The Irish Endeavourer (February 2018)

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Ma t t B ishop EDITOR This issue of The Irish Endeavourer details events since September 2017, including the National Convention If you have any news, information or photographs for the magazine, you can contact Margaret and I’ll Endeavour to include it in the next issue! Thnaks very much and I hope you enjoy this issue of The Irish Endeavourer

M a rga ret Hou ston INFORMATION OFFICER Margaret is responsible for collecting all the CE Ireand news, which are then forwarded to Matt for inclusion in the magazine. Please do send her your news, photographs and announcements. Without these, there wouldn’t be much to read about! 02





THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER Editor’s Note Contents


Dates for your diary President’s Diary

New Irish CE Secretary Praise and Prayer

Missionary Projects YP Summer Camp

103rd Irice CE Convention

02 03

04 05 06


07 10

REGIONAL & SOCIETY NEWS Armagh and South Tyrone


East Antrim


Dundrum Juniors Garvaghy Juniors Imanuel Juniors

Lisbellaw Juniors

Magheramorne Juniors

Saint Mark’s Portadown Enniskillen YPs

21 23 24 25 25 26 27


V isit for more CE Ireland news & resources




DATES FOR YOUR DIAR Y January 25 - 7.45 pm East Antrim Executive in Eileen’s home January 27 Irish Union Planning Board February 4 CE Sunday

February 8 - 8.00 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Executive in Ruth’s home

February 24 Irish Union Spring Council in CE Headquarters February 24 Irish Union Junior CE Table Quiz

March Irish Union Senior’s/Comrades’ Rally

March 3 - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event in Dungannon Presbyterian March 3 Enniskillen Union Missionary Event in Lisbellaw Methodist hall

March 6 - 7.45pm East Antrim Executive in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian hall March 23 Irish Union Executive Board

March 24 Irish Union Junior Talent Contest

April 23 - 7.15pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Council Meeting in First Portadown Presbyterian Church 04



April 23 - 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Presidential Rally in First Portadown Presbyterian Church April 26 - 7.45pm East Antrim AGM & Planning Committee in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church May 4 Enniskillen Union CE Celebration in Ballinamallard Methodist Church

10th May - 8.00pm Armagh & South Tyrone Union Executive Meeting at Rosemary’s house

May 22-25 Irish Union Seniors’/Comrades’ Spring Break May 25 Irish Union Executive Board Summer 2018 Irish Union Junior Camp

August 17-19 YA Weekend at Exodus Residential Centre, Coleraine August 19-24 YP Camp at Exodus Residential Centre, Coleraine September 8 Irish Union Autumn Council

21st–22nd September 104th Irish National CE Convention in Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. Rev Andrew Faulkner will speak on the theme, “Jesus First”. If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston: Email - Telephone - 02893353191 [from Republic of Ireland, please omit 028 and substitute 048]; Mobile - 07712979778.

PRESIDENT’S DIARY Jottings from Irish CE President Alan Blair’s diary Clonaneese Seniors CE Sunday 24th September 2017 First date in the diary was a visit to Clonaneese Seniors to share in their meeting. This was their first meeting of the session and a large number turned out. It was good to share with them about building a solid foundation and to have that important cup of tea!

East Antrim Junior Fun Day Saturday 14th October 2017 A fun afternoon was had in Carrickfergus with the local Juniors. There were games, Bible story and craft for everyone to enjoy. I had an enjoyable afternoon releasing my inner child. To round off the day I presented some Gold, Sliver & Bronze Junior Award Scheme certificates. Local Union events are a great way for members and leaders to have fellowship with one other. Killyman Junior Junior CE Tuesday 21st November 2017 It was nice to attend a small Society close to my home, and see the work going on with the kids. It was nice to meet the leaders and Juniors, and share in their meeting. Belfast Union CE Carol Service Monday 4th December 2017 My final engagement for 2017 was the Belfast Union Carol Service. It was a delight to join with the members of the Belfast Union to celebrate the Christmas Season and to be reminded of the Reason for the Season. Well done to all those involved in the evening.

At the end of the Service I presented more Junior Award Scheme certificates. This is a great scheme and I would encourage our Junior Societies to look into the new scheme!

As always it was great to be at our 103rd CE Convention (ours that is, not mine personally), held in Enniskillen. Yet again it was a Convention well organised, and credit to the Convention Committee of the Enniskillen Union for doing this so ably. It was a weekend where not only were we fed from God Word, but challenged by it to Take Our Stand, explained very ably by our guest speaker, Rev. Andrew Mullen.

At the Convention meeting that the Chain of Office is handed over to the incoming President I was delighted to hand it over to Mark Crawford. I trust that Mark will be blessed throughout his year as President as I have been, and that his wife Victoria and two daughters will also know God’s Blessing over this time too. I ask that we all continue to uphold Mark as our President, and also his family in prayer, and as we do pray that we should see the organisation as a whole grow, and indeed that the members and friends of CE will continue to, “Raise the Standards and Fly the Flag” in all their work for Christ and the Church for many years to come. God’s Richest Blessing to all our CE family and friends, Alan Blair




PRAISE & PRAYER “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath

NEW IRISH CE SECRETARY Sandra Busby has been appointed Irish CE Union Recording Secretary and when asked to tell our readers something about herself, here is what she had to say.

