Communication in the COVID era
Now more than ever, outstanding communication between health professionals is needed to help us to problem solve, innovate and adapt to the threat of the SARS CoV2 virus. I think there is a real need for a multifunction mass communication platform i.e. a secure unified communication platform that includes all doctors. This platform should be funded and controlled by doctors to benefit all doctors, their patients and our whole society. In addition to a unified communication platform there also needs to be a plethora of small, boutique ICT applications which promote highly specialised information sharing and gathering amongst specific groups of health care professionals. Government responses to the SARS CoV2 threat (the “social distancing” regulations) have resulted in the prohibition of many traditional forms of doctor communication such as face-to-face clinical meetings (including morbidity and mortality meetings) and scientific and clinical conferences where doctors have been able, in the past, to share important stories (case studies and research) that help us all to learn from our experiences. We are now forced to use electronic media to meet and to discuss confidential clinical cases. Many doctors have turned to free email and video conferencing applications. Many of these applications lack the security features necessary for safe discussion of clinical cases and raise legitimate concerns about patient privacy.
22 | MAY 2020
They also lack the sophistication to allow for the extremely high level and ultra-efficient communication needed to combat this virus. Of even greater concern to me is the use of mass social media platforms whose servers are based outside of Australia and have a track record of data breaches. I would encourage doctors to consult with their medical defence organisations before using these forms of free mass electronic social media to discuss their patients. Whilst they are free and easy to use, it is disrespectful to our patients to discuss confidential information in an online forum where privacy is questionable. If we look to the ICT marketplace to find a mass communication platform which is multi-functional, secure and has servers in Australia, we can either look at pulling together pieces from multiple different sources or a single integrated solution. There are many excellent standalone platforms which provide outstanding individual services such as commercial business grade video conferencing on its own or dedicated file sharing platforms, but there are currently very few secure, fully integrated business grade solutions that are available at affordable prices. Having researched this extensively when setting up a telehealth business in the past, the product that now stands out to me is Microsoft Office 365. Many doctors already use Office 365 in some form. Office 365 gives us the potential right now to allow
for secure connectivity between doctors. It is just a matter of catalysing this connectivity. My organisation Valued Voice is currently exploring options to help facilitate the connectivity of doctors and I would greatly value people’s thoughts on this. There are many ICT and social media gurus in our profession, so now is the time to share your ideas!
What values do we need? Of course, in any system there must be a way to ensure that people work together to promote the common good. In the traditional model this has been achieved through lengthy legal agreements with vast numbers of rules and regulations which can stifle the communication process. I believe we only need one rule. Everyone must live the value of Respect (empathy and compassion i.e. understanding and kindness). This means Respect for each other, for our patients, for our whole society (including our society’s leadership) and most importantly respect for ourselves. Respect is NOT political correctness (a series of artificial rules to try to dictate some form of ‘ideal’ conforming behaviour). Respect is a genuine heartfelt desire to try to understand how others feel, and to be kind to them. Respect allows for genuine mistakes and it promotes people’s better understanding of human behaviour so we can all work together to help each other be safe and feel safe. Respect means respecting people’s individual privacy, their individual rights and their human dignity.
How can doctors safely communicate in the SARS CoV2 era? Dr Michael Watson examines some options for this critical need.