B:2.38” T:2.38” S:2.38”
After the slide
Weather your cold. T:4.028”
pages 10-11
Avalanche week, Part 1 of 5: How the deaths of seven children near the B.C.-Alberta border in 2003 changed everything
Monday, January 28, 2013 News worth sharing.
We’ll all feel bet ter.
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Bumpy political road ahead for new premier
HallsML_Metro_FrontRightSkybox_Weather_ENG.indd 1 12-12-19 2:00 PM
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Solving a stalemate. Head of minority Liberal government pledges to bring back legislature Feb. 19
Standing on stage at the Ontario Liberal Leadership Convention Saturday, having just smashed a glass ceiling and won the race to be premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne said: “Believe it or not, this was the easy part.” The next morning, the Progressive Conservative party re-
<(//2: radio attack ads brand-MAGENTA ing, but not a lot in the way leased ing her “another McGuinty of action.” Bisson said the NDP is willLiberal Ontario can’t afford.” PC MPP Vic Fideli told re- ing to work with Wynne, but porters his party won’t for- they’re going to want to see give her for her predecessor’s help for people worried about sins, because she was “at the “jobs and pocketbook issues.” For her part, Wynne said cabinet table” when the Liberals cancelled power plants in she will be hoping to work Oakville and Mississauga — with the other two leaders on at a cost of at least $230 mil- the budget, poverty and all aclion — and during the ORNGE countability issues. “I’d like to really drill down scandal, in which the company is alleged to have reck- into (Tim Hudak’s) ideas about how you take this very large lessly spent taxpayer money. Moments later, New Demo- enterprise and break it down crat MPP Gilles Bisson piled to make it more accountable,” on. “I’ve been listening to she said. “We’ve put in place mechWynne and McGuinty and others for nine years talk anisms to make government about what they’re going to more accountable, but still do for people in poverty,” he things have fallen through the said. “Lots of wonderful talk- cracks.”
City hall under review
Egypt’s state of emergency
Calling all gamers
“Building a Livable Ottawa 2031” will include feedback from community, developers
President Mohammed Morsi declares 30-day curfew in three provinces to quell wave of violence page 12
Metro looks at the best to come in 2013 for video-game fanatics
jessica smith
Metro in Toronto
Wynne-ing ontario
page 4
Premier Dalton McGuinty congratulates Kathleen Wynne after she becomes the new leader of the Ontario Liberal 1 on 13-01-04 2:51Gunn/the PM canadian press Party at theLMD-OTT-Metro-000ext-10x164-CLR.pdf Ontario Liberal Leadership convention in Toronto Saturday. Frank
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