Miami Gazette Misc. Dates October 15, 1953 & July 30, 1969

Page 1

.Of the




.AbDut 'Town


'IACA'f'ION .,. CHICAGO Ml'. and M~. ~ .eDjOJed a abOtt vacaUon In ,cago -during ~e !Mk. end.

"I tlUwc 1 aIDi going to II~ Warren County 'because 'tt Isrolllllg and 'cool In(~ Ireland," John MllJ'tin df Northern .Ireland. told 'County •. · Waynesville Bit'll School A~ent jObl1 Mowbray la~t ~\leaday when he al't'lved, In ·~ballon. and Black clad band will . Mar~u Is WaITe/!; CoIlDtY'S set;lOnd IF'YE this' year. the otMr being a conc"rt Friday: .:octobel l'tll~<? Saenz ot· Coata. ~e la maldng h1s' /lome ""t~ the ·Ed WJg, p. m. 1n the sc)lool' aliClI- gins famIly. on Western Row Road" neal! MaSOn, _ He arr'l ved In the · . I .. l1nlted . St~teB laa,t July ari'~ went to Missouri fOf, n. ~o~ month stay: cOncert · will contain ;Dum-. "Evel'Ythlt\~ In Missouri ' Is burnt up and It .Is' awtullr 'v~rm" he both the Junl()~ ' and' ~I!nlor ,.. , . . ' I" • by the music In . I m glad it .Is more like IreJ~nd he.r~ in OhlQ. AlIheDfelte~. . John's home Is ,T lerkelly. Balleyprogram of both clas·· " roney. Bainbridg~. County Dow:n, PQpular ,nl-unbers . will be ' N ,0 ;r, ICE ! In Nory.hern ~land which \ belongs . Drel~Al1t",:L These 1nchide the Bun ; '. , to the. Bm~s~ Empire, . ~ 1.8 a by; Ray, Anthony' You you Our ofrIce,.. are In.t~~cted school graduate and attenclec;S R~ber£ MeUIn' nragt{et • take ' th~ neceaaary atepa to pr~, courses In agl'icUlture that SAUman; All 'Glory 'Be . vent damage or .rdeat,ructlon of are offered , evenings , D:1UCb the h' d TV property by l:Iallowe en pranksame 8S our Young li'Armer 'and B on High by 8C. an ate,... (This cannot be per,nltted Adwt Cl i __ ' - L. Sullte by_ Hlirold Walters;. also A aln thla Hallow 'en.) . IIIIses ...... tructe d _by Voca0' moxch tunes. ~gPARENTS ' AR:. HEREBY AD- tl~.~al AgrJcultllre teachers. , The · proceedB o~ th!.a ob.a nd co~- VISED THEY AlRE LtAB 'LE FOR TheJ e are 51) acres. of land In cert wll,l b~ 'Ulled ,as pa'YtI!ent ' Qn DAMAGE OR' TRESPASSING BY ou~, home farm but.. we ~~nt twenthe neW' band 'un11orms. JUVENILE PRANICSTERS ty, he related, This Is !lome, . ' • '. ". ' larger tlu!.n most tllJ'llls. the I re.apectlvely ask fQr cooperabeIng some 36 acres In tlon of al\ our cltlzena tJlllt thIs ,raise potatoes. perennial annqylI!nce be held t o a mlnlmu'll. oats. ·turnlps which we dnes~a, All thIs causea unnecella.ry ex; . fe41d to .cattle; beets and pense to the village. . . cool we'a ther croPB." In " .' H. M. SHERWOOD" some .of the short. Circle Number·TWo of the WSOS Mayor breeders of the county will met: on· Wedn8jlday afternoon ' a.t to talk with' John since they the home of MI1I. 'GUbel't Frye. have that breed on hIs '{arm at wlt~ Mr~ Ha.rolil· Shu~. Ilresthome. Other livestock Includes • dent. yesidiJl.g, Mrs. Bal't'Y Schenk large white hogs which we know gave t)le le!!son for the a!ternoon as yorkshire In the United Stlltes. . and plans were made to bold the Under the Farm reglular meetings on tbe first . . Yo'u th El:change Plan young. men , Troop Number 2 of the Waynes- and women from other cciuntrles Thursday of lIach. month: ville Girl Scoute ·held their reg· come 't o Ameri<:a and Uve with The Circle adjciu'r~ed to meet In ular meeUng Wednesday, October fllJ'lll families for a three. to four No,rember at the home Qf Ml:s. 7. The troop ' diVIded Into their month period. We In America In Ira Hetzler a~d, deUclous refr~Bh- units and stUdied the badges. turn send tarm boy" and girls to ments ,vere served during the B()-' , , The Twinkle Toes presented a other countries to live on farms 8ODg. Tl(e ' Star I,;lghts \l'el'e in lind become ac.Quainted with the clal hour" cblli'ge cif the game people. The project Is dedicated to .. '. • the belief that understanding Is With ,Sandra Allen an.d Mary Me. the foundation of world peace. Jf, :Keever ~f the Chlcadeea.. were giving farm youth an QPportunlty ' to learn another waY -Or life by llvh06tess\ls for the refreshments. One new member. Sandra Cook. ing' It. The project helps rural was added to tAe Cb.lhadees. young people to understand the Sandra Allen. News Reporter. problems and attitudes of rural In other parts ot the world. Is supported by voluntary cOllltrlbut:loIIS and by organizationlS 0 JFYEs tell ot their ex· perl&.llces. ,T he t.H cluba of ·War. ren Count)' are helJ"lilig to f inance I the progtam ' here ,In tbe county. Ierry Gmoma ot Mason. Is now +'4to4Hlo~.-..,J~ ...~~ . . o&D ~ trout WlU!ell

Circle Two We'

.ENJOY 80UrfHERN OHIO TRIP Mr. ~d lire. Loyd Davl. and Mre. Jennie Davl, eDjoy.ed .a trip -through I01lthem o2ito and dinner jn RIpleY on ·Satu..w. .

Girl Seoul Troop 2 Meellas Wedn'esda,




HERE Mr_ David Hartsook; ••tude..t t Miami University, enjoJed the week eud with hi. mother, MI'I. Winifred Bartllook. !......-- jl

VI81T 80N IN BOWLING GREEN Mr. anel Mra. A. 8, SWb~ MI8I !farilyu O9na vtlltecl Bill Stubb8 a~ Bowline Green 'varsity on ·Sundaj.


WlPa' Far••,. CI.1a .aels Darsdl, At ' ~o_~

'S tork Shower


Civic Clu" .r M••day Eveni", ..".,......,,......,mi"' ...

Sior' Shqwer Honors Mrsa ' R. McFadden Salurda, ~yeninl · By, MARK COLLIS ter Mlnla Broadway Churc~ of Chrlat LexIngton, Ke"tucky , , . PrInted with PeJ1!liaBlon of /. '.I'he Standard PubllshIng Co. EilgJit, Ninth and Cutter Bttee~. ad1r.anC8JDelltt CincinnatI. Ohio What ar~ members of the church tall.llh,1irII .... ,.. '1"_........ In the New Teatame"U ' Believers (I Tim. 4: 12); chUdrEln of God (I Joh,n. 3: 10); breth' (Rom. 12: 1) ; saints (1 • the elect :(ROm., 8: as); Oh'lrfai:IaJ:I8 (I Pet. 4: 16). TheBe uBed In' letters .conlire" all ~:~I:~::~:~;:IIt.,I.n'... In ' the New Te,tament. w re Written by ' lnaplre4 , chPrche8' and IndIvIdual ~rtaltI.\UlIJ tor 1 the I r . guldan«:e. cih11f(jh reacbed theOellat Antioch. the name '1C;:!\lriJl~~I" appeared. and It the other 'names memb4lN ot .. tbe Chll~<1h (Acta

EDITOR'S NOTID-Aiiyone Is send, a letter to the Editor for It -publication In thl.s paper. <:an be on any subject which' tbe 'Writer may ~nre to dlscU8S. Tbe letter must be signed, but the Slgnature need ' not be pubUBbed it so reQuested by writer.

Mrs. CUitord Kruer. of Fort, Wayne, ,I ndiana, ' entertained w~th a stork shower for her sister, Mrs. Rlc.h ard McFadden at the home of Mrs. ' Olara' Sheehan on

Baturday evening. Oct. 3. A very ' time was spent with Wd games. whlch created much meniment. The decorations consisted of. a ''Po ~be Editor large chimney. with a atork deThe Miami Gazette: scendlng With. ' I\, load of gifts, TO THOSE WHo ARE INTER- which Mrs. McFadden opened I,Illd ESTED: . pasiled tor all , to' admire, after !'WATER" _ the most essential which all were seated at anum· thing .to man or beast. bel' cit beautifully decorated tables .ijke ' ,to aay aWOl' . d "{ re",8 f hmen't s f 'deco. We 'woIlld, ....' e d Ic e behalf. . cream.' cake. nuts and coffee' or We have been called many tea. , names for be~g 811Ch a tool. The gUeBte were the honor permitting Mr. Glre , the privilege gueat; lin. McFadden. Mrs. Olara of going acroea our land to COn- StaCey. Mrs. Simon LIghter, Mis!! nect. to city weUa. Ruth ,LIghter. Mrs. William Null. Well. 141'. So 'and 'Bi! ·once said -Mrs. Robert Montgomery and son. to me. when the quesUqn came up Mrs. Ru.aae1 Burnett, Mrs. Gene about corporation e~nslon. 1 Burnett and 80n. MJ)'II. Floyd said we did not want to be Smith. Mrs. Wal~r Sheehan. MrB. In~ the corPoration. -We ' are Warren She.e han, Mrs. · ~th aa we are. He sl/tld. wby Sheehan• .Mrs. Glifford .~er and not.? Don't you want to help the ,George E .. Mrs. Walter Kruer, town and prosper? ' Mrs~ LeaUe Gni.:r•. Mrs. ~e8 O'Ban' I ' said. But j~Bt 'wbat . have ion, Mrs. .W-tlbur Earnhart., Mi'B. done Mr. So and 'So to make \1illl;18 M.COlllJ'C), ·· M1sa. R.u'ttl \Earnthe to'Wll lI~sper? liJmctly noth· hart and ,Elmagene McClurl), ot litg. aame ·8.8 'ua, So Vfe, myhus- Leban.on. Mrs. Dal", Springer. of aM "I. ' s~rt.e\l ,thinking. Here Dayton, M1'i5. S. S. Ellis. Mrs-. one chance we have t,o help Allee Croll and son Kenneth. Mrs. the 'c ity wltboui much expense Chester Crockett. Miss Clara from the city,. as Mr. Glra Is sup- Crockett of Spri~leld. 'Mrs. AI· pose!1 ·to. do. all the .lfork. So. In· fred ·May ot Medw~, Mrs. Ralph stea'd Of 8ddlng expense. to tb~ I;Jheeban of ~. ~i'B, John city. \VII '1o)11d sell to them.' t~ls ' Sheehan . and " daughter Susan chl~ron,\" . ",e wa;te~ prlYll~. as the , water o.t ~idgeYtlle. Mrs. Everett:dl.oIDle. would',mak,e··mor:e cle~r 1)1oney for l\irB. Fred Grauman, tlie cIty. . . ' Jle,r t/e MUls. MrS.· WUUam .. Sopleaae- don!t ' colldemn us too Strouse, Mrs. ' Cha~~e!l ' Nol!Ul anil 'L etjs all work for. a better. :Mrs, OWII. Sheehan: ' " . ,. toWn.. We . Tliose Inv~W'd. 'bu~ unllble ,to atregret our de: tend were: M.rB. ltotiert Walker ":;'1i~~~~~:.-':-;;;:::;::':::--""i'_~ and of Lellano~; Mrs. A. H. . . ,E~rl <1'h~ma".\ ~rs . ......, ...." .... ::sn,eenan. Mrs. Iames Camp· A. _a: 'W illlams, jjr~_ .Mrs. Perry Sackett•. 'ClllrAlnli~..., ~ye. Mrs.












Eatabllahed FebruaJlY, 1850 PAU L ,A. SCH Eft ER • __ ________ _- _______________ Editor and Publlaher CECILIA J. SCHEREcfi ____ ____________________~ _____ A..ociate Editor PubUshed EYe.., ItIhW'llU7 MomlDa at We,ynesvllle, Warren COUllty, <5hte. Entered as second class matter at the postomce at Waynelvllle, Oht!), under the act of March S, 1878. Subsorlpi1on Rates-In O~lo, $2. Par Year ln advance; $2.50 eleewhere §

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1953 Ited the HARVEYSBU R•A . Sunday.

_",811 loadecl .... _ b , ill ...., and ' t,o lAbacm 0Illr r Ifill the ptao. full of raee horeell ad the lamb pool put oft tor a week>< We were quite dltgu"ted a~Cl the '-be had a double ride an~l naw we Ilave to do It all oyer la pin. "", ar.e.p1I.u.lq to ~ve O~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. butch8l'8d at the locker. It liS 1JUnb litce to bave a place rl&'ht at the llooker OOTOBER 12, 1968.-When did wbere we can have that work Jt rain lut1 1 can't 'remember done. 1 underetimd, tbat 10U can when It was that we bad tbe last do It yOl1J'8eJt t~ere or bave It real rain. Last Monday we bad a 'done. I bave never bad anyl lamb lew litUe sbowe1'8 that belped put In the locker but we Ulled to som~ but .dldn't put any water In butcher a lamb once In a wbJle. the ground and we have hail Bn It Beem. funny that no one carmany lItUe showers br cloudy days rles l"mb tbere In WaynEIBvllle, tbat looked as thOugh It waB goln" not enough. pe(!ple buy It to make to rain and then didn't, that my It wortb whUe. Now baok agaln atter taking mind doesn't go baCk to the lael real rBlP. The condition get,a J;Ilore tour "boIltB to Wilmington to the serious. I wonder if the p/Ultures sale They didn't weIgh 'nelllriy as wUl ~ver . reco-ver without r\llleed- muc'b as we ijlougbt tbey W4)re go· Ing. ,The corn Is In ' and some ot, lng tc but the tunny tbfug about It sold already bllt tbe price was . lower than we liked. (Continued on Page Three).

Cavae at Ohlllicothe on ' "Bmy's Goat," a comedy In MIS8 JANE FITE Corre.pondent three acta, was presented In the high school auditorium Frlday 'eveFuneral servIces Cor Mrs. Nellle nlng, by a group of members of Gillam, So. wife of William Gillam, tbe Alumni Association here. The were conducted Monday at Jonah'8 presentation waa a partl of the R,un Baptist Church with the Rev. aS8!)clations campaign to 11llse J. P. Tbornbury oUcJatlng. The tunds. ' I Reynolds ]i'uneral Home, Wllmlng·' Mrs. Eva MacDonald was bast· ton, blld cbarge of funeral arrange- ElSS at her home Satur\lay. evening menta. Mrs. Gillam dJed SatuI;dar · for tbe October meeting of the . morning at Clinton Memorinl hos· Olvlc ~gue. pltal. Wilmington, where she was Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cossum, admitted last week. following a of Oolumbus, were guests here sudden Ulnaes. In addition to tbe during the week end at her brabusband, she Is survived by two ther, Mr. and Mre. Oharles Doster sons, Harold ot this cOD).Illunlty, and other telattves. . and Ernest of New York Olty, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arth ur Ph Ilabllum , several grandchildren and great of Dayton. were guests Sunday grandchUdren. . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. anli IIlrs, G. M. Mac1?onald Moore. , attended a family dinner, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. y. Branstrator , a the home of Mr. and Mrs. and MOl. A. S. Collett attended Frank Swartzel and familY, of the October meeting of the Farm near ·Lebanon. ers Club held Thursday lit tbe Mr. nnd Mrs. ' Howard Oollett, home of Mr. and lIfrs, Mnnyard of Wilmington, were guests nt- Hngemeyer of Spring Hill. ur(lIlY of bls sister-in-law, Mrs. Mrs. , Jennie Bell, of Somer!!· P". S. Collelt a.nd son, Robert. . I ville, was a guest durIng the week Mr. and Mrs. \V\I1lam Doster end of her brother-In-law nnd siswere hOll ts Fr!llny evenlnl\' for the I ter, l\ll'. and Mr~. H. S. Tucker.


Bible Inss of Jonnh's Run Adult. Bap- 'orMI'. "lImlugton, Qo~ober meetlug of the and Mrs . tlst Church. , Mr. and lIlrs. Jack Reynolds, of en tel' ville.. guest speal;ers, , showed colored slides along w\.th their discussion of lbe recent Green Lakes Asso lation which tbey attended. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P . McCarren, of Wal)!oundlng, spent a few days t his week at their home hel's. Mr. and Mrs. James Doster and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Reynolds vls-

legal Notice NOTICE TO BIDDERS 'Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Educat'lon of the Wayne ,Local School Dllitrict, Waynesville, Warren County, Obio, at the office of the Clerk of said school dIstrict until 12: 00 o'clo~ noon, Ea.stern Standard Tt,me, on October 29, 1963, for the furnishIng of materials snd the perform· lng of labor necessary for altera' tlons and rehabilitation to exlBUng buildings and property at the W,ayne Local Scbool District In accordance .wlth the plans and specitlcatlons as prepared by Ill. Landberg and Associates, Architects, Cinci nnati, Ohio. Said plans and speclflcatlens



Eyes Examlnecl H 0 U AS' :

'9 to 11:45 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m. EXQept W,dn.-clay p. fIt.

Above WOQ,lw~rth'. IS and 100 store

Telephone 2...301

DIFFER ONLY IN THE MATER·' IALa $ELECT<ED. THE CHARACTER of our larvlce nevar varl.. 11' IS' THE ONE CONSTANT FACTOR. "Jld .rince our dllplay room carrie. a wide aelectlon, QUr fun· eral . prlcn are Within reach of all REGAf'DLE8a OF THE FAM· ILY INCOME. .


AMBULANCE SERVICE Ph!)De 2291 Wayne.ville, Oblo



Lebanon High School Cafeteria CA~L .C. BAIR, Speaker

on controll.d Electric \!. TER 'HEATING


All Members Specially Invited

CamPbell. I ~~i~i~~i~i~iiiiiiijiiiiiiii~

were . harlesguests Sunday of her molber, MrS. Millie Moore and son Reuben. Mr, .lohn E . Wish hll.!l l'eturne1 from a business trip to Chicago. Mrs. al'l Osborn wbo wns III 3 fel\' day!! Inst week, has r~~red .





BAKE. SA'LE SAT., OCTOBER 11 10:00 A. M.

Wampler I


Cor. Main and Miami Streett

A WISE INVfSntENT io h~ COlli" Ion In.,uaoce. La us make I1U'C JOu haft " tanklul 01 clean burnin, Gull fuel Oil tigbe now. No IIlIrcer U/6", a cold dq arriyes, Jou'll a,. sure of a healdtfullJ ~arm home. C.ll now. We dellnr ptompc1J.

'S'pon.ored By

c' l

American Legion AIII.·I."al1

e Ent~y aU the h9t Water you; family needs, always on tapl Saf., snont, clean - nQ

Phone Centerville 7-7408

I ~~~~~~~~~~~~:Jt~~~,~~"~~~~,~~!~!!!!~~!~,~

are openreasonable to public business inspectlonhours, dur, '! Ing all unUi the time f1:xed herein tor closing of bids. Proposals wUl be received sepo arately for each project : Project No. i - Alternations to toilet rooms. Project No.2-Alterations to a barn. Proposals shall be submitted In duplicate copies properly signed. All proposals shall be made and considered by tbe board In accordance with the Laws of the State of Ohio and be on blank forms furnlsbed by the Clerk of t)te Board of Education and shall be enclosed In a sealed envelope addressed to the Olerk of tbe Board ot Education of the Wayne Local Scbool District, Wayneavllle, Warren County, Ohio, and endorsed on the outside ot the envelope with the name of the bidder and the work bid upon. No bidder may withdraw his \ Id tor a perl9d of thirty days after the !lpen Inc thereof. Particular attention Is called tc the statutory requirements of the State of Ohio relative to the lIcerullng ot corporations organh:ed under tbe laws of any other state. Ee.oh bId must contain tke name ot eve!')' person Interested tberel.b and be accompanied by a certified check or bank draft In favor of said Board of Education upon r. solvent bank In an amount not less 'tban' ten (10%) per cent of the amount of the bid. or by a bond In like sum , executed by an approved surety company, condition that If tbe bid Is accepted a contract will be entered Into, and the performance of It properly secured. Cbecks submitted by the UrulUCcessrul blddeOl will be returned after the award of the centrad Is made and a performance bond in tbe amount of one hundred (100 % ) per cent of the contract has been execute<l by the successful bidder. Copies of the plans nnd speclflcntlons for the alterations and rehabilitation work may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Education upon request. The I'll!;h't Is r eserved to re lect Any and all bids ' and to wal ... e any irregularities In bidding. By order of the Board of Edu· l1atlon of the WaYlle Local School OIslrlct. Waynesville. War r e n Counly, Ohio. HAR OLD WHITAKER: President MRS. C. W, DARNH;ART, Clerk Publlsb 1()"1-(3l)-1()"15

fumes, 1,10 stovepipe. You can depend on Hotpoint. ~re than ~ million families dol ,


. • Aufomqlle ..fhermo.fat • lalred-G.\' flnlala • rfilelc 1".y,,,IIoq--"'lI, fop, ••fto",

82-gano~ capacity ••••$179.9S

• See

Only HoIpoInt Gives Yo" .Money-Savlng



e P,•• iurll,d eafrod unIt. put all th, heat In.tq the w.o,e,; wa.t., .av•• you mon.y. '. >


eI'al,r or .'op ill at aay ,nftc.pal afflc••f til. (ompan,.


Co",plete~ ~quipped

Treined PerlOftnel-


II'« WAIJRE,N COUNTY ~ 'AFTER YEAR EnabJea U. To HaacD.- Patieats with .Me....... CoaIfort .... w-tJ. . TH,..K AMBULANCE' AT YOUR CA~.i.. DAY OR NIGHT

C.I Either



THURSDA"V., ' OCTOBEi~ fS, 1953

DRY RIDIE(Continued from Page T"o)


.. RoUte W. Toye


Warren (ounty ,.~urt News ""

VI. Emma Toye, ~ to PJalD~. ~a . Detrick VI. H

* Ie



James A. Ross to James llUlman .79 acres in Franklin Twp. Frank P. U and CaroUne T. ris to William Anders, et ai, 1,14 acres in Deerfield Twp. Ernest BiDgham to Charles H. and Marie'H. Jones 8 lots in Wayne

Carlton Detrick, divorce and elUIIt waa that we took tour ot the iocly of CIIlIldren ' to plaintiff, deell$ht BOWS up to Lytle and had fendant to pay f20 per week pil us them weighed at the elevator an.,d NEW SUITS , vorce, Paul N. Herdman, attorney. the sum of $~OO alimony. ' _ brought them back and turned Viola Begley VB. Donald F. Stepp In the matter of Habeas Corpus, W1lliam F. Doebler et al VS. Ey- Twp. . them Inta the recently PICk~ ~or~ et aI, partition, Fred E. Jones, at- I Robert Wilson, habeas corpus file- erett IIlUer et at, defendants gi1ven Courtney J. Combs and James t Lield. Then~:ro boars de j at torney. tion, Pa\ll Herdman and J:T. Riley, 20 days further to plead. J , Jobnson to John W. Turner et took to w m a: fo:r so~s In the matter of the transfer of a~torneys. Glen and Betty Lou Patrick vs. III 1 lot in Turtlecreek Twp. !~~~y,;:et:::c:.o Lytle Another funds of the Trustees of Wayne John C. Moore VS. John Wid· Mark D. an., Laura Snively, case Courtney J. Combs and James da.y o( low prlcee e.t tbe' e!i1e. Nice Twp., transfer of funds, Marvin E. I meyer, mjunction etc., Sanford A. dismissed. J. Johnson to 'William B. Turner et fat wbJte .faced . baby beef from Young, attorney. I Headley, Walter K. Sibbald, at- Ruth Fueston VI!. George M. a1 2 lots in TurUecreek Twp. eight to fourteen cents a pound, ' Donald R. Fornshell vs. ·Imogene lorneys. . Fueston, Jr., .,ivorce and custody Ernest Evans apd Richard Stan· and lots of other thingS tor six Brewer Fornshell, divorce, Meryl of childreD to plaintiff, defendant ley to Chester C. and Shirley J. and seven cents a pound. Veals B. Gray, attorney. COMMON PLEAS COURT to pay $30 ~r week. Hawley 1 lot in Lebanon. l:,Ouis H. },eaf VS. Jean Leaf, dl- Daniel M. and Marguerite M. ' Wilbur W. Dugan to Darrell C, were a fall' price with the top DeaT thirty but with a wide dlffllrence . ' Coilette VB. Jack ;Vincell, case dis- ' REAL E~JATE TRANSFER!S and Zodella S. Thompson 90 acres, between the top and , the common little dampness that we had in· I missed. , Myron Eo and JUice Z. Girel to Helen Brooks, to Nettie Weaver grades. , There wasn t much of 11 stend of rain, d~d better than those . Boyd Plowman VB Wilma Plow- D. W. and pODUa Mae Wampler, 84.73 acres in Turtlecreek Twp. crow~ at th~ sale. E veryone WIlS earlier. At least for a few day" I dl d ' t d f hild 3 lots in W~yne Twp. Mildred Schmidt to Nettie ~. home picking corn and planting the leaves were more damp anet man, vorce an CUS 0 Y 0 c wheat . walking was Quieter to plaintiff. Rayillond 11. Brooks to William Weaver 84.73 acres in Turtlecreek The' weatherman says I cool ~d Two of Mrs. Cailco Barncat'" A. Pastor & Sp~ Co!!, Inc:, ,:s. A . .Brooks .58 acres in Massie 'I'wp. Twp, fair tomorrow as a little change \lew family have come out from Wal~r J. MonlDger, case d18Earl and fcy Rose to Robert C. ' , Nettie W~aver to Edward Witfrom fair and warmer bllt no nln under the manger' a fU 2:zy yellow missed. Short .40 acres in Washin~'ton ham and Mildred Reed 84,73 acre$ In sight. ~ur well at the barn and wlilte one and a chubby Ilttle r"ln ~ Th;-;;;;'-; are fanin fast In Twp. , ' i n TurUecreek Twp. pumps a wllne and thllD tbe'strea1l), IP'IItY and white one, both .nently I their milk Poor tblngs :re on a William and Marjorie King to . E, ~. lind Edith Housto.n to of water weakens 'an~, reat. a lit- marked and pretty In the face, 'raUoned d'let ' and mlBs 'Bome nice Floyd.and tlita Lindsey 1 acrE~ in Be~cher an., Martha Howard 2 lots in M!!rrow. tie, I hope that doesu t mean any , who wants & pretty kitten 7 SUg-.] green grass, Tbls Is thQ year wo Washington Twp. thing. We sUll have a little patch or's pups are growing "fast. I would all Uk t have Irrl 'aUon " Donald H. and Ruth I. Carter to of sorbeans to combine and we haven't looked at them for a day W Ith Ir.rlgatlbn 0 we could g enjoy Ruth A. aylor to James R. and Daniel J. and Edith M. Brough.ton Mary T. ~ock 1 lot in Morrow. 1 acre in WaYQe .Twp. haven t planted our, t1fteel1 acrea or two but their eyes should bo this wo~dei'ful tau wen' bet. of wheat yet. I llope there will open by uow and soon there )y1l\ .Just a reminder to Granger3 Luther and ~elma Case to ' Michael DiGirolamo ' attorney-in, be same more water In the ground .be some 11ttle dogs looking for that the next meeting will be on Leona M. Hellmuth 1 lot in Mason, fact for PasqualiD~ DiSimone' TueBday, October twentieth at Floyd and Lila Lindsey to Hugh Meale and Anna Meale Scairato to before we do for I am afraid or 'homes. Old I hear any bl,ds. hb~Vingto It sproutsandd thhentnlottbe No mushrooms this fall. The .seven-thlrty with Installment of o!- and D.a Glad..s Reddick 'n acre in Charles R and Vivian P. Zimmergo on. ee w en s 00 only ones 1 have seen were Ii · ricers ' "',T • • a 'Ie expensive for that. " bunch of Inky raps down by , the BY ' the way, lfnllowe'en Is a Washmgton Twp. . man 14 lots 10 Deerfield Twp. Only B day or two more or barn but they were getting a Uttle I long ways off yet, two whole . James A. Ross t~ Raymond and Clarence anq Lillie Good)Yin to squirrel hunting. The recent hunt· old so I left them. Lovely weather I weeks, so save your !loap for a Dolores Hanes 1 acre in Franklin David and Almll, lIett 6 lots in ers or at least those after thaI. but we would trade It for a good while. Twp. Deerfield Twp.




1 Anna Doolq to ~ J. Dqole' l ¥ardIa W. Bur to I2Ja .... .AD~ acre in Hamilton TwP. denon and Louf8e E. ca. .. iota Anna Dooley to John F. Dooley in WubingtOn Twp. ,~ acre in Hamilton 0, ~ 8II4l IDauDa Louise RomUda Baec:ble ~ to Greer to 2Dcrete InY8ItDIeDt Co., Forrelt Lutes 6 lots in ne.itield IDe. 164.32 , aer.. in TunJecreek Twp. Albert Hendticlts to Forrest Harry L. and Mary L. RanUm Lutes ~ acre in Deerfield Twp. t4) ~ G. and Elizabeth A. Verner H. and Thelma ) l ~- ltoeblle,t Iota in Deerfield Twp. lere to David- Gross, Sr. acres in Salem Twp. MARRIAGE LICENSES Irene L. Phillips to Richard John M. Hipsher, 21, Franklin, Starkey .726 ' acres in TUrtlecreek U. S. Azmy" and Barbara .,.dam., Twp~ili'i i i i i i i i i i'i i'li7.'iFraiiinkiliini'iclieriki'l1P.iisit·ii':








Ji,f(e~me " '''11 ~",at IN'."



A }'lew Or~_ t."'~ya ... a Maine Iobt(a .•. or a K.C, airloinwhatever the ~ty of YOuf favorite rcstaW'ant, chances are it', 'cooked with gas. , Chef. of famous eating . . places -like the 'Gourmet in Cincinnati - prefer gas for the same reasons so many housewives do. It's clean, economical and 'venatUeideal for all cooking and bakiJ)g.

• America'sMostEf/i.cumt And Mod Beau.t iful


• NOW III Decorator

Colors To Blend With YourHomeFurnishiDlIB. • ,NEW .• • 12 Brand New Design Improvements For "Greater»'Phan · Euer'" Efficiency.


tD.ves you the exclusive r'Fuel-Saver" and "Triple Combustion" burner.


. , FUll .. -sAVlI'SI • 'Only SuperfJame has the amazing "Fuel, Saver" (see left) that increases radiating , surface 100 %, 'and decreases chimney loss 40 %. Saves,up to ONE THIRD on fuel.

-------~------ - ------

2.Ji"e#A'~Ii.Wi'R : REGULAR 'RICE $34.95 • SAVE from 1S% to 25% o~ fJlel wi~ Superfan.

• America'. Most Venatile Air,Circulator ... Gives "Fol'Ced-Air"

Heating in Winter,

CoolinR Comfort in


• FITS UNDER HEATER I Forcaup'w30,oodCubic FettofW~med Air Per

Hour Throughout En-

, tire Housel • SAFEI . • , "No Dangerous , Fan Bladet."

Hundreds ot , YearAround U_I




'RICE $12.95

• SAVES FUEL • . • Never Over-heats or 'Under-heats Your Homel • COMPLmLY AUTOMAnc ... No.Electricity Needed. No W&rlng Required . • IUMINATES cold Morninp' and Routing Mid-Dsy HoUIB. '

r. . . . . . . . . . ., ,.,.

'. ,••,, " " . lIMltl"

Get _rM'''''''' ,~., tw . . . __ ............ ",. .......... .... NOW

,AIRlQ HARDWARE STOlES 1849·1953 . , '11lV1~. ..... "' . . . . . 'OUIII/UIA






HIII"'oro, Wilmington, Blanen.Iter, I.blna, W.YftHvIU.,




,,011111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111110a .


Phone 3913 To Place a Cla..lfled




3A'NK HuN GRAVEL-Loalled' at Davis Furnas Pit. We also deliver. ARMrrAGE & SON. AbODe :,z091. tf



FOR S.A LID-Two Dark Oak Rock· ing OhalrB, $7.60 each. Mlrror,r2u28. $11.00. , GRACE MoOUNE. South Main Street. X- lo-IS



•.. ._ .. - . _1- ____ ..... _

----------------~--~--------------------II _ _ • • • •


,. '





• •,- "


............. I

Rl!I8l!1B.VllI DI8T1lIOT No.• Report of the Condltlbn of



HOISI.I'1S • Wid aa a -



Iii the State of OhIo, at the Cloee of Bueln~ on Sept. 80, 11158 Publlehed , In Reeponee To Call Made By Comptrollir of the Currency, Under 8ectlon ,15211. U. S. Reviled e'tatutee



. . . . ••

FOR SALE}-Heatrola Coal Heater In good condition, cheap. BP B PLANOK, Phone 8261 before 2:00 _ P. M. X- 10-16-(3t)- lO-29

BRING your SHOE to C. LEE HAWK, the Barber. Work guaranteed. Prlc;ee Relllon· able. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR, HarveYlbulY. Ohio. %-9-8-10-17




FOR S~ .-..:. ' Westinghouse Eloe· trice Range, clean and in good !)ondltlon. MRS. O. R. UNGLESBY. !f. Maln Street. X-10-16


I Sam. 12.24

Fre.h, .. CuNeI Mea' Comple" 1:..... of

OLD FASHIONED BEEF SOUP BONE&L16c per lb. WA~ VILLE LOCKER PLANT. Phone 3171: c-8·.......tfc

$98.50 PHONE 3462 ' -

Fresh and Frozen Food-



Only fear the LoTd, and Berve Him In truth with aU your heart; tor conllder how great thlngl' He hath done to!! you.


.. - ' - . - •• ' • • , • • ,



WilsOD CODcrete Products Concrete Block Chimney Block Waterproof Cement Rock Face Block Steel Sash and Paint Cement and Mortar Gla•• Drain Tile Building Suppll..

Must Have Good Handwriting


Loanl aDd discounts (~olu~ ,207.S. overdrattl) ___ Bs.nk prelOI181 owned ,14,600.00. fumlture. , flxL '8.7210.90 (BaDk premJaee OwnH are lubject to $ None Ilene not alllumH by bank) , Real eetate owned other than bank prem1aee ______ _ Inveltmente aDd other asaeta indirectly repraeentln& bank premls.. or otheT real 81tate ____"'___________ Cuetomers' llabWtT to th1a bank/ OD acceptanoea outataruL Olh81' Alleta _________________________________

For Dally Marlen Reporta: _ WLW Clneloat!. 12:30; WOKY. Cincinnati, 1212 WPFB. lIldclletowu, 11 :45


National Eagra,ing Watertown, Mass. '111111111 1111111 111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJI"


~::::,:~l\r:~A~ ~:~I~::::Y



A8SETS Cash. balaDoel with other banD, Inoludln« reUl'Ve bal· and cuh ltema in proceee or cOllectioD... _____ , 421.727.H U S. aoftl'llDlent obuptlone. cUrect and guaranteed.._ 687.176.60 ObllgatillllJ of Btate8 and pollUcal lubcl1vlelonl ____ _ 281.868.64 Other bonda, Dotee. aDd debenturea _____ , _______ , 6,00Q.00 CPTporate atocka (lnclucUng ,6,360.00 ~tAx\Jt of Federal Reserve Bank) ________ ___... ________________ 6,260.00

Live \lIre all\! Rrogrelsh·e. 'n Organlzatwn Second To NO"e Strictly Sellere 'OD the Fleet Atl




Phone: Wayn...






11111111111111111111111111111111111II 1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ul




PHONE 3171

Fadaral Land Baak


FARM LOANS , • Reduce Prlnelp.1

$129.9& and up

4%-Long Terin Plan

By Sa~ing On


CLOTHES DRYERS $119.95 and up

CRARL' S DOSTER Phone 3691

Harveysburg, Ohio


LebanoD ,Ialional Far. Loan Lebanon. Ohio Phone 44t ELLIS H. STURM, Sec'y·Trea.1-

LEGAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that on the 5th day of October. 1953. the Bonrd 'of Township Trustees of Wayne Township. Warren County. Ohio. flied a pelitlon In the Wnr. ren 'ou nty Common Pleae Court. Iloltlll' CRse No. 200S6 \)1 8a1'd c"urt, asking thnt T wo Thotlljanll Five Hundred ($2.500.00) Doll nrR h<;J trnnsfe rt'!ld ' from the Clener nl Fund to the Road and nrldge FllDd o~ said township 8S prO'V ftied by law. tor the r ensons set forlh In said peti tion. and sRid petltlon Wi,lI be dt October. : MARVIN e YOUNG P rosecutlni AHorney Wanen C t;: Obi' . olin y. 0 DOARD OF TR STFJ"ElS. Wnyne Township. Warren County. Ohio .lO-l6-{It)




1.801.'16 None' '


NODe None 8.668.80



CAPITAL ACCOU~T8 Capital Stock: (a) Claes:A prato toL par , None, reUr. nlue • None (Rate of di". OD ret1rable "alae la ___*) . (1;1) Olau B Pl'8r•• tot. par • Non.. retIr. Yalne • None (Bate of c1tv. OD nUnble ftIu. la ___"') (0) CoDllllon Itoc.k, total par ,"1,000.00 SurplWl ~-------r------------.:~-----------ljlO.OOO,OO 18.268.09 UD41vtdH proflt. ---------------..:....OU.68 BeaerY.. (anA retirement &e:CODDt CD! preferred 1tOck). . TOTAL OAPITAL AOOOURTS --2-08-"-6~7 ' - ----,.,...... !. ' TOTAL AND CAPITAL ACOO~_ " 1.1l6.UUS


de bODla non with the WDI MEMORANDA Annexed of the FAltate of 1'. AMeta p1ecIpd or aulI'd to noun Uab. and (Or o&JIer pur. 2'l1,600.oo OlarIr. late of Warren COUDty. <a) LoaDe u .howJa abOve are an. de4uct. at ..... of NOlle Phlo. d-.ecL b) B .. ~ _.... ..... of\.. N Dated thla 28 day oe (8!l1U'. u ......... ....,". are an.r ...uct. or nL ODe 1.868. S,tate of ObJo, CouIlq or W~ ":. I, Jamee B. Jonu. cubJer or the ~ ~. ~ IOtemalJ JlAL'PH B. CAJlIIJY. lI1I'ear that the abOve .tatemeut ,I. tru. to Uw ....t 01 1117 ImInrladp Judge of the Probate Court, and belief. ' " . WarreD CoutT, OhIO . S .... II. SONlB, Cuhle!! DiJ!ltUlh. AttorDey SWOrD to and .ubllCJ'lbed before me thla 10th . .,. ·or October. 190. • W1Dler t:.:"Dralte. Notary PubIJc. ' ~.A.tteeti • GBORGB ~ WATmBBOUSE NOTICE OF APpoiNTMENT BOW.AJU)' SUUAOJll " Executor . • BO$S H. HARTSOCK' r DIreotol'l, 'Estate or' Jolin WtlUam 'J{.ereey:







TOTAL LIABILITIES _ _______ .... ____________





l.121,88Ue . 111,861.11

Mortppa or other 1I~; • NODe OD baD PI'8JDIMa, and , None on other roal ..tate_______________ Accept. eltecute4 by or·for acoounl of thle bank abd out. Other llabWtlas _____-=_______ :. _____________ ---,..---

. AWd~~~ ~wk, w~. PoetOhlo<?~~ 1'111 1II1I1I1I1I1II11II1I1I~llIIllnIlP' .p:'n':~Ul~ A~

'Franklin, Ohio



TIme .epoalta of IndIYl4uaJ-. DUtDenidpe aDd OOI'lJ.Deplta or U. a aon. (bIoIildlq poetal ........, ~ of $tatea ____________ and poU~ 1ObcU . . . .- - -_ -- . DellOllt. or baDb ------_ Ot.h81' ~.. (cwWtecs .... cubJer'. oIaeolaI. et.o.)--TOTAL DEPO$IT8 __________ ....._ _ .1,'104,61'1.06 BUlarowed payable, recIIIoo1mta, aDd oUrer lIabWU.. for boI'mone,. ___________________________

j'dmlnlltrator De, ponle ,NO., the Will AnnexI'' ,Jllltate or Orpha 1'. Clark, J)e. J'eUeCI. , , WAYN ••VILLIl Notice .. hereb,. livell-

,$&9.9& aad ap




Modem £qulpmenl

None NODe 8,2'lU() 1,916,436.02 '

D\mWI4 depollte of 1n4I"ldll&la, parinerahlPII, aDd oorp.




, ABSII11'S ____ _________________________ _------~ TOTAL

:iiiiiiiiiiii. Do YOI KI~ nat ~~~~~:~~~ YOU all.' I SHEEHAN RD. P. O. BOX 342 CENTERVILLE, OHIO



:~' Notice C~H. Is· hereby given that Ola ."-.~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . .~~~~. . . .~ D~.IiI.. W. 'K ereey, whose Poet Ortlce. Ad· dress 'I Wa)'llellvlUe; Ohio, bae MO.I tlmo. 0 .ull ItIGI III v. been duly appointH ae Executrix ••vorol yoon ago lu,' '!WOn', C!f the ElIItate of' ~Ohn WUl~:m coyor UI 'odoy. SOllie wllh fire Keney. late 'of Warren COunty. In.uronc •. , ... prosro- .!orl,d Ohio, deceased. Y"'" ago ",lgh! h_ b.." a Dated this 30th day of Septemporfoct fit for your I~ •• ronte ,b er. 1868. • Wrecker ServIce 24 ~ Day n..iI, . . . ,then. lui Ii ..ay , C~El; •. NOT glvo you full PfOle<Jio" ' . JudJe of the Probate Court, 'odoy. S. . u't rot II! un Warre~ COUD~, Ohio ~. onolysl. 01 your " ...",.day Yr. Theodore OSbo;rne. Attorney Inluranco no.d., . l'O-fl.-(3t)-10-28 Pli:oDe ~ 1 J



K •••

KARL D. DAIII Insura c &_ v n e .,.enc, LEBANO·N. OHiO

,~-----'----"------ _."'!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~~!!!ll~!!!!!~r1.

IIchoo»' Is dOlltgned to bring te~tl· :Uzer and lime company emyloyee8 'uJ) to date on the (atest develonlUenta In those r es"ectlve fields. ' ta~erl ~re cQTdlnny In~ lte4 to the all day affair. prOgr,a m 'will · get underway 9:30 In tbe mornJng when Dr. W. VQlk" halTDInn of the of Agronomy at Oblo University wlU dlllcotl& the :tfe;t of crolv controls on land Te·

**** ••••••••• 0\.""." •• "". ',' L"Ima, Fartl.1:Izer C 00I '



To BI In ' Ullanoa



....... 4


r, The second aunoal Llme and Fertll!zer School ,.rn be held at Lebanon High School AudJtorluDl on ~ovember 4. County ASBIlt John n. Mowbray annouDCed to4ay. The

L~~l~;· 'anly~~~zl: ~~: ~~~

topic ot Dr. George E. Smith. pro(elll101' of solle at the lInlverslty of MIB~our1. The vlce·presldent of tbe Na. tloMI FertUlzer Alloolatlon, Mr'. W. R. Aliitetter. will dllCUBS tbl' relationship between "Farm Prices and Fertlliser Pror~L" Mr. O. E.

A:ndereon, Secretary of the Ohio ltart at , 1)'l!look ."d there .,.,111 Bankere iAJllOOlatlon, relatel the- lie a 60 cent ~0I1 fee 1.0 banke!". point of view In Boll Be defray bulldlq and other COlta. ourtLy at 11 o·cloc')[. It ebonld be a very worthwhile ](1'. Virgil OVerholt. Ext8~llon meeting tor any rarma.. who ha • . Engineer at Ohio State Unl'Y8relty. probleml ClOncernJtlc the u.e of ",m dlscuII the quelltlO1l ~hat ·fertllll8re. the ..conti many rarmere who are wonderJng year tn '" row that the .ac1a1lO1 bu 'about ,lrrlgaticu have bee.b uklng been bald baDon. ~hur "Kow to Manace water to Match t6 CcnJntJ Apnt JOhD XciWbraY. NutrteJ)l tl'aaae," . . ' , Extension Soil CoDl'enatloDlst " _•• _HiN •• John. SIIPher will tIleD Jive hie .. E A D viewl of MakJng SoU Pb7s1ca1ly FJt withLtme IIn l\ Oth81' MeaQII. There 'WtU be dlllCUAloll pe'rfods followlq both the IIIOJ'Illng aDd . p~ aftel'1loon perlCHlI where ",ttteD ........ . .. Queatione from Ute. audlezace '11'111 ... be answered. BePtratfoD w1l1 ...q ...._ An.rII ..................._





O'.rt'- ~'nd

Oft... ' ....

Serving Wayn.ille Sillcetl1850



DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1953


, SPARTANS PUY FIRSI LEAGUE GAlE B.reall Garbage Disposal 0' SEASOI FRIDAY liGHT AT K. 'MILLS ' W... T. laid .Warninl 1..led The Waynesville High School ' an'aI D; ion Numerous coJllplaints are being basketball team enters Its first ~ncreas.d Aid ' Checks received by Dr. Arch D. Harvey. contellt on lj'rIday night at Representatlv. of five VOlUllf' county health COmJlllss}oner,' Sher· Kings MIl@ ',Vith high liopes of a To 00 Oul In Counl, tary ~e8.lth age~ will present Itf Richard SattertJ)watte and successfUl season. The new Spat, ,,aile) disculllon 61 thel~ serncellCOUnty Engineer L. F. Wertz to ~:----------'------"'-- F I' tan ColWh, Kel!neth Emrick. has A ' report of al.1I.. fqr aged pay. at an , oPe~ meettltg of the WOPll- .dlsposal ·of garb~ge along county. ," POp" .IohnllOn Suffer. arll .... or.r 01II the bo" in good' condition for mentl! ~ tor Octo))er - released this en's ComtDtttee b tbe Watre:n IItate and townsl,lIp roads. ' InJur'.s "n F It W.".I... F"·Ia,·. Fire' !,he opening contest. ' week by the State I)lvIslon of .j\.fd County Farm BQJ'fIII.u. T/lis meet-, Thl!l practice has been going on I _a Iftil I I With two ou{,.of-League games through Harry J.r. Palmer. subdi. ing will be hel4 lII, the Methodl~lt for s9me time.· 'officials . report. Landsey "Pop" Jobnsop. 87, fell On O.....on·.. R--.l . under tbelr belts. the 1064 elUtlon vision manager for 'Warren 'county. Parish HOUle o~ Mulberry StreElt and oCten It becomes mOre wide· Monday night at the George Bur.ns "-g VB p'








MRS. FIRES ILL Mrs. ROBe F1rel 18 .very ill at of the Spartans ' are champing at sho,ws 678 of the count.,.s 7H re- In Lebanon WeClzl sdl\Y arternooll, spread during. the fall and winter apartments. where he_ made his Prank Burgen. 62. a finn laher home on North;...B.treet. ., the bit awaltmg County League clplent.a are 'tq receive an av~rage November,. 18. Representative,s seaeon b!lcause many people whO hQ,me. He was ,removed to the borer. collapl/ed and died Tuesday contests. The Miller boys, BUI Increase 'of $3.07 on their monthly from Advisory Co clls who COD1- bury ga,rbage 1n warm weatheJl Miami Valley . hOSPital by the .afternoon while ffghtlng a fire in MRS. BECKETT IL,L . and Jim. BOb Barton, Bob Peters. (lheCk. . pOSII the W~e1l committee are are unable ,to , do It .In the cold Stubbs ambulance. . ehed at the Elmer Terry farm on e Mre. Lon Beckett bas been very 'Jlm Wardlow. Bob O'Banlon and a Six hundred nInety seven 'per' asked to meet mptly at 1:a:O weatber ' m,q nths. " He suftered cerebral hembor- the Oregonl~ roail'. southebt of III at her hOme on Third Street. newcomer. ~ete HargiS. along sonl(l In the county received ,37 •. for a. brief busl seselon which County otticlalll again polJ)ted rages. and remains in a serious here. , '..,......,... " ~Ith Richard Fry~, Tom passldy 106 for an average of '6~.24. . wJlJ be followed the paWlI d~B- out that It Is -against th~ lnw to condltlon. Dr. H. M. WllUams. Warren VI81T IN KENTUCKY and Paul ShipleY' m*e up a VarPayments subject to federlll cusslon at 2:00 0 luck. BCl'tter garbage and refuse along coul).ty coroner. said death reo Mrs. Walter Fraeure v"lted her slty S9 uad which l@ ' developingparticlpationandnon.federal'par· ·RflPresentatlv.. frolll the tol· any highway. Violators appre· eulted from Inhaling smoke ' and mother In Kenlucky during the very f/lpldly. The first hom e t1ctpatlon Inclu 4ed n~ persons I~wlng WarreD Oounty health b,ended WUl b~ prollecuted to the I' C I over-exertlon. Bu-rges,s. a native paet week. game on the WaynesvUle high with payments amounting to $38.· agencies wUI Iclpe,te : Th e fullest extent of the laow. ortlcflJ:8 of EDgland, had worked on farms slate Is scheduled for November 064. with an average set at $63.31. Tuberculqsls aDc1 ealth Assocla· report. In this area several years. The zOth, ,against • tbe Mason Comete. Payments .. not sUb.' ect to feAeral Uon. th" Cencer ctety. InfantUe "'wo persons have been appre• GUESTS FROM DAYTON Of" ~ The WaVTIesvllle Civic ClUb wlll body was ta"ken to the Johnson The Reiler:ve SQuad la also glv· participation numbered 17 ~d Paralysis AaII1., lety for Orlp. bended and fined for this oUense . ,. " l'Cr and Mia. W. Eo Stroud ~d have 11 ' fath,er-daughter din.n er funeral home In Lebanon. .as Sun~ay dinner gu'ea~. Mr. and Ing a good account of , Itself · In amounted to $968 tor ' an average pled Ohll4Fen, '& d the new:ly in recent weeks. . ' non-Leaglle -contests. l~ ts made of ~66' ,36. ' formed Heart Each speaklsr meeting on Monday. November 16, It is believed the victim has no Mrs. George Stroud of ba>;ton. at st, Mary's Parish House. Immediate !Iurvlvors. Damage to up of the following ' boys: Jeff Expendlturea for health care wHl . present Jtt anclsl goalls, Mrs. Vance Orlb}>s of Middle. the buUdlng waa reported , as DINNER GUES'T8' 1t#,TROTWOOD B&ll. David Baal. Jerry Bradley. during the . month of October proport!o/18 s locally, edulra.:t , T ' lawn. well known In YWCA. HI-Y minor. · Mr. and G . iliDera3n iI. Sra· t~:::;,~D>',J~m;O::~~Sy.Fl::e~ry8",~~ nmounted to $3798.16 and Include~ .t1onal prosram• 'cl local. state 'Gnd Civic circles IJI that city, wUl Fred Elbon. of Rlt 1, Oregonll,l. l h~ were Sun4~y cUnner gueBta " .... 16 persons. Palmer said. and ~atlona ,. II. Atte~ ea~:h be guest speaker. .Mrs. · Cribbs a farmer living near ' the Terry presentatlon tM . IIdlence will 'lie . , of Mr. and Mrs. Oharl.. B. ;Earn. Ronny Thompaon. Dlek Watters. given an oppo ty to ask QU~!8Tbe "Progreslv'e Women he I d comes highly recommended and farm. was Injured w,hlle helping hart and. daughters in Trotwood. Wade WllkeJ!8on aJld Phil Woode. The five girl cheerleaders llrg- , 1.lons or make tions for p,d . their regulnr meeting on Wednes·. an entertaining evening Is In fight the blaze. He was strqllk on ' d\lY evenlng 'at tbe Far HlUs P/lrty prosP8ct.. the head by a hose Be the Lebanon M~. GRAY ' I"'PROVIN~ .. , vance~eDt Qf program. House A most dellclo"s dinner fire department reached the Bcene. Ing UJe local Qulnte t on to vi ct ory Sara .Fl~nnen'. 1ta~ Irelan, a~., A ,0cl~ perioC WIll (o)low tine was ~njOyed and followln l1: the Several stitches were required at a Mrs, 0"111. Gray. who wl1s"'" are: • panel Illscu ...OQ vtJlg an opp()rmoved,"to. lIiaml Valley hospital Carol Longarre. Sandra Simplon, and ~alJY Lou Smltb. The team The W. B. C. S. of tbe Meth"tun1ty for g_tUn. cqualnted with buelnees t eetaeSII°edn. b~he ..,memAlberB IIRS In . physlclan's ofrtce In Lebanon to '!luring the ~t week for- ob..rv.... in I .... t' . \vere en er n y uIJlB. va cloee a head cut. h Jim Il UAdl II~• chIIrch I L Iponsor ng 'l"Qp:1en , from al par s 0 f t ~I ,e Tb h h d lfd of tlon and treatment. Is slowly Im- manageI'll J erry aus. Car~r, Gordon Hatton and DIck one pt thefr baZBjlrS ",nd tur~ey COUn~y. y l~mJJ~n w.; t~ o~e P s k es nd ' Ii ' proving. lloblneon. suppers. Tbe Da"Ur. wl~h baked e ows ne a on ar a , g0048 fancy work and home'JPad e many otber interesting plOOll8. Flrst Warren Count)' entries for WCTU TO MEET FRIDAY candY' wUI open NovelQber 19 ' at Seven new membere, have been the cOlDlletlUons of the 1963 Inter· The WCTU melrting will be held two m. In tbe church. and a'deacIded to the membership: Mrs. national Live Stock Exposition In -at the Methodist Church on 'FrIHclous turkey supper will be Tildwln Davis. Mrs. Harold McFar- Ohicago, bave been recelved from The fOllowing Is a table of th.e day. November 18. at two P. M. served from 6:M p. m, until 8:00 land. Miss Jane Blakemore. M,l ss Landen Farms, of FOflter. and number of mills. tor 'against and Every member Is urgl'd to be p. "lD. • of 1 1111 Mary Lou Rowe, MI88 Batty Sat. ~uth and Gallaher. of Franklln. the percentage of y()tes for each present,, ' . , The Warren Oounty Methodist This Is an annual event In In the 'reo terthwalte. Miss iterI' and Miss Both have listed entries for the as tabQlated by the County Supt. Brotherhood will bold Its next dln- Waynesville and everyone. plan I filed wllth Norma Snyder, Mrs. Jessie Hyman purebred Polled Shorthorn cattle of Schools. R. F. Hatfield from the TO ... OLD IIA'KE .·ALE ner meeting on Monday evening, to attend. of EJec- was voted an honorary m.e mber. elaeses of the natlon's largest an- November 3 election: ' The Mothers Stud;y, Group will Nov, 16, with members oJ. the 1\Ior· / NlDV, nual \lve stock -ehGw. Ml1l& FQr Ag'st 0/0 aponBjlr a f09d and bake sale on row !leUlddllt Ch1ll'ch host to the HuHo'rd WAYNE TWP. TRUSTEES The livestock classiC wIll open S8 16 71.6 Saturday. November U fMm ten afalr. officers of tbe Brotherhood ~nnounc;ad: TO MEET NOVEMBER 17 on "November 28 (or an eight day Blue Ball __ 2 a. m. to one p. m. at the ~Irley announced. '• p rtlclpa1:ed T!1e Wayne Township Board· of run ,thro)1~h December 6 In the 6- Olearcree1c _ 3 382 157 70.7 Hardware Store. All procseds It' was also stated that the memo or wlth(lut Truetees will bold thel\; second acre recently air-conditioned In- Ham.·Malne. 3 4~7 . 166 72.1 from ~e eate wUl be 1I1ed. for ,,bers are requested to bring tlielr - req,Ull:ed regular meeting of the month on terna.tlonal AmplJltheatre. site or 1(. M1llJI _ 6 881 1~ 72.3 lTa~e lKlhool equipment. Jadles for ~e &uaIr B:nd dinWlr to ' bo ~. Tuesday. Nov4lmbsr 17 at 7: :(i0 last year's national political' con· M~son ____ 1 632 146 76.6 Massie' ____ 3 2'6 160 60.6 11 to be by rel8l'V&tlon. tinue at an all·tlme lOw - not that to 10J. p. m. at the Firehouse on M1ImJ Ventlone. Monow _:_ S 3U 1'79 64,9 QUE'T~ "T C : E LUN~H.ON p,e to lbnIte« f4oIlJtt.. fOJ: ciJa,. the bIrtll nt... Ia ta........ oft but: t!)1f Street.. . , , t~.a ·otterbeln ,, 8' - ,. ~ lin. D. C. I • 1la7Dald 1111'. a set DlJII1ber br dlDn I' ,#ot.; that bablell are 00111 In hospitals Certiflcatel of ...,.:,-----S. Lebanon ~ 6 ass 269 4 1i6.6 Welts,' I lira. Catherine Barnhart; eta are to be avaUab'", It ls lie- outalde Warren county, Dr. Arch bl! IsIUed, until the candidate bas Cub Scouts To kold , VVayne ____ 6 611 293 83.3 Mra. , Marte rume, Mrs. H, IA ~ye. lIeved ~t au persol1ll deelrtng to. D. Ha"ey. county health com· tiled the exp8JUle acqount. Open Pack Meelln. AI. F', I " ~.II. . VVayne ____ 8 651 256 68.4 Mrs.' lloJlald Hawke. Mrs. Alva attend may do so but early pro- missioner. announced today. •< . • IA: f Lebanon __ 6 662 21.4-2 23.6 'lhompson aDll lira. Louella lImer curement of tickets will Ill!sure Seven babies were born 1n WarThe Cub Scouts will hold an Last Wedneaday evening. Nov. ~ Franklin __ S 889 446 66.6 were pesta of Mra: holders ac:commodaelons. . en county last month as com· • • open pack ml)eUng on ThUrsday. twenty.flve farmers froDi Warren Stanle, Markey wben she; enterThe Rev. Howard Dunn. host pare,d to 10 In September, Since • November 19 at 7:3Q1 p. m. at the attended a District Farm Bureau ' The following table gives the tained With a brldge ,l\U1cheon. mtnlster. la arranging the 'progt'8m :Lebanon. and Franklin are without " Waynesville Hlgb Schoo1 gym. Rally at WUmtngton along wtth flgurea. the amount. for. against • • -- , J whloh w11l fonow the dinner. hospltale more than{90 per cent of ' Five acta of radio talent winners one hundred thlrty.flve FannBur. and percentage ,for the bond 18' OE8 TO MEET MONDAY- ; tbe b.blei are ' born outside the Mrs. Blanche Can was host4ls, Villl be on hand for entertainment., eau leaders from ten counties In. ~lUes In Lebanon. Kings Mills and Mlam eha»ter_ 107 O.E.S. wUl county. .. at hel:. home Thursday, tor !be Donatlone will be taken at the sOuth Western omo. They heard South Lebanon echool district,,: meet - tn special se8slon on MonThlrleen, d.e aths were recorded November meeting of the woru. door for the. CUb treasury. Harry Bryson. Director of ' FIeld For Ag'st % day evening. Nov. 16 for IDltlatfon , In th'e county' laat montb. ' • Mrs_ A. S. Colle,t t was a dinner Everyone Is Invited to attend. I;!ervlce tor the American Farm Lebanon $930.QOO 438 2431 16.3 of candidates. Mrs. R. H. ~ guest Friday of Mrs. Lisla Curl. Bureau Federation. Chicago, nu- K. Mills 28~,OOO S84 136 74,0 a:ock will ~ve a ~~plete repo~ ~ Mrs. - Orville Barnhart enter- CHURCH OF CHRIST TO HAVE nols teU the farml)rs they mliBt be 's. Leb. 60.000 36S 226 61.1 ot ber travel II and actlvltles duro Sco.ut Troop Number Two. ,held I talned with a Stanley Party at 'her SPEAKER FROM CINCINNATI actlve In their organh'ation to . iq the past year. wh~n ile"ing ~s their regular meeting on We~nea· • . ,.i~nd,:j am-I' home Wednesdar evening aI tal t thlnki H Q~1l M:\rtha 'of Use Gr:~ Obap- day eveul.n s at , the,,~arlsh HIluse. . ·Mr. and Mrs, <JJl1l Gordan and Roy Patterson, of the Oinclnnatl' m n n · grassroo ng~egal: ter of Ohio) Order of . Eastern The groups united then separated. Misses Minnie Dod Ion and EIIz. Mrs A. S Collett were' guEIStS Bible Sem,lnarr. will be tile speak· also . said agrlpulture must . , D , . ' tor the scribee' to' ''''';e th'8 .attend- , abeth Ohandler and Mrs. Walter f 'th Gord • . in l ~ Elr at the youth ~Ight Sunday eve- world markets if we are to solve ' ~ ..also read W hit aker spent a d elit:l'ghtful d ay " Sun ar 0 e 8Jl 'SJ ,~~n~ 'Ja: . ning at 7 '30 at tbe Church of our' sUl'plus problems. Bryson --!' ~, - ance', analo dues. -. They and daughter. ~r, a n4 , ~rs. , as. , . : urged payments for ProdUCts In , tqrelgn currency, so as 'to Increase ~eni Grange No. 13 planning • BROWNI.ES MI;:ET T'HURSDAY < from their' study .book. Thll w~ole on.. tuesday with Mlss,Ann Mere· Dwire and' famlly. 01 " Dear 'W1l- Ohrlst. our bala.nce or- trade. Bryson warn-a Thanksgiving Party In connec· 'B!Qwule :.J;'J:QoP, No. 8 met' on troop tben enjoyed a quia on whit.t dlth at Withrow High School in 'mlngton. The ~Iree recently be-, ~ , Ctnclnna~. c!1me the parente of their second als-n~s ed ago.ihst the dangers ot,. high' tio.n with the next regular ' meet· Thui'1tday of the we~k l ln ' ~e' they. ~d ~ad. .· afternoon ~ . St. Mary.1 Parta~ thRe::::~eM~a. s:;edwere Mrs. LUcile Armitage 'epent tile child and first sQn. . I I. S rigid farm price supporta and thefi. ing on Tuesday, Nov. 1.7, at 7: 30 HOUle for \1Ui~r , ~._ell ~. dl~' !sleA with tbe clOSing olrcle. :"eek end t~ Dayton with her , ~onlinl8S dlsastr~u,8 etrects on the entire 'p.. m;. a~ the Frie,nds S.~.clal Room. The girls enjoyed .lDgiq sonlJB sm ~ _. _ c~u~in, Miss Glenna Marsh. ~atche. Hand In , ec.onomy. . Tli1s Will be anI. op,en meetlng. and })laylq Sandra Allen. Reporter Mr. -and Mrs. ' Jason Jordan aM ' . _ Business In Warren county con. The Dl.stJ:lct·wide Farm Bureau All members are urged to attend Refreshments were t ~el"'(ed ,by eon George of Pendleton, Iilel. Corn Pic;ker Friday t1I\U~S to show a gain over the Rally was a "klck-oU" dinner for and ! o invite their friends. Gran· ' the lea4eioa . . Ilel~rs, Jobs. were dinner lWests of their aunt. M C E Stant rtb bad tbe 'iiils- eorrespo'jldlng period a year ago, !l'ownshlp Mem~er8hlp Oaptalns In gers are asked to furnleh a seleeHelen .PftUaer,JlN. 1!&tt7 '61_1. I. M:IBa OHve Williams on Saturday.' for~~e' to "catch 0his hand In his according to the Bale of prepaltl south,westem Ohio: It was hela at ti!>n for the refreshment table. It MtII. T)1elm. Brllht and Mrs. LorMr. and Mrs. LoUis Magee. of com picker on Friday. and c:om tax receipts In. the office 'of Treas· Nellie MOO.~~ Mem~rlBl Audltorlam ~y be cake. candy. fruita, pop. etta Bcot~ ... ' _ ." " ~. Oe.Yton. · called on · their coulln, pletely seVered his , thumb ' and urel' Russell Dumford. In Wllmlntto,n. ' with dinner, b.elnl!; corn. etc. T.h~ commltt~e . urges ~. Mr.s. pene Mllynard on Sunday af· badly lacerating tbe hand. , He III ( Sales' for the PlllIt week amoUnt- served by ~he lalilee of the Ohurch tbe membere ,to make this a ATlIEND'. OE8 ' '';UNCi-tEOl'f;· \ W8:ynesv1ll:e .. ~e1".noon. . '. con!ln,ed a~ elinto~ Memorl!'1 ho,s- ed to $8.~06.6l as com~l1red to of Christ. Booste.r night. Mra. R. H. Hariaoc\t· was among Number ,lg ·' t;a planning , a ,:rhanlts- ..Dr: ' ond ~. ' Gale RusBUJ!i and pltal and II! Buffeting severe ' pain $7.76 &2 a year ago. Total sales Ente"ta~mnent for ··the even,in~ Those wbo ha,;e not ~ttend~d a~ the pestS on SatUrday when )t;~. giving Pa.rtY ~D . co!lJ!.ection 'f'th • grandsons Stephen . a n d dne to the 'Inj~ hand 'and tltls year ai'll $145,099 as com- was provl~e4 by y~ung people frQm the new Il?Cation ~l find - 1'eo.l · Ruhannah. Quscott. .GraJ)il, Repre- the nen re~lar ~eetlng on Tueslltll " of Dayton: _vlsltf3d stTalne~ ann mueoleii. pared' to $118.;U4.20 ~ '62. , AdIUnB. Highland Ilnd Preble Co~- treat In store tor . t~m. '. senative ]n the Onuld ,Cbapter of day. ' NoV:' 11th at 7:30 p. lJl· e,.t Miss Margaret EdwllJ:ds . ~ , . Gains are ~oted In almost &ll ties. . I , ," ' · Ohio. O~. enlertiUDed & few the F)'1.e nds !;'Iocla! Room. " ,,' Subscribe to The ,GAZETTEI, Industry claef!lfIcations. Attending from Warren County frle"l\ds to a Jun~eon, Mrs. u.rtThis ",,11 b!t an , QpeJ) m~ttng , were: Jack Butt. H!lrold ' B;eleblger. . . Fred , Abner, Raymond Mears. Dlp~ln' ' /locK was joined ~n t4e evenin; by and all' membeJ!8 are url{edtAl, at1 Mr. Ha.rtsook and Mr. and Mrs. tend and to invl.t e tlieir friends , • Scott McClure, Obarl~8 Guard Jr., 8, , Oha.rles MoCuUOCb ~d all 'at> to come with them. ,Ray Schwo.rez, WlIlIllm . Mart:, ~r. tended - the recelltion for Mrs. Grallgers will please bring a seand Mrs. Frank Wilkens, Edward '. Audrey I<alb"elaeh. WorthJ: Oran lectlon for the. refreshment table. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. O. ;M. Th W vUl Gard CI b ." b k8 c;I truit pop . ¥e aynes en Llta u . Matron at tile Mas'OIlIc Temple. It may e .ca • can y. • • .Baxley. ,Mr. and Mrs. Herbert met at the of MI'S. ; ,. corn. etc. Tl\ompBon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ...... t -'a-h> ' . .BAKE 8AL" AT Awl mUll t b e .a lbv\ ~"er ~.. .., Mal.lingly. M. D. Hackney. Mis s. Stamper Iln Thursd\\y, afte~noon. FOO"', ..... h& t tte d" t ' Due to tbe absen~e of the pres· FAIRl!EV , "'''RDWAR! . .~d all w1l.P .e 1)0 a . n e /l Bernadine: Hackney, 'Gordon Foster Ident, . t"e' 'vIce-preSident, Mrs . .., G " " " the new tocat~ wflJ fJII.d a real O. H. Hagemeyet;. Clarence WiJilOn, .., The Mothe", SUId" roup treat hi store for them. • Lee Leonard. Charles Starr. wu. Opal Stubbs Conducted the m,eet. llponeor a 1004 8Jl4 bake sale . TfUi' program books for th~ year -y. NoJ.lem"-r _ . lard Snl'd er and J. M. Greene. ,Sa*u ....... . , . - 14 at J'atrI-, were exhibited, aild "'111"be .ma11e d '. .... Hardware Store beginnfng at 10 to members u.:w1thln a lew day's. a. m. and 'laetln~ until 1. ,: 00 p, m. , . Some addltlonal work on tbe COy· ! Pl'ocee4e of tbe sale will go to-, ers caused ·the delay. \ , ward purchale of equtpment ..for .. •• •• Peace Is a need of the tlme. A Some time was spent in discuS· the trade school. 2t Oirote Nlllnber Two of the W. few. unaware of ~e power latent. sing the l!OlI~hll1ty of, lI"1ioneo~g ~ • B. C. 8.. . met op 'lIhuraday attarIn hum'an endeavor ,consider this a public meeting where a we.l1~ WORDS TQ R,.ME""IIER: ' noOo at the bqme of Mra. Ira Het.. matter as highly ! tmpracUoable, known .- autho~ty on flower $r, many a cause wblch paat ages rangement OYfould' dem~netrate the : Thel name of the man Qr '1!'0man' ler. Tl;!.e bqlliness . 8s88lon. :was 'wbo first wrote the ''Wordll may be helll and planl for the lJuaar and ~~ded all purely vtslonarll. basic .l1r1nclples and explain the '10", torlOtt8ll -..bUt tbe ~rdll Tur~fI'I SQP~r were ' dlsc~lIae4. In this day has }>ecome e sy' rules of .deslgn. . Tb41 meetfhg .themselves ,are' not. Tbe~ are: ~e pro~ and _tud, pel'lod and Pl'IWtlcable. End.e avor. cea.e- ;troWel be some~e In ~~. • Plans "I shall pUI throUgh thla world ,.,ere in charse of lIri. HIUT7 less endeav;or 111 '. When tOIl' ~t W4Ire referred tp a, commit. but o~ce. Anv goO\J thlnr. tIlere.- Schenck. ' love Is realized and tlie Ideal" spir- tee_ , ' fora, tbat I caD do. to any human ~lowIDl' a4Jl1.urnm.nt. refresb· Itnal bon~ ~1l1t1l the hearta ot Dr. Emma HolloW!'y read. a being. let lDe do It. nOW. 11'or r staal) menta w"",, ..rn.d clnrtnc tbe, 110men, the 1\'hole I\umu.'·· race will mOlt interi_ artJole ~bo~t "'f.he ClIal bour. . be uplifted aDd' the bApPbleu aDd !!Jcat1et ~tlDn." . an4 bow It :'Dot pue ~11 way aaatn." " tranqulllty of. 1J1&Dldnd be Jm. came to be" OhIO's ,s~te no~er. It :\ tNl'E NEVER ••• UIL.~ , . EXIRC~'., POll HPRr " 'I'" nr T_OUBLEf meunrably lQCIhIII8ecL "Warrare aeema ~at dutng Ole early pOlIt. .._n ..... _:.:...!..~L _ 1" -~ Oa _ -'---'a'nd strife wru be ....r00te4 and Jcal. C&II!paign of Wll11am VcKlnBate liner .-..- ...,--1 ~·r. . . -'The thlq abou~ uniyeraa1 ~ aI&e-.the 1lIlt1..... 1.,. he. admIre4 •• • ftO\lfW in the . ~ 11 . . - It. on. . . .. 01l~ belD& ~ , 1It,..~ ;~,-:;= Id IOMPh , JWt N~ fwra.-(fuette, lhtolleeoD, 'KalIL mil,," 1m. H.t_


C" i 01 b T'a' HaId

Falher-Daughter Meet


. .

Iiro"r.. WOllIn M e' Wednlsda,·

W · ses Ta HaId B "Ilalr

n,. T k

.",upper ;

Warren Coan,-


Methodisls. Will Meel

rn Morrow


Ch.·cago Sloe Show

All School Leyi. all Two Carry


Maida, '

Warre. COlalY Usls Few,r B.irths

2& Fro. .rl'll tend " .a r-

WOIU • I ' II . ' , 'lane e Carm


Sco,ls ·Ieet At, Par.h




Gran'" To Th.kll."Y."RI Part,



gaJD". "


W ren



To Gain

arap ' Pia Far.n Th kfl.if.11 ,. Pari, :Faltnen ,

WaJne Garden' Cllb '

MelI 'aI Sta , Thlrsda, Afte' rnoon


OIr. Iwa WSOS Meels . n ......'

. :.:-...:r;..








NOTICE TO CONTR ACTOR S STA.TE OF omo No, 81 Departm ent of HlghwaY I , , Columbu l. Oblo, october 81, 1953 An Ofdlnan ca to fix tha 8alary .rlst Enginee r o( S.I.I Eatablli hed FebrUary , 1850 VII· the of Mayor the of r Bond Publliha and and Edltor Legal Copy No. ~ PAUL ~. 8CHERE R • .,. _________'_. _____ _____ _ ___ • Ohio. .IHe, Waynnv of. lage COLLI8 MARK By Editor UNIT PIDCl!: CONTR ACT _~_ _ _- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J CECILIA J. SCHEREoR ________________ __'-_- ___ ___ _ _A..oclate Be It ordIiIlnecl by the Oouncll Mlnleter S""ed propoaa ls wlll be received " ' - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ llle, Wayne.v of IIlaP the of Chrl.t of Churoh y Broadwa ,t the otrlce p! the State HI,bwa. r LYTLE METHO DIST CHURC H • Ohio: Lexlngton~ Kentuok y' ~I~tor of Ohio, at Columbu s, Puhllshe d :Elvery Thursda y MorninG E. Baughn, Putqr B. Mlnl,ter of ood, Ijalary the Wedgew W. That 1. SECTIO N (~hlo. until 10:00 a. m .• OhIO. Btan· Printed with Permllll on of at Wayne8v ille, Warren Cou.oty, Ohio. Servle,a . 9~45 a. m . Unified Mr. .• m a. 9:80 School, .Church or 20. er the Mayor of tlIe V~l1age clard Time, Fl'Jda.y, ' Novemb !!lntered as second class matter at The Standard ,Publlah Jng 00. 8upt. n, .MoMUla Herbert thouaand in:: one jl91i8, for iinprove menta the postortlc e at Wayne8v ijle, Ohio. Ellght. Ninth and Cutter Stnet/l, Way nell ville eball be Wor,hlp Service, 10:30 a. m. Warren County. Ohio, on Section one hundred dollars (,1,100.00) PAL , under the act of March 8, 1878. Cincinna ti, Ohio Youtli YellolYsslp SUnday 1:30 ST. MARY'S EPISCO (10.18-11.03). State ROnte WAlt·22. twelve In ~yable annum, per a '" with e 'JIb" Rev, Samuel N. Key., Recmr Should we cooperat m. p in 22. No, Route S. ~. and 3 l~OI ' equal monthly JJi8tallmentB, begIn· Su,nda),: y 8.00. or;anlza tlon 'In ~he Village of Morrow ana Salem . ChoIr Pr.aCtlce Thunda elsewhe re man behevole nt and nlng January 1, 1954. Holy Commun ion, 7:80 L III. l drahiln'g Subscrip tion Rat,es- ln' 0hlo, $2. Per Year In advance ; $2.50 grading, and by pil. :rownshi SECTIO N 2. That .the , Mayor IlUld wldenJn g and r~lJrraclng Church Scbool, 10: 16 a. m. wo.... k, even though we Gannot ille IItriill 'wiLh asphaltl c conorete . Adult Worship . '10:46 a. m. prove "-" that the organiza tion o~ the Village of Waynesv CHRIST OF H CHURC THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1963 FERRY ' / gJve bOJlet In the lIum of one tb,ou· Width: , Paveme nt 36 feet doel? ByrOn OaLrver, 1IIInister Roadwa y variable . If tlIat which we dlsappro velll a sand dollars ·(,:£,000.00). ~ ~ m. a. 9:30 DIble SchoOl. SEOTI0 N 8. Tbat thlll ordl· Length: 4.822,012 feet or O.8ltl UTICA E.U.B. CHURC H nle~e matter of e .• pediency or ot M!lrnlng Worshl~. 10:30 a. m. t to Re- mile. LeWIS Oamp bell M1SS JANE FITE. opinion, we IIhould ulle our own nance is adopte~ purauan l'Tayer Meeltng. 7;00 p. m. of wnUam Channon , MlD1ater. ion as complet for set. 1905.21, date Section '~The COde, vlsed we judgmen t in decl!lln g whether Young People's Meeting , 7:00. Sunday School 9:80 a. m., Mr. I He·el ected all ' set forth In be shan work Correspo nd'cnt thIs . ahould gi ve our IlId to Lheof amended efeOti"O'e October 19, 1963 the bidding pI'O»osill." : EvenIng Services . 7'; SO n. m. Jlarley Thoma.. S\I1;It. lzatlon. But If'a matter Thjl Frleudll Churcl! here S()Qtf· SECTIO N 4. That this ordl· PreaohiB g, every other Sl·uda7. tion setB wage to be paid organiza an mlnJmnm It , The Involved III d L ~:y~! allide tile Ilutl\orlty or Christ and nance beCome effect/ve be· to all· labor employe d on this con· I" . / 11:45 a. m. sored a Steak ' Supper Saturday ca~~=~FY:a~U~:~le~ elec. for thM Evenlng Service. flrat Sllnday II! In IIccOrdance with evenlng In tb!! high s chool building. ,of the village III the recent discredI ts Hla word, we, in lend· fore October 81, 1953, andan emer· traot sball be OF H CHURC 8VILLE WAYNE 'Prevaili ng Hourly CHRIST the "Schedu le of 'I.: month. Ernest Wlllon, Sr., In. ing our aid and support to . that \feD.8on, It I. deolared Rev. J. P . Thornbu ry, pBlItor of' tlon. of organiza tion, become partllker B of geney meaBure, and shall go intp VVag& Rates Asertaln ed and DeJonab's Run Baptist here, cumbent , polled a majority ~UulBter RabBIts, Prlpe termined by The &partm ent of Is 111, and conrin d to the ' parson- ,95 votell for the village council, the wrong that It Is commltt mg, immedIa te 10rce and eftect. age. Sl!lCTION 5. That aU ordl. Industri al Relation s appllcab le to 'Blb\e School at 9:30 a. m. CAESAR '8 OREEK FRIEND S s under the ourselve bring and him mikes alltomat lcally Morning Worllhlp, 10:30 , a. m. that falls upon /lame condemn ation Charles Doster and Paul Tom. Yfhlch ll,art State Highwa y Departm ent 1m· Jack Bal'Jlee-. ~inUter. any or ns, re80lutio 01' nances . prulden t of the council. WII· it 22) 6: Tim. (I ce with Evenin/l WorShip , '7:80 p. m. 0IIar1.. ' Btanley, 8upt. for this or parts thereot, InconsIs tent wlt~ proveme ntB In: accordan __ and IInson attended the Mlchlga n·Ohlo ~on wei only candidat e Sections i7-3, 1'1-4, 17-ja, 17·5 Midwee k Sen1ces . 7:80 p. m. Servia.. 10 .. m. on Wor,hlll appeared amen·d· name hereby litre whose e, office orollllUlc B, ihls · Columbu In conform s game Ohio." of churche ~ootball State Are there any 17·5a of the Genera) Code sunday SObOClI. 11 L m._ . reB' and/or es orol1llnc lIuch and Saturday . ed In d with presonte lIubmlt s -JIlUBtprinciple The bIdder the, ballot. However , four other Ing to ~he to Mr. and Mrs. Jamell Thornbu "" his bid a certified check In the men who-ale o 'had served' on the the above an.were , churche s that 01ution8 are hereby repealed as 'J ST. AUGUS TINE CHURC H term encles. ,. present Incoutlt the sucb y or $8,600.00. during authorit amount council human · son, a all of are free from are an~ouncing the bIrth 1953. 28, . Johu. Berning , Pulor s." Octoberon "write-In Dated are al and tlons fitlth elected epecltlca OREGONIA EVANG lllCAL U. B. were rellgioul and of MePlans In mattere TImothy , Friday, at Clinton KIm, H. ttl. R. a. . DOBter, Glenn practice recognl21ng only the • fIIe.fn. the dePartm ent of hl«hwaYil 1IIul8& 8.00 aDt'o 10:00 iluieDt. Ortrrull. Putor m 0 r I a I hospital, WllJliIlngton. They are Charlea Pre81den t of Oouncll and the ~trtce of the divisIon depBollin. thorlty of Chrllt ae expre..ed In Sunday ticbool. 10 L m, Grandpa rent8 are Mr. and Mrs. Hoilingawol"ltl. ' Richard uty director. Attest: Mary Stansbe rry KornJog Wo •• blp, 11 a. m. Thomas Welch and Rev. and Mrll. gel' and George Wall. Tho new the ' New Teltame nt? ' The director 'reaerves the right Clerk . t+le next Youth. FellOWship, 8:80 to 9:00.; Yes, there are many In the TInJ· METHO~IST . HOLLy MT. bids. all and any J . P. Thornbu ry, allot H.a rveys· ma" on the council for reject to 12 leles, In 11 5-(Jt) -_11 States, In the British _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ___ . M!nlllter _ Scaff. The materna l great gran it· term II Adrian Plumme r. PJum. ted Phil· M. the T. in burg. Australa sia, In Russia, S. O. LJNZEL L, , mer hall lived In this commun : SuDday Bcliool, ' 9-:30 a. m.. E. Director mother Ilf Mrs. Oba Welcb. State HIghwa y_ Ippine Ielands, In Japan, in Mex. _ A. Earnllar t; SuPL rAN 80IBNC~ 1a _ _ . thll CHRIST and _ N _ _ yeare _ LEBANO _ seve,ral for • "--"--_ Ity l a patient a Is . Hough Oard Mrs. Lizzie Ico. In AtTIca a.n d In other coun· / tho flrllt time he hal served a trIes. May the I r nnmber' be Worlbip Service, 10:80 a. m. LE~A,L NOTICE ? . Chrlltla n . eenl.cee are at Clinton Memoria l hpspltal. S THANK OF employe NOTE an Is He office. m. p. village 7.39 No. d. their Service, greatly Increase Th,e WSOS will hold held eye..,. Sunday mol'lllq at 10 Wm. F. Dyer, whOle plaCe ot lllvenlng • want to thank everyon e who vember meeting Thurs6a y after· ' of the NCR In Dayton; Miller S. Carl by ed Snbmltt Mrs. HJcJaIand A:nJ. at 11 o'qloolL ~ noon, In the socIal rooms of the Helen Robert.o n will continue BUpported me In ~he election tor. residenc e ill unknown . -will take Waynesv ille Sunday lohool a~ thl same hour. 'FRfEND 8 SVILLE WAYNE a ,Dyer, E. BhlrJey pOlltlon that a , notice clerk, r, age VUlage 'l'reuure I on al vill THE END Methodi st churoh. TelUmo ny meeUn&1 lit wednell ' a. m. 8:80 Bchool. .bay . ant her ' . Wt1son, yeare' A. MIranda '· several Tressle Phebe for l ,by held mlnDr, Doster, student she haa Miss Janet a.m day evenlq of each month at 8. ~ -.,;"-- ----.,,-, . . - - - - - - 10:80 , Wotslalp . for Meeting Oct. on , friend Clncln. , next and hospItal motileI', nurse at ChrIst TO HAROLD ....;...--------......,.---Mayor Campbel l II expected 29, 1959. fUed her petltlQn agaInst 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - natl, spent the week end bere NOTE OF THAN!<8 orhe daya YOIl spent with us, dear -__-~~~~-~_."!"'"------It Camp· (Chub) Earl continue to Plea81Ir Mr. slater, Common of a'ld wIth her pare~a 1 wish to thank all who BUP" him In the Court Harold In chief. police village as praying bell Ohio, and Doster County. and Mrs. Charles bound ported me in the recent elect/o,n of Warren reviewin g the palt years It was On y:our Heavenl y journey ' daughte r Barbara . , Mary Stansbel 'ry. , fell' a divorce and otller relief on beautifu l and faIr and rare Were were srrelts that out pointed r. the grounds or groBS :neglect. ot Mrs: Louise Fits and daugbte found, but that Like a rlQh, rich treasure < 8 Jane Flte, were guesta Sunday made whon required , duo/. TH"NK OF C4RD to come The thought of you. so IIweet. 80 SaId cause wlll be for hearing o~ afternoo n of Mrs. Ida Hendrld ks. there were few c •• e. We wish to 'thank all our frlendll smnll, . Both after the 19th dlloY, of De~em kiDll and the aU . fo of Probasc o NurBlng Home, WU· before the young mayo~. were No time can e'er erase tl and nellllbo the mayo!' a/ld police chief mlngton . during the Um ber, 1968. ', -situ and creeds dOM IB bere travel our when And vlllag~ 9HlRLE lY' E. DYER her borne Ol~ Mrs. Emma Cline and s <!. n proud of the record the 'en We'll meet you bY God's gra.oe. my wife wa. UI at E A. WILSON Jamel! Cline. of Dayton, were made during' this Hallowe TRESSI BtreeL ,MaIn no de· d c:tan dlfor, ~t1 es!{s during t he week end of Beason. Thoy reported D. E . .., PAUL N. }{ERDMAN, DUD NOTE OF THANK S an d ~Mr. min· a and r property of structlon Osee Mrs. ~ ffl' M.'r s. CLine's sIster, Atty. For Plaintiff 'W e wish to express our sincere I Imum of co Ib ratl on. 0 ne 0 Rnrlan. THAN ., PATRON S deepellt and tbanks was 11-5-(6 t)-12-10 which record "Our aald, Mrll, Mary Tucker who has clal and reI. County. to our neIgh' bors, #..I"ndll Warren pOllslble Fer the lQ1al BUpport of the best In, ,,' ... I 1 I 1II ::Jen have el t not would b een J th b I I I 8 mprov ng. atlves for their kind deeds', ox· • II·D A Y iii I'.' S ec· e racen n Mrs. Eva MacDonAld has r& coopera· Ipres810ns of sympatb y nnd the sc ooev eB TILfVISI~N FlOHr C)f on expressi turned home follow ing It weeks without the IIple ld slDcere a tlon. the lovely floral tributes exte~ded to KID GAVllAH .....extended to . nil InclnnaU with bel' , tion of the boys and girls In he~by Is vISit In thanks , •• te.L. ".Ko· .. n) waYne Townsh ip ity. The offlcerll really us ,during the loss of our baby tbe patrpns grandson . Mrs. \ commun and "ti. ' , ltd It" daugbte • son. Harold. ESPQclaUy we wIsh School ~ . 8R,qTOM} apprec a e ~ JOHt4HY P.KO·"~52 Its d Anna Volz and Bon :Howard . PTA ' to .'. hls\ tor '.'58.L'2 to ~hank Rev. Wedgewoocl 0 r . • . . an ~sO ', · It Is 8uPPoled that May IGHT ELTeRWE W ' . KOV.1'3, f ~ th W~lh we . workers fo ~Isle Ha wke who 1s spend· and comrortlq.g words and group .Dr eo· lIerve .. CH' "PIOHSHIP tb...J.. thanks 0 f a II t itlIle lug 60me time here at the home Campbel l wll,1 also ..... tor . Home WORLD', Filneral Stub"B the No Peace. the extend of to JUlltlee of ~ ROUHDS t th e flee fo~ this office was p r l n t e " and eftlclent senlces . schoOl ,for yonI' eKorts Itl behlllf I or Mrs. Mary T uc k er, sllen theIr kind I name I,'eek end In Columbu s. schooh ehe of " "tbankll. say Ca'11P' Again we ~~~·ii~~~~;;;;-:~:;;:?r.~.iiiiiiii.ii; Mr. and Mrs. Roy ElIls ate on' the ballot but Mayor Wayne Local Board of Educatl~I) MUleI' 'Ray 'Mrs. and ~. ~cr~est Anaw er wrltD' -;of SIGNS majority a ING". received s pe llding a reI" days with relatiVeS , bell ' Harold WlIitjr.ker. Pr~'810e,nt "NO HUNT and Famlly, n In votu. By New Cltl~e I NOW H Th G In lndlana, _ . . i ... ;;oi;;;; ~ . . . --.. ere el'(l et Mrs. Iohn E. WelSh had (IS her l - -·- ............~...-·"You are now a pallt of the -- ' guests Thursda y her mother, Mrs. New Proce ;s- - greates~· organlsa~lon In. the world Lena Gilpin of Springbo ro aud bel' sister, Mrs. Thomas Fox, ~lamls' l P r eee:-v es Corn States of America ," -thea TInlted ~ , Federal judge In New JersaId • Can , IN~ ed announc have B ~clentlBt Farm In a BriUsh "WAr GOOD JOB' PRINT swore he a8 sey burg. """ were LevIe)' mao Iyde JOe; Mra "T81l and Mr clUsen. LA a l' I ' bride tiOJl dehydra a of I Lhe develop ment ND, Of Near • . • . d at th, G uett.. RO$5 ROW B Ob+tune sweet ~ guests Sunday .ot their grandso n I process ",hlch will preserve ysbur g, is Now with Ua dam, )Vha{; ~;heltk:o!:,,~ :C::t, ~~~ , e Harve . tely. IndeftDJ corn " and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin The research 'on the p r o c e s s Smith of Blanche ster. Estat e and America n. Real the in H0 UR8 : the s or tion Busin ess. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phllabau m t9 0k tbres years. Sponsor makes ·were overnIgh t guests Saturday projeCt say ,the new metbod to cle9 to 11:45 a. In.. of ber brother;i n·law and elster. It possible for the first time You May Conta ct Him Thru" 1 to 15 p. m. hyclrate corn on a large commer· . Mr. and Mrs. J . E.Smlth . the Wayn esvill e Exch an.e • cllll_scale. the Har' Class of Wedn.ed lY P. M. Tbe Junlor . Excapt _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ a d spon'sore \,eYllburg high scbool, at 27 East . . .~. or 3361 No. r Swindle the from benertt 50·50 dance In the school have moved ~AVNE'VILL~ AT. 1 Above Woolwo rth'e Wilml"'Dayton- WayJtllv llle Rei. t St farm to the Hlteman farm. The VUIV. n ........ , gymDsss lum Friday evenJng. , 8torl , 100 and ree ,II r Swindle the of ts occupan Fred Dakin has been taken to ] new • Phone 236 •• farm are Mr. and Mrs, Sherman a re8t home near Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gentry RobertB and family .

Q••lio.. 0••,.. ·of


I·-N " . . . . . . . . Le••ORDINA NCE




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T. •







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Eyes Exam.'neel


_1_ '


E. Wilkin Dr. Carl ,



~. Get, lo _r TOYS For CHRISTMAS LaY,a wa ys We lco me d to The follow ing prize s will be given by us 'will which ., tick~t the holde rs of the lucky be given with each $1.00 purch ase here:

D. B. A.





. FIRST PRIZE ---- -:...--- -- - .. ----$1 5.00 DOLL SET T PAIN 0 -$5.0 -----SECO ND PRIZE K THIR D PRIZE --- · ELEC T. BEDR OOM CLO~

Drawing Tuesday, Decem ber 22-7:30 plml At Hunt er'. ,Hobb y Shop AflY of the Above Prizes Not Wanted by Winner, Can Be fi:xchangrd For Other Artlclell Agen cy for Easy Wash ers ,and Dryer s, and Natio nal Sewin g Mach ine.



Ie• .• .., For

Realt or a ..d AuCti on. .





-"11. II

UHF CONV ERRR S INSTALLED Only $34.1 0 c.n....... Antenna Inatal latlon and _ .....r A L .a.: W 0 R K .S QUA __ A N T ,'E I: D PICK UP A"'O





A .Farm Diary ~Y

D. J. fra.der

.~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• , ~

Cauliflo••r .FHs al,••• 1

Annie J.aurle PIdUlp., lot lD Frank· ovan to HaUfe L. WJIOIl& lot lD lin 'PoWDI)PP. Sprin,boro. Ella Nora 14U1T1f to Walter W. Fred Gillespie 'to Hukell and II!Id ~l11eda Kount, lot lD Frank· MyttJe Golden, .lot lD Pleasant ~----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..JI lin. . Plain. Cauliflower Is a welcome ad~l. , Courtney J. Combs an~ James J. John L, DeMaine to Russell L. tion to autulnn meals,~ 11.,.8 Sue NIW IUITS Peter p. Zouvelos vs. Johnson to 0& ~ Rena Powell, and Anna Fox, lot lD Deerfield Christian, extension 'nutrition spec.. David M. Mefford vs. · Cora V. Discount Corp., for dec~atory 3 Jots In Turtlecreek Township. To~hip. fI\lfilt at Ohio State University, MeJ!ord, divorce. Pal.\l N. Herd· judgment. lWy~ Nol'mllD and . PatdlDe M. ' Hermon and Odra Tibbs to Joe . She suggests serving it with a man, attorney. Susan Bow)ing vs. Owen Bowl· Johnson to Lester P. !\Dd MlU'Y E, Baxter, 2 lots in F1:anklln Town· cheese, or HollandaIse sauce, In Helen Surface vs. Edward Sur. lng, divorce. Fred E. Jones, at- Hudson, lot lD FrmkllD. ship. face, ,divorce. Gray, Risinger' aud torney. Everett and Roea Scott to Kash S. C. Sharp to Thanette House oasseroles with ham or as indl· Gray, attorneys. ' . Margaret Joanne Maloney vs. D. and Mary Lou Amburgy, lot in and Madolynn F. Burlihgton', lot ~ vidual raw nowereta on a 'relish dls~ Caullflllwer is a «POd source Ad I . . Th 'A John J. Maloney, divorce. J. T. l:1nlon Township. , Frankliil. ' e aIde B: Scott vs. omas • Riley, attorney. ' Darley and )leba Mae Peck to,' Robert Harrison to James C. and of calcium, iron, phq8phorus and Scott, to qUlet title, ew. lt1aple GUb ert 0 . Haitkin s vs. E . E. Os· ' Kash 1>. and V a _ Lo Amb urgy, Mary A. Stamper; lot in F,ranklin v1tamns A, B and O. and Maple, attorneys. -I U , The speC!~l lst says it ill a good wold, administrator with will an· lot in South 4lbanon. Township. Ruby C. Wood vs. Rollett C. nexed Qf the estate of Jessie O. Lawrence and Grace Ward to, RQbett Harrison to EdwlD and buy this ,lIeBSQn. Good heads 01, Wood, divorce. John H. Oswald, Thompson, deceased, money OIuy. John G. and Evelyn M., Keller, .542: Christine Click, lot in Franklin oaullflower will have white to creamy·whlte. unspeokied curd and attorney; , Meryl B. Gray, attorney. \ acre in Hamilton Towns~ip. Township. ~gar~t ll. Bustle vs. Ford The Standard Bldg. and Loan Lawrence and Grace Ward to Robert Harrison · to. Warren A. crisp green leaves. Good heads , Bqstle, dIvorce. C. 'Donald DUa· Company vs. William Knocken· John G. and' Evelyn M. ·Keller, .68t and Clois Marshall, lot in Franklin will be 1'8latlvely heavy for their size. ' ,.rone W~yne8vllle 3953 tush, atto17ne Y. , _ hauer, et aI, ~oney and foreclos· acre in Hamnton Township. Township. , . Caull l/ower W;1l1 keep In' the ra.I Emma Jeal Butcher VB. ' Pearl me of mO):'tgage. HenrY J. Weller, ~Howard '-Bell Emery to Lea E.. o. r.. Lansaw to Carl and Vir· ·frIgerator Give Me A Ring For A only 3 or 4 days with· Butcher., divorce. Brown aDd 'attorney. Woods, lot in 1t{ason. ginia Mueller, lot in Franklin oqt deterioration, so It's wise to Young, attorneyS. Edna Knapp to l{elen HIndman" Township. Trl.Con Distrlb'ttors, Inc., vs. COMMON , PLEAS COURT 93,468' 8c):'e8 in ~lDev1lle. O. L. Lansaw to Ova S. and Del· buy In small quantities. The spec· Lester' Ogd~if, money only. George Theodore and Joan Wilson VB. Virginia ',Kafm' to Hobert anell la M. Haddix, lot in Franklin Town· lallst says a medlum·slzed head Or A ' w1l1 serve fi>ur (leople on the basis F. Allen and Edward K. Halaby, at· Alice' Heintz and the \1Dknown Lela Go.och, 112.60 acres 'ip Turtle·· ship. . of balf-eup ser,vlngti. torneys. heirs of Allee Heintz, title quieted creek Towbllhip. Thomas and Ica Dean to Lucille She suggests cooking cau)1nower . 'in favor of plaintiffs. Hobert and Lela Gooch to Rils.. Rose and Nesbit Johnson, 3.15 untu It ~s barely tsnder and the With tJUs one. , If , we leed . her Katl}.erin~ Irvin vs. George sell, W. and lAIuise' Martindlile, acres in Franklin Township. .-Or- . c "nough ;II:Jkey c~n take ~o a,nd" divorce to defendantj custody .' acres in Turllecreek Town·· Kash D. and Man' Lou Amburgy 'flowereta are stlll ,-a little crisp we won t have to strip her out. chlldren to plaintiff', defendant to' shIp. to James and Minnie Hornsby lot and not· dlllcolored. Carelul cook. Th bl al illd I f hili Daily rid Ad G iffith . . , Ing wlll protect vitamins and Ih· ..,& g eves t or me t pay $12.50 per week. a a .r to Ed·' in South Lebanon. ' WE'RE TRADlN' HIGH! Iporplng. I shOuld have another 'Carl Rose vs. Nannie Rose, di· ward E. and s.tella, Brandenburg,. Kash D. ana Mary .Lou Amburgy sure beBt navor and texture. Caul. v,ea1 ready; to go next week. It vorce to plaintift. · .51 D;cres in Union Township. to John G. and Reba Foster, lot in Iflower Is 1;10t good warmed over. Middletown , W.Q~t .qull:e fa.t enough yet to Nelson £'\gin appointed auction· Wl1liam Cortelyou to Glen m,ell South Lebanon. bring top but b¥ next ' we'ek it eer for one year. Betty Lou ' Patric)t, , .625 acre Uli B J dAd ' ank h ld b d Fran klin..... hiP ruce r an a B s to Ch,·ld Cansenat,·on . " E s qu e rea y. Betty' M. Salley vs. Johnny E. G . "'R.vWDsd Vlr Sherrill'an ' d"Lillie Ma'e Pilkenton, We 'a re glad to welcome Mrs. Salley case dismissed. eorge an gmla. Jack. L M COMPANY DBlsy Snyder baok to Waynesville Letha' Mae Schwie.t ert vs. Fred son to Dorsie Arnold, trustee, 10.S~' lot m Fra~in TOWDShip. eague eets Tuesday 2714 Tytul lor the wlnt ~. , She wUl be stay· 11. $chwietert, divorce and rest~ra. acres in Turt1ecree~ Township. 'rhe Waynesville OhUd ConServa. Dial 24601 ing With ?Irs. Winifred Hartsock. tion of maiden name to p1aintiJf. Wayne ';I'ownship ~eterans, Posll PROBATE COURT tion League wllI meet at the bome Middl~toWD, ' Ohio Armistice Day .thls week. Such Martha Louise Stevens vs, Elmer 615, American LegIon, Inc., to Estate of Harvey W. Con.nor, de- of Mrs. Katie Henry at Lytle OU a reminder. of the tutm~ of not Lee Stevens, divorce to plaintiJf. trustees of Farman Grange No. 13. ceased, Goldie M. Connor, admin. Tuesday evenlng, Nov. 17. settllnlf things at the tlm.e or try. Harry S. Eastman vs. Joy Sullie Waynesville, 2 lots in Wayne Town.. istratrlx, inventory flledj hearing Mrs. Margaret Ann Ohapman to please too many people. So ' van, et aI, partition of real estste ship. " set for November 19 at 10 o'clock. and Mrs. Mary Bunnell arc t he many of our present troubles have in int~rest of all parties ordered. (QGulDatCYd' anGd Jfir!!p la Ed' Mh,orrlS Estate of W. F. Clark, deceased, co-hostesses. Mrs. Gertrude Eka~ b come lrom trvlng to divide thlng" 0 er ~ ..e an C a.rlell Wa1ter Clark,admln'lstrator w i t wtl. l " sneak on child .."sycholo""'. " M: Tl' in 1. t..~en in He h '" Up Int~ zones or trybig j/).lnt con· REAL ES.TATE TRANSFERS 'S a er'd 0 IOL. I rrow'Li' will annexed, inventory filedj hear. troIs before peol,lle are ready for The E. and O. Realty Company am an ,",uRr ene ttle t~., ing set for November 19 at 10 tbem. Trieste, Bl\lIt and West Bel" to Michael H. EInhorn, lot in Glenn C. and Martha J. Shope, .1 o'clock. lin. North and South ~orea. We Franidin Township. lots in Deerfield Township. , owe a S!'eat deal more ,tJian we Thanette House and Madolyn F J. Henry Schengber !o Franl~ Estate of Thom8s Francis Mc· req.Jlv,e to, Llru;oln who said that Burlington to S. C. Sharp. lot in Sc~ngber, 110.366 acres m Hamil· Cormack, decessed, Mabel Kahlert, the naUon coulll ,not exist, half Franklin. ton Township. executrix, inventory flIedj hearing Jllave and half free. Tbat IIrln. Charles and' Marcella Fulton Eugen~;E. atftJ Ariene R. Colle), set for November 19 at ' 10 o'clock. clpla ,applied In many of these : te Samuel E. and Bertha E. Woold. to Kash D. and Mary Lou 'Amburgy, later 81tuatlon8 mIght have saved ridge, lot in }i"ranklin T0'iDship. lot in South Lebanon. MARRIAGE LICENSES us a lot of trouble. I Fred T. and Lucille Neeman to . Joseph T. and Harriett A. Mer· Ted Thompson Burrougbs, 26, .. . cier to Ot)ls and, ¥f!tle Burchwell, Oregonia, spot welder, and Lec;ma ' 1.677 !,Icres in Deet'field Township. May Upton, 20, Lebanon, hook· Charles W. an" GOrdon O. Don· keeper. '


NOVEMBER 9. 1963: - Novem· 'ber and today II: 100B like It, gray but not rainlng, rather cold around fort)'. The ktnd of day that might turn Into anythiDg. Dry Ridge lived up to name ."6itscount .... when all the rest of .w" •# had or mow or storms -of some kind we had &. few light snow nu~les and a few cold nights, eno.ugb to make you feel that winter Is on th ay ,lItnd hur· ry and get ready for it, Water sWl the major Ilroblem. · It is so dlsappolntlng not to get raIn when the we\l-t,.her looks like 1:aln a1;1d feels like rafu or snow and then we do not get en.ougli to lay the dust. ' At last we bave done so.met~Ing that should bave been' done years ago when :We , put in ou\' wa~r works. At that time ail the run. .It ' nlng water In th e house was p.. on ·the . cistern which worked all right when there was rain and the cltsem had plen.ty ' of ater ' In It "- ut so ofterl ell"eclaUv when we u ,,'# had com pan)' the cistern went dry and we bact to use the bucket sys· tem or buy water, now we have put a new pump the COld water from the , well alld sUli use the cistern tor the hot water, which gives us : thll advantage of soft water for most of the Important things. 'l'he 'well water can bi! tu~ed into . the hotlnwater a18ystem . If necessary by turn t tg aev ve or two but most of he 1m we can have the sort water. Our well water i8 very hard so tha~ It would lime up the' hot water plpee quickly which Is ano~er reason for P1'8ferrtng to haye, soft wa.ter In the hot wa~er system. , ' Cold weather makes us hurry to make the barn more comfort· able tor wInter. According to the latest re(lorts of eXJ,lel'1.m.ental farms, cows do lust as well In a cold 'barn a8 in a warm one pro"I~cd <they bave shelter from the wind and rain and plent':! of good bedding. Long befo re the mllklng· ,stable·loafing·barn sYljltem was talked nbout we ~ere usIng- it, not . because e . thought' anythtnl; about it but th~t WQS what we hali. Our, 'lltancblone were not suitable (or keening the cows In - SPONSORED BY ___ aU the ' time and besIdes I never Ukeel the illea of keeping them shut up. I .\10 Jlot like to keep ' . anythJng 81;1ut ~P. Ours works 'Well and now tllat we ha~ all the gates back on tlielr binges and all freshly bedded down. It ". .,J ~ There I~ on~ loo)ts qnite nl~e. mo1'8 pte to tlut:. up and then . can put the 11ltle calves In on'e pen and the bIgger ones In , the other and , be able to turn the . , proper cows in to their calves without mttch trouble. . Door Prize -- Basket·of Grocerl.s , l' had a sW'))rise Y418t8r'day morn· lng wbell I ,went up, tq, the ~a'm. In ~h'e morning ' Plnkey,; the' .blg , brlndle cow was mhldng a tuss and' bawllng but I didn't tblnk muoh~ about It ' but , wlien l went outside there ahe was with a" nice big whiteface ,heifer c'8,lf,' all dried ofl and up on Ita feet l1\nnln.; around and lively as a ·crlcket. It , laIew Just 'w~en to .h nd 80mething to 'e at and Cudn!t seem' to mtnd the cool ,rInd ' at all. It was warmer there 'In the lunsMne than 1. Vineyard ' " fruit In the bar.n 801 left It there un· til night. Plnkey '111 the cow. that Tropical ~t,," I;~~_ , thiDa a _ ~lrll place. ill by' Its mothet'll .side. ThIs morning sbe wr - ' -.... 1 1 tried every way she coald ~ get 12.• ~ 'ui it to COIQe o'ot "stl1 her but I was ..- ge I c)' there antS kept It in ail the weatber th:~ loo1tecl 80 nnceraln. ' We have vines alonl BOIDe other calves dlle thl. month: 'p ound I like WI fresheners bilt J pr~fer J~ OJean them • little earlier, We blPrven't', - 15. apple al,rqa been this, lucky. , Fruit.belrlnl , Toda~... Is late daY ." and. If I can ' 1'1. spike, as of , 1 ma:y buy another little ?ne to go com -..18. PurM the





. __








Motorola TV


with BIG NEW 21 INCH



"********'****** .....~~( ;











Ne...... olnul flnllh console feolvr.. on _!Icon,. molched coblne' willi 'pedal GIG,. Down/SOIlItd Up .lyIlng. Improved Co~,.cJ CIIo"i, double. lip wi'" pqle,,'ed 'ie',o" powe, unll fa, Daub'e,'owe, "elure. 21.lnch pic'.'. ' lub•••• f o _ UfwH_ facu" Moho"ony

abbr, ,'20. Kind Of bean 21. Yale . 22. Indian




, 19. For moqth 'example:

mulbet'l7 . 23. Bird's home ~ H. Broocl of , p~tI 2'1. Either •• 28. ADd; Latin ' 29., Roman seven '\ 80. €olor of atrawberriea ' 47. 82. Heap 48.: N~ "'. . as. Old ·Teat.· ment: abbr. 50. 18. I'reDch . 51. U. article

f}ou6le-fJower PiCture



, fresh . and I brings tean vegetables I 53. Crisp, 18. What fruits ~ndition 10 pungent rootr ' and ' which fruit popular . . vegetable. Ihould- be In ,alalia • are rich lD when bought . , ' 2•. ,What Nothing vegetable. Cultivate IrOW in· loll, as for D.OWK 28. Article . veaetablea I. Nutrltioua 29. Food fnctor Before ' leavell "and eaenUal to 1At ltand ,stemS, :u ·of . health, found F18voraome IPinilch . In flUita and bulb-__ve".. 2. N~" ~Jetablee . e!e~tfon 81. LOl~ " 8. Fresh frult 82. World'. moot ' drink valua~le 4. Printes'a vegetable

. 14.


are If .da! to malDtlld It .. r.tIebd:l'Ir. ... e~ .. W....... II.~ .. J)rJJl

,. ArtIcJe



e .... ,.Yeo• •'Nom.",., on All Portll





Red ••lIghtly

=::: .. ~ U: a. u:::-.

..=- . ..= . . . loeb

doctora 11. . . etC...

II. Jl'0UI'IiNq ' • BIbo1cI .aaa-t Ii IL at.Ir. ......


. MODEL Ultl .

$1. .


.STIllS .".ERAL IDlE " 2291

hel •• Tax Included

Table Radio '

good place to live.

A8lJU~CE sm~CE


Smar' walnut pla,'le. New Pl"dr cIo.a.sIs. .peak.r. Ivory. O'ran, Claud Gray, leal Gre.n. Clle"y



. •


A~£ MOVINGI INTO ' OUR TOWN 'ANO .COUN' r-RV :TERRITORV, more each yelar. Our. Ia a lI~od communIty -

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sIIefi1Iy _e.

e Excluslv. He... 4HP,VHF lIolo,Tennol e lIaho, 112 UHF·VHf Tuning Op.lionall



,a. ~of




....... ur.. II

.... True P....r efI ...... .,...............



' -e-

Phone Waynelvllle 2191 ,








Bookcase Headboard BId Blond and Walnut Finlsh




._ aT.


71c WIth I;.c" s.can purchale ' of Heinz Products

R OMS KiLLED BAB'l(' BEEF' 180 lb. hair, 1 hind and 1 front Quarter, 39c lb. ElRNEST BINGR!\ M, or oan be seen at LOCKER PLANT. ' 1D-1I9-tfc


You May Purcha•• a Pyrex. Baker <,1.50 Value) for '

Furnas Pit. We also





deliver. ARMITAGE & SON. Phone 2091. tf


PHONE 3462

Ac••,. ..1 W..k loy. 14 10 ,.0Y~ 21

Phone 3913 To Plac. a Cla .. lfled

$17.91 Ie $38.60


4-H To C,Ie.rlll



___ •••• _



_._ .




Complete Line of GROCERIESi

FOR SALEl- Boy's Bicycle, EasY Chair, Two Davenports, qbeap. MRS. H,A.RO LD E~T. Phone 2286 arter 5 : 30 P. M. X-U-12

FOR SALE - Kenmore Fulll Oil Stove In ' first class condition, al· most new, . cbeap. DOT F 0 0 D X- I1-l1l STORE. Phone 2541.


Pho~ 2141

All over the' c:ounty .j.H clubs will celbr'ate the week ot Nov. 11 to 21 as National 4-» Achievement Week. Wllrren Count)' (-Rra ,oin! celebrat6 the evenlng of Nov. 7 at the Town Mall 'llheater In Lebal\on wbere the), wUl hold their annual Acblevement Nlgbt, The program wlll start at 8:00 o'clock'. Achievement week Js that perIod- when 4-H club. paule to loOk over their accomplllhments for the year just . P~L The 80 club leaders have done a fIne job with tbelr 42 clullB ~s ,efleete~ In the Improved funI lor Fair. 4-H Camping PrOgram, State and Local Demcnstratlons, ' Intem~tio~l Fal'll1 Youth Pro• gram, newly organized Junior Leadel'8hfp CI band otber notable accompllehmen~. • ... Car~l Marie Keltner of tbe Malon Busy Beavers placed' flrat at tbe Ohlp Stale Fair tn tbe,4-H Bakin&' Dlrulon. Other 4-H boYI and girls giving demonatration!! wefe Ra)'ll1ond Rbude, Helen and DI~e Wl1BOI/., Marjorie WIgrt.ns, Bar·



Nov. 2 ' - Nov. 6

L.ebanon Chap~1 Rev. J. T. MoHB"dry Illterment Lallanlln

18 upon all tbem tbat


8: 22.




-: I Com-pton bara Ford~nd andMary Rita Lou Brunotte. MetE modJudy FOR SALE - Sllllerfiame Heater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eled their drellles at the State Complete, '37.50. A-I condition. Fair Style ShoW' and were awardPhone ·S212. X-11-12 ed A·s. · Antoinette Moran and Raymond Keltner pllUl8d high .n .'-- - BUILDING MATERIALthe $tate Hl\&ltb Conteet, In the ' Uveltock division Tommy FOR SALE-Poroh Columns. 10 In. W!IIber of the . Deerfield Dillies, base. Cbeap. D. E. STANDIFORD. was awarded Sboynnanlblp Trophy ' X-11-~2 and Reserve Cbamplon In tbe Shortborn Dlvf"lon at ,the Oblo SHOTGUNS, RIFLESState Fair. , " FOR SALE-2D-Gaug~ Single BarAt tbe War;ren County Fair, 31 rei Shotgun. D. E. STANDIFORD. Live Wire and I'roINIIl1'le. cluba had boothe, 4isplaylng ,girls I\n OrcanlzalJon Second To ~~on,. and boy. proJect.. 622 boys. and Strictly Sellers on the Beat All girls exhibited 7'11 projects. "The Around ~arket In tbe Country new fair building was a welcome 'k ad4JtIon to tbe tacUlties. Steers HOUSE FOR RENT-In WaynesSERVICE TH!1' -8A'T'~SFI S wel'& sold at tbe 4.H Steer Sale ville. Rererences required. A\lul,ts wbere the Grand Champlon Steer, only. Pbone 2423. c-11-12 For Dally ,.,arket Repom: WLW ClnolnnaU, 12:30' exhibited by David Scholl of 'he PAPERHANGlNGWCKY, Cincinnati, 12: III Franklin Aggtei. bought 86c per 'W PFB, ',Middletown, 11: 4.6 lK'uud. Showmansbip trophies PAP El R HANGING L mL. A were preaented to Lynn Irelan In MUMMA, Rt. 2" Bo~ 118, Dayton NORRIS BROCK COMP.MO' beef; Richard Davenport In abeep;


- - - ---- -

1_,~~~:::,~d D~ ~~~_ S~~l~. _,_~ ~iFoRRENT~-H--1-2 WilsoD CODClele Products Chlinney Block Concrete Block ·Rock Face Block Waterproof and Paint Steel Sash Cement and Mortar Gla •• Drain Tile Bulldlnc Suppll. . SHEEHAN RD. 'P. O. BOX 342 C.ENTERVILLE, OHIO




Bob Servis TEXACO


Phone llellbrook. 10, Ohio. ....:.._ ___ _ _ 88264 _X_-_I_l_.1_2-_1_9-_116

DRAFTINGFOR THA!l' EX'l'RA DRAFTING tbat your drafting department can't handle, call GENE HUDGINS, Morrow 28Rl!, Experienced Draftsman; c-11-12-(6t)-12-10

JIDi Miller, Fisher, Dalry. Bwtd and David -.. Local talent ahow winners were " ~ Judy and Donna Compton ~d Betty Lou SeUltop. Winners In , the Junior Division of trie County Demonetrations were Glenna Taylor and Vincent Rakesbaw and I Carl Stues. Safety speaklnl 'win, . ners were Ra)'ll1ond Keltner and !lUST AI NEAR TO VOU AS Rita Brunotte. " • HAWKE'S BARBER SHOP One bundr8d and forty-tbree ~ bQle and glrla attended Warren Work For I/lnd County's first 4-H camp. Mrs. O. C. McClain eerved a8 camp nurse . .Dellvered Camp Counselors were Ra)'ll1ond' Keltner who did an outstanding ALL WORK JOb a8 recrat'on leader; Tony Ets. Rbpde, .Jlm McOlain, Guaranteed Roy Keger, Carol Keltner, Toni .1 AND PRICEU Moran. Judy Compton, Jane Nock. I\(arjorle ~gglns, Gloria Jacobs,, Sbirley Plymlre and Ronnie Pum-


A Fa...,'. Lo••


A Lon. T ...... '--

4% eon"ad \

the Land Bank V:/lfY Will the "Pinch" Match Lower Income - ~wer 'Rallt For Information


P. o. a.putment To Decantrali!e in' h:o, Ind., Kentucky

youtlw HOOVER

pbre),t In' ad'dltlon to the belped camvIng program tbe group clean up tbe camp grounds, build walke, stain building, seed the ground, buill! horselhoe courts and JIWl), slmSlar jo"•• All In all it has been a good year for the 4-R, cl4bs Warren Count)'. '

OH 10 Member Faderal Deposit ' In.uranoe Corporat!on



GARDEI CLUB-' (Continued from Page One) that it was a ' scarlei carnation,

Phone ~1 ·

whlcb France. was butFrom Ifltelythat Introduced I':::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!~,~ from time onl_ WRITE - CALL - 8EE McKinley alWs.ys wore a scarlet As part of the over·all plan to carnation' In biB .... Iapel and often I bring postal operations closer to kept a boquet of tbem on his 'desk. the needs of the public, the Poet He tbougbt of' the~. as a good luck cbarm. Office Depar tment will begin its Phone 448 On the day he visited the program of decentralization In tbe Lebanol'l, 0.,,'10 trl-state area of Indlana, Ken- ~LLIS H. 8TURM, 8ec'y-Tre... American ExpOsition be wore favorite Dower, and presented tu clly Rnd OhiO, on November 24, Postmaster , General Arthur E. to a little girl who asked tor some Local ent momento to shaw her frie nds thai. Summerfield announced today. she had really shaken hands with Headquarters for the first reo glona l office ,vIII be In the Eld- Pledged at O.S.U. the president. The second pereon WJUlam R. Poster; of In line after ber, was tbe Infamwarda Building, Cincinnati. Ohio. Nin e di stricts. operntlng under ville, was among the 960 Ipen .s lu- ous character with the bandaged th e regional office. will aim Ill· dents pledged <by 45 soclal frater- band, Who took tbe President's taneollsly bo opened 'wIth bead- . olUes at Ohio state U1BIversity In 1904 the Ohio State Legl~u n rte r B In Cleveland. Toledo. Co· this Autumn, It I was lelature, In honor of William Mclumblls. and Cincinnati. Ohio; thla week by Dean of Men Myltn Kinley, adopted ~he scatll!t carnaFort Wayne . IndianapOlis and Ev- R. Ross: . tlon as the state Dower. anavllle. Indiana ; and Loulsv1lle, Poster was ' pledged til Alpha Tbe re~alnder of the ' """'"IT''' ~ and Lexington, Kentucky. Zeta fraternity. was spent In reports from mltises who are working on the ~ _----' In making his announcement. Postmaster General Summerfield Ga. Tax' Fund. gala Cbristmas sale. Tb1a prom-stressed that thie will be the \sel to· be a great event and all "pll~". operation tor a program A,lIotted In Cou..." friends 'of the Garden Club muat . //. /J that w!ll be extended as Boon as be on the 109)cQut fQ.r ihe an~ . ' , ' practlcable on a nationwide basis. LEBANON -~ounty Auditor A. nouncement ot time and pllU)e. II ~ ' DR~N The advantages of llecentrnllzlV M . . Parker announced the distrl- . Three members brougbt tali ar. L:.:;; t; . MT • tlOD. he said, are flve-fol~ : button of $18,O()O In gas()lIne I!: rangements. One of ,th'e m was a , PI... Prel'entiOD Bureau l. It will breilk the Vla,s hlngton ~~nds :: ~~e h varlous SUb:!:'h wicker cornucopia wltb tvy and Oil'. of S......... llanhal t lJotueneck, which .. under present h rouf1°':o t ~ coun y. 1l17ed $800 green grapes. All olil-faBbloned ~ -:ondltlons, requires UJat every one t e WDI ps rdec:nd brld e cutting board Wltb handle of the H 000 postmastere In the and the county roa g cbolen by anotber member as a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ _ COIlJltry r~~ort directly to bead- , fl1nd i{ecetv,e:- $1,~ggO. TOWllllhtPII base for an Intet:eBUnK arrangequarters in the nation's capital. usua y reee ,e , ' , ment of gqurda and Ivy. . At Hence~rtl,l, postmasters will r~ "NO HUNTING" SIGNS Tbe third member Uled two .... port to their district ma~gera. G The H NOW' sbad~s of colors In a bOw] which . • .' • .,. 2. It wUl Improve the service et mere matebed the dark red of tbe . br cl08er coord.\natlon and allow- Itlve contact wltb top m&I~agement. foilqe. '7 to ~I"'~ Ing the 8peedler solution ot local and 'proVtdtnK a more IUlceealble Ths nut meetlD, 'It'IU be a • CIIrtatmu cltDller aDd aUt exproblem.. i ladder ot advaDcemeDt. '8. It will create eftlclency and I 5. It 'w11l permit rectocaal man- cbaDp to be hel4 In the Melba. eCODomy by reductng COrr8spon- agement to make all Pl_Uona diet chureh belement. Memben 4)hlo d811.C8- and report-writng. and appointment, to brJq a mantel arr&IlI'e-

Lebanol Iallolal Far. Loan


BOTH TYPES-UPRIGHT AND TANK The world.famous H ooverTri pleACli o n Cl eaner bea ts , as _ it sweeps, as it cleans, brigh tens . colors, preserves rugs.


Hoove r AERO-DYNE Ta nk Cleaners feature ex tra·effective c() ntrolled su ction s nd famous " Li ller Gitter!: n ozzle . . With Hoover's exclusive Dirt Ejector

PL.I\\1 I


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your hands never touch the dirli

No other cleaner


clean5 liluJ tile Hoover. Whi ch type do you prefer?




••••••••••••••••••••••r~lt~~em~~~~~ .u.o. ale by givinc th~ a



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As a n ew Authorized Hoover Dealer we invite you to visit o ur. store and see t he famous Hoover Cleaners at our demonstration table. Or to call us for ~ noobligation home sh owing.

Phone 3691



Cleaned with Modern Equipment

Now,we can offer

write out your personal check at home, in com~ort; then just mail it at the nearest post box• WHEN YOU HAVE TO PROVE THAT YOU'VE PAID A BILL, simply produce your cancelled check.....a valid rec.lpt. returned tq you automatically~

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Oft. . F....

Of 'the Bnye ,





~IJ(lUt "


Local POll ,T.. Talta

Xaall "Iiftl For Y.11 W.o l a , a " Pari

in ,

Warn.' Farll


Elecls l a•• Office" At the ' reorgaliizatlon meeUng of the Warren County Farm, Bu· reau Board Tuelld ..y, November 10, the President, Clyde FOrdyce, bec'a:ule of pressll;lg personal bUB: mesll. decllned ' to . run for the ofticlI. 'J;'be following officers WeTe el!,cted ro~ th, ~Bual one-yea term: Prelildent - Maynard D, Hack· ney, RL 8, WaynellvlUe, , V. l"!'eeldent--Jaok Butt, Rt. I, FraJiklin. ' Sec·y-Treas.-M1'8 . .g. 1. Thomp· lion, at. 1, MaBon. Tbe campaign for 1964 memberIIhip will start at once with a le~ter and return envelope to be followed bY personal soUoftatlon in December~ Tills, canvass will begin with a klck-off meeting for ,all Townshhi captains ' and workers Dec. 7~h ' at the Grange Halt' In ,Lebanon. Refreshments will be served. All .ITownship captains are expscted to be preent



I ..


CO!~~!~ ~1~!:n~~!~:~~~~~:II:IO~~~~rt~::~









Urled ' To

Spn_er . fro. Mail Parcell Earlt l e l l londa, E , . i D I AI the ClIrlltm .. .leuon neara once aaaln til. Poet, Office II A plan to - pJOvlele Christmaa The relUlar meeting of the maklna prsp..... tlonl to handle gifts for '1,000 U1 and, disabled vet· WaYJle8vllle P.-T. A, ~ be held the I..... e volume of mall ~hlch ' ITEM. OF INT&II.IT eranll in 'Ohio 'Veteranll' hOllpltals In tbe auditorium of the hi b will be golna throuah .the poat" and h.omell ' ill being llponaored ."., .,cbool bulldlnl' Monday eveni:., office. ' A.OUT FOLKI YOU November 28 at 8 o'clock. ; The' la alklng your tlae local Post No. 616 of 'J'he "NOW American Legion, according to •• G........ 'W arreD, Yollare T)1e IIpeaker for thill montl1's .coope .....on. T h a I' e are little Commander Carl A. ~ltlltick, The • program Is F~ H. Lewla, of Dey. waYI you, al PlItre"., can help. GUEsT OF SlaTER Vennont H Id '" ron. Mr. ~wts, who haa spoken , There are two m.1I1 dally...l: plan, ciOled "Gifts for the Yanks ' ~ ::!h 0 0 Dinner IIi a great many neighboring com- . cne at 7:40 a • . m." and one at Mr. aDd MJ'8, P. 1.. Reason have Who Gave," wall larted In 1U4 by comedian lilddie Cantor a8 , a Mrs. CharJ.. c eller accom· • • munltleJl brings an tIlustratec1 4:15 p. m. ,had' . . their, lUeat, the latter's paided the. group from Warren County Volture 782 of talk abo~t Korea. During 11111 as. "'all packagea .arly. st.ter. Mrs .. All!'. Feeter of Dayton. way to .8XPresll.our thanka to those Ohio State Unl IW to the Na- the 40 and 8 will have a , ~lnner IIlgnment to the United NaUons Buy 8tamp. early (an ade· Mn. Elale Hockett alllO wu .. w.ho. having worn the unlform In war time, now face the unc!ertaIn· tlonal (}rance Coil entlon held at meeting Thursday. November 19 Civil Asllilitance Command ' be quate aupply lion t)and for your Sunday dinner ~t.. . ilel and tedium ot hospital Hre. Burlington. Vel1llOft. In 14em0':ial Hall in Lebano'n at made many pictures on film ot tbe need~.) ~ Each ot the Amerlcall Leglon's The group waa ~poaed ot: 6:30 p, m. Tbe guest ot b.onor conditions in Korea. H a ving Letters should be leolbly ad· SUNDAY DINNER GUE8TS Larry Rhollemn, Ollnton Coun~ will be Dr. C. H. Felix of Lorain, served our country in this capacity drel.ed.nd the name of aendel' Mr. aad M1'8. J. P. Fromm had 734! Ohio POllts Is ..ked to con· tyj Geane Wolf, ~nkiln Coun· Ohio .wbo Is tbe Grand Cbef de aa well all In m1litary seJ'Vice be .hould be on each. as Sunday dinner gUests' tbelr duct this campaIgn to bUy Cbrlst· ty; ;Eddie Pic r, of Greene Gare of Ohio. The newly elected certainly Is weU Quallfled .to, 8~eak Sealed card. I'equlre t h re e Children, N.i and Mrs. Clye!e mas gifts. All funds are sent. to County, and Ja1l6 Michener, of officers of Volture 182 are: , on a subject so ever presnt in our cents. U.,.ealed without wrItten Fromm aDd llttle lion and d..ugh· Department Headquarters in Co11,Imbus and pooled for Q\lantlty WalTon County. ~ Chef de Gare-Robert Is,rael. Uves. me ..age requIre two cents. tel' of Springfield. Cbef de Train-WIlliam Clark. ~r. LeWis entered the /lrmy in Mall your p'ac~e. d uri n 1 buying. Tble year pl_ns n a v e been made to give a , sport shirt Sales aceipls " Conducteur-Jess Oakman. 19(0 as a private and at the end day - not at ' tIme Clf ,mall de· UNDERGOES SURGERY to e841b .,etersn at the ChliUcothe Coinmlssaire. Intendant- Grover of World war II bad reacbed the ,·IIvery. Richard '1. Graham. lion of Mr. Sla, ,Requarth. rank of MaJor. He was a com· Mailers can help expedIte the 'eterans Iiolpltal-which requires and Mrll. Forest <lraham, la con· ,2200 eh~1 Gifts at 'other hos.' ... Correspond ant-Waiter Bebrens, ~:QY commander of Infantry in mall by . p....tlnl local mall. Oned at Veteran'l hospital wbere Buslnsss In V(. It county Is Garde de la Porte - WnUam tbe 3rd Army. Upon return.l ng ,to M.II goIng to 01)8 town or one he underwent an appendix opera· pltals Include a carton of cIgar· F a r . Oillciok ettes, woolen argyle socks, can· about on 81 par a 'Year ago, Brannock. civilian life he became an active Itat_put a label on each bun· tion on Sunday motnlng. . H Id according to a .II Ment showing Lampest&-Pa~ Holthaus. reservist from 1946 to 1961 being dle-hand It In the wIndow 80 It teen books and sllpper·sockll. Ad· T ministJrattve~ costs, other than a e IC. tbe sale of prepaid tax receJp't s Aumonier-Roy Yinger. re'c alled to active duty I~ 1951, doel not break the bUl)dle. GUESTS FROM COLU~BUS printing and pOlltage. are borue bY What wUl be tl!e outlook for In the oUlce 'ot CoIInty Treasurer ~mmi~ v~ageU~Al BU~~S. . He spent 1952 on Korean duty. reo Mra. Grace 1. Smith had as The American Legion, and do not farming In 1964? Many farmers Russell Dumford. I er e nn,er t ese 0 cen tl!rn1ng to the United States In Sunday ruellts, ' Mr. and Mrs. come from contributed lunds. Vol- nre wimU1rg to, know In order that' Sales for u.e past wee~;111 be Installed Into office bY Dr. November. 1952, It 'was aft!!r this Turke, Holida, ard x.&rkin Of Columbus. pinner unteera at eacli hospital wrap and they may make plans accordingly. Qmounted to fl, 1.07 as com· eUx. last active duty tbat be rl,lturned was enjoyed at the Golden Lamb dl~trlbute the gjfts at Christmas. The Warrell" County Farm Out- pared to '7,789.U · for ~he corre· , to Korea as a civilian for the Treal Mosl ~n Lebanon. Commander Pitstick asks that look meeting will be beld at tlie spondlug pe'rl04, a tear ago. Col· WCTD Maels Here United' Nations. those )Vh~ wtab to. con\rfbute a "Courtbouse Auditorium on Wed- lectlons to date 1U(!0unl to $163,· . ' Mrs. Charles LeMay, member- Homemakers Sa, ATTEND AKRaN WEDDING share to this worth-wblle , plan, nesllar ,..evening, December- 2 I/>t, 020,68, while .. y ago tbey to· Fr'.-da, Aflel'noon slilp drive cbairman. will- report Misa Betty Satterthwaite wall a send a donation to American Le- 8: 00 o'clock. taled UZ1.1QoS.38. . the results of the drive. Prtze8 Two Ohio poultry marketing guest In AkrOn , duriog the week glon Post 616. Waynesville, Or Cl'11 Lyle Bal.'tles and R,lley,. Dugan, Br industry cl...~caUon, gainsTbe November meeUng of the will be o.warded Monday evening speclalJsta bave disclosed some end, and was one of the bridal Waynesville 3931 and your dona·, Extension Economist at Ohio State were noted In au.tpmoUve. build- Waynesvl11e WCTJI was held at at the meeting to the chi1dren wl)o vahl~ble Information to help tbe party at the wedding of KIIII oJune tlon wIlL be picked ' uJi). All dona· University will dIscuss the' overal,l Ing. furniture, ch~ lltore. depart- tbe Metbodlst Church on FiIIday have .earned ,them. . state s poultry producers by pryGuells to Mr. John HOOTer, of tlons of $1.00 or more wUl, be ack· economic picture the farm outlook ment' and ,enera\, stores. De- afternoon November 13 Movies will be shown to chll· Ing into tbe eat~ng babits of sev· Sbreveport, La. E1ectlo~ of officers fo~ the com- dren who accompany tbelr ' par- eral hundred Buckeye famJUes. f nowledged With a billfold card. and the outlook' for vartous crops clines were 1I0ted In (ood and 1 Il)g year was beld and resulted In enta to the P.-T. A. meeting. A A. W. Jasper and R. Eo Cray 0 Grouplt who wllb to donate a lump and Uve~tock enterprises, All farm wearing apparel. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS !;Ium will be sent a certificate of folks and oUlers Interested are In. tbe following: nursery for the little children will tbe Ohio AgrlC~ltural E:rperlmen~ Mr. and Mrs. Johu Settlemyre appreci",tlon by the Departm.ent. vlted to attend. Fr.and,-". leels President-Mrs. Sara Braddock. be conducted by tbe S'enior Girl Station learned in a recent ;el and ob1ldren, Mr. and Mrs. Ftanl( Not all of lis can visit a d18abled " V 'ft>resldent-Dr 'Emma Hollo- Scout 'l)'oop. search study that turkey is s 11 , Swartzel anel Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert veteran at Chrtlltmas or buy an Wedn• • •, 'I flernoon" . ,A coffee hour will )le enjoyed considered a holiday luxury. Only Frye a,nd lIOns were Sunday dinner individual gI(t. but we can be Miami Ch.pler' DES ~ w~c. Sec'Y-Mis~ Lucy Emley. after tbe meeting. six per cent of all housewives in· guests of Mr.. ~nd MrI!, 'llJ1eodore sure that, these veterans are I,lot Treasurer-Mrs. Atba Furnas. terviewed reported ser~ng turkey McIntire and chlldre~ neal' 'Ne~ forgotten , by contribUting a. share Elecll ~iClrs Tbe -Frlend.~ . ub held tbelr Col'. Sec'y-Miss Lucy Emley. ' tbree or ~ore tln:!es per year· to Glfta for the Yanks'Who Gave. regdlar meetIng at he Methodist WI~s Sport Equlpme~t Almost one·fourth of the famBurlington. __ \ ' Mlanil Ohapter 1 OEls m~t OD church on wedaeId,I'Y .Uernoon,' The next me~tlng will .,e a call GI B L IL I illes In this BUI'vey never served RETURNS FRO,.. HOSPITAL , ft_ Monclay evenIng, Nov. 9 an4 elect. with the offic "'_ bOlltenes. JIleetlng,. the date not yet baving y.n y oca es on turker at all. Forty·two percent ...... J. B. ChaJIm&D wbo -o f n . o . . . . . . . . ' . - . ' ·~erett matt Wa ' p eilsanflY ' seJ'Ved tUrkey once a year: 27 . ..._. president (nr th.. coming year, Mrs. Olive QUrl opened tbe prort d S d b I • per cent said tbey served It twice been conftned ..t Grene Mamou.. H r year: ' ,." "... d gram with a bumorous song as a surp se un ay upqn ear ng OL hospital, following lIurgery, rens a ona ono Wortbv Matron - Mary, 'Louise prellded over , the- meetlilg !in solo-"My Ribbon Whlte Is on the th~ drawing Saturday evening In a.. year. MrI Y Mrs. Itala 'l'bompson entertained hi h h h d b th hold r of Jasper and Cl'ay asked consumturned home on Sunda y . . h ben Palmer. ' the club b'y showing s'lides of he'r OUier Dress." accOlnpanied by w c e a een e e Louella Mtller of Dayton, Is with National honors ave e Worthy Patron-oecil A. Palmer Mrs. J. W. Wedgewood at' the the winning ticket for the hunt- ers If they would . purcbase more Mrs Cbapman during ber conval. awarded B. L. Hutzel, Lovelane!, A:ssoclate Matron-Cecil Shipley. trip tbrough yellowstone National plano. . lng, equipment currently displayed turkey if balVel!. quarters and . and C. · E" Hutzel. Follter, for an Associate Patron-Paul Shipley. Park and other Intsresting places. A nu-"er . of sbort reading" In the Waynesville Drug Store. pieces were ' readily availble, 4!lIcence. , outlltanding bull o~ed by them. Secretary.-Mary L. Earnhart. Plans were made for the Decem- from "T;;;;' Unlon Signal" and "Th: The American Legion wishes to Sllgbtly more than half said they HAS BROKEN COLLAR BONE The bull. PatricIan'S Honey Lad, Treasurer-Lucile Armitage. ber meet,ng to he held at the 'Oblo Messenger," were then given thank all perosns who d~nated for would not serve 'more turkey re_ has beell named a Superlol' Sire by donductrells-Pbyills. Hartsock; home of Mrs, Walter . Wbitaker. the cause of wbich moneys will be gardless of how it was sold. Di~ Dumtol'd. daugl1~er of Mr. Tbe American iJersey Cattle Club, Assoc. Conductress _ MarjorIe nn~' eacb member wlil' bring 1a fifty by Mi eSdam8B wJalter WBhltadkler. used for the advancement of the This public aJlatby toward wr· ~nd Mrs, Dale Du~ord. had the Columbus, Oh.O. cent gift for tbe el!.Clbange and a Floss e carey, enn i e ra ey. I L ' key clearly Indicates tbat producmisfortune to fall at her home dur· ' The Su erlor Sire rating IlIdi· ,Smith. cloUar gift for 'the "Secret Sister" Bva Burnett and Olive Curl, and worthwh Ie eglon purposes. ers nlled to do a' better selling job ing the paat '\Veek. )lreakmg her t tha~ bull has passed on Trustee (or tbree yeara-Grace e1(change. , 'Mrs, Wllttakel' will be Miss Lucy Emley. These were L W' to gain wider acceptance of their collar-bone. ,She . was confined at ca ~s hi h a d tlo and good · ~endergaat. assisted by Mrs, Jj}ya W,ertz. especially of temperance news In oca oman S product, . for ar few daYIi. bot ~ Prohlu~d n ht Pa. ' InlillaUaUon of all officers ",111 ' tat d tlo Grandview hOBpl'al _'_ breed type to 8 aug ers. bs held at tbe Ml1I\onlc Temple.. Refreshments of COOKies a'Qd 8 ,.e!in na n. d' , Cbick,en. on the other band, en· Gran son Ins onor joys' mUCh niore popularity. ac· NEW CENTURY CLUD.O M~ET trlclan's Honey LaddbatS 10 daTuhgehy- Monday. December 14 at eight coffee were served. , , , " ters .tellted for pro uc Ion. . ~ cording to- the research party. Tbe New eentury Club wUl meet averaged 9,604 Iba. milk contaln- p. m. " I Dick Barr. son of ,Mr. a:nd Mrs. Twenty·seven percent of the houseon Friday, November 20 at Ule ing 488 Ibs. butterfat on a twice- Warren Countlan's . ,.t~nd:J oml' T. F. Barr, or Dayton. who plays ,vives Illterviewed told the 8.conoFar Hllls Party HO!lse with> Mrs. dally milking, mature with the Fairmont Dragons foot- mist they serve chicken at ' ieast Marie !WOe aa hOBtellS, and 141'$. equivalent baals. Tbe bull alBo Cow Mak.s R.cord Irma Stump M1'8, Cora J;>yle accompanied ball team. paced the ,M iami Val- four Umes a month. Preference J. P. Fromm aDe! Mra. O. T. Elltll 'has 10 daughters claaslfted for . , Irma L. Stump. 62, died at 9:00 her daughter and son·in·law, Mr. ley league score1'8 with ten touch- was higb for fryers and broller.s. in charge ot the prograJlb breed type with an average rating Clement E. Hutzel. FOBter, h~ p. m. Thursday at her restdence and Mrs. Noel Easton of Spring~ downs and sixty points to a M. V. of 86.60 polntlll a registered Jersey cow that re, Ion the Towrnthlp Line road, south boro. on Sunday afternoon to visit L~ Cbampionshlp honor for tbe 'fh18 Superior Sire 0180 bas been cently completed a 305-day Herd of bere. ' , friends and relatives In Sprlng- third "str,alght year Friday night Spartans Flnt Home VISIT IN PARI8, KY. SUI',vivors Include her sister, field. at MIamisburg. f'r. ane! Mrs. Ronald Hawke officially clallslfed for type. He improvement Registry . production Game Friday Nisht Miss Eliza~eth Chandler !lccom· The Dragons now have a' record spent ..veral clayll of the P8llt has achieved the high rating of reqord . of' 1,~70 Ibs. of ~lk con-; a brolher, Lawrence, bQtb panied by Mr.s. Mervill.' Palmer. of of thlrty-one wins, one lOBS and The Waynesville Spartans will week With th,1r lIOn and daugbter- verr good. wblch equall a score tabling J86 'lbs. butterfat at tb~ of Waynesville. Services were beld ,at 2 p. m. Amella, Ohio. and Mrs. Tom Fos- two ties In claiming the four play their ftrBt home game on FrlIn-law, Mr. ane! Mrs. Frank Hawke of more tlian 85 points. Patrician's age of 2 years and 2 months. by A. E. The officIal I'ecord was made by Tueaday at the ' Stubbs funeral ter. of Foster, attended a Peace league titles since 1949. day, November 2(), when they will and' ohndren at ParllI, Ky. They Honey Lad WlI,S Dick BarT IB the grandson ot meet tbe Maaon! Comets.. Up until ailio rulted lI&veral Interestln, Stevens, Loveland, purchaaed by Agvancer Delign Rita and her home: BurIal ' was in MlI,lml cem- conference from Thursday until B. L. and O. E. Hutzel, ..nd e!e- tests were supervised by Ohio etery. Saturday at Wooster. Oblo" Mrs. Bessie Tbompson of Waynes- now the Spartans bave ~on ' two points while there. State University for Tbe Amerl· . Dr. Emma Holloway spent Sun· ville. ' games and lost one, Everyone Is veloped in their berds. can Jersey Cattle Club. Jersey Haryey 'Clary day in Oakwood with her friends, optimistic and '-is bopIng for anoDINNER AT FAR !-IU.La 'eels breed registry organization located . Mr. and Mrs. AlvtD. Cl'eager. , Charch of Chrisl ther vlctDry. 141'. and Mr'- Robert Obapman at Columbus, Ohio, Harvey Clary, 72. died Friday Mr. and ,Mrs. Joe Schllg and ------entertained to 'dinner' on Sl'.turdlL)" F a r . r s Cllb , nta:bt 'at the home of hill,.daugbter, Mr. and ,Mts, David Henkel of Ft. Charch 5 hoolll d PI evening at ~e Far Hill. Party " Party louse Hap'p , HOlr CI.1i Mrs. Ellen, Biggs, nElar Oregonia: Th mas were callers of Misses C an ays Hous~ .and h aa th~r lUelts Col. Survlv01'8 Include the daughter; ~ ' d Mame Brown Sunday ' The Vision or the Throne will In SprlnBlI.ld ' and 1'&1'8, McVea of Wrlgb,t 1I'Iele!, The Farmer's Club held their sons, Ollen , o'f Orego11Ia, Roy ft e Mr. 'and Mrs. 0. m. E41gingtQn and regillar meetillg on , Tbursday' with 88 S ' H, ' r..e. : T• i l d a , four of WayneavUle, RBcmey and Wayne ,a ernoo .. " be the sermon subject for next The WaynesvUle HIgh Sohool te tli ,b oth of' 'Dayton; a slater, Mrs., Mr. Scbllg ~• . a for~er pupil, LoI'd's day morning, This is ano- b&nd journeyed to Sprlngtteld on Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rolll!s. Mr. and M1'8. Ernut But rwor The Happy Hour' ClUb met on LouIse Poston of Oalifornla; 10 of "Uss Annie Brown at the O.S. tber of our series of seMjlons on 'Wednesday the 18th of November '- , ' as host and holltess at the' Far 'J1uesday at the home of Mrll. Law· grandcbildren "nd one lUl.d S. O. Home in ::lCenla. the. book of Revelation which has to presnt a program to three juno ' SATUFtDAY DINNER GUESTS mIls Part! House. Eacb family rence Cook and the o'f flcers elect- chUd.' .. e', b een attracting much favorable lor blgb s c h 0 0 1 s there. The Ml'. and Mrs. Cbarles · Davis and tI renrellented , excep nr one, ed f hiP t Ware endeavoring to 14r. 'Md 'MI'&. dllbert Frye and was d M .. LUll 'c of Lebanon or t e com ng year are. res· Services were held at 8 p, m. little son of Brookville. were vi.. commen . e s c h 0 0 Is visited were: Frye, lions, 14nr. Cora Rich, Mr. and 8P rs. an arr f X .... ' Ide~t, Mrs. Vay Maclnnill; VI~ Monday at the Stubbs funeral Uors of Mrs. Mabel Hathaway on present a ,sane and logical inter- which was visited In the mornlng; 'Mrs. H: .R. Mosa. Mr. Bill MOlle, and lrs. Bertba Uesll .... ,0 ecue.. Pre"ldent, "'-s. Fred Gons', Sec , _ p etatlon of this mucb mlsunder.. uu home. The body was tAJren Tues· Sunday afternoon. r · . Lincoln, where they ate lunch. with Mr. and M1'8. Lyle Fox and were. h e gues ts 0 f tb e ....y. retary-treasurer, ""-. Polly Sa.... day to CarUsle. Ky., for"11:burial. ..... D Adria Mrs. Ruth Finley of Columbus, stood ~ Ibook i' "Come t l and t meditate hin g as and Kenwood In tbe afternoon. Bradupon til n.eres ng eac A dellc tOUI por~ dinne~ was en· terthwalte, with .'rs. children of Germantown. were In called on MIBII Minnie Dodson on " Mr. Ashenfelter reports the trip Saturday evening dinner guellts j Ol'ed . dOCK 8!! assistant. GEE we worship tbe Lord together, i. succels• A "program of record mUllical yanS Wednellday attet:noon, Next Sunday night will be of Mr. and Mn_ Marlon Linder In ., Mr. Roscoe Jrurnas very ablr discussed the spe~lal topiC of the, selectionl and readinga wall ar: G:a)':1e E. Evans, ~1, of Corwin, Mrs. Lena ' Hartsock attended. 1\ 'Jlhanksglving Night- In our series ------Dayton. rlay, "Are Insurance ppl'cles",the ranged by Mrs. Virginia J,;augblln died unexPectedly at 6;50 p. dluner Saturday evening at the of special ' Sunday evening serv- Ba.a'. . Belli Anlwer to Farm lUskil1 t e and Mrs. E1!Ile ~ookett. Thursday at, his home. ' He ha:~ home of her grandson . .'Mr., Milo ices. The sermon su.bject will be Dl'" SON FOR R. McFADDENS ., d M RI hard McFadM1'8t Carr was Ibtrocluced as 1\ The club adjourntld to meet I~ been an employe at FrIgidaire for Hartllock and family. Tbe occ~- ()-race upon Grace and there ·w,111 Wby this wG,r ld uphe, aval? The enr.are an proudly 1'8. announ,clng c d&n , the guest IIpealter and gave toer the 're Decemller at the home of Mrs. a number of y~arB. slon was the, first birthday of little' be a duet by two of 'our girlS. judgment of God Is botb a. retrlbblrtb of their' fIrst child, a lIOn; CIU~ : . vlvtd a:~oun: , ~~b~n th~ Sarah Braddock With a coveree! Surv1ving are his 'wife. EttaI' a I Vicki Hartsoclt. Since this Is to be our ~nly serv- 'utary calam1ty and an· act ot boly and who haa been named ,PhUlp cen , ~pe~n P'd ~~ . u~ms dinner at th.e noon hour. da~ghter, El~"ne; two sons, Billy MI'. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards, ,ce which 'fill recognize Thanks· anel supreme discipline. 'I t ' ls both Alan. His weIght wu nine pounds mfa: count ell an. e c There will be a gift 8l[change ane! ~d' Gleun, and bIB mother, 1drs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith. of giving as a. SPllclal day we hope visitation from God ·an.d a cleans· , three a1/od one-half ounces and was 0 Afte people. 1. ant day tbe "Secret Sisters'" 11'111 be revealed. Eva E7vans. a,J... of dbrwln. SprIngfield. 'Mr. and 141'8. Robert many will maKe ~t a point· to at- lug process for all m·ankiJld. Its born at Mlde!letoyD hOllpltal. ThC! club :~!:e7' .: m!et In D~cem. A ddellclth0US lIaiabd cours,! llwaa SeJ'Vlc611 ,were condqoted Il\ 2:00 KerB&Y ' of PhUlipsburg, vlelted tend, We cordially Invite all who lues punish tbe perver,alty of the haJ;lPY grandparents are M1'8. ~ ber with a Chrl"tmllfl e!ln~er party sel'Ve to e ~em era and .0 o'!". .p. m. Monday at tbe Stnbbll tun- their aunt, Mias ' Margaret Ed- are '~ot attending worship serv- human race and weld its compon· a~b McFadd'en, of Col~bu.. and at' the Far HlUs Party House. ing 1U6IIts, Mrs. Weldoll WUson. era! home by Rev. 1. W. Wedge- wardl on Sundayatternoon. Ices elsewherevito bervtWltb Us lu eni 'P..rt.s Into, one organic, indi· Mr. and !.I1'8. C, Dearth Sheehan. MR. Bernard DIlley and M1'8. wood. Burial was In IIlaml celli,' this Thanksgi ng se ceo vIsible world embr!\Cing commun.' EXPRESSION OF THANJ(S Phl1lP Hartman. atery. 'M r. and M~. D. W. Horton of One week , trom Sunday , the lty; Mankind, in tbese fateful . Da,yton, were caUltl', on Sunday membel'$ ot the congregation will years, Is being purged Bnd preWe..ra Indeed gratefUl to our CARD O~ THANKS ......... E. K_rIck afternoon of Mrs. Belle May~rd. be given an opportunity to make ;pared for its future mission, It WEDNESDAY EVEN'I1 G GUESTS M1'8. Gilbert '~e had .. Wed· netshbon. frtllDAll and relatives We wlllh to thank our frien411 Mias Gertrude Chl\lldler ot Nor. recommend.a tlons for elefer,s. dea· can n~~ther escaJi)o ,the reeponsl-. neec1a)' gIIMta Bin It 1. ror the kine! e!eedJJ ane! "me~· and nelrbbo1'8 tor their mli'uy fa. Bertha Ed.n Kenrick. 80, wood was a dinner euest ot )Ier cons and BIble Scbool officers. We, bUitie. of t1.lepaat, ·nor shirk those Rye, lin. ltoDald Hawn. ..... brallCl8a durhl« the long Dine.. of voi-. and kililf. deedJJ 4UJ1q the W"J'!lell'fl1l4!. cIl8cl ~ In annts', Mtsll6. RU~h a~d Elizabeth h,o pe YQII ""l~ keep thl!, 11). mind of . tlis, r 11 t u r e. "MysteriouslyI ~wren!!8 Brown, Mrs.' J[ellar ,QUI," mother. .,ckJ;te.. ed · ~am. ...", of 'our Columbull hOlPItaL seniC81 Obaneuet oD SuDqy. ' , (COnt~.ed o~ Page Four) ' slowly llnd relilliessly God ac<:,)m· ;Hoak. 119" . lUloGM. B\1JaMII,- ..-' We '. ' to thank Rev. W~e- beloved , DIOthel," od wife, hel" at. 10:10 L •• W"i14~1 < pUtlhea His delllgn, me pu.rpose; O~l'l" ~ : JI1'8. JI. ~ .... wood tor. th~ nice ..rYl,ce/ , ~.o 101m II. Ozlendorf and FaDiUY. Eltubbll ~nenU home 1rltl Rev. ' . , ,. • ~lIe ~ther tlJlID. , to. ,ullll~r in and lin. ~ 8D\l~ = 0 . "",:Dr. :_ ~,,~_, "".UI!lStu1)1II . ) , N. JreiII~. ,BarIa1 ON DEElt HUNTING 'TRIP MJiI';' 'lL R. 1I(ou' eIl~ to wayll' He alone C8JL rathom '~ the tile ~ -ot ... ~, "NO HUNTlNe" Sl6NS In MIaml oeetet:r. . smwi •• - & , .... hunt- cUnner OIl II'oDda:r 8ftIiing. lira. Grut. the Oolden Age of a leq· d.uilloU nrr.IaDeati ".,. • ...a ftoIIIe 11'1.... ~ fa • 1IiottIIt, Ing trtp In Michigan. lIe exp8Cta Ronald HaWke. Mrs. WIntrecl Hart- divided and IODI' atntcted humu'fouowtu. the Mr....d JIn. tAMIl. I'Irea 6et Them Here NOW I of Rt. I, WafD8llviUe. to return Monday. ' BOCk ud lin. GObert B'rye. , Ity.-1I(rs. Helen McCoy. I • moved, up from 11ureday mornln, to TU8ld.y Afternoon next week. Thertl will bl ~II Thursday, 80 thl Guette- will have to be In the W.dnMda, morn mall. n order ito meet thl. deadline we must hal'l .11 copy from iponden~' ."d Advertllers, a. early al Saturday ,afternoon or M y mornIng. Alii copy receIved later than Mon~y noo~ will not... bUahed. We a.,k your coop~ ...tlon.

182 lilJ


Tu II'"



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IJ baa.... WI • II

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AI F. I.


10111 ,



ayr. .





SII'IIIII I....rla~ Of ,Iaod frOlI~Pr••f Eitebili hed February , Publlaha r PAUL A. 8CHERE R _____________ _______________ Edltor and Edftor Wallrers CECiLIA · J. 8CH EREiL __ __________ _______________ _ A..oclate



--------------~-----------------------I PubUsbe d Ever,- Thursda y Morning at Wayne8vllle, Warren OoUllty, Ohi•. E ntered aa second class matter at the postotflc e at Waynelv ille, Ohio, under tbe act of March 8, 18'78.

elsewhe re SubScrip tion Rate_I n OhIo, $2_ Per Year in advanoe ; $2.60


A ..........trator

Elltete ceued.




B.ou Berl'Jhll l, De-

II bereby slTen that Boa H. BaIUocJ t; WJaoee POlt ~ot1oe

I. P. Blauaer, exten~lon enginee r at Obto State UnlveraU,., today. outlined the Impomn oe of au~ matte electric fI;'OlIt. prcof Jlvntock waterera to farmerll of ' Warren County. Now Is tbe time tor farmer. to make certain Uvelltock wiU have plenty ot lee-tree water during tbe coming winter monthll, lIali! Blauser. The automat ic electrio a COD'll'aterer k. .pe the water


Addl'llli 1& Way'U8IvlJle, Oblo, baa been duly ~ppo!Dted ae Admlnta~tor of the lDItate of Bola Berr)'hili, late of WarrelL €cunty, Ohio, debealecl. Dated thll 12th day of Novem· ber, 1968. ' llALt'll H. OAREY, . Judge of tJie Probate Court, warren County, Oblo Stanley & StaaJey, ~ttomeY8 llJlQ-:. (8t)-1., .

LYTLE METHO DI8T B. E. BaUCH, Pallor Unifhel 8e"10', 9;.j6 a. m. Youtb p.m. ChoIr l-racllce Thursda y 11.00.

MISS JANE Corr•• pond.nt


WInIer' .

I,.r. s


SI.: •





___ 1____ ___ ___

_ tm as GI-fts C h rls

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dlle Long Llf,e II 'the True Proof of Bette .. Merohln • I

1849 -


Bo b Se rvi s

LES II :LE YNESV____ WA______ FeRRY £iSA O TEXAC______ ________________________ ______ Dayton-Waynellvllle Rd.



--'- ---- --7"---

Dodo ra U.... Care

Socks ;


(.III.LI'.~0·.'2" :AlI,O,ll~~nt~......



_i iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iii" .

'i .~

: :

Gel Yo'ur TOYS For CHRISTMAS Lay aw ays We lco me d The follow ing prizes will be given by us to {'he holde r.s Of the lucky ticket s, which will be given with ,each $1.00 purch ase here: $15.0 0 DOLL ------ -_. ~IRST PRIZE PAIN T SET $5.00 . PRIZE ND SECO TH IRD PRIZE - ELEC T. BEDR OOM CLOCK

Drawing Tuesday, December 22-1:30 p.m. At Huni er's Hobb y Shop .' Any of the Above Prizes Not; Wanted by Winner, Can Be Exchang ed Fcr Other Artlcle8 .

Agen cy for Easy Wash ers and Dryer s, and Natio nal Sewin g Mach ines .


Ge' Ready ,For Ch.lnet 22 . UHF CONVERTERS INSTALLED

Only·$ 34.50 Com ple" Anten na Instal lation' and ALL W 0 R K - I S QUA R ~ N TEE ID PICK UP AND DELIVE RY

Fit .


HOV, 20 '53




Wm. F. Dyer, wbose plnee at resId ence is · unknown , wtll 'take Dyer, a Shirley E. notice that~re8sle A. wli~on, her minor, by motber, ood next friend on Oct. 29. 1953. filed , bel' petition against. blm In the OoUl't of Common Pleas 'ot Warren COIDlt'y, Ohio, pra,.lng fot' a divorce and other rellet on the grou.nds of groS8 negleot of . duty. Said caulle will be tor bearing oli and nCter: the 19th day of Decem.· ber, 1968. , 4rt' on . ROCKLANO. ~ASS.-Boot lrou.b1e8 of a leriQul -"stureand SHIRLE Y E . DYER rhil-, . the Inllreal!t' in the United States, especiall y 8m,?ng women TRESSIJil A. WILSON wilh'l'lt tI"lm ,This Is att'ribu~O!d LO th" huhl1 or ml\ny I"omen of 1goil1g 1I't! ulh""e,1 to PAUL N. HERDMAN, h'I~'C! ry in the 8Um",,,r and th" (art thul mortY chjldr"T. lIur vey by ~he Atty. For Plaintiff W'~'lIt out,grOWJl hosiery 'or .shnes, II c:,crd iTlg to 0 recent Nationa rFoCl.t Health O )uncil here. all dllctors frown '' on the wearll1g 11-6-(6 t)-12-10 The lurvey indioates that oClirly Ou' (,r ~~~.~----~----or s hues aL Bny tim!: wlthQut th!: IIr,'IIl<.',ll" " ttlTb rlflld by hosipry. AmI ! g 1.724 doctors qucstinnoo, \lnll' 24 Lhotlghl '8u~h prl\Oticen l/lfe. at aU t it - 5 II,.. ~nson8 for the doctorl Inslslin,r on foot prQtectio clean enll ·h ""~ ~hat it is Impo8sible to kei.·lllhe. lnside of t hfl shoes ,t , ''''oid danger or Inre~tion ; ,('nr. Joserh Lelyveld. ch ~lI- on of tlie council .. soid over 1,601). , en f-lld t '" "'o re 0 tll<e opInion Ihut lIulgrow n hosiery Bnd .ahuelj nuils_ I f1 .;!'e " IN foot defects in "Mldl·cn. T~se included In-grt1wn ,HOUR S ,: ' .' , Plll ; ~. hammer toea Bnd weak.f('et. ' 8OOk. Blwlo YS shoulll bl! " I 1~1\8~ u hnl/-Inch 111111; I"10r.II/I dren's rljll . Id m. II 9 to 11:45 I. thtl (,Jot. The 'majQrli.y uf the dortors Iju l-stioned' think hOlliery ' 1 to !i p. m. be ' ,Iur.ged h\'ke a day wb" never possible.. " Except WednOl day P_ M.

,dllllllllllUIIJlII 111111111111111111111 IIIh.

Eyes Exam. ined

Above Woolwo rth'l 5 and 100 Store ,

Telephone ,.


Dr. ~arl' E. Wilkin OP'FOMETRIST OHIO



PtA'I Af


.... "

. (.'II.L".~~·.,n'




Communioll" 7:10 a. m. Cbureli School, 10:15 a. IL -'dult Worship , 10~4G a. ~.






FERRY C~URCH OF CHRI8T Carver, JUn1lter . Blble' Scbool, 1:80 a. Ill. 1(0ralJi" 'Worship, 10.~O a: m. ,'- UTICA l E.U.B. OHURC ", r WW1am. OhlUUl~ IIh1J1tir Praye~ MaeUDlr, 7:00 p. m. Sun4a7 School 9:80 ' YoU!), People', MaeUn" 7:00. :ev..nlng ~cel, 7~18 Po m. JlarJey Tbomu , SUpL J>Qach iq, everi' oUler, SundaJ. U:46 a. m. Il'IenlDc Bemce, first Buuday lit WAVNE8YIUII. E CHU,rC H OF month. CHRI'ST ' Price ROberti, Minilter lItbl'; School at 9:10 •• Ill. CAE8A R'. OREEK FRIEND S We Have N9 .Rent To Pay - N( ?{ornlnl Worship , 10:30 a. m. Jack Barn... 1IJDJiw-" tb.e ••• P We ' )' P To Help EvenIng Worahtp , 7:80 . : m. CharI.. St&nIey, iupt Savln,,1 On To :Veu Midwee k Sentc!" , 7:80 P-. m. Worablp 's...-.lce, 10 a. m. ,.. , 81mdaJ Bab~l. J,1 a. 111., OPEN SEVEN ' DAV8 A WEEK 8T. AUGU8 TINE CH'iJRCH 9:00 A. M. TO t:OO p. M. OREGONIA EVANGBLICAI. U. 8, Rev. John Berning , Putor MUlle. 8,00 an~ 10:00- a_ 1!1. EuI9De Ur1rrl~b. ,utor ¥ou Get All , Sunela) . ~,'bool. 1'0 a, m. ' Morntnl Woo ilbtp. 11 L IL Youth Fellowlh ip, 6:80 to 9:00. MT. HOLLY METH'O DI8T •. Sc~, Mlnllter ScJloot, 9: 80 a. m., E. LEBANO N CHRIIT IAN 80lENC e EalI'Dl1art. SUpt.' Worllhip Service, 10:80 a. m. ObrllUa n Solence -ncell aN Evening Service, 7.80 p. m. helel evel'f SUDW m01'll1nS at 10 HICblaDd -'Te. at 11 o'oloo!t. / SUnda), IIchool at 'the lame hour. 8 FftIEND "'111111111111011111111111111111111111111111" WAVNE 8VILLE T_tlmo n,. meetin p ~It Wednes · mrst Day, Schools 9:80 a. m. eVBDIq ot eaob mouth at 'S. day a.m. 10:80 lleetlDI .for WqreMp ,

de;reee~~,~iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiilmimiliiiiii;, of 60 monthll, tura . :winter stant ~he enU~ during tempera tbus eliminat ing the Job of pIng tce. Alllo an automs;Uc Clon· trol m~kes avllllabl e at all times Funeral sek'Ylces tor Mrs. Lizzie a rlfody 8UppJ,.· of fre.h wa,ter. ' Bough, 83, were conducte d WedA pJentitul .Iupply oC Ice-free neaday from the Friendll Church helplI to ,In~raue the proliuehere, , with burial in the Miami -T'T'n........ ltvIlatoc k ilurtnr the wlnter cemeter y. ' The Fteher J'uneral monthll, said Blauser. DrlnldDaHome, Wilming ton, were In c harge water ehouJd be' ava.llable to llveMra. ents. arrangem funeral o( the et'ock 24 hours a day, es pecially Clinton at Monday Hough died animals ..rhioh are fatteDlng . to a g foUow!n M'emorla l hospital aald tbat the operatin g manaer brief UlU.B. 0 e.c.LOW !lOst of 8I1 electric waterer Is usu· Tbanksg lvlng services wtU be . to 'Want ally than $B.OO tor the entire presente d at the ~! en ds Cburch Some da7 70u're eoln • children '" ~v1nter 8eaeon. bere Thanksg iving morning , be- lOme extra ca.b-fo r Ibe enltween the hours or eight and nine educati on-your own ftllrem trip to Europe a even maybe or o t invited Is public The o·clock. Wben Ihe. time c:omu 7011 can'l ' · att.end_ pluck Ibat exira cal b from Ibin al~..... , ~emalns r)' Thornbu P. . J Rev. -70" be"e 10 alart plannlne now. • nln , here. III at hIS bome Phone Waynellvllle 3953 ( And ,.ou can - b,. in"88I\n l ' in Mr. and Mr. Rnd Mrs. lWy Ellis Tbtraty' s'bmbe and trees, espe· Bon.d. 'Sa"i~a Stalee United were r SwIndle Charles and Mrs. Give Me A RinI For A ,P lan. Illally evergree ns, may dIe tbls • guests Sunday ot Mr. and Mrs. tbrollih Ihe. Payroll Sa"ing. .... .", winter, Ray ,Keene, horticult urist I 70ur Johnny Smltb Rnd family, who re- No mailer hoY( tosaId fty. Sa"inge at Ohio State ' UDl'Vers cently bave moved to a rarfn near 70U con alford 10 buy Summer drought reduced day. The Smltbs lived Dond lhi. ellS,., "lIlomellc: ",ay. Sbaronv llle. Or A Bnd even 'So, eign up noY(' (or Ihe Piiyroll moisture In tbe ground, here once. , need trees and sbrubs t dorman where YOll work. water to .keep them alive, he said. and son, Savin .." P'en Mrs. Ann Wbeelan ~ t tile week end tn You'll diKoverI n_ -you'J1 feel more Or ' ...",Iln 8 BIlen iM..1 in 'Overwa terin'g wfI1 drown sbrubs. -:Morehead, Ky.. visiting bel' par, 8ecure lomorrow , if )'ou ,de 1000"yl soaking the ground around S · · 80 ents. Mr. and Mrs. Leona d Plank. . 1 . d S two or three times before the I lalel B"m18 Mrs. H. S. TI/ cker Ie confined u n,1e groun~ freezes Is suffiolen t. Soil SIGNS G ttack a an g to her home. followhi WE'JUt TRADIN' HICHI s hould be moIst to ' a depth , or 18 " N HUNTI "NO , of the "flu," bealtby. stay to Get Them Here NOW I Inches for sbrubs The WSCS beld th"lr Nove'llb er _ Middl etown Mulchin g .wlth manure, sawdust , meeting Thursda y lit ernoon In or other cobs. !lOrn ground peat, Cburch. the Moclal ro o~s of t"e Melhndl st Baptts l In 'JIhe Welcom e BIble Class ,ot material s will bold mol,sturl Churcb. with their pas tor " nd wife COMP ANY lield I the soil and reduoe :wInter dam, Ohurc,b BaptIst . Run Jonnh's guests. a~ Yost HILJTy . Mr ~ !r. nnd ... ."h mrn o als mulch Manure age. T Friday 2714 Tytu8 AVe!. Mrs. 101/Ise Fits aod daug hter tbelr Novemb er m eeting Dial 2-4501 ' Mr. and J;llant food. .rime Were guests In 'Ketterin g evening, in the home of Ohio own, Middlet Wa ll bud Saturday of Mr_ and Mrs. Robert Mrs. George Wall. Mrs. Mr. Roy ."NO HUNTING" 'SIGNS . progrnm tbe or charge .. 0 PEN EVE N I N G S .. 1!lldrld~e a nd baby daughte r, Lisa. devollon s. , T bls commun ity had Its flrat Abbott led the group In I~~~~~mJ~~~~~~~~ ~O~W~~ e~re~N The Men's. Olub met In the hlgb i,~;~G;r.;.t~T~h~e~m;~H~ , onths Friday Ijeveral mbome big fi re Inwhen of Mr. sebool building Wednesd ny ev the morning Swartand Mrs. Harold Fox, of U" Well. nlng_ Hosts were: Frank l...ukons man commun ity was cousume d by zel. Elarl Earnhar t. William , . d Edwards . Tbe prlnII fire believed to ha;ve orlglnat ed and Raymon GameCounty was speaker clpal and Mr. . flu tlve dete rrom n Mrs. Fox bad just left for work Vi arden Brant. ' Branstrn tor and Mrs. Mrs. L. ,w·ben lhe tire was discover ed . 1 Th e famlly'8 i!0use- A. S. 0011 tt aUended the Novem . It Ilel£(hl)or. Clu b .' keeper safely removed tbe coilPl e's ber meet Ing of the Fllrmilrs " ille. I -0 young cb lldren bu l was unable , at the Party House. Waynesv Mr. and were Hosts r_ T/lursda ngs furnishI l)elr t of nr a remoVIl 10 20 01 _ 24" _ ~6" Til HarveYs burg M r s. El'Ilest Buttel",vortb. '1' h e nnd clothing. ' principa l speaker WR6 Mrs. Lillian Fire Dept. answere d the call. FROM gave an In• The R Y. F. held their Novem- Om of Lebanon , who ,her to trip at t accoun terestlng In ber meetln\!; Sunday evening the so1:11I1 rooms of .10nah's Run Europe this summer.


8T. MARV' , EPI8CO PAL Tbe Rev. Samuel",",. KeYl, Beeto,



Mo.1 II",•• 0 .uil Ihol III u.

•e••rot yeo"




c~ v~ todoy. So ... wllh Flte Itilu,..n,.. A P'OIl'OIll ,'arted 080 mlllhl ha•• b.. n 0 ,e,f" fll fOt you, It"u,a" •• _d. , .. ·Ihen. lui It lIIay


NOT III.a you 'ull prat.ctlon . lodoy. Seo ua '0' • '..., IIIIOIYaII of ' your "... nl-day Ift. _ _ "_"


OIL D, 01111 I ..... .... ~ency

'" Rout • Pot , MeatSt ewi • Soup. . • spaghetti • Ofte Di.h ~eaI.


,.. lunMMI' Couen..... _


Thurston IIIDeJ VI. J. F. Johnson tD JUiteen ~ci ~d et at, ;JefeDdant Il'Ulted Kaufman, lot in TurUecreek Town· day. in 'wblch * lfile Ulwer. .hip. $aWe Raleilh VB. Irvin Robert A. StDec:kle and Frank J. '._ eri ~ti The Warren CountY CoDaervatJoD , divorce and cuatDdy of children Richter to Helen E. and James A. John F..,h, Jr., was s OUiv Association will n mlnate fficera .....- - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J pliinWf; ~efendant tD pay $25 per Rader, lot in Hamilton Township. burned on the hands, arms I l l d . a 0 A Pam Dluy <NEW IUITS , week. Robert A. Stoetkle and Frank J. legs, when buming oil from a ~t Its meeting tD~t. The meet. COWltance Kolodzlk vs. Henry W. William G. Hegner and Phllip tD CharJe. E. and Melba salamandcr he was carrying spUl. m.1 will be held at 8 P.II. at the D. J. f'rUIer C. Tope, lot in HamUtDn Town.hip. ed on his clothing as he was wort- Hill Crest Inn on Route f2 south of Yo)odllk, divorce. Robert G. Roy, Hegner, dolng bUlineas as WillJaln ' REAl. alTAYE "~ANS.PERS .....,.------~~---. Paul N l Herdman, attDmeys. G. Hegner " Son, VB. Raymond L. Earl C. ~d WJnlfred R. Coyle tOI Courtney J. Combs to Steven D. in, on a new house on Route 741 Leban()ll. The meeting date baa of Sprlogtroro Friday mom. ,been moved up because Of ~Q. NOymMBER lt" 1968·-~9thel' Filler Products, Inc., 'Vs. JeJTY Davis, money only. JolJD Oswald Vernon" and 'Starley .Kelley, Uti and Minerva A. Turner, lot in south ~" . log , giving. week of .UD8h1ne'&n~ warm Indian N. B,urWI, money only: Fred ..E. and Meryl B. qrQ', attomey. ; ~cr~ in WQI1e TO'lY'/Jlhip, ' , 'l;'urtlecreek Township. He was taken to MiddletDWD . The speaker fr0!ll 'the atatA;, Divt· SUIIlDler weatMr and no rain. The Jones,' attDmey. , , Louis H. Leaf vs. Jean J,.eaf, dl· ' FlossU! McCauley to Anna GlolI-' , - Hospital ,and is expected tD be un. 810n of Wildllf~, will discuss problovely tbat we for· ' Mary B. Carmack va. Howell vo~ .. Paul N.c;Herdmm, ",ttDmey.• p ' Llke, 2 Iota Franklin. ' PROBATE COURT , wea~er .a treatment there ,for a"out two' lems of Todar,. ~ The talk will be pt lOme of ~e warat, polJita of carinact, divorce. ,C. !)onald Dlla· Robert M. ~eJ1derson vs. Alberta Kit C. PbUlipa, et al, tD 'Estate of Jesse Hamlin, deceas- der, months. Witnesses said the bot. followed by an open forum, Bob the continued drought, e ~lally ruh, attorney. " Henderson, divorce, H. O. 'Finkle- W. and Jeaale L. Ollbom, ed Warren C Young and Chester tom dropped from the salamander Ross, secretary of the assoetation, tbe clty people who bllve no live- :William' O. Potts vs. Helen Jean JIllUl., attorney. , .. pqles ~ Tuttlecr~eJc 'l'ownshlp, E.' Hollenbau' b executors drst he was carrylog, spllllng the 011, said. T~e electicm of Officer wDl atook to pwDJ,l ot baul- water for Po~. divorce. Warren Young, at- ~an.ce E. Cribbs and Wolverine , Miller Lee ~d Mab1e II: VafigMt and lInal acco~i filed. ' whicb ignited. , be held m'December. ' or welll to ro dry. It II e&syon the pave~~nt. It hit the paved Insurance CO. VB. Clarence A. Hale, to Haye. Dalton, et aI, lot m Frank- Estate of Madge S. Sharp, de:. A bric,klay~ working on a house forget tbe118 tlilnp when your 'road but \lat a lltUe more roll and money only. Pickrel, ~ha~ffer lin :I'oWDahip. • , ceased, Tbanette · House, admlois. nearby put. out the flames by roll· water contblues to come out of j . and J!;vellng, attomeys. . Stephen. md lJinervll Turner to tratrlx first and final account rued We aeOPEN him in a tarpauUD, they said. the fa~oet wbenever you 'tum It !!o~o~t.~~:e o:~:~~s Joe C, Middleton va. ' , , Everett ~d Haiel . Sams, .88 acrE! ,Estate of .re~sle Orr TbomFson: ing He was taken tD his home by his . Until 9 P!, M. t d t d " Middleton, divorce. J. T.· in ~ecreek ~wnship, deceased E. E Oswald admlhfstraon aDd DO one eyen !Says about waterlng the Ia,,",- It I.a proper y ee 1'01e every. Y88 be- 'attorney. Irma CoJU;ver" ~t ai, tD Robed tDr with' 111 ~nexed" ublic sale father and WiJUam Kinney" Sr., aod then ·' taken to tJie bospital by fer,nt wben you haVe to buy J:our ciuee :eopJe dd ,not put o\lt their Dale E, Hayes vs. Faye S. 1'18.9'1 a~es ~ . Harlut of real eatte ordered,' p lOY. water l>y the tanlduI, JJ'ortunate- ~ pre es.. ' Idl"orce. Gray, Risinger and . ' . Estate of Minnie Ma Jack de ambulance. 1" we haven·t come to that 'yet bld you see that .artlole In the 'attorneys • ~k Illd LUllan Sariter .to m· . d , Arth'\111 Ham U"-..,n,Y execuwr, , "_ • - - - -- - ' - - - - - - - J • " I the '1 y ,,,, F anklin b\lt many people have l!,lent, ,bun·'DaYton New. ., ' ,other day temng Eth I • e "t"'OU th vs. Mill ard" W.U'' mer ... m.. &Alra Ril ey; 2.81 acre!1. cease grOBS value Clf estate ~,041.59. , 22 , 1 ' • dreda of dollars already. It la .0 much ~ oOlt. Mon~omery, mo~. ' divorce. IJoyd E. Ritz, at. Towf_shlp. l!:state of WlUism DeD dece_sed Jack Lee Auvil, ' 19,' ~iddleto~, har\l to b.elJ,ev8_ that' it wlll not tD . el Ipl .lip th~ rtladsldes: tDl1l~y. ,'. Bughes ,,!,, RIchard L. andl Catliryn M. BrIdenbaugh and Hel: f/lctol')' worker, and ,Carolyn Lourain aUeut b7 ill)' after tDmor- How muc~ does it cOIit- WA~riI~ , C, MacJ.ay, .92 acre ' Int en M Berge dminisfr trl Ise B4binson, 19, Franklin',.stenogrow. " .. ' County~- The roads look worse • COMMON PtEAS COURT _ n»wnaliJp. , first ~d final :~'co~t filed.~ ces, rapher. ~ . . , • • aod ,worse. I am glad to hear ·that , ,C , Ben and ,Frances Taylor to An.. Estate of Estella Martin de _ :Ralph E. Culberson,. 28, WilmFIRD-Tbat is the great h~ 80me · ot the trash dumpers have :'llla ~ae Sorrell VB. Acee Sol'· thony J md Karia V Buchheit, 8 ed Ralph Bro k adm' 'istrc~as iilgton, farmer, and Elizabeth Ma· now. 'I1hat is why the hunting been caught and tbied. T ble r ere, Jr., Jvorce and restDration of \ots in ~rfleld TownshiP. fir~t and final a~c~unt fU~d. a or, rie Hutchinson, 20, Harlan Town· , wm f . ship. season was put oU for a w~k and, should be more publicity given tD maiden name to plaintiff, . will be put aU 10nS'Sr If there Ie that. Tbe ebbuldaleo catcb nd Ed McQuInn vs. Mal')' McQuInn, Guy E. and Je'l~ie M. Clev~nger ~, o George M. Phlllips, de· 'Donald J. Hammock, 20, Franky f th h I t tab case dismissed. tD :Harold o. eralg, 5.02 ~cres Int ceased, presented for probate and lin control operatDr and Elizabeth no rain. Saturday ~ was drivlng ,th:o::m~ fO: ':p~::r°ha~:g Tbo~as 0 : Barnes vs. Wllliam lIa1'~ Townahip. ordered filed. .' Jt 'KUmey, 18, Franidbi, receptionalong toward Oregonia ' aDd t)lel'll ist. . , by the three bridgK a field was la undoubtedly ' one caUie or ., M~ HansfOrd, ,et al, defendant ..Dennie, F . .and Lillian M. Baker' , on , fire and along the river it wa" much refuse '8Iong Rt. 43 between granted 30 days further ,to pJead. to Boyd ,IlDd Lu~u Belle lWUllams" MARRIAGE LICENSES Egbert Reid, 49, Middletown, self . bluing hi&hl When I came back, WsypeisVUle and the ro84 that Dora l:.;9bc)l VII. Wlllie LjDcb, .069 acre in Clearcr~ek Township.. Harold E. Durham, 20, Franklin, employed, and Llllian M. StaJibepe, ,the ftre bad '~pr~ad, .tl1e . young to tbe dump. It III just as case dismissed. Courtney J. Combs and James J .. {actDry worke!;1 ,and, N!lncy Seals, 54~ F'raJ)klln, self employed. oatUe tbat had ~en grulog In tbe muob ' /lgalost the law tD baul , stalk tield w~ere the corn had trash m alloh a w,'y thl't It can been ploked h~ moved over away apllf OJ! bIo'Y out of the truck ns, ftom the tire and there was a long to dellberately dump It. string of c~ parked, watching, Today I took another calf to .. , the blue. o.ver by the river there tbe sale at 'Wllmlngton but Bad to t . ' ", .r were a number' of men possibly say It 4ldn'~ weigh 88 mucb as it \ \ \ fig'btlng the flre, but.ln that stalk sbould have and so I only got Of. pasture there was not o11e penon teen dollars a b\1ndred but that . Anytime is coffee time with quick, convenient instant coffee, coffee into pure instant coffee, ready for your cup. This trying to stoP the spread \ of was better only seven and eight flJ!e and save all that feed. J do 88 the owne~s of nice oversized And gas helped make ~ible~js latest advance in the coffee revolutionary process demands exact corneol of heat' and ~ , not know wbo owned the stDek calves were getting. i There were' or whether he was there or not, not so· many CalVeB brought In BO industry. Nescafe's famous jet proce~s explodes r~c~, roasted atrposphere. Only economical, versatile gas provides both. but short as 6veryoJ).e Is on' feed, there were not so mlloY to go for It burt me tD see all that !\"Oing UP, a dollBl' and a halt-to three dollars. COMPAINIES SERVED 8~ TEXAS EASTERN SERVE YOu. In .moke.. ' ' I ·toOk three of the pups to the Farther down the road pound the otlier day ' snd now r halt way up Mathers MID HID, I am not qul~e so ove\,wbelmed, but saw a wisp ot smoke 'ourllng up three arE! bad enougb a8 they are out of the grass at the side of just getting to ·the ohewing stage the road. Of <\Ourse r stopped and whsn I am,,ukely to find my best. ran aoross the road and there It .hoes In the kUchen. They are WaS, rlgh{ tn 'the center of a little cute. One black one, and two 'Circle or buniing grass that wss .black with white oolla and paws. spreadlng rapidly, a sUlI burning As the plumber said the other dA.Y clprette. Theta was a. brllllt. I\ttle "You have 'too many cats and bree,e blowing 'and In fiye min~tes dogs.' ,re Is right. , It would J\ave spread aoross ~e Thursday Is ,Donation Day at "dlt!lh nnll iii ten the ' w~oJ'6 hillside' the Chll!1ren's Hospital. If anyone }VOuld )lave been .ablaze. , Wlll bas oanned frutt,' jelly, jam" canned lIome people never learn that a tomatDes or moneY' tha.t they lighted cl~tte keepa oQ burn· would like to send In, I Wilt be J ng for a 10llg Ume and the alight. gIad to call for It and see that It est purt at wind cnn set it ablnze gets tc> tlie bospltal. evell tbough and spread It. J was dl' ving nloM it didn't g~t In on Thured 'r. . just the other day and t'rom l.he BJi) CARE1l'UJ,. WlTlJ TFAT car ahead there C1UlIe' a elAAl'ettJ.I ClQARETTF. DON'T B Ji) T H 1'.) spreading sl)aJlks as it 1'\)l1ed over ONlil TO START A FIRE. SOl', '


AsS.... OII....

TO . . . . . ' .....1






Wed., .




Dol Fooll Siore EYera11 Sears

.Oscar S.llh Meal Market

. ,. helps put --the"ins. lallf:in coffee _. .. r



SInce Flowers Are TrlbJites '1'



OF ,RE8PECT we give of·

ferlng apeelal atWntion .nlt dl. pl.y them' appropriately REQ:ARD-


c.ret, . .... 'Collected c.refully ,

.nd acknowledgement carda eupplied to til. family wit II 0 u t charee• .





C/~6ifieJ Phone 31113 To Place a Cla•• \fled




"-"eekly On Sunday az 8AME TIME 2:00 ,. M.




3ANK RUN GRAVEL-Loaded at Davis Furnas Pit. We also deliver. ARMITAGE & SON. Phone 209 t. tf


liOME KILLED ,BABY BEEF 180 lb. 'half, 1 hind and 1 front ,luarter, 39c Ih. EJ!.N1iJST BING'HAM, or can I)e seen at LOCKER PLANT. 1()'2G-tfc

, American Le.lon Post No. 615 St. Augustine .Cathol.c Church ' ~----------..;.-------------.....

Saota Claus Is Coming CCICllC1lPl.......~~1Il'I'l'III1III

TOYS FOR CHILDREI G1FT S FOR • 0 THE 'R GIFts FOR FATHER , Children's Phonographs $8.9& 10


-eSee Our Line of




. Wilson CODcrele Prodac.. Chimney Block ' cctncrete Block Waterproof cement Rock Face ·Block Steel Sash and Paint Cement and Mortar Glass Drain Tile Building Supplle. SHEEHAN RD. ' P. O. BOX ,342 CENTERVILLE; OHIO

rour I~ never touch the dirt/ No other cleaner clean.. like the Hoover.

Whi ch type do you prefer?










ne 8tIdiII ...."

. . . .ION • .

... lito

.. 11M BBC cJalldra'. ITVl howa._ tiler be'fe Itt Qd-. I.... 1M ....._ 1'11., _" Ief. ... . .

ftoi4DI. . . ....... Ud &b. IIIrdldl..lIIlIllatIna. no doubt. for 'lean1 "'"' , eaII ~YOI .dul.. bUI injilJ'iclD-O . . , aaequ1-Wy beUewe - to the

,..... .•


J'IJ. I"DI.41'I8' rEn. FAile 111_ .1 ".. r4JJOO CIWtae "uoMrt . . . l ...


0/ _ 111M ., do _ _ Ill to III AoIM ilia)' e6o..,. a/uj, 1fIiNh. "Ill-

P.... 2541

, - "Y""Of~

iiiruaul,. _AatI(It, wry ltv,e 1IlUI\~" 01 deu _I,,, 1IIa,1I4d tIIGin cAeir orl,w,l ./,., a.u-etl




Ioeeo_. rat_ .,...


",. 'n..


"" """., ..,., "",.:...." ...................11


__ .p,..,...'

..", con."'"

"ow • """'"

[:ne £0;'




TRY SAVING REGULARLY. at ' o~r bank-!". way to turn your dr~ms

HOW to tie a beHer knot

into realiti••• Come in and 0p!n an QCCOUl\t soon.

YOU A8 ,

Cleaned with , Modem Equipment



l.e::=e~:!~:iI~"y 'n;ght services



-*'he ,.,Dllville IltiDllllllk


Guar.teed ANO




~~:~:~~~~~~~ A Flr.r'1 Loai A Lon. Term4 % Co,iIttr.ct The Cand 8~u,k Way Will Relieve the "Pinch" , Match Incomel _ LOW. Rate



Phone 2341





La. . . ·'........

we are considering; boolus of the Bible: ' A brieftheoutUne '11'11 ..... each book Is given aiid that Is followed by a dlscuBBlon of the Lebanori, OhIo Phone 4411 main points of the book. YOQ ELLIS H. 8TURM, '8.c'Y·T~.U, will enjoy thlB 81)rvlce and. you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ need it. -

jfamous samtrttan j;,.bfp "

&'s . ·on •

Arinj' '


r" SAN " D aadt~!




Be Obtained at ·the




EXTEISIOI IOTES Acting County 'Ag.nt

If you ' ~ lCX:klDg for a place

to cut your expenseB, don't ltart with f.,...lIzer. , , Orten ' times when we setUe up for fertlilln W1l. wonder JUlt , bow much good It does. from actual farm account books and experimental data., point out the llUDe thina'. For eacb dollar Inyested h! tertll,ler, you ' get $3.60 back In Increased yields. The more fertiliser )'ou use the le88 It c08tB you per pound of each unit. Eventually you will reach a point where the Inereue lJi yield will not pay f9t: tM added lUDOuut ot fertUizer but that point Is tar Tb.e WALK.-1N-'l'HE· \\IATElt WWI lbe /trIll .LUlldhllP . on the Great Lakes, accnrdillg to the American Ml=rebllllt Marble away. AI money gete tighter you are Jn5tltute, New In 181is, only 11 Jell" behlDcl Bober' I'1IIIoD" (lLBR~ going to think a long time and MONT, thIa tiDy craft Is one of Amerlea'i maK famoa ....... 1& tGolk eJ«bt yoke pf oseD OD Ihore to help ber ap the N........... ra.,.. may be tempted to ' rec!uae the from wbere abe was buUt to Baftalo. CoIItlq 150.... abe eOaJ;d amount you are ulblr: .1.. donlt do & 150 paaaenren, or about U maDy U ..... It lalo II It. It I••UD one of the be.t In· Weboat OD the I1IperliDer UNITED STAUB. Sh..... felt III Ia:l, vBltmenti you can make. bat bel' ftardy enrtnea Dved on &0 power two, ............ Ld;e cal1, ltop by tile orrtce or Bend . . . . . . '1'odQ'. &merieaD MereILaD& IIarIae .. JIIII& • lmpurWlt u. a poetal carIIth'lf )'ou woulcl like to oat u.tDr u wu the WALK-INJfBB........ WItI~ . a copy 0 f e recommended amountl of fertl1lser for crop. eat AmerIeIIIl·. . . 1aDken' aDd fft.!:~::t! briar .. IIMded lmpollia ad take . . aporta oar UYiDI coaJd· . . Ita ...........4. bere In Ohio. It'. free.




Hoover AERO-DYNE Tank Cleaners feature extra-err CLive controlled suction and famous "Litter Gitter~: nozzle. With Hoover'lI exclusive Dirt Ejector

..... WOe. aacI '-tide ... I • •


(Continued tJ:om Page One) and plan to be presnt and your reommendatlon, U you are a member Qualified to make such

The world-famous Hoo verTripJe. Ac tion Cleaner bea ts, as it sweeps, as it cleans, brightens colors, preserves rugs:

...... ,'............ ....... ....................

- --


Dealer we invite you to visit our ' store and see the famous Hoover Cleaners at ow: demonstration table. Or to calJ us for a noobligation home showing.

AIIIee .... ~~.... waM cUI·

r - ................ 11.. aM rr.- ".. .....lh ....

WANTED - Alterations to do In . . . . . . . . . . . . .- .• • 1 III ".. 'up/hi...,.. ira 1_ aNI fill"", my home. MRS. BUTLER. Call will uIdr to rA.u ·No.· rr.. lruliall 2184. 0-11-6 ,.,.tl. ,.1tofIU N ira eorulldola III .... w~ ittNl ,.pec:, .-. ihqerdle PAPERHANGING. , o/llUo~ 10' ira alaeil_ ", ala,. ",emory 0/ .. _ 111M rrao,J,. .1 PAP E R RANGING - 10 E 10 A ,..e"ul dilohtlicnce .. powe,lul "_ MUMMA, Rt. 2, Box 118, Dayton lado..... -eo" ~ .dlJ.eIa.n.AeJ," 10,~ Ohio. Phone 88264 Bellbrook. , mE PLIGHT OF MUSICAl X-ll-I2-19·28 411ERJCA, "URIU '-'" _ I t ~ 'D-RAFTl---N--G--:-------~ ao..... twlth .polo~• ..-11 " ... die .... NJAor .,... 1M __ _ FOR THAT , EX'llRA. DRAFTING ~~ co ..."." Itdl7 .......... 0/ IoettI ........ _ _ ,,.,..,.. oJ. LI\'e Wire and Prol1'6l1lve. ' that your drafting dellaI'tment can't handle, call GENE HUD-"n Organization Second To NOlie. ~. _Id.a61•• _ '1IOf VfHII GINS, Morr9w 28R2, Experienced Strlctly Sellen Cln the IleBt All - - . t co ,..,. ........ cllo_ i .. Draftsman. c-U-12-(5t)-12-10 Ar~und ' 1>hrket ·ttl . the Country nwtIlIUI _ h i pl.o. ......... ",iIeIeeI "-10"....., SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ~ d,o" • ..,." " " , . ,• •# • • • • • • • • • 4 rMI...I .,.. ,..,......... tela,. _",. GAZETTE ON 8ALE . For 0.11)' Mark.t Report.: co ....... 0 _ _ 0' ••rlo__ ... u', The Miami Gazette Is on Bale WLW Cincinnati, 12:30; to .. ....... co,.... each ThurBday at noon .t the WOK Y. Clncln naU. 12 : 12 WaynelvU1.e Drug Store. The ,W PFB, ¥14dllltown, 11: 41) Bu"pll /,..,~£pn.ft,; MACA price remalnll the aamlt-lic per 'NORRIS BROCK COMPANY mrI.:l2tI F.tW 112n" '\'.. 1\'..., Yn,k, lingle copy-or $2.1)0 pel' year. III v


A5 a new Authorized Hoover

A.... Nov. 12 - Nov. l' Marlon, Ohio . Int.rmant Marlon



' you the HOOVER,


RO." RII1....nd O. Nov. 10 - . "OY. 14 ,".11 Ch.,.1 R.y. M. O. Mlttl••edt' Interm.nt Lobanon


'.•• PoilUealb'....... II •




can offer

..... ... Sow* "'PIN' S.... II r- ,..... die UJJJJ.1L aad . . . . .............. utIlaD_ ....


Fr.nklln, Ohio

Now~ we

MoROBElIITl, Domha Nov. 10 - Nov. 1S Leba.... Chap.I Rev. Dean H~no• Interment WlI1nftYlllo

........, aI.. 8 .. die aDaIop .to. ... ....,. ......... y . . .Ia... ...

WILL TAKE C4.RE o~ Chtldren In

my home day. or baby elt In home daYIl or evenlu,p. FORD R.A:SNAKE, South ville on Rt. U at 78, old Hardellty home, by power hOUie. X-ll·19-1111

,eel .......,......

l~ eJ~:& ::~f::: _ _ ......" ........ 'ftIo . . .




"Bn rlU(;. AUlKS' ~~

Ilea •• '.....

I. _




If you baven't had a soU te.t durlna thil rotstlon never have had one why not get the par'tlculara now . . From a IIOU test you can find out !\Ixactly )I,OW much ,Ume and tertmser you need and what analYBIII to ulle. '


• _

-,!, • - -:-

gether for IIIl evening or food aJld tun. Get fOUl' tickets early next ),ear. ,

The Warren County Dairy Be", Ice .Unit 18 IIlBtnnlng a serlell of meetlnp thlI ~nter on the dlf· ferent lIhaMII of daJl')'lng. Dec. , 9 will .tart the meeting wJth a Illage tour an.d a meetln~ on Inl. In J'ebruary there wW be • dlacu•• lon Oil marketiD~. lD8PMtlon 1\'1lI be the topic for MarCh where we ""' attempting to _ a repreaentaU,. from the dlft.... ent areas to form a panel to an· swer farm lIaelttODl,

ChanceB are yoU can't use a bu)letln 'on "!lave the Foalll" becauae horiell are somewhat outmoded, Howe.,r, ,,13 do have many fIDe bulletin. on Agrioulture aDd Home Jl(aldng .ubJecte that lire available tree of charge. If yon are In need of Information - on apicultural lIubJeotB, we may bale a J»ulletln 't hat wUI h~p 70u out of a tight lPOt. COMING EVENTe DR. J-..CoulJ' AlI'loultural 0-. There Is no charp OD J»un.ttnl ~ m. . . tor 11&4 at the 00Drt except for the Garden IDHct BaJ. JIOu..' Aullltbrium. 8:00' p. . . letln ud AnDual SpraJ' BuDettu. 14''' ...... IIIl4 lWeT Doupa,Theae bulletlna an ooutaDt1r 1;ID" BIteR.1oIl JIIcoDomfIta, will ' PrtO del'lOtlr & nrteloll 10 lor tbII ..... t til. outlOok. _. son tben II a CI~ t-n.b7 santee .~ ace Tour. Pr'oInm The _"'t, ~ qaite • IUCo aoaaaed ........... .,



~ •. . . , . . . .

quite a t ... m_ . . . . aft tOld. PeD.... ItII1 lib .to . . to-





FIRE DEPARTIEI' .laWERI 21 DIU.S DURII. LAST QUiRTER; LOSS'1~ ' , Acconllnl to a ,-e'port l'81fiue4 'thll week. by WIIUam H. ' Sawyer. A.llatant ,,1'8 Oblef. the W.yne Township VOlunteer Fire Department ,!vr"l'K ;t ,Urea durtng ij1e laet Ilu.arter. O!,e hwl(lred and aeve1ity· eight tl~en 1'88pond!oKl to ~he tI1'ea 1¥hloh reaulted In proP,t n,. dam, ITIMI IN"fIt"alT are ~ 112.000.00. 'tI1t~ ,6,000.00 of tllte 10811 In MauJe townBhlp. and ii~---iiii"iiii ooiiC'~i___""~_diCiiiiiiiCiiii.~ii1 P,lOO;OO loll. In CJili.rcreek townIIhlp. AIOUT 1'0LICa ~ ·ne · m&,Jortty_ of the Clalla 1¥er'e+--'--r---...--'--------... KNOW rrue tl1'ea baUHa by clrarettas ~ thrown froiIl pualDr carS. Ii fey{ ~ , ' , , ... FAOM KtNGMAN , cau~ bJ' ftDdall throwlne Mrs. Ned An481'1101l or KlDrmaa aacke ~o~ lea,..1 IlturateIJ 'tI1th . ", 1 ~ .. IM4~ . . . tilDe with bel' IIpter Untd. . : Dalll Fumall 86 widely known - '*In·ln-Jaw anIl . bqbter. 111'. In,4 De'ecUYII wtrtnc 9Il a car caulled tarmer. 4184 at. hll. ~ome nean h~~ Mrl. •DoD .a"t.. · uo&lle.. tIN: .. ' 'Monday ' after a lonl IUUII. ;He Spontau9ua _bUlUoIl III the bl-"rI h . b h IUFFER.· HU"T ' 'TT''Cae -f h~ iaa with 11 ".. a .Wi Ir t mem er of t, e . • tfreI 0 a ~... ell liGon l'rIenu church ~ ...., wliere ·prt· , A Hlrht doelutt t8 on tap fl)r th, 00 Mr. JI.. A. 1'uJ.WIoa..a.re4.. cauaecl a ' ••7~.OO loll. ,3,609. . Yate ranmt dntc.. were h~il at'~!~S~~!t~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~:llanuary term of court wlUl lesa~~:dIl~~....... haarl .ttao OIl 8at1Itd&J' lion , the ' ~U!lta aIl4 . ,,1,100.00 J p. ~. Wedn"day. followed wi. I thu 20' caeea filed to date. Pro.. The 8ohoOi .. rd e~en4'd UIl' eonfIDed at K~llalley hOlpltal dam... to, the track. rraVeBlde .18rv1cet at Mlallil. cem. O:J C E' I ~utlDr AUornet H&1'Y1D E. Toone W iTan. • Dr. Hamr8 order to (or obIetvaUOII I~ ~tm8Dt. " A. nre Ill- MUll. ~shlp willi tart. . . ', . ' ,,' • .... announced. " ' c10ee the lc;llool for one week un· a ,11.000.00 10111 waa 08llJled by an SurvlYlD'I arehla wife. Ada: t;vo rn , acoorcia1lct With an actllon Namea of mnd and peUt jurorl W Dec. 2L Th. Ob1'IetDWI reo... HOME fRO .... Ho...ITAa.. eKtiIOdlnr ltove. daurhte .... Mn. EYelf1l PiIns1... of taken bJ' u.. er.lgDed , Baliiks . (~r t~t January court term were holiday wu sohedule4 to beltn Mr. W. m. Conau ,,110 A fire In Cl..~reeJt townahlp Germantown and Mrs.' i &m e ,e of Wa,n'U t,,, u1d ~Ulke The HapPY Hour Clllb enjoyed dra1\'D from the jury ' wheel . TU88' on Dec. 23. been coDOnecl at Cllntoll, MeD;lorial "hlch wa.. anewered by the local jPayne Q( Chlll1cothe: a lOll. Darld. wUl &cIopt . a day wor~ W81*. their December mee~nc with 1\ day at 9 a.m. In the ottlce or Clerk Publlo ,rath8l1Jrp p;o~ed In· ~ of Section 6.41 mOlt bountifUl cover:ed dish din· CUtf C Beckett by Jury Commie. deflDltely Inolwlecl' the Eaatero boepltal tor the paat ....ra' weelul clepl'tJDent, ",lilted In a lOll of lat home' two,r 'Mn A4a 18 nOlI' ~. .1eIc11lC a~ bte hom P.JO().OO. It wu cause,d by ~ de- Smith a~d Mn. AJi.n~', IfC:ak of (11&78·2) q,f e::1:~0 Oenetal ewe ner at the 'home of Mn. Sara .Ione!:; John F. Lewis and V. 'Ii. S~r lnatallallon of ottice,. Iched- , fecUye ~~, WaynelYille' three brotbers Freel be~1D1 J; 6. 11/14. th,ey Braddock ~n Tneeday. Dec. 8. , ' .Ru,..U wed tor MoMay eYenlDe. the fRIOA" DINN~," GUilTS ' To\al payroll to volunteer lll'tl- of JuDee~, Robert aDd iloicoe ·,.-m not be oP,illl for 'buBlnelll on A larg.. number of members and Tb11'I~.nve personl are required Grange meeUnc ~d Xm~ party 111'. allCl Mn. H ..... Rye had u men for the quarter amounted to I of WaynelYllle. wte.d of" rlo.w. Wed.neactarof ..o~, week. .. the tonowl~ «ueste. Mrs. Wllhel· to aerve on the Pand jury, and 60 on Tuesday e\'enmg. the Rotary rrlaa,. evenlne dinner meste Mr. "89.00. en the familY liked that tb.8 Tlie foar ~ holiday.. j;o. m~a Braddock. IIrs. Betty Daley persons for petit jUry meeting on Tue,day evenlne. the UUl Mre. A. L Scblihart and :Mr . IDOn~y be contrlbllted to the lu. lumbul Day. Armlltloe Day. Un· anti ehlldren, Mrs. B~rbara Orook· . Eastern Star Chrtstmas party 'o n . ad lira. C. E. M'aclnllta. Cards ltemla fUnd eoln'l Blrihday and Washlngtolll's eU and Ron. Mrs. DOnlLlii Haines _ Wednesday evening. and the NeW" were el;ll0ye4 tollowing dlnlll!lr. " ~Irtbd~y ,,,m not be observed lin· e.nd daughter and Mn. Lutber Cen\ury Club on FrIday afternoon • .' _ F ' H X 1811 they fau on • Wednesday. Haines were present. All churoh aervlces are allo can· ATTEND (lHRI8TMA8 PAflTY DII.. rlend. To old ..... FIRST :MASON 'lANK, ~as()n. During the afternoon Mrs. Don· elll1d unUI ' tu er notice. IIr. and Xl'll. E. F. Earnhart Here '.Sund.y Ohllli " aid Haines favored the grl1up wIth raves e serv 088 or I am tended the 'lovelY ChrIetiDu The.. Wa~.lvllle I'annere Club , . FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Mol" a vlolill and a . vO,c al 1010. with Warren county's first positive Eo Moran. 13. son f Mr. and Mr•. partY whiCh wu rlveu by the OhlD enjoyed a 'Christmas turkey dinner FrIends wUl llieet at the Red . row. Obto, Mrs. Luther 8S , aqoompanlst . on rabtes case In ' recent weeks wa Elmer L Moran. of WaynesVIlle. Central TelephDne CorP. •t Ule at the rar Hills PIU'ty HDule ' Dn Bnck meeting ' house 'On Sunday. LEBANON • ~S NATfON· the plano. Christmas carols were reported FrIday when a skunk . were held at 2 p. m. 'l'J1esday In WlebtDg Well In (lentervUle on 'I'huraday. December 20. with meeting for AL BANK Le..uon. Ohio. su~g and everyone exchanged ~cked and bit a woman at h Miami cemeterY eonduofed by the Wednea4&Y evenlne; Followlnlr 'the 'cUnner the. m~t. worehlp at, 9:30 a. m. followed by THE WAYNl!IBVl'£ILE NATiONAL gilts an~ the "secret Bisters" were home near Franklin. Dr. Arch Stubbs (uneral home with Rev, J . In.g W1UI opened and )Ira. Charlee the Chrlltmas program at 10:15 . BAliJ(. Wayn-..nte. Ohio rllvealed. Harvey. county health comml W. Wedgewood offlclatlng. R£T"R~' FROM MO~P!TA" WMt rave a ftne paper on "Good a.. m. • . " U..17-(3t)-12.31 IPlanl were made for a YacatlDn sloner. announced. Besides his parents he Ie S UI'Oon ~e. Ion of Mr. and · M". WlU at Ohrtatmal 'rime." Shb A mitten tree will ,agallt be one " " , , rllr.rr ....,l.• • , ........... .,. IIi January I1nd. Mrs. Rhodes BUll' MrB. Ed Baumgartner 0 vlved by three sisters. AntDlnette, Gilbert .Frye. ;wbo wae .trtcke~ mentioned , Ieveral Wngs we of ,the teatures ot the program ' .I nell will be hostesB tD the Club FrankU~, Rt. 1. l1ald ehe notice Sarah and Susan; two brothe"!. with· mlDlngJtll and orlUoal1~ ehould do that we m~ht have with everyone partil;llpatlng. All Hen.., y Rite. In ~ebruary. the skunk running around th .l Robert and Kenneth; mate~al ) at Mla~1 Valle;r hOlpftal' .for "I'tjace on Earlb" at· CbrllJt~al Frlende are urged to attend and Held ..... y yard acttng rather elranee. Wbe 1.grandP&rents. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman , eral 4&)'8, retul'necl to his jolD '!' the splrtt of wonblp and the animal continued to stay, sh ,Day; paternal gtaJldmotber. Mrs. . time. . ' 01\ Saturday eve1llilg. !\IU'l'hy, ~16. called a neighbor and asked If b Emma ¥oran. ~ Rev. Dibble of the Olive Branoh «ood WIll during this Christmas Ohurcb pve to the membeJ'1l 110 Seuon. m. Saturday .at would e~oot ft. I>s Bhe went to -8UNDAY EVINING Gl,IE8T8 verY fine talk ' oq "Boc'kgroun,d, of the ' Stubbl fUn I hom, helre. her ·car to go tor the helgbbor. . Burtal wal ID \ ' , the skunk aUaokBd )leI:. biting hilT Mr. and Mrs. ~WIUlam 8U'o1llH1 Obrla~;." .uter a verY pleas· ~. . ~ ud .dauahter ~atol Sue .,.. ere a~t e.nd 1Dtel'88~Dg daY' tbe olub Mr. MUfphT cUed I his 1I0me n ar A ,c;a~tata; "The Dawu. of Ohrlst- leg. The skUnk was lUll In the amo~, the Oil SIUl4T eYe- adjourn II to' meet. 'at tbe Parly "~n W&yneayUle at 1 p m. \V,ednell4(~y> IDD.s. wUl be presented at . tbe yard when she . .returned wlt4 the nInt wh. . .Mr. and lira. RUIBe1l Kwse with Mr. e.nd )I;Irll, J. H. .' .l fe 18 811hotTei ' 1W' 'tI1te. LydIa: Fel'l'Y ChurcJt of Christ on. Christ· n~ghbor 'who killed the anlinal. 'LnJDpltlu ' tile 11.. al hOlt and hOltes8 In .Mrl. Cora Pyle and Mrs. LuaUe two )ollanc~ter;.~ of r. mall Eve.• Deoember' 24 at 7:30 Tbe , head )v811 lIent to the State Mort«~8!1 continue tD B!fatter _~ ad . ArJDltaali _ ~ttAt,1u1ed an EM 11& 641 iIre: f Hlilr! ' plI'r t '0 eXiltnlna.' Itftft t: ~ )\ etar meeting In ClarklrfU,1e Mon- Wa)1i8sville. and ! 1\ sillter. oh.urch . chOir. composed of both tion and a. J1Qsltlve repOrt wlla r~ number and amount filed durtng cUeb d1nDer ud" QIl\1J1t~ day night. Jea,ie Titul of TIIIsa. Okla. young ' and adults. under the dl· celved. Row the Bkunk beoame Uie ' past month. aC!lOrdlng j.o reo w.. en~oye4. \{)r. 'Emma Hollow\~}' , . rectlon ot ~ . Everett Hunter. lnfeote!l Is what puzzled lo~l ports from th,e Dfflces of Clerk of guest ' on SuMay of her oouel.,tlB. Wh!le It· has not I)een the prue· ~ealth offiOials. It could have Courts CUft C. Beo\lett and B,ec· £,LEVA.,OR BOARD ",EETS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Creagl)r In NOT ICE '. tloe of the Ferry Church to hold been bitten by a rabid dDg or fox. order 'PellJ'l M. Graham. 'l'he Elevator Board m~t IOn Wed· Oakwood. worship ~ervlces on Ohristm\1s they believe. Records reveal that fot the past' • neaday an~ durtng the 1p.eetl~, " Miss Minnie. Dodso lett TburB. 'Our store hDUl'a will be as Eve In recent years. many ChriB' '32 months In Warren oounty. tha wlvel enjoyed oards a..t the , day morlllng to IiIpend a ,ew lows: tlane feel that It IB a very app~o· mortga~es bave exceeil.e d the mil· hQme of Mr. ,and Mrs. H. 1.. Rye. , montbe with frtends and relatives Open 't!i II p. m. Dec. 18 throul~h prlate time to Bing pralBes to GOd. lion and a half dollar lJ)ark and A 'Covered ' d1sh dinner wal en· In Miami. Iiia. - Dec 23. Open·ttl 6 p. m. XIruilS In an attempt to put Ohrlst .bock for t.):\e last eight . months, wer'e joyed by ,tbe wbol~ gt,!>up. Those Mrs. Lena Hartsook Bpent SUll' Eve: • ," Into Chl'ls~ma8. , So 1( you want 0 ~es Illore than $2.000,000 eaCh mDnth. present were: Mr: and Mts. Kel· day I!ot the home of her gran,d· MILLER'S DEPT. STOl1~ to spend an hour. In ~orshlp lIBt· ' . Real estate mortgages tapered 'off ler Hoak. Mr. e.nd M:rs. Rhod~8 daughter. 'Mrs. Gene Ellington FA.I:RLmY HARDWARE STORE~ enlng to some beautlrltl music. you Twent:!'· three young people from somewhat last month ",bUe again BIlIlIle1J. Mr. and Mra. Ch.u:les and famUy In Eaton. ' WAYN!ilSVlLLE FURN1TUl!~E llJ'e Invited to attend on Christmas Warren County are students" this }vas noted in chattelB. Mrs. Ella Dakin wltb, her lion .......... r. Eye. yellJ' In twelve schools whlcb are One hUlldred s~y flO ur rea I COnard. "",1'. and Mrs· H. R . .MolIII. Mr. Paul DakIn of LeballoJi. spent '. members of the Ohl . ~und!1tion eBtate mortgages' were ',tlled laet ·. fttr. &bet ' Mre. Lawren~rown. :Mr. ud Mr'I . .RobJI.ld .'ll~wke. Mr. Saturllay ,morntng I, l>a.jton. I of. Tndependent Coltegee, It was reo montliln t.he amount of $1.009.· and Mrs.' Gilbert Frye were un· Missee Ruth and ElIzabeth pOrted . this week. 198.95 while 526 chattel mortgages able to be preeen~ Oliandler. and Mrs. Lena HartSook Enrollments and number of mell tDtaled $565.076.91. OWce , I' • ; 1 .had the pleasur& of ' seetng the iio~ools atten~ed . trom .,adjoining J:ecelpta tor the month were ·". Loc~ .1 Ie ' 0':" '" play .tEvery !lan" gt.ven by WI.· countlel are: Butter, 69, 14; '10,97.95.· hundred 'and thirtY· •• mington College ' Itudentll on Sat· H'am'Uton. 19~. 18; Clermo~t. 8, 4; six deeds were tiled, 16~ I 1Ilcm.• 'ultday aq.el'l1oon. B.rown. 3. 3; . Clinton. 12. 7; Greene g'IIges. 87 mllceUaneous for .. a 1~ ....._ _--.-....:...:.--..,. . " 62. 18 ; Montgomery. 327. 19. total of 387;. TrOop Number Two of NOTICE OF APPOINT"" ENrJ' , six' hundred sixteen auto mDrt· WaynelvUle Girl Scouts beld ' . .Robert A, Weaver. of ()JL)veAdmlnlatrator ... 'II giQ;es ,were tned dllllng the-month remlaJ' meetllll Wednesday. land, Ohio, cbairmaJl of 'Jae CroEstate of 1eesle C. LewIB. DeIn Olerk BeokeU's oUice amount· 9 T"" Troop number hal ude for FreedbDl, "hlob b " en- oel!!ed, . Ing to $481.200 as compared to 1 chap'.ed trom Two 10 One Hundred UsUnr 215 JnlWon Amerlca1lll in Notloe shere", glyen ~,yt John 678 the previous mOl\th totaling Fltty-two. ,support of Rallo Fl-ee Europe hi . O. !.em. and W. Walktir Lewis. $474.683.60, The meetblr ope ed with thl'! 1l'IiQ 'he lie to Ule 80vleS Bic Jr.• whose POlt Ornce .441'8llee Consumers, are spending , le88 of ----:----lie Lle their food40llar for food and I openlDlr olicle and tb e prom. • ~e ~bayton, 1 Ohio. and wayne. more for servlcel B8.1 United lIary Bonl waa p~lentecl, ' ~tb ville. Ohio; reaR8otlYely. have , her tint year pin by Mrs. Heury. _. C E been duly ' appointed as ' AdmlnlsStates Department of Agrtcultu~~ The troop then. ~heci fIIle proI tralorl ti)f tlte Estate of Jelale C: eoonomIBts. ' . , ' mati. AtMore and better paokaglng. " , , jeC:t of ~U place ' WayneaVtlle Lilmber and SUpply late of 'W arren ~~llnty. washing. . seleotlon. mWngl ~reSimon . ~as8!lrt. , 451 who , lives ·tanduce ud duea were taken by will be ololed for Inventory from Qhlo deceased. ." cooking 'e.nd prepertng of pr04ucta and olAlrates a service station on tile aciI1be8 aJ\d ~mellta ",81'8 ThunllaT eV!mln& December ••• Dated thla lfth ~ay of Deoem· for the Amerlean table are a con. state- Route '18. at lIarvfYSbutg. "ned bJ' lin. H~:. b until satll1'da1.. JUUI1'1 I. ber. 1953.,", ,". . tlnulng trend which' parttaJly , ex. was arrested .'E¥iday night by A. The meeting W'lI! &djoanted Y The ealen.4an for 116. 81'8 read,.. ' , MRLP H. CA,R.l!lY, " plains a widening spread between G. Kopan, investigator In oharge "the'iolollnr ~cle, Pi.... to ' In 'a na ,et yours Judg/t of the ,P,o~te ~. farm prices ' and retail costs of of the state liquor cont~ol office , Samlra A11~n. Wew, Re~rt.r." now. ' : jl+"-'1J.17·14 Warren OPUllt)'. Ohio tood. acoordlng to a report . on at Clnolnnatl. . 1 ' •••••••• , •••••• _ ••• r ............ ,Smith. Sohnacke I: Compton. 'marketing and" tranBportation re . .. He W'88 charged with pOIBesllon AtfhJ'lUl18 .', " ~ently released bY the depaJltm~nL of whiskey for eale without a per· .11-1T'-(IIO-l.; . '11he ~el!9rt lists Beveral rensDUI mit and keeping 1\ : place where, tOI' t.h e lDoreaB8s In marketing whiskey "Ie 801d unlawfully, Mayor services. One Is the mounting H. M. Sherwood. of Waynesville. proportion of women ~ espeolally tined bfin $10() n~C1 eoets on each inllJ'ned ,women - workJng out- charge. side tJle home. FamUlea ot, WDrk· C-A-R-D-O-F-"-H-A-N--KS Ing WOJDell tend 'to but more pa~ , • , ttaUT prepared ' and noU,. pl'tl- , I wleh to thank my relatives. , ont pared loo4e and ~. eat more meale frlenda and nllfghborll for the.1r 1U1. Ohto "armel'll bav.. .. In realalraDta. '. ID.8DY kiJi4hellleB em ded to mfl doubled the amount of graln lut. .~ Other mnds that affect the durtng my IUne,sa. My thanks allo teet\ (& dairy oc)W ,•.ltl a , year. ~n unexpeoted weak"Dlng In spread between farm prt,c ea and tor the flqwen. cardl. and 1et,t8rs RYI Que.ntlty and, Quality l of beef demud or e.n llDeSll8Cted In· retail prlcn are geographic- Ipeo. reoe~ved whUe I was In the hOI' . tUfil apd n'1-Y need Impro~emel~t •~ cattle ~arlteUnr - al a lalIzaUon In farm prodl1CUOIl u4' 1I1la1. to 8'0 ~Dng with ~ Inorease lill of ~ , weather-conld alter conoen~Uon of PoPnJlttma In ur. , enou,h qU,IlIttty of grain, price p'ioepecta. Schwart baD .centers. The a e IDcreaae , ,. 10a,utlcHUI. 1 ' . ' iranaptirtatlon coate. ' NOTICEA:~I ~.':P~INTMENT :Prices, Ihould' be moat favor;able Imp1'OTement .bi. COIIIUlIler In, . m n ra Of' feed cattle. ~en appeal' Ja another factor that fD. ~te of OrlaDdo 0, Jobnlon. be pnttlng fil1f,er catile GIr' tee4 Ilemand fQJ' marte~1 n.::~:'·I. ber.b)- ..ven that AI. fall tlwl lut. The Iupply lernll8l. Aa Incom_ ImpJ'O'fe. bert H. Stubbe; ~ ~~ Offtoe ted-cattle the ftrat baH of llesi COllftln8l'll clo not b1lT. more food ~dreA la' WajD....-m.. ObIo, bU • ' .. , bJlt tHT an' WiIIInc to ~y for 1IMlIl· 4al7 AdidllI:probablY WtU be do1l'1l. , 'Iemoee that !mprOY. 'quallty ~1lll ~tor at Ute' ...... of brtanIo C. AlthoQIa prloea . . . . . ....... 'UncIIIMa•• tl tW foo4 or that 10hUon, Jate of Warren coentr. III tile .".~ a.e. ...... tIlwJt tbu ' fit ' 1If8lIU'lq It., Ohio. tI........ · · r • hIP" lilt.......... 1 _ . . . . . . . . ~ 'WIll reaelye bCDa ~ ~ .~ ~ - - ' - of ..w.. ..... I1lf. aboIlt Be . . . lbare ~ the ~ • • '1U.raPK It Q.A.RB1', .:..:!...~ '..-:..-. '~ ...... MIl ....... MEt 7 * ' ' ' ., fit . . . . . . . CIMti'o



DIY"- FI,.II ...


Dies Her. ' 101••,





a'Pf· Olr C". ..1 n • Ills I Irs If

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"err 01I'•. . r ' P.rty


Ha.ld Sklnk BII.s WOllan




CanIaIa AI F·err, , C.ureh Of Ch'r!sI'




Warr... .Mortgages .

Set I.. R.cords



23 Warren Slud,.nls

A'lend'" OFI C II

Ilrt • ael W••"....,


S d uon"llnerS peni M0r8 For Sen ce

Harve,s• Irl I a



' Le.,..,iI.

F-.ned $200 Co,ls

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com. ,


.1,JIIIIIbl" .. '

ePHN. til.,.




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I1l UII. ~10 1JBDJ.... ......' ....,. "Wilt . . - - - . . .."., e'Ba .... All .....~ ~ De.N 1'"1.... AttiaIMr Ie ~ at .. ..... tl-lf-(lt)-t.f




"'H'E MIA MI. . GAZET"'E ,.a. .....




who ....1..84 In hta holQ, . . . ~~ b' aDd .Jeuette, of ·norlel&.· , , BUb' eoa.,bIla~'


OllU'l~ ..JIcI.~""~ ·' ..... .at

~::.r;i.J!~ ~~c~e=·-:: :~e ~

Eltabllahed Febr",ry, 1110 tiD a .... :er PAUL A. SCHERER --. ~ Edltor ,nd P"bllther pltaT; Xenia. County. Tbe Toe. brOthel'll CECILIA J 'CHERE~ A I t Edlto A Chrlltmaa program II to be to bave tbelr mother w.tll • -.---------------. --- - --.---- .IOC I • : presented at the Method"'t Cburch at the farm ," IQOD . . ebe --------...;;;,..------~----- Bun4~ ml>rnlnlr durlnc the church 1...811 from lIQCIeUand hOS,I.W, Published Every Thllreday Morn1Dg school hour. The pubUc Is Invited Xel)la. at WaynesvUle, Warren OOIlAt)', Oble. to "tiend. . ·Mr. and M.... LIonel Entered as lecon.d clas. matter at The Adult OIIU1S of the ~etho· bave moved from the1r bome tlle poslo(fice at WayneavUle. Ohio, dlst Church will bave their <;lbrlst. .town into their pro~rty be\'~ o~ " mas Pllrty and cove:red dlBb dlnnll!' M I tr t ... b th I "Ii , \I ude~ the act ot Ma~c:h 3. 18'18. , hi tbe obiirQh social J'OQmB Friday a n a ee. 11'..,0 ey acqu r"l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ evening at 6:Q(}. A t1vltles for the recenely from tbe belrs of the~ _ _ _ ._ SlIbBcrlp\lon Rates- In Ohio. $2. Per Year In advance; $2.6!) elsewhere evening will Include an excbange I ' ::.;;;ii;i;i;~iiiiii __ iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~ __ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-o( gUts. .. . Mr. and Mt's. H. O. 'M1l!.1,an, of I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1953 ' Mason, were , guests, Sunday of , . MI'. &,I1d Mrs. J. C. Moore. Wayn,esvllle. Mr. Morphy dIed :torrs K.enneth Skidmore and chll· , ,.\Vednesday at -~IS bome ne"r tOWD 'dTen , ~pent Thursday as guests of , £ollowlng aD exte,n ded Ulnesll. He relatlveB at BlIllfast. . MISS JANE .FITE · Correspondent served on the 1allsle . Township Mrs. Jobn E . . Welsh was a guest . . Bo~d of Trustees for s~veral Thursday of. her brotber·ln·law Funeral servIces wl!re conducted terms. He -w as well liked by aU I!.nd "sler, MI'. and Mrl!. Lutber u~ the Tobias Funeral Home In w'bo knew him ' and bls many Duncan, of Springboro. Dayton Wednesday tor Herbert \ Jobn and Harold Tooker have Kennedy. 96, of Kettering. who rr.ends extenC\ their heart·felt s 'im· 1II0ved from their town property was fatally injllred In II,, 'patby to bls bereaved, famtly. His to . the farm they rllCentl"y pur· COllision, Sunday near Wallblngton survIVors include hIs wife, Lydia cbased from the heirs of tbe

l\*'.------. __ . ______


at ~ton tbe blrh lobool baa4 dllrln,. per· WlJiQlalton. formance In the ecIRIol auditorium.


~ :::~~:'-:r.,:=taM:.ut~:



She Wall

broH Moo.... Mr. and 1141'11. Bam Burton anc\ famlly of 8prlnatleld, were guesu BUDday of his brotber and alater· In·laW, Mr. •nd MI'II, Ed Burton /wd IOU JohD:nY. . Mis" 8mauno Ealdrul, daugbte;r of Mr and Mra Amo. Eakin. baa . ' . , returned to b8l' bome following an

-II""" ......

l =;;;;;;:::::=' McCOllEtL RADIATOR ',SERVICE




All. Work


Oyaing - Mothproofllll •• W.!ar,roofi.g , Draperies .~. Slip Oo,ar' •• Blinkats

.apkils ~. Towals ~ Bigs •. Tollat· nUla Wr.Pllllg Tissl" • Wrapping ' Pa,af; Wu Papelf • P.rc....t





Our Own PI-.nt




NOTICE OF 'APPOINTMENT Ex.e cutor . , ,rI Estate ot El - nche W . Knlgbt, Deoeased.' Notice Is hereby given tbat Jeduthan Wood WarwiCk.. whosll Post Office address Is Xenia. Oblo. bas been duly appointed as Exec· utor of the Estate of Blanobe W. Knlgbt. late of Wsrren County. • \ Oblo. deceased. Dated tblll 1st day of December. 1953. RALPH R. CAREY, Judg.e of the Probate Court; Warren County. Ohio ;Brown &. Young. Attorneys i2·1()- (St) - 12-24.

Don~ 'In

NO CHARGE FOR MINOR REPAIR 1824 HI.hl.nd .Middletown, . Ohio


(Contlnued ,Nut Week)

Call 2-4773


(atber In addition be Is sUl:vl" to his ed bv wifea son. and Steve. a brother. John o[ Dnyton. , two sisters. Mrs. Etta Brooks. or Harveysburg, and Mrs. Lida Wal· ker. of KetterLng aod several I nieces and nephews. Tbe eotlre community joinS wlih the ram lIy in. . (e . el ·Ud · its ~rijllel JOBS in his passing. Funeral sernces for Henry Murpby. 76. were condncted Sat· I urday at t~e Stubbs Funeral Home,

P~ In




OODlplata Radialor Senica




Ooilrt HousQ. Mr. Kennedy, a na- and two daughters Mre. -David Cbarles Ellis e tate. ' The farm ~lveAlva of Harveysburg, son .,... . =:;;;:: ' ===========~==;;, of Kennedy Ihere,and wasthe r~turn· ,. log to bis home In Dayton. follow· lug a visit with , hIs tather. who Is temporarilY at a - Wallhlngton C.H. nursIng .home, wbe~ the ~ccldent • I ' , ocourred. Be died ot Internal in· juries. Sbortly (ollowing his marriage to Miss Racbel Barnbart,- ot her'e. I We R.move and Repl.ce Radl.tors s everal yeare 880, the couple moved to Dayton. Mr. Kennedy Complete -N•• R.diators and Cores was employed as a supervls0l' in the . clroulatlon department . of the PHONE 3·2726 Dayton Journal·Herald at the time ot hJa death. PrevIous to thlB poWint_n Ii Plymouth Middletown, Ohia slUon, ,be wo~ked at tbe NOR 00.

DECEMBER t~, t9~3

Be Smart - Buy Smart - Look Sm.rt -0-

. llass • OIIlna •

Kite.... Utansills • Cltlal'J • Irills roatln · Talal.. • Ollairs • Booths, Stollls,"ate.

Phone 3-1181 I



Whol.....1 Only - ,Terms PHONE 3-4601

FORMAL OlOTHES REITED Tailoring and Altarations

Mod.1 Train H•• Lionel, American Flyer and H. Catalog in Stoc~

, By Master Tailors



LAY-A-WAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS· W. All Mak. . of Trains White, Shopping in Middletown. Be Sure and Visit


Pho...e 3-5071 1237 Central Ave.

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor ' Estate of Irma L. Slump. De·I:::~:;~;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~~ ceased. Notice Is hereby given t hat Reya T . Stump, whose Post Office Address Is R. R. No.2 •. Waynes\'lIIe. Ohi:>, bas been , duly ap· To Pick Up Some Fresh Delicious pointed as S'!ecutrlx .of the Eetate of Irma L. Stump. late of Warren County. Ohio. deoeased. . Daled this 3d day of December. 1963. ' RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of t he Probate Court. Warren County, Ohio The Entire Family Will Enjoy Them ~aple &. Maple, Attorneys

. BUny'S ~HOBBY SHOP and Get ~e Surpri~

Phon. 2-7255 .

Make A Nola


12·1 ()-(3l) - 12-.24

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Administrator Estate of Rose L. Fires, Deceased. NOllce Is hereby given that Louis 1343 Central Ave. 1913 Central Ave. Fires, whose POSl Office Address is R. R. No.1. Waynesville. Ohio, MIDDLETOWN., OHIO bas been duly appointed as AdmJn· istrator of the Estate at Rose L. ~:::;:::;:::;~:::;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;~ Fires, late of Waren Cou nly ... Ohio, deceased. . Dated this 1st day of Dec mbe ... 1963. RALPH R, CARElY , Jlldge of the Proba e ·Ollrl. Warren County, Ohio Stanley k Stanley. A tto: ne"s ] 2-10- (:!t) - 12.24

Manch , ..t.r A' Broad Street I MiDDLIETOWN, OHIO



11__ c. UBOB" SCHENCK,. OWn.r .. Man•••, f

108 S.· Canal. St.





NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Administrator With the Will Annexed . Esta te or AI ~ . Corn ell , De' ('eased. Notice is hereby @Iven t b a l Marvin E. Young. whose Post Of· fice Address Is Le banon. Ohio. has been duly appointed as Adminls· trator with the Will aone'l:ed of the Elatate of AI S. Contoll. late of WArren County. Ohio. deceased. Dated this 25th day ' of Novem· ber. 1953. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of the Probate Court. Warren County. Ohio Brown & Yoong, Attorneys 12-S-(St)-12·17

--..NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Admlnlltrator . Estate of E1lzabetb C. Smith. Decessed. Notice Is bereby given t hat Ernest E. Cook: whose Post . or· flce Address Is Waynesville. , Ohio. has been duly appointed as Ad· mlnlstrator of the Elltate of Elizabeth O. Smith. late of Warrell County. OhIo. deceased. Dated tbls 25th day of Novem· ber. 1953. RALPH H. OAREY. Judre of the Probate Court. WarNIl County, Ohio Brown ., Youn., Attorney.






3-1574 or. 2-7401

3404 ~itus '




0_ L.' LANSAW COMPIIY 1700 Columbia Ave.

Middletown\ Ohio

B,EIUTY lOOK Machine .nd M.chln.l..s




OATHEBIIE :AUVIL, Oper.tor F.or Appointment Call 3-2382 1221 Central AY.. Mldd"~. ~IO





D~t .


Donor••• Follows: ,

Food ,tora ,

$2O.OD ,rolariu.

I • • 'Irocerlls . . I ' " R••lo



eo&ldns In rlcht where It raUl. there until I bad been I would ' I' be .~e to take the h&\ln't been IIAftel'JU)On. II ItUi .nowln, but the whole lenl(th of the dial Indl JUit The, woultl dl71 bllt DOt with more 1D011' baok.. apln with bite of hymDl " hOlDe"befoN I was. Tbe on! aloag, IIaI8r JIU'SII'&}III.



