NST Applications AIESEC en Colombia - 2016.1

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We are glad YOU are taking this incredible opportunity to become part of the the BAM movement! By working with the national office you are going to have the opportunity to help the network to improve each day. Below you can find all the information about the process: 1. Timeline of the process: Application 11 to 15 at 17:00 hrs. Interviews 16 and 18 Announcement 20 NST summit 10 - 11 December

2. The application must include: Profile page (x1) General and Specific Questionnaire 2 questions per page. (Font 10)

Profile page 1. Your best pic 2. AIESEC Experience 3. Position you are applying for 4. Your “CLICK”/“A-HA” moment with AIESEC 5. Contact Info

General Questionnaire 1. Why do you want to be NST? 2. How are you going to contribute to fulfill our term goal of 7500 leadership experiences? 3. What will you do if we decide to stop doing exchanges?

Sales & Projects Development 1. Analyze the current national product portfolio, and propose strategies to improve them and what should be the partnerships that should be done at local and national level, to make this projects happen. 2. Set three sales strategies that improve the process of attraction and consideration in IGCDP 3.Set strategies for IGCDP for start working with BD in CO Sales in local entities, in order to increase the volume of our operations.

The iGCDP Sales & Project Development is responsible to ensure Sustainable InProgress process for the country through education in sales strategies for the LCs while tracks and ensures the implementation of the National projects according to Tiers state and national alignments, in order to open more of the right projects on the right time for the right supply.

! # of LCs implementing National Projects ! # New Sales ! # of LCs implementing PBOX ! # Webinars & Coaching spaces

S&S manager 1.Defines three implementation strategies of each IGCDP products (Housing, EP Lead, Micro XP, Buddy Progam) 2.Define a SWOT analysis regarding the current state of IGCDP Service 3.Describe the whole education cycle you are going to do to educate your members about the importance of the NPS and write down at least, 3 strategies you are going to implement to guarantee our NPS score always between 9 and 10.

The iGCDP S&S Manager is responsible to educate, manage and track the implementation of the Delivery products, Host and Buddies Program, and finally the creation of more added value to our Delivery process in order to guarantee high NPS Score for the country and escalate our impact.

! # of LCs implementing Host Program ! # of LCs implementing Buddies Program ! # Applicants for Buddies Program ! # Applicants for Host Program ! # LCs implementing National Delivery Products ! NPS Feedback from status Completed ! # Webinars & Coaching spaces

visa & legal

1. How can we educate the network regarding visa knowledge? What strategies are you planning to use to work with VPs, TLPs and members? 2. What is the biggest issue you see today regarding visa issuing process? How do you plan to improve it? Please, give at least 2 suggestions.

1. Create a space with Visa & Legalities information for the network and for country partners 2. Support the network in Matching Process regarding visa & legalities 3. Training the IGIP network in Visa Process 4. Decrease matching break rates due to visa problems 5. Consultancy space with the network 6. Work in synergy with Finance from the National Office

! Space with Visa & Legal information created ! Decrease of match breaks due to visa issues

Delivery innovation

1. What is our biggest problem regarding value delivery in IGIP? Describe 3 innovative strategies to solve these bottlenecks. 2. Create an action plan for implementation of the LEAD sessions strategy. What should be the content, how should it be structured, etc? Be creative! :) 3. Which strategies do you want to implement inside the Fire-Preventing plan for IGIP? Give at least 2 ideas.

1. Develop Standards & Satisfaction strategies for IGIP 2. Develop the pilot of LEAD Sessions for IGIP 3. Responsible for innovation in IGIP Delivery process 4. Create, develop and implement a Fire-Preventing strategy for IGIP 5. Create and develop a structure for Follow Up with Companies 6. Increase IGIP trainees response rate of NPS 7. Consultancy spaces for LCs regarding Delivery issues

! LEAD sessions structure complete and implemented ! # of answers of NPS ! Follow Up for Companies implementation

Global Startupers 1. What do you think were the main bottlenecks that stopped IGIP of having better results regarding Global Startupers in AIESEC in Colombia? How will you guarantee that these problems doesn't happen again. Tell at least 3 strategies. 2. With which countries will you focus the cooperation for GS EPs for next semester (including peak and off-peak realizations)? 3. Create a Global Startupers action plan with timeline, actions and focus you'll have to make sure we have at least 100 RE in the next semester. Be creative!

