NZ Manufacturer June 2021

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June 2021


BUSINESS NEWS Dr.Wolfgang Scholtz, Honorary Officer of the NZ Order of Merit.


MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Hey Yabble announced at Techweek 2021.

12 CLIMATE CHANGE Climate 101: Let’s talk about carbon.

Where are our world class companies? - Ian Walsh

The report identified several drivers behind this, including that we inefficiently utilise our allocations of labour, and that we don’t see benefits from technology diffusion (awareness and access to best technology that then diffuses through our markets). Contributing factors include our geography, lower levels of international trade, weak innovation system or low capital intensity to name a few. So what are the other countries doing that we are not? What can we learn from them? Firstly, they focus on internationally oriented companies, as they have a small domestic market, they are more focussed on growing and supporting organisations that are focussed on international trade. Secondly, they encourage and develop clusters of firms organised around areas of strength and capabilities. These clusters of related capabilities create scale, efficiency, and productivity gains, but more importantly they enable the innovation engine to develop. Consequently, this capability then attracts international engagement, which contributes to overcoming the technology diffusion issue. Thirdly, they invest in research and development. Most countries invest twice what we do each year as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) into R&D. New Zealand is the third-lowest R&D investor of all SAEs, which correlates with us sitting in the bottom three for productivity.

New Release

Alibre Design 23 Prices from

Some of you may have read the NZ Productivity Commission’s report into frontier firms (the top 10% most productive firms in New Zealand) and compared our productivity to other Small Advanced Economies (SAEs) such as Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. This is great research with various studies and benchmarks, and I highly recommend a read. The findings of the research were that our most productive firms have operated at around 53% of the best performing firms of those listed countries for over a decade, and there are no signs of this changing.

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Affordable CAD Software for professional designers. New Zealand also has the lowest export investment and outward direct investment shares of GDP of all SAEs at 28% and 8% of GDP respectively. This compares with an average of 59% and 84% across the reference group of SAEs. When you consider how much of the New Zealand economy is built on exports, these numbers should be seen as unacceptable. The long and short of it is we need to pick winners. We are not big enough and we don’t have a large enough domestic sector to be all things to all companies. In an increasingly competitive world, we need to compete where we can win and sustain our advantages. Clearly the primary sector is one area we already excel in. We can also look at what is defined as weightless (has little mass so easy to transport, such as software) as another easy first choice. We should not be looking to support all sectors equally, as we want to develop and maximise on these beachhead markets before any dilution of effort or resource into our less-established markets. Once we’ve picked our would-be winners, we can then ensure best practices and methodologies are deployed for maximum effect. One of the barriers to adoption of best practices is the large number of SMEs with limited resources and capacity. In creating clusters you can overcome the limitations of size and achieve the gains of larger economies and access to technology and knowledge capital.

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As I have mentioned in previous pieces, if we want to be world class, we need to have a co-ordinated effort of our government, unions, businesses and industries, researchers and universities around a common purpose: developing and growing world class companies and clusters to achieve the scale and innovation to outperform competitors and achieve lasting sustainable advantage. This capability must be nurtured, developed and protected, hence the need for focussed agency (perhaps a subset of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) brief. This is another key area that the other SAEs have embedded into their trade and

continued on Page 14




11 LEAD LEAD Where are our world class companies? Get your carbon diet on track. EDITORIAL 4 EDITORIAL 4 Are you buying an electric ute? When EMEX 2021 comes to town. 6 BUSINESS NEWS Wolfgang NEWS Scholz, Honorary Officer of the BUSINESS 6 DrNew Zealand Order of Merit.

Manufacturing in the age of sustainability. The biggest mistake a manufacturer can make NZ’s Covid world class? isIs to focus onresponse cost cutting. UKK’s a winyour for exporters. Get anCPTPP edge over visitors with video.


6 6


NZ Code can make manufacturing more competitive. Hey Yabble announced at Techweek 2021. Dewalt unveils Design Jetson Assist breaking newIndustrial ground. NVIDIA AGX Xavier module.

ANALYSISCHANGE 10 12 CLIMATE Time for change.

Climate 101: Let’s talk about carbon. Anatomy of a data-driven supply chain.

13 ANALYSIS future potential of process control EMEX 2021 14 The systems. Floor Plan and Exhibitors. -15 PROFILE 14 COMPANY ANALYSIS Foods. 16 Angel Achieving carbon neutrality: One company’s TECHNOLOGY 15 MANUFACTURING lessons learnt. The benefits of ERP for manufacturers and distributors.

SMART MANUFACTURING 17 COMMENT 16 Australia launches lunar exploration mission.


automation How scalableand datalogistics. centres help Mainfreight’s vision.

QUALITY CONTROL 21 Surf Loch creates the perfect wave.

NDC sensors control at the Green hydrogen dealmanufacturing demonstrates energy fromt line. certificate.

22 22

Sustainability Fund projects announced at NEW PRODUCTS HERA AGM. Structural bearings deliver extreme low-level NEW frictionPRODUCTS performance. Bearings reduce wear in heavy-duty Cost-effective and lubrication – free situations. mounting of solar Australia’s panels. Kemppi Art of Welding Competition is on again. AC Servo System provides highest-level safety.


Transforming plant maintenance with laser DEVELOPMENTS cleaning.


Ian Walsh

8 7 10 9

RS PRO launch 2900 new wiring and gold Mint Innovation raises $20m to build connectivity biorefineries.products. HRS highlights steam injection for food DEVELOPMENTS

sterilisation. Seequent appoints new CEO. Is automotive ready for hydrogen? Finalists announced in 2021 Diversity Awards.


Big Oil, Gas and Coal runningcalls out for of places to Climate Change Commission decisive hide. action.

Ian is Managing Director of Intent Group, a master black belt improvement specialist and global lean practitioner. He is passionate about improving productivity and helping to create world class New Zealand businesses.

Leeann Watson

Is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber).and is a strong voice for Canterbury business.


A manufacturing Cutting edge toolfirst. for underwater recovery.

SMART MANUFACTURING Matrix 320 reader empowers traceability for

Is Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest business advocacy body. He has held a range of senior positions at Westpac and is a barrister and solicitor.

Lewis Woodward


Is Managing Director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.

14 Brett O’Riley


25 16 28

EMA chief executive Brett O’Riley has a background in technology and economic development. Brett actually grew up with manufacturing, in the family business, Biggins & Co. He currently holds board roles with Wine Grenade and Dotterel Technologies and is also on the NZ Film Commission board.

PUBLISHER Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd,1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings, New Zealand 4122.

MANAGING EDITOR Doug Green T: +64 6 870 9029 E:

Are you buying an electric ute? Just wondering Research shows us that our most productive firms are operating at 53% of the best performing Small

CONTRIBUTORS Holly Green, Barbara Nebel, Ian Walsh, Matt Hale, Kevin Picionne

Advanced Economies for over a decade and there are no signs of this changing.

ADVERTISING Doug Green T: + 64 6 870 9029 E:

This from the excellent article on Page 1 by Ian Walsh, Managing Director, Intent Group. Other countries focus on internationally oriented companies, as they have a small domestic market and are more focussed on growing and supporting organisations that are more focussed on international trade.

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Kim Alves, KA Design T: + 64 6 870 8133 E:

The long and the short of it, Ian believes, is us picking winners.

WEB MASTER Julian Goodbehere E:

To finish here, it would be remiss of me not to talk about electric utes.


Lots of chatter at present about us all doing the right thing and converting to electric vehicles.

On-Line Publisher Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd


The Government fleet is under two percent electric and they are asking business and consumers ‘to do the right thing’.

MEDIA HAWKES BAY LTD T: +64 6 870 4506 F: +64 6 878 8150 E: 1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings PO Box 1109, Hastings, NZ NZ Manufacturer ISSN 1179-4992

Vol.12 No. 5 JUNE 2021

NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

Electric vehicles are too expensive – even if you delete the $8,000 bonus, not knowing if this money has been added on at the other end by the car yard. Government members drive utes – bit of hypocrisy here! Farmers need utes to run successful businesses and they need to use fuel. The country is not equipped for this scenario in so many ways, yet business is asked to get on and buy an electric vehicle blow the bottom line!

Copyright: NZ Manufacturer is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Neither editorial opinions expressed, nor facts stated in the advertisements, are necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher of NZ Manufacturer and, whilst all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the publishers for inaccurate information, or for any consequences of reliance on this information. NZ Manufacturer welcomes your contributions which may not necessarily be used because of the philosophy of the publication.


How can this happen- and will it ever happen?

Business needs to run the country, not the government.

Doug Green

Success Through Innovation


Company Profile

How do you remain globally competitive in today’s manufacturing environment?

In the current business climate we are all having to do things smarter and faster to keep up with the pace of change. Manufacturing is no exception. Become part of Industry 4.0 and access these FREE resources

• Access our free webinars and site visits where other businesses that have under-gone the network site visits process share their knowledge. • Have your business assessed for Industry 4.0 readiness using the internationally recognised Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI).

• Connect with others in similar sectors facing the same challenges to bounce ideas off.

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Further questions?

To find out more please contact Michael Burgess at EMA or Frank Phillips at LMAC Michael Burgess +64 9 367 0936,nz Frank Phillips +64 (0) 272233077

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NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Business News Dr Wolfgang Scholz, Honorary Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit This Queen’s Birthday award was for services to engineering and the metals-based industry. Dr Scholz is known by many across New Zealand business and has contributed to the New Zealand and global metals-based industry for 35 years. He set up the New Zealand Welding Centre in 1987 as a division of the New Zealand Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA). He developed an extensive program of welding engineering education and research and over 14 years he grew this HERA division into New Zealand’s centre of excellence for welding engineering. He has produced comprehensive national training material and courses for welding to meet the requirements of NZQA and international organisations. Through membership of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), he has helped develop Australasian and international technical standards and guidelines.

Dr Scholz was HERA Director from 2000 until his retirement in 2018 and is currently Trustee and Secretary/Treasurer of the HERA Foundation charitable trust. As Director he oversaw research programmes in structural engineering research, development of design standards for steel buildings and for fabrication as well as sustainability assessment. This research strengthened the competitiveness of the local industry and preserved local jobs. His ‘HERA Position on Public Policy’ document formed the basis of many productive engagements with stakeholders from industry, government and NGOs. Dr Scholz has made a major contribution in coordinating, integrating and helping to develop metals industry sub-groups, especially in structural steel engineering and fabrication. “Being recognised for services to engineering and the metals-based industry means that some former industry colleagues must have thought I am worthy

of receiving such a recognised Honour, he said. “It is great to see the award going to someone in a strategically important, but not so sexy, metals engineering industry niche. But also, that it was awarded across New Zealand’s multicultural landscape to a German, who after 35 years in New Zealand almost thinks like a Kiwi, but still maintains his strong German accent. “Initially, I was called into an industry by visionaries who wanted me there to form the team with which I could realise my professional dream. “My thanks are due to all the industry and public sector members and the many international contacts who helped shape my industry vision and deliver the now recognised services to industry.”

