The Irish Endeavourer (September 2016)

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Matt Bishop

EDITOR This issue of the Irish Endeavourer looks back at the events since the beginning of 2016, whilst looking forward to the 102nd Convention, happening this September in Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church, Belfast. As a member of the Convention Committee I can assure you there's a lot to look forward to! Hopefully we'll see many of you at the convention. If you have any news or information for the magazine, you can contact Margaret and I'll Endeavour to include it in the next issue! Thanks very much. I hope you enjoy this issue of The Irish Endeavourer.

Margaret Houston






Editor's Note


Armagh & South Tyrone




Ballymena & Coleraine






Dublin & District


East Antrim






Dates for your diary


A Word From Alan Blair


President's Diary


Christmas Prayers


Seniors Rally


Seniors Spring Break


YP Summer Camp


Talent Contest


Missionary Project


International News


Convention Speaker


Convention Information


Convention Committee


MORE INFORMATION Magazine Information



WWW . CEIRELAND . ORG for more CE Ireland news & resources





November 25th: Irish Union Executive Board. At CE Ireland Headquarters. December 5th at 8pm: Armagh & South Tyrone Union Carol Service. At Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan.

Upcoming events in 2016/17 September 16th & 17th: 102nd Irish National CE Convention. At Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Theme: Burn like a star Light a fire in our hearts. Speaker: Bishop Ken Clarke. September 27th at 7:45pm: East Antrim Executive. At First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church. October 3rd at 8pm: Armagh & South Tyrone Union, Missionary Rally. At Tandrageen Methodist Church.

January 28th: Irish Union Planning Board. At CE Ireland Headquarters. February 5th: CE Sunday. February 9th at 8pm: Armagh & South Tyrone Executive. At Ruth’s home. February 25th: Irish Union Spring Council. At CE Ireland Headquarters.

October 13th at 8pm: Armagh & South Tyrone Union Executive. At Clonaneese Presbyterian Church. October 15th: East Antrim Fun Day. At First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church. October 29th: Irish Union Planning Board. At CE Ireland Headquarters.

March 16th at 7:45pm: East Antrim Executive. At Carnmoney Presbyterian Church. March 25th at 10am-12:30pm: Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event. At Dungannon Presbyterian Church. March 31st: Irish Union Executive Board. At CE Ireland Headquarters.

November 6th - 13th: Irish CE Union Prayer Week. November 7th at 8pm: Prayer Evening. At Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan. November 12th at 10am - 12pm: Prayer Morning. At Clonaneese Presbyterian Church.


January 12th at 7:45pm: East Antrim Executive.



If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at: Email: Telephone: 02893353191 from N.I or 04893353191 from R.O.I. Mobile: 07712979778.

A WORD FROM ALAN BLAIR Irish Christian Endeavour Union's new President For the next year starting in September 2016 I have the pleasure in being your President in Irish Christian Endeavour. Having been 'grafted' into the CE family some 16 years ago, I've grown to (like so many in CE) really see the benefits that this great organisation has to offer individuals, Church groups and indeed the wider Church as a whole. Originally from Kildress, just outside Cookstown, after I married Karen I moved to Lurgan where we attended Karen's home Church, Hill Street Presbyterian. We have been blessed with two daughters, Harriet and Bethany, and now live in Waringstown; we still attend and take part in the life of Hill Street Presbyterian Church in Lurgan. It was at Hill Street that I met and got to know Drewe McConnell, who was then the YPCE leader, now Rev Drewe McConnell of First Limavady & Magilligan Presbyterian Churches and past President of CE Ireland. He asked me to come along one night and take the topic as a way of introducing myself to the young people in the Church. Having been involved in the youth groups back in Kildress I was glad to come along. It was here that I 'cut my CE teeth' and little did I know that I'd end up leading the YPCE in the Church and get more deeply involved in CE both at Local and National level. This is something I've never regretted and am delighted to be involved in.

On that first night I was encouraged when I saw the young people take part in the CE meeting and this still impresses me when I see children and young people taking an active part in the organisation of meetings and events. How these same young people take a stand together in professing faith in God and collectively standing together to do their part for 'Christ and the Church'. We are all acutely aware that we are not just an organisation for youth only, yes that is our focus but where would we be without the dedication and commitment of those members over the age of 20, who tirelessly support the work, and in their meeting together encouraging one another. As I have already said it is my pleasure, and I am humbled to be your President this year, and 'with God's help I will strive to do all that he would have me to do’.




