shows his range with 'Music at Midday'

The Hanover County Board of Supervisors on March 8 approved full funding to build the Montpelier Recreation Center and Library. This facility will be a hub for the community to gather and enjoy
committee concurs with all three proposals.
The Hanover County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. on April 5 to gather residents’ feedback on several proposed amendments to county administrator John Budesky’s recommended fiscal year 2024 budget.
a much-expanded branch of the Pamunkey Regional Library, additional classroom space and a full-size gymnasium with a larger stage.
“This truly is a culmination of community input and effort,” said
Susan P. Dibble, South Anna District’s representative on the Hanover County Board of Supervisors. “So many people have played a part in this project. It will be a
Those amendments, which stem from discussions held during a March 1 finance committee meeting, include providing a 2 cent tax rebate to residents; increasing the income level at which elderly and disabled residents qualify for tax relief; and providing an additional 2% merit increase for county and school employees.
Budget director Shelly Wright presented the recommended amendments to supervisors during the March 8 board meeting, noting that the county’s finance
Wright explained that, in order for the county to issue the rebate, it must first declare a budget surplus for FY23. The current surplus of $4 million will then be used to take two cents from the county’s real property tax rate, meaning county tax bills would have an effective rate of .79 cents for tax year 2023. The rebate would only be applied to the June bill, Wright said, and used an annual property tax amount of $3,000 to illustrate what residents will see.
For the first half of the $3,000 bill—which would be for $1,500 and due in June—the resident would see a line deducting a $74 rebate. The $1,500 bill due in October would remain unchanged.
205 England Street
Ashland,VA 23005
Giveusacall: (804)401-7007
March15-March17 at 7pm
March23 at 7pm
Aformer basketball coachis courtorderedto manageateamwith intellectual disabilities.
March26 at 12pm (Free-playat 11am)
Hop! withthe Easter Bunny
March31 starting at 5:30pm
KickoffEaster weekwithHOPmovie showing andaveryspecial guest. Easter Bunnyphotos at 5:30pm, movie beginsat 6:30pm.
The LittleMermen
April7 at 7pm
TheLittle Mermen play Disney hits, from The JungleBook to TheLionKing,andeven Frozen
Mechanicsville — 23111
360 coin Laundry & cleaners , 7040 Mechanicsville
Truist — Lee davis, 7016 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Books Beads & More, 8106 Mechanicsville Tpke.
colonial Pharmacy, 7510 Mechanicsville Tpke.
dorns Body & Paint, 8190 Mechanicsville Tpke.
essex Bank, 6316 Mechanicsville Tpke.
FcL Favor christian Life, 6501 Mech Tpke, ste 101
Gus’ Italian café, 7358 Bell creek road
hanover cleaners, 8092 Mechanicsville Tpke.
healthLink chiropractic center, 7347 Bell creek road
hometown realty, 7240 Lee davis rd, suite 200
Kroger, 6335 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Lee davis B & P, 7051 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Lee davis Pharmacy, 7016 Lee Park road
Little Bean coffee co., 7032 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Mechanicsville drug store, 8077 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Mechanicsville Library, 7461 sherwood crossing
Primis Bank (Mechanicsville), 8123 Mechanicsville
TGI Friday’s, 8100 creighton Parkway
The Ville, 7526 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Treats and Treasures, 5912 cold harbor road
Village Bank (Old Mech), 8051 Mechanicsville Tpke.
West store, 4225 Mechanicsville Tpke.
Mechanicsville — 23116
atlee Branch Librar y, 9212 rutlandshire drive
Balducci realty & Builders, 10173 chamberlayne road
Bell creek Vet., 8310 Bell creek road
dominion Women’s health, 8239 Meadowbridge road
hogg Professional Building, 9137 chamberlayne road
KidMed, 8356 Bell creek road
Owens and Minor, 9120 Lockwood Blvd
Progressive dental, 8417 n run Medical drive
Pulmonary assoc. richmond, 7497 right Flank road
Primis Bank (Kings charter), 9495 charter Gate drive
Valero (atlee & sliding hill rds.), 10030 sliding hill road
Ashland- 23005
ashland Librar y, 201 s railroad ave.
ashland Police dept., 601 england street
ashland Town hall, 101 Thompson street
ashland Visitor center,112 n railroad ave. cross Brothers Grocery, 107 south center street
hanover community service, 12300 Washington hwy.
hanover Parks and rec, 13015 Taylor complex Lane
henry clay shopping center, rt. 54 rise n shine diner, 10372 Leadbetter road
sheetz/ashland, 12341 n. Washington hwy
sheetz/Leadbetter dr, 10037 sliding hill road
skateland, 516 n. Washington hwy
Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact:
MichelleWall 804-775-2711
8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116
Village Bank, 10035 sliding hill road, #101 Ashland — 23059
aw shucks country store, 6100 Pouncey Tract road
Montpelier — 23192
Fas Mart, 16575 Mountain road
Food Lion, 16615 Mountain road
Montpelier Librar y, 17205 sycamore Tavern Lane
Montpelier Pharmacy, 17128 Mountain road Virginia Family Practice, 15028 Brown Pleasants road Glen Allen — 23059
aw shucks country store, 6100 Pouncey Tract road
essex Bank /Va center, 9951 Brook road
Aylett — 23009
Primis Bank- central Garage, 20 commerce Lane
Hanover — 23069
hanover county admin Bldg, 7516 county complex road
hanover co sheriff ’s Office, 7522 county complex road
hanover Branch Library, 7527 Library drive
hanover Post Office, 13228 hanover courthouse rd
Pamunkey regional Jail, 7240 courtland Farm road
Wickham Bldg., 7515 county complex road
King William — 23086
citgo route 360 and 30, 5033 richmondTappahannock hwy.
Valero (King William), 12132 King William road
One stop Market, 2185 richmond-Tappahannock hwy.
Manquin — 23106
Manquin Post Office, 2171 richmond Tappahannock
M & M Pizza — B&P station, 1418 richmondTappahannock hwy. Studley — 23162 studley store, 5407 studley road
Brooks Favaro attended Pokémon day at the Mechanicsville Library. he enjoyed a delightful time doing crafts and watching the Pokémon movie!
Investigators with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office have arrested two individuals in connection with a solicitation of prostitution case that was initiated by the law enforcement agency.
In January 2023, investigators conducted an operation at a residence in the 9200 block of Tall Oaks Lane. This operation was initiated to target the solicitation of prostitution believed to be occurring at this location.
As a result of evidence garnered from the operation, a residential search warrant was obtained and then executed. During the search, numerous incriminating items were collected.
As a result, arrest warrants
FEB. 10
Grand larceny at a building was reported on the 7000 block of covenant Woods drive.
Grand larceny, auto theft was reported on the block of 7100 block of White Pine court.
a simple assault was reported on the 10200 block of Waxcomb Place.
assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 9300 block of studley Plantation drive
FEB. 11
destruction of property, monument was reported on the 8100 block of atlee road.
driver did not report accident; damage over or equal to $250 was reported on the 9300 block of atlee road.
driver did not report accident;
damage over or equal to $250 was reported on the 9300 block of atlee road.
destruction of property, monument was reported on the 6600 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
a simple assault was reported on the 16400 block of West crescent
rested and charged on March 2 with the following crimes: Maintaining a Bawdy Place (M – x2), Commercial Sex Trafficking (F), Child Neglect (F – x2), Possession of Schedule I/II Narcotics (F).
were obtained for Tara Rhiannon Inman, 45, and James Louron Inman, 49, both of Mechanicsville.
Tara Inman was arrested and charged on March 1 with the following crimes: Prostitution (Misdemeanor – x3), Maintaining a Bawdy Place (M – x3), Commercial Sex Trafficking (Felony), Child Neglect (F – x2) and Possession with Intent to Distribute a Controlled Substance (F).
James Inman was ar-
dWI, second offense in 10 years was reported on the 7000 block of covenant Woods drive.
FEB. 12
a simple assault was reported on the 7100 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
defrauding hotels, motels under $200was reported on the 7400 block of sandy Lane.
assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 12300 block of Lees Lane.
driver did not reporting accident with damage less than $250 was reported on the 7400 block of Bell creek road.
a simple assault was reported on the 6400 block of cardinal Way.
dWI: First offense was reported on the 9100 block of atlee road.
FEB. 13
dWI: First offense was reported on the 14300 block of Washington highway/cross corner road.
damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10000 block of Pamunkey road.
Tara Inman was released on a secured bond and James Inman is currently incarcerated at Pamunkey Regional Jail with no bond. Anyone with further information about these cases is asked to contact the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office at (804) 365-6140 or the Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at (804) 780-1000. Citizens can also download the “P3 Tips” app for their mobile device to submit their tip. Both Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
Identity thief, Id to defraud less or equal to $200 was reported on the 8300 block of n ew a shcreek road.
Possession of schedule I,II controlled substance was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Petit larceny from auto was reported on the 11500 was reported on the Verdon road.
assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 20100 block of Beaver dam road. damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10200 block of Timber ridge drive.
defrauding hotels, motels less than $200 was reported on the 7100 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike. assault of an emergency worker in facility was reported on the 8200 block of atlee road driver did not report an accident with damage less or equal to $1000 was reported on the 7000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Please see REPORTS, Page A8
raterisksuchthatwheninterestratesrise,thepricesofCDscandecrease.IfCDsaresoldpriortomaturity,theinvestorcanloseprincipalvalue. FDICinsurancedoesnotcoverlossesinmarketvalue.Earlywithdrawalmaynotbepermitted.Yieldsquotedarenetofallcommissions.CDs requirethedistributionofinterestanddonotallowinteresttocompound.CDsofferedthroughEdwardJonesareissuedbybanksandthrifts nationwide.AllCDssoldbyEdwardJonesareregisteredwiththeDepositoryTrustCorp.(DTC).
a monthly Blood drive will be held at from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at
doswell ruritan salt Fish Breakfast will be held from 6 to 9 a.m. at 16433 n. Washington highway. all you care to eat salt Fish Breakfast will include scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrown potatoes, spiced apples, biscuits, cornbread, coffee, and juice. cost is $11. for adults. Takeout is available.
The community senior citizen Meeting known as — studley seniors will meet at 10:30 a.m. at enon UMc , 6156 studley road in Mechanicsville. They will share fellowship, a business session and a program. For more information call 804-746-4719.
Members of the Pamunkey Woman’s club will meet at 11:45 a.m. at the rutland yMca for a presentation and tour of the facility. For more information contact membership chairman Bonnie Walter, 804-650-0391.
The Mechanicsville Tea Party will hold their next meeting on from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For this month only, it will be held at a different location: Bennett Funeral home, 8414 Lee davis road in Mechanicsville.
804-746-8665. First district congressman r ob Wittman will be presenting an award to one of our long-time members and then will take some questions from the audience. In addition, we will also have a Q&a session with another candidate for local office in our “Meet The c hallengers”’ series. as always, our meetings are open to everyone. If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Baker at 804-752-8389. If he does not answer, please leave a message and he will return your call.
civil air Patrol, hanover squadron, is hosting an Open house from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian church, 6930 cold harbor road in Mechanicsville. explore what caP’s fantastic program has to offer for youths, ages 12 — 21 in the cadet program; as well as for adults who care about america and want to serve in training the next generation of Leaders for america. Observe and participate in h onor guard and color guard, aerospace, search and rescue, drill, and Leadership demonstrations, with many handson activities for all ages. come out and see for yourself how you, too, can be a part of the Us air Force auxiliary, civil air Patrol. For more information, contact Lt. Brandy Lambert-stevens at, visit or on Facebook (hanover composite
squadron-civil air Patrol).
a monthly Blood drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at
The Mechanicsville United Methodist church easter egg hunt will be held at 11 a.m. at 7356 atlee road in Mechanicsville. There will be candy-filled eggs for the children to hunt and prizes for all! children up through fifth grade are welcome. This is a free event. If it rains, this event will be canceled.
r egister now to attend h anover county’s largest active aging event devoted to seniors! hanover’s fifth annual “Finding Value in your Prime” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fairmount christian church 6502 creighton road, Mechanicsville. The event is free but the deadline to register is april 5. Participants will be offered a complimentary light breakfast and boxed lunch and given the opportunity to meet representatives of services and learn about resources available to older adults. There will be presentations promoting active
Please see CALENDAR, Page A19
Call 804-559-0654 or visit the library at 9212 Rutlandshire Drive for more information.
