2 minute read

Community Health Centre - Rehabilitation Programs & Care Coordination


This Program can help you achieve your personal goals and improve your quality of life by assessing your needs and providing you with specific information to help you manage your lung condition. Your nurse will liaise with your doctor and medical specialist to ensure your care is coordinated and meets your needs. The staff can provide you with practical information to help you manage your lung condition.

You can also take part in exercise sessions run by physiotherapists that can help you to manage daily movement and breathlessness.

You can self-refer or ask your doctor for a referral.

Referrals can be made through Community Care Intake Service (CCIS) t 1800 654 324 or Deniliquin Community Health t 03 5882 2900

2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin t 03 5882 2900 w https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/nsw-health/mlhd/our-services/heart-lung-care-services

Stepping On Falls Prevention

This is an educational falls prevention program offered to people over 65 years who have either fallen or have a fear of falling.

The program allows people to:

• Improve their knowledge and confidence regarding falls prevention

• Aims to reduce the risk of falling

• Maximising independence for everyday activities

The free program runs for seven weeks and combines simple balance and strength exercises with educational sessions. Self-referral. Referrals t 0409 781 326 e mlhd-exercise@health.nsw.gov.au

2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin t 03 5882 2900 w https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/nsw-health/mlhd/our-services/healthy-living


For older people after surgery or hospital stay. This service is a type of short term care (up to 12 weeks) that helps improve your health after a stay in hospital.

This service can include:

• Therapy Services

• Clinical care eg. wound care, medication assistance

• Personal Assistance like bathing dressing etc.

This referral needs to be done whilst in hospital.

2 Macauley Street, Deniliquin t 03 5882 2900 w https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/aged-care-services/transition-care-after-leaving-hospital


Get Healthy Coaching

NSW Get Health Service provides health coaching and information over the phone to help you get healthy and stay healthier. Free to all people living in NSW aged 16 years and older. A large number of programs can be accessed relating to specific health issues.

t 1300 806 258 w https://www.gethealthynsw.com.au

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