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Entertainment February


‘You don’t step on stage to eat, you go there to be eaten.’ - Tom Hardy


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Tom Hardy has been around for 10 years and he’s one of those type of actors who seems familiar but you can never really remember. He’s an excellent character actor who changes his appearance in his films that it’s hardly surprising no one ever recognised him! It was only until he appeared in Inception last year with Leonardo Di Caprio that his name rose to fame. Born in Hammersmith, in 1977 to an artist mother and writer father. He always wanted to be an actor and his favourite is Gary Oldman his “absolute complete and utter hero” and “hands down, the greatest actor that’s ever lived.” In 1998, Hardy won The Big Breakfast’s ‘Find Me a Supermodel’ competition at 21 (and a brief contract with Models One). His acting debut was in the excellent ‘Band of Brothers’ back in 2001, He’s also been in Black Hawk Down and Star Trek: Nemesis.

Recently he’s appeared in Warrior, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. Apart from being a fine actor, Hardy won the BAFTA Rising Star Award in 2010 for Inception, he is also known for being able to bulk out for his films. In Bronson he was virtually unrecognisable with him literally changing into the feared (by prison officers mainly) convict Charles Bronson.

This continued in ‘Warrior’ where he played a mixed martial arts fighter, Hardy gained 30 pounds of lean mass to his body by doing 4 strength workouts a day as well as workouts for cardio, muay thai, jiu jitsu and boxing! Since then Hardy has kept his build and increased it for the role of Bane in ‘Dark Knight Rises’.

At that time Hardy battled alcoholism and crack cocaine in his early twenties, but has fought his demons and been sober since 2003.

Recently, as part of a charity event with money going to organisations such as homeless charity FLACK, breast and bowel cancer charities, the Prince’s Trust and Heroes, Hardy accepted a challenge from former World Heavyweight boxer David Haye for a fight.

Hardy starred as Handsome Bob in Guy Ritchie’s RocknRolla in 2008 and the lead as Bronson in the same year. Hardy is completely unrecognisable as Bronson with his shaved head, bulky appearance and big moustache.



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Exercises The following is Hardy’s four times a day Strength routine. He would train when he woke, at lunch, before dinner and at bed time. A session would never extend over 20 minutes and would focus on form, light weights and moving slowly. His trainer believed it’s essential to keep the body primed for exercise, so it’s best to do 10 push ups once an hour than 100 at one time, if you do it often the body adapts and you evolve. There are no short cuts to getting muscles, it will take time and ideally it’s best to start with 2 sessions only in the morning and at night and then build up to 4.

Tom Hardy’s future looks bright as his roles get bigger and bigger along with his body! Next for Hardy is the lead as Mad Max in 2013 which should be an absolute stonker.

Press Ups Hardy differs the style of Press up and had 4 styles: Shoulder-width hands for the first set, use forefingers and thumbs for the second, widen your hands (more than shoulder-width) for the third and ball your fist and press up on your knuckles for the 4th.

Dips You need a chair. Sit on the floor with your legs in front and the chair behind. Grab the seat of the chair, keeping your back straight and push up so your backside is off the floor and your arms are extended. Lower yourself until you nearly touch the floor and repeat.

Shoulder Flyes Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and get 8 kg weights in each hand. With palms facing forward raise the weights to above your head, then lower again. Repeat.

Ab’s This brings core strength. Work up through the stages as your body gets used to the routine. Stage 1: Lay on the floor with legs pressed together. With hand behind your head, lift your head and shoulders and hold. Concentrate on your abs now and lift your legs. Then lower and Repeat. Stage 2: Repeat Stage 1 but when you’ve raised your legs, bend the knees and pull them up to your elbows, then straighten and lower. Stage 3: Repeat Stage 1 but when you’ve raised your legs, move your legs to touch your elbows but don’t bend your knees! Good luck with that one! Stage 4: Get your 8kg weight and place it on your left leg, then place your right leg onto top of your left and repeat Stage 1.