Hi my name is Sandra Busby and recently I have joined the Executive Team of Irish Christian Endeavour as Recording Secretary. I am married to Colin and have 3 children Ruth 16, David 14 and Samuel 12 and we attend Ballygawley Presbyterian Church. I work as a secretary in a school office. I grew up outside Dromore, Co Tyrone where as a teenager I attended Clanabogan Young Peoples Christian Endeavour. This was my first encounter with CE and it was here we met as a group of young people and were encouraged in our Christian faith by leaders who had a love for the things of God and for sharing this love with others. We were encouraged to take part in the meetings and get more involved with Church activities.

After getting married I was asked to help out with Junior Christian Endeavour in my own Church. I have been involved with Junior CE for over 12 years now and it is a privilege to watch the children as they grow up through CE and learn more about the good news of the Gospel and God’s love for them. It is my prayer that they would each come to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and that Christian Endeavour across our land would go from strength to strength. 06



tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” Job 23:10

Praise God for His leading in providing a new CE Headquarters to rent in Moygashel, Dungannon. The building belongs to a local Church of Ireland who are very sympathetic to the work of CE. Pray that God will use the premises for His glory.

Pray for Rosemary McDaniel, the new General Secretary, as she takes on many new responsibilities. Pray for an Assistant General Secretary. Pray for Mark Crawford as Irish CE President, that God will protect him in travel and use his life and witness as he shares at various CE Societies and special events.

Pray that God will raise up the right person to take over from Mark in September 2018. Pray that many children and young people in CE will trust the Lord Jesus as Saviour and live for Him. Pray that they will be faithful in attending the meetings.

Pray for the ongoing preparations for the 104th Convention to be hosted by Armagh and South Tyrone Union in September 2018. Pray that all the details will fall into place as they make arrangements for the programme.

Pray for God’s wisdom in decision-making in all Committees at local and national level. Pray for opportunities to promote CE to Churches so that more Societies will be formed. Pray for the work of Abaana as we support this missionary project with our prayers and gifts. Pray that many vulnerable children and whole communities in Uganda will be reached with the Gospel.

MISSIONARY PROJECT ‘17 A thank you from Bible Society Northern Ireland

MISSIONARY PROJECT ‘1 8 During 2017-2018, Irish CE is supporting Abaana as our Missionary Project. Abaana is a local Christian charity, based in Bangor, Co. Down, which has been working for almost 20 years in Uganda.

Abaana, who aim to bring hope to the children of Africa, use education as a means of helping children and their families escape poverty. They have built 13 primary schools across Uganda and continue to support these schools and their communities, providing education for over 4000 children. Abaana also provide sponsorship for over 1650 children, making it possible to them to attend school, as well as rescuing children who have been living rough on the street. Abaana have put together a pack of 4 lessons, giving Juniors and Young People an insight into what life is really like for so many people in Uganda, and the effect that poverty has on individuals and their families. It includes videos and PowerPoint resources, as well as ideas for games and activities. Please do make use of this great resource with your Society (contact the CE Office if you would like to receive a pack).

We want to say a huge thank you to all the C.E. groups who took part in the Storytellers project last year. Lots of groups all over the country spent time learning about what it means to share the amazing story of the Bible.

It was great to get the opportunity to visit some of these groups, travelling from Priesthill to Lisbellaw to Newtownards. There was always a warm welcome given. It was wonderful to join in with games, singing and prayer, and to see what the groups had been getting up to to raise money for the Bible Society NI.

Last year C.E. groups raised an incredible £7,000! This money is helping the Bible Society NI provide little Bible books that will be used through the Amazing Journey project. This is a great project that is run by the Baptist Youth Department. Staff and volunteers spend time in schools in Northern Ireland, acting out and sharing stories from the Bible. Every child that takes part gets given one of the Bible books – this could be the first Scripture they’ve ever owned.

The team from Abaana would also love to come to visit groups to share more about their work. For more information ontact the Abaana office: Telephone - 028 9145 1918 Email -




IN HIS TIME God makes all things possible. The story of the 2005 Irish CE Union Missionary Project. “Gizo For God” For those of you who have heard of Caleb Saiquro and don’t really know him permit me to introduce him to you.

