NZ Manufacturer November 2018

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November 2018



BUSINESS NEWS New Zealand manufacturers star performers despite confidence crisis.

COMPANY PROFILE Sanpro industries Ltd Petone.

14 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PGF to support commercialisation at Taranaki sawmill

Managing Skills Shortages - The Construction Sector Example Professional 3D CAD Design software

Dieter Adam, Chief Executive,The Manufacturers’ Network

Skills shortages remain one of the key areas holding back manufacturers from further growth – this challenge is not new and is likely to need continued efforts into the future, both to address current shortages in experienced trades workers as well as the changing skills requirements due to rapidly changing technology. Today, however, I want to talk about the Government’s recently announced plan to address skills shortages in the construction sector, in particular, looking at measures around government procurement. The Construction Skills Action Plan covers six specific areas: expanding skills for industry, leveraging government procurement, establishing additional jobs and skills hubs, growing construction careers and credentials, Mana in Mahi – Strength in Work, and further changes to immigration settings. The Mana in Mahi – Strength in Work programme will provide support payment equivalent to the person’s benefit to employers taking on apprentices aged 18 to 24 years who have been on a benefit for six or more months. This policy has some potential to help somewhat, but we will need to see how the initial implementation works and wait for the policy to widen to include the manufacturing sector. The ‘leveraging government procurement’ element is an area in which construction and manufacturing often intersect, and manufacturers frequently face many of the same issues in trying to be part of the supply chain of government projects. Procurement is an issue we have been actively engaging with Government on recently, arguing that procurement policy needs to give more consideration to local suppliers, who in turn employ local workers, contribute to the local economy and critically, build a skills base by training their staff through apprenticeships.

While some parts of the current policy state that such benefits of using local suppliers should be considered, this principle is hardly ever given serious consideration in practice, especially since the government’s Rules of Procurement only apply to principal or head contractors, and pretty much all the work is done by sub-contractors not subject to any wider benefit considerations.

2018 version

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For the construction sector specifically, in an interview Minister David Parker highlighted the focus on cutting price leading to contracts being awarded to companies that do not invest in training and then simply poaching trained staff from companies that had already invested in training and apprenticeships. The intention in this area of the action plan appears to be including questions around training and skills development more explicitly in the procurement consideration process – which may result in effectively giving those firms who do so a better chance at gaining government project work. On the surface, this seems like a good idea – especially when you compare how New Zealand companies will fare in this respect compared to overseas contracts, who often do not invest in training in New Zealand. Hopefully, this current focus on construction procurement will give the government a basis and experience on which to improve conditions for manufacturers who are trying to gain contracts in the area.

continued on Page 12

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Read the Manufacturing Stories that Matter


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5 .nz ufactu BUSINESS NEWS What’s all the blockchain fuss about?






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Analytics leaders wrestle with AI challenges for 2018.


Engineering firm takes mentoring to another level.



Is there a standard for smart manufacturing?

Waiting for smart manufacturing standards to develop before implementing the Industrial Internet of Things into your operations may not be the most productive choice. By Dave Vasko, director of Advanced Technology, Rockwell Automation Smart manufacturing is called different things in different countries: Manufacturing USA (United States), Industrie 4.0 (Germany), China 2025 (China) or Industrie du Futur (France). The U.K., Sweden, Japan, Korea and India all have country-specific efforts as well. What do these initiatives have in common? They are all: • Creating a vision for smart manufacturing. • Using the power of digitalization to help manufacturers reduce capital expenditures, improve time to market, reduce inventory and improve productivity. • Extending existing standards to realize the vision. The last point is an important distinction: These initiatives are not creating new standards — they are classifying how best to use existing standards. That means the groundwork for smart manufacturing, Industrie 4.0 and other initiatives is being done in standard developing organizations such as the IEC, ISO, ISA, IEEE and the OPC Foundation. These organizations are where the influence starts and leadership takes hold.

Trade cess / s rt SucThis is particularly important as thought leaders prepare terview / Expo is for In s / ie the g G20 (or Group of Twenty) in D lys August. This olo / 3Economy tDigital eninternational Techn ofiles / Ana elo forum for governments from m e p v ti p cs Pr Dev 20 major/ economies isru Robotiis host to high-level discussions of mpany / Regional t ing / D o r n C le tu r / c a e ufa 018 &T Cyb ity MEX 2 Skills IIoT / rt Man ductiv r Sma Reports – E cture / Pro Economy / struction / ials fo on lar tru C s u a / c Mater eviews and fr ir e c C In an Pr / The ing / ainten ution Show factur ate Change tive M ib Manu m reventa tics & Distr P / / Food turing / Cli g is turin / Log fac anufac ufacturing Manu M r an n fo / Desig / Additive M y Securit

policy issues pertaining to, among other things, global economic growth. On the agenda is digital technology. Countries and companies around the world are eager to adopt digitalization strategies because it levels the playing field for smaller companies, allowing them to reap the same benefits as larger firms, and remain globally competitive and relevant.

Industry is slow to adapt to new technologies, mostly because replacing existing assets with new, smart manufacturing versions can be complex and take time. The transition should take place in phases.

This means if you look only at one count initiative, you’ll have a limited view of global movement. You must look at glo standards to understand global impact.

So rather than the name of the initiative t differentiates the work, it’s the standa behind that initiative that make the differen

The Time to Start Is Now

For organizations hesitant to start their journ

continued on Page 2

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NEWS 5 BUSINESS NZ Manufacturers star performers despite


10 11 12 13 14 16

22 24 25 26 28 31

confidence crisis. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Smarter manufacturing in the age of convergence. Future of Design: the Quadro RTX 4000. People, not technology, shape the future of manufacturing. Seequent and IMDEX deliver real-time 3D visualisation. COMPANY PROFILE From the back streets of Petone to the highways of the world. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Game-changing technology for 3D printing tiny structures revealed. ANALYSIS CPTPP trade deal opens doors for NZ exporters. SECURITY Safeguarding NZ against threats. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Investment to fast track regional freight hub. Marsden Point open (ready, willing and able) for business. SMART MANUFACTURING Super inverter is super powerful. Mobile robots new soldiers on factory floors. Technology supported by people is the new business model. Before replacing a carer with a robot, we need to assess the pros and cons. 3D concrete printing could save the world from boring buildings. NEW PRODUCTS Armoured wetsuit made of aluminium platelets. Tensioning pumps deliver swift operation and safety. SUPPLY CHAIN Konecranes provides Ports of Auckland with 24/7 software service. Auckland’s supply chain complications. ANALYSIS Manufacturing the future: The next era of global growth and innovation. FOOD MANUFACTURING NZ agritech technology used in developing countries. How do food manufacturers pick those dates on product packaging? DEVELOPMENTS New programme to boost mid-rise timber construction. New appointment at ATNZ New schools initiative to kickstart future innovators. REAR VIEW Humans aren’t made for repetition.

ADVISORS Leeann Watson


Is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber).and is a strong voice for Canterbury business.

Dieter Adam

Chief Executive, New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association has a Ph.D. in plant biotechnology, consulting and senior management roles in R&D, innovation and international business development.

6 Kirk Hope


Is Chief Executive of BusinessNZ, New Zealand’s largest business advocacy body. He has held a range of senior positions at Westpac and is a barrister and solicitor.

Lewis Woodward

Is Managing Director of Connection Technologies Ltd, Wellington and is passionate about industry supporting NZ based companies, which in turn builds local expertise and knowledge, and provides education and employment for future generations.

11 Dr Troy Coyle


Is HERA Director, she has extensive experience in innovation, research management and product development, most recently as Head of Innovation and Product Development & Pacific Islands Export Manager at New Zealand Steel..

Craig Carlyle



Is Director of Maintenance Transformations Ltd, an executive member of the Maintenance Engineering Societyand the Event Director of the NationalMaintenance Engineering Conference.


Positivity rules PUBLISHER Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd,1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings, New Zealand 4122.

MANAGING EDITOR Doug Green T: +64 6 870 9029 E:

CONTRIBUTORS Dieter Adam, Holly Green, Joseph Sousa, Prof. Ilan Oshri Helen Dickinson, Catherine Smith Jay Sanjayan

It’s a real good story. A company that prides itself on being able to change direction quickly, to keep up with market changes. Exactly what is need in this high-tech world of disruption as manufacturers seek an advantage.

ADVERTISING Doug Green T: + 64 6 870 9029 E:

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Kim Alves, KA Design T: + 64 6 870 8133 E:

The company’s main customers are the five major manufacturers who make and supply parts to 95 per cent of car manufacturers in the world – from Mercedes and Porsche to Skoda and Kia, they all have a bit of Petone in them.

WEB MASTER Bruce Metelerkamp E:

PUBLISHING SERVICES On-Line Publisher Media Hawke’s Bay Ltd


Sanderson specialises in the perforating louvering machine range. They have now sold over 200 machines worldwide – their first was built for a Malaysian client 20 years ago.

MEDIA HAWKES BAY LTD T: +64 6 870 4506 F: +64 6 878 8150 E: 1/121 Russell Street North, Hastings PO Box 1109, Hastings, NZ NZ Manufacturer ISSN 1179-4992

Vol.9 No. 10 NOVEMBER 2018

Copyright: NZ Manufacturer is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Neither editorial opinions expressed, nor facts stated in the advertisements, are necessarily agreed to by the editor or publisher of NZ Manufacturer and, whilst all efforts are made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility will be taken by the publishers for inaccurate information, or for any consequences of reliance on this information. NZ Manufacturer welcomes your contributions which may not necessarily be used because of the philosophy of the publication.


NZ Manufacturer November 2018

Malcolm Sanderson, managing director and founder of Sanderson Industries Ltd, Petone loves getting up and going to work each day. Early words in our Company Profile for the month which you can read on Page 10.


November issue has a lot of reading in it. Sometimes it is difficult to choose which inspiring articles on

manufacturing to leave out. This is, of course, a good sign because it shows continuing activity and development across the manufacturing sector. Try for size: Game-changing technology for 3D printing (Page 11); The Manufacturers’ Network’s views on managing skills shortages (Page 1); the MYOB analysis that our manufacturers are doing well (Page 5); or Marsden Point, which is attracting a lot of interest from manufacturers who want to do business from there (Page 15). Enjoy the read

Doug Green

Success Through Innovation

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

We don’t rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training. - Archilochus


NZ Manufacturers star performers despite confidence crisis Economic outlook positive New Zealand’s manufacturing and wholesale trade businesses aren’t as concerned with the economy as their counterparts, and are relatively satisfied with the Government’s performance since the election. Despite some of the lowest levels of confidence, more than half (56 per cent) of the manufacturing and wholesale trade businesses surveyed in the MYOB Snapshot said New Zealand’s economy would improve over the next 12 months. Despite low levels of business confidence and some of the worst reported earnings in ten years, New Zealand’s manufacturing and wholesale trade businesses are performing exceptionally well.

An increase in demand, sales and revenue is having a positive impact on the sector’s confidence too – especially in regards to the economy and the performance and policies of the new Government.

According to the latest MYOB Business Snapshot of more than 400 business operators, more than half (53 per cent) of the country’s manufacturing industry saw an increase in revenue since 2017 – compared to 23 per cent of all businesses, and just 17 per cent of construction and trade businesses.

Exactly half (50 per cent) of the manufacturing industry said they expected their revenue to be up in 12 months’ time, while just over a fifth (21 per cent) said they expected it to be down. In contrast, just 27 per cent of all SME operators surveyed said their revenue would be up.

In comparison, just over a quarter (27 per cent) of all business owners said the same. More than half (53%) of the SMEs surveyed said the economy would decline. Nearly half (47 per cent) of the manufacturing operators included in the survey said they were satisfied with the Government’s performance – including 18 per cent who said they were very satisfied, compared to just 31 per cent of the whole SME sector. Fuel prices and exchange rates a concern

manufacturing operators said they blamed the Coalition Government’s performance and policies for the recent low levels of business confidence, 47 per cent said it was because of external factors like the price of fuel. Of those who blamed external factors for the recent drop in business confidence, 56 per cent said the cost of fuel was having the greatest impact, followed by exchange rates (50 per cent) and international stock market volatility (38 per cent).

Exactly half (50 per cent) of the manufacturing industry said they expected their revenue to be up in 12 months’ time.

While half (50 per cent) of the

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NZ Manufacturer November 2018



The scariest moment is always just before you start. -Stephen King

Smarter manufacturing in the age of convergence

-Joseph Sousa, President, Asia Pacific, Rockwell Automation

Sometimes I wish I was ten years younger. Not out of vanity but because of what’s about to unfold in the manufacturing industry. We’ve arrived at a genuine inflection point in how we go about business. There’s an opportunity to produce more high-quality goods for more people while reducing costs and environmental impact. This opportunity is being driven in part by a significant increase in consumer wealth. We’re witnessing the most significant expansion of the middle class that we’ve ever seen. Forecasted in 2016, 160 million people will join the ranks during the next five years. More than 3.2 billion people already enjoy this status. We’ve also seen a shift from manual production to mass production, customised mass production and now personalised mass production. We’ve improved our capacity to measure what people want and our ability to link this knowledge with production resources to meet those demands.

This type of personalised mass production requires a lot of flexibility in manufacturing processes. In the modern factory, set-up time is a key variable determining the ability to tap into short-term opportunities. Merely being able to see a chance isn’t enough. Global business opportunities mean global competition, increasing the imperative to act quickly. Whereas this global competition, once reserved for large international enterprises, most businesses now have potential rivals in other countries. The

convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) offers a smarter way to convert the business into opportunity. Data is helping many manufacturers to unleash the potential of productivity and personalisation, meeting the demands of changing consumer appetites.

The good news is that there are easy wins to be had. This is information is critical in an age where consumers are demanding more personalised products. Today, Millennials, in particular, place a high value on adding their personality to what they buy. More than half of consumers would prefer to shape the products and services they buy.

