NZ Manufacturer May 2015

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May 2015


Looking forward to… SouthMACH 2015.


DEVELOPMENTS Open Polytechnic study opens up career opportunities.


REAR VIEW Callaghan Innovation… a poor man’s DFC?

EIS going well in Invercargill Dean Addie, CEO of Invercargill based multi-disciplined automation and electrical company EIS offers NZ Manufacturer an insight into the current and future success of his award winning company. NZM: How is your company finding business at present? Dean Addie: Business is going really well, we have been operating for nearly 20 years now and seen many positive changes over the years. The first 10 years saw us surviving and thriving as a typical Kiwi business with a good reliable client base and a small but efficient team.

trite, but we really believe in continual improvement and that tomorrow we will frown upon our business practices of today. Agility, openness and curiosity are key attributes to possess and our ability to innovate hinges on these attributes. We believe in innovative business models and enabling and fostering an innovative culture. NZM: Where do you do business?

Then, 10 years ago, our industry began to face major regulatory and technological challenges, so we reviewed how we operated. That’s when we identified automation and electrical engineering as a key driver and turned our focus to advancing the technological side of our business.

Dean Addie: As we provide solutions to businesses and partners in the industrial sector, we have a very widespread market. We work mostly with businesses up and down the country, but have also delivered projects to companies in Saudi Arabia, Canada and Australia.

Now we have more than 50 staff and have had an average year on year growth of 20 percent over the last five years, and with all the sectors and markets we work in going extremely well, the innovations of our engineering and technology are set to lead us into a bright future.

NZM: Where are your future markets?

NZM: How important is innovation to your business? Dean Addie: Our work can be divided into three main areas -projects, consultation and operations, and for each of these areas innovation is of upmost importance. Technology is constantly changing, so innovation is critical - it drives success. It may sound

Dean Addie: No matter where we are working or for what sector, we aim to help our clients achieve greater efficiencies and ultimately increase their profitability. Our projects span local dairy companies to a desert-based dairy farm in Saudi Arabia and a robotic project Canada - so when you look at it our future possibilities are endless, but what I can foresee is EIS becoming global food and beverage experts. NZM: What is your focus for the next 12 months? Dean Addie: Our primary focus is always our people and their health and safety, so they remain imperative

EIS Chief Executive Officer Dean Addie.

along with our focus on innovation and technology. However, the near future also sees us heading into some structural changes in order to make room for the growth that’s coming. Essentially it means an improved management structure, a bespoke facility and national acquisitions to come, so as we head into our 20th year next year it’s looking set to be our biggest one yet.

continued on page 23

Horncastle Arena, Christchurch



How energy efficiency helped grow flowers and shrink costs. A Christchurch flower grower now enjoys some of the lowest energy costs in the country after abandoning coal in favour of an innovative boiler fuelled by wood and green waste. It’s a New Zealand-first bioenergy project that won the EECA Supreme Award for energy efficiency. The story began in 2010, when K&L Nurseries’ Ian Kempthorne ran the numbers at the family business and was surprised to learn that the company’s bill for heating was higher than the cost of wages. “Growing flowers is energy intensive and it’s crucial to have a constant source of heat in our glasshouses to maintain the year-round operation. To remain competitive with international growers, we needed to find a lower cost energy system,” Kempthorne says.


The rose and gerbera grower was using an inefficient coal boiler system to heat its glasshouses, which would soon require very expensive maintenance. The best fuel

efficiency that could be expected was only 60% to 65%. Instead, the owners opted to scour the world for a top-shelf solution, eventually sourcing one from Europe, and securing funding assistance from EECA. Their purpose-built boiler supplied by Polytechnik Biomass Energy has delivered unprecedented fuel flexibility, allowing the system to efficiently burn wood waste and biomass fuel of varied sizes and moisture content at 90% efficiency. A web cam sends a live feed of the boiler’s flames direct to Polytechnik’s offices in Hawke’s Bay and Austria to remotely monitor the system for further optimisation. The nursery is now able to heat its greenhouses for less than $7 a gigajoule, sometimes as low as $4.50. Kempthorne says the new system has also had a positive impact on other parts of the business:

• The self-cleaning boiler eliminated a potentially dangerous and unhealthy cleaning job • Fungicides have been eliminated as the extra heat generated by the system is used to control humidity The business is now saving nearly $115,000 a year and the system is generating more heat than ever, allowing better heat control to deliver better flower growth. K&L’s achievement demonstrates you don’t need to be a large corporate to be a sustainable energy trailblazer.


• Green waste is reused as fuel, resulting in ash that makes suitable fertilizer, unlike toxic coal ash

• Glasshouses are no longer covered in coal ash that block light critical for winter growth

$115,000 savings a year $4.50 – $7 per gigajoule 90% fuel efficiency 86% reduction of CO

emissions every year.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015





Larry Wiechern

Bliss in Invercargill.



The construction sector – Experienced by United Industries.

Is the Manager of the Maintenance and Reliability Centre, Manukau Institute of Technology.


Big data – Going the extra mile. PowerMILL robot makes special effects extra special. Moore’s Law at 50: Its past and its future. Get there in style.



ACC levy cuts about right. IANZ forges closer links with China. Kiwi business not ready for millennial technology demands – CEO. NZMEA appoints new Chief Executive.

Catherine Beard


12-20 SouthMACH 2015 Preview

Eurotec talks laser imaging. Industry machines, prize draws, robots, education… and so much more. Thorn Lighting features expansive range. Revolution Precision Machinery to display the best. myIntercad first of its kind in the world. The advantages of the IoT in manufacturing.


Engineering for the future.


What the upcoming health and safety law changes mean to manufacturers. Open Polytechnic study opens up career opportunities.

Is Senior Vice President of the NZ Manufacturers and Exporters Association and Managing Director of Contex Engineers and Plinius Audio.

Lewis Woodward

Is Managing Director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.


EIS doing well in Invercargill.



Berries from China refuels Country of Origin labelling debate. Field days fencing competition fun.

Dr Wolfgang Scholz

Is HERA Director and a Fellow of the Institute of Professional Engineers NZ.


Delcam launches FeatureCAM for feature-based programming. Stainless steel terminal box ideal protector. New era in production of oil-free compressed air.



Bruce Goldsworthy

KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards finalists include engineering firms.

Callaghan Innovation Fund shows signs of becoming poor man’s DFC.

Is Executive Director of Export NZ and Manufacturing, divisions of Business NZ, NewZealand’s largest business advocacy group, representing businesses of all sizes.

Brian Willoughby



Craig Carlyle

Is Director of Maintenance Transformations Ltd, an executive member of the Maintenance Engineering Societyand the Event Director of the NationalMaintenance Engineering Conference.


An advocate for NZ manufacturing for 40 years, he was Chief Executive of the Auckland Manufacturers Association for seven years He has been Manager of EMA’s Advocacy and Manufacturing Services, and lately manager for Export New Zealand in the north.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015

EDITORIAL Bliss in Invercargill PUBLISHER

Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd,1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings, New Zealand 4122.

MANAGING EDITOR Doug Green T: +64 6 870 9029 E:


Holly Green, Peter Isaac, Denise Carson, Kevin Mckillop, Mark Duggan, Stephanie Melbourne, Andie Gentle


Doug Green T: + 64 6 870 9029 E:

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Kim Alves, KA Design T: + 64 6 879 5815 E:


Dan Browne E:

PUBLISHING SERVICES On-Line Publisher Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd


MEDIA HAWKES BAY LTD T: +64 6 870 4506 F: +64 6 878 8150 E: 1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings PO Box 1109, Hastings, NZ NZ Manufacturer ISSN 1179-4992

Vol.6 No. 4 May 2015 Copyright: NZ Manufacturer is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Neither editorial opinions expressed, nor facts stated in the advertisements, are necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher of NZ Manufacturer and, whilst all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the publishers for inaccurate information, or for any consequences of reliance on this information. NZ Manufacturer welcomes your contributions which may not necessarily be used because of the philosophy of the publication.


Sometimes we talk about the regions as if they live under some secluded rock, a long long way from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. It is true, however, that we don’t know enough about what they are doing – if we live in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch – even when companies in the regions put their exports on a plane to market. I am pleased to report of manufacturing news from the regions, specifically EIS, the Invercargill based multi-disciplined automation and electrical company which has been in business for nearly 20 years. They are going well because they realised the importance of technology to the growth of the business and they are currently delivering projects throughout New Zealand and as far afield as Saudi Arabia, Canada and Australia. When we hear about how well the regions are going we focus on social conditions, primarily. What we don’t always hear is where the entrepreneur is finding markets for his innovations from such far flung places as Whangarei, Westland and Lyttelton.

difficulties of competing with imported goods…is he still bothering? I’ll need to find out. The sole New Zealand agent based in Hamilton who finds it cut throat doing business in Auckland tells me he doesn’t like driving up the motorway. But back to the point, if you are a manufacturer based in the regions tell me what you are making, how you are faring in the competitive world, how your pride and joy has made you a millionaire. If you don’t want to tell me, if you fear competition. If the world is too small for you to share your story get over it. There is nothing new under the sun…just a whole lot of different ways of doing the same thing. With a slight variance, thanks to technology.

The trailer manufacturer in Rotorua talks to me about the

Doug Green ASIA


NZ Manufacturer May 2015

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw



The construction sector “Ten companies, one common goal: To create a lasting impression via the highest quality of service and materials”. United Industries, formed in 1991, is the holding company of ten stand-alone manufacturing businesses throughout New Zealand, all of which specialise either in construction or supplying materials for construction-related industries. The group’s main product offerings include structural steel, reinforcing mesh, timber, frames and trusses for houses, roofs, PVC pipes and fittings, and polystyrene. Seven of these companies are located within East Tamaki: Akarana Timbers, Knobs ‘N Knockers, Metalcraft Industries, Pipemakers, Millier Reinforcing, ReoFab, and United Steel; and collectively provide employment for over 200 people in the area. Having started out 24 years ago with just four of these ten companies, United Industries has since experienced “tremendous growth within all companies that make up the group today”; these companies are also now considered to be leaders in most of their key product markets.

What’s the secret to such a successful group of companies? Richard Anyon, Planning & Strategy Director for United Industries, puts it down to a combination of factors: employee empowerment allowing for quick decision making processes, and a strong but realistic focus on customer service and satisfaction. “Most of our competitors are corporates, we’re larger than a lot of corporates, but operate a lot differently to them. The beauty of the way our businesses are set up is that we’re very nimble, we can make decisions quickly, and there’s ownership at site by the managers to make a difference.” “Our ethos is the best service in the market. It’s a given that your product is competitive, but your competitors often aren’t as service focused. At the end of the day your customers will come back because they like dealing with you. From time to time all businesses make mistakes with customers, but you’re actually judged on how you rectify the situation. It’s just understanding that you do what you say you’re going to do, it’s about communication.”

