: Frosh arc. Diana Farler & Rob Kallage. Soph. arc. Amy Prew1rc & Todd Cook. Jr. arc. Donna Career & Roberr Manmng. The dance royalcy poses so prettily for rhe camera (yes rhey're hams)! Teresa shows all of us che Bolling bear! This years class hopes fucure yearbook members will hold a Chrisrmas dance and make IC a rradicion here ar Waynesville!
Piccured above are Jamie Brower rhe 1987 Snowflake Queen and Darren Amburgy rhe 1987 Snowflake Kmg' The Queen and Kmg were chosen by chose who attended rhe dance. Afrer crownmg ceremonies chey shared a dance!
from Upper 1.. Jamie & Darren share a snowflake dance. Rick dances with Diana & Kelly, Amy & Dawna boogte to the beat of the snowflakes' Everyone at WHS shows their beat. Jennifer, Kristin & Michelle show off the SENIOR BEAT. The beat goes on & on. Last, but not least, Craig dtsplays hts danctng style.
The sk t was the
p rured 1~ rhe oh so funn Bag Br< he ~ atr ptrforme l , ~.1Brvwer & Mr C ~sna
11>t Waynesville Hogh School Chnstmas Concen u a tradouonal hoghhght of the snwn tn the community. 11us )«r's prov~d to be anocher success PICtured clockw1se from upper leh The rruxed chou sm~ts an upbeat carol. J~ Carter g~s a< n solo and does a ftne JOb. Mr. Bilbrey leads the band m anocher fine concert band ~rformance 1M chou hdps to show students, parenu and the communaty what ~pu1t and clus our Khool has' Con,Rntulauons'
• •
Poctured Oockwase from upp<r left S.ruor B<cky Forsythe smgs a beauuful solo carol Sophomore Mwy Gradel also shows her scyle 111 a solo. Mr Bilbrey, B<cky Forsythe, Debbo< Ottmyer and Mr !.<11< look nervous before the concen 1Jeff Scheunan noc orily played drums for the concen bond, he also ...., a member or the chou. The band together on stage A few concen bond members practKe woth Mr. Bilbrey before the Omstmas Concen.
Varsity The VarSity Gtrl's BB Team: Bonme Hoffer, jess1 Rus ell, K1m Dakm, Tawn Williams, Sherry Rockhold, Kathy Van uys, M1chelle Ames, hawna Meador; back, Coach Tim Gabbard. Below, through pp. 44-5: Semors Michelle Ames {4 yr. trophy, best F.T.& F.G.%, MVP, Ohio-lnd. Disc. 15 all tars, First Team ali-KTC, All-State, HM); Kathy Van uys {Semor co-captam, 3-yr. plaque), Tawn Williams {Senior co-capcam, 3 yr. plaque), K1m Dakin {Senior co-captam, 4 yr. trophy, best rebounder). Other awards went co: Diana Farler {Most Improved), Bonn1e Hoffer, Shawna Meador & Sherry Rockhold {all 2 yr. awards). Coach Gabbard felt lack of height & inexperience hun the 7-14 team this year
Reserve 0
\ I
Back: Jenny Elton, Tricia Christy, Coach Rod Weirauch. Front: Julie Michener, Lisa Spargur, Robyn Hodge, Laura Morgan, Diana Farler, Jamie Van Winkle.
¡ I'
Tht mor were proud leaders of the school The) achJe\-c:d m mam areas Art ports, AcademiCS etc.
R1 ht, a proud ~ ¡e, e R1cc: completed 1 pt m h s BB career
Proud ach1e c:menr m man area tc: I a OIJ o ded canon and hard era! of tho p crured on t esc: pa fit th mo d
The . en•or' of the cia\' of ' 7 "ert• mv<)lved m man\ !.) "orkmg out rde of school, 1) m school ncm rues uch a~ Football (see 1\taynard and) top right), pep 3\~embhes, dance' (wrth Rtek .'\kOouJ showmg Lon Wenc1el a le" sreps-mtddle, bottom), ba,htball, Mock \'<'eddmg (below. Jerry taplecon blo"'"S out candles) & "Hubbb" • 'apter, right, de\C~Iuping •mportant ~k•ll at a football game It "-3. a bus> ) ear; k1d, were botsrerous when the1· could be, e~pectally at parttes.
