The Irish Endeavourer (September 2019)

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Ma t t B ishop EDITOR This issue of The Irish Endeavourer details events since February 2019.

If you have any news, information or photographs for the magazine, you can contact our informations officer, and we’ll Endeavour to include it in the next issue! Thanks very much. We hope you enjoy this issue of The Irish Endeavourer

Marga ret Hou ston INFORMATION OFFICER Margaret is responsible for collecting all the CE Ireand news, which are then forwarded to Matt for inclusion in the magazine. Please do send her your news, photographs and announcements. Without these, there wouldn’t be much to read about! 02










Dates for your diary


Praise and Prayer


Missionary Project 2018/19


President’s Letter


Holiness Camp Meeting


President’s Diary


Senior’s Spring Break YP Summer Camp


105th Irish CE Union Convention

12 15


Armagh and South Tyrone Union


Dundrum Juniors


Belfast Seniors


East Antrim Union


Enniskillen Union


Knockninney Juniors


Magheramorne Juniors


Orritor Juniors



World’s Christian Endeavour Union



Irish CE Union Contact Details


V isit for more CE Ireland news & resources




DATES FOR YOUR DIAR Y October 26 Irish Union Planning Board in Irish CE HQ November 3-9 Irish CE Prayer Week

November 4 Armagh & South Tyrone Prayer Evening in Clonaneese Presbyterian November 29 Irish Union Executive Board in CE HQ

December 2 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Carol Service in Killyman Methodist Church January 23 at 7.45pm East Antrim Executive in Eileen’s home February 2 CE Sunday

February 6 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Executive, meeting in CE HQ

February 29 Irish Union Planning Board and Spring Council in CE HQ February 29 Junior CE Table Quiz

March Irish Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Rally

March 3 at 7.45pm East Antrim Executive in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian March 21 Irish Union Executive Board in CE HQ 04


March 21 at 2.00pm-4.30pm Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event in Dungannon Presbyterian

March 28 at 1.30pm-4.00pm Irish Union Junior Talent Contest, venue TBC April 23 at 7.45pm East Antrim AGM & Planning Committee in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church April 27 at 7.15pm Armagh & South Tyrone Council Meeting in Clovenden Presbyterian

April 27 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Presidential Rally in Clovenden Presbyterian May 7 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Executive Meeting in CE HQ

May Irish Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Spring Break May 26 at 7.45pm Convention Planning Committee in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian May/June Irish Union Executive Board July/August Irish CE YP Camp

September 5 Irish CE Autumn Council in CE HQ

19th September 106th Irish National CE Convention in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at: Email - Phone from UK - 02893353191 Phone from ROI - 04893353191 Mobile from UK - 07712979778


PRAI SE & PRAYER “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 Praise God that we can go into each new day wearing His protective armour as described in Ephesians Chapter 6, 10-19. His armour protects us and equips us to face the challenges that each day brings. With this in mind, please pray for Christian children and young people, not only in CE, but in our society. Pray by name for those you know. Pray that they will have the grace and courage to stand up for Christian values, when there is so much pressure to conform to the world.

Pray that someone would be available to promote the ministry of CE in Churches. It would be wonderful to see new Societies formed and leaders in place. Pray for wisdom for our General Secretary, Rosemary McDaniel, as well as for others serving on CE Committees. We trust the Lord to guide us as we serve Him together.

Pray for Mrs Ruth Agnew as she continues as Irish CE President. Pray that she will know God’s guidance about what to share from His Word in each CE Society she visits. Pray for protection in travel.

MISSIONARY PROJECT 2018/19 Reach Mentoring is this years Irish CE Missionary project This year, CE Ireland are supporting Reach Mentoring for their Missionary Project. Reach is a faith-based organisation, based in Lurgan and working in the Craigavon/Armagh/Banbridge area. They mentor young people toward their full potential. Reach work alongside local schools, working with a school’s pastoral care system by providing volunteer mentors to young people who are in need of additional support. Reach Mentoring works with young people for a wide variety of reasons including self-worth, behavioural issues, anxiety and difficult life circumstances. Reach provides mentors who work with the young people, building relationships, identifying goals and celebrating success.




Reach Mentoring have put together a pack which all CE Societies have received. This pack includes information about Reach, prayer booklets and a series of 5 lessons for use in CE meetings. Each lesson includes games, Bible studies, memory verses and activities, as well as an insight into the work Reach Mentoring do. There are PowerPoint presentations available to support these activities, the link to these is on the CE website.

Reach Mentoring would love to visit Societies and groups to share more about their work – please contact Reach directly to arrange a speaker, details at: If there is anything I can do to help your Society in regard to the Missionary Project, or if you would like to suggest an organisation we could support in future years, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Email - Moble - 0776 323 8727 Avril Graham, Irish CE Missionary Convenor

PRESIDENT’S LETTER A letter from the President to Irish Chrisitan Endeavourers Dear Christian Endeavour Societies,

As I take on the roll of President for another year for 2019/2020, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayer support over the past year. It has been an honour to have been invited to different Societies and to have played some small part in your meetings. It has been encouraging to see how each Society interacts and holds their meetings. May you all know God’s leading and guiding as you continue to work for Him throughout the year ahead.

I have decided to continue with my theme, Jesus 1ST to Victory. In these days, it is important that we are faithful to the Lord Jesus to spread the message of the Gospel and to reach out as best we can to further His Kingdom. May we glorify the One who died for us so that we could have the assurance of a home in Heaven.

My number is 028840360 / 07955788478 if you would like me to come and visit your Societies. It would be an honour to encourage you in the work of Christian Endeavour. Every blessing for the year ahead, Ruth Agnew, Irish CE President.




