Entertainment March

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Entertainment March


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Hugh Jackman is a pretty cool guy. He’s likeable and considering he’s known as an all action hero you can tell he’s intelligent as well. Hugh Michael Jackman was born on the 12th of October, 1968 in Australia to English parents, the youngest of 5 children.

Jackman is best known for his 13-year-long connection with the X-Men character Wolverine. But he’s also starred in several other action films like Swordfish, Van Helsing and Real Steel. As well as other excellent movies such as The Prestige. 6

He graduated with a degree in communications back in 1991 and in that final year added drama to gain more credits. He fell in love with acting. Saying “In that week I felt more at home with those people than I did in the entire three years [at university]”. He went on to do a year course at the Sydney Actors Centre and he knew that was what he wanted to do saying ‘It wasn’t until I was 22 that I ever thought about my hobby being something I could make a living out of. As a boy, I’d always had an interest in theater. But the idea at my school was that drama and music were to round out the man. It wasn’t what one did for a living. I got over that. I found the courage to stand up and say, ‘I want to do it’’.

...when I started I at drama school ce was like the dun of the class...

He had to work at acting though stating that he “always loved acting but when I started at drama school I was like the dunce of the class. It just wasn’t coming right to me. Everyone was cooler, everyone seemed more likely to succeed, everyone seemed more natural at it and in retrospect I think that is good. I think it is good to come from behind as an actor. I think it is good to go into an audition thinking ‘Man I’ve got to be at my best to get this gig.’” Jackman’s big (and lucky) break came in 1999, when he was offered the job of Wolverine in the X-Men. Dougray Scott was originally cast for the role but he was filming Mission Impossible 2 and the filming ran over and so Scott had to turn the offer down. This gave a chance to an unheard of Australian actor and Jackman seized it with both hands.

g There’s somethin e about his style, th t animal rage, tha seemed right for Wolverine...

To become the tough guy that Logan/Wolverine needed to be, Jackman studied Clint Eastwood and Mad Max. He insisted on doing his own stunts and studied marital arts and boxing (especially Mike Tyson). On Tyson, Jackman comments that ‘There’s something about his style, the animal rage, that seemed right for Wolverine. I kept saying to the writers, ‘Don’t give me long, choreographed fights for the sake of it. Don’t make the fights pretty.”

Jackman is 6ft 2 and as the comic character is a foot smaller than Jackman, then clever camera angles needed to be used. He also had to gain a large amount of muscle for the role and by the 4th film could bench press 315 pounds and leg pressed 1000 pounds. Jackman’s Wolverine has appeared in 5 films so far (X-Men, X2, X-Men The Last Stand, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-men: First Class). One of Jackman’s best films is as a magician in The Prestige. Playing a rival of Christian Bale, it tells the tale of two illusionists who try to out do each other. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson and David Bowie.

The other of Jackman’s films of note is Darren Aronofsky’s ‘The Fountain’. He plays one role in the film, a Conquistador who finds the tree of life and immortality and then tries to recreate it, five centuries on, for his dying wife. An utterly stunning film and Jackman found it to be his hardest film due to the physical and emotional demands of the part. It took Jackman nine months to achieve the lotus position and another three months to be able to do it under water.

Jackman was close to getting the James Bond role but lost out to Daniel Craig in the end. 7

...I’ll die a happy man knowing I’ve got this film on my CV.


In 2008 he replaced Russell Crowe on the epic, Australia, of this he said “This is pretty much one of those roles that had me pinching myself all the way through the shoot. I got to shoot a big-budget, shamelessly old-fashioned romantic epic set against one of the most turbulent times in my native country’s history, while, at the same time, celebrating that country’s natural beauty, its people, its cultures.... I’ll die a happy man knowing I’ve got this film on my CV”.

WWE tournament as tag partner to Zack Ryder to beat WWE US champion Dolph Ziggler (by punching the champion in the jaw when the referee wasn’t looking). He plays piano, partakes in yoga and is part of the School of Practical Philosophy.

Last year, Jackman starred as Jean Valjean in the film Les Misérables, an adaptation of the musical. For the role, he lost 15 pounds and during filming he had to regain 30 pounds to mirror his character’s newfound success. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best ActorComedy or Musical in January 2013 for this performance. Jackman called the movie a “project of passion” and thanked the cast and crew, director Tom Hooper and his wife.

l Life Outside Film As soon as Jackman started to earn serious money, Hugh has supported the idea of microcredit. Microcredit is the idea of giving loans to entrepreneurs in third world countries. He’s also an advisor for the Global Poverty Project and has worked with them as a narrator for their documentaries. He is also a World Vision, a Christian organisation helping with world poverty. He uses his Twitter account for charity. In 2009 he announced that he’d donate 100,000 dollars to one individual’s charity. In the end he donated 50 thousand to ‘Charity: Water’ and 50k to ‘Operation of Hope’.

l Other activities Jackman loves sports. In school he took part in cricket, rugby, swimming and high jumping. He also enjoys kayaking and basketball, supports Norwich City in football, took part in wrestlings’

He is happily married to an actress he first met over 20 years ago and they share a ring with the Sanskrit inscription “Om paramar mainamar”, meaning “we dedicate our union to a greater source”.