actimie~ and kept busy:
B usy, B oisre<ous, B ubbly
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137 N US 42 W aynesville. Oh1o 45068
Muk Andtrson M1Uy Bail•y Brad S.Ckm M<liua Boggs Tom Bonham Sheryl Bowl••
O.ruse Brown Dmrus Brown
Ed Bucholtz Juon Bucld• O.bb•• Bunch Scon Campb<U
Donna Carttr Rob Collard
Bryan Coy Ouk Coyan
Tonya 0.. Dnma Ed...,ds
ow Engel Randy Frttman Laun Furnas
ot Pictured: Melissa Brumfield, t.Fchelle Orrender Below Left: Sherry Rockhold and Debb1e Bunch, Football StatiSticians Below R1ght: Sheryl Bowles
Bev<rly Garrm Scan Grooms Jeff Hall Bonn,. Hoff<r Joe How&rd Make Hubbell
AuneeJones Yvme Jones ShiMOn Ktkta Rodney Ktng Crystal Lamb Shelley Lamb
Tora Lamb Ton11 Lamb Jeff Lapovsky Cassae Loxley Stan Lynch James McK«....er
Robert M.nntng Juhe Machen« U.ag Mtnnack
Bonnte Hoffer, Junior Homecoming attendent.
Robyn Morrow Suey Murrill Cathy My•n Bob Parks &rry Ratliff Enn Ray
Shtrry Rockhold RusS<U Ro~rs Rota Sandy
Chros S.sslar Shane Sodtrs O.bbot Smoth
Mlk• Suthtrland Sttv• Taylor Amy Thornburg Jason V anHoo.. Jtnruf<r VanOY<r MtlarUe WaddtU
Mlkt Wtodloch Kroso Wilson Aaron Wn ht
Htath<r Young
Rt.ndy Abbon LlSI Ag..
Klke Allen )~Anderson
Davtd AJhmO<C Marty Bo
Ttm Boggs Knsty Brwuon Do vtd Btyaru Dale Campbell Ryan Campbell Davtd Carman
Jenru C.ssna Tncta Olnsty Dave Clark Otuck Cockrell Amy Coffman
Shannon Coffman Duane Conley Todd Cook Tonya Cornett Tracy Ot.rucls 'edra Elhn tr
Pamcta Ellioc
Jcnnt Elton Jnruue Ftelds Sun Fox
Marte Gaffm Susan Gerspochcr
Doug Gtbson Musy Gradel
Ken Grumcr O.lons lhfntr Jeff Hamer Mike Hayes
Rob Hetdcn Kann Hcndncks
Angte Htggms Ktm HISle DaiW Hollan Lynn Houtcnght
Shane Jacluon Brn Jameyaon Jerry Johnaon An .. K..wr
Kun K.leslu KeUy Lamb
Kun Lamb Steplwue Lamb Mary Lander Wendy Lmton
John Luu Kevm McCann
Class of '89
These sophomores show the sptrit of the Class of
Conrue McOoud Bnan McKeehan
Heather Maloney Melarue Maybury Shawna Meador Heather Miltenberger
Laun Morgan ]c.. <IC< Ke>m Nochols Anne O'Conner
Juhe Pmrt Anota Poole
Amy Pr<wttt
Ang,. Prewm O.Vld Pr<wm
Pwy Purkey
}<sst< RusscU T•rry s.ly<rs J•ff Schteman John Shaffer Jun Shumaker
Rh<""' Smith Lon Stafford Dan To.dcman Matt Van HOOS< Jack Whlt<S<&n<
John Wlucscl Tun Willwns Btyan Wilson Julie Winters Courtn<y Zimtn<r
Mark Adams Ena Anderson Shawn Arnold Lance Bennett Paul Bledso Theresa Boggs
Tara Bolanger Don Booher Greg Bowser Ashley Boyd Wendy Boyer Jeff Brown
Brad Bunon Scott Campbell Matt Carnes Jason Caner Matt Caner Benp Casebolt
Seve Casebolt Renee Cates Carl Chaney Chns Chernesky Bill Collard Heath Cook
Ytrgtl Clark Collins Cranmer Dorothy Crawford Cratg Daktn David Dakin Connte Davts
Of 1990
Kyle Dooley Greg Elcook Melissa Farley
