In Canberra, our membership has grown steadily from our establishment in 1925 to now represent more than 1,200 local small and family businesses.
MBA has raised more than $3 million for local charities The Master Builders Association makes an incredibly positive impact on the lives of many people. In the last decade, the MBA has raised more than $3 million for local charities through the construction of three charity homes and a range of other fund raising activities. Last month we were excited to announce our next MBA Charity Home which is being delivered with the generous support from Village Building Company and Hands Across Canberra. The 2019 MBA Charity Home was kindly launched by Chief Minister Andrew Barr. In Canberra, our membership has grown steadily from our establishment in 1925 to now represent more than 1,200 local small and family businesses. Our membership growth is occurring at a time when the trust in our large institutions is on the decline, Union membership has plummeted, and satisfaction with our political leaders is at an all time low. Research repeatedly proves that the Master Builders brand is a trusted indicator of quality and integrity. We will be shortly commencing our 2018 membership survey and I encourage all members to respond to the online survey to help us improve our training, services and advocacy aims. Over our 93 year history we have needed to constantly adjust our service offering to members as our industry and environment changes. Our industry has always been dominated by small and family businesses. Many small construction businesses are owned and managed by a husband and wife team, often with the assistance of other family members. In recognition of this, we have recently identified the need to engage deeper within our members organisation, and consequently in October we held the
inaugural Women Working In Construction event. Such was the success of this event that we will be holding a range of future Women Working In Construction events and developing a range of new membership services aimed at supporting our small business members. While the MBA is focusing on supporting small business, during October the ACT Government passed controversial laws which will impose additional costs, uncertainty and red tape on these same small businesses. Amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act and the new Secure Local Jobs Package means that many local businesses will go into the Christmas break not knowing if they will be eligible for lucrative ACT government contracts in 2019. Rest assured that the MBA will continue to work with the ACT government this year, and next, to help our members implement these new laws. Finally, I would like to thank all of the members that attended the MBA Annual Dinner last month, especially those members that celebrated 20, 25 and 30 year membership milestones. Our members are our core, and we thank all of our members that have again renewed their MBA membership and continue to support the MBA.
Our industry has always been dominated by small and family businesses.