The Irish Endeavourer (February 2019)

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Ma t t B ishop EDITOR This issue of The Irish Endeavourer details events since September 2018. If you have any news, information or photographs for the magazine, you can contact Margaret and I’ll Endeavour to include it in the next issue! Thanks very much and I hope you enjoy this issue of The Irish Endeavourer

Marga ret Hou ston INFORMATION OFFICER Margaret is responsible for collecting all the CE Ireand news, which are then forwarded to Matt for inclusion in the magazine. Please do send her your news, photographs and announcements. Without these, there wouldn’t be much to read about!







Editor’s Note





Dates for your diary


New YP/YA Convenor


President’s Diary


Christ Conquers!




Praise and Prayer


Convention overview


Training and seminars


Convention chair reflects Seniors Convention Rally YP/YA Convention Rally

Juniors Convention Rally YP/YA Summer Camp

10 14

REGIONAL & SOCIETY NEWS Armagh and South Tyrone




Ballygawley and Ballyreagh






East Antrim
















Irish National Convention 2019



Magazine information



Missionary project 2018/2019


V isit for more CE Ireland news & resources




DATES FOR YOUR DIAR Y February 23 Irish Union Planning Board & Spring Council in CE Headquarters

May 2 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Executive Meeting, in CE Headquarters

February 23 Irish Union Junior CE Table Quiz

May 3 Enniskillen Union - CE Celebration in Ballinamallard Methodist Church

March Irish Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Rally March 2 Enniskillen Union - Missionary Event, venue TBC. March 12 at 7.45pm East Antrim Executive in Carnmoney Presbyterian March 22 Irish Union Executive Board March 23 - 2.00 pm-4.30 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event in Dungannon Presbyterian March 30 - 1.30pm-4.00pm Irish Union Junior Talent Contest in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church April 29 at 7.15pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Council Meeting in First Portadown Presbyterian Church April 29 at 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Presidential Rally in First Portadown Presbyterian Church May 2 at 7.45pm East Antrim AGM & Planning Committee in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church



May Irish Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Spring Break May/June Irish Union Executive Board June 29 Enniskillen Union - CE BBQ at Castle Archdale July/August YP Camp September 7 Irish Union Autumn Council Septermber 21 105th Irish National CE Convention in 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church. The Rev Stephen Kennedy will speak on the theme, “All for Jesus”. Send us your events for the next issue: If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at: Email Phone 02893353191 from UK Phone 04893353191 from ROI Mobile 07712979778


PRESIDENT’S DIARY Jottings from Irish CE President Ruth Agnew’s diary Our President, Mrs Ruth Agnew has been out and about her Presidential duties serving, Christ and the Church, and representing us all as she attends CE Societies and events up and down the country.

A glimpse at her diary will give us an insight into her itinerary to date. In the next issue of, “Irish Endeavourer”, our readers will be able to learn more about her ongoing travels.

Saturday 22nd September 2018 Installed as Irish Union President at 104th Irish Na-tional CE Convention in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church Monday 1st October Attended Armagh & South Tyrone Missionary Rally in Fergus Hall, Portadown Thursday 18th October Armagh & South Tyrone Union Executive

Saturday 10th November Clonaneese Musical Evening, ‘Broadway’ Tuesday 13th November Manning CE Stand in Presbyterian Church House Monday 26th November Fergus Hall CE Christmas Supper Tuesday 27th November Laghey Methodist Junior CE Friday 30th November Planning Board

Sunday 2nd December Priesthill Methodist Junior High/ Young Adults and Seniors Monday 3rd December Armagh & South Tyrone Annual Carol Service in Hill Street Presbyterian. Every Friday Attend my own CE!

Saturday 27th October Irish Union Planning Board

Monday 29th October Seniors’/Comrades’ meeting in Fergus Hall Saturday 10th November CE Prayer Morning in Clonaneese Presbyterian Church

Saturday 10th November Belfast Union Seniors’ Rally in Ravenhill Presbyterian THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



NEW YP/YA CONVENOR Irish CE has appointed a new YP/YA Convenor. When asked to share, a little about herself, with our readers, this is what she had to say. Thank you so much, Sharon for your contribution. My name is Sharon Wilson, I come from outside the village of Lisbellaw, I live on a farm in which I was brought up, and I always enjoyed living on the farm and help out still whenever I can.

From a young age I have been a member of CE, from Lisbellaw Juniors to Young People’s and now a member of Young Adults’ CE. CE has been something that I have looked forward to going to each Friday night and then all the activities that are planned throughout the year. One of the main events of my summer holidays from school was the summer camp. I loved this week normally up at the north coast, meeting other young people and learning about God having a relationship with him. Once I was the age I began attending the camp as a leader instead of a camper, I really enjoy this week with the young people, it is amazing what I learn from them each and every year that I go; and working along with the other leaders to lead quiet times, and study the Bible with the young people.

For a few years the YPCE in Lisbellaw wasn’t meeting but last September a group of us have restarted the CE which has 14 members 06


now and meet every Friday night. As leaders we are blessed to be a part of this group; encouraged each night by the young people and their relationship with God and also how they have a friendship with each other.

After I completed my A Levels I completed my health and social care course and began working in childcare. After 4 years I found myself in a manager role in the setting but after being there for a total of 6 years I felt it was the right time to change and this summer I applied to be a playgroup leader in a local community in which I was blessed to get this position. A Bible verse which I turn to on many occasions: most recently before YP camp and my new job is Joshua ch. 1 v 9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go”.