Caleb lives on the island of Ghizo, Western Province, Solomon Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, 1200 miles north east of Brisbane, Australia. In 2002 he had the opportunity to come to Belfast Bible College to study and our Church in 2nd Broughshane sponsored him through Bible college. While in Northern Ireland he stayed, at the weekend, with different members of our congregation. Recently the Amazing Journey went to Drumadonnell Primary School, Banbridge. Here’s what a couple of the kids said: “Today the Amazing Journey came to my school and I really liked learning about the miracles that Jesus did.” “I really enjoyed the Amazing Journey because of the Bible-time food and the characters.” The Bible is being brought alive to children in Northern Ireland. Thank you so much for helping us do this! Please continue to pray for this work, along with the huge amount of work that the Bible Society NI supports overseas. If you’d like any more information about any of our work please get in touch: Email - Website - Leah McKibben, Projects Manager with the Bible Society NI 08



Caleb had been involved in children’s mission work before coming to Bible college, so when he had completed his studies he returned to Solomon where he continued with this work. He had a leading from God to extend the kingdom by training and encouraging children and young people (who had committed their lives to Christ) to tell their peers of God’s love for them and to win them for Christ.

In His Time, God makes all things possible. In October 2015, a Christian couple offered Caleb a plot of land to build the Children’s Centre. Yes, God does make all things possible!

The plot of land is one of the best sites on the whole island, on the top of a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

We were also given the site at a reduced price as it was for missionary outreach.

In 2005 after some discussion with Caleb, some people took the decision that Caleb needed a base to work from and the outreach project, “Gizo For God” came into fruition. This is where Christian Endeavour comes into the story. That year CE took, “Gizo For God” as our Missionary Project. By 2008 enough money had been obtained to build a centre in Gizo and a plot of land was obtained from the Solomon Government, then God said in His time. Between 2008 and 2015 many things were to take place. At the end of 2008, with plans ready to start building, a tsunami struck Western Province and the town of Gizo was devastated including our building site. We thank God that we had not started to build. After some discussion with the government, in 2009 we were given a new building plot on higher ground only to find that we had squatters - who are still there. This situation was to last until October 2015 when God opened new doors for us. During the 7 years God has used Caleb in many different ways, working with the United Church of Solomon as Youth Coordinator and IT Consultant for Western Province. This also gave Caleb time to follow the Lord’s guidance in many children’s and young people’s missions.

Today the land has been cleared, foundations have been dug, concrete and steel shuttering have been erected and the wooden joists are in place. The timbers have been purchased for the first floor along with wood and steel sheeting for the roof. One of the main problems at present is that there is not enough rain to make concrete blocks for the ground floor as the blocks have to be made by hand on the site. At the end of 2015 Caleb finished working for the United Church as it had no money to pay their workers. Since then his ministry is a FAITH MINISTRY, he would never ask anyone for financial help but he does thank God for the faithfulness of organisations like Irish Christian Endeavour who have supplied a large amount of the finance towards the building of the Children’s Centre.

Please Pray: · That God will guide Caleb in his ministry. · That when the centre is finished it will be used for God’s glory. · For wisdom and humility as Caleb presents the scriptures. · That souls will be saved. · For guidance as Caleb trains leaders and young people. · For Caleb, Tanya, Jabez and Tara as a family.

If any group or individual would like more information about Caleb and his work please contact Jean or Ken McGall tel 02825 684 429 or Email for more information.




YP SUMMER CAMP ‘17 Action packed and fun filled YP Summer Camp During the Young People’s CE camp week we all came together, caught up with old friends and got involved in various activities and looked at God’s promise and how He kept it throughout the Bible. The day began with a morning prayer and thought for the day based on the Fruits of the Spirit followed by arts and crafts, an afternoon activity, our main day activity and the night activity.

We were divided into prayer time groups where we went over the information in detail and discussed with our leader what we had learnt from the day’s lesson and what it had meant. The main theme of the talks this year was, ‘The Story of the Bible’ where we covered from Genesis to Revelation. The five talks focused on the Fall and Babylon; Abraham and Sarah; Jesus; New Church and the Future Day. Through the talks we looked at how God looked after us and His promises to us. 10



Each night we helped organise the meeting taking part in leading, doing prayers, readings and drama. On the last night the campers themselves planned and organised the full meeting where we were able to share some of our story and how God works in our lives.

The week was filled with laugher and fun. Each day we went somewhere different such as Coleraine jet centre and did bowling, coasteering in Portrush, team building in Coleraine where we were given the task of buying the heaviest object with £1, carrying a egg around without cracking it and the Portrush photo challenge. There was also a trip to the beach where we played sports and were blessed to get a good day for that. Our night activity included water and egg roulette and here we were guaranteed to get wet! Going to CE camp we got to meet new people and also to share God’s Word throughout the week.




103 RD IRISH CE CONVENTION The 103rd Irish National Christian Endeavour Convention was held on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church. It worked out brilliantly that it was the turn of the Enniskillen Union to host the two day event as it meant that many more local people were able to be present to support the incoming President, Mr Mark Crawford who had grown up in the Knockninney CEs in the County. There were two rallies, a seminar and business meetings together with special events for Juniors, Young People and Seniors.

