MCS 2017.2 [Applicationn Booklet - 2 Round]

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Specialist | Team Experience

Job Description Create national strategies in order to innovate the Team Experiences , focus in the development of leadership of each member who believes in our organization as the key to develop themselves, but also strategies that allow the team perfomance and productivity to achieve them goals , without forget the quality of each experience that we provide. • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 15 Hours per week • Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MCVP in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure Education for the TXP Network • Provide to the network educational material to support the process

Requiriments • Talent Management or Human Resources knowledge (Preferred) • Knowledge about HR Tendences (Preferred) • Creative and Innovative Thinking • Self Learning skills • Analytics Skills • Make decisions skills • Understand the TXP Role and general framework at Global, National and Local LeveL • TL/NST/VP Experience Report To: MCVP TXP

Structure MCVP TXP

Coach Leader

Coach Member

Coach Member

Specialist (3 Spots)

Coach Member

Coach Member

Spots Available

Questions 1. Choose an external HR process that you know and set how it can be implemented in TXP for AIESEC in Colombia? 2. Please set the three main bottle necks you identify in the area and propose a creative way to improve it. 3. Which are the strategies TXP needs to lead in order to Keep, Develop and Complete the experiences of our teams, without forget the Team Standards.

Specialist | OD

Job Description | Project Manager R&R Date: August 2017 - January 2018 15 Hours per week - Monthly Report - MCs Meetings - Create the R & R system for AIESEC in Colombia. - Ensure understanding of the R & R system in the membership of AIESEC in Colombia. - Run the communications plan of the R & R system. - Create and execute the award system for local entities. Requiriments • English Level: Good • Spanish Level: Excellent • TL Experience • Design and social media Skills Report To: MCVP OD & ODD Specialized 2 Questions 1. What is the importance of the R & R system for AIESEC in Colombia? - What do you think should be the evolution of the current system? 2. Propose the main bases for the R & R system 17.18: values, purpose and an idea for the system in general.



OD Directors Dual Core

OD Directors Specialized 1

OD Directors Specialized 2

OD Directors Start UP

Project Manager R&R

National Expansion Team

Spots Available

Specialist | PD

Job Description | Corporate & UR The person is responsible of innovation of sub products and sales. Support network with sales consultancy. Responsible for sales challenges. Develop marketing business for increasing sales. Develop with the national office strategies for improve attraction for organizations. Work on implement of CRM national tool. Job Description | Government Date: August 2017 - January 201815 Hours per week- Weekly Reports.- PD Government team meetings.- In charge of the market approach, follow up and CRM of the accounts in their cities.- Responsible of the Co - sales strategy with the local entities.- Ensure the development of innovative strategies, with the PD team, in order to improve sales nationally.

Structure MCVP PD

PD Corporate 1

PD Corporate 2


PD Governmen t

Specialist (4 Spots)

Specialist (4 Spots)

Specialist (4 Spots)

Specialist (3 Spots)

Spots Available

Requiriments • Communication and sales skills • Critical Thinking • Solution Oriented • Fast Learning • VP Experience (Preferred)

Questions | Corpoate & UR 1. What do you think should be the main focus of a MCs role? How will you spread the time of your week in order to approach all these topics? 2. What strategies would you make to improve co-sales with the LCs? 3. Besides the current product portfolio, what additional product would you implement to engage our partners in a more strategic and impactful way?

Report To: MCVP PD | PD Directors

Questions | Government 1. Taking into account the governmental context in your city, pick 5 public entities and make an innovaitve proposal in order to initiate a project with each of them. 2. Make a co-sales strategy plan in order to work alongside the local entities in the next 6 months. Please, represent it with timelines. 3. What do you think that should be the main focus as a MCs for PD Government? Which are the key milestones that you want to achieve as MCs for PD Government?"

*Important 1. The spots available for PD government are only for entities in Barranquilla, Medellin and Bogota. 2. For PD Corporate and UR you will find one available position per zone.