HOROSCOPES: What has 2013 got in store for you? CAPRICORN 22 December – 20 January

You see matters in a new way this year and you will learn to relax and recharge more. You see the things that really matter and by doing this you experience more. You also need to practice more tolerance of people which can bring better sociability in general. More money is also highlighted as is advancement in your job. With your new found tolerance there is greater harmony at work which means everyone benefits. Your love life is more stable and there could be a change for you and your partner. Inner feelings should not be hidden and this will benefit your love life in the long run. Now that your work takes off do not let that affect your home life. Make sure you save some money for the future. You gain optimism which brings health to your body and mind. Have patience if you want to change something health wise in your life. Don’t overeat and make sure you have time for relaxation.


20 February – 20 March You’ll make progress this year and there will be new opportunities for you. Confidence comes from taking advantage of the freedom which is available to you. Obstacles have to be dealt with tact and diplomacy to overcome them. Think about your career and where it leads and how your special skills can make a better future. Hard work is needed to put long term ideas and projects into motion. Relationships are fantastic this year and some memorable moments will appear. Do not let the past affect your future. Keep your finances in order. Save your money and don’t over spend recklessly. Your creativity will help your finances. 2013 should provide plenty of energy for your health. Cut out your bad habits and you gain even better health but don’t stress over giving them up. A lot of physical effort is called for and so you’ll feel better for it all round.


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21 January – 19 February There is a great potential for growth in 2013. You have to act now to create a better future but this will demand a lot from you. Change is a keyword for you work as well. New avenues open up which are in the artistic and self employed worlds. Much effort though is needed but this will bring you great satisfaction in the long run. Sow the seed for future reaping. 2013 brings you happiness and contentment in your relationships. Show your real being and be true to yourself. Trust in your friends. You won’t make a huge amount of money this year, more a recognition of past works. The middle of the year might bring in a windfall. Don’t spend too much though, it’s essential to your future. This is a good year of health for you! Be careful not to take on the worlds troubles as this can affect you greatly. Do not eat too much, feel too much and get exhausted. Relax at any opportunity.


21 March – 20 April 2013 will bring a lot of energy into your life. Your family ties will get stronger, and you will help those around you. You also need your space and so use that time to look within and find the true you. Be creative and diplomatic and both will pay off in your career. Play it right and you can reach your goals this year. The first 3 months will bring a pay increase. Trust yourself and you won’t go far wrong. Love isn’t the most important thing this year. Keep an eye on disgruntled partners and try to make things interesting. If you love with your heart you won’t go far wrong. Do not spend extravagantly but you can spend on certain personal pleasures. Good health is highlighted here and your health is directly linked to people around you. Positive thinking will also help here. Allergies and teeth might become a problem so be mindful of that. This might be a good year to give up meat eating.

OK so we’ve survived 2012 and Armageddon didn’t come so that’s a positive start to 2013! So what else does it have in store for us? There is an old saying in Magick quoting ‘As above, so below’ and that directly relates to Astrological Star Signs and the idea that the movement of the planets and stars has a direct relation to our characteristics down here on Earth.

TAURUS 21 April – 21 May

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

Calm is called for here. Having that calm brings a better life. Concentrate on home pleasures and you will greatly benefit from it.

You are capable of reaching for the stars this year. New ideas and opportunities will appear and will bring great rewards.

Trust your intuition to press forward in your career. The year might start slowly but by years end opportunities will come thick and fast. Make sure that any undertaking you go for has been thoroughly researched before hand.

Be warned of obstacles at work which can get in the way. Keep positive and you shall be able to overcome these problems. Start projects at the beginning of the year and you’ll see them come to fruition by years end. Listen to others ideas from your friends and workmates.

If you are single then this year you will have no problem finding potential partners. If you are in a relationship, then both of you will get closer.