That ‘mind getting out of the way’ aka self doubt and fear, allows Jackman to continue pushing himself. “When I have 315 pounds above me, there’s that little breaking point, you either get really pissed off at that weight, or you ask for help from your spotter. It’s that exact point when Wolverine gets not just pissed off, but insanely pissed off. I try to reach that point every day in my workout. And then push through it.” Jackman doesn’t set goals he seeks defining moments. You have to be willing to fail in front of others.”That fear holds all of us back, and that’s the toughest thing about ageing. With age, you see people fail more. You see yourself fail more. How do you keep that fearlessness of a kid? You keep going. Luckily, I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself.”

l The Future Hugh will repeat the role of Wolverine this year in ‘The Wolverine’ and in next year’s X-Men: Days of Future Past. Wolverine in the comics is in his late 40’s and so as Jackman is only 44 there’s every chance that as long as he maintains his fitness levels he can carry on with the role for another decade at least.

l Outlook Jackman doesn’t set goals in life. He thinks goals can get you going, but goals can be limiting. He says ‘We have far more ability than we give ourselves credit for. You see that in people under pressure. How does someone run a 100-meter race at the Olympics? When it’s once every 4 years, with everything they’ve done leading to that? It can’t just be adrenaline. Maybe it’s just the mind getting out of the way.” 9

Fifty shades of grey Wow, how times have changed! If you were brought up in Britain then the chances of getting anything relating to sex was restricted (unlike the rest of the continent). We had to put up with paragons of virtue like Mary Whitehouse and the 9 pm watershed. Thankfully Channel 4 came along and started to break the boundaries of showing and talking about sex. Remember the little red triangle on Channel 4 back in the 80’s to show that a film was adult orientated? The chance of seeing nakedness in some dodgy European drama guaranteed high viewing figures! All that’s over now and sex is everywhere, that’s down to the inception of the internet, and the availability of porn on tap. In the last ten years people’s sexuality has become far more open and so while the majority of men will watch porn, women have turned to other pleasures to get their thrills. In the last year or so that’s been in the form of written erotica.

Written erotica is nothing new!


The Marquis de Sade wrote pretty extreme stuff back in the 18th century and as he had no limits, words such as ‘sadism’ are attributed to de Sade. Others like

Anais Nin wrote ‘Delta of Venus’ and ‘Henry and June’ in the 1940’s. All were banned by the British of course. Not any more. All can be downloaded instantly through the creation of the Kindle. Up to 20% of the best sellers on the Amazon device are down to erotica alone. Keep that in mind next time you see your lady smiling to herself while reading her Kindle.

No title is more famous at the moment than ‘50 shades of Grey’. Written by E.L. James, this trilogy of books has taken the world by storm and is currently outselling Harry Potter. She must be doing something right.

So what’s all the fuss about? Originally it was written as an erotic version of ‘Twilight’, the books by Stephanie Meyer about a young woman who falls for a vampire and then a werewolf. The films aren’t much cop but I’ve been told the books are far better. Eventually people liked this ‘fan fiction’ so much that E.L. James decided to turn it into a proper book. You can see the influence of vampires at the start of the book, where young Anna has to interview Christian Grey (the vampire in his lair). But gradually it loses this theme and concentrates on their relationship which is all about him wanting her

to sign a contract so he can perform BDSM on her. BDSM means Bondage, domination and Sado Masochism, by the way. In layman’s terms he wants to tie her up and spank her arse. 50 Shades is remarkably coy considering all the fuss there is about the book. Genitalia is called erection and vagina although the word ‘f**k’ is deemed suitable. It’s also far too long and in desperate need of a good editor to cut it by a third at least. Having said that it is at least readable and you can get through it pretty quickly.