CHRIST CONQUERS! Memories of the 40th Irish National CE Convention in 1954 by Isobel Arbuckle. This article was first published in the September 2018 edition of the “Methodist Newsletter” and is reproduced with the permission of the Editor. Reading the April edition of the “Methodist Newsletter” that the 104th Irish National Christian Endeavour Convention is to be held later this year set me reminiscing about the 40th Convention in 1954 in Lisburn.

Looking back, we were kept busy after school with lots of church activities, Junior Christian Endeavour in Clooney Hall, Londonderry, led by Louisa Lavery on a Wednesday night, consisted of prayers and singing choruses. We were all divided into different committees and everyone took part in some way, by saying a prayer or reading a verse from the Bible. Mrs Lavery would write a message on a “wee note” handed to us at the beginning of the meeting. The instructions on the note told us what to do at the appropriate time.

The Busy Bee Committee always stands out in my mind. We made sewing kits using felt with a tapestry cover and blanket stitch round the edge. Attached were sewing needles, darning needles, safety pins, buttons, black and white thread and a small pair of scissors. These were taken down to the Sailors’ Rest in Foyle Street to be distributed to the crews of the ships when they docked at the quay. The JCE did their bit for the annual church “Sale of Work”. We took pride in choosing a piece of material from a lovely selection to

make lavender bags, sewing two seams, putting in the lavender, and tying a nice ribbon round the top. How blessed we were to have such a devoted person as Mrs Lavery! She supplied all the materials herself, never mind the weight of stuff she had to carry down to the hall. Highlights every year were the nativity play at the Christmas carol service and the picnics, usually at Jack McElroy’s farm. The 40th Irish National Christian Endeavour Convention in 1954, with its theme of, “Christ Conquers” was a special occasion for me. One night at our JCE meeting, Mrs Lavery had said there was a writing competition. I cannot remember exactly what the subject was but I can guess it was probably about our own particular JCE Society. I won the competition and my prize was a weekend in Lisburn for the 40th Convention, all expenses paid. Just imagine!

I travelled by train with Mrs Lavery, who was very much at home in Lisburn as both she and her husband, Tommy had grown up there. If my memory serves me right, I stayed with a Mr and Mrs McMillen and their son and daughter. They made me very welcome. Mrs Lavery had a sister in Lisburn and she stayed with her. I was eleven years of age and this was the first time I had been away from home without my father and mother. Saturday afternoon was the main part of the Convention held in Seymour Street Methodist Church. I can remember the hall was packed tight when Mrs Lavery and I arrived. I had to be lifted over the seats to the front of the hall to sit on the platform with the Minister of the Church and other guests. Everything was going great until I was asked if I had anything to say on behalf of my JCE Society. I was in shock and Mrs Lavery and I both agreed that a ”wee note” written out for me would have been handy.

Mrs Lavery went to her well-earned rest in her 99th year in 2006. Readers can work out for themselves what age I am!




PR AISE & PR AYER “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5. Praise God that He uses the CE leaders and committee members to bear fruit as we go out relying on His wisdom and strength. Pray for Ruth Agnew as Irish CE President, that God will use her life and witness as she shares at CE Societies and special events. Pray for protection in travel. Pray that God will raise up the right person to take over from Ruth in September 2019.

Pray for the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship, our Missionary Project this year. Pray that God will bless and use the pilots as they transport missionaries, goods and people who live in very remote places. Pray for Rosemary McDaniel and the others involved in preparations for the 105th CE Convention to be held in Broughshane in September.

Continue to pray for Senior CE members who have health problems, that they will know God’s grace and joy in their lives.

Pray for a good attendance at the European CE Leadership Praise and Prayer Academy in Wales 30 April - 3 May. It is open to any Christians in leadership positions, not only those involved in CE. Lizanne McKee. 08


THE I R I S H N A TI O N A L C O N VE N TI ON 2018 The Irish Union President gives an overview of the Convention. It was Armagh & South Tyrone’s turn to host the CE Convention this year. The venue was Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. We had a blessed time over the Friday and Saturday meetings. The Revd Andrew Faulkner was the main Speaker and brought an enthusiasm to each meeting.

The Revd Ivor Smith, Chairman of the Convention Committee, led the meeting on Friday night. Ballygawley Praise Band led the worship and this was very much appreciated. The talent was superb. Our Local Union President, Mrs Sandra Busby, opened the meeting in prayer. Our Missionary Convenor, Avril presented Andrew, from the Abanna Project, a cheque for £7260.

There were around 24 Juniors at the Friday night meeting and they had learnt a chorus over the year called, “Have you heard the wonderful absolutely marvellous news about Jesus?”. They sang really well and after that they went out to have their own Junior Rally which Paddy and Jill Crozier from CEF took. Our General Secretary, Mrs Rosemary McDaniel give the AGM report and announcements.


The theme for the Convention was “Jesus First” and Andrew took for his talk on the Friday night “Jesus First in our Lives”. The passage he read was from Psalm 20. It is not about what we want but it is rather what does God want. Our desire, as Christians, should be to ask Jesus what would He want of me. There were around 12 young people who stayed over and had a night of very little sleep but had a lot of fun. Alan Hazelton, Emma Jayne Condy, June Knox, Sandra & Colin Busby were house parents for the weekend.

