NZ Manufacturer May

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May 2014

2014 Better Manufacturing

Composite helicopter made in NZ This years’ spectacular show centrepiece at EMEX 2014 is the New Zealand designed and built carbon fibre composite helicopter manufactured in Dairy Flat by the Composite Helicopter Co. It wasn’t a good look for the prototype machine to ditch into Auckland harbour, but that’s in the past, those days are gone and fine tuning and learning from the experience helped owner Peter Maloney to move on, make the changes needed for success. The KC518 helicopter has strong support worldwide and now with new carbon blades is well positioned to forge ahead. The benefits of this kind of helicopter are endless and when NZ Manufacturer first wrote about it, we recognised the innovation and forward-thinking and dedication of Peter Maloney and his team. The helicopter is a good example of Kiwi ingenuity and importantly, the prototype becoming the product, being made on our shores and available

for sale around the world with orders already being taken. An all-composite fuselage helicopter is one thing, robustness another, as is fuel efficiency and the advances in composite materials means a successful helicopter has been made from a structural perspective. Visit the website, check out its features, learn about the challenges that were faced building a fuel-efficient, balanced composite flying machine that the world is sitting up and taking notice of. There are many firsts with the KC518 – amongst them: it can be used by the military and VIPs, it is corporate and is the helicopter of the future.

Revolutionary mass manufacturing 3D printing system on its way Project Ara has received a ton of media attention over the last several months, as Google sets out to change the way smart phones are made and sold. The bigger story within the story is the fact that 3D Systems will be using an entirely new mass manufacturing system, which will rely almost solely on 3D printing. 3D Systems may be about to single-handedly revolutionise the manufacturing industry, by integrating a new system, capable of mass production, via additive manufacturing. We all know that traditional 3D printers, even the large scale quarter million dollar machines, are painstakingly slow. Up until now, unless you are mass producing only a few hundred small products, 3D printers are better left for rapid prototyping. There are tremendous benefits to 3D printing, mainly the fact that each print a machine makes can be totally different than its last. All the while, there is no need to change out equipment, teach production line employees new techniques, or reprogram the movements of robotic arms. If manufacturers could just overcome the problem of speed, the entire industry would be turned upside down. continued on page 33


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

NZ Manufacturer May 2014





Larry Wiechern

Key to the future of healthcare – Alpha Laboratories.

Is the Manager of the Maintenance and Reliability Centre, Manukau Institute of Technology.

On a fast track.

Industrial automation-the challenges and opportunities in 2014.

8-22 EMEX 2104

8-9 Feast of the new at EMEX

Craig Carlyle

10 Samsung machine tools complete in-house.


12 Delcam to show latest FeatureCAM. 14 In-house nitrogen production for maximum independence. 15 Industry’s strongest, greenest flux remover.

Is Director of Maintenance Transformations Ltd, an executive member of the Maintenance Engineering Societyand the Event Director of the NationalMaintenance Engineering Conference.

Catherine Beard

16 Floor Plan.

Is Executive Director of Export NZ and Manufacturing, divisions of Business NZ, NewZealand’s largest business advocacy group, representing businesses of all sizes.

17 Exhibitor List. 19 Seminar Schedule. 21 Feast of the new (cont.)


Business leaders have their say.

Brian Willoughby

Is president of the NZ Manufacturers and Exporters Association and managing director of Contex Engineers and Plinius Audio.

NZ expertise to help in Malaysia. Electric cars bring environmental benefits.


Lewis Woodward

The pitfalls of importing materials.

Is managing director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.

System transfers measurement.

Global exporter impresses local engineers. Waikato PhD student looking for breakthrough. Studying the behaviour of steel tubes filled with concrete foam.



Professor John Raine

Funding endorsement for leading science organisation. Great news for exporters.



Is Head of the School of Engineering and Pro Vice Chancellor – Innovation andEnterprise at the Auckland University of Technology.

Australasian company tees up X Factor training for US golfers.

A look at: Solid Edge ST7.

Get busy living.


Bruce Goldsworthy

An advocate for NZ manufacturing for 40 years, he was Chief Executive of the Auckland Manufacturers Association for seven years He has been Manager of EMA’s Advocacy and Manufacturing Services, and lately manager for Export New Zealand in the north.

Awards finalists.


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd,1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings, New Zealand 4122.

MANAGING EDITOR Doug Green T: +64 6 870 9029 E:

CONTRIBUTORS Holly Green, Kim Campbell, Brian Willoughby, Lewis Woodward, Geoff Hallem, Cheyne Gillooly, John Walley.

ADVERTISING Doug Green T: + 64 6 870 9029 E:

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Kim Alves, KA Design T: + 64 6 879 5815 E:

WEB MASTER Dan Browne E:

PUBLISHING SERVICES On-Line Publisher Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd


MEDIA HAWKES BAY LTD T: +64 6 870 4506 F: +64 6 878 8150 E: 1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings PO Box 1109, Hastings, NZ NZ Manufacturer ISSN 1179-4992

Vol.5 No. 4 May 2014 Copyright: NZ Manufacturer is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Neither editorial opinions expressed, nor facts stated in the advertisements, are necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher of NZ Manufacturer and, whilst all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the publishers for inaccurate information, or for any consequences of reliance on this information. NZ Manufacturer welcomes your contributions which may not necessarily be used because of the philosophy of the publication.

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

Manufacturers will see the tools for success In this issue of NZ Manufacturer, we wrap our second Preview of EMEX 2014 and wish exhibitors the best for business over the three days. There is nothing quite like attending a trade show where the best of technology, equipment and machine tools are on display – you could say a macrocosm of the world of manufacturing all in one place. The organisers, XPO Exhibitions Ltd have embraced the New Zealand manufacturing environment and put together an event which caters for all manufacturers. After all, if you are putting yoghurt into a container, building a trailer or composite helicopter blades you need the very best of equipment and processes to do so. SMEs are where the focus on manufacturing primarily is in New Zealand – seeing that 94% of our manufacturing companies are in this category. And as many of them as possible are encouraged to go to the show to see the equipment which can make their productivity that much more efficient.

Our small country is made up of some extremely talented people. they may have started out with the anvil but today you can find them heavily involved in CAD CAM and 3D, robotics and various forms of additive manufacturing. Their skill and unique products are determined by success; which is the catch cry of NZ Manufacturer, Success Through Innovation. A successful EMEX 2014 will give SMEs tools for that to happen. Other examples of success are scattered throughout this issue through the stories we tell. Jump on board; let us know what is happening in your machine shop or factory…we can fit you in.

Our small country is made up of some extremely talented people –

Doug Green

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.



- Albert Einstein

Key to the Future of Healthcare – Alpha Laboratories In February this year, New Zealand’s largest manufacturer of quality health products officially opened their Head Office in East Tamaki, and has made quite an entrance. New Zealand Prime Minister John Key was present at the grand opening of the new Crooks Road premises to cut the ribbon and formally welcome Alpha Laboratories to East Tamaki. Providing employment for over 260 people, Alpha Laboratories is rapidly becoming the ‘preferred partner’ in contract manufacturing of oral dose supplements throughout Australasia. The company already has an excellent reputation for meeting the stringent demands of short manufacturing lead-time and high quality products for companies in Australasia, Asia, the Pacific, and many other regions around the world.

Commercial & industrial growth

Providing employment for over 260 people, Alpha Laboratories is rapidly becoming the ‘preferred partner’ in contract manufacturing of oral dose supplements throughout Australasia. How have they achieved this? Two things about this company immediately stand out: a dedication to creating new and innovative technologies and products, and a commitment to providing outstanding customer service through a ‘four pillars’ approach. Jean Shim, Managing Director of Alpha Laboratories, describes these four vital pillars as speed to market, price, quality, and customer service. “We are really focussing on our

long-term performance as a supplier, rather than good performance just to start with. We are really focussing on understanding customer needs and providing them with high quality products at the prices that they feel that they should pay for them.” And it appears that this customer-centric approach is paying off for them. “I must say we receive excellent, almost second-to-none, feedback from customers for our customer service”, Jean says proudly. Rowland Ong, Quality Manager, adds that the scope of the products and services that Alpha Laboratories offers also keeps them competitive. “What sets us apart is largely the comprehensiveness of the services and products that Alpha can provide. So it’s not only supplements, but all extents, including infant formulas, a range of powder blend formulas, vitamins and minerals, enteric coating, tablets, enzymes and probiotics, herbs and more.” Alpha Laboratories is the manufacturer behind many global brands because

Employment growth

it can offer customers the latest equipment and technologies which meet strict New Zealand and international health standard demands with speed and accuracy. “We have a R&D team” Jean explains. “They focus on launching products to the market well before the new trends come in. Our manufacturing technologies are something which we are very proud of, and we have very heavy investment into our manufacturing technology for efficiencies and quality.” While Alpha Laboratories is proudly New Zealand owned and operated, it is very much a global enterprise, with over 80% of its products exported to overseas markets. They have already successfully infiltrated most markets in Australia, Asia, and the Pacific. However, with products that indirectly find a way onto shelves in places like Europe and America, they believe there is still room to expand their global operations. continued on page 22

Economic output

Crime rate East Tamaki is the largest industrial precinct in Auckland with 2000 businesses and a growth rate higher than the regional average.

getba Greater East Tamaki Business Association Inc.


NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.

-Lao Tzu

On a fast track The morning after Hannah Faesenkloet graduates with a Bachelor of Design Innovation, the 21-year-old will be back working in the start-up company she’s founded with three other former Victoria University of Wellington students. Hannah is the youngest person, and the only woman, to currently be part of Wellington’s Lightning Lab—New Zealand’s first digital accelerator programme to help fledgling companies prove, build and launch their offering. Hannah’s company, Cogo Digital, has developed a management tool that maps knowledge resources. Called Co-Operly, the system gathers information about employees’ knowledge and roles, helping to reduce the impact when staff members leave and improving efficiency in how knowledge is distributed through an organisation. But the idea wasn’t what got Hannah and her co-founders—Marcelo Hudson, Joseph Milsom and Dale Galloway— into the Lightning Lab. The team started the accelerator programme

with a health and fitness app designed to get people off the couch. “After one terrible day in the first week, we knew it wasn’t going to work,” says Hannah. “We went out for an ice cream and realised you have to be really passionate about something and believe in its potential, to take it through an intense programme like the Lightning Lab.”

land around Wellington and, last summer, took part in a Digital Futures programme where she helped create

the health and fitness app her team initially took to the Lightning Lab.

After their “ice cream epiphany”, Hannah says the four members of the group spent the weekend forming a new idea. “My personal motivation was frustration with having to troll through 45 minutes of a video to find the two minutes I wanted or seeing our developers trying to find succinct answers to programming roadblocks. “It was one of our mentors at the Lightning Lab who pointed out the potential to adapt our idea for the corporate world.” She was part of a Victoria University team that developed the Forager mobile phone app, which highlights sources of wild food growing on public

How technology is changing the Future of Manufacturing The manufacturing industry is undergoing high-impact changes driven by the ever-evolving complexity in buyer behaviour, technological advancements and competitive pressures. Understanding the impact of these changes and aligning the business models accordingly is thus an imperative for IT service providers in order to stay relevant in the “new world of manufacturing.” The following trends are sweeping the manufacturing world today: “Consumerising of Manufacturing The industry is witnessing an increase in global transformation programs with leading manufacturers reaching out both formally and informally to end customers.