Your relationships highlight stability but this is only after a problem at the start of the year. If single, a new relationship is highlighted.

Money will be tight at the start of the year but by the end of the year there is a surprise gift highlighted.

If you work in sales or management then your salary will increase this year. But make sure you do not spend it and save it for a rainy day. Mid year there may be a financial problem so by saving you’ll be ready for it.

You can now use your energy to its maximum, but make sure you have time of rest as well as you can overdo it and it could all come crashing down.

Your health in the main should be fine this year, but make sure that you get rid of bad habits. This is the year to lose weight because not doing so will bring problems. Don’t over work and make sure you relax, not doing so can mean illness.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

Your past hard work pays off in 2013. Growth is highlighted in all parts of your life and you will be confronted by many opportunities. Forget the past and live for now. Listen to your elders for advice. Forget past failings and make sure that they have no part to play in future dealings. Make sure you play as well as work. Make sure you trust in your self and do not compromise as this can lead to watered down returns. It’s a good year for your love life and an old flame may appear. You will have average finances so make sure you spend wisely. Work hard to make more and so not rest on your laurels. Stress will come in many forms this year. Make sure you have your space. Unplug the phone, turn off the mobile and make sure that you are not available to everybody at a whim. Eat healthily and exercise as this is the year that you will greatly benefit from it.


23 July – 22 August Reap what you’ve sown is highlighted this year. Be aware that the middle of the year will bring uncertainty. Use your creativity to reach new levels and share it with the world. By following your dreams you can achieve great things. You succeed in many things this year. Socially you are a success, but be wary of those workmates around you. Help will be given from someone unknown. But good teamwork will make sure your projects will run smoothly. Peace and harmony will come to your relationships. Spend ‘quality’ time with your partner and if single, this year may be the year you find the ‘one’. As always strong emotions will come forth. Major financial changes are highlighted for 2013 and they are for the better. An inheritance pays off which will pay for your everyday wants. You will also be able to help others out. Your health is excellent this year. You are full of energy and that energy can go into creating your dreams. You will do more exercise this year and reduce any excess weight. Make sure you don’t overdo it though.



23 August – 23 September Things will go quickly this year and you will make sure that your energies aren’t wasted. This means better outcomes to projects you’re undertaking. You will become more spiritual after seeing the materialistic side of life is a trap, and you will relax and have more you time.

There will be challenges this year, but if you stick to your values, then you shall progress with no harm. Beware of being drained and uninspired. You will have enough to make ends meet. Make sure you keep your friends close and help them in time of need.

There will be a change in your job and it’s not for the better. But knowing this and through hard work and patience you can overcome any problems.

You will need all of your skills to survive certain job trends. If you work hard however you will succeed. You will gain recognition for your work that has never happened before. Work with a team and there may be a possibility of further education.

Your love life is good however and you find yourself spending more time with a loved one. If there are problems in the relationship then now is the time to mend those bridges. Money matters are better in 2013. Keep calm and you will see better finances as the year draws on. Save and plan for the future. Do not lend or borrow, both will bring trouble. Channel your energies into achieving your goals and this will mean better health at the end of the year. Make sure you get some rest though as this will benefit you both physically and mentally.


24 October – 22 November You continue work that you started in the past. There will be troubles ahead and so build your energy for them with rest. By years end, ambitions might come to pass but this is only done through your own creativity and hard work. Better rewards come from past and continued work. Your knowledge expands and working with others brings benefits. You have high motivation and art can bring gains. Make sure you have enough time to further your ambitions. This will be an adventurous year for love. Communication brings positive responses and harmony. Intimacy and romance is needed for your other half. Do not invest unwisely this year. Do not buy on impulse. Being creative helps your finances and overall you have a pretty good financial status. There are some minor health problems highlighted here, mainly teeth problems. Eat a good diet also and you can avoid all these problems.