Specialist | IT & WEB

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018. • Create and develop national strategies to standardize and optimize processes in national operations. • Search for platforms, methologies, tools which can help us to develop initiatives that optimize processes. • Promote IT initatives in national network, ensuring that they are feasible, replicable, practical to implement. • Execute educational strategies for LCs in order that they can continue to easily learn use of tools/platforms. • Update and refine existing tools. • Invest at least 10 hours per week to MCS and deliver monthly report. Requiriments • Interested in data analysis / data-based decisions • Knowledge of ICX and OGX Customer Flow • Programming Skills (Optional) • Self-learning skills • Recursive and Solution Oriented“

Structure MCVP IT&WEB

Specialist Leader

Specialist Member

Specialist Member

Report To: MCVP IT&WEB Questions 1. What needs to happen in the 17.18 term to ensure the continuity of IT in the MC and AIESEC in Colombia strategy for the next 3 years (2020)? 2. According to national ICX and OGX realities, propose a solution to optimize a process through IT in one of them. Specify what it is, why it's important, resources, tools, main challenges and timeline. 3. Which are the kind of strategies that IT have to lead in @Colombia in order to become a data driven organization?

Spots Available

Specialist Member

Specialist | GH4O

B2C Team Leader Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 12 Hours per week • Co-creation of the strategy with the MCVP. • Manage and Coordinate the subteam. • Downscale National Strategies • Upscale Local Strategies • Organize and Priorize Demands of OGX • Coordinate Customer Flow with Subteam • Meetings • Applying Team Standards • Reports & Results of the Team • Create and Coordinate ideas Requiriments • NST or TL Experience • OGV-OGT-OGE knowledge • Opportunities & podio knwoledge • B2C knowledge • Communication skills • Solution Oriented Skills Report To: MCVP GH4O

B2C Team Leader Job Description • "Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 12 Hours per week • Identify gaps and propose solutions for them • Cordinate National Strategies in terms of Analysis • Customer and Market • Downscale materials to support the network • Present Reports • Organize and Priorize Demands in terms of processes • Upscale Local Strategies to create a cooperative network • Co-creation of strategy with the Team Leader • Manage and Cordinate OGX Support Demands" Requiriments • TL Experience • OGX Experience • Analysis Knowledge • Market Knowledge • Customer Flow Knowledge • Value Delivery Enthusiast Report To: MCVP GH4O

Structure MCVP GH4O

B2C Team Leader




Spots Available Questions | B2C Team Leader 1. What is important for you while Leading and Managing a Team? 2. Make a SWOT Analysis of OGX Operations in AIESEC in Colombia today. 3. Why is it important to analyze data, focus on the customer and have clear strategies for Markets? Questions | Specialist 1. For you, what is the main gap of AIESEC in Colombia today in terms of Customer, Analysis and Market for OGX? 2. What would be your main focus to create solution to those gaps? 3. Make a SWOT analysis of Customer or Market that we have for AIESEC in Colombia today.

Specialist | OGV

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 8 Hours per week • Weekly Reports • Support to the national network • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure Education for the area/program Network • Provide to the network educational material to support the process • Deliver the right education (materials, o2o, chats, webinars, etc) regarding the OGV national strategy • Manage the internal communication for the LCVP and Middle Managers national network in OGV • Centralize information regarding OGV processes that could help the LCs in order to boost their results Requiriments Team Experience in OGV, AIESEC 2020 knowledge, EXPA/PODIO knowledge, OGV Customer Flow understanding, Communication skills, Data colleciton & analysis tools (preferred) Report To: MC OGV Director

Structure MC OGV Director

Coach Leader

Coach Member

Coach Member

Specialist (2 Spots)

Coach Member

Coach Member

Spots Available

Questions 1. What would be the ideal Customer Intimacy Plan for OGV? Include goal for time process, NPS, standards, % returnees and other aspects you consider important. 2. How would you customized and deliver the education according to each LC's needs to speed up the growth in OGV? Please propose a draft with responsibles and timelines for 2017-2. For the customization of the education, it's important for you to define the clusterization according to your research and proposal.

