Design Buy Build - Issue 33 2018

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Design Buy Build M


Self Builders






Property Develop e r s

20th Street House This 20-foot-wide wood frame townhouse, located at the end of a row along a narrow side yard, had existing front and rear extensions.

E A r ch it e ct s

Signature Group It’s no secret that Mallorca’s economy relies heavily on investment from northern Europe. More than every third property is acquired by foreigners.

Issue 33 2018

I n t e r io r D e s i g n e rs

Low Maintenance Windows People are looking for period features to enhance their homes such as beautiful heritage style windows and doors.

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Issue 33 2018


Products & Services


Holm Place - OB Architecture

Holm Place is a new dwelling in the village of South Warnborough. The 0.12-hectare site is located in the upper garden of Manor Court, a 17th century Grade II listed building in the South Warnborough Conservation Area.


Editors Choice


Bathrooms & Kitchens


Doors, Windows & Fittings


20th Street House - BFDO Architects


Drainage & Plumbing

This 20-foot-wide wood frame townhouse, located at the end of a row along a narrow side yard, had existing front and rear extensions.


Floors & Flooring


Heating, Ventilation & Insulation


New Kitchen Trends - AW 2018

Embrace more colour and texture. Explore exciting veneers and finishes. Get clever with technology, with raised islands housing hobs and discreet integrated extraction.


Home Automation


Interiors & Interior Design


Evolution Windows


Landscaping & External Works

With the rise in TV costume dramas such as ‘The Crown’ and ‘Victoria’, period properties are experiencing a resurgence in sales. People are looking for period features to enhance their homes such as beautiful heritage style windows and doors.


Lighting & Electrical


Roofing, Cladding & Facades


Signature Group

It’s no secret that Mallorca’s economy relies heavily on investment from northern Europe. Many of the property buyers are “big players” with appropriate financial resources, and they have discovered Mallorca for themselves.


EXKLUSiV Floors Join The Marvel Universe

Classic marvel comic book covers and characters adorn high-tech panels to turn flooring into a focal point.


5 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool During Hot Weather

Forget expensive air conditioning units and electric-guzzling fans – energy saving blinds reflect up to 78% of the sun’s warmth.


Butterfly House

Sunlight is transformative. It has the ability to change the experience of a space, as well as how we live, feel and relate to one another. We brought our Australian affinity for natural light and open-plan living to Butterfly House, an East London townhouse, while retaining its classic English details and sentiment.

Cover Story


Holm Place - OB Architecture

Design Buy Build - Editor in Chief Antony Holter 01304 806 039

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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in Design Buy Build however, the publishers accept no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by advertisers, manufacturers or contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic (including photocopying) or stored in any information retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher.


Industry News

Young people gloomy about home owning prospects

Architects feel optimistic about future workloads with Northern practices looking to recruit more staff – RIBA Future Trends Survey May 2018

Seven in 10 (70%) of us say that the difficulties young people have getting onto the housing ladder is one of the biggest problems we have in Britain today.

The RIBA Future Trends Workload Index continued its positive trend this month, rising to +24 in May 2018, up from +13 in April.

However at the same time the desire for home ownership remains strong. Almost half (48%) of people aged between 25 and 34 today who aren’t on the property ladder say they want to own their own home within the next 10 years. However, many in this age-group are highly pessimistic about their prospects of achieving home ownership even if they wait a decade: 41% think that the achievement of their dream is unlikely. The past, current and future accommodation that young people between 25 and 34 live in clearly shows: A significant drop in those who own their own home – down from 40% in 2008 to 33% today. But a significant number (62%) want to own their own home by 2028. By 2028 far fewer want to be living in private rented accommodation – down from 31% today to 9%. Today 14% of the so-called boomerang generation live in a property owned by a friend or relative. This is not somewhere that many of today’s 18-24 year-olds see themselves living in 10 years – just 3%.