1. Responsible for developing data analysis for helping Sales for Global Startupers 2. Creating a Global Startupers culture in AIESEC in Colombia 3. Support match in LC level 4. Create education material for the network 5. Have weekly/monthly consultancy spaces for GS 6. Research about Startup environment in Colombia, including events that LCs can participate

! # of opportunities opened of Global Startupers ! Materials developed for GS

Sales & product innovation 1. What do you think is the main bottleneck found in Sales of IGIP of AIESEC in Colombia? Indicate at least 3 innovative solutions for this. 2. What do you think is the best way to educate the IGIP network regarding market research and sales implementation? 3. Please, design a Sales Development Program with specific focus, timeline and content to improve sellers productivity of AIESEC in Colombia. That may include capacitation, consultancy, challenges, etc. Be creative :)

1. Responsible for Innovation for Profesional Global sub products and sales 2. Support network with Sales consultancy 3. Responsible for Sales Challenges 4. Develop Marketing, Business Administration and IT suproducts for increasing sales 5. Develop with the National Office strategies for improving attraction for Organizations 6. Work on implementation of the CRM National Tool 7. Work on Sales Data Analysis

! # increase of Sales rate ! # of opportunities opened of Profesional Global (in Marketing, BA and IT) ! CRM tool improvement and consolidation ! % of participation of LCs/sellers in National Challenges

International relations world 1. What are our main suppliers outside of LatAm? How will you guarantee that these partnerships continues and grows? 2. How can we improve results from our country partners? Which of them do you see as our new future big key partner and why? 3. Set 3 innovative strategies that you will use with our key country partners to guarantee results and an effective communication.

1. Create reports for each Sub-product and Key Country Partner; 2. Organize and deliver Matching Days with our key country partners 3. Make sure Colombian LCs are contactting interested EPs from our key country partners; 4. Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners ( Russia, USA, Canada, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, India); 5. Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners; 6. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

! # improvement of international relations ! # improvement of matching time with partners ! # matchs ! # cooperation goals achieved

International relations Latam 1. How will you improve our relationship with Brazil, keeping in mind that today they are our biggest partner and great percentage of our results come from Brasilombia cooperation? Set at least 2 innovation points for the partnership. 2. How can we improve results from our current country partners? Which of them do you see as our new future big key partner and why? 3. Set 3 strategies that you will use with our key country partners to guarantee results and an effective communication.

1. Create reports for each Sub-product and Key Country Partner; 2. Organize and deliver Matching Days with our key country partners 3. Make sure Colombian LCs are contactting interested EPs from our key country partners; 4. Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru); 5. Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners; 6. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.

! # improvement of international relations ! # improvement of matching time with partners ! # of matches ! # of cooperation goals achieved

Matching chair 1. How will you guarantee that your team will work effectively and increase our match rate with our key partners? 2. How will you guarantee that all of our opportunities are being weekly updated in our National Searchtool, keeping in mind that this is our most important way for our country partners to have information abour our opportunities. Set 3 strategies that will make sure that VPs and/or TLs are using and updating it in the proper way. 3. With EXPA and the Costumer Flow, the way we communicate with our country partners and how we manager our international relations and communication has to change, but it's been one year now that we're using the new platform and we haven't seen huge changes about that. If elected, which innovative ideas would you propose for that? Give at least 2 examples.

1. Final Responsible for Update the Colombia iGIP Search tool weekly; 2. Provide LCs with consultancy and support on issues; 3. Find suitable EPs for Colombian TNs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, Mexico, Russia, USA, Canada, Venezuela, Italia, Poland, Peru, Czech Republic, Argentina, India); 4. Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); 5. Guarantee knowledge management and effective information flow for the LCs about Supply and Demand; 6. Matching Process Innovation & improvement in communication with our country partners 7. Organizes Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, 8. Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it; 9. Improve matching rate.

! # improvement of international relations ! # usage of national searchtool ! # matches with our country partners

BD - Shape Comm En una hoja hacer un diseño creativo en donde muestres los intereses por estar en el proyecto y las principales características que consideras que se debe tener en cuenta sobre el proyecto (población, actividades y otros) Crear una segunda hoja en donde se presente una pieza promocional para selección de trainees para el proyecto.

