MC staff 1617 - Application

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Aiesec for colombia Member Committee Staff 16.17 Applications!

Application Deadline: May 8, 11:11 Pm (GMT-5)

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Application Package Web & IT Manager JD Brand Manager (Youth & Enablers) JD Communications Manager JD Conference Manager JD Questionnaire Selection Timeline Gen 16-17! Here we Go!






Application Package To apply for the MC Staff 1617 of AIESEC in Colombia and have a valid application, you are expected to send a .zip file to before May 8 11:11 Pm (GMT-5). Any late applications, even by 1 minute, and even for technical reasons/ laptop failure/ website problems won’t be accepted !

Notes: "  Minimum font size 10. You may add a cover page to your Questionnaires, it won’t count in the allowed amount of pages.

The File must include the following criteria: 1.  2.  3.  4.

Your CV: Include your most important information. You may use any format, Maximum 2 Pages Questionnaire: Should be answered by all candidates Blank Page Challenge: How can we Transform an AIESEC in Colombia into an AIESEC for Colombia? Endorsements: Please attach 2 endorsements, one from your Home LC and one from someone who led you.

Web &IT Manager 1 spot Report to: MCVP DX Salary: 1’000,000 Time Frame: June 2016- December 2016 Hours: Part Time

job Description The Web & IT manager is responsible for the management of the information and technology platforms used in AIESEC in Colombia to carry out exchanges and organizational processes, management and development of the Web Site of the organization and the search, analysis and implementation of platforms to give solution to the organizational needs.

requirements "  "  "  "  "  "

"  English Level: Good Fast-Responding Web programming, HTML "  Wordpress Management Framework of a WebSite Google Apps

Management Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools Search Engine Optimization: SEO / SEM, Management platforms (Podio, START, EXPA, etc)

Main functions IT "


Manage existing platforms and the future ones that we will use to organizational processes of AIESEC in Colombia. "  Managing technological infrastructure in the office of AIESEC in Colombia. "  Support of platforms: Opportunities Portal + Start + EXPA + Podio + Google apps, etc. (Education, installation, management). "  Management of permissions and policies of platforms. "  Analysis and implementation of technology platforms as a solution to organizational needs. WEB "  Development and management of the website. (Usability and navigability). "  Administration server, database and applications (Hosting, backend, updating, plugins, backup, etc.). "  Optimize indexing the website and the opportunities portal (SEO) in Internet search engines. "  Ensure wouldn't violate the rules of Google and other search engines that may penalize the web site and the traffic. "  Monitoring and reporting of server performance statistics, upload speed, accessibility, navigability, etc.

BRAND MANAGER 2 SPOTS Report to: MCVP DX Salary: 1’000,0000 Time Frame: June 2016- December 2016 Hours: Part Time

jOB Description The Brand Manager is responsible for developing the graphic content of the campaigns in a creative and compelling way to capture and attract potential customers as a result of strategic brand. Must ensure the graphic unit generating useful material to implement in different media and provide graphic guidelines for care AIESEC in Colombia brand at national and local level.

requirements "  "  "  "  "

Creative thinking Teamwork Work under pressure and agility to design Google apps Fast-Responding

"  "  "

Knowledge in digital graphic design Adobe Suite management Visual sensitivity to find the balance between communication and design

Main functions "  "  "  "  "


Co-create in planning campaigns. Design of graphic material for campaigns. Creating advertising texts for campaigns. Design and animation banners. Propose graphic innovation ideas and content for the implementation of the campaigns. "  Make reports of activities undertaken. "  Enduring graphic material requirements at locally. "  Ensure the accomplishment of policies for brand management AIESEC in Colombia. *The two Spots are: "  Brand Manager for youth (OGX + TXP) "  Brand Manager for Enablers (ICX)

comm Manager Report to: MCVP OD Salary: 700,000 Time Frame: June 2016- December 2016 Hours: 30 Hours

job Description Responsible of AIESEC in Colombia’s organizational communication and run the Internal Campaigns Strategy. The Organizational comm Manager is expected to execute the MC communication strategy in the internal communication channels of AIESEC in Colombia, also to create campaigns and content for the strategy. The Organizational comm Manager is also expected to work by the hand of MCVP OD to enable and communicate the current strategies of national office.

(1) Spot

requirements "  "  "  "  "  "

English Level: Good Spanish Level: Excellent TLP Experience Design and social media Skills Content and campaigns creation Skills Knowledge/Experience on internal comm.

Main functions "  "  "  "  "  "

Help us achieve our overall organizational objectives Engage effectively with stakeholders Demonstrate the success of our work Ensure people understand what we do Change behaviors and perceptions where necessary Organizational communication plan creation.

