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16 MATOOKE REPUBLIC / Thursday, April -May ,
Body & Soul
Living I Relating
Running a great route to keep healthy & fit They aren’t wasting time, those guys you see on the road in your neighbourhood jogging every morning or evening. An extensive body of medical research has shown that running or jogging as an exercise improves a person’s health and fitness, thereby guaranteeing a better quality of life and increasing life expectancy.
Works so many body parts The primary way running yields health and fitness benefits is by simultaneously working different parts of a person’s body, keeping them active and building their resilience. As a person runs, they are able to go forward courtesy of effort from the heart, lungs, brain, muscles, name it. Even the sweat glands are called into action. This gives the engaged body parts a chance to build resilience, as well as a chance to burn out old energy for a fresher intake.
Best option for weight loss A growing body of research suggests running is the best exercise for weight loss. Here running is particularly compared with walking (the most common alternative exercise for people seeking to lose weight), and running is shown to yield almost three times as
Requires less time than walking The benefits of physical activity depend on three elements: the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise. Because walking is less intensive than running, one has to walk for longer periods and get out
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Like women making the first move
The story has always been that making a move on a guy disrupts the natural order of things and ruins the chase. But several surveys have shown that men want to be pursued. If they were already interested they will feel emboldened to pick up the cue. They like to be asked out, called back after a date, or even invited over to the apartment.
Running is primarily credited with enabling one’s mind to get off burdening thoughts as one goes on the road, but also some researchers have said running reduces the production of stress-causing hormones.
General running and jogging tips for beginners
Looks aren’t everything
· See your doctor for a check-
· Start with brisk walking.
Aim for minutes per session. Allow a minimum of six weeks to build up to regular running. Aim to increase your jogging time each session, and alternate between walking and jogging
· Make sure you warm up
and stretch thoroughly before you head out. Cool your body down with light stretches when you return
sure you have plenty of fluids and take a water bottle with you on your run. Try to drink plenty of water before, during and after any activity
· Allow at least two complete
rest days per week to avoid overtraining, which may cause injury. Consider other low impact activities, such as swimming, at least once each week.
· Buy an appropriate pair of shoes
Unlocking the matters of the heart
one pushing that position couldn’t be more wrong. Lots of research has shown that even when they’re cheating, men always prefer to do it with someone who gives them the possibility of a long-term stable relationship (even if it’s a side relationship) than someone they get into bed with and then part like wrestlers.
Busts stress and improves mood
up before you start a running program. This is especially important if you are over years, are overweight, have a chronic illness or haven’t exercised in a long time
more often to match the benefits of running. WHO recommends people to walk at least minutes on five days each week, while for running they are recommended to go out for at least minutes on just three days each week.
· Make
much weight loss as is yielded by walking over a given amount of time.
Fallacy. Not everything that you’ve been told or heard about men is necessarily true Have soft hearts too
It is one of the truths about men that is most contrary to popular opinion shown in books, movies, name it. Far from the universal image of men as ‘stone’ hearts that can’t be touched, the truth is they aren’t that different from women in their hearts. They only
do a better job hiding how they feel, mostly because society has made it a requirement for them to do so.
Prefer serious relationships
The popular opinion is that men are only interested in being laid and moving on without a care. Yet any
Most girls feel if they had a little better looks or donned a little better clothes, they’d be luckier in love. And those with these things often think they need nothing more to succeed in the relationship game. But thinking that looks alone will give one success with men is wrong, for beyond looks men consider, of course, manners, intellect, life values, reliability, family background, among other things.
Are OK being ordered around in bed
Research has shown that while the global average age at which women start having sex is 17, most of them don’t start having orgasms till they’re in their twenties, and even then they don’t have the orgasms regularly because they fear to take the initiative in bed. Yet more research has shown that men are OK with women telling them how to pleasure them.