PRESIDENT'S DIARY Rosemary shares her Presidential diary with us February, March and April have been really busy months in my calendar. We moved house – twice!! (A problem with map boundaries meant we had to move to temporary accommodation for a few weeks.) Mum fell so visits to Whiteabbey hospital became a part of each week. But if the first two reasons for being busy were stressful, the third reason was really enjoyable. I loved visiting CE Societies, meeting leaders, Juniors, Young People and Seniors. During this time I visited Junior CEs in Ballygawley / Ballyreagh, Buckna, Hill St Lurgan, Loughgall and Dundrum. I spoke at CE Sundays in Tandragee Methodist and Garvaghy. I also spoke at Priesthill YPs, Priesthill Seniors, St Mark’s (Portadown), and Hill St Seniors. It is so encouraging to meet with CE members. Our Junior Societies have enthusiastic, talented members who are so keen to take part in meetings. I was really impressed with the level of maturity and interest shown by Priesthill Young People. These are our leaders of the future, and they are being trained and encouraged in service for Christ and the Church. Then there were the ‘special’ events: Clonaneese CE Sunday evening service where the Young People and Young Adults really shine for Christ; the Teddy Bears’ Picnic for Enniskillen Union held in Lisbellaw; 2nd Broughshane Parents’ Night; Spring Rally in Ravenhill; the Talent Contest and Armagh and South Tyrone Presidential Rally. It is a real blessing to say even a few words to share God’s message of salvation and represent Irish CE on these occasions.




I also had the opportunity to speak at Newtownstewart PW meeting, telling them about the work of CE and sharing a message based on my theme, “Give us a Vision”. My thanks go to all the leaders who invited me to come to their Societies, for their welcome and hospitality, and for their dedication in serving God as CE leaders. A big thank you to all on Executive, Planning Board and Council who supported me through all the business meetings, and to all my friends in the CE family for their support and prayers. Rosemary.

CHRISTMAS PRAYERS Irish Prayer Convenor Steff Neil shares thoughts and prayers for Christmas. What is it all about? It seems that as soon as Halloween is over the shop shelves are replaced with Christmas decorations, trees and fairy lights. The adverts on TV change, Christmas street lights are turned on, work Christmas dinners are planned. So do we remember and celebrate the true reason for the season? Let's think about Christmas presents. Why do we give and receive Christmas presents? One of the main reasons we have the custom of giving and receiving presents at Christmas, is to remind us of the presents given to Jesus by the Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh. Frankincense was a perfume used in Jewish worship and, as a gift, it showed that people would worship Jesus. Gold was associated with Kings and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings. Myrrh was a perfume that was put on dead bodies to make them smell nice and, as a gift, it showed that Jesus would suffer and die.

We write our letters to Santa asking for various presents. Relatives and friends ask us what we would like for Christmas. We can create endless lists or we may be fortunate that we struggle to give suggestions as to what we might like. But what do we really need? However at Christmas we must remember the Greatest Gift of all that we can receive. Christmas itself is really about a big present that God gave the world about 2000 years ago Jesus! One of the most famous Bible verses, John 3:16, says: 'God loved the world so much, that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him may not be lost but have eternal life.' So then what Christmas present should we ask for or do we actually need? what Christmas present should we give to others? Dear Lord, Thank you that you gave us your only Son. Help as to remember and celebrate this not only at Christmas time but the whole year round. Help us to give Christmas presents all the time, help us give your love, God's Love to all, in Jesus name. Amen







About 50 Seniors of Irish Christian Endeavour met in Ravenhill Presbyterian Church Hall on Saturday 12th March 2016 at 3pm for the annual Spring rally.

The Senior Christian Endeavour Mid-week Break took place at its usual venue, Causeway Hotel, Bushmills, Co. Antrim from Tuesday 24th May 2016 to Friday 27th May 2016. Twenty-five people attended.

The meeting was led by Rev. Stephen Carson (seniors’ Convener along with Gwen) who welcomed everyone – especially our guest speaker, Rev. Tony Davidson, minister of First Armagh Presbyterian Church. The meeting opened with the singing of “Jesus is Lord, Creation’s voice proclaims Him” and this was followed by prayer by Stephen. Greetings were brought from Irish Union by Rosemary McDaniel, Irish C.E. President. Leslie Scott read from St. Matthew 21:33-36 and Gwen Carson recited two poems – “There is a Man in Glory” and “Step by step”. After the offering which was for Senior CE expenses, Stephen introduced our speaker, Rev Tony Davidson, minister of 1st. Armagh. Tony began by sharing with us his memories of being in Dungannon YPCE and told of the influence CE had on his life. In his talk he discussed the parable of the tenant farmers. Each had to answer to the master of the vineyard as to what they had done with their talents. He emphasised the importance of trusting in Jesus as our sure Foundation, our Cornerstone.


