APP OC Starway 2019

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In July as local entities we need: ยง A touch point between our fruit and fish peak. ยง Value delivery training, we are starting our fruit peak. ยง Empower all members in the local entities. ยง Understand the national plan for the next term.

We shoot aiming to be among the start, we have to create a path to make it happen, that is our star way.

That is the reason of Starway, aiming to have spaces of empowerment for all the leaders of each entities, fastening the process and assuring a value delivery with high standards and the launch of national plan for next term.

Application Launch APRIL 25

Application Deadline OCP: APRIL 29


Challenge and Interviews OC: OCP: APRIL 29 TO MAY 1 MAY 3 - 4

OC Announcement MAY 5




To apply to the OC Starway 2019 have a valid application, you are expected to send one PDF file (Just one) with the name: “yourname_OC_Starway_2019” to, and before your deadline for your request to correspond. Any late applications, even by 1 minute, and even for technical reasons/ laptop failure/ website problems won’t be accepted.

Check List - Minimum font size 10. Should be all answered by the candidates in no more than 10 pages and should be in English. - CV: Include your most important information, personal, academic and AIESEC experience. - The First page will be your Profile and Executive Summary (Include Name, LC, mail, phone number, Facebook link) - Endorsements: - Your LCP 2019 - Someone who you led - External

OC Structure** OCP OCVP Finance

OCVP Delegates Experience


OC Sales for Delegates Manager

OCVP Logistics



OCVP Business Development

OC Sales for logistics Manager


OC DX&Comm Director

OC Business Development Manager

Youth Speak Forum Director

These roles must be from Bucaramanga * **This structure could change at the time of the Announcement

OCP JOB DESCRIPTION OCP will be responsible for create and track the OC Team, she or he has to ensure a great conference for the OC, Delegates and Conference Team. Also, the OCP has to deliver a sustainable Conference and work with ER to ensure sponsors for the event.




•Create with the help of the OC Manager the OC structure. •Create a Budget and OC Management system, report and share with the Conference Manager. •Have weekly mee>ng with the Conference Manager. •The OCP will create and share a weekly newsleAer with updates and next steps for the Conference Team (OCVP’s, OC Members, CM and MC). •Visit the venue at least two weeks before the conference. If is necessary to make another’s visits the OCP has to assist. (The OCP has to cover the travel ensures). •Have weekly mee>ng with the OCVP ś . •The OCP and the ER team have to share with the CM and PD any propose for sponsors, the CM and PD has to approve it and then can be send to the company or organiza>on. •Assist to weebinars from the NFT OC Manager.


•Ensure the quality of the conference. •Be part of the morning and final check wih the Conference Team.

Accountable to: Conference Manager

Background: • OC Member experience • VP experience • TL experience


•Present the final report and the Finance execution report to the MC and Assembly. •Transition for next OCP.



(Finance Legal and Management)

In charge of managing and controlling the financial resources, incomes and expenses of the event, in order to guarantee and deliver a sustainable event. Also responsible of verifying agreements with sponsors and creator of a risk plan.

KPI • • • •


• • • • • •

Accountable to: OCP and CM During

Background: • • • • •

Financial knowledge. EB/OC Experience. Organized and proactive. Strategic thinking. Solution oriented.


• • • • • •

To create the budged for the event. To train the OC about the expenses processes and the payments to suppliers. To verify and keep a track of the OCVPs budget. To manage the cash in everything related to purchases and materials needed. To ascertain and keep safely every invoice ticket. To present a weekly financial report. Responsible of maintaining the accountability of the event. To support ER activities. To do a follow up of the budget: executed vs. planned. To manage the cash in everything related to the purchase of the materials needed. To verify and keep safely every invoice ticket. To support the events logistic. To deliver products and do the financial closing of the store. Final activity report. Conferences financial closing. Transition for next OCVP F&M





• Guarantee the best accommodation conditions and experience to the delegates. • Guarantee a risk plan. • To communicate with the EPs and delegates. • In synergy with DX to do the registration of the delegates. • To create a tool to request the letters or permission for the assistants • In synergy with IT manager co-create the application system • To do ER for the welcome package. • Create a housing strategy.