In terms of geographical analysis, practices in London continue to be the most pessimistic about medium term workloads, but with a balance figure of +16 London practices have at least returned to positive territory and on balance believe that workloads will increase in the medium term. The balance figure in the Midlands and East Anglia was +18, in the North of England +46, in the South of England +24 and in Wales and the West +28. Practices in Scotland were somewhat more cautious, returning a balance figure of +17. It is the northern powerhouse region that remains most upbeat. In terms of practice size, large practices (51+ staff) returned a workload balance figure of +80, for medium-sized practices (11 - 50 staff) the balance figure was +25, and for small practices (1 - 10 staff) the balance figure was +23. The private housing sector workload forecast rose to +22, the commercial sector rose to +11 and the public sector rose up to +3: all moved in a positive direction this month. Only the community sector workload forecast

The need for a new approach to capital funding for affordable housing

RIBA Executive Director Members, Adrian Dobson, said: “Commentary received from our participating practices continues to suggest a reasonably steady work flow and the overall mood music remains cautiously optimistic, but many practices report fee levels are still under pressure because of the highly competitive market for our services. A small number of correspondents report difficulties in recruiting staff, but this does not appear to be a widespread problem at present, suggesting a fairly balanced employment market for salaried architects”.

The IPPR highlighted that housing costs are approximately 25% higher in rural communities, while average wages are lower. Homes in rural communities are around £19,000 more expensive than the average for England and, when compared to the urban communities (except for London), that figure exceeds £87,000.

The report identifies four solutions:

Mirroring the Workload Index, practices in the North of England (balance figure +23) were the most optimistic about being able to take on more staff over the next quarter, whereas London practices (balance figure +3) do not anticipate a significant recruitment drive.

• The need for new housing policies designed to support the unique features of rural communities and housing

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has published a policy report, “A new rural settlement, fixing the affordable housing crisis in rural England”, shedding light on some of the unique challenges rural communities face.

The Government must commit to more devolution, including bespoke deals on housing and planning

There was also a sizeable jump in the RIBA Future Trends Staffing Index this month, up significantly to +12 in May 2018 compared with +1 in April. The staffing forecast for large practices (51+ staff) was +80 in May, for mediumsized practices (11 - 50 staff) it was +18 and small practices (1 - 10 staff) it was +9.

• The need to bring forward land for affordable housing

HBA: Rural communities need bespoke housing policy

saw a negative movement, falling to +3 in May 2018 down from +7 in April.

Moreover, the IPPR identified that homes in rural communities are predominantly built on small sites, with rural exception sites being the key policy tool to enable these properties.


Industry News

NFB urges the Government for a fair procurement process The Treasury has reportedly decided to end the Private Funding Initiative (PFI) on the Midland Metropolitan Hospital following Carillion’s collapse. The European Investment Bank, Credit Agricole, KfW IPEX, DZ Bank and Sumitomo Mitsui were also part-funding it. It is understood that the Government is now exploring the possibility of putting a revised PFI deal together to complete the outstanding work on the hospital and is going to market to discuss this option. If a new PFI deal cannot be agreed, it will most likely be completed as a government-procured construction job.

A report by the National Audit Office into the contractor’s collapse said that the firm lost around £48 million on the job in 2017. Neil Walters, national chair of the National Federation of Builders, said: “Change doesn’t just happen, you have to make it happen. The Government has said it wants to learn the lessons from Carillion, but appears – yet again – to be using exactly the same procurement method for a quick fix. There are more efficient methods of procurement than PFI available now, that are a better use of taxpayers’ money, and we don’t need to wait for the ink to have dried on the investigations into Carillion to implement them.”

Latest Construction Output Data Raises Questions Over Industry Strength

In 2007, the NFB, was one of the first organisations to take issue with how the Government’s approach to procurement and frameworks put SMEs at a distinct disadvantage. A disproportionately onerous administrative bidding process costs thousands, even tens of thousands of pounds, win or lose. Some of our members report spending up to 30 days each year on bidding for work. We do have mechanisms in place which have levelled the playing field.

Housebuilders must belong to New Homes Ombudsman, say Parliamentarians

ONS figures published today show that construction output increased 0.5% month-on-month in April.

Calls for mandatory scheme membership

Output was, however, 3.3% lower compared to April 2017, and on a rolling three-month basis contracted by 3.4%, the largest fall since August 2012. Alongside this, new orders in Q1 fell 4.6% quarter-on-quarter and 6.6% in annual terms.

A cross-party group of Parliamentarians has set out proposals for a New Homes Ombudsman to help provide better redress for dissatisfied home buyers.