After registration and our first meal together we assembled in the upper lounge where we had a time of worship and fellowship and generally getting to know one another and where old friendships were renewed and new ones begun. On Wednesday morning after a hearty breakfast and ‘Thought for the day’ we drove in cars to Portballintrae for a bracing walk along the Bush river by the golf course to the bridge and back. Some went to Creative Gardens just outside Bushmills for a coffee and a chat. We all met up in the newly furbished rooms of New Row Presbyterian Church Hall, where we were generously served lunch by the ladies of New Row. The rest of the afternoon was free for each one to do their own thing. As New Row is situated in the centre of Coleraine town many went to the shops. Surprise! Surprise!

The meeting concluded with the singing of “Christ is made the sure Foundation”.

After our evening meal we again met in the upper room for a time of fellowship with a game or two followed by a concert with individual and group items from the members. Following this we had our evening devotions, after which we retired to our rooms for the night.

Following the benediction, afternoon tea was provided for everyone by G. & S. Thanks to Leslie Scott and the ladies of Ravenhill for their help; to Minnie Tinney for playing the piano and to all who attended.

On Thursday morning after breakfast we again had our ‘Thought for the day’ and then everyone was free for the remainder of the day but meeting up for our evening meal in the hotel at 6pm. For our time of fellowship

Gwen & Stephen.




and worship we had invited as our special speaker, Rev. Gordon Stewart from Ballynure. He was speaking and showing slides/Power Point on his work with ‘Asia Link’ and featuring particularly on North Korea. This was a most informative and stirring talk showing us what God is doing in this dark and largely closed country to the gospel message. An outstanding offering was taken up for this very worthwhile work.

Dining together at Spring Break.

After breakfast on our final morning we had our usual ‘Thought for the day’, said our farewells and vacated our rooms and left for home. Our thanks to the Causeway Hotel staff who looked after us so well and to everyone in the group who all played their part in making the few days such a pleasant and restful experience. If anyone reading this report would be interested in joining us in May 2017 then please get in touch with us and we will put you on the mailing list with all the necessary details. Gwen & Stephen.

Enjoying the sunshine on the Spring Break.




A little piece of drama enjoyed by everyone.

Spring Break was organised by the Revd Stephen and Mrs Gwen Carson

A great time was had by all. Thanks to all involved Already looking forward to Spring Break 2017!





SUMMER CAMP 2016 Ben Priestly, Priesthill CE shares his experience from YP camp This is my first time at CE Camp and I have really enjoyed it. CE Camp has made me be able to make new friends and grow stronger with God. On the first night everyone came and we sat together chatting, making friends and learning everyone’s names.

On the first day we got up, got washed and had breakfast then we had our first morning service and went into our small talk groups, then we stayed around the house not knowing what we would be doing that afternoon ,then we got told we were going to the BEACH! At the beach some of us went swimming, sunbathing, and playing group activities. After the beach we went back to the house and got dinner, after dinner we had our evening service where we looked at different ways our lives can be Totally Transformed by God and then bed. The second day, we done the same thing but we went bouldering it was something like 20°c that day but the water was 10°c it was so cooling bouldering was so fun I think that was my favourite activity and it was enjoyed by all.




On the third day, we had breakfast then small talk groups and then we started a craft project “up cycling”- we had a bag of clothes and we cut them up and sowed them on to different clothes, they were all VERY unique! After we up cycled we headed down to Newry went shopping but we had to get selfies with certain thing-“a bearded man, something smelly, a big piece of food, an animal and something green.” The forth day, we had another craft project, we had gel pens and we could draw or write anything with them, then we would dry them and either put them on our phones or on our phone case. After dinner we went out for a late evening walk into the park, got glow sticks, lit a barbecue and toasted marshmallows YUM YUM!




On the fifth day, as usual we got breakfast, then the morning talk and then into our small talk groups, we then were around the house while Naill and Sharon lurked around the house looking very suspicious, then Naill gave my group a map and a clue and once we found the leaders they would give us another clue to find the next leader this was called Hunt the leader. After all this hard work we got ice-cream! Then we got dressed up and had a movie themed party. Then it was the last day, we packed up, got breakfast, washed the dishes, cleaned the house with a visit from an Amercian man from the local church with ice cubes and bread! And then if was time to leave ☹. Ben.




An enjoyable time for all at the Irish CE Talent Contest

An enjoyable time for all at the Irish CE Talent Contest

The Irish CE Union Talent Contest was held on Saturday 23rd April 2016 in Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Belfast.

At the CE Convention this September, we will be launching our Missionary Project for 201617. This year, we will be working with The Bible Society in Northern Ireland, supporting their work in telling God’s big story to children in schools.

