AWD Report 2020
5. WEST AFRICA During the AWD, 10 West African countries implemented constitutional reforms that include provisions relevant to VAW and harmful practices, in both broader and specific terms.
5.1. Constitutional Provisions During the AWD, 10 West African countries implemented constitutional reforms that include provisions relevant to VAW and harmful practices, in both broader and specific terms. Five countries (Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Niger and Senegal) have constitutional provisions relevant to harmful practices. In 2012, Senegal’s 2001 Constitution was amended to include the following provisions: “The human person is sacred… Every individual has the right to life… to corporeal integrity, notably to protection against all physical mutilations” (Article 7).1540 Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire (Article 5 1541 and Guinea (Article 8)1542 have enshrined the prohibition against FGM in their constitutions. Furthermore, Guinea’s 2020 Constitution prohibits underage and forced marriage.1543 The other countries’ constitutions allude to protecting citizens from harmful practices without clearly defining these. Reforms in Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger also have constitutional provisions prohibiting VAW. The 2010 (rev. 2017) Constitution of Niger states that, “the State takes, among others, measures to combat the violence done to women and children in public and private life.” 1544 In Cabo Verde, Article 82 of the Constitution, amended in 2010, states that, “the law shall punish domestic violence and shall protect the rights of all members of a family.”1545
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