NZ Manufacturer August 2018

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August 2018



MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Kilwell celebrates success.


Government support for industry – hard to do Dieter Adam, Chief Executive,The Manufacturers’ Network

A significant proportion of these grants do go directly to overseas production companies to produce films here, or films containing (sometimes token) references to New Zealand. The argument for such support is around the pay-back in terms of contribution to the New Zealand economy through GDP and employment as well as some less tangible flow-on effects, such as impact on tourism and how New Zealand is viewed in the world. Another part of the argument is that such grants are commonplace around the world, and New Zealand needs to offer competitive rates to even be in the game in such a competitive industry. For context, the screen industry is estimated to be worth $1.1b to our economy and employ 14,000 people.

Critical issues pertaining to wealth creation need to be addressed, such as our low productivity. In a recent review commissioned by MBIE, the overall payback estimate was $2.04 returned on every dollar of film grants, but these estimates are always difficult to make and two MBIE-commissioned ‘reviews of the

SMART MANUFACTURING The 4th industrial revolution and the factories of the future.

Professional 3D CAD Design software

well without a plan The new Government has indicated that this support is likely to continue, having expressed some discontent around the cost and suggesting some changes may be considered in future, such as funding caps.


review’ pointed to significant shortcomings in the original report. But that is not the point. The point here is that this Government, like its predecessors, is happy to ‘pick winners’ by heavily subsidising particular sectors of our economy. The film industry is one example, another is the recent commitment to spend over $600m on the eradication of Mycoplasma bovis, as just one example of the regular subsidies provided to our agricultural sector. And at the same time the Government is also subsidising other parts of our economy by providing favourable taxation (or none at all) on their profits.

2018 version

Upgraded software core technology plus new Sheet Metal tools, Graphics, new License types, Constraints and more... Visit

So, the obvious question from our perspective is – why not provide more support for manufacturing? If it is contribution to GDP and employment you want, manufacturing made up 12% of GDP and contributed $23b directly to GDP in 2017. Manufacturing is also one of our country’s largest employers, employing 241,100 people in 2017. Like the argument for ‘spill-over’ benefits of the film industry, manufacturing contribution to our economy also goes much further than just the direct impact on GDP and employment. A recent UK study can give us a rough idea of how these flow on impacts may look. The report called, “The True Impact of UK Manufacturing” breaks down the contribution of the sector into direct (output and employment) and indirect (support to other industries through supply chains). For the UK, manufacturing directly contributes 9% of GDP (less than our 12%) and has 2.6 million jobs. When including their measure of indirect impact, this jumps to 15% of GDP and over 5 million jobs. While the scale of these flow-on impacts will not be

continued on Page 14

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Read the Manufacturing Stories that Matter


Need High Quantities of Prototypes Fast

5 .nz ufactu BUSINESS NEWS What’s all the blockchain fuss about?






Kit inc


l ditoria ding E

Analytics leaders wrestle with AI challenges for 2018.


Engineering firm takes mentoring to another level.



Is there a standard for smart manufacturing?

Waiting for smart manufacturing standards to develop before implementing the Industrial Internet of Things into your operations may not be the most productive choice. By Dave Vasko, director of Advanced Technology, Rockwell Automation Smart manufacturing is called different things in different countries: Manufacturing USA (United States), Industrie 4.0 (Germany), China 2025 (China) or Industrie du Futur (France). The U.K., Sweden, Japan, Korea and India all have country-specific efforts as well. What do these initiatives have in common? They are all: • Creating a vision for smart manufacturing. • Using the power of digitalization to help manufacturers reduce capital expenditures, improve time to market, reduce inventory and improve productivity. • Extending existing standards to realize the vision. The last point is an important distinction: These initiatives are not creating new standards — they are classifying how best to use existing standards. That means the groundwork for smart manufacturing, Industrie 4.0 and other initiatives is being done in standard developing organizations such as the IEC, ISO, ISA, IEEE and the OPC Foundation. These organizations are where the influence starts and leadership takes hold.

Trade cess / s rt SucThis is particularly important as thought leaders prepare terview / Expo is for In s / ie the g G20 (or Group of Twenty) in D lys August. This olo / 3Economy tDigital eninternational Techn ofiles / Ana elo forum for governments from m e p v ti p cs Pr Dev 20 major/ economies isru Robotiis host to high-level discussions of mpany / Regional t ing / D o r n C le tu r / c a e ufa 018 &T Cyb ity MEX 2 Skills IIoT / rt Man ductiv r Sma Reports – E cture / Pro Economy / struction / ials fo on lar tru C s u a / c Mater eviews and fr ir e c C In an Pr / The ing / ainten ution Show factur ate Change tive M ib Manu m reventa tics & Distr P / / Food turing / Cli g is turin / Log fac anufac ufacturing Manu M r an n fo / Desig / Additive M y Securit

policy issues pertaining to, among other things, global economic growth. On the agenda is digital technology. Countries and companies around the world are eager to adopt digitalization strategies because it levels the playing field for smaller companies, allowing them to reap the same benefits as larger firms, and remain globally competitive and relevant.

Industry is slow to adapt to new technologies, mostly because replacing existing assets with new, smart manufacturing versions can be complex and take time. The transition should take place in phases.

This means if you look only at one count initiative, you’ll have a limited view of global movement. You must look at glo standards to understand global impact.

So rather than the name of the initiative t differentiates the work, it’s the standa behind that initiative that make the differen

The Time to Start Is Now

For organizations hesitant to start their journ

continued on Page 2

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1 DEVELOPMENTS Government support for industry – hard to


do without a plan.

4 EDITORIAL Let’s celebrate success. 5 BUSINESS NEWS 6

Industry calls for plan for waste management. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY ZW3D for one man operations, SMEs and corporates. Amalgamation good news for New Zealand innovators. Innovate liability solution for food manufacturers.

Leeann Watson

Is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber).and is a strong voice for Canterbury business.


Dieter Adam

Chief Executive, New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association has a Ph.D. in plant biotechnology, consulting and senior management roles in R&D, innovation and international business development.

PROFILE 9 COMPANY Lewis Woodward, managing director, Industrial Technologies.

TECHNOLOGY 10 MANUFACTURING Kilwell celebrates success. Farra positions itself for the future. Hi-Tech impresses engineers.

IN ENGINEERING 13 WOMEN Alisha Baddock, Beca, Christchurch. 14 DEVELOPMENTS Kim Campbell steps down. 16 ANALYSIS Fourth industrial revolution means a


Kirk Hope

Is Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest business advocacy body. He has held a range of senior positions at Westpac and is a barrister and solicitor.


Lewis Woodward

Is Managing Director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.

massive productivity boom.

MANUFACTURING 17 SMART Seequent opens up 3D modelling world.


Growing data demand to drive digital factory market. Double award for NZ nanofiber producer. The fourth industrial revolution and the factories of the future.


PRODUCT UPDATE Combilift launches Combi-Op Order Picker. Low heat input for stable welded joints. New Wolf Lock


PACKTECH 25 FOODTECH Largest food manufacturing technology


expo in September. SUPPLY CHAIN SynQ software advances warehouse management.


VIEW 31 REAR Here’s how many times you need to reuse


your plastic bags

Is HERA Director, she has extensive experience in innovation, research management and product development, most recently as Head of Innovation and Product Development & Pacific Islands Export Manager at New Zealand Steel..

Craig Carlyle

29 DEVELOPMENTS Chamber welcomes Small Business Council

announcement. Earn and Learn – smart choice for today’s school leavers. Trans-Tasman companies lagging on digital transformation journey. Ban on plastic bags another step towards a waste-free circular economy

Dr Troy Coyle

Is Director of Maintenance Transformations Ltd, an executive member of the Maintenance Engineering Societyand the Event Director of the NationalMaintenance Engineering Conference.


Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd,1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings, New Zealand 4122.

MANAGING EDITOR Doug Green T: +64 6 870 9029 E:


Dieter Adam, Holly Green, Lewis Woodward, Alisha Baddock, Trevor Thornton

Let’s celebrate success Kilwell Sports has a legacy of designing and manufacturing Bentley car parts, bomb dismantling robots, yacht masts, fishing rods, aerospace components through using cutting edge technologies to supply the world’s best.

They are a company profile in

I also want to draw your attention


this issue of NZ Manufacturer and

to Enviroplaz, a company based

Doug Green T: + 64 6 870 9029 E:

their story appears on Page 10.

in Manukau which is doing




Kim Alves, KA Design T: + 64 6 870 8133 E:













plastic waste into high-quality concrete.

however, many of the products

In a time when we are wondering

manufactured by its associate

about what to do with all the plastic

business, Kilwell Fibretube such

we use as a society, Enviroplaz can

as weapons for the Star Wars

transform any type of plastic into

movies go unrecognised. This is

a rock-like substance that forms

On-Line Publisher Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd

because Fibretube products are

the aggregate of concrete. The

unbranded and have remained

process is called Plazrok.


unrecognised for a long time.


Bruce Metelerkamp E:


E: Free of Charge.




T: +64 6 870 4506 F: +64 6 878 8150 E: 1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings PO Box 1109, Hastings, NZ NZ Manufacturer ISSN 1179-4992


to recycle or get rid can now


be used in a positive way to aid

Sports, founded by the late

the environment and be part of

John L Wells in 1933 is this year

forward reaching manufacturing

celebrating 85 years in business,

processes that are a world first.




So, any plastic you have, need

while is




Fibretube 50




Vol.9 No. 7 AUGUST 2018 Copyright: NZ Manufacturer is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Neither editorial opinions expressed, nor facts stated in the advertisements, are necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher of NZ Manufacturer and, whilst all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the publishers for inaccurate information, or for any consequences of reliance on this information. NZ Manufacturer welcomes your contributions which may not necessarily be used because of the philosophy of the publication.

So well done: a great example of an innovative New Zealand company from the regions which is flying the flag high for New Zealand manufacturing.

Doug Green


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


Success Through Innovation



Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” -- Winston S. Churchill

Industry calls for plan


for waste

Workers and consumers will be paying the price of reforms which drive up the cost of doing business if we don’t have a balanced debate on the management of the country’s waste stream, says Packaging New Zealand – one it says needs to be founded in fact, not just emotion. Packaging New Zealand’s Executive Director Sharon Humphreys says the industry’s current challenges lie in halting the hysteria whipped up over such issues as plastics bags, which presents a very real threat of being extended to packaging generally.

improvement and efficiency gains provides for gradual advances which can be equally transformative in impact, such as the significant reduction in the amount of packaging material through ‘light weighting’ or re-design.

“We can all find and exploit examples of poor packaging, but these should not be permitted to overshadow the industry’s strong track record of responding innovatively to customer demands and regulatory requirements, while meeting its waste management needs.

Humphreys says the packaging industry will continue to react to the changing dynamics of trade, and the scale and speed of that change will be driven by factors which are largely outside its control.

“New packaging technologies and materials can be disruptive, evidenced by the impact of 3D printing technology or printing electronics directly onto packaging material. However, the focus on continuous

Commercial & industrial growth

“In this context there has never been a more urgent need for a balanced debate, because right now facts and evidence are coming a poor second to emotive images such as pictures of divers swimming through society’s detritus, and sea-life consuming plastic bags.

“Our organisation has long advocated for a broader discussion about the role of packaging alongside waste management and recycling, so it is encouraging to see that some commentators are also now seeing the merits of a more comprehensive approach to policy affecting our sector.

New packaging technologies and materials can be disruptive.

“Unfortunately, current attempts to lift the debate in this direction are being distracted and undermined by the very limiting focus on single issue solutions such as plastic bags. Without in anyway wanting to be dismissive of efforts to eliminate the misuse of plastic bags, an all-consuming focus on such an issue does little for the more urgent challenge of achieving the elusive national plan for waste management and recycling.”

Employment growth

Economic output

Crime rate East Tamaki is the largest industrial precinct in Auckland with 2000 businesses and a growth rate higher than the regional average.


Greater East Tamaki Business Association Inc.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. -- Herman Melville

ZW3D for one man operations, SMEs and corporates Affordable CADCAM must deliver:

Even if the resulting surface or shape is non sensible in the real world, ZW3D will accept this as a valid object and allow you to continue modelling without a hiccup.

• Enterprise-level mechanical design and engineering system. • Cost effective ownership. ZW3D CADCAM is truly integrated. It’s core objective is provide unified environment from concept design to final manufacturing. This is achieved with a powerful proprietary hybrid 3D CAD and CAM kernel.

CAM users benefit massively from having ready access to high level modelling capability. Comprehensive translators are standard. Some common file types can be used directly. ZW3D Point cloud tools, including STL manipulation can handle millions of points, reduce data and apply complex smooth surface meshes. Resultant surfaces are then used as part of the solid model for shape generation. No additional software or plugins required.

Not only is complex surface generation and manipulation at the centre of the design, the modelling database is object oriented improving speed and providing flexibility. ZW3D does not distinguish between solid, surface or wireframe methodology. All ‘objects’ are usable as a source for developing geometry. The edge of a solid can be used as the profile for a surface or solid extrusion in any direction, as a path for a sweep, the edge of a loft, part of a UV curve set, the path for a distributed pattern of any other object from points through to components.

AutoCAD users use existing drawings to develop 3D models. One user is currently migrating 2,500 2D sketches to 3D parts. Assembly anomalies have been discovered and resolved. Now they can build and document assemblies with drawings, cross sections, BOM and even instructional explode and unexplode videos.

Sheet metal, weldments, morphing , patterning and direct editing tool suites are also standard within ZW3D

logical and consistent. CAM operators can dive right in and get started with little effort.

Assembly centric modelling is a strength. ZW3D allows any geometry from any component in an assembly to be used to generate further geometry associatively or otherwise.

