The Irish Endeavourer (September 2018)

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Ma t t B ishop EDITOR This issue of The Irish Endeavourer details events since February 2018. If you have any news, information or photographs for the magazine, you can contact Margaret and I’ll Endeavour to include it in the next issue! Thanks very much and I hope you enjoy this issue of The Irish Endeavourer

Marga ret Hou ston INFORMATION OFFICER Margaret is responsible for collecting all the CE Ireand news, which are then forwarded to Matt for inclusion in the magazine. Please do send her your news, photographs and announcements. Without these, there wouldn’t be much to read about!







Editor’s Note





Dates for your diary


President’s Diary


New Irish CE President


New Web Co-ordinator


Convention Theme


Praise and Prayer


Convention Programme


Mission Project




Spring Break

Talent Contest


European Leadership Academy



REGIONAL & SOCIETY NEWS Armagh and South Tyrone




Ballygawley and Ballyreagh





















More about MAF


28th WCEU Convention


V isit for more CE Ireland news & resources






21st–22nd Sept 104th Irish National CE Convention in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. The Rev Andrew Faulkner will speak on the theme, “Jesus First”.

Jan 24th at 7.45 pm East Antrim Executive in Eileen’s house.

Oct 9th at 7.45 pm East Antrim Executive in First Carrickfegus Presbyterian Church.

Feb 23rd Irish Union Spring Council & Irish Union Planning Board in CE Headquarters - TBC.

Oct 1st at 8.00 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Missionary Rally, Fergus Hall, Portadown.

Oct 13th 2.00 pm-4.00 pm East Antrim Fun Day in First Carrickfergus.

Oct 18th at 8.00 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Executive Meeting, CE Headquarters. Oct 20th Irish Union Planning Board in CE Heaquarters - TBC. Nov 4-10 Irish Union Prayer Week.

Nov 10th 10.00 am–12 noon Prayer Morning Clonaneese Presbyterian Church. Nov 30th Irish Union Executive Board in CE Headquarters - TBC.

3rd Dec at 8.00 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Carol Service, Hill St Presbyterian Church, Lurgan.



Feb 3rd CE Sunday

Feb 7th at 8.00 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Executive Meeting, CE Headquar-ters.

March 12th at 7.45 pm East Antrim Executive in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church.

March 23rd 2.00 – 4.30 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event in Dungannon Presbyterian. March 30th at 1.30 pm Irish Union Talent Contest in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church.

Send us your events for the next issue: If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at: Email Phone 02893353191 from UK Phone 04893353191 from ROI Mobile 07712979778


PRESIDENT’S DIARY Jottings from Irish CE President Mark Crawford’s diary The second half of the Presidential year has had a few more engagements which has allowed me to travel around and meet more of our members. Unfortunately due to other commitments I wasn’t able to accept every invitation, but all the events have been in my prayers over this year. A synopsis of each of the events and meetings I attended are included below.

21st January – Priesthill YPs My first engagement of 2018 was to head to Moria to join with Priesthill YPs for their meeting. It was good to share with the members there.

4th February 2018 – Clonaneese CE Sunday I was invited along to the evening service at Clonaneese CE where the Young People and Young Adults CEs led the service, with a programme based on the Good News of Jesus. The most striking part of the night for me was videos of interviews with different members of the CEs in Clonaneese and what the Gospel message means to them. 9th February 2018 – First Ards Juniors In early February I had the pleasure of travelling to First Ards to join in with the Junior meeting. There was a good crowd and it was good to see all the members taking part, I especially enjoyed the quiz.

16th March 2018 – Lisbellaw YPCE My first official trip to Fermanagh since the CE Convention in September, was to join with Lisbellaw YPs for their bi-weekly

meeting. It was a pleasure to share with them and thanks for teaching me some Makaton sign language. The YP members were learning to sign the hymn, “When I survey wondrous Cross” which they planned on videoing and sharing with members of their congregation.

22nd March 2018 – Second Broughshane Juniors This was Second Broughshane’s annual Parents’ and Friends’ Night. The members put on a programme based on their theme for the year of, “The Armour of God”. Well done to all involved. 9th April 2018 – Knockninny Juniors & YPs Both CEs meet on a Monday evening so I was delighted to be able to attend both. It was nice to be able to head back to the Society that I grew up attending. 23rd April 2018 – Armagh & South Tyrone Presidential Rally It was my pleasure to accept an invitation to speak at the Armagh & South Tyrone Presidential Rally where Sandra was installed as the new Local Union President. Unfortunately I was unable to stay for the supper.