Mother Goose Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Wednesday, March 15 and 22, 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Hula Dancing Class at the Atlee Branch Library, Wednesday, March 15, 10:30 a.m. — noon, Ages 18 and up. Join us to exer-
cise your brain and body as you learn about hula dancing and culture at the Atlee Branch Library.
Fun and Games at the Atlee Branch Library, Wednesdays, March 15, 1 –4 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Meet up with friends and have a great time with card and board games.
Page Turners Book Club at the Atlee Branch Library, Thursday, March 16, 3:30 — 4:30 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Join us for an inperson, lively book discussion! We will be reading “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman. You can place the book on hold and pick it up
at the Atlee Branch Library. New members always welcome!
Atlee Anime Club at the Atlee Branch Library, Thursday, March 16, 7:30 — 8:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join the Atlee Library Anime Club! Meet teens with similar interests and watch cool shows.
Hanover Master Gardeners’ Home Gardening Series at the Atlee Branch Library, Saturday, March 18, 10:30 a.m. — 1 p.m., Learn about a variety of home gardening topics from Virginia Cooperative Extension’s
Please see LIBRARIES, Page A27
community center for all families in western Hanover County.”
Even the appearance of the building, which will be located near the existing Montpelier Center for Arts and Education, will be unique. Dibble said it is designed to resemble a rustic barn like so many structures in rural western Hanover.
The new library will be four times the size of the current library with meeting rooms and additional classroom space for Parks and Recreation programs. The gymnasium will accommodate multiple sports and fitness classes with a stage that can be used for public performances.
Expanded parking will serve the new 20,000-square-foot recreation center and the ex-
sita Lewis, an eighth grader at chickahominy Middle school, represented hanover county in the 49th annual richmond Times-dispatch regional spelling Bee held March 9 in Mechanicsville. she competed against 21 other division winning spellers. sita made it to the eighth round by successfully spelling fraught, depose, redemption, gelatinous, verbena,
isting Montpelier building. A pedestrian plaza will make it easy for residents to walk between both facilities.
Another component of the project is a reconstruction of the adjacent Wickham Field. It will be designed to support youth baseball and softball activities with lighting and new restrooms.
“I’m very excited about this project,” said Dibble, in whose district the facility will be located. “I think it will be a great amenity for the citizens of western Hanover and I am looking forward to it opening next year.”
The new library space will be operated by the Pamunkey Regional Library System and will replace the existing branch located within the Montpelier Center for Arts and Education. Hanover County Parks and Recreation will manage facility scheduling and activity planning for the classrooms and gymna-
Dibble and her predecessor in the South Anna District seat on the Board, Wayne Hazzard, had sought community input on the project along with the late Aubrey M. Stanley, longtime Beaverdam District supervisor.
“I think this is a great thing for the residents of western Hanover,” said Beaverdam District Supervisor Rob Manolo.“I know it was very close to Bucky Stanley’s heart and he and Sue Dibble worked so hard on it and it’s great to see that it’s finally coming to fruition.”
A groundbreaking ceremony is expected this spring with construction slated to take about 18 months.
Video and Renderings Available on Hanover County YouTube: https://youtu. be/7H2Ya_fo-6s.
submitted by hanover county director of communications Kristin smith dunlop.
Attending hogmanay, a traditional Scottish celebration of New Year’s Eve, is a longheld dream of mine.
“But maybe I need to say that a little quieter,” I said, as the context was seeing the word while perusing my official binder of words a few minutes before the start of the 49th annual Richmond Times-Dispatch Regional Spelling Bee, held March 9 in Mechanicsville.
I’ve been helping with the spelling bee for several years, acting as the recorder in case a child or parent challenges a decision on a word. It’s not a glamorous job, and, thankfully, I am rarely called upon to put my replay skills into action. However, it does come with the aforementioned binder (lime green this year) filled with a whole host of new words I don’t
of tax actually levied on citizens.
know the meaning of, much less how to pronounce them, and the nerd in me enjoys the random education each year.
Before I dive into my annual exercise in lexigraphy (the art or practice of defining words), I want to give a special shout out to Sita Lewis, an eighth grader at Chickahominy Middle School, who represented Hanover County in the spelling bee admirably, making it to the eighth round. Excellent job Sita!
Also as a point of reference, the winning word this year, spelled correctly in the 30th round by a Charlotte County middle schooler, was barometer.
Depending on a child’s age and experience with spelling bees, it is always interesting to see how they approach their turn. Do they hear the word once and plunge in or go all out, asking for the lan-
guage of origin, a definition and for it to be used in a sentence?
Many of the words might seem obvious, but the trickery that is homonyms at times makes asking some of those questions critical. For example, in the same bee, contestants were asked to spell wield (to use especially with full command or power) and weald (a heavily wooded area). No discernable difference in how they are pronounced.
Alternate spellings can also be tricky, and in the case of this bee, extremely important. One speller was asked to spell caboodle (the way we saw it in our binders), which is simply a collection or lot. She spelled it as kaboodle and received the ding of the bell signifying she was wrong. She and her parents challenged it, and since the MerriamWebster entry for kaboodle simply says “variant
Publisher Joy Monopoli
Managing Editor laura McFarland
Sports Editor Robby Fletcher
Production Manager denine d’angelo
Classifieds cindy adams
spelling of caboodle,” she re-entered the bee. By the way, the young lady, JoyDen Wilson of Charlotte County, went on to win the bee.
The silly side of me always enjoys the silly sounding words, and there were plenty. I knew most of the ones that caught my eye: dillydally (to act with an unusual or improper slowness); flimflammer (one that gains his way by trickery and expedients); and codswallop (nonsense or drivel). I don’t know why hooroosh (a wild, hurried or excited state or situation) tickled my fancy, but I have always been honest with our readers about my nerdiness, and I am not going to stop now.
A large number of the words I wasn’t familiar with are tied to plants (absolutely not my wheelhouse) and
It shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn that American families are undergoing increasing financial pressures in their everyday lives with well documented increases in cost of living expenses. Paychecks don’t go as far as they used to, and it seems every staple in our lives comes at an inflated price.
Most of us are living under these pressures, struggling to balance household budgets and searching for any way to stretch the dollar.
A recent report cited evidence that taxes have remained relatively steady during this period of inflation. But, anyone who regularly visits a grocery store will tell you that it’s not the taxes you see that have the most impact on households. It’s the ones you can’t see.
For example, reported local real estate taxes are level or reduced throughout most of the Commonwealth, but that’s not a true indicator of the amount
The Local welcomes your signed letters to the editor on topics of interest to Mechanicsville and hanover residents. Letters must include your address and a daytime telephone number. We reserve the right to edit letters. We do not guarantee that every letter received will be published. Letters reflect the opinions and positions of the writers and not The Mechanicsville-ashland Local. send letters to: The Mechanicsville-ashland Local
Real estate assessments are experiencing significant increases and most taxpayers are receiving higher bills on their properties, resulting in increases in revenue for communities. Now, that’s not technically an increase in real estate taxes, but in reality, it’s a segment of local budgets that have endured steady increases for the past several years.
For localities, the increased revenues are good news and allow communities to fund important services like fire, rescue and public welfare. The additional funds also allow localities to provide competitive compensation for the people who staff those important positions. Many communities are finding it more difficult to attract and retain good employees as demand for their services increase.
It’s a sort of doubleedged sword for citizens who benefit from quality
News tips, story ideas, community events, photos, birth announcements, milestones, anniversaries (40 years & above) or birthdays (80 yrs. old & above) by contacting
TommySibigaandhisteamofagentshavesoldwellover 550+homesintheHanoverCountyzipcodessince1/1/2018. Ifyou’reinterestedinchattingwiththemostexperiencedand localmarketexpert...callortextTommyatanytimeat804.551.1702. Interestedinafreecomparitivemarketanalysis?Justplugyouraddress into;
CyndiWyattBlake 804-357-6848
Tobebuilt3bedroom,2.5bathroom “Newhaven”planByRCIBuilders. $399,9 00
NEWLISTING- 1400sqft3br1.5both2 cargaragefencedinrearyardAtleehigh district $ 327,500
ToddRogers 804-569-1534
Atotaloften1+acrelotsofferingprivacy andhighspeedinternetlocatedoffSummer HillRd.Startinginthe600’s.
OldChurch, 61.6Acres,two parcels,Zoned A-1, $574,950 CrownHillRd
CyndiWyattBlake 804-357-6848
JasonCollier 804-912-3515
DanielleBerberich 804-363-5973
TommySibiga 804-551-1702
200MarinaDrive,CenterCrossVa.SouthHillBanks, ARappahannockRiverfrontCommunity.3bed2 bath,45mingetawayfromMech. Beach,Pavilion,BoatRamp. $260,0 00.
DonaldRozell 804-305-0894
Studley,35.4 Acres,Zoned A-1, $299,000 WilliamsvilleRd
TwoopportunitiesforlargeacreagesinglefamilyhomesinHanoverCounty.Privacy,wild life,recreationalspace,easycommutetoRichmond,Fredericksburg,Williamsburg.Build noworlater?YOURCHOICE!YourBuilderorOurs?YOURCHOICE!
David“Berb”Berberich 804-514-3135
BuildonYourLotorOurs, David“Berb”Berberich
DionneHawkins-Burley 804-677-6757
DonaldRozell 804-305-0894
KenRohle 804-730-8340
C.B.Southward 804514-6000
SkylerAllen 804-432-4135
AbbyAllen TowneFirstMortgage 804-517-0592
PamWood 804-513-8842
DillonPearson 804-370-5733
DylanPearson 804-833-1910
SamLocklear 804-244-0697
animals, which makes for fun Google searches to see what they look like. When I looked up tenuiroster, which is any group of mostly passerine birds having slender bills, the top search result was the great knot, which is a small wader most likely to be found in Siberia, southern Asia or Australia than anywhere here. But to be honest (and bird enthusiasts don’t hate me for this) it looked pretty similar to many of the waders I see when I go to the beach.
I was actually more interested in finding an image of a upeygan (a black rhinoceros) but was unsuccessful. Maybe someday when I have a little more time to dedicate to the search. Funnily enough, many of the top search results were related to the use of the word in spelling bees. As someone who often spends too much time not
using proper posture at the computer, omodynia (pain in the shoulder) is all too familiar.
In a previous spelling bee, I learned about alectryomancy, which is divination by means of a rooster encircled by grains of corn placed on letters of the alphabet which are then put together in the order in which the grains were eaten. In this bee, I learned the meaning of catoptromancy, a divination by mirror or by crystal gazing.
Like crystal ball gazing, there are things I understand because I have seen them in practice but I couldn’t tell you the actual word that defines them. Such was the case with manoletina, which is a right-handed movement of a cape by a matador in bullfighting, in which a red cloth attached to a stick is held by the left hand behind the back. I am going to say I will stick to the cartoon representation of this action as I don’t have the stomach for
the real thing.
Rounding out some of the other random words I learned were mandragora (an herb that has been credited with human attributes and made the subject of many superstitions, also known as a mandrake), which was giving me Harry Potter vibes even before I read the definition; pogonip, a dense winter fog containing frozen particles that is formed in deep mountain valleys of the western United States; and tamarin (small South American marmosets having elongate canine teeth, silky fir and long nonprehensile tails), some of which have fantastic looking mustaches.
Seriously, I didn’t expect to find an animal that rivaled the adorable features of the previously learned binturongs, but the tamarins give them a run for their money.
Laura McFarland may be reached at
From A6
services and attentive government, but also must navigate a tricky financial period where increases in cost of living seem to come from every direction. Similarly, personal property taxes have increased significantly due to increased values of used cars in our country. Again, good news that your car’s
From A3
value is holding but unfortunately another increase in those taxes we often omit when considering inflation.
Localities in the metro area should be commended for maintaining levels of service despite the pandemic and a myriad of economic challenges that accompanied a nationwide shutdown.
Government employees and teachers have been rewarded with well de-
member was reported on the 9200 block of hanover crossings drive.
served salary increases, and public safety has been enhanced with additional staffing.
