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losing Michel DAY


Justin trudeau on the death of his brother and the importance AVALANCHE WEEK of Avalanche awareness pages 12 & 13


WEEKEND, February 1-3, 2013 News worth sharing.

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Road 16 – Cars 0 City of Ottawa workers fill potholes on the Rockcliffe Parkway Thursday morning after 16 cars were damaged because of road conditions. GRAHAM LANKTREE/metro

Car cruncher. Potholes damage 16 cars as weather ‘roller-coaster’ wreaks road havoc Graham Lanktree


Two deep potholes that damaged 16 cars on the Rockcliffe

Parkway Thursday morning are just the beginning of the city’s worries when it comes to weather and the roads. “It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. In the last 48 hours or more we’ve dealt with snow, freezing rain, flooding and now the potholes,” said Kevin Wylie, the City of Ottawa’s manager of roads and traffic operations. “That’s the problem with the fluctuation

in temperatures. When the moisture gets down into the asphalt and then freezes, it all pops up.” After a week of flash freezes and thaws that saw more than 15 millimetres of rain fall on the city starting Tuesday night and the temperature rise to 11.6 C Wednesday, a series of deep potholes opened up in a construction zone on the Rockcliffe Parkway and throughout

the city during the early-morning commute. “In total 16 vehicles received damage. Mostly flat tires or shock damage from the car going in the hole,” said RCMP spokesperson MarcAndre Massie. “Tow trucks were called in to take care of the cars.” Drivers with damaged cars can call the city to file an insurance claim, said Wylie, noting

Brazeau under fire

Computer drops rhymes

Not Fade Away

Belittling comments about Chief Spence’s hunger strike draw ire from Idle No More organizer page 2

New Sens track had to be rerecorded after tech crash, but local MC says song is even better now page 6

The Reel Guys dish on the merits of movies on the lives and deaths of three golden oldies icons: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper page 17

the city spends $6.3 to 6.5 million a year on patching potholes on the roads. There are no plans, he said, to increase that funding. “With the ways the winters have been going, it’s happening more and more,” he said of damage to the roads. City workers were out Thursday filling potholes with hot asphalt, which Wylie said hasn’t been avail-

able until recently. “It gives you a much more permanent patch; previously, it’s been cold asphalt, and that’s just a temporary patch,” he said. “In previous years we haven’t had that. To get hot asphalt, you need asphalt plants to stay open through the winter, and they traditionally haven’t done that, because there hasn’t been enough business for them.”

Something to prove on Super Bowl Sunday Neither the San Francisco 49ers nor the Baltimore Ravens have ever tasted Super Bowl defeat. Metro looks at the teams and the players contending for glory pages 33


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