Saturday started with a seminar and this was across the age groups. The Revd Maurice Laverty and Ruth Agnew lead the praise. Rosemary, Lizanne and Ruth were on kitchen duties and everyone had soup and hotdogs for lunch with tart and fresh cream for desert. There were 3 events happening in the afternoon. The Young People went out to the local playing fields and had a few hours of outdoor activities which by all accounts everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Alan Hazelton, Emma Jayne Condy and June Knox were the leaders from Clonaneese CE to lead this event. Carol Dillion held training, and though we were small in number, we had a great time learning new songs and getting fresh ideas to bring to the JCE.

Joanne Loughran and her team provided a beautiful buffet and everyone really enjoyed it.

Then it was over for the night meeting for the installation of the new Irish President and the Missionary Project for the year MAF. The 2017/2018 Irish President, Mr Mark Crawford, led the first part of the meeting and handed over the Chain to our incoming President, Mrs Ruth Agnew. Clonaneese Young People led the praise and sang during the service just as Ballygawley had done on the previous night. Both groups’ choice of songs of praise to our Saviour were really enjoyed and appreciated by everyone. Andrew took as his talk on Saturday night “Jesus First in the Church”. His 3 points for the Saturday night were: 1 - The Crucial Question 2 - Essential Power 3 - Unshakable Confidence

Is Jesus first in our Church? It needs to be our desire, in these days, to see Jesus glorified. The world must see that having Jesus First in our lives really makes a difference. Ruth Agnew.

The Senior Rally was happening at the same time across in the church where approximately 40-50 Seniors had their Missionary Rally. Rev Nick Cooper spoke on his vision for Moldova. Alan Blair led the meeting while the Revd Maurice Laverty and Ruth Agnew led the hymn singing. Brian and Ruth Agnew sang two pieces. After that the AGM was held in the church.




The Revd Ivor Smith, Convention Chairman, reflects on the Irish National Christian Endeavour Union’s most recent Convention and shares some of those thoughts with our readers Nearly two years ago when we began to prepare for the 2018 Irish Convention we were greatly helped because our Union Secretary had kept her full notes from the previous Convention we had organised, so we had a ready-made check list of items to be dealt with. Recognising that everyone was already very busy, we decided that the Union Executive as a whole would be the Convention Committee. This meant that our regular Executive meetings were held in two parts. In the first part, chaired by our Union President, we dealt with general Union business; then we became the Convention Committee, chaired by myself, and dealt with the plans for the Convention. It worked very well and saved everybody’s time.

Our three initial priorities were ‘Speaker, theme and venue’. Thought and prayer were given to each of these and members were asked to consider the suggestions at the next meeting.

Rev Andrew Faulkner was known to us, and had led a young people’s seminar at a previous Convention which we had organised, so we were delighted that he agreed to be our main Speaker. We wanted a theme that would be challenging, encouraging, give the Speaker a broad scope to work with and be easily remembered – and we felt that, “Jesus First” did all of that.

As far as location was concerned, we felt that there was good road access to Ballygawley, 10



ample car parking and the accommodation we needed for the various activities over the weekend. These important decisions were, of course, just the beginning. The focal points during the Convention were the two evening Rallies where the new Missionary Project, Missionary Aviation Fellowship, was launched and the new Irish President, Mrs Ruth Agnew, installed.

What about the Juniors? We planned that they would sing a special song during our Friday night Rally and then leave for their own activity, with their Speakers. What about the Young People? Their programme was planned with flexibility, including an overnight stay, a Saturday morning seminar on the theme, and a physical activity to use up their excess energy.

What about the Seniors? They were given the opportunity to join with the Saturday morning seminar as well as their own Rally in the afternoon with their own Speaker.

What about CE business? The Annual Business Meeting was given its proper place in the programme, while a training session for Junior leaders was offered during the Senior Rally. Many other decisions were made, including that of making available a selection of Christian books and CE supplies to purchase and, of course, the provision of appropriate food for all those attending the Convention. All in all the Convention ran smoothly, and we trust that those who came were both encouraged and challenged as they seek to live and work for the Saviour day by day. Ivor Smith







Convention Seminar “Jesus First” - What will it look like? The Convention’s Saturday morning Seminar, based on the theme, “Jesus First” was conducted by Convention Speaker, the Revd Andrew Faulkner.

Being genuinely sorry - Luther’s first thesis When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” He intended that the entire life of believers should be repentance. The Revd Maurice Laverty & Ruth Agnew led a time of praise. Mr Faulkner spoke on how we need to never leave the Gospel; know God’s Word; pray for God’s will; bring Jesus into our everyday life and serve others. Matthew 28:19 tells us to go and make disciples of all nations.

This was conducted as an interactive seminar and the people who gathered there seemed to contribute really well and had a good time chatting things through.

Much food for thought at leaders’ training session. Saturday afternoon at the Convention, Carol Dillon held a training session for leaders. This was a small meeting but Carol give those who attended a lot of food for thought. She had put a lot of hard work into preparing for it.

We learnt some new choruses and different ways to teach memory verses along with other ideas. We came away with a lot of material to use at our own Societies. Ruth Agnew.




Seniors hear about work in Moldova at Convention Rally. The Convention’s Senior Rally, on the Saturday afternoon in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church, was led by Mr Alan Blair, Armagh & South Tyrone Union Treasurer.

The Revd Maurice Laverty and Ruth Agnew led the music with the first hymn being, “Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our Blessed Redeemer”.

There were around 40-50 present and it was organised by our Local Union Senior Convenor, Mrs Sandra Condy, Clonaneese. The Revd Ian Fleck opened the meeting in prayer and Mrs Pauline Condy, Clonaneese JCE leader, read Matthew 25: 31-40. Brain and Ruth Agnew sang a couple of pieces including, “Jesus keep me near the Cross” and “Wonderful Saviour”.