Take A Chance On Mees Energy efficiency has always been high on our agenda in the building controls sector but now set to quickly rise up the priority list. Many of you are already aware of the recent introduction of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) that came into full effect on 1stApril 2018. Simply put, this new standard has made it unlawful for a landlord to let or renew a lease on a property if the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is F or G – it’s as simple as that. This has raised many discussions and concerns in the building controls industry over the past few months…


In its report, published on June 26, the AllParty Parliamentary Group for Excellence in the Built Environment calls on the government to make it mandatory for all housebuilders to belong to an independent ombudsman scheme. The report, Better redress for homebuyers, says that a New Homes Ombudsman should be independent, free to consumers and provide a quick resolution to disputes. The report also recommends that government, warranty providers, housebuilders and consumer group’s work together to draw up a code of practice which would be used by the New Homes Ombudsman to adjudicate on disputes.



Holm Place is a new dwelling in

maximizing light and blurring

The 0.12-hectare site is located in


the village of South Warnborough. the upper garden of Manor Court,

the threshold between inside and

a 17th century Grade II listed

The L-shaped plan is pushed to

Conservation Area. The brief was

the green setting around the listed

home to accommodate four

and building materials take their

spaces. The design aims to have a

simple pallet of brick, timber, off-

building in the South Warnborough

the edges of the site to preserve

to create an exemplary modern

building. The elevational treatment

bedrooms with open-plan living

cues from Manor Court, utilizing a

direct relationship to the garden,

white render, glass, and zinc.


The building is arranged on a 3m structural grid,

The ground floor accommodation has two distinct

give clarity and order to the composition.

glazed kitchen, dining, living space and the west

which is expressed both internally and externally to

zones, the north wing containing an open-plan wing the bedroom accommodation.

For the external walls facing north, a solid

enclosure was defined using brick and a zinc

Forming a connection between these two areas

agricultural buildings in the local area and the

staircase. The circulation is defined by a minimal

cladding system above. The zinc references the

is the entrance hall, gallery and double-height

leadwork on Manor Court. Timber cladding was

column structure that forms a cloister facing the

employed for the internal courtyard elevations

walled garden.

with the vertical proportions matching the panels on Manor Court. The iroko was chosen for its

The master bedroom suite at first floor is designed

match the color tone of the existing building.

views of the countryside.

with an intimate terrace that takes in the wide

durability and color that will weather down to Images:- Martin Gardner


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we make ideas come to life

Perforated metal in modern architecture The creative use of perforated metal in urban design shapes the framework of our surroundings. Perforated metal offers a whole new level of freedom for designers and architects who want to influence the cityscape of tomorrow and breathe new life into urban areas. Versatility and functionality Perforated metal offers a unique versatility and functionality when it comes to design, material and use. A good example is the use of perforated metal as decorative facade cladding, where it also serves as an efficient sun screen that does not require power or manual adjustment to work. Using perforated metal as a decorative part of buildings, interiors and facades creates countless possibilities. To assist professionals within the building sector to obtain the best possible

results, RMIG has established a complete process that gives the needed support. RMIG’s perforation experts are there to offer advice and guidance for the whole journey – from the conception of the idea to the choice of materials, patterns and finishing treatments to the final product manufacture. RMIG case studies Among the many projects where perforation has been used in urban design the following two multi-storey car parks are recent examples of the functionality and versatility of perforated metal. MSCP Victoria Street Multi-storey car park, Liverpool When designing the facade of the MSCP in Victoria Street, Liverpool, the architects wanted to pay tribute to the city’s fishing industry and decided on a modern interpretation of the fishnet pattern. 14

Thanks to RMIG ImagePerf technology, it was possible to reproduce the design on to the 243 perforated sheets that made up the facade, covering an area of 800 m2. In addition to the perforated facade cladding, RMIG also supplied expanded metal for the ground level of the MSCP. Both the perforated sheets and expanded metal provide the necessary ventilation and light for a facility of this kind. Technical characteristics Raw material: Aluminium 1050 Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf Thickness: 3.0 mm Finishing operations: Folding and cutting Surface treatment: Powder coating

