Wednesday, April 17, 2013 | |
City remembers Raymond Taavel ‘Love and solidarity.’ Rainbow flags, posters distributed in honour of Halifax activist
Friends of Raymond Taavel and local political figures gather for a rainbow-flag raising in front of Halifax City Hall to commemorate the one-year anniversary of his death. A single bouquet of flowers was laid at the base. EMILY KITAGAWA/FOR METRO
Wednesday marks the oneyear anniversary of the death of Halifax gay-rights activist Raymond Taavel. For Kevin Kindred, the loss still stings. “It’s a pain that will continue,” Taavel’s friend says. “Not just on an emotional level, but certainly Raymond’s contributions to the community.” Taavel was a beloved activist and leader in Halifax’s LGBT community. His life was cut short after he tried breaking up a fight outside the Menz Bar on Gottingen Street last year. He was beaten to death, with Andre Noel Denny charged with killing him. Taavel was only 49. On a windy Tuesday afternoon, some of Taavel’s friends and family, along with local
political leaders, gathered at the Grand Parade to raise a rainbow flag in his memory. When Taavel died, the community used rainbows to remember him as a gesture of unity. “We want to remember the city that was awash with rainbows a year ago, and rekindle that sense of finding something positive despite the tra-
ordinator of Halifax Pride, says he still sees some of last year’s flags around the city. “It’s nice to see people recalling that ray of beauty in all the pain surrounding that day,” he explains. Mayor Mike Savage attended the ceremonial flag raising and says the death of Taavel is still shocking. “Since he died he’s caused a
“It’s that kind of uncontainable passion he had that really will last.” Kevin Kindred describes his friend Raymond Taavel, pictured left Kindred says the community wanted to mark the one-year anniversary of Taavel’s death quietly and symbolically.
gedy,” says Kindred. Venus Envy and The Youth Project have been distributing rainbow posters and flags in memory of Taavel for people and businesses to hang in their windows. Adam Reid, friend of Taavel’s and communications co-
lot of people to think of what kind of community we have.” Kindred says in the end, it’s a community where love triumphs adversity. “We try to remember the love and solidarity more than the tragedy.” CLARK JANG/FOR METRO
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