Although the increases in real estate assessments, personal property tax bills and the like represent a small part of the increased costs of living currently being levied on households, when coupled with increased food bills, hefty fuel bills and increased prices for most consumer goods, it all adds up.
FEB. 14
damage of a catalytic converter was reported on the 10400 block of Lakeridge Park.
Threats in writing were reported on the 11400 block of Garden Terrace court.
Identity thief, Id to defraud less or equal to $200 was reported on the 7000 block of daffodil road. assault and battery on a family
• Winner of “Bestof SeniorLiving” basedon reviewson A PlaceforMom,theleadingonline searchplatform forsenior care.Itisawarded to only2-3%ofsenior communitiesnationwide.
• Winner of “BestAssistedLiving”and“Best Memory Care” from U.S.News & World Report,basedon consumer-satisfactionsurveys completed byresidents andtheir families.
• Ourapproach to dementia care follows Teepa Snow’sPositive Approach to Care®model, which recognizes eachperson’s uniqueneeds,highlightingtheirskillswhileproviding support
• Supportingthelocal community by providingeducationalprogramsorganizing collections,and raisingfunds forcharities.
credit card fraud more or equal to $200 in 6 months 8000 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
Obtaining money or signature by false pretenses was reported on the 7200 block of edgeworth road.
assault, malicious with a victim injured was reported on the 7200 block of Garden Park Lane.
Grand larceny shoplifting was reported on the 6400 block of Mechanicsville Turnpike.
credit card theft was reported on
the 7300 Bell creek road. driver not report accident with damage less than $250 was reported on the 6300 block of creighton road/Power road.
FEB. 15
Tamper/injure of a vehicle, boat, aircraft was reported on the 8400 block of Times dispatch Boulevard. assault and battery on a family member was reported on the 6400 block of Kings dominion Boulevard. a simple assault was reported on the 13400 block of Liberty school road.
7080Brooks Farm Rd., Mechanicsville,VA 23111 • 804-723-1336
HENRY, Marshall Randolph “Randy” Jr., 71, went to be with the Lord Friday, March 10, 2023. he was preceded in death by his father, Marshall r. henr y sr.; mother, Minna r. Freeman; and stepfather, Willard c . Freeman. randy is survived by the love of his life and caregiver, sandy henr y; four children, Kelly Mccray (eric), stac y henr y, rugina Brazell (Jonathan) and Matthew henry; stepchildren, amie Makki, G.J. Truman (angela) and Brad Truman (Jennifer); nine grandchildren, Madison, austin, Kaitlyn, Isiah, Justice, Waseem, henr y, Layla and Karson; siblings, rugina Tsironis (chris), reuben henr y (Jetty), Teresa Mason (Gary), Patricia Buzzard (Mike); as well as a host of nieces, nephews, aunt and cousins. randy was a proud U.s. Marine corps Veteran, which gave him the opportunity to travel the World. he loved the river, cigarettes, lottery tickets and coffee, in no particular order. above all, he loved his grandkids more than anything else. The family will receive friends from 2 to 3 p.m., with memorial services beginning at 3 p.m., saturday, March 18, 2023 at the Mechanicsville chapel of the Bennett Funeral home, 8014 Lee-davis rd. Interment will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the hanover animal shelter, 12471 Taylor complex Lane a shland, Va. 23005.
BARNES, Linda Diane. It is with great sorrow that the family of diane Barnes announces her passing on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at the age of 71. diane is survived by her loving husband of 50 years, Jerry; and their children, sunny Ogburn (Jonathan) and Jasmin Woodside (rigel). she will also be sadly missed by her five grandchildren, emma, Bayla, caleb, ren and auni. diane is survived by her stepfather, henr y Penny III (essie); her stepmother, Marie yates; sisters, nanc y alley (Brad), cindy hawkins, Bonnie yates; brothers, Frank yates (Jennifer), henr y Penny; brothers and sisters-in-law, Gene Barnes (Judy), debbie Mcdonald (Jimmy), Kim Barnes; and a host of wonderful nieces and nephews. diane was predeceased by her mother, ann satter field; and father, Frank yates. diane sold real estate for 12 years after staying home to raise her children. Later in her career, she was the Office Manager for Woody hogg & a ssociates, from where she retired. she volunteered through the years, and actively worked on projects that brought positive change to her community and schools. she loved traveling with friends, time spent at the lake and the countless hours of fun with family, friends and her husband. a celebration of Life in diane’s honor will be held at Woody Funeral home-atlee chapel on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Family will receive friends at 1 p.m., with the service beginning at 2 p.m. Interment will be private. Online condolences and fond memories of diane may be offered to the family on the Woody Funeral home-atlee chapel website.
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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of William Baldwin staver of sandston, Virginia. he was the only son of Mark and Betsy staver, born on november 27, 1992. he is survived by his parents; his girlfriend, christina Powell; his two dogs, a xel and Zeus; his aunts, uncles, cousins; and dear friend, Briar; all of whom he loved dearly. he was a 2011 graduate of atlee high school and grew up in the Kings char ter neighborhood, surrounded by wonderful families and friends. Will was an accomplished athlete in his younger years, especially in soccer and swimming. he was a free spirit who would say what was on his mind, but he had the biggest heart and would give anyone the shirt off his back. he loved tattoos and there were never enough. he had a strong faith in his christian foundation. he was a master negotiator and salesman. he loved his “Baldwin Family” as well as the “staver Family” and treasured the yearly beach trips. his first job was with Ukrops at the age of 15, starting as a bagger and ultimately as a nighttime stocker. he worked in landscaping for a while and with Tolley elec tric, where he completed their four-year electrician program and graduated in 2018 probably his biggest accomplishment. For the past few years, he had been working for M.c . dean as an electrician. Will had an incredible work ethic and enjoyed the work that he did. a memorial service was held at church of the redeemer, 8725 Meadowbridge rd., Mechanicsville, Va. on Friday, March 10, 2023 beginning at 11 a.m. with a reception following. Memorial contributions can be made to the sPca or to any organization which supports addic-
COOPER, Brian Keith. On Monday, March 6, 2023, Brian Keith cooper, loving soldier to many, passed away at age 43. he was born in Parkersburg, WVa., on March 18, 1979. Brian enlisted in the army reserves in 1997 and served active duty during Operation noble eagle and Operation Iraqi Freedom until he was honorably discharged January 2004. an avid culinary professional, Brian graduated Valedictorian from the Pittsburgh culinary Institute, december 2000. Brian navigated life with a sense of purpose and an overwhelming caring concern for others. Brian had a love of the outdoors, playing cornhole, and treasured his time with his kids making memories camping, fishing, hiking and traveling. Brian was the life of the party and his smile lit up the room. he never knew a stranger. Brian was an advocate for supporting soldiers and their families who were suffering from PTsd, as Brian knew the struggle, too. Brian was best known for his quick-witted humor, fierce determination and generous spirit. he is sur vived by his wife, Laura cooper; and their children, Mackenzie cooper and chase cooper; his parents, Michael and regina cooper; his brother, Gregory cooper (Virginie); and twin sister, Michelle hopkins (Jim). Michelle was older by three minutes. he is also survived by his aunt, cynthia cooper; nephews, Logan cooper, carson hopkins and Baley hopkins; and niece, sabine cooper; and many family members and extended family of personal friends. Brian was preceded in death by grandparents, harr y and eva cooper and russell and Juanita spencer. Visitation was held at Mcculla Funeral home, 770 Fairmont road, Morgantown, on Friday, March 10, from 6 to 8 p.m. Visitation continued at Mcculla Funeral home on saturday, March 11, from 10 until the 11 a.m. funeral service with full military honors conferred by WVanG Military honors, camp dawson and the Westover VFW #9916. In lieu of giving flowers, the family asks that those who are able instead make a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project, 600 river ave. suite 400, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15212. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTsd, please encourage them to get help. Veterans crisis hotline number is 988 then press 1.
ROW, Thomas John, 95, of Mechanicsville, Virginia, passed away on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Loving husband of the late Jean row (nee chesley). he is sur vived by his children, Thomas, Michael (a shley Montague), Jennifer and Jeffrey (nanc y); eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Tom was born in Fairfax and lived there until retiring to Mechanicsville in 2007. he was devoted to his family and friends and always ready to offer support and help when needed. he will truly be missed. Online condolences may be registered at www. bennettfuneral
Please see MORE OBITUARIES, Page A11
From A10
LEMONAVAGE, Shirley, 92, of Montpelier, Va. (formerly of hackensack, n.J.), quietly passed away at her home after a brief illness. In heaven, she joins her husband of 44 years, stanley; and her grandson, adam Jacobus. she is fondly remembered by everyone as their favorite cashier at Ukrop’s supermarket in a shland, Va., where she enjoyed working for many years. even after her retirement, wherever she went, former customers would recognize her and come over to speak and give her a hug. she was active at st. ann’s catholic church, a shland, Va., where she headed the “Life Goes On” widow and widower’s group. she will be missed by her loving family. she is survived by her daughters, diane Jacobus (John), sandy Graser (Mark), dawn Lemonavage (Greg); grandchildren, Jason Jacobus (rachel), sarah Graser, nicole Thompson; and great-grandson, christopher Jacobus. The family will receive friends on Wednesday, March 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. at nelsen Funeral home, 412 s. Washington hwy., a shland, Va. 23005. a Funeral Mass will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 16 at st. ann’s catholic church, 105 s. snead st., a shland, Va. 23005. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to st. ann’s catholic church, or follow shirley’s example and light a candle and say a prayer.
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WILLIAMS, Harris “Gil,” 99 and 4 months, of Mechanicsville, went to be with the Lord Wednesday, January 11, 2023. he was preceded in death by his wives, nanc y c . Williams and Josephine M. Williams; and is survived by his daughters, debbie Broughton (B.J.), donna radogna (dennis), della Parker (Gary) and dena Messina (ron); nine grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Gil was a loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather and will be missed dearly. he loved to talk and would share his many life experiences with all those he came into contact with. he never met a stranger. Gil had a strong love for the rappahannock river where he built a home that he spent his weekends and later his retirement years. Gil was a WWII U.s army Veteran, serving as a paratrooper in the Pacific Theatre. he was an active member of shalom Baptist church. The family will receive friends from 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, March 16 at the Mechanicsville chapel of the Bennett Funeral home, 8014 Lee-davis rd. Graveside services will be held 11 a.m. Friday, March 17, 2023 at Westhampton Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to shalom Baptist church, 8116 Walnut Grove rd., Mechanicsville, Va. 23111.
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The Hanover County Black Heritage Society and the Pamunkey Library System welcomed Donald Coles, local recording artist, to the Mechanicsville Library on Friday, March 24. Coles, also a visual artist, featured his created portraits at the library throughout January and February and culminated the Art Gallery with “Music at Midday” Program.
“It warmed my heart to see so many people not only coming out to enjoy the Art Gallery, but also the Musical Program. When I was playing the music, I looked up and it was standing room only,” expressed Coles.
Having played with many bands and musicians over the years, Coles shared some of his musical inspirations: “Ella Fitzgerald, Lester Flatts, Wes Montgomery, Chet Atkins, and everything Motown.” Accompanying with his guitar, harmonica and banjo, Coles performed selections from a variety of
genres, including jazz, gospel, bluegrass, country and rhythm and blues with his natural smooth tenor voice ranges.
With music and laughter as a common love language, the sense of community was tangibly present throughout the full and standing room only program at the library.
“You name it and I will play it; I love entertaining,” said Coles, as he also shared humorous anecdotes and comedic talents in between songs. From lyrical ballads to catchy melodies, some of the selections included “Spain (I Can Recall)”; “Since I Fell for You”; Lovely Day”; “What a Wonderful World”; “Happy”; “Never Wanted Nothing More”; “Purple Rain”; “I Write a Song” and “Tennessee Whiskey.”
Jaime Fawcett, executive director of the Hanover Museum of History and Culture; Patricia Hunter-Jordan, president of the Hanover NAACP; and supervisor W. Canova Peterson and his
wife were among the captivated audience members, as they were delightfully observed rocking, swaying and clapping to the music in rhythm. Hanover musicians in attendance were: Joshua Allen, Mabel Carter, Henrietta Doswell and the New Jewels, Carolyn Johnson and Brenda Gatling of The Echoes, Jessi Johnson Peterson of the Virginia Repertory Theatre, and The Soul Seekers of Mechanicsville. Vicinity and Richmond musicians also present were: Glennroy Bailey, Alvin Campbell, Kevin Gaines and Marsha Meekins.
