end of days?
will the world end on friday, as the mayans supposedly foretold? though we can’t tell you for sure, metro presents a handy guide to the apocalypse
pages 20 & 21
Thursday, December 20, 2012 News worth sharing.
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Sex-assault victim’s 911 call helps police nab suspect Courage. Call came while attacker armed with boxcutter was still in woman’s home: Cops A man suspected of a Buckingham home invasion that
led to the sexual assault of a mother of three Tuesday was set to appear in a Gatineau courtroom Wednesday. Police arrested 35-yearold Walter Gagnon not far from the victim’s home roughly an hour and a half following the attack, based on information they re-
ceived from the victim after the assault. “They did not know each other,” said Gatineau police spokesman Sgt. Jean-Paul Le May. “That’s what makes this case so peculiar. It’s rare.” Sgt. Le May said the attack happened early Tues-
day morning when the assailant entered the victim’s home through an unlocked door carrying a boxcutter at around 8 a.m. “She is the mother of three,” said Sgt. Le May, indicating the woman lives with her husband and children in a suburban Bucking-
ham home. “Her children and husband had just left the house.” The victim was sexually assaulted and the assailant fled soon after, police said, but not before the woman was able to call 911. “She was able to struggle her way out of the situation
and was able to call 911,” Sgt. Le May said, noting she escaped with minor injuries. “The call was made while the aggressor was still in the home. Our dispatchers did a great job of calming her down and getting valuable information that led to an arrest.” GRAHAM LANKTREE/Metro
Local man rescued in B.C. Ottawa snowboarder Sebastien Boucher is recovering after being rescued from a wilderness area north of Vancouver where he was stranded for two days page 6
He’s out of this world! Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield blasts off into outer space, set to become the first Canadian to command the International Space Station page 10
ALL ABOARD THE LRT Council gave unanimous approval on Wednesday to the $2.13-billion LRT project. For more on the story, turn to page 4. Above, an artist’s conception of one of the LRT stations. CONTRIBUTED