VJ. I • . "l,Jru [<;'idae (I .~

ture, allDolt raill. Wonderflll for the ground but not 10 1004 (or , sOlDe work ttllt I wanted to do. A Farm Diary It seemed elrapge not to 10 to B D. J. ftuler cliurob Bunday. ' We clln only hoPe y tha~ there wlll be ~o mpre casee -of meningitis and 'that all the flu DEOEMB~ 14, 11)6S.-8DOW. It easea will get 'IV.e ll vllry soon. As elUDe 80 quleUy In tile night tha~ I was at bome at I)huroh tlme I 1 was SUl1/rl8ed. thll morning to thougpt l ' would see what 1 cQuld look out and see every~blng ,w~1te. get 11'1 the way of . a church serv. ' Eaoh twig and brnnoh outUned In t I tart d t dial and -first go while a!ld the trees and . bU8hes oe. 8 . eo, covered with great white bios- a hymn, it w&fln t a famUlar pne Boms. It. la BLIll 8now~ng at eleven BO I moved on atld heard a Bible o'Olock but the · flakes are smaller . reading, and ~en a part of ~ ser·' and ' it lOOks as tho\lgh It might I mono . 1 had missed the beginning turn Into" 'raih 'It is wonderful so I moved on through sermon at"'r lhe ground '88 It D1eltin~~ and ter Ilermon, r/ sentence here, a /'



N*""*******************"*"*********"""********* , . "'I ORDER NOW .



and readlnll aDd -once I joined little pup II loaeeome linee 1 g ~su~~ place In the ltaDtloDI ~ with. them In the I..or4'1 Prayer. rfd of ber brother and slater. Bb ~ oo_d at me 8:Xp~nU~ or I wondered haw man7lVere 1I8len- ~orkl ve" hard to gel liIugar t lometblug to eat. 1 lIadn't gone lug fa .eaeb service a nd what tl\ey Pl. ay with bllr aDlt rlgbt now there up there to feed them but I bali were, and where, and what thll III 11. ,rough a.n4 ~ble game goln!!; to reward 8uch an appeal with a people were doIng while they I on tl ut mo.t of the time tlJe llttl~ little ground, feed. , IIsten.ed. Were they j~st listening . dog sits-there looktng e~erly 'fOI This snow may revive some peo. ,dly while tlley did 80methlng so~e one to IjIIBY·'lI'o'l t l1. Now th~:Y pie's lagging ehrlstmas spIrit. No else or did they join wi h the have both attacked me. (chaseid dOl\bt the stores 'Would t>Ie glad toJ' sel'Vlce ot their choice? I kno.w ; lhe,~ away and no~ the black a~ld though they are crowde~, wben ' many who listen regularly to white .oal bas joln!ld in the gamEI . the w~ther W88 so warm it wIIs some preac~er or oboir but bOW l r didn't go to "the WllmlngtolB lJan! to sh~p tor wInter thlng8. many just turn It oft w~en tbey ~ale today; t conld have used la wtu. the .ohlldren home from hear what It Is? DoeS' the WOl'd 1calf but I didn't want to han I ~n' ll school, many mothers may be I Teach many who wou!d not other. around IJI 'the cold and wet.. I was ,wondering wh~t to do wIth them. wIse hear It? Do the ohanee list- IqD\lIJeq when I went, to the baTilI Perhaps I ha ve mentioned It beenere hear B<lp!ethln~ that turns this morning. After feeding aUld .• ~helr ~hOUghts Irtlo. Il ew o~aflnels? t\llrlng " care ' pf , the cows anla ,j jllllll 1111111111 11111111111111 1II11111111h I. ;;:t;r. ~88 III 8lttin" on II calves for Ililout Lwo .monthe., WI ~ " have moved the cOws anI} clIl"e8 8tacK ot magazines, the , .hlghest sllot she eRn find , In the room. ' to tile olhe\' barn and Johnny lis 'fWo nice cats and a pup still lOOk. ; taking care ~f tilenl lh.ere lind como . Ing tor new homes: A nelgbbor Ing down to teed these dry COWl7" .H 0 U AS:




offered to take the two


ut and



onc~ ~ _day:.... ,'1

With tha+ mel+ in' youl"mouth goodhes's, Any size, I lb. to 10 lb. A treat for the entire family or a gift for . your best friend.

Shial Sash & Door ,Framas , Paarlass Watarproofad Ca.anl ' Paint


MAKES A DIFFERENCE Let us re-uphohter your fU'1"iture and make it look better than it did the'day you bought itl'Call us Now for ~n estimate. All kind~ of Fabrics and Materials to choose from.

Except Wednesday P. M. Above Woolworth's 5' and 10c Store

TeJephone 2-430 I


~:!~:T:ilkin · JOHNsToN'S UPHOLSTERII. BeG:



A Far.r's Loan




•'1111111 11111111 111111 1111111111111 IIIIUIi 11'.


A Long TermContr~ct


Mlddlet"wn-Gerlnantown Rdad At Miami River arid••

The land Bank Way Will Relieve the "Pinch"


Match Lower Income - Lower Rate .


..... -


.. 'URCHEL'S TEXACO SERVICE Texaco Products, Firestone 'Ii....., .atterlel Acceslorlel, Complete lubrication Car Washlnc and Pollshlnc , . ' Roa,.· Service Open Daily 6 A J M. To 10 P. M. . Sunday 8 A. M: To 9 P. M.


' 510 Oxord State Road -

At Engle's Corner


"'~"'COiLmiiTO'SEiiiicE"""i Proper.1 AHgn....1 Correcls :. i EXCESSIVE TIRE WEAR, i l SHIMMY WANDERING,·,POOR STEERING i






For Information



1 to ' s p. m.




, ,

frarikli,. O.hio

9 to 11 :,45 • •. m.

Steam-Cured For Strength and Whiteness

.BUILDII. IATERIALS Roofing • Insulalion • Hardware • Paint Millwork • Sior. lash '· WindOWS • Doors

Phone 6-8119. or 6·8987

Eyes,' Examl·neel

Rivarsida Concrate .and Clnd" Blocks. . .

"Middleown'{ Only K~sher Delicatessen" 1722 CE~TRAl: PHONE 2·1242





Ho.. lada '.ra Hona, Frlil Oake


II IOO~ . . I came 1NDt rI&M tat.o . .



It Ie a too4 ..., it I were . .ted IJl a, clrale tilt helpa to flU IJl thCIM _ I before liockJq. all ~ IJl tUfr belt, THE DAY. In ollr ramo" BaDta read, to &Tee*, hlm. It took • lot. Olaul alwI7I IDl Pe.ete4 all the old of time to Davtl eve" one cleln , . _ tOYs and flonl and lometlmea even and nI¥lF. brought tbem preae~t8. The 7 (CqntlDued Next Week) . ' ,

to the banl for lev-I fore


acrou tJaejijiajl?

It 10 hard and



Labinon lalional Farm Loan


B R,' A K ESE R V. 1C E

Lebanon, Ohio Phone 448 ELL I S H. 8TUA~, Sec'y-TreaL


. . Phone 2-0151

t Yankee Rd. and

~ichigan Ave.


Middletown, Ohio



.. ,J

PHONE FaAN'~LlN ~:,,7349 ,



Wil~" Soft Drinki, .roelries, I.a

Secpnd and Main

franklin, Ohio

. ere! ELECTRICAL BIFTS rever ••• en .f name ... all ready for choosin .. " ..

Part, S.pplias of ' All Killd~ · Call Franklin 6.7212




443 Canal

t ~.~~ fJ . ~E8 .--.~ .

.. ~ ~~j ~ · L-r~ n ·. .~'~~=~ Coffee Maker Waffle Baker Deep Fryer Bottle Warmer food Blender Electric Clock

'~Iectric T~.ter

Co,n Popper ..Eled~ic ROa.ter Rotisserie Steam Iron Table ROdio

Electric Shaver Electric ~ir Dryer· Hobby Tools

' . Portable Heater . Electric Tabl.e or F!oor lamp Clo~k RadiO .Sandwich Grille Electri~ Tea KeHIe

Automatic Refrigerator Portable Sewing Machine Automatic Clothes Dryer



FLOOR 111..1. . . ..REFIIISHIII \

R. R.·· SlAWMITI & SOl



32 YEARS EXPERIENCE . Dial .2-2372 or 2-6427




Lebanon Ch.pel ".v. Ward A",II,.te Chmatldn Clnclnn.tI PRAT£R, Ellin OlD. 14 - Dec. 11 L.b.non Ch.pel Rev. Dean Hance Interment Lab.non CALLAWAV, M~a Dao. 15 - DaO. 11 Rev. M. Q. Mlcldelatedt ....b.non Chapil Interml"t Lebanon



COLBaRT, Catharl ... OM. 11 - OH. 18 Leba"'n Cha;'1 \ R.v. J.;, T. MoHlndry Irlterm.!it Llbanon . WI"-LIAM8. 'William A.

Pea. 1/ - Dte. 12

EXCAVATING .nd - - , - - - - 1 1 - - - DU~P TRUCK IERVICE Phln. Waynaavm. 11.1 WAYNESVILLE, OtllO

JJ...... at Davis Fur,nas PIt. We ,also -------....:.....,."...------.:..:....:..-- - - ' - - - - - ' - - - deliver. ARMI:rAGE &. SON. Phone 2091. tf

Jf..¥.Jf....""'.............. JJ~..~~~~.......,................

FOR SAL£FOR SALE - Apartment lise (. burner G.I Range. 'Thennoltat on oven. ,(0.00. 6-Blarner brolene lton. S lulface burnenil :I .under oven. C. B. l>AVIS. Rt.. ' W~elrrille. ' Phone New BurllD«· . X-I2-1,1·jt ton 826. • r

L*b.non Chapal Ilav. Dla" Ha"" Interment Blthany PR~TER, Emma 8. Oeo. 11 -


010. 1.

"abanon ChaPaI Rav. HIftOI . . . Intermlnt Llbanon

"For eY.~ there ..


Pee. 17

010:. 14 -

& ......

e'f'Orr ~ undw B ..,..... " .. '

aDd & Ume


JDcol. 1:1




8hould not be required to WO"1 with • lot of con'''llna dltlll.. The, neld Ipeclal .ttentlon In their d.yl of dllt,... we have I.arned -from lona .". perlenee how to '1IIve It. WE REPEAT, OURS 18 A PERS()NALI~E"" SERVICE.


OPEN U":'I • P. M. . . ...



D 1 F ..... SI


o Outl O"'.n 0", .E'lrell



MAN BB'I'W,BIf, 25 I: 61 YEA:iii

01.1 2-4101

.. 1lIncNatlona11r "N&-CbIIn" ser. and UquJd 10callr ad'rer· tiled. EzperIence not neC8II1I&17 , al we traJn. I'or parUculara,


Wayaeaville, Ohio

Phone 2291

SALES HELP W~ ot ..e. He...•• rour chance to ~ara tietter thaJl ..-eJ'a&'8 Inoqael J~ ba11 or part-time work



1714 Tytu. AYa, .... . I . f t _ . _ Ohio

- _....., "0 PEN


I H·G8 '"


Oscar S.ilh ,. ;~~ ~~a=~OhlOoe MI.I Markll '. . o-l2-1o-(lt)-12-2( i

=======;::== liiiii• • • • • • • • •iiil, .llIlIIllIIlIIllIIl)lIIlIIlIIlllIIllIIlIlIIllb. t'



::f S I LES f


Dayton·Wayneevllle Rd:

t ; ~

i it


Gil Rlad, ' For Chaanl' 22


: ~OOD JOB P'RINTING.Can Be Obtained at the Gazette






female Collie dog. No cbalrge. ROBERT W. J>ELLARD. Rt. .1, Chenoweth ROad. • . X-l:H7

. What about a fire (Juring condrucHonf Ask UI about Build-


B I.eye ~ E 5 .





WANTED-Home ' tor



UHF CONVERTERS INSTALLED . Only $34.50 C o m p l e t e ! Antenna Installation an.d Repair ALL W 0 R K I S G U A ,R ANT E E D PICK




MO 7-722.7


Wilson CODcrele·'Producls~ . Concrete Block Chimney Block Rock Face Block Waterproof Cement Steel Sash and Paint Cement and Mortar Glass I ,D rain Tile ~ Building Supplies SHEE,HAN RD. . P. O."BOX 342 CENTERVIL~E,



OHIO LooIclnl 'or val.,. wltho.,. .... ......,

_ Horo', ,he 'Ino.t


w ...... ....

•• , ..... that ",,",1" a I0Il,", Itlh ...... .. an attrodlvoly low price. '



- .

$41.95 - Girls .1 80,~ .FAIRLEY HARDWARE SloiES" Bikls fro.


Now, we can offer .YQu,the H' OOV~R

I'II!!II~ Franklln."'l0



Member Feder.1 Depollt


, General Automotive 'Repair '

USED ·CIRS FOR SAlE Wrecker hrYice 24 Hout. A Day .

CI.aned with Mellem ' Eqllllpm.lnt'l

1849 -185& Lona Life le 'the Tr,,'e Proof of Setter Me.r ch.ndl ..




' KI.R'.

... ~


Phone 2341



,1 aife MOD 5






'. TAR . . ROAD Oll,., LAWN aDd.flLL ,D1tu , . READY.MIX CON€REl'E: EXCAVAtiNG ...~ DUMP ~UCK SERVICE , ,

A. a new Authorized Hoover Dealer we invite you to visit-our IItore and see ~e famous Hoover ' O ea.ner& at our demonstration table. Or to call us for a no· obligation home showing.



. '


The world·famous HooverTriple. Action Cleaner beats. a& it sweepsi as it cleans, brightens colors. preserves rugs. Hoover AERO·DYNE Tank CI aners feature extra·effective controlled suction and famous " Litter Gitter!! nozzle . With Hoover!. exclusive Dirt Ejector rour hands MIler touch the dirt!

Fo,. O.lIy Market He,.,rte: WLW ClnolliD&U: 12:80; . WqKY. OlncIDD'~. 11:11

WPJ'B. ktddleto1Ol. 11;.6



No other cleaner




I" the Purest of Silver -By Master Silver Platen

cleart3 li1ce the Hoover.


• JJ'ilid, tyPf' do you 'p'rejer?






Harvey.burs, Ohio


iI4t -


Lona LIf'- .. 1M T~ 'Itraef ., ~ !. . . . . . . . . ";0

,~ ~




•. f




. PRIC~ 5 caNTS

Warran Liveslook ' Prod.cer. /..eliRI .Iu. & I. Le.anol

., FO~K8


KNOW ' MEA8LES P'REV~LENT .' A Jl'eat nqmber of dlllidren ' hea;e are IlUftedJi. from

"'Ol ·-

mea.ln. .

SPENDING WINTER HEftE lint. 0 _ Harlu. of Harve"' bUrg, Ia' spending the "lnter wltb II.... BeAle COo~ "ETURNS " ,~O'" At-ABAMA 11ft. ~ld Daldil hll8 returned after apeQd~ ~e ~e with her mother lao Atab~ . HOME




Alb8rtb qu.rQue.. " ., II ."""......g , e ~ hoUdays with. hit paruts Hr. aDd Mrs. t.a'Wl'enoe Cook, QUE8Ta FROM U . '--CAP1TOL Pri..~e Nle~

lCOo~ ...~_

, •


MOVE TO FLORIDA MI'. and Mrs: Roy Elila and Ion O~les lett on· Saturday t~ OrIUdo, florida, where they wnt re,Ide and expect to ttthe r tuture hom,. . '

On the night before Chrlatmas Let us think ot BOme w8fs To mark Ita true meanlUgThIs Holy «;If Daye. , ' 'Ult the, chU~n remind us Of the Babe, manger-borp, · Of the sin8tDg ot angeIs Tbat Ont Chrtstmas morn; May tbe IItal' on the fir tree a ,e em the God·lnsp,red lIgbt y.'hloh guided the WIIIQ Men On t1iei.r .jbumey ~at night. L4!t the day be tor cliJldre~, ~ be S~ Pl,au.......

I8ve,ral ' da)'s with iheb' BOil and , ~"r-lD-Ii", Mr. •aM II.... La. .~IIiaI!~ aJPl 4a........ BIIt!l!


~,~ O~

~:tt:~; :~~~j

• "Jete; VI liT PA1IENTS HEItE. '1'0 rene.o t It's HIli Bltth4ay ,. Wbo ,.... born but to . " . St-,tr se~nt and M"rsil ,I?on 1I1s ute, .th.iLt. we mortal" . Welch .of A/Vver-P'oleraft, a1~. In God's' Kil!8dom might ,live. and Harlan. Ea~~Ii.rt, of Y~e ' ' .., -earl O. Helm UJ;lIveraiW. are apentStng the -holt.. • Mr. and . , ~. " . RETURN FROM t-1UNTING TRI.P ,,*,1': Edg&J;' Smith, Mr. HarOld Daldn "nd Mr. Wilbur Dakin re-' ' We lU'e grateful . for the , p,l1lv· centIy retUrned troJll an Eastern \lege of going ahead with our h.urltlng trip, and .Mr. Russel church ser:vlces after Tuepday · Dakin and :VI'. Harold DalUn then we will bave our regular left for Andover, Ohio for another dllY night Services thIs hunting ,trIp. momfng and evening cburch Icee Sunday, The lIe~on to~lc SON F~R T. 'fiL,ORENOE~' ',:'. tbe mohing servIce. wlli be "(}o. . ~1Ir. aDd MrS. T"omas F'loI:ence Ing Forward in the New Year!' "I '" are ~nounolng the birth of their The Bible "Chool and cburch 0 f third 80~ on' Tbursday, Dec, 17 at flcers Will -be paslled upon ' by the 'M.1&mi Valley hos~ttal and blS congregation on Sunda.y mornIng 'W~ghed elgbt poUnds, twelve and every · member of the church ---nee and Infant Is e-tlUed to' a"prove I' M '~::c~~~ ~ttbeir new 'hOme, prov;; the lIet"of ~f#cer8 previous1 -bloh ._ a reC8l1Uv .. ...... , comple~. ' ly recommendell 'by .he, cOJ1g!.ega· tlon and resented by the elders for flnal 'decJslon, - , QIVE FAMllv DINNER Hr. and Mrs. o..vjd Hartsock Circumstances.' beyond our con· entertaIned .with a famUy; dinner ,trol hav:e made It tmp~~cal to 011 Sunday evenIng and J~bad . as present a Christmas program this gueets MI'. and ·M"'rs. 'E4 Hopldns, yeal;', ' bvt w~ do hope to hav~ t\ ·!ofr. and _rs. Everett Ke.nrJclt and ,grand tellow~p meetlng,' ~f the "chUdren. Mt. and Mrs, :Arthull ~oD' enUre ohurch ' and h"r ~etlds on ~ anitchlldren, :Vra. LuCille, Ho,P- New Years Eve. Commltteell for ldn.s ·ua1 daughter, 111'. , ud' 1Ir's. this ev.ent win be anJl.pl1D:cecl next Mr. Lord'l Day. . ,I " :. ' Gle-.... Hopldil. . iii.d dau-hter, " . and IIrs., WUllam~ RIill,. 'a nd ' cbO· A "'~,., vJsl~ OIl, Nro~ tt dreD. ..... '1~xt year. will be 81U1ounced . day mqrnJllg, ' and -,Fe h~ :' Io;..p ....ub' ~ member 9 t the 9hurch will n ~ ready to 40 bIll part In tbls

w: :,:;tr ~::~~

Oh.rcla of ' Ohrisl 1Jhurch. 'I ota

n:! '



Tbe lI'riendahl~ .Olub held ~,lr resulil meatiq . Oll ,WeClnesdN'" 'Dec. 8th at ~e hOrne 01. ~. Wal· tel' . WhItaker, with M'nI. Werts 118 aeellltaJlt ho... ~ velT deUghtful tbiUtmas J;larty was enJ01,a and' gifts ' were ,ex-


QUn" weI'! eon4uc~

alJ,d foliowtns",.adJouJ'nDieQt, deU·

olQu. refreahmenti, In 1teeJilng with, ' the Chrlatmas sealon, were • en-ed liD about' twenty·flve memo be.... ,,~ci .guests. , ,

AJeo new ~l be .. 1llaD for Blble{ reacltng by -;rJllch we· ,will try tor get las ~ as ~~bl, to r8acf" ~he Blb1e throUgh In 1,95~ ~e to chnrcll , ,ext JuDday an sta~ with ~s the year. alides or the ml,slOlllU'T .wor~ ot the KOrs., and theIr heI~rs In .0\i1nA aud TIbet wtll beSunday nIght. , ' 'I'J,ll. .,~ . plotures", wilf pro~ botn ' tnanyo. tiye Ilnd· IDteresting and .~e 'Will ~ect . a good att8lldan1ce.


I. ,

SQUIRE FIIIIE, MAN '~1 ~,,1ity. Slaerlff .......'- MOn...., Oarrel d ~ nd 011... - , ' ' . on.Tobit,l1IDl!' a o( ' • 0. qllaJ1U, TaaaoII 1I1aDlt, ClIapter ],&'1 ' O,I!18. wW YUle, Jloute 1, . . . fined fZG meet. la a delated l'qUIar II8UIoD iIoats by Squlre eta I' e Dee lOll IIcmdN'. nee. 18 at elfbt 1).. m. ~ .• and oIftce... wtll be ~ec1 for ' : ...- COlD'''· ,,_ .. ~........ tor ' ~ , ~~".. ';1i_~. . . ~ ~Ih~ OCNI"'atot At 01. ~ menlqlUl ~tIae. dl1 ...""" eHtillOM ep 8H1....,. It .. bope4 tbat ~ A YOIIU. OQafer,noe wlD '" bela the e1Ia]IteI' will ....... 1I0114aJ ancI Taea4aJ. Daa. IS ud ........ pl'llCtloe 'flU be _ OD • at thf ~ IlIaueh or Chrtat, .....,. ~ Dee. If at 1:11 1JIda .. ~ _ ........,.



...... or



has II carrY

~un(Jay Scbool- 9: 30 a, m . a8rbert 14c14Ulqn, Supt.. 411 will . join In' tbe wOl'8btp of tb.e ChrlJjt • ' Ohlld tbrougb the aI@ng of carols I1on.d tbe ' studi or, the Christ mas stOry. S1,1I1day Scb.Qol teacb. ers wIll use the Cbrlatmas le880n lor this Sunday. Let us~make thll. a ~ .. Sunda.y Schoo}. wOl;'shlp of praise to God for '.Hls wonderful rUt of tlu~ 'Babe 01. Betblehem. ' CHURCH wo~mp 10:80 a. m.-A ChrlstmU mellsage w1ll be given alopg witJ&- 'the' IIlnglng of carols and Olmstmll8 Scripture Spec!a~ mu~lo w?ll' be A Paft of ,th~ worship, a.lIlO, 'Alter our absence from wot,h!p for two •Sundays. let us be back to onll church 100%. . _ __ SPECIAL C"RIST.MAS SERVI&E SUNDAY NIGHT . ThIs epeclal C'hrls~as lIernos .wUJ. be held Sunday . nIght, Deo. , :7 at 7: 3'0 at the Methodillt Cburch, Ail are InvIted to be preseDt for 'lVoll8hlp ot the Christ aroUnd the postmuter. gospel lltory of the Birth of .th e ................... • •••• ,....... Saviour. There will be e&.r oll • .a film , sbip enUtled "Christmas Ba..k Stoc"holil.... Round the World." Come and bring the whole fanlily. Meet ·.ianuary 12

out Jts responslb,lIty for Internal and, cOlltract attdlt!\ in t6e Pepwt, ment ot,t~~ Ar'my, " ' . ' Appllcat!ons ·are befng 1'ecetved under Announcement No. 845, Unl· ted States ClvJl . Sen>Jce Commlsslon, dated November 25,,19112, and wtll be accepted untU needs .ot the service have b6(jn met. Poslt~ons avallabl'e ,ln .Grades GS·1 to GS>-1.5, at · salary rangell ' trent $4.205.110 to $10,800.00 per annum. A mlnlnlum ot four (.y. years ex· perlence 111 requlre4, with at- Teast qne (1) year of specialized experlence In el~er Ind~b'lal Collt . or lntemlll Audit work. TmmedlateA need exista ,for audl· tors at oftlces located at ClevO'land, Ohl6;. PhUadelphla, . Pa., and PlttsburgJi, Pa. Further Infol'Illatlo~ and &ppll. cation fonns 'f or 1-be aboVe .poel. tlons may ~e secured from U. S. CIvil Servloe Commla,loD, Bo.arc! of U. S. 'C lvll Service EXaminers, Phlla. 45, Pa., or from your local


The annual meetfUg of the etockholders of . The 'Yaynesvllle National Bank of W yneeville, .Ohio, for the .electlon of dlrector8 and ·the trtUillaoUon of any other business that maY. come ,before the meeting, will be held at the office of .l!&ld The W~ynesvLlle N~tlonal Bank on January 12, 1954, at 2:00 p, nt. JAMES .E. JONES, Cashier o-12·24-(3t)-1·7

In 011 rill••

RET~RN FROM CALDWELL Mr. and Mrs. ·A. H. !lIu'Dbact reo turned on ~~day after speo.ding



Five Wal;'fen countlans were QI' 1'.11•••• dered to report for Armed Forcee phya_cal examhiatlons on T u .. aCIRV . Dec. ~5 and six weu~ to ,vnl"UIl~'.1 fOf Inductlolt Wednesday, ]4rs. l'4al1orle Revenallfb, olerk! of the I.Si~b~laYI" coun~ draft- boaTd announced. Reporting lOr j physl al . the follo'YliIg: Maag' of F 0 s t e r; Ro<eti~ of Cluksvllle; Howar"" of Morrow; Pearl l,wrouna' of ·Waynesville and ' Robert 'Fr"emaA or Mason, (tranefe\,) Six slat6d fol' induction follow. Oha:rles .!sor of Springboro. »outer Edwards and Russell RobInson, b~ttl ot FrII,nldlh. Norman' Hale ' IU\d Frank .IUDo. afr, bot~ ' of ~orrow.' Oll~r Kllenhenn or :WaynelvUle' InductiOn and physical calis for .Tanq~ bave not been recteved Mrs. Revenaugh said, but It I! belIeVed they wUl continue' about tbe lIame as In recent nlonths.

ne Olarist

· LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mr. and Mnf. Walter Shseban and Mrs. C'-ra Sheehall lett 01l Thul'lClay for -Bradenton, Florida, • for the Chrla~ hoUdays, and. Mrs. Sheehan 1fIll remain for the · winter nlon:fhg. -


Men Enlar Arm,

SllCests Tip. For Chrisl~. Safe.,

Mr. and Mrs. William DaYle ot WulilDgton. D. C., all' Pelt/! ~ their parents,. Hr. and Mrs! Lo7d ~vta for the Christmas holiday.. .

Arm, A.dil Aganc, . Melho iSIs .To Hive· l.ed of Audilors Ohristlli Services Tbo .Anny Audit Agene}, Nell S,In, cntical need for auditors to

Tile annual meeting of the War· ren: qOlmtY t.tvelltoc~ P.roduoe~1I AslbQla~loli Will be ' held, at Lob anon mgh Scbool ca.teterlll on the evenIng oflJanl!ary 6', accordlilg to COunty . Agent Jolllll Mow,liray. At the planning meeting las~ week BtU M.a n was elected bY the coll1Dllttee ·to serve al!" cbalrman for the meeting wblch.. underway at 8 o'cloclt. ' Wilbur Bruner who ts known far and ~ae for his wOl'k wJth the develol1nlent and markettn,g of meat ;type hop will tie the main speaker ~ the evening. Aocord· tug to 1J~ner, the program "m conalst of lIome talk, lot/! ot pic> turea 19 IIbow ..hat the oritter looks 'Uke, feeeUng comparisons and cuts of meat to.actually shoW the difference between lard and 110 called m!C't tY1)e h~lI. Yale Scbalk ot t.he Eaton Producers Yards wUl dIscuss bow the hogs 'are graded at the yanSs In Eaton. RUlIs Kim. bel', secretary.manapr of the Producers organization at Clnolnnatl, ,pll give a brief. llUmJDary. of the outlook In lIyostock markcitlng tor tbe comlu year. Th, Bafety Col,lncll All producers, shIppers and lIug~sta these tlPII tor Obristmas others' intereet,ed I~ the program are cordially lnvlteCi to attend. Retreehments will be le"ed.

,TaM. 011 INTERE&T


Sil Warren OOlnl, .




' ••••••••••' •• '.' •• , .....'~.'....

Mrs.... i-reUle .Edna. Fiacher, 64, died at her 'home at Corwin Wed. n,esday ~tterncion after a long ' ness. 'Funeral rItes-were held at 12:15 p.m .. Sunday at ' StubbIJ fun eral home and at 1 p,m. at Spring field FrJends M;eetinghous9 nea"t Sligo. - nev. J . W. Wedgewood of(llllated Burial In Sprlngfleld JJ1riends cemetery.. Sur'v:tvlng are ber busband, WillIam; two daugh, Mrs. AUce Guild' of 'New RIch.· nnd ~rs. Etta Evans of Cor. win; two sons, Oharles of Clncln. nati and Louis o( DetroIt; a sIster Mrs, J. W. Jester of

'F. .

~:e 'to ourh diseases of t:1I soull

they've dOl).e a marvelol\s ·job!. weJ'e . all "lll~g to sbut churchel! ~ llrotept th~ I;>odf· ArEI ·, ve . 'W'ltlln < .to op,en , them 'to pro-· fect the ' soul? Md. It goes with.. out saying, .to be wlll1ng to open the .tlbudrohea ance an sUIWo 0 c.a rry ou ro~e of healing the SOuls. of boy" and girls an~ men and w?)Ilen. ' BE \ IN 'YOUR CH'u R.cH NEX'T' SUNDAY AND EVERY sUND~Y.· . . J. W. Wedgewood, Pastor Methl)dfst Churcb



. Warren County has. been ,deslg· 10d of time' cQnslstent wIth . t1~e

nated. as one of tile southern Ohio -abn~ty to rpay. Loans secured b! counties 'ellgfble to make disaster lIeus on chattel propert)' are sohO(ll· loans ,due ~ tbe drouth PlUlt uled 'for repayment five , d te wI~ h "Bummer. Tblll responslbUlty bas years-~ from "he a of.& e' , beeq. delegated to FlP'IDers ¥ome vance and for crop p~uctlon pUJr' Admlnl.stratlon ,by Secretary ot ·p.o"!l8 . nre repayabll) . h~n the in· AgrIcultqre BenBOn. . come drlved tr<lm the .r 8ale ~,r Any farm owner, farm ' operator, crops produced with sucb: l~ans lis or. stockman Is ellglble' to receive normally remeved. ". a dJsaster lOan provided he 111 un~ Security for such loans wUl be abl'e to obtaln from tommerclal a fIrst mort·g age on all IIvestoclt. Mnks, cooperative lendin'S agen· faryn ' m&<lbln~ry .nd farm equlllr 'cles, or o.ther ~sJ)onlllble , soul'ces, ment 'purchased ~'t11, lI.rooee,ds (,t the .credIt ~Quh'ed .to' contlnqe h~1I the loan; ' first lien on ~~ps Ii· farm!q op~t1onll. , n~oed through t!1~ d~saster 10a,~, 'Each applicant mu.t ~rtlfy that; ~ ' be8t lien obtainable Qn' crOI'S he bas suffered damap- as a rfl' not flnancM by'thls loan, the beJlt suit of the drou'th and ~ ..t he t. Uen obtalna1)lct on 118 'muoh ot tbte u1l4ble ~ obtabl the 10BJL app~e4. livestock, farm . maohlnfl17 Bl!id for trom other' oredlt IIOur. men· tarm, equipment of ,ecurity v:aluEid . aboVe. ThelMl loans , are OwDK by tb~ applicant at to <the' certltlOllUon or tile Ufue the loan Ia qWte as th!S lQlln County ~ doDUll\ttae. 'approvlng otfl01a.l ·4ete.rmtn!8 nec~ter loans may be- made ~r eesaJ:Y to secure reuonably Ule the ---...... of feed, "ee4, lent , - cl18811ter loan. 'Real &8tate securi y • ..-. ,_ 3 .1Ivelltook, . equipment .to ~ Is 1 requJred 'When advatlc'ea III e that delltroYed 'by the ria- mw prima"" tOr Impwvement. ..tor: (or the l'eplaoem8llt or .... to reAl estate Gr' tn other .'W'nalr, of blilldInfence), 4n!JafAP where the tB:klri.. of naJ ..... ""'" and trrlptlon iy.tams aD. IndlYld· security ap~ neceuary uaH t8rm1l. Tbeae IOIUUI may NM- teet the Govenua.l'. be. mide to pay debta 01f'I4 to fDterea.t: . other Cl'eCUton of appUc!ults:. J)Ia. bear ,th~ leI' ......t Ill- Qplloa~ mar beJDade.~ tl e

tlie 'up&!l, ~aipal,

10!t:r: the south part of Ohio have baen ailDounced by the American Jeney Cattle Club,. Columbus., . ,The cfflcl!ll ~t1ngs were made by H . E, Dennison, East Lansing. ?tftch. He classified the herds Dl


~~r ~~e:.otec1ln

out the w::;1'·The food a Transformed World it would 'sales. . , be."-FellowshIp of Prnyer, N. 'I. . ' Emma G. Ho)loway, Friends JICIIIIlI1ClC1I. . . . .IIIIIIIIIIlllC........ Home. Waynesville. S~nfa "'l

......., .... ,.; •••••••••••••••• • , NOT 1 C E !


Yellow Springs ; and William A. In accordanct with an action Lukens, Route 3, Waynesville. ta.ken by tbe undersigned Banks The 1~ animals now classified of Warten County.. said Banks In the Donald A. Green herd In· will 'adopt Ii five da.y work 'Week. olude 1 excellent, 4 very good, 9 Onder authOrity of Section 5.41 good plus, and 1 good. makIng an (5978·2) of the Ohio General Code average score of 84.17 %. The beginning .ranuary 6. 1954. they DaIse Hili Farm herd has 20 clas· will not he open for husiness on smed anImals averaging 82.25%. Wednesday of each week. .are rated very good, 10 g\lod The four minor holidays. Coplus. 4' good, and 1 faIr. , lumbus ' Day, A.rmilltlce Day, LIn· The William A.. Lukens herd has coin's BUthday and Washlngton's ;y. u ""II not be obs' erved un. 2 classified animals; of which 1 Blrthdft. " Is rated'very good and 1 good plus. less they rau on a Wednesday. The a.verage numerIcal rating Is FrRST MASON BANK, Mason. 86.00%. OhiO. The Individual ratln"s of. excel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Morlent" very good, . good .. plus. good, row. Ohio." ' , • CITIZEN'S NATION. talr. and poor are gIven to Jersey. LEBANON. , AL BANK Lob Ohl . animals arlordlng to the excellenoe "'HE WAYNES,"~~nE' N' 'To'IONAL of breed t y p e . ' .......... n. 'BANK,aYllesI2.1;:....(3t)0~12.31 W vOl Ohl ----~-:------:--..",_...... " .' .,..... " " .... " .

NOT 1 C E !

The games at ~he LegIon HaH will resume on Sunday. Decembe~ 27th at the usual ~e, doors open at 1:80 and game time 2:00 p. m. So ad e . on ';page ..A , sec tinn 1. . "~.,

••••••• ,.,••••••"•• ,,•••••

Maadows lead, ..alp To S.rv.-va Winta,', . G.·sf. SI."asls Milch It,

Top-dressln mO§do~s ,vlth maDure or stra: as lloon 8jj POll sIble will help prot~t legumes In them .from winter Injury, aays an axtell,' slon ' agronomlst at Oblo State .Unl. veralt . y. George GllIt says, "Ladlno clover wbloh :as bec;n ~~~ i._ c ance 0 s,u . v . g e n · ""I' unless It receives some "attan. tion In th\! next 2 months. AI· falta probably will 8urlive wtnte~ If it was Dot grazed or mowed at ter September 5 and It tbere Is ' . $lover to protect It trom winter injUry. . , .Althou~ Innature· may"", su,Pply snow . 10r"W ter cover, ulSt says beat Insurance' 111 to apply top· dressing, manure or Itra~, .. soon . . polll1ble. The .............. I.t expects ~e. .~ ~e.,A4dllld,ltratlo.1I 1 . ln1Dead~-;-1Ie .1~ ta pvwth ftoe In tIMl • ..,. oJ t:. next aprrD, althO. they. wlD PJU. oftlce, U N. . . . . . . 01' . .rr.r w2nUir I aImIIai at 14% But Sqartree lepmee. ''tIC............ - tim· ___ __ otliy, bI'ome ...... and orohard .... ~-.- ....... made V8I'J WUe . . . . . . ala ........ CIII1;r. " ~"t 'l'IIe fII'MN8


Although business for the past 15 wee1{s has galned stelldlty over the corresponding period a year ago sales tal: recelpta teU beto'W tho~e of a year ago last week ac. cording to a re,port Issued by County Trilasurer Russell Dum. (ord. Bales tor the week B.D)o.uuted t9 $7722.966 as compared to $22(.05 a yenr ago. Total sales to date "nre $206,. 612.24 as compared ~o $168,614.42 in 1962, By indusq-y ~tasslflca~Qn. de. c1lnss were noted In ' 4epI'rtment llnd genC)ral stores. automotlve, buil~. fu.l'Dtture, w_rtng all-





To Treal

Ki~dies Thlnda, Santa will be ' In Wavnesvllle


tr~at the kl~~les !~Uraday ev~: n!ill D~~. at ~~! c~m'munity

to '

Ohrlstmas tree on the corner of Miami and Third streets in front of the American LegIon ·Hall. 1l'III1CIClCll'Ift1llClC1CIClC1I1C1IlIlIIC1(1I


The ChrIstmas and New Veal's edItions of your Miami QueUe' will be printed on W.dndday till. year. • must have all coPf for \h"e two edl1!lon. . . early ae poaelble In, order to make '"e earlier printing ,tlnfe , ' We would IiPpreo~~~ !lny copy on, .saturday, Sunday Or ear y Monday, No. ~p.~ I , bth•• na~caeIPlteoudrfoprat~"b.HfcoartIOthne· al!tceoro·5pe:SOra..·IMonO.~day evening, We .,

. " ve IIOIIticltt* for I'Q8f'IMIlt 0TeI' tile mbdmam prlO4, of time ClCllUllateDt.. wi", the aIIIIItT to .... 'PIIf'. LoNit tI8CtU'ed b)' Uau OIl cIUdt.eI (IIWIteI~ ~ acJaeC1IIeI fill' ... .. .~



r~Utlree OU~ a!~~~ ~w~~ ~yng~onal~ ~.seG~~~, ~ute , on ; arm ;

0Or_POI ' danls-'I lIa' •.I-lo.-.1 Ad rtllen " , .

" " . ..


WISHES FRIENPS MERRY CHRISTMAS With Friendship and Best of Om-tstmas and New .'lear Wishes fol;' my many friends of Waynes. vUle and Vicinity: • . "It we ot eYQry Race. an.d Cr~d ca1T)' wlt~ UII the wonder·

SIT a as U SIIIIPS 0asp.-Ia Trad8-. al ~ i n

OBITUARY WILLIAM EDWARD MORAN ' , f W,llliam Moran. sonwas 0 Elmer and Edward Florebce Moran, born April 16, 1940 in Corwin and died of spinal meningltls at MIami Valley hospltnl Saturday, Decem.

,ber 12- at 3:00 o'cloc~. after an 111· ,ness three da.ys. Billof Y was a memb er of th s Waynesville MethodIst Ohurch. He f th v th dl t was president 0 ande a..,emember 0 8 youth Fellowship. of Boy Scout Troop No. 40. ",,,.,,,, ...,,,,•• ............."'... SUlTVivors Include 'his pare.nta', Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moran, three sisters, ,4,ntolnette, ' S&-ra and Susan; two brothers, Robert a.nd Through the Manifestation of Kenneth; maternal grandparents, God the power 'of the Holy Spirit Mr, and Mrs. T...... ,-an ..... Day, paternal I\ClComp1l8hes the Will of Ood. grand.m o' ther. Mrs. Emma Moran. Nothing can withstand that We oannot understand. the mys· Ifecallse Its work Is not Inston· tery of life and death, ' but we oan !a.neous, A darkened age oannot get solace from the one who g1~es perceIve the process of cause and life and takes It. It is com[orting ef(ect - the Divine 'Will as caUSB to thlnk of death In the words of , and human history as effect ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson : guiding human destiny trom age Sunset and evening star, to age: The 13aha'l teaeh.lng state Arid one clear call ' for me,; that III spll'lt and in .aim ' tbe suc· And may there' be no moalling at cesslve prophet8 are one being, "I the bar, o,l1e authority, ' one ·Wi 1'l. T b I s When I put out to sea:. te8.cblng on the oneness of the T\vIllght and evening belt. Manifestations of God Is the dis· And ,after that the dark; tlD.glIlshlng character of Baha'u' And may there be no salines. of Ilah's revelation whloh represents tarewell, . relJglon for this eyo.l e, and the ore·, When I embark, ation 'or world peace. 'For tbo' trom out our bourne ot K.... J;lelen McCoy. time and p'lace•

Baha'i Taachilgs

had Uttle opportunity to ~tore up, food reserves. . He suggests these meadow treat· menta: .0 n legume-gras, n 0lt grued Illte '- 804 pounds of o-2()'2,0 a';plled an'" time If It ~ll not ... ,. wash off; legum&-grasll, grazed lat&-amo tertllizer plus manure or · straw toIHireutng. Griss meadoW1J - muure topctreeslng , and pbotphate or 80.0 l)Oundl o.f IM()'10 app1l8cf , In late WiDtar or asrly Ipring, If ....nure OJ' jUsw are not &TIIll..-,le to top. dreII leI!am&CI'U1I mea40wa an. there .. l10ubUlaat the lepme wtll ~ tbe JHIdcnr .hoald be traatAlcl ..

a irua mead",.


~:; ~i~~ ~~:t:~.!e~

faoe, . When I have croe,sed the bar.

CARD OF TH~NK8 We "{lah to ~preea~'our Ilnoere and heartfelt thanlui aDd , app-el· .atlon to all our relativ8l, neigh· bors; and friends, who by 'Word of sympathy and aots Of ldndnes. were helptul durlng (he du,th 01 our eon BUty. • We -(!8Clall7 wi to tliank the Rev: ~. W. Wedgewood for hIs OO1UIOllng wol'4ll, and the Stubbs J'uDeraI Home for Getr ef.ItcIeDt ..mea. XI'. and- lira. • L. lIenu ... ~




Make Gifts Attractive

your Christmas paC!kage because half at tb"e pleasure of the gift Is the wrap. ping and open In, a beautiful pac!tBge. Use plenty of ribbon and gay Add bells and colored paper. I Cl\ristmas ornaments to . the bow!> Tie ribbon about the cor,ners and ' put the bows ofT-center to make he pa'cl<ages dlstlnctlve. A Ut.Ile disguising by putting small . bl'xes Ih .ar ger ones before wrap· ping adds to the mystery of the Ma~e


Tbe Adult Class of the Methodist Church beld ' tljeJr Decemb r meeting and Cbrlstmas' party Friday evenIng In the , social rooms of the churcb. A potluck supper and gift exchange were featured. MI'. and Mra. Fred Sherwood The ,Shepherds aald. aTe spendIng the Christmas hoUlet U8 QO to Bethlehem days in Columbus with theIr sonand aee this thln9 the In·law and daugbter and otber r el- g ift 'Lord hath announced atives. . • . they came Miss .Betty Ann Dogan, student !;lad !.heir Christmas l!rO!p'am at found Mary. Joseph; at Ohio State nlverslty, Is Bpend~ the church Sunday 'mornln.g. , Ing tbe ChrlstmM. bol{doys bere The Missionary Society of Jon· and the babe at. the home of.' her parent.B, r,i.r, ah's n un .Baptist Oburcb held tbelr in • manQer. and Mrs. Willard Bogan. December me«tlng Wednesday at: t.U: t:IS, M.n!. Cora Plank 'bas returned ternoon" in the bome of Mrs. A. , to her home in MQrebead, Ken· S. -COllett. All members partlcl· tu<\ky, following o ' visit here wilb pated by giving Christmas ' read her children, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ings. Medley and family and Ml'B. Ann Mr. and Ml'B. John . $yferd 'and Wbeelan and son DenAls. eOn, Kenny, of Dayton,. were guesls Mr. and Mrs. R .. S. Tuoker were Sunday of ber parents, ftlr. and g uests Tbursd(l,y evening of ·their Mre. H. S. Tuoker. son-In·law and daughter, MI'. and ltir. and Ml'B. Arthur Pbllabaum, Mrs. Rlobard ·W llllams and family, or Kettering, were guests Sunday of Wimington. of ber parents, Mr. and Ml'B. Am· Mrs. 'M ary Tuoker: bas returned brose Moore and ber brother·ln· to tier home near ttle village, after In·law an!! sIster, Mr. and Mrs. J. beIng a patient lor several weeks E. Smith. at McClelland lrospltal, Xenia. She Is reported to be recovered nloely. DInner guests Thursday of Mrs. -';~;;_;;;;;;C;~;;~m;;;;;;;;;;.;; The Methodlst Church presented A. S. Collett were Mrs: Laura ~ a Cbrlstmas ' program Sunday Sbldaker, Mrs. LIsa Curl and· Mrs. morning' during tbe Sunday School Carl Osborn. Mrs. Gordan Munson, of Dayton, hour. Mr. W. P. McCarren, of Wat· was a guest FrIday of ber parents, hounding, sp~nt several days Iallt MI'. and Mrs. John Simps.on. . week at his home here. ' Mrs. Laura Sbldaker assisted· by Mrs. Osee Harlan was a dinner her sIster, Ml'B.· A. S. Collett, gave guest Friday of Mrs. Laura. Shld- a dinner ,Tuesday' noon for Mr, aker bere. ' and ·Mrs. Ralpb W~ller, of Panama Pvt. Douglas Reynolds, who Is ' CIty, FIn., and Mrs. Everett Gus· IItationed with the army at Ca~p tin of WaynesvUle. The FrIends. Cburch presented RUckert, Ala., arrived In the vll· lage Sunday to spend a lWo weeks their Christmas program at th" furlough wllh bls parenls, Mr. and Church FrIday evening. Mrs. Albert Reynolds and 'other re latives, Th Adull .BIble lass ot 'onll.h's Run Baptist hurrll beld th eir D cember meetlng lind hrlstmnR party, Tuesday evening in the home or Mrs. 11. S. Collett. The Jonah's Run .Baptist Churoh











i w'


Open HoI iday Joy

be Yours through the whole. season'


is Always Your, Our

C\1 • C;vtrtstma, S '. y j

Friends •• '.

1"lP finert ·w.ith

I)y melnortes


season ~e yours .••



5 ··3 ·



Hallon Gulf Senici WE, .WISH ' ALL OF YOU A 'YERY MERRY OHRISTMAS AND ~ HAPPY ~EW YUR Everett Hatton Howard · Carne



IThe Thorobred 00. I


This is. a time


H ELL O! Everybody Merry Ohristmas To You All Stanford Bogen, her father, doesn't say anything any more, but he wishes you one just the same.


. 1849 ~ 1", Lite I. the , TrUe Proof of Sette, Merohlmdl.e






' (oun Warren

'. (oult News


George W. and RUby P. Ilereer &ltate of Jeaaie Cl. Lewis, de- Charles W." Lew. 35. WllmIDg· Roy Everett JIOUDIIIeD, II, of to HalT)' T. and Anna M. Bec:kett; J!l8tate of deceased , ceased, John C, ..Lewis and W. ton. decorator. and CatherIDe liar- FrantUn, factory worker. andl'an· .50 acre in FrI\JlkllD To'wnship. Alice )(; BII, flrs1; Walker ~wJ.t Jppointecl, admIniJ. tin, 29. Harveysburg. lite Io)'Iln ' Noland, 80. FraIOOJD. • hi . . ,. Maurice K. Buck to Edward O. and 8Dal ~ Iled. tratorsl SaDiuel N. Keya, Jamea Raymond Younler, M. FraDlt· Natlwt.iel J. RuffiD, 18, C1DciD. Ragland lot In Turtlecreek Town· Estate of ~JI1l1II deceased, Baker and Emmett F. Gardln~ ap- lin, hospital worker, and J!lIJzabetb natl, U. S. lIlavy and Dorothy Mae " • . sJlip.' relieved from is~atlon:. pointed appraiaert. M. Hend~on, te, Franklin, maid. Fuller, Ill, Le~on, elerk-typist. NEW SUITS The Lebanon Production Oredit W. T. Cook, et aI, to Leo and Estate of II. Feltpn, de:. , -G~dy Rhule, Jr., 26, F.rankiin. Gerald Carr Groom, 22, 'M uon, The Lebanon Production Oredit Association vs', Edgar A. Kennel LucY'Taylor lot in Franklin Town ceased, Laura" elton appointe~l MARRIAGE LICENSES stock keeper and ' Genev~ Mc- saleaman and JaD!! Helen ~mJth Association vs Edgar ' A. and Alma and Alma Kennpl, plaintiff to te- s h i p ' • execJltrlx; ClUfclri, Diehl" Rol1anil Dale.a Nicholas, ~, Lebanon, Queen 19 Fr~ usembler 21 Lebanon student. ' Kennel, cognO~it. Maple and Mapcover ~1~,678.03, ' ch.vUl J Philli ' Pierstorir IDd Ch~lea J. WlliJonhair dre~er, and ~beth Jane ~~ii'.i·iiii· Ie, attoroneys Myrtle L. Proffitt vs. Clayton H. e. ' ps to Wayne er appointed ~. Spurrier, 19, Lebanon ,stenoBrllphArnold Ste~a'rt vs. Mary Ellen l'foffitt, ,dlvorce and restorl\~on of Township. Warren CouJ}ty. lot in &ltate of 1QIep/f D. Fisher, de· er. . :f . Stewart. dlv()rce. J. T. Riley: at- maiden nllme to plaintlf!. Wayne Town~hip." .' ceased, .,re ~om administrB. . ' - lC tomey. , • Ina D: Gillman vs. Richard E., W: , T. Cook, e~ al. to LevI and t1on. · to. • 1CICIIINIIINICICICftClCClCIC" Ii Pauline BroWn vs. Oinie L. Gillman,' . divorce and restoration A~die Seals, lot In Franklin Town- &ltate of BUea<,A. ,Bateman" deI Brown, divo!:,ce. O. DoJ}ald Dila. of ~aiden name to plaintiff.. ship. ceased, Saclle O. Davis. executrix, We Will Be OPEN FERRY Dayton.W.ynelvllle Rd. WAYNESVILLE RT. 1 tUsh attorney. John D. Hogan VB. Etta May HoOhio Homes, Inc., to Donald L. inventory .~. . Until 6 P M :1m A'" ~"I ~ Etta Bowman vs. D~Win gan, divorce and custody of cbll- and Wilma K. SpurUng, lot in Ma· Estate o~yrJahdo C. Johnson.1 ", .. .... ~ Bowman, divorce. O~ Donald Dll- dren to plaintiff. son. deceased. Albert ' H. Stubbs apat'Us~ attorney. ' . The Standard Building and Loan C. R. Nisbet to Mary K. Romohr, pointed admJDlatratol'; Jam UHF. CONVERTERS INSTALLED ~ Wllson vs. Rufus W,Ilsonl' 00 •• VB • .Bobble V. Morris, et aI, .'746 acre in Deerfield Township. Jones, Ross Jrartlock and W y m e r . Only $34.50 Comple'e d4vorce. 1.; T; RIley; a,ttomey. plamu,Jf granted '30 days , to ftle W. T. Cook, et aI, to Charles ana-Drake IJppolnted appraisers. . . , ' Rena Surgnor'V8. Helll7 'Surgnor, further, pleadings. , Opal Wise. 2 ' lots in Franklin • Estate of (ince L. Mounts; de~ OPEN 'U ntil 6 P. M. ' .Antenna Installation and Repair dvorce. J. T. RIley, attorney. The Loveland Mutual Bullding Township ' ceased The FUtb Third Union ALL . W 0 R K 1 5 ,. U A RAN T ~ E D an~ Lor I Co. VSdi ~~ P; Ro- Laura Anderson to Mildr~d J Trust Co., trustee, first current a~;New Year. Eve .. \~ " COMMON Pl,EAS COURT , mo r, ~ a, c~, se. , VlInce," 2 lots in Deerfield Town:: count fUed. .\ PICK UP AND' DELIVERY PHOfitE CENTERVILLE MO 7-7221 , Audrey Morgan vs. Glendon ,Mor. ' ship. , Will of ,cili!oJ'd John ~um. dE!' • gan, divorce and custody of chilREAL ESTATE TRANSFE~S Omer and Jean Tibbs to W~ter ceased, ordered flJed; hearing set , ' dren to plaintiff; defendant to pay, Chris and Emma Siebert to Pet- R. Beijder, 118.286 acres in Frank. for December 22 ~t 10 o'clock. - $~ per w~ek. . , el' and Nell,ie Siebert, S acres in Un Township. Estate of ~ Moillenkamp, WIl1i8m J. Wills Vs. J,cob Lew- Salem Township. 0 ' d ~ "'lbb decea~ed. Louis ~IPpert. executor. is, et at. pla~tlffl to rrecover $103.02. Peter !lnd:Ne\li,e Siebert-to Chrl~ 'a a~:rD:ale::nLo" g ~~!"'Vin lirst and tial a~count, approved. ' , ~lph Bowling VS. Alice Bowling, and Emma Siebert. S acres .in Sal- in' Franklin Townshlp' . acres '&ltate of Abbl . C\ements. de,. dlvorce to plaintlf!. em Township. . . ceased, KathlellD' "I. Lucas. exec\llMaurice I;'Ymes VB. Mabel B. Waiter Schutte to Mary, Smith Cl~~IPhin and , Elle, Helton to, trix; 'first, ftnaI and·d1stdbutlve a~!Byrnes. divorce tp plaintlf!. ," S.tephenson, lot ,in M(lson. ton Lowe, 1 acre in Deerfield count app,rov~. , Ben Browning vs. Finley G. Robert and Irene Elam to Oharles TOWDShip. ' ,' ." _ 'I'aulbee, et 'aI, plaintiff to recover M. abd Sary Hanes, lot in FrankHelen M.jlKinney: to Fred E. and' ....._ .. ............J.. ...................... . $188.18. ' lin. . , Margaret Bookwalter, 25 acres in NOT ,I C E L. Rhodehamel appointed. W. T. Cook, et aI, to Qeorge an HaQlilton Township. ' ~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~ • auctioneer. . " Fannie. Bur~art, lot ~ '· F.ranklJn Myron E. and AIlce Z. Gire to 'Waynesville Lumber and Supply;;; AIlce' Reynolds va. Randolpb ToWliship. , C. H. and Marie Jones, 2 lotS in will be cloaecl fo~ Inve~tory .trOIl~ ReyDoldJ, divorce' and custody of Eugene K. Boepple to Gaylord '0. Wayne Township. '1.'hursday evelWl,. December 2~I, . a 'lIt chUd to plalntlf!· defendant to pay Mount. S acres in Clearcreek Townuntil Saturday, January 2. r r $15 P4!.1' week. ' s h i p Robert and Evelyn Margery The caleuara for 1954 are ready, Kir~endall to ' Kash O. an~ Mary Pleaee stop In and get yours . • Lou Amburgy~ lo~ in 'Union Town· now. 'I ' ; ,<>-12.17-24 ship. ' •.• ••• , ••••••• ,.'••"', .........,,.


"t. . _________. . . ___.....'__------.-J,1



SA·' E'S


W.dI Dec , . 30Ih





I R d For una.... , 22 ' .

i* * *


Thurs., Dec. 31 sl

Dot F,od Sior. E'8relt Sears Oscar Smilh Meal Mark.t


H i,

uy Time


~I ..-........ 1 Bonnie Lou is going througtl U(e in a "whirl" 01 WLW sl;ows. personal ·appenrancea an?, tecord making. "Texas Polka" IUld, "No R~art At AU" are her latest presslngs, followlnl Illose ,on Honnle'" successful waxln, of "Seven Lonely D.I1Y5," . "Tennessee WI, Walk," and "Papaya Mama."

May yours be filled with pleasant people all through 't~e . 1i o!idays.





· .To our customers and. to our fellow business ' Asso~icites, Gr~etin~s . ...

Attend ~you, ,Christmas MILLER~S.



II I =


. May th~' symbols of child-like peace ,.1 . ,

denote our

Chrisunas thought.




Ph'!n. 3913 To Place a Ola..'I ,I.d




W_eklJ On 'S unday

alld TOP SOIL EICKE, John 8. Dec. 18 - Dec. 21 L~b.nOn Chapel Rev. Roger TUrrell Interm.nt Bellbrook

3ANK RUNGRAVBL-Loaded at Davis Furnas Pit. We also deliver. ARMIT.AGE & SON. Phone 2091.' tf




EXCAVATING and - - - - 1 - - -' PUMP TRUCK SER~'IOE Phon. Wayne.llllle 21111 - ' W,I\VNESV',LLE, OHIO

P. il

SALEFOR SALE - Apartment size ·'" burner Gas Range. TbermGstat on Gven. ~40.00. 6-By,rner kerosene .toVe, 8 luM:ace burnera, 2 Wider Gven. d. 11. DAVI~, ·Rt. 8. WaynelSvill . PhGne NeW' BurJlng· ton 826. X-12-1'l-24

REfRESHMENTS American Legion Po.t No. 615 51. AUlu.tine Catholic Church

LOSTLoST-Black -Corday, Purse, RDsary anei Items wide. FInder leave at GueUe Gfflce. 0--12-24

Table- Top Christmas Tree

LOST- Keys, m tront of PGst Of· flee. FInder please returnX-12-J4 to PGlt Otftce.

F0 0 D

Phoae .2141 ~~~~~~~~~~~I ~ :

BItaIIIeW 1_



tI Y..,. Of ..,...



WANTED - Slesplng room wttli heat. See WARBUTTON. Reerea. X-l2-24 ",on Reetaurent.

2714 TytUI Ave. MicIc1I~ OWo "0 PEN EVE N I N G 8"

'DIal ,2-4eo1

Salel lOt Bertes E and If BanDls BGncla In Oblo tor NGvember reo

)a: ~:::::::::~:~

to the pin column wltjl a ---B-IIl'-r-W-EEN--2-5-.t::--:5:='5~Y~EAllS::-:-':=-= verle\l 9 per cen~ lnoreue lOver to~ t'U~ t Gf age. Bere's your chance to earD chanes fGr the same mGnth better than average InCOme! ~ year, C. J. Wa(gGner, Chalrma , manent, full lOr part.Ume work Warren' CGunty Sa"lnp BlOnd Comselling "Na-Ohure" Liquid mltee, reported todaY. B~ea In Warren Coabty were $24,568, CJ~mzero NatiGnally and locally tlsed. Experlence not pared to $14,218 pur9based In Nowe train. FGr particulars, write vembtlr. 1851. "NA-CBURS" PJ.ANT FOOD OOMFltty-lpur or t~e state's 88 c~'un· PANY, Box 60S-W, MarlGn. OhIG. . ties shGwed moreasell. with geflns o-U-iO- (St) In the metropolltp;n cGunties Gf summit. 'V&llGntng. MontgG~I!ry. and FrankllD providing tbe lal1i:est total dollar vGlume. Cbalnillan We Will Be OPEN Waggoner said. Ohio sales to LIed $26.667,357 to.. the mGnth. NG ,em· Until 9 P. M. ber. 196J. eal. were $28,421,978. Chairman Wag~ner alao an· nGunced appotntment In Washingtdn Gf Earl 0, Shreve. tOl1lDer vtce-'Prestdent (If General Eiedtrle OPEN Until 6. P. M. and fGrmer President. Unllted Chamb.r of Commerce11 to Nat:IGnal Dtrec1'tGr Gf tbe' Savl ng. PJ"OIl.'IUIl. 'Seqretal'1 HU~lplI­ alao receDUy apl\Olnted 81lDea

Three first beheld its shining tar

Upon a calm and silent night. ·' ..1 bring glad news:' it seeme~ t~ say;

Wid., Dlc. 23rd

T••,ra., Dlc. 24lh

Newesl decoralioll trick for the hoUdays Is thla BtU. 1rM. II's aclually trimmed with pink rose cor.a;... Each ~G" haa II. ~ tiny 'vase concea led In the 'branches of the tr... nowers can be replaced aa they fade, or ."en wom home by your qq... wheD the Chrlalmaa party iD lOver. Alyn Wayne, official ItyIlat of the, Vlorls'" Teleqraph Delivery Association, aeated thla d.sIgn .aa a mciallr ar- ' ranqement for the 18.000 Oorlsls who will 10011 be wtrIn9 Chrtalm~

,. ..... up~


Qve'r t

\.! f"\!


Dol Food Slore"'

E,e,.11 Sears Oscar SIIHh Mia' Marke.

elstant', IIr.........r said. Vr. Ne'W1DA11 fGrmerly was vlce-ll re• iden In oharge lOr sales fGr the 13. F. Goodrlcl1 00. of AkrOn.


OIL D. DIIiI Inur.nce Aaency ~

2 p. ck.~..

y.. st, cnmpressed or dry (luke-warm Inr cOUlp'rc,.scd yust . .. arm (qr dry) I CUP mIlk

CUD waCcr


cup IU,u r

2 to.spoons \alt




dour (about, eJUU ,,,,,,,,,,n, /IIound ~rdlJ'lom

'I" CU D (hop~ n~dlcd ci tron V, cup sctdlcs~ DISIM cup choppod, blanched .I"",nds ,

VI Soften yeast in water. Scald milk, doubled (about l lh h,our;B ): W?en Add sugar, salt a nd shortening light. punch d<!wn and diVide Into and cool tG lukewarm. Add 2 cups 2 equal ' pGrtlGns. Let rest 10 flour and mix well. Add SGftened rrunutes, Shape each portiGn Into yeast and eggs and beat well. ' loaf and place in grea&~d , bread Stir in cardamom. citron, raisins pans. Let rise until doubled (about and almGnds, Add er.ough more 1 hour) Bake in moderately hot ftour to ~ake a 60ft dough. Tum oven (400'F.) 10 minutea. Reduce out on lightly floured board and of d knead until smooth and satiny, heat to moderate. (360 .) an Place in greased bowl. Cover and bake about 46 minutes longer. ~ erlse in warm place until Makes 2 loaves.


Member Fed.rar Olpollt Inlurano~ Corporatlo"







~ cup shorren;". )1 cUPS 'llfte-d cndchcd



A fruit lind nut·laden loaf of Jule KlIga 'Served with frosty fruit Juice e\'of;, ' "ay holiday mood for an early morning breakfast.


Thl '1,IIIIiIII litialal 1111,


•••••••• ••••• *•••••••••


with lig,ht!



aas filled the whole, wide wotld

J. N'ewmail .. IIr. Shrev'I'. ...

GOOD JOB PRiNTiNG :an ~~~~~~NtI~ ~~~~~ Be Obtaln,~d at the Gaz,_tte Try 'GAZETTE Ci.ASSIFIEDS THEY GET RESULT$

,. Warm: lery sikes of Jul e Kaga will surely deli ght Christmas , callers, Thil< orwp~j'ln Christmas bread has ah unu sually good flavor crc ... ~cd by !;\'OU l)u c.. rdumom, candied citron, raisi ns and chGPped a im :,\13. l-'ew things can compare with the fragl'ance of fresh ly baked ' bread. EspeciaUy at Christmas time, baking bllcomes a part of the gay holiday festivities. ' . The ingredients for this oven-fresh bl'ead make their own contribution in nutritional value, Milk. sugar and eggs ski llfully supplement the food value' of the enrlched Rour, Many of us don't realize that eni'ichccl flou r 'lifers lhre~ B-vilami n6: fooll il'on , plant protein. an d food energy. Serve Julc Kas;a just fl'e~ h and warm from the oven with mugs 'of hot chocolate. P"l'haps you will wunt to feature it at a holiday brunch, Or, rlil'c it lhin and spread with cream chcese making dainty s.3ndwi clics to sr>rvc with hot spiced tea to holiday callers, The famny will eat gencrously when stires of this bread are toasted (or an' early morning break(aRt. The baker hclps mnke your t.nsk o( feedino; the (amily a nourishing breakfast 'an "asy one. Wh Eln th I'e is no time for baking. sclect ,a colfee cake from tht: bllke s hop, The baker has fashioned both t.r aditional and· new COrfllC cukes wilh tempting fillings and toppings, Wrap aluminum foil a round the coffee cake and warm in the oven, Thia will give it a "fl'esh- from-the-oven" goodness, JULE KAGA (Norwegian Christmas Bread)

And each year since, its message bri~t

What about a 8N during conlfrucHon' Ask u. about Budd·














1952 Ford, Conve RADI~:ENROD~~~TER 1,8 9&.' C HE A'PIE S 4 DOOR 194. Kaiser RADIO AND HEATER . 2 DOOR 1141 Ford RADIO AND HEATER FARMERS SPECIAL 1948 Ford 2 Ton Track with 0.1111 R••k 1949 Dodll 2 Ton Track, 0IaaI GIVE US A BID

Live Wire and PrGP-elllve. O,rganlzatlGn Second TG None. Strictly Sellers on the Beat Al' Around Marltet In ' the CGuntry ~n

SERVIAfE , THAT SATISfiES .For Dally Mar\<'e t Reporta: WLW Clnclnnatl, 12:80;

.t...-..... .

Concrete ~ .Iock -Rock Face BlOck c.~t and

WOKY. Cmqlnnat1, 12:12 " WPm, Middletown, ;11:45


Drain 1'11.



Mortar ..




'Til Till. '





Our .Ioaan:





I, 'I'I!








" . nrnMt Af4D arA.'LY

Serving Waynesville Since 1850




Christmas ,Card Idea Orig'inated By Eglishman

Guard, Against Fire This Yule.Season


Guard :golD8t fire In your home thIa Yule Beason. .. The a verege Chrlstmas"tree can ,0 up In ~ moke In only a minute or 110 onde that doesn't leave mucl1 ·'Urne ~ oan fOr help. A live ,tree with rootl ,pbok ed In a buc:ket of earth Is 'the Bofest. Be l ure and keep the dirt ' molstened r A ImaU tree 18 ,a afer, the n a large Obe anc;! festive tr,l1Imlngs can ma~e up wh'a t fa lacking' In size, DOn'l use ,lIgbted candles, (Tbls . .... m a l seem an ~ece 8 sary preC1lU' tJon iIi.lliIa day ot electric lights, but Ughted oandles cllntrlbute to tralic fires every year .) Check the wlrln. for the tree to eee tha~ It'l not fra yed and Is in perfec\. condition: The switch for tumin. oft al1d oil elec:trlc Ughu cAoulcl be at lOme dll tance trom • Ute tree. . Donlt plug ' or .unplug Ught. beneath the tree. Don't leave tree 11.btl on wb,en It Iso" necelsary and ,el peclaUy when the fatnlb Ja away from bome. From time to time. check over the tree lind see 11 needle. near the Ugb~ are turning broWn. 11 the, bave, move the Ua bts , Watcb the l!aJendar. New Year'l Ia the cia,. fqr the tree to go dqwn. II JOU AOuJa extend the time, don't leave the Ughts on the tree for more than a half hour at a Urne. . Place tlUt tree wen Iwa, rr6'm "cUaTora, ,and other lource. 01 .... t.. When you Imoke, ltay awaJ' from the tree. AI.o 'be . ure_ that ~ tree Ia eecured lD sucb a . ., tliat It ClDllot laU. Do not pu~ It D8U a doOnft7 where It b1oe1l .. avenue 01 'IC'pe, abould


- St. Matthew 2:9

Til, WI. Ma. .a,. , 1111 fir S I • 0 , fi•• Hili .... 10 raclpill .Hill. Todl" Iwill, ClIliries 111.r, Ha will ba


wonhipp.d world o,ar, com a 1'1,' . Ollrllilft.. 'Mon. A.. wh.lI we 10 10 'cilireli. ••riill llil ~Y.I'llda, ' lal IS ....Hal. \ SOlidlY i po. His . . . . '", lolar.. Ildar-


. . . oeeur,

Chrlstinas canis are 40 much a part of "the modern Yule aeason t1\at one , seldom stops to wonder hOlY the Idea originated and b, 'whom. This stmple Idea of w)shlng your friend s a Merry Chtlstma.s brought honor and kolghthood to the orlg. , Inator. Benry Cole. a mlddleclaslI . ' EngUshlT\1Ill. ' Cole mailed his cardll on ' a De· cember day In 1846'. The cards depicted a Victorian family assem' bled at the festive board and ibe " traditional Christmas custom 01 gJvlng to the poor. They also bore the now·classlc greeting: "A Merry Ohrlstmas ~ fl tl a flappy New Year to you." Be had a thousand of the co rda s truck off by ' a Uthogrll Ph. They were such Ii success th.llt plain Henry Cole subsequently became Sir Henry Cole. The ca rds we send today. how· ever, a far er, froll1 those ma Ued by Cole. Ttie cards you send a nd receive tbls year will be desJgned by famous na mes In contemporary art. An American sbopplng for cards tblll year ma, lelect seenes pa inted by such fa mous people aa Winston Cburchlll. Bl'ltaln's .pr ime minister and fam ed a mateur artist, .and Gra ndma Mosea. one of Amer lca ' lI most i amoull a etlats. • • The demand for cardll Is 1 0 great that many companies spend their enUre time In designing and produclnll them tor the boUda,. l ea·

I.. "'1 I. ..,s ._Ii . a, "






Mar' ... fnll Of • .,..1....Id 100. forll.a for IIch and a'l" paa of .s, I V." ...." O_risl.1I aid Hap" ••w Yaar 10 al,ll ·



Joseph Proved His Love for Mary, ' ,Mother of Jesus Josellh, the bible relates, had to prove his faith In a nd love for Mary befo re they were ma rr ied. T\ Is one of the love stories or o,U time, When J o ~ eph thought or Mar,., he forgot the dlffere.n ce In their ages she was the girl he had waited for . his belovcd. They were espollsed-o r. as we wou ld say, en· ga gcd- whlch was aimost as ot. flcl a l as heln"g mar ried. His heart soared on wings of the approach· Ing we rldlng day. 811d then Wha t Mary insisted had come to P IlSS., simply could not bel J oseph wanted desperately to believe Mary. but such things lust dldn 't happen. and if they did. they ha ppened to somebody else. Much as he loved Mary , J ose pb was 8 righteous and GoB·fearlng man and wblle he couldn't even think of ma king her a public example, he had just a bout made' up his mind to put her away ~rlv lly. That ' Is. he tho~ght he had made up his mind. In bls heart, he knew he couldn 't; what would become of her . . . of her child . . . Then one night. after he ha d ex· hausted himself with to.;tured th inking. tie reU asleep and the angel o'f the Lord appeared to blm In a ~ream: s ayin g,

. TUMlLDfG BNOWDRInS for Chr"tDr~a tr ••-aparldlDCJ _4 whitt as thoUQh lust falltil from the tky~. ~ bi whlpplllc; .oap III a UttJe wat.r. Beat to a ttlff. JIIII'lDC)u.,Uke c:oaalIth~ with cI rotary heate, or' .lec:trl~ DUxtr. ~p­ ply to the branch.. with, a Ipooa. _alarlIDg at the top., AffIX d~ tiona as uau~ idler !h' "sJiow" haa drIecl. ,T ho qo hack over It add IlDlabIDq touch..-or ." ''''.'0 . ''''''11''''--

"Josllpb, /b oll fllll1' " 01 •• •"

01 DafliJ,

Ami wbll" Jos, ph IIwOlrll, b, tliJ. ill Ibll a"gll had bitUkn I)i"" ""tltook Mary ill his wild II1JtI ,h fflsheJ wil" "Fear not," the angel QIOke unto J 'oseph. ' , "Fell r not. " the angel had d e· clared unto Mar y , "11p.s r not. ,. the angel spoke un· i;hephe rds of Befhl elr-cm .

Fro~ out Cologne there came t~ree kings

. To ~onhip Jesus Christ, their King: ,

To ~im" t~ey 'sought fine herbs they bro~ght ~d many a beauteous golden th~ngj . They brought their gifts tq Bethlehem town A"d i-:- that manger let them down.




The .second then: "I bring thee here

Thus spake the three kings of Cologne

This roy~1 ~obe,: 0 ChUal" helcr'ed: I . ~


~Of'.ilk 'tis spun and suoh ,I

a" one " •

, There is not in the world besidel So in the day of doqm ' requite Me with a heavenly robe 9{ whi,tel"

That 9~\te their gifts and .went their way: And now keel lin prayer hard-by The cradle of the C~iJd today; Nor crown, nor robe, nor spice I bring As offering unto Christ my King.


Then lpake the fin) king. and he said:

'''0 ChIld. mod ....v.nly. bright .nd fair. I llring tht. crown to hlMeIlem town

For Thee. . . only ThM.


Yet have I brought a gift the Child Ma~' ~ot

despise, however ~mall: For here I Jay my heart today. 'And it is fuR' of Ioye to .Ht

T.~e Thou ~ poor, but loyal thing. My only tribute, Christ, my King.




Christmas Candles Are Traditional For'Many Peoples

E.tabll.hed February, 1_ PAUL A. 8CHER·ER __ _'-___ ---. ______________ Edltor and Publl.h.r CECILIA J. SCHER~R ____ __ _______ __ __.: _________ ___ A ..oc,l .te Editor



24, t9531

Small Towns First,to Light Outdoor Trees

St..Nicholu, . . known ..


'70 lellNf 10M' 111'" /01 lb. ,.,,; Ihll., Santa Clau. . . . . Publlllhed lilvery Thursday MorniDg born, Uyed ad BM", • 6.,b"" dlfJ 0.. CbrlS'",.,J at w,aynesvl1le. Warren Ooooty, OWe. "died"lan't the word d1f1· , , Entered all second alaea matter at , 1/ the II"",. bu'ltJ ,brilll" ."d lb. - ~e 1\ wa. a aman town that llret tbe polltoffloe at WaynesVille, OhiO, end in the balmy ligbl shitles ".",. thought ot lIghtin, an outl:loor com· under the act of Maroh 8, 1878. Good lue" will b. 10U,. '''''''''/lb ~limate of south" munJl7 Cbrtatmas tree. lb. ern Turkey. The CHRlSTMA8 8PI~IT • • . Full FQur communities are I,lclleved This old verse Is beUeved In or Yale roOd 'eUowWp, ''BIngle'' pati'OD SlUnt of ehil" ~-----------------------------------------------to have thought of the Idea about m any lands around ·the world and Subsllrlp~on Rates-In Ohio, $2. Per Year 10 advance; $2.60 elsewhere &ria to aroue IIOme clUto In the dreD never shivered the .ame ~e-sll ' early aa ~913 , Is said to be one ot the reasons 'elble heali., "Olol1lr." 'Glnrer, on an icy cJaojer. Two of them, McDonald and Ger· that cllndles 10 bomes are tradi· ,o04w1U RUOD or Dot, CIID" ,et THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 24, 1953 He Uved out, his mantown.. were In Pemlsylvanls. tionaJ a round the world. over ber clIa""t ., clop. life, lome 1600 Jean Salem, Ore., \lecorated 8 large The- custom Is believed to have a;o, lD Myra. the Sitka .pruce. Riverside, Calif., 8tarted in (re land. As the Irlllh Try GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS ~nllnated a ~rge evergreen, an pu~ it: "Who knllws on sume , present.da, Demre, MISS JANE FITE in the provlnce of CIu;IIItma6 Eve. J e!\u ~ and M Il y THEY GET RESULTS Aracurla. Corre.poi'ldent Antalya - Florida The fttat national Chrtstmtls tree anti Josepb mlly omt' og" i I nr,1 to Palestine. bill 10 th" Holy l ~le of "the Mediterrawas In 1924 and was sponsored by (Continued froID Last Week.) ... on the' farth erest edge uf £u l'lllIl' .. the American Forestry 8ssocla· nean - w,bere wa· tion. The event ,Ie now televised And It Is th'r cllslom thlll the ell n 'Mr. Hurd; of Piqua. 1e a guest terlallI cueade into dIe can only b~ snuffeci by line every year for all paris ot tile here, of Mr. John Stewart. Mr. the sea aDd whiteA Lon. named Mary country to s_e e. Stewart has been m, but Is now crested mountains , Their ftrst use roi Chrlst, n8~ ,~ The 'molt spectacular ' outdoor recovering eut,\sfactorlly. , ~ maJestio not recorded -in the annals of any display. In the United States are Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstrator etJ to" the land· Dlltlon, but that the "Chrls t Chll1 a't the WhIte Bouse an~ Rocke· The Land Bank Way , have 'moved from the property In ecape. • Candle." burned in the wln~\1 v 'In feller Center In New York. The tbe yUlage to their recently com· Will Relieve the tlPinch" st. N1chbJu Christmas Eve ' I ~ accordIng 10 New York display Is possibly the pleted borne on lhe new highway aJIhop 01 lIyra for an old legend. placed the,·p 'Q most elaborate in qae world. neur WaynesvUle. Lower 1'1 yean, laG to 352 light HIs way It He make'~ 811 But ' lt WIIS the small towns that Mr. and Mrs. \;Vt.llam Doster A.D. Hili c b u e h . ",__ .r~· SAN11!'S HOME ~ , , earibly vlllltillipn and In atonement Lower Orst 'thought ot the Idea . Win Elliot hadn't decided 15 were hosts to their bridge club aDd aarc:opbqua are sUll to be found at Demre. It WI1lI hete that years alfo that people. were mo ... tor the night of lils birth when Today, nearly every community Satl1roay evening. For Information hJa 18D~ actI became legencSary and lave him the "Santa ClaUB" interestllig than' animals/ ~BC-TV'3 thm-e was no room for Him In the land has some Id"d 'It The chUdren of the Friends newest' aftel'l1oon chlracter we bow 'today, ' • interview show WRITE - CAJ-L - 8EE Christmas decoratlone. Many coin· Church will present a Chrlstma ~ "On YOUt· Aceo,unt" wOl,lld not hllv" 'l'hlIlDOIt jcmaJ saint had reMOll to be happy u) biJlImOundiDga. munitles string colored II g ht.a program at the church Swiday eve· one of the most skillful 'ad-libbinJr GAZETTE 0/'4 SALE across the street and decorate The Miami Gazette Is on sale AD~ bu beeD an EdeD throughout blatcry: Many traveller. still nlng al 7 o·clock. A special fea· intetviewel'S 'as its mastel'-ot-cerB' ecae .... IIIId ... to pa:, happy bomaa. to' bla cheerful spirit. each Tburl'day at nooD. at the 1_____ -,-______________________________________________ __ Il1lht posts with evergreens, M'any • ture of the program w11\ be the monies. IIUBpend bens ami stars at' street Win stal'ted out In life tiS tI zool· showing of "Christopher Mouse,:' The Int\!rsecUons and have ' dazzUng ogist but abruptly abandoned that WaynesvilLe Drug Store. Lebanon, Ohio Phone a very touching Chrlstmae story. callinJf after graduation from th~ community tree •. ELLI8 H. STURM, The G1eamere Class of the Univet'sity of Michigan when 8 price remalos the same-.-5c per Friends hurch held their annual break in l-ndio came his way. Since single copy-or ,2.00 per year. JOB PRINTING DONE E)(PERTLY-AND REASONABL,( rREAD Cbrlstmas dinner Saturd!!y eve· then he has become one oC the ------------------~---nlng at. the home of their teacher, bus iest people In the industt·y em· se~el'Bl TV quiz show\. at Mrs. Mable Te ry. Those en 'oyln g ('oeing (lne time, doing commercial., an- ' the well preoared turkey dinner nouncinst horse I'aces and hockey were Mr. and Mrs. John Starr and stames and, of course still working • • daughters, Mr. and' Mrs. Maynard in radio. Responsible · for all this succes'. Hackney and daughter, Mr. and :IS an emcee and quiz show expert ~Jrs. Raymond Oonley and sona, a re Win's inimitable talent for ad Mr. and Mrs. LaWTence Starr and libbing and his unusual skill in In· tamlly, Mr. aJld Mrs. Raymond tel'viewing people and making con· Rich and family, Mr. and Mrs. tcstnnts feel completely at ense. "On Your Account" his latest T\' J. C. Rlatt and l son, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eamhnrt and family, Mr. offering can be viewed (4:30-5:0ti P.M. EDT Monday through FI'iday J and 'Mrs. EArl Hook and family, on NBC·TV, Mr. Joseph Osborn, Mrs. Jess Pen! nlngton and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ell· dred Tletmeyer and family, Mr. C har~es Beckett. Miss Nellie Davis Mr. and frs. Lewis Brown ancl Germa n immigrants homesick son Mr. V. alker Terry and the ror the traditions of the ir ns li VI! hostess, Mrs. Terry. iand . were the ftrst to decorate Following the dinner lbe guest'3 exchanged gifts and took colored Chr i~ t ma$ trees In their In movies of the parly. The group th. United SIRles: according to also spent part of their evenln~ trac!llion H i~torians believe it was about singing Chrlstmae ~aro ls : Mrs. ;Jennie Graham, of WIl· the end of the Revolution that the practice be gan to ' grow In the mlngton WaB an overnight guest, colt ni l'S . Saturoay of hec slster·ln·law, Mrs, Befo re thai the pllgrlms forbad e Laura Shidakel'. Christm as celebrations ' on the The CIvic Le:lgu,e held their grounds .hey were pagan. And a Christmas party Saturday evening Ma s~nc hu s l'lt s la w in 1(389 sub· in the home or Mrs. Clyde Levley. Jected a nyone to a Hne who ob· gift exchange and potlupk sup~ served the day by fea sting, reo p I' W r e features o r the evening. fr ain in g frQm work or in any nth I When your neighbor baS finished trlmming his tree and the Mr. Robert Collett was host at manner hi s home Filday evening for the Historians also beHeve th aI M ,,, lights go o~ ' next: door, you can see them glisten 1n3 in the hrh;tmas par ty of th e Welcome tin Luthe r was the firs t to declI Bible Class of Jona h's Run Bapr~II' and light a t ...:~ HI' V' O$ Ill ' sharp cold air of ~e winter night, the bright wall bul~ ClO ;lIed by ever g. cen I"'iL'S. gh ~ tist hurch. coloring all the darkness, Ea41 time yqu look out the window tenlng with starlit · ~nu \\I . pw " lIf'1 ' The Men's lub held tbelr an· to the hea vens ai Chri sllO" ~ Ii 'I I nual hrlstmas party in the hlgb at night, each time you tome down the street, tbe~'s somes 'hool building Wednesday eve· So .he br;oughl on evergrcI:o· " I his hou se and lighted II with t! .. 1 ning. A pot luck supper was thing about the ligbts next door that's warming and pleasant. dies for his children ~I' rved to members and their tam· 'rrue, these aren't your lights. This isn't your tree: It's your iIIes. A progra.m of religious music was presented by Mr. and Mrs'. Howard Snell, of Wllmlng· neighbor's. ~ut in putting it up, your'neighbor did something ton. appearing as guests. Mi. Snell nice for you as wc:l1 ~ for himself. Is well Imown locally as a singer. NOTICE, OF APPOINTMENT Mrs. ne ll plays his piano accorn· Administrator We at General Electric thmk that's the way it ought to be, Es tate of ROlle · T~. F ires, De- IJo nlm ent. .-~ Rev. Jam es Rail e r , or German ('eased. ~ ou~ht to have lights in our windows not alone for ourselves gues t minis ter at ~Ton · Notice Is hereby given th at Louis tow n. . Fires, whose Post Office Address ah 's Run Baptist Church Sunday but for our neighbors. i s R. R. No.1, Way nesville, Ohio, mornIng. HJs wife played several has be n duly appOinted ae Admin· a ccordion solos of reUglous musi c. And the lights we mean·are Qot those you can ~n with istrator of th e Estate of Rose L. Mrs. Lisa Ourl was II gueat duro Fir'es. late of War en County. a switch, but the larger, brighter lights of fair dealing, ' ing the week end In Dayton, of OhiO, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. )'tarry Orr and nnted this 1st dny oC December, integrity, conSideration of our fellow men. famil y. 1953. RALPH H. CAREY, . . - -- - SUfh lights of pllrpose ar~ not so easily litl not so easily Jud ge or the Probate Court, 11C1C~lClCtClClClClClClClClClClClClClClClClCi1 Warren County. Ohio , ' . i kepI shining hrightl,. BUl'1he beauty of lights like thue is • ta.n.le)' &. tanl e y, Attorneys ' !





A' F.riner's Liln Term4% Contract




L,balol Fir. Lo.


W. T.k, Or.ers For Rlbb,r

Germans First Liahted Christmas Tree' Here






12·1(1-(3t)- 12-24 - - -- - - NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT






Adm inistrator With the Will ~: Annexed" Elf! LU t e of A l " orne ll , 'De- ~

Ko U e is hereby !!. h·en t hat lvta.rvjn E. Youn g. whos e Post or· fi c Address Is Lebanon, Ohio, has been dul y appointed a.q Admlnls· trator with the Wll i an nexed of t he Estate 01 Al S. Corneil. late of W a IT n Cou nty. Ohio. deceased. Dated th is 21\th dfl.y or ·ovem· , ber. 1953. RALP H H . CAREY. Ju .lge









~ ill




~ ill ,~ ill






o~v~~~e~r~~a;~t:'o~;;o ,!

OroIVn & Young, I\ttorneys U -3-;- (3t)- 12·17

I ill

I ~;



Sea4M6 A",I."hIAA. '7' _ _~


Administrator ',;g,ace or 1-:117.1lb h r. Smith, IIN'l'as ed. ~ . ' oll!,,, I~ h .. "p!Jy $!Iven t b n t l':rnest E. look, who8'e 'Post or· ., riCI' .\ dd rr'Sfl if! \\"uyn l'lI l' lIIe, Ohio, hus be " dilly lIf1pnln t"d HS ·Au· ~ minl , trulor nf Ih e I~st.ate or P.ll z· nla eth C. Smith . Ill t e of Warren 'JI ('uunty. Oblo, rI ('''''Red : ~ Oatell thlll 2:;1h nay (If Novem ~



AMy , err Merry Christmas I

to You


ber. 1953. Jutll1;e

~~~r:T~a~~\~:~~' " Wa ITen ('onnt)'. Ohl"

Brown & You ng, Atlorneys 12-3-(3t)-12-17



IJ' ~

~~'iIl tK ~


ft« ~

•• •


Drug Store Phone 2121


Wayn es vill e, O.


~ •

i Ii ~


~ ~IIJtJtJtJtJtJljJtJtIllIllIllIllNtJtIllJtJtJtJtJt~

Income R.te

Ih4I Ihey don't tome down I"e ·week afler Christmas. Ollr neighbors depend so 'muth ~pon Ih,em''we ourselflei, tould, nol find 0111' way ,,!,ilhf?ul them~






Christmas Tree Incl"stry Is Big 8u,,;ness in U.S.

A Farm Diuy By 0, J. t:rruler ~_




The Cbrl 1m .. tree Indu.lry .. bill bpstnega In the United States -b~tter than $60.000,000 annll ~Jly . . l'hl' majorUy ot· our trees . uome from New Eng'aud, New York and Pennsylvahla, tbe ,/lorl" Mlddlcwc"t. and the Nortbwt\sl Pacific regions. In recent years. New Jeney has aOlluaUy mark'eled around 100.000 trees . . II10st or the treea for Ohrl"i' mall sales are out early In tbe fall and tbe trees are kept '"ten wltb plenty of water nnlll sblpped to dlstrlhullon cenlers. Some maSI producerll, how· ever, oul tree. early In Ihe new year, and treat tbem wltb preservaUv811 and oolorlo, solu· tiona for .loral'e In obllled warehOuRell . •

a t

(Oont.lnued from Last Week)

Tbe dolls In tbel~ best dresl!el!' perkaps freshly ,washed and Ironed, -wltb their hair neaUy brushed and all tbe otber toys like Teddy beara etc., brWlbed and olean. San t u Claus liked it very mucb but was quick to Bee wblcl1 toys had ~een taken care of and wblch }leglooted. SomeUmes a new dress for the old doll or a coat or cap fol' Panda seeID-ed to mean more than 80mll or the new things. Once In a wbile Polly and Dolly. tbe rag dolla, even got Bew taces and balr. It became a regular part of the Obrlstmae fun and waa keJ)t up even atle~ 'tbe seoret ot the game was weU Imow,D. Let us try to keep the season one ot jo), )l.nd giving not just getting or dlsappolntmen~ at not gettlIjg. We bope that mlsslng ~be Christmas partlell usually given moy only make tbe borne partiea better and there wlll be no cblldren wl~hout a joyous time. Make the most or this time at borne so • that It will be tbe bellt Cbrlstma, of aU. .

Keep.Trees Green U you bav!' the typo·of a tree· holder that permIts the tree trunk to rea' in water, you will find that a .mall amount of plant food dissolved in the water will aid Ih retaining the needles on tbe tree. and keep the needles green. It you uae a pebble or rO$k.ftlled pall to support. the tree, covar the ,. pebb~es or rock with a plant food solution. Use one teaspoonful of plant food, powdered form, to eacb 8alIon .of water In the container,. or use one plant foqd tablet ~ eacb 8 allon .

Dr. Clement Moore Most Beloved Caro' Is 'Silent Night' , Was Ashamed ·of The molt beIot'ed carol of the mlD7 that are IUD, In aU paN of His 'Famous Poem tIllI world II ''II1IIDt Nllht" thet Dr. Clement Clarke Moore Will ashamed of bit fAmous poeni, "Night Before Christmas" and · would not acknowled8e that he wrote It for f1'lore thon 20 y~ar8 . Today, the. poem ",hlcb beglns'7 Will Ih, tllgh' b.for, ChrbltnllJ, wh,tI IIU through ' Ihtl hom, Not II crtliliur. Will dim"., "0' ' tJlJen II mouse;-Is one of the most belove!! ot aD Christmas writings. Dr. Moore was an aloof prof~s. sor of Greek and Oriental litera· • ture In the Elplscopal Semlnory In · Ne~ York. He Yfrote the 'poem 'On Christmas Eve 1822 and reod It to his seven chlldren. He had not planned for the poem to go. further than bis own 1amUy, but a.' relative who wos visiting the Moores put a copy In her dillry. The next year the relative's fatber sent It 10 a newspaper. . Other newspapers ' printed lJ'!e Jingles and tbey quickly becerrje known all over the country. The dignified Dr Moore was embar· rassed .apd considered It beneatb o man of his scholastic standing . to be~ the author ot children'. IIngles. Twenty.two years later, how. ever. he finally publicly admitted outhorship of the jingles and It was publlshed In book form under 'his nome tor the first time,

GOOD JOB PRINTING Can .Be Obtained at ·the ' Gazette 1



Eyes Examined HOURI:

and teDder German .on,.

Ita orfIjD WU UDkDown for many.

II to 11:45 •• m. 1 to 15 p. m.

yean. Becilli naarcb, bowever, dlIclbnct that 1& wal written by Jo.ep Mobt. aJ1 ala1stant priest In Obe,u4oJf III ",uth Germany. The melocl7 wa. c!omposed by . e . .choolmllter. I'r'a~ Gruber The poet 8114 the composer were Pllrt of the chD1r that san8 the carol for the lint time on Christmas Eve In the Obemdort church In 1818. ~ The waht it WI. lun8 the small church's or,an wa. out ot order and the choir 18D~ to the accompaDlment of a pltar. Since then the carol haa been lung to the tune of almost' every mujlcal lnatrUment In the 'world and 'In the laDJu.,es, of nearl:y all men. .

Except WedneldllY P. M, Above Woolworth'. 6 and .,Oc Store

Telephone ANGELS







~ w

'Merry Christtnas

True Spirit

of Chi sti.. ,

Wapelville Locker Planl


i2 i







of Your Famltly •• :

Rem. nlti er- U e


ii ii To Every. Member



II:.. I&




---~ - ---"--::::::-l








I•• ~

mall _lion,

Dr. Carl E. Wilkin '

• , III the ()hUdren'e Alii 8oclet)' .Jones Center, aU _s oalm .. the can for rehearsal of. carols waa lOaDded. The UWe an,ela without wtnp took , their place., with one moppet black eye. He eouldD't J'ftIIt reaohln. ander bII c...oek to be .ure bII treall1ll'etl IUD and holater were


P1'Y HOUD"" ••• .& parade make. It a hap" boUc1a7 for ', • chlldrell. Every year Maoy'. of New York baa • "tanUo pre-Ollrbbna. patade, Here excited yoanptere watch the 18Y spec&aole. They are baVID, tbe Ume 01 their Uvea and tbe IIC'" wtD be repeated in ~andrea of towu ~hroul'hout the eoanlry this ChrJat.


A Day full of Happiness is oUr







••••""'.---"'''''''''''''''.''1IIIIIJ r·..•.....lClo(c............lCIClClI.......lCICICICc..........IClC....................,


II . II I il i .~ i


.' '.





i' I





_.' .. .,

* We',e not


We say it ourselves • • ..


Happy HoliCiay


.~ ,__ ",: -, ,:"

depending on Santo.


- aI~, . I~ i

* 'i~..'

!i .

sIt'n. brlshtly.

I i i t I I

I ~I I .. ..

'of a Happy Season


,. "I ~III


Ma)' the IISht

2-4~O I

-,~- ~- .. , .. ,-



Waynesville, Ohio

s. I -




Chrisfmos Todoy • is TaO Commercial, Many People Believe

Puritans Outlawed Yule as Frivolous

Today we hear many people ~ar thl)l . Christmas has been "com· merclalt~ed" and bas lost tts truo meaning .. ' Has It? . Is It wrong thll one time In thl) ycar to mak. the d~mlnate theme one of giving.. r8 ther than teoe.lvlng? Giving bas always Qeen a l'I}ajol' po 1'\ or the Christmas theme-the glvlnij 01 joy and liapplness to oth' eu whether it , be 8plrltulll or milterilil. ' it Is \.hle that economlclllly t:\0 other 8 holiday or teslive season contributes so much to lbe wei· fare of the world. The holiday hBs bardly pallsed Into the new year before thousanps are at wor~, on toys ,and ChrIstmas speclaUle~r the next year_ . GiVing will remain one ~f tht great joys of Christmas tar all time to come. Tbe Idell ' 'VIs sur· vlved through tbe centuries a.nd nothing will 'ever stop it. 'What. affer all. brings more Joy than seeing people ha~py: than watchIng clilldren ond loved onos open gifts and expr.ess their thanks in words8 11nd deeds? • It is. essentially. the Christmas storY..


AdministratOr .liatate of J8IIIe C. Lewla,' D


""vernmerlt of Ehg The Pu n-'tDn "V NoUce. 111 hereby """"n that John. Innd outlaw d Chrll~mas In 1643, •.. .,1 W1\h the restoration of the $luarUi 0 , Lewill llnd W. Walker Lewia. Chl'lRlmas CUStOlT\8 and traditions Jr., whoae POllt OUice .c\.ddl'eS8ea were revh.ed. but c;Jlrlstmas never are D&yton. Ohio, and Waynea· r.:l!nllll!d It$ former prestige in "lIle. Ohio. respectively, hav~ EIIl'l'Md been duly IlPPOlnt~ ns AdmtnJa' It \~ obFerved r~lIglol,lslY \l ~h,e traton or the Estate ot Jesale C. ehul'chcF ;lnd 88 II day.-$or famUy Lewis, late of Warrel.! 0 Ilnty, rClUl lons "{\~ so,)':.1 gbthcrlnlls. In Ohio. deceaaed. contrast 0 the laviRb fea ~ trl\g and !)ated this 14th dny ot Decem· bnl~terous merry·moltlng Qf ohlen Mr. 1958. . Hme ' lL\RLP H. CARlDY, . Merry.makinlJ Bod gtft.gfvt'!g Judge of the Probate Oourt. come In for their sha re. however. " Tarren CountYI OhIo .on Ol!een1be~ 26' whiCh Is Boxtn~ Smith, Schnacke & Compton. Day. The origin of 8qxtng Day Attorneys antedates fJhrtstmas ar a can bo 121'7 (St) 17 traced to the of glri·glvlng - _ . (turing the Roman fesUval ofS3tur.. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT nolia. ' " Admlnlltrator In Christlan Uturgy December 26 .... lit observed as the fea~t of SI. ,El;ltate 01 OrllUldo O. Johnaon. Stephen. the Orst ~hrlstlan martyr. Deceased. abd during the centuries when Notice la hereby given that AI. journeymen llen,d ap,prentlces were bert B " Stubbs. lvhose Poat Ottlee In the ' bablt of levying upon thell' Addrella la WB)'11(l8vUJe, OhIo. bas masters' customers, "Christmas been duly appointed all Ad~lnI8. Boxes" \Vere collected on _ St. trator ot the Estate of Orlando C. Stephen's day Johneon, late ot Warren ¢ounty. , .. Ohio, decelUled. , _ _ _ _ _--:_""-..;.;..,;"":':--_. paled ~htB 11th day qf Decem· . ber. 1953. , RALP,H H. CAREY. Judge ot the Probate Oourt, " , 'Warren Oounty, OhIo C. Donald DIJatuab, Attorney 12·17-(St)..:-1·7 This year mUllons Amer. leans bave received a letter from their local chapter of the National Tuber,culosls association contain. Ing Chtlstmas sellla. the seasonal reminder of the nevec.endln, IIgbt to stamp ou~ the disease. The Idea was co celved by ' a Danl ~h posta l clerk. He thought ""o{)! the Idea In 190'3 wWle mailing Ch ristmas packallllS and .Iellers The clerk was Einar flol)Joell. He menOoned It to his feUow \Vork· ers and they dcclded It would be a f reat help Ip defl'aylpg the cost of fl~htln g tuberculosis The Ideo rcach~ King Chrlshin. who ap· proved. and the Image or Queen Loulfie was pa, ~d on the llrat sea ls In 1904 Jacob Rils. Danish·born Arner· Ican, heard about the Idea and sold It to tbe American public in 1907 throllgb a magazine article. A Red CrolS workel\ MISI EmUy Bislell. started the firS! American sales that year. '

Yule Sea/Idea Was From Denmark ot

MRS, SAN ..." ... She 18 love· Iy This Is Miami Beach'. ver· slon or ~lrs. Sanla dol{t. he, chimney cllmbln, ID lhe ",urn floalhlan!1.





or .


bend low with good things

a ' Joyou~

Noel 01ris is rhe sJ'irii to WlllCh, ulltu'ries l'af~r. we Of!!»' our hearts anJ miltJs I as we ;/af!l.ez' in Olll'~/aces of wors/II? 01' iltfam0;!Jroups for the e,l'cha l3..'lc p/'~:icnfs, ill celcbration of ihc'.lVaCivitLfr..






3 l\lIriam o\lva'ell aDd Sally Loescb. employees of the New t'odl Telepbone Company, are surrounded, by the dolla the worke,. .u. lrlbu$ed last year to 95 or New York'l charitable IJIIUhlU01III. Ii . . . _

of tile I&raa& COUecUOIlll bI UIe amnaal dalr'• • rear ~.

Plel .. nt a. II II to dream 01 r " WhIte Cl)rlatmsl" with Itl clrell, and glfte. teastln, Ind merry· meklnll. the lparlcllna eyes ot chn· ~ren dell hllnll In Santa Claul\ anc! the WUllder~ul ChristmaS treu; thcae thlng8 nevj!lt can ,ymPoll~e the tremendous ,lgnlllcR.nce ot the


• !l'he blr~h ot the Savluur "{U the groatest evellt In the hl.tory ot thl.' wQrld. In aplte of a.n the back· aUdlnlls, Christian, peoples ha n pressed forward' IItea~i1Y , However vicloU8 anli COl\rup\ the world 1~ay I. ,ar better tban the world of pagan time.; fa· mlllarity \vltb the crosl al)d cruel, I\xlon h1)s abolished legal ~rture.s and much oruelty-and, It liven chance, might Ihame us' 'Into banIshlni the curse of intern~t!0na1 . J!c!ouanel., IIlr the lake of Him wbo ' became the Savlollr of Man· Itlnn. '

l'io. 1 ORANDCHlLD.BPI , .•

Oraadobll4reD .......... m.. uIIower 1M a look a' CIIrtstma. doUa. TIIe7 are lIeft Ie rt ...., SuIaa. alr.blra A••e, lad oqh& D.",. 'l'be pblldreD CJarIItaau WlU. UIelr rrlUldpareDIa at .. lIornlllpllli DrI.. , N_ York. •

ape.' ...,


May We OUf

Best Wishes?

bough of your tree



S~blc~be to. The



. _ _ .._


Slitli of tlte ScrYior Was Greatest Event In World's History

Ooor Decorations In the lalt few years It bal "" come moh ''BOd more popular to decorate door. al\d doorways with ben. and tree ornament. Inste'a d of the conventional wreatlL Your door alld window .frames can be made bright and cbee ful by ,framlllI them with ~Ibbon ~lIId Iprl., of hony You can hanll 'the ribbon In fe.~oqooa acrOl1l the curIalnl and tie It ·the, sides In wide sa.h bpWI fOr coll)rful e\T~ct,

May the

L--_ __ _ _

That Reindeer ,Is

t.eoIItor Estate Blanche W. CI Dei:}&aae4. 'nil' Rlndeer t.t becomln. \In otlce III "-reby !J''''' - W"nvlok, ..... Alnll'lcan tradition: .T(lduthall Wood POBt- Office adilreea la Xenia, Qnce UPOP II time ,there wall • has been dUly appol/lted alii reindeer with a buJIt·ln ftashll ght utor of the Eatate of Blancbe ' bulb for • nOle. You , know. Ru· Knight, late of :Wllrren Cou .ty. dolpl\; tile red-no.eel relnlleel". 0\,10, doo8lUjei1. From I Imall begl))nlnl In 19S5. ~Ilted, ,ble 1at day ()t Decem er. the little anlmll wltb tbe bullt·ln 1968. beacon ba. become as familial' as RAJ.PB H. OARE , Humpty.Dumpty and Cinderella to Jud.. ot the Probate C9U ~t. youngstera everywhere. . "{arren OOUJlty, 0 10 FIrst Inveoted as )l sales give· Drown .t; YODtI~. Attorneye away promotion for Montgomery 1l·1()-(.at)-12·24 ; Ward by Robert. L. May: Rudolpb wae featured in many free boo~lets NOTICE Of bef,ore be became associated with Ch'rlsth:las. Songwriter JOhnny Execlltor Marks ,lked the title "~udolph. E 'bt f Irm L Stu ceaa~l a 0 ". ~P. the Red NoSed ReInd\ler," 80 he NotlCl8 la hereby ~ven t,b a l Wrote D long about It. he WI\S ' so sure he had a !lucQe" that he starl· lu)va T. Slum», whose Post Addreas ltiit R. No.2, _.,-'I,a8_ ed hIs own, Publishing . company.. vme. Oblo, haa been .IsIng , "Rudolph" as his ftrst reo pointed aa E: ecutrilC ot ease. Gene Autry made tbe Initio I or lrma L. Stump, late of r,!cordinli. and that one record County. Ohio deceased. • old 2.000,00Q.. copies. r . Dated thlB 34 day cif Depemlber, Last year. there were 16 differ· :Ul53. tnt recorcijngl of the song for sale. ~H H. CARE11l', (anglng • from boogle· by Judge ot the Prollate CO,!lrt, S ~ gar Chile Robinson to Bin, ero.· Warren Cciunty Ohio by. and. cowbOy sln"r8. Mapile &; UftP'lDAttorn8'18' ' ~ Y' 12.1l)-(St):-J.l.2t


We hope Old Sal1!iI bils jour- hOtlSe 'Wii!, ,II ftJl,l 'load 0,1 c~ t'~1·.



, Rotary 49lh Nell

To . Observe





Tbe VIlIage CouneU and Board of J;>ubUa AUalrs were eaJled Into Ou' Tuesday. February ~3. no- BpOclal joInt BeBsionon Mon!14y evening bY Mayor H. M. Sherwood, lnternn.tlonal will c,elellrnte The reason tor 'the meetlng Wb.s to conitlder the latest developments' .. ' . Its 'lpt!L anmverslU'y, ,paving b e~n eollcern:lng the sewage dI sposal plant. ABOUT, FOLKS yOU foun!1e\l i n ;(Jblca~o on 'February . A letter ,,~a8 rend from the Water Pollution Control 'Board of the ." 28 ...190 6 h by Paul P. HWrll!. a Ohio Della~enb of Health. no~l(ylug tile Village that our p\1rmlt to KNOW yo~ ng 0 lcago , ll1\'{'1or. ,. empty sewqge into t.IJe L\ttle MI. c<' FKom Chicago. Rotary Boon Aulo LIcenses To Go ami .River l1as been e'lttended to SUNDAY GUESTS IN T~ENTON spread to other cities. The sec· I ' ' .1uly 16, 1964. The lelter stated' Mrs. GJ!ac(l L. Smith with ' Mr. °S114 ~~I ~1\1~aUwfasl fOlu!l~ed Ind On Sale Here Mar I ·that a fte r t he expiration date. re·· and Mrs. Ed. Woolard and Mr. an ~. • anc sc......, .• n VI' . no. , . lIewal of the petron Is contll!-gent . Harry , Woolard were SOl\day Auto licenses w11l be on sale In upon the following , aondltlon" the • Organlzat~op: of other Clubs guests of Mr. ani! Mrs. Howard , t.olJowed rapl , IY. ~n 1910. there Waynesville lit B &. R Cleaners "Oomplete the exeoutlon of a ri. Carey of Trenton. '. . , . ere 1~ ClUDS and tbe National .stnrtlng Monday, March 1. The nanclng J»)logram to provIde neq. ~o~:~~a~lon of Rotary Clubs WIlS hours wtll be from 9 u. m . .to 9 essory funds ror construCtIon nnd VISITOFJ8 FROM' PAVTON " o 0 tob ' 16 1963 t.b p. m. operation ot proposed sewerage· MillS Martha Deatherage and . ere were All motrists deshing last year's and sewage .treatment works In , n c er. Mtaa Black incr. Mr, and Mrs, }{ar· 7.917 Rotary Cll!bs In 88 countries numbers should make t heir wishes accordance with plsns approved old Rouse of DaYton. were Sunand geographical region\!. with a known no later than the last week November 13 1962" .• daT guests prM r. and ¥rs. 'R. H. member8bll1 !If more than 376,000 Uhlm. a d' A 'f bU81ness and professional ' execu. hi February. ~ n 880C ates, Consult. Hartsock. tives Ce,.tm 'ate df Title and· Regis· Ing Engineel'S, of Columbus. who ----., , . tratlo'n Cards are uece.ssI\.TY to ob· drew up the plans In 1962. were ATTEND 'BLANCHESTER OES On . that date. tbere were 4.864 taln auto tags tbls year. • represented by H E B b Mrs, Cecu ,.. ~a~er, Mrs, . Lu· Rotary Clubs located In the Un The person. In whose name the Mr. Bonham was ~f the ci~ln~:~ cUle Armltage. Mrs. .Davld Bart· ted states. tlUe Is Issued. must sign t he ap· that apprO'Ximately $60,000 would sock, Mrs, Rcbert Smith and Mrs. plication. be the amount needed to build the E. F. Earuhart" attended the ·Ea8t· plant Local Marine In ern Sf:!1r qfflceJs unchel,ln I,lt Bla~. Also present was Earl Schn.efer, cheater qn Sunday. . Local Nurse Passes agent for Nelson, Browning and Far Easl Air Company of Olnclnnatl This firm SUFFERS F~ L AT HOME ' AFTER WAVNESVILLE. DEFEATED MORROW 8ATURD~y' NIGHT-Shown handled the selling of the Bonds Mrs. Jennie Davis fell at lter O'B~1I.Ion, Frye, B. ,Miller, Hatton, Wayne.vlll, playerl; unidentified Wsyneivll ie memo SANTA ANA, CALIF'. (FRTNO) Siale Board Tesls that the Vl11age issQed In 1961 to - Marine Prc. Jerry Copall. son of ' ber; Morrow play'er; J. Milierl WayneBvllle; two_ Morrow playera. home on rFiday and suffered a complete the sewer system. At Mr. anll Mrs. John W . COPllS. of badly fiactured. sboulder. S'b e . Middletown Jo~ Photo that tilDe an agreem'ent was en· Waynesville. 'has been transferred wOJi r~move'd to the home 'of her, tered In t'~ by the Village ·thllt any from the EI Toro Marine Corps future bond IS8ue for the sewage Davis, whClre' AIr Station here to t he 1Bt Marine plaut would be negotiated with Alrcrnft Wing 1'n the Far East. t he same firm. Mr. Schaeffer In· The Wing has written one ot Mrs. Homer Ramby and grand. formed us that the rate of Interthe most brilliant chaptera In est would be 4 ~ %. which Is someMarine aviation hIstory. bitting son ~b7 Lee Yunke~ of Lan' CarUs~e and Waynesville marked up opening round victories last what . hlgber than the S'Aa % of tpe Communists with thousand8 tana. Flcrtda. wel'e called !Lere 'l'huTSday night 'In t he Warren. County Class B bljllketball tournament 1951. He also estimated that In of tons of bombs. napalm and during . the 'put wee" on account which Is beIng he~d . ~~IB year In t~e JiTanklln HIgh $eho'ol gym. order to provide the necessary rockets. ot the eerlou!! Illness and death ' John Eckhart's baske~ wtth_15 seconds to. play gave Oal'lIale Ii revenue to fi nance this 1)ond issue The effort during the Korean gf the latters lather In Lebanon. 59·67 win oyer Klngs Mills. whlc'" led all tbe .way 'u ntil three minutes and continue our present obllga· cO)lnict oonsiderably exceeded the -,'''''''.'~ ---.-:were left In the game. " tlons. onr present service charge COr1ls' effort In ww n. Units of Jim Miller plied up a new -o---~-,.---.,.....---HOME FROM O.ERMANV would need to be doubled. Row· thq Wing have been aWl,lrded many Mr. Don Rye .a rrtved home on W.yne.vllie achool record and PTA To Meel YuaB ever. he also pointed out that our honors. Including the Presidential 1'r1day nlght after sel,'Yll1!•• the probably Bet a 'tournament BCOrrates wonld stl1l . be below other Unit CItation and the Army's past two _ nars in the " mqItary If\g mark wIth S4 poln!l .. the Aldiloriilm . villages of oomparable size and DistingulBhed , Unlt Clta~fon. " servioe at Manheim, GeI'lllaDl', Mr. 1IpaH.a~s rolleit over ,Harvey.. cli'cumstnnces. Rye recelv9d his honrable dIa- burg 12-68, In -the _nd .lame Oltlzens of the VUlage who are cbarge before leavl". the .co.t of til. ave"'"" , Inter~sted . are urged to oonlact aDd fa 1l0W' at the ho,ne of his Catllal., lieany of the VllIage. officlllls In the 1JU'ISlu, Jilr. a1li1 MrI. If. near ~ a atat,tl thel~ views. . It Is , evident that definite action DAUClHT R , J. JO~DAN' Wdln'::lI: ~ ___ ~'_____ :"'_ 5 COmmunity obBenance of tbe . • . Is NoW ~egl8tered !'Iurae must be taken aoo~, and everyone ,Kr. an4 Kn. Jam", ,To~ID, . Jr., 1l'Iel~er '. ____ ", _______ L !innual Worl~ Day pf Prayer will Is entitled to know ,wbat Is being r~elv6d a 10ve11 VaJenttDe 9D SOW1elder ~~ _________ 8 be .held lri Waynesville at the Miss Donna Barton, a graduate dO)le. &lnd&T Y~ . , six pound, .thlr- Entenrlllnn ___________ 2 FrIends dhurch on . Friday. Mar,c b nurse at 'MIam.I Valley hospital. teen o1ll1~ bati, bqhter allw&l B~~hel;' __'..________ 0, The fUm "The Rebabllltation (IIf 6 at two p. m. with the Eplsco" Dayton, recently received word bol'Il to the Mlaml V .., the Deat" will be shown on Tuel!· ~pllU"8il111, Methodists and FrIends from . the Ohio Sta~e Nurses Board arm areau omen 'totalB ____________Zl 17' 59 hospital, Mft. Harriett TInney day, MarCh tb.e 22nd at the rel~' cooperating In the serilce. at Columbus. that she had passed r L . and 1IIr. and -Mnj. Jam.. J?rdan l,Il8r meeting . of the ' Waynesvme E veryone " Is Invited to attend the State Board tests. enabling 0 ee reuruary KII\ilB MIIII, &7-. • O• P.·T. A. Everyone Ia ~y1ted and and partlclpa,te In tlie worship her to now practice as a Regis· • '. ,the. p~ pa~reDts. Robl~on __________ :..__ 1 The Fatro Bureau Womens' you wUl want to learn bow to llv'e whlch .jll a :world' wld~ seJ;VIce .h eld tered, Nurse. . VIIIT IN WILLlAM8BtJRO Schutter -------~"'- 7 Miss Bnrton 18 a graduate of Committee ot Warren Connty will and around th& d.." and y6u In more than 19.000 ' commllJlltlB'l lIT. and MI'I, George Watetlo Meeks -----:.-~------- 1 In t turn wtll learn that deafness In the United States In 1968 and Waynesville High School. class of hold Its tlrst meeting slncll the eleotlon of oUlcers at the homa hCUle were III \VI1l1am8burl Oil Wilton ------------.-- 7 In 118 dlUerent countries: ~950. and a graduate ' of the Miami saturday and called C)n the ~ K!tt g ----------------!. Valley 1J.ospltal ,School of NUrs· of Mr. and Mrs. CharleB Guard, of Mr. Charlel LaUerscn. who h~ Testerman ~------:-- 1 Ing. olllss of 1963. She is the Jr .• State Route 48. north of Leb--------.-:"'.~-' .0, paaee4 :away CD Thurida, .at the Shr~nk daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold anon on February 24. ' Following routine matters, Mrs. A. L . Schu· Jewtah bOlpltal .for In ClIl!)tu,naU. i_____ 22 i 8 Barton of ~enbrook Road. JNneral ae,ncee l4etrer'l'cta1a ____I __ ~ __ hart, the new chalrm.a n. ~ho is plannlng an acUve year for tbe toa w~ held then OIl lIondaT. Carlisle. Q,larte~ ________ ICor.. : 12· 2Ij farm womens' co~lttee. wilt in · Happ, :'Holr Kings MUls __ .. _...1& 11 troduce Dr. A. D. Haney. Warren . Wilmington- ~olleg:e basketball fans. who have 'Watched an ever· County Healt h Commissioner. who • WaynlllV II', 71Q HONOR_D ON BIRTHDAV Improving Quake~ sQuad drlft . t~rough a mediocre 8"I\SOn, are whooP-: Meels T.esda, BarteOc)t I , I will addresB the group outlining Mr. ad Mr;" , Davld ~, ' ,,,,,_ J. Miller __ _: ______1 ___1' Ing It up big these . daYIl for A,Ul:Ohlo 'honors for tMlr favorite per; The Happy Bour Olub met on his health ProgrlUll. . (ormer. Captain Dan ~lm son. thEI polnbnaldng "WIzard ,who Wiflll from elltMtained 'oli ' Saturda,. even .... , Pte ' i • Tuesday afiernoOn at the home The oommlttee Is looking tor· W,aynellvllle. ' toDoWing ~ the blne, ' honr~ ,t he ~!'k~ . - birthday annlvenarJ cf r. Hart. B. Mlll(lr ___.1 _ _ _.1-__ 1 With the schedule twQ ! h1rds lOt the way through. Simpson. a gang. of Mrs. Rhodee Bunnell. Eighteen ward' to 100% attendance. IOC~ The evenIDs w.. spen~ ~~ O'Banion ____________ ling 6·4 senior. haa ",lIlr_ed tbe nets for a remarkable 28.6 average to members and one guest. Mrs. Ada Furnas. were present. plaJiq carda, i'&DI1 a Barton ______________ 8 rank hIm In the top half dozea smalr cQllege scorers In. too nation. Following the openlng., and bus· Girl S e n l Troop alCJWI lunob IwU lie" . M' d Hattou ___ ~----,,--- 1 are .f.llln" .a the F~II of' team aplrlt .nd the RecoFda Iness sessIon . Mrs. Atha Fumas hoetaeL 'I'Ile g1Ie~ w.ere ~ r. and Ftye __ .,;.._------ -- 1 Werre,n County prodUct puahe.,· will to play Juat for the a.l<e of and Mrs. Sara ~ra~dock were In Fe_... 111'1. KeDDe~ Bra41..,. -r. an more .nd ,,!ore valuable 'polntl' playing, the :h.rdwo,r klng ~P' cbarge of the progriun and' a talk 11'1'1. Byrd Lactr.C\1, ":111'. aIld 111'1. Tctals . 28 . 16 '· 'lZ Girt Scout Troop 168 met on throullh tHe hoop. Wilm'II\il" taln a.l"a plaudlta for hla wll· on "Cookies Around . tbe World" David ~t.nltton, " Mr, iaiul ' ·Kra. ------'------, ton', 104-95 overtime 'daClaillnl IIn"ne~ to play on the amateur by J06ephlne Perry, was given Wednesday. Feb. 10 with the . PefTJ: Sacll~tt, ¥r. and l1l'i. ,1DIt,11 Uarv.yibul'1lt 51O. ' F. over Mountain State r thla .... bula, wIth no achol.rahlp . aids and a 'number of rec l~B were meeting started by Bett,.. MIJI"r ConDer, IIr. ael Mra. Charlea CoD' Hongh ------ - - -.- . % 6 serving refreshments. After that. aon, the Quaker phenom , zipped ' for tuition, room or board. Fo'r read and commented on. .,.. and .M'r. and Mrs. RICh~~ Beckett , -~- -----~-- a 2 the troop talked about the Valen· four leliOna, he h.. commllted . in 46 polnta to e~blll" a .chool Sheehan. ' ' , !,. Malters ------~--6 4 The . C lub adjourned to meet In '" • 'I<, ,. Barton _____ _________ 6 8 record i\nd,' bet1llr tiy ' two, - hl., fro~ WaYnesville where he now Mar ch at the home o( Mrs. Ralph tine Party whJch ' was held 1~8t for,mer m.rk .et In , 1HNSI Ilv.. with. hla wife, Q.rlotta, but Shaffer andr during tbe socIal w\1e,k. ' 'I;he troqP Is now workhlg '.. . li':"~ '1', ~..tei-a -~--------:..- I " a".lnlt Can.t re, of Ke"ticky. who In hla high school daya hour. a delicious dessert course on the drawIng and' paInting ~~ " 'GtftgeHc'h 'i--:-~--.. --...,'\C> badge. and all went outside to After ' praatlcally , rewrttlDg tble ·"·e lped the hometown team nail \\'all served. .. , , ;rQnes ___ ..--_"' __ ~--- 1 paln~ and draw. The troop hopes boOD at the ~own tlte . county cage cham· Individual reool;'d . Welch --------...-----~ to bave that badge flnlBhIng soon. Quaker coUege. 'Slmp,lon , 1a c,f- plo"ahlp four yelirl In a rowThe meeting was then clo8E!d. tain to retlre with the hea1th181st a record that ltill ltandl. Church Jariet McMnlan, News Reporter l~cllvidual average Ii1 the aohool'a A 'broken collarbone, lIuffered Church lollS history. Dunk1n~ Dan h. tJIl&88EId at the outSet of ·last season 1"is8 pqlnts . ln 64 gam.. to 0r01ll'd 'Slmpson on the shelt for six games The sermons trom the hoOk' of Mason Man Buys , . , tlle ltleijme mark .qf 1;118 eet lID and appears to be the misfortune 86 ' games (lt47-61) by wldellt whJcIL wl11 prevent blm ttom su~ Revelation are being entbuslastlc· GuemHY Sire praIsed W~t Hobble. D01J .cO&Clh passl.n g Hob'.ble's lifetime !'ecord. ally recelve~ by the congregation Russell Dill. Mason. hRlI just ~~ Good . Hope, In Fayett, Gount;y. Yet he can do It. with six toes reo and . the Interest and attendance IS purchased tHe young Gueruley To. eollpse ' Hobble's .mar_. Simp- !paining and past performl\nces of Increasing In a normal and healthy sire. Rodon's Bngle Boy, from ,llOn' son will Ii"ve to m'l-intalD .au, al-4!f" 46 and 89 against Molntaln Statel way. We ~ad 1)8 for ,Bible School 01\1" Bont~er, Germantown. . ot 30 points, l!l ' hili ~I.z ~eagalnat Capital. 3'2 agi\lnst last Lord s , day and about thn This YQUDg bu.ll Is out of the oonteste.; no. lilian ,~c, Centre and 31 against Wltten~erg. same number tor the 1I!ornlng cow,~ Windy Heights Lucille. and " ~h& sermon fs sired b,. Curtiss Cand,. Lenty Cj)mpllslUnent when one' coU,dell'll Only twiCe haa he been below the worship .servlce. the t~c and thre.... ~. 2().polnt mark, company he konws next Lord s day moryllng wfl1 be dhum. ' 1M cOaches send aplnJit Coach JortNl well Or In 19~2.5S he entl~ed. The Little Book" and wUl Raisi'i pr1le c:aaer: I • and In 1961.62 averaged be l1~sed upon Rev. 10. We now MOl'HERS STUDY GROUP bave a farge Youth Oholr which BAKE ' SALE SAT., FEB. 27 ' lRalsk. ' ~ho. , bas , piloted t1fe Quu:ers for thtee s84Oo, .....'Mln Bene!! both mo~lng and evenlng mrn ' oli blO8llom cyer tuMthl' ~ an~ helps In a wonde$l way to TbE!' Mothel'll .'StUdy' Group win lIS and calli Dan tlu Itlmulate attendance. .Last Sun· bold their Food and Bake Sale ' day evening. W'e had an, atteJld· Saturday. February 27 between :;:n'oompet1to,r , Be'l ',.., ·Plt.7ed ance of between 65 and 70 and a 10 L m. and 1 p. m. at the FaIrley ;:!z.~e ~r of • Is WUmlnctoll's Be'fO Francia and 'gOod lively service. Next Suna.,-, Hardware Storeroom. ' t aIaot· aDd a player any coa'* would have evenln« the sermon aubjeot wtU , . wljt1lD., I U from ant been proud to call "his." be, The Parable of tbe ~lne7ard 1'HA BA'KE 8ALE trom Matt. 21-1S-48. This ' wUl ~ , ,. . •"A"A____ the ' Mcond In a urt.. of Sunday , The I'RA! wt11 have thetr month· evenlDc sel'lDOU on the Jut "feek IT Bake Sal,! Saturda7. lI'ebrubU . . . . . a of-' Chrllt's pubUo mlnIeti7. Oar lIlT 10 at 10:10 .. m. at Wampler QulIa' OIl •••" 'file C. Lee Hawke Barber Bll.op We4aeaday enalDc aen1cea were a4 . ~L W ~...- . . . wID . . eIDMc1 tor ~ from ..u attaelea 1.ut wean... ----...-....- ~ l'ebn&lT, II to JIarOh 10. ', aN 4IaouaIblI ~ 1M' &AZETTE· . . . . . . . . . . ell t:--t.11-18· III cm1~ til. 1Ioob 01 tile BlIII. . . ~~~-THE ~ ... _ ; ......... ., De at th... IIlIdwee1I: -scee. ~ in .~"I:I








} II .In fir" ·Two Un" ereafe Games Of ", Counfy ,Fourllame",

S ·


s~e pal!fan~'

1:...,.. __ '






.:rr, :.u.

-========= 0' °



...... II.... .. 1MiI'."LIII

of Chrlsl







. ,-


1&3 10



TH E M lA.1 GAZETTE Eatllllilahed February, " 8M PAUL A. SCHERER ___ ___________ __ _________ Edltor alld Publlaher CECI LIA J. SCH EReR __ ._.. __________~ ______________ A..oclate Editor ~_ ~

Publis hed Even. Tl\ursday Morning at' WaynesvUle, Warren COlHlty, ,~hlo. Bu tered as s econd 01a8s malter at tbe p08toftice at Waynesville, Ohio, und e r t be act ot March 3, 1878.




Corres pondent MISS JANE FITE

LYTLE METHODI8T CHURCH B. E. Baughn, Putor Mr. Unm.d ServIce, 9: 4.6 a. .m.

ChUrob School, 9:80 a. m., l.I:I.el·l)er'[> McMiIl6J1, Su»t: Worship Service, 10:8() a. m " ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Youtb Yellowsslp Sunday 7 :80 The Rev. Samuel N. Keys, Redor p. Ill. Snnday : Cbolr PracUce Thursday 8.00. Holy Commuu~on, 7; 80 a. m. Chl1lch SchOO), 10: 16' a. m. Adult Worship, 10:415 L m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST B)'l'on Carver, ?dlat.ter Blbll.\ School, 9:80 ~ m. UTICA E.U.B. CHI)RCH Mornln" Worship, 10:90 a. m. WUllam Ohannon, ~DJa~. l'rayer M~tlog, 7: 00 P. m. . S~n~ay School 9 :110 1\ . m.. Mr. . Young People's Meetlng. 7:00, Bar,eY ,1'homas, Supt. J!}venlng Services, 7:30 p. m. Preachlllg, every otb~ auncla1, . 11:46 a. m. Even.lng., Service, first Bunday In OF month. '

Subscription R ates- In Ohio, $2. Per Year 10 advance ; $2.60 elsewhere



J. W. Wedgewood, M'lol.ter

NOTICE I Sealed bids will be received by tb.e Board of Public Affairs ot the' Vlllage ot Waynes ville, Warren Couuty, Ohio, at the office ot the Mayor or said Village on Tuesday, Februn "y 23, 19501 at 7 :00 P. ?d., for. 2,000 fl., more or les8 of the follo~g specJried pipe: Asbes tos.cement pipe fIIrDished

Funeral services for Mr8. Eve· Iyn Shldaker, 69, were conduct ed WednesdllY after noon from the Reynolds ;Funera l h ome, WlIming·' ton. Bllrla l was in .Mlaml cem· e tery. M rs ~ Shldnker, a tormer Price Roberta, Mtnillter resident of this community before under specifications shall Bible Sohoo) a~ 9:30 a. m. , moving to Wilmington, died Sun· be Class 150 and made In strict Momms Worship, 10~1I0 a. m. day at Cli nton Memorial hos pital, llccorda nce' with the manufactur· Eveulns Worship, 7:80 p. m. atter a long l\lness. , She Is sur· er's publlsh jld Sizes, dimensions Mtd'l'eek Services, 7: 30 p. m. vived by her hti~band, Harry, one and toleran ces. One . asbestos· daughter , Ml's. Ma rjorie McCar· cement coupling, including two l hy, imd several grandchUdren. r ubber rings, shall be furnished AUGUSTINE CHURCH r.~ r. a nd ·Mrs. David Clark and with each length ot pipe. Rev. John Bernlog" Putor Eacll length o't pipe and eaoh family moved last. week from the Malsea 8.00 all .... 11):00 a. m. Mc arren property on Malo street coupling s leeve s ball be factory Into a house on the Donald Coa te tested a l , a hydrostatic pressure . far m In Clinton county. of 600 pounds per s quare Inch. Mr. and Mrs. John E . Welsh at- Each standa rd length of pipe In tended funer al s ervices Saturday si zes 4. 6 a nd 8 Inches shall be T . 1I.f. 'Scaft, Mtnillter in Franldln, for his sis ler, Mrs. tested In fiexure and r es peoUve Sund"y Sch.Ool, 9:1\0 a. m., E. Clara Bu rroughs , wbo died at Mid· loads of 1,200. 2. Oil and 6,800 Earnhart, Supt. WorshIp ServIce, ,10 : 30. a, m. dletow n bospltal T hursday. Mrs. poun ds, divided 8'lUa lly and ai>EvenIng Servtce, 7.80 p. m. Uurroug bs was a lifeti me resident plied at tbe 1-3 pOints of a 12· ot' Springboro . foot span. Certi[\cation of thos e Mr. a nd Mrs. J ohn Syfer d and manufaaturer's t eslS shal be furWAYNESVILLE FRIENDS !lon Kenny. of Dny ton. weI' gues ts nish ed to t be Engineer and pu runday of bel' pa rents. Mr. a nd cbaser by the sup plier . Each . First Day School, 9 :80 a. m. Meeting tor Worsbtp, 10:30 a.m; length of pi pe sbal\ be marked · Mrt! .. H. S. T u l' er. Fr d Sherwood wllo Is a patient wl tb the s ize and class. na me, pro· In ;t Columbus hosp'lal, Is re port· ducllon da te and h ydrostat ic test ed to be s lowly Im proving. , press ure. a nd Include nder wl'ltM 1'8 . 101l ise Fit and !laughter, ers ,Lahoratory label ot approva l. J une. were ·gues ts Sun day of Mrs. Said pipe t o be sbi ppe d within 30 ~ Ida Hend r icks. who Is a pa tient days of )vritten order. At Probusco Nursing Home, \\ 11· T be manuacturer /lba11 furnish . ml ngton . at no charge. the sel'v lces of an The Land Bank Way Mr. a nd Mrs. Arthur P hllabaum Install a tion lnstru tor, ex p er· DURING WAYNESVILLE·MORROW ·GAME SATURDAY ,\lIGHT - Bob Pete,.. .(77) of the of K etetrlng, were guests Sund!l-y lenced in wat er work s practices, Will Relieve "Pinch" Waynesville Spartans; Morrow pla)!er with 1:r.III, -Photo Courteey f4lddletown Journal of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs . Am· nnd em ployed DS sucb by tbe manO. F. P brose Moore. . ufacturer on a full ti me basis. for (Continued from Page One ) Milson, 68G, I~, P I Waynesville, 470\ 22 J. MUler ____________ __ 6 0 10 The WS C of t ile Methodist s uch period of tlqle d eemed nee· FRIDAY NIGHT _ AlUson _____________ _ 9 2 16 ' Peters ________________ 3 8 9 Warren county champion Mol'- Kamm ______________ 7 hUI'C1l met Thurs day aHernoon, !!ssary to satlstactorlly interpret In the bome of Mrs. Laura Shid- the Instructions contained In tbe row b'arely edged out Mason 60.58 Middleton ______ ______ 8 ,0 6 B. Mlller ____ ________ - 5 0 10 ,: For Information 2 12 Barton . ___ .., ____ !.. _ _ ___ 6 0\ 16 nker with Mrs. Leroy Ellis as co- .manufactur er·s Ins talla tion guide. Friday night In the county tau rna- Simpson ____________ _ 5 WRITE - CALL - SEE ___________ 1 0 2 -Each bid s bal1 contain a s lat.e- . ment. Erbeck ., __ L___ _______ 2 ' '5- 9 O'Banlon hostess. 1 1 Miss Janet Dost er, s tudent nurse ment of the maximum number ot, Springboro defeated Carlisle to McOlung _:... _________ _ O· 7 -47 a t Cb.rlst H osQltal, Cincinnati, random and s llort length Uiat will t be tune of 58-53' In the other Leeds ----. --_- ----- - 1 o 2 s pent the week end h ere with her be furni shed as a p'a rt of the total F riday night game. -Quarter s cores : Totels _________ ____ 27 ll4. 68 Morrow _____l,'2 l{t 12 3-46 Tlarent a, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doa· footage at no add1t1onal coat to l,ebanon, Ohio ~orrow, 60.; Muon, 5a.te r a nd dau gh ter, Barl1ara. . t he purchaser. . ' HarVeYSbU~ O. F. P. Waynes\1Ue. - 9 13 14 IJ47 ELLI8 H, STURM, . Th e Mens Club held their FebQuarter scores: 43 58 Beckett .--- .,.--- - - - - - 6 \ 1 I,. ...................,., ••••••• , ...... ru a ~y meetin;g Wed nesda.y e ve- To be used only when manu- Mason __ __ ___ ____18 82 46 60 Masters __.:___~ .: ____ 11 1 23 nlng, In tbe hlgb scbool building. l ac1urer blds direct to customer Morrow __________1'1 32 Barton ___ ___________ 8 3 9 Hosts wer e Frank Swa rtzel, Ra lph on m at erJals. . , Jones _____ _________ 8 3 19 Springboro, 58; Carlisle, 63Urand s trator and Ea rl Earnhart. MARY ST ANSBERR Y. Clerk Hlidebrec'ht __________ i 0 2 Quarter scores : Th e principal speaker was Lewis Board of Public Affa irs Springboro . _______] 7 30 43 68 Totals __________ ____ 28 Brown. pastor of t he F rie nd s Vill age of Wnyneav lll e, Carlis le ____ ______12 28 39 39 8 64 hurch he re. War ren Coun ty , Ohio. Quarter s cores: Mrs. Jennie Graham who under- I 2.11.1 8 Mason _______14 17 '18 19-68 \\' nt surgery r ecently at Hale has· I _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SATURDAY NIGHTThe Waynesvilla Spartans, li~ rVeysburg _15 . 17 17 16--64 pllal, Wilmi ngton, has returned to I who finish ed se: ond In the regher .hom in that town . and is I'e. \ G. F. P. ular season, 'upset Morrow, first Morrow, 46Brant ___ ___________ 6 1 13 cove ring nicely. In the league, by the score of T ile Welcome DIble Class or Bergholt ___ _________ <l 4 12 47-46 Saturday night. Jonah's Run Ba ptis t hu rch met D. Parker _____________ 6 5 The lea gue cham ps hadn 't hit Tu esda y evening. In the hom e of a fie ld goal III the [ourth quarte r Carper ___~ -- - ---.----- 1 0 2 Mr. and Mrs. Cha r les Doster . 1111'. 2 2 un t il 1 ;·16 remaill ell nnd Waynes· R. Parker _ ___________ 0 Roy Abbott selected Presiden t Wood _____________ __ 0 1 1 Mor ro w cut It to vill e led · 1 6· 10. ,>§ l"lncol n as the t h me of his sub· ____ ______ .___ _ 0 1 1 44·46, but Dob Ba rton, who- tallied Lewis ject on "Freedom.'.' Mrs. Clin t Waynesv lUe, put In a free 16 for Taylor ba d charge of the r ecrea· .T otals _____________16 14 46 t b l' o~v to Ice th e ga me. t.l onal hour. Jim Alli s on put III 10 of bls 2~ Tb e annu al potl uck di nn er or poin ts III the fourth quarter In· BRING YOUR SHOE REPA1RINO t he Civic League was lleld Sa:lllr· cludlng three s tra ight baskets to to C. ' LEE HA.WKE, the I~arber. day venlng. In the home ,., r Mrs . len d Milso n to a 6 .6<1 win over Work guarnntel\ll. Prices Reason · A. S. Coll ett. Mrs. S. S. Tu cker elimina ting the ·abl e. · TllOMPSON BHOID RE· Harveys burg, a nd fi s8 Elizabeth Clerk were co· latter . I PAIR, Harveysburg, O~lo. hostesses. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gil bert Well'h ar · ri ved her e Sunday from Detroit, Mic hi gan. to he with Il ls moth er . ~1 re. Oba ' Vak il . \\'ho IR ill at her ho me on ~I a ln Stre'et..

A Far.r'• .Lo. A Lon. Term 4% Contract



.Match Lower Income - Lower R.te

Leb.lon laliol.1 , Far. LIM









NOTI .C E! The Mi ami Ga zette Is on sale f!acll Thursday at noon a t tb e The Waynes,'lIl e Drug Store. prl re remltlns the s nme-lic per TYPEWRITER RIBBOI'IS HERE Ringle copy--or $2.00 per year. . You can get Typewri ter Rlbbone .~I'" ...." ••• ,.,...... ,'~ •• '.... at the Gazette Office.

·Armitage &Son







Bob Servis TEXACO





Just teJl us how much ready cash you need.' We'll arrange a confidenlial loan immediately and have the money ready to pick up' when you stop i" ~ . Mode~ loans are avalla:ble on car, furniture or signature to . married or single m.n ClInd women. Even if you have a lelan some place el •• you ' can IBet money at Modern, Your credit is .O.K. at Modern if you ha,!e ever had a charge account or bought . on time payments. '



CA·ESAR'.tJ CREEK FRIENDS Jack Barnes, MtnlsWr. Charles .Stanley, Supt. Worshl" 8er\1ce, 10 a. m . Sunday SCIiOUI. 11 a . • . OREGONIA EVANGELlCAI:.. U_ B, Eugene O,.IIltb, P8IItor Suuda) ::INIOOI, 10 a. III. . Morning wo~llhlp, 11 a. lB. , Youtb Fellowship, 6:38 t9' 9:00. LEBANON CHRISTIAN 8CIENC~ ChriBtlan Sclenoe serYtc,e ..... ' held every Sunday mornm. at 10 Highi6J1d Ave. at 11 o'a~k.. Sunday lebool at the same hour.. Teltlmony meetloge 1st Wednell' day eveDing at each mogUl at 8. SU~DAY RADIO PROGRAMS: W.8Al-8: 46 a. m. WING-9: 00 a. m. WPFB-4: 00 p . m. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Admlnlatrator , Estate of William H. Pratt, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given Ulilt AI· bert H. Stubbs, whose Post Office Address ' Is WaynesvUle, Ohio, hae been duly a~l'olnted as Adm1niatrator ,ot the Estate of WilHam H. Pratt, late of Warren County, _ OhIo, deceased. Dated tbltj 26th day at January, 1954.

, RALPH H. CAREY, Judge ot the Probate Court, Warre~ County, Ohlll C; Dona1~ Dllatush, Adorne,. 2-4-(~t-2-18



County (ourt News


~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--i'

A Fatm Diary


Ida al to Charles B. and Janice Cc)mbs 1 lot In Salem Twp. Maxwell J. and Florence Lillian to Ralph J. Stolle acres in Tartlecl,'eek Twp. William and PaWfne Poe to LID,ton and LintoD, Inc., .34 acres m, Morrow. H." aDd OtUe McKeehan til ~war~ Her~~ aDd Martha E. S th 476 cr~ lQ peerfi Id Twp - ml . a Bdh e . Donald and 1 I a Rob,inso~ to Albert Credit at in Franklin Twp Ra' O · b to t t.. _ Id d D y 8 orne fUUO an or~ ~~ Fox 10.28 acres in Massie

e.rll, Flo••, I ...... ' .. Estate of Mabel C. Weller, de- AII".II VI-Ilor. T ceased, Phyllis J. Hartsock, Ad. ... .. 0 ministratrix, WWA, first, final and RILe''. II 1."01 cUstribllUve aCC01lDt fDecL " ,I Lesije GUbert and Orville Park·

mente. Tller are feature4 .... centerplec;e In a apeel&! I1'01lP 01 Bprlng table letUn.. anil 10 lUke'l modern "Forecaat HOUle." ThI8 advance pre'View 0 f B II I't III throqhout the lt9re glvea Iho Sprlng'l fll'lt appearance 10 tbe pers an opportui11ty t~ lee "bat Miami Valley ' I, attracting atten- ~s newest to gllrden - ,cleetan. In ' tlon at The 1;Uko-Kumler" Btore In. fashion and In bO~e furnlabJnga. 'Dayton. As a feature of its 10Ist Following up thts early arrival Annlvers n - , the store trans- o( SpriDg wtn be Rike'a 101 , Annl~J UDD S 1 hi b /It t Bt planted a complete Spring- garden versary: a e w c ar a on ato Its lnrge corner Window. Tbis urday! Feb. 20 and continues on "Patio (or Moile"n Living," de. thr.ough M9nday, Marc,b 1. In thJa , -t I nt d 81lf1led and planted by Tiie Sleben_amous . annus eve , ' every 0thaler Nurseries of Daytcn fea- lIarpnent in the store presenti ttl tures a .lovely fountatn and' nool best buyl' of tbe season 1n 'frolb, ...' S 10 b dI f a low brick wall' with potted new pr g merc an se or men. plants a spUt wood. fence and women and chUdren and tor the . , 'home dramatic planttngs of _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ trees, evergreen · and ers In natural settings. ... Qulns In new SJlrlng fasbions and GO"" JOB PRINTIN~ C a display Of the newest st;fles In \::1,&.1. . Q an garden furnlture complete, this Be Obtained at the Gazette ·FuneubsruU!~.dlsPlay of Sprtngtlme In

hill appointed appralaen.....

, NEW SUITS Clara Ha,gedorn to Charles and Estllte of Emerson F. Gardiner, Myrtle Todd vs. Ray H, T-odd, di- Gladys Eichelbarger S lots in Hat· deceased, Emmett F. Gard.l ner, Advorce, Hart I and Short; John Os- Ian Twp. ministrator, 81'088 value of estate $11,0'75.1'7. . , wald, attorney. Russell E. and Anna L. Cart to li'.taJmUARY 16. 1964.-The mldClaude .C. Brandenbur~ VS·. Pa~ M. Russell Horri 2 lots in IAi~anon. die ot February already, w1tjl 'trlcla Ann Brandenburg divorce 0harles O. and Marcella Fulton MIU'~b weatber, warm aud windy C. 00n.1d Dilatush, att~rn"y. 'to James H. Banks 2 lots in Fran/!:MARRIAGE LICENSES . Yeaterday tbe thermometer was Thelma O. Mesa vs. Jo~~ N. lin Twp. Dennis M. Roberts, ~, ,Woodt.. and la t bury, N. J., chemist, and, Eileen ' . s Mesa, divorce, C. Donald pUatush, . James H. Banks to John and Vir. up t a a 1mOB t seve!.. 3 Dlgbt was one at th()se ~arm, attorney. gle \Vo-Lell 2 lots In Franklin Twp. BrowD., 22, Waynesville, student. rr windy nigbts witb a pale wMerY Ali~e, Tarvin vs. L. Ernest Tar- Clifford V. and Lena F. Bishop Ray Arnold Meadows, 25, Patuxent ·Rivel;', Md. U. S. Navy, and moon that makes the dogs and all vin, divorce, Brown and Young, to 'FloYe;) and LUa lJndsey .848 '' 'WI' the wild tblngs want to , get out attorneys. acres in Turtlecreek Twp. J Smith to Bertha B d A III age n e Benningfield, ' 21, 1.'_ d ' W' , b P 'in ran en- Waynesville. an d run. au gar kept blU' .....g ~ James L. Radabaugh VB • .Robert illard L and CamUle M.. Bu- urg 211.69 acres Salem Twp. bltrklng and at flrst' l didn't know J. and .Ruth Thompson, money ohanan to Lawrence and Verona 'Guy E. and Jemile M. C1even~er ,Richard L. Heitman, 21: Leb, wbat It W8S. Then J beard them only, '14eryl B. Gray, attorney. Knapp .29 acres,in Salem 1\Yp. G E and Eunice B McCollum anon, factory worker, and Roberta too. tbe fo~ hounds were o_ut. Glenna Jones vs. 'Willard A. Tommy and Anna Wilspn to 38.68 a~res In Harlan ~d Marion M. RapP" 22, Mason, office worker. l"lrst 1. heard them ,yay down In Jones, uniform support of depend- James Estel. and Margaret A. Cook Twps. the woods ~hen the rtrst , thl}1g I ents aot tp Indiana. 1 lot in Franklin. , Sam Smith to Charles ' Joseph knew they ·"ee~ed nlmost up Bronson BaUey to Edward F. Smith .257 acr In Lebanon. around U1.e Ilouse and then tbey . COMMON PLEAS e~URT and Dorothy F. Dorff .'688 acres and lJabel M. Coburn to almost went crazy and so did . Woodlawp Gllrage, Inc. vs .. Ur- in Hamiltot,l 'J.lwp. " and Martha C. Roflow 1 -J , , Sugar and the ' ne;.t thing J knew ban R. ,and, Violet ~. Blsho~, de~rnest.n. MUler to Edwin E. in Turtlecree~ TWp. Qolorful Showing of Azaleas . , tbe ' room wolB filled With t,b~ fendants 'granted 30 days In whlcb Miller 3.84 acres in Clearcreek Saturday Feb 20 the Waynes strong pungent odor of skunk. I to flle motion. 'l\vR. Jlilnes · EStel and Margaret A. vl11e Scou't Tro~p ~ll conduct ~ Live azaleas have been u'led In t. was glad that tor this time at "Florence Tenoy Stricklin vs. John Ernest R. Miller 'to EdwiQ E. Cook to Tommy and Anna WUson paper drive for all bomes facing all other wtndows of tbe store, ' ' least Sugar was tn. ,the csllar not W. ,Stricklin, divorce and restora- Miller, 3.04 acres in Clearcreek 2 lots in Franklin TWp. streets ru~lng north 'a nd soutb. ~d plantings of the multicolored out with the ~ogll,. Sbe has been ,top of maiden name to plaintiff. Twp. Rotert Harrison ,to Daniel and Tbls affair Is' one of many pro. flowers grow on tbe maln noor unbearable most of the Ume for The Pet Milk Co. et a1 VS. S. L. ~oda Hi~te 1 lot in Franklin Twp. jects plnnned to aid In tbe pur. ledges and In all fasblon departthe laat two weeks. Finally tbe Marconet, case dtsmissed. Howard B. Sne~ to Blair Snell cbase of tns~ruinents for the newly HOURS: dogs were gOM and tbere was Keldon Homes, Inc. vs. Elmer .19' acres in Deerfi~1d Twp. ; lormed Boy Scout drum and bugle notbing left but the wind. This N. 'Heger et aI, cas!) d.lsmlssed. PR'' "'BATI COURT corps In Waynesville.. 9 to 11:118 a. m. mwnlng -there ' wal! II, Uttle sbower George E. Walker vs. Lawrence " .1 to 5 p. m. but we bope that there will be Automobile Mutual Iusurance Co. Estate of Jesaie E. Schlemmer Except Wednea'day Po' M. more rain before It' clears up and vs. Lawrence C. E1mburg, case deceased, Benj. F. Schlemmer aP: turns cold -and 'w e bave the rest dismissed: . The . Stockholders of The Leb. pointed Executor, W. E. Chesney, Above Woolworth'. of the winter tbat ·the groundhog Feor:ge E. Walker vs. Lawrence anon Natlonnl Fgrm Loan at tbel 5 and 100 Store 'Jlromlsel1 Ull. , O. ElmbUllg, ca~e dismissed. annual meeting February 10. reo ,Harry S. Eastman vs. J6y , SuUi••• The ' UtUe ... lavender Siberian van et al, defendant granted 10 elected J. ' C. WlIson, Mason and 'Tefephone 2-430 I crocuses are In bloom and one days in whicb to . answer. Earl' Barnthouse, Lebanon. to It I snow drol,l. I was afraid tbat it _ ' three year term as Dlrectol's. had been 80 dry that tbe sprl!lg REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The employees serving tb'e As· 'I bulbs would have dried to powder Roland and Helen LaSuer to soclalon for tbe coming year are and dle.d entirely but. tbese are' Reten Apgar 16059 poles In Salem Ellis StUI:m, Secretary-Treasurer, The Farmers club met at tbe alive nnd perhaps the others \vlll Twp. ' and Mrs. Viola Sbutts, Ass't Sec- st. Mal1:'s P~rhJb , House on ThursOPTOMETRIST be also. Jobnny lias about ten retary-Treasurer. day. with Mr. an Mrs. Ronald XENiA, OHIO This, meeting was attended by Hawke a8 bast ~~ hostess. Mr. aores plowed and Nolle wltsn't at tbe sale yesterday so tbat prob· well over a hundred members and I and Mrs. H. R. Moss, Dr. and o,bly meant that he was ploWing friends. The dinner served by Ule I Mrs. H. F. Dye, ?til'!!. J. B. Chap.· ~'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllnllll.'· S local Grange committee and af- man and Mr, Gerald. Grooms were too. U tbere Is any rain, tbe plowed grou~d' will catcb It for ,ternoon program h lghllgbte(1 by the guestlj of the dny. R'EAD THE GAZETTE WIlIDKLY this year VI4 are going 'to have to . I Warren Oountle~ contrlbu~lon to I Foll~wjng tbe very deUclous learn from the western dry land the I. F. Y. E. program, JerI'Y /' dinner. tbe lI\ee\Jng was opened tarmers ' who cOJ;uierve evelW drop The Febru~y meeting of tbe Groomil, made the meeting a .suc, and Mr. 13. S. Ellis presented the of rain thnt falls on the ground ,. ayne~vllIe Garden Olub was beld 'ceSIl. special topic, "D~ Farmers Neecl so tbat some day tbere will be Thurl\d~y afternoon at· tbe home l The checks representing a 6% a Government Farm Program?" .For Best ResultsJ enougb mplsture In tbe . ground of Mrs. Eloise Al~ander, being , dividend on stock outstaudlng all which 'be o,bly dlsoussed. His Complete stock at l for a crop. Two more oalves tbls held a week late due to the' snow of November 80, 1953 were ready comments were that a program is week but so far 'no lambs. The Inst week. .for distribution. needed' nnd Is necessary but that pigs are not due until AprU and I After. tbe bostess and her a8slsThe AS80clatlQn, representing It could be Improved. DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL am glad. Two more cl1,lves yet to I tant, Miss ElI~Qbeth C)lImdlel' Brown. Glsrmont. Hamllton and , Mr. Gerald Grooms, !If Mason, come. I wonder It they wllI be served . dainty refJ:esblllenta, car- Warren Counties. was pr.e sented wns Introduced a8 the gues~ heifers too. lilvery calf tbat we rylng out the Valentine theme, l a plaque for exceeding its· new speaker. Mr. Groolhs was an eX·1 have had 80 far this winter bas {ll!! presld!l'nt, Mrs. Atba l"urnas, bustness Cluotn, by Mr. Earl Em- cbange student at fl,rm conditions, 'SALES and SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1849 been a belf6rr six of them. It ~IM the meethig to ol.'der. She l,bree, representative of t~e Fed· and spent conaldel'/1ble time III . Telephone lebanon 361 surely must mean that · Johnny 1& rf)!ld a short messag,e about the ernl :Land, Bank ' of Louisville. Mr. Japan. He Uved w~ lh tbe farm .. Long 'LI,I'e I. the 17rue Proof of Better Mercllandl.e fated .to go Into the mUk bUllne/5s. abproprlateness ' of flowers as ~bree reports t.hat a~ ever ·In- el'8, who usually oW,n from one,·

l3y D. J, Frazier






Eyes Examln ' · eel

Far-.,s Oil. Meats. AI Sf Marrs p. H ..... . d arlsh ouse

nln aJ

Dr. Carl. E. Wilkin

W.Jne Garden 01. uAI MI ' Th' dL. .e urs aJ 1Mrs. E AI81anders'









~~~~ ' d~~tn~~~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~!~~~~~~~~'!!~~~!~:

ram enougli to flll out Uttle ))Ond 'dIe U8~ bu.-Inels Was cou,- Foul!th Farm Oredlt DIstrict are told lo t their living edndlUona, and. 1 qatn. ducted and some disculliion was '~ng advantage of tbe . ,Long- added to his interesti9g talk by 1 am afraid. that I have been beld abou~ a. club order for bulbs, Term..4% conracts made pOssible shoWing' plcures of many placesl to be t.ak~ ~t the next meeting. by the ,Land Bank System. be vlsned. ~~':~ ~: a = :c~~U~ts ~:: li'or the 'Program pan of the Tbe ', volume 'o'f bllslness han- The club adjourned after a very ve meet~g, MI'JI; Mabel Davis dIs· dled by the Land Bank of Louis· lovely .day to meet tn March with n 8 , ~:::s a:~t ih~ / ke: ftn:lo:. cussed "AJmuals." These of course 'Ville In. 1968 was ~ceeded only Mrs. A. S.. Collett as hostess at; . I to' a t ' . '" °llrttlgo n at a In!llude the many flowers tbat Qre by the years of 1928 and 1934. the Party House. or s p o ..o a , e cos ac- planted: flower and "eell all tn one -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;':;;;:;;;~I counting "nd do not get ,any far- growing sea80n. Tbough many of r her toward what Uncl6. wanta to these W:tll s~ed themselves and know tJjan, :( was before, but tblngs cpntlnue to produce tor m~ny are getting nearel;' r~dy nnd sc;>dU years. 'There 11\ a wide cbolce, of it wJll be Just a ~ case of copying annuals in all ()oJors, textures and To write to Mr8: Lela S. WIer,' 2805 Arbor Hilla Drive, P. O. Box , tbingl wbere they: o~ht to go and helgbts. Atte.r mentioning several 2895, Jacklon, MI .. I.llppl, to learn how .he hal been restored to letting IOmeQne figure bow mu9h of these, ?tIrs. Davis cautioned aC\tlve., life after bell'lgt crippled In nearly every lO,lnt In her body , the ta1 ,is. It Is funny how one that, "F1ower8~ grown to 'Pertecwith. • • ' yeaI' the repairs will all be one tlon are' not a garden UnteBs In klod and anotber sometblng else. the proper settIng." ':rllts year it was wells. lAst spring Mrs. Lena Hartsock gave a Johnny cleane'd out the big spring shor,t review of Biennials. A.,d with mUlCular lorene.. f~m head to foot. She will reply ,lind the stoo\l) drank from tbaf are the planfs tbat do not flower .t once and . teH you how she received thl. wonde'r ful' relief. until the very worst at tbe f;l - and . a,eed until ibe second grow. ness ~b~n they had to I1Qmp from' Ing ~·8eation. Foxglove and -tbe well at tbO' bojJse. We cleaned bocks are In tbls clas8 out and 1!ut a. pump on anotb"lr Mrs . .Leal! Mllls brl~flY old .Wen but that didn't last so,. dn ,Pere.rinlal. There Ia. a 'VidS' very lung. I p~t a .new electT~c , variation In tbls group of plAnt:! (lump on my well and ,use, toot that J)roduce for many yea'!:s, Co'ncrete Block Chimney Block lor the bouse water works though cluding the wOOdy stemmed tree8 we can stili UBe tb,e cistern when and , s!U'ubs. Many of this group Rock Face Block W.terproof Cement tbere ts any water. We repaired benetlt. from reseUlng snd dlvtd· Steel Sash and Paint tbree pumps ' at Hungry HollOW Ing every fe}\" yea.ra. . 'Cement and Mortar Gia •• ond' cleaned the wells and put on The remaloder 'of the program new cement well tops. Tb,et:e Is 'condtsted of. .il demonstration at Drain Tile Building Supplies one more good w.ell down ,tbere I' the arrangement o( a shadow box. S'UEE'HA'N P.O.'. BOX 342 that s.h ould be fixed. I Bee .tbat by 'Mrs. Vae 'Mac' Innis. n tbe:y~r~ s§YiDs that t~ere -B'hould Tbe clUb baa purclinsed CENTERVILLE, OHIO

hot water service, choose a



,WilSoD.CODcrete Prodacts ,D·.


' wat~r' be more~ltuaUon ,farm ponds to help tbe shadow box and tI!QUll:h alm,ost Ipterestlng act IIs'IT plB,mtng itt center.ed ,every farm ' tb.a t you, pass bas" a I nroun(} ,'It' ·Mrs. "Mac Innis cnr~jed pond ' of t.wq. ~any of~them sb~uld out · a .,Va'J,entine ~e~e ; ~sl~ , lie larger In ordeJ: to .. 8t)\nd ~n:o, cq10r l'~ge from purple througb • t~eF d~u'gbt. ' And tbe s~n'Pdt violet to rose and pink witb n, searchers say that tberO' will be few toucj!es $If wblte. ' c.A lovely another and 'per~aIlB two raRa, glus pitcher contained pink dry years -", ' tben I sl1p1>OIIe It and wblte snapdragons whUe will be, l!>Ok out for Oooda b~t footed vaSe and clear glass wed'pOnda~ hefp bot~ ' ways. . T~ey not ding riDg dlllh servQd as the aconly IB,ve water bilt they hold tt ceHo";" along· with a pair of wbite baQk . In 0004. times. gloves and 'a string ot pink . February fa ' thll shortest mortlb wblte beads. ~he finished comIn daya but It alw8.ya seeml to 1!C>&ltion ;wu very pleum,. ' me that It rot8 t8IJ~r alao ~han ' Tbe next ' meeting will be " at a:';'; other ' month. Spring' wOl the bome of ?til'll. ~ha Furnas. here, be(ore' ~8 Jmow it. .-".",, ' ...:L.:.:.....~~_~_"""-_...

!~!!!!~!!!!!!!====!~~=!!~~: '

automatic electric • t we orwa:/' "With Hotpo,n , er ' illie hoi wat 'hove 0 l , we wo nl :'

WAtER HEATE:R wl~h ~ie t1Jrtk h~~

Plenty of bot water - for automatic washer, for dishwasher, for showers, tubs, and for all housekeeping uses! That's what you get when yo~ install a new HOTPOOO Automatic Water Heater•.The HOTPOINT Magic Circle CaJrod Heating Unit is the secret. There is no heat lost through chimney 'o r vent, no direct contact between water and heating unit, no c~r­ fosion of the Calrod Unit. aOTPOINT Electric Water Heaten, give economical, trouble-free service.

TIME-TESTED FEATU~ES mean beller value, longer life:


• Heavily go,Ivonized sleel lank. Pressure tested. • Accurate lemperalure conlrol by a dependable Holpoint Auiomatic Thermostat_ . ' • Relief valve-provided with each heoter. • No mixing of hot and cold woler wilh Hotpoint cold water baffle . . No unnecessory circ-ulation of hot waler,through house syslem wllh Holpoint ho,t ¥feiter trap. ' , • Less heat loss wilh Fiberglas blanket Insuldtlon. • White, bak~d on eolgloss finish on exira-thick $le~1 ouler shell.

·SOLD on EASY TERMS w,ith small down payment. See your or sfop in af any principal office of,It. Company.



Phone 3.13 To Plac. • Cla..lfl'~ J

WARREN BRADDOCK 8A,,",'D, GRAVEl. and TOP SOl 'I EXCAVATING' and 1.....,---._ DVMP TRUel( SERV PhD". Wayneaville 2191 WAYNESVILl.E, OHIO




OAN YOU RAISE TURKEYS? - ... We [luance poults and fee d. ~Q[L S01'l' HATOllERY, WaY,Deeville Ph!»)}8 2346 QII 2272. , X-'71.21- (10t)-s.;2 ~

. 2·HO l. E-RUl.ED







Phone Waynesville 3958

,Gfve Me A Rilla For A

11000 ,USED , CAR


Or A

FOR ' Sj\.LE- 64~~loQ, Fr'lgldalr'e Water geater (new) ' was $173.71), yours tor $1,40.00. J>hone 24U, trom 8 to 6. ' db

-Or- .

FOR - SAl.Fl - Fre~h Cow, - haff Guernsey, llal r Shorthorn. Sel()o ond calf. Phone 3622. X....::.2.].8

4" x 6"





F OURTH S11. I ~;room modern, full basement, garage, extra I~rl~e










• •










4x6-RI,I,l .ED-PKG. 100




BetabUahW 18'0 8J Yean Of·




FIF'l'JIl Iii'll. ....!. Flve.rpom· m<1dern, tull baiementl stoker _ .ftJmac,e, gar:1ge. TOM l"LORENCE, 231:1, Wa}<l1esvUle. JAOK QtIl,....,ll;itd MAN, Realtor. X-2-U·18





2714 fytu. Middletown, Ohi~ '\

Dial , 2-4501


WANTED .-; Two acres of unlm· proved land (preferably .farm lan.d) within 26 miles of Clnolnnatl. n.. lily RICHARD DlMIT, 348 ErklBD' breolter Ave., Oinclnnatl, Ohio.


Install 8al. . te!1's, foUndations, Pipe Lines, Cellar Drains .


B I L'L Rt. S, WaynOlvllle r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . .'~ •••


eY2 X' 11-500 SHEETS

MIMEO PAPER (')'Z x 14-5':0 SH:::ETS







i r




'HOGS ' SLAUGHTERED For Freezere or Locken, 20 per pound dressed weight. WAYNESVIlLE LOCKER Pl:.ANT. John Broilld, Manager. 'Phone 31n. 1·U,·tfo










• oz.













·. FRUITS .. ":-,..e-




Wayn.svllle, Ohio

Phone 3913



or rool area w ill supply 20 gal· Ions of water each year When tbere Is a 36 Inch rainfall. We normall y have around 43 Inches. Clstern e should be built to hold about a fourth of the water n roof will furnish In a year. If It Is of cement block construction, It III lua dvisable to go more than 8 blocks high. 'W llere ponds or sorlngs oan be developed to supplement the water supply, It Is good business to do so.

or even later and you will have sweet corn uatll rrOtlt. Those requiring a lItUe more warm weather that can be planted a week . or so after the froot free date are lima beans, eggplant, oepoers and sweet Votatoes. Those that are good for Bummer planting are most kinds of beans, chard, New Zealand soln· a ch. squash, and more' BW!let corn. Hardy 1I1ants for late summer or faU 1'la,!-ting six to eight weeks before the first fall freeze which Is usually around October 10 are I.........~................... beets, kale. collards, lettuce, muse --;;...........;~~----!,,--=::;...tard, spinaCh and turnips. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . If you follow this olan YOU wlll, If we get any decent amount of rainfall, have garden all summer long.

No w Is a good time to get soil lests taken an d the (erUlizer reecomendalJons bacl,{ or corn. In th\! past two years s ince the s6n T es ting Labo ratory was set up at Ohio s tate University. 2716 soU sa mples have been sent In from Warren Coun ty. 2400 of these were sent tbrough the Production und Marketing Agency In their Ag ricultural Conservation p r ()o This year why not make your gram and the rest, 316,. were sent garden last all summer long through the Extension Service. barring unusual weather condl· 'Warren County Is one of the ol1ot I tions. There are many vegetahles counti es wher e soil testing actlv' l lha t can be planted before the ftfes In the county were turned rrost fr ee date which Is around o" er to the PMA agency. April 30 for WaT'ren, County. __ This is an average figUre of COMING EVENTS: H you are Interested in bulltllng course but you can base your Feb. 23-Wanen County II cistern, he re Is some Informa· · pla nting schedUle 0/1 It. Service Unit Banquet. Lebanon tio n that might belp ypu. A Cis- I Plants can be broken down Into, Grange Hall. Get your tickets lern can be an expensive prooo· cold·hardy group, cold-tender and [rom Arttflcial Insemlnators. Unit sl tlon but there are many sites bardy plsnts for late summer and dlrecto~s or at the ExtenBlon Ot· . w here a pond cannot be con· early tall. . flee. structed to advantage and water Cold~bardy plants can be plant- March l.- Warren County Sheep Is not to be had from wells. ed 4 to 6 weeks before frost free Improvement Banquet. Oampus The average house rool area date. These are brocoll, cabbage, Inn. wi\l not furnish enough water, not lettuce, onions, peas, potatoell, March 8 - Dairy Service Unit for drinking, from roof run-oft to s pinach and turnips. . Meettng on Sanitation and !lllk DJeet tamlly needs. A dairy barn Hardy plants that can be BOwn Inso~otlon. Panel eyp& of meet· roof wUl provide water enough 2 to 4 weeks before the frost free Ing where dalrylDen can ask ques· for one fourth of the animals It date, the middle of March, are tlons .about Inspection. ,houses. A poultry house wUl sup- beeta, canota, chard, mustard; ply enough water for the birds It parsnips &r.d radishes. ... • I' DAY NIT E • S llOuees. ev.en If It Is a 2. 3, or 4 Not cold har4y planta that can TILIVISION PlGHT tIIlory house. be planted on the frost tree date. R"OCICY CASTEI!LANf The Blze of the clstem depends are Bnap beans, euoumber., olua, C...... Llt.IIO· .. ., on the roor area. People some· New Zealand spinach, aqua.h, " •• times buUd . a cistern too large sweet corn, tomatoes. · Plant '. EItHIE DURANDO and then think It lealta when It little sweet corn each week from FEB 19 '54 C.'II.LIII •• O·I,U, never r;eta full Eaoh square foot here on untO the middle of .111ly • # MIDDLEWEIGHTS



WOMAN - For Sp'e clal Local :1'0- . . . . , . . - - - - - - -...- -...... ~ Ltlon. Qne who needs to earn a good salaTY. Outstandlug personality. :No parties, collections or oanvasslng: Car necessary. Flo r INSTALLED COMPLE~E pe~60nal interview, "caU tlefore 2 (County Inapeoted) P. tn. M1;l8. OHAS. M 0 1000 CI. Waynesville 2820. · 0-·2-11·111,'26



McCURDY, QjJeen Feb. 16 - F'. 18 Lebanon Chlp.1 - 2 P. M. • Rev. J. T.· Motiendry !-ebanDn Cemetery

"Look unto the beavens, and see; and behold the Clouds which are IIlgber tban thou. 'Job 36:6



. ,to.

:3ANK RUN GRAVEI..-Loadecl at Davis Fuqlas Pit. We alsc delive,. ~HMITAGE & SON. Phone 209 t . If



YUIIIK6S, Herbe" P. Feb. 14 - Feb, 17 Franola 'de 8al .. Fat .1' J~hn BeJ:'ftlng Lebanon Cemetery

101,,,,ays up to standard,

never down to


The Miami Fertilizer Campaa, Dayttll 10, 01111

Offic, uti

'ICt.", Tt,1Ie1D, x..... a....


.• U . . WIN aDd ·~Yel. U Orpnllattoa Seoon4 To None. Strictly SeUer. oa Jbe ~ All Around Markit ha lb. Co ,try 8ERVICE .THAT .ATI8F•••S F ~r Da~" Martcet RepoN: WLW O~il=~lJ WOKY • WPJ'B ,




,. ,

NORRIS • •C*~<:O.t~~Nt

y ................. -w ........................... ...., ............ .... ...... .... "" ... ........ "' ... .......,.,... ........ ............ . ,.,.... ............ ,.. ................

-........ ~

_ A I .............. · ,


1r iI to eerve yOu, and all our other neighbora - to ac~pt and safe~ your deposits, . for in8tance;. to transfer fund, for YOU; to lend you money for worth-w~ purposes, HelpUlg you ,helps our bUlUle98. In turn', the .better our business, ' the iMrtt:er' ,W f! ": ' •\ lerve YOu. You are lnvited to make our l\ .... j~ ~uarten" for all your money Jbatt.n.




SpattaDsC.~nty ~ham"J;' Pla,-

fn .Xe.nia Field".use Friday Nigh,


The Waynesville Spartans took the Warren County CI'II" " B" Basketball ohamplonshlp Saturday night from . the Carlisle Indlanl In the Franklin gym by the .core of 4642. The: conten wa. hardfought all the WaY. ' , After the game the winners and runneMa'up were presented wrth troPhlea and eacll player on the winning team , wall given a gold ba.. ketball. The "unnera·up were presented with sliver basket ban .. ; The aportsmanshlp' award was given to the Mdrrow team by Supt. R. F. Hatfield. Carlisle defeated Blanchester 77-56 Tuesday night at the Xenia fleldhouse In the district tournament. Jerry Silmmer scored 24 points, Jim Ridinger 20 and Schneider scored 19 for the Indian .. For Blanchester 'the high scorers were: Eddie Carnahan with 16, Jackeon with 15 and Fawley. wl~h 19. The Spartans will meet the Sabina five Friday night at 8:151 at the Xenia fleldhoule for their flrat district tournament game. , j Here are the Spartana team (lnd Indlvtdual player records for the 1963·5~ sea,son: ' Trenton _______ _________63 WaynesvlUe __ ~ ________ 4.8 WnynesviUe __________ -45 Spring 'Valley ____________..4Z WaYnesville . ____ .. ______ 44 Kings Mills _.:. _______ - __ Wl\-ynesV!l1e _____... _____ 62 Mason ___ ----------------53 Morrow · _________ _______ __63 Waynesvllle ______ --- ___51 Alumni _____ ___________ 6! Wnynes v llle ___________ 59 Spl'1ngboro ____________ 65 WaynesvlJle ____________ 61 Yel10w Springs ___ _________ ,1.1 WaynesvUle ____________ 69 Kinge Mille _____ . _________ 43 Waynesvllle ___________ 49 Morrow __ ________________ 64 Wnynesvl\le __ ________ 50 Mason ________ ____ _______ 51 WaYJ;leavllle ____________ 66 ' Carlisle __ ________________,57 WaynesVUle ____________56 Waynesvllle ______ .. ____ 61 Springboro ___ .---------48 Harveysburg _____________73 WaynesvlJle ______ ______ 69 Carlisle _________ ____ 43 Waynesvl1'1e ___ _____ 49 Centerville _____ ..: _______ _62 Waynesvllle __________ 74 Harveysburg _____________ 58 Waynesvllle:.. ________'___ 76


CLUB TO ME~T The Frleulhlp olub will meet '~Il' WedI)88da:r. Ma/:'ch '10 at the hODj.e . of all'll. George Henderaoll.


Local Legtonll8lres are planning a celebration of the 35th annlver· sary of the birth of the American HAP.PY t-IOUR CLUB TO MEET Legion, whlcn occurs March 15 to The Happy Hour club . wlll meet MarCh 17. ,Oil !l'u88da,., March 9th at A blr\ party hl\8 been sched· ,home of ·Mrs. Lel!ter ShaUer. uled by Wayne TOWDShlp Veter' anI! Post No. 615 for the night of MOVE INTO NEW HOME Saturday, Marcb 13, according to Mr, ana Mrs. Lawrence Carl Pitstick, local poet com· have move4 into tbelr new mander. on F1tth Itreet. The local event wlll be part oC -- , a ~oast,.to-colI.8t chain of post eel· MOVE8 TO XENIA ebrationS. The Amerlca.)1 Legion Mrs. John Stansbe~ alld lias 17,184 posta, most of wblch 11,. are now ('8,s ldlng In are making elpborate plans for where MI'S. Stansberry ,Is celebrating the organization's ),954 ployed. birthday. The AmerIcan LegIon was MOVE INTO TYLER ST. HOME founded at a caucus of delegates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter are THE WINNAH ~ND NEW, CHAMPEE~Md Informally IUIt after their chllmp,IonI&hIP4~nn,lng from tbe first AEF In Parla, France now occupying the .home on Tyler 'ment agalnlt Carll lie here last Saturday night are the Waynesville SDI.rtanL March 15 to 17" ]919. it Includes 8treet which · Mr. and Mre. lAW' are: _ChHrIHdera Pat Irelan, Carol Longacre, Sarah Flanne,." Sandra Simpson, Sally today ellglble veterans of World rence Feal vacated Saturd~y. SuperlnMndent Richard Waten, RoHrt O'8annlon, Robert Barton, Bill Miller Robert Wars I and II and of tbe Korean er, Coach Ken Emerick (second ro~); Tom Calilcly; Jim Purkey, Paul Shi~ley, Tom War. National Commander Arthur 'VISITORS IN DAYTON Brown, Richard Frye (third row); and Gorc:ton Hatton, Jim Wardl!>w, Jim Carter n4 J . Connell has caned on all LeMtae lean Hartsoo'll: and Mr. Robert Palmer were Saturday ev~ --~~~--______~__________~____~____~____________________~~______~_________.... gion PO,Bts to Intensity their 1954 membersblp nctlvity, with the goal nlng dinner ' guests of Mr. and of a .l enrol1ment of over 3,OOO,POO MI',. Davia ' Oonrad In Da7ton., . "'-'W'"1'l18 TOURNAMENT GAMES : by March 15th. Hnrveyeburg ________ -_:. __ 58 W\lynesv ll1e __ ____ '_ ___ 72 Local plans call for a, dinner at HOME FROM H08PITAL~ Morrow __________.-______ 46 Waynesvl11e~---------47 6: 30 with a short program to fol· Mr. A. H. Earnbart., woo was Springboro _______________ 63 . Waynesv1\1e _____ . __ ___ 58 The West Wnyne low. Dancing Ilnd cards ,vtll be ~ confined at Clinton Memorial Carlisle ____ ___________ __ 4Z Waynesvtlle__________ 46 eU held tbe Febr ' enjoyed the remainder of the pltal tor several weeks, Ia now the Pllrty House evenJng. . ,convaleaclng at his home. SEASON TOTALS -;- INDIVIDUAL nJng with Mr.. J. B. Field Goale Foul PoInts Total Points Pers. Fouls C~abbe as hoat 81)4 lloates!!. VI81TOR8 FROM DAYTON Bob Barton __ _______ ____85 Mrs. .A. 1.. 80 rt conducted 250 52 Rober! Moran, Route 3, Waynes80 Mr. and MTS. Paul Barley and Bob Peters ______________ 96 vl1le, Is II member of Ohio State 1be discussion 011 "ilow to Oet 63 243 46 children of Dayton, were Sunday Jim Ml11er __ -,. ________ 62 Ulverllity's largest musical oTl!'ian, 'More of the Co 32 156 45 ",88ta of tbelr parente, ~. and Bob O'Banlon __________37 lv-aUon the 310,voice ' University and many Inte 112 42 38 'Mn. LeWis Fir!!s. BUI 'MlIIer _, __________30 Chom". 'whlch will appear In con· were expressed. 27 87 3~ 12 cert at 8:15 p. m . .Sunday, ' March hart repo~ed on ' 68 24' Jim Wardlow _---- -------28 '1,/ III the Men's Gymnasl).lin on the the Farm B~ 1.ooal farm I~der'$ who attended ,Richard Frye _..__________ 11 l~ 34 n 2 10 8 ~)J' 4Ut alii • FAnner.. U~ r.o~el'eJlce lp. Paul Shipley --7""-'------~ 4 - 'tJie 3"bl1J1IOii1 and Mrs. ,A. lkerson are 1.2 l6' Washington, D.O. last week were Tom Hatton _ ~ _____ _____ 2 8 their bome on Thitd voices lind some 16 soloists wl11 representatives on the Farm 2 4 4. warned ' thnt Secretary Benson's Tom Cassidy -------.. ---- 1 a few days stay at Miami /.\stllst 1Ibe Ohorll&, whlob is dl· I'eau Health Committee. 1 1 3 recent cut In prIce supports on Jim Purkey -------..--- -- 0 Hoepltal, wbere the Infant ~ected by Prof. Louis H. Diercks o o 0 (lalry products to 75 % of parity Dave Brown --- - ------ 0 lier uri val. ol the music faculty. has added hea.vlly to the political - - - - - - - -- -·9THURSDAV NIGHTMoVe TO FLORIDA and . economic pressure ' for lower The . Carlisle Indians defeated Mr. and Mt'S. 1.. E. supports on com. wheat, cotton" .the Springboro Panthers Tbursday ,' were week-end guesta here, •• •• nnd other farm , commodIties. night In a seml·tual game of the returned to their hom.e in I S The local farmers. wltb 160 Warren County ' Class B baketbaU TRUE p. MORSE otbel's from. Wisconsin North RaHON. Tuesday, taking their bousebold . • • Wilt' Be Gliel~ Spellker Mrs. 'Earl Hockett was hostess k tournament at the Franklin High goOcta, and wilt now make their <> the New Century Club on Fri. The first Qua~terlY' I !lta, South Dakota. Ohio and IIchool gym. ~ermanent home th~re. Jo11.O: w.. COlUDS, R. R. Ii, Xenia, day attennoon :,at the Far Hl11s of money to' Ohio school,trl,ets ,PennsyIY!lnla , conferred wltb Dept. Dale Scbnelder taWed 24 of th,e president of MIami V,allJlY Milk P this' year under tbe school loun· of Agriculture omclals, Congres· Indians points as they took their arty House. A I n~ge number of I 1 I d d S t d "'I RETURN8 FROM FREMONT Producers Assoolatlon, . report~d members answered the ' roll ~Il dation program WII.8 Iblade re· s ona ea ers, an ena ors an f.Irs t grune I.n which they were today that plans are almost cently by State AuditOr James A. Congressmen from their own ahead from Ule beginning and not )(rs. Lewis Fires recently states to urge 100% of parity sup. hard pressed In tbe final minutes. turned after spending a week with pleted for the '.As'aoolatlon's 28th with. Interesting comments on ,the Rhodes, ·with $29,885.157.72 paid.. The total Is $2,886,lM.55 more port and adequate farm program CarIlsle, ahead ]3.11 at tbe tJrst her eon and daughter·ln·law, M;r. consecutive annual meeting', to be ~PIC of the year, 'and the guestl! Quarter, "'Idened the gap to 35.23 and Mra. Charles Fires and eons held at the Ji>ayton Biltmore Hotel. " ,:,e Mrs. Rhodes Bun.n ell, Mrs. than tbe February, '1963. dJstribu. funda. The conferences are scbed· uled weekly while Congress Is In at the half and were never again In Fremont. Mr. WeI Is nOw on Tuesday, March 9, fie. ljal4 E. L. Thomas, Miss .Ellzabeth t.ion Tills year's Increase of $2,885,. session to give "grassroots" farm In serious danger. spending a few days witb' hie par- tbat early Indications poInt to the Chandler, Mrs. J~ B. ,Ohapman, e;onner and Mrs. Gar~ 104.56 Is due to higher approprla.- leaders a cbance to present tbelr John Eckhardt with 14 points ente wJille ' employed tD Clnolnnatl. largest crowd In the Assoclation's :~~ ' hIstory at thlB 195& membership M ' F/d' G tions by the legtslature and a g!tln views on tarm !egislatiott. and Jerry Summer wltb 11 fol· OE8 TO MEE'1''"MONDA''.: meeting. opa:.!d th: m~rl~~a:~d J)~~~de~: In enrol1ment. Henry Driver, of Clearcreek lowed Schneider In tbe Inc1!an Miami , Ohapter 1M OES w1l1 !rhe Honorable True D. Morse. H R t k d M R E' A ' Largest check tor county 8Cb04~ls Township, was among t'l\ose In scoring column. meet In regular se88lon 011 Washington, D. C., will be the b~1'Y. al::::duc' : as rSthei~ '~e:;' wen t • to MOjltg.o mery cbuni ~, tM state delegation. Gilbert Burson scored 21 for the day evening, lIlarcb ,8, and speaker. Mr. Morse is Un· s,Peakei-, Mr. George Henkle, o.t $454 ,198.87; biggest check tor losers. ,Richard WatterJl' will !five a ifer·Secretary of the United ~~tes Lebanon Mr. Henkle showed pic. city lIohools, $925,285.811, went to 'Carlisle, 68G. F. P. on tbe homJl of Bobert Morris .. De~artinent of Agrloulture, anel tures and told df his recent trip Oleveland, an~ the blgllest to t,h e Alcorn ______________ 8 1 7 Mr•. Watters has vtslted tbe home haa vez:y recently been ' made to Soutb America . 74 exempted vlllages went to Syl· Schneider ____________ 9 6 24 and la fBml1l&J' with tbe ."lattv88 president of the Commodity Oredlt Ev'eryone ' thoro~ghlY en:Joyed the vania In Lucas county. $71,688.51. S 0 Eckhardt ______ _____ 6 2 14 ot the Morris family. . Oorporatlon, In addition to his description of the many countnes Warren county school 8YStlml Ne.. t Lord's day .mornlng the RIdinger ___________ 4 0 8 other duties. their people and their habits a~ received $147,068.68; Frank1in cllty minister hopes to preach his The annual Girl Scout Cookie Butober _____________ 1 0 2 HAVE SUNDAY GUE8T8 Mr. Morse, a Il8tive of Missouri. given by the speaker. 'achoo)s received '87.506.7~; au twentieth sermon from the book Sale of the Girl Scouts oil the Fielder :. ___ : _____ ~ __ _ 1 0 2 Mr. •nd Mrs. A. H. Stub'" had was aUUlated for many years with The club adjourned to meet in 1-'ebanon exempted village schol)}s of Revelation und the theme wl11 Middletown Ar,e a Gtr~ Scout Coun· Summer ____ ______ 4 3 11 .. ;SlIllday guesta' M;r. and Mra. the Agricultural Service of March at the Party House witb rec'llved $45,678.09. be, The Final Judgment, Rev.' 11:. cll wm be held Friday, Maroh 5 Sam Stubbs of Baltimore, Ohio, : ; ~u:;~~~au~: ~":mpr::~:e: Mrs. J. H . Sackett as hostess. 14.19. ' These sermons present a through Saturday" March 13. Tota18 ______________ 28 12 68 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradl~~ and 1962 and ht(d been editor of thl) During the social bour, a dell· Edward E. sl.mple and valuable exposition of Profits from these sales ,viii be Springboro, 56-G. F. P. Mr. BW 5mbbl, who had Doane AgrlcUtural Digest from CIO~lS lunch WIIS served In. ,the din· thil3 book which Is so much neg· \Ised , to help develop the new 316·· Florence ----:--- --__ __ 1 1 3 the week end wltb )lll puents, lhe time It"'Waa 'Intuated Irt 1938, 'Ing room. lected and misunderstood. The aore campsite' whlc~ was f!>rmerly Lakes - ----------- 8 0 6 joying a sbort Ume tro~ his Musical en.tettaln~ent ,wl11 'be I , - - -.- -'------_ Funeral lervlces for Edl>Vard E. sermon for Lord's day evening a part of Stonybrook Farms. ];I)-Ickley ..- "- --" . 0 2 2 studl88 at ~lIng ,Green Unto provided during tbe pr.ogram by ,' HlV\ton, 46. \fer') held, at 2 p. m. will be a continuation of Ii: series The ookles will be available as Wilson _______-..: __~ ___ .a verelty. . Marian Spelman and , Dave Ham. Wedn6llday at Stubbs tunel!'ll\ of Beven sermons tallen from the follows: "Crackln' Gbo'd" creme Zlmme~man - ' ~~-""-- 0 2 2 ....". ·W I gt ta I bome here. nurlal wali ' in. Mia:lnJ last week of Cllrlst's pubUc min· sandwich, packed 24 to a box, van· Woodward, -~---- ---~- .. 2 1Q lito CELEaR~""E ANNIVER8ARY . n, .. ".. s n ns: s rs: cemetery In ctiarg~ of nev. 1. Po Istry. The subject will be, The ilia wafers wltb 4 flavor ,f1Il1Iigs, Burson ______ -------- 8 6 21 .2 4 Lord's Supper, Maratall --------- ---- 1 Vll'lllU'7 on SaturdaT and had , as ... Tllree and on~halt mUlion mOo in Wilmington. box. Totals _____________ 20 16 56 the~ gUests on. Saturday evening wrists will bll1' their lIcen8e plates SurViving are a sister, Mrs"8 .' ,. Quarter scores: the members ot their SlInda,. Promotio~ for a local Ulllvel'- during tlie comtqg year according Mary Hartsock of. Waynesville, I. TREES CUT DOWN Oarllsle __________13 95 ,47 68 'School olll.8s at the Ferry phurch "ity of. CIncinnati Air ROTO ca. to B. E. Foley, State Regtst~r of and t\Vo nephews. "U the oneness of the human 'ON MAIN STRE'ET Springboro _____11 ' 23 37 66 of Christ. det '\Vas anno(mced Frida,. by Col. Motor ' :Vehicles. Main Street uptown had a new 0am88 were enjoyed and ~esb· J"""88 A. DeMarco, prof8ti8or of There are two plates thlB year world were establlsbed, a.1I ,the look this past week 11.8 Vlllage SATURDAY NIGHT: -OM were ••- ' _ . . . , . . . . . . and the color combJnatlon Is \vhite ' differences which separate man· Jan t d h I me...... ........... all' science and tactics at UO. Id d W< Id b di t d St!fe wor ~n cu own t e trees a oug J. Miner Bcored 13 points for be k L -." ~bert ,H. Hunter, son ,or Mr. ~~e8eeral:oloo:_ mwa::eo~lah8ato~:~un~ an~ w:::are :o:~: ~::e'and ~a tth sldewtal IdnlmPrepavtrlngtohwlden. the Spartans and Schneider tallied t1AVE 8UNDAV, GUEST8 and Mrs: Willis Hunter, was PfO- 194'. ' " ' ' ' Is no ,. , Qdvertislng .... on t .. 4. wor Id. e stree an pro ~g, gut 16 'polnts for 't he Indians. There o. h umanJty wouId tl n d raItr. and lIint. Paul Du~e_ ,of mo.ted to cadet m··ot.. , .. .' U I 1 o· Id be ter on both aides of the s ellt. W III"" . G F. P . ... tbe plat611 tbls ye"lr. The 1953 Janet Beokett, WaynerflUe, b"" pose. n versa, peace w u " aynesv e,...,.... • .colu.bus, with Mril. Dale Daff8fl RunteI', a 11)49 ,graduate of th,e plates. contained the numerals 1ust been named to the Dean's promoted and ' the East and Weat J. Miller __ ..: __________ 6 1 13 · and eon Brnce, of Oamp lAJ8I1ne, local hlltll Icbool, II, a College of . . , wr-"d be COnjoined in strOng P t 3 . o 6" a e ers ------ ---"1803" In commemoration of List ot the School or Eclucetlon at ...... N. 0.. who bad been their pesta Endneering senior at UO. Ohio's SesQUI08ntennlal. Miami University u a result (If bpnd. All men would be sheltered Purkey _________ • ____ 0 o 0 for the put two ' weebi, and Mr. Mr. l!'oley slid about 800 deputy 8~0lastle . aohlevements durllDg beneath one tabernacle. Nat1vttle'l D. Ml\ler ----.:------__ 3 2 8 and M.... wnua. Stroa.. and ScOut l52 regtltrars were supplied ' witb reg. ,the paat semest,!r. would become one; races and ra• • O'Banlon __ - - ~ ------- 5 1 11 th .... ch dren were SlIlIclq p_te Istratlon forms and license plQtell Re08lv1ng blgh hoa.ors, · MIn IIglons be unifIed. The pe.o ple of Mr. and Mrs. Roes H. Hartaock Barton ____________ _~- 2 4. 8 .-y . of Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1. Bunke. ~. and started selllng them Monday. Beckett. a 8enlor, Is a member of tbe world ' woUld ltve together In entertained to dInner OD Sunday Duffee anil 11ttle IOn remained, Troop 16a ot the WayneeTlUe Al1 veblclee mUlt Qarry them 'by Alpha Sl«ma Alpha 10rortty' and harmony and tbelr well·belng honorJng the tenth wedding 'amiJTotal,s ___________ ~9 8 46 ana will tlfpenit lI01Ile time wtth Girl Soouta held their resu;lar April L \he daughter of 111'. and MlI'8. would be II.8sured. But there Is versary ot their son and daughter. Carll.le, 42G. F. P. her .,.Nllta before retarIIIn.s 'to ~. .tlq Wedn88Clay, J'el!. 24. ~y .....d about 85,O()o r~ Hnrold Bltck~' at JloUte need a. superior power to over- In·law. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart- Ecldlard ___________ S " 4 10 her bbme. JletNI1!Di1lllta were lerv84 bT aerved lIoelll8 platea-thOle with Wayne8't111e. ' come human prejudice. That Il" !lock. SumlJler ___________.!._ 1 , 3 6 lira. R81117. w1lDe tJae aale of ·GIrl unusual letter-nUmerical combinll,,reslstabl,e power Is the Love of The gulj8ts were: Mr. and Mrs. Ridinger ____________ 8 1 7 NOTE OF THANK. SOoat cooidee ".. ~ dllcmue4. 'U01ll 0 the owner'1 inlttals. G04 .......Abdul Baha-8ubmltted by Owen Hartpeck, Mr. and Mrs. Schneider ______..l.._ 7 2 16 . I wtah to tIwlk my........ Tbe troop thell join" with. Applicant. for' UceDs88 are 1'& Mrs, Helen Mc~y. Charles McCullooh. Mrs. LelIa Alcorn __________ __~ _ 2 «) 4 far tile IIWI1 IdDIIo Troost 111 aa4 . . . . ..... . . . .Inded to ;tv. their home tulng TlIe Miami Galette II on Hartsock. Miss Jean Hartsock and TOtals _________ __-16 10 41 and .,mpatllJ' ettede4 1M aIoq wIUl ~ . dIItrlot ~ 10 that the ta· each !I1'84aJ at IIDGII at ~. Robert Plltiner, d...... tile ma_-.Ii death of fte -tIQ IdjollrDed with the lac tIIItrIct wm be CNCUted . wltll W.,. IDe J)rq' 4fter'a. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hoff and Q~ lcoree: _....... oIoIIq oIraIe. Ita 8lIan 01 tbe lIceue fee whell J)tIce ........ die. .... 10 Phone n'18 'ro Plaoe a Claulfled little lOll; RDea, of Da1toD, also Wayn88v1lle ____10 II If 48 carlisle ______ • 18 S'f 42 lin. Onm Shoup 8aD4ra ADell. N8WII bpcnter. It II dlitrtbate4 _ ~ Itate. 8IDISe tIQD)'-GI' ,.... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . were afternoon callers.

---,. 0





Claarcraek Farmar Allends Farmers "'e "I in US. Capilol



School 'DI·slricts· New Canlu" Club Rece.·,e F.-'" II " MeaIs At Far H- Quartarly Checks '

O-srl Seoul Oookie Sale March &-13


Oh urc• Of Ohri I N Ias

Heston, 4t5, Dies, I.. Wllmln.ton .'

.!. --"-

,3':f :MilUo" .MotOrilts W-II 'BIY LIcansal

b:~an:e~r~~~:~~: ::~

Local. SII.a.IWn O~io This Yaar , J:;r~:uciUnt!r·i!:!~ld~::S:I~':i ~~=~~U~I~~2.~~.- the I d At UC rr.MO a a a Teach-Ings Loca '. I· Sf. ....1 On Mia.- 'U. ' D t·••.1

~~:c:I:~e b~~~t s~~::ie~lr!O:c;::

Honora'dOT n enI.


Wadding Annivana",









THE· MIAMI Eltabllahed F.......rJ. 1110 PAUL A. SeHEftER _" _______ ___ : ________ -.-...... I!ditor alld ' PIII~II.he.. CECILIA J. SCHERER ______________________ ______Aaaocl.te Editor

.,. JOHN .. MOWQAV A.ctln, COuft~ ApIIt


and Mn ......,"'..,ru bell are announclq lbe ellPS" of their dauchter, Mla. ADn

SpltUebug wUl be with us apln this year and Indloatlona laBt tall


PubUsb'ed Every Thuniday Mona1Dc at Waynesvllle, Warren OOlKlty. Olafo. Eutued lUI eecolld dUll matter the p,ostofttee at WaYJIeaViUe. Obto. under the aot of Marcil 8, 18'18. '

--- ----------------------------------------Ohio, l'er Yeu advl,Ulce; elsewhere






p. m. p. m. '


R4tv, John Bern{q, Paator , Maises 8.00 ant. 10:00 a. 1D.


. have moved from this com. MOllt family 'ar,umenlll have aides f ',lmll v -but 110 end. '

munlty to Jamestown. RIB mother Mrs. tnry Roselle and daughter, hnrloi~e,' wlll remllin tor awhUe longer In the home the fl\lDlly has occupied west of town. Mrs. Wilbur Henry Bn'd Mrs. W. E. Frost recently ' callfi!d on Mrs. M ille Sbutts and Mrs. ' Minnie OgleBbee. wllo Bre patients of tbe SlIplnger Rest Home, Lebanon. The Adult Class of lIle Metho· dlsL Cburch held ,their February meeting In the social r ooUlS at the churCh F riday eyenlng. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan. at Mason, former resl· dents of tbls village" Hostes8e8 were MI'8, H elen Robertson and MrR, Earnest1ne Moore. Mr. and .frs. ' Amos Falrcb:lld hav e sold ' tbelr farm jllst west of Harveysburg to C. D. Cook. of Lebanon. Cook plans to develop a plat out ot the lanll, The farm

The ·Rev. Samuel NT Xe,a, R.dor SUllda)' : ' . Holy Communion, 7: 80 L Ill. Church Solioo]' 10:16 a. m, .Adult Worship. 10:46 .. m.


UTICA . E,U,S. CHURCH - WUijam ChIlDDOD. MhilIWI'. S\lndlQ' Scbool 9 .1)0 10. m., ~ari{oj Tbomas, BUilt. PreachlRlI', ·.very otheu BUDdll1. 11:,6 a. m. " EveiJjng Service, Itrlt Sullday III


CAESAR'S- OREEK FRI£NDS Jack Barni• • MlJiiater. Cbarlu 8tanlej-~ I:JuPtl Worabtp SerYl... 10 ... m . ~und., Sahool, 11 a. m. I,

Time was when it was only W~h­ lngton's face on our doll~r. No~ Washington gets halide 'on it 118 wel1! -

_ _._;,:..:;....;;._ _ _ _...;.....;....;_ _ _ _.......;

WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST Price Roberts, Mtnlater Bible School at' 8:80 a. m.

By AI.. ' Drele~ (Not,d, WGr corr'IJ'Q,""",.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Roselle and






. ertoroe. Mr. OleadaU, a gradllAte p. of WUmlqton OoIlege, la 1I0W Choir Practice Thursda, 8.00. t8l!o0her 111 t~e Frnnkltn schools. ~ I The wedding wlU be an event, of June 4 at the hOme of the bride. r:ERRY CHURCH OF CHRI8T . Co.rve~. ltJJnllttlr, ;"-.Blble 8cbool. 9 :30 a. m. ' MOrning Worabtp, 10:80 a. m. Prayer "eeting, 7:00 p. m. Youg PlOple'......tml, 7:00• EvenIng Servlcea, 7:39 p, llJ.



Dr., and lIfr~ . Gordon Munson at Dayton and Harveysburg, nr'l spen'ding an Inderlnlte time at "Blue Crest," tbelr home here. The doctor bas ,&mporarUy dlsconUn\led his praotioe III Dayton, rol' rell80ns of his health. M:rs.' Mary \Boe1'8tler and lion, Donnie were reoent overnight guests of her unc:le and aunt, Mr. and M1'8. Bert Bu H~w of Lebanon. Fred Sber wood, who has been hospltaJlzed for several weeks 11\ Columbus, Is reported to be In ser· J'ous condition.


CaoIp U to Ml'. H. B. Gleadall, MaTHODI8T CHURCH' LYTLE METHODI8T CHURO ... "n'DIUlUI!',llOn ot Mr. Mre. B. H. Gl.· . B. E. Ban_lui, FOlta. dall. s 'r •• ' ot ~e'burg. W. We~ewOOd. JoIbllaf.4lr Dam", Service, 8: 4Ii a, m, MillS 'campbell, a. graduate of Church 8ab~ 8:80 a. IIL., ,Jolr. \VaYlleavUle High 80hool. I, em- Herbert MoMUt.-:n, Bup fhr,~nriatlvBII pIo.."Ii. WONbip 8enice, H:80 a. IlL S1'. MAR'I'8 EPISCOPAL e a t thoe 'WayDellV me , n-~' ~,_ ~oU·tb'Y.Uowa8Ip Sunday 7 :80

• • • No matter how well a womDn carries hel; years, abe's bound to drop a few sooner or later. • • • A political expert i. a ,uy who tells you toclay what I. ,oh" to hD r, !len tomol1'OW and explaina the .l1ext day why It didn't. H'ot Id ' . 10 ory wou n t repeat ltself eo oft!'n if the world would only listen. • • • Bow busy il 110t as important as why bUBY. The bee Is praisedj the ,mosquitO-S'l'atted.

JI.-Y CARTER ' ..... Lllt·llo·n.. '


MAR.5'54 •

.. .



OREGONIA EYANG'ELICAl. U. ilu.enlt (IrlfflWl. ~astor Sunda), Scbool. 10 a. m. . MOrDln, W9leblll, 11 a. m. Youth J'el1owllbtp, 8:80 to 9:00,

. LEBANON CHRISTIAN 8CIENCl MT. HOLL... METHODIST Ohristlan Science servic.s .... "1'. ,14. S04U, 'M~I.u,r en- Suday morniDC at 10 BUDday School, 9180 .. m., E. held HI,bland Ave. at 11 o'eIoU. Earnbart, S~pt. . SUDday school at the UJDe hour. Worabfp Servloe, 10:30 B. m. Testimony meetiJlgs 181 ......... EVenlnl Service, '7.30 p. m. day eveDlng of each monUl .. B. ,


("tor4 ." "MOil . . ,lie Oo,H HIC miD network, tIve , , -

~l11'!'DAY RA:QIO 'PROGRAII!: 'WW-8 :',4(; a. m. WINQ-!9: 00 a. m, WPF3-4 :00 p. m.

.- A T -


TH li••i GUilla Or Come To- Shop' and We Will Repair Th~m While You Wait

GOOD JOB P~INTING Can b' Be 0 tamed at the Gazette





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.,101 For .....~ Ufel

!;fare la ,a new, .11 new, \scllntlflcally ooneelwd ree (9) zone 011 temperec. aprlng ut1'lt cretlll 'ed to c~form to the body In '~lIh • mIInn,!!. aa to affQI'd relt and comfort. V., ..loul lIaullea' o1etael .re uaed to gl,ve ,the oId~td aupport whare n,eded. thue .upportlng your /lerve center (Iplnal columl) 'aa natu,. Intended to , anure you of • perfect night 'of ·reltfu.l -'Iumb,r. , " .' _ 'I ' • ~ 1 · .. ". Sy all mea"e the EXTRA v.lue f.~"rea Of thla ~uparJI m.ttren, 1," oompon.nt I pa~a; carefully laelected by our, el'l;.!Irta of flft)!' ye ....' , expe,len.., oombln_ to make... ale!lplnll unit of unlurpaased ' ejuallty, comfort .nd durabmty. . , The combln.d 'f.aturea ' repreHnt .'" excellent vallie at $!SII'&o ••• bUt. at the low lntrociuctory pr!cb of ' only t3ti.95, }t la rea~l;' outatandl~ • . 8ea, try tble mattr... ,tod.)"~lth. out oblillation. I

I'~~=~ ~ ~~fr.e,


,,--.. . --__ __...-----....---...1aJ -

A fatm Diary By D. J. Pnder


MARcH I, oo:-:-~ th"; a lion or III It a nloe' woolly white lamb? The 'sDow came' last night aftllr "1l .di:j some showers







SWes .appointed


Ruth Brown ,VB. lJ;oward 'Brown, torrain~ By.rn~ va. divorce,' MeQ'l B. Gray, ~ttorney. BYfIles, ' c,livorce, J. "T. ~ey, TJle ~banon .Citiz~'s f'laUonlll to~ef. ,. Bank vs. stanley ~egan, ~ogaovlt, ,Rhoda Ertel VS,: Irwin Ertel, ~d M:apJe, attorneys. , nonsupport law .from state 'of New , Marilyn FridenlJlaker VB. Gerold Jer~ey. . , W. ~ae1m\a~er .. divorce, Nolon, ~ J. stepp, a m~or/ by Nel· Boescb QIId Wolff, atto~eys. lie Step S~ey, ber mother, VB. Robert C. Redder vs. Mary A. Frank R. Middleton, a~fu1s~ator Reeder, d1VOI:C8. · Gray, Rislng41r & of ,estate of George Wm. Mlddle. Gray, attOrneys, ton" deceased, and Frank; R. MldG M F)te ton vs Harold R dleton; Iddings, Jeffrey ~d . Sb t~ 'e0 gaOS it P {u N H ' d: man m4 ~eryl B. Gray, attorneys" tto v, a / , er , for ~ney only, amount olalmed, a ~t!y. tru H Co ~IWII lind costs. , ~ . , e n Cons , c,..on ., a Norma ,Arlene, Step,p, a mmpr, 14 tlult ~e earth Is gettiDg {J. gdod years of ag~, 'Py Nellie Step~ wetting.. Deel) :w.hlte frostlng OD' Smp:,y, hllr In,!ther, vs. Frank eve'"" twig and branoh and 'great R'l~ddleton, adin~~atol' of. the i~ ' " ,. '. estate of George william. Mid· ",hite sno.w: , J;>lossoms on every Wef1>n, "4eceased, ' and Frank bUB~ ~d eve~~een. It ld!>kl! 'a " ' , .• " though the sun might be trying hO\lses and we have to 11o.y tor It to coi)le out. ,'l1!1e temperature Is out of .,to.xeB, I oan't see that 1t barely fre87Jlng and under the helps much. It just encoura&es snow the water Is .-u~nlng or more people to rl;\lae more than'is soaking Into ~e groum! where' It needed and it seems to me It helps ollD., ~erhap~ the drought Is ~tO- the big tellows than"tbe ken at ·o.ny rate it ,is good (or the tie ones. Pel'baps someday. they 'wheat and the paatur~ and thls can find something ~'8.t does 8h~uld htllp the :wells and springs.. help, tlerhapa some kind ' of In~ur, About half ol our plo)Vlng Is done anee or tax reUef but It t,s and ,fl~14 a(ter field along t~e . to beat t.h" old law of supply and roads ,are all plo,wed . • Th~ grouJ;ld ~emand. . The dairymen h a v e was !n l1nuBul\lly good condition waked tip and are trying to , advert . .. . ' 01' pI9'!Vin~, even som? of the U,se a~a oreate 'Pore demand WaY,De/!vtlle g",rdens are plowed, I am afraid they, are too and I saw one or the especially ihe case 01: butter and als!) In WaynellvlUe gardeners out calie of IlI1'd but perhaps they CaU spading bls garnElD I do n,ot knol'l get peopl'" ~ d~'ftk more mUla. and . ' ,. "'1'" whether .1)e has planted bls lIQto.· make some or It up that way. The 'toes and peas or not, but he al· ma.rgal'in,e makers do not have to waYs has them early. , do muqh talking. ~slr Improved At ' l~stmy Income taxell repo~f produ'!lt ~d the wide price dlUer· ' In "and I c~ turn tb something ~nt;e bas dOlie the work for ~hem elae. 1 ' SUPPQ8~ I am luoky not to' but. the oottonseed !,hortenlngs a"d have t~ pay 11,8 much al! uspal but 1vegetable on~ lI~e praoticlllI on, thEl whole I wot\ld rl\ther hnye I taJked lard· off thE) market. , To had ~ tun, crop o,f com an!! my \ he~r tbell!' talk y~u WOllld thln\. barn that burne~,I< and (lay" more l that anytblng but 'Vll1GETABt.;E tAxes, but we. have to tnke It as . shortening was praotlcally P?lson It c;:ome~. The battle oyer farm ond yet the expert\) say that. lard supports , go~ _on but I am tOt' IR more d~eI!Uble. At last th"y Benson. It Is ruee to have good are pl\cksging It so thst it , prices but when It means t1\at the o.ttro.otlve but for many It Is too surplus pll,es up to IIPon In ware. : Illte. They believe t.he o.dverthf. ,

ma':t • Th .f






Eyes Examined



. dlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill





$385.00 Down


SOME ~T $149~.OO





I~ ~

to Own "A Few Acres"


AND 5 E E -






0" FERTltlZ~

CLOTHES LlN~ POSTS .... : ..... " - ' .. : .. $ 4 .9 P3 FISf:iING LICENSES and E9 UI PMENT CONTINENTAL -FENCE- 32"-39"-47" COMM.ON NAILS ..._.. _.. _...... ,.. _. ,,; Lb. lOt



a a

I a It-


EST . ' . ,l ,ong Life Is the'Trot' Proof o~ Better Mer(l~.ndiae '




"SACCO" 'and

; •

Owner ."-.


Fairley Bardware Stores $~ ii ' ABLI~HEa ~849 i

O~ ?rounds Saturday and Sund~y .

Lay-a,way Now the Powe; La~n. mower. and Garden Tractor You'll Need~ .LAWN RAKES ' .,...... ,' ... .. .. "...~..... .... -' ..- $1;OD LAWN MOWERS, From ....... ...........' .'._-.... $17.9:; ~'HUFFY" ELECTRIC POWER From ...... ,. .$59.95

i i




Dr. Carl E. Wilkin

•••••~:'1 !'dl 11111111111111II III II II111111111111111IIll11l1l1l1l1Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllht. 'SPRING HARDWARE lEEDS

~~c:ated 1, M • .S. F~!1Tf Church on Ferry. Rd.



"11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" ~'1II11111111111111111111111f1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l"" "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"-




~iiiiiiii.iijjiijii.'_.Ij" ~

You~ Op~rt~nity


B U I L 0 I. ,I G


Frl nl)8 Meeting House.


Right: here in Los IlAngelca, a udge once' ruted that it Is' pcrf~l<­ legal ' to snore as loud. as yOu pleu. In ,y our own home, even . if It ,kee,.. the nelabbors ..wake.



, SOME ~T $119$.00


first and final account anOD.

md Frank .Middleton"for melney mQII, d..\!C~d, Philip'.J. Ha:rtman, c~ed, Howard L. Swank, eseeu- Stanley and .Jlo8fl II. BOlin 0:788 amount c1a1med, $40,000 and trustee, filed third account tor, ~st and final account ap, acres. in Ttqtlect8e1t twp. IddfDgs~ l.eflrey ·and ' W~isEstate of .Jesse E. Sc~em~er l'roved. • / .' Charles ~ ~ and Rub1 E. mall an'd Meryl B, Gray, attcirnteys. Benjamin 'F. Schl.em! Estate of. Cbades l!l. Lewis, dll- MUlle/l . to. ~ Elrod 1.a(1e1 .--L mer, executor, .inventory hearing C,ea4e<\, W. Chea~~ Maple,. succ:es· Young, Cecil Clatk, Mid Jt.oberts, COMMON PLEAS set for March 12, ' 1954 at' 10:00 sor-executor, sixth account ap'· and Herschel ~ckard. ~s. ~ Huutn RhUle, et al VB. Earnest a.m. " " prpved allowed and confirm~d. the West ~orame Baptist Ohu!dt 1.,.... Bennet . dtUendant rwed to Estate of Cbarles C. Jackson, 'Estate of F. C. Dial, deceased, 0.553 acres m Turtle<n:.ellk twp. answ~r within ten days. , deceased, Edward P. Jackson, ex· Emily Louise Sellers; executrix, Clal;'a C" Ypung to :Frank and Ralston PlU'ina CO. VB. Murel excut!)r, inventory approved. . ' seventh account approved. Isabel M. Coburn 1]0 m LebanoD. Goodpaster, at al, case dlsmisised. Estate of Sarah E. Oondaro, . Estate of H. C. Monson, deceased. .Em.e.ry El. . and Bl\rtha L. Den· Stat.e of Ohio vs: Mary ~rane deceased, Margaret M. Jones, ex- fU'st and final account approved. non t,o Lutb~r.l.C~oper, ~r., ~d Wllson, m.ofion overruled. ecutrix, .inventory approved. Estate of Jesse Orr Thompso~, Opal Mae, Cob~r O.417 acres m Allen L Kalrn va Leona Knirn Estate of Gesicne Holines, de- deceased, E. E. Oswald, adminis· Wasbington twP· divor~e to plaintiff.' , ' ceased, 'Meryl B. Gx:ay, ·adminis. tr~tor v.:itb the will annexed, cer· , Malon ~d Delll! ' Centers · to Lorraine Byrnes vs. Rlcbard trator W. W. A ., certificate of tam cJauns ordeI;ed pail!. ·. Jeptha . T. , and ~arJ' Leonup 1 Byrnes, .Jr. ~se dlsnpssed. . ,t ransfer ordered. , Esta,te of ~opert E. Mooney, de· lO,t in Fran~ twp. , . ' . •~ . Estate of josepli Ahouse, de- ceased, .Ross L. Mo~ney, executor, Che:;w. 'E8rl and Norm~ iJean . PROaATE Cbarles ~. Abouse admin- first, fmlll and dlstribu#ve a~· I Inabmtt ~ Edw~r~. and Ma~ Si. , ,. ' • istI' to ' t ~_ inh'· ' COllAt flIed. J 'Irena Mullins 1 lot m Morrow. . ~8tab! of HbJ'~c~ W. V~Lica, a r exemp erltance Estate of John W. ScbleehaUf • Ot~ ,,Fouch ,to· Oscar .a nd Betty deceased, Pearl VanJca, 'adm,inls- tax. i 'd d S d' a . . ' Sams 0.516' acres in De rfleld tw . tratrix filed ilfUdavit in lieU! of Estate of Glenna Cornell, de. o:~~::~ s!l~~s ~i:f' ;xecuf;JJCi e P account wblcb is ordered record. ceased, Roger A. Cornell'and Meryl private sale 0 p oper a MARRIAGE "ICENSES ed. ' . " B, Gray, appointed administrators, Estate of' Per HaIl ec .. ,Will df Fred Niemeier; deceased, Walter CJles!,!ey', Benjam,in Scbl~m. Warren C. yO;;' a~!is~~'t,~: Earl B. Adams, 21, Springboro, filed ~d' admitted to probate. mer, aJ)d Wi11i;am Bercaw apomt· W. W. A. sale g'conflrmed dis: cable splicer; Oll11'a Mildred F.isb, Gladys SrNiemeier appointed ex- ed appraisers. . tribution of procee<Js ordered: 18. R. 2, Fr.anklln. ecutrix; Robert LYfuangraver. A. Mary W. Stoops, ~ardlan Horace Lee Garbett, 22, CiaM. Col'lfet1, and Cecil Bauer ap- Sbll1'on South, a minor,' first md REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' cinnati, time checker; M;ll'ilyn pointed appraisers. final account approved. .' Ann Conley, ~, Waynesville, "Estate of .Jeue M: S~Wll1't, Estate of ' «har es L. Holden, WllUam and Jeanette Jones. to ~omptometer operator ,ceal!e~" Ethel M_ Stewart, exec\l.· deceased, inheritance tax ~eter. Claude 1f<IW~4eland Je~ell Hal- '"'.- - - - - " '- ' - - " - - - - _ trix, IDventory approye~. . mined.. ' ~y, 1 ot ID.. earcree twp. Estate of P)'\lnces O. Ward, de. Glen and Martha Joan Sbope to ~j ~ I I• . d ' .,... , d W d d ,~ -;Estate of HeflllBD Keuter, de· Ray and Maurenice Butt 5 lots • cease, ~war er.., a m,lDlS- ceased, tdna Keuter, executrix, In Lovel~d Park. ' ,. . , • trator, inventory approved. Order- first and final account approved. Sid R b H . h E I that real estate be 8014 at pri~ . au an u Y" urwl~ to ar vate sale' sale apProved Estate of Raymond C. Weaver, B. ·and Neva A.. DaVldson 0.9(1 . Estate' of HeJ'bert p' Yunkes deceased, Nettie Weaver, adminis· acres in · Lebanon. d ed D .l.ti , , ' k • tratrix firat and final account ap H 0 U R8 • ecel\s, oro....,,.L un ~ !!:' ' prove. •• I. 9 to 1.1:45 a. m, Frida afternoon at two o'clock Estate of June W~d, d~cea~ed, CON T RAe T 1 to " 5 " p. m. at the ~ends Meeting house the Bess~e Ward adminlStrat1'lX, first annuill Wl>rld ;Day wlll be lleld and final account approved. ' Except Wednesday P. M. and' everyone /s lnvUed to com~ . Above Woolworth'. and take pallt In an hour of pfllyer .8' . h. - AND ' 5 and 10\1 Store fOT !;lsnae • All ove th ") ld If whereva'r . tbere ".r~: C~I~t::ns: ' R " Telephone 2-43~ I groups \"m tie meeting to tl:tlnl~ 0 F ALL KIN D S I ' an,d , pray for world fellowshIp.. 1 . BRUSH WORK , or SPRAY I hope many will join us ThIs yelll' BLOCK LAYING we meet with th W :' ilI Free Estimation ' e aynes ·, e FREE ESTIMATIONS Fr'lends at their ~eetlng hQuse. last year we met at St Mal'YB and ' , OPTQMETRIST next year. we hope to meet wIth Inquire at Thelma's Lunch OH IO ~e ~::~~:ts~o c:'~~C:n!l j~~~ PHONE LEBANON 811X Phone 3424 Call After 9:00 P. M. XE!"IA,

and ~IO.OO Month '


of ,Jack

Admin.J:stratrlx authodled ~ . con- approved. ' Hobert A. Stoeekle and I'IaDk Ste,Pp Smiley, formerly tinue tiuaiDeu of decedent fot 4 Estate of Mary E. Swank, de. J. JUehter, to Arlit· and Bei:tU Stepp, as administratril[ of months. . ceased, J(arvin Eo Young, adminis- RoWlaD 2 Iota Ja iIamotoD t'wp. (

A.l.o~ As


I'I'IIDcla WlDter, au..u l;:..~~~_d::~_ Nellie lIae, Winter, ad- IQdea C.

pobJted ad~ipl"",triX; .cbulal, ~. Waggoner, Cotwbl Nizon 'aDd Carl

. NEW SUITS • corporation, VI. Gt!9fge 1l, Coyle, estate of Clarence E . StF.PJ,l, W. A. Swartzel appointed guar- trator, d. b. D. W. W ••• , flr,at and ()rviUe and . . . WrlPt to Rosella Emrick VI, Everett 1.: for memey only, amount claimed, deceased, v·s. Frank ·R. Middleton, \lian of Stepbanle C. SWarlzel et final account approved, allowed Bert A. md Leona Kelbler 1,11 aUlJ1ony, Wan'eIl C. Young, $1111.08 with in~t md costs, as admJnistrator of . the estetl! of a1. . " an,d confirmed. acre til Deertle,Id ~. attorney. , Sbear and Kline, George VVm. Middleton, deceased,Esta~ of ..James Arthur HartEstate ·of. Samuel A. Swank, de- J. 11. and G1a4je )L . Sleet to

(Continued trom La8t Week) , . , "'-e round on~ of 9ur 1'~~ JOO8t,; en yesterday up by "the barn ,with liliI comb and wattles , 'all piCked elf and ODe eye gone JiJld ~ tl1e other almost shut. .Tohnny 111m up an~ brought lilm the J10Uae anll as he . came ~e saw a. 'bloody 100kInl\' barred 1Wclk hldlng u~jler some brullh. He wall badly damaged but too much so to' o~w when he SlIM bis poor. b'~tt~red '1'~val, so he muat have been the ~ty one. I had . thought 'that perhap8 It was , a. ~awk or some va.rXI!lnt. O~e o~ o~r hlte hena had 0. bloo!1y ,n~clt the otper day. ~ do D\>t know .wh"t h k fl t ' yer did that.. 1 see , 1lW: IS Y I)g 0 a~~t eVtlfY day. I ,.do .not kno)V Wbetli~r ,to .,dare. to have ~ome ChIcks thts )'eJU' or not. "he ~hloks the hens ra1s!!d at the ' barn rear dlC\ very ",ell but the l~t time I talsed them In the brooder houae ~ey did fine until th~y were let out anjl started to ruD \l1"OUncl and theJl I 10lt almoat halt of them. The . sugar )lUo)ce'is .,re olit wJ1erever thoy are makIng , syrup .J. wanted to make 8~me ! bu~ 110 far to "'elp . X~ av.en . AOun~ anyone .. me. Theile Dew 'plastlo bags tor cOllecting sap are supposed to • ve ..... fine but theY are runny look..... . I ne t lug ~Ings. :Maple syrup, s °lm 0 the things that has ',been a 08t prJeed ort the' market. ' ,Labor Is high liut not mallY' peo~e ~re enon h any more to f}II.Y the six or s~ven dollars' a gallon that 'BYJI1lP has coat the last few years. I Uke it and I W1lnt wltb them ,as far u , tlye, ~utseven II! q,o mucl\. Thete are' lots' at: . mce yOUD$ map'les at HWlgry Hollow but It , Is, many years since there has been any S!l,g8l' makIng there. Al1d now to get to work on tpose Inoome taxes. again, . P. S. I w,as fooled again. All the buyers were at the s~e prices ,were good. )Vhat will they b~ ' liezt weelt' .



anel·...,1 G1'8J,


" 11111 " 1111111111111111111111111111"



~ifieJ ,Phone


To Plaoe a


DOW LIN. Howard H. Mar. 12 - Mar. 5 Lebanon Chapel - 1 P. M. Rw. M. Q. ~1U.latedt Inl!rment Lab.non Cemetery MILTON BRADLEY -




.DRAWING 11K . •

CAN YOU RAISE 'l'URKI!IYST We t1naDce alta and feed. HO];)· SON HA.TCHIilRY. Wayn8lnlle Phon,!. ~846 or lII12, . J • X-1,-21-(lOt)-3-Z5



4" x 6"




























30c .




x 11-500 SHEETS



8V2 x 14-500 SHEETS



$2.25' .














MATCHES-Your own lin · UIV:' .... '... advertisement printed ~i)n each book. Get. our priceB. TB[El MIAMI GAZETTE. Phone 9913.



For Information CALL -


Lebanon Nalional Farm Loan




Dial 24501

2714 Tytue A,ve.


What about a fI ... during'conlfrucfion'

en' Risk Insuranc..

!-bl la,lllvillalltiDDalllDk

CLJMNING OUT YOUR ATTI£c? J\dvertJse those articles you no longer nelld In THE 'MI· AMI GAZETTE. Phone 3913. db

WAYNESVILLE, . OHIO Federal Depoalt Inlurance Oorporatlon



Insurance Agency



; . • SAtES.,









LlNCOLi.MERCURY H~~~;;;;;;E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~·

Ask u~ about Build-

P. O. BOX 62i , ¥lnneapolls 1, Minn.

t' •••, ••••••• , ...............~~

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RESPONSIBLE 'PERSON Male or temale, from this ar,e a, wanted tOservtce and collect t,,~m automatic vending macbln.... :No selling. Age not essential. ' Oar, re~erence8, aJld $600 working capital J;lec:eeaary. 7 , to 12 weekly netll to $400 mon~hly. .P'os· slbUity full time work. For Jocal Int.el'V\ew give full parttculolrJl, phone.


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Armitage &Son



Wayne.ville, Ohio

A Long Term 4% Contract The Land Bank VVay Will Relieve the "Pinch" Lowei' Income - Lower Rate

BatabUlla.. IS. y.... or Senke.


... . ,'......,.,......,.'.'....




.E. SP~N'G H 0 USE CLEANING , 2, WILL ,BE HERE SOON - Turn 0-""'1..·.1.1.1 no I nger needed articles Into cash with a classified ad In THE MI· AMI ~AZETTE. 'phone 3913 dh HOGS SLAUGHTERED For H01U ' . Freezers or1Lockers, 2c per pou~el ****ft~**********.**1\'**, dressecl weight. ;VAYNESVIL1t.E LOCKER PI..A.N1'. John' Broski, Man~ger. , Phone 3111. 1-21-1lfc


A Farmer's Loan


WILL PLOW GARDENS - Clall W.aynesvt1le 2784. ' X--3-4-11··18 ~1'"lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUi


Ph9ne 3913


. lV.iddletoWD, Ohio ;






... : ...


'FOR S~ - Jaeger Mixer, S:i{; tilt. · 0.11 Warn88vlUe 2980 after 6 p. m. weetdll78 or anytime (In Saturday or Sunday. c-3-4-tfc.