24th April 2018 – Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Juniors Night two on the road, took me to Ballygawley to share in the annual Parents’ Evening. I understand that traditionally it is the first engagement for the newly installed Armagh & South Tyrone President, however as Sandra is the leader there, I was pleased to be able to speak with the children and hand out prizes. 11th May 2018 – Magheramorne Juniors A few days of heavy rain meant that




Magheramorne Juniors sponsored walk in Carnfunnock Country Park had to be postponed, however they still held their Parents’ Night in the church hall, where the Juniors held their meeting, awards handed out, games and supper. 23rd June 2018 – Enniskillen Union BBQ One of my last engagements for the year was to travel to Castle Archdale Country Park for the annual Enniskillen Union BBQ. This was the only time this year I had all my family accompany me and it was good to share with the Juniors, Young People, Young Adults and parents. There were some visitors in the form of the TOM Team and a Methodist Minister from Germany. Closing Remarks As I come to the end of my year as your President, I want to thank you for the privilege and I have really enjoyed travelling around the different Societies and meeting a lot of different people. My theme for the year was, “Building a solid foundation” and within Irish CE we have a lot of people with a talent to serve God. You as leaders and members have a passion and love for our Lord and that is evident from the conversations I have had this year. As we move forward it is my prayer, that we as an organisation, continue to develop and train young people with a passion to serve the Lord in whatever way they are called to do. But I pray that we will never forget that God should be at the centre of all that we do and that we continue to build our lives on the solid rock of Jesus.



INCOMING PRESIDENT Incoming Irish CE President reminisces about her time in CE My name is Ruth Agnew and I was born into a Christian family. I was brought up on the outskirts of Portadown and was a member of Tartaraghan Presbyterian Church.

My Mum and Dad brought my two sisters Gillian, Alison and me up in a way that from a young age I knew my need of salvation. I am eternally grateful to my parents for being people who wanted to see their children won to Christ. We were sent to Derrycarne Mission Hall children’s meeting on a Tuesday night where we were faithfully taught the Word of God. It was at the age of 5, that God spoke to me through the teaching of Mr Kenneth Martin of CEF. It was at this time that I gave my life to Jesus. I have always been involved in the work of CE from an early age. There was one held in my home Church and also Mrs Winnie Gould started one in Derryanville Methodist Church approximately 40 years ago. When


Winnie stepped down my Aunty Joan took over and faithfully kept the doors open for many years.

The Faith Mission was also very close to my heart and the Area Director, Mr Trevor Matthews, started a young people’s fellowship in his home at Portadown. Mr George Conn was involved in this as well and brought me along with my sister Gillian, cousin Ann and a few others each week. It was there that we got to take part in meetings in various ways. We would participate in meetings North and South of the Border. It was there that I met my husband Brian and now have two sons, Darren and Ryan who have recently married Katie and Cherie respectively.

for the Irish CE Presidency and trust that I may be a faithful servant in promoting the work of CE and more importantly, promoting Christ as Saviour. May we all be faithful to send out the message that Jesus Christ is, “the same yesterday today and forever” (Hebrews 13.8) and is still wanting and able to change lives today.

Rev Maurice Laverty, and his wife May, started Tandragee Junior CE over 20 years ago and I became one of their helpers. The CE has been going well over the years, although sometimes we have more children than others. I loved being involved in the work of CE and count it a privilege, over the years, to share the Word of God with the children of Tandragee and surrounding areas. I got involved in the Armagh & South Tyrone Union in 2004 and took up the post of Local Union President in 2008/2009 and again in 2015/2016. I really enjoyed my two years going around the various Societies and encouraging them in their work for CE. Brian and I have been helping the Senior Society of Fergus Hall in Portadown for the past four years and we have developed a bond of friendship with the people who attend. Brian and I enjoy going each week the Society meets and would take this opportunity to thank them for their support and encouragement to us. At a CE camp, many years ago in Donaghadee, an Irish President put the Chain of Office around my neck when giving me a necklace as a birthday present and said that someday I could be President of All Ireland. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that that would happen! I didn’t realise the significance of those comments at the time. But God knows the plans for our lives. So with this in mind I take up the Chain of Office

NEW WEB COORDINATOR Irish CE appoints new web co-ordinator Hi, I am John Condy I have recently joined the Executive Team of Irish Christian Endeavour and am the Web Co-ordinator, so look out for a new CE website soon. Designer, developer, passionate, enthusiastic, geek, crazy, sports mad and car guy are all words people would commonly use to describe me.




I grew up in Dungannon and as a boy I was usually found outside with a football. I went to the Royal School, Dungannon where I started playing rugby. After school I studied Interactive Multimedia Design at the University of Ulster Jordanstown. When at University I was actively involved in the Christian Union and played rugby for UUJ and Dungannon RFC. I also had the honour of being the UUJ rugby club secretary during my second year at University. After University I eventually got a job in a design studio called Bluegator Creative. At this time I decided to make the huge sport swap and start playing football after playing rugby for about 10 years, I joined Newmills FC. Currently I run my own business called Condy Creative, we specialise in web development and graphic design. I am a member of Clonaneese Presbyterian Church. I have been involved in CE nearly all my life first attending the Junior CE at Clonaneese. I am a leader in Young Adults and Junior CE and sing in our YP/YA CE Choir. Apart from CE I am also involved in the Church Football Team, South Tyrone Church Football League, Audio Visual team, Worship and Children’s Church. It is my prayer that revival would come to this Island and beyond I also pray for CE that it will continue to spread the gospel here and help people grow in their faith.

