Shape Colombia - Application Booklet

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up to the moment, more than 90.000 children and teenagers of the city have had the opportunity to access the aulas de inmersion project, being in contact with international talent, intercultural learning and, what is maybe the biggest earning, having the opportunity to know the world within their very own classroom. 896 international cooperators (trainees), from

68 different nationalities have taken the role of facilitators in 50 public schools, they have also “taken the risk” to trust and stay in Colombia, becoming also ambassadors of the stories our country hast to tell. Currently, the Secretaría de Educación del Distrito – SED Bogotá is the biggest and one of the most important partners of AIESEC in Colombia, encouraging our organization to improve and strength its performance on high scale •

projects management and impact delivery. We are also taking an active and direct part on the development path of the city and the country, which also makes us one of the leaders and most

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important contributors to the relevance and positioning of AIESEC as a global leadership development organization.

Check out the following links for more information about the project:: •

Pedagogy & Impact Specialist Pedagogy & Impact Specialist


Finance Manager

Senior C. For Legality

SENA Intern For Finance

Operations Manager

Senior C. For Quality & Process

Mkt & Comm Specialist

Senior C. For Operations

Social Media NST

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

School Coord.

Showcasing NST

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• English level: Good • Spanish Level: Proficiency • Academic and working experience

in finance • Project Management background • Negotiation skills

- Responsible of controlling and following up the budget approved at the association agreement's starting minute, creation of financial strategies that contribute to the optimization of resources inside the agreement's object.

- Generate strategies and guarantee previously established processes, ensuring that 100% of the international volunteers can count with a migratory status that allows them to work inside the immersion rooms according to the current migratory regulations. - Creation of monthly reports where 100% of the evidence that demonstrates the correct use of the budget according to the plan.

- Generation of KPIs tracking tools for the finance and legality team, weekly updated.

• Open for any nationality

• English level: Advance • Spanish Level: Proficiency • Advance knowledge in AIESEC in

Colombia and the Ministry's legal standards. • Knowledge Management.

• Responsible for the trainee’s legal processes, which includes the follow-up to the visa issuing process, recollection of the necessary documents so that the trainees can join the project with a correct legal status, subscription to the Colombian National Systems, compilation of every document required by AIESEC in Colombia related to legality and constant tracking to the legal process of the trainees, during its time in the country. • Manage the visa issuing process according to AIESEC in Colombia and the Ministry's standards, organization of AIESEC's legal procedures, compilation and notification of every document that every trainee should count with in order to take an internship. • Check and modified (if necessary) the agreements made between AIESEC in Colombia. • Direct communication with the Finance and Legality Manager.

• Previous Experience in Shape Colombia

• Open for any nationality • English level: Proficiency • Spanish Level: Proficiency • Team Management Skills • Project Management Background

• In charge of the planning and follow-up to the implementation of the operations of the project, as in selection process of the Volunteers and introduction to the Immersion Rooms, trainings for the Immersion Room activities (IPS), assignment and reconnaissance visits to the Volunteers, managing and delivering technical monthly reports to 'SED', compilation, management and delivery of the Students Matrix with a demographic analysis of the impact of the project. • Managing the communication with the Education Department – Secretaria de Educacion 'SED' must develop strategies in conjunction that guarantee the fully compliance of the association agreement's minimum requirements.

• Negotiation Skills

• In charge of the planning and follow-up to the execution of the necessary strategies to fully comply with AIESEC's global compendium.

• Solution Oriented

• Generation of KPIs tracking tools for the Operations team, weekly updated.