The main speaker was Rev Andrew Mullan, Associate Minister in Mourne Presbyterian Church, Kilkeel. His theme, “Will you take a stand” was based on 1 Cor 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong”. Andrew also led the Saturday morning seminar. Delegates, visitors and locals were extended very warm welcomes by the Revd David Cupples, Minister of the Church and Mr Chris Emo, Convention Chairman. On the Friday evening, Juniors enjoyed a puppet show, lots of Maud’s ice cream and a talk by the Revd Eleanor Hayden, Superintendent Minister of the Omagh and Fintona Methodist Circuit. A Junior Choir contributed to the main Rally while Juniors from Knockninney, Lisbellaw, Pettigo, Togherdoo and Brookeborough led the Prayers of Intercession.

Mrs Olive Rowe organised the Seniors’ Rally on Saturday. The Silver Tones Male Voice Choir, from Ballinamallard, under conductor Hazel Darragh and accompanist Ruth Coalter, led the praise with Diane Porter leading the congregational singing. Chief Inspector Roy Robinson, who gave his testimony, spoke in a very humorous and 12



most appreciative manner about his neighbours within the the local community in which he had grown up. While the Seniors/Comrades were warm and comfortable in the church the YPs braved the rather inclement weather for their own activity in the town.

Leah McKibben, on behalf of the Bible Society, returned to Fermanagh to be presented with a substantial cheque the proceeds of Irish CE’s 2016/17 Project. Avril Graham, All Ireland Missionary Convenor introduced the 2017/18 Project, Abaana, which aims to help children in Africa, mostly in Uganda, break the chains of poverty through education and the building of schools. During Saturday evening’s Rally Mr Alan Blair handed over the Presidency to Mr Mark Crawford, who for some years was YP Convenor. Alan takes on responsibility for Personal Membership.

Mrs Rosemary McDaniel gave her first address in her new capacity as Irish Union General Secretary having taken over the reins from Mr Robert Tinney who has served faithfully for many years. Other new appointments at the AGM included Sharon Wilson as YP Convenor and John Condy as Webmaster. Local young people played a major part in the music in the evening rallies where prayers were led by Mrs Diane Simpson, Enniskillen Union President; Mrs Olive Rowe and Mr Richard Henderson.

As is customary, Saturday’s Rally’s closing praise was the Rev John Pollock’s hymn, “Ireland for Christ”. Both evenings concluded with delightful suppers and as well as the regular meals during the day, typical Fermanagh hospitality meant that hot cups of tea/coffee were generously offered throughout the day. Special thanks must be extended to Mr Reuben Acheson, Brookeborough, our Convention photographer, who so willingly gave of his time and talents; thank you too to his brother, John for his valuable work. All this has been deeply appreciated.




A young person’s view of the convention For me, this year’s CE Convention began early as I was given the privilege of taking part in the praise group to lead worship during the services. I arrived on the Friday evening to help set up and get some last minute practice with the praise group and, fortunately, the Convention was held in Fermanagh so I avoided a lengthy journey up the country to get there! Following the service on Friday night I got the chance to catch up with some of my friends from CE Camp and after eating a nutritious supper of doughnuts I got a good night’s rest on possibly the comfiest floor I have ever slept on.

On the Saturday morning, the Rev. Andrew Mullan gave a very interesting and encouraging seminar before lunch and after lunch it was time for the YP’s activity: a treasure hunt. We walked the length of the town several times in typical Fermanagh rain, hunting for our leaders after solving their cryptic clues. After a thorough drying, it was time for tea and then the evening service. I was pleased to see Mark Crawford becoming Irish CE President, as he has been a leader at all the CE Camps I have attended and he was also a member of my own CE, Knockninny. Overall I had a very enjoyable, albeit slightly damp convention and can’t wait for the next one!

Juniors asked “Will you take a stand for God?” The Juniors’ Rally, at the Convention in Enniskillen, was a great success. There was a good attendance of Juniors and some had brought their friends along too.

An Enniskillen Union JCE Choir, sang, “God loves you” while Juniors from Knockninney, Lisbellaw, Pettigo, Togherdoo and Brookeborough joined in Chain Prayer. 14



Everyone had worked so hard to raise money for the Bible Society last year so the children were

very exciting to see a cheque for £6,900 presented to Leah McKibben, for the work of the Society.

The Revd Eleanor Hayden, with the help of puppets, told the story of Jonah and of how he did not want to obey God when He asked him to go to Nineveh to tell the people there to stop their evil ways and of his subsequent time spent in the whale’s stomach Mrs Hayden got all the children into a net so that they were able to see what it would be like to be inside the whale’s stomach. Then she asked them to stand up and talked about taking stand for God. It was such good fun.

God wanted Jonah to take a stand for Him. Jonah prayed to God for help. He decided to do what God had told him to do. God had a plan. He spoke to that fish. It swam up close to the beach and spit Jonah out of its stomach onto dry land. This time Jonah didn’t argue. He obeyed. He jumped up and went straight to Nineveh. Jonah took a stand for God. Mrs Hayden then asked the children: Will you take a stand for God? 1. At school 2. In the playground 3. With your friends 4. At home God wants us to take a stand for Him. God will provide a way.

Afterwards everyone enjoyed lots of Maud’s ice cream.