We broke up but I just cannot get over him Two months ago we broke up with my boyfriend of two years. It was the climax of three months of fighting, in which he openly cheated on me with three different girls and refused to show any remorse. As I went in to blame him, I thought he would apologise, but he just said ‘It’s over’, leaving me devastated. I’ve been miserable since and tried calling him on different occasions but he has refused to pick. I’ve been out with a few men since, but I still find myself longing only for him. Could I get him back, or is there way I can get over him?
Sometimes when a relationship ends yet we still wanted it to go on, we encourage the sad feelings in ourselves just to make ourselves feel like there’s something left. But that’s wrong. Help yourself triumph by deciding that you’re going to get over him. Resist the urge to call him, in fact delete his number from your phone contacts and delete all his other contact details from your life. If the gifts and other memorabilia he left you are the ones causing the sad feelings, throw them out too.
Saudah, Kibuli
Lydia, Kitintale Please, believe it that it’s over between you. As you are a first-time lover, you need to understand that often in relationships, a time comes when we stop loving, or when they stop loving us. Very few first relationships ever turn out lifetime affairs. Most are some sort of training sessions that help us learn the game.
Phiona, Mutundwe
Find a way to make yourself angry with him. Think of how badly he treated you in abruptly ending the relationship. Think of his weaknesses and tell yourself you gave him a chance to have gold but he was so blind to see and take it. Also, make sure you see the good in the new guys you try out.
Racheal, Kyambogo University
Thursday, April -May , MATOOKE REPUBLIC 17
Kids I Mums I Dads
MY IGNORANCE ������ ��� �� ������
Find out as much on contraceptive method that will serve you best
y sister got engaged recently and when I asked what her biggest fear was when she finally gets married, her answer: “I hate all birth control/family planning methods out there. I don’t want to grow fat”. Most young mothers out there have similar fears. The thought of getting out of shape as a result of spacing children is an everpresent terror. Like my sister, most are worried about the side effects of family planning methods on the market. Her fears evoked the need to share my experience with her.
First, a confession: my ignorance of how these things work almost got me barren. A friend recommended a certain type that seemed so convenient to use. I never sought any gynaecological guidance before starting on my mission to space my children. A month passed and soon it was a year. I religiously stuck on the routine. After a year and a half, my husband started complaining about my sudden loss of weight. Within the next few months my friends recognised the same and I realised that my appetite had terribly gone down. By two years, I was too malnourished for anybody’s liking. It took a doctor friend’s visit to my home to realise that actually all my problems started the day I chose a family planning method without the consent of a doctor. Even though I had plans of stopping because I was going to conceive my second child, the doctor warned that it may take some time. I tried for a baby for another year with no success.
A wrong family planning method will cause loss of appetite. You wake up feeling nauseated. You want nothing to eat and everything smells bad. Of course the lack of food will result into weight loss, dehydration, dizziness, constant headaches, a dry skin and poor eye sight. Or weight gain that comes as a result of excess appetite. Sometimes it will be abnormalities in your monthly cycle as another side effect of a wrong family planning method. You can over bleed or not bleed at all. Both cases are dangerous to you. At other times, it will be mood swings; as if in the early stages of a pregnancy, if you got on the wrong family planning method, you could end up being irritable all day long. The lesson I learnt from my experience was that some family planning types work better on different body types. Before you get your life ruined by self-medication, please visit a gyn for guidance. It’s healthy spacing children but how we do it matters a lot.
Quality time
Parents and their daughters hanging out at the Tokosa Festival.