The summation of the first book ‘50 shades of Grey’ is as follows... ‘Young Virgin Anna is pushed into an interview with Christian Grey for the college magazine. Because she asks the first things that come into her mind and him being Uber rich, she intrigues him. She’s also beautiful and so he is taken by her and wants to know more. After a lot of ‘will she, won’t she’, she goes out for a night with friends and gets drunk. Christian, like the rich superhero he is, drops everything and goes to save her. If he was in a normal job he’d have a problem getting time off but hey he’s rich so no worries. He takes her home where he treats her nicely. They make a date

and he whisks her off to his apartment where he shows her his 16th century torture dungeon with whips, chains and floggers and she just melts. In normal life if you did this to a girl, you’d be arrested within the hour, but hey again Christian is rich and so gets away with it. So Anna is intrigued by this and wants to know more and so Christian whips out a contract with a load of ‘thou shalt spank my arse’ commandments on it and asks her to sign before he gives her a thorough seeing to. As an added incentive, Christian cannot control himself, they have sex several times, she flees to Atlanta for ‘space to think’ and he bonks her there too and so they get back for a weekend where he spanks her arse 6 times with a flogger and she storms out. The end.’

down to imagination and it’s been found that females like variety first and foremost, and these books give them enough stimulus to try out new things. Christian Grey is the ultimate dream boat for women and he ticks all the right boxes.

There are 2 other books after this but to be honest I’ve got better things to do with my time. As Grey and Anna are so anaemic you would get more passion from a garden snail but I had to read it. This was mainly because a certain lady friend wanted to try certain things out from the book but only until I read it! Fair play I thought. So it was a quick read and a couple of days later I got the gist. This is where us men come into it and where 50 shades (and other erotica) are such perfect openers to different sexual avenues for both male and female. Sex comes



Christian Grey... He texts his desires.

So this plants a seed of expectation for later on in the day.

He wines and dines.

He pays for everything. He takes care of everything. If he’s generous in normal life, its a subtle way of saying he’ll be generous in the bedroom.

He takes his time.

Grey knows it can take 20 minutes for a woman to be fully aroused, so he’s not resorting to wham, bam, thank-you ma’am.

He knows...

to make sure the woman is completely relaxed so females can orgasm easier.

He knows...

to speak his thoughts during sex and that they turn her on also.

He knows...

to make sure that she comes first and that he’s there to serve her. That way she’ll come back for more.

He knows...

to speak of his admiration for her body so then she can relax more as well. If she’s comfortable with her own body she’s more likely to receive and give oral sex.

By you following his lead, your lady will want to try out more of the Grey fantasies. Spanking, flogging, chains, whips you name it. All it can do is add spice to your sex life and at the end of the day, if that’s down to Christian Grey, who are we to complain? 13

Fashion & Beauty

Spring fashions

Spring brings excitement. Not just because it leads the way to the warmer weather and happier times, but it also brings with it bright colours on the fashion front. Blue, orange, yellow and green – worn on their own or matched together have each been touted as the colours of the season. If you like 1980s neon or sugary pastels, then you won’t be able to wait for the spring/ summer season. Global chic is also a favourite for the coming season with an exotic infusion of beautiful prints and patterns inspired by faraway destinations like Asia and Africa. Head scarves, colourful accessories and beaded motifs add exciting interest. Also, woven tote bags, quirky floral dresses and colourful beaded belts are all the rage. Colour, colour, colour!

Not into bright and bold colours? Not to worry as also noted on the catwalks are bold black & white. The classic colour combination will be more present than ever in the coming months. Given its popularity at Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors and Moschino runway shows, we’re predicting this powerful look never goes out of style. Monochrome is so versatile and can be worn head-to-toe, à la Marc Jacobs or, for the more demure, simply by using accessories from Nicholas Kirkwood or Alexander McQueen.


Now for the good news! Spring and Summer trends show a plethora of relaxed, even modest, shapes: fluttering blouses and floral print trousers, easy jackets and pretty pencil skirts. Out goes the unforgiving bodycon dresses that were seen by the majority of celebrities on the red carpet and in the magazines. The retro sports look seen on soft jersey varsity bombers and denim sweat dresses continues to be extremely popular!

1001 Nights Diamond Purse The most expensive purse in the world! Price: $3.8 Million By The House of Mouawad The House of Mouawad in Dubai rolled out the most expensive purse ever made that costs an astounding $3.8 million. The bag is adorned with 4,356 colourless diamonds, 105 yellow diamonds and 56 pink ones and hence it is covered with total of 4,500 diamonds. The total weight of the diamonds is 381 karats and it set record at Guinness World of Records for being the world’s most expensive handbag. The heart-shaped purse, handcrafted from 18kt gold, has a gold chain that can be used as a cling. The bag was crafted by 10 dedicated craftsmen, who endlessly worked on this wonder for four months! 15

Pale nails are all the rage this season

The minimalist trend that has become more and more popular since last year, has now become all the rage. Neutral and cream coloured nails for spring isn’t such a shock – it’s understated and sophisticated while still being noticeable for all the right reasons. The run way shows this year have brought soft milky shades noted at Marc Jacobs, pure whites at Rag & Bone, and plenty of un-done French manicures at Chanel. This season, toning down your nail colour is the new way to play it cool and still be noticed while out and about!


vs. Bold Make up trends this season seem to be subtle vs. bold. Major lashes and brows are obvious, however, balanced by softly smudged-in eyeliner. To get the look this season play up the features you want to draw attention to with colour - or a touch of sparkle, while keeping the rest of your look simple and glowing.