Sound too good to be true? ZW3D is available on a 30 day full featured trial basis. File size is under 900Mb including full CAM and installation takes about 15mins.

Parametric linked assemblies are normal. Easy configuration management and customisation of embedded data in models further adds to long term gains for product manufacturing. ZW3D provides choice in file structure between project based single files containing drawing, components, assemblies and CAM plans. Or a single object per file environment. Managing projects, versioning and moving projects is easy and uncomplicated. CAM operators enjoy a drag and drop approach to building CAM plans. From 2 axis to 4-5 axis processes are

University of Auckland welcomes

printing researcher

world renowned 3D

Multi-award-winning product design developer and engineering researcher Professor Olaf Diegel will join the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Engineering in early 2019. rather than the conventional manufacturing processes which subtract material to carve out the finished product. Because of this, AM can produce parts that are infinitely more complex than is possible with conventional manufacturing and, if designed for, can be both cost effective while adding tremendous value to products by make them lighter, more efficient, customised, or adding to their functionality and sustainability.

The University is delighted to welcome Professor Diegel, its third appointee under the Government’s Entrepreneurial Universities programme. He is a New Zealander returning to take up a new role as head of the Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Laboratory (the Lab) which aims to significantly change the way Additive Manufacturing (AM) is implemented in industry.

It has had an impact in a number of industries including aerospace,

AM uses a layer upon layer process

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NZ Manufacturer August 2018


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automotive, medical, fashion and has had some application in construction. Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Research) Professor Jim Metson says the University is delighted to welcome Professor Diegel back to New Zealand to take up his new role. “Additive Manufacturing is one of the fastest moving areas in a sector that is increasingly important to the country. Securing his leading-edge expertise will enable research and industrial applications that are game changing.” Professor Diegel has been leading the product development department and AM lab (the third he has founded) at Lund University in Sweden since leaving New Zealand in 2014. During his career he has developed over 100 new products for companies in New Zealand and worldwide including several home health monitoring products, security and marine products and lighting products. These include the Spengler SCVL cardiovascular lab, a monitoring technology that gives a comprehensive picture of a user’s cardiovascular health. It measures not only blood pressure but also pulse pressure, mean arterial pressure and cardiac output

through a device attached on the upper arm and another attached to the ankle. The technology represents a paradigm shift in the detection of cardiovascular conditions. He has also helped to develop Selecon’s Pacific range of theatre spotlights which produce a cooler, whiter beam of light as well as a number of sophisticated modular dimming systems for NZ company Theatrelight. Professor Diegel believes that AM enables creativity and innovation, allowing designers and inventors to immediately test their ideas to see if they work. This passion and creativity has flowed through to his own start-up, ODD Guitars, where Olaf produces 3D printed guitars and basses. He has received over 20 prestigious product development and research awards and is a principal co-author of the “Wohlers report” (Additive Manufacturing State of the Industry, Annual Worldwide Progress Report). The University’s new Lab led by Professor Diegel will ensure New Zealand is a leader in creative design and additive manufacturing, revolutionising manufacturing methods and products, and promoting projects with commercial potential through interdisciplinary research, Professor Metson says.


Opportunities don’t happen. You create them. -- Chris Grosser

Amalgamation good news for New Zealand innovators The ability for New Zealand innovators, industrial designers and manufacturers to create even more dynamic products for the global market has been dramatically enhanced following the announcement that Ricoh NZ has formed a partnership with Stratasys premier and award winning ANZ distributor, Objective3D. This will form one of the largest Trans-Tasman 3D printing strategic partnerships. Objective3D have been pioneers in the NZ 3D printing marketplace for more than 6 years. Starting from 5th June 2018, Objective3D will assume responsibility for the Ricoh NZ Stratasys 3D printing customer base. This includes training,

consumables supply, spare parts and all technical support. Objective3D is a Stratasys and Desktop Metal Platinum Partner and owns Australasia’s largest and most successful Additive Manufacturing Centre supplying not only professional grade 3D printers but also providing industry with manufacturing on-demand services.

The new Stratasys F900 with Carbon Fibre 3D capabilities

“This historic alliance, will provide our combined NZ customer base access to resources that are 100% dedicated to 3D printing, including an award-winning service team, local Stratasys certified service engineers and local

consumables and spare parts supply”, said Objective 3D Managing Director, Matt Minio. Ricoh NZ will continue to offer the Stratasys 3D printing range to the NZ market, as a sub agent of Objective3D. Objective3D will engage as industry experts to consult with Ricoh NZ customers ensuring they acquire the right 3D printing technology to meet their individual requirements. “Ricoh NZ has a proven track record in providing an excellent service to a wide range of industries in New Zealand and we look forward to providing these companies with access to a wider range of professional technologies, and technical support, and on-demand services.”

Matt Minio, Managing Director at Objective3D

boundaries of manufacturing and have the eyes of the world focused on New

“We are all about empowering our customers with best in class technology and unmatched service and support. Our role is to enable them to push the

Zealand for next-generation design and innovation.”


The Right Material Can Drive Design

Thule Embraces FDM Nylon 12 Carbon Fibre Watch the strength of carbon fiber in action.

Watch the Video >>

Track-Ready Prototypes Enable Functional Testing For Less Cost Thule uses the strength of carbon fibre materials to take their design prototypes to the next level – performance testing. While this testing can be brutal, Thule engineers say 3D printed racks using Stratasys FDM Nylon 12 Carbon Fibre have the rigor to withstand the track. But it’s not only prototypes that get the carbon fiber treatment at Thule. They also 3D print jigs and fixtures with the high strength and stiffness capabilities of carbon fibre. 3D printing has saved Thule: • Two weeks off every design cycle • $45,000 in the first few months of use • Time-to-market Watch the video to see the strength of carbon fiber in action.



Carbon Fibre.

Make it with Stratasys Carbon Fibre >>


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. --John D. Rockefeller

Innovative liability solution for food manufacturers Food manufacturers are increasingly confronted with new challenges and evolving risks because of rapid globalisation and expanding international supply chains. With a 200% and 62% increase in recall rates for food products in the last two years, this suggests a high correlation with increased sourcing of ingredients from overseas suppliers.

Unfortunately, the 2018 recall numbers so far suggest that this is a trend that looks set to continue. Dinesh Murali, Senior underwriter and casualty lines manager at Delta Insurance, says that recall events tend to be the biggest risk manufacturing companies face today. “Events such as product contamination or pollution incidents can be prohibitively expensive. Product recalls can have a substantial impact on the bottom line and can seriously damage a company’s reputation. Manufacturers need to

Dealing with suppliers from different jurisdictions adds another layer of complexity to the manufacturers risk portfolio for many reasons including the fact that food standards and associated regulation vary significantly. Manufacturers often take the view that the benefits of accessing new supply markets outweighs the risks because of the potential for higher margin that can be achieved but other side to that coin is that quality control can be variable and when things go wrong it can have devastating consequences.

make sure they are covered for such an event”, says Mr. Murali.

Comprehensive cover Delta have developed what they believe to be a New Zealand-first – liability coverage specific to the needs of food manufacturing companies, giving them comprehensive cover for such potential outcomes. Says Mr. Murali, “Our package takes a modular approach. It carries some unique coverage sections that are usually not addressed in other policies

Events such as product contamination or pollution incidents can be prohibitively expensive.

Product recalls cover a range of issues, including accidental contamination from pathogens, undeclared allergens and other foreign matter, malicious product tampering and incorrect labelling.

and insures a range of food manufacturing-specific risks, such as product contamination and recall, covering the cost of removing and replacing the affected products, gradual pollution, financial losses to third parties and consequential loss to cover business interruption.” “All it takes is a simple error in the expiry dates that makes your valuable product worthless. Good risk management is essential to mitigate against these incidents arising. “Despite most NZ companies having robust processes and risk management around labelling there have still been incidents where the products were rejected by overseas authorities for getting the expiry dates wrong”. In a food product recall situation, its generally pragmatic to dump the product in the overseas jurisdiction rather than recalling the product, reprocessing and replacing it. The lost product value is not covered under your general liability insurance so having specialist product recall insurance can cover you for the value

continued on Page 14

Covered for your food product recall? With a 62% increase in food product recalls last year, the possibility of accidental contamination or incorrect labelling is real. To make sure you’ve got all your bases covered, give your insurance broker a call.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.-- Jim Rohn


NZ Manufacturer talks to Lewis Woodward, Managing Director, Industrial Technologies, Lower Hutt Industrial Technologies is a relatively new one of your companies - What does it do?

and management facilities. What is your core market?

To start at the beginning, Connection Technologies was established back in 1999 to specialise in the identification and supply of electrical and electronic connectors. Customers included defence, rail, power and general industrial control industries. The aim was to be the expert in a singular product range, not a general “sell everything” type of business. As time went on we met a German company called Weicon who were looking for a specialist focused distributor of their product and we fitted the bill. From this, Industrial Technologies was established as the sole distributor of the Weicon product range into NZ. The two companies, ITL and CTL along with a Cable assembly facility are now grouped under the banner of The ConTech Group which allows all to benefit from a common product and admin system, with shared accounting

Solutions for

Weicon was established in 1947 and have become a major supplier through Europe with a broad range of products including more than 150 adhesives, numerous technical sprays, plastic metal and urethane products. Weicon offers a huge range of product so a core market is hard to define, but overall, we are taking the position that our focus is into the industrial market requiring a product that works well first time. An example of one product that will have a parallel in NZ is in the mines in Australia. If the tray of an ore truck is wearing away, then a layer of the Weicon plastic metal is applied and the tray is good for a further period of use. So far, we have supplied rail, avionics, marine and several engineering companies and have MPI approval for use in the food industry. What are the businesses that require your services and products? New Zealand is recognised as having

Lewis Woodward talking to Ruth Stevenson, company representative for the Wellington region.

How are you finding the current business climate?

a very harsh environment due to the fact we are surrounded by a salt laden environment and in the centre of the country subjected to the effects contributed by volcanic activity. Many of the specialised products we offer fit nicely to combat and limit damage to equipment.

Over the last few months business has certainly slowed down but it’s very hard to put one’s finger on exactly why. Everything is connected and whilst there is major pressure on the building industry, we must acknowledge the serious shortage of skilled man power to take it anywhere.

Overall, I would have to say there is hardly a segment of the market that will not at some stage benefit from one of the products we offer.

continued on Page 24


We provide you with a top of the line, huge range of product from a world leading supplier. PO Box 39340 Wellington Mail Centre

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NZ Manufacturer August 2018



Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion. -- Tony Hsieh

From fisherman to Jedi Knights, Kilwell has helped them From Bentley car parts to bomb dismantling robots, yacht masts to aerospace components, fishing rods to some of the most iconic weapons in film history – a Rotorua company is using cutting-edge technologies to supply the world’s best. behind their cars seats to stop the car compressing if it rolled.

Kilwell Sports has a legacy of designing and manufacturing fishing rods however, many of the products manufactured by its associate business, Kilwell Fibretube such as weapons for the Star Wars movies, go unrecognised, in some cases even to staff.

“We’ve also supplied an English company with arms for bomb dismantling robots.” Mr Wells says the company’s longevity is down to good ideas and innovative individuals who are open to change.

The wholesale distribution company, Kilwell Sports, founded by the late John L Wells in 1933, has passed through the family and this year is celebrating 85 years of operation, while Kilwell Fibretube is celebrating 50 years of manufacturing.

“Our creativity has often come about from customer requests. We only ever made fishing rod blanks and customers often wondered if we could make a tube, or something similar to their specifications. Over time, the more requests we got, the more experience we gained.

The birthdays mark a significant milestone for the company, which is using the occasion to open up about its long-standing history of innovation.

“For the past 85 years, we’ve been willing to try and satisfy every request and to do so promptly, meaning we have become more knowledgeable in fields other than fishing rods.”

Retired director, Jeremy Wells, who served 56 years at Kilwell says apart from Kilwell fishing rods and Kilwell fresh water lures, the components Fibretube produce are all unbranded, which means most of its products and operations have remained unidentified for a long time.

Mr Wells says the recent innovation of 3D printing has shifted creativity internally, with staff coming up with ideas and other ways of working in carbon fibre laminate manufacturing.

“The range of tubing components made is endless, many of them are for sporting use, but more and more are being used in industrial application.

He says a major milestone for the company was when his brother, John G. Wells, came up with the idea for Kilwell Fibretube in 1968.

“Many years ago we produced 28,000 squash racquet shafts annually for Dunlop, Slazenger and Spalding.

“He had the vision and foresight to move into manufacturing tubular fibreglass fishing rod blanks. Up until then we had imported all the components and made fishing rods with pieces we imported.”

“We also made 200 carbon fibre tubes for the Star Wars movie to be used as lightsabres – characters such as Darth Vader and the powerful Jedi Knights are all our customers.

Marketing director, Amanda Wells says the companies’ longevity is down to strong agencies, supported by after sales service, together with innovative manufacturing ideas and a very knowledgeable and loyal workforce.

Today, rowing and yachting are the largest consumers of sporting carbon composite tubing. Aerospace, mining and industrial componentry also occupy a significant proportion of production.

“Our high staff retention is due to the internal culture and the satisfaction for staff making and selling products they’re passionate and interested in.

“We produced a very expensive tube for an English company and it turned out it was supplied to Bentley for

Full management team from Left to Right: Neville Podmore (Factory Manager), Will London (Fabrication Manager), Jason Daniels (Production Manager), Craig Wilson (CEO), Amanda Wells (Marketing Director), Geoff Wells (Sales & Procurement Director)

The annual acknowledgment and celebration of our Staff Service Awards is a Kilwell tradition. The staff room resembles the RSA with all the long service boards and photos, numerous staff have reached ten, twenty and thirty years, with six serving forty years or more. “Sports has an average of 20 years of staff service and Fibretube 16 years. We have 75 staff in total and are very proud of our staff service record.”