Organisers, Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar, are to be congratulated on the smooth running of this most successful and enjoyable event for both participants and onlookers alike. The adjudicators were Mr George Hewitt for music and Mrs Dee Hawthorne for Bible Reading and drama. The Juniors all acquitted themselves very well.


The Bible Society, in partnership with the Youth Department of the Baptist Church, run a schools programme called “Amazing Journeys”, where local Churches go into schools and tell the story of the Bible through story. The money raised by CE for the Missionary Project this year will go towards supporting the distribution of Bibles to children in schools through this programme. The Bible Society have put together a great pack to be used in our CE societies this year. There is a series of 3 lessons, with activities for both Juniors and Young People, based on the theme of Storytellers. The first lesson looks at the Bible as not just as a collection of stories like Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath and the birth of Jesus, but as an epic story where each tale is part of God’s rescue plan for His children. The second lesson encourages each one of us to be a Bible Storyteller, telling others about God’s big story. The final lesson looks at the work of the Bible Society, particularly the work they do in schools with the Amazing Journeys project, and how we can support this work.

Barbara and Rosemary enjoying seeing the talents of our CE members.




The packs will be a fantastic resource to use in our CE societies during the year, with leaders’ notes and a resource disc with worksheets, games, PowerPoint slides, videos, and fundraising activities to use with your group. The Bible Society would also be delighted to come and visit your Society, so please contact them to arrange a visit.



CE Ireland is a part of a larger, world-wide movement of CE. The World's Christian Endeavour Union (WCEU) are uniting 30 independent National CE Unions in 29 countries around the world. Although quite different in size and structure, all have their roots in the CE movement which sprung up in the United States 1881. Presently in about 20 additional countries CE Societies are being built up. CE is the first interdenominational youth ministry and had a tremendous impact on the Protestant Mission and - less visible – also on the Protestant Churches especially in the United States.

Finally, please pray for the work of The Bible Society, particularly the work they are doing with the Amazing Journeys projects in our schools. Pray also that each one of us may become a better Storyteller, sharing God’s amazing story with others.

You can find out more about WCEU at: WCEU Mobile Devotions are available at:

Say hello to the next General Secretary of WCEU, Dr. Dave Coryell. He is presently Executive Director of CE USA and will start to serve part-time end of 2016. Read more:





ARMAGH & SOUTH TYRONE Outgoing President Here Ruth Agnew, Armagh & South Tyrone President 2015-16, gives us a bird's eye view of her year in Office. As I look back on this last year I thank God for all He has done. My theme for the year was taken from Deuteronomy 11:13, “To love the Lord and serve Him with a full heart”. To start the year, I was invited to Ballygawley Junior CE Parents’ Night. The children were very good and they all loved taking part and did really well. It is a great pleasure to lead the Junior CE in my own Church, Tandragee Methodist. We have a great bunch of kids and helpers. Then it was the turn of our missionary meeting held in my home Church. The speaker was Mr Davies, from Spud Bear Ministries, and a good number turned out in support. I was invited to Clonaneese Junior and Junior High Societies’ Harvest Service. Then at the beginning of November, I was back in Clonaneese, this time visiting the Senior Society and had a great time meeting with the folk there. Also I was invited back to Ballygawley in November and enjoyed my time with the children and their parents. Christmas came around again and it was the turn of our annual Carol Service in Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan. Barbara and Alan had a excellent programme. A number of people took part and a lovely supper was provided by the ladies. In January, I was off to Orritor and it was a pleasure to see this CE started back up again and the children and leaders are very enthusiastic.




Clonaneese CE Sunday was at the start of February and what a night; we were reminded of our battle with the world and the temptation we all face every day. Hill Street, Lurgan was a busy night. First it was the Juniors, and though we were small in numbers, it was a thrill to see them so eager to take part. After that it was straight into the Seniors, and we had a blessed time together. Brian wasn't able to be with me as he had another meeting to go to so I had to sing solo, much to the disappointment of those who wanted to hear Brian sing. Clonaneese Seniors was the end of February and we had had another great night of fellowship. Throughout this past 3-4years Brian and I have been going to Fergus Hall to help out some Mondays nights. We were invited to their Christmas dinner and had a wonderful meal. Approximately twenty people attended and after the meal we had a great time of fun and fellowship. We both love going on a Monday and hope to continue that come September. Please pray for all the work of CE in our Union and for the ongoing work of CE in general. A number of our CEs have closed throughout Ireland so please keep praying and seeking God to do a work in our Churches. People need the Lord in these days so keep serving God with our whole hearts and be faithful to His voice were He has placed us in our societies. In March Mrs Rosemary McDaniel came along to our CE Sunday and the children pulled out all the stops despite the technical hitches. Later that month the Junior Fun Day was held in Dungannon Presbyterian hall and June Knox, our Junior Convenor, had a great programme for the morning. Great fun was had by all and the usual hot dogs etc went down a treat. I want to encourage every leader to keep striving to teach our children the message of the Gospel. It gave me great pleasure to hand over the Chain to the Revd Ivor Smith. In 2008, Ivor had handed me this Chain as he had completed his first term in Presidency and I was about to commence my first term serving from 2008-2009. Ivor, may you know God’s power and leading as you take this Chain back to serve God faithfully in your life and in the life of CE. Let us all pray that God will use Ivor in the year ahead, may he know God’s leading and may he be kept safe on the roads.