Hairdressers Beauty Therapists Cosmetic Surgery Clinics TO ADVERTISE IN OUR NEW SECTIONS, CONTACT US TODAY! 727788009 info@menslifestylespain.com 16

BB Creams: Substitute for Foundation?

Now that the warmer weather is starting to creep in we all need to start to rethink our makeup. Out goes the full on foundation that we mask onto our faces throughout the winter to make us look that slightly bit more human! However, when the sun is out and the temperatures rise we still need our makeup, but a lot more subtle, light weight and that invisible look that still covers all those imperfections perfectly and evens out our skin tone. But is that possible and what is on offer? Tinted moisturiser has been around for some time and while those with very few imperfections to conceal, love it for a hint of colour, great hydration and lightweight feel, especially for those summer months, others find that it does not give anywhere near enough coverage that we need for those blemishes and uneven skin tones.

So what do we do? The heavy foundation for some seems the only alternative to cover those blemishes while out and about in the sun. That was until BB creams hit the market. BB cream stands for blemish balm, blemish base or beauty balm. It is a cosmetic item that was once only sold mainly in East and Southeast Asia, however today larger beauty brands are increasingly introducing BB creams into Western markets. Originally created by dermatologists for patients who had gone through

laser skin surgery, the idea is that they actually provide genuine benefits for the skin - as well as providing enough coverage to be used as either a foundation or a primer, depending upon your preference. BB cream is promoted as an allin-one facial cosmetic product to replace serum, moisturizer, primer, foundation, and sun block. It can be worn alone as a tinted moisturizer, over serum and moisturizer as a regular foundation, and under powder, depending on the desired amount of coverage. The cream is promoted as a multitasker, an all-in-one treatment, but Korean women mostly use it as an alternative to foundation, especially Western foundations that tend to be too heavy for their taste. The coverage is often mineral-based, and is intended to both cover and treat blemishes such as acne, sun spots and age spots. It also has anti-wrinkle, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

further - with additions such as hyaluronic acid and antioxidants to regenerate skin. A tinted moisturizer only hydrates and evens out the complexion with minimal coverage; a foundation covers the skin with a layer of colour and gives it a flawless finish. BB creams go above and beyond that and moisturize, protect, and corrects flaws.

The similarity to tinted moisturisers has been noted, but BB creams are designed to go one step 17

War on Wrinkles

In the last five years, Botox has become one of the most popular youth-enhancing treatments with up to 4,000 British women having injections every month. Billed as “the lunch-time-face-lift”, the £200 injections take only minutes and, adherents claim, are relatively painless.

However, can the miracle treatment actually cause more wrinkles to form? So far, the only negatives to Botox are over injection – which causes freezing or drooping of the face – and of course being injected with one of the most deadly toxins known to man! But if it is done correctly by a skilled and qualified doctor, results are generally good. Yet ironically, it has recently been revealed that Botox may cause more wrinkles. Everyone will be amazed to learn that Botox may give you wrinkles - next to the ones it removed! Doctors are warning that the best-selling skin smoother may result in more lines appearing on the face rather than less. They have now found that other facial muscles can over compensate for the parts that have been paralysed with Botox, meaning people put more effort into frowning, creating new lines and wrinkles. So, will this put you off having the amazing beauty treatment? Probably not as the only solution to this is well, more Botox! We will destroy those wrinkles. As soon as they pop up, shoot them down again, hopefully they will soon give up and succumb to the force of paralysis. We hope!



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Xen Tan ONLY


Professional spray tans for men and women


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C/ las Malvas, Edif On Line, Local 10, Nueva Andalucía, 29660, Marbella. Next to Terra Sana Restaurant, KM 174 N340

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- The pros & cons In the eighties, nearly everyone wanted a tan, to follow TV fashion and wear white trousers and shirt and walk along the beach to the sound of Miami Vice. Or was that just me? Anyways, the general consensus is that a tan looks healthy and there are indeed real health benefits as it can offer more protection from the sun. In the eighties, sunbeds were all the rage and everyone who was anyone baked themselves until they were a dark brown. Then came the skin cancer scares and sunbeds got a very bad press. But thirty years on, technology has improved and made great leaps in safety. So what do sunbeds offer us now?