C O N VE N TI O N THE M E “Jesus First” will be the Revd Andrew Faulkner’s theme for this years convention The 104th Irish National Endeavour Convention will be held on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd Sep-tember 2018 in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. The Revd Andrew Faulkner will speak on the theme, “Jesus First”.

As always there will be special events for Seniors/Comrades, YAs/YPs and Juniors as well as the business meetings. Everyone will be made most welcome at the evening rallies.

Andrew was born in the North-East of England but feels that he managed to get a visa to live and work in Northern Ireland as his wife Jessica is from Portadown! He trained as a PE teacher and worked in Portadown College for a year before spending 8 years teaching in Fort Hill College Lis-burn. He became a Christian aged 11 and has always had a desire to be able to communicate God’s Word to people from all backgrounds.

Sensing a call from God to pursue the possibilities of teaching in a Church setting, Andrew explored ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. On being accepted he spent 3 years in Union Theological College Belfast whilst having placements in Downshire Road Newry and Newmills near Lurgan, before becoming assistant minister in Hill Street Lurgan for 4 years.



From April 2012 Andrew has been minister of Sloan Street Presbyterian Church in Lisburn. It has been an exciting few years as God has brought people into a living relationship with Himself through the gospel and many others have joined the Church and grown in their faith. The Church is commit-ted to


the Biblical command to make and grow disciples of Jesus and of Church health as described in the New Testament.

Before going to Union College, Andrew was an Elder in Ballydown Presbyterian Church in Ban-bridge. He and Jessica have 3 children, David, Beth and Charis and spend any free time shuttling them to various sporting practices and events. He supports Sunderland Football Club, although that has brought very little joy in recent years! Andrew is really looking forward to being at the CE Con-vention this year and speaking from the Bible on the theme of, “Jesus First”.


“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus” Ephesians 3:20, 21. * Praise God for the many CE leaders who faithfully serve God week by week. Pray for a good attendance in all CE Societies and that new children and young people in particular will come along and hear the Gospel message. * Pray that God will bless and use each event at the Irish CE Convention 21-22 September in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. * Pray for Senior CE members who have health problems or who have been bereaved, that they will know God’s grace and peace in their lives. * Pray for Ruth Agnew as Irish CE President 2018-2019. Pray that God will guide her as she shares from His Word at various CE Societies and special events. * Pray for Rosemary McDaniel as General Secretary, that she will have wisdom from God in all her responsibilities. * Pray for the ongoing preparations for the 105th Convention in the Ballymena and Coleraine Union in September 2019.

C O N VE N TI O N P R O GR A M M E Friday evening 21st Sept: On arrival 6.45pm

Registration In foyer of hall Prayer time Curry Room in Hall

7.30pm Service in Church Speaker Rev Andrew Faulkner Junior Rally with Paddy and Jill Crozier in hall 9.00pm

Supper in hall


Morning coffee in hall


Lunch in main hall

Saturday 22nd Sept:


Seminar by Rev Andrew Faulkner in minor hall All ages welcome

2.30pm YP Event at Ballygawley Playing Fields 2.30pm

Training Event.


AGM in church

2.30pm 5.15pm 6.45pm 7.30pm 9.30pm

Senior Rally Rev Nick Cooper shares about work in Moldova Dinner in main hall

Prayer time in curry room

Presidential rally in church Speaker: - Rev Andrew Faulkner Supper in main hall




MISS ION ARY PR OJ ECT Mission Aviation Fellowship to be Irish CE’s next annual missionary project Our CE Missionary Project for 2018-19 will be supporting the work of MAF. MAF is a Christian aviation charity that flies over deserts, jungles and mountains, bringing help, hope and healing to the most isolated communities on earth.

MAF has a fleet of 128 light aircraft based in 27 developing countries, and they partner with other organisations to fly them to remote areas of the world so they can carry out their work.

MAF have produced a pack, which all CE societies will receive, outlining the work they do. They also have a fantastic website, with lots of videos and resources to use in your CE Society. Please do check out their website and make use of the activities there with your CE group. MAF also have a team of speakers here in Ireland, who would love to come and speak to your CE group. To book a speaker, please contact Rebecca in the MAF office on 01303 851955 or



O BI TU A R Y It was with real sadness that we heard about the death of Mrs Gwen Carson on 19th March 2018.

