2023 Media Kit

Change comes thick and fast in the world of technology and manufacturing. In these challenging times in 2023, we are addressing Climate Change, Industry 4.0, The Circular Economy and Renewal Energy, Additive Manufacturing, Supply Chain and a host of other issues.
NZ Manufacturer has been deeply involved for a while now in these subjects and how they affect our daily working environments, community and the planet. As you will have noticed, the in-depth articles that appear in our pages are our commitment to providing readers and subscribers with stimulating and thought-provoking information to make the transition to changing and refining processes much easier to understand.
No better examples can be found than the Company
Profiles and Analysis which provide examples of success experienced and success going forward. Or the progressive actions of EMA, HERA and thinkstep-anz, amongst others, who are leading by example.
Media Kit 2023 includes information to allow your company to plan your inclusion in specific issues of the magazine to get your message to readers at the best time. You contribute where you see fit.
This year, we will be covering southMACH 2023, the manufacturing trade fair from XPO Exhibitions Ltd to be held in Christchurch, 24-25 May. As a Media Partner, Preview and Review issues will provide you with an insight into business opportunities before and after the event. Exhibitors will be contacted for information on
what will be on display for the visitor.
NZ Manufacturer is read by more than 22,000 decisionmakers across the magazine, website, ISSUU and LinkedIn and on associated websites where articles are shared with our followers and curious minds across the business-sphere.
As always, NZ Manufacturer stands with your company to promote your innovations and developments underway and in the future. We assist your company to find new markets within New Zealand and overseas.
Change and challenges are a constant. Let’s meet themthe only way out is through – and enjoy a successful 2023.
*Editorial & Advertising copy deadline 20th of the month prior.
Automation Industry 4.0 Workshop Tools
The Factory Floor Supply Chain Climate Change The Circular Economy
Improving Productivity Industry 4.0 Cyber Security Regional Report Preview issue (1) SouthMACH 2023
Renewable Energy Workshop Tools Robotics Additive Manufacturing Preview issue(2) southMACH 2023
Industry 4.0 Construction Workshop Tools The Circular Economy southMACH 2023 Review
JULY Regional Development Workplace Automation Supply Chain Workshop Tools Industry 4.0
Cyber Security Infrastructure 3D Printing Smart Manufacturing Electronics
Predictive Maintenance Industry 4.0 Workshop Tools Renewable Energy
OCTOBER Supply Chain The Circular Economy Robotics & Automation Regional Development Electronics
For further information contact Doug Green E publisher@xtra.co.nz W www.nzmanufacturer.co.nz T 0064 870 9029
Your company’s Case Study will appear in the magazine and on www.nzmanufacturer.co.nz
Case Studies are important to show your journey, how you arrived there and where your company is heading tomorrow.
Take pride of place in NZ Manufacturer and as a Media Partner with XPO Exhibitions Ltd we will
this year focus on southMACH 2023.
If your company is exhibiting we will profile your information our Preview issues, April and May 2023.And in the Review issue when the show is completed.
For as little as $60 an issue, your company can appear in Manufacturers Marketplace and have your available products read about.
Productivity Industry 4.0 Cyber Security Workshop Tools
Innovators 2023 Renewable Energy Smart Manufacturing Workshop Tools Additive Manufacturing
Is the news you want to share with your potential clients. Reach a captive audience by being read about here.
Are welcome, showing thought leadership and providing real actionable information to all our readers.
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Business Card Ad Size: 90w x 55h
Ian is Managing Director of Intent Group, a master black belt improvement specialist and global lean practitioner. He is passionate about improving productivity and helping to create world class New Zealand businesses.
Is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber).and is a strong voice for Canterbury business.
Is Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest business advocacy body
He has held a range of senior positions at Westpac and is a barrister and solicitor
Is Managing Director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.
Sandra Lukey is the founder of Shine Group, a consultancy that helps science and technology companies accelerate growth. She is a keen observer of the tech sector and how new developments create opportunity for future business. She has over 20 years’ experience working with companies to boost profile and build influential connections.
After working in fast paced Supply Chain and Transport teams at Deloitte and Uber EMEA, Georgina Fenwicke founded Frankie in February 2020. Frankie is an Operations Control Centre for Industrious Property Teams to maintain assets and equipment at scale with their contractors. They work with Industrial, Education and Food processing clients across New Zealand.
is an expert in the field of technology development and commercialisation. His company Design Energy Limited has completed over 100 significant projects in this vein by consulting for and partnering with some of New Zealand’s leading producers. Among Mike and his team’s strengths are industrial robotics and automated production.
EMA chief executive Brett O’Riley has a background in technology and economic development.
Brett actually grew up with manufacturing, in the family business, Biggins & Co. He currently holds board roles with Wine Grenade and Dotterel Technologies and is also on the NZ Film Commission board.
NZ Manufacturer works closely with EMA, BusinessNZ, XPO Exhibitions whose trade fairs we cover as a media partner.