The biggest mistake a manufacturer can make is to focus on cost cutting Ishan Galapathy, author of ‘ADVANCE: 12 Essential Elements to Supercharge Productivity & Profitability’ (Bison Press, $30.00), has a wealth of knowledge in the field of Operational Excellence (OpEx), having worked across six countries for over two decades. Renowned for his simplified techniques, Ishan works with manufacturing businesses to help them move from Chaos to ExcellenceTM. For more information on how Ishan can assist your business visit

In 2009, global cereal giant Kellogg’s announced an aggressive three-year, $1 billion cost reduction scheme. The savings were to be delivered through overall supply chain improvements that focused on process optimisation, asset utilisation and waste management. The scheme was christened Project K-LEAN (Lean, Efficient, Agile, Network), and it was primarily driven to replicate the success achieved at two North American Kellogg’s manufacturing plants. Given the clear objective of Project K-LEAN (rapid cost savings), every initiative delivered exploited short-term, bottom line improvements like headcount reduction, maintenance budget cuts and plant shutdowns. Although the organisation over delivered on its ambitious $1 billion promise, it left its teams with scars, bruises and loss of trust, which made it difficult to engage employees in any further productivity improvement initiatives. This is not an isolated case. In September 2020, Kraft Heinz announced a $2 billion cut in costs over five years as a way of driving growth. Since the Kraft Heinz merger in 2015, the company has lost nearly half its stock value.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

An even harder pill to swallow for Kraft Heinz is that its stock keeps tumbling while the S&P 500 Index for the same category keeps rising. When the cost-cutting plan was announced, analysts and investors didn’t buy-in that businesses such as Kraft Heinz could turn around its performance and increase shareholder value by ‘cutting’ costs. In comparison, a company such as Proctor & Gamble (P&G) that focuses on processes that deliver cost reductions as an outcome truly operates with a world-class supply chain. Don’t take my word for it—Gartner’s latest 2021 global top-25 supply chain report lists P&G as one of five organisations in the ‘masters’ category, which means it has maintained a top-5 ranking for at least seven out of ten years. In 2013, I was fortunate to visit one of P&G’s ‘bestof-the-best’ sites: the Pringles factory in Jackson, Tennessee. It is a world-class mega factory that spans 40 acres under roof and employs 600 workers. Most employees have a thorough knowledge of the site’s strategic journey and the initiatives being deployed to bring the strategies to life. Senior operators deliver internal training programs that include fundamentals of machine mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, drive systems, sensors etc. Machine breakdowns are a non-event because they have resolved the root causes. The focus is on minor machine stops. Aside from technical skills, employees develop interpersonal, communication and coaching skills as they progressed to higher levels. Problem-solving capabilities within the site are exceptional. Clearly, the workforce is highly engaged. This results in identifying and implementing initiatives to advance the site year-on-year while simultaneously reducing costs. So why is cost cutting the wrong approach? 1) We foster the wrong culture: Cost cutting has a fear-driven mindset that leaves employees feeling uneasy. When the constant focus is on tightening

the belt, you are likely to end up with a work culture that is neither engaged nor willing to explore opportunities that could result in sustainable change.

Employees work in constant fear that jobs will be lost. 2) We don’t reveal hidden opportunities: Cost cutting is primarily about reducing expenses on a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement. Unfortunately, the P&L doesn’t reveal all opportunities to improve. A few years ago, an operator helped me to identify a $300,000 improvement during a conversation on the factory floor by simply repositioning a cheese sprinkler. All that was needed was a $20,000 customised sprinkler. This was not visible to me on the P&L. 3) We only gain short-term results: You might get some quick results with low-hanging fruit, but once they’re gone, business leaders are forced to identify new opportunities. Typically, these are harder to implement and leaders get ‘stuck in the business’. Instead, here’s how world-class companies focus on processes that deliver cost reductions as an outcome: 1) Reducing day-to-day chaos: Implementing systems such as daily huddles to reduce the fire-fighting. 2) Identifying real improvement opportunities: Regularly engaging employees to identify hidden opportunities that aren’t obvious on the P&L. 3) Creating strategic alignment: Working solely on initiatives that are strategically aligned to the 3–5 year objectives. What approach will you take to improve business performance year-on-year?

Business News Get an edge over your competitors with video Why Manufacturers are at an advantage A big shift in marketing and communications has taken place in 2021. Industries who may have never needed to explore new avenues beyond their traditional marketing practices have been forced to innovate. Auckland-based video production company, One Day Video, has seen a new trend in manufacturers who are using video to stand apart and maintain a spot in the marketplace. But not your stock-standard, warehouse footage type videos with some graphics whacked on top. A new style of video has emerged. Fast-paced, engaging videos that tell a story through the use of a clever script and humour. Why manufacturers are at an advantage: Video has been a key part of the marketing toolkit for a while now, but manufacturers are at an advantage. This industry in particular hasn’t utilised video in the same way that other brands have. So, by investing in regular video creation now, manufacturers and distributors will leave their competitors in the dust. Here’s an example The Metal Company is a stainless steel supplier in New Zealand and recently commissioned One

Commercial & industrial growth

Day Video to create an engaging explainer video to feature on their website and LinkedIn page. The company saw huge social engagement directly after posting it, but more importantly the video became an incredibly useful asset for explaining their business to prospective buyers. All the key features and benefits were presented Filming Foodstuffs new Distribution Centre building. in such a way that their competitors were scrambling Here are five straightforward suggestions: 1) you can to replicate what they had just include the video front and centre on your website, done. 2) push it out through your newsletter to current This is just one example of companies using new and prospective customers, 3) share it on your social channels to communicate with their customers. channels to generate interest, 4) use it in client Live action isn’t the only way, animated videos presentations to communicate your proposition, are another effective means of telling a story or and 5) use it as an ad on LinkedIn or YouTube (for explaining a product that can’t be shown in real life example) to reach cold audiences. And this is just a - like tech innovation or apps. This type of video is start, the options are endless. also open to an international audience as it can be The advertising landscape is changing: produced anywhere. If the economic impact of 2020 taught us anything, There are many different ways of using video too.

continued bottom of Page 8

Employment growth

Economic output

Crime rate East Tamaki is the largest industrial precinct in Auckland with 2000 businesses and a growth rate higher than the regional average.


Greater East Tamaki Business Association Inc.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Manufacturing Technology Industry 4.0 Griffin’s Food Company Business overview The company, which was started by John Griffin in the 1890s, now has more than 500 staff working in a fast-paced environment with highly automated production lines. Griffin’s,passionate about crafting New Zealand’s favourite snacks, operate from two sites, in Papakura and Manukau. Background Griffin’s have long appreciated the need for data collection as part of their processes. Knowing the daily performance through collecting paper-based, manually entered figures has been a staple of their reporting for a number of years. However, their continuous improvement philosophy identified that although this data collection was valuable to the management teams, very little was able to be communicated to the shop floor team to boost engagement in identifying and quickly resolving production issues. Data on key quality parameters was monitored throughout production, but this data would then be collected and manually entered into databases at the end of a shift. Being retrospective there was little use for the data by then and it only added more administrative tasks to the supervisory staff. It was difficult for the shop floor team to interpret performance over a day consistently, leaving them not knowing whether they had a good, productive day or not.

The solution The team at Griffin’s had heard of Industry 4.0 and sought to identify what value it could add for them at their Papakura site. They quickly adopted a useful philosophy that Industry 4.0 offered opportunities through technology to resolve issues that were previously too costly or difficult to tackle. The senior management team in the business were passionate about implementing some initiatives, so pulled a very small, agile team together.

This small team submitted a high-level business case for funding and were given a high degree of autonomy with freedom to decide where to focus.

to begin the problem-solving journey, identifying issues daily and aiming to put preventative fixes in place where possible to avoid repeat issues.

This resulted in a team that was rapidly able to make decisions and iterate, delivering some immediate initial solutions.

Ultimately it is now plausible that all operational staff on site know how well their team has performed that day, as well as being able to engage in discussion about how they can improve.

This progressive view of a delivery team worked well and has enabled them to demon- strate the value as of the project early on in the project cycle, enabling quick expansion. One of the solutions, aimed at increasing their shop floor intelligence and vertical integration maturity, was to access previously challenging data sources within machine PLCs and visualise these in an intuitive way to the shop floor teams. This also provided a one-stop shop for managers and supervisors to easily interpret live performance across the lines. From a technical perspective, the team used a platform to tap into the PLCs of critical performance data points on the line, such as carton weights and number of products shipped, transferring this into a database which was then used to drive large TV screen dashboards of live performance data. More of these links have been put in place for managers to access a detailed analytics dashboard through their tablet or laptop.

Conclusion Thinking big, the team have a paperless vision that they are working towards, however to start small the team first identified the critical data required to engage the shop floor team and give insights to supervisory staff. They boiled this down from tens of lines of possible data to four or five lines. By getting teams to a place where ‘they can’t live without it’ ensured that further investment and expansion was much easier to achieve. Across four out of six production lines they now have access to critical data sources visualised in an easily understandable (not language dependent) format. This has enabled the shop floor teams

The next steps are to introduce more intelligent parameters. With the plethora of accurate data now in a useable format and accessible it is possible to overlay analytics tools for optimised parameter settings that will help to lift the performance of the line. For example, on a hot or humid day historically a certain dough mixture may have performed better in terms of quality parameters, providing data supervisors on a day with similar conditions the ability to influence the performance of their product. This also removes a level of dependence on experienced individuals who may be leaving the business in the coming years.

Key Learnings • A small very agile trusted team to cut through the red tape and deliver value quickly, proving the concept. • Identify basic structural elements necessary for delivery earlier, for example WiFi and data storage. • Keep it simple and don’t let perfection get in the way of quick progress to show the benefits. • An iterative mindset – happy to make adjustments now the framework is established to optimise engagement.

Further questions? To find out more please contact Michael Burgess at EMA or Frank Phillips at LMAC Michael Burgess +64 9 367 0936 Frank Phillips +64 (0) 272233077

continued from Page 7

Get an edge over your competitors with video it’s that companies have been forced to take a hard look at their budgets and reassess how they are allocated. This is causing an evolution in the way advertising is implemented and video content produced. As advertisers pit themselves against each other to win new clients, thousands of small to medium sized businesses are already clued up to a much more effective and affordable method of advertising engaging agile video suppliers who excel in creating engaging video content for the digital age.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

As digital channels become more and more cluttered with competing messages, buyers are offered a myriad of options that all sound just as good as each other. How do you make yourself stand apart? Maybe your offering doesn’t actually differ all that much from your competitors or perhaps you do have one or two incredible features but you’re struggling to communicate them. Recent research shows that 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video.

The stats can’t be ignored. Video is the future and if you start now, you’ll be taking the lead within the manufacturing industry. Take the path to success and move away from traditional advertising as prices increase and media consumption habits change. Skyrocket into the future and use video as your vehicle to get there.

Manufacturing Technology With Cintoo Cloud work more efficiently Cintoo Cloud continues to bridge the gap between Reality Capture and Digital Twins as it hits one million laser scans uploaded to its platform, demonstrating the demand from businesses for cloud-based technology to drive more efficient and collaborative ways of working. Industry 4.0 organisations are recognising the time, resource and cost savings to be gained by basing their Digital Twins of existing assets on meaningful, trustful Reality Capture data, which they can glean from the platform by uploading their laser scan data and BIM and CAD models. With a client base spanning utilities, oil and gas, energy, automotive, water treatment, food and beverage, construction, engineering, architecture and cultural heritage, the platform’s 12,000 users have uploaded more than 10,000 BIM models and 200 million square metres of laser scans – the equivalent of twice the surface area of Paris – to Cintoo Cloud. Companies are also leveraging their Reality Capture data in the platform for QA/QC and construction progress monitoring, scan-to-BIM, asset management, retrofits, predictive maintenance, decommissioning and much more. A SaaS platform, Cintoo Cloud turns massive laser scan data into cloud and BIM compatible Reality Data that can be shared, viewed, annotated, measured or distributed for collaborative Scan-to-BIM and Scan-to-CAD workflows.

It also enables asset management and as-built versus model comparisons. The platform leverages a unique point cloud-to-mesh technology, allowing for fast streaming of high-resolution, mesh-based scan data in a web browser with no plug-in to install. Leveraging Cintoo SDK and APIs, mesh-based streaming can also be used to build VR and AR apps, mixing scans and BIM or CAD in the Unreal and Unity platforms. The platform has rapidly growing audiences in Australasia, and is being used to host and manage

the laser scan data of teams working on a diverse range of projects such as automotive factories in Detroit, Michigan; North Sea oil rigs; the renovation of the Howard Middle School in Atlanta - Martin Luther King Jr’s former school; and cultural heritage sites such as the ancient city of Volterra in Italy. Businesses struggling to share, view or distribute massive as-built laser scan data to teams, contractors and stakeholders should give the platform a try.

DEUTSCH HD30 & HDP20 CONNECTOR SERIES Designed specifically for the truck, bus, and off-highway industry, heavy duty, environmentally sealed, multipin circular connectors. contact sizes 4 through 20.

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NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Manufacturing Technology Hey Yabble announced at Techweek 2021 Hey Yabble is an artificial intelligence-powered super engine, revolutionising the speed and efficiency by which data is transformed into rich insightful knowledge.

responses. Hey Yabble can process the same data in just 47 seconds and provides a full analysis of the coded data with an insight report of its findings and actionable priorities.

Comprised of cutting edge AI tools and algorithms, the New Zealand-made market research insights product allows businesses to save hours in data analysis, dramatically improving productivity and allowing them to use their data smarter.