Gwen was converted to Christ under the ministry of Rev Tom Cummings in Clonaneese Presbyterian Church. When a CE Society was started in Clonaneese, Gwen was one of the founder members. She met and married Stephen, and was a real help and support to him in his ministry at Dunluce Presbyterian Church. Gwen was a Junior CE Leader there, and the CE flourished under her leadership. She loved to see young people growing in faith and becoming more confident in using their gifts in service for Christ. Gwen served as Junior Convenor of Irish CE and also as Training Convenor. She was President of Irish CE 2012 – 2013 and then joint Senior Convenor with Stephen. Gwen had great organisational ability and was a faithful and loyal member of Christian Endeavour. She is greatly missed.



Everyone enjoyed this mid-week break, making new friends in a relaxed atmosphere and having fellowship together. The hotel was very comfortable, the staff helpful, and the food was excellent. Don’t miss out, but be sure to join us for Spring Break next year.

Perfect weather for a most enjoyable spring break Spring Break was blessed with days of blue sky and sunshine – perfect weather to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the North Coast.

5.30pm on Tuesday 22nd May saw those who attended Spring Break gathering in Magherabuoy House Hotel for their first meal together, and a chance to get to know one another. On Wednesday morning the group headed to Ballymoney to see the Joey Dunlop Memorial Gardens, and enjoy some shopping in the unique shops in the town. Some had an afternoon stroll on the beach at Portrush, and even a paddle in the sea! On Thursday, the outing was to Ballintoy Harbour, and most made their way to Portstewart for the afternoon.

After breakfast each day we all went to Rosemary and Trevor’s caravan where Trevor led our morning devotions and we had a cup of tea or coffee. We also had a time of fellowship after our meal each evening. On Tuesday, Rosemary talked about the 4 standards of CE, and how the CE Promise should apply to our lives each day. We enjoyed hearing about the work of Smiles Foundation in Romania on Wednesday evening.

On Thursday, Douglas shared some challenging thoughts on the Parable of the Sower, and we all tried our hand at playing some choruses using hand bells. It required concentration! THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



T ALE N T CON T EST Talented juniors excel at talent contest East Antrim Junior Endeavourers have excelled in the finals of the Irish CE Talent Contest, held in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church, bringing delight to their families and their leaders. The Adjudicators were Sylvia Gourley for music and Dee Hawthorne for Bible Reading and Drama. Barbara Wilson meticulously calligraphed all the certificates. The event was organised by Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar and great thanks are due to them and all who helped to make this such a happy time for those concerned. Results were as follows:

Class 1 - Solo 8 years & under 1st Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2 [tie] Catherine Hislop, Magheramorne Presbyterian & Abigail Magee, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; 3rd Lia Tweed, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 2 - Solo 9 & 10 years 1st [tie] Zoe McCullough, Ballyhenry Presbyterian & Emma Mont-gomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian.

Class 3 - Solo 11, 12 & 13 years 1st Cameron Allen, Carnmoney Presbyterian; 2nd Katelyn Mallard, Ballyhenry Presbyterian.

Class 4 - Bible Reading 8 years & under 1st Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian;




2nd Lia Tweed, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Louise Semple, MagheramornePresbyterian.

Class 5 - Bible Reading 9 & 10 years 1st Emma Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd [tie] Johnny O’Dornan, Holly Adrain & Emily Loughridge, all from Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 6 - Bible Reading 11, 12 & 13 years 1st Alex Hogg, First Carrickfergus Presbyterian. Class 7 - Piano Solo - 9 years & under 1st Lucy Megain. Class 8 - Piano Solo - 10 &11 years 1st Alex Hogg, First Carrickfergus Presbyterian. Class 11 - Instrumental Solo Wind 1st Alex Hogg, First Carrickfergus Presbyterian; 2nd Alex-andra Dougan, Carnmoney Presbyterian. Class 14 - Duet 10 years & under 1st Emma & Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Olivia Brown & Leah Fulton, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; 3rd Lia Tweed & Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne Presbyterian.

Class 15 - Duet 13 years & under 1st Katelyn Mallard & Zoe McCullough, Ballyhenry Presbyterian. Class 16 - Singing Group 1st Ballyhenry Presbyterian; 2nd [tie] Carnmoney Presbyterian & Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 17 - Choir 1st Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Ballyhenry Presbyterian.

Class 18 - Dramatised Bible Story 1st Magheramorne Presbyterian.




European Leadership Academy

Join the European Christian Endeavor Leadership Academy April 30 - May 3. CE exists to inspire, equip, and encourage local churches to Biblically develop young people as followers of Christ. The Leadership Academy uses interactive teaching methods to reach people with various learning styles. The majority of the materials focus upon Biblical leadership development principles. People in any Christian ministry setting or Christians in the business world will beneÞt from learning to effectively apply these principles. Along with these insights, participants will invest a session learning about Christian Endeavor and how this process can transform the way your church develops its young people for Christ.