The Revd Nick Cooper spoke about the work in Moldova stressing the words from Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible to him that believes”.

In Budai there was a family whose house burnt down and 10000 Euros were raised and sent out to rebuild the house. On the first visit out the team gave members of the Church only gifts that had been sent. The locals wondered why they did not get anything so the second time the team visited they were all given bed linens. This was a village they had not planned on visiting but the door was closed to the village they were preparing to go to. God leads in ways we cannot understand but following His leading is something very special. Pauline Condy & Brian Agnew.




Convention fun activities for YP’s. At the CE Convention, 20 young people headed off, in the afternoon, to Ballygawley Playing Fields for some activities. We walked down from the church hall to meet two guys from Bryson LaganSports. They got us into two teams. Firstly, we all introduced our-selves then started team games. One team was working as a team making shapes by listening to a team member giving orders. Other teams were moving circles from one platform to another without putting a small circle on a larger circle.

Everyone had a mind challenging time. Teams swapped over the challenges. We all finished the afternoon activities with Battlezone Archery. Both teams with bows and arrows. We played different battles.

The final battle was all leaders in the middle with no weapons or protection. Both the teams joined together and fired. We thanked both guys and headed back to the hall for more food. We all enjoyed our afternoon of fun. June Knox.




Juniors learn how important it is to listen to God’s Word and obey it. The Convention Junior Rally, held on the Friday 21st September, had about 24 children attend.

Paddy and Jill Crozier of CEF led the meeting and started singing a chorus entitled, “STOP”. The children sang this really well.

The children’s talk was on the farmer needing to plant the seeds or there will be no harvest. Paddy spoke on what type of ground the children thought themselves to be. Hard ground, birds ate and it had no time to grow. Stony ground, withered away and gave up. Thorns choked the plants and was distracted people from believing. Good ground grew well because they listened, obeyed and grew. It’s important to listen to God’s Word and obey it. This passage is found in Luke chapter 8 v 5-8.

Everyone had a fun time learning the memory verse and the boys won the quiz which went down well.

The memory verse was found in Psalm 119:11 - “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee”. Helen Carroll




Juniors excel in Convention Competitions Once again the standard in the Convention Competitions was high this year. The judges had a difficult task deciding on winners, nevertheless they thoroughly enjoyed their task.

The crafts and posters were on display, at the Convention, in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. Prizewinners included: Friendship bracelet - 8 years & under 1st Elsie O’Dorman, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Friendship bracelet - 9 & 10 years 1st Daisy Ferguson, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Alex Milne, Carryduff Presbyterian.

Friendship bracelet - 11 years & over 1st Rachel Douglas, Carryduff Presbyterian. Badge - 8 years & under 1st Jessica Wilson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Sarah Lapsley, Shore Road Belfast City Mission; 3rd Matthew Logan, First Ards Presbyterian. Badge - 9 & 10 years 1st Leah Woods, Shore Road Belfast City Mission; 2nd John Stinson, Clonaneese Presbyterian; 3rd Emily Loughridge, Magheramorne Presbyterian. Badge - 11 years & over 1st Patrick Tweedie, First Ards Presbyterian; 2nd Katie Taylor, Shore Road Belfast City Mission; 3rd Emma Montgomery, Magheramorne Presbyterian.

CE Poster - 8 years & under 1st James Hanna, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Theo Woods, Carryduff Presbyterian.

CE Poster - 9 & 10 years 1st Rebekah Booth, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 2nd Alex Milne, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Alex Kennedy, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian. CE Poster - 11 years & over 1st Pippa Knowles, Shore Road Belfast City Mission; 2nd Katie Taylor, Shore Road Belfast City Mission; 3rd Rebecca Frizelle, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian.

Fruits of the Spirit poster - 8 years & under 1st Charlie Sloan, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 2nd Anna Booth, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Kyle Boyd, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian. Fruits of the Spirit poster - 9 & 10 years 1st Daisy Ferguson, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Isaac Busby, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Danielle Pike, Clonaneese Presbyterian.

Fruits of the Spirit poster - 11 years & over 1st Hannah Moore, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian.

Congratulations to all for their well earned success. The prizes were presented at the Convention’s Junior Rally, on the Friday evening. THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



YP SUMMER CAMP 2018 An amazing week of adventure & fellowship at Camp. Chloe reviews her experiences of YP Camp:

Another year at CE Camp over and what an adventure it was! There were loads of amazing activities organised including coasteering at Dunluce Castle where we changed into wet suits and jumped into the sea; it was great fun with lots of screaming going on. We went to Barry’s and had great craic on all of the rides and, especially when we came off, our heads were spinning.

The scavenger hunt and photo challenge, around Coleraine, was great fun trying to find our leaders and take some very random photos such as lying in a bed. It was embarrassing but fun working in our team and interacting with strangers on the street explaining what we are doing and asking for their help to complete our tasks. We were all able to take part in worship and encouraged to lead with our groups on various nights, which was nice to see others take part. This year at Camp we studied a variety of passages together; we learnt about the Good Shepherd in Psalm 23, the Great Vine in John 15, Life in the Spirit in Romans 8 and lastly the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. Throughout the week we learnt that God is there for us all and will protect us, He will be with us through life’s highs and lows. He will never forsake and always be there to guide us in our daily lives. Because we were thinking about going back to school the verse from Jeremiah ch 29v11 “For I know the




plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” was encouraging for those of us who had just got exam results and making decisions about the subjects that we should do going back to school. Most importantly the best part about CE Camp was the people attending it, I always love meeting new people from around the country and getting to know them throughout the week and keeping in touch once we leave.