Incoming President Armagh & South Tyrone Union’s annual Presidential Rally was held on the 25th April 2016 in First Portadown Presbyterian Church hall. A good number turned out for the evening. Mrs Dorothy Morrison, from Hill Street Seniors, was the pianist for the evening. It is always great when people are asked to take part and there are plenty of willing people to say “yes”. Mrs Ruth Agnew, outgoing President, led the meeting with Mr John Ruddock, from First Portadown Senior Society, opening in prayer. Ballyreagh Praise Group sang and the Irish CE Union President, Mrs Rosemary McDaniel, gave the annual report. Ruth gave a report of her year in Office after which she handed over the chain to the Revd Ivor Smith for the incoming year. His Presidential theme is “Rebuilding”. Miss Emma Condy, who closed in prayer, also gave thanks for the supper which was provided by First Portadown Seniors and enjoyed by all.

Armagh & South Tyrone Union Fun Day The annual Armagh and South Tyrone fun day was held in March in Dungannon Presbyterian Church hall. Our Junior Convenor, June Knox had a great programme laid on for the children. Around twenty-five children came and enjoyed themselves. To start the morning a meeting was held with some choruses and a quiz based on the style of the TV series, “Come on down the price is right�. Jacqui Galbraith spoke on 'the Cost of the Cross' and Steven Condy provided the music. A group of Clonaneese Young People helped and the usual hot dogs and goodies were provided at the end of the morning. Thanks to our own Mrs Rosemary McDaniel, Irish CE President, who ably performed the duties of cook and to Pauline Condy and Ruth Agnew who helped in the kitchen.

Dungannon & Laghey JCE extension work in Killyman Our Junior CE meet every Tuesday, from 6:45pm to 7:45pm, in Laghey Methodist Church . The meeting normally starts with an opening prayer by one of the leaders, who are Keith McAree, Tanya Burke and Imelda Leonard. Our numbers were lower than in previous years at ten, but those who came along attended really well and missed very few nights. We follow a regular programme incorporating roll call, prayer, Bible reading and collection, all done by the members of the CE. We then have a time of praise led by Keith on guitar followed by either a story or a craft session led by Tanya. On some special occasions we have a drama session led by Jayne Kingston who is always very willing to help out at CE. We then normally end each session with a closing prayer, when we remind the kids that we are talking to God. This year Tanya felt led to provide something for the older kids in the Killyman area as there were a lot of kids too old for Junior CE, but who could benefit from some form of Christian guidance. We decided to sacrifice one night in the month of the Junior CE to provide a night for the age group in the first two or three years of secondary education. This has been a big success as we have had regular attendance at these nights sometimes in excess of




twenty young people. We play team games for most of the time and then end the session with an epilogue kindly provided by our minister, the Revd Clive Webster. I must say that the epilogues by Clive have been fantastic and very relevant for the kids in attendance. We finished the season in March with a trip for the older kids to We are vertigo in Belfast where a great, fun time was had by all (including the leaders)! Of course we had to stop in McDonald's on the way home! We then had our year end CE Service in Laghey Methodist Church on Sunday 13th March. We invited Miss Emma Busby who had a great talk for the kids and, as well as singing some of the choruses which we learnt during the year, the kids performed a drama based on Jonah, where there was a surprise appearance by a huge whale kindly built by Tanya's talented family. We would also like to thank Louise for her help with the music in the rehearsals and during the Service. We are so blessed to have had the opportunity to spread the Good News to so many young people and are very thankful for all the leaders and helpers who have made it possible. We would be very grateful for your prayers as we continue this work we feel very much led to continue. Keith McAree Treasurer/Secretary at Dungannon/Laghey JCE.

Hill Street Presbyterian, Lurgan Seniors/Comrades The Irish CE President, Mrs Rosemary McDaniel recently visited the group.