Convention Prize Winners

Congratulations to everyone who entered the Convention Competitions. The judges really enjoyed their duties and spent a long time trying to make up their minds because the entries were so good. The Juniors love working on their entries and it would be wonderful if more Societies were to give it a try next year!

Mrs Rosemary Carson and Miss Caroline Edgar were responsible for organising the Competition and the prizes were presented at the Convention in Enniskillen.

The results of the competitions at the convention were as follows:

Bookmark: 8 years & under: 1st Samuel Nelson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Lily Dickson, Knockninney Methodist; 3rd [joint] Ava Connolly, Knockninney Methodist & John Stinson, Upper Clonaneese Presbyterian. Bookmark: 9 & 10 years: 1st Ellen Robinson, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 2nd Samuel Wylie, Magheramorne Presbyterian; 3rd Holly Adrain, Magheramorne Presbyterian.

Bookmark: 11 years & over: 1st Rebecca Logan, 1st Ards Presbyterian; 2nd Aaron Bristow, Upper Clonaneese Presbyterian. Frame: 8 years & under: 1st Harry Foster, Knockninney Methodist; 2nd Connie Mitchell, 1st Ards Presbyterian; 3rd Emma Parkhill, Shore Road City Mission. Frame: 9 & 10 years: 1st Sophie Robinson, Shore Road City Mission.

Frame: 11 years & over: 1st Rebecca Logan, 1st Ards; 2nd Pippa Knowles, Shore Road City Mission; 3rd Katie Taylor, Shore Road City Mission. Ten Commandments’ poster - 8 years & under -1st Amelia Foster, Knockninney Methodist; 2nd Joe Wiggam, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Lucy Knox, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian. Ten Commandments’ poster: 9 & 10 years: 1st Rebekah Booth, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 2nd Hannah Bristow, Upper Clonaneese Presbyterian.

Ten Commandments’ poster: 11 years & over: 1st Sarah Frizelle, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 2nd Samuel Busby, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian; 3rd Megan Neill, Upper Clonaneese Presbyterian. THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



CE Poster: 8 years & under: 1st Connie Mitchell, 1st Ards Presbyterian; 2nd Ben Avery, Carryduff Presbyterian; 3rd Emma Parkhill, Shore Road City Mission.

CE Poster: 9 & 10 years: 1st Katie Brown, Carryduff Presbyterian; 2nd Danielle Pike, Upper Clonaneese Presbyterian; 3rd James Booth, Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Presbyterian.

CE Poster: 11 years & over: 1st Sarah Strain, Shore Road City Mission; 2nd Aimee Mitchell, 1st Ards; 3rd Harry Leonard, Knockninney Methodist.

A moving testimony & a feast of music for Seniors at Convention

The Seniors’/Comrades’ event at the Convention, organised and conducted by Mrs Olive Rowe, Pettigo was held, as usual, on the Saturday afternoon and was in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church. Olive’s great love and appreciation of music permeated throughout the Service.

Following the singing of, “At the Name of Jesus” Alan Blair, outgoing President, led in prayer. There was a feast of music to follow as the Silver Tones, a male voice choir from Ballinamallard, sang their first medley of sacred pieces. Conducted by Hazel Darragh and accompanied by Ruth Coalter, their contributions were inspirational.

Chief Inspector Roy Robinson gave his testimony movingly and candidly speaking in a very humorous but most appreciative manner about his neighbours within the local community in which he had grown up. He also paid tribute to the late Mrs Jason Hassard’s work in Church Hill Methodist JCE.




His conversion took place, at in a tent Mission in Killyman, following the Revd Sam Workman’s preaching on St Luke 23:v.30ff. The following day saw him witnessing to a work colleague.

Prior to this, although having a head knowledge and attending Church regularly on Sundays, he loved the world during the week. Some time afterwards, in 1985, he was to get that dreaded cancer diagnosis; by 1988 it had returned for a third time. In 2011 he was honoured by the Queen when he was awarded the MBE. ‘It is lovely to get awards from Her Majesty’ said Mr Robinson, ‘but it is best of all to hear Jesus say, “Enter into the joy of the Lord”’.

He concluded by saying that he had left school with one “O” Level in woodwork but later, in the University of Ulster at Jordanstown, had gained a 2:1 in Law and urged parents not not to give up on their children for God has a purpose for all of them. He himself is a sinner saved by grace and so happy loving the Lord Jesus Christ and loving his Saviour. The congregation found his honesty and openness so encouraging. Roy expressed his sympathy to Olive’s husband, Douglas upon the passing of his brother, Mervyn less than a week earlier. He expressed his pleasure at seeing both Mrs Edith Wilson and Maeve in the congregation. The Wilson family were amongst those early neighbours of whom he spoke so highly.

Another delightful medley from the Silver Tones and the congregational singing of, “Thine be the glory” almost concluded the Service. Mrs Rowe thanked Roy for his very personal message and said that both she and her husband, Douglas had been praying about this event; she was led to ask someone to give his/her testimony and it was Douglas who had suggested him.