Who Should Attend: Pastors or Christian ministry leaders; People working with children, teenagers or young adults in the local church; Business professionals looking to gain insights for Godly living in the workplace When: Beginning April 30 at 3PM and concluding late Thursday May 2. Add one extra day for a touring day or ßy out late on May 3 to enjoy this excursion to see the beautiful castles, landscape and other attractions of the Conwy, Wales area. Where: The Beechwood Christian Endeavor Holiday Centre in Conwy, Wales, UK. How Much: £165(€190) includes three nights lodging, meals during your stay, and your Program materials booklet. Stay one extra night including meals for an additional £30(€35). The cost for the touring day is still being determined and will depend upon interest. Please contact with any questions regarding this event.




Armagh & South Tyrone Pudding Evening

ARMAGH & SOUT H T YRO N E New Armagh & South Tyrone President challenges us about our walk with God Armagh & South Tyrone Union met at First Portadown Presbyterian Church hall for their annual Presidential Rally on the Monday 23rd April 2018.

I have 2 granddaughters who go to Loughgall Presbyterian JCE so I was invited to go to their pudding evening on Friday 16th March. I was earnestly told that it was “only for pudding. I was to have my dinner at home.” Only for pudding? I have never seen such an array of desserts: – all homemade, all laden with calories and all absolutely delicious! I refuse to admit to how many I sampled!

In true CE style we were welcomed by the children and young people, who also opened in prayer. After we had eaten more than was good for us, we sang ‘I’m in the Lord’s Army.’ The JCE members told us about the armour of God, then we sang ‘God, You’re good to me.’ Emma gave an illustrated talk on the work of Fields of Life, and the retiring offering was for this work. One of the leaders closed in prayer. This was a very enjoyable evening, so thank you to leaders and parents and JCE members for all their baking.

Retiring President, the Revd Maurice Laverty led the meeting and spoke of how he was greatly blessed throughout his year in Office. Ballygawley Praise Group led us in songs about our walk with God.

Our incoming President, Mrs Sandra Busby was installed as the Union President for the year 2018/2019. Sandra’s theme for the year is, “Our walk with God”; a challenge to all of us. Do we follow God afar off or are we following him closely?

A number of other people from various Societies within the Union took part and the Irish Union Presi-dent, Mr Mark Crawford, brought a message concerning how we use our tongues and asked if we are using them to glorify God. Mr Crawford encouraged us to build one another up. First Portadown Seniors, once again, provided a lovely supper for everyone who attended.




B A LLYG A W L E Y & B A L L YRE A G H Enthusiastic Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Juniors organised a successful coffee morning after hearing all about Abaana Ballygawley/Ballyreagh Junior CE boys and girls have been busy collecting their brown money (1ps & 2ps) for this year’s CE Project Abaana. On Tuesday 6th March Neville Jones, from Abaana, came along to CE to tell us all about the project. He started off by hiding plastic bottles throughout the hall and then asked the boys and girls to find at least 1 or 2. He had given the leaders some 2p coins to give to the children as they handed in the bottles. They took their 2p coins into the kitchen to get pancakes with various topping prepared by our jun-ior helpers. As the boys and girls took their seats Neville explained that the reason for the game was to show what the boys and girls in Africa did to get money to help them buy small biscuits like a pancake. He showed slides of some of the orphanages and schools that Abaana help with in Africa and one of the children from the Abaana choir spoke about her house in Africa.

The children really enjoyed the evening and were very enthusiastic in asking questions about the project. The following Saturday a coffee morning had been arranged by CE and with the help of some of our junior members coffee/tea, traybakes and scones were served to members of congregation and CE family and friends. The Abaana team joined us by holding their meeting in the church hall and coming down for some coffee. A very enjoyable morning was had by all and a total of £510 was raised which will go to the Abaana Project.




B A LLYH E N RY Summer reports on CE Sunday On Sunday 11th February, Ballyhenry Presbyterian Christian Endeavour held their annual service. The service began with Leah welcoming the congregation and the Reverend Niall Lockhart making the announcements. The opening prayer was read by Jordan, and the CE choir joined together to sing, ‘Good news to all the world’.

Noah, Matthew, Abbi and Shannon read our CE Promises before the congregation sang, ‘I will en-ter His gates’. Olivia read a poem entitled, ‘My thank you’ followed by Matthew reading, ‘ Working for Jesus’. The CE choir sang, ‘Today is a brand new day’ and ‘365 days of the year’ which led into the chain prayers. These were read by Daniel, Zoe, Shannon, Katelyn, Siannah and Abigail. The Missionary Projects supported by the CE are Charlene’s Project which we were told about by Zoe as well as the Abanna Project read by Katelyn. While the offering was collected by members of the CE the congregation had a chance to watch a video about the Abanna Project. Luke thanked the Lord through prayer, and the congregation sang, ‘All through history’. The congregation then had fun with Nessie, Jenny and CE members when the Puppets put on an exciting performance. Abbi read the poem, ‘Two boxes’ and the CE members sang, ‘I’m in the Lord’s army’ followed by, ‘Standing on the promises’ which they had been preparing with Laura in recent weeks.