Share with us your joys and challenges of parenting. Email info@matookerepublic.com
And then came Karyn White, with her medleys, leaving a lasting impression at the eight edition of Nile Gold Jazz Safari. The band was awesome and on point and so for her vocalists who were so smooth. Kampala Serena Hotel could not hold back. She sang, danced and connected well with her audience. Revelers warmed up to the old skool American singer for her good performance, of sultry funk and rhythm and blues. She was inviting. Two Ugandan dudes did not shy from an opportunity to make the international star feel some cozy intimacy as they joined her hug, and extended it into a tight squeeze. They invited her to sit on their laps and as they did all this, she got a little carried away in the moment. She was inviting. Two Ugandan dudes did not shy from an opportunity to make the international star feel some cozy intimacy as they joined her hug, and extended it into a tight squeeze. They Much invitedasher to sit on their Ilaps and an as expert they didinallthe this, she I am a mother, am not field gotofa parenting, little carriedsimply away in the moment. because I am always learning from
How to build your child’s confidence
each of my three children. But when it comes to building my children’s confidence, I am glad I have some fairly fresh personal experiences I can share as someone that was once a child (obviously), then a teenager before I became an adult. The needs and challenges are pretty much the same. The modes/means of communication between parent and child might have expanded and/or evolved over time thanks to technology, but the primary messages in our interactions on this subject remain the same. I therefore believe that the only way i will build their confidence is by being a friend and always listening to what they have to tell me before I can choose what to sieve. I will term it as having an open relationship with my children. They know they can trust me to be a hewhen judgemental glances a parent resource they are troubled. I actually look forward receives from passersby espeto the challenges of the teenage years. It is through those ciallythat if a we kid will theyfind are moving challenges strength and soften the hard around dirty aretounbearable. edges ofwith our is exteriors reveal the shining light from People would rather pinch each within. other in secret and point your has no end-game, Building confidence in in children directionconfidence than boldlyiscome to you and you feel or have because not something openly tell that child’s hygiene is that serves us all the time. Trueyour confidence, the kind lacking. throughout all of life comes when we know we can draw Let’s rewind bit. Does a mature upon our inner avoice, strength, and wisdom to help us person need be told that navigate any to situation that their comes our way. Children child’s is the marking who arecleanliness not confident find difficulty in being themselves scheme for thetend general because they to pay too much attention hygiene of ev- of whether or not to the question eryone in that the world will welcome them or home? People shun them. Frequently this becan tell“noise” how comes as a result of the clean yourvoices coming at them countless household from both is within and outside, by looking and which at then creates an inner your child. tension. My Confidence means allowing grandthe kids to take little risks mother and letting the failure they once told pave the way to encounter me that their future successes. They may not make a “right” decision on the first go ‘round,’ but part of the confidence continuum is also accepting that perfection is not the goal…growing, learning and becoming the biggest most self-aware human beings is. So give your children a chance to learn to adventure without worrying and make sure you will sail through with them when it storms.
20 MATOOKE REPUBLIC / Thursday, April ďœ˛ďœ¸-May ďœ´, ďœ˛ďœ°ďœąďœś
Careers I Jobs I Networks
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I did my first formal interview
When to say no or yes to extra work
hink about your average work week: How many of \RXU GDLO\ WDVNV ÀW LQWR the original job description you were hired to do? Chances are that, over time, out of an eagerness to prove yourself, you’ve taken on a number of responsibilities that fall well outside the realm of your core role. But how much of this newfound accountability is contributing to your professional advancement—and how much of it is just running you ragged? Top performers can be a prime target for additional requests because they enjoy challenge and frequently seek out new ways to demonstrate their skills. %XW GR \RX ÀQG \RXUVHOI VD\LQJ yes every time your boss asks you to take on a new project that’s in no way related to your core competencies simply because you want to look like a team player? Often, we say yes to additional projects because we think that it may pay off with a promotion, raise, or other reward. While there’s nothing wrong with taking on extra work, if you’re not careful to draw the line somewhere, it can become a problem. So before you say yes‌
Check if your primary job responsibilities will suffer: It can be
dangerous to agree to more if it impacts your ability to satisfy the job requirements that you
were hired to do. If the extra work will detract from your main role, it’s best to decline.
Check if it’s someone else’s work: Is your boss asking you
to do the job of an intern, or change the printer ink, even though you’re a manager? No matter your role, it’s easy to get sucked into doing tasks that “aren’t your job�, but that isn’t a good idea.
Check if there’s no exit strategy: Don’t take on additional
responsibilities until you understand the full scope of what’s involved, how long it will take and how long the project will last. You don’t want it to be an open-ended arrangement.