Virtualisation and Digitisation Companies are increasingly opting for virtual collaboration platforms to work with the globally dispersed supplier base, and using simulation, visualisation and virtualization to understand the product behaviour and performance under virtual conditions.

ways to simplify internal business operations while staying in touch with customers.

and conventional engineering systems are converging to create compelling value propositions.

Connected Supply Chain: A modern supply chain is absolutely essential and it plays a key role in the entire process, spanning the range from demand planning to co-innovation and product development.

Product Design, Material Science and Sustainability There is a visible increase in use of materials that are high on performance, low on cost and even lower on carbon footprint. The application of next generation material science technologies on these breakthrough materials enables organizations to create significantly differentiated products.

Evolution of the manufacturing model Large centralized manufacturing units have given way to a network of smaller modular factories, which are closer to centres of demand, placing pressure on logistics and supply chain optimization.

Complexity Reduction and Modularisation of Business To manage a complex set of products, processes and companies, manufacturing firms are looking for

Next Gen Technology Next Gen solutions are the new buzzwords and this is evident in the infotainment industry, where embedded electronics, telematics, mobility, telecom services

The next gen manufacturer would look very different from the kind we see today. Traditional businesses will not change, but the convergence of innovative technologies to change business processes and models will bring in greater agility.

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Bay CAD Services Ltd extends best wishes to all 2014 EMEX Exhibitors

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Chance favours those in motion. -James Austin



Industrial automation — the challenges and opportunities in 2014 such as manufacturing.

David Hegarty.

Throughout 2013, Australia’s economy showed limited growth and commodity prices stagnated. While a high cost base continues to hurt the country’s competitiveness, boosting productivity continues to drive strategy for both the mining and manufacturing sectors in 2014. “This generates a series of challenges and opportunities aided by rapidly advancing technologies that surround the productivity issue,” said David Hegarty, Managing Director Australia and New Zealand, Rockwell Automation.

Boosting productivity “A high manufacturing cost base calls out for productivity and improving productivity has always been a priority for organisations, it’s likely that this will become more important in 2014,” said Mauro DelleMonache, Marketing Director, Rockwell Automation. Companies are moving towards integrating automation with mobility, big data and analytics to create connected enterprises and help enhance productivity. Mining companies are no longer able to rely on bulk exports at surging commodity prices and have become more open to incorporating different technologies into their business; often technologies already utilised in other industries,

A high manufacturing cost base calls out for productivity and improving productivity.

This overlap in technology extends to moves by both industries to common infrastructure systems through increasing demand for Ethernet and Internet Protocol (IP) technologies. However, as these strategies to improve technology prove successful they also expose miners and manufacturers to new security concerns that must also be addressed.

Ethernet explosion

productivity will be targeted in line with this focus. “New mobile applications are being released at a rapid pace and we are becoming more aware of how they are adaptable to process automation,” said Hegarty. “At the same time this opens up more security issues where a new breed of innovation will be required.”

Innovation and the economic environment

According to Hegarty, “The proliferation of Ethernet technologies into manufacturing and mining has enabled significant technological advance for these industries in recent years and we are already seeing the flow-on effect with technologies such as wireless, and Cloud computing.”

The pursuit of productivity has largely been in response to Australia’s challenging economic environment, which has remained an issue for industry during the 2014 financial year. Although the Australian dollar has fallen during late 2013 a further drop would aid improvement in the local manufacturing industry.

Industrial Ethernet provides companies with a way to help improve processes and productivity while reducing expenses, which is crucial for success in today’s competitive marketplace. Companies that are not currently using a common network infrastructure stand to lose several advantages of this modern-day commercial tool.

Australia’s mining industry has also softened and raising capital to fund new projects is proving difficult for companies around the country. However in spite ofa high cost base in Australia, Hegarty is optimistic of a higher level of capital investment in the coming quarters.

“The increased uptick of Ethernet technologies is part of a change from within these industries related to network infrastructure, data availability and network investment. I would expect that this trend will continue in the coming years, if not accelerate,” said Hegarty.

Growing security concerns Hegarty is the first to admit that although Ethernet is paramount for achieving the flexibility, visibility and efficiency required for a competitive industrial environment, security has becomes a key issue that requires consideration. “Usage of Ethernet is growing rapidly and many users aren’t on top of the evolving security requirements that come with it,” he said. The need to provide reliable security around network infrastructure is viewed by Rockwell Automation as a key growth market in 2014. Through a partnership with network manufacturer Cisco Systems, Rockwell Automation intends to expand its capability for providing solutions for network security. Further investigation into the use of mobile devices, such as iPhone and tablets, and their ability to enhance

While these economic challenges impact the services provided by Rockwell Automation they also create opportunities for the company, related to productivity improvements.

implementing remote operations is an ideal way of overcoming some of the common issues documented in the country, such as a skills shortage.” With Australia’s geography having the right people in the right places has always been a major challenge but now with the growth in technology for remote operations, particularly in the mining industry, it opens the door for technological opportunities that come with it.” Rockwell Automation also plans to maintain a strong focus on the mining industry, a sector that has softened but still provides the company with a solid opportunity base for growth. “Throughout 2014 we plan to continue to expand our capability around process automation, which has been a key area of growth in the past decade through acquisitions and architecture development,” said Hegarty. Another area of focus will be developing architecture for machine builders where Rockwell Automation is planning to release new products in the coming year. “We will continue to focus on innovation to help our customers improve productivity and competitiveness in the current challenging marketplace,” concludes Hegarty.

“The capital expansion phase may be tough at the moment, but looking at the productivity side of business it’s expected that a lot of opportunities will appear? our focus is on process automation and productivity and we believe a lot of the answers in these areas rest with us,” said Hegarty.

Industrial automation in 2014 and beyond According to Mauro DelleMonache, “Australia needs to support innovation and we are currently seeing pockets of tremendous innovation in the country, as well as in New Zealand. The growing trend of Australian companies


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Feast of the new at EMEX EMEX for 2014 has been themed ‘Where New Zealand Manufacturing Innovation Takes Off!’ and both organisers and exhibitors have gone all out to ensure that it becomes a memorable reality.

“EMEX is a highly significant event for the vibrant engineering, manufacturing community,” says Brent Spillane, managing director of XPO Exhibitions. “It’s where the whole industry comes together, and it’s importance is highlighted with the high profile people who make a point

of visiting, spending time on exhibitor stands, or presenting seminars over the three days with support from industry heavyweights including EPMU, IEDA, the NZMEA KiwiNet, NZTE, Callaghan Innovation and many others. “The event is always highly anticipated and well attended. It’s perfectly timed to help those in engineering and manufacturing find solutions that will grow their businesses and contribute to the economy. This year it’s vital to help sustain recent manufacturing sector growth the media has been reporting on. With the top experts from key industry suppliers on site, a full seminar programme, and a collaborative environment, EMEX is a must-attend for everyone serious about their profession and their business.” Suppliers are going all-out in 2014, ensuring that visiting industry professionals will feast their eyes on the latest and greatest from around the globe. One example is a new adhesive that has the potential to save a lot of people a lot of time and distress. “Loctite 3090 is a true breakthrough in the automotive

sector,” says Henkel Australia’s Kitty Zhao. “It’s an innovative 2-component instant adhesive that is ideal for carrying out emergency repairs of all kinds of small parts. Applications include headlight tabs, mirrors, rear parking sensors and much more. The product glues metal, rubber, wood, leather, fabric and most plastics. In combination with the primer Loctite 770, Loctite 3090 can even effortlessly bond common but difficult to bond plastics polyethylene, polypropylene and PTFE. The seven nozzles included with the product also ensure that you can reuse the product several times. “Another exciting new product is our first food-grade thread locker, Loctite 2046, which is industry certified and safe to be used on food processing equipment. Loctite® 2046 Threadlocker is developed specifically to keep up with today’s high speed fluid filling lines in the Food & Beverage industry. It not only prevents equipment failure caused by chronic nut and bolt failure, but also dramatically improves the reliability of manufacturing processes. It is compliant with FDA Food Additive Regulations too.”

Amongst the new and cool, are exhibitors offering people a different glimpse of the future, and providing a bit of fun along the way. Matthew Greenslade of The University of Auckland’s Formula SAE Team Inc. says that EMEX has a different meaning for his team than most exhibitors. “Our display in 2014 will consist of various race cars that we have built over the years, including the M04, M08, M012 and our most recent car the M013. Displaying our cars at an event such as EMEX not only gives our sponsors the exposure they deserve, it also provides an excellent example of what New Zealand’s future engineers are capable of. We like to think of our team as the perfect ambassadors for The University of Auckland, taking what we learn in class and applying it the most practical sense possible. “Attending the show gives our student members an excellent chance to network with the professionals who exhibit their engineering businesses. Furthermore, as a charitable organisation that operates solely on funding from sponsorship, EMEX is

See us on Stand 3027b

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Business Management Software for the Contract and Service Industries A totally integrated Workflow Solution, providing Quoting, Costing, CRM, Project Management, Financial and Mobile solutions for your entire business Nimbus Software Limited P O Box 7247 - Nelson Phone: +64 3 548 9893 Providing Complete Business Management Software. Do it once, Do it right! Click here and mention EMEX 2014 to win a free 1hr Business Consultation.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


EMEX 2014 PREVIEW of huge benefit to our campaign as we have the opportunity to showcase current sponsors alongside sourcing new ones from the engineering community. “This show is the most anticipated on our calendar as we get the chance to exhibit alongside the leaders of engineering technology in New Zealand. This gives our undergraduates an extremely valuable insight into what is available after graduation and an insight into how they might move forward in their professional careers. “EMEX has supported our project since 2008 and we are excited to be returning to the show for our fourth appearance in 2014.”

of Professional CAD Systems says EMEX offers both visitors and exhibitors exposure to many different industries and people. “Being able to view the new tools and new technologies, which are increasing and growing all the time, is incredibly valuable to those working in industry, especially as people are working harder and longer than ever.

related fields, but there’s still something cool about satellites. Megan Duncan of, Navman Wireless, is definitely a fan and understands how near-Earth orbit can have large real-life benefit.

“For example, we have another fantastic new product to show at EMEX. The GoSCAN scans 3D scans ultra-fast, and is accurate and simple to use. A visit to the stand will let people see the advantages in just a few minutes, talk to the experts, and decide for themselves very quickly.

“Navman Wireless is a global leader in GPS-based fleet-management solutions. We monitor more than 200,000 vehicles with tracking, two-way messaging and integrated satellite navigation systems that improve the operating margins of more than 16,000 customers on five continents. We are also New Zealand’s leading provider of fleet tracking devices, providing a range of specialised solutions for Kiwi businesses. Our innovative combination of vehicle tracking GPS units, asset tracking, communications devices and software provides fleet operators with reliable, immediate intelligence on mobile assets and enables them to manage their vehicles most efficiently.”

“Professionals in any of the sectors covered at EMEX who decide not to attend are really missing out. Their competitors will be viewing the latest and greatest technology and service providers, and talking deals. Essentially, we are at EMEX to demonstrate to professionals the unique simplified process of acquiring measurement of real-world objects. If you’re not there you won’t see it, and you won’t know what’s possible – and that’s just our stand!

When people talk about EMEX, it’s common for them to mention this high value to the sectors and professions covered. Joseph Cockroft

“EMEX provides Navman Wireless with an opportunity to showcase our fleet tracking solutions to discerning business buyers in a credible environment.