MSCP Time Square, Bridge Street Multi-storey car park, Warrington, Cheshire As part of the redevelopment of Bridge Street in Warrington, Cheshire, a multi-storey car park has been constructed, providing the town with more than 1,000 much-needed parking spaces. This massive eight-storey car park has a remarkable facade made from an astonishing 3,500 m2 of perforated sheets manufactured and supplied by RMIG, with RMIG ImagePerf technology being used to create the vivid perforated patterns. Technical characteristics Raw Material: Outer Skin -Aluminium J57S Anodised Inner Skin - Raw material: Aluminium EN 1050 Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf Thickness: 3.0 mm Finishing operations: Folding Surface treatment: Powder coating

Going from strength to strength‌ To individualise and strengthen its design and architectural efforts, RMIG has chosen to market their creative solutions under the name of City Emotion. The RMIG City Emotion concept has already been used for a wide range of projects all over Europe, providing invaluable experience for the future. Building further on these achievements, RMIG continues to explore and develop the many different ways to use perforation in modern design, and to this end, they collaborate closely with architects, designers and entrepreneurs to conceive new and bold ideas that will influence the shape of our cities. RMIG provides perforated and expanded metal for a wide variety of applications. As the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier within 15

the industry, RMIG has the experience and logistics to offer you the right solutions for the right price. In addition to exterior cladding, RMIG supplies products and solutions for construction and architectural purposes such as car park and security screening, acoustic wall linings, ceilings, lighting, street furniture, balustrades and walkways. RMIG has local representation in 13 countries in Europe, with a total of 15 sales offices/ production units, plus other local representatives in many overseas countries. RMIG provides extensive local expertise and freedom of choice, whether it is express stock deliveries or tailor-made solutions for specific design requirements. For further information visit Email: Tel: 01925 839610


This 20-foot-wide wood frame townhouse, located at the end of a row along a narrow side yard, had existing front and rear extensions. The

building volume was selectively manipulated—in some cases through addition, in others through subtraction—to improve room sizes,

sequences and adjacencies. Generously sized skylights, window walls

and glazed corners were employed to make the most of available natural light.

The front extension was carved away at the corner to create a covered front porch, wraparound window and mudroom. The rotation of the front door—now perpendicular to the street—attenuates the entry sequence (meaning the visitor doesn’t enter directly into the main

volume, as in a typical row house). To open up the exposed wall to

available light, the stairs were relocated to the party wall. Instead of a

straight run, the stairs take a ninety-degree turn and are lit from above, by a large skylight. The corners of the living room and dining rooms were eroded to bring light in and extend views diagonally.



The rear extension was widened to about 15 feet to create a generous

mahogany-paneled kitchen with an

island, pantry and home office nook. A deck off the kitchen extends the

materiality of the interior living spaces out into the yard.

Upstairs, the master suite is located at the front and insulated from the

bustle of the house by an airlock of

two parallel pocket doors. A windowed walk-in closet, sky-lit bathroom and

west-facing glazed wall bring lots of light inside.

In the back, corner-wrapping windows take advantage of the open skies

behind the house to bring generous amounts of light into the children’s

bedrooms. White oak, used for floors,

stairs and built-in shelving and cabinets throughout the house, keep the palette pale and neutral.

In the bathrooms, oak elements mix

with cement tile and ceramic mosaics in blue and white. In the basement,

which is set up as a family room and

equipment storage space, vinyl tiles in a graphic pattern provide visual interest.

Outside, tongue and groove white cedar siding, paired with integrated fencing and planters, creates crisp square

corners. Rectangles of gray stain wrap

the corners and insets to emphasize the volumetric shifts in the facade. Photographer— Francis Dzikowski/ OTTO

Editor’s Choice

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UNUSUALLY LARGE BALCONIES NO PROBLEM FOR SCHÖCK It is not necessarily the largest projects that provide the biggest challenges and this was certainly the case for structural thermal break specialists Schöck, at Weston Street in Bermondsey.

A second type, more commonly used for steel structures, was introduced for further support at the top of the precast concrete handrail and bolted back through the wall.

A short walk from London Bridge station, the development is an intriguing, minimalist, modern aesthetic design. It comprises eight interlocking split-level apartments stacked above ground floor commercial space. The external envelope features a brickwork outer skin over a loadbearing concrete inner skin – and unusually large cantilevered concrete balconies.

To anchor the Isokorb into the precast balcony, bespoke long bolts were manufactured, which spanned the wall thickness and enabled the units to connect with a cast-in steel plate.