• Open for any nationality

• English level: Proficiency • Spanish Level: Proficiency • Management Background

• Team Management Skills • Negotiation Skills • Solution Oriented

• In charge of the daily operation, follow-up and execution on AIESEC's behalf of the Immersion Rooms project implementation in each and every of the schools (Room or Interest Center). • Leading a Schools and Trainees Coordinator’s team and guarantying strategies that allow them to carry-out the correct execution of the project in the previously assigned schools. • Measure of the team's workload, International Volunteers assignment to each school, assignment and follow-up to visits (Introduction, follow-up and Closing) done to the Immersion Rooms, Trainees Replacements processes, Reports of the state of the art and any reported case in the schools that take part in the project, attendance to specific meetings, follow-up and report of the execution of the project, participation in the operations committee. • Direct communication with the Operations Manager. • Generation of KPIs tracking tools for the Coordinators team, weekly updated.

• Open for any nationality

This person's responsibilities are divided in two stages:

• English level: Proficiency

Stage 1: Recruitment: In this stage, this person is in charge of designing and leading the execution of the international Volunteers selection process. Including follow-up to International cooperation's, follow-up to the selection weekly goals, check every applicant's criminal record with their passport number, etc.

• Spanish Level: Proficiency

Stage 2: After the selection process: In the second stage, this person will be the one in charge of developing processes and systems that guarantee the quality of the project from two approaches: •

Agreement's approach: This person will examine that the processes that AIESEC is carrying out that correspond to direct deliverables to the agreement and that are directly related to the operations of the project, are being carried out effectively and if not, help in the design of a process/system that complies with it (would evaluate said process) For example: (Payments, visits, reports).

AIESEC's approach: Analyze and improve the internal processes of the project, and/or each of the operative units, guarantying that these comply with AIESEC International policies minimum requirements, (information, expectations compliance, LEAD, IPS) Manage the cases where the failure to fulfill said policies, is demonstrated. In the event of evidencing any issue, it must revise and improve the process together with the Senior or Specialist with whom said problem is related to. Carry out the NPS survey and develop strategies to manage promoters, passives and detractors.

• Management Background

• Team Management Skills • Negotiation Skills • Solution Oriented

• Open for any nationality

The Schools and Trainees Coordinator is in charge of the daily follow-up of its

• English level: Proficiency

international volunteers team assigned by the Operations Corner, carrying out a

• Spanish Level: Proficiency

daily follow-up to the attendance of said volunteers and/or ensuring a

replacement when needed, also guarantying the delivery of every report • Management Background

corresponding to its assigned schools. On the other hand, carry out planned

• Team Management Skills

visits and supply documentary evidence of their assigned Immersion Rooms,

• Negotiation Skills

reporting and carrying out improvement processes in conjunction with the SED

• Solution Oriented

Coordinator when necessary.

• Open for any nationality • English level: Proficiency • Spanish Level: Proficiency • Pedagogy Background • Team Management Skills

• Negotiation Skills • Solution Oriented

In charge of the follow-up and execution of reports and pedagogic processes, that may come up in the Immersion Rooms of the Schools taking part in the project. Revision of the impact of the project as in the English level of the kids, attendance and continuity of said kids, guarantying pedagogical training spaces that allow the

international volunteers, the correct implementation of the sessions in the Immersion Room, support in the evaluation and pedagogical support to the volunteers, training workshops to coordinators and volunteers for reports and pedagogical processes, visits to schools with special cases, follow-up and reports to the state of the execution of the curriculum in each and every one of the Immersion Rooms, attendance to

specific meetings, Impact report, etc.

• Open for any nationality

Management of the project's communication channels, both internal and

• English level: Proficiency

external, ensuring information flow standards, graphics, branding and absolute

• Spanish Level: Proficiency

understanding of the messages. Manuals, standards and processes graphic

design. Publicity material, management of social media, graphics for events and • Graphic design Background

presentations, POP material design, newsletters (internal and external), creation

• Team Management Skills

and recovery of content, support in the communication channels. Develop

• Negotiation Skills

showcasing strategies, monthly video graphic material creation for the SED

• Solution Oriented

report and promotion of the project in AIESEC. Generation of KPIs tracking tools for its team, weekly updated.

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