PRESIDENT’S DIARY Jottings from Irish CE President Ruth Agnew’s diary Clonaneese CE Sunday Clonaneese Presbyterian CE held their annual CE Sunday on the 3rd February 2019. Their theme was “If Your Way Isn’t Working… Try God’s Way”. The evening started with the Revd Jackie Spence welcoming everyone to the service. The opening hymn was “The Lord is my Salvation”. Then the Irish President, Mrs Ruth Agnew brought greetings and the Local Union President, Mrs Sandra Busby, opened in prayer. The band and singers led the praise which everyone took part in and thoroughly enjoyed. The Young People’s and Young Adult’s Choir sang several times and the pieces were, “Only a Holy God”, “My Living Hope”, “Yes and Amen” and “All I have is Christ”. There were also a few people who gave a short word of testimony. Some teenagers took part in a sketch and this showed us the direction God wants us to take, and that we shouldn’t follow the crowd. The Revd Andrew Faulkner spoke and brought a message on “How we should live for Jesus and not to give into sin”. The evening finished with the singing of, “Christ is enough for me”. Once again the ladies made a beautiful supper which was enjoyed by everyone. Clonaneese JCE & Junior High Clonaneese Junior CE and Junior High had a good number of children and young people there. I brought the story again of putting God First in our lives as that is my theme for the year. The children were very attentive and seemed to have been listening when Pauline Condy did a quiz at the end of the evening. Tandragee Methodist JCE At my own JCE in Tandragee Mrs Sandra Busby, our Local President of Armagh and South

Tyrone, came along for the evening. The children really enjoyed what she brought to the CE that night. She spoke on Ruth and Naomi and how we need to have no other gods. Tandragee Methodist Juniors extended a warm welcomed to Mrs Busby to their meeting on the 8th February. We had a great time together with the children doing their part in leading and singing some choruses. Sandra told the story of Ruth and Naomi and the children thoroughly enjoyed listening to how God used Naomi and Ruth. 1st Newtownards JCE I was invited to attend the JCE in 1st Newtownards Presbyterian on the 15th February. We had a great time and the children were very attentive to what I had to say. Cherry and the Leaders gave me a very warm welcome. It was great to see a group of children so enthusiastic about CE and were not afraid to participate. We sat around on the floor and talked about how we should put God first in our lives.




Laghey JCE February the 26th I was invited back to Laghey JCE and had a good night again. The children showed a keen interest in taking part and also helped out in the story. I used the Pencil and illustrated how we can be like the pencil. We need to be sharpened and sometimes in our lives we can be like the pencil on which the lead has broken. The rubber teaches us when we make a mistake we can rub it out and start all over again just like sin God wants to rub out all our sin by our asking Him into our hearts. The lead being the most important part of the pencil if it isn’t working it is not doing what it was intended to do. Our insides can be full of sin but God wants us to accept him as Lord and Saviour. It is not what is on the outside that matters but what is on the inside.

Fergus Hall Senior CE Mrs Sandra Busby, Armagh and South Tyrone President, came along to Fergus Hall Senior CE on the 4th March. She spoke about how God had saved her and gave her testimony. The folks gather there on the 1st and 4th Monday in the month. They really enjoyed Sandra taking the time to come and speak to them. Armagh & South Tyrone JCE Fun Day We had a great day at the Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Day in March. There were around 20 children present. June Knox our Junior Convenor had a team of willing helpers from Clonaneese CE to help with some games at the start of the afternoon. Miss Emma Reid, from CEF, came and spoke and the children seemed to enjoy their afternoon. Afterwards we had the usual hot dogs and biscuits to end the day. Dundrum Methodist JCE, Dublin March 26th I was invited to go to visit Dundrum Methodist JCE Dublin. I headed down on the train and met up with Sharon Mulhare who leads the CE there. She had a lovely tea for me and then we went to meet the children for the meeting. A great bunch of kids who really helped with the story. The leaders do a great work among the children there and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit there. 08



2nd Broughshane JCE The 28th March I was invited to present the prizes at Second Broughshane Presbyterian Junior CE. We had a good night and the children were excellent in singing and doing a drama. The leaders are great in how they bring all the children into everything and they make them feel so important. The Speaker was from MAF and gave a presentation on how MAF work on the mission field. Togherdoo Methodist JCE Sunday Togherdoo Methodist Junior CE Sunday was held on the 7th April. We had a great time and the children did all they had to do 100%. A varied programme was put together and Hazel, and the leaders, certainly put a lot of effort into training these children in the way of Jesus. I brought a talk on how we need to put Jesus First in our lives. There were 30 children sitting around the altar listening and answering when asked to do so.

Ballygawley JCE Parent’s Night Ballygawley had their Annual JCE Parents’ Night on the 16th April. The leaders do a sterling job working with the Juniors and they had a varied programme where everyone was involved. There was a good number out in support and again I brought a message of how we need to put Jesus First. Enniskillen Union Celebration Night The Enniskillen Union’s end of year CE Celebration was held in Ballinamallard Methodist Church on the Friday 3rd May. A number of Societies came and took part in various ways reciting, singing and leading in worship. The President, Mrs Diane Simpson, led the meeting. I brought a message on how God wants to use each one of us. We are all different and unique and if we let God into our lives He can use us to further His Kingdom.

Visit of Harry Wedekind Vice President of Europe, World’s Christian Endeavour Union (WCEU) It was lovely to meet Mr Harry Wedekind Vice President of Europe who hails from the Netherlands. The Irish Executive had the privilege of meeting him on the 4th May 2019. Our General Secretary, Mrs Rosemary




McDaniel, met him at Belfast City Airport and then visited the city centre in Belfast and met the Irish Union Treasurer, Mrs Jean McGall and went out for lunch. Rosemary and Jean then took him on an open top tour bus of Belfast to give him a “taster” of some of the sights of our capital city.