Together with those already mentioned earlier in this report, she also extended thanks to pianist Mrs Diane Porter with whom she had worked on a previous Convention, to Mr Alan Blair, outgoing Pres-ident and to Enniskillen Union President, Mrs Diane Simpson for their prayers mentioning the faith-ful work that both Diane and husband, Johnny are doing in Pettigo. Next on the agenda was more generous Fermanagh hospitality and then for some, Irish CE’s AGM.




Convention chair looks back at a weekend in the prescence of God The 103rd Irish CE Convention weekend was a weekend that was truly filled with the presence of God. A weekend where there was fun, laughter, tea, coffee, tray bakes, food and of course fellowship in Christ. A weekend where we joined together to encourage one another as we focused on our theme “Will You Take A Stand?”. The weekend went in so quickly and I am thankful for the hard work of the whole Convention committee who helped make the weekend run smoothly - from looking after the Juniors, providing refreshments, taking care of the catering to looking after the prayer room the skills and talents they are blessed with were greatly appreciated. Another word of thanks must go to the Rev Andrew Mullan for his teaching in both the services of worship and in the seminar on the Saturday morning on the life of Daniel. He shared with us how Daniel was able to stand up for his faith in a secular multicultural Babylon, and was of great encouragement to all who attended the weekend as to how we should live out our faith in Christ in what has become a secular society that we live in.

Another point of the weekend that worked very well was the Junior event on the Friday night – a good turnout of Juniors came along to take part in the service, in the Junior choir and leading the prayers, and then Rev Eleanor Hayden brought a message to the Juniors before they enjoyed some ice cream afterwards. It was also great to hear about the work of the Bible Society on the Friday night, and how we as CE were able to help and support their work as our Missionary Project for last year with a cheque for £6900. It was also exciting to hear on the Saturday night about Abaana and the work that they do in Uganda and think about how we as CE are going to support that work throughout this year. 18



On a final note, it was a great privilege for the Enniskillen District CE Union to host the CE Convention where our very own Mark Crawford was installed as the Irish President. We would like to wish Mark well for his year as President, and assure him that our thoughts and prayers will be with him and his family as he travels around the different Societies. Christopher Emo, Convention Chairman.

YA Camp: Friday 17th – Sunday 19th August (age 16+)

Cost: £50

YP Camp: Sunday 19th – 25th August (age 12-17)

Cost: £130

WHERE: Coleraine Exodus Camp Centre Please circle which camp you would like to come along to (note age 16-17 can attend both)

It’s the end of your summer holidays…. you’re starting to run out of things to do…HELP! Let ‘CE Camp’ come to your rescue! Come and join us for an action packed camp which will include good fun, great activities, fabulous food and time to explore the Bible together. Name: Please circle: Male

Date of Birth: (if under 18) CE Society or Church:


Telephone Number: Address:

I have Included: Full Amount (please circle)

Parents Signature: (if under 18) Date: £25 deposit to secure my place

I can’t make camp but I would like to


donate to camp funds Receive a prayer card

Post to: Christian Endeavour Ireland, C/o 120 Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon Co. Tyrone, BT70 1RD If you need more information contact


A R M AGH & SOU TH TYRO NE Carol Service The annual Armagh & South Tyrone Carol Service was held on Monday the 4th December 2017 in Hill Street Presbyterian Church.

Mrs Sandra Condy, Clonaneese, organised a varied programme of Bible Readings, poems and singing from all the Societies in the Union.

Our Local President, the Revd Maurice Laverty, led the meeting and gave thanks for the supper which the Committee had brought. There was a good number out and the Revd Ivor Smith brought a message of hope for the Christmas season. He considered the various reactions to the news of the birth of Jesus. When Herod heard that a new baby was born to be King he told the religious leaders to go and find out who this baby was. They went but totally ignored The King of Kings just like many today who ignore the King of Kings and wonder why He is brought into the Christmas season.

Secondly, Herod demanded that the Baby Jesus was found and killed. He wanted to get rid of the King of Kings. A lot of people want to have nothing to do with Jesus today and thirdly, the reaction of the wise men. They wanted to worship the King of Kings and give him gifts.

The most precious thing this Christmas is that we share the Good News of the Christmas story with those who have no time in their lives for Jesus and that we proclaim that the Baby Jesus came into the world to save every one of us from our sins. “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21. 20



Abaana promoted at Union Missionary Rally On the 2nd of October we held our Annual Missionary Rally in Tandragee Methodist Church hall to promote this year’s CE Missionary project, Abaana. The Revd Maurice Laverty, Local Union President, led the meeting and opened in prayer. Mrs Ruth Agnew and Mr Laverty joined in a time of praise.

There was a smaller number than usual but we had a blessed time together. Mr Neville Jones, from Abaana, came and gave an informative talk on the work that Abaana is doing in Uganda. We trust our Union will get behind this worthy project and support it prayerfully and financially as they have done with all previous projects.



