BCC STAFF HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDELINES Health, Safety, Workplace Information
We are excited we are all together and confident that we will continue to move forward united and stronger than ever!
Table of Contents 1 Introduction
Discrimination and COVID-19
Safe Work Environment
Information Facilitation
New Staff Protocols
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Workplace Sanitation
Physical Distancing Measures
Disclosure of Symptoms and Screening Measures
Disclosure of Symptoms
Temperature as a Screening Mechanism
Responding to Staff/Family Member Who Tested Positive
Work Refusal
Member Health Questionnaire
New Member Protocols
We’re in this together because
Great People make Favorite Places
Introduction The following information provides general guidance to Club staff if exposed to the potential impacts of COVID-19 at Baltimore Country Club. The information contained in this document is subject to change as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. All should understand that this is a fluid situation, and we will continue to update this document as more information is provided.
Discrimination and COVID-19 Discrimination, including harassment against any persons related to COVID-19, is prohibited when it involves the areas of services, Club provided housing, and employment. COVID-19 is not isolated to people of any particular ethnic origin, place of birth, or race. Some restrictions, such as a restriction based on where an individual recently traveled, may be reasonable and not discriminatory. The Club will ensure that any restrictions are consistent with the most recent advice from medical and Public Health officials, and are justified for health and safety reasons. The right to be free from discrimination can be limited under the Club’s protocol, for example where health and safety risks are severe and would amount to undue hardship.
Safe Work Environment The Club has a responsibility to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of our staff. To satisfy this responsibility, below are some best practices and obligations we will follow:
Information Facilitation •
Stay informed of COVID-19 updates and guidance from the CDC, World Health Organization, Public Health Agencies, and state and local public health agencies. The Club’s response will be based on the current scientific understanding of COVID-19 and official guidance, which may change rapidly. Staff will receive regular updates from Management through the Club’s email blast system as changes and updates occur. Staff are required to follow health protocols in the workplace, such as proper handwashing techniques and frequency, proper cough, and sneeze etiquette. Additionally, staff are to refrain from shaking hands or coming into close contact with other staff and Club Members. Hand sanitizer stations and signage have been placed in prominent spaces, particularly in common areas such as bathrooms and member areas.
Sick? Stay Home!
Wash Your Hands Frequently
Face Masks are Required
Maintain Physical Distancing
Complete Daily Temp & Health Screening 1
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) •
PPE has been provided to all staff currently working at the Club, i.e., gloves and non-medical masks.
Workplace Sanitization • •
We have made hygienic products available, including alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations. We have increased the frequency of cleaning schedules at the Club, particularly in common areas and regularly touched surfaces (counters, door handles, etc.).
Physical Distancing Measures
Staff who can productively work from home have been advised to do so. Staff have been advised to avoid close contact with one another and to maintain 6-foot physical distancing. Those currently working at the Club (Culinary, FOH, Maintenance, Clubhouse Operations, Fitness, Racquets, and Golf & Grounds) have been asked to keep a 6-foot distance when working. Social distance markers have also been placed in certain areas of the Clubhouse, i.e., kitchen. The staff has been advised they must stay home if they feel sick or come down with any of the COVID-19 symptoms and to call their public health authority. Staff who have displayed symptoms will not be allowed to return to the workplace until they have been symptom-free for at least 14 days, or such other period recommended by public health authorities.
Disclosure of Symptoms and Screening Mechanism Disclosure of Symptoms The Club requires staff to report any flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, headaches, chills, sore throat, muscle aches, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, or any other symptoms that may be indicative of COVID-19. The Club will comply with privacy laws, and only collect/request personal information from staff that is reasonable given the circumstances. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, and need to ensure workplace safety for all, a requirement for staff to disclose symptoms indicative of COVID-19 is seen as “reasonable” and shall be made where required.