The leaders and campers were very kind and great banter especially when it came to the pranks; which the girl campers won! Overall it was another amazing week at Camp! Chloe Clarke.

YP Camp, from a leader’s perspective. Richard, a camper-turned-leader looks back at Camp.

Thirteen YP campers and five leaders spent a wonderful week in the Exodus Residential Centre slap-bang in the middle of Coleraine, just before the new school term wrapped its claws around their summer freedom. It appeared that the 2pm arrival time on Saturday was taken with a pinch of salt by some (cough**the Fermanagh girls**cough), but the first day was a fun opportunity to get to know each other, break the ice and play some silly circle games (cough**big-bucky**cough). There were many returning campers and some experiencing CE Camp for the first (and hopefully not last) time, but it didn’t take many rounds of “I have never…” to make us feel like one big team. Before some evening praise, we were all given a very warm welcome to the Centre by its Manager, Bruce. THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



Now we’d met each other, we wasted no time in meeting the North Coast locals and walked to a nearby church for Sunday worship – one of the campers even spotted some familiar faces at church! After lunch we hit the popular Portstewart promenade, where we got a front-row seat watching some adrenaline-junkies jumping into the harbour (none of our campers!) and grabbed the obligatory Morelli’s treat. It all built towards the climatic Fermanagh v Down beach football match, which was deservedly taken by the eastern county. Every evening our main meetings consisted of some praise, a memory verse or sword drill and a talk from Graeme Read on a Bible pas-sage that has meant a lot to him; there was also a prayer room with leaders available after each meeting. The first evening we heard from Psalm 23 and how we all, just like sheep, need a good shepherd to protect, nourish and guide us, which can only ultimately be found in God.

The next morning, Monday, we had the first of our small group sessions, where the previous nights’ talks were discussed and prayed about together. Each morning, we also enjoyed a time of praise and a testimony from one of the leaders, which was a good chance for the campers to hear how the Good Shepherd has guided, protected and nourished the leaders throughout their life to date. After lunch on Monday, we ventured along the rocks of the North Coast with Causeway Coasteering. There were many laughs, trembling deliberations whether to jump or not and impressive dives (there was a life-guard among us!). Fun was had by all, and some even came away having conquered their fears. Back home in the evening, we heard from John 15, and how Jesus is like the true, strong vine who carries LIFE and we are like the vine branches who can only bear fruit when connected to Him. We finished off the day with a cosy home-cinema premiere of The Greatest Showman, which proved a hit with everyone, and maybe even made a few converts to the world of musicals!



After the usual morning routine on Tuesday, we headed to the Jet Centre for an


afternoon of ten-pin bowling and mini-golf. The bowling was spiced up with some forfeits required upon getting certain scores, and our resident life-guard stole the show with his countless strikes (accompanied of course by the customary quintet of ‘dabs’). Meanwhile, there were hole-in-ones abounding on the golf course, with Kelly edging above the rest and tapping into her inner-Rory-McIlroy (not just tapping the golf ball into the hole). In the evening we heard from the Pentecost story in Acts 2, how Jesus didn’t abandon us when He ascended, rather has given us the greatest advocate in the Holy Spirit. Our Tuesday night was also memorable, as the ‘Irish CE Greatest Show of Talent 2018’ saw over a dozen acts of various talents entertain us all. We witnessed everything from the weird to the wonderful, including a Sleeping Monster, Table Manners Demonstration and the one and only DJ Sweat. However, it was the quietly hilarious Kevin Minion who ran away with the trophy (well deserved). Expect to see some of these on your screen soon!

The Camp’s half-way point marked an afternoon visit to the national treasure of Barry’s, Portrush – we must have been some of the first customers through the door when it opened at 12:30! Inside, some tested out the new thrilling ride, while some tasted the sugar-coated churros on sale. When the Barry’s tokens had run dry, we enjoyed a hearty picnic on the West Strand - because West is best - before the Fermanagh campers proved this truth by reclaiming their honour on the seaside football pitch. However, to ensure county divides didn’t hamper camp unity, cross-county teams were arranged for the game of rounders. Encouragingly, the removal of tribal territorial identities from the teams didn’t prevent passionate play; reportedly, one camper has been noted saying it was the ‘most hotly-contested game’ of rounders she/he has witnessed. After a quick dip in the Atlantic (some couldn’t resist) and returning to the Centre, Graeme spoke to us on Romans 8 and what it means to be a child of God, with life in the Spirit being MUCH better, free and lasting

than life in the flesh.

Our Thursday activities mixed the campers into three teams for a table-quiz and a scavenger hunt/photo challenge. The quiz provided moments of frustration (over the name of Peru’s ancient ruins) but also moments of showcasing some niche knowledge (like why India withdrew from the 1955 World Cup). In the afternoon, the scavenger hunt allowed the teams to show off how much they’d become acquainted with their Camp locale, as they raced each other from landmark to landmark across Coleraine, solving riddles to uncover the next stop and taking ridiculous photos along the way. Only one minute separated the two fastest teams! In advance of our final evening meeting, the campers were asked to write down any questions they wished they could ask an older Christian. At our final meeting, the panel of leaders answered the anonymous questions, covering topics like what they pray about, advice on living for Jesus in school, and whether they prefer Ant & Dec or Phil Schofield. The final night was spent with the campers trying to crack the secret to some classic, age-old CE games, as well as the campers’ creation of a messaging group so they could keep in touch and continue encouraging each other after Camp. The final morning was witness to one of the most rapid clean-up operations in recent CE Camp history, which was all the more astounding considering the pranking escapades the night before, which left some more tired than others, but left everyone with fond memories.