Check if it contributes to your growth: An extra responsibility
WKDW GRHVQ¡W H[DFWO\ ÀW \RXU MRE description can be the opportunity to get in front of important people. But if it offers zero chance to expand your skill-set or network in a meaningful way, then pass. Learning to say yes to the right opportunities—and no to others—is an exercise in setting healthy boundaries at work. Speaking up for yourself will not only save you taking on more than you can handle, but it will GLVSOD\ PDWXULW\ FRQÀGHQFH and strong self-management skills to your boss.
Charles Nsamba, is the Communication and Public Relations Manager at Capital Markets Authority
hen did you join the employed ranks? I joined employment in
What was your position, how much were you earning? I was a Library Assistant earning Shs120,000. When did you start rising through the ranks? My ďŹ rst formal job was at Makerere University. When my contract ended, I moved to Uganda Red Cross where I worked as a PR Assistant; again until my contract ended in 2009. I then moved to Lowe Scanad, present day Scanad, where I worked in the PR and Events Department. I then joined Mediage PR as Client Services Manager. It was from Mediage that I chose to venture into public sector PR, hence the move to Capital Markets Authority, where I also did my ďŹ rst formal interview. I joined CMA as a Senior Public Education Officer, and rose through the ranks to become the Communication and Public Relations Manager, a role I hold to date. What have been the greatest challenges you’ve encountered in your career? Sitting for an interview; I had never done a formal interview until I joined the CMA- in 2012. That was quite strange and uncomfortable. The other challenge; PR is a profession where in most cases, immediate results won’t be achieved. So it
requires patience. What are your future career plans? Having worked with many ďŹ nancial services ďŹ rms, I don’t see myself moving far from ďŹ nancial communication. It’s an area that requires one to be well versed with the rather sophisticated ďŹ nancial issues, and the language, but it also trains you to appreciate the true operations of the ďŹ nancial services industry, which is a key driver for an economy. Who do you look up to? Alan Parker (founder of Brunswick) is super. Dr. Kibazo is a great guy too; I think he’s done well in this business. It’s not easy to actually carve out a PR personality who’s admirable because PR varies, no one knows it all and no one can do it all. Locally, Henry Rugamba is one of those I admire in this business.
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I’m also driven by faith, that everything is actually possible if you put your mind to it, and give it time‌. What books do you read? I read more magazines/online journals than books. I love business magazines, but I basically read anything that crosses my path. Tell us about yourself. I hail from a humble Christian family and went to what I call some of the best schools; in fact, I was in one school for six years (Makerere College School). My ďŹ rst degree was in Mass Communication at MUK and I’m ďŹ nalising an MA at the same university.
What motivates you in your work? Making a difference in everything I lay my hands on; I do love money, certainly, but it makes a lot more sense when my strategy, my work makes a difference for a business or entity that I work for.
ď?Şď?Żď?˘ď?ł Uganda Golf Club jobs Manager Requirements: Degree in Business Administration Strong ďŹ nancial, marketing and administration skills. 5 years’ experience Proven success in business management Club Accountant Requirements: Degree in B. Com or BBA Accounting 6 years’ experience High interpersonal skills Excellent presentation, communication and writing skills. Deadline: April 30 Contacts: mbusinde@gmail.com or businde@yahoo.com
Movit jobs Assistant Supply Chain Manager, Foreign/ International Purchases
Logistics Officer Procurement Officer, Foreign / International purchases Supplier Relationships & Contract Management Officer Deadline: May 7 Please log on to https://www.movit. co.ug for more details
International University of East Africa Academic Registrar Requirements: Master’s degree in Academic related ďŹ elds Ten years’ experience Must have knowledge of records management, semester organization and University structuring Deadline: May 27 Contacts: vc@iuea.ac.ug
Village Power jobs Business Development Manager Business Developers (multiple positions
