Master Builder magazine July - Sept 2023

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From humble beginnings to Construction Skills

Queensland CEO


Be in the know about the National Construction Code changes coming into effect in October

JUL – SEP 2023



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No responsibility is accepted by the publishers, the editor or printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974. Responsibility for compliance with the Act rests with the person, company, or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor editor accepts responsibility for advertisements. The Magazine Publishing Company Ground Floor, 33 Nundah St, Nundah Q 4012 PO Box 406, Nundah Qld 4012 E: P: (07) 3866 0000 W: PUBLISHER: OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF: Master Builders Queensland 417 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 ABN 96641989386 PHONE: 1300 30 50 10 WEB: EDITOR: Angela Kelly 34 62 20 12 46 ABN 70 010 660 009 CONTENTS JUL – SEP 2023 3 President 4 CEO 7 Deputy CEO 8 News 20 Profile: Brett Schimming 24 Feature: D-day for NCC 2022 changes 26 Business 34 Project: Under the Jacarandas 40 Feature: A peek into the rare and unusual 42 Sponsor Spotlight 44 Member Discounts 46 Making a Difference: Henley extends its support for tradies’ mental health 48 5 Minutes With... 54 What’s Hot 56 Advice 58 Training 60 Events 65 Contacts 1 Master Builder



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We see the Games as a genuinely unique opportunity that can benefit the community and our industry. We’ll play a critical role in providing the facilities and infrastructure needed to deliver the Games, as well as the skills and know-how that will carry beyond 2023 – and that’s where the opportunity lies.

T here is the opportunity to use the Games as a catalyst to transform how we deliver the homes and buildings Queenslanders need. Our vision is a Future Builders Centre to improve building sector innovation and productivity and support builders, particularly those delivering housing who choose to transition to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).

B uilding and construction is a critical industry in Queensland’s economy, and with over $5 billion committed for the construction and upgrading of Olympic venues, combined with other capital expenditure programs, there is a robust pipeline of work as we head into the Games.

That’s where we have the opportunity to create a step-change in construction towards greater productivity, efficiency, affordability, and sustainability. If we’re serious about addressing skilled labour shortages, Queensland’s acute housing shortage, unpredictable climate extremes, and net-zero targets, we need to improve productivity and find more efficient ways of constructing.

M MC is one pathway, and it encompasses a systems-thinking approach, digitalisation, and greater use of prefabricated buildings and components manufactured offsite. There is already a wealth of research and work underway by others into how we can achieve greater adoption of MMC, and we can learn from successes and failures experienced in other jurisdictions to place the Queensland building industry in the best position going forward.

I nnovation in the system of building, through adoption of MMC, is expected to achieve productivity gains, which in turn

would lead to faster and more affordable delivery of housing. There is also potential for reduced waste, shorter construction times, new and improved products, and better profitability for the construction industry. It will also help address housing shortfalls, climate resilience and adaptation, carbon reduction, and greater energy efficiency.

T he Queensland Government has already taken the step of establishing a Rapid Accommodation and Apprentice Centre in Brisbane, with another to be established in Cairns. We have attended the Brisbane Centre to learn and understand what is being achieved in the delivery of government housing via MMC. Further expansion of training and innovation opportunities to achieve a greater adoption of MMC will assist the building industry in addressing housing, skills, and environmental challenges. Our vision includes a government focus on locally manufactured building components combined with new skills for those working in manufacturing facilities and assembly. The Centre would be a combination of physical and virtual places, where building sector businesses and workers can be supported and assisted in adopting new methods of delivering projects to improve productivity and sustainable building practices.

We’ve put forward this proposal as part of our contribution to the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Consultation Paper as a lasting legacy for the Queensland building sector. 

Read the full submission on our website at

While Master Builders’ advocacy focus is frequently on critical issues that impact industry in the short term, we recently turned our minds to long-term industry needs and how the legacy of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympics Games might support a transition to the future of construction.
3 Master Builder INSIGHTS


As the 1 October 2023 National Construction Code deadline looms and we put our minds to a 2024 Queensland Election, our annual consumer advertising campaign will round out our NCC advocacy efforts and act as a springboard into our election campaign.

Our 2023 advertising campaign is a little bit different from our usual consumer approach – it’s not just our annual advertising campaign educating homeowners of the benefits of building with a Master Builder. Instead, we’ve used the opportunity to create a harder hitting consumer awareness and advocacy campaign that makes consumers aware of government regulation changes on the horizon but , at the same time , gets the government ’s attention and reinforces that Master Builders is fighting for solutions to minimise the impact and ensure Queenslanders can access more affordable housing and flexible building options.

W hile we will still highlight the reasons a homeowner should build with a Master Builder, our campaign also aims to educate your clients about our battle with the Queensland Government regarding the NCC changes that will increase the cost of building homes in Queensland. At the same time, we’re painting builders, the industry, and our members in a positive light and reassuring them that Master Builders are ready and willing to help consumers through the current times. We want to remind homeowners that a Master Builder can give people peace of mind that their

investment is in trusted hands and that Master Builders are across the changes and are well equipped to navigate these and offer practical solutions to their clients.

B ehind the scenes, we’ve been busy negotiating and working with the government on practical solutions , but the concessions that are on the table at the time of going to print just aren’t enough.

A t the end of June, we called on the Queensland Government and The Hon. Mick de Brenni MP to urgently delay the introduction of NCC provisions relating to livable housing and energy efficiency until at least 1 May 2024 and implement a Queensland Development Code (QDC) variation in relation to falls to floor wastes. While the Minister responded in mid-July, we still believe further concessions and a delay are required and will continue to work closely with government on outcomes for the industry.

At the time we go to print, t here are many in the industry who report they won’t be ready for the 1 October 2023 commencement of these provisions. One major issue is that the software tool used by most energy assessors in Queensland (BERS) is still not

available with updates for the latest NCC requirements. This means many builders have not had their designs assessed to determine likely changes that will be required. The timing is now too tight , and commencement of energy efficiency provisions must be delayed.

Q uestions also still remain as to how key livable housing elements will work with other aspects of the NCC – for example , front door access and weatherproofing, accessible showers and enclosed showers, and renovation requirements. We also remain concerned that consumers are unaware of the changes, with little to no education by government and very little industry information available.

Time is ticking , and there are just too many decisions and answers we are waiting on. Builders are now at the pointy end of the construction process , and they and their clients will start to feel the impacts of the uncertainty and lack of clarity. The only sensible path forward is to delay the introduction of these provisions, along with the urgent release of a QDC variation for wet area gradient requirements.

W hile many of these negotiations have largely been constructive meetings with government department working groups, now is the time for us to take this issue to a bigger audience and fight more visibly on behalf of members.

Kicking off in mid-August and running for six weeks, our ‘Fighting to keep your building dreams alive’ campaign will include broadcast TV, social media, digital search , and billboards. Look out for our launch email going out to members just prior to the campaign going live. 

4 Master Builder INSIGHTS




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Does busyness support, or is it in fact a distraction from productivity?

Whether you’re coming at this debate with a big business lens or a small business one, the fundamentals are the same. And it’s particularly important in the fast-paced world of construction, where productivity is the name of the game and we are constantly ‘go, go, go’.

We all know you need to give yourself and your team the opportunity to rest and restore. It can’t be all work and no play, and mental and physical well-being is not only paramount for success, but with the new psychosocial hazard laws, it’s now an actual obligation.

It sometimes feels like productivity and ‘rest and restore’ are counterintuitive, but if the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything about the need for an increased focus on flexibility, we now know they actually go handin-hand – and post-pandemic data certainly supports this.

Whether it’s work, relationships, education, or our hobbies – these are all things that make us busy and feel overwhelmed at times, even when they are activities we enjoy. We are forever trying to achieve the elusive ‘work–life balance’, but I wonder if we can we actually separate the two – life goes on while you’re at work, and for most of us, work is the reality of our lives.

The impact our fast-paced lifestyles and the never-ending pursuit of perfection are having on our mental and physical health is undisputed. No matter how organised or well prepared you are, you need to put the right measures in place to ensure the burden doesn’t overwhelm you. Whether it’s strategies or boundaries, both are important for protecting ourselves and our business and staying connected in a positive way with family, colleagues, and clients, no matter how hectic life becomes.

I like to think of the building industry as being an exciting place for women and offering plenty of opportunities, well beyond the traditional administrative roles women used to

play – which in turn gives us greater flexibility to strive for that sometimes-elusive balance. The construction industry is no stranger to offering flexible work arrangements, and like many other businesses during the pandemic, these opportunities became more common. In fact, many would say one of the perks of working in construction is that a much more flexible work–life balance than a 9–5 office job is offered, giving most the opportunity to work around a family and our goals outside of our working life.

We recently explored the topic at our June Brisbane Influencers lunch – a forum where we give women in the industry the chance to connect.

We welcomed three wonderful guest speakers, who gave some sage advice and wisdom on what some of these strategies and boundaries might look like. Selina Chapman from Metricon Homes, who also owns her own health and fitness centre and is passionate about coaching women to help them understand their self-worth, cope with mum-life stress, and overcome the internal barriers that hold them back from greatness; Kelly Weir from Comoda Design & Renovations; and Julie Richman from Effective Solutions in Business, who gave advice on navigating the challenges of working with your partner.

It’s easy to dismiss this topic as the latest fad or TED Talk; however, we are fast coming to realise that productivity and happiness don’t necessarily look the way they did 10, five, or even two years ago.

We need to think outside the square and put our well-being first, and business success will surely follow. 

Read more about the event and our panellists on page 62.

Business. Busyness. The terms aren’t interchangeable, but sometimes it feels like they are – that our business and personal lives are much busier and more entwined than ever before.
7 Master Builder INSIGHTS
Master Builders Deputy CEO, Sue-Ann Fresneda, speaking at the Brisbane Influencers Lunch

The latest industry news and developments to keep you informed of the changes in Queensland’s building and construction industry.

Industry Leaders Lunch hosts building minister

Master Builders hosted an insightful Industry Leaders Lunch with Minister for Public Works and Procurement, Mick de Brenni, and Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) Commissioner Anissa Levy talking to a full house of building industry heavyweights. Guests were given the rare opportunity to have their burning questions answered during the event held at Rydges Southbank on Thursday, 8 June.

Minister de Brenni focused on the challenges the industry is facing and acknowledged how tough conditions are, while the Commissioner talked about the future direction and values of the QBCC. Questions and discussions were centered around the upcoming National Construction Code changes, labour shortages, price hikes, and delays.

Master Builders CEO Paul Bidwell led the Q&A session, kicking off by raising the issue of NCC changes and the

impact they will have on consumers and housing affordability.

“We’ve been working with the state government and the QBCC on solutions over the past 12 months, and we have achieved some sensible outcomes – a major one being the Minister’s decision to delay the rollout of project trust accounts by two years. And we’re still hopeful on issues around the National Construction Code requirements,

Employee or contractor – get it in writing

A recent decision of the Federal Court of Australia emphasises the importance of written contracts in determining the status of an employee versus a contractor.

In JMC Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2023] FCAFC 76, the Court’s decision reaffirmed that where a relationship is comprehensively set out in a written contract that is not a sham, the determination of whether a party is an employee or an independent contractor will be based on the terms of the contract.

In that case, the Court considered whether an individual, engaged as a contractor wholly for their labour and invoicing for an hourly rate using their ABN, was entitled to superannuation payments. Note that it did not consider other entitlements.

Whilst the case was not related to our industry, it provides good general guidance on the tests used by the ATO to decide superannuation obligations and is a timely reminder that no matter how you engage someone, whether it be as a full time employee, casual employee, or contractor, the parties should agree to terms in a written contract to ensure clarity on the terms of engagement and what entitlements the person will receive when engaged.

In deciding that the person was a contractor and not entitled to superannuation, the Court held that a significant test to consider is the control the principal has over the contractor, including the right to subcontract or assign the work to others.

The Court decided that the right to subcontract contained in a written contract, regardless of whether it was exercised or not,

but our message to the Minister is that time is running out,” he said.

Despite Minister de Brenni acknowledging how tough conditions are in the industry, he said he was proceeding full steam ahead with the accessibility and energy efficiency changes to the NCC on 1 October.

Queensland is the lone state moving ahead with Code changes in 2023. 

indicates that the contract was not “wholly or principally for the labour of the person”.

The decision explained that whether a person has exercised the right to subcontract is not the determining factor – it is whether they had the right to do so.

The Court also held that dictating how, when, and where work is to be performed does not on its own mean that a person is an employee rather than a contractor. According to the decision, requiring a contractor to perform work at an allocated time or day does not mean they cannot be a contractor.

This case is a reminder to ensure that when you engage employees, workers, or contractors, you confirm it in writing to ensure all of the terms and conditions of engagement are properly agreed to and understood, and you are protected against future claims.

8 Master Builder

Medicinal cannabis and work

Master Builders is seeing an increase in enquiries from members regarding the use of medicinal cannabis.

Workers claiming they have been prescribed medicinal cannabis by a medical practitioner are unsure how to manage this important employment and work health and safety issue. Employers and managers have a duty of care to ensure a healthy and safe work environment. This requires them to identify hazards, assess risks, and control risks.

According to Master Builders Workplace Relations advisor, Desari Lynam, the use of medicinal cannabis by workers could increase workplace risks due to a worker suffering potential adverse effects from the medication.

“Depending on the type of cannabinoid, how it is administered, and the tolerances of the individual, such effects have the potential to negatively affect work health and safety,” she said.

Desari advises workers to treat medicinal cannabis just like all hazards at work.

“You treat this as you would when any worker advises that they are taking medication that could impair them and possibly make them unfit for work.

“You request a medical clearance from their treating doctor stating that the worker is able to perform their role and work safely on a construction site while taking medical cannabis.

“If they cannot provide such evidence that they are fit to perform their role, and (are) not a health and safety risk to themselves or others, you need to consider if this will be temporary or ongoing, and what it means for their ongoing engagement,” she said.

Medical cannabis must be treated in the same way that any other medical condition is treated, or any other prescribed drug that is known to affect a person’s ability to perform their role.

“You need to follow these processes to ensure you are being fair and non-discriminatory.

“Plus, you will also be ensuring that you meet your duty of care to all your workers and maintain a safe and healthy workplace.” 

For more advice on fitness for duty, contact the Workplace Relations team on 1300 30 50 10.

9 Master Builder NEWS MV01593AC

Waste levy changes 2023

The levy exemption for clean earth disposed to landfill has been removed and is now charged at the general waste levy rate of the levy zone it was generated in.

The rules for the levy exemption for waste used by landfill operators for operational purposes will also be reviewed.

Waste levies increased across two zones –metro and regional.