“They were gracious enough to allow me to be me. Artists and performers love their freedom to create art,” conveyed Coles. He concluded the program with an unforgettable and resounding rendition of “Midnight Cry,” an all-time favorite personally requested by Mary Randolph Waddy, a Hanover County Black Heritage Society board member.
Sue Randolph, president of the Hanover County Black Heritage Society, commented, “I had the opportunity to assemble with so many other spectators and was graced with the presence of Mr. Donald Coles as we were captured and moved by his awesome music.”
The Hanover County Black
Recently 25 teens from Powhatan, Goochland and Hanover counties traveled to Jamestown 4-H Educational Center to participate in an overnight training. These teens put in a lot of time and effort to attend 4-H camp as teen counselors. In addition to this kickoff training, the teens will meet monthly to prepare for camp. If you know a child ages 9 to 13 who would like to attend the camp the week of July 17, register at the link, Note boys spots have filled quickly and they will be placed on a wait list. Bring on the girls!
Heritage Society thanked the Pamunkey Library system for their continued community collaboration and members look forward to continued programming throughout the year. They also extended much appreciation to the positive feedback from the community, for their attendance, many who reported
that the library had run out of parking spaces! Additional appreciation goes to Wanda Day Lewis of Alpha Images Photography; Phyllis Winston-Hollaway, Hanover County Black Heritage board member; and the Friends of the Library volunteers who provided the light refreshments.
On Monday, March 20, the Kiwanis Club of Ashland celebrates its 100th anniversary and officially enters its second century of service to the community, renewing its mission of helping the youth of Hanover County one child at a time.
The Ashland Club was chartered in February 1923 as the 51st club in the nation by Kiwanis International, which was founded eight years earlier. The name Kiwanis derives from a Native American term meaning “We Serve,” and there are now more than 6,000 Kiwanis Clubs in 80 countries.
From the beginning, the members of Ashland Kiwanis were willing to tackle almost any challenge, be it big or small, according to Roy Mills, the club’s 99th president.
“The Club’s first major project was to raise $20,000 (about $350,000 today) to pave the road from Ashland to Solomon’s Store in what is now north Richmond. This was the forerunner of U.S. Route 1,” Mills said.
“During the 1920s, our club helped finance the purchase of two new fire trucks in Ashland. In the 1940s, the Ashland Kiwanis Club Club developed and provided financial support for the local high school band program and in 1946 we coordinated the raising of funds for the Ashland War Memorial Building,” Mills added.
“In 1947, we organized the Key Club at Patrick Henry High School, still one of three high school key clubs the Ashland club sponsors today.,” said Ed Hutchinson of Mechanicsville, chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee. “The CKI Club at RandolphMacon College was added in 1955.”
What started out as a club of local businessmen evolved into a diverse
Sheehy Ford of Ashland recently donated $10,000 to ACES and $5,000 to the Boys and Girls Club of Hanover as part of Sheehy Auto Stores’ Annual Giving Program for 2022, whereby $219,500 was given to charities throughout communities in Washington, D.C.; Baltimore, Maryland; Hagerstown, Maryland; and Richmond, Virginia.
ACES provides a variety of emergency services to residents of Hanover County in coordination with local organizations.
funds to purchase and install, with volunteer labor, an expansion of the playground equipment at ashland’s Pufferbelly Park.
group of men and women dedicated to the growing role of community service and the enrichment of the lives of local youths.
“In 1997, the Ashland Kiwanis Club provided funding and manpower to create Ashland’s Pufferbelly Park. In 2011, we provided manpower to replace some deteriorated playground equipment there and in 2019, we helped raised funds to purchase and install, with volunteer labor, an expansion of the playground equipment The playground was officially renamed ‘Kiwanis Pufferbelly Park’ by the Town of Ashland,” Hutchinson said.
“In 1996, we created the Ashland Kiwanis Charitable Foundation, which today provides four-year scholarships for graduating seniors of our Key Clubs and annual scholarships for qualified individuals in the R-MC CKI Club and The Hanover Trades and Technology Center,” Hutchison said.
Additionally, the foundation provides ongoing financial support for two programs at the Patrick Henry YMCA, Wings of Hope and the Happy Reading Program. The foundation also underwrites the Club’s Perfect Attendance Program at six
For several decades, the ashland Kiwanians have organized and run the annual ashland/hanover Old Time holiday Parade. On March 20, the Kiwanis club of ashland celebrates its 100th anniversary.
of Hanover’s elementary schools.
For several decades, the Ashland Kiwanians have organized and run the annual Ashland/Hanover Old Time Holiday Parade and are actively involved in running the town’s annual Train Day, Strawberry Faire and a variety of youth educational programs, and, with Hanover Parks and Recreation, the Aktion Club for young adults with intellectual challenges.
For additional information, contact Ed Hutchinson at 804-5193837 or Roy Mills at 248-830-0052.
The mission of the Boys and Girls Club of Hanover is to empower young people, especially those from historically marginalized communities, to succeed in life.
Sheehy Auto Stores is one of the Top 30 Private Dealer groups in the country. The company has been family-owned and operated since its formation in 1966 as a single Ford dealership. Sheehy’s growth to nearly $2 billion in sales and 45,000 new and used vehicles annually has been based on adherence to their Mission Statement: “One team building a lasting relationship with each customer based on trust.” The company operates in the Mid-At-
lantic region with 30 stores from Richmond to Baltimore, and from Annapolis to Hagerstown. Their brands include Buick GMC, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Lincoln, Subaru, Mazda, Lexus, INFINITI, Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Nissan and Harley-Davidson. Sheehy’s focus and execution on customer loyalty has earned their distinction as one of the premier retailers for each of the manufacturers they represent. For more information, visit
Call 804-798-4072 or visit the library at 201 S. Railroad Ave. for more information.
A Night for Swing at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 15, 7 — 8:30 p.m. “Swing Dancing” is an umbrella term for the many styles of dance that developed in response to the exciting new Swing music of the
1920s and 30s. The “Lindy Hop,” “Balboa,” “Collegiate Shag,” and “Charleston” are a few of the more popular swing dances. Join an instructor from RVA Swing to learn about the history of swing dancing and to learn a few basic steps. Be prepared to learn, dance, and have fun!
Summer Camp Fair at the Ashland Branch Library, Saturday,
Please see LIBRARIES, Page A15
March 18, 1 – 3 p.m. It’s not too early to begin planning for summer! Stop by the library to meet with representatives and learn about unique summer camps and activities in Ashland, Hanover County and beyond. From arts and crafts to dance to sports, there will be something to interest everyone!
Afternoon Book Club at the Ashland Branch Library, Monday, March 20, 1– 2 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Read our book of the month and engage in a lively discussion about it. Share views about the book and author and share reading recommendations.
Mother Goose Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Mondays, March 20 and 27, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler/Preschool Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Family Storytime at the Ashland Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 11:30 a.m. to noon. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m. Learn the basics of raising chickens at home, including the best variety of chickens to choose, providing adequate housing, good nutrition and hydra -
tion, how to protect your brood, and what you need to know to be compliant in your area.
From the Heart Stitchers at the Ashland Branch Library. Thursdays, March 23, noon to 4 p.m. From the Heart Stitchers began in 2001 making chemo hats for the Massey Cancer Center and today has over 1,899 stitchers making thousands of items for service groups across the Commonwealth. Sew, knit, crochet or loom anything from blankets to shawls and everything in between. Bring a sewing machine, knitting needles, etc. and supplies, and make items for From the Heart every fourth Thursday. See for more information about this organization.
Hanover County History
1860-1980 at the Ashland Branch Library, Thursday, March 23, 7- 8:30 p.m.
Through the presentation of images of historic plats, court orders, pleadings, exhibits and other documents filed in Hanover County from its earliest days in the 1700s to the time immediately preceding the Civil War, Circuit Court Clerk Frank D. Hargrove Jr. provide unique insight into the early history of Hanover County, Virginia. He also will share information about ongoing efforts to conserve and digitize the County’s historical records.
Instant Shakespeare: King Lear at the Ashland Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 1 — 5:30 p.m.
Immerse yourself in Shakespeare! Spend a day reviewing, discussing, preparing for a dramatic reading of King Lear. End the day with the dramatic reading with props. Scripts and props are provided. Registration is required
by Wednesday, March 22. A minimum of 8 participants will be necessary for the program. For more information and to request a role, contact Becki Jones, the Shakespeare Lady, at
Are There Monsters in Virginia? at the Ashland Branch Library, Wednesday, March 29, 7 – 8 p.m. Are there monsters in Virginia? Do Bigfoot, the Wampus Cat and cryptids exist? Why is Norton, Virginia considered a sanctuary for Bigfoot? Hear stories about reported sightings of monsters in Virginia and Washington, D.C. and decide for yourself if these monsters are real!
Call 804-365-6210 or visit the library at 7527 Library Drive for more information.
Kumihimo at the Hanover Branch Library, Thursday, March 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. Ages 12-18. Learn the Japanese braiding art of kumihimo. All materials provided to make one necklace. Registration required at https:// pamunk e ylibrary.libcal. com/event/9745971. Refreshments provided.
Hanover Book Club at the Hanover Branch Library, Tuesday, March 21, noon – 1 p.m. Do you like to read? Join our fun group to enjoy a good book and discuss it among peers. March’s title is “The Alice Network” by Kate Quinn. Registration is required for the Zoom portion at event/10303353. The meeting link will be sent to the email registered 1 day before the event occurs. If you don’t receive your reminder email, please con -
tact the library. Family Storytime at the Hanover Branch Library, Fridays, March 24 and 31, 10:45 — 11:15 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes, and much more! Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Call 804-883-7116 or visit the library at 17205 Sycamore Tavern Lane for more information. Family Storytime at the Montpelier Branch Library. Thursday, March 16 and 23, 4 to 4:30 p.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Get a Hobby: Linoblock Printing at the Montpelier Branch Library, Thursday, March 23, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m.
Need a new craft obsession? Try your hand at the ancient art of block printing. We’ll create original designs on paper using linoleum and ink. Beware: the tools are sharp! Ages 18+
Call 804-749-3146 or visit the library at 16600 Pouncey Tract Road for more information. Read 2 Rover at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library. Thursday, March 16, 4:30 — 5:30 p.m. Grades K-2. Read 2 Rover provides comfort and motivation for
beginning readers as they read aloud to Colby or Pepper, our therapy dogs. Space is limited. Call the Rockville Branch at 804749-3146 or visit the library for more information to register for this rewarding program!
Family Storytime at the Cochrane Rockville Branch Library. Friday, March 24 and 31, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Enjoy a fun time with books, singing, rhymes and more. Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, 80 year-old birthday & above announcement
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80 year-old birthday & above announcement submissions can be e-mailed to
submitted by c arolyn Garner, adult public ser vices coordinator.
News tip, story idea, community events, photos, birth announcements, 40th anniversaries & above or 80 year-old birthday & above announcements submissions can be e-mailed to
News tip, photos, anniversaries & above announcements e-mailed
With the spring sports season about to get underway, it’s time to look ahead at what the Hanover Hawks can do this season across their different programs.
Starting with the baseball team, the Hawks enter the season with a target on their backs as the defending Class 4 state champions. It was a magical ride for the Hawks in 2022 as they ran through the competition with a perfect 11-0 record in the Capital District and a dominant 11-0 state championship victory over James Wood High School.
That stacked squad featured five All-State players, pro-level talent across the board, the coach of the year in Tyler Kane and the AllMetro player of the year in Seth Keller.
Owen Deshazo, Levi Huesman, Cannon Peebles and Charlie Rohr joined Keller as first team AllState players, and while the gifts of players like Keller, who was recently drafted by the Atlanta Braves in the sixth round of the 2022 MLB Draft, will be tough to replace, the Hawks have tons of talent left from their championship squad.