Promoción y selección de cooperantes Pre-operaciones de colegios y llegada de cooperantes al país Apoyo en aplicaciones de linea gráfica de eventos. cierre de colegios

! Creación de manuales de procesos y estándares. ! Cumplimiento de fechas de entregas para creación de materiales. ! Estandarización de canales de comunicación interno y externo. ! Apoyo en creación de material gráfico/linea gráfica para eventos. ! Sugerencias de actividades de promoción y showcasing del proyecto.

IR manager tier 1

1. Create a model strategy to either engage the network in matching tools and matching campaigns. (1 page max.) 2. How you will ensure a growth of 100% in MA with AIESEC in Brazil, India, Egypt, Russia, Poland and Turkey, 3. Three challenges we have with each of these countries.

Following link: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/705304

IR manager tier 2

1. Create a model strategy to either engage the network in matching tools and matching campaigns. (1 page max.) 2. How you will ensure a growth of 100% in MA with AIESEC in Argentina, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Thailand, Hungary and Czech Republic? 3. Three challenges we have with each of these countries. Following link: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/705305

IR manager tier 3 & 4

1. Create a model strategy to either engage the network in matching tools and matching campaigns. (1 page max.) 2. How you will ensure a growth of 100% in MA with AIESEC in Panama, Portugal, Morocco, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, South Africa. 3. Three challenges we have with each of these countries. Following link: https://experience.aiesec.org/#/opportunities/705306

Matching chair 1. List 3 strategies to manage our cooperations with our partners and increase our results. 2. Make a calendar of activities from December until May in order to increase our number of Matches. 3. How will you guarantee that your team will work effectively and increase our match rate with our key partners?

- Final Responsible for Update the Colombia oGIP Search tool weekly; - Facilitate Matching processes for Local Committes; - Send EP Newsletters; - Find suitable TNs for Colombian EPs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, India, China, Germany, Panama, Mexico, Peru, Chile, US, Poland, Egypt and Turkey) - Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); - Innovation and improvement in communication with our country partners - Organize Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, - Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.


Matching manager (x3) 1. Choose Brazil, India (TATA) or Expansion Countries and list 3 strategies to manage the cooperation and increase our results. 2. Choose Brazil, India (TATA) or Expansion Countries and make a calendar of activities from July until December. 3. How will you guarantee that you'll work aligned with strategies of our country partner?

- Facilitate Matching processes for Local Committes; - Find suitable TNs for Colombian EPs in Key Country Partners (Brasil, India, China, Germany, Panama, Mexico, Peru, Chile, US, Poland, Egypt and Turkey) - Make a link between OGIP and IGIP (VPs and NSTs); - Innovation and improvement in communication with our country partners - Organize Matching Days and guarantee that Colombian LCs are participating, - Collect searchtools from our country partners and make sure that our LCs are using it.


Customer xp manager 1. How we can make the EP Manager role more strategical? 2. Set your priorities per month accordingly to the oGIP timeline. From December/2015 to May/2016. 3. How can we increase our conversion rate of OP-IP to 80% and IP-MA to 60%?

- Support local oGIP EP Managers and facilitate their daily work; - Track all the processess of Consideration and Value Delivery phases in our virtual platforms and guarantee an evolution of these processes; - Guarantee the creation and implementation of Assessment Centers, OPS and LEAD for oGIP; - Generate materials, booklets and infos to improve the EP Management process.

! #Opens ! #Applications ! #Assessment Centers attendants and # of people approved ! %OP-IP ! %IP-MA

BI/KM manager 1. How can BI and KM make our processes more efficient? 2. Describe how would be your weekly activities associated with this role. 3. How will your work support the rest of the NST Team?

- Set techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for oGIP analysis purpose, aiming to improve our processes; - Develop, share, and effectively use organizational knowledge to objectives such as improved performance, competitive advantage, innovation, the sharing of lessons learned, integration and continuous improvement of the organisation; - Make S&D anlysis in order to facilitate the work of local entities and the rest of the NST Team; - Management of internal information (newsletters, booklets, reports, analysis); - Final responsible for the Education Cycle of oGIP (agenda and logistics)

! % of convertion in all processess (OP-IP, IPMA); ! # of sended S&D reports; ! # of Analysis; ! # of Newsletters and Reports; ! # of Network Spaces;

convertion expert

1. Make two videos: one explaining the experience flow for OGCDP and one for OGIP 2. Generate one solution to what do you think is the biggest bottleneck in the convertion rate from open to in progress.