Diana Farler Carman Fields Kevin Fenner M1chelle Frye hannon Gibbons Kathy G1b on
Rodney Hamiel Rebecca Hartman Travi Hatmaker David Henry Robin Hodge Jason Hudson
am Hoffer Bobby Huston Lee James Kathy Jones Rob Kallage Wayne Kibler
Rex Kunger Cra~g Lamb Jonathan Lamb Lorrene Lamb Ph1Llip Lamb Wendall Lamb
Shawn Lmsey Tom Linebaugh Robin Little Tammy Mannmg Dawn McKeehan Kellie McKenz1e
Tom Michener Shannane Miller Tim Miltenberger Kelly M1randa Lmn Musehn Duane ap1er
Don eely Dav1d Oakes Pam Parks Rob Parker Curt Pemberton Jennifer Peters
Bnan Phillips Rob Phillips Chns Phipps Teresa Poole , Knstl Ray Ryan Ray
athan Robmson Jamie Sandlin V1v1an anders Michelle Scott Jeff Sesslar Mike Shaffer
James Shuler Billy Sm1th L1sa Spargur Melissa Spencer Perry tiles Tina Stonerock
Julie Sutherland Jean Swartz Joe Taulbee Jason Thorburg Melissa Van Horn Jamie Van Wmkle
Frosh Take KTC!
The Freshman Basketball Team had a very good year taking the KTC from Greenview and finishing the ea on 11-6. The tourne} aet10n wa exCiting a the panans defeated Ea t Clinton 4 -40 and then Yellow pnngs in a thriller (with 1 ec. co go, Rob Kallage cored a ba ket and the panan won 26-24). In the final game agamst Greenev1ew, hawn Lind cored 16 while Perry tile · Rob Kallage each had 12. The team shot 70'1' m that game. Pictured right is the KTC Champion Team: front Duane ap1er, Don 'eeley, Jeff Se ler, Trav1 Hatmaker, am Hoffer; back, Ph1llip Lamb, Perry ules, Rob Kallage, Shawn Lindsey, )a} 0 borne, Coach Dave Banon. Congratulations on a great sea onl!
.. ,_
Reserve BB Tough! Th~ R~serv~ BB T~am "n~v~r did quit" m th~ clos~ games but still came through th~ s~ason with a sub¡ 5 r~cord . Th~y start~d out v~ry w~ll with a 6¡ 2 r~cord until hard tim~s cam~. Coach Mark McCormiCk f~lt th~ t~am "worked hard" and gain~d experi~nc~ The t~am IS pictur~d left, Brian McKeehan, Matt VanHoose, Mike Allen, J~y Anderson, Chad Reeves, Todd Cook, Perry Purkey, Dal~ Camp~ll. Tim Williams and Coach McCormick w~r~ not present when the picture was taken
Classrooms, Caring Teachers, Closeness Our classrooms are learning places sometime filled With fun, a close feeling w1th a certain teacher or an atmo phere of care. Clockwise, p. 78 from top 1.: Jonathan Lamb grins through a sewmg demo: Mr Leist & Alf; Mr. Liffick (Ranger LifO smiles in sp1te of a bum foot; Mr . Heileman's Zoo class: a hug at graduation; Mr ell checks out a pep as. embly; M . Cooper natttly dre sed. P. 79 from top 1.: Mr Brower & his favonte students; Mr. Bilbrey & Mrs. Phillips are dedicated; Chern. Class; another hug; typing class; Mrs. Malcolm (Gabbard!) & Ms. Cooper at football game; Mrs. Kmg's comp cia s'
• • •
Student Council Patch Project Raises Big $!