Fever and Chills
COVID-19 Staff Playbook
Shortness of Breath
Muscle or Body Aches
Temperature as a Screening Mechanism All staff reporting to work will be screened for respiratory symptoms and have their body temperature taken as a precautionary measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Staff working at the Five Farms Clubhouse should report to the Welcome House upon arrival to work and before entering any other areas of the Five Farms Clubhouse property. Staff working at the Grounds Maintenance building should report to Tim Kennelly in the front entrance area of the building before clocking in. Staff working at the Roland Park Clubhouse should report to Alex Grib in the Business Office before clocking in. Each staff member will be screened privately by the Welcome House Attendant, Tim Kennelly, or Alex Grib using a touchless forehead/ temporal artery thermometer. The staff member’s temperature and answers to respiratory symptom questions will be documented, and the record will be maintained as a private medical record and sent to Human Resources. Time spent waiting for the health screening should be recorded as time worked for all non-exempt (hourly) staff. A staff member who has a fever at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or who is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home. The staff member should monitor his or her symptoms and call a doctor or use telemedicine if concerned. A staff member sent home can return to work when: • • •
He or she has had no fever for at least three (3) days without taking medication to reduce their temperature during that time; AND Any respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath) have improved for at least three (3) days without taking medication; AND At least seven (7) days in total have passed since the symptoms began.
A staff member may return to work earlier if a doctor confirms the cause of fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 related. The doctor must provide a release to return to work in writing. A staff member who experiences fever and/or respiratory symptoms while home should not report to work. Instead, the staff member should contact his or her immediate supervisor for further direction.
Responding to a Staff/Family Member Who Tested Positive for COVID-19 1. If a staff member of the Club has a family member (or someone they have been in close contact with) who may have been exposed to COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19, the staff member will be advised to self-isolate for 14 days. 2. If the staff member reports any flu-like symptoms, including a fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath, or other symptoms that may be indicative of COVID-19, the staff member will be sent home and advised to consult a medical practitioner. 3. If the staff member has tested positive for COVID-19, the staff member’s return to work will depend on the advice of the physician or other qualified medical practitioner. 4. If the staff member has tested positive and has been at the Club or in contact with other staff within the 14 days prior to the confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, the Club will notify other staff who may have been in contact with the staff member that one of our staff has tested positive. The exposed staff will be advised to self-isolate for 14 days and seek medical advice if they display any symptoms of COVID-19. Depending on the nature of the affected staff member’s position, the Club may consult local health authorities for further information for the best course of action. (The Club will also bring in a 3rd party company to disinfect any exposed areas.) 5. Due to privacy concerns, the Club will not inform others of the identity of the person with the confirmed diagnosis or provide other identifying information about such person. If there is a need to provide identifying information about the affected person, the Club will consult with legal counsel.
Work Refusal A staff member has the right to refuse work or do particular work if he or she believes on reasonable grounds there is a dangerous condition at the workplace or the work constitutes a danger to the staff member’s health and safety. The Club will not force a staff member to work if the staff member has exercised their right to refuse work.
Member Health Questionnaire When a member completes the Health Questionnaire and answers “YES” to any of the questions listed below, Department Management will need to contact the member. Communication with the member should state, “To minimize the health risk to our staff and your fellow members, we are requesting that you refrain from returning to the Club for two weeks from the date of your (possible) exposure to COVID-19, or the onset of your COVID-19 symptoms (assuming you are currently free of any symptoms).” 1. Are you experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19? 2. Have you or your guests traveled internationally or to a high-risk area over the past two weeks? 3. Have you had prolonged, unprotected, close contact (without proper PPE) with anyone who has been diagnosed with an who has not fully recovered from COVID-19 in the past two weeks? 4. Have you had direct contact with infectious secretions (coughed/sneezed on) by anyone who has been diagnosed with, or who has not fully recovered from COVID-19 in the past two weeks? 5. Have you used public transportation (bus/train/subway/airplane) in the last two weeks? If a member indicated “No” regarding taking their temperature, please contact the member stating they will need to do so before coming on the property. Alternatively, the Club can take their temperature at the Welcome House when they arrive at BCC. Please note: Some members may refuse to complete the questionnaire. In this case, Department Management will need to request that “Out of respect for the safety of our staff and members, we ask that you please consult with your medical provider before returning to the Club.” All questionnaire answers must be filed by date and kept confidential; member names should not be disclosed.
Sick? Stay Home!
COVID-19 Staff Playbook
Wash Your Hands Frequently
Maintain Physical Distancing
Completion of Daily Health Screening