Sunbeds give you a genuine Sunbeds don’t give the same l tan. l amount This looks way better than of vitamin D that you a fake sprayed tan.

can get from the sun.

Sunbeds give you a tan much Sunbeds can only be used for l more l 20 quickly than the sun. minutes or so. Overuse can In fact 20 minutes is the limit of safe time on a sun bed. Compare this to the hours you can spend in the direct sun.

The sunbeds offer a tan from all l sides unlike the sun where you

will have to turn over. This gives an even tan all over the body and you don’t have to keep turning over and moving to point that particular bit of your body to the sun.

With the new sunbeds, the l amount of ultraviolet (UV) can

be precisely controlled. It’s also the lower, less damaging form of UV that is given. Whereas the sun obviously gives off both high and low UV. High UV can cause burning and skin damage. Sunbeds do not give out high UV.

Sunbeds are available all year l round unlike the sun (well not

quite true as we’re all living on the Costa).

Sunbeds allow you to get l naked, whereas you’d have

cause burning, dry wrinkled skin and premature ageing.

Goggles must be used on a l sun-bed, without them you can

As with anything be it sunbeds or the sun itself, you can over do it. If you do then you’ll suffer the consequences. No one stares directly into the sun because they’ll go blind, no one stays on a sun-bed more than 20 minutes because they’ll burn. It’s down to the individual at the end of the day.

sunburn your cornea which can’t be particularly pleasant. Sunglasses are needed in normal sun but specialist goggles are needed on a sun-bed as the radiation levels can be 100 times higher than the normal sun. If no goggles are worn then cataracts and damage to the retina can result.

Any exposure to l ultraviolet rays

increases the risk of skin cancer. 74 % of people are more likely to develop skin cancer than those who gain a tan from the sun.

to go to designated nudist beaches to get the all over tan. 19

Celebrity Gossip

Latest Celeb y s o r ? l l a t i s i t Couples! Bu Messed Up!

Mark Wright & Michelle


They make an amazing couple and seem extremely happy together. However claims Mark Wright is a ‘serial cheat’ have surfaced since him and Michelle have been dating. He is a known ladies man - but it seems Mark Wright has gone a step further in the lothario stakes, by romancing a Take Me Out contestant. The Daily mail says, Natalie Hawker has revealed her secret fling with the former TOWIE star and Take Me Out The Gossip presenter claiming the pair were forced to pretend not to know each other during the spin-off show. The 27-year-old, who became a memorable guest on Take Me Out, was repeatedly interviewed on spin-off show The Gossip but after every ‘chat’ with Mark, 26, the Essex lad would beg her not to reveal their romance. Let’s hope this is only idle gossip!

Loved Up!

Geri Halliwell & Anton Kaszubowski

The former Spice Gir ls singer - who has fiv e-year-old daughter previous relationship Bluebell Madonna fro - met Anton Kaszubo ma wski last month and with the Russian Millio she is said to be smitte naire. Since Geri, 40, n me t 39-year-old Anton the romantic trip to Rome y have enjoyed a , Italy, dinners in Lond on an d a day out shooting. Geri says,” He’s the ge ntleman that I’ve be en waiting for. ‘’ She succeeds! We hope thi certainly aims high an s one lasts. d

Messed Up!

Samia Ghadia & Sylvain Longchambon

Dancing On Ice 2013 star Samia Ghadie has hit out at Jennifer Metcalfe over the ongoing love triangle with pro skater Sylvain Longchambon. Sylvain dumped girlfriend and Hollyoaks star Jennifer Metcalfe at the same time that Samia ditched her partner. They started a romance, which they denied for a while on ‘Dancing On Ice’. They are still together now even though Samia has now left the show, however, Jennifer is actually warning Samia that her ex is still in love with her and that she should be careful! Oh dear! 20

Loved Up!

Scarlett Johansson & Romain Dauriac

After weeks of keeping things low-key, it seems Scarlett is now ready to go public with her new 30-year-old lover. Romain is the former editor of French magazine Clark which specialised in underground French urban art, and is the current manager of a creative agency. The couple were introduced though friend and French tattoo artist Fuzi, who earlier this month tattooed Scarlett with a horseshoe and the message ‘Lucky You’, on her rib cage, which she proudly showed off. Scarlett split from Ryan Reynolds in December 2010 after a two-year marriage we shocked us all. We are now glad to see she’s moved on and happy!

Messed Up!