To work along the Attraction Managers (Entity Development) in the creation of national strategy to improve OP-IP convertion rate in each tier. Generate education material to ensure accomplishment of the OGCDP, OGIP and TM convertion goal.

! % accomplishment of local convertion's rate goal ! % education material delivered to the network ! % attraction goals accomplishment ! # Informes mensuales a la network

IXP manager

1. How would you ensure 40% of IXPs in 2016? 2.What other strategy (besides online channels) would you implement to increase the number of Lider Global experiences? Ex. National events, Regional events, meetings, etc.

Create and implement de strategy to ensure that 40% of AIESEC's in Colombia membership goes on exchange in 1st semester of 2016.

! # of members going on exchange ! # of returnees

Storytellers manager

1. How would you ensure showcasing materials from the local entities? 2. Please create 2 strategies for online showcasing. Include: Channels, Target, Goal, Timeline and materials needed 3. How would you ensure 70% of showcasing from Product Packaging?

Create a promotional materiales to showcase our GCDP, GIP and TMP/TLP programs. Create a promotional strategy with the local entities and ensure their participation in the implementation process. Showcase the Product Packaging (GCDP) experience provided in 2015.

! # material of GCDP Experiences (national) ! # material of GIP Experiences (national) ! # material of Team Member/Team Leader Experiences (national) ! # material delivered by the local entities ! # educational sessions delivered

Project manager 1 1. One of the projects for the Project Manager is to replace our current contract signing and legality platform: START. Make a review of 3 platforms that could replace START taking into consideration: a) Price b) Integration with most of our current platforms (podio, aws, zapier and wordpress) c) Features (contract signing, digital signature, document storage, transactional email, templates, etc) d) Pros and Cons of each one (Examples of comparisons: https://www.getapp.com/project-management-planningsoftware/a/basecamp/compare/podio/ https://www.trustradius.com/compare-products/ basecamp-vs-podio https://www.inboundmethod.com/8-hubspot-alternatives-marketingautomation) 2. Chose the platform you think is the best replacement for START and define an implementation plan.

Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708563

webmaster 1. How do you think our website could become a sales tool and get more potential customers than the physical promotion? 2. Make a complete analysis of our website (co.aiesec.org) and propose five improvements from a customer perspective. 3. Choose two websites that you think are customer oriented, user friendly, and let customers buy their products easily. Why did you choose those websites? What are the 3 key learning points that AIESEC in Colombia's website should learn from each of these websites? How would you implement those key elements in our website? 4. Do you have any experience with CMS? if so, please attach your portfolio (links, screenshots, etc) Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708553

Finance Chair

1. What is the main challenges that Finance is facing in AIESEC IN COLOMBIA? 2.what have to be the support that National Finance team to the network? 3.How to ensure a finance culture in AIESEC IN COLOMBIA? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/707141

Start ups (x2)

1. What are the main Finance priorities in entities startups? 2. A New Entity requires a strong finance, this means that when startups are running new operations can be difficult or easy, learning by doing during this new processes, please recommend to your entities an educational plan in order to be strong not only in knowledge but also in process defined. 3. What will be your suggestion to develop leadership experiences in the entities? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/707172

Specialized growth

1. In Specialized Entities is very important the focus in one program or two program maximum, how to work with this entities in order to have a growing mindset and not be a stone in the shoe stopping the operations? 2.Leadership is the fundamental solution and this it can be developed in anyone, how to measure in your entities not only the VPs but also the finance members are developing this leadership skills? 3.What do you consider can be the best way to track your VPs and their goals? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/707168

Dual Core

1. In Dual Core Entities is very important the GCDP program, how to work with this entities in order to be sustainable in IGCDP and make the program profitable? 2.One of the failure in VPs Finance is that they trying to solve all the problems and make all the finance stuff in these LCs, how you will track to ensure that Finance VP is a Leader and not a operative worker in this Entities, and how to ensure the members be empowered in the dual Core Entities? 3.Understand the cash flow is mandatory in this entities, specially when you have a lot of obligations and responsabilities not only with your stakeholders, but also with the membership to be empower, how to guarantee and investment plan in these Entities and what will be your recomendation managing cash flow in Dual Core Entities? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/707162

