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Thursday, January 3, 2013
This Stella McCartney number won over stylish stars like Kate Moss in 2012. Check out other top fashion moments of the year
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Broten ready to ‘bring down the hammer’
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Education. Contracts imposed on teachers will mirror deals with other unions, source says
Education Minister Laurel Broten will impose contracts on public school teachers under the minority Liberal government’s controversial Bill 115 before classes resume Monday, Torstar News Service has learned. The details — to be announced at a news conference Thursday — mirror the twoyear deals reached last summer with Catholic and French-language teachers, freezing pay for most, reducing sick days and limiting how much unclaimed sick time can be cashed out at retirement. “We have to do it or else it’ll be the world’s biggest flip-flop,” a senior government source said Wednesday. However, it’s unlikely Broten’s measures will restore peace in public schools.
Ontario Education Minister Laurel Broten is seen during a September 2012 vote at which the Liberal party and the Progressive Conservative party passed Bill 115, an anti-strike law that cut benefits and limited wages for Ontario teachers. THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE
From civil servant to entrepreneur Laid-off government worker starts own franchise PAGE 4
Many teachers are expected to continue boycotting extracurricular activities such as coaching sports teams and helping with student clubs. And a one-day, provincewide political protest has been threatened by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario and Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation — although it’s not clear if this means an illegal strike or something on a PD day or weekend. The two powerful unions contend that Bill 115, passed with support from the Progressive Conservatives, unconstitutionally curbs their collective-bargaining rights, and are challenging it in court. Premier Dalton McGuinty hinted at the government’s action in a three-page letter to teachers Wednesday after weeks of one-day rotating strikes by public elementary teachers and extracurricular bans. “Ontarians expect, rightly, that uncertainty in education will not continue indefinitely,” McGuinty said. “Our preference
is and has always been negotiated settlements. But after 10 months, the bargaining deadline (Jan. 1) has passed.” While there had been pressure from union leaders like president Sam Hammond of the elementary teachers union and some Liberal leadership candidates to delay imposing the terms of Bill 115 as a way to quell labour unrest, that option was rejected. “I don’t know anyone but Sam Hammond, Gerard Kennedy and (St. Paul’s MPP) Eric Hoskins who thinks postponing it will reduce the uncertainty,” the senior government source added. A top Liberal strategist said Broten has no choice but to use the powers under Bill 115. “She is going to bring down the hammer. You’ve got a whole bunch of staffers and teachers in other parts of the (education) system who have agreed to the terms.… You have to bring everyone into the same deal,” said the veteran, who added Bill 115 could be repealed before the next election.
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