We hope the Camp helped the campers know more of just how precious a relationship with God is, and that their relationships with each other can continue to grow. We look forward to seeing everyone back with a friend or two next year! Richard Armstrong (camper-turned-leader)




ARMAGH & SOUT H T YRO N E Missionary Rally focuses on Mission Aviation Fellowship. Armagh & South Tyrone Union’s annual Missionary Rally was held, on Monday 1st October, in the Fergus Ha!l, Portadown. The Senior CE hosted the meeting for the first time and provided a lovely supper after the service.

Local Union President, Mrs Sandra Busby, led the meeting and Mrs Ruth Agnew, Irish CE President, conducted a time of praise and gave the announcements.


Alan Blair, Local Union Treasurer, read from God’s Word Matthew chapter 25 v 31-45.

Christmas Tea with Ballygawley and Ballyreagh Junior CE.

It was very challenging to hear how these pilots do the work they need to do so that people get the much needed medical supplies.

There are two benefits from reaching the big 60 – you get a concessionary bus pass, and you can go to the Christmas Tea provided by Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Junior CE for the more senior members of the two Churches.

Mrs Valerie Hanna gave a very informative talk on the work of MAF.

Mrs Pauline Condy, Clonaneese JCE leader, closed the meeting in prayer and gave thanks for the supper.

Leaders and Juniors put a lot of effort into this annual event. Tables are beautifully set, and food is there in abundance. We have sandwiches, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, mince pies, tray bakes, pavlova….

After a sumptuous tea, the Juniors bring a short programme using their talents in music, song and reading God’s Word. There was a short epilogue, using the candy cane as an illustration, by Trevor who is Clerk of Session of Ballyreagh.



This is an event much looked forward to and we thank the leaders and Juniors for giving their time and talents each year to serve Christ and the Church in this way.


CL O N A N E E SE If your way isn’t working, try God’s way. Clonaneese Presbyterian CE held their annual CE Sunday on the 3rd February 2019. Their theme was, “If Your Way Isn’t Working - Try God’s Way”.

The evening started with The Revd Jackie Spence welcoming everyone to the Service. The opening hymn, “The Lord is my Salvation” was followed by the Irish CE President, Mrs Ruth Agnew, bringing greetings and the Local Union President, Mrs Sandra Busby, leading in prayer. The band and singers led the Praise with everyone taking part and thoroughly enjoying it. The Young People’s and Young Adults’ Choir sang several times, their items including, “Only a Holy God”, “My Living Hope”, “Yes and Amen” and “All I have is Christ”. A few people gave a short word of testimony. Some teenagers took part in a sketch and this showed us the direction God wants us to take, and that we shouldn’t follow the crowd. The Revd Andrew Faulkner spoke and brought a message on, “How we should live for Jesus and not to give in to sin”. The Service concluded with everyone joining in the singing of, “Christ is enough for me”. Once again the ladies made a beautiful supper which was enjoyed by everyone.

COLAGHT Y News and pictures from Colaghty Juniors. Hi, we go to Colaghty Parish Church Junior CE. Our church is out in the country between the villages of Lack and Ederney just at the very north of County Fermanagh.

We meet on Friday nights at 7.00pm and we have about 30 members. Some come from other Churches near us. We have lots of leaders like Helen, Bill, Janet, Clare, Jean and others. The Revd. Alan calls in a lot too.

We start with games then have juice and then we have a talk and prayers and sometimes talk about missionaries.

This year we are raising money for MAF. We got a big teddy and took his stuffing out and we hope to fill his body with coins. He goes into church on Sundays for adults to put money in him. He has only got his legs filled yet! We also help Spud Bear mission too.

So far this year we have had meetings where we learned about MAF and about being a friend and listened to Bible stories. We had a party before half term and we called it a pumpkin party.

We carved pumpkins to learn how Jesus makes us clean on the inside and how then




we are to shine for Jesus.

We also had a mad hatters’ tea party when we dressed in bunny faces. The next thing we are looking forward to is our party in December. We hope there will be new things to learn and more special fun nights in 2019 too.

We have some photos of our fun nights. Thank you for reading.

outdoors for active play.

This year we are focusing on memory verses and getting to know our Bible better. Our verses are in keeping with our Message of the day and help our Juniors to know the Faithfulness of Jesus. Our leaders have also been baking weekly and offering healthy homemade snacks which has gone down very well.

As always we finish with our Chain Prayer and have been joined by our minister, The Revd Stephen Taylor. It is always a joy to hear the concerns and prayers of our Juniors who are so open and appreciate their CE group for helping them. After mid-term we are preparing our Christmas play which is always fun and a headache at the same time!!!


East Antrim Juniors have fun!

DUN D R UM Dundrum Methodist Juniors in Dublin are growing physically and spiritually. Dundrum Methodist Juniors started back this September with 11 Juniors. We were delighted to see how much our Juniors have enjoyed their summer and amazed to see how much they are growing, both in height and spiritual growth. We are also fortunate enough that the weather has been lovely and enabled our Juniors to spend some of the first few weeks



CE Societies from throughout East Antrim came together in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church hall to enjoy a Fun Day organised by Lynda Anderson.