Sophie read God’s Word from Hebrews Ch.13 vs 5 to 8, before Mr Lockhart spoke to the CE and congregation on how God’s love never changes through the ages. The service closed with a final praise, ‘Just give me Jesus’ and the Benediction prayer.

BELF AST Belfast Seniors focus on CEF The Irish CE Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Spring Rally was held on Saturday 24 March in Ravenhill Presbyterian Church hall. There were approximately 25 members present and the meeting was ably led by Leslie Scott, Belfast Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Convenor.

The Rally opened with everyone joining in the singing of, “Crown Him with many Crowns“. Wesley McCready, Belfast CE Union President, brought greetings on behalf of the Union. The praise continued with the singing of, “Take time to be Holy”.

Olive Gardiner recited a poem entitled, “My Dream”. It reflected on scenes from the life of Jesus leading up to the Crucifixion and this being so appropriate for the Easter period. She finished it with the question, “What is this man to you” with the answer being, JESUS is our SAVIOUR and LORD. There was a time of Chain Prayer when several people took part.




The speaker, Roberta Sherlock from Child Evangelism Fellowship, quoting from Malachi 3:6, “I the Lord do not change”, gave instances of how our world and country are changing and further quoting from Hebrews 13:8 continued, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.

She outlined the purpose of CEF which is to: Evangelise or tell the gospel; Edify disciples and Establish Churches. Roberta went on to tell about her call into the CEF which, after training, led her to serve in Peru. The work there included training leaders, teaching in schools and establishing Good News Clubs in individual homes.

She spent 3 years in Peru and then felt God calling her home to Belfast through the verse in Genesis 31:3 when God said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives and I will be with you”.

Roberta came back and after some time in the office was appointed to the position of Local Worker in East Belfast. This work involves Schools’ Ministry, Good News Clubs and, in the summer, Five Day Clubs. There have been challenges with the work but also successes. Roberta said that the task was overwhelming but that she was trusting in God and asked all to pray for the work that was being carried out. The meeting closed with the singing of, “Great is thy faithfulness”. After the Benediction everyone had a time of fellowship around a cup of tea provided by the ladies of Ravenhill.



BU CK NA A year in the life of Buckna Junior CE My name is Mikey Blair and I am a member of Buckna Presbyterian Junior CE.

Every other Wednesday evening from September to March boys and girls age 4-11 meet together from 6.15pm –7.30 pm along with our four leaders in the church hall. During the meeting we enjoy taking part in different ways. Each meeting is led by a chairperson and other ways we take part include opening in prayer, leading the choruses, reading from the Bible, taking part in chain prayer and lifting the offering.

When we come to the topic times we are divided into two groups, an older and younger group and taught from the Bible. While one group is listening to the Bible lesson the other group plays fun games and then we change around. At the beginning of each new Junior CE session in September we are put into teams with a team leader and are given marks each night if we wear our CE badge, bring our Bibles and answer questions. On the last meeting of the year at the end of March we have a party and the team with the most marks gets a prize. Every member is also given a gift on the final night.


D RU M LOU G H Drumlough Juniors pose the question “Who am I?”

On the first Sunday evening in March we had our Junior CE service. The members of Junior CE took part leading the church service, praying, reading from the Bible, singing choruses and lifting the offering. At the service two of our members also explained the Missionary Project supported by CE each year. Throughout the year we collected 5ps towards the Missionary Project with the boys and girls collecting separately. We were excited at the end of March to see who collected the greater amount. This year I was delighted the boys collected the most. We all had a great day in March at our end of year outing when we went on a bus to Fun works in Glengormley. We had fun playing and then finished with a McDonalds’ meal which we all enjoyed.

We are sad that Kathryn Bell who has been a leader for 10 years is not back with us at Junior CE this September. At our last meeting in March 2018 two of our members gave her a leaving present and a wedding present.

In our meetings this year, in Drumlough Junior CE Society, we have been studying the different, “I am” sayings that Jesus used to describe himself – I am the bread of life; I am the light of the world; I am the resurrection; I am the good shepherd and I am the way, the truth and the life. So “Who am I” was the theme that we used for our CE service on Sunday evening 18th March 2018.

At the service the CE members took part in a sketch highlighting some of the ways people today might define themselves. We had 7 different characters – Gadget Gaby, who likes to spend all her time playing with her gadgets and is more interested in her online games and Facebook friends than real life; Fitness Fiona – who spends all her time trying to ensure she is as fit and healthy as can be; Career Crazy Carol – totally dedicated to her career; Socialite Suzy – who likes to appear in all the right places wearing all the latest fashion – anything to keep up with the Joneses; Farmers Flo and Mo who are only interested in their land and animals, and getting a day out at Balmoral Show; and finally TV Tom who doesn’t say much but likes to live in the make believe world of TV. All




of these characters reminded us of different aspects of modern life which, if we are not careful, can take over our lives and draw us away from family, friends and faith. Drumlough’s minister, Rev Gareth McFadden then spoke to us about the other, “I am” saying Jesus used – I am the vine - reminding us of the importance of being rooted in Christ and remaining faithful to Him if we are to be fruitful servants. This all fitted in perfectly with our CE aim of training members for Christ and the Church.