Additionally, significant investment in plant and new technology has allowed United Industries companies to increase productivity and keep their edge in the marketplace. “We’re not scared to invest in plant and equipment. You gain manufacturing efficiencies and also a competitive edge on people. We’ve just put a lot of investment in Akarana Timbers and productivity has increased dramatically, quality has increased dramatically, and because of that we’re now growing faster than anticipated” says Richard. According to Richard, the main changes in the construction industry over recent years have been largely due to technological advancements in processes and efficient building designs, rather than changes in the actual construction materials used. Having said this, since the Christchurch Earthquake, most new commercial buildings are now using structural steel as opposed to reinforced concrete, for greater strength and flexibility. “Akarana has a new fully-automated saw. The trusses are designed on a computer CAD programme, the design then runs through an optimisation

programme which works out the best way to cut to minimise wastage. You can put in multiple jobs, it analyses all the jobs and finds the most optimum throughput for the saw, so you minimise wastage, and every part is labelled. That sort of technology is just unbelievable. You can’t do the maths in your head if you are manually cutting, or even on a spreadsheet. The computers have enabled us to be far more efficient and productive than we ever could’ve been.” The Christchurch Earthquake has also forced the construction industry to adapt to more stringent rules surrounding the quality of building materials, particularly steel. “Post the earthquake, the reinforcing steel standards changed to compensate for more elastic reinforcing steel. They’ve also got very very pedantic now about the particular ASNZ standard that the structural steel is. This has forced the industry to get more proactive around tracing materials being sold back to their

continued on page 12

Commercial & industrial growth

Employment growth

Economic output

Crime rate East Tamaki is the largest industrial precinct in Auckland with 2000 businesses and a growth rate higher than the regional average.


Greater East Tamaki Business Association Inc.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. - African Proverb

Big data – Going the extra mile Ever wanted to run faster, or be able to cycle that little bit harder and further? How about lowering your golf handicap or hitting more three-pointers in basketball? What if analysing data sets from training sessions could help you achieve these goals? In fact, it could end up giving you the marginal gains needed to place higher than your fellow competitors. In recent years data analysis has revolutionised business as organizations across the globe have harnessed their data insight – optimized by increasing volumes of data – to enhance business practices, such as improving employee satisfaction and supply chain processes. By adopting similar analyses in data relating to our sporting endeavours, we’ll be well set to enhance our athletic capabilities also, regardless of whether you’re a seasoned professional or a social runner. Encouragingly, data analysis is rapidly becoming a critical component of the sports used by professional sports teams and athletes at considerable investment as they embrace technical innovation to chase performance advantages. Thanks to wearable technologies, location services, and individual and team statistics, it’s possible to gain valuable insights into how performance is impacted by a variety of factors. For example, the length of activity, the area covered on the pitch or track, even down to body temperature, heart rate and diet. This detailed level of insight equips teams with the information they need to

optimize performance, prevent injury, and recruit top performing individuals – which are not always the most expensive talent available.

team that went on to set the current record for the number of consecutive major league baseball games won in a season.

Take a professional soccer team, for instance. First and foremost, heart rate monitors and GPRS tracking systems can monitor how performance changes over any set period of time – including comparing performance data from various matches – such as the power in each stride and how heart rate and breathing affects different parts of the body, so that teams can easily identify players who are in need of a rest to prevent injury or who need additional training sessions to increase their match fitness.

The NBA in America is another great piece of evidence of how data analysis is being used in sport to achieve a competitive edge. Over half of the league’s teams have deployed a data collection service – SportVU – capturing upwards of one million data records from each match. SportVU cameras are synched with complex algorithms extracting positioning data for all objects on the court, which is then processed by computers to connect the data to the play-by-play feed and deliver a report to the coaches within 90 seconds of a play.

Effective data analysis can also be used to enhance the team’s attacking prowess or nullify the threat of the opposing team. For example, they could crunch the data to discover that more goals are scored from in-swinging corners and adapt their play accordingly – just like Manchester City did when they won the English Premier League in 2011/12. Data analysis can be applied to all team sports to deliver a competitive edge – and perhaps the most famous example of this is the Oakland As, the subject of 2011’s Moneyball movie. Competing against teams with significantly higher budgets and having lost a number of their star players, the Oakland As used data analysis to assemble a

Ultimately, the more relevant data you have, the greater impact it can make, which is why the most exciting and innovative use of data analysis in sport are occurring in areas including motorsports and sailing. For example, a Formula One car today is fitted with over 100 sensors monitoring a variety of areas including tyre pressure, fuel efficiency, and aerodynamics, generating huge quantities of data for real-time and retrospective analysis. By interpreting the data, teams are able to rapidly alter their race strategies or make modifications to their vehicle to optimize performance and increase their chances of winning.

It’s not just professional sport teams who will benefit from analysing various data sets – you can reap the benefits – thanks to the range of wearable technologies and mobile applications capturing various data sets available to us today. Take a runner using a GPRS watch, for instance. They can monitor how far they are able to run, how long it takes them, and how this changes depending on time of the day, their diet, course elevation, and weather. Using this insight, the training program or race strategy can be revised so that come race day they are fully prepared to perform at their absolute best. Similarly, a golfer can use data collected from sensors in their golf ball and club to effectively analyse and therefore improve their swing. Improved data insight is also impacting upon the way we engage with sport as spectators. Whether in the stadium or at home watching their favourite sports team, fans are using smartphones and tablets to access real-time scores, stream games, and share their joy – or frustrations – via social media. Increased insight into sports data has even given us the upper-hand when predicting the outcomes of competitive matches, rather than just relying on gut instinct.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Don’t be threatened by people smarter than you. - Howard Schultz



PowerMILL Robot makes special effects extra special A combination of Autodesk’s Maya design software, Delcam’s PowerMILL Robot programming system and a KUKA robot allows special effects company, Artem, to bring amazing projects to life. A video showing the process used is on Delcam.TV at Artem provides special effects of all

right positions. Importing a RIG model

the toolpaths are output as G-code to

as possible.

types from giant puppets to small

on Maya is a massive advantage as it

the KUKA robot for machining.”

software to see how the robot is going

film props from its base in West

comes with all these handles. I can just grab them and pose every little bit of

“Because we are using STL files,

to cut the material and to see the

London. “We get involved in all sorts of technology, the most recent being

the model. It’s all very easy to use.”

robot machining and 3D printing,”

“We often start with the photograph

model,” he added. “The robot allows

and position the Maya RIG model to

us to machine very large pieces so

look like the photograph,” continued

keeping the number of parts to as few

explained Artem CEO, Mike Kelt. “Much more is done on a computer now than has ever been done in the past when it used to be very much an industry based on hand skills.”

to be able to get to certain areas of the

finish we are going to get, while the software also lets us see how the robot will react in the cell and make sure that it is not going to do something silly.”

Andrew Freeman, Digital Sculpture and CNC Supervisor:

“Then we can

export the model from Maya into

“One of the challenges is dealing

another software, a sculpting package,

with clients who aren’t entirely sure

that’s going to allow us to fine tune the

what they want,” added Mr. Kelt, “so

model, add on the clothing, change

you have to tell them what you think

the muscles to give the look that the

they want and get them to approve

client wants. Once the design has been

things. If you can do the design on a

approved, we can start chopping the

computer with Maya and send them an

pieces up and putting them into the

image that’s rendered, then they can

Delcam software to prepare them for

go “yeah that’s it”, and we can carry

cutting on the robot.”

on with the design and manufacturing

The programs for the robot are


creating boundaries is very important

We are able to use the

Using a KUKA robot programmed with PowerMILL Robot allows Artem to machine large, complex pieces.

developed by Design Engineer, Ken

The team at Artem explained how

White. “We import the part designs

the process develops, starting with

into PowerMILL Robot as a series of STL

modelmaker, Jim Bones.

“My main

files,” he stated. “For each element,

job is to pose the figure,” he said. “I

we create roughing and finishing

sit down with the sculptor and we’ll

passes which we then simulate to see

tweak everything to get it all in the

how they machine. Once I am happy,


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. -Oscar Wilde

number of components on a chip was increasing rapidly — it had doubled every year since the first planar transistor had been created in 1959. That produced an exponential curve, which he graphed in the chart below. He extended the line of historic data into the future, predicting that the doubling could continue for at least ten years into the future. While Moore had been inspired to think about the rapid progress in the miniaturisation of components by hearing Douglas Engelbart speak on the subject, Moore was the first to plot the points on paper and make a specific prediction about how it would progress.

Moore’s Law at 50: Its past and its future When Gordon Moore, then at Fairchild Semiconductor, was asked in 1965 to theorise about the future of the newly developed integrated circuit, he had one in his lab with a then-amazing 64 transistors on it — double the 32 that was state of the art only a year earlier. Connecting those dots on a graph with the single component planar transistor invented in 1959, Moore noticed that the number of components was roughly doubling every year.

back at how it came to be, and how much it has evolved to fit a changing industry already. That provides a basis for speculating on what will happen to the pace of computing innovation going forward.

He speculated that it could continue to do so for at least a decade. It wasn’t until that decade had passed, and Moore’s friend Carver Mead noticed that the trend had held up, that the term Moore’s Law was coined.

1965: Gordon Moore’s very-educated guess

As we look forward to the future of Moore’s Law after its amazing 50-year run it is helpful to look

Moore’s prediction was the result of combining two very important observations he made in the process of writing his original article. First, that at any given time there was an optimal number of components to put on a chip.

Moore never thought of his prediction as a law, or even anything related to underlying physical principles. But he did explain in the article in some detail how he thought each possible technical problem that needed to be solved over the next decade could be successfully addressed.

More components meant a lower cost per component, except that as the number of components increased yield decreased, so at some point there were diminishing returns to cramming more components on a chip. He graphed the tradeoff between complexity and yield in the chart below, with an extrapolation out to 1970. Moore’s first observation was that there is a natural optimal density of components to achieve the lowest overall costs — one that changes with time

Second, he realised that the optimal

Get there in style The Electric Self Balancing Dual Wheel scooter, the “Galactic Wheels 400” With 2x 200 Watt electric motors, generates enough power to propel you along at up to 10kmph and the 8000mAh batter provides enough juice for a range of 25 to 30km. If you don’t have a bus or car that can take you door to door from home to

work or school then the “Galactic Wheels 400” is the option for you. Designed to fill the void in that last part of your journey it can turn a daily commuter in to a pleasurable fun experience. With speeds up to 10kmph and a range of 25 to 30km this 2 Wheel stand up electric rideable is the next step in personal transportation.

accompany you on the bus or metro so it makes a perfect environmentally friendly solution for that last part of your commute or for just some pure recreational enjoyment.