Hey Yabble is currently in the last phase of a closed-group BETA release that includes Sky New Zealand. Sky’s Customer Experience & Insights Manager Jeremy Duffin said: “We’ve been really impressed with the new Hey Yabble tool, it’s

incredibly fast and accurate. “In comparing Hey Yabble outputs to those created by our insights team, we were able to confirm the accuracy and speed of analysing complex questions, as well as uncover a couple of emerging trends. Hey Yabble is a strong step change in using AI technology to enhance CX insights and outcomes” Hey Yabble will launch to businesses from late June, delivering more insights in less time.

Hey Yabble was announced at Techweek 2021 by co-founders Kathryn Topp and Rachel O’Shea, whose vast experience in research and marketing include the successful innovative market research digital platform Yabble which launched in 2017 and connects with over 62 million consumers worldwide. The Yabble team used their deep research domain expertise to create this new transformational market research insights product. CEO of Hey Yabble, Kathryn Topp commented: “Hey Yabble is a “disruptive” market research tool, changing the way we traditionally approach market research. “By combining five different technologies and more than 20 years of market research expertise amongst our team, we are extremely proud to have been able to deliver a first-in-class AI powered insights generator that will impact the industry and businesses, both big and small, around the world.” On average, an expert coder would take approximately 3.3 hours to handle 1000 survey

PCBflow, cloud-based solution accelerates design-tomanufacturing handoff PCBflow is an innovative cloud-based software solution which bridges the gap between the electronics design and manufacturing ecosystems. PCBflow extends Siemens’ Xcelerator portfolio with a secure environment for printed circuit board (PCB) design teams to interact with a variety of manufacturers, and by rapidly performing a range of design-for-manufacturing (DFM) analyses in the context of each manufacturers’ process capabilities, which helps customers accelerate design-to-production handoff. Powered by industry-leading Valor NPI software engine, which performs over 1000 DFM checks, PCBflow enables PCB design teams to rapidly identify manufacturability violations. These violations are then sorted and prioritised according to level of severity, guiding users through images and locations on the design for easy identification and immediate correction. PCBflow is Siemens’ first step toward PCB assembly

online solutions which automate the design-to-manufacturing handoff process. With a leading position across the design-to-manufacturing flow, Siemens is the first company to offer a marketplace featuring online, fully automated DFM analysis technology, which can help optimise designs, reduce front-end engineering cycles, and streamline designer/manufacturer communication. PCBflow is the ultimate product-design tool, because it supports comprehensive designer/manufacturer collaboration with a closed-loop feedback mechanism that drives continuous improvement. Because customer designs are in sync with the fab’s capabilities, respins can be reduced, time-to-market can be shortened, board quality optimised, and yield enhanced. For manufacturers, PCBflow helps simplify customer onboarding processes and provides designers with a comprehensive source of knowledge, which can streamline customer/manufacturer collaboration. And thanks to manufacturers’ capabilities being shared electronically, lengthy phone calls and email exchanges can be reduced, helping enable real-time customer communication to focus more on strategic, high-value discussion. “PCBflow saves time and costs in the design-to-manufacturing handoff process by addressing manufacturability violations during the design phase,” said Evgeny Makhline, chief technology officer for Nistec, a PCBflow customer. “With PCBflow, producing and reviewing a DFM analysis


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

report takes just minutes instead of hours.” As a software as a service (SaaS) technology, PCBflow incorporates the strict security standards of Siemens’ software, reducing risk and protecting intellectual property (IP) with no additional IT investment. PCBflow works with the Mendix low-code application development platform. The platform provides the ability to build multi-experience apps and share data from any location, on any device, on any cloud or platform, to more quickly realize the benefits of digital transformation. Engineered for ease-of-use, PCBflow requires neither training nor prerequisites, and it is accessible from virtually any location, including mobile phones and tablets. Additionally, PCBflow provides designers with images, tool-tips, measurements and precise locations of solderability issues and other PCB design violations. Reports are available online and in a downloadable PDF format for easy sharing. PCBflow supports the ODB++™ language design file format, IPC 2581, and support for additional formats is planned in 2021.

Manufacturing Technology NVIDIA unveils Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial module Robotics and automation are increasingly used in manufacturing, agriculture, construction, energy, government and other industries, but many companies have struggled to incorporate the benefits of AI and deep learning in the most demanding applications. With the new NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial module, it is possible to deploy AI at the edge in harsh environments where safety and reliability are critical priorities.

to withstand severe shock and vibration and extreme temperature ranges. And it’s pin-, software- and form-factor compatible with the existing Jetson AGX Xavier module, so upgrading is easy.

Built for the Most Demanding Industrial Use Cases The Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial is targeted for applications in industrial, aerospace, defense, construction, agriculture, logistics, inventory management, delivery, inspection and healthcare. Applications enabled across these sectors include worker and site safety, site access and monitoring, and inspection in hazardous and harsh environments, among others. In the oil and gas industry, the Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial streamlines anomaly and failure predictions at the edge by providing real-time insights based on monitoring or inspection of pipelines, valves, equipment and maintenance work.

Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial Module

Extending the capabilities of the Jetson AGX Xavier system-on-module, this new industrial module allows developers to build advanced, AI-enabled ruggedised systems. Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial is built for intelligent video analytics, optical inspection, robotics, computer vision, autonomy and AI in the toughest environments. It comes in a compact, power-efficient design and reliably delivers up to 30 trillion operations per second (TOPS) of AI performance. Built with components tested to demanding industrial standards and including new functional safety capabilities, it’s able

The extended reliability of the module allows it to be used in safety, predictive maintenance and compliance and where equipment remains always-on in changing environmental conditions. In automobile manufacturing facilities, a factory producing more than 1,000 vehicles a day needs to inspect over 6 million welding points on the fly. Using AI and computer vision on the Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial, it can analyse process and quality data directly from weld guns, which reduces inspection time, improves quality prediction and ultimately helps deliver safer cars to consumers.

that must operate reliably in various climates. Farms require tractors that can carry fertilizers and herbicide sprayers, and harvest thousands of acres of crops on various terrains. Unmanned aerial vehicles and drones can experience extreme shock and vibration while flying in harsh environments. Point-of-care ultrasounds and patient monitors require consistent operation over long lifetimes. Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial provides the features necessary to bring autonomy to all of these machines.

Designed for Reliability, Safety and Security Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial combines the supercomputing capabilities of the Jetson AGX Xavier system-on-module with new reliability, availability and serviceability features required to deploy AI in tough environments. These include error correction codes, single error correction, double error detection and parity protection to deliver internal RAM resilience, address and data bus error detection and correction and IP resiliency in industrial applications. The module comes with functional safety capabilities supervised by the Safety Cluster Engine (SCE), making it suitable for safety-certified industrial-grade products. In addition, it has the same key accelerators and high-speed I/Os included with Jetson AGX Xavier. Jetson AGX Xavier Industrial features a 512-core NVIDIA Volta GPU with 64 Tensor Cores, two NVIDIA deep learning accelerators, two vision accelerators, an eight-core NVIDIA Carmel Arm CPU, an encoder and decoder, and more. The SCE contains dual Arm Cortex-R5 processors that can be used for integrated fault-detection mechanisms, lock-step subsystems and enables built-in-system test. The Cortex-R5, which is in an always-on domain, can be used for safety and error correction functions.

The result is more efficient and safer processes, improving productivity and return on investment. Similarly, construction sites employ heavy equipment


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Climate Change Climate 101: Let’s talk about carbon By Barbara Nebel, CEO of thinkstep-anz

In the rising conversations around climate change and climate action, carbon is one of the most significant — and ambiguous — words that can be heard.

More terms are quickly coming out of the woodwork — carbon offsets, scope 3 emissions, science-based targets — but what do they all mean? While the attention on climate action is encouraging, the buzz around climate terminology can become a little hard to follow.

We break down some of the most common and confusing climate related terms to cut through the fog — starting with the puzzling carbon. Are carbon emissions the same as greenhouse gas emissions? Carbon can refer to many different things depending on the context. At its simplest and most accurate, carbon is a chemical element.

due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Climate change refers to warming by both human-related and natural warming, and the effects it has on our planet. Global warming is just one part of climate change; the significance lies in the effects of warmer temperatures which include an increase in frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. What is the first step for a company looking to reduce its emissions? Every carbon reduction journey should start with measuring emissions — you cannot reduce what you do not measure. A key starting point is to calculate the corporate carbon footprint — the sum of greenhouse gas emissions associated with an organisation. This includes direct and indirect sources of emissions such as burning fuel on site and business travel. What are Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions? The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company’s GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’: Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. A corporate carbon footprint should cover all three in alignment with international guidelines (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064) and best practice.

Carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide (CO2) and combines with hydrogen to make methane (CH4) — both are greenhouse gases.

• Scope 1 covers direct emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the organisation including burning fuel on site and company vehicles.

Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming because they form a layer around the earth that acts like a glass house by trapping the heat from incoming sunshine.

• Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from generation of purchased electricity, heating and cooling, and steam consumed by the organisation.

Since carbon is present in many greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, carbon and carbon emissions are used as blanket terms to talk about the different groups of greenhouse gases and their emissions. It doesn’t hurt that carbon also features noticeably less syllables. However, some of these gases such as nitrous oxide, refrigerant gases, and sulfur hexafluoride don’t have anything to do with carbon, but are still sometimes covered under the slightly liberally used term ‘carbon emissions’. This is not only because it’s just easier to use — the standard unit for measuring the impact of greenhouse gas emissions is carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). CO2e expresses the global warming potential of each greenhouse gas in terms of how much CO2 would create the same amount of warming. For example, 1 kg of methane has the same effect as 28 kg of carbon dioxide allowing all greenhouse gases to be measured by the same unit. Why should I care about greenhouse gases? Greenhouse gases contribute to the warming of the Earth’s surface in a naturally occurring process. However, human activities are accelerating the warming process by emitting high levels of greenhouse gases, which will result in dangerous climate related events if we don’t take significant action to curb our emissions. Are global warming and climate change the same? Global warming and climate change are another example of frequently misunderstood words. Global warming refers to the long-term heating of Earth


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

• Scope 3 covers all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain from business travel and employee commuting to purchased goods and services. What is all the fuss about Scope 3?

What are science-based targets and why do they matter for a reduction pathway? Reducing an organisation’s emissions is not about doing what’s easy, it’s about doing what’s enough to limit the worst effects of global warming. Science-based targets help companies to find what is ‘enough’ to limit global warming to well below 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial temperatures, based on the latest climate science. For companies wanting to do their part to limit global warming, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) defines, promotes, and independently assesses their science-based targets. Where does carbon offsetting and insetting come into the picture? When you have reduced emissions as much as possible, the next step can be carbon offsetting or carbon insetting. Both processes allow companies to gain carbon credits to further their carbon reduction journey. They are also useful for companies looking to become zero-carbon certified. When you purchase carbon offsets, you are contributing towards projects that reduce or avoid emissions and which are certified to a carbon standard. Insetting on the other hand, refers to a company’s direct investment within its own value chain to reduce its carbon footprint. For example, Meridian Energy Limited decided to inset locally in New Zealand with their own forest project. Companies can purchase carbon credits via offsetting or create their own supply via insetting. In the long-term, insetting can be a lower risk option as creating your own source for carbon credits leaves you less susceptible to increasing demand and price volatility in the carbon market.

Scope 3 emissions are often in the spotlight more than its counterparts Scopes 1 and 2 for two key reasons. Scope 3 emissions are often not measured or disclosed by companies, yet this is where most of an organisation’s emissions are often found.

Can we just plant trees to offset all emissions?

Scope 3 covers a wide range of emissions including goods and services bought by a company and use of those products and services.

We need to reduce emissions by 45 percent globally by 2030 to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

This means that not covering Scope 3 prevents an organisation from taking accountability for emissions from their value chain. Measuring Scope 3 emissions will help organisations to identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency and reducing costs in their supply chains. It will also enable them to identify the emissions hotspots in their supply chain, assess employee commuting and business travel and work with relevant parties to reduce emissions collectively. Doesn’t Scope 3 essentially mean that we are always double-counting emissions? Scope 3 is used to help companies at an organisational level to understand and be responsible for its emissions, including those resulting from its supply chain. At a national level, Scope 3 does result in double-counting — but measuring emissions at a national level is not its purpose. One company’s Scope 3 emissions are another company’s Scope 1 emissions. If both parties have an interest in reducing their emissions, it needs collaboration in the supply chain.