Dundrum Methodist Juniors report from Dublin Dundrum Juniors, in Dublin, have enjoyed a good Spring this year. We have 10 children in our group and we have 1 transition year student who is helping out. Our Juniors are linking with an artist from our Church so we are very excited about the project she will be doing with us. Initially we intend making a poster. Our theme this year is: “The stories Jesus told”. So every week we are starting the session with a story. In addition to this we are also doing themed craft to fit in with the time of year. We have made Mother’s Day cards. We have also painted glass bottles as gifts and celebrated St Patrick’s Day by wearing our green that week. We were fortunate to stay up and running during the snow as the bulk of it fell during the week between our Tuesdays!!! It was great to hear the stories of snow adventures from our Juniors.

ENN I SKI LLEN Fantastic food, fun and fellowship at Enniskillen Union BBQ The Enniskillen CE Union held their annual BBQ at Castle Archdale on Saturday 23rd June 2018. We were blessed with fantastic weather, and Juniors, YPs and their families enjoyed the fabulous sunshine and delicious food. Juniors played games including rounders and the parachute, while the Young People’s games ended in a water fight! Thanks to the TOM team who led the games. Once again, Reuben made sure that no-one went home hungry - a huge thanks to Reuben and Iris for all their hard work. Thanks also to Mark Crawford, who attended many CE BBQs during his time in the Enniskillen Union, for sharing with us as Irish President. Mark talked about promises, and how we can be sure that God always keeps His promises. It was a great evening enjoyed by all in the CE family.

Our group continues to be inclusive with one of our Juniors having high functioning Autism and our transition year student helper is also autistic and really enjoys being part of our helping team. 20



Large attendance at Enniskillen Union celebration It is hard to believe that another CE year has finished. Friday 4th May 2018 saw the gathering of all the CE Societies in the Enniskillen Union gather together for our annual CE Celebration in Ballinamallard Methodist Church.

Juniors came from Lisbellaw, Knockninny and Togherdoo. Young People came from Irvinestown, Lisbellaw and Knockninny. Young Adults and Comrades were also in attendance. It was nice to see a church almost full. The offering received went towards our Missionary Project, Abaana. The opening hymn was, “In Christ Alone”. We also joined together to sing, “Before the Throne of God Above”, “We are marching in the Light of God” and, “Big Family of God”. Praise was led by Sharon Wilson on the keyboard. Juniors from Togherdoo and Lisbellaw led the prayers. We also had a Prayer Chain on display in the church, made using prayers written by CE members during Prayer Week last November.

Mrs Diane Simpson was installed as District President for her second year and she introduced her theme for the forthcoming year “Are you standing on the foundation of God’s love”? Our guest speaker was The Revd Stephen Foster, Minister of Pettigo and Irvinestown Methodist Circuit. He led us on a journey around the church as we journeyed through the Bible together.

The Junior Challenge Shield was awarded to Lisbellaw Juniors, with Knockninny YPs winning the YP Challenge Shield for designing bookmarks based on Diane’s theme for last year. Ben Parkinson from Lisbellaw YPCE was awarded the Ruth Sowden Cup for his contribution to CE during the year. I would like to thank the leaders for their time and dedication to CE and wish everybody a safe and happy summer. Christine Birney, Irvinestown CE.




Enniskillen Union’s Young People are able to change the world for a child at a time We were looking forward to having Neville Jones from Abaana come and visit us in the Enniskillen Union on Saturday 3rd March 2018, but the snow meant we had to postpone! We were delighted that Neville joined us instead on 14th April in Lisbellaw Methodist Church hall.

We want to say a big ‘thank you’ to Neville for coming to share with us in the Enniskillen Union. We will continue to pray for the work of Abaana, and the children they help in Uganda.

In the afternoon, Juniors gathered to learn more about the work of Abaana. After some games and songs, we had to search for plastic bottles hidden all around the hall in order to earn enough money to buy a pancake. Neville explained that lots of children in Uganda have to spend their days collecting bottles in order to earn enough money to buy some food. He also showed us some pictures of the schools that children in Uganda go to - they are very different from our schools! We were delighted to hear about the new schools that Abaana have built, the water pumps they provide and the homes where they care for some of the children who live on the streets. We finished off the afternoon by thanking God for the work that Abaana are doing in Uganda, and also for everything that we have. Later that evening, the Young People arrived. They also enjoyed hunting for bottles around the hall – they were a little more competitive than the Juniors, it really was survival of the fittest! Even though it was good fun hunting for plastic bottles, it really did help us to think about the children in Kampala who have to do this every day just to survive. We watched videos of life in Uganda, and got to know some of the people whose lives Abaana have transformed by providing them with an education, a home and a hope for the future. Neville reminded us that although we might not be able to change the whole world, we are able to change the world for one child at a time. The evening finished up with supper and some very energetic skipping from the Lisbellaw YPs! 22





YP’s enjoy visit from TOM Team and 2 CE presidents

Limavady Juniors like going to CE

We held our CE Service on Sunday 18th February 2018 in Knockninny Methodist Church. We were delighted to be joined by the Methodist Team On Mission, and the TOM team shared with us during the evening. Young People led the service through readings, prayers, music and drama.