With a futuristic look and smooth ride that’s powerful enough to conquer gentle inclines you can easily get wherever you’re going without breaking a sweat.

backwards. By simply leaning slightly you can effortlessly glide along in total control. Each wheel is driven independently by a 200 Watt electric motor so you can even pivot and turn on the spot. With powerful gyroscopes the “Galactic Wheels 400” dual wheeled electric scooter will keep you upright as you’re carried to your destination. Just like the Silver Surfers board this transportation device is like something out of another world, and will turn any mundane journey into an enjoyable and fun experience.

There are two sensors under each foot plate that detect the difference in pressure from your feet when leaning forward or

The powerful 8000mAh battery can keep the Dual wheel scooter going for up to 3 hours and weighing a little over 10 kilograms it can even

• Max Mileage: About 25 to 30km

At a Glance... • Dual Wheel Self Balancing Electric Scooter • Power: 400W (200W x 2) • Up to 10 kmph • Max Load: 100kg

• Safe climbing angle: 25degrees • 8000mAh battery

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

title text



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NZ Manufacturer May 2015


When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. -Simon Sinek

Kiwi business not ready for millennial technology demands - CEO Kiwi businesses will need an urgent technology upgrade to accommodate an increase in millennial workers wanting more workplace flexibility, according to a local tech CEO. Michael Russell, CEO of IT solutions company Origin, says research shows the demographics of the New Zealand workforce are rapidly evolving, and by 2020 almost half of all employees will be millennials - those who have grown up with the internet. “This group expect to be mobile and able to work from anywhere at anytime,” says Russell. “Recent studies have shown a third of millennials put more value on social media freedom, device flexibility and work mobility than on salary. That means the kind of technological flexibility a company

offers in the future may be more important than the remuneration package for many people. “Having grown up in such a connected world, the millennial generation are used to staying in touch online at all times, which means many Kiwi companies may find themselves needing to address the ways they use technology in their business.” Russell says the group are less likely to listen to voicemail messages, and expect to be able to use online social collaboration tools to communicate with colleagues. One of the most significant changes may be to the standard office equipment of a desktop computer system, according to Russell.

“Millennials like to have the flexibility to work from wherever suits, and access content from multiple devices such as iPads and smartphones, which means low-cost laptops that store data on the cloud will suit them better than a full desktop set-up that ties them to a certain location,” he explains. “It may also mean ensuring staff can print direct to the office printer via their smartphone, and adopting mobile apps into work processes. For example, giving employees the option to track time spent on projects on their phone so they can log tasks performed outside of standard business hours.”

mobile workers to access data easily from multiple devices, while ensuring a high level of security is maintained. With three-quarters of the workforce predicted to be millennial by 2025, Russell says those companies who evolve the quickest when it comes to technology in the workplace are more likely to attract and retain quality staff.

Most companies in New Zealand had made steps toward greater flexibility, but Russell says many will need to make comprehensive changes to enable

NZMEA appoints new Chief Executive IANZ forges closer links with China Dieter Adam, a senior executive with experience in a broad range of international and national commercial and scientific organisations, has been appointed Chief Executive of the New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association (NZMEA).

and having held research positions in Germany and Denmark, Dieter Adam arrived in New Zealand from Germany in 1986 to take up an academic position at the University of Waikato. He joined the commercial world in 1994 and has held senior management positions in the primary industry (Rayonier New Zealand, Livestock Improvement Corporation), as well as his own consultancy business.

Announcing the appointment, NZMEA President Tom Thomson said Dieter has a solid record of performance and leadership especially in the areas of international business development and innovation management.

“Dieter’s experience covers senior executive and governance roles in the manufacturing and service sectors combined with business-to-business and business-to-consumer relationships, both internationally and in New Zealand.

“He comes to us from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) where he worked with a large number of New Zealand’s leading food and beverage exporters, as well as manufacturers in the agritech sector, helping them grow their export businesses. This experience gave him a unique oversight of different approaches to international business development.” With a Ph.D. in plant biotechnology

“His time with NZTE allowed him to build valuable relationships with government agencies charged with implementing the Government’s Business Growth Agenda,” Tom Thomson said. Dieter Adam said he is looking forward to joining the NZMEA at a time when there are significant opportunities and challenges for New Zealand’s manufacturing and exporting sector.

ACC levy cuts about right The EMA has welcomed reductions to ACC levies announced as part of the 2015 Budget as timely and about right. EMA CEO Kim Campbell says the $500 million reduction over two years comes at the right time following ACC’s sound financial performance and the solid footing which has the scheme now fully funded. “We also like the fact there will be a more transparent levy-setting framework in the future and the Minister’s assurance around more stable levies in the future,” said Mr

Campbell. “This is something our organisation has pushed hard for in recent years as levies have varied greatly according to the financial fortunes of the ACC funding base. “That is reflected in the very welcome fact that the motor vehicle levy will drop to almost a third of what it is now in just two years’ time. There will also be significant reductions to the work levies, which all our members will be

Economic and trade development between New Zealand and China is set to improve further following a new arrangement between the two countries’ accreditation organisations Dr Llew Richards, the chief executive of International Accreditation NZ (IANZ), and Mr Xiao Jianhua, the chief executive of the China National Accreditation Service (CNAS), signed the deal at a meeting in Frankfurt recently. Dr Richards says having robust and widely-accepted accreditation offers significant economic benefits for trade between New Zealand and China and gives assurance of market access for exporters. “We have been working on this for some time and are very pleased to have now finalised the arrangement,” says Dr Richards. “There are many advantages for both New Zealand and China in the development of strong links between our organisations. A closer, long-term relationship and greater technical co-operation will make trade easier in both directions.”

New Zealand and China already have a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) in place, which was originally signed in 1999. “That means we accept reports from their accredited laboratories and vice versa,” says Dr Richards. “However, this latest signing goes much deeper than that. It will help eliminate technical barriers to trade, boost awareness and confidence in accreditation amongst regulators and exporters and ensure the MRA is working as effectively as possible. “Using cross-country accreditation provides cost-effective solutions for regulators and exporters. It means more robust systems for checking goods and it minimises liability for all parties. In addition, greater collaboration will bring benefits like staff training and interaction, improved information exchange and co-operative assessments.”

welcome and the earner’s levy also comes down. We’re also pleased to see that as a new Minister to the ACC portfolio, the Hon Nikki Kaye has quickly come to terms with the issues and made such a positive step in the proposed ACC Financial Responsibility and Transparency Amendment Bill.”

Mr Xiao Jianhua, chief executive of the China National Accreditation Service (left) and Dr Llew Richards, chief executive of International Accreditation New Zealand, at the signing of the new arrangement.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

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NZ Manufacturer May 2015


I had rather attempt something great and fail, than to attempt nothing at all and succeed. - Robert H. Schuller

continued from page 5

The construction sector – experienced by United Industries source, in order to prove they’re actually to standard and have been through the right accreditation processes. Things have tightened up, which is a good thing.” These changes have had a sizeable effect on United Industries’ steel-related businesses, particularly United Steel, who invested in an onsite lab to test the steel materials they receive, as well as their own manufactured steel, to ensure it all adheres to the new standards. While this was a significant capital investment, it also created an unanticipated and substantial boost in productivity. Despite the construction industry’s tendency to remain “boom and bust” over the years, and even with the Christchurch Earthquake forcing significant changes to materials and processes, the outlook for the foreseeable future remains positive for United Industries and the rest of the construction industry in New Zealand. “The Auckland economy is very strong. Hamilton, Bay of Plenty and Christchurch are strong. But it’s still very competitive, the levels of business are now higher than they were in the 2008/2009 downturn but not ridiculously high, so it still looks to be reasonably sustainable for a few years.”

EVERYONE WHO GOES TO WORK COMES HOME HEALTHY AND SAFE WorkSafe and ACC will be at SouthMACH, in Christchurch – 22-23 July 2015. We’ll help you improve your health and safety performance and reduce harm in your work place. Come and see us at Stand 29 and pick up your copy of best practice guidelines for the Safe use of Machinery and Safety Toolkit. SouthMACH, Horncastle Arena, Hall 1, Stand 29.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

SOUTHMACH 2015 Thermal Imaging: See more with innovative, reliable thermography


Your number one destination for Thermal Imaging equipment Come see us at stand No. 10

Thermal imaging cameras are fast becoming an important tool for a multitude of applications, helping you identify weak spots and damage effectively, whether you are checking buildings, performing industrial maintenance, inspecting solar energy / photovoltaic systems or undertaking research. Our range of thermal imagers have outstanding infrared image quality and innovative technologies such as SuperResolution, Site Recognition or full radiometric video. Eurotec offers a variety of high quality non-contact temperature measurement equipment from our European suppliers including portable handheld imagers from Testo through to Infrared thermometers, pyrometers and fixed in-line cameras from Dias and Optris. The team at Eurotec are highly qualified and experienced with the range of instruments with several team members being Level 1 qualified thermographers. They are further able to provide an After Sales service including calibration of all thermal imagers. Want to learn how to use your thermal imaging camera to its full potential? Eurotec provides a 5 day on site workshop every six months through which Level 1 Thermography certification can be attained. Make use of all camera features and functions available for your specific application and gain a qualification in an ever growing area of industrial maintenance. Thermography expert Wayne Ruddock from Advanced Infrared Resources is the course tutor providing a hands on experience for each student so they can proficiently perform the infrared thermography tasks required to complete their infrared functions in a correct manner once they return to their work place. Wayne Ruddock, is a professional infrared thermographer and educator with over 35 years practical experience in this field. His experience in all sectors of infrared thermography empowers him with abilities which ensure that your education in infrared thermography cannot be surpassed. The Level 1 Thermography Certificate is a certification by The Australian & New Zealand Institute of Infrared Thermography.