Then we met some of the Committee members and their spouses for a lovely dinner, in the evening, at Seagoe Hotel. This was his first visit to Ireland and he really appreciated the hospitality. He stayed with the Irish President, Mrs Ruth Agnew and her husband Brian, for the night and they had the privilege bringing him to Church. Ruth and Brian enjoyed lunch with Harry before they left him to the train station to go to Dublin to meet up with some of his students from the Netherlands. Seniors’ Spring Break The Seniors’ Spring Break was held in Magherabuoy Hotel on the outskirts of Portrush. It was held from the 21st May to the 24th May. I was invited to go up on the Tuesday to have dinner with them and then take the meeting. There was a good number this year and we had a great time of fellowship. My talk that evening was on being thankful to God for all He has done for us. We had a time of praise and my Mum and I headed for home leaving the rest to enjoy some games. Ballinmallard Christian Holiness Week On Sunday the 7th July Brian and I were invited to take part in the Ballinamallard Christian Holiness Camp meetings in the Archdale Hall. Mr Hylands Mitchell had invited Brian and myself to come along and sing at both meetings on the Sunday. He also wanted me to promote Christian Endeavour in the area. I brought a number of leaflets and was able to set up a stand for the week along with other missionary stands such as the Faith Mission & IEB. It was a privilege to go and represent CE in this way and to be able to get a chance during both meetings to speak on CE and what it means to me as Irish President this year and also to encourage getting another CE started up again in the Ballinamallard area. 10


It was great to meet some of Mrs Winnie Gould’s family at both meetings. Winnie and her late husband did a lot for Christian Endeavour throughout the years when they came home from the mission field. The speaker for the week was the Rev John Treese from Ohio, USA. He is a graduate of Allegheny Wesleyan College. His wife, Annette, accompanied him and we had a blessed time together as he spoke on 9 scriptures on how we need to live holy lives. This event run though from the 7th July to the 14th July. Ruth Agnew, Irish CE Union President



Next year’s meetings will be held from July 12-19, 2020 and the preacher will be Rev Melvyn Beecher who, 12 years ago, was the first to preach after the death of W T McClintock. In closing, grateful thanks was expressed to C of I Select Vestry for use of the hall and all who helped in any way.

67th year of Holiness Camp Meetings well attended Irish CE Union President, Mrs Ruth Agnew, along with her husband Brian, were special guests at some of these meetings. Below is a report from, “The Impartial Reporter” issue dated 15/08/2019. This year’s Ballinamallard Christian Holiness Camp meetings were held in the middle of July in the Archdale Hall.

Now in its 67th year, the camp was honoured to have Irish President of Christian Endeavour, Mrs Ruth Agnew, on the afternoon and evening of the first day. She and her husband Brian, as the opening singers, gave uplifting messages in song complementing perfectly the message the preacher as Christians were challenged to lead a holy life. Mrs Agnew gave a report on the blessings to the church at large of Christian Endeavour and her vision that Christian Endeavour might cover the land and fulfil their objective of “Ireland for Christ”. The meetings continued throughout the week with the preacher the Rev John Treese from Ohio in the United States. A Pastor for 30 years, he was accompanied by his wife Annette. The morning Bible study and prayer laid the foundation for the evening meetings culminating on the last night when there was such a move of the Holy Spirit that the traditional singing of the last hymn, “When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound” had to be abandoned in favour of the moving doxology, “God be with you till we meet again”. This was due to the numbers seeking the blessing of a clean heart, for which we give God the glory.

Published by kind permission of the Editor, ‘The Impartial Reporter”.

SENIOR’S SPRING BREAK Good fun, fellowship & teaching at Spring Break On Tuesday 21st May we arrived at Magherabuoy Hotel, in beautiful sunshine, for the annual Seniors’/Comrades’ Spring Break. People had travelled from near and far.

After dinner, Ruth Agnew, Irish CE President, was our guest speaker and a time of getting to know one another was enjoyed by all. Our morning devotions were taken by Douglas Rowe, who with his wife Olive, organised this year’s Spring Break.

Our outing on Wednesday was to Garvagh where we enjoyed a light lunch before visiting a Museum packed with household and farming artefacts; then it was time to return to Magherabuoy Hotel.. After a nice dinner we enjoyed party games before Olive brought the evening to a close with a short epilogue.

The outing on Thursday took the form of shopping in Coleraine and some enjoyed the bracing sea air as they took a stroll around Portstewart. After dinner we had a good




time playing fun games organised by Hazel Williamson. Olive brought the evening to a close with a Praise Time and epilogue.

After morning prayers we said our Good Byes and are all looking forward to Spring Break 2020. Some views shared by folks on Thursday night included, “Enjoyed”; “Lots of fun”; ”Excellent time”; “Enjoyed the fellowship”; ”Good teaching” and “Got to know some lovely people”. My sincere thanks to Rosemary and Trevor McDaniel for their help and support and to all who attended. We invite you to join us next year, DV. Olive Rowe, Irish CE Seniors’/Comrades’ Convenor.