Value Delivery

1. Evaluate current state of national LEAD program implementation. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2016.1, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2. Desing a strategy for LEC implementation in every LC taking into consideration TM growth model stages 3. How we can ensure that LDM is include in every experience flow. Pick and X area to make an example Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708459

Recruitment manager

1. Evaluate current state of national recruitment implementation. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2016.1, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2. What do you think are the main reasons people does not stay in AIESEC. Propose 3 solutions for each touchpoint Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708467

Coacher (x4) 1. Evaluate current state of national TM network. Which will be your 3 focuses of improvement? Please describe: WHY needs to be our focus during 2016.1, HOW we can improve it and WHAT is the expected result 2. Based on TM growth model which will be interesting projects that we can work in as national team Following link 1: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708466 Following link 2: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708476 Following link 3: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708477 Following link 4: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708478

ED igcdp sg

1. How can you assure goal accomplishment for local entities? 2.Design a communication strategy with your local entities ? 3.How can you help entities grow more than 100 exchange in IGCDP? 4.Evaluate current bottle necks entities have executing the IGCDP program? 5.What makes a visit an efficient, positive and result oriented one?

Track and support local entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Assure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Execute visits within the national visit strategy. Part of the OD team in terms of Entity Development.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

ED igip sg (x2)

1. How can you assure goal accomplishment for local entities? 2.Design a communication strategy with your local entities ? 3.How can you help entities grow more than 20 exchange in IGIP? 4.Evaluate current bottle necks entities have executing the IGIP program? 5.What makes a visit an efficient, positive and result oriented one?

Track and support local entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Assure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Execute visits within the national visit strategy. Part of the OD team in terms of Entity Development.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

ED igip dc

1. How can you assure goal accomplishment for local entities? 2.Design a communication strategy with your local entities ? 3.How can you help entities grow more than 20 exchange in IGIP? 4.Evaluate current bottle necks entities have executing the IGIP program? 5.What makes a visit an efficient, positive and result oriented one?

Track and support local entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Assure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Execute visits within the national visit strategy. Part of the OD team in terms of Entity Development.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

ED expansion

1. Please Write a timeline for 6 months where you put a monthly plan that guarantee a new entity make 50 exchanges 2. What would be your key priority to aim a higher implementation of operational strategies while coaching a LCVP? How would you make sure he has learned the strategy’s “why and how”? 3. Make a general analysis of the OGCDP Tier 4 performance during the year 2015, What are the key necessities of these Tiers for 2016? How would you deliver them as NST? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/705301

ED SPecialized growth

1. What would be your key priority to aim a higher implementation of operational strategies while coaching a LCVP? How would you make sure he has learned the strategy’s “why and how”? 2. Make a general analysis of the OGCDP Tier 2 & 3 performance during the year 2015, What are the key necessities of these Tiers for 2016? How would you deliver them as NST? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/705293

ED ogip sg (x2)

1. How can you assure goal accomplishment for local entities? 2.Design a communication strategy with your local entities ? 3.How can you help entities grow more than 40 exchange in OGIP? 4.Evaluate current bottle necks entities have executing the OGIP program? 5.What makes a visit an efficient, positive and result oriented one?

Track and support local entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Assure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Execute visits within the national visit strategy. Part of the OD team in terms of Entity Development.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

ED ogip dc

1. How can you assure goal accomplishment for local entities? 2.Design a communication strategy with your local entities ? 3.How can you help entities grow more than 40 exchange in OGIP? 4.Evaluate current bottle necks entities have executing the OGIP program? 5.What makes a visit an efficient, positive and result oriented one?

Track and support local entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Assure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Execute visits within the national visit strategy. Part of the OD team in terms of Entity Development.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

attraction manager sg 1. Which is the main gap today in this tier for OGCDP, OGIP and TM? 2. How do you ensure a fast learning curve in the entities (MKT knowledge, team management, operations processes, etc)? Please include: timeline, content, target and objectives.