Refrigeration Measurement


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Solar power is the last energy resource that isn’t owned yet. Nobody taxes the sun yet. -- Bonnie Raitt,

SouthMACH 2015 – Industry Machines, Robots, Prize Draws, Education and so much more... With less than two months to go there’s a buzz around the South Island’s – and one of New Zealand’s – biggest and most anticipated engineering, machinery, industrial and technology events. SouthMACH is well-known among engineers, machinists, communications technicians and managers, technical operators, operations managers and anyone involved in manufacturing. But with the show now in the trusted hands of New Zealand’s leading trade event organisers, XPO Exhibitions, it’s poised for take-off as the best ever. “SouthMACH only happens every two years. This year’s exhibitor list

is impressive with a range of new industry suppliers on board in addition to established ones. Visitors will be able to talk with global experts, get up close and hands-on with the latest tools, products, technology and services, take advantage of exclusive show-only deals, up-skill and stay current with a wide range of free and low-cost seminars, and network with fellow professionals to get great ideas

and solutions to nagging problems. “It’s not all business either, with break-out areas for relaxation and conversation, and the chance to win a brand new Ford Transit. All trade visitors have to do to be in to win is to attend SouthMACH, then visit the Ford stand at SouthMACH, and have your event badge scanned.” Other attractions – work-related, of course – at the South Island’s premier technology trade show include the incredible “as-seen-on-TV” robot Baxter from kanDO Innovation Ltd. kanDO Business Development Manager, Ash Taylor, says people are fascinated with Baxter. “Baxter is an interactive production robot that has been designed to work safely with human workers, yet be flexible enough to also adapt to a changes in production. “Baxter will stop on human contact – it pauses its activity and will wait for its operating zone to become clear before resuming.” Baxter’s not the only robot starring at SouthMACH. At the other end of the scale is the new UR3 – the world’s most flexible, lightweight table top robot

from industrial automation specialists Design Energy. “The UR3 went through a three-year development phase and is an affordable table top robot with a 3kg payload, yet weighs a mere 11kg,” says Design Energy director Mike Shatford. “It has a 360-degree rotation on all wrist joints and infinite rotation on the end joint, so is ideal for tightening fasteners. “The new UR3 from Universal has significantly lowered the price of automating a process using a 6-axis robot. Manufacturers can now introduce an industrial robot into production at almost half the cost of technology which is currently available.” So we’ve covered off on machines, technology education, major prize draws, robots – oh did we mention you can also see NZ made drones which could change the future of search & rescue worldwide? You need to register for this show right away!!! SouthMACH is at the Horncastle Arena, Addington, Christchurch, 22 & 23 July 2015. It is a trade-only event, with free entry to those who pre-register online at

Horncastle Arena, Christchurch

SouthMACH is the South Island’s premier technology trade show celebrating the heartland of NZ Manufacturing.



NZ Manufacturer May 2015

It doesn’t matter where you came from. All that matters is where you are going. - Brian Tracy



title text

Take a closer look at the

LINAKÂŽ LA36 Actuator Stroke Length : Up to 1 metre Force: Up to 1 Tonne Max. Speed: 160mm / sec IP66 (dynamic) : IP69 (static) IC - Integrated Controller (H-Bridge) ModBus & LINbus communication Integrated parallel controller PC configurator tool Hall effect sensor IECeX approved for zone 21 Analogue or digital feedback for precise positioning Endstop signals Feedback options No mess / No oil leaks Maintenance free Easy to install


BuildNZ / Designex : Stand 316 SOUTHMACH : Stand 84


NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.


– Voltaire

Thorn displaying lighting products at SouthMACH 2015

KOLORSPEC LED A specialist LED luminaire designed for hygiene applications

Thorn Lighting (NZ) Ltd is appearing on Stand 70. Below are some of the products the company will be displaying. Kolorspec LED – Specialist Hygiene Luminaire Key Features: • IP65 rated from the front • Long life 50,000 hours • Luminaire efficacy 95 Llm/W • Electronic fixed output control gear • Dimming available on request

specifically to solve this problem and to meet the demands of a hygienic processing environment.

• Rear access • Stainless steel (316) trim • Environmentally friendly, no Mercury or other hazardous substances

Craft – High-bay LED luminaire

• For 100mm thick EPS (poly panel) ceiling

Key Features:

• Ceiling cut out 578 x 578mm Replacing ageing light fittings high above industrial plant can pose quite a challenge, especially when scaffolding or scissor-lifts are ruled out because of immovable plant or hygiene issues. Kolorspec LED was designed by Thorn

• 245W 50,000 hour LEDs • Luminaire efficacy 95 Llm/W • IP65 rated from the front

• Single beam: 98W / 12.850lm / 131lm/W Twin beam: 196W / 25.726lm / 131lm/W

• Rear access • Stainless steel trim • Dimming option available

For further information: T. 0800 800 834 E.

• Twin or single wide beam

• 50,000 hour L85 -40° C to +55° C

continued on page 20

Visit Stand 151South Mach15 and See the Expanding Future of Unmanned Aerial Services THO63 NZ Manufacturer Mag v2.indd 1

Global Aerial Platforms Ltd (‘GAP’) is a New Zealand based developer and manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for a range of commercial, scientific, environmental and community purposes. All GAP UAVs deploy GPS satellite connectivity for the purpose of navigation and can be equipped with embedded stabilised cameras for the relay of thermal, multispectral and high definition imagery communications TheEngineering, GAP Global materials, Ranger alongside an Auster.and imaging technology has positioned GAP at the forefront of a fast changing industry. GAP’s UAV models range from” ■ ■ ■

Our ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

The 1.9m delta wing ‘Kuaka’ UAV is designed as a fast response multi-purpose short-range vehicle with a flight time of 40-50 minutes. Launched by catapult, the Kuaka cruises at 50 knots and can land on land or water. The 3.5m quad UAV ‘Hummingbird’ is designed as a robust work platform for multiple tasks in the urban landscape and horticultural fields including environmental monitoring and prevention systems. (Under development). The 7.5m + dual fuselage‘Global Ranger‘ UAV is a fast response specialty vehicle with a stable platform to accommodate payloads, This version will cruise at high altitude on flights of long duration.

exciting range of UAVs is designed for multi-uses: Search and Rescue operations (seafront, ocean maritime and alpine rescue) National border surveillance Maritime support (fisheries, ports) Vessel monitoring (including yacht racing, anti-piracy) Livestock monitoring

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Emergency services Horticultural atmospheric analysis, crop monitoring and frost protection Highways, bridges and traffic surveillance Inspection and Maintenance of major installations Disaster management


14/05/15 2:01 pm

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

We become what we think about. -Earl Nightingale



Mitsubishi Laser Increasing Sales in Australasia Mitsubishi was one of the original laser manufacturers with production of CO2 laser starting in 1980. Over the past 35 years, Mitsubishi has sold thousands of CO2 laser systems and built a strong worldwide sales and service network for their advanced 2D and 3D laser cutting systems.

In the last two years Mitsubishi sales of new laser cutting machines has been steadily increasing in Australia and New Zealand. The reason of the increased interest in the Mitsubishi laser is the ability of this laser system to produce an excellent cut finish on thick aluminium, steel, and especially thick stainless steel has put the Mitsubishi laser in a class of its own. The new 4500W Mitsubishi laser with CF-R resonators have cutting results that compare to some 6000W lasers so power savings are instantly realised. A standout feature of the Mitsubishi laser is the crossflow resonator design

that lowers the daily operation and future maintenance costs compared to other CO2 type industrial laser systems. The Mitsubishi Cross Flow Resonator design has considerably less laser gas flow requirements than the conventional CO2 laser designs and this reduces the Mitsubishi laser operating costs. Another Mitsubishi laser feature to reduce operation costs is the “Just - On - Time� laser discharge with the beam on for the minimum of time to produce the required cut quality. Idle mode, along with beam off mode further reduced the power consumption of this advanced laser cutting system. Low speed laser gas circulation inside the crossflow resonator gives a power stability variation of only +/1% which allows excellent cutting control.

with lowering laser operation costs. In all the Mitsubishi RX, EX, and XL series are high quality laser cutting machines that are built to give many years of reliable operation and produce excellent and consistent cut results on thick and thin material. In New Zealand Mitsubishi laser is represented by Revolution Precision Machinery who offer a high level of product support from their factory trained service engineers. Contact the sales team at or phone Auckland 2650380. Christchurch 9600892

Rectangular pulse wave output gives low heat input into the sheet material along with high processing speeds. From these innovations cut quality is improved along


NZ Manufacturer May 2015

C o n n e c t i o n Te c h n o l o g i e s GELM2M termination blocks SEAMLESS NETWORK CONNECTIVITY GEL filled termination block comes in a wide range FROM EDGE TOall THE NETWORK CORE of sizes, for ASSETS single cables up to five cables, February 2015

Items & Products

providing an IPX8 protection to the joint. Suitable for direct burial and up to 1 metre under water, the SHARKand product can be used for jointing or branch jointingwe of cables protocols equipment or straight valuable infrastructure, help.

 Etelec Whether it is new IoT  Harting of your assets to create faster, more efficient ##smarter, Call us to check out thenetworks. stocked range of sizes. ##

you connect and integrate all




• GSM, 3G & 4G LTE Routers • Intelligent GSM, Radio, & Data Modems

INTELLIGENT SENSING PLATFORM • Wzzard Development Kit • Wzzard Platform • Intelligent Edge Nodes

• Ethernet Bridges & Routers • Ethernet Serial Servers • Radio Modems - standard, industrial • Modbus I/O - standard, industrial • Long Range Bridge Modem • Buffered RF Modem Interface

MPGel, supplied in two bottles allows you to mix your own sealing GEL and seal your own enclosures. Mix the amount you need and within 5 minutes the job is done. Unlike hard setting resins, components and joints can be removed from the GEL with no damage to the cable or joint. Ideal for sealing PCB’s as used in wet environments. EX STOCK

Connection Technologies Ltd, P.O.Box 39340, Te Puni Mail Centre, Lower Hutt Tel. 04 5665 345 • Fax. 04 5665 347 • •

NOTE: Check out our new website, still under review but feed back appreciated.

P.O.Box 39340 Wellington Mail Centre 59 Marsden Street Lower Hutt Ph 4 5665 345 Fax 4 5665 347

NEW Check this out!!! WEICON No 5 Cable stripper.

The best ever German made cable stripper you will ever own. Self sensing for wire size, 0.2—6mm. Lightweight and easy to use.

Global Brands. Local Support.

More tools over page

at See us 6 at 11 Stand #thmach the Sou ition, Exhib uly 22-23 J

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. -Doug Ivester



myIntercad first of its kind in world myIntercad is a SolidWorks “add-in” program and is the first product of its kind anywhere in the world. It’s a free* tool, exclusive to Intercad, developed to help customers get the best out of their SolidWorks software. It directly connects every SolidWorks customer with our full range of technical services. * myIntercad2.1 is free to download and use, however certain features within myIntercad require a current subscription with Intercad Technical Support. You can download the myIntercad 2.1 installer (just 10Mb in size) directly from the Intercad website. Simply go to Select the installer and follow the onscreen instructions. IMPORTANT: myIntercad v2.1 is only compatible with SolidWorks version 2013 (64bit) and above. After installing myIntercad v2.1, to start using it all you need to do is log in by entering your current work email address and clicking login. You will see a “Welcome” message if the log in is successful. If you enter your email address and see a message saying it can’t find you in the database, please check your email

address is entered correctly. If you still can’t connect, please contact the Intercad Technical Support team.

continually being added – useful tools, utilities and other time savers. Most of the content is free to our customers with a valid subscription token, but even without a valid subscription you’ll find something useful to help you.

refresh, myTraining provides you with instant access to your courses – past and future – so you can keep track of them. If you need a copy of a training certificate, these can be accessed and printed from within myTraining. myNews keeps you up-to-date with the latest news and articles by Intercad about the goings on in the world of SolidWorks. Hear about the great things are customers are up to, and submit your own headlines when you have something to share.