YP SUMMER CAMP 2019 Brilliant YP Summer Camp in Exodus Centre, Coleraine Sunday afternoon, 18th August, campers were rolling in from County Down, Armagh and Fermanagh; the first time for some, the second or third for others. Icebreakers paved the way for a smooth afternoon of introduc12


ing new faces and allowing the inevitable late-comers… thankfully Richard just about arrived in time to deliver the first evening talk! Over the first four evenings we heard the story of Ruth’s four chapters - ‘Rags to Riches’ - when we learned how God is totally in control, provides and protects us, and best of all has a wonderful plan to transform us and our broken world. After a decent first night’s rest (for most of us!) and some tasty toast and cereal, we sang praise and heard the first of Andrea’s five morning talks, which covered the topics of “Joy”, “The parable of the mustard seed”, “Spiritual growth”, “Comparison”, and “Making an impact”. Following the morning session, we all split into four small groups for our quiet times, where we thought about several questions based on the previous night’s Ruth talk. Lunch was then followed by the campers’ four games teams mixing the ingredients for their own cake and cupcakes in preparation for that evening’s “CE Camp Bake-Off ”. During the afternoon, while the cakes were in the oven baking, the campers familiarised themselves with the Coleraine locality as they, in their four teams, decoded riddles and followed the clues to find the leaders hiding across the town centre. While running around searching for leaders, they also tried completing as many of the photo challenges as possible.

After dinner, one of the quiet time groups led our evening meeting from the front, they also conducted a memory verse time and even a brief dramatised recap of the previous night’s chapter of the Ruth story. Monday was finished off by the teams’ decoration of their cakes, following the category of ‘Film’, and the cake judging by Andrea “Hollywood” Graham. Some mini Mary Berry’s were discovered, as we had Frozen, Shrek, Monsters Inc. and Dreamworks cakes all produced by the campers – impressive! Before bed, we even had time for the campers to familiarise them-selves with the centre itself, squeezing in a quick game of hide-and-seek. Tuesday afternoon began our three afternoons of big trips out, with a visit to the





nearby Jet Centre for ten-pin bowling and crazy golf. We don’t think any mini McElroys were discovered, but there were some (jammy) holes-in-one, and bags of fun! The evening fun saw us show off our knowledge on Hannah’s well prepared, fun table quiz, another opportunity to rack up more points for the campers’ teams. The extravaganza of fun continued with a CE Talent Show before bed, plenty of interesting and impressive acts made us all laugh and give many applauses! On Wednesday, the big trip took us to a local water activity centre. Despite the harsh rain and non-summer temperatures, we all played on and climbed through a jungle of inflatable platforms floating on the water and had fun on the banana boat. After dinner and finishing off Ruth’s story, we set up the CE theatre to watch the recently released Christian movie ‘I Can Only Imagine’, which conveyed how incredible God’s forgiveness, grace and love towards us is.

Thursday had us heading off for Portrush, to have a picnic lunch and the annual County Down vs Fermanagh football match on the West Strand grass. The customary visit to Barry’s followed, and we took a less customary run into the Atlantic Ocean (through the rain), with some rented surfboards, before heading home for a nice warm dinner! For the fifth evening session, we learned a simple way to share the gospel story with our friends, the ‘Two Ways to Live’ tool. That night, the final night, saw us end in true camp fashion, lighting a small campfire on the White Rocks Beach, gathering around it and singing praise songs into the dark, starry sky.

Friday saw some campers wish that it all would end on Saturday instead; friendships had been made, much round-the-world table tennis sessions had been played (never mind Ben’s personally orchestrated campwide table tennis tournament), and many Bible truths had been taken away. However, the sun was shining as campers were collected and they rolled back out of camp for another year… and hopes were already raised for an even better CE Camp 2020. 14



1 0 5 T H IRISH CE U N ION CON V EN T IO N Convention Secretary reports on this years event How many of you know where Buckna is? It is near Slemish which my long-ago geography lessons told me is a volcanic plug. Buckna was also the venue for the 105th Irish CE Convention committee meetings.

As Ballymena / Coleraine no longer has a Local Union Executive, I chaired these meetings, and the committee consisted of Ken, Jean, Julie and me. However, the Convention was organised with the minimum of fuss, and the committee worked very well together. Julie supplies a delicious range of biscuits for the inevitable cup of tea! Being “on the ground”, Ken, Jean and Julie attended to all those myriad of small details which ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day, and I am so grateful for their total dependability.

This half day Convention proved to be a relaxed time of fellowship and teaching and we came away feeling: “It was good for us to have been here, for here we met with the Lord.” Convention Chairperson Rosemary McDaniel




Thank you to all involved in the convention competitions Thank you to all the Juniors who took part in the Convention Competitions this year. Thank you to all the leaders who encouraged them to enter.

Very well done everyone and congratulations to those who won prizes. The standard was very good so the judges had a hard job to do. Thank you to the Caroline Edgar, Rosemary Carson and to the judges. The results were as follows:

Invitation to CE event, 11 years & over: 1st Emily Loughridge, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Emma Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Lydia Blair, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Invitation to CE event, 9 & 10 years: 1st Lia Tweed, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Louise Semple, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Invitation to CE event, under 8 years: 1st Langdon Woodfield, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Christian fridge magnet 11 years & over: 1st Daisy Ferguson, Carryduff Presbyterian. Christian fridge magnet 9 & 10 years: 1st Ariana Wilson, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Rebecca Haws, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Rebecca Haws, Carryduff Presbyterian. 16


Christian fridge magnet, under 8 years: 1st Ruby Woods, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Elira Nelson, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Grace Logan, First Ards Presbyterian.

CE poster, 9 & 10 years: 1st Alex Milne, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Ariana Nelson, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Holly Breen, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian. CE poster, under 8 years: 1st James Hanna, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Theo Woods, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Joshua Somerville, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian. Burning Bush poster, 11 years & over: 1st Daisy Ferguson, Carryduff Presbyterian.

