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when you’re buried under a mountain of snow, every second counts. Go to to watch Sadie the rescue dog at work halifax
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 News worth sharing. | |
Transit asks for fare hike
Money matters. Riders seem resigned to proposed 25¢ increase
And on the 7th day, dog was finished Local artist Gordon Sparks puts a few finishing touches on a large snow sculpture of his dog Harley on Tuesday in Halifax. It took Gordon six days to create the piece, using a snow shovel, a machete and a spatula. Jeff Harper/Metro
As Metro Transit makes its case to regional councillors for a fare hike, most transit users say it won’t affect how often they ride the bus or ferry. Transit officials will present the draft 2013-14 budget plans to HRM’s audit and finance committee Wednesday, which includes a proposed 25-cent rate increase that will boost the cost of every trip to $2.50 per person. “Twenty-five cents is 25 cents,” said Kersten Carrigan as she waited at the Barrington Street terminal on Tuesday. “It’s just as much as people will complain about ... in gas. Basically, it’s nothing to me.” But some riders say they already have a difficult time affording public transit. “I’m on a budget and, let me tell you, it’s high enough as it is,” said Les Steeves at the Barrington stop. The transit presentation indicates the fare hike will pay for technological upgrades,
Last increase was in 2008
If the fare hike is approved in the 2013-14 budget, it will be the first increase since 2008.
and reduce the burden on taxpayers. Donnie Fraser said he wasn’t surprised about the increase, because oil and gas prices continue to rise across the country. “It would go back up,” Fraser said about the fare, adding he will keep taking the bus because it’s the only way he can get around. Also waiting at the Barrington stop, Joan, who didn’t want to give her last name, said the hike is the cost of getting better service. “It’s hard for people to pay the increases, but it’s hard for (Metro Transit) to keep these amount of buses going ... and they take you to a lot more places than they ever did,” Joan said, adding she takes advantage of free rides for seniors. “It’s the same as running a home, you have to put everything on the burners.” Haley Ryan/metro
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