The 1986- 7 WHS Student Council is pictured right kneeling, Tom Bonham, Tammy Mannmg, Theresa Boggs, Laura Morgan, Bonnie Hoffer, A1mee Jones, Yvette Jones, Aaron Wnght; stand mg. Mr Cessna (adv1sor), Mark Smith, Susan Gerspacher, Kelly Miranda, D~ane Farler, Lynn Housewright, Ang1e Prewitt, Jennifer Vegso, Jamie Brower, Jennifer Vanover, Andy Morgan, Darren Amburgy. The tudent Council sponsored the Valentine's Dance, student exchanges with Madison Plains & Southeastern and as their big money ra1smg PrOJeCt, a skin patch test in co-operation with Procror & Gamble and residents of Waynesville. Pic. below are the officers: Andy Morgan (Pres.}, Jennifer Vegso V Pres.), A1mee Jones (sec"y), and Bonnie Hoffer (Treasurer).
Teens For Christ The Teens For Chnst group met each Wed. after school m the Cafeteria. Members (w. several absent) included: seated, Missy Bailey, Shelley Lamb, TriCia Chnsty; standmg, Kathy Jones, Yvette Jones, Joe Carter, Amy ap1er & Jamie Brower.
Aufwiedersehen Kerstin!
Entsandt von
Rotary-Club Koblenz Koblenz, West Deutschland Betreut von
Rotary Club Waynesville Ohio, U.S.A. District 667
Rotary District 181 Jugendaustausch 1986-87
Kerstin Bremser Eulenhorst 36 D -5420 Lahnstein BRD Tel. : (0 26 21) 5 06 53
Kersun Bremser was our foreign exchange student rh1s year he came co us from Lahnsrem, West Germany, sponsored by the Rorary Club She lived with the Morgans, the Spargurs & the Dunkins. Kersrin had a full year at WHS, partiCipating in many awvmes: band, the Kmg and I, Volleyball & 'at"! Honor Society (into which she was inducted). Kerstm was an independent thinker and expressed her feelings freely Kerstin enJoyed band, chili and the people in the USA (bur nor necessarily in char order). " I really had a lor of fun . I felt it was a successful year. It"s the right thing co be an exchange student Kermn v.-as able co see a lor of the country before returning home. Aufwiedersehen K ersrm. We're glad you came!
(87 Basketball
Semor Spartans: Carl Reeves, forward; Darren Amburgy, forward (scored h1s high of 28 points at South Eastern); Jerry Stapleton, guard; Ricky McCloud, guard, Keith haffer, forward; Steve R1ce, guard (scored his high of 33 points at Yell ow prings of 1000 career points.
Right: front, Jerry StapletOn, Mike Tidwell, Steve Taylor, Carl Reeves, Mark Anderson, Phillip Rice, Keith Shaffer, Robert Manning. Back: Mgr. Lisa Graham, Rick McClud, Darren Amburgy, Steve Rice. Coach Greg Cecere is not pictured.
4th row: Mrs. Clark, J. Cessna,). Brower, T. Bonham. T. Williams, M . T1dwell, M. Anderson, T Dee, J M1chener, B. igmund, K Van uys 3rd row. Y Jones,). Vanover, B. Hoffer, C. Sesslar, K Brunton, A ap1er, M. Ames, M Lucas, A Higgins, D D1tmyer, 2nd row J Carter, M Litherland, T Sch1eman, S Campbell, R Mannmg, S. Bowles,). Cessna, M Maybury, 1st row K. McCann, K. Bremser, D Clark
J 1
ew brains jom the old ones.
Below: Semor
auonal Honor Society members crazy from too much studying.
Above: Jamie Brower: Treasurer; Michelle Lucas: President; Tawn William Vice- Pres1dent; Kathy Van
uys: Secretary
Honor Society
Art's Alive! Our hvely Art Department, directed by Ms. Tackett accomplished much this year. With several Art Shows this year (pictures thiS page from the Spnng Art Show held in COnJunctiOn w1th the Spring Concert), students and Ms. Tackett kept busy and insp1red (well, someumes1). Several honors came to art students Governor's Youth Art Awards Regional Finalists were Mike Z1mmer, Edd1e Bucholtz, Scott Hafner (State Finalist) and Robyn Morrow; Scott Hafner also won the prestigious Gold Key Award; Scott Hafner and Mike Z1mmer were both offered scholarships at the Columbus School of Art & Des1gn; Scott w1ll be attendmg there. Ms. Tackett's hard work and (financ1al!) sacrifices have paid offl "She's a great teacher," said Mike Zimmer.