Seniors Cole Elrod and Nolan Williamson headline a strong pitching group, while outfielder Jack Bowles, shortstop T.J. Woodson and utility player Darryl Husband round out a starting lineup defined by sound defense and tons of speed.
Newcomers like sophomore pitcher Evan Nix and junior infielder Tavis Spiller also look to make an impact with the defending champs.
The softball team also brings with them a championship pedigree as a defending state champion in its own right, with the team looking to build off a season where lopsided victories were commonplace. After beating Tuscarora in the state finals in a 13-3 victory that was closer than the score indicates, the Hawks bring back a roster loaded with talent,
but overall inexperience in some key spots.
They’ll have returning players like reigning All-Metro player of the year Julia Cuozzo and AllMetro members Emma Slutzah and Lillian Parrish to lead the way.
It’ll be tough to top the legendary season Cuozzo had as a junior, which saw her join Julie Smith, Lauren Brummell, Courtney Long as the only players in school history to win All-Metro player of the year after leading the way to Hanover’s first state title since 2006, but if anyone can build on that kind of success, it’s the UVAbound pitcher.
It’ll also be exciting to see how Slutzah builds off her marvelous 2022 season where she was struck out just three times and batted an unreal .433 with three home runs and 27 RBIs.
Newcomers like junior first baseman Olivia Gibson, junior infielder Meghan Deshazo and freshman shortstop Brie Wheeler round out the roster and will look to make good impressions early with their opportunities, while head coach Tommy Evans points to sophomore outfielder Kaileigh Byars as a potential star in the making thanks to her pure talent and work ethic.
With Hanover girls soccer, the Hawks bring back 10 of their 11 starters from last season as they attempt to run it back and advance past the regional semifinals, where their season ended in a devastating 2-1 final to Mechanicsville.
The Hawks have three All-Region first teamers in senior defender Hailey Gilchrest and junior forwards Samanta Krines and Taylor Grubb who lead the way
of captains Fletcher Waran and Matisse Body.
Body will lead the charge on offense along with a group featuring senior Evin St. Clair and talented midfielder Seth Langford, who scored 10 goals last season. On defense, Waran and senior Mark Niepraschk will help protect the net which will be occupied by sophomore keeper Mitch Palmgren.
After exits in the regional tournament, the boys and girls lacrosse teams will look to build off promising seasons as well, with the girls team returning eight starters from a team that finished with an 11-4 record last year.
Offensively, the return of their top goal scorers in Kenson Epperly and Tatum Zyglocke gives them a leg up on the competition, while the defense will be anchored by Gabi Greth and experienced seniors Abby Seiders, Parker Bond and Peyton Powers.
after strong seasons in 2022. Gilchrest is a talented goal-scoring threat from the back line, finishing up her junior year with eight shots hitting the back of the net, while Krines is coming off a dynamic 16goal season as a sophomore.
Grubb and Krines will be the likely top goal-scorers, but look out for the continued development of junior midfielder Ava Olson as well as senior Estella Gajarsky-Prado to add to the scoring prowess of this year’s Hawks.
The boys soccer team on the other hand will have to replace six starters from last year’s squad, who went 9-6-2. Head coach Laurent Body has a smaller, more inexperienced roster entering the season, but has already applauded the team’s communication skills and work ethic, much of which can be credited to the leadership
Zyglocke leads a talented group of attackers that are returning from last year as well, with Emily Snellings, Cecelia Naglic and Addisyn Elliott looking to improve with another year under their belts. Epperly headlines a relatively young midfield position as the de facto leader of the group, but Olivia Griffin and Kinsley Bajer will do their part to help the revamped midfield produce scoring chances.
The boys team has a strong senior class to carry the load, with attackers Rock Schraa and Henry Montgomery leading the offense, Carter Grizzard leading in at midfielder and Grady Fahed and Connor Ellinghaus controlling the defense while junior Nate Snellings occupies the goal.
This group of experienced players helped the team get to the regional semifinals with a 12-3 record, but with a new coaching staff led by James Mahan, it’ll be interesting to see how much different the Hawks operate compared to last year’s team.
When faced with adversity, trying to end the defending national champion’s reign and Division III-record 64-game home winning streak, you must answer at the most critical moments.
Oswego State did just that, quelling two big Randolph-Macon comeback attempts, one that cut a 16-point deficit down to 3, holding on to eliminate the Yellow Jackets from the Division III tournament 74-63.
“This is an unbelievable win for our program,” Lakers coach Jason Leone said. “(Randolph-Macon) has set a very high standard for the rest of Division III basketball. We did one or two things to get them off balance. Then we had to finish.”
Oswego State (28-2), winners of the State University of New York Athletic Conference, entered on a 23-game winning streak, and, from the tip, were unfazed by the Yellow Jackets’ top ranking and championship status. The Lakers grabbed an early 10-5 lead, building their first half lead to as many as 15.
The Yellow Jackets, meanwhile, struggled from beyond the arc, shooting just 3 of 16 in the first half, and headed to the locker room down 38-26 at intermission.
For Hanover tennis, the girls team enters as the defending regional champs that made it far in the state tournament, Much of that roster remains intact, with senior Jordan Wood once again returning to the No. 1 spot on the team. Sophomore Claire Watkinson, senior Juliann Webster, junior Kathryn Tunstall and senior Jamison Poythress all return to help the Hawks get back to the state tournament.
After reaching the state finals and winning the region last year,
“All the credit goes to Oswego State. These guys have been knocking on the door,” RandolphMacon coach Josh Merkel said, noting the Lakers were making their fourth appearance in the sectional semifinals in seven seasons.
“We didn’t shoot it great, and they
the boys tennis team sees the return of sophomore talent Will Hart, who had a 19-5 record as a freshman and was the regional runner-up in the singles competition. The team has a generally young starting lineup, but returnees like No. 2 Jay Blaser and junior No. 4 Teagon Cole as well as the addition of No. 3 Riley Butler gives them a chance to compete for another region title.
There’s tons of high-level talent across the athletic landscape at Hanover High School once again in 2023, now it’s time to sit back and watch what these teams can do as they represent their school.
made that happen.”
Randolph-Macon (29-2) began the second half on a 9-2 run, fueled by Josh Talbert. The senior scored 6 points, then had a steal and assist to Will Coble for a 3-pointer that cut the Lakers’ lead to 40-35.
randolphMacon’s Josh Talbert (center) and his teammates have won 64 consecutive games at home, a division III record. The no. 1-ranked yellow Jackets are 29-1 and have won 27 consecutive games heading into the third round of the d-III tournament.
layup. Back-to-back layups from Miles Mallory and Keishawn Pulley Jr. cut the margin to 42-39. But
Jeremiah Sparks and Devin Green responded with layups of their own, sparking a 17-4 Lakers run for their biggest lead of the game 59-43.
The Yellow Jackets then fired off a 12-0 run, capped by a Talbert layup to cut the margin to 59-55. After a timeout, the Lakers produced their second answer, a Cartier Bowman layup with 5:21 to go.
Randolph-Macon never got closer than 5, as the Lakers went 9 of 10 at the free throw line in the final minutes to pull away.
The Lakers shot 55.3% from the floor, making 17 of 21 free throws. The Yellow Jackets ended with 38.6% shooting, but only 20.7% on 3s.
For seniors Talbert and Mallory, they conclude their careers with a record of 102-5, three Sweet Sixteen appearances and the 2022 national title.
“I didn’t want to let anyone down,” Talbert explained. “I was going to put everything on the line. But they made plays. They answered.”
Out of an Oswego State timeout, the first of those answers came courtesy of a Jamal Achille
“It’s been amazing. I’m really gonna miss these guys,” Merkel said, holding back tears. “They’ve set the bar so high. I’m so thankful they were with us.”
“I wouldn’t dream of anywhere else,” Mallory said of his time as a Yellow Jacket.
hanover forward seth Langford (16) maintains focus and balance in a 2-2 draw with Patrick henry at hanover high school on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.
lifestyles and positive aging, along with various activities and door prizes. also offered during this event will be a special centenarian recognition to honor h anover residents who are 100 years of age or older. If you know someone living in hanover county who will be 100 or older this year, we want to honor them. Please call community resources at 804-365-4300 or email The deadline to submit the information is March 24. To register for this event, visit www. and select events, key word: Finding Value in your Prime (click on link). consider bringing non-perishable, donated food items to the event to help benefit M.c e.F. Food Pantry. For more information, contact hanover county community resources at 804-365-4300.
a ‘decade of the 60’s reunion’ for all alumni of hermitage high school for the classes of 1960 through 1969 will be held from 4 to 9 p.m. at richmond east Moose Lodge Ballroom, 7167 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. Music, food, plenty of tables, chairs, memories and old friends. cash bar, casual attire. The event is limited to 400 attendees. The cost is $25 per person. To reserve your spot, make out your check to hhs 60’s reunion and mail to: hhs 60’s reunion, 7330 staples Mill rd. #249,
henrico, Va 23228. Include your full name and address and which year you graduated. For more information, contact sue halsey cox (class of 1966) 804-387-9182 or Or contact dale Morris (class of 1964) at 804-897-7452 or
Bring your family and join us as we celebrate spring, the shearing of the sheep and fiber production at Patrick henry’s scotchtown! The program is growing and this year organizers have so much more to enjoy! The festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at scotchtown, located at 16120 chiswell Lane, Beaverdam. activities to enjoy throughout the day will include a ribbon cutting and presentation of the new floorcloth for the manor house hall; sheep shearer dave from delly’s delights Farms will be here answering all your questions; members from clothos handspinners guild will be on-site demonstrating the process of wool production; antique carriage and wagon display; rMc archaeology active dig; sheepdog herding demonstrations; open house tours; a children’s activities area; demonstrations in the hearth kitchen featuring scotchtown’s spring garden; over 40 local crafters, vendors and community organizations; and food trucks. The openhouse tour and fiber festival programs are both included at $10 for students, $12 for senior/aaa/Military, and $15 for General admission. Preservation Virginia members are $12 and children 6 and under
are free. Purchase tickets at https://www.
a monthly Blood drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) located at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. additional dates are May 23, June 20, July 27, aug. 24, sept. 26, Oct. 19, nov. 24 and dec. 26. you must schedule an appointment with the red cross at
st. Paul Lutheran church will sponsor its “everything for $1” two-day yard sale, from 7 a.m. to noon at 8100 shady Grove rd. in Mechanicsville. The inside/outside rain or shine event will include linens, kitchen, home décor, clothes (children and adult), books, toys, lawn and garden, furniture and much more. For more information, call 804-427-7500.
VFW Post 9808 will hold a shred-It event on from 9 a.m. to noon at 7168 Flag Lane in Mechanicsville. This event is for members and community residents. come and share the date with your family and friends. note that no binders or boxes are allowed.
hanover county is working with residents, businesses, landowners and other community members to update its comprehensive Plan. called “envision hanover,”
the plan is the county’s long-range vision of hanover over the next 25 years, addressing land use, housing, economic development and natural resources. It also provides guidance on where growth may be appropriate throughout the county and what that growth should look like. hanover residents’ feedback will shape the comprehensive Plan and decisions regarding growth, preservation and public investment for years to come. Based upon the feedback received, the project team has been working to identify key concepts related to land use, economic development and historic resources. These preliminary ideas will be introduced at a series of events scheduled in January and February. residents will be able to share their ideas by participating with an in-person meeting or webinar, depending upon their schedules. The hanover Board of supervisors will hold public work sessions on the comprehensive Plan on March 8, May 10 and July 26. The current schedule calls for the Planning commission to hold a public hearing on the proposed update in august, with the board’s public hearing to take place a month later. For information on the planning process, and how you can participate, visit you can also follow the process on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
The hanover county sheriff’s Office will be hosting its 14th annual senior citizens Police academy. The senior citizens Police academy will take place april 11 to June 20.