24 September – 23 October

menslifestylespain.com february 2013

You have a good love life this year and see your present relationships for what they are. Honesty will bring harmony to this partnership. If single, the foundations for future relationships are built this year. A good financial year is highlighted. Everything succeeds in relation to money and any projects will bring healthy returns. Trust people around you as they may hold a key to future money. 2013 brings good health. Be cautious of some stomach problems relating to nervous disorders and the like. This year is about a new you and so a change in diet and exercise is needed.

SAGITTARIUS 23 November – 21 December

You feel reborn in 2013. All restrictions vanish from your life and you gain optimism from this. There will be security for yourself and friends. There will be a slowing of events by year end. You have to work hard but doing so brings results. You gain better relations with work colleagues and this may point to higher earnings. Your relationships are more stable and will resist all negative outside influences. You will have more intimacy with your partner. Be your true self and be careful not to be too defensive. Your career is highlighted and good profits come from this. Even unknown financial areas can bring good results as long as you do your homework. But never put all your money in one field. Health is OK but be careful of stretching yourself too thinly as this will wear you out mentally. Physically you’ll be stronger. Sleep well and exercise because this will help you ride the storm of stress that may rear its head.

MALAGA DARTS LEAGUE At the Halfway point in the league it couldn’t be closer at the top of the league with The Beer Garden A team Joint top with Gaucin. The A team went undefeated in the last month beating the Highly fancied Cyber Xauen 6-5. The A team have qualified for the semi finals of the Malaga Cup with Gaucin. Whilst the B Team are currently in a play off for one of the remaining Semi final spots. On February 22nd both teams will be playing in the Andalucian Championships which this year is in Cartama Estación. The Championships comprise of team, singles and pairs events. We will let you know how they get on next month. We would like to wish all the players the best of luck! Results ‘A’ Team 3 Dardos (Cartama) 3 – 8 Beer Garden Beer Garden 6 – 5 Cyber Xauen Amigos Del Dardos 1 – 10 Beer Garden Beer Garden B 3 – 8 Beer Garden Results ‘B’ Team Beer Garden 6 – 5 3 Dardos Cyber Xuaen B 8 – 3 Beer Garden Beer Garden 2 – 9 Gaucin Beer Garden 9 – 2 Axarquia Beer Garden 3 – 8 Beer Garden A


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Skiing in the


l Weather The Sierra Nevada is remarkably mild considering that for the most part of the year, it’s covered in snow. In July and August these mountains reach around 20 C but during the rest of the year the Sierras never get too cold, only dropping to minus 5 in February. Snow falls mainly between November and February with as much as 90 litres per square metre which means the Sierras usually have a fairly short skiing season between December and if you’re lucky until May. If worst comes to the worst and there’s little snowfall the ski station also creates snow through their snow cannons that at least guarantee some areas of skiable slope. The best time to ski is in the morning until 1 pm or so when the snow is still harder from the freezing night before. By afternoon the sun melts the top layer but this is still good for novice skiers and snowboarders. 46

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d f

l Slopes The Ski resort in the Sierra Nevadas has 79 different slopes of varying difficulty with 84 kilometres of skiable slope.

Lomo Dilar is best for novices (apart from Diploma, El Paso, El Puente, Fuente del Tesoro, Manzanilla, Mirador, Morenita, Neveros, Trampolin, Tubo del Enebro, Variante El Puente and Visera which are all difficult).

It also should be noted that for those between the age of 60 and 69 the rates are dramatically reduced, ranging from 20 Euros to 214 Euros. Juniors between 6 and 12 pay between 26 Euros and 183 Euros while younger children are free.

The slopes of Cahuchiles – Parador caters for both easy and difficult while more expert slopes are at Veleta and Laguna de las Yeguas.

Ski Lifts are open until the end of April.

l Ski Passes Tracks in the Sierra Nevada are divided into 4 categories: Green for beginners, Blue for easy, Red for difficult and Black for experts. It has 8 Green slopes for beginners, 33 easy Blue slopes, 34 advanced Red slopes and 34 difficult Black Slopes.