She says they have a lot of second generation family members working for the company which creates a family unit not just within management and ownership, but with all staff. A company with an 85-year commitment to culture, creativity, change and challenging the status quo, even the name ‘Kilwell’ has its’ own legacy story, according to Ms Wells.

“The name Killwell came from the fishing flies my grandfather made and being British, you either released fish or killed them and he said his flies killed fish rather well. “The Kilwell brand became so popular

NZ Manufacturer August 2018


The history of the brand name has foreshadowed Kilwell’s resilience, determination, dedication and bravery, in an ever-changing marketplace, Ms Wells says. “Kilwell’s aspiration for the future is to continue to lead in innovation and technology, ensuring the companies’ will still be here putting a global spotlight on Rotorua and New Zealand for another 85 years and beyond.”

The recent innovation of 3D printing has shifted creativity internally.

“We often get asked where the name Kilwell comes from, as people think the ‘well’ comes from our surname Wells. However, the company was originally called Kelly Rotorua Ltd back in 1933 and we had a brand name called Killwell, which was initially spelt with two ‘l’s’, but that became politically incorrect, so my grandfather decided to drop an ‘l’.


my uncle and father changed the company name to Kilwell in 1985.”

About Kilwell • Owned and managed by the third generation of Wells family: Amanda Wells (marketing director) and Geoff Wells (sales & procurement director) having recently taken over the helm following their father Jeremy Wells’ retirement after 56 years. • Jeremy’s older brother John resigned in 1989 to pursue other business interests. It was John who had the foresight 50 years ago to manufacture tubular fibreglass fishing rod blanks for the domestic and export market. • Kilwell Fibretube runs two shifts a day with 85% of its production being exported to more than 20 countries. • Kilwell Sports distributes its extensive range of leading fishing and shooting brands nationwide with more than 7800 product lines. Traditionally a wholesale distributor, Sports has more recently launched an e-commerce website in partnership with their dealer network.

Do one thing every day that scares you. -- Anonymous


Farra positions itself for the future

Evolution in industry is inevitable and keeping up with the engineering impact is vital for survival. Cast your mind back to the skills, tools and processes from your own beginnings and change is obvious. How we machine, weld, prepare, fabricate, protect and maintain has changed radically without even mentioning manning levels and skills shortages. So what are some of New Zealand’s founding engineering companies doing to stop becoming a dinosaur statistic? The Maintenance Engineering Society (MESNZ) took the opportunity to find out more when it brought its Kaeser Compressors Network Evening series to Dunedin’s Farra Engineering. With a 100 year history, Farra Engineering is well represented locally and globally with some impressive engineering feats and capability. New Zealand industry however has little respect for history and successive governments have made an art form out of ignoring industries future needs, leaving businesses to look after

their own futures and the human infrastructure required to support the business. From the markets it participates in, to the age and capability of its plant and the people that it brings into the business, Farra are working hard to remain a force for the future. The moment you walk through the door the evidence is inescapable; in house built architecture, staff-created artwork and modern layouts open out to a sprawling complex mixing traditional large capacity machining plant with digital sheet metal centres, high technology powder coating line and massive fabrication capacity. The skills shortage experienced throughout the country is no different in Dunedin although the key issue for CEO Gareth Evans is not the smart skills but the core apprentice trade skills that are paramount in the area. Here too, Fara is taking a leading role in solving the issue, participating with a local manufacturing group in an initiative to promote trades careers to school leavers.

provide networking opportunities for engineers across all regions of New Zealand.

The MESNZ Kaeser Compressor Network Evening series are hosted to showcase local operations and

With a 100 year history, Farra Engineering is well represented locally and globally with some impressive engineering feats and capability.

Hi-Tech impresses engineers Edan and Michelle Newell created Hi-Tech Metals in 2005 based on an ethos of quality machines, quality staff and fast turnaround times. The investment in single brand capital plant (Omada) reflects this commitment and the range of fibre cutting, laser cutting and press brake plant in operation on the night certainly impressed the turnout of attendees. The speed of the flat sheet fibre laser was seriously impressive with its high-speed linear axis drives, while the accuracy, (as experienced by the attendees with their own

personalised trinkets), was breath taking. Hi-Techs clients appreciate the quality and speed of delivery and the knock-on effect of the ensuing

market demand is a need to run the plant on a shift basis. This is where the growing pains of this industry become evident; skilled staff and raw materials supply.

New Zealand. There is a shortage in incoming apprentices; absolutely no training in relevant smart skills and the limited options available to businesses are unorganised.

The inability of the local market to supply sheet stock at the quality and delivery times required in this fast-moving flexible market result in Hi-Tech having to hold higher than desired stock levels and having to carefully police the quality standards.

Whatever the reasons, the universal frustration experienced by these operations suggests that no-one has their hands on the steering wheel at a time when these smart companies are laying the foundation for our future.

As Edan puts it “We cannot supply high quality finished components when some clown has left boot prints across the sheet.” Hi-Tech is not alone in satisfaction issues with the local steel suppliers with MESNZ receiving similar complaints about one company right across the country.

What do arise from these situations are reactive solutions, so companies like Hi-Tech hone employment and core training skills well beyond their expectations and alternative and more efficient steel supply companies that understand the market eventually outpace the current dinosaurs. It does however remain frustrating to see such potential hampered by poor leadership.

The skills shortage is a resounding echo of every facility (and trade) MESNZ has visited in the whole of


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once. -Samuel Smiles

Airport evening takes off separate actions and interactions as well as impeccable plant reliability.

The chance to poke around an international airport is not to be missed so it was no surprise the full house sign went up in record time when the Maintenance Engineering Society (MESNZ) was invited to bring its Kaeser Compressors Network Evening Series to Auckland International Airport in July.

Even something as simple as an airbridge can have catastrophic effect if it malfunctions or fails to function. On the tarmac, a huge amount of effort goes into getting passengers, baggage and refreshments on board, communications established, pre-flight checks, etc.

Building on the 2016 visit where the attendees were treated to an up close and personal view of the push back preparations for an international flight, Kevin Ingle and his team extended this year’s tour through the baggage handling and service sections of the facility, providing an insight into the complexities of maintaining and constantly improving a facility that is a player on the world stage.

From here the group split up for a dual tour of the baggage loading hall and the impressive service area featuring the teams latest HVAC plant. The amount of effort that goes into making a passengers experience effortless is amazing. Kevin Ingle and his team are responsible for a 1500ha mini city that demands uninterrupted major infrastructures 24/7 including buildings, services, HVAC, wildlife, terminals and runways.

With CAA clearance, the party of 50 plus were bussed in from the Maintenance Depot to the International Apron to view a world seldom seen by the general public. Receiving, processing, servicing and turning around a gigantic 500-ton A380 requires a symphony of

Failure is unthinkable, and the demands are high. Yet the team are the most well balanced affable people you could meet and somehow you get

the feeling they love coming to work. The MESNZ Network Evenings are hosted to showcase local operations and provide networking opportunities for engineers across all regions of New Zealand. The evenings offer the opportunity to take a look at the host operation and discuss common issues and solutions in a relaxed after work environment. Open to interested members of the public, the nights are well patronised as proven at Auckland International Airport. As well as learning firsthand about the capabilities and achievements of the AIAL team, the audience enjoyed light refreshments

and benefited from the opportunity to network with their peers, taking new connections and solutions back to their workplaces. The Maintenance Engineering Society is active across New Zealand, providing opportunities for maintenance engineers and manufacturing operations to network and share innovations and experiences; both at a national level at their annual national conference, or at these regional events. The 2018 National Maintenance Engineering Conference will be held at the Energy Events Centre, Rotorua in November 13-15.

Eight myths about AI’s effect on the workplace The interplay between technology and work has always been a hot topic.

$15.7 trillion economic impact globally by 2030.

found in jobs and business processes to a “great extent”.

While technology has typically created more jobs than it has destroyed on a historical basis, this context rarely stops people from believing that things are “different” this time around.

But understandably, monumental shifts like this tend to make people nervous, resulting in many unanswered questions and misconceptions about the technology and what it will do in the workplace.

2. Companies are primarily interested in cutting costs with AI

In this case, it’s the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) that is being hotly debated by the media and expert commentators. Although there is no doubt that AI will be a transformative force in business, the recent attention on the subject has also led to many common misconceptions about the technology and its anticipated effects.

Demystifying myths Here are the eight debunked myths about AI: 1. Automation will completely displace employees Truth: 70% of employers see AI in supporting humans in completing business processes. Meanwhile, only 11% of employers believe that automation will take over the work

AI is going to be a seismic shift in business – and it’s expected to create a

Truth: 84% of employers see AI as obtaining or sustaining a competitive advantage, and 75% see AI as a way to enter into new business areas. 63% see pressure to reduce costs as a reason to use AI. 3. AI, machine learning, and deep learning are the same thing Truth: AI is a broader term, while machine learning is a subset of AI that enables “intelligence” by using training algorithms and data. Deep learning is an even narrower subset of machine learning inspired by the

interconnected neurons of the brain. 4. Automation will eradicate more jobs than it creates Truth: At least according to one recent study by Gartner, there will be 1.8 million jobs lost to AI by 2020 and 2.3 million jobs created. How this shakes out in the longer term is much more debatable. 5. Robots and AI are the same thing Truth: Even though there is a tendency to link AI and robots, most AI actually works in the background and is unseen (think Amazon product recommendations). Robots, meanwhile, can be “dumb” and just automate simple physical processes. 6. AI won’t affect my industry Truth: AI is expected to have a significant impact on almost every industry in the next five years. 7. Companies implementing AI don’t care about workers Truth: 65% of companies pursuing AI are also investing in the reskilling of current employees. 8. High productivity equals higher profits and less employment Truth: AI and automation will increase productivity, but this could also translate to lower prices, higher wages, higher demand, and employment growth.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



All progress takes place outside the comfort zone. -anon

Women in Engineering: Alisha Baddock, Beca, Christchurch Why do you do what you do?

Greatest challenges?

I love being able to find a solution to a problem and create tangible ways to fix them. I’m a people person and what gets me up in the morning is being able to work with my team to provide new innovative solutions to building a better world.

Engineering is a predominantly male dominated industry, as a young female it is at times challenging to be taken seriously. The biggest challenge I find is asserting myself and backing myself to demonstrate my knowledge, experience, ideas and thoughts.

Do you enjoy it?

Most exciting project worked on?

I really enjoy what I do, I love being around people and working in a team. I love the life cycle of a project and the adrenaline you get from working on site and thinking on your feet to solve a problem.

Canterbury Engineering the Future (CETF) - Refurbishment of the University of Canterbury Engineering Laboratories and shared spaces post-earthquake. The exciting part of

I have a love hate relationship with a project life cycle - the initial client consultation process, the design, stakeholder analysis, project team meetings, the different personalities, site work - the chaos.

the project was being able to provide a solution which satisfied the multitude of stakeholders involved. Where did you study?

people and loads of laughs. It is a fulfilling job where at the end of a project you can see the tangible rewards of your hard work.

University of Auckland.

Favourite Book?

First work experience was at The Ports of Auckland where I refurbished electric drive motors for straddle carriers

Pillars of the Earth Series - Ken Follet Greatest inspiration? My Dad. Watching him work tirelessly to achieve his goals and provide the best for our family. I admire him for being so brave to move to NZ from India when he was at the peak of his career, to start from scratch and now being part of the executive team.

Do you recommend this profession for young women? Yes definitely! It’s such an exciting profession filled with some great

Favourite quote?

It’s such an exciting profession filled with some great people and loads of laughs.

Carpe Diem - Seize the Day How do relax after a long day? Playing sport, reading, cooking for family and friends.

Only 14% of all our engineers are women. We want to change that. Join us and scores of other Kiwi organisations that have galvanised around one common goal: 20% more women engineers by 2021.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. -- Robert Kiyosaki

Kim Campbell steps down Kim Campbell will step down from his role as CEO of the EMA. After leading the EMA since 2011, Mr Campbell has announced he intends to resign as CEO at EMA’s annual general meeting on November 22.

has been uncompromising. “He now wishes to step away from the day-to-day role of leading the organisation. Through his directorships and extensive network I’m sure he will remain active in the business community.

“Kim is an outstanding advocate for business, and the needs of business. He has done a sterling job in leading the organisation through significant change in the past seven years and leaves the EMA in great shape, says Andrew Hunt, President, EMA. “His belief in the work of the EMA and focus on helping businesses succeed

“He led a coalition to have the car park tax stopped and has always been a leading voice in the trade agenda debate.

“Under Kim’s leadership, we have seen the EMA grow and transform. He has achieved numerous policy successes.

“And of most recent note, the above the line campaign which galvanised our members to ask Government to consider the ramifications of the raft of employment relations changes in the pipeline.

“Some of his highlights include being an active participant in the formation of what is now known as

“In addition to the government relations and advocacy work EMA is renowned for, Kim also oversaw the

development of our award-winning business and conference centre which is a visible hub for all our members. “He






enhancement of EMA’s accounting and customer management systems. He has expanded the EMA’s service offering to members in the area of employment relations and health and safety, and has substantially grown the organisation’s balance sheet.

continued from Page 1

Government support for industry – hard to do well without a plan the economic development of New Zealand.

the same in New Zealand in absolute terms, it gives us an idea of the wider impacts of our own industry.

And like everything else in politics, if government doesn’t have a strategy, its decisions will be driven by who’s got the better lobby. And when it comes to that, the film industry in Wellington is certainly doing a good job.