Levies increase at different rates in the zones to reflect differences between the zones in terms of waste volumes and resource recovery.

The metro zone is made up of 12 local government areas in South East Queensland. For 2023–24, the metro general levy weight will be $105 per tonne. Metro zone levies will increase annually by $10 per tonne, each year, until the general levy rate reaches $145 per tonne on 1 July 2027.

The regional zone will be the remaining 27 local government areas in the current levy zone. The regional zone will increase to $91 in line with the consumer price index each year.

The waste levy is applied to all waste that is disposed to landfill.

The various waste types are:

• General waste, including municipal solid waste, commercial, and industrial waste, and construction and demolition waste

• Category 1 regulated (or hazardous) waste

• Category 2 regulated waste.

Other wastes such as treated timber sawdust and shavings and earth contaminated with a hazardous contaminant from land recorded on the environmental management register or contaminated land register attract the general waste levy rate. 

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

The Master Builders Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 in Brisbane in accordance with the Constitution. General business to be conducted is outlined in full on Master Builders’ website. The MBEC meeting will immediately follow the AGM. 

For more information on the AGM visit

Tax agent 25726830 Specialist Building & Construction Accountants Scan to book your free QBCC consultation call CFO ADVISORY TAX & ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING QBCC LICENSING Image supplied by Xact client James Anthony Construction Free Master Builders Member Hotline: 07 3124 8666 TL00011AA

New tech transforming training

New tech-advanced training methods for construction workers have been tested in an Australia-first study into the effectiveness of training delivered using virtual reality.

The three-year project involved a partnership of researchers from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ), and Next World Enterprise, with support from several registered training operators.

It is the first study in Australia to assess the effectiveness of construction training delivered via VR as compared to conventional face-to-face training methods. Researchers tested the outcomes from a ‘Working safely at heights’ course delivered via a custom-built VR simulation and compared these with the same training delivered via traditional means.

The study showed VR training outcomes were comparable with traditional training for most questions when tested directly after training, with traditional training proving moderately more effective.

However, at a re-test after one month, retained learnings through VR were

Become a mentor

Women Building Australia’s Business Resilience Mentoring program is on the lookout for new mentors.

The program pairs women leading small to medium businesses in the construction industry with experienced industry practitioners of any gender, to help with a specific business issue and develop as a business leader.

Mentors provide practical, implementable advice based on experience to support the mentee’s business success and can choose which mentees they assist, based on expertise, and set their own times of availability.

Mentors will have a chance to contribute back to the industry and help to build robust building businesses while developing leadership skills. It also gives them a chance to network and connect with other industry professionals and,

comparable with retained learnings from face-to-face training.

CSQ CEO Brett Schimming said the study suggests VR may present a viable additional delivery method in future construction training.

“Technological advances are changing the face of all industries, and construction is no different – CSQ is interested in understanding how these changes may flow through – both to new skill requirements and new approaches to the delivery of training,” he said.

“Safety will remain paramount in all construction training conversations, including considering the introduction of VR into the current training industry.”

QUT researcher, Associate Professor Kate Thompson, said the study returned some interesting insights about VR training in a construction setting as it did not rely on previous experience with VR.

“Around 60 per cent of the VR trainees had never used the technology before, but this VR experience provided them with a safe environment to learn in their own time,” she said. “They could practise skills as many times as they liked before progressing to the

next stage. It is a really exciting area to be researching, as not all VR training environments are the same.”

Associate Professor Thompson said an exciting outcome included the establishment of guidelines to help people start developing VR environments that could be effective in training and skills development.

CSQ is not new to the use of VR in an education setting – it currently runs a popular program in schools giving students an interactive VR experience of a construction worksite. 

of course, shape the women in the construction community.

The program is not about the mentor providing un-paid professional services or solving the issue for the mentee. It’s about the mentor providing practical implementable advice based on experience to support the mentee’s business success.

To join as a mentor:

• Female or male

• Owner/operator or in a senior/ management role in the industry

• Experienced running a building business or currently employed in a management or supervisory role in the building and construction industry

• You will have at least 10 years of industry experience and be available for the duration of the program.


Each mentoring relationship lasts a maximum of three months. The mentee outlines the specific business issue they are facing, and the mentor provides advice and guidance based on their own experience to help the mentee solve the issue. 

For more information go to

12 Master Builder NEWS

Annual shutdown changes

Changes that came in from 1 May 2023 see employees not required to take leave without pay if they don’t have sufficient annual leave or leave in advance to cover the whole period of the shutdown.

Following the completion of the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) four-yearly review of modern awards the FWC has handed down a decision that the Fair Work Act does not include a power for the Commission to include terms in Modern Awards by which an employer can require an employee to take unpaid leave during a period of annual shutdown. This decision means that employers can no longer direct employees to take unpaid leave during shutdown periods from 1 May 2023.

When businesses shutdown their business, typically over the Christmas and New Year’s period, employees can be directed to take annual leave or offered leave in advance, or could be directed to take leave without pay if they do not have sufficient accrued paid leave. After 1 May 2023, taking leave without pay during a period of annual shutdown can still occur by agreement, but the ability for employers to direct the taking of unpaid leave during an annual shutdown has been curtailed. 

Will new IR laws spell trouble?

In June, Master Builders Australia launched a campaign addressing the federal government’s proposed raft of industrial relations changes, including an ‘employee-like’ policy.

While the government has explained the target of the changes is the gig economy, there are concerns within the industry that businesses like building and construction could get inadvertently caught up – particularly impacting the ability for independent contractors and self-employed tradies to be their own boss.

Running across a variety of advertising channels, the national campaign is designed to highlight the impact these changes could have – particularly on the use of independent and subcontracting workers, which is a long-standing and legitimate method of engagement due to the phased way building work is performed. Master Builders Australia is

calling for the industry to be vocal and raise concerns with government to ensure our industry is specifically ruled out.  For more information or to get involved, visit


• honed exposed pavers: plain or coloured

• large variety of textured pavers

• small and large sizes


• Engineer certified:

n 50mm for residential use, with a P5 slip rating

n 65mm thick for commercial use

• step and riser treads are also certified to 1500mm


• decorative panels 2000mm x 500mm x 80mm

x 200mm x 75mm

• plain, exposed and coloured


• plain and exposed

13 Master Builder NEWS MV01615AB
Plain with grooves 920mm $65.00 1000mm $69.00 1060mm $72.00 1100mm $75.00 1210mm $80.00
top with or without grooves 920mm $95.00 1000mm $100.00 1060mm $105.00 1100mm $110.00 1210mm $115.00
Contact: Mike Webb
855 009
*Prices may be subject to change

Mirvac’s project creates new green urban oasis

Mirvac Group General Manager, Residential Development QLD, Warwick Bible, said, “Across Isle, Quay and LIV Anura, we’re delivering a diversity of new housing, including our luxury riverside residences and our 396 build-to-rent apartments, of which 25 per cent will be subsidised by the state government as key worker affordable housing.

“We’re seeing the Brisbane market performing well, underpinned by strong fundamentals with ongoing population growth, the return of immigration, tight vacancy, robust rental growth, and restricted future supply outlook, plus employment opportunities and major public and private investment ahead of the 2032 Olympics, and we are committed to continuing to be part of that legacy.”

Mirvac has started construction on the $212 million project, Isle Waterfront Newstead, which will create a lush new green heart of more than 10,000 plants and additional public parkland in Brisbane.

Isle is the third apartment building Mirvac has underway at its $1 billion Waterfront Newstead community, joining 25-level Quay and build-to-rent development, LIV Anura, which is being delivered in partnership with the Queensland Government.

Approximately 1,500 workers will be on the Isle site, of the more than 3,000 engaged across waterfront projects, with Mirvac responsible for designing, building, and delivering all three.

Over 5,570sqm, equating to more than 50 per cent of the site for Isle and sister building Quay Waterfront Newstead, will be available to the community as green open space, including parkland, shaded seating, water features, and public art.

The 25-level Isle has been designed to align with Brisbane City Council’s ‘Buildings that Breathe’ principles, aimed at creating lush urban environments through sub-tropical architecture that reflects the city’s climate, opens to cooling breezes, features living greenery, and provides shade and comfort. The building will be efficient, resilient, and sustainable, with solar panels to power communal electrical, efficient water fittings, EV car charging, and the minimisation of construction waste among the green initiatives being implemented. 

Queensland Housing & Construction Awards to showcase excellence

The Master Builders 2023 Housing & Construction Awards are in full swing across the state, as we shine a bright light on this year’s outstanding homes, projects and people in each of the regions.

The incredible entries received throughout Queensland this year show off the quality workmanship and passion that make the industry great.

Awards season will accumulate with the highlight of the year, the Queensland Housing & Construction Awards on Saturday, 14 October. The best of the best will go head-tohead with their fellow winners from across the state to showcase excellence in the construction industry.

The celebrations will be at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre and will start at 6pm for pre-dinner drinks, followed by the awards ceremony at 6.30pm.

Tickets cost $210 for members, $230 for non-members or $2,000 per table of 10 guests. Don’t miss your chance to come together and recognise excellence in the industry.  Visit to book your seat or a table.


Far North Queensland Friday, 4 August 2023

North Queensland Saturday, 5 August 2023

Central Queensland Friday, 11 August 2023

Mackay & Whitsunday Saturday, 12 August 2023

Sunshine Coast Friday, 18 August 2023

Wide Bay Burnett Saturday, 19 August 2023

Cairns Convention Centre

The Ville Resort - Casino

Frenchville Sports Club

Mackay Convention Centre

The Events Centre

Beach House Hotel

Brisbane City Planning Suburban Renewal Committee Chairperson, Adam Allan; Mirvac Group General Manager, Residential Development, Warwick Bible; Project Director, Alex Levy; Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner; and Mirvac Group CEO and Managing Director, Campbell Hanan
14 Master Builder

2023 wage increase

The Fair Work Commission Minimum Wages Panel awarded an increase of 5.75 per cent taking the National Minimum Wage (NMW) to $882.80 per week or $23.23 per hour. The Panel also decided to ‘de-couple’ the NMW from the C14 award classification and align it to the C13 instead, meaning minimum wages will increase overall by 8.3 per cent. This higher increase only applies to those not covered by modern awards.

The Panel increased modern award minimum wages by 5.75 per cent.

In addition to the increase in the NMW and award wages, there’s an increase in the minimum superannuation guarantee contribution to 11 per cent.

Most allowances increased on 1 July 2023. Allowances increase by relevant CPI categories, and so increase amounts vary across allowance types and Awards.

Master Builders has produced handy wage circulars exclusively for members, which summarise important payment information contained within each Award.

Circulars include a variety of Awards including building cadets’ salary guide, gardening and landscaping services, mobile crane, joinery and building trades, and plumbing apprentices, covering full-time, part-time, and casual work. 

If you need assistance implementing the new wages into your payroll, Master Builders’ team of experts is here to help. Call them on 1300 30 50 10 or email

New 2023 wage circulars are available at

15 Master Builder NEWS Why partner with G.J. Gardner Homes? To find out more visit More time, more money, less stress. Builders who Build Builders. Management Expertise Guidance & Support Proven Systems Contemporary Designs Brand Credibility Network Buying Power Feel Supported MV1623AB


industry takes a giant leap towards the circular economy

The Australian Resilient Flooring Association (ARFA) has taken a significant step towards a nationwide approach to product stewardship as it releases the proposed design for ResiLoop.

This will be Australia’s first national stewardship scheme for resilient flooring. In fact, the need for an industry stewardship scheme is widely supported by the flooring industry, with over 40 key stakeholders including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, installers, and specifiers as well as industry associations signing a Collective Action Statement, which endorses such an industry-wide approach.

Resilient floorcoverings such as sheet vinyl, linoleum or rubber, Luxury Vinyl Tiles, and hybrid tiles are durable products with use lifespans of 30 years or so. The market for these products has grown significantly over the past decade, largely through imports.

ResiLoop’s goal is to develop a process to recover and recycle waste from these products.

ResiLoop is a timely solution and will provide a practical pathway for waste from commercial and residential construction away from landfill and towards alternative durable products. It will also contribute to Australia’s ambitious goal to transition to a

circular economy by 2030.

Supported by funding from the Australian Government through the National Product Stewardship Investment Fund, the motivation for ResiLoop has been the Australian Resilient Flooring Association, making it a truly industry led project.

Australian Resilient Flooring Association President, Dan Lovell, encourages participants in the local flooring industry to join the scheme.

“ResiLoop is a clear demonstration of the commitment and collaboration to develop and implement a solution. Only through collective action will we have an enduring and measurable impact.

“Suppliers, contractors, retailers, installers, and builders all have something to benefit from this program,” he said.

The scheme concept is also supported by the Green Building Council of Australia, the custodians of Australia’s only national voluntary rating system for buildings and communities.

The scheme describes a process for efficiently collecting scheme members’ product waste from construction sites through a network of collection points and will be funded through a levy per square metre on relevant products,

It is estimated that the construction industry generates about 9,000t of resilient flooring waste from installations every year, and the scheme will initially aim to recycle at least 1,000t annually.

paid by distributors who join the scheme. It will also include funding for research and development to grow onshore recycling capacity and capability, including the development of products that can utilise the recycled material. 

Expression of interest for joining the voluntary scheme are open at

Construction starts on major expansions of Queensland hospitals

Three Master Builders members have been awarded tenders by the Queensland Government for hospital expansions throughout the state.

Hansen Yuncken will be completing work on the Cairns Hospital expansion project, which will deliver a state-of-the-art surgical centre.

The new surgical centre will form part of the Far North Queensland Health Innovation Precinct.

The $250 million Cairns Hospital expansion will create more than 610 jobs during the construction phase. Also underway at Cairns Hospital is a new $70 million mental health unit including an intensive care wing.

The Cairns Hospital expansion project is expected to be completed in the first half of 2026.

John Holland was awarded the tenders for the Logan Hospital Stage 2 expansion and the Princess Alexandra Hospital expansion.

The Logan Hospital project is a $530 million investment that will deliver buildings for 112 additional beds.

The Princess Alexandra Hospital $350 million project will see additional space for 249 beds created through refurbishment and construction above the existing Emergency Department.

The PA Hospital expansion will create 854 jobs during the construction phase, while the Logan Stage 2 expansion will generate an additional 1,290 construction jobs.

Both projects are expected to be completed in the second half of 2026.

BESIX Watpac will start work on the $250 million expansion project for Mackay

Base Hospital, which will add 128 beds to the precinct across paediatric, medical, and surgical wards.

The Mackay Base Hospital Expansion project will create 610 local construction jobs and is due to be completed in the second half of 2026. 