First Limavady Presbyterian Juniors enjoy going to CE. Here is what some of them told us about it.

On Monday 5th March 2018, our Enniskillen Union CE President, Diane Simpson came to visit us in Knockninny. She shared her theme with us, “What is love?”, and encouraged us to show love, in simple ways, to everyone we meet. We were also joined by Mark Crawford, Irish CE President, on Monday 9th April. It was lovely to have Mark with us, as he is a former member of both Knockninny Junior and Young People’s CEs – he even spotted himself in the first photo of Knockninny Juniors, taken in 1995!

Noah, aged 10, “I like to go to CE because the games are really fun, I especially like the quizzes”. Iona, aged 9, “I like to go to CE because you learn about God and it is fun”. Ewan, aged 11, “I like going to CE because we play quizzes”. Jessica, aged 11, “I love CE because I love learning about the Bible”.

M A G H E R A M O RN E Irish CE President is guest of honour at awards night Mr Mark Crawford, Irish CE President, was the guest of honour at Magheramorne Presbyterian Junior CE’s Awards’ Night. He gave an appropriate address and presented the awards to the children.

Principal winners included Johnny O’Dornan, best all rounder, and Louise Semple who won the Endeavour Cup. The Bible Reading award was shared between sisters Emma and Sophie Montgomery. THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



TANDRAGEE Tandragee Juniors bright idea for Abaana

First time for Magheramorne Juniors It was a first for Magheramorne Presbyterian Juniors when they organised a Praise Service, on a Friday evening, in their church hall. Some delighted parents, grandparents and family members joined them enjoying the children’s singing, readings and talks. This is an enthusiastic bunch of kids who are blessed with equally enthusiastic leaders.

Tandragee Methodist JCE’s P6 children came up with a bright idea of how they could raise some money for this year’s Missionary Project, Abaana.

They all attend Moyallon Primary School so, having obtained the permission of their Principal, Mr John Priestley, they ran a bun sale over two different mornings. Parents, teachers and the children themselves all lent a hand and over £136.00 was raised. Armagh & South Tyrone CE Union want to thank the School for their support in this fundraiser.

MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP More about Irish CE’s 2018/19 Mission Project We believe every community, however remote, should have the essentials for life. 24


Our vision is to see ‘isolated people physi-


cally and spiritually transformed in Christ’s name.’

Imagine if your community had no roads and little access to the outside world.

How would you or your family reach a doctor if you’re sick or injured? How can you receive an education or job opportunities? This is the reality for millions of people.

Jungles, mountains, swamps, insecurity and a dilapidated infrastructure are all barriers to receiving physical and spiritual care and a hope for the future.

Why we fly: We are Mission Aviation Fellowship - or MAF - a Christian mission organisation that uses planes to overcome these barriers. Our pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, school books, food, medicines - everything that can only be safely and speedily delivered by air. Our supporters give and pray to make this all possible. With an MAF plane taking off or landing every four minutes, the need is huge. Will you partner with us?

How we help: Every four minutes one of our planes has taken off or landed in these countries around the world. We fly medical, relief and life-transforming help to vulnerable people in hard-to-reach places Mountains. Jungles. Swamps. Unrest. No roads. We overcome these barriers to help overcome poverty

Millions of people cannot access basic medical care, clean water, schools or receive the Good News of God’s love, simply because it’s too dangerous or time-consuming to reach them.

We provide flights for 2000 aid, development and mission organisations to enable them to transform lives. It’s a great partnership – and you can help make it possible. To find out more about MAF visit:




WORLD’S CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR UNION 28th World’s Christian Endeavour Union Convention takes place in San Diego, California, USA This summer the 28th World Convention of Christian Endeavour took place in San Diego, California and was hosted by the American Samoan Christian Endeavour Union.

Members from national CE unions all over the world came together for worship and teaching in San Diego. They hope that members from Irish CE may be able to attend the next and 29th WCEU Convention in 4 years time.







THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER Thank you for reading this edition of The Irish Endeavourer, the official magazine of Irish CE.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor, Executive Board or Irish Christian Endeavour. FACEBOOK CE Ireland is on Facebook Search for ‘Christian Endeavour Ireland’ WEBSITE Visit for more CE news & resources

OFFICE c/o 120 Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon, BT70 1RD. Email: THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER

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