But that is not really the point either. Everybody else will say “Well, as manufacturers they would say that, wouldn’t they?!” The real point is that this Government, like the ones before it, appears to be happy to make significant investments in particular sectors of our economy without any apparent strategy for

What we are asking for is for this Government to step up with its plans for creating a strong economy in New Zealand in the long term. Critical

issues pertaining to wealth creation need to be addressed, such as our low productivity. We are confident that in a rational approach to developing such a long-term plan the critical role of manufacturing in our economy will not be overlooked. For the short term, we have seen some positive signs in this area from the current Government, be that R&D Tax Credits (which still need some work to

be truly effective) or their Future of Work programme. More work needs to be done in other areas, such as Accelerated Depreciation for productive plant and equipment in manufacturing – a largely tax neutral-measure over time which can really help businesses, especially our SME manufacturers, get over the line to put more productivity improving technology in place and keep up with the rapid pace of change.

continued from Page 8

Innovative liability solution for food manufacturers expertise to proactively manage the complexity of a product recall.

of goods and the cost involved in disposing of the products along with other recall expenses.

“The policy covers the costs of crisis management incurred to help mitigate negative publicity. We can help to provide manufacturers with all the legal, PR and other expertise they need in a crisis” says Murali, “and there is also the flexibility to package it with other coverages too, such as Cyber liability.”

In some cases, there can also be a damages claim by your overseas distributor for their lost profits and this can also be covered under insurance. Beyond the direct financial impact, manufacturers can also suffer significant reputational damage if they do not have the resources and

Mr. Murali concludes: “While it’s important for manufacturers to achieve growth for their companies, it’s also important that they have the risk mitigation strategies in place to deal with the one-off nightmare scenario when things go pear-shaped. You can make hundreds of good decisions every day and then come unstuck with one event that can seriously impact the bottom line!” “We







Delta Insurance is a New Zealand-owned insurance provider, a Lloyd’s of London Coverholder and are backed by multinational insurer Allied World. They provide a range of specialty commercial insurance products and have an office in Singapore.




management are more than happy to work in partnership with manufacturing client’s insurance brokers to ensure that clients have the right risk mitigation strategy in place.”



NZ Manufacturer August 2018



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I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. -- G. K. Chesterton

The Fourth Industrial Revolution means a massive

productivity boom

Technology serves us best when it gives us more time to do things that are uniquely human. This includes activities that are enjoyable, creative, and productive. For nations and societies, the “good” or benefit of technology is often expressed in economic terms, in measures such as workplace productivity and business growth.

for the huge investments already taking place in the Fourth Industrial Revolution infrastructure?

As we move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the digital transformation of life as we know it, the potential benefits and risks of this new era are in ongoing discussion, in Davos and elsewhere.

We are on the cusp of not just a technological revolution, but a productivity revolution. It will bring benefits for people everywhere, make our planet more sustainable, and provide new opportunities for businesses of all kinds.

A pessimist would say we should skip it and put our money elsewhere.

Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution deliver on its promises? Is it simply hype, or will it be a massive engine driving productivity gains, economic growth, and business success?

Fortunately, Nokia Bell Labs’ research concurs with this view.

The causes of revolution In analysing what made the Golden Century of 1870 to 1970 possible, it becomes clear that four physical infrastructure technologies provided the underlying foundation for growth: energy, transportation, health and sanitation, and communication.

Lessons of the past Nokia Bell Labs researchers have analysed historical data from previous industrial revolutions to model and forecast the potential impact of the next one. During both the First Industrial Revolution (which was fuelled by iron and steam engines) and the Second (which was powered by electricity, steel, chemicals, and telecommunications), productivity boomed. Starting around 1870, these two revolutions sustained a Golden Century of progress. The 1940s and 1950s brought massive gains in the United States and elsewhere.

These fundamental technologies were important on their own, but two other factors were essential for accelerating growth. The first was when the diffusion – or adoption – of each technology was widespread enough to reach a tipping point. The second was a network effect: the technologies needed to work in tandem to drive growth. Only when all four technologies were widely diffused did fast growth happen.

Then what happened? The Third Industrial Revolution arrived, ushering in the Information Age. Massive, world-changing innovations emerged in computing, the internet, mobile communications, and much more. Yet instead of revving up again, the productivity engine sputtered. In fact, since 1970, productivity growth has fallen to roughly one-third the rate of the previous 100 years.

Next, the research looked at today’s technologies. It found emerging digital equivalents that align with the four technology foundations of the Golden Century: - Digital energy: combining smart power grids and smart meters into platforms that dynamically match energy generation and demand from both new and traditional sources.

If all the hard work, innovation, and investments in technology over the past half century have failed to pay off in productivity, what does this mean


NZ Manufacturer August 2018

- Digital transport: moving people and goods across oceans, skies, and land autonomously.


- Digital health: remotely enabling connected health care from anywhere. - Digital communication: connecting billions of people and things, allowing them to interact in new ways. A fifth foundational technology – digital production – was added to these. It will bring a paradigm shift, from centralised mass production to distributed, localised production, combining edge cloud computing and 3D printing to create goods in near real time.

Forecast for growth By calculating when these digital technologies could reach their tipping points and by applying historical formulas, Nokia Bell Labs has projected a significant productivity jump, as much as 30% to 35% in the U.S., starting at some point between 2028 and 2033. This is a similar leap to the 1950s and could add approximately $2.8 trillion to the U.S. economy. Similar gains are anticipated in India, China, and other nations. Projected diffusion of key enabling digital infrastructure network technologies Image: I. Saniee, S. Kamat, S. Prakash and M. Weldon. The widespread deployment of high-capacity, low-latency 5G networks is a major catalyst to the digital infrastructure of the future. This reality is not far off. Wide trials are taking place this year that could lead to full commercial 5G deployments in 2019. The U.S., China, Korea, and Japan are at the forefront of these efforts. 5G and underpin

cloud and

technologies accelerate

will the

digitalization of industries. In turn, this will create opportunities across nearly every segment of the economy, from health care to transport, energy, and beyond. Telecommunication companies that take the path to 5G now and focus on software-defined networking and the cloud, have a massive opportunity to benefit from serving these industries during their transformations. As in each of the previous industrial revolutions, such gains come with economic trade-offs and elicit new challenges. An obvious concern is the implication for skills development as the workforce transforms. Policy work is also urgently needed, as the UN Broadband Commission reported, both between governments and within countries. It must determine how the public sector can help identify and realize the benefits of digitalisation, primarily by providing a framework for collaboration across different sectors of the economy. Such work between governments, technology companies, and the emerging digital industries is an essential building block for realizing the massive potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This includes not just the economic potential, but also the personal and social benefits: making life better, preserving our planet’s resources, and giving people more time and freedom to connect with each other and the things they enjoy. After all, these are the greater good that technology is meant to serve.

At Nautech Electronics, East Tamaki, Auckland a selective soldering machine. One of the most productive and innovative machines in the company’s manufacturing toolbox. Each machine will do the job of approximately 3 highly skilled production technicians.

ADVISORS Mike Shatford

Sandra Lukey

Matt Minio

Phillip Wilson

is an expert in the field of technology development and commercialisation. His company Design Energy Limited has completed over 100 significant projects in this vein by consulting for and partnering with some of New Zealand’s leading producers. Among Mike and his team’s strengths are industrial robotics and automated production where the company puts much of its focus.

Managing Director, Objective3D Matt has extensive hands on experience as a user and supplier of 3D Printing technology. He comes from a mechanical design and engineering background with 25 years’ experience in multiple high end 3D cad applications across a range of industries, including aerospace and automotive. He has been heavily involved in the 3D printing evolution - from initial early prototyping to todays advanced 3d printing technologies producing production parts straight off the printer. As Managing Director of Objective 3D, he provides Stratasys, Desktop Metal and Concept Laser 3D printing solutions to a host of industries across Australia and New Zealand.

Sandra Lukey is the founder of Shine Group, a consultancy that helps science and technology companies accelerate growth. She is a keen observer of the tech sector and how new developments create opportunity for future business. She has over 20 years’ experience working with companies to boost profile and build influential connections.

Phillip Wilson of Nautech Electronics has over 25 years of experienced in the development, commercialisation and implementation of advanced manufacturing technology, robotics, automation and materials. Serving companies operating within the aerospace, automotive, offshore, defence, medical and scientific industries on a global basis. More recently specialising in change management and business re-alignment for a range of commercial entities from medium sized SME’s to divisions of large corporates.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


There are two types of people who will tell this world: those who are afraid to try and -- Ray Goforth

Selection of ThingWorx enables smart manufacturing China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd. a world leading supplier of logistics and energy equipment, has successfully launched its smart manufacturing pilot project, ‘IoT + MES,’ built on PTC’s ThingWorx Industrial Innovation Platform.

to innovation and promoting the development of smart manufacturing.

Echoing the concept of ‘Made in China 2025’ and efforts to promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and the real economy, CIMC has been committed

As the overall platform for the QCRC pilot project, ThingWorx will connect to the company’s MES to form an integrated factory information platform and data

Its subsidiary, Qingdao CIMC Reefer Container Manufacture Co., Ltd, took the lead in piloting the integration of IoT and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).

application consumption platform to achieve full-course visual operations, conduct big data analysis of major technologies, and ultimately help reduce operating costs and increase production efficiency. ThingWorx is the industry leading, award-winning Industrial Innovation Platform from PTC that includes technologies and tools that enable users to rapidly develop, deploy, and extend apps and augmented reality experiences. ThingWorx contains a broad set of features, including a variety of connectivity options, application development tools, and analytics all built around a single, real-time view of a physical object in the digital world. Thus, ThingWorx supports remote data collection of connected devices, enables independent and secure connection between devices, manages

devices/sensors, and integrates with multiple enterprise-level systems. The big data learning and analysis function in ThingWorx will also enable predictive maintenance and reduce energy consumption and unplanned downtime of those devices. QCRC project leaders will be able to understand the factory’s operations, abnormalities, and warnings in real-time, as well as future production trends. The QCRC pilot project, ‘IoT + MES,’ is a case where information technology is used to solve the problem in business management. It provides data for operations, management, and decision-making. This capacity-building effort to integrate automated devices and an information-based platform, is also an exploration of the integration of automation and informatisation.

Seequent opens up 3D modelling world to improve geological risk management

of organisations in each of its core sectors over the past six years to better understand how to help shift each industry to where it needs to be. It has backed this with multi-million-dollar investments in product R&D to extend the company’s overall capability.

Central ‘single source’ management of complex geological data unlocks higher value for mining and minerals, civil engineering, environmental and geothermal energy industries Seequent, a developer of revolutionary visual data science software, has released Central 2.0 an advanced central management platform for an organisation’s entire geological modelling activity that connects geology teams and company executives to insights and data not previously available to improve geological risk management.

Maloney says in today’s increasingly complex business environment, organisations are often running multiple projects at the same time and often from different locations, creating a huge amount of geological data that they need to rely on for important investment and environmental decisions.

Central was developed for use with Seequent’s Leapfrog 3D geological modelling part of the company’s collaborative industry development process to better meet future needs in the mining and minerals, civil engineering, environmental and geothermal energy industries.

“Ultimately it’s about providing the insight and confidence organisations need to make time critical business decisions about their earth, environment and energy challenges. By enabling people to see stories within the most up to date data – it builds up a whole picture for projects - for example, allowing people to see sustainable ways of extracting value, or greater opportunities for clean energy. This provides a competitive advantage that delivers straight to the bottom line,” he says.

Shaun Maloney, CEO of Seequent, says: “The critical importance of managing geological risk has been demonstrated by many recent high profile project failures. We’re laser focussed on helping companies to get on the front foot to manage their geological risks - by effectively communicating this to project stakeholders, and enabling robust risk management plans to be developed.”

NZ Manufacturer August 2018

Uranium major Cameco Exploration Central, a key development collaborator, is rolling out Central organisation-wide to centralise and standardise all active exploration projects, research and generative 3D data as part of a broader plan to digitise its business. Central was designed to enable better collaboration between project teams and stakeholders and give a clear understanding about what’s changed in a project over time and why. Matt Carter, GIS/Database Manager for Barkerville Gold in Western Canada, says: “With up to 10 drills turning, we have many geologists needing access to the latest central project with the

most current models and data. Central improves collaboration between all of our drill geos and our resource and modelling geos and ensures that the project they’re accessing is the best version of the data.” Cristobal Valenzuela Millas, Senior 3D Geo Modeller at the small exploration company Quantum Pacific Exploration Chile (QPXC), says: “Central is helping our non-modellers to get closer to the modelling process by being able to peer review the models, and by being able to use those models to make important project decisions.” Central can be deployed either on premise or hosted in the cloud. To learn more about Central watch the video or to request a demo visit w w w. l e a p f r o g 3 d . c o m / p r o d u c t s / leapfrog-central

Cross-Industry solution Central was initially developed in collaboration with the Mining and Minerals industry, to provide a single source of truth for geological model risk management. The Civil Engineering,

Seequent has worked with dozens


Environmental and Geothermal Energy industries have been pivotal in helping make Central 2.0 a truly cross-industry solution.


In Central the 3D scene can be linked to supporting data using URL fields.

you that you cannot make a difference in d those who are afraid you will succeed.

Growing data demand to drive digital factory market The Digital Factory market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 35% to reach US$111 billion in 2026. According to a new report published by ABI Research these sales include hardware revenues for intelligent industrial battery management systems, electric motors, pumps, tank management systems and smart glasses as well as data and analytics service revenues, device and app platform revenues, connection revenues, network service revenues, professional service revenues and security service revenues for all the above applications plus robotics & PLCs and other equipment monitoring. The global manufacturing sector has only started to adopt digital factory technologies, which will expand and change as factories get more connected, networked and flexible,”

said Pierce Owen, Principal Analyst at ABI Research. “Vendors such as PTC, ABB, GE, Siemens, SAP, and Telit and systems integrators such as Accenture, Wipro, and Atos help factories connect and network their equipment and monetize the data generated on the factory floor. “These vendors have set themselves up to adapt and transform with new technologies as they start to implement what they have now.” The food, beverage & tobacco product industry represents the largest opportunity globally with US$19 billion in digital factory revenues forecasted for 2026, but the largest industry differs from country to country. In the United States, the largest digital factory market, the chemical products industry represents the biggest

customers will take full advantage.

opportunity, generating US$7 billion in digital factory revenues in 2026. In Germany and Japan, automotive leads the way, but in China, the second largest market, other durable goods, make up the biggest opportunities.