and location) Customer service Manager Deadline: May 5 Please visit www.village-power.ug for more details
Housing Finance Bank – Jinja & Tororo (ďœ˛ positions)
Requirements: A Honors degree in Business or related ďŹ eld 5 years’ experience Relationship management, marketing and sales skills Good administrative knowledge Deadline: May 2 Contacts: The human Resource, Housing Finance Bank, Plot 4 Wampewo Avenue, P.O Box 1539, Kampala
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries jobs
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Requirements: Masters’ degree in
Agriculture Economics An honors Bachelors’ degree in Agriculture or related ďŹ eld 5 years’ experience working in the ďŹ eld of MIS or M&E Procurement Officer Requirements: Honors degree procurement, Business, Law or Engineering 5 years’ experience Should be a member of CIPS and have good knowledge of procurement polices Accountant Requirements: Honors Bachelors of commerce Degree, Business Administration 5 years’ experience High levels of Professionalism and integrity Deadline: May 2 Contacts: The permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal industry and Fishes, P.O Box 102,
Entebbe, Uganda
Steel and Tubes Industries jobs Assistant Finance Requirements: Knowledge about banking ďŹ nance management Cash ow management experience 4-5 years’ relevant experience in ďŹ nance Degree in accounts and ďŹ nance from known institute Good administrative knowledge Human Resource Manager Requirements: Ability to motivate and encourage employees by ensuring good employee relations Degree in HR Relevant experience in successfully managing employee and trade Unions relations Good administrative knowledge Deadline: May 2 Contacts: recruitment@bbbusiness. org
Thursday, April ďœ˛ďœ¸-May ďœ´, ďœ˛ďœ°ďœąďœś MATOOKE REPUBLIC
Digs I Gardening I Improvement
How to tell a safe
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Check with the local police records Drop into the local police station and ask to look at the crime records for
Commercial land in Wandegeya for immediate sale. Suitable for hostel. Serious buyers only. Call 0794 600060
Newly imported 2004 Toyota VITZ on sale. UAY series. Low mileage. Asking price is Shs18m. Call 0782626809
what kinds of crime are normally reported, how often, in which particular parts of the neighbourhood, and what progress the authorities have made in addressing those particular crimes –any people arrested, reprimanded, or even convicted? However, it’s important to note that normally there are no police reports for areas that have lots of crime problems as the people don’t call, and even if they call, the police don’t show up. And in areas where the neighbours are active and call at the
slightest question, there are more police reports than should be expected. Keep up with and check local news Local newspapers and TV stations are also good resources to determine criminal activity in the area. Check these websites to see stories of local interest and search for mentions of your neighbourhood. If the neighbourhood is mentioned in many crime incidents, the writing is on the wall. ‘There is alot of crime’.
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The pomegranate tree gives beauty and much more... �� ����� �������
���� 5 acres near Rosebud at Namulanda. Ideal for school or farm. Call 0794 600060
2001 Nissan X-Trail on sale. In good condition. Price is negotiable. Call 0712191076
Personally observe If you’re able, visit the location before you move. This may require an overnight stay because you’ll want to check it out during all times of the day, especially at night (when many crimes occur). Are families hanging out in their yards? Do you notice people jogging on the sidewalks? Is it noisy and bustling (where misconduct might go unnoticed)? Are there bars on the windows of nearby businesses? Pay attention to the safety of roads and sidewalks. Will a nearby school or church cause frequent traffic jams? Also consider the proximity of the area to major highways and thoroughfares. Talk to residents Make it a point to talk to some of your potential neighbours. Talk to people at the local market, or go to a community event where you can interact with residents. Most people will be happy to give you honest feedback, but even better you could ďŹ rst hide the fact that you’re looking to move in. If the neighbourhood has a watch program, ask residents what they are actively doing to promote safety.