(Delegate Experience )

In charge of the registration, attention and communication with the delegates. He/ she should propose fast and affective solutions to each delegate, guarantee the risk plan and to deliver the best experience and To support ER activities. Accountable to: OCP and CM

Background: • • • • •

EB/OC Experience Organized and Proactive Team management. Sales and negotiation speech. Service attitude



• Wow moment for the delegates during the conference. • Logistical support. • Lost and found strategies. • VIP conditions. • EPs communication. • Final activity report. • Transition for next OC DE





• Guarantee the best accommodation conditions and experience to the delegates. • Guarantee a risk plan. • To communicate with the EPs and delegates. • In synergy with DX to do the registration of the delegates. • To create a tool to request the letters or permission for the assistants • In synergy with IT manager co-create the application system • To do ER for the welcome package. • Create a housing strategy.

(Sales for Delegate Managers )

In charge of the registration, attention and communication with the chief of delegates. He/ she should propose fast and affective solutions to each delegate, guarantee the risk plan and to deliver the best experience and To support ER activities. Accountable to: OCVP DE

Background: • • • • •

EB/OC Experience Organized and Proactive Team management. Sales and negotiation speech. Service attitude



• Wow moment for the delegates during the conference. • Logistical support. • Lost and found strategies. • VIP conditions. • EPs communication. • Final activity report. • Transition for next OC DE




To respond to all logistic necessities for the event, that mainly include the luggage, transport, food, materials, audiovisuals, appetizers and the different needs for each session, responsible of guarantying the flow of each session and the logistics satisfaction and also responsible of process automation for the conference.


Accountable to: OCP and CM

Background: • • • •

EB/OC Experience Organized and Proactive Team management. Sales and negotiation speech.




• To create an effective logistics team structure. • To create a sustainable budget for all the logistical needs. • To create a tool to request the materials and to keep track of them. • Guarantee a risk plan. • To coordinate all the logistical necessities for the event (video beam, sound system, gifts, materials, nice meals for the delegates, etc.) • ER activities for the materials. • To execute every logistical detail during the event. • To handle and manage the OC as logistics support. • Final activity report. • Materials inventory. • Transition for next OC LOG





• To guarantee the spaces for the development of the special events. • To develop tools for the registration of the assistants. • To create a logistic plan that guarantees the success of the event. • To create a contingency plan. • If needed, to create in synergy with DX&COMM the promotional material and diffusion of the events. • In synergy with DE, to make sure all the delegates have the information of the special events. • Sinergy with ER to guarantee the basic needs.

(Sales for Logistics & YSF Director)

He/she will be responsible of delivering, on time and in the right way, the special events such as YSF , ESTSummit, PM&VPM and possible extra agendas that need to be developed before Starway. Also responsible of the integration activities and the Gala night, of guarantying the flow of each session and the logistics satisfaction. Accountable to: OCVP LOG

Background: • • • • •

EB/OC Experience Organized and Proactive Team management Sales and negotiation skills Service attitude



• To execute a logistical plan: check in, spaces location, materials, delegates and CT meals, check out. • WOW moments during the agendas. • Final activity report. • Transition for next OC SE





• To create an effective team structure. • To work in synergy with DE, SE and Logistics. • To create a new strategic segmentation of new companies and potential sponsor. • To execute and realize meetings with companies with the purpose of establishing sponsorships. • To make sure that the relations with companies that are already established, have all the legal documentation in order requested by the MC.


• To ensure the best conference for the delegates. • To ensure the best experience for the sponsors. • To support Logistics.


• Final activity report. • To close or continue every established relation with a company or sponsor. • Transition for next OC ER

(Business Development)

In charge of establishing alliances and sponsorships to guarantee the sustainability of the event; meanwhile to manage a team to make more massive the consecution of resources in different cities.