Right now, this includes the leading platform providers and systems integrators as well as some start-ups such as FogHorn Systems and Fictiv,” concludes Owen.

Digital factory technologies will see adoption in every major industry in most of the leading manufacturing countries around the globe, but only the vendors that chase innovation and continuously adapt to the needs of new

These findings are from ABI Research’s Digital Factory Market Forecasts report. This report is part of the company’s Smart Manufacturing research service which includes research, data, and Executive Foresights.

Double award for NZ nanofibre producer Turning hoki skins into a natural skin care product has won New Zealand nanofibre producer Revolution Fibres a top honour at the Seafood Stars Awards. The West Auckland company’s actiVLayr product uses collagen extracted from fish skins as a base ingredient which is then combined with elements such as fruit extracts and hyaluronic acid to help reduce wrinkles, heal burns and enhance medical treatments. The local Seafood New Zealand award follows Revolution Fibres’ win last month at the international Textiles Institute Awards for its expertise in electrospinning, the process the company use to create nanofibre. Revolution Fibres CEO Iain Hosie says the two awards highlight the diverse uses nanofibre has ranging from skin care and medical treatment to strengthening in Formula One cars and fishing rods. “The incredible thing is, this is just the start. The potential for nanofibre

is limitless and we are especially looking forward to further developing actiVLayr in the medical area. “The way actiVLayr is created means ingredients are absorbed quickly and efficiently into the skin to help maximise the repair and protection of the skin. This enables a controlled dose of medicine to be delivered to a patient with skin lesions, burns or acne.” The Seafood Stars Award was in recognition of Revolution Fibres manufacture and commercialisation of actiVLayr which was launched earlier this year and is now on shelves in Hong Kong and China. It will be available in New Zealand later this year.

Nanofibres are textiles made from super-fine fibres between 1 0 0 - 5 0 0 nanometres in width (a human hair is 50,000 nm wide). These small fibres can create vast changes in mechanical s t r e n g t h , reactivity, and conductivity among many other properties.

The development of the product was a joint project between Revolution Fibres, Sanford (the supplier of the hoki), and Plant and Food Research in Nelson. The innovative skin care, actiVlayr, is currently part of a campaign by New Zealand Story Group, a company who shares the stories of NZ businesses to the world.

At the Textile Institute Awards, this year based in Leeds, UK, Revolution Fibres won the Innovation Award for outstanding achievement in enhancing international textile interests through creativity, commerce, marketing and economic development. The award has been running for 28 years and previous

winners include Unilever and Marks and Spencer. Hosie says the company is now working across multiple sectors as international demand continues to grow with nanofibre used for large scale manufacturing through to niche application areas such as the aerospace industry.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

The fourth industrial revolution and the factories of the future After a decade of flat productivity, the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is expected to create up to $3.7 trillion in value to global manufacturing. A few years back, experts noted that the changes associated with the 4IR would come at an unprecedented rate yielding incredible results for those who truly embraced them. closer to capturing the lion’s share of the benefits.

Still, the hockey stick of benefits has not kicked in yet – while all companies are making efforts to adopt technology, most of the production industry (~70%) remains in pilot purgatory (where technology pilots last for extended periods of time, and companies do not take the final step of scaling up viable technologies).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution fundamentally transforms production Most manufacturing lines still look a lot the same way they did 10, 20 or even 30 years ago. Operators clock in, have a brief conversation with their crew and shift supervisor, and then operate a machine or tool for 8-12 hours before heading home.

Less than 30% of manufacturing companies are actively rolling out Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies at scale.

Depending on the day, the machine may break and need maintenance or an adjustment, the line settings may need to be modified for a specific product or run, or the operator may need to step away to resupply the line or be trained on a new procedure.

The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with McKinsey, has undertaken a global search and assessment for “4IR production lighthouses” – sites representing the most advanced sub-section of the companies who are actively deploying 4IR technologies at scale.

In 4IR transformed manufacturing sites – production lighthouses – this is no longer the case.

Leveraging these lighthouse sites, we will create an inclusive learning platform with aims on becoming the next “go-to” system for advanced manufacturing and bring the world

Manufacturing has changed for the sites that are leading the 4IR technology adoption and are

willing to undertake the necessary organisational, operational and financial transformation. For those sites, things look and feel a little bit differently. They: • Leverage cameras and wearables to facilitate entering buildings, checking out at the company store and even receiving urgent messages • Hold conversations around line and shift performance informed by digital smart whiteboards displaying real-time metrics and supported by machine learning for root cause problem-solving of issues • Monitor the status of machinery both in real-time as well as digitally, predicting likely failure points and flagging to the relevant parties • Allow production machines to learn from their own mistakes and adjust their settings to improve their long-term quality output every few seconds • Use mixed reality tools to diagnose breakdowns – literally “x-raying” machines to identify the source of issue, adjust settings in a standardised way and receive training Importantly, many of these tools highlighted above have been implemented at scale in select factories, and we are on a mission


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


to find them, learn from them and improve the adoption and diffusion of 4IR technologies. The long-term goal is to replicate, with a global platform of 4IR lighthouse sites, the phenomenon experienced with the Toyota Production System a few decades ago. Companies from all industries and from all over the world would travel to Japan to learn about the Toyota Production System (TPS), to then return home and deploy these best practices.

If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time. -- Steve Jobs

We are building something similar. Imagine a new global learning platform which aims to share, across the manufacturing community, the best practices for technology adoption and diffusion of 4IR technologies. So far ~30 sites have responded to the worldwide call to action: The study of leading production/ manufacturing has revealed two critical truths: 1) the financial and operational impact achieved by the at-scale, concurrent deployment of multiple technologies is substantial; and 2) the success factors in deploying these technologies vary from case to case but are typically driven by both technical and organisational factors. Each of the three highlighted examples dealt with known pain-points across the manufacturing industry in a radical and innovative way.

Case studies from the 4IR lighthouse Below, we highlight three examples that stood out from our search for the most advanced manufacturing lighthouses. Although in each case we highlight one scenario, in each of the leading 4IR production sites we identified and visited, 4IR has truly been imbued into the ethos of the site. Sites have defined a vision of themselves for the future, established a road map to get there and have multiple (>5) 4IR use cases already deployed.

a large-scale digital transformation across its ~200 sites worldwide.

through the intelligent application of forward-looking technologies.

In support of this effort, it began its journey in 2017 with a select number of sites, each with dedicated project teams, meant to test, pilot and deploy at scale while building the road-map for the rest of the organization. Roughly one year into the journey, one site in France is reaping the benefits of 14 mature 4IR use-cases, like augmented reality for operators and maintenance, data analytics to improve performance and prevent breakdown, and the use of autonomous vehicles to automatically resupply production line whenever components are running out.

In a process that dates years, one of its plants is yielding improved and financial results implementation of 18 use-cases.

They credit their success to their ability to deal with the “fear of the unknown.” The site in France achieved this by first building a digital model of their future-state factory. A brick-by-brick digital copy of their current factory – co-created with the operators – on which the 4IR technologies were overlaid. Over a multi-session process, operators wore the remotes and saw, reflected and discussed the transformation of the factory and their roles. It suddenly became easy and acceptable to voice questions and concerns – the unknowable had become known. By the time the physical implementation of the technologies arrived at the shop floor, the biggest hurdle, mindset, was behind them.

1. Dealing with the fear of the unknown – a lesson in 4IR change management

2. Fixing quality “on the fly” – how to use camera inspection and machine learning

A French-headquartered global specialist in energy management and automation is in the early stages of

A Swiss-headquartered digital solutions company has been focused on maintaining competitiveness

has both the potential to improve the value proposition of traditional industry, as well as create entirely new business models and opportunities.

back several in Germany operational from the mature 4IR

At one large US-based logistics company that has implemented six mature 4IR use-cases (and 15 developing), this is particularly true.

It has achieved this by: 1) leveraging the internal technology ecosystem within the company, 2) using a dedicated project team and bench of experts and 3) implementing only financially viable technologies that adhere to strict pilot protocols.

Through an investment in a startup leveraging several coordinated 4IR technologies in a green-field setting, it aims to provide on-demand manufacturing capabilities, near the end consumer, and starting from batch size one.

The factory, a largely automated site already using robots developed in house, faced substantial cost and capacity constraints in the face of a changing market.

This new business model responds to mega-trends such as mass customisation, and demand for shorter lead times. This new business model is being implemented in a Chicago site that started by hosting a digital copy of high value spare parts. The type of parts that large industrial companies typically held in inventory typing up space, money and resources with little benefit – just in case.

Where before it used to produce batches in the millions of units and with low level of variation, market demand increasingly asked for the opposite – smaller batches and higher variation. The product, a mini-circuit breaker, is the type of product that consumers use and live by, but rarely give a thought to unless it fails. Found in homes, it prevents short circuits, overcurrents and overloads without ever bothering the end user. Quality is paramount.

What the manufacturing site can now do is print the part on demand and close to the end consumer, such that long lead times, tied up capital and discontinuation of parts/OEMs are a thing of the past. The long-term goal is reducing the US alone.

The site’s dedicated 4IR team set out to identify and implement a cost-effective technology that would support a production line that required perfection.

Driving adoption and diffusion of technology We are a long way away from fully capturing the benefits of the 4IR in an inclusive and holistic way. To do this, technology adoption and diffusion across the ecosystem needs to improve dramatically. The key lesson learned is that each of the identified lighthouses have achieved that status through the implementation of several concurrent technologies

They found their solution in the deployment of standard-issue cameras throughout the production line that scan the component for quality throughout the production line. Given the nature of production (a new component is finished every six seconds), speed is essential. After every scan, data is fed back into machine-learning algorithms designed by the company’s broader corporate capabilities and informed by the testing know-how of the site to adjust production lines settings while in batch.

Organisations from across the public and private sector have highlighted the need for a neutral learning platform to navigate the complex journey of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in manufacturing.

This means, that quality improves in every consecutive item made. In practical terms, it means that the site’s quality improved 4% by the end of the day, every day.

Our goal is to create such a neutral platform, which provides the best technical and organizational insights with respect to 4IR technologies in manufacturing to accelerate the delivery of the benefits.

All without a missing a beat and allowing operators to shift to higher value-added work.

Such a platform will also facilitate collaborative action and new partnership between companies and governments.

3. Saving space (and $) – the benefits of digital twins The





NZ Manufacturer August 2018



Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. -- Conrad Hilton

Combilift launches the Combi-OP Order Picker Combilift, the material handling solutions provider, has launched the first purpose-built order picker. The Combi-OP is the first purpose-built order picker on the worldwide market for long products. Previously customers have had to modify traditional order pickers to cope with the specific demands of long loads. The Combi-OP now guarantees much more efficient and non-compromised operation for easy picking of long profiles in, for example, steel service centres.

This man-up truck features a long platform to enable the operator to access long products stored at height. It is fitted with guide rollers to enable it to operate in existing guided narrow aisles of just 1.4m – the same width as those needed for Combilift’s GT truck.

which automatically adjusts according to lift heights

It enables operators to easily and safely hand pick orders for customers from the roomy elevated platform and it has a capacity of 450 kg. Its overhead guard, light anti-slip floor, self-closing platform gate and guard rails guarantee utmost safety, as does the travel speed and steering angle

• Dual speed control

Features include: • Standing Operator Over-Head Guard • Multi-function control


• Operator display • Guide rollers • AC electric steering • AC motor technology The Combi-OP was launched during

the official opening of the new Combilift Global Headquarters. Built at a cost of €50 million, the new 46,500 sq. m (500,000 sq.ft) Global Headquarters and new manufacturing facility will allow Combilift to double production.

Low heat input for stable welded joints The thermal joining of different materials such as steel and aluminium is of crucial importance in automotive lightweight construction.

construction. Modern vehicles therefore tend to have an ingenious mix of materials, right down to the finest details – every individual part is designed to be as light as possible yet still provide optimum functionality. However, joining these materials, with their very different properties, poses a huge challenge.

H o w e v e r , this process is particularly challenging due to the different physical and chemical properties of the materials. It is difficult to achieve high-quality, stable results and the options for further working of the semi-finished parts are significantly restricted.

Restricted strength and formability Steel and aluminium is one of the most frequent combinations of materials to be joined in automotive lightweight construction. To reduce costs, manufacturers weld flange components made of aluminium to galvanised steel plates, so that they can be joined using the conventional, cost-effective spot welding process on the bodyshell production line.

The solution to these challenges is a welding process with reduced heat input – the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) process developed by Fronius. The low level of spattering coupled with the constant and extremely stable arc deliver optimum welding results.

However, the different physical and chemical characteristics of these two materials, such as their thermal elongation, heat conduction and corrosion resistance, must be taken into account.

It would be hard to meet the ever more stringent exhaust emission regulations without these advances in lightweight

These have a negative effect on the quality and strength of the welded joint. The formability in subsequent

production processes is also very limited.

(CMT), the “cold” welding process developed by Fronius.

The reason for this restricted formability lies in what is known as the intermetallic phase, which forms where the two materials touch and fuse together when they are welded.

The CMT welding process significantly reduces the heat input in comparison to other MIG/MAG processes. The secret lies in the digital process control, which automatically detects short circuits and then helps to detach the droplet by retracting the wire: during welding, the wire moves forward and is pulled back again as soon as the short circuit occurs.