Rina, For: A '




G:ve ... A

FOR SALE - Paperhang\Jlg tabl>l,. sttalght" edge and trtmmer. (;a,n ' /lee ~t nurr.. Grocery. ' J~. RAINEY:. South Lebanon, Ohl'~, Phone 992-lt:. . X-2-2&-3·-4



. Phone Wayne.vllle 395S




W 0 RK





;!~~~~=~~~~~~~~!!!~~:!!~ General Automotive




Phoae 2341


and with Inthe'the42 county . olub. that worked were active last year.. There were 700 'boy. IIIADT oUIen for 'the boJ'. and girls enrolled' hi the progio8m' gil''' to lIaldD& foods and nutrl~ Leba non , Oh 'o Phone 448 with ' 954 proje ts. Of tlila num! ,tlon, . food preservation, clothing, E LLIS H. STURM , Se~'y·Treae. bel' or enroUees the g1rls outnum. home furnlshlnp, home m!' THAT GOOD ' TEXACO GAS AND OIL be red the boys 466 to 234 which .men~ and many: others. Is the typical trend the cOUJity On, . ot the hlghllghta · of 1958 ... LUBRICATING SERVICE - FIRESTONE ACCESSORIES .over. Tbe leaders a~e to be' 811- was the new 4-H camp here 143 pectally commended for th.e lr fine boys ~ ' glrle from W~ coun.Se~s efforta In ' helping to make thlt ~ped for the Orat Ume in & .".. program a IUcces", Contral'f to their own camp. Members ot- ·tbe Mr. and Mrs. 'orman Brown the tblnklng of many peop)e, "-H ,unior LeAdenblp Club-Iene« .. and :'Ir. Ed Drown of Dayton, vis· TEXACO WA~NESVILLE Live "Wire and ProltresRlv,e. Advteo", receive no pay for the co~lors or IDatruCltOrs In. the Ited lhelr s ister. Miss Bertha '\n Organization Second Tq m Any hours tbey spend each year "Arlona camp -lUltivJtl8I. They Urown on Th ursday morning. Strictly Sellers on tbe Best All worklng with the boys anel Ifrla. as recreation' leaeleN, IOUg 1\11'8. Vada fGet,l, Mrs. Nina Me- their a unt Mrs. Mabel Hathaway lIrday. .,Around Market In the Cou:ntry Many of ' our leade... today are leade~. "e~ In charge-of "espeN, Pherson. and Mrs. Nellie Madden, on Thursday. Miss Helen 'l1rlmble and bro-' . • fonner "·R'ers wbo reaJlu the campfire aDel ,belped ' wltb the 1111 or Wilmington, we re dinner Miss Rulh Chandl er attended a ther, Mr. Frank: Trtmble, of Main· SERVI.cE THAT S"TI~F.IE8 value of the proaram In. helpiD, maD7 oUlp aott"'~8I. j;ues Ls on Thu rsday of Mrs. Kleln's luncheon and meelin g of Alpha ville, W$re .vlsltors of their aunt, For Dally Market Reporte. ' . to make better Clltl_• . of oU!' . s lKt r, Mrs. Olive Curl. Phi ChapLer, DelLa Kappa Gamma Miss Myr.Ue Stevens on Sunday WL . . llOys and "rl.. - . -•••• ~... ~............... MiRSe!! Rut.h and Elizabeth aL th e Van Cleve hotel in Dayton afternoon. W C!AcIDDlaU.l2;30; Tbe ""~-R p,..,•• ....... .n WCRY. ClaclnnaU. 12 Jl,:! .....,. " 0'-" ~ to ..., ' handler and ;\lrs. Mabel Hatha" I on Saturday. Mrs, Anita FInlay, Mrs. Lena Hartsock was guest WPFB ......., to 11 .'" bO)'ll and glrlll between the a,H . ~ way attended the New Century lo r Ypllow· Springs. dressed In Ty· at a family dinner on Sunday at ' ..........e WD, :... of 10 and :n yean. The project , ('~ub on Friday a fternoon at the rol aan costume, a. most In· the bome of her son, Mr. 'Ross NORRIS BRoek COMP,1\NlI work .. clIrectecl prlncl~I" to. 7 Party House with Mrs. Elsie tPresting lecture on ''Vienna, the Hartsock and famUy. The aces. . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . , want nuat aeti~tles lnat there are ... ~ 1 'Mkett ae host ess. Immol'lal Olty." . slbn waR the wedding anll1versary ltIan,.- pro~ tIIat oaa be eleCted Mr. Paut D~kln and little son, ot Mr. and Mrs. 01lj'en Hartsock. T ~AZETTE for th~ boTa and glrle who 1l"~ 600D JOB 'PRINTlN& Mr, and Mrs. Don Baird, of Mobile, Ala., and ' Mr. and Mrs. ' Gene. ot Lebanon, vtelted his ' ry ~ in Proiecb I'IUIJ8 t~ D_ ..J • R alph Davis. of Dayton, called on , motber, Mrs. Ella DakIn on sat-,Try GAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS _ THEY 6ET UYMtook. workln, 1I1tb ,,004, for- IMI ..,..almta the &41-.4"-1 eatrT, ftelct Cf'OPII, !llb'deu



• Antenna Install.tlon -and' Rep-air

. ,'.·V.wIt....Islook over this the time years that accompduring (-R


Dayton-Wayne8vllle ltd•

'We Service All ~akel and Madell. Radio, Teleyilian 10% Off. On All New Picture Tubel Sold and Instaled

.From a tiny corn club organ. Ized ,in Olark County, Ohio, 61 years . ago, 4-H Club work bas spread to every state In the Union and spanned the oceans to many other countries. Here In the' UnI· ted States 4-H ·wlll pause to cele· brate National 4-R Club Week March 6 to 13. ' . '

IlsbmenLB and start making 'plans fOil tbe coming year, Most ot the clubs In Wa.rr n Oounty are ac· tlve during the spring and sum. ~emer seasons but tbls ~ear quite a.. few carried on: their o.c{lvltiea dill" F,rasure's h\g the winter' months according to Extension Agents' John ·MowT bray and Mary W. ,clingan, wbo • superylse the llro;;ram In Warren county. F 0 0 D S TOR E The success of the 4-H program P H 0 N E 2 5' 4' 1 Is largely dependent upon • the capable leadership i,!monstrated ~~~~~~~~~~~~ by the 82 ad:vlaors who organized











OL.a . __






And the H....

fh.· .....nd

Of the Bra'y

Sel-ving Waynesville Since 1850 ,




.. Lirt S· . , ' . i '~' ,y enlors ,0 \' , (n~'itations Gra' d ua'. t e ~ C; lt' ues. 't'


' , J' Ie' ,rlilage, ar a e ~.n la, 2 8 . J' L ' tsoon 'S" .8 oree' 1rae


Floren~' Named I~·" Pres~danl of P ••TI A,

Waler ' Tom

Siluallolt To l Be Topic

For Dilcl. . have SOIle forward to civic groups. ,PJ:den and womllu's cl1.\bs. J;'-TAIi and the AmerJcan Leg;lort. requesting ;atteJldance at a joln~ly 'spons01'l!d bleetlng by the Franklin Angl&rs, Cil1b and Thl' Wawen Count)' ~ervnttoJi As" socln,tlon, inc., fOr VIe p)Jrpose ot, fa'inJl,I~rlzln-g the pu~lic as to what, could be.JlccompUaJ1eIL to Imprpve, the serious water situation thf:\tl faces the . Miami JJilley ')Vltb itsl ever increasit1{ POPUlation. ,: The meeting ' wUllul ~eld at tl/.e, Anthony Wayne Sojiool in Frank , iin F)!lday. May ,28 8:00 ' p.l m. ' FUnds have for engineering the M.laiDi

Baccalaureatl! wllt be he~ the Waynesvtlle High School Suni ABOUT I;OLKS YOU (\~y. M8.Y. 28 ~t ,~he high 'schoo) at M KNOW. 8; on p. m. I al Invoca~lon wlll , lie by Seth .Fur", , " VISITOR IN MIDDl.ETOWN nns, prayer b)' BernjU'd E, Baughn, Mrs. 1I0\vard GodwIn, Executive Mrs. SUsan ScanloJl ~as the, sermon by ~h8 Rev. Byron Carver. Se'1retar.y, Warren County ' ,Tubel" ~d the Benedictlon , will be given culowls ' a~d liIeal~/t Assoc)atlon, an,' week-end' guest qf her son tamUy In · M~d:ne~wn. the Rev. Price' Roberts. nounced ~oday that. , chest re.rays , -Thirt)' seniors , wilt receive dl· wUl b,e: avallaJ>le ne~t Monday, ' A. K. DAY INJU~ED I,. FALL l!lomas. Tuesday evel\lng, May, 25, May: 24 'f rom 9 a. m, to 12 noon" !.fr. :A. K. Day~ fen at b1s store at the elghty·second annua} com· l1nd :1, p, u,t. to 3:80 p. m. 'at t1Je room during the past week fece~v- ~encemellt exerclsefl of the Wayne Hall 10 L8\)anon. '1ng a fractured 11mb, ' ani! Is con- ~ High School. Anyon~ In the county wanting a 1/n.ed at Miami Valley hospital, : Invocation ~ be g~V!lll by: The chest x-ray, cali get one in the ~f- -,- ' , I Rev. Samuel N. Keys! ,alutat.o~ ternoon tom 1 'to 3: 30. T~6 price LIVI,NG ON FOURTH STREET< by Linda. ~ Ramby, valedictory wm be ,1.01). Carol ,Lynn' 11etalllok, alumn'l Comm1~tee Mr. and Mrs. C,lare'l-ce Rye ' are, now occupy!ngc their bome on greetlJ%s by George Henkle, ad· I ley Flood lI"oUrth Street and th~ son and dresB by F. R. ~oomaw, foim~r,. olns ore 'nlst1,'Jct, as to d construction · of ' daughter-in-Ia",. Mr. and M;rs. Buperlntendent of the Waynesville Ch.rles Rye are 1,'8~ldllig on the Schools, now of ,Chillicothe. pre- on s t!:ereby creatlDJ sentation of Aw.ardB, Wm. D. Gra.. p'ound water 1arm. , ham,pr"entatlon pf c1atls. Supt Ohioans Invested over 26 , mil. the ATTEND CARD CLUB MEETING R: W, Watters. presentation of , dl~ tion doUars 'In .Bertes E and ~ Savtngs }Jonds during AprU, or 20 occasion Mr. I!oDd Mrs. J. J. Bllrske. and plomas, Dick A. Irelan, Mr. and Mrs. William strouse, at· tion. The ~ev. John W. Wedge. Clint more .than ·.they did .m more even -tended their card clu!! meeting at wood. ' month last year. O. .J .. cre/lse the the home.' Jf Mr. and M1'8. The 'members ' Chairman. Warre" Man ' 'Gall in ClJ,lcinnati on Sunday. ' class,. are: , ~ , Savtngs Bon!1 Committell, lems y Tobe M. Ball, DoJ'ls A. Brown, today. llesldents of WlI..r- tlple, Invested $lS.SS~ In the had from DINNER GUES'U IN FRANKLIN Joan N. Brown, JameB 'R. Carter, in ApJ!ll, compared to $82,- reseJIVolrs Mr. and 1.11:8, Ronald Haw~, Nancy J. Cro"by. PhtI' (;E. Evans, ' a .... .... Fls'lie '" Sa;',ah ' E Flan. 400 for the same month last year, 'W'i~h Mr. and.. MrB. J. WUilon Ed· Donn Sixty-~our of tb.e state's 88 'Wards, of SprllWfleld, were re- nery; Marll)'D K. Gons, DO~lia R. -cent dinner .guests of Mrs., Emma Hadley. .Janet Keys, ~nthanne couqUeB rePor.~d .gains fot the Kocb, Martha' Sue Laird. ,Paur month, Clialrman yraggoner said, 'MoOlure In ~In. lYlJ'OnE,ner'• .ruet WOOD, ' "nd' total saleB amo~ted to ,26.James E. Mlller."WlIliam E. MU . compared , to $21162~,81/) • VISITORS IN C.hllCINNAl'l purchased in April, 1958, " Mr. and Mrs, Je88e }?renClerg&llt ler, Glenn R: O'Banton, Bobe~ and daughter'.II, an~ Ws. Kath~r- Petsrs, Linda Lee R!Unby, Natlonapy E and H Bond sales ine Ptendelgast were ' Sunday L. Rebmick, Jem D. Rush, 'Oarl 'tVlIl'e up 11 ,per cent, Chairman guests of Mrs. Winifred Prender· A. Schnaltman, Sandra, Lee SImp· Waggoner revealed. As of the end gut In. CIncinnati.' and Mlea Kath· son; Betty Snoddy, Nettie JA. Tin· ~f April, 'Ohio has sold :84.S per ~e reinal~ed for iii Short vialt. ney, Norma G. Upton. Jllr~ 4. cent of itjl , 196~ quota. of $343,400.· _ ,_ . James Bobert Wardlow. 0,00 IJI Serle!! E anll -H BondB, 8QN EOR E. l.. DAVIS' ' Jerri D. Oo~B, . . Ohairman Waggon.e r said the statE! DRIMARY ' Dr, 8nd Mr,I. E. L. are Claa,. now81'-Red Carnation. should , have flold 3~.3 p~r cent J>1 r" , ApJ!ll 30. Two!>f. the five areas ,I n COST prOudly /UUlouncing the bJt1h of Il Color&-Blue and White. IIO~ at Bt. EUDbeth I1Gel?Ital on MQ~:'" ~"1'0 strive, to seek. to state are ahead o~ per cent o( , ' 'I'rlday. May 14. M.... Davta ! and not to yield." - 'renny· qUp~ att;atned by ~he state thua, far,' North8lf,8t 1ia~ 88:11 per cent lDrant sOb. ue DOy at their


1 ' M. ,


~~-------'-----? Plans are, being fjtudied here

'Which would Involve ' the acceptance into the corporate Uml~ ot Exercise Spearhead the village 2t three trac~ which , .wouid yirtlinUy douJ>le the area FORT HOOD, TaK.- Pvt. RObert of the 'Y,iU~e. .. D. ;Reynqldi!, 22, son of 'Mr. a~t1 A,Jso on ~nd are ,plans for conMrs, J . Albert Reynolds, Route 3: sQ-uctlon, of a silwage disposal Wa.ynesvtlle, Js serv.lng with the 'p~ant' whiph Mayor Hany M. Sbel'enemY'ag'gresBor force for Exer· wood hopes will be constructed ClS8 spearhead large.scale Arm), next year. ' training maneuver now under way The Mayor has establlshed . a at F.ort Hood, Tex. planning commlBslon , and 'has' l;I.Is unit, the 2d BattaUon of the asked the . C1v1a-O,ub, ROqiry Cluh 47th DlVislon's, 1,6Uh . Infan~ Reg· Bnd the: American Legion eacl/. to l.ment, from Camp Rucker. name two members to the comAla.• to 'provide opposition for 'the mls"lon. '1 st ArmoJ;'ed IllvlBlon In the comEdgar Smith and Leo Conner bat tests. were named Monday Ilfght, to rep· A, rifleman. In Company" G, Rey.· ,res?nt the Clvie ,Club on the plan. nolds enteflld thll Army. In Sep· ~ commission. . tember. 1968. Several attempts have been " made recently to obtain ney( In· Tom Florence, former Way;nes· ' dustry , for the town. Several vl,Jle l!lgh School Coach, now en~ Wa,n'e ' Third in Track more. are In the offing. ., ' The population of thll Vmage gaged In tl1e rjlal estate busineBs, was electea J?resldent of the local Mael' flew Record Se. In 1910 was 705; l!l20, 668i 1~80, Pa~nt-Teachers Association for . J ' 697; 1940. 888; 1950, 1016. the coming year. The new officers Waynesville came out third In were, elected at the ~prll meeting the hig)! school dh111110n at th~ and will be Installed Mpnday night, 34th ann!1BI W~ren county track Heroic Diad May 24, and field meet held recently at The other officer!! elected were : the fairgrounds, 0, E. Branden· Wan Honored Fll'llt vice presIdent, ' Mrs. Harold burg, clerk of the CQurse. h as !In, Hods'on; second vice president, nounced. ' Wearing Popp, ' tnls as· ~Ichard W. WatterB,; thIrd vl~<\ 'Morrow thlnchlds won the high open dis. prllsldent. Mrs, Edwin Surface slihool t,llvlslon ot the meet br Those who have died ~or Ainet1ca au~ anBwell , recordblg secretat;)', Mrs, collecting 34 % pointa while Mason in this century's thr:es w a ~ s attendanCE" corresponding secretary. was second with 28 'and W/lynes'. agamst a~ession Will be gIven an op'· Mrs. ~ohn Missal; treasurer. -Mrs, vlUe was third with 26; Kings a saluts ot honor next Saturday ques,. Don Hawke. , fontth\ 118%; Oarlisle 17%; ,by ,the millions of Americans who nec~ ,There will be a musical program Sp,rlngboro, 4; Harveysburg, 2%. w1l1 wear poppieS In their memPrl!sented durIng the meeting. James Allison, Mason athlete, ory. ~I)rew the ~IBQUS 126 feet 1~ In. T~e , little red ~relle paper flow· for a new record. . ' era have , arrived a~ the Legiop The 'old record of i26 feet lOlA! Home from The Ohio Soldiers and inches -was' eet by S. Wlgginfj of Sailors Home, San!lu!!ky, where in '1940. _ they mlrll made by disabled vet". elementary division of Wearing <tb~ pony iB a personal the Carlisle was first with tribute to' the men who gaye their ao. - ,Results .28' polJi~; Waynesville was' see, Uves that free AmeriCa ~Ight llve. lDa4e on ond With lIMi MIljJOD~ . ,.a 3/5:, R Js IIOlDet.bUll[.~ !lV~ODII ot WI , .. .,... ~cl Noda u ... ~ fD SQuth btbamon, U~; Morrow', 11 'can do to sbow,"tIIIi.t We rememller have been an· 1/ 6-; Hamtlton-YalnllvUle. 11 1-11); and bonor their supreble 8aCI'1tice. . Chairman Waggoner said, of tbe shuddet Qver use turnout at ' ~~~~ s:!::P~::n~/~~~~\i: ~i[ !B~~~X~~;!~n~f Wayne~1 n~unced by Tlie AmeHcan Jersey Harveysllu!g. 6 1-5;· Sprl,llgboro The poppy. orlgtnl1,lly' was the H.8 ,p6r cent of. Quota ach.leved ville and Warren county appro:!!l- cattle Club, Columbus. ' and Kings !'lIDs tied a 3-6 each. flower for the World '!t",.88'. '0. eo uh l vote cast Il~ • Tile o~clal tatln~s were made The -meet was postponed earlier War 1 dead, because it sprang u~ mately Itb d i Co and ucas unty s secon w the nrim".'"..... ", "c \ f bY L. O. Goleba.n, k of the Unlver- due to weather c.ondltlons. and' bloomed on the rows of battle . 40.6 per cent. .. OJ 1fT d C ' Twll thousand six' bu~dred s ty 0 enneSBee an ovegrl;l-v8s' of th~t war. rt was oft!t<i th 11 s With the Innd. Nashville. Tenn. M , D 'fl e l l s clally adopted ss the American PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERI':! voters w~nt t1 e :$7 000 2~ a;' claaaified the herd owned bY a , ra Legjon's memorial flower soon ,. , . , ., ,Walker ;Lewis, ,Jr., Rt. 2. Waynes· B T l £_ " after that war and also as the me, expense /1,III0un ng STATE ' HlaHWAY DEPART MElT EMBARKS ~~P~ygcl::;k ~:~he~~~UonH~~~:, t ille, Ilnd ~n Copeland classl· ' 0 e ~amlne ' morlal flower ot the British SENIORS RETURN FRIDAY I \ . . " . fled the herd own.ed by F. W. Le I ' Twenty.four ' members of thll 1954 gra4uatlng class returned Qn HUIE - PAVEMEI' PAIITIIG . PROGRAM It the large majority of voters Eustla., Breezy Ridge 'Farm, Leb, The followJng five men' Ilave g on, FrIday 'after a wonderfUl trip to ,h~d gon~ to the polls that Tuell', anon, ' been or~ered to report ror ,Induc· When World War [I llegan to ' . ' . . day the: IlOlIt per vote would have Tti 16 i l l IfI d tlQn into the Armed Forces on take Its toll, ot Ame.r lcan dead In C d N ' ' Washington D., . an ew COLUMBUS MAY 20.....!...The State -Highway Department has em• 1 th 50 . ts ,. . e an ma s no;w' c ass. e , , . every 'part of the. world. the poppy ' ked on one 0',. the larg ' . est slng'e !.avement namting nrograms iii been eBs ani tl c,en mal' .,'. the In the Lewis herd IDc.ude 1 Excel- Thursday, ~ay ~7 ; , oilY. A'heY' were accompanied 'by "ar tw teach rs )lr Kenneth Eme! '<: ~ • " I' ., to .. 0 Lw n' 'Cost 0f .e econ re ns lent, 10 Very Good 4 Good PlUs Franltlin-Ropert Surface, John came to be the Dower ', of memory ,; the hlB~ry of the department, S.ate Highway,Direc r 8 . . e same whether one 'p-erson or a ,fulll a " . Raymond Samons. for them, also, and now we have. o e .. . an,llourtc,e d this ,week. ' " , , vote turns out:'. .. ' and 1, S006 d. ma~ng ,~ " ~verag~ , _ Gerald Grooms, .paul the dead of a third, war to whom , lC~ and MIll :'Jane BlaolOnore. . " Plana and ~etaUs were completed' fof' the annual program to,get . score of .9~%. he .",'Bt s ber the little Dower pays tribute too !\lEW CENTURX CLUB TO under way t))~s month Linzell stated with a total of six stlliper units classIfIed animals, of which , t h th K Wa " 1Iri. R.: E, Asbury wtU <be host- workln the State's 8S' couqtie'll. : " NOT I C. E ! 7 are ' rated Excellent, .15 Very .T he following elgh men, ave e ot;ean 1" . • eas to the New: eentm'Y ptUb, on . g ~ Good and 14 Good PluB: The' av- been· ordered to repoJ:t for Armed Dis~1!led veterans , of the three i'rid&y. ¥ay 28" at . the, Far' HllIir, At ~d, party BPonsored ' by the erage numerical rating, Is , ~6.68%. ~orc6's, physical em~inat1on on wars make ,the poppies for UB t.o " Party Honae, with 1'41'8. F .. U. tJe. ' American Legion Awdllary 'Y1Il br~ The average numerical tattDg Is Tuesday, May 26, " wear In honor of their fallen comMay, lira. Kellt\l' lJ'oak rfud Mi88 given at the LegiOJl H!,:ll Fr1~a~r. 113,1.5 fo~ all I\nIm~S' clf!.8s1tied in W&ynesvnl~eorge Hartsock. ,rades. 'llhe contrlbl!tlon you give lluth OhanlUer in charge of the May 21, at S:oo p, m. Jersey breed, FranIqlb~Darrel Hedrlc, Moss to the American Legion Auxiliary 'Pro~. ~ Adlnlsslon will be 60 c~nts an!~ , Winkler, Merle Jeffery. ' Volun,teers who bring yqur popplea lIriZes and ' refreshments ~11 Le~anon-CharleB Shelton. go entirely to ald war veterans HONOR8 8ISf~R.I!II-LAW , oltered, ' Fostel'-;\Jolin Keller. and needy children .of veterans. 1'41'8. J. J. Burske entertained on Uhr,·sl loles Oregonla."-John Downey. We hope that no Qne In Warnes. 'WedlUlllday. honoring her s18tjlr' Loveatid-OharJes TaylQ,l'. , ville faUs to wear a poppy on tn,-law, Mra. W. B. strOng, ' of Friendship Ol,lb The sermon subject for nen T:he J]lDe draft call will be for Poppy Day next !3aturelay. Senti!- Clr.ra. ,Cal1~., who, h"d lieen Lord's day moi'ning wtll~ be, The four men o~ ~un,e 24. t I' ' ~elr ho~s~ guelt for ~everal days. l Maels Wednesday HiStory ot the Mother of Bar)04l. ~ght men wUl be 4;lalled ~ TN ~A~ETTE CLASSIFIEDS A jleUCioua aaIad course W' a a Rev. 17. Who or what is .the physical ,e~ms on J1\ne 2~. • 1 , ,",, ~ , served, and " bridge was _enJoye4 Mrs. Ef~ward I>rumnlon:d!~ ass!slt~ Mother of Harlots, mentioned In ' , ' . . . ' 1 du~ the afternoon by MI1. H e~ 1/y Mrs., Vlolti. Lawson. ent.elr Rev. 17;5,? Come an~ hear a dis- RESULTS AINOUICED IN DISTRIOT.STAlE d. Ho~sOI!. ¥rs. Mv. !I'bompson, talned the Friendship ~luJ> oln of this ,subject at our wor., '., , , , ~ , ,\ ,·Mrs. ..n.. .a. HUtsOck. 'Mrs. D .. O. ' WlIdnesday ' at the ~l'IIlers~, c~w~ ship Bervlce next Lord's day morn· SOHOLARSHlp· TESTS GIVEN AT IIIMI U ~ry home. - " Ing. · c, • Ridge. Mrs. WillilUD St."use. 'Mrs. :r)ie business session ' ,was . COlll- ' As has ,been customary In the ' Results of the final Distrlct.S~te Scholarship', Test. W,hleh was Rhodell Bunnell, tHe bonor guest and ,hos~~ . , ducted •. followed, by M1'8~ -:al~~: past w,e will ' 'dismiss all Sunday given at several universltieB and colleges throughout Ohl,o bY the State ; , ' , '~ \Y.hltaker being ~ charg evenJn~ services next Sunday eve- Depar.ttnent, of Education, we,1'e recelved ,recently. RJgh rankfilg stu· C.. W. McCau.ghey, Ohlet of. th , games, ' '( dill nJng In favor of the baccalnureatll dents in varlo\ls subjects were eligible, to l1artlc~pa~ ' in the tes~ ' given e Departmep. tiS. Divialon of ope.raI DuJ1ng .tb BOc1al hourI e.i pro,g ram at the Bchool l bull\1lng. . 'a t' Miaml University, . ' tions, el!titnated t;b,at some 1'3.796 • d6 " cio~ refreshments were sert\: ' Rellllits in the dlstrlct for Div,,~ ~-----:::-'---:---'-----' . , mUeB ,of hlghw&),s will ,g et ~e. "tlft , omtl Mrti. ,Cora RICh and Mrs. pe~l~ laha'l- III schools classification, which Happ, H 'o l ' Ilr. , and Mrs, Frank Swartsel patilt treatment In this ),eal"s P7'" ~r. and Mts. Mexander an,d Mr. .Rii!~ wI!~J: ~", hOSteSBes for t , .. ' I Include,. high. schools .with ali en- ' ~ and MI'II. Beavers. of Orient;, Ohio. J , JlI g Question : What Is the Baha' I rollment up to 19910 follOW; In Meets AI 'raddocks" 'Were host and. hoste'. to tbe Farm· 8!W!l. e~~ {ll~ on. ThUl'Bday. .\ A 'deU~ngements , ,and . schedules werp yiBI~f8 of Mrs. Olive Curl 11I!.2 H Id copceptlon of ~e Trinity? ' genertl.l' science, Settiemyr.e '.' " , clons baked , ham .1 dlnner was wert outl,ned to the twelv4! did· on /3unday, afternpon. . . Troop ~ ". Answer: "The 'TrIn1ll. ts , tilt} of Harveysb1p'g, re~elved the rank 'Mr,.. Warren Braddock was ho"tservell , a~ the noon hour, ' • "Io~ engln,eers , In If' me~ting held • M1'8. Lena Hartsock r spent sun-" "COok.,Out" Sa,,-rday, ,Bymbol . of the Sun ' shining down qf 11th. C.arl Schnaltmau. of ~ss on TI,Iesday ~ternoon to the , M.... ~ Furnas was In obarge recently in Columbul$ to re~8W day at the b~lIle of her son, ~. , • frOID high heaven 9n to a mirror Wayns'ytUe placed 5th in chemis-. Happy' Hour ClUb at the, home of of the special topic, "Wh~ , ls ~ew -the ove~ Itrlp~. prolflUD. for Boas Hartaoclt~ and famUy. I TrooP . 162 ,of the ~aynesvtlile on the earth. The Slln re~resents try. Jackie WIlUams of Mason. her daug~ter, Mrs, Berna~ , Daley. , in hoC productloil.!1 which was , of the, Y4l&l'· · , , , . Mrs.. Ella D8~ left Friday for j'Girl ,~oo~ts held their re~lar tile ESsence of tile G!:>dhea~! Its took 5th In phYSics. Dorothy The regular, business :seBslon . great In~rest to everyone. ~Ileer Harold 1Dckhi\.rdt, of a Visit WI. th h~r friend. ¥r8. Mome meeting Wed.needat;- May' 12. rays represent the Holy .' Spirit, Fisher. of Wayneaville, w~ 14th was held and Mlss DOra,t hy wn, 1Ir. Swartsel ,bitrodnced as llis the Bureau of T~ff1c and ~il.fety, Cltnfo~ in Oolumbu. P;ueB and a~te~dauce _re the Mirror' the Essence ,o~ , and Barbara Doster, of ~arveys- IOn, bride-elect, ' was honpred', ~y peat I~ker, lb. Richartl ·Sat- whlch is con~uctlng the ~ayement ,MisB , 'Belen T.rlmble and Mr. ;and urreshin~ta ".re Ae.'·the mirror reflects the ' fuJI burg. was. 16th tn Iilgebra 1. In the club and received " & beautiful terth"'&1te,., Sheri(f 01 Wan:e.D mar)tlngjlrograJD,. aal~ the CI'~wa Frank T~ble. 'Wer~ , wecome Villi· Plans 'Were made for ' tb.e dlBC o( thll' Sun In Ita splendor. so Ame.rican history, ~argle Jane gUt.' OOlmty. who .s~ OD his worJt; cot under way in , IilTtaton l2, tors of their aunt, ' M;iss Myrtle O~t'l which WI!AI helel. on does Ohrlcjt reflect -the qliallties 'Le~ls ~l CarUse. ranked lOth. Each member of the Club ·ans. Ad ably aliJlwered ~ny qullstl011!l Cleve~d, on, M;ay 10. 'l'hey .tart~ ,Btevena,'on ,Snnday afternoon., " The ' m~ettng a4Journed , and·.pertection" 'of ,the .A.lix\ighty. EtJI of HArveyaburg, ' was ,w'ered roll call by giving a re4;llpe , ..ked ot: Jdm.. . ed , a. week later In . DI~On. 1: Mr. Carl Slnltb and , J;lIs , bro~Jier the ,clostng c1rCjJe, f\b"Ul Baha llk~ns God ' to t~e 11th and Richard Schwein" oe or holl aehold hilit. ' , .Attar & very lovely day the olub Lima, Dtvlato~ 8, Ash1an.d.lr_ Dtvi Mr. ~rga Smith and Wtf~ of SandF& ADen. Newa Sun' imd Christ and t~e Holy Spirit Maso~ ~ 16th.' Lloyd ' Harris of Games were enjoyed ' and the &4journed' to meet With Mr. and slon 7. Sidney, .Dlvtaloll 8, Kiddie-, Newi Vienna, spent the week end to two , mirrors, If we B&.Y we Springboro. was 7th in worlcl hts- club adjourned wiUl plani to mee~ lin. Seth Fu.1'IUUl ~ ,fune. toJfD;; and : Divtslon 11\ New Pb,Il., with their _alatel'! Mt/I. Edna Buh,r.li1,lVe seen the sun In two Dl.J.rrQ1'8, tory. Richard BranQaman of Car- at tht' home of Mrs. Alberta Hoek ad~)ph~L ,' man in Darton. that t8 to say we have !!een three lisle', ranked 14th iii senior social tn' lune. 'DeUcloUa Ice cream, , YI.ITOR8 FROM DAYTON , '!'he rem ll dlvlltons ~" auns _ one In heaven and two on John Blandford, 'of Spring· i\aJte and colt. were s~rvell dur~... and Mra. BoT ~. Scherer, of acJlednled for ptng in June. C~RD OF THANKS I'Dangle . :nat" ...... hel¢ at earth, we Sll~ truly: On ~he was 19th In Engllah DC. lug the social hour. ~ were 8Un4&Y' dlDJler i1l,!~ lDe~t IBId. I 'Wish 10 thaDk my neIJhbortl, IlaiTs Pariah House ...,. May other hand it we !8:7 the.-e is one Doris Brown. of WaynesvUle, was ' , , of M~ ftJI4 Ilra. Paul Scherer '"''''''''~''''''''~''''''''''' ftlenda ' ~d membertl 0 f the AD Brcnrntea to Bun. that It hae no ~er or 11th lil EngUah XII. Mary Joan In aeneral, sCl~nce. BlUy SettleIlOna. , NOT ~I C • I Wa,ueIVJiJe lleth04tat Oburcti for ~o. 1&4 were' PrtlHlltllll the equal. we , again speak the truth:' Stues. of W.:yneavtlle....... 7th In myra 011 ,lfarTe"borg. reeslY N ANI YIIIT .. ERE I"DEL.aLE 'ENQIU HERB the DIUIJ' nJoe carda and letten PIn" b7' their lIIadert. lin. -Submltted '" Mrs. He)en McCoy. Lattn I. bonorable mel1tion In the state fo DA¥TO , ." th 11& t DIe dUIQ IDJ' ro- Preather an4 M.... lob W. James lDdward Baker of Ktnp Diviaton m achooIa. 1Ir. Ae lin. ma.rl--. SIaa ~ We bave ....1IIM V.... IJu1eI. n':' ~ere Y8I7 muc~ .1" After 1'8Cl8IvIII&' their TYPEWRITER RI.BONa HERE Milia, rtlnked .th in p..,.... In, In obemlat1T, Carl BcJm&lbDan. ~~or 1Ir .......uul lin. .... Ooprtq PncIIa DOW' ~ atoc1E. ~ , Brcnnde ...... ~ lit. • You can pt TrPewrtter !Ubbona DlYlalOIl II schoo.. ~ftc&Uon In of Wapen1De. ,ranked SOth In the 'ria. .1ItaIDl "' . B-.....-M- IIcG"'-'~ ~ - - N0. .... at th• Ouette omee. the ........ ot. 1Itate In Dtvtalo.n m school'" PIAI1 . . . . ..~ ...,..• ..iftN' ••-, .. t . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . aau.m. uvua AavuD &VU\ ua.a~&:


"'hi I


' I In A "I


Of Three






a 5-d,


















legal Nbtice -

'NOTICE TO CONTR ACTOR 8 STATE OF OHIO .' 'O e;lartme nt of Highwa y. Columbus, Ohio, May 14, 195'\ ' Contrac t S.le. Legal Copy No. 64-224 UNIT PRICE C{)NTRACT LVTI:.E METHO DIST CHURCH PubUilhed Every Thursda y M 8·879 (2) 'fI . ~t Waynesv ille. Warren COUilty. E. Baughn. Pastor It reo be Sealed pro .oaala wiJ worth the new. J. W' , Weds ewood, Mlniater E ntered us second cluss matter at celved at tbe office of the State It seems all you hear anymore ' men will think U'a UnlUed Servl~, 9:tli a. m. a. m., Mr. t-:80 obool, <'hurcb way the an dreary r e .-ath, Oblo, no'a tUe, Inr. OlnelOascope, ~be 1l0stot'f1 e at Waynesv CII1emaIC0fI8, McMillan. SuPt. Highway Director of OhiQ, at Co- Is I've seen severa, through" but very weU acted. Take .Hel'bert under t~e n l ot MaJ'~b 3, 1878. lumbua, Ohio, unUI 10:00 a..:. m." Clnemas cope. now Worshll ' Service, 10:80 a. m. ODe. thls to chief ST. I\1ARY'S EPISOO PAL handker ur o y' '80me procels Ohio Standar d Tlme, Tuesday , pictures in t~e Youtb Yellows slp Suuda, 7:30 'l'h& Rev. Samuel N. Key., Rtlotor Walt ;DIsney has done It again! new pro but en!oyed\ 1 which. ot mentll ImprPve for ID. p. 19,,4, 8, elaawhe re June . Sunda,: you doa't have a He's come up with. another swuh. ~ubBcr1ptlon Rates-$ 2. Per Year, in advance , in Ohio; $2.60 8.00. y Thunda Practloe ~Warren County Ohio on Sec· cess or no, U In: Obofr histo... on a good b~ckllng drama based HoJy Cotnmun ion, 7: 80 L m. , Uon WAR-.· (S.49 (4. 1), state good st'ory, you don't; have We ~Ime Tchls as simple as leal '(lhacrao ters. Church ScbOOI. 10:15 a. m. ltoute ' 0. 48. In Hamilto n Town· picture. ft'l ' 'stm DaDdy THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1954 Ypu'U notlce that the aCr "ltob Roy" and a real Jim ~dult ;Wllrsblp , 10:45 L m. CHftUlT O~ H altlp, by grndfng. dl'n1mng , paving that. CHURe "ERRY Todd Richard it IS' too. Starring c ·onc·rete oa or abed tors. Iictresse l, and the pictUre' ft Grossnic kle. mint Taylor and ROy with aspbaltl all !1nd GlynIs .Job.ns 'liS usunl. the base noel construc tlo& that kOt th!l aeademy awarls, 2·0,1 U Abbott. A basket ' dinner Is belllg aggrega tefacilities two lltara and a floe !,up'port ln' I1Yl'on Ca rver •. MlllJeter m. 'UTICA E.U.fI. CHURCH were regulat' blac'lr. and ",hlte .' . a. planned for the June meeting to draluage do a bang up job on tlifs 'nlbl~ School 9 :80. 10:80 clUlt .. treated screen 81ze regU1~ normal m. Road· a. feet; 18 nt Worsblp Paveme WlI1lam Channen , Kinlal<er. Width: MOPllnC and traa. ,be held at the hoJrle of Frank MISS JANE FITE "From ~ere To Eternity ," "SULla8i te.chnlcolor tale of love . Sunday' SChool 9 ::'0 ... moo M~. way 30 teet. Prlll'er Mee' lng, 7 :00 P. m. . . Swartzel . Scotland old In son v~r'i' all HoUdIlY" Corre.po ndent J!ariey .Tho!Xlas. Supt. Length 81)1.611, feet or 0.151 mUe. 17" and "RomAn Meeting! , 7: 00. Peopl\1's Young make to I The Welcom e Bible Class of leem always l Western andl In black Preach lag, every otbel Ilicllday "The date Bet ror completion, of go~ pictures and all sbow met Rlvenlng Servicea . 7:80 p. m. doesn'l~ a hit even tbough you seldom lIee . / Mrs. Thelma George wl\l enter) Jonah's Run Baptist Church. white. Just soeB to U:46 a. ·m. Mr thle work shall. be a. set torth fn It? ssen a dOlen ot h haven't th I IfOll g I one e Frld , "rade first her. of. mothers taln the 'Eve/llng Seryfce, first Sunday (n . th~ blddlng proposal." ay ev 0 n n e ome times "'fth local and cut changed . <1 whit" and b~a~~ of , ~peak1nl . Service, ent month, A dessert . Ohio State Employm as there'll cowboy , and W.'YNE SVILLE CHURC H OF pupUs to 0. party to be given In an~ MrB . .Roy , Abbott. the Middleto wn mOVlel, a couple of excellen t oneil Aa " lon~ people Avenue Vail 1207 GHRIST guests Me to them. served Jike was course "Beat th,~ rnCllansl tbe sc bool building Friday alter· Ohio wm tul'1llsb 'tbe llucc8lls~i hes4lng your 'WIly are Bogart . aU11 too! A CQullle of pretty good onei , CAESAR 'S CREEt< FRIEND 8 noon. Mrs. GOOrge who bas taught rollowing the regular meeting ent list from Devil'" with Humphr ey employm an bldd~r y ,:Advisor MasBle South The making the roun!!s rlg,h t DOW Jp'e Price Roberta, MbUster scbools Love" of "Act and • • JOIl the primar,. clasBes In the . Jaok Bl\.rDea. M1n1ater. .Tennlter labor d unskille m. qualified L In lYblch all Bible Selaool a\; .: 80 here for several years. tollows the Council met Saturda y evening.Roy sball. insofar all possible . be se- with KJI'Il Dcla.lJas and . ~ewcomer ":Escape frOm Fort Bravo" With 0Iw1. Stul.,., Supt. .. a. 10:80 , Worslllp MorDIDa Mrs. and WUilsu;n ·Mr. bv of bome headed the cut party good 1\ The first Is a r~:· custom of having a mothers D!ul)' Ro'b~ . WOrihJI' Servioe, ~O L m. III. J. 7:10 , an Inter· lected" tor thhi project. Woralalp llad Evenlnl rroup The and Pal'ker Abbott. Eleanor wlth Roll- Holden and each year. Sanllay .Sollool. It a. 111. Services . 7:8p p. m. prob- . The attention 9r blddere la di· ular com~ of errore. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Tucker werA esting discussio n of farm served rected to the , epecial pronll~n. en Morley) &ad Poter Lorre adding "War .Arrow" with Jeff Chandle r /'Midweek T lunch a think by 1 followed O'Hara. lems and Maureen guests Sunday of bel' sister, Mrs, --'g . or aulgnlD I to th1II wtttr well acteda plctuN. sublettin ear· an covering ~n one eVANGE LICAL U. B. lut IA tbat ed hostesl. OREGON and mention host the name!) by glda (what .Jennie Bell of Somersv ille. tbe contract ; ,the use ot domesU c Gina Lollobrl sUIi gOod. Putor Ortmua. H UROH adding bsaut¥ l1ut little else to lIer column, but It's salute ..... houra labor, ot ' 9 selection s, ."'&: materfai AUGUST Rob8T, Mrs. real and a Collett S. Mrs. A. This wee\( let's Miss Bonnt\l Sue Welsb. of 8aadaj 8eIIooI, It a. m. na of tbe PI"OC8tid1ng.. Oft the ' beat cpndltlo and ent employm ~ , of BerIaIDI Wayne the Jou Rev. a . attended Brennan HOUgh Walter Utica, spent Sunday here as tbe ert WOo.taI" '11 a. a. I movie la "Beat the Devil." "Ac!t old·~~r . meeting , employm ent. MaI!"B 8.0<' awe 10:00 L m. . guest of her grandpa rents. Ml;. ~d Townsbl p l1'armers Club the home , YoatIl ~. 1:80 to 9:00. Love" Is .. sad story of romanele , tine actor and still golDg strong, ot patd be to wage .mlnimum The In n Thursda y afternoo • Women win I'll be back Boon with more gllmp· Mrs. Jobn E. Wel8h. l of to all labor employe d Oil thla con· wltb a war eettlng. 1 doubt It tl!!e IMIl! of the top fare In movIe solnr RiCky WUllams, ot Wllmlng ton. of Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Swartze like thle movle bu~ with ce accordan In be sball ract t , LSBANOH CH'''lrI AN SCIENC I spent. Saturda y here aa the guest Oregonia . METHO DIST fAT. tlhrllliiA a .SQJ.DCe ..rvtee. are M. 9caU. . . . .ter 1'1'·Buaclar .Mr. :1 .:80 a. m., E. beld eve" S~ aIGI'D1q at 10 8cJ1eol, of ent Departm The bv termlned t W t ta Willi amson spen Itidust.-ta! Relatton s ILPpllcable to ' MI NOT ICE .. .rahar t. Supt. Hlcll1aac l Ava. at 11 e'0leck. yve The flrllt and Becond grade-.t u· , .88 Mlcblga n State Higbway Departn llmt 1m . ServIce. 10:.10 .. Ill. Baaday ~ool at tIIa l8lDe hQUr: WoraItp ' dents ot the Harveys burg Scbool tbe week el!d In Holland. H W N 'Drov~menta In accordan ce with 8ervlCle. 7)s0 p. m, . lIlv.atq Festival TMliIDeDJ' _UDp lit Weclnee· Tulip the ~ attendln Fripicnic , a to ed ave OW were entertain and Sections .116.08 (17·8). 4115.00{ Abbott Roy ev..w.. er each IIOIltlt at 8. Mrs. 48,7 and Mr. group e· b T. Ancient. Ft. day at 41il5.06 4115.06 (17-4n.r, (17·4)" In Sunday spent Sue r daughte their by ' 8lnlDA N UDIO Paeo1J,AM8: was accompa nied there of hie (11·6) and .41l6.07 (17·5a) of the _ ____ Q I teacbers . Mrs. Biram George. Mrs. Sidney 1111 the dinner guests WMJ- I:.a a. •. Oblo." ot Cooe Revtaed Abo [.m _ ... 'Lyle Robertso n and Mrs. James brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank .. ne WlNCI -I:M a. m. i'lrat Day 8cJMIoL ':1' L lB. ';llhe bidder !TIuat submIt with bott. a.m, 1':30 s. . Reynold lleetlq lor WuaIaIp WPJ'B- 4:Ot p. m. H~IWWl 1I1"~~~~"mI • the In cbeck :;~~~~. o~ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Re)'nold s ~o:~: _ U lID 111111 .II Cpl. Clyd~ Runyon, who is tem· ' Holland. in porn.rlly assigned to Locklnn d ,Air "pent tbe week end bids. Fes· tlJ;la~s : : :~:~~:!~nsO:r~l:b~ 'j to reject IUIJ' and aU . Force Base. Columbus, spent tbe Michiga n attendin g the TUlip S. O. LINZEL L, of the dlvlslon office the Dnd \\'ays t~vaJ. . weekeud here with Mrs. Runyon State' Hlgh\vay Dlrecl.o The codltlon of Rev. J . P . Thorn· deputy director. a~d tbelr daughte r. Jackie. the right 5.20.27 reserves dlrecto The 1m. much be to reported Is Mr. and Mrs. W. p, McCarre n. bury' of Walhoun dlng, spent the week· proved. --end here at their home with her - - - - -- - - -- mother. Mra, Laura Shldake r. 'IIDA Y NItE' S Tbe BYF of Jonahs Run Baptist TELEVISION 'IGHT . Churcb beld a meeting In tbe sOJOE GIARDELLO • Summe r and atralpt .haIr cial rooms of the church Sunday .. .J:;.I~".( •• 4I.LI t1.KO·" II) . be eDeJDieL needn't ' eveDing. That's the 'oplnioD of Victor PieRRE LANGLOI,. Mrs. H . S. Tucker. MfS. Hugh Vito. famous New York ' hair (.I'I.LI'~.KO·"'.) Vance. Mrs. A. S. Collett. Mrs. stylist, Too many atnltght- ba,ired MIDDLEWEIGHTS Laura Shldnke r and Mrs. Clyde MAY 21,'54 STAN FOR';» BOGEN women; he 88,yII, think the only Levlcy attended the .Wl!orren Coun· answer -to 1IWDliJer'. sun, wiDe!. Our tamqua artIat. Stantord The Miami Gazette Is OD sale a,nd water ia a ~ pemiaae nt. ty W,CTU conventi on held FrIday 01 • D, ab&DcItlns Lebauon 00 each ThursdAy at noon at .the Instead, the DltW-al diann and , in Lebanon . of poor apprecla Uoll IfOQDd. The Store. Drug naBvllLe hair ahoUJd Tbe Mens Club met Wednea day , Wa, c per ftaUer7 Qf Itrailbt ~ of II:8&t ..-rice to all mer zed In a 80ft, easyevening In the scbool cafeteria . A [1I'i(le re=\la lns tile IOme-6 emphasi be year. chat. .o f Lebauou. Thll DWl II, tried chicken dinner was served to single copy-o r U.OO per ~.lor ~ like the ODe "lUI.doubtedly WQrld's Third Deaf . mown here. the guests by the bosts. Mr, Earl • lit " 10 ~ ...... ~ GeDlus, Wbr~d's .peed ,troke llal. , ~.*.*~******.*.*~ NOTE OF THANK S In his new book. "Top seereta '~St... ~e painter lU\.d also head" eUe expJainis L Vito A " I StylinC, Fie ', Hair of ART to thall'k. tbe WaYD88vtlle wlllh J startl to __ • flit lin world s lawn yacbt. co. and lDany Towneh lp Fire Depart. ,how hairdos like this can be Wa)'lle and . Feder al Land Bank l powerfu other new and coming prompt actlon tn reachieve d easily~ Controll ing the their for ment . thP Inventlp ns. 'He again takes croWD of the head is tlie most tire at our reel· the to g spondln HanIaaJ ,import ant thing to rememb er in to beDcL AD baJr, nd the I,heart of WaYDeayllle .'Ullt ... doorll ~' depce last week,. Dae to their et. GaUltte. Miami the ' of always lI()ufh ' .. sbould III It hair. varfet7. styling Btralght -.....pJn A Sound Way To Finance npfency. there wasn't even watel' be rn&OOeh, directin g the rest of some 8InOUD$ of bend, eepecla'Uy , He 'says his lawn y:-cht shall damage. AlsO' 1 want to thank all ~ wid Id place. Farm Real Estat e into hair the rs a~d frl8Dds who 10 .wUat the tem~ .tdebum a, a",d become e recogniz ed, non-cru habie and the)' have DO neighborespoad8 "or· d. FoUowJ n. tbfa beDd, top. 'ripe ng IIngly Groomi force, miltp by parts. moving thO! Long Term -4% arouud front !.lth His n~w a~d greatest. will be Kathryn OibboDB. ' , One easy way 10 get this curl baJr I Write, h1m for partICul ars. alr.!Ish. and sky·flall new l1'ea~ "8". smooth eft'ect is to groom bair curIa ~ like the ~ Why Pay More in '54 with ,a iood tonic. 'Vaseline bair A Farm er Owne d tonic, made of petrolat um; is , recomm ended because it lubri- from the scalp, like little hoops, Syste~ , dUOing. while sprinSimply grooms. it as cates Loans Made Through Finally, after hair iJ.. dried, kle a littl"e ~nw. your hand and curIa' around comb out. ~en rub over llair, payin.,,8 spe_ face, and then using a few more cial attentio n to the crown. PHONE 27 Next, study hilir and notice drops of the \oDIc; sUck the bllck whlch way it has a tendenc y Into, a smooth straight Une. Don Teb~e C~rlos Harmo r Phone 448 Lebanon, Oh :o EL !... IS H. STURM. Sec'y·Tr eas. Technicians 'PICK YOUR PICNIC Eltablla hed February . 1850 Editor and P\lbllahe r P~UL "". SCHERE R -- ________ • _____ .___ . Editor CECILIA J. SCI;tERER __ . ______________ _____ ... __ . _ ~ A .. oclate






~. ~~~~~~~~arents.

~d MrB·\Mi'::·~~~r:~lf:c;':l~:!~~:::~ ~:~~c::::~e 1!!e~~!~gft!OU~!


Il.m 1~lmm~~lml~lIIlml

pase TEl



.1'11 TI ••--vllle


I. I


Stra igh t Hai rdo Is 'Sm'a rt FOI; Summ~r. · Say s .New ~or. St,l Ist




••• ****

I ' .,.,




01111110118111* !U'*ut~~~ ~-:,:; ;~nllflDHIIHIHlIIUIllIIIUlU_IUUlniIIDJlllnIIIHIIIIIIIIIIDlI_lHllllllllllllmlinnulnl11110 nwr

Lebanon lational Farm Loan



~ ~E~R~ ESD"~"~!!I~ ! CEWA~N~.~~~ !~




, '1We Service A,II Makes and Models, Radio. Tele'/ision :: 10% Off On All New Picture Tubes Sold and In;talled a . Anten na Instal lation and Repai r tAL L W 0 R K I 5 . G U A RAN TEE D :: :





Waynesville Waler

Get acquai nted with 8erIc.hl...•• Nylac. Top ariel T.....ln•••• fab. · uioul 2-~ay protection agaln. t run.1 ' Her.e'a yo'u~ opportu nity.

Qui'c k Servi ce

Phone 3626



buy a complete wardrobe of tbe~

wondenUJ,. glabtorouB lcmger.~. ing &rk~hire Stockings at great big savings. All the Dew~t shades. , Propor~oned .leligtlie.





Gene ral Autom otive ....,air


Servi ce 24 Hours A D.y

KI ER 'S Phone , . 2341

CA RA CE Wavnes ville, ' Ohio

When It comea to ouldoor ,f utenal~JOu can't beat '~:r:=r:::l':::: el~dllirin. the neceaaar beauty, Ion. life, e • ., eleanabUity anjl w : Now that outdoor. eating daya to accommoClate ' eJ\ough meat· are here again. you may be thlnk- fowl or flah fot ~ur famllJ' al;\,d. Ing of making y,our back yard a Ia few guelta:'b e ClealC!led SQ' thli.t . YPU let mazimllm ~ectfv:eneu ,second dlninlf roOm. Halt the fun ,of outdoor eating ' II in cooking from the tuel; bye lhelt ).Ipaee . loyerech arc.oal on jlroperly de· for utenalls, plata, and ae~­ Signed equipment. If )'Ou fancy inR's: ha"ve a pia.,. fo• . Jte.epinlr yourself a fresh air chef, here colfee or ~p Jiot~ be euily port' are some thin,s to look for when able; and be. h.dlt of mll!JerIal . iseleetin g a pllmic grill or bat- that won't . . . lI!4Ie.~aI!iP, _ •b cQe. It should have grill Ipace 10le Ita. beauq .to tII~ weatl~.,



15 ......." .60



(ploln or ....... .m) ~

15 dcnl~r, 51 gauge (plain or dCrrk team) ,' 30 . .,." 51 (plain ......)



~ f






1 pair


.6 pqIft 1 pair :I pa'n 6 pain 1 poIr 3p111n

6 pal,.





$3.'9 $6.24 ~3.19

~ .... 24

THURSDAY, MAy 20, 1954

' Warran (ounq Court.'' News' l--_..;:;.___________



A Far~ Platy By D. J. Pruler

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, W YNBSVILLE, OHIO Adrian B. and Mary E. ~iWtt to Donald and Edna BobinaQn, 3


R: Dale to William E. and Mary Beruttl, 1 lot in Franklin Twp. Richard J. Bothe to Elizabeth M. Botbe, '1 lot in FrCUlklin. Heza and Edith Cox 00 Robert B. and H;elen Bogers, 10 aareis Pt FrankJfu ~R; Roy and Lilla B. Cr~ech to Mary M, Beltzlioover, 95 aCJ;es in Salem and Hamilton Twps. W09drpW and Cleo Brandenburg to Ben and 101m' Browning 06 acres In Union Twp. ". W. T; and Hayes Dalton to ehas. and Opal Wise, 1 IPt. ln Frai1kltn

A D08~S


, COMMO,. PLEAI Alvin P. and Mary L. Qibbony By CHAN, THE CHOW Jobn M. arid Ben Brown,lng dba to ~tle K. and Mlldred It Haines, BrowDtng Bros. VB Finley Taulbee, 2.26 acres in Morrow. ,,*,,_ _ _..,..._ _ _ _ _H.W et aI, case ' dismissed. ' Ivan L. and Rita Penley to E, R. Tl1e man who sald "It's so peace· MAY ·17, 1964.-The BUn ,le shin· ~ Wells va Andrew Wells, Housoon, 12.40 aCJ;ea fu SilIem Twp fut In the country" sbould hnve l~g and It la a lovely day b,Ut, ·the case dJsmissed. Cec;I and Sarah Milburn U; had h,!, head e~ecL ' Peaceful Indeed He must have lived In a house feel", very empty now that . Dorotby Yunkes VB Geralcll,ne Frank C. Anderson 1 lot ih Clear' my flUllUy haa gone being aud Charles Thompson, J 0 h n creek T w p . ' dtUerent country than [ do tben. with' me for a month. It was nice Yunkes, Ramby Lee Yunkes and William and Mary Lou Heizer to I am a watchdo~. [am , thr~e WAYNESVILLE ~ bave my !lIster aM ber Anna F. Ramby, . Guardian of Alva and Be1vla Heizer 1 lot' 'yeaIs old. In those three years I h\lre. Everyone that Uves Ramby Yunkes. Ordered tbat sum. Franklin Twp. ' ~ have lived no, one hall yet told me sbould haVe so~pany every , once mons issue to SberiU, for services Margaret Wund to' Barbara what It Is I'm ' supposed to be · Wund, 1 lot in Morrow, • ::~c~ln~~te:o ,~ ~~~r~~~ in a while ~or long enough BO til at upon' PJinor. you get used to taktn8' care of a Rar~ g. Eastman. vs ~oy Sulll· E. R. Houston to Thomas F. and ,T wp: through any sense of loYalty but ~Marguerite Sebree, 8 lots . in Salem Joseph A- and Ann~ M. Haney fOI: ,the lack ' of something b'etter family. ' It la nice to .have some v~n, et ai, sale c~ntinued. one to ' cook for part . of tile time. Jean '.Ro1!erts vs Alb~rt Roberts, Twp. , , 00 Ray and Phillis Branham, 1.6 to do. , But I do have a complaint makell hnving .things In tbe locker divorce ~ plalatiff, child' ·to, Ellis S. Thompson to Paul E. acres in FrankUn ~, " to register. ' , "l'0rthwhUe. My Pllas ar~ In blOB' Defend~~ ordered to and Hele~ I. Hasselbrlbg, 1~ acres Mattbew, Sr. and Viktoria Her· Another farm dog I know told som but ~ey ,cUdn't Iltay lonk per ~eek. , in Turtlecreek Twp. metz to 'Leonard. and Glancy Slinith, me th~t watcb.,6gs are eno~gh to h91p me 'eat them, tho Sullivan Chriest, et al vs Newton L and Ethel Vlerebome 0.6 acres in FraDklin 'l'wp. to watch thIngs mostly at night. we cUd nIce asparagus wblle K a Leltse~merer, defendant to Ivan N. Ingersoll, Inc., 69 acres MarUyn Kindred to Gerald 'FrId· From then on out ~ stayed up nites in W/lYDe Twp. enmakell, 1 Jot in Franklin Twp. and I try to steep days. Now here'>! they were. here. The weather .last granted 30 dllYS to plead. week was not v~ry goOd but "we , Lou Romohr· to Wanda RunyaDj HenrtDamels to Willlam Boo and my complnil\t. .' Why, Dh. why, do baye lIad a" few JPc.e d~Ys. The 10N~W SUITS , 1 lot in Ubanon. Frances M. Hubler, '1 lot in Deer. the ailly,. birds have to' get up so e PHONE 2115 Velma C. Fair vs J!lmes F. Fair, .Kendail and Lucille F. fiel.d ~. ', ,. eal'~Y In the morning? Now 1 oust tree~ have put on a gOod show for the last few days. The divorce, Maple and Maple, attor- Lawrence Brown, 2* acres in Armetie M; and Ar~iniouis C. don t bav,e an~hlng .against them, bloSBOD;ls have been neys. Ian '11wp. Smitb to Bunny P. and Fern C. they ~an g.e t up if they want to, large and the bunohes ' PaulJne Hedger vs Lawrence Rqssell F. and Rutb H. Seilkop Ragland, 1 lot in Franklin Twp, . ·:~~u~Oitt~~ !~: t~el~eal~~ ~!~~~ DED,CATED TO SERVE THE BEST INTEREST8 usuaL Laet. year the frost Hedger, divorce, Brown & Young, to Joseph J. and 'Vlrgie E. Roettele, Hpy E. and BeUlah E. Jamles to oft a1\ day? Wonder II anything OF THE COMMUNITY - BY; THE PROFESSION them. The cold woe.ther dtd IIOme attorneys. 1 , lot in Deerfield Twp. Henry and Lucy Parrett:" 26 acre, can be done about 'It. Maybe I can dlUllage _pedally , to buna. I . A1Jna Kirkham vs Cbarles Wes~ Eua and LillIe' .Tohnson to Lyle U. Turtlecreek Tw'p. change my workIng liours from Beulah James to Henry and Lucy night to day. Anybody want a ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... have heard of some' oata that wall ley Kirkham, divorce, Canny, Stew. and Mary Ring, 2 lots in Franklln damaged but OUlll lookll aU right. ~ mel CrQwer, attorneys. , Twp. ' Parrett, 1 lot in Soutb Lebanon. daytime watch,dog? OUr app~ee do not seem. to be hurt J!UDes F. Fair va VelDia I. Fair, Cart C. ,Bsl'1\hari to Robert M. WoodrClw ~d Cleo Brandellburg 'JIbQ, e crazy robins finally got "lIIl1l11l1l11l11l11ll11l11l11l11l11l1iIllIlIlIllIllIllIllIIllIllIllIIllIHUIlIllIllIUUl~ , ' , but the pa.per quoted Mr. Groby as divorce, Harold G. Dance, attorney and Glenn,a 'I. ~, 1 lot in to Brown1ng Bros., 0.15 acrels in their nest bunt and have settled Thelma Donovan vs Clarence K. Clearcree~ Twp. _ Union Twp. down, I think. T~e cat and I bave saying that his enUre etrawherry cro wu ruined. ' Donovan, divorce; Donald R. Rolf, JoOO and Ethel Wittenmyer to G,ace BrowniQg to. Be~ and John come to an t1!1deratandlng. T\1e p . . attorney. Charles J. and Ida Mae Smltb, 0.4 Browning, 0.8 a4)ret 10 Union Twp. cow moved out ot tbe field ne~ The .other-day we got one of the Joan ,E, IlcGratb vs Robert Me- acres in Turtleereelc'l'wp. James E. Bentqn to carl and doo~ and tbey plow8(\ it up, so I nelg~lloJ' bOYIl to go up and bring Grath diVorce !lIlrl H. Moore Jr Estel and Mlldred Haines to Margaret Mocb~, 0.7 aCl'1lS In don t have to worry about them Garden Bulk Seeds down Pretty PuIS' klttsn". There a UA " , ., ,Clarence A. 8Jld GeraldlDe A. Holt TUrtlecreek "'-- , anymore. all week. tblng.,Today have been 'pretty All quietin this •..,mey. , , .....V· • •were four of t~em and now the~ John C. and Sylvia M. Moore V8 15 acres in Salem Twp. W. T, and QIadys Cook, Hayeu and 18 a lazy spring day and I tblnk Lawn Mowers, from -------- -----'---.$17.95 are In a box on the porch and she Mason -Grange No. 1680 'and L M. UoWatd T; and Don W. Work- Ethel to WJDfred and Mary I'll try to I!et a itttle, if you'l\ ex. cuse tbe expression, cat-nap. Ph, seems tatrly well satisfied' though Ireton; Albert Schutte and Cllf. man to Herbert C. and Daisy M. Estep, 1 },ot In FraDkIiD. Twp" I.8wn'1lakes, ~m -~---~------------$ I~OO at first ahe tried 'to mov.e them. ford' Stitt, its Trustees,. foZ; money Lamb, 1 Ipt In Wayne Twp. ' , Henry and Luey 'Parrett to Roy yes, one thing happened. The Pu]· Mary Hartsock to J. D. and F. and Beulah E. James; 3 aCt'es in Iler Brush Man and I had a little Sbe was not Deed ,to oarnJng them only, amount claimed $873.06 witb Metal'Roof, was $12.95, Now-------$ 9.95 and wu very awkwBl;d now that Interest and eosts. Maple and .Josephine Pennington, 2 acres in Turtlecreek Twp. , run In. but we called It a draw qulte big and JleayY. At Mllple attomev Ma~6ie Twp. . Edward and Katberine Hixson .after the first round. they. Barb Wire, 4 pt. ~--------~----------$ 8.85 Cha~les M. 'Woods vs Fred E. William B. and Ottfs and Jobn to Heuland and 'Deleie M. Gam· Guess that about sums up , my first ,:;'~ put them In a box on the ldtcllen floor and' abe immediately and Angeline C WUUamson for Turner to Steve and Minerva Tur· bill, 1 lot in Ji'ranklin Twp. week. HOlle yours hils been Jus 26" Bike. (Huffy) from ---------..---$39.95 ~~rted to take Qne of them baaIr money, ..mount' claimed $500,00 ner, 1 ~ot in Tuttlecreek Twp. ,Aloon·P. and Ad~ Cope to Earl J. as nice and you're enjoying the Sbe tried and tried b'efore slie got with Inter~t and costa D H Wy Delphine Bnd Eilen Heloon to and Cynthia Wilson, 1 lot in Frank· spring time as much as I am. 13ee " good'-hold on it and only got as song attorney , . . • Ada Allen, 1 lot fn Deerfield Twp. lin Twp. , ' you y1soon 'r\~ some trymore dogs tar 88 hal~ waY' to the door. Then H~lDe Fede~al Savings and Loan Bernice L. Mills to Dorothy M. eye ews 0 e coun . Evlnrude Motors - Thompson Boat. ' RRP~ATE Estate of Florence Collier, de· abe laid It down and go~ worried VB John L., Sr. and Marie Mitchell,' Yunkes, 2 lots In , Le~anon. Esta ~ of Anna C. Ault, dec'd., deceased, inventory approved. about tbe others and went back cognovit, Freet E.' Jones, attorney. Mason E. !lDd Ruby Lee HomFishing Licenses and Equipment to them and Sugar . caDle along, ' The First National Bank of Mi. beck to Bernice R. Logsdon, 2 lots will ordered filed. ) dankClin . Will d '" Estate of '~ L. Fires,'d., MARRIAGE LICENSES smelled the~ ldtten, trted to play I amisburg vs Cecil Smltb, cognovit, inCFr Save on lK: Frlgldalres with It a J.lttle and then took pos' l Lawrence Bauer, attorney. y e err to ar and Juan· determination ot inheritance tax Merle Jeffery, 20, paper worker, session of it ' and growled, when , -Ita Abney, 002 acres in Franklin Estate of O. ·E. Howard, dec'd., Franklin and Dorothy L. Lonieker. the poor Itttle mother cat calDe l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Twp. . ' Jolin L Gibbs ap~inted adminis· 20, clerk, Franklin. , Emmett O. and Nettie R. Dale to trator'; W. H. M,cHenry,' Dowd Ricbard Grandin Shepherd, 34, lifter It. We let tbem tl'SS abol,lt.l Nellie . Gephart q, Wllliam J.. It for a little while then we t~k Rnd Ora Rothwell, ,1,10t in Frank..: :re:~ Lena Ward, t lot in Stewart and "1JarrY Bentheill all' market re8e~eh, Cincinnati , and 1I0sienion aD,jl fixed a ' b~ for lin. , ' J VB'th t Elizabeth M' pointed appriiiaers. Eleanor Jeanne Bowen, 22, Leb· them on the, porch. Sugar goel I . E R lfouston to Audie Frank Both~e~ I 't . 0 ~ °klln . • Estate of Clara E. Miller, d1ec'd.. anon. ~ and looka In once In a whlle 'llut and' A.~dre~ 11 Blanton 1 lot in ,0 m an. transfer of real estate gfanted. Critt Brock, 22, truck driver, ~em Twp. · , Estate of Carl J Miller, dlec'd., Le~an~n and Sara Lou Browning, eo far halln't'trled to take one.' ESTABtlSHED 1849 Ber pupa are crowing faat and Ad 1& P d Mary E. Reffitt •• t. tranfer of real estate granted. , 21, waItress, Soutb Lebanon. wft) so~ have their eyes opeD. to nd • ~th rio Hixs ~e ,o f JobD , Baglunil. de- , WUUam E. ·.Mebaffie, 23, baker 1.0118 Life Is the True Proof of Better f{.erchandiee The bird. ore very active today. 1 lot ~a~ ~ e on, a ed ' ceased, w11l filed, hearing SE!t for Wa~esville and Sliirley Stahley " , . Th.e bron ·thrashers , have their George a~d Mabel' Kahlert to x a m l n M =-.y a iiiii18iiiiiiatiiiiii1iiiiiio:30_~~ 1 _ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii19iiiii'e.,ariiiiiilisiiiiiile...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'_iijiiiiiii~ nest dowJl by the .s prlng .thls yea~, Lina Crowe, 1 lot in Mason. to ..p ' a' much safer, place for all or . us. Willi d Do I B D It t H O u as: _. ••• _ _ 1 • ITl)e wrena are very b\1sycomll)S , am an nn e . a on I 0 and galne to <'t heit neet on the Klish ~. !I!ld ~1Il1' Lou. AmburiY, 9 to 11:45 •• m. ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE-YOU'LL FIND IT PAYS I porch. Yesterday we saw a brll. 1 lot in ,SOuth LebaDcm, . 1 to 5 p.' m. l1ant 'blue lndlso buntln,;. the ~t Loren' and Mae Lanham to Kash JOB PRINTING DONE .EXPERTLY-AND REASONABLY ~xcept Wed~Blday , p. M. I h"ve eeen this year. The pljoe)je D. and MaJ!)' Lou Am~urgy, 1 leit. bird hU a nest tn the old chicken in Soutb Leban~. . Above Woolw.,rth'. house agatn this year ,and every this morning. We moved the big 5 and 100 Store where there i& a great c:omlng and bad helfera to' another PBf\lture goIng of ' aD the blrde. whete they can n:ot Bee 't heIr Te II') phone, 2-430 I . The calves that we are trying mama and hOlle they wUI stay to wean got out aga,ln yesterday thel'e. ~ ' and I saw the two. of them bll$s- I ",lie fiowera are al\ early ijlls folly eupklng . old ' R\1th, one on year. a'.her8' 18 another g~mble· 1 I WIT" ' .111 THAT GOOD TEXACO GAS AND OIL eacb ,14e'of her, lennlng up &plnat WfU ,there be any peol/lea lett for , her, BO that tb.e PQor -old row ~ MemoJ;1a1 Day? The ~Irst onlls arej OPTOMETRIST LUGRlCATING SERVICE "- FIRESTONE ACCESSO:UES could Ilcarcely move and coUld Qut DO:)V and the Iris are In full " Fire I. dang.~ousl How much it . , neither klclll nOI; butt them as bloom. Some years -they are early XEfHA, ' . • '. . • OHIO ~,III destroy I. always a questlo'n, "' are almost as bllf as abe Is. And 4nd some late, and notblng we clln now It Ie time to go take a 1101' 1do Will malte Jt -any dmeren~ I "11111111111111111111111 1I1II1I1I1II1I1II1Il1 1 Ci~d Inlurance II your only sur. steInaDd calf to to onEIll the r-----_O!H.'__________ getWUmID8'fA>n some smaller eale protedion. Why -not ••e u. about WAYNESVILLE TEXACO










Fairley ,Hardw.are Stores



E' E yes


. . « • • ••



Dr. ( arI E• Walk-In


::.:'::' ~ .:':..'rW~I~I= . . Armftag~e they Were' Married AND Uvm riAPPIL~ ever af· terwarda ... ia a broad statement!






BGb Servis



I't today-before it'. too



L Ea,ANON OffIce 26,K



which' len't always tfue, especially if the br de lltarta look!Dg' Uke . a cleanlDg woman with her head burrled in a lot of imroman. , tic household,


Here's a lug. gestiQn 'to 88' sure mor" time, whether you/re a bride o~ today headed for Q ~~~ hpneymoon or -; one of yesterday just , off on " vac'aUon. Take along nylon,blouses, dresses, lingerie and -nylon shirts 'and otb· , er garments for him. They're light 118 a featli", and ea,lIier to care for., 'nIe trick fa to include a ,light weJIht> ptulfc jar of bluln, beada and a amall ee"ulous spon,e, When ,arments are soiled; Just work the bluing beadS into a ,opel I1,Ids in llot water 'and ,ently JlUb any so ~d s,po" with th~ aponge. Then waih them ,.a ulu~, rlnsint twice, Ban, _ them up, drip. I pin, wet, on ~ ; T U II t • pro 01 \' c:1 laan,era. Shake ,\\ ' out the folda ...... " i nd preatO-1n :no tIm~ · they're re~~y to wear w.lthout i ron





'Phone 153


Moderl) Loan Quiz ? , ? •

R'ep~e~el)tlng -,rtlE TRAVELERS, Hartford

YESI If ' you have ,


The .realpl Slo...,




ever had a charge account or bought on time paymen" yo~r credit II OK at Mod~rn . .,



'~-'~ ~o

At OUr St:ore On- Ma"n Street





.. " . . ,





YES I A Modern loan of $500 for ,.


thirty days, costs.only $8.83. A $500 loan can ,~e repaid on monthly payments of, only $26.30, on Modern's lIlieral twenty.five month plan. •





W ~

FROM 1:00 P. M. UNTIL 6:00 P. M.


, He'll be lin· pre.sed ,with laundry bluing tridc which k~ bia bite shirts ...., 'White • • • DOt io tRelltiam,1 , bow ,proud' he'll be If yoll use the ~ he to' . . . yo\U'MU ]ootQnll like .• ·real bfJ4e. (ARBrl .._ - - - _...............IIIi. . . . .- - - - -....

'l@ •


in,. ,




duties'. "




o •



dllllllllllllllllHllIIlIIllIIlllllIIlIIllll',. ltrtti......*****************



~ .1,1 bUill, 1 u_ On

S. No. 42, North of Lebanon, Ohio May 21·22

Phon, 3913 To Place a Cla.. lfled

Phone Way neavll i. 2191 ' W AYNESVILL E, OHIO

3AN K RUN GgAVEL-Loaded d.t Dav is Furnas Pit. We also "hone 209 1,







deliver. . AI {MI TAG E

Games'· Games

TRASH URBAIE $1 SO Mo ' ' .., Bu.~n....., $2.00 ' Aah.. Bruah Tree. " Extra





Live Wire and ProgreJlalve. . ~ Organlzation Second To None. Strictly Sellers'pn the Bellt AJI Around Mn rket In tbe Country



MO·3·3565 ~ DAYTON 9, OHIO

HOGS SLAUGHTERED For Home Freezers or LockerB, 2c per pQund (tressed weight. WAYNESVILLE LOOK1llR Pi4NT. Jobn Broakl . Manager. Phone .3171. l·U·tlc




**** SAW






FOR SALE-Used Power Mower. HAROLD BAUER Briggs and Stratton engine. Stationary gasoline engine, 2 h. P ROUTE 122 OFF OF 42 ALBERT GOLDEY, Phone 2475.· PHONE WAYNESVILLE 3384 X-5·13·20 FOR SALE ~ Child's Navy Blu3 .......;._ _ _ _ _ _ _.rI Spring Ooat, size 1. MlUl. GLENN ' HOPKINS. PholR! 3283. X-5.20 BOOK MATCHES-Your own individual advertlliement printed on FOR S ALE - Baby Tenda. MRS. each book. Get 'our prices. ~HE' WILLARD FURNAS. Phone 348.6. MIAMI GAZE'l''JIEl. 'P hone 3913. X- 5·20·27 - - - - - , - - -- -'-FOR - SALE-Go -od- T-ap-pa-n Ra~e

May 26·27


OFFIOE SUPP LIES - IndeUble . . P encils , Library, Paste, Poster Ink, ' Starlin. Journal Record Books, Typewriter RlbbonB, Typewri~er Paper,' Rein· MOIDAY, MAY forcements. Big Ben DoUble Letter File Boxes, Receipt Booke, and YOI C . Ha,. many other Items. THE MIAMI GAZETTE. Phone 3913. ' dh Trau


WOMEN --!. Chance tom a k a money every week malling post· cards. Work at .liome in spare :~. , BOX 9, WATERTOWN,


Yo-r ~



· Gaz' e tte · . . FOR. .s~LE.OR. TRADE~. vertlse in th' e . ' Ad . . . . .- - - - - - _ -. . . . USED CARS-





11th - ---;---....,.--WAYIESVILLE


Thl 'aJIIIVilll IBtiDlallalk




All Types of.

8I • an . .a.' Fishing IEqllp

"'-111 ",4~ WAVplESVILLE Ihr

Say about sev,e~teen years from t)ow. That'~ 884 weeks.·If $5 a week is saved, there Will be $4,A20 plus interest! Of course Da~ can st~t with any ilJJlotint, and step it up later. ' Tlle essential thing is to start soon - then don't stc~. Open a savings account here this weeki


.d 1•..-111 PiiII. 'Up




'vlt gcslltope- ~o P" to collepe"



$89.95. Good Frigidaire $79.95: Phone 2441, c-fh



Hand qr Power

LAWNS MOWED - By Power M o wer. i.ARRY RETALLICK. Phone 3(22.

We'd., Thur••

2S C WwHe ' .~k·lyly, RBe·ul.dl·nn•••ce. so c

Blu. Star

................... ¥:!H-I/. .... ......................

* Ton Truck ______ -.$450 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111.111111111111111111111111111110,. W""~;I~:S USED c;,~o~~ 23"

·A V E I : : : : : : : .: : : : : : : : : ' S ,•

Turkey Poults '

Can .You .Raise Tur keys? We fl· DaDce poults and feed. Sea Us.


o e IC 5 Special Sale for One Week on New Come prepared to Hampshlres. take them home. Also day-old chicks ea Ch week. Pillsbury 'Feeds,

We Have Three 1953 Models of


REFRIGERATORS Thai You Can Really SAVE M.oney On! .



. Thai Formerly Sold For '$439.99 On Sale al $290.00


Concrete Block Chimney Block Rock Fac. Block Waterproof Cement ::!:-::d Mortar Qla~~d Paint ' .. Drain nle · .. Bulldlna Supplle. SH EEHAN RD. . p. O. BOX 34Z CENTERVILLE, OHIO


Models Thai Formerly "Sold For $389.95 On Sala al $240.00

-*Models Thai Formerly, Sold For $339.95 ~n Sala al $235.00


Local Student On St If Of WOUI



was recently appoInted to the staff . .. . . . , . . '. of student statlon - for ,-~';;;"~-:=;;;::;;;;;;;";;;;";:;;:;~-=-==':';:....i.._ _ _ _ _....


special events., ' 'lIlie BOn of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fischbach. Rt. 2, Waynesville, he also a ,member of Sigma Chi - Boclal fraternity . ,and Canterbury Club. F!Bchbach Is a graduate of Wa'Yne Local HIgh , SChOOl. - - - - - ,- _

~...._ ............................................. Get 2, 3-Ring Binders Here


.. ..

.' ', ".'" ............•..••. AT AUCTION 1.949 Mercury 2·Door Motor No. 9·C-M·50609 Serial No. 9..c.M·50609 Body No. 10211 Will ;Be Sold at Auction

Sat urday. May 29- 2 P. M. To Be ~ old for Tow·ln and Storage Oharges


PlA C-E A:~S. so. _ WIIH.m ~8C~~ChA:U~U:!~~O~D!h~ C~~f:' ~.~~.~~.~~.~.--a).~"'-'!~~"~·.~T~"~.~.~I~~~!!~-~ .A wom:CLAS S I FIE 0 ' It CAL L .. 3 '9 1 3

HODSON HATCHERY Waynesville, Ohio



......",.....,.,.....,..... .

Waynes ville


Phone 3691

St rt d Ch' k


f.' •

wilsO. Co.crele Prod...

~ts and

.................... IIIi,. 195!) 2·Dr., RH, WWT_$761) ............. • ........," 1946 FORD STUDEBAKER f····'·. r.,.............·--. - -..,..-- . - - - - ' - -, ______________-.,.____._

W A.Y N ESV ILl. E, 0 H I 0

"'ember Federal Depoall Inautanee CorporatIon

1946 FORD V8, 2-Dr., RH. AL$391) . ' Phone 3912 194 9 OREV. 2·Dr.• R. H ____ __ $696 , '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"" II Ulo U II U II U U U********





.... JOHN FORD till




. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .

"~IIII1I11I11II11I1I11I1I1UlIIlIllllIIlIlII'" ~..............--.......

118 Lb. Front Quarter Choice Beef 38c per lb. See CRAS. MICHENER or can be seen I\t 11he LOCKER P LANT. o-6-21).tfc

Tues. LUCKY BUCK' NITE May 2S $1.00 Per Carload - Plus Jackpot

~ 8:. p~ ' Ma

For Dally Ma rket Reporta: .

SEPTIC TANKS" CESS P OOLS, -CA L,L WLW Olnclnnatl. 12:30; OutdQor Toilets, Cisterna Oleaned WCKY. Cincinnati, 12 :12 WPFB, Middletown, 11: 46 with modern equipment. ' WILLlAMS SANITATION. P lto n e NORRIS BROCK COMP~Y 6·5042, Franklin, Ohio,_ 0-4-16-tro 3620 .~each ~rov e Ave. ( M. Shorea),



on Friday, May 28









,,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •. JUST AS NEAR AS HAWKE'S. BARBER SHOP

THOMPSON ~H 'OE MAN Work Called For and Delivered




Harvey.bur., Ohio


A fF~e~h' Approach to DietIng; • Get In Sha.p~~ for Summer Now Fresh fruita and vegetablfls are among a reducer's beit friends I Now ,that> ba~ng suit seal,on i.s just aro~d the comer, thoughts are turnihg to reduction of Ibulgmg waistlines. Lucklly. it is also the season in which freah fruits and vegetsblea 'are most available. Dieting usually isn't fun., In· the finlU analysis it ,eta down , . to plain wln power. ' ~ You just have . to want to lose wejaht enough to give up tempting high calorie foods. ' But instead of dletiJi; - just change your attitude towar4 food and stay eternally sliml You' can do this by BUbatitutIn, high. nutrient -1f:l\'!7 calorie fresh, frUlta and ve,etab1ea for the high calorie foods YCIU normallyeat. Taste Is . relattve.~ U you like sweet. foods, you will crave increasing sweetneu In order to find satisfaction. U you decreue


!~~e n:sor!:~e'a::m=. -: ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUlllllmliHlh.




sWeet u a 10081 . BUnda!!. YOII AdmlnletrNr can do this by dellberateb' BUb~te of Irma . O. wu.on. ))eo lltituting a nutritiOUI fresh fruit c..-ed. ~ , when you ,et • yen f~ • hiJhNotice .. ~ere" tbat calorie block buster. . . o. WIlIon. whoM ,Poet Ofttoe A4· · dreu .. WapeaYllle, Ohio, .... U YOIl are Vtlr/ much ov.erA'M'IO' beiID 411lJ' .ppolllted .. A4mIDla. !~_t, YOIl 1h0U:1d eOaault~ > - Mveittae thoee arUcl.. ·that trator 01 the IlltaW of Irma 0 """'..... before u,.IUUI 1.pU no JoDPr ~ 1D 'l'BII JII. W ..late of Wi • ,maR of III, you are just ~ ' AlII GAZIn"l'JD": PIlou 1'1.1. clb........ ape TowuhIp. from • little' wIIlter pdln... ,WarNIl COUtr. Oldo. deoaaL )OOU ought to be .ble to • IDIG Dated tJdI 11th or tbaae aummer lUlu Of.,m.... b7 UI4. atartinI propef •• tIDI DOW. INDEX CARD FILE BOX" B!LPR B. QAJUIY, ~ 1Dcreaae. eoDIUIIIP" W. ba,.. .lsi' aDd US bIdea CIIII'4 ".... of u.. PIaaate GoUt . tloD ~ fi1IHI aDd "lB*m IIos-. l1li4 ..... . . ....... W. . . CiIatr. 0Id0 ~~ -::S~L=::"DO- Al80 raJ.a fIIdu ...... ... . ..... Qnot, ~ a·0eIW. ~ IlIea.-'l't. CJaaeIIa. H-(It)-HO




,.our .



Serving WayIi \rille Sit~ee' 1850 . , f' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, THURSDAY, J UNE 10, 1954


&-81.r "'" Raea al~ DEaREES t. AT MIAMI U. MOIDAY A .• M. DaJlol F......o ...ds OD'ORD, 0., June l O.-MlamJ Unlvenlty awarded 728 degree. l-Sal.I'..... I



Ra,. Wad,a.ood Gals Call


at Its 116th annual cOmmencement Monday morning, June 7 In Witb· ' row ()ourt, the coll",ge gymnasium. . ' D,AYTON, O.,.Jun l~be Da.,·· ton Motorcycle Club Auxiliary will A"long the graduatea were two 'Iocal atudenta: Jallet L Beckett of R. R. 2, Bachelor of 8clence In Educatlon and ",ary B. Boogan, sponsor' a tlve-etar lIIeet Baturda;,. night, Ji1~e 11, Obet DelaplanEl. of R. R. 8, Sact\elor of ArtB. pr~ldent of the olub ' announce,d · OI Aaa.lan To to\la;Y. ,IMany of .tle natlo~'s ac,e •I ~otorsycl" ~el'lf:JrjU be out t o I.,s ' lall) ~ get their sbare 9 f t1I.e ,1,200 purSl1t money and oXle of the matiy tro· The regular meeting of the phles In the race. at the Monlt. A'merloan Legion AuxlUary win gomery County FaIrgrounds, Da3r· er way wltjil be held 'l'bursday night. lune ]0 to,n. w hich .."Ill eet' at 8:01) o'~lock. Mra. hed' Brown. time trial. at .8!80. Race time liD Fourth District presIdent, will be this nocturnal ~ent , 11l 8:30 o'cloclc. the installing officer for the new Since the Charity Newsies races omcera of 1~64.1966. Tbey are In Columbua Sunday afternoon 8a folloWS: spOnao! the naU011l\'1 lo.~lIe chan1ploll8hlp event. top.filght cycle PreSident, Et12abeth Hull; ' Vice President, Mary 1»'e; racerll from aU aeoUons of thoe Vice PresIdent, Agnes Benbow; natlo~ will p¢lolpii:te In the Da:,.· b!:lIBc.r'eU,!')'" CI~ra HuU; Treasurer, ton eventa Sat~y nIght. Gleadall; Chaplain, Ada. The p~rtlal list of champs 1111' Braddock; BJatortan, An. cludes Bobby HID, C o l u m b u ! ! ; ,


HI·s'tA.I·C rl'l D,·'g.I , e age , m ' :1 '

J 'o"

Ie N ' e.,,,.In ,.efjanon . . V'I


When the Warren County HIstorical Society stages Its e ighth annual Historic pngrlmage atur· dar and j:lunday. ,hundreds of v1&· KNOW, ltors . are , exPec~d to vls,lt tbe VIIITOR IN CIIIICINNATI Bob Peters pitched and batted bomes, ~ardenjj. rose show' and ·JoIra. Luollle Ann~tage was a th'e Jr. Legion to Its " first victory historic places of tnferest open to ~IDDaU vlanor on Monday. I~ Sunday's , g~e ~alnst Bell· the public, Mrs. Hasel S. PhllUps, broo}t. Peters pltcbed 6-bit ball president of the Boci~ty announced WCTU TO MEET F.RIDAV and knocked In three runs wLth a today. PIlgr1mage tour hours are Tbe- WC1l'U wlll meet at I iiingle and a double. He al80 from 10 a. m. tlU 6 p. m. eaoh Jletbodl.t cbUl'Ob on FrJday struck out eleven men. Deve Beal, day. two p. m. One of the highlights ot the Tom Hattoii, Fred LeMay and Jim Purkey ' al!lO had doubles to lead Rllgrlmage this year la the ll'1ower VIS1TING IN PENN8VLVANIA Show at Lebanon bin school spon' the attaCk. Mn. R. E. Asbury 1& Ip,endlng Waynesville's ~cord Is now 1·1. sored by the twelye ,g arden clulis i. few daYI 11i~ her daugbter d The Jr. LegIon team wUl travel to of Lebanon and W~ County. obUdren in Hatboro, .Pa. Centerville this Sunday for a gam.e The show ' ls dJvlded into five sec· tiona with: the theme. "JUDe Wed· beginning at 3:30. IHOPPER8IN, DAVTON Wayneavlll_ AB R H ding." ....1'8. WlDfrred Hartsock and G~endower: the Warren County Ha.tton _ ~ ________ _____ 4 1 l lin. Harold Oltionl were 'D ayton o Museum. Is agalI1 headquarters for ahoppen on Wedn8l4ay. Anderle; Bergeant-at·arms, ~~~:sm~:~~thCla~~e!~~; M~~~~ , to~~:i :~:nW':Yn:~f:w~:~hO~~ :~:~Iey -------------: ~ 1 tbe Pilgrimage. Tickets are for L. Dakin. all winners of the 20o.mlle na· CburCh for the last .. years, has P urkey - - - ------------- 2 1 1 the entire tour or 'L a single house aUNDAV DINNE1I GUE8T Uonal; Bill TuIDAD, MUwaukee, been appointed to Norwood Meth· Peters --------- - 3 1 2 and may be pUTcbased at tbe first M1&e Ltlla Benham was a Bun· Wisc., lo.mlle nat onal chaml); odlst Church at Marietta, OhiO, 'Lor-ia ' - - ---------- 2 1 1 house visited or in advance at tbe ~ost Wo'y ne Advisory day dinner pest of Mr. and Mrs, Don Rees, Da,-ton , expert, a nd and will preacb there Sunday, Flann~ ---- - - ---- 3 1 0 museum. The tour Includes both Council Meets' Here Glenn Bor4eD. ' many others. BC? e 100 no.vlce, June 20 for tbe tlrst time. . MC.Kee~r ----- - - --- 2 o 0 contemporary and historical hous· The new pastor of the local Thompson 1 o 0 es. Transportation Is not turnillhed The East Wayne Advlllory ,Coun· amateur and e:ql8rt racers wllll FRIDAV LUNCHEON GUESTS partiCipate. Methodist ohurch wll\ assume bls W It ' 2 o 0 ,but markers a long highways mak!l 611 held' their Hay meeting at the Mrs. Bertie HUla and Mrll. E. F. _ it eaBY to find homes on display, Several thousand trl.state falns duties on Sunday, June 20. e z ---- ------ ----home of Mn. Roscoe Furnas. 1'41'. Eai'Jlb~ were Friday luncheon Proceeds from tbe Pilgrimage 6 'Total_________ ___ Rev. Wedgewood w1l1 be at tbe 7 ~eller ~oak 'condycted the discus· are exvected to att6Jld tl\ls steiliu pasts of Mrs. J. J. Burske. will be used to cpllect and pre· ' Ohio Annual Conference of the slOI1 on "Eduoation" nnd much rllce card. BellbrookMethodist Church at Lakeside, Kelly _______________AB - 2 R H serve the history of Warren county t}.me was given , to dlscul;Islng the HAPPY HO"R CLUB ME~TS o 0 and maintain a reference library. Ohio, on Sunday, June 13. report . on the Nutrltlon ConteI" _______~---- 3 1 1 The HappY Hour Club '1111 meet In the absence. of the pastor, JNreyers Local Sllda.1 Gals . Pohlman ____ _______ 3 1 1 on Tuesday .tternoon, June 16, a~ the Wj:lCS will conduct the morn· the bome of Mrs. Benton Boak. Degree Salurday Ing worship /lervlce. The WSCS F . Robr ___ -_-------~ 2 , 1 o Ra-Enlisls In U. SII \ Announce Birth Of J. Pohlman _~ ___------ 3 0 1 III hended l)y Mrs. Kenneth M. Drake ________ __ _ 3 0 1 Navy For Six Yaars DAY TeN. 0., June l~.-WnUam Retalllck. VISITORe FROM TOLEDO Son .t Vit Moapital 'VagUer _____ _______ 3 0 1 C. Ktn:ser, of WO:lIlesville, was lIIr. and Mra. BaITY VUlooy of Pearson ___________ 3 0 o WUlIa.m O. Stansberry, Bon of Toledo, were truesdny and Wed, Mr. and ·M~s. MOton Jones a1'e among the 869 students who 'Beam ________ __ _____ 2 0 o Mrs. Jobn Staosberry, .t.ormerly of neaday peata' of Mr. aild Mrs. J. announcing the birth ot a son on degrees at the ~04th com· Monday Is Flag Day _______________ 1 Waynes(\lLIe. Ilnu noW' a resident Wednesday, June 2 at MIami V~l. mencetnent of the University ' of o o of Bowen J. Burake. XenIa. hn s re-enilste.d for nno· Ie}> hospital . • The Infant welglled Dayton, Saturday, June 6 at 2:,00 tbe,!' slx·yeul· stretch In the U. S. _____________ GOnTS FROM CARLI8LE Heven pOlU)ds, tblrteen ounces and p. m. ' In the NatUrnal <4s b Rllg· 3 Ii NILVY. He Is lltatlopetl at BUffalo, Mt. ,and Mre. I!lmest Earnl1art, Ister Auditorium. has bee~named Stevlln E dw1n. , NY.. nnu plans to make t bll Navy w.,. lIiemorlal of KloseI', son Of l\~t:. and M'rs. hils 'one "lIttle silltel' Frances. and Legion To Elect New I\f.e career. I IlOIftl IIlHti of Mr. and Mrs. W, his gTandparents ILre Mr. a d :Mrs. William Kinller ot It. R. 1. gr Id· Another 80n, James Stansberry, ~fficera Monday Albert BrannoCk and Mr. and Mrs. uate d' wltti • bilO !9r ot aCien,ce , E.S of WayneavlUe, enllst$.d"- In the degr"e In blllfD ridlDJn strati rn , Tllerle Jol1... merl<m,n . )' .eiQon l?.o t. No,~ ~l.1) S. ~A'Vy til''' left tor..,.qu.ty on " H~ 18 a ~1I 0 'DaYton Cham· wlll meet Monday night, June 14 Tuesday. He Is · the ;txth ii'on or , " 'In aile H.Icb School arid 'has been for election of officers for lhe Mrs. Stnnsberry to enter mllltary Granga Will a member of the Pershing Rlbies • F ar• • coming yell r. All members are service. n .•t ellht p. m. Three doctor of were given to f o u r . MIlitary Organization in his four urged to be presenL ONtGUliiir.; be l1"an &be Init· men. including two prominent MI· Maal W.lh POIliOna. years at tbe Unlve1'8j$y. rmmelllllt~lY following the meet· ami ~ufnnL The al\unn.l were . ' Ing. l'efre/!bmenls will be served Local Siudani To ~. Jblm Edwin Hull, commander On SatUI:day. June ).2, Farmers June 14th Is Flag 'Day. --"On tbat day as Inany merchants by"Hoppy." of the qnlted States and United Grange 13 will entertaIn Pomona Baha'i Ta.hID, FI8"ING IN TENNES8EE Graduala Salurday ~atlons forces In tbe Far East, Grange 'l\Iid the meeting wlll be 'III'. and Mrs. GIlb8rt Frye J h .' ' Q tI . an d P rI vat e dw.,"IUn....w p1aces as pos· f d 9 ,0 1 17, an &A>s...,r 0 naon .held In the ' Friends Boclal room. ues on. Ibl b ld fly th A I "'I class 80111 and Mr. and Kra. BuOlett 1I ' I t th " . Wh t 1 th B b 'i tI f. s e s ou e mer ca.n .. ' ag, Howard F. Burton . a II· e n co,ncep on 0 .My colors _ ,t he red, white and B11tlfrworth anll lion spent several Wh t oc~, governor genera o . e with t~e time for dinn.~r set fo, Rites Held Wednesday, class of 1914.. b'Iue I n to w bi" claTi of 'the past week fiablng' In Panapla Oanal ,,' 7; 00 p. m. The -committee ap·' . the Day ' ot . Judgment? c'" h as b een woven The ot\,er tw" men ,vere the pointed to ake care 'ot the bas· Answer. tbe strength and courage of Amer· . Funeral rites for Howard F. Tenneaaee. baccalaureate and commencement kets Is asking that table service ' The general conception of judg. I d '" Burton, 65, were held at 2 11. m. RECENT VISITORS HERE speakers: Bishop- Henry W1&e Bob- be fncluded Tbe Worthy MaBter ment' ls .incorrect 1'11,8 "end of Ithe caTnh mentoan wofmen tar d M H f t ~~._ rth f .,.. , " " h ' e s r les 0 mY ·8 s an Wednesday' at McFadden tuneral TI. • A. " ' . . . . wo 0 son B1Jd George H. Mead, respeCt urges that all m,embers plan to world wit which Jt 18 connected, t J home. Burial was in Miami cem· Carrollton, lin. u.Uler lively. attend. We are expecting a large la a.' mlstranslatlolr; It ahould be s ~ pes. t th Declaration of etery. He died at 2: 60 a. m. Sun. of ~duak:y, and Mra. lll,ude B1&bop Hobson. who heaJis the number of guests and lookIng for. "tbe en'd or the Age" or "the mid I d rep~e8en , e day at Grandview hospital. He of an Era." The truth of the Suc- n I e:::n:n~:; the Constitution of was an electrician and plumber Crane, of Leban,9n, were recent. solit~rn Ohio diocese of the E.p1s- wald ,to a good program and a peate of Mrs. atke Vice and copal churcb, gave tbe baccalaur· evening ' together. cellsl(>n of Revelatora, ,or the suc· th U lted Stat and sold insurance. Mn. Irene ·Hendenon. eate address night, June cession of ~Ispensattons, Is IDOt ' : s:nlfy the ~:~ of the land. Surviving are hie wife Audrey; 6 in . tbe MiamI stadium. Hr' ·R generally understood. , Ther.e . IIJ a 1 stand for peace a.nd good wlll a daughter, Mrs, ThomaB Shoup, of 'RN FR"OM MICHIGAN • 0 ~ Clay of judgment at the. end or th tl • th Id RETU t h r e e brothera, v v_ n.. H k Mrs lIIead, cbalnnan of the' board of 018 " among e na ons 0" e wor . Waynesvllle; .-r. ~g, "",D a w e , . the Mead Corp., Dayton, paper Id I every Era ,w ben people to wh.o m I. believe In tolerance Thomas' of Waynesville, ' Robert of E. J. AIlderle and Mias Francell manutaqturers. gave be co,m-. , •• the ~~w Revelator" comes iI" l' e I am the 'badge ,or the natlon's Detroit, and Edward of El7rla; a Anderle returned ' SwUlay me~cement address Monday mom· G ......... tried, tested and dudged, \,'l;he J,ew,. greatnes" and" the emblem of Its sister, Mrs. George ' Waterhouse. ;.. fter IlpeJldlng a few da)'ll Ing !'t 10:30. Ish Race WBI judged by ,chl'lst I~nd 'destiny. of Wayne/lvllle. their fallure to ~c\lept resulteq In Threaten me and millions wlll GreelWeld vniqe I'nd Detroit, Klohlpn. .... A. rose ehoW SpOnsored jolntl7 tbe destruction of Jerusalem b7 spring to my defense. VII by the Lebanon Garden Club, tbe the Roman. al'JDJ!18 and the scaUer· I am the American Flag. ChaFeh ATTEND on IN8PECTION , ~_..._...... .... Yean' . Cedar Olt, Garden Club and the Ing of the Jewlah 'People throulgh· Your flag and m nag and how Mn. R. lL HartIook, lIoln. leue Y _ . . Seed and ,W eed Gardtln Olub wiU out the 'world. TIle Day of JOldg· It Dies today y , Cllrisl Prendergut; loin. Marl. JUme, With onl, flve and on.balf be held a,t the Lebanon Hlgb ment todaY at CbrIat's return la RHODA BUNNELL 111'8. J. P. Fromm and Mn. D. C. ' .. ~ In t b "-cal School on Saturday and Sunclay, almUar but It Sa em ~1Ilu In your land and my land and half Our Vacation Bible S c h 001 ~ atten4ed the IDapectlon of wee... re~ e ~ junet 12 and 13' from 1 to 8 p. m. · a muc ger a world away l started on sl$edule last Monday GEORGE SCHOOL, Pa., June 10 Victory Ohapter Order of Eastern year, Indication a~e that the total eacb day. ~a::, ~ all ~l. ~ th~ ROBe red and blood red the stripes mornIng at 9 o'clock wltb good In· -Rhoda Bu.nnell, of WaynesvlUe, Star on BaturdaT aftel'llOOlL aal.. ,tax, coU,ecUoll8 will exc;.ee4 This show h~ld '1BJ. cOnjunction go . CICIJlcem now a no torever gleam terest and attendance. ' Teachers IB scheduled to be" among 123 sen· . year s .peak collectlowr of with the Warren Cqimty Hlswlcal j,~st ODe naUon OJ' race. Snow W\).lte and 80ul whlte, the were all on band to take over their 101'11 receiving diplomas on June 12 bas,a upon current SoCjety's PIlgrimage, sbould be an ' I good fQrefathers' dream; . work and are serVing very faith· from Principal Richard Mc;Feely , Skt.'blile and tr,ue blue, with stars tully an d unse1tls "... R 1 ts f r ' tb' weett' ~dlhg Mdl!d':' lntereet to" thlll weU..lta.,. I r... .... _ . _.... to ..... eam ' aright. ...... and' every· at this coed Quaker achool near Il!le p o e J e 'I,ahid eTent ' 6' thing Is ~ovlng along, smoothly. Phlladelpbla. ' 111..,. 22: aD!ounted , to '8.i9i,006, EDtJiI.. open not onty to ,The gloried guidon or tb.e day; a for whlcb we are grateful. Those Daughter 6f ~r. atid ·Mis. wblch waa a clrop of only ,46,607, ~8IIlbera of the -three Leb~n ' .~ sbelter through the nlglit. 'parents wbo have not enrolled RhodeB Bunnell, R. R. 2, IIhe bas from the ' coUecUona 0( , ,8,287,611 Garden Club. but to an),one carin«- In honor of Dorothy '~1' ~helr children are Invited to . do ,been active In dramatics and 1\ for the correapon4ins week of to exhibit, IO~ brldHlect, loin. lUlodea nun· Elmor D. Graham so Monday ,as the school wUl con· member o~ etudent government at rut year, aocordlnc to B~ 'l'reu- ExhIblte w1l1 be ncelved be- neU. Mrs. JDmel'J Bo~blna, Iolra. R ' tinue for .another week. The George School. Joining her In 60th VlalTOU trROM N. C~ROLINA urer Ro~r W. Traoy. _ 'tw8eJl the boura 0( 9 "nd 11:00 ·a. Donald Wert and Ma II1- Fu~~ Res W...n . . . . .y cou:c:se Is an- undenqminaUoal study graduating exercises wm be ,ClUB' CIIp&aID • lin. DaIa Duffee m. . SatDrda)', Jnne' 12. , entartalnecl ' with a abower PiUt,. Elmor D. Graham; 82, of Spring. based on tbe commandments and mates trom 12 states and tllx foru4 lIWe lOll. _ . . arrlftd lawe llIIIIlq will be at 11:80 a. m, at the~ Bunnell home on Fr!lcJay boro, a ' retired carpenter, died we tordtally Invl~ c;hlJdren (rom elgn nations . . OIl ' ~ ft'OIIi Oamp ' W...., . ' .. . . ,. .~ '. aCt the IJunr wUl be open to' the evsnlnl'. Monda)' moming. ~e lived in ad any and all churclles wbo wish to ' ~ .J ~ 0ar0IIDa. to .pend a few . ...... pubUc at 1:00 p. m. lUbboll8 wtU A v~ Ioval7 ev~ W1UI IIl~nt around ' Bprin.Bbo~alI hie ' me attend. . VISITOR F.ROM INDh\NA . , . wltla -her pU'eDu• . II.... aDd ' " . ' . be I1ven for flnt, MClOnd and and the hono~ pelt ~"eel, Survlvon In~de two IlteP. ,T he . sermon sllbjec;t for next Mra. Ethelyn Britton, Wsh&.... I. I; 81i11nb. . TIle W'&JQ88Y1lU ~ Tb~ third awanl8, ba.e4 on merl.t onli. 10v17 Ilft8 to~ ber l1ew home. De- 'grandllons, 'Oarl and WIlliam Brad- Lord'a ,day will be, Tbe End of the waka. Ind., spent the past week " ___ r .,a dub met 'b~ay, Jlme ' 1 at ; ' ' 'llcl0l11 refreabmenu "ere "Irv~ steet. and a at,, ho Beasts, Rev• • :11-11. Bundit.)' at her farm ' with ¥r. and Mrs. H~Y. IU...... tile ~b Boue With Mra, ChaI. .. . . . ftL_-L . ' , by the liQltBjlles" M~. N~ Bra.,datreet; a step- evening the , Ie~n aubJect ·wlll Ohaa. Bradley. ... . . ... and Mn. Dale D,umford __ · The peat list Inclulled tbe «randda1ta~ter, ' l('rs. Charlotte be, ~e SimplicIty of the Cbz:le' .,.... fa . . . . IUUl 'Ccmnle AUorc! .pre' bonor p ..t MI.. W1laoD, 111n: Smith of I>&¥ton' lIeveral nieces Uan ",Ith. , other FrIends from Wilmington at· ..,. at . . ....... v TbI8 comlDc Snnda)' tile wacs RueHl WUaon, M.., MIrIam- Wil· aDd nepbews; , . f t,e nded a meeting in- Columbua on ~ IIID4 111'. 1DI1••beUl lIarIatt leel the ple4ae wW. ba,.. cbar,e of the ,wOTlblp IOn. lira. Allie Outer, Sr•• llllaa Jl'lineral se"lcell were held at . SaturdllY. NUl t!Ie · ..B p~ecl,.. eervloea at 10:80 .. m.. at the Betty ~'f, Mrt. Fo....t GI;aJ:l&ID, 1:00 p. m. Wedne'ad~ at Stubbe I IIIr. Sheldon Sbn.pve~ of WU· __ • . , ..... Y. ____ rM4 1JT'Diana lIethocUat OJmroh. The procram ~rs, Kenneth BouP, ' Mn. (~1af. funeral bome: BurIal' was in ' mil mlngton, visited ~ motl~er, Mrs. W 1IIJ. Carl But8oeIr, tIa....... . " and apt leer.tar)' wD.1 be in .oharp (Mn: enoa R,.. Mn. Leoaanl NIIl.]JIn. Bpr1Acboro cemetery. Rev. PrIce " Reba Shrlevel , 00 lFrlda)' after....... were IfterDOCIIl DIuDfonI sa'" a IlIoIae AI.-ur). Mn. Eunloe I Earl Powell, lin. DUth Lukell8, Roberta omclated Mr. ' and Mn. Norman Brown noon. . CD fIInrW .,....... ~ wID &b. m...... 01 IOu Lola Lnk8lll, lin. Carlaton . and JoIr. Ed Brown of Dayton, 11eMrs. Lucne Arml~e speDt Sun, . Wau.. . .". a d.m. til. 1IIOI'IlbIc. lin. Goldie Borden BilenrotMi, Mrs. Loren . ~utllalm. NOT-lOll . . . lted their lllater MI88 Bertha . , .. afternOOll ~ tIae bome of Mr• ...1n111aa aIMIot ......... .,.. '1r!u' na4 th. acrIpture and 1& the IIrII. mveTlt~ KeuIc)" Mra. Ed. .An Ice CNamSooIal wtU be held Brown on Tbunda, afternoon. and )(no ZaIn Annltace, Lebanon. -~;!!;j;~~;l::i:~a......... ~.I' Splrtlaal We ~ tor the -.oPkJu, lira. lAB ~OD, '1111'8. Saturda)' luult at tJl WaJIl Mn. Olive 'Cur¥-lIIJlla ~live wn· M1'8. 'lI1(f'aJl7', of. Xenia, ,.... a .... II ~ 8c!CIetT. lin. ~ Ret:allick BQmoDd Brorn. .1'8. JDatt ;Duno ville M.~ti.t Obrch; e " ... llama and Dr. l!lI:iUDa Bolloway at·' Suday &fterD~ can.. of 111'8. • ...... ," tM will taIqI put . . . . . . . . 'Jll'Ll(Fi&an 'Da7, lin. Eltan· . ' ,tended Wblt/w;,ter Quarterly Belle M&JJW'd. ,~I!~:~! 'fa 111. ~ • .." ' 1q lin. 01& Kene,., ~n. Sandwich... Pl,)tato salad, baUd at Rl~ODtl, IAd. ·O!i -'n. HaUl, Dta'r , eDb!~b, of All , ........... ,.' lie ,...... :..;.. ....... II~. Z. I. BaiL"81Ut, beanI, loa crea., --~ SWul&,. , . , .WUhIDltDn. ,D. ~ .. . ~Ul her ' nI8C't ' _h'bl' ":d ~ .. ~ n.. • ~ Nanna A8bUJ7'; lin. ICOra ~ be Mrft4 lilt the GoN_ lira. Cora Prl. . . . a plat at & ~d n.phllw, Mr. .... lin. 8PII'WOIMD of ... ..,.,. ..., fa . . .... Dal'lll au. ' ~ dIJI.DW .. fttIDday fOr mall, of N~=' w..• .(~. Jae ....... . lin. A~'" JOB PII ' ~ bar littl ' ~_, BaUa - - l'I8Hon 01 AuIe aad lie at DJea Mar SprIaPoro. ~ ot.twn.cI.t, "....... the - ... O'a...... wltla IIaIM . (0 'Browa .1- · . . . . . . an..oc& ..., , AIOUT FdLKI yOU


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TH E MlA MJ GA Z Enabllah ad Februa" ., 1110 PubUlhl r PAUL A. $CHERE R. ___________ • _____________ Idltor a ..d , te Editor A.lOOla ____ _ ________ ____ ___ C,ECILIA J. SCHERER ~ _______

IDuDlIlIately folloWII II



___ 81, at' ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .OD4&T~ w,umlnS OIl otK&7 ue~

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_ _ _- '

' Ro,. FUrDaa &lid Don 'W. , ETHOD I8T OHURCH PubUlhe 4 Evel')' Thul'IIday 1I01'DlJaC neelyed the decree of ,.,~~~~..,...~ ~~~~ --~~ B:. B. Baa.lUl. PMtor ~~~---~ t.._ 0hif'~ CouatJ'. at SCience. 'tIIalr tam. J. W. W~pwqod, IUDlIteI' at Wayne,v llle, Warren ctve fill. perform aDo.. TIala both and back are Kettllll DDUled ' I:U .. m, M the Mr. matter Well, I!L, clua .ecoad u Sallool. Church Entered &IId 'mendl ptherec l 'at the and II ~oWJl.n the po.toftlc e at W&J'DlllvWe. Ohio. jlllt as twin, u ever. I~ "Ma &lid la In WarneH plor IrT. MARY•• 1P18CO PAL 10:10 L . . boaae OD the 001.... fMID "epen41111 ~ til. Ilnder tbe act ot March I. 18Ta. 7:18 SunOl Pa Kett~e at Hqme': tha, CO from bqUl ZD Jqct aD 1(., 4;ln' . . baa a for cton WIllDhl The aev. $ . .0111 If• ...,.., Beob one mieadve nture to &IIotb_r, ' wlth theater Ihowiq ThOle frOID thll commlU lltf A raUulr IOI'CHd ltol')' 10l1li \lUI PercY KU~de and a couple Of PgD&ooa,' fIle .... t::a~l ....wbere Mr. &114 Ill'll. !II lI'urnu, "CarnIv al Sublcrlp tlGll Rate&; 2, Per Year. In advanc~ in Oblp; U.&O Chureb e«Ilaool, !O:n ·.. 1D. IndtiDe luPP)yln l molt ot the rouildi rlaht DlJ~ II • _ _ •. I'u.r1l.-. BoT and Alane StorT' ~aJa Aaa lJa:1ter aDd Ste" ,dult WOPIIhlp, 10:.' .. m. 'f, l&l1BhI. i. Wlclt )ir. ~d I(l'II, L. V, Branatl'a tor, 'Another clnemuc ope prod,:,ctl~n C9chran. TIll. deall with very ~, Rhotlll BuDn.u. ..,.. and FERRV CHUltC H OF eH,u81f THURSDAY, JUNE 10, IMT troll' MG~ coDilila lIOOJi' to , ~ love and thoqp It, bu ~e la well MI'II. Seth 11 J'IlrDu, Jlr. u4 Jl7l'OD Oarver IIlnliter UTIC~ .E.U .... CHUliO H ' nejghborh\lOd hODIIII Ii ." Tlle' Stu- adUQ d1~ '8cenel &lid picture Ill'll, Brnlllt COOk anel IIlltoJl.' Mr, DIMe Sc!loo',. 1:10 L m. thl. 'Whole the • OD -.ct. , . Oil , . . . WIlUam ~....._. ~. ~ dent Prbace'" 10:80 , Wonhtp ¥OJ'JI1DC ~ lfa,""nC II .~ .. a. In.. IIr. the lalDe ril pl'ClbUIT JIlaYI 70U flllll", an4 of /3OhQOI ,~. operetta , g'i . . . p " Romberl 1,: ~t1nc, frtfw MISS JANE FITE wilen you tlDllb I RlC~, lIr. p4 Wl'II: 8ttb ,,-nr, • TIIiINIt4I. BUt. ~.. BeautlfQI ADD Blitb. &lid ~ mcwhld \'o~ Plis!ple·. Mlllltinc. T:oo. HIU1.J &lid chUdren , lWth ADD. DU, otb.. S...clQ, PreUliJIII. e aeweame ll lildJDunl pV. IQoklq "t lt. Deflnlte li not for handeom Se"ICIII . 'l:t8 p. 1D Evening JJ aftePllOO were lohn. and COlTllllPOnda"t M&ru,.n In. plUi teohnko lor. D'uIIl. tlaIa aD ~. ch1l~ _ lfre. WUbl1r ,H enry '1I'1lI be the IW.DlDI Same., n..t 8undaJ Is A cbn411 Itol')' that, fbUowa al- calle?evemap 1ID~~n~ CHOW THE ....s'-_,,- -_ _ OHAN, _ By \ , ..... "'. ~Ut. boeteel tor the lune meetlns of Leua lIario or Yoic, TIle ·lIIDctna I.~ eyeD ...~ ........ h'o1n 80me ud enctl7 lit."'!!'!" the wacs of the Methodi llt ftm·. DlOIIt -.. ..... " to fit ,....-un.lo In .. ...:. .. do dIAlo.ue lteaII' 10m. or" the q r,""'1'" -• D-. A)tbous~ It', lI,!en rainl~ a 'Home" Ii the Dew ~hurcb in Iber home Th\ll'1lday atfor tbll moTemeDte 111-.0 add. to' the 'WOD- ..x..... Com. ecl from Pal. 0..) . Prt.- Rober.. ' llIDIItv (Contlau .".e~ther th, deal. 1004 ternooD. , .......·1 -A d wel1:uown cOIL" Tbe a d ..IOU "GYP'" ...piCture borte n BlWe 8a1aoor at 1:1t,.. . . warm .,.,.,n bu, part Ill'll. ~e ,~11.... place of the dog ' lfre, Olenn HoWnp worth Ie a ma.t to be on A 4rama that II 'a UtU. orr tile horte takeII Ol. II. . . . . ...,~ JO:" .... pe.t, lira. t1f.1r and ,Rlme or acl slrllDlte paUent at Clinton Memoria l hal' lummer certainly teem. a I!acl It.oI')' the fer ,reat Ita W&7. The crope are powlns be&te~ path &1111 acted with :~ plW, W11mIncton. animal trllII Rae KIaDard ".ere 4JDDer P.... be lenafUri ty la "IDdllcr etion Of An a bo,. I. ' the ODe the & tha,ltaDd on SUdaJ ot JtIi.... ~uth and ,... ""!?" to teeme e evel')',on and nlce17 'DeBoard Howard Mrs. Hr. and to . .t back to Ofti' J.DJUrer wlth Wlt~' n America , '~91 O"&II~r" Bond 'and ramllJ. oC TlllUlel, ee, are happy In the COWltry: Ward rlll OREGO.. ' .. YAHa.L ICAL U. L adyenlu 0« mil" ThII CUlt. lll')' 1I0llt&Om l.onlll and . ' Besides the new PUPPl up the ' Dr. " and lin. o.lellu .UIII, of play ~ Corrco rue.ta here of bls mother. Mrs. DoDDa and lib .,..W women the that !" ... C~ H new kit· II ODe ID. Kay DeBoard and other relatives . the new farm, they have the OlllataDd. f)qton, vlalted wltb 't hF t,1lDt. 81:• . AUGUaT ~ aU look more than t~e m.,a. Tbe StuiOIle IIlCda ~ut of ctIurH E4ward l I!D Bun· lley. 101m ~,.... ~t I(laI a lIor1a1q 'WoOllWt, 11 . . . . 'QnIIJ' IIrs, John E. Wellh WAI a rue.t tena, too, Trtplets ! They by II nce ~rforma Iq l 'provldll/ atatlon raIlw~ .. Termini 1.:80 ut Tbey're Ir,ot cute. to 1:00. ..... M they ':18 ' are , and ~ ' . YOItda ,... a few day. laat week of her lOll alike ~ aeal-brOwn pld_ 'd&r. ~rnooo. , in a few &II Intereatl Jlg ~d 8Omeum.. beallttt .llll¥k IilIlDon I,ll Steve~ Iptl. l ,. .... and and daugbteN n-law, Mr. and Hl'II. cute DOW, that h~. but goo,d real II Tbla ODe • . cb,aeable, beautifu l bac/llJO ulul for t J;l e iD«, \' IIlat John (Bud) Weleh and family, ot monthl they'll be malt cbndren of all asee will enJoy It. dH for. 'fIIlt wttla her nI--. LE.ANO ,. CH .... 'IAN ,cIIlNC Il M~THODI.T give them ltol')'. to r ~OL./..'" endeayo will " I and lI~vlUe In TrImble Utica. ClariaUaa S~ ~ are Alfred Hitchco ck hal done It 1414. . crazy cat of II soaa IIl1llJter Ward . Klat ~J,eth Chanlile r. Mrl. Hr, IU\d Ml'II. Albert Hurle" 01 their exercise . That , II,Dd lUI' thrlill Ii:. held evel')' *,l1li4&7 ...-_ at 10 real II' .. ,FOr ' 1'80 again, Seta.or v;tll and 8~ too, g MtUa. expeotln . Leah Is 1IrII'. ourS k. 'to' Lena u&rtioc , Oxto~, we~ pesll Sunday of bI~ ThIe wee~ l\,h salute HIPlanc 1 Av•• at u .'eIeok. , " ,uPt.· 1000- penae be lUre to 1188 "Dial M Cor parents, Mr. and HnI. Am\l'oll l BOOn have little onee, Sureto the MUrd~r;' starring Ray IIUland In BoDd. loq ~6 fav?rlte ill we., ' Mri. 6Uve CUrl &lid Pr. Emma .. ~ tIte tame hoar:. 4t h'!,01 'Suda1IC lB. L 10:10 going Is ~ce, country the W~ If ' as Moore, H..e,~ Hollowa y at~nded the Oarcten CIUbl TetttmO Df ~ ~t WedD... his most exciting role Iince Lost erne ~d a4ventu re .~I1IP1. Colt. IUDcheon 011 Frid..,. at the PrllltoD lWeDbIa ' Senlce, '1.10 p, .11'. Ml"II, Louise Flu and daughte r. catel aboveO nay the In etarrlna etars al80 evtlltlna o( each .u!nth at 8, movie 4&T Thl1 d, Weeken 18 _ • Belle. our big new rabbit, .' Party HOUle. Jane were gueets Sunday of Mrl. See J'Ou at the movlel. SUNDA Y RAI>lO PReOllA llS: now. Robert Cummin gs and Grace Kelly; . ' hqme at rlgbt herself . making meet· Nurs~Iends o ot Probasc group at YYF B. The Ida Hendrlck , ' 'W SAI-8:f 6 L lB. 8 ~d seems to be getting a,loq Inf Home, Wilming ton. ingllerv ed breakfas t ~UDday morn- WAVNE8VILL~ fRIENDL m. m. a. a:8O W1NG1:80 Sctlool. Day though. flut rabbit ' at the Frlendl SooW' rOppl, A Chlldrellll Day program was ,fine, Eats Uke a WPi'B- 4:00 p. IlL ' and tor 'WorshiP , UI:30 a.m. .;.~ Tbe .1oUnwlDg from bere enjoyed _Meetlne presente d Sunday morning follow- nothing but gTe8nll and pellets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:-:-_ _ _:-::--.:::.-_~~;.... . Ml'II, Mae H~n. stuff. OCWIOD sUng Ule unintere of sorts all at serflees 'School Sunday Ing !.he ~ Imagine, meat! ~ No the Methodi st Ohurch. Mrs, OUfe , CUrl, Mlal Elizabet b ...-.I11!111~ $ • that lives here with me Oh&D:dler, Di'. ' lDI:nma Honowa " Mrs. Sallie Wrlgbt who Injured ' The girlnice me for pl,ace sbady a made 1mIs , recently fall both arms In a 1!Uae Olive Wtlllam l, Mrs. Mabel " ~.". In my kennel yard. I like to lay llathawa y, 14Ial Margare t Edproving. Hartsoc k, Mra. out Lena not ' l'm Mrs, when warda, rest and tbere 1\1r, of grandson . Steve Williams about Ella. Dakln and MIs8 M y r tIe and Mrs. H. S, Tuoker, has re- looking for things to write ' Stevens. turned to bls home In Wllmlng ton for you. can I when Well, until next time _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ followin g an appende ctomy ratips inside more Bome you cently at Clinton MemOrial has- bring Try GAZE'PrE· CLASSIFIEDS , 8S to wbat's ha.ppenl ng -around tbe pltal, Wilming ton, a you wish me let ad, homeste old of Garbett, Horace Mr, and Mrs. i:ft bope you bad Cinolnna tl, were g1,1ests during the merry summer land • • "" end. week en(L of her parents, Mr. lind a nice Memorla Day week See you Boon witb some more Mrs. Raymon d Conley, Sr. , Donald Wall, son at- ,Mr. and ~Ogs eye views of ,the country. **** . . . . . . . . Mrs. George Wall, underwe nt a •••••• ,.. . . . . . THEY GET RESULTS' knee operatlo~ last week at GraI)t IFIEDS , hospital, Columbu e, He Is in sat· Try GAZEnE CLASS 18fa 'tory conditio n. ~ 9 to 1~.:~, .. m• .., ...... ......".. • • •••• ., ••• •••••• ot Mi8s Ed na Ho",e, treasure r , to6p.m . Is Volz ld Mrs, Anna M~¢Dona the Qhlo BnpUst tate Cbnvent lon, wellne" 'ay P. flf. ' Her tl. Except ,,'as guest speaker at the Jonah's 111 at ber home In Olnclnna ot ald, iz.r MacDon M. G, ~Irlil Mrs, mother, morn· Sunday ch ur Ch Run Baptist - Above WCIOI,wo rtt;'. to The church also hbnored Harveye!>urg, has gone there Ing. 5 and 100 !tore her. for ' care wife. bis tb elr former pastor a nd and Syferd John ~lrs. Mr. and ~Ir . and Mrs. J, ,P. Tbornbu ry, with were Telephone 2-430 I a !lpecial ptogra.m for their l\ven· son, Kenny, of Dayton, Mr. parents, her , of \ Sunday guests in~ the b it w I el'srtry nnniv ty-nrth ,'hurch. Rev, Thornlm ry just re- and Mrs. R. S. Tucker. Class of ('cntly resigned bl!! p os~ becauStr The Weloom e Bible will I ot poor health. A successor baa Jonah's Run Baptist Church meet, Friday evening, In the homs not been nam ed. QP~OM~TRIST . Cl' II 'ltt. i\;rs. LaUTII of i'llI'. aod Mrs. Charl,ea !loster, Mrs, A, be will SWdake r and Mrs. Charle!! Gor- AssiStin g with hospital ities ,. Katbe dan were guests Frl~ay 'I$. Mrs. 1\1rs. Easter's sister, Miss . 'Graham leen Nursing ProbaBCO at Id a Hendrlo ks I -:;:;;:;;;;;;;;~~hiri;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;: ­ Hom e, Wtln: i ngu. n.










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A Firm Diary

NJW tum

8,)' D.,J. 'PruiIr lrede A. ... t..__________ w NOI1IWI, cueN cl.IImJaed.

c.rl, W. ,.

cU:;a _ ~J::eJCoc~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' • ~ . '----': '

Ciarl. and DorotbJ L. ~erod,


June .... lODe and mOISt o( It Wall VII. ~k w. and. K. L. Samuel EdwlD , 0Irl ~U eD~ maintenance wor., a lto1"lll7 w:eek: WIDd and raID and cold ", ~here w..' even eel u eo-eoW)ael for PUllDtlftfi. Bettie ' 1. Van ROl'D,~IDIlpIQQ' froet earl,. Bablr4a1' mo~, 10 J Bett;r IIoDabr 'VI. 101m L. 1IoIl~ WOrker, Lebanon. ~ have beeD told but ,It 4lIIn't hurt aker, ~ to p1alDt,Ur. . lIarlin:d It. DJe, 29, ~tq. To4aJ the II1Pl II Ih1I1· Nora Ste1rart ... Walter SteQrt, Wl1I!eaville, and LIDda Lee t.q and It II IOIIl~wha.t "armer. cUvoree 'to plalDtll. 18. etudept. WQDeI\'Ille. ul D S Tbere w.. JUlt part of ODe ~m tncll&'o b\U1t!q lleCaule I 'have !!:.~~:!1~~ , field that cUdD't .et plantecl , be- I.... the pair of tJiem around So fore It ~ to ltorm and we quite oftell~ atid thoUlh the male u hope to eet tha.t ,4oD. WAf· We Ja luch. rIllJant blue the fe- 'ddv movecl aU the ~at "ere Ja bro1l'D. I Ju.t law het.o Kr aapl)ClMd to be weaned ' to II, amall a loq piece of putute wI,tIl plenty. pf ~b ~ wrena mu.t, ha-ve left the ano on the felice bUt eVeD then Buth I nllt wheD I wei 116t 'bere I I th,,. anon }lelf~ CUl' home. I heu:d ,,IN&t no loqer ,0 in and out. ' I ho~ • b&wUq oa_tal:d~ and went oot the ea~ citd !Jot any of them. ter, ..., wllat It w" ,aD4 ~r. , a,b. heard a sreat c:la~ the other 'IOD, ~ '" .. bawllq for ~er mama. but I da,.. It. blue Ja,. kept , Icreamlq 10 tooled her. t opeDecl the cate out ID the weeplnl wIDow tNe. dye Into the paD .-here th~ pip are I looked up ailll there wu .Prett)' B. Inat8114 'of the pte IDto j,he bam Pul. _Y lIP In the ' tree and JU'4 and Ihe went rlPt In With- Blu.e Ja,. lcol~- and tuulq Llbe olit .. bit of trouble. ·Th&t ·1I tJae .~bollt it. I couldD't ... any ne.t ro~ pen wilen! ~ keep the C*ly.. to bUt there mUit '1Ni 'one' ~Wby or The wean them aDd tbiI...renCf! ~ hlah elM ,"'h7 all the fUll' Ired and hal a a.,od barb wire On the The rain hal brou,ht up PIe wai" top) ao .ahe t. lOin.. to have ,to ....884. 10 that til.,. crow at, leut ' ltaT there for a fe" daYI. tIleo • foot a day. Johnny mo'tfed the Ore we will tl1 ~ ~ , ,,sUa tile . lawn "sUa the IIIOW1DC machine 10 n 871120 others and If Ihe ~ In ~ l that It loob lOme lletter but un· off ,Ihe 10M to HuDVJ' lloUow til my lawumolfer comes back on ' for the lummer. I Clo n~ • .,~ rrom betn, mended It, wID to take her there unW Ihe ,eUl leoldq magI)'. over thle plUDK out fever. It I han had two mesles of creeD alw.,.. iDeana troIlb,. when a calf p... but they ' are ItIlI a that h.. been, weaned ODce ,eta I email and young. lwould Jiate to back to Ita mofher and ItaN , pick and shell enough for a v91'Y 8ucldng ,a,&In. They five large flUDJly. Ko wonder people tlmel ... hard to break the lee:- Uke to pow the bJg peu. but ond tIme. Now that we have the theae lItte one/l ar, so good. We calvel that are OD t}leae COWl panted the relt of the prden to ahut up and they IItll have to come sweet corn but either the henS ID ~ the b~ to be mllked •.I have I go It or the storma walhed It hl\d no more troubhi with Ruby. away. a8 1"e have a . very poor It is euler to pot tour, COWl In the 8and. Perhapi! aome of It was 'bam than jUlt one. burled too deep by the raIn. The There Ja a -cardinal down OD a young onlonl taste so good this tree by the I.pring and hll bright Iprlng, but that has meant that red featherl Ihtne In the 8\1nlhlDe. 1 haye to go on bakID, bread, [or JUlt outside of my "a.ndoW beyond young oDloDa need good bread and a cllUQp ot Iria a Slim brown bird Ilotter and 1 do not like the - Ia bulldlD, a n_ In a role bUlh. lticky, BpODgy breai! that ' rolla up U l.m't a very we placel It II 10 lD balll Ip my month, 10 DOw 1 l low, hlU'dly a- teot fro m t b., bave to bake but that ill so easy lI'Ound. I hope the eats do Dot nOWadaY8 that ID()re 'people do not get It. ~ am gOlD' to ' hav& to let ake their own bread, It la 80 the Weedl IJ'Q'fi around It wJatch good. lti4peclally with butter and 1f111Y I:'rotect It. I thIDk It Ie an., nice young &Tlle~ oD1o~. Try .it,



fU,N1E 17, 1954



MARRtAG. LlC.,.:IU Ol.b Elecls ,Officars For Coming 'raar Thursd~,


Lb: BAl'{ ON, O.-,-H.eol eSlot \l, chattel anll mortgallea tiled last, • The Farmers OJub met OD Thurs· month In Warren coun ty were near ' the $2,250,000 mark, accordIng to room. --..... ~ ........ '".... ","""'- or ClI Ark" of Court Clltf O. Beckett and

e , and eliatte l mort· month amounted to l whUe auto liens to00 for a grand to~~ of .. 'llbls 1.8 comparable cedIng month and the I a year ago when they .23,668. on tue In county ofI that ' tor the pu't 36 Warren County, mortd bave exceeded tlie I a halt dollar mark, et 14 months theY have the two-mIUlolI·dollar

iT.... '




' ared elghty·six real es· 1ge8 were recorded duro onth, amounting to $1,. 664 chattel mortgagea, - -~ _ _ .a~d






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believe it? AcrosS this country ~ million ice cream cones


are sold every'single day I That's a lot of ice cream ••• .and a lot of cones• .,

The delicate crispness that you ,enjoy' in· a perfectly baked cone is no

acciCient. It ~ . perfect timing , ~cl clean heat that, can be exactly 'controllcCL That's why Eastern &king apd other ice cream conc.~cr.



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Establl. h.d F.-brua" ., 1t1O PubUlh .r PAUL A. SCHIi.R E''- _= ___====_=. _==_= ______ _ _Edltor an' , e Ecllter CECILIA J. 8CHERE R __ =_= __ =_===_~_ =_= =.!'= __== __ =__ A_lat


.- -


oomlmIDecllatel,. foUowlDl WUmlncat- ' -_ _ exeroln , of11&111,





_ _.,.._ _ _



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.."

LYTLE M5THO DI.T CHURC H FUnaaa an!! Doll. W. METI:40DI8T IlHU":" " Publlabe d Every , Thursda 1 1I0ralq of ~ " ... de the 'm--feoel,-ed Hl,., ~--~" ~_.~ B·:U:-:':'::--:~CI L m. at Waynesv ille, Warren Co-lf'. Ohio. .z....----~-of Science, tUfr (am- J. W. We'\lI"'fl'oocl,' IIblIster Th.. Mr. m.. L Well, the KetU.a are "ack and Botll live flu 'perto~_ flntered al lecond Clul' matter at and trten4a satll8re4 at the tbe po.toUle e at Wa:rneavWe. Oblo, just as (winy as ever. In "Ma and la In W~~or and .. ehoWD In hoIIIe ' OIl the con... fanD"u~~'o;:~~,t~c:~~ 10:110 L m. OIl tQ Q at. MAllY'. Ef'18CO "AL depell,dJ ID a!Id ID both IIndsr tbe act of Marcil ~. 18'lL from CO thel Home" at Pa Kettle y e:Uo'••••ID 81Ulclat 7 :18 Itoll (or a bUltet 4tnWlIm1D I_ear It. The ReT. Samuel If. x..,... BeclDrabo1Flllc tb~r with ' ~other, to one mlaadve nture . Ill. Ilty , SuDdar: A rather aor414 ltor)< iOtnI th.. her. Tbole from ' ~ COIIUIlUI en4 a couple of KUbrlde 8.00. ,. Percy Tblll'lda PracUce CIIolr I'urnu, lilt . lire. doIl, , ": . . . . iii. and re IIr. Q9DuaIu alMwhe ,,,ere: Ho17 $2.&0 l Ohio; "Canl1va In , tl advance DOW In rtaht. Year. Per . roUDO the SubscrtpUo.n Raiee-U in4tiD. lupplpD S molt of and ~ J'i&rnu. Clno" 801I00I; 1O:d L . . StorT' 1JWl AIm Ba)ter &lid Ste,. IStephen. AIIIIe L. laqb.. V. Brautra tor, Adult WoriIIlp . 10:41 L m. Wiclt Jib'. ~d lire. ' Anotber elIlemas cope pro<!uctlou Cochran . TIIIa deali WIth ~HRI8T 0,.· 1 THURSl>Ayl. J'INt: 10. 'Yer, !In, abedea SUDuu, Mr. &lid FERRY OHU"Ct from 110M comiAa SOOD' to th, love and thoup It. haa ~ la.".U II..,. seth II. J'urnu. Jlr" aa4 B1rOD Caner. IIIblater UTICA E.U." C~UIICH . ne1abborh-qOd hOUNI la :'ne Biu· excJUq dlYIDI ICflnes and &lb•• School. 1:110 L m. . picture :~re. Cook and 1I1lton, ' Mr. tlIt. .whole &'be OD act4¥l . 8tIm.. 011 .; L m. deDt PrfJIce" baHcl 10:80 . WoralilP ¥onaIDC wUUua ~.. ~~. an~ , tqrDu ,.OU feellq l an~ II~ ~~Ilce . .. tlDa. 7:00 p. IL ' RombeJ1(1 o."....tta ·pt. the - - ~ P~" lean PI'&J'W 11M 81l1l411;r, Sohool I~" &. , Ill.. afr. I'Ilr· . IiIftb,. Mr. and v_IUchard MISS ,JANE FITE finish ., 00 YOIl wbell IIUII'bW ..... ~ _ .. 'and BlJUae name. BealltUu l Aml . ---.. .o~r ~~le'l }lettllll , : . ' ~ai1ej ~. SUL l,. Dct 'for nal, Jr. and chll!lreD. Ruth Ann, Correep olld.llt PreacbJ q. 8'fMJ' othea 8l1li_, "'e... '1:118 p. 10• • handsom e lI,e.-comer Edmund P1Ir. looklq '" It. D8UD1te ETenlng ~ were ohn J ' &lid Marllyri • _ • U;4' L ~ malE. ~ an ~e ~ lor. tecluIIco 110m, • . = lire. Wilbur Henry will be tbe Semce, UNt BUlldar .. that teUon &1, callen. Ulna . . cJill4'. A a.nt tertahUl •• eTeatDp By pHAN, THE OHOW hoitee. for the JUlIe meetln, of I!\OIltlL r . tbD fnell 'I01ct 01 II~ ~ mo.t eDctir aD.d VlA.YN •• VILLIL CHURC H OF . th:~=cicu-: from the . wacs ot. ~e Met~odlat .... I~ Par~. , ~4 fit to III a mnlD« )HIen It'. b .... _. Althoul .". . Ohurch In 'ber bome Tbursda y at· ~ WOIl' "UanJe Coal. Hbaie" 'la' the 'Dew M&al8ter M~ . ~ deal. tbe weather for th .. IDOYe.Ute aJ.IiO - I to (CoDtbt ued (roID &'aP ODe) temoon. "Onl,. Colt." The picture bon. aeon. 1l W,UCOW and derful an!! II\. warm been at .:It ' haa ~ooJ part moat a II lire. wortb ~ HOlllnp Glenn ~.. Ill'll. a UWe off dI,e bol'lie t.aUe the p\aee of the dOl ' lire. .. u..t L IL ~ • A to: ~ be to W~ . lIema certainly ~ el~ .. IIWIlmer Uieir bos· al and patient at Clinton !Ilemorl a I1rl lnatead or II...." llWl' ,reaL for thelltm 7 4IDDer W~ "Tilt .. .. Ita 'lVq. Th. crepe are crowlnc beaten path ~d ~ted With pltal. W'!.lm1n&ton. Of AD a boy .. ',tile ODe the anlll1al trI.. ~ Kbaaard ..wFe tlo~ '1ndllcre .. .., leulUTI be to Neml e II~ 8e""*, , 1:.0 p. m. eYelTon and uth and ¥1Uea or fJ~ lOll l thoIlaanl Kr. alid :Mra. H,o ward DeBoard II1ceb' a OTel' to bacIt AlDerlc q Wlte" ~Ith Jennlfer to set __ '\ ~~. ~. Bond Ward and famll1. of Termell ee. ,re bapP1 In tbe country. .. . . up at lODes an'd lIolltpm err cutt. 1'htI mU.. 01 ~nntur. PUPP7 new of . the BU8I!WD Besides d.I. Mrs. lin. and mother. Dr. his of tbe ' here play il saelta CtfU~CH . kit· la Qn, that pae women wW llb and . Donna l:orroora new TIN. haTe ·AUGU8 thV aT. farm. aunt, new tbeIl' the . ,with relatlTei vt.lted other and D&Jton. l. May DeBoard the mID. The .$tul~e llda, but of o'tNrH the outat&Dc than more 1~1I: all Putor . They ! Benlaa . Trlplets ' " too. BeT. tens. $UII' OIl saelt . a wu EcIward :MI'II. John 1!1. Wellh la by '071111' a 1IlaI , ~t Tbey re TermlDl ra1~war etatiOD proriclea I q perfOI1ll&lUle MUll" II.CK' ut ~:OO ... Ill. a few da11 last week of her 1011 allke and are the,- cute. In a few an 111~ , and ,som_tlm ea I/8autlfUl bIaek or Hal.broWII pld. clq ~rnOOll. , . J,OU ~:rrtle 'Sb\veJ1llleft OD S\lD.: ' _ and dau,bter- ID-law. Mr. &lid lire. cute now. that lit; bllt Is real good &lid cbuable . beautiful baCk&'roUlld for th e ill&'. TlWI one ' .. 1I1ece,... ber ~~ '~t !or~~ W John (Bud) Welab and famU1, ot months they'U be mplt It. enJoy will cblldren of aU &see L.ltANO N lAN IelaNC a . liT. H'OL .....,. METHO DIIT··. and I will end...TOr to live them .torr· tlel~ ~bJ.e ID lC~vUle. Uttca. · ~Ua" 8~.,. ~ are • Alfred Bltehcoc lt hal c1o/le it 1414. of cat IImtater cruy ScaIt II: That . Mr.. exercJse tbelr handler. C , of h Hurley. EUabet Albert MIN Ward . Mr. and MI'II. • real thrills and IUS- . ....11 ~UIicIaJ ~ at 1q ·For held Iii. •• again. .m L wlU and 1:10 too, g ~"'l, _ _ expectin 8 . Is OUl'll 1llIla. hi. Leah of ~. Oxford. were guesta Sunday M for :'lw=~!·f::!~ -; yest- 'Le~~, d AT.. at 11 . . . . . "Dial HlPlaa lee to lure be pellH, hpt. .. looks........ Sure, ones. ~a . little • Dr I 1 ~ave He'll Mre. OUve CUrl an. u ' fUmI parents. Mr. and 14nI. AlD~le IOOD • 0 in I!dlool ~ &be AIDe boar• 14Uland uD~ 8 Ra1 . m sterrl~ .. 10~'O Murder" tbe ........... to I going WoreId» is club country as It the .• Hollowa y at~nded the Oateren . Moore. ady~t re .. ' JDeeUJI " let WedDe8Loat ems • ~CIIU IIlnce role ' m. p. exciting '1.10 , most hi. -1Jerriee l!!reDlq Preatlill the MI'II. Louise Flt.e and daughte r. cat.! Ilt.arrlq 1p th~ above Oyp.y Colt. luncheo n on Frlclq at 8tars or .,c)a aontll at B. aIIO ev.wa. movie 4&:r Thls d. • Weeken fa _ • rabbit, new big Belle. our Party Hou.." . .Tane were gUests Sunday of Mr.. at the moviee. you Bee Kelly. Grace 2R8GR .UlS' and np RADIO Y CUmmi SUNDA RObert now bome The yy~ II'OIlP of Friends meet· ida Hendrlck ll, at Probasc o Nur.· making herself right at • 8 FRIEND along LLE getting YNEaVI be to mom· seema and BUllda)' t . bl'llaltfu Inll1 lened In, Hoine. Wilming ton. 1 ~. t~ ~o::. , m. a. 11:80 thougb:, School. Day' rabbit a Firat 11ke Eats room, nne. I Soetal at the Ftlendl ' A ChUdren . Day program was . WPi'B- 4:00 p •.jI. . . and ¥.eeUnc for worehl~. 10:30 a.m. The followin g from bent enjoyed presente d Sunday morning follow· nothlng but greeDB and peUeta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:....,~~~ ....... ..-._ -'-:---':; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. IHarrlao stuff. !ofae sting Mre. . , unintere tJae OCCfIIIoD Ing the Sunday 'School serfices at all sorts ofImagine ~I!IIIIIII!I. . No meal! the Method ist Churcb. Mrs. OUve Curl. Miss Iilll~bet,..b 1I·.........~I!'!11Bollowa l!2mJD& me Dr. with r. here OhaDdle lives that girl Tbe Mrs. Sallie Wright wJto Injured' for me :Mil. Olive William s, Mr.. Mabel both arms In a tall reeenUy , Is 1m· made a nice sbady place to lay [like yaTd. kennel my In proving. Iild· Hatha.w ay. MI.B ' :Marg~ek.t Mrs. out ward., :Mrs. Lelia Hartsoc there and rest when l 'm notabout Steve grandso n of Mr. write to things for e looking tl r ra. My ' has Ella. Dakin and :M¥s and Mrs. H . S> Tucker. ' Stevens. ' turned to hUh home In Wilming ton l or you. Well. until next time when 1 can followin g an appende ctomy . ratips cenUy at· Clinton Memoria l hos· bring you lOme more inside the Try GAZETTE. C(ASSIFIEDS as to wbat's happeni ng around pltal, Wilming ton. you a wish me let ad. homeste old 01 Oarbett. Horace Mrs. a.nd Mr. you had CIncinna ti. were guests during the merry summer and hope ~ end. week end of hel' parente. ' Mr. and a nice Memoria l Day wee. See you soon with some ~ore Mrs. Raymon d Conley, Sr. Donald ,Wall. son o~ IIJr. and ~OgS eye views of .the cOUlltry. .... MTS. George Wall. underwe nt a •••••• ••• 1\ •••••• ••• RESULTS knc~ operatio n Inst week at Grant _ _ THEY GET HOUR a: ' ry GAZETIE CLASSIFIEDS hospItal. Columbu s, H:e is In sat· T [Beactory conditio n. .... ~ . M188 EcInn Howe, treasure r 01 . . . . . . . . \I.'I'¥ .n¥'n Mra. A~ 'Ma!)Donald Volt Is toe Qhlo DnpUst State Convent lo·n . " . . ti. Her was ~est speaker at 'tbe Jonah's III nt ber bome In Cincinna ~ Sacco' ' '. ald, of MacDon M. G. Mrs. mother. morn' !>unday Church Baptist Run Abolle W~lWorttl·. to The 'hurcb also honored ' Harveys burg, hns gone there lug. 5 Illd 100 ~tore her. for care wife, his and pastor their former and Syferd J9hn Mrs. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Thornbu ry, with were Telephone 2-4301 a special program for thei r twen- son. Kenny. or Dayton. Mr. ty·flrtb annivers ary w it b the guests Sunday of her parents, (·burch. Rev .. 'I'horn bury just re- nnd Mrs. H. S. Tuc kN. or nUy resigned his post becnuS'e' The Welcom e Bible Class I wllI Church Baptist Run 's Jonah bas 'r suocesso A of poor health. bome the In evening, Friday meet. not been named. Charles noste~. Mrs. A . . c ~ n~tt.'s, Laura ot Mr. and Mrs. will be Sbldake r and Mrs. Charles Gor· ASSisting with · hospitali ties , Katb-dan were I;tllesi.s Friday or Mrs. Mrs. Easter's sister, Mils Id a HendrickS at Probasc o Nursing leen Gl'abam. = ' I Home. WILming n. .






·FIIE••• lOl l




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A Parm Diary It. . "'ITS 8, D. J. 'PruIIr IreDe A. ~~ va. carl W. G1eDD Coot ... ~ r.-______.__~.H NOflIWl cue dfitD'... divorce, .J . T. Jt,IIef, .~q.



roNlO 7, i9U. - ODe wee" 01 and L. Sherod. June b .. cone anll moat o( it wall Jr., VI. l'raDk W. Jtqblll aDd It. L.

~ atormy week.

WlDd and raln McWtiorter, ~ ~1l and cold weatber. TheJ'8 wu even eel U cCHlOUI}iel for 'PlaJDtUt. • , rrolt .ar11 SatUrdaY morn,ln, IQ l Be", IIoDU!ar va. Jolm. L. BoIl~ have been ·told but ,It dldn't burt aer, divorce to flaJn~. aDytblDff, Toll'.,. the I~ II IhtD.· . Nora S~ VI. Walter Stewa&1, ID' alid It I, IOm~what "armer. divorce to p1aiDtJJr. There wu J1l8l part of one com IDdl.., i;llPltibs becaulI8 I have tleld that didn" ,et planted , be- __ the ' pair of them around fore Jt . bepD to lt9rm and we 4~ orten' and thoqh the male , hope to ffet that ,ClODe todq. We II ' noh a ,. brUlJaDt blue the femo.e4 all the cab.," that were ..... __ I e.. • .:. b . rown. I JUIt Uw h er." IQp0ee4 to he weaned to a lmall ID -'th a lODe piece of ;rul. paatute wJth Pltent,. , Of bf>1b T~e wrenl muat liave lett. the on the fUce btl ev~ th en ~..t "hen I '~ DOt bere .J8 th" helter came home. I head DO 10Deer frO ID and ou~ I hope ba"UJiC OI!.~lde and went tl1.e ~tI .414 ~ot let an1 of , the'll' lee :wbt It wu and I hear4,a ,great clamor the other wae b&~1lq for her mama, da,.. .A.. blue Jay kept , l~reamJ.. toaIeCl her. . I qpened the pt. out ID the w.~C wUlOW tree. tDto tJle pen where ~e pip ~ I looked up and there PrettY. Illlte.4 of the pte into tbe bam Pul. way 1W ID 1IIe tree and){n. yarcl and Ihe went rlPt tD wltJl. Bluflja,. lcoldiDC an4 tuutq out " bit of trouble. ''''J.'hat II the about 1t. I couldn't I.. any pen ~ ~ ~p the cal".. to but there mUit be one nearby wean them and ihe fence II hl'h elle why all th."f\auf and h.. a pod barb wire on the The rain hu brou,h'· top eo Ihe II ;colnff to . have to, weed. 10 that they crow at. Ita,. ·there, for a few da,.I, then." foot a. Johnny mowed the We wUl t'1 l1er .~ with lawn with 'the ~IDS machine eo others and, It ~e ItQJ In theD, I that it 100b lOme bl'tter but un· off .ehe SO" to HU~ BoUow I til ' my ' l"wuQlo",.r com.. back tor the lummer. 1 ClO not WaD' from beJni' mended It wID "0 on to take her there ·~ntl1 Ihe ,etl looklng maglY. over this getting out fever. It I I ,have bd tWCt 'meslel of .,.,.n alwa,.l, means trouble when a calf peu .but ,they ' are Itm a UtUe that hal b~D weaDed once gete I amaU' and young, Iwould hate to back to ' Ita mother and starts , p~ck and sheU enough tor a v9Y suclUng a,aiD. They are jtlve lar'ge family, Ko wonder people times as hard t:o l?reak the see- ilke to IffOW the btg peu, but ond time. Now that we have the these Utte ones are 80 good. We calveS. that . !'fe . on tJJese COWl panted the rest or the sarden to shut up and the,. all have to come , 6weet corn but either tlie hens In ·to the barn to be ni11ked, I have ' got It or ' " he, Itorms waehed It . I)ad no more trouble w1t~ R)lb~' 1 away. as we have a very poor It Is easJer, to put four, cowll In the sand: Perhaps some of it was barn than j~t one. burled too deep by the raIn. The , There 18 a ,cardinal down on a young onions · talte 80 good thi8 tree by the sprln" and hl8 brIght spring, but that has meant that red feather8 shin€! in the 8unshine. I ,have to go on baklng bread, {o~ Just onulde of my window beyond young onions need good bread aud a clump of ids a II1lm brown bird butter and I 'do not like the Is building a nellt In a r08e bush. ~t1cky, spongy bread that roll8 up It Isn't a very ,sllte ,Ill ace, It 18 80 In balls , j~ my mouth, so nOw I low, llardly a tOl)t r rom tho to bake but that Is so easy ground. 1 hope the ~at8 do not nowadaY8 that more peOPle do not get it', .~ am golDg to have to let bake ulelr own bread, it Is 80 tbeweed8 groW around .. It which ~ood .. Especially with butter and pap.y prote'ii n. l ' think It Is aD nice young green. onione. Try tt.







&Son ~ ' a ge It


-.,.__ ' .






Edwfn" R~lfman.

ma~tenance worker .

Bettle J. Van,1011, worker, Lebanon. Harland E, DJe, 29, WI11lesvtl1e, and iJDda Lee 18, lltudejlt, WQD.nue. Paul D. Stabler, 28, f!at"_lhll car1la1e, and __ D. Jett, 18, South ~banOll; Carl J'.clward Oecter, 18, driver, Morrow, and Verna KraDImayr 1'1 ..,~w Tram D;niei 10' maciwu.t. Qon aDd ~Nr 18 aDOIl:


AWe D. ~,




21, clerk-tJplat, W.jjutiYli1le:

L. · 1le~Jnler, 20, LebanOll, B. Crue, . LeI:I8DOD.' C!wieII ,BrIellllulPlr, dye


_..;..._ _ _~

_--1_ _ _...0==













tic." •• tfc:. tic"' •• tic. tic tic 1\ /e .... ,.. II •• /eM•••••• tic •• tic tic

Dodge Trilki,:Uars, 'lJlDoatbs :f




Come in .."d Drive ,~e. ~EW DODGE




this 'country


~e ~ld c'VerY single dayl That's a lot of ice




million ice creapl cones

cream .'.. and a lot of cones. .. '

The dcl!Cate crispness ' ~at you enjoy in a perfeCtly baked cone is no acc1dent~ It takes .perfect timing and

clean ~eat that can be ~ctly

conttolleC:l. That's why Eastern ~ and o~~ icc cream cont-makers \lie

gas. 'yo}l'll find na~al 'gaS the ideal fuel for all ,your cook.Dg, tool

. . .Innlna oil Frldq, M.y 28


Lift .WJte jU1d lD Orpnlsauan SecOnl ~To None. Sellers on the But AU Market ,fn the C!Jilratrr

aAIE TilE - 8:. P. M. DOORS OPEN 7:30 P. M.

S .. RVIOE THAT 8ATI8f'IE8 For Dally ,..arket Reporta: WLW Cincinnati. 12:30; WCRY. Clnchinatl. 13:111 WPFB. Middletown. 11:46





Dounced by The Chrlltlan condition, neW' tlrel. reuonable. Board of Directorl. The term Call SAM. KEYS. Phone 3943. oUice II for one year. He hl[UI .. 0--&-10 been an authorized Obrlltl..n ScI· ence. practitioner In Bo8ton - tlile FOR SALE-Brooder Hoaae. Con· world headquarters qf the tact R4LPH WHITING, Lytle RII. tian ' selene&. movement - tor Pb,oue 3564. X-6-10 most 50 years. FOR S.A.LE-Chrome Oven Tappan PrIor to devoting hIs tull tiIDe Ranye $100.00; Bottle Gas Retrlg- to the practlce of C\lrlstlan '~CI. erator. pertect $45.00; Frigidaire ence heallnc. Mr. Knox was III the Refrlgerato $76.00. Phone 24.41. structural steel business. He fll'Bt , • c-6.1Q-fb became Interested In Chrlsttan _ _ _ _ _~_____ Science through the healing of lis OFFICE SUPPLIES - , mother. , Pencils. Library Paate. Poster Ink. Mr . •Knox has served tbe denom· Journal Record HOOk!!. Typewriter Ination In a variety or posts. • A Ribbons. Typewriter Paper. Rein· former member of t\le Flnan.ce forcements. BI$' Ben Double Letter committee of The Mother Oburl)b. File Boxes. Receipt Books. and he Is now active as a T~ustee of many etber Items. 'l,'HE C~urch Realty Trust. GAZETTE. Phone 8918.


As a member 'of the Federal Deposit Insutance Corporation, our bank pays the Corporation a yearly assessment on total deposits. By virtue of our membership ~md payments, each of our depositors is insured against loss to a maximum of $10,000 for all deposit;s held in the same right and capacity. As a depositor at our bank, you enjoy the benefit of this extra safeguard for your funds witliout charge. We (and 1be other .~.D.I.C. member banks) pa.~~ ~ 'q full cost. We invite you to bank wHil us - ~ome in and open your account soon.

~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ijFO,~R~RE~NT=-~____~~ tAWNMOWERS - _ . _ - FOR RENT-.:.:slx·room nn(urntshed apartment, hot water ond bath. J-feat furnished In winter, Call at MILLER'S DEPT. STORE. c-5·27·tfc MRS. STIVER AND MRS. YOUNG ARE ON FEMALE HELP WANTEDDUTY AT THE STQRE AT ALL TIMES. '"+I A\.!E s~ NEW SUMI'v'ER M'ERCHANWOMEr{ Chance tom a k G money every week mailing post. DISE AND A FEW ARTICLES THAT ARE cards. Work at home In spare BARGAINS. time. BOX 9. WATERTOWN. COME IN AND SEE US - WHETHER YOU MASS. BUY OR NOT, ' ,

P.ATRONIZE OUR IDVEIlIISERS - YOU'LL FIND REAL BARGAINS IN THEIR STORES! .................. , ...................., ••• f' . . . . . . . . . . ., . ,•••• ~ ••••,.,.......



All Unused 1953 Models -e-


5* SAt. NITE, JUNE 12

Montsomery County F.irsrouncls, Dayton '

Soutb Mala St~, Spon.ore4 b:r • U."ton Molo",,,,,I. Club AUIlllla..,.

ROUTE 122,.OFf: OF 42 ~



$229.95 ~9.95

, Notice , Is hereby given IJlat sealed Bids will be received at tile ,oUlee of the Board of Trusteel' o( Wayne TownshiP. Warren ' Cou:n~y, Ohio. by the Clerk of said B~lard of Trustees. WhOtUf address Is BoX ~4. Wayne/lvWe, Ohio, until the 26th day of June. 196'4. at 8: 00 o'clock p. m. Ealltern Standard Time, for rurQllhing the labor and materials , for the ImProvemen't of certain Towaahlp roada speclllle:i by the Board of TnliIt~ ot iald Township. by priming and 8~:llng

· ......10 H.rv..,.......,, • • ' un



Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk of the Vlllage of Wayneeville •. State of Ohio. at the oUlce ot /I81d Village until 12 noon Sat. urday. June 19. 1954 for ~ late model or new tractor with a bact hoe with a ten foot boom and front loader new or used' bldl to $pecltY the 'Prlce of each •Item I", dlvldually and as -a Whole We reaerve the right reject all bJds. . , ' By order of the Troatees 'Of Pub. lIc Affairs of the Village of WaynJlllvtlle. Ohio. , Mary Stansberly. Clerk.



M .....ny chanee.

I.tely! aemodel your I,n .ur •• c. pretectlon, te..




....I . . .h '·

. . .nt and Mortar

-Of-th":'ls--:-h-o-'-no"'-r-W'aB--w-on--:-b)''''': ' '---:":th-:-e Dnln nle va..,. commendable talente of MI.. Bt. 10hn. For the put four win· ten Ih. hal 1t.u4led pluo with Mre. l'unkhouaer of· School of Music. at Younptown College. ~~~~~~!~I I!!!~~~~ During the Pl'at summer she "" ~ celTed a Icholarahlp tor Chautau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- .. . . . . . 'qua. Ne" York and studied under Mr. Gordan Stanley of the taculty of lumiai'd' SchOol of Music. New York. -


r... 4....


0 f FICE'

. .





cratuJation. on




~J:\!I!W:n:h:;·)lrt. a




M. Bend8l'lOu of DaJt,oD, "Iao macte

.al. H"E 111111 II Z 'T E I






faYOnb1e the ~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e 1.1c O~•••n".rr ::utrlel~lutha:"r:I::: ~~= ~ 0.# 'l'bunday 0., . . . . . .. )lisa . I . . at. 10M, _ ...,.,. wMn oom,.. the IV am., .... _ _ tor ba4 ~~~,~~

P1Ulddaulhter ., IIr. uul M1~ L. C. St. 101m ........... "~r 1&. Try . . . . . . caa..HIeIIs and Mn. •... M~ ' " . Hubbard, ObJet, II • ...... tile - .............. I Hubbard mp ..... ... . . •• • •• ~ ..... ................. bMIl .....,.... ...... ,... . . . . . .


Show -

F'ILE BOIEI oluUon adoptel by AId Boaird at . . . I III S DOUBLE FILE' _lEI a regular mfl8t1q held 11I11e ' 1. • 1954. ' MAYNARD 1'. WE ,z. · Member. , ot the WaJDellTllle .lOIRIIL lUll '.I0Il1· CI.., W&J1UI T01J:Dlblp Garden Club are reoelYinc ,

******"""".,.."",..U,...'" " ",p II"'" •••••• ,,., , ....

Merc·h .nts Sponsored Sa.......r ........

Concrete Block ' ' . Rock F.':' ~alock


tees of Waynt TOWIIIhip, Wlarrell ..........., .....' County. Ohio, 8COOI'dIq . to a , ro· ~....


KARL D. Dllll



No Bid will be conaldere4 w'b lch III for a greater .um than the ..U. mated cost. not unlns It btl aocompanied by Ii bond or certWed check In the lum of $2.600 to guIl1'1Ultee that If nld bid III lie-, cepted. a contract wiD be enli41red In~o and the JlerfOl'DWlce of said c,o ntract proP81'17 II4ICUred. The Tow:nahlp Truateea rellerve the right to reject any an<1 all hid., • By order of the Board of ~

0pI. Air S.ow-Sal.r.e, . lipl, J•• ,12. "BEDT'IE FOR BOIZO" "QUEEI OF HEARTS"


with the !"llowlq approximate amount.materials ot each. and 2t-6-3-10 10.000 gallons. more or leil of RT Tar.2 to 12 or RC Asphalt 3 '/.:i,; F I. D A:Y , N IT I 'S U . . U . . . . . U U " . " to 5 and i 500 Tona mo~e orlen /.;( ... TILIVISION ~IGHT of No. ' 6.3.92 : or 46-3.92 Crushed . \ . 4 JOEY OWtbILLO Gravel. ,, )} , .....,, •• U.L.IJ..ItO· .... , The Contract '1"11,' be awarded .. ~ BOBIY JOHIS to tlle lowelt and belt bidder, In .... ~ ' •• II.L .... 1l0•• ,4' bids to be submitted on a Unit Ju... e 11. - ' IliIDDLlWIlIOHT5

Loolc: O~f'



Trials f.Time tartinc Time6:30 8:30P.P.M. M. . .





Legal Notice LEG~L NOTICE


Phone 3691



Federal I/I.uranee Corpor.tlon

, . Outboard Motors . Phone 3912






Blue Star BOiIts M.rtln





, ~~~~

'l-INtERNATIOIAL, ~~!~;~~ $319.95 1-AMANA ST~9~~MCOU~'~~~R $539.95 1-MANITOWAC l~:~G~' $499.95 I-NORGE 1~pCR~G~~' $324.95


Thq 'a,Dlsvilll NatiDDatlaDk

TY~I of

" Ball and FishiRI E••lp••nl



.. •.




dllllil H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118",


"H.lid or Power

C STOM BALING-R. C. LaRUE. Waynesville. Ohio. Phone 2800. c- 6·S:......(6t)-7.8





=.:r,U: :=~au:1 Oaa-


CODUII. . . . Oil

til,.,................ ... to....... . .• * ..... tIJuk,..... or aa... .._--

tiUaa..,1a lr.MD. , TIle au.. CIa.b woald like tab WI . . . . 1uiaItr to tIut . . .... .".. ~UbrarJ' peratu.I . to eo 11M...... 1M . . - • LIIIrar)' bIoIIltIli . . . die ..... . .


=- =-.:':::'111tile-=;': :-::..: ::.........._ ..... . , . . . . .. ... "'lll1IIdI.



Of the Brave YEAR


, I~ar_rs. Club , Elecls' WARREN' COUITY

WARREN COUNTY JUNIOR '-H 'CAMP "'ason TO BE.HEtD FROM ~UNE 274ULY 2 D.' P Warren County Junior Campers wlJl. be camping' at the new 4-H camp near Olarksvllle, June 27 through Julr 2, Extension Agents John, B. Mowbray and Mary W. Clingan announced today. The camping ITEMS OF INTEREST period 'Will sfart Sunday evening, June 27 atter supper and will end ABOUT FOLKS YOU July 2 IUter supper. ' A well balance camping pro-·~ ----;_---------~ KNOW • of s,vlmmlng, . campfire, crafts, vesj)el'S, recreatton, con ",OVING INTO NEW HOME Mr. and Ml's. Warren Bl'addpok setvatlbn. sports and other camp activities have been lined up for are moving Into thel\: new home the camping period. The. 4-H'ers Tse following four Warren 'I~ the country. will have sports a<ttlvlUes a~d Uans have ' been ordered by square .danolng on ' the new black· local draft board to report for GUEST FROM IDAHO Mr. and Mra. Ben Rickey have to~ urea that will be ~ompleted by ducUon Into the armed forces Thusday, J\llI.e 24: IlS theIr guest tbe latter's brother, this date. Olyde St!dham, Melvin Price, Councl1ors who wUl assist the Mr. BtIl Blggeratarf, of Caldwell, agents In the !lamplng program Lebanon; Robert Hartman, Frank, [daho. are: lin; BcoU Ra.y, Jr., Loveland. Barbara Ford, Ramona Ernst, The following men have been orRETURN FROM CALDWELL Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Earnhart Bill Marr Roger Runyan Roy dered to reportf for preinduction AUJson Bte~hanle 'physical examll on Monday, June have returned atter, spending a Heger Swar~el, Judy Compton, Suzanne 18: , ley( days with their son, Earnhart and famIly at Caldwell, Ealdna. Rhea Beltzhoover, Mar- 'R ussell Puraley, Waynesville; jorle WlggtQs, Raymond Keltner, Kenneth Harden, Robert Harris, Ohio. Sblrley Plymlre. Leban~n; J 0 h n R 0 s ej DOnald Bowles, Earl Butcber, Clyde De· DAUGHTER UND~R SURGERY Conservation ,aCtivities wlJl. be pew~ Franklin: Clarence Wallace. Mr: and Mrs, J. P. Fromm spent !n cbarge of Mra. Mary Hamilton, Pleaeant PlaIn. . conalderable time In Dayton duro representative of the Ohio Depart,. The July call for induction 18 ing the past week wlth their m\lnt of Natural Resources, froUl' for five men on TUljsday, July 29. daughter Mrs. Melvin Banta, who Hillsboro. The councillors I n underwent major lIurgery at Good charge of Cl'llfts, gave a preview Samaritan Hospital. or what Is In store for the Junior dampers on television over Wm9 SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Dayton on Saturdar, June 12. Mlsllee Betty and Nettie Oglesb) The 'fee for the camIi,ng Ii'rQrecentJi entertained to Sunday gram, which Includes food, lodg. On FrIday, June 11 Min Mary dinner Mra. David Bryant, of lng, Insurance coverage and all' the Dora Hough, daughter of Mi'. and Broo)d)'1i, N. Y'I ~gt. A:lbert Bry· progt:am except the crafts, is Mre. Kenneth HoUgh was one of ant of ColumtiulI, 1 Mr. and ?!Irll. $1l.0(). 4-H'era bave received a the 1,996 senlora Who were grad· Fred Gons, Mr. Harold RIsinger, letter wi~ all the details of the uated from the Ohio State Unl· and Mr. and Mr , &bert Gona and, camp. Any membera who have veralty. Miss Hough received a daugbter Margaret. ' not rcelved their letterll are r&- Baohelor of Arte degree from the Qusted to get In touch with the College of Arts and Sclencell. DurTOUR DAYTON PLANTS Extension office, Ing her (our years of college, she The FHA with their chapter took an active part In IItudent ac· mothers, Mra. 11m Miller and MnI. tlvltles and was initiated Into the Eve1'8tt Marlatt recently made kOREA AS I SAW IT honorary organll:atlon of college their annDal tour to ~e Frlc1dalre Kay Smith. from the Ohrlstian women, Mirrors, and 0.110 Into the Plant at Mo~e Cit)", Borden'lI 'J'abllm&Qle In Dayton, will be at National Women's honorary organ· MUk Co. and 'Wonder Bread Mt. Holly M. E. Oharch Sunday, Izatlons, Cblmes and Mortar Board. Memberablp to lil~ three III bS/led Bakery. June 20 at 7;80 P. M. She wUl bl! IIhoWing the .fllm, 'en leo.dershlp, · scholarslilp and . lervlce to the Unlv:erslty. She Is RETUR,.. FROM FI:.ORIDA ilKorea All I Saw .t:" a member of Delta Zeta 8Oroi-lt)", Mr. .C. Lee Hawke anel Mr. and 1!fverybocly welcome.


Ilfficars Fat Coming "ear Tharsda,

. The Farmel'S Club met on Thurs· day In the ,FrIends SOCial rpom with ·Mr. and J\fTS. Setb Furnae ' ~s bost and hostess. A d41 ll c!lo\Js chicken 'm~ne)' 'was served to th\l members a~d guests, 'MIss 1'latalle ~~7a~. lInd Mr. ~avld Kid., of . Durln~ the bUlllnes8 s~s810n, th~ 1'QIJ!l\vlng offlcerll were elected for 1956: ' ,Presldent!....'Mr. ~aynard Hag&In~c: .) Prelildent _ Mr. Frank

Fou; To B. Inducled N••I ·Thursda,


Two Local Gradual. AI OSU

LocaI .... I' _.1 01 Elecls I ••

BwarJ:zel: . ~... s&!'~Tteas.-Mrs. Ernest Cook. 1"jew Executle Member - Mr. A. C Klemm. Mrll. A. C. Klemm was· In cbarge I)l the special tOPIC "Home Decor. l!ltlon" which she ~bly dlBcu8sed. IShe ' quoted the poet In lIaying that lit takes a. heap of living In a house . Ito make It a home. She. mentioned the ailUnue .,. and modern homes, the simple Ilnd formal and how dU· terent people have their Individual Ideas In decorating. Miss Nntalle Murray was Intro· COlIlCElrnln~:l duced ai the guest speaker and ahe gave an excellent talk on tour of ·Callfornla, and showed lovely pictures of many places, nowers, trees and of the desert. Mr. Kirk. also gu8llt of the dS1, favored the group with two fine plano SOIOB. Arter a very pleasant and rnter· ,e stlng day the Olub adjourned tq meet with Mr. and Mrs. 1.. V. Btanlltrator In July.

Ll:'JBANON, O.-Real estate, chattel and auto mortgages filed last month In Wllrren county were nea.r the $2,250,000 mark. according to reports tiled In tbe oUices of Clsl'ks of Court Omf C. Beckett and ,Pearl M. Graham. . - - - --Realestate . and chattel mort. gllges last month amounted to $1,814,883.51 whlie ' auto Uens. ~ taled $408,100 for a grand" ~otal ot · $2,~22,4a3.61, This Ie comparable M. A. 'F ulkeraon, who has a total to the , ,Preceding month and th~ of 22 years of Rssociation With same period a year ago when they, Th~ Standard 011 Company (Oh.1o)· totaled $2,128,668. as an Independent dealer operating Records on tUe In county of· a station, here, will receive special flce~ r~v~!ll that, for the P&.l!'t 36 honor during Sohlo's ~ 'Dealer Ap- months In Warren Countt', mort· preclation Week" lltarting June 21. guges flied have exceeded the This veteran dealer wUl receive million and a half. dollar mark. . li'qr the paet U months they have a IIpeclal bronze plaque at the ap· reclatlon dinner, according to A. exceeded the two·mlllion·dollar P k B. CaldweU, . division manager. mar . He is among the 2,266 Sohlo One hundred elghty·sj.x real es· tate mortgages were recorded duro dealers with five or . more years Ing the mO,l1th, amounting to $1,. of record allover Ohio, and with a total of 31,273 ye>are of assocla. 404,2.76.71; 664 chattel mortgages, tIon, who will be honored at dl. U10,l()7,80. De~s recorded Dum· vIllon . dinners throughout the bere d 19'2, m Isce11 aneous, 82 ,and mortgages 186 for a total of 462. state durlng the week. OUlce receipts for the month The appreciation plaque will were $1306. carry the name of the SohIo dealer _ _ _ _ _ __ and the number of years of hili association wlth ·Sohlo. "Our company," states Samuel H. Elliott, vice president of The Standard 0'\1 Co., "Is very proud Clinton O. DuVall, 35, of R. R. to be able to honor so many deal· 2, WayneSVille, died late Wednes· ers . with long records. These deal· day at Miami Val· ers, as Independent local business· ley hospital. Mr. men, have served the public in ' DII Vall was a their communities In euoh a man· farmer.' He WIlS an ner as to build successful busl· elder in the Ferry nesses tor themselves." ChurCh of Chrtst.

Local Soh-Io' Dealer To Receive Plaq.e

Clinlon D.Vall Ril.s Salurda,

WAYNESVILLE TOPS CENTERVILLE FCiR SECOID V~CTORY ·OF THE SEASON Thl! Junl.o r Legion scored runll In the top of the seventli In· Local Sailor On Leave rung Sunday to top CentervUle wal the Leglon's second ' victory From Pensacola, Fla. one defeat. ' t'\Vo~------.-------­



' ''lllt.1JIJI'~

(,8 . gQ~g luto the top. Olaude R. Thompson, son of Mr. seventh the first man up and Mrs. Walter Thompson, wll.o FolT) walked and stole lIec· la stationed at Penaacola, FlorIda,

• t

I , Dortl Hawke and Mr. Don Hawke. Mr. Hawke has returned and Mr lnd Mrs. Hunter are remaining ~or' a more exte.Qded vacation.

He. 0.110 wall a member 0 f the .American Leglon C. O. Du v~ I and <It the Dis· abled War Veterans. Survivors include his wife. Luella; ur . daughters, Connie, Darlene, Cynthia nnd R8bscca, all at home; his mother, Mra. Fern Du Vall, R. R. 1, Miamisburg; two broth· ers, Frank of Dayton and David of R. R. I, MI8mtsburg; two Ills· Marjorie Wade and _~",-.:;~_Ut of 2, FranklJn. Services were held at 1:.45 p. m. Saturday at the Gebhart and Schmidt funeral home. Se\:vlces followed at the Ferry Church of Chrlet at 2: 80 p. m. Burial wae In Rose Hlll cem· etery at Mason. Du Vall was at one time an em· ployee of the WaynesvlUe ' Post Office.


ose left to tie the ,qore, tl1an ~ve dutiee at hb e rllcently. Sergeant-at·Armll Beal singled to right to break the who called on hlm were: Mr. and Furnas. , It was Beal'lI secolld hit · of Mrs. Avery Shrout and 'son, of Dlrectora-K. W. Hough, George the day, his first hit being a home Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. John Second.. Lleutepaut Do ald E. "Bu&" Lukens, of R. R. 8, Waypea· Waterhouse. Leyes and family., Mr. Everett run. :All oWcer,a will be metalled at vtue, leaves on the ·20th ot June tor active duty with the United BOb PeteI'll started the game Thompson of Dayton, Mr. and' Mrs. ANNOUNCE J3iRTi1 OF SON States All'· Force at Sampson Force Base; Geneva, New York. He the nm regular me.etlQ. for Wayn.e sville, but was l.~ken Ed Camp and family, of Vel'onB. Lieutenant and Mra. Earl Rye just re.cently received bls dogiee from Ohio State Uruverslty In crlm· out· in the third inning due to a Mrs, Ellen Barr and neice, of are announcing the birth of a .son, IIIOlQg;Y. · and graduated with a 3.5. sore al'm. "Red" Hughes replaced Bevertown, Mr. and Mrs. (JaCOb Mark Evan, lune 12 at B~loxl, him a/ld went on' to win the game. Scott. Jr., Mrs. Bessie Thompson, ~~------------~~~~-M1IIsIssippl. ' ,Mr. and Mrs. "Red:' allowed no ' runs and one Mr. James Lakes, Mr. Roy Kaut· ~ We~ch, o~ Belpre, Ohio and hit In th41 five Innings he pitched. man and Mr. Ro~ert Dornbusch, and .Mrs. Clarence Rye ate This coming Sunday Waynes~lle Waynesville. The ' Rev. Dale LImbert, of happy grandparents. ' Elmore, , Oblo, will' assume hili wUl travel to Bowersville to play Our 'Vacatlon Bible School will duties liS tht new paator of the at 3:90 p. m. GUEST FROM ATttEN8 close FrIday of thill w.eek. We Waynesville Methodlat Church Wayne.vllle-.- . AB R H Mr. and Mrs . .J. J. Burake have have had a good school. Perhaps Sunday. Hatton, Sb ___________ 4 0 () Two students from Wayn'esvUle ae their hou,ae guelt, Mra. MlDa the attendance was a UtUe sb.ort He ' has served at Elm.ofe tor Bradley, cf __________ __ .. l '2 were among the Ohio State Sprl.n g Fr7t of Athens. of laet year, but It hae been more four yearll. . Benl, ss _____ _~------- - 4 1 2 Warren county township trus. Q.uarter graduating class of 1,962 . Mr, and Mra. Burake w:lth their regular and the pupils, bave dllne Rev. and Mrs. LImbert and son Purkey, 1b ____________ 2 0 0 tess and clerks are planrung to at. who received diplomas Friday at guest and Mr. and Mrll. William better work; The teaohers and will move to WaynBlVWe , nut Hughes, p _____________ 4 2 '2 tend the annual meeting of the the capitol univerSity. Stroulle . and children attended helpers haVE! all been very falth· week end. ' . Peters, If __ _____ ______ 8 0 l ' . Mary D. Hough received a detheir card 'clUb In Olnclnnatl ' on ,ul nd the children have been Mrs. 'LImbed was 'fdrmerly of LeMay, 2b ____ __ ______ 8 0 1 Ohio Statl! Assocla~on ot To,vu· gree of bachelor' of arts, and SuJiday evening: very ordelly. '. . Monroe, Ohio. J. Foley, c ~~~ _________ 1 1 0 slbl P 'Ptrhulstees ankd CIMerks InM~~;e~ Dwight W, Michener rec~lved a s wee, rs. . degree of bachelor of science In SUllday nlgh't they .will glve a . The riew paetor will replace . the MeKeever, rf ______'__... _ 0 0 0 an d BRID·E·ELECT GIVEN progra~ " showing sometlling of Rev. John W. Wedgewood, pastor Flannery. rf ___________ 2. O' 0 Mangle, clerk ot Turtlecreek to'ivu· agriculture. . whnt they have done and dill play here for the last four 1earll, who IIhlp, announced, Other students trom Warren . MlslI Jau;et Keys and Miss Tobl! some Of their craft work. We are Is moving to· Norwood churCh In TotaL_:. ____________ 28 6 8 . . county receivIng ' degrees , were: · Ball entertained on Wednesday for a crowd at this lIemce • "f I tt Dale D. Hubbard, doctor of medl· evening ot the . paat week. honorn ar e a an d w W assume CentervilleAB R H The sermon subjeot fo~ Lord!s new duties Sunday. 4 1 2\ . rune; Charles W. Mayer, masler, Ing MIss Sara Flannery wlth day morning will be, The So-called Gessner, 3b ----------0 of arts, both of Franklfil; Jane S. linen IIhower. The senior glrlll Hibberd, c ------------ 4 1 ~ ! Grooms, bachelor of science In ed· Ml1lenlam,. Rev. 20. There is no were the guests. subject of Revelation over wblch 'I'L.....Barr, 2b ---- --------- 3 0 (I ucatlon; Joe F. R\lfller, bacbelor MIIIII Flannery wUl become , • n .. .. Ne'u.' car and .truck sales In War· of science, both of Lebanon. 'Ripple,p-------------- 3 0 0 t here has been greater dIfferences brtde of Mr. Don Weltz on Satar"'-"ens If 3 ren coun' tapered off slightly In While at Oblo State, ~t. Lukenll of oil,inion than this one subject. II v,.., - ------------. 3 0 0 Mayas compared ~ day evening, •• ''''lson cf to April, accord· '," ae p' reeident of 14. campu!! Come Sunday morning and hear It ..... , ----------~., " .' J Maslg IS 2 1 i Ing to '.0. report tUed b v Clerk of "anl1atlo'lls at one Itlme, dlscuIIsed. · . Th~ Green Thumb81'S 4-H olub' • ---- ~- ---. , VI81:TORS IN WASHINGTON ... met at the O'Banlon home Tues·· B · Maslg, 1b ---- ~ --- -- a 1 t Courts Cliff 0. Beckett. One hun· ,. bill tratemlt.y; Delta Ohl, AND POINTS OF INTERE8T Johnson rf 2 0 0 dred eighty new -' vehlcles were PUll YMCA, the, all·mUltary • day, June 8 with the vice pres" . , --------Mr. and Mrs. ~ames' E. A~, ~he Ai , r Force honoran, ld. ent, But Miller prealdlqg. . WIn and ------~---~--- .() ~ 0 sold last month while they num· and ' 110.1111 ,Jlpl aDd John were , "the Ag Scholarsl1lp Club. Luken9 t - 4 6 bered 191 In Apr.!. . On Friday o,fternoon tlie \VOTU ... 'rhe minutes of he last meet·. . d Waehlbgton; D. 0, laat week. . Total --------------- 2.7 Ford contlnu"d Que,aUon .' Iw" the predestlnadon, lng were was 'active in 88 campus groups, read, . , " to. lead the flel meeting ·,vas held at the Metho. While there . Wey. v.lllted Capt. Holy "Tn Beal for the fourth straight month with dlst , Ohurch. " was maeter of ceremonies at the W "lch "' . is mentioned In the • We dlscuslled a few: thingll per.. .0"'. . and Mrs. Richard Tatum, formerly opening of tbe Oblo Boob a deoreed thJnc, If 10, Is tslnlng to the falr, i.H camps andl 8b-Petera, Bradley, Gessner. 44 new vebicles sold while Chev.· The mettlng wae opened with ' of here, and also they vlalte4 mant was a finalist In the not the effort to avoid It useless? pro"ect' books. ' RBI Bradley, Peters, LeMay. role was a close second with 42. devotions by Jennie Bradley read· . points of Interest Including the Contest (Ohio State's all·femal., --·wer·• '''Fate Is of twa klnds'• AUO A~ demonatration was given b~r, Gessner, B. Ma 91 g, .Beal (2)", Barr BuIck was third with 18 . followed Ing part af the 6th Chapter of Battle of ' GeUysburg. ane is decreed and the other Is . (2) by PonUac 16; Olds, 12; Dodge, Ephesians and oUering pra"er. At· dance and popularity , Mary Joan Stile!! and Bob O'Ban. ' VfP.~Hughes LP-Ripple 10; Naeh, 9; Chrysler, 7; Cadillac, ter tbe relN1ar bUelnesB meeting, coooltlonal or impending' The de· Ion on ....... ......... . , 'f'. . . • .... . conte llt), was a member of the oreed fate Is that -hlch TO APP,EAR .0", WCPO cannpt So-P t (4) H h" (6) 7; Mercury, 4; Hudson, B; wlllys. Jennie Bradley had a reading on Uilitary Councll, Student Senate. " . After the meeting we el1,loye~l . e ers ; ug eo . ... Ba'rr (2).; RI ppIe (6) . 8; DeSoto, 2; International, 2; "Temperance" from the "Lookout·, ViW Shaner, Beth Nolan and and the Student Religious Coun· change or be altered . Conditional retreshmen~ served by Mra. Let, fate Is that whlcb may occur In . R, 1 and GMC, 1. wrttten by P. H. Welsblmer of Barbara K. Ailili were In the . 011 th ... basketba.ll . O'Banion and II' t e. 0 bert; cll, e 0.180 -as ., ~ the body of man a """wer of life . Franklin F.",. Chief Certificates of title Issued duro Canton, Ohio. Dr. Emma Hollo· Dance ' Revue of Baturda1 evening team one year and the swimming hae . ""' . O'Banlon. been cnlated ·and as soon 'as Ing the month numbered 1261 ae way read two artlcl68 on the Bry· in Mort'OWl and we're selected to team for two yeara. . ' The next meeting will be ~ T0W...:. ... Sa~d ay. . It IB destroyed and ended" the lit t~e 4-H camp. . ... 'com~ared to 1476 the prevl0ll;B son Bill and Lucy Emley closed appear on WOJ>Q ' on "Star Quest" . News Reporter Iqnne lretan . . month. Mortgagee IDed' 'totaled the me tlng with a reading on on . ~\mday morntng at e.even . Lt. Luken.s 1!'orl(ed from 8() to bctdy wlll certainly ~e decompolleJi. FRANKLIN, O. Mra. Mary 688 whUe ce,ncellations numbered "Meditation" o'clock. ·These lItUe l.dl811 are to 40 houls ev.ery week while In Conditional fate may be lIkened . Hollo!1 of Aijen Btreet, and ~arl 419. . ' . he congratulated fpr Ulelr fln~ IOhool, and :w•• a danctng InBtruc-: to a lamp. While there Is Itlll tor at the Columbus Arthur Mur· oil, a violent wind blows on ' the ·S· Morgan of High Stree~, ~k--..,..---,..-work. _ _ _ _..--_ _ _ _·~ I ray Danclnai Stul\lo. Lt Lukenll lamp, which. extlngullhes It. Tbll r . - 1 ' tire chief, will be married Kin•• Mill. Teacher , -''-: t 2 30 In the Firat ,Assistant Fire Chief ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF voted the most ' outstandlng is conditional late. It III w:lle to a : p. m. DAUGHTER .JUNE I lraterntt)' man Qll tht campUs, one avoid It. to ", ~tlOUS and olrCh\lfch. Mr. and lin. Vernon Shattl are °mfentheo'nthtrheee °camate~uldl,nganda_Cwtalvle tlse:, cum_lect. The Creed f.te can, SPRINGBORO, O. - A ....te:r .,... -..n:rY"N 0 Ed"'" Mill I Rolemary YOI' t" 2-7, .. "'~ not be .lte..... a" __ -e4 or d&....... ,,-- a'_ I t .,AWW'-.., . gar ,.,.rm· teacher, 87 M.ple Avenue, Kings the proud parente of a baby le"'-" to receive the Atr Fo....... ---.,..tem coutru"...... uoont 0'"1 U I t bo 8atu~ J 15 at ".-. "'''' lay84.." December ' alrea4Y II lna4eqUAtt" er, 66, of Canal Street, aes lltan MUls, suttered • ·..,lllocated neck _ter, rn y .. une , A~oclaU01f Medal "for the Out· . ottlctala Bald tOday. fire chief, suUered slight Injurles late Mouday when her automobUe lliaml Valley h 0 • pit &l. . She ltaDdlq Gi'aduat D.I Air Force NOTICE ' ___ ..... County Treaaarer nu._11 DUm. In a faU from . a ladder while flght- was rammed from the" ~r by wellhe4 eeven and· one,-balr potuld. Cadet In the conD...... Be -u -~Inoe :pecember•. tile ............. -._t 37 Ens t S econ d another vehicle at'~ WUUam Hcnr· d h b eel AD DlaWI" ....... All Ice Cream BocIa1 will .,; held waterOODlumtn ... lIDDe up haa nquested and the War· -- & ~ a 1 U . a ~ n ceat1i employjld bT the P.rQoter I; SatunlaT. June 19 at the Wa1Ul- nearly 100. aoconllnl to 09Unty - \lOIllmlntoura have Street Sunday. Il'he ~ at the ar4 Taft ' Roa!! and Ashland Ave. IIr 4 lin. WIll. Crago of in Gtiplble Co., ' of ClDclanatl, )Dd III YIUe lIetJlrodllt CbJo'OIa. Harry O'NeW and tile . a 104ay extenI10n for th. Marc Up4ylle home did consider- In Clnc~natI. She was taken to are the mate~ IP'&Dd" now .t ~m. wl~h hla parentel !'Ir. 8andw:lc~ea, pot&tO Alad. baUd W8I to be a rlN'1JlD8Ilt of the lecolid hall of til. able 4amap to the upper part of General Hospital, parente and the ,l&erul paDd_ and Mn.. WIJUaIIl A. LUeu. or buD.. I~ cream. __ and eott.. pteeeed iato daU1 ... real _tate tax. The ftDal the boule.. pOUoe -reported IOu York ' _ ..,..... are III'. and .a.rotd W.,....w.. utO ... ~ , . wIU be MmI4 bJ • Galla Rule baa decJtia to ~. ~ elate for. paJllleat wtthout peualtT .--J. . halted, walUq to mat!, • tara JJbuuL -. . !IJIq traIDIDI. . Clue. .. thIrt ftIL 18 July 10. Set 2. 3-Ring Binders Here d1U'lDl a raUL.



Paslor AIII_ . Dali.. Here .. ••,



Hlale aId


rusle.s Con fer.nce

Two Local Siudenis Oel OSU Degrees


GrHn rs . "1 CI • I HI." I I

Baha'i T.achlng


!:eth. .BterIin:n




WCTU leels H.r. Fri_a,


.rl·......,. .... . Drill I.. Will '


Aloa I SID es rap In Warren Coun, I .

Injured at ' ....nklln

Injured In Collision



THE MIAMJ GAZETTE Eitabllihed F.bru~r)l, 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER ____ _____~- . ___________ __ Edltor and Publlahar CECILIA J. SCHERER __ ___________________ • ________ Alloclate Editor


Arrangements or pastel Dowen: Tuelday, June 8, In the Meth· palms an~ I18ven tiered cau4elabra o4Iat Church, Mil. Dorothy WtllOn METHODI8T CHURCH LYTLE METHODlaT 4ecoratad Bellbrook Methodist became tbe brtde ot Mr. AlUe Oar. B. E. Baughn, Putor Church .tor the ,we ding of MI.I A woman I bow went to a 1)IY· ter Jr The Rev ,J 'VI W¢ge. J. W. Wedgewood, MlDllter Unified Se"lce, 9: f6 a. m. patrlcla. lioulse Black' and Mr. Or. cbtatriat UMI ald. " ..., f.mily in,. . ,. . Church School, 8:80 a, m., Mr. rill Floyd Smallwood on j:1aturcla7 liaW that I ......... ~u lIB' pI wood pertormed the dbuble riDI Herbert McMillan Bupt. " June 6. becauII_I.U1f!.!aneak~ndAnfd the ceremony at IIven·thlrty ~'clock, Worshln Sery1c~, 10:.80 a. m. ST. MARY'S EPI8COPAL doctor ...... -amAnd ~ &0 0 Ian.Th.i... brtd e II the da_ "-htor ot Mr. aftemoon; v. d J hn J cakel •• --Id, 'Obi Youth ..Yellowlslp Sunday 7:30 The Rev. Bamuel N. KeYI, Rector Subscrtptlon .Rat~s--fll. Per Year. In advance, In Ohioi $2.60 ~. al\ Mrs. 0 E. Black, 20., ~ and IIrs. Ru...l WUlon and Mr, p. m. . SUDday: iiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiii';'iiiiii;'':'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'';iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Weal Franklin Street, Bellbrook. J:Ubo~~:,~~mJ~r: Cartel' II the Ion ot Mr. and Ml'l. Chob' Practice Thursday 8.00. Holy CommuD.lbn, 7:80 a. Ill. Ohurch School, 10:16 a. m. THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1954 are the brtde'l par:ents. Mr. Small · trunks fullla thl attic.AlUe Clrter, Sr.• botb of Waynes~ t wood Is the IOU of Mr. -and Mrs. • • • vUle, " Adult Worship, 10:46 a. m. , , parents, Mr. and Mra. Oliver Smallwood of Wayn88vtlle. 8aow Is - rare 1ft Ala~.a lt1tat Mr. Jim Carter lerved hill bro· F'ERRV CHURCH OF CHRIST Doster and daughter, Barbara. ' Rev. Turner Rlt.enour, of Prlnce- when ' theJ lac! a little .~ reo ther u best man. M.... Herbert Byron Carver, MlnJater UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH M,rs. James Jordan. Sr., ot ton, N. J., formerly of Bellbrook, antly ODe Idd ran . Into the ClUse McMlllall. aunt of the brtde, proBible School. 9:80 ~ m. \\1Ullam ChaJlllOn, lIIDfater. Mormn, Worship, )0:80 a. m. Waynesvllle. was a gueBt Saturday oUlctated at the double rIng crere- e1linC• NJiQ'. Ma,lt'. ralalal b[olll- vlded tlie wedding mUllc. MISS JANE FITE Snnday School 9:ls0 " . m.. of Mrs. A. D. MartiD and 10DS. mony. y pita." • ' . • The brtde'l only attendant WII P~ea: ¥ee(Jnc, 7: 00 p. m. ' Correlponden' Barley Thomll, Supt. Johnny Burton attended a blrtb. A program ot nuptial mUllc wal I ru4 a alp outside & bel.uty her II liter, Mfaa Miriam WUson, Young People'. Meetinl, 7:00. .Pteachi••, every othel Bundll7. Mrs, Wilbur HellJ'Y was hostesa day party, for JImmy. Beckett, pre..n~d by Mrl. Nelson Ankeney ~r]or the other day that 'ilald: lind ahe appeared In an atttactive. Evening ServlcQ, 7:30 p. m. 11:46 a. ' 1Il. at ber home Tbursday -afternoon given .Thursday afternoon by JIm. ot Beaver«eek Twp., .pianist, and Don" lanih Jt the tadlea who c:olne atreeMength JDodel or orchid o~ Erenlnl! Servtce, ~Irst Sunday II for the June meeting of the WSCS my's parente, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mrs. Dwight Bat:nett, Bellbrook, out of thl. ahop. One of them may gandy with pl~ acceSlOrtel and mouth.. ot the MethodIst Church. Beckett of SprlDg Hill. vOOalJlt. be JOur ~o!her: carried an arm bOQuet or pink and W",YNESVI'LLE, CHURCH OF Mra. May DeBoar~ and her Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thomal, ot Mrs. Donald O. Middleton of Did Joa IIear about tile PIJ1r~. wblte carnation I. ." GHRIST· CAESA~'S dREEK FRI~"D8, ' daughter, Mrs. OtIs Rich have ra-. EatonBburg, Va., were guests here Bellhrook, w&ll matroll ot honor, ~ ",hit , . a post card ..,~nl; The hrlde, Jlven In marrIage by Prioe R~bel'ts, Mllliater Jaok Barnee, Mla1ater. turned to tbelr home here, fodow · durtng the week end of \\ilas Fran. .. bridesmaids weI' e Misies ..Ha...., • wODllerfal be. ~Wllh father, walked to the altar, Bible School at 9:80 a.. m. ObarJea S"ey, Supt. . , Ing a weeks visit with Mrs. De ces and "MIss Vlna !llnkens. · BIeber and Sandra Black 70a Wei'. bere to tell ae wh7.," wearing a drell ot white orpndy, MQruIDi Worship, 10:80 a. Ill. Wo'rs~" SerTle-. 10 ' s. m. Board's son and daughter.ln-Iaw~ The members of the Civic ot Benbrook. and Carolyn Conner -'. street len-" and with embroIdery EYening Worship, 1:30 p. m. ' Sunda; SCbool. 11 a. m. . " 'ard De ft-rd ot MW ...... es··n.e· When JOu walk in Central ,Park 6..I. an d ' Mrs. HO ': D<m 'League had a picnic dinner Satur· "'-Mt~d: ad in the IPrinl, you realise love il a trim. Her accessort.. were whIte MIdweek ServIces, 7:110 p. m. M o ennessee. d afternoon at the home of Mrs. ra. e .n appear In a peat pme. In fact it's the only ana ahecarrled a 'bOQuet of red OREGONIA EVANQEL.ICAL U. B. Donald Wall, who underwent. " , x!a Olar~ and her daughter 'MIsa gown or ,light green net over tat· game Ilmow of where the players ros.. aurrounded by wblte carna· !)qene Orlfnth, Plltor' \mee operation recently at Grant \ ElIzab th Cl k . , feta with a lace lacket. The w.w to ataJ on the bench. tlons. ST. AUGU STINE CHURCH SuDdaJ School, 10 a. m. hospital, Columbus. has returned e ar . brtdesmalds froclul were yellow, ; I(ol'lllna Woo abUl, 11 a. Ill. to his home. . MlsB Frances HlnkenB and her pink and blue reapectlvely and iliA." ON "'AUNT scouts" The brIde's motber wore a frock Rev. John Beming, 'Paator Youtb F~1l0w11lJp, 6:80 to 9:00, Tbe Welcome Bible Clasa of sister, MI.BS Vlna Hlnkens had aB atyled tbe same as the gown of MONDAY., cas ,(ND CIS·TV of pink and grey crepe wtth plntr. MBsRel' ".or aT''' lCl: 00 1\. m. Jonah'B Run Baptist Churcb meq their dinner guests Saturday, Mr. the matron of honor, They caraccesBortes and wblte carnatIon Friday evening, In the home of and MrB. :James Rader and daugh· rled bO<l\lets of pastel flow'ers. VISITOR8 FROM ' DAYTON. corsage. The groom's moth 61' Mr. Bnd Mrs. Charles Easter. MIss ters ot Germantown. Cathy Hallahan of Bellbroo~, MI,", and Mrs. ,AUguBt Dlerl!lger, chose a blue and white pylon drealS MT. HOLLY METHODIST LEBANON CHRI8f'IAN 8CIENCe Kathleen 'Grah/lm assisted tbe , Mr. and Mrs . .Roy Abbott and was flower slrl and wore a frock of Dayton, were wllek end gbeatlj with white BCcealSo1ies and a PlnItJT: M. ' Scat(, ' MInister ChrtltlaJl Bcluce aerv1cel are EaaterB witb h08pl~1It1e8. daughter Sue were ' guests during or light pink dotted awlsB. She of Mr. and Mrs Paul Bcherel and cnrnaUo.. corsage. Sunday Sohool. 9: 30 II . 01., 1;. held ev.ery Bunday .merJliDC at/ 10 Pat Foley, of Dayton, was a the week end of ber father, Mr. carried roae petale In a baSket. 80ns. ' . Followlug the , ceremony, whioh A. Earnhart, SIlPt. . HlshJand Ave. at 11 b'clook. house guest here thlB week of Mr. Ford, of Cedarville. Bobby Smallwood, nellbew ot tlle WBB wltnelBed by tbe immediate Worlhlp ServIce, 10.:11(1 II. m. Sunday Ichool I\t the llU1le bour. and John Eakins and fami.y. The Men's Club and their tam- brtdegroom, was rlngbearer. Fol1owlDa the servce, Mr. and famllles, a reception wal held at :m.eDln~ Service, 1·80 p, ·m. Testimony meetlDgs lit Wednee· MI'. and Mrs. Lee Collins, of MI. . 11Ies had a plcnlo dtnner WednesGlvlln in mal'rlage by her tather, Mrs. Black were hosts to 125 the WillOn home. day ,OVeDlng of Mctl .mouth .t 8. amisburg. were gueste here Satur. day evening at the home of Mr. the bride spoke her vows In a Door ~r. and Mrl. Carter lett for ~ WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS BUNJ!)AY RADJO PR0GRAMB: day of his motber, Mrs. Ida Collms. and Mrs. Fronk Swartzel. length gown of white chanUlly gueata at a reception at Hlghvlew short . honeymoon through the" , . WBAL-8:46 .. m. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCarren. lace and tulle over satin. 'The Terrace. where pastel rlowenl dec· Smokies. For tra:vellnl the brtde First Day School, 9~80 a. m' WlNG-9:00 a. m. Mrs. Fred Sherwood, who bas ohose a prlncesa style ,dress ot .MeetID. tor Worship.i 10:30 a.m WPP'B--4:00 p. m' been viSiting relatlveB In ColumbUS of Walhoundlng, spent tbe , week sweetheart ..eckllne tormed a soft orated tbe dlDl1Ig room. for several days, returned to her end here wlfh her mother, Mrs. scallop from the lace motlr In the Mr. and Mrs. Smallwood left· on 1I1ue and white with white acees· home Friday, Laura Shldaker. fron,t and back, embrOidered In ' sortes and red rose corsage II D .. Y NIT E ' S The Band Mothers sponsored a trip to Lall;e ErJo new and . . hi g h .. . now ' I'8IIldlng In ."elr 'Ilhey. a re now residing In, uated SChool from In 1961. and Mr. Carter t 'ii' . . TILEVISION fiGHT Mra. WUbur, Hawke, of Tampa, sequins below tbe yoke ot mUBion aarewedding .' ~ Wayneavllle. 8e"ed In the armed forces. Mrs. • ,:. -ZUU;I!T~ b e~ef It Ice Cream Social here Sal· Florida, Is visiting here with ber tulle. The long lace sleeveB came ur ay evening, during the first many ~rlends and rela,tlves. She to poln41 over the , bl\nds. , 'l1he home, ID Red Oak. Drive, IleverOn. Sunday afternoon. iune 1,8, Carter I. empJo ell by the OhIO)j ~II.IIQ"'" concert high schaol. band wUl spent. part of last week with Mr. tull skirt tormed from tbe creek Acree. The brtd.e ·s going a reception wu held' at the Meth· Bell Telephone In Dayton and • ... -' I'JIbllshed E.very Thursday Morni~ al Wa~esvtl1e, Warren COIlllt¥, Oh1o. Ente{ed as sellond class matter at the 1l0Btoffice at Waynesville, Ohio, under t4e act of March I, 1878.



H A R V E Y S B U Ra




I.. I










;~:)~:n~lld::8tb=e::::~tlo:hoef ~::s~ ~nd Mrs. C!!:t aT~lor. The t Tar ;::~Sst1!::ll:;!~ !I~r~~. t~~:r~~!JohnBton, the school's m u sic ors arrang nner par y n and coming to a point In the cen; IlDen

aw!U'" elll8lllble

leacher. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swtndler are on a two weekJI vacation trip In the Smoky Moantains. Denuis "'-udIU son of '101 r s . vo, Anne Wheelan, has enliated In the United States Army and Is stat. loned at Ft . Knox•Ky . Mr . . and Mrs. Wilford Cos.sum, of Columbus, were guests here ' Sunday of her br'?ther and ' elster In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oharles ·Dos· ter and Oiher, Nilatlvea. '

her honor at tJlelr colmtry home Satuday evenlnl;' and Included as guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Becketl ot Lytle Mr. and Mrs. George ' . Beckett of Spring Hili, and Mr. and MrB. Gan Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ca:rl Moore and Mr:s. Edith Lukens, lIfrs. H k e alaU of Harveysburg. t Frld Ith 1011 SS Lawill M80 spend b ay w M t iUC e oore an er bro her, fl. CharleB Moore . . Advertiae in T~ .GAZETTEI , ~

of th kI ui p e s rt the back. The skIrt extended Into' a. long cathedral Tbe ' flnger· tip veU W1l8 caught to a crown of d I S h see pear s. e .carrled a white orchid corBage Burrounded by white roses '14 d, o~ r. CIy d'e S maI I woo Waynesville, brother of the bride· groom, aerved as beat mali and the ,ushers were 'loll', Joe SdiaUwood ot Wayneavine and Hobert Morna and 'DIck BlAck, Bellbrook,

tel' of. the to

II lb.

In lbe hlgb 8CbOOl you

Miss Janel Doster. st\ldent nurse at Christ Hospital, Clndnnatl, s pent the week end here with hur



Smallwood was graduated from ~OOD JOB PRINTING C ' Wa1nelVl11e High School I ,n d Is '1':11' an employed at' the NOR In B, Obtained at Gazette ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;~~:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;"";;;:;;;;;;;;;"-i f'

GAZETTE. Phone 9913.

• d Eyes Examl ne


"1111111111111011111111111111111111111111111" ARTIFICIAL



9 to 11:45 •• m. 1t05p:m.

Exc_ept Wedneeday P. M. Above Woolworth'a 5 and 100 Store

end. Joan FonWne 18 co-lltarred and adds beauty ' and ' Jilt to the Btory. Tb.II '11 In tecbnlcol'Dr. " The Caine Mutiny," 'flrat , a aue. ceBsful book, tlien 'a play and now a movie will be enjoyed !by the majority of people It. The picture bas an off beat story whicb holds your Interest: from the start. Ably played by a host .of stsrs . ncludlng Humphrey Bo.


PHONE 27 Carlos Harmor I 'I '11111111111111 11111111 11111111111


II Don Tebbe








I~~~CH!~'~~CHOW i ~:R;ervic::~;n::~::s:~~ R~odels~;::~:,V~Le~:v;s~~~ i FORDYCE



10% Off On All New Picture Tubes Sold and Installed

. Antenna Installation and Repair











Waynesville Waler Quick Service

Phone 3626



Guess wbat! We've moved t'l Connecticut, for n while anyway and It certainly Is beautiful ' cOlin· try around here. We live at a

~~::e~t \:~t~re!~:~·e

are lots of Tociay I found a nest of wild rabbits and they are ever ao tiny. I didn't touch ijlem ot course. 'I'm not n rabbit hound, you knoW'. I cerlu lnly miss 1111 my Crlend s bjaCk home tho ugb li nd I .don·t maglne we'll be bere long, t,he girl nnd I. Everything Is green and here just like Ohio and It's get· tlng . warmer every day: Summer will sooI! be here with ItB stl ky hot weather, but almost everyone likes It, so who am [ to complain just because I wear a fur coat all year round. AB 1 said before, I miss bveryone, even that crazy cat and that'a alloying ' something for me. '

We'll be back next tilDe with som.e more dogs !'ye views of the country-In Connecticut.

::: masterpiece. 'I1hose of you who have sten It wUl ",ant to see It again and the younger ,people who I have never allen It, should by all . means. In technlcolor and mn· nlng about four bourB It Is well worth your time to vIew. "Riot In Cell Block 11" Is a real good .,convlct veraUB prison guar.da yarn. I've seen few better for tblB type of picture.


gart, Van Johnaon, Jose Ferrer Tbls week' let'a aalute: Dan and Fred McMurray, ttl1B moyie RUl'!lyea, .. a fine character actor may go d wn In entertainment and leading man, . blstory aB o~e of the all. time See you soon at the movies.



********** ..... _*****!


11'811.1 SI'rr E-Ir ,WrHtll ,.



ELLIS H. STURM, Sec'y·Treas.


• -


Dr. Carl E Wi Ikin

Lebanon National Farm Loan



j •


Loans Made Through





2-430 I


Phone 448

._;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;~;;~._ _ _; ; : . ; ; ; ; _ ; ;

And:e~~:~/h:::d ~:I~::E t~~~ ·,dlllllllllllllllllllllllllll--II-II-U-n-ll-II-II-I..-. ~~~:a':au~~,~Ig:!~\e::;~~:PI: :!!~~:!!.U:~~~, ~:c~ I:ea~;

i ~MI

Farm Real Estate Long Term-4% Why Pay More in '54 A Farmer Owned System

Lebanon, Oh io

~L~!f.:~ ~IIGHTS

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JUNt'.. ·..


A Sound Way To Finance


Wayne, Ind., Cleveland, Dayton, Olnclnnatl, Falmouth, Ky., WUmlngloD, Paril, Ky., ' Springboro Mr. and Wayne8vllle.


Mrs. Smallwood was from Bellbrook High Ichool.


A FELLOW MovIE VIEWER brother of the brtde Mrs. Black's goV:n waa llght blue with .Whlte acceasolrea. She wore a corsage of pale pM orchldB. Mrs. Small'\Vood choae a There are Q.ulte a. few rea,1 lood greats, Navy blue dress '\Vith whIte ac. mOviea beadln. Tour way anei t MGM ta ~rel...lng "Gone With csssories and a red orchid cor. hope you get to lee lOme of. them. the Wind" ltarrtna Vtvtan Delgh, aage. FIrst on "the lfat fa a.. nelV com· Olark Gable, Olivia 'DelJavlland edy starring Bob HOpe. It'll "Caa- and Lesley -Howar4. Thta movIe,

F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ '************************ Federal L:{nd Bank

bo, 1I1h~ biue ~~:!t" Ch;~: !~:..~! e fror:-U:O~ the groom Is In the carpentering white acceslor. bualniNl.

was a

drel. with lea and wblte orchid corsagll.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bogan have 111111111111111111111111 sold their country home near Har- .. II I 111111111 1111 g veysb. ur . to Mr. and Mrs . . Harold ~~ Fox. The Bogana and their daugh· __ tel' Barbara are movIng thJs week to Phoenix, A r l z o n a . . . , . Daily Vacation Bible. School be.~ 14 ~ gan bere tbls week and will con. . llnue through next week. The CLEANING OUT YOUR ATTIC?







Electric Fly Kllller ---,...--------~----.::.-$6.95 · Froz~n Canned C:Old '(for ice che.t)....:-SI.SO . Plc~lc ,Grill. . ---------:...--,----~------"-S~.95 Scotch Kooler --,----------$5.95 and S7.9S .F an. ----------,.-·., .----from S5.95 to $49._5 ' 2 ft. 6 In •.x 6 ft. 6 In. Screen Doors -- $6.10 lax37 Adjustable Window Screens --SI.GO 2 ft. 6 In. ,,' 6 ft. 6 in. Storm D-rs -- SI6.9S . -"!" UDutch Brand~' Paint ---------------$$.85 Paint 4" Nylon --.,-------.- ---$1•• 5" Halt Round I~aye Trough (ft.)---.16 (Good Stock of Ilox and 1 Rd. ' Cutter) 9~9-6·11 "'ence (2«) R'ocl) -----------S24.95 165 Ft. Roll POtIlitry 4 ft. Fence-----$12.9S L 5 awn eed. (Eden Park) Ib.---------::.. i .45 ~SaccoS ko.• mwith 2l$cBack to (100 Ibs.)--;--":'-$4.2S amp " t"00 -------:..------$1.25 Foldln I Wood ~.ny.s ~... Cha I I'------.- ---$2.9S ' Common Nalls (!IAVE) per Ib.-------- . •10 SAVE SS on 1953 F-IGIDAIRE.








'1'.11 havehltW youto....... '1'1, th. ihuCh moneycalh ,ead, plde Up wh... VIW ,top In. . f--


Fau-Ie, JIaJd·.ware S18'rei r...

Lona ~!


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eY., had, a . . . . account

oj boUI'" on ..... paym."'I.

(Buy with Bank Terms) .


~ou, credH II o.k. "'~"'ocIern If,ov




"'... and

. Medem IOCIIn. ~, let *ham. 0' .Inll. ~.. on ca,~ .~Itu,. ............... .tv... If. you

have a loan ....... place ..... , ... can pi ..on., at M"ocI.... '





. '.



. .


·ll'~IIIIIIIIIIII~I(III• •llllmIHHmlllllllnUllllnllnlliAl.II.II.r ••IIIJIIII!"IIIJI'II!II• • •~,,"~~."'ljii


Courtney and Lorene WeDs to ~~~~~-.~~--~..-~~"!""-~""!"'~~~~....,. Delbert and Vema Hamblin, lot lD FrankUD, Wl1llam and Jeanette Jonea to Mark and Mary Parker, lot in Franklin Township. A farm Diary COMMON PLEAS Evelyn EIleen a.ilih va. JOileph Harry J. lIebl to Joseph J. ' and The home oe 'Mr. an,d Mrs. Rioh· Robert C. Reeder vs, Mary A. Ralph Smitll, cJhorce. lleryl B. Martha F. Stephens, 2 lots in By D. J. Pruler ard Ctunpbell, WayneavUJe. waa Reeder, divorce, to plaintiff; chilo' Gray, attomey. Franklin Township. w.____HoiI _ _~-.....~ the aetttng FrIday e~en1DB, June dren to plaIntiff. ' J. H. LewIB va. Lon and EtJiDice NeDie and Herbert Gephart to JUNJil H, 1064. June four· for the marMage ot their daugh· Mary Jane Stamper VS. Oscar M. Allford and The Home Federal Tom and ADna WUson, lot in teenth, F1q D~y. We do not malte ,A nn to Mr. Harold Gleadall, Stamper, divorce to plaintiff. SavlJ),s and"Lban AUoclatlon, ae- Franklin, . much of thts holiday, In thi. pari 'Bon ot , Mr. and l\rs, Haro,ld EDima A. Bbwlibg vs. Ruben E. tion for judgment of $1057 and John and Lena Thacker to Rialph of , the country. In N~'if England Sr., 0' Leesburg. Bowling, ca8e dismissed. , ' forecl08ure of lleD. J.~. Rile3r, at- and ,FJ,orine Moore" .45 acre in It ts one' of the 'regular boUdafa The double ring ceremony waa Harold Hess VB. WllIlam seeger. tomey~ Franklin ToWnship. WAYNESVILL~ that are celebrated regularly. II. performed at 1:80 o'clock by Rev. plalntjjf granted leave to amend HalIIB Chancne,: VB. Abner Edward C. and Elizabeth Shaw might be a gOQd thing tor us it we .John W. Wedgewood, paator of ' leI', divC1fC8. Ileryl B. Gray" at.. to Clarence Stegemoller, 4.7 acres made more of It. ' I do not think the Wa)1lesvUle Methodist Ohurcb John Lorentz va. Clarence Jones, tomey. in Turtli!creek Township. that it wou14 be' nece"aal'J to cloae under an artistic archway ot roses. motion ov~rruled. Clarence va. Dora I. L/unb, Charles E. and Melba C, Tope ot the banu and Jiot have any mall. Tbe bride choBe an all whlte Wayne Lehman vs. Henry J. Lif· divorce. JUtey, attomey. Rob,e rt and Frank -J: Richter, but It would do ua all good to IItreet lengtb dresl for her wed· tin, judgment to plaintift for Allie Marle !fob'. Fugett VB. Earl in Hamilton' Township. • think. more of what our n", meana. ding. Sbe carried a white prayer $568.10. D.avld Fugett, divorce. Stanley and William W. and Mary lIrL Collier We accept It as a matter of coune book. and W'Ore .a white orchid. Farm Bureau Mutual Autoln- Stanll!Y, attorneys. to RQbeFt So and Verla v.. Collier, but mOBt of till do not think mucb Mlali VirgtJila Puckett ot , Leb- surance Co. vs. Ra\Jhael George, 5 acres in Union TOWDShip. about It. Where are tliey golD.g II.non, was maid of honol', and wore defendaJ)t granted 30 days mqre; ,REAL ISTATE TRANSEERS John A. and Thelma Il Becker to put the two .new B~rs w!len a Ugb,~ blue street length f~ook plead or, demur., Russell F ••n~ Ruth IL SIIUOP to Roy W. and Beulah M. D~on, they take in Alaska and HawaII? with naVy acceBsorles. "Her flow:The $~dard BuUding and .Lom to Henry Daniela lot in beerfield 65,7 acres In Deerfield Town,shlp. ' VS . .Richard, Lola E" Garland and TOWD8hi . ', Ivan N. Inger80ll, Inc... to Ca.rl , era were ' white camatlona. 1t J8 ho~ this mo~ and mug· Mr. Roliert ql~U, Dayton, pel'- Ed.l~ Back, calle dlamiased. Gbarlie W.' and Ruby F. Gooeey, B. aDd Shirle~ R. HarriS, lot iil gy as though (here ~gbt 1;>,11 ano· fotmed the duties of best man ,for ~IUfor:d W. Wilaon vs, Margaret to Beauford arid 'llessle CoDDI~r.. 5 Wayne Township. ePHONE2115 ther 'thunder atorm brewing, The- hJs brother, . WIlBon, partition ordered. lots ,in Sali!m Township, ' Glen~ and Betty. Lou Patrick to people wh~ are- puttlnlJ their first Mrs: ClI,IIlpbeU selected a pink Gertrude S. Smith to qlenn ArWur: and Vict?na Harp, lot in cutting of al,falfa In the sUo cer- n Ion street.' length dreas with " NEW SUITS Smith, 15.3 acres in Deerfleld Franlclm Township. talnty bave an, advantqe. None ~t · 1 fo b d Ii ' I EtheldaJ{eever VB. Robert Eu· ToWnship -DEDICATED TO THE ULTIMNrE IN SERVICE-FOR of thll worry and wonder - will w •e a~~7BOr ee d ~ erGl a:sU- gene Keever, divorce. . Donald M. ' Louis FIres to Flossie Fires S PRPBATE COURT COMMUNITY - BY THE PROFESSION tbls aiorm catch UB with our' bay ters we ng, an rs. ea a • Gose, attorney. lots in Waynesville ' , Estate of Nancy K. Beller, deWayne Lehman. VS, Henry J. Lif· Arthur C Hopkins to Clarence ceased, inventol'J ftled; hearing set ~::::====::==:-:=~::::::==~=::;=:::~~~~ down? Too otten It dOila That is mot}ler of the bridegroom. wore one advantage ot " a1~1ta over Navy blue ,with white acceaBorle8, tin, cognovit. Fred E. Jones, af· B Bowman' 81G acres in 'r..rtle. {or June 24 at 10 A. M. Both wore coraagea of pink and torney " . '!' . ,,' Estate of Sallie Scott, deceased ' ' IIIL_ .1 clover-It cures more quic~ly and . 'creek Township. . . . ' Estate of Margaret B. Robison. " . . I .. )'our main crop IBn't a.l down at ~h~~e ~~onl~' a 'graduate ot amployed at the Waynesville Drug .Charles S. Dawson to Chln-les ~:.~n~1'J t ~e!; ~earmg set for deceased, Erskine and Maurice E. " I once, but fs apread out, over two, WaynesvlUe blgh schOOl and Is Store. and Irene Stevens, lot In Ttllrtle· Estate aOf John Sandiln. deccas. Robison appointed executors; E. three or maybe four cutting., , Of . Th.e bridegroom la a ' graduate credlc Township. ed, inventory flIed; hearing set for Milo Beck, George P. Gates , and , , courae aOIl)\. peop,e do ' not like . ' of Fairfield, high' school nnd WH· Ralph J. StoU~ to fl'he RaIJllh J. June 24 t 10 A M. James H. Hankinson appointed apIt was announced today by S. tbat j as Iolui' used to aay ' you are' pe,tcb ov~, the week ,end, on a 1!l1ngton College served In World StoJle Co., l09.S' acres in Ttlll'tleEstate a f S · . h Pu k tt d praisers. , W Losh Oftice Manager of War. , , ~ good .plantlng uate accordln,g to . " creek ToWDship. • " . 0 ara c ~ , eceas· _._ .. ... mak!D g hay ,all ,Bummer. But it Is I tbe ' almanac. The peas have been Wal' II In the U. S. Navy ,nnd la p 1 FI~h t Th Bl B U ~d, estate exempt from inheritsnce MARRIAGE LICENSES ren County A. S. C., 42 .... Broad · , lIucH nice hay. Eacb,year we learn DOW a teac,h er In the Franklin ' au ~ - er 0 e ue a tax. . . way. Lebl.Ul on , that all wheat pro. Bomethtng new about h~y, ' Our I,very good and therb are atlll quite scbools. I'f>resby~erfan Cburch, 20.9 aCrf$ in Estate of Jennie Braddock de- DaVId B, HarrIS, 23, 'body shop, ducers muat hnve a markeUng y last year's lesson waa not to feed a lot iqer&'t ;;he so~ t:e ~mall A reception at the home of the FJ:~rkl1Ds!'1~wnPr~' te i Ch h ceased, transfer of reat ~tate Loveland, . and Miriam DOWDing, cnrd when marketing bls , wh~at t 1 ed clover bay to sheep or you peas . 0 no ee2.e we u am brlde's slater, M, and Mrs. Ray ue es y r al! UI'k granted, 26, Morr~w. • wblcb Is evidence to tbe pur. \V,1ll get aeedy wool. That fs the trYI~g tl\coOklJn g tdhe~j btefbolre hi C. Morgan foUowed Immediately t o . PTaO~ShiBhper, .(15 acre m Fran· Estate of Raymond O. Ross, de- L JerlrY'dM. MdarNtIn, 22J' AirGeFortryce, cbaser that the wheat Is tree of l.m e em DI\ t en 'b o~ us anc· "".. . d tr ans f er 0 f rea I es tate 19oveIank.t, an. t Lo ormaI ane n , any penalty.- These car a are n~w 11t tle ou tsld e hu Ita 0f tb e Ie cdII fI ree..b Id I th atter th. e ceremony. .T, Edgar and Margaret E. Ed. cease. d and dried flowers work into the ng t em. won er ow l ong ey Following a honeymoon trip to wards t Lutl:1er and Julia Ann granted. , • c Ilr YPI~, ve an . ready and may be received by call, woo1. We are going to CUt moat wm hold their fresh taste tbat way. DetrOit, Mich., and Canada., tbe Smith ~ acre bi Franklin Town. Estate of Ed.w ln B. Fred, deWayrr.::r Bird, 27. ~Ck n:r~~' Ing In person at the A. S, C. or. e the ot oUr oats for hay for the aheep I had SOlD left b other day d couple are ' now res_ding I.n their shh> • . " , ceased. inventory flIed; hearing set . cle 17 bS:~" ~~nonwe • flee or they will be- malled upon tlll r e tl lit tll (. a1 J froze t h em, utter .. cream an h m I W "Till " , for JUDe 25 at 10 A M. a , , r ,; ~ea~ b :~t r, ~~ pg' ~ - all I tven had BOlne new pptatoes ' 0 e n ayne3 e, Luther and Julia ADn Smith to Estate of Flora M' Applegate deL, C. Doyle, ~, laborer, Lebanon, a ,written re.q\leat by the fanner. ':'e to ~~atu~:a~ d:~ ~:t In' them -and ' froze them but then ssmu::!' nd ~t;a O. Jance" .22 '.!eased;, Ralph E. 'Applegate' ap- and Barbara Jean SunnycaU. 19" The ,ASC office cannot mail cards aummer'a drought and It waan'tl I. was In a hurry and ate ' aC;~i"lev ~Ra"n't~~im ~ 'I'urn. polnte!l ~xccutor; Donald .Tigar, South Lebanon. ' In responae to telephone caUs, aft g~d for It. Alao it bad Iota of Rftel' ,tbey, h~d Only been in, th. er' .9 acre HarJAn Townshill. W~lson Ross ~nd Jess Morgan ap· Drrlflld B. Scott, 21, factory llle muat have Signature s as reo bee er ·, tbree 01' foUr aB)"S. T h e Y ' d It. d '1'10 lma Lei Is pOlDted appralscrs, worker, :Waynesville, and Mary Y ., - ' giant pepPder.~rsBBh - that dtr°lnuble- were deliclou8 but how long H ~kY.f11tOI1c I 8D fo·d,e .'JU ,e Estate of Callie Little deceased Francis Hartsock. 19, telephone celpt of card" Isaued. Cba N J some wee as move ' l aw 0 r as . an aney.• oan in to fll d h -' t f ' , operator Waynesville cently, , re- Iwould ~ey keep ~hat< way, cau Epp, 1.1llcres in Turtlecreek Town. ven ry e: earm~ se or , '. . . anyone telll1)e? We have a lot to ship. June ~ at 10 A. M. .John N, Seeger, 20, service man, Thomas E. North, pressman, ~hetive black pups and the learn yet about these things. How Charles W. and MyrtIe M. now. Estate of Rose L, Fires, deceas· Middletown. and Annette Tolley, . Dayton, and · Marguerite Noll, 22, ard to Arthur and Victoria 'Harp. ed . ,first and final account ftled.1-7.'iiiFriiiiiiaiiinkllniiiiiiiii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ' maiil'iiiciiiihlniiiiiiieiiliiiio~peraiiiiiiiiitoiiiir.'iiiFiiiiOiS_teiiiir·iiiiiiiiiiiiii" four fullY kJttens now eat togetber long Will 'cooked things with butba~plly out of the same diah. !l'h" ter In. them, keep frozen wlthou~ 20.9 acres, in Franklin Township. First and final accounts were ap· , _ _ ___ proved, allowed and confirmed on pupa eat raater and so get more ' changing flavor. but they '· are a slle larger , and ' It Is bot today and l am NOTICE- OF"AtPOINTMENrT the following estates: estate of need a little more. Nice little It win be hot at the sale 'unlesa Admlftlltrator Arch Murray, deceased; estate of black doga and nice p,retty little It clou4' up for another stonn. " Eatate Qf F. Burton. ' Do- Fannie MUrray, deceased; e~tate of 1r1ttena all lookJhg Cor home.. The h 1- t ta.. - .Ad H'. ceased. William H, Pratt, deceased, estate MRS. STIVER AND , MRS. YOUNG ARE ON '"t r ave a ca. 0 ..., "",,&y. e ID , , of Ida M Robinson deceased and DUTY AT THE STORE AT ALL TIMES. ' flVB Chicks d sappeared. Tbe hen nqt aa tat aa I would like to bav~ .... Nqtlce IIi blf!<ty given that the estat~ of Ethel it Sto d took them finally and for one day bim 'but he wili not Ptn muoh 0 - 19M . . . a loa, wa, ofI'! AUllre~ ..BurtoD, wQOali Poat OJ Uce cieased. gs . , eWE HAVE SOME NEW S'UMMER MERCHANr RW the hen out with tb-.n but more rtcht now 10 I 1'11 take him W,e U-IM4 cto.a" M:!:JD 10 1o~'I , Addre8s is ~!l1e,. Ohio.· h&!, Eatate of Thomu FranciB MeDI~E AND A FEW 'ARTIOLES THAT AflE _w tIaeJ' have lliaaJ1PUn4 Ilnd I- aD4 ... wlllW i let. TJle~ have yo, ~~ Slaaa ~ been duly apDO~~ .. Adm~il1.. Cormack, deceased, ftnt, bal and , ARGAINS. do not bow he'ther they 4rowned been lovely fat veal calve. there b!i: aD ad· tratrb"l of the Estate.of H. F. Bur· distributive accounts w ere apOOP1E IN AND SEE US - WHETHER YOU in ol1e of the sronn,l . (~ey might the last few weeks and the price dfdolUll len rea.... A Bond _tinll ton, late or Warren .county, 0I1;1io. proved, allowed and confirmed. ' BUY OR . NOT. have as they didn't have much has been much too low. Veal ,75 _turea at '100 I. 9 'ea.... 8 deceased. ' . Estate of Charles O. WDliams" sense about ·roUbwing tbe hen,) calvs are low and calves' by tbe :::''''lrtt8;I:.r.~''' rated this 14th 4ay ot June. deceased, Birda M. apqr whethl\r lIomething 'may ,have !leacf, the little o~, !,re higb. abe amolUll ,OU invested. "Qwn'el 19U. ft ... ftU H ' . C .... .,.y. pointed' ailmlnlstratr1x; L. L Pence, gotten them, ,perhapa !t 1'(aa the Not a gOOd balance. - A good bal· 7011 buY tbem--on Pal1'''U Sovlnr;. nAUrU. ~ Rober~ Walker and O. J. McCurley

0_,..11"80 •••dlll VO•• S"k.. Frida" J.I. ,.




at P. ro .can M Ha,e Mar.elin, Oards





WEAR £ 0 PEl '