17 Master Builder NEWS

The benefits of real-time dust monitoring

Real-time dust monitoring is the process of utilising a reading device to continuously collect and analyse data in real time as events occur. It’s the practice of constantly keeping an eye on data and making timely decisions based on the data collected.

neXtrack is an industrial hygiene company that utilises real-time monitoring, engineered controls, hazard management protocols, and modulated training so tradies on site can make health a priority.

Real-time sampling measures dust concentrations and can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the functionality of the direct-reading device. Devices can be used in conjunction with gravimetric sampling to detect changes in instantaneous dust concentrations, or even peaks in dust concentrations if the device has a logging mode.

Monitors can be used to give time-weighted averages, which show a typical shift and collected within the breathing zone of the person. They can deliver instant data on exposure levels that enable the link between exposure source and control measure effectiveness. Utilising warning notifications based on specified thresholds to provide immediate, actionable information.

Where does real-time monitoring fit in the big picture?

Real-time sampling can save time and money being used at various stages between gravimetric samplings.

Gravimetric sampling with lab analysis is an important and legislative part of overall sampling; however, it takes time to receive reports and implement corrective actions.

Real-time monitors can provide instant feedback on the effectiveness of implemented control measures and can assist with establishing consistent, repeatable processes from project to project.

It highlights the root factors behind high exposures and provides an opportunity for quick refinement of controls when these spikes occur.

Traditional gravimetric sampling measures exposures over the duration of a shift, providing an overall exposure after analysis. Ongoing monitoring with real time effectively focuses on separating the high-risk tasks and providing controls consistent with the risks as they occur.

How can you move forward with real time? Deployment and integration of real-time monitors into site operations can help deliver reporting of critical control management to prevent exposure. 

For more information on dust monitoring call the Workplace, Health & Safety team on 1300 30 50 10.

Time’s nearly up for ‘zombie agreements’

Following amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), pre-2010 enterprise agreements, referred to as ‘zombie agreements’, will automatically terminate on 7 December 2023.

While zombie agreements don’t ‘die’ until 7 December, employers should have given written notice of this change to affected employees by now.

Contact the Master Builders Workplace Relations team or visit the Fair Work Commission website:

• if you have an enterprise agreement that was prepared before 1 January 2010 that has not been replaced, or

• if you are unsure if you have a ‘zombie agreement’, and/or

• if you are unsure whether this affects you. 

Call the Workplace Relations team for help on 1300 30 50 10.

Enter the 2023 National Business Excellence Awards

The 2023 Master Builders Australia National Business Excellence Awards recognise exceptional business brilliance and improvement, as well as resilience initiatives, innovation, and corporate responsibilities, within a business.

The Awards celebrate and validate the businesses which are leading the way in best practice and have instilled this objective into their long-term business strategy.

The program also aims to inspire all businesses in the building and construction

industry, large and small, to make excellence in best practice the foundation of their mission and brand.

The Awards will be presented at a gala dinner held at Hinchcliff House in Sydney on 6 September 2023.


Small, medium, and large businesses in the residential, commercial, and civil/ engineering sectors with great stories to tell about how they have built their business success.


Be recognised as one of Australia’s best building and construction businesses and boost your business success with more credibility to open new opportunities.

Judges’ criteria include financial and operations management, customer service, business resilience and improvement initiatives and corporate social responsibility.

Nominations close on Friday, 4 August. 

For more information and to download an application form visit

18 Master Builder NEWS


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Starting as a humble high school teacher in Mount Isa, Construction Skills

Queensland CEO, Brett Schimming’s career has spanned many sectors, but education and training are a common thread running throughout.

20 Master Builder PROFILE

The CEO of Construction Skills

Queensland (CSQ) has seen big changes in vocational education training and championed the role of research and data in workforce skilling strategies.

As Brisbane prepares for its launch as a host city, Brett continues to advocate for smart skilling solutions to deliver an Olympic-sized body of construction work.

You might say education is the Schimming family ‘trade’. Brett and his wife Sharon are both trained teachers and met at a Mount Isa teachers’ knock-off drinks as freshly posted teaching graduates. Brett describes a fun social scene in the remote town far from his home in Gatton.

“The first plane trip I ever took was my flight out to Mount Isa! I clicked into the lifestyle right away – bought a four-wheel drive, coached sport, played local club rugby for the teachers’ team, travelled around the north west of Queensland and Northern Territory, hiking and canoeing in the local gorges and dams,” Brett said.

“It was a great life!”

After three and a half years in the teaching job, Brett followed his dream of spending a year backpacking the globe.

“You could get an around-the-world ticket back then,” Brett said.

Returning to Brisbane and teaching, Brett and Sharon got stuck into building their careers and family life together. But while Sharon stayed in the teaching game, Brett took on what he describes as ‘the best job ever’ – sports consultant for the Queensland Government. For a sports enthusiast, it was a dream role, administering sporting grants for community clubs and sporting organisations, and it sparked an interest in management and a master’s degree in business.

The transition from education to vocational training kicked into gear at his next role with the Fire Service overseeing the development of emergency evacuation plans for businesses and workplaces and further escalated in the next position as general manager of a law firm that also owned a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in the electrical industry.

“The world of RTOs was very different back then – there was less regulation and more unaccredited training happening across the sector,” Brett said.

21 Master Builder PROFILE

Taking a gamble on the racing industry

Brett’s first CEO appointment was at the newly formed Queensland Harness Racing (QHR) statutory authority. It was his task to support the disentanglement of government from the racing sector to reduce “government intervention and ownership”.

The authority was set up with a board and the Minister as its shareholder, a structure mirrored by CSQ today.

Brett is very clear he is not a gambling man and has strong concerns about the role of sports betting on the next generation.

“I don’t gamble, and I think sports betting is a huge challenge for our society and particularly our young people with mobile phones,” he said.

It was during his four years at QHR that Brett and Sharon had the first two of their three children.

Reflecting on this chapter, Brett recalled undergoing “real-life learning” on the skills of a CEO.

“That is where I really learned the art of being a CEO, because for all the business books you read, you never learn how to be a CEO until you are a CEO,” he said.

CEO in training

Brett’s next CEO role was at BIGA, a group training organisation and RTO which had more than 750 apprentices employed across the building trades and over 850 enrolments in the RTO. At the time, it was the secondlargest RTO behind TAFE.

Despite its size, BIGA wasn’t turning a profit and needed to be restructured – the task for the new CEO-in-training.

BIGA also wasn’t meeting RTO regulators’ requirements, and Brett began work with the Queensland training department and national skills regulator to reset business operations and governance.

It was in this role that Brett began to establish strong relationships with construction and building sector employer bodies and unions, bipartisan connections invaluable to his work at CSQ.

This began Brett’s deep stakeholder tripartite management relationships in the vocational education industry.

It was also during his time at BIGA that Brett and Sharon had their third child: a second son.

New vision for construction training

Brett continued to keep an eye on future horizons. And the next horizon was the thennewly formed CSQ.

“In 2009, I was sitting in my (BIGA) office in Brendale, and I heard about the CEO vacancy at CSQ.

“I had been at the launch of CSQ in 2007, and I had developed some strong views on public policy on apprentices and training in the construction industry, and the role that CSQ could play.

“I decided to pitch these to them, and I was successful… and here I am, 14 years later,” he said.

Brett has grown and shaped CSQ into a sophisticated and diverse industry training and development body that manages to maintain and balance the trust and support of employers, unions, and government alike.

Construction Skills Queensland CEO, Brett Schimming, develops initiatives and programs that grow the skills base and capacity of the state’s building and construction industry workforce.
22 Master Builder PROFILE
“I decided to pitch these to them, and I was successful… and here I am, 14 years later.”



Something people don’t know about you: I always have music on – always.

Family time: Weekends, holidays, and downtime feature outdoor activities for the Schimming family – sport, hiking, tennis, and gardening.

Weekend goals: My goal is to get back into cycling to save my knees, I used to like trail running, but it kills your knees.

Success habits: I’ve learned to listen, to not jump in with solutions too quickly, and to be pragmatic. There’s always an answer, you just have to work your way to find it.

“When we reset the business in 2013, we reset to focus on the delivery of skills conversations by sector across the regions. We had finally designed our evidence and data function and workforce planning offering to develop skills plans for the industry,” Brett said.

“That has taken CSQ to the next level. Before that, we were just a bank distributing the training fund. Now, we are an organisation of advice and solutions… That has positioned us as a trusted advisor within the industry ecosystem.

“When there are pressures in designing strategy to meet demand, CSQ is now an automatic seat at the table.”

This provided Brett seats at Board tables across the industry and the VET system. From the national Skills and Industry Board, the Queensland industry regulator, and various smaller VET sector businesses, he has marshalled a breadth of experience across the construction industry.

Growing pains in reshaping Queensland

Brett is excited about Queensland’s next ‘coming of age’ but is realistic about the challenges of a massive and diverse book of work.

“Queensland is entering a time unlike anything we have experienced before with all sectors running at full capacity, and we have a bunch of new activity with renewables, hydrogen, and Olympics, and massive infrastructure investments.

“We don’t know where we are going to find the workers, or even, in fact, what the workforces need to look like. So, CSQ is going to be working with the Queensland Government to design workforce plans and occupational profiles to deliver the Olympic projects,” he said.

Brett said CSQ will be designing specific Renewables and Olympics responses supported by the training levy, yet maintaining their commitment to the needs of the residential and commercial sectors across Queensland.

“The Olympics will provide the same catalyst for growth as the Expo did in ’88; a real shot in the arm,” he said.

“The Olympics will be an attraction piece for both commerce and people wanting to move here to live. And the construction industry will create the stage for this to happen.” 

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23 Master Builder PROFILE MV01680AA
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Changes to energy efficiency, condensation, liveable housing, and electric vehicle charging will come into effect on 1 October 2023.

It is important that building professionals understand the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 changes and that they are talking to their designers and energy consultants to ensure their designs will comply.

Karen Haworth, Master Builders Manager – Planning Services and Housing, details key changes you need to know about implementation.

Energy Efficiency

The government agreement to help combat climate change will see an increase in energy efficiency requirements for Class 1 and 2 buildings.

A Class 1 building will need to achieve a 7-star energy rating. There is an option when building in Queensland climate zones 1 and 2 to achieve 6 stars when obtaining 1 star credit for an outdoor living area and ceiling fan. The deemed to satisfy (DTS) pathway using the elemental tables is still available, but they

have been increased considerably to align with 7 stars. To achieve 7 stars, you will need to install ceiling fans in all habitable rooms. The changes will introduce a whole-of-home annual energy usage budget. The budget applies to the energy use of the home’s heating and cooling equipment, hot water systems, lighting, and swimming pool and spa pumps. The energy used can be offset by renewable energy systems, such as rooftop solar panels.

A Class 2 building or a Class 4 part of a building must achieve a 7-star energy rating, with no sole occupancy unit being less than 6 stars. Provisions have been added to facilitate the future installation of solar photovoltaics and battery storage.

Condensation Management

Improvements have been made to the condensation management for residential buildings. In Toowoomba (zone 5), where

a pliable membrane is used it must have a vapour permeance of not less 0.143ug/n.s.

All exhaust systems must discharge directly to outdoor air. Where a room does not have natural ventilation, it will need make up air, and if in a bathroom or sanitary compartment, the exhaust must be interlocked with a light switch and timer.

Livable Housing

There are major changes to include liveable housing provisions for all new houses, units, and major renovations.

The NCC DTS Provisions refer to a new ABCB technical standard, which provides technical details and explanatory information to help you.

Generally, you will be required to provide a step-free access path to the home from the site boundary or parking area. An exemption is available if there is no suitable location for a compliant path.

24 Master Builder
With the growing demand for electric vehicles, new rules have come in regarding charging facilities at apartment blocks, office buildings, factories, and shops.


Master Builders developed two information tools to assist you to understand the requirements and support implementation within your new builds and major renovations. Use the Consumer Guide to inform your clients of the changes coming, what it means for their home, and what will be required from 1 October 2023. The Documentation Guide has been prepared in conjunction with the building designers (BDAA) and the certifiers (AIBS) to help step industry through all the stages of compliance. It will step you through all stages of implementation and help ensure any new dwellings you’re working on meet the new requirements. 

You can find the Consumer Guide and Documentation Guide on the Master Builder website

Additionally, doorways and hallways will need to be wider to accommodate people with reduced mobility. Extra space in a bathroom and toilet, with reinforcing in the wall to allow for grabrails to be installed in the future.

Electric vehicle charging

With the growing demand for electric vehicles, new rules have come in regarding charging facilities at apartment blocks, office buildings, factories, and shops.

Class 2, 3, 5, 6 7b, 8, and 9 buildings with at least nine carparking spaces will need

to include electrical distribution boards to facilitate the later installation of EV charging in buildings.

The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) have advised that the electrical installations for EVs and allocation of dedicated EV carpark spaces within a building represent a ‘special hazard’ under the NCC and a safety concern for firefighter intervention.

Their concern is that a lithium battery failure has the potential to lead to a thermal runaway

event, causing toxic smoke and a rapid rate of fire spread.

QFES have requested that Building Certifiers consider the installation of EV charging stations in buildings and EV in car parks as a special hazard when they are assessing a building development application.

Government has advised that the installation of the distribution board alone does not trigger the ‘special hazard’.

The following matters are some of the design requirements that will require consultation between electrical, mechanical, and fire engineers:

• Emergency shutdown controls

• Block plans of EV charging stations

• Vehicle impact protection

• Fire detection

• Smoke Management

• Review the suitability of the NCC deemed to satisfy provisions. 

For advice and assistance with the NCC 2022 changes, the Master Builders Building Services team is here to help, call 1300 30 50 10.

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Learn more about the changes to steel - framed construction for energy efficiency in residential buildings

Many building professionals are gearing up for new NCC 2022 Energy Efficiency provisions from 1 October.

From October 2023, the required minimum level of energy efficiency in residential detached or semi-detached Class 1 buildings increases from NatHERS 6-star to 7-star equivalent. For Class 2 apartment buildings, an average of 7 stars will need to be achieved, with not less than 6 stars for any one unit.

The good news is that for most common forms of residential construction, changes to steel-framed construction practice and insulation levels will be minimal.

Guidance publications from the National Association of Steel-Framed Housing (NASH) have been developed to provide straightforward information on practical, cost-effective solutions.

What has changed?

In addition to focusing on more thermally efficient windows and higher levels of insulation within the building envelope as important means to reduce heating and cooling energy demand, increased energy efficiency performance in the NCC now also takes into consideration the thermal properties of framing elements within the building envelope.

NCC 2019 treats residential buildings with timber or steel frames in a similar way when determining the properties of the framed building elements. The thermal resistance is calculated through the insulation path, with requirements for adding thermal breaks to steel framing in specific situations. Thermal breaks improve the overall thermal resistance of the building element. They also

attenuate fluctuation in framing member temperatures to reduce condensation within the building.