Specialist | OGE/OGT

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • Leading and preparing the national oGT/oGE IR Strategy for the LCs in Colombia. • To develop all education material regarding the IR strategies including CVs and opportunities search tools • To develop along with the MC Director the oGT/oGE Costumer Flow • To develop all education material regarding the oGT/oGE strategy - including local synergies, legal situations, EPs and opportunities management • Operationalize all the MC oGT/GE Director strategies and work with the MCs Coaches to implement it within the network • Manage tools for information management (Podio, EXPA, Wix). • Manage internal communication for oGT/oGE network. Requiriments • oGT/oGE flow understanding • Sense of urgency • Implementer • Design skills (preferred) • Excelent English level • Good management of technological tools (EXPA, Podio, Atlas, Excel, Drive) • LCVP/NST/TL Experience • Creative thinking Report To: MC OGE/OGT Director

Structure MC OGE/OGT Director Coach Leader

Coach Member

Coach Member

Specialist (3 Spots)

Coach Member

Coach Member

Spots Available Questions 1. Create the oGE model canvas that can show us its value proposition, consider the customer relationships,the implementation channels and the main partners. (Canvas Model) 2. What does it mean for you a strong cooperation in oGT/oGE? Describe 3 main strategies with 3 main country partners that you would focus on to generate a % of growth in approveds and specify how would you track it. 3. Suppose you are an iGT/iGE LCVP, What has to be done by an oGE/oGT LCVP at each customer flow step in order to make the process faster and better? Consider the biggest bottleneck that oGT/oGE are facing in terms of consideration.

Specialist | DX4Y Trend Setter Leader Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • Create and develop national Campaigns for OGE- OGV- OGT • Search for Marketing, advertising, design and trends in general which can help us to develop initiatives that evolve our Digital Experience • Promote initatives in national network, ensuring that they are feasible, replicable, practical to implement • Execute educational strategies for LCs in order that they can continue to easily learn use the blue book and the execution of the campaigns • Invest at least 12 hours per week (2 Hours Daily) (1 Weekly Meeting with MCVP DXY, and 1 Weekly Meeting with Subteam) to MCS and deliver weekly report in social media • Track the team and ensure the proper co-delivery of the team standars Requiriments • Team Leader Experience • Excellent Design Skills • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Trend Setting knowledge • OGE/OGT/OGV Knowledge • Podio and Expa (Basic) • Self Learning Skills • AIESEC 2020 Knowledge • Implementer Profile • Emotional Intelligence • OGX Customer Flow • Campaing Creation

Spots Available MC DX4Y Director

Trend Setter Leader

Interactive Web Leader

Trend Setter Specialist (4 Spots)

Interactive Web Specilist (2 Spots)

• Creative Profile • Photograph and Video edition (Medium) • (Don't be afraid if you don't think you have all the skills, take the challenge, but You must have the desire and the time to develop those, The excuses are not acceptable for a Dxer Report To: MC DX4Y Director Questions 1. Find 3 different Good case practices of external campaigns that have engaged youth massively, explain why you chose these and how we could learn and adopt this inside AIESEC Colombia 2. Create an infographic of you (with AIESEC blue book graphic line), where you present yourself briefly and List all the technical skills & software knowledge that you have which benefit the team (Name the Document like this NAME_Programme That I Use To Make It _ Time It Took To Do It_ Favorite Candy Example: Fernanda_Ilustrator_4Hours_Skittles) 3. Become a youtuber, find your uniqueness and put it in a link (The link should be public) of a 3-Minute video or less explaning why this role is made for you. why should be you be chosen over anyone else? what do you want to learn and achieve? (This will measure your hability to be creative and resourceful also your hability to be a storyteller in digital media ) Be creative is mandatory :)