The race to take advantage of this convergence has spurred new global initiatives in the manufacturing industry. Countries are driving campaigns to help local industries tap

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NZ Manufacturer November 2018


into the potential of the IT and OT collision. The US is leading the pack, with 54 percent of manufacturers having smart factory initiatives in place. Germany has 46 per cent dedicated to what it calls Industry 4.0, and Australia is looking to adopt some of its best practices. China’s Five Year Plan of Smart Manufacturing seeks to transform the industry by 2025 completely. Smart factories are forecast to add anywhere between $5 billion and $1.5 trillion to the global economy in the next five years. It’s not just about producing more, faster. It’s about improving asset utilisation, the total cost of ownership and enterprise risk. The good news is that there are easy wins to be had. That’s because many manufacturers already have industrial control systems generating massive amounts of valuable data. Machines installed during the past ten years are now enabled for connectivity. While analytics and security capabilities will need to be laid over existing infrastructure, it’s a shorter adoption cycle. Once you start to gather that real-time data, the next step is to make it useful – to contextualise, model and create business outcomes. Technology has largely automated what used to be an enormous feat of analytics, meaning that businesses can take much of the guesswork out of optimisation. Running hundreds of potential scenarios a day is now simpler than ever, making it easier to find the right way forward. Focusing on your most obvious opportunities for enhanced productivity is the best way to get started. Pick an area where you know there are noticable improvements to be gained, run a proof of concept and, if successful, expand across the business. Pick a technology partner who understands your business. Some companies are already showing the way, using smart manufacturing

technology to improve consistency and reduce cost while increasing uptime and output. For example, Rockwell Automation worked with a major tire company that drove 18 hours out of the production time for each tire, while increasing consistency in its manufacturing process by as much as 96 percent and reducing warehouse space by 30 percent. Another one of our customers put control and automation technology into 4,000 trucks to monitor and enable predictive maintenance. By allowing maintenance to be done remotely, while trucks were inactive, it has massively reduced downtime and eliminated much of its maintenance infrastructure. Those are numbers that have a significant impact on business performance. Skilled technology workers will undoubtedly be one of the challenges in this new era of productivity. There’s a growing gap, and our customers are having difficulties implementing products. In the US, we’ve worked with ManPower Group to train returning veterans on how to deliver, operate and maintain these new technologies. Business, education, and government must join forces to make the necessary investment in the coming years to tackle this skills shortage. We’re at an unprecedented inflection point. Investment in technology has never offered so much potential to transform what we do, how billions of people are living, and the work opportunities of so many. Those who move now to realise the data potential they have on their plant floor will be the industry leaders of the coming decade.

Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. - Alexander Graham Bell


Future of Design: the Quadro RTX 4000 The Quadro RTX 4000 graphics card — the company’s first midrange professional GPU is powered by NVIDIA Turing architecture and NVIDIA RTX platform. Unveiled at the annual Autodesk University Conference in Las Vegas, the Quadro RTX 4000 puts real-time ray tracing within reach of a wider range of developers, designers and artists worldwide. Professionals from the manufacturing, architecture, engineering and media creation industries witnessed a seismic shift in computer graphics with the launch of Turing in August. The field’s greatest leap since the invention of the CUDA GPU in 2006, Turing features new RT Cores to accelerate ray tracing and next-gen Tensor Cores for AI inferencing which, together for the first time, make real-time ray tracing possible. The Quadro RTX 4000 features a

power-efficient, single-slot design that fits in variety of workstation chassis. Other benefits include: ● Significant performance improvements — 8GB of ultra-fast GDDR6 graphics memory technology provides over 40 percent more memory bandwidth than the previous generation Quadro P4000. ● 36 RT Cores — enable real-time ray tracing of objects and environments with physically accurate shadows, reflections, refractions, and global illumination. • 288 Turing Tensor Cores for 57 TFLOPS of deep learning performance — accelerate neural network training and inference, which are critical to powering AI-enhanced rendering, products and services. • Hardware support for VirtualLink — new open industry standard meets the power, display and bandwidth demands of next-generation VR headsets through a single USB-C connector1. ●• Improved performance of VR

applications — new and enhanced technologies include Variable Rate Shading, Multi-View Rendering and VRWorks Audio. ● • Video encode and decode engines — accelerate video creation and playback for multiple video streams with resolutions up to 8K.

OEM support Leading OEMs have voiced their support for new Turing-based Quadro RTX 4000 GPUs: ● “AI and real-time ray tracing are enabling Dell Precision customers to work smarter and faster than ever before. The NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 GPUs in Dell Precision Tower workstations will enable more immersive workflows, inferencing, training and hyper realistic visualisation for a wide range of professionals. We’re excited about the amazing breakthroughs Dell and NVIDIA will enable for our customers,” said Rahul Tikoo, vice


president and general manager of Commercial Specialty Products at Dell. “The ability for real-time ray tracing is driving the greatest advancement in computer graphics in almost two decades. The amazing horsepower of Z by HP Workstations combined with the new capabilities of one or more Quadro RTX 4000 GPUs means millions of creatives, engineers and other professionals can create their best work ever,” said Xavier Garcia, vice president and general manager of Z by HP at HP Inc. The power and possibilities of the new NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 will change the way people will create and design the world around them. Creative and technical professionals will now be able to unlock new levels of performance and AI-based capabilities in order to make more informed decisions faster and tackle demanding design and visualisation workloads with ease.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Success comes in cans; failure in can’ts. - Unknown

People, not technology, shape the future of manufacturing These are exciting times for manufacturing. A plethora of recent technological developments creates radically new opportunities for how we develop, manufacture, and deliver products globally. The headlines proclaim that “the robots are coming”, “jobs will be automated”, and “digitalisation is revolutionising production”. Many managers are excited, baffled, or both. Many jobseekers are worried. Three decades ago, leadership expert Warren Bennis envisioned that “the factory of the future will have only two employees: a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.” While this vision is witty, the idea of the fully automated “lights-out” factory still lingers.

technological developments are good, not bad, for workers. Increased productivity frees up human resources to do tasks where humans are superior to machines. One example of such a task is the development of new technologies in the first place. Another equally important task is to figure out how to best apply them. People must map production processes, identify the nodes where technology is needed, and reskill the persons in charge of them as required. While technology helps humans improve productivity, productivity improvement is a task for humans. Consider Tesla. If you ask anyone today to name which automobile brand is the greatest innovator in the car industry, chances are this will be a frequently

But there’s a different vision for the future of manufacturing, where people take centre stage. A vision where people make use of new technology to enable sustainable, socially responsible, and efficient manufacturing. In this context, putting people first may seem surprising. After all, have we not been told that robotics and digitalisation will complete processes more effectively and efficiently than humans? That machine learning is training machines to train machines? That artificial intelligence is even entering company boardrooms? While this may hold true for some tasks, the vast amount of other tasks will in fact remain largely unaffected in the near term. To debunk a myth: robots are automating processes, not jobs. What’s more, we think that these


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


mentioned brand of choice. But manufacturing isn’t just about having the most advanced products and technologies. Earlier this year, even Elon Musk admitted that over-automation of its Model 3 production line was “a mistake”, leading him to tweet that “humans are underrated”. The episode sums up our first argument concisely: a factory without humans is a dangerous vision. Manufacturing simply does not move without skilled and motivated people. In addition, manufacturing is a major employer in most economies. In Switzerland, for example, about one-fifth of the working population bring home salaries from manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing is meaningful activity

essentially a that provides

welfare to employees, owners and society. The key is to continue innovating new products and improving manufacturing processes. According to Paul Krugman, laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, “A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker.” People, not technology, shape the future of production. How people choose to use new technologies will decide how manufacturing evolves. For this reason, human learning will remain more important than machine learning in the future of manufacturing. That should be a reassuring thought for producers and employees alike

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in, and day-out. - Robert Collier


Seequent and IMDEX to deliver real-time 3D visualisation

for minerals drilling Industry-first to integrate live 3D data from ‘rig to model’ supports real-time decision-making and risk management for mining and exploration drilling projects

Nick Fogarty-Seequent


Seequent, a developer of revolutionary



challenges for mining companies. In

The unique real-time 3D visualisation

visual data science software and IMDEX,

decision-making and ensuring issues

2012 Seequent and IMDEX developed

solution, which brings together two

a global leader in real-time subsurface

are identified and managed as they

the ioGAS link to Leapfrog Geo, which

key solutions in a straightforward and

intelligence solutions, have announced


is used by hundreds of mutual clients

seamless way, allows project changes

The new solution, showcased at

on a daily basis, to share and utilise the

to be tracked over time, enabling

Seequent’s Lyceum innovation event in

range of geochemical data collected

Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Vancouver in November, is the first in

during exploration.

of drillhole data.

a global road show series also visiting

“Increasingly, geologists are wanting

A number of mining companies are

Perth and Santiagor.



looking to trial this solution on their

“The integration of live data is crucial

however, they need to have the right

drilling programmes including First

for mining and exploration projects

live data available, says Dave Lawie,

Quantum Minerals (Australia) Pty Ltd.

of the future. Every day there is an

IMDEX Chief Geoscientist.

increasing amount of data generated

“IMDEX has been supporting the

and the key to success is being able


to understand and respond to that

improve the process of identifying and

data in real-time or near real-time,”

extracting what is below the Earth’s

says Nick Fogarty, Seequent General

surface for both drilling contractors

Manager - Mining and Minerals.

and resource companies.

IMDEXHUB-IQ to be linked in real-time

“Our new co-partnered solution will

“We’re excited to be part of an

to the same project in Central, enabling

provide significant benefits to our

their systems, to build an industry

industry-first to deliver real-time 3D

3D visualisation of downhole survey

drilling and resource company clients

framework which aids exploration

data and gain a better understanding

and structural geology data.

in terms of risk management and

groups to focus on their core business

of how it fits into other data sources.

project efficiencies.”

of target generation and finding ore

By collaborating with Seequent, we

bodies. The continuation of this trend

IMDEX and Seequent are long-time



will allow exploration groups to gain

in Central’s 3D Browser alongside

industry partners, sharing a common

decision making and how geologists

confidence in this collaborative third



interest in developing technology and

and their teams can work effectively

party approach, creating an industry


better workflows to solve ongoing


expectation and standard,” he says.

an ongoing partnership to deliver a real-time 3D visualisation solution for the mining and exploration industry to dramatically improve the speed and accuracy of decision-making for drilling projects. Seequent and IMDEX are collaborating to integrate IMDEXHUB-IQ™, which provides access to sub-surface data and Central, Seequent’s centralised model management solution for visualisation, tracking and management of an organisation’s geological data. The integration will allow live 3D data collected in the field and synced to





drillhole progress to be reviewed planned















Neville Panizza the company’s Data Systems Implementation Manager – Exploration says they are noticing a major shift in the industry towards integration. “Smart technology companies, like Seequent and IMDEX, are sharing their





NZ Manufacturer November 2018



If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.- Jim Rohn

From the back streets of Petone

the world

Sanpro Industries Ltd Petone. They supply the world from their Petone base and the Sanderson name has become the industry standard to all the big names in the exhaust system industry... Sanpro: 100% Export; 100% Petone Sanpro Industries Ltd Managing director and Founder Malcolm Sanderson loves getting up and coming to work each day, especially when there is a new engineering challenge to be solved. “We are constantly improving and re-innovating our products,” says Malcolm. “That is our policy. Through constant testing, development and re-design we ensure we remain at the forefront of tube perforation technology.” My favourite quote is “Failure is the road to success”. If you don’t try, how do you know if you will succeed? The key to their success is being able to change direction quickly to keep up with market changes: “We focus on quality and support not price; to stay

to the highways of

ahead of the competition and build up repeat business.” Their main customers are the five major manufacturers who make and supply parts to 95 per cent of car companies in the world - from Mercedes and Porsche to Skoda and Kia, they all have a bit of Petone in them. Starting in the late 70s making mufflers in his parent’s garage at his home, Malcolm dreamed of a better and faster way to make the exhaust baffles rather than use the conventional method of rolling and welding perforated sheet - sparking the idea for the Sanderson perforating louvering machine range. With their first machine built for a Malaysian client over 20 years ago still in operation today, they have now sold over 200 machines worldwide and export to more than 30 countries. The Sanderson range has become the industry standard to all the biggest names in the industry and they are the preferred suppliers to the top five exhaust component companies in the world, being recognised as world leaders in their field. These days their biggest emerging market is Mexico. Following the

Malcolm Sanderson hosting an American customer, who travelled from Detroit to sign off a new machine on behalf of his company. They now have 5 Sanderson machines working 24/7.

decrees of US President Donald Trump to take back ‘in house’ American car manufacturing, Mexico is now going it alone. Although the United States remains their strongest market.


Small = success With several patents to their name, Sanpro have proved you do not have to be a huge company to compete on the international stage - and the remoteness of New Zealand has never been an issue. This small but impressive family-run technology business now includes two generations of Sandersons among the 12 staff.

Sanpro Industries was the 2016 winner of the Global Export Award, recognising excellence in export at the Wellington Gold Awards, after being a finalist the year before and in 2015 they took out the Innovation and sustainability Award in the Hutt Valley Chamber‘s Business Excellence Award. Now they have joined the crème-de-la-crème of Hutt Valley businesses in that Chamber’s Business Hall of Fame. Sanpro Industries Ltd: proving continued technical innovation and a passion for what you do is a world-beating combination.

Through constant testing, development and re-design we ensure we remain at the forefront of tube perforation technology.


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done. - Ludwig Wittgenstein


Game-changing technology for 3D printing tiny structures revealed A new type of 3D Printing technology enabling rapid prototyping of high-resolution microscale structures has been revealed. It all started after a kick-start from KiwiNet to commercialise the technology. New Zealand microfabrication researchers Andrea Bubendorfer and Andrew Best, the co-inventors of a new way of fabricating very small things with Laminated Resin Printing (LRP), are part of Callaghan Innovation’s MicroMaker3D team which launched the new patent pending technology in the US recently. The team are one of ten selected worldwide for IDTechEx’s Santa Clara Launchpad, an initiative showcasing new disruptive and state-of-the art technologies. Andrea, who leads the microfabrication team at Callaghan Innovation that has created the technology, says: “We’re very excited about the potential for this technology to be a game changer in a range of industries from medicine to wearable technology to aerospace. It will create the first opportunity to rapidly prototype a huge range of miniaturised structures from optical slits to miniaturised microwell plates, micromoulds and more. “Custom sensors are a great example of a niche area we’re keen to explore. One high value approach would be to use molecular sensing to functionalise microstructures, so we could rapid prototype devices for detecting insulin concentration, biomarkers, presence of toxic gases or pollutants.