With NCC 2022, the requirement for thermal breaks remains unchanged. However, the method of determining the thermal

The good news is that for most common forms of residential construction, changes to steel-framed construction practice and insulation levels will be minimal.
26 Master Builder BUSINESS

resistance of steel-framed building elements will change to include an account of the conductive thermal bridging of the frame.

Thermal bridging

When a building element contains framing members (for example) with lower thermal resistance than surrounding materials, more heat is conducted through these members. This is commonly referred to as “conductive thermal bridging”.

NCC 2022 introduces the requirement for dwellings to consider conductive thermal bridging in the calculation of the thermal resistance of building elements (ie., roofs, external walls, and lower floors above subfloor spaces).

Estimating the thermal resistance, allowing for thermal bridging can take several approaches (simplified methods, computational methods, physical testing) and is not straightforward.

In addition, the NCC does not stipulate the method for determining the thermal bridging effect for roofs, ceilings, and suspended floors above an enclosed subfloor. This could lead to a wide variation in calculated values for the same building assembly, where different methods and assumptions are used.

NASH has developed solutions for the industry in its Technical Notes (NTN 006 “DTS Elemental Energy Efficiency – Class 1 Buildings Solutions for Steel Framed Construction”).

Compliance paths

For an individual dwelling, the NCC allows designers to develop performance solutions using either a Verification Method or a method approved by the building surveyor/certifier.

More commonly, designers will use deemedto-satisfy (DTS) solutions. DTS solutions fall into two categories: House Energy Rating Software (DTS NatHERS) or element-byelement design (DTS Elemental).

DTS NatHERS solutions use accredited software containing thermal conductivity data for common building materials and algorithms to estimate thermal bridging when steel-framed building elements are being modelled. Trade-offs are permitted by increasing or decreasing the thermal performance of each element during the assessment process.

DTS Elemental solutions have been updated, targeting NatHERS 7-star equivalence. This has been done by creating a set of tables for each Climate Zone containing acceptable combinations of roof colour, eave width, wall material, wall height, etc. The tables in the ABCB Housing Provisions use timberframed construction as the baseline for insulation requirements for each building element. Separate lookup tables then provide options to mitigate thermal bridging where steel framing is used, such as increased insulation, addition of a reflective airspace, or calculating an R-value against a target.

Construction solutions

It is not necessary for the designer, builder, or installer to perform calculations when developing solutions. This is the job of material suppliers and supporting organisations such as NASH.

By following industry guidance publications, the designer can easily identify the appropriate steel-framed solution and incorporate it into the design.

By way of example, in the NASH Technical Note:

• Steel-trussed roofs generally require the same or less insulation than timber trussed roofs. One exception is where steel trusses are spaced at 600 mm or less, in which case an additional R0.5 is required.

• For cathedral or skillion roofs, a small increase in insulation between the rafters is often sufficient. Some of this insulation can be placed directly beneath the roofing when steel sheet roofing is selected.

• For brick veneer walls, the addition of a reflective membrane, of appropriate vapour permeability for the Climate Zone, is all that is required for steelframed construction.

• For lightweight clad walls, the common practice of attaching the cladding to horizontal battens, in conjunction with a reflective membrane, provides a satisfactory solution.

• Various options are available for floors above both enclosed and unenclosed subfloor spaces.


The increased stringency in energy efficiency requirements in NCC 2022 will mean that higher levels of insulation are likely to be required in some or all parts of the building fabric, for all forms of construction.

The requirements for thermal breaks for steel-framed buildings will remain unchanged from NCC 2019.

The new requirement for steel-framed buildings to employ thermal bridging mitigation techniques can be met with simple, easy to install construction solutions. 

27 Master Builder BUSINESS

Growing pains: Survival tips for rapidly growing builders

There are a range of tactics builders can implement to help survive growth and help build better financial visibility.

Financial Reports and key performance indicators (KPIs)

As your business grows, having accurate and timely data is non-negotiable. At a minimum you need P&L and Balance sheet, a monthly cashflow forecast, and a rolling 12-month budget – updated with the actual performance. And you need to have an accurate Work in Progress figure if you’re going to get real clarity on profit.

Involve your team: Don’t keep your team in the dark – they need to be connected to the mission and understand the impact of decisions on the success of the business. Think about how you can connect performance to budgets and a bonus scheme that rewards the behaviour you want to encourage.

Implement job costing

Meet Tom, a successful residential builder who had built a thriving business through high-quality work and a long list of happy clients. As a result of demand in the market, Tom’s company had grown rapidly, and he was taking on larger projects and expanding his team. But, despite the success, Tom was struggling to grow his cash reserves and improve his takehome profit. He was using manual methods to track his expenses and income, and he was finding it difficult to get a clear picture of his cash flow. He was also having trouble predicting future expenses and making informed decisions about his business.

One day, Tom realised that he had significantly overspent on a project. He had underestimated the cost of materials, which had increased unexpectedly, and he was facing delays in the project. This, combined with the lack of financial visibility, had put his business at risk, and he was now struggling to pay his employees and suppliers.

Tom’s experience is not a one-off story. Many builders find themselves in this situation, particularly with a market that still has plenty of demand. It also highlights the importance of financial visibility, and how critical it is to improve your finance and

accounting systems as your business grows. To avoid ending up in the same situation as Tom, it’s important for builders to prioritise financial visibility.

There are a range of tactics builders can implement to help survive growth and help build better financial visibility.

Build a budget

An up-to-date budget is the cornerstone of financial success in the building industry, yet it’s a tool that few utilise. Constructing and maintaining a budget isn’t just about tracking expenses – it’s about mapping the trajectory of your business. It offers clarity, delineates the pathway for future activities to meet profit targets, and enhances overall financial visibility. With an accurate and comprehensive budget in hand, builders can confidently navigate their businesses towards success, secure in the knowledge of their direction.

Invest in technology

The building industry is always innovating, when it comes to business apps, the productivity gains are undeniable – from quoting and project management through to rosters and timesheets, the end game is to cut down manual processes and improve information flow through your business. If you’re not in the cloud already… it’s time to move… now!

Ensure you allocate all costs to the relevant project, including materials, labour, and even a portion of overhead expenses. This will help you see exactly where your jobs are going off track and avoid costly surprises at the end of a project.

Check every invoice. As part of your job costing process, make sure you check every invoice you receive with the original quote –and push back if there’s a variance.

Setup a disciplined Accounts Payable process

Build some efficiency and reliability into your payment runs by choosing a set frequency for paying invoices and stick to it – whether it’s weekly, fortnightly, or monthly, let staff and suppliers know what day you pay invoices, let suppliers know, e.g., ‘we pay all invoices on Thursday every fortnight’.

Finally, builders are advised to build extra margins in for rising costs of materials and labour. When quoting, check with suppliers and other sources, keep an eye on the cost of materials and factor in any potential increases when estimating the cost of a project. Don’t forget wage increases for key team members. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that your company has the financial visibility it needs to thrive and grow in a competitive market. So, don’t wait, start taking control of your finances today and watch your business soar to new heights, just like Tom’s. 

28 Master Builder BUSINESS
Check powerline locations every time you start a job and always look up.

Are your contracts unfair?

From 10 November 2023, a new unfair contract terms regime, under the Australian Consumer Law, will apply to more building and construction contracts than ever before.

Members should review their standard contracts to ensure they do not fall foul of the new rule, because a contravention will be an offence, lead to the term being declared void, and expose a builder to potential liability for pecuniary penalties.

The new scheme will apply to any ‘standard form contract’, which is also a ‘consumer contract’ or a ‘small business contract’.

A ‘standard form contract’ is one prepared by one party, not subject to significant negotiation, and essentially offered on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis.

A ‘consumer contract’ includes domestic building contracts with homeowners.

A ‘small business contract’ will be expanded to include any contract for the supply of goods or services (including building and construction), or the sale or grant of an interest in land, and at least one party is a

business that employs less than 100 people and/or has an annual turnover of less than $10 million.

An unfair contract term is a term in a ‘standard form contract’, which is also a ‘consumer contract’ or a ‘small business contract’, which:

• Would cause a significant imbalance in the parties rights and obligations, and

• Is not reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the party who would be advantaged by the term, and

• Would cause detriment (financial or otherwise) to a party if it were to be relied on.

Examples of potentially unfair contract terms are terms which:

• Allow one party (but not the other) to terminate the contract

• Penalise one party (but not the other) for a breach or termination of the contract

• Grant one party (but not the other) the power to vary the terms of the contract

• Enable one party (but not the other) to renew or not renew the contract

• Empower one party (but not the other) to vary the price of the contract

• Authorise one party (but not the other) to change the character of the goods and services to be provided

• Limit the vicarious liability of one party (but not the other) for their agent’s acts or omissions, and

• Release one party (but not the other) from liability to other party.

Everyone should review their standard contracts and seek advice on whether they include potentially unfair contract terms. 

If you’re seeking legal advice, call the Master Builders Members Legal team on 1300 30 50 10.

The new scheme will apply to any ‘standard form contract’, which is also a ‘consumer contract’ or a ‘small business contract’.
31 Master Builder BUSINESS Do you require an Auditor for your: • Retention Trust Account • Project Trust Account • QBCC Licence • or do you need assistance preparing your General Purpose Financial Report? Ring for an obligation free discussion: Lee-Ann Dippenaar 0415 619 030 Sandie Lea 0416 158 347 Connect National Audit Pty Ltd, Registered Company Auditor No. 521888 Level 9, Wyndham Corporate Centre, 1 Corporate Court, Bundall, Gold Coast, Qld 4217 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation MV01690AA


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Mini Deposit Home Loans (Mini Deposit) is a technology-based finance brokerage company that is dedicated to helping young professionals achieve their personal financial and property goals.

Mini Deposit’s lending company Mini D Credit Pty Ltd holds an Australian Credit Licence and can both provide loans directly to clients and also act as a finance intermediary to offer clients various types of loans through their lending panel of over 80 different banks and lenders across Australia.

If Mini Deposit cannot finance a loan directly, they can call on their experience to find a bank, finance company, or private lender to meet your client’s finance requirements.

With one phone call or email, Mini Deposit can compare hundreds of different available loan options.

All of this means that Mini Deposit can very confidently say: if a loan can be done, it will be done.

Mini D Loan

In association with Network HQ, Mini Deposit Home Loans developed the Mini D Loan, a unique lending strategy that allows the customer to combine borrowing their shortfall in deposit with a traditional home loan. The Mini D Loan reduces the need for the traditional parental guarantee, family pledge, and/or lenders mortgage insurance (LMI).

This lending strategy allows customers to purchase a property without the difficulties and lengthy time frames involved in saving a full deposit plus purchase costs. The Mini D Loan is perfectly suited to borrowers that have a small deposit and/or qualify as first home owners, and who are keen to move into their own home as soon as possible.

One of the biggest roadblocks many people face in purchasing their own home is that traditional banks require the borrower to provide up to a 20 per cent deposit plus purchase costs. This 20 per cent deposit plus purchase costs is raised either through personal savings, parental guarantee, or family pledge. If the 20 per cent plus purchase costs


cannot be achieved, the traditional alternative for home buyers is to pay high premiums for Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

Mini Deposit’s Mini D Loan option can assist customers to raise a home loan deposit sooner, which results in them saving many thousands of dollars over the long term through not paying expensive LMI premium and/or the ongoing payment of high weekly home rental costs. It also gives them better negotiating power with traditional lenders.

The flexibility of the Mini D Loan means that it will suit buyers of a variety of different backgrounds and financial situations.

Mini D Variation Loans

Made available to the market earlier this year, the Mini D Variation Loan has been a very popular and successful with customers who are building a home. This loan allows customers to borrow additional funds for the variations or unforeseen circumstances that occur during the building process.

Mini D Renovation Loans

Mini Deposit’s Mini D Renovation Loan gives customers the option to secure a loan to fund their renovations and property upgrades. This option is great for customers who are considering renovating or upgrading their homes but are unsure of how to finance these changes. It also provides a great avenue for those looking to change their living situation but who cannot afford to purchase a new home. Upgrading an existing home with the

help of the Mini D Renovation Loan also removes the stress, cost, and time that customers often experience when selling their current homes.

The flexibility of Mini Deposit’s finance options makes them the perfect option for clients who have a shortfall in their deposit, clients whose circumstances have changed throughout the building process, or clients looking to renovate their homes. 

For more information, contact Mini Deposit on 1300 646 433 or

One of the biggest roadblocks many people face in purchasing their own home is that traditional banks require the borrower to provide up to a 20 per cent deposit plus purchase costs.


Iconic Hamptons-style home on the Brisbane River

34 Master Builder PROJECT

Set on a large private block in Brisbane, Jacaranda House is a spectacular Hamptons-style gem on the riverfront.

Built by Corella Construction, the project won two coveted awards at the Brisbane 2023 Housing & Construction Awards, including the Xact Accounting House of the Year for the impressive home.

The Fig Tree Pocket home took top honours in the housing awards, claiming the ABI Interiors Individual Home over $3 million Award

A beautiful and unique home

Approaching the house along a private driveway past the tennis court and pavilion, visitors are greeted by the home’s 57m - wide façade that is broken into a balanced array of dormer windows, extended patios, and glazed gable ends that perfectly frame the property’s jacaranda trees.

Headed up by Craig Brown, the Corella Construction team worked to build an authentic Hamptons/New England style home for the owner.

With ties in America, the clients wanted real shingle cladding and roof tiles, imported from the United States, to reflect this heritage.

Designed to suit the site, the house utilises the full width of the block, taking advantage of the 66m riverfront.

35 Master Builder PROJECT
36 Master Builder PROJECT

Entering the house through striking pastelblue double doors, you’re welcomed by a large double-height pitched ceiling with a glass chandelier. Directly ahead is an oversized picture window that frames a feature garden, with views to the pool and river beyond.

The staircase is intentionally turned away from the entrance for the privacy of upstairs, which features a large office and guest suite designed for long-term stays by international visitors.

The central area of the house with formal dining area, open-plan living, and kitchen with breakfast nook features an exposed rafter ceiling that pitches from 3m to a more voluminous and open 5.2m. The area boasts LED lighting in the rafters, VJ ceilings, and inbuilt intricate joinery.

No luxuries were spared, with the kitchen featuring Wolf and Subzero appliances, wine fridges, multiple dishwashers, steam ovens, and Brodware tapware.

37 Master Builder PROJECT
No luxuries were spared, with the kitchen featuring Wolf and Subzero appliances, wine fridges, multiple dishwashers, steam ovens, and Brodware tapware.