Offsetting or insetting is not a cure-all for a company’s emissions; only drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels (IPCC 2018).

Trees planted today can’t grow fast enough to achieve this goal — or reduce emissions growth on its own (UNEP, 2019). For companies committed to playing their part in achieving national and global climate goals, the action plan starts with measuring and reducing as much as possible, and then offsetting what cannot be reduced any further. Why is climate terminology so important? We need to turn toward more sustainable methods of producing things and running organisations to protect the planet and its inhabitants from the worst effects of global warming. But this requires an understanding of key climate-related words and terms first — the common language to achieve this common goal.

Analysis The future potential of process control systems By Matt Hale, International Sales & Marketing Manager, HRS Heat Exchangers

Thanks to developments such as Industry 4.0, increasing digitisation, and the development of the cloud, together with improvements in process control and communication technology, it is easier than ever for equipment manufacturers to offer remote assistance and monitoring. The restrictions on travel and face-to-face working imposed the Coronavirus pandemic highlighted the benefits of remote commissioning to companies, many of whom are now looking to extract the most benefit from this technology. Companies offer remote telemetry and control options for all applicable products and systems, using class-leading technology from both Siemens and Allen-Bradley Products. Both companies are well established in the sector: Allen-Bradley developed the original programmable logic controller (PLC) in the 1970s, while Siemens have been involved in the steering group for Industry 4.0 since the term was first coined at the 2011 Hannover Fair. A PLC is essentially a solid-state computer which monitors inputs and outputs and uses this information to make logic-based decisions to control automated processes or machinery. PLCs are more robust than other computers and can therefore survive harsh operating conditions including heat, cold, and dusty or moist environments – making them ideal for use in industrial situations where reliability is paramount, including their use in heat exchangers and process systems. A typical PLC will consist of a central processing unit (CPU), together with a power supply and input and output modules. Programming of the PLC can either be carried out directly, using an attached panel, or remotely using a PC or tablet connected by a cable of wireless connection. Heat exchanger manufacturers are keen to exploit the potential of the process controls which regulate and monitor the processes involved in their heat exchange systems (ensuring that equipment operates reliably and efficiency) – to improve levels of operational knowledge, process management and operational efficiency. It goes without saying that process controls need to operate reliably over the working life of the equipment of which they are a part, another reason for using tried and tested systems from established manufacturers. Process controls can incorporate a range of functions, such as visualization and Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions, as well as programming tools and advanced software applications. Companies utilise a combination of PLCs and graphic terminals to provide easy to use, reliable controls for human-machine interface operation. Again, this ensures a robust control system compared with alternatives such as PCs or tablets. Heat exchanger manufacturers also utilises a standard suites of bespoke software which has often been developed in-house to monitor and control key parameters such as material levels, flow rates and density, as well as aspects such as valve position, temperature and the flows of inputs and outputs. This standard data can easily be transferred to remote systems – either those belonging to the client or the

equipment manufacturer, using either hardwired (ethernet) or wireless (4G/5G) communication technology. Security is a key consideration for both the hardware manufacturers and our software engineers, meaning that clients can be confident that their data and equipment will remain safe. Remote operation and monitoring provide a number of benefits, including the ability for clients to view and control equipment from a central point, something which is particularly beneficial for complex installations, or those which are spread across numerous buildings or sites. It also allows the manufacturer’s engineering staff to assist with operations such as commissioning, upgrading or running-in, and to provide ongoing technical support should this be required. The Coronavirus pandemic has introduced many new businesses to virtual or remote commissioning, demonstrating benefits that go beyond avoiding the need to fly personnel around the globe. For example, clients have discovered that they can use remote commission to test automation functions in advance, discovering and rectify faults well before the factory acceptance test (FAT) stage. Looking to the future, digital process control technology is likely to become even more beneficial to processing industries. If we consider where such technology was 15 years ago, it is possible to see that in the next five to 10 years we will see a real shift in process control – facilitated by technical developments such as open architecture, data exchange protocols, 5G and HTML5 – which will make it even easier for systems to talk directly to each other – the need to download of swap CSV files and spreadsheets of data will become obsolete, so there will be no more need for physical data transfer using memory cards or USB sticks which can easily become lost and/or corrupted. As clients and suppliers increase their engagement with this technology, the improved communication will begin to fulfil its potential to provide long terms process and efficiency improvements. Control software can be constantly kept up to date, helping to keep systems operating at peak efficiency, but it is perhaps in the area of simulation that the greatest benefits could eventually be realised. Engineers

commentators increasingly refer to the concept of a ‘digital twin’ – a virtual version of a physical system or piece of equipment which can be used to simulate any change to operation, from differences in product specification to adjusting physical settings such as valve diameter or tube length. Digital twins offer huge benefits in terms of cost and time compared with full size physical systems, and greatly reduce the economic and technical risks associated with process modification and new product development (NPD). Such systems are already widespread in the design phase of heat exchange equipment, but the difference in the future is that they will be used for the day-to-day management and operation of equipment. When coupled with artificial intelligence (AI), such virtual systems can determine the optimum hygiene regimes, best energy efficiency and even the most productive time of day to run certain operations. While most technology is not at this advanced level yet, there is no doubt that as an industry we are getting closer. It is important to stress that the idea of a ‘digital twin’ is not an all or nothing term. Digital twins will probably develop gradually as plant- and operational-data is slowly combined with corresponding models of the system, resulting in cloud-based applications which will mirror, and then control, the status of the physical equipment. Of course, if such a future is to be realised, then information technology (IT) and operational engineering functions will need to become even closer, a trend which we are already seeing in many businesses. Industry 4.0 is a term that is often discussed, but not always fully appreciated. However, the last year has begun to show us what the near future will look like for process control.

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NZ Manufacturer June 2021




Company Profile Angel Food

July 2021 Issue

Alice Shopland, Founder and Managing What does your company do? Angel Food creates dairy-free and vegan dairy alternatives. Our current range includes alternatives to cheddar, mozzarella, cream cheese and powdered parmesan.


Our products are stocked in major supermarkets all over New Zealand, and used by food service customers including Hell Pizza and Pizza Hut and The Cheesecake Shop, and manufacturing customers including Dad’s Pies, Goodtime Pies, and Leader. How long have you been in business?


I established Angel Food in 2006 because I wanted to play a part in making vegan food mainstream initially we imported dairy-free cheese from the UK, but by 2014 we had developed our own formulation and launched the first New Zealand-made dairy-free cheese alternative.

INDUSTRY 4.0 FOOD MANUFACTURING Advertising Booking Deadline – 9 July 2021 Advertising Copy Deadline – 9 July 2021 Editorial Copy Deadline – 9 July 2021 Advertising – For bookings and further information contact: Doug Green, P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email:

Part of the testing process was trials at our local Hell pizza - and they were one of our first customers when we launched. We also got straight into various New World stores, and we haven’t looked back. What’s your background? I’ve always had an amateur interest in food, especially unusual food or interesting dietary requirements. I was a freelance writer for magazines for a long time, and I loved interviewing small business owners - their creativity and determination were inspiring, and I was attracted to the idea of setting up my own business. But it wasn’t until I became vegan in 2004, and realised the dire lack of decent vegan cheese options, that my business mission became clear.

Editorial material to be sent to :

Do you export?

Doug Green,

We are constantly fielding export enquiries, and developing our export strategy is our top priority at the moment. Aotearoa is world-famous for the quality of its dairy products - I want to see our country move with the times and gain global recognition for the quality of its dairy alternatives!

P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email: Tel: 06 870 9029

At NZ MANUFACTURER our aim is to keep our readers up to date with the latest industry news and manufacturing advances in a tasty morsel, ensuring they do not get left behind in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving manufacturing world. Opinion

As I See It

Manufacturing Profiles

Business News

Letters to the Editor


Politics of Manufacturing

Around New Zealand

Trade Fair World Diary of Events World Market Report Q/A

Where are the growth opportunities for Angel Food? We’re fortunate to be in a growth market, with about 30% of the Kiwi population now actively reducing their intake of animal products (but still loving the taste of cheese!). So there’s a lot of organic growth for us in New Zealand, especially in food service and supplying ingredients to manufacturers.

Regularly, in positive and negative ways. For example, I’m surprised and saddened that so much research is going into reducing methane emissions from cows, rather than phasing the poor blighters out of the food system - we can get all of our nutritional requirements from plants. And I’m surprised and delighted that I can now go to almost any petrol station in the country and get a great vegan pie and a vegan Magnum icecream - things have changed massively since I first went vegan in 2004. What changes do you see in ingredients in the future? We’ll continue to see very specialised ingredients being developed for plant-based products - and I expect that nutritional claims and wholefood status will become increasingly important. How are you conditions?




It’s easier now than it was a year ago, because constant change has become our norm - and our nimbleness is a real asset. But sea freight delays are frustrating, and the increased cost (and delays) of airfreight are challenging when we’re trying to explore new markets. It’s been great to attend international conferences which have pivoted to online - although after one “all day” conference based in Europe (i.e. all night in NZ) I did feel as jetlagged as if I’d actually flown to Europe!

However, the big prize is the big overseas markets demand for vegan food is blossoming everywhere!

Australian Report New to the Market

continued from Page 1

Where are our world class companies?

Lean Manufacturing

Export News

Equipment for Sale

growth culture.

Machine Tools


Business Opportunities

Environmental Technology


Manufacturing Processes

Some of these other SAE economies are outperforming us two-to-one. Imagine if we produced twice as much output per dollar invested.


In the ever-changing food market are you ever surprised?

NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

The country could ensure minimum standards for

pay, housing, fully fund Pharmac, and build the roads and infrastructure we need. My point is this is a goal and mission worth pursuing for all our wellbeing.

I’m keen, let’s do this.

Manufacturing Technology The benefits of ERP for manufacturers and distributors By Rob Stummer, Asia Pacific CEO at SYSPRO There are several challenges that are keeping manufacturers and distributors awake at night. The most dangerous of these is the uncontrollable forces driving fundamental changes in the industry and include the global pandemic, international trade wars, the rise of globalisation, changing regulations and emerging technologies, to name but a few. The most critical of these being that many businesses are still reliant on manual or paper-based systems and on top of that, management systems are ageing and disparate. To address these challenges, IDC predicts that global spending on digital transformation technologies and services is forecast to grow 10.4 percent to $1.3 trillion in the next year. While the stats show an increased uptake in technologies such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), for many businesses, there has been a hesitation around the adoption of ERP. Concerns centre around costs and time considerations, while many still believe their legacy systems are doing enough to keep the lights on. ERP implementations are also a complex task for most businesses. While those figures are distressingly high, the key to a successful ERP implementation is to understand the key objectives of your ERP implementation, and how the ERP solution will address the pain points in your organisation, and how it will improve your customers’ experience.

What is ERP? In summary, ERP systems standardise, automate and integrate the core business processes. The standardisation of business processes allows the organisation to consistently do things the same way and easily understand if a problem occurs. The automation of business processes integrates disparate business processes, ERP simplifies data and information transfer across the organisation, ensuring coherent information in all systems while also avoiding duplication of effort. Disparate systems encourage discontinuity between processes and result in people working at cross purposes in different parts of the organisation. Simply put, the ERP becomes the heart of a business.

ERP allows for comprehensive compliance as well as traceability Globally, manufacturers and distributors need to comply with several regulations to ensure a safe working environment, product traceability and adherence to regulatory reporting. The ERP system can produce the reports that are required to comply with the regulated reporting.

As a single source of truth for companies, ERP allows businesses to operate with real-time data. Leadership can therefore take decisions consensually as they share the same data and insights.

From defence contracting through to food and beverage production, granular traceability of product details such as supplier and material sources, material changes and customer deliveries of specific batches, as well as the ability to audit all material transactions are expected.

The business can also automate tasks, while eliminating the tracking of operations via spreadsheets, which in turn can drastically reduce manual errors, duplication of work and free up employees’ time so that they can focus on more important tasks.

From a traceability perspective, a product recall system allows manufacturers to perform a full product recall quickly and efficiently by having instant access to all the critical information needed to track a suspect product, throughout the value chain.

The ERP platform also is able to connect to Internet of Things (IoT) devices to collect live data to assist in closely monitoring critical processes and quality.

It supplies the necessary information to identify, isolate and action the activities that need to occur within the predetermined recall time limit.

