TSAWTB Section 2: The Creation Examined

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SECTION 2 THE CREATION EXAMINED Section 2.1 “LONG AGE” THEORIES There are several interpretations of the early chapters of Genesis that claim the period of creation was not in six days nor was it about six thousand years ago. Proponents of these views vary in what the time spans were, but they usually agree that it was probably to be reckoned in millions of years - usually in conformity with the times claimed by (or, rather, needed by) evolutionists. These are the immense periods of time invariably attached to the geological column. The main versions of Long Age interpretations are the Gap theory, the Day-age theory and Wiseman’s theory, which will now be examined.

A - The Gap Theory This is the proposal, accepted by many sincere Christians, that the correct translation of verse 2 in chapter 1 should be “and the earth became without form and void”. This view proposes that there was a first creation which lasted for millions of years. However, due to Satan’s rebellion, God destroyed all life forms, thus making the earth “become” a void. The remains of the organisms that were annihilated in that first judgement are claimed to be the fossils that are now to be found in the various rock strata beneath out feet. Charles Lyell had written his Principles of Geology in the 1830’s, in which he had claimed that examination of the geological strata showed that it must have taken in the order of many thousands, if not millions, of years for the various layers to have been laid down. Christians realised that this neatly undermined the credibility of Genesis which gave only six days as the period during which God created the heavens and the earth and a date for creation at about 4000 BC. As I have pointed out (Bow82), Lyell admitted that he wrote this work specifically to undermine a literal belief in Genesis. It provided the huge time spans needed by the theory of evolution. Gradually Lyell’s view became more accepted by scientists and a few churchmen, until it began to predominate. This forced those who believed the Bible was God’s word to re-examine it to see if there could be any accommodation between the Biblical account and the new “scientific” viewpoint. The Gap theory arose which sought to pour all the necessary “millions of years” into the gap which was held to exist between verses one and two, when their translation was reconsidered. This view was first propounded in 1814 by Dr Thomas Chalmers mainly to combat the long ages proposed by Hutton and later Lyell. It later achieved both publicity and respectability by being included in the footnotes to the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. There are today some in the U.K. who still hold to this theory, whilst acceptance of the view is much more widespread in America. There are, however, a number of objections to it, from both a spiritual and scientific point of view. The most thorough critical examination of the theory to our knowledge is that set out by John Whitcomb (Whitco65) and the following is a brief review of his main arguments. (i) There is no record of the important subject of the “original” creation of the earth; only one verse refers to it. Surely more space in the Bible would

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