The academy will be held every Tuesday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at The Montpelier community center, located at 17203 sycamore Tavern Lane, Montpelier, Va 23192. There will be no cost for the participants. class size will be limited to the first 30 seniors who register. The program will be available to people 55 years of age or older who are residents, business owners or county employees. applicants must also be willing to submit to a background check. This academy is designed to give participants an inside look into law enforcement with the hanover county sheriff’s Office. Interested seniors are urged to download an application at or contact deputy evan Povar at (804) 365-3363 for an application or additional information. also, the application needs to be notarized. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2023. Mechanicsville c hurches emergenc y Functions One stop shop (MceF Oss) is open for food, clothing and linens from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 7235 stonewall Parkway in Mechanicsville (rear parking lot). The shop is available for residents in the 23111 and 23116 zip codes with identification and proof of residency. Walnut Grove Baptist church will be conducting Free adult english classes (esL) and citizenship classes (Passing the Test)
Please see CALENDAR, Page A26
FairmountChristianChurch, 559-8070
6502CreightonRd. Sunday AMWorshipTraditional 8:00 &10:15,Contemporary9:00, Modern 11:15,BibleSchoolat 9:00, 10:15,&11:15. Rick Raines,SeniorMinister; Chris Santasiere,AssociateMinister; SethWortman,Associate Minister; TracyThomas,Worship &MusicMinister;BillNicol,Associate WorshipMinister;Davis Ellenberger, YouthMinister; Ashley Sears,Children’sDirector
GethsemaneChurchofChrist 5146MechanicsvilleTurnpike
SundayAMWorshipServices (Checkwebsitefortimes)
COME&SEE! Allinfoat:
427-7500 ∂ 8100ShadyGroveRd,
Rev.RodneyBitely,Pastor;Sun. Sch.9:15am,Worship10:30am
HomeofAtleeChristianAcademy&HopeNowCounseling. info&
6930ColdHarborRd.,23111 8:45&11:00amservices
MeadowbridgeSeventh-Day AdventistChurch
7400AntiqueLaneMech., SaturdayServices: SabbathSchool,9:45am. WorshipService,11am. WednesdayeveningPrayer Meeting,6:30pm. Churchphone:746-2788 meadowbridgesdachurch@gmai
BlackCreekBaptistChurch, 6289McClellanRoad SundaySchool-9:00a.m. SundayWorship-10:15a.m. AdultBibleStudy&YouthGroup
Pastor,StephenKendrick orcall(804)781-0330
9283AtleeStationRd. Forinfo,activities&worship timesvisit orcall746-0800
FellowshipCommunityChurchof Mechanicsville
After10yearsatHanoverHigh Schoolwehavepurchasedour ownbuilding.Wecontinueto teachtheWordofGodand watchforthemiraculous. JoinusSundaymornings9:45am at8505BellCreekRoad,SuiteK.
8016AtleeRd. Office:804.746.7253
Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m. SundaySchool9:45a.m. Findusonthewebat
NewBethesdaBaptistChurch 9019NewBethesdaRd.779-2101
CalebBittler,Minister SundaySchool9:30AM, Worship10:45AM
BibleStudy/Prayer Youth&Childrenactivities
NewHighlandBaptistChurch 550-9601,9200NewAshcakeRd,9:15AMBible Study,10:30AMWorshipInPerson&online.Rev.DerekNicksich
8116WalnutGroveRd. Office:746.7737
Worshipinperson andLiveStreamedonYouTube &Facebook onSundaysat8:30&11:00a.m
5:30p.m. andBibleStudyat6:15p.m. Findusonthewebat
WalnutGroveBaptistisaChurch committedtofollowingJesus& lovingpeople.Youcanfindusat wgva.church7046ColdHarborrd
LebanonUnitedMethodist Church 8492PeaksRoad,746-0980
SarahSealand,Pastor WorshipInPersonandon FacebookLive:
MechanicsvilleUnitedMethodist Church 7356AtleeRoad746-5118
ReverendAmyDunn,pastor 10aminpersonworshipor Facebooklive@MechUMC ChildrensandYouthPrograms CubScoutsPack517
ShadyGroveUnitedMethodist 8209ShadyGroveRd. atthecornerofMeadowbridge Rd.,Mechanicsville,804-746-9073
In-personWorshipSundaysat 8:15,9:45,&11:15a.m., Onlineat9:45a.m. Programsforallages. Rev.WayneSnead,Pastor
ChurchoftheRedeemer 8275MeadowbridgeRoad 746-4911
Masscelebratedon Saturday5:30PM Sunday8:00&10:00AM
With phase one of the town’s first large-scale digital media push now complete, Ashland Town Council members received an update March 7 on the results of that effort.
The verdict? So far, so good.
According to Ashland community engagement manager Martha Miller, one of the primary goals of the six-month marketing campaign, which ran from Sept. 9, 2022, until March 8 of this year, was to help put Ashland front and center for potential weekend and day-trip visitors. The project also sought to
use mobile messaging as a means of boosting tourism, driving engagement on the town’s social media channels and increasing traffic on the town’s new tourism website.
As Miller explained, an analysis of the six months that the campaign was active showed an increase of 167% in the number of website visitors and a 162% increase in social media traffic. There were also over 10,000 website visits and 31,000 ad clicks, Miller said, all of which could mean more visitors to Ashland and a potential boon for local businesses.
The costs associated with the
campaign totaled $15,600, with $6,000 spent on banner and pop-up mobile ads in and around Ashland hotspots such as the rest areas and King’s Dominion. Paid keyword search and optimization on Google and Bing cost and additional $6,000, and seasonal and event-driven campaigns of Facebook and Instagram came in at $3,600.
While the immediate return on investment might be difficult to calculate, Miller said, it quickly became clear to her from the data that the money invested was being used effectively.
“For the amount of impressions we have received and the visitors we have received on our website, if you’re buying that amount of ad time on TV or even on a streaming channel, that would just be cost prohibitive,” Miller said. “So there is a really good bang for the buck here.”
Additional data gleaned from the campaign allowed county officials to see where the majority of visitors are coming from—not surprisingly its currently the Richmond metro area and the surrounding suburbs—and areas where the town might be able to drum up more
visitors (stop-ins from New York and Philadelphia seem to be trending up).
Miller told council members that her goal now is to focus on converting the people who have clicked on an ad or visited the town’s website into actual exploring, dining and shopping visitors.
“Awareness is a hard thing to measure,” Miller admitted, but the boost to economy from tourism and local visitors should be easier to track.
“Now that people know where Ashland is,” she said, “let’s measure whether they show up or not.”
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Auction noticeisherebygiventhatthe contents ofthefollowingunitsatMechanicsville Mini-Storagewillbeoffered forsalebyPublicAuctiontothe highest bidderfornon-paymentofrent. Terms: Cash -wereservetherightto reject anyorallbids. MechanicsvilleMini-Storage 8077MechanicsvillePike Mechanicsville,Va23111 (804)746-9593
A-16- CharlesMayton,B-14-Jocelyne Azzi, B-27-TashaArcher,B-30-Sharon Smith, B-31-HunterBelfield,C-8-Herman Luck,C-13-RaulAguilar,D-17Grady Goodman,D-39-RobertLange, F-3- TyisshaBrackett,I-3-WilliamKing J-4- LericoKearney,J-8-MelissaKochis.
AdvertisewithMechanicsville-AshandLocal Call804-746-1235formoredetails!
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorshasset Wednesday,March22,2023at6:00 P.M., orassoonthereafterasthe Board’sconsiderationoftheadministrative agendapermits,intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCountyGovernmentBuilding at HanoverCourthouse, Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date,time,andplacefor apublichearingtoconsiderthefollowingcases, at whichpubliccommentswillbeaccepted:
Request(s) aSpecialException
PermitinaccordancewithSection26-335oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermit areductioninthe 200-footlotwidthrequirementtoallowa185-footlotwidth,locatedonGPIN8706-40-0363,consistingof approximately1.7acres,zonedR-1, Single-FamilyResidentialDistrict,andlocatedonthenorthlineofAtleeRoad(StateRoute638) approximately60feeteastofitsintersectionwith RollinsLane(StateRoute1252).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Chickahominy
Request(s) aSpecialException
PermitinaccordancewithSection26-21.18oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermit acontractor’s equipmentstorage yardonGPIN8708-68-7842,consistingof approximately2.0acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedon thenorthlineof PeaksRoad(StateRoute657) approximately1,275feetwestofHillcrestRoad(StateRoute649).(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Beaverdam
Request(s)toamendthe approvedsketchplan approvedwithCUP-3-17,GwathmeyBaptistChurch,inaccordancewithSection26-20.21of theHanoverCountyZoningOrdinance,whichpermitted achurchonGPINs7779-52-5865and7779-52-5429,consistingof approximately 3.5acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedonthenortheastquadrantoftheintersectionofCenterStreetRoad(StateRoute663)and GwathmeyChurchRoad(StateRoute707).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLandUsePlanasSuburbanGeneral(1.5to 3dwelling unitsperacre).Theproposedamendmentwouldallowfor achurchbuildingexpansion. (PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
Request(s) aConditionalUse Permitinaccordance withSection26-20.21oftheHanoverCountyZoningOrdinancetopermit achurchexpansion onGPIN8715-25-1826,consistingof approximately10.45acres,zonedA-1,AgriculturalDistrict,andlocatedonthenorthlineof PoleGreenRoad (StateRoute627) approximately575feeteastofitsintersectionwithAntiqueLane(StateRoute305).Thesubjectpropertyisdesignatedonthe GeneralLandUsePlanMapasMulti-Use.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:Henry
Request(s) to rezone from A-1, Agricultural District, to AR-6(c), AgriculturalResidential District with conditions on GPIN 7830-11-3705, consisting of approximately 8.44 acres, and located on the east line of St. Peters Church Road (State Route 611) approximately 0.2 miles north of its intersection with Auburn Mill Road (State Route 675). The subject property is designated on the General Land Use Plan MapasAgricultural. The proposed zoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationofone(1)buildinglotfor agross density ofone(1)dwellingunitper4.22acres.(PUBLICHEARING)
Request(s)torezonefromA-1,AgriculturalDistricttoRS(c),Single-FamilyResidential DistrictwithconditionsonGPINs7768-32-5430,7768-31-1504 (part),and7767-39-7416(part),consistingof approximately161.1acres,andlocatedonthesouthlineofWinnsChurchRoad(StateRoute660) approximately1,500feetwestofitsintersectionwithGreenwoodRoad(StateRoute625).ThesubjectpropertyisdesignatedontheGeneralLand UsePlanMapasSuburbanGeneral(1.5to 3dwellingunitsperacre).Theproposedzoningamendmentwouldpermitthecreationof176building lotsfor agrossdensityof1.1dwellingunitsperacre.(PUBLICHEARING) MagisterialDistrict:SouthAnna
AnOrdinance toamendtheHanoverCountyCode,Chapter26,ZoningOrdinance,Sections26-68,26-78,and26-96,tomodifytherequirements intheRSSingle-FamilyResidentialDistrict,theRMMulti-FamilyResidentialDistrict,andtheMXMixedUseDistrictregardingthetimingofthe installationofstreettrees,pedestrianpaths,andsidewalkswithinthesezoningdistricts.(PUBLICHEARING)
CopiesoftheabovecasemaybereviewedinthePlanningOffice, Mondaythrough Friday,betweenthehoursof8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.,pleasecontact thePlanningOfficeoryoumayalsogoto
Noticeisherebygiventhat,pursuanttoVirginia CodeSection15.2-2506,theHanoverCounty BoardofSupervisorswillhold apublichearingon theCountyAdministrator’sFY24ProposedBudget, Five-YearCapitalImprovementsProgram,and Five-YearGeneralFundFinancialPlanandassociated ordinancesbeingproposedforadoption.Thispublic hearingwillbeheldonWednesday,April5,2023,at 6:00p.m.intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty AdministrationBuilding,7516CountyComplex Road,Hanover,Virginia.Atthattime,allinterested personsmaypresentwrittenororalstatementsand askquestionsregardingtheentirebudgetincluding proposedrevenuesources.CopiesoftheentireFY24 ProposedBudgetandtherelateddocumentslisted aboveareavailableforpublicinspectiononlineand anyregularworkingdaybetween8:30a.m.and 5:00p.m.intheOfficeoftheCountyAdministrator, 7516CountyComplexRoad,Hanover,Virginia,phone number(804)365-6005.Theoptionsavailablefor providingwrittenororalstatementsarepostedon
Thefollowingis asummaryoftheProposed Budget,Five-YearCapitalImprovementsProgram andFive-YearGeneralFundFinancialPlan:
CountyofHanover,Virginia FISCALYEAR2024PROPOSED
The DepartmentofHomelandSecurity’sFederalEmergencyManagementAgencyhasissueda preliminary FloodInsuranceRateMap(FIRM),andwhereapplicable,FloodInsuranceStudy(FIS) report, reflectingproposedfloodhazarddeterminationswithinHanoverCounty,VirginiaandIncorporated Areas.Thesefloodhazarddeterminationsmayincludetheadditionormodificationof Base FloodElevations,baseflooddepths,SpecialFloodHazardAreaboundariesorzonedesignations, ortheregulatoryfloodway.Technicalinformationorcommentsaresolicitedontheproposed floodhazarddeterminationsshownonthepreliminaryFIRMand/orFISreportforHanover County, VirginiaandIncorporatedAreas.Thesefloodhazarddeterminationsarethebasisforthe floodplain managementmeasuresthatyourcommunityisrequiredtoeitheradoptorshowevidence ofbeingalreadyineffectinordertoqualifyorremainqualifiedforparticipationintheNational FloodInsuranceProgram.However,beforethesedeterminationsareeffectiveforfloodplain managementpurposes,youwillbeprovidedanopportunitytoappealtheproposedinformation. Forinformationonthestatutory90-dayperiodprovidedforappeals,aswellas acomplete listingofthecommunitiesaffectedandthelocationswherecopiesoftheFIRMareavailable forreview,pleasevisitFEMA’swebsiteat /bfe_main.asp, orcalltheFEMAMappingandInsuranceeXchange(FMIX)tollfreeat1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627).
