Asia Manufacturing News
Tweak your plan, adjust, and move forward
Asia Manufacturing News www.asiamanufacturingnewstoday.com is featured on the Feedspot Top 70 list of best industrial media platforms around the world.
This is excellent news because it shows how widely the media platform is read and the continuing thirst for knowledge on manufacturing and technology across Asia, and indeed, throughout the world.
Contributors who are into product development, and innovation, and have a story to tell, can benefit from this platform to launch across the region and further in their quest for new markets.

In 2023, Asia Manufacturing News will continue to bring you the information that matters for success – whether it be Climate Change, The Circular Economy, Supply Chain, Industry 4.0, Cyber Security or key trade fairs and events across the region…all geared to making business better.
In 2023 the way we move goods will be different, fuel and energy will be analysed to ensure the sustainability of supply and environmental care is taken into consideration.
Our world for doing business is changing, evolving, under pressure from external forces. Challenges are there to be met and conquered.
Let’s get on with it!
We welcome your participation and if your company has a story to tell please let us know. We will be only too happy to tell your story.
Doug Green, Publisher www.asiamanufacturingnewstoday.com publisher@xtra.co.nz
Asia Manufacturing News is read by:
Purchasing Managers Company Owners
CEO’s Consultants
Shop Floor Managers Production Managers and Engineers Senior Management Operations Managers
Technical and Maintenance Sales and Marketing Managers Plant Managers Quality Control Managers
Industry breakdown – Manufacturing decisionmakers across:
Food Processing Machinery and Equipment Central and Local Government Metal Processing

Our Reach
Energy and Environmental Agencies Aviation Marine Business and Industry Associations
Asia Manufacturing News is read throughout Asia and the rest of the world.

Advertising and Editorial Contribution Deadlines 20th of the month prior.
Immediate Impact
Asia Manufacturing News is updated daily.
Supply Chain and Materials Handling Automation, Control and Instrumentation
Asia Manufacturing News features on the Feedspot Top 70 list of best industrial media platforms around the world.

*Article deadline 20th of the month prior.
Your company’s Case Study will appear on www.asiamanufacturingnewstoday. com
Case Studies are important to show your journey, how you arrived there and where your company is heading tomorrow.

Take pride of place and this year we will focus on key events across Asia. If your company is exhibiting we will profile your information in our Previews.


For as little as $60 an issue, your company can appear in Manufacturers Marketplace and have your available products read about.
Is the news you want to share with your potential clients. Reach a captive audience by being read about here.
Are welcome, showing thought leadership and providing real actionable information to all our readers.