'f!':i:""")'011 _,


Williams I

u"'301o ho:;

~~~~9~~"~aa~U~-~b~~~n. ~1n Mabeb~_~~' ~n~ th er ts 80 e thl t t bank - bu, 5&\:nl;& ·l' ... ",d& t ~w ".";1; :re o;:r:;~ tdtch: ta~ go ~::: fa!: ':r:;~ '::~ ~:: : ; . :~ldc!':..e:'o!d~:::~";~8tr:~;:



that Pretty Pt\.B \lr cUd a rat coDie l l~ ..!... Then just as we <think w,e ,In from somewhere? have It. the weather wlll do someWe fInished planting the truck thing and throw itl ali out again I

........ -****-...........i ....-•••-..........

Dadg. Trucks, Oars, PIJ,lDoutbs

' t!n)UI


~_~~~~~~ Warren County. Ohio ~~~P~O~~~te~d~a~p~p~~~~~.~_=_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ";" Meryl B. Gray, At~mey :.dllIIlIIllIlIIlIIlllIIlIIlIIlIlIlllllllIlII, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~lIIl11l11l1l1l11l11i11l11illllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllhi~




. , Armitage &,Son ~m~:l~~~:;~~:

Como in and Drive,the NEW DODGE



G~MfVf!~l] ,t tt

How have you heard a provincial (umiture I) modem radio or teleVilion guest admit, monograms on glaas. ,One o( the with emb'arraument, "J'n\ a msny ~ood Ideo ', ou'l4 in thia i! housekeeper?" Why bt embar- bqok Is ttle s\lggeslion or painting raaaed about th.e proudest mOllt ,colorful b"¥shW.jIrk deSigns on ,artistiC! job in the world: the art showing stair r'sera (s\epl\) to o~ making a homet Here are a lessen the da'llter ot mis·stlap8 few ideu about home am that and . , All a, b l'Il d III lendjng , a prove it take. akl11, imagination 'oheer¥ note to thia generally dlrab and a "air for lelf·elq)fe6sion to leature In many homell. · be a homemaker. , I' winter mol.ture hullooaened With IIpring in mind, refreshing the veneer of one of your tavol'ite new ~ble llettings can be made pi(Jces of fumiture.....foli can eatlily With daffodlli. tulips and accents, repair it. by use of weldwOOd glup. of puny-willow8 Uled with a cl(Jllr Simply remove the old glue with yellow or pearl gray cloth. Shadt'S ,Iighl scrapint, mix the glue lind of yellow,BJ1lY and bro)NJ18erve as apply to the IMIIe' veneer. Preaa perfec:t c:olor harmony for the new 'into pollition and then rem~vethe melamine dinnerware, designed by eX('(JB6 glue wit h a damp cl<lth. COlorflyte in lush,mottled tones of Plore waxed pa~r over the wll)rk mist gray,glade lind apply pre8sl(re for 8ev~~ral Irre'"n, spray hllurs or ovemillht under a pili! of lime and coJ/- bl)()kll 'or other Jae.vy objec:ts .. A pertone. Mela- ' gflnl'rOUR application of furnlturi JTlI ned i n I! e r - , JIIllisli bV' 'r the ellUre piece IIf ware i. now '011, fUI'Diture will h,ve It looldng outat,anding fs- ' Iik, ne}V again. I • ! V 0 rite w It 'h ,"ohn (iprald. one of Amerilea'B __.......-::Irft ,h 0 m em a k e.r stop d('torato"'t II ftndln .. wide ac:. , w.ho want to reJ\t,ance or nia ~ "'pallel combl... bfauty ('fIlors for baai/: wall~, All pelrtn· .~Iit!~~~ of dealrn and iI 'av"rite aa dark greeo hal color with p",c• it. i8 takin. 011 • lI,h,tel', . , tlcallty. for this hul'. koraton are t;,e 01 dinne",afe il virtually un· wide 1U'f_lAn,~.. If.-uble, c:hJp-prool, tan bP. ua.d fa an automatic! dishwasher. IInti .. of *,Ud color throulhout.


Right now; , yo~ can get a big, dependable '64 DQlige f9r only a lew dou&rs more t~ you'd, expect to pay lor a light ~ in the lowest price field. And tDMn 1I0K do, IIOK fDill I&aH a 101 . cor in eHI"f/ 1D4U. • You tlWill ha"e more maasive length and flashIng style ••• more interior luxury. You .will have mpre power and 'perfOl'lDlUlC8 from the 1150-b.p. Red 'Ram V.:a ilqin,e. YO\li' :wW have more,. prfZe..~ eCO~Omy 'from the j:&I"that baa WOJl two straight victories In the '~0U8 Mob~ EcOnomy ,Run. ' You . will have more tmjoy;ment from, fulJy-



.lltoma~ Po~Jl'Ute

Drive, ' FtJU-rrpne Power

and 1iew Dodae Full-Pcnm Brak& And 10U pt' IutbIc the .

8tearlDc. ~


.tflfacilon rro:n

areat ,..,..

.,at.-t DocJ.- car iD 40 DiIccmr all that Dodp . . Come in tod&yl • ,




Yo. will be r.ceivJng valu new telephor.6 directo., during Ihe v:aek Jale 14·19.





TAR aad ROAD Oil








ALL LElA NO" numbe;'s will. 'be changed LA TE SATURDAY NIGHT, ,JUNE 1911t, ,


Please deslroy your 01] directory after 'hal dale, and use 'only your new direclory for ALL numbers callad after Ihat dale. Please nolice new dialing instruclions for LONG DISTANOE lisled in yoar new directo,ry. After JUNE 19. dial 00 I~ reach L~ng Di~tance. Until aft~r lIidnight June ' 191h continue dialing 0 as roa have been doing in Ih. ,pasl. ' InslrlClions for dialin~ Lebanon numbers will be 'oand Oft page 11 of JOu~ new directory. If yo. have not , received: Jour new Julie, 19&4 director, by J~.E 11~ please call Lebanon 181.

Destroy ' Your Old ,-D'i rectory

.,•••••~I.,••••, •••~•••~........~............ •..................~•••••,'~ ••••••••• , II.

AIKI. th.t sprin, II raalllna, manr a homem.ker .... her little DalD bl'lllh . .Jnl'in, madly. DO'jr


Mlf.",. MWJ:k ,==-,.._ ":':= ::~:f Ie 'u fd. from "paint It Yourb, the nottd

jolo~ ~eer

,, . . Ia..


Ame~ bqJne..

~. . . ._ _uUllullunuuIIIlIIUIUIIlIUUIIUIUUUUuuuflIWIUIlIIIIIIUI~ . . "






J,'] "iJiJ3 11

On u. S. No. 42, North of Leban on, Ohio June 18·19 Fri., Sat.

Phon" 3813 To Plaoe a Cla•• lfled


SAND, G~AVEL al\d TOP SOIL . EXCAVATING and 1 - - - DUMP TRUCK SER V. IC E Phone Waynesv ille 3329 . WAY!'4E8VIc'LE, OHIO


3ANK RUN G.RAV el-Loa ded at Davis Furnas Pit. We also deliv~r. ARMIT AGE & SON. tf f->hone 2091.





HOME FREEZE R OWNER S - 2lJi gal. Miami Oounty Van1l1a Ice Oz:eam, ~3.60. 'WAYNE SVILLE c-6-l7-U c LOOKER PLANT. In!1eltble OFFICE SUPPLI ES Pencils, LIbrary Paste, Poster Ink, Journal Recor d BookB, Typewri ter Ribbons . Typewri ter Paper, ReIn· forceme nts, Big Ben Double Letter File Boxes, Receipt Bobks, and many other Items. THE 'HI:AJO ~ GA2ETT E. Phon'e 8918.

FOR RENT FOR RENT-B lx·room untumia hed apartme nt, hot water and bath. Heat furnishe d In winter. Oall at MILLER 'S DEPT. STORE. o-6-27-t fo

.lune 22 LUCK Y BUCK NIGH T Tues. $1.00 Per Carlo ad ~ Plus .lackp ot WII.I. salMll1SSlS .... til fUIIl Of IIiI'S IIIIIIt


Waynesv ille, Ohio. c- 6·3-(6t) -7-S

S228 S

'53 PenH .

Catalina Hd. Top, Hydra. 4-0r., On. ' Owner



$119 &

Del. Cab,

8,OC" Pttll •• C'u.tom Hard To,:, 1 Own. One Owner, Clean

'51 "enry .l. $ 595

Phone 2800.




'6''':~ 000 . ,,1m



DOORS OPl;N 7:30 ~. M.' .









p~ ' M.


il4;"IiI'Ai~:r~ ~( ,.y ~m'ol(4nOOi

'52 Ford

c! t




....--...--NORRIS BROcK CO~ANY

'51 PIYniouth $ 995


GIME .TIIE~ - 8:30

f;'or Dally Market Reporta: WLW Olnclnna tJ, 12 : 3(1; WCKY, OlnclnnaU; 12:12 . WPFB, Middleto wn. 1l:t5

'52 Merc ury



OrgalllQ lton Second To ~one, Sellers 011, the Belt ~11 ,~round Market In th~ Oountry SERVI.c~ T!;4A'I' SATISF IES

'53 Chrp .er 521f t '53 Dod. e

011 F......y, May 28 aln..lna ilT

Uy_ Wire and ProtrreIIIn.

8-Cyl., Fully Equippe d

PHONE 2441 For GOod used Refrlgl\rato rs and Ranges. Terms to c-1t-fh suit.

JUl!e 20-21

Montere y +Dr., Like New


SEWTIC TANKS, cross poot s, Outdool' Toilets, Olste)'ns Oieaned wllh modern eQuipment. ' Wn:,. LlAMS SANIT., \TlON. Phon e 6-5042, Franklin , Ohio. c-4-16·U o

m dtle GtJ He ·WA McClure M'liss L· .. 0 N HA

ve $ '54 Plymouth •• a.lnd.... ,Hard Top '53 Mere u.., 5211 S


$139 5


2-0r. One Owner, Except.

'52 Mere u..,

S189 5

'SO Merc ury

$ 995

'51 K.IM r

$ 895

'49 Na.h

$ 495

'47 Ford

$ 3H

'46 DeSo to

$ 395

'49 Old.

$ 89S


4-0r., One OWner



2.Dr., 1 Owner, Overdr'v '



4-0r., A Real Buy 2-0r. Amba ... dor 2-0r., Original PaInt 4-Dr., R.ldy To Go

1. Settle bills quickly-by man;

2-0r., A Rea" Sharpie Many More To Chool. From ' Come In Today or Call

2. COate back to you as legal ~ipts. ~. Providc_a detailed record (on the stubs):


W.yaeaviUe 3953

HOWARD F-. BURTON For A .. FJlEE $$ Oemonl tra. 4. Reduce the need.for carrying l~ble cash. tlon at Your Own Home. Howard F. Burton. son of Jesse Anytime . and Mary Burton, was born at We'll gladly open a Chccking Account Blanche ster, ' Ohio, July 18, 1898, PHON E 2541 etown Middl Sunday, ,life and departed this in payday or any dayl June 6, 1954, at Grandvie w hos· •• AAA •••••• , •••••• •••••• pltal, Dayton, Ohlo. . He wos united in marriag e July COMPANY 23, 1980, to Audrey Atkinson and PHO_ . 2~501 to this union was born one daugh· EVEN INGS OPEN Ann. ter, Mary ;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ;;;;;;;; ~;;;;;;; I and Besides his 'Wife, dl\.ughter All ·Typel of BOn·ln·law, he leaves two grand· II WAY N E 5 V.' L L E, 0 H I ~ children , Debbie and Tommy, ' three brothers , Robert Of ' Detroit, Ed· Member FecI....1 o..,..1t 1".urUCII Corpora tIon ward ot Elyria. and Thomas, 9t Wayntev llie, and one sister, La. Vonne Waterho use, of Wayne II· Blue St.r Boats and vine, and neloes and a nephew. to called ·are ones loved Oft when Marti n Hand 'or Powe r lenve us ard Moto rs Outbo beyond, scenes To pass to shining , Phone 3912 Question s why th~y thus bereave us, •••••• ••• u •••••• ~**· Plunge us into deep despond . TYPE8 ALL and But with words lIIost true . tendllr, CALL AFTER 5 P. M. Someone )vhJspers at our side; Services he' has gone to render, (Colo r) Wonted on the other side. yes, to teach salvation , Wanted, l ROUTE 122 OFF OF 42 Visit frlends long passed away, (Color) elation r all nd a wife t Deares PHONE WAVNE SVILLE 398~: stay. not could be Longer here _ _.J Mere h.n.. SpOIl..... Sum mer "'_ While we mourn, thelT welcome l' '''-~~:o-_ _ _ _ \ ' greets him, Show - FREE l Hall to one so nobly born. With what joy they flock to meet UNDER ,T HE DIRECT ION oF' him, AMER ICAN LEQION POST No. 81S He for Whom we mortals mouTD. cease .. WAYNE8VIL~e, OHIO I1nd sobs, your Try to cease "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" your weeping. And .in your Savior now confide, For H oward Is In the Lord's safe ' . keeping, By JOHN B. MOWBRAY Wa nted on the other s!de. Act,lno County Agent CARD OF THANK S . ~~ BI_.-I Conc re.. BI-a. ...... By lawu" ev,!ry person who ~as .._ - , ~ It Is wIth s incere gratitud e that ' one or JIlIIre, hJves of bees must Ceme nt we e xpress our beartfel t thanks register them'l" This money gO" ,. PaM .nd many our to tion ~ and apprecia ..... Inspecta d. It to .help get the and friends, nelgbbo rs and relatives nt Ceme bill the pay near , d06sn't anr':0Y8 for. the kindness and sympath y but the registra tion, enable,8 the Supp ll. . Dr.ln Shown to us during the Illness' Inspecto r to locate the hives. This ..... ~ O. 80X ..... P. ond 10RS of our he loved husband d SHEEHAN RD.' the only wa,: .toulbfOO , the d1 !lnd (ather. Mo.1 tim •• a lull Ihal II! u. Bease wblcb Is disastro us to bees, CENTKRVILLE, OHIO •• .,.'01 yt.,. 080 iu,1 ""011'1 Special thanks to Joseph M. oan be located. cov., us loday. Som"wlth Hetrick. Elders Stuart R. String. of Spring sbnml80r'II, In.u,onc.. A PfO\lrd'" Ilort•• Mr. O.beeK. Inspecto ~ the !!! ham and Gaylen HemSley tor their ' here VaUey, Y"" 0\10 _I,hl hove .... n 0 Anny worm. are a dark IP'8en consolln g words. The pallbear erl, years, ra- cauliflow er and broocoU now. two, lut the for QOunty In,lI;on.e you, 01 " '11 perfect (lOlor and move at a ve.., rapid In with dusted be donors of the beautifu l noral Of. ehould plants Thele re.glll. poTts th~e a~e 1f apartea 1I•• ds . . • then,' luI II moy while cutworm . are usually pace II e Rotenon r rim' s, Dr. Ea rl Wri ght and , Mc. dust. rotenone 6% a tered witS more than 1250 htves. NOT gl.. yo.. 'ult PfOleclion up to 2" and ve.., sott In !&rarer, can ' that on preparaU Fadden Funeral Home for their s Foulbr00 4 was 'Present in 12 hIves a harmles todDY. h.' UI fo, 0 . . U When dIa~ the,. ns. bature. time. any at fal th f4 l and courteou s servl ue. planta be used on the or rougilly 1%. ' . . ' onolysl. of your ",. BeeUe time II uaUy roD up III a ball and ,.on can Mrs. Audrey BurtOn Bean lluioan d IDipacte be sbould hlves • bee All llted" !n.u,once duatlnJr He a aeriel of trtall8'l_ ....OUIld Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoup for foulbroo d for even thOlllh JOur practicitJ ly here 10 start,a th... In 10ar for the bail It JIll' and children roJenope 6% the with program dlaease the beta m~y b~ ,fr~ of or crop., contact me ...4 I garden Brothers and Sisters. too. them that bWt,. now there II the pos. wUl be lied to ,0 over IOIIl8 reothey may rob other W~ In a ommend atlolll oil "bat to 11M. b d W _ _ 'A So r and br1n3 radius o~ 2 to, 6 In!! _ orm ~e sa ar - M Y the dllleaJle tJ'oIi1 uninspec ted , tou· , dJaht. II, ho".,..r very been blves. DoD t tOl'l8t tile , . Iamb pool LEBANON, OHIO bave a few worma and want to , 2Ird at ~ •Warna CoaJlt)o J\1I18 • T .... .0 or to spray .... and 1JIe.h 'll' 0& talI1P'01lDda. J~ you three PInts the bee contact awaybees !***~;"":.;:.:.~.~.~";.;.;.~';"~.~.;."~.~':"*'* give themhave . U:.vh&t8'4Ir . III ... acre, per aphene or ent Departm th~ of r ••••••• •••• • ••••••• •• - . _ - - inapect.o U I ~' ; _1_ •• " .p~r 101&1' amount of I water AVlcult ure in Columbl ll an4 ther ouW UlUUr ' ''~ ~ . eDl'Ollmenta, need. to co"et &11 acre. if Tbl. q, "... Tb1ll'lCl du are the ........ . USe •, \ will. IlIlue a perm1~ ~. permit the WOrlDS are In corn. camp Ia for f-U'en froIa 10 tiara 'W'Ia-u A'-'& _ . track keep to l' inspecto the ..... eubl. __ . . . . ""._ • . . ., . . but ~p 11 ,..,. of the hl"... .. Thla I. tb'e only way laDle recomm endatlol ll ~ wfJl drla ex.p....,~OIU' OIl noalea the .lIp 4 be8!I cian be kept tree or foulbr00 oa., are ~~ •__ the 0 _ 41rectlT OTer tile ,,_ Sublcribe to The 6AZCTIE' at the preHnt time. ' . corD nnr. Thole WOnlll that ...... 10__ wa... "


",G ""1.....,'"'" ~

It Flr.,i..• ...,

"t, .,

CIt,,. ,1.,.,••:'.'


A,. " • • Aceo.

b, ,. "'1'1 iilllfj'-:!:::=-. .,.",

PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - YOU'LL FIND REAL BARGAINS IN TH~IR STORES r dill"'""111111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111 III II III II 11111 III III IIIlIImllllllnl


All UQused 1953 Models -e-

l--INTERNATIONAL (~~e:~'T7r;e $319.95 I-AMANA ST~9~~MCOU~'~~~R $539~95 l-MANITOWAC 1~:~G:~ &499.95 $324.95 1~pCR~G:~' I-NORGE -e~





$22&.95 $319.95


'hi 'a,.lnUll lati.Dalla_k




' FILlIG SAW****


W. 'ri.1



Opel Air • •--s.'.r••, llald. .... 18



III" A.,..., "I.'" '1. Calli." SaIl .,.

n• .

MI••I aai....

EITEISIO.I IOTES r~.~~~~~.~~t

Wilsoa eo.ael. ProdacII


. ' aterp root

Rock ,.ce 81..... ,

Mo....r a....

. .ulld ln.





Harv ey.bu r., Ohio




T'" C-·.... ...






Nea .v~ r.· ~. Up to DOW ~ cabl...-. baa -:.a.~ ~ &be d VI8ITO'R8 FR~ kETTER IN;Q.'"' . _ , '1IIHCIm. I • \~ BIIIIor CIuDp . panalte II~ ' .......... , lImr..,er 4uta4, be to II r. and Iln. B. r... Hatohleo n, not needed-~ 1H1. .... U COh'on ... ...... W ' 11, of Ketterl q. . . . B~ ~ the UWe wblte ant.,.UO• U. ... llave ..... ...,... wItIa the.,. " '. _ a.ftra . noon vlalton or Mr. ail lin. Pal phen, are IaJ1q .... OIl ....... wafIM; Scherer.


mea. ............,.




R~ A Busy 60 Days

Sheriff "


Sheriff Richard Sattel1.bwaite. ITEMSt' ' 0' INTEIIEST ... ~



ABOUT FOLK8- YOU KNOW , f,T IN piAN LAKE Mr, and Mrs. Carl Frye BundlY at Indiau Latte. GU"ST IN DAy:rON Mrs. . Loyd Dnil was • end guest ot her brotbef, Mr. Olarence Morford aud wire In Dayton. GUESTS FROM D~vt6N ' Mr. and Mi's. P. ' 1.. Reas6n bad as recent gueets Mis. HenrY Focke and Mz:s. JO!Jepb1ne ,Q~t . of Dayton.



SUNDAY EVENING· QUESTS Trh'. and lIIra. A. 1[. Stllbbl Sunday eve~n~ gues~a of ,Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mendenhall near New BurllDgton.: GUEST FOM FLORIDA Chari", son 01 Mr. .and Mrs. Boy Ellla, now of i'lol'lda, Is Ute biB ' unole and aunt, 'Mr. lUeet and Mrs. Irvin Dlla. I ~

... ROBERT ·E. HUNTER, Tyler Street, Wlynesvllle, il shown recelv· Ing hll com million II MCOnd lleutenlnt In the U. S. A. e.ercl_ at Wrlght.petteno-n Air Force, July 17. The graduation followed I IUmmer encampment of four weeks It ",11 base. Lt. Col. Frank Clark II aase Commander.




~f Feeden' Roundup O:ndIl'A...,'A'''',IAt 'Kenton On J.., 29

ATTEND Bf<NK OPENING Mr. and Mn. Boas Harteock attended the opening ot the FarmeN and Merchanta Bank In MIamlaburg on Bunday evelllng.


Chief Deputj- Rlilph PilItner and Deputy ~ ,~el investigat.ed ff1 offenses of various klnds, checked • 16 . automobile ac:cldeata n.n d :apprehended 201· penlOD& wbo wer~t adOJitted , to ~e CQUD,t)' . jail during ·the past two lJ.lontl)s. in. It· report .s ubmitted by the ,sheJ'ift. . P(isoneta . conflned to . the jail were apprehended for tb.e followIng ,offenses=, IntoxicatiP'n, driving without ownl!ll consent, ,iI,o driver license, AWOL. ~ontri~uting to juvenile delinquency, 'polnting fire arms, State.. Prison Farm ~cor­ reigibles, non-!!upp.0rt, ·reckless OJ>': eration, s1atUtorY', 'ept,ering' e\l! closed land to "MeBI: issuing' check wiUlout suffiCient funds, grand larCeny, assault a)1d tiatlery, ~esist­ jOg officetl, improper lIcense; auto vocation. petty ,larceny, ordinallce theft, fugitive, driver license ' 1'8- • violations. '. . Sheriff satterthwaite said 30 offenses were cle4\lel1: after investigatiOli; found five :abandoned cars" investigated 12 juvenile pffenses, investigated five ga,rl)age .dlspOlial ofienses, investigated ' six larce# and seven petit lareeny chargeS", investigated 27 minor compla~ta and 19 legitimate complaints. checked three missing persons, investigated one trespassing case, nine breaking and entering charges. . . Fifty-five foxes were killed during the report period and bounties were paid for' each four paws. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • .,..

ateppeld All I)eef cattle feeders In the are reminded of the Annual farmillig Ule Roundup and Beef Bar~acl1e on he8Jd- Thur.sday, July ~9th at the HarAln The Lebanon All-Stars fast lfJlltln$'ton said this County Fairgrounds at Kenton, pitch sottball team' defeated the Ohio. Simpson Tractor team of WaynesA variety of topiCS \'flU be dla· ville. Sunday evening, 4-2 ' -In a C!U8led that have an , lm:portant game called In the upper seventh Numeroul complaintS h a v e bearing on the produc~ton of Quall- because ot rain. been received lately of flnnl ty beef. with the annual beel bar. Oharlle Johnson allowed only from out of town doing work here beelle at noon accordIng to County two hits during his Uve Innings ~n uelng unicrupuioul methode and A8eDt.. John B. Mowbray. the mound for the ~nners, boUl ' llnorth'odox taCtic. 'In theIr bUILast taU an Ohfo Cattle Feeders in the tniUal' frame. DIck: StahleY Ine" deallngl. . "~~'!l!1!1~-J. yr as fonned In Warren sllcceeded hIm on ' the hm. JOhn Local .... Id.nta ~ w..,.td to ~ wtUa Mr. s. S,' ~l1a of Way kett .of SllD~l. but .. III In d.U"II with """ 'lI..o...-,._ILL1 untUe M JI~ ~ 1a1~. UMl ""lIJ!JW..J purpose of the _organization te to when he wa....t'8II.ched tOr two more In" of. Be eure you ...e deallllG promote and develope the beef In· but the rain wuhed out the Inning. With a reputable firm. IQMta .or Dr. IhI7 001* the dustry which Ia a $1.300,000 enterJohnson also contributed a bases W. H: SAWYER prlse ·ln the county. empty home run atter having scork ..... ...... of and X .... Lawraoe ~ _ 'taIeo '-II~"-IJIi'd!'1 Tlck.ets for the barbecue are ed earlier after reaching .flrat on ~••••~ ••, •••••, ....... " •••,. laT. . M.... N~! Have-.JOIl ",ere able to obtain the Ilnanctog avaUable from Gordon Foster who a force play. Jiln Hough and J:im AD . enthualal~ delqattoD of ed' at' 1QUl' 1001&1 they needed from other iocal leud~e Warren County director and Whitlock also scored, hOUr reach1011Dg members and . friends of at. eentIy? DQeI it show your ers ,. . the Extension oHlce at Lebanon. ing" base on walluJ: r . ilu 11m's Iilpllcopal Cl(urch In Wq- naJDe-U , J't)llr answer . Loans were mad'e m the COllIlty Plice la , ,1.60. H you would like Da:v e H~rtsock who (loubled and U rrolll .~eW ~. telialned OD BIlDda7 wltIl Mr. unme and at. Anthony's In WB. Ilere II a very: lIDpoftant for equipment. IIve.tocli, IertUizer' to go but nesd a ride, contact t11,e Tom Florence who walked, talUed • . . t. I(ra. Ted MclDUre aDd .0. . of ~nlton dece~ded on Croltey Field from y~ur sO~1a1 teed and lIeed tbat ~arm ramlllle; ExtensIon oHlce and we w:U1 use lohe Simpson runs In , the lower . Low test w~Jghts and poor qua ___" • ..tA. II d VN ·"A". . '~' a share the ride plan. fl' B b C bell' b' .- tty caused some Warren CoUDtv ..._............ 1'. ~ c--. oil...... Tueil4ay ~ heel' the ClnclJmaU rthe sOcIal Security needed to make better use o~ th'e lr rs~ on . 0 amp s. '.o,w .., farmers to reJXIrt "'dlsaPpolntilfgl, tlemyre aDd cJsJld,. aDd Mr. aDd Redlep against the .eap.Jeadmg tlon can maintain ' a n acc~te \lind and labor relOuniea. left. . . wheat results this ' week. Test 1IrII. GUbert .-r,e aDd 801la as NIhr Yo~ Glantl, thftIaSh the &CClount of your earnlqa omf U Ita '. Farm ownership an. d hool:ng Lebanon U~"uP was ~enry 3b. weights, they said; have been their IUUts. ooutuy pC the C&DelnnaU ~ball ~onla qree with the name and l08ne, includIng dtrect loans trPm IX I Whitlock. lb. Hough~ It, Federle, averaging' about 54 pounds, run-=----t. ~ub, who pro'ricted the RaY'. aqclal security n1Ul1ber which yoar approprlattd. and loans ~~m c; ~achelor, cf; F~hbach, 88; ning anywhere from 47 to 59 ENJOY D"VTON MOVIE Samuel Keys with the tickets. employer uaes ' ln prepartDg the money advanced from banks or . Lewis, rt; Stanley, 2b'p; Johnson. pounds, and quality hu been short Mra. D. 0. JUdge, lIIra. E. V. the boys aud, slrla .from QqarterJy .reports· of your earnJnp. other private Ie!\dera and insw:ed A D~trict 'Six wildlife official 1:I:'2b. of expectancy. Barnhart. Mra.Marie ~le' and W/&7DMvtUe were ErIc BeOlt, Bm You don't need a new number _ by £he Farmers Bome A~1n18tra- hal ·been honored for putstandlng Simpson lineup was Pope, 1f; Farmers laid blam.e for the dis111'1. Rae KlnDard enJoyed a and Lollle Croeby, Tom, Peter and just a ,new card s~owing your new Uon were mad In the ' state o.f service by the Ohio Division . of Hartsock. c f; Florence. 8 s ; appointing results to stem rust and obeon at lUkf'l fAd I&W Currant, Julle Gone, PaUl name and your old number. To Ohio. .. WUdlIfe, Charles AJ D~ach, 'J'hompson, 2b; Campbell, c; . A. powdery mildew, both of which WlUa the Wind" durlllg the ChlU1le Grice, Davtd Carpen_ tlrlll new card. contact your Emergency loana, mcludlng Ipec. chief of divi5ion, announced this Carter, 3b: Peters, rt; J, Carter. nourls~ed under the moist weather . week. '. tel', Job McComb, and 'seenrlly' omce ~t 119 South tal lIvestook 10al1s we e m"de to w~ l'f; Conrad, 1b; Sackett. p. conditions of the past spring. Rat1l1~. ,D it. Bobert Bicker of WIl. Street Haml,lton Jllsta1l or repair fann water fa'DU- Dale. Whitesell, game managePowodery mUdew a moldy gray FRIDAY GUEI". miDgton and Mr••and Mrs. George and get one without any charge. Itles In the state. ment supervisor at district head-. substance on lower leaves and IIr. and lira. t.wreDCe ~dlD Curreilt. Jill. James Welts, and Mr. When you ."et that new ' The county offloe of the 'Farm'ats quarters ~ Xenia, was awarded stems of the wheat plant, and stem had as I'rt4&7 afttnlooo ...... Mi. and Mri. Raymond Betta 01 Way- Wle It _ show It to your employer Home Ad'mlnIatration serving Cilln- highest merit l'lltlng among tHe rust prevent' wheat ltemels from ad, Mra. lohn S~ oC Berea. nelvUle pl&:red hoolde to Sllper- and be sure he copies both llaUle ton and Warren Counties Ia localted technical and admlnistrative staff fUllng out properly. . K7., 11111 JUUI ~ 01 Kan- 'Vtse , the trtp. and number exactly sa they appear at 24% East Sugartree Stroet, of the division. ... Olty, Mluourt aDIl 111'1. on the oard. ' Wilmington, Ohio. Mr. Whitesell and four other Ohio fruit growers ' who don't gtnta Depew of IA;e hlelelr.· It would be well too. whUe you wildlife officials named for out- have adequate water .eupplles tor )(1'8. Depew'1 huallaDd ..IIl are I n the soolal seourlty ofljlce, ~tandlng service will receive orig- Irrigation may partially, solve thtlr •. the cJartil~ pJa,.. with the to learn how IQCIal s80Urlty aftlDal wildlife paintings by staff ert- water. problem with mulcb, says &_.1 Jonee «Oh-.tra. ~cta newlyweds. Boetal aecurrity Ia 1st Alvin Staffan. Vemon Patterson.· Ohio State Unl· mora tho 'a 'retirement benefit; verslty extension fruit s(l9clallJ;t. .' There 18 seldom a growing seaThree more polio cases were r&HAVE ~ICNIC DINN T h 'e Gre&o, Thumbers 4-H club It 1i old age' and lurvlvors . son that lack of, water. at one tlma ported in Warren County this wee~, ~r. Jld Mrs. aDest' "as brought to order Tue/lday ance and' IIhOllld be< or another doesn't limit tile devel · bringing th~ n~ber afflicted this Mr. and Mrll. Harve, Burnett, Julr 14 at Mr. .Lee O'Bil.'nlon's alone wlt~ Illllur~ce and savlnp 'Ollment of frUit crops. Patterson year ',tb four. Two polio caSe! had ~d Mrs. Sta!l8r ~et.t or (lentar- jhome with the ' Pres_dent . J:lm when. you ~d Mr. ~8Wlywel1 , make . ' the county a t this J for 0ld4 ase or "an says fruit growerS are more cou- b een liste d 10' vUl." Mr, and gn. ~. C. ~~ !Miller pr8llwq. SClOU8 of lack of rain atter two un· time a year ago. of IAlIanon,. ' and lira: ol.ear T~e secretarya 'report' wal g1~en diath. ' .' Under treatment at General , usually dry ·summers. Wade of KlamlabllJ'g aDd Mrs. and due.! collected. He 8ays a mulCh of hay. straw Hospital in Cincinnati are: Larry w~ made few plaul for our MatT BrowD ' of ~n, were SIIDcorncobs, sawdust or other plant Evans, and his sister Sandra Evans, dll7 dlDnel' or IIrs. LeDa oomlq Ice cram lIoola!. residues provides an effective both of Morrow, and "Thomas Nadler of Mason. Hartlock at the bome of Mr. ad It WIll decJ4e4 t)1at our club means of trapping rain water. It The first positive case of 'polio MI'II. Rolli 1[. IIarUoct.. A would donate f86.00 to the t-H the soil so that .more In the county was reported early conditions d1nDeJ' was enjoyed. CJlJDP to allply to the ewtinmlng . ,water goes Into the ground ~nd In June and involved teD.-year-()ld , pool. , less runs off. In some clay soils. Raymond Muenruch of Mason. - VlltTORa PROM VIIIGINIA The meeting was adjourned and watel' enters mulched areas five lib; and II.... Loyd DaYla \'f8 enJo:red a square dance. with Miss times faster than unmulched areas. their duriDS_ th~ 'R ut Mr, "Bunnell of. Lytle sa the caller ~et visited . Munch alao' slows··down. surface their two little If;&Ddd...p~ra, and refreehmeJlta lerved by _rs. Stevens" 01\ Monday evaporation, It keeps down weeds daqhters. or ¥t. aDd IIrIi. mar- Lee O'B8Dn1~ r ; Mr•.and 1[11'8. No~ SUMMEa THEATRE _ Vera Ann and grass that use water needed enee J. Da~, wlio wen mo'finc to . - Lt$e Ir,lan. 'Newareporter daughter LueUl.e apd Fusek 22-YeaNlld Czech actress by the fruit. and It improves solt Polat PleaaeDt. W. Va. Mf. Davia " au of P&rto-. were is cast as Helena in the Antioch aeration. . who , baa tieeD with th.. DQtoa ' Bertha Brown on 8altur,lIay Area Theatre's pJ;oduction of "A Fruit orops may be mulched anr ' " . . Ponr &bd ~t Oompall7, .. DoW' ATTIND FAIRLIY SUMMIR DOOIL . " . time- to get.and ranking Ralph orchestra MartertewHl .. J!lld his a onetopMidsummer Night's Dream" time growers' have htia4 of. tbe .,...,..1 ~partmellt. DINNIR MEETING TUIUDAY Mrs. Lena Bartaoek was hostess . ,' make whlCb OpeDI Wednesday, July apply mulch . material. Bale1!, hay night stand in te~dsYille Lake's 01 tile Ohio V&Il81 JmeotrlClal Com. The f'alrley ',Bard".. ' Stona for the ,BUraet eouIIDJ cl1nner a~ 21, at Antioch<-Col1ege, The play that ?;Ot too wet for feed, an old Stardust GJrdena satUrday July ~ at Pomeroy, Ohio. from iIlUsboro, WH- ! : thOme of her IOD, Mr. ~ JIart: _ js tlJe ~ourtb of seven'fD be pre- straw-staok, a pile of sawdUlt, and 31 Part officials' . announced this • - -' • , Blanchester, Sa-.'na, Tbe VaeatioD Bible sentea ·at ADt'loc)l's ''1'hlrd An. com cobe from a local ~leva1or' ~ HAyE' , OUTO()F~A~.- GUEITS ~~ ScIJool Ita 8eI8)on8 SundaJ n)1&I. s~tesPeare Fetsival. "Mid- corn cobs &om a local elevator Marterle's group; .~oted out1I'r. and Mrs. J. 8.. Crabbe JlV at the BIlow Cluti an . ~ pro.summer will be given ·Wednes, ,mulch materials. ~dUtg new "band of dle year in .. their peN tIlelf'., ... 'tIlesdll7 JI'&l!l I'rUIDdI M~ting day~ Thursday, ' .S aturday .and '. 1953. polls, is the second "blgCrabbe, with hla wit, aDd ' two Thoae Bouse. Sund.,. j(!.YeDfng at 8 Jlr. 1!l- A GUEST' FRO'M INDIANA name" han41D appear 'at the Miami IV iii 81....... ¥isaea . Gertrude- ChaDdler repeat perf9rmance of ..... '. ~W,I' carta ,lnf 01 , Mrs. ,R. R. .... Be ~ 0~d1an. VAil. .....ey ~rt ....... summer. Woody

VISITOR IN AIHL'AND Mrs. A. 1[. Stubbl lpent the put week with ber ....., lin. HaroLJ Andrews .1n AlblaDd,. Ohio. Mr. WIlUam 8t1Ibba jotued mother on Thundap aDd 1'rt4ay.


Wheat Harvelt Sail· . S Ifering. .


S· Wildl·fe Official Is Honor.


Mulch Frllit Crops .Specialist AdvislS

Three Poli10 CaseS USIR II ''-UtIn --- ty





Marterie. Band At LeSoutdsville



Js tc:b"ul ' ';:l!:tftl.: tI _ . ale: •


1U~0 ~€"'et. ~n,.



dai apoll , "Wu. the o~ the~\D~l&w ..n~ !dater:; t.t:rt~ Mn.· IOi,ce8' at abe ' p , . . . ~ Is H. 1.. JRye dui111g the pa~ week. The iratterie " u 19 'IIl1Jua.; the ' . ¥r: aud la!"'. ~e ang. Mrs. Benson musiclaDl and ' two ....1. . at. 6000 JOB PRINTING Can. were' SddaY lllnDet guell~ 01 Mr tracted a recorcl-lm!akfDl crOwd ·iililii~1~~tsj"CSlhH1 • f """' .11.._- -~ .LI.'!.' 'BJd lire. Leon SaUl~,1'Y-. .IA..waah· ...... It .. . . ._ _ .Go!UJ WaDd'. VueTT8 Ingion C. H. llooaUIht a.nt.e. Jut 1QIDIIIel'. J1Ul

I rC......"liI... I. III:~~ c~~lIri~_ra..




THE MIAMI GAZETTE . Eltabllalletl F.bruary, 1110 PAUL A. ICH£ ..... _______ ;...___ • ~_.:. ___________ Eclttor aMi putllleII"r CECILIA J. ICHERER ____________________________ A_la'- Edlter

• --

Publ..hed Everi ThuradaJ lIonaiIIC at Wayn..vlll., WaneD Co1IDt7, Ollie. Entered . . ..c:onct dull matter at tb. poltofftee at .W.,...m.. Ohio. IIndor the act of Marcil .. Ina.

B1I111cr1pUon Ratw--f2. Per Year. In MT&Ilce, In Olaio; ,1.10 ....w~



NOTICE TO CONTAACTOM I STATII OJ' ORIO Departftl.1It of HI.....,.. ' , qolumbU, 01lJo, l .. y I, llU , Contrllot lal.. , lAgal Copy No. ........ • UNIT PBlCJll CONTRACT Sealed propoull ~m b • celyed at the orne. of the HJ,hwloT D1I'eCItoI' .,. 0Il10 at · hunbul, Ohio; aUl 10:10 ..... StaDdanl TtJDe, TUeeda:r. :a~t 8, 196C, lor ~proyeme:ate HamJlton and Wanen CounU.., Ohto; on Seetto... HAII-I"'(1I.160 lUS) (lU4) and WA&SJ.O.oo, State ~te No.• and U. S. Route No. II In the VlUqe of ..ontaom· 'N T a,n4 BJmmee and 8JcaSnore __ L' • Oout7, and Tow ....... PI, Hamflton In QeeIi'leld Townlhlp, Warren Count7, b7 pacllnc, drabaI1acl pay. Inc and wtdenbaC and neu~... wltll ..pbaltlc coc:rete and b, wl4enlnC an -ulatlnc concrete .lab bri4ce (Spall two (I) Jot 18 f..t, roadWIoT wldeaed from S8 teet, 10 Inch.. to 10 'eet with' .WetJ C1Il'bo) NOOIlItr1Ict ....tlq wlq waU., replace ....tInc raUlDI, and appurtenant :tJ~k, Bridee No. . HA·IS.l~' OTOr North Brancll S7C&111OZ'e _Creek. Width: PaYlment If fee" !loa4. w~~tl1fi.25 feet or ..OIl

E 101 fE,S To ltart oft ~ poet t "GIft A: GIli .A. : froIa and .tarntq ..... ... CIlamIIIoIl at 1)eII'" _ _Will. In tecblcoIar MId .u tIM eIIarIil of a ~ .._ thII ~ . . .r . po .. on. of til. ftDeIt 1IluJca1i of tile 7ear ' A ..__ .:.. ~_.... • .. , -_.... --.... .or • _ . eI&'D moYl!l ~ .. tile DI'O' dactlon of ~" a • ." nroIoIia of th. 014 IIook iIJa&rIDIaIlJ piaJMI b1 • fIDe . . . "PickWIck ~n the moTl'~ bUI4 on .....DIcUu Mok of -th. oame Da.6 aJao CCMIl4 be lilt,. eel . . __ f!C J""I 1Mot. J'or 'uaoM Ub actioll

brtP: .." ......


II ~ ...

memo, INt I ..,.,.y. I...·~n


t for J'OIIIlI dill· ' • 0r00kecI RoacI" MI ..~

lI't reoollliDelld dra.




IT. MA"Y'I EPIiCOPAL Th. . .". SalDu" N. Bee..,



HoIJ. ComIaIlJllola; 7;19 .. m. ChUGla 8cIaooJ, to: II .. m. Adult Worohlp, 101'46 .. m.

, C _.. picture, turu 01lt .. a "lIT Ioocl and ~ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ) ( - - mOn... E.rln cCartIl1 I. lI&I1JC1Ilar" IOOd AD IlII part end a


UnIftfcl Sen~ 1:415 ..


Fa ....Y CHU ..ClH I OF OH""T Mr. and lin. Pete RU70ll had ~, IUJalater .. thetr ~..tI, SUdloT, IIr. and UTICA LU... CHU ..CH 8~ 1:10 a. Ill. Mn. H&rr7 Bha_, of Lebanon, lOck.,. Boon.,. turna In OIle of Mil. JANE FITE MCII'JIIDi WonIaIp, l'~IO .. Ill. WWIam 0 .....11. IUaIoter. lire. Rach ParahalI and b.r ftneet perf01'lll&DCll: The PrQe. lJI..qq, "AOO , . . . IIDIlda7 ScbcRIl 8.:" .. za., ' Mr, of Urbana and "r. and lire. temlD1De Intenot IJa tIM mo~ II Y01lllC PeoDUOI ......... 1:00. a.diii 'I'Iaomu. SDpt. ~ Will T~te of Bellbrook ' III'flDtn, s.nteM, 7:1' Po m. J'reecIaSq, eT0J7 other SuIa4ar, bIull.eel .". Dianne I'ooter. Mr. Ua4 lire. Ohuleo Swla41er Jire. JIlit !lakIM .. ~ paUlnt.t U:4Ii L m. _ wlll .ntertaln the Mlllt C1u~ of CHDton Memorial ....~Ital 'I'IaW ~eek lerl uI,te - SI4IIeJ ~.. ' . JDJeDIq 8uvIoe. rtrat ludq .. the lIithodilt Chvcll to a potluck IIr. and lire. Arthv PIillabaum, Blac)laD.r. A an. actor wlao UIIo- WAYN ••VILLE CHU ..CH OF 1!lOD~ , lupper at ' .t helr COUIl~ Jr._e, Frl· of KetteriDl, were peeta, Wednu. aU7 t1lnaI . .t • be tIM 'fIUaba III CH'''IT dq evenlq. _ .day eveDiD" of ber' poreDta, Mr. th. 1DO'f1... PriOl ~~, ..1nlIter CA.U .... CREEK FRIENo. lin. lIarte Gray, of Dayton, w.. and lin. AIObl'Ole lloore. • ;';;;~:;;:=;;;;:;:;;:====i;-;---;;;;;;;-;;;;:;--;;;;;;;;;-- .1I1e IBcIlool at ':10 Ia. . . Claar... IIGberta, IIlIlIoter. the hCluaeauat dliriDl Jut week Pn. Tho... of Fort Won..., at 11:" ': Ill. ~ 8tuJq. Iapt. of Mn. A. S. (JoUett, Sile lett lion- 'hox:. K)o. w. . . cue.t. Monda7o o[ 8pec1al DIaae at 7:10 J, ... . WonlJI» ......... 10 So Ill. 4&y to 'f"lt reJaUve. In CIDclllDllU, ..... I'ruceI 'aD4 VIDa Bbak... IDt'IIlIDI wonlalp at I:to J, m. SII.'" 8ebool, II .. m. tot • few da,.,. befor. returnlq The ' Carter family held their mil... Pra711' KeetJq eacIa We4a~ ) to Ilia3'toll. bm1I7 ....... 4IaDer, .SWulaJ', .at ~. . . . -. . ...tOr ~1edcm :of OIlEGOHJA EVANGELICAL U. . . 1Ir,. ADn. Wheelan .peDt the the Ilome IIr. .nd Mn. Henry till. work ~hall be .. let 'fortll hi weekend In Morehead, K.ntl1ck7, Carter. ' the blddl... ,propoeaL" \G ''"~ . 81mcIaj .~t ' l~ 'a. m. .. a CUMt of ber parenti, Mr. and lin. 1Amarcl Hanaen and ch"d. The' mtnlmum wap to be paid. lire. Lenard PlaDk. ren of Hamtlton, were lIoU'0«\10It. to II labor emplO1ed on thJ. con· t.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ Bel'. Jolua Bel'lllnc, I'aItAIr. Vf~2p, 11 .. ID. Y01ltla hUo ':10 to 1:00. Mr. and Mre. Ted Cain and fa:m' duriDI the weekend of h.r parenti, tract...hlll be In aceorUAQO with wen, I It.Mr ,It tau beea tbU questIoD JWO'fIdIDI iller are ....... 8:1Ii ... 10:00 .. Ill. 117 01 lIorrow were p •• te, Satur- Mr and Mn Harold Glllalll. tile Schedule of ,PrentllnJ Hoar- hot back IaoaIe, bllt It rem&ba. ' tIIID U of day, ot her parente, and lire.· · . Iy W... Bat_ AJicertatned and uI I h At alPte tl16 IlION ICNI • Carl OIborn and oth.r reJaU'fI1 Mr. and Mre. Robert Shanholtz DetermlDt4 b7 The Department of II 18 coo ... craID. orw.tbIrdI of the aaUoD I LEaANON CH",arIAN ICIENCI Adam Campbell underwent' a and tamUJ' had .. their p ..te illI'" IndUltrtal Rel.donl .ppllcable to rtrl II.. to . . with blank.te farmen mUlt ya18 III faYOr' of MT; . HOLL.,. METHODI8T minor 1 Wedl1elda at Hale tnc the weekend, hl. father. Mr. Stlte Rt,hwa, DepertmeDt 1111' on, but I CU1'7 - fUr coat wltll aa. quotu aDel ..uotmeDti for tbem M. Scaff, IIlDJIter . be~ =~ m~~atarel0 urpI')' 7 OUrt SbanbOiu Mr and lira prol'ementa fl1 acconlaDce with all thl'tbn.. to 'become effective. Scbool, ':10 a. m., E. -, -""'HOlpltal, WI1mIncton, returnln, TrovUle Clark, Mre. L.tltta Korn~ SectlODI 4116.01 (11-1), '116.0C The DOW 40p here are pttl", HJcJaJancl A". . .t 11 o'dock. • bom. the llUDe da,. and Mr. Ral b C1&rk aU of Win. (17-4), 4116.06 (~7-4a), 4116.01 rea4y tor • l1li' .Ilow lIP IJa Ve.... 1DT1r1tbfDc II, 10 P'OIIl and nice 10:10 ' a. In. . Sllnd&7 lICbool at the lam. honr. IIrs. Jenny Bell. of Somersville" cbesler, Va. ~t'l. ou~e Shanholtz, ~~~·~od~l~ro~~a) of the mont WI 00IDInc "ee~ end &llld, bllt I 1mow b7 thJ. late In 7.10 p. Ill. d:-:~O::; ~~:~:.-was a bouaegueal durin, tbe week· elater of Robert joined the famJl, The bidder mUit ~t with h.. the place .. ~ busllnl. 81I1e, the l1UIlIDer ••1I')'tIililC .. oeorc:hed . - -'end of ber brotber-tn·law and aiII- I for the weekend visit. 1\(1'. Oliff bid a certified cbeck IJa till &moul ODe of the rOll terriere, 'I hoptm, bJ' th. IUD at home. • WAYNE.VILLE FRIENDS SUNIl.\Y RADIO PB8GRAMS: ter, Mr. and 'MrIl. H. S. TUcker. Shanboltz remained for a more ex. of UO,OOO.OO. to win beat .. .abow. She" YO'r , People come here trom. all oyor I ' . W84I-8:C6 a. m. Planl end .pecttlcatlou are on pre",. BeTeraI othere are ,ollill th, wQrld. SoIQe come from an ~t DQ' Solioolo ':10 a. m. WINo-I:OO .. m. Mills Birdie Fealy Jlad as ber J tended vtell with his Ion and tam. dinner guests, Frld.y noon, lire. lIy. file In tbe department of hlP-" but they uen't .. pre", .. Stle. tar a. :maitland and W.l_ to 110 / lleetJq for Worohlp, 10:'11 a.m. W'PFB-4:00 p. m. Marie Gray. of Dayton and Mias. Re'i;. and Mrs. J. P. Thornvury ~d :r~C::ce of the dl'ftllon depJuly II half oyer .Dd It WOlll't tile dop. A eo. of the dop here ADVERTISE IN TH ' Faye Kelly. spent the weeltend In Louisville. director reameo the richt be too 10.... uUl Septembea' comee are famou. champlona In two or. E GAZETTE--YOU LL FIND IT PAYS' Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Masters Kentucky, vleltlng relatives. to reject any and .U bide. and the clrl aD4 I will be headline three countrl... \ and sons, Jerry and TomJllY, left The B. Y. F. of Jonab's Run S. O. LINZELL, for home. It'I, 1'Ory nice here In rll atop tor now but I'll be bac~ I . Saturday for Tampa,. Florida, BaptlBt Cburch met, Sunday even. : State m,llwa7 Director the Eaat but W. ,mlll .veryone at lloon with lOme more dOC'1 e7e l where th,ey plan to make tbelr log In the bome of WilHam nolter. 7.15-(2t)-7.22 home. l!IYIIl that cruy catl . "Iewl ot the country-In Connee· tlcut. home. Going with them also 1'0 ~ICfIARD D. make their bomee In Tampa, were JAYCEE CARNIVAL Mr. Maeter'e parenta, Mr. and Mrs. TELEPHONES: 'Phe' Franklin Junior Chamber of Clay Masters and another son and WAYNESVILLE 2M1 wile. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mas. Commerce will be operating their LEBANON Offlc. 2-102' 't ers, wbo have been living In dunking machine and refreshment RESIDENCE a.H11 Alph, Oblo for several years. stands on West Fourth street MORI\OW No. S SAND aDd GRAVFL Main Saturday, July 31, IJa con· Mrs. Richard BoUln ~1' has nection with the presentadon of BLACK. TOP DRIVES accepted a clerical position wltb a % ton air condltloner and other TAR ad ROAD 00. the Clinton CollJltrueUon Co. of awarda now 'On dlaplaj at PbilUp's Wilmington. , Appliance store. LAWN aDd FlU. DIRT

• 1 I , EY'S I UI I











Armitage &Son




Wilso. CO.aete Prodaets Chimney Block Concrete Block Waterproof Cement Rock Face Block Steel Sash and P.lnt Cement and Mortar GI... Drain Tile Buildlna Supplies SHEEHAN RD. . P. O. BOX 34Z CENTERVILLE, OHIO .

........................•.......... ......•..... ~


• •" 11_ ...,It "'-' fI' III

...... yean ... Iv,I

...., .. . . . ,. . . . . with fl,.

1_"'" A"... ,......

Bo" "Servis


Dodge Trucki, Dars, 'IJDloiths



yean . . . .I,hl hcrt.....n • ~ fM .,.." In,uNlncit Me4s • • • th_ .... II .-r HOT II... y.v 'ull ....Iecil.1I t ...., •••• ". fer • fill y.", " ...., ...-r

.... .fl'


...,.1. .,

In,,,,...c. n••"a, .. .

Come in and Drive the NEW DODGE

FORDYCE Dayton·Wayneavlli. Rd.



We Service All Makes end M~dels, Radi~, Televi~iCln 10% Off On All N~w Picture Tubes Sold and Indalle.d Antenna Installation and Repair ALL W 0 R K




Insurance Agency LEBANON, OHiO

********** ••• *"* •'.' •• ""•

**** •••••••• ****** •••••• ARTIFICIAL



Right now, you can get a big, dependable 'M Dodge for only a few dollars more than you'd expect to pay for a light car in the lowest price field. And when you do, 11014 !DiU ha~e a lot ~ car in erJeT1/ wall. ' You will have more massive length and ftaahing style ... more interior luxury. You will have more power and performance (rom the I50-h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine. You will have more prize-winning economy trom the car that has won two straight victoriel in the famous Mobilgas Economy Run. You will have more enjoyment from fuDy. automatic PowerFli18 Drive, Full-Time Power Steering, and new DOOce Full-Power BrakeL you ~ let laeting oatiofaction _ the . ,natest Dodae ear III .0 " . t yeara.

Don Tebbe . Carlos Harmor Techflicians . ~~.,. •• u ...·.u.u •• u ••••


KIER'S MOTORS . Phone 2341

W.yneniIe, Ohio

.....,"""'.""""""""',.'!', •• ,.,"', •••


F.rm R..I Estate Lon. Tenn 4%


Why Pay


In '54

A F• .,..... Owned-

aD that Dodte of... Com. in tocla:rl


FAR.' 'L 0

A Sbund Way To Finance




F.....I L,nd Bank


Pads"3101 1m




LN. Made T ......,.h

·LB........... Far. ... .

0.... ........-..-

LeIMa...... ELLII H.lTU"., ....,..T...... ~~

____. .______~


............ AdluatatoaaD, 1Il. . .~, full I........... .1. . . .1..... 1 Dou1tl......


tulle MVer Iet~ . . . . . . .

............. . . . darouP .....



I.oftt life II .... Tn. ,..., ., ....... MiirChen'.1 ____.................................................. .



...4 Vlo1tt Bater 'lUI Geoqe W. ~ to e_-I-I ~ _ _ fa WQlle TQ. ' tM-1. JIaIIIIItaIl, ..,... S. Keru, ~ Emma to Z - . aDd. aN .... .. KIi'IeJ. 1 lot III 'I' u ___ tie H. Law 0.34 acre. ID JJamJl. Leballoa. .0 ......"..


W ~L. Smltb to liar c. SUd 0.::::'"~~~eter... County Folks this Y.. 1 lot fa Deertle1c1 'l'Wp. I.Ilu, J . - . to IIobert JaclE·


Court News

A Pann DIuy By D, J. P"'" , .



.....tty ....



o.tee .... fa La... Old·Age and Sunivol'1 Insurance The total ID old age and sur· Dora E. 1fIa1te aDd BerD1ce (. benefits under the Pe4eral Social Vivors Insurance moothlJ benefit W T ad Celia Powell to Ed- SIn., to ...... lL Stowe MJ~ Security program were PJili to amounts paid In W.arren County ward 1 aere In ~ aerea fa CleIII..... Twp 1,393 "rsOb in Warren County increased "',1169 In ~ l~mODth Twp . Albert II. Dillreleo'B Sbapb in Dec:ember, 1953, Mary LIoycl per~()d. In the country as a. wbole, • to ~ I. , JIl4 ~lma )~ Lane Manager of the Hamilton more ,than 6 mWion ~11s were B ~~~12b.~~':":erW~= White, ODe lot ~ 1'ranJdJn. Social Security o~ce reported, receiving such benefit payments .. Leb . ' R o b e r t .-,IMB to ADeU d recently. ThIs iI an mcreaae of 181 at the end of 1953, almost a mUllon m WilliaanonJi Eu erar4 to M1cbael Rub, Batfie14 7:lot1 in ~n over the number of benefIciaries in more than in December 1962. Jolm ~ to CIIra Yoder


ThoIQU , C. and UWan BarIl.. to Louis F. and Amelia F. Pieper • .good abom in fact two or 1.34 aer.. In DeerfielcJ'Twp. C,harlQtt HoHman to Mel Cun~ of them and: alread, everything

JULV 19 . 19M,.-;At la.t we b.

were ,ettUl, a total of about . " alWoD lD IDOIlUlly .,.,.... at .... end of 11103. N.t1oGwide. _ • quarter of • mUlJon widowed mothen were paid a total of over IJ~ mWiOIl in ·Deeember.

2 lote In Deerfield Twp.



looks refreshed. Not . enough to agin and Frank A. ~tacb, , carry us Very long but enougb to lo~ in Lebanon. help It iI beginning to get hot ElliI C. Thompson to William -alBiD 10 it will dry very quicldy. and ~tty J. Lanlenbrwmer, and ~~ Hocz \ lot ID J'raDkUn Twp. . ) this county in the same month of "While these statistics may seem It was getting so dry that the ~ Deerfield Twp. Twp. ({ourtney J. Comb6 to George ]1:. 1952. Retired men an women in tp be just 10 many figures in cold Frank and Irene Amburgey to p~ aDd R. JObllltoD llUIO Warren County were letting about print," Mrs. Lane said, "the payground bad great cr.c In it 10 Nan Dearth to Arthur and" I hope that some of the Water ran thy 14cClure, 0.48:5 acres in Krank· l(ub D.l and Kary Lou AmbUfl1 aerel m ~eek Twp. 63% of the $54,830.00 ~eing paid ment monthly of $54,830 to 1,393 down into the ground where It Twp, _ 1 lot In South Lebanon. Courtney J. and Louis Combs to monthly In the county. personam ,Butler, Clinton and War· - - - - - - - - - - - _ will not evaporate quite so fast. Olear , and ~tty ' SamI to Fred Donald H. and RuUl L Ctrter M . .R. Joimltoh and George 11:. Mrs. Lane said that many of'1lS ran Counties. (the 3 ~unties served and fa ~ cases r re ts the course the r,1n will hold back the C. and Mao' GUklson 0.511 aerea to Gene and Etta Rice 1 lot. fri Peters 0.88 acres in' Turtlecreek are inclined to think of Id by the Hamilton Office) is of real I '! ep sen rest Of the combinlng a Uttle. but in Deerfield Twp. Wayne Twp 'Twp. and survivors insuranee un; .~e sign1ficans:e to the economic well· p>eateat or oDly source of income we neede~ it 80 badly Jbat I cannot Earl ~W. and Hazel .M. Hall to Glenn ~d Betty LOti Patrtdt Nellie A. Barker to Leonard Ii. social security IYatem as ~ pr! being of the community at large, to the individual ~ concerned. feel som if it is a llttle hard on James ,and Grace Salley, 1 let In to Qeorge an.d Nao~ Albury 0.110 CUlbertson) SrI, an~ Leonard Iil. gram for retired workers ahd de" acres in Franklin Twp. . <;uI~on Jr.. O!M acres in I;elb- pendents exclusively. AI the 11gthe oats. The wheat ls In and tbe FranJdiJr Twp. , wheat str/lw was put In ErceVand DIcey Lawson to TiAe Courtn J d Lois C b anon. ures relating to mothe and hil • getting wet but we baven't .begun abd Gertrude Roberts, 1 lot in ey . an om I , - d . . rs c ~ 011 the oats yet Thla will do the Franklln Twp. . Charles R. and Madalene B. campo "',,**_".'''_11*'*****''*****'''' ren mdicate, however, sunlvors od P ' ba J h J d G ; L Fiori •...: bell 1 lot in Turtlecreek Twp W. 0 H benefits are an important part of · f garden a worJd 0 go . er Ill..... osep . an race . IoU Belle L ch to Effie Cole lots • ~ ave the program too. At the end of last ' th YDLeb' , year $14532 wu being paid month· now we will get some sweet com l'Tancls and Artie Snell, 1 lot in in So and beans. What a comfort for olle Franklin. u ~on. I • day at least' not to thlDk bow dry Robert Harrlson to \ P.aul E. Arthur W. and Victoria Eo ly to 4~9 WIdows and children in it Is. Even the birds seemed to Harrilon 1 lot in Franldin Twp. to Charles O. and Fay E. Car· Th. IIIimI Gazett. . Warren County. In the nation as glad yeaterday when the rain A. E. and Edith G. Ingtes to panter, 1 lot in Franldln Twp. • '!:!.;"~.~.~.~.~~~~;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.'\t;;.~~,...,;;a;;w;h;o;le;,;o;ve;r;o;n;e;m~ll~JiO;D~Chil~dr~en they were Jlinglng during the Mary B. Rizor, ~acre in TUrtle- , Paul L. Westerfield to . storm. . creek~. . Fueston Jr., OJlO8 aerel In - • . The lltterbuga are IWl .t· work, Rufus' anCl Ethel Watkins ,to anon, both big and Uttle. A big Utterbug that, drops trash In b.oxfuls eve11Yone ~OWB iI a lltterbug but did ~ you ever think how messy a lot of UtUe lltterbtlgll can make thlDp look? I was drivliag along behind a car yesterday. A joungater In the car had a popel' napkin in his band holding it' out .tlie window . "A . . . . LOAIIISA YII, at MocItm FllIGnlt you can get and lettiJlg the \find make it flAp lOW PAY"'" I.OAII until it carried awe,!, one more a loan to umuabblt your bills, red"" piece of ,paper' along the 8i4e of your hllh monthlr payments ••• sewrt the road. I drove past ID1 woods ready cash for seasonable exptmes. • \00 $ 5.77 · yesterday aftemoon. Tller-e was a 300 \6.70 And you can ,It $50 to $1000 now. party Iitting in the edge of 500 26.30 Just your MGdtm Monty Matt. woods eating and) sROke to them 1000 . 41.69 Ht'll have tilt cash ready wlltn you and aske!i them to be' lure and '.:::..":"'~ COIM In. ' clean up, that ·I didn't mind their eating there but to be sUre and clean and they lald they would. I came back an hour or 10 later and they had cleaned up lOme but · there were lOme ,p apers ltill and ~ some paper clips aad a few othel' fte I'UlJDBNT COOLIDGE, famed rollD4·.....worlll Ba_, wu thlDgs, not much but jnat enough ........... A - - . . . . . .t IIaIp to be ... Ia WorI4 War D, to spoll·the looks of tJilnga. Uttle ......... to tile A--.llenlaaDt Mu1ae IDaUhIte. fte ... bullt 'lit Utterbtlgll. Perhaps the place was- .. lJI1 f............. ...see. Whala1llleW tile ..amEN'!' n't clean wben they'stopped there, C~UDCm . . . tile Jarrea 8Idp eYer 1naUt Ia .... l1altecl Stat-. other Utterbup bad been B. 1- ta WodI Wu D wulloUlJ tnaIe ...... 1M llnek aD there before them and 10 it goea, AIberIoaa ........ Ia .. ..., war IIII8Ia. ODI7two or tile Dearl, Phone 2·1075 5~ E. Mulberry St. LEBANON everywhere you 1Dot there ilIIGQla- ......~~........ . . , .... 8~ . . . . . . . . ..,rio.... Phone 60642.1 425 So Main St. FRANKLIN ...... Th tra h ...... , b FueIja ............... aa4 AJMIIea lad ftrJ few lblers l .. ..,...g. e a ........... are ~ .,......... tile ........... Nt ...... II _ _I . . . . .AmerIe.'.. · offenders. The law 18YS that trash '..... 1 ~ 13J~,.,."';;".... OBi, tlu'ee • .' "-I ~ Ie ...I'.nll of ........1 1 _ ' " ....... _ ••



P QS Ttl'E R ' INK



: GIT IT! ,. ~ "MODERN --~~~ . ~~ LOANS MONEY" ::






Ftw Quitk C.sll LOll. - Be MotIem ••• t.1I ,II1II MODERN MONEY MAN


.'QI!P ..,.'"8eI'"


not scattered aloDI •... r.. o a d',p "" - .................. --ibaUtobebebauIed in auCih .., wxr ........ t but ia it' Loot at the aat tnih r~~~-~""~~""'~~-~~~---""'''''' waJOD you see. (ConttDued Next Week)


1846 Have .... X-lays So FerNs ,., Says II 'roup~s Steretary . More than 1,800 Warren...Coun iBlll bave b~n giveo chest thIS year, and tuberi:uloalJ urge other county reaidents to, advantage of the lervice. 'Provided through the ute of Cbrlatmu Seals, chelt X-nJa have Eve..lna .... ..;.. . . .Innlri. ,at 6:30 P. M. been taken of' IM6 count;y resI· dents this ,ear, .ceordinI to lira. ~t Godwin, executive PROPIJItY,.,. I SELLS at 6:30 P. M. retary of the Warren COunty Tube!--LOCATED Oft M.ln 8treet (U. 8. ,,"oute 42) Jult one 8qu.;' culoalaand Health Aasoc1atlon... The ..uth from the center of WaYn.nUl.. Ohio•. · asaoclation'l new year beaan O"e of W.,nuvtll ... beet located properUe.. modern AprU 1,. ' • At the same time, lira. UOIllWUI, l ""Ith flv. room••nd lavoratOry on the flm floor, .nd four room. with " ot .. blth on 'tho .eoond ftoor. Automa11o 011 hot wat., cetto urged ,all W~n Co~tiaIlI to val h .tlnll' P!allt.. Electrlc ·, hot water h ••t;r. Enol_d baok advantage of th1f. weapon ·1n the porch DMlrable ,f.atu,.. Include carpetIng on the flrat floor; · fi8bt aplDat tuberculo~the II110teum '1001' covering. In the kl~hen; 'd raperlei at the win: greatest killer In th'e J.5.4D ace dowa on ."" flrat floor; v.n.tlan tillnd. .t tha wlndowe _ tit. group. Every .dult Ihould bave • Hcond floor; planty of clo..t anei ,tor.g' ap.ce, eto. ' UtlUt)' cbelt X-ray at least once • year, and' .torag. bullctm~ IIdjac.nt to the prop.rty. Dealrable 10L she said. Thl. wlill·looeDd property I. of .ound conltruction and I,' In New fUm, "The Inaiile Story," good co.ndl"on throughout. Lend. ltaolt to be uNCI . . . hom., ava.uable for au, orpJlilation In two-famUy .p.rtmen~ hou .., or for bualne.. purpo... on '"ttl. the count;y, was alIO announced. flnt flaol' with an .p.rtment on the .econd flocr. The potential · Groupe deairin, ~ . of the fUm rentat httome frem thl. prop.rty I. $125.OC1! per month, .. It' can • should. dial Lebanon ~, Mrs. be con.lde...f a .goad Inv ••tment property. You are Invited to I~ tide multl-purpoH prip.rty any tim. p~lor to .. Ie. '. ' Godwin Aid. Sale on the pram I.... Sell. to the hlgh ••t bidder. A ,vIr.' Iav.r••• • , ' Use pUr curv~ bla.~e grapeTERM8-t2,1500.90 cal'h, at tim. of •• Ie,. balanOB, to b. 'paid on fruit knife to remove seed ~ , "d.llvery of d.ed. , p~rc""'l' w,1! recelv. )lood tltJ. and Immedlfrom rreID peppers and tbe.atem .te po.....lo~ eubJect to pre.e~~ t.n.nt.' rl~h~

cores fiom tr.h tqmatoes.






'49 BUI(K

R & H, W.W. TI..... A heutiful 0.... 4oDr. Don't MIla Thli

Se8nette, R & H, Good TI..... EXcellent Light Blu. Flnllll


4-Or.. R & H, One 0wnW ~.rk Blue. Thl. Car II a Must.

':E '$745. "51

PROPIIR"fY No.2 SELLS at l:OO p~ M. LOCATED on Miami street jult around the. come.. and adjacent to ~!S1 No. 1 In Waynelvllle, Ohl.o. . A v.ry IUbatantl.' . modern frame 1I0u.e . wltlt four room. .nd full on .tile t/r·at floor, two bedroom I on th~ Hcond floor. l'r.ont poro,,;' .nclo..... Ide porch and p.... tlal b aetnent. O••f1red hot ~ter fU1'nac. .nd . g.. hot water' hellt.... Th,. property I. of .ound calljtructlon .nd In a good .tat. of throughout. . Attraotl~e I.wn ana ' pl.nty of Thle property Ie n~ . ~.tllf.atorlly renWd to- a' go"d .tenent for $10.00 Par month. Thl.,. yollr opportunl.y till buy a wel~ loca~d , property.ln the m.dlum range IUJUlble for a home or In\1~t­ ment propel17. PL~A.a.~ ~. NOTE-Th" pro.,.""'y . will. be open 'for In.peatlan on WodnlQa4lF, ' July 1, Wedn..d.y, July '14, .nd Wedn••day, July 2" fro.". 1:.00 to 4:00 !. M., or-by appoln~ent. 8 ... on tte. p... m.... Selle to the hlgtt_ bldd.r. TEAMe-t1,oDQ,OO . . III time of eale, bel.~.. ' to be paid on .hvery of d..... P¥.N..... will ....v. toOd tltl••nd Imm.... l.t.....,.. . . .lo" IUbJect .. .,.....nt ....."W--....""

R & H, A Very Fine · 0... Owner 4oDr. ChltnP Dark G...... Fin ....



4-Or. A Wonderful Family C.r, Good Th...

BMutiful Lite Blue.

, . Ie

Windsor 4-Or., R & H AlItomIItfc Shift Rich BroWn Flnllll

lOP .\ VALUE ,




'47 CHRYSLER Sedanette, R & H, 2·Tone Gray, A S,..I At

Winciaor Convertible, Good Top and n ..... Light Blue, ~n\Y


E..IIWILI" 0..


U8Id Car Lot--U W • ''''1 ..


....w .

lito .. NO


, THURSDAY, JULY 22t t954

some lnIecta and to a large derree Insectlcldee. The bag la carried about by the By JOHN B. MOWBRAY Insect wherever It goea, the larva Acting County Agent merely pro'trudlng from the front Bag worm moth. on evergreen. end of the bag. Since It feeds on , ' . foUage, beat method of control la Best' means of control Is to pick cover the foliage with a material oU the bags by hand. Spraying that wlll , kUI them. That Is where With four level tablespoons of lead the lead araenate comea In. arsennte III one gallon of water (six pounds per 100 gallons ot . water) usually gives satisfactory Evergreen. need water . control. Durln.,B' hot dry perlode give your evergreens a ' good soaking once 'lIhe insect overwinters as a each week. Trees too need 'water. white egg insJde the bag In which Wet the area thoroughly around the female worm lived during the the outer edge of the canopy. Once summer. The eggs hatch late in each week Is not too often If we the spring 'into little worms after have long pertods where there Is tress have their foliage. Immedralnfall lately after they Jlatch they spin n o . , a sUken aack or bag around them· selves. As they reed, they attach Tomato le,aves curling upward bits of leaves to the bag which and a wilting condition of the plant aerves 8S protection against bJrdB, 18 an Indication that the plants ,

4-H Ci.p For Young.Fry Was Big Success, County Agelit CoafDS.

uauall)' have rQarlbm wilt: There Is no control except to u.e Marglobe, Break O'Day, Pritchard or Rutgu. varleUes which are fairly resJstant. . Alf.lf. yellowing TWs condition can be ClW1sed by lack of rainfall, Insect damage or lack of some plant food. '

stosw Wbeat Weevil A pyrethrum extrect lm)own lIS Pyr~one Stojlll Wheat Weevil PyrenOJlle wheat protectant added to w~eat as it cornea from the combine will control wheat weeSeven and a balt poundl (If pyrenone per 100 llWlhe1&· of wheat Is the tecommended amount. It may be added in .the as wheat Is dumped from the combine hopper or in the con· veyor as wheat goea to the bLn. U's imppodant that the material be well mixed with the wheat. Pyrenone costa around' SO cents per pound. ~

There la nothln, you can do .alJout rainfall except pay the preacher better, unless you irrigate. Grasshoppers oan be eontroled by using 2'1fa pints of 600/0 Toxaphene per acre or Chlordane at the rate of 1 to 2 quarts per acre. You should not treat alfalfa within three weeks of harvest. Leafbop· pera can be controled by using 3 pinta Dr 26% lIpuld emulalon con· centrate per acre.

I Hear That ••• There'. an fee cube tray of plutic ~th bundredl of .uver sUce aect1ona. It freeIea chipped Ice. Im't that sometblDgr'" A HouMhold Hint••• A tableapoon of cltrqneUa, pine or cedar en added t. each gallon of exterior paint will dIaeo~e_ lnaectl •from landiDg on frelbly painted adrfacea, accordin, to the June Issue of Popular MechanJ.cI maguiDe.


INOEX CARD FILE BOXE8 We have Ixli antS Index oar4 tUe boxea ad Index tab carll •• Plant food deficiencies can bring D". Dlr, Tbat 0rUJ ObIrpr Also ruled I~dex cards for both abo\1t this condition. Usually we Some people try to dig chi,gers allel.-The G...tte. have enough of the trace elements Robert .. DIIIl\'llle, Prelideat of ero.aeJ BroadeuIIaI out at their BkiD ,with their tln- •••_ ............ - ........In this area. We can run a test'for Corp. .. at tile l'1a&ura of "MooD RI.... to ·th. WLW ger nalls. That's ~e hard way to We were quite proud of the trace elements If you are Interes· alrlanel u of fallthfDl IJItenen wbo wrote III 10 tile do it and not completely .atia4'· the camping program. :Rea Beltzted. "NaUOD" .. IUlnr that Ule propam be pat ';'Gil OD tile air. hover had charge of ille group Mr. DIIIlvlJ)e _ ClnIeIeJ offlGl1ab GOlDpUecL Now "MooD RIver" .. &too ch.iRger itcbinl!. T. H. singing and if you think that IsComing Event. _bea,rcl MODdaJ tlarolllb Satarcla:r at U:OS a.m., BIT, OD WLW-BadID Ohio State University ex- n't a job, just try to set 150 Men's Camp - July 81 • August tension entomologiBt sUilests 8 P!!ople to sing something. Ray1 , solution of 10 per cent benzocaine mond Keltner )umdled the recSheep day - Ohio Experiment I NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT alcohol appUed to the bites. reatJon during tile teaohing StaUon at Wooster - .Jul7 80. - " " O r . Uttle ten·year-old Sh1r~ He says chiggers don't burrow period BDCi on the new blacktop Lamb Pool - AugUst 18. Estate of lI'red! E. Sherwood. daughter of JOM HlnJde of into the skin. ·u some ppeople at night. The new b~cktop and Junior Leadership Caml; - July Deceased. lin Route one, fractured both think. Thev insert their mouth flood ligbts really improve the 24.·26. . Notice Js hereJ;l~ given t h 8~ t wrists Monday wben sbe fell fro~ parts into halr follicles and pores, camp setup. Judy Compton Women's damp - August 1st; Neute M. Sherwood, whoae POlt a tree whUe playing at a friend 8 and secret polson that causes han,dled vespers very nicely. 2nd, and 8rd. Office addrela lB HarveYllburg, home.8he wu treated and later the skin Irritation. . F1a~ ceremonies were taken over Ohio, has been dtiy appointed ItS dIaprlased at Middletowu Hospital. The bf!st time to stop chiggerS by Jim Allison of MUOD and MarExecutrix of the &ltate of Fr4ld . belore you get them Parks jOrie WigglDS of the same metroE. Sherwood, lat.e of WarnlD RETURNED TO HAMILTON . suggest spraying or dus'ting in- polis CQnduc:ted the eantp fire proCounty, Ohio, deceased. A Frankl& man bas returned fested areas with cbordane' or lin- grama at night. Dated this 18th day of July, to HaolUton by Butler County dane to kill ~ers. Where this Crafts t;his vepr included gimp 196~. sheriff's deputies to face contempt practical, di-metbyH>thalate work or making lanyards and , . RALPH H. CAREY, of court action. filed In Common applied to Ule skin belore enter. bracelets. Stephanie Swartzel, Judge of the Probate COurt:, Pleas Court. The man, Robert ing infested. sreas will repel the Roy Heger and Rogjll" R~ • Warren CoUnty, Ohio 42, of 18 So~ River 'helped cSVlpers with these crafts Maple & Maple, Attorne,. Street, Is charged ' with fallure to "A pound ot 5 percent chlor. I which are always very popular. 7.22-(St)--8-6 I pay alimOny and attorney feea. dane dusted on 1000 square feet Ramona Ernst helped the camlawn or recreation area will pers with a craft that 'Was new to chiJ(gers in that area while us tbia year. We attempt~ to wo~k out 'a paint£ng of the dining a poun~ 0 t one percent lindane nall Ing the number\l(i ws tem auBt covet 1800 square feet. im' us pain~'- tha are A gallon of spray ' is needed for s llar to the .....p t , very popular DOW. 1800 square Jeet: . Susan Atkins and! Babs IFord as. silted Dale Bee of the Cincin4-8 Camp Qalte A S~ nati Gas aDd Electric Company •• , '" tlte next hCNJIe tINIt We had more than 160 boys and in the lamp making program. ".,.. ....y be ,.." own I girls at our Junior 4-H Camp last We' l,UIe as meny of the older week. This Is the 10 through 1S 4-H'ers as pOSSible because we, ye8f grolq). . The weather WaB feel that this is wonderful trainout of 10 II. fires .,. _ better for campq than it was for lng for them in working with . prmntabftf So ••• f.armlnc. people and it buUds -the aelf-coDatft II,. • place to s~1 • • •..;• • • • • • , I I• • • • fidence that many ~e U lac1c:1Dg• " H .yOU could lee Ute Job 111. do, I'm sure that 3'014 would qree










1,('" .

-foo IIAIIMUI 011 01'-'




V' ' ~











DoI'-t Use Flalllmable


Cleaning Fluids!




wltb UIo Our: CIIItplq period for tbe l'

olds on UP to 21 fa JUly 18 to the


I hsve had. several c8lla con.-

cemlng corn borer in fields. In all the fields I Have lookell at so

July ·24 ,II,u July 31 i-Gal. PICNIC JUG· .. _............. _.. _.... Only $1.98 8" Eskimo FAN _. _... _.......... Was . '$5.95, NOW $4.69 10-Qt. Galv. PAIL .... _.... ~ .... _.Was 6ge, NOW 3ge "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII House BROOM ....... '. __ ...... Was $1.39, NOW $1.09 CLOTHESLINE .............'. __ . _Was. 6ge, NOW 4ge CLOTHES PINS _........ _.. ~ ... '. _.. 6 Doz., Only 3ge , . RUBBISH BURNER. _... __ .... Was $2.09, NOW $1.69 Tumbler NIGHT LATCH _..... \\;as $2.39, NOW $1.98 Garden FORK _. _........ '...... Was $2.98, NOW $2.69 BINDER TWINE ...... _. _... _.. _... _ Per Bale $10.50 GRASS WHIP ... __ .. _'. _... _... _...... '•. _.. Only 98e 3 Hp :Evinrude MOTOR ... _. _..... _..... ___ . $147.75 SKOTCIi KOOLER .... _.... _:. Was. $7.95, NOW $5.95 10 Lb. CHARCOAL ... __ , ...... : .. Was 8ge, NOW 6ge ER'EEZERs: 10" Oseilhiting FAN ... _.. __ ..... __ . . . .. Only $10.95 l-INTERIAIIO,NAL ~~:;~'~e $3l9.95 Garden RAKE ......... _..... __ ... ___ .. __ Only 98e ,1-AMAMA 8TOR'MOR'DOOR ~~.A..95 • 19.8 CU. FT. .,.,...

3 x 5 Heavy


l .eED·!

4x65.... CARD BOXES



'4 x6 Heavy CARD GUIDES

far there Is nothing to worry about. DOD't warry ~oo much about evidence of young borers feeding on the leaves. Most of these borers oerlBh before the ,can. do damllge to the stocks. The SUD , and a tiny wasp called tbe LYdella flv cause the death rate to be very-high. The best way to run an aclu8I check is t. go through your fields and every on<:e -in a wbily cut in· to a stock that looks lik~ it Is in a bad way. U there are five or mOlle borers in he stalk all over the liJ!ld, you have something to worry about. But, in the fields that I have checked 80 ,,~ the ' damage looks worse it actually Is. Spraying for 'como' borer Is not justified in field











,4" Nylon Brush with Purchase of 5 Gallons of Paint

Tulip Sprinkler ' with 50 (t. Garden Hose. Tulip .Sprinkler and Pruning Shear with, Purchase of Any Lawnmower. ' See Our Fine Stoek of Frigidaires and Superflames. -BUY' NOW!





-$499.95 $324.85



'l-8IBSOI 1-8IBSOI .

, cu.






$229.15 $319.95

Int aro.. and r. buked the wind. and Aid unto the ae.. Peace. be t I'll'! The wind ceaaecl and the,. wu • qreat cabD. Mrl&. 4:37.a9.






Ph. . . .

Haneyabu..., 01110

'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUWIUIIIUlllllllllllllllllllmllmIIUIi1111l1li" ~......~........~......- - -......~-......







Personal Cleaning Service Complet. Laund,ry Service AGENT ,.OR

Cryul Rug Clune,. , , One Day Service, Availeble








FllKERSOI'S. MOM1 , , SOH10 , '" ;AITRY, GAS Good Horn, Cooking . ,

Build.,. of the Fvture


Ciglre.tte. I


Wayneaville Ohio

Member FDIC

, • • • • • • • • • •~• • • • • • ~..............



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •$



Gem City Ice Cream

l une-up and Minor Repai,.








For Entire Flmily

Phone 2201 ",

_ _ _ _ _ _- . . : . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _. - - . . _ ; . . . . ._ _ _~


(W. R.,.


,RERm L.









Body and





Spot and Over All Plinting

Quick .Service

Motor Tune-up and Overhlul



Phone 3626


Tr• ...miuiOn. Rear End RAIYli.1


Carl·Pitstick Tom V,n Camp'


LYTlE, OHIO , The Moat of the Beat .for the Least --~'-~__COMPLIMENTS , "






a••ln. at 5:00 P. M.

~tulrday . . .In.

0..Ali....... Prlz.s•

RW.., aailes, lefr_••II, .... Sale, 'It.ill }'or Sat., \'VAil. Elep•••1 Sale, Fallr COMPLIMENTS ~'

Sco.1 H•••icr.fI





Fresh Fruits Household


Wayneaville, Ohio

Phone 2121


ALL YOUR DRUG' NEEDS , French Bauer Ice Cream, Fountain Service







at 2:00 P. M.




Incorpoi'atetI , I

I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •" • • •

Phone 2541



. Farm Bureeu Mutull Fire Insurance Co. Ferm Bureau Mutuel Auto Insurance Co. Farm Bureau Ufe ' Insurance Co. Home Office, ~Iumbus, O.

Frozen Foods -

Phone ,2371 •


Wayn ••vllle, OhIo

Groceries -







-Complete Auto Repeir

Goodyear Tires and Batteri..





Home Made Pies


Ice Cream




Ohio "

Soft Drinb








OF ,OF ,



.' .



Groceries . Fresh


Meats~· t

Gas-and Oil










Come and See Our au. Bal Tum


- . ., .. ,M - IT !'rILE /


,..... CI..." " ' "

III' FOIIET TIE 11111111..- '




J Alta 14. Urton appointe d ~. NEW Lowe Zelda Ballard Va David ~d, trlx; Lou RomohI:, OUver appralad appointe Stiles Carl and . attorney Riley T. J. divorce, • Dena Thomas VI Robert S. era. deThomas, divorce, Harvin. E. Young Will of Sam G. MInge, Sr., ceased, will filed. . . _Uorney. Estate of Leo F. WojciDati, deIn the matter of the Trustees of ld ad· iIle Lytle Methodist Church to en· ceased, Catherin e WojcJDa tIDal tumber real estate in the jUllount mlnistr8 trix; med' ar.t IDd of $8,500, Jobn ~ OsVla1d. att.orney. account Estate of Mary Garl8nd, de• Robert Mountjoy vs Doris S. , Mountjoy, a Minor aged 17 years, ceased; W..;, R. GerIand , aecutor divorce, Fred E. Jo~ attorney. filed lint and final account.'c!hel '~ E: Fdeston, t h., va Estate of Robert Allen, ad· )'annie Fueston, divorce Meryl B. ~ed, estate· reUeved from . ministration. ..Gray attorney. Estate · of Bertba '~unker, de.. Jolin Reynolds vs Stella M. Albert Kunker appointe d ceased. Jones E. Fred divorce, s, Reynold Leo Smith, Ralph Whit· . executor . . .attorney OUver appolDted Robert and acre lID VB ll Fornshe . Marin~ . . rs. appraise ~ ce,; ~ ~~~ Estate of William Henry Wolf, Oswald•. at orney. ." o~ M. deceased. waite Er. Chesney ex· · James -t:. :CooIf:fJ ; . ~ . d . )(aple ecutor, certifica te of transfer ~ook, dlXo~ .·. sued. attorney s. Estate of Emma Hill decea~, , Aurale HOlljrdo : ,yi l)'esse Lee olbrook, diVOrce; Fred E .Jones, Lavina Hill executrix, filed first and final account )ttorney. Estate of H. C. Monson,- deClara Smith vs Russell Smith, J~., '!Il~ lega], separation, -!. T. Riley at· ceased; ~enry 'C. Monson, Hildegarde M. Semmler, admml' torney. strators filed lIr8t, final and 'dis. tributive, ac~ount: COMMON PLEAS Estate oi Lennie Whitacre, de. Calvin Noe VI 'Raymon d Cotton· e. admingim .and Este,r Cottongim and the ceased, Bisnche Whitacr join in to ed authoriz , istratriit Co., Loan ilDd:' ' Building d Standar application for transfer of P: U. C. ~udgement'fol', $781.80. ' . • state of Ohio VB' V,lrgil Sherod, certificate. Estate of Eldon Whitacre, deplea or gUilty. ' sentenc e to pay survivfine of .$100.00 and costs. Jail ceased, Marietta Whitacre join in ing spouse, authorized to sentence suspended. C.J. H. Leivis VB Lon 1. ADford application for transfer of P. U. et al, defendants granted 30 days certificate: Estate of Harlin Hens)ey, deI to plead. adminis· Lizzie E. Gorsuch va Herbert ceased, Nettie Hensley. d. Glenn Poppe et. aI, appointm ent tratrix inventorY approve Estate of Nellie Fiscber, d.e. of trustee and flxiDg bond. , Home Federal. Savings and Loan ceased , William Fisclier, executor Association of Cincinnati vs AI. inventory approve.d Estate of Andrew H. Hawley, rna V. Carter alid. Gli.dys Howell deceased, Sarah J. Hawley. ad· case dismissed witbou~ record. mlnistratrlx. Inventory ap.proved. MARRIAGE LICENSE Estate of Raymond O. Ross, deHubert Johnson 37, laborer, a. · Middletown; Lila Edith Knuckles, ceased, Mel'Y1 ~. Gray, a~istr t~r. Y/. 'V!. A. filed first, final 'and 31, laborer. Franklin . Frank Jean Knott, 21, laborer, dlStr.lbutive account !,!ugent, deWill of Blanche F\-anklin; Wilma Louise Weaver, ' ceased. filed. 18 Franklin ,. deKroenor Henry of Estate paper 19, Muncy, Wilb~ John misadni. , Kroenor Edith ceas~d, Louise Lois n; Hamilto maker, nce inherita from eXempt tratru; . Lebanon typist, clerk Shultz 18, John D. Briggs. 24, ' Chemiat. tax; certificate of transfer issued. Estate of Nancy K. Beller, deFranklin ; Barbara Jean Younker, ceased. Wnuam P. Miller and Al· 16, Oregonia. to Lee King, 43, laborer. Morrow; ber H. Banta executors, ordered recleem certain bonds. Anna Louise Pond, 18, Mason. Estat~ of Jesse M. Stewart, deLawrenc e Joseph Deneby, 25, execu· tea~her, Sabina; Betty ,Flora 22, ce.l!Sed, Eth~l M. stewart,a«?COunt. trlX, filed fll'St an'd final teacher, Morrow. . William J. EllIs 24, clerk, Mid· . dletown; Pauline ~ Thomissia Le REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS

and---8BRVIO a ~I'. 8I2t P WAYNE .VILLE, OHIO

. 1 , - - - -\11J01111 .. · ~

~Jt.NK RUN GRAVEL-loaded at Davis Furnas Pit. We alsO ~RM1T AGE 8:. SO~.



~ .• ~~~~

Gene Emerson Schram 25, U. S. Martha Air .Force.. Covington. 0.; WaynesLouise Bailey 23, teach~r • ville. Charles W a I t e r Oatley. 24, ·machinest. Lebanon; Loretta Marl Peters, 17, Foster. PROBATE

• tf


PJllOne 2091.

!IEPTIO TANKS, omS8 POOLS. Outdoor ToUetll; ClItel'1Ul Cleaned wn.. with modern eQuipm!}1t. -UAMS ~:.6042.

TIOl'f. SAN1TA ,! Ohio. FrankJ1n


~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;i5:Q$;;;;;; Ph one t(C;; O-+ll).

1=0, SALB8!rAPLIlfl.. You S'JlA.PLEJl8 'and 1I0W at THE MIAMI



Phone. 89lB.


1800 I'lll1EZ m 0WfPS ITJDII ._ . 2JA., 3&1. I I " CoUntJ Vanilla

Ice Cream. '8.60. WAYNESVILLE

c--6-1'1·t fc

~C~ PLANT. '

You get blue or blaolt at THE


I ' Tnn_.l

Phone 8918.

' BUPPUJIIS Library Paste, Record Boolu.......... .rtlar·1

Ribbon. . Typewr iter Paper. foreementa, BIs Ben Donbte FIle ·Boaa• .lleoeJpt

.. .

mant oil!!r IteJDI. TIIJD GAZl\I'M1III. Phone BtU. GOO~ Bectpp lar Meuurina. Pump.. .. OIl Drums with BOlDa on. Make an offer• • Phone lMfl. uk for 1IaDap r. c-7-22 -fb


J'ILLEB 8 J'or PAPI1DUIATE PeBl. You can PIt them IlOW at IIIAJII GAZm'T E. Phone 8918.




INDELI BLE PENCIL S HERE We haYe l8Ilulne Vellus Il14e1Ible CoP7fq ~llaUa noW' In stock..

~ •I




~T£ !llCDlM --




10U earUe. t con...enleD~ pi ...." depod l 10..... from .... TJum wbu .;' ...., tired, cw: baey, or m ••• wben the wea,he r .. had or the hour .. late, ,._


eu .

Bi ll. , BY MAlti

'0. IIUamI ou.tte. APPLIANCD::-


and FriIldalre RIODa JH1.

~~~~~~ ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~5~~~~~~~~ In Le'Q~ 2 ~~~ d ~~~ In deerflel bin 1 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~a_ac:; Snethell Hel~ Scll· £eon IJU1

an! LllIian Barnes ' to drvme and Marie Wright 0.285 acres in Deerfield Twp. Russell L. and Anna Fox to Harold W. Hague and Robert J. Nordloh, 1 lot in Deerfield Twp. John C. and Verna N. Moffet to Gladys C. Knee, 14.51 acres in c:Iearcreek Twp.



. ,

mees, 'and Harold , ~ert to ¥ay A. IroDs Charles . and EUUbed i Hel_. ~on. J!lbert .. IDd Semperott, t tot. til LeHDoa. Lucretia Hopldna to Charles Thelma II. IRIllllliC'u... and Lyda RollI, 1 lot. In. FraJdID. LeblDou. Thelma It Elbert · W. and Jbry A. 'trona



ceased, Flora E. Kairn. administutrix, fil.e d first and final ac· count. Estate of C S. Edwards', deceased Howard Surface executor, filed first, final and distributiVE: account. Estate of Junior Lee Tibbs, deceased, Omar Tibbs appointed ad· ministra tor ; Clifford Beck~tt, Herbert Smith and W. C. Gilmour appointed appraisers. Claim of James Updyke, a MInor for personal injuries $375.00 paid over to Harry Updyke. guardian . Estate of Pearl L. Maham, deceased. Meryl B. Gray, adminis· trator, certifica te of transfer issued' net value of estate $16,'; inherita nce tax determin ' ed. Estate of George Terwilleger, deceased exempt from inheritance tax. Will of Mirvama Ertel, aka May Ertel admitted to Probate; COMPL ETE LINE OF




2 for $5-.00

FOUND - BUlfold and women's ,laNee near Cold Sprlll,a Inn Saturday 8yeum.. OW1ier can ha.... . aame bJ tdellw,. m, and paylq ft.ORJDNom HOPKINS for ad.

- MARQUISSmE 20, yd.

hOllAJ H11

LADlE'S SHOES REG. $3.98 to $5.95 NOW $2 98

tOWELLING .24, •yd.



• _-":,,~_ _ _....,.....,..-,,,,:,,~_._ _ _-+~ . __ _ _ _..::... REGULAR $3.95


NOW $2.98


, MEA TS ,






NOW 79,

2 for $6.95

F R' U I 'TS


Sherw in-Wi lliams


Men's Work Shoes


NOW $6.95



Kern-Tone--$2.6S Gal






STOf :t E



15, each : .

PRINT I". 49c , .. , '. Now 39c yII


LYTLE, OHIO . Pilone 2576



Farm, Ranch White ·$ 4.35 Gal. CODUDonwealth Red


$3.50 Gal.

AIIO Some DllCOntlnue Paints On Sale



FOR RENT- +room modern"'a~ PIIoDe 1m; o-7-a-a t-&G MUSIC LESSON.....





__ •

o-7-12 -lt





JULY 23 thru 31


OHIO . "

Open Air Show-8at., July 24, 1954 'Bandit of Sherwood Pored-(~r) Big City (COler)

12, t95-4

111 PUPU II ,AREAS Lebmon. Franklfn anll Warren e~~nt., eebooll, including oYer· ~,pplng anu. wilt haYe 12 tea Pilplla enrolled th11i ) ear, accord· lu:g to the annual enumeratlon .ret~lrn lent to tbe superintendent of P11bllc lnltituUou iii. Colwnbul by Depuly AudItor Will J. Ranker. I!IilroUment f II.. the Lebanon s~?liools was esUmated at 2,1 ",'hUe the Franklin sel:looll are pectlng 3.080 (luplls. Tbla cl udes elementary aDd hlgh achooL The Little Miami local ICbool district comprtslng the Mon"Ow area has an enrollment ot 1,708. t'he larg'est In the county , system e~cluslve ot Lebanon and Frank· Un. other county schools follow: 'Waynesvllle, 876; Kings MUll. 817; South Lebanon. S16; Mason. 796; Springboro, 734; CatUIle.427; l:larveysbUTg, 892; Blue Ball. 72. Enrollments In overlapplug areall follow::


KNOW RlltURN FROM NIAGARA III'. aDd Jln. Balpb Petei'll and ehUdnIl hay. ...tDnied from • ut1I to 1QqIIft I'id&. "



ATTEND oTt "EUNION l1li'. and Jlrs, P. L. lltuoD t8114ed tile ott '1leUDlOIl .t ....le Park OIl 81111_. WCTU TO MEET FRIDAY Th. WO'l'U WUl bald on FrIday afterDooa. M two o'clock at th~ Church of CbrIat.


TOUR WEITERN ITA1'EI 1IIa_ Ruth aDd IGUl&belb OIIaadler are enJo7w. .. "'&catIon tour or the WeaterD ltateS.


The Warren County Cancllt: S6lCiety fund oampalgn Is only $172 short of the '6.000 goal aet for ;1964. aeordlng to a report subtlllJtted by Mlall _ Mary Pugh, Il raaaurer. Lebanon exceeded Ita Quota In the campaJgn, a s did Harlan. amnton and Salem to'\lVJl8hlps. Paul Herdman, county ls urstng all workers to final returnl immedJately In that a full report may be at tbe annual organlzatJQn ".____..... to be held In the Labat 8 p. m. Tuellday. ,

OAV1'ONIAN8 VIII" , HERB III'. ' aDd Mrs. • Woo1arcl and etOIl

Ban7, ot

a(tamooll lIlel" of II... LIlla


"'' ' R-AL, lD 1.,. I.


I 'R'PIrt'_.. ..1 ,.

'n '01." III, ......





, Warren e(lIant.,'a 16th pono ease w.. reported Tueeday . afternoon when Gene. HopktnB. 11. IOn . of Mr. and Mra. John Hopklna of Muon RR 1. was IItricken, He ls In Chlldten'B Hoapltal, Cincinnati, H1a C&8e h'as been dlacnossd as ,the bulbar type, Another new ' ~e fa that of Dora of Frank1ln. She ls a In Miami Valley hospital, DaytoJl.

Warren oounCy·. ward annual fair wlll open Tuesday. Allg. 81 and continue three da·y. throuCh Friday; Sept. 3. No fair win be I .held on " Saturllay, Tbomaa E ,' Barnhart, prell'dent Of the' boa~. announced': Plans are rapidly taldng Ihape 'for £he annual expollt1on. A De", buUding on the groundl ls Jlcrw " equippe(! with showers and toilet fa clltles tor ' both men 'and women' with quarters for a laundry lerY' Ice. Fences have been rebuilt around aecUbnB of the track and . , laveral buildings repil-inted. The fair opens with th,e WBrd ., Beam thrill ahow 1le the feature ~ attraction. . Judging In 'valious departmentS .• , of the faiT begins 'o n Wednesday : morning when the gates officially , open. A tractor rodeo III b'ooked . for Wednesday atternoon In tront of the grandstand with $160 to be otfered In cuh prizes. The rodeo haa been a popular event for many years. A stellar attraction for Wednesday evening II to be a band conoert by all oOUnty high scbOol

1.ARREI CAIOER FUID DRIVE AII-Slar., J'ni',I'WD . ba:~:'nellll racing bJgh11ghla the IpOAL II SIGHT . To Clash S••dIJ, rn~urs::;O:~:iO:lthp~~~~ C~~a~~~

-- ,

VtllTING "aMOKIE8" II~ and MrI. Bal1lh HaatJnp an4 1Ir. and lin.. Robert Haatlnga • .... enjOJtq • few darl In the'

TO.OPEN lUG. -31

The majority of cases. eight, are In the Morrow vlclnJty. Blancheeter, 86; . Dr. Arch D. Harvey. cOunty raon, 76; Goshen. 77; Lov~land, 19; health commllsloner, urges the public to obssrve all health rules ]l.eman. 7; Stewart, 2. and precautions during the out· break. .

UNDERGOING TREATMENT BeD J'Urnaa ls 1II14erBolq treatment ~t GrandvfeW' hoepltal for H'fert.l



yer. SU·

BtDbam. ;

VI.IT ION AT 8AMPION An · III'. aDd lin. Wuu. BUD.... aDd 4aallater 81WoD and Mila l'udt ~, receatb' ......te4 Brace a, Bampeon AIr ..... OeM,.., New Tort.


The ' seventh annual, Clus C American Legion Base Ball game wlll be held at Jamestown Sun. Oay, A\lgust 15 at 2:00 p. m. ... Presentation ot all·star · awards. most valuable player a,((ard and w~nnJng team awards w1JI be made at 1: 30 p. m. Many ot the Waynesville play· ers wUl be on the all·star team, 80 a 1arge turnout trom Waynes· vUle would be appreciated.

C.••r...... Of ...

Citill 101.

~.~-I;iit:;;,~~lilI:;ec:~~tIo:U~O:f'..:Oftlcers -aGIlllmfw_lc, fte ."'01l..ulla monring;1rilJ A budret plan wtll be be a conUnuation of our Bertell dJacUIsed as an Increale Is noted trom the book of Acta. The lub. RITURN FROil .CANAOA III'. aIId IIrs. ~ CoIlDer baYe retarDe4 after a two . . . . CHOW TIME-8uppl'u are putlld aoroee a I.....d au}lply pack at Camp Stoneybrook. tIon lit CaDaCa. Girl 800ut camp nur he .... by Carol GrI.r (left) and Marva StrIckland (right) to PII~Y III'. ud lin. CoaUr aIM Neth.rty and Bett; ,Webb.-Mlddletown Jeur",al Photo. • tted tll,ear 4aqbter. II_ ' Girl Scout' Camp Cop'" lis Toledo SaturdaT. 'ls located one mtle W.t 1411'" HM WEEK.END QUEIT8 WayneevWe on the old ~toney· n IriS .....S.. . • ~1In. IIIaIJDa Raper bad .. IQIIU brook Fu'm on Route 'fl, The E~lcha.l. dlll'lq the week eDd, IOu Leuua ~p comprtaee IU ao .... aDd the Seb.taman of C1nclnDaU, Ilr, aDd camping area ltaelf conl'll 100 A tew weeka ago , the ,Extenllon

Itt Ra. '

In W e e p toyer:m~"::: the 14e~ a ram exchange at IS laqlb pool at the Lelianon Fair· droundl. AceQrdlng to County Agent John B MO'l)'bra)r not ~nonlrh Interest waa. shown warrant1'he ram exclWlp Thef&' no exohange ~Ul be 'held thle year In Warten CO.\1l1ty.: County Agent Mowbray urgesl tbeae Iheep men who will be, needing a ram tbJa year to lboII eo";" and avoid the ' Iut mInU~' .., t' rullh which uauaUy tall. place I i the _II of the ear

liN. (,1eol'le Bohrer and Mr. Cbu. aGnIL Bcbatunan of SardlnJ& 1Uul)(18I DevelopmllntB at the camp .Ite JIIdDa, l'Illlhower ot chicbin.u. to date Incillde: oompa.loll, of a water Un. from a developed '$Jrlnl

FRIDAY DINNER GUEITS II... and Mn. W. lil. Btrowl .0tert&lned to dhmer on I'rIdq J(r. and lira. a.orare Stroud. ot toll, MI'II. Mud, CI1UUI. ot Middletown, lin. H. II. Stroud. of Leb' anoa. lin. r..... lin. Grace ~ aDd Ill'll. carl NOl'JIIU. .'. __ VlalTINO IN ~ Itl'.... lin. I. B. eraMMt tII8Ir 4aP&er. . . . WOIIaal



to w..h ,helters ot tile t'((o tlJl' Illhed ilniu. The two oompleted UIlIta eaCh baa liz nI1Iecl tent plAUorms. Eaeh nldt w1JI oonalat of 10 Prill. • to a tent A ooun· aelCJl' for eaell 'untt wUl ban • aeJUale ten&. Oft. of' the un ............. I. ,th. old ' atontyllroolc ....r mill. ......... .... ..... ,."....... and ~ . fOf' ... • • ,.....

. Co

In the number of CAses now being Ject wll be. The .Flra't GOspel Ser.

serviced. Seven new calee were reported In the past eIght '\Veeks. Every person who contributed $1 or more is entlned to membership I\, the society and urged to talte an active part· In the work being carried out by the local chapter. ToWnship workers are urge d t 0 br~g ae many , workers al posalble to the organlzaUonal


E,I. Milee,11 ' ••

mono Acta 2: 14.37, The subject of ~e evenlng sermon will b~, All Unshakable Kingdom. Heb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts wIIJ ' be starting Monday for a vacation In [ndJan&. They 8Jl:pect to vlslt their. son and his family at Vel· low Creek Lake and spend sev· eral ' days fishing and visiting In indiana.

il Mi •••. apoUs , .

pace and a two-year-old trot. A Ows 28 trot of~~rs a $500 purs,e. Some of the tol)-n.lght pacers and trotters In the area will be goin'g to the startlug g.a te in these races. Judging wfil continue Tharsday aU day .with a band conce,rt at 7 II· m. The Grand Ole Opry stars. featudng the Duke of Paducah. Tennessee Mountain boya and oth· ers are on the evening enierlaln· ment card, FridaY fair features Include the ' parade of livestock, machinery. etc.. ' starUng at 1:3~ P. m,; the pony race at 3 p. m.; the auctlOil of baby. *,ee l't 3 ;80 p. m.; w1t.1l a night ttarnells raj:lng card start· Ing at 8 o'clock. The race card inclUdes a Class II trot and pace. each $600 purse; a three-year-old OCRA trot. $1,000 purse. and a Class 23 pace, $600 purse, A new Ford VS will be presented by the .falr board th1s year as a grand lluale Fridaf J\Jght. P ram ami books are !lvallable bY contacting Corwfn mlxon. talr board secretary. ' .

====-=--=-----'----=------:..-.,........----:---c EXTRA POLIO FUIDS SOUGHT NEW CASES DEPLETE INCOME

"Ire... , i

'3.000 for a two and three··year-old



. St. Marya EPiscopal Church or WaY,DelvfUe. Is helDg ' repreeented LEBA~ON, - R. F. Hatfllild. as a member ot the DIocese ot • county chairman of the Warren Southern Ohio by Blsllo'p Henry County March of Dimes or'ganlza· W· tHob8on and , Mr. Charles P. Uon, announced this week that Taf • a leading· layman. at the the county . already ~D8 had 16 wo~ld -wide Anglfelan, Congres8 Mrs. Cathenne Barnhart, who casts of Infantile paralysis ' ..nd mestlng .thls wel!k In .MJnneapoUs. has served' as a most eUielent the pollo season is JlfBt rettJng a ~ng th. roarteen ladepend.ut cerk of the Scbool Board. and .. IOCMl .tart. . cburchu of the Angllc1an C now retlrlng. ~.. IlollOred TIle ooUDty ch&pter Ia ~ted om· ve"" lovelv pft':'" at th ' e ..... - Hille of fundll and wtu B'·-e ft_ emer· munlon represented are the host'J OJ -~.."... -.... ....,. Or ~ .. ~. TIM future ,.... ear n~Lam ~I 'oWaI-' to the EpIllcopal Cllyrcll of the UnJ· Party House on Saturda., eyenJng. PIlcy pollo campalgQ from Mon· . . . & _ _ . . . . . . ___ . . . . . ItGUIbrGok .u .. .. abita foI' • .:..iII.l;;, • b , ...,::~_ ..!r ttd Sta~ u.. (lU'ent-ohurch JulT 81. with 'Mr. and MI'II. DIck ctay. ~ug, 16 throulh Taeeclay. wtQ tIaU l&., . ~ ....... two . . .k .....,. _ ItIaNe l*'• Auguat 18 , at ~ I'aIr - - - Church of J:nlland. Otllers ~ host ~ hostel.. A~guat 31. iIr.... IiIn. ~ L. ....... III, X.., toda a« ......~ ...... III CHRIST'8 RETURN 18 will be haid .. ~. ~I' the Charc'b of Ellgiand DurIn« tbe very pleaa&l,\t eT. Lou Romohr. LebaROn ~tor. • Bnl1lIwIek. N. I. ftlell he ~ w1Il paltlGJpate, ' era aJa01lld brlq til.... ebeep til) CUad,a. In Scotlajl. In Wal In ntng. Mrs. Barnhart w &11 pr. wllo bae" aen~ .. campaign • 110 M • uaa.."OPE OF THE WORLD tile ~ ~ ~.,.. 'IOD AaItraIJa and ~ lou. the with a "liver tny. in all- .c hairman for IIWI7 luec:eqflll fund MAlON" OEI HOLD PICNIC ":'rao Woel..,.. _ Dayton. ,.. ,e CIutri.a ........ meani the •. m. aI!4 S.OO a. m. We 1Il4J... .In SOIl~1I AfrIca. In preciatiOil of her tine wort. De-, clrIYee• .,aIn will IlMdthfa emer· AboRt .1stJ'.J1ye· memben and Road, I. a mtn1ber of the bUbo _ _ !... _ III It..... forbl 1AdJIi, . PakJataD, Burma. and Cey~ lIclo1ua retrea~anta were 1eI'Ye4. paCT IIOl1c?ltaUoa, HataeJd aatd. their famWee ~tto4at the tfoa1. Ueh.d C.... ~1ttM. .---. 1 COR,ECTION . Ion, lit China. In Japan. an. In TIlOl8 pneeat w.... the ;..t 01 The county chapter cannot arraDPd br the W.,...,.... Jl.. . 11 h.... ." ttee, t~ , er -=~::. Ill . . . ,..... . . . . .' WMt Africa. Tile aId_ clIoeeee ho~or•. Mr:-. Barnhart. Mrs. Marie ctIve flnanclara.. lltance for m.d· IGGlc and JIlutera a. ..... _ """Ile tbI ..,.. CbIIt rau. as CbrfBt, or Bmor. t.or m. DaJ:. of uae brtde ~ ,"dM"'m•.u~rlte~ . M the 0DIaIniIa 'WU Mrs. Rae Kinnard. Mr. and lcal care to ~II who may need CIt . . . . . fIlU'" .. ,.,....... For til. ..,. lD ' ~bIe_ w. .... om1t~ flpm tb foIIowInI ... foUll4ed In Loa:doa ba tile ,..., 814- Mrs. Raymon ~aUietd. Mr. and It unle.. more fund. are mad. ~. 'IWop cam~1nI BtartiD, Aquat 11$11& you~n ftDd theee lame Ucla. eIlould -.•• ,..., and the JOIUIPIIt ... foUDdtil, In Mrs. Richard Watters. Mr.' and available through Foundatlon'l '~ l at the IlUOIlIf ~ U at ,....,~ ~ filii bUt "_viDe fllIaUtJee aDd JAYlng power Ifr. ud lin........ RtdlenclIIl MatabelelaDd (Sout1a.... Rhodesia) Mrs. Guy Burroughe. Mr. and Mra. Epidemic AId Fund. ----, . 001II ....tltIr ...... ~ type oJtempUntd In the lire and .cb. of hDl&cola. I'Ioftda, In llU. Harold Whitaker. 'Mr. and Mrs... HaUleld explained tbe naUonal w......1! QUAT. .. ~ II ~ roar 4&7 (IeI'Io48, tnp of Baba'1l'Uab. foaD4sr of the ~4iq at ...... - -AI. Fulkerson, Mr. and 1fN.. Lao camPaIgn staged tn [anuary was III. 1114 ..... IAOnU'd ....&er . . . " . , lie ODG to te.... the Saba'J Nth Hie cominS aMi.. lIerlean ' ~ to Conner. Mr. and Mrll. Edgar Smith. about '20.000.000 abort of the of ~... I:aaiM, 11M . . . . . .••tM uI ...... ..... hundred ~IO ir.. toretold CIMde R. Tbompaoa. tIM the host and hOBteeB. coal' .st ap at that time. '. ~ ____ , ~ . . . . "... • In the Bible br oJeaua and the NaYT, Btu..... .. Mora ca.u .haY. bee n re.... ... ...... Gtllt. . . ilia. HAV. eUNDAV ........ Propjle", Florlcla. -( . , po"ed on, the local. etate and P. .. . . . . . . ...... ....... ..... . _ .' 'l'br01IP Balla' 1Iah. Cbr1at baa IIr T"'~" Uiie . . or TIle meetta, of the Gnen " nailonal ecene _ thla year than .U . . . . . . . · . . _ . . . . . . to • IIIId 11.... I.,p. , ~ baruII to ~ ~ UDlY8l'A1 and Wal* ~ 'l1l1unlNtl'll (OH Club w.. _ ~t Ialt Gamma globuUn IB aval'thtlr . . .. E - . r.rtabae4 OD Banda" . o-.Io"' ..... -"cloAk III ...... Bulla or NewIIr. and lin. l1li'. ,. prID,aJplee or .plrltual aDd ,1OCIaI W---..... -_...... ruer --".w .......... - " a III t thla year but It requlI'M ali TO GIVE DlltYU "tJlA,I-Hf8 0IJde ' " - ... ehll. tnltb needed for tbe untftcatlOll' ~--'----'---..... wJth Vice PNeNtIit Blll Four WaJDenWt . :eo,. 8cwta, add.d .xpendltu.... • KJ. . . . . . . II to ..... a . . . ~ Dr. ... Ill'll. of peopl. and tile creatJoll ot a GUUTI PliOIl N• • " .....V ~-: :::I~~ collected anel the Fr~nt'kM:b~ger .!u::r.-s. Tom' Tlie public fa urged to cooper· ID A41IIt tIaIa filii. . . . ~ or WQa111at8. Ifr. Dew wor14 orcIu of llni,.eraa( lit. ad t "mluutell we... read. . the c lOcal T::~, have eletr:o~ ate In the emergency fund drive The tNIaIItt . . lie ..... ID a Let ..... . . 111'. u.ane peace. . Moo....tOwn. New I ......,. aIr. We dlacussed the noat for the the Ph1lmout $cout Ranch. Cim. 1»1 oon~lbuUng generously. · tate IDCII1II DotIIit .... .. AIIlnw Raw_ ......... . . MI1ld~ IU!l8U 01 ... ~tII, Ifr. and M Churko, wfIO; .... ~ __ , . .!j . .. . . , of Ik'. . . . . . DK CLUB' HOLD. ,ICNIC. ' Glenn 81ai14. ... ........ ... ~-:t.!tamndeeWt.!_a.r,' to brln, In tdeal weeka arron. New . exlco. where HOSPITAL __ _ ........... encampment wUl beIt two the INII CHRIST ' . ' ~ law . . . . . . . .... QIl San4Q ADpet 8 the mem and lin. L. C. sa. --- aM W. aIao have three demonatra. call of the wild. ; D. Baird '((al taken to Ohrlst &ber IDfoI'lDAtlol. ~ . OALL . ben or til. (»t elab ~there4 and lin. B ' Jt*IIu. all TIl_lay tJou to be given at the Wllm~. Thirty boys and three leaderS Hospital. ClnclnnaU, Saturday {Ot' ar III'. <Ilullo mar 1M ClDDtacMII. 14 ' ... liN. ..... ItOcIIr ..... ~ WoodII IDr a ptaale • and WedMiiIdIJ. lit. toll fair. (l'0III tl1e Fort Ancient Dbtrict major surg4!1"T, ~ , " .............u lit. All IIIjoJed 'a wonderta1 Blan. a'" ~ ..., I'oIlr memllen ,told the ~ub have el!P8Clally purChaBed a Ichool -~-o-u-oan--p-t-Type--wrt--te-r-R-Ib-bo-nll QE,.. BIRTH ANNO ....,. ~1rYIa or LI1aaaa ' III'. time uul. cteUcIoaa dIDDer. TboM IUpper pel • lin. wtiat thW' bIut 'beell doing to their bu for , the journey. t 'l'be boYI at'the a_He Offtee. Di'. JIarr ~ . . ...... • ...... IaInI ~ Ik uul ..... IIaIph St.WJ'oIm and ..Jlr....'!!.I1I'11. projecta tor the wt Clj)uple ot !'1ll camp and c\>Ok at predeslg· :-;:;-:-:-_ _ _ _ _ _: -_ _ __ _ _ .. , __ _-A _ _ _ w_", _ , .......... - - lpota . enroute. • ' ~80 noteworth)' with theae ~ • ..... .: . . . . _ - - . ' . -.. Be iIDIyre lUI.. . ' :==~= of au . . . . 'II< ....... Ie 01'. d u b , ' .......... 1Ir. aII4 '~ . ~' BhOcIn, . The m..u.a wu a4Jouned and The ITOUP will be COIIB Ua1rtJ' tour loCal scouu is that thla trip f~ MecIIIIu. ..... 1fooIt . . rtallN, 111'. . . . IIrL U I , we eQ)1*l ~u served d.,. with fourieen 971 given to and tIpet1euce will ClOm.plete the .... ...... . . .. . 1.ft6 . D. ' ...d lin. 111'. , ..,. ~=:;l:1:~: b:r Mrs. Bnuldoclt. oil acUvfU,.. complete w th QuaUftcatIou for their nut and laM . . . . ..... "'..... ... _ _ . ID'. Jtetrt ~ larpiy at a , fte. DOt meeting wUl be held ........ peek arabnaII. aluf rutlo htgheat MVIIIlcement ' ~ .......... ,... or ,.......... ... • .-........ '" _ ...... AIle. 14 at the darpenter8. ~. lIertD1talT n.ot of t~. . . . . . nO" for wbleh ~ IIWlT q,.. ....... ,.....,. . . . . ... ~ ~ INIaD. N.n 'lI.poner. ,.art.b'. • ~ 8ad fllW ...,.. ~Ytd..




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TH E l4IA MJ GAZETTE EBtabll.hed February, 1860 PAUL A. aCHERER ___ _________ _. ______ ---- ___ Editor and Publlahe' CECILIA J. SCHERER____ ·____ ~_~ _________ _________ Auoclate Editor






Aa the pnmlll' ltate III ~ 8y CHAN, THE CHOW Publt8bed Every Thurl'day MOnUag . . " ,.a..bncI lib.." LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH at Wa)'lleevlUe, Warren COUllt)'. Oblo. .on ..., per Iq1IIoN DID. til.. The pi aDd , I wtn, be heading . , . . . III the Unlou, Ohio fa B. Eo Bauahn. Paltor naie LImbert. MInHtel' Entered a8 8econd clu. matter at Unified Senlce, 9: U a. m. Oburcb School, 8:80 a. m., Mr. the P08tomce at WaJ1leavW.. Ohio. for home In the next couple or of~" larIUt ibeep DOW In Herbert McN'UlaD, $upt. under the aot of M!U'oh I, 1878. weeks and It certalnly wlil be the WVIId • the 19N Ohio Btltte Wor8blp S4!rvloe, 10:10 L m. nIce to eet! all our o~d friends . . . In CohaD1raI, Aur. 1'1-Bept; I, ST. MARV'S EPISCOPAL Youth 'l('eJlbwl8lp Sunday 7 :80 again, altbough It's. very nloe In accordlq to WJ11ard Biber, P~fId­ The Rev. Samuel N. Key., Rector ». m. SUb8(lriptton Ratea-$2. Per Y~, In advance. In ObJ.o; $UO elMwhere bere In Conneoticut, BODle of the cJeDt of til. Ohio State Board of Suilday: , Choir Practice Tbunday 8.00. moet beauWul oountry' I've ever Aplculmr.. board member III Holy CommunloD. 7: 80 a. m. seen In fact, there'8 atl11 nil place ebara- of IdaItP eshlblt.,. Churah School, 10:115 a. m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 19M like home and th~t'8 ",here we'll Scheduled· for the 19~~ , ERRV CHURCH OF CHRIST h Adult Wor8hlp, 10:45 I!'- m. be not .too long from. .DOW. ~~~ud .... ~~... IlYI'On Cn~er. Mlulater UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH • We will ml88 the people and tloul ConIiUl. Show, witlll. Eo Dible S'cbool, 9:80 , a. m. MISS JANE FITE MornIng Woreblp, 10:80 a. m. doge. bere too, wben· we lean. F.ulber. of LaramI.. W"o.,.. LILA MA.Y NAIL with alias... t.\ts. WUUaDi Ch8llll0n. Kln1Iter. Pro 'e r M M '1nff. 7: 00 p. m. SOme ot them bave endeared judp. Neuq ,,000 ill prIM aOlMJ ~:".HnB" "DoodlcbuBI" "Doodl..," ...... tJunday Scbool 9:110 .... m" Mr. Cor.... pond...' rDlIn ~ People'8 Meetlq, 7:00. them8elvea to U8 and It· will be fa maklnc n the 1ldI." olh." . Harley Thomas, Supt. Fh·en1n/.t 8\lrv'ce8. 7:38 p_ m. PreaC!hlac, every othel Sunda1. The B~nd Motber8 8ponsored ' a I with a tinge 'Of sadnea8 that we Italr.i,et dued. ~~ Ohio St..... Unlawful "18 hl to avald "oNcutiOil 11:46 a. ·SIl. leave tor home. I hav~ made Fair Specdal for the ...ow amoulD " benefit Ice cream social on tbe EveD1Dg Senlce, flrlt Sunda, III many rrtend8 here aDd I don't \,0 ,1000 aDd the Amerlaan Oor.rt.. l,o;"~e'Y)-M,bo,i" •• high school lawn Saturday evening, t WAVNESVILLE CHURCH OF month. like to thlnk that perhapa 1'.11 ~ A.lOIIatlon fa otrerlDc a 1Ims. Misses Bernadine Hackney and I DISCRIPTION: A# 22, bom May 2'. CHRIST I I 19 ~ 2, Birm~ Ala.; height, , ~eet never see them II8Il n, but that 8 1arBnedin amout. 01. Oh • ~ .. fIom ... Bar bara. Doster and Glenn Cox and I CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS 2 Inches; wci.l/rt. 11' pouriill; build. ~rlee Roberta, MlnJllter life I IIUPpo8e. Most . of all I'll It&t. ha.... ~ entrl. , medium: Donald Sharp bave r eturned bome Bible School at 8:80 a. m. dark brown, lllltucally Charlee Roberta, Mlnllter. ml1l8 Sue, and Beau, the roxter· aDeI aD tDcnafI In the .1IJilbII~ ., wavy;, after spending a week In Oxford ; btoWDi . CIOmplexioa. olive: Morning Worship at 10:80 a. m. Charlee StanleY, SuPt. rlers and Glen, the Airedale. The Hamp.Jm.. · Don.tI aDd loll" (8~ whi~; nationWty. American; occu· attending the District 7 Farm Special O1aa. at' 7: 00 p. m, Worship SerYtoe. 10 s. m. others that you've heard me cloWDI fa DOted. BUJI1'8 and brlMCI- poltions. hat check aUf, waitms, Jangerie , Evenfn.c Wor8h1p .t 8: 00 p. m. Bureau Youtb Training School. Sunday 8~bool, 11 a. m. apeak of tn the put mouth8 I'll en an .ttnetecI udl )'-.r . " til. model; ICU'I and marks, two pockmarks, Mrs. A. S. Collett aDd Miss Janet Pra.-·er Meeting each Wedneeday one on CIOrnet of ri8ht ere. one on left mJa8 also but not as much. ~ IhIep ule Satulda,. Aq. _, Doster have returned home from c~; mnarb, .pe.b with lOuthern evening, 0. ten day8 vacatlon trIp through . Sue won a lot of prizes at the when thI7 "~Il' to He the lbed acc~nt. OREGONIA EVANGELICAL U. B. 8hows last week end and we are sh"p of the ludln, 1tocb _I .. tbe South. A Federal CIOmpJaint wu filed at Chi· lJureDe UriUltIl, . Paltor Ql8O, m .. 00 May 1-4, 19H. charsina ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH quite PJ'Oud of ber. . The little purehUI bftecUn, ItocIr. Mrs Ida CotUns who haa beeD SuDda, lIobool, 10 •• m. Nail with ha,borins Nick Georae Monachnauller8 earl! are fine now and 8erioullly Ill, haa returned to her 11 a. m. MooiJD, Rev. John BernlDg. P~tor. standtng uprl«ht, he's very cute. her, e\'en tbough ahe 18 a cat.. ) t01, a fusltive bein8 lO~t for WJlawCuJ bome here. Mrs. Collln8 W a 8 Youth J'eIJo 8:3D to 9 : 00; flight Crom Gtorsia to avoid proaecutloa Ma.Bea 8:15 aDd 10:00 a. m. 0... Fruk I. Laueh. Some day he wUl be a famous 1 wonder If Spotty, our cat a.t .h~me, for robbery, stricken while vI,IUng In Green-4 show dog too, but right now he'. wlll remember me, If not l'l~ . be fleld with her 80n-ln-law and Any penon having inCormation whieb lI)ay aid in locating thit fuRltiYl II re- MT. HOLL... · ME'-HODIST • jU8t a little puppy and very lov~ ' Clad to refresb her mem"~ LEBANON CHR.eTIAN 'CIENCe daughter, Mr. aDd Mrs. Sterling quested to contact the nearat oIIice of able the gt\-} saY8, to me he'8 kJnd We bad qUJte a dog fl~ht here Ingall8 and family and remained ChriltJan Scl8nce ••mcee IU'I lhe FBI, the telephone number of whleb '1'. M. seau, MtDlater of a peat, but then maybe I'm get- laet week. Mourny, one of the . appealS 00 the fint .,.,. 01 IoaI • there untU she recovered enough held ege17 SUIl_ mornlnr at 10 Sunday School, 9 ; 30 a. m., to return to her home here. "Ohio'. annual Stitt. Fain h..... tlng old. Kerry Blue Terrien. jUIDped phone directories. E. Highland Ave. at 11 o'cleek. /I.. Earnhart. RIlPt. Three local men suUered pain. becom. a tradition of which the Sund.y IOhool at the 81,me. h01ll'. Sheena the cat, I can't honestly Mike, aD Irbh terrier, and they - - - - - - - - - - - - - Worsblp· Service, 10:80 fl. m. people of the Buckt7. State caD Tutimony meetlng8 18t WlClnMEvenln, 8ervlc~. 7.10 p. m. l ui Injuries In an automobile &c. jUltlJ be proud,. Go...ernor eay I'll ml88, but Ihe did helQ to were coin, at It hot and heavy I all about makln6 more noille .than day eVlDln, of eaoh month at 8. FilIally . It 'WU all cldent Wednesday afternoon near Fnmk I. lAuaehe, .. he In-riw the cbase the rabbits out of tbe gar- when ChlJ!I, a . welmeraner. alao the dOCS. Sligo. The men, Herbert Fair: pubUe to participate In and .ttend den, so I g.uess I can't Ignore leaped Into the fray. Round and 8tralcbtened out and aurprIBlngly SUNl>AY RADIO PReOB.UlB: I round they. went and the lH!IOple I enougb the only caeualty Wal ODe WAVNESVILLE f:RIENOS child. Mr. Wilkerson and Robert the 19M uhlbltlon. In Columbus, e Sbldaker were enrou.t e to a flsb- Au,. 2'7-Sept, 8. Rr.;;;E;::;A:;D;;;TH;:;;E:;;M;;;IAM:;;;;;';::;G:;;AZ;;:;E;::;TT;;;E;;;:;;;;;be;::;r:;;e;;:;",;::;,;;ere;;; · ofI thed Pllfht-te aDedd Ihe Onl YIWhal Ftnt Day School, 9:10 a. m. :: Ing party wben the auto Ilrlven "Th. annual State Fair dordl - - n pp ,80 urn out a ll r g t. MeeUn. for WorshiP. 10:80 a.m. W"""'" AA p, m. _ "'-"'0----, : vv by Fair child struck a utility pole. I easy opportunity for .U to ohae". It'. been ratntn, here the last ---------~---__---:----:-::-:-;--:::-:::::-:-=====:-: The men received treatment at Ohio'. poeltlon and progre8. as on. TELEPHONES: ' two daY8 and the weather 18 quite Get STAPLERS and STAPLES At the MIAMI GAZETTE J Clinton Memorial hospital and of the nation's leadinr .I'ricultural w .... VN ESVILLE 2091 cool now and 1t'8 ju.t perfect 'ror were released. Shldaker later It&tu. Our achievements bave been Lt. BANON Office 2.10 " 81eel!ln«, 'liven my 10111 coat teell . went to Miami Valley hospital tor great becaUH those engaged in R I: SI ~ ENCE 3-2811 ~ theee cta". Well 1'0 be further treatment. ' His condItion, arricuJture have kept .breut of . MOR ' :OW No. S baot BOOD. with some more doca SAND and GRAVD. however Is not serious. Damage developmanta. eye views or the OOUDtIT In BLACK-TOP DRIVES to the Falrcblld auto was exten. 1 YThe Ohio State Fair might well Chl..... Block J Concrete Block Connecticut. be aD occulOD for lpeolal gratitude TAft and ROAD OIL slve. . to Almlglit,. God for Hla great Mrs. Ann Wbeelan moved to ,anuollty to the American peopl.... LAWN and FlU. DIRT ....1 ..... Dayton" Tbursda.y. READY·MIX CONCRETE c.n..nt and Mortar QIMrs. John Welsb, Mrs. Louise EXCAVATING and SERVICE Try GAZETIE CLASSIFIEDS Drain Bulldlna Supplle. , Flte and daughter, Jane, 8pent part of last week touring th e THEY GET RESULTS I • • • • • •, • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ SHEEHAN RD. P. O. BOX 342 Smoky Mountalna aud visiting In J ellico, Tenn. Mrs. Laura Shldo.ker Is spend- . Mr. and Mrs. Ray RuUman, of lng a tew days In Wayne8vllle, as Cleveland, vlsltel\ In the vUlage the guest of MI8S Bertle MUls: during t he week end with Robert Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster and Ward and other (riend ~ . Wb lle ramlly attended cburc.. 8ervices here they aUended the W a l' d imd a basket dinner Sunday at THAT GOOD TEXACO GAS family reunion beld Saturday af· the Baptist Church In Selma. ternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. /Lrtbur Sulltvan LUBRICATING SERVICE - FlRESJ'ONE ACCESSORIIES Pv t. Charles EJlJson, of Ft. Knox. were dinner guests Sunday of his spent t he week end here with hIs slste.r8. Miss L1IUan Sulllvan and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ' Sul- Mrs. Francis Snow, of Clarksvllle.' • livan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordan MJss Fran ces and Mls8 VIDa and her mother, Mn. Laura ShldTEXACO' WAYNESVILLE H lnkens bad as their dinner l aker were dinner guests In Xenia,


H A R.VE y. S 8 UR8





Fair Backed By Proud Tradition ",.1

H8;;h;0;;;~t;:lng;;;;;;a;:;n:;d;;;I;:;81~;IP;;I~n.g1 ;


~G-~::~ ~.

Armitage &Son

WiIsoD eoDaele Prodacls

Rock Face IIk»ck


e, W.t.........' Cement and Paint





'·L E'E r IRE S

Bob Servis

~~ • • • • • •~• • •~i ~

and Mr: and Mr8. Robert Sban. , have r eturned from hoJtz and family, of Kingman. trip In Minnesota..


. Dodge Trucks, Cars, Pl,molltbs i a


************************,10"***********",********** Come in and Drive the NEW DODGE



•••••••i ••

gueats and Sunday. Mr.of and Mrs. Jas. of . Mrs. VUJars. Rader f amily Germantow' n, , Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Pauline J . P. Thornbury


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Right now, you can get a big. dependable '54 Dodge for only a few dollars more than you'd expect t o pay for a light car in the lowest price field. And when you do, you will katie a more


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Don Tebbe




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""""""""""""" ""

Carlos Harmor


You will have more .massive length and flashing style . .. more Interior luxury. You will · pave more power and performance from t he I50-h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine. You will have more prize-winning economy from the car that has won two straight victories in the famous Mobilgas Economy Run. You will have more enjoyment from fullyautomatic PowerFlite Drive, Full-Time Power Steering, and new Dodge Full-Power Brakes. And you ~l get lasting aatisfaction fro~ the greatest Dodge .car .in 40 great years. Discover all that Dodge offers. Come in todayl

AUGUST -16 TO 31 . ~- I ~

...:. ...


oan. Madl Through

La••IOI lillolal ·F... L_


He called His 12 I -(:, t-;~ disciples toqether, (\lJ:}'~ and qave them; ~" \,. power . and au· thority. And Hnt ' / t, them to preach f'l_ ~ I; the klnqdolD of ~"'.1~ God. Lu. 9:1. 2. ~~r~ .J


.AGI ........_



l......;..::...W_._r_e_n_(_o_u_n_ty_._(_o_u_~_"_._w_s_·-" ,

A Farm platy By'D. J. ~ruIer



Fmb........ ira



Alberta Wheeler V8 Robert S. The IndIana Yearly Me'etlDg of ele.oted IUperintendent of the Hub. Wheeler, divorce. John M. Oswald t.h e Friendtl o.eral Conference bard EKemp~ Village Sohool and Meryl B. Gray. attorneYI. I will be held at tlIe FrIends 1tleet~ DUtrfct by the Hubbard Board of COMMON PLEAS Ing HOUM here Augu8t 19 to 22:. EducatIon. He replaces Mr. R. O. AUGUST 9, 1964. - Rain again. 'A nloe shower lalt nIght and Donald J Hawthorne V8 J M The meetlnC 18 scheduled t.o Reynoldll, who re81gned ,In June. more In the early mornIng. The Rowe ' judiement rendered' ~ get under WIoT OJ! August 19 /I.t Mr. St. John wa. born here In Spa\ltures are looking be,tter, bette!' favor' of plaintiff in swn of $6tIO. 9'80 a. m. EST, With a. meetlnl~ ' Warren county and riow rulde. than they hav~ for a. long time, and costa. of the EJ;ecuttve Oommlttee. foil· In Hubbard. He I. a graduate far better than they were at thl8 'l'he 'following cases . were dIs- aowed by ' & ' bU.lnes8 '886810n /I.t of Waynuvllle High School, retime last ~ear. . The 'oorn looka mlssecl without record' J1!1na Egle- 10:00 &. m. ~4 contbiutng at celved hi. bachelor of .clence In fIne but w. too early to s~. .Thttte lton VI Stanley W. Elle8ton, Mil- 2:00 p. m. At 8'~ p. Ill. Howar4~ ' edlHlatlon from Wittenberg Col. ed with apples. It all continues dred Gibson VI Gardner Gibson, and Eliza Ku r, at NewtoWlll, lege altd hi. Ma.~ni In .chool b -Pauline Clevenger V8 Lory Cleven- Pa., will bring ~ message. admlnl.lratlon from Kent State to go so well the orops will e ger, Leola Adams V8 Llllard Adam8, The Augult 10 ~esslon will get Unlveralty and beaan hi. teach. line but It.too Willard E. Spicer V8 Helen Spi"er, started ' a.t 9:111 a. m. with a DE.. Ing career In the ' Wayneavllle are things thatearly couldtoaay. happenThere yet. ,. Of ooune thls , raln hasnit helped -Robert and Armilda Roslelot VB votlonal period, followed at 10:00 achool •• the 8Tound water situation muoh. John and Viola Sendbeck, Harley a.. ' by a bUllness session, COlli' ,He started at Habbard in 1981 ! • The IPring's are not running yet. S'. -Turner va Katherine Plckens, tlnulng a.t 2;00 p. m. I~ the eVE.. as a biology teaoher and has However·jt haa filled up the panda Vlfgll and Pearl Stewart v. South- nlng Ourt Retu will gIve an adl served in lIIany oapaoltles during that have been buUt and glve~ us em Hills Pitt IDc. and Robert W. dress at 8:00. . the 28 years there. water for our gardens and oro~1 Richards and Tutt Bros. Sohlo VB . The Auguat 21 mseting willi .He Is a Mason, ba.vlng receIved for which we. are .truly thankful. ~~::b:::rd Bi'i~,:lto~:well and, get started with a. Devo~lonsll hIs 26 year plD, a. member ot the e PHONE 2115 .< U "d It Gl..t- Co '1 ' D " "A 1 period a.t 9: 16 a .. m., followed by Kiwanis dlub wIth a perfect at· Thla 18 Iweet "orn me an a..",8 n ey vs ean _n ey, ' a. busIness sesllon at 10'00 a m t ' d' ... f 16 d' 1 I tr 'plaintiff ordered to pllV ..... per . . . , en an"e or yeara, an Ilaa, ood th ....h It h· been surt Y .s g ,0.... I get enough to can and also eeze continuing at 2:00 p. m. A Veil' Lieut. Gov of the Uth DivisIon some thlll year. They are a great week per service wUl be held at 7'15 f Kiwanis 'IDte a.t1 ·nal d h Id muddy In the field getting It. DEDICATED T.O THE ULTIMATE IN SERVICE-FOR THE 0 s want to go do,", thJa mornIng help to have' on the company Esther M. Evans vs Dorothy O. p m and at- 8'00 p m ~d 0 b hI ' I. rn 0 tahn . ,- tJi 1 'Ield Burton etal confirmation and . , '" mem ers p n many 0 er aBSC>COMMUNITY - BY THE PROFESSION an d get s~me .. um e ower. . ' , Som~ mushroom lI&uoe Ia deed.' , Walton will brtJi, a message to otatlollS lnolUdhig the Kappa . • Young FrIends. . Delta Phi Mu Delta. I~=======~~~=~~~==:=::;:~:=:====::=:~:= We haven t picked any there yet, a good food 8tretcher for unexbut It must be rea.dy as It wa. peoted company Mushroom8 also Ne~e Dale va Emmett Oscar On Sunday 4¥IU8t 22 the J: planted the aame day as that by turn ha.mburge~ Into a company Dal:ie~~o: yov~ed, d~endant ,meeting will ~tart with Flr:.t Day Mr. and II1rs. I:lt. John have one the road but tor 8O~e reaaon It dIsh. r wonder If there will be ~',.{t BDua ~1:oMODRoss School at 9: 46 followed by Meeit. daughter, Jacqueline, who will en· I 'was not ready at , the time. any of the big puff balls around. plabrtiH given rights of' vlslta: Ing for Wonhlp at 10:46. At 1:45 l~u!~dWhi Wallace College thll LalIt year I froze lOme and It wa,s They are good sUced. dIpped In tion with .child. . Seth E. Furnu will give the HIli' They haven·t Robert Mountjoy VB Dorls L tory of Indiana Yearly Meeting. The Hal/py Hour Club met on especIally good. I deolded then eggs and tried. that good corn for freezing 8hould QuIte u much flavor al the .mea· Mountjoy, Minor, plalnUff ordered Villtlng Friend II will be J. B#LJrCA'RD OF THANKS Saturday afternoon at the home be a utUe youbger than ~at (or dow mushroom8 but aU puff balls to pay $10 per week, ete, nard Walton, FIeld Seo'y, Friend.8 We wish to thank all our friends of M;rs. Benton Hoak, with Mrs. canning. The oanneries watt un- are non·pol80nou8, though lOme Marinell FOl'1llhell V8 Harmon General ('.onference; George OtlA>, lUld neIghbors for all of the floral Ada SmIth as 88slstant hostese. W mOlt of the corn Ia well rUled better 'flavored than . others. Joe Fornshell, defendant ordered Treuurer Friends General CoIl' offerings and aote of kindness duro Miss JennIe Lee Braddock, bride. elect, was the honor gue8t of the out, just the way you, Uke It riper It you are gathering mU8hrooms. to pay $215. per week temporary (erence; Ourt Regan, Pla.lnflelll, Ing the 810kneu and paulng of than I like It for eating fresh, but l'emember thole wl~h pink, brown alimony, ete. N. J. meetinCi Howard and ElIIa our loved one, John Schoonover. afternoon, and wa.a presented with for freezing It should be jUlt the or black gllla are we. . .Avo~d Kester, NewtoWn, Pa. meetln@r; We ellpecially want .to thank the a lovely gUt from the olub and way you like it belt t.o eat. (tholle wIth white gills. Hickory REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Oharles MacLennan, AmerIcan Stubbs Funeral Home for theIr, other IndIvidual gifts. Delicious like to ha."e 80me both wa.ys u ' l Jacks are the only whJte ones I Kash D. and Mary Lou Amburgy Friends Service Committee ' WU- efflolent service and Rev, Dale refresbments were served. ' MIss Braddock was al80 bonored • a. locker and It Is ~andy to eat. but they look different. The to the Village of South Lebanon, mer A. Cooper, Assoc. 'Sec'17, Llinbert for his oonsollng words. have some In cana. I never have safest thing 18 to learn to recog- 1 lot in South Lebanon. Friends Committee on NatloDllI The Sohoonover FamUy. on Satur4ay evening when a group drIed any but 'that Ia good too u nlze eaoh variety or some· Jerry A. and Mary L. and Joan Legislation. .. of ladles of the Friends Church It has a different flavor whloh Ia ol}e who d086. oheok them for R. Early, 2 Iota in Franklin Twp. MIs8 Elizabeth Ohandler and entertained In the Friends soolal very good. 1 doubt If many pea- .you. The good one8 are 80 good Albert F. Roedel" to Virgil E. Mrs. Elllle Hockett w1l1 handle all GOOD JOB PRINTING Can room. pie dry any theBe d8.)'s, probably and the bad one8 8() bad ~or you. and Iris K. Davia, 1 lot In Deer- hospitality arransements. Be Obtained at the Gazette The eveoJng was spent In hem. most people never even Fair ttme" Ia almollt sere. What. field Twp. - - - - - ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mlng linen tablecloth8, napkJns tasted It but lome coulln8 of mine are you going to Ihow this year? Olair L. Smith to Ralph J. and MARRIAGE LlCENES tion attendant, South Lebanon and !lnd towels, whjch were presentsd still dry. It and everyone thinn Look around aDd see If you Agnes Crutcher, 1 lot In Deer. Della Singleton,' Uf, South Lebanon. to the honor gue8t, along wIth haven't 80methlng w.orth sending. field Twp. Ray Howard, 28, MusicWl, many other ,gifts. It Is delicious. . Ye.terday I fo~d a few mUlb-, No f~r can be a. real 8UCCess unClair L Smith to Samuel' E. and Franklin and Dorothy Gruzenski, Richard Williams, 60, TImber A lovely' tea table was arranged room., the flnt for two or three leiS the 'county people take part Lucl1Je Jones, Jr., 1 lot in Deer- 24, waitress. Fianklln. business, Salt Licit Ky. and Nancy Country woau.t IUUI pJtadaC from whiCh dalnty refreshments ot yearl. After thl. rain, there In It. It no one but professlonal8 fieJd Twp. James BuUer, 28. servic:e at.. Butta, 36, FranItlin. Mary lane 10hDloD II the latest Ice orea.m, cookies, mints, nuts should ' be some more. I hope to exhJblt, then It Iln't a real county Clair Smith to Janet E. Winston, -;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;::;;:;;:;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;:;;;;;:; western star " join the WLW and Iced tea were served. tafr. 1 lot in Deerfield Twp. r- u • • talent Itafl. AttneUve. dark. IndUltry • agriculture Look around and see. Maybe Daniel M. and Marguerite M. LET' 8 GO TO eyed Mary lane II heard on "Mid· RETURN FROM FLORIDA western Hayride" every Sgarda, Mr. and Mrs. Howard liltanley, you-wtll lIurprilJe yourllelf. It you Collette to Midwest Investment Co., amusement haven't anything, J1elp some .·Het'. 3 lots in Lebanon. bepnnln, at 6:30 p.m., EST. th« Aly'ce Muller t 0 'DeLo55 Will• ---Iy morning .... .. DU. dw"'" They are the ones with the real ~ ..... Round. MIss Barbara Stanley, Jerry Stan· spirit. lams, 23.7 a.c res in Washington up" at 4:15 a.m., 'EST, and "Every. ley and Miss Doris Cha.rlto~ h_ve 'l'WP. B:r A F.ELLOW MOVIE VIEWER body's ChoreUme" at 6:35 a.m. returned ,!rom a two weeks va08.Charlea and Opal Wise to Bruce ~-----~~----~,,------....- - - -_ _ _.J EST. Monday tIu'oncb' Saturday. tlon In Florida. Enroute they Co _ WIDlfred M. Braden, 1 lot ., ... - • , I • • • stopped at l"Ort Uragg, North Oarin Frank1fn TwP. There II several e:rcltlng ne Ii story you ve seen many times be· ••••••.,._•••• ,.,..... • ••••,.,.... John G. Sendelbeclc to Viola M. movle.a making the roundtl abotlt fore, none the less' comes out as Try Gazette Classifleds ollna,~V'here Corporal H8I:Old Sendlebeck 176.9 acres in Harlan now and I hope you get to see a fairly good movIe. Although It Stanley. olned theo for the FIori It H011)'Woo d drags a bit In paces I th e pore I tu I ..".,. Phone To ............... Place a Claallfled . Twp. some a t t.h em soon. .......3913 '" .,' -.,.... trIp. Louis E. and Bertha Hae Weis seeIr.S to be knooklnr Itself out Is sayed from being r .lD-!lf·the-mlU . to Tbomu L and Norma A. Weis, tryJng to brIng yol1 better movie,s by the fine. acting of Dennis 0'· I lot in MainevUle. . and they at las~, . a Keefe and Patricia ?lradlna. , credltab,e showing this month. For those of you who 1I::e se:' J Fir s t let's r VieW' "Yanlte,e ence fIction movIes the best one Pashn," the new Je~f Chan41Elr we've seen In some time Is "D,m· 8tan:er. He's ab~ uslsted by th;e ovan'a Brain" an exciting .tb·ril!er beautlf~l r.:honda, Y.eming a.n.1\ Cram Clrst to last. Quick Service Phones: 3484, 2171 though the story leems a llttlle · A oute oomedy starring a hus· tar fetohed at times, the overall band ' and wife team heading your produotlon. Is an , Interesting IUlld wa.y Is "She Couldn; t Say NO"j -eexciting night 0 entertalnmen.t. with . Stewart Granger and Jean A~~~26~~ ______ r , It'l In color of course. Slmmon8. Quite funny In pla.ce8. I starttq thIa fall MUOn Another novel they have turnEid This we~k . let'. salute Cecil BIG KNltroIea trade. Into a. movie with lOme acouracy Kelloway. one of our ftnest char. ' will be panulatecL_'1'hI8 Is "The Earacen ~lade" starrltlg acter actors. He can alW8.)'s be I ~~~~~~~~:=::=:~:=::=:~:=:~~~~~==~~=== Ricardo Montalban and Betta Sit. depended on 'to tum In a fIne ' per- I; UI1InI lcJ.l iowiq ~ John. ThJs one WU1 aleo be e·n· J formance. Although be Is get. bepIq toIether joyed by the a.cUon lovers .a lld tlng along In yeara now, ~e al· with hJIheet quallb' plant with the added attraction of coll)r I' ways enjoy seeIng him In any • tlOU ... : food. Order DOW froai ~ It add8 up to a pretty 'good movIe.. I movie. . .. . uareIt' d.ler. "Drums of Tahttl," a. techJlI- 1 Well. 80 long 'tU next time e to 11:48 a. m. color plot~e . wltll the lame old when I'll see you at the movies. 1 toll p.m. Except Wedneada" P. M. . N.W SUITS

Tbe John Shillito Co. V8 Richard and Dorothy Marsh, for the money,. amount clalmed $M6.'71 with interest from July 1', 1931 and costs. . Nell W ; Schneider V8 Oscar W. Schneide.r , divorce, FraPklln Go Kiehbiel, attorney. James M: ilDd Ben Browning dba Browning Bros. vs W. E. and Ruby Lee Sander and ~e Loveland Mutual Bldg. &: Loan and Stephen McDowell, JI'oreclosure of meehanlea lien and muebaUlng lieDB'. Gray, Risinger and Gray, attor:11e)'8. Cora V. Mefford vs David Mefford, divorce. John Oswald and M I B Gray attorneys ery., . Lucy Frede~ick vs Herben Frederick, divorce. M!rly B. Gray attorney. '






Happ, Ho.r 01•• Meals Sal.rda,





11 HEM 0 VI ES



I l

Drinking Waler

a B,enu/'tsd' (#M#;th#¢b •







Eyes Examined


'Wotldk bad bueJtVa'UKJ

Above Woolwortll'. II and 100 Store

Telephone 2-430 I

Dr~. "'.r.', full •• nt.rtalnm.nt and .xclting .ducatlon for 'Mom, Dad and the kid, •••.at Ohio', Blu. Ribbon 'J04 Fair' Hundr.d. . of I)jvf .hows and .xhlblt., hun. dr.d. of thing. to do and ••••

Thr.. dtH.r.nt Grandstan.d Attractlons-3 nl,ht. of Out· door L1f. and, 3 nl,ht, of Varf.ty Am, Rnal .nl,ht, Auto ThrU, al\d Stvnt Show. Mak. It a famll'l adv.ntu,e ••• ... eyer"",";, at the '$.cpqlrl It

...... I . ....... .Gov. of Ohle A. L. ......., Dlr. of Apiculture

.. c.

D....... ,.....; Ae.1.L PoIr #MIlot"

(arl E. Wilkin OPTOMETRIST



"41111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'" "


~ . ~ Hardware Needs

Cooler Cheats fro"\, _-'___ .,._:._________ , $5.95 Electric .Fan., from _______ ~ ________SS.95 UFly Tox" Quarts ---------------'--'--- .75 SO Ft. aarden Hose --"'---------------$4.75 235 aal. Stock Tapk----------------$24.~O Arvin RadiOS _~ _________'_ _ ~ _____ . :. ____$16.95 Motorola Portable Radl.. ..:----------$32.95 ·7·5hot Clip 'Rlfle ---~---~----'----'---$23.95 Remlnpon 12·• • Se~1 Auto------$110.45 Huffr Bicycle. ----;----'--------------$39.95 Lawn Rak.. ------~------------------$I.OO Charcoal, 10 lb.. -------;------------- .89


Loq IJfe Ia Ibe T ....

J'I:ooI 01 ...... Mere........

'And h.~ anxious to share It with you. Just Calli your Mod.m Money Man, for a . quick ca.h . loan of $50 to $1.000. Your money ~Yill be readY ' when you stop In. Moclem loon. mO~ley to single ot' married men ond women ion car. furnitl~re or .Ig"atu~•• Your credit i. OK at Modern If you'v t ever bought on tim. 0 " had a charge account,

For further proof . that WI offlr

10'111-1 502 No. Broadway .

Lebanon, Ohio

Phone 3913 To Filac. a'led


On U. S. No. 42, North of Lebanon, Ohio Ail •• 13·14 DOUBLE BILL

SAND, GR'-VEL and Tc!)P SOIL EXCAVATING and - - - - 1--.,.- DUMP TRUCK SERVIOE Phon. Wayn ..vllle SS28 Wf.YNE8VIL.LE. OHIO


BAN~ RlJN GRAVE(...Loa,ded at Davis Furnas, Pit. We also deliver. ARM IT AGE &. S9N. Phone 2091, tf

tAl,L AFTSR • P. M.



. . . . '- . . .1

ROUT! 122 0 "




'SJIlPl'IO TA1(KS, C!1S8 POOLS. Outdoor ToIleta, C1etel1ll Clean.:l with mod.rn eQulpmeat. WIL



6-6041, FrankUn, 01110.




5c'9 vtJ 0 1 '

WATER ILtUUNG-Very prompt serrlce, cia,. or 1I1«ht. Ph 0 n • Lebanon &.ilIST. X-8-6-1I





PHONE 2541 FOR SALE-Bale Baven Peaches. DB. W. E. FROST, 1 Mile JDaat ...................._~IiI!IIII..1 of !Jarveysburg on BriD18tone Rd\ acroaa GrlBmer'a' OrcharlJ. Bring containers. C-:-7-29-Ue


HAY. FEED. SEEDFOR SALEl-Good Seed Rye, 80me Vlgo Seed Wheat.' MORRIS BROWN, Sprln,g Valle), Rt. L Phone 7-7020 Centervllle. ' X-8-6-12-19

LI~e Wire and Progressive An Organl&atl.on Becond To


Au •• 17


- 2JAa gal. Miami (lounty Vanilla Ice Crenm, $3.60. WAYNESVILLE LOC~ PLANT. c-6·17·tfc

FRESH MEATFOR SALE-19a lb. Side of Beef, 29c lb. ERNEST BINGHAM or ma), be seen at LOCKER PLANT. NICK GEoRGE MONTOS, ' with 011_, ~7:8-trc Nick Watley, "Uttl. Nick," and otherll


Aug. 18-19

Unlawful fUSh. ta avoid pralCcution-robbcrr. hltcrstat. troMportatian of



How to Keep Colored . Cottoi.s Gay and Fresh

FOR SALE- Young wblte Rook atolen proparty: Fry I n g Chickens. H E B E .a -Age.a7, bom NovcD1\' Warne8ville-Ferry Road. herDESCllmON 8, 1916, Tam~ FI~ (not 'Rrified); Phone 8661. X-8-~ height, 5 fe~ , ' inches; -isht, .160 pounds; build, amaIl; hair. blaCk; erell, DOGS, PETS--: blue, wean JI\UIa occasiooaU,; con:· plexion, ruclclJ, nee, white; /iatlooali~r, FOR SALE-AKC BAlgistered Col, Amerian; OCCUpabolll, laborer. paiate-l. lie Pupa, T weelul old. B. W. bookbinw; scan and marks.. 6-inch Cllt DELI,ARD, nt. I, Ohenoyeth Rd. lcar oulet left elbow, loos, dim scar ~/1 of left Utili!' ~ Ifl·.inch ICar COO X-8-12-19 bade right 'ide o£ forebSd, ¥.t·incb.lIl~ cfiall' ' ooal scar 00 right _pie, scar 00 Jeft HOUSEHOLD GOODSeyebrow. OWllClOUS sltiD blemishes &IIld marks on FOR SALE-Green Studio Couch, Federal complaints were filed at Way. FamUy Extension Table, Several aoss, Ga .. on :August 23, 1951, ~.Bi,.g Chairs, Coal Range, Rose LIving ' Montos with unr.wful interstate flislbt Room Suite, 8IlO Blue AnnInster to ~yojd prosecution for robbery, and at Rug. Phone 2628. c-8.l2 ~hlca~O, 111.• !In March 4. 19'4, ~arg. IDg hIm with In~rstate traDlpor\&tJO!l 'of stolen property. , LOSTAny smon having information whkh may lIi io locating thlJ fugitive is l;e' LOST-Blue 'CollecUon Book for 'quested to contact the nearest office of IJ8yton Dally News paper boy. the FBI, the telephone number of which Printed cotton" are a bl, tphlon ROSCOE RECTOR, Phone 2796. appears on the lint page of local tele- ftrIt 'ln draMS tNa year. And cerphone directories., . taInly nothln, makes you look 10 LOTS, ACREAGf.,fmb, cool anti collected on a warm FOR SALE' Ideal BuUdlng Lot. • da)' 8. 'a crlJp, clean cot19n. ~ Keepllll cottons sparkling treah 111. , Corner Main and High Streets. meana frequent walbln,. The wasbPhone 2142. X~·12·19 lng's .uler and almpler, bowever. 'I when you do this: U your cottons are HOUSE FOR SALE-• colorfast - and be 1IUI'e Ule cottons


0O. ASC 00•••11-.., To a-e Sooln.

FOR SALE :- Fifth Street Bungs low. Modern 2·bedreom home on Fifth St., 2nd house on lett aiter leaving Rt. 73. Has nice 10t,-ruI1 basement with garage, oak noors and excellent condltlqn. Priced at $10,000 with a low do....n payment. If Interested, ciaIJ. coJlect, STAN SCHlLLING , R'8lALTY , OL 0401 , , Dayton, Ohio. X-8-6-(8t)-8·19


Vole Election

of ABC

AI,. County


..u ~:~ii~~bI::~ :~~\;~'::'n:~~

~md coap. Chlorine bleacb brl,htcm. ill,

Communlt.y Committees wlll be held during the lattl3r part of August accordbic to an announ,cement I7J S W Loeh Ofnce Man· f W' . Co .... ASC ~,t.ager 0 arren un"" . 0 log wtU be by mall ud an ballots must be retlft'lled to ~80 oft2ce b), Augu,t . ZO The electlo~ III under the IUI/tlr

One' import;ant kind of progress that the 4-H. ClUbs and the Future Farmers of Amelica , foster is progress in community cooperatbi •. On that ':lOOre, our, 0'C8l fal'rl! • youth orgtmizations can count ~ in. We are always. ready to cooperate with them - and with their individUal members.

s£rictly Sellen on the Be,IIt All AroUnd ~ Market In the Country SERVICE THAT SATISFIE. For Oall), Market Repo~! ~W, ClD.clllJlatl, 12:26 WPFB, Middletown, 11:46 WClty Ctriclnnatl, 12: 16 WKBV. Richmond, Ind;, 12: SQ (Eas~m Standard Time)

color by belpinl ,to remove the.J01l quickly, with UtUe rubbln,. Then, too, tbe blellM brlJhtena the bac:k1I'0und and malta a print design atand out cIearI7. Solid colora are freshened, and white, ot cours., coma out really wblte. Noy ... Ith chloriDe bleacb avallable In new dr7 form, b1eacb I. afer and much eUler .to UN. The new bleach coma In' a UJht we1l'bt jar that'. convlllient to haDdle aDd to 110ft. lUll foHow the dlrec:Uona on the jar anti ~our pret\J " " eeUoDI ",lU reo taln their IreIb .... look all - ....

Tbl la,lll,UII laliDI.I· Balk WAY N ES V I L: l: E, O'H 10 !

Aotlng County Ag.nt If you like a



tal'll1 actio pro-

p~cJted with

8904' tarm


no adverU8m., liaten to WOS.U, the Ohio' State UDlverslty in ColumbUi. The number Is '820 on your dlal and the tiJa'e Is 12 o'clock. There Is alao a program for the ladle8 at, 9 o·c~ock. To «Ive ' )'ou some idea ot the type of programs ')'ou W'Dl hear, FrIday. AUIrII.t 13 'fill be devoted to "Adequate Water tor F.rm. te d .. d "T tl p.. d I a s an rea ng 08... an Pol~:' "Fall "VII. Sprlnl or Sum· mer Fresb Co...s" and "Com ,Stot· age Suucturee" III schedUled tor the 16th of Ahrut. AU _(lieu!· tural ' -"bjecta to Poul~ and farm polley are ' COT' ered on the progralJL ' Market ra· porta and ",eather InformaUon are a180 «Iven. DlnIIor A. ... , . ...... Th be _ I In..... In tb e men "II ..... ~c........ e program .... from Oldo State 'Uni· "We In tile Dqartment. ;., verslty, the AcrIC1IIt1ll..a Ezperl. culture li)Ok upon lb. Ohio I!tllto mODt ssaUaG at WCIOIYr. the SotI Fair .. one of the oldeat anil moat Consenatlon 8erYIce, lIarketiDB eft'ec:CWe ~l$e~tlOIIal actl·,it:c. ID A«enc'- JaDd other clepartinent. out .grea· 'Jtate." A, L. &!renlllnt dlreJ:tor 01 aptcuJaUN, p.lnta out where tile, CIIIl be . . . . U )'OU . . . ~ COPJ at the pro- ID urgf.. ~ to li&tend the cram that . . . ylUlt topic will be ,&nnual exposlUoo. I- Columbua coyered each day, caU the mnea. Aug. Z'7-Sept, R. alon omce -' .1891 or ..oj UI • "In plann.l h8 thl .. yeur'l fair arid card &lid .... "w un4 )'lIa tlla tbose ID the future, we huve not 101\

Iro~ ~ardens


MUSIC LESSONS-vision ot a Coun17 ElecU9n ~~ ~:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;:;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ compoSed of Joba lJenrbrar, Ca ty A!grIcultural EnenalOJl AI.t.. as CJ:la~an; :l!~ayne WJltlon, head of local BU!, Grady Rboa(les, Reprellentatl."e J~ I'HA. M&7IIal'4 ~OOD JOB PRIt.JTlN6 ,..Haclmey. Pre814nt of I'arm lJu~ Q .... ~ van prosram. reau; Ralph MelaJqJ'. Bepr.llen· Be Obtain~ at the Sue"" Mena c";p teiaIIJ' ..... fun. tattye 0( Otagf. Ul4 Belll'1 . . .MILDRED Driver, Coati 01 tile .' Plan no.... to atleDd olln·Jear. A.l Farm.erB Union , . don Demoret· IIu'IJe WIlL Wal. BarIl.., IfJtGIt _1IIId. CAMPBELL . lace; . ,waraio.; J'rank 81t'&1'bel ye... "elected" by The County Board haa n~.t Turtlecreelt, IRalph ILane; IUnlon, the 8S mea from Warren ant)' ROUTI 2, WAYNEIVILLB and nlmed til,.. .... n who~'" Alton Horr; WaahIn~ W. J,' .to help ilIaD the camp lor neXt LYTLE, OHIO ."glble -1ft ...h of the Bend~; W8)'Ile, ' Day. ,eu. . Ievell t_netil... tQ mllke..., Ballot. "..11 be' prepared in the 'l'Ile flail were the beat :, ever. PhODe 2&76' • Ieven townlhlp election boa,'II. Count,. 'ASC ' office &lid maUed to Nice I'Olden brown \lOcI that ~ The.. boarda have IMt .nd 0.... eHa1ble nMra with ... return ad. tuted . . YUh pOta&O A1a4. ganlaed and ~h have charg • . of drelled envelope and alao a sman ccfte ~.... IUced tomato. ad &II SUPPLIESthe election In th.11' relpeot,l v. en-elope In which to uaoJtment of other tbod. to 10 SCRATCH PADS-Various sIzes t owna hIps. " • Their . Job, al Clutmarked ballot. I &IQq. The bam on Buada, y . . snd colors. Wb11e tile" last . II d b 8 ' J.. I I. ~ nil 'I eo)' 01' OU .111,.. Almolt an" (arm "-ne'r or 'opel'- AI , ~ ,JaoaId be, teacler .nd 3 for lOC, THE MIA1IU GAZETTE 8 I ~ - .... • nlOn, la to nom nate at leaat ator In tile coun}Y Ie ' ellIlble to lUt7. Phone 3913. db. , ten ' eligible fa~ and obtalll vote &lid ahPllld eomeone .not re- Mr. J. M. · Green of t.4e i'arm INDELIBLE PENOILS HERE their permlulon to lIave their eelv~ a ballot who. beUevea he Ie Bureaa in Warren Count, sn. ~ We .have genuine VODUS Indel. ' name. plaoed '11ft the town. hlp ell«lble and dealres to vote _ , YeI'J' Dice talk at Saada,. School Ible Cop)'lng P,encllll now In stock. ballot and ..rvl - a commU:tee obtaln a ballot ' at the County under Ute bl« oalt tree III front of The Miami Gaz.tte. member, If el~ed. offICe. ,' the dilllni balL lien.,.. BarrU It Is al80 pollible to haYe an), AU ballotI will be tabulated ancf read the Scripture all Ed UUam FILLERS For PAPERMATE Pens, eligible farmer" name placecll Oll counted by the townablp electton 'wa, th~ - . IM4er. , You can get them now at THE the ballot b), a pelitton Ilpell b)' boarda In the count, oUlce on The new black top ..... Ie a MIAMI GAZETTE. Phone 3913. teu or more ellpble "~r' fllyor. AUlUlt 28. ' wonderful place for, volle,ball ar· Ing the nomination of '. partl(lular The pel'lOn receiving the moat tar d&tk. We han ftOodlIshta STAPLERS and STAPLES. YOll fanner and presentlne the petition votes on each townshlp ballot ....Ill that ~ke pa)'lDJ In tbe cool "". get them now at THE MIAMI to tbe Ohalrman of the Communit; be elactecl c.a1rmaIl 01 t.owuIaIp nine . . a pleuure. It ••• tame GAZETTE. Phone 3918: . Election Board Dot leal "" f .IX co~lIlltte. aQtl also ~ caIl~. ,.t ~ days before tbe electIOn. Thel foJ.. tbe 'Count)' Convention to elect gilt too mIlCh elIiareIIe at on. Ume. SCHAEFi'JilR'S IJtrlp Ink. You lowlnl are the IlUa4It 01 T-t"hlp • countY committee. Th\t" O. L. CuDnIqllam.. retlred Coua. can get blue or IIlack at THI!I Boa r It' ChaI~ dlflarCireek, tlon wtU be held on Monda,.. Auc. tr .\pnt m MOIltlOm...,. ComaMIAMI GAZETTE. Phone 3918. Chester Crockett; 9"rfleld, Don 80 and b9th county aDd COIUIl1llllQ' ty. . . . . . . _ _ JIIIDYteI tUt . . • • ~I"; i'ranItlID, Paul NoIIle; cominltteM ~l take oUIoe be- bad taka ....... OD • onIM In ~dvertlse In ton. Gordoa ...... BatIaa; aor. ~ !epteraller 1. . • ~ ddII IIUt lie


L E S S 0 'N.S



Sal": J'raak


Memb.r Federal I?pollt Inluranoe Corpora". .

.lJ'IIt of 11111 b..le



have beea mittlted til ...all. the S&a&e Pair more ....." . . . .~. Ina intormatioll, UMlI to ,...,. . . . quatel, mt,ro'r tJi, eflan~nt pattern of ru.... and arbU Ht••

If&l ...-

4e--. ....... ,. COD"""



aaI lin. 0UJualqlam made tile triP to Boath America alld the

1I~d4 01 *tle W-t. ...... ~ eDe the 0J'8 tIoata ~t brtq~.. to the b'~ted State.. SoIMI of the pl~ tabu o~ • _ _ to the IDterior of TJintdaa yhere the boata practlc:&u)' rubbed the jun· «Ie Oil the ~ All .. aU It wu .... 9f fiua aDd .... bope tI'Iat ,.... ..... 1M! able to


.ere Ilia,.., , . _

Doa't ....... tile . . . , . CeIatF ~

PI, . . . _

• .,.... • .....

.• 7

. " " ' . - - - .. . . .


!,-you"'~"""'~ .....,••~~••• ~............. 'J~

1850 NOVEMBER i8, 1954


The flltrocluctlon of Ilew ."tomobJJe modeisl altllouab Umlte4. iia. nOt yei been reftecte4 Jil weekly !lUS' tax .ooU4\<ltw,., Stoat" Treuurer' Boae, W. TraoJ s~81ed toby ~ commenpng 'upon the weekly recelptl ftO~ tlte lltate's great.. el~ alngle tu J"ev_e source: • COllottoDl for t~e ' WIlek en41ng Oqt. 3 , 1964 IUDOllnted: to ,3,691.474. ch was a d,ecllfte of ,256. 761, or 6.5 per cent. from tbe $1.948.285 coUected for tbe s a III e week Jut year. Of tbe ovc\r-all decllJle. tbe automotive IndUltry accounted for $230,694, ot w~cb ~02,849 was .ttrlbuted to the dip In the rIale of autolnobUe.. . ,


VACATIONING IN FLORIPN Mr. and loin. WI11ar4 I'IIrDu vacationing tn ~Cla. VISIT PARENT8 IN INDIANA Mr. and Mrl. C1harlel ' McCu1100h lpent the weelt end with lat. paren.tII In Linton. indiana. WEEKEND IN WAVER&.V Ilr. . .d- Mra. WJl_ HalrUlliCkl wenl week end peatl 01 Mr. M4 Ilra. Robert ~r in W.verly.

Three c....tflcatlons .-ecorded galns ranging trom ,16,448 In foocI, to '26.6~5 IJl buUdlng, cODlltrnctlon. and ,SO,514 IJl general department .tore lIalel. Declines were 1)10wn IJl the other tlve clalltflcatlciDl ranging tl'om $17.682 In the ap parel group to the major I1rop tn the automotive grouP. For the ttlca1 year beginnlng laat July 1, cou,ctlonl were ,60,Thll .. a decllJle ot ,.,. 660,565, or 6.'11 per cent, from the recelptl of '64,036,818 lut ye!(r, the ak year of .11 collectlonl since the Ale. t&:t law wu enacted 20 yean ~.

VI81TOR8 FROM LYTLK Nr! JAIl II... So B. 10no.1 of ~e, " Were' Su~y aftel1lOOll peets of Mr. and Mra. B. V. Smith. ' . ~


' r. ~'-'--'_ '- '

H08T.. TO SOUTH _ " '.. _ -' IIr. ... ...... A. H. JDarDhart

wUI be

UI4 hOltt.oP


Bollth. :w.JU UvtlOi:y Conoll their. ~ CIlIa J'rId.y ev,enfng, ., -....,..-




CON,IN£O IN H08PITAL: lin, B.aUIM Berr'el wu ..... QUite IU dIIraI til.' put week 11 ooaftIled ... 00U.ep IrDl ptta! III D&yt.oD:


In their first lequ, game of the season, Frtday night, the Spartans edged out the Morrow five by a Icore of 8S-3.. . Beal led the locals with 12 points. while the losers had two men tie for '111gh score. R. Parker. IUId J. Bergholt each made 11 point". . T~e local Reserves, after 'leadIng at the ,first qu.rter, the half, and the third Quarter, loat 26-110. F.RIOAY'S QA'MESVA'RSITY.

of th

7:'1'. fol· ~: ~~ -=:=-_-_-_- ~

IOJ'·UlDOtlt -°~"t'olJl~ the o:rtlce.

• 1

.1 Totalll _________ ___ 1/ ~

Morrow, soG. D. WoodJI --- - - - 1f B. Stevena - _----_______ L. Baker - ----------- - 1 N. Lilncan _____ ____ J Lewle ___________ 2








a ••





~# ~-


lUng friends and re1aUvea. and pointe of Inter8lt. On I'rId&:r evenIJlg Mr. and lin. ~art, Mr. anrl Mre. Reynard with ·Kr. liarold Koonts, of Dayton and IIr. Alton Earnhart were 81.% o'clock . dlnner guelts of Mr. ' and 111'1. Earl Earnhart allll, cbUdren. MI'. and ' Mra. R.e)'1lli:rd allO callecl on' other relatlvetl · durtng their Ijtay here.' I I


' ... "I

1.....( I . ..r CII. I • 11 AI . . . .,





and was guest ot honor..-when Mr. and Mrs. Harold, B. Earnhart entertalned with a family dinner. Tholle who enjoyed the day with ..,.. Harlan 'Were Mr. and Mn, Don Welch Of. Colu~bul, Mr. and Mre. Barla1l 1llarn.bart of nat!, Mr. and MR. Norman packert and daqhter of . Branklln. Mr. Evea:ett Harlan. of Blanchester, Mr, ~nd Mf1J. K. N. Hough, ' Mt:. Lorin Hqugb. Mr. and Mrri. Ernu'---

Thlt Happy Hour Olub held mMt!ng on .Tu_da,- attel'DODD..- tfae home ot lin. GleQll '!'be bualJleis ....lon ·wu held aDd c11lr1q the p~ MrI. &lvola ~b_, of AUaDUc D6w .......t at ...~Uv.. -in .non. tala4 OIl the fCJ111ldlns 'of the club, ala. . . . . . . c~ lJIeII!,; ller. .. • D Y IJllera_tlnC ev.~tI wen recalled aDd some or the (lId record. 1vere re!U1. several .hort readInp w.... given the olaJ» adjoUrDed to meet to DeceQlber with aD all cIa.T Pl'OlDlll at the I'mDdI aoe'-i 1'OCI'D with lin. IIan7 Satterthwaite .. ~ , A coyere4 dIab dinner WI11 111 ""ed and " .....t .,,~.. . . Nyealeel.

four generation" and . plQtur81 were taken of the' group.

llellclCIUI II&la4 C01ll'M WU ....,.... durlal the IOcI&l boV_

. . . . . . . CoIJeP .




to Cattle Club. from stapley S. SteIn. harter, Blanchaater. Thill youna bull is out ot the cow, COlonial .Ao,rel Princelll, that has once beeD. cl/1IIWed vel'll' good for t:y'pe, Is aired by Welolne IJl Valor Rocket.



IIrMn Th•••• rl 1.ld i . L":I£' 8 •• aMq t

ua r

The Green Thumbers 4-H: Club held their second annual ac:hieve· ment banquet at the Wayne Lo.c~ School Saturday, November 6m The honored guests were Mr. Mowbray, Mr. and Mrs. Conard. Mr. and MTs. Wotters, Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Bunnell and... ~he parents. .uter, dinner the. guests wln:e In· troduced and four very inter'estlng talks were ~.e.n by Glenn8~ Merrick and Bob O'Banlon over what tbey had go en out of 4-S: Club k M b ted wor . r. ow ray , comD~en. • _ . upon our club In relation 1,0 the county, and Pat Irelan told about her trip to Club Congress. The rest of the evening wal en. . ." . oyed by watching a movlll Jlnd. • Thl. week'e drawing for the vlsiUng with our friends. two U. S. 'Savlnge BondI which Pree., Jim Mllier the merchang are Diving away News Reporter, Lynne llrelan. . eloh ' week, will bs h~1d at Mil. . . IlIr's Oepartment StO,r e at· 7:00 GAZETIe CLA ' SSII~IEOS o.·clock Saturday evening. TTy • ' ;rH~Y GET RE:~UqS 1- -

Iolld Drawlll, At "''',,'S Dept. S,.".

.: ! ·::!-:~:r:o~!u:~~t.~:!:: To O••lni Boldl. W••diD, A••lvlna." hart. JIU1I. Harlan, Mra. u" 'little daughter repreaented


to _ Mrs. Graham lIald office receipts 6 84 for the month hit the new hln of $1,606.90. -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;; Wa11len11le _ _ -11 23 a6 88.. Morrow ________ 2 12 21 84

J. 'Bergholt ~--~-------~ Total. _______ '.. ____14 Quarter Scores:



• Ii

ATTENO ICE , IHOW lin. IIOton 10. . .d daqlater lin. Albert BI'&IlIIOCk. lin.

ft -


The oHice of County RecOrder Pearl M. G~ set an all·tlme record for bUllnesll and oUice recelpts la,8t month , as real eetate, coattel and auto mortgagell tiled In Warren cO'VIty soared to near the '3.000,000 mark. Mortgagllll, real estate and chat.. tel; amounted to U,467,Zf2.9Z lut month and auto mo~e8 tiled In the office of Clerk of Courts coo C. Beckett totaled -$468,370 for a gra~d total of· $2,925,621.92. Deeds recorded d uri n g the month numbered 216 and "millcel. laDeoulI 9L . SI.% hundred sevilnty auto mortgagel were filed IJl the clerk"l

i J! ::~:Xt!::~1:0:.~~.8~OUlltIDJ



The ' Ftlends111p Club met on afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elinor \AUtord. The npenIng and busln8la a8lslon were.. con ducted bY the pr8lldent and games were enjoyed. IJ'be ~Iub adjourned to meetM in December at the home 9.f . ra, Ital&- Thompson 'YUh Mrs. Susie Vaught as assistant ho'at88s. Eaoh ' member will bring a 60' cent gift for exchange. DurlJlg the loclel hour a dessert course wa, served by the oUtcera, Mrs. Horace Shaner, Mrs. Howard Wertz aDd Mrs. Don Ellis. ..................................~ ••

7 6



I D1'OIl'l'IUII. Govera • JUlIIlber of orlgInal onel were ' submitted but theae wt,11 not be cODIIldered ·VISIT.8 PA'RENT8 HERE a~ 1['re In so It III Important Mlal Betty SatterthWaite, of each member get his In. Bowling Green UJi1verait,.. Ipent The Flower ot tbe Four SeaaoDII the week eurl at the.. home of her wa. the prC)grlllll topic and was ao handled by Mrl. jitubba and lI'arents. Mr. and Mre. HarrY Sat· terthwalte. Mrs. Satterthwaite Mrs. Alltord that all felt they and Iolr8. Ralph Satterthwaite 'ac- knaw a grIlat deal more aJ)out companied her home on- Sunday. growing and showing the beauU· fut chrysanthemum. P D· Th e Dec e mb e r m eet'-- Is to b e OES' THiel o 0 eper. rlY,e h S" You ..... U surprise • Sb . .... a "'1--' a. I u. ... ... ....... Chapter 0""" ..., wU1 hear about' I~ later 101' • paper drive 011 Saturday FoU IJl t h ' th "'ornlnol at eight o'clock. AU • I I memo was aowAle g of eplants · program, e~ .. w111ch gave bere and friends are uked to take membere and friends plants that their paper to the 1'4 as 0 n i.. th ted d tt d . ey wan , an ne e a sum .or the treasury .T empIe. ~' . • HAVE WEEK E""O QUESTa Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart • • •r_ • from Thn-d." un· had -~. ,un·· WI ...... # t.1 Sat)lrdayevenlng, Mr. ~d Mrs. ., , . fl. R. Reynard ot Smithfield, Ohio. ' . AIr. and Mra. IDarnhart and their Mra. Viola H~lan celebrated _ .....e•• - IIpen. Frld .... 1ft ........ v'. her e.-.... eth _blrthda.. ~D. Sund."

1 1 6

. ~ Totals-:r--___ __ -l_-13 11 88 Mo",ow, S4Q. F. P. Parker ____ ...: _____ 6 1 11 W. :Achtertall _______ l O a W. Carper - ----- --- - - - 1 0




~ 1~

Oor. . . . .

VIIITI IN ' NEW JER~V Mn. GlenD Blan4 returned OIl Sunclay after lpen4l1l1 • tew . . ,nth her IOn-lJl.Jaw and d.aachter, ·lIr. M4 Mra. J10yd WIlUamII 'In, N. 1.



R.......~ ...... ,. F.r, ...... • ....

8 F. 0 12

NEXT WEDNESa;»AV I Everett Seara Grocery and the 2 Dot Food Store wID remain open 8 next Wednelday all da,. UIlUl 9:00 7 P. m. 0/1 account of the Thanks· - gi"lng hoUclay. ' 26 ........ _ ••••• "'............."... P. - - ' ----------.8 4 . •

01 . ~ .,.

The clvU /Jult ot Lawrence Cook, a well·respected fanner of ll.8at Wayneaville. v,raUl Game ~ torI Har:old Brant, Davt4 Bowel'BOI and Pa~ Keckler f9r aUeged false arr8lt and alleged malicloUl prosecution, and the counter sutt of Haroldl Brant and I)avld Bower/lOX veSlUI Lawrence Cook tor ale leged talae arrest ~na alleged mao UcioUl ProHClution. wu decided on i'riday, NovemlM!r 11 In the Common PI..,. COurt at Lebanon. The jury affirmed that due to the collfllcttq evidence In the cue, each Ibould ahare cOQrt coats and pay hili attol'1l,ey feell. , The Clhatge agalDlt }>a.ul Keck· ler of Greene' CountY. ' w.. dl.. mined by Court Qn the lIecond day of the trial due lack of evldence of hts pllt. The evidence revealecl he toolt no active part In


J a Cr.... 011-... , Wed.. M Ia..

.1." .......


th;::-t!c~e!:- ~C:!h

wu the buill for thla action occurred on Octobe, 16, 1961. At !lOOn 011 that day, Harold Brant aDd David Bow. erso][, In the preaence of Paul Keckler and lira. Cook forcibly arrelted Mr. Cook at hll home whUe he was eatlDg hJI noon meal and took him to, Lebanon, whefe Mr. oocftt plead "Not pllty" to ... Charge ot. "lnterfenng ,rith and .bUllng a game protectOr IJl the discharge of hIa duU8I." Mr. Cook uted for & jury trlsl. No trill was held IJl thlll caee and Mr. Ranker, Juilt1ce of the Peace of Turtlecreek TownebJp. returned the ,500 cuh bond to Mr. Cook about two "eeb later. The . Grand Jury -of Warren County. in January, 1952, faUed to

0 4 J. Byrl Crabbe, for 26 yeara a return an IJldictment agalnlt Bar- teacher In the local Ichooll, died old Brant on an alleged charge of • 30 Wednesday morning at 8: 30 In "ullautt .and battery" committed Middletown hospital. He .uUere4 on Mr. Cook. 1/ 17 26 a heart attack at FranklIn High Of the IIx wltn ..... ~ 16 80 School shortly after hie arrival .ubpoenaed for Mr. Cook, only there Wednuda.y morlliq, where two were subpoenaed ,by the he ugllt-'To-ar etu.... Pron;cuttn.... Attomey, -ftIIarvltl U \ :... removed to Mlddletowu hospital, Young. "fI'S.., where he died shorUy after. The matter was theD. taken by H. retired IJl 1960. .. Mr. Cook dlreUy to Dr. Charles He was a member of the Ma.- A. Dambach, CbJet of the Dlvillon sonic Lodge, Eastern Star. chap ot Wildlife of 01110. Dr. Dambach The Spartans journeyed to Blan- ter member of the Waynesville and JIIlIan' Northcraft, an asslatant ch8lter Tuesday night to meet the Rotary Club, honorary member of In the oUice ot -Wm. O'Neill, At.BllUlchester five. After having a the School Masters Club, and hon· torney General or 6hlo, after / an good lead of 11 poin~ In the ,first orary member of the State Voca- Investigation, ordered David Bowpart of the gllllle, the local team tlona1 Association. ' ersox to mithdraw tbe charges fell Ilehlnd to lose 3745. Tlie He 'fs /lurvlved by his wife. against Lawrence Cook In the best Spartans were handicapped by Eth eIyn, daug h ter Ray Iyn P enney Interests 0 f th e Divi s Ion ot Wlidthe fact that Shipley suffered a of Monterey, Calif.,' a son Julian, life. 'Ilhe warrant was withdrawn nose bleed, causing him to drop of Richland. Wash., two grand- on May 6, 1952 in the Ranker out for a while. High point man chUdren, a •sister, Mrs. Howard Court, and the Division of WJ1d· . for the locals was Hatton with 12 Snyder of Camp Crook, S. D. . ute pald t he court costs out of poInt s. Hi g h po Int man #~or BIan·. The body was removed to the huntiJlg and fishing Ucense fees. chester was LawBo,n with 13. Stubbs funeral home here. Servo Thl! above mentlon.ed civil sutt The ~eserves aleo lost after pl1. Ices are Incomplete. Rev. Dale was then filed by Mr. Cook against 1 d h fi • Ing up a good. ea .In t e rst o. Limbert will otflelate. the Game Protectors IJl October, ' was made by the game. Their score was 36-41. 1952. Every effort High point man, ~'W 'or the local team h d f t e e ense to prevent thLs case was Waller ~th 10 points. Rude . .Inn.,. Of U. S. \ from coming, to trial. When the . was hi . g h s corer f 0 r th II Blanches. Bonds Named flnal date was set for trial. the ter team with H , defendant's legal ~ounter sutt was VARSITYThe follow~g two numbers ara then rued to lei/sen the chances th wi fit ks tw U f th Ir I In th Waynelvllle, 37G, F. P. e nnera 0 as wee o . 0 e oe g e case. F'rye ________ -'-_____ a 0 6 S. Savings Bonds w111ch wU1 be The probable baals for Cook" Bradley ____________ 0 2 2 given by the merchants every arrest was dIsclosed by PI". ShlQley ___ --------- 1 2 "week until Chl'1atmas. Char'ea Oambach, Chle; of the Hatton ----------- ..--- 4 4 12 No, ~262 No. 42437 Wildlife, on Friday. mornln,g, Purkey ------------ - - - 4 1 9 • when he te.tltled under oath, to ---------------- - - 2 0 4 At the time THE GAZETTE the statement that -he wal Borry went to press. neither of the above the Oepartment did not approprl~ .' Tota1s ___________ 14 9 87 n"tDlbers had been" c1a1mad. . ate more money In order that Blanchester. ~ ·G. F. P. they might employ a higher cal. Molijar --- --- .:.- ------ 1 0 62\ Iber '.of men aa game protectorl f. ________ _ :. ___ _ 2 1 12 No testimony was offered ~t an~ Lawson, ~ 13 time during the trial to show that Oarey , 8 11 1 IS ' Mr. Cook haa ever vloJated an)" 0 1 1 The ?len's Fellowship of Church- game law when these three men carnahan ---------- --- 0 1 1 es of Christ In this area will meet approached bJs home, UNINVITED, .... 45 ,at the local High School Thursday on October 16, 1951. at wh~oh time Totals ____________ }5 15 night at 7:00 o'clock. Supper wID Mr. Cook was struck IJl the face '-to RESERVE8--' be I,rved by the ladlea of the Lo- by HaroId Brent and f orced ... WayneaVmllj 88O. F. p, cat Church of Chrtst and H. K. Brant's car. . Waller --_________ 2 6 10 Schondelmayer, mlJllater for the At the lalt General AIIlembl,. IJl FlaUllery 1 1 : Church of Christ at Warren, Ind~, Columbus, an "Omnibus Bru" In· E!jlherer. P. .,--------- S 2 7 will bring the m The uaual troduced by the Dlvlllion of WUdThompson ----------- 82 1t P U 8 atten dance at.h "eae mee ......s h u Itfe contal ne d provi" .,ODII to gIve o~e --- -----.,----_ been about one hundred men, be- "police powe!;' imd the right to 86 11de,a the woman who prepare the carry guns to the Game ProtecF. P. lupper. The meeting III ~eld once tors." I The committee on ConaerII 8 a month .at various polJlte IJl this vation '. and Natural Reaources O' 'l'he men of the local church woutd NOT recommend thia bill to I 4 and fl1ends of the cburch are · cor· the General ,Assembly. ' .After Mr, Coolt's errelt 1n 1951. : 1: dtally Invited to attend. The~ are 1 7 no charges for the ,upper, but • over '600.00 was donated by hili _ tree wU1 offerine wlll be takeu to. nelahbors in hIa defeDle. Num8l'OUI fannere attended the U pay the expensea of &lie meetlng. The sermon IUbject nut Lord', trial, and the ,enerat fee. In, to daT monUn, .wU1 be, Repentance throughout the prooeedlllga ..&It Ill_ Unto "Ute, Acts U:I-18. In 'the that the ObJo farmer had better nanIDs • 'l'banbIIYiDC Proaram .W1IJum .to the fact that the WUd· · ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~l be ,.Yeu o~ Ihort playlet. • ,lUe Department Ie raptdlT becomLaGION MIX. TO HOLD rudJDI; • vIq QuIa an4 inI too pcnrwful for tM aafety OH"IITM" 1lAlAA1l . . IpecIal '.&: a1IoR and ncurlt,- ,of hJa npta u an ft. AnIwI... Le.IIeR ••_ WUl _cia'" tM . . . . . 1n4lv14_ . Brother 1 - . JIaDaal pnached • will ....... • It .~ U. N...II _ . lave lut Lord'. cIa.T ___ t __ ID VIIITO"1 "ROM DAYTON CIatt .... ·....... at tile ...... aD acb.... or PIIIP1ta...".. -H..... 011 Iatu:rda¥. Dec. ,.. .. ~ t IIoberdIo H. Hetael -------- - 2 Totall ___________18

10sa • ,,; I leserves Lose 8, S


======:==== :.

RI~gs ====:===~~==.:

First C.Ire'h-· Of . Chri t .. ,




Twelve Warren OOUJlq women are elbultlng rect1lltl for , the annllal Heart J'und C&mpUgu, C0hatrmia ' Kary WUllama ADd J'ran. ce. Spaeth ot -lluon. '!'be aoal In Warren oounty hal bella ,nt at '''000. . A ...... ...,....... force w I II march on Bear& 8~.a,-, Feb. 10, to . . . . . u.t tUIld oontrlb~tlou from ......... IJlftbe OOUlltJ.

....... . . .To ...... lty -






0bI'CI1& 01 CIrrIR. Batal 1IIaba.. III 8cbNr or .,.,.., ..._ aa4 BIo&Mr tIae lAbanaa 1(rL . ao, an4 .... daallaw, - - _ .....

.c ........ ,..

. . . . . . . . IIudF.


form_eautncttaa ,..... at ua. .......



W'OItL ~


i "'11eItM . . . . " _ CUll BeISa- 00.. DIrt.. " ________________ -: __________ • Jlra. ~ UI4 who ......... PAUL A. 8CHC" ..''. . . .r .... ~I~" daqllter ...... IfteIaa4 II ..... IWu, OEOILIA J. ICHUtE« __ ., ______ ____ _____________MMoI........ bMll ....141q III n..ttoa rqi . . .

U ."



quIte 10m. UBle ret1lna.a to PublJalM4 IrYv7 'R~ 1I0IIIIi1q th~ "Ulap _4 plUl to U". III at W.,.eeYUl., W&rnII o...,,~. tbelr liome here tor a few mORUla. Bllte.... .. aec:oa4 - . . . -.der M IIr. and lire. Chari.. Doet.r . the JIOltotflt'e at Wa.,u..nue. O~j entertained thetr Bridie Club to DJlder th(' ~t DC March 3. 18'l8. ~ e"eDJpg or canle at I'ar Rill. Party HOUle. W~Il"'fIl1. , Baturo , ~a7 eve~ SubacrtpUon Rat_,a Per Yeu:, III 1AvaDee.' ill OWOO: wh_ Mn. Nellle Sherwoocl boat; 818" at home Saturda,. evenmr tor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1964 . the Nov~ber meetmr the !.----------:-~__:::____::__:::__=__:_-_:_-.,.;,_:_:_:__:::_.: ' 7 " e1vl!: r-rue. c. D. Cook purcbaeed. the Wet- The Welcome BIble 016ls' of leI property on Malll street be", Jon&1,'1 l\un BapUat Church met at public auction Saturda,.. ' In the home or Mr. and, Mra. Ralph MI88 JANE FITE GUbert Welcb, of DetroIt, .MI 9b ., Nlll FrIda,. evenlJar. Tile imup , Corre.pondllftt W61 a guest he", durlnc the week spent -part cSt their time bonne end or his mother. Mra. Oha Welch candy and cookl.s for au. lerTThe HarTe,lbur« Alumni A.lI!'o- and other relatives. Icemen. ' elation wlll sponsor a b9lletlt dance Mrs. Th~mal Fox. of MJamlBThe Men's ciub met m the hi,h In the hlgb school bU!dlll: Satur~ burg. wae • ruest here we(lIl11.da,. schoor buUdJog w.dDetlday eveday evenIng, bet",ee: ~U~I~r~~ of ber alster, Mrs. John E. Welsh. nine. )[re. Dollllid CoDldbt. of 9bePiu~I:!s ~~cm:!r~ Brocks or. In the afternoon they drove New -BurUngton, showed colored


,t.6I ....



U. . . '. ..way vi .... . 8oIId1 wlll.1I glv.n .. w ..k will U II t II Chrl8tm... .u.tJ1', till. a"tul'llQ

'1 J ;.ilililiiiiiiliiiiij.jja••i.jj.iiiiiiiiiiii"~iiii


IUd.. of 'hfl' NOMIt trip tbroqb the W.Il W!lre IIr., IUUl Mra. Oherlee 8wlDdler, ' Mr. &ad

Mre. lIa1lW4 _kne,. anll Ib'. aDd lira. WDU


IIr. and J(~ CI!PIel Oordt.ll ~ MorrIl'fIl1.. w. . aueatl here Satu~a, of Jlra. A. S. Collett. A. me e t Ill. of HarTl1Ib1D'C Gn'oge otrlcera W6I held In the home of 111'..... ·Il.... wtlDam WaI~, ThUI'IIdaJ ...nlne. OMoen pl'8IIIeDl ~ Ilere were: ·1Ira. A. S. Collett, ..... and II~. Chari. . Swindler, II.... lIIIb~ Hoqh lint. Harold. WIll1L

Lebanon, wbere the,. visited their 1.1 liiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii. mother, MtI, Lellll aUpln: patient of Carr Reat Home.

obestra. A. turkey ratOe Ie also being arranged for the evening, The Adult Clus of the Methodis t churCh will meet in the socIal rooms of the churcb Friday eveI n~ , Mrs. Oba Welch has retutped to ber bome here after being confined for several ,days at McCl 1· land hospital tor injuries sustained In a faU. Mr. and M rs. Clifford Doster and family of Springfield, were guests here during the week eUll of bls parents, Mr. and ~rs. Herbe rt T . Doster. James T hornbury has purchaaed the double house on Clarke avenue from , Mrs , R eba McCarren. ~~~~~~~~

The f.II.W.... IInI pi.... bUlln... are eonti'lbutlll, ..

Mr. John Moore of WUmlngton, visited here Sunda,. with bill mother, ·'Mrs. MIllie Moore and ItI other re a vee. Mr. and Mra. Arthur PbUabaum. of Kettering; were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambroee Moore. Rustell Hotter haa accepted employment Wlt~ James

UVlnt Room SuItes led·Room SuItes DInetN,Seta . 0.11 End Tables 'Coffee T....·




__~ r

A FARM LOAN.,? The 'Land Bank Way'


• Toe. . .

Coffee . .len


LUNG TERM 4% Intere.t No RenewalsNo Restriction. PART OF CO-OP FARM CREDIT SYSTEM For Information Call - Write - See

AKING your turkey's tern; T perature is thl' best ,way to be sllre your holiday bird is juicy.


Lebanoll laliolai Farm Loan


and done-to-a-turn. Here are some 8u,ggeetions from the Taylor Instrument Companie!!, Rochester. N. Yo, manufacturer!! of cooking and household thermometers: .' , I) Inacrt thermometer between fint and second rlbe.1hen push tip to ~cnter of stulling, or insert in center of inside thigh muscle. 2) Place turlley In a pre~at­ ed onn set at 325 degrees F. This low temperature insures belter flavor and appearancc. less shrinkage and losll of juices. 3) Roast 'a t cons tant temperature according to the following 811proxim a te tim.lable for s tutTed i)irdR:

Lebanon, Ohio ' Phone 3-2868 ELLIS STURM, Sec·Y-1:reaa. ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Estate of Ephrum Lawrence Hardl • • Deceased. NotiCE! Is hereby given that Ethel Hardin , whose Pos t OUlc Dddrea6, la Wa.ynesvlUe, Ohio, bas been duly appointed as E xecutdx of th e Estat e of Ephrum Lawrence Hr adln, late of Warren County, Oh io. deceased. Dated th Is 12tb dny ot Novembe r , 19501. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge ot the Probate Court, Wa lTen 'County, Oblo Brown & Brown , AUys, 11-18-(3t) -12-2

R.. d,-lo·Cook WI. " to • pound.


.. .,




NOT ICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Estate or Lu cile S. Robinson, Decell.sed, Notice i8 hereby given that Sa und ers L. ~bln80n, whos e POllt Offi ce a ddress Is W aynesville, ' OhIo. has been duly a ppointed a8 Executor ot the Estate of Lucile S, lWblnson, late of Warren Count y, Ohio. deceased, Dated tbls 2d da.y of November.

Klo U: 12 to 16


to 'ill

to 2-1


Tout Cook Tim. R~4 to .al/z hou rs

4to '; r. ill ft I; 10 ;'/;I! 1'12 to 8


4) Meat is done when mea t thermometer re~i sters 190 degret's F. in the thigh. or 180 degrees F. in the stuffing. One of the most popular thermometers has a pre-set index )Vhich can be s et 10 ' thl 'desired ' finis hed point bef?re placing in th~ oven. When pomter coinCides With the indu. the turkey is done.

*".,,;.;,,;.;•.,..;.;,,;.;..;.;.;i.~.;i,,~.~.~,.~.~.H.H.~*" ART I Fie I A L




do want yours.




. ~~~!~GE & THELMA~M~~hio .~

Armitage &Son SAND and GRAVFJ..

Big ~mfQrt.ble Rocke.... Cal'd T.ble Sets Smokers A Nice lamp to Reael By Electrlc He.te,. To • . Heat Th.t Extra Room Wardrobe. Large Enough the Clothes ..

, , For

111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TELEPHONES:

" R.ok. ' Mag,zine

WAYNESVILLE 2091 LEBANON OffIce 2-10:1 RE810£!,!CE sa11 MORJl~W No. S



RALPH H. OAREY, Judge or the Probate Court, WalTen County. Ohio Gray & Risinger, A,ltys.


George and Thelma Miller, ~.... of 111.1-_ Lunch, bave pur~ha"" . . , Cartier'. G~ry and will operat.1t on the ame plan a. Thelma'. Lunch - ca.h and • ...." W. wJII appreclat. yoilr trade and , .you will .Iv. u. a chance to .hare with ' .....r .rocerl•• your .... W. hope pl.... each and everyone and will try to ~clpate your want. and needs and will try to stock ~em. • - Plea.e watch for our offici" , .penlna. : I We dOll't want everybody'.,bu.ln••, but we !t


J1-11-( 3t) -11·25

COlicrete Block Rock Face Block Steel Saah Ce..-nt and M.n:tar Drain nle


AI DescriptiOns . Trucb of' AI KIndt . Chair a"eI 'r,blesm, '8amy~rd'.Antmals with ...... Tri;ycle. Tt.ctors Wagou INking Sets , 1;)01 Cab. F


" M.cliinel

Mo,' tim.,

0 'Ult thCl'

f it


, .... erol yeon ogo iult wan " eo,or UI todoy. Some with f ir. In,uronc • • A progrom aforted

yeon ago might ho.e b .. n a petftct III fo, you, Insuron,e n..ds , , • then. 8ut ,II may NOT give you full protection lodoy. S.. us fo, a fllU a.olyds of you, present. day d.~ .,

'",uronc. "••


............. , ...... "."", •• ,, ....................~..................~......~..............~..~..~~I!I~dldldldI~~~~....IIII~.."MlMI...~~~.........~




YGn"W w~ County ~ ~ . l!€:CU 1. jad,~ment I I

Verd_ Eversole to AlIeen GObert. 1 lot


J 1 Jeue ' J Baa N. HmderA. d Lovel8D to 1Ianh, Dor6tbJ lAd ' 1 COMMON PLUS d Mart Pa t to B V For etal, . COIta. IDd .... for r er, ot plalatlU • • IA of 1011 oWe Berry, VI DtImar 1Ierr7, claimed . . . . .1I:~~orel.OIu{e 8D1cler" Eo Eraeet VI . BDlder Twp. RoM Wayne plaJD-l in to Uw, cbIld , pt'aiDtIU to IDd dktoree per ' mortpc e tiff. DefeDdaIlt ordtNcl to PI1 defeuda nt ordered Jo Pl1 _


t-...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w NOVE¥BJ!IR ,.&, 1II~4 ..- Rabbit flit per weet.

o~re~=ilF,~; Tbeod , _etc. Iweek, VI ,EImer fte 51 Betty A,nn Blackburn va William

MARRIAOE LICENSES WQne Heller, 19, ateel JlWbert for etal, leaeon bepn at nlIle a. m. and J Rom. ] A. Blackburn defenda nt orderd David Taylor va W wn lAd Janet Gall Middleto w<Jl'ker, $t893.37 It 18 now .about halt put and a. ~oney, amouat week, etc, .i:d,em ent to platDtiff for to JlIY ' $20. 1et. 1 haven't hea.rd a .hot. Haven't Henry 'HI~ 17, stenogra pber. ~anJdin . lAd forclOlUN 01 W, Oscar vs r SlCDelde W. Nen .James W. AntrobUi 29 «4Y th.,. toud ~r rabbits or are c1 •• . . ' ~ul:l, Schneider, divorce to. plalotlff. J. Weller, .ttons.r r v. DaytOIl 1A\1 F iOUD c1f!al1er ~ea:. no hunte~' What a .urprill. dl WlllIe ~= nime., madlen to PlalnfiH restored I, ' . p voree 18 c:ubter, FrantlfD ay . SFERES tITAn thM would be. There are pt.ntr RIAL .. ~oDlee. W. . WU:~e Bert Conner VII Edna Mae of Nell , ~ II. Rob~rts' of rabbi", at lealt w. lee 'them IDd II. Samuel " :rom Bagford, 23, factory worker, out.. Perhalll! It CoDDer, plaintiff ordered to pay. ev817 tlDie we to OrvlUe G. and Ellzibeth L, NEW SUITS ton ClJarksvWe and Dorothy Cranes, Wasbing t m , II the same rabbit each time. . $lIS. per week. ~ 3 rn, Wasbbu Taylor, David va Taylor' Juanita ' Jobil .Lorentz VI Clarence Jonea, . .19, Harveysburg. _ divorce, C. Donald Dilatusb at- and Harlan Twp. .• Monroe Roberta, Jr., ~, ICIldler, l' Yeltent..,. the)' w..... hot4mi Judcem ent to plaintiff for $86G.OO. torney. C. Brattain J nd •• O Harold I • I t Dodl BIJet V8 NOrDWl , Hiur, 168, WUmJngton lAd Charlene Thomas, coon dOl net trtalJ at Clarle C. Ellis va Billie D. EllII, to ~lph P. Snook Post No. - Rayon and Nylon Moth-proof Blanketa-~ --,-- $9.95 ' 20', clerk, LebaDon. . RaUow. W. di'oft down Ind ~t cerlWca te ordered. Co. VI.Richard divorce, J. T. Riley, attorney. In 'l'drtIecreek Twp. ,cree 8.83 ShlllIto r 10bil carpente The 22, a Richard Stahley, E. III the c~r_ and w.tehed . for Peggy Pepperell i,..-- ------------7'-~-----$6.9S I Bertha ~ v!1 Stallley }toss, Harriet B. Meeter to r,John , . Shaw, Jane and Carlille ce, apprenU whUe, It "as a tovelJ In~1aIl lum· Bate 10t4 2 Orueble and Mae Patrick J. T. Riley, !litorney. 70" )( 80" Cotton -- -- -- --~ -..,- --·- --'- --_:--S4.98 Th~' "-"rn cMba everywhere divorce, ' llll, clerk, LeblAbn. are mer d&7. MOft of the I.. Lebanon Production Credit AJJ· In Fl'anklfn. factorf work-,. 22, Stanley, .Harold Rilev to er Carpeat 40WIl or ~zen black all except A. Harlan , , Single White Sheet Blankets ------ --..:-..-- ---$2 .19 aNI soclation VI Carl B. Bedel, cognovit ~. be6O_" and the oaQ, but a. overtlowillli with COl'll. There Abney, 2Io~' ln Franklu l.! er', ' Waynesville and Doris JeaD Anna and s. attorney Maple, and Maple .verr at operator , Single Plain Color Blankets ------ ------ ----$ 1.89 tIItrt are iota of beebhe• . In that ItUI 10lIl .~I ~t,:ka Charles O. lAd Par ~., Carpenter CbarltOn, 21, machine Cathe,m e Spencer, minor vs to . t~ t . e. " • ille. .Ile;a:;or 01 Waynesv lc]t· a Harp, E. quite IWI VictOrIa III lAd, tllere W wood. t Double ' Size Sheet Q.lanketa -.:.--.:.- ------ ----$ 3.98 ow ave Daniel Spencer, divorce, C. Donald to Arthur Arley Peters, 23, cook, Lebanon color, . There ....... allO a lot of p c u many PIlOP e FranJdIa~" • in lot 1 . attorney , Dllat\IJb but today '1lO..... !tom all the coon dOli ,ath· Unl,hed. It II 'cooler Cbelter C. lAd Norma L Cannon and Alberta Crew, 24,-Lebanolf. Dolores Conover VII,. Ben A. Con. of the Gary L. McCreary, 22, laborer, 4II'ed thft8. It was hard tQ Ilear brIJbt and pleasant. Most Dab D. and IIu1 LOu Amb\ttgy, to , Dllatusb Donald C. dlvorce, 'nIe beavr ~er, Mfaderla ' . and Bonnie Wells, 23, l. l.ebaDC)J the dOli ~n Ule trail becaUse the lea"'jel are down DOW. South In lot. 1 , blacken .d the 1000U.t leavea attorney d. doa. u..t w,re tied up made 10 freezemany Stanley Mc~ to Charles Wil· d,mtal alllBtant, Lovelan26, Waynesville, Ohio AllItate InIuranc e ' Co., etal VI Phone .2681 factory othere '0 tbat they are Jack P. Beauchamp, Salem in acres 110 mu~ ..... We asked one mall aud , Alpaugh . liam Law, cit" Question York, Robert nf . ,hower A. , In . ... (loW'» M, coming Stella r·9t and AId he I worker, Lebanon where hI. 401 wal al)4 aIld WonDel1 and CberneYI ~ attomeys. TO~lbl~. that whUe he liked to coon hunt gold thlll y~~: The beech.. Lynch to Vri,nne Rosa, 1 lUynolds, 24, Lebanon. Eihel Thomas Rlcbard vs Frye Ruth aIld ~lor rlch, a . ~ Paul Hillard, 18, paper worker' l lie didn't care much for the field oaka are ,atilt MATE Pen At the GAZETTE Fry, divorce, J. T. Riley,. attorney. of" In Leban~ Franklin and Shirley A. Acbberger, Get REFillS For Your PAPER W. trial,. where they ju.t follow a hel:'~ and · there a toUCh of '0D;leMelvin to WilIoD Helvlq .. vs minor er, McKeev Beverly ·Even I .9, clerJc, Lebanon. Twp. Icent bac. vyJlell hI' had hil dop thing elle that· la bright. g Eugene Newn lrlcKeeverjO dlvprce, Wilson, I Iota In DeeJfleld , --------------------"..... ------, hUDt, be 'Wanted It to be' the real ~he chnMuthe';Dull18 are berinuJnII . --:" grul . the . but I~abbi look to are trlals field thine. But these " a .. a popular .port. One man was bright STeen and the ~w•. hav..iv· 'overjoyed because at: IaIt after blue hue over Tbanur In the atr many yean hlB dog.. had won In~ ·Ia besinnln g t~ one of tl)eBe eomethbi... 'l'h.,. are a 11dDny lot aDd ,...e prise every tor we. alw",,.a o~ dOli, b80auBe bunting dog I Indian Sum er daya· ~U~ber Is ~ to ",atoh their caiOriH. Th"re have In mind tbat their , - I heard the flnt, .hot: "DId a IImlted· l - · go' t\te rabbit IIlte the dust! POOl' ihln,: ' :'l'be truck JU/rt. a~!!toand lell and a U they were aU kWed at the Urat .t~r that 1 wanted calf and ook them to. Wilmington. shot It wflUId be aU right but big aule hate to have tliem wouniled and 11 doubt if. there ..a a very plckltU. are peop~e Bome today. later. die ' and away get to llve of day first the Is It and corn ing l with up eaten be lOon We woulcJi itot does that but hunting r"b~lt Af rid get rabbita it we didn't aB Bome of tIIem every year anll hunt- mabe muoh dltrerence, as 10ll.g If iDg II Buch A deep' human In.tlnot I the repJar· buyers are there. ng to tbat It. will, be a long time before )'OU have a c!lW"' or IOmethibetter . It dlel entire!)'. There has · been go back! to ,a farm'tb er Bell.,re loU! •Qnite a campaign fo .. Bafsty In on a bad dar when therll .t\lff hunUng thla ~ear but BDlDeone of farmera thllre but market too wlll always pull a loaded gun doea better wben there , Isn't through • Jenee or Bhoot' at tbe , mUCh of it there t\! 8e.1. ,_ you flrat movlne bUlh lie le88, how- · GOOd hqntlng, but 'be aute at. ever It !Day do some 100d to talk bow ~hat you are Ihoo~g huDUq







HUJlI!1I .








- .... -. .-- -- -


', '

-Stopping a trainu~d ·to be a noisy, jerky buSiness. Budf you've ridden "One of today!s really m~ern trains you kno~ how smooth and quiet , even quick stops can 'be. 'That's because, after years of research, the Budd €ompanY··developcd a new way to stop an SO-ton railroad car. Iri the Budd design, air-actuated brake shoes .apply p~c:ssure to a ' disc attached to 't he wheel, inltcad of .'the wheel itself, This protects the wheel and improves the braJcing action. Vital to Budd's new' diSc brake' is the hca~ treatment of st~l parts in gas-fir~d furnace5. Gas is used ilt Budd b;ec:ause it is ~c~no~cal, flexible and is capable ~£ . prole .dueing ~igh temperatures. The; Texas Eastern system makes availab homet and a dependabl~ long range'iqpply 9f natural gas to ,industries . Yes, It . . . . fIdiIIcI

.,... ...

in its service area.

... .... ......................... ..,

• ... .. , ~ "" ..... ndIKt



......... ,.. ..., ...

. ' AMI ,.. .. III $5111 $1010' . .. . ....... -~,


..... 'H IIvirOU ,




Phone 3913 To ..lac. a . GI...lntll

.S.perfla.. and . D...Tlllr '. Fro. U,~ .



- .....


£AD, Pia,


EXCAvATtNG lind - - - - 1-_ _ DUMP TRUCk II!R"t~E Phont Waynetvllle 3S2IJ WAVNESvILLE, OHIO



nEBH Ea••


at Davis Furnas Pit. We also



SEPI'IC TANKS, · ETC.SJDPTIO TANKS. omss POOLS, Outdoor Tolleta, Cflterllll Olealled wlth modern eQulpmeDt. LlAMS SANITATION. PhOD 6·504~, ~kUD, Ohio. c-4-1~tfo




Lly. W1re _ troP.tItlye All OrpaillaUoD Beco1ld To :Non.. BtrlotlJ Bell.,.. OIl tile :Belt All ' Aroud Marbt ba the Countr)' 8ERVIOE TH,," SATIS"E8 For Dally Market Reporta: WLW. ClIIcbmaU, 11:1& WPI'B. IIld41,town, 11: 46 WOKY,. Obaobmatt, 11:16 WKBV. Rlohmolld. IDd•• 11:80 · UDutem BtaDdlU'll TIme,.


deliver. ARM IT AGE &. SON. Phone 2091. tl

5129.1& ad Up For o.,.lIolai 10.... $299.9& and Up For lllo.alic Models






UNUSUAL OPPORTUlnTY FUn or part tlme,men D,"ed at once to take ord8J'l 101' Ohio'. (Solubl. Wa"arln) large.t limns Uquld fertUller. PHONE 2541 Big demand created b., het.T1 ad· vertlalDg Ichedule and parantee of proflta to farmer. LltUe Make. I Quart Uquid Bait ellllg - home D1ghta but car Ia ftl.1.. .....tiiolal 1. FAlTER ACTtNQ eSllentlal. If UOO or more . . . - UJIQI .... , ... week Intereste you. then Write 8· . . . . oIL EAIV TO UIE mediately to~ "NA-Cmms," P. O. o,~ INEXPEN8IV-£ BOlt 60008, MarloD, Ohio. ., -11-11-18-26 There wll1 be a dlltrlct' m,e etliis C for aU prciID clUb meml)lInI • .~--WANTJIID x.1lIa. .. Ut. Stcoad Ual~t PfU. eel A farmer to boaIt orden lor • lIfterlall Church. COl'U1' oJr 1(.... . aaUoDalI., ImOw. h7brl4 HeCl com. ket ad Weat Itreetl, ~. DIITR18UTED BV IncUcate 10catioD In ·reply. Wrlte NOY, 10. with re...tratlon Box 41, PateaUla, Ohio. 9:30 L m. to 10 L m. Ml'l. D,lc-11-11-18 ward ~; EdUor or F.--~ RI. . . . . . . . Path,". wW be the tpeak II' for . . . . . . . lilA" . .FEMALE WANTED- both IIUII'IlInc and after1l0Cll1l . . . WAVN . .VILLE, OHIO MALE 'HFJ.P ./WANTED.10111. toplo wll1 be , phrlltDIU DMoraUODI )'or YOIII' ..tcrllltcrllltc.. , ... ,rIII .........

$289·1& '






11 X.... •


Kill....., Mice

"""'" .

lOW rOIl a. WIllI rOIl OWl

GIl ,. - ..--..

S,lvlnia, Zenilll, Anin and Ol.e' Will I .... Ilk. ,-

e.m.. :

..... ACCMf.









*,*U.,•.,•..,•..,......W ..........". . . . .


~~'!!!. ~=~:~:; f1~:. =U~e =C~':D ~~__be . . .IUUUUllllUliUDIllIIlDlilih.


PHONE 369'





.FR.SH all4 8MOKED


w..k:. BIOO. 141 Belmollt. Bel· PI.... mall all lUllCileoll reM... moDt, Man. X-11-18-(lt)--I1-I.,aUou to: MrL wlWaa Pa"",.

"'111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1I1111I!1I1111111'IIUIIIIIIIP~' 1 BABY srrnNG,

aab~~ x~

W. , . . .... n-. H .... . ._ .1...

0Mmb7 tor lucb6 ~l'.tlOlUl The ......... . GIl .... Coal d...wu BABY SITTING - In' lIlT hOIlM II Weal •• a." Noy. ' 14. ~•••• whUe mot4Ier woro. MRS. WIJ, b"'~"'~ II"" S M!IIl· a&RVICE and INITA'LLATJe'N' LAJU) BADL1IIY. I'Utb bou. ere.... ~. warde Wap.81vUle OIl lU. 71 aft -----'to~.,. anll Convertlon 8umtrt ~e 'S. . X-1l-18-(8t)-1z:.1 "REI! ~TIMATE8



Dale L1JIlbert, M,lnlster B. E. Baugbn, Putor Church School. 9:30 a. m., Mr. Unified Service, 9:46 a. m . Herbert, McMillan. Supt. Worship Service. 10:30 a. m. ST. MARY'S EPI8COPAL Youth Y1IIlowll81p Sunday 7: 3 0 p . m. The Rev. Samuel N. KeYII, Reo", Choir Practice Thursda., 8.00. ~~~;a~~mmunlon, 7:80 L m. Church chool, 10:00 a: m. Adult Worship, 11.00 'a. ' m. y FERRY CHURCH OF CHRI8T Byron Carver. Minister UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH , Bible School, 9 : 30 a . m. Morning Worship, 10:30 a. m. William Channon, MIDlIter. Prayer Meeting, 7: 00 p. m. Sunday -School 9:aO a. m., Mr. Young People's Meeting, 7: 00. Harley Thomas, Supt. • Evening Servi ce8, 7 :30 p. m. PreachlBg, every otb,el' Sunday. 11:46 a. m. Evening Servtce, flrat Sunday in FIRST CHURC\'i OF CHRIST monCh. • . Price Roberts. Minister CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Dible School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship at 10 :30 a. m. CharieB Roberts, Mmtater. 'Speclal Class at 7:00 p. m. Charles Stanley, Supt. Evening Worf\hip at 7:30 p. m. WorShip Service. 10 !l. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday Sunday School, 11 a. m. eveolng. OREGONIA EVANGELICAL U. B. Eugene Urlrrtlh. Pastor ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Sunday Scbool, 10 a. m. Rev. John Berning, Pastor. Morning!Jl. 11 a. m. · Masses S': 15 and 10 : 00 a. m. Youth Fellowship, 6:30 to 9:00


F. .ln 01.. It II BABY SITTING - Will care for AI I"" c. Frye R. Ry..... children In iny home whUt-mother ~ Wayntevillt 3274 r



1Il 1~




HOME .. 'UNDRY-Wuhl .. ~...... Ironing done at my hom" MRS. Mre. Ada Smith. ERNEST GIBSON. PhOlle Waynea- Mr. Boak lDtrQdllced ~a their ville 3198. ~-U-18-(8t)-l2-2 BUeat ~peaker for the -afiternooD, POULTRY E""GS ETC ' Rev. Tayior McH'n~ry of t;he LeJl, '-II, .anon Pretbyterlan ~huroh and he SALE _ STJ!1WING OHIOK- gaye aD UceUIDt talk Oil "1'JaaDkI. E~S. GEO. HENDERSON. PhoDe giving." Be gave to hlI IllteDe,. 3622. Rt. 1, Waynellville. many wo~erflll thoughta OD th1II c-1l-4-(3t)-11-18 day•• whe~ we give thanks f~r our many bleulql. USED a.OTHINC-The clOb adJoumed atteJ' a very , pleasant :da." to meet in DecemFOR SALE-Beautiful SealJne coat ber wltl), ~. aDd loll'll. Rhollea Bunfull length, size 12, perfect eODdl- nell al hOlt and llostel,. ' tion, rea I bargain. FRIENDS . H27~lM. E, WayneBville, Ohio. Phone ft_ ...L-a- , L




......... . '-1"'-'lIlIIA.