This layer is brittle and susceptible to cracks and pores, which impairs the stability of the joint. A “cold” welding process improves the stability The heat input during welding plays a significant role in determining the thickness of the intermetallic phase. In the trials carried out engineers have discovered that ideally this should not exceed ten micrometres to ensure the joint is stable. To achieve this, experts had to control the temperature progression in an optimal manner, keeping it above the melting temperature of aluminium but below the vaporisation temperature of the zinc layer applied to the steel plates. In most arc-welding processes, this is simply not possible, but the solution is in Cold Metal Transfer

As a result, the arcing phase is very short and the heat input reduced. Using this process, the energy input can also be continuously adapted to suit the component to be welded. Users benefit from spatter-free material transfer and optimum welding results. CMT is therefore ideal for welding steel joints using CO2 and other shielding gases. It is also intended for use in the joining of steel and aluminium, as the steel base material is only wetted by these braze-welded joints and does not melt. This means it perfectly meets the requirements for use in the automotive industry.

270 years of crane technology experience J D Neuhaus (JDN) has been at the vanguard of hoist and crane technology for over 270 years, whether for moving heavy or light loads.

pneumatic hoists (Profi, Mini and M ranges), manipulators, trolleys (including low headroom versions), big bag handling hoists and monorail hoists. Such products have become the mainstay of general manufacturing and process operations around the world as a myriad of industrial tasks demand lifting and manoeuvring, which without mechanical assistance would prove unproductive.

The company’s range today is broad and feature-rich, ensuring virtually every type of general application can be served. Products available include pneumatic cranes, C-rail/light crane systems,


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


JDN’s focus on R&D ensures that its range continues to evolve. The latest products have been engineered to offer extended service life, simple operation and ecological compatibility, all without any compromise to safety or performance. Among the latest innovations from JDN is a newly developed remote-control concept that brings exceptional ease-of-use and convenience to users

across all industries. Comprising a transmitter and receiver, the JDN-RC (Remote Control) is available for both new and retrofit applications. Of course, due to the wide-ranging demands of industrial applications in which hoists and cranes are expected to perform, all JDN products are engineered for extremes. Typical applications include aircraft

If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. -- Jim Rohn


New Wolf Lock a revolution for Australasian shipping

container industry Opening a shipping container can be like wrestling a 2-tonne steel box – and it was this battle that inspired a new lock design that makes container doors easier and safer to open. The Wolf Lock premium hire container, a new product developed by shipping container specialists Royal Wolf, makes opening container doors easier. Unlike traditional containers it can also be opened from the inside if the door closes, or gets closed, accidentally.

Opening a conventional container, with heavy steel doors and a number of large levers, requires a twisting motion using two arms. In contrast, the Wolf Lock allows access through a single lever that requires only one hand and light pressure to work it. Opening a standard container can be challenging and time consuming – it can be like wrestling with a 2-tonne steel box. The Wolf Lock makes it a lot easier and requires less strength and

warehouses and

physicality which is ideal for customers who are regularly going in and out of a container to get product and supplies.

retail facilities for surplus stock.

With a tri-locking system the container also provides vault-like security to provide an even higher level of secure, weatherproof storage than a conventional container.

The lock provides an


level of safety, from


the risk of someone getting locked

It can be used for on-site storage during a renovation, on the farm, or at a small home business, as well as storing trade supplies and tools, or at

inside a container through to reducing injury risk when opening and entering a container.

Schaeffler and the future of predictive maintenance at 2018 IMVAC conference What sounded like science fiction just a short time ago is now digital reality in Australasia in the new predictive maintenance solutions presented at this year’s IMVAC conference on the Gold Coast from August 6-9. The International Machine Vibration Analysis and Condition Monitoring (IMVAC) professional development conference heard presentations from technology leaders such as the global Schaeffler Group, highlighting advances in its industry 4.0 “Smart Factory” automation and data exchange technologies. Schaeffler’s latest predictive maintenance solutions enable machinery operators to look ever more clearly into the future – they provide machine operators with vital information about the future condition of their machines. Predictive maintenance allows not only the capacity utilisation of factories, mines, utilities and processing plants to be optimised, but also makes it possible to plan maintenance intervals at precisely the right time for optimised “Total Cost of Ownership” calculations. An important prerequisite for predictive maintenance is automated rolling bearing diagnostics, a function that is used in motor gearbox units, for example. These units are used

construction, general assembly lines, auto plants, dairies, electroplating lines, foundries, paint shops, steelworks, power plants, refineries, sawmills, shipyards and tempering plants, as well as a host of uses in the chemical, cement, food, furniture, glassmaking, paper and textile industries, to list but a few. Explosion protection, which is paramount in many industrial

not only in machine tools but also in belt conveyors, presses, and steel mill rollers, for example.

Schaeffler BEARINX software and Fag SmartCheck technology will feature at the conference.

Schaeffler BEARINX software is one of the leading programs for performing rolling bearing calculations. It enables rolling bearing supports to be analysed in detail – from single bearings to complex gear systems and linear guide systems. All calculations are performed in a consistent calculation model. Even for complex gears, the contact pressure on each rolling element is considered in the calculation. Because machine drives are operated virtually without interruption, they require intensive maintenance to prevent production downtimes. Therefore, it is important for operators to know the condition of the drive components at all times, and why the bearings are becoming particularly important as a central machine element.

applications, is assured as JDN chain hoists and crane systems are driven by compressed air, which offers an unbeatable advantage in comparison with electrical hoists: air generates no sparks. Ultimately, there are virtually no general industry lifting applications for which JDN cannot offer the ideal hoist or crane solution. Lifting capacities of up to 100 tonnes are

The latest generation of the FAG SmartCheck diagnostic system represents a further step forward for Schaeffler in these areas. In addition to identifying the threat of bearing damage, wear, and irregularities such as imbalance and misalignments based on vibration pattern changes, this system also features a cloud connection.

them to be used for other calculations, such as drive train and rolling bearing simulations relating to their static and dynamic strength. Using the real load spectra gathered during operation, Schaeffler can continuously calculate the bearings’ remaining useful life on the customer’s behalf at freely definable time intervals. Schaeffler’s BEARINX calculation tool retrieves the data from the cloud. The customer can then view the remaining useful life of every bearing in the machine using an internet-capable end device.

The system creates an automated diagnosis in the cloud from the raw data supplied by the FAG SmartCheck and from additional data, e.g. from the machine control system. Applications for this technology include bulk handling and conveyor applications, mining and energy; building, construction and access equipment installations, such as forklifts and logistics; food and beverage and agribusiness processes, including paper and packaging; manufacturing, metals and process engineering, transport and industrial motor and transmission applications, including pumping and HVAC installations and utilities including electricity, water and waste water.

Schaeffler’s solution is based on three central elements: • A suitable system of sensors gathers reliable load data for the machine and its bearings. • Simulation models calculate the remaining useful life based on the dimensions of the machine and the actual loads. • A software platform through which the customer can access the calculations and retrieve information about his or her machine individually.

Systems such as the FAG SmartCheck allow the condition of rolling bearings and machine components to be diagnosed automatically. What is more, storing the data in a cloud also allows

available to move loads reliably as part of repetitive cycle lifting, day after day, in more than 70 different sectors. Furthermore, the 100% duty-free cycle of the equipment, which can either be used directly in applications or as part of OEM material handling devices, allows workers around the world to work longer and harder.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do. -- Anonymous

continued from Page 9

NZ Manufacturer talks to Lewis Woodward, Managing Director, Industrial Technologies, Lower Hutt I also find there is a high demand from customers at all levels of industry looking for cheaper and cheaper pricing and, in some cases, it will be a race to the bottom for some companies.

by three people.

There is a limit to just how low service industries can quote before it simply isn’t worth doing the business.

1 Education of our staff is critical to the growth of the business and the services we offer.

We had this done and presented within a day, primarily on the basis we have invested in staff education in our product areas as to ensure we are experts in our market.

With the pressures on business over the last few years, many companies no longer have the inhouse expertise for many of the small functions they need to perform.

The same is relevant to our staff within Industrial Technologies, Weicon invite all sales people to their factory where they undergo a week’s product training.

From our perspective we promote ourselves as having those relevant skills and product knowledge and can be called upon as and when required. Not only to supply product itself but, in addition, the technical support of finding the solution.

Their product specialist comes to NZ each year to provide further training and as a company they spend a fortune keeping their own system up to date to ensure everyone is kept in the loop on product updates.

Areas of development for your company? There are obviously two primary areas of development for the company,

Are there ‘further assists’ you believe businesses can benefit from? I think government can make a move to encourage local NZ purchase and stimulate the economy this way. We are finding an increasing number of businesses are sourcing product from large overseas suppliers or trying to bypass the NZ distributor to save a few cents. What these people seem to forget is if you buy direct overseas, not a penny of the money spent stays within the NZ economy, nothing circulates, and local suppliers lose out not only on the business but also the country loses on the money circulating within our own economy, the employment opportunity dies and so too the education opportunity related to any product.


NZ Manufacturer August 2018

The other area of development is

The ConTech Group which allows all to benefit from a common product and admin system

An example is even government departments are not exempt from this criticism, defence purchase from a large company with no stock carried in NZ and when questioned as to why they didn’t support the local agent, their comment was that by going to the larger supplier, they had been able to reduce their own accounting staff Opinion Manufacturing Profiles Letters to the Editor Politics of Manufacturing Trade Fair World Diary of Events World Market Report Q/A Export News Machine Tools Business Opportunities Commentary As I See It Business News Appointments Around New Zealand Australian Report New to the Market Lean Manufacturing Equipment for Sale Recruitment Environmental Technology Manufacturing Processes

the right product, but we were also asked to “prove” through other users that our recommendation would stand up to the application.

As an example, Connection Technologies was approached by an Australian Electrical Consultant doing a job for a NZ shipping company and they asked us to advise the most suitable electrical connector to use on the project. Not only were we asked to recommend

promotion of the product range high lighting where it enhances our client’s products and business, on this basis we all benefit. Us, the customer and in the end, NZ. To this end we attend trade shows and will take the opportunity to promote our products emphasising how we can enhance a client’s business.

Is R & D important to you? The R&D is done by Weicon who take this area very seriously. As the leading supplier for an increasing part of the world, Weicon treat R&D as an important component component of their business. Do you find it easy finding staff? Finding good staff has always been a problem and particularly at present. The business is its staff and staff make the business, so it is vital to have the right person in the right area. Best lesson learned in business? With 50 years in the work force I’ve experienced a range of business types and attitudes and seen a lot of businesses I would shy away from. I started the current company with the attitude of the “bank will never be a shareholder in my business” and due to our commitment and integrity in getting it right, allows me to lie straight in bed at night. Best business book? Favourite quote? Whilst there are literally 100’s of business development and guidance books with 1000’s of great quotes out there in the market, my favourite is actually one I developed myself some years ago. ” Our business is geared around helping the customer achieve their financial goals”. The outcome is obvious, without our clients making money, we don’t have a customer, we don’t get paid and so the entire business cycle falls over.

NZ MANUFACTURER • September 2018 Issue • Features


Additive Manufacturing

Skills and Talent

Food Manufacturing



Advertising Booking Deadline – 14 September 2018

Editorial material to be sent to :

Advertising Copy Deadline – 14 September 2018

Doug Green,

Editorial Copy Deadline – 14 September 2018 Advertising – For bookings and further information contact: Doug Green, P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email:

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Email: Tel: 06 870 9029

At NZ MANUFACTURER our aim is to keep our readers up to date with the latest industry news and manufacturing advances in a tasty paper morsel, ensuring they do not get left behind in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving manufacturing world.

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work. -- Unknown


NZ’s largest food manufacturing, technology and logistics Expo

“Adding Value to NZ’s Food Chain” More than 4,500 visiting industry professionals from both New Zealand and around the world will converge in Auckland to attend the sectors largest combined trade only industry event - Foodtech Packtech (FTPT) and the Materials Handling & Logistics Expo (MHL). Hosted at the ASB Showgrounds in September, this year’s event will be the largest show in decades - it’s certainly a must attend event for anyone in the food and beverage manufacturing and packaging or transport and logistics industries! Across the halls you will experience some 240+ exhibiting suppliers covering important capability issues – everything from food safety, processing and security technology through to industrial packaging and preservation solutions, and specialist product handling and logistics.

Ngaio Diagnostics deliver the tools used to minimise any chance of microbial or allergen contamination. Their range offers simple, cost effective solutions suitable for companies of all sizes. In 2016, FTPT connected Ngaio to a major NZ company that was able to save them over 10% on their Gluten testing costs. Not only was Ngaio able to help with cost-effectiveness, but they were also able to implement a test with superior ease of use and accreditation, ultimately improving their entire food safety program. Integrated Packaging, a returning exhibitor in 2018, will tell you that “FTPT is the perfect platform to

so it is in the best interest of every manufacturer to stay on top of air leaks and choose the right product for the application to minimise air loss. SMC can help with this!

interact with groups of people from a variety of companies and be able to demonstrate first-hand what your company’s capabilities are”. At the 2016 show, Integrated Packing connected with a vast number of companies, saving one of them over $20,000 p.a. by improving their manufacturing processes.

They will also be demonstrating how they incorporate Industry 4.0. There will be a huge range of subjects at seminars, workshops and one-on-one training opportunities, including NZ Culinary legend Simon Gault who will be sharing how he has successfully managed to commercialise his brand in this industry.

This year Integrated Packing will be showcasing a range of new solutions that are unique to this market. This will be of great appeal to companies including meat, poultry and small goods.

FTPT and the MHL Expo runs from Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 September at the ASB Showgrounds in Auckland.

With sustainability being such a hot topic, SMC Pneumatics will be one to watch, their theme this year being “More Green in 2018”. Air use in factories contributes to approximately 20% of the overall energy costs,

A full schedule of what’s on can be found at www.foodtechpacktech. and with all visitors able to register to attend for free at these same sites.