Call 804-746-1235 tofindout about upcomingopportunities to advertisewithThe Localinprintand online! Askhowyoucan reach over40,000households in Mechanicsville, Powhatan, Goochland!
TheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorswillhold apublic hearingon April5,2023,at6:00p.m.intheBoardmeeting roomatthe HanoverCountyAdministrationBuilding,7516CountyComplexRoad, atHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,onthefollowingordinance beingproposedforadoption:
NoticeisherebygiventhattheAshland Town Councilhasset Tuesday, March21,2023, at6:30 p.m.inthe CouncilChambersofthe Ashland TownHall, 121ThompsonStreet, Ashland,Virginia,asthetime,dateandplace forapublichearingconcerningthecreationof aTourismImprovementDistrict.
Allpersonsdesiring to beheardontheabove mayappearattheabove timeandplace.A copy ofthe ResolutionofIntentiononthecreationof aTourismImprovementDistrictinthe Townof Ashlandis available forinspectionintheClerk of Council’sOffice,TownHallBuilding,during the regular businesshoursof7:30a.m. –6:00 p.m.,MondaythroughThursday.
PertheorderofAshland Town Council
TheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorswillhold apublic hearingonApril5,2023,at6:00 p.m.intheBoardmeeting room attheHanoverCountyAdministrationBuilding,7516County ComplexRoad,atHanoverCourthouse,Hanover, Virginia,on the followingordinancebeingproposed foradoption:
Acompletecopyoftheproposedordinanceand related informationisavailableattheofficeoftheCountyAdministratoron any regularworkingdaybetween8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.
Allpersonswishingtocommentontheproposalmayappearat thestatedtimeandplace.
JohnA.Budesky,CountyAdministratorAcompletecopyoftheproposedordinanceand related informationis availableattheofficeofthe CountyAdministrator onanyregular workingdaybet ween8:30a.m.and5:00 p.m. Allpersonswishing to commentontheproposalmay appearatthestatedtimeandplace.
JohnA.Budesky, CountyAdministratorTheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorswillhold apublic hearingon April5,2023,at6:00p.m.intheBoardmeeting room attheHanoverCountyAdministrationBuilding,7516County ComplexRoad,atHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,on thefollowingordinancebeingproposedforadoption:
SEC.20-23Servicefeesandcapacityfees—Residential EXISTINGPROPOSED
(a)ServiceCharge -ResidentialCustomers
0to4,000gallons, per1,000gallons $6.48$6.80
Above4,000gallons, per1,000gallons $8.17$8.58
–seweronly $112.81$118.45
SEC.20-24Servicefeesandcapacityfees --CommercialI,CommercialII. EXISTINGPROPOSED
(a)ServiceCharge -Commercial ICustomers
1½”orlessmeter $24.15$25.36
Greaterthan 1½”meter$120.76$126.80
0to50,000gallons, per1,000gallons $7.55$7.93
Above50,000gallons, per1,000gallons $6.06$6.36
BaseCharge $1,509.72$1,585.21
Allusage, per1,000gallons $4.97$5.22
Peakusefee per1,000gallons $1.48 $1.55
(c) CapacityFeesforCommercial IandIICustomers
Meter Size
5/8” $7,116$7,471
1” $17,792$18,681
2” $56,941$59,788
3” $113,886$119,580
5/8”meter $6,924$7,270
(b) CapacityFeesforCommercial IandIICustomers
Meter Size
5/8” $6,924$7,270
1” $15,310 $16,075
2” $48,991 $51,440
3” $97,983$102,882
0to4,000gallons, per1,000gallons $1.79$1.88
4,001to15,000gallons, per1,000gallons $5.45$5.72
Over15,000gallons, per1,000gallons $7.09$7.44
(b)Commercial Icustomers
5/8” $11.27$11.83
¾” $11.27$11.83
1” $28.20$29.61
2” $89.94$94.44
3” $179.91$188.91
4” $281.08$295.13
6” $562.15$590.26
0to15,000gallons, per1,000gallons $4.84$5.08
15,001to1,000,000gallons, per1,000gallons $5.45$5.72
Over1,000,000gallons, per1,000gallons $3.04$3.19
(c)CommercialIIcustomersconnectedto county-ownedwatersystems: EXISTINGPROPOSED
Consumptioncharge per1,000gallons $2.80$2.94
per1,000gallons $1.74 $1.83
(d) Watermetersforirrigationonly: EXISTINGPROPOSED
Consumptioncharge per1,000gallons $6.71$7.05
Acompletecopyoftheproposedordinanceand related informationisavailableattheofficeoftheCountyAdministrator any regularworkingdaybetween8:30a.m.and5:00p.m. Allpersonswishingtocommentontheproposalmay appearatthestatedtimeandplace.
JohnA.Budesky,CountyAdministratorNoticeisherebygiventhattheHanover CountyBoardofSupervisorshasset Wednesday,March22,2023 inthe BoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty AdministrationBuildingatHanover Courthouse,7516CountyComplex Road,Hanover,Virginia,astheday,date, time,andplacefor aSpecialBudget Meeting,ifneeded,tobeginat2:00 P.M. followedby aRegularBoardMeetingto beginat6:00 P.M.
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanover CountyBoardofSupervisorshas setWednesday, March22,2023,at6:00p.m. intheBoard Roomof the HanoverCountyAdministration Building,7516CountyComplexRoad,Hanover Courthouse, Hanover,Virginia,asthetime, date and placefor apublichearingconcerningthe creationofa TourismImprovement District.
All persons desiring tobeheard on the abovemay appear at theabove timeandplace. Aplatofthesubject realestateis available for inspectionintheCountyAdministrator’sOffice, County AdministrationBuilding, duringthe regular businesshoursof8:30a.m.-5:00p.m., Mondaythrough Friday.
TheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorswillhold apublichearingon April5,2023, at6:00p.m.intheBoardmeetingroomattheHanoverCountyAdministrationBuilding, 7516CountyComplexRoad,atHanoverCourthouse,Hanover,Virginia,onthefollowing ordinancebeingproposedforadoption:
NoticeisherebygiventhattheHanoverCountyBoard ofSupervisorswillhold aPublicHearingon Wednesday, April5,2023,at6:00p.m.intheBoardRoomoftheHanoverCounty AdministrationBuilding,7516CountyComplexRoad,Hanover, Virginia,onthefollowing:
Refrigerant-containingappliancesfrom non-residentialsources $15.00each(nochange)
Mattressesorinnercoilspringmattresses fromnon-residentialsources
Allleviesaboveareperonehundreddollarsofassessed valuation.
TheCountyofHanover,Virginia,proposestolevy ataxof $46.00per residentiallotlocatedintheHanoverCountyRecycling ServiceDistrictforthepurposeoffunding recyclingservices.The feefortheprioryearwas$41.00.
LCD(liquid-crystaldisplay) monitorortelevision
TheCountyofHanover,Virginia,proposestolevy ataxof $780.00per residentiallotlocatedintheAtleeManorSewerService Districtforthepurposeoffundingsewersystemimprovements.
TheHanoverCountyBoardofSupervisorsisnotobligated toadopttheproposedtaxratesbutmayadoptratesuptothe amountslistedasitdeemsnecessary.
Residentialsolidwasteand yardwaste(self-hauled) nocharge(nochange)
Acompletecopyoftheproposedordinanceandrelatedinformationisavailableat theofficeoftheCountyAdministratoranyregularworkingdaybetween8:30a.m.and 5:00p.m.
Allpersonswishingtocommentontheproposalmayappearatthestatedtime andplace.
John ABudesky,CountyAdministratorRelatedinformationisavailableforinspectiononlineand attheOfficeoftheCountyAdministrator,7516CountyComplex Road,Hanover,VA,(804)365-6005,any regularworkingday between8:30a.m.and5:00p.m.Theoptionsavailableforproviding writtenororalstatementsarepostedontheCountywebsite:
JohnA.Budesky,CountyAdministratorL&LCleaningServices-Wecreate FREETIMEforbusypeople!
Recurringservice,deepcleans, movingcleans&one-timecleans Calltodaytoschedule!
Multifamilyindoor/outdooryardsale. Saturday,March18from8to12at 3534DavisMillRoad,Goochland23063. Teachingaids,furniture,records,baskets,dolls,books,householditems, collectibles,vintageitems,etc.
GermanShepherdPuppies -Females DOB12/2/2022,AKCRegistered. ChampionBloodLine,Multi-Vaccine, VetChecked,Hip &ElbowOFA,DM Clear.Beautiful &goodtemperment. Healthguaranteed.FamilyRaised. Call804-516-5155
From A19
Comebe apartofourgrowingteam! L&MCarpetOneislookingtofillthe followingpositions:InstallerApprentice,OfficeAssistant,andAccountsReceivable(PartTime).VisitL&MCarpet One’sIndeedplatformtoapply.
LegalAssistant -Smallgeneralpractice lawfirmlocatedatKingWilliamCourthouselookingforpart-timelegalassistant.Experiencerequired. Emailresumetooffice@glubiaklaw.comormail toP.O.Box27,KingWilliam,VA23086.
Wednesday mornings with open enrollment through May 17, 2023. classes will meet from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at 7046 cold harbor road, Mechanicsville, Va 23111. For more information, contact the church office at (804) 746-5081 or contact Frank at or (804) 402-7701. The classes are free but students are asked to purchase the books required for the class.
Trinity Lutheran c hurch, ashland campus, located at 11515 ashcake road in ashland 2 miles west of U.s. 1, holds its church service at 5 p.m. with Pastor rev. dr. roy Minnix. Visit or call 804-270-9626.
rd. in Mechanicsville. The class is for adults 18 and over and is an extension of the northstar community that also meets at 6 p.m. Fridays at the church. The christian 12 steps and Biblical wisdom are the basis of study and discussion to learn about God’s place in our lives. all are welcome. contact 804-746-5081 or contact craig simpson at craigwgbc@
Outside the Walls, a narcotics anonymous group, meets from 6 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the Pamunkey regional Jail at 7240 courtland Farm rd. in hanover. contact John shinholser, Mcshin president, at 804-249-1845. The website is http://
Greet, coffee and donut” event from 9-11 a.m. every Tuesday for the community and perspective members to meet members and learn about what they do for the community. Visit
hanover rotary meets from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at roma’s restaurant at 7240 Bell creek rd. in Mechanicsville. due to the pandemic, contact President Penny at pennyguiles43@gmail. com for current meeting at roma’s or Zoom connection information.
ElevanceHealth,Inc.seeksAPPLICATIONARCHITECTSR.inRichmond,VA toensurethatdesignsaccommodate thelong-termmaintainability,supportability,robustness,andscalabilityof softwaresolutions.Applyat www.jobpostingtoday.comRef#85227.