,8ddl!tll, A••I,arla..,

FOR RENT _ 6-room apartmeat. .On SUDda." November 7. Mr. and GOLDEY. Fourth Street. Phone Mrs. A. O. GrlUy . were invited 2475. . X-ll-IS to the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grll .... in Da"'on. Mr. a.Dd 'MrB. FOR RENT_ LJ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grlfty. who were celebrating flfty.aixth wedding &IlJl1ven&l'7', FOR RENT - ODe· car garage. were greatl., Burprll6d to flDd the Phone 2603 Wayneavllle. fonowing aile present t '? h e I p .. X-ll·1l·18 them celebrate: Mr. and· ~II'II. Carl

~~~.4 ~~


OFFICE SUPPLIES IDdeUbl. Penclla, Llh,rary Pallte, Poater Iilk. Journal Record Books. RlbbonB, Typewrlter Paper. ReiD' rorcementa, Big Ben J?ouble Letter File Box... Receipt Booka, and many other Item.. THE HIAJII GAZFJ'lYl'E. PhoDe 1918. db

Warran Whaal Loan Valle. t~ $480,-




CHEAP.IT Way You H.v.

Hr. ad' Mra. Paul DakiD and UWe 1011 OeDe Ylalte4 bll moth~ MR. Ella DaJda on Saturday. Mrs. Lena Barbook SpeDt Thur&; day ID WllmlnstoD at the home 01 he~ grandeoD KIlo Bartaook an~ tamlly. . Miss Mlnnfe DodsoD left OD Thursday to sp8,I1d the wiDter With frlendo and relatIves in M.lamI,

GOOD JOB PRINTING Can . Be Obtained at the Gazette


MIBI'~Dodeoll 0." froIP

clDDltl to MlaIIll.

.ua'i '!"T•••hlnl' ·' "Baha,'u'lah declared ,. plainly Bnd repeatedly that He was the long-expectlq 'E ducator and Teaoher of all peOplell. the chauel wondroul Grace that would tran· 8cend' all prevloUi Revell~tloDl, In which all previous formls of rellglon would beeome 'melrged, .. rivers mel'le in the oceaD: He laid a foundation and l' llrm bull for Unity tbronlhout the whole wQrld and. ttle ilUUlC11raUon of that Ilorloue age of rPllace On E8:rth. Good· Wlll AmoDg Men. of which prophets have told and poets Ilung. Hli message .IUIJlOUllCed in lS68 II III accord w1th the tlllli IIDd needl 01 the tlDIet. NeY'8r wlUl the Deed of a great world teacher .0 IU'Pllt or 110 wid..,. felt;· - !'rom Baba'u'Uah and the N,w Era,-Sublll1tted by Mn, Beln. IoIcCci'7 !' . loanl an4 10 IIInD Loeh .... that &D7 has pro41IOI4 ...",.... In 111&& .. for loan 01 . .. par rate for W. . .


a ........I··'II.RIIIIII


Let .... Public at What P,lces You Selil ' Oba-

(D•.layell) Mr. Nol'IIWI BroWll aJld Mr. Ed ' BI'OW1I. of Jlt.'1tOD, vIaltelt their liiter, "lBl Bertha BI'OWIl OD Suday altenJoon. 11... ElIsabeth, Chandler and 1(1'11. LeIla Harttook with Mr. ad loin. 0haI'1" McClqlloch atteDde4 J'rleDdl lIleatlq a\ I(laml Uat$'enlty. Oxford. OD Suda.,.

Dr. Emma Bonow• ., Bpeat Sanda., with her rrl8I1dB. the A1YlQ Oreqer lamU., ba Dayton. I



Ed~1U'IlI l~


Suclar to lpelld the willtel' III OrlaD4o. &b. w.. acoompaa· led ...., a coualD, Hi'll. 1(...,. Boll. of ~n. , '


MI'. WU1Jam ~, of JIa1Yepo

burc. ad '«I'. and Mn. 0harIee lIuten 1Ul~ DtUe lOll ~ of m.toD, were I(n. LelIa Hartaoolt'a callen B~J '''time.

D"~I~~~ij~~OOiii~iiiiii~~~iiii~~~ii~~~~~ii~ I'.

S. WllIard Losh, oUice manaler of the Warren County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Com.nUt~, 4u announced that 472 wheat 16anll were made III the • ." 1964 ' wbeat program In the county :::==~:lie;;~~=-with a total of 208,600 bulhe.. 01 wheat placed under loan and wlth~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ held from the callh market. The total amouDt loaDed ...... ,t80,400. Lolh said that or WI totallllUll· ---------~--ber 01 loaDI, at 'WIre WarthouH Try a . . . .

. .""""J

ad Mn. Walter LynCh In tbe Doyel' Del(hborhood Dear WllmlDgWAYNESVI~LE. to.. Ohio, )(1111 msabeth Chandler attend- Member Fedtral Ineur,anoe CorporallOft .d a meetiDC of the American Aa· IOOlation of UDlverslt., Women at ~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Girls Olub In Mtddletown on : _ ' Monda., night aDd on 'Saturday N.........r Adverll _.In. I....... ,the BaT .... night attIDded the dinner and meatlq ot WarreD Oounty OSU; to Know What graduatel at the Golden Lamb ID Lebanon. t~.Offer ....

andMrn. Fack of 'Eldorado, Mr. alnd Mrs. Richard Noagle, son and Idaughter ot SprlDg Valley, Mr. a'nd M s. Otto Flint and Mrs. Evl~ . Brake· field of Sal)~a, Mr. and 1101n. Vin· cent Griff ., an d d aughter 0 t D a.,HOUSEHOLD GOODs.- . ton, ' antl Mr. and MI'II. Oharle. FOR SALE _ Tappan Gas ' ~tove Conard ~d daughterB. T~I! day Crosley Shelvador large a I z e' Will! greaUy enjoyed by 18veryone, Phone 3313. X-il-18-(St>-12-2 eepeclal1r the hODored Cl~uple,

_OF_F_IC_E_S_UPP_LIfS_ __ _

Thl· I.plitllli Iitlaalluk

lire. OU"e CUrl .pent levera! tbII w ..k YlaIUng with ·Mr.


WATER WELL tric Pumps Installed. LONZEL SPARKS, Route 79, WaynuvUle, Ohio. . X-9·64-9·65

FOR S~ - Waynesvllle Locker Plant Stock. $60.00 par. Will sacrlflce for Quick sale. Telephone Williamaburg 6941 tor information. c-1l-4-(St)-1l·13




1Il_... ancl IPMItI;J .,• ·"d ad aacl Hrt. D-Dt - - - _ . . - _ .. f ¥" .............. -

~I~C~ W~D~N~

MT. HOLLY METHODIST LEBANONCHR.snAN Cbrlstian Scien ce servlcea are T . :\1. Scutt, M·lniale r E. held every Sunday morning at 10 Su nd ay Scbool. 9 : 30 fl. m., High land Ave. at 11 o'cleck. A. Earn hart, Supt. Sunday Behool a1, the same hour. Worship ' Service, 10 : 30 a. m. Testlm.o ny meetings 1st wedn91' E vening SerVice. 7.30 p. m. day evelilng of each month at 8. SUNE>A Y RAOJO PROGRAMS: CHURCH OF CHRIST WSAI-8:46 a. m. Main and Miami Streets WING-9: 00 a. m. W1IFB-4: 00 p. m. unda.y: Dible Study, 10 a. m. Communion, 10.45 a. m. Preaching. 11: 00 a. m. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS Sunday evening, 7.30, p. m. First Day School, 9: SO a. m. \'v·ed. evening Bible Study 7:30. Meeting for Worship, 10 : 30 a.m.


works, ",., or ni(ht. . MRlit· AOY The J'anD8J'I Club tOil LAMB, WaynelvWe. PhoDe 2701. ThuncIaJ at the home of J!'r. and . ' . X,-U-1S-(lt)-12-2 Mrs. Kder Hoak. A ve d"lli ----,---~,------.UJI,U!HlNG, IRO.....,IO clOUI ~ clbmlr WU Ie to ~~



.......,... .. .,...,.,.. III








Barglaa Inv.olved iD Local Bre~·ins Caught ill BayloD

Warren county'8 recent general eleoUon resulted In each vote COlt· approximately 68 cents, according to flgurel releaaed recenUy by Mrs. Lenore Ho11ol)., depUty clerk ot the Board of Elections. There were li,765 votes cast In the county In thla ellfctlon with the total cOllt set at ,s.o28.07. Major expense In the eleqtion 1~1 :~~~~g the 60 preclnotll . 1n the Ing


~=-=--::-A-=-a-O-:-:::'E::-::I------~"-"', Member Of Gang Shot In LeC In Attemp~

.;;···;;,;,··1;··......... •w ,.1raJ.", "1 .Ha..M



The figure II an Incr9a8e in c6m· parlson to elecUon costs In big presidential vote two yearil ago when 18,733 votes were o~st at a total cost ot ,8,484.78. • The figure tblll year Is leS8 than ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB a year ago when 10,148 vote8 ~re Mr. and hire. J. J. Bunke en.· cast In tbe oU·year election with tel'ta.m&d on Sunday afternoon and a total cost ot '8,&82.97. The avo evening their carel olub of Clncln· erage. vote cost was 89 ·cent8. natL V.1I~fT

IN DOVER Mr. Ilnd loire. Carl Norman .pent the on,nksglving holldays with his mother at ' Dover, Ohio.

• SUS Break-In Friday A. M. at South Main Bu.ln... COMPLETED • With tbe apprebenslon ot six burglars over the week end by Day-

.r: a~,~.'

The 1954 Cena)Js of Agriculture about 60 per, oent complet.ed in tbe twenty counties covered by the field ottlce at 640 Hooven Ave., Hamllton, according to Field SulI-' ervlsor R. V. Crist. Mr. Crist stated that he well plea'sed with the oooperatl~n the census enumerators are re-

Thl. ~.ek'. drawlno for the two 0, 8. Saving. Bond. whIch the meroflantl are gIvIng away eaCh ~week, will Ibe held at FaIr· ley Hardware ·Store at 7 O'clook Saturday eY',nlng,



oelvlng trom farmers In this area and has high hopes of completing the canvass by the scheduled clos. date 0(' 4 weeks after the start of the enumeration. He pOinted dut that enumeration of farms Is one of the larger costs of the cen. sus and ~at cooperation of t~. era In completing questionnaires prompUy will be a vital faCtor In kelUllng down the tlnal oost or the undertaking. Quick completion of the census will not only belp In keeping costs down but will ald In prompt pub. lIcation ot the results, Mr. Crist said. He urged .local tal'1Xl,ers who bad not already done so to com. plete the census questlonnaire and It ready when the enUDlera· tor colIs. Mr. Lon AlICord,of M't. Holly, Is enumll.rator In Wayne- township. Mrs. Cara Ross Is enumerator 10 MaSSie-Washington townsblp. _ •


Golden F.r. Blreal Wo.en Oelellrale ' Mre. Bertie MUla has returned W dd· after spending the past week with Mill AI Lon lIo.. • Inl Anlii,er~arr her 80n-ln·law and daughter in . CIncinnati.

LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mra. JiIlm&r Sbeehan, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGee of Bethany, lett on Monday for Bradenton FIona.. where they will lpend the wlD~.

"HANKSGIVING GUE8T8 Mr. and ·Mrs. L... C. St. John and Mr. and Mn. Glenn Bland Mr. and Mrs. Coy Glals ot Balti· more, Md., were Tbanksglvlng peatl ot Mr. and Mrs. John Settlemyre and ohildren. HOLID>\Y DINNER IN LEB>\NON Mr. aDd ·MnI. S. S. Ellla anti Mrs. I'rances Gray and BODS .to tended a family Thanklg1ring dinner at the hOD;le of Mr. and Mrs. Del101 Worley in LebanOn on Thursday. . THANK8Q"VING GUE8T8 Dr. Mary .Cook had as ThankSglvlns ~er g\l'8llta Mre. $a4ie Conner, and Mr. J. Eo Fruler, Mr. and I. ;rohn l1edfern and Mr.

IL Roben

J'UDt of


...... eftDIDI .,...t..

The Womens committee of th" Mr. and Mrs. J. P . Fromm held Farm Bureau bel!1 a meeting at ',open house" on Sunday oelebrattbe home of Mn. S:· W. Losb. Tha theIr golden wedding awver' ladles ot the GenntoWn Advlsol'1 A tamily' dinner was served were the hostesses for the meetnoon bour at the Far HUla lng, The (oJlowlng members were House with covers arranged elected oftloers for the com~ lor Mr. and Mrs. Fromm, Mr. and year: ·,Mre. Ohu. Guard, Jr., Mrs; Melvin Banta ot New Oar· Chairman; Mrs. ~arold Cox, VIce lisle. ,Mr. and Mre. Clyde Fromm Chairman; Mre. H&rold HeISinger, and children, Kenneth and ~l'en, Secretary and Trsasurer, aD,jI. Mrs. of SpringOeltl, Rev. James A., 1'0111· Earl DuVall Legislatlve represenr ler ot the Horth ru.el'llale lAltheto taUve. an Cburob, Dr. 'and Mrs: Ralph A special m1lk proniotlon pro- Vance of WUmlngton. Mrs. Oharle". ject was reported, oa by Mre. A. Ohambers, Mrs. Nettle Dupree, Mr. L. Schuhart. Farm Bureau women and Mrs. Roy Hawke and Mr. and and others have contributed treas· ?trs . Carl Hawke ~f Dayton, and ured recipes, wl1Ioh will' one at a Mr. and Mrs. O. Lee Ha.wke. time be released wlth the morning During tbe afternoon and evemilk dellverles, through the coop- nlng about one hundred and fifty eraUon ot the milk dlatrlbutors of friends' and l''alaUves oalled to con· Wa.rren ' county. Among those who gratuUe tbJs . tine couple, lea.lng donated their recipes are: Mre. many lovely gltts. Many bQaUti· Harvey Rye, Mrs. ~bn Preston ot noral tributes added to the the Far HWa party Honse, Mrs. beauty of tbe home, and an attrac· John Bunke, Mrs. Jean Bunnell, tive table was arrange\l in the din· Mrs. Clarence R,ye, Mrs. Stanley Ing room wh~re fruit punoh, cook· Ireton, Mre. Eel Stanforth, Mrs. les and, nuts were 8erved by <ill. A8bury, Mrs. George Cat'- ferent members of the faml1y and BIlrton Meyer, MrB. Ohaa. tJ;1'leD,QII. Jr.. !lin. M. HtfilImey, Mn. -,--....,.---1IazJ8J aDd ..... I.



Mr. and entertalDed

on orlng the ter 107 contests and Mn. deligbtful invited to a

Deeamller Drafl Oalls 10; 1 To Be Ela.ined One youth from Waynesville Is among the Beven from Warren county wbo are scheduled to take their ~rmed foroes physical exam. Inations next Tuesday, Dec. 7:


.WaynesvlUe-George Arnold. Lebanon-David EllIott, Harold aDd Franklln-Clarenoe Grltten. Sylvester Mr. and Kings MUlII-H~rold Brayton. Three men from WaynesvUle Robert Bernard, Mr, and :Mrs. lloward Brown, MI'. and Mrs. J. M. mere among tbe ten from Warren Wyant, Mr. anct Mn. Charles Illor- countf ordered to report for induc. tlon Into the armed forces on Mon. gan and tbe hos and hostess. r ' day, De o. 13: , Waynesvllle - Herman Isaaos, Winne,. Of U. DWight Mlohener, NOrml\J;1 Lamb. Bond. Named Lebaaon -Robert Leis. D\Vlght BrIckley. Donald Hawke. . The following two numbers are Franklin -Irvin Owens; Jerome the winners of last weeks tWIt) U. j:J. Savings Bond. whloh will be Robinson. Morrow- George Donahue. by the mQrchants everY Sprlngbor<>--:Robert Gray. week unW Christmas.

ton police, several local brea1i:-Ins and rob~eries In recent We4!k8, are lIelleved to ha-ve been solved, One burglar arrested wa.a shot In the leg by a local, bU!llness man as. he attempted 'to break 1'111 8. South Main Str.e et establishment Friday a. m. . Confessing to burglaries bere and other Warren County areas D:" . were: Richard p. Frye, 18, ot SO 0 .. Sout1\ Lensda:le Ave., Dayton; Clarence Jennings, 18, ot R. R. I, Several of tbe lamb pool co-op· New Lebanon, and Raymond .1'esse, erators In Warren county hav~ 18, 1221 West First Street, Dayton. ~uested that there be another T b e tbJevel. completely de· pool this year, acoordlng to John stroyed the safe at KI~r's Garage B. Mowbray, county agent. Friday a. m 1 and removed ,231.QI) Plans have been oompleted for from It, and ,18.00 from a cash another pool to be h.e ld at, the drawer. $50.00' df tbe mon~y wall .Warren county fairgrounds on later recovered. Wednesday morning, Deo. 8 from The lIame morning ,IO.OO In mer· 6 till 8 a. m. . chandlse was taken trom Bob SerLambs brought to the [air· via' Texaco Statton here by the grounds wlll be grad41d. 'Welgbed gang. ':they left behind a flash· and then trucked to CinCinnati light stolen fro a Spring Valley market. Persons requesting RD.' flUlng 8tation and took three new slstance In grading sbould oon- nashUghts. tact the extension ,office at least One;f the gang, RIchard D. two days prior to 'the pool date Frye, 18, was .hot In the leg the for help. same mornIng In an attempted brea,k·ln at Smith Sal~. 4. Ser· vice, South I',1aln Street, by the owner. He wa. taken to a hoe'~13 pltal In Qrand Raptel., MIch., by one of the gan.g, but the pair The GoodwUl Industries ot Day· fle,d when a State Trooper b&o ton truck will be In Waynesville, gan queltlonlng them. CentervUle and l4t1e from Dec. 9 Local polloe recovered two Ures to 13. Tbe truck drivers will go at Third and Higb Street. stolen house-to·house as much as pos- fro m a Spring VaJley semoe sible. Tbey will also call for ma· staUoo. terlals at farm houses located not According to , Wm. H. Sawyer, more than two mUes from these of ijIe looal poUce, the c~e lab towns. Those wisblng to sohedule ot tbe London State Prison Farm a rural plok up call should con· was here cheoklng finger prints. tact tbe trustee for their area. Tbose located near Waynesville or Centerville sbould contact either ROBS H. Hartsock, Waynesville NIlUOJ!lIU Bank, or D. T. Baird, R.

Warren La••' Pool T

Held Dac. 8

Goodwill Truck ,To B. H.r. Dec.


~~.~~a.~.-~~NL'~ bas namlid Carl MinniCk, ot Fr

D' be channeled through . T. Balrd. The oontrlbutor may also write or oall GoodwUl Industries of Ray ton. 201 West · Filth Street, Dayton, at HEmlock 6331. Your unneeded olotbJng. furni· t ure, andmisce l l aneous mn t ew -'at. '" su ply jobs and wages to bandJ. p.... d I I d t G d call..,e peop e em oye a 00' wlll lodustrles. .

lin. to serve 8.1 a member of the Mr. At a IPectaJ, meeUnp of WaynesBoard to replace Thomas .Barnand v:I11e Lodge No. 168, Free and Acbart, who died several weeks ago. tamtly of Blanchester, Mr. aM cepted Mas 0 n s last Tuesday MInnick, well known I nth e Mn. Earl Bee of oztord aJid Kre. Mrs. Helen McCoy will att4lnd nJght, William Penewlt, of Center. Franklin community, is In the paUl· PlIsle Hockett. the Baha'I state co~yention In vUle, was fnaqLlled as Worshipful t ..... business. He is ftfttlve In the Manstield on SundBY'. Dec. 5. Master tor the next year. He F' J kll Rota Cl b<>V b f BUTTONS, BEAUX TO MEET Tbe theme the con.entlon will succeeds Lo~n J. Hopkins In the 'rann . ry u, me.m er 0 The "~uttons .and Beaux" grOup lie "The Hour of ~olalon." DIa· oUice. tbe Masonic Lodge Ij.nd Scottlsb Rite. will meet at the l10me ot ?!Irs. Ed· cusslon wlll 4!mphaslze tbe proTh'e Installing officer was MerThe fair board is slated to meet win DavJa on Wednesday, Decem· gress ~ ot- tbe Tm-YeAr Spiritual Un Riddle ot Centerville, a Past bsr 8, .t elgbt · p.~. A C)lrfstmas Crusade, wh!ch III designed to 'c ar- Master of the MI~lsburg Lodge. next month to re-organlze for the party w.J~h an exchange ot gltta 'r y tbe Baha'I teachings of tIle' Other oUicel'll . installed were: Joe oomlng year, Corwin Nixon, secre· I'(ill be enjoyed. ' tary, announced, Unity ot Mankind aDd the One- James, Senlol' Warden; MUo Beal, Barnhart was ' president of the ness of Religion to the Junior Warden; Lowell Thomas, olub and' bad been a mllmber ot TH.ANKSGIVING IN TROTWOOD oorne!,'8 0' the earth ' The spe- Treasurer; Cbarles James, Seore· 52403 39734 The Christmas meeting of tbe the board tor SO years. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnbart clflc !$Cals tor t~ ' ~ming year tary; Wllllam Strouse, Senior were ThanksgivIng guests of M, will be outlined Iii a oonventIon Deacon; Earl CJ!>nner, .runl,o r Dea· I . Waynesvrue Garden Ctub Is to be .....lh t nd At the time THE GAZETTE an d 1.1rs. Cb arIes B. E am ar a messa~e trom the National Spiro con; Cbarles Elsey, Senior the Friends Home on daughters In Trotwood. Mrs. Mar- Uual .Aasembly of the Baha'I8 ot ard; Morgan Weber, Junior stew· went to press. neither of the a'bove Thursday, December 2 (today). jorie y.oblnllon and ob1l«\ren, of the United Statei. ard; Lawrence Weller, Chaplain; numbers had been claimed. Tbe members wbo live In the Dayton, also were gueats for · the ltighilght of tbe meeting will Sylveeter Antbony. Tyler; Loren Mrs. Gilbert Frye, Mrs. S. S. Home are to be bostesses and day. Ellis and Mrs. Lelia Wilson enter· those not members are to be the be the 6lection ot deleKates to at- J . Hopklna. Tru see. Dog .... 90r the 1955 season :r . . . . . talned at the Frye home ' on Friday h 1 b tend the NaUonal Balia.'1 ~nvenguests of tee u . will . go on sale Tuesaay, Dec. 7, GUE8T8 IN LEBANON Uon next . Spring In Welmette,:J, ~ . IMRS. MYRTLE GIB80N evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. There w:m be a basket dinner. In the oUlce or County AU!1ltor Mr. and Mre. Glenn . Borden were Il\lnols, location of the Baha'I ~ ~ Corruponde.,t Warren Shutts, whose marriage Be there early' A. M. Parker wIth the some fee &mon'" the guests , on "f "aturday evewas an event ot the past week. .. year. .. • bouSe ot worship. ,'lin omll Phon. 81118 schedule In effect as last n'-and , Mrs lawrenco . Mr. and Mrs.. Shutts received many ..... when HI'. State oonvenUona' for Baha'la of . The first tags to be sold have Fox of Lebanon, entertained with tbJ United Statee, which are anMrs. Vada Klein ani!. Mn. Nel· Everyone · in W. co~l~ty lovely girts, at!~ after a very pleas· ., been reserved tor GeraJd W. a 'dlnner party hbnoring Mr. and )luel assemblies, purely demo- Ue Madden of wftmlngton, were seemed to enjoy the Tha~gllvlng ant evening 0. delicious dessert Cauden, tormer sheriff and one ot Mrs. Wilbur Dupn, who are leav· cratlc In .character be held dinner gue8ts ot 'Mrs. Kleln'a sla- hoUdjQ'. ~. ~our8e was served to the follow· , the county's canine fanciers. ihg tor Florida. Ijlmultaneously on.' the same day ter, Mrs, Olive Curl on FrIday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell KElDton Ing guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde The New Century Club met on Tlie cost of 1I0enses for males, In every state ot the union. All Miss Gertrude Chandler, of and taJnlly were Invlted to the Baston and famlIy, Mr. and -Mrs. Friday, afternoon at the P~y females and spayed females Is ,2. GUE8TS ON THANK8GIVIN~ Baha'la l'8IIldent wlUlln their 1'6- Norwood, was a Thanksgiving home of friends.i!l Dayton Elwood Kll1worth and chUdren, House witb ?tilss Ruth Obandler For several years, ' males and MJ'II.. Neme Bunnell ente~ed BpecUve state area are ' enUUed guest of her aunts, Mlues Ruth ThanksctvlDg cllnner. Mr. au.d Mrs. George Kees and 8S hostess . . Follo~ng the bus~ spayed female . tag costs were $I on Thanksgiving Mr. an!1 MrB. to a.ttend- and to participate. The and: Ellzabetb Chandler. Mr. and Mrl. S. R. Reece and family. Mr. and Mrs. AlIios Fair· ness session and roll call, Mrs. R. and females were The new GeorIJe Bunnell. and tamllT, ot larier .tates with jhe greater Dr. Emma Holloway spent the 80n ~nu~ Lotyd visited ·Mrs. chJld and tamlly. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1I. Hartsook and Mrs. Cbarles J)rlce want Into effeot several S.,r1Ilsf1eIlI, .111'. ,a nd 1011'8. Richard Baha'I meJDbenhip ~ dlvld8d Thanklpvtng 1l01lday at the home Reeoes daQlllter and f 'r In S. E1~~, Mrs. ~ces Gray and were In cbarge of tbe pro· years ago. Kennel fee .- .10. n_h.... of D._no, Mr• . ..... __ A -U'n• Into two lleoUona tor ~es. state ot . Mr. and Mrs. William Pre Is Berea. X'" ... • "'?_ ...'... ',. • SODS, Mr. and Mrs. Verno" '" Sbutts gram. . Mrs, Ha,rtsook presented TbJs has not been obang6d. DDer'J' Roblrifut and M,. ~4 loll'S. ~vent1oDa. ' and famUy tn Yellow Sprtnga. Mr. and II.... Tlmmie Wiaters and daughter" Mr. and Mrs. Ha1'Qld Miss . Sally Work~an who sang, Licenses may be obtained at lUlodea Bunnell. ~ Mr. Sheldon 8brIeye of Wll· and flUlllb' vJal&ed Mn. W~,te~' Shutts and fQP,1tly Mr. land Mrs. :'Thank Tbee Lord" and "Count the auditor's office by applying . HOl'<'ORED >\T ITORK 8HOWER mtngton, called Oil hI8 mother, parents, loll'. an4 Mn. ~IDOnd Marlon Shutts, Mr. !lDd Mrs. Ohaa. Your Blessings" . acoompanted by, 'e ither In person or by malling the GUE8Ta ON THANK8GIVING M rI. Sarah Braddook enter- Mn. Reba Shrieves. OIl Frida7. Afore In GeI'llWdowll for ~iI.nka- Hagemoyer, Mr. and'Mrs. Ira Hetz. Mr. Phlllp Workman. Mrs. Ems 'description of the dog as to age, U'_ _~ on ' _ ,,_"'-'-_ ler,' Mrs. Lelia WUson. Mr. and lDtroduced he r granddaughter. sex, COlor. long or short halr and ..... __ IIn. Leo ,,-"" a nd t&tn_ _ ....". afterDOOn hon·' .... _re. .. _abe 1 Hath.w.7 _.. .... a ct~-..... . claqhten ha4 as ThaIlkqi'flQ orIN Mn.. SUe W.n 1f1th a Stork peet 'on Thanlalgtnq Da7, or )(1'. and lin. IIartbl Bonll and Mrs. L. V. Brsnstrator, Miss Marie Miss Joan Decker of Centerville, breed together with the required ......., lIr, and Xn. ~rett Ohuo Shower. A. number of ....lPIti and her Bllter, Xn. E4Jla Burnet and fam117 vt.Ited JII'. Bona' parents Sbuts, . Mrs. ;Qt.a ra Hiley and who Is a student at Depau Unlver· teeIl and chUdren of I'ranJillD. relaUvea . wero pres_to among fa.m1ly. at Sandy Boot. ItT. on Tban:u· daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Be~ Hisey. 81ty, and recently spent six weeks Deadline for bu:rfng tags ""Ith. Mia. Rulb, CIoaner of lI1amIabarc, them belnc lin. Kehneth Wert, Mn. lAna Hauaoolt with Mr. glvlnc. Mr. Lorin Hough, Mr. and Mrs. J. at tbe Unlverelty of Callfornia out penalty is Jan. 20, 1965. lin. Ell. . Sherwood aac1 Mr. loe of 1'roJ IUUl ~n, ' John Stott, of ....d· lin. Rou Hartsook, lIr. and Mr. an4 lIN. JleraJi61 Cole, and F. Jaoobs. Mr. ~d Mre. Oliver taking leadersbJp training In the SIUlhrood. . Ne. Clp'11Ile. ~n. Owen ~k, lIr. ancl Mr.. famlJy . . . . " Mr. and. !In. Jacob~, Mr. ,and , Mre. . Milo Hart- YWCA work. Thla was a very tine GUE8TS ON THANKSGIVING M . CIwi. McC1Illoch an4 Mn. Nelite Erneat 01__ 8abarda7 ~iJlht, 8OC~ and family, the honor guests, program and 11'8.1 greaUy enjoyed QUIiI:ra HERE' QOElTa eDjoJ'ed TJaanbctYlq cla7 Ootober aIIo calleCl OIl and Mr. aDd Mrs. Frye by all present. as lin. DR WeiGla:' of Oobullb1l.. Mr. aDd lIta. Ban7 Ba&terth- 1J1th IIr. NUl lInr. Hobert Palmer Mr. and • Campbell ~d The club adjourned to meet Fri· ay, Mr. and' loire. Adrian """.. of ..) t ,. Ohfo. . ' ""... entertailled at lb.. home of ,her walte ba4 .. ~lIDf gqestt, 'J \ MIl ~----_ . - . .. . . ",aftr." 'MnQ. OJ"" d THANKSG IVING DINNER cla7, December 17 1f1th Mn. I'l'ed ClnclnnaU' and the f o rmer's - - . t a Mr. aDd IIrt. Be B. :mana. IIr, ....",U'n. 88"- R. Satterth. )(1'1. Nat iluna7 and daqhte~· ~.e Mr. and MnI. Harold B. Earn· Grauman ai .hostees at the 'Ps"'· moth·~ Mre Cox t K t c..... ~;;. S&tuday ..-eaiq 1I1th • walta~'" lIr. ud )(n. Mia. Natalie lIal'l'&J' "ere' dlnii... word to4q thatr .... brothn. and bart entertained with • Thanb- H 0 us.. Dellc10Ul refrelb.m~; Mr. .a';d Mre.· Dale ~ttee : : .";n IIC*f 01 frtWI· . . . . _til JIaII* &a&grthW'&lte ail r.aur.......te 011 TIaaakIIl-rlq• . . , Mr. 1114 lin. Dean7 I b, 'ctvinc clbmer 011 S1IDAlQ ap4 had "ere served during the aoc1al of Mtamllbura'. Mr. aDd Xn. ~1I. All ..,.... of . . . . . . . . . . . . . IUH IIet&J' Batterthwalte an4 )(r. Ill . . . . JIa&h alld .u.abeth Da.nlel DaY14 ~-~"'l peate Kr. and lin. bour.:· llam Strouse ud cb1ldrell and tIOIl .... aJorec1 .... cIaIaty .... aac1 lin. BJr.I Jr. ... g-.ndJer. a r r l Y l q " - - tile EarDJwt of ClIIoluaU, Mr. . lin. Leah )(ina. rar-IIm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.... lao cIlIIdnL -* .....! lin. Doll Welch or Colamblla, 1Ir. H>\VE TH>\NKIQIVlNG GUESTI _ _ _ _ __ .sW ............ lin. .,.. lImP> a U E I T ' FROM LEMNON .o_alil and and lin. Norman BacUn aac1 'l'IIAIlkqt'l1ng cllnner peatl of HAVE WEEK liND GUlE8T8 ' .... 11ft. ~. . . I ...... Ii.. lin. HAVI THANKl4llVlNQ QUIITI lin. RaMl OatterF of 1Ma.... ~ I~ eta..... 01 I'raIIklIB, lin. ..viola Mr. ud II.... W, It. Stroud :wen. lIr. and Mn, CUrl" Rye btl ...... .......... .... DIuII .............. Buutt IhIUef- 11''' •• ad .,...t of 1Ir. an4 BarIut. u4 111'. Loria BaqIa. Mr. and lin. Btro1a4. of .. PaN from WedDMcla7 utU ' DIIIbt. .... era. 0. wartIl ..... . . eateea..ed to II.... au.aoe lip. aDd DQtoD. Dr. aDd Mn. Staley Wblt. Satur4a,y, III'. and lin. RoMrt . . . . . . CatoIJa ......I . . . . TIaaIIbIS..........., III'. aDd lin. TH>\NKlQIV!NQ D~Y QU."" . .d 8OU, lI .... Bq R.ou. Mr. aDd SlIJalier and Ill'. and lin. J. . . . ...... ,....., ..... JtIeI . . . . . . . ...,., .., ..... ud ..... oJfa lIr. Pi lin. DoD Ra• • haC l1l'i. B. B. .~ at at BArIeJn1lle. IWMJ1. . . . . . . . . . . . .~.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0IrI THANICIGIV• • lin. . . 'ftaabIttIq d. . . . . . . 'IIr. lin. ...... Clue or III4dl . qaIa. 1Ir. aDd lin. ~ u.d .... ( ~ " I, . 'I. '. . . . . . . ... ' ~ ~ ........ C. 1M ............. lin. (JrMe VICe ... lin. Iaoue ...... 11'.... l'rIday ....... GUI"" DAY"rON IawIIIU1INn....., ~ .. 'ftMIiIIl........... JII'. • . . . . . . . . ".... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cUu_ ...... at 1Ir. and .... .-..: JIB, . . , . . . . . . . . . . lin. , . . . - - - - . Ir.. ... lin. DDa w......... Dee CJareIaoe .,.., ... I ..._ ..... at · _ _ ....., ~... lin. .... CUd'" ..... THA""VI... IN MY'ftNII . . &




Wa,ne Garden Cia. To Meet Toda,

Honored W"lh Shower Frl"da, E,enlng • Her. '


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TH E MIA MJ GAZ'E TTE Eitabllilled February, 1850 PAUL A. 8CHERER ..... ____ _____• • ____________ . Edltor and Publllhir CEOILIA J. SC~ ERER _________ ~. ________.: ___ ._.,--- A.. oclate Editor



BubacrlpUon Ratea-$2. Per Year, 11\ advance, in Ohio; $2.60 e1~where , I

TIre IIPres;IIen(1 Dies The President died yestel;day. He was 18 years ' old, The people of thia' nat'Pn are not aware of their IOS8. Only a local newspaper carried the report. ' The people will never know the void caused by hiB death. They 'l\'1ll never relld the newspaJ)er accounts of his election to the Presl· "dency. That event would have occurred In 1988, The world will never honor the shrine erected to the memory of this man whOl would' have le~ humanIty to lasting peace and Interna· tional understanding. And we who are left behind aak. "Why?" He had everything. ' Nothing was being spared to qlak'e his educa.tlon complete. He waa taught the rules of good behavior almost as soon as hI! could talk. Later aa a young ' man he took musio .leasons and all of those other thIngs to poUsh lhe social graces which would make him acceptaple In a poilte SOCiety. • As a. toddler he went to Sunday School and 81 a young man wltJi a fll'Jl1 beUef in GOO he joined in the membe,rshlp of a church. He played football and basketball and spent long hours of practlce and study so that each play. motion, was perfect In every rellpect.. This habit of practice ar. I ,nore practice, careful coachlng and teaching was an esaenUal :.:..d . 111&<'1al I art. of bls life - In bi& school work, In religion and In pla.:r. Of course aU of theca things wel'Q taught In part by ,hiB parents, bllt they recognized that 1: 0 shou:d ba\e tra.1nlng by uperts~by othera more Qualified . T y reeognlzed that theae teacbers were eaaentlal to give this brlght~yed lad the tne t I elp aad direction which would 11ft him out of medlcX:rlty. And the driving of r n cl:ton:o _l'e? I guess no One thought of that. He patterned his driving on what be sa.w! ' othere doing - people like his dnd, who never had an accident. Don't knOW' why he didn't, beeaus sometimes he drove a little fast and sometlmee h& 'just slow.ed down for a stoP sign, And be' had been known to pass another car In an intersection, Not really bad driving. Never had an accident. The lad made only one miBtalle yesterday, He did not have ' his dad's good IUI! k. He had an accident. The l'resident died yesterday. He was only 1 years old.

Oral Wyatt who underwent. Burf til Ollnton Memorial hospital 2Q, was returned to hia home near H8l"Veyaburg SWlllay. • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Doste, ,,'ere dinner guests Thanksgtving day at Mr. and Mra. William DOltel' and famJly " . Mias Betty Ann Bogan, Itudent ot Ohio State UIllV8l'IIlty, spent several days last week here with her' parente Mr. and lira. WlIIard , . IWId loire. .Tohnny SmJth and, tamJIy, o~• M9rrow , calle d on frlencJ.& here SWlday. ' • Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker apent Thanksgiving day with her elateI', Mra. Jennie Bell ot SomeravlUe. Miss Janet Doster, lltudent nurae at Chrillt bospltal. OIncinnatl, spent several days last week. with parenta, Mr. and Mra. Charles

- ---




'In order that the people of Wayneavtlle ml,1t.t ~w more· about the Church of Chrlat that meets at the com. of lIaln and Miami Streets in the former Oswald Funeral Home..e bave decided to present 110 sertes of short articles In tb1a ~r to inform:' you concerning it. The Church of Ohrlst folloWl tilt New Testa· ment. or the Lord Jesuit Christ, autl uses It a. ita orited. We rea· llze from Paul'a worda In. Coloaslans 2:14, that the 014 Law WIUI abrogated at the dea·tb of Christ. This does Dot mean. that-we do not beUeve the Old Testament or that it has been. 4eetroYIld. It Is stili use(U1 for ollr learning and ndmdnlt~6n_ (Rom~s 15: 4 and I Corinthians 10:11). , In Matthew 16: 18,- Chrlat speaks. of bullcllD&' Hta churo'lL We ,believe that He carried out Ril Intent on tb.e day or Pen~ec08t as mentioned In Acts 2. We believe from the word of .Oocl that there are certaln marks which Identity this church. Tb e marks are plainly taught In the word of God, anll betore a body of people have a rtg)Jt to C!81l th'lmselves the Church of Ou1et the" must evince nil of these marks. . Tbe lden t~t a iroup must be able to trace ItBeif bacJc, 'len. tury by century to century to be the Lord'. chureh Is .... Ithout either logical ot: sorlptuml foundatlon. NO GROUP CAN' DO THAT!: , The 'word of God la the seed w~lch produced the hurch (LUke 8: 11). It did 80 orally at .tlret, It was then" written and tod&;), sUIl PJ'Oducea the church . . As long as the aeed axilts, then the chuhch exists. By conforming to the word W$ we are the Lord's church. \: es, friend". the Ohutch of Chrillt. has eDIted 101' over 11ine' • teen centurlea and will copt/nue to exlat until .haU end. The Church ot Ch 'lst at Mall) and loIlaml Streets, c:ontorma to _ dlvl.n e pnttem of. the ~hurch 0 tUned In the acriptures, thfs iB the church thM Christ esla.bUahed. In suceedlng articles we will note varlont charicteristics of , lhe cburch In the acrlpturea anll shOW' you that~ Church of ' Chrlat meeting ' at Main and M1aml Streets evlu 'lheee same characteristics. We hope by these a.rtlclell to ~ In you a and prayer~ love tor the trnth and a sincere desire to fully study, the word. YOIl are cordially invited with


toll. vIIt~ here Suulay wlUA UAe1r . ohlldnm, MI'. aDd Ill'll. Ralph Dell aD4 family and )(to &lid JlI'I. Ell· rene 0latJr: &114 famlly, an4 Ill'. an lin. BoDDIe Clark and famllT. -



Mra. Clyde RUll10n are the birth of their leodaulhter, Joan 'IqDn • • -INDELIBLE PENCIL8 Hf.RE . We bave genuine \feDU IIldll· ~ble Copnag Pencil I .011' In atock. ~rhe Miami Guette. '

Same unHor/p toalt whether bread is (rozeD ' 01' Crub, rye 01'



A FARM LOAII 11 The .....nd Bank


UI'_.... '







4% I.......t NoR....wa.. No Reatrlctlon. PART OF COOOP ". FARM CREDIT 8Y8TEM For Info~mitlon CIII - Write -~ 8 ••



La•••• 1.Ii.lil Farll· ....




2 - $25 UI S. ,SAVINGS BONDS WILL BE ,IVEN BY THE MERCHANTS EACH , WEEK .1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111 II IIIh

lalt -..ell: .t (IIIDt.oQ MeDIGJ'Ial bollpltal, WllmlDltob. The JiWerDaI rruuiparepta Irr, aD4 U .... II.... Pete 00le and Cart Olbclm. 01 HaneYlburs. JJQtoIl, were peate, Mr. and M .... Ralph Clark of Day' 141'1" Oole'. parenti, Mr. H Ii. O. I!!«'~" ~ al..11 H _ _• ItudeD~ of State . Ulllyel'llit,,.. • p • D t end d::r. P:' and Mn. Arthur Currie. , AIU1e Wbee1an, 01 ~tonl on frlen41 and relatlvel here brolthel~·l&w


Simplon of K,.. Mr. and ·Jln. AltMII' Phllabauui, of Ketterlna, eD~ed with a dinner lit their. - . . 'l'laaDUalv· lug day anel ~e4 .. thalr guestl from here ..., pareDW, Mr. and MrII. Amb~. )(oore and her brother-in·law IIIUl ~t.eJ'. 111[1', aDd M~I.:1. lil smttb. 'I'Ile 11001'9 and Mra. ·Smith uteQtJed their vilit with the Phllabaudla until Bunday, Mrs. W. Eo i'roet. who hu been UI Ie impl'O ' Mra. Laura ShlcIater, who ball belln lpeDdiq ,.vval month I in AlberQuerque. N, 11., lUI the houae g u e It ' of hel' ctt.ughter. Mra. Blanbce Gra,.. Il"nmed ' to her home hera Sat~ Accom~nyhi&' her 011 the U'tp ~ bel' grandson anet ,wif.. Mr. and Mre, Wmlam VUlara aad 'family, who h,ave been reaJdlDt i In RlYeraide, Calit., while '• .'tlllarl was sta· tlQned with the there. . , Mr. and Mn. Doiiter and

•dllllllllil "1111111111111111111illll

Gratitude Is not only tbe greatest oe virtues, but the parent of al\ others.-ctcero. . "A good name Is rather to pe chosen than great rlohes, lavourt rather thnn silver and gold: '-Proverbs 22·1.



Publilhed Every Thursday Morutnc at Wayneavllle, Wal'ren COUlitr, OJalo. ttnt.ered aa second ClaSI matterhlat t e POlltornce at Wayl!elyWe, 0 0, Ilnder th'e aot of March 8, ·1878.


nc:~~l". ~ ~.r""''bara. ....... .....



Church Of Christ




Mail I

Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll .j



Welcome Corner , JUNCTION ROUTES 73 and 48

. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1_ COMMENCING AT 1 :00 O'CLOCK Wcslinghollse Refrigerator No.8, Exten.lon Tlble, Iron ,ed, TilPpan Bottle Gas Range, 9x12 Ax.m lnlter RUlli 11 8tralght Cllalrs, Wizard Electric Washer, 2 Walh Standi, Wardrobe, 3 Rockers, Dresser, Studio Couch, 2 Cupboards, 2 Olocks, Mlrrorl, Edison Phonograph, 011 Heater, Breakfut Table, Limp,.. Curtains, Ice Bol', 3 Pc. Set Wall Cablnetl, Porch ChaIr, Linens, Lot of Dishes, Cooking UtenSils. "

CIT IE SSE RV tC E Friday and Saturday DECEMBER 3 AN 'D. 4

MISCELLANEOUS - Buthcerlng Outfit Lawnmcwer, Carpsnter Tools, Garden Toole, Bropcfer Stove, Whee,lbal'J'ow, 011 Drllml, , and Many Other Article. Not Mentlon~d. , ' 125 !ilushels of Corn in thlll Crib, 40 Balel of Clov.!'r Hay.



, II11111111111111111111111I1111 In 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111' "


Having sold my home, I will lell all of-tho houlel1old goodti and chattel property at PubliC Auction, located on Pekl" Road No. 53 leading f~cm Pekin to the, Township Road, fJ .,,1'" Eut' of Pekin and V2 mile West from the Township Road on

CASH i~ y~ur



Russell & Paul, Auction..... I!EBANON, OH IO W. H. IRWIN, Cle,rk

pocketbook when

Atomic -evidence and ....tIfIc ..... prove

Bendix Duomatic WashesoCleanest of all,~4.w..ay! J e

t9 Need $50 to $1,000?

F9C the fin} time-coocluelft c.m 01 ' ~ aucoaiadc wuhan haft beea mad. by. _diD. Indepudeac ~ , Iabol'ACOl'''' alllhollaecl th. AtomIc

Just plwne, tell your modern money man

how much you need, then ~top in for the money. Ouick Modern Loons made to married or • ingle men and women on furnltur., Jar or • ignahlre.


EIMrI7' Commhnoa 10 11M ndioectmt

~Iol'~~ •

Amoaa aU cbalead1g wuben ..... oa aU ~ Cauaa, dIit . a.adb: Duomadc iaobd nasTI ' .".",. ,.....,.."t'MIIIW,",f/c:a_

when yOU . . need money ~e


.IN... HO. .



. . . Mulllerfy at. ..... II..... ,

PMM,8-1071 ," " " ~

l_; MeNlo 10 ...uonti., ........y , . - ... Mel _ .


"'.UANCI"~, A.VCO . . .,. . . . Cirp.,~ t,.,~

1 •


~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"l

cJmmooly called Tammy, 1e a I.home. 'l'hey alked about all tlIetr ICrape, and another bump. I got he didn't put on the of It. The street was a wtde'thankfal that It wH ' no wo,... I enough but It jammed Itreet 1I'ith t~e cars parked par- was thanlddul that I could 10 OD lively piece ot humanity, comillf friends In Waynesville and said out to flnd that a bOJ . a truck two, after Ohrl'~. Be d08llll·t that they hoped to be able to just "easll18' OI1t of tile 1)Uldng my and· put a big dent In my allel. No excnae tor It, either Ullder my owu steam. but It bave much to , ~ but he 4oean't ltop and lee them 10Die tlm& apace,lI 08 ne A1<I, U6 eUld too right tender and took off his carelessllesl or poor drivlng or seeJDed 'so nee41MI. IUled word" to let us mo",: what when they go down to Glendale. far nnll rlgbt Into me. (do not bpmp&r and now I will bave t,o both. I was right wbere I b&Watch your driving and buy TB ~ he wants and he us!)aU,. sete !lut They look well and though they know whether he didn't lOOK or ! IIpendl nluable time taking care 10n&ed. I suppose 1 uhould be Christmas seals. A. farm to 'get It for himllelf. No Ihelt were already a bit bomeslck tor _~==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;= \ . Diary , ...... , •••••• , .......'.,.',.' ••'. .,.,••••• ' •••, •••••••••• '~I Is too high if he can push a cbalr their friends they had just left, By D.. J. PrUIer ' TELEPHONE8: near It qr climb on sQmethlng. they were looking. torward to malt.J Z-~-""""""~~-'--"'I Ralph Is doing well In' a. bUSY Ing new ones In that pl.aaant parWAYNESVILLE 20i1 NOV.lilMBER 29, 1964.-'l'han\ts· church In a diocese whj.\re every· Ish on the river. LEBANON Offlc. 2-102i Concrete. Block Chl,mney Block ~vil18' baa gone and ObrIBtmaa ~: one ls worklll8' hard to meet the The only blot on my vacation R€SIDENCE 8·2611 gina to loom up In the near needs of the growll18' community. was one of thbse e~perattng Ill. MORROW No.3 Rock F.ce Block W~lterproof Cement SAND aud GRAVEL . ture. To~lI.y Is. wI~ and cloudy Friends of the Lloyd Ha'CkweUII tie fender·bumplng accidents that St••1 Sa.h ilnd Paint BLACK-TOP DRIVES $!ld the ,weatherman says it will be Interested to. learn that are so -common and have ralsM Cement and Mortar GI ••• III1OW. We did .hQ"e lOme IIlO they have taken the 'nel,h1!O~ the cost of InsuraJlce so much. 1 . TAR and ROAD OIL the other day but it left as f~t parish ot Oroalle Isle, not far frOm waa drJv1ng ' along through Ken. Drain nle Building Supplle. . LAWN and FILL DIRT as 'it came. 'l:he ground II damp, Wyandotte, and have just moved ' J • READY.MIX CONCRETE r too WlIt to get ~ , tA ~~I th,e , last In tram Albany, where th~y had ton In the middle~ of the lane wltb SHEEHAN P. O. BOX ,.. of the corn but the little JlOnd been for eight yeare. We drove my foot on the brake watching to EXCAVATING aDd DUf(tP TRUCK SER~CE , : CBNTERVILLI£, OHIO . here below the house II. low. It over to see them anci found them Isee If the tratnc llght 'W" going Isn't winter yet by the •.AlJbanac, J~st getting eettled In a pleasant to turn and I te~t .. bump and a. but it feels Uke It. • Pnss Is IIIt~g ' on the · table beBide my typewTtter which 18 much better for me than when she In~HRISTMAS sists on sitting In my lap. I spoke . too iOOn, here she C01l188, Up $!ld down ap.1n and ' gone, llga$l1, perliap6 I can type In peace for a . while. The 'yO'Un,: cattle t h a. t spent the Sllmmer ,o pasture at Hungry Holloware back qatn In winter quartere. There ta ,till 150me grass In the pasture but we '(Get yo~r.Free ~opy at your nearest Fairley Hclwe. Store): have ' begllp to fjlr.d ha.y. We h ye aome good hay 8.n.d oome poor hay. There Is stl!, enough on ~e 'paature BO that they do ' not eat tbe poor hay very well and preter Take. a. from Ole St. Nick: Don't get caughttq s pen d t~elr time plbJlllng Christmas shop NOW . . . and, do it' in ONE aroUlld on' what they C$!l find out.QUICK STOP at FAIRLEYS'! There's no need ~ifts aide. . to go from' store to store to fill your €hristmap . Thanl<aglvlng waa n. ha~py time list-when FAIRLEYS' has gifts for EVERYfor lIle as I spent it with my ONE! ,We've gifts you'U be proud to give ..• frlepdll, . the RaJph . Parks in Wyand they'.'U ' be happy to receive! Time's runandotte.. J went up on Wednesning out . . . there are only ~,;\ shopping days day and ' came back on SaturVay, left 'til Christmas-so m"ake sure, 'YOU visit and had ~a lovely~ -visit. . They CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN TOO! FAIRLEYS'-right awayl ,vished to be remem~ersd to all their friends · here. ' Melissa Is growing tau II ~ her mother and the others are keeping pace with G.:nuine Presto and Mirromatic her. • 'I'he youngeat. Matthew,

2Jr'l RiJg.(!

Wils08 CODClele .P10dDCIs .


Armitage &Son


liD. '






For Convenient Christmas'Shopping. . This Chrj$tmas Give Useful, Practical That W.ill Render Long Lasting Service and Pleasure.



POWERFUL MOTOR Beats Blends Creams Whips Masbes



:matate of JOle'ph P. Osborn, De· ceased. Nollicjs . in. •hereby .. given ihat Harry M. Osborn,. whoBI! Pest Office Address Is R. R. 3, Waynes· ville, Obto~ baa been duly apllolilted 81 Admlnlatrator of the Eatate of Joseph P. Osborn, late of th~ Townsbip of Massie, Warren COUll . ty, Ohio, deceased. Dated this l.~th day of Novem.ber, 196(, .• , RALPH H. CAR:EY, Ju4«e of , the Probate Cpurt, , Warren County, Ohio Maille i; Maple, A,ttys. 11-26-ttt)-1J.9 \ Ea~te



Bardin. DeceaII8i.

*i•• ****~N********* ••• **



PYREX BOWL SET Heat Resistant Oven- . Table Set. Attractive Colors.

$6.95 .


Set of 4 -- $3.50 COSCO



Nottce Is hereby ' given that Ethel Hardin, whose Post ,Office address I. W"yneevlUe, Ohio, haa beeD duly appointed aa EX8(lutrlx of the Eatate ot Elphrum Lawrence Hradln, late or Warren County, Ohio, dece~ed. Dated thIs J,2th day of November, 1954:. • RALPB H. c.AJUDY, JUdge of the Pfobat, Court, Warren Count'" , Ohio Brown &. Brown, Attys. n-18-'(3t).-lS-2

. $14.95 .up

BEAUTIFUL PYREX DIN ERWAR.E Amazblgly Strong and Chip Proof 16 Pc. Service for lFoW'


Executor .


!lte&m-iroa balf you~ .laundry ~hbour .ptlDkliD,. J."aDt IIesit, Iteam males your' iIoD, (11« ~V. •

* Fully Auto.

Automatic Beyond\. Belief! AU you do it deop in the ~read. B".,ItJ 10",.,.1 /ts./j dutomatl~ally: Nil 1won to push. TINISt ~4iJn ils::!}' s.lmlly, without poppiqg or baagJOg. ,Uce ,a11lfe-moist, dry, t1Iick. slices ,.._.' Ever.y .


* * *

Fast Economical


$9.95· up




L 'E'



Coaster' Wagon Large Tires




Speedy, Steering. Safe Turn-up Runners.

40" - $4.98

45'" -- $5.98




Nail Hammer $2.25' up .

See The New TEue Temper · ...RQCKET".




C LA S. 5 I FI E D S

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., • • • •.,•••••~ . • • r • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • •" , . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. , •••••, ................ " ••" . ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , . . . . . . . . . . . ~


, SAND, . GRAVEL and TOP SOIL EXCAV AnNG and _ _ _ DUMP TRUCK SERVIC E Phone Wayneev llle 3329 WAYNE SVILLE . OHIO •


at Davis Furnas Pit. We also deliver. ARMIT AGE & SON. tf Phone 2091. J




HOT WA,.. BlllATIIIR - Small boWe ... bot water heater tOIT ue maul MRS. SUSAN 'lUe. In baeeIJIent. MRS. BESSm C~IOK. Main Street, waynesv tl1e. It-12-2 SPARKS . Route 73, Waynell X-9-6t- 9.6S PhOIle 18~8. Rt. 1, WayneevJlUe. , Ohio. . :I:-11.2 6-(8t)-· 12-9 INGIRON ING, WASH 6ttre ... ClOC,ldDI SALm-B ~OR HOME LAUNDM:.....:washing . and BABY SITI'IN G:c-12·2!·9·16 2920. Phone atove. home my In _ SITTING Iroonlng done at my home. MRS. BABY . ERNEST GIBSON. Phone Wayne. WIL- FOR SA.LJ!l- GalIland four-h~lrner MRS. works. mother whUEl 2-2 -(3t)-1 X-ll.18 3198. ville ~th bot. LARD HADLEY. ~Uth 'houle.. to- gas cook .tove equipped good condlltlon. burners. ... tie off 78 Rt. on le W~esvU wards USED CLOT HING X-11-lB -(St)-12 ·2 A. O. GRIFFY. elepbone Wa1ynel. ~te 48. , \ X--U.s care fOJ' vtlle 8772. FOR SALE-B eautltUI SeaUne coat 'BABY SI'rl'ING _ Will _ Tappan Gas SALE FOR mother' whUe home in,. In ohildren condl· tull length, sJze 13, perfect MRS. AOY Orolle,. Bhelvado r, ' large I I • e. tlon, rea I bargain. ~IENDS worka, d~ or night. Phone X-11.1 8-(St) -12.2 2701. Pbone SSlS ille. Waynesv HOME. Waynesv ille, Ohio. Phone LAMB. "'------'r-. _ _ _ _ 2·:! -(St)-1 X-ll·18 tfc c-U-42731. .

:.'! ::.~. W:~ln~w~~=w~1l,16.00.

aDd lett bud dram board, llALPH HASTIN GS, W.~e.yme .

Call IIU ID eVllllq. .

0-11.15 -(lt)-12 I.8


FOR SALJD - 17" zenith floor model TV,.. '60.00. Good coDdition. .lnQulre at ROBER T SHEPHE RD. X-12·J.9 Oorner Main .I: '1'11er.

The,. came to him pw:)Uc,.... UI$l alnDen

to hear him.



Ph........ and ICdbea auarmurecll· ThII IUD Nc.l.e th abmen mel eateth with the.... . Lu. lSll. 2.


~S For PAPlIllUIAT,E ·Pena. You can get them DOW ae ~1D lIlIANI GAZETT E. Pbone 3918.

iiiii iiiii iiiii iiiii ii


---------SEPTIC . TANKS, OESS POOLS, Outdoor ,;(,olleta, Claterl18 Cleaned WiLe with modern equipme nt. , LLAMS SANITA TION. Phone FOR SALE- ' fc c-4·1fi.t Ohio. , 6·504l!. Franklin FOR SALE-L arge L!o\lel multi· control Trainma ster t1'8Jlsfo nyr. FOR RENT like new, 115 V .• 60 Cy., 275 watts. Route 3. F--O-R--R-E-N-T--O-n-e.-ro-om-b-u-lld-In-g, $15.00. JACK GROSS, furnishe d, In Waynesv ille. Pbone W.nynesville . . Phone 2102. c-12·!!-9 X-l2·£ Waynesv ille 2701.


:~!h~ood- ~=~:-a:a6~

""Ie 39JJ T. , ... , - C1UJIIl..,. TIr. Is S.." - , 11... lor a HOUSEHOLD



cow, ,100.00; and 1 aeTeD·D1ionth· SP~ffiKS MAKE EXTRA MONEY -Addres s, old belter calf. LONZEL . :1:-11·26 ,-13-2 Mall post oards spare time every WaYDeSvl11e 3041. Wire and Progre8 llve Live week. BICO, 143 Belmont , Bel· ~:~: ::~~: T;,,~o~i ~~~~ IFIEDS CLASS TE GAZET Try 1·2 8-(8t)-2 X-11·1 , mont, Mass. the Countyy Around Market In SATI8F .; IE8 SERVIC E THAT For Dally Market Report8: • WLW, Cincinna ti, 12:26 WPFB, MJcldletoW1l. 11: 46 . WCKY, CIncinna ti, 12:16 wxpV, RJchmond, Ind.• 11:30 (Eastern Standard Time)


iN~iiiiiiji> 1 ii~!iiiiijN~~iiiiiiiiPi~.iiiipiiPitiiiiiijiiii~MjiiiiiiiitN~.iiiiiiiii

·PRICED': (J11IEI :: M08T!





New FRIGIDAIRE Thrifty·Pairr


Fully Autom atic, Wash er and Electric ,Drye


Buy Both . $5~OO for only .


Aft., ..mall clown payment





. ESTA BLISH ED.N 184. Long Life is True Proof of Bette r Merch andis e


You save raluabl e hours paying bills by mall ••• Hell check becomes a receipt when canceled • • • the


~.,tI~I I 1~I I ~I I1~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I~I I I~I I1~I I ~I I~I I1~I I ~I I ~1 I 1~1I ~1I1 ~1I1 1~1I1I~1I ~I I1 ~m~I I1~I I1 ~lI n~I ~I I 1~I I1~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I ~I I ~1I1I~1I 1~1I 1~1I 1~1 I ~1I 1~1I 1~1I 1~1 I ~1I1 : '


Carrying wads of"currency Is poSH. ~ neat, '.ltm cash, yet cheCkbo . ok m"h every need, Induding . proteds you againstioSJ.


'F air ley Hardware St or es

.. ----- .

~(l{1I"jKI )lDHeJlN U(JII (IIN 't /(lie I


. a we.k





stubs show who received what. leaving how muc:lt.




'.' Tbl lapllVill1 latiaDal III~ WAYNE~VILL~, OHIO Membe~ Fede~al

PHON E 2541

~~!!~~~~~~~~ ,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.


I!Ilal~lntr D n . Muel ler Coal and 011 Fuma tes_

Stokers and Converl lon Burnsr. SERVIC E and INSTAL LATION /' FREE ESTIMA TES

Fumac e RepaIr ON ALL MAKES Carl B. F-e •, R. L. Ryer..n

North Street and Dayton Road . Phone Wayne.v llle· 8274




Corporll tlon

. , ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . f~. . . . . . . . . TMENT APPOIN OF NOTICE THANK SGIVIN G GUESTS Exeouto r Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheehan Estate of J. Byrl Crabbe. De· and Mr. and Mrs. Warren SheaThanksg lvipg guests ceased. I.!.nn had 08 Notice Is hereby given t hat F d JI< M red Rush, .Jerry Etbelyn C. Crabbe, whose POlt Of• . r. ille, Ohio. and Fredda Rush. and Mrs. RIch.· ftee address 1a Waynesv d as Execu· ard Sheehan and daughte r Karen haa been duly appointe trlx of tbe Estate of J. Byrt CrabJle Sue. late ,of Warren County, Ohio. de. I . ceased. VISITOR S FROM KETTER ING of Novem· Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas and be~a~~...thla 27tlt day RALPH - H. OAREY, . chUdren Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. Harry the Probate £ourt, of Judge dinSunday enjoyed waite Satterth Coun'fy. Ohio Warren IDn. ~e Maple at ner AUya, Young. &: Brown had waite . Mr. and MH. Satterth as Sunday evening IN.esta, Mr. and 12-2-(3 t)-12-16 ---------Mrs. Ralph Lohl" of Ketterin g. Palne In MlddietowD pnd 1111 apent Thankllg lvlng day with Mr. aDd VISITOR IN MIDDJ.,ETOWN. Mrs. Robert 1!l. Parrot ID Wuh· 11 ~s. Susan 8cauJan ' spent month with Mr. aDd 11011'11. FaUll lngtc)n 0. H.


. .II lIIi1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l1l1l1l1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1ll11ll111ll1ll1H1II1II1II1l1I1II1I1II1I1I1I1II1II1II1I1II1II1II1I1




Dodgls, Pl!louths ·low OD Ilh-ibit

..., ."



. .;

c .' .....

'r'ARMER8 lJ\ thiE commu nity who 01'. lJ\ter.

• t •• "

lJ\to better m. .r _ted in turrl; r their gI'Gln will be pt.a..d poulby and .tock 1; .t iona for their to learn that we have becom e a. Purina . Approf le4 Custom Grindi ng cmd Mbdng Sta.tion. ThIa !nina- . ,.ou ..veal advan tav-: 1. W. now cony Pu.zlJ\o'. tamou- OOI\OU\trGt. lnsUt MpeGla1l,. to- IKa1ane1ng home- paln.

of ..... .. fum. 2. You ha... full . ~oved Cuatom MDIng formulaa. . '




EARLY ELEVATORS, Inc. Phon . Wayn esvll.. 2181 .

Ii'. .. , . __ r .:-- - - -- •• -.--- - _ •• • _. _ •• •1ra • • • • • • •""'Ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'W • • • • •






DAilY SERVICE UIIT New OFBF President WAIIEI 00. FARI IIOOIE IOES UP OOISIDEIS BAlaS Warren. inCome to!' EIADICATIOI PUI 1963 has been .t '18,

Lesser Events' Took Place On

AbDut TDwn


Wraren County Dairylllell ' may soon be a,lked to cooperate tn a proktam designed to rid daJry herds of BrucellosIs. Dairy Servo Ic& Units all over the country are cooperating with the l./nlted States DePartment of 4gr1culture in this nation w.lde plan. According to Warren County Dafry Setvlce Unlt Proaident. Harold Helslnge!', the group haa con· tacted Dr. David Hill of the State Veterinarians office for the partlc. ulars on how a county program is carried out. The Township . Dirac> , tors wUl ask other dairymen to help circulate petftlons requesting tbat the testing service be provi!1ed tn Warren county. F1fty~pe per cent of tbe herdowners repre· aentlng 76% of the dairy cattle InUllt sign' the petltlon requesting that State Departhent of Health bring 1n a mobile laboratory run a milk test on all cows. The test is free of charge. Heisinger pointed out that there is probably no more bangs disease .in Warren County now than there ever waa. but that ·LIle dairymen ot the county l1re desirous in produc· ing a better product for human consumption. He emphasized tbat many of the dairymen now have periodic checlls , of their ·cattle.

Ch~ristmas Day


ChriIimaa ... aboVe aD elH, tha


da7 GO whleb We reco,ruae the

HOME FROM FLORIDA Mrs. J. B. Chatlma.n arrived bome on Saturday after 8pending several w~ks 1D Florida. HOME ON FURLOUGH ,PrIv.te Ronald Sean arrived hOllle Sunday from Oheyenne. Wyoming for a fifteen day lougb. ' XMAS I~ LEESBURq. FLORIDA Mr, and Mrs. Leiter Prether and two chUdren wUl apend Ohriltm~ Ih Leesburg, Florida with the latr ter's mother. ' GUESTS FROM CLEVEL~ND Mr. and Mr/l. Fred Henz and sons of Cleveland. are cuests of Mr. and Mrs. Charloa LeMay and ohlldren tor \he Chrlatmu hoUday. IN CARR NUR81NG HOME Mr. Walter Cut , ~ now being c red for .t the 01li1' Nuraing 1I0Ule after a few days of serIous UlII it. ".OI.IVE8 DISCHARGE , • I Mr, ;RIchard Lawson haa 'recelved . hie hODorable discharge from mil· ltJ17 lervfce. and hal arrived at tbe bome of hia parente. Mr. and Mrl, T, O. lAwson from EuaUs, Vlrglala. GUE8TS IN POINT PLEA8ANT

NaUvlt;J of Quota. It b .. b~ 10 alDce the lourth oenlW'1. whea ~. We I'D Church offtalal17 adopted Deaeinber 26th u the date 01 the bltth of the Saviour. I Since that time, thII areateat of aD eVeDW bu complete17 forelhadowed BVeJ7 hbtoriaaJ eVeDt OCcurriDa OJI the aame da7, AUt aa.y0De to taD 10U of IOmathiDa elM In hIttol7 that b,ppened on Deeember 25th other than the birth of Chri4t. end chanCel are the1 WiD live )'OU a DelaUva an. lWer. A few w11l remember tha' It w.. oa thIt .ama date that Oeori. WaahlnJtou crolled the Delaware. 0n11 a true ltudent 01 IUstor1 WiD ten you that the date mark, the birthday of Jaaaa Newton. Clara &arton and Frances Blake. am nne nthe,.. • ActuaJl", the fact that Wasbln,. IOn croned tbe Delaware on 'Christmas I, all the avers,e American should be expected to remembefo. But. It·, Interestlna tQ note some of the other event. that happened on ~e ~ame dsy; In 1837, the BatUe of Okeechobee In 1941. Japane e captured Hon, Kong. In 1493, wreck ot the Santa Ma. rl,.; at HaIU. In 1928. Hlrobtto became Emper. ' or ot J!lpan. It waa allo on Chrtatma. dsy. In 1947, that .chlna·a constitution Will adopted and went Into af· fect. makin, the date Chlns'l Na· tIonal ·Renal .. ance Da1, - 'And.

Mr. and M.r s. Loyd Davia and H. N. and Mrs. WWlUn Da$ and d.u,bter were sUnday CU..ta of Chrl.tma. Ia also the blrthde" of Mr. and Mr& Olarence J . Davia and the town of Kelso. W••h1niton. ,at. daul'ht.en In Pobat Pleaunt We.t tied OD Ohrlatmas d.,.· 1841. b)' Peter W. ,Crawtortt VIrgJn1a.


eJiristmas C()nt~S as d r~mill&tr. ......uu,·; ...... as w.~cras ~() irtbfvibuafs,lttat thf P1III.i~;e ·of p'~ac~ on ~ai-tft is coupt~b ~oo& wiff f-owar& men.

i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~ii~~iii;;~5~5ii~f Oort.poada.11 ~

A registered Angua cattleman -H. Dwlgh~ If e 0 k a ~ b 0 r D

(above), of Fpreet-wlllI elected p,esldent of the Oblo Farpl Bureau Fed era t I 0 D, repJBClDg Evore" F. Rittenour. Piketon. who announced bls retirement earlier this month. Tbe Wynndot County FlU'm loader becomea the flftb presIdent of the farm organization. Ferris 8. Oweu. Newark potato grower, \vU elected vice president.

at Ohio State University. lDtorma· tlon from livestock market ouUets, USDA reports a.nd other r'ellable sources Is assembled ~h year to keep farm people informed of their o<:onomy. Thi& represents a slight Increase over the year 1952. Despite ~h18 increase in Income many 'f armers actually ended up 'WIth a amaller gross \Jicome than the 1962 year since the cost of materials they purchase has increased in a greater proportion than their in· come. The major source of farm tncome was derived from the sale of hogs which amounted to $6,168.900 or 3% of the total income. This rep' resents an iI!crease of 4% over 1962.

With the dairymen It was a dit· . Ierent story. however, when their Income dropped almost one million dollars In ' the county. In 1962 , the total Income from the dairy enter· prlses amounted to ' 27% 'of the total or ,8.611,844 against 20% in 1958 or $2.794,000 • The state average income ' per acre was $58.14 with Warren coun· ty toppIng the state average at $60.67.

Plans For Tractor Main~ananca School Local School To Close Thanda, for Xmas Is Matarlalilin" Waynesvllle and other Warren

According to Oounty Agent ,John Mo.wbray, plans are now in making for a tractor maIntenance school in Warren county this win· Ob,loans will to invest apo ter. The scl{ool would be a coopproximately 42 millon dollars in eratlve endeavor between the mao E and H Savinge Bonds during chlnery dealers of the county, Joe

December for the state to acbleve In Its order 1964 quota ' of $348" 4,00,000 .n the two bonds, lARue Van· Arsdale. ~halrma.n, War. ren County ~vlng8 Bond Com· mIttee. sa,Jd today. with announce-

• ~I'~~~!~~~~~,~~'" 1ll and


970,000 by A8rlcultural Economist

cout,\ty schools will clolle tbfa weel!. for the Chrlstmaa holiday season with . all reopening tor claases on Monday. Jan. 3, local. and county IIchool oUlcials . an· nounced today. Waynesville schools will close ,S. KerseyDepartment '!lnd the Vocatlonsl Ag· Thul'1!day at 2 p. m., Harveysburg riculture at Lebanon Thursday at 2 p. m. and Spring' 'and the E>xtenslon. flervlce. Both 4-H bOY/l anll their dads boro 'l'h~day ' at 1 p. m. would be invited to attend the ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;, ~ve sessions held one night each W'iIIeIt 'for five weelta.

A Ch:rliltmlia .nd Naw Thla I. neeMArY Mowbray emphasised that the IIr. and Mrs'. J. J. Burske, Mr. of the' earllell pre.. time on th~ ' ..Uel. • H Bonds in.. the state totaled $26,· school 18 along the Pl"eventatlve and IIrs. WU1Iam Stl'ouae with Mr, Th k f rI tl Th P ,II h 6~8,473 tor a .galn ot 4.3 per cent maintenance line, . "d ___ . Duffee of Mlamll' an you or you coopera on.- e U a era. over tbe same month last year. ay 'U_ U a _ S u-"'b aI' as CIl......._~111 1I• • • c6c-c1IIIII1 , Jlurg. attended the wedding of Mr. ..... .......~ ......... w ... w ...when purchaaes reached $25.5.67,· Duffee's brother in Oolumbus on . bostels to the Happy , Hour Club 1.ltl~11 367. Sales In November in Warren Saturda;r evening. Mr. and Mn. on Wednesday at the Friends SoCounty amounted to $86.6B1 and Duffee were memtier/l of thl! wed· clal room. compare to $24,668 sold in the ding party. A deUclous covered dIsh dinner .. same month of 1963. . . was enjoyed with . the talllilB aU On J[9J1day eventng. Dec. 13.' Mrs. Fred Grauman wae hostess Cum\llatlve sales through NoAMILV DINNER IN XENIA' beautlfuUy arranged wtU1 Chrfa.t- Miami Chapter 107, OES met in to ·the New Century club on Fr:1. veml:/er ~for the state were $801.· Mr. and Mrs. Obarles ~Ma;r and decorations by the members regular seSSion I\Ylth iuatallation day at the Far"Hllls pJrty iHouse 669.~96, or. 87.8 per cent of the The. aun~al meetlng of the War. ani! following cuests, Mrs. D: R. of officers for ' 1966. ' MAry Lou with u..... clarencs B·el'l'VhI11. M~I'. 'Yllar s quota, CO-Chalrman Van ren Count'y Llvestoe ' .k family and Mrs. MarjOrie Burton Smi." MI .,... M ~lll ~ "m.<D"J ., Arsdaie reported Total sai in .ttened the -faintly Christmas din· .... ss "".a c... an, .... rs.. Palmer and CeoO A. Palmer. E. L. Thomas·. Mrs. Ellen Connelr, . . ,es AIIsoclation will be held In th'! Gilbert Frye. Mr8. Ira HeUler. Worthy Matron and Patron. pre- Miss Elisa\letb Chandler, Mrll. thl8 county through November Cafeteria at Lebanon High Sch'ool _ nor and party at the home of f.Dd Mrs. RIcbafd GleB8emali in Mrs. Rawlel&'h Bogan and lIrs. sided over the opening and bus· Garland Stamper, and Rev. 'DaJ~e reached ,a64.~96. or .40.8 'per cent on Tuesday evening. January 4. ineee 8eslton and upon their ra- Lllnbert as gueets. The opentng of fits quota of $892.840. according to County Agent Jobn Xenia. The party was also a house Carl Jonea. An et1tertalnlDt; nrogra1n tireuumt. Mrs. Omar Melloy of and roll call were conducted by J the state Is to meet Its reo Mowbray. El"l' I sponeiblllty to the nstionnl "uota warming for tbe Glessema.n·1 new 8 e 'HeIOlt'Bttl'Lebemon, presiding Instslling oUI· the presIdent. Mrs. Alv. Thomp.. '. This. year the emphasis ~11 be h prepared by Mrs. ome. and ~IIII. .TOIIePblne Gou. and • was in charge. She wu as. son and Mrs. J. P: Ftolllm. Mm. greater effort must be expended In placell on beef ('.atUe feeding and the gUte wore e%Changed around the listed by Mrs. 'WJl1lam Strouse, Walter Whltalcer and Mrs,. D. C. H few remaining days of 1954. the maiD spenker will be Dr. Earle gaily dscorated Christmas tree. Mrs. Ross Rowlalld. Mrs. .T. J. Ridge were · in charge of the pr4)O e l[Iuggested that bond volunteers W. Klosterman of the Beef Feed. , Mter a. moet pleasant day the Burske. Mrs. CecO A. Palmer, Mrs. They Introduced u thellr make 'positive ~ Illnlt buyers of Ing Station at the Ohio A8rlcul. club adjoUrned. WItU Feb~, R. H. HArtsock. IIrs. Glenn Bland. guoat speakel'. Rev. Dale Lllnbert. E and H Bonds have used their tursl Experiment Station at' Woos. IJ January being a vaeaUon month, and Mr. Wllliam StrouBe. wh,o gave several versions of tbie privilege tor 196.4, and recommend tel'. His topic will b·e. '''Wbat~s . Graston Keealnier. 88. Route 1, wben Mrs. Lee\er Shaffer wlU be' The fOllowing officers were in. beautiful 'Ohrlstmas !!tory, . uslntg use of the two bonds as. bonuses New In Beef ~tUe Feeding." The . for the coming year.: Wor. many . fine poemlllo trom )Veil. and Christmas presents. The in· planning committee Is alBO plan· Waynesville. died early SuDd.,. at hosteU. . ' thy Matron, Oeoll Shipley; Wor· known poets. Everyone thorougj~. dIvld,ual limit on E) BondS' Is. $15" ning a. panel of beef catUe feeders Greene Memorial hospl~l. He 1B .urv1v~ by bla ..wife. KaUe: two thy p,tron. · Paul Shipley: Associ· ly enjoyed this beautiful old story 000 Issue price. and ,20,000 on H from the county who will discuss dal1&'btere, MrS. Amanda Earnhart ate Matron. Phyllis Hartsock, AS-' told In prose and verse. Bonds. " theIr own beef cattie feeding op· of Waynesv1l1e.. ~d MI'II, ,J'olm M9' soclate Patron. David Hartsock: The club was invited . to the erations: TIlggart of LewIIburg: two sonll. Secretafy; Mary 1.. Earnhart; homEt of Mrs. Walter Wbltaker in Reports of the Uvestock com· Norman and Arthur of Dayton; Treasurer. Lucile Armitage: Con· January ;when Min NaWle Mul', mlttees nlll be given and new eight grandchildren. and ntne duotrel!s, Marjorie L. Smith; As· ray an~ Mrs. IiI. F. Earnhart will "OUr physical bodies are com• .commlttees elected. Refreshments aoclate Oobductress, Helen Brown; be In chnrge of the program. Fal· posed of atoms; when, these atoms wUl be 8erved. The meeting will g'reat grandchildren. Rites were held at 2 p. m. at Stubbs ChaplllJn, Minnie B. Fromm; Mar· lowing adjourD;ment. a deliclot~s begin to separate decompOSition start promptly at 8 o·clock. , ::~: shall, Sue Bl1JWn; Organlst•. Betty· ·tce course was served at tablos sets in; , then comes what we call funeral home 'WIth bnrlal in Mid· taB=p~dbt~ : : : dle Run cemete..,.. Rev. ButtoUll aey' . jane Brown: Adah. Barbara Work· ~autifuUy decomted with tille death. This composition of atoms For the an.wtr ;.to thII common man; Rllth, Lois Wy:_nt; Esther. Cbrtstmas theme In kewlng. which constitutes the body 0 mor. to C\ It bfflclatod. bellllf ahoUt.SllDta and Chrtitmall, Harril'tt Bernard; . Martha, .Vlr· tal ' element of al)Y created being v ~oo .. ia 0'" nO we mUlt "allk to BaIn' ~Ichola.. glnla Hopkins; Ehicta. Myra Mor' '" Is· temporarx. when the power of C{) /00 Af \....K . ." ' __ responsible ,for,y other cui- gan; Wariler. ElInor; Sen· th " nttractlon which hold's thelle' atoms ' OKo~t'~ dr ot · o.M, tlnel. Howard Browu. . . together Is wtthd~\Vn the body . IOl1'ls related to ChrlatmBl. ~ 0 L2 There'. a ator1 about en JmpOvThe installation ceremonloa were omlJ' as suoh, ceases to eldst. With th~ <::' ~c..lJ.c.c.-. C{)..~ (). ' r.J '''~6lCl.. O~ (p.. . erlshed nobleman who ~... unable moat Imprell'Bively given. The Mr. and Mrs. Ralpli Tull, of etn. soul it Is different. The I!oul Is ~_ •• OK _\5 to find ' for hll three guest/il were then invited to clnnatl. were visitors on Sundj~ not a combination of elements It .1.2 , I,t'{) CoPo. daughters bl'caule be could not af· dlniug room where ' Ice ·cream. afternooD, of their aunt. MfjI. Mile Is composed 'Of many atoms It is It won't be a ehIl1y Christmas for (p K ~ K lurd • dowry for eaah. He '1'81 cake and ooffee mere served ,at HatTlson. of one Indivisible sUbstanc~ and mB!IY outdoor ever,reens and obllul 10 .ell the dau,hter. Into tab.l es" bel/oll,titUlly arranged with Is etetnal. It Is entirely out of shrUbs this year, with outside U t . . mu.... ~.., lss slste R,:,th Ohandier wos a Cha guest. the order of physical creation; It home decorations expected to .be ,. 0 u wIsb to , e s,aver.y . when S'• NIchol81 hesrd Chrlatmu appOintments; of'M her Misl Eltsabeth abllllt It Sllentl1. Old Saini Nick Both the retirIng and newly In·. , ~, tI 'f h I ~ Is eternal and immorthl "-Abdul even more I popular than In past "color" as po.sIble In .vour Chrll" mss observance, bere'l a novel . dmIJPed lhrl'e baas 01 ,oid down W th M t I II dIer at a mee ng 0 t e AlDer cnn " year.. Idea h h -, I °lr Yif't' a rons . rOCI! ve ·AssoclatIon..of UniversitY Womlan Baha. - Submitted by Mrs. Helen , t .. chllT'l ey All thrl'e asu,hterl many ove y g s. h G" 1 C' b I Mlddl t MCCOY , U's ruce to b.ave brtaht decora· ~rnm married anll IIvsd bapolly ' at t e "r s ,u n e o¥rn . tiona outside. tree experts lay. but Pine cones. ~m8U kJndUnl o. ver a'\1'1 _ . _ •••••••_._••• _ ......._ ... on Monday evening. A d8Ilgglhtful .W lnn.... Of U., II! I too many home owners ' ,Ive their. chips can be 10 treated as to ,Ive ofT colored flame. whit burned In l'hl;'l't!oltllr. Sallu Nlcluilas 111'' Notl A..I Sh b Id' progmm of hf1XP music wB;s V'B~ ... bome arounds ,evergreens II Ito" " flen pictured holdlnl three ba,l C. VI' are 0 en \It an accomplished harpist. MJrs. Bonds foot while strlneIDa them wl~h the ftl1l!place QIPPlld or .oaked ID a ',nlullon 01 varlnu. 181t, 01 cer", gnld It Ia thoulhl thst he died M.... Jean Eason Harriman, ,Of Colulm· overly·powerful Christmas Ughts u.ln metal.. cone. or chip. wW /thout ~3 A 0 II d historians 181 bus. Ohio. The following two num~rs fItl'e tor a bUnking, brWlant colorama burD wltb • dIstinctive color thRt reS, 30 daya atLer bta dt'ath The annual meeting of the sbare· Mi'. Sheldon Shrieves of W11. the wiuners of last weeka two TT. The,. olfer' thls advIce to protect .. Cone. wUl nOI rellllU, sb.orb hi s' genlill •-" I r Ii roame ' d tb I! eartil. ho~ders 0.• Tb e ·W aynelvUle . Ntv m.Ington. visIted wlth bls mother S. Savinge Bonds which 'fill be '" trees while uUllz1n, ·"'em ....., '" the VAter '0 8alll! mU8' Ill' .uBl/unded fllhng the heart. of m'Anklnd with tional Bank of WayneavlUe, Ohio, Mrs. Reba Shrievea on Friday n~. given by the merchants every be.t advantB&e In scbJevlng thaI III a IOlUUOD of turpeoUna 10"" and.. gen .. rOftIt)l t th 1 t1 f dl to d ' , . ~_ beautiful outdoor dlapla,..: - ...... _oJ ...... produ- ,.-. or e e ec on 0 rae rs an ·ternoon. . .. weeJl: until Chrlstmaa. U.. 0"'- electrical .-turea d•. Com....~DI".. ~v.... I, cuuld be -.ittd thllt St NIC. til transactton ot 8uch otber bua "V UA . oUla color. whan burned are: Red and Dr Clement MOllr'. who wrotAt e ' . • Dr. and M1's. Ernest Rosnagle. or llIDed to be Itrun, on outdoor -4tr0nUum ablorld.; : areen-ba. 'A Visil Frum SainI Nlcholu" 'lness .a s may be p~per to come London. Ohio. we r'e C\Qlers. of treea rtum cbJorlde~ blua-araeo-copper ",,,w bf'tter kn;,wn a... ·Tws. the before the meettng. 1flll be held their Ilater, Mrs. Mabel H"thaWia.y At the time THIll GAZETTE U.. bulb. no &troDaer thaD to. oat.s. or copper ' lulIata; oranl_ .' 'I at the omce of the aatd The on Bunday ~ernoon. wellt to presa, neither of the aboTe watts. Tbe,'re belllbt euQU8b to be alatum abloridel Iavaadel'-pOte.. N.. bl Befure CbrIaUn.s'" .... WQDPYlDe Natloul Ban It on n~1Iera had beeIl claimed. ,., aDd colorful. ret dOD" ,aDa!' alum cblortd8: and ,eUow-lOCllum Uibuted moat 10 ClUr IIfeaenl.... TlNadll7, 1llL' 11, 1856 at two lira. Lena Hariaoo'k was • ate eaoqh heat to hurD ' foUa ... abIorid.. ' . "" al 'lents caau. o'clock p. m. ' . OIlWednei_ at a StaDl.,. . . . on cIIrRl OODta~ , A Mecmd matIIad-U 0IIII conal l..uuas 111. lONES, breakf..t ,th~ home Two ...... 1hoppIn. 0Iack partodtcan, 10 ~ .... 10 be IIMcI-II to ell» the OUbler ~htel'lIl w, ft , __S , UatII Cltrl"'. 1I....uaa or, folia . . aft ........ ID pardID UId befvN the paratriD LI."""V TO CLOIE 1J.1NN6-1" III HarY.,..barI • OIl ~ . . . . . . III YI~ err ........ u ... .............. wItb 11M fDU_ DIOIIM",II M MND • ...... alae ".. • ~ the up... Not '~ • .... tlleadeala lor ...... eoIOr ." fta W .... '1'anOIp PDIIo ....... ............ IOu H81e aIl4 111'. J'raaIt Trtm. IIIMaIIM Ucb& ~ .. ward! lINt: Or... fOrtn ....., ..... . MIS' IrIIl lie ok*I\ III .. J08 PRIN11N& : ... MIll : :=-~OD~= ftIua_ .............. =-::,,:-,::,";.::ar:ad~~ ~-: It ... ....,. . . ~ ~ ... 5.He ...

_.g .....



Local OES Offl-ca'n For 11&&





)J .

, 0,..










"'(I{)' \.\.







:e:.. III ___



The final drawlnD for the Sav· Inga Bonds will be held at Klerla Garage, Frldlly evening at 5:80.

Warrln ·00. Llveslock -~..............-:...................... Producan Mailing TRIP TO BUY TREE To B.. Hald Jan. 4 OS II TRAGEDY-

la. Oanl." Maell AI Far Hili:'"

8rlliol Imll,ar Dias Elrl. SI.d.,

"Inal Bond ' D...... At KI..... a.,.••



A joyful trip to buy a Ohrls~ mas tree ended In tragedy Sunday when a tbre6'Y88Nlld boy was thrown from a car '!ond injured fatally. The child, WlUlam Patrick Kelly. Route 1, Mason, was accom· panylng his father, WilHam M., on the tree-buying expedition. Kelly said the car suddenly be· gan to slide on a sUck county road tour miles southeut of ~ason and It plunged down a four·foot ditch. His son was tossed from the automobile. - - - - - - -.•

WCTU Maels Frida, • AI Ohlrch. of Chnsl

. On Fr'i)Ia(Y a!tiejrnooll;f Ithe W. C. T. U. mee~ was held at the First Church of ChrIst. The meet· ing was opened with the song. "Wpnderful Words of LIfe." and Mrs. FlOSSie, Carey nfadlng part of the 2nd chapter of Matthew and Mra. Ollye Curl offering prayer. After the business session, ~s. Pl'ice, Roberts. being In charge of LIle program. read artlcloa on "The Work tn China," "Uquor Advertislng Opposed In Montlcel· 10, Indiana," and "Two Barten· ders Arrested In Dayton·Sprlng· field Area." Dr. Elmma 'Holloway read, "The Report of a Physl· clan," and "That Alcohol Is S!1arp· .er Than a Tw-"""" "'d ge d . S wor d,.. and Mrs. Eva Burnett read an ar· tlcle on local option news over t·h e state . The meeting ,wae clOsed by .sIng. illg "Slient Night" and repeating the Unldn Bendiction.

Ohurlal Circll Groap laels AI K. Hoakl' Mr. and ~. Keller Hoak enter· tained on Friday evening and had aa their guests the Cheerful Circle Group. A pleasant even1ng of oarda was enjoyed and a delicious 'salad oou~.e, was served. Tbelr CUBlte were: IIr. and' Mrs. ' Lawrence Bro~ Mr. and Mrs.. Glenn Borden, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 1Ucb, Mr, 'and Mrs. 8'. S. Ellis, )In. Ada SmIth and Mr.' aad Mn. Ernut

.::.:.. . .-- "....... ,.., -





·. :rHE 111:11111 8AZETTI ~. , . .


ju.t ",..t of the -,Wap OD. R.o.te The 8U • . _________________________ ll4llter. .... ~t..... ...... '11.M.n. II....lI're4 Brown wu ri4lq .. PAUL A. ICHBJU!IL BllerwllOCl baa alGa.. sone Uat 011 .... """urdl to CECILIA J. SOHIHUU'-____________________ -----A. . . . . . . . . . . . to Tampa FloriA. -no riItJ:Dq _..d -OP.4ID ...... .. ~ tn the _ _ BuD4&)' ."~i1D•• . lpend the wtnter month. with her ' ptc n -.... ' RerDoJIl I PubU.hed Every Thlll'li» Moralq daughter anll '-&DUr. ~-;. pq4Iq'" u:'e II... uul JI.... Harold .)Val. were at Wayneavil1., Warrell CoMtT. O~ MH. ROle DaWllon and Ion Al.- Ida,l :~nt 'Wttla !!bI. pantJlte Mr peate lIonllaT·.velllnlr of Jill... Entered al lecond oIau 1II& M bert, of Clarka ville, were gu..te, d u _ .. , ' D _ JA. ' • FraDc:u uul VJna IDa, the poltofflee at w~_Ym.. O~ Sunday afternoon, of MR. Dell. an ....., . . . _ ..0 - 'o:-.....:.....~..,......~~~~= Ilnder the act of Marcia S, 18'18. Smith and Mr.. Mary GoJden., MR. Viola CUrri' .,.. hit... Mr. and MI'8. Arthur ifhUabaum for the December meet.lq the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:...._ _ _ _.,--_ of Ketetrlng, were pellta Sundq, Book Club at her home on lilalD· 8ubserl~tlon Jtatell--4Z. ~er Year, in ad?Dce, tn Olllo; '2.60 .-wber. of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Am. Street 'rueid&J evening. brose Moore, Mre. A. S. CoBett Willi bo.telll at The Methodist Church pr..e~ted her home W-,eadq for the neTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1954 Its Chrlatmllll program at the cember .meeUnC ~f the MI8Ilonand Mr. and Mre. J. C. Moore a8 churoh Sunday ev.enlng. ary Olr~le of Jonah'a Run Ba.pUa~ hosts. . The JOllah's Run Baptlll't Ohureh Ob~rch. Each . member In· atl~end. Mr. Clyde ~v1cy Is a patient at presented Its Christmas program ance PartlclcQ,llted In tbe progTam. MISS JANE FITE ClintOn Memorial hospital, WIl· 'a t , tbe church Sunda)' mornIng. Thomas Re3'JIOldll .~oPP~~O Correlpondent mington. He la .ulferlng from a Miss DoroJ,by Gregory spent sev. . Tbe Harveysburg Alumni asso' heart ailment. eml dnya last ",ellk ~ Westboro, olatlon sponsored a 50·50 dance In Thia communities' first nutomo· with her mothllr, Mrs. Flofa 10 ., tb~ high sohool bulidlng Silturqay bUe tatn.Uty l or tb l s year occllrred Gregory. .~ r evening. early 'Frlday morning when Mrs. Mr. IUld Mrs. Harold Gam\lr Af I e • The Adult Class of the Metho· Margaret Brown, 30, of Wllming· IUld sons, Rickie and Nathan, of . ".. dlst Church combined a Christmas ton, was kUled Instantly a~ter tbe Midland, Were \Jlnner gullSts Sun· • party wltb their regular meeting • HoUda, planw requJi.. apelela) Friday evening when the group csre U the, .re>to look, thelr/ litelt. lUNG SID. . l.eUu or were entertained In the sohool Jusl Uke buman beln... the, [leed -&Iaanb" .. maOed b, It.cnonlb> brlsbt U,bt In IUIl1labt. lD the da, cafeteria with Mre. Salllt W;right and I proper amounl of watel'. 014 triple amp"' :" Bub., • . ...... who repel.ed 8I1UIeIaI WUtlriS, I• .., ;re1lowtna and b\lJ'Do Dill. . III u..e " _11 for . . . 'lnS, leal drop and premature 10.. Christmas Rose Is ClIIJUtmu oeIebraUolL of Oower. Cln be ·caus.d b, WIlde ... II> water.lna or ov...·wsterlna . plllnta Tbol'9uBb wa1erins fa lmport~mt I I Tbe delicate beaut, of the .obo a. plantl ara dr1, but a,vold Chrlstmas·rose (belleborus ruger) ieavlna pl.ntl ,landlna lD .w'l ter. . til hallowed by legend. A poor sbep. Puncture the ttaloU or bea",. p.per herd girl. the story goes. wept oD pow at the drain... bolelo p~ bitterly as sbe watched the Wise 91de oeceua17 'dralna ... Men on their way to the Chrls\ Bere ant lOme fUrther 1Uj1t. . Cb1Jd bearing rlcb allts when she dona: ' . had QothlnS. An ~ngel appellred Lowu &be DlIblJ.mper.UIlrw 10 . Upon. learnlD. the reason. for the PI'OlODl &be life of bJoomL I~ girl'. dime... the an,el cIQsed mum nlIht IIIDller.ture tor poIDo the cround to be c:a.r peted With IIId CbrIItmu .blnln, white flowen. The ,oun. abould be • delJ'ft& 'l'be ~.... abepherdesa gathered lOme blo. able IIIIb* t.nperature8 tor .... 10m a. . Wben .ha presented ber lea.. aIrIIImu c.ctua. cbr" ..... lift. tha Want .mlled and · .1 B1I tbemuma. e,clameQ, lerul.... !lnaer. touched the white Oowera.' abel'l7, 8 KalaDchoe. onam_tal the petall became Unied with p~~ . peppera. patlt8d bulbe IIId aut,. , ~ III dell'Ml IIId 110 dep"& .... room -.aperao INDELIBLE PENCILS HERE ......, ...."





.DONIT TRifLE WITH flRI , 'Ir. II How ' much II will destroy '11 al~ a queatlon,







Good In~urance II ~ur only lure protection. Why not ... uS about ' ~ II loday-before It', too lat.?

Pl9 cr"p.".. C

dr.... .

.... •


P ,


Lebanon, Ohio Repr... ntlng THE T.RAVELERS, Hartford




Hallowed By Legend


mru ....... UIe maturlt;, rl

We have BenulDe V.nlls lndel· Ible Copying Penolll no"" ~ .tock. The MJamI GueUe.

5131.00 to 532&-00 5184-~ to 523&-00' • 531.50!o $82.10' SS.9S to 511.R


Oow.... aDd ...... their W r.. Avoid ~ . . m,pere. are cb~,u .... ItHp botb plantl aDd aut IowerI .w&J from radl.ton ..... ....l I'IIlItenJ and out at drafte. PolDHtUal are eape. . elan" aeaat.... to audcIeD tellllpe,.. afure cbaqel.; TIle, ~ n."" be 11ft DI.... ~ u ilraftI wID c.un ...".. 10 turD IraDow



PIaHol'II Rockar. . n OIIllra • Rockars .. .B_kll.1 ' Sal. Sof. Bai. • •

' 524-50


and drop

· 1 ... •.. ·

Now your amall fry, too, can have a Hoover-thia Jqd·aize model is really fun! They play with it. They learn with it. And they get it absolutely free for your trade-in on aoy n.w Hoover cleanerl

Toward All Men.


Dot Food Store Phone 2541

Waynesville, Ohio

., .... to$l ••10 1 sa.NII You'll get an even greater thrill with YQur new Hoover. Only a Hoover gives you TripLe-Action. cleaning-it beats as it sweeps 88 it cleons to get that aeep-down dirt. Only a Hoover giVIl8 you true power cleaning- no complicated conqections; no acrllbbing back ond forth, no dust bag to empt y! All-around clt'anihp.' 00 -complete attachmenl • or furnishings, ciraperius, f1" ......

Special Now f Limited tJumber! Ea!v terms on anv Hoo~er r

Fairley Rardware Stores

Peace and contentment be you" fltl,

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, ESTABLISHED 1849' Long Life I. the Tru~ Proof of Better Me..chandise






WHO'S \. ~ '0\ GOT THE -.. .~~~,.....~~~



513.10 to '$11.10 Aulo. _'. 'Fric,cle. to 511." Siricio Tnlck. ' .' ..... Up COME ,.1 AID LOOK OVER OUI . . IERCHAIDISE







MONEY? Your Mode .. n Money Man is ready to put $50 to $1,000 cash in' your pOtket right this minute. Just call -and say how much you need. ,.' . If you've ever had a charge account, bought on time, or had a loan anywhere else, all you have to do is stop in and pick up the cosh.

May Santa fulfill

all your hopes.

Automatic Washer

Rememberwhen you need money •••

a w.ek




52 E. Mulberry 8t. 425 S. MaIn 8~

Phone 2·1075 Phone 8-8421

loon. mad. to r.trd.n'. or nlarby 'own' and rurol Ot.. _••

as I new

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Lar,a Doll. •..,


;";~;";':";;;';;"';:""~~~_ _~iiII!!I'__~~~,i,;",i,~~"",


'"-o,.;:;:;';;.. _ _ _ _ _...._ ..... NBW 81JI'1'I Barbata ~anc:la v. David Carmen J'razhs' v • Enoch 1'r~ divorce to pJa,ln~, child Frazier, d i v 0 r c., Wamn C. ilo plaintiff, Defendant ol'dered Ycnmg, attomefl. to pay ,12. per week. Elliott Turner VI Mary Jo Tur_ ,

ner, JIldnort divorce, J. T. Riley, . attorn~ , . ' PROBATE Elizabeth L am~, minor by In.ventories !Were approved in Ro'bel't Amb\11'1Y VI Everett Ver- the following estates: Claude L. · . non Lamb, dLvorce, John N. Oswald, attome<y. .

d'K'd.' '1'bomaI a Barn; hart, dec:'dj' Brach ' WU11amI; dec'd.j May Belle JUaa, dec'd. and Skiriner. dlec'cl Ectate o( ~on R. Jobnson dec'd., Florence H. JohDIon ap~ poirited adJnlnaltratriX; F ,: e d Grauman, Obarles J. Walloner and Nathan Fred appoin~ lippraisers. AppUcation i1"an~ administratrix to COlltJnue buaiJ'less II'or'Six months. &tate . of Zlmri O. Worlef, dec'd., S. GleJUl Worley. executor, ~Hed inventory, set for



Dee..... aC

clahned ,150,000 Redigs, IF1r1YJ and Kieth and C. Donald! Dllat~sh, '(l'h orneys: '

of Etta IIQ Smith. dec'd., first and f1na1 aceoum. were ~ pr'9ved, allowed and eoDtinned. ENt.e of Percy Hall, dec:'d., first and final IlC!CIOUIlta ....... approVed, ~owed an~ confinned.

M 10 A. II.

~hn A. t wiled.

Sh~ appointed appr818et'1.



Denzel ~ II. ~ owVrker, Bl·nch.... u4 Amae$&a Stamper, 21. fIIet,ory 'WOrm• . LebanQQ.



Fnm1alin and

4fJ mecUnlc jean~tte Hazel:

MAB.RIAGE LlCBNSI!8 wood, 81, J'ranklin. Ivan Denison, « bar tender Charles A. Call a han, 19 Waypesville and Thelma Ken: mecb.anlc, lJ1ranklln and! Barbara ned~ 41 Waynesville. . ' Ann Taylol' 19 :FhulkliIII WilJj~ EgleSton, 23 pipe tit- " " , " ter, and' Christlne CI)'lde Mullins, 22, pa~ workHatn:mlOck, 18, switch boaxd oper- er, Msm!sburg and Bertie Estep, ator, Franklin. ' 16, student, Franklin . ;;;n;;_;;;;;;;n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;nn;nNiiNinnHmfiiDi;;mNiinnriNinni_ _ ..........1l1DICWII. . . . . .CClI1N1C~. . . . . . . . .

EState of J4~ Belle GabbRol'd" cfec'd.. Olear L / Gabbard, administrator, filed first, final and c tributiv~ accounts. Estate of JeSse Merit';t, dec~cI!" MaJ'garet IMbtz appointed executrix; Paul L Ruppert, Oliver E,




and J~ WelJl appointed apsniMrI. cr.c'ct.. flnt I' . Eatate of Myrtle a Bambart, ...... CIA S. !ketney, dec:rd., dec'd., state reUewd from adMarvin Z; • appointed lid- miDiatraUon. mlniI~t.orl eb,nes J. Waa8ller, Eatate of I'red E. Sherwood. carl D. StUes and ~lliam 'vi. dec'd .• Nellie M. Sherwood, execu1lItate

uix, transfer of t"eal estate &1'1inted, estate exempt from lnberltance tax. First and final aecounts filed. Estate of Effie B. White, dec'd., first, ~inal and distributive accounts were approved, allowed and confirmed .




OOMMON PLEAS Walte, Pa.'trlclt VB Eugene, LillOI'd ax:td Beftha Slaton, jud'gment to plaintiff for $111.78 and 'costs. . NEtttie Dale VB Emmett ' Oscar Dale, defendant' 'given 30' days ·tto plead. Omer L. Dyas vs Dorothy Dyas, children to plaintiff, etc. Dolores Conover vs Ben A Conover,case disnllssed'. ' Farm Bur e a u Agricultural Credit Corp. vs O. L. Rose, judgment to plaintiff tor $2614.34 8J)d costs: . PhYllis Bowles v s Donald Bowles, CBlie dismissed Marie Isaacs va John Isaaca, d,lvorce to plaintiff, children to pl'aintlff. The Standard B. & L. vs Elmer J. Albert, Home Federal S. & L. made party. Vlctol' Centel'll VI Mildred Oen-



, I

To all 0\11' customers

I· ~

this holiday,.season. '


And time to send you Greetings•


.... N . . . . . . . . . . ...... To the ,..IAMl GAZETTE and ALL of MV F~IENDS of w.yn..~III.: , "


'lM.y the -Gentl. ",lrlt of the, Prince of _P••ce Qladden your heart Thl. CHRISTMA8 DAV And abld. with :-you ThroUOhoiit • New Ve.r RIch with ble_lna""

Pete and Trudy


........................... Sincerely your Frl.nd,





, W., H. HAWKES,'Owner .. !:' 102 E. M~lb~r.,y' Lebimon, Ohl~ Phone ,3-ie" c .........ItI. . . ._

. .C1J. . . . . .

THE WAYNESVilLE LUMBER AND SUPPLY . I ~_ _. ._ _. .c ...................~..........................J


• I /0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . .

THE 1000 HOUSEKEEPII. SHOP EVERYTHIN,S FOR HOME AND FARM · See Us, Before You 8uy l Phone '2-1881 Next '1'0 Bank Leba..on~, Ohio " .


I , WARREI COUITY FARM IUREAU CO-OP 6$0 COlumbua Lebanon", ,Ohio Phone 2·2049 i 555 No' Broadway Lebanon, Ohio Phone 5.1861 ~"''''~"",s-:iEiEL"'''''··~ ' ~ c·..Hi;FiELD·Fio~iis·~ ZANE A. GRAY, Prop. , ' DIAMONDS, WA1CHES., SII.VERWAR~ • 22 S. Broadway , Lebanon, ~~Io , Phone 3-2761 ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._



' ORISEIIERRY .EiVICE; 110. Plione ~1085 ,







_ , HA~OLO ,L IAIlrA ,.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .II

lI i


.. .......

11 S. Broadway


I '



~~- = Insurance la,Our. B,alln.aa 24-E. 'Mulberry Lebanon, Ohio Phone 3-2015

Lebanon, Ohio

ftIC1C1C. . . . . . . . . . . .clC


RUB .-nd Dry Cleaners ,' Linen Service




Lebanon,O. 50Yrs. atRts. 42&48

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .IC. . . . . . . .IClICIC• • •IC.IC. . . . . . . .IC4llCIllC..C.


16 N. Broadway

Lebanon, Ohio

Phone 3·2886

~IC. . . . . .1III

:IC. . . . . . . . . . . . .IClIICCII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


11 E. :Silver . ~ebanon, Ohio Phone ,2 -2821' .CtClJC.«Go".1CIC "'~"".IC"" . .1IlIClCIC.rc. . . . Lebanon,








d J" ent 0 nson Presi To SWEET POTATO ES, POP CORN. Sp• rtUI ..,.. . ~ W ,. " See JOHN STEWA RT, Main St.. a~ CIV,' d Issue .-80 .ar TIIia I MlSO End. East Harvey. burg, O--I2-23-(S~-1-6 esty On Dec. 25 . • 0•. T. Amn WI ChrIatm •• Ia IndIUoaaU.J a 4Q INCOME TAxFRIDAY 'S GAMES -



I ........

J.,us said: SuBe rl the Uttl. children


8AND, GRAVE L and TOP SOIL LI;" Wire an4 ~{"e EXCAVA TING and All OraaDlaaUon a.oollCl To None. SeUers on the Deft All - - - DUMP TRUCK 8ERVIC E 100II wW. Eva iii, Around Market in the CounbT Atter a close contest in whlcb 01 unJvena l Phone Wayne.v llle 3S20 an, nts battlefro quarter, half Umel or w.r lbe INCOME TAX RETUR NS PRE!- tbey led at the fJrst the WAYN~8VILa:.E, OHIO 8ERVIC E THAT 8ATIIF IEI Spartan s often quJet and serene. b,. mutuall HAROL D BECKET T, and thlrd quarter, PARED. lID Cbrlatm el conlent.. Dally Market Reportl: 58-80 For Cometa Mason tbe to lost BAN K RUN GRAVE L-Load ed Lytle, Ohio, Phone 3643. also CD o.cernbe r 1IItb. 1\ WLW, Clnclnna U, 12:15 ~:~ fC;:;~t~ s~!r:e Jt~:t ~=~~ay: -27 S-(6t)-1 Iaj' X-12-2 In 1888, thlt PN.ldell t .Johnson at Davis Furnas Pit. We also WPFB. MJddleto wn, U: 46 points ~. a31 In with . tans waa Bradley wed hll ClvD Wlr .mnlllt.1 S-WCKY, Ctnainna tl, 11:18 deliver. ARMIT AGE &: SON. HOUSE HOLD GOOD and blgh point man for the Cometa .ttempt to heat tba wounds IIII1J . WKBV, Rlchmoa d, bid., 11: 80 tf •Phone 209 t. 17. I.sufil b,. the areat war. Jobllaon FOR SAL'E-W aehstan d and lav· waa Middleto n with (Euten l Stanclar d 1'lme) In Imneat1 proelamaUIID which Good conditio n, cheap. VARSI TYatory. WELL .DRIW NGolr personl NQRRlS BROC K G, F. p, d1d not exclude ' Waynelv llle, 58ROLLIE BEVAN , Rt. I, Waynes X-12·23 ·30 Frye ________'-________ 2 5 9 cl...ea or perlOna -not eveq thlt Road. lbrook ville-Bel 2 14 hl,b••t olftcl.l. 01 th. Conrede ,- ' Bradley _____________ 6 WATER WELL DRILLI NG-Ele c---tric Pumps 'Installed . LONZEL - - - - - - - 12 11 . . . . . . . . .~. . . ._ _ SPARKS, Route 73, Waynesv ille, 2 X-9-6t- 9·65 Ohlo. 4 10 PrIce Beal _______________ _ 3 Shoe Shop. COMPL ETE LINE OF Main Stret, $600.. C. T. HART, X-12·9·1 6-23 Waynesv ille. Totals ______ _____ 20 18 58 FROZEN FOODS G• F. p. NOT ICE L 60-Malon, Behyme r _______ ____ 4 0 8 ...11111111111111111 1111111 1111111111 FRE8H and 8MDKE D Melamp y ______ _______ 1 0 2 Subscribe to the Gazette ___________ 7 3 17 1 _____ ________ MEA TS SUinger Just $2.00 Per Year - Help 0 2 Erbeok _________ _____ 4 14 -e6 ______ ________ 6 Boost Your Home Tow n Muell er eoa1 and 011 0 12 D, PIES, _ ______ 1 BREA ________ Pask 0 2 Furna ces . Paper TODA YI 1 ROLL S S, 1 CAKE O· ------__ .! _____ ___ _ 1 lamag ----•• ¥¥¥¥.¥ ¥¥ •• ¥¥¥¥.¥¥.¥~. Stokers and Convers ion Bumers MwCmClUn 0 2 -eSERVIC E and INSTAL LATION Total8 _ _______ ___ 25 10 60 FRU ITS FOR RENT FREE E-8TIMATES Quarter Scorea: __ ___14 26 41 58 Waynesv ille Fuma ce Repa ir F OR RENT - 4'% Rooms, semi· ___________13 22 39 ' 60 ON ALL MAKES mod ern. GLADYS FRYE, Rt. 2, c-12·9- (3t)-12 ·2S P hone 3621. J RESER VES. Carl B. Frye CAN Df In the first overtJme game of the sc, Previous .mn...., proclama · d Cla.slfle a Place R. L. Phone 3913 To season for Waynesv ille, the Re· tione. lalued bolb b, J ObnaOD SIll! -eNorth Street and Dayton Road serves defeated Mason's Reserve s hi. predeces sor Lincoln bad D.Ot ... POp E min' · ADV~RTISE IN THE GAZETT 42-40 after an excltlng three been "toW" amnestle • . Waynesv ille 3274 utes of overtime play. Flannery SHOP IN YOUR HOME TOWN I D Johns t Preelden Ume. • At ,t hs was high scorer for tbe locals - YOU WILL FIND BARGA INS "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" with 13 points, and Johnson was expr~lsed ~e belief that unJver~ulI amnest,. would tend to .ecure pill" ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••• hig h man for Milson with 16. r-~"""""""""""""""'" manent pesce. order, and pro,pIsfo P. F. G. WaJ/nelv lllel 427 It,. throUlbo ut the counlr» and 1 TELEPH ONES: __ .:'_ __________ '3 Waller 0 10 would renew and restore!C:t ____ _______ 5 Thomps on Frasu re's WAYNE SVILLE 2091 2 8 • tor .nd atlllcbln eot to lb. "-&lCIft. ~_ 3 ________ P. Scherer, 2-1029 Office N LEBANO 13 1 6 ___ :.. __ _ . " _____ o&. Flannery .1 ,overnme RESIDE NCE S·2611 0 4 2 Frasure __ The proclamaUOD pardoned aU MORROW No. S L GRAVE SAND and who It.r1Iclpa ted dJrsaU1 perIODS Totals ______ _______ 19 4 42 or Indlrect11 .,alnll the UDil:ed FOO D STO RE BLACK-TOP DRIVES • Q. F. P. State. In the ClvU War "wllb fI" Ma80n, 40-__ _______ ____ __ 2 ' 1 6 toratlon 01 aU rlahtl, prlvlle".. TAR and ROAD OIL Litfln PHON E 2541 Scboono ver ______ __ 6 e. \DIder the CoDlItilmmunJU and LAWN and FR.L DIRT 10 o _____ ______ 1 Eberbar d which lui... ________________ 3 1 a tuUoo and athe lawl purlalilioe York READY·MIX CONCRETE in mada beea allo 7 1 ___________ __ 5 Jobnson 6 16 thereof. •• EXCAVATING aocI DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Tota18 ____________ 16 8 40

1 I





...... ...... ******

:~: . ......


to come u,nto me: and forbid them not: For of such is the klnqd om of God.

Mrk. 10: 13-18•


=i:: _============= i i




Wa,..lsvllll HI.ting








Armitage &Son


~ _ ________ __

II III 11111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 II 11111111 II 11111111111111111 IIIlIh.


Quarter Scores: Waynesv Ule _ 8 12 26 36-42 __ ____ 16 20 30 36-40 ~ason SEASON RECORD S: Springbo ro __________ ______________ Ma,on Morrow _____________ Carllele _____________ ____ WAYN~SVILLE Klnge Mill. __________ Harveye burg

W L 6 0 6 1 a 8 3 8 2 4 2 4

--7----- 0




Var.lty- (League ) ___ (All game.) ___~ ____ Reserve _(Leagu e) _ (A ll game.) ____ __ _



L 2 4 5 7 8 3 5 8


, Two More Shop plna Days Untll_ChrlSInllIS'

GUEST8 FROM DAYTON and Mrs. Roj .A. Sch'arar P t 1~ and daughte r JClaine of Da,.ton. ass I were vialtol'll MODAlaJ' afternoo l1 of 600 I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scherer DOd 600 80n8. S3S - - - - -_ _• _ _ __ ass Carll lie At Kin". MIII_ Carlisle dereated Kings MID8 000 Friday nJght at Klap Milla 88-63. High scorer for carlisle was Rid: Pet IDger with 24 and high point man ass (or: Klng8 MUla was Roblneo n 'wlth 400 19. 600 Quarter Scorea: 450 OarlIsle _____--20 88 58 68 Kings MIUs _______10 22 aUI 63 Seasons Records - Carlisle, a.a; Kings MJlle, 2-4.


OTHER FRIDAY NIGH,T LEAGUE GAMES NEXT COUNTY GA"'E8 : H CHURC DIST METHO ro At Morrow LYTLE Springbo METHO DIST CHURC H On FrIday nJgbt, Jan. 7. the reo s . Panther ro Pastor Springbo The B. E. Baughn. of Dale Limbert , Minister Unified Service, 9:45 a. m. undefea ted In league play hlgh 8chool buket ball teml8 main Mr. m., a. 9:30 School, with Cburcb deteaUn g Morrow Friday tbe county will resume p~r after Supt. n, McMilla Herbert the follOwing league games. al3hed. ~~:e:1::~re;helr rscord 6·0. ST. MARY'S EP.ISCOPAL Worship Service. 10 :30 a. m. for ,that dat~: uled 61 46 Youth Yellows slp Sunday 7 :30 3a 20 ___ Tbe Rev. Samuel N. Keya, Recklr Springbo ro _ Waynesv Ule at, }!Iorrow . p. m. Sunday : -----~ ____11 26 42 64 Morrow Cbolr Practloe Thu,rsda y 8.00. Harveya burg at KlDp Mm •. Holy Commun ion, 7 :30 a. m. Reserve - Springbo ro 37; Morrow Carlisle at Ma.on. Church School, 10 : 00 a. m. 33. Adult Worship , 11.00 a. m. SprIngbo ro do.. not play on, that ' FERRY CHURC H OF CHRIST Advertise in THE GAZm EI date. H Minister CHURC E.U.B. Carver. Byron UTICA Bible School. 9 : 30 a . m . .II 11111 III IIII 11111 IIUII 1111111111111 I1111111 II III 11111111111 1111111 11111111 11111 Illl11l1iiih WllIlsm Channon , Minister . Morning Wors blp. 10 : 30 a. m. 11. m., Mr :ljO 9 School Sunday Pr ayer Mee llng. 7 : 00 p. m. }Jarley Thomas. Supt. Young Peo ple 's r.feetlng , 7: 00. PreachlB g. every othel ,Sundl11 Even Ing Ser vic es. 7: 30 p. m. CEln. 11 :46 a. m'. Another of tbe characte ristics of the church of the flr8twear tury 18 Its organiza tion, Before a chUrc/l bas the right. to Evening Service,. fi{st Sunday III w/UI month. the name of Christ It must be organize d just a. ' the cburch FIRST CHURC H OF CHRIST In the Urst centu\'Y. Let U8 notice the organiza tion of tbe cbUr(lh. New T'~s. Jesus Christ Is the only bead of the churoh of the and CAESAR 'S CREEK FRIEND S P r ice Roberts, M~nl s ter need~ Is clearly (aught In tb.e Wor4 of God, fact This tament. . Minister Roberts. Charles ' Dible Scbool a t 9: 30 a. m . ated to be proven. Coloss,a ns 1: 18, "He Is Investig be to only Supt. Stanley. Charles whlcll Morn ing Wors hi p at 10 :30 a. m. the head of tbe body. the church:' EpheSia ns 4 :16, " .•. gave Wors hip Service. 10 S. m. '.S pecia l Class a t 7: 00 p. m. Is the bead, even Christ." EpheSia ns 1:22, 2S. " . . • and body m. a. 11 Scbool. Sunday Evening wors hi p a t 7 : 30 p. m. him to be head over all things to the churcb, which js bls clln We . . . ;' .Jus t as there Is ONE) body, there Is ONE head. P rayer Meeting each W e dnesday tion:, one Single passage that speaks of U. B. investiga ELICAL upOn , EVANG [fnd IA not OREGON evening. on two heada for the church. or of one belUl In heaven and one };ugene Orlrfltb, Pastor ea rth. m. a. 10 S unday Scbool, The Bible also teaches that every congrega .tion . Is to" ho,ve Morni ng Wo.shlp , 11 a. m. . . . ST: AUGUST INE CHURC H ' 00 9: to organiza tion. Paul sayS to Titus In Titu8 1: 5! 6:30 own ip. Its F!lllowsb You th Elders were older men who I~ul­ " .. . city every In elders ordain or. Past ne\,. J oh n Berning, a. t illed the Q.ualltlcaUons set forth In Titus 1 and I Timothy LEBANO N CHRIST IAN SCIENC E Mnsses 8: 15 and 10: 00 a. m. lly be an elder .unless he fulltllll theae qual. scriptura can mlm No '\l~as Christia n Scien ce services are lflcat.lons. Ea<;h congreg ation In , the days of tile apo8tles ltbe held every Sunday morning at 10 told to appoint such men. They hold the highest oftlce Ib 'the teed H lgbland l\. ve. at 11 o·clflck. cburch. Peter teaches In ·l Peter 5: 1·4, that tbey' are tolook MT. HOLLy METHO DIST aller S unday s cbool at the same hour. nock and that they answer to Christ alone. 'The elderstheir o"er. :1'. M. Scnfr . Minis ter .the s plrJtual affairs of the church: Working under y meeting s 1st wednes· imon est T E. ' the of .. m . member a Sunday Scbool, 9 : 30 IIlgbt are the deacons, evangeli 8ts and eyery day eveIllng of each month at 8. .a,l!~ts, A. Ear·n lllu·t. IIpt. cburch. T/le deacons look after th~ material needJ of the (II SUNBA Y RADIO PR00RA MS: Worsh ip Ser vice. 10:30 B. m. (Acts 6: 1-5) and the! evangeli sts proclaim the word of God. ''llgbt Eveni ng Ser vice. 7,30 p. m. Timothy 4:1·5). Every member hils a resPonsi blllt1 . . the ot aa WSAl- 8 : 45 a. m. of tbe world" and ·the "salt of the eart,h," and 18 .poken WlNG- 9: 00 Ii. m. a saint and 110 priest. (I' Peter 2:6 and 9; 1 COrlnthl ana 1,:2). WPFB- 4: 00 p. m. c;on. In tbe Cburoh of Christ the preache r doee not. run tbe -,,180, FULL GOSPEL CHURC H OF Is be called "Revere nd" Or "Pastor." neither n, gregatlo THE ASSEMB LY OF GOD CHRIST CHURC H OF anlv8jraa l every coogreg ation Is ,Indepen dent ot every otber. NoEYery c!on. Main and Miami Streets . organlza tlqn of the church can be found In the Word. Harveys burg Re v. Tbomas Larison, Pastor. n, with its plurallty of elderll, waa . auUlelen t uDt.o It.eU gregatlo m. a. 10 stu~y, Bible aID Sunday: at Bible study, Thursda y, 7 :30 p.m. to do the work outlined by Cbrfat. The Church of Cbriat III tJle Cilrist's Ambassa dors, Saturday , Commun ion, 10.•5 a. m. Streets belIevee all tbese acrlpture a IIld .. Miami and t Preacbln g, 11:00 a. m. 7.30 p. m . procesa of ol'ganlzi ng Itself along the linea or New T m. Sunday School, Sunday, 10:00 SuDtay evening, 7.3~ p. teachiDg . You are cordially Invlted to WOl'8hip Witll. aI. Wed. evening Bible Study 7:80. a . m. Morning Worship , Sunday, 11: 16

Thl Organization of thl


a. m. Evangel istic Service, 7:00 p. m. Everyon e welcome .


Sunday, WAYNE IVILLE FRIEND S FIrat Da,. Selloo), 1:10 L m. MeatiDS for Worship, 10:'0 La.

..... .. Of 0IIr111 •••

1.. ,.....


Mag th~ gteam of hope l.hal the .IDise men

ed. repectecl in the shining morch of ,follo1P .,

JloliJt.1I Wlai,./ .Ai.M1U tx'"" W",.,·

the Christmas Stonj, briqbten


!J",. J/",,-K#lOW- WI..


life ~hta


Chriatmaa.-time-and through the colDiDcJ , ...


The hoUd.,. wbirl II about u. a,alo and before It I. eU over some 01 us msy ~el Uke stretcb· Inl out on the IOfs beneath a Ilanl "Do not d(Jbub uptil Decemb er 25.

. 1955," But, lel'l faee It.' Tbe common ca.ualty at this time or the ,esr la-Mom Who getl .tuck with the Job 01 dolnl all the ·'lIxlna." of rood. of decoratio ns. of PJ:llcUc.U" everythI ng' You lUt!ssed It-the lint one up, In the morn In,. and ulusll1 the 1811 to reUre .t nl'hl -Mom MOlt of UI could lbe WI, for s more enjoyabl e Chrlltm .. WI year snd a happier New Year. m.kln, an early resolutio n could be done with the .Imple de· terminat ion to belp make Mom's Chrlstm a. an ea.ier one It mllbt be done by dividing up lome of Mom'l "extra" duties end •••lln· In, s ahare to member of the fsmlly ChrI.tm8 1 .... nol, sea ... n and a time 01 lood will Poor Mi,m. II red .hl' thou,b. II usually doslD't even havl' ume to think, mucb Ie.. rela" And enjoy the .plritu.1 blell~lnJ!~ or Ihp deaeon

Ibl 'I,DlnUII latiaDl1 BaDk WAY NESV ILLE , OHIO Member Federal DeposIt In~urance COrpora tion






111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lI11111111111111111Hlllr. . ..111111111111111111111 . 111111111111111111111111111111111

11* Dadgll,

tbl I.w ·aD Ilbi'it



e,.,.".. ...,..........,.,


• • •, • • • • • •"






A Visit 'rom St. Nicholas . • • By C"EMENT C. MOORE

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thru the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a. mOl,lse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that 'SAINT NICHOLAS soon would be there;

.' The children were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of sugar-plumbs danced through their heads; And Mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap. Had just settled our brains for a, long winter's nap,When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter; Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the bre~st of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of midday to objects below; When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be SAINT NICK. More rapid than eagles his coursers they c;ame. And he whistled, and shouted. <lnd called,them by name: I I

~. . .4 \

Serving W'aynesville Since 1850





"Now, Dasher!. now, Dancerl now, Prancer and Vixenl On, 'Cometl on, CupId I on, Donder and Blinenl To the top of the porch I to the top of the walll Now, dash awayl dash awayl dash away. alii"

As dry leaves betore the wild. hurricanes fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, , 'So up to the housEt-top the coursers they flew, With a sleigh full of toys-andST. NICHOLAS tool And then, in a twinkling, I beard on the roof, The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. , As I drew in my head, and was tuming' around, Down the c:~imney ST. NICHOLAS came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And hi. clothe. were all tarnished with ashe. and sootl A .bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a pedlar just opening his pack;

His eyes-how they twinkled I his dimples how merry I His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little m9uth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe.he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke, it ericircled his head like a wreath. He had a broad face, and a little round belly, That shook; ~hen he laugh'd, like a bowlful of jelly. He was chubby and plump; a right jolly old elf: And I laughed, whe" I saw him, in spite of myself. A wink of his eye" and a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know , I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, And filled all the sockings-then turned with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a noa, up the chimney he rose. He sprang


his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

An~ , away they all flew, like the down off a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, '.'Happy Christmas to alii and to ,all '8 900~ night I'.'

,. I




., . . . . . . . . ." ". . . .IINIIIN• • ]

o.ce ....tltul 'Rllld..,


• HIlI.

1.lridll In lumben 84 t.·. balper_the re1ndHl'once were plentlful In their native babltat. III the north. III recent ,eara. bowever, their Dumber dwllldled .0 lerloulIl)' thet conservatlonista once teared lb. anlmall mJgbt become utloat. Chlef eDeDlJ of Ib, re1Ddeer, u of mall1 anlmala, II Ibe wolt Some ezperla estimate that wolve. have delltro,ed over 500,000 re1Q. deer wltblD the last 1& ,ear. ' or '0. It wall estimated III 1950 that there were 60,000 . ralndeer left. in Ibe past tew ,ean American and e1r1l bave been forced to settle- tor ",tand·Ina" or nalive deer wberever Santa's ,led with Ita eight helpers Wall used. The true reindeer are dltftcuJt to keep allve In temperate climat. and with the lruppll' 80 abort. protective measures don't aUow Ibe relll. deer to come southward tor tba boUda, le880o.

~ j


May This Be Your

"Most Remembered" Holiday




Old ~upertfttlo... • ut Eatl., Of Inci Pli. MUI1 wrltera la, the nupce pl~ originated III Oerman,. whUe oth en claim that ttl betlnnlnl ta 1011 III the annala or hlltal')' Nonethe. lell. It WBI a\l e ..enllat part or tha YuleUdll calebratlon III ear., !!:naland . . Old euper.UUoDi beld that Iny perpon eefualnS to eat mince . pie would be unlucky tor tht' com In. ,ear Should be accept the Invl· tllIon. and partake or mlnc. pie durlna the holiday .eason. he wuuld have thE' 88me nuinper of happ, month. durlnS th~ yeat a~ lhl' number of h""~u 8t wblcb b. t,

w- In r-p 0'-



"Not a

erea&ure .... atrrtDa . 0" .. eep' &hie hr.,ea, ell1 who IlIppecJ . 110W111taln Co _ wba' .... IIp-oI' down. Gueu WbO .,. 1oDp, to &he boola.

I I "

! lit

Christmas Scene: ,

Sf. Francis Set The Stage Via ,ou ftlW 1II0naw "boUl lb. Orl~1I of lb. cuslom 01 dlspl4yi", lb. CbrUl Cblld I" lb. Cf'ib III Chrisl""'s lim.' Th.,. alspl",. b"". b,. com. Inc,.tlSJngl, popuu" so Iblll Ibis CbriSlm4J w. find tnlJn,w sc.,.,. /n ,b,.,.,b., slo,. windows, ftI.n in oUlaoo, 10,III/ons. C"ail.d wilh Ih. iar" 01 Ih. fi,st aispl", /s SI. I',,,nn. 01 Asm;, wbo IJ ,.po,tea 10 b,,~••lIia 10 on. of bi. follow",,: '" wisb 10 "I.b,a" Hoi, Cbrisl",.,. ,,;,bl with you. ,,, tb. wood. n.a, the clniSI" you will find" c",,' wb." w. shalJ arrange " mang" fill.a will, h",. W. shaJl have a" 0" and .11 &I. ;u.' as ill Be/hleh.m. I wiJb 10 r•• how poor .nd "';I.,a!,z. lb. Il1ftml Sa,,;ou, b~c"m~ 10' UI." T bi, was in lb. small villag. 01 GtI1'c;a, In Ilal" In lb. ,.a, 12UU. S,. Pramil ana bil foUo wflrs c.lebrat.d m4JS III tb. Ctlll. fInd lang hy",n' iff bonor 0/ Ih. Cbris' CbikJ..

A Most Merry Christmas Semon Be You" I


\lORRY XlIIA8 , • ~ o.&>.




eonama bu' • Dew ItJIe 8an...


.e . OanclD. OIIUle SlDoIaIr triel "."ICICIC"."ICICIC""".IIlI""""ICICIC........ftIIIIIIlIlI1II......n~~_._n1-'-'_f_CW_..... _________._,,_,,_!C_'«_III_III_". __"_"I-,-"_"_"_"_"..:.\I_"..:. o_"_IC_"_II_"_II_IC_1C_1C_1C_"_II_II_II_"_II_"_IC_IC_IC_IC_lC_I_IC_IC_"_~1C eD




is s9mebody el~.e·


TIME AGO, when we' were very young, Christmas belonged only to us. And our thoughts were celitered on what we would get for Christmas. Would there pe skates, a tricycle with a bell, a blue rarakeet that talked? ,.

And when Christmas came, it was always wonderful, even though Santa might appear to have a poor memory or to have been ~verty casual about reading his correspondence.oln the dazzle of tinsel and brightly wrapped gifts, all disappointments were forgotten .

Then there was one season when it dawned on)us that Christmas might belong to somebody else, to~. That was th~ year w~ decided to give mother and father a gIft. How many urnes was the money from the piggy bank cou~ted, how ma~y sec~et consultations held. And finally, the gIfts bought, hIdden In a cupboard, wrapped behind locked doors and carefully plac ..d beneath the tree. That was a new kind of Christmas. Father, with so much knowledge, had never envisioned a . pipe so perfect. And mother's handkerchiefs were so beautiful. she didn't believe she could ever bring herself to use them . So old, so wise, yet never had they known s.uch gif as ours. The years move on for all of us , and each succeeding year Christmas grows with thoughts of others. We. learn with the turning years that the more our Christmases are given to somebody else, the more surely Christmas becomes ours .


friends and neighbors at the 'Evendale. tplant of General Electric with a vel"9 (l)e"'9 Christmas and a 'JUWH 'new 'Year


, 90U




Saint Nicholas. Was Bishop 01 Myra ,OU

Old ever notice tha' the pret. tlea' bomea around the communi· t1. at Cbrls'tm . . . re the on.. dec· or.ted Uber'll1 with the Ireen of ·the 1 . . lDn' Their feaUve ap~aranc. I. oblelned e,sllJr with proper dllpla, of lUeb thin,s sa e"er81'_. berrl... pod •. 8Jld pin. con ••• Thue IImple decoratlona are readJbt Ivall,ble to mo.t everyone a' no co.t and to use 8Jl olr;! ex, prellloD: "Tbe wooda are tull

• thin,.


.. & '.~J1I~r plant

1. Whloh

A trtp IDtO the ~OUl\tr7 to g~ther lbem P8Jl alao be turned lnto, • pleasant excursIon for the whole laJnJ),y and , brier res~ period from the "aettinl read)"" tor ChrIstmas compaQ. partlea. and boUda, af· falre. One woJ'(l of c.utJOl\. bowever: Don't ItW trees or bu.hes. Prune caretu1.l,y wbeD ,electJng :your, ever· lI'eena.. . The CbrIatm., tree - wbether large or small-should be the cen. ter of the decoraUons. Place your tree In front 01 8 window. 10 tbal ·IIS brlgbt, cbeertyl glow can be seen from within and wIthout. Dec·


baa •


bamed 'BaDta C1aba' II. LeIODd tile orOWD of Thol'Dl ft. plaited from wblob (lbr.lltm.a pJan" , t. What does the namo Kria Krln,lo meaD' 10. Who wrote "& Viall From Saint Nlobola.'" ANSWERS

' '711

L Ao .,mbot. or IJa. Sla, .,· 1.lIom. t. Balol Nlobot.. 000. dropp •• 10181 OOIDI 40wa lbe obJm~

r:~ :to~k,::rla~~-:'!~ t~b:r:~~~·tl:I'~

Krla.l. II r.,oenl.ed .1 ~ aanta'.,..... Mlln.lo •• II. Tb.

;::':'V:aJ'::~ b.taa,,:~:b' 8:1:·e~:


EDal .. b .... D 10 Il4a. Indl.a ... 8. Hollr. t . hrll' Cblte!. 10. Ctom.ol




&0 lIS -

wbat lI.the ,oldeD bOD,b' II. Who .as .Joel Polnaettf II. Who aeD& the On. (lhrIi&maa OIrd.,




Ie Wb7 are oaDdlee aaed d~ In, the ObrIItma. aeaeoD' .. Who pa. oredlt for ort&1D 01 the eastern of ~ Chrlltma. ,teelda:lp' .. .. Eri. Krtn,le aDd 88Jlta Via.. tile pme'



"I am 1On1, M8f1. Tb81 tell Itable, , brl,ht 'new ltar with the me the, bave no room." brtwance of a riillllon candles. And ao It was that Joseph. the In the dlStIIDCe! angela were bumble GaIneaD carpenter, and beard In a areat p.alm: btl queenlJ. "oUDg wUe Mar:Y, took refu(e In a stable neaf the edge of town. 8'or them. there had been

"Glol'1 In the bI,bea.

AD4 00 earth. peace to men of cood wtn." !

no room.

The population of Bethlebem wa. more than double. the desceodaDt'. of Davtd, bavlng come to register aa ordered by Herod. The Joume" bad been a partlcuJar~ tlresclme one for Mar:Y. The qull!tneSl of the .table 8IId the amall amount of warmth It provided was Indeed welcomed b, both Sbe and Joseph. Near lbe bour of midnight. the darkened sky came to Ute wIth a Ught 01 etheraJ beautJ. above the

The quletneas of the ltable gtvu Wa,J to the aounda )of camala and volo81 of men. an4 there appears a 81'oup of Magi.. wise ' men of Persia. The, Jlave followl'd the brlghtne.. of th. Itar In sea reb of a new·born IdDg. The, brlna glfta of precioul ,old. There In the ltable. wrappecs III .waddJJng cl~the.. a menger for bls throne. the, lind ' the Cbrlst. ChUd

Admlnlltrator .ICICI(CI(I(I(. .I(. . .I(. . . . . . . . .IC• • •IC~. . . . . . . . .. Estate 0 f Erhest Obeeseman, DE!eensed. WE WISH EACH AND EVERY ONE A VERY MERRY Notice Is hereby given t hat Sarab Ellen Cheescman, whose CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR I Post OffIce Address Is R. F. D. I, WaynesvUle, OhIo. has been duly' appointed I1S AdmInistratrix of the Estate of Ernest Cheeseman. late of Wayne Townsblp. Warren County •. Oblo, c.leCeased Dated tbls 10th day of Decem· ber, 1954.

Saun Nlcbola. UVed ·a om. 11100 yeara a,o In Turke, where be wa' tor 1'1 Jear. Bllbop of Myra. Tada,. the place II known al Demre. province of Antalya-wbe"a bJs cburcb ma, aUll be found and one may yet bear of the generou. acta wblcb made bls Ufe a er~at legend 'and pve him the "Santa CI/lu," charac... r we all know toda, 1\ la said thai SaInt Nlc)lola8. I nl lm 01 great virtue and plet, be· "~ mt' the patron aolnl 01 buy. ..,htln he reslored to Itte the gtln> ." " T1~h A ~ loUc . who had bee. l illi' cI~t"d by B rllhlrt!r·IDnkt't!lJe. " hll .. lh.-y w"'~ en,'uutt' 10 ' SChlll' ,I Alh t' lIs I. If 88 .d thlll he wa ,

Th. awtlatoe, ODC• • _apea of j~eath, law became to be could· ,~red .a. • ma,lcal med1cJna, II I~OW a unlvenaJ I7MboI of love land peace. .It waf with a mlatJetoe arrowt.1> '~ordlng to Nor.. !D7lbolol7) that ,ooltJ kllled Balder. lbe IUD ,od. after Balder'a mother had obtnlned a . promiae fl'OD! aD Uvin', things. other than lbe ml.Uetoe, that 'the, would not barm blm. Balder WRe te.tored to Ute and It was ruled by the ,oda that the 'mlstletoe wo~d never a,ala be used to do harm. Ancient Europeana conaldered the mlltletoe a magical medJclne. They carried It about with them tor bealtb and luck. 8IId belleved It a cure fat ulcer. 8IId epneps, as well &8 a cbarm promotln, fertility The present day custom of giv· Ing a ltJu of love or peace b. neath the mistletoe. aJthoullb a relatively modem one, Ie derived from the fact that down through th& centuries CIte mlJtletoe bal beeo- ; recognlzed througbout the wbole world aa a aymhol of l.,ttng peace.

'" Jt I IIt·rt fil l



fllI, t"

uf the .c 1' 1"1t' In 8 drt.-HOI un :..b le to r~ach th,. ,m to ",rt'l~pn1 thp rnu,.c1~r,.

r .. ~I " rp d thl' bllY ~ ' til lit· .." aY~ 1 an d thp naJ ftlt!rt' fln'p~!,=prt hilt " rhH~


h rl lu~ h





Early Controversy ..,Over Exact Christmas Date Tb. orIIiD of m&117 of oar Qu1Is. maa cuatoma oaD be Inced beck to preh1ltorto tim... with lOme . palaD cuatoma belna modlllid to lit Into the ChtI.tJao ob.ervance .. ' J!)viR COda". "bile DecemlMl' 211 IS almoat unlver8.U, celebrated aa countrl... sueb a. Annenla. celebrate It 00 J8Jluaf1 0. the I!lplphapJ. or .plrltual birth of J,.ua There cODSlderable conU"!> vera, In ttle earl, day. 'ot eMl.. tJanlt1 a. to wbether the ph,.lcal birth or the 'plrltual birth of Jesu. .hould celebrated . ArId those wbo b.Ueved the aplrltuaJ birth abould be celebrated eVeo dla· a,reed amon, themselve. abOUl the date. • ome holdlnll thaI II tuuk place on March 25. olhen thaI II occurred on December 25 The th"uloeh,ns !\noll" "II,e..1I upoo Uecember 25 81 the correct d.le and-.ucb bas been celebrated alnce th. ye., 3.'\4









orate the tree with ·baU. of red. sUver. blue IUld areen. strands 01 popcorn and varlo)la decoratinns Plat are saved from year to ycar Be sure to hana 8 rope of ever' greens. a spray or wreath on YUUI front door-these alanlty to m/ln~ wbo pass your home thaI yOl, 8 r~ celebralln, this Joyous .ensun A rope of evergreens rellulre. approxlmatel, four or five .YArd~ of rope The place you plan to us .. It wW determine the exact length Next. you' U need several shorl lengtha of wire. ahort Iprays of evergreen. balls. bow •. red berrlep or beUa. '.Place a bWlcb of ·ever. IIr",.n "lininI'I th. rope and lR~i"n In place wIth the wtre; repeat un· til the rope bai been ' completely covered •The rope ma, be draped ove, thft door frame, ~Intel. or alan a the .talr roll PIck out other ,pote where additlonill. decoraUona. like berries. baUs or beUa wW' add to the elTectivene.. of .ver-aU appearanc •.


LONG TERM 4% Intere.t No Renewals No Re.triction. PART OF CO-OP FARM CREDIT SYSTEM

For Information Call - . Write - See


Lebanon . lational Fir. Leiaa l eb'lnon, Ohio

Phone' 3-288t

ELL IS STURM, Seo'y·Treee.

Wilson ·CODcrele Producli








Chimney Block Concrete Block Waterproof Cement Rock Face' Block arid Paint \ Steel Sa.h . Cement and. Mortar ,Gla•• B~lIdlnc Supplle. Drain Tile SHEEHAN RD. _ P. O~ BOX 342 CENTERVILLE, OHIO' ..


Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio C. Donald DUet sh, Atty.

Our song is.for your


Fairle, Hard.lre Stores


. To all our friends " we say "Merry Christmosl l:


this Yule



1954 SMI1H



be yours during ehis wonderful .eDson. Let . us pause


fC'. And a Merry, Merry "j;.,

at this season ' and recall Him inpe&ce

uui quiet joy.

406 South




• 1I'I1--ICI'IIICI'IIlI'I1lW1t1lC1rt11 ... nlC1nlCln....... III_Illi·••••• :lCllIIlClfIII ..... MIIPIC1PIC1I1IC1 ... . . . .I(. .IIlIII. . .1(1C1(1(1(ICICI(!


8.001 till


Christmas to one


and an




Here's How You Can Do It Yourself



Christmas Was Once. A Movable Feast Chrlllm. . . . . ODee lIIre


that It· . . . • movabla ta.... celebrated aD • date .allb In

,all' at. CJrtI. tlilbop aI JenaaIem, .. rtIlJ)01l1lble rw .atabllabmUt 01

is for the


A new Chrlstmu tradJtlOIl haa been brou,b1 about lD recent Jearl or perhap, it Ibould b. called a

pre-chriltm81 tradJtJon. At IlDJ rate, It', that tim. of the Jear agalo and lafet;J oT,lDUa. tlon" insurance companfttJ, ftre department oMclala, even thIa newspaper give ·out with the pel'ennlal Yuletide warning: "Don't you have a ChrIstmaa tree ftre thIa

,ear," Precautions a,a1DJt lire I.i especlaU, ur,ed during the ChTlstmal eeason because of the hazards presented by decorations, gift wrapping. defective wlrlDg for Christ<mas tree Wumlnatlon, and the tree ItselL ThIs warning ts neCeSSBI7 because of the established fact that fire takes a toU of more ilian 7,000 lives eacb year In the Uni ted States. with . mortality from this cause natura lly reaching Its peak during the winter months. You can keep from bavlng a Chrlslmas lree fire In your borne by being espt!claUy caretul about two things: the tree and the Ughts. Choose your tree caretuUy One that has been cut too long or stored In a warm place \V1lJ lose Its oeedies quickly and Is a deftnlte . fire hazard. ' U possible cut your owo tree or buy It clJrecUy from the grower, then keep It In a cool, shaded place out of .the wind untU you're ready to decorate It.

the W1Iv.rsaJ date . . celebrate toda,. In 1131 A.~ wtth the p.... ml..lon of Pope JUDIua I, SL CJrtI appointed a COrnmlnlllD to de.....· mine, It poufb... the prtlct.. daw of ChrI't', Qatlvt~ Tb. 4111010,1' ana of the Cbu.rdl anaU, a.reed upon December 20. IneS IInc. th. ,ear 8lI4 thIa date ba, been eel. bnted ======~--------

SiI('ncins Floor " ,nd Stair Sq.eak. ' Squeaky floors and stairs are a common annoyance. The wonder 1 ~ that so many peoplt! continue. to put up with them when they are s(/ easy to fix. Th~ squeaks arl' caused by loose boa rda rubbing against ea~h oth!!r III Ii nail. Sometimes you can get 1'1<' of 11 flopr sq\leak by squirting p."vdered g raphite between the \,ua rds. You'll need a special squirt. type dispensPl' A surer and morE< lasting rem. Nly is to nail the offe nding boards to the sub-flooring. Use two-inc h r 11I!thlng nhi ls. driven In a t an " n,rlc, close to the edges of the t n;l r(] ~ . With 8 nail set, sink the heads of th(· nails a little b.. lo\V the bourd surface. • ? ,II the holes abov,," thl' nail he-atls with Plastic Wood, built up <' ~:- :I t1y high er than the board. Sanrt the 'Plastic Wood down after it h:lS hal'<ll'ned. Then touch up with shellnc or pa111t to mutch the urroundjng wood. " A couple of finishing nails will u!lu ally take care of a squeaky stai r trend. Drive the nails at an Ilngle through the tread and into the riser that supports it. Again countersink the nail heads and fill th e holes above thl'!m with Plastic Wood. S,a nd and touch up the filler lo match the t read.

GOOD JOB PRINTING Can Be Obtained at the Gazett.a Subsc:ribe to The GAZeTIE:

1II10n,. 10 the ,OWl, becau.e Ch....

Ortatm .. t. lbr tha 'OUIII'

few feU to reellze Cha' cblldrelD a.,. not eJlIro,aed with the ~IJI­ ble, of evel'7da, IIvlnaln · Ch. r..~~ Ion of the1t elden The, IN 'OWl, at beart. . For a tru. auuUna. we Deed onl1 renew our ralth In lb. 8avlou~ bon! at 0lrtItm .. tim.. W.. toe.. wID tIleD be JOUIlI at lieart

How mall,l' Urnee do we bear , rowp.upa mak.. thlI ltatemenl? Much lOo otteD . Chrt.un.. belon,a CO ell of WI. 10 .bare. to take part lD the eel.. bratloD of the blrth of Che Saviour, the ,rea test .vent In the blItor7 of the wor\4. It 10 aoma that CbrIatm..


LAaOE8'I' IIANOE8 IVENS.. , , ..., YIaHor .. dwarfed .., Ia ...... aDd marble, b, l4laiptor VIDoeQle rent. .. Rom .. EaoIa from . . . u reet ~u. bIclad. tile lIadaau IIIIlI bIt_.... 1..,Ja...., ilia 1bna .... 1dDp lIeartq ...... IDaDpI' _ _

ate_ ..






.• __ .








Let faith and hope ,be your inspiration' during this Christmas seas(;m.



. II I


, '0 OlE ... alL ••, WE SAY IIU"

., ..





il I J

you lind yours.

,I I

. II

fOI '0Il ....O..U 1.1 FlIE••'I..

I J I I 1 tI

Oonner's Rellauranl


ii w i" !w I J iJ

ii And



best wishes

for a happy holiday.

Waynasyille Drugs Phone 2121

Waynesville, Ohio




1C..111C........IIlI~........ . . . - . . . . .......CWC1C'I1IICIC.CIINlINIPPIPlIl1llN




i ".:':.

! j








! J








!I :~


.!I I~


To aU our


To all our friends,

~ ~

both old and new.


we offer

"I i~ I •





May your

best wishes.


Christ~as be

~ tI









I J I It





!~ ~

. ,. ..

., ,•









Waynesville Furnitufe

./ .




• I I .i

..•.•.. ...

• .c ••

I· !








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I3I I I d_Itl~I I I

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..........IJ_II g_ _. . I _, _R__ _ _ ..........






Of the Brave

,Serviag Waynesyille Sin.ce 1850 \






Mrs. J. 1. Burl!ke haa ~een qqite ill at her horne· lil the coUntry for the past week.

HOME FROM FLORIDA Mrs. D. C. Ridge who haS spent the past several weeka In Florldl\. arrived home this week. TERRY 8ATTERTHWAITE "ILL 'l'elT)', Uttle Bon of Mr. and Mrs, Henl7 R, Sa~rthw~te. la serious· ly III at the home of his parente.




Pair Apprehended in Daylon Wednesday; Bank Employes Make Ide.illificalion

At the x:egu]ar monthly meeting 9f the Village Counoil Monday evenIng, Ralph Belcher presented his resignatiOn as President of the Council: 4fter voting to accept it, cOUncUmen elected Andre\v Churko to fill the .oUice. D\lting the fllness of Mayor H. M. Sher· wood, Mr. Churko will also be .' acting mayor. 'ChurKo ~ a teacher in the local hjgh school and is interested in Boy Scout work, . Belcher gave pressure of busi· ness duties as his reason for reo signing.

Two gunmen Tliesday afternoon held up the WaYJ1esvllle National Bank, robbing it of an estimated $12.500.00. Employes of the bank told officers. Qne man wall in his forties, with a. sandy mustache and wearing a gray overcoat and bright red shirt. T~e sellond Il.1an was younger arld nervous, they said. .Both were car· ~g~L . Witnesses to the robbery said the bandits enterlld the bank short· Iy 'after 1 . m. Tu~day, and 10rced two employes and two customers to lie on the floor, while FORT HOOP, TEX.-Pvt. Rob. the older man stuffed moneey from ' ert W. Hartman, son of Charles three of the four cashier's cages E, Hartman, Route 3, Waynesville, into liis pockets. , Not disturbing the fourth cag recently particiPllted in a special Army . test exercise at Fort Hpod, or the ci".n vault, the two In4In Texas. . made tllelr HC,.;e In what was Purpose of the exercise' was to described as a two·tone 1952 or test combat 'command experimen· '53 Buick Roadmester. No wit· . tal formations oroganized by the neues were able to notice the 1st Armored Division to adllJlt to license number of the getaway the latest concepts of atomic'age car, although It was said to Dbground warfare. tain the letters "PR." Private Hartman a loader in Co. The ho dup occurred while many D of the division's 4th Tank Bat- of the ba~ ·employes including talion, entered the Army ]ast June President Ross H. Hartsock, were and completed basic training at out to lunch. At the time the gun. Fort Knox, Ky. men, entered, teller D. R. Smith was The 23-year-old soldier is a 1950 cashing a check for James I. Mee graduate of Franklin High School. of Dayton Assistant Cashier Mary Stansberry and another customer, .Marie Jones' of Waynesville, were the on]y other persons in the room.

Local Soldier Yak.,s Paft in AI'omic Yisl

Wayne larden 'Club Meals Lasl Thursday

FARMERS. CLUB TQ MEEt , Hr. and Mrs. HarOld Whitaker The Waynesville, Garden" OluJ! wll1 be host and hostess to the met on Thursday, Match 3 at the J!'amien Club on Thursday, March Friends' social room at the Red 10 the Party HOlll.e. Brii!k, with Mrs. Laurence Fur· nas and Mrs. Jennie CQnner as S,UNDAY DINNER GUE8TS hostess lind co·Jlostess ,espectively. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye e,nd A good attend(ulce and a happy SOD, Don, we~e ~unday eVening time for everyone ' was enjoyed, dinner guesta or Mr. and Mrs. alon~ with a delicious dessert Harry j;jattertltwntte. course. The first business was for plans ' 'for the open meeting for the pub· OES · TO MEET MONDAY Miami Chapter \0>7 O.Ei~. wtU lic with a flower show and ban· meet In reguIar "sesslon on Mon' quet on June 1· Committees were day, March 14, at 8 p. m. During appointed. Mrs. 'Garnt)tt of Day· COUNT lAP LOOT-Three employe, of lie National Bank 'look on while E. G. Zleg' ler of Hemllton figure, the 10". From left rliht they are "eller D. R. Smith, (llst-ier Elrl , the bUBlness'" seeslon plans 'WIll be ton, is to be 1he guest speaker on completed Cor tbe annual lnapec. "Conservation" and Mrs. Heneler. W. Conner, Ziagler and AIII,tant Call1iar Miry Stlnlbarry. (Photo Oourtesy Dayton Journll) Two BUS ecta were a~rested· by ."'n is to be ~udge of FBI agents early Wednesday. tion which will be held Mon day son of Day "' , J • I The local Girl Scout Cookie Sale They registered ae' Denver l.a. evening, April 11. the flower show. Dinner be ' I~ wlll get under way "'riday. March Wells, . 82, and Joseph Lloyd $1.75. A cnntrlbuUon waswill made 1 ' a~ l. ATTEN'D WORLD AFFAIR8 to the JohnnY' Applese.ed highway. , 11 ,and will extend to Thursday, Craftoh, 21. Both rent rooms at At the opening' of the program, • • .1 . .AI MarcIl 17. A 10lk oz. box of 306 Valley Street, Dayton. Both G1Wan stamper and Rlcbard Ada , Grace Braddock presented The Morrow Panthers, Warren ' Streitmanns Vanilla Wafers . will pleaded Innocent when arraigned Frye of the Sentor Olass atten,~ed ints I' "D Y Kn? art C ty t ; . b be ofofered for 40c. on fede,ral bank robbery charges. e the World .Allalrs Institute In Cln. po o~ 0 ou ow" a p oun. ollJ'numeJlt c ampsl were ,,~~ Profits .of the sale will ,.elp .to clnnati during the past wee\{. of each program thiS ye'ar. elimlnated rofmf fthfefftfff r~ develop the 315 acre Girl Scout The FBI reported that they dla. re ..ueata of the ROh,Mra, Norma Asbnrv then gave ell1irlnnted from the dl8trlc~ tour· Camp Middiemore. covereod $5,7.00 of the 'rIlsslng D .... J tIn-~ t IIlIl t t th X I fI ~dh money hldde!! In fh~ dUlt con· They we entertained by the Do- a very interes g accoun of n en a e en a e ouse ~_ " \ Wayne.sville Girl Si!outs hope to Club and tartans while there. ''Peonies' IIna, she knows them last Thursday night by the New • A blaze IItading 5:00 a. m. Wednesday completely destroyed the Ilell pOO boxes. talner of an electric sweeper at well too. Peonies ar~ indigenous Vienna flve by the score of 89·61. Hodson Hatchery 0,: North Streetj -as firemen from three towns bat. They ask your help in reaching the Valley street addresl. THUR8DAY DINNER GUE8T8 to China and are known to have Mo~ow managed to A.tay with tIed for two hOUrB ~ring the sbJbJ>orn blaze unde.. control. Dam· their goal. A preliminary hearing waa Bet ' .. Ed.i Ram ' by grown Wild. In 586 4.1>., and have the New Vienna boys In the first age to the buUdiDa ~ 'contents 'W!ls estimated at about ;$)2.500.00. for 2 p. m. next Thursday and 14r. .~~ .,Mr.. war.,. . eJl·.¢attcIr ewer. ~ .~1le ,allle, IQi4 ever. .manag~ . • ·Fire: dePartJfteets ~e ealled bond ~aa let at '$25,000. Upon from S,Pring- Valley and Harveys· belng'llnable. 0 poat bond, both tertained to dInner on Thurs4~ then. She discussed their differ- to lead 24.18 at th~ end of the evening, Mr. anil Mrs. Harland, . ent characterIstics and coloI:II, that first period, but five quick. lIuck. .' ~ burg , to augment the Waynesville • . I were returned to the Montgom· Dye, Dr,:" lind Mn. H. F. Dy<-e, MrB. ~hey rnay live to be 85 01' 90 years ets pushed the Clinton county fire department in their fight ery county Jail. against the early morning blaze. . "~~~~"~,,~,,,, .... ~~~~~~. Goldte ourtaoe and their condren, oM. They are easy to grow, and team ahead and It romped right Sue Ann. Jane and Homer, honor- Septe~ber or OctQber is the best on to victol7 tiom there. It is not believed the Hatchery Mrs . .Edward Hopkins, who has The bandits worked so quickly Ing the birthday anntversary of ttme to plant. 'Colors vary from NEW VIENNA-J. Achor 8.2-18, . " housed many chicks, since another 'been confined at st. Elizaheth Hos· and quietly that two bookkeepers Kenl\eth M. Hough. 62, passed. buUdlng was' buUt · ,f or that -pur- pital for a ,few. week&, was reo working in a back room ' knew their aaughter, MI'II. Harland Dye, white to pink and deep red, or es· Irwin 2~1~, ])QUs 11.2-24, Terrell . ,pecially ib Japan. shades of yenow. 9-6.24, Yoting 1'4-2. W. Achor 8.2-8, away at 5.90 a. ro, Wednesday ' of pose near Genntown on Ro1,lte 42. moved on Tuesday of. the past week nothing about the holdup until it FARMER8 GRANGE to MEET There will be no bloom for the Farris 3.2.8. Total&-87.16-"89. a seit.lnfllcted bullet wound at his About the time that the fire to the home 9£ her daughter, Mrs. \Vas over. Farmers Grange 13 '!'I'm ~eet In #rat year, nor much for a ¥ear or MORROW _ l!8'Wls 1-4.6, Be-r g' home 1 mUe' '<vest of Wa'}'1lesvUls was out, a water main "blew up" Everett Kenrick in Lytle. Witnesses say the min with On that doy, Mr .. and Mrs. Hop- the mUltl\che and red shirt apo regular 'Besslon on Tues4&y eve- two. U the plant bccPl!1es)nfected h01t 3-8.14, Turner 6.1-13. Parker ,on Stat" R!)ute 73. He was a life- on ' Main street two block. from nlDg, March 16 at eight o'clock in by Black Spot, use Bordeaux mix, 3.6.12, Carper &14.14, Totals _ long resident of Warren county the scene of the blaze and all ki~ celebrated thelI' 50th w~dding proachacl I teller'1 window and the Friends Social Room. Mr. .and ture for a spray. Do not cut d,own .19.211-61. and was a wlde-1y known farmer. water had -to be ahut off until It anruver~ary, but d~e to her illness pointed a .32 cali"r revolver at Mrs. Luther Haines of New Bur. before Aug. ,15, then burn the S . He Is sUn'lved ,by his Ire Min. could be repaired. no. spec181 ~elebration was arrang· Smith, ordering him to come ' lIngton, w1ll Iilow slldeS made stalks. When the buds are the core By Quartets. erva.. n dau hter Ma y wDo f "We were lucky that the main 'ed. They: were presented golden around the counter. HI. partner, while on a EnropeaD tour. The size of a green pea, take out the New Vleal!a _____ ..18 87 62 89 B j{ I Jel' r . Lo ~ 0 t broke 'after we had the fIre out," wedding rings by their children, descrlbacl as much younger and 'pubic Js Invited to attend. center bud. In cutting the bloom, Morrow . ________ __ Z4 32 61 61 h:~eeS8 n, ." D. 80n, r n, a said Fire Chief W. H. Sawyer. and many friends and relatives very nervOVI, remalnacl at the cut two sterna diagonally and place . The building was owned by Mar· sent gifts; flowers and cards. Mrs. cIoor with a saweHH Ihotgun, It in two or three tnches 01 water- PAST" MATRON8 TO MEET Fti.neral ~ervlce will be beld Sat· aret Edwards who bas been Hopkins is so verY grateful to they told police. ATTEND CLA K8YVILLE OE8 more is too much. Blooms can be The Past Matrons Circle of MI· urday at 2.00 ~ the Metho- :pendlng the wtilter ill Florida but ever.yone who has remembered her Warren CountY Sherifi Richard Mrs. Lucille Armltace, Mrs. L. used for , nell1'ly all uses, fllnerals, ami Chap~er OES will meet Wed· dlat Church wi h burial in .M1aml will return thiS week some ~e. during ner illness and 011 her Sait.erthwalte said a general alarm C. st John, Mrs. .~vld lfarteock etc. I nesday eventng. March 16 at the ceJDete17· Rev. Dale LImbert will golden weddIng day, and her was broadcast throughout the area and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart· The next meeting is to be April home of Mrs. John Fromm. of,Clciate, friends are certainly l\oping for ' within 20 minutes of the bandit's The Past Matrons will hold a. Masonic serv,lces w~l be h~Jd at 01 her speedy recovery. getaway. However, e81'ly Wednes· attended the reception held by 7 with Mesdames Eloise Alexander Clarksville Eastern ~tar Chapter and :Florine .Schuhart as hostesses. bake sale ,following th!l meeting. StUbJ;lB funeral home Friday at S day the paw was still at large. p. m. Fl'1ends may cnU at the fun· ' II It was Waynesvilles first bank on FrIday evening bonorlng Mrs. ' Clara Roell, 'Who was 'recentQr ap. ~ eral home froID 2:00 p. m. 'l1hurs· ' · , robbery since 1934, and the first e polnted aa an EDltern Star Grand 1J~ day untU 10:00 n. m. Satlrday. Fr,ank M. Fox, 82. died at the r in Warren County since the Frank· Repretlentatlve. r~1J If ' then the body will lie In state at home Of. a daugbter. 4769 Free lin National Bank was robJ!ed in 1. " . , • •1 • the MethQdlst church. Pike, between DaytOn and Trot· t J ' l 1935 CHEERFUL CIRCLE MEETS wood, nfter a brief Ulness. He was . n native at Warrell county. but bad On next Tuesday, March 16 the

M Ell I d orrow mlna e Bf New Vienna 89-61

Girl Seoul Giokl"e SaIe M h 11 11 , arc·

'Iir efA''''.e fAllY .'B ,...... a1t ' H"ery' r



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Wedding AnnlYersar.y

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Child Conse~alion Leagua To Meal Tuesda, March 15

e::n;n::id ..... Dayton area the s::; had . as their guesta he Cheerful He W1IS a retired school teacher. 0. Fire Prevention campalgu. whicb Olrcle ,rouP. cards were enjoyed . I, an4 was postmaster liere tor seven Fire Chief WUllam H. (BUl) Saw· and ' deHclous retreshments were Nine ,students from Waynesville . I years. ' yer hopell will place a fire extl!l' served by the hdtteas. The gueats High School accompanied by Rich. JiNTERTAIN IN INTEREST On March 5 repr.esentatives ol l I I ' t d ht guishel' In every home serv"ed by , , OF FARMERS UNION the Friends' World committee from ' Sur:v v ng are wo aug ers, were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ard W. Watters, princjpal, will a,pth .d t h ld all-d 'Jeanette Hutchinson of Medway the ,fire department. The March meeting of the Brown. Mr. and MrS. RhOdes Bun. pear opo television 'over WHI<,>-~, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell in: : ;ae;nes!iUean a,y meet:· Mrs. Verdenn Mardis, on F'l'e~ The drive will continue for two Waynesville Child 1 Conservation ~ell• .M~k~ ,".,n. E1rnest 'Butteakr- cMharu:.e1187, tn5e~30t FlITh ,iday wnevelniiltakg, eanntderfrtalinenedd angrFr°uiPd of ne~inghb0inrs Representativ~ ~ere ' here frO~1 Plkei six sl)ns, Marlon of SUver wt eeks. endthlngfliliarch 2h~th. »urlng League will be held Tuesday, Mar. worth, ...... _and M1'8. Keller Ho , af!:", , a . . eyeS 0 ay ev~... . Richm d Ind C I b Y II SprlngB, Md. Kenneth of MIami; his time e t;emen ope to can· 15 at 8:00 p. m. at St. Mary's Par· Mn. Ada Smith and Mr. and Mrs. part in a panel dIscussion on the the interest of the Farmers UnIon. S I .on ~ um~Ji e ~~ Leonn.r~ of San Francisco tact every home In ,the townsh ip. ish Bouse. nps' Lom d a~apo t of Do.ytqn M~rvin of Ben: This campaign does 1l0t Involve This meeting will be open to Glenn Borden. topic "Grellt Bnt,ain Slnc~ World Mr. Joseph FIchter spoke on this wa c __ . War n." James E. Falnl executive subject, explaliling what might be :n ded . l~ 9 a so a.. Pa. and'Lyle ot. Dayton' any Inspection of premises. etc. It guests and the Buttons' and Be.a ux W8C8 TO MEET THUR8DAY editor oJ. the D,ayton Dally News, done to ~btaln better prices. -A e~hey considered the purposes of' two sI5~rs, Mrs. Mary Taylor of Is a campnign to s~ll the residents Club is cordially invited to attend. The wscs will meet on Thurs. win act as moderator. general dIscussion. followed· Mr. ~e World committee the outreacJj~ Mlnmls6urg and Mr9. Orissa Hay· of- thl8 community tire protectlon Mr. Philip Shields will be guest day, March 17 at. 'the lIethodlBt The panel 4iBcuBslon show is ~~rsf!~nn~~~:= ::engy;~. of Friends in th-e w~rd todaY. and! De of li'ranldln, and 16 grandcbU· In the form of ~ efficient uttrac' sp~ill(er and a most enjoyab)e .eve· th isi d 1li g ~ d the importance ot visitation. amons' dren. tlve carbon dloJdde (C02) type of ning I~ an~cjpated. Church -with a luncheon aerved part of the current aftaiql study h by C.lrcle m at the DOOD 11.0111'. course, "You and Your World," Hew ere eyuv te etinSena and' Friends all over the world. 'Services were beld at 2 p m fire extinguisher. presenta ve mee gs an \ . b f f I Fr ds" " . RETURNS TO N CAROLINA which is being sponsored In . the The bU11l18l1 seualon 1"l1 ~ senior high ~ls of the Miami tQured, the cit». WhUe the~e they A n~m er Q ore go len I\l'.e. T!1eada,y at the Stubbs Funeral ' ------. . at one-thirty p. m. With devotioDll Valley by the Dayton Dally News, su.dil)d and gathered Information ~? be w ' the U. S. this year and It, Home. nur.i¥ was ill Sp~lngboro. Ben Furnas flew ho,me saturday by Mrs. A. H. 8tub~~ and tha the Dayton EducaUnnal Television on the Farmers' situation. After 15 hQped that some of them can cemete~., Herbert <?,raham oWc· • I from. Durham. N. C. alter two topic for !.he lesIOn lB. Tile You g Foundation d the Dayton Cq,un. a v~ry interesting evening, refresh. visit this area. Jated. ."endiJ oml! months there working tor tbe Girl Goel to the GlV." 'cll on World ~afrs Similar studY ments were served by the host Ralph Rose, our mJdwes~ aecrCi' ' , Buckeye Incubator Co. of Spring· T.he 'annual meetlDs of the Day. a s have been ~ed with great and hostess. . tart for ·the world committee" ENTERS U. \). Mrs. Ethel Fairley of Wllining· field. He flew back to Durhnm ton DlIItriot on March 80 at the cour II In ther ts f ~ tslked on Saturday evening of hi!1 Mr, Harold Stanley has entered . ton, was a caller of Mrs. Olive Curl Monday night to resume his work ~rton Grace' M. E. Churoh wUl ::~ , 0 ~ 0 e "A lIrejud\Ce is being poslt1ve experlence'trt In d d the UniverSity of D~ an.d willi OD Saturday af~obn. , there. be, dJIOUIled. 11 • 0-1.. Ww.. ... about something negative" EurQpean en s an study Business Admmistratlon. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thome of COLleges con.....u..... to .,..e . bis talk with beautiful Wilmington were vjsitors of Mrs. THANKs FOR 'COFFEE ' course Ohio State University, i ntendent ' f Sch00l~S, Oak• Several Reb a Sh' Miaml are Unlversi'" Ulllveni'" of S tI,per 0 In d of thei vWt1ng ht ."d neves on "ftturd -ay after· The Ilrs denartment wishes to. ._ ........ ...,' . ..., wood. The superintendents of the rema e over nil , ... noon. .. , I)aytQn, Wllberforce JIniversiW. MiaDli Valley high school!! partici. the ~eeting for worshfp on When Jesus. wal,ked uJilon the earth Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis of thank Mrs. Davts, loft;s, Martin • Wittenberg College, Sinclair Col· pating in the program act 88 memo they dId not IQ10w that NO,rth and Dayton and D\~. and Mrs. Ernest Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Sawyer for lele, wUminlto" College, Western ben of its advisory COJIllIlittee. Ob• South America e:dated' Chrlat Rosnagle of London were cal1eI:s the cookJea and coffee whlch they. The Weal WQlle AdYIIotJ Coon- eone,e, Central State Coll,ege,. and ject of the' study course is to brJDg gave all tlle t1;uth that. people of of Mrs. MabeJ, Hathaway on Tties- served the ,Hodson - Hatch81'Y ell held their February meetiq at Antioch CoDege. ~o high IChoolstudents a vivid pic:mlted wo.rld around the Med· day afternoon. fire Wednesday morning. Partr JIoaIe with 1&. and lin. Tbe board of d1reetora (or ''You ture of world conditioll8, presented "The hUJ!Wl race l. ftOlviq l e a n S . had the capacltr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dakin and . . I. I. Bunke u bolt IDd b _ _• and Your W~Id" ia eomposed of by o\\tstandlnl educatora and ~ De,.. powe1'8 an« ~ to reoelve. He W1UI not Ilmlted. little son Gene via1ted his mother The Mlaml auetie II on we '1'IIe"toPIc~ 01 tile mcatb. . . . . L. Boda, SapertaUlDdellt of deDte"of todaya history. ~ ... to ..... TIl.. He aaorUlced Himself to rat.. Mrs. E1la DakIn on SljDday afte1'. MCh TIlunGa7 at Doollat the ~ Oar ~WII . . . - . ScIboo1I ID cbarIe of cIirriculum, Tbe students from W8)'Il81lVi11e 6bt1.."".., or prbDItlft people from that d811'418 to & noon. W.---'- n.... The • .. ... ; ft'. &. A. 00Dna...... B1ib 8cIloo1 takiDI part In J'rtdaTJ ".. 1OUtb; u4 DOw . . hlslw' decree 10 that u..e.aal lin. Lena Hartaoet · spent Sun. - _ . - ..... $tore.

Meel Marc .


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..*:;m.... .. .......... ...~ COCtr; WIDJam c:.lJi~= ='=-t~~~~ ::t :!.m==. ~ .. DdIcoD. SuperID- IJbuIb, loe TinDe1. Dm4 fiBF·IllaGaIN»b*!.tII·..... ........ ~t, dtIJe. _ _, or ..... _~ CUOIrD CImpbeIl, IfIf't1 DJe aDd ...... .... .... . . . . . ............... ....s.

CoaDtr. &ad Dilbirt Woodford. DIck Watters.



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Clad. . to CIiIIM Bonoe HoU." SUbm1ttecl lin. B;el_ McCoy.


in Ha~. JIias Ruth CbaDdl~r enjoyed a of WilmlqtoD GIl SatardQ aftel-. vialt with MIla Winifred WildamID noon. -




~ ~. ~~-:.;.~~~~~~-u::. ~~= e,....

Legal Notice -








ORDINANCE · No. 8y JOHI\I •• MOWBRAY Eatabllahed Fabruary, 1Il10 AN OB,DlNANCII TO ..... an ell' 0UMInr1•• dllPAUL A. 80HeRER.. __ ~ ____________________ Edltor and Pu~lIehe' Acting County Age", ORDINANcIt NO. 197 ~...m&U lIe1fU8, lncluTHill RATJiI8 TO BJD t:IUl wutee, water, 4!Jr other U· CECILIA J. 8CHERER _____________________ - - ' A_ll!te Bd ...' March 5 through iMarch l3 is BY THE VILi4A qulds. either dlrectlT or Indirectly, ~ational 4-H Club Week $11 over WAYNESVILLE. 0 ' Into the villaae .-nItay Hwerage THE OWNEBs OF sYlltem. a..d obarge aball be baaed PubllBhed Every , Mornillg the country. J.'f you have a boy L'(TLE METHODI8T CHURCH ED PROPJIlRTY FOR upon the lJuanUty of water METHODIST CHURCH a.t Waynssvllle, Warren COUB»". OJdo. or gil11 who is interested in good B. III. Baughn. faa~r D$le Limbert. Minlater thereon or therein as the same II Eutered a8 Becond clas8 matter at clean dlun and learning through, OF ITS SANITARY UnWsd tlervloe. j: 46 a. Ill. the posto{tlce at WaYJIesvUle, Ohio, project work. have him or her AGIII SYSTEM., OR measured by & water meter- there Ohurch 80hool. 91ao a. 1Il.. Blr. ---.:r ' contact the nearest 4-H club THEREOF. lin use whloh meter ahall be to the Herbert BlfjMm\Ul. Supt. under the I/-ct or Mar.cb,. 9. 1878. WJ~.. hlp Servioe, 10:30 a. m. aT. MARY'S EPISCOPAL leader or call the .county ExtenWHEREAS the Department a,pproval of the Board or Trult~ . B. alth f uUt to Ohl b 1 of Publlo Affalr8. and there sbaIl -follth Yeltowa.lp Sunday '1 :80 The Rev. Samuel N. KeYl, ReciOr Subsoriptlon Ratelt-$2. Per Year. In advanoe.. 1n Ohio; $2.60 aleewber. sion Office 10r more ln1ormatlon. a . 0 Sta e ot 0 81 be charged tor the. tlrat 20000 gal. m. Sunda,: Cl!-,bs willibe fo~ming shortly for , In~~~~a~r~ ~~0':~l3 Ions o( w..tar, or part th~reot. 10' Oboll' Pl'lIopoe Tburaday B.OO. Holy OOmmunlbn. 7!SO a. Ill. ' 1955 this year so don t delay. We are under authority of the Ohio Wate:r u&ad per quarter year the lum of Church Sohool. 10:00 a. m. always in the market for good Pollution Control Act, SeetloniS Nine Donllrs (,9.00) ; for eaoh 10, THURSDAY, Adult Worlhlp. 11.00 a. m. _ _- - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - :., - - - - - dub leaders. If you have the 6111 01 to 6111 08 Reviled Oodl thousand I[&llons ot water ulled In . ~ge to try working With young of Ohio; . ' _ exc~81. of )lO.OOO pllon8 ..1fd not FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST people. ask us Mx>ut toa'l, too. WHI!IRFlAS. the exp1ratlon data exceed1nr 30,00() gallo~ per quar- Byron Carver. Mlnllter' UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH We usually try io work new lead- or said permit 1a July 15, 1966. an;1 ~r iaea('Oai8~e ra~ of ntble School. 9:80 a. m. WUllam Cbannoo, Mhllater. MISS JANE FIT~ ers into iCl cl\,lb where the,y will Bald permit II 8ubject , to modlf ca I liP. t . h ~r o:s~l Mornin« Wor8blp. 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 9.:1>0 1\. m.. Mr. Ohioans invested more dollars get' some experience lbefore at- tlon or revocation; , on:' ~r 8IU) o~~oolo o~r ~rayer Meellng. 7:00 p. til. Jrarley Tbomall, Sup,t. Corre.pondan' in series E and H Saving Bonds tempting a club of thek own. WHEREAS, tbe renewal ot aai'~ ::derno~ ::::in° 4.0'000 g:u~:: ' Yount: People'8 Mlle~lng. 7:00. . Preaohbl/f. every olbel SundQ. ¥r. Garfield McGee, formerly during 1954 fot' the third consecu•• ~ • • • • • • • permit 18 8UbJect 't o the oon(Ut,lon8 per qllarter yea,r gat the 'Elvllnlng Servloes. 7.38 p. m. 11:4.5 a. m. Evening Servloe. £trllt Sunday til of Harveysburg, now of Des tive year, with total p\Jl'Ch!ases . Now is the time ibr farmer!! preacribed by the ater Pollutl~n Twelve Oente ($0.12) per thou· IIl0ntb. Moines, Iowa, visited with friends reaching $329,788,863. of 96 per to get a1ter wild onions and garlic Oontrol ~06nl as contaJned In tllu sand gallon8 for each thousand here last week. cent of the state's quota) La Rue and the Warren CoUnty lDghway le~n8~ttal; II I dl gallons of water In 6XCle!Sa ot tu.· FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST The WSCS vtai:- Oenartroent j!\lst that.d tiona ",,.....clfle·d ethatrenthwea vOOIIUlagle' 60000000gaU°loDB and no* eX(18,ediIJIII:+ Prloe Roberta. Mlnlater CAE8AR'S CREEK FRIEND8 '11 of the t Methodist Th da Van A.rsdale, Co-Chairman, '. Bo d C C r ty <Isis doing h . ' gal DB per quarter a t mee, urs Y ren County Savmgs n s om- oun roa were omons oQD hamend thll ' ~sting .ewer rate Jate o( SIX Cents ($0.06) per Rlble Schciol~at 9:90 8. ~. Oharlea Roberts, Mln1ater. Chu rch WI afternoon. in the l\ome of Mrs. mittee, ,reported today, garlic are a pest will be sprayed. ordinance , to asBen a mlnlin'Uln thousand gallon8; for ench thoul!' ~ornJng "'''o rablp at 10:30 a. m. Obarles Stanley, ' Supt. • Robed Brandenburg. Co..,hostess Total investment in E and H It you have a 'Patch that you uee tee of '30.00 per annum PEIl' and galloDB in excess of 60 000 Evening Worsblp at 7~ 80 p. m. Worshh' ~arv l('e JO :!. m will be Mrs, Mary Thaker and Bonds during 1954 in Warren aren't y.rantil)g to save for- seed tap as ., propoBe4 In the Juforml~' per qu!Lrter at the rate of T~ree Prai·er Meeting ellcb Wedu'SBday ,Sunday SCl..llul. 11 a. ::n.' Mrs: Grant Carnes. County Teached $376.682 Van let us know here at the exten- tion . acco.m~anylng your appllcllI.· CentS ($il.oa) p'e r 1 000 ga1l011ll; llveli.lng. Mrs. 'Edwin Haines of Wilmin- , Arsdale said. The 1954 cash pur- sion office or call the County ~Ion for thl" permlt.'~ , 'Pro.vlded t hat t e min mum 'WHEREAS, tbe renewal cond:l' charge aM1I- be Nine DollarS ton, was a guest Wednesday, ()!f chases complU'e to $388.775 sold Engineer's office and give him EVANGELICAL U. B IT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH. Mrs. Delia Smith and Mrs. Mary in 1953. December sales in the the location. Faimers who have tlons speolfled that tble · (,9.00) p(lr Quarter year or part Golden, county were $11.787, compared to onions , .and garlic problems ' can VJllage "T&examlne the proPOBEld thereo~:' WliUam, Leier. Mlnl8ter Rev. Jol;ln Berning• .Paatol'. The. Band Mothe\,s sponsored a $71.997 purchased a year ~go. spray with three pqunds of 2-4~ plan of fiuanolng, as flet forth l:n II. All original seotions and PfO' Sunday School. 9:30 a. m,. Frank Manell 8:16 aud 10:00 a. m. public Chili and Oyster supper Co-Chairman Van Arsdale said per acre. tb.e Information 8ubmltted wlf,h vision8 of Ordinance Number 197. Swartzel. Supt. in the high scbool cafeterian. Sat- that total state investment in • • • • • • If • • your allpUoa~lqn tor this ' p~rmllt, ~cept toll amended bl the within MornJng Worship, 10 :90 a. m. urday evening. December was $2JI,129.268 comThe growing season is Just In the Ugbt, of r&'Venu~ colleotioILB ordlnanoe lhall remain ~n full Youth ' Fellowablp bl·weekly. . Mrs. Amelia Gordan has ac- pared to $25;9,52,800 in the same around the corner and here are experienced under the tOrele and virtue of law. and orlg· 6:80 p. m.• MrB. WUr,na Glbbll, LEBANON CHRISTIAN cepted a position with a CenterI month of 1953. Two of the . tive some recent bulletins that might r~tes1ngand aohedu,le SeeUons (a.) aud S (b) of youth director. . ChrlsUan Sereuce morning servlce8 at ara v 6wage \.., ' S ow wsllhbmlt+~ en.,..e tlm ctbl Ina) Ordinance No.8 ~97. any other In. beld every Sun~y 10 ville factory and is commuung OhiO . areas attained quotas for be of tbelp to Warren CountY reasonably 8IIpeot ~o flnail.c6 , tbe consl8tent 'Provl810ns are expressly Highland A,ve at 11 o'cleolL ' there daily. 1954, with the Northeast Area "green.": '. lll'oject .. l1n1t begin CO!lBtructt~)n repealed and superseded hy tbe MT. HOLLy METHODIST Bunda sob~ol at tbe same hour. Mrs. Eugene Clark who has I reaching 110.3 per cent and the Control Of 'Garden Insects and thereof. · amendJDenta Incorpor.ated in L. Mozena. Mlnlater T t i l t W do been ill is IlJ)proving. Northw'esht Areo 102.6 per Dis'Feases. Good Home Garden m. Now. therefore. BE IT :wltbln ::lIlOcJIIY Sohool. 9 :30 a. 01.. E. day e:ven't:; Robert Ward is spending sever- cent. T e oth er tW'ee areas' or A DA1~D by I the Couacll of tl~e ,. Ill. For the reasons stated 'II A. El1rnhart, SIiPt. ' . ai days in Wilmington as the quota <attainment was as follows : Obio. Village of Waynesville, Ohio: the preamble hereof and In orde" WO l'shlp Service. 10:30 a. m. SUNl>AY RADIO PROGRAMS: house-guest of Ih is aunt, Mrs. ; North Central 94.4; Southern B1.1; Prunjng Small Fruits. 1. Section 3 (a) an~ Section S- to promote the public hSl lth. I,,, nlug Service. 7,90 ~. m. WSAI-8:45 a. m. Lywa Thompson. I and Central BO.3 per cent. Area Selecting And Planting Shade (b) ot ·Ordinance ~o. 197 are ,safety, Welfare. welfare and OOD· WING-9;00 a. m. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curry showing the 'best gain in E and Trees. amended to read. ee folloW8: venience of the reslden~ ., of WPFB--ot:OO p. m~ have returned to their home here. \ H.sales over 1953 was Northiwest, Our new fruit spray bulletin "SecUon 8 ( a.) For any lot, pur· Waynesville, Ohio, thla Ordlnanoe FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF CHURCH Or: CHRIST after a two weeks vacation trip With 16.9 .per cent, followed by has arrived for coIJU'!lercial grow- cel of land. building or premls~~II, 18 declared to be an emergencY THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD in Florida. ' , Central wlbh. 16.7; North Central, ers ,a nd others wHo use this tt:ch- Iltu~ted within the corporate 11m' mel\8ure. and Bhall take. etfect and Mrs, W. E. Frost has been con- ' i3.4; Northeast, 8,8; and Southern. nlque. Soo~ Bpray information ~~I Qf th~ ~u~ge of way nelvg1e, ~:B!fni°n:& Immediately upou Its Ji:;.v·e .:::::-:s J arlson, pal:r. Main and Miami Straets tined to her home for several 6.7 per cent. Wildi1 be birod~ast over the 1,oca1 wlt~ t~! VI~agneg :.;~;m:w: RALPH BELOHER. Ulble study, Thlll·/ldI\Y. 7 ~30 pm. Sunday: Bible Stud~ 10 a. XII. days because of Ulness, however NOtiCE OF APPOINTMENT ra 0 stat ons. If you would like I1ge Bystem or a.¢ce8slble t,.o sil.Jd Pl'esldent of CounpU. t).rlst·s mbaasador8, Saturday Communion, 10.41' a. m. her condition is not serious. E to receive our spray letters, call Banltary seweringe 8ystem wheUler Attest: 7.30 p. m. ' , Preacblng, 11:00 a. 1i;l. ' '1'> . xecutor. tJ:ae office and give your eonnlloted 4lrGctly thereto or nDt, ... . £ .<n'y STA.NSB"'.. ny. Sunday : cbool. Sunday. 10: 00 Sund~y evening. 7.::0 p. m. J on ahSunday. Y . F . 0 fmet Th e .B .Church s .<lIun ceased Estate of Sarah W. SInlth. De- and address. You will 'be sent · otherwille d.isbca-'ng 8ani....... nuo.....Clerk of Oouncn -"" a . M·· m Baptist .... ...•• J 11 16· Wed. evening Bible Study 7:80. g W hi S d evening in the of Miss hereby given that .D. what Approved: a. ;rn.n ors P. ay. : _ ..... Barbara Doster. Ralph Smith, whose Post Office • • • • • • • • • ludlrecUy. into the vl11age ssLnl. CHARLES A. .A~DElRSON, EmngeUat'o Serl'lce, Sunday. IIVAY"!ES\lILLE FR.£ND3 address is Ohio, has Last year GEorge Harvey on. sewerap Bystem. sal4 Chall'[gC welcom3. a.m. ...-been duly appomted as Executor Route 42 nortH of Waynesville or rental shall be b"sed upon I he ,. sie. TownshIp Grange used a of the Estate of Sarah W. Smith. called me about hi tend f quanUty of water used therepn or "This 'fa Your Life" theme Mon- late of Warren County. Ohio. deS s 0 corn. therein aB the same 18 measu:red day evening, to honor the birth- ceased. (Continued on Page Tbree) by the 'yllla.'f.t.water metel' tb~re




·8 U RG State Hits 96 p er eent H A RY E YS Of Savings Bond Quola













~bi! ~aymond


!ire:a~:8 m~nth ~t r


bom~ Noti~e ~ "';:U;~'Y';;U'R'''' '~The""M'as':' Way~e5viUe,

~~e~iee~j~:i~~::~ :~ft~

~;'I~~V~~~! :b!;:i 19~;ted this 19th day of F~bruary,

!~Wo~:~ :~~~::I~lth";;:s~~~c~;~~ ~ 2t-8.a.1~lloltor.


eel y' es xainln

RALPH H. CAREY. Judge of the Probate CQllrt, Warren County, Ohio Stanley & Stanley. Attys. 2.24-(3t)-3-10 ~ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Adm1niatrator EBtate of Jacob B. Strouse. De. ceased. oUce Is hereby given that John W. Strouse, whose Poat Office Ad· dress Is R. 2. waynesville, 9hlo, has been duly appol.n ted· as Adm.ln. Istrator of the EBtate of Jacob n. Strouse, late of Warren County. Ohio, deceased. Dated th is 1st day of March. 1955. RALPH H. CAREY ,. Judge o r tile Probute Onurt, Warren Atty. County. Ohio Meryl B. Gray, a.1o-(3t)-a.24

The meet in~ of the welcome Bible Clas schcduled to meet his Fri(iay ev: nine •. with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thornbury has been pos tponed until tne followinE! Friday even ing, March IBth.· Mr. and Mrs. J ames Thornbury enter tained with a dinner at their home. Wednesday evenin g, bonoring the 92nd birthday anruversary o{ Mrs. Thornbury's grand-

mother, Mrs. ~ba Welch. The '1111111111111 eel ot land, bulldln!; 01' pl'emlises hosts included as their other 11111111111111111111111111111111" situated oUlsllle o'r the corpo,rate guests, -Miss May Harlan. Mrs. Osee Harlan and Mrs. Tom Welch. Mrs. Tom Welch returned to her home. Friday. irom Ft. Dodge, Iowa, where she was called two weeks· ago because of the death of her brother. Edward Scheerer. Mr. and Mrs. H. S . Tucker and EXECUTRIX' SALE Mrs. Anna Bell. of Waynesville, were dinner guests, Wednesday of Mrs. Jenny Bell of Somers-


......,.• • • #

. ,• • • • , • • • • • , • • • • • • • •, .



A. S. Collett was hostess for the March meeting of the WCTU at her home, Thursday


Gisterns, Drain Ditches Iafternoon.




; ,; ~. ;:.;:;.;::;,~ .:;#.;.;:;.;:;.~.~.;;,;:;.;::;.~.:;,;;::.;:;.;::;.~.:;.:;:;.~,

Water Lines Septic Tanks and Leaching Lines Installed F~undation's Dug


2·1216 ,

4%-LONG TERM No Repayment Restrictions FULL INFORMATION AT

Lebanon Nalional Farm Loan 33 N. Broadway

Phone 3..2866 LEBANON. OHIO ELLIS H. STURM . Sec·y·Trea8.




.ar corn in crib; 400 bushal. barley.




Dr. Carl E. W. Ik. n






Co unty Ins lO ccted

Oregonia rt. 1


Ford tractor, ,951 Mod.l, I., ' excellent conditio!'; . For~ tractc,r, with .Wagner load.r, complete; ForcJ.F.rvulOn ' 14-lnch tractor br.. klng plows; Ford.FargulOn cultivators; New Idea 'on..row corn picker, Ilk. new; Co-qp com plck.r, on rubb.r; Black H.,¥k tractor corn planter; IHe 'lx-f09t po.)Nar mower, on rubb.r; N\C:· Curdy 32·ft. elevator, like naw; McCurdy auxllilry drag like new' aluminum portlble elevator;. farm wagon, on rubber,' with betd; 2O·ft. elevator, complete With motor; tractor disc like MW' rotary hoe; end gate gra" Hed.r; 12·7 grain drill; buck ra"'; com dlopper; hay tedder; ,oller; two-wha.ll6-ft. tractor ,tr1,1I. er; tractor 'pray outfit; Had clean.r; WI~ lack' ,hlpp,. folrk" and other Item,. "

12 In .• 18 In. and 36 In. ~ide

GMC one·ton truc~, late model, complate with bed; ttocIc rat:a I~d electric holst, all In .xcellent condition; J"P, II" moc!lel, With metal bed and rack., like new, .


0110 old No .... <livid houl heovy 10.... wllh Ih. be.1 .ollhem. lIullh. ,oll,ood. ho.a llrown up. Sam. wllh Plr. In· luronce. An Inauru!lc. proQrom Ihol 110.. you full proledlon yeo,. 0110 can b. o. ouldoled o. eld No~ ... loday. Se. v. fw • '~II onoly." of you, " •• lnouronc. nMd"


' - _..._ ......,........................._ ......,i ••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• " .

.~;~:.~ 1l)D:~,,;\,~?::~~l:n:l,Ol~S~·

Qual'ter year. the sum of Seven Doll " d II'ff Ce (-7 50) for:!h gall:: 01.. u8ed iu enee8 of 20.000 gaU:Ons and not ex tn~ 80.000 gal1 0 A8 H 0 U R8 : per QQa r, at the rate, of Fifteen Cents ~$6.15) per '11000 9 to 11 :46 a. m. gallons; for each thousand gallons 1 to 5 p. m. of water lu exceS8 of 30.000 ~. Except Wedne.da u P. Ions anll not In exce88 ot 40.000 ' M, gallons ~r ' quarter year, at the rate of Ten l'1ente ("0.1") per 1.000 Ab Y • u Dve Woolworth'a \bo... ons : tor each f;l)ouBand gal.ons 5 and 10e store ,\ a.te\' 111 f.i~\l88 of 40.000 gaHona and not In O.,C Bs of 60.000 gal· Telephone 2-430 I lona rer yeaI' at the 'rate of FlYe Cents ($0.05) per 1.00() gallons; for each tllousaud gal· 8 8 Icns In excess Clf 60.000 gallon,s at the rate of Two ·and one ball G,ents ($0.026) ~ell 1,000 gallon8 per O r'~TOMETRIST quarter; p ovldec;1 the I1l1lnl· nlum charge shall tllat' be $7.50 , pei' qual1;er year or part thereot" XE"'!A. OHIO "Section 3 '( b) For any lot, par· EEl



7:~yet;.y. :n~


their . organization. 'l\ks. Collett was presented with a corsage of pink cam't and rosebuds :In<t a Jar/!e white heart shaped Cllk . _ Each of bel' friends ap'JIeluID~ On thl! prol!'1'alll coneluded their remarks of UghtIn~ one of the candlcs on the cake. Among participants were. ~ T ",rs. .olU'S Houll'h. Mr;. £mma .r U S ' w i n ell er. M l'S. Marth . a ..'a ace. Mrs. looa Taylor. and Mrs. Fl"'lcsfine Moore. Mrs. Collett "'flS .. orn at Hic· koryville. Ille daugh er of Mr. and frs. Davis Grnhanl. She snent her enUre IiIe in this vidnity. e is t e widow of A. S. Colle tt and has one son, Robca:t Collett who resides with her. ..,.,_ _ _ _ _ ,.,~___





Stokol-Mercury stoker; tmllil hand tool.; numerout










STANLIiY & STANLEY, A~mey., Lebanon, Ohio. :'\al. Conducted by THE aAlLEY-MURPHY DO.YIH ••• C;O. 5$ Ew LoctUBt It. Wllnd....... ~"Io R"I E,tlte Brokers Sln~ 1939 Appralters - AuctlonMrs Rhon..: Day 2264, 2292 - N~ 2QI5. ,7151 ,



* _ 2 OV~S ,. 2-0YIM, '2• •0 . . _vania_-

plus automatic PII~h~lIllon E:Olb trola-at a. price you'd expect to pay for a single-ovcn range! Induaes Rais.I>Je Thrift Cooker,

, new Supet SPBED "'ear, TillUt Center for automadc timing of

boI/J ovens, Chimed timer, IIlCi ~ deep stqagQ plus JDUlJ'"


ocher delUxe features.




~~___" " ' - -...........- .....~....... thorn to J.m~ aDd


.1J9 acre in FJ'aDkIin . George HenId8, Inc., to R. Henkle, 5'1.1 acres in ereek ToWDlhip. , Kaah D. ~d~M'arr Lou to Richard D. and Mary Ann Herlinger, lot in Soutti Lebanon. Kasb D. and ~ LQu AmburB)' to Allen W. and Ma~ E. Massett; lot in South LebarJ,on. Kash D. and Mary Lou Amburgy


......:;,.;,..;~. -----...;.;------~--------A Farm Diarv Naw SUITS I COMMON PLEAS Phyl11a J. Lackens VB, Lloyd . Barbara Jean WhItton vs. !lowOy O. J. Pruier ' Lackens, divorce. J. T. RUey. at· ' ard MissUdlne, ,deefndant to pay torney. $40 per week. M~~ 7, 1955.-Winter again. 1 Hillen H. ~ierson \'5. Troy Jenk· Mary Alfrey VI. Ll~y Alfrey, Cold last night and a light snoW ins, for 'money; amount Qlaimed, defendant to pay f23 pel' week.



~~ :o~~~g~ter~~S ~:Je sl:~t uft ~~5DO:~ld ~~a~~;h.F~o~:y~~e~y, de~:nf~W:o:~:n;y:~o:e

1: :~:~ ~:~~n~jU"Y

John Francis to J(artJn L. and Mary Baber, lot in FrankUn Township. Hom8J," L. and Rosa R. Cooper to Ma(garet Hines, .183 acre In: TurUecreek Township. · Myron Samuel Kersey to and Reba Eliza Turner, .61 acre in Turtlecreek Township. , Herbert and Ida Shafter to NUe and Helen Hayes, lot in Deet1ield Township.

C':~~l ~da:~~fieH.A;e~de~

E. ·Rose, lof: isn'~ likely that it w111 freeze hard ,Depll1'tmcint of Pt4blic Welfare sum of ~O per week. O~n ' and Nellie E. Purkey tql wood, lot in Harveysburg. . J. D. and Joseph~e Pennington e(Joug to get t~e corn ~icker int.o Vs. Edward S. Pbillips, support . Louise Atl$ls vs. A1~ .Atkins, LOwse Atkins', ~ ,lois in Franklin, Township. . to Robert E. and ClaUdia Branden· the 1Ield and .pIC~ th~~ little patch lawsl Ffed E. Jones, IIttorney. . divorce to plaintiff. of corn tl?at IS, leU, qor will it be I LawI'enc~ Rhoades V8. Carolyn Glenn Snider vs. Glorla Jean Richard and l>auline Bec~ett to, burg, lot in Harveysburg. hard enough to haul any manure Rhoades; d;,·orce. Robert G. Ray, Snider, divorce to plaintiff. Denzil and Dolores B. Howai'(l, 1.731 W. T. Cook and Hayes Dalton to out on~o the pasture. It would be l attorney. Jacob Zane SmIth by Kathern acres in Turtl~k Township. Chll1'les and Marie Deaton, lot in fine if we had the gardens plowed" ' Smith, mother and next friend, VS. Catb.erine S Garver to Walter Franklin Township. Ruby Eo Smith. divorce to Plaintiff· IB. Cavolt to Catherine McIntosh, Kenneth and Betty Lou Akers to freezing after plowing does our , EXtENSION N ~TES-heavy. cla:r 80'!110~~fbgo~d. B~ (Conttnue.d ~rom Page Two) Phyllis M. WhiUock vs. James lot in South· LebanQn. George and Wanda Sue Hayworth. .ee w~r~:g It' 'W aS gray green in color and T . . WhiUQc~, divorce to plaintiff; Chester and Rebecca Blackburn 2 lots in Franklin Township. so it goes. ?mg,\ Glenn M. and Pauline Irwin to whe" ~e ~t s~e weso':t our freez. m sny of t": e hills were missing. chlld to plam.tiff; defenilant to pay to Donald F. and Theres'a Fatute. we.atl):~fr~ts now insgtead of' llfter ' When 'we dug down to the toots ,10 lMlr week, agreement.approved. 2 lobi in Deerfield Township. Jack a.n d Nancy Compton, lot in :'e S:et our beans planted. we found light ibrown wireworms O1: n and Ethel Persley to Dink Deerfield TOW1lshlp. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS and Lena Woods, lot in South Leb· Luella Maud Young to Lawrenl;e is in and 1 have to stop WorKing 'on< t~e kernels. The ' f1V The ~:: minutes to stop hiin wQnn' ~ hard shell~ insect George Lickllter to Lloyd H. and anon. D. Young. 21.70 acres .i n Lebanonl fr::: chewing whatev~r ~8 . his, 'spout ~n In~ long. I~ 9 ~dy Joyce Jones, lot in Franklin Town· "Earl and Mayne J. Short to OroEl Minnie M. C. White to G: Ran· attentl.cin at. tbe moment. One is made up 01 several segrJ)ents ship. . C. .and Aima Smith, lot ill Maine· dall and Marion G. Lilley, S acres ]onesoD1& little pup, be hasn'~ an~! 011 secUons. ' " Georg~ Llckliter to Clell R. and ville. in Hamilton Township. Harv~y dug up part of the 'ileld Gladys mtte, lot in Franklin Town· Arthur Jr., and' Marie Young to King Powder Co. to Kash D. and one to piay willi. Sligar will play William 'Robert ~ufman, lot in Mary Lou Amburgy, 4 lots in Union with him o~ce" in a· While but the where It ~ the wor:s t apd J;'e· ship. Jesse P. and Howard J. Rowley Deerfield Townsblp. . Township. cats are no ,good to him. All they planted us 1 n g krtilizer into , d'o is run and get up on someth~g wh1~h~:W: mixed. ~: to Robert and Bonnie Blanton, 1.92 Raiph E. Hurst to J., Otville Asa Lewis to Oral J. and Thelma re werten t acres in HaDillton Township. When he tries to p'ay with eJl)d' rea Yhllls"'" c . deth . Keever, lot in Turtlecreek Town· F. Elam, 3 lots in Franklin Town· h U' is n~ter one or them now, an any ml""mg an ose a 0 L d Od G bb d t hi . hi ,ue.... trin g n' the slip w~re ruay have been for some scar. an essa a IIr 0 s p. ' S p. Rpbert Harrison to John and William B. Bakes to J . . now' it 1s a s the r: , and ' now other reason. According to Har- Roscoe T•. and Mamie Gabbard, lot cove~~~f.d : : : now it giS back to vey it was Uie best com on 1lhe in Franklin.. Paullne. Watkins, lot in Franklill .and Lois B. Reynolds, 80 acres m :.~ cellar for him. It is more. than plac!l. It mi&h't pay good dlviWilliam M. and Clara M. Haw· Township. Turtlecreek Township. l can stand. Such a funny li,ttle ends ,to consider this ~ of fer:~ u ' light 'cream 'color with IL tillz~r if yoU have Ibottom :fIelds. ~Jle ring around his neck, med· You have to o.r der the ifertlIJzer Ium long hair and a tail that curls special anr;1 it can't'be mixed very up over bis \b~ck Ilk!! a choW· FIf- far in ad-YlUlce" of the deIJvery varieties. , date. It will cost you about two A bulletin issued by the Ohio dollar~ an acre. but can return Library Association asks, "Do you you many 'thn~ that amonut in a . want your tlbrary' support cut in bette,r stand. half?" A bill bas been introduced in . the Ohio General Assembly 'to i Don't lorget the lamb day ·bansharply limit libraries share of the quet o~ ,March 14. The da~ tWill intangible tax revenue, which was Pe beld. at Glen ~nett s on originlilly es~bllsbed as, and "till Utica Road. Glen s is the <fourth 's practically the only sOlU'ce of ·house on tbe left on Utica Road operating fuilds. Libraries ,after you turn of iRoute 42: do not get any Part ' of the real !I'he~e will !be demonstratiqns on property revenue. 'In some ~oun. shearing, docking, and inf~a­ ties tills would cut Ubr8l:Y' support tion of feeding and -= Sl.milar in bait.. This would be a good practices. . thing for the womens club tQ look . That. everung the Lamb Baninto and protest against. Further quet will be hel~ at the Colonial information may be had at the 11. Inn Paul Getz !Jf the Ohio. Wool brary Growerll will discuss the mcenSpe'aking of the library, why is tive price program and talk of .it that the patrons of the Arner; hi'!. adve~tures ~ Australia last iean- Legion, especlally on Satur- s~me:. He will Show «>lor day afternooJ! . always park the .slides of sheep rancbes and wool driveway full of cars so ~at you operations. cannot drive' through? There is Tickets m~ ,b e purohas~ lrom plenty of parking space but some- Glen Marcohett, Ed ¥ichener, one always leaves a car in ,the John Lane J. M. WllIUlt Everett , drlveway right fu ft:ont o~ the door Runyan .aJid the ~ensio~ office. I so that you can't drive thrOlUlh but The supply is ,limIted. Tickets I have to back out. Please, Mr. Leg~ lire f1.50 and ladies .ate welcome. , t" 'tonaues consider the library pa. " • . ...... "!' . . . • .. . trons, and park mQre carefully. IFIarm and ~ome Week will !be .The Red Cross drive' is getting held at Ohio State University under way. Put them in your bud· March ,22-215. I

Donald lL m4 'lbIdl1. cuter to Ralph It: and Charlotte M. Juattce, lot In WQD8 TowDabJp. Geol'lle Henkl., IDe., to Sirl and Georgia O. Combe, lot in Turtle~ ToWDlhip. John and Nora Willis to Edward and Grace Jewell, .48 acre in Fra,nldin Township. Ra~oJid O. and Cbole BaUey to Raymond L. and Julia B. Price, lot in Waynesville.


C)laflM B. 1IeaI1IIr~ 81, - worker:, J'raDklbl, aDd CIIrmoIl

B'ruier, 25, derkt FnIIkUL MarVin Byrd, 28, ~, ...,..... Lebanon, aDd Alma Pucbtt, 11• So~th LebaDoD. Robert ADen WilIoD, 12, U.S.A. F.. Foster, and LaVina Flo Durham, 21.'booldteeper, Lebanon. Glenn W. Feab', 65, laborer, Harvey,burg, and Faye 1telley, eo, postmistreBII, Harveysburg.


-. MARRIAGE LICENSES ins, 16. Foster. Robert E. Saltsgaver, 23, factory Woodson Lakes, 31, Iliborer, worker, Lebanon, and Janet Re1f, Waynesville, and Nona Mae John· 21, clerk, Lebl\l1on. son, 19, Wyanesville. -------------.;..----~----_:__-....- - - - - - - . . . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,




Office In Twin Theatre Building.

'tt:e.;b ':d'

PHONE 2111 We Serve WayriHvllle and Surrounding Area. TRY US the NEXT Time YOU Need a Taxi. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~.







~:!r~o~:dsm:~ at!,~~~o~:n 'b~:: lIlIlIIlIIlllIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIlIIllIIllIIlIIh. caused need and ,there a~e always NEW STORE HOURS our armed forces to be considered, ............... !£he community and the local Grange have lost a, valuable ber with the ,passing of Si~ Ellis. Whenever there Willi •anything 1m· V I..., . I •••• portant to . be considered or C9m· OPEN mittee appointed to do something important, 'be w,as always one of first \!> be named because his judgment was sound and respected. Be was a quiet :man, but a Grange Till 9:00 P. M. meetJng always seemed better when he waS there. It was' witb real sorrow that we draped· CL:OSED ' charter lilt the last meeting an.d with a real sense of los/I. We, ex· tend our most sincere ~pathy ,to

c............... . ........_*





Ill~~¥o 'THE RED


.,. r' I




At 7:00

Advertise in THE GAZETTEI "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"

From a standing start Ford's Thunderbird can hit 80 plus in a quarter-

mile. Combining beauty with performance, this little



52.2 inches high - available with two types of engines - is built for rugged duty. For exa~ple, the V-block of its famous V-8 engin~ and atl the cast parts are heat-treated and 'stress relieved I

in natural gas-firtd

furnaces. Ford uses natural gas in its annealing and drawing furnaces at

the Cleveland engine plant, because gas can be precisely controlled, yet

it flexible - and is more economical to use than any other suitable fuel I



; If. cash loah from Modem .,.;.:..,-_.....;;..··-... -11-'--1' 'finance means you Clan pay lOW. .PA''''' "M ." Yw htr , off yous: bills,. Jedu~e Iligh ...... ..... monthly Installments and still t :, t have caSh in yOW' pOckeI for IO,D JUO


expemes and money


Aslcmbled ThunderbiJ4 cngi~ Y-bl~ V-8, 19.8 h'I~. (with automatic tranmUssion); 292 cu. iq. disp'-c:emcnt; 4-bami caibumor; dual exhausts. NatUral gu'"il aupplied Ford .Motor ~pany'. Cleveland fo~ aDd·cnJrinc plants by'11M: !ut Ohio 0,. CompID1. a customer of Xcsu ~ . .





,., LOCAl C'1'lal.




II.VIN ...... 1 NA"O.. lOUII'ANA

rAMI,' • ,.... "*'" da .lIDO mills TftWI &IImJ II'tIIUfIt1'U ".""" ,., ",;.;.. ~ ~r-A'" • ,.,. .~ ,..W",,:", of ,It, Mil"",.". ~".,._ ..!tI ~~.~ ............




'hone 3913 To "ace r.., e'asslli. H •

.CLASSIFIEDS Th. Cost is S••II - 3 n... fo, • ......................., ••••••,••••••••••••• ,••• ,•••••••••••" .......................... ...................... ...........' ••• ••••• H!

BAli••, "







.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlll lllllllllllllllllllllh.'


MOII nu.

1>OST CARDS - View cards of T R ACT II--" 8AND, GRAVEL and TOP SOIL Waynesville. THE GAZETTE. EXCAVATING ' R I NG F' or Men an d W omen, . ' For Compl.te _ _ DUMP and TRUCK 'SERVICE TalLO MRs,. BUTLlilR. Phone 2491. - AND , Phone Waynellv lie 3329 c--S-3-(S t)-8-17 WAYNESVILLE, GHIO FOR SALE-28-inch DeLuxe WestU SANK RUN GRAVE L-.. Loaded e.m Flyer Bicycle, Pureb~ead Cor- BRUSH WORK or SPRAY f f E R S C H E L R . at Davis Furn as Pit. W e also rledale Ram, 1 year old. DAVID Free Estimation deli ver. ARMITAGE & S N. BElAL, Phone Waynesville 2641. t. Phone 2091. c-3-10-;-<3t)-3·24 . GOOD JOB PRINTIN~ Can

B U 1 L Dill G


Be. Obtaine~ at the G~zett~



L'••lon 3-1247

Inquire at Thelma's Lunch

WATER WELL DRlLLING--lilleo- " , .... , .... , ....""" ..",....... Phone 3424 Call 'After 9:00 P. M trlc Pumps Installed. LONZEL NOT I C. E ! SPARKS , Route 73, Waynesville, X-9·54-9·55 CARTER'S . GOOD JOB PRINTING Can ObJo.




(E as te rn Standat:d Time)


CQMPLETELY EQUIPl'ED Covered Truck-Insured




Dally Mal'ket Report.: WLW. clnolnnlltt, 12:115 WPFB, MlddletoWJ); 11:45 Weln', Cincinnati, 12: 15 WKBV, Richmond, IDd., 12:30.


49C Be o,btained at the Gazette "11111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111" " Preble Champs Fall 68-65 Saturda,' GAZEnE A Lak B 5 es, urso~ Lead'Boro Win

R ubber Stamp Pads Purple or Black


Inq\.lre at !ofiLLER'S DEPART· . TORE. ('-3-1Q-tfc Phone 3913


Waynesville, Ohlc

forcemebts. Big Ben Double Letter Advertise in the GAZETTE Springboro became one of four teams left in the Xenia Class I! File DO,ll;ell ReceIpt Books,' anll :::::.:::..:.:::.~~:::-=:::::::~~.~~~,~ ,.~~ ,,~~~-:: .,~,~.~ .,~,::~ ~~ ~ to.urnamen~ as it ended West Elkton's season with a hard·fought 68-6~ many othe; Items. THE MIAMI wm ,Saturday afternoon In a quarter·final game. The win moved the Panthers into the tourney semi-finals whiclb Phone 8918. db were to have been played Tuesday on the. Xenia Central gym flo.or. 011" ....~~~~~~~~~~~ posing 'Boro in Tuesday's game their own with the Panthers dw~.. ..: . was New Vienna, Clinton County !ng the third period, as ~ey weillt 1I11II11II1I1I1I1I1I1II1I1I1I1I1II1II1I1II1h. champs, who defeated Morrow by mto a full-court press m an at· • 28 'poin ts in quarter·final play. tempt to narrow the gap. Going Mu.ller Coal and 011 Altho ugh outscored h om the liIto, the fj~al quarter, 'Boro he!d Furnac•• I100r 56-48, the Panthers ,hit 20' an eight-pomt 56-48 advantage. points from the free throw line to A desperate lasfoquarter rally' only nine for West Elkton to make by Elkton was In vain a.i the d.iffe,ence in the game. . the clock ran out ~Ith the Pan.. Leading the scoring for the Pan· ther. stili thr~e points In thet Stoker8 and Conversion Burners SERVICE and IN8TALLATION . thers were their two All·Warren lead. T~e final period was wild! FREE E8TIMATES County boys, center Thee Lakes and relatively rough with 'Bol)jll and forward , Gil Burson who trying to hold Its IHd and tht. Fumac. R.pair dumpe(l in ~ and 23 pobtts reo Jackets attempting to overcomt. ON ALL MAKE8 . spec lively. Burson hit ten field It. Carl B. Fry. goals and added three charlb' . West .Elkton forwar~ Woo~s iln· tosses, while Lakes scored only Jured his leg in the fInal mmutl!s eight field goals but made nine of play and seriously crippled Ule R. L. Ry....on foul shots. . Elkton attack. Leading 66-63 in tile North 8treat and Dayton Road Phona Wayne."lIIa 3274 . 'fhe' t~ms played on evan final. 'minute, t be Panthers sho~.k

... . .. .....


•• ..::........::••..

Waynesville Healing

~~:s !~rot~!h ~e.,,~rs!.!~ ~~; ~:%t :~~':r d~e:ed ~de: ~~

Preble County champion. .ud. denly. switched from a zone to man·to' men type of defense. It . was then the Panther. caught fire and pulled to a 21)..12 mar. gin by the end of the first period. J k t t b k Th Y 11 e e o~ ac e s wen ac l nto a. zone ~ t.he second 9uarter and came Within four pomts of Springboro early in the period. However , th e Warren C 0 u n t ~ leagUe .champions and tourname.nt BANK BUILDING-This I, the exterior of the Weynesville NatIonal runner-up pulled ~way again l~te Bank wh.... two robbers with SIIwed-oH shotguns obtained in the quarter to taJce a seven·pomt $10,000 in a daring noon-cfay holdup Tuesday, The same benk lead by haUtime. · was the victim of another holdup In.1934. Paced by Doli Crawford and - - -;--- - - - - - -- - - - . : . . . - - - - - - - - - Don Johnson, the Jackets held


Lake. Brlel/l"y'

1\ 0 ""16 Roller.


I 1\



24 20'

4 Jollnloll 2 ~~TC::er


9 2


2 20 B .7

ME A . T

! g: 1






28 '9 '6'6

~ QIW't..... 2~ vY!.~II E\~~on · · : : : : : 12





i. . t£


Springboro's Panthers came to the end of their. 1954-55 basketball season Tuesday night at Xenia, liut not untll they fought their way the semi·finals of the Class B District tournament and gave defendilng champion New Vienna all it could handle before bowing, '12-65. Coach Don Bolton'S boys gave it eVerything they had in an attempt to win a finals berth in the to 36-29 at halftime, and 'late ,in Xenia tourney, but the classy the third period pulled to witlilin Clinton County champs were just three points, 49--16. Going mto the too much for them. final stanza the Panthers ttaill!d, III 111111111111111... A bad ~tart handicapped the 5248. !t Panthers as tbey were forced to ~laying for ;time ratlier than ~ play the entire game under the pomts, .New v~enna mana gEld to ... pressure of having to come from add to Its lead m the fourth quar· !ti enna behind. After spotting New Vl· ter as '~oro's desperation rally n 16·point lead in the first was in vam. quarter, 'Boro came fighting back It, was New Vienna's second to within three points of the win· st raIght tournament win .over a ners Warren district play\ school. couldlate not in· tie.the thethird score.quarter but opened last They week by



WEB B T I IIn :1~ . E -Y -






efficiently· 'executed New


Morrow, 89-61.


Pho ne

Memj)er Fe.deral Deposit Insur,,.ce Corporation


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Wilso. CODaele Prodacts


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. Concr.t. Block Rock Face Block 5teel Sa... Cem.nt and Mortar Dr:aln


Chlmn.y Block Waterproof Cement and P.lnt ' Gla•• Bulldln. ~ppll"












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I. Stili


BEST and What

CHEAPEST Way to L.t the Public Know

1IIad \~~ffiilffffii~frillillfliiffiliffiYmOiU~Hiiffia~vffi.~to Offer .nd at What Prices You

the Clinton Countians, and move ner and runner·up respectively, of __ .;,;::::;:;;:;:;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;==;;.;:;;=:;:;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;~ them to within one game of their tbe county tournament, played .second straight district crown. the local gym. 'I Gil Burson, playing bls last 1lame ~he Panthers concluded one•. ~f (or the Blue and White after a their most suc~ess~ul seasons 10 glol'ious career, led both teams in r~en~ years With a total of . 18 scorin g with ten field gOals and ~ms In 27 ·games, N~w Vienna won six (ree throws or 26 points. Thee Its 19th game as agamst four losses. T HAT GOOD TEXACO GAS AND OIL Lakes dUIl\Ped in 18 for the Pan· END OF THE TRAIL thers and Frank Woodward came NEW V' ENNA - W. Achor 8·6 .. 11; FRri. 4-6- 14: Terr~ll 8·~-21 ; J'. A"ho~ LUBRICAT ING SERVICE - FIRESTONE ACCESSORIES throug h wIt h ),1. 4.2.10; Dnvi, &-2. 14 ; Irwin 0-2·2. To· Terrell , New Vienna's .6-4 cen- tal. 26-22·72. ter , v.:as high for ~e winners witp nu~;J:.~~~6~~~; Lak.':'7~t::N~ B3ri~i~:i 21 pomts, 11 of which were scored 1. 1.3 ; Mll r l lnU 0·0-0 : Faria 0-2-2 ; 11101· in the first quar t:er, as Vienna t on 2· 1·10 . ToLnli 28·10·05. pulled away quickly to a 26·10 lead. Nc~°'Ji.~~O Q~~~~r.••: .• 2& 86 WAYNESVILLE T EXACO Springboro narrowed the margin Spri n,..boi o . . . . . . . . . • 10 29 48 86 in some sections this 'spr ing and and excessive tra1!fic during ·the . fall and winter months. summer. Truck drivers are. ur.ged to C~unty r oads f?r the most p~t watch t heir loads during the !U'e tn good condition Wertz SIU~, spring of the year as this is the although damage has been iheslVlseason when roads 'l:ave a ten. e~ than usual this winter. C;::ou;nty dency to "br eak ' up'" after the hlghway crews have continucllly - ;.,-#..-#.._ -#~ ..#:;:..~_:;:#;;..:;:_:;:,,~_:;:...;:;,,:;: .. .:;:,,;,;: ,,:;:,;:;..:;; ...;:;,:;:,.:;:..;:;,:;; ....;:;..:;: .....:;:..;:;..:;; ..,;:;..;,;: ....:;:..;,;:,:;: .. ..;:;..:;: .. ;:;,::;,:;; ....;:; win ter £reezin g and tha wi n g. . sealed an y I arge· chuck holes that . .. may have developed during the SpecIal. em~hasls has been plac· winter months and improvemE:nts TE LE PHONES: ed. on wlde!llng of culverts a!ld will continue to be made daU}' at WAYN ESVILLE 2091 brldges durJ~g the fa~ and wm- this season of the year as Ipng LEBANON Offlc;e 2·1029 ter months m all sectlOns of the as the temperaliure remains at 45 RESIDE NCE 3·2611 c0!IDty. The CQun.ty is almost degrees or above. . MORROY.( No.3 ' SAND and QRAVEL Wlthout n.arrow ,b rIdge and cul· IEngineer Wertz pointed out vert· c rOSSIngs. Both are hazard- that county hlghwaYB are bElina BLACK-TOP DRIVES ous ,to trB.'fflc and have been used more ever.y ye.a r as 1his TAR and ROAD OIL eliminated. . county '~mes mor.e of an wi/lan LAWN and FILL DIRT . Spray and bar patching is now area. The county's populatlon, READY·MIX CONCRETE under way and will continue as both in persons and C8J'8, baa in .. long as it is fa,(orable weather. creased sharply in recent yean. EXCAVATING and D~ TRUCK SERVICE Patching is Ibeing done on those -:;~~~~'~CiLiss~~!o~ roads hardest hit by the weather Try GAZETTE


law Dadge-s 'IJIIO'I1'ths No aD II bl1bl'I t

Morr.ow ••1111111111111111111111111111111111111111

i·"IIlIIllIlI!!IIIi!!Ill'lIIillIIlI· HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" 2876 i ~!~;:: ~~l;e~~ ~e f~~~~er%~ ~~~ g6~~p:°th~e~~~te~s ,!,~: Cor¥Jin, O hio




L. F. Wertz, Warren County i face with no more gravel roads engineer, announced this week in the county system. that work is already under way An extensive I'oad improve· on 288 miles of county roads get- / ment program was completed in ting them in shape after the win- the county last summer and only ter weather damaged some areas. in a few areas will ' repair work Wertz pointed out that all of the' be necessary, Wertz said, Addi· county r oads are now hard sur- tional seal coats will be applled

,111111 II III 11111111 1111111 11111111111111111111111111111 III III III 111111 Iiii

.... thus. in tuul. th~ life of our country as So whole; and they serve as ~ shining example to the world of ~how a nation can build soundly for the future: Through its youtli. Our banlds pro~d to salute our community's 4-H Club - and 4-H Clubs everyw~ere­ ~n the ocC!lSion of National4-H Club Week,

pointer to put. the game on Ice. • •••••••••• til •••••••••••• Elkton came rIght bac~ with I a SHOP IN YOUR HOME TOWN I YOU WILL ,FIND BARGAINS ' bucket but It .was to nce aga~ tsl1ll!l'· ;; . . . . \I ¥II . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . no' a~~U exce~t tot °thr row margm 0 ee polO . . The final margin was the closest the losers could come tl> Spring· COMPLETE LINE OF boro during thll last three quatr .. ters of play. FROZEN FOODS ACCURACY PAYS OFF SprI..,b'r G F ~w ElI.t'" G F l' Woodword 6 4 14 Cr~wLord 6 0 10 Burson 0 ~ liBWood. • 8 , . 20 FRESH and SMOKED

r6I l 288 Miles Of Warren County Roads Springboro' Bows To ''New Vienna Are Recuperating From Winter 72-65 In District Semi-Final (lash I

The 4-H Clubs make a , valuable four-fold'

~ntribution. They help boys and girls tt) learn g90Ci cltizenship and good fQl1DiJ:lg. They thus enrich the life of the community


1II1111111f111111111 II 1111111111111111111111 11II1I1II1UIllIlIllIllIllIllIlIlIllIIllIllIIIt.




Bob Servis

Newspaper Advertisin g is . the Best, Cheapest and Quickest W: y to Sell Your Wares

Armitage &Son

KIER.'S PHONE 2341 •...1111111111101111111111111161





Waynesville Since 1850

Ington high school and mlmlng· ton coUege, served With .the armed forces and was statloJled In Ger· many for a' year. He is employed at the Wright·Patterson AIr, Force base, and he and MrS. Macduff ~e home to their friends on Dayton avenue, Xenia. . The "Buttons and Beaux" Chlid Conservation gro~p will met Wed· nesday evening April 13, at the Parish House .vUh WlIlIam Gra· ham, principal of waynesville schools, as ' speaker..

Dale Limbert, minister, will give IN THE COUNTY WHERE Ill' IS Often, 4.ii Club particq,atlon thesermoll, "The Best News the CONTRIBUTED, and Warren has led to profItable father·son World Ever Heard," at the worship countlf needs much to take care of partnerships In the family farming Hour. Its. o"!~n cancer victims. operation, and many of today's Those attending the banquet and successful dairymen got thelF start Farmer'5s Grange 13. visited the receiving Instructlpns were : Mrs. with 4-» dairy proj~cts. l:Iarveysburg Grange recently and Jesse Prendergast, Wayne town· Excellent foundation herds have . the officers filled those cl)alr~ of ship chairman;. Mrs. Carman been established by all of the 19$4 the Harveysburg oUices. Mrs. Atha CranE~, wayne corporation chair· national winners. One built up a Furnas and Mrs. Elsie Hockett man; Mrs. T. O. Holrites, Mrs. herd of 40 registered cattle in 11 gave reading and Johnny Hicks Robert HO!1ce, Mrs. Herbert Mc- years of club work. tOhers have set entertained with his magic stunts. Millan, Mrs. Goldie ·Surface, Mrs. aside profits for a college eduea· Earl Rickey, Mrs. Chas. Stiver, tiOJl or are Investing their money 'Mr. and Mrs. John Fro~ had ~. Harold McFarland, Mrs. Vir· in farm equipme\1t or ~nd. ' as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. gil Wilkerson, Mrs. Edgar Hoffer, Full information about the Na· Fromm and children of Miss Harlene Jordan, Miss Bernice tional 4-H Dairy award program is The home of MP. and Mrs. Max: Hartsock was the sc~ne ~f a pretty Miami Chapter 107, O. E. S., Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel~ Younl~, Mrs. Carolyn Dakin, and available from County Extension Mrs. John R. Cl4lTey. offices. wedding Saturday, Marclt 26, wUl meet. In regular session Mon· vin Banta of New Carlisle. w)len their. niece,' Miss Sylvia day, AprlLll, 8 p. ~. with the Hartsock daughter of the late Mr. nual snlpection as the feature of N Feb 5 t d M ' Ralph Hartsock bec:ame evening. Mrs. Laura M. KeUy, Mrs. Ross H. Hartsock attended ". ews rom u cou ':::e b~~e of Mr. John' Andr.e w Deputy Grand Matron of District the inspecti~n of the Worthy Pack 40 Macduff, ~n of Mr. and Mrs. AI- 21, will be the Inspecting officer. Grand 'Matron Chapter, Order of , OS In Ian MaCduff of Wilmington. All Eastern S~ar members are In· Eastern Star in Oberlin Saturday At the regular session of the The Cub Scouts of Pack 40, Rev. Benjamin V., pastor vlted to attend. evening. coundl of the Village of Waynes. 'Waynesville, held a kite flying ville held April ,4, 1955, Andrew contest Sunday, April 3rd, In the of WIlmington Methodist c h u r c h . solemnized the double ring cereMrs. Charles ~Ichener . and Mr. and Mrs. David 'Hartsock, Churko was sworn in as mayor school yard. The kites were made mony before the living room fire daugh~er; Janet, recentl~ spent a Mrs. Luclle Armitage, Mrs. John to complete the term of H . M. by the b'oys with help from their place at 6:45 p. m : In the presence week In the south, ' espeCially sight Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. J;>aul Shipley Sherwood deceased . .ij.alph Belch. parents. of the immediate 'families, seeing In New Orleans. and Mrs. E. F. Earnshart were er was aiso sworn In as council. Prizes were awarded for the best A half hour program of record· guests a~ the Franklin chapter of man and elected by ballot to serve made kite and the best flying kite. ed wedding music preceded the MI'S. Clara Shee~an has returned Eastern Star Thursday evening. as pl~esident of the council for the First prize fo rthe best made klte ceremony and to the traditional to her home heJ:e after spending . balance of this term. A vacancy awarded to Mike Locke; best fly. weddlnc march from Lohenarin. ,the wlntel;' months In Bradenton, M~. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart was created, since Mr. Churko be. Ing kites, first prize to Johnny the bride descended the open ~ Florida. ' , had as Sunday dinner gues~s Mr. cam;e mayor, and Carl Pitstick's Fessler; second 'prize to Bobby -way on the ann of her uncle, Max and Mrs. ~ Reynard and five name was submitted as a new Grimm; third prizes to Jim Jones, BartIock. Her maid of hono~. her Airman . 1/C Richard Sh~an children of Smithfield, OIilO, Mr. men ber to the council. He was Lester Rasnake. Dennis AJhmqd, MIll MarI1yn arrived home Fr!dq .DJaht, after aDd MrB. Earl Eambatt and chll· reco~ended by the mayor and Kenny Moran and Kenny JODes. ·the put In and . l\l1' tIM c:lDUnc:U. II1d wW 1Jl~ offine at , the next meeting. '. S." DrlvI . U,.... ,bride ~, llVerJ In marriage Ice In Florida. The monthly meeting of the St. n ordinance, establishing a D I' A.rli by her uncle before an lmpresive Altar '~ry society Planning Commission of five memur na p altar with arran"ementa of white Circle No. 3 of the W. S. C. S. was held at tile hbme of Mrs. bers consisting of the mayor, one' COLUMBUS, O. _ "If you are pdra ona gla41011 and carna· wlll meet Wednesday, with a coy. James Kyrie, March 29/ 1955, with member of thecouncil and three not easUy impressed with pleas to, a:aln:.t a background ' of ered dJSit luncheon at l2 o'clock. Mrs. John K,vne and Mrs, GeneVia citizens of the village, was given d}'lve safely, take look at t}Je palma lU1d aspldlstra flanked by 'at the home of Mrs. Walter Whit· Johnston as ~o-hostesses., its lflrst reading. ' . records which show l26 REASO~S can,delbra holding white lIghtec\ aker. ' An Invitation was t;Xtended to The need for full time police why Aprll can be a dangerous tapers. , • all member!! to attend the annual protection was cited. The Finance month as weI las a good month for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis, Mrs. convention of hte Arch4locean com,tnlteee was to make a study of 'motoring." The bride wore a 'white dress fashioned from Pakistan silk, made Jennie DavIs, Mrs. Wllllam Davis Council of Catholic ,Women to' be the expenses involved In such an This advice came t9day from U. three-quarter lenith aleevs which and daughter. were Sunday dinner at the Datyon Biltmore hotel, und1ertaking and make a report of C. ~elty, director of. t1)e Depart. were puckered , from hem to, guests of Mr. ~d ~. CtlCll M. Dayton, Monday, May 2n\1 Con· their findings at the . next regular ment of Highway Safety, who ·shoulder. Her bodice had a V neck· Davis and sons In Dayton, bonor· ventlon theme W\lI be "Woman's meeting. . pointed to the fact that "the l26 nne with Queen Anne collar and Ing the 7th blrtbday anniversary Share In God's Master Plan.') sh~uld be enough to conylnce any. the slUrt was full and bf ballerina of . their eldest ~on, Mark. Mrs."Byron Kyne and Mrs. Rob· one that they should drive care-' · ert Lehman offered to mjike Rosa· ~IH fully. April has always ben a slg.enath. Her flowers were white George Current was taken ser- des to give to parishioners to en7< ' nal to motorists to head fQr 'the hyacinths and camellas, an ar· rangementa of same blossoms lously III ,at his home during the coura~ familY recitations of the open road and It is up to each adomlna her hair. . past week, and removed to Mtam1 Rosary. , driver whether the trip ends as he The bridesmaid wore embrold- Vailey hOSPital " Mrs. Maurice Endes reported ~T'op rl\nklng ~.Hjers among the plans or In tragedy." ered pin&, off-shoulder Paklatan that the new draperies for the 135,,000 pRrticipating In the 4-H :AlthOUgh April was one of our ""Ilk and carried a pastel round Ed Hopkins is undergoing ob- back of the Altar would be ready Dairy' froject will receive recognl· low months in fatal aCCidents last bouquet of mixed tJowel'l. 'The ~~:at~:p~~.~tm~n!,~~;:;n~ by Easter. tiorl in the 1955 National 4-H year, "the fa,c t still remains that flower alrl In a blue nylon ,frock 311 Mrs H kins h h . Dalll'Y award program. 126 persons were slaughtered In carried a basket o! mixed flowera. =~ con~alesbtg :~ th~ :m:e : Amerlc.n A new na,tional ~.H award!! Ohio traffic durin' gtbat month," The brIdepoom I brother, Mr. her , daughter, Mrs. Everett Ken-, Society donor. the Larro Sure Feed DI· Felty sald. "Furthermore, If driv. JtJchard Macduff, was best man, rick in Lytle is dUally kOff' ' . vi$ion of General Mills, wUl pro- Ing has not Improved during the and Mr. Jerome C. Hartaock; 'I d b1" 't gl'abe f Klc Dinner vldle 'the awards on, the county,. past year at . least that many wUl provngan a e o up or . ' bride h bl'Qther Of the "was an us e~. pait 'of the time ' members .of the state and national levels. The new die this April." , Mrs. L. C. 1{artsock, the bride's . ' divisIon ,of the Amer- dQl1lol', a long time suppo~er of , Many Ohioans were Involved In ' pandmOtber, wore blue ~ce and • Mr. ~d Mrs. C. D. ' Osborne iean Cancer society braved ~he the 4"H movement through eduea· accidents but were' more f?rtunate , I !re S un 'd t weather to attend the campaign tional booklets and related servo than the l26 who became statistics a conqe of lWeetheart l'OIeI. Mrs. S I weSmlth. ay gues s klokoff dinner at 'the Golden Lamb 'Ices ' has' accepted an ' . Macduff, the brid4!&'rom'. ,mother, 0 fP~~fieGd, ' race " 'lrivltatlon in the fatality records :Depart, wu Ia pink crepe, with a c o r s q e ' hotel in Lebanon, Friday even.lng. to jqln a select IJst of 4S public ment records show that 5,160 ,per. ot sweetheart 1'OIeI. Car I Smith was . ... Dr~ WUlsb~ugh of CInCinnati, spiJrlted , organlaztlons and Indl· sons were Injured In traffic durin'" .,..e .gues t~' 0"'11:1. " " .. , • FoUowInc the we4d1ilg a recep- ti I Dat f th ' k ' d one of the charter members .of the viduals as national 4-H donors. April. ' yon or e wee en . Ohio ' Cancer board, gave ~ ve~ State winners in the dairy pro- A further check of recOrds shows tlon W8I held by Mrs. Hartaock, a ves n tlle crandmOther, llt the Far Hilla M d ~ E F enllchtening ,talk on the advance- gnm vyill receive a ,trip to the Na· that traffic duJirig April, 1954, was PartY, HoUle for the wedcllni had r. -: I' . ts ment toward cures for the var· tIonal 4-H Club Congr.ess In Chi· expensive. The property damages au-ta, and o~er frtenda and relad ~ unchay ld .nn:..=~ ~ lous types of cancer."He said peo. cai:o next fall, and six national as a result of acclderJts during the tlYea. I ' . ht " J ar as-and Sharo ~ pIe no longer need fear ' cancer "if wiJ~ners will be presented ~ month was $3,779,409. ~ta were served tram aug era, can n, they starl treatment In time, under college scholarships each. Medals .. . a beautlfQlly appoln~ table cen· Trotwood, and Mrs. Marjorie Rob- a reputable physicla,n. But, only, vyll~ be made available to the' {pur . So f~r this year motorists are tered with a tiered wecld{ng cake Ison and chll~n, Don and Martha throUih Voluntary giving and door top members In each county. proving ·that It Is, possible to cut ,. bJpped with Jovely Ooweia. Jane of Dayton. to door campaigns can research J[n the 4.H dairy prorram con- down th,e traffIc slaughter/, Felty ' When the happy couple left on , and advancement: a&,alnat this dUlcted by the COOperative Exten- sal~. "Present · figures Indicate their wedding trip, the bride' wore A Union Good Friday service at dreaded disease be cOnducted. slon Service, club members learn about a 15 per cent decre~ In a navy blue suit, with white bat the St,. Mary's church, ,EpIscopal Roben Ray, Warren county's by doing. They work with their the number ot traffic ~eaths as 8nd D&\?, ,ClCeSiOries with flowers church, FrIends and Methodllt campaian ¢ual.t'Dum .of the A. C. own anim/lis, feeding and caring cc;~ared to the same period last fraIn ber wedd1nc bouquet. churches cooperatina, Fri~ frbn,l S., pye pointers on campeJan taco fo,· them whUe learning modern y . The bride Is a ....duate of Sprtnc 12 to 3 p. m. Everyone 11 invited tics, ~ announced that the local da:lry methods. Looking to the fu· "AprIl could brini a swl~~ the VaIIe)r hIP aDd attended WUmIn&'- to attend and remain 81 loDS U campalp would open April 17. At twre, <l·H members take part In othet way with the usual Increase taD eoIIep. pouJble. , which' tJme we ask roo to Please deJmonstrations, judilng, t~urs, ex· In travel. Each motorilJt t IIftIIJIt Ibe Is emMed In be ready with your contribution hll~lta, public speaking and other must make driving a full· time job ~ tbenw ~t 'lbe Youth J'eUowabIp wlUlpoq- and GIVE IT IN YOUR OWN related activities which liVe them If 'w e are to bring the number of 01 V..., ; ~ ".. aer the Ellta bNalcfut at 8180 L LOCALITY. Otherwlle It wlll not a better understandlna of the traffiC , deaths In 1955 . below the ~ . . . . . . . 01 WIJm. m. at the KethodIat Cbul'Cb. Rev. be uaed for aid here. IT IS USED , industry. 1,872 killed during 19M.

Walllnasvilia Council H Id Maa'" g



Dairy Winnars To Bel Honorad




d .




by voluntar y contribu tions of mil, lions ot America ns, collecte d pl'lmarUy" during the antlual fundEat.bll. h.d February . 18110 raising 'drive. The 1955 qUQta for county 18 $1000 of which Warren .r Publl.h and Edltoll, _____ ---,--~,,.. DON MOORE , -- ,------townshi p goal Is $500. Wayn the E,dltor e Alloclat -------8. MOORE -----"'-------~---:_---- .. -------Last year $451.51 was subscrib ed In Wayn townshi p. so the new gQlll I!IIM - ..PubUsbed Every ,Thursda y Mornlng should be readily met. OOlll1ty, Ohio. • at Wayneaville, Warren "Will each resident of Wayne Entered as aeoond clue matter at tOWJl,sh1p 'have his or her contri:. the 'poetom ce at Waynesvl11e. Oh19. ' button J;:Bady for the soUcltor when Ilnder the act of March 3. 1878. . she calls and give as liberally as




the first three months of 1955 have amounte d to more than $8,000.000; A 3S-year record ~cept during the 'emerge ncy retlnanc lng period of 1934. The bank is owned by la, cal national f~ loan associat ions through which fannen obtain their loans and which they. 11\ tur~. ,o wn cooperat ively.

...111111111111111111011111111111_111•• NEW STORE HOU•• -

• • • • •, •••••••••••••• _ ••• , •••

I •




W ... B Fann o....n M ..t at Ollv. Branc h h Metho dlatofChurc Massie-W ashing-

, I

CL 0 • ED


possible ?" Mr; Ray asks; "as the re SOCiety Is onIy as large 'as its mem- , The ladles Sub!,orlption Rates---l2. Per Year, In advance, lD Ohio; U.60 el8e,,,be At 7:00 Bureau bers and can serve the commun ity ton and 'Spring Hill Farm Warren the ' ned only as effective ly as It ,~ sup- Councils entertai THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1955 '" County' Farm Bureau Women 's "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ported by that commun ity. , ~ l': :'ii: .... 1 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 .1111111111 'dlsh '~.;:.;.;;.:..:;;..;;.;..;;...--~-~~==:":"'1::""'::: comlllitt ee wJth a covered , the governm ent ,Is 8pe~dinj, bi luncheo n in the social room of · lions of dollars annually tClIr nsde st chUrch Methodi BranC\1 Ollve ttonal defense. These attacl!:s are Canew Tu~day, March 15. r.1rs. Harold .. wl;rlch may- we hopethre/lts 18 April Cox and Miss Lois Ross were conever materiaU ze. Yet the whole chairme n of the hostess commit,attack deadly The 1955 C/IJlcer Crusade of the nation ,faces anoter HOUR~: tee and were assisted by Mess Soolety' Cancer n America The reality. Warren County Cancer SoCiety is not a threat. It Is grim Ralph a!or, BransuR!UlllT dames peathe 230,000 local unit wish to thank 9 to 11:45 a. m. gets Ito full swing April 18th. The, Last year Cancer killed y, Herbert ijn the pIe of Wayn townshi p for the re- Dell, Arthur Ma~tlngl 1to5p ' , m: 'house to ouae drive will be cil- men women and children made to the ap- RoSs, Frank Swartze l, and How-already sponse States. United Wedne.d ay P., M. Wayne Except and rected In Wa'ynesville l soolal the {leal of the society for funds, and ard Graham . A delightfu townshi p this year by Mrs. Grace ' ''Surger y 'a nd radiatio n, tables, the at Abov. Woolwo rth'.' c~ncer, urge that the same coopera tion be hour was enjoyed Penderg ast and Mrs. Evelyn Crane chief weapons agaiDst S' lind 10e 8tore out ~e remain- beautifu l with gay st. Patrick de<;through extended ;1954in 75.000 about only saved Waynes are hlladlng up drive in , orations and tavors. month. the of der have coul~l mOre ~5,OOO ville and Waynto wnshlp apd have and some " 'J1le Increasi llg demand being . Mrs. Charles Guard. Jr. chair'Telephone .2-430 I adethe commun ity vcry well organ- been saved by prompt ami business the at presided man service for society the on made Is l:aIlcer 'Early nt. treatme quate . Ized. luncheon. It pro- makes It r:lecessarjt tor the current meeting following the E~ . Robert G. Ray, South Lebanon treatabl e, and the educatlo nal Bl\uer Erench, that reported was In success. a be to to campaig n r dispense m,\lk a attorney , who has been appointe d 'gram of f e ACS Is deslgJned placed had Dairy out paid societY the ,seven March alone to head up the crusade for the make people awa~e of the. in the Morrow School making It a $393.91 in patient care. coming year. ,Sieclared In acceptin g danger signals of cancer which possible for the chUdren to "ecure XENIA. n. chalnna n campaig Ray, Robert , and the job of sparking the campaig n person may detect In himself, ' at 2 cents per half pint botmilk drive the that hope' OPTOMETRIST Regu- expresse d the "Urgenc y of the cancer fund ap- then do somethi ng about it. it tle. Plans for the painting and re~ year this top the over go will help wilU s checp-up peal and the edutacio nal program lar physical living room ree- has in the past. He urged that the decorati ng Q tttae girl's In conjunc tion with It cannot be discover symptom s 'whlch are ChUdJren's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. county Warren literatu re, left · in the homes be at the ognlzed by physlcan s only. , com.The d. compl~te were overem,PBslzed." home des1rlng "~s year the natloJ),-iw,~ Soal studied, and that ~ "We are living today ,In an era stated the p,rojeet this for mlttee scope the to relative tlon infonna profor the of apprehe nsion In regal'd , to Is $24,000,000. The defell1!le nanced of the lOCiety's program, avall &reat need of"' Wa1l mirrors atomiC; and' hydroge n attacks and gram against cancer Is fii sturdy themselv es of our Informa tion cen- &lrl's rooms also some the At room, Iitting the 19r chairs . tar at the eourtboUle In Lebanon the Also Mr. Ray announces the fol close ot the bus\neQ rneetina 22. ~ ,tilml ayallable tq ~ VOup adjoum ed to meet Apnl orpniza tloDl iuId " otMr wllblng to include these film dMWIJOhn Butt, Franklin ' townshi p; In their act1v1tles ~ "Man Creek; an4 ProaTeIalve AlIve," "The Doctor Spe~ :~ Mrs. Earl DuVall, Clear OraaIUlliU!)D Second To None. "Breast Self-Exa mlnatlo n" Frank Swame l, Washing ton; Mrs. Mind" on tbe Bat All LYTLE METHODI8T CHIJRCH METHQDIST CHURCH In the CoUlltrJ ,:'The Werning Shadow ," To H. L. Thomps on an!! Frank WU. and B. E. Bauchn, Putor 8ATJIF IEa free kins, Deerfiel d, with J. \t. Greene THAT E ~ese for SERVIC ments arr&nie Dale ''Limbert. Minister make m. a.; 9:.6 Unified ~ervlce. a For Dally Mark.t A.po.... : ChUrch Scbool. 9:30 a. m .• Mr. showing s call Mrs. Genevieve Zlm- organiza tion director , attended Wliw. ClnolDnati. U:16 Herbert McMUlan. Supt. merman at the Cancer office In District TrUstee cabinet meetlng WPFB. Middletown, 11:-.6 ST. MARY'8 EPISCOPAL In \'lol'8blp Service. 10:30 a. m. A. C. MI Y. n HamIlto the , at at use WCKY. CitnclDDaU, If: 16 The Rev, Samuel N. Key.,. Rector the baseme nt of the 1courtho Youtb Yellowsstp Sunday 7:80 HamIlto n, Ohio, FrldlIy night. It Richmond, Jud .• l):10 , Lebanon. Sunday: . 800 m. , JJ. Cbolr , (Eutarn Standar d "nme) , Practice Tbursda y . . The ACS local unit has avaUable was a polley' )ln~ leitslatl ve meetHoly CommuDlon. 7:80 L im. James NORttl S BROCK. COMPAPar Ohurch Sllhool, 10:00 a. m. th~ ,followln,S ser:vlces , to cancer Ing called by State Trustee ' j\dult WorllhJp, 11.00 L m. vict~~: paymen t tor drugs and LeWis. medications. x-ray and therapy FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Frank Swart2e l; county co~gres, treatmen ts, transpo~taloJ\, dlagn08H UTICA E.U.B. CHURC '" ,Byron ' Carver. Minister cll~c se~ces, n detectio and tIc 01. 0111 Bible School. 9:30 a. m, spokesm an, represen ting WUllam ChaDnoD, MlDi. er. slonal nt, equipme and supplieS room sick Morning WorBhlp. 10:30. a. m. ' , Sunday School 9:80 '., Di .. Mr County Farm Bureau Warren the the at e aVallabl are s dressing and ~' Prayer Meellng , 7:00 p. m. Harley Thomas, Supt. By .John B. l'IowlR'a7, ~ederation, Mrs. f'>.: L. Sc!Iuhardt" ' young People's Meeting. 7:00. Preachlllg. every othe. ' sundBJ headqua rters at all times. AetIDJ Count)' ~t lonal congresa county e alternat m, p. 7:36 , Evening Servloes ' 11:46 a. m. , tbne to get ready for the Is legDuVall, Earl -Mrs. an; spokesm ,Evenlng Service. first Sunday III FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ' again. You can ~. IJIVaslon bug BuIslatlve chairma n ot the F..-ro month. spitPrloe Robetts ;' Mlnlater reau Women' s committ ee and J. peel our frIendly enemy the may you As year. thla again Bible, School at 9:80 a. m. tlel>ug , director tion organiza Greene, M. readily be Mornllig Worship at .10t30 a. m. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEINDa can uss spltUeb recan meet to went to Columb us Tuesday Chl~rJes Roberta. Mlnlate!;, Evening ' worship at 7:80 p. m. Ide~tifled b~ the frothY white ~ Earl A. Embree . Ohio reslonru with their St~t~ Leglala~rs. '_ , CharleB Stanley, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday on, Plapt.s. Colvera are a talty Warthe ng The grouPTepresent;i Worship Service, 10 ' s. m. " manage r for ' thP. F'ederal Land evening. for the aplttleb up. but you Vlaftt scUBSed l d, Bureau Fann county 'ren Sunday SCboul. 11 a. III. clecbeen has lc, Bank of Loq1svU them on golden rod, find ,the before nOW iSsues cUl'rent y till! Vice presiden t and Sf'cretar OREGONIA · EVANGELIC'AL U. B ,.. ~a blI~ or ,aD)' Reprewith l of the bank, SJlnc.unces Ellis Ohio General Assemb one of ten dO:l:4!,r, other planQ. 'lbey Sena'William J'..eler. Ml.nlster ' State and CHUR'CH Stanley e TINE sentativ AUGUS The '~T. of .or -lreasurc Stunn secretary Sunday School, 9:80 B. m.• Frank start batchi!la the mI~ Leban~n Nationa l Farm Loan. He tor, Dell of W\fdleto wn. house usually Swartzel, Supt. Rev. John Bernlnc. Put/Jr. warren county• . Apiilln to,l) rs legislato e Morning WorshiP, 10:30 a. m. a. m. ' succeed s John A, MOOl'1! who d,l ed urge(th ~r andl0tO 8:16 MUlies have to look clOIeJ¥. wul 'lou y, youth Fellowship. , bl-weekl bill 212, which calla' for the , ' a month ago;' I ' move ov~ plant u 6: 3(} p, m., M;n . Wilma Glbbl. ugs Spittleb th~ , ~an r.1r. Embree was born at Ur.llln· tlon ratheli~r occur. U It la LEBANON CHRI8TIAt:' 'SCIENCE Youth ' director. , chanses w~ather tlie to s in Montgo mery county' Ohio. He ment. at member .will find them down of Edllcatl on t, and urged the windY ' yoil Board sch(.ol ' high Steelt at d educate was are U It III cool WId: serl1ces to tb l't 1 Chrlstis n SCience til I tG I ak I e gro at 10 e r , suppo cOle g ve Sunda)' monlllng held evel')'Ave. ity a~ ers Univers Miami and Dayton in ~·cl.eok. n at Highland or evenlna . )'OU MT. HOLLY METHODIST d to a recom~endatlon that would and quiet. ~~ Sunday achool at the . ,ame hour at Oxford. J:le becamp. ' a.~late increase appl'OprlatloI)8 for the will fl~ them up nea rtbe top on in Bank Land Federal ' Raymond L. Mozena, M.lnlster the wltb Testimo ny meetillgs lilt Wedne.. . the cuccuul ant srowth. Sunday , Scbool, 9:80 a. m., E. day evening of each m(lDth ' at 8. 19~ as a bookkee per. AdvancIng the ~chool Foundat ion hepbenzene of quart , e on, Use ;,Supt. ~o", $40 Earohan A. and by approximat~y SUNaAY.RADIO PROIORAMS: to an' accounti~ supel'Vllor Worshtp Service, 10:30 a. m. e chlorl~e p(!l' .a cre, 10-12. pel' Cent. adequa, urged also group The watkinS been has 'he , other offices, Evening Service. 7.80 p. m. Spray wile.. ~up:: ~~ with the national lann loan as- approPr iations" for Olilo ,qrlcul- of .on~...~ perf ' lOt. A_ ;~l;:.~::~ ~:: stresa for specific givlna 'ture, 15 past the tor, Ohio of sociatlon ...ya _ ...' ture LlII!' area or 'WPJ'B -4:00 p:·m. need of a modern agi'teult ural 'FULL GOSPEL CHURCHoDOF ... , years. __ ' .per eent THE ASSEMBLY OF G ,80 ot quart <>ne : spraylng Sl;8te universi ty; Slmul~eous with ¥r. Em- ter at O~ H OF CH~18T per acre c!an abo be ne toxapha ~::~;::;;::'. Larison, Pastor. C-HURCand nother I tl)ose to parable Friend, 'bree's promoti on Demus Miami Sueette Bible Btudy, Thursda y, 7:80 p,m. Main used with the lalDe puture ..... '. • a native ot eKntu~ky and employee states. sheep are DO\. Christ's Ambassadors. Saturda y Sund~y: ~Ible study, 1,0 a. m. •. caution milk ng increasi 'of method, 'a As ' prowal years 21 of the bank for 0 00 Communion, 10.46 L m. affected In either cue. It ,.. were makers law the 7.~0 p. m. , Ptl9n CpnatlM . a~tary t mated to asllstan Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Sunday Scbool" Sunday. 1: biD ~, want paature Ole 2 quarta III 2S ,T;he Federal Lana Bank haa asked to .support house Sunday eve~g, 7.80 P'I m. places per cent me~chlor per acre. ea~ allow a, m. .'would 7:8~. Ions team loans total11ng $92,000,- whlch , ~ornl[(g Worship. Sunday, 11:16 We~. evenln, Bible Bt1lldy In adlJiti~n )IOU niIIT fIDd au." to use bulk milk· ~. indiana, 000 with. fanners in Ohio, Ught green worm ~ to, .. ' . . W Th bel to ee Tednesa and y a. m. Kentuck ' I powth Evangel istic ServJce, Sunday, ,WAYNE8VIL,LtE FRIEfiD arren ,c ounty . IP'OUP, ~... lona feecUnar _~..,., the new~' e P • ,' Firat Day School, 8:80 L m. . , almllar IJ'OUI froDi 20 coun. ot one of 7:00 p. m. lp ownerah the finance them a.m. 10:80 , Meeting for Woftlhtp 'Everyon e welcoma. Continued on Pile J ' , • . their lanna. Loans made dlirlng ties. ,-----.:-------,--.."..



-St.,.. '

Loc.1 C••cer Social, Expr.... TII••k.


• eel

E' yes xamln

Dr. (irl




Elt...I . I

Ohioa.' I .......... a••k Officer





aoa. "and

THE MIAMI GAZETTE. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Thursday. April 14. 1955 -------~--~------------~~--~--XAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PUNT A.46 to 47 Inc. Persona l SerVice ....... ..... '... . C-1. Materia li for Maint. Bldga. and Grounds . • . . . • C-S. Materials for Malnt. Equip. and Furnitu re. . . . E-8. . Repairs Other Equipm ent ....... ....... ....

--- -

684.08 417.78' 208.97

Total Other Purposes •.•.... ....... ...... .' . .. : •..."--1-,8-0-5-.7-8 Total Maintenance of School Plant ....... .. .. . ....

Investments Purchased (Itemize) .... .. , :: ...... • .. • Total Expenditures .. ....... . ... ... ..... . .. : C···$26 6,061.n .Tranaf ers from to .. •.. ... .. ....... . ....... . . . ... ·Transf ers from ... ....... ... . .. to . . ..... ... ... . . Total Transfe rs ....... ... ; . . .. ....... ... ..... . . ·Must equal Transfllrs to ~n Page.S ....... . .... ... . . . , , To~l Transactions .. \ ....... .. .... ....... . .. , . . . $266,051.'71


--- -

A ••• t. anel Llabllitl e.

ASSET STotal Cash Money on Hand-I n Depositor.y, Active and Accounts .. . ... . .. . ....... .. ~ . . . ...... $ 88,810 .'96 Inactive .67 208,204 I • • • • • •• .... ... .. ....... Cost Total Current School s Receivable ....... .. . . .. ...... .. . .. .. , Account 5.000.00 D~BT SERVI CE. ··Invent ory Supplies and Materials Estimated . ..' . .. . . 5.500.00 A-51. Salary secretar y' and Other Employes of the . ..... .... . ... ... .. ...... . .... ... (Cost) s ·.·Land ... •...... ....... Sinking FUnd ...' ....... ....... ....... . . . . 898.600.00 . ....... .. .. . (Cost) lnga ··'Build 0 , 14.000.0 .•.... H·1. Bonds Maturing ....... .... , ....... .... . . 86.000.00 6,976.00 ·.·Equi pment (Cost) .; ....... ....... ....... B·2. Interest on Bonds ...... .. ... . ....... .... . .. ....... . .... " ....... . ... , ...... ents Investm . B-S. Interellt on Certificates of Indebtedness ........ ---' H·4. Borrowed Money ...... . . ..... . ... ....... , .. 11.024.4_ Total Assets ..... : . ... ,...... . ..... .. . .' . . .. $47'1,910 . 96 . LIABIL I'f.I;ESTotal Debt Service . . .. . . .. , .. . . . ... ..... . .. ... . a Payable .. : ...... ..... ... ....... ... . . Account YCAPITAL OUTLA Bonded Debt ....... •.•.... ... • ..... . ....... .. 238.000.00 646.00 5.411.42 1-3. New Bulfdings ...... : ....... .. -> . : ....... . . Bus Notes Outstanding ..... . ....... ....... .. .. Buildand Office tration 1·7. Equipm ent for Adminis ness Ou~~ndlng .. . .. . ... . Indebted of tes Certifica . ....... ....... inca •... . . . ....... .•..... 4,8'85.68 1·8. Motor Vehicles ....... . ...... .. .. .. .... .. . Total Liabilities .... . ....... .. .. ...... . . . .. . $288.411.42 8,612.00 1-9. Other " .... ....... .... . .. ..... .. .•..... ... Assets .... . .. ....... ...... . .... ....... $289.4991.6.4 Excess 7 . 18,258.9 . Rehabilitation ... ....... ..... .. ....... ....... Total ...... . ... . ...... .... ...... .... ..... . Total Capital Outlay ..... ,: ....... .. .. ....... $ 26.847.60 ·"It unable to Aae ... taln CO. t>-U.. Appraised Value. Certificates of Indebtedness Paid ....... .. .... ,.... Oper~tion

and Maintenance .. ,.... ..... ....


--- -


M....·any chan a" 'atel y', aemo "" yevr ·' ... ur ••••


Insurance Acency

come the 'most ' rugged trucks ever builtl



. i

The powe r line with full.v 'le w desig n I 202 hp. World's NEWt Super Power-Dome V-S engines -169 todependa ble Sixes!

most powerful low·tonnage V-S's and the most NEWt Seat materia f that "breath es" for· c()oler, more comfortable drivingl Ne", acoustic-treated cabs to in(:rease driver efficiency! NEWI Higber payloads. new no-clutch transmissions, power steer. ing and braking , fuel-saving overdrive! Pilus smartly styled intorio~ new exterior colors and twotoningl Over 100 new featuresl


Newl Full·vlew de,lgn with the biggeet Wrapoaround WiDdehield of Any makel Wrap-ar ound rear window available, tool ~view deeip

mlllUlll, Il"eaW


and JDaDeUverabWty. easier b8nd.IiaIl

Thursday, April 1'4, 1955


........ UIe Of


ic'it, .Electr The average resident ial custom-

er of the Xenia district of the Dayton Power & Light company inc~ased his usage of electrici ty more than 8 per cent in 1954 ae" cording tq L. V. Nilson, district manage r. This distric~ includes most of Greene and parts of Clark,

Clinton and .Warren counties . "Althou gh the total yearly bID tor the average cilatome r has generally in,crease d during the past 10 years, the average residen~ rate per kilowat t hour for the en,tire DP-L area has actuaUy decreased hom 3.89 cents to 2.98 , cents" l'{1ls0 said. " ' "The use of ' more, electrici ty through the addition at-more apo pllances has Increased the average

Bell-Bottom Ponh hours, over GOo kilowatt hours above the national average . The ,WASHINGTON - Bt!II- bullll'" highest rate of increase In this :::or:~;n:o~oh~~~; l~~~ ~I=~:~ area was at Wayn yllle with 19.8 Navy Secretar y Charlea Thom'8 n , per cent. Some other commun ities .,There was a postwar campaig unl· I In for the Navy to , change the Increase of ges percenta and I form. as the ·Army 18 doing. Ma~ .• bit. ~age of electriCity last year in- wartime sailora. complained about Wh8t they had to wear. elude: Spring :Valley, 10.6; Bell-, terly Asked about the new uniform I b k ';" roo , 7.It; .~arvllle, 9.1; Clifton, proiri\m In a televislon InterView. • S 'and Thomas said those who want to Average usa~e In the Greene 7.3; South Charlest on, 5.7, , ohange it are in the minority r c:!Ounty area was 3,195 kilowatt Xenia, 6;6.

home consump tion from' 1,167 kilowatt hours in 1945 to 2,634 kilo",iatt hours last year in the DP&L , area. . "Becaus e of the high standard o,f living in West Central Ohio, ~)P&L COIlS,""ers average about 1.00 kilowat t .hours above the nationa! Average last year" Nllson ' aid r



ically T~ ' join two pieces of"wood' together quickly, firmly and econom

- you still can't beat t~e humble nail. ,In fact, na~ls do such a good job, I that last year , this country produced 1,680,000,000 pounds of them Mass production of high quality steel nails is possible only because of modern production methods, suc~ as nrstural gar-fired reheating and open hearth fu'rnaces. U. S. Steel's American ·Steel 8( Wire Division at Donota, Pennsylvania, uses natural gas b~cause ' it is dean, •• economical ••• and the n~e~sary high temperature~ can be exactly c~ntrolled. An adequate and long-range supply ,of nahlTal gas is being 'made availableto Midwestern, Appalachian and Eastern plants by Texas Eastc;rn. TEXAS EASTERN SERVES TilE COM.ANIES THAI SIRV'I YOU . It. giant ladle pours 65 tons ~f iron into a "alural g~'I'fireiJ Clpcn he:lrth furnace. When funher processed this will supply enough' steel to make nails for 5~ six-room houses. Natural ' gns is supplied U. S. Steel's Donora Steel and Wire Wc,rks by Com· r~lIjtable Gas Company and The People. Natural Gas. (I:my, both customers of Texas Eastern. r

CITlal ..


.MII VI,OIl, &011"1" "" ..


Thursday, April 14, 1955



Page 3


They say a fair Easte carefully administered therapy now operating in two buildingl;. choice of a number of pqrarns means fair weather for seven even some of the tnu~t regressed On the treatment ward, patlE!nts devoted to the ge'neral pra.ctlce of Continued from Page 2 Sunaays. Did you ever count patients may be restQl'ed. to pro- play tabel tennis, billiards, work medicine, sessions on subjects of of your clover. It has two little and keep track? ductlve lives. " , on model airplanes, paint, Clter~ general interest and presentations yellow strIps down .the back to The therapist speaks slowly and clse, learn to write' again, and par, In specific areas of medlcane by help further dentlfy ,It. This Is the gently to the mute, rigid figure. tlclpate enthusiastically in wee:k1y specialists' grQUps. clover leaf weevil. Expreuion of Th.nb By calm re~ated requests, he en, dances sponsored by volunteer or- Some of ilie topics to be disIt you have alfalfa you may courages the' patieht to relax. He ganizatlons. cussed at the meeting IncluCle: the have ' "pla~t lice" or aphids. I wish to express my sincere massages hltl arm, back, and neCk The veterans slpwly and grad- use of Cortl$one and ACTH, a reAnyone of these three can ser- and heart-felt gratitude, to the muscles and talks soothlrigly, as a ually are returning to a' wotld t'hey view! of immunization procedures, lously reduce a crop. You can con- friends and neighbors for the mother ,might talk to a sick or once knew. management of thyroid disease, trol all three bu using 2 quarts many acts of kindness and sym- frightened child. Roland describes the therapy as use of -the new drugs for meptal The patient is assured that he founded on a "Jove for one's .tel- diseases, surgical care of athletic of benzene hexachloride per acre. pathy extended to me in the We have a new leaflet for the death of my husband, . Oscar can l!peak and is urged to count. . low man that can come only from injuries, various developments in person with a: few fruit trees. If ' mith. At first no sound comes, but the heart." Visitors at the hos- psychiatric treatment; cancer d!!you Can use a copy let me know Especial\y. do I thank Doctor later one can see words forming pltal , Sunday, 1'day 1st, ,will have tectlon in the doctor's office, saf~. by phone at Lebanon, 2-1891, stop Wright, Rev. LImbert, the pall- with the lips, then a snaky, barely an opportunity to learn othe.r 1~un- ty In anesthesia, developments in by the basement of the court- bearrers, The Stubbs ~uneral perceptible "one"-the first word damental. principles In ' human, re7 poliomyeltltis and many others. house' or send a card. ' Home and the donors of the he has spoken tor months or years. Jatlonshlp that are essential to The official delegate to the Fruit spray Infotmatlo~ In' our , eautiful floral tributes. From that point, progress Is, good mental health. meeting from the Warren County area will be carried by the followMrs. Leola Smith rapid. The patient may ' begin 0 Medical SOCiety is Dr. Orville L. Ing radio stations: writing letters home, expressing a Layman, Franklin. wish to get well. Some reached Cincinnati WCKY 1530, 6:00 a. $400 MONTHLY m. the point where they could receive ~ Cincinnati, WLW 700, 6:50 a.m. , SPARE TIME - high-level treatment and eventualColumbus WOSU 820, 8:55 a. m. . . . ly were discharged land 12:03 p. m. Refilling and collecting money Dr. Harvey J. T~mpklns, direcOhio's largest medical postgradDaY,ton WHIO 1290, 5:50 a. m. from our high-grade Nut M~~lnes t9r of PSYChiatry and Neurology uate program will be held April The. Dairy Sel')lice Unit needs In this area. No seillngl To qualify service, of the Veterans Admlnis- 19-22 In connection with the anapproximately 1500 cattle yet for for work you must have car, ref- tratlon office In .Washington, ap- nual meeting of the Ohio State ~ the county wide Bangs er:adlcatlon erences, $66 cash, secured by in- proved these niethods and soon Medical Association In Cincinnati. .' controlled experiments were Inltla: Several thousand Ohio doctors sign up. If you haven't signed up ventory. yet, don't put It otf any longer. . Devoting 6-8 hours a week to' ted In selected Veterans Admlnls- of medicine will attend, Including Yo~ often hear 'that rounds \!sed business, your enlt on percentD&e tration hospitals. Result.s of these delegates to the 1OO-year-old state for corn planting will not produce' of colletclons will net up to $400 experiments were accepted and organization from Ohio's 88 county a plant that is as vigorous as monthly with very good posslbill- approved by the eVterans Adminls- medical societies. The delegates plants from large or medlum .flats. ties of taking over full tlme. In. tratlon in Washington and the will determine poliCies and E!lect This Is entirely erronous. The ker- come increasing accordingly. ChlUlooth,e hospital was selected officers ot the Association for the nel serves as a source of food for For interview, include phone as the research and training cen- ensuing 12 months, accordinl~ to the new plant untU it Is capable of number In application. Write P. ter. Dr. MerrllJ D. Prugh, bay ton, its Mool II;"I~ a Ivll Ihol fii v. producing Its own food. As soon as O. Box 161, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. H: H. Botts, manager, has president. 11.lrol YlO,. 0110 lu.1 won'l the tiny firSt leaves tum green always advocated, ".where treatOn the scientific program the cover ,fa loday. Soml with flro they are capa~le of producing their ment of .patients are Involved, and doctors will hear outstanding medInluroneo. A prall rom Ilorl,d yeo,. 0110 'mlllht hO.1 blln a own food. JtI you wll ldlg up a fe,w new methods are Initiated; I shall Ical authorities from Ohio and: the PlrfO" fit for your Inluron" hills at thls time you ,will find coN T R ~ C T give my full approval, with no res- nation, view exhibits and mc)tlon n..d, . . . Ihln. luI It may there Is stUl ,plenty of kemal lett I ,' ervatlons." . .. . pictures of the latest medical ltlndNOT ,1.1 you fUll prollctlon As for as niherltance Is concerned ,I.. Seventy~two extremely regressed Ings and secure Informationl on '0 day. Sea II' for • .UI the rouncls are the s~e as any . , patients were picked at r.andom the recent developments in dJrugs, .""y.l. of your pre,ent·doy other kemal. They just happen to - AND - ' , from a large &rOUP for the special IllStrUinents a.nd equipment. I~,uronel nlld" • be 'placed on the cob where the treatments. Treatment clinics are The physicians will have 1thelr tlaht 1itting husk causes them to be deformed. ' BRUSH WORK or ' SPRA'it


Ohloo''Slale M8dlocal Associaiion 'M881s







Free Eatfm.tIon



In.quire at Thelma", L~nch April lb. 1955. Easter Day Phone ,8424 Call Aftor 1100 P. M and this day ·is as perfect a '(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'" , day as anyone could wish. Warm enough. sev~nty 8O,m~ V A Ho.pltal At Chillithis afternoon, bnght sunshine and little wind. This cothe 'fo Cel.brate , is a day for every one to ' wear their new Easter 'hats Disabled veterans of the , two ' ID in comfort. Lots of people at World Wars and of the Korean church for the Itervices on conflict are slowly beln grestored . this great day and "Welcome to usefulness. An opportunity for Happy Morning" was a most the pubUc to observe treatment '.45 lb. Roll Roofing only A BOMBSHELL BARGAINI • Genuine Continent.1 appropriate carol. The wea-, techniques a.nd facD. lties- will exist $1 67 Roll . • Roofing $9.25 Sq. therman ' .says showers to- ~unday, May 1st, _.... ~ ..en the ChDII night and ·a little wa~ rain cothe Veterans .!\dmlnlstr~tion • 3' r.b Shlngle,-Green & will bring things out in a hur- hospital celebr~tea ~08pltal Day. , Blue $6.10 Sq'. • Dixie G••" •• Low ry though we would be glad At that hospital there Is under$69.50 of a few more" dry days to get way a researcb and training cen- • G.rcJen Plow . $5.95 some seed into the ground. ter, which is demonstrating new Once again the Miami Ga- methods of treatment that have '. Hvy. Hog Barb. $B.15 Roll • 7.6 Cu. Ft• .Frigid.ire, with zette has new owners and displayed encouraging results In • 54" Sinle C.blnet$99.95 Full Width ~reezer Chest, once again they are strugg- some of·the severely III neuropychlling with the old linotype but atrrlc patients so they can be • Toilet Se.. $5.95 Cr!sper Dr.wers, Shelve, if everyone will be a little brought back to a world of reality patient, troubles will smooth and trained to lead nonnal and • uwn R.lee on Door-only $189.95 out. As I hllve said many useful Uvea. • Perry.Derricle Outside ' times before. I believe "in the Directing the program, under , White P.lnt $4.95 G... iQlPortance' of the ·.local pa- sURC~vlsion of the medical ,staft, RCA Est..e Elec. R.n8e 104712.11 Fence 95¢ ROd per. May~e you can read all Is Paul Roland, a 39-year-old cor-: with Built in Grill, Chrome the news somewhere else but rectlve therapist. He has found this is our paper and shOUld that unresponsive, withdrawn pa- • All ~nce Price. SI••hed Top Light. Regul.r for have things in it that interest tients can be "reached" with spec- • 7' StHl Posts 'B7¢ A Genuine Molo Mowelr us and are not in all the other lai attention and loving kindness. IS" Cut, Rotary Mod~lI $259.95 - Now $169.95 79¢ Rea 69.91 NOW! 't.11I papers. A town without a Those selected tor the program • Hog P.n. local plU)er soon becomes were patients who stand frozen in just a sU"berb of somewhere strange, unnatural postures for . • 6002 Cloth. Pin. ' - Spring ' . • 42" D. S. Heavy Lawn Fence else and in ~he case of houl'S, silent and stuporous. Stll~e Only 3~c . W O .. D ' 25c Fr. , Waynesville it would be the Some had not spoken a word in 21c Fr. • \l6" ~ suburb of ' various different years. • No. !~ Brace Wire , lIe lb. places' and would soon lose They paid no heed to the needI • I~D Water Sy.tem its individuali~y. For one it of their own bcidles. They often had .• Free 2" Genuine Bristle,Br'wb $99.50 R....,. to PI... In would be a suburb of Dayto!l to be spoon fed and dJ:essed. With the PurChde of a Qt. OK; for another of Cincinnati, There was a comptete lou of Mo,re of P. D. Presto......'. but if we all pull together pride in personal appeara~. '!bey • Houle HoW Broom and m,a ke it our paper and frequently soDed their clothes. ' our community it wi1lbe bet- They lived in a dream world of ter for all of us. So be patient their own m1ndl. CompletelY obUv. WAYNUVILU· and help our new editor to lousto their SUrl'oundinp. HILLSIOIO know what you want in the For many of patlentl, WIlMINGTON LYN::'= p_aper aDd as lOon as thellet kpnwn fom'll of treatment had II,ANCHIStII the machaDieal end working been tried with no lUeceaI. . smoothly, we ~D make it the ktDd ot'pap,,:!, that you want. With medlcallY preserlHd and!.--":,~_ _ _ _",;;,:,:,,;,,.......-;:---:-::-------

.Is S'ill Onl

D.n', ..miss

.u' ,,,.S. ".,ginsl ••




Fairle, Bardwal Slores '

Thursday, April 14, 195.5



. 2,691.06 by cleani llK, Kal. Deducti on for County Board Clf Educati on and finish coat. Paint furnishe d by Oreek TOWD*hip,method) , Pa ntinlt' 868.'10 on for Tuition Paid Other Dlltricta . ~ ••. Deducti contract or. BridKe over White inll' (sand blalt finish coat. Paint Watel' River. Bridjl't! No. HA·60· prime coat' II Contr~ct or. Bridjl't! 21. Three (8) SPat)8 total 442.26 furnlabe d by of Turtle TOull Foundat Ion Prorram ... ....... ... ....... . . 108,618.&8 Cree'k, 1,118.26 feet, Roadway 2. at 28 feet .a over BranchWA.68·6 Interest from State on !rreducl ble Debt ..•.... . •• . . S, One (1) . Bridge No: inches. from School Lands and Propert y ....... ... . Rental inch C/L: 64 Span alll 60 feet PropONI No. 12 460.00 Lt. Roadway Busel Aid ..•.... ....... ....... .• • •...•... ..... . liamilto n County, Ohio, on part' teet S incbes Rt. ... Contr.ct Sai.. Lo••1 C:opy No. 55-21. Tuition from Parents an4 Pattona + Transp. · ·No. 80 feet 0 inches. Route S. U. 7.S7, Section of . 286.18 Proposa ls Nos. 1 to 16 Inclusive for Handica pped ......• .•. , ••••• , ..•..•• ••. 62. in Whitew ater·Col erain Town. UNIT PRICE CONT~ACT (sand of thil project are to be completed Educati on Reba))llitation for Deaf, BUnd nal VOcatio sala will be recelv. ships, by clesnillll1. 8Call~ SId not later than October 16. 1966. and Crippled Children, Handica pped,. Ete., 'from P&,!po of tne State High· blast methOd), paintinK prime dcoat ea The minimum wa~ to be paid by state ... , ....... ....... •... , ....... ..... . 1.1i91.89 . ed at t. e 0 lC!! f Ohio at Colum. &: finish coat. Paint furnishe con. Wa on d e~ploye over Great to aU labor ' l,04Ull n Farm Pro&,!,am ••..... '... '..•. way O~ector 10'00 'A. M Ohio contract or. BridKe UET-O with nce aecorda In be ' shall tract •.•. , .•.... . , ... 18,061.00 d 1,1' e T~~sday Miami River. Brldll'e No. HA·52· tation 0, un RehablU bus, Plant chool Hourll' State..-s PrevailiD of le ''Scbedu ' the 'O at 484 feet ents in; 74D, One (1) Span Eastif\:~n1ar im~:v~mincluaiv Federal Subsidies (Cafeter ia, Etc:) . •.... ~ ••.... •• ly WaItS Rates ~ertalned and e inch, Roadway 28 feet 6 incbes. I'N or 1 to 16 May, ent of Departm Tbe by ned Determi 11 No. Cafeteri a and Lunch Room Receipts ...... . ...• ;' .•• 80,882.48 PtOfIOIOl ' l'roposa s os. . ject and will al Relation s applicable to Industri 01 part on Ohio, neou&-C ontribut ions, Finel, Etc. • ..... . .•. 11,4'12.41' County, Preble Miscella ate otferdedd as on:e n tract Highway Departm ent 1m. State 1'1'1, No. Route State 0.00. Section Revenue • ..... . , ..... ...•... ...•... ..... 2'14,489.68 · ' ·Total l 0 be awar e as 1 in accorda nce with NON·R EVENU Eof in Israel Township, by cleaning. proveme.,nts r....... ~o on part181, 4116.04 (1'1·8), 4U6.03 SectioJ1S 1,8aO.40 scaling (sand blast method ), pain~ B~ow~ ~gusgte Ro~te No Sale of Text BoolaJ and Work Boob •.....• .•. .. .. (17.4a), 4lt6.06 b ~le~ninK iog prime coat and finish coat. (17.4), 4115.01) 59.811 hi Section . , Adjustm ents . ....... ... ..• ....... ...• , ce of Insuran (1'1.6&) 4116.0'1 and (17.5). or. contract by d in ferr(y Td~i:st ~et~od) pain~ Paint furnishe of Ohio." . Othe~ Investm ents ...... : ....... . ; ...... . Code of Sale Revised the Creek, Mile Four over Bridge ..•. , scahng san &: ft 'h oat' Paint , 1,460.1'1 The bidder must lubmit with hili . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . , . ! . .. . . . . . . . • . DlS i c 'Brid e Bridge No. PR-177.67, Two (2) ing prime coat aheck in ~e amount certified a bid Road. lnches, 4' feet 83 total Spans Bi. No. ::' furnis~idd bIt cont'~d of 11.200.00. Total Transle ra ....... ...... ... .'.. ....... .... • t 42 feet way 24 feet 0 inch. a y un), S over Plans and 81)8Clftcations are on 8 PNIIOI;!II No. 14 pa~e~ 0 incbes ' 131-13, One (1 s hill'hway 'of ..•. , '2'16,8 1.81i Warren County, Ohio, on Part. file In the departm ent ....... , : . ... . . .. B.' . ... .. . tions Aransao o inch, Roadway 124N f 2 Total on ...... di the ttl e 0 f ~,"" 2A Mor.r 0 w Co·.... &"'1' a nd the 0 c 0f S ec ti on 10... • C nty o.Ohio on part tPropo.. . direetor deputy Salemi n.. in 22. ft1IeD.'ta AI ,No. report .. Route til S. '" U. lI.teet No Auditor ~ut& Cler~on ou 's The director relerves the right Include Item. d .... ~.ted by Co.nty by cleAninll'. acallna: of Section 1~.71, U. • b clean: Township. bids. all and any reject to paintin~ . E • .-acllha r.. . 62, in Frankli(n To(thl~r' n!thod) (sand blast ' method) S. O. LINZEL L, & fi . h coat' prime coat & finish coat. Palnl; ISTRAT IONing scaling san ADM,IN r Directo y Bllthwa State 'Brid~EI tor. Contrac c:~~ctor' fUllnished by painting pri~e coat A.1 to 14I Inc._ Salariies and Wagea Adm. Otticen and ' . No. WA.. Fork, Bridge E over Todd's Bridg~ eek Udski~Ycr Pa!nt furDlB8he total Spans (8) Three 22·106A mp oyes ....... ....•.. ..•...• ....•.• . . .•. _ _ _ __ S )' BrIdge over u 4 80 Ro d: i b f' pans INT AJIIIOINTM No CL-62·241, Four ( Roadwa O' HOYlC' . a . way 0 er!c~ ne es, y 8,'796.00 to~ 212 feet !i inches, Totsl Persona l Service •.' ..... .. ....... . . ...... A........,...,. IUO.17 P,.pONI No. 11 24 feet 0 inches. Office Supplies ...•..• ..•.... .. • ••...•. .••• B·1. ' . . d Decease Gl'I7, T. J. of Estate part on 114.86 Ohio, '" .•.•... . . Warren County, lBs art ¥.Exp.D ravelll1 Fund-T propo..1 No. a . Service E.16. Or· Notice II hereby Il'iven that n Corp., ...•• p Bulldin and Offices tration Adminis Clermon t Oounty, Ohi~,OUo~ PNo of Section 10.14 Lebano l\ent F-1. Office whol' Post '1"r "8 ~ ••••••• • , • • • • • S. Route No. 42 in Turtl!! ville J. Gra)' T 1 Other Pu rpolles. > • , ••••••• "u." ville, Ohio has of Section ~.16, Sta~ip, bY c1ean'' . U. is Waynes _ _ _ __ ota C k T ownshi p, by cI'eani nll'l aca1- Addresa i ted as AdminlsTownsh d u1y ap.,o:n b 74 in BataVia ree , method) een blast d ntinl;t ( PII , ' ' ~caI l~ .lIIlt. &: fi 'sh coat, ing (sand blast method) . san Gray of the EState of J. T. 4,611.28 Dlnt to prime coat & finished coat Paint trator paintmlt prJme coat ,Total Admin istrati on..... ......... .. . ....... ... d by Contrac tor. ·Brid«.e late of Warren County, Ohio, de. lNSTRU CTION "paint - furnishe d b~ ct B~d:~ furnishe .67 46 over Turtle Creek. Bridlte N~,. ceased. Bl'idge over Shaler ree, n A-16 to 29 inc. Penona l Service ....... . " ..•.••• • 122,1i8'l Dated this 9 da~ of April, 191i6. Span 70 feet 8,"''1.18 . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • .. '. ••• ...• Boob No. CL·74·6 2, One (1) SP7 f::t 1 WA.42. 106. One (I) feet Text .B-4. , CAREY ' B. RALPH inch. 1.818.40 0 inch, Roadway 30 feet 8 inches. Roadway 1 B.6. Other Educati onal Supplies .•••..• •...•.• ••• Judge of the Pr9bate Court, 1l4.80 P,.poaol No. 16 ent ••.•... .. Equipm onal Educati ment Replace inches. D-4. OhiC! County, . G Warren 2.1.82 Warren Countyi . Ohio, on 11811 ' . ent ••. . . . • . . . . • • • Equipm nal Educatio Pfop....1 NDohI on part R.paira E.6. AU1. ray, 80 A ,8'"u No. of Section 6.76 ebanon Corp., Meryl B. F .&_ 0 V l T B CSlerm G"I" n t · ont6C106untSYta'te Route . __ ~c-rave State Route No. 68, In Turtlle T'ow nshl'p , by clean· .' eCB1°tan of ~ ____ .... d) _ ____ ____ Vir. a 74 inscaling (sand blast ~etho '--~-----------ing, 6,1'7U6 Total Other Purpole s •..•... •.•• • ...• .••••.• .• .••• painting prime coat &: flDlBh coat, or. contract by 4 furnishe tion paint. Educa of Board the of t Repor cial Finan .81 Bridge over Bran~h , of E!U't Fork Total Inatl'uct lon ••...•• •.... ~ " . . . • • • . • . . • . . . •• 128,811 g ' .tU 3ht, . ......... D of Little Miami ~ver, Bna~e ~o9 Eacn.. .... For Flacal V LIB~I!1s...CL-74·78, One (1) Span at Wa:r_ LOc.J ScItooI :OI.trlct , Co_ty .f Wanea feet 9 inches, Roadwa y 1'1 feet 1 A-86. P.e nonal Service ••••... ••••• ; ••••••• ••••• Adeh...., WaYa"Ylllo. OIaIo. Date; Man. aa, I,IS O. P. 101:11 S No. : •.••••• •••• p~1 inches; B-I• talSc~~~¥~!,oob . ••••..•, •.• GUllL Barroq bl certify the followin g to b correct. "1 ••••••• •• ••••••• ••••••• • T _ .. _ v 0 part on Ohi!?, a-. County, u.. t of Clermon • Clark, Traourar 101;)' Total Ubrarl n ~...................... •• • 1/ • • • • • of Section 7.7'1 BataVIa Corp., . 1&,00 'J'&ANS POBTA TIOif 0.. PUPIL 8,6,4&8,'7 •••••• •••••• •••••• B;!t: ...•••• in 'I., .......• n No. Route. Valuatio Tax . State •••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• Servlee l Persona . A-86. 1,104••• 18.00 TOW11llhip,' by cleaning, Tax • Levy ... •••.... .••.••• ••••••• ••••••• • q • • • B.2. Motor Vehicle Supplle....... ...... " H ! " . . .968 1.111.14 . (sand blast method) , painpti.n~ "school Enroll ment.. .. .. .. .. ....... ....... ...... ' .... eldcl MotorV of am ~ce coat. Malnten finish for &: l . rime coat c.:s. Materia 148,48'1 .89 .... r,1d Jte, i6aiaries and Wages . ....... .. ....... .. . . .. . ... .. furnishe d by Co.ntractA!r. . BRi D-2. Replacement. Motor Vehicles ....... ....... r over East Fork'Li ttie MIamI ver, 1,166.'16 E-4. Repaln Motor Vehiclea .••.• ~ •.••.•• . : ...•. Bridge No. CL-'14.80, Thr~e (3) Summar:r of ea.h Balaaco ., Rocelptli au E ...aclitur.. 811.00 ~12. Transpo rtaUon Contrac t .•••••• • .•••.•• .•.• Spans total 17 4 ~eet 0 mches. . , 460.00 Rent . .. ..... ........ ....... ...... . BALANCE, JANUA RY lat, 1964 GIU'8I'8 . FeG. ,Roadway 30 feet 0 mches. 6 Prop...1 No.6 General Fund, ••.• • ....... ..... • .•..•.• •• .. • ••. , 19,288.1 6,288.84 4,414.10 Clermon t County•. Oh,iloli' on :art Bond Retirem ent F\ind .. . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • • . • . . . • • . Total Other PurpOI " ••.••.. ••••... •••••• •.••. 1,171.67 of ~ection 16.61 WI aJ.lls U!g ...•... ... .•. ..••. . ....... ....•.. rtation of PupUs ....... ...... ~ .... . 18,118. 8' Fund Transpo Building Total ' . Corp State Route No. 74, m Wll· Cafteria Fund ....... '... .. , ....... ....... . Deficit. 1,'116.'14 CAFET ERIA AND SCHOOL LUNCB ESliamsbu rg Township, by clean~nll'. ...•.• . .. . . . ....... .... . .....•. '.' . ...... • .. .. ' ......• Fund ",6U.81 Service itation l Rehabil Persona A·S7. scaling (sand blast D!ethod), ~l!,~ .8·18A. SUPJlllel and Food ••.••.• , ••.••.• ••.•..• • aO,OI'.1 1 , ing prime coat & f\rush coat. .alDe. 2 28,972.8 fur nished by contractA!r. . Bt:Jdlt Total . .. ....... .. ..... . ....... ... ......•. .... Total Other Pl1rposes ~ ..••• ~ •..•••. " ••.•. • ••. 10.018.&1 over East Fork Little Miami River, Bridge No. CL.74.169D! Three (3) PTS-· Spans total 168 feet 0 mch, Road· RECEI Total Public Lunches ....... ....... ....... ..... , ~ 1'I.868.'4 General Fund ....... ....... .. ..... . .... .' ...... . 208,416.88 OTHER AUXILI ARY AGENC IESway 30 feet 0 inches, 1 . 19,286.0 ..... . ... ....... . ... ..... . Bond Retirem ent Fund Prop...1 ND. 7 •••••• A·'!. Employ es •...•..• •• , .•••••• ••••••j •..... . Cafeteri a Fund ....... .. .. ....... . ... ...... . ... . 17,406.00 Clermon t County. Ohio. on P~rt •.. ! ....... ....... ........ n, Lecture A-4S. ....... 6 o. .....•. : . 8~,S82.4 Route ..... of Section 8.66 Stat~ Rehabil itation- Fund ........ ....••.• •••••• ••.••• Services Special Other A·GO. clean· by p. Townshi 232 in Take . 'scaling (sand blast method) . . .. .. ... .. ...... . .... . ... .. .. . .. '. ... .~ : ...... BO. 2'1~,889.86 Total Persona l Service •.• . .. •• ..•••.. .•.•••• . • ~'!!fitting prhne coat & finish coat. Paint furnishe d by contra~tor . piaY~~~di ti2.C:::C~::tlo~~i 'S~~PU~~ '(~th~~ ~~.ent Bridge over Poplar Creek. Bndge Total . .. .. .. . 'B' .).. . . . : ... . . ... ...•... ...... 299,862.67 (other Equipm onal Recreati ment Replace D.G. Span (1) No C1·232·106A. One Total Receipts and a ance . .. .. ....... . .• ....... . at . 71 feet 0 inch. Roadway 16 und) ....... ....... , ..•.•.. •• . play-gro than • EXPEN DITUR ES-- . fee t 1 % inches. E-7. Rl!pain Recreat ional Equipm ent (other than General Fund ....... ....... .. .. ......•• •••.• • •. 204,111'1.900 P,opo.11 No. a . play.rro und) . . , ... ..... : ...••• , ••••••• •••• 19,976.0 ... Bond Retirem ent Fund ....... ....... . ....... Cinton County, Ohio. on part of Board and Ladginr of Puplb .•••••• • • ••.••• E·1S. 6.6.00 Section 0.61 . U . S. ~oute No. 68. Building Fund ..... .. . . .. ' . ... ... '" . . .. . .. ..... . . Paid to Other D1atricta •••.••. ••.••. . Tuition E·14. . 4 in Jefferso n TownshIP. by clean· Cafeteri a Fund . . .. .. ,.... .. ..... .. ....... ..... 27,6.68.8 7 ·F·6. Teacher s Retirem ent Contribu tion •••..•• .•.• . ing scaling (sand blast f!1ethod) Rehabili~tion Fund .. . ... . .... .. ....... .. . ... .. . 18,268.9 painting prime coat &: firush coat. ·F·6. Employ es Retirem ent Contrib ution •••.••. ••.. or. contract the by Paint furnishe d 266,061.'11 *F-7. Board of Educati on Contribu tion•••• .• ••••••• ,-_....... Bridge over West Branch of East F·S. . Other Fixed a.nd Contribu tions ••.••• Branch: Bridlte No. CN:68.27. One .. , . ... •.... ... ........ . Deduc~ions by State School Foundat ion Tutlon to .... ..... ...... . Total (1) Span at 7~ feet 0 mch. Road· O.ther Districts ..• . . . ......• : ••• • •••• • ., ••• ; • • way 24 feet 0 mcb. CE. DECEMBER 'S lat,' 1964 BALAN p,opoill No. 9 6 General Fund ..... ... . ..... . ......' .. .... ... ... . 28,18UJ 8 Total Other Purpose s ....... ....... .. "..... .. 14,114,1 Clinton County, Ohio. on part 4.644.86 Bond Retirem ent Fund .. ... •. ..... . ....... •.... y Agencies .•..•..• •••.• : .... . . 14......16 Auxiliar Other Total of Section 16.23,' Sta~ .Route N0'1 . .. . . ... 626.67 , Buildinlr Fund .. .. .. ... . .... .. . . ....... OPERA TION OF SCHOOL PLANT 134 in Union TownshIp, by c1e~n). 1,467.88 8.8.0'.00 • Cafeteri a Fund ... ... .. ... .... . ... .. .. . .. ...... . ing'scal ing (sand blas~ ~etho • A-42 to 44 inc. PeI'JOba) Service ••.•.•• •.••.•• ••• . . 4,161.08 .Rehabil itation Fond ... . . . .. ... . .. .. ....... .. . painting prime coat and firush coat. Vehicle Supplie s (Not Bua) ••• : •• : ••. MotOr B·3. . ....--~ Paint furnishe d by contrac:tor. , Gas •.••••• ••••••• •••• • ••••••• ••••••• : •• Bridge over Todd's Fork. Brldlee .. .. ..... .. .. . ....... .... . .... 88,810.96 B·S. ... ....... . ... . . .. Fuel .. . ..• .•.... • . J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1,418•• B·9. at Span CN.134·169, One (1) Supplies .••••.• .•••.•• ••• .••••••• . Janitors til. • B·10. 21 y 1 Roadwa inches, h 71 . feet 6 .6'1 ,299,862 ..... , ... , . .. . ....... .. . .... ...... . l'otal . .. . ..... 8-11. Enainee ra Suppliea ' " ....... ....... I feet 11 ~ inches. ' . . .. ....... , ... : .. •.••. Bialance Total Expend itures and . 114M P,opoaol No. 10 B·18. Other 'Supplies .....•. :...... • •••••.• . Greene County. Ohio, on part of E·9. Water '....... ....... ....... ....... ...... . IN.lf . Receipt . . Section 6.37. U. S. Route ~o. 86, E·10. · Electric ltl ....... ... ........ .... ... ..... UEby REVEN .. in Beaver Creek Township,blast lot•• ~.!~. ~ephone .... ,....... ......... .... " .. I "•• scaling ,(sand cleaning nspo~tion of Ihnploy ea •.••••• ••.•••• . ' and coat LEVY, prime ' LOCAL paintinll '. A,XESmethod) ·GENE~AL PROPER TY ·T 11.18 E-1 'I. Advertla lng ....... ....... ....... ....... .. f\niJlh coat. Paint furnishe d. by E-1S. Haullnl ' '•...... ..• ; ..•••• : ••••••• • '.•.. •• : contract or. Bridge over Llttle General Fund ....... .. : ....... ... .. ....... , 86,888.21 •••••• Serriee Order Open and t 1 Contrac 19,286.0 , E-19. Other 711.01 MIami River. Bridge No. GR-36· . ,. Bond Retirem ent ..... . ..... •.. .:...• . ... . . 67A, One (1) Span at 169 feet 0 F·2. Rent of Instruct ion Hqoml ••.•••• ~ ••••••• •• •• : • ••••••• ' Inches. ...... 8 f'eet ........ 16 y Inch, Roadwa F·8. .I nauranc e . .. .... 1,017." Total Propert y Tax .. . . ,. ....... ....... ..... ..... . p,.,...1 No. 11 F.4, T8l!es ..... . .•..•..• .•••••• ••••••• ••••••• , .• : 2'1 ....... 106,069. . . • part on ...•... Ohio. JiM Hamilto n County. FOUNDATION PROGR ....... of Section 1.68. U. S. Route NQ. Cash Received . : .. ... ....... .. . .' ... .. ...... . 89,017'7.81 T ~~ Other ParpOl8••••••• ••••••• •••• .' • • • • • • • If 8,110.00 60 in Miami.W hitewate r Town· . .. . .... for Teaeblerl Retiram ent ....... ... . ....... on ....... Deducti PI&at School of peratJon o ships, by cleaninF ' .scallng (sand 1,416,00 Retirem ent es ~ Employ ...... SehoCllf ........ for on ~ .. . Deducti " . ..... I ~ ~ qno blast method~, palDtmg prime coat NOtlCt t o CQNTIAClOlS STATE OF OHIO Dopart_ t of HI.hwo~. Collllllbut, Ohio, April "










arm.... ....... ...



............................................ ....

-1 · .'..............'........ ...'............. .c··.----_-




........ ...."




::I_- CoD ' IIrele Prod.als W. D ..."

."111111111111111111111111111111111111110111" ~ , on WI,ne.,ille HIIIIII ""ueller eoal and Furnace.

eon~ret" Block





Chlmn.y Block Rock ,F ace Block Waterproof Ce:m ent Ik.1 Sa.h and Paint Cement and Mort.r GI••~ Drain ,Tile BulldlnB SuppIl4.. SHEEHAN P. O. BO~K CENTERVILLE, OHIO




Stokera and Converalon Burne ... SERVICE and IN8TALLATION FREE ESTIMAT,E8



• ..........................I....~


Call Us or Drive Out

Road Phone Wayneaville 3274

"111111111111111111111111111111111111111101" LAND BANIr

FARM , '




' LOAIS 4%-LONG TERM No Repayment Re.trlctlon.



Phone 2322

Carl B. Frye

R.L.RYe~n North 8treet and Dayton


home free"(sr or locker

F~IJ'~~~ !~~:Ir


Lablnon' Nllionll Farm Loan

. OHlce In Twin Theltre 'Building

PHONE 2111 .

33 N. Broadway

We Serve WIY"Hvllle Ind Surrounding Ar". TRY US the NEXT Tlma YOU Niad I Tlxl.

Phone 3-2888

LEBANON. OHIO . .. ELLI8 H. STURM, 8ec'y·Tre... I\......;..~_ _ _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.........1 . • #, ......, ..,."..........., •••••••.\

FrIda,. Saturda):. April lIS. 18 LEO QOIWIlL AND ~TBI:




BOWllBY BOYS ..;..m...

Hlah Society



Drums Ac..... The River LAft,BROW ' SAT1JBDAY ,


security,RI.k. . '

Come Early. Late See Three BIc 8bowI .

For the Price of ODe 8UN., MON.. TtJJIl8.. WED. 8ee''Ib'' 08 Our 'New ClDemucope 8creeD

K>u ~

' 'ifIIolpoi", o,,1y



lfellurl.eeI Ca.roci8 unit. put all th. heat Into the wat.r


• Ploved1dapendable In over a mIIIIo" home,



• Sofe, silent; cleon-flO fu!ne., no chl",ney con"a~lon • locata It on"";here you want 1t-.hOrter pipe. meo~ lower heating cost ' ,

• ,Thick, heat'lQving iNuIatIcJn 011 over-preven" heat lou 1 • to..


• fully outoMtic 'hot water 011 the time-oII you _nt , you _nt it

w~" S2 ga'~ cap,acity ." •• " ••• ',"",.,. $129.95

66 gal. capacity -. " ., •• ,', •• , ,', , .. 149.95 '"


82 gal. capaclty ......... ; ...... :" . 169.95

NEW TABU: TOP 5O-gal. ,. u.".,., ;. 144.95 fill Into killch_n cou"',,

..... •............ ....,.... ..................................................... ....-........ 3"3 r. ,Ia" r.", C'assH,ed Her. CLASSIFIEDS ~"'" jrh C••, I• .s.all - 3 " ... .fo, a DOllar 'PAGE EIGHT


........' ...'.,..'.' ..' ...........................


Thursday, April 14, 1955










••••••• •••••••••• , •• ,I.,II••••, •••••••••••••••••••• •••• , •• ••••••••••••••'• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~






located 2 blocks from bualneSs . section. li'urnace. garage. $7000 . WHITE VILLA FOODS FOR" SALE-Piano. uprllht. GEO, for Clulck sale. HENDERSON. Phone 3622. LYTLE-7-'room house on 13 acres. ijome of Fine Foods SA'ND. GRAV,EL . and TOP SOIL 0--3-17-2. S bedtooms utI dining room, liyFree delivery Mornings EXCAVATING and -FO-R-SA-"-------:-·. ~~~ wet:'e~itli~:r. - - - DUMP TRUCK SERVICE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ing; bar1II; some u'Uit. . and Afternoons PQST CAllDS - View carda Call Harold Banta. DON WORKPhone Wayne.vllle 33211 MAN REAll-TY, Waynesville. Tele- SEARS GROCERY WAYNESVILLE. OHIO WayneBvUle. THE G~ETTE. phone 3672. ~---------------





:t~~vi~~~r~~~rt~L~~~~~ ~~=~r. o-3.:s--(3t)-S-n ~;:n:n:4:~en. r:~~~*:l~tu~~~ E'i~c'i'i'i'f'i'j'ii deliver. ARM IT AGE &. SON. tires. Cain Lebanon after . Phone 2091.



WELL _______ ' ____ WATER WELL DRILLING-EleOo trio PumpB InBtalled. LONZEL SPARKS. Route 7S. WayneBvllle. Ohio. X-9~5(-9·55 -----------




!:>n F1~\!ch~~'::dWJ!! R

rledale Bam. 1 y~ar old. ,DAVID BEAL. Phone Wayuesvllle 2M1.

' c--S-l~3t)-S-~ FOR SA.L&-6 Duck Hens. PekinB. U.26. Sma11 hullesB popcorn. 10c per pound. Phone 1982. I X-S-l?

6<39 m. Day phone Lebanon 2-

1. M Fannall Intemaperfect oneci~arx:~:n~ 4-2217 attl~r 6 p, m. Day phone Lebanon 2-1029. . WANTED 'TO BUY-Large farm south (Ilf Dayton. pz-eferably dairy. W. D. Johnson. 605 Wyornl!1c St.• Dayton 10. Ohio. WANTED--Garden spot (about 1 acre) ' ill or ar un:..._ III Contact IRa} ne .. ..., ..esv e. ville. ph Adkins. Waynes-



FOR..:.... ·



-e. PO P', -e-

Cislerns,' Drain Dilches Water Line. ' II T k d ep c an. an Leaching Line. In.talled FGUn ' ' d a IIon. 'Dug



. -e- ' Fra.ure'.

0' 0 ,

12 In., 18 In. and se In. WIde turnl eel _. ..... .............. •••••••• FOR R "NT E -Six·room un Bh MALE HELP WANTEDCou~ty In'peoted .... partmeDt. Heat. water furnished. Inquire at MILLER'S DEPART· ~OOKKEEPER and Ottlce RetaIl FOOD STORE ~1ENT STORE. c-3·1G-ttc SaleB position. Farm backsround 1·- : - - - - : - - - - - - - - ' - - - - • necessary. Permanent. Call GARDEN~; plowed and worked. Oregonia Rt. 1 ~ Phone 2-1218 Leb Advertise in the GAZETTE WayneBvllle 2961 t~r lDterv~17 ~~,:.~~;~:~.~.2060 .af- ~~.: ~.: ~.:.: :.:..!J!~~~~~~~~~~

FRAIK OSBORIE •• ••:.:•• ••:.:•• ...:••:.:.:••:.:••:.:••

BOtJSES FOB SALE ~~~ :~Led by power mower. WANTED TO BUY - Large Farm CORWIN-S-room cottage. 2 or 3 :::-:~~:~-=------­ Houth of Dayton. preferably dalry. bedrooms. good well. 3 adjoin- FOR S~E-Electric stove; autoW. D. JOHNSON 605 WyomIng Ing lots 1;0 with t;his one. mattc washer' 9x12 I'Ilg' sideard' • • • CORWIN - 4-room cottage with good well. cistern; lot 6Ox140. b o . JPOrch furnlture, (aWing Street. Dayton 10. Ohio. c-8·17-(3t)-3·31 LEBANON- Modern 6-1'OOm brick and 5 chairs); antique chest; kitchen table and 2 chairs; 2 odd kitchen 'chairs; garden hQlle and .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' tools. Mrs. Murry 4th Olapman. Started and Day Old Chicks from Pullal1lm phone 2473.


Typhoid Clean Flocks Slralaht Run


P.llels Da, Old $18.&0 aid U, pe, 1III ,

MElro.. 8539






ANYONE Interested In a subacr1ptlon tA[) Cincinnati Enqulre.I".~~~-'!"~-.....- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.J . please (:all 2502 or contact Dick started Day Old ChlcQ from Pullorum Typhoid Cl.... Roblnaoll. ' F1oeka, Strallbt Bun. '12~OO AND 1JP PER 100 FOR SALE: Whlte IIocJm. WhIte Wyandottea. New Bampehlre BecIa, R. I. ~ Lllbt Brabamaa. Black and Whlte Boy's Large Bicycle, leady P17LLET8 DAY OLD, . ,1UO aa4 up per lumdred Drum ,wiith stand and shoulder SId Gernwatown Street. }'bone MElrol8 8/SI9 strap' le's son book and rythm . Dayton 8. OhIo . for ,beginner. ' Mrs. Harold Earnhart Phone 2265 after 5 p.m.



Tbl la,DllVill1 latiDDillaDk






A regu'l ar $1.50 Grease Job for 99c with every oil change.


Cars Washed &. Polished

Establisher 1875


,..ember Federal In.urance


Bob Se~AYNESYI1J.E dr'=rUIIII~? IF'or Complete . •.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. :.,. . =. =. KE I ,DRIC K *************************************** **** **** M0' III • ER'10 E Get STAPLERS and STAPLES .At the MIAMI ** GAZETTE - CALCU ....

The Ireatest Slol1 E,eJ Wrltte.



HE .RSCHEL R. Lel~a.o. 3-1a1COMPLETELY EQUIPPED Covlered Truck-Insured




Then took tbey\ him and led blm: unto the h i 9 h! prie.t'. hou••, & ·Peter followed a· far oU.

Lu, 22:54.

*'****'******** ....~**1r.R . A III ,T I F I C I AL



Your Modern Money Man , ~5 waiting to hear how muc., cash you need. Just call ... and the money ,will be w,!'iting for 'you (0 pick up at Mo~ern Finance. . ' Modern loans ISO to ' $1,000 to married or single men and women' on car, furniture or signature. Even if you have a loan some· place else, you can get money at Modern. Your Modern Monel. Man says 'your· credit is okay ' If you've ever bought on r:'ne pay· menu or bad a charge account. So why wait. When you need money . . . Be Mo-dern . '. .


lOW "'MI'" 'OAN


$ 100 300 500




$ 5.77 16.70 26030 ....69


Ctlll rOUr Motlem "'. ., • •

Modern ~ Finance., Co. · LaaANON





Rall)h Crockett





Serving Waynesville' Since 1850 could consume from spl'ayed an announcement made this' fields and there have been week by Mrs. Hazel S. Philno toxic affects, lips, Lebanon, general chairIS man of the affair. Onions and garlic spread Warren county homes by bulblets produced b'e- in Ten addition to Glendower and The annual banquet of the neath tpe ground and aerial Ft. Ancient Museums have Durin~1 Warren I County Historical bulblets above the ground. been scheduled for the 1955 Each plant may produce sev- tour according to Mrs. Phil- NEW YORK-T'he population 0: Society will b.e held Monday, the UnJted States, including the, April 25 at the Golden Lamb ~~.~~Mi ~~~.~P;~P.J~~9J.:~g~.. ~buU>lets • only a few Ii s' announcement. . member.01 the a1rmed to'r ces over in Lebanon, according to an call' nrpid11 contelnin.. ~ese homes wfIl feature ..... rOI' to 163,1190.000 at the enr announcement by 'Seth E. ate a large area, Spraying tional 4-lt Garden, Canning both present day and early Furnas of near Waynes:vHle, and Froz'e n Foods programs. early in March kills back the American architecture, but oflUM. representt 'a gain ot 2,830, who is president of the ortops and prevents...the forma- all are furnished with valu- 000Tb1a during the y,ear, and exceedl OJ the half-million 4-H'ers tion of aerial bulb lets. ganization. able antique furniture and by more than 100,000 the previou! who participate in the three Thurman "Dusty" Miller,. htgh ,aln reglst:ered In 1951. 11 also will show special hisprojects each year, those • • • wa. the eighth year In succ<:ssion Wilmington newspaperman Frost free date-Based on torical collections. with outstanding , records which the population gain has and lecturer, will be the The pilgrimage wiIJ be In b.en, more than 2,5 mUlioo. Con· speaker. will be honored on county, a 29 year average the last Harry Schwartz, 6 p.m, each from 10 a.m. to tributlnll to the 1954 gain were the Lebanon. a past president, is state, sectional and national killing frost in the spring is day. Guests may visit as Dew hilh number of births, an aU· program chairman. , levels. Much of the food- April 28th for War r e n many of the homes and other ~ low death rate, and a mode~ stuffs grown in the 100,000 County. Reservations for the banpoints on the tour 'as they ate addltlon thr~lugh immigration quet acres of 4-H 'gardens are should be made with Every .tate except West VirglDlI wish. . '" used fresh, but members also J\lared in the 11~54 population in· Mrs. Harry Schwartz, who is There are still trees' avail- :Proceeds of the project ereBle. ·The rate of population secretary of the Society, by , can over six million quarts of food and freeze 'more than able form the Ohio Division WI)) be used to further his· trowth wa. highest along the Pa· April 23. r~search' and record IIftc Coast, 3.7 per cent. or ap· The banquet replaces the thr.e e million pounds annual- of Forestry for re-forestation torical preservation work of the So- .,zoximately double the national monthly pu~poses. and w, i ndbreak meeting held the ly. pin of 1.8 per cent. Since April .. You can get 'an ' applIcation ciety .. of 1050, ClIIllfomiia alone has added fourth Monday of the month. Medals wlll ~e ,offered to from L. G. Munger, State mol'. than 2.3 million Inhab itants. four outs~andmg garden Forester, at 15 South BroadIta population now numbers about Cabdriver Unconscious membe~s m . each county. way or from the County 11.8 million, and Is exceeded on1) State wm.ners l!l the grogram Agent's Office. Orders must by that of New York State. ·Year After Beating ~ill recelve triPS to the N~- be ~n by the last of l\t, reh. The Rocky Mountain States alsc CHICAGO-Cab driver John experienced a \rigorous popula tiOD tlOnal 4-H Club Congree m Brookhouse probably doelll't retrowth durinl the year. Arizona ,. '" '" Chicago, Nov. 27-Dec. 1. The member that he Wal robbed aDd Ud Nevada ha'v, been the faste~t eight top-rankjng 4-H It was my pleasure to atbeaten 8 year ago. growin, .tatea In the country, among the state' winners will t~.nd the banquet of the FuBrookhouse. 36, haa never re.ach havJng d()l~bled Its populatior get $300 college scholarships ture Farmers of America and IlBined consciouspesl lince Uw Ilnc. 1940. day police found him prop»" each. For the 10th consecu- Future Home Makers' of Florida'. population Increased bl alainst a fence Deaf hlI emp~ tive year, the Tractor Divi- Am e ric a at Waynesville about 11.7 per cent In 1954. and b) cab. ms watch and wallet COD' sion of Allis-Chalmers is pro- High Scho'ol last Friday eve. more than 6 pier cent annually if ta\nlna $18 were misslnl. the y.a1'l immediately preceding vi ding the awards for garden ning. Both are wonderful exBII fraU wife visits him CIIIA;e Increases well above the natlona. winners. periences for young men and IUld aometimea twice a da:r at a".ra,e also ~lecW'red in the Dis . . . women. We should have County Hospital. She talkl to him triet of Colwnbia, New M "ico SImIlar county and state more of them and tells him jokes. Despite the Delaw'a re, Maryland. Utah, Con awards are made available . opiniOD of doctors. she believe. DlC.ticut, MIchigan. Louisiana anc to canning winners. The six '" '" '" he understands her. Ta... top state winners will receive The cluster fly, sometimes $800 scholarships from the called the. attic fly, is a familKerr Glass Mfg. Corp., dono.r iar pest in many homes., Alof the canning awards, at though they do 'no damage ••• Elfrled. the National Congress. they are quite an annoyance buzzing around ups t air B IIartwloh Bamburc. German,.. In the fro.zen foods .pro- rooms. not frequently used models hair .lyle wblch won husRlobard, world's 8\1preme ' gram, medals are. prOVided and collecting in large num- bad ehamploDlbip for second confor two county, wmners by bers MeUU.,. :real' al New York Ihow. International Hat'.v e s te1:, . awards donor. State winners The flies are hatched in wilJ receive $50 U. S. Sav- late summer and seek proH ERE Is at switch in which a ent 23 mllllon urban families, .01 ings Bonds. All-expense tection. from the winter by Pa~ama powerful' segment of prlvate 58% of the total. who own theh trips to the National 4-H crawling t hI' 0 ugh small iAdustry salutes a Federal Gov- own homc3. emment Agency which has been "Continue the operation of OUI Club Congress will be given openings in siding of houses, contlnually und er fire for more home ownership institutions. tht eight sectional winners, rep- around the window casings than a year, as "the envy of the envy of the world." Mr. Nelson resenting all parts of the and other small openings. On world." said, "and you will win th~ ,ratl· country, and six of the trip warm days in the winter they As a matter of fact two Federal tude .of gener ..tlonl yet unborn." winners, will be presented get into the room through Agencies : are involved: First, the He brushed aalde 88 untrue the W~SHINGTON - Panama. the $300 scholarship's as n'a tional any opening that happens to Federal Housing Administration claim that there Ie DOW "1n1laUon· country shaken by the assasslna· winners, be preaent. and second, The Veterall8 Admlnia· ary speculation in home buyln,." tlon of its PreSident, Is a land 01 . tratlon. ,. and cited the value whtch aprlnl' Club members in the proRecommended con t l' 0 1 variety and contrast. Mr. Herber·t U. Nelson, Exeou· from the work of the two a,encle. Culturally LaUn, the 29,140· grams "learn by doing," measures are to. close all tive vice Pretlldent of the National -home purch..e b:r the ''llHW while increasing individual openings through which the square mlle country Is c:alled the Association oJt Real Estate Boards, fellow" on 'the ·lnItallment plan. bridge ot I the world, bestriding and family incom'e s by re- flies enter rooms. A favorite a narrow S·shaped Isthmus that In a strongly worded· editorial In and the important enhancement of ducing the amount of food place is the pulley openings connects North and Central Amer· the Assoclatictn'. weekly n"w' pub- tederal credit ,rowing from Illpurchased and providing the through which the weight Ica with South America. The 10· Ucation. Realtor'. Headline •• creased ownarlhlp. pleads with Conare•• not cllp '''1'110 ,overnment', credit II ~Ue.wide Panama Canal Zone di· family with healthful foods. cords run. win,s of FHA and VA" and based OIl faith It enjo18 amoq P a i n tin g all window vides the repubUc Itself into t,vo the 4-H Club work il!! conductto ''prelerve the world" .0Ullde.t the people. '!'hat II aD that II DOW ' ed by the Cooperative Ex- sashe!! and 'casing with a parts. form of credllt 1nIur~c. for home behind CIUl' printed moDe)'. AD4 SpanJsh' Is the official language tension Service, and full in- 10% DDT solution or 2% and buyera" by mamtaJn1n, the two the conftdeace of tho•• 11(00 ~ dress and cus· for~at{on about the pro- chlordane solution. Repeat toms architecture, 11 the ,004 cJti&enah1p of oUr peoo bear colorful witness to the federal mortla,e inluranc. grams is available from if necessary . . olea a. now 'COll8titutecl. ple, ben maintaJDecl whlll tile pe0nation's Hispahic past:n wID b. Irememberec1 that dur- ple o~ thm bomel and propertT." To kill fUes as they enter' county Extension agents. The Panama Conal Zone covers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. roolnJ3, use a high gr~de py- a 0520square mile· strip under per· in, the SSrcl COn....u. the Senate ConIlder thII apreulon of faith re't hrum fly spray or a pyre- petual lease to the United States. BaJIkiq COmmll.lon. then headed in the.. two 'OVUllDlent a,enc1e1 thrum or chlordane aerosol. It Is North American In character. "" Senator Homer Capehart, of and a relIBI. from the Department If an aeresol bomb is used, The United States acta as employ. Indiana, conducted hearln,. aD of COmmerc., lleaded by SlIlclalr 'landlord. doctor, butcher, bak· over the COUiDt1'7 on alle,ed wide- Weeki, which attacb ,8. R. I.. Uw by Joh~ B. MowbrayJ the application should be' er, er, hotel·keeper, recreational dl· · Ipread ,raft and other law vIola- atenaIoIl of the Beeiprocal Trad. Actinl' County Aaent made throughout the home. rector and lBundfyman. tlon. b:r lomte 'otftclal8 of tha I'ecl- ..anemmta u a.eeI for by Prell. These chemicals, whim used Panama stands .as the youngest eral Houaln.f AdmiDlItration. The dent EIHDhowar. ",.. bID MUInI .For the ~ast ten days 'the ' .in this manner, provid'e little American repUblic-some of lis VeteraDi AdiminUtratfon Itself hal lIP . atmaIoD of the aeafpzooal territory Is unexplored. Yet It baen UIIder tire a. permitting ..t.... Trade agrHllleDil tor a tIIrHCounty H~ghway Depart;- or no residual protection. was the . site of the first Spanish ry bunt" hOllne& for "eterana WIder 71. period. II suppoIIcl to CUTJ' ment has been spraying the . colony on the malnl\lnd 01 the Itt GI home loaD Provtalonl. . out the nOozn*""""UaaI of the county right. of w.ays with New World, ' . Mr. Ne1sOlI1, apeaJdDa III behalt aaDdaD Comm'• .son., haaW b)2-4-D to 'control wild onions In 1502, Columbus explored the of the Bame. builderl of the utica. ClaraDae BaD4aD. named _ the ,a nd garlic. 2-4-D is not poiCaribbean coast of Panama and •• reprtlented In theNaUonal ~- Preaf41Dt to make a tborouIIl sonous to livestock at the eltsblished a colony at Portobelo. IOcJation of aeal Eltate Bo.,u, aUJJ of tile tarUr quuUoD. TIle rates used by ', Ifal'mers and Spain malntalned jurisdiction until painted out 1lhat III 111M when I'BA bID aDna tM l'reII4ant ~ 1821, when Panam!!. became a part the Highway Department. • • atabUlh~ theN ' " " aboUt able.~ to n4uoe tarHrl, III' The ninth annual pilgrim- of the independent Oran Colom· 'IVa mllilon AunericaD homa OWDen; to IDareua tImD u tile CICIIIdlUaIII In laboratory . tests, ani- age of the Warren County bia federation. The little nation 10 tha'-.JJlnc.that tim.. both I'BA Wuraat. aDd/or to IftOIDo be Historical Society will cII4 not lIaln full Inaependence un· mals have been fed dosages and VA bad helped to _~ Amer- m ....i¥en................ far beyond the amount they held June 11-12 according to til ~IIOS. : Ican hom. ~~wnerlhlp to the pru. .... '•

4.:.H 'Garden, Food Preservation ' Win"ers to Get Awards'

Historical Society to Hold Annual' Banquet

Nation Regilstered Top.Population· Gain 1954






Is land

Of Much Variety, .

Vivid Contrasts



.Extensl'on Notes

Historical Society Arinounces Annual Pilgrimage






Thursday, April 21, 1955

Ground ~Observer quarters staff to help towns- .,dllllllllllllllllllllll"lIIlIIlIIlIIlllIIh, , people man the lookout ~ite NEW STORE HOURS _ Eatablilhed FebrUary, 18110 Corps PC)st Set Upon tbe colonnaded .sun~eck ,..... DON MOORE __________________'___ . _ . __ . ______ Edlt~r and Publleher A of the 14-story b u 11 d 1 n g 8. MOORE _______________________ . ___ _______ ~ ____ A•• oolate Editor top Fe, 01/.', which was once the Army's SEARS' aROCERY - _. Building . Percy Jones ' General Hospi' .


h . . . . . . . . . . .. , ••••••••••••


Publ1JJhed Evel'7 Thursday . Mol'DiDI;




the poatofttce at Wa"nesvUls, Oblo. under the act. of Marcb 8. 1878.

SubscrIPtion Ralell-,Z. Per Year, In advancs, In Ohio; ' $2.60 .Isewb.... ;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. .&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiil


~------------------....;.state without classes.

· ReI·1910US .

Ed ucatlon Wo rk OOLUMBUS-- The week of April 2~May 1 will be observed throughout Ohio as Weekday ,Religioujl Education Week, when special emphasis will be giyen to the contribution to Christian work being made by the 46 area weekday councils of Ohio· and 116 ' weekday teachers. With the aid of the Weekday Department of the Ohio Council of Churches, the interdenominational program is now past its 30th year in this state. More than 75,000 . children in 100 communities are enrolled in weekday classes, but there are still more than 50 cou~ties in the

METHODIST CHURCH Dale Limbert. Mlnillter Cburch School. 9:30 a. m .. Mr. Herbert McMUlan. Supt. VI6rship Service. 10:30 a .• m. Youth Yellowsslp Sunday 7 :30 p. m. ' . C\1olr , Practice Thursday 8,00.

fERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Byron Carver. Minister Bible School. 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 10:S0 a. m. Prayer Meeting. 7:00 p. m. Young People's Meeting. 7 :00. Evenlnlt Aervlces. 7: S6 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Price Roberts. Minister Bible School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Worsblp at 10:30 a. m. Evening Worship at 7: 30 p. m. Prayer Meeting eacb Wednesday evening.

Aim of the week is to acquaint church people and the public generally, with the existence of the weekday program and to encQurage the setting up of such pro,g rams in every ' community. In schools where weekday classes are held, usually more than 90 per cent of the pupils are enrolled in weekday. And a large proportion of these pupils have no other connection with the ' church. Theme of the week is, "For Every Child-Faith in God." In Ohio, the obser.: vance is concurrent with ,National . Weekday Religious Education Week, proclaimed by the Weekday Department· of the , National Council of Churches. Parents of children enrolled in weekday classes will be given an opportunity Continued on Page 3· Col· 2

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Tbe Rev. Samuel N. Keys. Rector Sunday: Holy Communion, 7: 80 , a. m. Church Scbool, 10: 00 a. m. Adult Worship. 11 ,00 a. m. UTICA E.IJ.B. CHURCH William Cbannon, Mlnlater. Sunday Scbool 9: 110 IL. 01.. Mr llarley Tbomas, Supt. Preachlag, every othel Bunda, 11:46 a. m. . Evening Service. first Sunday II! month. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Cbarles Roberts. MInister. Cbarles Stanley. Supt. Worship S.rvlce, 10 !t. m , • Sunday Scboul: 1l a. m.

n, m.

Bunda,. WAYNE8VI,LLE FR IENDS Flnt Day School, 11:80 a. m. Meeting for Worship. 10:30 a.m. /'

Highligbtilng the link between the F'4aderal Oivil Defense Administration and the GrOund Obslerver Corps, a GOC observation post is now in operation atop the FCDA headquarterfl building in Battl e Creek, Mich. , The post is one of the thousands being set up in the 48 States 'by the Air Fotce through GOC to fill in the chinks in the radar and other warning net w 0 r k s that guard t~e lC!ountry ag,.insti attack. , , .. • IN ADDI1".ON TO the 10cation for the post, FCDA has ' provided GOC volunteers from nmong its head-




Some 120 of the 169 pe.... sona needed to keep the post in operation' around the clOck are atan4inB watchea, and othera are being recruited to complete the colJlplement.



FRIDAY EVEII•• Till 9:00 P. M. CLOSED . .

Already equipped with telephones, the post is sch eduled · to get sound detec~ion e~uipment needed when At 7:00 skies become overcast and '1111111111111111111111'1111111111111111'-1111111" the fog rolls across the heart . of Michigan from · the Gtleat .4IllIIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIflllllllllll. Lakes. FODA' officials have arran~ed for the agency's secunty officers to approve pa~es for GOC observers; H0 URS . , who must use the headquart-' . ers building's elevators to 9 to 11 :45 a. m • . reach the observation post. 1 to 5 p. m. Wedn •• day P. M.


Eyes E · 'd xamlne

Above Woolworth's 5 an~ 10c Store

Telephone 2-430 I

Dr. Carl Eii·Wilk OHIO


OPTOMETRIST •'11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"

LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. E. Baugbn, Pastor Unltled ~ervlce'. 9:.6 a. m,

OREGONIA EVANGELICAL U. B WlUlam l.eler. Minister Sunday School. 9:S0 a. m., Frank ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Swartzel. Supt. Rev. Jobn Berning. Pastor. Morning Worsblp, 10:30 a. m. Masses 8:16 and H):OO a. m. Youth .Fellowship. bl·weekly, 6;30 p. m.. Mrs. Wilma Glbb •. Youth director. LE8ANON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science lI.rvlcell are held every Sunday morning at 10 Highland Ave. at 11 o·cleclt. · MT. HOLLY METHODIST Sunday school at tbe lame hour Raynlond 1.. Mozena, MInister Testimony meetlngl 1st WednellSunday School. 9:30 a. m.. E. day evening of eacb month at 8. It.. Earnhart, Supt. Worllblp Service. 10:S0 a. m. SUNBAY RADIO PROGRAMS: Evening Service. 7.30 p. m: WSAI-8: 46 a. m. WING-9:oo a. iii. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF WPFB-4:oo p. m. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harvey.burll Rev. Thoma. Larison, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST BIble study. Thursday. 7:80 p,m. Main and Mfaml Str.eta , Chrlst·s Ambassadors. Satarday Sunday: Bible Study, 10 a. m. 7.30 p. m. Communion, 10.4~ a. m. Sunday School. Sunday. 10:00 PreacblDg. 11: 00 a. m. a. m. Sunday evening, 7.30 p. m. Morning Worsblp. Sunday, 11:15 Wed. evening Bible Study 7:80. EvaDt;ellsttc Service. 7:00 p. m. Everyone welcome.


(VeDA Photo). .


COMMON Iln'EBEST of the AIr Force aDd Federal Civil Defeue Admlnla'ratlion ID . .rl, of 1IIIfrIendl, pJane. , Ie 1III4erscored a. MlaJ. TlJm~ B. Can&reU, aD Air ~orce Ua1aOD ollleer at PCBA, abo",. sllIuna.He. 01 plaD. typee &0 Mtu .Ioall Cro... aD FeDA booldU!8per &Ill! new recruU In the Ground t)hp~rvo1r COI'JIII, MI81 EmaJene NoOlI (bacllpouncl) II 011 daty a' tb .~ C,) (' post atop the t~toFJ' FCDA headqaarte... baUdID. ID BaHle ( :"p,," , ~" " " '''Bn.

Live' 'Wlre and PrcgreslILve An Organization Second To None. Strictly Sellers on tbe Best All Around Market In tbe Country SERVICE THAT SATISFIES For Dally Market R.porta: WliW. Cincinnati. JZ:26 WPFB, Middletown. i1 : 46 WCKY, Cincinnati. 12:~6 WKBV. Richmond. Ind., 12: 3,0 (Eastern Standard Time)





Hardware Needs .



R~filling amI collecting money, from our high-grade Nut Machines in this area. No seiling! To qualify f01: work you must have car; references, $66 cash, secured by inventory. '


$11.1& _ Comb. Storm Doors .:.:: ...:.......:: ..... from 18.1& . Devoting 6·8 hours a week to business, your end on percentage Extra tleavy Hoa Trouah. (2ft) ............. '3.40' of colletclons wlll nllt up to $400 monthly with very good possibilities of taking over full time. In~6 . Inc' Hut:tY Bikes ..............................., 31.81 come Increasl'lg accordingly. Glas. C:astlna Rod . ............. :..........,........... 3.48 . For interview, include phone ,number In application, Write P. Chrome Castine Reel ......................... ;., ..... 4.48 O. Box 161, Columbus, Ohio. 12 ft. !5teel Gate ................ ,...................

7 6/ U. cu. ft. Frialdal... Was ~19.95 ..... ~ .. Now


Estate Electric Automa~lc Rana. ..... 111.1& ," aytall Washer .............,............!.: ...... :..


FAIIRLE~ ,HAI'DWARE STORES·' , ESTABLISHED 18~9 , Long Liife is the True· Proof of Better Merchandi~e ,

BRUSH WORK or Free Estimation


Inquire ot Thelma', Lun~h Phone




9:00 p, M




Thursday, April 21, 1955

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT " encour aged and helped local Paint fUTnished by contl·actor. RESERVE DISTRI C! No. 4 Admlnllir.tor system s to uphold the state <;lHARTER No. 2220 Bridge over Poplar Creek. Bridge d. Decease n ,of Conditio the of for port rds lite standa al No. Cl-282- 106A. One (1) Span Estate of J. T. Gray,given that Or- and nation Notice is hereby at 71 feet 0 inch. Roadway 15 ion. educat us religio kday e we. Office Post whose Gray ville J. feet 1 ~ inches. Address is Waynesville, Ohio has It has been a source of in·Prop. .1 No. a duly appointe d as Adminis- format ion regard ing the naClnton County, Ohio. on part 'of been of the Estate of J. T. Gray tional weekd ay situatio n. 11, 1966 Section 0.51, U. S, Route No. 68, trator In the State of Ohlio, at the Clole of· Bueln..e on April ller late of Warren County, Ohio, deof in Jefferso n Township, by clean- ceased The presen t high standa rd In, Rellponl e To Cell Made By Comptro d Publlehe . ), method blast (sand . ing scaling , U1nder Section 5211, U. 8. Revlud 9'tatutOl day of April, 1965. of weekd ay work in Ohio is 9 Currenoy thi/l the Dated coat. finish & coat prime painting RALPH H. CAREY ; the result of this consta nt Paint furnishe d by the contractol·. ASSETS 'JuQge, of the Probate Court, empha sis on quality . Bl'idge over West Branch of Ellst g reserve bal· Warren County, Ohio llash, '11Blances wIth other banks, Includin Branch. Bridge No. CN-68-27, One M~ryl B. Qray, of collectlon_____ _ 412,063.86 process In Items cash and Atty. ance, rer teache with Road2. To help (1) Span at 70 feet 0 Inch. 701,989.115 and guarante ed __ direct ns, obllgatlo ent Governm S. t: inch. way 24 feet 0 c~ibnent. 262,490.39 States and po\ltlcal 8ubdlvlslon. __ ____ _~ ot ons Obligati Propol.1 No. 9 40,000.00 and debenturee_.. ___ . __________ Throug h corresp ondanc e OLher bonds, notes, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Clinton County. Ohio on part Federal of ______ $6,260.00____stock g ______ (Includin stocks te _ Corpora ·th ____ t ____ t I _____ No. ___ and Route Bank) State IIeservc Admlnlllr.lor of Section 15.28, 6,260.00 person a con ac WI 134. in Union Township, by 'clean- Estate of Russell D. Surface Dec'd. 581,371.66 are Loans and discounts (Includin g 188.56 overdraftll) ____ _ Notice is hereby given that college s, person s whoteaching scaling (sand blast method) , 20,1611.60 ay Uank premises owned $13.000.00, furniture, flxt. 7.7'65.50 painting prime coat and finish coat. Emma F. Su1'iace whose Post Ot- qualifi ed for weekd and rec(Bank premises (Iwued are subject to $ None liens Paint furnishe d by contract or. ficc addt'ess is R. 2, Waynesville, ing are recruit ed commu ninot assumed by bank) Bridge over Todd'" Fork. Bridge Ohio nas been duly appointe d as omm'e nd to' local None . 'I h' ~ ' estate owned clther than bank premtaes ________ _ Real No. CN.134-169, One (1) Span at Admini stratrix of the Estate of t·les ,.or ectlOn. se t elr asseta Indlrllctly represen ting 71 feet 5lA1 inches, Roadway 21 &usllell D. Surtace late of Warren Investments lind otberother _ __ ________ ____ estate 'real ' None bank premises or County, Ohio, decease d.· feet 11 ~ inches: 3. To give practic al help to . None ces outstand on acceptan 'ro",".1 No. 10 Dated this 28 day of MarCh, tOI this bank ________ rs' liability .: Custome _______ ________ •• r teache ______ t " _ _ ___ prelen __ Assets Otller 6,411.61: Qreene County, Ohio, on part 'of 1955. ' 86. C. Doriald Dilatush, Atty. Section 5.37. U. S. Route No. Most Ohio weekd ay teach2,030.842,67 RALPH 'H. CAREY, in Beaver Creek Township, by TOTAL ASSETE! do not have local superers bJ,ast Court, (sand Probate the oj scaling Judge cleaning, Warren County, Ohio vision. The state weekd ay method ). painting prime coat and LIABILITIES finish coat. Paint furnishe d by depart ment throug h its ex,contract or. Bridge over Little ecutive is availab le to ob- Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corp. 1,26",229.0 I Miami River. Bridge No, GR-85__ 371,169.93 ENT APPOINTM OF NOTICE classro om teachin g and Time deposits ot Individuals, partners blpa and corp. serve 0 feet 67A. One (1) Span at 159 76,717.24 poatal savings) ___ _ g (Includin Glovt. S. .lor U. of Admlnlllr Deposits adand inches. tions 8 feet sugges inch, Roadway 15 96,946.311 lons _________ __ political subdlvls lind Deceased. to give States of Boerner lJeposlts Otto of Estate ____ ____ __ -' e___ ____ teache r. improv None 'ro"GIIII No. 11 Deposits of banks ___ _____________ Notice ' ill hereby given that vice for Hamilto n County, Ohio. on part Made ' 845.81 whose Post Office ment. and casbler's checks. etc.) __ d Boerner (certlt4e deposits er Oth lIl'o. Route S. U. 1.58, of Section _______ ~ __ --__ __1.807,897.90 is R. R. 1, Waynesville, 'ro TAL DEl'USITS 50. in Miami-W hitewate r Town- address been duly appointe d as 4. To provid e opport unitie! and other liabilities tor bornts. rediscou payable. lls nt ships. by cleaning. scalirig (:land Ohio, has ionNone to teache rs for profess the Estate of Otto -- - -rowed money - ~- _ ------blast method ), painting prime coat Executr ixlate of al growth . and Warren County, None on 'bank premises, ___ rtgages or other liens, $eatate Mo and finish coat. Paint furnishe d by Boerner _ ________ ____ __ .. None _____ d. , None on other' roal contracto}·. Bridge over White Ohio, ,decease None The finest leaders in re- Accept. executed by or for account of this bank and out. Dated tllis 11 day of April, 1955. _ Water River. . Bridge No. HA-50_____ _____ __ ______ _ _____ have ,_______ __ .. 'on s 4,566.21 educatl liabilitie Otlle!' ligion and Atty. Zieglel', 21, Three (3) Spans total 442.25 Paul Bldg., Elec. & Gas 620 feet, Roadwa y 2 at 23 feet 3 Dayton, Ohio. been brough t into the state TOTA LIABILITIES ______________ ________ ______ 1,812.463.14 inches. person s for resou,r ce as CAREY H. RALPR Propo..1 No. 12 reand ces Ju'dge of the Probate Court teache rs' c,o nferen t· Hamilto n County. Ohio, on part CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Warren County, Ohio treats . In . c o-oper a IOn WI'th No. of Section 7.87, U .. S. Route .Capllal Stock : 52, in Whltewater-Colel'ain Townth~ Oberlin ' SCftool of TheNone (Il) Class A pret. tot. par $ None, l·etlr. value $ ships, by cleaning, scaling (sand ology, there is provid ed the I dlv·. on value Is ____%) k of (Rate '11 blast method ), painting prime coat W 76,000.00 Loc er P ant best summe r opport unity the aynesv i e (b) CllUls B pref'., tot. par $ None, reUr. value, None & finish coat. ~aint . furnished by on reUrable value la - - --0/0) te dh'. of gradua (Rate fo~ s d affor. y countr Will . $50.00 value Mi~:;c,1U~er. B~:i~~e N:~ H!~62~ stollckf-p$ar ( 0 ) ,Oommon st~,ck, total par :J76,OOO.OO ___ _ or 45.00 per share for work study for weekd ay Surplus ___ ___ __ __________ _____________ ________ 100,OOO.00 74D. One (1) Span at 484 feet 0 se conferh, Throug d proUts ______ _____ ________________________ rs. Uudlvlde teache ates 36,099.31 c;ertific Stock saJe. quick Inches. 6 inch, Road~ay 28, feet e ondenc neserve s (and retir,ement account for preterre d .tock)_ 6,790.22 and corresp Ross ences k S 11 t' t t .,..,...1 No. 11 on llart of aval'1 abl e a t ,b an. d th ee Preble County, Ohio, con mua y men epar .e · _ .-___ ___ ck ________ 3 Hartso NTS 177, 217,889.6 .. TOTAL OAPlrrAL ACOOU Section 0.00. State Route No trIes to help teache rs becom e in Israel Township, by c l e a n i n g , ' e. effectiv more scaling. (aand blast method ), paintTOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _ 2. 0~ 0,842.67 in~ prime coat and finish coat. enand ' ce guidan give To S. , Pamt furnishe d by contract or. RELIGIOUS c 0 u rag emil.' n t to new 'A MEMORAN·O Bridge over Four Mile Creek. EOUCA:TION WORK • t' kd ' Two (2) PR-177-67, wee ay organlz ;a 'ona. I Bridge No. ) 2 Page from d Continue 267,500.00 Roadinches. 4 feet 88 total Spans to secure \lab. and for other pur: de- Assets pledged or asslg'dabove None are after deduct. of res. of to see their childre n receiv- , The direct( )r of the (a) Loans as shown way 24 feet 0 incb. NODe as shown above are after deduct. ot rell. of Proposel N.o; 14 Secur. (b) help to le availab is nt partme the during , Warren County. Ohio, on Part -ng instruc tion COwi'ty of Warren, ss : OhiO, Of 8,tate setting in nities commu new To "Go of Section 10.24 Morrow Corp., w e ek. In additio n, (a) (l) Loans Insured or gUllI'IInteed by Veterans' 24 up local weekd ay" SYI~tem!~. 1 1,836.57 , U. S. Route No. 22, in Salem Church Sunda y," April Admini stration -Insured or guaratee d potions only zing organi in help to scaling will give church es an oppor- and . painting 4(),OOO.00 cleaning _ by p! _____ on Townshi As8oclat e Mortgag l NatlOlU1 Federo,[ ot Notes (sand b aat method) 116 com m un i t y Counci ls of prime coat & finish coat. Paint tunity to recogn ize the Total Amount ot Loans. Certltlca tes of Interest And rs. Weekd ay Religio us Educateache ay weekd e full-tim Bridge tor. Contrac by furnishe d ObJigations or Portions Thereof (lIst:ed above) • tion. ay es weekd are tully backed or Insured by agenCies Of wblcb over Todd's Fork, Bridge No. WA- In many church '11 the United SltateB Government (other than "United 22-106A, Three (8) Spans total t ~B;C h ers!in d p~~)l'1's WI par- 6. To encour age and suppor t ns direct and 199 feet 4 inches, Roadwa y 30 States Government obligatio t kd t the 41,896.67 bClpat e m servIce s.of In . gum'onteed") ________ _______ ~ __ _____ __ _______ ___ _ feet 0 inch. P, esen w~~ ay ay. ems. pupils work the , schools 15 No. Prop_I , The depart ment receive s of ~:~~i~n Cto~~~y·~b~~~nonC~~~ willkbde on disi>I~IY anld many Total Amount of Loans Oertltica tes of Interest And ondenc e , from local corresp spespan counCl ay v.:~e Turtle U. S. Route No. 42, in Obligations or Portlona Thel'eot which are tully with help system .s needin g or ImlUred by agencies of the United States backed Oreek Township. by cleaning, scal- clal progra ms. , finance with . promot ion, •. ent (other than "United States Govern· Governm inll.' (sand blast method ). painting etc. ion, at z 41,836.57 IS with 0 r g ani ment obligations, direct nnd guarante ed") __ _____ _ . prlm~ coat &: finished coat. P~int ' The OhIO observ ance ay Whene ver possibl e help is fur DIshed by Contrac tor: Brldge sponad l'ed by the Weekd I, Earl W. Co:nner, cashier of the abov&named bank, do eolemDly of the Onio given. The directo ; is availWi:'-4~~~J~ O~~e(~) S!~~~ f~:i Depar~~ment ls sweur that the ab()ve stateme nt la true to the best of my k.Dowled,8 counci local help to able by a~d: es Church of o Inch, Roadway 80 feet 0 inch. ' Councl their and belief. the Oh~o Weekd ay RehglO .us interpr et their task to Eerl W. Conner, Casbler ,,.p_1 No. 16 rly regula and nities commu 8ASSOCI rs part Educab on Teachef th WRE day of January, 1955. 7th thts • . me Warr4!n Cf unty , Ohio. onCorp., before ed ' Sworn to und subscrib t' n Ch . Lebanon of 8ectLOn 0.75 • spends consid erable bme ni and 1 hereby cert11:y that 1 am not an omcer or director of this bank. .e alrm~n 0 State Route No. 68. In Turtle 10. assistin g local field MISS the Correct -Attest. Wymer L, Drake, Notary PubUc. Creek Township, by cleaning l scal- W eek com~lttee IS other counci ls IDg (sand blast method ), Pamting Jeanne tte GrImm e and . HOWARD SURFAOE y Bowprime coat , &: finish coat. Paint membe rs are Doroth ROSS H. HARTSOOK McDow ell and furnishe d by Contrac tor. ·Bridge Ius ifRuth GEO. J. WATERHOUSE d S . Creek, W" over Branch of T\1rtleOne . wlgart Directors. In re (1) Bridge No.' WA-68-68. , as large a Few sta'tes.hove 0 inch C/L; 64. Span at 60 feet .. . . . feet 8 Inches Rt. &: Lt. ~oadwa, weekd ay progra m as Ohio, 80 feet 0 inchel. nor as of high quality , ace inclusiv 16 to 1 NOl. Proposa ls E. of this project are to be complet ed cordin g to Miss ' Lillian the Directo r of not later than October 16. 1966. Corney , of the The minimum wage to be paid Weekd ay Depart ment this COD- Ohio 'Counci l of Church es, to all labor employed on nce with tract shall be In accorda ental the "Schedu le of Prevaili ng Hour- which has been instrummany Iy Wa~e Rates AsCertained and in the establi shmen t ofls and Determm ed by The Departm ent of local weekd ay councisetting ble to continu es , to seek the Industri al Relation s appllea, , State Highway Departm ent 1mdepart proveme nts in accorda nce with up of others. The Sections 4116.08 (17-8). 4115.04 ment also promo tesls adhercerWhen comas ,to s,lIIng, (17-4),. 4115.06 (17~4a). 4115.06 ance by local counci to high standa rds of week(17·6). and 411~.07 (1'1;~a) of ta~n t' d duca the Revised Code of Ohio. Ion. sy e his with bmit The bidder must'8u Functi ons of , the state bid a certified check in the amount weekd ay depart ment have ' of Sl,200.0 0. .. Plans- and specillcations are on been outline d by Miss Corney / Ille in the departm ent of highways as: and the office of the 'dlvi810n 1. To uphold hiah atad' ' delluty ditector . The diTector reserves the right to reject any and all bids. From· , its beginn ing the L Departm ent h as ~ kd s. o. LINZEL Htlrbway "Director , W ee ay State

The Waynesyille Nalional Bank of WI,n.yllle








--- --



F8'-R•• cb/~~


bi,ing, birlng, swapping or I1ItiIIg ',ou'll want tbe Fast



•• service oar ...p •. PHONE TaYi. •




THE MIAMI GAZ~'fTE, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO· Thursday, April ZL 1955 --------------~~---------------------"


- STATE OF OHIO ,o.palt1llont


c......".. Ohio.


AprIl I, 19"

C..,t'ld SlI.. L"II CoPy No. '5-211

UNIT , PRICE CONTRACT Sealed proposals wlll be received at the office of the State Highway Director of Ohio, at Colunr. bus, Ohio, until 10:00 A. M., Ohio ' Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, May 8, 1966!,.~9r' improvements in: Proposals .Nos. 1 to 16 inclusive are offered as one project and will b~ award~d as one contract.

'total ZUt feet 6 inches, Roadway Brown Cpunty, Ohio, on part of 24 feet (I inches. Section 0.00, State Route No. 181. P,.,...I N•. ~ in Perry Townablp, by cleaninll'. Clermont County, Ohio, on part scaling (sand blast method), paint- of Secti(1D 6.15, State Route.. No. ing pl;ime coat &: finish coat. Paint 74. in Ba,tavia Towna~p. by cleanfurnished by contractor. iq., scalling (sand blast method). over Glady Run, Bridge No. BR- painting 'prime coat'" finish coat. 131.13. One (1) Span at 42 feet llaint fllrniihed by contractor. o inch. Roadway 24 feet 0 inches. Bridge over Shaler Creek, BridjCe Prop...1 No.2 , No. CL-'l'4-Ii2, One (1) Span at 46 Clermont County, Ohio, on part !eet 8 inches, Roadway 17 teet 1 of Section 19.71, U. S. Route No. ,Inches. ~2, in Fr)'nklin Township, 'bt clean- , P.......I H•• 4 I IDg scalIng (sand blast method), Clermont County OMo on part p~ntlng pri~e coat'" finish coat. of Secti(JI~ 6.16, State ROute No. Pa!nt furmshed .by cOlltrac;tor. 74. in B~ltavia Township, by clean. Brldge over Bullskin creek, Brldge lng, scaling (sand blaat method)., No. CL-62.241, Fou; (4) Spans painting prime ,coat'" fln18h coat, Propo.. 1 No. 1

I!aint furniahlld by contractor. Brldll'e over Branch of East Fork of Little Miami River, Brldll'e No. CL·'t4-78, One (1) Span at 89 feet 9 inches, Roadway 17 feet 1 inches. ' P I H '. ' ro,... •• Clermont County. Ohio. on part of Section 7.77 Batsvia Corp., State Route No. 74, in Batavia Townahip. by cleaning, scaling (sand blast method), painting r,rhn.e coat & 'ftnlsh coat. Paint oUvrenir ~aedt F~y k'cLo.nttra;t:'lr . tl . "'" s or lew am Iver. Bndll'e No. ,CL-74-80, Three (3) Spans total 174 feet 0 Inches, Roadway 80 feet 0 inches.

P,opo.. 1


Clermont County, Ohlo on part ot Section 16.61 Will jamsburg Corp., State Route No. 74. in WIlIlamsbul'g Township, by cleaninll'. lIoalinl\' (sand blast method)., painting prIme coat &: finish coat. Paint furnished by contractor. Bridge over East Fork Little Miami River. Bridge No. CL-74-169D. Three (8) Spans total 168 feet 0 inch, Roadway 30 teet Q in'ches. P,.p...1 fif. 7

' Cl~rmont. County,. Ohio, on part

of Section 8.66 State 'Route ' No. 232. in .Take Township. by clean inll', sealing (sand b\ast method). painting prime coat & finish coat.

-------- . --- . . . 4. - -....·_ ..-- .Big , Bertfla I

Remember Bertha? In her day she was a whale of a cannon. But she , was a cap pistol compared to the destructive power of the Army's new Atomic Cannon that is



your ' security. With pin-point ,

acc~acy the' Atomic Ca'nnon throws an' ll-inch atomic shell 20 milesl To withstand the shOCk a~d terrific' heat of firing, vital parts' of the Atomic


Cannon are hardened in gas-liud furnaces. In heat treating processes,



high temperatures are necessary ... critical control is demanded .•. and economy, is a, consideration - that's why the Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, uses gas. 'ExAS EAS~ERN SERVES 'HE COMPANIES 'HA' SERVE YOU , .. Lowering gun 'tubes into a gas-firt:d pit £Urn.ace for hardening. Parts of the 85·toQ Atomic Cannon are similarly heat-treated. Gas for the arsenal is delivered by Boston Consolidated Gas Company, served by Algonquin Gas Transmission Company. a CUSlomer of Texas Eastern.






Thl,.lrsday. April 21, 1955



WilsOD t:oDcrele Producls Wholesal~

Chimney Block Concrete Bloc~t , Waterproof' Cement · Rock Face Bloc:k . and Paint . Stc1)1 Sash Cement and MCI.rtar Gla•• Bulldlnc' Supplies Drain Tile SHEEHAN RD. P. O. BOX 342 CEN'TERVILLE, OitlO .

and Retail

TRY OUR HOME KILLED BEEF AND PORK We cut, wray and sharp freezer for your




home free~3r or locker

l. A.'sCAB

Call Us or Drive Out, Phone 2322

.Kelly Bros.






Office I,n Twin Building

I'HONE 2111

Packin9 At Corwin

We Serve Wa1/ft ..vllle and Surrounding Ar••• TRY US the II\lEXT Time YOU' N.ed • Taxi.



Lebanon lalloaal , Farlll LoaD

.."..: r:••. l'

- a9 N. Broadway ,

Phone 3-2868 LEBANON, OHIO ~ ELLIS H , &TURM, Sec'y·Trea•.

~I ••• ,""'."~'.~t . .'r•••• ~


I.IIIS Mu."er Coal and 011 , ' "HAL WAWS... ' Furnace. -llIIllIIIaS"' -; Wa,nes,lIIe Healing ,

-'!!SJ!Vm!' l ---==-J

Stoker. and Converelon Burnere SERVICE and INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES

Fumace Repalr ON ALL MAKES

Carl B. Frye R. Lo Ryerson



~Ne\Vs .:...- Cartoon

' North Street and Dayton Road Pllone Wayne.vllle 3274

, .. Tue••...:;.,Wecl. April 26·27



.. .


SIIlt JUDY • I"-IAR ••~ ... •_




A·UC·T 'I ON! WEDNESDAY, APRil. 2~; 1955 ABSOLUTE CLOSE:-OUT SALE LEBANON HARDWARE '& F:URNITURE, INC. Hardware, Appliances, Furniture Novelties, Fixtures and Eq'uipment Household Items LEBANON, OHIC) , BEGINNING 'AT 10:00 A. M. .. '; MORNIING-AfTERNOON.L.NIGHT SALE WILL BE HELD iN THE STORE BUILDING AND CONNECTING WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 9 NORTH BR10ADWAY, ACROSS FROM THE BANK, IN LEBANON, OHIO. Expiration of lease forces Lebanon' Hardware & Furniture, Inc., to sell entire contents of their store to the highest b,idder. Thousands of dollars worth of new merchandise including hardware, appliances, furniture, household items, Novelties, Fbctures and Equipment. Two sales will run continuously morning, after~.oon and night,. -Merchandise will ," e ~Id piece-meal as well as in lots. Dealers and merchants invited to attend this sale. Bargains for every one. Make ~~9ur plans to attend eve.ry seslion of this big sale. ' HARDWARE Oilton lawl; Stanley brlCel; b,ealt d,iIIl; Icrew drivers of all ki"dl; ~amm ...; h.tch.lI; .lfl••; shot gunl; .h.II.; .u,•• bl..; fll.l; chllell;- pad lockl; w.en~h"l; J,ump'; drilll; gau,.I; cutl.ry; door loci.. of .11 klndl; hlnll.l; bath,oom fh<lu •• I; c.bln.t ha,dw.,e; n,alonry iooll; brush..; O'...r.I Electric 'and Was,hI,houll .Iectric iron.; automatic cofll.. m.k...; g . . .nd .I.ctrlc hot pl.las; Mlnom.tlc p .... ur. cooke ..; .Iuminum kitchen uten.i1I; houl. cI •• nlnll luppll.l; .1.ctrlc.1 I"ml; Gan· er.1 EI.ctrlc fr.ctlonol h,p. moton; t,fcycl.l; wosonl; Ilodl; .Iectrlc Ih.y.n; clockl; pock.t knlvel; .Iectrlc; fir...,'... IIr.t••; IIrlnde ..; pow.r I.wn mow.~.; 1I.,d.n tooll; shoy.ll; prun.n; forkl; , $1.500.00 Itock of c.rrl.,•• nd m.chln. bol..; four Super-FI.mll twin bum., 011 lIMe. h••t...; fum.c. filters; ItOV. pip.; n.lI. by the k.lI; 75 copper rang. connectolil; Pr.way '011 fum.c.; compl.te with ,h.hnlllt.t; h.... y duty .I.ctrlc drill; V beltl; odd loll of rop.; hundr.dl of oth.r '''m•.



Mayt.1I 1111 r.nso, 1955 mod.I, fully outomotlc; Toppon -delu •• II" ra"s.; Phllco doubl. door, .utomatlc 10 cu. ft. r.'rlll.r.lor; M.ytall .lect,lc .Iectrlc f.""; ..... r.1 ulld w ••h....



""'ko h.lld blown gl...w...; wroullht iron .nd bru. plinte..; Mort.n. mlnlatur.l; RUII.II Wrlllht op~n .teck chi...; .....r.1 dOI.n ..lqvic.nt.nnl.1 pl.t.!; Chin... b,.111 Iteml; book endl; b.r .uppll••; .Ium. Inlll'll tr.YI; c.... rol..; c.ndy dilh.l; c.ndle hold ...; .....1; plctu...; p/lt-vp lamp.; docan ....; Ih.dow 10...01; .. It .nd p.ppe..; hO"d painted t'.YI; , ...tlns .. ,dl,,. with dlapl.y , c••o and mallY oth.r It.m.. .



T.....IsIOf1 l.unIlO; m.h .... lly com., cupboard; two h.1f sof.l; two m.h .... ny buffets; occallon.1 t.blo.; """ ..; ~ .nd tlble lam".; mlrro ..; plctur.l; Jonny Lind b.d; roll••way bad.; In ......,.rllIlI mat· t ......; lane c.eI.r cheltl; b.d Iprlnlll; 1 .... r.1 odd occ.lion,,1 .nC! Idtchen ch.I..; mot.1 w.rdrob.s; utility cabin...; throw rUIII; 250 sq. ydl. of brown c~rpatlnll I,,' tho furnltur. show room.

FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT N.tlon.1 .I.ctrlc regl.t.r; oHlc••• f~; .ddlnll machlno; chock wrl .. r; f!v. IOlid o.k dllplay unlh, • ft. lon8 .wlill g'." dllpl.y doo. . .nd IlIdl'1l1 ,balo doo,rs; three 8 ft. III... dllplay c._; III."d., type dI.....,. COUll...... nd t.blol; 24 ft. of w.1I .helvlng, oloc:trl..lly Ilgh..d, with addltlon.1 Ih.lvlnll .ult..... for houMw... .nd IMlnt dllplay; nail bini and countor.; fluo ...c.nt Itrlp IIl1htl; comPutln1l .c...., ......."., ...10.; .. all ..01.1; two h.nd truck.; Itoya truclc; truck, .tc. CHEVlIOLIT Plck-vp Truck; I... mod.I, III ."c.lI.nt condition. sto.. wllt'b. cJpon 'or bu~III." and Inlp.ctlon tim. p,lor to ••io.








THE BAILEY-MURPHY DARBYSHIRE CO. Real E.tate Broker. Sln~e 1,939 Appral.e,. - Auction..,. , 55 LOCUST STREET WILMINGTON, OH.IO ,Day - 22'64, 2292 - Night 2085, 7151






Thursd;w, April 2,1, 1955

'hon. 3"3 'To ".ce Your C'.SlIfI." Here ,CLASSIFIEDS . .TIt. Co., I. $_" -- 3 n"". For • DOII.r "...... ........... ........................"II................ ............ ........."..........,...... •






I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS-- ' located 2 blockS from business -----------"-section, Furnace, garage. $7000 WHITE VILLA FOODS FOR SA.LJi)-PilUlo, uprIght. GEQ. tor (luick sale. WARREN BRADDOCK LYTLl!.-7-room house on 13 acres. HENDERSON. Phone 3622. Home of Fine Foods . ~S·17~2. 3 bedrooms up, dining room, liv8AND, GRAVEL and TOP SOIL Free delivery Mornings ----------1ng room, kltchen, bedroom EXCAVATING and _ _ _ DUMP TRUCK SERVICE FOR SALE-' !10WJ~j good wellj utility bui~d­ mg ' barnj some fruit. ,and Afternoons POST CARDS - View carda 01 Call Harold Banta, DON WORKPhone Wayneaville 3S29 MAN JREALTY, Waynesv1l1e, Tele- SEARS GROCERY WAYNE8VILLE, OHIO · Waynesville'. THE GAZETTE. phone 3672. -------~---------BANK RUN GRAVEL-~Loaded TAILORING For Men and Women OJlffi Chevrolet flat bed truck, 'P' W I ' gralln bed, stock racks and load' . Fe a so MRS. BUTLER. Phone 2491. ing t~hute' 2 speed axles All new a t D aVIs urnas It. deliver. ARMITAGE & SON. c-S·S-(St)-S·17 tires. Call Lebanon .4 -2217 after - FOR -' Pholi e 201} 1. tf ---' ' 6 ~ p. m. Day phone Lebanon 2_ _ _ _ _ __ __ FOR SALE-28-inch DeLuxe West 10291. ern Flyer Bicycle, Purebread Cor ONE Sllper M F8'rmall InternaWELL DRIWNGrledale Ram 1 year old . DAVIQ tiona! Tractor, one year old" In Wat.r Lin•• , ill 641 pe,rtect condition. Call LIlbanon WATER WELL DRILLING-Eleo- BEAL, Phone Waynesv e 2 . 4-2217' after 6 p. m. , Day phone Septic Tank. aiid trlc Pumps InstaUed. LONZEL . c.,..3-10--(3t)-3-24 Lebanon 2-1029. Leaclaln. Line. _ SP..ntKS. Route 73, Wayne8vllle, FOR SALE-6' Duok Hens, White WAN~-rE-D-T-O-B-UY--L-ar-g-e-f-ar-mIn.taned . OhIo. X-9·5~9·55 Peklns, $1.25. Small huUe8IJ popsouth of Dayton, preferably - - ' - -- - - - ---Iool'n. 100 ",er pound. Phone 2932. dairy. W. D. Johnson, 605 WyFoundation. Dug X-S-l7 omling St., Dayton 10, Ohio. FORREN112 In., 18 In. and S8 In. Wide .#""#"",, , """""" .."",........ WANTED- Garden spot, (about 1 County Inapeetlld acrE~) in or near Waynesville. FOR RENT- Si":-room. l1nfurnished MALE HELP WANTEDapartment. Heat, waler furnisbed. InquIre at MILLER'S DEPART. BOOKKEEPER and OUlce Retail ;8J~~ct Ralph Adkins, Waynes~IENT STORE. c-3-1o-tfc Sales posltlon. Farm background - -...____----~--- Oregonia Rt. 1 Phone '2-1216 Leb necessary. Permanent. C a 11 GARDENS plowed and worked, ....•............', Ad rtth GAZETTE Waynesville 2961 for Interview. ready for planting. Call 2060 nf'" va Ise In e 0-3-17 ter 4 p. m, Donald King.





Cisterns, Driin Ditches





L~~~~ ~fed by power mower.

CORWIN- 5-room cottage, 2 or 3 - - - - - - - - - - - bedrooms, good well, 3 adjoln- FOR SALE-Electric stovej autoIng lots go with this one. . mat lc washer' 9x12 rug' sideCORWIN - 4-room cottage WIth " . good well, clsternj lot 6Ox140. boardj porch furniture, (swing 'LEBANON- Modern 6-room brick and 5, chairs) j antique chestj klt(:hen table and 2 chairsj 2 odd 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. _ klt(:hen chalrsj garden hose and tools. Mrs. Murry 4th Chapman, Started and- Day Old Chick. from Pullorum phone 2473.



Da, Old $18.60 and Up per 100 MElro.e 8539






-e. ,Fr :- .ure'.


Armit~ge &Son

WANTED '1'0 BUY - Large Farm 80uth or Dayton, preferably dairy. W. D. JOHNSON 605 Wyoming . Street. !Jaylon 10, Ohio. c-S-17-(S.t) - S-31

Typhoid Clean Flock. Stralaht Run


TELEPHONES: WAYNESVILLE' 2091 LI:. BANON Office 2-10, 8 RI:.SIOENCE 3-2611 MoRROW No. 3'


ANYONE Interested In a subscription to Cincinnati Enquire, plel!lSe call 2502 or contact Dick Robinson.

Started and Day Old Chioks from Pullorum Typhoid CleBll

Flocks, Straight BuD.

$12.00 AND UP PER 100 White Rocks, White Wyandottes, New Hampshire Beds, R. I. Red., LIcht Brahama8, B'JJwk and White Jlantll. PULLE?;S DAY OLD, $19.GO and up per hundred 8846 ,GermanliOwn Street. Phone MElro" 611S9 Dayton 8, Ohio

FOR. SALE: Boy's Large Bicycle, Leady Drum with stand and shoulder strap; lesson book and rythm records for beginner. Mrs. Harold Earnhart Phone 2265 after 5 p.m.



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k nee I e d. 'and, prayed: Father, if : willing. remove ' I':&~~ this cup from me~ nevertheless not my will, but thine be done. Lu. 22:41-44.


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Modern'~ Finance.J(o.

~azette Serving ·Waynesville. Since i850 '\

were also on the increase as Ohio Department of S. Mr. and Mrs. -Steve' NEWS RELEASE . Series E and H Bond sales • Stine were guests, Sunday, of . The Green Thumbeu . 4-H tot~led $80,754 l 986 . . . a: Hlg~~QY~ their son and daul!thter-inEffective April 26, 1955, Club met Thursday, Apr1l14 gam of 7.6 70 over 1964. Ohio s highway depart- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons ~r. Ralph B. V:oorhis, tsuperat the Waynesville High While the eight major indus- menti has declared an all-out Clark and family of Dayton. visor of the Hamilton 'F armSchool" 'with Lee O'Banion trial c~unties accounted for war on .roadside trash. High4. Mr. and Mrs. Charles e~s H~e ~dl!lini~tration ~f­ and Dick Irelan in charge apPl' 68 % of the way Director, S. O. Linzell, Doster ' and family had as flce WIll take over the duties and Pat .Irelan president of total state sales, fifty~five said tho~sands of dollars are their guests during the week- of Warren County from Graclub presidil\g, counties showed' an increase spent each year by the Divi end Mr, Dosters, brother-in- dy M. Rhode~ supervisor of The meeting was · opened over March' of 1954. sion of Operations because of law 'and sister Mr. l~nd Mrs. the Wihilingwn office, as by repeating the pledge . of Sales of the two bonds in the untidy habits of some Wilford Coss~m, of' Colum~ Greene County has been allegiance, the 4-H pledge, Warren County in March motorists and their passeng- bus. . transferred to Rhodes in the and was followed by a pray- were $71,429 as compared to ers. 5, Mrs. Louise Fite and plac~ of Warren County. et by the president. $23,164 in 1954. "Be's ides being a bad hab- daughter, Jane visited in Mr. ' Voorhis lives on a , The initiation of new ~ The most noticeable sales it," continued Linzell, "this Glendale, Sunda'y, with Mrs. farm near ~ason in Warren members is ~o take place at trend in the relatively, is a violation of existing D. H. Fite and Mr. :a.nd Mrs. County and IS no stranger to the next meeting. The mem- new ~erles H Bond. Th~s cur- State Laws:" Section 3767.20 Fred Muthert. the peo~le of Warren. Coun6. The WSCS of the Meth- ty. ~e 1S also super:vlsor of bel'S in charge are: Jim rent mcome bond showed an of the ReVised Code of Ohio Lemons, Bob O'Banion, Vin- increase of 89% over the state,s "No per~on shall place odist Church held their April Hamll~on, Bu~ler aJ}d P.reble cent R~kestraw, and Mary sam,e month ~ year ago. The or dispose of m any manner meeting, Thursday after- Countl~s.. HIs. office IS 10.roan Stiles. Serle~ H Savings, Bond earns !lny garbage, waste, or peel- noon, in the home of Mrs. cated In Hamll~on. at ,208 Members. 'wer.e informed 3% J'!tere~t ~hen held ·to mgs .of vegetables or fruits, Walter Ellis and her daugh- New Federal Buddmg, teleof the quahficatIons of pro~ m~turlty ~Ith mterest checks ru.bb1S~, ashes, cans,. bottles, ter-in-law, Mrs. Helber Ellis. ph?ne +8013 ..T~e. Lebanon jects and were urged to start bemg def1vered to the home Wire, paper, cartons, boxes, Mrs. J . C. Moore was co- oif1ce. wlH rem am m the sam~ . on the them. every six months. parts of automobiles, wag- hostess. locatIon at 42 N. Broadway, Club- members who wi'll . ~errill L. Predmore, State ons, furniture, glass, oil or 7, Mrs. Thomas Welch in the ASC office, hours will take part in the program for Sales Director for Ohio, cited anything e~se of an uDsight- was a guest, Thu1!'sday of be on T~esdays' from 9 :0(1 the next· meeting are: Chris- the exc~llent support given ly or unsamtary nature along h~r daughter, Mrs. Cecil A. M. until J.2 :00 Noon, teletine Edens, Davi'd Fisher, the SavIDgs ~ond8 Program or near 01' OD any public road, Linkous and family , ' of Leb- phone S-1776. Tom Hartsock, John Hart- by the 'b,an){s, as:well as the st.reet, par~way, par~drive, anon. ' ---""';'-,.-sock and John Hicks. . n~~spapers! radiO and tele- hl~h~~y, dItch, or. Aby land 8. Mrs. Osee Har~an spent USN R -Reporter Mary Joan Stiles VISIO~ st!lbons and other a~JomlDg any.pubhc road or the weekend in Dayton, with • : avy ecruiting , media which constantly keep highway or dItch,. except on relatives. . Station ' Tricky Thumbs 4-H Club the general public informed land pt,?vid,.ed. ,by a .zoning 9. The. BYF of , Jonah's Qualified men who so d _ met April 25, 1966 at?f the merits of E and H Sav- commiSSIOn, city ordmance, Run Baptist <?hurch met in sii'e can now enlist in the W~esvi1l~ High School mgs Bonds. or. other gove~nmental auth- the church. socIal rooms, Sun- Navy with the ratin of Air-. with Mrs. Michens Mra. °brlty ,u~les/3 d~ected to do .so day even mg. The group man Recruit for d~ty with tt M B d' k d Z . L a · y pubhc .officIals on speCial made plans to sendl a gift to 't' . W a ers, rs., ra oc an onlng VI Violator cleanup' days. Ch I Ell' b aVl810!l UDlts ashore and Mrs. Dumford 1D charge and • . ., . ar ~s Is~m, a mem er, afloat It was announced toElizabeth Marlett pre$iding Fined ' 'D C. W. D~cCaughey, OhIO II w~o 18 statIOned overseas day .b y Lieutenant Com... Wit d tti . E t . I . eputy Irector of Opera- With the U S ~y d' h 1 e e ec e 0 cers a/3 n enng a pea of gudty tions ..added that the dump 10 Bo 't . N' g i ·u b man er C ar es L. Wan, fOUOW8: Preaident. EU~a- of a violation of the Zoning ina 'of un alon~ stat; h ld'b th.e0s eMr li 1 WI •.:.. e USN of the Cincinnat, .fMItb; . . . . ; lJaWtW'8)"Irft hi '" ~~.. e y as..'J e OW~eu; IP Recruiting Office . Sherry Wiley; Treasurer, Erneet Gibson of R. R. 1, Or~ routes ca ilesexpen!'lve dam- Gr~n~e in the hil h school All young m~n enUatipr Wanda Hoak; News Report- egonia, was fined $25.00 and age to mowing equfflp~ent. bUilding, Mond.ay: evening. under this program will reer, Sandra McWilliams; Ree- costs at a hearing held in The highway 0 1~lals re- Refreshments wlll e served. ceive 9 weeks of recruit reation Leader Linda Hoak. Justice of the Peace Weldon flected that tr~shy h1g.hways All membet~ are urged to at- training at either Bail)bridge F urt b' H" rt j L h make a poor ImpreSSIOn on tend and brmg a l~uest Md G t ." o een mem ers were pre· l~ar s cou n e~anoll, tourists, and that 'natives ,of 11. 'Mrs. A. S. r1Iollett 'and ., or rea Lakes, nhnofs, '. the state were likely to take Mrs. Robert Hou ]t attended be!ore bemg assigned t~ avi- · sent, . . Fl'1d~y, .!pril 22nd. The Next meetil!g Will. be Gibson was ordered to ap- more pride and interest in the meetin of ~he Wa e ati0J} duty or to an aViation held at Waynasvllie High pea~ upon complamt of the theIr highways if they were Township F~rmers Club.rJd seryl~e school for furthe~ School TuesdaY, May 8, 3lS0. ZODlng .Inspector of Wayne kept neat and clean. . Thursday aiternOCID at Far trammg. Interested persons Towns~llp. As a result, the Highway Hills Party House" Waynes- sh<ruld cont!l<:t the ~earest HOMETOWN NEWS RO The fin~. was suspended Department will attempt to ville. Guest spel!lker was N~vy Recrultmg 0ff.IC~. In F , M Up~>D condltlo~ that .th~ con- bring the problem before the Mayor Frazier (}f Lebanon thiS area .Navy recruiters ~l'e mE ARMY , dltlOn be rectified wlthm ten Ohio public through a publi h . te t' ' located ' 10 the Post Ofrlce city campaign. , . - :ou~tg~~e h~~ ~c:~: ~~p af~ Building in Dayton, Ohio. . PFC' Fred F~irchild, Jr., days. Lin~ell concluded, "If ~hls the country of Lebanon~ whose paren~s hve o~ R~ute TO THE PEOPLE OF 8, Waynesvllle, OhIO, IS a WlAYNESVlIJ..E doesn t work, then tlte Hlgh- wher~ he and other mayors Extension Notes . by member of the 23d ReconWI' . .. wa.y Department will have to of the different Lebanons naissance COJDpany at Fort t ;'thr~hc F~~ C~r mhDlsi resort to strjngent enfprce- throughout the United States John B. Mowbray. C. Z. , crK ' ,I h e l l ' '" u,rc 0 ment of the 'anti-trash law. were guests of thE: Lebanese County Agent FaIrchild, a graduate of rlst. ere next .uord s day. Succeas in this program will government. .. Mas s i e' Township . High ~here .IS!1ymg be a~ all day serv12 . Mrs. Laura Sh'd Here is a sjtuation that 18' lunch at not only cleBn up the highI a k er Ice WIth '11 b ways, but will save the de- had as her guests, Sunday becoming more typical with Sch00, I IS a g\,lnner m th~ noon Th's ser . e. a partment so e money." afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. far~ers every day. Glenn company. He entered the fare~ II I art Vice ~h Army in January, 1954, com-. . e p. y or e mmBillie Villars and family of Marcollet out on Utica Road pleded basic training at Fort ~~~fnt~: ::!~in~nto:t~:~ :~ Dayton, Mrs. Pauliine VillarS, butc'hered a calf and decided of Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs. that he W9 uld ·sell ·the hide. Knox, Ky., al1~ arrived in the members taken in in the n ast Harveysburg ,News Canal Zone In September, tw L' d' da Th p . 1. Funeral services for Charles Gordan, of Morris- He shipped the hide to Cin1954. . mo~ suObje~ts f:rsihe d:y Mrs. Ida Mae Collins aged ville. . cinJ1~ti by motor frei.ght, and , be "Paul's Farewell to the 71, were held at 10 :00 a.m. ~3. Mr. and Mrs. ~arley recelyed , the followmg note . B d S I Ephesian Elders" in the Tuesday at Stubbs Funeral S!D~th of. New .1Burhngton, pe,!cIle~ on. the back of the Sa vlngl on S Q ei morning service 'and "Final- Home with buril'll in Miami vIs~ted With fmmds here, freight. mVOlce l ' ,Hit 'Ten-Year Record Iy, Brethren, FalTewell" will Cemetery. The Rev. Otis Sunday.. ~,. Dear, . ' . be ·the evening sermon title Rich officiated. ' ~4, Sizemores . . 'ervlce Sta- . W~ Just received your hide . We expect to be moving to Mrs. Collins died Saturday tion located at the edge .of an~ It ~ost us $~.96 fO.r the (Peak) Mr. LaRue Van Arsdale, Custar, Ohio next Wednes- at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Harveysburg, wa.s ~roken m- truck bill. The hide welg~ed Chairman. Warren County day to ,t ake up the,work with Dayton, after an extended to late Thursday mght and a 39 pounds at 5 cents WhICh . Savings Bonds. Committee, the church there. We want illness. . sum of money was sto!e~. w~uld be the . exact amount t04ay reported that, nation- to express ,our appreciation Survivors inc Iud e -two T~e Vf ~l'ren 9qu~ty Sheriff s of the trqck bIll. . wide, the sales 9f Series E' to , the "church for all their daughters, ' Mrs. Sterling In- ~flce IS lDvesbgatmg the rob.' ?urs ~rUIY', . and H Savings Bonds set a kindnesses and cooperation, gals. of Greenfield and Mrs. bery. .Thls condltl.on IS tYPical ten year record for any three to the Waynesville school Ruth Koontz" of Lebanon; WIth many so called by prod~ ' month period. . Sales in the staff for their fellowship and two sons, CalvJn, of Lebanon ucts that ,Packers ~sed to sell first three moriths, through-, recognitions ,in their activi- and Maurice, of West CarNOTIC:E and rt;ahze part o.f the e out the United States, were ties, to the business men for rollton: .1~ ~randchildren On May 9th ilR Franklin pe~~e mt~uymg tDlmaJs apd in excess of one and a half their many accomodations and 8 greatgrandchildren. and May 10th in Lebanon ge ~1 e mea rea y or billion dollars' wit~ the total and courtesies', to the doctors 2. Ml'. and Mrs.; Uerbel't the r,lobile X-Ral" Unit wnl mar e . . • . , amount outstandmg now and other professional men T. Doster visited Sunday, x-ray . Uudent•. und·. achool * . amounting to nearly 89 bU- for their considerations and with their 'iOn-in-law and peraopneifrom 9:30 to 11:30 .. Watch for spittelbugs and lion dollars. ' Net sales oYer- ki~dnesses, and to our many. daughter, Mr. and free. And ~:rom 12,30 alfalfa aphjds this week. shadowed redemptions by friends in all the churches Harry Cline, Jr., and family, Ito 3:30 p.m. the 11lDit wnl be Last week in this column, we $408 miUion, cOJllpared with and in the communityin'gen- of M~rion. "The , Dost f,8 available for food hand len cal'ded the materials and ,242 million excess of sales era1. We will always re- rire aocompanied by their x-ray. at the pri~;:e of $1.00 BJnounts to use. If you don't over redemptions in January- member Waynesville' with other soh and family, the each. The unit ,wiill be aet up have it handy, give me a call March, 1964. . kindly f~ellnp. James !boaters of Center- in front of the .(fily ~all in at 2-1891 in Lebanon. _. Sales in Ohio for March PrIce Roberts, Minister. ,me. both cJti~. .' Continued on Page 2, Col. 1

4., News








Thursday April 28,



NOTtC. O. APPOINTMINT .....lItntor


Estate of Ruuell D. Surface Dec'd. Notice is hereby given that Eatabllahed February. 1850 Emma F. Surface whose Post Offic,~ address is R. 2. Waynesville, DON MOORE -- - .-~-- -- ---- ~. - - - ____ __ Edltor and Publlaher Ohio has been duly appointed B. MOORE -- - -.--_________________ __ _____ , _____ ___ ASlcolate Editor Administratrix of the Estate of - Russell D. Surface late of Warren COlunty. Ohio. deceased.Publlal1ed Every Tburada.y Morn.\ng , ..... lOated this 28 day o~ March, at Waynesvtlle. Warren CQlHlty. Ohio. • 19li6 Entered as second clasB matter at '0. D~nald Dilatush. Atty. the postoffh;e at WaynelVUle, Ohio. . RALpH H. OAREY. llnd~r tbll act ot Marcb 3, 1878. Judge 'ot the Probate Court. . Warren County. Ohio . .


subscription ltatel'-$2. Per Year, ~ advance, In Ohio; ·'l!.6~ elseft'here

THURSDAY •.APRIL 28, 1955 Extension Not. Continued from Page 1 Strawberries in Max are inviting to spittelbugs which stunt plants and nelps to produce "button. berries". Spray or dust with methoxychlor just before the blos&oms open. This will also work on your rose bushes. •• • If you have been troubled with wire worms in bottom fields, ask your fertilizer dealer to have some aldrin mixed in. It will cost approximately $2.00 per acre. but can return s~veral bushels of , corn more. It must be ordered in ad"ance and can't be stored because it has a tendency to "set up"Jf stored very long. . Get your regular fertilizer delivered as soon as you can. Don't wait until the last minute or you may not get the

analysis you want or the amount.. • • Several people have called about pond scum. Best thing so far is still copper sulfate or blue stone. Use it at ·the rate of .8 pounds per acre foot. What is an acre foot? Well. if you have a pond an acre in area and it is one foot deep. you would have one acre foot. ~aturally our ponds are slopmg so you have to estimate the size ,and average depth to get the amount. Pulverize the blue stone into a powder and put it in a porous cloth bag. Use a fishing pole. boat or any means you can devise to pull the bag back and· forth through the , water until the blue stone has disappeared. This should discourage the growth of the scum alge and not haFm fish, COMING ·EVENTSJuly 2S-24-14en's Camp

FERRY C':!URCH OF CHRIST Byron Carver. Mlnlater Bible School, 9: 30 a. m. . MornlDg Worship. 10:30 a, m. Prayer- Meellng, 7: 00 p. m, Young People's Meeting. 7:00. Evenln/: Services. 7:90 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST

LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. E, Baugbn. PutOl' . Untried Service. 9:.6 a. m. ST. MARY'S EPI8COPAL Tbe Rev. Samuel N. Keys. Rector Sunday: Holy Commulon, 7:30 L m. Churcb School, 10:00 a. m . . Adult WorahlP: 11 .09 a. m.

UTic~ E.U.B. CHURCH William Channon, Minister. Sundlly Scbool 9 :<10 a. m.. Mr }Iarley Thomas. Supt. Preacblag, every othel Sunda, 11':46 a. m. EvenJng' Servlce, first Sunday In montb.

Price Roberts. Minister Bible Scbool at 9:30 a. m. Mornlng-Worsblp at 10:30 a. m. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEND8 Evening Worship at 7:30 p. m. Charles Roberta. Minister. Prayer 'Meetlng each Wednesday Chai'1es Stanley. Supt. evening. Worshl" Service, 10 :to m. Sunday Sclloul. 11 a. m. OREGONIA EVANGELICAL U. B William Leier. ' Minister Sunday School. 9 :30 R. m., Frank ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH wartzel. Supt. Rev. Jobn 'Berning, Pastor. Morning Worship. 10:30 a. m. MAsses 8:15 and 10 :00 a. m. youth Fellowship, bl-weekly, 6:30 p. m., Mr8. '" lima Gibbs. Youth director. LEBANON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CbrlsUun Science services are held every Sunday mornJng at 10 Highland Ave. at 11 o'cleck. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Sunday school at the same bOUT RJlymond L. Mozena, Minister . Testimony meetings 1st Wedne,,' Sunday ' School, 9 : 30 a. m., E. day evening ot each montli at 8. A. Earnbart, Supt. Worship' Service. 10 : 30 a. DI . SUNliMY RADIO PROGRAMS: . Evening Service. 7.30 p. m. WSAI- 8: 46 a. m. WINQ-S: 00 a. m. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF WPFB- 4: 00 p. m. "THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Harveyaburg . CHURCH OF CH~IST Rev. ThomlUl Larison, Pastor. Bible study, Thursday. 7:30 p.n;I. Main and Miami Streeta Cbrlst's Ambassadors, Saturda.y Sunday: Bible Study, 10 a. m . . 7.30 p. m. . , Communion. 10.4F a. m. Sunday Sc'bool. Sunday. 10:00 Preacblng, '11:00 a. m. a. m. Sunday evening, 7.80 p. m. Morn ing Worship, Sunday, 11:15 Wed. eVllnlng Bible Study 7:30. s. m. . Evangelistic Service, Sunday, WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS First Day 8cbool, .9:80 a. m.. 7:00 p. m. Everyone welcoma. Meeting tor WoralUp. 10:80 a:m. ~--~~--~----~~----


Anlllial Report of the Clerk of tbe ' Villa,e of Waynenine. Warren OlUo for the Fi,"l Year endin, December 31, 1964. I hereby certify the ·following report to' be carrect. Maty Stansberry. Vi1lllge Clerk S,cbedule A-I Summar,. of Fund Balance •• Receipt. ,n~ Ellpenditure. B.a.nce J.... 1 Receipb Ellpenditur.. B.1. D __ 31 General Fund $ 977.16 ' $11,440.91 $10.301.67 $ 2.116.49 Auto License • Street Repair Fund 781.20 2.676.97 8.289.48 . 117.74 Gasoline Tax Street ,, 226.84 4.616.05 8.924.24 Ftepalr Fund 817.66 Totals General Village 2.460.07 18.107.06 ~'unds 2.626.00 18,041.12 8,340.97 12.186.20 Water Works Fund 886.01 14.691.16 .00 4.342 .44 :::Iewer Fund 4.842.44. 8arutary Sewer 9.969.21 . 2.314.43 8,628.76 3,744.88 Revenue nond Retirement ·2,624.88 1.194.00 1,149.89 Fund flanitary Sewer 4,062.26 8.086.60' 6.268.91 8'14.84 nond & Interest INremen's Indemnity 1.130.28 Fund 1.180.28 . Grand T~tal of All Funds 16,822.93 (Olerk) 16.022.89 '4 8,674.84 48,874.40 Treasurer's Cash . . 16.489.28 Balance ' 666.46 Outstanding W~rrants ~rotal Cash Balance. $16.489.28 December 81 • .1964 l~cbedule B.l Summar,. of Receipt. .' l~operty Taxes---General Fund $ 6.174.66 Bond Retirement & Sinking Funds 1,149.89 $ 6.324.44 ~rotal Property Taxes IDlrarette Tax 278.44 2.188.74. ;State Motor Vehicle Tax 8.710.00 IGasoline Tax 1,182.86 Jrnheritance Tax 2_..6 00 .00 :Salea Tax &; Financial Inatltutlorts 81.76 ILocal Licenses &; Permits 'fotal Llcen~a & Permits Fines " Costa 20.00 !Renta " In~ereat-General V:U\aare Funds 1.005.00 Water" Light Funda ;rotal Interest Miac. Feea, Sales" 624,98 General Vfllage " Other Fund. 624:98 Total Mlae. Fees. -sales &; Obal'rea :Publlc Service Enterprises. Water Rentala etc.18.68S.1S Sewer Rental " Mlal!. • 8.628.76 22,214.92 Total Public Service Enterprises 6.263.91 From Reven~e FuJld 548.6'14.84 Grand Total Receipts _ Schedule B-11 Summar,. of EllpeJlclltllre. . . ColQ~n 1 Column 2 . Operation 4 N_ Maintenance eoutraction a: Equip.• etc. $ 460.00 General Government-Legislative 2.874.65 Gen.,ral' Executive 267.26 ElectIon 866.99 Buildings 8,467.79 Total General Government 1.677166 Protection to Person & Property-Police 400.46 Fire Building 99.99 . Inspection Total Protection to Person & Property . 2.078.10 Health-Total 264.116 Sanitation-General Village 'F unds 967.60 Charity•. Etc.-Poor Relief & Care 296.87 10,960.0'1. Highways--General Village . Funds Public Service Enterprises--Water Works 8,026.08 . $ 2.493.85 Sewer 1..7'11.08 1,259.85 Sewer Rental & Misc. 6,006.86 6,624.73 Total 'Public Service Enterprises . 18,082.89 Miscellaneous--General Village Funds 101.96 Misc. & Bond 1,004.00 Total Miscellaneous l,l.96.96 Interest--General Village Funds 166.32 Bond Retirement & Sinking Funds 294,00 Total Interest . 469.32 Total Expense .& Qutlay 32.603.26 Outlay-Total of Column 2carril:d to Column 1 5,624.78 Bonds & Loans Paid-General ViUage Funds 1.60,0 .00 Bond Retirement & ~inking Funds '. 900.00 .Total. Bonds & lJoana Paid 2,400.00 To Bond & Interest Acct. ' 8.692.60 Bal. of Acct. to. operatblg ac.c t. 2,6'11.41 . Interest on Bonds 2,082.60 Grand Total Expenditures $48,874.40

P. M.



aeJMa ..

METHODIST CHURCH Dale Limbert, I\UnJster Ohurch Scbool. 9:80 a. m., Mr. Herbert McMUlan. Supt. ~/or8hlp ·Service. 10:80 a. IP· , Youth Yellowsslp Sunday 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice Thur&aay 8.00.


. A.....nllfr.t. Es~te of J. T. Gray• .De cealed. NEW STORE HOURS . Notice Is hereby gtyen that 9r • ....",,,, ,,,,.,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,... Vllle J. ' ~ra)T whose Post Office Address 18 Waynesville, Ohio been duly appointed as Adminlstrator of the Estate of J. T. Gray . late of Warren County. Ohio, d~WILL BE OPEN ceaae d'd tbi 9.i f A ,I 196" Date a oay b pru. ... EY..... J d R:AfLPhHpH. bOARtC u ge 0 . t e ro a e ou,:". Warren County. OblO 9:00 Meryl B. Gray. Atty. "


At 7:00 1'11111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111,..' . ..tllllllllllll111111111111111111 1IIIIIIIIIIh••

Eyes Examined HOURS: 9 to 11:45 a . .m.

1t05p.m. Except' Wedneaday P. M. Above Woolw.,rth'a 5 and 100 Store

Telephone 2--430 I

Dr Carl E. Wilk I



"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Live' 'Wire and PrOlrealllve An O..,anizatlon SecODd To NODe. Strilltly Sellers OD the 'B..t All Around Market In ,the Gountr.J . 8ERVICE THAT 8ATI8FIES For Dally Market Reports: WLW, Cincinnati. 12:25 wPFB, Mlddl~to\Vn, 11;.!j WOKY. Cincinnati. 12:15 WKBV, RIchmond, Ind., 12:80 (Elastern Standard Time)


SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our hlgh-gl;ade Nut Machines ' In this area. No selling! To quaWy for work you -must have car. ref" erences; $66 - cash, secured· by . hiventory. "


Devoting 6·8 hours a week to business, your end on percentage of colletc\ons will net up to $400 mOl1thly with very good JlO88lbUities of taking over full time. In- , come increasing accordingly. For . Interview, .include phone number in application. Write P. O. Box 161, Columbus, Ohio.


December 81. 1964 ASSETS Portion Bal. Bond Retirement $6,677.18 MOJ<tgsge Revenue Total Sinking . . Watet: Works F1!nd Assets '· 6,677.13 (RegUlar) 3,300,00 Bal. Operating & , Total General & Utility Oons. Funds 8,116.47 11,000.00 BondeiJ Debt Grand Total ~ts ' . Outstanding Special Asseaament Deeecber 31, 1964, $14,692.60 Bonds & Notes (Payable by LIABILITIES Special Allllessment) . Outstanding · General Bonds S~eJ' 69,000.00 (Payable by .General Taxation) Grand Total Debt Dec. 81 Sewer (Village . 1964 ''10,000.00


Free Estim~tio~



Inquire af Thelma', Lunch Phon~ ~

Oall After 11:00 P. M


April 28, 1955



W.rren Cou~ly: Ohio


Chimney Blo~k ,' Concrete Bloc~ . Roek Face Bialek Waterproof Cement stc-.I Sash and Paint Cement and Mrortar GI ••• Drain Tile ' Building supplle. . SHEEHAN RD. P. O. BOX 342 CEltTERVltLE, OHIO

home free~ar or locker



the ~.c.1 Y.. , Indlna December 11. 1954 Popul8tlon 1.272, 1950 Total 8ala1'les and Wages Paid Durin~ the ' Year .1954 . . ... . ..... $8,974.16 Tax Valuation .... ",684,269.00 Tax Levy •J' J • • • • • • • • • • • • $4.20 Investments Owned ." . . ... None W.yn..vllle, OhIo April 21, 1955 I hireby certify the following reort tq be correct. MAYNARD F. WELTZ Town!jhjp Clerk

Wholesale and Retail TRY OUR HOME KILLED


IIEell"S, "

General Property Tax $21.102.99 Sales Tax ........ . .. 400.00 Gasoline Tax . ,., .... 6;800.00 Inheritance Tax ..... 648.23 Cilearette Tax ....... 98.47 Miscellaneous ReceiptB 369.20 Ins. Claim ....... . 99.00 Corwin Corp. . ... . Beer and Liquor Lic. Tax 0.10 Rebate .. " ..... ,. . .









, PHONE 21f1 · We Serve W,aynelvllle and Surrounding Are •• · TRY US' the . NEXT Time YOU Need a Taxi.

®ft,fiii\ I)

~®fi)ijjN ~ ~


Sun. & Mon. -

May 1.2




4%-I.;.ONG TERM No Repayment , Re.trlellon. ' FULL INFORMATION AT

LeL.Inon • aIIHII FI.. Loal 3~3 N. Broadwav, Ptlone ~8611 LEBAN.ON, OHIO ELI:.18 H. STURM, 8eo'y-Tre...

................." ....... ,.,~


Mueller CO.I and 011 " Furnac..

women's department of the Ohio Council of Churches. Theme of this year's observances will be, "Tbe Re-' sponsible Christian Family," whidh links the day to National FamUy Week, May 1 to 8, and its theme, "Open Your Home to God:' Studies of communities to reveal 'un met needs ate part of spring projects or many local UCW councUs, and offerings taken at the May Fellowship Day services go into funds .to support united action on some 'local problem: Half of the offerings go to UCW of Ohio · to sUPPQrt state-wide Christian work by the women's groups. Last year about two-thirds of the more than 10.0 local UCW councils in the state dbserved the da " which is designed to bring church women together for fellowghip and to promote greater unjty . and understanding.

¥en'l Property Tax ... 2,688.26 Stokerl and Converalon Bume ... Qtal Receipts. . . . . .. . 2.688.26 SERVICE and INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES PAYMINTS Interest on Bonds and Notes .......... . . Band and Notes Retired ... , ... Total Payments . .. .. . I

• ••

Fumace Repair




296.00 2,200.00 2,496.00

Carl B. Frye , R. L. Ryerson North Street and . Dayton Road Phone Waynelvllle 8274

"'111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" Waynesville Locker Plant ~ . Bal. Jan 1, 1964 .(Cl~rk's) . stock-Par vatue $50.00. Wilt Road Funda ....... 2,208.79 II f $45~ 00 per share f or Gen'l Tw-p. Funda •. 8,461.19. se , or , . Bd. Ret. Sink. Funds 766.44 quick sale. Stocl< certificates Total of All Fonds. 6,420.42. b k 5 R Recelpts ,During Year available at an. ee OSS Road FuuCia ...... : 19,111.66 Hartsock Gen'l Twp. Funds .. 11,060.78 _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Bd., Ret. SllIk. Funds 2,688.26 Total of All Fonda .. 82,866.69 Total Receipts and Bal. , . Rod Funds ....... 21,816.84 aen'l 'I'wp. Fonds .. .14,611.97 ·Bd. Ret. Sink. Funda 8,448.70 Total 01 Al IFunds .. 89,276.01 Payments During Yep.r ; Road Funds ....... 17,770.40 Gen'l Twp. Funds .. ~01612.27 Bd. Ret. Sink. Fonds 2,496.00 Total of All Funds.. 8~,877.~,7 , Bal. Dee. 81, 1964 (Clerk a) Road Funds •.... , . ' 8·,644.94 Gen'l Twp. Fonda .. 8,899.7(J 968.70 Bd. Ret. Sink. Funds Il'otal of All Funds.. '8,898.8 Outstanding Warrants, Dec. 81. '64 (Add), Gen'l Twp. Ji1unds .. Total of All Funds . . Bal. In' Deposi~ory, Dec. 81. 1964' F.uncl4 •••.... 3.644.94 Road Gen'l ~. Funds ,.. ' 3,901.70 Bd. l\et. Sink. Funds ,', 968.70, Total of All Funds . . 8.400.84 _ OUIITAHDING D••T General Debts for-;2,666.66 No~ ,........... . Pireliouse Bonds .. . 7,000.00 Fire Apparatus Bdl!•• 4,800.00 Total General Debt.. 14,466.66 14,488.66 Total Tn. D•

.,t ...

Thursday, May 5 "Lucky Family Ni,ht" A, Carfull for Two (2) Adult Admissions

0' A II .S

WaJDe,ville Healing



Office In Twl~ Theatre Building

Packing , At Corwin

619.05 ....N............N........""·. N.... ' ....~ .... ,.~ ......................................-.,...




Kelly Bros.


Total Town Hall ... 619.06 Fire ProtectionPurch, Fire Equip . . 1,013.98 Otber Fire Protection ElCpenses ........ 2,690:02 Total Fire Protection 8,604.00 Health-Taxes withheld for Dist. Bd, Health. 1,0,64.98 Histhwaya-New Rd. Oonst. Labor & Mat'rls.. 8,8'24.47 Rd. Maint. and Rep. Labor &. Mat'rls .. 12,987.69 Rd: Mach & Tools .. 1,608.84 Total Highways ... 17,1770.4~ M1aeellaneoua General St,\pp1ies .•. 1,168.80 Memorial Day Exp.. 26.00 Deduction by Co•. Auditor For Elections ... . . . • 280.00 - Pol' Work.(lomp. ,.. IID.GIl For Adv. Delinquent Lands ......•... 29.21 Bureau of Inspeet.. 174.64 Total Miae. . ..... ' . 1,806.62 Total Paymenfa ..... 28,882.67

t. .A.'s (AB

'0; Drive Out


Genl Executive Services , Compo of Truiltees .. $ 2,626.00 Compo of Clerk .... 868.68 Exp. of Trustees and Clerks . .. .. 89.04 Total Gen. Ex. Serv,; 3.627.62 Town HallMaint. & Rep. . .


Call Us




WUsOD Concrete Producls


NOTICE OF AP'OINTMENT Admlnkt,.to, , Estate of Otto Boerner Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Marie Boerner whose Post Office address is R. R. 1, Waynesville, Ohio, has been duly appointed as Executrix of the Estate of Otto Boerner late of Wan'en County, Ohio, deceased . . Dat'ed thilJ 11 day of Ajiril, 1966. Paul Ziegler Atty. 620 Gas & Elec. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. c • JMLPR H. CAREY' Judge'of the Probate Court WalTen County, Ohio ,



NOTICE 0' APPOINTMENT Admlnhtrlltor . Elltate of O'scar E. Smith Deceased Notice Is hereby given that ~1~5~~i~i Leola .W. Smith whoae Post Oifice " address Is .Waynesville, Ohio has been duly appointed as Executrix of the Estate of Oscar E" Smith, late of Warren Oounty, Ohio, dee, . ceased. " Dllted this 21 day of April" 1966. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of the Probate Court .. W....en County, Ohio C. Donald DIl~t~Bh, ,Atty; .....;:;::;;:~;;;;;;::;;;.;:;;;;;;:::;:::::;:;:::-'-:"::'._ ,


***** •• *** •••••• ***•••••

and Stay, Late

GOOD JOB PRINflNG Can Be Obtair:ted at the Gazette

See Three Shows FOT The Price of One

Il ...................................'


*•• u .•••'u •• **••• u ,•• u*



May Fellowshil' Day Scores



cards or


Advertise in THE GAZETIEI

of communities Phone 3918 To Pllce a CI"alfled 1Fh~OdUghOMut Oh iO WilMI,obseFrvle ...._."."""."" •• "~,.,,. rl ay, I ay 6 ,as ay e -, , lowship Day. LlIIncheons, · NOT ICE I , worship services, teas and CAR'TER'S .all,day meetings will be Rubber Stamp among the events, all SpOll' sored by local councils of P~d.· United Church W o~nen affiliPu~ple or Black ated with UCW of Ohio, the ...;.'.........__........... , ....

Thursd ay April 28, 1955


,,,... 3913 To "ace Your ('assHi." Her. TIr. Cost Is SlIlra" ••- 3 limes 'or a bollar




MEA TS , ~rfect condition. cali Leb~lon . ' VILLA FOODS -eWHITE phcme Day m. p. 6 after 4-2217 West DeLuxe 8-lnch FOR' SALE-2 . . ' 2-1029. Lebanon adCor ern Flyer Bicycle, Pur~bre Home 'of Fine Foods WARREN BRADDO~ JiREAD, PIES, D TO BUY-L arge fa;; Ram, 1 year old. DAVID WANTE ly preferab S, ROLLS 8AND, GRAVEL and TOP SOIL. riedale Dayton CAKE of south Free deli ~ ery, Mornin gs BEAL, Phone Waynesville 2641. D. JolWon , 605 VVy· W. -edrury. 24 -(St)-3c--3-10 . EXCAV~TING and and Afterno ons . dmlng St., Dayton 10, Ohio. White - - - D':lMP TRUC~ SERVICE ' FOR SALE- 6 Duck Hens, ' Peklns. $1.25. Small huUes8 pop- WANTE D-Gard en S~ARS GRO CERY Phone Wayneavllie 3329 acre) In or neat COl'n, 10e per pound. Phone 2982. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO •••• "".". ,.,......... ., ........... X-8-17 .Contact Ralph Adkins, ville. .......... . BAN K RUN GRA VEL--L oadeil ........ ..., ..................,.............. FOR SALE- Electric stove; allto· at Davis Furnas Pit. We also MALE HELP WANT ED., 9x12 rug; slde- . . washer; maUe - FOR . ARMIT AGE &. SON d r (swmg . BOOKKEEPER and Ottlce Retail 'board; porch fUrniture, elver. chest; antique i chairs) 5 tf "'ales position . Farm background and Phoro e 209 t. ' kitchen table and 2 chairs; 2 odd C aJ 1 Permane nt. necessary. W a t ~r LI nea WELL DRILL lNG. and Waynesville 2961. tor Interview hose garden chalrs;,' Idtchen 0-3-17 - -- - - - -- - - Septi c Tank a 'and tools. Mrs. Murry 4th atapma n, WATER WELL DRILLI NG-Ele e Leach ing' LOlnell '. . 2473. phorie HOUSE S FOR SALE trlc . Pumps Installed. LONZEL - -. -3 20'1' cottage, m N-5-roo SPARKS, Route· 73. Waynesville. CORWl Instal led ' . bedrooms, good well, 3 adjoin- FOR SALE: X-9-5~9·55 Ohio. B L. ' B one. this with go lots Ing Found ations Dug . oy s. arge icycle, Leady CORWIN - 4·room cottage with REAL ESTAT E-In., 18 in, and 38 In. Wide 12 r shoulde and stand With Drum good well. cistern; lot 6OX140. . County in.peete d ryUlm and book lesson dern 6-room brick strap; WANTED. TO BUY - Large Farm L~BANON-Mo . records for beginne r business from blocks 2 located dairy. ly preferab Dayton. ot Boutll . . section. Fl.lmace, garage. $7000 W. D. JOHNSON. 605 WyomIng MrS: Harold Earnhar t. Ui' for quick ~ale. . Stre&t, Dayton 10, Ohio. Phone 2265 -after 5 l.m. Oregon, . Rt. 1 Phone 2.-1218 t.eb c- S-17-(3 t)-3.31 Call Harold Banta, ON WORK...:lJ~~=~~~~~~~~ ....:': ••:...:••:': ...':...:.: ......: ...:...':...:'...:.: ....:.:...:....:.: ille, Tele_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MAN REALTY. Waynesv , MUSICAL INSTR UMEN TS- phone 3672, TELEPH ONES: SPRIN G SPECIA L ONE Chevrol et flat bed tl'uck. . . ' SVILLE 2091 grain bed stock racks and loadWAYNE FOR ·SALE-P ilmo. upright. GEO. ing chUte! 2 speed axles All new A regular $1.50 Grease Job . LEBANON OfflC8 2·10r ll HENDERSON. Phone 8622. ch~Lnge oil every with 99c for after 4-2217 Lebanon tires. Call R... SIDENCE 3-2811 . 0-8-17-21 6 p. m. Day phone Lebanon 2. MyRRO\V No.13 . Polishe d &. Washed Cars L GRAVE 1029. and SAND TAILORING For Men lind women. . ONE Super M Farmall IntemaMRS. BUTLER. Phone 2491. BLACK·TOP DR,VE S BOB'S TEXCO STATI ON e-8·3-(3t~-3·11 . tlonal Tract?r, one year old. in . , SAND GRAV EL-

EXCAVAT.I N'G Cislerns, Drain Dilches



Armitage &Son and ROAD .Oll

TAR Riders Wanted: LAWN and FILL DIRT From Waynesvill~ and 13ellREADY.1~lIX CONCR ETE brook to Area "B", Wright ~CAVATING and DUM,P TRUCK SERVICE Field. 7:45 to 4:30. Call ......_ ' - 4_ _- - . ) Mrs. John Currey, KE Till, " .....................' - 4_ _ _ _................................................ Typholcl (Jle&II Pullorum from ChIcks Started and Day Old ext. 21106 or Waynes'Vi.lle trlook., Str....t Run. $12.00 AND UP pm 100 3322. . B. I. White Boclw, White Wyando ttes, New HampU lre Bed., ... 1IaD Wldte aad Black aI, BrahaDI and d Llgbt washe Bed., being now Cars PULLE TS D~Y OLD, f18.60 ..... up per lumdred $18.&0 Phone MIIlI..- . . polished at Belcher's Service 884.8 Qerman tG_ Street. . Deyton 8, Oblo . Station ,by Ronnie H~ron. 6539 $1 ~25 plain, $1.50 . white watl tires. :.=:.:~-. Will the person who tqok the ladder from benind Fraizer's Store please rE~tur.n WAY NESV ILLE , OHIO cOhtact Mr. D. E. St,andiCOMPL ETE BANKI NG SERVIC E ford. THAT GOOD TEXAC Q GAS AND OIL Cars ate now being w~lshed . Establis her 1875 Servic:e r Sinclai Jone's at SORIES ACCES ONE LUB~ICATING SERYICE - FIREST Richard and David Scherer. Mon. thru Fri., 4 to 6 IP. 'M. Sat, Sun., 9 A., M. to 6 P. M. Prices:-$1.50, $2.00 for . WAYNESVILLE . ' white sidewalls.

a... Up per 1110 · 'allels Da, Old MElro" . MIDWEST HATCHERIES CHICKS


Bo b Se rvi s

IUJOIllUJIIIUlMI.U.~Il.UlmUl1!t.. **~**.*~**~****=***~***~**=**=**~**'**~** A· ·dRIIIJIII ~*~**~**and*~**~**~ .'*=:*~****~*~***ERS E Y U ..-UIIII&-' STAPLES At the MIAMI GAZETTE ,Get· STAPL .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............,.Jfo j

. The Gre.lesl ,Slor, E,er Wrillen


.For Comp lete


KE ID RIC K Lebanon 3·12.11

COMPLETELY EQUIPPEO Covered Truck-Insur,ed ..... ..... ...owHtI daou aot .y power II to ""GUy tIlee' Je.u.! Aa8.w erecl s _0\1 GOUlde.' . bave DO power, e.cept lt were qlvea !r01D above •••



8'e MODERN- See MODERN Your Modern Money Man is waiting to hear how : much cash you need. Just call' ... and the money will be _ wai~ing for you to pick. up at Modern Finance. ·Modern loans SSO to $1,000 (0 • 'IIOOIIN&OMIS " married or single men and women lOW ·'AWMINI lO." 'o n car, (urnitu re or signatu re. Even if you have a loan some:: ..:-:..t-l place else, you can get money at $ 5.17 100 $ Modern . Your Modern Monev 16.70 300 ... Man says yoUr credit is okay (f t6.IO , 500 payr:me on bought ever you've 41.69 1000 ments or had · a charge account. =-~-='-=..So why wait. When you need money . . . Be Modem • . .


;on' Myrotl of ' Lebanon, MrS. Ohio lannon h~ the Fedeml A1lCe ClOt! and Son Kenlletb, ,Land Bok ot touhmUe let a new

Mr, ' and 'M ", W. ren She~h.n. .o-year reeoN intoanl 'durint April • d • M d whim ita J(lftC-term '"ftnt ~rtaaae Mrs. Alvin ~amhart. JI, an Jou" 'made .t6 falTllen , ill 01110, Mrs. W.alter Sh~han .ncS·Mr:. ll1l11a"I, :KehAlcky 'b~ 1 T• .,neuee, to all;'a Sheehan. Altman Sbec~ amOUDt4M! to ",100,000, ~~rts dp 80

han, .Wif~ a. da\l,bte~ Will aoo\, M. ·8. x,,",eciy, piell.dent of the ~h, KllllJlIlrd Jcdb for' 11 ne.... bue Aear B,l· , . . " pirlso Plor da, wllere ~e 'will Aprfl1Q8 the 'SCICOpd eonaecuUve l be *UOPed until lato 'autumn. montltin whleh the bank h"" J~aned ing f,or ft->b .... - .l.. Centur ""ub hetd ,. IIlflUon Or more, The lalt time toll with I e ...... w Y ~~ t. ' the baJik bad 'made 4~nlat thll -Thompson th~ .April meet"', at e ~eau· rate".. iD October, 1984, wbfn~, Saturday.' tiful country 110m. of n. Kel· F.......l Land ~anlt System helped ·A Mother. ler Hoak 00 FtId~y atternoonttlirU the, tide from depressIon to preseJl~ ~t ...... a larcc attendance ot recovery by refinancing foreeloBure. Sunday. All ~."I'$ ....nd pests. , ~meatened farm Joana by the thous- glyen bouquets; , 'I'l.. Pres Mrs. "h'a' T"ornp ~nds. , ... :rob. and Mts, •...,..

d '''''d .... ' busln-s , In the, fit8t tour months of 195~ as their guests, ..........~.

con u...,.. : "t~el ... , th~ LouiSville bank made 1,58~ loans <Mrs. (John _~III, .hlS roll Ia 1 w~ .11 ~ .tor $! 2,658,lQO in ita !Qur.state --'''_ by .lhahy' Inter_Ing re- al~t,ri~t. In tbf~ four-l'llIlJ.1th period , on tile vado" topte.l ~64 Ohio farmers ,r eceiyed, loana J K' PreSton, Mrs. amountfrt(r to, f4,266,800, ao;.don· and MIss Roth The Fe)Setal 14~1i Bank is coop· ===:._" . In ch~e owned. by borrClwlng fat..> _re a of the, erattvely men through th~ir local national' BE 1-T v"u,,,,r.UI .... M , ~d as farm loan auoctatlo~s, The loeal 01 ....


~ ;



ra. ames

=~II~~~:;"Come Mrs. Miller ,ae.

adnrtlaing prolfl'llm of the IlII8OC- -Stet. ~ Qkl iatJon. &Ild the ~nk, eoupled with Sectt ; , 'J'h0lt a""ur pe~~ anllutllntel't'llt raj;e Vll o~ ~ . .... appnilal. v.Jue4 that IDOre AI""''1: ~o!:~a

Caro18off" It a __ I ........eaI11 '"" ""out o! loaD ~


CIt the farm,

hlll.lll11tao;;l . .


and Mrs. tertaiite~

a pat1 fJf a f.amily g .. a~ degrees 26' W. 33 feet, more , Range 6, and ing on Friday evening at. , or leli. to 'the place of begln~ lleri~ aI lollo...,.: home of the forner, honormg . nlng, containing Ten and five , Beglnnln~ at point in the Sheehan hundred and eight thousandths A'irman %- Dkhard present Corporation dne 'of the ~~ ' (10.608) Aeres, Villaae of WayneSville where who recently. returned from aecura~ map of which territoI'Y, Japan, and is spending sev~ral together w1~h the petition 'fo-r its the center line of Sixth Street extended jnteneets the North w~ks wltb his fall!i1y, During ." pointJ in the \>reaent qorporline ' of the Waynesville and tt.'" evening all enjoyed seeing, atioD' line, theDce ' with the Franklin Road ana ' running piehlres, , in color, of the vari· present COrpGJ,'ation line N, thence with tile present Cor· t~ • K . . d Japan 6' degrees 08' W, 270 feet, poratio" line and the North ous p...ces ~m ore a an 'more or less, to ~ ~int.; tben¢e lIne:of said Roa4, N. 58 'degrees ~bete h~ was stat\~n.ed for .•tm. with tlfe present Corpor. 15' W, 242 !eet, mo,e or lesl, year. Re.freshment! :of ICe I aUon 'line S, Ii5 deg1;eea 26! W, to a point in ,tile We~t tine of and alee were: sereed .tone: (5) S. 8B degrees 05' lands of 'Milo Beal as per Deed 'following g~ts: ' W. 736 feet, more or le8s, to a •etreet ana be in fol'Ce from and ~ the earUelIt period allowed ~y '·la". . R*1ph Belcller President' 01 Council ,Passed thll .th day "{ May, 1955 A~t: Ma~ Stanlberry Clerk of Council i "..


'annexatlon and Clther )lapers reo lating thereto, and a certified tranl· cript of ·the proceed,l ngs of the county commi88lqne~ telatlon thereto are on file With the clerk of CouncU of said village, be and the ,5&Jlle is herebY "ac:eepted, . Section '2, This ordinanee shall take



neie was no on~ hurt 'but thjl ,not to exceed a 50 ~ile speed. .

. trainmen laid that they knew .the w'reck was in~vitable as SQOn as they came to that section and law the traCk ra1.sed in spots. Warning had already been given



.repair and' ThursdaY It-me attention had been ' paid to a section of it ,nd some repai~ made but the track has been In very bad condition' and extensive repair is needed.

CHURCH OF; CHRIST Byron Carver, MiDl.ter 'm 'd 00: ~dlA ' Blbl. Scbool, 9: 30 a, m, ' '1Il '. OO:S-DNIM Morning Worsblp, 19:30 a, m. 'Ill '8 ,9t:8-IVSM , Praye~ lIfe'e:lng, 7:00 p. m. • :SWVlIOOUd OltIVlll.V~lI[nS Young People'8 Meeting, 7:00. ,,' Ev ~ nlnlt Servfces, 7: 80 p, m, , '8 '11 1(1UOIII q01le )0 3UIU8A8 .&vp . lit ,sllulleelll .(uQIUI189.t • :f'IR8T CHI,IRCH OF CHRIST ·..noq 9l1l1I1 8ql 1v (0011011 1apuns 'PrIce Robert", Minister 'l(i,e(o,o n ,1i 18<\V PllUl!(SIH, Bible Scbool at 9:80 a, m, ,a 'O(lUOIII ".puns LieAe P(91( MOFning Worship at 10:80 a. m, Book 147, PWe 188/ and run. eaOlAJ91 80U810S O'lJlII.lqO Evening Worship at 7:80 p, m, nlng the~ce with the J!nes of :31:)9 NVI.l9IHH:) NONva:: n Prayer Meeting eacb WedDelday said Beallands: U) N. 32 de· eveDI,n g: . . " grees 42' E, 274,57 feet, to a stot:\e ; (2) N. 56 degrees 10' 'Ill '11 Oo:ot pllU 9t:8 S9BBIIW OREGON'A EVANGELICAL U. B W, 149.90 feet to a stone; (8) '.I01'"'d 'J'IIJ0.lea uqor '''911 No. 82 degrees 4S' E. 484,68 Leier, Minister HOlinHO 3NIJ.9nOnv ·J.S William feet to a stone : (4) S, 55 de- . Sunday SchooJ', ' !):30 a. m" Frank Swart%el. Supt, grees 50' E. 667.88 fee.t to a ' Morning Worsbip, 10:30 'a, m, Youth . FellowsblP. bi·weekly. 'W 'a It 1oolios '&ap,o ns Waynesville" Ma>; ' 6 - 'Sho1'1lll~ 6:~O p, . m,, 'Mra, . Wllm~ Gib II, ' til .(; Of '80IA.l9S dlq8.l0A\ Youth dlrectol', • after, 5 :00 , a'cioek on , Friday! Ii 'tdns 'A91u,ns 119(.l1IqO ,Penns;),lvanla Fl'l'litht train 'J918l0lW '81,I9110U lIal.l1lqo I ing F~rd Parts was ~re~ked about 90N3Ui~ )43,UtO S,YV93VO 'E:1II01>t9o\\ 8UOU9Ali! two miles south of COl'Wln. . 'Ill 'cl 00 : I. For some time about two miles of this track has been in need of 'llluoQt 'AlIpUns ;90IA.l9S- I)IlBJ(aSuv<'•.:li: ,II ,{upunS 18JIJ '91)IA~SS 3u\ultl\3 ' , 'Ill 'II , '111 'II g,. :tt 91:n" ;tupons 'dlqs.lO,A\ lIurwow iCepuns ,(sino AJ9A9 'lI ~Iq01l9~ . 'Ill 'a 'ldns 'SlllUOq.t ,{9!J'IlK 00 '(It 'All puns 'tO~qI)S ,(upuns lW "ru "1/ O.!I : 6 looqoS ,{llpun S ' 'Ill 'd OC'L 'l 91SlUJN 'a'o~OllqO aronOh\ '<'8pln11lS '8JOpU88UQlllV s,lsI.lqO, \ H:)lInHO 'S'n'3 VOIJ.n , 'lII'd 08: I. ,'AllpSJnQ.t 'Apn18 9iqll:{ . '.l01SUd '0081.11l"'1 nllloq.r, 'h911 .

'dlqs.l0M. llnpv . 'Ill 'a 00: Ot ~ 'tOOql)S qOlnl(O 'm 'v 08: L '~olanllllllo::> .&tOR :A:1!Pllns IOG09U 'S,(9X 'II[ t9nlUllS 'A9U eqJ, . 'VdOOSld3 S..'YVW ':La 'at '11 O'O' [t


D,.mQ8.(II!\J1! H

OO~ ' ::10 A'8 W'3 SSV ::I HJ. ::10 HOynHO '3dSO~ " ,n.:i . 'Ill '4 OS'L 'Ill '11 OC : Ol




•9010\.l9S dlqlJOh\.

.dnS 'l.1VI@J1!3 '.., OS: 6 'looqoS .(lIP1l1l9 .I91BIIIJN 'UU9Z0W ''] ~OOlllAllU J.SIOOHJ.31 ...."OH .J. ... "Ill


9.: 6 '91)1A.lefl , P9lnU!) . "Ol'"'d. ' '1iI 'S HOYnHO J.9100.HJ.3'" 3''&'''' F. Jacobs, ,, . HARVEVS RG I."IttEWS ' • Mr. and Ml'I. CharI s ~wiDdler.' Mr. and Mrs. Georp Du41ey .D~ 'd~ned at the Golden , :Lam~ ~UD~ JrI~ ~ea,fe ~f08t, of Columbus, were noon. ' • , " , , ~ h~re dari~ , ~~ ~, of 'ilJr. and JllraYJ, C. Moon speDt, 'Jrlr, ~d Ml'I. Qeotge FrOst and son 1)Iotbel'l Day, i~ baJt,on, as 8'U8Its Mon.tY.. " . ' , ' ,. Of IIr. aDd lin, IJle Cote ·...d f~- ' The WBCS will meet in the social lly aIIIl Jrll''-« JIi'DeIt '( h.... I'C)OIU Of , the MethoClist 'ChllldJ;, d7) Moore aD;d famil,. '1'IlW'ldat af~. • '" lin. U Bartoo ra Ul -"..lie.. . Ill'. My Coon, of U~bana, .... _. home hel'e OIl .aiD itriet. ' peat he~ SUDday of Ilia b~r'111 '11



~ W898



Ua~law and I~ter~ IIr~ ....d II.... ' ~

,I .

, ThLnday, May 12, 1955




Dec'd. Eatute at Ruaell D. Slll'faco lIfotice it .hereby given that Emina F. SlIl"fac.e whose ,Post OfWaYDesville, Eatabllahed Februal\)', 1850 flce, addrellll iB R- 2, appointe d &8 bas been duly Obib r Publlehe and DON MOORIS _______________ ~ ________ ________ Edltor ISdltor Admini stratlix of the Estate of e Aaaoclat -. --------------______ --_____ • '-__ ___ MOORE 8. Ru!!Sell D. Surface late of Warren COllnty, Ohio, deceased.~ , I~ated thia 28 day of March, _ . . . . ' ' . Mo~ng y PubUllhed ~ery Thurada • at Waynesvlllll, Warren CoUllty, Olllo. 195,6. ' C. Donald ~~pt,; , Entered ae second clus matter at the poatofflce at WaynesVille, Ohio, Judge of the ~obat'e ,Court, . Warren County. Ohio IlIider the act of March '$, 1878.

:Estate of J. T. Gray•.Dec r Notice ia bereby trlven t otf 'f9 • Ice Post ville ;.T. Gray whOlene, ~~o i ~ AddtellS ill wa:vne~ been duly appoi,nte fU T 1,IIGn Y trator of tbe Eltate 0 J • • late of Warren County, <?hio, eoe~:~ed this 9 day of April, 1966. RALPH H CAREY . Jud'ge of the Pr~bate Co~ Warren County, Ohio , Meryl B. Gray, Atty.


.•alllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllh~ NEW STORE HOURS , . . . . . ., • • , . , . , . " . . . . . .


, •••



, ' Plannin g Co~on, to , be SECTIO N 6 s ion m:r co~mlsll the er Whenev ' ed and eltel,"Ciaed as herein pe~10rm on, p1"1)vided and in accordance with a plan of the mu~clpal corpora 01' any: portion tbereof. DO public tho general ordinanc es of the At 7:00 bu~dlng or struc~re, street, boulIi.e, shall be, &8 ~olloWl: " nd, playgrou park, , parkway THURSDAY,: APRIL 28, 1955 , eVl'rd, Mapa.' a,and endatlon ~a) ReeOmM ~!~ I,IUol!lll}!!lnl.II.I!mI!!!'!I,I~~II Ii WM> sion ,hall malte, or pullllc ground, canal, river front, 'o·lrillallll. ~. vu,... • • 'T he Commis to be made, plans and mapa harbol'. dock wharf, bri~, via- lib, ahall be .t:.lten by alW offtcer or' • ca'Uae posother and clerical such create 236 NO. way, ORDINANCE of the whble or any p,ortion ot duct, tunnel, or other public approve 4 by, ~ An ordinanc e to establish a Plan- itlona U may be necessary; in qrcler n, or an)f lJl'Ound, worka, 01' utility, whether clePIIIl'tm4!Dt unlesa such custody. • co~tio al mllnlclp the Of duties the on carry properly to ot unless ion, commiaa conbe to nine Commission for the Village ed aqthoriz or publicily the in emplOY l&llld outaide thereOf, whloh Wa1Desville, Ohio, and to prescrib e said Commisalon, and may Bpecial opinion of the Commleaioll, ia re-, atructed in the municip al corper- po.....lon, removal OIl" altel'l'tio Jt ' th PlanniD e' the powa,a and duties of such such consul~ntll ud othe.r ~illace. ' ation 0,:" planned portion thfreof alWl be ordered by • or expe;t 'urvices ,as may be found lalted to the plannin fllf the'Plana or unleu the location" characte r, and Commlu lon. CommiaaioD &lJld make chapgea in such (If) Plat. and Parb. ~ it ordained by the Council of nece88&ft. l'rovided that any pos· ia approve d bJ the thereof extent changes such deea!a it when maps nts power the Village of Wa,-nesville, State ition 110 created, or IUlY j:onaulta commlaalon. In caae of disappro val , T~e tommisslon-ahall bve ' 110 employed, sllaU be a~thorir.ed by ' a(~villable. icate to · recommend whe~.r proPerty commun sball of Ohio r lon eomniiss the Ihqw lIb~l ' or;:mapa plans' Such action ,of the Council olthe Vill~ to' the lecja- shall ' be acquired tor park anel SECTIO N 1~, turel\ t1il~ ~omJbiiaion'a ~dationl tta reallOns thllrefor A Pl8lUling ' Oommil slon ot five of Waynesville. The expencli ents fe,r the pDeral loefltIolI, characte r, lative authorit y ~ the municl., al boplevarel and recreatio n puJ1lOM!', of member a Is hereby: establish ed for for such services and employm ap· alild extent of ~, alleys, ....aya, corporat ion and to the head ot the ~"condemned tqr t~ or the wicleainc or 8SP¥!c an,of control haa" the Village of Waynes ville, w,hlch shall be within the amounts wlilch ent departm /",at, terways by the vliaducbl bridges, te~o~ of any bQulevaM; and .hall COmmis'lon . lhaU consist of the p1'Opriated for sucll peraOIl1l el'fronts subways , hRulevatc\ll, parte- the construc tion ot the proposed have power to ~ake ~mme~letrisThe Mayor, one member of the Council, Council. uti_ity. 01;" ment Improve , "I'ays, p~rka, playerou nds aviation reprdln g th~ platting of datloJ\a not of vote a by , y. to be eleeW b~ saId COuncil fOl" the SECTIO N 3. . authorit grounds , latlve The CommIssion shall hold such fields and other p)lblic ,the _d for a distance of ' within a land memIta Of thir!la remaind er of hill term all such memtwo than gen· le.8 and 'l\18YII and opell. spaeea' U. limit. 0( be)'ond miles three bead, ent bel' of the COlUlcll, and tllree citi- meeting s as it may require, cieparbn place ~ral iocatlon and extent of flublic bera and of luch zens of the VlUage to be appointe d shall de1!ignate the time andof pro-I uitilltles and t.e~lnala whether together may overrule such dillap- the Villa,.. . (b) Memori all. way, ground, by the lIayor for terms of six thereof. It may adopt rulea shall plilbliclY or privatel y o~ed or op- prilval. If IIueh public T~e commission shalr make reoor utlle, y~ara each, .xeept that the terms cedure for its meeting s and structur , building works, n, sanitatio light, water, tor proceed· ell'ated, ation or 4- om,m endation s tQ the V'lllage Counat one o~ tl1e' ~embera of tHe ftrl!t ' k~p recorda ot all of itaa~l c~n- t l' a nap 0 l' tatloJa, commUJIlcation, Ity ill one the authoris Commialllon .hall ~ for four y~ara dIngs. T~ree membera transact ion .1I0wer, and other DIIrpbaes; and the nanclng of which does not, under cil regardlD g any sketcli or plan of stitu,te a quorum'for the > ll IOV- any ~ to the Vtua,. in ~ and one for two .yeara. jremoval relocatto n ,.,tdeillng, aar- the law or charter provilion All membera ot said Plannin g of business" but a lesser number I owing, ~ a ca' t • ;. abandon ment, emlng itl , 'fall wi~in the PJ'Ovince form of .. monu~e~' ; or ~emorial, ~ time. authorit y and the pu:rpolllld"ocatio~ tbj!reof. Commil lion shall Berve .wlthou~, may adjourn tl'9m tilJle make an d,aup of UIIe of. Or extanalc ni of of a 'municipal legislati ve The Commission shall (I) Advt~ry Capacity . oftlolal, or compensation. body al municip other , open or ~Dual report and such 'other reo Isuoh publlc w.,.., grounds T~e COD\lI1lsalQn aIaall, "hen reSECTIO N 2 the aubmlll ion to ~ commlsaion our· a keep shall loO commiaa The ' the by d requeste be Council, or The members of asid PlAnning porta as may by to the eommiaaJon shall be by the quuted .W'the' Villap rent hulex at all property owned Commi8llion shall seleet from theirV nlap Council. building s, property , utilltiea, by the Mayor or any nnmfeip al cle'pacea, map a with top,ther .... vm 'the ECTION 4 nt act 1ft .~ adviaory ca,.. number a chalnna n, a vice-chalr1I8e or terminal s. With a view to tlle partem The general powers and duties of Iultably marked tDdicat ini ita in respect tQ piau for tM pacit7 man, and a secretar y, and may municlthe I)t g plannin tfc IIYJ1tema the to report d e shall detenniD , lion may loeaticm ()f pubUc bulldin p, br\dpa. Commisalon i r or not auch pal corporat ion, the collllllill publio approad aea, or other atrq~11I'eI 0to enclatiODB l'!ICODUD make in uaecl is rty Villap-o wneci p 10- !ect.:!I or to be erejltlld &v the VJ1-' ceneral the ing concern o&Iala fulleat such manner .. 'feCUre the . of Jace. ~nt nel .. t eha~r. 1a~~ ADd caUcm. and mNt ecoa •• ' (j) NUIIWpal ·I?r'lhoro-AU...-l:-t"',. I Ina.pu~ wi"/~, Opell V'~ " develop ment by or ' dfatriet, OOU1lt)-, ldaoo}, . . . utili. , propi~ p, bulldln apaces, (k) , Co-operatiOL of ~p oftIdal, lJoanl, cvmndaatoa. The 'comudaaion .haD hav., power .ties, or termina ls. As the work es, or bOdy having neb jnrlecllctiOD progreaa plan the 'whOle I to call upon ~l other municip al 'making time to eel the eoftmIrwon'. cIll.ppro va departm ent for ' ...i~. in the the commi._IOII lIlay from part may be otemale d by nc)a oftlcl~ any publish ari'd adopt time hereduties Its fit anee. per'foram IKIard, ~mmiufon. or body b,- _ coVer shall part such and thereof, of duty the be it' UDder 'and vote ot Itot _ than two tJU.rda of dlvior aeetlonl major more or 'one such render to t other departnl TRY OUR 'HOME KILLEb ita bwnlitra lllp. The nal1'Owing, tion cOl'pora al municip tile ot ,slons ly reasonab be y assiqne e aa 6rnamel ltation, aeation, fir' change al function the of more or one or wbat as to reclwred. All ill the ~ae of streets and otlle~ Pll),. plan. the In included be to mat~rs PORK ble reqqire. BEEF AND :shaU eoftat~ , IIc "a"., lTOunda, and places shall tim~ from IDB¥ sion Commis .ment shall be efermine d lly the The be .ubj~ to Ih;nilllll' '.,pr9va lj .and the to Add or extend, amend, time i Vilillge Council~ All Buch "'Iuests to your for freezer di..pproY81 may be ..mnarll oversha~p and wray ~ut, , 'We shall be m~e by the ' Commillsion plan. :rIlled. >J:he ~ommlll'~o~ may ~~ ons. Suggesti (b) Councjl. VlIlage the , through Call Us' or' Drive' Out 'ieeoJllmeP1.ation to any publlcr and receive, ion,ahalJ co'mmils 'F~e • , d) Supplies . a}lthov.tlos or to any corporatiOns Its of 8C9pe the. within report, all proVide , The Council , shall or iniflvl..uals in , such municip al by oll'ered ons suggesti on powers, supplies and 1~~~888ry materia ls home free~3r or locke" tion or the territory coneOJ!Jlora it when and officials or citiZens ' eion. ~or the U88 of the Commla tijlUOIl9 thereto, concern ing the blf practica 0ns !luggest! such deems (m) Contrac ts. location ot any building_, structThe commission shall make, witll shall report th~m to the Village ures, Or w,orka to be erected or s. Phone 2322 endation recomm ita the approv!ll of the Village Council, 'Council with , conltruc ted by them: (c) Parka. contract s to carry out the projects The ,coll1 mission shaD provide for SECTIO N 7 , and purpose s of>.tbe. commiBsion as If the Plan,in g Commilslon shall original land$C&J)e work to be all 0 . provid¢d , herein to,deeide upon',an y matter Bub- ' fall ~d parka in Vn"'lfe the ,br done (n) Delegate d PowerB. mitted to .it, within s\xtpy (60) . acquired ter { berea, ~B boulevar such have shall ion.' The commiss ,days alter such )ll\bmiasion, ther&(d) La,ndsclIPe Plans. other POWers ,as may be granted after its decision or approva l shall Coun. Village the o~ ~eque8~ Upon Pac:~i~9 At Corwin vn.. lor conferrect h~resfter by the be deemed unneces sary. ))l'ovid~ shall ion commISS the cll, such lage Council, together pr with cessed, Passed this 4th .day of May, 1965 work e landscap other all. for plans herein prescrib ed 01' Dated thi li . 21 day ,0£ April, ·powers as are y hereund er for th.· to be dono- by the V,mage of Attest: Mary Stansbe rry may be necessar Clel'k of Council 1955. , ' proper discharg e of the duties of Waynesville. RALPH H, CAREY, Ralph Belc!JJer Zonin". ' for 1:'lans (e) ion. commiss said Judge of the Probate Oourt. Presiden t of Council ormulat. f shall isslon m com' The Powers. (0) General Code WalTen ounty, Ohi\, th~ ' The commission shall nave n11 a 'Plan or plans for dividinll inl.(, C. Donald DiJatush. Atty. LEGAL t:-IOTICE thereof 01' which mav here. Village 01' ~ny' portion now powers be received by •.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •. after be granted to 01' co;Ucl'l'ed Zones or distri cts represen ting the' Sealed bidsof will Ville, State \;Va,ynes Village the ission' the'comm 'of ndations recomme upon; and pel'for~ ~J1 duties now said ViIot fficeB o ' thl' at Ohio, of health puplio the of intel'est or which may hereaftc r be imposed in the ~, 1965July Noon, 12:00 ufltil ~I\~e pros· comfort nce, upon planning commissions in cities Safety, con~enie fol' the fqr the 8ale of ' and Villages by t~e Genel'al Code perlty, , 'o~ general '!8 of the ' Municipall y ?"'f\~jl fi~e truck, r~I"e' Wire and Progress ive of Ohio, exce'p~ insofar as un): such li~itations ond reIPu!atio(lDc\udln ll' Year 1930, lI1ake WIlly! Six, H. P. locatton and HOUR S: ,\n Or!:nnI1.l~tlon f;eeond To ~on .., built he,lght, with ice conti fnay duties or powers cy, set ~6.36, Model C-10l,. occupan lot of ~lrlt' tly ' Sell r8 011 In.e neAt A II ge percenta of ViJla~e the of " .. e ordinanc 'jthe nied by rOllnd lfnrket In f h p Count.ry 9 to 11: 45 a. m. back buildin~' lines. anll area 'snd ' Each bid m\lst be accompa ,WayneSVille SERVIC E THAT, SAT'SF IES ~ bond or t=ertified check In the aulJl. open , to 5 p. In. other and yards, f o ' ns dimensio ' , SCETIO N l) For Daily Market Reports : ?f ~O pel' cent, as a guarany that , The PlanninJ i' Commis sl(,oIl of the spaces) and the. use~ . of bUIlding W1.\\·. (,ilJ()ln o~t1. 12 :25 the .b ld Is, accepted, a contrac t If , prom.0C ~nd es, structur ?thel' ~nd "'!>To'll. llld.llelo wll. 11 '4 :; Village shall be tht' platting combe entered Into and Its perwill . dlSh'lcts 01" lrth'l' zones Woolwl such 1!\ In ' Above WC Kr , 12 , mis!!ion thereof, and sh"IJ 'Provide JlleB e propel·ly secured. Should lqMn,:nc :ao ]:: " Store lod 10C Art. 'S and (f) Works o~ WK D\". Ttl 'hmond, rr,gulations gowci"'in~ t~e platting shall pass upon any ,bld be. rejeo~d such cheek wilt lon commillS The street.~ all require to ) .. lands Tim all of Oalll:d SIIl (Ea,.;t I'n 6U1ijo:ly. be fOl·thwlt b returned to the bid'and alleys to be the proper width all que~tion8 involvin , the NORRIS BROC K COMPANY n der, and Rhhould Any bid be acaltelatio or , removal on, posseSSI $' adjoin,ln with u~ cotermin and cept.ed sllCh cheek will be re~\lrned 00-, art; ot work a-.;tl' of war any in make shall and streets and alley!! , . \ upon phe propc>r ex~ution and no NOTICE OF A;POINTMENT and VUla$re. the to . • lon~ng to recommenaatiQf\ti ~ CoUllcil as of the contract . ~urinl:' worl;a such to 'renL'e Ad",ini," .'o, wlth,refL tion e a, 01 es : . ordinan( compliAnce wit» ail ... rl~t is r~rved to reject 11he ' ~ the of, tlon )urladle E~,tate of Oscar E. Smith m~cea .. ed · the under art of ('n. r the Village no~ or bere.atte Notice is hereby given that . g Commission, which shall !,lIi and aU bids. OH 0 a~ relative ,ttI the subdivision of rJannln . ". . _ . ' MarY Stanllb< iny. Clerk Leola W. Smith whORe Post Olfjce XEN!A, and other IIM'DI. Village. the within land , " .-\ndnlW Cb~, )la 'Qr . " address is Wayne~ville Ohio bas ,I ,1," OP19METRIST t,ee.n dulv arlp~jntctl 0; Exec trix











KeU,. ,Bros. I

Eyes Examine,d



\&1".1 Dr Carl E l,.



of the ~tate of OSCIll· E. , ~mHh, late of Wltl'l'cn ounty, ' OhlO, de- '



Thursday, May 12,. \9&5


4%-LONG TERM No Repayment Re.trlctlon. .



Le'anon 1.lio••1 Far. Lo••

.4------·-----:-. \~ I springtime ·Is .i ~cc1dent e




We Now Have

POSTER .IK . The'Mlaml aazette


:.1 I


.w • . ~rY' w.yn.aville end Surrounding Are•• TRY US the NI"T Time YOU NIId • Taxi.


. •


pHONE "2ltl -.

N. Broadway Phone ~&e , LEBANON, OHIO ELLIS H. STURM, Sec'y-Trea•.



Chllm ney Block Concrete Block W~lterproof Cement R~ck Face Block lind Paint St£~1 Sa.h GI • .• • Cement and Morbu' ~ulldln. Supplle. Drain Tile SHEEHAN RD. P. O. BOX 342 CENTERVILLIE, OHIO

OHlce 'n Twin Thl••re Bulldl".'


••••••• .,i.,.'•••,.,••


WilsoD .CoDClele ProduclS

' Time ,

Statistics sho; -and you know _ thai accidents increase at farm activities increase. Be


(Ireful! .

!• •• 'K eep Mon~y •:• .. Coming ,In : •• Ev•• wh. , ..... I... • ,tilt H,.,., Mf::" •

.•• '

: • : •

A dilabling accident kills your earning ability at the very time when you need mOheJ the most. Bu\ ,ou can Ieee, mont)' coming in-through a Farmen and Traden A,ccident Disability an4 Medical Es· pense Plan designed especially {or (annen and othera whO de~nd upon their cam in, ' ability to allp-pMt the"' f .... "" e ilia. Low cosc....with many ex: . elusive benefits. Send coupon . lOday.:_ ;

= • •

,= • : .


• :

Ed Michener



R. R. 2 COIl or 01ll1 ••llOa • •

• complete def.n, of "wr


'pI.. ,hal. -. I'ro.i<1 '~ AeCidenll1 OUlh BID,"u•• DisahilitY laeolD....4 ,.04lcal M.

.• •• N... .. ...,'.. ,.. ·.... ·· .. ·....P.,.,DII • ·A".""_



· ,-----------_.-:

5,. or RO .. .. . : .. . .... .. .... ..

L" .. " .

I Ch) .. . ~ .. .... .. .. .. .. , .. .. ·'~...·· ' .... • , • ...





Refilling and ~llecting )money from our high-grade Nut Machines in this area. No se~l To qualify for \yor~ you must have car. ref· eren~. $6\i cash. secured by In-. ventory. De ' bUng 6-8 hours a week ' to buslne~s l your end on percentage of co\letcions wiJl net up to $400 monthly With very good posslb\li·' ties of taking over full tiJpe. In· eome Increasing accordingly.

Fbr better eating with easier shopping-for garden fresh foods dut of season. at 's ummer 'prices-for budget economy through quantity , buying-the one big help is a ~oderri ho,me food freezer.'lt'hours of time and effort. makes' meal-planning and unexpected entertaining more f"n. Most h;nportent. it helps you "set a better table" on a ny' income. ' . Beauti(ul . naw (000 fre~e'rs in all tIle filmous .makes ~re built to fit: your kitchen or utility room. There are chest styles for rooms n~eding, the table-top space. ~p~ight types for best ul\e of narrow spaces. r new storage ra()kS gi\le ;more usable area ,in the same size. F~ather­ . touch ,latche s. saf~ty signal lights. adjustable legs and nine-way t~m~ perature controls are a few of the new features. . See the new food freezers now on display at y,our dealer's. nnd choose .

For interview, include phone nUJ'!lber in applicat ion. W.l'Ite "P. 0., BOlf 161. Columbus, Ohio.

.•dllllllllllllillltllllllllllllllllllllllilh. CONTRACT 1

.'h< mak' and :ty" ond ".. that p.. YOU , ,,'~ mo<' h:'~'



tr••'Ul.~" p o. a





or Free


IEORGE MILLER Inquire at Tlielma'. 'lunch


,', "'11, "011.Co.f;' ~'" ro No" r.,.. Closs,lfitd Her. S." - J lor. '. DOli", ......,.. .........,......•....•...,.,....,........,.,...,...,.......... .. ...•.,........•• ,. . ........................ ~







perfect condition. Call


4-2217 (lfter 6 p. 111. Day phone Le'banori 2·1029. ,.


' ~~:;.,;/ D. %~~on~~W';~ , Oll1iJ1l:' St., Dayton 10, OhIo, WANTElD-Gnrden spot, ('~fbout 1 'acre) In or near WSY-Dlesvf\le. x-a..!,7 , Contact Ralph Adkins, Waynes·

Free 'delivery Mornings

_______- - - - FOR SALE-28-lnch DeLuxe West WARREN ~DOCK em Flyer Bicycle, Purebread Cor I rledale ,Ram, 1 year old. DAVID SAND. GRAVEL and TOP SOIL BEAt Phone WaynesvUle 2641 E~CAVATING and ,' , . . c-3.1~3~~24 , ,DUMP .T RUCK SERVICE )l'OR 1ULE-6 Duck Hens., White' Phon~ W~~neavllle ' 3329 ~eklns, $1.25. Small buUes8 popWAYNESVILLE, OHIO .c om, 10e per pound. , Phone' 2932. .....:-~


BANK RUN GRAVEL-Loaded ._ •• -;.... • ................':' ville. ' · --' at Davis F\lrnas Pit. We also MALE HELP W~ FOR SALE . deliver. ARM IT AGE &. SON. ' . . 19~a Bel·Alr Chevrolet. El(cellent Pholie 209t tf BOOKKEEPElt and Oerlee Retail condi~on. FIve good til'el!i. 'Mrs.

Sales position. Farm bac~ground necessary, Permanent, C all Wayn~lIvlllo 2061 for interview. ! WATER WELL DRILLING-EleC ' 0-3·17 trlc Pumps Installed. . LONZEL J;lOUSES' FOB S,P ARKS, Route 78, Waynesville, CORWIN--5-rOOm Ohio. X-9.64-9·5S bedrooms, good Ing lots go with this' . ,






. ' AM " tJ -W,,",~TED TObB Y-LafJle farm

Robert Hastingll, owner. Cat! RaJpb Hastings, Waynesville ~la after 4 P.M. ' r '

E-··X-....C-·A··~V····A···l···I···I···i -

. FOR -


C·.1tInS, D· 011 1'1" W'--- 'U!

_.... n.. S.ptlc .Ta..k••....,·.... LI....

F BR SALE:· oy.s Large Bicycle, Leady Drum with stand .and 'shoulder strap j lesson book' and rythm With records (OrHbegindner. Mrs, arol Earnh:art Phone 2 ~65 after 5 p.m.