“There are endless possibilities to what we can print - and what is most exciting, though, will be when people start to print things we didn’t even know existed”, says Andrea. The MicroMaker3D project was kick-started when Andrea received KiwiNet Emerging Innovator Programme funding, commercialisation support and advice to explore ways to make microfabrication more accessible. “We ended up creating a new 3D printing technology that can build up tiny structures using specially engineered Laminated Resin Printing (LRP) materials. We can print structures with features as small as five microns. To put this in context, a human hair is around 100 microns, so we could print things smaller than we can see.” “We’re excited to finally reveal our technology as we are well placed now to talk to businesses wanting a specifically developed solutions to meet their needs based on our platform technology.” Dr James Hutchinson, CEO of KiwiNet says, “There are strong drivers for miniaturisation as smaller devices use less resources, and less power, and are lighter and faster. With the emerging Internet of Things, the ability to 3D print microstructures for tiny sensors will open up a huge new avenue of

commercial possibilities. We’re very pleased to have supported Andrea and the team on their commercialisation journey to date, and are excited to see them build a base of industry development partners.” Over the last two years since the project started, Andrea and Andrew have also been supported with engineering expertise provided by the Mechatronics Engineers at the Massey University Centre for Additive Manufacturing and the Callaghan Innovation Advanced Engineering team. Advice and encouragement have also come from Johan Potgieter (Professor of Robotics at Massey University and expert in additive manufacturing) and Olaf Diegel (Professor of Product Development and world renowned 3D printing expert). The project has attracted a further $684,000 of funding from KiwiNet (PreSeed funding) and has had strong Callaghan Innovation support, as well as other investment interest.


3D printing expert Professor Olaf Diegel, a professor of product development, in the department of design sciences of the faculty of engineering at Lund University, says: “There is a huge need for a 3D printing technology that allows us to make production quality small parts for applications such as microfluidics, micro-electromechanical devices, and precision engineering applications such as micro gears and micro actuators and sensors.” MicroMaker3D project co-leader Andrew Best and Microfabrication Manager at Callaghan Innovation, says: “MicroMaker3D allows companies to get compact high-tech products to market without the normally high manufacturing costs that can become a barrier to innovation. Microfabrication represents a great industry opportunity for New Zealand and exporters around the world, as the value of goods is extremely high, in a tiny form factor, Exporting is no real barrier compared to most products.”

NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning. - Robert Kiyosaki

CPTPP trade deal opens doors for NZ exporters The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) will come into force on the 30th December. While the trade deal covers 11 countries, it also represents New Zealand’s first trade deal with four key markets – Japan, Canada, Mexico and Peru. For each, exporters will have reduced tariffs from day one of the Agreement coming into action, and a second round of tariff cuts for Mexico and Canada in 2019. We talk with some of NZTE’s Regional Directors to find out what the agreement means for exporters in those markets, plus broader January benefits for our tech and services sectors. Japan New Zealand and Japan have a strong relationship, built on substantial trade, economic, tourism and people-to-people links dating back more than 100 years.

Clare Wilson, Regional Director for NZTE in East Asia, says we can expect that relationship to strengthen even further thanks to the improved access the deal will provide exporters to the world’s third largest economy. “What’s really exciting about this deal for our exporters is that it gives them preferential access into Japan for the first time. The reduction, or in some cases complete elimination, of tariffs in Japan will benefit exporters across every imaginable sector, including beef and sheep meat, dairy, wine, seafood, forestry and horticulture. “For example tariffs on New Zealand kiwifruit will be eliminated immediately, which is great news given Japan is our largest export market for the fruit. Exporters should also remember that a second round of tariff cuts will be implemented on 1 April 2019.” Japan will also play host to the 2019 Rugby World Cup, giving New Zealand

businesses an added opportunity to promote products, services and capabilities, and expand important networks to an engaged international audience.

seafood are among the New Zealand sectors to benefit.


Mr Jones says the agreement represents the most significant event in our trading relationship for many years and the impact is immediate.

The Regional Director for North America, Amanda Martin, says the CPTPP historically marks the first free-trade agreement between New Zealand and our 12th largest export market, Canada.

“One of our customers has reviewed the agreement and reported that it will benefit from tariff reductions from 10% to 15% from 31 December. They’re now working out how to use that additional margin.”

“The most significant benefits from this are 99% of tariffs on New Zealand’s exports to Canada being eliminated from that date, growing to 99.9% at full implementation that will help in levelling the playing field with competitors.

He adds that it is important to note that the benefits of CPTPP are not limited simply to tariff reductions.

“ Other benefits include enhanced visa access for business people. These advantages make Canada an even more compelling option now for New Zealand companies looking for a market entry option into North America.” The meat, wine, fish, wool, leather and textiles and forestry sectors are among the New Zealand sectors to benefit from tariff reductions and elimination to Canada. Mexico Steve Jones is NZTE’s Regional Director for the LATAM region, covering Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. Two of these markets – Mexico and Peru – provide particularly exciting opportunities for New Zealand exporters. Dairy, meat, wine and

“The frameworks that support it provide a formal structure to address other issues such as Technical Barriers to Trade which can sometimes be a bigger obstacle than tariffs to exporters, especially in the LATAM region.” Tech and services The benefits of CPTPP also extend to exporters who sell services and technology. “The agreement provides for improved visa access to CPTPP markets for business travellers, mutual recognition of certain professional qualifications, as well as better access to government procurement opportunities across CPTPP markets,” says Richard Cotman, Manager NZ Inc Relationships at NZTE. “This is likely to help New Zealand exporters selling digital, transportation, education and other business services in CPTPP partner countries.”

continued from Page 1

Managing Skills Shortages - The Construction Sector Manufacturing has similarly severe skills shortages - a better shot at the scale which such government contracts can provide will help boost apprenticeship and training numbers

in our own industry. For both manufacturing and construction, making sure the consideration of skills development flows right down the project to

sub-contractors and suppliers will be critical. We will keep an eye out on how this procurement focus develops and will continue our discussions with






government on how this approach – if it works – can be extended, leading to a similar government effort in the manufacturing sector.



NZ Manufacturer November 2018



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Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted. - David Bly

Security and access technologies

expanded to safeguard NZ against threats

A leader in service and maintenance of perimeter security and access control installations, HTS Group, is expanding its operations in New Zealand to supply world leading anti-terrorism solutions to protect the public from possible attacks. Ranging from simple barrier and boom gates for carparks, right through to advanced speed gates with integrated controls, HTS Group’s technologies are designed to protect spaces from unauthorised personnel that may intend to cause harm. The latest technologies include independently tested crash-rated bollards, gates and speed stiles, designed to protect people from threats inside buildings and out in the open. HTS Group is expanding its New Zealand operations through its offices in Auckland and Wellington. “Globally, there has been an increase in violent and disruptive incidents caused by disaffected people wanting to cause harm to others. “While New Zealand is sheltered from these sorts of attacks to a degree, they are not totally immune. Facility managers, therefore, have a duty of care to protect people in their buildings by taking preventative measures,” says Mr Noel Maharaj, Managing Director, HTS Group Ltd, which has been supplying and servicing installations in New Zealand with access and security technologies for more than 20 years, and is seeing an increase in demand for higher security technologies in response to global trends. “Enquiries for safety and security technologies have trebled worldwide

in recent years, as companies and organisations are becoming more aware of security risks evident globally, and how to mitigate against them,” he said. Facilities to which the HTS Group’s technologies provide security and safety benefits particularly include tourist hotspots, corporate headquarters, government buildings, public infrastructure spaces, stadiums, correctional facilities, energy and fuel, retail, construction sites and healthcare facilities.

Anti-terror and high security In addition to technologies to keep buildings and facilities secure, HTS Group also provides a range of anti-terror and open spaces security technologies, to prevent outdoor incidents. The company has partnered with suppliers such as Ezi Security Systems, Magnetic Automation and Boon Edam, with a shared focus on safety and reliability. “New Zealand will be hosting the Americas Cup and APEC conference in 2021, so forward-thinking infrastructure and security planners thinking about public safety measures should be looking at independently crash-rated products,” says Mr Maharaj. The IWA 14-1:2013 is the recognised international standard which specifies

the essential i m p a c t performance r e q u i r e m e n t Bollards are an effective anti-terror measure to prevent vehicle attacks in public spaces (Image Credit: Ezi Security Systems) for a vehicle security barrier benefits. Our team has the knowledge (VSB) and a test method for rating its performance and experience to be far more than providers of quality products,” says Mr when subjected to a single impact by Maharaj. a test vehicle not driven by a human “Every facility is different, both in its being. physical construction, and the way it HTS Group is an authorised distributor is used. A one-size-fits all approach and service agent for the Safetyflex just won’t work when it comes to anti-terrorist bollards, barriers and security and access control. Instead, we crash fences, including the smallest look at each project comprehensively and most cost-effective 50MPH (80Km/ before recommending the appropriate hr) bollards system available, requiring solution,” he said. only a 200mm deep foundation. HTS Group further extends its security HTS Group’s bollards can withstand and access control reach through impacts from vehicles weighing up partnerships with organisations that to 7.2 tonnes at 80kph, which safely share a focus on quality and safety. HTS prevents vehicular terror threats from Group also places a strong emphasis entering public spaces where they on quality, and is BVQI, ISO 9001:2008, can cause harm to large numbers of and AS/NZS 4801:2001 – occupational people. safety and health accredited.

Service and Expertise In addition to providing an extensive range of access and security technologies, HTS Group has in-house problem solving and technical expertise to create unique solutions for challenging applications. “We don’t see unusual or challenging situations as problems – we see them as an opportunity to provide a unique solution that will provide ongoing

Future trends “The security industry is rapidly changing, both in response to global threats, and in a pre-emptive nature, to safeguard against new threats that haven’t yet been realised. We’re seeing a strong trend towards advanced technologies such as facial recognition, which can often be easily integrated into existing access technologies,” says Mr Maharaj.

Only 14% of all our engineers are women. We want to change that. Join us and scores of other Kiwi organisations that have galvanised around one common goal: 20% more women engineers by 2021.


NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve. - Wilfred Peterson

Investment to fast track regional freight hub A $40 million investment from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) will enable KiwiRail to build a new regional freight hub near Palmerston North. This investment will be used by KiwiRail to complete site master-planning and concept design for the hub and secure land required for the project. This is a major investment for Palmerston North, which will unlock new economic opportunities for people and businesses across the wider Manawatū-Whanganui region. Palmerston North is KiwiRail’s key staging point for domestic, imported and exported freight in the Lower North Island, with rail freight coming and going from the North, South, East and West. In the last year 2.4 million tonnes moved through the current Palmerston North rail facility, and there is a real opportunity to grow that amount.

New Zealand’s freight network. It is centrally located, close to transport links and is therefore well placed to transport goods to market. The location of a regional freight Hub around Palmerston North is possible, precisely because of its accessibility by road and rail. Freight and distribution hubs are a key part of a well-functioning and efficient freight network. They are positioned strategically alongside transport infrastructure, and are particularly efficient because private enterprise can base themselves at these hubs, or nearby. Regional freight hubs of this type also make more efficient and sustainable use of our transport network and

means that the contributions of all transport modes are optimised, consistent with the Government’s vision for a mode neutral transport system. This project leverages the region’s strengths and will be fully integrated into the other large investments being made in the regional transport system, including the new Manawatu Gorge road.

Palmerston North is KiwiRail’s key staging point for domestic, imported and exported freight in the Lower North Island.

Palmerston North has long been identified as a strategic location for

This future-focused investment will help ensure that as a country we are making the investment required to meet our growing freight demands in the coming decades, which are expected to increase by 60 per cent over the next two decades. The new regional freight hub will ensure rail remains relevant in central New Zealand by providing a modern, fit-for-purpose hub to meet predicted freight demand.

Regional economic development Regional economic development is aimed at helping regional communities reach their economic and social potential. Growing regional economies We want an economy where our regions can thrive. Where they can increase their productivity and prosperity sustainably by: • attracting new investment • creating jobs and skills • having a good living standard for local people • contributing economy.




MPI’s role in the regions MPI has an important role to play in regional growth and prosperity. Almost 80% of New Zealand merchandise

exports are from primary industries, worth an estimated $36.7 billion.

productivity potential in the provinces. Its priorities are to:

• Hawke’s Bay

As a nation, we’re looking to increase the value of our exports and we estimate we’ll need an extra 50,000 skilled workers in the primary sector by 2025.

• enhance economic opportunities

• Bay of Plenty

Most primary products come from our regions, which underlies their importance to the economy.

• increase social participation


The One Billion Trees Programme is a major programme under the Provincial Growth Fund.

The Provincial Growth Fund

• help meet New Zealand’s climate change targets.

The Government has set a goal to plant one billion trees over 10 years (between 2018 and 2027) and MPI plays a key role in helping to meet this goal.

Through the Provincial Growth Fund, central government has committed to investing $1 billion a year over 3 years in regional economic development. The Provincial Growth Fund aims to lift


• West Coast

• create sustainable jobs • enable Māori to reach their full potential inclusion

• Tai Tokerau/Northland

• build resilient communities

All provinces are eligible for funding. However, regions identified for early investment are:

• Manawatū-Whanganui. One Billion Trees Programme

• Tairiwhiti/East Coast

PGF to support commercialisation at Taranaki sawmill The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) will provide a loan of up to $1.8 million to TaranakiPine to allow the company to diversify and create new jobs, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced. TaranakiPine is in the early stages of producing factory finished engineered timber panels, which can be used in the construction of floors and roofs in buildings. “With support from the PGF, the company will now be able to accelerate


NZ Manufacturer November 2018

the project from pilot stages to full commercialisation. “This will generate seven new jobs directly and 13 new jobs indirectly and is an exciting investment that supports a locally-based business to fast-track new product to market, which will in turn help to unlock new economic opportunities in Taranaki. “This diversification will also support the retention of the existing 170 jobs at the mill. “This demonstrates the value of the


PGF and the ability we have to partner with the private sector to bring forward projects which will make a real difference for our regions. “Importantly, this investment also aligns strongly with the Government’s priorities, including KiwiBuild and the One Billion Trees programme. Finished timber panels will help to increase productivity in housing construction. “The commercialisation of the project highlights the potential for the wood processing sector to transition from

a focus on volume to value and the production of high-value products. “For years people have talked about adding value to the industry by increasing our on-shore processing and manufacturing capability and now, through the PGF, we’re able to do exactly that,” Shane Jones said.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill


Marsden Point open (ready, willing and able)

for business

The last few years have pushed Auckland’s congestion woes into the headlines, with the combined impact of population growth and infrastructure deficits conspiring to see New Zealand’s largest city struggle to deliver the quality of lifestyle its residents once enjoyed. Small wonder, then, that as automation and communications technologies improve, businesses that once relied heavily on “location, location” are looking beyond Auckland. It’s a trend that leaders in the field say is inevitable as both local and central governments struggle to deliver services and policies to sustain the city. It’s a view shared by economic forecasting firm Infometrics, which in 2017 identified Marsden Point/Ruakaka – positioned between Whangarei and Auckland – as a regional hotspot for growth, due in part to its transport links to Auckland and the significant availability of vacant industrial land there. Marsden Maritime Holdings Ltd (MMH) – part owner of Northport Ltd – has over 185ha of industrially zoned land at Marsden Point. Its Business Development Manager Vibeke Wright says the area is attracting a lot of attention from manufacturers, distributors and exporters who are waking up to the benefits of doing business there. “For starters, there’s established business and industrial zones ready for development at affordable rates you won’t find in Auckland. One of our tenants, formerly based in Silverdale, is paying 50% less on his lease costs and

has the room he needs to grow. “There’s a range of housing options, too – a prime consideration for employers who see their staff struggling to afford accommodation in the city.”

