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Settlement for veterans worth $888M
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Long time coming. Class-action lawsuit launched against Ottawa by local man over decades-old clawbacks results in victory for about 7,500 Canadians
Dennis Manuge, the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit over military-pension clawbacks, talks with reporters at a law office in Halifax on Wednesday. Lawyers representing the veterans say they’ve reached a tentative settlement with Ottawa worth $887.8 million. Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press
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A David-and-Goliath legal battle that pitted thousands of disabled Canadian veterans against the federal government is one step away from its finale. Lawyers for the Porter’s Lake man who launched the class-action suit nearly six years ago unveiled a settlement agreement Wednesday worth $887.8 million. “It’s been an incredible journey and a very frustrating one at times, but someone asked if I’d do it again, and I would, in a heartbeat,” said former military mechanic Dennis Manuge. “We made it through.”
Highlights of settlement • $424 million in retro-
active payments dating back to 1976
• $1-million legal fund for veterans • $10-million scholarship fund for veterans and families
Manuge was injured in 2001, just before being deployed to Bosnia. He left the military in 2003, suffering from a lower-back injury and bouts of depression. He filed the lawsuit over the practice of reducing disability benefits by the amount of a disability pension payment in March 2007, and legal wrangling over certification lasted until 2010. In May, a federal court judge ruled the clawback wasn’t per-
mitted, and negotiations on a settlement began in July 2012. As lead plaintiff, Manuge said he’s been kept abreast of negotiations, but said it’s a relief to share the final dollar figure with the other 7,500 members of the class action. “Money can’t fix everything, but it can help with some of the daily stresses of putting food on the table, paying bills and all that kind of thing,” he said. “Seventy-five hundred veterans can turn the page and move on with dignity to a better part of life.” Manuge said he’s very satisfied with the settlement and believes most class members will support it, though he added there are other veterans’ issues still waiting to be addressed. “This was one major battle in a huge war, and it goes on,” he said. The package goes to Federal Court in Halifax for final approval on Feb. 14 and 15. Ruth Davenport/Metro
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