Burning Bush poster, 9 & 10 years: 1st Alex Milne, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Ethan Lynd, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Emma Hanna, Carryduff Presbyterian. Burning Bush poster 8 years & under: 1st Abbie Knox, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 2nd Faith Lappin, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Joel Somerville, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian.


welcome and the food was soooo good!!! We even did some impromptu waitressing and let the women have their tea instead. We had a peep round the church and did some exploring while catching up with all the others who went to camp with us in the summer. It was then time for the service. We had praise time and then prayer. MAF, the organisation that CE supported last year, spoke to us about what they had been doing the past year and how the money raised had helped them reach people who needed supplies in isolated places around the world.

We also heard from the new organisation that CE is supporting this year, REACH NI, who seek to support young people at risk of educational exclusion and struggling with behaviour and emotional difficulties.

YP’s had a wonderful time at the convention and can’t wait until next year! It was an early start in Fermanagh as we met at 9am to travel to 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church for the 105th CE Convention.

After a long journey, we met the others and went to Raceview Outdoor Karting to do some go-karting. We did the karting in two groups of 6, although my group ended up with only 4 by the last round! The competitive streak definitely came out in some people during the session, *cough* Andrea. Hannah even managed to do a 180^ turn on the track and was facing the wrong way!

The speaker, The Revd Stephen Kennedy spoke to us on the topic of, “All for Jesus”, and how all we have is because of Jesus and that all we do should be for Jesus. We really enjoyed listening to all who spoke at the service. After the lovely service, we had tea and buns, and chatted to the people who attended the service. By that time, we were all exhausted and ready to head home to our beds! We are all thoroughly looking forward to next years Convention at Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church and can’t wait to see everyone again!

After the fun go-karting, we were let loose in Ballymena to go round the shops. After food in the shopping centre, we did some bargain shopping. Emily got her bag and Bethany even got her ski gloves in the sale.

After shopping, we headed back to the church for some tea. Everyone made us so




Inspiring Senior’s & Evening Rallies at this years Irish CE convention Being out of CE for a number of years because the Senior Society in Buckna folded, it was good to attend the Senior Rally at the Convention, to meet friends and catch up with fellow Endeavourers whom I had not seen for a number of years.

The Senior Rally was well attended and it was interesting to take part in the meeting as I was asked to lead in prayer. Ken McGall conducted the meeting with Tom Irwin reading the Bible. The speaker was Ronnie Armour who is head of the Northern Ireland Prison Service. He gave us lots of facts and figures about the prisons and prisoners. I was impressed by the fact that they do not just hold people but run vocational training, trying to equip people with trades and skills so that when they get out they will have a better opportunity to find work and so be less likely to end up in prison again. He also told us about the chaplaincy work which involves chaplains going into prison, talking to the inmates, giving out literature and holding meetings. I also attended the Convention evening meeting and enjoyed the praise to our Great God, led by Buckna Praise Group.

The meeting was lead by the Irish CE President, Ruth Agnew. During the meeting we heard that over £5000.00 was raised for MAF, the Missionary project for last year, and we were also introduced to this year’s project which is, “Reach”. This is an organisation which I had not heard about before. It comes alongside young people who are struggling with life and seeks to encourage them on to know God’s way, and so enjoy life. The speaker, the Revd Stephen Kennedy, spoke on the Convention theme, “All for Jesus”. He said all that we have as Christians is because of Jesus, and that our lives should be lived “all for Jesus” doing the works which 18


God has prepared beforehand for us to do, Ephesians 2:10. The meeting ended with an enthusiastic rendering of, ”Ireland For Christ”, followed by a wee cup of tea. Bertie Kidd

105th Irish CE Union Convention Programme The 105th Irish CE Convention was held in 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church Hall on Saturday 21st September 2019.

The convention was a half day, with activities for Juniors and Seniors at 2.30pm, and a service at 7.30pm. Here is a brief outline of events: 2.30pm - Junior Rally: Craft, games, and the speaker is Mrs Ruth Agnew, Irish CE President. All children welcome. 2.30pm - Senior / Comrades Rally: The speaker at this event was Mr Ronnie Armour, Director General of the NI Prison Service, and a former President of Irish Christian Endeavour. 4.15pm - Annual General Meeting (AGM) 5.15pm - Tea

7.30pm Convention Rally: The speaker at this event was Rev Stephen Kennedy, who is the minister of Buckna Presbyterian Church. This convention, like many others, was a great time of fellowship and teaching. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s convention. Yours SinCErely, Rosemary McDaniel General Secretary of Irish CE Union


ARMAGH & BELFAST SOUTH TYRONE SENIORS “They were important to Jesus” Armagh & South Tyrone’s new President’s theme as he speaks about Jesus’ willingness to reach out to children. The Armagh & South Tyrone Union’s Annual Presidential Rally was held in 1st Portadown Presbyterian Church on the 29th April 2019.

We had a good night of praise with a number of people taking part from the different Societies in our Union. There was a good number of people present and Mrs Sandra Busby, our outgoing President, handed over the Chain of Office to the Reverend William Newell of the Dungannon Methodist Circuit. William’s theme for the year is, “They were Important to Jesus” He spoke on how Jesus was willing to reach out to the children, “Suffer the little children to come to me”.

A challenging message to all of us who work with children, in reaching out to them, and teaching them of the vital importance of following Jesus Christ. The Irish President, Mrs Ruth Agnew was in attendance and thoroughly enjoyed the programme. The Ladies of 1st Portadown Senior CE once again provided a beautiful supper.

Belfast Seniors urged to pray for missionary work here and in the Arab world The Spring Rally of the Belfast Union of Comrades, Seniors and Former Members was held on Saturday 30th March in Ravenhill Presbyterian Church. The Speaker was Mr Stanley Kyle who is gainfully employed by the Belfast City Mission and also is the Irish representative of the Arab World Missions.