Specialist | DX4Y Trend Setter Specialist Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • Develop national Campaigns for OGE- OGV- OGT • Search for Marketing, advertising, design and trends in general which can help us to develop initiatives that evolve our Digital Experience • Promote initatives in national network, ensuring that they are feasible, replicable, practical to implement • Advisor for LCs in order that they can continue to easily learn use the blue book and the execution of the campaigns • Invest at least 12 hours per week (2 Hours Daily) (1 Weekly Meeting with MCVP DXY, and 1 Weekly Meeting with Subteam) to MCS and deliver weekly report in social media. Requiriment • Team Leader Experience • Excellent Design Skills • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Trend Setting knowledge • OGE/OGT/OGV Knowledge • Podio and Expa (Basic) • Self Learning Skills • AIESEC 2020 Knowledge • Implementer Profile • Emotional Intelligence • OGX Customer Flow • Campaing Creation • Creative Profile • Photograph and Video edition (Medium) (Don't be afraid if you don't think you have all the skills, take the challenge, but You must have the desire and the time to develop those, The excuses are not acceptable for a DXer ;)

Report To: MC DX4Y Director Questions 1. Find 3 different Good case practices of external campaigns that have engaged youth massively, explain why you chose these and how we could learn and adopt this inside AIESEC Colombia. 2. Create an infographic of you (with AIESEC blue book graphic line), where you present yourself briefly and List all the technical skills & software knowledge that you have which benefit the team (Name the Document like this NAME_Programme That I Use To Make It _ Time It Took To Do It_ Favorite Candy Example: Fernanda_Ilustrator_4Hours_Skittles) 3. Become a youtuber, find your uniqueness and put it in a link (The link should be public) of a 3Minute video or less explaning why this role is made for you. why should be you be chosen over anyone else? what do you want to learn and achieve? (This will measure your hability to be creative and resourceful also your hability to be a storyteller in digital media ) Be creative is mandatory :)"

Specialist | DX4Y Interactive Web Leader Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • Execute the national Campaigns for OGE- OGV- OGT in the Different social media channels • Search for Marketing, advertising, design and trends in general which can help us to develop initiatives that evolve our Digital Experience • Promote initatives in social media and track the customer journey in our digital channels • Execute educational strategies for LCs in order that they can continue to easily learn use the blue book and the execution of the campaigns • Invest at least 12 hours per week (2 Hours Daily) (1 Weekly Meeting with MCVP DXY, and 1 Weekly Meeting with Subteam) to MCS and deliver weekly report in social media • Track the team and ensure the proper co-delivery of the team standars Requiriment • Team Leader Experience • Design Skills ( Medium) • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Self Learning Skills • AIESEC 2020 Knowledge • Implementer • Emotional Intelligence • OGX Customer Flow • Solutions Oriented • Photograph and Video edition (Basic)(Don't be afraid if you don't think you have all the skills, take the challenge, but You must have the desire and the time to develop those, The excuses are not acceptable for a DXer ;)

Report To: MC DX4Y Director Questions 1. Please Asses the current state of our Main Social Media Channels, What do you think are the Next Steps to evolve our Social Networks and Website? (Keep in Mind External Marketing trends) 2. Make an assessment of AIESEC Colombia presence in two social media platforms and propose 3 points of improvement for each Social media and one improvement for GV, GE and GT Brand (One improvement for each one), use external examples 3. Become a youtuber, find your uniqueness and put it in a link (The link should be public) of a 3-Minute video or less explaning why this role is made for you. why should be you be chosen over anyone else? what do you want to learn and achieve? (This will measure your hability to be creative and resourceful also your hability to be a storyteller in digital media ) Be creative is mandatory :)"

Specialist | DX4Y Interactive Web Specialist Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • Execute the national Campaigns for OGE- OGV- OGT in the Different social media channels • Search for Marketing, advertising, design and trends in general which can help us to develop initiatives that evolve our Digital Experience • Promote initatives in social media and track the customer journey in our digital channels • Advisor for LCs in order that they can continue to easily learn use the blue book and the execution of the campaigns • Invest at least 12 hours per week (2 Hours Daily) (1 Weekly Meeting with MCVP DXY, and 1 Weekly Meeting with Subteam) to MCS and deliver weekly report in social media