Hemp has multi-purpose applications Social entrepreneur Michael Mayell is speaking out about the beneficial properties of hemp to help inform and inspire Kiwis to embrace new business opportunities around what he calls a ‘formidable vegetable’. “Hemp is food, fibre and medicine. Hemp is cannabis without any of the psychoactive properties of its cousin marijuana and is fuelling an emerging market which is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors,” says Mayell, who started his food journey as founder of Cookie Time in 1983 and went on to found Nutrient Rescue, a social enterprise, in 2016 and the Drinkable Rivers in our Lifetime campaign.

“Many other countries have already legalised this formidable vegetable,” says Mayell. “We need to be ready to capitalise on the opportunities around hemp seed, one of the most nutritionally complete foods on Earth. With up to 40% protein and 40% good oil, hemp offers an incredible alternative to meat or dairy protein for the exponentially growing plant-based, flexitarian and vegan markets.”

Mayell says, “I think we’re growing the wrong grass in New Zealand, or as Richard Branson said we should swap cows for cannabis. New Zealand needs to move from the lamb age to the cow age to the hemp age. I’d like to see the whole country get behind this incredible and so very misunderstood plant.”

Hulled hemp seeds are filled with healthy essential fatty acids such as Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, Omega 3 and Omega 6) and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and are high in fibre, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and magnesium.

New Zealand food safety authorities are currently looking to follow Australia to allow hemp seed in food by changing regulations under the Food Act, the Misuse of Drugs Act and the Medicines Act. Law changes are expected later this year to allow hemp seed to be sold as a food in New Zealand, in addition to the current legislation which has allowed the local sale of hemp seed oil since 2003.

in addition to the food sector. Hemp is rich in phytochemicals including terpenes and phenolic compounds, with analgesic, anti-anxiety, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as cannabinoids. Hemp is a rich source of both cellulosic and woody fibres with uses ranging from the creation of concrete like building materials to the use of hemp fibres as a substitute for glass fibres in the automotive sector.

environmental impact (-cows+hemp) would be a game changer. “Planting hemp isn’t just a win for the environment, it produces an annual profit which will increase over time as markets are found for more and more of the plants constituents.” Mayell adds, “During the lamb age we became rich thanks to 70 million sheep and their wool, and from frozen lamb carcass exports. Now in the cow age, we have 6.5 million dairy cows and 3.5 million cattle each excreting the equivalent of 14 human beings making our land toxic and makes many of our rivers unswimmable and producing highly destructive methane that pollutes the air.

With between 25,000 and 50,000 uses often reported, it is has also been named the world’s most versatile plant.

According to Mayell, Hemp is also the new king of leafy greens, “There are 100 cannabinoids and other nutrients in hemp leaves. It’s an incredible superfood and people could be eating and juicing the leaf for its micronutrients and antioxidant properties, as they do with spinach and kale.”

Hemp is better for the environment than grass grazing cows which pollute the land, air and waterways.

Hemp has seen a resurgence of interest in recent years due to its multi-purpose applications and the pharmaceutical and construction sectors have shown interest in the plant in equal measure

Research shows hemp can uptake as much as 4 times the CO2 of trees. Based on this Mayell believes that if 10,000 dairy farmers grew hemp on one quarter of their land, the net

Hemp is also an incredible phyto remediation plant and can extract heavy metals and other contaminates from fertilisers in the soil which in turn stops them getting into foods and waterways.”

“Fortunately it’s a problem with a solution – and the solution is to move from the current unsustainable animal farming paradigm to a new regenerative business model to support the bio-economy and there is no better plant on the planet to do this job than hemp.”


NZ Manufacturer August 2018





Soar Printing

FF Instrumentation

2110 Inspection Systems



3.6 9.6









2084 Caliber Design

A&D Weighing / Weightec

7.2 12.6



2101 Compressed Air Services




NZ Brush




Cuddon Freeze







Reactive Engineering


3001 10.8



3000 Eurotec





Supply Services





Tasman Tanks




3021 3029 Eriez Magnetics


3034 3040





3.6 10.8




3002 9.6

Minipack Quickshrink





Chart Industries














IFM Electronic




Toilets 3.6




3032 3042

3081 10.8








IMH Engineering






Fort Richard

















ITW Zip Pak

Stainless Engineering






3030 3043



Bucher Alimentech






















3074 3082

3107 3105 Ngaio Diagnostics

JL Lennard




EQM Industrial

Stowers Containment Solutions

Diversco / Scarco








11.8 3.6


3108 3103




True-bilt Industries




Contour Sales and Packaging


3156 3149







Autoline Automation

Forbes Packaging

3015 3017


3085 3072


3155 3148











CRC Industries




3109 3102


Mclaren Stainless


Hurricane Products

Regal Packaging



Donald Napier


3018 3014




3126 3125


3091 5.4




Universal Packaging

Plumber Compressors

3099 4.8

Steel & Tube

Gala Solutions

John Brooks Wadding Solutions



3097 3094


3111 3122

Aldus Tronics





3098 3092 5.4

Apollo Projects





3112 3121


Pump and Machinery

Beijing Xin Mei



Accolade Packaging


3113 3118




HMA Instrumentation Trade Scales


4.8 5.4

Spray Nozzle Engineering

3114 3104





Interfood Read Group

Flight Plastic



3095 6.6








3117 Dynamic Inspection


3115 7.2














9.0 4.8


Spraying Systems







Super Mega Dairy


HD Process

D&L Packaging

3146 3147



IFP Group

HRS Heat Exchange

HCD Flow Technology




Bulk Handling






MM Kembla

3165 3138










Foodcap International



Advanced Packaging Systems

Idas Group

3161 3168 HCA Futech


3132 3136


3169 Textile Bag 4.8






NZ Safety Blackwoods

Assa Abloy




3170 3160








Bell Technology

CAS Enterprises





3065 3063 3007









Mulcahy Engineering




One Stop Pak



Engineering Compressor Services


Enpac Packaging

3171 3166







4 3 2 1 5 6 7


SOLD 9 8

7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Stand Details Halls 1, 2, 3 Black Panel system - 2.3m high - 45mm thick (Measurements of stands are from Centre of Panel) Grey Carpet One Multi-Plug Power point General Hall Lighting

PLEASE NOTE: This plan may change as sales and circum


NZ Manufacturer August 2018









3.6 3.6

Scott Technology


Pepper Creative


LED Solar and Lighting


Machine Knives


HuBei Plastic Products

112 111 109









Chemz Foodtech Solutions



Auckland Paper Tubes






Advance Conveyors





Easi Recycling


















Allied Machinery Services







All Guard












142 Innovative Conveyor Systems


Northern Forklifts









Panda Inspire





C.H. Robinson



Project Stainless & Mechanical








Prime Pump

Auto Mossa














Adhesion Services



139 Cranequip Engineering

Triton Commercial








121 3.0



Haden & Custance

150 4.8











1.8 1.8

1.8 1.8





Youngman Richardson








mstances dictate.




Titan Containers










3.6 3.6

Apex Environmental





2005 2007

2000 6.0


Pride and Print




Hunter Filling


155 7.2




APC Technology



Aspire 2

2043 2036

NZ Packaging Council







2094 2095


















Altex Coatings


127 Aarque Group




Business Growth Hub

Premier Packaging






Hayley Media




7.2 7.2



Label Shop




ES Plastics





Aztech Technology

Employment and Training Hub


Watson Marlow


2091 2092 6.0




Food Innovation Network






2089 2085 Propac Industrial

Ulti Group

2093 2073 Asmuss

Wells Hygiene





2079 2086




Heat and Control




Beijing Xin Mei











Argus Heating





2081 2088




Walls Mach





JMP Engineering





2014 129



Rotaform Plastics








Integrated Packaging

Quick Label



2049 7.2









2026 2027




Apex Labelling Solutions



Eurofins Kian Joo Can








4.2 Atlas Copco


Food Machinery Import and Services





Spirax Sarco




Westwick Farrow

2112 2076

Drying Solutions


Rollex Group







SMC Pneumatics











Fire Exit

3.6 2054



3.6 2050





Argus / Temprecord

Reynolds Group






Steril - Aire







Food Court

Copyright - Drawing the Property of XPO Exhibitions Ltd and cannot be used or copied without the permission of XPO. PLAN DATE: 10/08/2018

DRAWN BY: Nick Batty VERSION: V.45 LC XPO Exhibitions Ltd


NZ Manufacturer August 2018



I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--It is: Try to please everybody.

SynQ software advances Swisslog is introducing to Australasia its latest SynQ materials handling software, which provides warehouse management, material flow, automation and 3D visualisation all from a single point of control.

-- Herbert Bayard Swope

warehouse management

and maintenance factors, especially those that occur during peak periods and are therefore particularly disruptive. Businesses can set a pre-defined data series (KPIs) and pre-configured pages and charts to simplify the management of KPIs. This solution uses the data collected by the hardware components using state-of-the-art sensors.

The SynQ software, which is a combination of Synchronisation and Intelligence Quotient, has been designed for dynamic, data-driven supply chains, such as those that drive companies in industries such as food and beverage, automotive, e-commerce, manufacturing, health, pharmaceuticals and transport.

Whether it is the energy consumption of a conveyor system, the deceleration path of a stacker crane, the number of movements of a shuttle or the temperature generated by the movements of a roller conveyor, continuous and seamless evaluations of the condition of all components and disciplines in a warehouse are achievable.

SynQ software is already installed in applications across these industries locally, including leading food and beverage, transport and pharmaceutical companies in Australia and New Zealand.

Through continuous monitoring and real-time data, warehouses can continuously operate at maximum efficiency to ultimately reduce operational costs. Furthermore, early-warning system for malfunctions reduce downtime of critical equipment and allow a business to create calculated risks. Predictive maintenance is the next step towards Industry 4.0.

“SynQ expands beyond the scope of existing warehouse management systems without leaving the customer behind. Backwards compatibility is built into each new version of the system, which means that it can be seamlessly integrated into any existing operations and it will work with older software as well as the latest versions,” says Sean Ryan, Head of Sales and Consulting, Swisslog Australia.

“SynQ provides advanced logistics operations with the flexibility to deploy only the modules that are needed at a given time, while intelligently synchronising automation equipment, robotics, people and processes for peak performance,” he said.

Swisslog says an integral functionality feature is the ability to continually record equipment condition by incorporating the measurement and analysis of physical values, such as distances covered, temperatures, energy consumption of individual elements and disciplines from state-of-the-art sensors into system reports.

“The modularity, flexibility and backwards compatibility allows materials handling, logistics and supply chain managers to future-proof their operations and simultaneously capitalise on the latest technological advances driving industry 4.0.”

The collected information can then be used to identify vital elements that are prone to malfunctions and draw conclusions regarding the potential error rates of individual disciplines and entire logistics systems.

SynQ functionality, services and crucial supporting processes are organised around three pillars: Collaboration, Operations and Intelligence.

Condition monitoring allows control centre employees to view the current system condition at any time, document the development of trends and evaluate failure risks.

Collaboration The Collaboration Platform is the heart of Swisslog’s software platform that makes integration possible. It includes all base software modules, such as those required for managing inventory or connecting to a host system. All testing, quality control and standards compliance processes are part of this platform.

The goal is to turn the data and data analyses into decisions designed to improve the planning of operations and maintenance processes to prevent system failures caused by malfunctions

A singular point of control is a key

benefit of Swisslog’s SynQ software Key features of Swisslog’s SynQ Collaboration Platform include; • Full-spectrum, yet modular software with basic functionality for warehouse management systems (WMS), warehouse execution systems (WES), warehouse control systems (WCS), manufacturing execution systems (MES), material flow, and automation control systems. • Host Integration – proven standard interface to connect to any Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), including SAP, and WMS systems. • Flexible IT – SynQ can be installed on existing infrastructure or anywhere in the cloud. It is deployable on Windows or Linux operating systems and supports multiple database systems. • Automation Concept – interface protocols and architectural guidelines to ensure Swisslog’s own and third-party subsystems collaborate with SynQ for maximum performance. • Quality – the entire SynQ intelligence network follows an outstanding quality management standard for coding, testing, upgrading, migration and education. Operations Operational Services provide the actual shop floor processes in the warehouse, such as manual receiving or shipping, AutoStore cluster picking, and returns handling in CarryPick, Swisslog’s SynQ Operational Services include: • Support for value-added services such as labelling, printing and packing. • Support for order fulfillment processes including picking, replenishment and returns. • Support for inbound processes including receiving and put-away. “For added operator convenience, Swisslog provides easy-to-use mobile terminal screens (shown right) with mobile access to data and a familiar user-interface,” said Mr Ryan. “Swisslog can also tailor our SynQ platform to the individual needs of particular sectors. For example, we can incorporate receiving and picking processes for omni-channel distribution warehouses with shelf life and


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


Step into the future with Swisslog’s SynQ materials handling software, which allows for real-time 3D visualisation of complex warehousing from a single point of control

batch/lot controlling for the food and beverage sector.” “Or we can incorporate inbound and outbound processes, tracking and monitoring, inspection/quality assurance processes based on GMP/GDP and validation for the pharmaceutical sector. This level of customisation enhances the functionality of the SynQ software and ensures it is providing each customer with benefits tailored to their industry.” Intelligence Intelligent Services provide add-on services within the world of analytics and business intelligence. This spans our growing number of Manager apps, like Cockpit Manager, that can be deployed independently or as part of an integrated system. Intelligent Services also include services provided by Swisslog’s Data Scientists. Beyond the tools, these highly skilled experts provide the insights required to optimise business processes. Intelligent apps that form part of this system include: • Event Manager – enables mobile notifications and triggering of automated corrective actions. • Cockpit Manager – provides a clear and concise overview of warehouse operations with plug-ins for Inventory Statistics, Labour Performance, Condition Monitoring and more. • Print Manager – tools for managing and scheduling reports and labels. • Availability Manager – allows the user to define and measure availability of material flows.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.-- Albert Schweitzer


Chamber welcomes Small Business Council announcement The Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce welcomed the announcement by Minister for Small Business Hon Stuart Nash of the appointment of the Small Business Council, says CEO Leeann Watson. “We are pleased to be involved with the Small Business Council. In today’s fast changing world where small business face increased complexity, digital disruption, a changing trade environment and increased costs and compliance, we are very keen to work

with government to ensure that policy acts as an enabler for small business and supports strong outcomes for business and the wider community,” said Leeann Watson. Around 80 per cent of the members of The Chamber are SMEs, and recent statistics have shown 97 per cent of New Zealand businesses are SMEs. “The Chamber in Canterbury has been operating for 159 years, and we are keen to ensure that the existing

networks of small business support with extensive track records in the sector are a key part of the discussions around opportunities to improve the performance of small business in New Zealand.”

support in employment relations, human resources and health and safety, and training and development in many areas including employment relations.

