Relationship With Your Colleagues & Subordinates While Delivering Them What You Want The importance of having a proper direction & a roadmap
Syed mANSOOR Naqvi
before delivering it to your colleagues & sub-ordinates is
‘Relevance’ is a word which means sticking to something
something very pivotal. As a boss or a leader it should be
strictly towards what you are looking at in terms of a
your utmost responsibility & priority to make sure that your
road-map. Your idea as a leader must hold elements of
subordinates know what you want from them. Being precisely
relevance which means you know what you are looking for &
clear in your thoughts of how you think a certain task should
how you can communicate to your employees & sub-ordi-
be handled, is what the main priority is. You should be highly
nates in getting to what you want with relevance. Your
clear in your head as to what your agenda is & what you are
constant engagement with your employees & subordinates
looking for in terms of your key objectives. It’s just like
shows the level of importance of the relevance as to the
planning a journey to a certain place, but you are unable to
things you are looking for in a project. Hence, a project must
communicate it to the guiding device. Sometimes you know
be a complete projection of what you need from your employ-
where you are going, but the device is not telling you or
ees being a true leader.
guiding you properly with regards to the directions that you need.
THE IMPORTANCE OF RIGHT DIRCETIONS: Having the right directions & being guided correctly means
Play your role as a leader with full commitment and 100% vigor and energy so that your subordinate doesn’t get diverted or lost in the middle. Without having doubts on their capacities & capabilities, be a good communicator.
you have completed half of your job. Now you can be at the next big thing, if you know on paper what needs to be done
next, i.e. the next step. The importance of right directions in
An environment of success is what you must aim & wish to
your head as a leader should also mean that you can
create being a leader in your company or having a big role.
successfully communicate them to your subordinates or the
Friendly environment means you have created a passage of
person who is the key role player. As a role player, they must
communication between you and your subordinates. This
be clear in their head what their boss is looking forward from
passage or tunnel further helps your subordinates to commu-
them. The directives should be well planned, for emphasizing
nicate with authority & clarity with their subordinates. All-in-all
key words & be particularly clear in stating goals while
a friendly corporate environment always helps in getting the
functions. As an example, if you as a boss, is looking for a
deliverables right.
marketing strategy for a launch of a business product, then your goal should be marketing strategy instead of any
Your attitude as a manager or a leader counts the most for
different strategy that is irrelevant or can hold elements of
your employees while you transmit your thoughts over to