TSAWTB Concluding Thoughts / The Final Curtain

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SOME CONCLUDING THOUGHTS This work has ranged over many subjects, and it is hoped that the reader has been able to share the excitement experienced on discovering some of the interesting facts that support the Biblical record. It became increasingly clear that several items would not meet with wide approval. Indeed, those who agree with all that has been written will be very few in number. It would have been very easy to have produced a “popular” work, repeating much that has appeared in other books. Research, however, showed that there was much wrong, not just with the current views of the public that have been carefully manipulated by the media to agree with evolution, but with some creationist concepts also. This is unlikely to endear the book to the wider Christian media. For example, the decrease in the speed of light is still out of favour with many creationist organisations, and questioning the basis of creationist geology may also earn disapproval. Several subjects are far from being Politically Correct and Reformed Doctrine annoys some. To suggest any evolutionist conspiracies is to be “paranoid”. To espouse geocentricity disgraces the creationist movement and is equated to dragging it back to Medieval times! One can appreciate the unwillingness of some editors, chairmen and stalwarts of creationism not to be “tarred with the same brush” as this writer will doubtless be. Yet, strangely, very many readers have expressed their appreciation of past works and of sections that have been forwarded of this. Fully aware of all these factors operating, they have been deliberately ignored for there has been one overriding question that has dominated the composing of this book. This has been touched upon several times already in different ways, for it is the important question when examining evidence: “Is it the Truth?” - as far as can be reasonably ascertained, that is. Where there are several conflicting views, the question is: “Which is nearest to the Truth?” - not, “Which will support my view?” As will have been seen, this has resulted more than once in sections having to be completely rewritten when sound but contradictory evidence has come to hand. Similarly, wherever error has been found, this has been highlighted so that it may no longer mislead others. Of course, this is not to claim that this book is “true”, but it is the nearest reasonable approach that this author could make to that ultimate goal. Where any statement is incorrect, evidence that demonstrates this is welcomed. In view of the opposition that this work will doubtless encounter, no great sales are expected, but should future editions ever be needed, they will be corrected with the best information available. Several questions remain unanswered and these are left as a challenge to those more able, to use what is accurate in this work and then fill in the many gaps still visible in the creationist’s explanation of the universe. Blessed by God in not having to “tone down” or “trim my sails” to any winds of criticism or commercial pressures, the author leaves this book, warts and all, to the mercy of the reader. What is absolutely certain is that when the whole purpose of this wonderful creation is finally revealed to a waiting world, there will be no doubt whatsoever that: “True Science Agreed with the Bible”

THE FINAL CURTAIN In this work, we have tried to examine some of the evidence that supports the biblical account of creation. As we have suggested more than once, the reader is unlikely to fundamentally change his viewpoint by what he has read. If he is a Bible-believing Christian he will already be convinced of the facts of creation, and it is hoped that this volume may have been of some benefit in enlarging his understanding of the amazing world in which he finds himself, and how it came to be in its present form. For the convinced evolutionist, there may be considerable interest in a number of the topics touched upon, but no conviction that they are part of a creation by a omnipotent God. We have shown how rationalists, humanists etc. will concoct and proclaim the most ludicrous of theories rather than accept the humbling of their proud spirit that is required of all True Christians. In surveying the whole of creation, the Flood, the Cross and the final Judgement, it can be looked upon as The Great Drama of the Universe. As we grow up from childhood, we find we are an inhabitant of a strange, demanding, frightening yet generally enjoyable world. We go to school, get some knowledge of the world, marry, have children, strive at our workplace for promotion, hopefully achieve some degree of prominence amongst our peers, get older, retire, and eventually die - leaving the stage for the next generation to make of it what they can. Everyone, surely, at some point in their life must ask themselves “What is life really all about�! As we go through our lives, we are like actors in this Great Drama of the Universe. We have our entry lines and having played our parts, finally leave the stage and await the Final Curtain call. The whole play is being watched by The Author and his helpers, but the house lights are down and we cannot see past the brightness of the footlights. However, at one point, the Author came onto the stage, demonstrated for us just how we should be playing our roles, and His death, though hardly noticed, was the pivotal point of the play. He left an outline of His script for all the players and He promised those who recognised who He was that they would live for eternity with Him in His glory. Like many plays, ours will have a very dramatic conclusion. Following this, every player who has ever taken part will gather for the final curtain call. The stage will be completely filled with all the past players for this great event, and it is then that the audience will show their appreciation of the play. The house lights will go up and every player will be completely dazzled by the brilliance of the glorious spectacle before them. And then the curtain will fall for the last time. But like all stage curtains, it will fall some distance back from the edge of the stage. Those at the front will receive their accolades and will be thrilled to be invited to dine with the author. For those behind the falling curtain, however, to their utter astonishment, they will be plunged into total darkness, and all hell will be let loose. In view of this scenario, may I leave the reader with just one question? ...Which side of the curtain will YOU be on?....

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