~~~l~eu.- J;~~

of Fine ' Foods

S £ A R S . G ROC E' R Y


WANTED TO BUY-~ge Farm LEBANON-Modem ~uth ,of Dayton, preferably daIry. located 2 blocks from \Y. D. JOHNSON, 605 WY0Jli.lnl! section. Furnace, garage. $7000 Street, Dayton 10. OhIo. for quick sale. , c-3.1~-(3t.) can HIU'OJd Banta, DON WORK· SPRING SPECIAL • .. MAN REALTY, W~esville, Tele~MU--S-I-Q-.u.--IN-S-I-R....,.UME----: Itts--- phone 3672. . A r~gular $1.50 Grease Job Chevrolet flat bed truck. for 99c with every oil change FOR SALE-Plano, upright. GEO. I b d k k dId gl'a n e, stoc rae s an oa Cars Washed & Poll'sl'ted HENDERSON. Phone 3622. lng' chute; 2 axles', All n~w c-8·111·24 tires, ~ll I.e anon 4·2;!1'1 ·atter . Bn",s TrvC'O 'S '.T' ......IION --...,----------,-,,- m. Day phone Lebanon 2.,... ~ ,.,. TAILORING ,F or Men and WOlDen • ilO2$. . .'. , -MRS. BUTLER. 2491. . 01,.,., :super M Farroall Interoa- Riders Wanteq: '. c-3·3-,( St)-3-1i tional Tra~or, o~ year old. In W '. '11 d ... ::.',1




, .......0...

F...........on • . Du. 12 'n.. 18 In. and 31 In. Wide county Inlpeeted

Fl••"a OSIO.IE ~



~iiiiiiiiiii~ at Gazette


High sc1tool boy or gid to 'work a few hours a day for summer. Call office. . '

. ~o~n~'t~f~orgelt~m~e~n~s~c~am~p~o~n;~yi~~~~iiii1iiiiiiiiiiik,

Started .nd Day Old Chicl;c. from ' PUlioruin Typhoid CI••n·FlockS Str.laht ....n . .

e an"'1/, oehk : aynesvi A "8" to rea , Y'~ rig t Ie.: to 4:30. Ca Mrs. Currey, KE 1111, F' Id JOhn 745 I II ext. 2J 106 or .Wayrutsville 3322.


fU.oo AND VI' 100 Wldle . . . . . Wldte wtaadOttM.' N_ ...........,

. ....;LlPt

,u....... , D:ft:e" po


PoLL1II'1'8' DAY ~LD; .... n - . .. . . street.


Plllets 01, Old ,'1'~1iO •• Up ,.;' 1~ '

.... 1_ na

1 •• _.. . . . , . . . • ••' . , ••'1 •••••••• , ••••••••• , •••• , . • ••••• , ••••••

Started . . . D.,. Old QdcIat lJOIIl PulIonua TfpIIoIII CI... . FIoc!U, 8baIPt


Mliro.. 6139

WAYNE8V'LLE 2011 LEIMNOt:l Office 201021 R'Ea.DENOoE s.l;t.11 ,..ORhO)Y No. ,


512'- I.d Up per tlO - ~

. '.


........ 1Nte .'


~per ~




O~ ',..--



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ....- .. G:ars are now being w.ashed pt jone'~ Sinclair Service by



Richard and Dav(d Scherer. Mpn. thru FrI., 4 fp 6 ·P. M'. Sat., Sun., 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Prices:-.$1.50, ' $2.001 for

Establi$her •t ~ 75'



Bob Servis ~AYNESVltLE ~


The Greatest Siory Ever Wrillen .~


' " t ':



Saith Pilate3 kn~w~st


thou not. my power·I to cruclty thee? 'eau.! .. n 8 w ere d: ,thou coulde.t have no power. except It were qlven from above ••• '0.19:10. 11.


*************'*********** ARTIFICIJ'L


IE you, ever Jx>-..ght on ,time' pay.~ ,menu, ,0,1" ~ad a ~ge account, .your


, credit' is ~y ~(ablisb~ at MOdem and you can .get from to ,1,000 eveQ if ),ou have a loan somerlace else.



JIec1a. &.L _


JULY 14, 1955 ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH ),EAR ~~~~------~----------~------------~~'-------------------------~----r---------~~----~--------~---------------~~--------------~

1,0 Millionth BooK . for Congress

"cream \01 4~H Crop" ',ours 1,5.S1tOllg


To G~t Recognition Eco..~ie System , lin World HiSfo

athr~lrnohtoncho!lebny ~g


! ~:PA~:=~ijW~t~~:

'I HEW· YORK--Amerioa ~ 5u 1~1he ' .tro~,e.t; man ptOcsuctt... eoonomlc IYmm in h'uman , hf.t. eaaJIT eapabl~ of atta.lDtac »1&60' a total ~aUOnal tiUtPlH 9f ~ ttlt bfWcb ~ ~ po.ldblt ', ' 19 aver... famfI.y fneo~e of more tLl\D -.000 per 'yiar, w!th pro;" fr ~aI!I or .un er.ater Ilowth til ~tLe "ean abead. , j i '1b1a I. one of the tentral . . . ' ,' ~. If a .ajar ICO~ ltub fm!ec! b tJ)e ~

The beet





tQ·Miliionl~ 8ook~:~ ~~'!o;~~~: ~~~~:g~t~ ;Added to libraiy (; : BlOT. ~I Of CO'ngress'-Shelf :._ 1

lishment, This deserved reoognition goes to the toil ~nkinlr of the Nation's 2,today earns ,953 lin ,ell thAn he iUd in luly, 19&0, whtr. Uta Ibo,OOO clu1)'membeia" through three Korean war ~teci. ' National (:.H programs, And ' he earDI ' $'121 more Jft ; W'AI8lNOTO~'Ib. , UliJra.,. at, -chievement, Ci ip aJ,Id Leader,.ear than the ,avera I' Y. e, m~· Conarelll, " the Xation'. JarlU\' ship. Each 01 tilt programs ' raeutaetuilng em~ee, hoUMd in tho world'. two lu,eft, ognizes the diffettnt qualities by 'Ibe.. aircraft worker', hlper bu9cllna. 11164 deluaivelY f01'\ whieh people are JiI~d and suceammi. reaulUn, from wale tn· Ubrllr7 p~lIe", "~entJt ",el'1't41 ceas is mea.uted. ,cealel e.taDted b7 the ir.4uslr7 hi lo.mlWon~ book. I' In the Ae1&le nt program, c,utu17 I"UD& . boys and girl. a honored for knODe' the ~ 1!II4IDp of III the put four 7I!.1'J aCCGur.t tor ) No o:ne kIIow. uactb' what boIIJt\" .e·flfth, of the indUS~'1 elthrult· , ,lna the 10-mIlllontb, for the vtIo, over-all a!:eompliallments in pro-, 1M 1W'V'1! ' i ed $3:5t-blWon pa')roll tor H61. WIle arrived amont 301,744 lIeoIIa jects and actiVities, based on longo ' J Amilrican ~ucliritY. t,erm reeoz:ds. Awards are provid- 1"'- overa,e outpoA. pe, ~ 61 (Theae k\ires (10 not inclutt 'and pamphlet, acquittd fA tha: 11...-..1 7 . .i- 11154. It ~Qam. wrm.f ed' on the country, tate, sectional ,~odE II D.~a.1nC 10 rapldl7 tbat "fringo" bend....) The comblnaUoA 0: 1nctUlle4 . out oqe 01 the ~rU7" ; and ' national tev~ by the Ford 'il ~'84D' continue, In an.. J Motor Compeny: olber ce1ur7 we IDal1 be able to walel ..ucl hlaher em~y~u:i ' a,ISS,QOO Jttm., Medals are avall~le to four win- Jt~. a. mllcI1 in on. ,' ;·hour ' hat relUlted fn a thP.rp riI. In 1 The llbtU)"1 dJ!.f rin" for nera in ,each ~unW. The winning u '!Ve, now produce in a . . aircraft payroll aoDarl funnmcl . , tbt :Sritiah Mu~,wn and ~ boy and girl in the .tate' receives a lIm1T ~eek. ' , mto the national, economy. WiUl ',ltldoUleque N.Uona!. In 1:'arl., I 26«,400 per.ana empl07e~ a' U-.. probabl:r IlUrPRI•• 4 beb.. set of two minatu{e statu.e s, and ~ lb. put century our rat,. ~utbreak of tbe Korear. w..r, total lHO.•' 24 sectionlll winne~ are given all" 'of outl"J~ hal xiaen so faIt ~'lat 1be m\lnthly EnallUlhe4 fA 16t\l and hOIUJ<! payrllU for U. S; plane expense triPI to tIM National 4-H' American 'wor}:er to!!IY : I UND CJ,&DU ,AIUI ~ 0 0 ~......". _ _ . . . . . (left) . . . . . . . . JOIIIe1a ef Xew .... I Club Congrds in Chicago, Nov. prc'lS" ••• r.nrly tlx i!melr al milch builder. amounted to apP1:1Xi· III tha C'.plto!. the Ubrar,. after I to. A. 1/1 Me .............. ,..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,*", X, . ., a1la.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ 27 - Dec. 1. At the Coi;JgreS8, sill: In u hour of work a~ hie vcst- matel,y f7U·mJWon. Toda7 with ~v. ,.01.. cOl1\atoed lbout ...CHIII , ", , f more thar. 8?S.oM -emplo,.f.., th·; wcn1h Af boob. Erttl.h .o.ldfen boys alld six girls,nJl be prelen~d IIraJ\ did in 11350. l ....... - • -. 1'1\1 "- ~ IDdu,'r1'. modbb' payron II lPO b\u:MII tho bWldinf It.. ttle Yar ot 'SOO scholarships national win'. At Clur PICStmt rate of IfOWIh. 1812 ' and or.o of them wrote win! Ih.1!. have a popuJptlon of 177 proximately $295.1I·m.UUoll. fuD7 bOl:'le th.' "a lioble lThnl',(' rr:Ullon In 11)00. A tc,~al of 69 milbad D..... d. :Slrt tb naUoCl M)C)D lion .hot:!~ toe 2t v!orl: or in the Off-Duty "rIny ,t'ress IbQ!.I(At f,4.t'J mON !rom &~ract! tet'"lce~ Gnd unemi'loyCOLUMBUS - What started as t of a good leader are honored in th,! "rbomBl Jef!enoQ·. P8noAa1 ~ ed1,toriallunestion by an Iowa e~ "'6"",,"6' I.eadersll prograJJl. The m"Dt (prmclro1)y Iihlftl between .newSpaper al a plOgram to "ease I KDfJf'IIAPOLIi - au .,M:'top-ranking boy del gir1 hi eacl~ Jilt,) .hc:lld !lot "verl1ge more FRANJIiiFUltT, GermaD7 - '!tie ,,Ihal\'eJ. The IVfra,e c:oll a! flU' world tenmonl" has Jiow inade it .AJntrican ~. oUt ' 0: COLUMBUS, OHIO; June 80 cl)unty are eligib'it to receive , Il th.n II pc:- cent of the 'lVorkir1'lr ('olonel who banned l-ilef Ibm. \m.u,tllt ('hITI" of o..ara,;altln~. poea1bl. for a Newark, Ohio far- eV'17 'IVCD PrtIa1I7 or CGlDJ)lek- will open a new era in Ohio public medal of bonor, two state win- forG~ . Total Dt.l!C'nal outout ahot::ld and blue jellIll for ATm,. wivell ~ I Fire. In'lli23 and lBSl wit,Hi o~ mer to make a tour of fa~ areu "~0De or JI1OI" a,ed nl- w«:ty , according to Ralph F. Mat- ners are given 19-j.wel watches. At reDI'l: $Ut bU\J~n at current Jlal ol.tlawcd fsmcy sport.!: a.!!! T \we-thir411 of 1he to1!ec4lo1l. Latet'. out\tl'o.lDC ,... 1irst Mme. tlll~ in Runta. • ,.~.~, "'98rcUDs to a , rurvQ' of ,*r, Warren, Prestdent of the Ohio the Club Co~,' ig;ht sectiona,l prlce& YJeldlr,c total personal 1r.. !lIlrt1 tor theIr husbat1d •. Cf)l John H. DUe~', cOlT.oan:1r ~Ibra:y mevf>d to its IIWlI str:1CFerri. S. Owena, Ohio ~1U'JIl Bur- r " ..too PGbc:7boJcl. ta~l... " Independent Telephone Association. Winners will ~, gae,te of Edwar,cl CO"1. of $315 billion, or an avareau Federation vice president and : Of the '7,000 Uinf1l~" eovered by That's the day the new "Party Line Foss Wilson, dono~ tf awards. Four Ige YC!llr!,y Income of more then «It ta..e Funlrlurt nll., anA, is~t ture nur the ClIll!101. In 19~G a(l potato &TOW«:r, il one of the eleven th.~, Hf 01' 14 ...r cent reo E'mer~ncy Priprlty" law takes ef· national winnerl, t1t9 bQys and two $6,000 per household f.or the COUIl- ~ oreer lI,ahvt "II)!'PY of! !I~ 'anncx housed additional ntn:101\.\..., of iteu)... - ... '-..... t. , ... , ' I Ifrft! In a m:Y1 drive to ('lean .. ~erican "farmerl picltl)d by the portecJ ~t they w.ce whoUT or feet. ' , / girls; ;rul receive ,81)0 scholarsnipi try al a whole. tOft"n.ea wc,n\ by Aml',I'!lIu~ ' 0 : Olvi.'II, val1cf~y to its name, th ... U. S. Department of Agrlculutra to !,a~al11 IUpPortl,pf oJdlt' reta. ''We've needed thill law for many The first place boy d girl will be , ~. - - - • ~brar7 wps u,ed !a&t ;ear 'by I~ OOMmwd. Tr"o!)1 ('p,.i 'l7e;.; leave July 15 for a month"l stay UYea. Ul"uall7 tlmr ~ears," ldat.eer said. (jA great majr selected and p,rUeneed with silver :3en,.~or ond Ri!preseIHaUv, civilian cll) wh~ nu~ on duty. in Ru~a, DuriJlg' the lIame tiple, . Jr:~arl:r !DotUi'II bel'l' 10 lUI" odty of subseribers yield their lines trays at the Con,.....,. -Gut f.ew en~ert:d ,the buill!iog• once when someone bas· to reThe Citi,.en.hip ;,rogram en;1• an equal number of Rusman :far- POI~ oUtnunlb.r fIIU14:ra by near· 'I'!I.~ l>uml'fd tlle lIC)TIlly'l lell.- ' merl will be touring the United !y '"ur ,~ O!l~. mothe ...' IIVer- port a fire or summon emergent phasizes thoee a dea, qualitieiS Jtunowo)' Caught Statel, ale a, .. II 72;. the f..tMl'I' I, '7(, m,dical aid Now the public has a and acts wbleb eet a goojl NEW YORK-Newest toy·won· LEJGII'l'On BUZZARD, Eqland 1Itt'n lefel enee !-e~lce W)t!:I Ill,OOO, requc!rts, fc,t f.llets requlr~ a_''-.oUon o~.. 'n AveTOI!'" 8jJ_ of the club a"ai~"" thoughtless few wbo Cl·ti9.An·. conAehe -elfare ~~ der on •... e market Is II "mec"-n...,..,..w' "' ..-'en ~onowed a reB- 7 """ h .. toOo! thfl ', ' d b.b OJ A rlillaVla:r' pU'iengel' tr! wllh III spee('hes and 1:11'11. ol~ b:v the atate Farm Bureau ......... o.J~e·,o.... COVf'" ." e cost 11Iany -Uves and minions family. ~ atate . Ical bird"-the 1irst successful 10- lis 16 pa~8enl!ql'E rlt,her;} through 1IoIaJicI. of Owenn'. all- IW\'''' 11 «0\5. ..,••tI: AVf'rAl'! al]-- of dollars property damage." nation. The .d. lid - lution to a problem that has bld- t,,'l .alr.tlonll t>~or~ lin em~rge!'lt'y B." , nual Jr.COJM cI J,oq I'JIIPCI:'li"1s 1I'be recently ~f '''~-41"~~~'# ~m • -it ~ .:.-.+4~ICI.'GI~f.U; ~aruc;,""'* i! aN'~ 0 .. tJie Oli Ii a re, jjroY1 es ifnest~~~~~IE~f:' of hiImOr. Ie 0 • ' 3!l . cp til JUI;? jay tl}e boJs that he has been selected for thia live. I, SS,<AlII. Avrragc Income of of $60 to $600, jail sentences of top boy and girl in the Nation rll- The manufacturer says the de~ of tha dend ill Ian. 'Ibe enginoer. important miuion." , \hose n?t coiI 1r:lbullmc to the !!U';- 30 to 90 days or both for those ceive expense-paid triPI to the Clulb vice-It looks like a smsll model ... a::OO but not eerlously 1njwed, Commenting on the trip, Owen ~o'" of 1m:! o1c!tr relatlv!! I• •8,- who refuse to surrender telephone Congress, and 'SOO seh larsbills plane wi~out a propeller-is a was uC81by ,.. blowback !com the HARTFORD, Com:. - Trllt'::: ' uld: "I feel that this exChange" .71, th" 1\IJ':I'et 1!11ow •• , lines in time Of emergency. U ' lists given in bonor of 'rhol. E Wi1sol~" geDuihe orthopter (or ornlthopter) t'Jlglne . ror('IJ,!" \vas belleve-i re. deaths totaled l!5,500 ] .to1 :;eaT , program can go a long way toward similar penalties for 'persons who Chairman of the National COUl- described by Webster as a "ny· f£,onsllilt.. , r ,. compared with 38,500 11: 195~. Th~ • breaking down the feeling that is Boy fake emergencies to obtain a line. mittee on Boys and Girls Clllib ing m.achlne propelled by /lapping injury count reached ! ,P50,OO!l , H' M A It wB!' sponsored by Ohio's 160 Work ' of wings , . , " " CI . eo~pared with 2,140.000 In th~' ,mpoeaible to work M ,t h other' G' . countrieS. TbiI attitude must be ,.yes woy . independent telephone firma. During the Congress, t;he fi1'j3~ The tear,.proof, tapered wing$, previbus ye'!r.. '" : broken before we can have' pe/1~." HEW YClm~-Heury Moralell, '1, EverY telepho~e company in We boy and girl in the Acbieve- (with a 1 5'm~ spread) snd taU · The moderate decrease in the Whi,le arrangement!! for the trip if;." very 1I.l1"ll," ,t he rlay he tilde state will nofify its subscribers a- ment program will be presenfA;!d are covered With one of the tough. na tion's autorr..~bUe accident toll , will be nta!le by ~ U.S: Depart;. ~?,fI4l) to ,Sllhool with him. lIe be- bout thll ,law according to Mateer, silveware trophies; provided by die e~t of plastic materlllls. The toy Is shown in "Misguided Missiles," , ment of Alrriculture, each farmer I':.n J"a .. , !ng it I)U~ tl) hIli frle:ut , who is general lIDanager of the President of the United States. I) ,"ll I. nn,,'''.p/i hY .several rub- ' published by The ' Travelers, i ia making hil own financial aJ:- "Q<::3\'Sl' thy "ere veq n!ce to Warren T~ephone Company. Each They will join. the top Leadership f'~uda 1nIf4. tbe-pjiiii.»;' D'" f Wildllf ffi' I h Excessive speed was the mos/. I . d __It be i R -' • d' to ri af J . I IVJ8Jon 0 . e 0 Cia s ave dangerous driving mistake again , ran(eJllen~ an WU4 n )1s..... roo!" new. .rae 'l'Y p nted ter- ,une and, Citizenship winners in givinlg Mle...... conn.otecs to a • t . d ti f h S ' te 114 - ' d te t "I ' d tl .e I.:"y r "u ' i . the "1965 4-H ~port to the Nll- drive UnIt uncl.r the -"-k. receive in 1954, killing 12,880 persons. The I ' as a p riv.& c_zen. . ve •• 011>1 ., '11\. will contaOIn, a additi" warn ng'1ft proww-';" ,'·, Jus Civil S.ervlce. . no CO1.nnUSB ' .ce .rom .lon t thea t til -.I ' • .>. . . 1 A farm,' church, an ciVIC, U1:opl ..t.!.Is "t:'hool bag cr.unmed Dent type. In on, several in- tion" in WasJUngton, D. C,. . ~aU crank 1D the .no•• 01 til , 11 be h ld h fex- ,1953 total was 13,870. The Jnjur.• " d .. . have pre' or total resulting "{rom exceseive no. \ hlou",y. tn 1be ~r,tcr (le!lJl depen dent ""otDpamea The COoperative Extension Ser- I,blrd 11 lIIed to put tenIIo~ on tbe am.mations W ldllf M WI , e s tortly .A ~ ,Owen openrtea. 85O-acre potato -'~I gn t s , speed remained about the same " ._ hi with hi ~Atb int ted t1 f 1'~t h'd 'al h hi 1 e 'a nag erne n "'ti farm IU )Sattners p a ~ -' (;~ rf ,rem,. 0 ;UIl % ' : .... ' 'p4&re speci p amp ~ets on tbe yi,ce condJlcts these programs, allld banda. ' , • (G P tecto) d FI h P er. He also manages a 558-acre holt•• they fl1\,itd. a r. a:ntlt' gland- law tor distribution with monthly the awards are arranged by tIle Two opposing cama in the drfve ' ~~e roo . rs an 9 roo, as \he preced . Ing year-659,000. " # i n Mi18I'" •. 3 Ul IIr, ,,-;..,0 II'" . . . tetep h one bil'Driv."rs cotton ,.arm s",pp1. a .. ef)..... e .••.ere .... N..tional Committee on Boys alld unit are ,eared directl.1 to the ductlon Foremen. ,. , under 25 years of ag. At 8'7, Owen was elected vice / J!.t..~"'S': n~~ rl'cently wIth hl~ ,lleat Girls Club Work. Complete 1111- wire. whlch fonn the ~ m:~:~:!c~J~~ :~~~~!:~v!~:e~ ~.C!li.4 Ie mo~ -~"'.,rea1d,e nt of Oli'BP In December,; ~:IZ, b'Jline to ab:r a J1tn. ~UJI.t torm!ltion is available at coun1~ of , the winll. , Wh~ the ruJIber. and propagation field work, in an " .. ,ttlt of 111M'. fJa~ al*~ . 19M. On the state PB oo.rd, he · ......:. • Extension offices. motor unwinds, the cama CQIlYert altho h til eODaUtut -reeente farmers from ' Holmel, the circular motion into alta-te assigned geographical area of the , ult e~ . ,' • ....,. -state. An employee in this work ' abOut 1t lIer of tbe ictal Knox and C08l\0cf:9n and . ~cldng t ' •. _ , ' ~ arod clown lIapptna of the wtneL records and reports field data, op- I ali drivar..( " ,. ~ COuntid, 8nd he repretJeJits Ohio . Peace " ,LaunGhed Iilto tU air, .the .,..,. erates and maintains equipment, , "Week~ cralh~. ac~.' (pi' on the Fruit and "egetable ComtheUc blrcl soan aJ1d determines factors limiting good 15,1180 JdDed and 8'J8!00i) in.Iure4modity Committee of the !American clive. lOre a 'real bird. , fishing and applies corrective meas- , ~ 1951 week~ reco~ 'fIa. H,oi Pann Bureau Federation. He ia 'RAYNE, La.-A 75-year-Old f02:>O' I ures where needed. The work is, to ,oQ _ed enel aGO,OOO,inJured. " , marriD_=:-::ed ~~ahaa f~", chll~dre,no''';''''' , mer of the peace 'Uvtna, all I 4 some degree, supervisory. Desirable '!'be pecSeJtrlaJl "coreS re1le~tC1 .i":: ' a $55 - a - month old - ale peDlion l qualifications I h 0 U 1 d include a improvement for the fourth • • va _ ._, robbed a b.ank of $9,800. wal qulclit. t ~ I thorough knowledge of the prop a- .ecuUve 7ear. Pedestrian cl~ Ie and Potato Grcnrera A.eeocca1llM ",lid jaBed b7 the .hei~· WASHlNGTO.H -Filhel t~""to gation, conservation and manage- were reducecl to 7,700 In 1.... ..tton and 11 now & director of the ,m. a llteloq frfencl. their _ lIdel o! me lei, ment of fish and fiSh foods. eompared With ' ,800 SD 111", National Potato CounciL He hali FralJ, eray·halrecl I\Jbert JOMI' '!'be 8mi~ IbItftuUon ba. " Work of the Wildlife Manage- ~11inI ~e., Inter..~ " IimIcI ~ the Potato ~ ComBOD "a. tackled by a customer a.1 . ftcalved a collection (If mor, .~ 'men,t Agent (G,iune 'P rotector) in- 'Ja~, remaina the cIlld of ~ USDA. ' .~ • he bac1tecl 'lilt of the bank ~f!eblY 1,000 tpe9fm.ena 01 LIberian 1lihu., eludes' responsible field work in the .aUII of pecS.atr1aD ,s.atha and . . • ~ In ~ PrtIbrt wavlne a German p.aa automaUc!. IlU!IUi from Ialt and bractleb enforcement of fish and game laws f4Irle.. " " tecl:.rurch,~ I ~';:e:-~~:~:'u1lecl aWll7 hlJ wat-lr, .blalned, Ofti' a two-~ar- in the conservation and propaga- lIaturU7 WI. tile mol\ d~~ ..._ ......; y u cat tile \ "I caD'f undedtend I tt" aaJd perIocl by GIOr,. c; 'M.Ille~, of the tion of wildlite. Ail employee in .... ,.~ of the week io driv• . 1~ ..... __ , ~~~._ ......;..._ She-'- ••ltar or "e".T "I'v.e FiIh iDd WUcWf. Service of , the this clau may exercise independent' wa. Ua,It flrn '~. Ihtc.' 1~ !II' _ .... VI"""" ~_ - - uu n...... ............a Deplrtmen~ of 1he Interior 'l'bIa j dge t in hf k b t ts ISf •••cr.... In 1M tau. _tba . . I kaown him all DI1' life, He "Idn' t eon~' mav .pecle. ~d 'varie- r!gul~; with :u::~BO: , hllvo aJ17 kind of a recorel aJ¥i :It Uu hltherto !lot'!,~preaf!ntecl in the pO,r t aC,tiVftiea and discU!s problem.s Don Blame Corn Whtn' 'u."~ doesn't add up." naUonal coUec:t,toDi. lIut 111 par- tliat may arise Game Protectors Th·· D' P ~ " tlcular II in the ~er,. check hlUlters ~d flBhermen collect Ings Of' t Op • , Female renaaaioll enee It , ~ow. .between the lea evldence. apd a prebend and arreSt J:AST LANSnKJ, ~ - WAle a.~~=;~~:l~~~! erea~.. of ~o elltem enel we.f" olfendera,. att!a Sportsmen's and' popcom hlah pop, If. M d. tlllll: their bo,. frlendl Into Jolnl:<i er:u!r:r..~ thei may be qulW tarmerl' 1Deet:in ge.and youth groups ~ the of ~. fOrDl It ! ~e lIrDlT. _' IImflv. When ltudled. however, to give taJka-abd demoDatrationl 0?l be the way k w~ Tha. DeWllIaper of the C<imm\l~ ,the,. a~ fOlm4 we"preeent _.Ie. pIes. con~rv.tion methode and prinCl- Tbe amount cil aol,rture. JD tM ,.. ..... ' , " IIiIt Free German 70uth or8anlzlI- dlfterlDt tntel. '!'bUB, 'an ocean E .... '-'_... ' I both ' bo 1mDe111 Jmpoi1aDt, 8lip1aiDl I : '1'. Uon Qle Junee' Welt, CUrled an ,1urnI oat ic ... far from a "r~t- ' DllllUllwODl ~or a ve . ' " appeal to 70une women ic poUlt 'IDe pot.". ' • named poaltfOlll wiD be l1eld on :-t"hl~ aec::1.'1Il ~ .' out to their bot ~leDda the nllCei. ' May Z6 aDd a'ppUeationl for ex· IL pn ~_u'__ . " . r~' 11~' of. tJeC!OJllin8 ~ , Anl~.r .~ ~ationa muat be received by tile :-:. ~.;.


a- '








ohi0 Fa~ m-Burea( M.any FamilieS"Help . \

New Priority Law an!i~:e:::r:r:: ba::ed:::\~~~~:, For T I h eep ones '

S Th· Eld u-.or elr




Rules Set for Men



New Toy Solves . AnClen t P'robl em '




" .-








N('w Lirtle Rich IS oney

WiI.Idl.' ' I e








Ex-Justice 'of IFalols at Robbery

0 '. FO h DOH' -. ' : cean IS es er Around he WorId_ . , .


-- - _ .:0.:.




~ .

1 l'



:e:e- ,t _,


' t

~'- -i""':"- ' " '' - - - . -


- ..

- -. !


::;e:.: -:::=

Judge Dodg-os To o.fendant's Quiz ,; 1?o~~Cl1~A7:.~!~ni:t:: ~e1:=~::ntbere

CBJOOPD, Malt. _ ~ lnation tnQ be procured from State I . , . JiIuJel II. ~.. "ad" Civn.~ce ~OD, State 01tabl.. ~ 'OIl 111m aIIIl . . . . . flce BuUdintr, Columbua liS, Ohio. fund te aD~""C!~ . . llu-"tUc. , ,.":0...... . AH9 ',. . ".. ailLed ~ I mat IA ' CO... _DU~. · u,a.a.O - ~oune eourt ~ .. ('I!PP II wild' aame ~ be reit In t.tie ... ....... a* tiel.. and ..... and not adoptecl






~~ ,JW net vMtl' tile... ____ fJII u.uor.... atked the IDUt. ' '!IIe .....- _n.... ''1 _ _ ....

Iteam ... to'rclecl and beN a, aplOllaD 01' . . . at ... '1'ee IIlUeb ~

. . . . , . .ela~

fll ecIIIUIMf'l

~ II ....

................ tile .,.. ..... ' ......T..... ~ tile air ....... ...... ..... 'I'I1II . . cil

..owu.. ...

~..~~~:;~. ,=~~ wf~ ' """,,, ~ ...

f n - t " ! ' :r-O"hJo--rDi .......I'J -01- flu a In ileJaUn ....MMr~ --..... nIIIoa '


. ?,

::'I~.~i.' ' Oa tbi· ~l6It*:...'= a~ _~,~. ,~'L ~'Z.~:.


' ,~

"'-~IIMIr""" ... ,...,& .....-....... tile . .





, ~eats

MIAMI GAZET!'E Eltlb"~h" F.bruar,r. 1110 DON MOORE ________... ______·__________________ Edltor and PublJah... 8, MOORE ________________________________________ Auoel. EdItor

Retail and Wholesale 4%~LONQ TERM


. No Repayment


Re.trlcllon. "

We cut, wray and sharp' freezer for your .


Subscription Rates-$2. Per Year. In advance, In 6hioi ,UO elsewhere

L••anon latioRal

Call Us or Drive Out home free'!3r or locker

Farm -Loan 33 ~. Bro.d~,y

Phone 2322

p~ene 3-2866


Kelly Bros.




.111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 h••



Thl 'alDISville NatioDal Bank


Till 9:00 P. M. · CLOS£D

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Establisher 1875



SIDIDIY EVlliia ', "~m!!rn!IDJtm!OO!rn!IDJ!!IDOO~!!IDOO!ruOOtru!~m!!!!!~!ru!m!~.L....:..... _______. . . . ~_~-:-_~1:~..::....::...:::.__.i:..;;.,... ............. " At.,••••• 7:. I' .. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE

Member Federal In.u,anee Cor'Dor'atlcln

1'••••• , . , . . . .

- ;'


, METHODIST CHURCH LYTL;E METHODIST CHURCH . pille LI.Dlbert, ~lJ118ter B. E. Baughn. Pastor, Cburch Sohool. 9:80 a. m.• Kr. ,Unified ::lervlce. 9: 46 a· m, I{."ben McMillan. Supt. . 'Norshlp Service, 10:80 a. m. Sunday: . , Youth Yellowsslp SUllday 7:80 Holy Communloll, 7:80 a. m. p.m. Cllurch School, 10: 00 a. m. Obolr Practice ~hUraday 8.00. Adult WorshiP. 11.00. a.

• • 0.,>' ..


UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIt": WOllam Ch ~1_I_t Byron Oarver. Mintater Bible ,Bohool, 9:80 a. m. Sunday so=o~:80"::' ::; Mr. M'Ornlnr Worahtp, 10:80 a. m. SarI.,. ' Thomas, Supt./,! ' Pray.r Mee~. 7:()0 p m. 11:Preaohinl: 46 a. m. ' ever)' .other . . Younr People', Meetinc.,7:00. Evening 8ervloe, tlrat 8uo4ay b ElYenlns BerYlc•• 7:80 p. m. Ipntll. FIRaT .CHURCH OF CHRIST , Prlo. Itob4irta, MlnlatAlr CAESAR'S OIUEK FRIENDa Blble 8otlool at 9:~0, a. .. , Char_ Robeda, M1DIIeer. MorninS .Worthlp at 10:10 a. lit. Chatl.. StanJey. Supt. E'f"enlns Worahip at 7:10 p••• Worthlp BentOe, 10 So m. Prayer lleetlq eacla WeQfII4a, Buday Sohoul. U · a. m. evenlq.


8'T. AUGUaTINB CHURCH ReT. Jell.' Bernlq, Putor•. II..... 8:115 od 10:00 L m.


OREGONIA EVANGELICAL U. B William Lel.r, Mlnl,ter 8u11da, Botlool, 9:10 a. .., I'nIak Swart..l, Bupt. . MOrnlnlr Worahlp. 10 :10' a. .. Youtla ' FelloW'lhip. b ........ ':80 p. IlL. MH. WUm& Olb1& Yeatll director. ",T. HOLL.,. METHODlaT aa,molUl L. Koseu, III.nlIter 8unc1ar 8eh'OOl, 1:10 a. IlL• • A. EanIhart, Supt. Worthlp 8entc:e; 11:10 L •• ~enlq S.m~.aO p. m.

LEBANON CHR •• flAN _ClaNOI ChrfJUo Beine. .......,.. .... held evel7' Sua...,. ........ at 10 Hitrblaad Ava. at 11 o'clook. Suday eohool' at ~ . . . . lloar, T_UmoDY m~ lit wec1D. . day evctq of eao. IIIOJlth at 8. SUNDAY IUDIO P&OGIU.I!I8: WSAt-a:41i L m. WIN~':OO L . . FULL GOIPBL CHURCH-,.J,0F WPI'B-4.: " .. .. THa AUEMBLY , OF QOu . Harvepbu"l ReT. Tbomu fAIIIlCMI. I'UtoP. CHURCH QF CHR'aT Bible. atud,., Thura4a". .,: 10 po.a. . Chrlat'. AmNiladol'l, Satudar M.I" atId MI....' ........ 1.11 p.1L S'u daJ': Blbl. S~,., ft a. . . SWlday 8o~1, 10:" 0enuD1lJlSoa, 10." a. .. a. m. '




PreaohIDs. l1:IO ,L IlL SUDday eT~, 1.8& Po IlL



!llbl. I


1I(Ornlnlr Wora~p. Suda,.: 11: 15


WAYN.IVILLE FRlaNOI nrat 0., Sohool, ':10 a. .. M..tiq for W.onhtp, 10:10 LID.



BvaareJlJltlc Semee, ':01 P. m. . ElYeryooe ' yeteem..





Estate of Otto Boerner Deceased Notice is hereby given that Marie B~emer whose Post Office addresa is R. R. :1 Wa1DeaviUe Ohio, has been du~.:'pointed .: Executrix of the te of Otto Boerner late of Warren County. ~hioi deceased. Dalted this 11. day of April. 19&6. P au Ziealer Atty 620 Gas 4 mee Bide Dayton, Ohio. ' .. .~ . J14LPH H. CUEY Judge of the Probate Court Warreo CouIlty. Ohi.





Crystal clear-':thanks to Texas J;astem .'


Texas Eastern transports natur(l/.·gai via pipeline' from the South. west for use at the Owens-Illinois' Libbey plaint at Toledo to help ' prOduce beautiful and ' practical glassware. Not so long ago fine taDle glassware was rare and expensive. Today, it is abundant and reasonab1e in price, because modern equipment and fuels have made mass production methods possib,~e. Natural gas-fired .fur~ naces, 10 w.hich critical temperatures are maintained, are used to "baby" me molded glass alo{lg during' t1~e ' cooling stage IUld give it its' final temper.. As a result, the g:las.sware you buy i$ beautiful; strong and econoniical. 1[:"A.~ r.\SI'-~ URV($ TK~ (0"'••115 'IIA' SlnE YOU

G:..:.s'.... r _,.. ....... D-.:,,,·!HUK>Li· natural gas· . ,~ .t ": nlr oa.t-' " t",'>If ';'1, n~h.J\ic:al ma1leu for strc:.jb't~' \hI. ' !.Oi .... ~, ,~ s:Jpl'\iClt the Ohi'o .




~y The Ohio f\ll:\ en Company, a m . of Texas , Eas~crD. " ,

' .•ann cturc:r (.!.; ....

", "



. ', TE~S EAST'I ER" ~ .. ' /0 ,_.; -fro ' . /~. . ~ .


"., " '0 ,,,



I . ,I ;


~ lf'at",.~o.T.·h d,".~'A'''4II ' •... • "!.

'. .

, ' , ' -.'



<. ':


. j


;~; 'f" I

""' .. . . ... If"'"


• • .-


. TU1J6 &ute". · pipel_~',f e;":,:,~ :'_,,,aI;,._~IrJm':~#;., ~~,', ·.~.~'h· \ a

.qll~" t~ Ie"'; ~.'-; ......... ·.i t . :






', I

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0. '",

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. .. J..-! ::.tJ) :t~i ~



;)00 '';'1,• Apptll«lUtM ,tIIId Ealttfft Melli.




Estate of W. E. Cornel" aka Wil· liam E. Comen Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Lucille Salisbury whose Post OfBce addreas ill Wilmini:ton. Ohio baa been duly appointed as Executrix of the estate of W. E. Cornen. aka' William E. ·Comelllate of Warrell (loun'" ohio deceased .." . . Dated.this 11 of JUIle. 1961.



. Judp of the Probate CoUl1 . ' Warren CoWlty, Olde Barlan B. JohDaon, Atty.

Come In .nd DrIve the NEW DOD6E GOOD USED CARS -




BIRUSH WORK or SPRAY Free Estimation

GEORGE MILLER ,Inquire at Thelma's Lunch Phone 3424

Call After 9:00' P. M

"IIII~1111111111111111111111'1111111111111 J"

Medium Size Freezel'$ in many refrigeratod hold 40 or 59 pOl,lnds of f r01.en food; nnd of course, a gener· ou I supply of iCI! c'JlKs, In mnny modc rn'rerri~alOn. this compartment nc\'er needs d eC~os ling.

~_..........._ . . . ._ ~' ..

. .



' -

r "

ItliR'S ,MOTORS Phone 2341 Waynesville, Ohio • ••••• ~ •••••••••••• w••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••





For Complete . ,




or This Much?

Covered Truck-lnsured iB TATE ROUTE 48 AT PEKIN


fro ... $109.95 up

, ~"'f.• ~•••• P. ;'l SoIIM refripratod Ire '!'f!. ~~',;~ oJ! 80 a~ even 120

",. ...aaw. .-.. -f '11ft.. 'P:':: ~~ ..~ ,." or bottom ~i.


.... ~ ~~ ~~.~ ~ ,.,.r_ ~O':'r, and rna, be . . ........... _" ••s! .. !rlp,.:.r lYe. .


he tri.1 in your home call Middletown 3·3801 collect or writ. Singer Sewing M.chine Company. 1223 Crescent




WiIIoa Co""e Prod_

Concrete Block Rock Face Block

Stul .....

bilitir.a Cor plannins a\lead. 111-:0 ~Nwinll ""'0 tupright mode~. MatchillS mode" Ilf reCti........ upright frceur are n~w ·lYa!I.~t'l•

Dr.ln Tile

.A 'chi.,,,, _


. 'un-SI•• Home ' .....era cal' ~ut Cood billa! !-ft!'J . familins live better (a,leu ~'l) beca\I'~ of 1M ......

• 'i.."'........... "Pi for Jour famll," JOu ha.~ a treat in .tore "t.." ,.,.. ~,~ ' a' ),our dealer". and tIfle aU .the ae';" featuresf Your ~••~•• ".1: ..... y"u help In chooelni the riPt 1Iae. aDd the Iu.- ,...... home. sao, 10 ~D~ ,






.. New Singer




Chl......y Block . Waterproof C......

..d P.lnt

c.n.nt .nd Mortar QI_.

...lId.... ·Supp.... SHEEHAN RD. P.o. BOX 34Z CENTERVILLE, OHIO






.,:II,.i.......e.r ....JJaIa~ ~~...y WAYNESVDJ.E





DI~I.rn.. Dr~n


W.ter Lin•• Tank. .nd ....chln. Un••






In.talled Foand.Uon. Du.

142 In., 18 In. and 8'·ln. Wid. . COUlltl Inlp.cted


FRE8H and 8MOK£D

LOWEST PRICES I.Now many models of Dodge trucks are priced lower than all

• other makesl .Vet with these low prices. quality-built Dodge trucks are dependable as evert


Ol'lgonla Rt. 1

HIGHEST pdWER I Power-Dome V-8 englneB, with 189 to 202 hp., are the most powerful of any leading trucks. Vou'll save tim&, save on operating costs, with these modern, short-streke V-8's. Thrifty 8'8 available, too. . .



sMARTEST STVLlNGI The biggest wf'lp-around wind$hield of'any make I New Dodge truoks give you brilliant, Forward Look styling. One test- . drive will tell you they're best for your business I

D.OT . Llye#Wlte ~d ProgreBlllve Aa Organlzat.on Second To None.

stricti,. Sellers on the Belt All Around Market In the Country . 8ERVICE THAT 8.ATI8FIE8


For Dally 'Market Reports: WLW, Cincinnati. 1~:25 WPi'B, M14411!town. 11:4& , WCKY. Clnclnnatl, 13:15 WKBV. Richmond, Ind., 1~:30

.\ I



Hkit. ,




iiez-a ' IW1\~ ,...·.···~· f····.·········. J,·1,....................... 1· .1 eM .~ ...........,..................... ,..... (Eutern standard TIme) . NORRIS BROCK COMPAIft'




















, JULY t4, 1955








VILLA, F09DS Home of Fine Foods Free deliv,ery Mornings and Afternoons

Custom Baling Raymond C. MeCall 'W aynesville, Ohio Phone 2982

Office \n Twin Theatr, Building

BANK RU N GRAVEL--Loaded at Davis Furnas Pit. We also Cars are now being washed deliver. ARMITAGE & ON. at Jone's Sinclair Service by Phone 2761 tf Richard and David Scherer.

PHONE 2111



REAL ESTATEWANTED TO BUY -Large Farm loutb ot Dayton preferably dalry w. D. JOHNSON', 605 Wyoming' Street, Dayton 1fI, Oblo. c-3-17-<St)-8-31

Started and Day Old Chick. from PuIII,....III•• . Typhoid Flock. Siralahl Run

'e12.00 and Up' par 100

"'uJ::lOJ'. .. i-===:::::1

PtiONE; Waynesville 2761

~':'J!iiiii.ilSPi~ 'CJJ:::IO'



c:;:t~::~::: washed and ~::~s~ ~~~~!te~o!~::l:: ,~~a:~::~~·~~::·,::':·;:Jo=·~~·~::a· '.Ilels polished at Belcher's Service ' Station .b'y Ronnte . Haro.n. $1.25 plain, $1.50 white wall tires'.

Sarva Wayn••vlll. and

1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITlnRnYIIIIIU' III III .S'.'ii.ilil·lililiiiiimiiiiilimiil1linflliflflmnnmmnl

Mon. thru 9Fri., 4 " to Sat., Sun., A. M. to 66\P. P. M. M. Prices:-$1.50, $2.00 for white sidewalls.

WATER WELL DRILLING-Elee , _---,._ _ _....,--_--:::--: tric Pumps Installed. LONZElL WANTED: Alert, neat inte~lige~. SPARKS Waynesv1l1e, man for sales service In ohio. ' Route 78 , X-9·54-9·55 Waynesville Areand a. See Singer Sewing Maehing Co., 1223 Ores-



SEA R S G R 0 'C E R Y




Journal' Record Books, Typewriter Ribbons, .... ~wrlter Paper, Reln·


forcementa. Bitt Ben Double Letter File Boxes, ReceIpt Booke, and many other Items. THE MIAIO

' t1P PER 100 WhIte Bocks, White Wyandlottes, New HampllJlli.e DI~D 8, Ohio


A'l • •

~~A.iTU_ III' 1

MElro•• &In

¥e. R ...... LIght BI1iluuDl" BI--I. -_.a WhIte Jia "P~S DAY OLD.......19.M.::i up ....r hUDD~ 8M6 Gmnantown Street. phone ~ Nl9 .






TAILORING For Men and Women. MRS. BUTLER. Phone 2491. 0--3-3-(3t)-3·17

SPRING SPECIAL A regular $1.5 0 Grease Job .for 99c with every oil Change

Cars Washed & Polished BOB'S TEXCO STATION

Business Available THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLy 'COMPANY baa opportUDities available for aggressive inctivl1uals interested in owning tht:ir own business. Qualified individnals will become members of the more than 2800 dealers in the We8tern Auto Associate Store "Family." Get acquainted with the many benefit!! offered through the Associate Store Plan. 'Many good locations available. Minimum cash inv~ent approximately $8500.00. For further detals Send coupon: TO: Western Auto Supply Co. F.iseher and Ross Ave. Box No. 56 St. Bernard 1'7, Cincinnati, Ohio Dear Sir; Please send me at no cost or obligation all details concerning the Western Auto ' Associate Store Plan. Name Address _ _ _ _ ._ __ _ Pbone


Car Wash Sale . at JONE ' S SIN CLAIR SERVICE . First 5 cars in on Saturday June 4 will receive free 4 tires painted.

-----~ ~ (


Is ~,




"'i spring~~m~

·! ACCident' ~-


Time '..

•• $uwlia show-and Joa knOW •• _ thaI increase alarm ac;tivitie. increaac. Be. ••• •• • ••• Keep Money• ••• C.oming In(' •• f"•• wi•• , .. I••• •• ,.., ..""., aWlit:'. • accid~ nu



earning ability at the veIY , lime when you need monef the mosL But ,01£ con fuel' mOft~ coming j,,-through a Fanners and Traden Accident Disability and Medical ElLIXflse Plan designed especially • for fumenfand owen who depC'lHl upon lheir amine • • abili', co IUppon their fam: ilia. Low _I-with maD, e.

=~.~~~ .~


2. As long as all 'five hands g·:t a !air share of the 9,rtnn'lQPt,. PI'OgresS on aDd ever,ylxAty mov~ ahedd. . ' , .,


sita in for thOusands of busln. ., larie .and amall. AU ha~e a sta'ke in ~ at G.a .

• N............... ... ........... A... .. . :

• St• • •D ................... · .... • .... · •


Qu .............. .... ....... S•• (. ...... I




The public always bas • hand. B~ up local purchalpNr . . . ., pRyiDc • fair shan of.taseB aad ~ ail ~ , in ,CllBlDUDity activitiee IIIUIt Ill..,. be iD &lie cihti the public.

When any oC the the b.cmds g . "'~ its fair . . . . CIt · . the wiDhings, Progress m.opo Aud N1 hundli \aea


That's why G.E. tria so 110m to TIetJe every hand

The supplier

• complete detat" of .our ftt'w Jatan chit. • pto.ide. Accideot.1 O~ath Uencf i u,l. • Diubilh, loco.1: .~d Meche.1 Pa)'menu. •


The "'.... owner inv~ his savingS to provide job:.creatiJ~· toolr. - machines, buildings, equipment, So the share must get his part of the winnings.

• Pr.. M •• nd. wi.h_( co.. o. oblj ••• lon. ,


Th6 cus'omer mUEt


-~ J9U81PlVII P3



cl':Iployee must have a hand that includes thE!. hi~h ..s:t po ;s!blc C31\ls in pay, benefits, .promotion and good. worku~g

.:I :I



'IZPt a Sood deal. In fact, the CUlrtorMr. . slttys in tlle game only llS lung fUl he gets th~ most for his nlOUCY fnm G. E, .

A disabling accident kills yo.-

• •

cb, player Ul~ t .. . . . . . . . ~ I,

It takee Jive ~ood h~ to make i>mgres., ~Dk ,I

: • • : • •



:...-_~__~G!A!!ZET!!-!!TE!!.!!P!!hO!!DA!!!S9!!13~.~~4h~'':11:.1 ••; II ¥II ¥II II •••II •.... ~,.............." •II "•\I • • • • ~ • " • • • •• "IU"IIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"-

FOR SALE-Piano. upright. GEO. HENDERSON. Phone 3622. c-8-17-2.






played fair:lY-with all 1M cards


the ~.

Vol. 1 t No. 1

School I.oard I,aml" SUp eri,lll nd Iii I . The Waynesville S c h 0 0 I ,Board, . with J Souther, Warren county sUpef.intendent a n~ auperintendent' of Way n e s v ill,e schools. He is George L~ Gr~er, sc'hoo,l superintendent at Leesburg in Highland county for the past 8 years. Greer has accepted 'a two~ year contract. He succeeds William D. Mya-s, who had announced earlier he . was retiring. The school board was very much itnpressed with. Greer',s past record as a school superintendent. Mr. Greer a~ended high school in Salem, W. Va., then a~nded Salem college. ' He graduated in 19S0. He took post-graduate work at . Wes~ Virginia . University and Wittermerg U~versity, earning hI. master'. degree in education in· 1961 at Wittenberg. , Greer in me pas t has ~-.:hcd b~sketball at- tdiami T~ace hish,e.chool ill Fayette






He, is 37 years 'old, ~ a wife and , {opr children:


Pictured at right is Reginald O. Hill, co-publishel' and advt~r­ manager of the Miami Gaze. as he filla out the first lubscription blank bousht ~y William Nell of the NeU In, .ur~ Agency.


Mr. Paul Sherer, left, and Paul A. Sherer, Jr.-, right, receive subscriptions numbered 2 and J from David Edaa11, co-pub- • ,Hsher and editor of The Miami-Gazette. Mr. Sherer was the p~b~iaher of the past Miami Gazette 'over 15 year••go.

Cor r espo nda ot s

~ga .1'11 In Memory

la me d For 6all t,t I

0Dce apia IUbicriptio' _ami' Gazette." , . William Nell of tbe NeU w~aDCe Agency in Waynes ville eli. honor 'co the 'Gazette' 17 puc~uma .ubscriptioll nuDlber OIlC.

Subscription number two waa purChased by Paul A. ' Sherer, a former publi8het of thIe old 'Miami Gazette. This new.paper served me Waynesville area for over 'one hundred rears. Waynesville High ' School Subscription number th~e Alumna 'enjoyed the 86th ·an- " is held by Paul A. Sherer, Jr., nual Alumna Banquet I,t.eld Oil' a residene of Waynesville. Saturday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m. Dennis Dalton, writer for an, in the beautiful n~w school other area MIW.paper, bought gym. There were 320 members the fourth sub.crip.tion. and friends in attendance. The fifth subscription went After a deliQous dinner was' to Earl W. Conner, Executi"re served by Moffett's of WilVice President' and Ca~hier of mington, Pr~sident Mildred the Waynes~l1e . oN a t i.o~Ja I GentrY pt'esid~d- over the ,p roBanlc. Ross H. Ha~ts~k, presgram ~~ t'he evening. Nominaident of the. Wa.ynesville Nations wer;e made for the sevtiOna I Bank purchased .I uberal 'offices ~d an election scription nu~ber .ix. was held. The new officers are Dexter Martin, Waynesville ,as follows: fr~., Robert BerMayor, purchased n u m b e r 'nard - '4'; Vice Pres., John seven. , Number. eight went to Perry sackett '46; CorresponDon Workman, area realtor . ding Sec., Evelyn Johns Hart- ' and auctioneer. Number nine .ode '39; Recording Sec.; was purchaaed by Jim ' Crane. Phyllis Bailey ~artsock '48; ~sistant . Cashier a t the Treasurer, Janice Brown PowWaynesville ~atio~1 ,B.,dc. ell '58. ' Harry R a \'1 c h, Waynesv'ille Sarah Burnett received red Pharmasist, . bought ' subscrip. ~ rO.ea for (jein~1 the oldest tion number 10. mem-bef present. She graduThe f.i nt .tIeID subscriptions . ated in. 1900. were printed 'on a leamer: Seth FUQlace 'Was present grainea card to set them apart and it was noted that 'he has from the regular subscription never mined , an alumna banblanks. _ quet in 61 'years. Plan. are art for sub-' The class of 192' was the scription drive .to be .tarted very proud winner ~ the atchi. .eelt. Boys aneJ girls will tendance cu'p. be selling .ubscriptions and Informal YiaitiAa waencamina aift certificates worth joyed b • all after the proJl'aIn. ~,.OO for each If) subacrip, •



t •




ti~~s sold. The y.oungster that sells the greatest number of subscriptions will win a gnnd prize. The grand. prize is a portable tele~sion with t ltand valued ov.eT $100. Sec:ond prize will , be a tape reC'~rder. Prizes are furnished by' the .,

(continued on page 12) .

The Waynesville town counmet last Monday night in ~he Mayors office at ~he fire house. The meeting was bro,l ight to order and · bills ,of the m~nth were presented and! given approval to be paid.


Mr. J achon Hedges, a Lebanon attorney, was in'vited to ·the meeting to disClJLSS a park project. Mr. Hedges is .co.dta~rman of the Cou~ty Patk District for all of Warren County with Mr. Corwin Fred.

Th~ parle ~Jject is to crreate a park district for all of Watren Couney. Its mam. -purpose w~uld be for conservatiol1 and recreation. Creating a park district w~uld help to conserve the natural ' reaources and beauty .i n the face the-

Waynesville Society edil:or for the Miami Gazette will be Mrs. John Vair (Pat). Anyone wis~ing to submit ~odety .n~ws.Ql' .e~rsonals ~o~ con. " ~ hel' a~ 897-6826. /.


Spring . Valley" HaJ'V~)'.butg, . .a nd Lyde dtould contact their ' area cor.respondants for .personals" or news events. The~ are: Springboro, Mrs. Ralph Yauger (Barbara), 60 Fai~ar ' Drive, 746·4636; Spring Val. ley, Mrs. Flora Burns, 1 Main Street, 862-4190; Hacv.eys~ burg, Mrs. Charles Price, 22 E. Main, 897-')72 and Lytle, Marjorie Stamper, ·R.R. 2 3030 Lytle Road, 897-5~95.

rapid grow;tb expected in 'this .. ' ar~a. WalJen County is 1Ihe , only Cou'ncY' that does not have a park .district in this part of OhiO. . Mr. Hedges ' Jx,i~ted out that the project wl)uld ~ot cost the Village anyd"ing. The parle district could get support' from the Warren County general fq;.d and from me State Department of Natural Resources. The State. Highway Depaftment would maintain access highways. , Mr. Hedges felt this project could tie ' in ~ell with the C~'s Creek. project and - could do much for the Waynesville. area as a recreation ceIlter. The CoUilcil approved the reaolutio.. co make appIicacioa. for cbia project.


Mayor Mania

DlC1ce the retail met'.. chants of WaynaVille. The flap ,nU fly for the Q,un~ Fair Parade altd for all national holi4ay" j


'Pre-F,air Bide ,Tickets A:vailable Ride tickets will be sotd' in', advance of the Waynesville Country Fair at the following businesses: Ray Miller's, ~&R Cleaners, Waynesville Furniture, and the Waynesville Lumber yard. Tickets bought before the first clay of the fair will be sold n,t a discount.

PRESEN'r WREATHS The Waynesville Boy Scout troop 40 and the Lytle Boy Scouts and Cub Swuts pre-.. s~ted wr~aths at The ~ Valley Mem~rial Gardena. . In the morning ·the Litle Scouts pr~ented. the wreath and in the afternoon the Waynesvi~e troop presei..d the wreath.

Hedges ~ he would be iDter. ' . ested in the PQSition of ya.. . lage Solicitor. . Mr. Hedges said he woUld be interested and ·felt he Cop.ld attend at least the fint· ing of council qd,. moncb.: A meeting wu set f . ' 10 o' MODday at Mr.· Hedges office .. 'Lebaaoa 10 dUc:uu the detaila. . A quacion W&I niMd ·. to wilat ... planned f . . . . . . . ,Mr. (continued- OD pap I~


The Miami fights and rope-twirling ,n d the oppor tunity to watch topnight arUsana at work crea ~g hand craft a which can be bouah t at low, contr olled

vUito n , with a 90-m lnute lpecta cle of Mexican music and dance, a meal at Its 800-eeat reatau'raIJ:t whose menu will be Inter natio nal as well . .

lIede oram a

.' , .A bIB new attraction, Mexicorama, will open 800n In ,downtown Mede a City, pro.:~ IOUth at the b 'o rder


·M. . . . . . . . . . "' . . . . . . .

(OO!' t I Equolj

.y OU JUS t


B~/MARJORIJ$ ~TAMPBR Lytle - 897.5395 ,

'BIBLE SCHO OL TO MEBT The "bytle M e t 'h 0 d.i s t


of ' f.ull-Serv ice B~nking ~e~aus'e of the, ,deSaving time and s~eJ?S is important t~ m~~t of us s, socmands of modern 11 vl'ng. We" re busy Wl th JQbs, faml 1les, home ,.' ial and civic activ ities recreat'ion. We need to economize .~n, time . , ' eyery way we can. .our s~vings . The old fashioned way was to go one place to tra'1 sacty even 'busines~ " another to arrange a loan,-, and ~ thlrd ~r. for your checkj,ng account and othe r flnanCl a1 serv1Ces . • all your of care takes now way ing bank The modern full- serv ice banking' ne~ds at one offic e. It saves you time, steps and money.


Chec king accou nts $avin gs eCCQunts Auto matic savin g (by trans fer from check ing acco unt to savin gs) Trave ler's check s . Safe



Chris tmas Club accou nts Bank

money' or~ers


Engagement AnnDunced

by Prie stly Image Man Man That Made God ~y Sap inge r Ma'd , by Kluger National Anthem by 'Cali sh~r New Yorkers , ART EXHIBIT BY: Garden Club Contest Winners From Grade High ~Crool. '. H;'g~ School ~rt Clas s. ' "

Insur ance loans

Colla te'r al loans


Comm ercia l loans Passb ook loans

,Wa)'n nviUe - 897-6826 ion Vacat ita bold , 1.1he Rainbow girls &howed Clurc h will their apprec iation of their Jr. Bible Schoo l on June 9~13 at' will m. Past Worth y Advis or, Terry a.~. Their progra Robin son by having an out'I.e held on Sunda y June 1'. to ed going cerem ony for her Wed: Invita tions are ext.end nesda y night, May 28 at their all for both dte Bible Schoo l ,regul ar meetin g. An enjoya ble ad the Progra m. evenin g was' hjld by all. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Earl ICnedler Miam i Chapt er 107'. Order aael family spent the Mem.of the Easter n Star will bonor erial pay weeke nd in Iowa. House guests of Rev. and , . their Past Matro ns and Past Patroi ts on Mond ay, "Juno :9 Mrs. David T. Willa rd -and a't 8:00 p,m. in. the .Maso nic Son ~ue bis parent s ' a~d ­ Har~s Temp le; Grand Electa will be Fandm other fro m presen t and a fun ev~nins. . is Lurg, ,fa. ---- -----=..;;...;;.-...... . plann ed . . The Past Matro ns will not be abl~ to -have a meetin g in June. The Worth y Matron. and , Worth y Patron of Miam i Chapt er and ,their childr en at~ tende d a '69 Matro ns ~ Mrs. Janet Goode is anPatron s, picnic ' at Rocky Fork of ement lIOuhcing the engag Lake on . Saturd ay, May 31 . Iaer daugh ter, Debor ah, to and the Past Matro ns and Past son Darol d E. Whitm er, Jr., Patron s of Distri ct 21 picnic at E. d Darol Mrs. and of Mr., tile home Howa rd and Lucill e 'S teritz of Lynch burg on. Sun- ' Whitm er" Sr. of Wayne sville. of ate gradu Miss Goode is a day, June 1. Much tood. ~~s . Waynes~il1e. and is presen dy consu med and a goo~ time was enjoy~d by aU. attend ing Miam i Unive rsity. from ated gradu Her fiance 1Vaynesv ille High and atANSW ERS: Betz. Drury . IieIIded the Unive raity of CinStorch . lancas ter. Grant . serthe ellitie'r will He i. cinnat SCORE: 5 - expert j 4 - fre· quent watch er; 3 - somet ime Yice on June 10. No date has viewe r;.2 - hardly ever; 1 !teen set for the weddi ng, , no fan.




'Mort gage loans ~ife


(or equiv alent )

Hom, mode rniza tion loans






el l



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A quick look at the chart above will show you the wide range of financial services available here.' Lik~ a modern money "supermarket", this is a convenient place to take care of all your family and business financial require-

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f ..




:'lie 1\ IAIIIWfILLI \:IATlIII, ':IAIl , '



.....4o .

._ . •' I....


: W~"" i

I' II 11111111"

. .