Requiriment • Design Skills ( Medium) • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Self Learning Skills • AIESEC 2020 Knowledge • Implementer • Emotional Intelligence • Solutions Oriented • OGX Customer Flow • Photograph and Video edition (Basic)(Don't be afraid if you don't think you have all the skills, take the challenge, but You must have the desire and the time to develop those, The excuses are not acceptable for a DXer ;)

Report To: MC DX4Y Director Questions 1. Please Asses the current state of our Main Social Media Channels for OGX, What do you think are the Next Steps to evolve our Social Networks and Website? (Keep in Mind External Marketing trends) 2. Make and assessment of AIESEC Colombia epresence in two social media platforms and propose 3 points of improvement for ach Social media and one improvement for GV, GE and GT Brand (One improvement for each one), use external examples. 3. Become a youtuber, find your uniqueness and put it in a link link (The link should be public) of a 3-Minute video or less explaning why this role is made for you. why should be you be chosen over anyone else? what do you want to learn and achieve? (This will measure your hability to be creative and resourceful also your hability to be a storyteller in digital media ) Be creative is mandatory :)"

Specialist | GH4I

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 12 Hours per weekCo-creation of the strategy with the MCVP. • Generation of campaigns BRIEFs • Content generation • Synergy spaces with NSTs and MC Director ICX. • Generation of strategy to attract trainees. • Generation of strategy for attracting organizations. • Meetings • Reports (results) • Investigation of successful campaigns or strategies



Requiriments • NST or TL Experience • IGV-IGT-IGE knowledge • Opportunities & podio knwoledge • B2B knowledge • Communication skills • Design Skills Report To: MCVP GH4I Questions 1. Create a BRIEF for a campaign to improve the Attraction for companies(Use the GT product). 2. How to improve the B2B strategy?

B2B Specialist

Spots Available

Specialist | IGV

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 15 Hours per week- Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure Education for the area/program Network- Provide to the network educational material to support the process Requiriments • IGV network knowledge • Opportunities & podio knwoledge • Team management • Communication skills • English Advanced for IR Specialist. • Data interpretation Questions 1. Create a diagnostic of the current IGV state in @Colombia trough a SWOT with its strategies. 2. Propose 2 improvements to the next processes: International Relations, Housing, Fundraising & projects. Report To: MC IGV Director

Structure MC IGV Director

Coach Leader

Coach Member

Coach Member

Specialist (4 Spots)

Coach Member

Spots Available

Coach Member

Specialist | IGE/IGT

Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 15 Hours per week • Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure Education for the area/program Network • Provide to the network educational material to support the process • Work on different projects: IR/ conversion improvement/ process optimization/ knowledge management etc*Please notet that final JD will be defined together with the selected MCS specialists Requiriments • Adapts to flexibility in JD • Previous experience in iGE iGT: TL, VP, NST • Advanced English Level • Design skills (preferable) Questions 1. Please analyse the current local reality of the 4 stages of the Customer Flow for iGE iGT and suggest min 3 improvements for each stage 2. Please analyse the current state of IR at a local level and suggest min 3 improvements 3. Please pick 2 key synergies at a local level for iGE iGT and suggest min 3 ways to improve them, and the expected (numerical) results based on the improvements" Report To: MC IGE/IGT Director


MC IGE/IGT Director

Specialist (2 Spots)

Coach Leader

Coach Member

Coach Member

Spots Available

Specialist | DX4E

Job Description | Brand Experience Leader & FG and ICX Specialist • Create and run campaigns • Manage social media • Design promotional content • Analysis of social media states Requiriments • Team Leader Experience (Preferable) • Design Skills • Adobe Knowledge • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Self Learning Skills • Emotional Intelligence • ICX Customer Flow • Solutions Oriented • Photograph and Video edition