Children enjoyed crafts with Belinda Gage, Carnmoney, stories and quizzes with Ashley Wasson, Ballylinney and games. Other leaders provided welcome refreshments for children and adults alike.

Special guests were the All Ireland CE Junior Convenor and Assistant Junior Convenor, Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar who presented National Award certificates including Silver and Gold to Magheramorne Presbyterian Juniors. Rosemary gave a short talk on, “Jesus the Good Shepherd”.







Enniskillen Union YPCE enjoy Christmas fun and fellowship.

Thriving innovative YPCE enjoy fellowship and fun together.

On Friday 21st December 2018, Young People from Lisbellaw, Irvinestown and Knockninny CEs had a Christmas outing to Johnny Rocko’s in Irvinestown.

The Young People’s Christian Endeavour in Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Belfast is run by our members with everyone taking part on a regular basis. We have four main meeting types.

Everyone enjoyed a few competitive games of 10-pin bowling before heading across to Irvinestown Methodist Church Hall. After some pizza, there were some games and fun before heading home. Thanks to all who organised a great evening!

· Consecration Each member of the CE shares a verse they have read recently explaining how it has helped or encouraged them, Mr Gamble, our Minister, comes and provides us with an opportunity to ask him questions about God and his Word.

· Bible study We are studying the Armour of God found in Ephesians chapter 6 vs 10-18, using a Cover to Cover study guide book to structure our meetings. · Prayer We take the opportunity to focus on a different topic and bring it to God in prayer. Topics have included world events, missions and our personal walks. · Something different As it says, a chance to do something different, such as studying a Bible character we have never heard of.

Our CE had previously met on a Sunday afternoon between 4-5 which had caused problems getting back and forth to Church for the evening service. In order to overcome this we decided to change the format slightly and have begun to meet every other week and host each other for tea, with each member (or more likely their mums!) cooking for us after each meeting.



This change in format has come as a real blessing as we have grown closer as a group and have created lasting friendships.


This has allowed us to become more open with each other, sharing about difficulties we face in our Christian lives and has enabled us to pray more effectively for each other.

This year we have welcomed a few new members who have been involved in our meetings throughout the year. We are also excited to continue growing closer as a group and being able to have fellowship and fun together. We are thankful to our congregation for their ongoing support and prayer.

MAGH ER AM OR N E Safe landing for CE Airlines!

Magheramorne Presbyterian CE leaders found an ingenious and innovative way to teach their Juniors about this year’s special Missionary Project, MAF or Mission Aviation Fellowship. MAF uses planes to bring aid to people in some of the world’s most isolated and remote places so the leaders held an airplane themed meeting transforming their hall into an aircraft cabin travelling to Papua, New Guinea to help cocoa farmers transport their harvest. Captain Gary and the crew are loving this year’s Project and are finding lots of exciting, fun ways to teach the children about it.

Juniors help Larne Foodbank Before the Harvest Thanksgiving Season drew to a close, Magheramorne Juniors donated items and put together their annual Harvest display.

All the items donated were then given to Larne foodbank to be used to help local people.

Endeavourers strike gold!

Magheramorne Junior Christian Endeavourers have been experiencing much success of late and not least in the CE National Award Scheme. For the first time there, four young people have achieved the Gold Award. They were Ellen Robinson, Emma Montgomery, Holly Adrain and Sam Nelson.

Others in the Society are at various stages working towards Gold Standard and have been achieving success with Louise Semple earning the Silver Award and Catherine Hislop, Mikey Loughridge, Jessica Wilson, Sophie Montgomery and Anne Hislop the Bronze Award. The presentations were made at the Fun Day by Irish CE Junior Work Convenor, Rosemary Carson and Assistant Convenor, Caroline Edgar.

These are very enthusiastic young people with enthusiastic and dedicated leaders.




first week we had a few new members, the next week it grew and grew and grew and now we have 35 on our books with an average attendance of 29 members.

As numbers increased we faced another challenge - did we have enough leaders and so we went back to the prayer team and asked for prayers that we would recruit more leaders.

God answered our prayers and we gained 3 new faithful leaders whose children attend the group Natasha, Catherine & Elizabeth. They often joke that they agreed to help on an infrequent basis but have ended up coming along every week.

SA N D O W N Don’t give up! This is message for all those CE leaders struggling to attract new members. A few years ago we had only 7 young people in Sandown JCE, in Newry. We thought, “What shall we do”? Galatians 6:9 “ tells us, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”.

After another successful Holiday Bible Club, in June, we decided to try these 2 things: 1. Put a prayer request into the Church Prayer Group and Church announcements that more children would attend.

2. Sent a simple book mark size invite for each child and some posters into the local Primary schools to invite children to CE. CE commenced in September as usual, in the



We also have 3 teenagers Jane, Jake & Sarah who have grown up through CE and who now come along and help with crafts, music and the PowerPoint system for the story.

Our CE doesn’t have computer games so the children are encouraged for the first 45 minutes to play various board games, table tennis, football, Subbuteo or take part in the weekly craft. Then we have singing - their favourite song being, My Lighthouse by Rend Collective - the CE promise and our talk. This year we are looking at different sports and the Bible for example darts (arrows), running, football, hockey etc.

I asked a few of the children what they enjoy about CE and here is what they told me:Eva, Emma, Nathan, Nikita, Faith, Kathryn, Jodie, Erin, Jessica - I see my friends. Leah - I like playing. Katie, Jake, Dylan, Dara, Sarah and Cara enjoy the football. Thomas likes the fuseball.