“Just consider our range. These portable self-positioning 3D scanners open the door to quick, affordable and accurate 3D scanning processes with accuracy of up to 0.05 of a millimetre. Part of the renowned line-up of advanced 3D scanners is the MAXscan. It is the only truly portable handheld 3D scanner with built-in photogrammetry to deliver unbeatable volumetric accuracy on large parts. Sounds great – but it’s even better to see and try it for yourself at EMEX.”

“Taking a stand at a show represents a significant commitment in terms of people, time and expense. You don’t want to waste any of that effort at EMEX. People don’t come there to kick tyres. It’s a credible environment where serious customers come to find solid answers to business problems. You have to be selective when you decide where you want to exhibit. You go where you can reach the biggest number of qualified potential customers in the environment most conducive to making sales. That’s what EMEX offers Navman Wireless.

Technology, of course, is a given in manufacturing, engineering and

“For visitors, the benefits are just as clear. Innovation plays a major

role in managing the success of any business. Navman Wireless is one of the world’s most trusted names in fleet management. We provide state-of-the-art vehicle tracking solutions to help businesses keep ahead of the competition, and our top people will be accessible and available to talk through issues and help develop solutions that make a difference. “EMEX has a reputation for being a place where innovation meets the marketplace. As a company steeped in innovation, that’s something we want to be part of. Navman Wireless already tracks over 10,000 vehicles in New Zealand. We’re always looking for more customers. We find them at EMEX because that’s where win-win business gets done.”

Getting things done is also what Revolution Precision Machinery (RPMcnc) is all about says Phil Robinson. “We are New Zealand agents for continued on page 21


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Samsung machine tools complete in-house manufacturing Samsung Machine Tools (SMEC) is represented at this year’s Auckland EMEX exhibition by their New Zealand Agent Revolution Precision Machinery. The South Korean machine tool manufacturer is located in Gimhae City near Busan port and in 2013 moved from their existing factory into their new larger purpose built manufacturing and assembly facility in the Golden Root industrial estate. SMEC success has been entirely due to producing high quality, durable, and accurate CNC lathes and Machining Centres for the USA and European engineering industry. Consistent delivery quality of their machines is due to operating a complete in-house manufacturing system where quality and accuracy are constantly monitored through each stage of the build

process. At the SMEC factory machine shop the machine iron castings are milled then precision surface ground on large bridge type machines. SMEC operates a large milling and grinding machine shop and their engineers are convinced that complete in-house control over the box guideway, carriages, and machine table precision grinding process gives accuracy and repeatability that can be difficult to consistently obtain when this high precision work is outsourced to subcontracting machine shops. After the surface grinding and inspection process machine beds are moved to the assembly shops where mechanical components are fitted and the electronic system installed. Once the assembly process is complete all machine tools start the comprehensive testing process where electrical operation and cutting accuracy are checked and documented. The documented process provides a history of each machines assembly stages and allows the final product to be delivered to SMEC high quality standard.

This year’s SMEC range of machine tools includes slantbed CNC lathes, Vertical Lathes, Vertical Machining Centres, and Bridge Machining Centres. At the recent South Korean Machine Tool Expo SMEC had many of these machines on display and received an excellent response from visiting international customers.

The Samsung factory.

For more information on the Samsung Machine Tools range of CNC machine tools contact Phil Robinson, sales engineer for Revolution Precision Machinery (RPMcnc) at EMEX Stand 3073 or phone CHCH 960 0892 AKL2650380

NZ Manufacturer May 2014




NZ Manufacturer May 2014

EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Delcam to show latest FeatureCAM and new NZ reseller Delcam will demonstrate the latest version of its FeatureCAM feature-based CAM software at the EMEX exhibition to be held in Auckland from 27th to 29th May. The exhibition will also see the introduction of a new reseller for FeatureCAM in New Zealand – Auckland-based WorthyCAM. Recent enhancements to FeatureCAM include the incorporation of the Vortex high-efficiency area-clearance strategy. Vortex gives fast, safe metal removal by allowing solid carbide tooling to cut with its full flute length so minimising machining times. At the same time, Vortex toolpaths use a controlled engagement angle between the cutter and the part, and so give a more consistent volume-removal rate and feedrate, minimising wear on the cutter. Other enhancements in the latest release include support for milling and drilling with right-angle heads, one-stop programming of multiple roughing operations, better control of Z-level roughing, and improvements to Wire EDM and chamfering. Right-angle heads allow internal pockets to be milled and internal holes to be drilled that would be inaccessible, and so impossible to produce, using a conventional head. They are now available as an option on an increasing range of machines, including a wide variety of mill-turn equipment. Another improvement allows multiple tools, for example, 20 mm, 10 mm and 5 mm end mills, to be selected for roughing and rest-roughing using these strategies, and the complete machining sequence calculated in one operation. A stock model is created automatically after each tool is applied, which is then

Delcam’s Vortex high-efficiency area-clearance strategy is included in FeatureCAM.

used as the basis for the program created with the next smaller cutter. This regular updating of the stock model ensures that programs for the later tools are only created in areas where material still remains, so minimising air moves and optimising overall machining efficiency. Rough machining has also been improved with a new option to set the direction in which Z-level roughing toolpaths are offset. A simple button allows the user to select whether the part should be machined from the outside inwards or from the inside towards the outside. An automatic option can also be chosen where FeatureCAM will decide the offset direction, depending on whether a core or a cavity shape is being machined. For parts needing wire EDM, the model is often

supplied only with a curve showing the shape to be cut rather than a fully-defined feature. FeatureCAM can now project the curve through the stock and also measure the thickness of the feature. The allows the cutting conditions, including feeds, speeds and power levels, to be set at the most suitable values for the EDM equipment. The cutter compensation used by FeatureCAM can now be specified on an operation level so removing the need to create duplicate features in order to set different values. The most common case where this will be needed is when different cutter compensation is required for the finish pass and for any subsequent chamfering operation.

EMEX 2014 New Zealand Designed & PREVIEW Built NZ Manufacturer May 2014


KC518 is the world’s first, all composite, single engine turbine helicopter We have produced a light weight, high strength airframe with a robust drive train and carbon fibre rotor system with longer service life. The helicopter includes design features, flying qualities and energy absorbing mcapabilities not normally associated with light helicopters. The helicopter fuselage is manufactured using a low cost, rapid build process with a Carbon/ Kevlar hybrid. The main rotor blades and tail rotor blades are made entirely of carbon fibre. The airframe and rotor blades are not subject to corrosion. Future models of the current design such as larger capacity and performance can easily evolve without major re-design. Our helicopter, dedicated and enthusiastic staff have been positively received by the helicopter industry worldwide. We look forward to an exciting future as an emerging force in the helicopter industry.

Come visit us at our EMEX booth 3056


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

EMEX 2014 PREVIEW In-house nitrogen production for maximum independence BOGE, appearing on Stand 3064 at EMEX 2014 the compressed air specialist, launched a new range of nitrogen generators in 2014. With these new generators, BOGE will be able to provide a complete system for generating nitrogen, making users self-sufficient and guaranteeing a reliable and demand-dependant supply.

On the other hand, there are obvious

Nitrogen is used in a variety of industries, including the oil and gas industry and in laser cutting, for increasing the shelf life of food and for fire and explosion prevention. When it comes to sourcing a nitrogen supply, companies are faced with the choice of producing their own nitrogen or taking out a contract with an outside supplier. In this case, the nitrogen is delivered either as a gas in bottles and bundles, or in a liquefied state in dewars or tanks, depending on the quantity required.

factory premises, companies not only

advantages to producing nitrogen in-house: users get just the purity, output and delivery flow which their specific processes call for. Depending on the particular use, this can often be significantly cheaper than having it delivered by a gas supplier. Producing your own nitrogen also provides great independence and a supply guarantee which can scarcely be provided by an outside gas supplier. By doing away with liquid gas tanks on the free up space but also save considerable expense, since storing gas is subject to strict safety regulations. Generators for in-house nitrogen production, however, pay for themselves within less than three years, depending on the purity of the nitrogen required. In addition, companies can continuously monitor not only the purity, thanks to the oxygen analyser sensor, but also the nitrogen quantity generated, using a flow sensor.

All-round solution for nitrogen generation BOGE is a system provider who offers users a closely tailored complete package for generating nitrogen. The centrepiece of this all-round solution is the nitrogen generator selected from the N 7 P to N 56 P range. Closely tailored to the nitrogen demand, it delivers purity grades of up to 5.0 (99.999%). Besides the nitrogen generator itself, complete with system vessels and receivers, to generate nitrogen users also require a compressed air station made up of a compressor, refrigerant dryer, filtration, activated carbon adsorber and a compressed air receiver.




generators are fitted with a basic control as standard supply. This can display two readings, such as the purity of the nitrogen and the quantity of nitrogen generated. The generator can be rounded off with an optional microprocessor or touch screen control to enable additional readings to be displayed.

Adsorption technology for maximum efficiency and reliability BOGE generators use the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process to

If the company already has a compressed air station, the generators can simply be connected to the existing network. To produce nitrogen, the generators need a supply of class 141 purified compressed air according to ISO 8573-1 (including activated carbon adsorber). The quantity of compressed air depends on the nitrogen purity required.

produce nitrogen. During this process,

Flexible design with continuous quality surveillance

regeneration gas is vented into the

Thanks to its modular design, it is easy to expand or retrofit the generator on site. Up to two expansion banks can be connected to each master bank. Each bank, in turn, takes up to eight discrete easy-to-fit modules. The up to 24 modules that result provide flexible nitrogen generation of between 1.3 and 265.8 Nm3/h. By combining even more of the complete systems, output can be increased to meet even higher demand. Since only the valves of BOGE nitrogen generators need to be inspected periodically, the units are virtually maintenance-free and do not incur any additional expense. Up to two additional banks can be centrally controlled by the master


purified compressed air flows through a vessel containing a carbon molecular sieve (CMS), and the oxygen molecules in the air are adsorbed while they pass through. This adsorption process continues until the CMS is saturated with oxygen molecules. The other vessel is now used, while the saturated vessel regenerates itself, and the ambient air. The same process takes place in every single module. The resulting nitrogen obtained is then fed into a receiver. BOGE Compressors Australia Pty Ltd is a subsidiary Company of BOGE KOMPRESSOREN Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG based in Germany. BOGE manufactures a comprehensive range of oil lubricated and oil free screw and piston compressors used by all sectors of industry to supply compressed air for a wide range of manufacturing processes.



also range

supplies of



dryers and condensate management equipment. The product is sold and serviced through a dedicated network of distributors throughout Australia and New Zealand.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Industry’s strongest, “greenest” flux remover from Baskiville MicroCare Corporation, the world’s leading manufacturer of precision cleaning, coating and lubrication products, has launched into the New Zealand market its newest and “greenest” circuit board cleaner, the “VOC-Free Flux Remover-UltraClean™.” UltraClean™ is a strong, flexible cleaning fluid formulated to clean rosin fluxes, OA fluxes, synthetic fluxes, “no-clean” fluxes and hard-to-clean solder pastes used in the assembly and manufacture of printed circuit boards. It is unique in that is contains neither chlorinated nor halogenated ingredients, which helps protect the environment. The cleaner also does not contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so the product does not add to any low-altitude air pollution. Ideal for rework and repair tasks, this versatile cleaner is suitable for cleaning fingerprints, many adhesives, some inks, the most popular conformal coatings, moisture, oxides, dust and other contamination frequently found on PCBs returned for warranty or service work. Techs like UltraClean™ because it is very strong, cleans quickly, has an excellent safety profile, plus it has low odour and dries briskly. Companies like UltraClean™ because it’s highly affordable, and because the cleaner is so versatile it can replace three or four other cleaners often found on the workbench. When used with the patented MicroCare TriggerGrip™ dispenser, UltraClean™ will deliver faster, safer, and more economical cleaning of printed circuit boards than just about any other technology on the market today.