COOKS$14/HOUR DISHWASHERS$12/HOUR CallRoz,Mon-Sat,804-746-7997.
all souls episcopal church celebrates holy eucharist rite II at 9:15 a.m. at Messiah Lutheran church at 8154 atlee rd. in Mechanicsville. a nursery will be available for infants and toddlers. Katherine G. dougherty is the deacon in charge of all souls. Visit
a healing and recovery ss class meets at 9 a.m. at the Walnut Grove Baptist church at 7046 cold harbor
The hanover concert Band rehearses from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Tuesday, mid-January through mid-december, at the hanover arts and activities center at 500 s railroad ave. in ashland, just south of U.s. 54. Membership is open to anyone who can read music and play a non-string instrument. high school students are welcome with parents’ permission. Visit or call 804-789-0536.
The american Legion Post 175, located at 8700 Bell creek road in Mechanicsville, holds a “Meet and
The ashland rotary club meets weekly at noon at the Iron horse restaurant at 100 s railroad ave. in ashland. For more information, contact s teve d unh am at 804496-6093 or
Overcomers Outreach & Women’s codependency is a christ-centered anonymous support program offering hope and healing for recovering alcoholics, addicts and their families. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at shalom Baptist church at 8116 Walnut Grove road Mechanicsville. For more information, call 804-366-6524 or email
Please see CALENDAR, Page A27
Wright said those who do not receive a property tax bill will receive a notice in the mail about their rebate.
When it comes to the 2% merit increase for school and county
From A4
Master Gardeners. This session’s topic is “Reasons to Avoid Pesticides in Your Landscape.” Topics change each session.
Preschool Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library, Mondays, March 20 and 27, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music, and fun for preschoolers 3-5 years old and their caregivers.
Toddler Storytime at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays, March 15 and 22, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Atlee Bridge Group at the Atlee Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ages 18 and up. Every Tuesday the Atlee Bridge Group meets to
From A26
new highland Baptist church hosts open basketball gym time for adults in the christian Life center (cLc) starting at 7:30 PM. The church is located at 9200 new ashcake road in Mechanicsville. Use the side back entrance to enter. contact Jeff Fitzgerald at
civil air Patrol, hanover squadron, meets Thursdays, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fairfield Presbyterian church, 6930 cold harbor road, in Mechanicsville. caP is an awesome program for youth, ages 12- 21, as well as for adults who care about young people and want to help train america’s next generation of Leaders. you’ll find cadet life exciting if you enjoy Flying, Leadership Training, Model rocketry, earning rank & awards, and much more. Visit or contact capt James
staff—a move designed to help improve the county’s position when it comes to competing for top talent—Wright told supervisors that the additional funding needed for the pay raise would come from increases in state funding, changes to capital projects and operational changes. She also stressed the there would
be no impact to school or public safety infrastructure budgets as a result of the proposed increase. The plan to provide increased relief for the county’s disabled and elderly residents includes increasing the income thresholds for each category by $5K, as well as providing increased relief to those who are already eligible. Wright
said the proposed amendment also includes plans to develop an outreach program to increase participation among eligible residents.
The public hearing set for April 5 will offer the chance for residents to share their concerns about the FY2024 proposed budget, the county’s five-year capital
improvement program, the fiveyear general fund financial plan and the proposed tax rate of 81 cents.
The meeting will be held in the board room of the Hanover County Administration Building, located at 7516 County Complex Road in Hanover.
play Social Rubber Bridge. All levels welcome, from beginner to expert.
PJ Storytime (virtual program), Thursday, March 21, 7 — 7:30 p.m. Ages: 0-7. Get ready for bedtime with PJ Storytime. Songs, rhymes, and bedtime stories. Registration required at https://pamunkeylibrary.libcal. com/event/9743250. This program is hosted virtually through Zoom. The Zoom meeting link will be sent to the email registered before the event occurs. Please contact the Atlee Branch if you do not receive this email.
Dance Party at the Atlee Branch Library, Friday, March 24, 4 — 5 p.m. Ages 8-12. Get your grove on at the Atlee Dance Party. Fun, music, and snacks will be provided.
Plant Swap on the Patio at the Atlee Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 11 a.m. — 1 p.m. Meet
Wright at 804-551-3354 or james.wright@
The Building Bridges group of narcotics anonymous is a fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. The group’s mission is to bring a message of hope and recovery to those suffering from addiction issues. They meet on Fridays from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mechanicsville United Methodist church, 7356 atlee road in Mechanicsville. Visit
The ashland Beekeepers association (aBa) meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month at First Baptist church 800 Thompson st in ashland. It is one of several beekeeping groups in the richmond area offering educational programs and Q&a sessions about honey bees and beekeeping. all are welcome to attend. The aBa is now taking registrations for its annual Beginning Beekeeping classes which start
us on the patio at Atlee for a plant swap! Bring your extra cuttings or plant divisions to share and get some new ones for your home or garden.
CrafterNoon for Teens: Space Coasters at the Atlee Branch Library, Saturday, March 25, 3 — 4 p.m. Ages 12-18. Go far beyond infinity with this fun space coasters craft! Register at https:// event/9743197.
Call 804-746-9615 or visit the library at 7461 Sherwood Crossing Place for more information. Preschool Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Thursdays, March 16 and 23, 10:30 — 11 a.m. Enjoy books, music, fingerplays, and much more at preschool Storytime! For ages
February 4. For more information on meetings or classes, visit or call ron at 804-651-3504.
The WeB of hope meets from 10 a. m. to noon at the Black creek Baptist church at 6289 Mcclellan road in Mechanicsville. It is one of several groups in the richmond area that crochets, knits, sews, and quilts gifts for the american red cross to distributed to those in need. since its inception, the WeB has donated over 153,000 gifts locally, nationally and globally. If you can make it, the WeB can use it. call Laurie Wagner at 804-781-0338.
The community senior citizen Meeting known as — studley seniors will meet at 10:30 a.m. at enon UMc, 6156 studley road in Mechanicsville. scheduled dates are March 20, april 17, May 15, & June 19. They will share fellowship, a business session and a program (entertainment by guests/
3-5 with a caregiver.
Saturday Family Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Saturday, March 18, 11 — 11:30 a.m., Enjoy a fun time with books, signing, rhymes, and much more! Family Storytime is for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
Building Challenge at the Mechanicsville Branch Library Saturday, March 18, 11:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. For ages 2-12. Join us for an afternoon of STEM exploration as we offer multiple building supplies for your children to build whatever they can imagine!
Mother Goose Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library. Tuesdays, March 21 and 28, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Mother Goose is a Storytime for children age 6 to 24 months and their caregivers. Have fun with nursery rhymes, singing and reading.
Toddler Storytime at the Me-
ministries, information/education of “senior” concerns, or fun-time games). after sharing a “covered-dish” lunch we return home “blessed.” so, come one and come all, but the question is: will you join us for “The Mid-Month Ball?!” For more information call 804-746-4719.
alzheimer’s/dementia support group for caregivers and others who want to help and encourage those who have loved ones with dementia illnesses meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on Zoom. contact Jennifer Bean at 804-559-2805 or the church office at 804-746-9073.
The hanover county community services Board meets at 6:30 p.m. at 12300 Washington hwy. in ashland.
The FeedMore Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food from 10 to 11 a.m. at the First shiloh Baptist church at 8150 Walnut Grove rd. in Mechanicsville contact heather at
chanicsville Branch Library. Tuesday, March 21 and 28, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a Storytime of books, music and fun for toddlers ages 2-3 and their caregivers.
Paint Night at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 — 7:30 p.m., Ages 18 and up. Join us for a night of painting as we celebrate the start of spring! Registration is required at
Adult Storytime at the Mechanicsville Branch Library, Friday, March 24, 10:45 — 11:45 a.m., Ages 18 and up. You’re never too old to listen to a good story. If you are, or are the caregiver of, an adult who would enjoy the lively reading of picture books and lighthearted stories, please join us for Adult Storytime!
submitted by carolyn Garner, adult public services coordinator.
The atlee r urit an c lub me ets every fourth Monday at hillcrest Baptist church on rt.301. Meetings, that include dinner and a program, begin at 6:30 p.m. ruritan is a national community service organization dedicated to fellowship, goodwill, and community service. The atlee club welcomes both men and women. To learn more about the club’s mission and reserve your spot for dinner, call (804) 789-9365.
The Mechanicsville Fellowship c lub meets each month (excluding July and aug.) at 10:30 a.m. in room G110 of shady Grove United Methodist church at 8209 shady Grove rd. in Mechanicsville. Bring a covered dish and join in with a group celebrating faith, fellowship, friends and fun. Meetings are cancelled if hanover county Public schools are two hours late or cancelled due to inclement weather. To register, call the church at 804-746-9073. call Janet Lewis at 804-398-8947.
The home improvement industry has been booming for years, but forecasters are projecting a deceleration in 2023 and perhaps beyond. Estimates from the Home Improvement Research Institute, which is the leading market research resource for the home and building products industry, indicate that growth in the home improvement products market is expected to decelerate from 7.2 percent in 2022 to 1.5 percent in 2023. Inflation continues to affect consumer spending, and homeowners may be looking to spend less on renovations in the year ahead.
Minor upgrades that aren’t as costly as larger projects can still make a big difference, especially among prospective buyers. When looking for minor upgrades that can help sell a home, homeowners can rely on Remodeling magazine’s annual ‘Cost vs. Value Report.’ That report analyzes costs for an assortment of remodeling projects and determines the value of those projects at resale. Though resale value depends on a host of variables, including location, the following are some relatively minor exterior upgrades that impress buyers
and provide a strong return for homeowners.
Garage door replacement
Garage doors matter more than sellers may recognize, as various real estate profession-
Homeowners looking to make improvements to their homes likely want to make such projects as budget-friendly as possible. After soliciting estimates from contractors, homeowners may seek to do some work themselves in an effort to cut costs. That is why many individuals opt to handle demolition and other preparatory tasks before contractors get started. There are important things to keep in mind when doing demo.
als note that buyers appreciate homes with updated garage doors. That’s good news for homeowners, as the ‘2022 Cost vs. Value Report’ indicated homeowners recoup roughly 93 percent of their garage door replacement investment at
resale. The average cost of such a job is right around $4,000, making this a budget-friendly remodeling project.
Window replacement
The cost of new windows will depend on just how many
n Prybars are your friend. These tools, sometimes called crowbars, can be used to remove nails or pull materials apart.
n Cover vents in the space where you’re working. Construction dust can be sucked into the HVAC system and cause furnaces to clog. This also may cause the distribution of dust throughout the home.
n Use safety gear. Always wear safety goggles, gloves, boots, and other equipment as
needed to remain safe.
windows must be replaced. But there’s no denying buyers like the idea of low emissivity (low-E) windows, which can cut energy bills by a significant amount over time. The
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy estimates
n Get a power saw. Circular saws and reciprocating saws can cut through various materials, making faster work of demolition.
n Exercise caution when removing drywall. You don’t know what is behind the drywall, including electric wires, so be careful when choosing a spot to make the first hole in the drywall.
n Get a trash container with a gate. You’ll
that heat gain and heat loss through windows is responsible for between 25 and 30 percent of residential heating and cooling energy use, so sellers who can tell buyers they have new low-E windows can emphasize those savings in home listings. The ‘2022 Cost vs. Value Report’ indicates that homeowners recoup roughly two-thirds of their investment in new windows at resale.
Well-maintained landscaping is another home exterior component that can make a strong first impression on buyers. A recent survey of nearly 7,000 realtors conducted by the National Association of Realtors found that upgrading a landscape recouped roughly 83 percent of homeowners’ initial investment at resale. In addition, 11 percent of realtors surveyed indicated that an upgraded landscape was the decisive factor that closed the deal for the house.
Updating a home’s exterior doesn’t have to bust homeowners’ budgets. Many affordable projects also provide a substantial return at resale.
- Metro Creative
save yourself some aches and pains by being able to fill a wheelbarrow and dump in into the container, rather than having to toss debris over the top.
n Bust up heavy or bulky items. Cast iron tubs and shower surrounds can be heavy and difficult to move. Unless it’s a family heirloom, cut or break large items into pieces to remove them more easily.
- Metro Creative