.Wedn~s day t

June 4

The Miami Gazette

sul>urb 'of .ome place . else. In too, I · no longer live aJ.o leo the case of WaynesyiJle of My grandneice and her ddrseveral different places. So', teen year old ~ and ~Ler come. on, ·h elp these two cou~· . . eleven yeat old girl now sh;lfe ag~ous y~ung melt who are the house ~ich is really t:oo Editor'. Note: Many readers starting this project and help small and help with the falrm will .remember the "Dry yo~rself and your town at the and its many animals. . Ridge" column by Mr.. D. J' 'same rime. I have been reading solme Frazier from the old Miami Memorial Day 1969. As us· copies of the Gazette whii~ Goette. The ~ Gazette is ~al on. h~lidays, we are stay· 1 . bought at Mrs. Courtnteys , proud to publUh her column ing ' quietly at home. a sale. They might haVle b.~en' once again. warm sunny day with a littl~ written today ;..- even wh-at a By D, J. F~er . haze in t;he ' sley that might woman ':caUed Ctth~t. tripe , Greetings from Dry Ridge mean any thing. Not so many about the bull getting out 4lmd to aU our old friendS and to trucks on' highway 73 as ' us· the neighbors helping get him our friends. ual but lots of people hurryin'. " We have sheep again Clnd Once again .the Miam~l Gazette . ing som~here, many of them dog troubles . . Hogs an.d hog ia starting on its way and we .hauling boats. That is one of troubles. Cows and calves ,md hope that everyone will wei. the new things since we wrot~ calves·"and calf I lstill come it and help make it a back in the fifties: It used to raise veal calves and go to the success. How can you help? be a rarity but now it is comweekly stock auction but the . First of all subscribe. Then . mOil - to see cars with boats, old Community Sale is gone send in news items. Our reo headed for Cowin Lake or and the nearest' one is at the I ' porters are good . hut some· Rocky Fork or some river. I Producers Stock .Yard at Wil· times they do not hear some. . hope they know all .the ~u1es mington. I had bad luck with thing that is important to of water safety and follow the one .I bought. It someone. Write letters to the .memo Have the children all doesn't know what a coW' is editor. What is your pet learned to swim? How about for but loves Ca,H·lac frolill a peeve ? Your lpcal paper is the grownups.? Not to late to pop b9ttle. He grabs for the the place to air it. Are you , learn. The ReeJ. Cross will bottle and, whi;h, it is t.etllPty glad the paper is starting teach you in one 'o f their and he is ready for another. again? Some- people cl1dn't many classes. _ A.1so we have dogs, eight of realize how important! a locai Big chang~ on Dry Ridge. them, and six new puptpies paper is until we Lost ours. A Fir.t on January 19," 1959 my with their eyes' just open. We town isn't a real commuttit'y old house J,urned down and r have ~ pair of Scotties, Dirk without a paper. It is only a had to build a new one. Now, and Snuffy. The puppies are hera. 'There are .three Border Mo~~~- older pril~11. trained ..beep .clog and ' two terrible :teen-agers. All tbose are registered , good attock. Th~ we ,h~ve Fat. AU,e1rc. a beagle, . odd but , \

'Go·o n


.by two ·moon.lightera, BL and. BL who do a good job but haven't time to do a1f the maintenance work we , need. Gone are the days when peapie to clean barns and build fences and GU~ graSs were ' easy to get. So life goes on on Dry . Ridge, just the same old atory as it was in the forties and fifties. We have another war going on wit& even lesa enthusiasm" prices higher and higher for what we buy and . . lower for what we sell. There . was one time when We were getting two dollars a bushel for corn. It said so right in the M·iami Gazette. So long until next week.

I.f '~i­ fri'lll lilil


Chapmaa,. Wftc cJiaaIu ..... of Sar~ Bumc~ Weclnaclay of latt week. . Gueatt of J'ane Kenaecr on Wedneaday evening Weft- Nt. and Mn. George Francia of Franklin. ' George BUDDell was a Sun· day . morning ea1ler on his , mother Nellie BunneD. 0p.1 . T~eulc.r reportS her husband Sar~ is much ' ... pro~ed in Health aad .... re'turned to Whita Reat Home .following a three week Ita)' at yeterans Hospital. '. Gladys Hartman'. SuacJay ' visitor was her 80ft ' Cmarad of Wilmington. . Fl.orance Cra~'a gueata, dUst past week, were her daughter•. Mrs. N~n; Robert Crane; James Crane and Rev. Young. Rev. Young a~ ~Iled on Emma Raper. Doris Howard and children Jerry and Barb~a of Harveysburg wqe "Home" vi.itor. one day wt week. . Guests of Carrie Russell du~ pa.t week were Mr. lind Mr•.

Sunday afternoon calJus Oil . Mrs. &ina . Burnett was Mr. and MI'I. C. D. Roberts of Lewishurg, O. Mt. and Mr•. J. Bar~eau were Sunday visitor. of Mrs. Ada Courtney and Maria Heber RusseU, MariOll R... , Elbon. seU ·and. William Dunn of Rue and Antha Dinwiddie . Lebanon. were guea. of Sara Burnett M r I • Olarlea , Berry on Sunday. . Georgetown aacl Mr.. Olulea Nellie BUDGeD was a recent Barger ,of New Richm~ visitor of her son Rhodes and f~rmer Wayneaville raidena, family of William Lad, Wil- . callecl OQ Emma Raper . ad Anna Thackara on Tueaday. Mr. Mr.. I..atu ~



, o~ Shoe

bbttona, .wJio was cUoppccl in our 1aac lmcn

WfI;. an' iqo~ble; .. tiny t;.-:===i=======;=::;;:;:;:=~;;;;;:=·.'· : . .bcpUpp),,~ .. ncri .my-old cbllit

. Sandy who finds · aU these _ dogs 'lWei to.- bear.. ... . . , . ,: The farm is' -being wo~ked



Our Hoet, Cfueace Ward. reporta the ,pr.t..;.. a ·ptanred ' and oUr- Ho~ Mari.e Ward is ~I on haviftJ ~ frah"yeaerab1a to acld.,·her . menus

100ft• •


ft, MIA MI QAZ 'I'l'U

P.O. Boz 78 - Phooe 887-1921 I'abIIIIIId _MIa W......, at WQDtIYiIle, Ohio. 8ubeoriptioD price 18.00 . , . ,... If..... . prioe 100 per eclP1. ....... .... alitor ~,D.Dia_ Dsiton ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ,...... : .Generlll MIlI'ap r .... . .. .. .: :-;-: : •. : ~ JDdIIII . .... . ....... . ....... . ac II~ AdvertW ~. Bill ••••••. .•••••• ••• '••••• L•• .... . ...... Eclltor ~te •• • • • 0aarm.aiDe' BUM •••••• •.••••• ••. "--. '.• • • • • • • • • • • • • PubliaI:aen O. Bill, David Bdu,D P.O. Baa: 78, W.,..m De, Ohio U088





The , surface.toJair miuile' design ed to bock out enemy aircra ft before mey reach the Unite d States, the CIM.t O Boma rc, will ' be featur ed in a U.S. Air Fon:e emibi t at The WayneaYille Count ry F a I r from June 12 to 14. The rugec l Bo~~ now •tand. on . guard at strateg~ locations in the Unite d States and Canad a on a 2....hour basis. It has been a key seg· ment of oUr air defens e sys· . tem since 1960. SAGE (Semi ·Auto matic Groun d Enviro nment ) center s have prima ry conuo l of the Bomarc. SAG E guides the

missile to the gener~l area of hpatile aircra ft, up to 440 miles away and at altitud es to 100,000 feet, Where the Bomarc·s own aiming system takes over and steer. it '(O the target area. The warhe ad is explod ed by a proxim ity fuse. , A Boma rc squad ron, packing a nuclea r capability, pro. vides air 'defen se for a 500,000 square mile area. Only 30 sec· onds warni ng is neede d befo~e " . blast·o ff. This exhibi t i,s 'spons ored by The Wayn esville Count ry Fair in coope ration with the U.S. . Air Force. Displa y hours , are daily and admission is free.

Spri ng VaDe,. - Ph.

progra m ·sta~ed. Wafte n is , Metho dist Ch ure" Sunci .y evening, May ~, for Rev. and. alaQ-' top trade -athlet e, holdin g Mrs. Nolan Sansom. who -had the schoo l dUcus ' record Qf served the churc h for. three 137 feet'! WatTen was vice~ presid~n~ of his ~~ior clas.. · .years. . Mrs. CoDDie. StoneHe will attend Ce>mell UDi. ' burne r was. 'in mqe of the progra m. A c:erc:ifu:atae of ape versitY, Ithic;a, New York: in' ·pred. tion ~d ~ cash gift Was . _ Septem ber. U~ited States. presen ted ·to Rev. ~ by The foll~wing ~embers ~f . liere ....t There iction Mr~ Seitel of SeiteL'. De· - Rober t Coole. The bened the Walte r ; Copsey Lodge of y Shirle . Nn. by Fla. Mr. Seitel .is an area " . was giVal Spring Valley attend ed: Har· Koogl er. ' Refrealunenta were par~ Store recent ly reo ' old 'Simison, Oaren ce Smlidt. in the ,b~t with Jalee Scott, Haine s Craig, .and tutned from Cape Q,raI, s~edDorOthy PepningiDD. in Mo. , repres entativ e of Gulf Amen. I Hy Seitel. char~. Rev. Sansom will be of pet'S ca Corpo ration dev~lo Lawrence S-im i.on was retirin g next montf t • Cape Coral, Florida. ' Spring Valley 's candid ate fo~ Mt. -and Mr•• William C. ' initiation. Bunu ~f Bel1broo~ Ave., reSchow :..up \V~D Cold and Bot c:endy retunl ed from a ail' Warre n Steel, IOn of Mr. a's coldest temperaCanad and Mr. . South the h throug and Mrs. Charle s Steel, P'en~ was 81 ·degrees below zero tun Mrs. Burna viaited relatives in F., recorded at Snag, Yukon wit Road, has been 'grantt~ Territory~ On the hottest day Columbia, North Carou Pa and. footba ll and aeademic s(:hol· sizzling 113 dep!e S F. r~ a I arsLip. Warre n is - the ,only ,' Jackso nville , Fla. tered on therm omet ers In wp gether get-to l far~el e 'and Yello w Gras s A ~8ell­ Mldal at four-y ear letterm an ' tchewan. Saska d Unite Valley held at Spring broo~ High Sch~t. since the

The region al initiat ion lof the Jr. OVA M lodge was ht~ld at the ONG Armo ry in' Middletow n Saturd ay, May 24. The Jr. OVA M was fowtlded -in 't8H and is che olc!leat patrio tic organi zation in. abe .,




1 gaL







. 'The Mi'ami' Gazet e

Wednesday,. June: 4

Mr. and: Ma. Gamer How.

enburg had ,f t th~ir dinfter p.m. Dancing to ,t he musici_of, ard cWIc:lrea lpetlt guests, Tuesday evening, their ccThe George Brothers 50-50 Memorial Day weekend ill" Band," wHl follow i~ t~e g:ym- . uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gauge, ICy., ' as guesta of' , ..~ Austin ' Conner, of Xema. nasium. Howard's parenti, the"~ " . Mrs. Bob NeWsome of · Mrs. Marie Chenoweth .and Howards. Xenia were guest here, TuesMrs. judy Sargent are coOn ·the previous Sanda) PH. 897-5372 day 'afternoon of her grandchairing the evel)t. . . dinner psts of tAe. Gamer Eighth grade ,commenceparents, the clint T aylon. School ~ff.icials repor·t there Victims Relatives Fl'om Area Howards were Mrs. Howard'• ment exercises are being held ..Mr. ~d Mrs. Ted Mil1~ will be reading and arithmetic One' of four victims ()£ a brother ~d sister-in-law, Mr' afternoon ~t bo~ eleand Paul Tomlinson have recar crash ' in Clinton' COllJnty, classes for elementary pupils and Mrs. . Raymond RobertS · mentary centers of the Clin.. turned home from a mush.. Saturday n.igh~, May 24 had at Harveysburg, Clarksville .. and da~ghters, ' Theresa and. room .hunting .trip in. MidUton-Massie' s~h()Ol1 system. relatives living in this aJ;E:a. and Kingman ·schools. Debbie, of Clarksville. . . . Dr. George Winsor, of Wilgan. She " was Deborah Molbley, Courses to be taught this . mington College, will be the 18, of Wimington, daug;hter summer at the high school will ~ain speaker for the Clarksinclude . advanced and remeof Wilhur and Ida Fra nces ' 'ville event at 1 :30 p.m. ' Mobley. ,She was also a granddial mathematics, adv~ced . .. Commencement e x·ere i s e~s daughter of the Everett Gorand r:emedlal English, .t yping, .. " 1 , for the Kingman school will world historY. and industrial . t do~s and a gr,e at granddaugh: ( be ~~ld at 2:15 p.m. , arts. t~r, of, Mrs. " Blal1Fhe Can, of - ''',. Friday is also" tthe l ~ final Libraries are to be open at _Har~eysb.urg. Am 0 n g her ~ . d~y of school this ' te.rm for all CM buildings this summer. oth~~ sur~,ivors are a brother students at Clinton-Massie. Alumni Association Dance Mike, of Wilmington an.dl two . Final- day for teachf!rs will be great aunts, Mrs. Rayn).o nd The Harveysburg Alumni Saturday. Adams, of Corwin and Mrs. Associati;n win honor graduC. M . . S':lmme~ School ating ' classes' of 1944, 1954 Emerson Masters, of Xen,ia. Clinton Massie school disand 195.9 at its annual . meet Services \AI ere co~ducted trict will hold. a summer here, Sa·t urday night, June 14. Tuesday afternoon at (he school program from June 16 Dinner will be served. in Marsh Funeral Home with July 29. 't he school cafeteria at 6:30 burial in Wilmington c:eme~ tery. . ,-' NEW &I USED FURNITURE Besides Deborah, 0 t It e r is It takes about 120 years of drippings to fonn one cubic losing their lives in the acciTELEVImONS &I APP~CES inch of cave .onyx at the famed Caverns of Luray in Virginia. dent on Ohio 3 ' near Sabina but because the natural wonder is already ten to 12 million wer~ William, Mustaine:. 17, .years old. it stalactites (growing dow~ ~from the ~ilin~) and stalagmites (growing up from the ground).are big enough to ". of Washington Court H'ouse~ attract more than 400.000 visitors a year. , ' driver of the car in which she was riding and both occupants 382-D346 of the other auto, Carl D , johnson, 18 and . his !;ister, jean, 20, both of Greenfield. :'. GRANGE, MUToUAL' '. Jonah's Run church will ob-



'Winsor 10 'Speak At, eM







with a special program nt the moming service.' · .Mrs. Ruth Sullivan atIM~nded . the . Bennett family; retpni~ dinner held at Triaftgle +Park, Dayton. .Mrs. Bob Newsomle of Xenia was a ' gue~t here Tuesday. afternoon of her s;randparents, Mr. and' Mrs. ' aint Taylor. Mr. and Mrs Otarles Pric;e spent. the weekend in Wilmington as guests of Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. Lee


;H. 1~1' -14M1'Jt - DAYTON 222-1411' 22S SO. MAIN IPRINC.O~O. o.

III1I1IIIII :·111111 ~

~erve Otildren's Day &Jmday.



Wq y n. , Wayne~vflle t Oh,i o

. ,Ii,-~--------....- -.....------~...- , t!omfkh dlDIU O.JaU141~ ALUMINUM SIDING _ STO"'" 000". - W.NDOW. - RoO" .... ' PATIO COVE" • • Aa:C"&ATION ROO.... - KITCNIIN RaMOo...." , AqoM AODITICH4.



co. _XlENI~ C?HIO.


Call Coned All Hours " ~ up to 5 ' 'fears.' To Pay MORTE ADAMS. JR ..





Mr. and' Mrs. Leroy Ellis, Mrs. Mabel Terry and John Hahn attended the Allen family reunion dinner held Sunday at the Red Brick huilding in W aynesvil~e. Weekend houseguests of the Ralph Dawsons and son Bruc~ ~ere the .D~wson's dallg~ .and .son-in-Iaw, Mr.: and Mrs. Jim EWs ~d children, Kay ani MkllaeJ, ~f ~reyati- ', , ·wega, Wisconsin . . Monday night 't h eo ·Van · Epps attended the commence" m~~'t .program at Clinton- ' Massie high school. Bruce Dawson was amo~g th,e 104 s~niors in the graduatinsr class. S~nday af.ternon the· .\ Epps visited With the Clint Taylors. M~mbers of the Frieridship BaptiSt ·clturch .. will hold a • skating pa~ty a t ;Lebanon



~AlPH E. WADE· PH. 746-8900-70i&-3651

For A Good Deal On A New or U'sed Car or Truck

. SEE BAY B. ~t



Stueve Ford

MAI~ -


BIRIEtll'CI'11 CllllESI :t~::~::t:;~ ~ · ...1' '11,f';'IIEI,II, CDI'IEst·, ,:=r=h;:!.~I~:\~~ ;~;.

. ~~~iw '

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. . . . . . ...

." ' "

p~m. Various . churches .~ the

•• '' 1IR:."~14;~'; rl:1 ' ',.,!~:~::!~

I ·:'I~


. '.


..W. -




the Miami Gazette

, pie syrup; Swiss c:he~e, brat"'\ wurst, roasti ng ears, melon , F~tival fever will begin apple butter , grape goodies ,aprea ding rapidl y in June and and pumplcin pie are served in will infect millions of Ohioa ns a variety of pa1ate'-ple~ing it reaches its end in befoie • ways. mid·O ctober . This isn't a di· Fine and fancy food isn't ae~, it is an exhilarating sen· die only attract ion 'at fqtiva la; aation that hits you cne first there is the ,atmos phere of time y~ .visit a festivel occa~ gaiety where people ~re having aion whtte delicacies like mao

, By Paul Sherlo ck


POtB • A

no . BOl D ,



Oall ,






PH. 897-7931 : or 89?~2241 "





fun and the oppor tunity to slee the beautica of the State along with fancy. free entertainme~t f~r the price of a 'few gallob of gaso~e or a ticket on a charte red b~. Economical f:n· joym~nt is what it is, wh~n . Ohioa ns get their jollies at the festival. where then are .D.O turnstiles or tieleet sellers to meet you at the entran ces. Most of Ohio' s events that ;are sancti oned by the Ohio' Fe:Jti> vals and Events AssociarioA are held. on public streets or open fields or groves. There are a few ·exceptions such. as: the Steam Thres hers Festi,, Laat .... "Where L ItP dida't ..._~ mum ~Iem f~, ' the Ohio State Fair, Ameril~ area reader s. Every one had tile right answer; die front door Indian Festival" Wond eliul Those to to the Mary L. Coole Public Librar y in Waynesville. World of Ohio Mart, and the call in were: Pat I.aacs , Viola Dakin , Caran ce Wud , Becker Ohio State Farm Science Re· ,McFu land, ] esse Smith , Yevin ne Davia, Nancy Hand , Betty view, where , an admis!aion Lawless, Don Kuebler, Gerald ine Hisle, Claarlea IroDa, Shuo n ' charge is necessary. , vecl ' Rid~ger, Mr•• Paulin e, Ta1bert, ' T~my Edwar ds, Larry Smith OLio's list of approJ .. . . ... Steven. Lan(aSter, Cathe rine Vint, Eddy Bishop, Marily n Slat.. festivals is too long to print tery, Rick Hobbs , Kathy 'Miller, ,Conn ie ~eynold, ~beda RiSin its entire ty , in this w.~elcs ney, Mike Corne tt, Dorot hy Hollan dswor th. -Now conc:tne~ition~ but here are the ~run­ trate on this weelc's photo then call ,897.5921 with your aIlIWer~ fests sched uled for the llext See you on. next weelc's "Hon or Roll." rhree month s: Poultr y Days at' Versailles, gest pit, th'e biggest omele t on ]un~ 6-7, offer barbe-c;uecl , earth and a fantas tic buffet . chicken from the World '. lartype meal with egg dishes of

-IOY9 -aldOIRl9 11,- IIi ' 111111& TD

Thl IIY ' 11111111 IT J,



JIl~i ~~ie Offi~ locat ed at • ain ~ ltIia1:lli 'f '

Stre et. at,the old Valley Shopper office. ,




'HARVEY8B11J1G ARE A: ' See Jrrs. CharleS Price "(lrarje&il) at 21 B. , ' ~D. in B&r ve)'B b.g. LY'fLJ: ADA : See J[arjo~e e;r, 300Q Lytle Road in



' Wednesd~.

June 4

The Miami Gazette



Labor Day Weelcend) is an procl.un. proudly that &fliJ is annual atteMpt Q) prove that the World'. clay center and Milan melons taste better Lebacks' it up with ·display. and cause they never touch tht parades. . ground and are of a variety Middlefield'. Swi.s Cteese fdund only in that vicinity. ~estiva~, June 14-15, serves up ' famous cheese along with' · The historic town. with its muieum and ' Edison's Bitthr other appetizing foods' and place, puts on a variety show unique entertainment such as that attracts visitors from far buggy rides and Amish-.tyle , distances. activities. . There are a dozen more :rh~ Big Bend Regatta at Pomeroy, June 20-22, has all . great festivals booked for September and October but to dt.'? :the excitement of boat J'~ce~, them justice we will wrIte mor,. a frog "jumping contest that about th~m just prior to Labor is nationally renowned and Day. In the meantil,1le if you ~lent shows, a,rt exhibits, a desire more information about frog ball with big name band. The committee.promises everything will be happing along the old river banIc. Ashville lias been nationally publicized for itS old time Fourth of July Celebr~tion, July 2-5. It f~tures a -mammoth fish Ery, parades and , nreworlcs. . Ohio Hills FQllc. Festival, Quaker aty, July 16.19, attracts ' thousands of people who liJce folk music, old-time games, antiques, parades and a weU-~alanced program of. entedaimneJit.

chose fine fiestas, just contact . the Developma:.t Departmemt, Box 1001, Columhus, Ohio ,43216 or telephone area ~)de 614, 469·2889.




num's imPortance in Ithe Space Age can be seen from ' this fact: the Polarf,s mtsmle, one of the first potent Sll1bmarine-borne deterents, requires 4,000 pounds of Ught metal. A ' few more thoussmd pounds of alwnlnwn in ' powder form gbes tnto the ulissUe's propeUant mix.


" Cellln••

Gutt' " PII'I.lInl

Rn'S COlftBACTIlfG, FRE~_grl.rgl.

Route 2 Pekin Road' Wayneavi1le, Ohio




Pottuy fancien and aU who want .col see artiatry iri action" will like the Pottery Festival at ~bvil1f;-Ro.ml1e,


18-19. yo.. may .uit working , potteries, see parada and 'wit• . neal huge ClOUec:tioIU of anIE the c~~-~wul of

muaecl .team wbUda .trikes .. aoatalJic chord. iD: you b.u,k • . of memoria, YOM may WAIlt co ,

.tten4. ihe


S~ l'hrabera

;F~~a1 at UrNna Where doz,. . ': ~ of the ,old machines may . be seen ' and heard in action. The event is · alated for July 11·20. "

Bucyrus .is the bratwurst ' ca~e&.;l of America and Oft

· August 14-16, you can sample' ihe German treat in a variety of flavors as seasoned byaeven , ~i f fer e n t m~ufacturen. ' ' There will be plenty of free entertainment and parades. Nelsonville's Parack of the Hills, August 20-23, is really a rep.n~ celebratioft that was started years ago to taiae ' ,money to proYi~e ChriJtmas baskets for needy families. Now it ,is, ~ Feat boon, to all of the Hoelting Vlilley. AU, Ohioan. should ,Jatow '< · by thiS time 'that' d,te " Ohio State Fair in Columba, 19~5ept. I, ia the IUi:tioD~~ ond largest fair in size 'and .econd '~ none in quality. River,Davs Festival at Pora· • mouth, ,AUg. 27-Sept. , 1, will be -'~ , medley of racina l;K»ata , _ for ,national champiouhip , trophies, • water carnival and . all, the ao'fDds .ad actiVities , of a regular .reet fair. ' MiUera~. annual <Am .' Fadm, Au~ '2~JO. features the perfect presentation of'

S.t It with






guallty cOntrolled. Just add water.

Pleasing pattern ' of 8mall aooustical perforations.

~trOn& scl~tiflCllly proportioned,

For seWn, III kinds of ,posts.



'. .wet 'COrD' mita .,Ich Pory. , HUDdreda of thousands of ears aft COiobd &ncl coDlUlllecl every pat at 10 ' ~ta ~ P&oofiea SO &0 ciae LioD.'. ~ proj~ Th e , meDu may be com, but the entertailuDenc ia .,.;, JXOf. . tiona! aDAl Ene. MiIaa'. Me 10 a Peci..t, A... J~ 1, (al~










Springboro United Mechoclist .T h e Springboro Baptist Hazel McCoy spoke to us Clara Butcher, and from St. Church will ~ having Bible of hlOW s.h~ surviv.ed the plast, Mary's in Franklin, Josie School on June 1~ thtu 29. in' spite of it all .. Ages 4 to 12 will attend from Turner. . Gary Woodley was the (I:1~ss kind interests you, and you 9 to 12 noon, ~hile ages 13 . prophet, delving into the fu; k~d interest you, and you . ture 'w ith his . predictions of on up will a~tend at 7 :00. for would like to join the ladies Teen College.. Rev. Wolfenhow they will all turn ~ut" when they ' resume their work barger Will be in charge of the Fint Graders Zoo in the fall, you may find out , The first graders of Johna. Bible stUdy and f~llc I!inging is more by contacting any of the' than Wright Elementary ~Iave in the plans.: '~H YAUGER abo.v e mention.ed ladies, and . , The- Springbot~ , United been to the zoo. The chlclren Springboro - Ph. '146,-4636 they ' will give yo~ more inenjoyed seeing .the anitnals Church of Christ. will hold 'The Class of '69 is now a ~ti~g seniors paraded by t«;, and an ;animal show, riding ' . formation on this. · its Vac;.ltion Oturdh. School thing of . ,put for the,: por. receive their diplomas and · Hom~ · From Hike me bus to Cincinnati, a~d eat· on June '9 to 12 and 16 to 19 tala of! Springboro Sen i 0 r well wished for a '.bright and Scout .troop 94,. 'h~~ded by from. 9 to 11 :30 a.en •.children ing their lunch in the pic. Hi.h• . Assembled tOgether, prosperous'; future. They are Scoutmaster Ralph 'Yauger; nic grove. Those teachers g~­ ages 3 thru · 6th" grade will perhaps for the last tim~, · on now ready to ~ake their mark returned from a weekhav.e ing were, Mrs. Partin, ·Mrs. meet at the church v' while , Ute athletic field, the I!adu- \~ in the world. ' ._ end in Mansfield,. where they .' 'g rades, 7 ~o 8 will ~e~~ ,~way Spurlock, M~s. Spicer" 1Mrs. With Al Wight as' the Mas • . Spencer, Mrs. Sewell, and 'hiked ' the 18~mile ' Johnny fr-om the chutth on 'a. ctday ter of Ceremonie~, ' die selectcamp" basis. • t. Appleseed trail. Those who Mrs. Alexander. The m~hers WAYNESV:p:.LE ed seniors came forward to went were D:m ' and Steve ,~t did you do ov~ thai: went along ,t o help were CAMPERS, INC. give their views of what the . Manning, Phil! T ~ney, Phil Memorial Day W~' Ann W,rler, JOaD . Sh;eets, --- - - - - - . past, present and f'hture has Harmon, Doug Young, Tony Mr. and Mrs. Glennis 'SexJ aclcie Newman, ·L a Vern JSailmeant to them. · CAMPING EQUIPMENT ton? We stayed home and ey, Janet Knight, Mina MUler, '. West~ Cox, Robin Chilo Jim Beck began with a Wheel Cam~r Camp~g Traiie~ ton, Toby Haas, Ron Barber painted, and went ItO church. Joyce W el~, Ann Leach, ,B ar13 modeJa to ' choose from, Also synopsis of the antics ~f the and Mr. Yauge.r . Helping to Mr. ~d Mrs. Robert Dunn? bara Yauger-, Judy Bush, ,and Wayne Camper Travel Trailers & .kids over ~e past twelve ddve me boys was Mrs. Ron We star.ed home and enterMidge Neal. . Tops. And Sportsman's Dream . years, both humorous and senToney, who is fqrmally from tained Mrs. Dunn's Aunt, Mrs. , Pft-Nuplial PLuu Truck Campers. timental. Ma~field. " Grace Alderton, formerly of We Sell Bottle G88. Busy wjm pre-nuptial plans . Christi Williams re~d a SALES RENTALS SUPPLIES Plans coming up fOf the S~ingboroJ ,w ho is visiting are Sam Harris and· his f"llture poem, pertaining to the s4b. boys are summer eamp at Jrienda and family, before 'rebrid~, Danielle Slate.r. i~iss, jut of how can you eX'fV'''~ Camp Hook in June and a tUrning tQ her J:1ome in BraSlatu was feted .with a shjDWer mile north others to ~dmire and respect canoe trl., ill August. 56-mile deMon Beach, Fla~ in her honor, given by Mrs. of Route 73, Waynesville, you, if you don't ·a dmire and Mr. and Mrs. Rohen: Shiv. The scouts will not be having . Sally Shanklin of Kettering, .respect y ~ u r s e~lf. Amen ~? We went to West Union, their regular Thursday night on May 18. On ~ay 23,• an, Phone 89'1-1936 ' Christi. Ohio to visit Mrs. Shivner's other shower was ' givel1l by meetings during the sum'mer parents, Mr. and Mrs. month., but wlll gee together' Mr. Harris' sister, Mrs. Brodt, and attended the ~ed­ from time to time on -outings. Yauger., for the ladies o~t the ding of her Niece, Salley HanHere • There Springboro Pirst Churdl of . ley to Gene Toole, in Seaman, ,God. 3/4" Crusher Run or .Chips & Dust. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Price, of O. The Shivner's also atteIld· 1-1/2"Otusher Run or B·19 Parleer Drive, have just reAttending were Mrs. ,R,Dbert eel the Alumni Banquet at 2" Base St9ne turned from a relaxing vacaShivner, Mrs. Edwin J3ush, West Union Hip, where they AT THE PIT OR DELIVERED tion in Kentucky. first Mrs. Mabel Smith, Mrs. Romet old ~tes. _ . bert Hammoclc, Mrs. Robert s.lOp wu at' Cumberland Lake, , Mr. ..... Mn. .BiIl fl¥ris? , Tibbs, Mrs. Paul . Sebaitian, · . whe~ dtey stayed in a cabin CALL SPRING VALLE,V 182-5121 COUECf We tratl'eled to Kentudty, to on the laIce, and Lloyd and Mrs. Guy Manning, Mrs. visit with family and friends. son O<.ug got in some .good Boyd ' Davis, Mr.. CortUi' Bai. Mr• .~ Mn• .Ralph Yau. fishing 11.en they', traveled ley,Mrs. James Napier; Mrs. ger? 'We ,t raveled to Hantilton . on 'tQ Wbidey., Gty, where William Baker, Mrs. J olm to 'visit with . family ancV Rogers, Mrs. Ball~rd Johnson, . . they spent some cime ," with friends. , Mrs. Price's mother, Mrs. · . the bride's mother, Mrs. Dan. Mr. and Mn Eel Buth? We Barton Bryant. ia! Slater, her .GrandJnlJdter, travel~d 110 Zachariah, Ky., to · Mr and Mrs. Edwin Bush Mrs. Ed Lutes of ' Soutl'gate, visit with Mrs. Nell ,Bush, Ed'. HARVEYSBURG, OHIO traveled 8e~a Ky., to atCalifornia, and from M i amis. tend the wedding reception of . m.~m-=r. MON'. thru SAT. 8-9 '. . SUN. 12-8 burg., Mrs. ~ron Wilbulr ~ and Mr. an~ Mrs. BiU Quemer? Mr. and. 'M rs . Ji~ Halsey. hostess Mrs. Yauger. , We stayed .hom., and built. a They are old classmates' ~f the The wedding date is ~,~ for playhouse for. the kids. Bush's from. Eastern, Ky. June 7, at the ClUrch of: God. 'University, at Richmand. A reception will follow at the Y auge~ home, With a !buffet Bible School PRO'PECT GRASS, . supper l'a~r itt the day at the · The Sp ri II, g b 0 r 0 ~irst FLOWERS home of the Bride's parents. Church of God will be havNEW YORK (a)-Before Geronteers Recess yo~ start worrying over how ing th~i~ Bible School on June There have been ~ieveral to make the ·grass greener in 9 to 12, from 9 to 11:30 in your yard, it might be wise to ladies . of Spring"boro who Advertising agreements with the . the mornirtg. It is (or childr~n give some thought to protecthave heen doing volunteer Ing the '.gnlsS and ft.Olm'S, f~om Kindergarden . thru Jr. work 'this past school year at fram the cruSh of auto Wheels. VALLE~ SHOPPER ~i1~ be contin~e~ in Higll. . A special kind of heavy-duty the Otterbein Home., . near . · T 'h 'e 'Springboro .United aluminum lawn edltlng is Lebanon. With the children . THE MIAMI GAZET.TE. commonly used bec~use it ' Medtoc:li5t Church will be "havhome froln: school, t~~y wilt · will not corrode, never needs ing Bible' School ~n J une' ..·~3 painting and can be .strong be recessing for the S1~mmer . to July. 3. H~urs will be from enOUgh to support the weight mo~ths. They' give~ the The MIAMi GAZETTE w'i 11 reach 600 of an auto that strays fl'9m 9 to 12, for children in Kinl'ts pa~. . name . Ge~s, and joined '. dergarden thru. 6 grade. efforts with ladies frorn other' . re~ident~ in the Spring Valley area OJ. " cht,Jrches fro~ all ov,e r the ' ' ~~\additi~n ' ~o the areas regularly area . . Visit Our Hew . . Their work consists mainly ' , .. . . cove'red by t~e Shopper ~ :of ·w riting · lett.ers, ' ~al\icures, . reading, car outinp, ·sh.o pping trips, song fesa, ' aDjl! just The deadline for advertisements ymhng. So~e ,!,f the ' ladies ," : . ' .. . . . ~ planning tQt' preP.llr e pic.' . 'A... Of I IIi: ~' , wi·n·be· 'moved to Monday .at -5:00 p.m. nics eO.', ~e out .djar~a ' ,the .. . . ew . 8 t.ema . . summer. . '. " , .. ABB· ' BBAss . 4n that GAZETTE. Thole who worked '~~. year ·8TOlfBW ABE 'PJ:WTER ' . 0. . t· • • . we~e from lit Olu~'Qf GoCl,. :· , SUSs· : . . WROVGBT:U,OK' Helen Shivner, Judy .S..tsh:·~.~ ·.. · ~ ' .' .... Ii' .' . .. ' ~

'_ringb,r, Slnr,r Hig~' H',ldeOlDmlncemlnt "89 vas,











1111 ___ '11 __1,



·1,111111'· IIIIE1 . ..III.


to .-







pull LiD


....;." 't6~' ins'ert'i~n'


~eeks '


News '·; t~ms. should': 'be submi tted .


.t : . • e'




Saturday ..noon. i f pos~ible .... .


. •


'"-: ~ oil

• •







.'.. THE ~IAMI ' GAtETTE '

. .. . . ... ..... . ' . .



~ '.

. ,"



. ..




..... ,

' .









• •

sa E!!::~~~, ,"W~yn e;~ i,Ue,fbFm,,"~f.~f~~·· ·

Camhi. From the· ,Red Lioft M_ocIiIt, Pat Folta, &om the'

. Waynes v111 e • ' 0 '



.. ...

.. ~~~ " '-'------.




The Hi ami Gazett~!_. i




(a) -


motto for this year's SPOl'taman might be, "Think Light." The great variety of Ughtweight sporting gear Includes items such as aluminum ,c anoes, ammunition boxes, field gear, golf clubs and tennis i'ackets. _ _- - -"

If y.our panty hose are on their last leg-bagging at the knees and crumpling around the' ankle~on't you think it's time you put your ~st foot forward? A new yarn can help you out. Called Vanilon and exclusive with Van Raalte, it-'s a new . idea in hosiery. Nick~amed the "clinger," VanUon is a stretchable apul'l yarn that. clinga to every curve and contour of your-leg. ,No matter how 'many times you ,ait, stand,. wqlk or run, Vanilon. will stay molded to your legs. ' Gone are the stockings that look -U"e ~eir owner walked off a,nd left them standing alone. And gone are the crinkles around the ankles. , Though revolutionary, Vanilon panty hose are, popularly priced and available in all ,. favorite fashion colors. , But perhaps the most in-


teresting aspect of these unusual panty hose is that they come in only one size-and no matter what size you wear, this . is it. Whether your legs are thick or thin, or even a pit bowlegged, Vanilon will fit. And that 'a the long and short of it! .

What are the wild waves saying about all the lovely ladies on the beach? PreHy special things, and all complime~tary to be sure if you're !iun-and-surfing it in any of t~ese · new-astomorrow,\ swimsuits. We've got styles enounh to please the fussiest mermaids and fastest swimmers.. Yo,lll find everything from da~sic one-piece~s to little boy two-piecers, all of them sleek and comfortable as a second 'skin~ (ome on in" the pickings are dandy and nicely priced.

· .', . .

It takes 170 lettel'8 to spell out: lopadotemac~lachogal~ - 8'ok.ranJoleipaanoc:bimhypotrimmatolfifphioparaomelitoRatakechymenokic1)lepik088Yphophat,toperisteralektryonoptekepballiokigklopeleiolagoiaoiraiobaphetrag~nopterygon,

which is a Greek word that describes a goulash of 14-day-old ' left-o'\'ers.

•• •

Soine animals' go faster' than one 'migllt think. The tortoise can go!talf a mile an l)our, and a charging African elephant has. been clocked at more than 24 miles per hour!





Dun & Bradstreet has recently created a computerized data bank with up to 20 facts ' about each 01 3 grlllion buaine.aea in the United States and canada., New facts are col,lected and ' poured into this unique iDfo~tion warehouse at a rate of more than 6,000 each aDd everY working dayl

..... _.. -.... - .... ..-.-.~-.

.: ~..:::..

T,i'cket Winner for $10.00 Gift Certificate thiS ' week: DEBBIE GOODE , . Winning ticket ho~der will be p~,sted e~ch week.: .

Antique Shop Behind Stubbe Funeral HoDUl- Spe·' cialisinK in .....are. WaJDesville. Ohio. ' !te'f

letl AT STUD American Saddlebred Gnide JIW'eI .ccepted. Fee 176.00 a' time of eervice: Live foal lUaran· ~. Far Billa Stable, O'Neale Rd. Ph. 897-6M6. 19ctf

Beal Estate



SEAL Point Siameee kitte.... Pure bred, 8 weeb old. Ph. 848·,2648 Benbrook, leI


PAINTING-By the job or by the' hour. Spray or bnillh. :Ko..., Bains, Boot.. Fe.ncea, •• Ted Stepp Ph. 8t'1.q11, W.,.mu. , - . J ao k cOwPll Ph. 382-6786. W'1Imiqton.

, _ JODI

For Sale



WHEN buyins or ee1liDI real atate why n.o t call WI. We have eapable eales .,enona in your area to help satisfy your




SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 1~ So. Main St.. Waynesville, Ohio. )(on ..Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wedneeday. 18ctf

188-1440 · Jerry Hoffmann 897-4258 , Scott Remley 897-2580 Herman Weaver 897·78H

i'OB SALE: 64 Ford X4 B111CUt eeat., 00080141, power eteerio& au&o~atic.. 289 V-8 ' engine. l8~rs.oo. Phone 897-4323. leI FOR SALE: 3 ailldrena eMil, 12 ' , eubic ft. refrip~tor, JeUOlllable: Ph. 848·2648 BeUblook. leI 19M CheVlOlet Impala coDve1rtible, V-S, stand. ahift, God conditiOJl" low, mileap. Must be BoJd. Call 897'·2407 after 4 :30 p.m. . ' lei , ~EW

FOR SALE: 4 DU. Wen of Wayne&viUe on Harlan Bd. a bedroom. brick ranch. 2 ear pnp,' built·in , oven" rauge, w·w , oarpet, $21,000. Owner 897-44M. • 101

TOY Poodle Stud Service, AXe Resiatered. White or Apricot. SOD. Appointment only: Phone ,897-4148. lSotf U8-ED--C.--~---S-hirta--· -, -B-Io-uae-s

'·! I"·, .

FOR SALE: 68 or . 897·2271.

oro. Call

1961 Standard shift, Call 897~1.

'.'1" 0.,.


~1=i2ii . lel






1_ ,ucbt ..... ~~ =:.1'::. :o:r.:@t t.::i

A'J H. ,





eJumtnUm exterlors.


eeD'' ',



, ele




By Mirth" Moo•• "I did it and I!b1 GbId" _ f ' . ' , That'. what many a pb..tic ~ . , !JDlht .y if it .could ,.;alk~-" for , mpnioua home economists·are coming up, ,w ith a d~aligbtfu1 variety, of joba that the""Glad" plaatic baP-can do. -To ptepare bakeel looda for mailiq, lint 'wrap in , plutic baga, ' fit IIlluc1y " in cruabproof containEIr, coYer again with plutic before wrappina for the miil.


LADIIES. · OR'.': M ,E .NJS '2 ': P 'I E··C I!:, ,



. ·U ITS

Shir.ts LaunderedTo Please


-Send .,Uumplea for ..... . Iy. to your caDlty agent in plutie sandwich ..... Inclu~e

a label identittyinl the location from which you 't ook each aampJe. -'1'0 avoid takilljl down , eevenI Q& box_ beloN '~ catbia the one. y~~ w.nt~ . cut hoi.. in .the 1Iid,. of the box. and t.ek wlib' clear.

....ttir9uIb."Iaaie,lftap. ' -WbeJi Childrenr lID' camJriDI. pack a compllat&.t of -, doihinl for ellCh· day In plu&ic bap. Tbey 'wiD have f...., outfita read,r to . . , into eecb momiaIr. ad at.

nJab~ thlt)' call UIII the baa ' for lOiIed cloth. . -Keep an wrap iD yout eewm, balk I tor tape .......... keeplDt mateh8cl ' . • ta of butto... toptber.




k.pint braida . . trIaII

neat. -Por

IOIIIeODe . . . . .

' ...... cut IDCI tie wrap to ItatI


NEW YORK (a)-A prime

refrip:ra&or and air eooditid...... ~ , flOm ~0m&I1I'. Ideal ' , 'for ' eouple.. ~ Daytoa after e or Wa'JDemBe 897'-25Ot.

JUI' ,5 ••• J11,, -11','




~ , ~


ALllJlIlV(jM '.DR

1JNFURNJ8HED Apt. wid. .&em, 1Iq\W'8


pan1ea that bulld mobile homes have · ~clardlzed em


BFJlROOIl home, -'F or:Bent " air Coaditiollinl, in ya.ll. Loca· ted at UaiOa Rd., and 35, oJ Dayton. PIll . IhDU


"CeIlt development In Amerlcan living, provide Uvlng quarters for more than • .6 mlUlon . AmerIcana. TIle _~1U1 com-

~ S::~am~ro::

. ·3


homes. a comparatlv.ely re-


·Beaua..,. ~1..

--======:;:;=======::: ." r.. iii


• ~ODEL 1000 Multilith offeet print. mg press with , automuic blanket wuber. Oestetner Model "1 duplicator with Geatefax Electronicl Stencil Be .-er and cabinet. All neellent condition. PIlone The Valley 16nctf Shopper 897·5921. ' ' o:nJQA a~ ... TCH pads, .for Ale . I~t 1_ The' Valley Shopper. .105. S. ( 11I1in St . . W.yaeaville. . , '. 16nc" 'REMOVE acMI body fluid. with FLUIDEX tablets, only 'I!A9 at W~ Siore. , 20c3 FOR SALE: 0IdIm0bi1e w. 4 ....... atO Ie.... end,

!DDDLE-apd, penon for baby Iit'ins and ~ in m,>,home. II! n...n Paya top ".... Ph. 897...206. ,,111& after e p.m. ' 101




Be!'D, Wanted


IUD. auto. Ph. 886-6569.

uaen of Blue IAastre earpet 'eJleaner. . Rent electric &hampooer Wayn.".· ' ville Funliture; , tel

' Wanted each-AlIO, Diab_Lanlp8- Many Let me baby si~ in my home ,for other odds and ends. Brandya Odds .. you. Laqe Fenced·in yard and and Ends · Store 29G E. Main St. many . watehful eyes to keep on Harveylhurg. ,Ohio. 48ctf . them. Ph. 897-5921. 15notf , OQW Sprinp Beauty Shop: Will WANTED SuaWherrya' to pick. Ph. lab appointmenta llnytime. Ph 897-6921 Incl JAN1E'8 Be aut y :!op, 9990 WayneaviUe BeUbrook , . - Summer Houn': Wed., Thun., & Fri. 0nI,y By Appointment. Ph. 848.7351 16etf

p.' &hot

'1fEVER UIIed anythilll like it/' and Sweaten lOe



Bonansa Mini Bike

.22 cal. rifle auto.; '20

packaging market for' aluminum Is In · various ldnds of



five blWon

aluminum c~P8 ',-an4 ca~ COIDj,on,nte tor bottles" Jars. and the like .are pro-

duced and shipped am:ruallJ..


,The Miami

(MAjiji"'Tr TE~r". , ' 1. He's "Judd for' I

' fense.·

Leo CariUio Carl

Bclitor. Note: Thi., it the fint .how, individualitY and origin, Davie Wayne of • two part Hria_.hout the ality displayed in adapting old 2, He's "The Virginian: fint hOUle' in Ohio to be conFabian forms and details to the new Elvis "r:eslev .tructed entirely of COIICI'~e_ ~aterlal fro~ which die h~use Jame. Drury The houle is ,till .tanding in was to be built. 3. He went from ~ F Troop" . Spring 'V.lley_ GeorgeBa~rett was not a to seo duty . By Lucille Stroup , professional builaer but he James Dean In 185~ George 'Barrett had .8'howe4 the versa.t:ility that was larry Storch 'et.r Le4td. a woolen mill in Spring Valborn of necessity of invention. 4. Star of movie, ~ Rope of ,His design was for a house 42 ley <?hio~ Early in the spring Sand." , by 22 feet with two s~ites 'o f , of . 1852 ' his frame ' dW,e lling John Wayne caught fire and ' burned, eXCept ten feet each with ' one interAldo Roy for. a , one story 'part in; the ' i~r et~ss ~aU. N~r ,his rough . Burf lancaster 5, Star of "Houseboat.'" rear. George Barretltl resolv~d dr~ft of, th~'. p.l~n bad been Humphrey Bogart mack' George ' Bart en ' had ·to tllat his .next house sho~ld be Gary 'Grant s~lve mahY probl~tns with no built of material that '" would " Jame. Cary one at hand who h ad experinot burn. He made some inence: with gravel walls. 'F irst, quiries about stone for , his ITEM: Teflon, a registered he had to find banks of clear house and found tthat llIhey trademark, concerns measuregravel ' and 'sand ' free 'from , were not to be th ad. Then he The first all concrete J~ouse built in the st'ate of Ohio is ments of adhesion; thickness, dirt: For mortar to set well i.t nonstick pr operties, and other investigated brick and found located in Spring Vall.~y. The house was built by George characteristics of the coating. that 'all of the ki4ns were: en- . 6hould have as" much water Barrett betw'een 1852 an,d 1854, after his home was destroyed Many manufacturers are using in it 3S. it would ~old but not ' gaged. He h,a d to ' have 'a by fire. Mr. Barrett own.~d an early woolen mill in that village. and will continue to use this , label on their products. house but hie would nQt have e~ough to drip after it had ' been put in the wall. anotther frame one. WHAT'S "COOKIE-INI~" George: B,a rrett decided that ' It so happened that two he would use o~e part lime to years before he had seen an twelve parts of gravel. Then it artidre in a newspaper written was necessary for him to fig,. by O.S. Fowler of New Xork, " The article ' was about a ur.e the total amount of lime For man with an agricultural backgr{)1Uld "House for all made with . and gravel that would ,be necessary. The waUs were to have gravel walls, new, cheap, conto assjst manager in ~eed, Grain and Fann three diffetlent thicknesses. venient, ~uperior and. ada~d Supply Business. Will train. The ,first story would have' to rich and poor." Mr. Fowler was a practitioner ,in several walls fifteen inc:hes thick, me School's out and the 'heat's upper story watls WOuld be • Steady Employment of ~e sciences of his day and on when your youngster has was the authOf:' of works on thirteen inches and the' crOIiS just brought home his telllm~ .• Excellent ,W orJdni Con~it1oD8 mates for high tea. In phrenology. Hie' alsO ' was an wall ten inches thick. There "childrenese"-a snack! advoC)lte of the ' economy of were deductions to be made What do 'you do? Many ,. Paid Vacation . parents are "cooling" it wil;h a octagonal houses instead of . for eight windows, two outne1&. lemon-flavored cCOOkie, by . ones. George f B'ar" ~ KoapitaUratioh - ,r ectangu Jar side doorways and one door Sunshine, appropriately citUed "Lemon Coolers". They're in the cross wall. ' .. t'le(t rejected the idea of an • '11etirement Plan sugar dusted, lemon wafers, octagonal. house but . he was continued next week and busy Moms with a hUlltgry baseball team waiting expectintere~ed in this il,lflammable Apply in own handwriting to Box 78 c/o antly in the kitchen have dis, ITEM. : Braided rugs are "gravel waD." Fowler 'Said covered that this sumtlneramong the more common types ~e Miami Gazette, stating ~ge, qualifica- ' flavored cookie is perfect with that this material for the walls of rugs made at home. Their tlons and three references. fruits and drinks. beauty depends upon theworkof ~q.ildin,gs ,h ad appal'!ently The\r tangy tas!ie i!I the lpermanship; size and snape of been discovered r,ecently by a feet complement to 'a sherlbet, rug, materials used, design and. especially if the third baseman man named A. Goodrich of color. is a bi~ of a sophisticate. , Wisconsin. George ,' ,B arrett wrote to Fowler .for a little inf~~on b~.t _could get n~ answer from him. . There was 'o nly one maso~ in the , whole. area ,around Sp~iug Valley who would pay any attention to George Bat-10 '1'0 BE B'U'ILT IN NEXT 90 DA.YS retts views or was ' willing to ~y the new material .. But this * Wood Windows with ·Storm Sash * 3 Bedrooms' mason took .ick af~r gravel * Built-In Electric Kitchen " * 2 Baths and 'ime had been collectied * Electric Baseboard Heat with Full Ins~lation * Family Room with Thermopane Sliding Door . on the ground. George Bar* All City Utilities with No A8sessmen~s , *' 2 Car Garages " rett made. up hi,s mind to pro* Many More Fin~ ~"e~tures ' * Wall-to-Wall Oarpet ceed with his plans alone. It was the. cust'om. in 1854 ' W 'ITH 10% DOWN PRICE: TO for the owner of a hoUse to \' m~e a plan. for the house, : showing the size of rooms, location of doors, windows • 'two Family .Homes * Concret¢' Driveways altd , fireplaces. In southern *~. ·.Bedrooms, Kit'chen1 Liying Room, Blllth * Thermopane Aluminum Windows Ohio , them was a' reflection' * Electric Baseboard Heat 'Eoob Uuit of the tradition of Virginia * Get;leral Electric Ranges, Refrigerators:, * Complete Comfort Conditione~ ' Insulatic.)n f homes while no~.ther~ Ohio . Air Qonditioners, Garbage Disposals ' * Live ~ one unit - Rent- the other followed the New England type. According to .this VirPRICE: , 4~. 'F.inancing "Arranged' WITH 10%' ginia .tyle George Barfttt drew up a plan'. Th~e ~e~e , two porches in front, one below ,and one abo~ in dte • 26-1/2 Acres with Complete Set. of Buildings , • 5 Acre Tracts - Some' Wooded. 6 ,m iles Nortll lOuthena style. .The Prevailing Wonderful in ponies, Pets, and People. of Waynesville ~' Terms $5950 and,·up. ,' ' w,rin weat.her in the' summer $39,500 , Financing '.Arr~nged ~. ' , . tho n,aion .uggeated the ' d~ability of high «iliap , ",ci wide for curNnts q,f . air. ' Altb~uah the BUILDER DEVELOPER ' plan wu uaditioDal. , a ' dose examin.doD of the will "







S 26, 5·00










baH.a,. ,



Dan tVe Simpson PHon .-'fa


Clara Lainhart of Sp!,'4igboro ~ust have been. watching out for oth~ car~ with drivers

Cllncil lit ... ' (continued from ' page 1) repair this~sUmmer. Mr. Sawyer said that paint had been ordered to restripe the streets. 'The street commi~e will hold a meeting)it ,7:30 Wednesday night to ~rganize further ac· tion. , It was mention~d that Police oue£ C1larles LeMay had gone to the County Commission on: dog problems. The Humaine Society disapproves of '. the use of ' a shot gun to destroy dogs. The Commis. sion is being advised on the use of a tranquilizer gun. The county could , purdlue the gun and the Village would -then pay for Ithe tranquilizing' pelletaused. ,

June 10 'at 12 o'clock the S.iQr CitizeDI C I .. b of , WaynavUle and vicinity will meet at the social room of the Way n e I v ill e ' Methodiat: Church for a "",-in. dinner, ., ~veryoDe, is wekom~' to attend.,

when sh.e found that automobiles without driver. can aIeo be d~8et"ous. AccordinS to Robert Smith, ,2 1, of Waynesville, he had parked his car in froDt of Jones Sinclair at Main St. and Rt. 73 in Waynesville, and went in to buy bis wife a tooth brush. " The Smith car then appar. ently roUed into the intersection, and clipped the car of dara LaiDhut. Smith~s car proceecled across Rt. 73, jumped the aKb and eDded up in a dry creek bed. The damage to both 'CarS wu minor.

(c:Olit.nued from page 1) f'


Scouls Participate' In, Memorial ', Servic~ Junior ,Girl Scout trCllOpi 1469 and 1107 partiqpatel:l in Memorial Day services at Miami ' Valley Memory «3ardena. TIOOp 1469 also pas:tici'pated in those at the Miami Valley Ce~etery in .Coniin.




Leader Mrs. ~ward Pot~ tenger of i 469 and le,ader Mrs. .Bob Dillar,d. ' of 11 07 also attended. Troop 1469 'h eld a Co~t of Awards June .. at 3:30, at St. Mary's Episcopal CIlureh.

IItS CHEVROLET V-8 Eltation W8IOD, Bel Air, Auto.•

RctH ......................................... ,

1984 CHEVRO.LET Impala,

'-dr., HT.,

$ 695


Auto., P.8., MH ...

$ 896



1982 FORD GalaXit 500 2: ~: II.T., .-,~ 'R~U. ,V-s ....


'1113' OLDSMOBILE Star Fire, 2-dr.,





Auto.;' Power

$ 495 ! ... $ 445

. Sed., Auto., UH .... '•.," ," '.

8 cyl.,.

II. PONTIAC Catalln.


HT., Auto., P.8",'Rei:" ) ..•

I. . BUICK 2-c!It., H.T., V-B.. ~uto. Trana., P!S.. 1987 FORD Galaxie 500 2-dr. H.T., Auto 'I'rana.. P.8., ~H. ~ SHARP .........•......... : .....






I ;owner~ S~RP

..• , ....... .

1988 FORO Galaxl. 500 ,-dr. Seda~, V-S. Auto., P.8., Mit " I-owner. SHARP •.••• '•••••.••••••..• ,•.•..•••••

1964 FORD Galaxl, 500 6-cyl., Stand. Shift .............. .

$1195 $ 795

1988 FORD Country Stdan Station Wagon, 6 eyl., Auto. TraDl.. R4:H. SHARP ., ... .. .... .............. .


, 1988 OLDS II,

.-dr., v-s, Auto.

Trana.. P.8.. P.B.; R4:H

Gold. EXTRA NICE .... ... . . - .......... ...... .

1965 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 4-dr. Sedan, Auto., Pow,:r, MH 1968 PONTIAC Catalina 2-dr. H.T., Auto., Power, RkH ...


116HI: IIIII Reg.79c 3 oz.



$1595, $1195, $1695



172 North St.

Ph. 897·4038

Beg. $1.19

IIIIEI 11111' Reg. $1,.50 7 oz. NOW 91c


R i sI e r fREE 11i~lcri,liol



FOB 8 DAYS 1 Per Family








$1' . ,1195 '.:






WllIiam Bogan, SOli of Mr. and Mn~ Eug~e Bogan, 'R.R. . ~ ' LYttff "Road, Wayti~~ilIe, was' ~rese~ted with the Metcut ' ~ward at ,the Un:iven~ of jl , Cincinnllti's a~ual Recognition Day, prosr~m. '



R4:H, Tan. • ............•. • ...••. , . " . . • . .


,;ow- ,

, .... area;'


FIIIH 'lUBE I 5169,

,' Moore', 'Store ~ Wayneaville'~ , ~y, and airt., 'betweeD ,10 a~4 ';15 ,years of age, wishing fdI subacriptioftl ~ me ,Waynesville ar~ .howe! ~e to :die Miami G~~tte office ' located at MaiD and Miami Streeta ' at the ol4 V alle~ ~op~,. , T ~Ie Harveysburg are a youngster. may , lee MD. Charle. Price (Marjean) at 22 "~ B. ,~ain in Harveylburs for ~ubacrip~oa. blaah. In Spring ,VaUey Mrs. Flora Bum,' wlll be haa4liDg the We of 'ubicriptioaa and youna-ter, mould lee ,her at t' Main St. Th~ $prinbgoro area wiU be handled by Mrs. Barbara Yauser at 60 Fairway Drive. Boys and Girt. shbuld lee , Mr.. Yauger for details -and lublCfiption t:»lanb. \ Aft .11 out e£l9rt is being , , ! made by the Miami Gazette t~ build ita . lubscription 'lilt. ..' With: the IUl?pott of lIfea people die Gazette planl to serve . aDd gro.'; with ,dt'~ fait , ,







Reg. $2.25




. '

. Dr

.I., "


Each yea~ the COlle~ of EDgineering presents t h 'i s award to outstanding met. allurgical engineering senior.






Waynes v111 e

~. '

Ohio Permit #14'



Ohio -

June 1.1 t 1969 .


lilnS-Firl D',lrf••.nt Fail II.r. IntI Iii. It Ilynl.vili. Schlol By Dennis Dal~on

. to be conducted in , the' high Fair ~ool band room. Committee will zenith g~1a proceedings with the return of" Waynesville'. 1969 Country the fair's popular horse show ity. Fair wit be completed by a scheduled 'f or 3 p.m. rain 'o r "One of the biggest fairs" chicken barbeque, fish fry shine. ever will open Thursday Jun~e and other tasty concessions, The show will include the J2 at the Waynesville High bingo, rides, games ' and num- ' following events: pick-up race School grounds. erous displays including Scout ( 0 p ~ n) , horsemanship 16 Crowds are expected tC) exhibits. years and under (open), barthrong the midway amidst rel race ( open), men'.s pleas.News bro~dcasts of the multi, . festive booths and ex.ure (open), Arabi","n pleasure Coimtry Fair will be heard hibits Thursday to Saturday. , II fry horsemanship ., c.ass, sma preceeding ,and throughout A top' attraction during th,e 10 years and under (open) , the weekend ' on Xenia .radio three day event will be sky apple dunking, 'women's pleasstations, wax, eleven-ten diving performances that will ure (open), flag race (open), radicI,. WHBM, 103.9 MHz. open the fair at 7 p.m. Thurs,children's pleasure 16 years day. IJocal sky diver Stev,e :md under (open) , Foley will return this year Obstacle race (open)" westwith the troupe of eight tiO ern trail class (open), musical thrill audiences. . chairs (open) , horsemanship Thursday will be strictly an ( open), egg and spoon race inside night for teenagers who ( open), pleasure class (open), will rock to the beat of the pony · pleasure 56 inches and musically together ~~Methusc~­ under, keg.- bending (open), lah." The 8 p.m.-l i p.m. dane:e registered quarter horse pl~as­ , Mi~ Marian Willoughby, . will set the Foove in the high ure and costume class. president of tlh e Warren school gym. Saturday evening merriCounty Soci~ty for Crippled Friday's activities wilt he ment will be bacL:grounded by Otildren, a~oUDces 'that the ' 'headed by Waynesville's Out. a 6 p.m. hog calling contest, eight-we~1c sum mer speech standing Citizen of the Yelllr a fair first. The event promclinic beginning on June 16 award at '] :30 p.m: and "Sin.g ises to paint a tpigture' of will hold the .following dates Out Waynesville" at 8 p.m. mirth. of screening: Monday, June Entertainment Saturday will Waynesville Fir e Depart16, Springboro Elementarv; be initially begun with the ment's annual queen' will be Tues, d ay, June 17, South Leb, noted ' Country Fair parade, a announced and crowned duranon; Wednesday, June 18~ 10 block ,procession last year. ~ ing fire queen contest finals Way nels v ,i II-e Elementary, This year's parade whic:h ·slated for 7 :30 p.m. N. 8 ' Wayne Local and ThursdaYt will begin at noo.o will inducte p.m., the Firemen Five: Plus June 19, Kings Mills Elementhe Air Force's laM-10 BioOne, Oeblin Singers will detary. Therapy Days after marc miSsile from ' Wrightbut their talents. screening are: Mond'a y, W-ed. patterso.... Air Force Base; a The culture conscience fair nesd~y and Friday ' ·a.m., comedy car from Miamisburg, goer will be afforded a varWayne svi lie Elementary; Kettering Rambow marchirlg .iety of interests comprising Tuesday and Thursday a.m., unit, seven fldats, W arrl~n an art show and flower show ,South Lebanon Elementary; County Sheriff's DepartmelBt Monday. Wednesday and FriMounted Posse, Oh~ Git'ls day p.m., Springboro ElemenBarrel ~cing Association and. tary, Tuesday and Thursday ,t he Mu~nnich Motors , Musp.m., Kin,1ts Mil~s Elementa~y. tang Oub of Lebanon. This, free 't o all who Parade followers will ne:xt wish to taIc-e part and is ofbe tre~ted to a pet show at Miami Gazette publishers fered to 't he children ftee of 1 :30 p.m. and a water hall Reginald O. Hill and David charge by the Warren Counfight between .area fire eleEdsall this week named Denty Society for Crippl-ed Otllnis Dalton editor of the newdren through' public-donations , ' est . newspaper in Warren A subscription blank for to the Easter ~al Crusade by the new Miami Gazette ap- I, County. (continued 'On page 12) Dalton, 25, is the sOn of pears on page six ' of toMr. a"d l Mra.l Howardl H. day's edition for the COJilDalton of 452 North Sixth venience of those ~ho wis'h Guette Street, Waynesville. to' ~ail their subscription Goes To Pair The for-mer . Western Star to the newspaper of~ice. The Miami Gazette, W ufeature w~iter . recendy reren County's newest newspasign~ his staf·f position, with Emerpncy Police per will gO to the Waynes, the 'Star to head the Miami Paper Drive Set ville Country ·Fair. ~ Gazette's editorial departPair loeR are ursed to visit ment. Warren County Emergency the Gazette booth and exaPolice will conduct a paper Dahon, a Western Star staff mine Wayaeavil1e's laeat' writer for six years, in 1962 drive Sunday, June n. DC'WS media. , Residents ate requested . to was affiliated, with the forA portion of the ~ mer ' Centerviile Sen tin e 1 leave paper. at the curb'I,d e where he served u USOciate from aub.c:riptiona IOld at tile fot pick up. Persona wllo wisb rural pil editor. He is a Wayaavil1e booth will be uaecl eo ..... native and a 1961 pcluate liah a xholanbip fuad , . up can obtain the acnice by of WayaemUe Hip School.' joarulilm atucIeD.. phoDiaa ..'-Z4" ~ 9))·1 I. ,The Way n e s v i II e Lion:. Club.Fire Department Country, Fair has roared into real-

OM of Ameriea'. CI~-IO Bomarc

fOftllloet clefeaaive lIliaila, the Air Force

will be on dilplay at the Waynesville Country

Fm. '

partments at 2 p.m. Waynesvill~


Speech ' Cliriic

ballot' s 'f~r' box. An X was By Dennis , Dalton A , group of Waynesville , also marked in ' the tagai~st' box. citizeQ,a met with the' Warren 'William Huffo~d, Jr., presCounty Election Board at ' ident of the board, showed L,e banon Thursclay to contest a vote recount that 'gave the the protestors the defaced ballot. He explained that ballots Waynesville School District are transported froln. polls aftax .levy a winning margin. ter unofficial tally to · the til ,don't think the ~ecount board in sealed envelopes and was on the' up and up," dethat he, h'a d witnessed the clared group spokesman RayWaynesville recount. ' mond Thatcher. . "It'~ a sham~ th'at someone Thatcher made the state- " didn't do you and I the courment, in reference to the May tesy of marking his ballot cor6 t'peciai election that passed, . after a ballot recount, ~ ad- " re~ly so as not to cause this problem," Ray interjected ditional, .five mill school 'o pafter lengthy conv'e rsation with er~ting levy. ' the group. Five of Wayne Township's Ray told the 15. voters asseven polling precincts' ballots semblect in hoard of elections were recounted when a tie rechambers that there were legal sulted. . m~thods- that could be folThe Warren q>l:IDty Board lowed in' a case such ' as their's of Elections mad~ ' the rebut that they had waited too count after a request tor such l'ong t~ appeal it. He sugproceedure from. for mer g~sted th~ s~ek legal co~nsel. ' WaynesVille ' Mayor James It leT ' he tmaJorl'ty ..1 f peopIe 0 Cr.,.ne and local school boa~d I , membe~s, Earl Conner, David ' don't t ink this , ' yote recount was on the lev~l, even those Hartsock, Robert Bernard and who voted for it," retorted Richard Hazen. 'We ' counted, we examined. ~hatfi:her. , \'~I think it was marked after .and we found one ballot q~es- . it left the precil,1ct," he conti9nable," said Scott Ray, Lebtinued. . anon attorney and ' board "Why didn't the precinct spoicesman. ' •. throw it out to begin with." "The problem W¥ that there The mystery' ballot th~t were two valid marks' each of broke' the 275·275 May· ·6 tie ~hidt ~tanding alone wo.,ald brought, the meeting to 3 have been ,u·ff.icient to' cast a seething . question, and ansvote," 'Ray continued. wet s~ssion. Atnong other acU,~t Waf the unanimous detions, the' Waynesville group cisi(in: of the board that it discussed chemical analysis of wu' a defaced ballot and an. the ballQlt .and questioning of valid." the Wayne Township NorthThe questionable ballot, west precinct workers. which was ..hown the Waynes. Waynesville 5,chool Board ville group, was cast in Wayne will be next on the group's Township Northwest precinc~ A .lash mark from the upfirinl line! They plan ' to hit per rilht comer to the lowct board members with the .ame 'left COf-" appeared in che (caDtiaad OD pap 1%)


Gets Und'erwoy, A,t Lebanon

11111,11 111111 '1111 E~lllr



Wednesday, June 11, 1969

DaYid, left, aIld Dollas Gilbert were first



Mary L. Cook Library's summer reading club theme. They are the . sons of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilbert. -Dennis Dalton ,

Mary, L. Cook's Summe'r Reading Club this Sf~ason is expected to bee the sweetest ever for its followers. Library officials are' buzzing with plans this week in antioipation of a honey of a summer reading theme. Summer readers will beeine into a variation , o~t April's' National Library Wee:1e theme resloganed to prom'o te ~he Ohio ' Honey Festivall to bee held Sept., 11-13 ' at nei~hbor­ ing Lebanon. uBee What You Can Be~ ... Read" will topic Mary L. Coole's reading club from June 16 to Aug. 9. Summer reading club requirements and re,g ulations will remain the same as in the past .with (he ' ~xceptiion of a queenly rule. One ,of the eight f!)ooles required for achievinl!~ a certificate of merit must ~bee' sub-

jected on honey production or honey products. Books encompasing bees, flowers, fruit tre~s ana various other areas of the honeybee's environment will tbee' made available to rud~r~. Thoae who will be reading' for pl~ure and , edu~tion will receive a colorful paper honeybe~ with their ' name imprinted ' for , eight booleS ' read. . Personalized bees will 'be hived on a mural depicting a meadow with flowering plants ' and beehive. Additionalboolcs read will be' represented by foil stars pasted to , the ~ounds of miniatute sleeps. ' Librarian 'M rs. George Current and her ' staff ha~e al, ready ~ntacted members of the Warren County and Ohio State Beeleeepers Associations for rea.ding and display ~a­ terial. A sleep (corucal straw beehive) ,h as already begUn attracting £uzzy, wide eyed honeybees of the artificial species in tl;le library's lobby. ~ The s~ep, imported from Holland for the first annual





lb. ,r





I 1b. 1Q,aves





'I C (



Ohio Honey Festival last September, was loaned for exhibit' by officials of th~ Ohio Honey Festival Inc. Summer reader.s will , discover what they c~ tbee' by reading when the club opens at 1':30 p.m. ' June 16 at F 0 u r th and Miami, the tlbeesy-est" corner in Waynesville.

In A fire which leveled a summer resort cabin ~atly Sunday on ~e Litde ' Miami River juSt off O'Neal Road ·southeqt ,of Waynesville is still under investigation by . the Wayne Township Fire Department. .The blaze, suspected arsoll, according to Fire Chief Wit-' liam Sawyer~ had completely en8ut£~d the stt-uaure by ~ , time firemen arrived• on the ,i. scene.


Wednesday. June 11, 1969



'Graduations -Visits 'Summarize Waynesvine .Social S.cene. ~.


By PAT VAIR WayuaviUe - 897M26 •• a!



•• - .,

• ,.. ••


Editors Note--Mrs. Thomas Cassidy will be handling 'wom-, en's' ~ews and social items f~r Mrs. John Vair until June 28. . Mra. Cassidy's phone number is' 897;.6781. The deadline for , women~s new~ and social items is 12 'n oon· on Monday. "

~iyn:esville J~nior Tr~p 1469. conducted a Court of AwardS June 4 at, St. Mary's Church. . A tot~ 39 girls ' received badges. Program workers included Sandy Sheehan" flag ~eremony, . Frances Stamper, Court of Awards, Radena Say-

,l or, the invitation, Carole Pot't enger, ref res h men ts aaid Carolyn Orndorff~ clean-up. Leader Mrs. Ed Pottenger announced camp sch~dules for Sunday, June 22 and that 32 scouts would attend that day. Junior Troops 1469 a~d 1107 will participate in the Country Fair parade Saturday. They will meet in ,front of , the Friends M~eting House at Fourth and' High Streets at t 1 a.m. More inform,a tion can b,e obtained from leaders, Mrs. Ed Pottenger, 885-7364; Mrs. Marjorie Stamper, 897-H9' and Mrs. C~arles Orndorff, 897-4676. The Youth Group of the First Oturch oi Quist had a wiener' roast Friday night at the home of Carl and Jean 'EIli~tt of Waynesville. The party honored a youth group member, Phil Baker, who is home on furlough from ~ort pix, N.J. ,There w~re 18

Special Relationship ,The, ,Portugal Story Insomnia Only in Alaska

by by by by

Clark. DosPassos Luce Thomas


youthS' and six adults prelSent. Mr. arid Mrs~ Herbert MII:Millan were recent hOlts of a . dinner party honoring the wedding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Wilson (,f Dayton and Mr. and Mr!~ .. Everett Pence of Lebanon. ' Mr.. and, Mrs", Wilson celle. brated their 40th anniversary ' on June 1. The Pences marlleed their 3,th anni~ersary Clln June 2. Dinner guests ' included Mr. and ' Mrs. Allie Carter, Jr'., Phylis, Richard, Nancy an,d Allen Carter, Mr. Donald Wil. son of Dayton, Miss Eva M:C- , Millan of Dayton, Mr. al1ld Mrs. Clinton Pence and son, J ames, of Dayton, Mr. arld, Mrs. R'o b ,e r t Monce ,o f Waynesv~l1e, Mr. and Mrs. ' Clyde Ervin of Lebanon, Miss Linda McMillan, the ho:sts ' and honored .guests. 3rd/C.P.O.• Chuck Hend.t~r­ son spent the weekend with hi:. PCJfents Mr. and Mrs. Everj~tt Henderson. His next tour of duty will be in the Atlantic area. Ellen He"derson, a , stud~~nt at Ohio State University, has returned home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. James NasteUi, ( nee Rose Marie Snyd~~r) annol;lnce the birth of a sc)n. Anthony Scott, on Wednesday, May 28. Scotty weighed 8 lbs. 8 ozi and is the ,grarldson of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. ' J ame$ Nastelli of Marylailld. Scotty and his parents resiide at 3415 Lorring· Drive, Fort~st­ ville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. William Nell and Barbara atte~ded the graduation ceremonies of the University of Missouri. Their daughter and, 'l'Ar. and Mrs. Tom ' Arni were members of the graduating ' class. Mrs." Arni received · her B.S. degree in home eco.nomics and Mr. Arni recei,ved ' his Maste'rs ' degree in ed\JLcation and will work towar4i his Ph.D. in psycholoJY., A few of our college :students who have returned for the sUmmer are: Randy Dunlap, Judy Whitney, Miclilel~e Zufoweste. Eddie Zurowteste. David Barton, Mary Beth Irelan, Jim Bourne, Tom ~Vc)rlc.. man and Richard Lutes. all of- you .Let us hear from " returnees!

Mrs. Winifred Hartsodc: has

Member Federol o.~lt Inaurance Corporation


returned home after spending the winter with her daus:hter an~ son-in-law. Mr. and rs. Frank Hawke of Fort Worth, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Fr-..k H lalw.:e and Miss Jeanne Fort Worth, Tex,

Page 3 Jim f:{awke from Cornell Univer,ity at 'Ithaca, N.Y. were guests of Mrs. Edith Hawke~ Mrs. Winifred Hartsock, and M~. 'and Mrs. J OM Hawke and son, Jeremy. All were guests at the w~d­ ding of Miss Virginia Mosher and Mr. Daniel Blandford.

James Bromagen of Lytle, hat completed her second year of nurses training at Good Samarjran Ho&pital at Dayton. Mrs. James achieved a 1." 'point hour ratio and ranlcecl. number one in her clau. The 1966 Waynesville High School graduate will , graduate from Good _Samaritan Mr. and Mrs. Vernon AnSchool of Nursing in May, derson, have returned to their , 1970. home in Santa Anna, Cali!., Darold Whitft?er, son of -a fter spel.l<;ling 10 days visitMr. and Mrs. Darold Whiting friends and relatives , in ' mer, Sr. of WaynesvUle, left _ , Ithtt ;Waynesville area'. Mra . TUe5aay for basic training a~ Anderson is the former Miss Laclcland Air Force Base, Saa. Grace Patton of Waynesville. ' . Antonio, Tex. While here, they stayed at the Mr. and Mrs. Herman BeU. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold "man, Sr. of North Fifth Sttret, B. Earnhart and on Saturday Waynesville hosted a pi~c night, May 31-, attended the dinner Sunday honoring their Alumni meeting as guests of son Edward, who is on a furthe Earnharts and enjoyed lough fr()m service with tile meeting many form·e r . schoolUnited: States ~my. mates of Mrs. Anderson. Guests iilciuqed the host CORRECTION and hostess. Miss Diana BellThe Alumni atte~dance cup man, Herm~ Bellman Jr., was won by the 25 year dass Gary Beltman, Mr. and Mrs. not the class of 1925 as for· Israel Scott ot Kettering, Mr. merlr reported. and Mrs. Donald Shutts and lamily ot Lebanon., Mr. and The . annual Inspectipn of Mrs. Olarla B a k e r and the Waynesville Rainbow Asgrandchildren, chi I d r e n of sembly 140 was held at the Mr. and Mrs. James Pietz of Masonic Temple on WednesDayton. Mr. ~d Mrs. Edward day night, June II at 7:30 Frye and family, Mr. and p.m. Mrs. ,Richard Frye and Mr_ Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis Dalton, all of WaynesSwartzel (nee ' Dika Ann Ireville. ' tan) announce the birth of a Edward will report to Tr.avis daugh.ter Sharon Ann Swart· Air Force Base ~t Oalcland. zel, Tuesday, . June J at Ket· Calif. on June 2'1 for a tour terin.g Memorial Hospital. of duty in Vie~ Nam. Grandpa'tents are Mr. and Lawrence Brown is conMrs. Frank M. Irelan of fined to Kettering Memorial , , Hospital.· Clarksville and Mr. "Bud" Swartzel of Waynesville. Carpet Contributed Miss Linda Boggs has reWaynesville SChool System turned from three months of student teaching at the Cy- music parents have a ·new fund press Outdoor ' School in the raiser for acquiring f~ds for San Bernadino Mounuins of the school "Spartan Band." The fu~d raiser is an excel~ California. . She was sent to the school lent piece of carpeting contri-in affil~ation with Wilming- buted to them by Mr. and ton College'$ co~p program. Mrs. William: Cullison. A drawing for the 8 feet by Miss Boggs, a sociology major . 'elt Wilmlngton College, is the 12 feet carpet will be 'held at daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Waynesville Hi g h School Saturday night duri,n g the John Boggs of Waynesville. Sandy (Bromagen) James, Waynesville Lions Oub and of Mr. and Mrs. Fire DepartmentCountry Fair.



"DAZZLIN&! Once you see it, yo~'11 never again picture ' 'Romeo &Juliet' quite the way you 'did before!"


",-. . W. ''T ....:n ...... ,.........

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Presented:' Sunday thru 'l'hursd~y -1:~ Friday 41 Saturday 1 41 9:30 BXTRA: ,Sunday Mat. 2 p.m. '

~ Wednesday,.June

Miss Danielle Ann Slater 'and Samuel Lee Hartt! were united in' ptarriage on Saturday, June 7 at the SpriJIlgbotO First CLurch of God. She il the daug~ter of M~. and Mrs. Daniel Slater of 130 \Voods Road, Springboro. The groom ' is ~e Ion of Mr. aRid Mrs. Ralph ,·Harris of 100 F~rn­ woOd AvenUe, Dayton. ~ev. Ballard J ohnlon, of Springboro First Otu:r ch of God, performed ~e '. douhle , ring ceremony at '2:30 p.m~ .The bride was given 'i n marriage by her fa~~r.• Slae wor~ a full, floor~leng:th white lace gown which featurecl long sleeves and a lCallope~ti neck,line. The, ~ca1loped frclnt ·lace was Ii,n ed with .pearls. Her . wais~-length , net veiil ' was trimmed with a large flower arrangemefit. She c;uried a single rose accented wi,t h baby breath and ferns. . . Miss. Sue Bonner of Akron w~s ma,id , of honor, He:r floorlengih empire-waiste g()wn was of blue dotted swiss. She car. ried a single rose bou(~uet, Bridesmaids, l<amy McOaniel and Valerie McD;miel of Aleron, wore floor~lenlgth empire-waiste gowns of yellow dotted swiss. .They carried single rose bouquets. Angie and . Randy Y aug~ . both of Springbo~o we:re flower girl and ,ring " b~alier, Mr. RaIJ)h ' Harris, of Dal't~Ji attended the groom as belt man. Ushers were David Slater of ~ron and David W.~av~ of Hamilton. . A teception was hetel at th~. '. home of Mr. and Mr~i. Ralph Yauger, 60 ., Fairway' Drive, . Springboro. . Mr. and: Mrs. 'Yauger are the sister . and brother-in-law. . of. the 'aroom. A buffet dinner was held at the home J the btlidea parents, Mr. and Mrs. D~m Slater. Mrs. Harris is a gr~lduate of i<-enmore High Scho()1. Sh.e is employed at the Inte:; -,C ounty Title Guaranty and lMortgage " Company at Dayton.

Mr. Harris is a graduate of Talawanda High ~hool and has just recently returned from Viet Na~. He' is em-

11, 1969

ployed u the Harding and J ones Paper Mill at ~idcUe­ town. Following a surprise wedding trip for the bride, the couple will reside in Middle. town.




Hose Nozzle


Rubber Toilet . , Plunger


Wayne Band Names Five Majorettes


'tf?ll ,


17.95 VALUE

14 .9~


The Wa ynesv HIe High School band has named five majorettes to its pr~gram for nex~ school year. Judges selected Kristi Madison captain of the squad. Kristi is the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. William MadiS4l>n of 630 Joyce Lane. Other majorettes; include Judy Wood, SherJ~y Isaacs, Nancy Thill and SUls an Thill. ~OTES Ada Courtney wan a recent guest of the Kellar Dunham, of Dayton. Nellie Bunnell ~lJ a Middletown' visitor on W edn~­ day.






Miss Virginia Lee Mosher ', hie -with a whi~e orchid . corand Mr. Dahiel L. Blandford ' sage. .. were united in marriage SaturA. r~e~on was held. iii the , ~ay,"'May ' 31 at'- St. Marys padsh bouse immeCli_~ly ~ol- .. Episcopal Church.. loWing the ceremony. ' , Miss ," . Reverend Harold ' Deeth JeaDJle Hawke, Mr.. John ' performed the double ring Hawke, and Mr.. Lloyd . ' ceremony at 2 :30 o'clock in Widdund. served as hOlteSses. , the afternoon. A combination . Mr. and Mr.. I. Harrii of white gladioli and white Mosher of '18 ' North. : St., carnations was used at ~e ,.~aynesviUe are the parCbb, alqr. . . of . the ·bride. She 'is a araduTIle ' bride attired , in a forate of Waynesville High mal , gown of white silK or- ' School ,·and Miami Uni~ersity gantty and val lace was giv'en at Oxford. in marriage by_ her father. A . ' Mr. , and Mrs. John B• BlancJford,] r. of "'628 Lewisbow of lace held her illUsion ham Ave., DaytoD are the veil and she carried a bouquet of white roses centered with parents of the groom, who a white orchid. , ~aduated from Clear Miss Mosher was attended High. ScJtool in, Springboro• . by Mrs.. G~ Fagan who He· ,is ~plo~ by Frigidaire wore 'aD aqua, floor length , DivisioD of Gene..ral Motors. empire JgroWn trimmed in The couple will ~e at home white lace. Her bouquet was to their friends at Croft.a ~ombination of yellow roses shire, Ketterins after diort and daisies. w,edding trip. .



Best lI'an was James Shawhan' and brothers 6f the ' groom, J OM ' Blandford III and Kenneth Blandford were. . . usher.. The mother of the bride cho~e ' a blue jacket ensemble complimented with beige accessories. Her ' torsale was ' a ' white -orchid. ' The mother of the grOOQl wQre a yellow jacket ensem-

11,2;' Crusher 'Bun 3/4" CrwIher Bun " Sand " Pea Gravel Mixed 2~' Base Stone .,

Pill Dirt Top Bon .Piti Bun


-' R11-11'11 ' 8'RI' 11 lie ..


Wednesday, ' June 11, 1969


(o ln tr ,F li r SalinlS

· '11111 11111 .11111 By Nellie Bun~ The Charles Cranes of Day. ton . were recent pesta of Florence Crane. Mrs. Jane Kellllett -is in Kettering ' Memorial Hospi tal for observation and treatment. Laura Ros~agle of ·Ciitcinnati visited with her siste~, Edna Burne tt, on Mond ay of . last weelc. Nettie Palme r visited with the William Palmers of Oayton' '~d Robert Palme r on . S'un~Y. " Miriam Loaan spent Tuesday in Lebanon. . Sara Burne tt was ·a Mond ay , caller of M~ry Chapman. . Nellie Bunnell spent Memorial Day with the Rhodes Bunnells of ~illiams Road, Wilmington. 0 the r guests were the Diclc Qualey family and Rhoda BUIlIlell of Bloomin~on, Ind. Edna Burne tt was a guest of the Haro~d. Whitalcers. The Home appreciated the gilt of lovely flower. from Mr. and Mrs. Alber t StUbhs and Mr. and Mra. Harri s : Mosber the put ~eelc. . Carrie Russell was ·. Sunda y evening guest of the Herbe rt McWilliams. Mr. and Mrs. George Kalcehume of Yellow Spring s called on Mr. . ICalcehubi~'s mothe t; 't.uch ino Kakehasltie, Sunda y ·e vening . .


Fri. III. Dn I, II I IIIIEI IE leillDIIE DIAIIICAIIIY IEDleEI Illk Fir lur. litpl•., If .,F.II Fllhionl . IT 'l l F ili i . , freelutfil. fl· be '11'ln I •• oth ' '~un.








Don't ·. Forget . to -Reg,ster 'a t Our BQ :



Now is the time to reple n.ish "our summ er ward robe . with- the very dresses Yfou'li be_wan ting :and need ing to tal(e 'you thrc,ugh the seasoh in 'the

, " ~oolest fashion. Wonderful selections.


, me dic al' pay me n·t s



den tal bil ls lor two lul l yea rs! ·



. 'l'i'ck~t Wimle~ ' for

$10.00 GUt

Certifi~te tliii

w"k : ' ROBERTA uAi:a.AB be posted each week. ·WiD nlDg ticke t·holder


a world o{ P,rOtectiQ~


Don't 'miss the gs savin .lous fclbu . . . on these cool ~ and caref ree, .' cottQIl dress es.

Wednesday. June 11. 1969



_Harveysburg -



The wscs' will m~et Thursday at the Methodist Churc~ with hostesae., Mrs. ] anet Wyatt and Mrs. BeSsie Ellis. URick" ,McCarren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCarren is home for summer vacatioOn from Eastern , Kentucky



CAMPING EQUlPME~T , Wheel Camper- C";""m-pi-;;g Trailers, , 13 models to choose from. Also Wayne Camper Travel Traileni & Tops. And Sportsman's Dream Truck Campers. , We Sell Bottle Gas. SALES RENTALS SUPPLIES

~at~ on Rou~e

University at Richmond, Ky. Mrs. Ruth Doster entertained her bridge club last Saturday evening. Mrs. Mabel Terry and Mrs. Karen Miller spent Tuesday in Dayton. Mrs. Blanche Carr is now a patient at the Alta Nursing Home at 20 Living:;ton Ave. , ' in Da~ton. , Angela (Angie) C I a r,k d3ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron'a ld Clark. " retu~ned home , Saturday from ' CHriton Memorial Hospital where s,he had been a pati~nt sinc~ Thursday evening following a bicycle accident. Angie had suffered a cerebral concussion in the accident and we: hope may soon be fully recovered. Mrs. ' Sue Ann Carman at-

I' -$ '3-PO


the annual Ohio Conannual vcntion of Postmaster!: held at subscription the Neil House Moto.r Hotel I in' Columbus last week: ,. I Mr. and Mrs. J aC!k Dep' pener of Satellite Beach, Fla" P. O. Box 78 ' annouhce the birth tof their first child, a 'son, narned Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Charles. Mrs. Depp'elh er was Barbara Doster an.d Mrs. Ruth , NAME ______~~__~~~__~~~~ Doster is the materhal grandmother. ' ADDRESS ....o.-_ _----:.~~.:-..------:"'-..::..:;....;.;..:,;:.. Mrs. Mihnie Welch entertained past \Vorthy Matrons ~ CITY......,..:.___~_ _ __ of Warren Chapter 22~4 Order I I' of Eastern Stat We:dnesday BATE _ _ _..:..-.:.:..-_ night ' at her home with 16 I guests present. .co-hostesses ----~-were Mrs. , Alma ,Plummer, children ' of ' Fairborn were until his illness seven mO¢1 \ ~ y McCarren, Avonelle Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. ago. Williams and . Marjorie K. Cole's parents Mr. and Mrs. Thursday guests of Mrs. Starr. Carl Moore. Mabel Terry were] OM Hahn M!'S. Sue A'. Carman visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cole and and Mr. and Mu. Sam Hahn her brother-in-law, Wayne of Reedy, Calif. Carman, at . Cleveland Clinic Henr}! (Hank) , Huddle~.on Roofln, SUlpl"dtd Remodeling Siding , Sunday. Mr. Carman had rereturned home Saturday eve~ling.' Fene.. ning from Clinton Memorial . cently undergone open heart Guttlrs Patios PanfUn, RYE'S OONTRACTIXG' Hospital where he had , been surgery. ' FREE ESTIIIAT~S Word has been received a patient since May 29 folh' e re of the ' death of George lowing a tractor-hartow farm Route 2 Pekin Road Waynesville, Ohio Parker of Santa Anna, Calif. accident. His wife, the former Rachel Call Coiled Day Ol~ Shambaugh, survives as do two sons, his motbet and a brother. Mr. Parleer ,had been S.UBSCRIBE ·10 a 'city fireman in Santa Anna

,42, 1 mile north

of Route 73, Waynellville,

Phone 897-<1936










R'OtAN D 'H.-'DILl· 933-1161

.Uno Numero Excellent Food ....... Gracioual, Saved

,En'glish Leather

10. Our Fire Side

Bri ti sh St:erli n9






Lots Of Other ' ,Gi fts '

~1Jad Let, Dad know how much you care on June 15t'h with a card that suits his personality.


Cooked to

Your Liking, Pr,iced Right! l





"'8 ' ru t" Splash·"O n REG. $5.00


OPD PBmAY 9 a.m. -3 p.m. '



sized, mouth-watering steaks broiled . to your tast~ and served up' sizzling' hot. It's~ dn epicure's delight~ inde~d. Only one of our very many delicious, dinner freat~. Try us tonight. , ,


Chula s. Ow.en (New "ChrQlf' a OperatOr)'



The~e's no better eating thdn 'our man-" .

HOUR.: lion. thru 'un. lot


: -Wednesday. June 11 t 1969









Wednesday, June 11, 1969


, I,r I.I~" r.· The Springboro Boa~d 'of Public Affairs reported that the water tower' ~~ Penny,royal Road, has again been vandalized. This time the wor~ uFranJd~ Class of '69" was painted on it. The last time :this was done,

the tower was repainted and a fence put up ' to discoutage vandals. However; the fence didn't stop them. The vandals who ·P h. 746-4638 damaged :the fence apparently Ding 'tickets will receiv~ _25, did it by atta~bing a chain to :_15 or $10 respectively. Ride , the fence and then to a car tickets are on sale at the8tan~ ' and pulled the gate apart, so 'In. the sh()pping center aJ1ld ters of Middletown Thursday as to be able to enter . the a number of stores.' ," towtt Jamboree from Day.ton premises. . . Alma Hibbard," who .iSI the ' night. Friday l\ight the Home-. The damage to the fence ,chairman' of the,' ente!,tam· . and Saturday ~ight Sing Out . and to the tower waS estimated, mene committee ' has lin~ci 'up Waynesville.,'See you at the at $250. The b~ard members ' ",the following. The Potter SisFestival! discussed ligh,ting the ~wer to discourage vandalism.! It was brought ' to die people's ' attention. that anyon~ caught v,andalizing 'this property ' 'or any other public ptoperty,. will be prosecuted to the full extent 9£ tbe law. Lebanon Attorney J a c k Everett Turner, head of the Hedges,' approached SJ?l'ingPark Board. was present at boro council with a prclposal the council meeting. He ask~d from the Warren C01,lnt)r Prothe views of council on the gress Committee to establis" . newly formed teenage club, 'a Park District during a re"The Panther Pit," putting cent Council . meeting. The' their building in the village 8' " 12' Carpet with Pad purpose of this will be tC) con~ park. Nothing was settled~ but .and iaataUalioll. . serve and preserve the n;a tural it was noted, that , anything (a buic ~ with beauties of Warren County built in the parle automatically , O«lrina) and to create r~reation areas. belongs to council and the vilSince Warren Cou~r is a ' lage ' of Springboro. Council Drawias at the rapidly growing count,r, acCoUlllry Fair would handle its operation tion should be talcen n()1~, beand :the monies taken in by fore it is too late and scenic the group. Sat., 10 areas would be talcen for comThe Panther Pit is 'a pnTICKftS 60c mercial and industrial use, vate organization, available to according to Hedges. Park: the teenagerS of Clearcreek ,District would establish more' 'Township only and dair~ to meaningful paries. where there b~ its own governing unit. ' would be camp~g, fiShm~ ,' and boating'. Hedges note:d to council that there is no additional cost for thi., the funds already being available. But there bas :to ,be a r~Col!P1ized legal committee to pu.t this into action. Therefore council agreed to recopize t~le ap- , plication for the creatiol~ of a Parle District to be btoulght to ' the attention of the P!robate Judge of Warren County.

III Festival ·Iet'f.r Juoel9; 20, 21: MBA, .AT,PH YAlJ'GB:a Springboro Queen of the festival will be FESTIVAL' crowned. , I:faving a F-estival Everyone ·is busy ,getting ICing and Queen ' was started ready for the annual Springto pay tribute to our outboro ,festival. With onl, one standing young ' 'peQple ' of week tefe, there is lots to do. Springboro. The ~es subThis year it will be held the mitted we« nominated by ~eek..end of .J~e 19, 20 and 21 on ~ Street. " . , 'their classmates and the panel of judges, headed by Rev. ' There will be a parade on . Saturday,' June 21 at 1 :.m. \ Matthew Arn'ett will select the wi,nners. Bud Hurst is -in c'harge of The prizes at the festival this. At 3 ,p.m. ther~ will be this year """. will' be caSh prizes. the pl.lrachut«; jump. , 1" ... . SaturcLly night the King and The, person s-ell~S'_ the _ ~-

280 CHAPMAN st. , . O. PH.' 89T-7588

:J- -"




U...'NITED .









. 2410 AIM. st. Fraaklla, Olaio 4SOCIS. . Pboae 7.....8313

875 ColUMbus Ave.

LelNu.n, Ohio 415038 PboDe 932-. . . .


&E I&IT. .


rs. Jlne 'll ATTBE

COlnlry Fair I.k I 1.11 ' IIICI

I till 11 INTBB


"thl Ilbllllah' -ADMDSIOIf $1.00 STAG $1.76 DUG

C.uncil I . 'Discuss. 'Irl,· lislri.f _p[ilg~.[.



P. M ...·




Permission was ' granlted to the Cincinnati Gas and, Electric Company to do road work oli Routes 73 and 7411. The firm plans to replace 5~~ poles with 54 new poles . along the routes. This would make it possible to increase the ,701tage at some future ,date. Council appro,v ed . aJlld accepted' to enter into a contract with the Clearcreek Township Trustees for the calend;a r year ' of 1969, for the financial support . of the ambula'ncle s~r:v­ ice. Tbe approximate Clt)st will ' be '$9,000. Paul Culbertson was present at the meeting, to exp'ress . his appreciation for t~e fin~ way the Springboro Police and Fire Departmen~ haJ1ldle an emergency ambulance call. Paul spoke of the tin~e they l'~shed him to the ,htospita1. , "We were just doing our job," commented Police Chief Carl Hirschbach. Fred Mayne opened discussion of the state vers\Jls coun- , cit matter, perwning to road worle on State Route 73. The state is having to re~lay the water lines creating an expense for the village. The state has made an atim.ted bill 'of


- --


Wednesday; June 11, 1969




By MARJORIB STAMPBR Lytle .:... 89'.5395

Cub Scout Pack 30 monthly , Paclc meeting will be on Monday, June 16, at the Lytle Methodist Church. This will be just a regular meeting in'stead of the covered dish dinner pt-eviously planned. All parents . re urged to attend. Th~~ are some outing dates to be announced. ~, Mr. and Mrs. David Zeh and Wayne returned home last , weekend 'from 10 days, vac.tioh in Florida. Mrs.. John Se1£ enter~d Ket· ,tering Memorial Hospital on , ' Tue~day, June 9. Harry Lightner is conf4ted to ,Kettering Memorial Hospital for treatment. , Everett Kenrick and Wil· ,Ham Pennington have reo tUnled home from the hospi-





Mrs. Paul Williams recently ' attended ~ surprise w~· ding 'anniversa,ry p~ for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Siney. Mrs.. Robert Hargett, Shar, on Wientzies and Phyllis Lindezur entertained at a miacelt;meous I howe t' for Sheryl Federle at the home of Miss I.:.indeaur OIl Friday night, June 8.


The , photo identified this week v by ,Where Is It fans was the handsome, stone, gateway to Miami Cemetery. ' The st~ic pillars were constructed by Nathan Harvey, a skilled stone mason and Civil War veteran ~f Harveysburg. , , J'he honor roll includes: ' H~ E. , Surface, 'Mark Reeves, !dr.. William Morgan, Terry Irons, Jill Johnson, 'Mr•. ' Lina Wilkerson, Carole Livingston, Oa~y 'L eadt, Mrs. ~onis Lewis, ~~da W alter~, Harriet M~Mi1lan, ' ' Qarlene - 'Neeley, ,'Debby Alexander, Sue Ferguson, Cheryl ~een, Evelyn CampbeU, Mrs. Raymond, Adams, Judy Stomer, Carol Brooks, Mrs. Hiley Gibson, Rolland Arthur, Ph ill 1i p ' Morgan, Joyce Lamb, Mrs~ Howard Stanley, Cluck .hons, Keith Harrison, Roberta Wood, Connie Alice,- J eraidine Hisle, Cathy Kidd, Pat Miller, Ray Lamb, Hazel Dakin, Opal Treasler, Viola Dakin, 'Bobby Woolridge, Grace Ferguson, William Miller, Vina Purkey, Carol~ Bauer" \tram~ Martin, S It. a ron Wallac47, Jacqueline Campbell, Tom SlattlerY. O\ua Smith, Mrs. Pauline T alber,t, Mrs.l Harold' Earnhart, B,etty Lamb, Brenda Blec:lsoe, Mrs. J.ura . Werntz, Ronald Ingram,.





382.0348 '


Steve LeMaster, l\,fary Hilde:brechr, Mrs.!- ..QJ~~i s Howard, Connie Reync)lcls, Norma AlC'Xallder, Barbara McFarland, Sandra Wood, Tammie Reynolds, L i it d a ' Webb, Brent Morgan, David Hendrickson, Richard F'., Kenneth Rigney, Randy Wood, Kimberley ~~sey, Danny AlcerE, Ricky Hobbs, Lafe Henderson,' Greg I?olly, Darla Morgan, Vickie, F,arley, Jeffery Jories, Ruth Wilcher, lC'evin Gross and Jpnni 'w'ampier.

I, .~I.

, liet,riil,'".r 1.1 e.~I.r.i.11


. By Daryl , Edwarcbl Saturday June 7, the!:: Post 615 Royals met Delco-M,oraine at Waynesville.

LaaltdEoma " DEycleanillg ,

The Royals tied the game , after Tim. Q>mett triple4 to center field and was bloClc:.ed in by Jeff lIOn's single in' the seventh inning.

Earlier in the week the 'Royals loat a dose ' s~e to Spn..gboro, 3·2, when Springboro aco,red a run ,in ,the bot· tom of the fifth. JUll Lucas pitched a strong ' game but didn't get enough batting IUPport. ,

anit'; ,



In the eighth~ th~ Royals won th:e game when Mark Stanley walked and went to ' second on Steve Stanley's ' groiand .ball. Jim Luca[S then hit a scr,e~ing line drive to right , field 'for die ,viftning run. Tim S~oup and, Stteve ' Le M;uter mated the J?itching chores with Steve getting credit for the win.


, Ju~e 12-18



3· ~oRS· 149 ,

Mix Or Match


Pleats Extra

ShirtSlaunderedto Plea·se





Savings ' on " -Style' ' D~peries










(1'18888 have pets on leaall)


Betw~en' ~~~~klt~ ,~_ ~pr1ngboro D~ton Ph. 866-5512 Franklin Ph. 746-4559 Open 9-9. ' Sat._ 9~6


Wednesday, June 11. ,


poured and the forms taken , down it was found that there , XRA.:noBA BUDS was little ~eftca or holes on , IJpriDg Va:q., - Ph. 861·U90 the outeide' wher~ mol'tU had not flowed around a piece of SpriDa Valley COWl . Day a~ their hottle 'with a cooic June 13. Hia address is PFC · gravel. Before the ouuicle cendy dilCUlled (Ond ou~ . Carter ~e, RA 116'8398, acaffoldmg .... taken doWll, property. Villase attora J erMr. and Mrs. Donald Nobie CO.. C, 1-'09 ABN, INP, George Barre'tt went around ome Men. will c;heck the ltate . 9f Walnut ~treet spent Mem- MEC, APO, New York, ~.Y. the outside of the house with laWi to ICe if the Yilta~. can orial Day w~end at Cumber69185. ~ m~rtar &Ad trowel ill hand to get an ordinance giving il~ perland Lalce. "Ille Spring Valley 1ciD4er. smooth ou.t these little depres. nUuion ~o destroy coad lnnecl Mr•. Sherman Holland and ' prten presented a program on , "sioDa in the wan. properties , i! they are a · t reo ' , Richard of Race Street at- 5., They abo Were pre,. After the house was comtended cUnner at the home of sented dipl'oma'. by SF,ins " paired. " pleted GeOrge Barrett con.. ,' CoWlcil allJO dUcussecll two Mr~ and ' Mr.. Steve Holland.. ValleY principal Mr. Napier. ducted a visitor throup it trees on main Itreet. Tb trees and 10ft 'Of Miamisburg on Mr. Napier presented gifts to and gave the follo~ing des.. ' Sunday. ' are to be 're~oved d1J'. to kinderprten teacher Mrs. cription. "The porch is four Milee Kingery, son of Mr. Lovoett and ber aide, Mrs. storm damage. Repair on Race and a half leet ill depth; The . and Glady Streeta Wall also and Mrl. Prank Kingery, Ter- Hqffer. Pianist for the pro.front ~tr&Ilce is rec~ed and discussed, as it is in a~ecl of' race Avellue h.. been a pa- gram was Mr•. Matvin Haines, the fir.t room entered is our repair badly. Council mem- ' tient at Grandview Hospical 4th grade teacher. family Jitting room, the one bel'S include Mayor Lee !;pahr, at Dayton. He i. now recupBible ach~l wlll open on in which we live. The one opJack Homer presiden" CUi- ' erating athome. June 16 at Spring Valley polite, aeross the 'hall would ford Turner, J. W. M rgan, Mn. Alice Roeder of Lynch- , United MethOdist Otureh. have JIlade a mOlt delightful burg' h.. been visiting . with Phyllis Shade, . Gene ~,eeves, All children are welcome to parlor but we 'prefene4 to R. P. McClenand and cldk. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mor. . . attend. The ;Bible ach'OOl will make a lodgill room of it." A treasurer Margaret Horland. of Bellbrook AYeIUIe, also .. helcl for a week. Mrs. friend remarked. "If I mu.t Mias Nancy Marpa of Hilla. Mr. and Mr.. Odie Combs Oa.... Stroup will he ill be sick I .hould lite it migh; of Race Street entertained &0'0, La beea • recent gueat. char ... t..._. .L~_ ' " DC III UIQ room. their families on Mel!1\o'rial Mr. aad Mn. , Stanley -D. "Our dining room i. as conLee .... plaiming a card ...... venient to both .itting-room, ,directly ~ough ' the er for their son, PFC (>ew> and kiic:hen as it is Jiollible a drum which stands over the W. Lee, who is pI I III . for one to be, being directly foot of the cellar stairway. German • He . . .. - . between the two; The pipe ' This dru~ imparts .uf1ficient from the kitchen Itove passes , warmth to the dining room to make' it comfortable at aU .... SODa. The cellar is r~~ through the pantrY. J;lUt at dte left-hand of the b~t.,door of the kitchen is a fo ~p of' ~pecual "'ln~in. ~Ia' &om the pare ~pnaa. ' This ia fJ~ through • '. . . . flat ._ iatD the milk room. , At the other end of this back porctl are a wuh-boller and the miU:room, ia WLere, in me wanD ]~IIOD of the year, .we pJaa OUlr cook " stove." " George Barrett in c' nclu· sion says, eel have been ,seated, during the coldest day~ · of the present winter 'within these cemented walla, and tnlly call I .say that 10 com rtable quarters I never beE re enjoyed. Several times ~[ have left my seat on a tour of aurvey through the surpa.uingly : excellent rooms ' of 'my house, to cliacover, if possible, crack ' or flaw, but no ,sign ,o f one has . appeared. CoDai~ierably less than one yeu no~,- gone, a house 'of different IIllaterial ~toocl ill place of thilli. That. has disappeared, and here is ~ o~e in ita place, erect~l by any, own hands. the walls of which ar~ ~o · .uperior to the other, in point, of ~lidjty and capaci . of duration, that it g ' expected that will i proY, , with' age for a.~."· "Thit has , affor~ . degree ~f satisfaction' which few, I think, can &0, appreCiate those hoUlei hal e bem built by other handls than their OWll." These were the George 'Barrett . i8,.. His predicdoll novel walls pf his




chimney•. , When the ~













By D.


Frazie r


For Bale

WHEN buym, .or eeIIing real wby Dot call .... We have capable ales perIlOUS in your area to belp ..tiafy your needs.

Friday , June 6, 1969. Fri- FOR 8ALE: Leaf lettuce. IAwno ce , clay aga~ Wher e on eareb did ' Ket'ther. Hainea Road . .B85-3670 201 HORSES, ponies and hone ~ tlti. weelc go. I am .ure we aI80 10 ac~ timothy and clover hay must have loat lOme clays to make 00 balves. Phone 891-2199 201 somewhere. Perhaps we need & pip-t1 60, Call 887 ..221 a tilne tnachine. Frida y-and , 2 SOWS, 2c2 . the laa~ day of school. R~portl e, Semiand the, lut rides home on the 7 Fr. Cut mowingH machin or )( ,Farmal l for an ld mounH , bUt for 'this .ea.on . 2C1 . 'tractor . PI.. 897-2680. t 'b. w;i d starte The week: CAR air conditioner. Ph. 897..a7 2. 201 • torm., thund er and Ushte ny Sunda ina aIld heavy rain HOME IfOWD ve,etab les, lettuce, ·' night and Mond ay and' lOme ooioD6 ,.nd peas. Lawrence Keetbler, .howe r. the rest of the wea. , Haioee Ro~. ' Fhone 885·357b. 20tf 1960 Chevrolet Impala convertible" Luckily the com and ~y tic abUt, )aeW top, 2 Dew heam were in the groun d ~ V-8, automa Good condition. Bait tn. al wide-ov the rain was ' welcome. The .o(fer~ Call 897-2118. Ask for Bruce. 2cl lovely field ot reel dover and beaten badly • a condiw timoth y FORD t~tor 960. Fint cl888 tioo-2 Iarp water tllDb, one covdown but no other harm was erecI $20. • S25. Posta .. Bay. done. I clo not know whether . 201 Harry West ~. 897~6226. the moon was in the ' right ,36" Powerc raft wood lathe with or not but the nice, little grindin g ' whMI IlDd m9tor: 1 ~t of areen sProuts are up and.loolc 8' knives, ' latbe and kniv4!f bave , ' fine. llC'lver t*n UlIIiId. 8anie as De~. 1 Ph.,


- ..:....-EX~Ij,mTREE---.-nd-.-aw-n-.-rvJCe-· eoced work. Free Mima .. Calli in tbe momiDg. Ph. 897""2 6. PAlNT ING-B ), the job or

hi the B~UDI, ""ur_ Spray or b~. , Ph. Stepp Ted ,",. Roof., FeDCeI, cit 1& J MUe W.JDtII 897-4875,


Cowaill. Ph. 382;0785,



Scott Remley 897-2530 HermaD Weaver 897-7858

W'dmi~~ftn •


rAT STUD Retriatered American Saddlebrel:l Grade mu. accepted. Fee 175.00 a& time of .rviee. Live foal ,uaranteed. Far Hilla Stab1e, O'Neal Rd. '


. PH. 74U1OO-748-3651 " ,

SHOE REPAI R SERVICI~ 140 &. Maio .St:. Waynesville, Ohio. Mon.·Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (:loeed lSct.f W~ay.

Coat plus 10%

Ph. 897494 6.

- "JODI -




R. E. WADE R~LTY .11-1440 J~ HOUm$DD 897426 8

TOY Poodle 8tud Service , AKC Regiet.ered. White or Apricot. ISO. Appoin tment only. Phone 897'-4148. J 15ctf ----~. -----------USED CLOTHES - Shirts- Bloullt 's -Skirta -Dresa es and Sweate~.11 lOe eacb-a lso, ' Dish_ LamP s. ?tinny other odds and ends. BrundYI! Odds and Ends Store 200 E. Moiln St. .Setf HarveyaJl111'l, Ohio. . COLD 8prings Beauty Shop: WiD take appoint ments uytime, Ph 4Setf 897-439S. JANI)i:'8 B e BUt Y Shop, 9990 Waynesville Bellbrook Rd. - Summer Houra: Wed., .TbUrB., Jk Fri. OBIy By Appointment. Ph. 1U8-7~1


201 897-4619' after 5 .p.m. How crippl ed you feel when 1965 Rambler American Flat Head your car, diu. When you even 6-cy1., standu d traDlm u.ion. Mac ride to the bam and the maU InDia BUber Shop, Wayneaville 201 hox as I ' do. !Uld the ~nce , FOR SALE: Strawberries: R.R. 1 faithfu l one gasps ita laat;.s up, WaynesViIIe.Banee Rd. 885-2730. 201 , • you ,really feel bereaved. The FOR SAlE: 1987 Hudson Terraday before Memo rW Day on pJaoe. New tires and battery $395. the way to the Thurs day Sale 2c1 Ph . . 897-2378. it ~as runnin g fine wlielt all For Bent of a sudde n it .lDwed down and the engine died. I .tatted HOU8E for rent or sale in CenterNotic es ville, 3 bedroom. bath 4: ¥.!. large it again and we went on but 2cl lot, 897 -6261 after 6 :00, LITTLE REO SHE~ at the ttext traffic light it Antiqui Sho, 2 4: . TOWN HOUSE apartm enu. 1 died again, and at 't he next, d, Funera l HOIJ1:e. Specarpete Stubbe fully .. Behind bedrooma, air cond ' fe. Wa)'llleaviUe, each Leue ,1888Wa died 1. in " but July le cialiSm nicely AvaUab d starte appliances. 201 . • 2. Ohio 43'-610 Ph. time my foot bit the brake. ' The boy. At the filling .tatiOr f PH. 897-7931 or 897- 224l lOOked at it but could do nothin g. So on. we went, BOB SM ITH ' . ~; atartiDg 8!'d stopping, . •top~ BACKHOE EXCAVATING SEPTIC SySTEj~S,. ping and .tartin g, to the we' , and . la~r some erran ds CULVERTS INSTALLED TRENCHING GRAVEL, 1'0t' me thro~gh all the day before SOIL, COMPOST', FILL DIRT. bolida y traffic . Start and stop, FAIRFIELD DR. WAYNESVILLE, • top and start, until we finally .toppe d at home -fQr' ,ood. · It would n't go ' fo~ard, it would n't ~ back. It waa de.d. There it was a long w~end and no cu.. Mond ay afternoon, the wrecker came an'd haule d' my poor little old '6) Rambler away With ita back .heela up and its head down. The .ad end of a .gOOd little car. To be witho ut a car and liv~ where and how we do is no fun 10 Tuesd ayafte rnooD Mr.' G of Coatea sata bro~abt out .uch. a pretty liule green '69 .. door. Ie, was pretty ouaid e , and pretty inMde. Drove 10 SMOQthly but who coulc( bear' auc:b ~ettineu lilce a to farm truck. So we went back to lee what else be b.acl; Back in the far come r we .potte d . a nic.e, c:l~ little '67 2 door .. , Then came the ..,ental debate. Shoul d we be .tylilb and jretty and , have that lovely or t,e plain and practical at half the COlt. VIe went for a ride. It drove smoot hly Do &umpa ... rattJe, but it has . . horrid box tnIIIk 10 lWeI ' ualoAd a ·




, . For man \Vitli all a~cultural background tOI,a8sis~ mana ger in Feed , Grai n and Fann . ' " . Supp ly Business. Will tram .





calf, but at Jut

m. tbouabt

of what we could do Wiih the atra mOlley prevai led and we houaht the '67. No repea .0 f •• W juat ~ tIaat it .'t

(_. . . . . . . . . . li)

* Ooncrete



* ' nterm opan e 'AluminUm Window~'

* Electric Baseboard Heat * Co~plete Comfort Con .tloned Insu latio n * Live in one unit - Bent the othe r , F.ina ncing Arran ged' WITH 10% DOWN ;

taae of tIUa ~ f~ , dacir chiIcIrea. Ally quatiou abOUt' die

buge 01 quauOIlI ill the Ilear future.


"Be ~ful wh.~ you vote nczr time ad oe sure y~u vote," 11latGiter concluded. Thia ' ~~ ~avCl' us 110 reo coul'iae. "They tell you to respect law aad order and abide by due procCli of law aacl thiS i$ what you au.", ' :.

cliaid are ~ be ' refened to Orill, Warren CoUll- , ty School Supetintettdent, 9)2-33' ~; Miss Marian


j i



County ~ety for ~ppl~d OUldien, 931-449' or Mrs. Mads-ed Williatna, Societ) ~tary, 932-7661.

MRS. HILBY GIBSON Pow.ell aDd familv. " ', Mt. HoU,. - Ph. 89'~t82 I M;.. and ' Mrs. Mond Lewis Mrs. Addie Dill attend~ and Mtf. Hiley .Git,101l tothe commenctmelU of her \ tended me fwaer" lemea of

Iry. li~1I .•.. _

' ... II · I ,.IC. iliC .,. .

(~tiD~ from ~

~8idebt -



(continued from paae 11) like that '24 Chevy I bouaht Eor my fmt cu. But ii aDoth" ato"Y.. -

~t i



,We didn't leU ally thing at this n ... ~le a:aor did . e 'lbuy, though :we ,could use other aad we ".n~ to see how the new tnmk worlt~ hut fortY doUan fo« a &I~ whiteface not 'two day. lid, ~ too much f~r UI· I' , " . The clock ..,. dHdtiu j . , ~ mUit huny to the of~K " . Why .can't 1ODl~ of UI thin.. altead of ame. ~ 10 • Doll't. fGrIft to, ~d III Il~~ .



the people of Warrell County. , Thp iI the HUOIl for _wei.. 'I1Ua iI the 13th couecutive flora rbaea.Back ia tIM Ionia IUDUIlft me diaia haye beea they were ..yina what won· 'pRICIlted in OIUo. Parenti or d~ul hed... th~ ma~e. "No, guardiana are responsible for they WOIl't Ipread aDd beeOme &he transportation' of the chil· . a ftWlance. No, · UI!y . .L d ' Oil t dren to the cliniC. .ptead." They ,doll't, IlOt at the rootl but the bird, like. , The Soci~ baa ~ mOlt .fortWaale in accuriaS MiSs ~ rcd rolC hips after lCathy COvert of Z.esville" dlq have frozen and .ofteDed the ' .peecb tIi~apiat. ~~' . in the wmter aDd they .pread i~ and 1efteJ'8' and ~ is a pduate of , O~o the ' aced. which FoW UIltil . new MHimi ~~ Ulll~ty at Adtena. AU par· . i 11,0" ia the .ixties every pas., are urpd to take advanture, woodlot and len« row .


> ,



graDdaon~ Mr. Donald Oil', in )CChia \V~csday e\'~g. Mrs. Ro~d &afford;qd .,n, Tony~ 'aJMl MH. Bud ~f.

ford of Xenia called ' Oil MtI. f,{ilq G i b loa Wednesday



', Mr. .,.d Mn~ Will.. Moore " ~f.~ear New Burw,gtoll' ca1l~ C)n Mr. aDd Mrl. ElVia Micbial Thunda)" Mr. aI'ld Mrs. ChUles BUll. n~ll and IOn., Da1~ and Boyd. are ~diDg a week ~ Om· ad. foliing. , ' ,I tll.e - Mr. aDd ' Roll .• ld . Pheriop aD,d famil, ~ NC! " Orleans AI' I~. few 'daYI with Mr. aad ..... ,ftdk .







their cou'in Mr. Edau l'bfE

1D:~lday ~t 'RoutlOD"Bow. ·. her funeral home in <:ea-. ~e. , I

, Donald Crawfo~ "l:etUnleel , hOme Wedaeaday &ora ,~ .

BUIl~ Childrm'.

HOsJ!ta1 in

Daytoa' wh~~ be .peat a week rCClOv~rin. from burna re·

cciveCl when be .pilled •


oE hot colfee 011 ~ • Mr. and Nfl. 'I"bomaa RUB· yon lpeat · W.eaday ~ Ding with Mr•. ,and Mn~ Blvu Mi&ia1. I OtIler *rc Mr. and Mn., , Si~iD!IO(J. ~f




Mt. ~ WaU.cle o~ , Xeaia ~ Mn. HiJe, (it,. 1'10__



'1 ,



2,• •


, ..:


8edaa. V-8J, Auto.. UH ••..•...••• j ••• • • ,I


..115 PONTIAC Catalina t-dr. ' BT., A~&o., P.$" .UK ... t· ' 1115 BUICK .......... 2-dr.. .


4-dr: MCJaa,


P.8., UH.. '.


W...... •

Country Wan ltatleft · eyt.. Auto. !Utll. ~ ••..•••••••••.• ~ •.•.•..... . , _ OLDI •• ,.... V.a. Auto. TraDI.. P.8.. P.B.. UK __ fORD


,,-,.:. EX'1'ItA NICE.. .' •••• f • ~ , '


. Power, UK ,

• •.,' • • • • • .• • • • • • • • ' • • • •


F~ry 1II.,t-dr. 8e4an, Auto.,

, . . PONTIAC Catalina 2-dr. H.T., Auto .. Power, BAH .,.

$1~9~ '1695~·1

$1195, ", $1~95



Boy SCouts ·of Ttoop 94 will ' be havillS their paptr drive tb.ia camilla 'Saturday, June :1", 1P~ wll1 coatinu.e from early morning on watil they Lave covered the whole ,


_ .

eeyi., ,.dr. '8.d:; 4uto~ lWI . •.. .•..•• '.


. V-B.. Auto. ~.•' ·P.8... _

Tan. . .......•..........••.....•


p~I ~~

., '


toWll. To help :th~ OUt, they would appreciate it if you would lay yoU'r papen at the curb. nil iI me only fund ·, that the Scou. of Troop '94 have. 'I1ae money that iI mad~ from this baa houpt, their eampins IUpplica, aad IICIlt .the boYs to summer camp• Thil is also • way ·t o keep America Beautiful. If ' the p8peJ' mill. do Dot have -sa:ap parer to work. with, thlt)' ~ve ·to cut down tree. to set it. One "ale of paper ~ves 17 tr~. If yoW' hoUie h .. hem m~ at ~u desite alore ill· fo~mation on tLit call

..146-4636~ , "


BcliClOl'" Note: Pictorial ~~v. tbe . • •~~ . . . . . '. of

Lioaa a ....p"1I'C Depa nUIc$ 'Co.,a..., F. i r .~ On pa.~ 6 ~ ., , ~G.zeue•

iauicle 'tod .y. .

Heavy .how~.· and dU~t­ ening .tol'm warnings cUtin't !Seem ft~ discourage , Way1nesville Lions Clyb- Pu e Depar tment ' Count ry Pair g,)ing crowcls over ~e weekend .. A . multit ud, of YO~~I~ers ' and adults 'thron ged. the fl iE:'s. bigger and ' better midwaY' attractions at ,. the Wayn es1ville High Schoo l ' groun ds. Only the not. to be in timi- . dated ven~red among bdpth s and rides Thurs day wh'en 'blue , sides sudde nly shrou ded Ma~1c dump ed heavy, rainfa ll O~L the area. BEB A SUMMER ' READ BR-O liio Hone y Pe~tival Queen ' " Juke Gregg of 'Muo n officially opene d M.ry L. Cook, Sum· ' . . ReadiDa Cub at the Library MOb4ay. J>ictur¢ and .tory on tile "Bee All ,yda1 Cu , Bee '. '. • Read" readin g club app~ on page 2. '"'":-Dennia palto n Photo .


~ vilege d'; wth s~nhy fair going ' the annua l event w~ather ana . jumpe d wi~ " sky diver exhi-


, bition l, ' Waynesville's Outstandi ng Citizen of the Year Award and Sing Out Waynesville perfor mance s. I-luvy rains pelted crowds .04 finally drove ' aCliv4ties inside Saturd ay after a gigant ic best ever parad e ·at noon. Howf;!ver, persistant and unf~lenting .. TfI anen Coun~ians , ~~nducted the fair's noted ' horse .how' as advertised . . • 'rallt or shine. ' "


a hu-


" ,. sh gold(i a . ing tec~vely clutch b9wl . won at one of the booth s, sidled up to the ~ayor and plaintively askeel, nWill goldfi sh so, it . you,' hold won't get. wet?"





The ,tracts prop., sed for tract .in(!~ tht COOlThe W.~ To~hip ZOn- . appro ved busmess re-zon,ing ue l~ami~sion f~lt that it, was more ilo n turned iDg Co III ,ed o~ at) acc~ss road tC) the neede d for the thumbs down on two re-zon- , than ,w hat .he , CeaSar's Cr:eek , Resevoir ptoof he~ bUsiness. iag ' applic atiotll during its lopera tion The commisSi~n also· ga:\;'e . jec~. .. , ' . meetin a Tuesd ay. , the final ~eciaion on the hear-' _ ,f The ,Fe4er al CQlIUIliAion member. voted had previously ing week on the to re-zon e for biaainess a tract • Sid Ellis farm locate d Qn pOrtion of the of land includ ing the bome of Road east of proPo sed flood Mr.. Miriam Barret t one , Ellis-Lincoln Waynesville. fo~ ~eDor~ of Wayn e.Dr. ' Fox 0.£ I!)ayton , clJrreh t ville on Oh(o 42. , " ed d~wn Dr. Fox's': ap lica. f~m ' owner , Ql'eviolisly , suGMfa. ,Barre tt OWQI "and opmitted 'an application for.· J'C" .. non for 're-zoning .the. xister.~ tile WaYnavi1~e , Potato , , zoning tWo tracts of l~nd fOil, , ing tracts after they me' . with S..pp y',ComP4llY ~ bel' bome a .shopp ing center and ' a ,trail- extensive. oppos ition' f. rom \ thqe. n~.~IJ~boring farme rs: ' .er court. She wu i'e~ an ipclu~­ trial r~zo.wag oft ,anotb~ " tract of land adjoin iai the



_Applic ants for the Warre n , Count y Cripp led Child ren .. Soci~ty's free speech clinic will Qe ~eenecl Wedn esday (today ) at Waynesvill~ EleI. menta ry Schoo l . 'Speec h thera.pist Kat h y Cover t, who will 'condu ct the clinic, will be at the .~hool to launch ~e progra m. , Miss,. ,C overt will \' . begin speech classes Mond ay. The clifti~ will be condu cted under , the following sChedule: Mond ay, Wedn esday and Friday momi ngs, Wayn esville Eleme ntary SchoOl; Tuesd ay and .Thu rsda y morni ngs, South Leban on Bl~entary , SchQolj Mond ay, Wedn esday an4 Frid~y ~venin~. Jonat han " W tight , Ele,mentary tSch~ol at y , ~d Sp~ingboJ:o and Tu Thurs day everungs, ' ICings Mills 'E lemen tary Schoo l Fur.t her detail s and time of ' , the speech clinic can be ob., tained by phoni ng ~hool ! principals.

~ith a 'progt:am on honey aDd its prod~tion. . .~his summer's read!ng club , theme was coordinated with the Ohio Honey Festival to promote both reading and the festival slated Sept. J,1- 11 at Nearly 60 Lebanon. YQungsters and patenta uBee What You Can Bee lined themselves to the '... Read" will topic Mary L. L. Cook Libraty Monday Coole's reading club from June the opening of the 16 to Aug. 9. Summer Reading Oub. ' , Summer reading club reOhio Honey Festival Que n quirements and .. regulations Janice Gregg, daughter ,of "will reJRain the same as jn, the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregg of , past with Jhe exception of a Mason hived the attention of , q~eenly rule. ioitjal reading club m'e mb rs One of the eight booles , required. for , acKie~ing • certificate of merit must 'be~' subjected on honey pt:oduction or honey products., Boob encompasing bees, flowers, fcruit trees and vari~ ous other areas of the honey· bee's tnvironment will ~bee' m~de av~ilable to readers. Those who will be , t'eading . for pleasure and education . Tuesday night WaynesVille wat receive a colorful paper village councilmen gave the go ahead ' for study of two honeybee with their name village problems, dog shelimprinted for ight booles ter a;"d a , parking bazard on read. Personalized bees will be Dayton Road. A cost study' w~ apprdved hived on a mural depicting a meadow with flowering plants for the consb~ction of a t~m­ porary shelter for stray d ga. and beehive. The village to date bas no Additional boob read will su~b structure for diapliLCed, be represented by foil stars pet until they caD. be picbd pasted to the 'rounda of miniaup by the Warren County dog ture skeps. , warden. The proposed animal Ilh el- " ITEM: A modern food ,ter', would possibly be ,Icon, waste disposer saveS thousands of steps each 'year, and el1ml, structed in the vicipitY of, the nates th.e need to trudp out to villag~ old power house: or the garbage, c~ in liielement Waynesville's sewage, displosal wea~r. . plant. Council members also' discussed the parking baltai'd that exists on the east side of D~yton Road. They directed the village ,street comftlitiee to ' m a, survey of residents on Chapman Street and Franklin F oad since the problem affEects them. , Other business inchlded tabling the hiring of a villiage ' solicitor in' order to give more ,potential applicants submit 'c ontracts.


Dictionary of Clocks by Br.uto~ \ and Watches ' by Blanford ~nots and Splices by NabokoYI Ada ,py Whi tney " The Winter People


BY: ~


DALE SHADLEY Dale Shadley of Wilmington recently succeeded Keith. Sh~ridan 'as manager of the Waynesville Farmer', Exchauge at Corwin. Shadley was ' formerly associated , with the advertising department of. the Wilming. ton News J oumal. Prior to his new'paper em· ployment he l was affiliated for 18 with Wilming. ton", Master Feed Mill. The new farmer'. exchange m:utager, his ' wife Dorothy and their sons, Roger, 20 anc! Michael, 16, currently reside in Wilmington. S~adley plans to mpve his family here in the immediate future.



' spe~d it ,

How he handles those " firSt dollarS frOnl a paper · rouf~ may de~rmine how he faces more fate:fuI declsio~ in the years a4ead. • 1." ,


. A goOd way to teach your 'youngster the , ' of consistent'saving is with a real bank . value . savings account. , \

We'll gladly help him open one. Further, , we will follow his progress .•. througli,' the years ..• with a great deal of interest. ~

, Mem~

seQ. i 0 r ' citizerils of , I W ~ynesville aJ:ld tne ar~a are ., ' invited to attend ' a pJ.iogran;, on Medicare at CF~arlie' 5 Steak House at Waynesville on , Saturday, June 21. ' ,A guest speaker ha!. been scheduled to present the program at 9 a,m.

ITEM: Planning to ~arnish a ftoor?Varnishes' ar~! ,a vailable in a variety of glolsse8 - , high, medium and '1mr,. The selection depends lar~ely ~:)D ~rsonal' preference. Tht! newer urethane vat'riisbes cost a u all y little more but are Jonger-wearing so, the kind of wear that the ceives and choose the v accordingly.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor~t;on ,


ITEM: Food in 1969 are expleCtt~. creaR, . but not rate as in 1968.


Whatever you've got to ~I, we'D help. Newspaper advertisilig rings Is . • • brings in customers .,.• bemuse shopping , starts in the pages of this newspaper•.


Street a.t Benbr ook. model ed into an attractive, 8y Denni s Dalto n Its archit ecture has .been • Archi tectur al .herita ge of . home. un~han~ed ~ince it "as .COIlTh i s proper,ty includ ing the area }Yilt be ac~nted J ~e structecl ' by Mrs. Riteno ur's ~ellbtook Parle and the home 22 when the Bellbrook. 1f-lisfather , John S. Turne r in of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Devlin torical Comm ittee's ponso lrs a 1888. Origin al furnis hings in the early 192~0's ~as the pilgrim age tour of hist;6ric have been maint ained here. summ er · home ofr' Micha el ho~s in the Bellbr ook- SugBeJlbr~ok's m~um at 42 Mulle n, Cincin nati councilarcree k area. • North . Main , Street boasts ..nan. " , The ~ommittee, 'an affi iate hand hewn ' logs benea th its UPenny Aa~'" at 2'01 'o f the Bellhroolc Area (j 'vic .. ~ t' I,.owel' BellbrOQk Road"'is own- . quain~ board and batten siel.Counc il, has schedul~dl the. ecf,. ·and ~"d" by Mr. and, '. inx. " ' , t~)\ii-' fr~m 2 p.m ••S' p.m. " , Reside nt Cul'a~rs Nr.. . and! Six hJlIl~sqme; bid est- .. Mrs~ ]ehn C~ ~ewit, 51'; Mrs. Low. Jon~ will welcom~ The . 1839' , resi~ence was . dence,s Will 'be featur ed d ~ring tour visitors , ,t o a brows e of constr ucted on a Revol ution: '\" the day. . . ; t~e: past. The 1832 'vi.ntage Sa! uel . MV War Land Grant and its TtCka . and .mas- . for Ben· '/ : mieles were .fired on tile' site. Berry hill h'o~e jointly . ot! . broOlc.~. ffiator ic J-Jeme s T6~ : ,.., by_.~..: F{q.ward...MOrria .ad . ' ,_ Yist0ri!R ~ 51"tt gA~~~ ...d~~ , ~ ~ . will ,~ QV"-utabi.e "at .e . m~:- ,:~ ~,Mpnutd Mrs-; . R""ot;ert"H"~~der- '. 'crjbes--dte home of,.M "..:<i~ce 's.eum - fora no_in al' fee. of 31 , Wil1 , ,,e , ~ong ~ so-.a i~' ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ the tour. ' . , Aichitectut'e' :'" and h~ t'Ory ~ed ml this ~ buffs will be inte.r '. home since its origina:lir,r has heen main~ined. The h' me's brickw ork . is an.. ' examp !;e of the W?rlananshiJ:' <?£ Rod.ericlc Rowaey., an early settler It is ~ ~loca" clt dill Ferry Rl d. ; , ~~. and ' .~s. ·L~~ea:ce· Welle r of .4378 Dayto n Pi~e (Rout~ 725), ~will open their' ", " ; 1837 d*el1i~g. Thia briclc ' was ori !nallY . . owned by ' Tom 'and Bigger,-' White whose fi~y 1913. o~ied the house ,Perry Weller, · peat·j~tl'81Ild· ,~


~er:. of

the praent


purc h.,. the Dr'CltDell~JI the-White heirs' m

, ·'Dr. ~·and . ·M~. " Leo~ JUtrtrelr .,J:t , , will '.how· thci~

ItJ. D;~, FRAZIER ThUrday June ' 12. 'Wind thUDciet: liahtetting, jUst in time to deluge any cro~. ' ga~eriD.Eor the 'WaynavCountry Fair. Ev~ fair bas to have at least on~ .torm . or threat, 10 weather is not the baaais for our perferrin' Aupst over J e as the time for the Fair. Last ~ugust when that dull, season came we 'really missedth~




Women's rights for include the right and wonderful fashions lo~k

great, feel fine

and fit perfectly.

See them here,

, The name of this game .isll~lCce~riZ­ irig, and w,e'reexperts the best of ~c;ents! Find n Ji:arall'-t.ion looks to mak~ much

,yo~,it· be 'w~~lQg ' ,thiS~5'1Wi1~ner: ,

I '

'l'icket WiDner week': PA'1' . " ~~niDg ti~ket I


.."" ..



edge will not only be • Fear asset to the Fir.t United Methodist cLurch, but to the com~unit~ as well.

Th~ hew nun.ster at the Springboro Baptist Church is Rev., Gary Wolfittbarger. Rev. Wolfmb~rger and his wife, Lealie, are' ,not new to ' this area. He was born in Richmond, Ky. and spent some of his .childhood in Irvine, I'Ky. b",t he was reared at Franklin. , Rev. Wolfinbarger's father was the much loved Rev:~ P. A" Wolfihbarger who pastored a~ ' the Pennyroyal Baptist church ' belore his recent death. Gary filled the pulpit there for f a time before being , called to Springboro. , Rev. and Mrs. Wofinbarger and their twQ-year old fOn" Gary David, live at 387 Thomas Drive at Franklin. He received his ' formal education at 'Murray State Col· lege .in Murray, Ky. ,and also at Miami University at Ox,ford. He plans ., to continue with his 'college education at , Miami until he his

degree and' then atttnd se~~­ nary in Texas. " His past pastoral experience has been mostly in youth work and <working in crusades t h ~ 0 u g.h 0 u t southwestern ' Ohid. Also he was ' a ehaplil) at . the Barkly Boys ,S tate Camp in Kentucky l'o r a year. When ~lced what are his aspirations and goals here in Springbord he ' answered, "1 want people to know that, Christi a the Answer. Thel'e is more to Christianity than having your name on a church membership role. 1 'want the people of Springboro to"know that there is a Baptist Church here and fhat it will b~ more 'k nown in the community than in the past." The Baptist Church has a bright fQtute with the Wolfinbllrgers. They are young, energetic and enthusiastic~ They al:'e ready to roll up their sleeves and get to ' work. The First United Metho-

Dayton "ith Ilis family. Rev. Arnold and his , ife and ' son ",alter Jr., (But~h) live at the par.onage at 65 , Willow Drive here in Spriingboro. Th~y have another son Arthur who lives in Cm:cinnati. ' Rev. Arnold'l hometowll1 is Po~'e~oy. Mrs. , Arnold comes . from Dayton. Rev. Arr~~ld began his ministry in 193'3 at Wheelersburg. From tliere, he has gone to pa~torates in: Liberty, New Madison, Br.)okville, Michig~n and qlclahom;:a. He received his educa,t~on at Otterbein College at ~Ves­ terville and ' die United 'fheological , Seminary at Da)l·ton. teThere is a strong ,con,gregation ,here. Lots .of , hard working tamilies, dedicated people. We will be abltt to get a lot of good wrk he ' commented. Welcotne to SprlngJboro Rev. ana Mrs. Artlold. A man of your experience. ' and Icillowl




Dri't'e. ' Raideoca put it out, but want someone fr';" fire departQlent to check it out. June 12-4:39 Cau to F~mer's , Springboro Powell residence 011 FactOry Grange will have a birthday Rd. Stove fire. Two trucb supper, June 18 for members dispatched. ",hose birthdays occur' in the , 4:41 p.m. Call to Brook's first six months of the year. residence 'o n Red-Liolt 'Road. Member. and guests of the Smells smoke and '1Upects Springboro Garden C't u b fire. Three trucb sent to inmade a, char.tered bus trip to vestigate. Niagara Falls , and Manches.6;47 p.m. Light poles reter June 10-12. porte4 ~n fire. One tru;dc " . Fire Calls,- Ambulance Runs dispatched. June 13--Stove fire on J u'n e 9 -:- 7 p.m. Three. trucks and 'ambulance dis": Yankee 'Road. Res~dent put it. patched to a barn on Bunnell- out. Needs the blower to reHill Road for Fire School move smoke. Training. JUDe 14::-10:25 Participate June ' 10-10:23 a.m. Two itt '.the WaY,llesvllle Country trucks dispatched' to Ralph Fair. Wade's residence. TractoJ: on " READ THE ADS fire.



2.8& CHAPMAN 'ST. WAVM "VILt.£' 0.-', PH. 811-7581


Their music is to heard nearly all slimmer when in use. The Legion grounds malee FRIBNDS HOME NEWS a very desirab1e place for a By' Nellie BWmell group of' youthful bicyc:1era When our porch fumituu each evening. All can be seen is out for the lUIlUller ' from' our porch. Also on the screens are up and the pilNorth of US die Hattsoclc Iowa are all distributed, we green house has beetl a bunch feel we really are r~ady for of blooms all Spring and such porch sitting. a busy place before MemorOld as most of us are we ial Day .:with custom~rs buystill have an interest in what ing f1owe~s and garden plants. goes on around us. Much that Then our South Terrace has transpires over at ' the Legion been a ~ontin~ous vision of ~a J...ibrary ,grounda Can be blooms -' wth 'daffodils, tuobserved from this porch. The ~utside basketball co t . lips, peo!'y,sweet rocket, lemon lilies and now roses. This i.· in uu by quite ' a few boys too can be seen ," from our. of that age. porch." The window boxes are now G~ests of Carrie Russell the in place in ~e Library 'Yinpast weelc we r e her sons, doW! thanlca to a group of inHeber and Don Russell of terested 'peraona. 'We ' hope Lebanon. they are a thing of beauty Edna Burnett was the relater on. cipient C;;f a gift of lovely' Then, Harold 'B auer has a flowers from. the Robert rather inteJ;'esting innovation alapmans on Sunday mornin .a way to mow th~ laWn. He ing. uses ~ riding mower with a Opal Tressler and Ada boy as driver ' - and three Courtney called on Josephine smaller mo~el's in tow at the Earnhart on Saturday. rear. Very quiclc way to mow Mrs. ~orothy Evans of a large lawn~ , Youngstown, 0 h i 0 was a Somehow the swings , are weekend guest of her mother, not in use as yet. They need Anna Thackera. . to be repaired by a handy R~bert Palmer visited , his

mother, Nettie day evenms. Robert Crane and l\1i1l1'••tret Koonce of Lebatlon we r e d ...r .. guests of Florence ing the past week. Nettie Palmer Thadcera and Ne ie enjoyed • delightful ri~e with Kay Day and Jimmie 6n Saturday morning to Wri&~ht Patterson Air Force Base I Mrs. George Kakeh hie of Yellow ' Springs visite with T sue h i n 0 Kalceha~ hie on Tuesaay afternoon. A Saturday caller 0 , Edna Burnett was her da ughter, Katherine Whitaker. Ruth Smith is dOl g the dining room work th week while Opal ~njoys a S 'lOtt vacation. Risa . Ward enjoyc nic at Fort AnciieJlt rith the , Girls Auxiliary of ~e Baptist Church one clay e past week.


;There's no better'e(lting ,than our man· 'sized, ' mouth·watering . steaks tU~iled .. . to your tCiste and $erved up sizzling ' ; hot. It's ,an epicu', e's 'delight, ind~. 'Only one 'of' our: very many delicious , . dinner treats. Try us tonight. , . ,






HOLD BEEF CLINIC , Th~ Green Thumbers 4-H

Club spotlighted beef show.. manship .~t i., regular meeting on Tuesday, June 10. The club, ~hich h .. an enrollment of 49 youths from the W'ay~esvi1le are~, met at the home of David and Debbie Greenhorn. " 4-H-ers from other areas itt Warren County also attended to wallCh Green Thumbn m ~ m b era Dru Gilliland, David Greenhorn, Deb b i e Greenhorn, Steve Fr i eke, David O'Banion, Dick 0'Banioh., and ' Doug O'Banion display proper techniques EoI' preparing beef animals Eor the sbow ring. MRS. I'LORA B1 RHS The club plans bVQ other Ph. ,862-41 t such clinics ,for 4~H-ers. The 'Mr. and Mrs. J e ry Wilnext rpeetm,g-:-a program for liams of Simison Ro.~ spent ~he~p ,showmanship ' - will be a weelc.~ Je!lico, K'r., with , held June 24 at the ' home of Mr*~ Wl1liama moth~rr, Mrs. Monty Bost. A swine clinic Payne. will alao be held prior to the , A gr.duation party was held Warren CountY Fair. in honor of William Ray In addition to the most imMoore, son of Mr lnd Mrs. portaru objective of the club, Bverett Moore at Mam Street• . preparing 4-H projecu fo,~ AUo honored were alaeY Concompetition at the fair, an im' ley, Sandy Conley, Conni~ portant part , o~. tjle ~club's Guthrie, a H graduates of , work, ia ita judling tea~. Xenia High .School. ' Club advisor Charles '~eJ Guats lincludedl Mr. a'nd' announced that " ),eef judgl\.:ira. Wheeler Conleyj, Mr. and ing team 'wat be talcen to Mrs. Arthur Guthri~, Mr~ and Cambridge, on June ' 28 lor " , Mrs. Oulrla Conl~, Mr. and the .tate .Eield day for polled. . M,s. Paul Con'ev, Mr. and herefords. Mp. <:harIa Myera~ • and In March, a beef j~gm, Mrs. Lee Upton., ·f.h. Bob team , fr~m th~ Green Thumb, Singleton, Mr. aDd !~. Dave e'r . 4if.;H Club ",on firat place, Davison, Patry Appl Igate, ~ at the SOuthwestern Ohio , .••• 'i Conlcy~ Mar t h a llobinette, Darryl Clowd, P'act; i:>abe~ ~e guests presen~ gifts' to all graduates. , Re'reahments were served. Host and Hostesses were Mr. d Mrs. EV,erenl Mo'ore,f Sb:aroh and Treasia. ," . Mr. .,.d Mrs~ Lt~O ' Hacke, , ~ Linda, Mr. and '~s. Herman Osbom and fatality, Mr. ,and Mn, ·Phil Sba : and ,Eamily, Mr. ~d Mn. Raym9~ McCall and family aDd Mr• . and Mrs, ' Bernard ~~a aDd -, Eunity ~ enjeyecl ia pmpin, aild , bo.atiDs trip, tlUs t weelcencl on the ' Olltib river at 'Manchester.





Hereford , Show at Eaton. This team eoauisted of David GreeMOrtl, ,Ken Vi cent and Didc O'Baftion. liiidite Me.DbaI The Cloveretta .... H Club , conducced .n initiatioJi of new member. and advisors Tuesday afternoon at the Spring Valley United MethOdist Chureh. ' New advisors whated were Mrs. Rosemary ' Smith and Mrs. Car.olyn SimoDcS. The' initiation committee included Charlotte Watkins, Faye Hoffer, Karen Smith, Mrs. Irene Johnson ' and Mrl. Jean Watlcina. Club member Nancy Johnson won the prize for the funniest costwne. Janice Dill and S""an Burau !leaded the refreshment com~ittee for the club pro-

American Legion Auxiliary Unit, 61' will ho14 its June . meeting on nunday, June '19 at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion Building. Member. and meir' familia ~e in·: vited to attend a picnic supper. In the event of bad w~fher, the picnic will be held in the meeting room. ' " ,The following new officer. will be inatalled: ' president, . R~th Whi~ore; ifir.t vice president, ~ah Wilcher; lecond vice praident, ' ~ Marie Dakin; .ecretary, Mati· Jyn Thompson; treasurer, Ce~eli. Hawkins; historian, Bllzabeth Dakin; chaplin; Viot. Da.Icin; sergeant ~t arms, Ruth




eatcrtainment; . ' of' ~iU:h .,.~ ~rved~



By Mn. ~ tended the 1unc:lleon meeting. Sill, OUt Wayne.ville wiD Senior Citi~ena wiD meet next , perform at the annual Sprin,at 1 p.m. Jun~ 24 at the boro Feltival Oil SeturClay, church. ' ] e 21 at 4 · tUlCl '1 p.m. Clyde ' Hale, Jr. returned kyone within. to place Sunday night to Fort Gordon, lUMp Oil the comm 'ty cal· Ga., after a viait with h.ia pareadu may .CUI do 10 UIltil . enta, Mr. ,and n. Clyde E. chia w_elld by co~tactin, Hale of Franklin ~oad.. Mr.. Bill . Mac:liaon of 6)0 Pvt. Hale wilt be at that po.t Joyde Lane. Her phone IlU~" until September.' , Ler it 89i'.-.all r · . . ,: Mr. and Mrs. Randy ~The' Marth. Circle of the . lap hav~ retunied from a 'W.ynelville , M~cboiilt ' honeymoon trip to Virginia .C hurch, formerly the Alice . Beach. The Dunlaps (the for·





Riel, Cblcle, will have a' picnic mer Miaa Judy Whitney) . sup at the home of Mrs. . were married June i'. Vir Colston. OIl Lytle Road. Mr. and Mr.. George , . ney 'will meet at 6 ,p.m. on Stroop and daughter, Kelli Thursday,' June 19." " and Vi,Icki, of High Street reMr. and Mr•. Walter Shee- cently r~turned from a vacah41\ of Third Street w~re -dintion They vitited friend. at ncr' gueata Sunday at the K~n . ,f:ierkimer, N.Y. and thcn Crawford home .at Milford. went to Niagara Falla. They ' , The Waynelville Senior were able to .te the FaU. Citi~n'. aub met recently while they were , stiU in their for a. carry-in dinner at the natural .rate. .Wayne.vlJle Un)ted ' MethoMial Pam Bro.e it home , diat Oturch ;Icu:,{al room. ' from college. She aHeaded A t~tal of ~o membe~ at-- . ~!S_tem Ken State 1~



, '

.0An '.


; Ooat plus '10%

Way It. e. ~ i 11 e ParmerA Mr. pd Ma. Gata' BU· Grange 13 met June 7 for ita ton of Sprini WaJ!ey h.iv~ reregular mectin,. Mrs. Eraelt turned liome after vacation.; Coole, lecturq, had a program in, in &rope. on "Health and Safety.~' lese at Richmond. MiU .."":LI.."'. The Bartona ac:companicd On June 20, the Gra~gers who re.idet with her DaJ~elliln are to m~et at 8 p.m~ at th~ by frieada' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and . Mr.. Wilbu~ Fo. of GermaatoWD,' ~ Friends S~cial Rbom to plan Fricke of Hip Str~et, is GraaijibOOth for the War-. a 10 cOUl)trie. durin, a Roc.ry gaged to marry Keaneth ren COUllty Fair. Club .pon.aored tour. PutDam, Jr. of W.A.C. chairman ur,a an Counuiea toured included Mline. Mr. PUtnam ia.a gflad. uate ' of Eutern Kentuc~y ' Graage womea to remember England, Holland, Belaium, that July' will ~e the judg'Germany, Switzerland, Leich- ' State Coile,e. iag of the State cooking and Dinaet wa. .erved Sa ur- ' easte~ Austri., Italy, Monsewing ~onteata which are day evening June 14 at [uaco and France. ~e group lie'. S~ealcht;tu.e to over 80 . sugar cookiel, and ' work and als~ vitited the lile of Capri. memhers of the ZUro~~=ate ' tea apron•. ne Bartona' European holThe Cradles to .College . liday was accented by Hveral .nel Barten {amilie. 'followlllg Child Conaervation League sight seeing trips. During the afternoon weddiag nnd w~tll Mr.. Mike Hubbell pre· reception of Michele ZUIrGtheir v,isit to Germany, they • clo.ed . ita year with a • iding viewed many of the coun~• weste and David Barten. meetiag Monday, June 9 at H9me from college for magnificant castle. during a the home of Mr.. Tom Hat· summer vacation is Ect,die boat cruise on the Rhine. ton on Sixth Street. E':lgland and 'F rance were Zurowe.te. Eddie is a 'Uld.e nt The agenda included dis. h'i ghlighted by the chan,ing at Transylvania College at cuuion. of the recent Spring . Lexington, Ky. of the guard at 'Buckingham Palace and a viait to the Eifle lohl' Mercer, ~on of ] 1'• . Conference at ' Washington, C.H. aad of the program preTower, re.pectively. While in and Mrs. John W. Mercer' of parations for next year. Fourth Street, visited his' I fPari., the couple also viaitecl Dr. David Ensign spoke to ent. and his brother. clIVer ;t number of the city'. no~ the group on the question , perfume factorie.. ' Memorial Day w~ekend. · I?vt.. "How does a child'. religious Diamond and cameo cutMercer, .rationed at Fort )ix, teaching affect hi. moral.?" headed the list of inter. ting N.J. will be home on furlo gh Dr. Ensign i. the pastor at , ests in Rome. Princeaa Grace's june ' 31 awaiting reusilgnthe S u g a I' c I' e e k ' United palace and the . reDoWDed Church of · Christ on Wilgambling caa~. of Monacco mington Pike neat Bellbrook. t:ulminated that country's atHe is allo a . profes.or of tractiona. Ch~ch Hiatory at Payne The emacut.te maintenance Theological Seminary at Wilof both city and rural . Hoiherforce. J:tnd and ita picturesque windmill. ·im~.esled the 8ar- ' ton'• . mo.t. . , The Bartcml' and Fop' return flight home waa highlighted by a , surprise· party honoring Mr~ and Mrs. Fox ,on their 28th wedding anniJames Crane of . the venary•.•MI .pal.enger. wereWaynelville National Bank Aerved champagne by the WaS one ' of 99 banker. who pl~e'. captain in celebration colli P 1e Ie a' .econd-year of the event. c~urH 'of ' .pec:ialized instruc· I

' . .





tiOIl at the Ohio School of Banking. _ ~!l!O!ed . ~y . the Ohio, Bank e rs Auoc:iatiO.', Vim-' headquarters at Columbus, in' cooperation with The Ohio Univer.ity at Athena, the Khool conduc:tecl its sixteenth .u.ion June 12~ More than 200 baalc officer., department heada, and employees from aU o~er Objo \were enrolled in ,the program. . The SChool'. objecqve ia to 't. Uain baaken m aU of ~e complex areal ~f bank oper· atio~ and managemeat anc;{ to help prepare them to l;etter serve the ' of their community. Graduation exerciaea, were held Friday afternoon, June 13, at the C9ncl",icm of the School's moat ~ucceNful year.


-OOIlV8DtiOD ... . .",:~, ..... " .' .

Mr. and Mrs. .Richard R. Hazen of Perry Road, helped· to ' regiater memben anadia. the Ohio-Wat Virpu. . I)ia.. uictloll ~~veadon, of the Na· tio~ Exchange Oub at o.y. toa oft Saturday. While ,there the y met Colonel. and Mrs. Jo"-' Glam, Jr. f,. ~l. , ~lenn, fOrmef . . trOnaut, "a. the peat apeaker ."~~oU~1 .e 'cOnveDtioD ' ~

met Thursday at the home of Mr.. Sue Wyatt. Miss Lori Carman entertained to a ~lumber party' Tuesday night the following: Katrina Lewis, Robyn Leyes, Nita Lynil is the ~e ch~­ Beth Stidham, Heather Plumsen by ~r. and Mrs. ' Robert mer, Angie Cark, Sheila Farris of Maple Street for ' Wyatt, Kimber Payton, Chris their second child bor~ on George and Diann Fisher. June 1. The Massie Grange was Mrs. Bertha · Knowlton reo host Monday night to the .turned to C~nto. M~orial Springboro Grange at the " . Hospital Wednesday. school house. In their Ex." The BYF met Sunday evechange Program, the chairs ,ning at ] onah'. RU;b. ,Church. ' were fjlled. and the ''program Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bran-, presented with Mrs. Falkena~urg and ' M~. Imogene stein; lecturer. ' Voiera attended the, 'wedCling Miss Virginia, Palmer was of Rita Fairchild and· Larl'}' . \th~ gue~t of honor 3t a mis-' R. " Titus at ' Olive Branch cenaneous shower held at the Ch\l1'ch ~tutday even~s. Oiive Br.anch Church. She is Mrs. Willie Anderson and the bride elect of Ronald Fox. family, ,Charlotte and. R~y, The Welcome Bible Class • moved ' to dte Florence Mille: ,' of Jonah's ' RUIl Oturch met ',. property -aft Middletown Friday night at the 'hom,e of Roa~ Wednesday. C

For A Good Deal On A Rew 'o r


Mr. and Mrs. Geor,e Warren Chapter 224 , - ......... of Eastern Star wlll ' Thursday night. , . The Harveysburg Dinner Ileld ' Saturday at ,the school house hon red the 1944, 1914 and 959 Classes. The ladies of Branch ' Cliurch served dinner. Rodney, Rick and Ro Clark and David Car spent last weekend campin Lake Cowan. _ ,Mr: and. Mrs. ,Oint T lot attended the Bo~an 'f a ,ily gd-together Sa~rday eVj' g at .the home of Mr '... and . rs. Lewis Bowman of IGngs ~lls. Mrs.. Ella Gardner of St. Pet e r s bur g, ,Fla. has 'r;ecendy visited het: sistets nd brothers-in-law., Mr. and~rs. Carl ~oore and Mr. and Vlrs. Heber Ellis. Mr. and Mrs Charles were Subday gues~ of Mr. and Mrs. William ~ac of , Sabina. High winds and heavy ra~ struck Harveysburg , abo at 5 p.m. Thursday toppling • ees and taking slown many ll~rg~ branches, although time ropetty damage was luffe Clark Avenu~ and l' in Street ~re blocked for ,ome time and many homes without. electricity, and pl,~'''I&'' Service 'due to lines down.


June 15 to July 15







WINS DRAG' S'IIUP TROPHY - Jaclt Hatriaoll of 94 , South Main Street,' WaynesVille wu a recent winner at the Tri.&ate"~ Hamilton. He is .hown aboV"e 011 the left with: Iiia ... Keith aci' the trophy for fint pla~ ill the L Pure Stock clau. Haaiaon beat his CompetitiOIl~ a 19~7, , 318 ,aibic jftda .enaine P~oath, by three car 'Imath- with . " . his 290 'cubic iDcb a.&1er ,R ope. Both Harriaona are avid racias I..... Dr·ia Dabaa Photo , I


Notices LITTLE RED SHED Antique Shop . Behillel $tubbe F~neral Home. Spa, cialiling in are. W llyneaviUe. . Ohio. o· tfetf


Wanted LET me baby sit in my home fo~ you. Fenced-in yard andl many watchful ey. to keep ~al ' them. Ph. 897-5921. 15nc'l: '


WAN'l:,ED: Baby from 7 to ' ~l {our days a week Ph. 897-2286. 3d

I ~ ' ~~------------~~~i

Real' Estate WHEN, buying or selling real eatatls why bot' can us. We have capabll~ lIales persons in your area to hell~ lIatisfy your needs. R. E. WADE REALTY

868·1440 Jerry Hoffmann 897-4258. Scott Remley 897 -~30 Herman Weaver 897-7866

Hell) Wanted WANTED: Experienced waitre81 . A ~ ply at Charlie'. SteakhoWIC~. . Wayneaville. , 3c!~ LIGHT hOu8ework, experience al>" p1'eCiated. Located between- Bunnelll Hill Rd, and Rt. · 48. Ph. 885-57216 coUect_ 2(:2


Man with a agricultural background to UIIiat manager. WJlll t r a i n. WayoeaviUe Farmers' E)lchange. ,~~l


TOWNHOUSE apt. 1 • 2 ~ rur 4l0nd., fuUy carpeted, appliancel, a"ailable J u I y' 1. 1110. PhoDe .3.-6J02_ 3c2

RED(jCE lIIlfe apel fut with .GobeIe t,ablp.hl Rnd . E-Vap , water pilla. WaYD~v.iIle . Drug. 3c8

~-Four 'lUj;l~ie8 to be given to



goorl bome. Ph. 897'0259. 3cl

1962 Electra 4-dr. hardtop, very clean. 1850 c_, no ' tracle. Phone IJ07.4437 anytinae.

00 YOU need a cistern cleaoed out or a filter installed. Ph. 897--5M6. 3ct

HOME grown vegetables, lettuce. (lJ'IioM, peM, brocc()1i and beets. Lawrence Kftthler, Haines Road. Phon. 885·3610. 20tf

PAINTING-By the job or »>y the bour. Spray or bruih. Ho~ BUIll; Roof., Fences, etc. Ted Stepp Ph. 897-4375, W.YBeeville J a e 1t Cowgill; Ph_ 382-6785. WllmiqtoB. ,

CHAIR- Early Amet:can wing·back green. Like new. •95. Ph. 885·7468,

AT UD Re«iatered Americ D Saddlebred Orade mares accepted. ,Fee 176.00 at lime of senice. Live foal paranteed. Far lIil1a Stable, O'Neale Rd. 111. 897-6946. ~ l~tf

MAC GR~GOR goU clubs and curt. 9 irons. putter. wedge, .ncludes «olf 3ct hag. BaO 897-5304.

SWnlMING Pool,

roundt 13 rt. ncrollll, 3 ft. dpep, filter and IItepa jncluded. 125.00 Ph. 897-4107 3ct

CLEAN carpets tbe save It safe w~y with Blue Lustre. Rent elec-, . tric shampooer Furniture Co. -'--




. . - JODI SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 140 So. Main St.. Waynesville, Ohio. Mon.·Bat. D o.m. to G Cloeed Wednesday. lSed


l'OY PuOtIle Stud Service, AKC

2 SOWS, 5 pip-$150, Can 897-4221 2c2

MODE~ 1000 Multilith offset print: ing prollll with automatic blanket w8l$her. Ge8tetner Hoelel 451 dUlllicator with Geatefax Electronic S~n­ cil ScanneJl anel cabinet . . All excellent condition. Phone 'Ihe Miami G~tte 897-5921. 16nctf sale at The S. Maio S\ '



Regillt.ered. White or Apricot. 150. Allpointi:.ent only. Phone 897-4148.



USED CLOTIIES - Shirte-BloWJel ~kirtIt-Dret111e8 and Sweaters ' lOe ea,:b-ul~j Disbe&-Laml'll. Mon,. t otbcr odds ,,011 ondA.. Dr"ndy'. Odds , and '1!!ncl. Store 200 E. Main St. Harveyllhurg, , Ohi,!). 4Setf Sprin~, Beauty S"op: Will take appointments !Sn"time. Ph 897 -4399. 4Setf




-'0 ["Whilil'~ 1IIIr-'



R8dio 'astronom~dyinll the heavens by examining radiI!) .signals from apace-ja a relal-

.tively new science demandinll that ita practitioners stay 0111 the beam.: Tbis fucinating field ~8 opened in the 19208 when th,e Jate Karl G. Janaky of Telephone Laboratories to determine the IOUrce


that was interf~inll ' the reeently o~ned ~. atlantic radio-telephone serr· ice. By 1932 t cJanalty had esta1!»-. liabed, by uang a lar1re rotatiJ:lg antenna, that most 01 the noille • was cauaed by lightning flashes. , But he also detected a ~I~U' hUiaing which was identified ~!8 radio SignalS from outer ~~ -signalS that ~~ed U8 iii tl~~ , form of static. , •Actually, astronomers ~Io not listen to the .tic. biat record the intensitj of radi~ radiation on chart.: With tI~e coutruction of radio tele1CO}KtI in the 301, it becanae J)OIIible to map larae areas M the heavena from £he UJlIetln '''.radio stan'" that emit thelia signals. Intereatintb', tile atro~ ~ came from tbe center of the MUky Way. , What cau_ th_ nolle8? t .ba,s " n determined .that tile origin ~ til. -radiation is tI~e interaction between IU cIo~lIs of collidiq ~ over ~..o milljon lillit~ ...,. Tbfl1ae .... elouaa aDd u.... in oIllr own uniftne contain tunltJ.t atomic hyetioaen-tbe nKlilt common efement in in~enI;eQld' ...ce. Before the de,. uRoDOlll.)' there wu no detect or study it. tbIowdl our radiO data. learn &ow much of h til. .



."~ '

OW 3 BEDBGOII BRIOK BODS ·.,.... 2 Baths,2 Oar Garage., .Bnilt.-lnik-itehe.u. W.W <Jarpet, Family Rooms, Large City 'Lots with All Utilities, Wood ,\Vindows with Stonn Sash, Fully Insulated.. Prieedto Sell wi 10% Down. Call 897-4916. '

B e aut "I



WaynesviUe Bellbrook 'Rd. - Summel' Hours: Wed., Thun., • Fri. Only By Appointment. Ph. 848-735~



lctf '




933-2162 Fm Dirt

Top son

. Pit Run


J)eDDiI Dalton • ,-.1••••••• , ••• ., ••••••• , •••• • ••••••



•••••••••••••••••••• ,..............

t l '

•• •




~_--I ~ . .~

O. BDI •••••••••• ,'........... ............ '-:":. •• Ad'v_ - . . . If1ft.... ~ B~ • .,...................................... ~te JI:I:iitc" ~D"" O. BiD, Dal'icl IrAIaD ••••• ; ~~ -1'1abIIIIIen

"DUd , •

1... ,.: .·... "..... .., ........

r.o: 80s 78, WayDeSViU~ Ohio 65088 '

ator." The liardOl's ing miamj euept and ca.h, .~ni..di'iftG' to LeMay. ,-he weeken \I tile .econd ol two. the area. The Clark residence on State ., wae previously robbecllJ~ ' N~bon'" burglary oc~iilrrled wHile he W" at work , wife aw y .wimming Nellon children. Police Chief LeMay urgOlg all reaidenta to repo1i' any .uapedOUl ltappeninp nd tQ set auto license numb ;rl if poJlibte. \






MRS. BTHBL CRABBE " Mrs. Ethel Qabbe, fonnerly of Waynesville, died June 12 at, Santa Barbara, q..Uf. M~. Ctabb~, 86, is sur vived by a daughter, .Mrs. Raylyn Moore of Pacific, Calif.. a IOn: Julian Crabbe of . Sebaetopol, Calif., five grandchildren and two brothers, George ~over.ton of ~evada and Ray Cover.ton of Mexico , City~ Mexic~. . I Graveside services will be ~nducted at ~ p.m. Thur..lay at Miami ceMetery at CorwOl. ' Funeral arrangements were handled by the Stubbs Funeral Home at Waynesville. MRS. RUTH ICBRSBY

Funeral services were conducted at 1 p.m. Wednead.y (today) at" the Neeld Funeral Home at ' Xenia for Mrs. Ruth . A. Kersey of Race Street, , SprOlg. Vaney. Mrs. Kersey died Saturday evenOlg at the home of a daughter, iMrs. Dean (P.tri.. cia) Johnson 01 W~yuesviUe. . Other survivors Olclude a ' daughter, Mrs. Louise (Lam) 1,i91ton of Spring V~lley; thl' e so!ll, Stanley of Dayton, Wayne and Henry S. bo~ . of Spring V.uey; ' a ,broth", Gran~i1le Benson of Spring . Valley ",d 11 grandchildren. Burial ~ wU ' itt Spliing, Val· ley Canetel,'y:


By Dennis Dalton Nearly every American is familiar with , the folk tune, ttYankee Doodle" and ' its lyrics. But few possibly lenow that this mysterious melody had a flesh ~nd blo~d naQle. s.a~e. ' The historic shroud of ob. scurity was ' pulled fro m around ttYanleee Doodle" this week by a Waynesville family, descenda,.,ts of the not so ficticious American , pers~nage . . Mrs. Herman Bell~an ,( the former M~ry Scott) brought 'out her', well !Narded copy of UAunt Lib's Story Of Yankee Doodle" (A Bit Of Buried

The ,Waynesvilk Police De-

1I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I[~~~~~~~~~~~~~J-I~is~to~ry~)~.~h.~~~~~~~. . . . . . . wa~!ek,keptby bdlmisirighopa1arnls. ' I,

officials said ilt the Waynes'uh and El1ia! " a,ccidendy trip-

ed tha~ the cat "as set off by ' a se money had in slot. The cus-

ing of the ~ntly



of the alarm

Harold of


COrwin' '~ll ap~;r in


Mayor's court 'tonigHt: fO.r faU ... re to stop in .an assURd clear distance. , Carpell~ was ~ted , into eoutt June 25 by thtl Wayne•• . ville 'Po,lice Depanme.,t after he .trUck a parked ear ownecl , by Bobby ,Blythe; Qf 248.'. /2 I

NQrthStreet, ' ~ . , The cOnvi~ , yoU, h wu ariM/"' ~ ~ . co~ , North S&!et a " 9: 15 p.m. wheft , a child' cIa.heel in front of hit cu. To , avoid ' h4ccms the. ,OUllpter, Carpen s.erYecl iJ;ato .,t he .... of til. Blythe auto par~­ ~ ia front of t;h~ Wayaaesvil1e' United ' M th~t , Ch\U'Cb lti-pupoae ' builciiDj


a , re,~ark~~le

working" caree~ ' begul) ::JEter his birtli : July, 7; 1~98 a,t Galena" Ka~. His working man days be· gall, ~ Kansas with U 10 cent a l00Q po nd bucket from 300 feet down" In 'the stnte~s .. ' leaa and zink mines. They .cotiti"-;ued in Pi,t cher, ' ,191, \ during the ' a~e'll" ,ew zink .ore strike. Mini,,'g ,days ,entled ,when All· ford entered. the United Statei , I Na~ jn 1918. "aig money," "$1.50 an hour" followed in the wheat ' fields of .hi. native state folI_ing World \t1ar I 's~ice. . The fanner tumbler came to D~.. i.. 1921. While




tIte1-e, 'h. .erv~d


'OIl . .

• Dumbe.- of

Dayton Bo.~8 16

0' Ohio 42. .n. .~ Tiley discontinued , du~ yen;' ture dfter new Opia 42 by. pas$ed the village. . ' , , The ;lctive Warren ,C ounty . Health Board member c1~ims ,cQnversatio., onc;:e with ' Will Roger, in Chicago ~. hi~h. light of his career. . Allf9rd'S si~ ,and half , year~ with Divisi~n 8 , preceeded by two liquot mspector ,with Department of ,Liquor, \!~llltr~:)t enforcement divisiqn. , His hundreds of .

I i"


• f


By Dennis Dalton ~early

every American is ' familiar ~ith the foUe tun~t ttYankee Doodle'," and ~ts i'yrics. But few possibiy know that this my~terious ~elody , had a 'flesh _.",nd :blood n~~~ sake. ' - , The historic shroud of ob. scurity was ' pulled Erom around uYankee Doodle" this week by \ a ' W'aynesville family, descendants of the , ' not so ficticious American personage. Mrs. Hecman Bellman (the former Mary Sco~t) brought out her ~/el1 gu.arded ~opy of C(Aunt Lib's Story Of Yankee Doodle" (A! Bit Of Buried The Waynesville Police DeHistQry),. partment was kept I;-ell hopThe booklet, wh~ch , fascinping thiS we~k by miStrigated Mrs.' Bellinan's family gerea bur,glar all'tms. and Igranc;ichildren, was reDepartment officials said scar~hed, written and publisht~a~ al~rms at the Waynesed by her late great~ aunts, ville Car Wash and Ellis! Miss Cora Louisa ' Scott and Market were accidently tripMiss Susan B. Scott o{ Revere, ped. Mass. , They assumed ~t ' the car uAunt, Lib's Story Of Yanwash system was set ~ff b¥ a kee Doodle" was published in customer whose money had 1,939 by ~he Scott sisters who stucle in the coin slot. The' cUs. wete then in thei~ 70's. tomer:,'s pounding of the mon; An original fifth edi-tion of ey box apparendy triggered , tlie boo~ is owned by Mrs. " the alarm. Bellman's father, Israel Scott, Investigation of. the alarm Sr. of Kettering. sounding at Ellis's Muket WaS The cover of the boole caused by the vibration of a states: uAunt Lib's Story Of l~ose wire in the system. Yanlcee Doodle" (A Bit Of ~nvestigators saiCl that a , :ton ' in. 1942 and putk:hased Buried Hist~~) By "Cora , search o£"t}le building reveal.. tile .lCellis farm . Mt. ~ol1y. Louisa Scott, Great-grand: e4 no '. evi~~~ce of the (alarm " He and wife, ElJnice:, have ',daught~r of Drum Major Ben' • b' e i n 'g ttipped by human lived t~ere I since i a handott and Granddaughter of hands. "some near century old Kouse Benjamin Purdy Scott ' . . . ,The faulty wire was dis.. originally a Wayne Township uYankee Doodle" and Sylvia covered when ', the alarm teschoql. Ij" Ann Southwick (his wife)." ' sound~ 20 minutes afeu "Spe's lived with me: over This is £~llowed with a note b,e ing re-set by the ~lice. 30 ~d t do~sn't ' know whafs next/, All£ord ' smile- ' 'I ~ ( lingly . dec~ares . The avid golfer plans to , .All(ord anq his, wif~:- were tally 's everal games 'before' he in , b~siness tc;>gethe)r ,f or a begins IMs work type retire; while aftef they built a tesment at the Jones far9\. l " taUl'~nt and 'service -'station ~ Allfor(J, this week remin-" Mt. Holly on old Qh~io 42. isced a remarkitl>l'e _ workihg ,' They discontit\,..~d the: vencareer begun after h1s birW tl\re ;after new Ohio ~2 byJuly 7; 1898' at Galena, IK an. 'passed the village. fils wo;k~g man days ' beTh~ active War(en .' :;ounty gan i~ " Kansas with u 10 cent He~lth Booud memb~r, ~Iaims a 1000 pound bucket from conV sation once' w~tl1 Will 300 feet down" in 'the state's Rogers in ' Chicago a highlea Cl and zink mines. light of his caree~. They continued in' ,Pitcher, Allford's six and Okla. in 1~1' during the allea'. new zink ore stti e~ Mining days ended when Alll~rd enterecJ the Unitea States •















in 1918.


"big Ihoney," tt~U.50 an hour" followed in tlte wheat fields of liis native ~tate fol-

~ »-ItcJn ~....... . . . • • . . • . . • • . . • . • • . • . • . . . . .•..•...••. FAlitor J)a\'id ~ ............................................ General lIan.., ....nald 0. BiD •••••....•••..••.....•••.•.•....••. Adverliaiq Jlaoacer ~1iDe~........................................ ~i.te ~r "Dald O. HiP. David EdaaU ......................... . ...... ,Publillhe1'R 110 •


P.O. ~x 78. Waynesville. Ohio 45068

By DenDi. Dalton The . fascinating, architectural sPlorgashoar d of Waynesvi1l~s old Main Street this' week · arouses a special pride within me as it should for all ita family. A look. beyond well pre~ served lumber and brick old· sters brought their pioneer builders into vie wan d Waynesville's birthdate, 1797.

, There had been a lapse of only 21 ' y~ars since the American Revolution that Samuel Heighway, a native of Shropshire. 'England, allied his resources and energies with those of a group of still new Americans. . . The intent of tpis .st~rdy band . . . to share the fate of pioneering a setdement in the virgin forest along the Little Miami that still echoed the victorious freedom cry of a yet 'infant United Srates. They had split the differ· ences hetween their EnglishAmerican origins and di~olved former hatreds and prejudices. Their tools were cooperation, compassion and, , teamwork. amidst freedom. These were applied with determined, neighbor helpittg ' understanding t hat rooted ,and produced the ind,u strial and residential pattern of liv. ing e~joyed .by u.s today and others liJce us throughout the nation. Waynesville's initial ' ciu· ze~s like other Americans immunized themselves against wars, unrest ' and human prejudic~s ' and ' failings for a , common cause . . • freedom and its insurance forever. Freedom aUowed them to build the foundation of a village now maturing in one of th:e most 'economically vital ,areas of Amuica. Friday .i s Independence Day, the ' birthday" , of the United States. It seems that in past years "our day" haa become just another ' break. from work'. ,,' ,. ,I intend to · help ,t he senior citizen of freedom celebrate by flying the hard earned ' American Flag. My banner' will flutter •.. ' "Thank you FreedomRighters," whil~ I think of my servicemelJ friends. who a,r~ risking their' lives from the Uhome o( rthe brave" in. order that myself and others may remain Uin "t~e lanel of the free." What will your nag speak into freedom's breeZe . . . or will it?

Gazette subscription «;OI:UC:5it by Ronnie James, 14, Charles james of 161 Waynesville. Ronnie




\'\ II I ,




~F ",ou'~e

'B~~~O YOU~

PLAtJ,..IING TO Do(i. FOR THE !oUM/04E~, El(PEIl'~ , ADVI5E '/OU LEAVE IilM IN HI~ . l'EMP':>I2"~" HOIlAE WITH At; .... Il'TLE FIJ~~ t\S PO~Sl~L£~ c:'otJ'r' fA E THE WHOLE FAMILV ,ALO-.(i. : HOME 15 THE PLAce FOR PR.?LOIJCED LEAV,I' T.\IC· I~"!

I , ~,!~

:Yk JIa~ !t: CCook


{)r YOUR

PEl', GOING TO ',re

$CIZAT':~, 5U"MERfl~E





\1ision from the MiUti Gazette for sellmg 131 subscriptions. He is shown above with Gazette Publisher David Eclaall. CQntest prizes e putchaaed at the Townsend Moore's Stote.

LIBRARY RECE~ 'HEIGHWAY POR. TRAIT - Waynesville' Mary L. Cook Li· brary was made beoef r of, an oa poJ'tratt of

J obn



f ·Samuel Heighwa,

who .ettled W.ynesville in 1797. The more, than UO.yeat-old Heigh~ay portrait was pre· sented ~ the library by OM Heighway. great

you can k~p I\Qt to with the salt. pepper. Sauce, and ·· ..,_.~w_.

seuonjnp... . , ' Next. . .ke sure Yow clean. and you have a supply ot ~a" Only lII~llUlt. , - grilled to a T will let party on rare, 80 tor t ..... d ... tempting T-bones. · cbareoal8 at leut before _rving 'time,; bed of coals glow . begin COf)~inl. There must be no 'Yhatever ' when ",e cCM1!.kiralf J

statts, th~lht Ie

.fty lnitiaUy when ,

begins .to drip ,.rom tIKr No. t . . your peats to arrlYe. art them miJljlliJ•• with • cocktail. Heublein botUecf eoeJktailia

band for

Flo C~ane was visitor on Friday. Guest of Julia Easton on Friday was Mias Ellen Easton. Mrs. Elizabeth Hume was a Friday afternoon caller: on Edna Burnett. Rue and Antha Dinwiddie of Dayton were Sunday catI ' . on Sara Burnett. . Nell i e Bq.nnell together ' With Mr. and Mrs. George Bunnell 'of Wilmington- a~­ te~decl ' the ('Reds-Dodgers" Ball same at Crosley Field on Saturaay evening. Conard Hartman of Wilmington ' was a Sunday evening visitor of his. Motller Gladys Hartman. Guests of Nettie Palmer on ' S~day evening were her son Robert and Mr. Seitner. . Elizabeth C~andler and 'Lucille ArmItage were guests of M;u:i a Elbon. one day this week . . Miriam Logan was a Lebanon visitor on Tuesday.

Lamb, neices of ' the b~ide. They wore full, floor:lengtll gown$ of taffeta and chiffon, one trimmed in blue and the , other in pink. Both girls carried baskets of red rose petals. Todd Patton, neph~w of the bride was ttae ring bearer. Harold Schock of Lebanon attended the groQm ~s best man. Ushers were Pale Cook. brother of the bride, Lonnie Sharp, Edward Sharp, Wayne Taylor, Mike Garrett, Har91d Carpenter, David Lamb, Oanny Ak'ers, , and Ric h a r d Schock~


The mother of. the !,'ride wore a ,s heath cltess of robin's egt , bl~e with 'a jeweled ~ea­ H,ne and a shoulder corsage of . white gardenias an4 pinle sweetheart roses. The gro~;'s mother chose a pink knit sheath and also wore, a corsage of white gar~ . cf~t:li~s and pink sweetheart Waynesville Granger. ~e roses. u~ged to attend the program Vocalist ~rs. Ray m 0 n d to 'see if they qualify for Sharp sang U L0ve You 'Good Granger.' Truly." Mrs. B~nny Purleey Women's Acclviti~ Com.. ' served as organist. rnittee Chairman Mrs. " LawAfter ,the . cere~oIW a rerence ~urnas announced' 'that ception was held in the the m~eting's work. ~iU be Waynesville United Methodist concentrate4 on the ' - apron Church social room. Hostessand lugar cookie contests and • es Were Mrs. George Hilterbran of Xenia, Miss Pamela , the national needleworle conteat. Hay, Miss Diane Akers, Miss Those in chatge of state ' Carol Shar'p, all of Waynessewii),g and cooking include ville, Miss Connie Whitamore Mrs. Jessie Pr~cler,as~; ' Mr•. of Clarlc.svUle, and Mi.- Joyce Ross Hartsock anel Mh.' LawScott .o f Dayton. ' renceFumas. Mrs. Eli Furnas The Gride .asa 1969 gradis in. charge of national uate of . Waynesvill~ High . il.udJewor~. ' SChool. 'the groom gradu•





REMODELING ' Bo})ert' Carter 15 Son 21 •• lnI IT. WAV"UVIL~ OHIO ,






, Ttlere's a new gasoline that puts a rabbit in your tan~-ifs for short hops. .



Wa;yneaville Grange N~. 13 wi! focus on th~ maleings of ;a good Granger during its meeting at 8 p.m. July "5 at the ~rienda Social room.

Miss Bet t y ". Sue, Cook, daughter . of Earnest Coole and Lucille Cook, was joined in marriage to Kenneth C.


PH. 897-7516


Garrett,' son of Mr. and J ames Garrett of WaVlles'~ille. at .the COrwin ' Oturcb on June 27, at half past seven in the even IDg. R~verend Acy Lamb, the bride's grandfather, perf rmeel the double , ring cereme,ny., The, decoratio~ included tw.o . seven-branch candelabt~ ap- . ed with white carnadons ~and greenery. : The bride wore a full, £lct)orlength gown of white ~pm­ bazine silk and Chantilly lace d with a square neclcline long bridal point slee.ves. Chantilly lace covere4 the , bo.d ice ana formed the re in. gote panel lion the fr~nt, o~ the full . sleirt · ended . iin a chapel-tensth "nain of blom, bazine , sine, trimmed .in llace. ' Her illusion veil was ,c aught to: ' a headpiece o£ pearll-en , cr!~stcd petals. 'The cascF'de bddi11 . bQLl.q uet ' was .o f ilvory gardenias and '5 ep enol..,., . 'Luvenia J~ose 'CooJt, ;jster of, th~ b.ricle, ~~ the JD.i,~ of Jionor .. Her fl~r-Iell~h I oWn : was qf hot pink chif.fon OVC







taffeta with , cas1:adinJ ,,~,ffl~o , and shor~ sleeves. She ca1riied ~ . one l"ng-.temmed red rl~se. . Bd~esmajdsj ' Sylvia ; ~Ie and, June Cook; siften ~e bride, Slie Gar~ett; .sis~r of die ,groom, Ramona L,mlji, ,E16 len Budde, Pamela Y Cynth~ , ,Carla yer, and Becky Cono~, gowM styled like ~at maiel of honor in raiJlbow hues of aqua, apriao~ b~i.velll­ blue, lavender, mint IIllt'ccu. turquoise, ~ romance . ~



..d yelloir• .Each canie4~ ' IOD.6~ red rote.,



State Puk 1~~llteci Brown u>qnty, beth Chandler~ tage, an~ Glenna '-AJI1~crt .Mts. Ruth Whittamore, prai- . ,from Waynesville .' dent; Mrs: Sara Wilcher, 'St. Jphn .and Ruth :o.,............,,,,n... firit ' vice pre.ident; ' Anna from Lebanon were;' among Marie Dalcin, second vice those ,who joined th:~ ' trip. . president; Mrs. Mar i I y n School News: Thompson, secretary; Mrs. Miss Carla Sawyer ;llld M~ss Cecelia Hawkins, treasurer; Penni Lowry; are c~~nding Mrs. Elizabeth Dakin, ' histpr.wniJ\ef dasses a~ 'Wilmingian; ~rs. Viola Dakin, ~hap· , ton College. ' lain; aIld Mr.. Ruth Wilcher, Miss Car 0 I 'Cc»ttermah, sergeant-At-arms. . daughter bf ~r. aJ~ Mrs: The . Historical Circle SoEarl Cotterman of :Route 1, ·cietY of ·,Warren County ~~­ and a student at Llake erie cently took Ii trip to B~own College for Women~' ~ SPeD~-\ CoWlty


By Pat Vait

HONOR fLAG HOSTESS Ellen ,Henderson, Grand American Flag .HoltelS of the Order of Ramboiv for Girls was honored at the regu,lar meeting of Waynesville As~ sembly 110. EUen was joined , in the distinguished East by Jeanne Blum, Granel Lecturer of District 2S, four Past Wotthy Advisers, and fo"r Past Mother Advisers~ , After r~ding , a poem to th~ Assembly, .he 'advised . the girl. to remember . prac,. . ttce the many -beautiful la. toM taught by ,Rainbow. ' A reception followec;l the meeting in which the Wo~thy Advuer, Lynette Wilson, read lI' brief history, of Ell~n's acdtievements in her ; ~bow work. Dennis c,lStOn sang a ' beautiful rendition of the , song "He" and Carla Sawyer" Past Wormy Adviser, sog · ·'Your A Grand Old Flag." Penni Lowry, also a Past Worthy Adviser Presented '. Ellen with a bright red ribbon 'with her name arid title whkh will adorn her ' door at . Grand A.sembly. As die impressive program concluded, Ellen was assisted in cutting her beautifully decorated American Flag cake by Mrs. Jessie Pren.dergaat, chair· m~' ~f the Rainbow Board. . allell received ' a .tanding o.vation after 'she .' gave. her f~ repmark.. '



Rambow Newl J


ing the J\lmmer workin, at Booth bay Harbor, Mahle.






)lou've ,always

wanted to"wea ---with ,your own ,special . 'brand of ~ itY1e---Capture th~t '


The Rainbow girls will be having a paper drive in the ~e.r future and welcome any and all uiis~ce in making ,their drive a success. 'For further information . pl~ase call Catlly Crane, 897-4'1 f or Lynnette Wilson, 8S5-2609• . Grand A..embly days are . fait approaching. Twelve girls and five adults from Waynea. ville will be ~ aUeDding. They are as follo~s: elleryl Hart, Sherry Isaaca, Terri HartsOck, ,L ynette Wilson, Penni Lowry, Suaie Hartaock, ' EUen Henderson, . Carla Sawyer, Debbie Shoup, Pam Young, Cathy Crane and Boneita Horse- ' , , man. The adulu attendinC are: 'Mother Adviaer ' Phyllu Hart,. ~k, B.bara SaWyer, Anely ,H~nderaon, ,·BdS:, HC,!lderJOn" ' "'jl.,tarm~ . ~rt. nu. group wiU be l~vinl" for the ,Grand , ,' ~ ~Iy hel~ . at Ohio ,' , University at Athens, .. early Thunday momina, JUly .10 ami ,nil r~n .Monday, July 14. ' , , :', carla ¥wye~" p.c ~Qrtby ' Advis~ spe~t tltree' cLays at the ·:J~,,·be~olay Camp.' held 'a t camp Campbell-Gard ' near Hamilton!' <

Club Nn'I

, Mrs. M~ry Rye eAteI'tailled the n~ Century ~~b women at Charlie's . Steak HoUae, Friday, 'June -27. A total 21 members and an . honorarr member were praent. A deli. cious dessert was 1UVed. The America Leaion AuxiUary instAlled . ice Dew officers. They !" as: follo_:


alJ",f1attering look


sports wear from ..s



• Mia Houafi'••~. ~t Intetat marriage to ~, Mark DO. .• Mrs~ Rol:;'e rt Bernard b~ . eetumed home after beini , hue, JOn of MH. Corwin Fred . hospItal·zed 'at Miami Valley ' of Leh.non, Will be ' an evaac Hospital. . of Saturday, Auguat Z. , Mr. an4 Mrs. Randy Dun-. The Senior Citizem OUb of lap have returned home from Waynesville and vicinity will their honeymoo.,. ' in. , Virginia. meet ,July 8 at .the \ United A 1l4tcheon bri4al shower Methodist :Church mulf:i, pur.. wa. given for Miss Marsha' :' pose room. The meeting ..11 Hough, grand niece of Mr. begin with dinner , Ralph Hastings of 397 North at 12 p.m. noon. Street, W'aynesville, on.. Sunday, June 29 in Dayton. Cohostesses were Judy Lammers and ,Kay Spangler. of Dayton.




in aetenct.nce.


Where the 1~test


fashion is . an every 'Clay

Xeni~ were (linner guests of near Xenia and Mr. and his s~5ter Sunday afl'l!!r'IIl~".rl Sunday of Mil, IlJtd Mrs. MorMr~. 'Ledger COhn.ushey of ,r..-1rs. Addie DiU, a15'O Mr. ris L~wis. ~ Hillsboro, ,0. vis'i~a with Mrs., Norman L e ~ c h John Smith and family and Mr.. and Mrs. Thomas RunJ:lmestoWll. Mr. and Ml's. Bud Parker yon on Wednesday. , Mr,.' and Mrs. Christy ' W Miss Pam~la ,Earnhart is ' callecf 011 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis lace aod daughter Sherlll Crawford and family Sunday. home from Cedarville College and Grandson Tony Staffo (i Mrs. Hiley Gibson' was a for the summer. of Xenia called on Mrs. Hih;y ,' Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lewi~ supper guest Gibson, Sunday evening. of Mr. al\d Mrs. / Gus Lewis !!, called on Mr. and Mrs .RhnMr. and Mr~. JQhn a"d faanily of X~ni~. aid Stafford And IOri ' Tone" and family of Bloom Mr: and Mrs. Harold Filer Mr•. Sid Pellllingtoft of Xenia and Miss Donna , 13aine :......:.._I'!""'"'~-.rr':':T"'!TtI'"lT"r-rftMrr-.... owt"t~~~r~rJ1r1~-r.rrrrmfi.rY";7;mm7.:'1 also ) erry & LUtela of' near Waynesv~lle on " Monday. Mr. and Mr•• Davicl Milli. leen family of Ff~nkfort spent the weeleend widt Mr. ' and MfI~. · Lewis Michiat -an fa.-nily~', , ,- \: l Mr. Marie Earnhart and llatel' Loret~ i. visiting their' , aunt and uncle, Mr and Mr•. James Wildman and .family , of Jadcaon, O. , , ' Mr. and Mrs. }>aul Allford of Midway Cjty, Calif. are visiting Mr. Allford's brother. and l )amiliea, Mr. arid Mrs. Lob. ,Allford', of M~ Holly , and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph' Allford and Mrs. Connie Arnold pf Waynesville. They plan to retUrn hOllie in mid Juty af~er touring the east coast through Florida. Mr. Allford recently retir~. DIiPlESS POU~

' Monday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Clyde Camp6eU . ana $on Charles of Mt. , Arab, O. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McGre:w of Dayton, Mr. and ',Mrs. Furblan of Bellbrook spent Tuesday evening witl~ Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michial. Mr. Bob Freeman of Xenia called on Mr. and Mrs. Morris L~wis Tuesday. ·Mr. Earl Soward calleCl ,o n








What'. liberated look? It'. the neWHt fabJon tIeDd amo... ~y~fe· mal,. Wbo want tile ~ freedom of • ...,. olothial without IUDenderiDI thlk f . b)ljilnlty.


It'. a look lD IJ)qIt.Iwear that .a:v. lJPlIlen are "sympdlco'" with hil kicky beUbOttolDl and venatlle~ bllt tbq



wpC . . .

to ,-

truIy,"weat the ~ta." , fte new of the

For ,the ..II........





' ~flNI$H AMa , .~;r~~IIII~~ .*


' IN

.... :... HALf, LEGS



1oQk" try

"combining .... bank•• "., and Whlbt Itriped penta 1ft 100% cotton knit. and • ....,.~ ' denim ~ "'Irt. 80-' bv F!U' ~n.... SpOi1IWeIr. amo~ )'ouna th~ femal. of m' "eI~ hu been featuntd by: IUch forward·tbiDkiD, co..... lparu.. ,.. Four COm~, manu'facturer. Qf you.... -olDen'•

... . .,. , Four Com~ wbi~ bu ~n particularly ..ceellful lD ¥~~I ita puble in beat with Klay'. youth, claima it ...


'maiDtaiMd cloIe contict .,w lth ita audience W workiDI in concert' with a fiim that ....... the' I,. faShiOn incJuatry by ~ behavio~ pattem. Uid .acia1 atti~u'dea. " . . I

-ea.):. 'ou.r Comer Pr~ent,











..... ,




, Milton' Rattet, '··F~ I01R wh,t the wanti 1sn" . eno'1ish toc4Y.'·' We . ~t, to '· < ' kilOw ,why Wle wanta it. and ' who she,- W*~~ ~ both tada ,nd tomorrow." "r And today ntearcb ..ow. iPrls 'Want ,the libetated look in • fultion. It match.. their new' fo:u.nd freedom in career choic;e. ..~ and education.

~ puZzled' small girl watched a ~rty of anglers putting off in their boat. , "But Mummy," she asked; "do the fishes like all tJ\at beer?"

Wet:kend act~vities .at Camp , in the activities of Troop 30 Hook Boy Scout Camp near since tile beginning of his '! Carlisle were given pointed scoutmastership and been in- ~ significance for members of strumental in making Lytle Lytle Troop 30. " , , o~e of foremost ' SCout Ttoop 30 Scouts Titn Milgroqps, in Warren County. ler ,and Steve Elder and AsTr,o op 30's Order of the ,Arrow , candidates will partisistant Scoutmaster , Rob~rt cipate in final membership S~ansberry 'Were recognized by the noted Ordef of the Arrow .. ' cere~onies ,in November, ' Camp '", week a Iso held The three w~re tapped for Scouting extras lior the Troop: Or'd er membership " duting ceremonies at' the ta:np Fri~ " ,J efry Helterbridle ,was ~mC)ng a numb'e r of Scouts wh'o ,c omday night. pleted the mile swimniing MUl~r is ' the son ~f Mr. competition. and Mrs. Merrill Miller of , Steve and Paul Elder also Waynesville ' Route 2 ¡ and completed and received their Elder is the son qf Mr. and ~amping ~erit badges. Mrs. Guy E. Elder of 9665 Gebhatt Road. Stansber(y, son of l\1rs, Edna Stansberry o~\ 39, Nol1h ' F~fth Street, Waynesville and the late Wilbur Stansberry, joined . the Lytle Scouting , program about six ' months agoL , He has take,~l a I~ading par~





For boatmen who want ' t() get to the ,bottom of t)lings, Il modern antifouHng painlt combats barnacles and l(eepl5 boat bottoms completely frel! of growth. .. I' The pa~nt, "S~per DripleSis No. 8/', was -intrpduced laslt year by ' the l03~year-old Chilton Paint Company 0:ÂŁ College Point, New York.' Tht! product was readily accepted, by boat owners looking fOIr something special in bottom protection. "To date," informs Il compa~y s.p0kesman.. "we havt! been called upon oruy twice tC) back our guarantee. A small percentage of 60at 0wners wiU not apply the .,aint accor'din~, to label directions. But we ar.~ re~eiving . an encpuraginlr n umber of letters from sa tisfied customers, ,p.raisinn the product's antifouHnu pro(!erties. " . The compa~y ' looks for u substantial iq,;rease in sales thill year from boaters who herur about the pain~ from satisfiec1 users who'd like ~ see other" in the same boat. .' . '

I, rII, ,


... and Pad of the podies we doe cOda, .ad. ~IIII bftMap' ltut abe was -having' hiP. Veal ... d~ • JIBS. I'LOBA B1fUS ,08 the . ~ ar* auch . ' p,ocl time that .he . , .didn't ha~ much time for UI. bUt top was .till Ph. 881·'180 _ _ calves were A FARM D~Y We tried the new dog pell By D. J. Fnziao this aftemOO'Il, Moss, .Snuffy, some goinl over Mn. Ruby FrOit of CorbiD, Thuaday, JUDe 26, ' 1969. fifty and more. In __ Dirk, ShOabunou aDd, Fa' Ky. has been a receDt hOUie No raiD today, hot .and huAlbert were mat ia and left. , ' ~ I Hupt a little Jency guest of Mr. and·Mo. Clarles mid. Sevetal people have Sooa Mota came' puff. . up . calf for twelve do In but Steele. asked where me name Dry to the hOUle. He had jumped Mrs. Frost is the mother of then the problem to pc Ridge came from. ' We got it the aix foot felICe. Not lonl Mr. Stede of PCDewit Rd. it home. I couldn't f" d Ken from the weather; it is Dry Jter came the ahortlegecl Allen and Mr. Leneo who Sheryl Haines claulhter 'of Ridge. On a hot summer day .clop. ~ had fOUlld a way Mr. and Mn. William Haines goa by my farm had load. the clouds pile up in the weat to wiaJe pas¢ the pte. Now Terrace Avenaehas been a I uaually put them in the and we are .ure there ia going we haft to fipre out lOIIle trunk of my car but tl e lock recent patient at Green ,Mem.. 10 be a .tol'm but jUst before way to fiz it~ or.ial Hospital. was Im*en when I ~ it geta to UI the cloucL. "part, The roadsic:lea are heau~­ mto the tree which i s ' y Mrs. Bverett Moore of. half goa BOrth IOwHd\CenfUI DOW witIl elderberry and Main Street wu a patiem ~ at, iA the way when you Y out taVille tie. rest head toward · onale COrD liIia. the. f10WCt' the chive frdID 'm, houle. . lCetterin. Memorial ~. Le&anoll aDd we ' let only a : cattioaua caD them clay lilies. There w.. to do but She is DOW recuperating at light sprinkle « nothina at · . They mut up toward. evening put it in the back tea of the home. . aU. That ' is the weathet' pat- .. those who have tried to ar, 10 we cIicI. Mr'. Glean Hall of ' Race cem time uta' time. Once use them f. party cIecon'The girls in ~ offi pve Street is a patient at St. Bli.during a very dry speU back tioU haft found out. They me a bunch of n pen. It beth Hospital. in the fonies,1 tile . pap e r's are DOt a true aative wild didn't like. s~dinl Dft. the Mr. and Mn. Chuck COl.puhlished a weather map' of flower wt have escaped from floor 10 it tried the eat but lett of New Burlington are the national drouaht and this pnlcna and have .p:ead wilen I stopped it E U off,. vacationing m Dale HoUowt strip between Lebanon and widely. ney are fine gulley thea it tried lying ott T CDft. Mr. Collett operates Centerville was driest of the stoppers. tile seat but then a . l it slid . Collett's Hardware in Spring dry. When the ea~t wind , They are abo very nutrioff wheD I stopped. !nea it ·VaUeYr brill,. rain we all get it, but tioua and are a 'favorite vegeput its feet up on tlae seat , Mr. and :Mn. Emest Reeves ,our prevailial winds He west. table with the 0Uneae. The , and looked out the ..,.~ winof Florida are spending the The ~p that our Girl buds may be fried or added dow. When we got ' 110me it summer in Spring Valley. Mr: Scouta attended is ,C amp Butto IOOpi and the IlUll tubera was much easier to unload and Mrs. Reevea 4fe former terworth near Maineville, a OIl root are said to be deli. than from the hOl'llid box residents of Spring vaUey. beautiful spot, what we could ciOUI boiled. El~er berries truab aU CUI have rij t now. Mta'. William Cable, former , lee of it when we 'wellt down m.ake deGdoUi jelly and win~ 'It turned out to be another hODored Marlene Nogle, for visilOn night Oil Wednabut few people bother to gathcalf to be taUght to s~ and with a .tom .bower by Mn~ day but they ckt n~t let you er them. Food is 10 pleatiful wouldn't SO Dear tlbe cow Ctndy Saboto of Kettering. drive in very far. I ~ear they m IUpermarkeu even ~ough afta' bOth black COWli kicked Mn. Saboto ~ the daughter have tcnta on ';'oodell plato the prices go up. that we sel- . it; perhapl they didn'~ like i~,. forma jUit as Stoneybrook and dom try the wild Mayblonde color. WhipperwiU Hi& do, but the be it would help to curb inflaFdday. 11te calf w~ 10 Salvation Army has, cabins. tion if we aU .tuted "-vatLia ~mi~ ~. . . Their theory is that under PI the country for edibles. :°huapy IOOD . . I 1D~ ~ It to privileged children Ileed ' to I an recommend "~lkiDI Oathy AnD with • I&:en Oil, have thinp better than chey the Wild Alpuagus" by Buen it lOOn found out ho,,,. to get have at home but the other. Gibbou, .. a guide. . aomething to eat. like the more primative camp. Bvet,l»oc:ly and his bother Saturday. ADother ,~t day. Our Scout was glad to see were at the Producen Auc-: The Scouta come Lodle today 'and then we will hear pleas ,----.....-.-~ .' for a to the ~tl.


of Mn. LeuJte" "~. Guctta from Spana V~ were Ma. Came NOllie, Mr.. Lucy Noggle, and Mne Roy No~e, Mn. Louile Apor, Mn. JDeC Leth&, Mr:a. Rud. Noggle. . MI'. Clyde MOODey aDd .on Garry of Me. Airy N.C. and Mila Ada Moo-,ey of Martinaville were ~eceDt pesta of Mr. and Mr•. John P. ftforpsa of Benbrook Avenue. , Mn. N~e Croaa' ~ a '!ecent patietat at GreeD ~emor.. ia1 HOI~ and iI ~ recuperatin8 at home. She. u tIM wife of Paul ·CI'OSIt chief of , police of SpriDa YAllq. o '







"The cigarette lighter doesn't work!"



annual , subscription







,, l



Mr. and' ~a. Vi or Laird and Mr. and Mra. Charles 'Vall Nuys spent SunJlay after·' noon and evening Pl Kettering . celebrating ,the son's alld brother's birth y. Mr. and Mra: Do t::aird, Connie and Timtni = visited Sunday with Mrs. Lal!rd'a parelltl at Monroe: '


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SERTA-ORTHOLUX CROWN The Serta-Ortholux' Crown Is Irresistible at the price. With It, you get beauty and luxurious, smooth-top comfort,plu.


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It? Your comm.mtj h;aa ita 01!'1l newspaper, 0", that > 10

Ja . iiteri8ted, iD JOut commUDit". It is 10ca.WCl ." ~ . 1t . WapeaYilie, is Owned bJ reside.. f W&~ and ita Editor w.. bc)m ' aBel reared in Wa,.....,me. . ThAt'. right the Miam ; Gasette. Have .!'ou " acr1bed7 You...kncnr it's ,our newspaper. ....



a.- (


SUMMER By Joe Hendenon

Phone 932-0170 ~ any area football play;~ er what the date August 1~; means to him. Go ahead, asl~ him. One word of cautio~l though, befo~e you ask, b4~ prepared to duck! Au",.t ,15 the day' tha~ area coaches are permitted bl~ Ohio State Athletic Cpundl law to prematurely e~d an1" fOQtball players, su~mer v~a.­ tion by summoning him to thle practice•. At 8 'a,.m. on the ,15th, tit: gun ~,ounas and a~other f~o~:­ ball seasoli' i. unC:le~way. Just w"at exactly is .'iim~­ mer pr~ctice, anyway? WeIll summer practice ~ rolling out of the sack at '7. a:m. so y0111 can be dressed and on the field by 8 a.m. Summer prac:-rice is' sitting in a crampei:l ~ rocKer room' ·when j~~s at \lea~lt 100 degrees outside ~d -lie'al~- "'. :.. ~ ing the coach tell you thlllt Photo ' ~Y DAVID EDSALL you didn't work hard enough WHERE IT FANS STUMPED - The Miami Gazette d\at morning, and you didn"t. really .s~ped Where u It callers with a photo of the log You only lost' 10· pounds. cabin on tge Glen Smith farm at Corwin. The honor roll inSummer practice is savotrel~ Chriss Campbell, Jay Maynard" Raymond Adams, 'ing the taste of the wor:.t Cindy Alexander, Vicki 'Ridinger, Rhonda Evans" Sharon ' tasting stuff in the wodel, Ridinger, Sue Ferguson, Mark Reeves, Eugene Neace, Randy Gatorade. Gatorade was fiut , Waynesville 'United Ridinger, Sherry Ridinger, Jeffrey Jones and Greg Blythe. introduced in Florida and h~~s _~_ _~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _"""':-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:... ' since replaced th~ old wa~~r Methodist Church can in athletics. B e sid e s Saturday, 111:1112, ~989 , quenching yout thirst it pre!)' The recent gatne brought ~ides you with quick energy. the following leagu~ stand. Salads , Cake It also tastel 'terrible. ings: Koch, 'Wins 4, losles i; SaDl'w1ches ,Summer practice il "110 Da\1is wins 2, loses 2; Powell Powell defeated Koch 13-8 vet'Y. neceuary. Ifl agon'y, 2, loses . 3, ·and Rickey 1. e; ~ 4W'~ a pme C?( ~c - wins torture, murder, and dowllt. ivins f ' and Oles 3. \ WayPesville Boy' I Major -right unfair and totally nee· essary for without it metre Leagues. P~evious game scores in82 SpUTH MAIN ST. ' .. ' PH. 897-7946 would not be the quality C)f T~ &aU, the WJIIDlIlg .elude June 10, Davis vs. tOotball that there is toda'y. GREASE JOBS OIL CHANGES pitcher, was assisted by .J ay Powell, Davis 8 and Powell J; The team. you see wipg,~g Wendling. ' , FLAT TIRES REPAIRED J(och vs. Rickey, Koch 15 and out .t he oppositioll with ease iin_ , 'J IRES-TUBES-BATTERi 6S . , RiCkey 6 and June 1', Ridcey e'arly Septemher are ,lk'obaMy ~'T 'h ~ Davis"Rickey .g~e - Wo' P,oweU,·- -Ric:by,.~. B ~ anC;l FAN BELTS""!HOSES the teams that. had . the holy ' scheduled for the same day Pow~l , ~d Koch VI. Davis, hedc worked out ~f them in . was postponed and will be Koch 13. and Davis 6. August and ' afte r all, d~e ' ~"'~~~~II!!!-~~._ ~~!!ii~."'''' played later. name of the game is WIN. Mos~ every football, player alive r~izea that summer practice is a necessary evil. All ' . coaches do. It brings a team . together, actually makes them 'a ,teant. 'It helps instill pricle ~ a team and after you reac:h the end of two weeks of agoliy in August, most players ha'~e the same cOlllD,leht, "It \' 'wonhit!~ , .



J' L,







hostess Tuesday night to the Harveysburg Boo k Review Harveysburg' ClI'Cle. Mrs. Sarah Shidaker Ph. 897-&3'12. presented the bOok review. Mr. and Mrs. Robert WiWa F. 'Tom~ J~., aae , 1, died of complications . Hough returned Saturday 'from a two weeks' vacation in Thunday mornina at Clinton Denver, Colo. They had vis, M~oria1 , Ho.pital foUowina ited their SC)n Larry and fatn· an illnaa of five weeb. Mr. Tompkins, well known in the . ily. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Conco~wUty. had been anod· ner of Seattle, Wash. have ,ted with the Clinton·Massie been hou.eguests of Mr. and 'School • y. t e m from the Mrs. Robert Brandenburg. achool ' year 19,6-19" until , Many people in the com· the wt achool year when he munity attended the ' wedding taught a~ ~hen. He had at~ teIlclecl Morehead CoLae and of Virginia Palmer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Palm· Bowlina , &een University, er and Ronald FOlr, IOn of both', of ~K.tudcY, and was • Mr. and M~s. Earl Fox of 8l'aduate~ o£ the Univenity of K~tuckr. He' was . ~e oldeat .. sPfm*, \,Hi~ 'SaturcJ.y ~e. of 13 cbilclrea and is survived . niDg at me- Olive Branch .C hurch. The reception imby' aU 10 brothers and two listen .. well' as his parents . mediately foUowing the wed·! cling was held in the social ' Mr. and Mrs. WUlia Tompkina, Sa-. of Evansville, Ind. room of the duKch. • SUnday pata of Mr. Ul~ All of the .urvivina bl;Othera Mn. William. Doster wue are prof_onal . men. Mr.. Roberta Hahn of Wile . Funeral serviceS were held at 2 p.m. at the T omplcins ~ington, ' John Doster and Mias S~n Wilt of Spring. , Funeral Home in Sebree, Ky. field.. Mrs. Pauline Miller of I?ay-


evening. Mr. and Mrs. Luc.y Cain and family, Rhonda d Rodney, of K~ Weat, ~~la., are 0' • . visiting here. Last Sunday LebanolJ has already be. , earmarked for parade . day~ . Parade diredan decided that they attended a f~l, dinner come a hive of activity with cuh . prizes would be awarded' in their honor at~ thlome of plans beinll formulated for Chester &lwards of n ~ Wilto only those floata confo~­ the second annual Ohio Hon. ing to the theme, uPlipt Of mington. Mr. Cajn is the son ey Festival slated for Se~ '- . ~ .• TLe 'of Mr. and Mn_ . aU ..Cain ,tember 11-13. of Harveyaburg_ Parade director WiIIWD · The Ohio HOney Festival Mn. Norma ~f en~ expec:ted to au,act 1'0,000 Walker aaid that hi: wowd -; , ~elc:otDe . ' aCididG,;11 .ouawe . .~' . . tained 18 pesta Friday eve· visitors this year, has received cash contributiona for Aaat . ning to a birthday "any in . natioea1 recoanitio~ . prize monies. The nudeua of /. honor of her dau . , ,L · AU mail HDtErom the J..eb. ~de pn.a is c:ontributecl"'r . , ~, ~Q twa celeb her ' ano~ g~it pffke .haa:Jul, tf.-Ohto Hobef' PCilivi1;;Iac. '• . .. t • ,12th birthday. Floats must t;e --tind ill', , . Mr.. ~Annaf,eHe .k ac- .' to Sep«timber will feature a caACeUa· bod. fatlYal paradee , eo be • . festival promotional coInpuUecl her h 1; a ban d " '''RoDiaie'' on • trip to Wit.. tioIl autlaoriudby the Post... . etisible to wilt. ~':to ' mas_ General of the United ~holl9' f_val offidal..~ BD.- . . .~ 1iamaport, Md. thiS. ~eeL _ tries will be judge4 rJ1mn. Anp Clark ! Quia States. George ' _pent ada ' a~ ()Id Thii year the festival' will day nipt, ~ 1t. River Park Satur ~ They bt coacentrated on a cross . ' William . dKeCtor : ' enjoyed the pool of bands; anno~ that he . " shaped mall t~ be composed amon" other. ~ oE Lebanon's historic Br~d- : wOuld be ' co~ b.ada ho.t w.. Thelma Sal way and Mulberry Streets.. throughout the Bea. . Tentative plans call for • . . Honey Festival plans have .number of parade anDOUDC~, . ,,' Clmckle-A-DI~ . been waxing anew .ince Feb- . to be spotted alollg Broadway' The 'wealthy ruary when initial piaftf . got dauahter WIt the ....1..._.for the jdeatification ' convenunderway~ ,Ida eye.'" Aldloup. ience of .pectator.. . care much for the 8road~ay, Lebanon'. ~mam Plans were upgraded ThuD." whom the hid '~r:mte , day night when a group of . trJEic artery, will be· Elaakecl en~ he wanted by festival bootU which wiD festival directOrs met to disIIIl'e Ibe would be be butted to the curb.. Ric:lea Durinl • talk cuss the event'. curreIlt profuture IOJHn.Iaw. wil.1 be located Mulberry gress. father ubd, MY........:.. SIt'eef. .'. September 11 what would you offer iii exc:Nnp




to •


tell them' where .•• as w.1I as what! ling doOrbells ~, cash ,.ster bells, 100; Do your selling hert. It's ,0 fad, "newspaper ad..... wilks ·ha. fir yo." tunis !'hnmediate Seating" into ·..·Iesenations . " Advised." show yOu .....·to ... MfoIIIIn in, ·, ~ ,.... business. (aU fore ......US. '

Heme"'." ,

my diu",,, • dowry?" .

' Alter .... beliltatiion~ yoana man


.....dy. IfJcouId .. .....t!" .


July 2, 1969

, Por Sale


For Bale


~ODEL 1000 Multilith offaet printpreae with automatic blankd

Washer. Gestetner Model 461 dupli- •

eator with Geetefax Electronic Steneil Scanner and ''cabinet. AU execlJent oondition. Phone The Miami quette 897·6921. 16nctf MILLIONS of rup have been cleaned wi~h Blue IAJstre. It'. America'. finest. &nt electric ahampooer '1. Waynesville Furniture Co. 001

YARD Sale-baby clothes, Cor 48, boat motor and trailer and aaorted other items, 485 ,South Main (WilkerIOn Laneh 001 GOOD home for 3 mo. old Shakey sood childs pet. Phone 6cl 897-4811.


ANTIQUES fOR SALE Royal Bonn v~ dated 1703; several pail'll vaaee, hand·painted bowls. preae &temware, custard, milk and miac. 398 North St. at corner 4th St. Waynesville, O. 4ctf

,I.. ,I..,

WORK bench tops, 1-6/8" thick, 6'6" lone, varioUi widths, 15, '10 pickup, 810, .16 delivered. Phone 897-7934. 5e4



FOR Sale: Electric Ph. 932·9131.

FREE Puppies will be small dogs Olen Smit,h 897·7841 o~ 897·4971. Set

REDUCE safe and fut with &ablete and E- Vap water Waynesville Drug. '

FOR Sale: A kitchen dinette set with four chairs. Will accept an 5cl offer. Ph. 897·2372.

to·SPEED Schwin Bike. Like ;;;.



vegetables, lettuce. onions, peas, broccoli, and beets. Lawrence Keethler, Hainell Road. Phone 885·3570. 2cd

CHILDREN'S clothing, size 12 and 14. VeJ,'y reaeonable. Ph. 897·2411.

Sci FOR Sale: Resistered Angus bulls. Good Eileenmere bloo4 lines. Ph. 897·2411. Se4 SORATCH . pads for .rue at The Miami Gazette. 105 S. Main St. Waynesville. 16nctt

FOR Sale: Hale H1ven lake front camp &itO. Lake Cumberland., Somerset, Ky., Ph. 897·6133 or Somenet, Ky. 679·147~. Sel TWO Pek.' pupe. White and brown males. Ph. 897 ~331. ' 501

1JrZ' t Crusher Bun 3/4" Crusher Bun 8&nd " Pea Gravelltttxed' 2" ~ , 8tone

Pill Dirt Top Soil' Pit ann Pit Bun Crush




COLD Sprinp Benut,y Shop: Will take appointnlents anytime. Ph. 897 ·4303. ' (Setf

LET me baby ait in my home f01' you. Large Fenced·in Jard --' many watchful eyeJ to keep GO them. Ph. 897·6921. Ihcd

Por Sale

Huffy 5 speed, han an a seat alld sill8eY bar. Ph. 897·5589. 001

Norge Jiryer. Sel

Ph. 897·6661


JiOR8~ and ponies for sale. 1Will Setf board horses. Ph. 897·2199. 1962 Chevrolet. 283, 2·barrel, ~uto. matic \ tranamiasion . . Ph. 932.7206. ' Sel

Services CUSTOM Baling, Harveyaburg, 4:Hlio Phone 897-5107.



PAINTING Phone 897·6661.

HAY Baled. Phone 897·5330.

. Setf Sel

PAINTING-B, the job or b, the hour. Spray or brueb. Ro...., B.~ Boot" PeDe., etc. Ted 8&epp PIa. a7-4376. Waynesville .J.f0 k

Cowlill. Ph. 382·6786.



--------~~~------~ AT STUD Registered American Sadc:Uebred Grade ma. . accepted. Fee '76.(4) at time of service. Live foal goa'ran. teed. Far HiDs Stable, O'Neale Rd. Ph. 897·6946. . 19ctf

- JODI . SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 140 So. Main St .• Waynesville, Ohio. Mon.·Sat. 9 a.n1. to 6 p.m. Cl4~ Wedne8d~y. 18ctf

JANIE'S B e aut y ' Shop, 9990 WaynetlviUe Bellbr~()k ~. - Sum· mer Hours: Wed., Thurs., &: Fri. Only By ApPOintment. Ph. 848·7361 , 15ctf

Card of Thanks '.I'HE

family 01 Ruth Kersey would like to thank aU the friends and neighbors of Waynesville and· Spring

Valley for the many cards and act,s of kjndness at the time of death and during her iIInese. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lani Holton, Mr. and Mrs. Stan' Kersey, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kersey, Mr. Henry ' Starlinc Kersey Jr. Sel

. Real Estate WHEN buyin, or selling real estate why not call UIJ. We have capable sales perllOns in your area to help satisfy your needs. R. E. WADE REALTV

· 866·1440 .ferry Hoffmann 897·'258 Scott Remley 897·2530 Herman Weaver '897·7856

WANTED 1947 Miami ' 8eequicentennial Edition. 897 ·2736.


CAMPEBS, INC. ' - - -----

CAMPING EQUIPMENT Wheel Camper -Campinc TiaiIers. 13 models to cbooee from. AIao Wayne Cumper Travel Trailers &: Tops. And Sportsman's Dream . Truck Campel's.' ' We Sen Bottle Gas. SALES RENTALS SUPPLIES

'NoticeiJ lInLE REO SHED of Route, 73, ' Waynenville. Antique Shop Behind St ubbs' Funeral Home. Spe· eiaJiain~ in «llUIIIWan. WaynMville, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .





" Call Collect All Hours •. Up to 5 ~I&I'I To PlY MOR-tE ADAMS: .JR •• OW"IItR O ..... eE 372.8231

BOA. TV Ooat plus 10%

' Gel


USED CLOTHES - Sbirte-BloUsea -8kirta-Dreesea and Sweaten' lOe eaeh-alto, Dish__Lamps. )4[an1 other odds an4 enda. Btandy'. Odds aO(I Ends Store 29G E. Main 8', Huve)'llhurc, Ohio. 480tf



WANTED Baby aittm., hou.e clean· ing or ' takinc ean of old people. Come to House on Hi«h St. aext door to Catholic Chureh ~ briek

TOY Poodle 8tud Service, ~~-C Rqist.end. White or Apricot. '150. Appointment only. Phone 897-4148. lietf




" L1'.l'JIA'lB

tiOiW air, Gut merely

ruptioD of die , (CODtiIlUN from page 1) . Hf;fe lie haet a $On, Benjamin, 5th, ' who married Elizabeth Purdy. , "First was born ~ them twC;; aaughter., Mattie and Patsy. Then came a little so~, which 'Was also named Benjam~, 6th, with his mC)ther's name, Purdy, added~ "After the mannet of aU "Scotts" a child must haye not only a name the world ShOllld ~ow him by, but another nearer and dearer for faMily , use, a nickname, so , thist precious became "Doodle!' , , ,uQoodle" recorded in Worcester, 1855, trifler, , idler, simpleton." The story continues: uyan, kee," Ev~ ~ody's Encyclopedia, "American Indian corI

Yenaheu, tint used in tile NIUe of genuinel American , maa~ onathan, H~tinga. a farmer of Carnbridse, Ne" ' Yorle, iQ. 1713. ne term. ' sprea~ as a popular name for the citizen$ of New Engl",d; is now applied by foreign~s to aU inhabitants of the United States!' "Sot here was this little Doodte of his strictty genu~ . ine American made right in the very heart of Yanlceedom, • • • a genuine ttywee Doodle." But to ' k~ep the name strictly for family use was foUy wide the marlc; for little, Ben became t~y,anJCee , Doodle" ~ aU the country .side. . . ,"Benjamin Sc,o tt (Drum Major Benjamin Scott ' of the American Revolution and fa· ther ofl Benjamin ttYankee Doodle" Scott), dle musician,


: t~~y li\l'ed dut countty some distance village or town, ud as Ieee' Doodle's" legs be(~amle little ,l onger and sn-onge~, his Ift'lIlndr::atJIU!!!r chased ai' pony for ttYanlce.e Doodle" to ride the pony roun<1;! the COlJlltry home until came enough of an to ride it into the v' 1ge., "One day after the had go~e to town, his nQther dr~ssed I him up, set . ca ' on his head in the most jauntY sty 1e imaginable, helped him on his , pony, ~issed him, and startel~ him off to town to surpris~ his father. '~Benjamin Scott, 5t1jl, with his band of musician: h~d gathered together in. th counI ~! square, picldng 0 :' some tunes or fiddling , a~ray at some old ones, when c)ne of the m~h looleed up al d exclaimed: "Here comes YanJcee Doodle into ~wn on hiis little pony" and 'another: ttYes, and doesn't he' look lilee a . little d~ay." , , . "When ~y I aunt to ,d this sto~, I can still see til ~ place in 'the kitchen where w< stopped 'while washing the disha and the lingering smile I on her faCe, when she said: t~And t d~ not douLt'. that he 'td\look 'like a Unle dandy." , \tEnough fo; th~ Ie del' of th~ hand: immediately 1. he beat a tune to it: "lr anlcee' bo~dle ,came to to~n, ~ wee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle came ,to town ... on his little pony." uThe first verse hac! more than likely come in~1 beiqg before the ,boy artived' where . the band was." ~'At that time every householder had ,chidcens, guineas, ducks, geese and turke.ys, and plenty of feathers ware lying around, so ' ~e wag •of the crowd readily preparc~d himself to decorate YaDIc e' Doodle's cap with the mo.s. catchylooking feather to bc~ found ,on' the place; which ,S,av~ rise to the next verse: dThey stucle a feather in his cap an:d called him Macaro,ni." I




surri, Kl'fOBBlf snnm AXD

OOIlUTI, B'l'OVBB" .:lPBIGEBA'.rOBB, BUGS" LAMPs, Y,OtJ N4MB rr WE BAVB 'rrl oa WILL GO GB'1' 1'1'1 100 tIVIBG:aOOK surrs

'to cmOOBB nOM. IlJJ

, uMacarone mealting a dude, a 'coxcomb or a fop. 1i1ten the man ~ho always ha~ 11, sac~ of' candy in his "pocketl, tossed it to him, saying: ttTh~re YanJcee Doodle, leep t it up, , and ' give the girls so:me candy.ff .(The girls m,~ll'e than ,likely being , Ilia sisfclrs, Mat.. ' tie and Patsy at ho e). Th~ fitt~ in for the choru!I: ttyan: Ieee DoOdle' k~ep it 1! p, 'Yankee Doodle Qandy, Yankee . Doodle keep it up, llnd give the girls some cana ." uso here '~Yanltee Doo'die" to hand. Not studied composition by composer, but ,a ..,,"".... "" pie countrymen, a wi~ an attractive uad a ~ a ~r;J"~llrY ".Ie aquate." "Here ia not a .Q!~cue.CI'· 'j






eri,:an folk lottg!' , 'tAt ~.t time Bn~d was . 'C:l~ing • lew ItWit1 which did no* .e~ aitogClcber well wick the JXmerican Colonia. The Stamp Act for" instance, and , then the Bbston Tea Party, and Lor the ,colonieJ were aflaine. he Revolu'obary " Scouts (roM ~ CVr ' Four wayne •• War b~oke out." ville Boy ~u* Troo~ 40 lefe; t~Benjamin , &ott ' enlisted ~ona~"f fot .Phihnol,lt Sc:out (more than likely with all his , JUnch at Ci.m.eron, Nold. band of musicians) . Little l'hey inclllde Bagle ~ut Benjamin PUJ'dy Scott or Mark 'Rye " and Life Sco'Uts ttYankee Doodle" was left to " StU~t McCtdloch, Rod Riehbe the man of the house. ards ~d' George , Davia. Great res bSibilities · £~1l on The four are traveling to children at dlat rime: and t,he 3~',OOO acre ranch with.. ~~ankeec Doodle" ~us~ h,elp members of X~~ Boy Scout talce care of his ~othet, two Troop 69. sisters, the pony, and the test 11 They be campang , of. the animals a.t the f~. Pilmont for two weeks and ,Quite a good deal for ~ lit~le .~ill retul'n Juty 20. The boy to shou1~er;. hut the other Scouts u.~ the first lrom little boys of the other m~ of Wayndville to m..Jce the trip. the, band Welie · shouldering A sig~t seebig itinetuy fot similar burdens while their ~e group wili incl~d~' ~afathers with I \ Drum tMaj'9 r b~m Lincoln'. bir~ptace, the SCott at .their ~ad m~ched Truman, pise~ow:er, IGr Caroff to West Point to ' enlist " son and Will Rogek's memorunder Washington , in ~e ials, Pilce's Peale, the Ail' ColQnel Pe~ Yatea Regi- ' Force Academy and the URi- ~ ment to do s~ce 'for their, \ vet:sity of T"laa. . new country anel,its. !rteedoM." . ' ,,! "Drum Major, Ben Sco~t, served· eight YFats;, ~~ the fu~l period of the w., r. I Wha~ More ' " , natural than 'that ,hd .band " MRS. ~MMA SMITH should p~t this ne~ foU; "lOrig Mrs. SMith, 89, sUed of their ow~ maJcing into servat 2:4' Sunday at" the ice and as they played and Heatherpeen Nursing Home. ,sang it at the , head of the ' She is 's utvive! by a sist$' army it caught and went fuce .. Mrs. Nettie Stiverson, of the wildfire, h~lp~ng to ,bridg Heathergreen Nurs,i ng Home freedom to the 'Colonies. ;uld. a 'd ughter, Mrs. Paul "It '~;" the little nurCross of Spring Valley. sery rhyme, the folic song, nor ,Puneral arrangementa are the tune, but the spirit of ' be~g handlCd by the PattHthese men, with their minds . son Funeral Home at Led, back hotne on their children, burg. their wives and their homes that made ttYanlcee Doodle" the national .lTa Vinyl fab'rl~. are avatlabJe 1p printa, IQU" BditDr'. N_:, The of, plaids and checks. They ate . Benjamin Purely Scott, "\'aJt.O , ea~lally good for rainy day !tee ' Doodle," will he coati.... faabloD& ued in nat ,








Painting used to be paint Priming ••• waiting f good weather . • . twq coats., Hanna , remedied thet with Hann~ Ext.. rior' Acrylic :Latex~i ,the ~"ouse , , paint with 'the "built-in" primer. , Covers beautifully. Paint, evan in damp weather, with just one coat in most cases. G~ a CanA-Hanna Extttrior Ac~lic Latex.


" u.~ , p"o~tage

Paid Waynesville Ohio Permit :::14


The r~ults of the Wotnen's Activities' r. Committee contests 'fi)f' the ' July 5 meeting of Wayu~vil1e F,~mer's <#ange _ have been announced.

By DenniJ Dalton The first of a planned series of f~ous personage flculptures scUlpted by Lebanon artist Raymond P. Adams will be featured among area worles to be exhibited at the fifth annual Thotnas Arts and Crafts Show at Lebanon. Adams, a sleilled artisan, chairs Warren COUnty's on:ly arts and crafts show slated for July 16. I He will exhibit a .bust of the late Dr. Martin Luther King which took an honorable , ' mention award at . last yea.r 's Thomas \Art and Craft Show. Adams will also preseilt for , a first ' p"blic showing of a just cotnpleted bust of Pieside~t John F. Kennedy. ' The Kennedy I)ust ' was createa from molding plaster sculpted over a frame base, a more difficult m~dia , than , ·' day. . I t' represents ' the se«;lond of a sc",lpture s~dy of fam..ous people that in a proposed series will encompass orators, writers, p<>liticians and mu, 1/

These include the The 1969 ' ,National Grang~ r-:- .. ____ . Qroup nI, EMbroidery Class N., ,apron, 'st, Mr. M . lyiichener, . 2nd, Miss ' Mar,' Brt)wn 'and 3rd, Mrs. Mary Ml(~h­ ener; Ohio State G,:ange Apro~ qntest winners in . work apron contest, 1st, Miss .,.-

Needle~~rlt:: contest,







Mary .,rowh, Znd, Mrs. Jess Prenaerg~st, 3td', Mrs. Alvin Earnhart and 4th,. Mrs. Alvin Earn,hart; winners in worle apron contest for Junior ~ Gl'~gers ' .. 1) year$, 1st, Alex Maclnnil ,and 2nd" Estelle

Mac Innis;


Contm ~inners for tea

apt~ ~,~ . ,Estella Ma~ Innis '


2nC! Colleen



The~e were no adult entries in the tea apron ' clalS. Sugar. Cookies contest winntrs were: '1st,· Mrs. Laurence Furpaa~ 2nd, Mrs. Jess Prenderga_ . ~d 3rd, Mrs. Ernest Co';':~, ' "' . . ,

,. •


. :

Winners in .first place of all

class~ ',viU ,~ntef contests in ·Pamona Grange.

The ba~1e of an old fashioned ice cream chair made an ' api- ' ptopriate frame for three-year-old Tommy Wa,r d as ' h:e. mqnched an ice cream cone at Lebanon's new Village' Ice Cream Parlor. Tommy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ward qt Lebanon Route 1, was among first parlor patrons when tH~ . .Ilew tum of the centUry ~ sweet sbop opened late la~lt weele. L.~b~on's newest oldtime business was named by Mrs. Frank '(Evelyn) Swartzell' .o f Oregonia-Harveysbutg Road \ ' W ayn~IYille. . ! near . \. I.



, 'A new .appr04ch to his.toriW .dciety programa' will 'b~ made u Bellbrook July, 17 the orgaruzation of the uu!s first Am~ican Indian '


"tOry The "tittle Turtle lcape,

Socie~" 7 p~m. at

, , will be .inatituted at; ". the Benbrook , His~orical Mu- . 42 North Main Street. It 'Will be orsanized for · }OU. from th~ as. of eisbt . . t . e purpq.e of .uad~s Amet.ican Indi~ cul. _e put and pretent anld ~ ..pting "Indian America." The ·'Linle TUrtle Society" ".,.:.. .. MIl function aroun aD In 'pda ~dy of aU pbuea of Aan.vic4Jl IQCIiaa Culhll'e both


aDd natiouaL for the

ons~ations and programs by

real American Indians. and museum tOW'I. Eaeb member of the ULittl~ Turtle SoCiety" will be giv~n the opportunit» , to le~rn about rodayr. American Indian culture by actual personal cor.tact with him. .. Thia pbaae will be executed by ,a 'cultural e~change on ~ pe~ pal basi~. Corresponden,~ witli American' IndiJl1 youth wUl be made av~ilable to all L:ttle · Turtle Society" mem- ,




The soci~ty will be organ ized by Miami azeete edi~,: Denni. Dalton ' .nd Mrs. Carrie Jona, 8e1l~o1t Historical Muaeum Cutator. D.lton will initiate the lWo. .am Jw~ 17 with a ptClal-




~~ .




Stone ' sculpture heada hia current ambitions ~ appea1a to his sense of artistic challenge., Adams has had previout experience ill ,caamic, clay, ' molding and gaging. The fifth ~ual' ~omaa Arts and· Crafts Show will be conducted in downtown Leb· anoll from 12 p.m. noon to



, , p rm •

Adami and co-chairmen Margaret ,Henderson and AI Thomas are still looking ,for a building to house the show which will also include wood· , craft, antiq~es, hobbies and brass. There will be no entry fee .b ut contributions will be grate'fully accepted to defray show expense•. Warren County's single an, n~al .art .show w~ originated at the Bessie Davis Community Center in 1964 by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ThOPlas for the stimulation of art interests, in Lebanon and the area.


Adams, ~ho ' sculpts during ,his leisure, hours away from . General ' E1C4:tric at Evenclale, iias already begun . a third sc~lpture.

He says ' that he doesn't think his intrepretation of Waynesville village coq,ncilformer Presidel)t L)mdon ~ .. men 'will tackle some Qld bus, Johnson willlbe ~eady in time ~~ess A';g. .. when they meet for the July 26 show> with officials of the Armrel , Adams' art talents were of Middle- ' Paving ComPany , I" stimulated and directed totown. ward 'scUlpting during study ., It ,was announced Monday at ~he Conway COunty Trainwho 'ha~ ' made an extelJlsive ing Sc;hool in. 'h' s native A,:· ni~t dUEling , regular co~~ii study among the' Ameriic~n . session tLat village officials kansas. Indians/ will illUstrate ·hiS proA sculptUre required for a would meet with represenbgram with several N~n·ajo atate colle~ ·· contest molded rives 4£ the Middletown firn~ 'c taft 'ifems , inCluding je~elry his interests and fixed his to settl~ a dispute over a and·· rugs. I' $1,000 bill owed by the vii. ~~thetic ~ilities. . Dalton gained IUs > litial la,ge since 195'. Icnowl~dge of the N~vajQ when b~ liv~d with a N vajo . The yet unpaid bill was infamily jn s04thwest Utah. Ad- " . curred 12 years ago durmg ~ ditional affiliation with to~e administratio of vil1a8c day's Am~rican Ind~an h has Mayor Anc:h-ew Churko. ., gained thro~.h visits to .ret· .Council. 'v oted· to accept the ,ervations and ' American In. ~tract of a IlCW village selldi;pl festivals. · citor. Noel Sullivan, d'~rU:g . 9ther bq.siJlea.


ft, JDAIII GADT'l'J: P.O. Bos 78 -

Phone 897·5921

PabIiidal.d .1IOIa Wed,,__, at WaYDetville, Ohio. Subae~iption pric& U.OO . . ,ear. . ' N..-aDd price tOe per copy. ~ 'DaltoD ••.•••••.•..••••......••...•... .• •... . ......•.•.. FAltor Da~ EdaIl ................................. , ..... . ... General Mana~r "nlld O. BiD ............. . .......... . .......... Advertising Managflr CbarmaiDe Buas •..•.... . . . .' ... . ............. : ........ A8l!ociate Editor ReciDaid O. Hill, Davi" E,11I81l ••.•..•.. . ........• . .... ...... .• 1',,"lil'!... r .. . P.O. Box, 7~, Waynf'lwillr, Ohi" 45(1614

Geor.p suffered 'torn' cartilages, minor cuta and .braaiolll in an auto accident, when he fell aaleep at the wheel of 1m car, ,Friday night. The accident oc:c:ured on State Route 73 at what is known as "Dead Man's HoUow." UMarty" Ball had ,to have nine stitches taken in his arm after falling on a glass at the Gamer Howard residence Monday. Mrs. Mabel ,Terry returned to her home Friday morning from the home of her niece, Mrs. Reid Keiter of Bellbrook, where she hac:l been taken from the doctor's offiA;e Tues· day following a nuty fall off • step ladder ~t h~ home. Bill Willis remains in Clin· Jon Memorial Hospital with a . broken leg foUowing a trudc accident early Friday morning Dear clli.ton , Massie High School. Others involved in the accident were Steve ' Reynolds, driver of the tmcIc, with minor injuries, David Carman with several arm sutures and Jim Drake, Carl Barton and Ronnie , Clarle all suffering minor injuries. ' , 'Houseguests this weele of Mr. ,nd Mrs .. James Smith


were Mr. and- Mrs. George Ingram of Portsmoqth. Mr. and Mrs. William Dos· ter were Thursday evening callers on Herbert Doster: The Young Adult Class of Jonah's Run Church enjoyed a ~ooleout on the church lawn Sunday at noon. Mrs. ' Lee Pendry of Wile mington was a guest of her daugliter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price over the Independence Day ~eele­ end. Mr.. Norma Lew.ia and family were guests of Mr. and Mr•• Paul Melampy for a picnic on Independence Day. Mr. and Mra. William O. McClellan of Clarksville were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. ad Mrs. Oarence Price. Mrs. 'M art h a Plummer, Roark and Heather, Mrs Jo Burton and Mark were July .of dinner guests of Mrs. Anna· bell ClarJc ,and family. Mr. and' Mrs. Roger Dodds and family Spellt July 1 at Roclcy Forle Lake with Mr. and .Mrs. C. M. Barber of Bellbroole. The Jim Smith fam.i1y en'joyed the fir~works Friday



WKmG- Us~ ~~r

24 hour ,

depository or bank by mail.