It was these heavy balconies that provided the challenge for Schöck. who have a reputation for solving demanding structural thermal break issues. Working closely with the precaster, the decision was taken to optimise the solution by utilising two different types of Schock Isokorb. The first, for concrete-to-concrete connectivity, was cast-in along the back edge of the balcony and then into the slab.

Products meet full compliance with the relevant UK building regulations, have NHBC approval, LABC Registration and independent BBA Certification.

The comprehensive Schöck Isokorb range provides totally verifiable connectivity solutions for concrete-toconcrete, concrete-to-steel and steelto-steel.

Contact Schöck on 01865 290 890; or visit the website at www.schoeck. for the free Schöck Thermal Bridging Guide; Schöck Specifiers Guide or full range of downloadable software.


Environmentally friendly

Editor’s Choice


Dawn Pretty

The ColorReader is Datacolor’s smallest design yet, which offers users 94% matching colour accuracy. Based on RAL and NCS, the ColorReader holds more than 4,700 colours. The handheld, ultra-portable automated colour matching tool allows you to identify colours on the go; working in conjunction with its mobile app and saving colours for your future reference. By scanning the tool against a coloured surface, pressing ‘read’ on the phone app will show you the three closest colours matched to the scanned shade. And based from a colour code, you will be able to mix your colours in a DIY store. It provides industry leading matching with greater than a 95% success rate on popular fan decks and it create palettes on your iphone or Android smart phone.

First impressions are key. Atmosphere is enhanced by decor. Your walls are the largest visual space to make an impact.

To find out more information and to purchase the ColorReader, visit shop

Looks Good, Good Looks with Mermet’s Ultimetal Blinds in the Mermet Ultimetal fabric don’t only look good themselves, they also give good views of the outside and permit good views inside by removing excess levels of light and glare. Whilst they will significantly reduce summer heat gain from the sun, unusually, if deployed on winter nights they will also assist in conserving night time warmth. When not in use, the thinness of the fabric permits its rolling up into a very small headbox, which powder coated to match the window frame makes the installed blind so discrete as to be almost invisible. Time you had a good look at Mermet’s Ultimetal. Mermet UK, Ryeford, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7PU 01989 750910

Set the tone and standard of your establishment with individually created works of art by a professional artist, expert in any genre, your style catered for, drawing together all the elements of your decor and design, complimenting and expressing the ambience you are creating. A picture paints a thousand words. For personal consultation, to plan and create original art, which will appreciate in value through time, yet designed to your cost preference, contact Dawn Pretty

Tel; 07979721253

Reynaers’ aluminium systems provide outstanding design in the heart of London 190 Strand is an award-winning development from St Edward which offers a range of bespoke apartments, suites and penthouses in the heart of London. The building’s façade at 190 Strand draws on the influence of its grand neighbours, which includes two of the world’s finest universities, King’s College and the London School of Economics and Political Science. The stone, glass and metal filigree façade of 190 Strand is flanked by the Courtauld Gallery and Somerset House. The development’s buildings weave around landscaped squares stepped down the slope of Arundel Street towards the River Thames and are set back from the street by paved areas and classically-inspired colonnades.

Further details are available from: Reynaers Limited, Tel: 0121 421 1999, or email:, website:


NE Fasteners

Curved, colourful, compact; ABL’s Chroma is a practical and stylish addition to your desktop. Its neat design and customisable endcaps provide an exciting refresh to a firm customer favourite, while retaining all of the features that have made ABL power modules so popular.

NE Fasteners Limited is a family owned company with over 30 years’ experience, primarily specialising in screws fixings & fasteners for the DIY, hardware, building, joinery and furniture manufacturing sectors. NE Fasteners prides itself with offering expertise, competitive prices from local and internationally sourced standard and bespoke products.

ABL believes that new product development is essential in an ever-changing market and, through listening to customer feedback, we are excited to launch the latest development to Chroma – now available with a coloured body in a range of options that will allow your brand identity to shine through. Chroma is available with a range of sockets and connections, including ABL’s excellent Smart Charge component. For more information please call our friendly sales team on 0800 082 1444.


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Editor’s Choice



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(62%) believe indoor air is just

asthma by 40%, and unless we

health as a result. Research from the VELUX Group has revealed the need to rethink building

design and renovation to avoid a

future increase of children suffering from asthma or allergies.