Mr Kyle spoke convincingly of the good work going on in both areas and of the opportunities and encouragement which the Lord is presenting in both spheres of service. He stressed the need for more prayer and invited his hearers to regularly join in prayer for the work in the Belfast area and in what are known as the Gulf States. Work in this latter area can be fraught with danger.

As always, tea was served and cream scones and tray bakes enjoyed.

Members attending were drawn from eleven different Societies and with five apologies and a “bug” going around the last couple of weeks in March we can do nothing else but thank the Lord for His blessing and continued guidance. Leslie Scott, Belfast Convenor.




Attention all Seniors/Comrades and former members in Belfast, Greater Belfast and beyond! Since the Spring Rally of the Belfast Union’s Seniors/Comrades and Former Members, Irish CE Council has appointed Mr and Mrs Douglas Rowe to the vacant positions of Seniors’/Comrades’ Convenors. Mr and Mrs Rowe live quite a bit beyond Enniskillen so it was felt by all concerned that distance would and could prohibit deputation work in the Fermanagh and Tyrone areas.

Accordingly we, in the Belfast area, have been asked to inform Former Members in our Greater Belfast area, in South Antrim, in Co. Down and further afield of our existence and of the venues and dates of our meetings and invite them along. With our meetings now open to all, there is merit in this suggestion from Irish Council.

DUNDRUM METHODIST Update from Dundrum Methodist Juniors in Dublin Our Juniors have had a really good Spring term this year.

We have had a visit from our President, Ruth who very kindly took the time to come and spend time with our Juniors. We were thrilled. Its a long way to come for our small little CE group.

We have focused on the Easter story in drama and have worked on 3 plays which pick out a part of it.

At present, we hold two rallies per year, one in the Spring and another in Autumn time.

We finished up for Easter on Tuesday 9th April with glass painting and the children were able to put Easter eggs into their painted glass jars which went down really well!!

For those who receive the Endeavourer magazine, please spread the word of our possible intentions.

We will be sad to see them go as they have been 8 years attending!!!

More members obtained by the methods outlined could be very beneficial to our CE Movement.

For my part I would only be too glad to talk, meet or discuss the whole matter.

Contact me at 02890648034 and please, please pray for this situation. Leslie Scott, Belfast Convenor.

Cillian and Saorise are moving on to Secondary School in September and will be finishing up with our group.

After Easter we prepare for our annual sale on 7th May.

The Lord has been faithful to us with great support from our Minister, The Revd Stephen Taylor. Stephen takes time out of his busy schedule most Tuesdays and pops in to say, “Hi” to the Juniors and has regularly joined us in our chain prayer.

We have been richly blessed this year and pray that in the coming year we will have some new members. 20



EAST ANTRIM Gary Bissett installed as new East Antrim CE President The young people of Magheramorne Junior CE greeted the congregation, gathered for the installation of Gary Bissett as President of the East Antrim CE Union, with an uplifting rendition of “I’m in the Lord’s Army” and this was followed by a welcome by Morris Gardner – Session Clerk of the Church.

Community praise was accompanied by organist, Phyllis Boyd while CE leader, Lorna Swann led in prayer. Gillian Craig and Gillian Dawson, also leaders, read the “Parable of the Sower” a passage which Gary has adopted as his theme for the year as it relates to his work as a gardener. Lynda Anderson, outgoing President, thanked, congratulated and encouraged Gary before, with the assistance of Rev Nathan Duddy, guest Minister for the evening, performing the formal installation and handing over the chain of office to Gary. Mr Duddy prayed for God’s blessing on the outgoing and new Presidents and added his own congratulations and encouragement.

Gary’s address included a short cartoon on his theme and he thanked the many people who had contributed to the evening and supporting him on his journey with a special mention for his wife, Nicola and sons, Mark and Gareth. Mr Duddy’s benediction included thanks for the supper which was provided by members of the congregation and organised by Jennifer Paisley.




Gary comments on his new role Several years ago Lynda Anderson successfully completed her term as President of East Antrim CE Union but faithfully continued to “hold the fort” until someone felt led to allow his or her name to go forward for election to the position. Gary Bissett has responded to God’s call and when asked to tell us a little about himself, this is what he had to say: Hi, my name is Gary Bissett, I have recently been elected to the position of the Christian Endeavour President for the East Antrim Union for the incoming year. I am 46 years old and grew up in Doagh, Ballyclare. When I got married, I moved to Larne where our two boys Mark [18] and Gareth [15] were born. I attend Magheramorne Presbyterian Church, Larne. I first got involved in Children’s Ministry when my kids were growing up and attending Christian Endeavour. I started out as a helper, helping with the Pre Juniors, the youngest age group in CE. Due to changes in our CE, I began to take a more active role in which I became the leader in charge and began to take on other roles and activities within the Children’s Ministry of my Church. In CE I am surrounded by a very talented and faithful team both within the East Antrim Executive and within my own CE. I am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead of me throughout this year as East Antrim CE President. I am also looking forward to visiting other CE Societies within the Union. The theme for the year of my Presidency will be sowing the seed and nurturing the young people in growing God’s Kingdom”.

Gary, who was very much looking forward to his Presidential installation, on Friday 6th September 7:00pm, in his own church, Magheramorne Presbyterian, concluded by saying that this was a huge honour and privilege given him by God and he would be spending this special night in his life with his family and friends in God’s House. 22


Talented East Antrim Juniors shine at talent show East Antrim Junior Christian Endeavourers have excelled, yet again, in the Irish CE Talent Contest, held in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church.

The Adjudicators were George Hewitt for music and Dee Hawthorne for Bible Reading and Drama. Barbara Wilson meticulously calligraphed all the certificates. The event was organised by Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar while Belinda Gage ran a very popular Craft Spot which gave great pleasure to all the children.