Jacaranda House takes your breath away. The builder considered the vegetation with every angle looking onto the river or Jacarandas and tennis court in the back garden.

Purposely functional, Jacaranda House is built to be enjoyed and is perfect for those who love to entertain.

The builder created an icon on the Brisbane River for future generations to admire.

The detail is exceptional, boasting an oldschool craftmanship almost forgotten. The arch timber windows were a challenging job as well as the glass around the pool.

This is a unique block on a private spot on the river.

The relationship between the owner and builder was amazing – the owner knew exactly what he wanted, and it shows.

The casual and formal living areas feature a fireplace that share a large stone-clad chimney with a custom designed timber mantel.

Jacaranda House is an entertainer’s dream with the large outside area, with VJ ceiling and skylights, accessible from dining, living, and bedroom areas. A full outdoor kitchen, fireplace, and TV area overlooks the 18m-long pool with built-in spa and infinity edge. What makes it so special is that the alfresco sees uninterrupted views of the lawns that cascade down to the river.

The right side of the house features a quad garage, laundry and mudroom, and two guest bedrooms and bathrooms – one of which is a whimsical bunk room perfect for sleepovers or hosting family.

The two children’s rooms are positioned at the end of this wing overlooking the river and are separated by a rumpus room and craft area. The rooms are tailored to each child and

feature unique walk-in robes and ensuites.

The master bedroom includes a walk-in robe, nursery room, and a large ensuite with a free-standing Victoria and Albert bath that overlooks the property’s lush riverside Jacarandas.

The rumpus room boasts a pool table and built-in poker table nook. Centrally located is a bar with wine displays and beverage fridges. At one end is a cinema space that has stepped flooring for tiered seating. During the day, the TV and stone wall are visible, but at night, block-out curtains can be drawn for an immersive, cinema experience.

The lower level of the house has a gym, sauna, and external ice bath designed specifically to suit the slope of the land.

The Master Builders Housing & Construction Awards judges were blown away with Jacaranda House, describing it as a “moving experience” visiting the project. 

38 Master Builder PROJECT
39 Master Builder PROJECT Call us and let us do the hard work for you! Wholesale Pool Shells is a specialist subcontractor to the swimming pool and building industries. We offer pool shells which include engineering certification, excavation, reinforcing, concrete and plumbing. We offer fixed prices and two day construction time in most cases, with a network of other licensed pool trades available to you. We can also have excavators, bobcats, tip trucks and concrete pumps available for hire. Contact us now for a quote on your next project TEL: 3208 9099  EMAIL: ~ C NEE D A C O WHOLESALE POOL SHELLS Concrete Spraying Specialists Pty Ltd t/a BSA License 1172793 NEED A CONCRETE POOL SHELL? RS01421AB

A peek into the rare and unusual

Each year, our members raise the bar when it comes to Housing & Construction Awards projects – and 2023 has pulled out all the stops.

As always, we received some grand entries, so here’s just a taste from some of our regions. As the red carpet is rolled out at Award ceremonies this month, we thought we’d give you a peek into a few that were extraordinary. Well done to all our entrants this year.

Something a little quirky


Football by Ifab Steel, Gold Coast

This remarkable project involved designing, engineering, fabricating, installing, and painting a massive fourstorey-high aluminium football at Kool Beanz SUNS Child Care Centre outside the Gold Coast stadium.

The team at Ifab Steel used a 3D scanner to align the structure with the existing structural columns. They also used a HoloLens augmented reality set to do holographic overlays to ensure they had the correct shape.

The entire football structure was fabricated from aluminium, which makes it ideal for outdoor installations. Aluminum is also corrosion-resistant, ensuring the football will remain looking pristine for years to come.

The football was securely mounted in place and tied into the existing building.

Something magical Atlantis Project by BADGE, Gold Coast BADGE constructed three major attractions in a new entertainment precinct at Sea World theme park.

Construction was undertaken in three stages, including The Vortex, a tumbling pendulum-style ride above water.

The Leviathan Wooden Coaster rollercoaster with a 32m-high track.

The third stage was The Trident, which is a spinning attraction that soars 52m into the air.

The precinct also features intricate waterfalls, statues, landscaping, roadworks, and a themed amphitheatre based on the legend of the lost city of Atlantis.

Something off-grid Rangelands Outback Camp Winton by Cassinco Building and Electrical, Central Queensland

Rangelands Outback Camp is located on top of a jump up or mesa on Rangelands Station, a working cattle property 10km north of Winton, Central West Queensland.

With the focus on protecting the environment, the six luxury self-contained tents operate off grid and are powered by their own solar panels with a backup generator.

The use of various building materials including fabric (tents), corrugated iron, and timber not only enhances the aesthetic but assists the climate control of the camp through ventilation and shade.

40 Master Builder FEATURE

Something luxurious Glencoe Lodge by Mark Winter Constructions, Downs & Western

The design is inspired by the alpine regions of North America, having a mountainous lodge feel with stone and timber cladding and high gable roofs.

An entertainer’s dream, the home boasts multiple living areas including the large lounge, dining, and kitchen space with high raked ceiling, entertainment room with bar and cellar, complete with two Cheminee Philippe fireplaces. The underground cellar is a standout, with temperature-controlled racking for 2,000 bottles and is hidden under the bar by electronic in-floor doors.

Another highlight is the American Oak timber kitchen, with a Palazzo Quartzite stone splashback and a four-metre long island bench, topped off with a full butler’s pantry with a second dishwasher.

Something sporty

Great Barrier Reef Arena by Paynters, Mackay & Whitsunday

This world-class facility not only provides an exceptional sporting experience but a local venue for the Mackay locals and tourists.

The project included the stadium building, the deck connecting the existing building to the new arena, change rooms, and landscaping connections.

Precast plat seating was an original move. The tiered seating was constructed utilising precast concrete seating plats, an innovative building solution ensuring speed of install, eliminating the need for propping or formwork.

The outcome is a boutique venue to host various formats of international cricket, Big Bash League and the Women’s Big Bash League, and regular season AFL matches with space for 10,500 spectators.

Something old, something new

Ark House, by Look Homes, Sunshine Coast

This beautiful barn conversion was once home to custom boat building and has been respectfully renovated to reflect a family home.

Complimented by 8m-high ceilings and windows, natural light streams into the contemporary spaces. A timber arch extends the full length of the building, operating as a homage to both the historical barn and modern engineering and construction excellence.

Cross-flow ventilation brings fresh air through the 6.5-star energy efficient home, respecting sustainable and environmental building practice.

 BU I LD E R S a r e you paying t oo mu c h f o r you r building ma t e r ial s ? To fi nd out how call 07 3289 6800 Email: Web: www tradebuilders Run by Builders for Builders We can save you time moneand y. MV01684AA 41 Master Builder FEATURE


A spotlight on some of our great sponsors; make sure you support those companies that support our industry.

Legal advice delivered with experience, common sense, and integrity

Brendan Bathersby has been providing legal advice in the building and construction industry to the Sunshine Coast and Gympie region for over 30 years.

Bathersby Legal delivers a direct, personalised service to principals, owners, contractors, and sub-contractors who work in residential, commercial, industrial, and civil building and construction.

The team can assist clients with services ranging from drafting or reviewing building contracts, assisting you with contract administration, (including security of payment claims), recovering unpaid invoices, and resolving disputes.

They manage and resolve a wide variety of commercial disputes through negotiation and mediation, keeping their clients out of court wherever possible. They focus on protecting their clients’ commercial interests after assessing the facts, clients’ needs and resources, the costs involved, and

BMS Building Material Supplies – how it all began

Established in 1963, BMS has grown to be the largest supplier of building materials in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs region.

It all started for BMS at the current Ruthven Street location, but back then it was a lot smaller. Over the years, extensive alterations were made to the operation, including a larger showroom, offices, warehouse, and adding a drive-through.

In July 1984, BMS joined the Mitre 10 Group, enabling greater purchasing power and

promotional capabilities. With calls from customers for a store on the southern side of the city, the Stenner Street store opened in 2000, providing customers with a range of products and services.

the strengths and weaknesses of the case.

Experienced in insolvency litigation and bankruptcy, Bathersby Legal will represent insolvency practitioners, liquidators, trustees in bankruptcy, and insolvent parties. They will recover debts for clients ranging from small businesses to large corporations and assist with all aspects of the debt recovery process.

Bathersby Legal will provide Master Builders members with a free 30-minute consultation. Contact

Company solutions for your business

QSolutions Group is a leading HSEQ consultancy firm in their 18 th year, with a head office in Townsville and a subsidiary office in Brisbane.

They focus on health, safety, environmental, quality, and business management, ensuring their clients meet and exceed legislative requirements and standards whilst empowering them with the knowledge, systems, and processes to self-manage into the future.

QSolutions Group has a team of talented professionals who provide a robust and complete service to their clients by having

As the building industry continued to expand, Carrington Road was opened in 2009 as a purpose-built trade-focused facility. The site boosts 2,000sqm of showroom and 8,000sqm of warehouse and a trade priority drive-through, offering significant and proven experience in supporting organisations operating in many domains.

QSolutions Group services include on - site HSEQ consultants, service contracts, integrated business management systems, tendering and business development, auditing compliance including Pre - Qualification Certification (PQC), Federal Safety Commission (FSC) audit assistance, education and training, risk management, food safety systems, legislative compliance, security assessments, respirator fit testing, and drug and alcohol testing.

easier access to service and materials. In 2022, the facility was developed during the global supplier crisis, adding an extra 1,800sqm warehouse to improve delivering of orders on time.

In February 2020, BMS acquired Toowoomba Truss and Frame (TTTF). 

For more information visit

QSolutions answers the call of all industries to deliver sustainable and economical systems to enable their clients to reach the next level.

They deliver a high-quality service to all their clients with integrity and commitment through a diverse contribution to your business.  Visit

42 Master Builder SPONSORS

Our eight-day intensive course will qualify you to obtain your Work Health & Safety Officers (WHSO) accreditation through Work Safe Queensland.

Throughout the course you’ll learn:

 Hazard identification and responding to incidents

Endorsed by our in-house safety team, you can be assured you are not only learning from an industry leader, but from the Association who actively works with government on the development of Safety Policy and Standards for the construction industry in Queensland.

We understand that it’s difficult to have eight consecutive days off. So, our program is broken into four workshop blocks (2 days each block), meaning students have three months to complete assessments.

FULL PRICE FEE Members (GST exempt) 3000 $ Members (GST exempt) 3300 $ NonCOURSE START DATE: Monday, 7 August, Master Builders Brisbane Office Call 1300 13 60 02 to enrol or visit Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety^ GET
 Risk assessment and control
 WHS system implementation and maintenance
 Working with sub-contractors.
enrolement fee
- GST exempt
(GST exempt)
exempt) ^BSB41419 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. *CSQ funds to a maximum of $270 per unit for eligible participants. 1 BERT funds all training fees - enrolment fee applies. Eligibility criteria applies for all funding. Call 1300 136 002 for more information. | RTO 30097
8 days over Intensive program 4 Blocks for current BERT members or employees of contributing BERT employers $100
for members*
600 $ for non members* (GST



We have teamed up with some great industry partners to help your dollar go further.

Members can access Mazda BT-50 Large Fleet program when they purchase a new vehicle from any Mazda dealership. They will also be able to access Mazda’s Corporate Select Program when they buy a brand new or demonstrator Mazda vehicle. The Corporate Select Program boasts 3 years or 30,000 km complimentary servicing and an online training safety course valued at $1,100 that can be shared with three family members. For more information visit


Master Builders members can take advantage of a fleet discount with Isuzu Trucks and Isuzu Utes. Simple present a copy of your Master Builders membership details to your local Isuzu truck dealer.

For more information visit

*Offer only available to members who have held Master Builders membership for at least 12 months.


Master Builders has a new partnership with Procore, a leading provider of construction management software.

Procore’s platform is designed to connect everyone in the construction industry on a global level, and together we are

excited to offer our members an exclusive discount of 15 per cent off their Procore solutions, providing even greater value back to businesses.

By utilising Procore, members can enhance their business operations, gain valuable insights on how to reduce risk, improve cash flow, reduce rework, and stay ahead of the competition.

According to an ROI report surveying existing Procore users, 48 per cent reported managing up to 44 per cent more construction volume per person, while 68 per cent believe the platform has helped them improve their cash flow confidence and track payments, as well as reduce rework by 16 per cent. An example of this great impact comes from SHAPE, the head contractor who used the platform

These are just some of the great deals available to Master Builders members. For a full list of discounts and special offers, visit


Members are eligible for the MINI Professional Programme. This entitles them to the following benefits upon the purchase of a new MINI:

• Complimentary MINI Service Inclusive for 3 years or 60,000kms

• Reduced dealer delivery of up to $1,850 excluding taxes

• Benefits extended to your spouse or de - facto partner

• Access to a dedicated corporate sales manager


T&Cs apply.

to accelerate delivery across their organisation.

Since implementing Procore Project Management in 2017, SHAPE has added Procore Quality & Safety, Analytics, and Action Plans to their suite of solutions, with the latter being a key differentiator for their business.

It’s great to be able to provide our members with this opportunity to streamline their workflows, achieve greater success in their construction projects, minimise risk in their projects and save money through our exclusive discount. With Procore, members can expect to see significant improvements in their operations and overall business performance.

For more information visit

The above discounts and benefits are subject to the provider’s terms and conditions and eligibility requirements. Master Builders does not provide any guarantee that a member will be eligible for a particular discount or benefit. All queries regarding eligibility must be directed to the provider noted above as applicable.

44 Master Builder
G e t start e d to d a y. Vi s it mbqld.c o m.a u ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE OPTION Using DocuSign integration FREE ONLINE CONTRACTS DOCUMENTS* Excludes suite of CSIRO and other selected documents* EXPERT SUPPORT We have a support team, online video tutorials and free workshops to support you SAVE TEMPLATES CREATE COPY TOOL Who said free eDocs? * Access a wealth of online contracts, supporting documents, SWMS and Safety Plans for free* Eligible Master Builders members¹ can now sign up and access a wealth of eDocs contracts and documents for free as part of their membership subscription.* We’ve got both the residential and commercial sector covered, with head and support contracts, safety and support documents, COVID-19 forms and more. Power through business faster: *T&Cs apply – visit Excludes the suite of CSIRO online documents and other selected online documents. ¹Eligible members include licensed builders, licensed tradies, manufacturers, and suppliers.  Ensure payment: You can access the Master builders holding account for securing funds under a contract so that the Building Contractor gets paid as work is completed, giving you peace-of-mind  Help resolve client disputes: You can also access the Master Builders holding account for disputed funds with clients, plus we can host mediation for disputing parties to come to a resolution for free (without prejudice meeting)  We make it easier for you: Our experts can help breakdown the technical jargon of codes and standards and give practical building and technical advice to ensure you meet Building Code requirements for your projects. OUR BUILDING & TECHNICAL SERVICES TEAM ARE HERE TO HELP MEMBERS Call 1300 13 60 02 or visit Got a contract dispute or have a technical question?