Marsden Point. The future of business is here.

“Another big consideration for industry is that we can effectively remove the capital cost of establishing new, custom-built premises for them. It then becomes an operating expense as we incorporate the costs of those improvements into the lease cost.” “And last but by no means least, the Greater Marsden Point Area delivers on lifestyle with beaches, recreation, and fantastic scenery.” Northport Ltd CEO Jon Moore notes, “Auckland has a growing population that needs imported goods, but operators are getting frustrated with distribution constraints in the city. Northport definitely has a role to play to ease the burden and assist in efficient delivery of products to that market.”

 No congestion Marsden Point

 Affordable land & housing  Construction ready land for lease  Industrial infrastructure capacity

MMH has invested heavily in the area with private roads providing access to the port (complementing the State Highway network between Whangarei, Marsden Point and Auckland), and has built a boat haul-out service and boatyard facility at Marsden Cove Marina, located within the premier residential “marine village” created by Hopper Developments. The boatyard in particular is attracting the attention of marine service providers, and is currently hosting the operations base for sea-testing the F50 catamarans destined for the new SAIL GP global racing league, headed up by Larry Ellison and Russell Coutts.

Marsden Maritime’s Business Development Officer Vibeke Wright on some of the land available at Marsden Point.

 Space for industry, manufacturing & warehousing

 Support industries  Recreation & lifestyle  State Highway connections  Natural deep-water port  NZ & International trade routes  World class premier Marsden Cove Marina & Boatyard Marsden Point is one of New Zealand’s largest areas available for industrial development, situated just one hour north of Greater Auckland in sunny, winterless Northland. Marden Maritime Holdings Ltd is a publicly listed company (NZX) committed to fostering development and growth in the region. Reduce your capital start-up costs by letting us build your new, custom-built lease premises for manufacturing, warehousing, processing and/or distribution centre.

Contact: Vibeke Wright Business Development Manager P: (09) 432-5053 M: 0220 289 096 E:


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


ADVISORS Mike Shatford

is an expert in the field of technology development and commercialisation. His company Design Energy Limited has completed over 100 significant projects in this vein by consulting for and partnering with some of New Zealand’s leading producers. Among Mike and his team’s strengths are industrial robotics and automated production where the company puts much of its focus.

Matt Minio

Managing Director, Objective3D Matt has extensive hands on experience as a user and supplier of 3D Printing technology. He comes from a mechanical design and engineering background with 25 years’ experience in multiple high end 3D cad applications across a range of industries, including aerospace and automotive. He has been heavily involved in the 3D printing evolution - from initial early prototyping to todays advanced 3d printing technologies producing production parts straight off the printer. As Managing Director of Objective 3D, he provides Stratasys, Desktop Metal and Concept Laser 3D printing solutions to a host of industries across Australia and New Zealand.


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


Sandra Lukey

Sandra Lukey is the founder of Shine Group, a consultancy that helps science and technology companies accelerate growth. She is a keen observer of the tech sector and how new developments create opportunity for future business. She has over 20 years’ experience working with companies to boost profile and build influential connections.

Phillip Wilson

Phillip Wilson of Nautech Electronics has over 25 years of experienced in the development, commercialisation and implementation of advanced manufacturing technology, robotics, automation and materials. Serving companies operating within the aerospace, automotive, offshore, defence, medical and scientific industries on a global basis. More recently specialising in change management and business re-alignment for a range of commercial entities from medium sized SME’s to divisions of large corporates.

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. - Albert Einstein

Hypertherm adds new features to Rotary Tube Pro with version update Hypertherm has announced a minor version update of Rotary Tube Pro, software that makes it easier to design and cut tube and pipe parts with no 3D CAD experience required. The new minor version update includes a number of new features designed to speed the programming process. For example, automatic nesting is now standard, allowing software users to nest multiple quantities of the same part or different parts on stock tube. Users can add parts to the part list and build a stock list for nesting, maintain the seam orientation during nesting, add part spacing, and choose how the software selects stock. Other new features include the ability

to store multiple parts and nests, plus an advanced edit feature that allows uses to manually adjust preferences like the lead size and position, along with cut sequence. The software also includes features that allow users to pin commonly used lead styles to the top of the list for quick access and offers more powerful reports to better track nests and stock usage. Instead of moving tube and undertaking multiple steps—measuring, sawing, drilling, etc. — Rotary Tube Pro really streamlines the production process. And though it is already easy to use, the enhancements introduced with this minor update of Rotary Tube Pro make the process of programming

and completing jobs even easier than before, giving fabricators and manufacturers the ability to work more efficiently, boost productivity, and reduce operating costs even further. Rotary Tube Pro software includes more embedded cut process expertise in the NC code than other tube and pipe software. By drawing on years of research and development, Hypertherm software developers were able to deliver optimal

outcomes based on factory-tested and proven job parameters including leads, separations, kerf, feedrate, and cutting techniques. Plasma, laser, waterjet, and oxyfuel cutting processes for virtually all brands of tube cutting machines, including stand-alone units and cutting table add-ons, are all supported. In addition, the software supports perpendicular cutting as a standard feature and bevel cutting as an optional module.

Super inverter is super powerful As we load more appliances onto commercial and recreational vehicles and boats, so does the demand for a high-performance power source. That demand has now been answered in New Zealand with the introduction of Projecta’s most powerful inverter to date, the all-new 24-Volt IP3000-24 model. Part of Projecta’s much-acclaimed Intelli-wave family of inverters the new IP3000-24 is designed to power up and run the most demanding appliances with ease and reliability on larger vehicles with 24-Volt electric systems. This latest pure sine wave powerhouse

offers an incredible 6,000W of peak power for up to 3 seconds and 4,500W for up to 10 seconds, overcoming the most demanding appliance start up requirements. With 2,400W/10A of continuous power provided by its 240V AC socket and 3,000W/13A when hardwired via the included wiring kit, there is little the new IP3000-24 can’t operate on the go with complete safety and peace of mind. The new super inverter can also be wired for remote activation via the switch node, which allows it to be neatly installed out of view making

it ideal in the case of OEM applications for caravans, mobile homes and boats. A selectable ‘eco mode’ allows the inverter to shut off output if load value is less than 50VA, preserving power. The Projecta IP3000-24 incorporates a host of advanced safety features, including voltage, temperature, fault and overload protections to safeguard against injury and damage to sensitive appliances, electrical systems and batteries. Fully-isolated and meeting the latest


AS/NZS 4763 standards, the input voltage, output load level, fault code LED indicators ensure easy error diagnosis – there’s an audible alarm to warn the user of any faults. And, for total peace of mind, the new inverter is backed by Projecta’s 2-year warranty.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill

Mobile robots new soldiers on factory floors The industrial robotics sector is seeing robust growth as manufacturers increasingly embark on the journey of automation. The revenues of commercial robots in manufacturing are forecasted to grow from US$166 million in 2018 to US$22 billion by 2027, according to ABI Research, a market-foresight advisory firm providing strategic guidance on the most compelling transformative technologies. The newest trend is complementary robotics technologies that put mobile

robots on the factory floor. Made up of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), these robots will complement existing robotic arms in factories that are increasingly becoming more autonomous and smarter. There has been plenty of debate within the industry on the different benefits of AGVs and AMRs. While AGVs are

a much cheaper precursor to AMRs, they require floor markers to guide their movement and are more ideal in greenfield deployments. For those wanting infrastructure-free navigation and flexible production line, AMRs represent the future standard. Seegrid and MiR are the two leading suppliers of AMR to the manufacturing sector. Ultimately, manufacturers will benefit from either of these solutions as they can push carts and deliver parts within or between the factories, optimizing workflows, minimising workplace hazards, and freeing up valuable staff resources. The advancements in machine vision, simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM), swarm intelligence, and sensor fusion are making it possible for mobile robots to operate in unstructured environments such as the factory warehouse and the assembly area. These technologies are being supported by many cameras and sensors, such as LiDAR and radar. Moving forward, the robot can benefit from the integration of deep learning algorithms with sensor fusion and swarm intelligence. In addition, as factories undergo digital transformation, more factories will start to adopt smart manufacturing platforms. With this development, the value proposition of cloud robotics

Opinion Manufacturing Profiles Letters to the Editor Politics of Manufacturing Trade Fair World Diary of Events World Market Report Q/A Export News Machine Tools Business Opportunities Commentary As I See It Business News Appointments Around New Zealand Australian Report New to the Market Lean Manufacturing Equipment for Sale Recruitment Environmental Technology Manufacturing Processes


becomes more relevant. Nonetheless, there are still many challenges related to the adoption and deployment of cloud robotics. Data security, data analytics, and the power of cloud computing will have to be in place before connecting any robot to an industrial cloud platform. As robotic technologies continue to mature, different vendors are starting to engage in ecosystem play. Universal Robot, the world’s largest collaborative robot arm vendor, has its own ecosystem called UR+, which features over 50 partners in grippers, accessories, and software platforms. This is further augmented by the acquisition of MiR, an AMR vendor, by Teradyne, Universal Robot’s parent company, in April 2018. Teradyne currently owns both collaborative robotic arm and AMR technology under one roof, providing an end-to-end solution for manufacturers. The Industrial factory embrace of collaborative robots, AGVs, and AMRs indicates that manufacturers are also embracing versatility and modularity. The increasing number of stock keeping units (SKUs) and short product life cycles necessitate the deployment of robotics solutions that can be retrained and redeployed for different manufacturing processes and factory layouts.

NZ MANUFACTURER • December 2018 Issue • Features

NZ Manufacturer November 2018



The year in Review

Industry 4.0

Advertising Booking Deadline – 14 December 2018

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Advertising Copy Deadline – 14 December 2018

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Editorial Copy Deadline – 14 December 2018 Advertising – For bookings and further information contact: Doug Green, P O Box 1109, Hastings 4156, Hawke’s Bay Email:

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Email: Tel: 06 870 9029

At NZ MANUFACTURER our aim is to keep our readers up to date with the latest industry news and manufacturing advances in a tasty paper morsel, ensuring they do not get left behind in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving manufacturing world.

Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again. - Richard Branson

‘Technology supported by people’ is the new business model For happier (and more productive) employees, businesses need to shift from a model of ‘people supported by technology’ to one of ‘technology supported by people’ to keep up in the intelligent automation (IA) race. Professor Ilan Oshri from the University of Auckland Business School participated recently in a KPMG study that looked at global experiences with IA. IA includes artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation (RPA) – technology that can make decisions, interact and learn at a human-like level was recently the province of sci-fi but is now a part of everyday life - think virtual bank assistants and CT scans reviewed by trained algorithms. Researchers interviewed 80 business executives from multiple industries across North America, Western Europe and Asia Pacific about their experiences of adopting IA and their future outlooks. Professor Oshri says there was a disconnection between expectations and behaviour. “Enterprises have high expectations about the transformative power of IA, but too few are making the kind of radical organisational transformations needed to harness that power.” Firms need to be making IA investment decisions at the executive level, and changing the way they run their business around new processes driven by IA technologies, the report says. Growing evidence suggests that taking

this strategic ‘digital first’ approach can pay for itself 5-10 times over.

a company – finance, human resources, IT – are being eroded.

The main findings:

“The way we organise and do business is changing due to IA and other digital disruption,” says Professor Oshri, who is in the Graduate School of Management. “Piecemeal attempts to introduce IA as ‘add-ons’ or replacements for existing processes just won’t cut it. Firms need to consider two dimensions when seeking intelligent automation solutions: their business models and their data structure.

• nearly two-thirds of respondents plan to put in place RPA within three years, and nearly half plan to be using AI at scale in the same timeframe • despite these high expectations, readiness was low, with nearly two-thirds indicating a lack of in-house talent and half struggling to define clear goals and objectives for AI and accountability for its return on investment • most organisations are in the early stages of knowing where to prioritise deployment, how to measure benefits and reconfigure staff • many respondents expect to increase investment in IA significantly over the next five years, but report authors doubt this will be enough in many cases • respondents estimated that, by the turn of the next decade, about one third of jobs will be impacted by IA that can replace repetitive manual labour The report notes that traditional boundaries between different parts of

“Firms that have not yet embarked on digital transformation are unlikely to significantly benefit from the wave of IA solutions; however, not all is lost. By considering a gradual shift to digital platforms as a service, even firms with legacy systems can still achieve significant transformation in terms of becoming a data-driven business and an innovative business model venture.” A third of respondents said that management’s concerns over IA’s impact on employees was the biggest obstacle. But the report argues that automation done well could improve employees’ lot. “The ultimate result could actually be happier employees… freed from routine tasks and encouraged to take on more strategic, significant work,”

the authors write. “Ultimately, humans and virtual robots will work side by side – and, in many cases robots will be able to analyse data and answer questions, often faster and better than humans. What robots won’t be able to do is define the questions and problems that need to be solved, iterate deeply on the responses, and prioritise solutions.” The authors say companies will need to set up ‘centres of excellence’ to upskill employees and recruit specialists, and some job losses are inevitable. Professor Oshri: “While it is still unclear how society will be affected by automation and AI, some indications suggest that at this point in time technology is advancing faster than ethical concerns and business needs are challenging traditional employment conventions. “It is the responsibility of academics, practitioners and policymakers to actively shape the new reality created by intelligent automation.”