The longer you ski at the Sierra Nevada’s the bigger the discount that you gain. For half a day you will be charged around 36 Euros in the High Season whereas a whole day will set you back 44 Euros. If you stay a whole 7 days the rate in High Season is around 260 Euros. Night Skiing is also available in the High Season at a rate of 15 Euros a time.

l Accommodation There are a wide range of different types of place to stay in the area of the Sierra Nevada’s. Ranging from hotels and apartments within the central part of Granada to rustic chalets out in the wilds of Granada. Prices range anything from 125 Euros to 300 Euros but be mindful that the accommodation can hold multiple people as well.

Río Monachil is the best area for novices. Borreguiles is mainly easy (with the exception of Diagonal Cauchiles, Diagonal de San Juan, Espolón Alcazaba, Granados, Morillas, Variante Morillas and Zacatin being difficult).

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AS WE KNOW IT? There was I, mid winter on the Costa del sol, just sitting down to watch another episode of CSI on Channel 5.

Beer? Check. Crisps? Check. Comfortable? Check. Sorted. Turn the TV on and WTF? No satellite signal is being received. Damn. So I get up. Unplug the satellite box...wait 10 minutes. Switch it back on. Still nothing. Phone a friend. ‘One sec, I’ll check’ he says. ‘Nope, nothing’. Damn and double damn. Go on the net and see what’s up.

n Free Channels ‘Freesat (BBC and ITV) channels are being switched to the new satellite Astra 2E and from the current 2F in the summer of 2013. Channel 5 has already been moved.’ Great. But Alix Pryde, Director of BBC Distribution thinks there will be a problem. ‘Astra 2E and 2F have the same, tighter but slightly more powerful UK spot beams which means that UK households should get a slightly stronger signal. So if you happened to be on the edge of coverage, you will hopefully get more reliable reception. The overspill of the BBC’s services will be reduced so viewers outside the UK will find it even harder to receive them. I know that this causes unhappiness to some of you living outside the UK. For viewers outside the UK, BBC Worldwide offers a number of channels which are available in various territories. These include BBC Entertainment, BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, CBeebies along with BBC World News throughout Europe and the rest of the world.’

n Sky Channels Also Sky beam from Satellites Astra 2A and 2B. Astra 2B will have moved its Sky channels to Astra 2F by the end of January 2013. The problem and uncertainty comes from that the current Astra 2B has 2 beams of European North and European South, while Astra 2F has one European beam. But until the switch is actually made, then we won’t know whether a new bigger dish (2.4-3m) is needed or not.

n Alternatives Spanish TV Hmm so those of us who remember Via Digital and getting some of the BBC channels there, it’s interesting to note that many channels on Canal Plus can be changed into English and there’s also BBC World which would have things like Eastenders and the like. Pricey though and pretty limited in comparison with Freeview. You could also get a normal Spanish digital decoder and watch normal Spanish TV. As there is the DUAL option you can switch over English and American shows to English language. Apart from buying the decoder for 20 Euros then there are no other fees.

Internet Obviously until we see if we need a change of dish, for some a change of dish to the size of 3 metres will be impossible anyway. But with the advent of speedy internet connections then there is a possibility of watching TV through your computer. If then you connect your laptop/tower to your main television then apart from a few new things to learn then it should be pretty simple to set up.

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BBC I player provides a good service and with the use of expatshield you don’t have to be in the UK to watch it. There are plenty of TV (and football) streaming sites for example www.filmon.com, AcornTV and www.freetvall. com. With all these sites there is streaming quality (which is just about watchable on a monitor but when blown up to a large TV screen would look very ropey) and HD quality. You have to pay for the HD quality on some of these channels. There is also Slingbox and if you still have a house in the UK, you can also get your TV sent to you via the internet in the form of Slingbox.

n Overall



We’ll just have to wait and see which channels (if any) we can get come the summer switch over. But with the advent of fast internet, there is an alternative and we might be able to take down the satellite dishes that show up all over the Costa del Sol. So it’s not all doom and gloom, and where there’s a will there’s a way!