Much thanks are due to them and all who helped to make this a particularly happy time for all the competitors.

The presentation of cups and certificates was made by Mr George Hewitt assisted by Caroline Edgar. Results were as follows:

Class 1 Solo 8 years & under: 1st Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Elsie O’Dornan, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Matthew Acheson, Ballyhenry Presbyterian. Class 2 Solo 9 & 10 years: 1st Abigail Magee, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; 2nd Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne; 3rd Sophie Mallard, Ballyhenry Presbyterian.

Class 3 Solo 11, 12 & 13 years: 1st Zoe McCullough, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; 2nd Emma Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian.





Class 4 Bible Reading 8 years & under: 1st Elsie O’Dornan, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Landon Woodfield, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 5 Bible Reading 9 & 10 years: 1st Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Emily Loughridge, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Louise Semple, Magheramorne Presbyterian.

Class 6 Bible Reading 11, 12 & 13 years: 1st Emma Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 7 Piano Solo 9 years & under: 1st Lia Tweed, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Matthew Acheson, Ballyhenry Presbyterian.

Class 9 Instrumental Solo String: 1st Emma McNamee, First Carrickfergus Presbyterian. Class 10 Instrumental Solo Wind: 1st Alexandra Dougan, Carnmoney Presbyterian; 2nd Isabella McNamee, First Carrickfergus Presbyterian.

Class 13 Duet 10 years & under: 1st Elsie O’Dornan & Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Lia Tweed & Louise Semple, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd [tie] Noah Murphy & Grace Fulton, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; Landon Woodfield & Molly Bell, Magheramorne Presbyterian; Sophie Mallard & Shannon McCully, Ballyhenry Presbyterian.




Class 14 Duet 13 years & under: 1st Catherine & Anna Hislop, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd [tie] Abigail Magee & Matthew Acheson, Ballyhenry Presbyterian; Emma & Sophie Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Class 15 Singing Group: 1st Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Ballyhenry Presbyterian. Class 16 Choir: 1st Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Ballyhenry Presbyterian. Class 17 Dramatised Bible Story: 1st Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Ballyhenry Presbyterian

ENNISK ILLEN Torrential rain did not dampen spirits at the annual Enniskillen Union BBQ Saturday 29th June was a beautiful, sunny day in Fermanagh, but just before the CE BBQ was due to start, the weather changed - Castle Archdale was almost washed away! However, the rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of the hardy few who braved the weather.

We were very grateful for the roof over the campsite at Castle Archdale, and the Juniors enjoyed indoor football while the BBQ was cooking. Reuben and his mum did a fantastic job with the food as always, and everyone was very well fed!

After the BBQ, Graeme Read shared his experience of growing up in CE, and some of the things he learned through CE. He shared a few tips to help us read and understand the Bible using our hands and fingers, from how God made a perfect world (thumbs up!), through to the end of the Bible with the promise of Jesus’ return (pinkie promise). Many thanks to Graeme, Reuben and all who helped during the evening.




The Juniors and Young People had been asked to design a frame for this year’s Challenge Shield, and these were all displayed on the evening. The winning frames were designed by Lily Dickson, Knockninny Juniors and Bethany Coalter, Lisbellaw YPs.

Rachel Foster, Knockninny YPCE, was awarded the Ruth Sowden Cup for her contribution to CE over the past year.

The evening ended with everyone continuing fellowship and enjoying supper together.

A great night at the Enniskillen Union celebrations The Enniskillen CE Union held their annual CE Celebration on Friday 3rd May 2019 in Ballinamallard Methodist Church. This is always a great night in the CE calendar, when Societies join together to celebrate their year in CE. This year, we were delighted to be joined by our Irish CE President, Ruth Agnew.

The service was led by Diane Simpson, Enniskillen Union President, and the evening began with the Roll Call when all the CE Societies present shared a song or Bible verse. Members of our Junior Societies led the prayers, and the Young People led the worship. Ruth showed us all her tool box, and talked about how each of one of us has special gifts that God wants us to use for Him. 26



Enniskillen Union hold mission event in two venues The Enniskillen CE Union held a Missionary Event on Saturday 2nd March 2019. Junior CEs from around the Union met in Brookeborough church and halls in the afternoon. Jan, from MAF, spoke to the children about the work that MAF do in many countries around the world. The children enjoyed learning about some of the things that have been carried in MAF planes! They also enjoyed having the chance to make and fly their own paper planes in the church! The afternoon finished with some lovely snacks and the chance to make a craft to bring home. That evening, the Young People met in Lisbellaw, and again Jan shared about the work that MAF do, flying planes into some of the most remote places in the world to provide practical help and assistance, as well as sharing God’s amazing love with the people they help.

Many thanks to Jan from MAF, and the leaders in Brookeborough and Lisbellaw for hosting these events – it was great to learn more about the important work that MAF are doing, and how we can support them.

KNOCKNINNEY JUNIORS Knockninney Juniors celebrate silver anniversary Knockninny Junior CE held their Parents’ and Friends’ Night in Knockninny Methodist Church on Sunday 28th April 2019.

The children led the service on the theme of The Fruits of the Spirit, with prayers, readings and songs. Mr Alastair McFarland spoke to the children about different types of fruit, and how we can show the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives. The evening ended with the children being presented with a token as a celebration of their year in CE. This was the 25th Anniversary of Junior CE in Knockninny. The first meeting was arranged by Daphne Foster and Steven Foster in September 1994. Daphne has faithfully led the Junior CE since then, and Steven was also at the service to see his nephew and nieces take part. The evening ended with supper and fellowship in the hall, as we looked forward to many more years of Christian Endeavour in Knockninny.