National home builder, Henley Properties Group, has extended its partnership with TIACS (This Is a Conversation Starter) and TradeMutt to grow the provision of mental health support across the country for tradies and other blue-collar workers.

The extended relationship will see Henley Properties Group contribute more than $120,000 in financial support to TIACS to help aid its much - needed services, funding an additional 1,300 hours of conversations and counselling.

TIACS is a not-for-profit organisation that provides mental health counselling to

tradies, truckies, and rural and blue-collar workers and those who care about them via confidential chats, texts, and callbacks.

The service is free and confidential and delivered by counsellors who have significant experience in working with blue - collar workers.

TIACS matches up callers with counsellors that best meet their needs and arranges for

them to talk to the same counsellor each time.

Henley Properties Group CEO, Antony Blackshaw, said the building and construction industry has faced unprecedented issues because of the ongoing impact of the COVID pandemic.

“There has never been a more important and critical time to help our tradies and team,“ he said.


“We are absolutely committed to supporting our team, network of tradies and suppliers, and our colleagues across the industry, and we are proud that our contribution to TIACS will help bring even more support to our industry.”

Head of Partnerships for TIACS, Jason Banks said the donation from Henley Properties is one of the largest contributions to be made to the service since its inception in 2020.

“Every year, tradies in the building and construction industry continue to struggle with the immense pressures facing the sector which directly impact the personal and professional lives of those working in it.

“As an industry-funded mental health support line, we need donations to be able to provide our counselling services. Henley Properties Group’s contribution will not only help us to continue to provide our vital services, but it will also enable us to increase the level of services we offer to help more people in need, during a time when they need it most.”

Founded by Daniel Allen and Edward Ross, TradeMutt is a national social impact workwear brand that supports the health and wellbeing of tradies and other bluecollar workers.

It designs and sells a broad range of funky work shirts and other items of clothing for tradies and encourages customers to


Phone or text: 0488 846 988

Monday–Friday, 8am–10pm

TradeMutt has also launched the initiative Funky Shirt Friday, a tradie equivalent to casual Friday at the office, to give tradies a reason to wear their funky shirt to work.

wear the shirts as an icebreaker to get conversations going among tradies about life and how they are feeling.

Jason said TradeMutt has provided an important opportunity for tradies and other blue-collar workers to feel more comfortable opening up about mental health issues.

“TIACS is now giving them the ability to go one step further and talk to someone with the skills to help them process how they are feeling and take next steps. TradeMutt is a conversation starter, and TIACS helps workers to continue the conversation.”

“As an industry-funded mental health support line, we need donations to be able to provide our counselling services. Henley Properties Group’s contribution will not only help us to continue to provide our vital services, but it will also enable us to increase the level of services we offer to help more people in need, during a time when they need it most.”
47 Master Builder MAKING A DIFFERENCE Products
Ltd ABN 15 065 081 281,
ABN 85 571 332 201. Consider the Product,
whether a product is right for you. *Average return is net of investment fees and costs, taxes, and the percentage-based administration fee and based on the performance of the Balanced Growth Super option since inception in 1985 calculated at 30 June 2022. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. To find out more visit or call 1800 692 877. AK00246AC
issued by BUSS (Queensland) Pty
237860, Trustee of Building Unions Superannuation Scheme (Queensland) (BUSSQ)
Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations at
before deciding


We catch up with a couple of our members for a quick chat to see what they have been up to.


Thompson Pools

Tell us a little about yourself – where are you from? Family life?

I’m Brisbane born and bred. I enjoy living life in the fast lane. When I’m not on site, my interests are in cars, boats, and bikes. I married my high school sweetheart, Melanie, and we have a daughter, Chloe and a two-year-old grandson, Levi.

Who or what inspired you to get into the building and construction industry?

I really enjoyed creating things, and I knew I

wanted to work outdoors in a trade that was always growing with new innovative ideas.

I’ve been in the pool industry for 26 years now. What was your first job – add a memorable moment from those early days?

I started in the pool industry as a labourer for a plumbing technician back in the mid-nineties.

A memorable moment for me would have to be learning enough knowledge to go out on my own and start my own business.

Tell us about your current role – and what you most enjoy about it?

I started Thompson Pools in 2007. I enjoy building and creating a lifestyle for our clients and their families to enjoy for years to come. I mostly enjoy being able to create a design for a client and the environment. It’s great to watch it develop and see the end result.

What projects are you most proud of?

I would say the Crystalbrook Collection. I worked on the Crystalbrook Riley Hotel in Cairns.

I was project manager, and the Thompson Pools team completed several aspects of the construction.

What’s the toughest lesson you have learnt, or biggest challenge you have overcome? The toughest lesson I’ve learnt is how to build perfection.

The biggest challenges I have faced would have been working overseas on the Havannah Resort in Vanuatu and having to overcome the language barrier. The sourcing of building materials and trying to maintain a safe work site when workplace health and safety is non-existent.

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

Sitting on a beach somewhere… just kidding. Being part of a team and a company that has the same dream for perfection. And of course, making clients’ lifestyle dreams a reality.

What do you do when you’re not building pools?

At the weekends, I go for a run in the ute, or I’m out on the water on the jet ski.

I like to unwind after a hard day in the yard with my dogs.

Finally, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The most useful advice I’ve been given is: always listen and be willing to learn. 

48 Master Builder


Comoda Design & Renovation, Brisbane

Operations Manager at Comoda Design & Renovations, Kelly Weir was one of the guest speakers at the Brisbane Influencers Lunch where she spoke about the burden of busyness and the elusive work–life balance while working, studying, and raising four children.

What made you get into the building and construction industry?

My foray into the industry began in 2019 when I joined the team at Comoda as an administration assistant. Being a part of the everyday activity allowed me to rethink my role, and my interests pushed me to do something more. This role quickly grew into an account management position exposing me to a different part of the business, and I found myself being more hands on with the overall work, dealing with clients and taking on more duties related to project management. I realised that to be able to be successful and move up in the industry I needed the right qualifications, so I completed my Certificate IV in Construction Management in 2021. Earlier this year, I was promoted to Operations Manager.

As your career and studies have evolved and your family has grown – what skills do you think are required to be effective in juggling so many balls?

You might have 100 things on your todo list, but you can only really do one of those things at a time. So, you may as well prioritise things that you can get done today, and not stress about everything that’s in the future.

You have to-do lists, focus on that one thing, do that thing really well. And then when that’s finished, move on to the next thing. And that helps me really reduces my feeling of overwhelmingness.

What do you think the cost of busyness is on the modern woman today?

We all want to do so much, achieve so much, and meet so many people’s expectations and really prove that we can just get stuff done.

The downside to that is the impact it has on our own wellbeing. If we’re not setting boundaries, if we’re not making and prioritising time for ourselves, then we are the first people to go down.

And if we’re going down, then what happens to all the people we have around us – our kids, the people we work with,

our husbands, our wives, friends, all those people that are relying on us.

One of the most frequently mentioned habits of people who are successful in life is organisation. Can you give us practical tips on how you organise your week?

I am quite organised, but sometimes chaos does ensue in my house. With four kids, there’s always something happening, it’s very unpredictable. But the best way for me to really structure my week is time blocking. In my mornings, I focus on getting myself and the kids ready for the day, spending quality

time with them, and just being present in that moment, because I know I’ve already blocked out time for other things I need to get done in the day when I get to work.

When I get to work, I block my day out, and I know what tasks I must do as a priority. That’s my focus time.

I always block out time for lunch breaks, as I believe you need regular rest, even if you just go outside for a walk, take your coffee with you, walk down the street so you are refreshed for the rest of your day. 

“You have to-do lists, focus on that one thing, do that thing really well. And then when that’s finished, move on to the next thing.”
49 Master Builder 5 MINUTES WITH


After 112 incidents in twelve months, Energex and Ergon are reminding Queensland construction crews to prioritise powerline safety when they’re planning and doing work.

50 Master

Safety Manager Michael Bobin said a recent uptick in incidents across the building industry was a cause for concern, which reinforced the value of using lifesaving planning tools to help reduce the risk of mobile plant contacting powerlines.

“The message is simple yet lifesaving: Look Up and Live and Check before you dig when you’re working around overhead powerlines or underground cables,” Michael said.

“The Look Up and Live app is free and provides a wealth of information, including the location of power poles and wires across Queensland and safety tips tailored to the needs of your industry. If you’re unsure about anything or you need specific advice for your worksite, like exclusion zones, you can always give us a call.

“Dial Before you Dig is now an online service at, where you can easily check the location of underground services on your building site before you start excavating. It’s a critical step when you consider we’ve seen 46 underground cables struck in the last year.”

When it comes to the type of plant involved in recent incidents, excavators are overrepresented.

“Thirty-seven incidents involving excavators contacting overhead or underground powerlines have been reported in the last year, which is an alarming trend.

“Powerlines can be hard to spot, and any strike could be deadly, so we implore you to take the time to identify the hazards and put controls in place before you start work,” said Michael.

“Spinning powerline markers can be a great visual reminder to Look Up and Live in hightraffic areas on a construction site.”

As the building boom continues to attract new blood to the industry, there’s no room for complacency when it comes to powerline safety.

“You cast your eyes across the skyline in Brisbane, and you see the number of cranes out and about, which is good to see, and population growth in the major regional centres has led to a hive of activity there as well,” said Michael.

“With major growth comes a flurry of construction work, ongoing deadlines, and new people coming on board who are still learning how to operate safely around the electricity network.

“Whether you’re inexperienced or a veteran, you need to set your defences and plan

safe work around powerlines, then continue looking for hazards when you’re on the tools or at the controls.

“There’s a lot to consider on a construction site – like working at heights, traffic, and trip hazards – so powerlines can sometimes fade into the background when they should be front of mind.”

Whether you are working on roofs or scaffolding, doing excavation and trenching, transporting high loads, operating cranes and dump trucks, erecting signs and any other tall, metallic structures, or working around metal water pipes, you need to prioritise electrical safety.

“The powerline contacts we’ve seen in the last year involve everything from home renovation to major projects, from individual customer service wires (30 incidents) to overhead conductors and associated equipment (23 incidents),” said Michael.

“Regardless of the scale of your project or your role on the worksite, you need to look up and live.”

While the ultimate goal for everyone is zero incidents, it’s also important to know the safest course of action if you’re involved in or come across the worst-case scenario.

“If your vehicle or machinery contacts powerlines, stay in the cab, call 000 and wait for help. If you exit the vehicle before our crews have confirmed the powerlines are de-energised, you risk electrocution or serious injury.

“If you witness an incident, while your instinct might be to rush in to assist, you need to stay at least ten metres away from the vehicle and any fallen powerlines and call emergency services,” Michael said.

When vehicles or machinery contact powerlines, the danger isn’t over once the electricity’s been turned off and everyone has been helped to safety.

When a current passes through a vehicle, it can spark an internal tyre fire, creating gases capable of triggering an explosion many times more powerful than the initial inflation pressure.

This process, called pyrolysis, can take 12–24 hours to peak so any vehicle that’s been in contact with electrical equipment needs to be isolated in a safe place and monitored for up to 24 hours.

“We want everyone to get home safely at the end of the workday and empower you with the tools and tips to do that, so please reach out to Energex or Ergon if you need any more advice,” Michael said. 

“Regardless of the scale of your project or your role on the worksite, you need to look up and live.”
For more information, visit Ergon Energy on or Energex on

Construction Works and Public & Product Liability Insurance


Our Platinum Protection Construction Works and Public & Product Liability policy for builders is the smart insurance choice you’ll be glad you made if the unexpected happens.

 Policy coverage for an 18-month construction period*

 $20M limit for Public & Products Liability*

 Automatic on-site tools cover of $20,000* included in Construction Works

 On-going Product Liability protection for completed works while your policy remains in-force*

 Lower policy excesses as standard*

 Policy and payment options available*

Supported by one of Australia’s largest insurers, our policy protection is designed to meet the specific needs of our members. Plus, we have a dedicated claims team to help you when you need it most.

Call the Master Builders Insurance Services team INSURANCE SERVICES A DIVISION OF QUEENSLAND MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION. Australian Financial Services Licence No. 246834. Information contained herein is of a general nature and has not taken into account the particular insurance needs of any individual, business or person. *Subject to claims history. Terms and conditions apply.
today to make the switch. 1300 13 13 26 Our team of building and construction insurance experts can also help builders and tradies with various insurances such as Public & Product Liability for tradies, Tools, Plant & Equipment, Interstate Home Warranty Insurance, Professional Indemnity, Commercial Motor and other general insurance. WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED



Steel Framing is a popular choice in commercial construction due to its numerous advantages. With its strength, durability, and versatility, steel framing provides a robust structural solution for commercial buildings of all sizes. The framing provided by McHugh Steel offers design flexibility, allowing for large open spaces and adaptable layouts. McHugh Steel offers supply and install of wall frames and trusses to multi-storey buildings. Moreover, the speed of construction with steel framing reduces project timeliness and labour costs, making it an efficient choice for commercial projects. Contact McHugh Steel for your next project, big or small.


The new DeWALT DXPW3193 Petrol Pressure washer, the first vertical and horizontal hybrid pressure washer, delivers 3,100 PSI of cleaning pressure at 9.3 LPM from a powerful DEWALT 165cc OHV engine. This capacity ensures reaching hard-to-reach places, such as high building façades, windows, and gutters, is made easy.

Fitted with a steel-braided 7.62m highpressure hose, the pressure washer also features a pro-style spray gun with 40cm stainless steel lance along with four quick-connect nozzles. A heavy-gauge welded frame with patented non-marking pneumatic wheels gives the pressure washer excellent mobility, making it perfect for DIY and light trade use.

Contact DeWALT for more information.


Industry professionals are seeking new channels to engage with customers, and customers are increasingly shopping for value and peace of mind. Lifesize Plans Brisbane introduces real-scale walk-through technology, transforming the construction sector. Stakeholders can walk through a plan layout at a 1:1 scale, accelerating decision making and minimising revisions.

The collaboration between architects, builders, and site owners presented at Lifesize Plans reduces build costs and improves sales processes. Lifesize Plans is now essential for industry professionals, elevating their value proposition and streamlining design processes. It has become a crucial milestone in construction project timelines.

Contact Lifesize Plans for more information.


Eco Block ICF construction system offers benefits to all construction types, including Reduced construction times – interest cost savings; higher energy ratings > 7 stars with less input; flood, fire, and cyclone mitigation; certified to BAL FZ; and low ongoing maintenance for the life of the structure.