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February’s cinema releases

The Haunting of Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia Cast: Chad Michael Murray, Katee Sackhoff and Abigail Spencer. Director: Tom Elkins. Genre: Suspense, Horror, Thriller, True Story, Sequel.

Warm Bodies Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich, Analeigh Tipton, Dave Franco. Director: Jonathan Levine. Genre: Romance, Comedy, Thriller. About the film: A funny twist on a classic love story, Warm Bodies is a tale about the power of human connection. After a zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for survival, R becomes increasingly more human – setting off an exciting, romantic, and often comical chain of events that begins to transform the other zombies and maybe even the whole lifeless world. n


Identity Thief Cast: Jason Bateman, Melissa McCarthy, John Cho, Amanda Peet. Director: Seth Gordon. Genre: Comedy, Crime. About the film: Unlimited funds have allowed Diana (Melissa McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Miami, where the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. There’s only one glitch: The ID she’s using to finance these sprees reads “Sandy Bigelow Patterson”... and it belongs to an accounts rep (Jason Bateman) who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Bigelow Patterson heads south to confront the woman with an all-access pass to his life. And as he attempts to bribe, coax and wrangle her the 2,000 miles to Denver, one easy target will discover just how tough it is to get your name back. n

About the film: Building on the terror of A Haunting in Connecticut, this horrifying tale traces a young family’s nightmarish descent into a centuries-old Southern hell. When Andy Wyrick (Chad Michael Murray, House of Wax) moves his wife Lisa (Abigail Spencer, TV’s Mad Men) and daughter Heidi to an historic home in Georgia, they quickly discover they are not the house’s only inhabitants. Joined by Lisa’s free-spirited sister, Joyce (Katee Sackhoff, TV’s Battlestar Galactica), the family soon comes face-to-face with a bone-chilling mystery born of a deranged desire…a haunting secret rising from underground and threatening to bring down anyone in its path. n

Escape From Planet Earth Cast: Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, James Gandolfini, Jessica Alba. Director: Callan Brunker. Genre: Family, Adventure, Comedy, 3D, Animation.

Snitch Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon, Jon Bernthal, Barry Pepper, Michael K. Williams. Director: Ric Roman Waugh. Genre: Drama, Crime, Action, Gangster. About the film: Dwayne Johnson stars as a father whose teenage son is wrongly accused of a drug distribution crime and is looking at a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 10 years. Desperate and determined to rescue his son at all costs, he makes a deal with the U.S. attorney to work as an undercover informant and infiltrate a drug cartel on a dangerous mission -- risking everything, including his family and his own life. n

About the film: Set at the planet Baab where admired astronaut Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) is a national hero to the blue alien population. A master of daring rescues, Scorch pulls off astonishing feats with the quiet aid of his nerdy, by-the-rules brother, Gary (Rob Corddry), head of mission control at BASA. When BASA’s no-nonsense chief Lena (Jessica Alba) informs the brothers of an SOS from a notoriously dangerous planet, Scorch rejects Gary’s warnings and bounds off for yet another exciting mission. But when Scorch finds himself caught in a fiendish trap set by the evil Shanker (James Gandolfini), it’s up to scrawny, riskadverse Gary to do the real rescuing. As the interplanetary stakes rise to new heights, Gary is left to save his brother, his planet, his beloved wife Kira (Sarah Jessica Parker) and their adventure hungry son Kip! n

A Good day to Die Hard Cast: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Patrick Stewart. Director: John Moore. Genre: Action, Thriller, Adventure, Crime, Sequel. About the film: Iconoclastic, takeno-prisoners cop John McClane, for the first time, finds himself on foreign soil after travelling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack--unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClane’s discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes. n

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Beautiful Creatures Cast: Alice Englert, Viola Davis and Emma Thompson. Director: Richard LaGravenese Genre: Drama, Romance, Adaptation.