Tulisa & Danny Simpson

Tulisa Contosta vlos, the former N-Dubz singer Factor has been and current judg dating Newcast e on The X le United defend all is rosy with th er, Danny Simps is relationship. on but not She has denied claims she stole being a “homew Danny from his re cker” after pr eg out with Simps nant girlfriend. on, 25, in Manch Tulisa was spot ester this week, ted Stephanie Ward leading a wom to blast her in an an named in te rv ie w . Lawyers for Tulis a said: ‘Tulisa ca tegorically deni she entered an es any allegatio y relationship w n that ith Danny Simps relationship with on while he was Stephanie Ward still in a or that she even pregnant. Extra cts of text messa knew Ms Ward, 25, was ges apparently friend are also sent from Ms W revealed in the ard to a mutua dossier, one mes care about me l sage sent in Oct and him or brea ober, said: ‘I do king up. ‘Aston and father of he n’t ishingly she ev r child stating: ‘G en text her form ot nothing to lo er lover se now... I’ll take what I can.’

Loved Up!

Lily Cole & Jack Dorsey

He’s a billionaire tech guru while she is a top model-turned-Cambridge graduate so Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Lily Cole make quite the power couple. The pair have been pictured holidaying together on a yacht in St Barts, sharing an intimate moment as they chatted on New Year’s Eve before spending the first day of 2013 side-by-side. They seem extremely smitten with each other. And while finances have shown Twitter is losing millions, it appears Dorsey was still able to splash out on a few luxuries for his high-profile guests. Dorsey, whose personal wealth is estimated at $1.1billion, was pictured with Cole and other famous faces on a luxury yacht which is costing him a staggering $240,000 for a week. Oh how the other half live! 21

Messed Up!

n Hayler

Katie Price & Kiera

s beach and has The 34-year-old model wed Kieran Hayler, 25, on a sun-kissed Bahama that this think only revealed how she did so on the advice of a PSYCHIC. One could marriage is doomed from the start. have He’s been married to Katie Price for not even a month and already rumours e, magazin Closer to g Accordin life. emerged that Kieran Hayler is ‘bored’ with married he what isn’t 34, Price, Katie to married being that Kieran, 25, has been telling friends expected. I thought married Kieran reportedly told friends: “It’s a bit dull- to be truthful, it’s not what want to do doesn’t she saying and g moanin around sits just ie life would be like.“Kat without her Twitter on write anything. I don’t seem to be allowed to go out alone or even

permission. the model has been And it doesn’t stop there, according to a source close to Katie, aka Jordan, new there! nothing Well . husband a to treating Kieran more like an employee as opposed

Loved Up!

Ellie Goulding & Jeremy Irvine


The 26 year old British singer, song writer and multi-instrumantalist Ellie Goulding and her boyfriend actor Jeremy Irvin e couldn’t keep their hands off each other as they attended the Universal BRITs party in London. The cute couple showed their affection for one another by sharing a kiss in the middle of the dance floor. All loved up!


CHERYL’S SHOCKING NEW TATTOO! We all know that Cheryl Cole isn’t a stranger to ink, however on the first night of Girls Aloud’s tour in Newcastle we were all shocked by the absolutely blinding tattoo covering the majority of her back. Think she’s gone a tad bit too far!

Kelly Brook vs Katie Price: War has begun! Kelly Brook is caught up in a war of words with Katie Price after apparently being called a ‘heifer’ by the infamous glamour model. Kelly replied by calling Jordan ‘rude’ and ‘sad’. Katie continued to slate Kelly by reportedly accusing her of comfort eating after seeing snaps of Kelly in her bikini on holiday in Miami following her split from rugby star Thom Evans. Katie said she was “flabbagasted” by the snaps! That’s a bit harsh we think!


Is an engagement on the way?

They have been dating for around 14 months now. When asked by Heat Magazine if an engagement could be on the cards Professor Green said: ”No, no...whatever happens, happens.” He also said: ”No pressure!? Wait have you got a ring on you?”

Oscars 2013: 85th Academy Awards Ceremony

Jennifer Lawrence

This year’s Oscars attracted a US TV audience of 40.3 million, a million more than tuned in to 2012’s broadcast. According to the ABC network, the show - hosted by Seth MacFarlane, creator of hit TV cartoon Family Guy - drew the largest Oscar audience for three years.

won the Oscar for best actress for her role as a young widow in Silver Linings Playbook.

Here are some of the well deserved winners of the night:

Argo wins Best Picture... and director Affleck gets his tearful moment alongside producer George Clooney

Christoph Waltz won his second Oscar for best supporting actor in a Quentin Tarantino, this time as a German bounty hunter in the slave revenge story Django Unchained.

Quentin Tarantin o

won the best original scre Oscar fo enplay r his film Django Unchain ed

Daniel Day-Lewis

Ang Lee

has made Oscars history by winning the best actor prize for a third time. His victory came for playing America’s 16th President in Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln.

takes Best Director for film Life of Pi which also wins for Cinematography, Visual Effects and Original Score


ne Hathaway won best supporting actress for her role as tragic factory worker Fantine in movie musical Les Miserab les.