Talented Eskylane Juniors impress parents “Be strong and brave.� The kids at the Eskylane CE had to be both strong and brave this term as they showed off their talents in front of a room packed full of parents. The young section took their first steps on careers set for the Oscars as they acted out the story of Joshua, Rahab and the walls of Jericho. The audience witnessed as Joshua heard from God and sent out his spies, who were safely stowed away under a tablecloth by Rahab. The soldiers marched (led by expert Zak), the walls fell down and all went off without a hitch (well, no big ones). The senior section, meanwhile, were equally as impressive as they recited the books of the New Testament and ended the night with a few much loved songs. For the actors, memorisers and singers themselves, it marked the end of another fun semester. Only too keen to be interviewed afterwards, they all had their own weekly highlights. Lucas' loved his singing, Louise picked out the stories as her highlight while Layla-Beau always looked forward to picking up some 'happy points' in the quiz! Libby loves God and loves people, so getting out to see friends and learn about Jesus is always a highlight for her. And of course, particularly impressive marcher, Zak had his attention fixed on the rehearsals for the play! For now, it's a well earned summer rest and back to do it all again next year.






St.Michael's Seniors Tour Belfast City Hall One of the trips enjoyed by some members of St Michael’s Seniors was on Saturday 2nd April when a visit was made to Belfast City Hall. A friendly lady guide accompanied us during our hour long tour of our magnificent Belfast City Hall. The stunning hall and grand staircase and landings use four types of marble, three from Italy and one from Greece. The dome rises to a height of approximately 53 metres, inside the dome is a whispering gallery similar to that of St Paul's Cathedral in London. On the first floor we reach the rotunda. The centre of the rotunda is open creating a circular viewing gallery. We then were taken to the Council Chamber and allowed to take a seat usually occupied by elected Council members. The benches were constructed in Irish oak and the workmanship was of a very high standard with beautiful wood carvings incorporated into each bench. The tradesmen involved in the woodwork were the same as those who worked on the liner Titanic. Some of our party were able to dress in the Council members robes and have their photos taken. The motto of Belfast is "Pro tanto quid retribuamus" and comes from Psalm 116 v 12, translated from Latin it means "What return shall we make for so much". Altogether a memorable trip and much enjoyed by all who attended.




Each Christmas we are invited by the local Community Association to lead a time of carol singing, when we also do Bible readings, prayers & poems as the Christmas tree lights are switched on at the large Council-supplied Christmas tree for the area. It is a great opportunity to meet with people from the local community and local Councillors to remind them that Jesus is the reason we celebrate at Christmas. One of our favourite series of Bible talks was when we were thinking about what it means to be in God’s army – studying the various pieces of armour and weapons God, as our Commander in Chief, has given us and which we read about in Ephesians ch 6. When we were thinking about the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness we learnt the importance of a belt - particularly if you are a small child and trying to wear a pair of adult trousers, as our smallest CE member demonstrated! We all swapped shoes on the night when we were thinking about the special shoes soldiers wear and about how, as Christians, our shoes should be the gospel of peace – or our testimony.



Drumlough Juniors reach out into the community Drumlough Junior CE is found at Drumlough Presbyterian Church, set in the countryside halfway between Hillsborough and Dromara amongst the rolling hills of County Down. A relatively small congregation, we have had a Junior CE Society for many years now and we meet on Friday evenings from October through to Easter. Though our membership is small, the CE members are very faithful and love to participate in the meetings each week, taking on various jobs in the meeting.




We had some members trying out swords and a shield to demonstrate how we should carry the shield of faith and be ready with the sword of the Spirit – God’s word, to fight off the devil’s attacks. But probably the most fun we had was when we were learning about the helmet of salvation. As we thought about how we wear the helmet of salvation to protect our minds by filling them with good thoughts, the CE members had lots of fun trying on different types of headgear. Each year we have our CE service, giving the CE members an opportunity to lead the worship and share with the congregation all the different things they have been learning throughout the year.



Dundrum Methodist Juniors excited as CE President comes to visit

Carnmoney Pre-Junior CE presented a cheque for ÂŁ220.00 to Spud Bear Ministry.

We were very excited in Dundrum this term as we had a visit from the President, Rosemary in April. We had a very productive term up to Easter. We worked on craft for Mothers Day and our Bible stories were themed at revealing God's grace and forgiveness. This led nicely into our Easter presentation. The Juniors read the Easter story from the Bible with their parents attending. We had refreshments and Easter eggs afterwards.

Samuel hosted a quiz, girls against boys. Great fun was had by all.

In addition to having a visit from the President we held a sale on the first Tuesday in May to finish the year. Funds raised will be used for projects the children choose to support. Both leaders, Sharon and Wendy did training on safeguarding our children.


EAST ANTRIM Exciting last night in Carnmoney's Old Halls Carnmoney CE ended this year in March because the halls are due for demolition in preparation for the opening of our new halls in time for organisations resuming in September. The Pre-Juniors (aged 3 - P3) held a fancy dress party. Lots of fun, goodies, games and songs and Gillian Walker, who until last year was leader of this section, returned to present the prizes.