Storm Ophelia meant an enforced break for Dundrum Methodist Juniors Here in Dublin we have been back in CE since the end of September, our theme this term is the Fruits of the Spirit. We also have been learning about kindness and patience as we have included a child with very challenging needs. It has been a joy to see our Juniors respond so positively to the challenges.

We had to take an enforced break for Ophelia. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad in Dundrum. Just a few trees down.

We plan to start rehearsals for our Christmas play after mid-term!!!


E A ST ANTRIM F U N DAY Another great fun day in East Antrim! The annual East Antrim JCE Fun Day took place during the afternoon of Saturday 14th October 2017 in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church hall. There were 35 children present with their leaders from four different Societies including Ballyhenry, Magheramorne, Carnmoney and First Carrick Presbyterian.

The afternoon commenced with a welcome from Lynda Anderson and then it was straight into the fun and games! The children were divided into 3 groups and they rotated through three 20 minute activities. These were games, Craft and Story/Quiz. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the relay races, parachute games, making beautiful harvest stained glass windows and the tense moments in the Jenga quiz!

All too soon there was a well deserved break for refreshments at the Tuck Shop and a visit to the CE Stall which everyone enjoyed!

To finish off our afternoon we had a talk from Mr Mark Crawford our Irish CE President. He gave a very clear, message to the children reminding them of how Jesus loves and cares for them all and how it is important to stay close to God through reading the Bible and praying. His address was based on his Presidential theme, “Building strong foundations”. Mr Crawford concluded by presenting a number of awards to Magheramorne Juniors. These included the Fred Cuming Memorial Cup for Drama and Irish CE National Award certificates were also presented as follows: Bronze - Jack Baxter, Josh Baxter, Paige McCaughey and Louise Semple.

Silver - Hannah Wylie, Emily Loughridge and Johnny O’Dornan.

After our closing song, “Our God is a great big God” and a prayer the day came to an end and everyone returned home perhaps a little tired but happy after a great afternoon!




Johnny shares his perspective of the East Antrim Fun Day Johnny, from Magheramorne, has written a report of the East Antrim Fun Day from his own personal stance. This was part of his work for the Irish National Award Scheme. Well done, Johnny!

“First I was sorted out into a group. Then Mark told our group a story about a boy who returned into a King, then there was a quiz. It was quite hard but I answered 1 of them. We had to play jenga, I took 2 of the blocks off the tower. 1 nearly fell off. Aaghh! Next we did arts and crafts. We made a glass window, it was fun to design it. Then we put it up to sit at the window. It was very pretty with all it’s pretty colours. It was my favourite thing that day. Finally we had games. Our group won in every single thing. Then we sat down at the front of the hall. All the awards were given out. I happily took my silver badge. It was time to go. The end” Johnny, Magheramorne CE.






Excitement for Juniors at Garvaghy Once again a new school term has started, this means another CE year has to begin. As always Dad likes to start of a new CE year with a new activity to get everyone in the mood for CE.

This is to start our CE off, we all came down to the farm. In Church there was an announcement made “bring wellies, wear old clothes and wrap up warm” This gets all the young children excited they never know what’s going to happen at Fedany! Tuesday the 3rd of October came. Everything was getting exciting. I had to go help my dad on the farm to get him cleared up for 7. It was tight but we made it! 7 o’clock came, cars started to come down the lane. We got everyone into the top calf house and Dad explained what was going to happen. The first activity was a treasure hunt, we had to go around the farm and find out different things from around the farm e.g. how many round bales are sitting around the farm and how many cows are in the shed etc. The first team back with all the right answers got a packet of sweets.

The second challenge was to bring back objects to the calf house for example a nail, some oats and other objects. Again first team back and with the right objects won. There were different leaders standing around the yard to keep an eye on things.

To finish off the night we played hide and seek on the farm, it was dark so the leaders found it harder to find us all. Once they found us we got a bit wet! Yes they had water pistols! Everyone was found but Ellie and Aimie and they just got fed up hiding! THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER



Overall all everyone had a great night of fun to start of our year.

Since then our normal meetings continue on Tuesday nights - we’ve thought about harvest issues, and the dangers of the occult. We plan to fill shoe boxes for Blythswood and have a food night to raise money for Tearfund’s Harvest appeal. Soon we’ll be thinking about Christmas - what will our leaders plan for us this year? Whatever it will be it will be focused on our motto - “For Christ and His Church”. By Sarah Meeke

I like C.E. because we learn about God, sing fun songs and there are good leaders! Amy-Lee McIlwaine



‘What we think about CE’ by Immanuel Juniors Below is a poster made by Immanuel Juniors.

I like C.E. because it encourages us to go and talk to people about Jesus. Luca Smith

I like to go to C.E. It is so fun! I like to play and see my friends. I like to listen to the story and read the memory verses! Miss Gracie ☺

I like C.E. because I learn about God. Kelsey Stafford

We asked our 8-11s what they thought about C.E. at Immanuel Presbyterian Church.