WEF’s 2019 meeting to focus on “globalization 4.0” The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced that its 2019 annual meeting in Davos, scheduled for Jan. 22 to 25, would focus on the theme “globalisation 4.0: shaping a global architecture in the age of the fourth industrial revolution”. The WEF explained that globalisation is being redefined simultaneously by four major transformations: global economic leadership is no longer dominated by multilateralism but characterised by “plurilateralism”; the balance of global power has shifted from unipolar to multipolar; ecological challenges, including climate change, are threatening socio-economic

development; and the fourth industrial revolution is introducing technologies at a speed and scale unparalleled in history. “We are just at the beginning of globalisation 4.0, and are significantly underprepared for the magnitude of change we are facing. We are still approaching issues of globalisation with an outdated mindset,” warned

Klaus Schwab, WEF founder and executive chairman. He added that “tinkering with our existing processes and institutions will not be enough. We need to redesign them so that we can capitalise on the abundance of new opportunities that await us, while also avoiding the kinds of disruptions that we are witnessing today.”


The WEF underlined that whether “globalisation 4.0” improves the state of the world for all would depend on governance at the corporate, government and international levels that adapts sufficiently to this new economic, political, environmental and social context. The 2019 annual meeting will bring together governments, international organisations, business, civil society, media, foremost experts and the young generation from all over the world in more than 400 working sessions, said the WEF.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018


Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.

- Arnold H. Glasgow

Before replacing a carer with a robot, we need to assess the pros and cons an important tool in dealing with our impending care crisis. Countries such as Japan see robots playing a key role in filling their workforce gaps in care services.

Robots are capable of enhancing productivity and improving quality and safety. But there is a potential for misuse or unintended consequences.

We also investigated the role of government as a Catherine Smith Helen Dickinson steward in shaping Research fellow, Associate Professor, Public Service this framework University of Melbourne Research Group, UNSW through interviews with 35 policy, concerns about potential hacking and health care and academic experts from security issues. On the flip side, it raises across Australia and New Zealand. questions of inequity if different levels We found that despite these of care available at different price technologies already being in use points. in aged care facilities, schools and Participants were also concerned about hospitals, government agencies don’t the unintended consequences of robot typically think strategically about relationships on human relationships. their use and often aren’t aware of Families may feel that the robot the risks and potential unintended proxy is sufficient companionship, for consequences. instance, and leave their aged relative This means the sector is largely being socially isolated. driven by the interests of technology suppliers. Providers in some cases What should governments do? are purchasing these technologies to Government has an important role differentiate them in the market, but to play by regulating the rapidly are also not always engaging in critical developing market. analysis. We suggest a responsive regulatory Our study participants approach, which relies on the sector to identified that robots were self- and peer-regulate, and to escalate “leveraged” as something issues as they arise for subsequent new and attractive to regulation. Such engagement will keep young people require education, behaviour change, interested in learning, and a variety of regulatory measures or as “a conversation that go beyond formal rules. starter” with prospective Government has an important role families exploring aged in helping providers understand the care providers. different technologies available and But there are significant their evidence base. Care providers risks as the technologies often struggle to access good become more developed. Drawing evidence about technologies and their on research in other emerging effectiveness. As such, they’re largely technologies, our participants raised being informed by the market, rather concerns about addiction and reliance than high quality evidence. on the robot. What would happen if Many of the stakeholders we spoke the robot broke or became obsolete, to for our research also see a role and who would be responsible if a for government in helping generate robot caused harm? an evidence base that’s accessible to providers. This is particularly important where technologies may have been tested, but in a different national context.

Concerns have been expressed about the use of robots potentially reducing privacy, exposing people to data hacking, or even inflicting physical harm.

Many respondents called for establishment of industry standards to protect against data and privacy threats, and the loss of jobs.

We also lack evidence about the potential long-term implications of human-machine interactions.

Finally, governments have a responsibility to ensure Robots can help draw in potential clients. vulnerable people aren’t exploited or harmed by As artificial intelligence develops, technologies. And they must also robots will develop different levels ensure robots don’t replace human of capabilities for “knowing” the care and lead to greater social human they are caring for. This raises isolation.

A number of Australian residential aged care facilities are using Paro, a therapeutic robot that looks and sounds like a baby harp seal. Paro interacts by moving its head, heavily-lashed wide eyes and flippers, making sounds and responding to particular forms of touch on its furry coat.

A number of Australian nursing homes use Paro, a therapeutic robot that looks and sounds like a baby harpParo has been used extensively seal, to interact with residents with dementia. in aged care in the United

If you have seen science fiction television series such as Humans or Westworld, you might be imagining a near future where intelligent, humanoid robots play an important role in meeting the needs of people, including caring for children or older relatives.

States, Europe and parts of Asia, typically among people living with dementia. Nao is an interactive companion robot developed in a humanoid form but standing just 58cm tall in height.

The reality is that current technologies in this sector are not yet very humanoid, but nonetheless, a range of robots are being used in our care services including disability, aged care, education, and health. Our research, published by the Australia and New Zealand School of Government, finds that governments need to carefully plan for the inevitable expansion of these technologies to safeguard vulnerable people.

Care crisis and the rise of robots Australia, like a number of other advanced liberal democracies, is anticipating a future with an older population, with a more complex mix of chronic illness and disease. A number of care organisations already operate under tight fiscal constraints and report challenges recruiting enough qualified staff. In the future, fewer numbers in the working-age population and increased numbers of retirees will compound this problem. If we then add to this equation the fact consumer expectations are increasing, it starts to look like future care services are facing a somewhat perfect storm. Robots are increasingly becoming a feature of our care services, capable of fulfilling a number of roles from manual tasks through to social interaction.

Nao acts as a little friend.

Nao has gone through a number of different iterations and has been used for a variety of different applications worldwide, including to help children engaged in paediatric rehabilitation and in various educational and research institutes.

The double-edged sword of technology

Our research explored the roles robots should and, even more critically, should not play in care delivery.

Their wider use has been heralded as


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat. - Malcolm S. Forbes

Urban wind turbine claims prestigious James Dyson Award From climate change, to poverty, global issues increasingly demand collaborative, cross-cultural responses. Originating from Chile and Kenya respectively, Nicolas Orellana and Yaseen Noorani represent a new era of talent that are working together to develop technologies that are capable of tackling our shared problems.

inventors to do more than just identify real problems. It empowers them to use their ingenuity to develop inventive solutions. O-Wind Turbine does exactly that. It takes the enormous challenge of producing renewable energy and using geometry it can harness energy in places where we’ve scarcely been looking – cities. It’s an ingenious concept.”

Studying International Innovation MSc together at Lancaster University, they set out to harness urban wind with an inventive new type of turbine. But what’s the problem with wind?

Nicolas Orellana first became interested in the challenge of multidirectional wind after studying NASA’s Mars Tumbleweed Rover. Six feet in diameter, this inflatable ball was designed to autonomously bounce and roll like tumbleweed, across Mars’ surface to measure atmospheric conditions and geographical location.

The taller we build our cities, the windier they become. As we hunt for renewable sources of power generation this powerful and plentiful resource is left untapped largely because traditional wind turbines only capture wind travelling in one direction. This means they are very inefficient in cities where the wind is unpredictable and multi-directional. When wind blows through cities it becomes trapped between buildings, is dragged down to the street and is pushed up into the sky. This catapults wind into chaos, which renders conventional turbines unusable. Using a simple geometric shape, O-Wind Turbine is designed to utilise this powerful untapped resource, generating energy even on the windiest of days. Sir James Dyson said: “Design something that solves a problem is an intentionally broad brief. It invites talented, young

Like conventional wind turbines, it was powered by unidirectional wind blows which severely impaired the rover’s mobility when faced with obstructions, often throwing it off course and resulting, ultimately, in the failure of the project. By exploring the limitations of the Tumbleweed, Nicolas’s three-dimensional wind turbine technology was born. Nicolas and his fellow student Yaseen Noorani soon identified how cities could use this technology to harness energy to produce electricity. How does O-Wind Turbine work? O-Wind Turbine is a 25cm sphere with geometric vents; it sits on a fixed axis and spins when wind hits it from any direction. When wind energy turns the device, gears drive a generator which

Inspired by a NASA space rover, two young inventors from Chile and Kenya want to make electricity in windy cities converts the power of the wind into electricity. This can either be used as a direct source of power, or it can be fed into the electricity grid. Nicolas and Yaseen aim for O-Wind Turbine to be installed to large structures such as the side of a building, or balcony, where wind speeds are at their highest. Click here to see the device in action. Nicolas Orellana said: “We hope that O-Wind Turbine will improve the usability and affordability of turbines for people across the world. Cities are windy places

but we are currently not harnessing this resource. Our belief is that making it easier to generate green energy, people will be encouraged to play a bigger own role in conserving our planet. Winning the international James Dyson Award has validated our concept. The attention we’ve received so far has been humbling and given us the confidence to see the development of this concept as a future career. Already we are in discussions with investors and we hope to secure a deal in the coming months.”

3D concrete printing could free the world from boring buildings Construction is one of the largest industries in the world economy – worth A$10 trillion globally (equivalent to 13% of GDP). But construction has suffered for decades from remarkably poor productivity compared to other sectors. While agriculture and manufacturing have increased productivity 10-15 times since the 1950s, construction remains stuck at the same level as 80 years ago. That’s because construction remains largely manual, while manufacturing and other industries have made significant progress in the use of digital, sensing and automation technologies. We and other research groups see 3D-printed concrete as a possible solution to these problems. The technique will likely also give architects the freedom to inject more creativity into their designs for new structures. Problems facing construction Our modern civil infrastructure is almost entirely built with concrete. We use more

The author pictured with a 3D-printed concrete building design.

than 20 billion tons of concrete per year. The only material we use more than that is water.

timber, formwork accounts for about 60% of the total cost of concrete construction.

The construction industry is facing a number of serious problems, including low labour efficiency and high accident rates at construction sites. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the construction industry has the highest rate of work-related injuries (59 per 1000 workers).

It’s also a significant source of waste, given that it is discarded sooner or later. According to a 2011 study, the construction industry generates 80% of total worldwide waste.

There are also difficulties in quality control at construction sites, high levels of waste and carbon emissions, cost blow-outs, and challenges in managing large worksites with a vanishing skilled workforce.

Pouring concrete into formwork also limits the creativity of architects to build unique shapes, unless very high costs are paid for bespoke formwork. Free-form additive construction could enhance architectural expression.

Disruptive technologies such as 3D concrete printing can offer solutions.

The cost of producing a structural component would not be tied to the shape, so construction could be freed from the rectangular designs that are so familiar in current building architecture.

The benefits of 3D concrete printing

What we could build

3D construction uses additive manufacturing techniques, which means objects are constructed by adding layers of material.

3D concrete printing is being explored for use in the construction of houses, bridges, buildings and even wind turbine towers.

Conventional approaches to construction involve casting concrete into a mould (known as formwork). But additive construction combines digital technology and new insights from materials technology to allow free-form construction without the use of formwork.

Houses This 3D-printed concrete house was built in 24 hours during a harsh Russian winter. It was the first such house to be built in a single location.

Eliminating the cost of formwork is the major economic driver of 3D concrete printing. Built using materials such as

Bridges An 8-metre 3D-printed concrete bridge for cyclists was unveiled in the Netherlands last year. The bridge, which was printed by Eindhoven University of Technology, has more than 800 layers and took three months to print. Intricate





printing has an advantage over conventional construction m e t h o d s when it comes to building non-rectilinear shapes, such as curved shapes with intricate details.

Jay Sanjayan, Professor, Swinburne University of Technology

It’s still early days This field of research is still in its infancy. The biggest hurdle in the development of concrete 3D printing is the concrete itself. Conventional concrete in its current form is not suitable for 3D printing, so new and innovative alternatives need to be developed. Researchers are exploring various types of concrete. The concrete for 3D printing must not set when it’s inside the printer, but it needs to set and strengthen as soon after it is extruded as possible. This kind of concrete is called “set-on-demand”. When it comes to actually printing the concrete, special printers are needed. Typically, the size of the printer needs to be larger than the component being printed. However, researchers are exploring printers or robots that can “climb” on parts of the concrete that are already set in order to print other sections.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them. - Vaibhav Shah

Armoured wetsuit made of aluminium platelets Australian global manufacturer Sevaan Group was handpicked by an innovative company to help create an armoured wetsuit for protecting commercial divers, Scuba divers, free divers and those into serious spear fishing. Known as ironskinn, the armoured wetsuit is made of extremely tough aluminium platelets held together by an elastic in-form setting. Sevaan Group was chosen for various reasons ahead of sizeable international competition, with one reason being its ability to interpret the requirements and set up CAD and manufacturing sequences to make the concept a physical reality. As ironskinn Managing Director Mr John Sundnes explains, Sevaan Group was very inquisitive about what was required and were excited about making a significant part of that product. “We are making the entire suit in NSW, so Sevaan’s Sydney base was a good start and ultimately as a company they showed patience as this was something that was never made before,” said Mr Sundnes. “A lot of finetuning was required and they were up for it; unlike other companies we approached whose attitude was ‘when you have a need

for 100-offs then call us’. “It took probably 4-5 months because we had some tooling we needed made and Sevaan Group had good contacts to make that tooling a reality. “The platelets have a particular shape and particular curvature; thin metal can behave in unexpected ways so that part may come out a little differently compared to its CAD so we needed expertise to handle that.” The ironskinn protective dive suit is designed to protect divers from an unexpected shark bite, as well as to protect from other marine hazards such as oysters, mussels, barnacles and rotten metal from boats when working on them underwater, therefore offering a wide range of applications of material.

initial costings for the prototype manufacture,” said Mr Tzakos. “We then reviewed the design, and worked closely with our international supply chain to make this concept a reality. “As Mr Sundnes already had basic working prototype and samples, it was our challenge to come up with a new design at a particular price point. “But a key designed principle was that the platelets are made so the suit doesn’t get in the way of kinetic movement of humans in the elbows, knees, hips etc.