ERP offers a single source of truth


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NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Comment A manufacturing first: how the pandemic has paved the way to a flexible work model By Kevin Piccione, President, Sealed Air Asia Pacific

Flexible working is here to stay, and it doesn’t discriminate by industry. In fact, recent research by Microsoft estimates that, across a range of industries in APAC, 73 percent of workers want flexible remote work options to continue, while 67 percent are craving more in-person time with their teams. A flexible set-up is all well and good for those of us tethered to laptops, but not necessarily an option for those in industries like manufacturing, right? Not quite. The Covid-19 pandemic forced non-location dependent peoples across Asia Pacific and the world into their homes for months. This created a need for all businesses, including those that provide essential goods and services, to swiftly adopt a new way of work where adaptability - and sometimes ingenuity – has been a means to survive and provide business continuity.

In January 2021, we started a targeted transition to flexible way of work because we believe it will allow our employees more choice, flexibility and help support their overall wellbeing.

Re-thinking factory work

For example, encouraging plant engineers to work with their managers to determine work that can be performed off-site and prompting operations managers to identify responsibilities that can be completed remotely, including planning, project management, data analysis and scheduling.

The pandemic has caused businesses at large, including manufacturing companies, to rethink location-dependent work versus non-location dependent work. The contract between employer and employee has fundamentally changed and companies that fail to rethink the workplace risk being left behind by employees in pursuit of a more flexible arrangement. From the office to the shop floor, businesses are experimenting with new operating models that do not require everyone to be physically present. Many companies eased into the transition by implementing temporary flexible work options, with long-term arrangements that prioritised and normalised flexibility. This requires a shift away from the time and attendance tradition toward more performance-based work. Where and how the agreed upon output is delivered is now open to discussion. Employees are more empowered to meet set workplace expectations and adjust schedules to better manage their own work and personal lives. For some companies, that decision is a bit more nuanced. At Sealed Air, for example, we have employees in a wide variety of roles from manufacturing and lab operations to sales and marketing. In determining the future of our workplace and company culture, we recognised the need for an integrated and inclusive approach to flexible work – one that ensured every employee’s voice was heard and their wellbeing considered. Over the past year, we have learned a great deal from working remotely during the pandemic. We have listened to our employees and consulted with experts and even our customers and suppliers on the future of work.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

For traditional office workers, it’s easier to make the transition to a remote or flexible approach. For those in manufacturing roles, we’ve considered making it available where possible for certain positions.

For on-site production teams, it is about ensuring they get the necessary support to do their work effectively and provide the services for which they are employed in a safe and efficient manner. What we’ve realised through this experience is that flexible work is possible for more roles than previously considered, and that some of the off-site work can be completed while still maintaining the same level of quality and output. It also provides perspectives on the future of office space and real estate. The ability to remain innovative and adaptable to the new ways of working will determine long-term success. With more people working remotely, assessing the impacts from reduced face-to-face interactions and socialisation will necessitate the need to track and monitor morale, wellbeing and retention. This is alongside the need to ensure a safe and ergonomic work environment, wherever the employee may be.

Flexibility with predictability With the stricter health and safety protocols at the workplace, the new normal actually provides clearer delineation of roles and responsibilities, leading to a more structured and safer way of operating. On the factory floor, well-defined rules of who needs to be on the floor – and who does not –leads to fewer distractions. Because flexible work isn’t a one-size-fits all

solution, it’s important to provide education and training for employees and managers alike on how to work in a more digitally connected environment. For those in manufacturing roles, it could mean equipping and broadening skillsets to enable greater independence to tackle and anticipate issues. It could mean empowering them with digital skills to collaborate with global colleagues or knowledge that is transferable across different sites. For managers, there is a greater imperative to lead with empathy, creating spaces for open communication and continuously checking in with employees to gauge sentiment and wellbeing.

Technology for smart manufacturing Implementing the right technology is critical to the success of all flexible working initiatives. The pandemic acted as a catalyst for technology to be used within manufacturing facilities, such as greater automation and robotics on the shop floor to optimise processes and provide touchless opportunities to promote employee safety and improve productivity. This is a good time to consider how technology can improve existing operations. From remote troubleshooting and monitoring of machines to tracking compliance and understanding workforce health, smart factory solutions can help to mitigate business and safety risks in the new normal. At Sealed Air, we are already embarking on our digital transformation journey and the future of work. We envision the future workplace to be a blend of activities in the physical and digital space, where there can be even greater collaboration, inclusivity, and shared learning opportunities. We’ve witnessed a monumental change to the way we do business. The pandemic is pushing us to innovate, adapt and make decisions in the best interests of a safe and productive workforce. By applying what we already know from working remotely over the last year and continuing to keep our employees’ needs and safety top of mind, we can strengthen performance and culture in a way we have never seen before.

ADVISORS Mike Shatford

is an expert in the field of technology development and commercialisation. His company Design Energy Limited has completed over 100 significant projects in this vein by consulting for and partnering with some of New Zealand’s leading producers. Among Mike and his team’s strengths are industrial robotics and automated production where the company puts much of its focus.

Sandra Lukey

Sandra Lukey is the founder of Shine Group, a consultancy that helps science and technology companies accelerate growth. She is a keen observer of the tech sector and how new developments create opportunity for future business. She has over 20 years’ experience working with companies to boost profile and build influential connections.

Iain Hosie

Iain Hosie, NanoLayr, Technical Director and Founder Iain is the co-Founder and Technical Director of Revolution Fibres. Iain has been deeply involved in nanofibre production and the development of many unique nanofibre products in the past ten years. Iain co-founded Revolution Fibres in 2009 and led the business since 2012, taking it from a small start-up to a recognszed leader in nanofibre production. Iain has recently moved to the Technical Director role – with a focus on keeping Revolution Fibres at the forefront of textiles innovation.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


How scalable data centres help Mainfreight’s vision No one can accuse Mainfreight of thinking small. You have to think big to take a local trucking company in New Zealand and grow it to a global logistics giant — one with warehouses around the world. That bold thinking about growth means they don’t just think five or 10 years down the road. As a leading shipping company, Mainfreight needed an easy-to manage — yet state-of-the-art — data centre that would meet present-day needs and support their growing global expansion. The challenge was completing it in three months, from design to implementation. Schneider Electric modernised Mainfreight’s existing data centre infrastructure in Hamilton. In less than 12 weeks, Schneider deployed a modular, scalable EcoStruxure data centre with the performance Mainfreight needs to run their business well into their future. Expandable UPS, power, cooling, and enhanced software capabilities provide flexibility for future growth. EcoStruxure IT on-premise DCIM solution takes data from connected devices, delivering the analytics and visibility Mainfreight identifies as key to their growth ambitions. A partner who delivers “Schneider Electric isn’t just a vendor, they’re a partner of ours,” said Hall. “As our company also grows and develops we see Schneider potentially getting involved in other parts of our business, whether it is building management, services, or the many other solutions which they can provide as well.” EcoStruxure software provides Mainfreight with the


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


necessary visibility to maintain the performance and the efficiency of their infrastructure. The software is particularly beneficial on the company’s operations, helping them monitor, manage and maintain data centres that are remote to where IT teams are based. This goes beyond just modernising their systems to be set up for technological advances. It also means collecting data that allows Mainfreight to pursue new services to customers that give them an edge on the competition. “The ability to provide big data-type analytics on what their business is doing in terms of stock levels and other things like that, has become quite an invaluable thing,” Hall explained. A system with flexibility for growth Mainfreight’s systems have grown as the company has grown. There’s been a shift from the use of manual systems into automated systems, with opportunities for the use of Electronic Data Interchange to automate the way customers transact with them and vice versa. “As a logistics company, we’ve become this hub for data moving in and out of our business,” said Hall. “We are developing ways to capture that data, manipulate it, analyse it, and provide something useful back to our customers they can then use to help their businesses grow.” Modernising for the future and to accommodate where the business is moving with the demands on data storage and analytics, Mainfreight constructed a new data centre in New Zealand which houses all

the necessary infrastructure to provide the platform to deliver those exact types of services. Pressed with a tight deadline due to an expiring facility contract, Mainfreight and Schneider worked together to overcome the construction challenges and achieve the data centre build requirements ahead of schedule. “The speed at which Schneider was able to implement the solution gave us the breathing space in other parts of the project,” Hall said. With Schneider, Mainfreight has identified a partner they can depend on to help them fulfil their bold promises for the future. The Results • Modernised, scalable and efficient data centre solution • From planning to operation in three months — four weeks ahead of schedule • Full visibility into performance with EcoStruxure IT software and services • Peace of mind that the solution can scale with their business needs

Surf Loch creates the perfect wave Surf Loch has been developing wave-making technology since the 1980s, and is using software from Siemens’ Xcelerator portfolio and automation technology to create wave pools that deliver ocean-quality waves which can be tailored to each individual surfer. By combining the digital and real worlds in a comprehensive digital twin, Surf Loch has been able to master the creation of custom waves through software simulations, before building and testing in a physical facility. This has enabled Surf Loch to deliver waves that match the needs of the surfer and produce them consistently and reliably according to their individual skill level. In addition to its software solutions, Surf Loch leverages other parts of Siemens’ Digital Enterprise portfolio, such as automation and drive technology, to optimize their surf pools. “When we make a wave, we’re controlling every aspect of how that wave gets formed, to the 1000th of a second,” said Tom Lochtefeld, founder and CEO of Surf Loch. “Working with Siemens gives us the unique ability to connect the real and digital worlds to achieve that level of precision. By embracing this kind of digital mindset, we can provide surfers with 400 waves an hour; in the ocean, the average surfer would be lucky to get five.” Surf Loch’s vision is to make the sport accessible to anyone anywhere while not compromising on the

unique ocean experience. As surfing continues to increase in global popularity, Surf Loch aims to attract and serve more surfers in their pools to reduce the overall human impact on natural beaches. Surf Loch uses a range of solutions from the Xcelerator portfolio to create different wave variances while still ensuring they feel like surfing on the ocean. The team creates a digital twin of the wave, and then uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and multidisciplinary optimization to identify all the key set points of the wave generation equipment to produce the desired wave. Surf Loch also uses Teamcenter software to manage data and documents, and through cloud capabilities can work with partners to revise drawings and design collaboratively. As Surf Loch grows and expands to multiple global sites, including Las Vegas, Cabo San Lucas, Amsterdam and Sydney, it plans to leverage this technology to drive efficiency, optimise energy consumption and leverage predictive maintenance.

MindSphere, the industrial IoT as a service solution from Siemens, enables Surf Loch to measure asset performance and schedule service as well as to monitor and manage assets locally. Before leveraging Xcelerator, Surf Loch started using Simotion motion control, Sinamics drive technology and the engineering framework TIA Portal from Siemens to reach the needed accuracy of the physical waves in the pool. Together, the solutions create versatile and customisable waves. They allow beginners to learn on a consistent, repeatable waveform, whereas more skilled surfers can choose which waves they want to ride.

SILVER line-up released

Creaform’s latest addition to its HandySCAN 3D line-up offer is the SILVER series. It has more than 5000 users already. The SILVER Series captures highly accurate and repeatable 3D measurements of any complex surface in any location. It is supported by a global team of engineers and technicians. The SILVER series offers a versatile professional 3D scanner, with all the features that made the HandySCAN 3D scanners the reference in the industry: • Quality optics: Provides reliable and maximized scan quality with an accuracy of up to 0.030 mm (0.0015 in). • 7 lasers crosses: Can quickly capture the surfaces

in the entire field of view with a scan area of 275 x 250 mm (10.8 x 9.8 in). • Versatility: One device for all shapes and sizes, it masters various objects regardless of the part size, complexity, material, or color. • Plug and play: A simple user interface and real-time visualization offers an ease of use and a short learning curve, regardless of the user’s experience or expertise level. • On the go scanning: Portable, lightweight and quick to set up, it can be up and running in less than 2 minutes, either in-house or on site.