Choir Grows AND Sings The 1987 WHS Choir grew both in numbers and talent this year. Pictured left, left to right: Row I, Heather Miltenberger Robin Little, Dorothy Crawford , Amy Nap1er, Jeanme Fields, Lee James, Stacy Murrill, Shelley Lamb Row 2: Becky Forsythe, Kann Hendricks, Amy Prewitt, Melanie Maybury, Missy Gradel, Aimee Jones, Charlene Lamb, Shananne Miller, Virgm1a Foster¡ Row 3: Debbie D1tmyer, Joe Carter, Jeff Sch1eman, Rob Phillips. Mike Allen, Mike Litherland. Chris Engel, Matt Carter. The Cho1r showed great Improvement over the year. Below, tears flowed in farewells to Sen1ors1
Pretty! Pretty Handsome!
Pretty Happy! Pretty Silly!
OFreeFare" Concert
Yearbook Thank yous go out to: John Swartzel hriley Ames, Barb Allen & Bntt Sigmun (for picsr, Ktpp Stewart of Herff-Jones (for hts help & sense of humor); Michelle Lucas (for attending meetings); Mr. Harnng, Mrs. Wilson & Mrs Clark (fo their support). Those who chose not to complete their responstbility towards the book know exactly who they are.
Below, Lon Wentzel, Michelle Lucas, Kristen Raasch, Soma Creech-Purkey, Bntt Stgmund (seated). Bottom, (nght of the ptcute) Bryan Coy. The others are named below.
A look of stupefaction comes upon Mr. Dtllon's face as a yearbook staff member comes to a summer meeting. She left 12 minutes later.
MIChelle Lucas served as Editor-in-Chtef of the 1987 Spartan
S.P.R.I.N.G. Softball, Semontis, Sunshme Prom Runnmg around fimshing up the year Islands to visit (like the Bahamas) ot enough time to get everything done' Gomg to Paris!
pnng is a very aCtive season at WHS. pnng sports, the prom, graduauon and the rush to get readr for it, college visits, grad parttes, finals, and the dreaded E ' IORITIS all combine tO make for a busr. happy time'
• • •
An Active Season!
The band was exceptionally busy chts Spnng. Among ocher activities (Spnng Concert, play, Graduation}, the band found time co go co Gatlinburg, Tennessee after Sprmg Break (pies left) and co Rtverfronc Stadium for Waynesville ighc (boccom left}!
Waynesville High School Music Department presents A Spring Concert May 21, 1987 WHS Concert Choir KF c
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Young Tennis Team Flounders The young Tennis Team, under Mr. Banon, floundered a bit this year due to lack of experience. The team was 1-5 in league matches. Aaron Wright "'-as all-KTC league while D2vid Oakes received the Most Improved Award. Tom Bonham & D2v1d Oakes went to the 3rd Round of the SectiOnal Tourney before bowing out. Team member are p1ctured right: Knsn Brunton, Jason St. P1erre, Bry~tn Coy, Kevin McCann, D2vid Oakes, Ryan Ray, Tom Bonham, Aaron Wnght, Anne O'Conner, Coach D2ve Banon.