Very light and very strong, the ironskinn suit is designed mainly for commercial divers and spear fishing; so it is expected they could get hit by objects at any time and the suit is designed to improve the chances of survival. The platelets are rated as being harder than shark teeth. If someone is working in the water and a regular sized shark comes at them and bites them, it is expected most likely that bite would be defended; therefore the individual could sustain a scratch rather than a lost limb.

Currently, the suit is on a pilot program with some professional divers before going for commercial sale. Sevaan Group Managing Director, Mr Jim Tzakos, says the association was formed when Mr Sundnes and Joe Christie came to Sevaan with the initial design and prototype for wet suit armour from America. Mr Sundnes is from America and Mr Christie is a local from NSW, and they decided to set up the business in NSW. “They brought the concept to us which we analysed and provided

High resolution lenses for machine vision cameras FujiFilm has developed the “FUJINON CF-ZA-1S series” (“CF-ZA-1S”), a series of ultra-high resolution lenses designed for machine vision cameras used for product inspection and measurement on production lines. The lenses are compatible with large camera sensors with a high pixel count of 1.1-inch (2.5µm pixel pitch*** equivalent to 23 megapixels). In production lines, it is common practice to use machine vision system to confirm images of products so as to conduct automatic product inspection and measurement.

In years to come, the demand for machine vision systems is expected to grow due to the increasing automation of production lines and further reductions in the number of human operators. Currently, the demand for high precision inspection and measurement systems is growing not only in the electronic components and automotive components fields but also in the field of larger-sized products such as organic EL displays and LCD displays. As the sensors used for machine vision cameras become increasingly large and incorporate an ever higher pixel count, lenses, which are the first “gateway” for image information, now also require higher levels of performance. The CF-ZA-1S series, set for launch in February 2019, is a series of ultra-high resolution lenses designed for


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


use with machine vision cameras and compatible with large camera sensors with a high pixel count of 1.1-inch・2.5µm pixel pitch***(equivalent to 23 megapixels). The lenses incorporate Fujifilm’s proprietary 4D high resolution*4technology, providing superior image clarity. In addition, when the aperture is set to F4, the setting commonly chosen by users, the relative illumination ratio* is maintained at over 90%**, ensuring that the lens produces images that operate in all areas from the centre through to the periphery. This eliminates the need for light intensity compensation, which may cause noise into the image, facilitating efficient high-precision product inspections. Furthermore, the lenses are designed to be compact, with a world-smallest*5 external diameter of just 39mm*6, and the lenses’ high-quality anti-shock and vibration performance, which maintains variations of the optical axis*7 equal to or below 10µm*8 makes the lenses

highly suitable for installation in a diverse range of manufacturing environments. The CF-ZA-1S is suitable not only for the inspection and measurement of electronic components but also for large-sized products such as organic EL displays and LCD displays. The series provides a lineup of six different lens models*9 with different focal lengths, allowing customers to choose the lens most appropriate for their desired application. In addition to the CF-ZA-1S series, Fujifilm will also, from January 2019, launch the “FUJINON HF-HA-1S series” (“HF-HA-1S”). This series is an update of the “FUJINON HF-HA-1B series”, already in use in a wide range of manufacturing environments, which are compatible with sensors up to a maximum size of 2/3-inch・6.2µm pixel pitch (maximum size equivalent to 1.5 megapixels), and are characterised by compact lens bodies with external diameters of 29.5mm. The update adds additional anti-shock and vibration performance to the existing series.

If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y and Z, with X being work, Y play, and Z keeping your mouth shut. - Albert Einstein


Waterjet industry has HyPrecision predictive maintenance pumps Hypertherm believes that industry’s first predictive maintenance waterjet pumps will substantially reduce maintenance costs and disruption caused by non-planned service. This new generation of pumps — called HyPrecision Predictive — are equipped with features such as Hypertherm’s proven Advanced Intensifier Technology and new patented technologies like closed loop

proportional pressure control that adjusts for pressure and temperature, oil viscosity, and hydraulic system wear parts; along with technology that enables customers to use seals up to 40 percent longer. In addition to technologies to increase performance and reduce system downtime, the HyPrecision Predictive pumps are designed with ease of service in mind.

Features such as a colour-coded junction box, electrical cable harnesses, quick-disconnect fittings, and an easy access bleed-down valve all make maintenance faster and less expensive. HyPrecision Predictive systems are also designed with safety in mind. A clear window cover lets the operator see the intensifier and attenuator. Optional electrical interlocks prevent unauthorized access and can

automatically stop the pump when opened. Seal Maintenance Technology helps keep the top deck and shop floor free of oil and water.

ZUTP-S tensioning pumps deliver swift single-person operation and safety Enerpac’s 1500 bar electric tensioning pumps. New pendant-operated electric tensioning pumps being introduced by Enerpac allow safe and swift single-person operation in multiple-bolt applications, including gas turbine machinery, compressors, wind power plants and oil, mining and energy industries tasks. The rugged and compact ZUTP-S 1500 bar series pumps feature two-stage operation that provides high flow at low pressure for fast system fills, then controlled flow at high pressure for precise operation. Operators of the ZUTP-S can pressurise and depressurise the tensioner directly

from the 6m pendant. The pump achieves high-pressure without the need for an intensifier. This allows for low maintenance and less cost for the end user. The ZUTP-S Series is typically used in oil and gas, wind power and power plant applications, it works well when used for critical joints in the assembly of gas and wind turbines, compressors, power shaft couplings and oil and gas pipelines. This tensioning pump is extremely reliable and provides great power and precision that our customers value. Key features include: • 1.25 kW heavy-duty universal motor that provides the best perfor-

mance-to-weight ratio in a range of six compact pumps, all of which meet CE safety requirements and internationally respected TUV product standards. • Easy access manual override valve, which quickly releases pressure if power is lost. The pump’s safety relief valve limits output pressure. • Panel-mounted 153mm pressure gauge with polycarbonate cover is set into a protective metal shroud for improved visibility. • Replaceable 10-micron reservoir breather and inline high-pressure filter helps maintain oil cleanliness for optimum performance. ZUTP-S pumps are part of Enerpac’s

extensive ranges of hydraulic p u m p , c y l i n d e r, professional bolting and compactly powerful 700 bar tool ranges, with sales, service and technical specification advice throughout Australia, New Zealand and PNG. Enerpac also has one of the world’s most comprehensive ranges of heavy lifting cylinders.




NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. - Napoleon Bonaparte

Konecranes provides Ports of Auckland with

24/7 software service

Leading Kiwi ports organisation, Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) has further enhanced the reliability and maintenance programmes for their new Konecranes automated straddle carriers as it prepares for expansion. The newly signed software service level agreement (SLA) with Konecranes includes 24/7 software technical support once the new equipment goes live. The equipment covered by the software service level agreement includes 27 new Konecranes Noell Automated Straddle Carriers (A-STRADs) and 21 retrofits to manually operated Konecranes Noell straddle carriers that would make them fully automated. “Our upgrade to automated straddles is essential to increasing our capacity so that we can handle the future freight needs of a rapidly growing Auckland city,” says Ports of Auckland Chief Executive Tony Gibson. “In order to deliver for the city, we need to have confidence that any problems with the automation software will be resolved quickly and efficiently. This SLA gives us that confidence,” he said.

Mario van den Heuvel, Director, Technical Support, Konecranes Port Service, said, “We very much appreciate the trust of POAL in our automated straddle carriers and software. The software agreement comes as part of the Konecranes automation solution in order to provide support under the most critical circumstances, and also, to provide piece of mind when changing, upscaling or transitioning from manual to automated operation. With around the clock access to our experts and minimum failure response times, the transition becomes easier.”– Under the SLA, Konecranes will provide a 24/7 expert hotline, continuous access to its service desk, and the latest updates of all the system software. Konecranes will be able to react and resolve software issues fast, as hotline staff will establish a secure remote connection to the POAL Konecranes Noell straddle carriers from anywhere in the world.

supply chain complications


National Road Carriers Association and the Ports of Auckland are combining forces to promote change in the supply chain to improve delivery times and prevent delays. This initiative has come about because of supply chain capacity issues which were highlighted following an accident at Ports of Auckland in August. Imported freight has taken longer to deliver and exporters have encountered delays getting their goods away, leading to frustration all round. “The supply chain is running at capacity, so unexpected problems can have a domino effect,” says David Aitken, National Road Carriers CEO. “At its heart, the problem is Auckland’s growth. The supply chain needs to evolve and we’re all going to have to change the way we work to prevent future problems. Better planning and coordination are the key.” “We’re letting stakeholders know what causes hold-ups and we’re working with partners to improve our end-to-end processes,” he added. Situations contributing to delays can arise at any stage in the supply chain, sometimes occurring thousands of kilometres away from New Zealand. “In the last 12 months over half of all container ships arrived at Auckland late (often as a result of bad weather), causing congestion,” says Craig Sain, Ports of Auckland’s General Manager Commercial Relationships. “This makes it hard for us to staff the terminal properly, causing delays.” Labour scheduling issues at the port are made worse by a shortage of labour in Auckland, which also affects the trucking industry. The port is currently installing an automated container handling system to address this problem, but the work required to install the system has reduced terminal capacity by about 20%, adding to congestion. This situation will remain until late 2019 when the project will be completed. “With reduced space in the terminal and more containers coming in due to growing Auckland demand for freight, it is taking us longer to service trucks visiting the port,” says Mr Sain.

Ross Clarke, Programme Manager, Terminal Automation, Ports of Auckland; Mario van den Heuvel, Director, Technical Support, Port Service, Konecranes.


NZ Manufacturer November 2018


Another problem is that getting containers off the port can be delayed because there is nowhere for the containers to go. The port works

24/7 and has capacity at nights and weekends, but often distribution centres, importers warehouses and empty container depots are closed at these times. “In the past working 9-5, Monday to Friday was fine, but now Auckland has over 1.5 million people it is no longer feasible,” says Mr Sain. “The whole industry needs to be able to work 24/7, not just the port and carriers, and this means distribution centres and importers need to be open nights and weekends to receive imports.” The road freight transport industry is caught in the middle says David Aitken. “Importers don’t want to pay for weekend or afterhours work but they also don’t want to pay to hold containers at the port or container depots as a result of their limited business hours.” “We are storing containers at freight hubs longer, which adds costs for double handling, or are delivering goods later than originally expected because of holdups. We’re also facing higher costs because of Auckland’s congestion, costs which could be avoided by working 24/7,” he added. The solution is going to come through a combination of technology, greater co-ordination and a move to 24/7 working throughout the supply chain. As well as investing in automated container handling, Ports of Auckland is working with National Road Carriers Association to update its processes and business rules to minimise manual intervention and incentivise off-peak container movements. Last minute freight moves will become a thing of the past, with all movements having to be planned in advance. “As a port we have a key role to play and we are trying to educate other players in the supply chain so that they understand the need for change and what they can do to make the process more efficient,” said Craig Sain. “Ultimately, these changes will benefit New Zealand through the fast, efficient and cost-effective delivery of freight.”


Our greatest fear should not be of failure ... but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter. - Francis Chan

Manufacturing the future: The next era of global growth and innovation By James Manyika, Jeff Sinclair, Richard Dobbs, Gernot Strube, Louis Rassey, Jan Mischke, Jaana Remes, Charles Roxburgh, Katy George, David O’Halloran, and Sreenivas Ramaswamy The global manufacturing sector has undergone a tumultuous decade: large developing economies leaped into the first tier of manufacturing nations, a severe recession choked off demand, and manufacturing employment fell at an accelerated rate in advanced economies. Still, manufacturing remains critically important to both the developing and the advanced world. In the former, it continues to provide a pathway from subsistence agriculture to rising incomes and living standards. In the latter, it remains a vital source of innovation and competitiveness, making outsized contributions to research and development, exports, and productivity growth. But the manufacturing sector has changed—bringing both opportunities and challenges—and neither business leaders nor policy makers can rely on old responses in the new manufacturing environment.

• Manufacturing’s role is changing. The way it contributes to the economy shifts as nations mature: in today’s advanced economies, manufacturing promotes innovation, productivity, and trade more than growth and employment. In these countries, manufacturing also has begun to consume more services and to rely more heavily on them to operate. • Manufacturing is not monolithic. It is a diverse sector with five distinct groups of industries, each with specific

drivers of success. • Manufacturing is entering a dynamic new phase. As a new global consuming class emerges in developing nations, and innovations spark additional demand, global manufacturers will have substantial new opportunities— but in a much more uncertain environment. Manufacturing’s role is changing Globally, manufacturing continues to grow. It now accounts for approximately 16 percent of global GDP and 14 percent of employment. But the manufacturing sector’s relative size in an economy varies with its stage of development. We find that when economies industrialize,

manufacturing employment and output both rise rapidly, but once manufacturing’s share of GDP peaks—at 20 to 35 percent of GDP—it falls in an inverted U pattern, along with its share of employment. The reason is that as wages rise, consumers have more money to spend on services, and that sector’s growth accelerates, making it more important than manufacturing as a source of growth and employment. The sector is also evolving in ways that make the traditional view—that manufacturing and services are separate and fundamentally different sectors— outdated. Service inputs (everything from logistics to advertising) make up an increasing amount of manufacturing activity. In the United States, every dollar of manufacturing output requires 19 cents of services. And in some manufacturing industries, more than half of all employees work in service roles, such as R&D engineers and office-support staff. As advanced economies recover from the Great Recession, hiring in manufacturing may accelerate, and some nations may even raise net exports. Manufacturers will continue to hire workers, both in production and nonproduction roles (such as design and after-sales service). But in the long run, manufacturing’s share of employment will remain under pressure as a result of ongoing productivity improvements, faster growth in services, and the force of global competition, which pushes advanced economies to specialize in activities requiring more skill (Exhibit 1). Manufacturing is not monolithic No two manufacturing industries are exactly alike; some are more labour- or more knowledge-intensive. Some rely heavily on transportation, while for others, proximity to customers is the critical issue. We have identified five broad manufacturing segments and analysed how different production factors influence where they build factories, carry out R&D, and go to market. The largest segment by output (gross