• Available in 2 models: Customers can choose from two models based on their business needs -HandySCAN 307 or the HandySCAN 700.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Green hydrogen deal demonstrates energy certificate Tim Middlehurst, Chief Executive, Certified Energy. Certified Energy manages the New Zealand Energy Certificate System. Earlier this year, BOC announced it would be the first company in New Zealand to produce ‘green hydrogen’. This represents a major development for companies wanting to achieve their sustainability goals but which rely on gas for industrial processing. BOC produces hydrogen at its Glenbrook facility, using only electricity and water through a process called electrolysis. In a deal through the NZECS with South Island-based renewable generator Kea Energy, BOC will purchase generation certificates from Kea’s hydro facility and new solar installation in Wairau, the largest solar farm in New Zealand. By matching the certificates to its electricity use, BOC is achieving the lowest carbon emissions possible to generate hydrogen. For BOC, this is hugely important for its own emissions reporting and international reputation. It can now describe the hydrogen it is producing from this plant as ‘green’. Kea, in turn, receives the benefit of an additional income stream beyond selling its energy via the wholesale market - a reward for generating emissions-free electricity. With this income it has more security for potential expansion in future. Leading New Zealand businesses, including those

in the Climate Leaders Coalition and Sustainable Business Council, are seeking multiple ways to reduce their carbon footprint, responding to demand from investors, regulators and consumers. They are also looking to act now, rather than wait for the government to provide solutions. Transpower’s roadmap for New Zealand has identified electrification of light vehicles and light duty trucks, as well as low temperature process heat, as two of our biggest opportunities to reduce emissions in the next 10 years. As electrification advances, total electricity demand will inevitably increase. The Climate Change Commission forecasts that total generation will need to grow by more than 10 TWh by 2035 , and Transpower predicts at least an additional 20 TWh will be needed by 2050. Without increasing renewable electricity generation, demand will fall heavily on the remaining geothermal and coal assets. To keep future emissions from electricity generation low, we will need even more new wind and solar facilities in the coming years, and committing to new projects is always daunting at the leading edge of a transition. The NZECS supports generators to invest now for the coming demand. Income from certificates can make a new renewable project economic to build and run, or provide the capital boost that enables a generator to expand its existing

operation. Energy certificates can also form part of a businesses’ sustainability story by contributing to low carbon products or supporting corporate-wide decarbonisation. In addition, renewable gas (primarily biomethane sourced from sustainably-sourced biomass and ‘green’ hydrogen) is gaining popularity around the world as a low-emissions alternative to natural gas and transport fuel. Companies like Firstgas, Hiringa Energy and BOC are already investigating how to bring green hydrogen onstream for consumers in New Zealand to help with the energy transition. Renewable gases have the potential to help many large energy users to reduce their emissions, particularly where electrification is not currently an option. Certified Energy is currently exploring what a system would look like for certifying renewable gas. We know businesses are enthusiastic about better understanding their emissions profile and taking real steps on the journey to be carbon neutral. Energy certificates are not a silver bullet by any means, but they can be an important piece of the overall solution to reduce New Zealand’s emissions.

Sustainability Fund projects announced at AGM HERA has given the green light to training and three research projects as part of its $100K sustainability research and training fund aimed at improving steel’s sustainability performance. This includes: • development of carbon in steel training for engineers and architects/ designers/specifiers; • HERA online corrosion category map; • development of numerical indentation simulation to facilitate structural steel re-use; and • material passport for structural steel re-use. Development of carbon in steel training for engineers and architects/designers/specifiers HERA will work with university collaborators to develop a training program on the carbon credentials of steel for Engineers, Designers and Architects. This will be based on LCA and EPD data and HERA’s zero carbon steel carbon offset program, developed in collaboration with thinkstepANZ and EKOS. HERA on-line corrosion category map HERA has recently developed a GIS model covering the whole of NZ with shapefiles of the corrosion categories, based on Table 2 from TS3404 overlaid on


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the more general dataset that has been developed by NIWA and HERA and used for the maps in TS3404. The resultant tool will enable users to search by address and determine a corrosion classification based on Table 2. This will also identify how close a site is to the boundary of a corrosion classification. Such sites may require more in-depth investigation before allocating a classification. This tool will assist engineers to improve the specification of steel coatings for the correct macroclimate corrosion zone and therefore support correct specification and improved durability. Development of numerical indentation simulation to facilitate structural steel reuse Steel re-use has the potential of saving up to 96% of environmental impacts compared to new steel, so it significantly improves construction sustainability. One of the hypothesised barriers to steel reuse is concern related to steel properties. To re-use structural steel elements, it must be verified that they have not been subjected to their yield stress. To determine this, lab testing is required, or conservative re-use assumptions must be made. Lab testing is intrusive and costly, so it likely to be amongst the most important barriers to structural element re-use. This research will investigate the feasibility of non-intrusive, cost-effective approaches to estimate mechanical properties of structural steel to facilitate reuse.

Material passport for structural steel re-use Structural steel materials have potential to be re-used across multiple construction projects over time, as in certain circumstances (given availability of required data) a quick initial review can be conducted to identify suitability of reuse before demolition. The aim of this research will be to identify roadblocks and barriers to re-use structural steel. This project will first investigate the role of a data platform in facilitating steel re-use. Then a material passport decision-making framework will be developed. These research and training programs fall under the remit of HERA’s Manager Structural Systems, Kaveh Andisheh (pictured), to drive and manage. He brings over 17 years’ consulting and research experience to HERA. His on-going areas of focus include steel and steel-concrete composite structures in general, and low damage seismic solution, corroded structures, structural fire, sustainability, and structural health monitoring. He has worked extensively on the delivery of complex structural and earthquake engineering projects both nationally and abroad and is committed to increasing member productivity through national and international standards, design guides, research outcomes and innovation.

LifecycleIQ Services helps improve business sustainability To help companies innovate faster and improve efficiencies during the age of digitalisation, Rockwell Automation is evolving its service and solutions capabilities and launching a new brand: LifecycleIQ Services.

enables better planning and services every aspect of the plant, from design to safe operations, enabling reduced energy usage, minimised wastage, and maximised output. Industrial companies can use LifecycleIQ Services to achieve outcomes like:

By combining digital technologies with expansive human know-how, the services help companies work faster, smarter and with greater agility at every point in their business cycle.

Capturing more value from digital transformation initiatives

The services can help companies realise the power of a Connected Enterprise during the design, operations, and maintenance stages in greenfield and brownfield facilities. LifecycleIQ Services create a more intimate customer engagement model, one that can help companies not only solve problems, but also see new possibilities in production and transform them into reality One challenge faced by many industrial players in Asia-Pacific is how to adopt smart manufacturing technology quickly whilst seamlessly integrating legacy equipment and machinery. LifeCycleIQ Services help to address this unmet need holistically, enabling enterprises to be future-ready by incorporating agility and flexibility in both infrastructure and processes. Driving efficiencies also continues to be increasingly important to businesses across every sector in the region, with growing attention on sustainable operations. LifeCycleIQ Services

Digital initiatives can struggle to get off the ground because companies don’t know what steps to take or where to start. Using the knowledge and experience within LifecycleIQ Services, companies can strategically plan, implement and scale their digital initiatives. Support can begin with defining strategic objectives, identifying use cases and quantifying business value. Rockwell Automation can then continue to support customers through implementation, ongoing maintenance and continuous innovation. Reducing risk with comprehensive cybersecurity support Cybersecurity is a top priority today, but few companies have specialists with both information and operations technology (IT/OT) security knowledge. Rockwell Automation is uniquely equipped to address complex security challenges in IT/OT environments. The company understands the OT environment and how it interfaces with IT and follows industry security standards. LifecycleIQ Services can help companies adopt a

proactive cybersecurity approach and address the entire attack continuum – before, during and after an event. Also, as more companies connect their plants to remote workers and partners like original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), Rockwell Automation can help protect those connections with secure remote access and security posture assessment services. Improving workforce support Companies need new ways to support their workforces as they contend with global health challenges and skills shortages brought on by the retirement of trained workers and an influx of new technologies. They also need workforce support as they seek to make the most of IIoT technologies. LifecycleIQ Services can help companies address their unique workforce challenges and gaps by assessing needs, identifying priorities and creating workforce development programs. Rockwell Automation also uses remote support capabilities and augmented reality technologies to help companies interact virtually with support engineers, strengthen skills with virtual training, and provide safety and security services without sending people into plants.

Raising the bar for automated microchip testing esmo group a full-service systems integrator that provides innovative and advanced engineering services — has rolled out upgrades and additional features for the talos 2021 system. First launched in 2019, the talos engineering handler is a reliable and easy-to-use handling system for semiconductor test applications, and is esmo’s solution to the industry’s need to cost-effectively test increasingly compact and complex devices within a shorter period of time. At the core of the talos engineer handler is its state-of-the-art active thermal control system (ATC), which allows manufacturers to carry out multiple test temperature cycles and achieve the highest temperature accuracy. The talos engineering handler provides semiconductor companies with the most stringent quality control and assurance, ensuring products are tested to specification.

Its tray or tube loading and unloading feature also makes it possible for manufacturers to run the talos system in a mixed media operation. As such, loading trays, tubes, and tapes can be combined with their unloading counterparts, and devices can even be sorted from one media to another, such as from tube to tray. Designed to meet both test and production floor requirements, the talos handling system features a highly accurate pick-and-place robot system and a standard docking interface that is compatible with all testers. The talos can also be employed as a basic, kit-less test handler, or as an advanced test handling system with its expansive selection of optional modules. Key features of the talos: • -60°C to +175°C (-76°F to +347°F) device testing temperature with ATC — Temperature is measured

and controlled at the contact plunger to ensure highest accuracy levels • Junction regulation option available — Users can control the device’s core temperature, compensating power dissipation for highest temperature accuracy • Low test time — Minimal adjustment and conversion efforts required • High contact force of 450 N and above • Multiple automated test cycles at different temperatures within a short timeframe • High system uptimes and power-on times achievable at lower maintenance costs • Compact test cell footprint (in combination with esmo’s phoenix cart) • Moveable and modular system • Remote control available via Ethernet

A highly flexible and cost-effective test system, the talos platform helps manufacturers achieve faster time-to-yield with higher overall equipment efficiency. Furthermore, its remote control and monitoring feature allows businesses to remotely manage and conduct device handling. The talos system supports the testing of devices with any site pitch dimension, which allows semiconductor companies to use already existing production load boards and sockets seamlessly.


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


New Products Bearings reduce wear in heavy-duty applications Lubrication-free and maintenance-free heavy-duty material iglidur TX2 shows a 3.5-fold improvement in wear behaviour in tests. Especially for heavy-duty applications in the construction machinery or agricultural industry, Treotham now has the new igus tribo-material iglidur TX2 in its product range, which works without lubrication.

fabric, are used where very high loads occur. Here, the extremely strong filament in its specially interwoven design ensures maximum resistance and enables a maximum permissible compressive strength of 400 MPa.

Even small excavators still need 50 litres of lubricant every year.

The newly developed material was extensively tested on indoor and outdoor test rigs in the 3,800 square metre igus test laboratory.

The wound plain bearing bushings withstand very strong forces and increase wear resistance by a factor of 3.5 in load ranges with more than 100 MPa surface pressure. Machines and agricultural vehicles: the construction or mining industries are exposed to challenging environmental conditions every day. Cold, heat, dust and dirt have a strong effect on the bearing points. Treotham offers an alternative to frequently used metallic solutions with its igus plain bearing technology. Another material combination for wound bushings complements the range of injection-moulded bearings in the heavy-duty range. High load, low wear Tribo plain bearings, made of high-strength filament

Pivot tests on hard-chrome shafts showed that iglidur TX2 is around 3.5 times more wear-resistant than the standard heavy-duty material TX1. Like all iglidur plain bearings, iglidur TX2 is self-lubricating and operates dry, preventing dirt from adhering to the bearing points. This reduces maintenance and repair costs, as well as machine failures due to insufficient lubrication. As the material is also very resistant to temperature, chemicals and moisture, plain bearings made of iglidur TX2 can be used in many other areas. Due to the freedom from corrosion and seawater resistance, they can also be used, for example, in moving applications in the maritime sector. Diameters of up to 2,800 millimetres are feasible.

Lubrication-free, heavy-duty, wear-resistant: the new heavy-duty material iglidur TX2 saves costs and extends the service life in construction and agricultural machinery.

In any case, the application of iglidur TX2 takes into account increased sustainability requirements, both underwater and onshore. Since iglidur TX2 bearings do not need lubrication, the customer benefits threefold: not only saving costs for oil or grease and maintenance time, but also no lubricant is released into the environment. iglidur TX2 is available as a standard product range in the diameters 20 to 80 millimetres.