C.E. is fun because we play games and sing songs. We learn memory verses. We learn about God. Carson Stafford

I like C.E. I am the best at memory verses. ☺ Dexter Skinner

C.E. is really fun!!! We sing songs about God. We love to talk about God and learn more about Him. We pray to Him. We thank Him and we ask Him to help us and others. We play games about God and we look up memory verses. Megan-Louise Dunlop






Lisbellaw Juniors have very special guests at Christmas Lisbellaw Methodist Juniors had great fun at their Christmas party which followed their regular CE meeting.

Mickey and Minnie came as guests and it was a special honour that the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Revd Dr Laurence Graham came to join in the fun too!

The President and Lisbellaw’s Minister, the Revd Mark Durrell had earlier attended the CE meeting and listened to the children as they planned the programme and joined in chain prayer. Dr Graham also admired the magnificent banner made by the Juniors for the recent Irish CE Convention held nearby in Enniskillen.

The banner, designed in the shape of a Cross made from coloured impressions of the children’s and leaders’ feet, posed the question, “Will you take a stand”, their response being, “We are following Jesus”. Thank you so much to all the leaders who who made sure that both the special visitors and the children had such a happy time. Thank you too for their faithful work with the children week by week.




Juniors celebrate harvest thanksgiving On Friday 13th October, Magheramorne Presbyterian Juniors had a visit from the Puppet Ministry team from our sister Church, Raloo Presbyterian. They spoke to us about the Fruits of the Spirit, in particular, love. They were able to give the children hi fives at the end, which they loved.

In preparation for our Harvest Thanksgiving on the following Sunday, we also put together our annual Harvest display. All the food donated was brought in by our CE members and during the incoming week one of the leaders took it to Larne Foodbank as it was all non perishable food.

This is our second year donating to this worthy local cause.




They meet on the 1st and 4th Mondays in the month now that Albert Leathem has passed away to be with the Lord. Albert would have led them every Monday night in Bible study. The Minister at that time in St Mark’s was the Revd Jim Campbell and he was very faithful in attending the monthly consecration meetings. The curate, the Revd Keith Marshall was also a great help. Jim has since retired and Keith has moved to another Parish. The group would like to express their gratitude to both these men for giving up of their time to come and be a part of their Monday nights from time to time.

We have had the Local and Irish Presidents for a few years now and we are very grateful to them for coming and speaking to us. Rosemary McDaniel helps out when needed and this is very much appreciated.


SAI N T M A RK ’S PO R TA DOW N Fergus Hall Seniors meet to study and encourage eachother Fergus Hall Christian Endeavour has been going for a number of years. This CE is held in the Fergus Hall which belongs to St Mark’s Church of Ireland in Portadown, Co Armagh. The CE is made up of a group of people who love the Lord and want to meet up for Bible study and to encourage one other. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this CE for the past 5 years or so. Brian and I are greatly blessed just being a part of this group. 26



Trevor Jackson used to belong to Thomas Street CE and joined up with the folk in Fergus Hall a few years after Thomas Street closed along with Mrs June Allen. Trevor has taken on the post of leader and June secretary and Mrs Lily Bell is treasurer. June gives up of her time to collect people and bring them along; this is a great commitment as she gives up the chance to go to another meeting in Gilford. We had our Christmas dinner on the 27th of November and enjoyed a lovely meal provided by the Williamson sisters, “Food Glorious Food”. The evening concluded with everyone joining in carol singing, Ruth and Brian Agnew sang a duet and the Revd Jim Campbell brought a short message on Christmas.

Every year the members look forward to their annual day out in June. They go to Scarva Tea Rooms to start the day and then head to Newcastle, eventually finishing up at Top Nosh in Annalong for tea. The caretaker, David drives them and they are also very grateful to him for giving up of his time to spend the day with them. Ruth Agnew


ENN I SK I L L EN Y OU N G PEOPL E Fun, food, fellowship and Christmas jumpers! On Friday 22nd December 2017 about 60 YPs and leaders, from across the Union in Fermanagh, joined together for an evening of fun with the theme for the evening being Christmas Jumpers. The evening started with Ten Pin Bowling in Jonny Rocko’s in Irvinestown. We then went across the road to the Methodist Hall for some pizza, games and fellowship. There were a few “competitive” team members but it was all good spirits! And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without plenty of laughter! A few people took part in a photo booth, where we used Christmas decorations to jazz up and have a photograph taken. No Christmas gathering would be complete without a song! Everyone joined in to sing, “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”. I want to take this opportunity to wish all members of Christian Endeavour in Ireland a very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year in 2018. Christine Birney, Irvinestown CE




THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER Thank you for reading this edition of The Irish Endeavourer, the official magazine of Irish CE.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor, Executive Board or Irish Christian Endeavour. FACEBOOK CE Ireland is on Facebook Search for ‘Christian Endeavour Ireland’ WEBSITE Visit for more CE news & resources

OFFICE c/o 120 Mullaghmore Road, Dungannon, BT70 1RD. Email: THE IRISH ENDEAVOURER

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