Track of the goals of the local entities. Education to the network to strengthen attraction strategies for Profesional Global and Lider Global (OGCDP+TM). Collect GCPs from the Network Support national challenges requirements Generate Co-construction spaces for the tier to innovate and resolve bottleneck Ensure implementation of National Strategies at local level

! #Opens ! # In Progress ! % Convertion Rate OP-IP for OGCDP/OGIP/TM ! % Convertion Rate IP-MA for OGCDP/OGIP/TM (for reference & analysis)

ED dc 1. Which is the main gap today in this tier for OGCDP, OGIP and TM? 2.How do you ensure a fast learning curve in the entities (MKT knowledge, team management, operations processes, etc)? Please include: timeline, content, target and objectives. 3.Record a video explaining marketing's role for operations. Take in consideration 4DX.

Track of the goals of the local entities. Education to the network to strengthen atraction strategies for Profesional Global and Lider Global (OGCDP+TM). Recolect GCPs from the Network Support national challenges requirements Generate Co-construction spaces for the tier to innovate and resolve bottleneck Ensure implementation of National Strategies at local level

! #Opens ! # In Progress ! % Convertion Rate OP-IP for OGCDP/OGIP/TM ! % Convertion Rate IP-MA for OGCDP/OGIP/TM (for reference & analysis)

Start ups enabler 1. What motivates you to be part of the OD team? 2. How do you see current Start UPs from now to 5 years? ( take into account Start UPs that are not part of the expansion project) 3. What is your unique contribution to a team ? 4. What are your 2 main excuses and what are you doing to overcome them? 5.Taking into account we currently have 12 Start UPs ( not counting with the ones that belong to the expansion project) , write a 6 months plan for 1 Current Start UP that you choose , setting each month: 1 main tactic in order to boost Talent Management development 1 main tactic in order to boost Operations Development 1 main tactic in order to boost Organizational Health

Track , report and support operations of Start UP entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Ensure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Work as a enabler of synergy within NST of Operations and TM. Execute visits within the national visit strategy.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

Operations igcdp 1. -What motivates you to be part of the expansion team? 2.-How do you see expansion in Colombia from now to 5 years? 3.-What is Your unique contribution to a team ? 4.-What are your 2 main excuses and what are you doing to overcome them? 5.-Please Write a timeline for 6 months where you put a monthly plan that guarantee a new entity make 50 exchanges (Taking IGCDP as focus program)

Track , report and support operations of Start UP entities, based on the OD Model strategy. Ensure National Strategies Implementation and follow up. Work as a enabler of synergy within NST of Operations and TM. Execute visits within the national visit strategy.

! LC goal achievement ! LC growth ! Entity Visits ! Entity Tracking ! LEAD Links Sent

NPRT chair 1. Define the top five events in Bogotรก where AIESEC in Colombia has to attend. Mention: Date, Place, ELD Program that attack, cost, event objectives, and AIESEC assistance objectives. (Have in mind 3 events as delegate and 2 with stand presence) 2. Define three main/top alliances that PR of AIESEC in Colombia should make. Explain why and the benefits to AIESEC and to the organization. 3. Explain how you'll manage the NPRT and ensure the development of each member in each zone 3. Make a two minutes video with: - Personal presentations - How you connect your personal career plan with PR? - Which is your most developed LDM competence and your lowest developed competence? How this role can help you to improve it? - How you'll support your members of the NPRT in each zone? Following link: https://internships.aiesec.org/#/campus/708572

Regional manager (x4) 1. Define the top six events in your Zone where AIESEC in Colombia has to attend. Mention: Date, Place, cost, event objectives, and AIESEC assistance objectives. (Have in mind 4 events as delegate and 2 with stand presence) 2. Define three main/top alliances that PR in your Zone should make. Explain why and the benefits to AIESEC and to the organization. 3. Make a two minutes video with: - Personal presentations - How you connect your personal career plan with PR? - Which is your most developed LDM competence and your lowest developed competence? How this role can help you to improve it?

1. Execute the PR strategy in the Zone supporting the Local entities. 2. Respond to the NPRT Chair about the execution of the strategy and the personal development.

! 1. Assistance to # events in the semester ! 2. # LEADs for BD o IGIP ! 3. # News alliances in your city

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