The Chamber is a not-for-profit membership-based service organisation that has he home and voice of business in the Canterbury region since 1859. Comprised of over 2900 members, The Chamber actively provides advisory and consultancy

“One of The Chamber’s key focus areas is of course providing support to small business to help them do business better and we look forward to continuing our work with government to do that,” said Leeann Watson.

Earn and Learn - smart choice for today’s school leavers School leavers who engage in apprenticeships and trades training are making a smart choice which will set them up for a lucrative and rewarding future. The national “Got A Trade? Got It Made!” campaign highlights the advantages of an on-the-job tertiary education, introduces young people to industry training organisations (ITOs) who can put them on the earn and learn pathway, and connects school leavers to employers who want to invest in their future. “Jobs are changing, but skilled trades and human services have a secure future as these are the hardest to

automate. We want to encourage young people to consider whether an “earn and learn” career appeals to them, and if it does, we want them to jump in early and avoid that student debt,” says Josh Williams, Industry Training Federation Chief Executive. “Learning on the job is a smart career choice, for the individual and for the country. There are already 145,000 Kiwis in formal on-the-job training. And we need more. The problem is that only 4% of school leavers get involved in an on-the-job tertiary education when they leave school. We want to change this.” University educated New Zealanders

to retire. To launch the Got A Trade! campaign, apprentices from participating ITOs have created and built sets for an interactive music video by Kiwi musician Elroy Finn. Each scene represents one of the nine ITOs taking part in the campaign and showcases some of the 140 different trades and services careers on offer. This year’s Got A Trade! Ambassadors include a water reticulation technician, a light vehicle technician, an electrician, a store manager, a barber, a community support worker, a plumber, a carpenter, a mechanical engineer and an arborist.

are coming to understand the value of trades training. Last year, over half (55%) of our new industry trainees and apprentices already had a tertiary qualification, 24% already had degrees. The average university student graduates with a $29,500 loan. BERL research showed that because apprentices don’t get a student debt and earn earlier, they can buy a house earlier and pay off their mortgage earlier. This puts them financially ahead of university graduates for most of their working lives, and at about the same financial position when they’re ready

Trans-Tasman companies lagging on digital transformation journey Australian (AU) and New Zealand (NZ) businesses are trailing behind their global counterparts with only 17% of businesses digitally mature enough to build disruptive business models at scale compared to a global cohort of 22%. That is one of the key takeaways from research undertaken by Infosys, a global leader in consulting, technology, and next-generation services. The research report polled 175 senior business decision makers from the region’s biggest companies, each with

a revenue of over $1 billion, to better understand where Australia and New Zealand’s largest enterprises are in their digital transformation journey and what they require to accelerate that journey. The survey of Senior IT decision-makers reveals that enterprise leaders across sectors are at varying stages of digital agility, while facing consistent barriers and opportunities to building disruptive business models at scale.

brand value through differentiation

The report identifies three clusters based on digital maturity:

• Watchers – Largely focused on efficiency-driven outcomes of digital adoption

• Visionaries – Transform to meet business objectives through new business models and an innovative culture. They understand digital is central to the success of future endeavours

Approximately 17% of AU and NZ respondents are identified as visionaries, in contrast with 22% of their global counterparts, indicating that fewer AU and NZ leaders have identified digital transformation as a central part of their business strategy in comparison to global peers.

• Explorers – Committed to improving their customer’s experiences. Identify with digital programs that enhance customer experience, or increase

continued Page 30


NZ Manufacturer August 2018


DEVELOPMENTS Most Australian and New Zealand businesses surveyed (55%) fall into the Explorers category, with a focus on digital transformation for the differentiation value it gives them in either customer experience or an uplift in brand value. This is higher in comparison to global peers of whom

Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.

50% are categorised as Explorers. Additionally, 28% of AU and NZ respondents are identified as Watchers which is on par with global research. Watchers have partially deployed digital initiatives but are focused on efficiency-driven outcomes. Common to all groups of business

-- Unknown

leaders is an understanding that business agility (85%), enhancing digital culture (82%), and delivering seamless customer experience (78%) are key organisational drivers to enable them to build disruptive business models at scale. Visionaries particularly recognise that there is a constant need

to reinvent themselves to stay relevant to their customers. Internal challenges rather than external market forces are cited as a major barrier to change with resourcing and legacy issues preventing organisations from making rapid progress.

Ban on plastic bags another step towards a waste-free circular economy what many people don’t realise is that there’s a massive economic cost involved too because of resource wastage.

The Sustainable Business Network welcomes the Government’s announcement today that single-use plastic bags will be phased out. It’s another positive step towards a circular economy for New Zealand.

“The cost of packaging waste sits at around $80 billion globally and is rising as the costs of clean up are added. So the phasing out of single-use plastic bags is not only good for the environment, it’s good for the economy.

Rachel Brown, CEO of the Sustainable Business Network, says: “The environmental impact of plastic packaging, particularly single-use plastic bags, is now well-known. But

The Sustainable Business Network (SBN) welcomes the New Zealand Plastic Packaging Declaration. This commits signatories to using 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging in their New Zealand operations by 2025 or earlier. However SBN advocates for greater collaborative and co-ordinated focus across business, government and the community. The Sustainable Business Network’s

Circular Economy Accelerator (CEA) is leading work to shift New Zealand from a ‘take, make waste’ linear model to circular economy. This will be low carbon, waste free, and highly efficient. In a circular economy the lifecycles of materials are maximised. Their use is optimised. At the end of life all materials are reutilised. Legislation, such as phasing out single-use plastic bags, is an important way to make the circular economy a reality across the entire economy. James Griffin leads the Circular Economy Accelerator. He says: “To solve the plastics problem we need unprecedented co-operation and co-ordination across business, the community and Government. The CEA has started a process to identify

issues across the plastic packaging system in New Zealand with support from Bluebird Foods, Coca-Cola Amatil (NZ), Countdown, Earthwise, ecostore, Freedom Farms, Lewis Road Creamery, My Food Bag, New Zealand King Salmon, and New Zealand Post.” While supporting the Government’s initiative, James adds a note of caution. “The plastic packaging system is a complex one, which is also connected to other complex systems such as food and medicine,” he says. We must be careful that any changes we make as we redesign this system do not have unforeseen consequences. The Government has worked well with business thus far and we anticipate they will continue to work flexibly with business as we all work to identify the best way to move forward. “

Business indicators reinforce need to rethink industrial relations EMA believes the series of recent business-related commentary on low productivity, business confidence dropping and inflation rising, adds to its call for a rethink on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill and other industrial relations legislation.

Kim Campbell, CEO, EMA. “In a nutshell, our wages are lower than other OECD countries because our productivity is lower. We are working more, but GDP is down. To lift wages, productivity must first improve to enable a sustainable lift in incomes.

“We all want a high wage, nimble and high performing economy. Our economic fundamentals are favourable. Yet, this may be eroded by what we are seeing in recent reports which point to poor productivity, business confidence slumping and forced wage increases potentially driving inflation up,” says

“The heightened industrial action primarily calling for higher wages only shines the light on this further. How will New Zealand enterprises lift productivity to cover an increased wage bill? Which is why the EMA, and its

members, have been actively asking the Government to rethink its approach to industrial relations.

or so. New Zealand

“We are puzzled by how the proposed employment relations changes will deliver to the Government’s stated economic aims. We’re not against making changes, but the Government’s Future of Work Forum has yet to convene and this seems the obvious place to debate what legislative reform is required to achieve the desired strategic outcome.


“What work we do, and how we work, will be different in the next decade

needs to future proof

itself produce

integrated that


law assist

productivity “In



it’s no surprise business confidence is dropping and they are putting a temporary hold on hiring and investment plans,” says Mr Campbell.

CSST taps Planet to spur economic growth in New Zealand Zealand, making sure a breadth of industries and government agencies get efficient access to Planet’s data and analytic products. Together, Planet and CSST will localise analytics from Planet and jointly develop new solutions to serve specific verticals, including agriculture, disaster management, defence and intelligence, forestry, and maritime.

In an exciting new venture, Planet, an integrated aerospace and data analytics company, and New Zealand’s Centre for Space Science Technology (CSST) have announced a partnership to help drive regional economic growth by distributing Planet’s daily, global Earth observation data and analytics. CSST will act as the distribution hub and R&D partner for Planet in New


NZ Manufacturer August 2018

“CSST is an important partner for Planet as they understand the applications and use cases of daily global imagery, and can enable us to bring our products to New Zealand. They will be the frontline consultants for commercial businesses and government agencies at all levels who seek our imagery and analytics,” said Shankar Sivaprakasam, Vice President


of APAC and Japan, at Planet. Planet’s global daily imagery and analytics will improve decision-making in key sectors of the New Zealand economy, including disaster preparedness and emergency management, agricultural monitoring, forestry and land use monitoring, water management, infrastructure monitoring, and intelligence gathering. “Earth observation data is becoming increasingly important in helping New Zealand address its biggest economic, environmental, and social challenges. The biggest advantage of Planet’s constellation is how frequently its satellites pass overhead, which is extremely important in the New Zealand context, particularly with

disaster monitoring. For example, Planet imagery revealed close to 80,000 landslides in the wake of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. Real-time disaster monitoring with Planet data will transform how governments and businesses target preparedness and relief efforts,” said Steve Cotter, CEO of CSST. Planet is an integrated aerospace and data analytics company that operates history’s largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites, collecting a massive amount of information daily about our planet. Planet designs, builds and operates over 200 satellites, and develops the online software and tools that serves data to users.


The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. -- Unknown

Here’s how many times you need to

reuse your shopping bags Trevor Thornton

Lecturer, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University The plastic bag ban by the major supermarkets (and Coles’ pivot away from its ban after backlash, then pivot back to the ban after a backlash to the backlash) has left plenty of people scratching their heads. What are the best replacements for single-use plastic bags? Given that reusable bags are much sturdier, how many times must we use them to compensate for their larger environmental impact? The simple answer is that there is no simple answer. However, a kind of research called “life cycle assessment” can help us work out the impact of common types of reusable bags.

Life cycle assessments I am not aware of any Australian studies of plastic-bag substitutes. Research conducted overseas can offer a basic guide. Life cycle assessments consider a wide range of factors, including raw materials, manufacturing, transport, and eventual disposal. Looking at all these elements, researchers calculate greenhouse gas emissions, waste disposal, water and energy consumption and a variety of other impacts. To complicate the decision further, if you choose a plastic bag, is it made from virgin resin or from recycled plastic? Even if the bag is recycled, transport is an issue – where was it

made? Printing on the bag also adds to the environmental burden. Finally, what happens to the bags when they can no longer meet their purpose? Are they recycled, reused as bin liners, or thrown away immediately?

How many times must a bag be reused? Once all this information has been distilled, scientists can usually offer a straightforward guide: the number of times a given bag should be reused when compared to the standard supermarket plastic bag. A 2018 Danish study, looking at the number of times a bag should be reused before being used as a bin liner and then discarded, found that:

• paper bags should be used three times • low-density polyethylene bags (the thicker plastic bags commonly used in supermarkets) should be used four times • non-woven polypropylene should be used 11 times


Note, however, that if a plastic bag is reused (even as a bin liner) the number of times an alternative needs to be used increases.

• cotton bags should be used 7,100 times. Another

A 2014 study in the United States

• paper bags should be used 43 times





One final consideration is how many bags you need. The Danish researchers equalised the volume of the bags so that evaluations were made on the same volume of space (this meant that for some assessments it was necessary to consider the impact of two bags).

• cotton bags should be used 131 times.

It’s worth noting that, according to the 2018 Danish study, using organic cotton has a greater environmental impact than non-organic due to higher production costs. Our assumptions about what is environmentally friendly don’t always stand up to scrutiny.

• polypropylene bags (most of the green reusable bags found at supermarkets) should be used 37 times

found that reusable LDPE and polypropylene bags do have a lower environmental impact than the usual plastic bags found in supermarkets – but only if they are reused enough times. This study found that about 40% of shoppers forgot to bring their reusable bags and therefore end up using the plastic bags. This then adds to the environmental burden of shopping.

considered the climate change impact, found that to have lower global warming potential than single-use plastic bags:

As with all matters environmental, it’s essential that we have the right knowledge to make informed decisions. After looking at all this data, here are the things I’d like you to remember: 1. whatever bag type you use, use it as many times as possible 2. choose bags made from recyclable materials 3. avoid bags that have printing or decorations – these alone can add significantly to the environmental burden of the bag

Our assumptions about what is environmentally friendly don’t always stand up to scrutiny.

4. never allow a bag to become litter – recycle, reuse and repurpose your bags.

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NZ Manufacturer August 2018


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