There are three main areas of myIntercad – myToolkit, mySupport and myTraining.

mySupport is your SolidWorks assistant that connects you directly to our Technical Support Team. You’re able to get assistance by raising a support case directly from within SolidWorks, and can attach models, screenshots, files and computer logs. Updates to cases are notified to you automatically – so you can see how things are progressing. All your previous cases are also available, so you can review the resolution without any need to stop work, make phone calls or write emails.

myToolkit contains over 1000 individual components, with more content

If you have ever attended a training course, or have wondered if it’s time for a

myIntercad v2.1 connects to Intercad’s servers over the internet. It connects to our secure server using industry standard encryption over SSL. Intercad does not collect any data except when you use myIntercadv2.1 to raise support queries with Intercad’s Technical Support team (a valid Intercad subscription is needed to do this, however). For the technically minded, myIntercad uses industry standard SSL, port 443 with a digital certificate linked to the domain https://

myKnowledgebase is the library of Intercad technical guides, webcasts, and presentations. Using the built in webinar player, and the integrated search tool, it’s simple to search or browse to find any archived webinar, while you following along in SolidWorks.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015

SOUTHMACH PREVIEW 2015 The above is part website and part from Intercad’s Technical handbook. All Intercad Direct webinars can be accessed from within the Knowledge base tile and can either be played with an inbuilt media player or downloaded for later viewing. The knowledge base tile also includes many Quick reference documents in pdf format covering 2014, 2015 and general references.

automatically of any size to further investigate. This allows the clients to get on with their work while Intercad gets on with their problem. myIntercad allows the remote connection usually within seconds and happens right within the software itself.

myNews covers the last couple of blogs as well as any announcements regarding service packs.

They can be programmed to do just about anything with SolidWorks; some real examples include:

mySupport allows Intercad to remote into a person’s computer with their permission and see the actual problem they are having. Intercad can then suggest a fix or attach files

1. Automatically assign a Serial Number to every SolidWorks file that you create. For example Prj001-0001. slddrw, then Prj-001-0002.slddrw would keep all your drawings for

The tiles described above are small SolidWorks programs (a lot like macros) that appear in the myIntercad panel.

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.

your project organised and easy to locate. Available Now! 2. Set up and run the same command on a number of SolidWorks files automatically. For example, you might want to generate a PDF of every SolidWorks drawing under a particular folder on your hard drive. Coming Soon 3. Manage your document printing. For example, direct all drawings with A1 sheet size to the right printer.

Coming Soon How does a customer start writing their own Live Tiles?

-Napolean Hill

developers get started. It’s free, with registration (refer au/myIntercad for more details). The SDK download comes complete with an example of a fully working Tile. The full source code for the IC3D “Number Generator” is included along with a video that guides you through the build process. A Live Tile is not a macro but the SDK provides guidance to show how a macro can be “wrapped” in a Live Tile. This could be a useful way of making a macro available to a number of people in a company.

Intercad has produced a SDK (Software Development Kit) to help

continued from page 16

Thorn displaying lighting products at SouthMACH 2015 • Dust-proof IP5X • DALI dimmable • Emergency options available • Versatile, small, lightweight • Ceiling mount or suspended • Six models available to suit a variety of applications The first LED high-bay in the Zumtobel range sets an impressively

high standard. The luminaire’s inner workings and appearance have been designed from scratch. With a power input of 183W, a luminous flux of 26,000 lumens is produced. To achieve high-precision light direction, each LED has been assigned a separate lens which means that long shelves can now be illuminated as efficiently as spacious bays.

The round lighting core has been transformed into a lighting pyramid with a square light exit area, creating significant extra uniformity and efficiency. Craft requires little maintenance, is DALI dimmable and can be operated with emergency power as standard which means it is perfectly prepared for use with lighting management systems.

The advantages of the Internet of Things in manufacturing By Denise Carson, Business Manager Operational Intelligence & Enterprise Mobility, UXC Connect According to Gartner, the Internet of Things (IoT) will connect 26 billion units by 20201, generating massive amounts of information that can be used by manufacturing organisations to make smarter decisions. The IoT will connect remote assets to centralised management systems, delivering information on performance and usage. This means organisations can receive information about product performance in real-time, speeding up the decision-making process and letting manufacturing companies respond to changing requirements faster. Connected devices, sensors and industrial systems provide an ever-growing set of unique touch points for manufacturing operations. Collection, storage and insight into machine data generated by industrial systems and the IoT can be a challenge. To make the most of the invaluable information that the IoT can deliver, manufacturing organisations must ensure their systems and data centres are capable of handling the increased loads.

Companies should consider four key things to ensure data centre infrastructure, systems and processes are ready to harness the IoT: 1. Capacity management. Manufacturers must ensure sufficient forwarded planning to meet the network bandwidth, data storage and processing power demands of the IoT, as well as the resources required to manage them. 2. Data security. The data collected from operational assets via the IoT can be highly sensitive from a competitive or customer privacy perspective so it is essential to ensure that any security measures are adequate. 3. Data status. Data centres must distinguish between data for internal use and analysis, and consumer data. Consumer data often needs special protection under privacy legislation, so it will need to be handled differently in the data centre. 4. Consumer privacy. New Zealand privacy legislation mandates the protection of customer personal information. This can impact manufacturers’ ability to improve

services based on customer usage. Manufacturing organisations that can overcome these challenges in managing and analysing the data from the IoT will realise significant benefits, including: - the ability to verify that devices in the field are operating as intended, through measurement and constant commissioning - better capacity planning by monitoring data to see when there is an increased likelihood of unplanned device or system downtime - more effective root-cause analysis and remote troubleshooting through the ability to better-understand the stresses and causes of particular failures on particular devices, improving efficiency - earlier issue identification through the ability to identify outliers and anomalies that may indicate issues in device production or deployment - increased safety and compliance due to increased visibility into system performance or set points that could put machines or people

at risk. This is achieved by quickly developing and accessing reports for compliance purposes - stronger security across industrial systems that mitigate emerging cyber security threats. For example, a US-based manufacturer of train brake systems and components adopted an operational intelligence system that leveraged the IoT to deliver meaningful, actionable insight. The system handles multiple formats of unstructured, machine-generated data from telemetry systems and sensors on trains and turns it into information that can be used to make real-time decisions. Since deploying the system, the company has saved its customers more than US$1 billion per year in reduced fuel costs. In today’s disruptive world, the impact of big data and the IoT will continue to grow in both size and importance.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. -Mark Zukerberg



Engineering for the future Four years ago New Zealand’s leading design, engineering and manufacturing business merged its operations and renamed itself as Milmeq. Ever since, Milmeq has been scooping up national excellence, innovation and business awards, including Supreme Business Excellence winner at the recent Westpac Business Awards Best of the Best, helping realise the company’s vision to become a world leading contracting supplier to the primary food processing industry. Chief Executive Officer Mike Lightfoot said the run of awards is recognition of the company’s world-class quality innovation and attributes the ongoing success to his 130 plus staff. “Our awards are a reflection of the innovative Milmeq team. We have always had the ethos that it is people that make the business, and it’s our people’s solution-focused, can-do approach that leads to this success, my job is just to steer the ship,” he said. As a contracting supplier to the primary food processing industry, Milmeq delivers specialist capital plant equipment for the production of meat, poultry, dairy, seafood and horticulture. The majority of the Milmeq team are based at their large manufacturing site in Dunedin, while business operations run from offices in Auckland and Brisbane. “From our senior staff to our new training graduates, our employees have a wide range of disciplines, skills and competencies – but we all share common values and the same goal to develop and design the best solutions for our clients.” The company’s strong people-focused philosophy dates all the way back to 1952 in Auckland when the company was formed under the name Refrigeration Engineering by William Goodfellow. At the time there was an increasing need for refrigeration engineering to assist primary produce markets in making their products available around the world. Mr Goodfellow had contemplated entering the refrigeration industry for some time, but held off as he did not have the right person to run such a business. When he heard UK company Lightfoot Refrigeration’s top overseas agent William Engle was immigrating to New Zealand, he met him at the port and eventually gave him the mandate to create a refrigeration business.

He is more confident than ever in his people and believes Milmeq will continue to lead the way in food processing engineering, with a focus on ensuring a robust platform for future generations of processors and consumers. “Throughout our long history we have had steady growth because we have continued to look outward, diversifying our service offering and expanding our markets, but most of all we have invested in our people and that’s what makes a difference,” Mr Lightfoot said.

Milmeq’s awards • 2015: Winner, Excellence in Innovation, New Zealand International Business Awards • 2015: Finalist, Excellence in Design, New Zealand International Business Awards • 2014: Winner, Supreme Business Excellence, Westpac Business Awards: Best of the Best • 2014: Winner, Excellence in Exporting, Westpac Business Awards: Best of the Best • 2014: Finalist, New Zealand Innovators Awards • 2014: Winner, Supreme Business Excellence, Westpac Auckland Business Awards: South • 2014: Winner, Excellence in Exporting, Westpac Auckland Business Awards: South • 2014: Finalist, Excellence in Innovation, Westpac Auckland Business Awards: South • 2011: Winner, Mechanical & Manufacturing, New Zealand Engineering Excellence Awards The Milmeq Single Retention Tunnel is designed to accommodate varying product types and carton sizes that all require the same chill or freeze time. It is an air blast based system that provides uniformed conditioning and can be designed to either chill or freeze.

Sixty-three years on, the company’s dedicated and innovative people have pioneered a number of new technologies, many of which have become industry standards. Their early engineering solutions included the design and manufacture of evaporators for blast freezing of meat. Then in the 1970s and 1980s the company led the New Zealand sheep industry’s change from the conventional to the inverted system. Today the more efficient inverted system, where lambs are proceeded upside down rather than being hung, is recognised worldwide for its superior food hygiene, reduced contamination and reductions in hard manual labour. Going from strength to strength, the company soon offered a range of services from industrial refrigeration and mechanical systems to wholesale for components of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning. In the 1990s a unique engineering skill set for the design of robust processing systems for sheep and cattle was added and in the mid-1990s the company’s most well-known innovation, large plate freezing technology, was developed in its newly established Brisbane based operation. The plate freezing technology is still used across the international meat and dairy industry to fast freeze cartons, resulting in superior quality and extended shelf life of exported products. More recently, an improved carton retrieval system has been added to achieve energy savings and even faster freezing times. Milmeq’s chilling and freezing retention tunnels were also the first of their kind and are now a global standard, while its recently developed robotic Milmeq Fully Automated Storage Transfer (MFAST) system is achieving labour savings in materials handling for manufacturing businesses. Mr Lightfoot has seen many changes over the years and says the company remains well aware of the challenges its clients face in the ever-changing primary food markets. “Our people engineer for the future. We aim to future proof systems for our clients to provide flexibility and equip them for the constantly changing landscape of food processing.”