Featuring a host of new products

designing healthy buildings that

brackets, hold-down connectors

awareness of the importance of are well ventilated and enjoy

to their personal health.

designed specifically to connect

previous generations.

Don’t be put off buying property from auctioneers, says ground engineering experts With the UK government currently falling behind its 2015 targets of building one million new homes by 2020, together with high house prices, it’s little wonder that UK auction houses predict a stable market in 2018, despite a dip last year. The snap general election last year and the Brexit vote caused slight industry jitters, however, many buyers decided to take advantage of the new economic climate and it is predicted that this will continue in 2018. With more buyers, including first time buyers, opting for auction houses rather than the traditional estate agents , ground engineering experts, Mainmark, want to offer those purchasing property from auctions advice and guidance on the advanced ground engineering solutions now available.

For more information about Mainmark, please visit:

look nowhere else”.

construction of CLT structures, a team of engineers based at its manufacturing plant in

Tamworth, offering technical support and assistance.

the entire structure to concrete.

The new brochure can be

Sales Director, Jon Head explains:

Strong-Tie UK website

“We have drawn together a huge

Fewer steps to improved risk management by Alcumus With high profile risk management stories constantly in the news now, it is timely that Alcumus, the specialist in compliance and risk management, is introducing a more efficient way for contractors to attain the vital health and safety accreditation they need to work for UK clients in a safer manner. Following extensive research and consultation with Alcumus’ contractor base of over 30,000 members, the company has overhauled the accreditation route to its award-winning SafeContractor assessment scheme. Safety at work is a high-priority, boardroom agenda item for UK PLC, which can be a difficult task for companies that work with contractors, and in turn, places increased pressure on contractors to assure clients that they operate compliantly.

To find out more, please visit 21

ceiling – the CLT designer need

Simpson Strong-Tie also has

and chemical mortar products

90% of their lives – compared to

constructions from floor to

and structural screws, this

CLT buildings, as well as steel

their time indoors – currently

and fasteners to enable CLT

To further support the design and

of solutions for the assembly of

to a growing number of people

of performance tested connectors

including heavy duty angle

edition represents a complete set

both good daylight and fresh air.

who spend the vast majority of

their lives and what contributes

for CLT’ catalogue.

door air. VELUX hopes to raise

countries (including the UK),

perceptions of the way they live

updated version of its ‘Connectors

as polluted or cleaner than out-

The Indoor Generation refers

unveiling around 16,000 people’s

Strong-Tie has released an

majority of people in Britain

The Indoor Generation survey was conducted across 14

connector manufacturer Simpson

The survey unearthed an alarm-

our European operations to

downloaded from the Simpson (

Site Power UK “ leading construction site electrics specialist Site Power UK are pleased to launch their latest 10 KVA 110volt safety Transformer the SITE10 ELS Extra internal 110volt light circuits give total control through its own dedicated MCB panel. 2 x 16 amp internal outputs for “Hard Wiring” safety lights are becoming the norm in today’s building sites. More details are available at or technical help desk 0800 9991103

Editor’s Choice


F.H. Brundle

Aico, the UK’s market leader in domestic mains powered Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) detection, has launched the new 3000 Series. This technologically advanced series detects both Fire and CO and includes, for the very first time, a Multi-Sensor Heat & CO Alarm, providing whole property coverage from one Series. “The 3000 Series represents one of the most significant advances of the Aico product range in recent years” states Aico Managing Director Neal Hooper. “It’s the coming together of the very latest alarm technologies with Aico’s reputation for unbeatable reliability and quality. We refer to the 3000 Series as having ‘intelligent simplicity’ - we’ve built intelligence in to every alarm whilst ensuring simplicity for every install.”

Boasting more than 1,000 components, the range offers the installer the flexibility to create stunning handrails and balustrades without the need for fabrication whilst overcoming on-site challenges that inevitably arise. The components are available in stainless steel Type 304 for internal installations and stainless steel Type 316 for external applications. Whether you are looking for pre-assembled posts, frameless glass balustrade, spigots, top rail or balconies F H Brundle can supply this form stock for next day delivery nationwide. Brundle also offer a range of infill solutions including glass with glass clamps, wire rope, bar, wire rope netting and a full range of standard glass panels. Perforated metal and wire mesh can also be supplied to your specification.