Kemppi Australia’s Art of Welding Competition is on again

Kemppi Australia has launched its Art of Welding Competition for 2021. The competition showcases “welding art” which can take the form of a welded sculpture, pattern design, a motif or an object. The welding process involved to create the art piece can be manual or use more advanced techniques such as robotics, lasers or friction welding.

Last year, the company launched its inaugural competition and was overwhelmed by the excellent response from both professional artists and amateurs alike. “It’s amazing to see the artistic flair that is well and truly alive not just among metal artists but also welders, apprentices, teachers and hobbyists,” said Paul McVicar, Managing Director, Kemppi Australia. This year, the competition also features a dedicated amateur category.

that include Kemppi welding equipment, helmets and clothing. The competition will run until Thursday 30th September and is open to anyone in Australia and New Zealand over the age of 18. For more information on how to enter visit the Kemppi Australia Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn pages or message Kemppi Australia’s social media pages directly. Alternatively, email skettos@skettos. for a copy of the competition flyer.

Entrants can win from a pool of four great prizes

Packaging inspired by nature’s principles Sandvik Coromant, is launching an optimised packaging solution to level up its operational sustainability. Developed by R&D engineer and system developer Maria Rajabzadeh Namaghi as part of Sandvik Coromant’s Automation Platform team, the solution uses artificial intelligence (AI) to determine the smallest possible packaging required to contain a product, reducing costs and CO2 emissions in the process. Packaging is a necessary evil for manufacturers. It raises many environmental concerns due to its demand for resources, requiring energy, water, chemicals, and materials. Packaging is also a huge source of waste. For example, in the United States, 28 per cent of total municipal solid waste (MSW) is attributed to packaging, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Recognising this problem, Rajabzadeh Namaghi was set the task of selecting packages for Sandvik Coromant’s products that were as small and lean as


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possible, with the aim of cutting costs and reducing Sandvik Group’s overall carbon footprint. To solve this, Rajabzadeh Namaghi considered the possibility of applying a genetic algorithm (GA) using AI. GAs are used to solve optimisation problems and they work by imitating natural selection. By repeatedly modifying a selection of possible solutions, the GA allows the solution to ‘evolve’ until the ideal result is found, in line with Darwin’s theory of evolution. Although GAs are nothing new, applying them to packaging solutions is a less common application. As a Package Selector Application (PSA) the PSA analyses a 3D CAD model of the product and identifies the product’s critical points, in combination with the company rules for package selection, the AI algorithm calculates its rotation and recommends the smallest packaging possible. Using PSA also enables centralised and unified package selection across Sandvik Coromant. The PSA is incorporated directly to product designers’ CAD programs, so the most suitable packaging for a

product can be determined before a physical copy of the tool itself has even been created. The solution completely automates the packaging process, streamlining operations and supporting Sandvik Group’s wider sustainability goals. Optimised packaging selection avoids excessive packaging use, opening up the potential to transport more products at once, increasing shipment capacity. In turn, increased capacity could result in less loads to transport the same number of products, reducing fuel consumption.

New Products TRX energy supply system revolutionises 3D motion of robots Telescopic triflex TRX igus energy chain from Treotham saves space on the robot and ensures a retraction length of up to 40%. To ensure that cables on industrial robots can be guided in motion safely, easily and compactly, igus has now developed the four-dimensional triflex TRX energy chain. The new design study replaces classic robot hose packages and retraction systems. Special feature: 40% retraction length ensured by a unique telescopic mechanism inside the chain. This allows users to save space on the third axis of their robot, up to 83% weight and high costs for retraction systems. The three-dimensional triflex R igus energy chains are widely used in the industry for fail-safe guidance of cables and hoses on robots. Retraction systems have so far been used on the third axis to ensure that no loops are created during the movement of the energy chain system which could hinder the robot.

However, the axes on the robots offer less and less space, so a new solution was needed. No sooner said than done, the triflex TRX system was developed based on the triflex R energy chain. This is a four-dimensional energy chain in which the retraction system is already integrated. With TRX, a space-saving chain was created that can be fixed directly and compactly on the third axis. The energy supply twists into itself, lengthens and shortens spirally as in a telescopic pull-out, by up to 40%. For this purpose, igus relies on a screw connector system in the unique mechanism as well as on an integrated reset band. The band brings the chain links back to their starting point time and again, and thereby the retraction force can be adjusted. The cables are placed in the chain in the form of a spiral and are guided safely in the movement with the help of the chain. In addition, the cables and hoses are fastened in place in the middle of the TRX so that they do not leave their position when the

chain is pulled. 83% weight saving Compared to other retraction systems, the user saves up The new TRX system from Treotham saves to 83% weight space on the third robot axis and ensures a and requires retraction length of up to 40%. less than half the space. In this way, the performance of the robot can be further improved, and costs are significantly reduced by dispensing with an additional retraction system. TRX can be easily connected to existing TRE series triflex R chains. As with triflex R, the cables can be quickly filled into the energy chain from the outside. igus will present the new TRX to interested parties from 5th May 2021 at its newly launched real-virtual trade show.

Transforming plant maintenance with laser cleaning If you have seen clips of lasers removing rust on YouTube you probably found them quite compelling to watch – it’s almost hard to believe.

Common examples are equipment associated with food and beverage production or where there are environmental considerations to manage.

Read on as we de-mystify laser cleaning technology and give you a sense of where it can be a helpful option for plant maintenance.

Maintenance of plant and equipment can be time consuming and disruptive. When speed and hygiene is the main driver, the laser can provide a clean, keyed surface ready for the application of protective coatings.

Portable lasers have only recently become commercially available as a tool for surface cleaning of rust, oxides, and films such as grease and oil. A focused beam of light vaporises the surface contaminants while leaving the main substrate such as steel, aluminium or stone intact. The laser can remove paints but it does depend on the paint colour and type of coating. There are different power and optical patterns that influence how the laser performs. Lasers are well suited to heavier castings but can transfer some heat into the substrate so care is required on thinner surfaces. Heat transfer can be managed by adjusting the power of the laser and how quickly it tracks across the item. The package of equipment required for laser cleaning easily fits within a van and can be wheeled into site relatively easily. The laser is a hand-held gun at the end of a long flexible hose which makes it versatile within a variety of spaces. Relative to other cleaning options the laser is very safe to use with only ventilation, laser safety glasses and gloves required during operation. A helpful aspect of the laser is light conforms to the surface where it is pointed making it a lot easier to clean complex shapes with a lot of angles and curves. Importantly laser cleaning minimises secondary effects associated some surface cleaning options. There is no blast media or chemical residue to contend with. The vaporised contaminants are simply captured by a vacuum system alongside the laser head. This makes it a particularly useful for surface cleaning of plant and equipment where cleanliness is key.

NZ is happy to do testing with clients as a proof of concept prior to confirming full requirements. While Laser Clean is based in Auckland the machine can be easily transported to site and wheeled into production environments.

A recent practical application of laser cleaning is with a major New Zealand beverage producer. A piece of the production line managing 600 bottles a minute was rusty as a result of the regular caustic cleaning process. The resolution of this quality assurance issue had to be achieved without impacting machine availability. The relatively short set up time of the laser meant cleaning and surface coating could be fitted around the production schedule with no impact on capacity requirements. Laser Clean has been able to remove the surface rust, clean the surface and apply a high performance food grade coating system without impacting productivity. It has been reassuring to hear the words “exceeded expectations” from the client. As this is a relatively new technology Laser Clean


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


New Products RS PRO launch 2900 new wiring and connectivity products RS is proud to announce the expansion of their wiring and connectivity range by 42 percent introducing almost 3,000 new products across 65 cable and connector product families. Quality, price and variety are benchmarks RS PRO continually raise, and the new products in the wiring and connectivity category are no exception. The products represent over 15% cost-savings for cables and over 18% for connectors, filling gaps in the range, not previously offered by RS PRO. The expanded range is across all the families of cables and connectors, which meet design and compliance specifications and have high in-stock availability. Buyers, designers, engineers and individuals in charge of maintenance will welcome the product range expansion, all available in the RS PRO’s guaranteed delivery time of 5 - 7 days. RS PRO Product Manager for ANZ, Ian Macgregor, said the Wiring and Connectivity expansion satisfies both commercial and industrial markets at an affordable price point.

“Like all our products, they are high quality, have been thoroughly tested to ensure quality and reliability, and are very competitively priced,” he explained. The expanded range includes: - DIN Connectors - Cable Accessories - Cable Glands - Industrial Ethernet Network Cables - Industrial Automation Cables - Hook-Up and Equipment Wires - Industrial Circular Connectors

CraneQ Geometric Survey maximise overhead crane safety Overhead cranes are workhorses of industry, lifting, shifting and moving heavy items around the clock. If the cranes stop, industry stops, so uptime is vital. Cranes that are straight, square and aligned properly experience lower repair costs, optimum safety and superior levels of uptime and performance. To keep cranes on the straight and narrow, global cranes and lifting authority, Konecranes, is introducing its latest CraneQ Crane Geometric Survey, which accurately measures dimensional tolerances of wheels, end trucks, girders, and other components of the crane. If cranes are wearing prematurely, positioning incorrectly, or making uncommon sounds, it’s often an alignment issue that’s causing the unnecessary wear on components. A Konecranes CraneQ Crane Geometric Survey helps to find the root cause of any symptoms, to avoid major problems and costly downtime. CraneQ is applicable to all kinds of overhead cranes and particularly relevant to those in heavy duty industries such as steel, paper, manufacturing and mining, where cranes are subjected to harsher operating conditions and more demanding uses. CraneQ is based on advanced surveying methods developed specifically for crane geometry. Proprietary software and skilled survey technicians provide an extremely accurate geometric analysis of the crane. In addition to the survey results, to help plan the best corrective actions, Konecranes shares its expertise and provides advice as the world’s leading crane service organisation, with more than 600,000 pieces


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of lifting equipment of all makes and models under service contract worldwide. CraneQ forms an ideal part of a preventative maintenance programme, because it can identify problems early on. Even if a crane is still operating well, a slight misalignment can cause component parts to wear prematurely, meaning the crane may not perform to its expected design life.

CraneQ inspections go to the heart of crane alignment When performing the inspection, technicians look for key indicators such as: • Abnormal or premature wear or failure of structural components such as wheels, rails, connections, bearings and guide rolls • Excessive noise • Suspected skewing and/or square issues • Structural deformation • Positioning, moving and driving issues CraneQ can be coupled with Konecranes’ other consultation services such as RopeQ magnetic rope inspection and RailQ crane runway survey to give a complete look at the condition and alignment of all elements of a crane.

Developments Sale of Whakatane Mill to consortium SIG Combibloc (SIG) has agreed the sale of Whakatāne Mill Limited (WML) to a consortium of investors who will enable the Mill to continue to operate. The consortium is led by Dr Dermot Smurfit who, together with his other European consortium members, has extensive experience in owning and operating paper packaging businesses. They have also brought a number of New Zealand investors alongside them. A spokesman for the Smurfit Consortium, Mr Ian Halliday (who will become Chairman of the Whakatāne Mill) said the consortium looked forward to developing a more competitive operation to support customers in New Zealand and around the world. “We believe that the Whakatāne Mill has a very bright future as the only folding box Board Mill in Oceania, and we intend to invest heavily in the Mill to support both our customers and New Zealand’s forest products industry,” he said. The Mill will cease production of liquid packaging board and going forward will focus on its customers’ requirements for high quality folding box board, carrier board and food service board, all of which are currently manufactured at the Mill. WML General Manager, Juha Verajankorva, said the agreed acquisition by the Smurfit Consortium was a positive outcome and represented a new and exciting era for the Mill. All senior management will remain with the new owners. “This is a welcome development for Whakatāne and the wider Bay of Plenty region. It’s also great news for the New Zealand paper packaging sector and we appreciate the positive support of our workforce, our suppliers and customers in working towards this outcome which has been welcomed by all,” he said.