Milmeq have been providing Horizontal Plate Freezers for over 40 years. Cartons of the same size enter the system and the horizontal plates compress together, creating rapid contact freeze and resulting in completely flat surfaces to help deliver efficiencies in palletising and distribution operations. The technology also helps with energy savings, superior quality and extended shelf life of exported products. 3D CAD drawing of a robotic storage and retrieval system named Milmeq Fully Automated Stock Transfer, or ‘MFAST’ developed my Milmeq to help manufacturing businesses achieve labour savings in materials handling. The system ensures complete management and turnover of stock by sorting and prioritising cartons as they enter the storage enclosure, allowing it to retrieve certain product types efficiently to create customised pallets depending on the client’s requirements.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession. - Mark Cuban

What the upcoming health and safety law changes mean to manufacturers Kevin Mckillop of health and safety development organisation Workbase explains what the upcoming health and safety law changes mean for manufacturing businesses and how to make sure your business will comply. Strengthened health and safety regulations coming into force this year will increase the importance of making sure that employees and contractors know how to work safely. Directors, owners and managers (who are duty holders with influence and control over the business) will need to know about all of their business’s operational risks and hazards, and how they are being managed. Under the new regulations, duty holders will need to actively demonstrate that safety is a priority. They will also need to clearly identify health and safety responsibilities, verify the health and safety system is understood – and being correctly applied - by all managers, supervisors, frontline workers and contractors.

Greater employee and contractor involvement in risk and hazard identification and management will also be necessary, which will require employees and contractors to learn new health and safety language, knowledge and skills. Managers and supervisors will need to know how to give clear instructions, accurately describe desired safety behaviours, check that employees understand what they have been asked to do (or not do), and to communicate and coach for improvement when someone is not working safely. Under the new regulations, duty holders will need to: • Keep up to date about health and safety and good industry practice for manufacturing

• Understand the risks and hazards of the business operations • Make sure resources are available and used to manage the risks of work in the operation • Have ways to monitor the safety performance and management of the organisation • Know how you are complying with the duties and obligations of the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) • Verify the availability and use of the resources and processes These new responsibilities may be challenging for many manufacturing businesses, particularly if a significant proportion of employees are not familiar with health and safety requirements and vocabulary, dislike

reading or have English as a second language. Did you know? It will no longer be enough to rely on tool box meeting instructions, posters and policies pinned on notice boards to involve and educate employees about good health and safety practice. Under the new law owners, managers and supervisors will need to make sure that employees know what they need to do – and why. Next time: What duty holders need to know – and how to get that information.

Open Polytechnic study opens up career opportunities With a high demand in New Zealand for qualified, skilled engineering graduates, Open Polytechnic provides a variety of study pathways to help those working in the industry with professional development. Flexible distance learning enables students in employment to enhance their careers through on-going learning and upskilling. Blair Falconer, who is completing his National Certificate in Electrical

Engineering (Advanced Trade) this year, says that he decided to study through Open Polytechnic to not only help him grow in his current role, but also give him the skills to develop into a more senior role as his career

progresses. In his busy position as wind technician and electrician at Meridian Energy’s West Wind wind farm in Makara, Wellington, distance learning was the best option for him. “I don’t have to attend class so I have more time and can plan to do study on specific days. It is flexible and I can do it when it suits me, during my lunch breaks or after work,” he says. “I used the online campus for submitting most of my units. It’s very easy to use, and if I leave my books at work, I can still access the online learning material from home. The learning material is easy to read, with plenty of diagrams and photos.” Blair is looking to study further, with a solid foundation in Advanced Trade. “I think the National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Advanced Trade) is a good taster in a lot of different areas, not just in electrical engineering, you also cover health and safety, drawing, accounting and electrical legislation.” Open Polytechnic Head of School of

Engineering, Trades and Construction, Christo Potgieter, says there are many study options for those looking to develop their engineering careers. As well as the National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Advanced Trade), Open Polytechnic also offers a New Zealand Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical) and the Bachelor of Engineering Technology. “Our Bachelor of Engineering Technology is offered with the University of Southern Queensland, where students can gain overseas exposure during their block courses. The degree offers specialisations in Electrical/Electronic, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering.” “Afterwards graduates can work as Technologists all over the world and can be admitted as Engineering Technologists with the Institution of Professional Engineers in New Zealand,” says Christo. For more information about studying Engineering with Open Polytechnic, visit or call 0508 865 327 today.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

If you’re competitor focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer focused allows you to be more pioneering. - Jeff Bezos



continued from Page 1

EIS going well in Invercargill NZM: Tell us more about the importance of health and safety in your industry? Dean Addie: We operate in multiple significant hazard sites, so health and safety is the driving force behind everything we do. We believe that looking after our people and ensuring they are in an environment that allows them to return home safe every day is the most important thing you can do in business. We punch above our weight and remain a step ahead of the regulators, so for us when it comes to TRIFR (Total Recordable Injuries Frequency Rate) and LTI (Lost Time Injury) it’s not about measure, it’s about culture and getting the results. We absolutely believe that zero harm is attainable, so the best result for us is no one ever getting hurt. Our results to date have been made possible by constant education, continual improvement and engaging our team. We do however live in a constant state of worry that we are not doing it well enough, but that’s important as it reminds us that we need to keep improving. We also work passionately with other businesses to help them attain the same culture. Health and safety knowledge is one thing that should be shared with everyone. I deliver governance, executive and frontline engagement talks all over the country and our team assist others with operational training

EIS Senior Project Engineer Jon Rawcliffe works on the electrical installation and PLC automation for the reverse osmosis wastewater filtration plant at Fonterra in Edendale.

and procedural improvements. NZM: What is the best piece of business advice you can offer? Dean Addie: I believe you have to look after your people first, so the best advice I can give is to engage and empower your people. Follow the circle of business. Care for and train your people, as it’s your people who look after your clients and when your clients are well looked after they

pay your business money, allowing your business to operate as a great corporate citizen, which in turn allows you to care for and train more people, who can look after more clients – and so it goes on. NZM: What values?




Dean Addie: Shared values, kept promises and positive personal statements are all an important part of

who we are at EIS, but to me, personal integrity stands above the rest. In order to keep EIS’ integrity we adhere to three key ideals, firstly, people are our number one asset. Secondly, always give clients what we told them we would, when we told them we would, the way we told them we would and for the dollars we said we would. And lastly, always do the right thing – no matter the cost. NZM: What is your favourite quote? Dean Addie: There are so many great inspirational quotes out there, but my favourite has to be the Maori proverb – He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! - it translates to “What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!”. NZM: What are your favourite business books? Dean Addie: I read about four books a month on business and life, whether it’s a traditional book, audio book or on my kindle. I believe leaders are readers and leaders are teachers, so it is very important that we take what we learn and we teach it to others. My two favourites are Oh, the places you’ll go! by Dr. Seuss (I think that’s one of the best books ever written about how to succeed) and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (I read that about once a year). Two of my favourite places to go for great books and information are and www.summary. com.


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity. -Thomas J. Peters

Berries from China refuels Country of Origin labelling debate By Stephanie Melbourne New phone scanning technologies could add a new angle to Country of Origin labelling, which traditionally in New Zealand has been a voluntary practice for the food industry to use as a marketing tool, even though it is required in Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia. A recent labelling issue in Australia regarding frozen berries imported from China has further fuelled the ongoing debate surrounding Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL) highlighting its relevancy and the value of knowing exactly where the food we eat comes from. The Australian CoOL standard which commenced in 2006 requires mandatory country of origin labelling on all packaged foods, fish, pork and fresh whole or cut fruit and vegetables. They also have guidelines for the use of the terms “Product of Australia” and “Made in Australia”. Since then, there has been a raft of public reviews, and legislative and regulatory attempts to clarify the laws relating to CoOL in Australia. Last month a brand of frozen mixed berries imported from Chile and China was recalled by the Food Standards Authority of Australia and New Zealand after links were found to a Hepatitis A outbreak in Australia. In this case, the packaging contained the words “Packaged in Australia” in large print and “Made from local and imported ingredients”, although the large majority of the berries were imported. This has prompted calls from the Australian government to take yet another look at its CoOL requirements under the Food Standards Codes. Typically, product labels contain statements like “made in” and “product of”. But what does “Made in [country] from mostly local ingredients” mean? Does more than 50% of the product need to be from the specified country of origin? It is these statements which generate the most confusion amongst shoppers. Here in New Zealand in May 2014, a Food Bill was put forward to make CoOL mandatory. However, the policy of successive New Zealand Governments has been that CoOL (across all food types) should be a voluntary practice for the food industry to use as a marketing tool. This is primarily based on the presumption that the costs would far

outweigh the benefits to consumers, although an exception is provided for in the regulations in respect of wine. For other industries, the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research did a cost/benefit analysis in 2005, showing the re-labelling costs alone were likely to be in the order of $60 million in the first year and could have been as high as $110 million. An alternate means of promoting the use of CoOL is through the “Buy NZ Made” industry certification scheme. The Buy NZ Made distinctive kiwi in a triangle trade mark can only be used by members of the Buy NZ Made campaign who pay a licence fee to do so. Other retailers, such as Countdown Supermarkets, employ voluntary CoOL on their house brand products as well as fresh and single-ingredient whole foods. In reality, it could be seen that the vast majority of products on the market would meet “Product of New Zealand” requirements and that organisations are increasingly focusing their marketing on the iconic link to New Zealand. In order to protect consumers, Section 13(j) of the Fair Trading Act 1986 prohibits making any false or misleading representations concerning the place or origin of goods. This goes wider than simply using the Buy NZ made logo, but includes the use of any statement or symbols, such as flags, or kiwis, that indicate the product is made in New Zealand. Last year, Auckland souvenir company BGV International Ltd has been fined $22,000 in the Auckland District Court for misleading Asian tour groups about the country of origin of expensive alpaca rugs. The Commerce Commission takes the view that a place of origin is the country or region where the product’s “essential quality” was created, although this still creates some ambiguity where raw products are imported from overseas which is often the case. Take beer, for example, where 95% is made up of water while the malts and hops may be imported – do these small components give the beer its “essential” characteristics? Some would say yes, and therefore the origin of these ingredients would require labelling. In any event, the success of any country-of-origin claim on food labelling, whether voluntary or mandatory, may depend on the degree