Visit us at EMEX Site number ET 17 from 27 to 29 of May 2014

The “VOC-Free Flux Remover— UltraClean is available through, New Zealand’s premier distributor of soldering tools, hand tools, cleaners and static control products. Methven-based has been serving customers in New Zealand and the Pacific region for more than 30 years. Baskiville is appearing at EMEX 2014 on Stand ET17/18.











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Floor Plan

16 NZ Manufacturer May 2014

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Exhibitor List Company

Stand #


Stand #


Stand #

2 Degrees Mobile Ltd


EPMU Engineering Printing & Manufacturing Union 2026/8

Omron Electronics Ltd


3D Printing Systems


Eurotec Ltd


Order of St John


3D Systems Asia Pac


Filtercorp International Ltd


Pacific GSM

A & G Price Ltd


Ford Motor Company NZ


Panasonic Toughbook


A2K Technologies


FormScan 3D Ltd


Parker Hannifin (NZ) Limited ENZED


Advanced Seals And Services


Fraser Engineering Services Ltd

Piquet Machinery Ltd


Air & Gas Compressor Specialists Ltd


Freight Case Ltd


Plastic Design Technologies Ltd 3D


Air New Zealand Calibration Services


Fuji Xerox New Zealand Ltd


Plummer Compressors Ltd




Almax Industries


Gallagher Contract Manufacturing


PME Supplies


Ash Air NZ Ltd


Genesis Industrial Fasteners Ltd


Powerbox Pacific Ltd


Auckland Bearing Distributors


Global Communications Ltd


Professional CAD Systems Ltd


Austrian Consulate General/Commercial Section


Global Machine Tools Ltd


Prosol Limited ( Auckland)


Award Marking


Global Welding Supplies Ltd


R F Test Solutions


Axia 3D Design Group




ReCoila Pty Ltd




Hayley Media Ltd


Reid Industiral Graphics Products Pty


Bell Technology Ltd


HazTec Ltd


Revolution Precision Machinery


Better Industrial ltd


High Pressure Equipment (NZ) Ltd


Ricoh New Zealand Ltd


Blacks Fasteners Ltd


HTC Specialised Tooling Ltd

Road Runner Manufacturing NZ Ltd


BNZ Finance


Hurricane Products Ltd

OS1 2006

Safe Air New Zealand Ltd


BOC 3067

iCNC 4013a

Safety Step Ltd


Boge Compressors Austalia

ifm Efector Pty Ltd


Schneider Electric (NZ) Ltd


Braemac ET13

Industrial Air Systems NZ


Scott Machinery Limited


Burkert Fluid Control NZ Ltd

Industrial Instrumentation Ltd


Seal Imports Ltd


Industrial Lubricants & Services Ltd


Sick Ltd





Sprockets New Zealand




Cadimage Group Ltd


Cadpro Systems Ltd


InTELCOM Services

Cadpro Systems Ltd


Intercad (PTY) Ltd

Casting Technologies New Zealand


Jenlogix Ltd

Stainless Design Ltd


Chevpac Machinery (NZ) Ltd


Kendall Engraving Supplies


Sulco Distributors Ltd


Cigweld - Comweld Group PTY Ltd


Leap Australasia Ltd


Supply Services Ltd


CNC Direct Ltd


2026/6 ET3

Leussink Engineering Pty Ltd


Supreme Metal Component Solutions


Competenz 4028

Linak New Zealand Ltd


Syntech Distributors Ltd


Composite Helicopters International Ltd


Lincoln Electric Co (NZ) Ltd


Syntech Distributors Ltd


Control Devices New Zealand Ltd


Loctite Henkel New Zealand Ltd


Tasman Machinery Limited


CSE - W Arthur Fisher Ltd


Machinery Specialists Ltd


Tech Rentals (NZ) Ltd

Delcam Australia Pty Ltd

3075 ET1

Technical Forgings NZ Limited


Master Equipment Limited


TNT Express Worldwide NZ Ltd


Digitalweld 3048

Maxon Motor Australia


Torks Precision Engineering


Discon Products Ltd


MESNZ 3017

Total CNC Products Ltd


DMG Mori Seiki Australia Pty Ltd


Metals New Zealand


Total CNC Products Ltd


Dotmar Engineering Plastic products


Mitutoyo Asia Pacific Pte Ltd


Trans Ocean Developments Ltd


Moho 3D


Treotham Automation Pty Ltd


Tronics NZ Ltd


Design Energy Limited

Dr Mobiles Limited




EC Credit Control


Monocrane 2010 Ltd

ECI Software Solutions


Mulcahy Engineering Ltd


University of Auckland Formula SAE


Ecodesign & Automation Ltd



n3 Business Buying Power


Victor Hydraulics Ltd


ECOLight ET4

National Instruments New Zealand Ltd


Viking Ironcraft (1978) Limited




Navman Wireless


W & R Jack Ltd


Ellis & Company Ltd



New Zealand Welding School


Weldwell New Zealand Ltd

EMDA Essentials for Manufacturing and Distribution 3060

Nimbus Software Ltd


Wellforces ET9

Emona Instruments


NZ Duct & Flex


WorkSafe New Zealand

EMS Limited


NZ Duct & Flex


WorthyCAM 4013

Engineering & Compressor Services


NZGBA New Zealand German Business Association


YoungSoft Ltd

Epicor Software (NZ) Ltd


NZIS 4072


2066 18

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

A & G Price LTD EMEX 2014 PREVIEW With a history spanning 3 centuries A & G Price Ltd is one of the oldest heavy engineering companies in New Zealand and offer turnkey solutions from design and drawings, castings, Fabrication, Machining, Fitting and final blasting and painting. With over 35,000 drawings spanning the 146 years of Business there are not many industries sectors that haven’t benefitted from our services. Our Foundry facility is backed by full methoding and pattern making, Metallurgical Laboratory and heat treatment. A full range of materials are available in Cast Iron, SG Iron, Steel, Stainless Steel and Non Ferrous grades all certified to international standards or custom made to suit individual requirements. Our large fabrication shop is equipped with a full range of equipment for processing and forming plate products and welding all grades of material. Along with our fitting shop this department also specialise in weld overlay for refurbishment of machinery. The machine shop is one of the larger in New Zealand with CNC turning capacity to 6.1 meters diameter and CNC milling machines up to 10 meter bed length. There is also a full complement of smaller lathes, milling machines, gear cutting and grinders available for general machining work. The entire site operates under ISO 9001 and also offers NDT, blasting and painting services and full certification and tractability on manufactured components if required.

Come and talk with us about your requirements at the EMEX show, stand ET16, 27-29 May at the ASB Show grounds

Instrumentation for the Digital Platform Memosens mobile


Stratos MS

The first portables with Memosens technology for measuring pH, conductivity and oxygen

Compact • Cost effective

Multi-parameter Memosens transmitter The digital platform

PH ORP COND CONDI OXY 10c Maurice Road, Penrose, Auckland Ph: 09 525 1875 Email: Website:

pH • BRIX • Conductivity • Moisture • DO • NIR • Temperature • RH • Viscosity • Colour • Turbidity • Sensors

Visit us on Stand 3078

NZ Manufacturer May 2014



TUEsDAy 27Th MAy | sEMINAr rOOM 1





3D printers: The mUST HaVE tool for innovation in modern manufacturing

Dermid McKinley

Skill Development to Lift manufacturing

Bill Newson

The changing Health and Safety laws in NZ, their impact on manufacturers, designers and operators, and what to do about it

Matt Bishop

Examining and Simplifying pLm to increase revenue, reduce costs and maintain quality

Brendon van ras






Tasman machinery


Research and Innovation in the New Zealand Heavy Engineering Industry printing the future – metal 3D printing and high tech manufacturing



wolfgang scholz

metals New Zealand

warwick Downing

Ram - Rapid advanced manufacturing / TIDa




Fostering nZ ManuFacturing innovation. connecting r&D with inDustry

Championed by Kiwinet 10-11am

12pm - 4pm


KIWINET CAsE sTUDIEs Overview of Kiwinet Bram smith

general Manager | Kiwinet

Exporting end products/solutions

craig armstrong | NZTE


andrew Lamb | Callaghan Innovation

Skilled asset shortages

carl andrews | Immigration New Zealand

Findings of NZ manufacturing sector report

catherine Beard | Business NZ / Export NZ

Capturing value from patents and intellectual property

David simunic | AJ Park

Case studies in intellectual property law

richard wells | Minter Ellison

Hi-solutions: answering industry needs

geoff Bates | Callaghan Innovation

Education for innovation and commercialisation

nihal Kularatna | The University of Waikato

Hylink: storing energy from our natural resources

robert holt | Callaghan Innovation

Supercharging product development

Mark taylor | NZ Product Accelerator

ThUrsDAy 29Th MAy | sEMINAr rOOM 1 TIME




Use of machinery – Introducing a New Best practice Guide

Marcus nalter

The importance of research

spencer willis

Safety in the workplace

Mike nankivell

product configuration management

cameron greening




Worksafe New Zealand

amRO The association of market Research Organisations




NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Joysticks Control Grips Sensors Encoders Custom Electronics Switches

Sydney, Australia

Perth, Australia

Auckland, New Zealand

Unit 5, 79 Bourke Road. ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015 T: + 61 2 9330 1700 F: + 61 2 8338 9001

Unit 4, 17 Welshpool Rd. ST JAMES WA 6102 T: + 61 8 9470 2211 F: + 61 8 9472 3617

5E, 14 Waikumete Road Glen Eden 0602 T: 0800 443 346 F: + 64 09 813 0874


NZ Manufacturer May 2014


EMEX 2014 PREVIEW Feast of the new at EMEX continued premium level welding machines since 1970. “Well known in its home European markets, Migatronic has been quickly gaining a committed following in New Zealand through Trans Ocean Developments, the local exclusive distributor.

well-known manufacturers including Mitsubishi, Samsung, Ermaksan and Akira, plus British software developer Vero gives RPMcnc customers access to some of the world’s best engineering products. Visitors to EMEX can be assured that they’ll be able to get any question answered and discover business benefits that will make their day.

performance VMC for the toolmaking and production engineering industry. Laser cut samples from Mitsubishi Laser will show visitors the high cut quality possible with their latest Resonator patented technology. Some of the Mitsubishi Laser cut finishes approach milled surface quality and accuracy that blur the line between laser cutting and profile milling.

“Machine tools from Samsung Machine Tools and Akira will be on display, along with samples from Mitsubishi Laser. There will also be CADCAM software demonstrations from the Vero range of CAM products. A key advantage of RPMcnc is the knowledge of machine tools as well as the CAM software to support them, so an integrated package can be supplied to customers.