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Film REVIEWS March’s cinema releases


Oz: The Great and Powerful

Dead Man Down

Cast: Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, Zach Braff, Bill Cobbs, Joey King.

Cast: Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Raw Leiba, Terrence Howard, Isabelle Huppert.

Director: Sam Raimi.

Director: Niels Arden Oplev.

Genre: Fantasy, family, Adventure, 3D.


About the film: When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot – fame and fortune are his for the taking – that is until he meets three witches, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity – and even a bit of wizardry – Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful wizard but into a better man as well. n

Cast: Matthew Fox, Tommy Lee Jones, Eriko Hatsune, Toshiyuki Nishida, Kaori Momoi, Colin Moy. Director: Peter Webber. Genre: Romance, Thriller, drama, Historical, True Story. About the film: Starring Academy Award-winner Tommy Lee Jones, Matthew Fox, and newcomer Eriko Hatsune, Emperor brings to life the American occupation of Japan in the perilous and unpredictable days just after Emperor Hirohito’s World War II surrender. As General Douglas MacArthur (Jones) suddenly finds himself the de facto ruler of a foreign nation, he assigns an expert in Japanese culture - General Bonner Fellers (Fox), to covertly investigate the looming question hanging over the country: should the Japanese Emperor, worshiped by his people but accused of war crimes, be punished or saved? n

Genre: Action, Thriller. About the film: Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace star as two strangers whose mutual desire for revenge draws them together and triggers an escalating chain of violence. Victor, a right hand man to an underground crime lord in New York City is seduced and blackmailed by Beatrice, a crime victim seeking retribution. Their intense chemistry leads them spiraling into payback delivered in violent catharsis. n

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Cast: Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Olivia Wilde. Director: Don Scardino.

Tyler Perry’s Temptation Cast: Eric West, Jurnee Smollett, Kim Kardashian, Vanessa Williams. Director: Tyler Perry. Genre: Comedy, Drama, Adaptation. About the film: Jurnee Smollett plays an Ivy League-educated relationship expert who gives marital advice for a living, yet can’t seem to follow that advice in her own marriage to Bryce (Gross). Bored with her life, she breaks her professional code and begins an affair with a smooth talking client (Jones). After the initial excitement of their torrid relationship wears off, Judith realizes that she’s made a grave mistake. It will take every ounce of courage and forgiveness for Judith to escape the dangerous situation she finds herself in. Rounding out the cast are Vanessa Williams in the role of Janice, the owner of the firm where Judith practices, and Kim Kardashian as Ava, Judith’s sassy co-worker. Accomplished singer and actress Brandy Norwood, better known to some as simply Brandy, will play Melinda, Bryce’s co-worker, whose personal life ends up intersecting with Judith’s in an unexpected twist. n

Genre: Comedy. About the film: Superstar magicians Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carell) and Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi) have ruled the Las Vegas strip for years, raking in millions with illusions as big as Burt’s growing ego. But lately the duo’s greatest deception is their public friendship, while secretly they’ve grown to loathe each other. Facing cutthroat competition from guerilla street magician Steve Gray (Jim Carrey), whose cult following surges with each outrageous stunt, even their show looks stale. But there’s still a chance Burt and Anton can save the act—both onstage and off—if Burt can get back in touch with what made him love magic in the first place. n

The Host Cast: Diane Kruger, William Hurt, Max Irons, Jake Abel. Director: Andre Niccol. Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance, Adaptation. About the film: From Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight Saga) comes The Host, a love story set in the future. The Host is a story about the survival of love and the human spirit in a time of war. Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy. Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact. Most of humanity has succumbed. When Melanie (Saoirse Ronan), one of the few remaining “wild” humans, is captured, she is certain it is her end. Wanderer, the invading “soul” who has been given Melanie’s body, was warned about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the glut of senses, the too-vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn’t expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. When outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off on a dangerous and uncertain search for the man they both love. n


21 and Over Cast: Skylar Astin, Miles Teller, Sarah Wright, Justin Chon. Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore. Genre: Comedy.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation Cast: Channing Tatum, Bruce Willis, Dwayne Johnson, Adrianne Palicki, Ray Stevenson.