Safe Haven

About the film: A hauntingly intense, supernatural love story set in the South, the film follows two star-crossed teenage lovers: Ethan (Alden Ehrenreich), a local boy, and a mysterious new girl, Lena (Alice Englert), who uncover dark secrets about their respective families, their history and their town. n

Side Effects

Cast: Cobie Smulders, Julianne Hough, Josh Duhamel, David Lyons.

Cast: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Director: Lasse Hallström. Genre: Drama, Romance, Adaptation. About the film: When a mysterious young woman arrives in a small North Carolina town, her reluctance to join the tight knit community raises questions about her past. Slowly, she begins putting down roots, and gains the courage to start a relationship with Alex, a widowed store owner with two young children. But dark secrets intrude on her new life with such terror that she is forced to rediscover the meaning of sacrifice and rely on the power of love in this deeply moving romantic thriller. n

Director: Steven Soderbergh. Genre: Thriller. About the film: A provocative thriller about Emily and Martin (Rooney Mara and Channing Tatum), a successful New York couple whose world unravels when a new drug prescribed by Emily’s psychiatrist (Jude Law) – intended to treat anxiety – has unexpected side effects. n

Dark Skies Cast: Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton and Dakota Goyo. Director: Scott Stewart. Genre: Thriller, Suspense. About the film: A psychological thriller about a suburban couple whose lives become a nightmare when a terrifying alien presence enters their home each night to prey upon their children. Increasingly isolated from sceptical friends and neighbours, the couple is forced to take matters into their own hands to save their family. n


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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Aliens: Colonial Marines In Aliens: Colonial Marines, players are part of a United States Colonial Marine squad and must prepare to face an Aliens assault more intense and horrific than ever before. Players must destroy the enemy with classic Aliens weaponry ranging from pulse rifles to flamethrowers as well as brand-new equipment. Aliens: Colonial Marines features a story driven single-player mode and a four player co-op mode allowing players to share the chilling experience with three friends. In coop mode, each player assumes the persona of a United States Colonial Marine and have a distinct role to play in the completion of every mission. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360, Cloud computing (OnLive). n

Dead Space 3 Dead Space 3 brings Isaac Clarke and merciless soldier John Carver on a journey across space to discover the source of the Necromorph outbreak. Crashlanded on the frozen planet of Tau Volantis, Isaac must comb the harsh environment for raw materials and scavenged parts. He will then put his engineering skills to the ultimate test to create and customise weapons and survival tools. The ice planet holds the key to ending the Necromorph plague forever, but first Isaac must overcome avalanches, treacherous ice-climbs, and the violent wilderness. Facing deadlier evolved enemies and the brutal elements, Isaac can choose to team up, not only for his own survival, but for that of mankind’s. Play together with a friend or go it alone as Isaac Clarke using the seamless new drop in, drop out co-op functionality. Each mode offers unique story elements and gameplay. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. n


Developed through a partnership with Platinum Games and Kojima Productions, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance pits cyborg against cyborg in battle that blazes past every human limit! The main character, Raiden, was once feared as the child soldier “Jack the Ripper” on the front lines of the First Liberian Civil War. Now, his combat mastery is channelled through a cyborg body as the strikes from his high-frequency blade slice even massive assault drones in two. Raiden is contracted for VIP protection, military training and other duties by PMSCs (Private Military and Security Companies) in a developing country piecing itself back together after a bloody civil war. Little does he know that the stage is set for a clash with an enigmatic force of countless cyborgs. Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. n



Crysis 3 The hunted becomes the hunter in the CryEngine-powered open-world shooter Crysis 3! Players take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York in the year in 2047, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet. Prophet is on a revenge mission after uncovering the truth behind Cell Corporation’s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were resurrected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL’s covert attempt at a land and technology grab in their quest for global domination. With Alien Ceph lurking around every corner and human enemies on the attack, nobody is safe in the path of vengeance. Everyone is a target in Prophet’s quest for retribution. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.