of clarity surrounding its defining requirements and whether the public perceive the claim as being reputable, as our Aussie counter-parts have discovered. A new generation of consumers are increasingly arming themselves with mobile apps to help them find out this sort of information from the food they buy. These apps feature a barcode scanning mechanism to view additional information on food product labels (termed “extended labelling”). For example, OPENLABEL allows consumers and organisations to instantly attach their own “labels” directly onto the barcode of a product. This could include country of origin statements or highlighting the company’s environmental track record. GLOW is another app where a shopper scans a barcode and can post and share their own labels and feedback. FOODSWITCH uses the same technology to provide nutritional information including in the form of traffic light-style colour-coded ratings for things like total fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt. On the flipside, not all are certain that such technologies will be a big hit, as research indicates that supermarket shopping predominantly involves quick, low involvement, habitual purchase behaviours. So would this type of technology have made a difference in our frozen berry contamination scare? Users of the mobile app scanning technology could have been made more aware of the origin and processing conditions of the berries, and then alerted to the product recall earlier. However, for some, this would not have altered their purchasing behaviour in the first place. It remains to be seen how such technologies are utilised in this space, and what other technologies may contribute to better informing consumers at the point of purchase regarding their origins. Overall, it will still be an important consideration for marketers when looking at the labelling of their New Zealand products. Stephanie Melbourne has experience on both sides of the Tasman dealing with the complexities of intellectual property law. She works with James & Wells’ Christchurch team as a Solicitor in the national trade mark and commercial law teams.

Field Days fencing competition fun For those of you attending the 44th NZ national agricultural Field Days at Hamilton this June (10-13), don’t forget to have some fun while there. Fairbrother Industries, the name behind Kinghitter and Hooper Cultivation, will run two speed-fencing competitions to test your rural handiwork. Its now famous 3 Batten Race and Farmers Challenge will be open to all from Wednesday morning right through to Friday afternoon at the Fairbrother exhibitions sites M61/63/65, offering a prize pool of $500 in each competition. The 3 Batten Race involves stapling 3 wooden battens on to a pre-built nine wire fence in the shortest possible time using a hand held hammer of your choice. The Farmers Challenge can test you for how fast (and how well, of course) you can strain a wire between two posts. And, if you want to see how complete novices work, on Thursday at 2.30pm our Bachelor event tests white collar workers from various workplaces to hang a gate and apply a tie finishing knot around the post.


Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

title text

NZ Manufacturer May 2015


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Environmental sustainability Social and ethical concerns Nutritional information Safety and quality Origin

Call us now on 0508 00 11 22 to find out how inSight™ can add value to your business. A new innovation taking product assurances into the 21st Century


NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

Delcam launches FeatureCAM for feature-based programming Delcam has launched the 2015 R3 release of its FeatureCAM feature-based CAM software. This includes a range of enhancements to give high-quality results on all types of machine tool, including complex mill-turn equipment and five-axis machining centres, while retaining the rapid programming times for which FeatureCAM is renowned. FeatureCAM was the world’s first feature-based programming software when it was launched in 1995. Constant development since then has ensured that the system has retained its leadership in programming speed and ease of use, while an increased range of strategies has been added to provide more efficient toolpaths that give greater productivity on a wider range of machinery, including mill-turn machines, five-axis mills and wire EDM equipment. The most significant new option is the ability to duplicate the physical constraints of the machine tool

in simulations in FeatureCAM. Machine-tool limits can be added to the models to be used in the simulation for three-, four- and five-axis milling machines, for turning equipment, and for mill-turn machines, including those with multiple turrets and/or multiple spindles. It is then possible to check that the chosen machine tool is capable of completing the proposed program for all types of equipment, from the simplest lathe to the most complex multi-tasking machine. The simulation will pause whenever the program attempts to move the machine beyond the specified limits. In many cases, simply changing the position of the part on the machine bed will allow the whole operation to be completed. Alternatively, modifications to the fixturing or to the length of the cutting tools may be required. Whatever changes are made, the computer

simulation can then be repeated to check that the modified program will run successfully. Proving out the program on the computer will save time and money on the machine tool, as well as checking that the part can be cut safely. In another improvement to FeatureCAM simulations, more accurate representations can be created of shanks and holders. These allow three-axis and five-axis collision checking to be undertaken more reliably. Two enhancements have been made to five-axis machining with FeatureCAM. Firstly, more control is available with the ability to set the C-axis orientation about the Z axis so helping to avoid machine collisions and to make the program more efficient by avoiding over-travel. Secondly, support for five-axis operation is possible in 2D spiral operations,

giving better control of the tool axis. This can ensure uniform depth of cut and cross-section when engraving onto complex surfaces, including parts with undercuts. Additional accessories that are supported in the new release include turning-head holders and mini turrets. Turning-head holders allow turning to be undertaken on a milling machine, while mini turrets allow more flexible positioning of the tooling and faster tool changes. In both cases, the new options can be simulated on the computer before being sent to the machine.

Turning-head holders have been added to the range of machining accessories supported by FeatureCAM.

Stainless steel terminal box ideal protector Battery chargers more intelligent Working in a harsh corrosive or are no potential points for bacteria and much more practical chemical environment? The new Eldon SSTB terminal box range now available will provide the best protection for your important componentry in 316 pre-grained dairy grade stainless steel.

Designed to meet the highly functional and aesthetic demands of target industries, the SSTB range has some of the highest number of certifications in the market across its 11 standard sizes, as well as a long list of easy to use accessories. There are no pre-drilled holes, and with corner formed edges there

growth, making the SSTB range the terminal box of choice for food & beverage, pharmaceutical, mining and water industries. Some of its features and benefits include: • 316L stainless steel fully welded construction • 240s pre-grained dairy finish ensures no surface pitting corrosion • IP 66 and IK 10 protection ratings to take all knocks, bumps and sprays • No pre-drilled holes ensures no potential contamination points • Accessories compatible between mild steel and stainless steel ranges

Models in the ‘Intelli-Charge’ battery charger range offer an adjustable charge rate, including the smaller 7Amp, 10Amp and 15Amp versions, increasing their suitability for use by home, marine, transport and commercial customers, as well as workshop professionals. Until now, a variable charge rate was only available in the larger 25Amp, 35Amp and 50Amp models, however Projecta engineers have successfully introduced the innovation to the more compact Intelli-Charge variants. The enhancement enables them to produce a charge rate from as low as 1Amp, delivering optimum and safe charging for all lead acid batteries,

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while continuing to offer world-class, 7-stage technology and multi-chemistry charging. Engineered and designed for use on all types of batteries, including Gel, AGM, Wet and Calcium, these chargers provide an opportunity to have just one charger to meet all needs, ranging from cars, motorbikes, trucks and contracting equipment to ride-on mowers, jet skis, boats etc. By selecting the battery chemistry type, Projecta’s Intelli-Charge range adjusts the charge to precisely match the battery, extending battery life and performance.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015


Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

title text




NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small.


- Tim Ferris

Vision sensors set new benchmark in product inspections When it comes to product inspections, Omron vision sensors are far more accurate than the human eye. Omron’s vision sensors are ideal for a wide variety of industry sectors, including food and beverage, packaging and pharmaceutical applications. Previously, all line inspections were carried out manually using several

people along a production line. This was very time consuming and did not have the same level of accuracy. When a line is running very fast, a human cannot check the faults. The FQ2 Vision Sensor is ideal for inspecting caps on plastic bottles to determine whether the cap is damaged, missing or is not inserted properly. It can check for the level of liquid – whether too high or low – for beverages such as fruit juice or soft drinks. It can also check if there are any scratches on metal surfaces of can check whether there has been any damage to label.

They are far more accurate than the human eye when it comes to product inspection. Previously, vision sensors placed the image processor in a separate Controller, now Omron has built the processor into the camera unit. The sensors are IP67 water resistant, meaning they can be used in wet environments. All cables from the camera are flexible. This allows the sensor to be used safely on moving parts. Main benefits Omron’s vision sensors can operate 24/7.They are reliable and very cost effective. Everything is automated … there is no need for manual checking. And




highly accurate .Depending on the programming they can have an accuracy rate of between 99 and 99.9 percent. The equipment is also low maintenance, with very low operating costs. Training and back-up support Depending on usage, most components will usually last between 5-7 years before being replaced. Some machines have been running for 20 years without any problems. Machines can be programmed according to customer needs. Omron provides training and full back-up support for its range of vision sensors.


New era in production of oil-free compressed air With the development of its new high-speed turbo (HST) technology, BOGE is ushering in a new era in compressed air. The expert in compressed air is achieving decisive improvements compared to the current state of the art by radically reducing the number of components and introducing an extremely intelligent design principle. With innovative turbo drive, the HST compressors produce 100 percent Class 0 oil-free compressed air – at the highest degree of efficiency and with minimal maintenance effort. Cost savings of up to 30 percent compared to conventional oil-free screw compressors are realistic. With the high-speed turbo technology, BOGE is achieving decisive improvements compared to the current state of the art: Thanks to a highly efficient compression principle and minimal energy consumption, HST ensures maximum results when it comes to efficiency.

time in using air-lubricated bearings in the drive shaft – which is a prerequisite for extremely high speeds of well beyond 100,000 rotations. Redefinition of high speed The permanent magnet motor and the unique way in which the drive shaft contains air-lubricated bearings ensure reliable, low-maintenance operation with minimal energy requirements. Impellers manufactured from high-quality titanium that rotate at high speeds and sit at the ends of the motor shafts set the intake air in motion. The kinetic energy is particularly effectively converted to pressure energy in conjunction with the diffusor and the spiral housing. A sophisticated cooling concept ensures effective cooling of the air after each compression stage and the integrated frequency inverters allow the volume flow rate to be infinitely adjusted to the demand for compressed air.