Property/Bazaar ����
When looking for a new home, it is important to research the surrounding neighbourhood to make sure you choose an area that’s safe. Here are some tips to tell whether the areas you’re considering are safe or not:
es the name sounds complicated but read on. This is a wonderful fruit that grows to almost the size of a lemon tree so it won’t take up so much space in your compound. The pomegranate, which is locally known as KomamawaQJD KDV JRW FULPVRQ à RZHUV ZKLFK DUH VRPH RI WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO à RZHUV \RX ZLOO HYHU VHH RQ D IUXLW WUHH 7KH à RZHUV ODWHU GHYHORS LQWR QXWULWLRXV red fruits the size of an orange. So you will not only enjoy the beauty of the à RZHUV EXW DOVR WKH QXWULWLRXV EHQHÀWV RI WKH IUXLW 7KH IUXLW GDWHV EDFN WR WKH DQFLHQW GD\V WKH beauty of an orchard of pomegranates is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Song of Songs.
Elekta Washing Machine in perfect condition on sale. Shs800,000 negotiable. Call 0702667403
Compound designer for exquisite landscaping and gardening. Call 0777913860
��������� ����. ���� 0392 000124
22 MATOOKE REPUBLIC / Thursday, April -May ,
Play I Watch I Support
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Thursday (April , ) EUROPE: Europa League - Play Offs 22:05
Shakhtar – Sevilla
Villarreal - Liverpool
Over 2.5
Friday (April , ) FRANCE: Ligue 21:30
Paris SG - Rennes
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Saturday (April , ) ENGLAND: Premier League 17:00
Everton - Bournemouth
Newcastle - Crystal Palace
Stoke City - Sunderland
Watford - Aston Villa
Arsenal -
Over 2.5
Riyad Mahrez was ignored as a teenager growing up in France, failing even WR PDNH WKH ÀUVW WHDP RI WKH 6DUFHOOHV youth sides where he was playing at a young age. It is perhaps an indicator of how underwhelming his early days as a footballer were that he only got a professional trial when he was 18.
SPAIN: Primera Division 17:00
Real Sociedad - Madrid
GG & 2
Atl. Madrid - Rayo Vallecano
Betis - Barcelona
2&) Over 2.5
Mahrez has featured at a World Cup already, as he was part of the Algerian squad at the 2014 World Cup and played against Belgium.
GERMANY: Bundesliga 16:30
Bayern - B. Gladbach
Dortmund - Wolfsburg
Leverkusen - Hertha Berlin
Sunday (May , ) ENGLAND: Premier League 14:00
Swansea - Liverpool
Over 2.5
Man United - Leicester
Southampton - Man City
ITALY: Serie A 18:00
Juventus - Carpi
AC Milan - Frosinone
Sassuolo - Verona
Lazio - Inter
Monday (May , ) England - Premier League 22:00
Chelsea - Tottenham
England - Championship 16:00
Brighton - Derby County
Over 2.5
Scotland - Premiership 21:45
Dundee - Dundee United
Monday (April , ) England - Premier League 21:00
Tottenham - West Brom
Tuesday (April , ) Europe - UEFA Champions League 21:45
Bayern - Atl. Madrid
Wednesday April Europe - UEFA Champions League 21:45
Madrid - Man City
From a no-namer in France to being chosen as Footballer of the Year by his peers, Mahrez now has the likes of Barcelona, Man United keeping tabs on him, writes Edward Kalema. Riyad Mahrez thought Leicester City was a rugby club. You wouldn’t rule out the possibility that Leicester City fans thought Mahrez was a kind of perfume. If they had such beautiful thoughts of the French-born Algerian, they can be glad he ultimately did not disappoint. The 25 year old started out professionally with Quimper in the lower reaches of French foot-
ball, before Le Havre in the French Ligue 2 snapped him up. It was while playing here that Leicester City scout Steve Walsh called, his intention to monitor Mahrez’s teammate Ryan Mendes. Impressed instead by Mahrez, Walsh took back the Algerian winger with him and Leicester City made what might prove to be their smartest buy in a longtime, signing him in January 2014. The story goes that back in France, Mahrez had been told he was too slow, too small and too frail to make it. Even friends and family were initially skeptical of a move to English football due to its physical nature, believing that his style of play would be more suited to Spain. Mahrez did little to prove them wrong initially. He might have made his debut within a fortnight of joining Leicester, but he didn’t quite set the world alight despite being a part of the team that secured promotion comfortably to the English Premiership as Championship
winners. In fact, as recently as a year ago, the Algerian was not guaranteed a place in Leicester’s starting 11. There had always been glimpses of his delightful left footed touches, but it didn’t look like he would turn promise into product. Then, this season, it happened. From playing 30 league games and scoring 4 league goals in the previous campaign, Mahrez had already matched that tally of goals before a dozen games played, and by February he was already in double figures for goals and assists. Mahrez the playmaker had been born. Last Sunday, the Algerian scored his team’s opening goal to all but ensure Leicester would be this year’s champions. A helicopter was waiting after the game to fly him to the PFA Footballer of the Year Awards, where he became the first African to claim the top accolade. There’s no ruling out Mahrez competing for even bigger prizes in his career in the near future, whether at individual or team level.