For more information, please visit

To find out more, please visit

F.H. Brundle’s impressive Pro-Railing range gives professional results every time.

All the hotel laundry is done on site and the existing laundry had three washers and one gas tumble dryer, but recently James Speers, the general manager, decided to increase the drying capacity. Following a recommendation he contacted Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems and bought a Huebsch 16kg capacity electric dryer. “We are open all year round, although our peak period is from April

Vector brings warmth, comfort and stylish British design to any room in the home, creating a cosy ‘Hygge’ ambience exactly where you want it. Vector provides both radiant and convective heat via an efficient cylindrical body yet requires no installation or maintenance. Ideal for heating occasional spaces such as home offices or garden rooms, the Vector’s minimalist single dial offers precision control of the 2kW power output. Hand-made by craftsmen in Britain, Vector can be used in any room with a 13amp socket and is silent and draught-free.

W: T: 01282 813235 E: Esse Engineering Limited Ouzledale Foundry Long Ing, Barnoldswick 1Lancs 02/07/2018 12:55 BB18 6BJ



The Le Friquet Hotel in Guernsey has 36 rooms, all with en suite facilities, plus a self contained two bedroom lodge in the gardens.


Vector: A Ground-Breaking New Electric Heater From ESSE


to the end of September”, James told us. “We wanted a second dryer, and decided to opt for an electrically powered one to take advantage of the annual variations in electricity prices on the island”.

54% of SME property developers say that access to finance is one of the most challenging aspects of building, converting or refurbishing residential property. A free, easy to use online service can now help SMEs overcome this challenge. The Panoptic platform launched recently, having selected a number of market leading lenders who provide property development finance, this fintech solution matches build projects with the right lenders. One of the selected lenders commented; 'Close Brothers is delighted to be

“Armstrong were very easy to deal with,” James said. “Everything went smoothly including the shipment from Portsmouth and we are very pleased with the new dryer which is working well.” For further information contact Armstrong on 01635 263410 or visit


one of the chosen lenders on the Panoptic Platform. Along with numerous other headwinds that SME property developers have to contend with, the critical process of raising finance can often be one of the most challenging. We believe that Panoptic will be of considerable assistance to this vitally important sector of our economy by helping developers reach the funders that can support them, like us.' Rowland Thomas; Director Close Brothers The Panoptic Platform aims to source over £500m of development finance, contributing to the building of 5,000 new homes, circa 2% of the government target.

Demista Quarter Page Ad 2017



Page 1

Bathrooms & Kitchens

Simple to install • Internationally Approved 10 Year Warranty



A division of Aztec (Europe) Ltd

Telford Road Glenrothes Fife KY7 4NX

TEL: +44 (0)1932 866600 • FAX: +44 (0)1932 866688 • E.

Bathrooms & Kitchens

A Steamy Problem Solved With demista™ Maxtop announces new factory and products Kitchen and bathroom surface specialist, Maxtop Quartz Ltd, is strengthening its manufacturing capabilities and product

offering with a brand new, state-of-the-art factory in China. Over 26 years ago, the innovators of demista™, spotted an obvious gap in the market, and developed the idea for a product that was unknown at that time. After extensive travelling they had noticed that hotels they were staying in had steamed up mirrors after bathing or showering. So the idea of the heated mirror pad came up. Steam can be a problem.

Think steamed up spectacles when out walking in cold weather. Or steamed up car windscreen, heat on the inside, freezing outside, and the bathroom mirror!

Situated at Chouzhou, near Shanghai, the 28,000 sq ft facility boasts ultra-modern machinery and the space to increase manufacturing capacity by 900 per cent.

Maxtop Quartz launched to the UK market in 2014, offering a

unique alternative to natural stone – a patented polypropylene honeycomb interior topped with an 8mm layer of solid quartz.

All that constant wiping, blowing and cleaning. The first two occurrences are difficult to solve, but the steamed up bathroom mirror is a problem that is easily solved.

Lightweight, but with the aesthetics of a solid stone surface, the product will soon be manufactured using more modern,

automated processes, making it even stronger and quicker to produce.

For more information about Maxtop Quartz, visit or the company’s Facebook and

Install demista™ heated mirror pads.