Seequent appoints new CEO Geoscience software company Seequent has promoted Graham Grant to Chief Executive Officer, following six years as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. In a planned transition, Grant succeeds Shaun Maloney, who has retired after a decade in the role. Grant joined Seequent in 2012 in the Strategy and Channel Development role, bringing leadership, commercial and operational experience from multiple geographies, sectors and functions. He had previously held senior positions in financial services, renewable energy, international charter shipping and forest management in Australia, UK and New Zealand. In 2015 he was appointed as Seequent’s first Chief Operations Officer and subsequently moved from his base in the UK to Seequent’s headquarters in Christchurch, New Zealand. Grant gained a first-class honours degree in Forestry Science from Canterbury University and an MBA and Diploma in Management Consulting from Leeds in the UK. His connection with Canterbury University continues as Chairman of the MBA Advisory Board. Grant will lead Seequent into its new phase of ownership when the planned acquisition by international infrastructure engineering software company, Bentley Systems, comes into effect:

Different energy futures for New Zealand The BEC, EECA and PSI, have launched the New Zealand Energy Scenarios TIMES-NZ 2.0 to help leaders in government, businesses and academia make better informed decisions in a world where uncertainty is growing. BEC executive director Tina Schirr says TIMES-NZ 2.0 explores possible energy futures based on two contrasted scenarios. Kea represents a future in which climate change is seen as the most pressing issue, while Tui represents a future in which climate change is one of several competing priorities. “They are by no means prescriptive pathways but help us to think about the uncertainties facing the energy sector, like accelerating deeper and affordable decarbonisation, future mobility but also energy security, in a structured and methodical way.” According to the new model results, under each scenario use of fossil fuel declines and energy emissions fall drastically, Tina Schirr says. Overall, in both scenarios, demand for fossil fuels drops from around 63% of energy demand (excluding feedstocks) in 2018 to around 22% under Kea and 33% under Tui in 2050, and in some sectors, particularly road transport, food processing, and residential and commercial, falls to a small fraction of current levels. “Transformation is on the horizon and Kiwi need to start thinking about what they might to sell to the rest of the world as we move into a low carbon economy.” Both scenarios make extensive use of energy efficiency, with adoption of more efficient technologies such as EVs and heat pumps resulting in significantly decreased energy consumption. For example, road transport energy use per distance travelled reduces by nearly 80% as a result of EV adoption. Both scenarios see a transition of the light fleet to almost entirely electric, Kea by 2050 and Tui by 2055. Meanwhile, it is clear from the updated modelling new technologies are needed in some sectors to reach carbon zero, BEC says.

All parties had worked tirelessly to ensure the Mill could continue as a leading regional business, after vendor SIG indicated it could no longer sustain the operations of the plant.

In both scenarios, most of the residual emissions are from sectors where the model did not have low emission technologies to choose from. About half of these residual emissions come from aviation, shipping, and fishing boats.

“Our preference was always for a sale of these assets so that they could continue to be productive,” said Mr Verajankorva. “It took until almost the final whistle, but this is a satisfying outcome.”

“While there are some known potential low emissions options in these areas, these were either not well defined enough to include in the model, or too expensive for the model to choose.”


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


Developments Finalists announced in 2021 Diversity Awards NZ Finalists in the 2021 Diversity Awards NZ™ have the judges recognising 26 entries for the work they are doing to demonstrate excellence in workplace diversity, equity and inclusion. The awards, run by Diversity Works New Zealand, are now in their 24th year and the programme was revamped for 2021 to recognise the increasing maturity in workplace diversity and inclusion programmes in Aotearoa. This year there were 51 entries across four new categories and the Impact category. “The judges appraised the entries taking into account the new category criteria which reflect increasing levels of maturity in workplace diversity, equity and inclusion,” says Diversity Works New Zealand Chief Executive Maretha Smit. “This year’s entries demonstrated a significant improvement in strategic alignment between business outcomes and diversity and inclusion initiatives.”

The finalists are: Leadership Award Downer New Zealand HSBC New Zealand Kami New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Te Kawa Mataaho and Papa Pounamu Diverse Talent Award Hutt Gas and Plumbing Ministry of Education Ministry of Social Development Warren and Mahoney Inclusive Workplace Award Accident Compensation Corporation EY George Weston Foods Ministry for the Environment Ministry of Social Development New Zealand Steel

Schneider Electric New Zealand Whangarei District Council Matauranga Maori Award Dempsey Wood Civil Limited Halberg Foundation Kiwibank Ministry for the Environment Southern Cross Health Society Springload Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū Tararua Highway Alliance Impact Award Diversity Agenda Will&Able Winners will be announced in at an event in Auckland on Wednesday, 1 September.

Emirates Team New Zealand to drive initiative in marine industry with hydrogen innovation Emirates Team New Zealand has committed to drive Hydrogen innovation in the marine industry by developing Hydrogen powered chase boats for the 37th America’s Cup. They have been working with AFCryo, a Christchurch based innovative company in design, development and manufacture of composite cryostats for the cryogenic and superconducting industries. Currently the Emirates Team New Zealand designers are working on a prototype hydrogen powered foiling chase boat, to be built at the team’s North Shore build facility, capable of standing up to the demands of supporting an AC75 throughout all aspects of an America’s Cup campaign.

Once launched and verified, and with the support of the Challenger of Record Ineos Team UK, it is possible that the Protocol for the 37th America’s Cup will contain a provision that all teams must use hydrogen powered support boats. This would also apply to the 20+ event and race support boats which will have a considerable impact on the reduction of consumption of fossil fuels across the event. Emirates Team New Zealand CEO Grant Dalton said, “Emirates Team New Zealand continues to be at the forefront of innovation and we intend to really drive the development curve of new and clean technology in the marine industry. It is our hope that we can make a seismic shift into hydrogen power and an emission free statement for the industry. This initiative is not without risk as we have very specific operating criteria within the team and the America’s Cup, so it is not a small undertaking. Technical Director Hugh Reynolds is leading the project for AFCryo, “As an organisation we have been working in cryogenics, and clean-tech solutions, for 17 years. We are a strong proponent of green hydrogen and are manufacturing hydrogen production systems in New Zealand. “It is exciting to work with Emirates Team New Zealand on such an aggressive development curve and timeline to deliver on water Hydrogen storage

and power. The opportunity to contribute to such an exciting project aligns perfectly with our view of sustainable future energy.” INEOS TEAM UK and Challenger of Record Team Principal Skipper Sir Ben Ainslie is behind the push into Hydrogen power on the water, “For nearly two centuries the America’s Cup has pushed the boundaries in design and engineering, whilst ensuring innovation benefits the wider marine industry. “With so much investment in hydrogen across the world, shifting to foiling chase boats, powered by hydrogen could well prove to be a sustainable and practical solution for the future of the marine industry, while supporting the AC75’s which are reaching speeds in excess of 50 knots.” Terry Hutchinson, Skipper and Executive Director of New York Yacht Club American Magic, the U.S. Challenger for the 36th America’s Cup said, “It is impressive to see how innovation remains the driving force behind the America’s Cup after 170 years of racing. We support the Defender’s efforts to apply their performance innovation skills to sustainable and environmentally friendly technology.” Elements of the hydrogen innovation will also be assessed and developed into how they can potentially be utilised in the functions of the next generation of AC75’s also.

More funding for economic recovery in the regions welcomed The EMA says the government’s announcement of a new fund to replace the Provincial Growth Fund is good news for the economic recovery of the regions.

Fund pre-COVID, but now need another boost because since then they have had setbacks such as closures of large employers,” says Mr O’Riley.

over three years, it shows how much the Government recognises the importance of the regions to the country’s economy recovery.

Chief Executive Brett O’Riley says the $200 million Regional Strategic Partnership Fund will be welcomed by its members in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty in particular.

“They will also be pleased to hear that each region will help decide its own priorities, and we are keen to be part of that conversation too.”

“We are glad to see what has already been allocated in the Provincial Growth Fund is secure, and that there will be more funding available on a case-by-case basis, in addition to the seed funding the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund will provide.”

“They saw the benefits of the Provincial Growth


NZ Manufacturer June 2021 /

Mr O’Riley says while $200 million is a long way from the Provincial Growth Fund’s 3.11 billion allocated

Rear View Big Oil, Gas and Coal are running out of places to hide Three global fossil fuel giants have just suffered embarrassing rebukes over their inadequate action on climate change. Collectively, the developments show how courts, and frustrated investors, are increasingly willing to force companies to reduce their carbon dioxide pollution quickly. A Dutch court ordered Royal Dutch Shell to slash its greenhouse emissions, and 61% of Chevron shareholders backed a resolution to force that company to do the same. And in an upset at Exxon Mobil, an activist hedge fund won two seats on the company’s board. The string of wins was followed in Australia on Thursday by a court ruling that the federal environment minister, when deciding whether or not to approve a new coal mine, owes a duty of care to young people to avoid causing them personal injury from climate change. The court rulings are particularly significant. Courts have often been reluctant to interfere in what is viewed as an issue best left to policymakers. These recent judgements, and others, suggest courts are more prepared to scrutinise emissions reduction by businesses and - in the case of the Dutch court - order them to do more.

Court warns of ‘irreversible consequences’ In a world-first ruling, a Hague court ordered oil and gas giant Shell to reduce CO₂ emissions by 45% by 2030, relative to 2019 levels. The court noted Shell had no emissions-reduction targets to 2030, and its policies to 2050 were “rather intangible, undefined and non-binding”. The case was brought by climate activist and human rights groups. The court found climate change due to CO₂ emissions “has serious and irreversible consequences” and threatened the human “right to life”. It also found Shell was responsible for so-called “Scope 3” emissions generated by its customers and suppliers. The Chevron upset involved an investor revolt. Some 61% of shareholders supported a resolution calling for Chevron to substantially reduce Scope 3 emissions generated by the use of its oil and gas. And last week, shareholders of ExxonMobil, one of the world’s biggest corporate greenhouse gas emitters, forced a dramatic management shakeup. An activist hedge fund, Engine No. 1, won two, and potentially three, places on the company’s 12-person board. Engine No. 1 explicitly links Exxon’s patchy economic performance to a failure to invest in low-carbon technologies.

Climate-savvy shareholders unite As human activity causes Earth’s atmosphere to warm, large fossil fuel companies are under increasing pressure to act. A mere 20 companies have contributed 493 billion tonnes of CO₂ and methane to the atmosphere, primarily from the burning of their oil, coal and gas. This equates to 35% of all global greenhouse gas emissions since 1965. Shareholders – many concerned by the financial

risks of climate change – are leading the corporate accountability push. The Climate Action 100+ initiative is a leading example. It involves more than 400 investors with more than A$35 trillion in assets under management, who work with companies to reduce emissions, and improve governance and climate-related financial disclosures. Similar movements are emerging worldwide. Shareholders in Australia are also stepping up engagement with companies over climate change. Last year, shareholder resolutions on climate change were put to Santos and Woodside. While neither resolution achieved the 75% support needed to pass, both received unprecedented levels of support – 43.39% and 50.16% of the vote, respectively. And in May 2021, Rio Tinto became the first Australian board to publicly back shareholder resolutions on climate change, which subsequently passed with 99% support.

The litigation trend To date, the question of whether corporate polluters can be legally forced to reduce greenhouse emissions has remained unanswered. While fossil fuel companies have faced a string of climate lawsuits in the United States and Europe, courts have often dismissed the claims on procedural grounds. Cases brought against governments have been more successful. In 2019, for example, the Dutch Supreme Court affirmed the government has a legal duty to prevent dangerous climate change.

liability. It’s unlikely we’ll see identical litigation in Australia, because our laws are different to those in the Netherlands. But the Shell case is emblematic of a broader trend of climate litigation being brought to challenge corporate polluters. This includes the case decided on Thursday involving young people opposed to a company’s coal mine expansion, and Australian cases arguing for greater disclosure of climate risk by corporations, banks and super funds.

Change is nigh Oil and gas companies often argue Scope 3 emissions are not their responsibility, because they don’t control how customers use their products. The Shell finding and shareholder action against Chevron suggest this claim may hold little sway with courts or shareholders in future. The Shell case may also set off a global avalanche of copycat litigation. In Australia, legal experts have noted the turning tide, and warned is it’s only a matter of time before directors who fail to act on climate change face litigation. Clearly, a seismic shift is looming, in which corporations will be forced to take greater responsibility for climate harms. These recent developments should act as a wake-up call for oil, gas and coal companies around the world.

The decision against Shell is significant, and sends a clear signal that corporations can be held legally responsible for greenhouse pollution. Shell has previously argued it can only reduce its absolute emissions by shrinking its business. The recent case highlights how such companies may have to quickly find new forms of revenue, or face legal


NZ Manufacturer June 2021


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