DBIVB·IR BAWKIlfG- The easy .way · to bank. All "you need is an account -a-nd acar. OHBOKIlfG AOOOUB'lB-small service charge - Only $.50 per month.

"'aAVIlfGS;'" 4% Interest -: NOw . ~~mpounded

and pai d 'QUARTERLY. Yo~r ,savings earn more wi th us.

Mrs. Sue Ann ~""II"'"'' family camped at the July .of George and family Mrs. Freida George, Vicki and Michael joined them on Friday and while the Ted family' returned home day evening the othe for the weekend. , Mrs. Amelia Gotdoll spent last weekend with her daughter and, ~Ir. and Mrs. Mike Reisinger and family of near yood Fiope. Le~ Talmadge haa 1'1 turned ' home, much improv ~, fol. lowing an' illness in ' wluch he s.pent a few day, at C il!ton Memorial Hospital. Muriel (Doody) L .wis is having d~ntal worle do~e at Unive~sity Hospital in Columbus. \ Miss Vivian Hoole home for the summer from flowling Green University, is aU :nding classes at Wilmingtoll College . this semester. The Oaude Ball family and' the Carl Lowe family .pent last Sunday at Cowan Lake. Sundal evening d' nn e"t guests of fllfr. and ~. Robert Brandenburg were Mil'. and Mrs. William Boggs O Ld \ Ran· dy of Springfiel~ Arlene Wheeldon of Villa Parle, Calif., Mr. and Mrlli. Jack - Brandenburg of CarWile and Mr. and Mrs Austin Conner of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Helen Rob apent Thursday evening and, Friday with her daughter and, law, the Rjchard Bollinger family of near Lebanon. The Jerry Payt~n family have moved from South St. to Grace Smart Fro.t rtmtal on Main Street. Aletha Sibcy, forme ~ly Atetlla Roberts, and the former Pauli Evans, both of Harveys. burg iometime past, yisited Mr. and Mrs. Everett .Gordon Wednesday. Mr. EViUls was at one time manager of the ~arveysburg Fertiliz ,r Com- , pany. A few local resid~nts attended the sale of , I~r. and Mrs. ellarles Villars (Eva Ellis) ' hOnie on Statl~ Route 73. Mr. and Mrs. ViIIlars ar:e nQw residing in a mobile , home on State .Ro1,lt.~ 730.. . , Charlotte Anderson, Dave o. Wallingford and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barton jt>f Wil. mington picniced at.' Rocley Fork, Friday. Mr. H. S. Tuckelr was a Friday guest -of Mr. 8tnd' Mr•. , Jim Parks. of Medir~l. The WSCS picnic . will be h.eld at the Methodi.t; Church Thursday ' noon, . w l6 dt.tion of officen ~il1 foUo~:. The -Massie TOWll.llUp ~ire






grass Eire call ~l~'~y ,i ng at the home Ames on State Ko'IlIteJ: Mr.. Willie J\DClerj~n Colburn AnderlOn ted in marriage l'iftrl!AV niDS at 6:)0 p.m. at of Rev. Shermaa Wayaesville•

. Suad., Mr........r....~..__ -

aer.on en~ineCI at their home on Micldletown Road the following guesta: -Mr. and Mrs. John Heton and family of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs . Dewey Anderson and family .

of Kettering, Mr. Ud- Mr•• Lemyal Terrell and family of Day to , Mr. ' and Mr... · Troy Anderson and family, pa e Wallingford and " Mr. ' and Mr.. Larry Bartoli; of Wil. mington.,


~. ~ "


Ph. 897 ... 2726 Spring ,Valley 862-4211


SUSIE HARl,'SOCK 897-4026 .

- - - - - - - . . - --

The Love Machine . Bachelor Doctor ,Bandersnatch The House At Balnesmoor




by Susan by Seifert by Lowden .:'




By Dennis DaltIDn Broken bottl~ in me gut." ter on Main treet near the ~alEette office this week 'piovoked my wrath ag~inst that detriment to outdoor beauty . . . the 'litterhug.' Littering, , the mar


on natu~al beauty, is as well .. a safety Various disease insects breed and thrive on the produ:cts of social and nygienic dereliction. Other is ease dealing vermin are C1jlso attracted by the litterhus's excrement. There have been ...."I'"............-

caused by broken glass on street or highway or a bOttle carelessly toss~d into a parking lot. Sudden tire blow-oub caused rom driving over a ,oft drink or li UOl" bottle can h'avesad consequences. ' Looking up Main Street I see only two trash resepticals hoth just a few feet of one another on the same side of


the 1ates t neWs broa~cas ~ from the off; CE~S The MIAMI GAZETTE, on WHBM-WELX every Wednesday at 10 A.M.

the ,street. I think we ~ould use a few more trash containers, after all where does one deposit candy cigarette and gum wrappers .at home and the out of door ' is one hig home for all of us.

Gllves any room the elegant, aged look of the Old World.




W;ooD p ANBLIIfG ,., 4'x7' SIIItl

flood waters hring an attay of vaious auto flotsam. Lee. either dig deeper holes or relocate the landfill which by.' the way fla~s the WafI'D" . ville Corporation sign. I can think of no better way to discourage Waynesville tour-ism. While I'm taking a .wat at the litterbug, I w~nt to mention two of his prime homes' th~t have come ~o my anen:' cion. -recently; taU weeds on north Fifth Street and an ope n, stagnant, mosquitto breeding ditch bOl'dering FOperty at Fifth StI;eet's dead ,end. I know ther,e is a village ordinance that requires prop- . erty owners to cut their weeds when the weeds reach nine inches. Also, several childl'eD malee that unsanitary, open ditch at the dead end of Fifdl Street a play spot for catching froF and tadPQlea aDd other .tIWi'p'.. . . ' ' I agree with the noted ~ t~rhug' judge of the small vil¡ lage of Hell, Mich. He diapenses litterhags (not fines) to all the off~ders who . pear in this Court. These litterbags are printed with the judge's and also Ill? advice: "Don't , Throw Your' Trash All Over Hell."


~mstrong ,



TILE Pleasing pattern o~ small acoustical perforations.

Any Waynesville Girl Scout 'w ho is interat~ in: mardWaa in the parade at the Warren COWlty Fair Oil Sunday, July 20 .. urged to note the ,a p. proaching event.


Wa;,neaville Girt Scouta will meet. for ' the at 6:10' p~. at the fairarOWlcia hone barns. There Mll be a .ScoUt leader Fesent co. auperviae.


entl Mr.. ' and MH. Lewis of Robindale After his l~ve, he wilt r~l'Iftli't . Cherry. Fruit SaIacl to Fort Hood, Tex. His Mr. and Mrs. ThOlll.. Rail1-1/2 cups fresh pitted sweet Janet, will accompany him. Stiles, MJ-. and Mrs. Charles YOD attended , the fWi...t ~ • ' By PAT VAIR cherriel CLUB NEWS and Mrs. Carl Stiles,. Mr. Mr. Runyon's nephew, Win_Waynemue ~ 897-6826 1-1/2 cups meloD ba Is The Youth Group of Stiles and son, Scott, Mr. and $()r Runyon of Allensbura, 1 cup diced' avocado First Church of Christ I Mr. aad Mr.. Howard DaI· M;;'-Langley ' Cassidy, Mr. Thursday,1 July 3 at" 7: S~day afternoon at the K. K. t cup sliced pe:aches to. of 4'2 North Sixth Street, and Mrs Kent Oils and daughD~vis -Puneral Home in 1/2 cup Poppy. Seed Dressing p.m. for a cook-out ·at Wayncsville have retur~ed ters, Trisha and Tawny, Mrs. Lynchburg. Burial was in Salad green_ home of Debbie and home after vacationing in his· Lu Wat1cins, Rhonda Evans. ( 1) In medium bowl, combine l)wjn'. Chapel C~et~J;'...... near .. CampJ:>ell. There were toric Gatlinburg, 'rCim. Jeff Wat1cins, Mr. Tat e Fairview. , .' fruits and dressing; to.. gen· m,embers . in attendance .. The Daltona' ~it was high. W atm pie ~ and daughter, Mr. and, Mr•• Jesl Michial • dye (2) Refrigerate 1 hour, or group meets every lighted by toUl'S 'inCluding Jonni. until well chilled. (3) TOil of Spring Valley ~aIled 011 , ~ight to promote Ouiatua Gardens, the &It· Mr. and Mrs. Elvis MichU1 WELCOME BACK ~gain. Serve on ' g r e e n I. linburg Wax Museum and the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moran Friday evening, Mr. ' ~d Mrs. Jane Francisco' recelilt" (Makes 6 servings) antique car muaeum at Pil,eGn and their children were weekMrs. Ray Brown lJIld 'Jib,eft: . Iv returned from visiting ' !ler ' Forge. nd guests of Mr. and , Mrs. Cherry Pudcliaa son Terry of Dayton .,~~nt . . mother, Mrs. Elsie Skaggs 'n Bill Moran. . 1-1/2 cup sugar Sunday with Mr~ . and Martha, Ky. Mrs. Skaggs }s Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Tom C ....idy l/i' cUp tnilIt Mrs. Lewis Michial and . eir . convalescing from surgery. . aDel .•o~ entertained metr\· Mr and Mrs. Ray Pri~e had 1 teaspoon baking powdet · IOns, Tom and Pete. 'Mr . .. and Mrs. Vernon Polly ben of their family , with a the i r three grandchildren. pinch of salt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris~ of 616 Franklin Road ha' v e ~c dinner on the ~ourth of Jim, Dan, and Dale Caldwell Butter lace and their grandson Tony returned from a vacation tr'~p July in honor of their son, of Beavercreek, as their weekFlour Stafford of Xenia, and Mr. which included two week.s at Pi~ick Alan. Pat was five end guests. 1 cup cherries Ted McCorkell and Ihis Lake Cherokee in Tenness.!e. ' yeaia ~ld on July 5. , Recently returning froni a, 1 CliP hot water daughter Mary Pr~e_ o( Guestl were Mrs. C. R. Mr. and ' Mrs. David Road· Combine 1/2 cup sugu, milk, Waynesville .peilt SUAclay" two week vacation in the cup, the former Karen Ranbaking powder, a lwn'p of butafternoon with Mr.. Hiley ' was the Donald Dakin fam" y dall, and their baby daughter. ter half the size 'of an egg and Gibson. of Robindale Drive. Two of CUSTOM MADE Melissa, of Anc~na, Ill. were to make a stifE Mr. and Mr•. Elvis Micbial ' enough flour the highlights of the trip we~re DUPERIES guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl a visit to Yellowstone Naticlnis spending a few dayi " wi~" batter. Spread in a 9x9-inch Woollard of Dayton Road on n p,n. Mix cherries with hot tlieir daughter and h~ ~~..'. al Park and Grand CanYio July i and 3. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dale .,Pair water and 1 cup .ugar; Ipread National Park. ... ,.,. SERVICEMEN Mr. and Mrs. Bill MOl'an over batter~ Do not stir. Bake of Robin, Ga. , John Mercer Jr:, son of at 350 deltfee. for 55 minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Brnea~ Eamspent a week fishing in AljexMr. and Mrs. John W. Mer· Yield: 6 setvings. hart are .pending a 'itay", . , a~dria. Minn. They were I~C­ cer of 4th Street, is ho~e, on companied by Mr. and M[rs, If any&ody has any recepie. with their soil M~. and Mr~. ' leave until Wednelday, July that they would , like to aad David Earnhart and family Qt· Howard W -.llace, the foruler :23 when-he wiU .t;:~port to Fort to this list please contact me Michigan. Tony Moran, and their t~o Lewis, Wash. to recei'Venis- uMr. and Mr. Bud Parker of (Pat) at 897-6826. Your reo chiidren. signment to duty in -~ietnall\. Mr. and Mrs, Robert ~tuc1c­ apfe.--wIH be moat, ~elc~~e.,- Lebanon and Mr. Ho,!,ud en and Roberta .pent the , Mrs. John E. , Evers of--:" " GJ-eag "of W.yneav.ll!e ca11~ Thomas Lewis has returned Fourth of July weekend ..lith Fairview, Mass, was a recent OD Mr. and Mrs. rLewii~ cnw. from a tour of duW in Viet· Lawrence Stuckert in Lo~Lishouseguest , of ' her parmts, ford Fri,!ay. nam. and is !enjoying a 45 day 63'1 Columbus Ave. ville. ,~ leave with his wife, the forMlI. JIld Mr~. G~rge CutreJlt --------;,;::.;;.---' .' (' ,:, ..1 el l-nu Lebanol1 BITS AND PIECES mer Janet BroWI) and "his paro f W aynesvi11e., , Mr.~ Evers, , At a country fair a man It was noted recendy ' in an alao visited her husband's WIS'· demonSttatina hoYt a __ ..I 1U__ ... _1L "new" tyn.of electriC ...,. area paper that O.hio is .ez1~" Crusher Run Pill Dirt parenti, M r. IIIHL Ivan. l'\rUlur bo yw wee Everl of Montgomery. ner turned out a peilect 3/4" Crusher:aun . ,TopSoil periencing a bumper ' ch ~ , . 3-rninute eg. Sand ,. Pea Gravel Mixed crop. Several reasons .talfec:l Pit Bun " Mrl. Ever. returned to MasWhen the demonstration for this were: no bud.IclUJing' I" Base Stone Pit Run Crush sachusetts Sunday ·to en~e~ ( wa, concluded, a tittle fro',t I, good pollinatlon winds, Westover State Teacher. Col. ' Iray-haired lady timidlY INC ~ lege at Westov~. She witt be. inquired, "Excuse me, but " an4 'p lenty of rain· and 'w ~ did I un4entand you to say , CALL SPRING VALLEY. .,2-4211 COLLECT , Iun which are ' all good pn· gin wo~k on her MaltHI de . that for each minu'te you', ' ditions' for', eberries' Igro, tli gree iJl special eGucatiQn. want the tQ boD you "t _ and maturity. These erc)pI Mr. and Mr.. Earl Kirk of in just one te....,ooD look especially good this year' Princ~toll, Ind. were week~h,l water?" because there have not bj=«:n guests of Mr. and Mrs. The demon.tra1ot assured her this was conec&: . . any cherries to speak of d,u r' George Current. '~I ~e," said the UtI. ing the last three years ~lue Mr. and Mr. Steve Fields of lady. "Now is that level or E~eat Food .-.. ~ Grado....y Served to being frozen out. Cahall Place have retur led heapiog?" ia 0- Fue Side Diaiaa Room. Since the cherry Clrop adoss home after .pt:nding the week· the Itate is 40 per cent better end at Lei-Hi Lodge at Lak~ than usual it was felt a jtew Cumberland State Parle 'tasty recipes' using cherI ies The Fields' trip alao includ· might, be beneficiai. ' ed 'a tour of , Shaker Village Gl~ed Cherry Pie at 'Ple'u ant Hill, Ky. 9-inch unbalted pie shell 1/2 cup finely chopped ' ''When we , were rIOt , ~d, you slid I had • ~ , blanched almonds shtpe like I ,irma, beau~ ~ ~iking, 4 cups fresh pitted red cl er- " Wp" ~ ~ ries "Yeah, but honey, your , I cup' ~ugar · CUlo h~ Ibifte!L" . 1/8 teaspoon s"t 1 /4 cup flour . ~ I t~~es~!, lemon juice' 2 tables~ns butter or nlar· garine There's no ,better eating than our man-j 3/4 cup red-eurrent jelly . sized, mouth-watering steaks. broiled 1/8 teaspoo~ cloves . , 3/4 ,cup whipped cr~ 'to your taste and served up sizzling (optional) , ' ''·ot'. It~s an epicure's delight, indeed. . ( I) MUe pie Ihell. Sp.b1kle "Only one of our verY many delicious almonds over bottom. (2), Preheat oven to '75 F. (311 In dinner treats. Try us' tonight. . large bowl, combine cnC=r1rJLICa. lugar, salt, flour, and juice. Pour into unbaked shen. (4) Dot with .,u~~ter; t:a..M. &.ow-;. bake 40 minutes. Cool wire rack. (') Melt (II. 'Oiner & .".,...,) small saucepan. Scir in C14I)'va HOUR.: . . . tllru au..... .-ad ciaaamo.. ~ Iii1I: , ~ CDoL If "'!red.














': Enjoy,Steaks Cooketi, to Yoor Prieed Right!












u~grade the pt'ogram provid-


The Warren County Unit < of the American Cancer Society as of the last of ] une had contributions amounting to ' $12,607.'5, 45 percent of ' which may be used at the Unit level for operating expenses.,' Mn. Muriel Camp, Executive Director of the Unit made this' announcement for th~ Unit President, Marvin Holluigsheac:l~' who ' is in Christ Hospital, for observation imd tr~~ent ,and for the Unit Crusade Chairman (Robert· ,Stewart) who is vacationing. .M:ri. Camp also, .aid that it is the Vnit's expectation that DY the end of August which is the'~ ena of the Unit'~ fiscal ~ year,. the contributions will amount to $13,500 and the budget for the pext year had been made out for 4) per. c~t' .. of this amount. Mrs. ~I?' who has resigned her positio ' "with the American Cancer Society, as of September . ~~de the annoUD,lement th~t :Mr~. Louis (Jane) Sainopi&io~ of 101.0 Blossom Heath, Lebanon, will take over the position of Unit Director at that time. Tl\e question is often asked r -", t abOut whaicAt he American Cancer Society does in th~ way of commUnity serVices so th~ Unit ~Dow ' attempting t(; an.wet ·~ quesHon 'by keeping a brpch.ure qa the office expLili.t~ ,just what these services are. One of the most effective servicei to the com~unity whic:q', the Unit has performed this ~t )fear ~ dle establishment ~f a cenuai office in .. ,



• (


4 '"



downtown L~banon, the county seat, so th~t all citizens in Warr,-en CounW can easily obtain · information and service. The office is located at 126 , East Mulberry Street. No patient or , other person with a disability need climb stairs to ge't either , information or service. , Due to this 'c entral location, the dist;ibution of ed.ucatio~al · material has,eased 500 percent, o~er last' year aDd pa- . tient services have been more easUy handled. Nearly 95,000 pieces of literature have been handed out by volunteers, a 436 percent increase: over last year. Due to the tWo large display windows, volunteers hav~ been able to keep educational displays continuaUy on view to the public. Through branch development at the community level with repreSentation on the' Unit Board. of Directors from other communities, the needs and potential of the whole co~nty are slowly but surely being met, within the financial capability an~ policy of the AJnerican Cancer Society. , Personal contact with both government agencies and other voluntary agencies is kept insure the Unit that patients and their families will receive all aid available, if there are complications re- ' garding the patient's care and finances. ' Cancer patients are pro- videa sickroom equipment through the 'Crippled Children and Adults Society of






• Nuts, bo,ts, screws •• Accessories

• Garden tools '

•• Auto paint,

• Garage stands

Wa~ren County while srlnall sidcroom supplies, dressings and comfort.s are avail~lble through the Unit office. :All supplies for patient needs are , bought through local nlerchants and druggists. Volunteers . numb~ring 125 made ,dressings, more than 20,000 of them this year, including bed pads. perforlned transportation service for pati~ts requiriDg treabneni: at clinics and hospitals on ' an out- patient basis. Forty or ,more volunteers in Lebal'lon, three in Carlisle and sin in Mason volunteered to us~ their own , cars and trans:port patients at their own expense. Educational f i I m s were shown to 4,650 people during an eight-month period. Be-, sides this, the Unit has a rather unique serVice which it performs for the county :as a community service. It c:ompiles data on the popu.laltion increase and need for services in the county every two "rears and transmits t,he informaltion to those agencies reque:;ting it. County physicians . and- the . Health Department re4:eive informati~n on the lateslt research and treatment in cancer as well as data on call1cer patients served b~ the Unit. The latest teaching toolls on the hazard of sm~king are I furnished to all local and county schools~ reque:sting their use as well as teaching tooi~ for teaching both 'bleginning and advanced 'biollogy. Medical and technical laboratory' (\1~ c:areers are encour,af ged ;> .. through contacts with stuclents showing an aptitude for biology. 'With the attending physician's approval and assistl!nce, counseling is given to families of patients and t~ the pa tient, himself, where he 'IS bein'j g re, habilitated after radical surguy. Cured-of-cancer patients with aimi~ disabilities are given special training in such technics. Those who have had the' larynx. removed by surjFY, due to cancer, are encouraged to take esophogeal speac:h at the Unversity of Cmcurmati clinic and registration feeis. are paid by the local' Unit. , Help is given,' both vc)lunteer and financial, when leg. islation is .. required ·to,' upstade the public health setvice ·in the county "and under. . certain ci~cumstances" f:inancial aid can be given iil establishing cancer clinics and registries. Prostheses can be furnlished to medically indigent pa !t1elilts ' who require such return them to society normal ,lives. The more

ing drugs to cancer patients next r.ear. For ,some years the Unit has paid $10 per month up to $100 per year per person on drug bil~ for cancer patients as a maximum. Next vear, tht. Unit's maximum will be $25 per month. Instead of ' paying a flat $3 per trip up to $50 per person on transportation, where, volunteer transpOrtation is Dot available, the rate will be 5c . per mile. \~~.'.7.'OI~9".'NfOIZHo"~

!~ WITH I• l~

i~f J.".....,r.o.s....,-.ot".. 1'1

Take any number from one to 1 O. Double it. Add lix. Divide. the sum in half. Subtract the number you started with. YOUI' answer, no matter which number you started with, will always be three!

• • • •

If a 26·ye~-0Id gets a job at .$ 100 a ,week" and if he gets a raiae oJ 5% each year 80 that he earns $10'5 at age 26, $110.25 at age 27, and 80 forth, hia weekly earnings, by the time he is 65, will be $704.16!

• • • •

. For every person in the U.S. and Canada, there are more than 53 birds!

• • • •

In the cotnPuterized data . bank of Dun '" Bradatreet, , .which writes reports on, buainesses so they can gel\ credit, ia current credit information on nearly 3 miUion fll'ms from Main Street to Wall Street!

• • • •

The huge baleen whale, sometimes nearly 100 feet long, feeds on shrimplike creatures only an inch or two in length!


.. Small psollne engine parts • Hand tools • Hydraulic cYlinders '. . • Welding ou Hydriullc hose • Outdoor'ltems fact he carries up to 84,000 dHrerent items in his inventory.





r~ ' ~


i~. ~


~~~. ~~,.

It's nicnic time again, and .. . ~rouJ> of outdoor enthusiasts has rollectt>d a number of ingt>nious ' pointers for making , these family outings more unusual. more fun, and less work for Mother. Plan the food, say the expe ts, to include a variety of snacks that are healthy but not filling - celery, carrot stripe, radishes - to keep thoee hungry ones quiet until mealtime. Include one hot dish in your menu - macaroni' and cheese, a chicken and noodle ca:aeerole, or always reliable baked beans. Pack E'quipment for one or two organized activities for the ' entire family - whether it'. a game of softball or picking berries. But be sure to allow the youngsters plenty of time to wander ' and explore on their own. That's the adults' time to rest! Of course, picnics mean ketchup stains as well 88 stains from gr888, berries and fruit perspiration and grime. yo; , Mother these used to be t~ unhappy aftennath of every outing, but modern science ,has solved this problem with the enzyme-active pre-soak. To relax and stop worrying :about the youngsters-and Da~-Iet­ ting stains on their clothes, keel) a supply of the new enzyme pre-soak on hand at home. The Axion laboratories rt>port that in just 30 minutes the l)fe-soak enzymes · go to work on stubborn spots, stains and ground-in dirt 80 that tht>y'lI wash right out in 6.e regular laundry. Which ' proves. as smart homemakers know, that the best picni<;s are planned at home.

overloolced by snow Lebanon Mt. Evans. this year, A Battle The Fburth of July is celeBands but nb {ireworks, ' brated here by a big family are dangerous but so by D. J. FRAZIER gathering cUmaxed by a hugh fu!. A FARM DAIRY hon fire. Dead pines and as· This year three sows pens are brought down from were about to farrow :me Fourth of July, 1969. the mountains and are set on lowed to run loose in the pas'As us1,a41 we stayed quietly at end like a gteat tepee. At ture and chose their own home and our worlcers came dusk the youngest members nests, Two were quite easand cut. hay. The day started present sets fire to it and it (:>nable but tht third chos ~ the cloudy and felt like rain but blazes high into the sJc;y. As most inaccessible spot on the we got by. in Dry Ridge fathe flames die down and the place in th~ micld1e (J f a .hion and if we continue watchers draw nearer the s""gthicket of hackberry, multi· lucley the hay will be baled ing begins and lasts until the flora roses and honey, lClcust tomorrow. It is ninety now by top falls in and there is only almost impossible to get into the out-door side of the outa bed of coals left and a and worse to get out of ~hen doot-indoor thermometer and happy memor,}," Bu~, ,Ialtt year they want to' see how any eighty some 'hy I' the indoor it was so dry apd so many ' pigs she had. ~ach sow h, ad side. 11" forest fi~es i CJ,U around t~at ' seven pigs which were On ' th~ Fourthl one year we only had a small one. well ~t the last report. ago, we were sPending the Wasn't th~re any organi~ed The little J efsey , calf that . weekend ' on the Evans Ranch celebration in Waynesville rode home so gailY, on the at the foot of Mt. Evans, west this year? I did not hear of back se~t of my car last '~eek of Drnver in Colorado. That any. In 1947, according to the dled this morning, a shoc:1~, to is the land granted to John July 3 and 10 issues of the one's feelings as wetl ';as a Evans. who was the first terMiami Gazette, thel Fourth m'on,ey loss but not as i;lld a ritor,;al governor of Colorado. came on Friday as this year. one for pne as for the man John Evans was bor~ T~e Americ::an L1elg ilo n who 's at, next to m.e at, th sale. Waynesville a'nd grew ~p to . staged a big celebration at the I commented on the high he one of the most outstand. High School grounds, softprices and he replied, ~t~ es, I ing. men to come ~rom here. ball, games, ' band concerts, took one' home for for~ dolHe . had a . most varied fire works and ~ dance. That lars last week and . it dlied." care~r. After he, received his was the night when the fireSo the forty dollar onel~ die de8}"~e in medicine and prac- ,' works were aimed exactly so just as easy as the twelve, dol, , ticed in various places and that they dripped all over the lar ones. worked in prison reform ' in . cars which were parked ' just ' What abo u tout-of ·town Indiana and later joined with where they had told them to Waynesvillers? Do th~y Ilcnow Orrington Lunt to found park. about the new Miami G~:ette? Northwestern University in We were very mad bec~use Have you subscribed fOIt' the Evanston, Ill. ours was covered with ' ashes girl who married and nnoved Then he ~as appointed the which were hard to get off out of to~n and the be)y in first territorial governQr of and some burned places that the army? It is a Colorado. The ranch is still never did come off. We for them to lCeep in owned ~y various members of would not have been quite so with their home the family. It is a most beaumad if they hadn't parked us tiful spot, a ,lovely valley sur· thtre. rot,ltlded by mountains and



Waynesville United Methodist Church " Saturday, July 12, 1969 5-8:30 p.m. ·S alads , Beverages Cake 8&ndwiches Pie


• 80m DBlNltS ~ PIOHIO




tT1IIt 8·Mil. . South of Waynenille On u.s.a Ph. 1BI.0e&i8


FRIENDS HOME NEWS' - . By Nellie BunceU Gladys Hartman spent tile weekend with relatives at Wilmington and attended meet-' . ing at Chester Church on Sunday. She was honored by ,the singing of a song she Had contposetf, "Thy Light is a 'W ord." , MI'. and Mrs. Crane of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. called on Carrie' Russell and Florence C~ane this 'past week. , Mr. and MrlS. Ernest Rdsnagle of L6ndon~ Ohio visited his sis,er Etitt;! , Burnett on Tuesday. Members of the Bogan family held their annu~l reunion at t~e Friends social room on Sutlday, July the 1



Robert Palmer, Debore,a h and Brian were Nettie Palmer's guests Sunday evening. Nellie Bunnell spent Friday at Mound Farm on R.R. 3 with the Dick Ousl·e}'ls. Our Julu Easton haS been honored this week as Tuesday July the first waS her 92nd birthday. ,Friends and rela~ives have made lquite 'an occ~sion of it for her. Any resident of the home always gets a calce. This rear our coole tnade the cake and Risa Ward decorated it. ' It is then . placed ' on our Musical Cake Plate which. is placed by the honored 'bnes plate and then plays "Happy B'irthday." The Don ·S atchells of Hart and Kirby Roads also p,resented her lvith a nicely decorated cake. On Tuesday various friends called on J utia Easton. Ina Donof:too of ;Franlclin, Kathryn Gre~g .' ap,d Elinor Ridgeway Qf Davenport la. Gaylene Harri~ of Witvisited with )We.

W ..d the ~a.t week and illO attended the Bapti.t ChUrch. Mrs. Margaret Koonce of LeblPlon was 4 visitor of 'her mother, Mrs. F'lorence Crane, on Wednesday. Ada Kelley's g u est on Wednesday was Mrs. Ethel South of Lebanon. '

:U~E')( P&CTlb

, ~g(l . CANAQADRY Whe(e the UneJ(pected il Expectlld

Unexpectedly, you're a bloomiog geniuIJ. , and ,your !avorit,e n~wer8 do old things In new way . Plant a row of tulips ih a window box ot in ,your garden and add a little plant food U; every oLlle,- one. The result, unexpected By people who don't 'know how you did it, is t.hat ev~ry other plant will be "taller than the ones beside It! Or, start clips of ivy in water !Jntil they t,ke root, then plant them beside a "tree so ' you have , an" iVY~Qve~ep tree, Hang some ivy in the halls at home and you 'Il have hlllis of ivy! ~ Just as Canada DO' didn't e>tpect its ginger' ale to become s"l~h a favorite with so many" a /~...o


young singer with an unuaaal manner never expected what would happen when he tried ,to get

onto a popular TV amateur

hour. The people who gave the audition. knowing ,~ '"lI' eDt when they saw it, let the ' y down gently 1 "knowing" perfectly well he'd nev.....nade the grade as '- pJ,'ofessional. ~. . UnexpectedJ¥, -USe

went on to si", and wrl e , . way arou nd the world. Throngs

c~eered him. His Name: Presley! . ,

. ~lv'is


Chuclde-A-Day The reuon 10 many Consreamen ale anxioya to ,be re-electedu Uaa~1ht ~u~d hate to tf)' to ~~ living under the Jaws tIjij'd.


The Ohio River has alway;been a lively waterway. To ' the Indians, "O.he-yo," the ' Great River, . was the hub of .II commercial life. During 1Iie ' celonial era, the ' river railg with the soun~ of English and French e~plorers and for~e~hunters. Later, Jhe , bustle f.amous river ci(aes . and '~e romantic: whiatle of pa¥1e wheel steamerS filled the ait bE the, ,Ohio River V~~l~y. . Today, yet Bn9ther sound has been added to the c;:lamor surrounding this scenic ' waterway - that of cameras clickingas history-hungry tourists return to the scene of many of · the old Ohio Country's· most interesting events. The focus of this ~eek's article Mari'etta~ is a living memorial to the 'rough and tumble culture that de.veloped along the Ohio River . during the early years of the Northwest Terti tory and f1our~ed into ,~e declining years of the nineteenth century. Travele~s to that little I



southeastern Ohio city, can !

cerating commentary on eer life . ..The hom.e of ti,,'nil'!lf'21 Rufus Putna"", leader of the original band of settler' is preset 'led wi~in the muse!:um. The lower floor of Cattlpus ' Martius houses the .iver " spend an entire week-end .Museum, which contains fitreli~ing histol;Y in a setting tings, replicas 'and paintini!ts of th~t is still reminiscent . of a dozens of Ohi~ riverboatls . vigorQus, r9mantic and byonce the lifelin~ o~ .th~ d yer gone era. communities. Marietta, e tablislled April Several blocks f~om the ". . 7t 1788 at the ' j'unction of the mweum is Mound Ceme~tery Musking~m.' and Ohio Rivers, - 'unique as the burial "lace was ,he first permanent settle. of "oth ~dians ' and ltheir ment to ~e carved out of th'e white conqueters. Twenty-four American' officers are buried' Northwest " Territory . The Ohio Land Company Office in the graveyard which surthere, the oldest builaing in rounds an ancient conus··type . th~ Territory is preserved as buri!!l mound buUt by on.e of 'Ohio's ~arly Indian tlfibes. a museum and retains the For tombstone addicts, M.)und original furnishings and dorome~ts related to' tile , business ;-. Cemetery tontains som~~' of of settling a new and wild the oldest in the state. . " ' .land. North of the cemetery, an.A good grasp of the trials chored iit the Muskil1lgum River at the foot of Sac.:a " , faced by the pioneers ' can be Street, ' is the Willian11 . Pgained by 'a visit to the CamSnyder, Jr., one of' the' last pus Maruus .Museum, located sternwheel steamboats 011 inin front of the Ohio Land land waters still offerin~g an Company Office. opportunity 1 for peop14~ to . The Museum is named afclimb aboard for an infSpecter the original Campus Mar. tion tour. ~us - an armed fort built by Many monu~ents anel, me- , the settlers as protection morials r~und out the' Mstoric apinst attack during . the Inrecord lCept at Marietta.......For . dian wars. . a complete lilt of attralctiona Camp'Ui Martlus means in down there as well as 1& Clet Latin "Field of War," an intailed tOur of Ohio'. river.

country, .nee the Ohio Development Department, Boz 1001, Columbus, Ohio 43216.


11/116"1041GHST Il£CtJlUlED FJJGNr




" -


WO~G! . __~~~ii~~~~~

homa amon. :ywee 000-

Thia week the , the Old World, heard it so much in Scotland and why Miami Ga__. "riDS. it. not gO where he could b~ ...... chapter two of "Aunt Lih'. Sawy Of Yabe Doo- IOQle service in helpinS to cUe" ., CoN Louiaa Sc:ou. fOtln • COUIIU')' for Freedom. . . . Scott wa the peM aunt But when the ponia came into of Mn. Hennaa RelIt.D, Sr. n.euer view, bit mind ceaaed of North 'Fdth Street, clreuPiDg ~e actively Wa,...ftlle. a.,. , two ia . enla,ed in the present; &lid ho., he ' could ~tch and rick eatidecl, "Yabe DoocI1e'. them, and SO pllopi.Ds from LiaIe PoD,." Early . in the EighteeDth Olle 4uutU of the Lland to Bcli1ton Note:

Y orlc; when a grey-hair~~ man came up to him. The b ~y looked up lovingly into dle old man's face and sa~d, "~and-Pap. What are yt U going to New York for? alld won't youbnnS me ' b~Ck IOmethinS?" Well, "Yankee DoodlLe what wowd you like b,est to have?'" "Oh, Grand.pap, a · little pony, a little pony IiIke ' thOle you haft told me 10 much about. I would like blettet than uytbins ebe ill 1111 '. .the world, a little pOny frc.m. the Orkney's, the kind with biS bUlhy DWles and ,taiLl." .. "- ., .---

the ocher in the .h~rt period the Orkney Llancla, of ' tiJne. FinalJy he ' discov. atons with their neipboring ialea, the Shedaacb, were but erect in. the midst of the herd, a ~eeper, with whom he enapanely iDLabited, except by very amall breeds ~f ' cattle, conversation. He tered found to hia delipt . the hones and .heep. Since these POtUet were very tame ~d LLmcIa were delightful and , "Wen, Doodle, rn do t~e geJltle. They had great heavy benefiCial to the health, many best I can ,abqut die pony, b~t of th e people of Scotland . aIld long mana and taiIa. He . ~emember ponies do not gr41)W needed no saddle, and with mUit have .pent their .umIUcb manes; he , needed no ' on the streets of New Y or~, I 'men in this balmy climate bow no ' place 'except the bridle; 10 with the help of the amidst the milts from the sea, Orkney's, and the Shetland's . miDaIed with the gorgeOUI . keeper he w.. 100ft off wi. where they do ..o~, ,and d;lat a 'l ittle pony to ail IOrts of colors of the Midnight 'S un. would take. a boat' to briing placet 011 the bland. He knew On a ~utiful summer afthem aeross, but' if I find (,ne enough about honea and ternoon, a little boy from the grow~g on the .treets oI NeW horse sense, to bow that the Lowlands of Scotland, lay y orlc, be lure I know how to POny would find his way to near the sounding aea on one catch them, and I will brijng the test of the herd at the of these- Islands; where '~crOIS you one, provided they ,are proper time. the stretches of wilderness of gr~wing there." The keeper was quite as grass and low sh~b, he could much pleased with the boy as see in the distance moving etOh! Grand·Pap, Gralld· the boy \Vas with him ·and the creatures. He could scarcely Pap, Grand-Pap! Do, Do! ' make out their form, but he POtties; and belore they sepaPlease, Please bring me b ~ rated for the night were faSt probably mistook them for a pony, just the kind you w~ friends, wich YOWl and invitabig dogs, but as they apto ride in the Orbey'•." tiODJ to continue ·their friend· proached the middle distance, 'CWell, now Doodle, be~' re ship; a friendship which last, he discovered them to be little 'I leave you must promise" me ponies; great herds of beautied until the ,boy'. dream came that you will be a good Ii,ttle true, ___d he sailed away from ful ponies. He -..d been "day laddie, bring . in the wClk,d, Scotland to ~ America. " dreaming" of the~ -country gather up the chips, feed the aerolS the ocean' and planning chickens and do all of the that when he grew to be a Many years after,. another outside chor~, and be IIUre litde boy was lying on the man, he might sail off to that and help your mother arolLlDd ground near the .hore of a newer country, America. He the house.'~ )1 ..... knew so much of tyranny m Lake ..iIl the ~tate of . New "Oh, but Grand-Pap, l'~at­ tie and Patsy help mOlther around the house." "But Y wee Doodle, iit is good for you to help tIlLem, wipe the dishes, dUlt, set the table and with the girlS be handy." "Isn't ' the Uttie pony Irom the Or~ey'. worth all of this?" Cea~


good at Waynesville Store"only

etOb, 1ea, GraDel-Pap! ~I1 do my own chorea aad then I'll be ~y with the .~Ia around the house, too." The chanca are "~md· Pap" hacl lODle co.....!tion with the brinain. ovu of dUa fint ahipment of little Slhet~d poDia which he " 10inS to New Yor~ to meet:. . When ~Grand.Pap" urn· ed ~ith, o~ of the very lIiceat ponia of ~e ' lot, ODe with great bushy mane and tail, Yan'kee Doodle'. 'joy lend DO bound. He daacecl and capered before the pony and more ~an likely the l ' 'n y danced ,and capered bMore Yankee Doodle and Pap, and ~"ibly ~."'II:lII_""'~ m~re than .all capered danced 8Ild curtaiecl . Y ank~ Doodle and the From thin.. that member, we think that a


cUe'. friends. 11Ua particular pony Wal .destined to be the founda· tion of a sons lun. by milliona, and no doubt other. of th.e.e little ponies had songs " , written and played abo...t them by the home band. Here was, more the likely, the .beainning of the shipping of the little Shetland ponies to this country, to be compaDioDl of children and help with the cfu,rea of many a household•. Y wee Do 0 die' • little pony, I' think Wal named, Orkney, the inspirer of the lOng. , Y wee DoodI~ Came to I


On his little pony, 11ley .r.u* a ' feather in his ~ap,

Aad eaIW him

Macaroni. Y ukee Doodle, keep it up, Yanbe Doodle Dudy. Mind the. muaic aDd the Rep

And with the pia he lwady.

A ..........)'OUIII-.

ran into • ...tC:biCI up • bepal to reid.


"1:"'"tiI.rtier IIUl

told Kim be CoWd taD him immediatelY '" he bad ~ waiting eusto n. .'

"Ob, 1 don't want • JWrcut," the yoq mID. replied. "rm hiding out from my father, and thiltj the last place he'd look for


, ~')"

",oto by DAVID EDSALL rrs..lA: MYSTERY - Lat week's Where Is It? fana were . cer~iy baffled by the photo of the school bus stop shelter' built by ~aynesville Drug Store owner, Harry Rauch at his home on the corner o.f Route 73 and Clarlcaville Road. Con..a~~ationa to thole who made this week'. honor ~oli:, phil1ip' MOll .• t Tom J~el, Jim Hartsock, Linda Smith, Julian Farley,~ "ci/ Sue Ferguson. . .



., When a motorist answel'S the toot · of a foghorn with a honk from his car and ends u'p by luring a tugboat onto tbe beach. is he liable for damage~l? Well. the owner ,of the tuj~­ boat ~ed the motorist felr ~ges on the basis of "COI)tributary negligence"... and · hie won. The case ' illuStrates . a point in relation to yoUr own insurance. No one has to prov'e that you inte"ded to ' dam~;e . someone's property-anly tiult yo.u were instrumental in causing the damage. This b,rinl!ts us back to the origin4l quels· tion. "Wbo'd want to su,e you?" Just ' about anybody-given a reason. Some, other cases i which have cauSed unuauallegal kno.~ range from ~ Volkswagen bein.g swept up and damaged by a street sweeper to a horse th~lt , stuck its 'beact in ' thefrol1lt window of a car and _te up Ollie of the seats. '1 " But not all easel are S8 relatively )Ugh on humoraJia low on damages; And todaJ7,. ;tC,Cording to an expert at TIlle ~~ IDsurailce Company. ·tbe c\anger of being sued for ~ huste . sum is greater than ,ever befo~i!. , til' the words of 'one, inlUtanc:~ , FOmpanJ representa~ive. "Y~'u , , dpn't hav.e to be worth a mill· . ~on to' W ~ed for alninion'I~~ ' Just one lUeIl award _ wiE.e ,. out a ,lUcceasfui man'• . aue'ts &lid dim his bright,future.. If you're a homeowner. f~)r example, a gueat in your howle may trip qn a toy left on the stain by oneol your children. . 'lbe guest is left with a ,pe~a7 nent injury and is unable j~ continue his job. A ,jury awarllla • __ hi:m. .!326.00C). eVen ' tho.qlh , you pro_lily 4'on't carry .'pill'IOnal liability coverage beyorld $&0.000. ' ,. ' you have • .lIDan~ ckcular poOl in your tiecky~~ and it II. uncoftr8Cl. A neiib· bor', ,child climbl pqr the ~fle' and cIrowna. 'lbe Cf!MIri decid. t ...t the pbol II ......tltractin r

nuilaJlce" aDd



JudmDent f $1&0,000. "People often certain ~ are covm!~II. only to find, out on NacJU:'-' QaeIr PolicY that they . .

DOte. a apok...... for HOiii'IiIIuraDce eompaay.

·'AD iDapeDlhe . . , t:::"". ,our _ta ad . ,tt be ..... ..... ~,.


Iia ~ . . . . .'....... IIt~I.

and Catastrophe Policy. which provide. ,coverage over and above the amount' of protection under a primary lia- ' "~ty. The cost is pennie. a day." ,

"My wife's aWay ' and thinp at home '~ ..dl a' me .. ," moaned - lenlOR. "Wish she~d hurry bact.'" -'Why don't you do what '. ' 1 did?" aniled biI friend. --Any,thing - I'U _,dO t I

, any thins."

, -"y had relatiVOJ (or a couple l'Wife,



been with


weeb arid WOUldn't pay attention to my ,letteil," said, the friend. "So 'I just lent her a copy of the local paper with one"item on an imide Pile clipped out."

A .... J.IIIlJI!




.m P(J,."


.OF ~


"ur; , . ~





. A ' wNOLE YeAe , Ac.o COULl> STILL


. .



\ '\


you! IF THE

OIL PLANT RUas ,~ , O~TO A 11()~:S Ct:>~ It-U':U'UG HIS ~AT MAY"lVIii you A RASlf ilif'.






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"TH~ '

. for the wam,. IUlDmer ~JlU~llI. Suaie Workman, r.,..lIr...un.. thil committee, has the material and the IIQ~;PDl'IE:A~ iI expected at ..." On the Fourth July Sing-Out performed in Franlc· lin and at the, annu' lIndepcn~ence Day celebr 'on in Getmantown. The firs show, in Franklin, was kep brief due to a steady' atr ,a m ' of traffic on the street along which they performed~ Bad lucie seemed to follow GerSing-Out all the way mantown. The lead l~tarist was unable to malee tl1 ahow and, to top it off, the e~~ctric guitar went 'on the b, ' . After' many sour note~ from soloists ,and chorus ali e, the show was ' ended in thl~ traditional Sing.Out· maJUlitr with a ' speak-out by ldart.i; Shaw and the theme song, " ~ ~p with

If )'ou. . . . . the .... ~f . J:OUW ............ , . " . rieil before , that, pavita,,"" ~ at ChaDcea ",),ou'" complalntn• . )'ourUle, . . . m~ •• blood frOm tU utreabitiel to of ION teet, UNd an4 achiDJ lep, .. well .. bact. )'OUI'h Would )'OU he1ie'ge that the UNo matter what ),our vocation or ptofeuion. you 8p8nd earth '. pant)' ia re.poaalble, in areat meuure. for this condia peat ~n of ),our ute on tion? It ia but we ratel)' think your teet; eventuall)' about tile force of pavit)' and tates Ita to~ .. U.e . (~ \of ita effect on UI. aches- and Recently, mDJiona of AIDerpains of muaclea jolDta. lcaDI watched, cner teJevIIion, "We can't alter the pull of the U.S. team of APollo aatro. the earth on us, but we can do nautl, float freeI)' around their .omething to relieve the apace craft .. it circled the I)'JDptoma," atelQ Dr. YOUDI. uExerclle, of coune, .. beat." But mod men and women are generaD)' too tjrep after .ork to uPend additional rh enero. However, todaY ther can get _erci.Ie without aD)' exertion. Modem scienee hu pzoduced • unique, motm-drl,en C)' lie!' tion, ~ in .... . . hMlth equlpnaellt, tIaB . . .

"0, or



stiff.... ........and


moon. Yet, none of ua can fl)" blrd-Uke, tbrOuth our hoa_ or officel. Jw earth,.J,ound cree~ we cannOt enjoy the state of weilhtlean_ found in outer apace. Rathel; becauIe ao





By CoDDie ,Adama Sing-Out held a regular Action Council ,meeting Thura~ day, July 3 at Bo?J:ita' Horaeman's house. Diac:ipline prob. lema in such a large . group . and the lenath of officers' IienDS were aubject c:lisausiOD .



.cbil_n'. birth

at a

much of our waJdnI time ia spent in an up1'lpt poUtion,

L party .....-- cbattin":":' 1D8' WilD on" of the little girls.. "My your younger brother is shy " she

either IittinI or ItaadinI , our bodIeI, Instead, are Inlay COilataIla)' workinl ..ainat pull

_said. &1Ie hun' ';'oved from that corn u' aD



.. Dr David YOUDI, conault-,

ant .to the Space Medical Re-' search PropaJn pd internationa'UN known in the fieldl' . of' mulde pbyaololJ and 18-

·afternoon." . . &~" '!.ot ~y," ~e little .' girl laid. He. neftI' had a necktie on before afnd he thinks be'. tied to

by those attendihg. SUe month term. were decided upon, which will put the next elecsomething." , tion sometime in ' September. . ~ workshop-picnic for aU .' Hubby . . feer-up. Smg-Out members was sug'&~ReaDy, Mary," he,' said~ gested. Fur~er arrangements "no~1 you ~r kiss me when you want lOJIle , are to be ~ade at th~ J~y 7 meeting at the Jim Crane resi-. • • • me!" dence; , sajd Mary. "Surely that'. The girls in Sing-Out have .'. often enouah, isn't Jt?" r~' ...,..-, .

habBitatIG . . .. "Remember,

~ mach. . . . . sage into DlII" Uu:1 hoM. SimultaneOully• . it ..........

blood oIreaIatioD iii Jb+" app1icatlDa. TIle ]IIIiIUWe .. .... . cl.- reqaira no expenditure of eD8ll1. Medical ltudiM on -the vaIu of C)'do-me t9 8pMID and 10ft. achinI . . . . and jolnta have ~bJiIhed in aeveral wideI)' .iDectiaal








A 16 pap booldet tWed: nReeearch ~ •......,. with - - . palulnd telllioa • available tNe by wrWDg .,: Releareb 'I nAitute, MunmJe, P•. , t6ll().

' mo!Vh~


. Bathing baby cab help to keep- his skin infection free- when .the clelllller contains'

an . effective

antibacterial "

agent. Controllinl skiD Jnfections. p8!ticuJar1y &'staph" inf~

tions, is

~ ~t


iJthOlpitalDUrJerieL A recoap. mendation of the Ame~ Academy of Pediatrics for overcoming it is &-wa_ of · the skin 01 die newborn and aD who come into contaCt ~~ it with deterpnts con-

tainiDa heXlChloro~."

purina a 12-montb period, 283 newborn babies in a

It is not always .e asy telt . live with conscience. -To dClt so, w~ must sometlmett givn second-thought to our bUI~' ness activities and to our re-· lations with our ·fellow man.~ Conscience often causes UEI . to remember th~.· things w! . would like ·to . forget. Con·· science wlll· .ometimes urg.~ that we take an action 01' make' some 80rt of amendEl that is difficult because olr natural seltlshness or pride., On the other hand, jusf~ think how satisfying It musfi be to feel" , as .dl~ the ApostU~ Paul, that ''!I~ hav~ done o~' . beit "to have alway.... (:Dn;~ science void of offense towa~r God, and toward man •." "


Kanau hOqJital were wuhed routinely with J)8iIoHex a ~d.. 'creamy akin .clean'. coptainina ~ hexachlorophene. AD were found to be' free- of skin infection both while in the hospital and after ~, prOviding their mothen continued the pHisc> Hex bathina routine at home. None of the babies, nunes' or mothen uliilg the skin cleanse, developed skin irritations.

. '. . .

Children do better in .school if they are phyaicalJy fit, declares Dr. Joteph J. Gruber of the University of Ke~tu~~. ~r~s that PIO:-


mote coordination of the anDI and Jep and "th.·coordinated movements that require a child





perfOJ'lllllla patterns befor, executioa" appear most YIJu. able. ._ r 1. • .,,,,1

. . , Hay ri'Vl{ jj ' a •


.;r. . ..-,;.~, i1i~~

ing most nuaI alleqie.L Do ,

animal hair, feathen, foCid and medici.nn all can cauie "perermial" fever. The use~'~ kind 1I~> due to tree poIIeaa in IpriJll, ...... summer, and raaweed, the


mOlt common, in the fall. Accordq to the NatioaaI TuberculosiJ A Re..,u. tory Disease ' ~~ 10,269,000 Mnericiiij iJiJfir from somefonn of hay fner~

Physicians wiD varY treatment according to the aI1er~n. Some offendin& IU~ · stances or objects can be avoided. Filtered alr is often helpful. 'YmmuniZina injec> . , tions, when taken in advance, .prevent some attacka..An an. histamine-deconpl1a8t.Gc1 cation such as Nn ftIIIJ ' spray relieves the it~hina;


tery eye.., sneezing and I fed-up ruMY no • Overuse 01 medicaUona is adViIed apb'Is

For Sale

FOil , 1




SALE: German Sheperd 2 . p year§ ~ld, gentle, has ah()t8. netlfb! nome. Ph. 897-5122. 60t

REDUCE safe and fut with Gobeee tablets and E-Vap water pilla. , Wayn8llville Drug. 308

2-1/" X 3-1/4 Speed Graphic '. to·SPEED Bchwin Bike. lAke new. Pb. 897.6661' Sctf camera and enlarger. Belt , exerciaer, deluxe ' model. Men's shirts; sport,. HORSES and ponies fo sale. WiD coats and slacks. All in excellent board horses. Ph. 897-2199. .Setf 'e6nditili • Ph. 932-9355 1 ' 601 .!t ! \ Atrirouis' F'O,R SALE FOR RENT: Two bearoom apart'Blue Walnut couch with carved ment in Waynesville. Ph. 897-2906_ walnut frllme, good condition. InSet • .. tt diyiduai China salts. 398 Nol1h St. -..; , at oorner of 4th, Waynesville, O. • •897.4691. ' Sctf huying or eelling real i eetate

For Rent


'2' ¥EAR old gelding Amerioa'; ~,d~lebred, good breeding. Display m~8 ... c~. gOod condition. Phone ' Sci 891-5178 ' MODEL 1000 Multjlith offll8tprinting prea with automatic blanket waaber. Geetetner Modell 461 'duplicator with Gesterax Electronic, Stepcil Scanner and oabinet. AU excel· lent cQpdition. Phone The Miami , Guette 897-6921. t8nctf

,oR~ ~ALE: llePtered Angua , bulla . good. .Ei1eenmerfl glood lin.. Ph. 897·2411.



WORK bench top., t-5/8" thick, Ions, varioua widt)l.s, 16, ItO " .. pickup, 110, 115 detive~. Phone "897,7934. &4

Real Estate

w"y not caD us: We have capable " ealee penona in your area to help eatWy your neecia.

R. E. WADE REALT'I 188-1440 .Jerry Hoffmann 897-4258

Scott Remley 897·'2580 Herman Weaver 897-785&


Antiqu. Shop lJehiud Stubbs Euneral Home. SpeCjUlilhl~ in gl8llllware. WuynMville, Ohio.


SCR.\'I:CIi pads for eale at The , Miami Ouette. t05 S. ' Jlaip ,8\.



Wanted LET

me "baby sit in my home for yml. Lurge Fenced-in yard and many wat.chful eyes to keep on :16nctf them.' Ph. 897-5921.


PAINTING Phone 897.6661f. 5ot' PAINTING-By the job or b, the bour. 8pray ot brueh. Houeel,. B--. Fene., etc, Ted 8 !'PI) Ph. 897-4376, Wayneavill, la. It Cowlill. Ph. 882-6785, W'illiDinPoo. totl


AT STUD American Saddletb red Grade maree accepted. 'Fee ti'74.oo a& time of service. Liv.e foal guaran· teed. Far Hill, StRble, O'Nleale Rd. Ph. 897·6946. 19ot( Regi.te~ed


JODl "- .

SHOE REPAIR SERV1CE 140 So. Main St .• Wayneevillle, Ohio. ~on.-Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.Ul. C10eed Wednesday. ' tSotf TOY Poodle Stud 8erviC~, AXe' Jl.e«iat.fll'ecI. White or Apritlot. 150. Appointment · only. Phone 097-4148. • ' t6ctf USED CLOl'I1Jl2 - Shirta--BtoUIN -skirt.-DreIaea and Swe.lten tOo each-allo, Dieh..-LaDlp!ll. Man, other odda and euda, Brantlly'. Odde and Enda 8to~ 298 E. JB!lain 8t. HaM)'Ih\n'& Ohio. .Sed

OOLD 8pri. Beauty Shc~p: take appointmente anytUne. 897-439S. . JANIE'S B e aut, Shop, Waynesville Bellbrook Rd. -




ottO· Summer Hours: ' Wed., Thun., • ~. Only By Appointment. Ph. ~7851 , lIOtf

Belu Wante41 U'sed Oar or Truck

WANTED: BahT litter in lIllY home or immediate neiahborhoolL Bettie . Brunton. Phone 886·7716 !.ftef 15:30 . Ie2 p.m.

at Stueve Ford . ','

. :ra~'S OOlfTBAO'lIltG




.~ .

1 ',I~~




Route 2 Pekin R.... W.yaeniIlet 0 .', "


897-7931 or 897-2241 BOB SM 'I T.-"





lOX ·27I·A

'STANLBY' AND woRDIAN~ A·. 11:IIIII.iII' ACIII_ 372-3112--W."....


:Aup.t 31. , 'leallierworlc, doll. The ctan show Of tile 1969, cellaneoUi. ' Ohio Hon~y ' Festiv.t wilt Entr)' iorms Cd be ob. evolve 'aroqnd a coloriul cotained from , crafta show diorcltriation of American ~nd rector , DenDi. Dalton at . · The American Indian crafts. Miami Gazette, Box ' '1 8, Prize~ will be awarded in Waynesville or by ph~nhag the follow ina' categories: ·him at dte Gazette qffiCe, her a$9i,tanf, Mrs. Donald , American uafts, ceramics 89'1-'921. Camp. , (Fa~~ and hand thr«;lwn) , LNt year Ob~o Governor Pr,ize ribbon, 'will be awa~d­ weamg, 'baslcetry, .needlework, .}~es A. Rhode~ deaignakd' ed in two age. c1~'ification,s, ~inring. woodcarving, candles, {omerLebanon the home ' ot the 16 years and u~der and adult, Bn~ blanka , are avai'lable .' worlc dolls, jewelry, miscelOhio Ho ey Festival in according t~ .Mrll~ Sainopulos. , . ,,}?On request fro ~ Mrs. l~eoua. _. .!.<~_ ' _ _ to stress the importaDce of Oivisi~DS an,d medn'uns in- . Sainopul,os, 933-3541ahd ~s. American Indian Crafts, beelceepin~ and ~ proc:Iu~ c 1u d e: realistic, ,landscape, Gamp, .932-9881~ AU eJ tries beadwo,rlc, 'baaketty, pottery, in the . state. '" still life and portrait in oil or should lie returned. te Mrs. jewelry, feather and OlPo's initial honey fativa! acrylic, watercQlot, 'drawings, ,ISainopulds later . th~ w o,r k, wOcxlc:arvipg, ' wa.s aponaor~d in' downtoWll ~ Leb.pon last Sept. 12-14. dilio Floney ' Festival, I~c. off~ a~ that sur~e4 diat it was 'the ' ''firlt honey festival in the world." Last year's event' attracted an estimated ,1,.000 viaitQr* . who browaecl honey and educational emibjts,· from O~io ~tate, Southwestern O~io ~ SHEERER AGILON STRETCH LE(J ••. Warren County' BeeICeeped ,' MORE,BEAU11'FUL THAN"EVER! Association. ' . Crowds also tasted honey J ice cream, honey wallles aiel honey piz;Ea in addition to ~"",- :h'" " being e*,:t~ttail1e~ . by tides, .'f;' ""''',Ji. \. fiTS HEICHT fITS"WEIGIfT ;;; art and craf~', shows and., an .- PETITff -' uw~ , S'·S'3 100-11S lb$'. Ohio .-toney Featjval P..:~e" , I

Ohio, Honey Festival, Inc. art and craft directors are . hun~g a swarm of artists and craftsmen interested in exhibi~ work at the second an.. ' . nual Ohio Honey Festival at Lebanon September 11-14. ' , All artists are being solJght by Mrs. Louis Sainopulos, .festival art show director and I

charcoal, pencil, paste!l, 'a nd 'inlq, abstract, niL( life, portrait, ,.I1Y ...EI,,,,.LIc... and Honey Fes~val one only, any medium. All entries must be. rl cent and original by ·the persolt' entering th~. The name.~,, ad· dress, phone number an . sale pricff, (if for sale) shQull appearl on the hack of each,











,MED!!LM ,,' "'EDIUM iTAll , TAll

S'r-5'6" , 5'6"·5'8" I) ~fr and over

115 ~ 130 Ibs. '130111)0 Ibs, over' 150 Ibs,



. .•;,;:..".~I"~i1 1

by ~C)~,t;lD

Fewer than "w, of III driYen. on the mad ale beavy drInkem.' , Yet beavy drtnken ue riDvolved iD nearly 60% of all

traffic deathS. The

friChteninc truth .. that r

drunks 'ire the deadliest drift..

ever Jet 10081 on the hlgbw'ayL

- Knowlag that, you mIIht tblnk our UeeDling offtclaJs would take 'extrilo~ ' meaaaJel to btmt down tills small gaq, of IdIlen an~ .lit ' them oft the 1'OIId, lIVing 2~,OOO Iiv" ~


It', not happenln£ ~ waY



tbInp aJ'e, now, the.'. no ef· , fectfve " . to tUft • "'nk~. neeDle away beto" he IdIII .

. aomebocb'.


With 26,000 nve. at ___.,. safety _perts at the COnUMijtallna..aaee Companies poiilt' ' '*t, theIa naiR be a better mlweJ than thal ~be Itt•• thoroup pbyal~ examination. A doctor mllBt .certlfy that every ,. .., -driVl~ ap,alcant II not '~ alcobollc.





OJ ••


there'. a tietter way, certainty wb~ PennJylv.bla dOlI II better than bu


An4 notbblg II what III but a ..... rul of -lei actually fo TbJa . Ii on, ~. __

""ty IfOUpi . . u. we WItte , toourlWl........ ..... that ta.y ",dn"l_ ,~",_ IdIIen off tile .... i tt


, gree in educa tion f~om ~Vilm­ " ington College in 1949. ' He attend ed both ~:avier 'Uruversity at ' Cincinnati befo~e obtain ing. his Maste1ts degree in aciministratiQn froan Miami Un.iversity at ' pxfor d in ' 1964. The Portsm outh nari\i'e, hi.s ' wife, Virgin ia and dau~~hters, Patrid a, 19; Susan , 1:7 and Peggy, 16 reside in the Clarksville area. Patrid a is ':a student at Wilm ington College. ' Board members .at thc~ same time lUred a junior' high .~hool prinCipal-athletic director and four n~ telachers. Craig Francisco w~s hired· to Eill the seat of J uniolt' HiS~ prin,cipal and athletic dlirector at a base salary ~f '$9~7tt)0 pl~ a ninth ~d five per c:ent to'~l1ing $11,370. Teach ers hi red uacluded Henry Schn,e ider, soc:!ial stu-

.afte~ his arriva l in Vietn am in februa ry.' He' earned Ilia first Purpl e Heart at that time. , . ,Harry 'is the SOb. of Mrs. Ruth ' Whitt amore of 168 North Main Street , \Vafllesville. .His hospi w addre ss is Sat. Hauia on Whitt amore , U.s. 51802412, 106m Gener al Ho.pita! Ward D, Y okoba ";.. • Japan , A'p.O . San FrancilCO . 96503.

HARRY WHIT IAMO RE Harris on Whitt amore , a Waynesville servicepian, has . earne d his .secon d Purple Heart Medal during the Viet, " n~ conf1i~t. Whitt amore , a 1967 WaynesvUle High Schoo l grac;luate was wound ed for the second,.time rec~ndy in VietSgt~

dies, 'Jtead footba~l and track coach at $9,900 annua lly; N DALTO S DENNI " Photo • I , ' • J ames Rowland, social lI,tudies, er rtberg Schwa Paul 1'h~ Waynesville &ard df Educa~o~ hired tenrus and assistant ftootball Board night. ay Mon4 ls Schoo esville as .uperiDt~~etit of Wayn coach, $6,500; MartJuL Gare~ mberg Schwa with shown is left, clt, Hartao David ent preaid land, seventh and eighth I t,; ~ontrac while he. sips hia grade Englis h. and D~~vid c~ , Parkh urst, eight~ gra d.e his, , . ~~in, to Wayn e,ville . . I)am. , ~~ y h~$tqr schooL tory, high ook Bellbr 5 Ii to Previo&.JS He is cUl'rcndy being treatassistant footba ll coadh~ Gener al. Hos.~ice he was a memb er of the 'ed at the 106th , Resigniltions were a.c cepted ' ma, Japan . ~i~~~"~ie ~ol System by the board from Alber ta r pital at , Y olcoha .taff tor ,17 years. His tenure Plarry suffet ed schrap nel inJones, bus driyer ; 'Georg~ three \ there iJJc1uded principal, juries to his tight elbow ~nd tern. Oll a tWo year contra ct NewmatJ, teache r aJ1ld Ray athyears, 0: 13 r, $16,00 of teache years, back during a receht battle. at an 'annua l salary Davis, direct or of tlile high' leqc direct or, five years. The Waynesville YOllth was Schwambergetl, 43, ~as p,...htated. gradu , 12·) Scl1wa~berger first wounded ,by a booby tr'a p (conti cipal at Belibroqk .J Wu~r. High , nued on p~g~~ lor of Scienc .with a Bache . e de· School for a y~ar prior to .



. j


Waynesville Liona Oub has a new .late of office r. 'a nd director . ' r~ent1y installed by Warre n How~ . Past Governor of Distri ct 13 G aIlcl an active member of the Carlisle Lions Club. The ro.ter includes: president,· Fred Grata.maA;· first vice preaident, \Vurd l Sh~ han;, .eeq~d v~e ,presid ent, Dave H:ai:uockj ~d vice presid ent; ~old Swde Yi secretary" Har41d Anderton; .treasu rer,. Rober t ' Pitmer; tail twister, · BUI . Stub" s and lion tamer , Dave Cea'D.a~ Board of Direct ors, ~ W

u. S. Pes tage , Paid

Waynesville , Ohio

Permit %:14

after his arriva l ' in Vietn am in F.ebruary. He' ~ed his first' Purpl e Hea.rt at that

gree in educa tion froni ~Ui~m­ mgton College in 1949. He attend ed both )<[avier . Unive rsity at C~cinnati, befo~e obWn ing his Mastel ,s de- ' gree in admin istrati on' from Miami Unive rsity at O'x ford '

in ,1964. Portsm outh nativ'e, bi~ The r wife, Vi,r gmia ~d dau,~ters, Patric ia, 19; Susan , 1;r· and Peggy , 16 reside in the (:larks ville ' area. Patric ia .is :a student. at Wilm ington Colleg e. Board mem,bers at th.~ same time", hired a ju~i~r high ' schoo l "principal-athleti,c director ~d four new teiilc:hers. Craig Francisco was hired to fill the seat of' Jllnic:;nr High princi pal and athleti c director.: a~ a base saLtty of $9,71~0 plus' a ninth and five per cent to'taIlin g $11,370. ' Teach ers hi red i~lduded lienry Schne ider, sodt~l .tu· ~" ;~~.,

f .


, ~..~~~ .~.J~~~:~~ " :;";<!)" '" j-:,,~.';j. , .~

dies, head footba ll and trade coa.c h at $9,900 anJ:lually; N DALTO r S ~NNl bf Photo · .1 · " '. ' James Rowland, social studies, ': ' •• '. r nberge , Tho Wayn~~ilJe Board of Educa~o~ hired Paul Schwa Board terinis and , assistant Jootball as .u.periQ~~ent of Waynesville Schoola Mond ay night. coa~h, ~,500; M~aL Gar· er mberg Schwa with shown is left, lP, Hart praid enc David land, .event h and eighth while he upi lUaeon~ grade ' Engliah and, Da1vid C. Parldi urst, eighth gJ'ade, b!-sto W.yne~\Vi1le. tory, hish SClhool hiatc:J'ry an4 1lU Bellbr ook ~reviou. assiatant footba ll coacj~. .~ice he was a . . .ber of the Resign ation. wet~, accep~'~ &:(u)ol System ' by . the bo~d from Alber ta .taff 'for '17 years. Hi. ~enure Jones, bus ,';. Georg e three al, pdncip ed ~ includ contt there ' year tw() a ~ ~ . NewmaJ), teache r aI1:d Ray r years, teache r, 13 years, ' atll.. at an antllla! aalarY of $16..000. Davi$, du:~ctor of the high Ittic direct or, five yeats. , Schwamb~tger, <43, waa ptlin~graduated Sch~berger .cipal at Bellbrook Junio r High with a Bachelor of· Science de· 1Schoo l for a yeu prior tQ /




', .'









HARR Y WHIT TAMO RE Sgt. Harris on Whitt amorc , a W caynesville ~ervicem~, has'


Wayn esville Lio.... Club has a new llate of office n aDd director . recend y instal led by Warre n Howa rd, Put Governo; of Distri ct 13 G aDcl aa active memb er of the Carlia~ I

earned his secon d PUfP e Heart ~edal dU(ing the Vietnam conflict. Lions Club. Whitt amore , a 1967 Waynesville High Schoo l grad.u. " The rOlter includ es: presian; fint ~ate was wounc kd for ' the dent,'r Fred Graum Shceuten. W ent, presid vice . secon d ~e !ec,e ntiy in . Viet- ' han; I~nd ' ~dce . preaidealt. n~m. . Dave Jiaruo ck; thir~ vice I He is cUllrentlywbeing treat- presid ent; , HarOld Stahl 9: ' ed. at the i06th Gene rallio s. .ec:re tuy, Harol d Ander son; pita! at Yokohama" Japan . treaau rer, Rober t Pilme r; tail Harry suff.ered ,schrap nel jn~ twister, Bill Stubb s aad lion juries to his right elbow and tamer , Dave Cessn a. back during a recent battle. Board of Direct ors; Harry I The Waynesville, youth was (conti nued on page 12) first ~ound~d by a bO,?by trap

fte MIAwr aAnrn:

' :'

P.O. Boz 78 - PhoDe 897-&921 I. l!Q1I"'~ each WedD.a, at Waynesville, Ohio. SI,Ibt!eription' price 13,00 ,. " .N....&aDd price lOe per copy. " , ~ .DIltob ••••••..•.•.•..•......•..................•....... Editor" . DInrid aIaU ! •••••••.•••.••••••••••••.••••••.••••' .... , . ·General Manacer "aald O. HUI •..•.................. Advertisiq Min., ~1iDe~........................................ ~ilte ~tor fteaioa1d O. Hill, Davirl ErlRaIl •. : . .. ......... '... ~ . , . , '.,' ... , . . .• 1'<llf'rs P.O. Box




• • • • • • • •' .


.I '



Main Street has a new business asset. this week with th~ opening of The Village .Antique Shop at the former Puterbaugh residence. . My de~ Springboro friends Mr. and . Frank Shull and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gambrel have stocked thr-ee ' first floor rooms of the histork Heighway house with .~xquis­ ite antiques, a hallmark with Mrs. Shull, shop owner-operator. Hello and welcome to Waynesville to Frank, Lena, Tim, Trof and let's not forget Pepper, the family~s ' teaier. A wdcome is also shouted nom Main Street to Warren . ~Wlty' ~ newest busi!1ess~an ,

Starting next week the M~ ami Gazette will bring 'ltJ~ Erwin Pfeil, executive chef of . beauty conscience readership the Golden Lamb Inn' at '8 new column. Lebanon. Enlighten, the new columnl, I became most pleasantly will provide the answers t~) acquainted with chef, PEel1's any ques~ons cOl)cernmg an~r 'c ulinary artistry during his area of feminine beauty. debut at the Golden Lamb last A professional cosmot~lo,­ week:. gist will do the ' answerins:. Erwin, a nati~e of Ludwigs- R~aders may m~ their beau~y burg, Germany, will be ·intro- questions to Enlighten, Thie dqced to Miami Gazette read- Miami Gazette, Box . 7~1, ers next week in full feature~' Wavnesville 4'068, In the meantime,) why not B$uty questions ' Will be drop inn to the Lall}b and ~ answered in this column 'the sample some of Erwin's culi- following ·week:. ,nary alchemy yourself. ' Enlighten will' ~com~s A most special holler goes fashion, cosmetics, hair styI4~, from Main Street to4ay to my facial" and hygiene. A problem a WOMan might special tt:lephone gal and gra· clous lady on her 76th (sorry, have frequently drams h:r . I squeeled) birthday. ~p~y .... beauw. Sometimes a simple BIRTHDAY FLO~M0NP. .... a!Uwer is ~lte beauty aid. ·REED from the editor, pu6~t ..· _--=-:_ _ _ _ __ tishers and staff of The Miami '.

The Hungry 'Grass Glsh,The Movies, Mr: Griffith and Me The Cold 'Jungle , :The Moneymakers ART EXHIBIT .BY:

by by Gish-Lillian by Black . by Lamott ·

The loml't'St loaf of bread eve' ked mt'asured 20 feet 5 inch~ -not nearly long enough for th.~ longest sausage, which mea" 8ured 2,000 feet in It'ngth. U took .103 hutchers to car,y th,r sausage through the streets of ' . Germany during the coronatiol,l Frf!del'ick I.






WaynesVille, Ohio 46088






FRIENDS HOME NEWS By Nellie Bunn~1I The Porch" thia twin.. have been restored anel are very much in use ' by 'w children .- Th~. Thi ~ibrary window ,bOxes haven't done AI ,~ell as we had hopect .;- but I with Mr. 'Ward's care may do better later. ' . We have been very much interested, these warm days in Mr. Downing rebuilding his fe~e. Seems to b~ well along ." now. Since we here can't work, we are glad that others can. There are things we also hear from the ,p orch and would liIce to 'uk, "Why do th'e motorcyclea alway. ' buzz $0 loud when they pass here?" .Elaie Ho.:kett WAI a dinner guest of Maria Elbon on ' Wedneac:lay. Emma MCOure of. Frank'lin and Mrs. fred Hawk of . . Florida were Thuraclay callers . at the "Home" , Glady. Hartman h.d for . her guesta 011 ~y after· noon her two daughters, Frances WilJcinson and Ruth Johnson. " Mrs. A~ur Easton of . Franklin and Miss Ellen Easton of Springfield were visitors of Julia Easton Thursday. Edna and Sarah Burnett attended their "Ladies Aid" meeting last Wednesday at the home of Thelma Lawson near Harveysburg. A su~p­ tuous covered dish dinner was "From

week we




The MIAMI GAZEmE P.o. '18


WaynPKvill.., Ohir. 4l;()6K



annual ., su.bscription :'




- t'5390


tee that~ three


a feature of the day. CoUectiODl were taken for , the ' "Good Cheer Fund" and , the' Clara Barto~ Home EDr "Diabetic Children." A Sifi WAI .ent to the He",t Fund emory of Ethel Pence Borden. Eileen Mainous was a rJtursday cal~er at the home.

Chewing gum. when it comes to cavities. need not he a caae

of "tooth" an(i consequences. A new kind of gum containing a sttgat substitute es.chelt~ . proble~. . -: ;"l-~.. .. ~~: Keepi 'Us fb, ~e ijet. down to a minimum. the new chewing gum habit ~tacks th very root dl en dIdIJ 'Y. .appeasing the swe:et tooth with· out the ~isk of additional cavi· ties. Clark's Di·et Gum flies ill the teeth of exceUive dental . billa and agony. Many parents, rather than discourage their children from chewing, have taken a positive approach by giving them Di-et gum. This popular preparation satiMles a craving for sweets, yet. does not promote tooth decay.

. Ladi~~ ~ight .. • . A,:J~SVUJ.E IIASONIa ftldPLB G .' Saturday Night - 3ulr 28 , "'ork In • • Degree Beginning at 3:30 p.m. Covered ·Dish Dinner A.118 l).m. . ALL MEllIE,.. A THEIR LADIEI ARE INVITED ' ' P'lEASE MAKE IT 'A POINT TO ATTEND CHARLES E. ~., W.lf. b!tni&



.A~III' OSC BU8.PH. . ., ....... BOD PH. 8I7.e80· .



The annual Holl y Hills (jolf Club Championship is ... , at hand again and George "Smith, Sr., pro at the Oub has 'three flights with 16 golfers .in each flight. This will be a match play ·champi9nship and it is up to golfers to get together and play their - matches at least one a week till the championship is over ,or risk ' ha.ving their match fo fcited. . In the Champiomhip Plight Ron Apple, 'year champion, ia matched to play Harry Strauch to get the tournament underway. ' The rest of the matches in the top half of the champion- . ship flight are Larry Hammel takes on · J esa " Smith, John Smith goes against T eel B~ck­ ewslci and Gene Sengi plays Dusty Rhodes. The bott6m , . hat£ - of the flight finds George Smith, Jr. · taking on Marty WilliamS.. Al Brant will meet Mardd Neff, Bob Smith plays Bob Plummer and Zane Guy battles Bob ,Peters. In the top half of the first flight, Ken Lacy goes against John Savely, John Fillmore plays Ken Teny. Bob CellingwoFth takes on Roger Bailey



· . The ~ ·laelct .at the ·-Dayton W _ 't e t Treatment Plant c:on:aiated of a seven hoUl' dau ~ a mcmth. Sa&jeca .f:overed .in addition to the theory of plant operation were- hydraulics, mathematica, chemistry, 'met. microbiolosr. Plant operation haa become waa in more ' complex than the put and Sawyer ia to be congratulated .for hia interest.' The municipality haa alao pined -through his partidpatiolt i:n this· trainins prosram.


Dave Barker, ' Robert Bowen tangles with Jim Hem,n and Ernie England plays Don Sprag~e to wind up the top hall of the bracltet. . The ..Rottom half of the bracltet finds ' Gene Stevetu playing Ralph Hobsen. Dicit Zech talces ' on Cal';in B~"lUi1t and Russell Ball gots ag,inst


Na.tJD.·· Hut takes little

angl~ wi~

Larry Roush: "

who ha~' eo be 11 old and the the pro at HoUy Hilla• The Eir.t rowada of each flights have to be pl.yed ~ July 19 and the resUha cumcd into the ~ shop or matches misht ~ forfeited.


and the last match in the top The third flight ·1Ii1.atches half of the bracket finds pit Ron Sackett agaia,s t Red 'Made Johnson playing, Jer~y . Kusler. Ben Bookman plays DiMle . , . -. . . .~. .~~~~i~~~~~~·~~~~:;~~·~;·~ I~ t e botto~ 'balf of the first flight T ec;l Hoy plays Ron Heaton and Ed EpperlOR battles Dick Hall. Chuck McBridex goes against Denny Stanifer and GhiIc Wilkinson

no. • •~1~1




.. .. ..

~ ~.L~~....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~

The 11 til annual Marconet reunion was held on Sunday at the home of Charles and Bleahor Freelmd. ~ose enjoying ~e ~ay were: Mr. and Mrs. Aultman Drue, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marconet and Miss Elaine Marconet, Mrs. Forest .Wagner and Tommy, KeJlny, Philip and Sandy; Mrs. Robert Weis afld ' Robin, Ronald, Daryl, and Jeiyl; Mrs. Paul Marconet and Jerry Matconet Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright and Donnie, Paul, Debbie, · alid Jennifer; Mr.



W-.. Now 'I'll , ,BarD,PARTY to Dee. P~N


e No o.h Investment


"No Delivtriftr

", :



e No.ColleetUIc e No Ba;perience Nee!) ry , eLaqeBoDu.



and Mrs. ' Rober.t Marconet and Kristin; t. and Mrs. Wilbur Thompson, Jim Thompson, Kathy Barrv. Steve Arndts, and Colleen Liette; Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom ThOMpson and St~ve, Cathy, Connie and Caren. , ' Mr~ and Mrs. Cecil Duna· way and Timmy arid Tony; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hines; Mr.' and Mrs. Chester Htff. ner, Jim and Joe; Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert Kamps, Ray· mond, Roberta and David; Mr~ and Mrs. David Gutiery; Mrs: Mabel Williams; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bus~elr'llan and BeekYi , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bush· elman and Donnie; Mr. and Mrs. Francis (Bud) Marconet, ,Melissa and Rita; ' Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Freeland; Mrs. Elva Freeland; Mr. and ',Mrs: Gene M'arconet, Mike, Walter, Margo and Pat; Mrs. Lola Chester; Mr. and Mrs. Er~est ' Gustin; Mrs. Eva Larischiuta; Mr. and Mrs. Cern Miller.

- lAst CIwl~!

.LAYHOUSE TOY COMPANY 0&11 Mrs. Minton 932-8906


OtuckJe-A-Day To get the job done, a


committee should consist three men, two of whom are absent.


By Pat Vair ' thrtee days are Ohio State Pair craftsmen of Ohio'l Shu.ttle Busa to all festival famous potteryland will disl locations, the best in local ena generous .erving Qf th tertairlment, th~ g rea t est noted state craft Eor touris II ·~home-cooked'J. food anel reo and · 'cup-Ie' it with collecto " bahmeau, horne maae style interests for the fourth arJ.~ ice cream in a ' po~ bowl n ua1 CroolcSville-RoseviU (which you keep) coffee in Area :Pottery Festival. a pottery mug (which you Mr. and Mrs. FallolJ. ers Festival dates have s~~t, keep) and baked beans In jnare announcing the birth of at Croolcsville for July 18-2~ . dividual, Po" (which yfl)u a daughter, Debra ' Ann. It will include tours t of ,Po tkeep). ' Debra Ann was born June,30 tery manufacturers, which 'll ,Mis. Poneryland, U.S.A. at Kettering Memor~ Hos· be conducted daily th~ough nt pital. She weighed 6 lbs. '~, ~ageant will be held Friday least four plants. The tou ~s evenina and an ,antique aucwill be conducted only durin.s Mr. and Mrs. A., V. Metion' will be.. held S day, working ho..frs and' wilt enid ou~ of Xenia _Roael , anJuly 20,' fro~ 12 noon till Friday and Saturday at . a?nou.tce the arrival of a ~n" proximately 3 :30 p.m. 2 p.m. Jeremy West, on Tuesday Skilled artisaDs will dell- This Festival can be reached July ,8, at ,Kettering Metl\orial onsttate their skills which ~ by going SOuth of Z8l)C!yille .}-Jo'l1ital. Jeremy weigh~. 7 dude hand-~rning" han:lon State . Route 9~. It is a ~ lb., .-dl)t~ painting, and work with polr, one hour drive (roin: <:alum.celain in the ceramic 'at'ts arid bus. There ' are motel a'lld . crafts area. . other accomodations nearby. A huge collection of pri~:e­ Also ' there :ire camping -facUless ag,tique ceramics will Ibe iues available at Royma Acre.s featured. ' This is the largj~st known as Ohio's Evergreen display ' of its kind, in ~he Playground. ' world, according to feSthral officials. All pottery products maljlUfacfure~ in the area wlll be offered for sale at the : P, tt~ry Festiv~l at reduced rates. Included in: the' exciting



New 3 B'8ciroom,' 2 2 Car Garage; Brick' Homes - 10% Down' . New 2 F&JJlily Aparqnent BuiJdi.DP - ' Live .In One Side - Bent The ,Other - .,900 - $5,000 Down. __ .,

I).an W;


This week I from a Gazette reader Wi cherrY " r~ip~, but the er ,d id not ,wisn to identify ' Ii ere . self. Tht, recipe is as follolws: , Cherry and' Nut Cake 1/2 cup butter t cup sugar 2 cups flour 2-1:/2 tap. baking powder , 1/2 cup milk: r z' cup n ...ts ., " ', , 1/2' tsp. lem~n flav9ring < 1/2 tap. 'vanUla .. 4 -tbsp. cherry juice 3 egg whites ' > r. • 1/7 cup cherrr~s ' ,,': Cream . butter. Add 8u:ga,r; cream together. Sift flour and baJcing pOwder. Add 'a1 te, Iy, with, milk ' 'and flavorl,nga. ~old ift egg whites. Add Ih errics' and 'nuts'. Pour into pre- ' pared pan. Bake 30 anblu~es in 3'O.degee ' oven. Yield' 1Z servings. ~ you for your eration whoever you are.




Two women on a


tour of Mount Vernon, Geo. Washington,' s be, fut houle on the were enth'uliasti a4miring the VatiOUI roolJns. "And diet you ,OO1tlCC.

Grace," "everythina't

, Early American?~

Bio~ thro~gh

die l04-page T~U City Primer of Early AinFrlcao HOme Dccoqting. You'U find helpful tips 00 ho~ to achieve the Early American Look

~ ~ri>

-m,'::land ..•u~ f1~

m~~~tr , ~

window enCl.

, :''->


full~col~ photo~p~


, ..'

Ii~ '


beautiful' of " u,:,usualtoomlCtUoga ... dClCripaons , ., 'Jill andil~pauatiOlWofluaodr6la.o£Batl1 " I ~, ~, A~cd~n pi~ ... a~ (umii~ cutouts ao4 graphs to help you plao fUrDlture a ngementa. Yau may bonow the, , Primet free. or takc it homc with you to keep for only $1.

recent guelts Hawke. ._ __ Miss CarolYA . ~...........,...

~~up ~f the First Church of entertaining ,Misl Me.. au'ist met on Wednesday, Swords of Wayn~~urg, Pa.. this weelc. Miss MeSlwoid. 31'. Tl.. - Qh' A bly July 9 with Mrs. Butterworth .I. ~ 10 Grand rusem . District 20 had a party after .cLUB NEWS Th riveq Satut~y, Jully ll. A of the order 'of the Rainbow the Grand lnatallation aacl The Senior Ci"'zens Oub of serving as h08~ess. ere wer~ b d f h b f . '1'1' • nine membeJ:~ and' one guest ully an un ' time as een or , Girls was held a~ Ohio of the giru from the ~ ' Waynesvill,e met' for a curya planned ' u. ruverslty . - , at Athens Ju1y 10· were ;: present. Mrs. Dorothy W o o l . ' preteJlt as w ,as in dinner July 8 After !the , !. • t1 " , ard p're5~ted a lesson' 9n the Several area .boy arc en~ ,. ; State DeMolay ofE~cera. dinner . Carla Sawyer, Pe, nni • ' A'll f ':L b ' . ". J~aican ,~iasion; . joying a weelc of ' camping, , 0 VIe. U8lnes~ meetmgs ,w~e held'. in the new, air con. Lowery ~d Boneita H~~se. ," 'The next meeting Will be," fishing, hiking, andi'5wi.n)ming man gave a patriotic. pro~am. ~.1 Picnic ' o~ Wednesday, Au~. at , Clenden~g . ~~~t! " ne~r ( .' diti,oned, Convocation Center. , '!be)nio.r Citizens laid ~ey 'ust. 13 at tile hOlne of Mari~. Steubenville mis w,~eIc'; The}:. . • Sev~r~l girls from "District ~SnoolC " .' ';' " are: Tommy an · ~ ·' Ji~my" . ~ "rec~jvecl Grand Appoint. . ~ere ·grateful to these girls :'~d . , everyone en.j~yed ·~ ..~e .:' ;.;,2':,, ' ._ ~+. . ( '., ... ?rlclcett,:Danny· I 'lats, :John ~,"· "'~~ts.~ ~Y were as follows: ' ~. , Jt i ~I~ER . :' , ..: . '. M~rgan. ~d ., Ke~~~th ' an~ :~ ..i~da , Pr~e,:, Oxford As:progJ;am. e ~ ~e; next me~g o{:'tg ,. 'Yaynesvjlle Girl:'; Sc:ou~ ~: R~ssell:~,Orndorf. ' :'~~,' ,' . ~~ ~~. ~';: "~~ly;: .·,G~·a,:"d ' Lecturer; : Senior Citizen. will be Tues· who wish '\' to mardi · in die ~. The _ we~ . vaalti!)nr" .wa'S.! ' ~ C,idiYf"Priest, Ftanlclin hsem• .¢.day;~)uly 22 at 1 p.m ,.' Pie .;W~rr'en'i~' cbunty F~r on Sun~"; ,1. shc;rten~d for-"~ne ~~~b~ of.' Grand 'Representative to . The Greater Dayton' ~Cru.' ;1efr~lunents will be cake~ ~d .~day. J~.r~-20 meetJtMrs~ . l'to!ar~"~:.' ~ si?up, lWss.eU Or~dor( J;>. '. IC~ntu~y; . Beth Evans, Mid- aade of the.- Crusade of th~ ':tthom:,~.made'" ice. ~eam ~~e gie Stamper by the gate 'me,i' who had. to· .return dUe.. to:. + .:,. 4I~to~" Assembly, Grand Mu. Americas, will ~ held fl'Olll 'and served by several Diem· ;'horae barn at 6:30 p.m. ':....: a~ed i~t,: ancl he "is: noW ·,~· . • j~ ;.(and ' Carla Sawyer, . July 1.J·19 at 7:40 p~• .at· f'bus : of the. ~lub.. Don't~' , '., HOLII;)AY t.l'RIP , · )~, >;' f~hin:. ~. weelc 0:1! qutch,:.s::~.. · ayne.y,il1e Assembly, Grand . the Moatpmety CO U 'D t)' . f id r'" /., ... ~ Several familia .enjoyed~, , :. ~ ~. M 1M' A", ';: ~tive to New Hamp. " Fairgrounds on Norm · : M~in .... J. ;; • _ , ' ./ : .g urth ~ ' Jul ' I. db " The aeV ' f. anc rs. cy '., t.h Carl ·11 L ~!_ Street ~d Steward &'.. ~ '! . t·~ "';O • ~ ~~~eI!;Hen U' . y .... ~b tW~, daught'~s, left: ~:: . ;~:~e'N .,aHwI, Dhe.a~~~~ '. ), .'" . . at July 15 ·Anc;,r. ·' . ': Ire Dr. Roy Fiab' the .,l·~· ~ p~c~patmg < an a "c 'Alaska. . :'. i\.. ~ '. ~: 1ft IDe near . uture. ; Evangeliat' and the , .~&en .:, IIChedul~ a paper drive to 'be , ',~ weekend'7,..of c~pang, kat. . ~Th ' famil lanJ . d)' ~.~e wI~1 (;e accompanied by :. will be Mr. and Mis. John !: held on ,Saturd.y, July 19~ If ing, skiing;,: and switpming .' e: thY p ,fs to s~._::. j. ~eral ' '.of the Waynesville Kooiatra. : ~ vou 'ha~e any papers, please : ~L LZ --clt .l Robb" a poalb1e ree to our wet:1!;S . • Is . l! ~ were, ale .-u:r e IlU f ... ', ' d .. th .. gar. . , ~. cO,n~ one of me . three £01. :' family, · th~J Char~es Morgan '!"hang f a~sIc en~~ymf the, 'P enni , Lowery and Pam The Firat- .B,a ptUt (Lurch 'f lowing persona 'by no la.t er family,,. Mr. and Mra.• . Max, ~g~, ~ this a. u~ or e : Young; Put Worthy Advisers of Wayneavi1le Will ·~ sponsor y. e mor~ 'Hay and daughter, P~, 'a nd am~, . . . . mrdia o.'f ' Waynesville Assembly, its lCICal Ch~ch Crusade from ;' thaDi'.Fric:lay, July 18: Phyllis .~ Ha~·_r., 897-4026', . Cathy ... i..... D 'J hna . f i1 " than Just an 0 nary vaca . , h onoreo _.J ' . . , July 20-'27 at 7:30' p' .m. The ~ \De. ean- . 0 on am Y·. , . d L !' b La . were ' by receiVing '{ Craile ::-' 897-:47 11; Lynneue . BRIDAL .sHqWER . · tlO? .· R~eran am. s a ·the coveted .Grand CroB of . public is cordially invited· to' ;, Wilaon, 88'·2609. ' u! __ l' !-d Cl· Ie f' ' f ' " son stauoned at FOl!~ RIChards. Color A ~ar. d IYDR &..,Ul a . IC. , lancee 0 .' AI lea a _And ..~ • Th~ Worthy Ac1viser, Lyn. Mr. , Eddie Sharp wu given a . U. .. ' r, nette Wilson, would liIce to bridal 'shower by . Mrs. Lillian "-~~!-"'~~iii. ."lIIIIiiiii_"'~_~~~~III!!~~~ By PAT VAIR

Wayn~~e - 897.6826









fo~tk~'!~ :a!:.!~:~;: ' ~ampmgTho ' ~~ '. ' ;o,:~",!, I

stress· the importance of con· meting the above-mentioned people no later than Friday, JuJ~ ·l~~, -'!' ~ltt the girls can 'c~J1ect .,all ,of the paper?n July 19. ' ''"iofII".' was also dia· cussed at the regular Rainbow mectiDa. Saturday. July 26. was choaea as the day the airla would moat like to wO.rk. Their hour.~ 9 a.m. un~ 2 p.m. . The

Lad i e a Missionary

011S'1'OM MADE


Sharp and her daughter Carol OIl Thursday, JUly 10. Those in attendance were: ' Mrs. Dorothy Oiclc, mother of the ~ride; Mrs. Ch~les Messer · and daughter, ' Mary; Mp:s. · Bessi~ Taylor; .Mrs. Betty Cook _d c:laughter Becley' Jo; Mrs. Tempie Fri... ; Mrs. Barbara Sharp; 2nd Mrs. Estelle Sharp. ~e . a n.d punch . were served ' amidst pretty yel~ow and' whi~ decorations. The. wedding is to be an even~ of Saturc;lay, August 2. WHEREABOUTS Miss' Maryalice Prender· gast, . daughter of , Mr. and ,Mra. . Jesse Prendergast of 146 South 3rd Street is. attending M~ami University at Oxford.





C '" H' I



~ .. ~





RI;nl "S' Samp . I Sh ' LV. .T ~ I.·", e" op''.' , . . E '



Dresses .

9 ti

wtie ~

Lou.lCe W 'ear'


YOllLl . . BE HAPPY .Hou·r . DeiI'ly 11'

to 4"

thurs Evenlng ·7 to 9

No matter which plan you ielea, each depositor's funds are ~ured to by Federal Depoait Inaurance Corpora. tiona


Mill . Rebecca Prendergast,. daughter 9f Mr. and Mrs. . Jessie Prendergast recently finished a Nprse'a Aid Train· ing Course. and 'now is ,employed at Miami Valtey Hos- , ('ifal ~ Dayton as a nurse', aid. Mrs. ' Emma Franldin ' and


,uranu. ·

W'hy Not Take, Advantcrge Of OUr Generosity With SClvlngs Of 1/3'to 1/2 Off OUr Reg~lar . Low Prices· . Oln ,A ll SUmmer ----S~rt8wea...

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Thia ia .. I'nplar" IJavinP. 'acco~t ,-and is completely flexible. Any amounl opebs your account. You deposit or withdra~ any amount at any time.. Interest it added at replar iDteryala, lDd com· pounded. Your p. .book IJivea you • complete record of all traD8ac~liona, which you can handle iD penon or by mail u you prefer.

When you apee to 'invest your ..viDp 'in. a , specified minimum for a fixed period oJ time, . ' cin 'you a hiPer rate than on • npIar pllilbook uviDp ~unt. CertifiQatee are automatically renew8bJe. They are an ou*""iDl ~ vellhnent-and • profitable one-for ...".,..


rallle aaviDD pal. . :

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Certtticatel 12 months ~turiJY _1,000,. minimum ,.'







. came in one inning malees it Hello again. sound as if we played t:eal I SUeas rll tallc about my good the other innings of the air" loftball aquad.· game, but the game only lasted Actually you couldn't call two innings becawe of . ' ru~e my merry group a team. We that say~ if ,a team holds ai' lade one basic essential, neerun lead at the end of any euary to tile success of any in'n ing, thUi endeth, the game. . ~, ability. This. is not to I cfpn't know wh~t to do, say we don't have anybody maybe ~me ~f you do. If you who can 'p lay ,t he game, not do, cerWMy appreciate .t aU. ,We have one excellent you showing up Friday night pl~yer, a couple or three 'avat Runyan Field in Lebanon erage players, and a whol~ lot and giving me some tips. rn of bodies wWch fill in where- . be real easy to recognize. rll ever we competent ; talent, . be the guy who's pulling out which is about everywhere. all of his hair! . The Cowgirls, ~ur mighty .· group'. name, has n~w lost four g~es in as ,many tries and I can't seem to put my finger on the central cause of the trouble. Perhaps it's our offense, or lade of it. Perhaps By Daryl Edwards it's our defense, if we had , The Waynesville Royals, one. trounced Clarksville 26·7 July One statistic which might ,3. The Royals jumped ahead .hed some light on the prob.• one to nothing in the first lem is that we have scored no , inning on two errors and a more than 15 runs in a game ball. I. ' whlle giving up no- le~ than Clarksville .s cored five runs 1'9. That could give a clue to with only two hits in the top our problem, but to find the of the second. One run in the real solution you have' to dig. s~o~d, two in the third, and deeper. eight in ·the fourth put the Consider that during a two Royals ahead to stay, although, inning stretch we gave up . a their big inning was the fifth combined tQtalof 24 rum, 12 . as they scored thirteen runs. in the last ~g of a 28·4 Jim Lucas was credited witlt defeat and 12 in the first in· the win. Steve LeMaster and ning of a 22·15 defe~t. rAnd of ,Rick Hazen paced the team . course. there was the 19 runs with four .runs batted in each. we gave up in the second inJuly 7, the Royals nipped ning of . our last game in an South L~banon: 5·4. Trailing eventual 21·2 defeat. 4· 3 in the bottom of the sixth The fact that t 9 of 21 runs



inning, Jim Lucas led off a pop out to the .heft Tim Sho~p walked, second, and scored on Stanley's base hit, and .tuelings leaders league softball Waynesville Tom RicJcey rah to seco~ d been announced for July 13. as . Jeff 150n grounded' out to The following lea~e leaders have be n listed: the third baseman. Ric ley Icored the winning run as ' AB ' Hits Ave. Team Pt.yer Jeff Morgan s~gled. 21 13 .619 Homer Miller Teatn 1 Shoup was the winni"g 14 ' 23 .609 Team 1 . tonnie Sharp pitcher. Mark StanI~y paced .588 10 17 Team 5 Roy Line " the attack by collecting !yo 13 1 ' .'38 Team 2 Char.1es Bishop , hits and two runs batt~d in. 19 10 .521 Tom H~tto1t Team' .~t)0?· ! I;l July 10, Morrow. ston ped 18 ' 9 Team 5 Gordon Hatton the Royals 25·10. MorrlDw 18 , " 00 Dan ,Simpson 'J;e"" 3 9" had the Roy~ls down 7.3' in 18 .500 9 Team 4 Skip" Stil~ ,t he first. M9rrow scored 6 in . 21 10 .476 Team 5 ' Jim Purkey ' the third, 5 in. the fourth, nd 11 .471 8 ,T~1 Dave Cessn. 1 in the fif~ for an e~~y win. 17 8 .411 Warren Tinney Te~3 t. ' 11 .444 Steve.· LeMaster and , ,Murk 18 8 Steve Federle Team 2 Stanley each col~etted f~.ur 16 .138 , ,, Steve Copas Team l hits in the losing ~aUle. .438 Dave Hartsock Team 4 . '.' 16 The Royals edg~d Oa*s. .438 16 Team 5 Jim Leyes ville 5-4 July 12. Trailing 14·3 .438 ,16' 1 ' Team .2 Carl Talbert in the sJxth, Paul Elder ,Nas .411· 12 5 Bob Bunch Team 3 hit by a pi~h to lead off allld .~12 11 . Team 1 Ray Sharp then stole second. Tim She: up, 20 , . •400 8 Marvin Pummill Team' 2 walked and took second ~' . .385 5 13 . Joe Blac~ Team 1 ' , steve 's~anley hit into a fie:ld· .385 5 13 Team 1 Gary , Davis er's choice. , Elder was thrown out at W a 'y nell v i U e Softball team' 5 beat team 3 16 to 8, third on a close play. ,L e a g u e Standings inctUde jte~ 1, beat team 2 12 't o i, The bases were loaded ·when team 5, won 5, lost 1; team 1, team .. beat team 2' 9 to 5. ' Jim Lucas hit ~ fly to the won 5, lost 2; team 2, won 3, Games for July 20. will inpitcher who dropped it, alloat 4; team 4, won 2, loat 3, clude 5 :30. p.m.; team 2 \'t. 4, lowing the winning run to and team 3., W~D 0., loat 5. . 6:45 p.m., team 3 VI.' 5 ud cross home plate. Results ,of the July 6 Lave 8 .m., team 3 va. 1~ Marle Stanley was crec:Uted also been poa~. They were: with dte win. Steve LeMaster' led the attade with thtee Juts. ·mer Betsy Freeman of Pitta· The ' Royals are now 7.5 , on burg, Pa. Betsy will ~~~ the year. , . . her tim~ wbi~ Marie it·in' Marie Fras~e, ~n of Mr.' traininJ hy tCw: ~me~ .. and Mrs. Walter Frasure of Bcon~mic' near Pitta~ur.. I· ... 22 $oilth Main Street~n repoi't Saturday, JU1~ t9'f .fi>r O£ficerl Candidate SChool at Newport, R.I. He will eaperTeacher: "Gwe me' a ience 18' weeks o( basic train· In Minor .League basel' n, .,ntente with an' object in , ing after , which h~ will be it." , the Indians toolc Ti&~1 , Pupil: "You.'re very commissioned as an ensign in for a 5-2 victory. last Wed 1espretty,., .teacher. " di~ Navy,. He , will then !~rv.e day night. The Royals "ere Teawer: ·'Wbat's the three years in · the ,Navy. also 'victorious against the object'?" Marie is married to the for:: Pupil: '~A good grade in Padres with the ~Qyals Sleer· • Ehglish." ing 4 runs 'and the Padlres, ,




.., ,.,.,


. .







( I




3 runs.


1~" Crusher Bun "3/4" Crul$her Run ' Band & ,l p.,a Gravel Mix,d 2" Base Stone I


-I. l. "111111 PH. 932-1215


Present st~dir)g ' .are th~ Royals, 5 wins, 1 loss; Til~ers, 4 wins, 2 losses; Indians, 4 I ' • wins, 2 losses; Padres, 1 WID, .. losses; and the Expos no' losseS. .

- - ' -"






Fill Dtrt Top Bpi! Pit Run ?it Run Orus


have named a new chief for 't he Massie township volunW 'esley Harvey.b~rg Villag~ ~oun­ teer fire dept. He' join cll voted unani~ously to Smit,h, a vet~an fireman, wh~ ­ go~~rn y CoUnt n odler Warre will be succeeding his saD, ment Ul1it. ih .treati ng a coun~chard" who relign~ after . t. distric pa~k wiele . ty having served u clUef only a The purp<)se , O~I the' pa!k , , few months. disttic t is to promote" public The' new dtief will serve the also and iori recr~at ~d health ,customary six montll~ probation ary period beforf! the ~ p:eser ve , tl?r,e open spaces ,of. aU of es' rSOurc and ,natura l app<)intme.-,t "becomes permaWarr~ c:punty. nent. , dispark , The crntio n, of a n d fireme ' funde y hip ndentl towns indepe is Musie trict nce not burne d the forme r reside by existing la~ an~ does' any of ce issuan the e requir of I.Char le. Batel ~ ~ pr~ctice leasion here Sunda y morning. , new tax levies. ,I Wayn e township firemen u· listed in burnin g the .~e Harve ysbuig Village Counradar I,a on'Grant St. The-Baw m~)Ved !=U ,hu purch ased to D~yton lut, month . unit to be mata'lled in the vil~ lage ~':liaer. Mrs. Sue Carma n and her model, was UB~ a -Part; The mo. bough t from Traffi c Electron- ' mothe r, Fr~ida Georg e, Friday Pa. ippa, ics at Dayto n, for _, ..,. Tom tored to Aliqu Haend el, an associate ol , the to .pend a few 'days with relafirrn, visited council MoncLty tiv~. • I night to , explain the use of Mr•• RObert (L~a) Houg h thc equipm~t. haa presen ted a collection of to , Malsi~ toWlllhip ' ~tees j~venile. .~d adult boob





Jonah . Run Churc h. The collection has been added ' 'to the 'churc h .ocial room wbh new ' shelves I'b uilt espe~ially for them.. ' ,I I ', Mrs: Evere tt Gordo n , and he~ ~istef an~ ,, Mr., ad M r I • Raymond ~daml 'of ', C6rwi~, vi~ited their ' m~~er, ~ Mr•. Blanc he Carr, Friday night, at Alta Nur.i ng Home at Dayto n.


The .Harve ysbur g Wome n's softba ll teal1), spons ored by Lynn' . Dress Shop, Wedn e.ville won a victory here, Tues· day night, over dle Washington Court House women's team. Mr•. Sharo n R~isinger, a member' pf th~ opposing team, is ~ native of Harye ys. burg and ~ daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Evere tt Gordo n.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Hook ot: Wilmi ngton are al1nouncins: the engag ement of the i r daugh ter, Vivian , to Dale HU.. lard, son of Mr.. Velma HU.. lard of Clarb ville an.' Claude: Hilla..d of Broob ille. A Septembet' 6 wedding at Sprinafiel~' Frien d. Churclt is planne d. The Harveylb~g Men'. Club held ita annua l picnic for , memb en and their ' famiJiClI, Wedn esday night at the home of Mr. aDd Mr~J Byron AmClI. The Wome n's Society pff Chris~ Service he.d a pic.. Die Thur. day at th~ Unitecl Metho diat Churc h with 2~j members ani pelts present. Mr. and Mrs. Charle s Price hosted the Welcome n , ~ible cla.iS picnic 'friday nighlt

SWIN E CUN IC The Green Thum bers 4·H Club hosted a swine clinic at its regula r meeting o~ Tuesday, July 8, at the home of Glend a and Tim MUler. 4·H members from allov er Warten Count y and their parent s att~nded the clinic to watch demon stratio ns presen e4 ,by several G r e e n Th~bers , members. The clinic, as well as the beef clinic and Iheep clinic which w;te held previously by the Green Thum bers, ac-quain ts ...H ,members with me prope r techniques for pre~ paring their animals for ~e show ring. Club advisor, Charle s Stile3, haS been well .atisfi ed with the attend ance an~ coopera~ tion of all of the people who helped m~e these clinics ~o successful.

Alu min um Foi l Can Hel p Solv e Pic nic Pro blem s , NEW ,Y ORK (a)-Lo oJdDg

forward topre partn g your familY's first picnic ' of the , season? About all you need. besldea ' the food. Is a freezer and some aluminum foU. With foU , and a freeze r available, you can make sand- . wiches as far In advance as you like. Give them a secure foU wrapping and 'put them into the freezer. ' Pack the sancbviches, stUl frozen, .in your piCnic basket .

They will have thawe d and will taste freshly made by th~ 'time , 'yo~ ' famlly , says tQey can't walt anoth er minut e for


OUSTOM ' HOm : BUI LD. B ALL 'TYPES BEK ODI LIH G Bobe rt Oart er 15 Son , 21 I. IN .,.. WAY.UVILLE. ,OHIO .....


Danie l 'Do,te r, son . C:;f M'l'. and Mrs. ' H~ward Do~ter ()f West Lafayettc, Ind., 'was a recent ~o,use~est here of his grandparents" t hie ' Willia m Doste rs. , Danny Lake anel Hube rt '(l~nior) LuJc~ftI ,an4 Cll,arlles Bucha nan, of Lebanon, Wf:re guests , Friday of Witli~l~ L~ens for ~" outing at Le ' &urds ville Lalc:e. ,' l'

On Any Livingroom Suit I Just Clip «;lut ThiS Ad and .Bring It In; .


'. '

BDB OOM ,SUI TS, ,m OH O' BIlf D,AIm OABIlfBT8, "OV ES, QPB lGE BAT OBS ", BUG s, LAMP&:YOU NAM lf'rI. wi ~VB ', l'Il OB WIL L GO GET l'rl 100 LIVI NGB OOK a:urrB TO OHOOSB 1':&0•• .


foUl' o'cIocb aloaa th~ OIle oE ,OUl"mo1oza,.....bter. . with it. Thea. the:re, woWcl be ' ,came a10~1 Uld be a spluh of color there aU day. cried. Our nel,lIbl:llOl']~ But I haven't done it yet. ' out aDd they tried. ,KClldu,d . A ,FARM DIARY ADo~er bi, crowd. at the ecl,e of the 'oaa by D. J. FRA7.1~R . sale- yesterday. Prices are still · the laDe toward the h iiillr'h wlIV , high but iD desperation I , back alaiD to the Friday,' JUly 11, 1969. AJJ~ ,' boupt two little, expensive aroUnd but this time ' ""'1&......,__ other follY mommg. Almoit holstew and sent them. homr thought it was DOOn and the SUD is barely by Mr.' Leonard .. who has a jumped the fence into ahowiD, th~u'" the hazy Dice, small truck with cattle pasture and then we .ky. Our 10 acres of clover awuds. Two was too m~y for trouble ,ettiDS the ottlLilliln bay are atilllyiDl in a lOllY 'the back .ea~. of my car. One that p_ture. We Just. mea. The co ' loob better . of them bew ho" to "let its 'and will ' have it to buo ati11 n~t the lovely supper but the other had, to a,aiD another time ., tut ~':we fie1eb of earlieP planted corD hUDgry UDtil morniA. ,~heD ~ wOn't iry, to take See that lOt stu-tad before tlte I sot Ilelp and it took two of ~ you aU, at the· Fair~ " ; eavy t'Uu_ I ODe IUD us to abQw it where the: food ~ .: ~"'~.-..~-.-:-"""!....,::..y tha.t he seeD it. " , ' , { , ,,:': MODERN BIRTH com 10 taU 10 early. Some it NOW"cbe next' job. to wem.' '1DEA-2. lli1.".I':: - bqpnnina to 1IIale. , . . Lee'. &Iadt heifer, a job that .~ .' " • , The com IiIie are _tiU ~r. : ,is loa'. :ovu due. misled '" pous alo.., ' ~th quantities " ihe _ _ recommeaded &y;, , ....~...._J,\ of wild canoe, Ol'e poeI·iaIly · . ~e .Imanac 1 'won~ if it'", . . ....







Called ~eeD '" ~d Lak. 'I'Ilet:e is • IWa..c;IIOme &wach of

it just ou~de my ~ow, at the ,eM of ~ .n.e Met CDo, ""'dI'qm~ to ' I.e treated Uk~

. ~ faYOfttc Weed is~"" ory with ita bright 'file flowen. It IUas ~ MIlle ditad· van. u the day liIia, it d~ up whea the too lmaht. 1 have couiderecl • weed.




mo. ,


CAMPING F.QUlPMF.NT Whftl Cam,...,. Cam,tiDI Trailent, 13 mod...". to chon;'" tRIm. Abtn , Wayne Cuml"'" T....vel Tr:&iierK &:

T~H4. And ~JM)rtKlmAn'K Dream Truck CaDiIten!. We Hf!lt RQuie Gu. SALES RENTALS SUPPUES

IAtllted on Route 42, I illile nor'~ of Route 73, WuynC':l\'iIIe.


really' mu'; aay ,cliffereDCe. :

. Hu ~, checked _ itt .:; SuGaay. Evidently ~ w.. ~ DOt die riaht clay. He acted on m; SUgaUOIl ucl tri!td to

.fmna;' _ heifo with- the 'rat:" of- the pun, arock cIowa to this &am to · wean her. Did,:, you ever try to drive five head of young cattle aU: alone? If you have you caD ; sueu what happeD~. There was aa open ,ate iDto the oat field. Whitey, the hoi. stein, spotted it at once and in she WeDt with the oth~s after her. Lee tried to drive them out without any luck 10 , he came tor me and we &oth cried. He brought them. up . along the fence toward a gap &Ut, ao; when they SOt almost there they tumect, broke ranks . and started aeroll the oats towucl die other pte. Out in the lane apin, just where we had started. Down the laDe apin, riaht put me, and throup a second hole iDto the oad agaiD. I for reinforcements

GRAV~~ ~. COMPOST -------TOP 'SO·I l

RICHARD RATLIFF Ph. 897-2726 Spr~ng ' Valley 862-4211




The intniuterine mnl:tnu:~ tift dev:iee (IUD) a household term ' women in. the ITn:it...rln~ ;and 'around the world to t _ • Jop:al

alterna~e , "to 0

conbaception. '." To ~ wJiohavet>D),y heaM about the IUD·in recent yeai!l. it seems like .. auddelltly n*!W development. B"ut, in t;act the IUD concept. gCMlll ' bacl mOre thaD 2,000 years, and JI u ftrBt recorded in the wti . of Hip. pocrates, the ancient G~k "father of medicine.. .. In Old Testament cia ye, ~ ancient Arabs inserted pebl;»lea . intO their saddle came I to control fertility. And neient Eg)'ptian women used objects from crocodile. for tlIe ~)urpoee" For' centuries Indon~lD tribal medicine men fuhioneCi spiral IUDs of the latex of 'tIjild nab- " ber trees for Vl1lage women. And one of history'. reateat "woman expertit," Caa8 ova. is reported to have given lUa conquest. small gold aphlerea for intrau~rine p"cemen to prevent pregnancy. Today'. modem devi,ees stem from research in 195!ll in the U.S. and Ja.,an. ",hicl led to the use of new type p~ •c:a for IUDs that could be ea fly and safely inserted in the . uterine cavity. Today between four and five million women use IUUs. In addition to the safety ot: continued use' of ItJns, ,wo lDen are turning to them in in,c reasing numbers because of tbeir high efrectiveDe88 in preve ting unwanted conception. OIl e of the newest and moat efrectiive IUDs is the Saf-T-Coil, a double-coil design that conforms to the shape of the utel'Wi, nd is favored by many physi::iana for ita .~rility packqing ;and simple ~rtion method. , The simplicity of the IUD• • , and the fact that it dOles not affect other parts ~f a woman's system . are major r~)D8 for ita acceptance by medicalJand famil, planning: experts in this country and around tlbe world, including Russia wh(]ee scientists now favor IU~ over the pill.

Women interested in advance. . in IUD ·· Co~race~ltion can

uk the doctor, .. fa lily planning clinic or the Pla:nned Parenthood Federation.

FOOD TIP , To satisfy, a sweet tooth, try blending' until smooth ~iI

How the q,.uty paint at


money saVIng price ,

amounts of peanut bUtter and dark bt~1 n sugar . with butter or llnarprine and cinnamon. Si~ad. on bread and toast in oven the until bread "bro m







PREDDY L. 8T011'J.' llepnMatatl_


opmeilt Department, Travel Division. Thil 'branch of state govetnment acts as an in fortnation agency and clearing, .. Jioqse for all types 'of trltvel lite~ature which it mails out

the . land in panoramic .plendor; tasted a genetQUI helping of history along with dinner at a restored stagecoad'~ .tavern; been lulled to sleep by the tranquilizing ef~ects of the c01,lntry nois~ ,during a , fartn vacation? Have you enjoyed the best . of Broadway plays at one of our local "Straw Hat" thea.

daily in the thousands to peo~ . ,)\rho are interested in tres.; renewed: ' your youth on P'larinllig ' auto tours or, in the ~a~~l , at an amuselOpending . their vacations', ~ ment . c~~t~;.. . made :. friends Ohio. ]Ult recently, the Dewith ·a' m~n(~t of the 'animal ' partn)el}.t published a 92~page kingdom ·~t a ' mo; gone, on a .. traveJ directory to help 'fa~il'ia~ize the public 'with is shopping 'binge at a .flea mar~ I .' available • " d leet or countty .aucuon to tourists an to help sell ' them on visiting Have you ever ~ted pumpsome of theie places. lcinJ:)urgerll, T r a i I bologna, When was the last dme you melon 4:e' cream or~' hot ~stir toole a ioolc around the '41,222 when fe~tival fever hits town; aquare. mae. ,that make up explored aft ''Indian quarry in heai't-.haped Ohio to .ee what ~ the hopeswof {melin-g 1l sample you've ~~een~ Ha\>'e o£ flint or " better ret a d,is. you- ~vef ·j deace.ridW,' 'to! 'the -;', carded"arrowhead; It.e Id' a'windt}kii ?if. ,ali €Shi'~ ca:e ~to '~nmg : ticlc~t during "the racit;lg seas~!,p joumeyed: ~ack " in marvel at the wonders of nauue; . climb;d' ;: £~ to~er in time during a visit to ail Antish buggy ,factory? a .tate forest preserve to view .J,..


Miiuni Gazette cameras roaming ' on the Sanmargale Dairy range MOlnday, Ralph Stolle, owner of the 1,500 acre d~Ury farm .outheut ~f Waynesville, is raising hils own huffalo herd. The mbli huffalo pasture nc)w ihcludes a hand-

Photo Itr D~NII DALTON soDie bull and three cow.. The cows appeu to he &alding but are actyally ahe~ their win· ter ' coat for a .leeker .ummer variety. The -ADlerican bison once rOapled Warren County' . hills a few hundred year. ago. . ',.!


Camper. Held·For .Fun ·lnlun It" Pent cOital Church Calip ,

will be uaisted by Mn. Bill east of Wa~aville, so \athwest Purkey. of New Bu.rlillJton. . The follow, will .1......... . HAMLET ~NGS ' ;as boy. 4:tunaelon: ~a1ter Teachen' Lamb, Acy W. ~b, Jr., Ellis . A Sunday School chen Malicoat, all of Wayneaville . meeting was condu at the area and Georae Ballard .of PealeCO.ta1 Olurch J e 30. DaytoD. Waltel' ,Lamb~ Sunda~ School A "umber of area YOWlgaupermtelldellt, waa tit ~ .peakIter. were .ponsored '0 camp ~. this .eaton by Lamb's Auto drahmena w.ere .erved Sales, Wa)'llesvllle, Purkey'. ·····co the foU~ . ~er.: Hardware, ~ Lt. qd Mias Luvenia Cook, .' Ray Nn. Dwiabt Hobb., Mr.. LamI), Mn. . Walter . Lamb, Campen wiD be inyo1~ ill Bamy PurkeY &ad Mr.. Her- . ~ H~Ucl ~ Putkr, ' Sr., amp activities and I'~tion ache! ftoWrina. Ma. DWiPt tJo&bt~ ~. from July .....19 .durin, the Apprc,zimatel, 20 PeIlteEllia ~t ~ Jl.~v. Aq camp'. aecond yeu. ~taI Oaarehes of the Miami Lam.",;,,&or mdBi Ie class ,Mia 'LuvaUa Cook ia... VaDey wiD be "epI'esented at '. teaCh~. Ken named youth ~ " th~ QUDp. The c:hu,rch camp ' Mra. Raymond. P and for the 'aVls thia ' . it located mil~ north, : Mr.." ~ucilte Cook w re ho."::;'='::'::';~;;~~:'~~~~~~~~;";~i . . ,teaM. for the I progr .~ ., , W-_ Roast IF YOU HAVE A FRIEND OR RELATIVE THAT NO . Approximately . ~I ' ...emLONGER RESIDES IN THE WAYNESVILLE AREA " bel' • 0 f the ' , P~ltecOStai WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING THE ' Church consregation met at MIAMI GAZETTE, JOT THEIR~ NAME AND ADDRESS Rev. Acy Lamb's rai ce for BELOW AND WE WILL SEND THEM A FREE SAMPLE. a wieDel' rOalt. LOts of fWl NAME , . and food weI'e enj yed by '~--~----~~~~~~~~~---Note: Tbi


Tam. They ar,e at their frienda at 497;uua

Street,. W.yn~.

-,- V.... '

Mrs. .GOcI&i.y ~iiI!Il~ lu~ Ky. iI vilibng .. . . -.

ther, Mrs, Hulda LamD, anel other friends ' and relatives. Mrs. Bill Preston has returned .from a week'. visit at Paintsville, ICy. where her father is confined to the hospita!' Mr. and Mrs. James Gar. rett, Sue Garrett and Mr. and , Mrs. Julius SchOck ' have , re~ turned ftom a vacation in the Smokey Mountains. Gene 11toma-on · h.. returned home frotn Kettering Memo,ial Hospital where be had surgery. ~

. , ne' churchwomen of the

. COrwin

Penteco ' Church h~ a baby shower for Mrs. Emest (Pamela) Lamb Mc»nday. Refreshmena were aervecl to the followina ~ ill the },Uclllent socW t'OOIB: Mr . H~ Purkey, ' Sr., .Heri'chel R o'b biD • ., Mra. G ...lcI ~ H. Mor~.· , Ma. Raymond PattoD. Mr.. . Ag W. Larnb~ ' :~~ , Gene ThomptOn Mrs. D wig h t How,., Walter Lamb, Mrs.. Harrison Lamb, Mn. Cleadus Lamb, Mrs. Eddie




and daughter, Linn, of Waynesville tailed on Mrs. Hiley Gibson Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall abd children of Bloomingburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris tewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Saylor and family of Framingston, ' Mich, ·and r. ana Mr•. Gene Harris and family of Livonia. Mich. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr•. Roy Saylor and family. . Mrs. Paul Todd a~4 ,~hU.. dren and Mr.. AJlIl BUnnell spen~ a week with Mrs. Todd', .ister and' family, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Moor.e at 'Neaerland, Tes. They also went to New Elduaao, Mexico. Mias Meliua Saylor is spending a !~ day. with Miss ' <M.ol Harria ill Michigan. " Mr. au.d Mr., Her'bett Hod- . ion, "r: an4 Mr•. Sid ·Pein· ' ~ton, Mr. and Mr.. Ronlad .Staf~ord and .on, Tony and Mra: Pauline W~e,aIl of


~~a, J4~.i'~Jolui . ,H~.\~and

children 0 f B~(M)DUftgb\ftg and Mr. and Mr.~ Jerry .,Lewis of Waynesville called o~ ~' .' Hiley Gibson Sunday,. after-

Lamb all of Wayneaville, Mn. nOOD. Andrew Bantham of Dayton, Mr. and · Mrs. C ence Mn•.Salis Dean of Bellbrook . Nolen and famUyof Xenia aac:l Mr•. .Freel Doupan of called on Mr. Mocrit 'Lewis Lebaiton. .. Thursday aftemoon. Mr. aDd ~. John Smith

HelD Wanted HOME II'Own tomatoM, potatoea, belUll, cabba,e, broccoli, carrote, cuClumbel'lJ. Lawrence Keethler, Haines

area. Ph.

7cl .RIDING mower, 6 hOl"llflpOwer, 32" cut. $7~.OO. Lane Cedar., Chest. 125. Phon" 897-i122. 7cl 14' TRA~ Trailer with lteeee axle hitch, aide mirro.... epare tire, Itabilian. u p-ellent condition. Ph. 897-2tif~ :;.•.-"... . 7cl ,-

Card of Thanks



automatic I blanl(et a.tetner ' Model fil dupli· calD~ wlth-t.,G estefax Electronic StencirI'seannet 'and ca ' inet. AU excelle~ " eon'dit'iOD. Phone The ' Miami Ouette 897-6921. 18nctf

RIDE wanted · to North Centerville. 8 :30 a.m. to 6 :30 p.m. shift. Ph.


7e1 897·2449. WANTED to, Rent: 4' or more room house, farm house or otherwiae. Day· ton telephone if poesible. Ugly hus- ' band and wife in late forties and

FOR SALE: Registered Angus' bulls blood lines. Ph.

sood Eileenmere

one dog. Husband ,..orb ni«hte. Call 701 eoDect 885·2169 -after 9 a.m.



WORK bench' tope, 1.5/8" thick, 8'6" long, vanoUi widtbJ, $5, $10

me b$by sit in my home for Larp lI'aced·in 1arcl and auy watchful eyeI to keep OD


picltup, $10, $15 delivered. Phone


them. JIb. 897-6921.

BORATOR pads for sale at The Miami Ouette. 106 S. Main St. Wll7Deaville. 18nctf

Be&l Estate


liKe new.



JODI' ~ .



Herman W.ver 897·7816

, Nitio~

No. 2220

vme iD the . .&8 of Ohio.


JefrJ Hoffmann 897-4268 Scott Remley 897·2630


. lDcludiDI ~=~:




Ph: 897.ee61 ISotf H0B8m3 and pome. for . . . W'ill board hOlla Ph. ",·2109. " ISotf



WHEN buying ,01' .eUing real .tate why ·~ot call ua. We , have eaplable ...~ per80DI in JQur .". " , help

BEJ;lUcE .fe· aD$l fPi witli ~ , UbIMi'l ~ ...acn~..r ~ rwaur pilli W'lb~ - Dl'ut; ' ~- I, r " . " ScS

Call No: '70

other acte 'of

WE W'uh to up~ our sincere ~pl'8Ciation for the many acta of kindnfllll shown to us duriD« our nceilt bereavement. Signed The family of Lawrence "Larry" Browu. 7c1

1I0DEt,.riOO> M~ltilitfi·~.t 'print~

Bank a.r.ion No."

~';~CO::!!~~ank 'of W."....

at the . . 01 bam. on J~ 80, 1969 publilbed iD ...... to oaIlllllde by 'oompaoUer of the CUI'I"eDCJ. uoder SecUoa 6211. , UB. am.d .&&ute.

.t ,



Wa and due

UIlPOIted debita) . ,.f 78&,00'J.67 U.8. Treaaury _uritie. .•..•........•...........•..•. ',' ~- ... , 1.811.810.00 8eeuritiea of other UB. Government ~ eorporatioDl ., &0,000.00 ObUptiODl of 8tate. aDd political aabdivilioDl , •••• ~ ..•••.• ~ . . . • 411.170'Other IlCuritiea (iDcludina ,'1,000 corporate 1tOck) ••••••••• '.. • . 10.000.00 Federal fuada IOId and purclwed under qreementl to from banb (incJndbIK 'NONE


,..n . ...


-.000.00 \ .• , .... ...,&aA~a UaDa ' ................... ~ ............................. " ...... " .......... ~ ...... - . .... . .. . . .... ....... fIIIVV~ J;Jank Pf8IIliIeI. furniture and fisturel, and .other .-te repre, IIDtiai bank p~ ................................... It'1,266.Q,2 Other . . . (iDcl~ INONE direct Ieue fiaa~) ••••.•.... 7.698..&9 ,' '1'Ol'AL AS8E'l'8 , ... ~. .. "......................... : ...,~709.~ LlABILJ'rIm Demand depoeite of individuall. putnenbipe, and corporatioDl • ·12,08&8'78.21 Time aod depcMltl of individual-. putaenhi_ and jr;• • • • • •


• oi . . . . ~.. ~ • • . . . . . .

J L. ~

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... :............


corporatioDl ••••.••••••••••••••• I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 6.261."'..87 DIpoIita of, United 8tate. Government •...••...•••.••••••••••. 87."".68 , Depoiita of 8tatel and, poHticai IUhdivilioaa .................... _767.81

Certified aod 'offICeIS' cheob. etc. • ...••,' ..•.••.• '..•••.••. ~'. ' • '.l'(}TAL DBP08lT8 •..••.••••...••••...•••..••• ,,,,711.'7".01 (a) Total demand ""ta .................... ·12.868.500." (b) Total time ..... depoiita •••••••••• ~ ••• ~"'.07 ~ 1iabWt* ... ~ .... l' ......................... .. .... ~ ..................... ~


171.218.00 .

KIlSRRVE8 ON IA)AN8 AND 8BCUB.I'l'ID Bill ,. had debt ~ Oil .,... (let up punuant to JB8 ruliDp)' ••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• ·.f ... oil Ioau ........ ~... .............. ... . .... . .... ....... ...... . .

h. . . .



fl . "




.. ..

'1'01'AL .LIABILI'l'ID ..•••• • •••..•..•..•... : ..........888.710.01









••••••••••••• ;.........................

..IIbJl'.U BE81I'Jt.VE8 ON LOANS AND 8BCt1JU1'ID ..•f lOUlt.'I7' CAPITAL .OOOUNTS · , ", C'aPlta1.iotai ••.•.•...••••••••• ~ .••••• ; . . . . . . . • •. • . . . .• 419,039.71

Equity , Common 8&ock.&otal par vaiue .......... ~ ......... ' ,,, • . .. . .







No. IhareI ou&ItaDcIiaK 1000


.............. ' 0' ...................' .


e o. . . . . . . ' , '

......... "

211. . ..00

• • • • •

PIOfi" .••.••• , ..•• ~ ••...••.......••..•.•,....... lIt.0It.71 TOTAL CAPITAL AOOOUNTB ....................... , _ _.n TOTAL LlABILlTlIiB. B_VB8. AND CAPITAL '




. . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . .


" , 1IIDlOBANDA, , A~ af to&II ..,." b &be 16 ·eallDd.r dan eadiJta' ,

*....aa ". date



............................................. ~.. ............... .. •.. 11.7• •-


Awr:ri~~~ .~. ~,~ .~~ .~~.~. ~ ~, ~~ 'ti l ' " W.- eom..r,



ViDe Fra • Cuhler 01 &be .v.UIMCI buk .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftIPCIIt af . . . to 1M .... . Of ad bIIiIII. . . ' . iwu. W. 0 0 _ . . W.. 1M ...................... die eon.a•• Of tIdI ..... 01 .....· lilKeb.

'IiM· .............


............. aIIat laM . . . . .a .Jm-.I I . . . . ....,.............. ~



m ,""



bJ _ ... to 1M ...... oar ,.


" 1Laa- . BAatUIY .. . .



. . .. I'OJUlA& ' '," ."


QSED CWl1U!S - 8birtt-BIo-. ....;.S~ ,and @weaten 10e ,A.T STUQ eaeh-alao, Diah.-Lanlpe. 1Ian, lteliatered American Saddlebred other odda and ucla. Brandy. Oddt Gnde rn... aoeepted. 11'.. ..,1.00 a' ,and Eacla Store 29G E, Kain 8t. ,time " of .rvice. Live foal guaran· ' Han'eyahur& Ohio. 48ctf teed. Far Hilla Stable, O'Neale Rd. Ph. 897-6948. IDctf COLD Sprinp Beauty Shop: 'W'aD take appointment. anytime. Ph. - JODI 897-43t1S. Uctf SHOE REPAm SERVICE 140 SO. Main St .• Waynesville, Ohio. JANIE'S Q e aut, 8hop".0990. Mon.·Bat. 9 a.m. to 8 p,m. Cloted Way.neeviUe Bellbrook Rd. - 8um· Wedneeday. lSetf mer Houn: Wed., Tbun., • lI'ri. TOY ,Poodle Stud ' Service, AKC Only By Appointment. Ph. 80·7861 , lISoti l • ~.ered.White or Apricot. 160. PAINTING Phone 897,"61.



kindneM shown to me and my fam· ily during my recent -stay in the hoepitai and aiDce my return home. Harriet Barnard 7cl






Appointmen~ on1y~ P~one 89~"148.

. 1 WISH to thank everyone for the

Blue Walnut ' couch with carved walnut frame, ~ .I condition. Individual China ealta. : 39$ North 'S t. 'at ~rn~r of 4th, Waynesville, O. 897-4691. 6ctf


\ Boticea

or immediate neighborhood. Bettie Brunton. Phone 886-7718 after ,6 :80 p.m. • 6(12

clU'Cla. fIowen




WANTED: Baby litter in my home

ioo, removed with Blue, lAJatre arpet shampoo. Waynesville Furniture Co. 7cl



on you? We may need .omeone in your neichborhood. No obligation. Immediate openinp in Corwin, New Burlinston & Wayne TowDlhip. For interview in your home phone 426-0309. ' 703 ,

RABB1'l'8, FryeJ'B, live o~ dressed. 3-1/2 mi. North of Corwin on New Burlinpon Rd. 7c2 OLD Spinet Type Desk & miae. other old furpiture. 1 Main St. Spring Valley. 1·862·"90, 1·842-ti65. 7ncl THIS IIPOt that epot. traffic path!!

, ' 897-19U.

ment jn WQnemne.

7c1 DOES an AVON Repte.entative can



For Bent"

FOR .BENT: Two belUuom ap

WANTED: Baby litter for 1 child, preferably in my hom6r in the Lytle


Funeral ' aervices were conducted at 10 a.m. , Friday at St. Au~e's Cliure at ;Wayneaville ,for Lawrence E. Brown, ;4" of Waynesville Route 2. Brown died T~esday at Ket· tering Memorial ,Hospital. He is surVived by his ' widow, Grace, 'two daughtera, Mrs. Ei1~en Roberts of inciJmati and Mra. Patricia' WeUs of Clifton Springs, N.Y.; ' two 10"', F. G. Brown of D~tor, DI. and Dr. Lawrence O. Brown of BI(N)~gton, Ind.; 12 grandchildren; a silter Mary Btown and a brother; Morri. , Brown both of Wayneaville. , , Burial wu in Miami :eme· tery at Corwin. ,

(continued fro. pa,e 1) ' school music .clepariment. It Wal aIlIlounce4 during other busmess that the 1969 senior clu,had. offered _ZOO , in a j~int effort between it an~ , ~he\ Waynesvil1e Liona , ' Club for the purpose of erect· "ing' a buUetUt. bo~" in ftont of the new Wayne~V'ille High School. The ,b oard dis~sed II "pecial dedicatio.. setvice for die n~w high ~Ch()o1 and Aug. was seC tile tentative' date I' Member, mo ed to meet I during spuw ' ,seaaion ~t f ' p.m. July 22 to ~ian the dediprogram~ · ,I




(contiAued ~rorn page 1) Styera, fir. t yur; Herb, V augh~ fint year; Herb McI Millan, IeCOnd year; Manhall .Piler, eeCo~ year an~· Tom HattOn, put praident.

It; L HAWlClNS F~l aervices were COil' ducced at 10, ••m. ~onday ,at . the Fairvi~ Baptist Ch1irCh at Bellbrook for former Waynaville Mayor' Robert Lealie Hawkins, 80. ' HawlWu, who aerved ~ . Waynesville Malor." from ,' 19'8-19'9, d I ~~ Thursday morning a,t Kettering , Memo· rial HOIpital. . ; He is ' .~ved , by hja .. widow, Mattie, three ~...,

JUri Miller, a new member, wu also inltalled by Trt!llier flardin. Miller WAI .pouorecl by Harold Anderspn.

laundry! '" To IID8I'f moBi ' -owever, who are makin " til , modem

Lealie, Robert and Prancia and a daughter, Mr.. VRgUUa Smith, all of W ~ynesville, 13 granclchi1dre:n and t h r e e great.graadchildren. Burial was in Miami V dey Memory Gardena.

A cold IIboaIcIer aD be a aooct

tbiat. , . 1iIHqultoeI . . JDOIe , ....., to bite a warm .tin . . . tIwa a eold 0 ....

n you are average, you have .bout 17 square feet of skin which weight about five pounds. It can be protected against inIeCta in a new way. DOW that "6-12" Insect Repellent is avan. able in a new cream form. The lightly scented lotion smeU. good to people but terrible to bupl


enzYme ~ a ermanent part of ,their lau~r , routine,


It. "Play BaD!" signals the beginning of a ne" bueball leaaon, miRiOM of Little Leaguers are pulling outbat&. mit~ and uniforms and rulh~ ing off to an.-er the call. To millions of mothers, however, "Play ~!tf means a new series of battle. with gnu stains, mud and dirt, perspiration and grime. Junior may be the hitting star of his team, but ,his


Uniforml 'an~ I pract~

TIt~ Boosten Club .and fame ilies ~e~ ,a .,lcnic on Wedna-

clothea now ~ ~r threat. ' Labo~torlea b;Jye _~~eveloped the modem e~me pre-eoak to attack stub~m IPf88I 'stains and ground-in dirt &nel griJDe 10 that they .imply ' ,Vuh out afterw" in the" regular laundry. The Axion Jabo111tories report also that beca!"'l! enzymes work on stains and ~lot on the fabric, pre-lOaking ]' as safe and' as effeCtive foi iuJ'. ,best ~ and mother~ delieate washable blouses as it is fo~ that basebaUuniforml. And the Axion "brighteners" ;work during th~ pre-soak period to get whites whiter and to bring out nell!.. .,rightness in 'colc~rs.


eve.ung at the home .of ,

Mr•. uonard 'Davia of Wade • f ~ t Street. The la~es garc:len dub held iu meetinJ at the home' of Mts. Sollnader of Richland Road WeCinesday afternoon. Mt....·d, Mr•. Richard Hall , ~f Stred: 'rec~dy via· ited Mr_ 'a bd Mr•. Cecil Me· Knight of Portsmouth. . Mr.. and Mr... Raymond 0.bome of Xenia were recent evening callen '\t' the home of Mr• .,and Mo. Ralph ,Dat of Main Street. , Mr. Harold Burns of Daytoll was a recent ' witor of Mr. and' M~•. Clarence Burna ~ of Main 'S treet. Mr. and Mrs. William MiJ. ler of Big Stone Gap,' Va. were recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover, Rasnic oE W~ut Street. The Maler. ~e former Sprin, Valley rf!" ideftts. . ~. ~ley Mathew. of Bellbrook Avenue 'is a patient ~t ~eeDe' M~orial Ho..,ital, Xenia.

M. .





While Neil Armst rong, Buz Aldrin and Mike Collin s turned the hi$torical cide of manki nd Mond ay at TraJ)quility Base on the Moon" the nation took a holida y to pray 'and to observ e The Onite d States ' most courag eous citizens. tMoon day' didn't go un, notice d Qere in Wayn esville . Attt:acti'Ve v i It age business woma n t\1rs. Steve Fields , owner of Lynn' s ~ress Shop, helped soothe .the anxieties of towns people here with a little lunar 'leviW of her own. uGone To The Moon , Be Back Tuesd ay 9 a.m." ~ead the sign in her shop window on Main Street . The ' publishet's and s~ff of The Miam i Gazet te, Mr, and' Mrs. David Edsall , .. Mr. and ~rs: Regin ald Hi.ll, . ownet -publi shers, Denni s Dalton, Editor , Charm aine Ba'nas, Assoc iate Editor and Mrs. John Vair, wome n's news

.editor projec t into Gazet te space today their ~sonal congrandario~ to Neil, Buz and Mike.

An appar ent s",icide T ~es­ day two miles 'west of Harveysb urg is still under inves· tigatio n by the Warre n Count y Sherif f' 5 Depar tment . The body of 64-yea r-old Mrs. Leota Pendr y was dis· · covere d about 6 p.m. in ' a pond on the Louis R. Mahr t farm I~n Carter Road. Mrs. · Pendr y who was visitin g th e farm was a reside nt of Fulton Street, Wilmi ngton . Mrs. , Pendry~s body was found floatin g near the pond's dock by her son-in ·law Charle s Price of Harve ysbur g. Price and his wife, Marje an, had stoppeC! at the' Mahr t farm dutfn~ 1 a routin e 'visit to feed the cats and horses . Tim~ of 'death was e'-ti· mated . by: , Warre n Count y author ities at three to six hours prior to discov ery of the body. Mrs. Pendr y, a .widow, i. surviv ed by Mrs. Price, Mi~i Gazet te news corr~pon- ' dent, and three brothe rs: Funer al arraJlg ement a are being handl ed by die Fisher Funer al Home at Wilmingt~n.

cident a .ocdar red Saturda~, evening . at the intersectiolll of Ohio 42 and State Route 73 at the s~uth edge of, the villag~. Wayn esville Pdli~e Chief Elvin HitchcQCk of Leban Charle s ' LeMa y is keyed ·up on demol ished his car after over a local proble m. losing contro l of it on thl~ wet He is still waitin g for ownhighw ay and smash ing' loto ers to claim severa l sets of car the traffic light contro l '-box and ~ous~ 'keys turned over at the , interse ction to j1im during and since the ', ' Waynes~l1e Count ry Fair, , Hitchc ock was drivin g east his l l whej 73 Route ~n State • Any person s who may have e car went ' out of contr o. ,H lost keys , can con~ct Le~ay l ~(~ntro light broke . off the at the Wayn esville Police anoth er post. . Dc;par~ent. Keys can be struck bOx then , I claime d · with prope r iaentitaken to Ketl~e~ing He fkatio n. Memo tial Hospi tal by S~tubbs Chief L e May also an, Ambu lance 1Set-vic,e. At Ket. nounc ed. that s9licitors are tering , he was treate d fOI, mulrequir ed to ' check in ~t the '. tiple 'cuts to the t headI and An appea l for 10 pin" of police depar tment for the isneclc and ,severa l brokeliL rib$. blood h., been .made in 'the - ~uance of a sales , permi t. 'Hitch codc was cited f.rlf e::area for Clyde ~ V~, father . Wayn esville has an oJ"dincesslve speed for the road Dale Le Van of •Wayn esanee agains t house to house ", of _..!II • condit iona. YlUC. solicita~on in th~ village after A two car '~ccident W'a5 reo ~lood donati~1lI caD ' he 6 p.m . .It permi ts ' solicit ing in ' Tucs~ a.Qt. 1'0:0' ~~ C9rd~ made J,y phoni nS' 461·' 367 'fo~ the villag e only betwe en 9 day .at! the' ~ter eetion. ' a.m. and 6 p.m appoiDanait. Doae n may ,0 'ly ~., 4Dd Mn.' 191ui 'LeMa y · said that· all sales- give blood at the tY Fideli 30 r, lftvin,lIt d o''''Sp rin. Valley wue mea alid . IOlici ton must first , Blood Cente aonb Oil Ohio 42 apply for • permi t at the Meclical Build i... 211 SoatIa • &!--. Da ~ , were struck by a ear police deput mCllt . They will Main . P,. ~ will ... .... ' ~, Ruth Brown of . be isluecl a petmit after a ..... . fdi* 'Mn. Brown dfllv]i! cLeek ia.clucliDa the .hie. at five .... .. , . SIreet _ tIae path of the 0.,.. . Be t.e r BuUa eu ... '-Ia aMi 1111 (coati.llec:t 'oa pase











'Ige, 2

WI,nlsvilI14'~H Irs

Tally ,Wana CDIOty Fair Prizls ,


included, Grand Poll e d Hft'eford, Champion breeding gil Junior Showmanship, Dairy Judging, Grand , Cit mpion Guernsey, and second place Hog Showmanship. Kenny Peters, son ,f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth PetE'rs, Sr. of Waynesville cornerc~d the Shorthorn ' prizes. Kenny, a six '1ear 4-Her with the Warren Count.y Beef Club, had the Grand 'Champion Sho'r thom heifer, Grand Champion Shorthorn steer and Reserve Champipn Shorthorn .steer. Pat Grieshop and Milton Cook won the Wat'ren:oun~v Safety Speaking Conteslt. Bot!l . participated in the District Contest at Miamisburg, where they were defeated by Butler . County participants. : Other 4-H fair winners in. cluded:. Jeff Watkins, S~ine Junior Showmanship; Jeff Showmanship; Sheep Junio.r Hildebrecht, Swine Senior Showmanship, Teresa Dr~is;

'!'he MIAMI GAZE'l'TJ.: P.O. Box 78 -

Phone 897·5921 ,

pUblillhed each Wednelday at Waynesville, Ohio. Subl!Criptinn price $3.00 year. Newatand price lOe per eopy. . })ennis Dalton .•...... . .. ...... , ...... , ...• .. . .. , .. .... ,....... F..dit", David &isaD ......... , ........ , ...................... ·Genera' MInager Reginald O. Hill ..•... . ......... .... . , .. .. ,........ Advertising MaDBgflr Obarmaine Banas .......... .. .. - , .. .... , .. . .' _... , . . . . •. A~ooiate Editor Reginald Q. Ifill, Dn\'irl Erlsull . . : . • .............. . ... . . : ' . . .. , ""IIIi~llf'ro; pel'

P.O. Bllx



WIIYllrs\·ill ..: Ohi" 4,.j(IfIR

Grand Champion Pen of three hogs, Steve Fricke; ~eserve Charnpicm pen of three sheep and Sheep ] udg. ing, Jim Keethler; Grand Champion Breeding Gilt of . All Breeds, Pat Griesliop, Champion carcas, Jeff Watkins, Beef Judging; Dick 0'Banion and Hog Judging, Kenny Vincent. All these prize winner 4Hers are members of the Waynesville Green ' Thumbers headed by Charles Stiles.

Names· Sta.l f Guy Eldet of E1cler Re~lty has -announlced several new sales people joining his staff. . They include: Rita Elder, Betty Martin, Gladys MacFadden and ] ean Younce. , Elder Realty i. located at '9665 Gebhart Road near Lyde•

AX.I. ROUB BAlfXIHG- Use our 24 hour .

deposi tory Qr· bank by mai 1.'

DBIVB-IH BAlfXIHG - The easy way to bank. Al1 : ~ou need is an accoun~ and a car . . '

OBBOICHG AOOO;uBTB- 5nia"'l servi ce charge - Only '$:SO ,per month. .


David O'Banion was one of the biggest 4-H prize winners. Above he displays his trophies and project pri~es. Waynesville 4-Hers .dis· tinguished themselves during the 118th aDIl~ Warren County Fair by taking several cop hon~rs.

David O'Banion, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee O'Banion of Waynesville earned possi. bly the biggest share. His fair ~complishments

The Warren County Historical Society's. pop",lar annual Flea Market will return co the Warren County Fair. grouncls Swaday, July 27. ' . This wdl known ar~ea outdoor antique show ~"at be conducted. from 10 a.m.-' p.m. More than 70 dealers will be hosted by' 1OCiety.

. SA.VD'GB- 4% Interest - Now ' compOunded and paid QUARTERLY. Yo~r-savings · earn mo're wi th us.

Raleigh P4Ppe, presi(iau oE

the' ~hUtorica1 society, :hu ailnounced that M9. Left. Irons'

. ·Marshal's Greatest Battles " . Cowboy"$ Don't Cry ' Miss Owen-Owen Robert KennedY';A Memoi r

by by by by

Zhukov Davis Forster Newfield



will .chair~ the .ev~c. · ~rr.dliam · DeWcrt wiD lbe the m~er• Volunteer workers are requeSted to Contact ~ther Mrs." Irons or P9Ppe.

Lunda and soft drUm Will , be served on the p'O~lBda by . biatorical society meml~en. uPcoming flea auidtet ' is an important funel . raiser for the \Varreil' Coun,t y Hiscorial Society MUI4mDl. ,Lebanon.

HARDWOOD' 'liIIS ' $2.~O-$3.00





REG • $1.07

IIIIT 111,11 -





REG~' 19¢




EMERGENCY 897-7866




, July 23, 1969 '

.... --


annual p.O ., subs cri ption

the MIAMI GAZEnE . I NAME __~__~~~__~~~~~~ I " I ADDRESS ~-....:.;;;..~~------.:..~~~ STATE ..~~..;;......a.._






--:-- -

PHON.E __ __ _~-







- _w ;:::-- ;.J ~.\-,. ~~



Getting the

Mid ~d8 eabom ; a Eor~ mer Waynel,ville rCfldent, • ..-

new Mias At. water at ·Rabto n Puk, Calif. during Indep endm ce Day _- . . festivities. Linda, • poised , feet 8 inches, u the' daup ter of Lt.




chartt ling beauty queen . will eJll'Oll at Wrip t State University here thi. fall. She '. will be ,an art major . Linda will reside in Dayton with h~ aunt and uncle, Me. and Mrs DOnald. O.t;;Oni: . . .. The new Mi.. Atwater has ,. sister, MrI. John (Pegy ) ~e

Nata also of Atwater•. Nates and Lc. CoL O.bema are both .tioD ecl at Cude M Porce . Base. I.e. COL Qihom , _ Air hu serYecl Force with alae ~ . . 1942.



PH. 897.-4896

=~' ~~~


0 .. ~ t' B. e. Rober Mr..Van Col. l'errac of 1629 bom ' and The atcr~ve blond teenager it alao tile arand daupfer of Mr. and Mrs. ' HarOld o.bora ~f Main Street ' Way- ' neaville. Linda, 17, wu~ selected by a panel of four judges during ' the kick-off of Atwater's Fourt h of July Celebration . . , She told contest Mute r of . Ceremonies, Joe MacDoJlald, that .he planned to be interior decorator.. .



Mill Oteryl Atilt were trimmed with Venice lace. daughter of Mr. and A makhcng Venice ~ace ' Ralph Fed'eJ:'le of 9110 Five ~oints Road, W,ln:rru~.­ bow held three tier. of orc~id ville, ~as joined in -.;..~;.. "" ... veiling. She carried a nosegay of orchid po~ pom mums. to ThoMas Albert Hrc'dclinal~. sQn of Mr. and Mrs. T b e briddmaicb, M i .s ' Nancy Federle and MQa Don 8rodc~an of' 3738 Editor. Note: Mra. Lucille Run Road, Spting Valley Sat. na Kiein, wore gowlll and carCook of Waynaville baa acurday, July 19. rieef flowers identical to those cepted the position of Corwin Reverend Jo.eph P. Ari <:lres of the maid )of honor. news correSpondent for the perforntep the double ring Mr. Anthony Vint attellded . Miami Gazette. Mr.. COo\ is ceremony at half past ' in the groom as best m~. Mr. all active' member of die cOlt'. the morning at St. Franci De Stephen Federle and Mr. Euwin P_~taI Church and Sales Church in Lebanon. The gene Carrcf served .81 ushers. '. ~ted' with the viibdde was given in ma .iage The mother of the bride .... At the ' present, Ml's. by her, famu. wore an aqua crepe princess~k it baving • phone in. Miss Federle wore a fo line gown featuring ' a jewel ..,.lIeel her home. News gown ~E whi~ .ilk or 'anza neclctine and Vmice lace trim. ' items of Corwin may be subfeaturing a Peau D'ange lace, , A lac~ coat cO$pleteid . the mitted during the interim to '. empire bodice with long bri- - ensemble. Her COl'aage was of Mn. Cook's aiatet, Mrs. Bffie del point sleeves and scalwhite orchida. I Parton at 897·"96. loped neckline. ,T he n'lotLer 'of the groom Mr. and !\frs. Kyle Wopda The A-line slcirt ended in a . wore a one-piece dress of soft and son are va~atfoning in . scalloped Peau D'ange lltempinlc silk with cut-out apWest Virginia this weelc. line. A clu.~ ol lace al) pliques. Her corsage 'was also pliques trimmed with pearl!' of white o~ds. " . Mt. , Lorenzo Neace has r~­ \ hela her dlr~·tierecl, ~ rute, An evenittg wedding turned home follo,nng sur, English illusion veil. tion was held at the St. Fran- gery at Grandview iH~.pita1 at I Th~ bridal bouquet i~clud­ cis De Sales Parish Hall. Dayton. eel white camations and 81weet, Mter a w~ding trip to heart roses. . Flo~ida, the couple , will re, Miss Phyllis Anp Lin~.uer, aide at Kettering. . maid of hon~, wo~e a Ilown The bride is .: graduate of . of orchid chiffon styled iin an Waynesville High School and em p ire A-line with full ,attended' Wright State Unisleeves. . vemty. , "The- bodice 'and ' 4.~e. . T'be ,room is • sracluate of








By PAT VAIR Waynavil1e - 897.6826 , milesI to a castle; T~esday ,the girls enjoyed an all-unit lwim in which they t~ok first home Sunday, July 20, from Miss PatriciA: Ann Monciay, place in the marble game; a two-week vacation apent at daughter' of ~. and ,~& Wednesday morning, all the home of Mr. Irelan'. parEvan Monday of Cincin~ti units had a progressive breaken~, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. became the bride of Douald faSt and in the evening an Irelan of Pompano Beach, Fla. E. Coffman, son of Mr. and Mra. Gary, (nee' Deb- .,:impressive flag ceremony was Mrs. J. ~ e s Coffman of obi e r v e d ; basket-weaving, bie Irelan) and Ion, GregOry, Waynesville ' Route '2 , on Fricamp crafts, and archery were accompanie4 them to Florida day, July 18, at the Pe,ntL"Costhe activities experienced o~ and flew home on Tuesday, tal Church of God at Dodds. , Thursday and Friday. , July 15. The ,Reverend James (':offAn all-~t campfire, was Mis. Karin Lee Knowlton man, father of the groom, per. the highlight of the week and of Pompano Beach, niece of formed the double ring It:erethe girls were awed by the Mr. Irelan will be a guest of mony at half after seven ceremony of being conducted her relatives who reside in the, 0'elocle in the evening_ Altar to and from the campfire by area. ' decorations were gladioli and torch light. majestic daisies around anSaturday mOJ:ning the ' girls ' tique ' candlell,l~ra. Seyeral members of the were packed . and ready uo ' Waynesville High School StuThe bride, given in m~r. leave for home after a ~ear'ty dent Council are attend~g riage by her 'father, we,re .\ breakfast and a good camp the O.A.S.C. at Ohio Northfloor-length, white satifl 19own clean-up session. ern this week. They are Suzie witJ:i an overlay of silk orf~anza Troop 1469 enjoyed the H art soc II:: , Pat , Grieshop, which featured a round flCOOP funpacked week but they were " neckline 'a nd elbow lengtb bell Christie Rickey, and Ronnie all \lappy to be back home, , sleeves. The empire trailn of ' Sackett , ~ according to leader~. organza liIce tile .~own, MiN Vicki Vair experiwas trimmed with lace £l.L>werr'l The ax mat was used by enced her fir.t "slumber par- " accented with sequins and. Group 704-C2 of the Boy pearls. Her ' elb~w length veil ty," Friday, July 18. MilS w.. awarded to Eagle Scouts Kathy Cllapman of Kettering of illusion was held oy a Dior IllS. DON~ E. coFFMAM ~Ut, r McCulloch who and Mias Terri Arnold ioined bow. She carried a catscade ~ellow and white dai.ies ,in a was voted'" the beat scout on T' wu yellow aDd white Vicki at her Grandfatlter irebouquet f..hioned of white white basket. c:arna- . the Philmont Trails by his camationa and white daisies_ lan'. home in the family DUmY Coffman, brother of ticDl. contingent. A l'U'epaOD was held in the Mrs. Bill Laml-. iister of campq. GRANGE NO. 13 the poom. wu .,th.: bat man. social room of the Wa,..esthe bride, was matron of To attend a ' fair is great '~ Jimmy Coffman, bro- Yille Uni_ Methodiat honor. Her gown was, pale The Rainbow Girla would fun but the real enjoyment ther of the JfOOII', served.. ' Olurch immediately 10Uow· sreen ' whipped cream crepe IiIce to expreu their appreappean to come from active and' dotted', swiss which fe<l- ' riDS bearer and the tlihen iaS the c.emODY. ciation for all of ' the help partiCipation. There was a were ~ser Lamb and jay . Mia ,i s a .-duate tured tiny sleeves an.e! , W:lS they received in their very lot of "active participation" Budde. of PrineelDll Hisb School at , IUCC~EU1 paper ,d rivel accented with white 121ce~ A Mr.. Benny Purkey, organ' Oneinnaa and attau1ed Or.l sma . green bow held her amon, ,v anous f,l'an$e memLATE INFORMA110N " ·ben on W~y Bight, . short veil. She carried ,al white .ilt, ~.".ued Mr. Bill W. · Rohetu Uaweriity in Tuba, Lamb who ~, ' "Loving Me Okla. baht of small yello1~ and Girl Sco~t Troop 1469 of . Jufy 16. . ' ' Wi~ All Your Hearc'· anJ The poOm paduated from Wayneaville attended T.A.C, white daisies. They were busy preparina "MOre." , W.,.."rue HiP School an.t Miss Delores Coffm2lD, si,~p- June 22-June 28. A their abibits for the judging The mother of the bride is DOW employed at Frisidaire , ter of the groom, anell Miss FOUP of 32 sir~' and 4 which took place tater that wOre a whi~ bit trimmeel Divilioll Of GeIleral Moton lit Kathy Lewis were bridcslmaids. mothei:a, which included Mrs. evening. .Tho a e diligently with sreen. Her accessories DayIDD. Theil' costumes and l:lowers Marsie Stamper, Mra. Bailey, "wcnldD,8 fQr Waynesville were white and her 'cOnage, Mr. aild f4n. DoNdd ,l!. ~e ic:lefttical to those of the Mr•• Ed 'POcteDSU, Mrs. Grange No. , 13 were Horace of yellow and white carreside at . the matron of honor. J~ ' Vinson al~o ;Weed Shaner, Mastft of the Grange, nations. Townh.cnue Apartmeata. 7 T~e flower girl, Miss. Paula Camp Butterworth located Jean Shaner, Jesse and Grace Northern, The groom', mother chose , Street. Wayaewille, was a miniat~t:e, of Deat' Mainville later that , Prenderpf ;- Law:eDce Fura peach colored drea with after a honeymoon uip to the the attendants. Her ,gOWD was nace, ' ,Mrs. Mary 'Miehener, 'aftemooL ... ' white acceaaories. Her' South. yellow and her flowers were Their week the ' "Troop , Mrs. Marian Bamhart, Ernest 'and Sar.L. Q,ok; Nts. Janet , Adventure Camp" pr~ved to Maclnnia and Lorin 'ancf\ Debe, exciting. A aample of the airla' buSy schedule follows: lores "Houah. The poater work wu ~~ ' by Miss RebecMonday,' th~ hiked ca Ptoeadergut. . , It- was ~teteltiDg to', note some. of the community ser· Yica ot ,!,1Udi Gran. U had Mr; and Mr.. How'w F_ cOntrihutect " Cookies ' we r e Be~ner. " Jr. ~ of W~t1~ made and diatrihutedj' a ,local aIUlounce' the en~le'Il~ of paper ... HIlt to local Ier!, ,'their daUJhter, ToBi ~ :'YicemeDj r dOaadoiia to

,Mr. and Mrs. Dick Irelan of '81 North Street returned





" )








chad"'~ ..~ Were

made·, . nies were funUahed ' 'f . the f~~ at the. fai£ and donatioDa wue "made to ~


, .. Boy'~ Those workia" fO~er in , . the Gran. ha¥e mjo,ecl a " very fru.itful aad beneficial year, KCOrdin. CD the ' local



, &~ .






'Alan' ~~ .• ' soil of. , Mr , and 'Mrs. l Doaald R. B~tp of -4868 lfrilminCton

~ilte, '~~'.

'I1le " B "n n era E.)rmerly lived ' ~ 1C~1 " for ~e'

yean<" on :.Anaa.belle'· Drive.

" I

Toni and Mkhael u ; both graduatea , of Furmorlt But High ' School-, 1~;7 , ~d


1966 respectively. Mias Beimer attend,eel Oto. , tubein College at "I)" estervill~ for one year 'and"is 'now enrolled '~ ~ jWii~r al~ Riveraide-White <!ross .ScI1lool of ~ursin., Columbus. The , -school ia affiliated OhiO • Ada. 'Northern Univenity Mr. Hartman

speech .major. He it .....pI•• ~ .~mw. Bpeiloa FraterDity ,and ftce.,P"Sicleat &om 0teemeiD ~ " of the spuch hoaoaI:r. Pi ', ~ eoaaU '.. plmabl a




~ ~

will. __ r," ~.n'"





Warren !County gard,e ners went on a holiday of theme and color as illustrated by this page of posies picked b,r Miami Gazette cameras. ~

, The following entries' won' under festival holiday ,divisions: 1. Washington's IBirthday, 1st-Bessie Cobbett:, 2nd -Janet MacInnis, Wnynes~ , ' i ' ville; 2. Labor Day, Ist--Bes- ' sie Cobbett, '2nd-Janet MacInnis; 3. New Years, lst -:Clara Keith, 2nd - G)llett~ Wake; 4. Lincoln's Birthday, ls~~ara teith, 2nd .:...- Ann Hilt; 5. Valentine's Day, 1st .- ' Shirley Hawley~ 21~d Vivian Voarhisi 6. St. Patrick's Day, lst-Gladys Whitacre, 2nd '- Vi'vian ' Voarhis; 7. Easter, 1st - Millie jSettlemire, 2nd - ' CI~ra Ke'i th; 8. Mother's. Day, 1st - , Oara Keith, ,2nd - Sandr.a ~~rown; 9. Father's bay" 1st .~ Shirley Ha~ley, 2nd, - Pearl Eaton; JO. Independence pay, 1s~Mrs: GQ'rdon ~..,l~, ~:nd , ~ (No. 612) ??; 1'1. Tllanlcsgiving, 1st - S~irley Hra~ley, 2nd -' Eleanor Gros;s'; 12. , , ChristmaS, 1st - ,Clat;a Keith, 2nd - A4n Hill. " •

. III '


Junior lQivision 1. Flag Day, t'~t-Tiin Hill, 2ncl S ndra CobbJbtt; 2. 'H alloween, Ist~usan ' Whit¡ ac:re, 2nd - John Hill. ' Tri Color Award )-- Mrs. Gordon Wyles - Mai~fviUe- . Indepeiidence Day Entl~y.


raining hard north of here. one fann job thar A few week. ago an. area cousi~, and I did new.paper had p.ictures and uncle's big farm. We, an article on one of my pet cut off the Canadian istles peeve., tit e indesa.iminaie just under the ground and .praying of weed killer' ~long t hen salt the root. our roadsides. Just two thing~ this we:ather They called it uthe ugH • . is good for, to malee, the' corn fication of our roadsides." grow and to go SWimlt11ing. I ' Aullwopd, th~ Audobon Bitd How ' good that cool water I: Sanctary and Children Farm does feel! It IS nice to se:e the north of Dayton o~ the Still· papas -coming as well ·as the. water River was protesting mamas, the whole family comaga~t the practice. ing for a late aftet:noon Fine when carefully used to swim. 'kill poison ivy and s~me . 'I There is great varie'ty in ~ things like wild parsnips, but , suits or what passes , for suits they seldom clean up the dead this year, not much to , some b~sh that !~, l~ft ~ta~din~ and o{ them out they are n,ot all it does , not kill things lilee bik'"is. Some reall}' c~v,er up' Johnson g1:ass that has spread especially the front leaving from the south and j~ very the back bare. Most of them hard to kill. Canadian thistles ar~ in lovely, bright ~olors. are ,hard' to kiU also. Many Remember when we worel long pa~ches of them a1on!l' State, black stockings with our 'overRoute 73 have gone ' to seed the lenee length black ,or navy and I wondered what \wo~~d blue suits. Of course you don't hap~ if someone to\l,c~~d , b~t I do. ' a match to the fluUy mass of We haven't been to the fair .eed. yet, It has ben so hot, but, Would it go up in 'a puff ot we hope to malee it for the flame, or just fizzle and go grand parade. I like to go out and continue to seed the when they are just it " countryside with ~ore Cana· , up and the boys and girls are , dian thisdes. That was the shampooing their steer~ and

heifers and making, them 'oak all dean and fluffy. I,' it better to ·ha~e it early ip July and have it too hot .a nd things to show not ready ,or in September " and haye it • I raan.



Friday, July 18, 1969. Does the weather really . run in a seven day cycle? Sometimes it seems that way. Last"nutaday and Friday and the week be. fore that were hot and humid just like today ~d yester. ' , d ay. The '~lo:ver h~y is completeIy spoiied now. They brolee ' the hay rue trying to turn it over. ' Now that ~ mended ' bu~ there is nothing ~eft ~o do with tlte hay but' burn the winClrows and hope for better lllCk on the second , cutting, not eve~ "better than snowballs" as} ohn Richa~ds used to say. Th,is weather is good for growing 'crops but hard on harVesting them. Wheat is being 'c ombined all around, and our oats w.ould hav.e been' done llii~ afternoon but for that storm. It waS a Dry Ridge ' storm 'aild only sprinkted here but looked as though it wall



Oluekle-A-Day There W~I • ajp on the 'nudist ' colony late, "Clothed for the wiater."


our m a Ii y ,friends ~d neighbor. for the . eards, letters, prayer. aIld help durina my .tay in the hoapital. ' Bob Townaen'd to

'Used Oar or Truck .




at Stueve Ford 811 &. .. MAIN - MIAMISBURC. OHIO



.' _'FRIENDS HOME NEWS BY Nellie Bunnell

Mn. .Mary Thom.. Butneft


,... a Tuaclay cianer guat


Tbacbra aDd

oE here


with other frienda.

Carrie RuucU'. rlClellt viaitora were Mildred ' Pepper, Mar~ Robeflt- ' el Mildred Meloy of LebanO . '~ T.uchino .Kabhuhie wu a Tueaclay dinner pat of her IOn. George Kaltahaahie , anel family of Yellow Springs. Ann a Thacker., Nettie Palmer, Nellie BUDIlell 'and ' Opal Tressler visited "Hidden Valley Farm" on SatUrday. From 0,", uPorch," on lom.e Monday e'VeIlQlp we are very

much interested in the maneuvers of our "Fire Department,'" while tating ita equipmeat.

Thia put one wn no eXC:itD-' Monimia (HOB) Barker of aon • Liathic:erm Heights, Mel. and , The display 0.£ what ~ Louise (Hoalt) ,H enderfiremaB can do with their .on and daughter. of E1 P..~ .....d water wu retI1larli::ablle!' T e1f. who are viaiting theMia. Mariaml Logan • Keller How of Route 1, Mr.. Glenna Conner w'q e teftded Frienda Meeting on Museum viabon at Lebanon Sunday. on ,Tuesday. Mr. and Mn. Alvin Russell Nettie PaImer wat a Sun~~y . of Lebaoon eaIIed on thdr evening guest of her Ion. Robert, aBd children, Db- mother, Carrie RUliell, Weel.nesc:lay evenina ore aBel Brian. We are very arateful to Mr. and M,,-. Eugellne Mr. AlLert Stubb. fori the Compton of Mason we~e pesta of Ada Kelley one Clt\v gift of the very useful c'fans" this warm. weather. They ar.e






In Nprd to the we


three more have (,eeft

added and new boards put in all. We now have five and aU ,are in use at times. Thanb to who has provided them. Mrs Alvin Barnhart called at the Home on Friday mol'; nina. She broUght ... a large houquet of g1adio....

,try out.

Area ' artiaD will ~Ioaize for a day July 2'1 at " But Main Street, Lebanon for the fifth annual Arta and Craie. Sho;. Artiae. will be tetlin, up in the morning ~ior to tile


·abow'. openina at _ 12 , p.m. ' DOOa. The mow will remain


~ to

the public until 7 ,

Inteftlted artier. can COilIKt mow chainnan Raymoacl P. Adame, at ,LehanoD or coclaairmm Marpret Headeriaa and AI Tho... aJ.o of



' .

A "',,,- of ........ ea-

.... 01 IoaI wiI1 he '-cured . . . . cbe ' . .era! CIOUDty .... uea. . . . . who .

.m ......... wom.


••• " wHh





sdIItiftaIly WtioMd .... . CGIItroI .... I IIfIJ . .: . . ,' Far aettiItI III .... If posts. .

@mat'rOn9 '."



CUSHIONTONE® . T.IL~· P....lng pattern '



ac~uatlcal ~rfpratlOftl,


mond Brooks anc! Mt-•• MaJ,e:l man of 'Kings Mills were S1,1n, Terry . and Mrs. Clint Taylo r. ' regin met se GrAl::' Massie Mn. Marge Like and f~,­ and Mrs. Clint aylor. g ular .ession' Mond ay evenin iIy, Sandy , Linda, Danny an4~ "Rust y" aark accompanied r Palme Floy4 r with Maste Junio r attend ed the Warrelll his father ; Rortlli~, on a trip presiding: The .ewing and . to Parsippany, N.J. this weelc. Count y ~~ir Satutd ay Ilighjt• . held w~e t Laking contea Mrs. Sharo n ReiaingeJ' and The Eddie Cline family with the following winners: SODS of near Good Hope wel~e have put'chasect, and moved ng-aprQ sewin Muy Villar ., Sunda y guests of Mr. an,d · .' into the forme r Ralph Dawson work, Irma Taylo r, cooki ng-Mrs. Bv.erett Gordo n. hOJne on Main Street . s Villu sugar coolcies, Mary A lew local residents whicrh Mr. and Mrs. William Do~­ stcond .and Lucille Plymire attend ed a bridal shower he [d te~ attend ed the Doste r f amthird. .in honor of Vivan Hook : t .ily "tIeunion held Saturd ay at In this memorable meeting Springfield Churc h Frid~lY Pleasant Hill State l>ark at of the' Grang e the Golden night were Mrs. Karen Mille:r , Perrysvi[(~ . award W84 icate Sheat h Certif Mrs. Helen Wall, Mrs. Frarllc The BU of Jonah 's Run ed to, Clint and Irma Taylo r Gibac :,man d daught~s arad Churc h met Sunda r evening ship. ~mber of for fifty y~rs Mrs . . Kathleen Bogan arld r in the Social RO,o m and made . ') GWe~. 'They had both joined the Augus t plans for outdo cr Grang e in Blanchester but ~ .. and 'Mrs~ James Qaltls activities. . since 1936 their m$be tsrup s of Xenia were Sunda y gueuts ' Mr. and Mrs. E4 Burto n ' Massie ' in have botlt been 9f Mr. and Mrs. Char1 6 grandson, ent~rtained their e. ·Grang Pdce. John, Jr., to suppe r Tuesd ay The local Grang e also preCuI Barton and "Sandy" rant. night ~t the L & K Restau lovely a wi~ thettt' sented Clark '. ent~ined ~r. alBd The Ted Georges retu~ed' "Coff ee Canister" set and. ng Mra. Ronald Clark toJ d.imLer home Friday after .. camp; ' r peppe and salt ing matdr S~day evening at the L .& , K for several days at ~-owan .baker a in honor of the acRea~~ant in honor of Anlla~ l.ake. .Lori 'Carman .at;td,..Angie caaio~ them belle's Lirtbdtly. Clark had camped with ,r The comm"~ity extends it's until Wedn esday · /. J. congratulations, ~r. and. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Keite... Taylo r ,and your writer . is . ' .. of Bellbrook were Thuts day .,. proud to have bOWd you!! . Tetry the'. offh: :es of gueats 'of Mrs. Mabel st ' news. broa dcas.t from n 'w ith the late Dalto , . . RoLert Leon Qavia was re. . Lee ' T~adge visited aev. moved to Grandview Hospi tal '.:. ~' ~ eral lOcal residents Wedn MIAMI GAZETTE, on WH~M-WELX eve,ry Wednesday at 10 A.M~ :he atheart-a inS Tueid ay Edlloday, Romine Shum aker, Ray, . tacit. At this time, I!is condition is report ed to be g~d. . Mr. and M(s. lticha rd Koehl er '~f W~c:lwiCk, N.J. , were weeli:end' ~eSts of Mr. and Mrs. William Do.ter. , Mr, an~ Mr•. GeOrge w,JS ret4lrlled home this week from . oullan Manit at! • fis~g trip . t • I.Lutd . Miaa Maria nne ' Evela nd . , gradu ated Sunda y, June' .~? from Mt. Carme l School ' 01' Nursin.s .. ~~ ~cim;b~, She ', is the dauFt eI" of.,Mra. Willia m .McCarthy 'o Wilm injton and Fanddau~tft of R~mine THE. GaEATJ!:ST BALE OF OUR HIST OR'J . TBE ~' STOJt,B G GIN STA UE WE . . 'l,Y, NO Shwn• • , UNT IL 3 P.II. '1'0 PRE PAR E POB THI S, EVEN'J'. SOBJD < WIJ. .L ,BEC LOS ED , HoagBetty • 'tHE ;and , . Fredd L 8'I~OCKS' ARE POU RIN G IN. WE DE PAL . BRS ORD NE PHO OB ;, MAU ,t' aaid er land, Pamel a ' Spenc Y~11R GAD r. SPA CE - SO OUR LOS S 1 liarris on .alr of Ashla nd , nd gtitats of ·Mr, were . weeICe I • ' l . _ labd. Hpf.s . an Mr•. .' . LlVI NGl tOO a ,.~'" Smi~: and. Mra.· ~~ 'lAL1: . • :". REG. , . · ,'~ 'i; ~L~ . . ..00 ,'·12 ',~' .. •• Chair &" , , " ' Q: Amerlc ters Early . . cLuigh " £pc ' and $3'88.00 Reba Hesler. : .• $ 35.00 . 0 .$250.0 ' ',, ~. •. ~ . . : .. ~ DI~. 2 only••a. ....... ........ . s.pc. •. Jar Velv8\ <,{ $318.00 , Ktnniar Oran •• ": -; SJ25:.Q9 ~ . attend ed a fashiolL patty held \ " ';' ... ,.• ••. '.'S250.oo Sofa", otlal Early American Rd. Tlbl. " 4 Cl'lalrs ..•..• Traditl Damuk Br. $359.oD 5 'pc. Dlnett. . ", ... " .... ; ....... ..... : . 00,$ 15.00 '" $3lt.oo Traditional Print sora ......-:.. ."..... ~-< . . ,'''$ll5 .IO the home' :of Friday nighe.. Early Am.rican Maple Drop Leaf Tole ..... $. 15.00 t-:-,---~--"!'4 $319.00 Early American Broy",11 TapJ$lry Sofa ...... $250.DO ~.$ tl.OD of Wil" .·$S58... . ' ~.. Ro.alee SlIt:OO MaPie' Rd. Tabll, 2 llaf.... " ....,....... _. $4Ot.oo Early American Broyhill Gold Nylon Sofa ...... ...... . $ $5.00 ...... ,,$35UaO ...... Ct.alr Sink & Dry Selfa .... Millie Tw Red 88.50 $ Amer. . Early 2-pc. . $458;00 mington. " . ·~.OO ..... '. . . $251." ....... " .•....• ... top •.•.•• clOlt4 Sofa Tnm Hutch. I. .~ $218.00 Mill $348.00 . Gold Tweed. 'Wood . Mr. ~.'" .!dr....;:.Lewis \. $2O.~7.00-A1I ,• .,Ie Dining Room Chain · ·,20 p,. r cent Off a~c. Gold Traditional s,fa & Chair oo ·" . . ~ ·$1".8 8 . .00 2",0. ~ulblon SQfa & Chair. Ntlon COV..... ·,JJIIM . ~:.. l • B:lDBOOItI "

·l~he' MIAMI








Je.' Myers


_ • , . , MLE ~ ;, REQ. ,~ , .' . ~ ..•. "' Btd ..... $ 75.00 Mirror, . .Or-r ., ,lUM Earty A..,.rJ~ Df . $248- W~nut' D~ ·0 .......; Mirror. Qed, Bed ••••• ·,$150.00t Bed ..••.• '$225.o Ik ,'ZI'.OO MIIII. D. 0 ........ Mln:or. atilt. D. D......r. Mirror. Chell. ~ ...• Mirror. ~ Bell . :· ··· ; ·$22&.10 ... O. .... Bunk .... w1tlt~ lad. . . . .~ rail" • II . ' 2. 0Il1y. _b " ~ ; ..t '., L ... '. . -. ," ; ;.00 .,... l$.8I .

$SS'. iilall 0........ S""


SSI. ", ..... .Ioy sinnt" .3·, OIlly,



.. lin En4 T.... (2) ...... a.... ......... ~ . . ..,.. Rwme CIIttait 'rUle ... • ... :...... . . 2-p~ .....Iff'EM ..4 CDctratall TUII wltlI ........ T", ....... .... ...... ...... .. .... Walnut Entl & Clcktall "· ,...... ...... .. . . ... 2 • lUI .... ····S - ~ ooJy lilly, - .1 a-' hi -EM TOII ...... .... . ...... _

...,.. CMktall with 0,.,

. R!Q.


.. T....IIOM laneb ~···S a. SUI 4U1 WaI.ut ....... .... RIC_ DlcIM .....h ....... ...... ~. • .. . .. .... . .... ..... Lad.. DIsk .... • .. •• ....... ... • .... 41. , ..... .. ........ .... Z ..Iy ..... •••••.. •• ... ..



. . . . ' ... X ..- ...... ..... 1 .." ..... .....

&',.. .IAL£

R-1IIfJ; :I

== =~:t:-'=.~~.::::::I--·.: ri

' Photo by


Where, ·O where is- the pretty "Where Is It?" Many fans may have asle this question last weele when the front entrance to , The pleasant View FaJ'IIl on Clarksville Road, ,near Corwin, was featured in the 'Where Is' It?" column. Those .who knew where it was malee up this weeks honor roll. They include: Carol Brooks, Thomas Coffman, Rodnie Coffman, Sue Ferguson, Bill Coffman, Debbie and J ~nny Coffman, Mr;s. J:iliZa· beth Adams, Tom James, Phil Morgan, Jim Hartsock, Harry Luch, Linda Smith,. Martha Sauter, Sara Fox, Greg 81y,the. Wayne Local ,School sYI.tem exhibited the tal:Put on your thinking cap and figure out where this weeks en~ of ~e boole aJ'ld the hand with a first prize uWher~ II It?" is, then call- 897·5921 and Malee next weeks winning' s~hool display at the 118th Warren honor roUe County Fair at LebanollL. TIle blue .ribbon ex·,




In Mulor League' haseba11 , Wt Wecb1eaday, the Royals w0!t over the E.pos by a score of 12·3. The Expos gave up nine runs in the sec(lnd in· ning. In a very close galine be· " • tween the , Tigen and ' the Padres, . the Tigers won 3-2 when Aaron Crane hit a home run in overt:iqte play. The game was acorelless until the fourth inning whel1 when the Padres' leateher, Edgar Griffith, caus4eci: two runs , to score. The Tigers then came back in th,e sixth with one man on balse and a home run by Franlk Thill to tie the game.

Jai, 24-1'







I '.





Fur or Formals '


Shirts laundered 'Fa Please ·


JIOImt IT.. WAVlav.LU·

All . '\IVafnelville Softball Leasue sames achedulled for July 20 were r~med 01lL . . The achedule 'f or July . 27 includes aama whid~ were r_eel out OIl June I~'. The Kheclwe will iDclude: make up ....._ 2:JO., IIeUD :, ft. i; 3:JO. team ·J VI. 4; 4:~O, team I VI. ,. Replu acI!iedulecl pm_: ':30, laID 2 VI. ' ;

6:-", laID of VI. 'J; 'aCl


'. " ..... 1.

NoN iaf.......

....... pm.

caD . .


&am- TOlD Hae_I, _ ...._~.,-




100 LIVIIlGROOII surrs - - '' I TO OBOoo l'aOM. . ,





July 23,

.Beal Bstate

For Rent

For Sale MARE Poney, saddle, bridle and halter,. 140. 9612 LytLe Ferry Rd. 8cl RABBITS, Fryers. live or dressed. 3-1/2 mi. North of Corwin on New ,7c2 Burlington Rd. GAltAGE SAL~: July 27·28. l-ytie· 8c~ Ferry Rd. and Social Rd. ANTIQUES FOR SALE Blue WalDu~ couch with carved, walnut frame, good condition. Indivi~ual China snIts. 398 North St. ab corner ot' 4th, Waynesville, O. 6cU 897·469 i.

3 CAR garage, wired. Could be used 8S shop. Al8() For Sale; qine~te set, <;ouch and chair. Pli. 897-255i, 177 ' Sc't f S. , Main.

FOR RENT 6 room. modern, couJltry 110me. Large fenoed yard. Couple or sntall family. $90. plus utilities, deposit . 8cl PD . 885-5747

AFT. fo rent, in~W8Yville, down-

I ill <;abine~ $ stairs. 2 bedroom all to wall I e, 1-1 and . , rapeS furnished, hr carp Its only, or 1 child only. preCe' 8c1 , Phone 932,8143.

A·I CONDITION • •yrs. old Countr y Living with city conv., a·Bedroom Brick Ranch, att. garage, patio 4: Bar-B-Q grit. Bett~r than new. Extra large lot. C()rwlD Rd. $20,500. " 1.87 ACRE3 - 4·BEDROOM .. Country living but· near town. 'Every room in this home is king size. Fruit trees &; shrubs. Carter Dr. 12:4,000 . Call; Betty Martin Ph. 897.6n d

ELE01 'ltIC push ~utton type hos~ bed, like new. $175.00. Call Hell) , &1 897-4635. ' DOES an AVON Represl}ntative call on you" We may need someone in MODEL 1000 Multilith offset printyour neighborhood. No obligation. ing press with automatic blanket Wl18hcr. Gestetller Model 451 dupli- . I~mediate openings in Corwin, New. Burlington & Wayne Township. For c~Ltor with GesteCax Electronic StenexcelAll . cabinet interview in your home phone oil Scanner and 7c3 Miami The 9. Phone ' n. 426-030 conditio lent '., 16nctf Gazette 897-5921.

Wan ted

LOFI'Y pile, free , fro~ soil .is the cupet cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electrio ,shampooer 11. Waynes" 8el ville Furnitu re Co. FOR SALE: Uprigh t piano. Good 8c1 condition. Ph. 897-2522

FOR SALE: , Regi8tered Angus bulls good Eileenmere blood lines. Ph. 504 897-2411. Plumbi tlg tools, Rigid 300 Powe~ ~ complete pipe die" Milwaukee AIigle head drill, Eectri.c sink en, Presto lite tanka, numerous hand tools, metal deak & file cabinet, heavy ,duty body Pinder , beavy duty air ander, 1" ft. faberwl888 boat and trailer and 4li h.p. Hercury motor. Phone 89'(-4806 eve· &1 ninp. WORK bench tops, 1-5 /8" thick, 6'6" long, various widtha, $5, 110 pickup, SIO, 115 delivered. Phone W 897·7981. HO~ pown com, tomatoee, cu. GUmbel'll, ~ potato -, cabbap . ScI L. KeethIe r. Hainee Rd. SCRATCH padt for 'eale at ' The 'l liami Guette . lOS S. IIain St. Ilnctf' Wayneeville. REDU ai: eafe aDd fut 'With .Gobeee hbIet. and ElYap ''Water piUs. 8c8 W~ Drus.


HoRs E and poniee for ale. letf board hona Ph. 897·2ift.

Card of .ftan ks THE

famiJ 01 RobeR L. SawkiDI

-wiIbe8 to &haDk aU our frieDda aDd neipbo n for their ~y _t.. of ~... .,mpath .y shown ' to ... duriai our bereavement. , We wish to ' tbaaI.: aI8o. the Idad aDd ef· rlCient IU'ViceI of the Stubb8 Fun· eraI Home. Kn. JIattie Sawkina 801 and~.

,Wanted WANT ED: Ride or will trade rides to Miami Valley HOIIpital , 11 p.m .. to 7 :80 a.m. shift. Rebecca PrenderSel «ut 897-5&59. LET me baby sit in my home for you. Large Fenced-in yard and many watchfu l eyes to . keep on '15nct. them. Ph. 897-5921.

Opportunity . Excellent opportu nity for young


Phone 88~3164 ,


Sel HOUSE for sale in Mt. HoDy, three bedrooms, wall to· wall carpet. all paneling, two car garage, partial basement, oil furnace. Ph. 897-6166. 8cl --~--~~---~--WHEN buying or Selling reall eat ate why n~t call ~. We hav~ capable silles persons in your area 'to help satisfy your needs. R. E. WADE REALTV

866-1440 .Jerry Hoffmano 897-42158 Scott Remley 897 -25a~O Herman Weavet:' 897-7f!.66

man interested in learning print-


'ing trade and linotype operation. Course runs 12 weeks. Tui: tion may


worked out. Emp~oy­

ment available on com{detion ~,f ,

eoune. Apply at Ki..mi Guette office, lOS, 8. Main, Waynesville,

* , 1111 '0,11 *

. Y

PARTY PLAN Bam • -, Now to lDee.


No c::w.l DveaD em


• No CoUeetbc


, ., . •





ARTS AND CRAFfS-.;;..()ne of the most intere.Ung, of, the Warre n CoUnty Fair'. commercial e,dUbitl .AI uTIle Gift and handcraft booth Wat .pona ored by the Shop." The women of the Churc h of Jau. Chriat of Latter Day Saints at Middletown. Above Nan Wllliams, left, and Julie Scbealt .how an attractive liaadmade quilt.



HO P 'K INS '.



IIan7 . , ~t

LlnLE RED SHED Ant.que Shop

Debiud Stubbe Funera l Home. Spe· cialising in «Iaawa re. W ayoP.lville, Ohio. 't4ctf

a... .!

PLAYHOUSE ,rOy COMPANY' 0a1l 'l ira. '1Iih1ton 932~8906



. PUD DY L. STOUT ....... ....tI".


Services JODI .::..


'SHOE" REPAI R SERVI CE 1'0 So. Ifain St .. Waynesville, Ohio. Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (J(oeed lSetf Wedneeday. TOY Poodle Stud 8erv,ice, AXC -Re«u.t.ered. White or Apricot. S50. Appointment' only. Phone 897414 8. llod


lMIUU . . . ...MJI

' USED , CI.<Yrm!s - 8hirte -Blou . , -S~rt~Dre.ea and Sweate r. lOe




otheT odde aDd ends. Brandy '. 0dd8 .nd Ends Store ~ E. llain St.

HarveJlbuii. Ohio. roLD Sprinp Beaut, take

appoin tment.


Shop: , WiD anytim e. Ph.



JANIE 'S B 'e aut y Shop, 9910 Waynesville Be1lbrook Rd. - Sum. , mer Boon: Wed., Thon., & Fri. ' Only 'By Appoin tment. Ph. 8d·786 1






, Chuckle-A~Day S.tore' numager: "The bank return ed ..Your check '. apiri~ youQg la4y·" nice! that Isn't Joyce: ·" you suFs t I buy. What With it this time~ ,




RT. I lOX· 27t·A


PHO NE . . .1601



Iitl Iccillat

Main Street ~t the


tUne. No ~juriea" were repor~ed

while traveling weat on State Route 7), All three were ' U'eated anel ,ftleued at Kettering Mano'rial HOIpital~ They inairred ' multiple cut. and bruises. Exteluive dainage was done . to both velUcla. Nn. Brown . received a citation for (ailure . to yield the right of .way. , Later in the day JaIJlet Heffner of Waynaville Route 2 waS cited .by Polic~ Olie£ •. I uMay for failing 10 yield the ,riJhe of ,way ud pullinS. into traffic.

and ollly minor damage. to


. The falder beader ~ec:l ,-' Ilorth' MaiD Street when Hef! per pulled out into craflit: from a parbd position . ~I an auto . driven by David Shepherd of New BurIinPIl. Shephd waa driving

both car•.

HAWKINS DEAtH CORRECfBD I liditor's . note: t week Miss Virginia Hawkins of Waynesville was erroneou. ly listed as Mrs. Virginia Smith among 't he survivors of her late! father, R. L. Hawkins. , The Miami Gazette regrets thac Miss H~wlcins was caused to s~fEer undue embaraSsment ' and harassment due to aA in" ;correct report given it 'by the . Stl,lbbs Funeral Home:



Route 2 Pekin Road Waynesville, Ohio

llh" Crusher Run 3/4~' Crus~er Run Sand & p~. Gravel Mixed 2" Base Stone

Pill Dirt Top Soil Pit Run Pit Run Crush



RYE 817·S71.





Mrs. Wilma Morin of 1HarIan Road 'Val hos~eas J uliY' I' f~,r a low caJorie covered dish picnic lponaored by the ~~aynesville Waisdiners TtOPS Club. . A brief bwiDes. . m~eting was conducted by I~:ader Kathlyn Barnthouae folio",: m~. the jncruc. This ' wa fol.. lowed by a co~fee ' ' I,oclal' hour. l{ecent conteJt win .~ e ~ , Joyce Wical and ,Juaziitil Rhorback were guests of honor. ·Other 'club meml;»er smeats iIlduded: Mildred Tumbleson. ' Ati~e Brollei, Denise C:hrisdan, Marilyn Dayidso~, :~illiF Davidson, Cindy Huf.;man, Kay Lutea,

...._-=-____~_~~_~~~~_~.-...;~ .


Jenni~ Weng'l Rita . ,,=:;;~;;;;=:;:=:::=~;;~;:===::.a:i

Wilcher, Sarah WaCh~, Ruth . Wilch~, Carole Carter, ~-

, riett McMillan and Hammond.



885-3164 ELD'ER 885-3164 BETTY MARTIN 897-6736


JEAN YOUNCE' 897-4433



·Ch••t.r Fauaett


Insurance ,rotletl molt HIon,ln" ...nlt _;,..." ti~

~ Rtnttrl

3898 State Route 725

••• w~n~atonn ••• ~o •••

thlft . ,' • van~"1un




H()War!d McCall



• • • ..,10-

lion • • • I¥tft inclu~. ~MII'''' henliv' penon.. ..IUllity.: lilt ,, thin, II. thl, ,MUt.' rf In· urance ProtIctJon cost ,..~ than ' mO!lt com,uils c....... far ~..... ,. liar ,rotIction. For alt tlMl fleta. PIIoM a7....

.,,111 r,~ ·IIJIIIIII ' ••111.1.... III · Iil~i •



Dalto n ~irst Day will have extra significance this ~eek. for dile Miam i Month ly Meeti ng Of Fritnd s at Wayn esville . ' Sunda y, Aug. 3, . will )be Home comin g Day for the 172 memb ers of the Society. The Home comin g, ' a first for the religio us group ,' that has alread y celebr ated its !lleS-, quicen tennia l, ~il1 begin ~t


9:30 a.m. when First Day Schoo l will be con,ducted for all ages. Friend s will meet for W'or~ ship at 10:4' a.m. A can,,- in dinne r will follow at 12 pm. noon. ' , The aftern oon' will featur e Mrs. Ruth LaRue and ,~,fiss Eli~beth Chand ler who will




By Flora Burns , Valley resi~lent Spring A haa been dogge d ,b y a probole~ since late Wean esday evenm g when the owner , of a ttudc contai ning 80 Frenc h po ,clles ~amped at the state par~; . on Route 725 near the vill~gt~. The dog ' owner hac;l apparently visited ' the Spring :yal- , Jey area for the purpo1se of perm~ent reside nce but was otha:w ise discou raged b)lj the house in view. A ,Sprin g Vailey area c~ti~ zen was nippe d on thc~ leg when he entere d ,t he patle to invelt igate th~ ~arune campe rs ana their o~ner. Yo ' The clog owner , an . u~~­ dentif ied woma n;' Uaure ;~' the ~ that all her dop ha~ 'b een given rabies shots" Ske alto accept ed the respoillsibil~ty of • dOGtor's bill.if th.e man had to consu lt a'physi~ia~ due to the nip on the , leg., A 'later checlc failed t turn up eitJter dog owner ,r her pets. The ,phant om' ttoUt~ had diaap~ed witho ut tr~,~e.

reminisce meetin g history . Willia m Hayde n of th,e Ameri can Friend s Service will ·speale during the main pro~ gram at 1,:30 p.m. Wayn esville traces its Quaker beginn ings to 1800 ~hen Ezekiel Cleav er led a grp~p of Friend s from Virgin ia to Brownsville, Pa. . The same year Friend Cl~aver and others came to Wayn esville and ' constr ucted a large log meetin g house on the east corner of Miam i and Third Street s. Cleave r's group return ed to their families and didn't malee a ' perma nent settlem ent at Wayn esville until 1801. . Wayn esville Frienq s organized a society in the village prior to 1803, accord ing to histori cal record s. • --Meetings for worsh ip ' were condu cted in the variou s homes of memb ers un.til 1805 when a log meetin g house was built on the site of the ' present Ortho dox Friend s Olurc lt locate d on nprth High Street . David Brown was appoin ted (conti nued on page 12)



,I Photol t" DENNIS DALTo,. I

ART SHOW SUCC ESS - An excell ent Bi~lica1 POJ'trait by Leb.o ft anilt' Rollan d Thom as, ab'ov~ , 'was among se~eral fine work.. exhibi ted Satu;d ay at Leban on during the Fifth Annua l , year'. show wilulers in· ' Thom a. Aria aocl Crafh Show. d ded Mrs. Paul '(Mon y) Jolm. of ,l.eban on, firatp lace for . • tabled hona SCCDr: aod third place for a pictur ue landlife, Mra .. aca~ DeaaU Daltoll, seCond, "Coun try LiviD' " .till ., ,- Muon of Aarve yabur l' hOJlonb~. menti on, "WaUt In . .aCt ..... Ray AcIama of ' Lebuoa, finc ,place,


ROiMrt LDae dt buat

of the


Hono nble ..... .. .. . , emba-oicley ~ia'" enterecl M ...... ..

,'-""',,',. ~.wIM~_~Tr~~ Prop. . .1 tIM

• Da" .~~"

A communiey choru s it currently being or.ganized ' for the purpo se of"giving' a ChJ:istmas p,r ogram . The choru s ia plann ing flO give parts of UThe Messiah" by (i, F. Han, few a e featut del. It will alao ~umbers of a lighte r natur,e. Anyon e who is intere sted, is r

Way nesv ille Farme r's Grang e No. 13 will spons or a profq siona l dog trainin g prothe gr,"" at :~ . , p.m. Aug 2 Friend s Social 'Room. P~ofessiona1 clog traine rs Erbm Cincin nati will presel;lt a progra m' 'with their dois and illustr ate trainin g metho ds. 1'he progra m will be CODducted ,durin g an open meeting and Grang ers are invitin g the public , to attend . '



'Bee-~er' library VISitor Chris Browe r, aJ;ove,' {OUlad



Wayn esville 's 'Mary . L. CQok Librar y when he adveD ture \ inveatilat~ a -straw akep and ita f~ artificial bees. a.n., The 18 month old iI the son of Mr. "cl Nn. Paul . beehive wu loaned to the library by tile Ohio Hoaey , ..... . y_ Inc. for exhibi t. This lUlDJD et the Jiltl'uy cho.e .... All C. Bee . • • Read" u its SwDm er Rudi n. 'Cub theIM :n.e tb.-e wu ~ by Mary L Coca ~ tD , . _ _ ~.

and the OhiO




The second Annual Ohio . Honey Festival will he held in 'historic . hanon. Thurs· years. day, Friday and Saturday, the weekend I rfl'_I~,n.llt. September H, 12 and 13.. ~d Main Street for a An added. attrac:.tion for this much enjoyed life' in year'~ . festivaf t.,ill be the ~ ~~ocls. . . crowning .·o f.J a "Little Miss . . ~I . was a gu~t of ho~~r of Honey Bee" who will join the Lytlel Boyl Scou,t Troop] ~O . court of die Honey Festival Que~n: . " , duri~g . its weekend c~m :;out at the 'Merill Miller far ~n' Jerry Crisp; ' president" of , Township 'Line Road. the OlUo Honey, Festival,Ille. . Tb~ Millers extended. .1 eir hu appbinted ' Mrs. ",Mo2'.eUe 'gracious hospitality to s.~ven R~ss, a trustee of me festival, Scouts' super,,:~e4 by assi~, ~t to be' in .. marIe ,of the new Scoutmaster ' 'Bobl Stansberry event• . and ' Troop Com~itte man Mrs: 'RoSl ' baa announced Jesse Malcolm. . '. that oy Warren County girl, , ' This. was a f,rat ' for m. 'al-who wat • first, srader d,urms '~ough I '"haye been privil :ged the t 968~69 . school yeal', is . to be a Troop 30,-comm.ttee eHpble to' enter the contest• . man for the past year. The boys did a fine j~1 of Parents who wiJh ' ~ enter welcoming a novice outdc)ors. , the~ daughters ~r: loCal .,i pon. nWt (myS~lf) who spent llJlOst of his time stumbl~g ovelr his own feet when he wasn't c:hinning himself, on low han~ing grapevines along the -amp trail.' I was able to make extend.. ., ed visitS to the camp ' Friday and Saturday nights althl)ugh The Golden Ghetto work prevented · me lfr~m TSing-Boom camping. . The Board Room - After tWa happenins ii, the Tigers, In The Rice woods, I 'wo",ld stronsl), ·reeollU1)enCi' it 't'b ~u.t 'plU,ehts • • One experienc~s aJ).....el~a. rating not often seen s~plice between nature and bumanitY when this type group harmon· izeS in the out of door,s~ . Merit badge work and rank advlll\cemebt headed cam.p ac· . tivities. Theil there weret vol· ler ball , games .and the , more educational moon and star gazing that included SOD:le' ex· traordinary telescopic sight. ," ings. I was honored to be asJted to preaent a campfire prc>gram on American Indian lor Sat· urdaY night. Big Quffal (my Pueblo IftdiaJi name) Il\early . became , barbequed Buffalo - around that , campfire ' cere" . mony. . , It was a hot time in d1e old camp grounds thataUgl]lt due to the sman nUJll.bdl., that . gathered aro~a. the bill' lire in over the hand c;l.. p. Big available at Buffalo nearly s~zzlejtl h~ ., ltaunches. barik-=for ., Dave Ohler did the Jilonor~ with a prayer' I must" shilre, , ~ with Gazette readers. After:" j all' openiqS ',''Deu, ~l." -a multitude of thaa.ilrl: y~ ~ Dave sot B;l'ound ' ~ givinS' . th~ for the camp £ !xl ... "Thaak, you for 'die l.~. .lt alright;. 'I guea.. '~anb







Painting ·used to be ,a paint

Priming • • :,waiting :for good weather . "•• two coats. Hanna remedied that with Hanna ect.. ' rior Acrylic Latex,·the' house ' . p.intwith the "built-in" primer. Covers beautifully. Paint. even in damp weather, with jost pne

SOl" should.end .the ~m~' of the young lady, her parents '· . name, address , and phone . Ilumbe.r an~ ' her date of J birth ~o the "Litt1e Miss Hoftq, Bee Con~;: -Ohio ~. Honey Festival, 7 North · Broadway, Lebanon, "'036. RegisttatiGns will .be lo.ed hy ~ptember 4, 1969. Rule• . wilL1be lent to each entt;mt.

coat in most cases. Get a CanA-Hanna Exterior Acrylic Latex• .






. ' Chuckle-J\~Day '" , What this country needs; ,. is to have a deSigner of women~s bathing suits as director of the budp,t .

by by by by'

Gerson Free'l i n9 Blair Sheldon

Emma McClure and Mr•• Frucft. of Franklin were Mond~y callera-at. the house.

Anna Thack4ra was a guest of .th~ rL~e" Hartsocb on

Tue.&y. Home patrona enjoyed a treat of '7exas Blue Bonnet" ", honey. It was a gift from Owen · A. ~~rnet to ~ Aunt

Edna . Bu~et ,i~ . M.iting her .ister, Laura ' Ros,-gle; at ' Cincinnati. : . M.-s Bonnie Carnes is our new cieaning lady. She is taking the 'place of Kay Day.

You OWl

Plea.6Wle .


"We. a:.6~~-.t


I .DAT~ ~~____-.--o:.:J - ,- - ---- - '. ---..


' .. ··- r 1~

STATE. _ _ _..........__





great success. I would like to do my sh~re to help pr~mote the Qhio Honey F~stj.val by appealliJ.1.g • to .y ou, our r«, 'to send ill :. your favorite recipes ul~ing "honey. Two honey reCipes I found are as foll~ws: " Honey Barbecped Broile.Ts


wi..U. be glad . yqu w.i:th YOWl,f

3/4 cup butter or mar~arine 1/3 cup vinegar 1/4 ,cup honey , . 2. cloves g_rlic, minced ,t

2 tap•.. salt .

J.J~~J~P" · ~ mus~rcJ·

dried marjoram~ . crushed Dash freshly grou~d pepper 3 broiler-fryers ' (2 lbs. each), halved lengthwise Combine butter or margarine, vinegar, h0ll-ey, garlic, sa~t, ml,lstard, marjoram, and pep~ per; mix ~ell. .~lace chicken, skin side down on grill. Tuck wings under. Broil on ,highest placement of grill rack about 25 m';nutes. Generously brush broiled side of chiclc:en with


PHONE --~o.;....;..;~~. may be mailed to Mrs. Pat Vair, Box 121, Waynf'£vllle.

Chuckle-A-Day "Excuse me for CQmins up to the door to get your daughter, explained the young suitor to IUs lady ' Iove's mother,' &'but my hom isn't working." It

* ;'llli '1111 * Y. .......... PARTY PLAN

BanI ,-, Mow to Dee.

Oanvt •... ona ·~c.bJay""" ,

- .~



•• JCo No COlIeetIIW

• . . . • •0 . . . . . . . .

. ""



JIan7 - ......t


·PLAYHOUSE . TOY COMPANY CalI KrL.MiD.toD. 932,.8908.

" f

we at lut. From a practical




Thunclay, J~y 24, 1969. ne moon - ' mere it ia minina in the window, juat me lame old moon, looking ju.t the .. alway•• , The same lipt in the aIcy, shining down on the earth. The pare reflection of the .un, but how baa it changed? Or how have our iclea.a of it changed? 'Do you think of it .. you alway. have? Or h-, jt hecome in yt!ur ~4 .o~ething different? A p4ce to go? A place where men have been. We liatelled. We watched pictures on a screen of a ICme 10 .0 tar a~ay that it dwarf. all our old ideas of .peed ad distance. Fantasti~, ' unbelievable but , really happening and yet that same old moon 'abines down on us tonight. The whole world breathed , a .igh of 'relief when the splash down , finally came and we knew that the men were

.tandpoint, it w.. a remarlcable piece of cooperation and cartEul work by thousands of 'Yorkers. BosIS Kett, as his friends called him, s aid, "What the mind of man can co~ceive, the' hand of man can do." Here we have a .u,preme example. Every thing had to ~e just right from the drawing board to the last screw. Each step, each te,t, had to be jUst 'riaht to get the " perfect rdult. Our efforts do not alw~ys ' work out that way nor do our failures have earth shalcing results but they are a part of everycLay life on ,t he farlll-. We failed in our first ef· fort to move two calves from one bam to another to be weaned, .0 we tried again. ThU time we tried a different .yatem. We left Whitey at home. I baclced the car up to the bam door. Lee caught and ' tied a rope to the .maller calf. who did not wish to go. Finally with the aid of a nose ring we got her out and tied t(' the' car. second' calf was larger


and .tronpt' 10 we ttied ,ualion and • bucket of which worked ,be~er. •tatted .Iowly and they Down the lane almo:ll way to our goal and one .rope broke then the right by the oat faeld winer'!: we had been the la.t 'they weilt md Lee after he tumed them and I C;!ilIU:;U, and to my .urprise they Off .gain down the till we ~ame to ~he yard UI'n~r_ th~ barleing dogs wer~ top much for them and they roke right past me into the cnber oat field. Once again he d rove and I called and ' back th~y came and we slowly ptaneuvered them into the bam y~d. , The first night wasn't! ~oo bad. They were not happ, but they , were f~l1 of milk and they didn't lenow wha was what, but the next day they bawled all day and by,' the next night mama had 'henrd their cries and was stl ~ding by her fen e bawling. They were across a field oPIPosite her and they answered and our poor neighbors didl not

Combi nati c)n

Cut To Your Order, Wrapped AnCf



pt much .Ieep. Tliey are . mare quiet BOW. I ho~ they have found that If'" ia sood to «t and water i. to drink . Priday. Th~ .'~U i. roken. the weather .... c;han,ed. The oats are being combined, The sun shone all day with a cool breeze 'blowing, .,d to~ night the moon shines " little more brighdy and loole. down on a world that knows now for sure, tI1at ' ~e moon is not made of gre~n 'cheese. Is ' this progress?

A phy~cal litneas program for all Waynesville High Seliool football prospects will be initiated at the high school at 6:30 p.m. Aug.... The program will be ,handled by Waynesville's new coaching staff which incfudes Hank Schneider, David Parle. hurst and Jim 'Rowland. ,

Mr. and Mr•• 'W alter Smith apent Tuetd.ay evening with Mr. and Mrt. Mortis Lewi., Mr.. Hiley "Gib.on .pent Sunday aftctnoon Wlth Mr•. Thelma Nutter of Dayton" Mr. and Mr•• Walter Moore cdled on Mr. and Mr•. Sivia Michiat Wedn-uy eveniatg. , Mr.. Mary Smith of W.yneaville .~ Friday eYeaifta with M~. Aclclie Dill. Toney Hall ' and sist~., Janet and Marie,' of Bloom:~ ingburg, grandchildten of Mr. and Mr•. Morris Lewi. 'pent the weekend with them. Mr. aJ:ld Mrs. Elvia Michial spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kentl~ll of Payton. . Mr. and Mr., Jerry Lewis of near Waynaville and Mrt. Lena Michial .~t Tuesday afternoon with Mr.. Hiley Gibaon. Mr. aad Mrs. Morris Lewis and M(.. Hiley Gibson called on Mr. and Mr.. Kenneth Lewis and daughter Tina of Xenia Monday


and Mr•• Ha~fY Sifv,_. have been enjoying a' fr~m their nine year grahdJOn, Douglas of Lancaster. Y ~ung 1JC11l1Z~as has enjoyed his stay so r1:luch with his gr,andparents, he has been paJ1litted aft e~t Ilion


By PAT VAIR WaynesVille - 897-6826

M~. ' and Mrs. James Ward· low and their children of 6'8 Joyde Lane enjoyed a' two week vacation touring and camping throughout the New \England states recendy,. ,


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Curr~nt were weekeq.d 'gu~ts pf Mr. a~d Mra. George Qarrent of 460 Miami Stteet. .Tom and his wife had been vacationing' in Can.eta and have now reo turned to th~ir home in Olney, Ill.


. of

vacation for at least

.noth~ week.

anc! daughters, Colleen and' Tracey, of North Sixth Street held a patio birthday party Saturday ntght in honor of Mr•• Hatton's .tep'.father, Mr. David Portney of Kettering~ , Other guests ' were Mr.: D~vi~ _ POl'tftey, Mr. Ride Jacobs; a,n d Mrs. Lorene Wil~ , lett.



CLUB NEWS , (, The Senior CitiuM, of · Wayneaville attended their regul~r meeting on Tut~day afternoon, July 22. A, to~1 thirty-~o members and .~. eral guesU ~njoy~ ' home'; -made ice cream, furnish.~d by Mr. and Mr•. Charles Chari.. ton, Mr. and Mrs. W'ycal., and Mr. an~ Mrs. Ralph Has,tings. Various other members fur· nished oue for the special tr'e at. The , hext meeting wltll be Tues~y, August '. A (linner m~eting ,a t 12 :00 p.m. noon has been planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Channell and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Jesse Prendergaat 'called on Mr. F. R. Moomaw Sunday, July 27,. Mr. Moomaw will be reo meml)ered as Superintendent Mrs. Burnette Center. of of Waynesville ' school. for Carr' Ct'eek, enjoyed a week's several years beginning in visit tecendy at the, home of 1924. ' her daughter and son-in-law, • Would you like to blow He now ~ves on a fatm Mr. and Mrs. Billy Vander· how to train your dog- Come near Chillicothe. pool of 661, Robindale Drive. ' to the Farmer's Grange meetThe couples a~;so viaited Mr. " ing Sa~day evening, August Channell's ' sister and __family ' 2, at the Fdend's Social Room ,on the ' corner 9f Fourdl ~d ',I EXCAVATING ~igh Street at 8 p.m. The · Grange is having an open GENERAL BULLDOZING meeting at which profet,sional AND dog . tr~ers and their dogs tANDSCAPING, will ,be present. EVUyc)ne IS invited. I

.,igned to FOUpa of Cioob·

The Ohio Honey Featival received top recognition at Croobvillc during th~ t'ecenc fo~rth annual G-oobville. Roseville Area Pottery Pea. tival. '

ville eitizea.a who ... - i to ,~nao'r a float in the ~ade. Sowen S tee I , ComPD.Y · eholC the Ohio Honey Peatival for it. · float an4 ... ahle to get Ohio Honey Pes~val Qqeen Janice Gnu of M..-on to appear in the par. · ade presentlltion. · Min Gregg appeared in the Crooksville pottery festival patade after making a pre·

The Sower. Steele Compaa.y of near Croobville built the f~~t prize winning Ohio Honey . Fatival float entered in the pottery festival parade themed "Festival. of Ohio." Ohio ' Feitivals

1_ ri n'l



vious apPearance at the Ohio " Hills Folk Featival at Quaker

, 1III , ,~ "" Ci6hio"

H 0 n e y Festival Queen, who haa visited a number of area .tate festivals, will . appear neat at the Bratwurst F~tivalat Bucynu.

IIRB. FLORA B~RNS , Ph. 882·.190 Mn. Roger T~nner of Wal. nut Street waa a recent patient at Greene Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Clarence Burns, Susan, Debra, and Mr. Terry Weng were recent callers at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ~or,gan of Dayton.

By Mn. Lucille Cook Rev~



of Pranldin wu pesc for the Saturday eveaina services, July 26, at the Corwin Pen~ Mr. and ,Mr•• George Sc:ott costal Church. Mra. William Purkey atof LanSing, Mich. ~ere recent tended the graduation of her visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall of Main Street. Mr. lister, Tereaa Mayo, at the and Mrs. Scott have now ,'Searl' ~arm School in Dayton on Sat., July 2.6. moved to Xenia.




ing the name of the. Miami


Some proof of the de'1elopme,n t of the science of. mec!i· ,c ine may be seen by scanning the pages of early Vliami . Gazette ~ditions. , A modern.d~y Ga.: e t t e ' reader who proudly· pOs.sesses an interesting 1,83 edit1l~n' reo ports such ads as the follow· ing to aid the Victorian Way· nesville area shopper sl~1cing to , c~e for her family's health

1 ,

A late celebration of Sing. Ou~ Wayne~~il1e' 5 fit'stl anni. I

versary ~a,\, heM by 40 m~m· bers S~48y" J;uly 27, :a t Co· wan L~e. ' The grO\,lp *rrived ~~y bu. a.t ,2:)0 Sund;ay afternocln and ;tadeq I~e' 4-y ,with a picnic. Aft~ ~the picnic the )routh.' spent the da~ , boating, swim7 ming, fishing, nun~eroua other ,a~tivities. 'I"hat night, , just before 'leaving, the group gathered , together to , .ing . some of their favor;ite . ~"'DIl;~. A. .ing ou~ sPClkelnri1lm po~ thac the


grea~dy.~ , .2f~~~Jl

A well.known "bitters" of the day claimed to cure "in· termitteht fever," "sick head· aches." and a ··host of other ills includiDg '"mental despondency." Bitters was a liquor product sold by druggists. \ Several medicinal products . were- advertised for an ail. ment called "Consumption." COllSumption is defined today as a form of tuberculosis. One typical ad of the era announced a "Cancer Insti· tute" for the UCure of can" cers, tumors, and ,skin diseases, without the use .of lcni~e or tlte loss of blood, and little

and to fill her medicine cab· inet with all the unecessities" she might have nee({ed. Induded in the ads is an oil called a "'remedy ·f or pain." Listed are some seventeen types of pain from rheuma· tism to burns and scalds. To be sure the shopper under· stood, the wordsu . , . ariCl all other bodily ac~es and pains" were added. , . ALe b a no n, .a dvertiser sought to cure the uopiuql.~ morphine" habit in ten to twenty dllYs, while an Atlan~ Ga. advertiser offered to cure p~in!" the uopium and whislc.ey habit at home without ' pain." Chuckle-A·Uay Eighty-six ~years :.ago the "My wife has ,'the worst . me~ory I ever heard of." book ," of the Lungs , I " "Forgets everythint; aod How to Cure The~" was ' t ' i "" • I eh?" offered Ufree and postpaid ~~ ••N . , those applying ahd m\entio~: : everyth~g"" ,r e n\,e,m bet s


Lee Boer.der and ~. Don, witneaaed the Apollo' II ' off direcdy from Cape Ken. nedy while spending that weelc in Florida. .

)1.e amy ClineS pI. Marioa aacl Mr~ and Mn. James'


Dotter .1 CcaterviUe were pesu Saturday of their f.. ther, Herhert T. Poster.

~e Missionary Circl~ of

" BUIld or Ripair it •



Tenie Reynolds of Engle. wood spent the weekend l1ere , .... guest of her arandmothert ..... Ruth Doacer. .

Concnte and Mortar lila Quality .Controlled. JUst Idd Wlter. Eay to use. SIva time and IIIOIIIY.

·Hi.,. strentth.

Pheto "



few lWo room schools, CiamtoWD schoolhouse ' was built pl~ior to 187'. The hand·

One of



~e brick is now


me William Ctary residence.

never hu heeD' a metto".,tiJ b~ it baa played an . important.part in me Warrm Coun· ty atory. Cenaua records for · 1880' tho. it \iad a popula. tion of 99 tha* ,eu. . .., A 'p ost office and ge~eral store jointly houaed and Opere , ated by ·the Ro"u ~amily half a century ago. anchored Genn-

stop ~taut'aut and r-ec:rea. tional pot left the ' initial mar· 'Jeee building. DAY COOK AND A WAIT' . Today the original Smith RESS,' PREFERABLY market is owned and operated OLDER WOMAN •. Lebanon. .in conJ~on 1iim a c.,.y -,. ,. _.'... ~ G~reada ...... out by' Rex Par~ett of Middle· ,No Phone ,Calls. of ~is ·unincorporated Jbamlet town. Rex h .. r~ Genn~~ut two dozen ho 1Ua. town in his ~uaiaea headiq. The Village shares It cOmNext door is Germtown DRIVE-IN , mon intrigue· with omt~ odd Furniture 0WDecf. aad operated t~s business district. sounding village- Damell such Ohio by the Charles Smiths. Both ' Thia business continued UDas, Green .Tree, 'Gum ~ve, til .a q~ ' century ago. It, .. merchaftta attat to the fact ' Hempeck, H i cit. . !~tation, . with ita big platf~med front, that 'their lnuineu receive. 'Kitc:hener, . p~ ~Redl Lion. wu located Oil the present site -much 10eal1Jatronqe. . . ·l.evel ~d Dodda~' A Eft, yean ago the atate of the john lluaaeU residence. - Ita date p£ ae-ttlemttnt has g~vel'fllmmt .wanted to teGenntownatill has a bus· beeD' obsc:uricl by tire ,jpassagc : . , ~--, ;• ·de tif·ICa'r '.': .. . iness . cen~ · loCated Oil ,the nlOW!' uallltoWll' I D of· time but hiatoric:al / record ~ Jor Colonel Jethro Gelllll; who . Ilorth. perifery ,of its . limits. tiOIl ". • • ita" corporate signa, • Geimtowa diil:aal woulda't Chatles and lbJih ' Smith -ini· that ~~ ~li~ have it. Thek pride and ,eft; , dated it in 19'2 ", whenthey Cut aD . , . OIl &be DeW GibIoD)I ' any Gam ToWn, ..,... named. buUt the ~fir.t unit o£ ,. ~~• terminatiOil to be identified ......y-8ide. ~FreeIeI. :..~L'" _L t ~ I b They _ make 1Iide.-by. . ., 'IiCIUCU norUleaa ~r ~ aDOIl rent three. . buSiness ~rnplex. caused it to contiDue 10 be a IDJ _ _ DOW. . . . DObow. . ' near the village si • ' rural hamlet to fuciaate .,.... ; A fire ill , 19·' 9 that des. JuIt ft.. I . 8IIort; i' ..Iip. iD&o low· ' overiaullPOta iD kiteheu· olber . . . . Basic:aUy '. a 'farmilllg area tenby 'a·Gam and a·Fena.'· troyed the ' then Smith • truck i ,..-r " AD', efta ..... _ _ &0 fittiaa. ' Some trick ...... JOU tJaiak it Ii... GeIlIltown ieSid¢litS lare 'a": , . JOQ • bia IS.. ea. ft. eapteity wUIa • Felltly . CI'e~~ed 1~' keep .,; :=':~~!l~::-a;.~~' .", it. t;hat .:~y l m~uDg' ita ~e of

the most lnbiguing of Warren , County's . mini· communities .flanb O~uo ...Z just a. few miles nOlth of'




I "I





< --CIese. - · 1I~. ·1 ~ " , ~_ • • _ . '09na . .: ..,.... .,. .. 1&'. . . . . . . ., ..... . '. .kDow . aI. '1'Iwee'


... .

yua.. .....



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OiheOJis ,... full at ..,..... .triebt . ~ Ia ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .b'.....:..: rw· WIId. · ~ to eMc. Ina '-' abOri:



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_L'_ ,


·:~~ ··of· GiiiaIlO"··6iJrm: The~

Gelaatown :UaitedGlatC& , ~: atabljshed , in the . · IOO'Ancl'. t ' h e G~ - -



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. .. u • acra:ecJIL'" ~'. . -4 , .'j. ~ WHO ~ .~ O_N WOtJJ..O ~.0l.AL ; ~ .", ~ ~ , GO so. LOW TO GlV£, YOU tK) • " '.





IlOOII ~ SO. LI'l"l'L&!



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~• • ~


muftitY ' '. '."


.. " .. ,- ' •.. ~ ' . '.', .: .... : . ,~, . , " • .. The aleepy h"~~ frinse"

Conifortable" ol~l . iliadc. :'trees, hu ,,'fleW. mu,ch ilt .ib . . . lay

-.:: ~:.; .• ".~~ 'edp.~.

An ·

ive. and ' ~ted c:onpeptioD make it" , • fOcut ~t .f . bill_p.·

. "

~-.J...._'--!" " ~WIl •

L • ~t _ A.D~~e


toom .school


built lrometimc. PRo,. tC) .. 1" ia IlOW .:he hOIJle! of . Mr. ,. and . Mr.. ·W Ju-.n

,Gary and family. It. once ,shouts eaau

,~ec:hoed th~



'G J8lpetidea

dCa ._ 8ChOoI:'





met in , Eaa,. •


FOR Sal!Jt., Extt-



. :1~'

FoJ, @ije :

. i

Oeoe Bocan. ~1 " Or.tJ..,.'ijb~tlre foi .. '''l~ or tradf~

~tJhjlith (tfl';', - rrin7:


sw.eet. corn.

50e d9.... Corner or Lytle.Fe....,. Rd.

11_, ~ ~1 ,,ye~ of , r.ntnr ~'ith Getltrrc"c ErClClr'fmiC,l ' JO(If'II .-;, .} "WIt' • pb~~ ~Si~il!t:nlti~. w.ftt~,,'hbiee aI)d \·.IJ)iIlUUaDeOoI•.,- < oU ; Rc-.nnMr unci ruhim~t,: All : ~x,""I, ~ t PbQn'~ 'SprUac "VaHey; 8624255 or ' 1.~l\t ,< condition. Phbne j'The Mia~i 862·"90..7- i ". Onel Gillette 891·5921. 16natf DOES a. ' ~~QN' .LP...otati~ . )$ . on~. y,oo f We'~,. ~ .~.. liD I)~NISH ,modem chair, IOfa, end '.,' Serv1ce~' yo~r neipborbo'ocl.. ~q . . ~Ii~tiol . t~lef, : a~~&ched~r occuional living , nhAD ' • n~ .Lw pooming by appointment , • 19un~ate opejinp ~ in ':o.;mjn, 'N'ew room chair .. and table lampe. Ph. only,_ t7 ' up. Phone Sprin.. Valley 897.0111: ' :. oCt 862-41.90. - , 9nel .1'. ,Burii'ngton " ," Wayne TO\V,*"ip. Fc~r ~'" ~nieryie'tr: .. ..;hi ,Yoqr. ,J!Onie " phontl ' R,EJ}UCE 'lftfe and fast with Go~ _ JOIiJ _ (, U6.0309. t:, 7M tti61eta .and E.V..., water pilla. r . ,' SHOE REPAIR pV1CE W~n..\'il.1e I>ruc. 3c8 1'9 So. Maira St.• WayH..viUe, ·Ohio. OtEANlNGEST carpet' ale~ne.r you lIon.·Sat. 9 to 6 p.m. ~ ever u.ed, 110 easy too. , Get 81tJe Wedneeday. l~tf Luetre. }leDt' electric ahampooer. SI, TOY Poodle Stud Service AXC I


ID Memory of . "Gany Lewia Moore" (Dep&.1ed this lire July 27, 1967) .. I "tty . t ' m the pew of ,tbe . cbu~h-:-J teem to viwUu "You ' GaUf" iu your bome *rnal -beyond the dary airy , I bow my bead 'to find - ' your -pr.nce sweet and ':'near Standiq beside the ~ver of Lif&~~i", bript .nd~ dear I 'can" not help the tears that flow' nor caD I belp but' feel That, precioUII momenta as theee, " ,.You af1' 10 very real ListellliOS to a IOng-that tosether ~ l' " we have' heard The ' visi~n of ' y~u PO" Itronser,' . wjth everY, touching ' word , ,!

illg l'rClfl1l ' wilh 8utomalic hlonkf.t ,.'Y~C'r. GC!IIt.ctnet. MOfM 451 dUI'Ji.



W,~e '~ . 00. HOD


corn, extra

Del aweet,

tomatoes, cucumben. peppers. po. t'atoeI, cllbbage. L: Keetbler, HaiDee ~. . 901 SCllA'rcB pad. for IDle at The Miami Guette. 106 S. Hail) St.

JlePtered. White

or' A~.










on completion

Cllf ,

com.. Apply at" ~ami GaleUe orr~ ' 106 8. ~ ;



and clear lIothel ia Ioncinc to embrace youwith Love blooming bri&ht _ '., 0, THANJ{ GOD! for the viIion. " of 'You, II)' Son tonicht. ,: Sadly miaaed by Mom, Dllddy, Sia.. tel'll, Broth.. and Friend.. Written by Jlarjorie Faye Lamb.


LET me baby -ait .in ' -m;' home (or JOU. IArp FeDeed·iQ ' ,..,... laM many wMchful ' ~ "tiO keep OD them. Ph. 89Ni921~ ., lll)etf9c;l If , I WISH to thank all of my rela· UnLE RED SHED .~ .Iv. and frieoda ,for the fiowen.

oticea; ,



CAMPING (':QtJlI'MEttliT, WhH'l Calml,..r C:UIIJlin« TrailerM, 13 IIlfNI,,1H tu ChfNIlIft fntRi. Am Wuyne CalmlN!r True! Trailent «I: TOIl". And HINtrbmliau'K Dream




We 'HMI Bottle GIL~ SALES RENTAU, $UPPUES I~uted on Route t2. I ndle ' north

cud. aDd pte clurinI m,. . .,. at , ~' Ketterin& Memorial HOIpital aDd Bebi~ R~ Funeral Bome. I~pe. " for all a.e kindn_ _own me duro ei~" , I~ ....,,~. WaJ1lt!llVille,.. iDe my 'return home. lin. Edward L. Ohio. Sr. hi ,



And tho- my heart it. breakinc -Sweeter !fOw. the IIOOg," " It briop You to me ~arry - ' 'I wcmder juit how lone ' ,Until I take a acatioo-<:-to join WI ., ~,ily my dear : .. Perhape by the .hade of the ever green tree-or the, River ' briaht,

USED OLOl'llE8 - Shirte!-Blou.-SJdrt..-l)re.ea aud' SweDtera lOe

RemocIeIiaa ..



Appointment only.' Phone 89741". ' ' 15ct1 ,





e_-mo, Diah_Lampt. . . . other odds -and eoda. Brandy. Odda Wuyneaville. 16JlCtf and EndaS&Ore' ·2OG E. Main St. • FRIGIDAlRE etove " Fiipdaire ~. ', " ~arveyJburg, '0hi9. 48ctf, ' friaerator, couch and dinette lilt for COLD Spriop Beauty Shop: , Will ....,. Ph. 897·25St. Del , tab appointment. anytime. Ph. ONE • of drivinl harn.... . Ne~. ' 8974399. ~ . (Setf Never been ueed. Rosa H. Harteoek. JANIE'S B e aut 7. $hop" 991H) Ph. 897-S816. Del Wa)lJleaville Be1Ibrook JU. - Sum. HOOVER portable waah~r, like new, mer Houta: Wed., ; Thun., 4: Fri. COppert:oDe,. 188.00. Call 8974287 or ()nlJ By A intment. J?'h. :&48-7851 . Illt-tf 897·2113 after 61 p.m. Charla Taylor ~.


Ant~ ...: Shop,




Route 2 RCN14 Waynaville; Ohio ,


"I ~'t imply my wif~f"

• bad, CQOk -1 merely .ld


,arbalo dilpol;1al

developed an ulcer." . ,,

"1'1,2" Cruller .ail'- " 3/fl~ ' ~11~r.un


I'ill Diit Top SoU

SaDd " P.- Gravel :Mixed ' '.'Pit Bun 2" 1Ia8e .Stone Pit Run Crush t

. , -,






llaed Car ol ,Truck, '

at Stueve Ford .

the Championship Flight will pair Ted Beckowsld against the winner of the Gene Sengi . and Dusty Rhodes match. The rounds of each fligh~ are supposed to be played one each week with the players getting together for the matches and turning . the score cards U.:to George Smith, Sr~ , pro a~ Holly Hills. Failure to' do so can have the match forneted. · Worle is progressing on the , new club bouse at Holly ~s and the present plans call for occupancy of the club house before the present seaaon comes to a close. When the new club bouse is open, the order of play of the holes at . Holly Hilla will be changed. (

The 1969 Holly Hills Golf Oub ~pioDShip got off' to a slow s~t this week with only one march played .in the ciwnpionahip F 1i g h t, no ....tches played in the first flight and six matcheJ played in thf? second , flight. In the cbampionsbip flight, the lone match was won by Ted Beclcowski over Jobn Smith 4-3. This ' leaves seven matches to play' in the first round of the flight. In the second flight at Hol. ly Hills Golf Club, Ron Saclcett beat out Red 'Rusler, Dave Barker oudasted Ben Beekm~ Robert , Bowen won over Jim Horron, Ernie England outlasted lOon ~prague and Calvin Blount whipped Dick Zech.' 1he last match played in this fligbt went Russell Ball over Larry Nelson. Oady two matches are left to be' ,played in the second flight first round. They are, Gene Steven vs Ralph Hobsen and William Hart vs Donnie Smith. In the second round of the second flight, Ron Sackett takes on Dave Barker, Robert Bowen goes against Ernie England, Catvift Bloun~ takes on the winner of the StevensHobsep match and Russell Ball ~iIl play the winner of Hart-Smith matcb. The lone match ' played -i n


The Waynesville League ~ill play .ita All 'Star game Aug. 2~. All Stars are managed. by Mike Powell and coache~~ by G. Davis and D. Barton. They include current c!lantpiODS, Dan Koch, mail~lger; Ran d y Hellmu, ShaJilDOn MalQney, Marlt Cornett, Dan McClqud, Greg S ri It e, Treadway. . Chris Plummer, R i Fhie Frye~ Steve Huffman, 1~erry. Nowlin, Randy Lamb, Eugene Baldwin and David Mql~gan; Powell's team, D. Powelll, H. . Shaddeford, T. Banas, J ~ Maynard, J. Liviftpton and J. W ~d1iftg; Barton',s .tam; 'T. Rickey, J. GollihugEl, B. Tooley, C. Simpson, J. Watkins and C. Grim; and Davia" team, -K. Penrod, R. Crider, H. Crabtrele, B. Hartsoclc, R.. B~ey aDj:! O. Bal~wift.


The Tigers wOIi r over the ExpOs for a score of 9-4 in Minor League baseball last , Wednesday. ' In the second game of the nigbt, the Indians and the Padres played a *ense game whicb ~ded in a , 2-2 tie. This game will, be replayed at a later -date. T cam standings this week. are: Royals, 6 wins, 1 lou; Tiger., 6 wins, 2 losseS; In·•. diana, 4 ,wihs, 2 losses, 1 tie; Padres, I win, , lossa, I · ~e .. and the Expos, no , wins, 7 ' 101leS.

Waynesville's ' Head Start have enjoyed the 5~mmer ' and Program will near conclusion we feel they are better preTuac:Lay night with a propared for kindergarten and ' the firs~ pade. gram for parents at Waynesville High Scbool. : URegaraless of ' many .con, Problems of home and famtroversies we; who have · had ily were discussed with parfour years' experie~ce in Pte enti by, guat speakers Mrs. program, know that pre-school training is certainly worth-Dorothea Rye and H. Joe , Smallwood. while. . UWe hope the governme~t This summer's H~d Start pre-schoo' program. will conW3S made a succa. by the tinue for the good of our following ~ttUctors: Mrs. youth." '. Ruth Edwards, director" and Head Sta~ youngsters, and. teacher; Mrs. Lynn Boal, mutheir parents will b~ e~\ter­ sic; Mrs. Jane McCulloch, art; tained with a picnic at the Mrs. Bedcy Whitalcer, physiCincinnati Zoo July 31. cal education. The program will end with a The program alao received brunch and a tour of Millview auistance from the Waynesville ~iona Club and Ellis' , Park Aug. l. Supermarket.. 0 t h er local m'erchanta also opened th~ir FooD11P _ - businesses for tours by the ' For a refre~g riIilk Head Start group. drink, beat 1 pint softened .~e peady appreciated the lemon sherbet and lo.ouncel thawed frozen cooperation of Waynesville_ rupberriea. G......ay add 1 citizens," said Mrs. Ruth Ed· quart .milt. Sene in cbiled I





need to hear from you-as soon ~ possible, to be sure we have music available," commented Miss Hardin. t"J'hia ,can be .• great opportunity to become' ~quainted with eeople f~om other cbw:ches, • •well as to aiftging. Why not join


Interated. pel's 0 n s who would - liJce to J'oin the choJ'UsIf can ~ntact "Virginia Hardin at 897-'613 or 8~7.. '~76. 'Wu~ I





This week Miami Gazette Where It It sighten apparently i " bushed themselves ' over th~ rOle that climbs the lide , of the well in the Corwin village square. Fans evidently ,exhaqated all ppuibilities of Where I. It aiDce the Gazette received no callJ. A few citiUDI nearl, identified it during cliscuIIions at Jonel' Sinclair Service and Purkey. Hardware. They ev~ investigated their luspicions at the well. Some were correc:1; but di,dn', phone : the Gazette. Where I. Iterl can phone the ~ Gazette at 897-5921.


The first , floor was completed for use at an ex.p ense of $Af00 in 1812. At thal~ tiMe 'the entire ' building pr ,gram . had cost $1,195.13. Entirely constructed by, 1813 , the "White Brick'" ~I , tailed a cost of about ' ~:l,'OO, Althouab remodeled ~luring various , periods, the ·'~. noted . Hi~ite 'Meeting HO,Wle has " reta~ed ita originali~r and beritage, simplicity, . a hall- <, mark of the Friends. .' '



An Orthodox group branch· ed from the meeting .un 1828 and worshiped until . un 5 in the .1805 loa bouse detlllolish- . ed· that I year for conS,tl:uction 'o f the "Red Briclc" nellW the' Friends ~I I " Sunday's ,Homecomirlg will write ~to the .tory of Waynesville's Quaker meeting. 1




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