Lara Croft First appeared in: Tomb Raider (1996)

Rayman Legends

Created by: Core Design

Rayman, Globox and the Teensies are back to embark on a new fantasy adventure through a series of legendary worlds with new environments, characters and enemies. Rayman Legends features a variety of uniquely-themed levels including several musical maps intricately set to creative soundtracks and a spooky medieval theme. Players can also connect online with friends through a variety of challenges to test their skill and speed, and see where they rank on the worldwide leaderboards. Rayman Legends retains the fantasy appeal of its predecessor while adding a multitude of clever and entertaining gaming modes, new characters, new environments and a new soundtrack. The awardwinning team of artists, designers and composers behind the UbiArt framework has also returned with an advanced engine to include multi-dimensional gameplay elements, an improved lighting system and updated game rendering that elevate Rayman Legends to the next level. Platforms: Wii U.

Lara Croft is one of the strongest, most dynamic, and most exciting female characters in the business: reckless, beautiful, and a damn fine shot, she’s the driving powerhouse behind the success of the Tomb Raider franchise and has broken out into comics, films and all manner of other merchandise. It’s not being overly cynical to say that part of Croft’s appeal has always been the fact that she’s a pixellated hottie in short shorts and a too-tight t-shirt but there’s more to this iconic leading lady than her EE cup size. She’s one of a kind, our Lara, aristocratic and acrobatic, adventurous and forever young - she’s a young lady everyone can look up to and avoid going on holidays with, no matter what she promises you.



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Ingredients Serves 4


• 3-4 carrots, chopped • 1 large onion, diced • 2 red peppers, de-seeded and diced • 3 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tin chopped tomatoes • 1/2 tsp dried crushed chillies • 1/2 tsp mild chilli powder • Ground black pepper & sea salt • 2tsp mixed herbs • 1.5pts hot chicken stock from cube

1. In a non-stick stock-pot/pan, fry the carrots and peppers for 5 minutes over medium-high heat 2. Add the onion, garlic, chillies, chilli powder and herbs and continue frying for 5 minutes 3. Add tin of tomatoes with juice, and stock, then add salt & pepper 4. Stir well and bring to the boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 25-30 minutes. 5. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly, before whisking with a hand blender to a smooth consistency. 6. E njoy!! Should serve at least 4 people. For a milder version, do not use the crushed chillies, or make your own variations with different herbs, spices, etc.

Ingredients Serves 4


• 1 tbsp olive oil • 1 large onion, thinly sliced • 1 garlic clove, crushed • 2 tsp grated fresh ginger • 1 tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp turmeric • 1 cinnamon stick • Pinch cayenne pepper • 400g/14oz can chopped plum tomatoes • pinch salt • 500g/1lb 2oz firm white fish fillets (cod, snapper or ling) cut into chunks • 400g/14oz can chickpeas, rinsed and drained • 2 tsp honey • Salt and freshly ground black pepper To serve • Fresh coriander leaves • Flaked almonds, lightly toasted

Directions 1. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-based pan over a medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for five minutes, or until the onion is translucent. 2. Add the garlic, ginger, cumin, turmeric and cinnamon stick and cook for two minutes, stirring regularly. 3. Add the cayenne pepper, tomatoes, salt and 250ml/9oz of water and cook, stirring frequently, for ten minutes. 4. Add the fish and simmer for five minutes, or until the fish is almost cooked through and tender. 5. Add the chickpeas and honey and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, then season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 6. To serve, spoon out the tagine into bowls and garnish with fresh coriander leaves and flaked almonds.

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