MA GHERAMORNE J UNIO RS Magheramorne Juniors learn about the meaning of lent Magheramorne Juniors enjoyed a Pancake Night. They made pancakes and decorated them to mark Pancake Tuesday.

Lorna, one of their leaders, used this night as an opportunity to speak about Lent. She mentioned how some Christian use Lent as a time for reflection and spiritual self examination.

Magheramorne CE Sunday had a missionary theme The photo shows the guest speakers Robert Colvin and Victoria Ogunfowokan from Mission Aviation Fellowship, Rev Richard Graham, CE members and their leaders Gillian Dawson, Gary Bissett, Gillian Craig and Lorna Swann all of whom took part in the annual CE Service.





Bible and in relationship with Christ. As leaders, we are especially humbled to hear the prayers of the children as they speak to their Heavenly Father.

Orritor Presbyterian Juniors grow in number and confidence In the past year, we have welcomed a number of new members and consistently have an average of 12 children on a weekly basis. Although it is a relatively small group, we are so thankful to be given the opportunity to invest in each child, each one bringing his or her own unique personality and gifts. It is incredible to watch the transformation of timid children who were once reluctant to venture through the door, into confident individuals who are willing and eager to volunteer for a variety of jobs when we meet together each week. The weekly quiz has remained a firm favourite with all of our children and we are continually amazed by the creativity they show in the challenges they set for their peers during this.

During the Autumn term, we learned about the miracles of Jesus taking us up to Christmas when we focused on Jesus being the greatest miracle of all.

We invited family, friends and our congregations along to a ‘Christmas Celebration” on 13th December during which our members shared the Christmas Story through songs and rhymes. Each member played his or her part; welcoming, playing instruments, reading, singing, lifting the collection and praying. This reflects our weekly meeting as the children continue to take on roles each week. We are privileged to see the children in our care grow in confidence, knowledge of the

Please pray that God will use Orritor Junior C.E. as a place where children can come to faith and become disciples, prepared and strengthened to go out and share the Gospel in their homes and schools. Ruth Smith

WORLD’S CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR UNION (WCEU) Did you know that CE is a GLOBAL organisation? Whilst we are all heaily involved in the day to day running of Christian Endeavour Ireland, it’s easy to forget that our organisation is one which spans right accross the globe!

As a National Union, CE Ireland is a part of the World Union, which is made up of 24 National Unions, working in 35 countries around the world. The WCEU General Secretary is Dave Coryell (CE USA) and the WCEU President is Raffi Kayane Messerlian (CE Lebanon & Syria).




We also have a Vice President for the regions of Europe/Middle East, Africa, Asia, America, and Oceania/Pacific! Europe and Middle East Vice President Harry Wedekind (CE Netherlands) actually attended this years Irish CE Union Convention and you may have met him there. Whilst we are uniting 24 independent National Christian Endeavor Unions in 35 countries around the world, it’s also important to point out that CE as a movement may well be even bigger than we know, and over the last few years, WCEU General Secretary Dave Coryell has been visiting countries to link with previously established CE Unions that we didn’t even know of, as well as many countries who wish to establish a new national Union and become part of the WCEU.

Although quite different in size and structure, all of the National Unions have their roots in the Christian Endeavour movement which sprung up in the United States 1881. Christian Endeavor was the first interdenominational youth ministry and had a tremendous impact on the Protestant Mission. This is perhaps the reason why CE is so different in each country and church. Our movement existed long before the availability of National Union magazines, websites and social media! However, that didn’t stop the movement and God has used CE to work wonders in the lives of countless people. Today, our General Secretary, President, Vice Presidents, and CE Workers and Volunteers around the globe strive to grow Gods Kingdom through the use of this ministry. 30



As a Christian Endeavourer from Ireland, I have been very luck to be a part of CE on an international member! I grew up attending 1st Newtownards Junior, Junior High, and Young People’s CE. I attended Irish CE Camps for many years, making friends from all over Ireland, many of whom are still involved in CE today. Several have even served a National Union President! I then had the privilege of being involved in CE camps in Hungary and Romania for 12 years, as well as numerous Connect Europe events, International CE Youth Camps and World Conventions. CE has really brought me into contact with brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the world and for that I’m truly thankful.

At the 2014 World Convention in Peru, I was nominated to be on the Board of Trustees for the WCEU. This involves many jobs throughout the year, but also an Annual General Meeting which, unfortunately for my bank balance, could be anywhere around the world! This year the WCEU Board Meeting was held from 16th - 20th October 2019, in Zeewolde, Netherlands. It was organised and hosted by the VP Europe Harry Wedekind and his daughter Deborah, who is a great friend of mine. The Board Meetings are a busy time, with a lot of information and official business requiring our attention, but it is also a great time of fellowship. We met as a group of 19 people, representing CE in 15 countries accross the globe. We also discussed the ongoing work of the WCEU General Secretary, Presidents and VP’s, as well as the voting in of 2 new National Unions (!) and the 2022 WCEU Convention, which will be held in Germany! If you are interested in attending the WCEU Convention in a few years, getting involved in CE internationally, or even by simply praying for or giving to the WCEU activities, please do get in touch! There are always events, camps, conventions, missionary work, or CE run charities/services which could do with your help in one way or another. Matt Bishop, Irish Endeavourer Editor Irish CE & WCEU board member




THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER Thank you for reading this edition of The Irish Endeavourer, the official magazine of Irish CE.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor, Executive Board or Irish Christian Endeavour. FACEBOOK CE Ireland is on Facebook Search for ‘Christian Endeavour Ireland’ WEBSITE Visit for more CE news & resources

OFFICE c/o 120 Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon, BT70 1RD. Email: THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER

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