“British engineering software developer VERO will be demonstrating a range of engineering CAM software for toolmaking, production machining, and sheetmetal work. These CAM software products are aimed at engineers who are seeking improved productivity and reliability along with ease of programming. The VERO software products have become very popular with the European aviation and automotive industry with over 20,000 users worldwide.

in Japan and South Korea as well as intensive study of manufacturer’s machine operation manuals. We care about providing a high level of product support to our customers.”

To back up all these impressive engineering products, the RPMcnc sales and service team have undergone extensive practical product training, involving visits to supplier’s factories

This international presence is a real feature of EMEX 2014. Chris Bell-Booth of Trans Ocean Developments says Danish manufacturer Migatronic has been developing and marketing

“One highlight will be South Korean manufacturer Samsung Machine Tools’ latest CNC lathe which features a 12 Tool BMT driven tool turret and Fanuc MGi control system. The Taiwan manufacturer Akira will display the SR3xp which has become a very popular compact and high

“The Migatronic Sigma Galaxy is the latest, and was developed at the Migatronics R&D centre in Denmark with significant input from senior engineering experts and universities around the world. The Sigma Galaxy presents a great step forward in welding machine design and technology, and offers users outstanding improvements in ergonomics, ease of use, and the quality of the finished weld. The Galaxy is built around a powerful computer capable of monitoring the arc 50,000 times a second. It’s also pre-programmed with software settings to weld just about any material, with an intuitive and easy to use program selector to dramatically improve weld quality.

Achieve optimum control for your machines Schneider Electric presents the next evolution of machine development for single software environments and the key to MachineStruxure™ SoMachine v4.1. Develop, configure and commission an entire machine with a flexible and scalable control platform. SoMachine is the professional open software solution.

SoMachine is a single software environment with: One software package One project file One connection One download operation

Visit us at EMEX on stand 3029

For more information contact Customer Care on 0800 652 999 or visit


NZ Manufacturer May 2014


It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career. Carlton Fisk

Important incremental moves for manufacturers The big things for manufacturing from the Budget are: • Business confidence – the Government’s surplus! It is a major achievement • Extra funding for exporters • Allowing start-up companies to write off losses – excellent! • The ability to expense R&D that does not result in marketable products and services. Top marks.

This Budget is a miss -John Walley, NZMEA This is essentially a business as usual budget, with a focus on reaching Government surplus. While this is fine for those who are currently doing well, it will do little to change the situation of those who are struggling in the current economic environment.

around how New Zealand was lucky to have a strong, close trading partner in Australia, this year the commentary was around how much better we are doing in comparison. This shows how fast things can change – we need a more diverse and complex economy, this budget nods in that direction, but we need much more. Some of the positives we took out of the Budget were the modest increases in spending that some science and innovation areas received, as well as the previously announced increase to NZTE funding. The biggest issue with the Budget is the Government’s lack of focus towards correcting our external position, instead locking in on their goal of a Government surplus.

Over time, the health of our external position is much more important than the Government debt levels. Having said that, we do believe generally being fiscally conservative is wise, but There is a risk that the growth we there are big issues which need to are currently seeing is not as broad be addressed to correct our external based as the Government believe. balance, such as monetary policy Our manufacturers and exporters reform, correcting our tax imbalances still face an overvalued currency and and promoting high value added flat demand as the rest of the world exports. continues to struggle. This time last year there was much commentary

What stood out? -Lewis Woodward, Managing Director, Connection Technologies Ltd The budget has come and gone and even a day later it is hard to see anything that stood out other than the hand-outs in the form of increasing the age for free doctors visits, minor tinkling with the tax and the maternity leave period increase. Whilst the government talks about everyone should start a business and become an exporter, they fail to realise that whilst there is a huge under body of business and individuals who hold the exporters together by supplying the necessary support and materials and the tradesmen who provide the services to keep the country moving, none of these areas will get a single penny. The joke was of course the removal of the cheque book tax; this was dying anyway so in reality in the long term they would have lost 90% of the income from this source and the dropping of duties and tariffs on building materials. The outcome on that one is it now makes it easier for imported product to compete with locally made product

By Kim Campbell EMA

and the potential for demise of NZ production.

Confirms the strategies in place -Brian Willoughby, Managing Director, Contex Engineers This year’s Budget is a fairly typical affair for business. We don’t expect any new initiatives to be launched on Budget day just confirmation of the strategies already in place to head the economy where the government wants it to go. For manufacturing it will have very little effect on what firms were already considering doing in 2014 and 2015, except those companies benefiting from work in the agricultural sector will benefit from an increased spend in irrigation. Spending in healthcare and social stuff around child care are all laudable as is some additional education spending. In the long run one would hope this reduces costs to future governments through better outcomes in those sectors of the economy.

Key to the Future of Healthcare – Alpha Laboratories continued “We feel there are still a lot of opportunities in export markets. We are very focused on catching those export opportunities.” Despite their strengths in the industry, Alpha Laboratories aren’t just focussed on their own success. They want to ensure the industry stays innovative and competitive by always ensuring there are multiple options for their customers. “We think that competition and freedom of choice for the consumer is beneficial. We are here to provide more choices. We want to set a benchmark standard, not just so we can think about competitors, but focus more on trying to sustain the growth in the market for the future” Jean explains. Alpha Laboratories are also hoping to lead the way for other New Zealand exporters to succeed in overseas markets – “We have a very good environment and great work ethic here in NZ, it would be good to raise more awareness of NZ exporters overseas.”

Jean Shim, Managing Director of Alpha Laboratories with Prime Minister John Key at the opening.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. - William Jennings BryanÂ




NZ Manufacturer May 2014

ENERGY REPORT NZ expertise to help develop geothermal energy in Malaysia Malaysia’s geothermal energy industry in Tawau is to be developed in a partnership with the University of Auckland’s world renowned Institute for Earth Sciences and Engineering. Dr Andy Shenk, chief executive of Auckland UniServices, inked a memorandum of understanding with Tawau Green Energy (TGE) in Auckland early this month. It covers the establishment and support for a Geothermal Resource Centre (GRC) being set up by TGE in Tawau and supported by Malaysia’s Federal Government and the Sabah State Government. Dr Shenk says Tawau is an area that will benefit from a sustainable power source. The university’s Institute was approached by TGE on the back of its work not only in neighbouring Indonesia, but also many places around the “Ring of Fire” in the Pacific. Staff from the University of Auckland will assist the Geothermal Resource Centre to provide specialist training in all aspects of geothermal energy including applied geosciences, steamfield design, power plant technology, power plant engineering and design, operations and maintenance, environmental compliance. TGE’s managing director Ramzi Raad says the centre will also run seminars, short courses and other training programmes for Malaysian engineers and scientists keen to involve themselves in this new field of renewable energy. It will also encourage local and foreign universities to collaborate on joint-research activities on Malaysia’s Apas Kiri geothermal field. TGE is developing Malaysia’s first geothermal power plant at Apas Kiri, Tawau, which will deliver 30MW of electricity to the Sabah State Grid in May 2016. Drilling operations are expected to commence at the end of April 2014. Malaysia’s Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Dr Maximus Ongkili, who led the delegation to New Zealand, says Malaysia wants to promote use of renewable energy and reduce its dependency on fossil fuel. Currently renewable energy accounts for 0.85% of the country’s energy mix, but it hopes to increase that to 5.5% in the near future. The Malaysian delegation also visited the Wairakei combined flash and binary geothermal power plant and the Ngatamariki binary geothermal power plant, both located near Taupo.

“The magic in Budget 2014 is the forecast growth of the economy, the trick is making sure the magic is real. -PwC Corporate Tax Leader, Geof Nightingale

Electric cars bring environmental benefits Electric cars bring environmental benefits If electric vehicles were widely available, New Zealanders would buy enough of them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector by one-fifth over the next 18 years, new research from Victoria University of Wellington shows. PhD researcher Doug Clover says there are currently only a couple of hundred electric vehicles on the road in New Zealand, but his study into the preferences of potential car buyers shows people are keen to purchase them. He used a type of behavioural modelling known as discrete choice to estimate demand for electric vehicles up until 2030. His projections used the information gathered in his survey and scenarios of different levels of government support and different rates of improvement in electric vehicle (EV) technology. Family car replacements—larger EVs which can seat five to seven people, tow a trailer and have a range of around 300 kilometres—were consistently the least popular option due to the high cost of batteries says Doug, never making up more than 12 percent of the EV fleet by 2030.

But while Doug’s research found that EVs have potential to make a significant dent in the greenhouse gas emissions produced by cars and light vehicles in New Zealand, the gains would be wiped out by continued use of coal-fired electricity generation. There are currently around 2.6 million light vehicles in the national fleet and New Zealanders drive, on average, 38 kilometres a day. That, says Doug, makes EVs viable as most current models have a driving range of between 100 and 150 kilometres before the battery needs to be recharged. He says an EV is around three to five times more efficient than a vehicle powered by the conventional internal combustion engine. Energy storage is also an issue says Doug. “When a battery can no longer power an EV, it still retains around 80 percent of its capacity. We need to be looking at ways of reconditioning them and selling them for other purposes.” Doug has had a career working in energy and transport policy roles for government agencies and as a consultant but he says completing a PhD was one of the most difficult and challenging assignments he’s undertaken. “The problem solving I had to do really stretched me in new ways.”

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.


– Corrie ten Boom

The pitfalls of importing materials The issue of the acceptability of imported materials such as steel and building products has been brought to the fore by the Christchurch rebuild. One of the main drivers seems to be price, as always. The purchaser may consider their job well done when they find a very competitive price; however, that is only half the story. There should always be two considerations when purchasing anything: Price and quality. Price is easy to compare but quality is more complicated. Quality is commonly defined as ‘fitness for purpose’. The purpose for which any product is to be used may not be known, in any detail, by the person arranging the purchase contract. This is where problems often start. Using steel as an example, there are many uses for steel, many shapes of steel products and steels with many different properties. Design Engineers understand the requirements of their designs and specify characteristics of materials accordingly. Specifications are often written in terms of steel grades, as specified in published Standards. Steel grades are a shorthand means of specifying the complex chemistry of the metal and also physical characteristics such as tensile strength. Chemical composition and physical characteristics may be determined in many different ways and, to ensure consistency, published Standards often specify the test methods that must be used to establish the grade.

keen to take on the extra work or the responsibility of accepting materials with paperwork that does not match the design specification. Disputes and delays are the result. Costs caused by delays and disputes can quickly outstrip the apparent savings gained on the purchase price. The keenly priced, but unacceptable, product no longer looks such a bargain. A second pitfall relates to the trustworthiness of documentation presented with any product. There is a robust worldwide system of accreditation that ensures test and inspection results are technically reliable. This system is not widely known. International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) is part of an international network of over seventy economies in which accredited laboratories and inspection bodies have demonstrated their technical reliability and equivalence. Even with these systems in place there is increasing evidence of unacceptable paperwork arriving with products. When IANZ started a certificate/report assessment service in 2005 most of the certificates presented related to imported consumer products and the level of non-compliance was approaching 30%. Over recent years the level of non-compliance has dropped to around 10% for these products. More recently IANZ has started receiving copies of test certificates and reports


- Geoff Hallem, International Accreditation New Zealand Technical Development and Regulatory Affairs Manage.

related to imported steel. The level of non-compliance, in the paperwork presented for assessment, so far has been very high. It is not clear if this is representative of all steel testing certificates arriving in New Zealand, but it is certainly cause for concern. Non-compliance does not necessarily mean fraud. Non-compliance may be anything from the omission of test sample identification or the quoting of an unacceptable test method to the use of an accreditation body symbol when the laboratory is not accredited. Investigation of individual cases may find the fault is with the manufacturer, the exporter, the laboratory or the organisation placing the order, or a combination of these. The solution, make sure that specifications are very clear and detailed when ordering materials, quote Standards for material grades and also testing methods, where applicable, require testing in accredited laboratories and require the test reports or certificates to carry the national accreditation body’s symbol. Do not assume that overseas suppliers will know anything about New Zealand Standards. If the supplier cannot meet these requirements, discuss alternatives with the designer before placing the order, or look elsewhere. If there is doubt about the authenticity of test reports or certificates received, IANZ can help to verify their reliability

and where appropriate liaise with the relevant overseas accreditation body. IANZ can provide guidance on request on the accreditation process, which economies operate equivalent accreditation programmes and contact details for the accreditation authorities in each economy as well as providing informed scrutiny of certificates and reports.