Super Sunday
Super Saturday 15:00
Bangkok Glass - Siam Navy
Juventus - Carpi
Dortmund - Wolfsburg
PSV - Cambuur
Watford - Aston Villa
AB Copenhagen - Marienlyst
Karvina - Sigma Olomouc B
Krasnodar - Anzhi
Atl. Madrid - Rayo Vallecano
Barcelona W - Espanyol W
Lyon - GFC Ajaccio
Etoile Sahel - JS Kairouan
Warning! Betting involves high psychological and financial risk. Matooke Republic will not take any responsibility for any loss or damage as a consequence of decisions based on information, betting tips or other links provided in this publication. You are warned to act exclusively at your own discretion and risk.
Thursday, April ďœ˛ďœ¸- May ďœ´, ďœ˛ďœ°ďœąďœś MATOOKE REPUBLIC 23
Opinions I News I Trivia
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Being a third world country, I feel almost silly to pen a piece whose main focus is banning an economic activity—especially if it affects some of the least paid natives, the footballers. Recently, the Ugandan football fraternity has been awash with stories of the Sam Ssimbwa suspension following those match ďŹ xing claims (or facts). I’m reliably informed by an insider that there are three recordings out there with the man many Kenyans call “Mourinhoâ€? chest-thumping about his ability to get desired results using the world’s most acceptable medium of exchange; money. Apparently, according to my impeccable source, Simbwa says he can decide to pay referees and get results. This was all around their ďŹ xture with another Premier league side, Soana. I have also been privy to information suggesting Soana FC are not happy with some of their players. I actually got this from the highest sources at the club. Of course this could raise many questions about Ssimbwa’s abilities as a coach. You should work hard to win games, not “buyâ€? them. The drama, silently or publicly, that has followed this good friend of mine at many clubs quickly comes into play. SC Villa getting many points in the boardroom during his time, Express miraculously avoiding relegation in 2007 and going on to win the Uganda Cup, then talk of more of the same in Rwanda with Atraco.
You see, I have had the opportunity to meet and have a chat with Sam on various occasions. He is a good man and I could say a good friend of mine. Our chats, by the way, have always been about family and football tactics. Ssimbwa is a football man. A good football man. Many attributes aside, he was willing to give me the ďŹ rst exclusive interview after taking over at Villa and as a journalist; I highly appreciate and respect that. However I’m not penning this to defend him. Mine is a bigger and different case – sports betting. The point here is we should stop or heavily monitor speciďŹ c economic activities that could, ironically, cripple our game. I know I could be sounding silly right now to some businesspeople and those into betting. But the truth is with our economy, salaries and the general welfare of our locally based players as well as the coaches generally leaves us with fertile soil to grow this business but at a very big cost. One that could get players and managers rich but leave the game very poor and disrespected. Filthy poor, in fact. How do you expect a Ugandan footballer who is paid 150,000 shillings monthly, eats a “Rolexâ€? or sugarcane every after a training session to turn down good money if he can ďŹ x a game? I hope they don’t but realistically, I wouldn’t stake my arm. How many tiresome training sessions and match preps are to be washed down the drain if just one lad takes 100,000 shillings using the back-door? Let’s support sports betting when it comes to the European and more developed African leagues, but for our local game, let’s not tempt our already ďŹ nancially struggling footballers.