All the children enjoy saying the CE promise in different accents and there is great competition to see who can remember the memory verse.


we also make biscuits of God’s creation and do art and craft. Before we go home we get a drink and a bar and give thanks to God for keeping us safe. At the end of the season we go on a trip with Sarah and Pam.

I really enjoy my time at CE throughout the year. Bethany Park

DO N E G O RE Bethany reports from 2nd Donegore Presbyterian Juniors. From October to March, every Tuesday night from 19:15-20:15, in the church Stables we learn about the Lord Jesus Christ and what He can do for us. We learn memory verses from the Bible and we do a challenge to see who remembers the verse from the week before and if you know it off by heart you get a packet of sweets. We also play football and ice hockey, it is so much fun. We bake pancakes for pancake Tuesday and

BALLYHENRY APT lesson for Ballyhenry Endeavourers on CE Sunday On Sunday 3rd February, Ballyhenry Presbyterian Christian Endeavour led the congregation in their annual CE Sunday Service. Caleb began by welcoming us followed by our Minister, The Revd Niall Lockhart making the announcements. We opened in prayer which was read by Siannah and the Choir sang, ‘Do you believe’.




THE I R I S H N A TI O N A L C O N VE N TI O N 2019 Charlie, Maci, Lydia and Katelyn read our CE Promises, which we enjoy practicing each Friday. The congregation sang, ‘All things bright and beautiful’ before Zoe told us about the history of CE. Sophie then read us a poem entitled, ‘Remembering’.

Georgia and friends presented a drama about, ‘Junior CE’ The CE came together to sing, ‘Ask, seek, knock’ and, ‘Superglue’. This led into Chain Prayers read by Leah, Roxy, Lucas, Ella-Louise, Luke, Daniel and Shannon.

Currently the CE supports the Mission Aviation Fellowship which Katelyn told us more about. The offering was then collected and Noah and Lydia thanked the Lord through prayer. The congregation joined together to sing praise.

Emma, Nessie and members of the CE put on an excellent performance with a puppet show before Abigail read a poem called, ‘Our life is like a garden. The CE sang their final two songs, ‘To tell the truth’ and, ‘God made the chickens’ followed by Matthew who read from Ecclesiastes. Mr Lockhart spoke on the verses Ecclesiastes Ch.12 v.1 ‘Remember your Creator in the days of your youth’ and Ecclesiastes Ch.3 v. 1 ‘There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the Heavens’. The congregation sang, ‘Give me oil in my lamp’ and Mr Lockhart closed with the Benediction. 30


Getting to know this year’s convention speaker. This year the 105th Irish National CE Convention will be held on Saturday 21st September in 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church when The Revd Stephen Kennedy will speak on the theme, “All for Jesus”.

The Revd Stephen Kennedy is the minister of Buckna Presbyterian Church, which is approximately four miles outside of Broughshane. The 29 year old Bessbrook native has been in Buckna since February 2018. He is married to Lynn and they have two girls, Eva and Erin. Before moving to Buckna, Stephen was the Assistant Minister in Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan and served there for three and a half years. He was delighted to be called by the congregation and has been greatly encouraged during his time there already.

Stephen came to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ at an early age and attended and was involved in his home congregation, Bessbrook Presbyterian. He attended Newry High School before studying Journalism with History at the University of Ulster, Coleraine. At the age of 21, he sensed the Lord calling him into full-time service. He believes the Lord used James 4:14 to challenge and call him into His work. Stephen believes he was given a taste of what ministry would look like through involvement with the Christian Union at UUC.


Outside of work and ministry, he enjoys spending time with his wife and family. He is an avid Manchester United fan and also regularly attends Northern Ireland international matches. Stephen has an interest in technology too and enjoys working with computers. Since moving to Buckna, he also has an occasional scramble up Slemish!

Details about the upcoming Irish National CE Convention. 105th Irish National Christian Endeavour Convention Date: Saturday 21st September 2019

Location: 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Speaker: The Revd Stephen Kennedy Theme: “All for Jesus”

Upon completion of his degree at UUC, he enrolled in the Cornhill Training Course in Belfast. During his year at Cornhill, Stephen applied for the ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. He was accepted to study in April 2012 and began studies at Union College in September of the same year. During his time at Union College he was involved in several different placements and served in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church and Dunfanaghy and Carrigart Presbyterian Churches before becoming the assistant in Hill Street Presbyterian, Lurgan in 2014.

Stephen has been involved with the work of CE already in his ministry. He spoke several times at the Senior CE meeting in Hill Street, Lurgan and has also been involved with the Junior CE in Buckna. He believes it to be an excellent organisation which has taught many people the Gospel over many years.

M I SSI ON ARY P ROJ ECT 18/1 9 Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Mountains. Jungles. Swamps. Unrest. No roads. We overcome these barriers to help overcome poverty. Millions of people cannot access basic medical care, clean water, schools or receive the Good News of God’s love, simply because it’s too dangerous or time-consuming to reach them. MAF provide flights for 2000 aid, development and mission organisations to enable them to transform lives. It’s a great partnership – and you can help make it possible. For more about MAF visit:




THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER Thank you for reading this edition of The Irish Endeavourer, the official magazine of Irish CE.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor, Executive Board or Irish Christian Endeavour. FACEBOOK CE Ireland is on Facebook Search for ‘Christian Endeavour Ireland’ WEBSITE Visit for more CE news & resources

OFFICE c/o 120 Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon, BT70 1RD. Email: THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER

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