• • •
... In Post-Brower Era
Vive la difference! I rench Club member who tra,ellcd t<) I ran e th1s )ear. pnl 9·'6 ,~:ot .1 E;OOd 1dea of v. hat Ia d1fference 1 . Th1s year the group v. as small and the mp benefited from tlu •ze Clock"' 1St' tlt1s pa~;e from 1ce \\ 1th some of the nght d c r<lup 1 :1.1• D1llon:. tnend; I to r. 'ami anche,, :l.llre1lle -lnches Tom Bonham, Tenr.1fer \'eg\O, Brad Beckett, Kn-rm Raa ch, K1m Kles' 1 her) I Bo..,fe,, I aura Furnas, t\m • ap1er, I J~en ancht· . Tht group " hov. n about 10 lea'e fur P11n . lhe Buche de :\oel or Yule log 1 a trad1non 1.. I rench da e,. Subv.a1 po ter are often nmu mg Juhe ellmg pastnes ar the ~aucrkraut I est we made a lot of ) The group m from of the Rodm sculpture, La Pone dt l 'J.nfcr" Mrs. Furn.", Berry <X Shcr) l at the hench Clubs booth. Along w1th other I rcnch Club prOJeCt (tuhp bulb sale, Gourmet Dmner, etc the hench C.ub earned approxunateh 61 per St>Jdenc gou•g on the tnp to I ranee
Clockw•s~ from the upper ltft On tht: ro,Iltop of the 0 Or$J} ~!useum Brad lookmg tor mall ch dren co bt-at up on, Mr. Dillon, Tn t3n DtPau" (exchange: >tudem m \X'aynes\llle m 198~) & fnend; Brad and Kn,tm bemg .. ~tatue•<Jue .. , Tht- group pmmg m from of \-lonet 5 'The Turke)S prt'tt} appropnate1). Il1ghhghts of the triP mcludtd dmner m a ~ star restaurant, TGV trams, the D Or a} ,'\lu eurr, Ea,ter Jmner w1th the "anches Fam•h. beaunlul Yoeather, tht: 'cannger hum. 'Rus'el' return , the ,\1aJeleme er' A great tnp'
Baseball, Softball Both This year's Ba eball Team, under Mr. 'ell had the mo t successful season a Waynesville team has had in many years. They completed the season 14-12 and became Secuonal Champs and Distnet Runner-Up. Kneeling, I. tO r Tim Miltenberger. Don Booher, Ryan Campbell, Joe Anderson, Davtd Prewitt, Dale Campbell, Craig Minnick, Dtrk Coyan, Jeff Sesslar; Standtng. Ltsa Agee (stats), Coach ell, Todd Cook, Mike Hubbell, Jerry Stapleton, Rob Kallage, Mark Anderson, Bryan Wilson, Ashley Boyd The defenstve award went to Todd Cook Dtrk Coyan took the Offenstve Award Pride, Hustle, Destre Award went tO Mark Anderson whtle Rob Manntng received Most Valuable Player Most Improved was Jeff Sesslar One player recetved all-KTC: Rob Manntng. In post-season play. the partans defeated Miami Valley, Cedarville and Bethel before falling to Arcanum in the DistriCt finals Congratulations to the team on a fine season!
Are District Runners-Up!
The G1rl's Softball was m no way to be outdone by the Baseball team th1s year. They beat Landmark Christian and Cincmnatt Country Day before falling to Middletown Fenwick m the District finals . Pictured right: kneeljng, Tammy Mannmg, Kelly M1randa, Lynn Houseright, M1chelle Ames, Kathy Van uys; standing, Mrs. Elaine Coffman, Shannon Coffman, Geneva Isaacs, Mindy Knisley, Shannon Kikta, Robyn Hodge, L1sa Spargur, K1m Dakm, Coach Dave L1flick. Awards th1s year went to Kathy VanNuys (Most Improved Player), Debb1e Bunch(all-league KTC, h1ghest batting average @ .XX>). Seniors K1m Dakin, Kathy Van uys and Michelle Ames are pictured below m1ddle Below, Shannon Coffman demonstrates her technique: note the closed eyes, the nearness of the ball and hopeful look on her face. Did the ball go in the glove? You decide!
Ryan Ray Frosh of Year at Awards Program Ryan Ray was chosen oucscandmg Freshman of the Year at the annual AcademiC Awards held May 19th. This award is based on leadership, grades, accivicies, character Ryan's name will be entered on a plaque with the names of ocher outstanding Freshmen over the years Pictured left is Ryan receiving the Outstanding Freshman award from Mr. Williams. Clockwise chis page from below are ocher p1ccures from the Academic Awards Program: Ryan and his proud parents know something's afoot as Mr. Williams reads che description of the Freshman of the year. Tawn Williams rece1ves the Academic Booster's Scholarship from Mrs. Kleski. Several of the lsc places m the Amencan Leg1on Americanism Test were won by Knsu Brunton (soph.), Tracey Sch1eman (Senior), Ena Anderson &Ryan Ray (Fresh.). Mr. Harnng describmg another award Bonme Hoffer received lst Place in the Ohio Mach Educators' Test. Opum1st Club Scholarsh1ps were awarded co Tracey Schieman and K1m ichols by Mr. Jameyson. Mrs. Clark & the National Honor Society are co be complimented for che good work they do m organizing che Awards Program Since all piccures were taken at the Awards Program, only chose present are p1ccured.