Accountable to: OCP and CM

Background: • • • •

Sales skills EB/OC experience ER experience Team management



(Digital & Comm Experience)

Principal responsible of the conferences image, the content generation, digital strategies and diffusion in all the AIESEC and external network.


Accountable to: OCP and CM

Background: • Design knowledge and video editing. • Organized and proactive. • Social Media. • Administration of the information. • Creative thinking.




• Generation and diffusion of the promotional material (hashtags, social networks) • To promote the conference to all local committees. • To work in synergy with ER to generate sales material. • To work in synergy with DE to do the production and diffusion of materials to all delegates. • Responsible of the audiovisual material. • To generate a daily bulletin or video to inform the delegates and the AIESEC network about every day of the congress. • To organize the official congress picture with all the delegates. • To generate a dynamic communication during the conference with all delegates. • To participate in the logistical part of the event. • Final activity report. • generate a photo album and the final video. • Transition for next OC DX

1. What are the main challenges for the Starway 2019 and how would you tackle them? 2. What is your vision as OC for Starway 2019? What are your MOS’s that will determine the success of this conference? 3. Under a realistic scenario, how would you ensure at least the finance breakeven point (“punto de equilibrio”) at the end of the conference? Mention 3 strategies.




Present your plan for team standards delivery taking into account the structure (OCVPs and OC members), with timeline and MOS. List 3 GCPs and 3 BCPs about Financial situation from previous events and how are you going to prevent the BCPs from happening again? What will be your action plan to attack those BCPs, be specific. ER is the biggest source of incomes to make possible the sustainability of the event, what would be the goal of ER that you would put? How would you really make possible this goal in your two months? also make a plan that shows how ER's revenue would be generated.










Make the budget taking into account the 3 scenarios, optimistic, realistic and pessimistic. Create an action plan for skyline being sustainable, can involve ER, DE, F&LM and LOG. If 400 delegates assist to the event and each of them pays a fee of $485.000 COP, how would you distribute the operative expenses of each area? How will you quantify the occasional risks during the event per area? Please take into account your previous budget.

BD ER is the biggest source of incomes to make possible the sustainability of the event, what would be the goal of ER that you would put? How would you really make possible this goal in your two months? also make a plan that shows how ER's revenue would be generated. Imagine you are contacting a company that is interested in participating in our event. Write a sales speech (or letter). Make a segmentation of at least 10 companies in cities such as MedellĂ­n, Barranquilla and Cali so that we can contact at the time of being elected.




List 3 GCPs and 3 BCPs about logistics from previous events and how are you going to prevent the BCPs from happening again? What will be your action plan to attack those BCPs. Find a way to make sustainable the amount of materials requested by the MC. Create a contingency/action plan in case the number of sessions is greater than the number of OC members . How are you going to generate earnings through Youth For Global Goals Day? Justify your answer and create a timeline.

2. 3.


DE 1. 2.

Reflect on a timeline how your synergy with DX and IT is going to be, taking into account and writing down your top priorities to accomplish your applicants goal and write it down. (Your goal). Mention what would be your wow moment per conference day, taking into account that you must be sustainable in order to do them; this means do not generate more expenses. Be creative, think big, be innovative and think of your synergies.

DX & COMM 1. (Just DX) Create an imagen, a GIF AND a 10 seconds video where you show 2.


the graphic line you will use during the event. (both) Create a content grid where you establish from June 1st until July 20 the way you will manage the publications on the social networks of the event in order to assure the assistance of 450 delegates and to satisfy the needs of your main synergies. (Just IT) List 3 GCPs and 3 BCPs about IT from previous Events and how are you going to prevent the BCPs from happening again? What will be your action plan to attack those BCPs.



Juliรกn Suรกrez Moreno Presidente Local Bucaramanga +57 315 631 0389 Santiago Aguilar Hanabergh Director Nacional de Conferencias +57 300 352 9073

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