Concentration on the essential HST compressors are also making a mark in terms of their longevity: The radical reduction in the number of components compared to conventional compressors makes the machines considerably smaller and lighter.  Only one movable 3D Tool & Product Design Services for the Plastic and Metal Forming Industries. part per drive motor CAE Plastic Flow Analysis was installed, and • Product Design - From concept to production significantly fewer • Tool Design bearings and seals. • Plastic Injection Moulds There is no fan motor, • Pressed Metal gear unit, lubrication • CAE Plastic Flow Analysis with VISI Flow - a unique prediction tool • Mould troubleshooting “Virtual Injection Moulding” system or oil pump. E-mail: In addition, the use The new compressors are driven by a permanent magnet motor, which is characterised by a very high energy density. The outstanding feature: BOGE has now succeeded for the first

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of high-quality c o m p o n e n t s optimised for their intended application ensures minimal wear. This concept reduces the maintenance effort considerably and ensures a high degree of reliability. In terms of floor space, users require only half as much space as for oil-free screw compressors – and the weight is also simultaneously reduced by two thirds. In addition, the compressor can barely be heard: Depending on the size, the sound pressure level is between 63 and 60 dB(A). Best values in terms of energy efficiency Due to the radical reduction in the number of components compared to conventional compressors and thanks to the intelligent design principle that guarantees particularly low-wear operation, there is a noticeable improvement in the efficiency values. This is most evident in idle mode where the energy required is below 1.9 percent of the rated power. One of the reasons why the HST compressor achieves this extremely low efficiency value is because there is no fan motor taking up additional energy. Overall, it was possible to reduce the total costs compared to oil-free screw compressors by up to 30 percent. The HST compressors are available with heat recovery as an optional extra.

100 percent oil-free air guaranteed Class 0 oil-free compressed air is guaranteed with the new BOGE HST compressors: Thanks to the motor shaft with air-lubricated bearings and the fact that absolutely no lubrication is used, a HST compressor is a completely oil-free compressed air system. The fact that there is no oil system is simultaneously one of the most sustainable measures for reducing maintenance costs. Before, the machines always had to be stopped to lubricate bearings or change oil filters, but now they simply continue to operate. BOGE HST is available in three power levels with a standard pressure of 7.5 bar: The HST 55 produces 7.97 m3 of compressed air per minute and is the smallest size on the market to date. The HST 110 with a performance of 17.97 m3/min is available for users in the medium-sized segment. Producing 36.57 m3/min, the HST 220 is the model with the largest delivery quantity. BOGE intends gradually expanding the series.

NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Success does not consist in never making mistakes, but in never making the same one a second time.



– George Bernard Shaw

KiwiNet Research Commercialisation Awards 2014 Finalists includes engineering firms The KiwiNet Awards celebrate heroes in research commercialisation - those individuals and organisations whose best practice approach is changing the innovation landscape in New Zealand. We congratulate the 2014 finalists! Associate Professor Iain Anderson, StretchSense & University of Auckland

Titanium Technologies New Zealand (TiTeNZ)

TiTeNZ was established in December 2012 with the goal of developing a world class platform in titanium powder metallurgy that would in turn become a multi-company, multi-sector manufacturing base for advanced technology products and export focused technology enterprises. The TiTeNZ team is a collaboration between the University of Waikato, Callaghan Innovation, GNS Science, Auckland University, the Titanium Industry Development Association (TIDA) and a number of industry partners. This collaboration has resulted in the commercialisation of several exciting new technologies, which have been leveraged for optimal economic return to New Zealand. These include: • Design through to export of a firearm suppressor patented and manufactured by TiDA in partnership with Oceania Defence Ltd, using 3D printing techniques • Export sales of a new titanium alloy crew safety knife manufactured in collaboration between TiDA, Page Macrae and Victory Knives, for use by the Team New Zealand Americas Cup syndicate. • Successful demonstration of a proof of concept Ion Beam coating process for cleaning and pre-treatment of metal surfaces by GNS Science. The technology is now integrated within the daily operation of Page MacRae Engineering, enabling improved quality, appearance and performance of titanium alloy coatings.

Researcher Entrepreneur Award This award recognises an entrepreneurial researcher who has made outstanding contributions to business innovation or has created innovative businesses in New Zealand through technology licencing, start-up creation or by providing expertise to support business innovation.

Globally, Dr Iain Anderson is considered a leading researcher in the application and control of artificial muscle technologies. In 2005 Dr Anderson, an Associate Professor with Auckland University’s Department of Engineering Science along with his graduate students founded the Biomimetics Laboratory. The laboratory is located within the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland. The lab’s goal is to research the creation of new technology through biomimicry: the imitation of natural systems to solve problems and develop new technologies. The Biomimetics Lab has a strong focus on dielectric elastomer artificial muscles with particular expertise in optimising the technology for applications such as wearable sensors and power generators. In November 2012 Assoc. Prof. Anderson and two of his former students set out to commercialise soft stretch sensor technology. StretchSense Ltd makes stretchable capacitive sensors which are perfect for measuring human body motion. Dr Anderson’s research and leadership has led to sales of equipment and research contracts totalling over NZ$1m with companies such as Bayer MaterialScience and Lockheed Martin, and research organisations such as CSIRO, the University of Bristol, UCLA, Sherbrooke University, Purdue University to name a few.

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NZ Manufacturer May 2015

ANALYSIS Wireless Network Partnership Is a finalist in the Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Research and Business Partnership Award category Since 2007, Tait Communications and the Wireless Research Center (WRC) at the University of Canterbury have combined forces in the development of technology in LTE broadband, narrowband mobile radio, coverage extension, enhanced reliability and situational awareness. This partnership has allowed Tait to significantly expand its business and has raised the capability of both organisations. Through $2.2 million in cash and an equal amount in kind contributed from Tait, the WRC has boosted its research and student capability putting graduates in a prime position to take up formal employment at Tait, and delivering a combination of research and commercial expertise that has elevated Tait’s business. This partnership has all the hallmarks of a successful collaboration between research and business: • WRC researchers are able to immerse themselves in the world of Tait and its clients, enabling shared knowledge around the fast moving digital communications space. • Tait has been able to expand its business and address new and upcoming markets, as well as penetrate into overseas markets generating export value for New Zealand

I am thankful for all of those who said, “No” to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself. - Albert Einstein

GlycoSyn specialises in high quality drug development and prototype scale-up manufacture of complex drug candidates for its clients. A synthetic pathway to Kifunensine was developed in-house and the process patented by GlycoSyn, positioning themselves as one of the world’s few providers of this valuable compound and one of the few commercial providers of pharmaceutical grade material. GlycoSyn successfully connected with a US-based Biotech multinational for the export sale of clinical grade Kifunensine. Total revenues generated with this partner have exceeded NZ$16M over the last 7 years, with demand steadily increasing, year-on-year, until commercial launch of the business partner’s product in 2010. To put the worth of this material in perspective, on a per gram basis Kifunensine is 20 times more valuable than gold. GlycoSyn’s development and commercialisation of Kifunensine is an exemplar for a commercial deal from publicly funded research, generating significant economic returns to New Zealand. C-Dax Pasture Meter and Massey University’s Centre for Precision Agriculture, entered by Massey University Partnership between: C-Dax and Massey University’s Centre for Precision Agriculture A more efficient measurement system enabling farmers to make better-informed pasture grazing decisions.

• WRC has a healthy industry focus and research efforts are directed at developing a range of commercially viable IP’s that can expand Tait’s business capability. With a further $1.5 million guaranteed from Tait to the WRC over the next 2 years, this relationship is set to deliver ongoing value to both New Zealand’s public and private sectors.

Commercial Deal Award The commercial award celebrates excellence in research commercialisation delivering outstanding innovation performance and the potential for generating significant economic impact for New Zealand. Springfree™ Trampoline, entered by University of Canterbury

Pasture Meter developers within Massey University’s New Zealand Centre for Precision Agriculture saw a gap in the market for a more efficient means of pasture measurement. In partnership with C-Dax this vision became a reality, and now the Pasture Meter is sold in New Zealand and all around the world, benefitting the average NZ dairy farm by $57,000 per annum. The three co-developers from Massey University - Ian Yule, Rob Murray and Hayden Lawrence - knew their concept had potential, but realised the necessity of an ongoing collaboration between research and a leading commercial partner, saying they could not have predicted the willingness of dairy farmers to adopt the new technology.

Dr Keith Alexander from Canterbury University wanted to buy his kids a safe trampoline, but he found there wasn’t such a thing. As an inventor he decided to redesign how a recreational trampoline works. The result was the Springfree™ Trampoline, a true innovation in trampoline technology that has spun out from its public research origins into a successful commercial venture. The successful commercialisation of this technology has resulted in significant economic benefits to New Zealand, creating jobs and building capability for New Zealand. The Springfree™ Trampoline company has a strong international presence, particularly in North America and China. 40,000 units are currently sold annually internationally (including 1800 in NZ), with production expected to increase 50% in 2014. Springfree™ Trampolines is achieving great traction internationally, featuring as one of Ellen DeGeneres’ ‘12 Days of Christmas’ audience giveaways in 2010. Kifunensine, entered by Glycosyn, Callaghan Innovation A rare sugar spells sweet success Kifunensine is a crucial ingredient in the manufacture of an enzyme replacement therapeutic for the treatment of a rare genetic disorder. A viable manufacturing process was developed by GlycoSyn, a world class technology leader in the area of Carbohydrate Chemistry and a business unit of Callaghan Innovation.



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NZ Manufacturer May 2015

People rarely succeed unless they are having fun in what they are doing.



-Dale Carnegie

Callaghan Innovation Fund shows signs of becoming poor man’s DFC -Peter Isaac New Zealand’s most recently concocted public fund for industry Callaghan Innovation is already showing signs of becoming the contemporary culture version of the Development Finance Organisation. The Callaghan fund much earlier in its career than the DFC is bestowing its funds on elements such as literary endeavour of various manifestations, and upon those such as Larry Ellison of Oracle fame who have plenty of funds of their own, much of it already derived from the New Zealand public sector. The importance of the Callaghan fund is that it serves as an early warning about just the perils of what it is doing. Its precursor the Development Finance Corporation had until the mid-1980s been a starchy government controlled lender of last resort into critical industries. It then became souped-up to become a lender to a surprising cross section of industry much of it anything but essential.

A very large cross section of industry in which the DFC placed public money in the event was quite unable to repay it after the 1987 crash. It was found that the corporation had invested in such “essentials” as printing presses and commercial property.

Worse still, the DFC in its wild lending encouraged the Bank of New Zealander to become an even wilder lender with the result that the nation’s only trading

bank went out of business and was eventually absorbed into the National Bank of Australia. Leaving New Zealand with no trading bank of its own. An axiom of public finance is that wherever pools of unallocated money exist, certain people will seek it and those responsible for the money will in turn allocate it to them. The Callaghan pool shows signs of another example of a pool of public money looking for somewhere to go.

Donations to Larry Ellison’s yacht builders in Northland is one example. Money handed to publishers and journalists is another example. Anyone with any knowledge of New Zealand industrial funding since 1985 knows that once such an organisation is started, it is impossible to eradicate it simply because it takes on a life of its own. The best that can be done is to ensure that it is watched in order to prevent it becoming an eventual problem of the size of the Development Finance Corporation and its subsidiaries. New Zealanders have short memories.

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NZ Manufacturer May 2015

Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need. – Voltaire

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