Speak to Eco Block ICF before your next project.

Master Builder
A quick look at the latest products and services that can help you in your business.


With industry-leading innovation and certified manufacturing processes, Knauf Insulation glass wool is a sustainable product with green accreditation, including the use of Ecose technology, BAL rated, NCC 2022, NATSPEC, and Green Rate, Level A GreenTag compliant. The Knauf Insulation range for systems includes a selection of R-values, batt widths, and thicknesses for thermal and acoustic applications for new builds and renovations of residential, non-residential, and commercial buildings and Green Roof projects.

The Knauf Insulation glass wool range, including wall batts, ceiling batts, acoustic batts, and rolls, is now available for specification and orders via Knauf (Gypsum) Fulfilment Centres nationally.

Contact Knauf for more information.


Now stocked at RED ROO is the new-to-market Urban Camo Cooler Bag. The 17L cooler bag is manufactured from 300D polyester and has a stylish camouflage pattern all over. The bag comes complete with thick PE foam insulation encased in a water resistant PEVA inner liner, an adjustable shoulder strap, a zippered front pocket, two mesh side pockets, and carry handles with a Velcro cuff.

Customise this with your logo and give a gift that is practical, functional, and gives longevity of brand. Perfect as a lunch cooler bag, weekend BBQ cooler bag, or a gift for clients this Christmas.

For more imagery, pricing, and information, contact Red Roo.


Siniat’s Opal plasterboard is the ultimate choice for high-end residential projects. Suitable for walls and ceilings, its pre-primed heavy-duty surface liner paper helps to create near invisible joints, reducing glancing light issues. It features a high-density gypsum core for added impact resistance and superior sound insulation, making it the perfect choice for demanding areas like rumpus rooms and corridors.

Opal is a sustainable choice that can help reduce the embodied carbon of any project. It is certified by Global GreenTag to GreenRate Level A and carbon neutral certified by Climate Active.

Choose Opal for an elegant touch to any residential project.


Construction experts Xact Accounting have launched Xact Analytics, combining Buildxact and Xero data into a simple, intuitive dashboard. See profits, overspends, and funds yet - to - spend per job, offering a comprehensive business overview. Expect more integrations soon. Xact Analytics is currently in limited release. Sign up for the waitlist now. Contact Xact for more information.


LYSAGHT® steel cladding has long been a valuable design resource for Australian architects, providing aesthetically appealing and versatile facades that add exciting visual dimensions to their designs. With each of the six products in the ZENITH® cladding range, that design value has reached new heights, with profiles that deliver bolder aesthetics than seen before paired with the exceptional performance you have come to know and expect from LYSAGHT® steel products. The ZENITH® range of cladding is shaped from 100 per cent Australian-made COLORBOND® steel and is available nationally. Contact Lysaght for more information.

55 Master Builder WHAT’S HOT


Our panel of industry experts share some of the common questions they are asked.

Workforce Services

I’ve read the advice on your website about the new managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022, and I think I need to provide workers with respiratory protective equipment (RPE) – do I also need RPE fit tested?

Fit testing is required for all tight-fitting RPE to ensure it is a suitable size and fit and is reasonably comfortable for the worker. This includes:

• All types of disposable and reusable half-face RPE, including negative pressure, powered air purifying, and airline/air-fed types

• All types of full-face RPE, including negative pressure, powered air purifying, and airline/air-fed types.

I’ve heard that you don’t need to be clean shaven to undergo fit testing. Is this true?

Fit testing detects if air is leaking into a respirator through gaps in the seal between the respirator face piece and the worker’s face. The performance of any tight-fitting respirator relies heavily on having a good seal between the respirator and the wearer’s face. If the

respirator doesn’t create an effective seal, contaminated air can leak into the respirator.

PCBUs should ensure workers who undergo fit-testing, or are required to wear tightfitting respirators during work, are cleanshaven or have no hair between their face and the seal of the respirator face piece (this can interfere with a proper fit). If workers are not clean shaven, fit testing is unreliable because the hair can prevent it from forming a tight fit. Some workers are refusing to be clean shaven. What do I do?

PCBUs are required to provide RPE if the higher order dust controls used to manage RCS exposure are not able to reduce exposure to below the workplace exposure standard.

PCBUs also have an obligation to consult with workers about the use of RPE, including choosing the RPE. Consultation requires PCBUs to not only share information about why RPE is required and what RPE is proposed, but also provide workers an opportunity to express their views, and then consider and take those views into account.

If, after consultation, a PCBU requires workers to use RPE that requires fit testing, and a worker refuses an instruction to be clean shaven to undergo fit testing (other

Remember, if you’re seeking professional advice, call Master Builders

1300 30 50 10

than for reasons such as religious reasons), your options include:

• Finding alternative work where RPE is not required, or

• Supplying alternative RPE that does not require a tight seal to properly protect workers, such as hoods, helmets, and visors that use positive pressure or air supplied. If this is not practicable or appropriate, you can enforce the direction to wear the tightfitting RPE. Workers have a legal obligation to take care of their own health and safety, cooperate with you regarding health and safety, and follow any training they have received in the proper use of RPE, including the requirement to be clean shaven. If they refuse a reasonable and lawful instruction from you, this can result in disciplinary action.

What about new workers?

We recommend advising workers before they commence of your WHS policy, your SWMS, and the requirement to wear RPE to ensure their health and safety. And to discuss with them any issues they might have with that. You should consider including clauses in your contracts that make reference to such requirements. 

Master Builder 56

Workplace Relations

Requests for flexible work changes

Employer obligations when responding to employee requests for flexible working arrangements changed in June this year.

What is a flexible working arrangement?

Currently, full-time and part-time employees with at least 12 months of service may request flexible working arrangements.

An employee may request flexibility if they are a parent of a child who is of school age or younger, are a carer, have a disability, are 55 years or older, or are experiencing family domestic violence. Requests may include a change to hours of work, how work is performed, or location of work. For example, an employee may request reduced hours or a work-from-home arrangement.

What do I do if I receive a request?

An employer has 21 days to respond to an employee’s request, and they must do so in writing.

What if I cannot accommodate an employee’s request?

Employers must genuinely try to accommodate an employee’s request. The response needs to provide alternatives, other opportunities, or the reasons for refusal. It is not sufficient to simply refuse a request on reasonable business grounds.

An employer will need to explain how the request cannot be accommodated and the impact it will have on business operations. For example, a request to reduce hours may negatively impact other employees or force the business to recruit additional people to accommodate the hours requested.

If an employer refuses a request, they are obliged to provide the employee with information about referring a dispute to the Fair Work Commission (FWC).

What can an employee do if I refuse their request?

The new provisions allow the FWC to become involved should a dispute arise between an employer and an employee. The parties should first try to resolve the matter at a workplace level and try to come to an agreement; however, where this is unsuccessful, the FWC may assist. 

Advocacy & Policy

What is an internal review of a QBCC decision?

As regulator for the building industry, QBCC makes a wide variety of regulatory decisions impacting on a licensee. These include directing rectification of defective building work, licensing decisions, and paying a claim under the Home Warranty Scheme.

For most QBCC regulatory decisions, a licensee aggrieved by the decision has the option of applying to QBCC to have the decision internally reviewed. Under the law, the internal review decision is a new decision and must be undertaken by a QBCC officer who was not the original decision-maker.

How do you know if you can internally review a QBCC decision? Most, but not all, regulatory decisions made by the QBCC may be internally reviewed.

Decisions unable to be internally reviewed include:

• A decision to issue a penalty infringement notice (fine) or prosecute an offence

• A decision to take recovery proceedings against a licensee for a paid claim under the Home Warranty Scheme

• A decision that is already being reviewed in QCAT

• A decision where the application for internal review is not made within 28 days of the applicant being given notice of the reviewable decision (unless QBCC agrees to a longer time).

The easiest way to identify whether you can review a QBCC decision is to peruse the notice of the decision given to you by the QBCC. The notice will inform you of your review rights, including whether the decision can be internally reviewed.

Members are also welcome to contact Master Builders for expert assistance should they be contemplating making an internal review. Should members agree to give QBCC more time to make an internal review decision?

The QBCC has 28 days, after the internal review application is made, to make its new decision. However, it is quite common for the QBCC to be unable to meet this time limit. Where this occurs, the QBCC is authorised under the QBCC Act to seek the agreement of the applicant for more time to make the internal review decision.

It is usually in the applicant’s interest to agree to an extension of time requested by the QBCC. The reason for this is that if the internal reviewer cannot make their decision within 28 days, the internal review decision is deemed under the legislation to be the same as the original decision. Can an internal review applicant provide new information to the internal reviewer if it was not given to the original QBCC decision maker?


How often does QBCC change its decision because of an internal review?

Last financial year, the QBCC made 630 internal review decisions. Thirtyone per cent of these internal review decisions (194) overturned or varied the QBCC’s original decision. 

“An employee may request flexibility if they are a parent of a child who is of school age or younger, are a carer, have a disability, are 55 years or older, or are experiencing family domestic violence.”
57 Master Builder ADVICE


Your workers are your lifeblood. Master Builders designs and delivers a range of courses that help move your business, and our industry, forward.

Two Js join forces in carpentry venture

Two Brisbane childhood mates, James Davey and Jackson Scadden, took the plunge and started their own business at the beginning of the year.

At the time, Jackson had started his cabinetmaking journey at PK Cabinets while James was installing wardrobes.

During their downtime over the weekend, the pair started their own wardrobe installation business.

Despite being dedicated to their jobs, James and Jackson had big ideas for their own future business.

They realised they needed to do a Business Management Trade Contractors course with Master Builders so they could get their Queensland Building & Construction Commission (QBCC) licence.

James and Jackson secured funding assistance from Construction Skills Queensland and hit the books.

JnJ Joinery & Shopfitting specialises in kitchens, vanities, wardrobes, custom joinery, retail, and restaurant projects.

Jackson said the friends started off as two kids who went to school together.

“We were different ages with different grades but had a connection through mutual friends. As time went on after school, we became better and better friends until we ended up living together,” he said.

“On the road, we would often talk about this dream of one day starting our own cabinet making business, with our own shed, while creating our own culture,” Jackson said. Fast forward a few years, and the friends found themselves working together doing shopfittings. James was completing a cabinet making apprenticeship and the idea of JnJ Joinery was born.

James and Jackson worked together for years and expanded their knowledge doing predominantly shopfitting projects.

In January 2023, the Js took a leap of faith and opened their own business.

“Besides doing the course so we could get our QBCC licence, we needed to better our business management skills,” James said. The guys agreed that “we’ve learned to cover ourselves and put theory into practice and not get burned.”

Business has been booming for James and Jackson as they juggle several projects. James has a young child and says he is very grateful for his supportive partner, as he spends most of his time on site.

“Having our own business is very stressful, and we are very busy, but its empowering to be able to make our own decisions. The sky’s the limit for us,” he said. 

Understand your home warranty insurance obligations

The Queensland Home Warranty Scheme provides insurance cover to assist consumers with financial loss associated with defective or incomplete work carried out by a Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) licensed contractor. The Scheme is set up in legislation and administered by the QBCC. Participation in the insurance scheme is mandatory.

While licensed builders and tradies are not themselves insured under the Scheme, the law imposes obligations on them to work out the premium and take out the insurance on behalf of the consumer. Failure to do this properly makes the licensee liable for a range of offences and regulatory action against their licence. There may also be contractual

consequences associated with taking out the insurance as, in many instances, payment of the premium forms part of the maximum deposit that can be paid.

In addition, if QBCC makes payment on an insurance claim, the building contractor responsible for the defective or incomplete work (including their company directors) are commonly subject to recovery action by the QBCC. Further, those unable to pay typically lose their QBCC licence.

Unfortunately, the law and administrative processes governing home warranty insurance in Queensland are complex. Builders and tradies are often unsure of their home warranty insurance obligations, including its impact on their contractual entitlements and how to

manage their financial risk in the event of an allegation of defective or incomplete work.

Short course

Master Builders has developed a CSQ supported short course– Mandatory Home Warranty insurance – The dos and don’ts for building contractors. The course is delivered online in a morning workshop format and focuses on the practical skills and knowledge needed by contractors to meet their Home Warranty Insurance obligations and manage their related risks.

Upcoming workshops are to be held on 28 July 2023 and 29 September 2023. 

Give us a call on 1300 13 60 02 or visit for more information.

58 Master Builder




• Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety^*

• • • Completed Residential Building Inspectors Course

• • General Safety Induction (White Card)1*


If you want to work as a Work Health and Safety Officer (WHSO), Safety Advisor, or just want to brush up on your work health and safety knowledge, then this course is the one for you

Learn how to undertake residential building inspections

Your must-do construction course

• • Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing^^* Reduce defects and provide better supervision of waterproofing work

• • Business Management for Trade Contractors2*

Apply for your trade contractor’s licence

• • • Residential Building Contracts Administration Learn how to correctly complete residential building contracts

• Practical Licensing Applications Workshop Learn a method of how to write the site experience section of the builder's licence application

• • • Accredited Test & Tag3* Get the qualification you need to test and tag equipment in your workplace

• • Sexual Harassment at Work Obligations – for Business Get the skills to manage and mitigate the risks associated with sexual harassment at work following the introduction of new laws

• • • Payment Claims & Schedules Learn what you about protecting your right to payment and avoiding hefty fines

• • Paying your People Get a refresher on your obligations under the Modern Award and Fair Work Act 2009 in relation to wages and other conditions of employment

• • Project Trust Accounts Learn how to set-up and manage project trust accounts to avoid serious fines and potential jail time

• • Managing Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace

Learn about the new regulations and code of practice to comply with new laws and create a safe work environment

• Unfair Dismissal Learn how to minimize the risks associated with disciplinary action and terminations

• Negotiation Skills Gain the tools to promote effective negotiation and techniques for turning face-to-face confrontation into side-by-side problem solving

• • Commercial Building Contracts Administration Learn the ins and outs of contracts including legislative restrictions, dispute scenarios, project delays and more

• Practical Communication Skills Learn simple techniques to improve communication skills including DISC profiling

• Home Warranty Scheme Course Get the practical skills and knowledge to comply with payment of premium obligations, and learn how to manage risk in the event of a claim, or potential claim

• • Silica Awareness Understand the health impacts of silica dust and the fit testing requirements

• • Asbestos Awareness Workshop

• • Prepare Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Understand your legal obligations around removing non-friable asbestos

Learn how to prepare a safe work method statement (SWMS)

• • Performance Management –Managing Employees Learn the practical skills and knowledge required to effectively manage employee performance and develop action plans



Livestream & Brisbane

Brisbane, Hervey Bay,

Brisbane, Toowoomba, Hervey Bay

Livestream & Mackay



Brisbane & Toowoomba











Livestream, Brisbane

Livestream, Sunshine Coast



Due to the changing times course dates may change or new dates added after the publication of our magazine, so contact our training team on 1300 13 60 02 or visit

Livestream workshops will be hosted via ZOOM. ^CPC31420 – Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing. ^^CPCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. 1UEESS00174 – Electrical safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies skill set. 2CPCCDE3014 – Remove non-friable asbestos.