The Junior Section had a pizza evening and an abiding memory will be of groups of children singing their hearts out, praising God at the tops of their voices.

Our teenagers had a party night with games and treats. This is a wonderful little group who have gelled really well together. They look out for each other and care about each other. We are planning to meet up a few times over the next few months to try to keep this wee group together. There was laughter and praise throughout our halls and it has given us some lovely memories of our last night in our old halls. We may be finishing rather early this year but we are excited about the opportunities that the new halls will open up for us and looking forward to welcoming new members in September.

Kilbride YP's weekend away Kilbride YPs, in the East Antrim Union, spent a great weekend at Ganaway Activity Centre, with various outdoor activities including an army assault course, laser clay pigeon shooting and indoor caving. Our assistant minster, Michael Fryer, spoke on the book of Ecclesiastes starting his session off by stating 'Meaningless, Meaningless, everything is meaningless', not a 'typical' topic for a youth weekend but very much enjoyed by everyone.




Kilbride YP's at Ganaway Activity Centre

East Antrim Teddy Bears Picnic

Mrs June Jones passing some traybakes to husband Victor

Gillian Wasson and June Jones with Ashley Wasson in the background

CE Leaders, Belinda Gage, Carnmoney and Robina Thompson having a chat

Children brought teddy bears which will be sent to boys and girls in Uganda.

One of the craft tables - you can make a teddy bear from these bits and pieces

Mrs June Jones and Mrs Pearl Warnock, Leaders of Ballyhenry Presbyterian JCE busy in the kitchen

Ashley Wasson (story time organiser) and Ian Robinson (interactive quiz organiser)





ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen Union hold annual celebration in Ballinmallard The Enniskillen Union held their annual CE Celebration on Friday 6th May 2016 in Ballinamallard Methodist Church. Juniors, Young People and Young Adults’ Societies, along with other friends, met together to celebrate all that has happened in the past year in CE in the Union. The service was led by Christopher Emo, Enniskillen Union President, with Juniors and Young People taking part in the meeting through the roll call, Bible readings, prayers and in the Praise band. We were delighted to have Colin Davies from Spud Bear Ministries with us. Colin told us about the work Spud Bear is doing, providing bears for children in hospitals and orphanages, and we also got to meet some of his very special talking bears. All the teddies donated by CE members and collected at out Teddy Bears’ Picnic were given to Colin on the night, and we trust they are heading to their new homes! A number of prizes and shields were presented at the CE Celebration. The Junior Challenge Shield was awarded to Lisbellaw, and the Young People’s Challenge shield was awarded to Knockninny. These were awarded for designs CE members had created for the logo for the Irish Convention to be held in the Enniskillen Union in 2017. The Ruth Sowden cup, awarded for contribution to CE life, was presented to Charlie Henderson, Molly Henderson and Sarah Mills, all from Togherdoo Juniors. The evening concluded with supper, and the opportunity for everyone in our CE family to meet together was greatly enjoyed by all.

Teddy Bears Picnic On Saturday 5th March 2016, Juniors from the Enniskillen Union met in Lisbellaw Methodist Church Hall for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Everyone brought their teddy bears along with them for a fun afternoon with lots of bear games and a picnic. Irish CE President, Rosemary McDaniel, also came to visit with her teddy bear. Christopher Emo, Enniskillen Union President and Diane Simpson, Enniskillen Union Missionary Convenor shared in the event. As well as having lots of fun, the children learned about the work of Spud Bear Ministries, our CE Missionary Project for this year. Many of the children very kindly brought another bear along with them, and these bears were collected to give to Spud Bear, who will pass them on to children who do not have any teddies of their own.

Enniskillen Union BBQ On Saturday 25th June 2016, Juniors and YPs from the Enniskillen Union descended upon Castle Archdale for our annual BBQ, food, fellowship and games. As usual, it was an amazing evening, despite the weather; catching up with friends, having a good laugh and a good time in general. The weather, however did not dampen our spirits as everybody participated in the fun and games. The weather in County Fermanagh certainly cannot be predicted! We were delighted this year to have Jenny, Leanne, Bethany and Matthew from the Methodist TOM team (Team On Mission) join us this year as guest speakers. They spoke to us about their year on the TOM team and what God has planned for their futures in September after their year is done. Once again, we all enjoyed a delicious BBQ cooked by Reuben Acheson. We thank God for a wonderful evening spent with friends, and we pray that everyone will have an enjoyable summer break. We also look forward to the new CE year starting again in September/October time. Christine Birney Pettigo YPCE - Enniskillen Union