Academic A wards Program
Clockwise this page from upper left: Science Awards: Michelle Lucas, Tawn Williams, Michelle Ames, Tracey ch1eman, Kathy Van uys. Students of the Month Bob Parks, M1chelle Ames, Jennifer Vanover, Bonnie Hoffer, Joey Howard, Jenmfer Vegso, Kevm McCann. Outstanding Senior Students M1chelle Ames, Jennifer Vegso, Tracey Schieman, Amy 'ap1er, Kermn Bremser, Scott Hafner,Jamie Brower, Tawn Williams, Kathy Van 'uys. Outstandmg Athlete-Scholar Award, Michelle Ames. The crowd was large and appreciative. French Awards Kevm McCann, Jenm Cessna, Joe Carter, Amy ap1er, Jennifer Vanover. Page 109 clockwise from the upper left the young scholars were ready for cookies and punch after the awards ceremony. 3.~ or above for 4 years of High chool: Michelle Ames, M1chelle Lucas, Kathy Van 'uys, Tawn Williams. Juniors With 3.~ or above average Cass1e Loxley, Crystal Lamb, Bonme Hoffer, Eddie Bucholtz, Robert Manning, Chris Sesslar, Jennifer Vanover. Sophomores with a 3.~ or better average· Anne o·conner, Kevm McCann, Ryan Campbell, Joe Carter, Jenm Cessna, Dav1d Clark (Dav1d also received a French Award but is not pict. m that group). Freshmen with a 3.~ average or better· Ena Anderson, Shaneanne Miller, Tammy Manning, Kathy Jones, Jim Shuler, Ryan Ray. Students who rece1ved places m District Scholarship Tests were Ena Anderson, Ryan Ray, Eddie Bucholtz, Sheryl Bowles. Semors w1th 3.~ or above average this year are: front, Kersnn Bremser, Jamie Brower, Michelle Lucas, Michelle Ames, Kathy Van uys, Amy a pier; back, Tawn Williams, K1m Dakin, Julie Hacker, Kim ichols, Keith Shaffer. Congratulations tO all of those students whose hard work brought them these awards.
Tawn Crowned; Dawna Watches From Shore
1987 Prom was held May 2 on th~ Queen Riverboat. A buffet & dancing went on for some 2 1/2 hours (it se~med short) Dawna Edwards & Davtd Ashmor~ got ther~ too lat~ to ·sail 111 Jubil~~
Tawn Williams and Andy Morgan {left and below) were crowned Queen and King of the 1987 JunJOr¡Semor Prom. Mrs. Ph11l1ps, Berry Ratliff Or Pres.) & other class officers chose to have the prom on a river/party boat. It was a fun cho1ce ... but the prom seemed shorter this year. There were ~everal parties held after the prom in lieu of an ¡ After-Prom". The day had been clear, It was pleasantly warm and the Cmcinnau skylme sparkled on the water as the Jubilee Queen sailed by Many stayed on the top deck holdmg hands and watchmg the shore and other boats. There was a breeze and romance was 10 the air. Many of the dresses seemed to have yards and yards of satin and lace. This, in the R1verboat setting, made the prom eem as if from some earl1er time. The Prom theme, "The Best of Both Worlds", was appropriate as reality and fantasy combined on a beaunful Sprmg night
PROCESSIO AL- "Pomp and Circumstance" . . . . . . . . .. . Band ~VOCATIO
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hugh H. Hurley Ferry Church of Christ
WELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Lucas Class President SALUTATORIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Lucas "Centuria Overture" - James Swearingen . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Band VALEDICTORIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tawn Williams "We Must Say Goodbye" . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . Choir PRESE TATION OF AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Williams PRESE 'TATION OF CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Keith Harring PRESE TATION OF DIPLOMAS . . . . . . . . . . Board of Education BENEDICTIO
. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hugh H. Hurley Ferry Church of Christ "Coronation March from 'Star Wars'" . . . . . Band
On June 7, 1987, 73 anxious students waited to receive the1r diplomas from Waynesville High chool. After Reverend Hugh Hurley gave the invocation, Michelle Lucas said the Welcome and the commencement started off well, an 80 degree weather With approximately 1,000 fans an the audience. Speeches were g1ven by the Valedictorian and the Salutatonan, followed by the presentation of awards and diplomas endang an 90 degree weather Right Tawn Wil11ams, Valed1ctonan, receiving honors lst Honors an Social Stud1es, State Department of Education Award, Oh1o Board of Regents, Certificate of Ach1evement, and one of the Presidential AcademiC Fitness Awards. Tawn rece1ved the following scholarships: one $500.00 Rotary Scholarship and $1,000 Academic Boosters Scholarship. Top left of next page Michelle Lucas, SalutatOrian, receiving honors . lst Honors m Math and one of the Presidential Academic Fitness Awards. M1chelle rece1ved the followmg scholarships; one $500.00 Rotary Scholarship and the $4,000.00 Oh10 AcademiC Scholarsh1p. Everyone Left the gym, to the Coronation March from Star Wars ', after 12 years of hard work.