About the film: Skylar Astin (Pitch Perfect), Miles Teller (Footloose) and Justin Chon (Twilight) star in 21 and Over, a hilarious movie that showcases a rite of passage gone horribly wrong. Straight-A college student Jeff Chang has always done what’s expected of him. But when his two best friends Casey and Miller surprise him with a visit for his 21st birthday, he decides to do the unexpected for a change, even though his critical medical school interview is early the next morning. What was supposed to be one beer becomes one night of chaos, over indulgence and utter debauchery in this outrageous comedy. n

Director: Jon Chu. Genre: Sequel, Adventure, Action, 3D. About the film: When Cobra spy Zartan has most of the Joes assassinated, the remaining Joes band together to strike back. n

Jack the Giant Slayer Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson , Stanley Tucci. Director: Bryan Singer. Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy. About the film: A drama that takes an adult look at the Jack and the Beanstalk legend. When a princess is kidnapped, the long-standing peace between men and giants is threatened. A young farmer is given an opportunity to lead a dangerous expedition to the giants’ kingdom in hopes of rescuing her. n 26

Olympus has Fallen Cast: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Dylan McDermott. Director: Antoine Fuqua. Genre: Thriller, Crime, Action. About the film: When the White House (Secret Service Code: “Olympus”) is captured by a terrorist mastermind and the President is kidnapped, disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped within the building. As our national security team scrambles to respond, they are forced to rely on Banning’s inside knowledge to help retake the White House, save the President and avert an even bigger disaster. n


Tomb Raider Tomb Raider delivers an intense and gritty story of the origins of Lara Croft and her ascent from frightened young woman to hardened survivor, armed with only raw instincts and the physical ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance. Superb physicsbased gameplay is paired with a heart-pounding narrative in Lara’s most personal, character-defining adventure to date. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. n

BioShock Infinite Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate Initially set 25 years after the events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate reveals the story of Gabriel’s descendants, as they battle their own destiny in each era only to discover their true, shocking fate.

Gears of War: Judgment Gears of War: Judgment takes you back before the events of the original trilogy to the immediate aftermath of Emergence Day — the defining event of the Gears of War universe. Follow Kilo Squad as they fight to save the city of Halvo Bay from an unstoppable enemy in the most intense Gears game yet. Platforms: Xbox 360.


Trevor Belmont, a knight of the Brotherhood of Light sets out to avenge the death of his mother, at the hands of his own father, who has now returned from years of exile to take up residence in a mysterious castle. What was once Gabriel Belmont now stands a powerful vampire called Dracula. Dracula has declared war upon the Brotherhood and thus the scene is set for a cataclysmic showdown between Father and Son! Platforms: Nintendo 3DS.


The third game in the popular Bioshock series, BioShock Infinite breaks away from the underwater setting of the first two games to take players into a floating city held aloft by dirigibles. The game is set in 1912. You play as Booker DeWitt, a disgraced former private detective who’s picked up a new case which means getting to the flying city of Columbia. Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. n

God of War: Ascension God of War: Ascension returns players to the storyline of the epic God of War franchise. Join Kratos as he seeks freedom, redemption and the clarity to avenge his family. Or seek your own glory in epic 8-player mutliplayer battles. Platforms: PlayStation 3.

n 27

7 Gadgets

awesome televisions

that you probably ca n’t afford!

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas, the focus was on recent advances in televisions. In past years, the big show-stealers have been the latest smartphones, but the excitement of 2013’s show centred around increasingly highdefinition, ridiculously large, and stupidly expensive home televisions! Here is a look at some of the amazing televisions showcased at the CES in January, which one day might be seen in your living room!

Samsung’s 85-Inch 4K ‘Floating’ Television Samsung And LG’s Curved TVs Samsung and LG both unveiled their first curved televisions, or televisions whose displays featured curved glass. The curve supposedly prevents the “fade” that humans perceive at the edges of flat screens, since the outer portions of the TV are further away from the viewer than the centre.


Samsung introduced its 85-inch “floating TV”. The “float” comes from how it’s mounted - the 85-inch television can be tilted or even flipped around on its stand, allowing you to view from different directions!

Panasonic’s 56-inch 4K OLED TV In Panasonic’s OLED display, the colours are saturated with deep blacks. It’s still in prototype mode, so no one has any idea when it will hit electronics stores.

Sharp’s 8K TV Prototype Sharp unveiled its 85-inch 8K TV at the show. 8K is about 16 times the resolution of normal HD!

Sony’s 56-Inch 4K OLED TV Prototype Sony debuted their 56-inch 4K OLED TV. Again, this is a prototype that we won’t be seeing on the market for a while.

Toshiba’s 84-inch 4K TV Toshiba’s already got one 4K TV on the market: the Toshiba 55ZL2. But they have now debuted another: the 84-inch version of the new L9300 series. It comes packed with features such as Wifi, noise reduction, and a 240 Hz refresh rate.

LG’s Ultra HD TVs: 55-inch, 65-inch, and 84-inch Ridiculous size? This TV, like many “smart TVs,” has an app store with approximately 1,400 apps in it - plus 3D options, Wi-Fi connectivity and a “Magic Remote.” 29

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