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Community Health Centre Rehabilitation Programs and Care Coordination

Deniliquin Community Health Centre supports individuals and the community with a range of collaborative and coordinated programs. The aims of these programs are to improve quality of life by education regarding health conditions and how to live safely and independently; as well as guiding exercise to improve strength and stability.

Community Care Intake Service (CCIS) Referral Line t 1800 654 324 for more information or referral.

Integrated Care Program

For people who have a condition like diabetes, heart disease or a long term breathing problem like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Integrated Care team works with you and your family or carer to help you manage your illness, so you can stay healthy at home.

The team:

• Connect you to the right services and support, and work with you and your GP to manage your chronic conditions

• Give extra support in your home to help with your health and other needs.

Referrals can be made through Community Care Intake Service (CCIS) t 1800 654 324 or Deniliquin Community Health t 03 5882 2900

2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin w https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/nsw-health/mlhd/our-services/community-care-intakeservice#toc-about-our-health-services


Aimed at helping people who recently experienced hospitalisation for a heart attack, stent, angiogram, or insertion of a pacemaker.

Our service will assess your needs and provide specific information to help you understand your heart event to ensure optimal health going forward. Your nurse will speak with your doctor and medical specialist to ensure your care is coordinated and meets your needs. Our staff can provide you with practical information to help you understand and manage your heart event.

Cardiac rehabilitation usually runs for 8 to 10 weeks. It often starts in hospital and continues when you go home. Programs can be run in different ways to suit your needs, for example: face-to-face, over the phone, in a group or oneon-one and also in your home.

Self referral is possible.

Referrals can be made through Community Care Intake Service (CCIS) t 1800 654 324 or Deniliquin Community Health t 03 5882 2900

2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin w https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/nsw-health/mlhd/our-services/heart-lung-care-services


See Respiratory (Chronic) and Heart Failure Service, page 29.

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