Sourcing from offshore make sure you understand the pitfalls and know how to guard against them. It is always better to understand the issues in advance and prevent problems arising rather than having to sort out expensive problems after the event. If you are seeking low prices by sourcing from offshore make sure you understand the pitfalls and know how to guard against them. Bargain priced materials that cannot prove their quality may end up as so much scrap.

This is commonly done by reference to published testing Standards. These are good systems that have stood the test of time. All works well, provided Engineers, manufacturers, testing laboratories etc. all work to the same Standards. This is generally true in Australia and New Zealand. In the wider world, each economy tends to work to local national Standards or to international Standards. Many Standards for steel are similar, but not identical. Problems arise when materials, bought with incomplete specifications, arrive on-site, accompanied by paperwork that does not match the designer’s specification. At this point it is difficult to equivalence even if the allowed for equivalence acceptable. Often neither

establish designer to be party is


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

FUTURE OF MANUFACTURING System transfers measurement data from test tools and the cloud Maintenance teams make better, faster decisions by having immediate access to historical records of the machinery they are maintaining and being able to review measurements in real time with team members and supervisors. Yet historical data is usually only accessible back in the office, and team members are rarely in the same place at the same time. The Fluke Connect system solves these problems while increasing the safety of technicians working with energised equipment. The system is a set of tools and smart phone app that let maintenance technicians capture, securely store and share data with their teams from the field. It helps them make better decisions faster by being able to view all temperature, mechanical, electrical and vibration measurements for each equipment asset in one place. More than 20 Fluke tools connect wirelessly with the Fluke Connect app — the largest set of connected test tools in the world. Compatible tools include digital multimeters, infrared cameras, insulation testers, process meters and specific voltage, current and temperature models. Technicians can add a comprehensive set of measurements and infrared images to Fluke Cloud storage from wherever they’re working. The data is automatically stored, eliminating the need to write down measurements and letting others see what the technician sees from other locations. Team collaboration is made easy with ShareLive video calls, which let technicians share measurements with other team members in real time, and get approvals for repairs or questions answered without leaving the field. The Fluke Connect app features EquipmentLog records, which let technicians assign measurements to specific equipment, creating a history of test measurement data that helps them identify problems and make better

decisions. And TrendIt lets them instantly graph data and share findings, helping to identify trends and quickly make informed decisions. The Fluke Connect app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Fluke Cloud secure data storage Fluke Cloud storage infrastructure has been built to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. The Fluke Cloud storage service provider uses state-of-the-art electronic surveillance, multi-factor access control systems and 24x7 staffing at its data centres. Furthermore, the servers have built-in firewalls, encrypted data storage and secure access specifically designed to protect data. By having access to historical data and enabling collaboration among the entire maintenance team, Fluke Connect saves time, increases productivity and reduces the need for emergency repairs or costly shutdowns.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. – Alan Kay

Global exporter impresses local engineers Global exporter impresses local engineers Manufacturing and engineering operations tend to be relatively generic in the New Zealand situation, so when the opportunity arises to check out a company who think and act on a different plane, engineers and industry participants are quick to respond. Global exporter Fisher and Paykel Healthcare were delighted to showcase their Highbrook facility to society and public attendees as part of the Maintenance Engineering Society Network Session. A limited group of 40 attendees were treated to a bonnet-up look at the Highbrook OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) plant in April. A lay description of the facility would be a moulding and assembly line manufacturing sleep apnea machines, but beyond this simple description is a world of difference that sets Fisher and Paykel Healthcare apart on a true world’s best footing. Working under uber-strict US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules for healthcare products, a mini city of 3000 staff work in a sterilised, static-earthed environment that challenged most attendees perception of manufacturing environments. All pervading cleanliness extended even to the maintenance workshop and attendees struggled to find any signs of the normal detritus of engineering and plant reliability. Working in this strict environment, the maintenance team at Fisher and Paykel Healthcare maintain 2000 documented assets, with 100% maintenance strategies. The 14 strong team action 10,000 work orders per year, maintaining a lean 0.2% overdue rate and an average overdue span of less than 24 hrs. The strict FDA traceability requirements dictate a paper trail totalling 84,000 A4 sheets (reaching 9.4m high!); needless to say the team are currently transferring to a totally paperless documentation. Aside from the bewildering technicality of the operation, attendees identified with the achievements of the team. The Fisher and Paykel roots are evident in this offshoot company; a focus on quality, cleanliness, people and research and development.

Aside from the bewildering technicality of the operation, attendees identified with the achievements of the team. It is no small wonder that the future is so bright for this star performer. The Maintenance Engineering Society is active across New Zealand, providing opportunities for maintenance engineers and manufacturing operations to network and share innovations and experiences; both at a national level at their annual conference or at these regional events. Further network evenings are planned for DB Breweries (May) and SupaGas (August) in Auckland. The 2014 SKF National Maintenance Engineering Conference will be held at Hamilton in November.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.


Studying the behaviour of steel tubes filled with concrete foam

Waikato PhD student looking for breakthrough in titanium manufacturing

– Albert Einstein

UiTM researchers have found that steel tubes filled with foam concrete was inferior in strength as compared to that of normal concrete. A team of researchers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UiTM, studied the use of foam concrete as infill for steel tubes that were used in construction. Concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) structure is a composite structure and consists of a steel tube that is filled up with concrete. There are many advantages of using composite structure as compared to conventional reinforced concrete (RC) structure and steel structure. Steel tubes infilled with composite foam concrete are cheaper and it is easier to use in construction. The application of this composite structure has become increasingly popular in structural applications. However, the use of foamed concrete as infilled material is rare and has not been studied comprehensively. Thus, this research was conducted to investigate the strength and structural behaviour of CFSTs filled with different densities of foamed concrete and with different replacement levels of Waste Paper Ash (WPSA) to cement by weight under axial (compression) loading. All CFST column specimens were loaded on the entire surface of the CFST column specimens under axial loading. The results of the experiment showed that the series contained different densities of the foamed concrete failed at loads less than 90% of the analytical values.

The sky’s the limit for a University of Waikato PhD student undertaking research into the manufacturing and advancement of titanium metal composites. Ben Jackson, based at the Titanium Industry Development Association (TiDA) in Tauranga, is the first mechanical engineering doctoral student to study in the Bay of Plenty. He is researching whether he can create a new titanium composite material using selective laser melting (SLM) that will be stronger, lighter and more resistant to very high temperatures than titanium alone. SLM is a manufacturing process of powder metallurgy, and uses laser technology to turn metal powder into solid 3-D shapes. The technology is able to develop products with intricate and innovative designs which cannot be made by machining processes. Ben says because SLM is a relatively new manufacturing process there is still a lot of research to be done. He will take New Zealand’s titanium research a step further by exploring whether titanium ceramics – some of the planet’s very hard natural materials – can be manufactured using the SLM process. “I’ll work with different combinations of elements to try and cause a reaction between the titanium and the other components of the powder during the SLM process. If it works, the resulting material should be lightweight, very hard and highly heat resistant,” he says.

Many titanium ceramics are already used in surface treatments on machined parts, however creating them through the SLM manufacturing process is a relatively new concept. If successful it will allow far more complex parts to be designed and will open up a much wider range of potential markets. Ben is excited about the potential applications of his research, with his eyes set on the aerospace, motorsport and energy industries. “I’m really interested in the applications of the final product, so if it works, the sky’s the limit on its potential use. If I got to say that there was a spaceship up there because of a part or material that I made, that would be great.” Ben is undertaking his research at TiDA, which aims to help New Zealand companies develop ground-breaking titanium products for the international market. Titanium is gaining global notoriety because it is lightweight, corrosion resistant, non-magnetic and has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of all metals, and TiDA is producing a range of products including medical devices, sports equipment, aircraft and marine components. While studying towards his Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, Ben completed a summer work placement at TiDA in 2012. On completion of his degree, in which he graduated with first class honours, he was offered the opportunity to undertake a PhD through TiDA. Ben aims to complete his PhD research by December 2016.

It also appears that the ultimate strength of the CFST specimens mainly depends upon the strength of the infill material. The study found that the CFST specimen that is infilled with concrete attain higher strength than those of without infilled concrete. It was found that the CFST that was infilled with foam concrete was notably inferior in strength as compared to that of normal concrete. However, higher strength of CFST is achieved when higher density of foamed concrete is adopted as infilled material.

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University of Waikato doctoral student Ben Jackson in front of TiDA’s Selective Laser Melting machine, which can produce innovative and intricately designed titanium products.

E-mail: Ph/fax: +64 +7 377 0675


NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. – Babe Ruth

Funding endorsement for leading science organisation Continued funding of the MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Material and Nanotechnology, hosted by Victoria University of Wellington, is confirmation of the contribution the Institute is making to New Zealand’s economic future says Director, Professor Kate McGrath. The Institute is one of six Centres for Research Excellence (COREs) which the Tertiary Education Commission today announced will receive funding of just under $210 million over six years from January 2015. The MacDiarmid Institute is a national network of seven organisations— five universities, one crown research institute and Callaghan Innovation— bringing together researchers who develop and apply cutting-edge techniques in physics, chemistry and engineering and partner with business to take innovative new technologies to export markets.

Named after Alan MacDiarmid, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000, the MacDiarmid Institute was one of New Zealand’s first COREs.

the funding announcement and says Victoria is proud to host a world-leading Institute which includes many of New Zealand’s top materials scientists.

Professor McGrath says today’s funding announcement is an endorsement of the vision and plans the MacDiarmid Institute is implementing to deliver growth and value to New Zealand’s economically-important high-value manufacturing sector.

The MacDiarmid Institute has 36 Principal Investigators who come from Victoria University, the University of Canterbury, Massey University, the University of Otago and the Institute for Geological and Nuclear Sciences.