THE 102ND CONVENTION Bishop Ken Clarke to address 102nd Convention The Belfast Christian Endeavour Planning Committee were delighted when The Rt Revd Ken Clarke, Mission Director SAMS Ireland and UK, accepted the invitation to be the Speaker at the 102nd Irish National CE Convention to be held on 16th and 17th September 2016 in Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Bishop Ken Clarke This year’s theme is “Burn like a star - light a fire in our hearts”. Bishop Clarke tells us that he grew up in the same town as Rory McIlroy - Holywood, Co. Down, and that they even went to the same school but it was not at the same time!! He is married to Helen and they have four daughters and five grandchildren. Bishop Ken (often known as Fanta) has served in Churches in Northern Ireland, in Chile with the South American Mission Society(SAMS), and in Dublin. He was Rector of Coleraine Parish for fifteen years and then Bishop of Kilmore Elphin and Ardagh for twelve years. This is an expansive Diocese, lying predominately in Central Ireland with parishes in eight counties and straddling the Border into Fermanagh. He has led missions and preached at Conferences and Conventions in different parts of the world. He enjoys reading, sport, supporting Manchester United, walking, golf, and has a particular interest in Church growth and leadership issues. We look forward to his ministry.




Burn Like a star Light a fire in our hearts Please pray for: The speaker Bishop Ken Clarke. The 2016 Convention and the Committee in their planning and preparations. The Seniors/Comrades Rally. "But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak any more in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." Jeremiah 20:9

Convention Information

Convention Programme FRIDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2016

DATES: 16th and 17th September 2016 LOCATION: Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church. THEME: 'Burn Like a Star - Light a Fire in our Hearts' SPEAKER: Bishop Ken Clarke, Mission Director of SAMS. FINDING THE CHURCH: Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of West Circular Road & Ballygomartin Road. ADDRESS: 62-66 Ballygomartin Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT13 3ND. TELEPHONE: 028 90391324 PARKING: Car parking is available on street, adjacent to the church and in surrounding streets.

6.30pm Registration in Church Foyer 7.00pm Prayer Time in Prayer Room 7.30pm Praise Time in Church 7.45pm Convention Service in Church 9.15pm Supper in Church Hall

SATURDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 2016 11.00am Table Quiz in Church Hall 12.30pm Lunch in Church Hall 2.30pm Junior Leaders Training in Upstairs Hall 2.30pm Y.P Event - Treasure Hunt at Cavehill 2.30pm Comrades Rally in Church 4.30pm Business Meeting in Church 5.30pm Dinner in Church Hall 6.45pm Prayer Time in Prayer Room 7.15pm Praise Time in Church 7.30pm Convention Rally/Installationin Church 9.30pm Supper in Church Hall




102nd Convention Committee

103rd Convention News

Rosemary Carson, Caroline Edgar, Muriel Hughes, Helen Windrum, Barbara Wilson, Jim Crothers, Wesley McCready, Tommy Irwin, Trevor Smith, Lesley Scott, Robert Ryan and Matt Bishop.

The 103rd Irish Christian Endeavour Convention will take place next year in Enniskillen.

Muriel Hughes is also on the committee

Convention Chairperson Barbara Wilson




Dates: 15th - 16th September 2017 Location: Enniskillen Presbyterian Church Theme: "Will you take a stand?" Speaker: Rev Andrew Mullan

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.� 1 Corinthians 16:13



Easy Fundraising

CE Ireland is on Facebook Search for 'Christian Endeavour Ireland'

Christian Endeavour has signed up to a fundraising website where we can raise money just by shopping online- we would love your help! You can sign up to register at the link below & it won’t cost you anything, you can shop online & certain retailers make a donation to the selected good cause.

Website Visit for more CE news & resources

The Irish Endeavourer The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Irish CE Executive Board. Magazine Editor - Matt Bishop Information Offier - Margaret Houston All articles for the next magazine need to be send to Margaret Houston for 31st July 2016. Email articles to: or call Margaret on 028 93353191

Orders Order your next ‘Irish Endeavour’ & CE supplies - Promise cards, Pens, Keyrings, Hoodies etc. from the C.E office.

Visit & Search for Christan Endeavour Ireland.

Personal Membership Scheme Offers you the opportunity to have direct contact with Irish Union, keep informed of current CE activities, &to support the CE movement prayerfully & financially If you would like to become a member by making an annual contribution to the funds, please send your name, address, telephone number & cheque (made payable to “The Irish Christian Endeavour Union” to Irish CE Headquarters address above. You can also pay by standing order.

CE Ireland Office 64a Bloomeld Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AD Telephone: 028 (048) 9046 0448 Email: Open on Monday & Wednesday 12:30pm - 3.00pm





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