value added) includes industries such as autos, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. These industries depend heavily on global innovation for local markets—they are highly R&D intensive—and require close proximity to markets. The second-largest segment is regional processing, which includes industries such as printing and food and beverages. The smallest segment, with just 7 percent of global manufacturing value-added, produces labour-intensive tradables. Manufacturing is entering a dynamic new phase By 2025, a new global consuming class will have emerged, and most consumption will take place in developing economies. This will create rich new market opportunities. Meanwhile, in established markets, demand is fragmenting as customers ask for greater variation and more types of after-sales service. A rich pipeline of innovations in materials and processes— from nanomaterials to 3-D printing to advanced robotics—also promises to create fresh demand and drive further productivity gains across manufacturing industries and geographies. These opportunities arise in an extremely challenging environment. In some low-cost labour markets, wage rates are rising rapidly. Volatile resource prices, a looming shortage of highly skilled talent, and heightened supply-chain and regulatory risks create an environment that is far more uncertain than it was before the Great Recession. Manufacturers and policy makers need new approaches and capabilities Companies must develop a highly detailed understanding of specific emerging markets, as well as the needs of their existing customers. They will also require agile approaches to the development of strategy—using scenario planning rather than point forecasts, for example. And they will have to make big bets on long-range opportunities, such as tapping new markets in developing economies or switching to new materials,

but must do so in ways that minimise risk. A critical challenge for manufacturers will be to approach footprint decisions in a more nuanced way. Labour-intensive industries will almost always follow the path of low wages, but others, with more complex needs, must weigh factors such as access to low-cost transportation, to consumer insights, or to skilled employees. The result could very well be a new kind of global manufacturing company—a networked enterprise that uses “big data” and analytics to respond quickly and decisively to changing conditions and can also pursue long-term opportunities. For policy makers, supporting manufacturing industries and competing globally means that policy must be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the diverse industry segments in a national or regional economy, as well as the wider trends affecting them. For example, shapers of energy policy need to consider which segments will be affected by higher or lower energy costs, how great the impact is likely to be, and what magnitude of difference will trigger a location decision. Policy makers should also recognise that their long-term goals for growth, innovation, and exports are best served by supporting critical enablers for manufacturers (such as investing in modern infrastructure) and by helping them forge the connections they will need to access rapidly growing emerging markets. Two key priorities for both governments and businesses are education and the development of skills. Companies must build their R&D capabilities, as well as expertise in data analytics and product design. They will need qualified, computer-savvy factory workers and agile managers for complex global supply chains. In addition to supporting ongoing efforts to improve public education—particularly the teaching of math and analytical skills— policy makers must work with industry and educational institutions to ensure that skills learned in school fit the needs of employers.

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NZ Manufacturer November 2018



Action is the foundational key to all success - Pablo Picasso

NZ agritech technology used in developing countries Agritech technology developed in New Zealand for farmers is showing potential to help manage disease in children in developing countries. In an example of ‘One Health’ - the global movement applying similar health principals to all living beings technology developed by Dunedin’s Techion to revolutionise animal health management through diagnostics is being used for people. Techion’s FECPAK technology is part of a project monitoring the efficacy of drugs to control parasites in humans. Known as STARWORMS (STop Anthelmintic Resistant WORMS), this global project is researching drug efficacy and drug resistance in programmes aimed at eliminating and controlling intestinal parasites in people. Techion’s FECPAK is one of the diagnostic technologies being evaluated in the project, which is run by a collaborative group of research partners led by Professor Bruno Levecke from Belgium’s Ghent University. STARWORMS is a US$2.5 million project funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. According to the WHO, soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), commonly known as intestinal parasites or worms, affect more than 1.5 billion people or 24% of the world’s population. These parasites live in the intestines and in children they can cause malnutrition, stunted growth, intellectual difficulties and

cognitive deficits. An image-based technology, FECPAK enables an operator to prepare a faecal sample for analysis in the field or clinic. The image is uploaded via the internet and is analysed for the presence of parasite eggs by a technician who can be located anywhere in the world, including Techion’s Invermay lab, just outside Dunedin. Across Asia, Africa and South America large school-based mass drug deworming programmes are the norm to treat the disease, meaning some children are treated with drugs regardless of whether they have parasites or not. Developing a system which allows an evidence-based approach to treatment to assist the targeting of drugs to children who have parasites, could revolutionise management of parasites in children. Professor Bruno Levecke from Belgium’s Ghent University, says the four year programme of study will conclude in January 2020. He says experience to date with FECPAKG2 shows it has the potential to solve some of the most important challenges for diagnosis of worms. Most importantly, he says it offers quality control and in the future, may allow for quicker sample processing. Researchers have confidence in the

results we obtain with FECPAK. It offers a major advantage over existing techniques, as the results are stored online as pictures making it easy to re-check if there is a question.” “As the technology evolves, the digital system enables the potential for automated egg counting – an exciting possibility. The idea that a process that today requires human eyes might soon be performed by a software algorithm, speeding up sample analysis and allowing more samples to be processed each day will significantly reduce costs and make a real difference to the fight against parasites in children.” “We still have lots to learn as we continue to work in partnership with Techion evaluating new developments and improvements to the system and software” Professor Levecke said. The original FECPAK was developed in 1992 for farmers to measure parasites in livestock with a simple on farm microscope-based test counting parasite eggs in animal faeces. FECPAK was developed as an on-line platform in 2014 in conjunction with the University of Otago, which then went on to be awarded a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenge Grant to explore the potential for FECPA2 to be used as a human parasite diagnostic tool.

FECPAK is now being evaluated in the STARWORMS project to diagnose helminth infections in people in Africa, Asia and South America. Techion’s founder and CEO, Greg Mirams says it’s wonderful that their technology may contribute to solving one of the world’s biggest causes of childhood morbidity. “It’s been a fascinating experience to see the 20 years of work we have done in livestock transferring into human disease management. It’s a real example of ‘one health’ in action. The principals for faecal testing in animals are very similar to those for people.” “Our vision is to have a health official in a developing country visit a village and be able to test the goats, cattle, sheep and children for a range of diseases using the FECPAKG2 platform. This efficiency will be life changing. We are delighted to be part of this project to help make the world a better, healthier place”, Greg Mirams said. In addition to the STARWORMs project, Techion is also working with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute which is also evaluating FECPAKG2 technology to help in the development and evaluation of new drug options for combating human parasites.

How do food manufacturers pick those dates on their product packaging? No one wants to serve spoiled food to their families. Conversely, consumers don’t want to throw food away unnecessarily – but we certainly do. Part of these losses are due to consumers being confused about the “use-by” and “best before” dates on food packaging. Contrary to popular impression, the current system of food product dating isn’t really designed to help us figure out when something from the fridge has passed the line from edible to inedible. Aside from the labelling issues, how are these dates even generated? Food producers, particularly small-scale companies just entering the food business, often have a difficult time knowing what dates to put on their items. But manufacturers have a few ways – both art and science – to figure


NZ Manufacturer November 2018

out how long their foods will be safe to eat. Consumer confusion Out of a mistaken concern for food safety, 91 percent of consumers occasionally throw food away based on the “sell by” date – which isn’t really about product safety at all. “Sell by” dates are meant to let stores know how to rotate their stock. A survey conducted by the Food Marketing Institute in 2011 found that among their actions to keep food safe, 37 percent of consumers reported discarding food “every time” it’s past the “use by” date – even though the date only denotes “peak quality” as determined by the manufacturer. The most we can get from the dates currently listed on food products is a general idea of how long that particular


Dates can be about rotating product, not necessarily when it’s safe to eat the food.

item has been in the marketplace. They don’t tell consumers when the product shifts from being safe to not safe. Figuring out when food’s gone foul A lot of factors determine the usable

life of a food product, both in terms of safety and quality. What generally helps foods last longer? Lower moisture content, higher acidity, higher sugar or salt content. Producers can also heat-treat or

continued on Page 30

Innovations in taste for world markets

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The best way to succeed in this world is to act on the advice you give to others. – Unknown

New programme to boost mid-rise timber construction A new programme aims to boost mid-rise building construction using New Zealand engineered and panelised framing timber, and deliver a range of regional, social, environmental and other benefits. Red Stag Investments Ltd, a company with its roots in forestry, wood processing and property development, has partnered with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to deliver Mid-rise Wood Construction, a four-year, $5 million Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) programme. “Combining Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), glulam and panelised framing timber is a cost-effective, fast, resilient and sustainable system for mid-rise construction,” says Red Stag Group Chief Executive Officer Marty Verry. “Our PGP programme aims to encourage widespread adoption of precision-engineered timber in mid-rise building construction in New Zealand.” “Aside from its natural beauty, engineered timber provides a very strong, low carbon and comparably low cost alternative to steel and concrete. It’s easier to transport, relatively light and has outstanding earthquake and fire resilience. The use of prefabrication can speed up construction by as much as 30 percent and reduce cost to help meet

New Zealand’s acute need for more accommodation. “Globally, there has been rapid growth in the use of engineered timbers such as cross laminated timber (CLT) and glulam for construction. However, New Zealand is behind other countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, England and the USA in adopting engineered and panelised timber for construction. “This is due to factors such as limited production capacity and little knowledge of engineered wood use and prefabrication in mid-rise building construction. “Through our PGP programme, we want to create this wider understanding to double demand for engineered and panelised wood products in New Zealand buildings, and develop domestic manufacturing capacity.”

The first will be the Clearwater Quays ( five level apartment development at Clearwater Resort Christchurch, to be constructed in 2019 (see attached image).

“Engineered timber provides the opportunity for New Zealand to add significant value to New Zealand grown timber,” says Mr Penno. “It’s also a natural and sustainable resource.

The programme will assemble a Collective of Excellence – a pool of New Zealand professionals experienced in mid-rise wood building design and construction – to help share and grow knowledge and expertise within the broader industry.

Construction costs associated with the programme will be covered by Red Stag. MPI investment provided through the PGP will contribute to other aspects of the programme, such as design, collating and sharing information, and establishing the CoE.

“The Mid-rise Wood Construction PGP programme aims to substantially increase demand for engineered wood products in buildings, which will have associated flow-on benefits across the entire supply chain.

Red Stag will design and build two mid-rise wooden buildings to showcase engineered timber construction, to act as reference sites and inform case studies.

Steve Penno, Director Investment Programmes at MPI, says benefits from the Mid-rise Wood Construction PGP programme will be felt beyond the co-investors.

“This will create new regional jobs and renewed investment in forestry, processing, manufacturing, construction and prefabrication. Achieving the programme’s goals will significantly advance New Zealand’s engineered timber industry.”

Industry-led quality assurance scheme raises the bar – again Industry-led quality assurance initiative Steel Fabrication Certification (SFC) has been extended to include a site erection module. This addition further broadens the scheme by capturing activities including on-site bolting, welding and erection. Steel Construction New Zealand (SCNZ) manager Darren O’Riley says: “This is a natural progression for the development of SFC. New Zealand’s structural steel contractors typically provide complete project management, from shop drawings and fabrication to site erection. This latest SFC module is formal recognition of

this end-to-end approach.” Mr O’Riley says that New Zealand’s structural steel contractors have always been about complete project management – from start to finish. “This latest enhancement of SFC makes us even more accountable for the final execution and delivery of a completed, compliant structure. This approach sets our local industry apart from suppliers of imported structural steel, who don’t erect the steel or manage the process and, as such, aren’t accountable for the final outcome,” says Mr O’Riley. Importantly, the New Zealand-based

workshop fabrication module of SFC is a prerequisite to achieve the erection module. Recognising experience and training is central to the SFC scheme and is based on the competency requirements of the personnel involved. SCNZ and the Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA) have partnered to develop training modules to support the success of SFC. Participating structural steel contractors are certified by an independent auditing authority, HERA Certifications Ltd. Certification for

both the fabrication and the erection modules is valid for five years but is subject to an annual surveillance audit to ensure the integrity of the scheme. SFC provides procurers and specifiers with certainty of product quality and significantly reduced compliance risk. Current SFC-qualified structural steel contractors have until July 2019 to prepare for their first audit to achieve erection module certification. This SFC compliance milestone follows the 2017 announcement to make SFC a compulsory condition of SCNZ membership from 2020.

Forum confirms funding for skills shift in manufacturing

“We would like to thank the Future of Work Forum and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for supporting and funding our project on addressing the Skills Shift in manufacturing.

“This initiative will help provide critical insight into how skill needs in manufacturing are likely to change in the near future, particularly with changes in the use of technology, such as automation, digital technologies and artificial intelligence. This work will help provide a blueprint for how manufacturers, government and the tertiary sector can work together to help arm our businesses and people with the skills needed to continue



On Monday12 November, at the Future of Work Tripartite Forum’s second meeting, the group confirmed funding towards the initial component of the Skills Shift in Manufacturing Initiative led by The Manufacturers’ Network.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018

growing and adapt to rapidly changing technology.” Said Dr Dieter Adam, Chief Executive of The Manufacturers’ Network “The lessons learnt in this research and pilot programme will be critical not only for the manufacturing sector of New Zealand but can help by acting as an example for how other sectors in our economy can successfully manage their own changing skill needs into the future.

“This work on the manufacturing sector alongside other initiatives by the Future of Work Forum will play a vital role in helping to create a basis on which growth opportunities can be made by leveraging change to improve productivity, as well as outcomes for businesses, their employees and the wider economy.” Says Dr Adam.


If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. - Olin Miller

New appointment at ATNZ Apprentice Training New Zealand (ATNZ) is pleased to announce the appointment of Susanne Martin to the role of General Manager. ATNZ is New Zealand’s largest employer of apprentices in mechanical engineering and related industries, including automotive, manufacturing, print and packaging. Ms Martin joins ATNZ in Auckland after senior executive roles at Crossmark and Philips in both New Zealand and Australia. An





experience in developing people, managing high-performance teams and B2B relationships, Ms Martin will be responsible for the management and development of the apprentice programmes.

has another 50 vacancies to fill.

ATNZ – a not-for-profit charity – currently employs more than 380 apprentices who are seconded to businesses throughout New Zealand. Employers pay ATNZ to host an apprentice on a contract basis to work and learn. The organisation has recruited 105 apprentices this year and

“Infometrics data shows us that this country needs more than 5,500 new workers in the mechanical engineering sector between now and 2022 to fill new jobs and replace workers who retire or leave. So our work is incredibly important.