2nd row Darrrn Amburgy ree<oY<d the Raymon Hatf101d AthletiC Scholar Award, along with Ius foot boD scholanhop to Georgetown UruY<nlty. Scon Hafner receoved ht Honors in Art along with hu Sl,OOO scholarshop to study at the Columbus College of Art and
I>esign. 3rd row MJchele Ames receaved awards such u 1st Honors on English. Oluo Board of Regenu urtofocate of Achoevement Award. the Mary L. Hartsock Athletoc Award, and one of the PreSidenual Academoc Fnness Awards Along wnh her honors she rece.-ed thr<e scholarshipo Honor Socoety, Waynesville Loons¡s Oub. and a Wmenburg Alumno Scholushop 1st Honors on French went to jam1e Brower, a.Jong wtth the Part1cipauon m Act1vntes Award and one of the Pres1denua.l Academic fllness Awards. She also rKetved a SlOO Rowy Scholanhip and the Crane Memorial Scholanhop
115th Commencement
A Time of Sadness
The commmc~m~nt went a.s follows, Wlth the awards g•ven by Mr. Willwns, and .,nh th~ rocogruuon of class offK•rs. bottom nght Other than proviOUs awards
menuoned, awards were 8'"tn to Sc:evc Rtce for 1st Honors an Laun, ll«ky Forsythe with th• LouiS Armstrong Award, Kathy Van 'uys wttb the Outstanding C.t~ttnsh•p Award and of the Pr<>•droual Acad•mK Fitn<SS Awards, Amy
'apter r«e1ved one o( the Pr< •d•nual Acad•mK F1<n<ss Awards and wu ~ogn~ttd for 8 y.ars of porfoct att•ndanc., and Kun 'ichols w1th on• of th• $2'10
OptimiSt Scholarsh•po
A Time of Joy 120
2nd row Ke11h hafftr as tht Oumandtng Vocauonal Student, Jill
Uuna r«e•wd the' Darr<tors Awud Bonom Ltft, Tracey Sch1ema.n lK Honors U\ Sc•cncc, recc•vcd one of the Prc~adcnual AcademiC f1tncu Awards. rtccJvcd a SlOO scholanlup from Romy, tht Robtrr L Btrnard Scholanh•p. a S200 scholanh•p from Waynesville Llonts.S
Oub, and
sno Opttmi>C
Oub Scholarsh•p Amy Hess recc1ved the $1 Warren County Board of Educauon Scholanh•p.
Senior Picnic
Soccer to Become School Sport
will becom~ an offiCial school sport in fall of 1987 much to th~ delight of th~ 1986 Wayn~svill~ H1gh School "unofficial" t~am p1ctur~d h~r~ back, Mr. Rog~r F~nn~r. Tim Milt~nberger, Dav1d Ashmor~. Tom Michen~r. Bret Jam~yson, Mik~ All~n. Ryan Ray, Lane~ Benn~tt. Collins Cranm~r; front,J~ff &sslar, Dav1d Clark, Sam Hoffer, Bobby Lucas, Jason Thornburg, Kyl~ Dool~y. Jim Shul~r. Kevin F~nn~r ot piC. Chuck Cockr~ll.J~ Cart~r. Chris Rickard, Bryon Wagner. th~
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