Main plan elements "  "  "


Media management Audio-visual management Social media management "  Facebook MC page "  Youtube channel "  Instagram MC Account reation "  Internal mailing "  Operational Challenge

Conference manager Report to: MCVP BD & MCVP Finances Salary: 1’000,000 COP Time Frame: May 2016- May 2017 Hours: 40 Hours

job Description Responsible of the financial sustainability and Partnership Development Strategy of national conferences. The conference manager is expected to manage the OCs Team. The Conference Manager is also expected to create & executing financial strategies to guarantee susta in a bility a nd Growth of Nation a l Conferences

requirements "  "  "  "  "

Spot open only for Nationals English Level: Good OC Experience Management Background Sales/Account Mgmt. XP

"  "  "  "  "

Team Mgmt. Skills Negotiation Skills Market Understanding Customer Service Skills Solutions-Oriented

Main functions


•  Monitor and review the financial strategy for the AIESEC Highway •  Manage the events financial health •  Ensure the event’s financial sustainability •  Cash Flow management of Conferences •  Co-Create and coordinate Customer Loyalty strategy for Conference Partners •  Go To market Strategies among with OCs ER Team. •  Guarantee Legality in the event •  Plan all the special logistical activities, before, during and after the event. •  Execute every logistic detail in special events during the event. •  When the time comes, lead the logistics in the event.

Selection Timeline MAY










Application Guidelines & Manual Of Functions for MC Staff 16.17 Of AIESEC in Colombia are released!

Until May 8 at 11:11 Pm GMT-5 we’ll be receiving all MC Staff 1617 Apps. Within 24 Hours we will notify who are the official Applicants!

The official Applicants will be contacted an notified if they will pass to the next Interviews phase based on their application

We will announce, who will join the MC Staff 1617!





Web & it questionnaire

1- Haga una análisis comparativo de herramientas y/o soluciones tecnológicas para automatizar el envío de correos y encuestas de satisfacción. 2 - Desarrolle una propuesta de SEO para el Sitio Web de AIESEC en Colombia, incluye lista de palabras clave 3 - ¿Cuáles son las principales fortalezas y debilidades del Sitio Web de AIESEC en Colombia?


Desarrolle una campaña institucional de AIESEC para Facebook, incluyendo los siguientes puntos: Concepto de campaña,Target , Objetivos de campaña

Línea gráfica: Diseño de 3 piezas en los siguientes tamaños. - 1200px x 628px (20% imagen - 80% texto) - GIF: 800px x 800px -  Page cover Facebook: 851px x 315px 2.

Responda los siguientes comentarios como si fuera el Community Manager de la Fan Page de AIESEC en Colombia.

« Carlos A: No viajo por que soy pobre pero tengo un amigo negro. Eso cuenta como tener amigos de otra cultura y etnia ??? » « Sandra G: Todo muy bonito pero uno a Los 25 no llega con plata!!! Estas imagenes van para los hijos de mami y papi, Asi que eso tendra que esperar 10 a 15 añitos mas!! » « Camilo S: Esto es publicidad engañosa, solo te escriben para que trabajes gratis para ellos y sean otros los que ganen dinero, AIESEC es un fraude, te brindan malas experiencias. » 3.

¿Cuáles son las principales fortalezas y debilidades de la publicidad realizada en la Fan Page de AIESEC en Colombia?

Brand managers


1. Plantee un plan de comunicaciones internas donde use e integre las redes sociales de la oficina nacional de AIESEC en Colombia, siéntase libre de poner dentro del plan diferentes campañas y sea creativo con los recursos audiovisuales.

Comm questionnaire

2. ¿Cómo podemos hacer que el MC Fan Page llegue a 8.000 seguidores? 3. ¿Cómo hacemos para que el 80% de la membresía de AIESEC en Colombia este informada, comunicada y enterada de lo que sucede con la organización en el país? Plantee un cronograma de comunicaciones donde evidencia por mes mínimo 3 actividades para que esto suceda. 4. ¿Cómo podemos desarrollar todo el plan de premios y reconocimientos a través de los canales de comunicación interna?

1.  2.  3.


¿Cómo aseguraria no solo la sostenibildad, sino también ganancias de los eventos? ¿Cómo garantizaría que las inversiones que se hagan tengan un retorno a la inversión claro? Tomando en consideración que como AIESEC en Colombia queremos alcanzar y llegar a muchos mercados, proponga como usted trabajaría en sinergia con el equipo de BD en términos de manejo de cuentas, acercamiento al mercado pero sobre todo la estrategia de relacionamiento externo. Cree un calendario con los milestones logísticos de cada conferencia dentro del AIESEC Highway.






Aiesec for colombia

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