Quality manager APP 2018-1

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Go all in


PD Team Words AIESEC is about young people

who make history, are those who with effort, dedica=on and a lot of commitment make possible the goals and the objec=ves as a team. And it is for this reason, that we want to welcome you to live the best experience, because we know that we can count on you to make a relevant, different and professional PD. We are a team that wants to give relevance to each of our processes and we know that you will contribute to the fulfillment of our goals and the achievement of results, where the IMPACT is the most important aspect for us and each one of the experiences that we want to provide for the management 18.19 of AIESEC in Colombia. Good luck in the process and, WELCOME TO THE TEAM.

P.D ARMY 18.19

Quality Manager Benefits * * * * * * * * * * *

Partners Management experience Knowledge about AIESEC in Colombia en==es’ reali=es Support and create the MC PD Team in Na=onal Strategies planning and execu=ng Assistance to Na=onal and Regional Events Support Local CommiSees through coaching, O2O and func=onal visits (if needed) Educa=onal Cycle to develop leadership and func=onal skills PDI/ Career Plan supported R&R System MCS par=cipa=on Co-sales and Co-delivery implementa=on with local en==es Team Standards Delivery IMPORTANT DATES (Is mandatory to assist) PD Planning: To confirm MCS Academy: 16th-17th July VPM: 18th- 19th July

QM Job Description PD Quality Manager will be responsible for managing exchange processes of all the na=onal accounts of AIESEC in Colombia to whatever extent of the processes the na=onal office has to cover, regardless if it’s an MC based, shared (MC &LC), or newsale from an LC accounts to ensure that our EPs & Trainees have the best alignment, experiences and therefore that COMPLETES come form it. Also, the role will be responsible for leading, together with the PD team, the na=onal strategy of Co-sales and Co-delivery to guarantee a good synergy with local en==es. º Reports to: MCVP PD - MC PD Director (Account Management) º Salary: $781.242 COP º Period: August 1, 2018- July 31, 2019 ºHours per day: Part =me (4 hours)

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REQUIREMENTS Volume Management of exchange experiences Preferred Background: LCVP/LCP XP Knowledge of exchange process management Advanced English, Portuguese and Spanish Tools Usage: Google Drive, PODIO, Microsoj Office EXPA & OP Usage



* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Standards for Complete Delivery Migratory Processes for Incoming & Outgoing exchanges EPs & Trainees firefigh=ng and consul=ng Partnerships Documents Compila=on Trainees Supervision AT PLACE OF WORK Exchange documenta=on audit O2O & Development spaces for PD EPs and trainees Monthly and Quarter reports for the MC Monthly and Quarter reports for the accounts. Cultural Agenda for trainees in Bogotá Quality Improvements strategies Co-sales and Co-delivery implementa=on with PD Team CRM to partners according the trainees and EPs waves.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION In case of selection and not living in Bogotá. Elected person must move to Bogotá on June 9th to ensure transition with current Quality Manager

Application Process REQUIRED DOCUMENTS In order for your applica=on to be completed you must include the following documents and considera=ons: 1. Endorsement LeSers: 1. Endorsement form your LC Home 2. Endorsement from and EP or trainee 2. The documents should be aSached to the link in PDF format (Applica=on + Endorsements) 3. Any applica=on sent ajer the DDL or missing any requirements won’t be take into considera=on for the process. 4. The applica=on should be sent to laurac.florezc@aiesec.net 5. The applica=on must be wriSen in English.

PROCESS TIMELINE º ApplicaEons Launch: May 28rd, 2018 º ApplicaEons DDL: June 4th, 2018 º Interviews Process: June 4th- June 5th, 2018 º Internal ConsulEng & PD Review: June 6th, 2018 º Announcement: June 8th, 2018 º TransiEon Week: June 10th- June 14th, 2018 (Expenses NOT covered during this Eme)

º PD Planning: To confirm

PROFILE 2 PAG * * * *

Full name Contact informa=on (Mobile, e-mail, Skype, Facebook Link profile) Personal References: Someone who led you, someone you led, someone who worked with you. Which popular character from any book, movie, comic, band, etc do you relate the most to? How do you think this role will complement the PD Team?

AIESEC EXPERIENCE Please outline your AIESEC experience to date, including conferences. Tell us the main results you have achieved to date throughout your experience.



1. Please make your personal product sheet (to sell yourself to an external). 2. How is this role aligned to your career plan inside y outside of AIESEC? 3. Men=on 3 strategies that you would like to implement to guarantee synergy in Co-delivery with local en==es.

QU ESTION NAIR E 3 PAG 4. How will you ensure standards fulfillment for all of our experiences? 5. How would you work in the PD team to guarantee a CRM in the old partners and in the new alliances to guarantee pipeline in the next 3 years? 6. What are the phases of the Customer Flow in which the Quality Manager can intervene and how it would guarantee the standards to have COmplete and FInished. 7. Repose communica=on plans for all stakeholders involves (EPs, trainees, partners and MC Team)

CONTACT IN FO Laura Flórez

MCVP PD 18.19

(57) 312 568 5240


Andrés Cuadros


(57) 315 5113999


Camila Mancera


(57) 312 3044935


(57) 310 2068744

direccionproyectos@aieseccolo mbia.org

Alejandro QUALITY MANAGER Ramírez 18.1


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