Hardwork In The Right Direction Always Pays Off SYED MAHMOOD NAQVI Vice President | MB Enterprises
Working hard for your goals is not only
better results. It not only holds
Why we need the right direction in the
part of the Self-development program,
measures to improve your capabilities
corporate world? A question that is
but it is also a part of your means to
in terms of the skills but also the
important in terms of the results
improve the entire picture. Hard work
various capacities you have been
achieved & directions gathered. The
always pays-off is a famous saying as
working in. Figuring out the right
right direction paves the way for many
you get what you struggle for
direction is indeed a necessity & the
people who are fresh in business or
intelligently and with an attitude of an
requirements of the modern times.
corporate life. Their goals are either
eager & hard worker. Paying rich
This includes according to your duties
scattered or the goals are not aligned
dividends is not the only goal most
and responsibilities and situations that
in their mind. Aligning your goals for
people want to work hard for, but they
can change with time. As they say
good results is the best practice, and
also want to learn the art of working
Time & Tide waits for no man, the
this is achieved with a highly skillful
question is “What’s The Best Time for
attitude if you are a business man. If
Hard work?”
you are a 9-5 corporate worker you should know your daily goals and your
However, learning the art of working hard signifies the various means of intelligence you can adapt for bigger &
mind should be aligned for your targets. Therefore, aligning your W W W. M B E F O RYOU. C O M