“ATNZ is focused on adding innovation and value to New Zealand businesses and it’s exciting to lead an organisation embedded in the same values as my own,” Ms Martin says.

“I’m hoping to take another step

up with the customer driven team, refining our service while remaining committed to being the premium apprentice training resource for New Zealand businesses.”

Ratification of CPTPP excellent news EMA says confirmation of Australia’s ratification of CPTPP is excellent news for the exporting community, and New Zealand in general. The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) now has the quorum required to move it

forward. “Free trade agreements such as the CPTPP are vital for our exporting community and economy,” says Kim Campbell, CEO, EMA. “I congratulate the New Zealand representatives and negotiators

involved who have progressed CPTPP to this stage. “As an economy of 4.7 million people we need reliable access to other markets accompanied by favourable terms of trade, and this is what the CPTPP will deliver.

“It gives our exporters access to significant markets such as Japan, Canada and Mexico, which previously we did not have. “Trade is one of the key building blocks for a connected, vibrant economy,” says Mr Campbell.

Xigo TSA merger to shake up trans-Tasman project management sector A merger of two of Australasia’s leading project management organisations, Xigo and TSA Management, will shake up the sector on both sides of the Tasman as the two companies embark on an ambitious growth programme backed by one of the UK’s top private equity firms, Livingbridge. The merger – which involves TSA buying Xigo and Xigo shareholders reinvesting in the Group entity – sees both companies retaining their brand and governance structures. TSA chief executive Andrew Wilson will serve on the Xigo Board and Xigo director David Wilkie on the TSA Group Board.

says the transaction creates “a massive network of expertise and talent for us to better serve our existing clients and leverage new opportunities in New Zealand, Australia and internationally”.

directors have met Livingbridge’s owners and are impressed with their sophisticated no-nonsense investment approach and culture, while its global reach complements both companies’ international ambitions.

Wilson says that “both businesses are very successful in terms of project and financial performance, staff attraction and retention and this is about extending our collective capability, our reach and improving market access for both TSA and Xigo”.

Wilson says the transaction delivers significant value to both companies: “This is about building on our collective strengths across the project management sector. They wanted to invest and expand into Australia; we wanted to invest and expand in New Zealand. Both Boards have global ambition and we’re excited about our extended capability and what we can achieve as a Group.”

“Both businesses are on a growth trajectory,” Wilkie adds, “and this transaction fires up the afterburners.”

David Wilkie.

TSA is getting access to the biggest infrastructure build in New Zealand’s history.

Wilkie says the merger represents a significant New Zealand investment in the bigger Australian project management sector – “Kiwis are still owners and managers of a much larger trans-Tasman business” – while

“Our strategy has been to grow 500% by 2023, organically and through merger or acquisition and this transaction puts on track to achieve our goal,” Wilkie says. “TSA have invested in our business and we’ve invested in the combined business and we’re bound together to improve both

from geological data, and ultimately make better decisions about the earth, environment and energy challenges.

grow a global business from New Zealand and have a positive impact on some of the world’s biggest problems.

and represented an array of sectors, demonstrating the nation’s business diversity and innovation.

The judges were impressed with how well Seequent portrayed the emerging story of New Zealand on the global stage – advanced technology, focussed on making the world better, operating in a high-value niche and executed with precision, tenacity and ambition.

Earlier, Seequent won the ANZ Best Medium Business Award before winning the overall title.

For the first time at these awards, recognition was given to Inspiring Women Leaders. Seven outstanding businesswomen were nominated for this award, and the judges could not separate two of the nominees.

Seequent demonstrates how you can

They came from around New Zealand

Xigo-TSA will now collectively boast over 250 project managers across five east coast Australia offices and three in New Zealand (Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga).

Livingbridge is a UK-based mid-market private equity firm with a presence in the UK, US and Australia. It invested in TSA in 2017, its first Australian investment, and Xigo is its first New Zealand holding.

Commenting on the merger, Wilkie

Wilkie says he and fellow Xigo

2018 NZIBA Winners An innovative software company that shows the world how to understand what lies beneath the land and the oceans has won the Supreme Award at the 2018 New Zealand International Business Awards. Seequent, based in Christchurch, is a global leader in the development of visual data science software. They have advanced 3D graphic solutions which enable people to create rich stories and uncover valuable insights

More than 500 people at a black-tie event in Auckland celebrated the 31 leading export companies that made it through to the finals of the awards.


The joint winners were Sarah Kennedy and Aliesha Staples.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018



The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do. - Roy L. Smith

New schools initiative to kickstart future innovators Seeking schools and professionals for involvement in 2019! Engineering New Zealand’s new in-school programme - The Wonder Project - is set to blast off to New Zealand schools next year. The Wonder Project is all about getting young Kiwis excited about a career in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It’s designed to spark wonder in these subjects among students from all backgrounds, build confidence, and have them believe they can achieve amazing things. With the announcement, comes the call-out for schools and professionals to be involved in 2019. Chief Executive of Engineering New Zealand, Susan Freeman-Greene, says now is a better time than ever to sign up. “In New Zealand, there is a massive skills shortfall in STEM - we simply

don’t have enough young people pursuing careers in these fields. The Wonder Project aims to change that - taking our Kiwi kids on a creative, dynamic and, most importantly, fun STEM journey.” The Wonder Project includes three successive programmes that knit seamlessly into the school curriculum. Each school is supported by a team of industry professionals, from the likes of Rocket Lab, Air New Zealand and various engineering organisations around New Zealand. Susan says “We call this amazing team our Wonder Project Ambassadors. They take an hour or so out of their working week help teachers, mentor students on the Wonder Project journey, and inspire them to achieve similar feats.”

The news comes as Engineering New Zealand wraps up a pilot involving 22 schools in the Wonder Project Rocket Challenge – the first programme of the Wonder family. This Challenge sparks initial wonder in STEM amongst students in Year 5-8 and involves designing, Students from Conifer Grove School (Auckland); one of the schools that building, refining and launching a took part in pilot activity for the Wonder Project Rocket Challenge. Conifer water rocket. Grove School was one of 22 schools, that helped to refine and shape The Wonder Project.

continued from Page 26

As part of the

The videos were judged by a panel of three, including representatives from Engineering New Zealand, Callaghan Innovation and Rocket Lab. The winning school received Wonder Project Rocket Challenge medals at a special ceremony last week. Programme Manager for Callaghan Innovation, and judge for the Final Blast Off Challenge, Colm Kearney, says he was astounded by the quality of video entries. “It was an absolute joy judging the Final Blast Off Challenge for the Wonder Project pilot. The entries were funny, creative and of a professional standard - they ticked our Wonder Project boxes - inspiring young Kiwis to think about STEM, building confidence, and having a great time along the way! Callaghan Innovation is looking forward to thousands more Kiwi kids experiencing Wonder Project as part of the official nationwide roll-out next year.” STEM professionals and school representatives can register their interest at Engineering New Zealand has a goal of reaching over 200 schools across the country in the Wonder Project’s inaugural year. The Wonder Project The Wonder Project is Engineering New Zealand’s new programme for

schools, designed to open young eyes to the amazing world of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It includes three learning modules that are each supported by Wonder Project Ambassadors - STEM industry professionals who support and mentor pupils throughout the learning journey – and link to the school curriculum. The Wonder Project includes a Rocket Challenge for Year 5-8, a Community Challenge for Year 7-10 and a Careers programme for Year 11-13. The principle sponsor of The Wonder Project is Callaghan Innovation. Rocket Challenge Pilot In terms 1 and 2, 2018, Engineering New Zealand trialled the Wonder Project Rocket Challenge in seven schools, and in term 2, this was extended to 22. Schools were located from Auckland to Marlborough and over 1,000 children took part. To celebrate the conclusion of pilot 2, students were tasked with creating a short video to showcase their STEM learnings from the six-week Challenge. Engineering Skills Shortage • Engineers make up just over 1% of New Zealand’s population. • Many fields of engineering are on Immigration New Zealand’s long term, immediate and Canterbury skill shortage lists • In 2017, 7% of graduates had studied engineering

How do food manufacturers pick those dates on their product packaging?

irradiate foods, use other processing methods or add preservatives such as benzoates to help products maintain their safety and freshness longer.

Every harmful microorganism has a different infective dose, or amount of that organism that would make people sick.

But no matter the ingredients, additives or treatments, no food lasts forever. Companies need to determine the safe shelf life of a product.

After various lengths of storage time, the researchers test the product to determine at what point the level of microorganisms present would likely be too high for safety.

Larger food companies may conduct microbial challenge studies on food products. Researchers add a pathogenic (one that could make people sick) microorganism that’s a concern for that specific product. For example, they could add Listeria moncytogenes to refrigerated packaged deli meats. This bacterium causes listeriosis, a serious infection of particular concern for pregnant women, older adults and young children. The researchers then store the contaminated food in conditions it’s likely to experience in transportation, in storage, at the store, and in consumers’ homes. They’re thinking about temperature, rough handling and so on.


pilot, schools created a short video that reflected what they’d learned – from Newton’s laws to the engineering design process, to working as a team.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018

Based on the shelf life determined in a challenge study, the company can then label the product with a “use by” date that would ensure people would consume the product long before it’s no longer safe. Companies usually set the date at least several days earlier than product testing indicated the product will no longer be safe. But there’s no standard for the length of this “safety margin”, it’s set at the manufacturer’s discretion. Another option for food companies is to use mathematical modelling tools that have been developed based on the results of numerous earlier challenge studies. The company can enter information such as the specific type of product, /

moisture content and acidity level, and expected storage temperatures into a “calculator.” Out comes an estimate of the length of time the product should still be safe under those conditions. Companies may also perform what’s called a static test. They store their product for an extended period of time under typical conditions the product may face in transport, in storage, at the store, and in consumer homes. This time they don’t add any additional microorganisms. They just sample the product periodically to check it for safety and quality, including physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory (taste and smell) changes. When the company has established the longest possible time the product could be stored for safety and quality, they will label the product with a date that is quite a bit earlier to be sure it’s consumed long before it is no longer safe or of the best quality. Even the best dates are only guidelines Consumers themselves hold a big part

of food safety in their own hands. They need to handle food safely after they purchase it, including storing foods under sanitary conditions and at the proper temperature. For instance, don’t allow food that should be refrigerated to be above 40℉ for more than two hours. If a product has a use-by date on the package, consumers should follow that date to determine when to use or freeze it. If it has a “sell-by” or no date on the package, consumers should follow storage time recommendations for foods kept in the refrigerator or freezer and cupboard. And use your common sense. If something has visible mould, off odours, the can is bulging or other similar signs, this spoilage could indicate the presence of dangerous microorganisms. In such cases, use the “If in doubt, throw it out” rule. Even something that looks and smells normal can potentially be unsafe to eat, no matter what the label says.


Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. - Lucille Ball

Humans aren’t made for repetition

– it’s time AI took over manufacturing For the past 30 years, gross domestic product (GDP) across the globe has been shrinking. Where capital investment and increases in labour have been traditional drivers of production, we are now at a crossroad where we are no longer able to sustain the level of investment to drive the levels of growth the world desires. This situation is mirrored in the industrial sector, whereby the average age of America’s factories exceeds 20 years, but for the most part their operations and production levels have not significantly improved since they were introduced. However, Accenture believes the outlook should not be all doom and gloom, and that investment in AI has the potential to double the annual economic growth rates of major developed economies, such as Germany, and triple Japan’s economic rate by 2035.

AI can drive productivity and empower workforces to work smarter in three ways.

AI and its self-learning capabilities can be especially valuable for industries like automotive manufacturing, which have as many as 300 processes involving human operators and robots

deeper into the data that would otherwise take weeks or months to manually analyse the millions of data points that are generated on today’s operations floors.

AI provides new opportunities for operators to develop predictive maintenance programs, asset optimisation and cost-reductions strategies, as well as contributing to their business’s environmental sustainability commitments. It is estimated that the industrial sector is the third largest source of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, producing 20% of fossil fuel-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2010. Industrial companies are under the spotlight to reduce their carbon footprint and with AI they can accelerate how they meet their targets. For example, many agricultural plants use cogeneration turbines to produce energy and steam as part of their production process.

In the manufacturing industry, Accenture believes the power of AI technologies will increase profitability by 39%, boosting Gross Value Added (GVA) by almost $4 trillion in 2035. Manufacturing’s high reliance on machinery and its legacy-driven operations environment, whereby teams rely on operator experience to guide their decision-making, makes it a prime candidate to derive high return on investments when the sector invests in AI. AI can drive productivity and empower workforces to work smarter in three ways: 1. Intelligent automation 2. Workforce and asset enhancement 3. Accelerate innovation

working together to create a product for their clients. Without AI, a human operator will set the different parameters for the process and output based on their experience, but any errors are only found later. The cost of these errors can result in a higher rate of scrap being produced, leading to the manufacturer not fulfilling a customer’s order in time, while also increasing their own production costs. In an AI-powered environment, the parameters will be controlled by AI; any time the parameters fall outside of the specifications, the AI-powered systems will not just notify but eventually control them before it impacts the quality of the product. This is only possible due to AI-powered analytics systems’ ability to dive

By being able to monitor the quality of production throughout the process, AI-powered environments are producing better quality output, less scrap and their operating costs are reduced. AI brings intelligence into automation – enabling industrial companies to not only be more efficient, but allowing operators the time to derive further value out of their processes and make data-driven strategic decisions. Instead of relying on the assumption that sweating a machine will increase production, AI enables industrial companies to optimise how they utilise their machines and assets so that they do not run longer than necessary, therefore reducing asset downtime and costly repairs.


AI can help operators to forecast in real time the optimal power and steam generation, while minimizing gas usage. As a result, chief engineers can optimise turbine runtime, improve fuel efficiency, lower their carbon footprint and reduce their energy costs. Industrial processes are complex by their very nature and are difficult for the “naked eye” to easily identify opportunities for improvement. AI enables industrial operators and engineers to dive deeper into the operations floor and identify opportunities to not only optimise individual machines but automate the entire manufacturing line. With AI, industrial companies can empower their operators, their most valuable asset, to challenge their current assumptions of their operations, drive innovation, increase their global competitiveness and improve profitability.

NZ Manufacturer November 2018


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