She says the Institute is also making a significant contribution to mentoring emerging entrepreneurial scientists and training the next generation of science teachers who can motivate young New Zealanders to pursue science-based careers. “Our focus is on delivering excellent research and education, inspiring New Zealanders, training New Zealand’s future leaders and advancing this country’s future. Continued support for our work shows we are on track to progress this programme.” Professor Mike Wilson, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Science at Victoria University, welcomed

Great news for exporters The Chinese Government’s recognition of NZ certification and testing for electrical goods is great news for Kiwi exporters, says IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand). IANZ has been accepted by the Chinese Government as the accreditor of New Zealand testing laboratories under the agreement, which was announced during Prime Minister John Key’s meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang this week. Called the “Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Mutual Recognition Agreement”, it enables New Zealand to become the first country in the world to test, inspect and certify electrical products outside of China for the Chinese market. “That means New Zealand can now export electrical and electronic equipment covered under the agreement, directly into China,” says IANZ chief executive Dr Llew Richards. Under Chinese Law, certain products (including those covered by the agreement) require Chinese Compulsory Certification (CCC). That process involves testing of the product in an accredited laboratory; inspection of the factory production line; and certification of the whole process by an accredited certification body,

recognised by the Chinese Government under the CCC scheme. “Normally this recognition of certification and testing is provided directly by the Chinese Government. However, under this new agreement, the processes used in New Zealand, including accreditation, testing and certification, are now able to be recognised by the NZ Government and the Chinese Government will accept this NZ recognition,” says Dr Richards. As part of the implementation process, a New Zealand manufacturer of high-end stereo equipment, Christchurch-based Plinius Audio, has had their product tested for electrical safety, and electromagnetic compatibility, by IANZ-accredited laboratories, and the whole manufacturing process inspected and certified by Telarc SAI Ltd. “Their stereo equipment can now be exported to China and go directly to market, without any involvement from Chinese inspectors or further border controls,” says Dr Richards. “This is the first such arrangement for CCC marking that China has signed with any western government so it is a major coup for New Zealand.”

“The continuation of funding is fantastic news for the Institute and for the University. It is testament to the capability built up at the MacDiarmid Institute and I congratulate Professor McGrath and her team for their achievements,” says Professor Wilson. Professor McGrath is a recipient of medals from the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry and the New Zealand Association of Scientists, winner of the Wellington Gold Inspire Award in 2013 and current Chair of the Association of Centres of Research Excellence. She says the Institute can now forge ahead with its extensive programme of work which includes some major new initiatives in the area of materials

Professor Kate McGrath. Picture courtesy Victoria University of Wellington Image Services.

science. The Institute is a founding partner in the national materials network led by Callaghan Innovation which is focused on harnessing scientific capability across New Zealand to deliver growth and prosperity.

ExportNZ welcomes increased help for exporters ExportNZ Executive Director Catherine Beard welcomes the Government’s announcement of more assistance for exporters, in particular the increased resources to be based in the China, South America and the Middle East regions. The important thing about this mix is the geographic spread so we are not overly concentrated in one part of the world. “Feedback we have had from our most recent annual exporters survey which we shared with the Government, indicated exporters wanted more export market development assistance. So having more in-market resources in the geographic areas of big trade opportunities will be most welcome. “In addition, we are pleased the Government has expanded the number of companies it will work with more intensively, with tailored support increasing from 500 to 700 companies. Those companies that get the tailored support rate it pretty highly, and the bigger we can make that group the better. “ExportNZ has also been an advocate of offering courses like ‘Better By Design’ to a bigger range of companies, so we hope this will be part of the package. The way our companies will be able to compete globally in a high exchange rate environment is by being the best in class, and that includes differentiating from the competition through innovation and design. Even the smallest start-up companies can embrace design and innovation, so we welcome the extension of these sorts of programmes. “If we want to meet the target of lifting export performance to 40% of GDP and build bigger export companies of scale that no longer need Government assistance, these sorts of investments are important and will need to be built on further in future years.”

2014 NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire


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NZ Manufacturer May 2014

If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.


– Abraham Lincoln

Australasian company tees up X Factor training for US golfers Golf Digest is the world’s leading sports magazine, with six million readers in the United States and another 1.75 million readers among 28 international editions. Ford has already built an international reputation as a thought leader in resilience and mental toughness. The Australian Rugby Union is one that has called on his skills, as well as the Australian Government at its highest levels. In New Zealand Foresight has an impressive list of past and present clients too, including top sports teams like Canterbury Rugby, but also large corporates and the government sector. He has worked with High Performance Sport NZ and others through his popular short course “Mental Toughness” at the University of Auckland’s business school. “People are constantly surprised when I tell them that we can actually measure the ‘X Factor’, that there’s a scientific process to it and we can help them develop it,” Ford says.

The Golf Digest team heard about Foresight through one of Ford’s mentors in the mental toughness field – Professor Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Ford has been working with Seligman since the mid 90’s and gained a licence to use the measurement systems he developed.

“We have used the tool to not only work with high performance athletes and coaches, but also with a range of businesses from telemarketing to financial advisers, for example.” Jamie Ford.

Golfers in the United States are about to be exposed to a “secret weapon” used by some Kiwi athletes to develop their winning “X Factor” attitude. Golf Digest has asked Jamie Ford of Foresight to share his science-based tools with players at a yet to be named tournament in the next two months.

Opinion Manufacturing Profiles Letters to the Editor Politics of Manufacturing Trade Fair World Diary of Events World Market Report Q/A Export News Machine Tools Business Opportunities Commentary As I See It Business News Appointments Around New Zealand Australian Report New to the Market Lean Manufacturing Equipment for Sale Recruitment Environmental Technology Manufacturing Processes

Ford says “attitude” is not something that is genetic, but comes mainly from accidental learning unless a quite deliberate and science-based process is implemented to develop it. Related to that, Ford says New Zealand’s “number eight wire” mentality, which means Kiwis can turn their hand to doing just about anything, is being rapidly dumbed down. “No matter what the NZ Government says we are not going to catch up to or pass Australia, or rebuild productivity in this country, until we take a serious look at our society’s mental toughness,” he says. “We need to look at how we can rekindle that ‘can do’ attitude.”

No matter what the NZ

Government says we are not

going to catch up to or pass Australia, or rebuild productivity in this country, until we take a serious look at our society’s

mental toughness.

“Golf Digest’s team decided it would try the process with a group of golfers to see if the theory held up,” Ford says. “We will assess a group of 50 -70 golfers on a variety of handicaps. First they will complete the X Factor test and then they will get feedback on their test results and guidance on how to use the science to improve their golf game. Finally, we will compare their tournament results with what the science predicted based on their test results.” The findings will be published in a subsequent magazine.

NZ MANUFACTURER • JUNE 2014 Issue • Features

The Future of Manufacturing Buildnz/designex Canterbury Preview Manufacturing Technology Maintenance Advertising Booking Deadline – 24th June 2014 Advertising Copy Deadline – 24th June 2014 Editorial Copy Deadline – 24th June 2014 Advertising – For bookings and further information contact: Doug Green, P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email:

Editorial material to be sent to : Doug Green, P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email: Tel: 06 870 9029 Fax: 06 878 8150

At NZ MANUFACTURER our aim is to keep our readers up to date with the latest industry news and manufacturing advances in a tasty paper morsel, ensuring they do not get left behind in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving manufacturing world.


Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


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NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. – John Wayne

A look at: Solid Edge ST7 The Solid Edge user interface has been evolving over the last five or six releases and while wholesale changes are now few and far between; there are a few tweaks, enhancements or additions that will make life easier or more productive for existing users (new users will, of course, not notice any difference). Perhaps one of the most useful of these enhancements is to the measurement tools. While every CAD system includes tools to measure both geometric entities, as well as between them, they’re often not pervasive or indeed, remain on screen while you use them. Solid Edge, until ST7, was also guilty of this. From ST7 onwards, the measurement tools remain on screen as you use them, giving you greater ability to measure between entities and allowing you to stack up measurements and retain them on screen as you need them.

The measurement tools remain on screen as you use them.

but using the more complex tools that have been in the system for a good few years.

huge benefit, and find its way into many other users’ lists of command options.

There are also some enhancements made to the materials definition database that’s available within Solid Edge. This has been revamped and now gives a much richer description for each material and a wide range of materials all together. Interesting, the team has also built in the ability to download and integrate materials from online repositories, such as MatWeb.

The final major update relating to assemblies for ST7 is in the area of change management. While Solid Edge has data management tools available using SharePoint or Teamcentre as the basis, change management in groups without formalised data management is still an issue.

Essentially, you sketch each segment on a dynamic plane, and then shift that plane to the next to add in the additional elements in a different direction. It works with both lines and arcs and allows you to create fillets between those entities.

Also on the standards front, the hole creation tools have been reworked. Whereas in previous releases you defined the holes and fasteners separately, you now do it much more intelligently. Essentially, the hole creation form now requires the definition of the fastener that’s intended to interface with that hole, and the thread forms are derived from - and it includes all the major international standards including (DIN, ISO and ANSI).

For those working with piping routing, wire or tubular forms, this is going to be manna from heaven. Of course, if you want to include more complex splines that route through points that aren’t co-planar, this can still be done,

Perhaps the last major update on the generally applicable front is the ability to assign a specific length to a sketch entity (or group thereof). For those working with standardised tubes, pipes, belts and such, this will be a

Another update that’s going to be welcome to many, is the ability to create 3D sketches using a wider variety of entities without the need to predefine workplanes and such.

The new tools allow users to track when parts or sub-assemblies (either above or below the level you’re working at) are changed and might kick off a complete rebuild of the model. These new tools allow you to find these instances (on loading a model or moving your focus within the assembly) and to selectively choose whether the assembly is updated and refresh.

Sheet metal Sheet metal is an area that Solid Edge has always had a strong presence in, right from the early days. It had intelligent sheet metal tools long before many of its current peers in the mainstream modelling market. As ever, it’s no good resting on collective laurels and this release sees work done to refresh the sheet metal modelling and editing tools in the system. Strangely, the first is something that other systems have had for some time, namely, the ability to create the exterior form of a sheet metal component using a solid model, and then convert it to a sheet metal fabricated form.

The tools are nice and simple, the Part to Sheet Metal operation takes care of the whole process, allowing you to define material parameters (in terms of bend radius, corner treatment etc.) then identify the base (for the first section of sheet). You then work around the model, first selecting edges that are converted to bends, then by hitting the R key, select any edges that are ‘ripped’ - those that open up and enable the flattening of the form. You can see the full workflow on the opposite page for more details. Once done, you have an intelligent sheet metal model that links back to the source solid (so any changes can be propagated quickly) and one that can also be converted into a flattened form and pushed into fabrication and into drawings for documentation. The last sheet metal update relates to deriving flattened forms from non-sheet metal forms. Essentially, this allows you to take a constant wall thickness part (whether natively built or imported) and flatten it out according to a few input parameters. The end result is a 2D shape that, while perhaps a little rough around the edges, can be used for initial nesting planning for all manner of purposes, whether that’s fabric work or stamped forms. This, of course, also ties in rather nicely with the forming tools from ST6 that allow you to ‘push’ a form tool into a thin part and create these types of stamped or forged parts more easily using standard solid modelling operations.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014

It always seems impossible until it’s done.


– Nelson Mandela

Get busy living or get busy dying For most people “Get busy living or get busy dying” is a memorable line from the Shawshank Redemption, but it is a choice that entrepreneurs and business owners need to make. It may seem perverse to think about the ultimate fate of a business when you are still in the throes of establishing it, but choosing whether you want to get busy living or get busy dying is one of the most powerful decisions a founder / owner can make. Xero, Google and Apple are all recognised for their relentless pursuit of growth. They have clear strategies; they know who their customers are and who their threats are.

Being busy living is about clarity of vision and having a focus on delivery.