MC DX4E Director

Brand Experience Leader Familia Global Specialist

Digital Innovation Leader

ICX Specialist

Spots Available

Report To: MC DX4E Director Questions | Leader 1. How to improve the web pages of ICX products hosted at (Perform a Mock UP of each of the pages). 2. Create a strategy that guarantees 100 enrollees in Global Families in a month. (Important define concept and publication grid for one month) Questions | Specialist 1. Identify three aspects of improving our digital communication channels. 2. Creating a campaign for Global Family or ICX, depends on the position you apply, creating a concept and graphic line (2 graphics, 1 GIF)

Storytelling Specialist (2 Spots)

Specialist | DX4E

Job Description | Digital Innovation Leader & Storytelling Specialist • Execute the national showcasing strategy • To educate LCs in strategy • Collection of material • Material editing • Blog Entries and Experiences Requiriments • Team Leader Experience (Preferable) • Design Skills • Adobe Knowledge • Free time • Time Management • Knowledge of social media • Self Learning Skills • Emotional Intelligence • ICX Customer Flow • Solutions Oriented • Photograph and Video edition Report To: MC DX4E Director Questions | Leader 1. Make a blog entry, about the impacts of social projects in our country or the importance of knowing new cultures. 2. Create a strategy that seeks to ensure a culture of content generation for ICX social Media, taking into account recognition and education (The plan should be two months). Questions | Specialist 1. Record and edit a Global Family experience or ICX projects, without restraints (Be as creative as possible). 2. Perform a quick manual on how to collect showcasing and edit it in 10 steps.

Specialist | PR Y4GG Specialist Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 20 Hours per week- Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure innovative strategies for the National Network to implement the SDGs • Provide to the Coach team educational material to support Y4GG knowledge Requiriments • SDGs Knowledge, Time Management, Energy, Communication, Decision making, Trustworthy, Creativity, Fast learning. Questions 1. How would you ensure that every single member of AIESEC in Colombia knows and work with the SDGs 2030 Agenda? 2. Create the disruptive plan that it's going to develop the SDGs Agenda for AIESEC in Colombia (It has to include events, awards, timeline, possible alliances and anything you think we have to do to point our actions to accomplish the goals).

Report To: MCVP PR

Structure MCVP PR Coach Leader Coach Member

Coach Member

Coach Member

Specialist (2 Spots) Coach Member

Coach Member

Spots Available Positioning Specialist Job Description • Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 20 Hours per week- Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Ensure innovative strategies for the PR Network • Provide to the Coach Leader the new positioning strategy Questions 1. How do you envision the AIESEC in Colombia positioning plan for the term 1718? 2. Analyse the current positioning strategy of AIESEC in Colombia and say what are the thing you would change and what would you keep. Then let us know how would you downscale that to the local committees.

Specialist | PR

PR Coach Leader | Job Description • "Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 20 Hours per week • Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Manage the Coach team • Download all the strategy to the PR Directors PR Coach Member | Job Description • "Date: August 2017 - January 2018 • 20 Hours per week • Monthly Report • MCs Meetings • Support the MC Team in National, Regional and Local conferences • Support the PR Strategy • Ensure the education of the network Requiriments • SDGs Knowledge, Time Management, Energy, Communication, Decision making, Trustworthy, Creativity, Fast learning. Report To: MCVP PR | Coach Members to Coach Leader Questions | Coach Leader 1. What are the main strategies you would use to manage the Coach Team? 2. Mention 3 key strategies you would work with the PR Managers 3. How would you ensure the Coach Team performance.

Questions | Coach Members 1. 1. What is it that you think the current PR National Strategy is missing so we can be as viral as we want. 2. Make the AIESEC in Colombia 2017-2 events agenda. 3. You get to publish an article of AIESEC on a magazine, how would you do it? How do you think the Media Plan of AIESEC in Colombia should be? .

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