Kabuura is a Supersport commentator and Radio City presenter. @andrewkabuura
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KantÊ is the best there was, shame his aren’t sexy stats By now, you should have run into the one hundredth meme about N’Golo KantÊ; from 70% of the planet being covered by water and KantÊ covering the rest, to him covering more grass than the groundsman... But all that is ÀFWLRQ :KDW LV IDFW LV WKDW 1¡*ROR .DQWp LV WKH best there was in the English Premier League this season. :HHN DIWHU ZHHN , ZDWFKHG KLP KRSLQJ WR FDWFK D à DZ WR KLV JDPH VR WKDW WKLV VSDFH would be dedicated instead to Riyad Mahrez. 2U -DPLH 9DUG\ 2U 0HVXW 2]LO ,V WKDW QRW ZKDW the Ballon d’Or race has taught us about how these things are supposed to be? First, that to be noticed you should be able to score two XVHOHVV KDWWULFNV LQ JDPHV ZKHUH HYHQ D VFRUH ZRXOG VXIÀFH DQG VHFRQG WKDW LW PLJKW
KHOS LI \RXU ORRNV PDNH \RX HOLJLEOH WR IHDWXUH on the cover of a lifestyle magazine. KantÊ, of course, rates poorly on both ac FRXQWV .DQWp LV VKRUW +H LV GDUN /HW¡V VD\ KLV IDFLDO IHDWXUHV GR QRW PDNH KLP HYHQ D EDFNXS SODQ IRU D OLIHVW\OH PDJD]LQH HGLWRU preparing the cover page for his latest edi tion. That is something KantÊ has next to no FRQWURO RYHU :KDW KH KDV JRW FRQWURO RYHU³KLV football, also poses a little challenge. His SULPDU\ WDVN LV WR VWRS WKH JX\V RQ WKH RWKHU side from setting foot into those areas where they might end up scoring a goal, or even ZRUVH³WZR XVHOHVV KDWWULFNV :H¡OO UHWXUQ WR WKH GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH JODPRXU PRVWO\ ODFN RI WKDW FRPHV ZLWK D UROH OLNH .DQWp¡V VKRUWO\ , MXVW WKRXJKW , VKRXOG PDNH FOHDU P\ SUR found admiration for Riyad Mahrez. There is a way his left boot fondles the ball before it releases it into an area where it is certain to FDXVH DODUP IRU JRDONHHSHUV 7KDW KH VHHPV
to do it so effortlessly might mislead you into believing that football is not at all challenging to play. Until you try it. Mahrez also gets the stats that our tongues have learnt to delight in UHHOLQJ RII *2$/6 $66,676 6R PDQ\ FKDQFHV FUHDWHG ,W LV WKH VWXII RI D ZRUWK\ Player of the Year? Right? 3HUKDSV 3HUKDSV QRW ,I WKH FRQWHVW LV ZLWK Dimitri Payet and Mesut Ozil, similarly assigned to games as creators, or even with Jamie Vardy and Harry Kane, measured on the ability to deliver D PDWFK ZLQQLQJ SHUIRU mance, maybe Mahrez is WKH PDQ ,I WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ includes N’Golo KantÊ it is a no brainer. Or should be. Now here’s the tragedy that KantÊ’s po sition bequeaths him: his are statistics of WDFNOHV ZRQ DQG LQWHUFHSWLRQV PDGH 'LVWDQFH FRYHUHG 7KH NLQG RI VWDWV WKDW DUH QRW VH[\
enough, even if not in any way less important. ,I LQ GRXEW FKHFN EDFN IRU DOO the games KantÊ missed this sea son. Leicester City, it turns out, VWUXJJOHG³DV ZRXOG DQ\ WHDP ZLWKRXW QRW MXVW its best player, but the League’s best player. KantÊ is short. He LV GDUN %XW ER\ is he damn good. Pity he has got the wrong stats.