Their leaders are focused on hitting their milestones and they have a hoard of shareholders urging them on to greatness. Growth is their lifeblood. They are busy living. Very busy. These examples make it seem like a living business is synonymous with a high-growth business. But it’s not. Being busy living is about clarity of vision and having a focus on delivery. Successful high-growth businesses are designed from the ground up to be high-growth. So they have that clarity of vision from day one. Successful high-growth businesses are designed from the ground up to be high-growth. So they have that clarity of vision from day one. Most high growth companies are designed from the ground up to achieve a predetermined goal – many, it seems, involve being acquired by Google or to be bigger than Google.


- Cheyne Gillooly Director Better by Capital New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

busy surviving. Trying to turn a mouse into an elephant will keep you very busy, but is probably not going to deliver you the outcome you desire. That may sound flippant, but yet every day we see business owners doing the equivalent of feeding their mouse growth hormones or trying to coerce their elephant into a hamster wheel. If you talk to these business owners they will tell you that they are busy. They will be hard at work getting that next order out the door, landing the next ‘big deal’ and doing what they can to keep the lights on and make payroll. They are busy. Very busy, surviving. Be clear about your capital plans

They are different by nature, in the same way an elephant has a different destiny from a mouse.

The importance of realising what type of business you have is made starkly clear when you first start looking at raising capital for your business. Angel Investment, Venture Capital, Private Equity and IPO are all excellent potential sources of capital if you know how and when to use them, or when not to use them.

Recognising the difference and planning accordingly is the difference between being busy living and being

Many business owners will have a clear growth plan for their business. Some will have thought about how they

will fund that growth plan outside of existing revenues. Very few owners though will have thought about an exit plan and how to maximise the value of their business. The clarity of focus that an external investor can bring can be great if their outcomes are aligned with yours. But if the alignment is not there then things can get ugly. In contrast, if you talk to any professional investor they will be able to clearly articulate their exit strategy, the growth milestones needed to achieve that exit and their desired return upon exit. A professional investor relies upon value maximisation to live. The clarity of focus that an external investor can bring can be great if their outcomes are aligned with yours. But if the alignment is not there then things can get ugly. Really ugly. The majority of businesses we see in NZTE’s Better by Capital programme have come to us looking for ‘growth capital’. This means that they want introductions to investors, ideally international ones. Yesterday would be great.

Revolutionary mass manufacturing 3D printing system on its way continued which allows the build platform and print head to move in tandem.

This is where 3D Systems is about to step up to the plate. They are working on a highly sophisticated, mass manufacturing system, which relies on high speed 3D printers. Such a system is so productive that it will be used in the manufacturing of millions or even billions of Google Project Ara smartphone modules. So how has 3D systems been able to overcome the downfalls of additive manufacturing? According to the company, their latest technique removes the “reciprocating platform,” used by most 3D printers today. Current 3D printers work in a way

Because of this, there are many abrupt stops or reductions in speed during the print process, as the machine needs to change its direction of print. Imagine if a typical FDM based 3D printer was able to print in a straight line only, for great distances. Think about how many mm/sec it could print compared to a printer which needs to print a cubed object. The printer making the cube will need to change its print direction every few inches, meaning it needs to come to almost a complete stop, and then re-accelerate. 3D Systems has realised this, and has come up with a new “racetrack architecture,” which will allow a 3D printer to print in a not stop flow, at extremely high speeds. In a recent blog post about their Project Ara intentions,

3D Systems explained: “For more productive print rates (of millions and hopefully billions of units), we’re creating a continuous motion system around a racetrack architecture that will allow the module shells to move in a continuous flow with additional “off ramps” for various finishing steps, including inserts and other module manipulations.” This new system is sort of a production line setup, with prints moving off a conveyor belt, onto a new area once certain layers of material are placed down. The system could utilise dozens, or even hundreds of print heads, all printing in a specific direction for hundreds of feet, at high speeds, along a specific conveyor belt. Once a new material, perhaps even a conductive material, is needed, the specific prints are removed from conveyor belt A, and are placed on conveyor belt B, where that new material is printed. Such a system could drastically change the way manufacturing facilities operate. No longer would companies require a specific manufacturing

facility for specialized parts, or even have a need for their own facility at all. Instead, an entire facility could be transformed from producing tiny tweezers, to automobile engine casings within minutes, via the software which operates the printers. The system which 3D systems is using for Project Ara will likely be revealed in the near future. If it’s anything like they claim it to be, you can rest assured that hundreds of manufacturers will soon be very interested. The third industrial revolution may soon be upon us.

The third industrial revolution may soon be upon us.


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. – Roger Staubach

KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards The KiwiNet Awards celebrate heroes in research commercialisation - those individuals and organisations whose best practice approach is changing the innovation landscape in New Zealand.

Titanium Technologies New Zealand (TiTeNZ)

This collaboration has resulted in the commercialisation of several exciting new technologies, which have been leveraged for optimal economic return to New Zealand. These include: • Design through to export of a firearm suppressor patented and manufactured by TiDA in partnership with Oceania Defence Ltd, using 3D printing techniques

TiTeNZ was established in December 2012 with the goal of developing a world class platform in titanium powder metallurgy that would in turn become a multi-company, multi-sector manufacturing base for advanced technology products and export focused technology enterprises. The TiTeNZ team is a collaboration between the University of Waikato, Callaghan Innovation, GNS Science, Auckland University, the Titanium Industry Development Association (TIDA) and a number of industry partners.

• Export sales of a new titanium alloy crew safety knife manufactured in collaboration between TiDA, Page Macrae and Victory Knives, for use by the Team New Zealand Americas Cup syndicate. • Successful demonstration of a proof of concept Ion Beam coating process for cleaning and pre-treatment of metal surfaces by GNS Science. The technology is now integrated within the daily operation of Page MacRae Engineering, enabling improved quality, appearance and performance of titanium alloy coatings.

Researcher Entrepreneur Award This award recognises an entrepreneurial researcher who has made outstanding contributions to business innovation or has created innovative businesses in New Zealand through technology licencing, start-up creation or by providing expertise to support business innovation.

Associate Professor Iain Anderson, StretchSense & University of Auckland

Wireless Network Partnership Is a finalist in the Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Research and Business Partnership Award category Since 2007, Tait Communications and the Wireless Research Center (WRC) at the University of Canterbury have combined forces in the development of technology in LTE broadband, narrowband mobile radio, coverage extension, enhanced reliability and situational awareness. This partnership has allowed Tait to significantly expand its business and has raised the capability of both organisations. Through $2.2 million in cash and an equal amount in kind contributed from Tait, the WRC has boosted its research and student capability putting graduates in a prime position to take up formal employment at Tait, and delivering a combination of research and commercial expertise that has elevated Tait’s business. This partnership has all the hallmarks of a successful collaboration between research and business:

Globally, Dr Iain Anderson is considered a leading researcher in the application and control of artificial muscle technologies. In 2005 Dr Anderson, an Associate Professor with Auckland University’s Department of Engineering Science along with his graduate students founded the Biomimetics Laboratory. The laboratory is located within the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland. The lab’s goal is to research the creation of new technology through biomimicry: the imitation of natural systems to solve problems and develop new technologies. The Biomimetics Lab has a strong focus on dielectric elastomer artificial muscles with particular expertise in optimising the technology for applications such as wearable sensors and power generators. In November 2012 Assoc. Prof. Anderson and two of his former students set out to commercialise soft stretch sensor technology. StretchSense Ltd makes stretchable capacitive sensors which are perfect for measuring human body motion. Dr Anderson’s research and leadership has led to sales of equipment and research contracts totalling over NZ$1m with companies such as Bayer MaterialScience and Lockheed Martin, and research organisations such as CSIRO, the University of Bristol, UCLA, Sherbrooke University, Purdue University to name a few.

• WRC researchers are able to immerse themselves in the world of Tait and its clients, enabling shared knowledge around the fast moving digital communications space. • Tait has been able to expand its business and address new and upcoming markets, as well as penetrate into overseas markets generating export value for New Zealand • WRC has a healthy industry focus and research efforts are directed at developing a range of commercially viable IP’s that can expand Tait’s business capability. With a further $1.5 million guaranteed from Tait to the WRC over the next 2 years, this relationship is set to deliver ongoing value to both New Zealand’s public and private sectors.

NZ Manufacturer May 2014


Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. – John Maxwell

2014 Finalists includes engineering firms We congratulate the 2014 finalists!

Commercial Deal Award

The commercial award celebrates excellence in research commercialisation delivering outstanding innovation performance and the potential for generating significant economic impact for New Zealand.

Springfree™ Trampoline, entered by University of Canterbury Dr Keith Alexander from Canterbury University wanted to buy his kids a safe trampoline, but he found there wasn’t such a thing. As an inventor he decided to redesign how a recreational trampoline works. The result was the Springfree™ Trampoline, a true innovation in trampoline technology that has spun out from its public research origins into a successful commercial venture. The successful commercialisation of this technology has resulted in significant economic benefits to New Zealand, creating jobs and building capability for New Zealand. The Springfree™ Trampoline company has a strong international presence, particularly in North America and China. 40,000 units are currently sold annually internationally (including 1800 in NZ), with production expected to increase 50% in 2014. Springfree™ Trampolines is achieving great traction internationally, featuring as one of Ellen DeGeneres’ ‘12 Days of Christmas’ audience giveaways in 2010.

Kifunensine, entered by Glycosyn, Callaghan Innovation A rare sugar spells sweet success Kifunensine is a crucial ingredient in the manufacture of an enzyme replacement therapeutic for the treatment of a rare genetic disorder. A viable manufacturing process was developed by GlycoSyn, a world class technology leader in the area of Carbohydrate Chemistry and a business unit of Callaghan Innovation. GlycoSyn specialises in high quality drug development and prototype scale-up manufacture of complex drug candidates for its clients. A synthetic pathway to Kifunensine was developed in-house and the process patented by GlycoSyn, positioning themselves as one of the world’s few providers of this valuable

compound and one of the few commercial providers of pharmaceutical grade material. GlycoSyn successfully connected with a US-based Biotech multinational for the export sale of clinical grade Kifunensine. Total revenues generated with this partner have exceeded NZ$16M over the last 7 years, with demand steadily increasing, year-on-year, until commercial launch of the business partner’s product in 2010. To put the worth of this material in perspective, on a per gram basis Kifunensine is 20 times more valuable than gold. GlycoSyn’s development and commercialisation of Kifunensine is an exemplar for a commercial deal from publicly funded research, generating significant economic returns to New Zealand.

C-Dax Pasture Meter and Massey University’s Centre for Precision Agriculture, entered by Massey University Partnership between: C-Dax and Massey University’s Centre for Precision Agriculture A more efficient measurement system enabling farmers to make better-informed pasture grazing decisions. Pasture Meter developers within Massey University’s New Zealand Centre for Precision Agriculture saw a gap in the market for a more efficient means of pasture measurement. In partnership with C-Dax this vision became a reality, and now the Pasture Meter is sold in New Zealand and all around the world, benefitting the average NZ dairy farm by $57,000 per annum. The three co-developers from Massey University - Ian Yule, Rob Murray and Hayden Lawrence - knew their concept had potential, but realised the necessity of an ongoing collaboration between research and a leading commercial partner, saying they could not have predicted the willingness of dairy farmers to adopt the new technology. In response to market need, the Pasture Meter has since been developed to incorporate GPS and C-Dax SmartMaps information technology, enabling record keeping, comparison and forecasting. The Pasture Meter is now being sold internationally, strengthening C-Dax’s position as innovation leaders and providing export earnings back to the NZ economy.


NZ Manufacturer May 2014

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire


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