3BSBESB402 – Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures. *Nationally Recognised Training course. | RTO 30097

Call us on 1300 13 60 02 or visit training for more information. 59 Master Builder TRAINING


We offer a range of events across Queensland for members. From fun, social days, and fancy nights out, to informative workshops and industry networking opportunities, there’s always something happening.


Golfers teed off at the Gympie Sports Club for the Gympie Master Builders Golf Day on 21 April.


Speakers gave valuable insights into unlocking the value of your business at the North Queensland Influencers Workshop in May.

60 Master Builder


Members networked while plotting their future game plan at the annual Master Builders BUSSQ Roadshow at the Kedron-Wavell Services Club on Tuesday, 9 May.

61 Master Builder EVENTS

Brisbane Influencers

It was a full house at the garden marquee at Victoria Park Golf Course, as our members gathered for an inspiring Brisbane Influencers Lunch.

Master Builders’ Deputy CEO Sue-Ann Fresneda hosted the sold-out event, which featured a panel discussion on the Burden of Busyness.

“The Burden of Busyness is something everyone can relate to, but we seem to be much busier than we’ve ever been – at home and at work.

“Technology was supposed to make that easier for us, and while it’s given us some

great functionality, it has certainly increased expectations on how connected we are with our colleagues.

“Our industry is under strain like never before, so what strategies or boundaries can we put in place to protect ourselves and our business,” she said.

The panel discussed how the Burden of Busyness lifestyle impacts on mental health, the elusive work–life balance and how to ensure that the burden doesn’t become overwhelming.

Guest speakers included three dynamic women: Metricon House & Land Manager,

Selina Chapman; Operations Manager at Comoda Design & Renovations, Kelly Weir; and Managing Director at Effective Solutions In Business, Julie Richman.

They provided sage advice and wisdom on not only maintaining a work–life balance in a culture of busyness, but how to stay connected in a positive way with your family, colleagues, and clients no matter how hectic life becomes.

A big thank you to our sponsors – BUSSQ Building Super, Xact Accounting, Construct Law Group, Siteforce Recruitment, Dynamic Duos, and BlueScope, for helping make the day such a success.

Inspired Minds

We’re working on a little face-lift for the Influencers event. Later in the year, we will introduce a rebranded event series, called Inspired Minds.

The new name reflects the changes we’ve seen globally, and also our panel of guest speakers as well as you all, the people who attend these events.

It’s not all about the name, we’ll be expanding these events to a wider audience across Queensland and delving deeper into the topics that give you inspiration to work smarter, not harder. We hope the Inspired Minds series will capture who our audience is and the inspiration they hope to take home from our events.

We’re now planning our next Inspiring Minds events – keep an eye on our website and your inbox for details. 

It was a full house at the garden marquee at Victoria Park Golf Course, as our members gathered for an inspiring Brisbane Influencers Lunch.
62 Master Builder EVENTS


Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Friday, 8 September 2023

Friday, 8 September 2023

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Friday, 15 September 2023

Friday, 15 September 2023

Friday, 22 September 2023

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Friday, 6 October 2023

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Friday, 20 October 2023

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Sunshine Coast Commercial Builders Forum

Gold Coast Inspired Minds (Women in Building) Workshop

Brisbane North Industry Info Session

Downs & Western Industry Info Session

Brisbane Accountant in the House One on One Sessions

Mackay Industry Info Session

Rockhampton Industry Info Session

Sunshine Coast Industry Info Session

Hervey Bay Industry Info Session

Sunshine Coast

Gold Coast


Downs & Western


Mackay & Whitsunday

Central Queensland

Sunshine Coast

Wide Bay Burnett

Bundaberg Industry Info Session Wide Bay Burnett

Central Queensland Inspired Minds (Women in Building) Workshop

Sunshine Coast Master Builders Golf Day

Mackay Master Builders Golf Day

Townsville Industry Info Session

Cairns Industry Info Session

Far North Queensland Golf Day

Central Queensland

Sunshine Coast

Mackay & Whitsunday

North Queensland

Far North Queensland

Far North Queensland

Maryborough Golf Day Wide Bay Burnett

North Queensland Spring Golf Day

Gold Coast Industry Info Session

Charters Towers Industry Info Session

Bundaberg Master Builders Golf Day

Airlie Beach Industry Info Session

Brisbane South Industry Info Session

Sunshine Coast Satellite (Gympie) Industry Info Session

Townsville Influencers (Women in Building) Workshop

Ingham Industry Info Session

Rockhampton Master Builders Golf Day

Burdekin Industry Info Session

Sunshine Coast Inspired Minds (Women in Building) Workshop

North Queensland

Gold Coast

North Queensland

Wide Bay Burnett

Mackay & Whitsunday


Sunshine Coast

North Queensland

North Queensland

Central Queensland

North Queensland

Sunshine Coast

Downs & Western

At Count Gold Coast (formerly The MBA Partnership), we have a specialist team of QBCC experts who can help you complete the following requirements:

At Count Gold Coast (formerly The MBA Partnership), we have a specialist team of QBCC experts who can help you complete the following requirements: 1300

EVENTS Coolangatta
satisfy QBCC
Annual reporting
Structuring to
Coast Coolangatta
reporting requirements
667 897 Maja
Senior Accountant CA Gold
Structuring to satisfy
Managing Principal CA Maja Sailovic-Jeremic Senior Accountant CA
James or Maja today for a complimentary consultation RS01423AA
897 James Brown

Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed.

The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles.

Waterstop Streamline provides:

• membrane and screen between connection Positive

• Maximises floor area

for disaster

64 Master Builder DIRECTORY Want to advertise in MASTER BUILDER? Call (07) 3866 0000 STEEL PRODUCTS FINANCE ADDITIVES FIRE RESISTANT CLADDING BUILDING SUPPLIES SWIMMING POOL SHELLS Order your Guide to Historical Steel Reinforcement in Australia at Lighthouse-SRIA-Order-Your-Guide-MBA-90x55mm.indd 1 13/12/2022 2:39 pm RS01300AK RS01315AF For more information, visit www.waterstopstreamline com au Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email sales@gleda Are your showers ticking time bombs? Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why but detailed testing has shown how by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed. The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. Waterstop Streamline provides: • membrane and screen between connection tive Pos • Maximises floor area • trades ng ow fo for template a des Prov • waste to fa correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and th w es Compl • design one-piece effective cost Modern • 20 different shapes and sizes • benefits mum max for change nimum M Despite builders best efforts, leaking showers are consistently listed in the top ten defects with new homes. Sadly, sometimes this is due to substandard workmanship, but most of the time it is the design of the shower itself which is creating the potential for disaster Remove the doubt Fit Waterstop Streamline and forget about leaking showers My business has expan p y since we started using the Waterstop Streamline hob and I now have tilers recommending the Waterstop Streamline system – and me – to other bu lders Everyone that uses it loves it M Fred Meddings, Managing D recto Wate tight A stralia Wate -p oofe s Rebated or flow-through shower Sc een ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Sc een Tile Water path Water escapes shower enclosu e Bed Bed Membrane Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Water path Sc een Tile Hob Water escapes shower enclosu e Substrate Membrane Tile Bed Hobbed shower Wa erstop S reamline Bed Membrane Tile Sc Tile height gauge St eamline Keyway to trap liquid membrane Sc een sealed to membrane with silicone Bath oom floor tile height optional By the It h is des all of the other components to make up a complete shower It’s virtual y mpossible to stu it up M Glen Whitehead Ma aging D rector BJM Developmen s For more information, visit ww Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 371 directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. Waterstop Streamline provides: • screen between connection Positive • Maximises floor area • tra following for template a Provides • waste to fall correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and with Complies • design one-piece effective, cost Modern, • 20 different shapes and sizes • benefits maximum for change Minimum Remove the doubt. Fit Waterstop Streamline ... and forget about leaking showers. top Streamline system – and me – to other builders Everyone that uses it loves it Mr Fred Meddings, Managing Director Watertight Australia (Water-proofers) Rebated or flow-through shower Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Sc r een Tile Water path Water escapes shower enclosure Bed Bed Membrane Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with Sc r een Tile Hobbed shower W Streamline Keyway to trap liquid membrane Bathroom floor tile height optional By the It h is des all up imp Mr Gle BJM For more information, visit www.waterstopstreamline com au Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email sales@gleda Are your showers ticking time bombs? Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is wate The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the sc directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. Waterstop Streamline provides: • m and screen between connection tive Pos • Maximises floor area • trades ng ow fol for ate temp a des Prov • waste to fal correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and th w ies Comp • design ece one-p ve, effect cost Modern, • 20 different shapes and sizes • benefits maximum for change Minimum Despite builders best efforts, leaking showers are consistently listed in the top ten defects with new homes. Sadly, sometimes this is due to substandard workmanship, but most of the time it is the design of the shower itself which is creating the potential for disaster Remove the doubt Fit Waterstop and forget about leaking show hob and I now have tilers recommending the Waterstop Str ml Rebated or flow-through shower Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Sc een Tile Water path Water escapes shower enclosure Bed Bed Membrane Sc een Hob Water escapes shower enclosu e Substrate Membrane Tile Bed Bed Membrane gauge Bathroom floor tile height optional By using Waterstop Streamline I know ower will be perfect every time to be, because this product ned to dictate placement of other components to make ore information, visit www.waterstopstreamline com au ne 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email sales@gleda Are your showers ticking time bombs? Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed. The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen ectly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. aterstop Streamline provides: membrane and screen between connection ive Maximises floor area trades ng ow fol for template a des • waste to fal correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and th w ies Comp • gn des one-piece effective cost Modern fferent shapes and sizes benefits maximum for change mum spite builders best efforts, leaking owers are consistently listed in the top ten defects with new homes. y, sometimes this is due to subndard workmanship, but most of the ime it is the design of the shower itself h is creating the potential for disaster Remove the doubt Fit Waterstop Streamline and forget about leaking showers My business has expanded rapidly since we started using the Waterstop Streamline hob and I now have tilers recommending the Waterstop Streamline system – and me – to other builders Everyone that uses it loves it Mr Fred Meddings, Managing Directo Watertight Australia Water-proofers) ted o flow-through showe Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Sc een Tile Water path ater escapes shower enclosure Bed Bed Membrane Sc een ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Water path Sc een Tile Hob Water escapes shower enclosu e Substrate Membrane Tile Bed Hobbed shower Waterstop Streamline Bed Membrane Tile Sc een Tile height gauge Streamline Keyway to trap liquid membrane Screen sealed to membrane with silicone Bathroom floor tile height optional By using the show It has to b s designed to dictate placement of all of the other components to make up a complete shower It’s virtually mpossible to stu it up Mr Glen Whitehead Managing D ector BJM Developmen s For more information, visit www.waterstopstreamline com au Phone 07 5426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email sales@gleda Are your showers ticking time bombs? Most contractors are at a complete loss as to why, but detailed testing has shown how, by the action of expansion and contraction, water is “pumped” along glue cavities to escape the shower enclosure, no matter how well it is water-proofed. The best way to prevent the problem is to seal the screen directly to the membrane, and NOT to the tiles. Waterstop Streamline provides: • membrane and screen between connection ve Posit • Maximises floor area • trades following for template a Provides • waste to l fa correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and with Complies • design ece one-p ve, effect cost Modern, • 20 different shapes and sizes • benefits maximum for change nimum M Despite builders best efforts, leaking showers are consistently listed in the top ten defects with new homes. Sadly, sometimes this is due to substandard workmanship, but most of the time it is the design of the shower itself which is creating the potential
Remove the doubt Fit Waterstop Streamline and forget about leaking showers My business has expanded rapidly since we started using the Waterstop Streamline hob and I now have tilers recommending the Waterstop Streamline system – and me – to other builders Everyone that uses it loves it Mr Fred Meddings, Managing D rector Wate tight Australia Water-proofers) Rebated or flow-through shower Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Sc r een Tile Water path Water escapes shower enclosure Bed Bed Membrane Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Water path Sc r een Tile Hob Water escapes shower enclosure Substrate Membrane Tile Bed Hobbed shower Waterstop Streamline Bed Membrane Tile Screen Tile height gauge Streamline Keyway to trap liquid membrane Screen sealed to membrane with silicone Bath oom floor tile height optional By using Waterstop Streamline I know the shower will be perfect every time It has to be, because this product is des gned to dictate placement of all of the other components to make up a complete shower It’s virtually impossible to stu it up Mr Glen Whitehead Managing Director BJM Developments rmation, visit www.waterstopstreamline com au 426 3700 • Fax 07 5426 3711 • Email sales@gleda
trades following for template a Provides • waste to fall correct Ensures • AS3740 exceeds and with Complies • design one-piece effective cost Modern • 20 different shapes and sizes • benefits maximum for change Minimum Remove the doubt Fit Waterstop Streamline and forget about leaking showers My business has expanded rapidly since we started using the Waterstop Streamline hob and I now have tilers recommending the Waterstop Streamline system – and me – to other builders Everyone that uses it loves it Mr Fred Meddings, Managing Director Watertight Australia (Water-proofers) gh shower Screen ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Tile Water path Bed Sc een ‘sealed’ to tiles with silicon Water path Sc r een Tile Hob Water escapes shower enclosure Substrate Membrane Tile Bed Hobbed shower Waterstop Streamline Bed Membrane Tile Screen Tile height gauge Streamline Keyway to trap liquid membrane Screen sealed to membrane with silicone Bathroom floor tile height optional By using Waterstop Streamline I know the shower will be perfect every time It has to be, because this product is designed to dictate placement of all of the other components to make up a complete shower It’s virtually impossible to stu it up Mr Glen Whitehead Managing D rector BJM Developments RM01680AA MINI DEPOSIT HOME LOANS "Helping clients finance their dream homes" @) � 1300 64 64 33 15::l <9 1300 Mini Deposit MV01704AH www.efflock MV01596AA Call us and let us do the hard work for you! Contact us now for a quote on your next project Tel: 3208 9099  e mail: ~ Conta NEE D A C O NCR WHOLESALE POOL SHELLS Concrete Spraying Specialists Pty Ltd t/a BSA License 1172793 NEED A CONCRETE POOL SHELL? RS01421AE


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