Twitter pages. To book onto your nearest training course,

visit Demista Quarter Page Ad 2017 13/1/17 09:47 Page 1 23

Black: industrial, stylish, metropolitan. The impact of a bathroom in which strong shades of black are used is unequalled; this latest interior trend is inspired by the robust industrial look of yesteryear.


Black is a powerful, elegant and luxurious colour. It enhances shapes and emphasises contrasts. Black also radiates energy and vitality.


OPERA: ART AND WATER Clean lines and a robust structure. An eye for detail in the finish and flowing movements when opening and closing.

In the picture: Opera

Beauty and technology meet in Opera, a shower door characterised by a nice finish and a clean design. Opera is ideal for styling a modern space thanks to the smart use of the contrast between glass, the black finish and the surroundings. The industrial style of the matte black Opera results in a chic and elegant look.

DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER If the interior is all about contrast, then this is highlighted by Zephyros. A clearly present frame of the shower door with a distinctive character: a gusty design. The matching matte black handgrips and details give it a tough look that fits in perfect with the latest interior trends.

In the picture: Zephyros

MINIMALISM AND CLEAN LINES Young 2.0 is versatile and adapts to endless situations. The shower walls make maximum use of the space thanks to the slender frame and the large proportion of glass. A tight division of the shower area with nice details for an immaculate and elegant feel. In the black version Young 2.0 can be easily combined with the natural beauty of Novosolid, a shower floor that fits in with the new interior philosophy of natural materials because of the stone texture.


In the picture: Young 2.0

An ode to the steel frames of yesteryear that are back in today’s latest interior trend. The Kuadra H walk-in shower with the new black line pattern, which is a wonderful look-a-like of the industrial, steel frame, makes each shower area a true work of art; a striking bathroom that reflects the personality of its resident.

Discover the series, by going to: Tel: 01727 229922

In the picture: Kuadra


MINIMALISM AND CLEAN LINES With a whole host of exciting product features, such as showering height of 2000mm, through to the minimal matt black, matt white of polished chrome profiling giving the enclosure a sleek and luxurious look. Coupled with the rise and fall door mechanism and the versatility to be installed on a shower tray or tiled floor, the Young collection gives you a multitude of showering options and fantastic value for money. Combine this with our Novosolid stone shower tray andfast flow with its anti-slip stone texture, stain and UV resistant, hiddenDesigned 90mm manufactured waste and can be cut down to size on site to fit difficult spaces. in MANTOVA

Designed and manufactured in MANTOVA

FOLLOW US Tel: 01727 229922



Embrace more colour and texture. Explore exciting veneers and

finishes. Get clever with technology, with raised islands housing hobs and discreet integrated extraction. Naked Kitchens talks trends. Colour me happy Blue is popular for kitchens but there has been a shift slightly towards green and aquamarine.

Pink with grey undertones is making its way into the kitchen, from blush through to plum.

Our Albert Bridge kitchen shows how pink looks grown up with deep purple and wood.


Make a splash Exciting splash backs in metallic are having

a moment. See our bespoke splash back with patinated finish in the new Hampton Court Kitchen.

Black is back and sleek black are having

a surge in popularity and are now at the

forefront of interior design trends. The work surface is Lapitec, Nero Assoluto in a satin finish.

Timber and more timber Go against the grain and show the character of wood with all its timber knots.

The oak doors in the Brancaster Marshes

kitchen were hand limed, rubbed back and re-limed multiple times to develop a deep

patina, with the grain being drawn out by hand with a bronze brush.

Timber isn't just for cabinets, take it in all

directions - up the walls too - as wide boards or tongue and groove joints. Open season Kitchens are now living spaces. Rooms are knocked together to make larger dining areas.

'A constant is still making the most of the

space available - more and more people are becoming aware of how bespoke can really work for them.' Jayne Everett, Creative Director

Naked Kitchens 01328 838 854

SHAKER KITCHEN John Lewis of Hungerford

The island makes a really stunning

blends in beautifully with the style

fabulous, spacious kitchen in a

with an elegant granite, ‘Bianco

tones throughout the kitchen work in

designer, Tom Layzell created this stunning detached four-bedroom home in Princes, Risborough,

Buckinghamshire. Designed to create the ideal space for entertaining, this kitchen includes a beautiful island

which incorporates a handy seating area. An island makes a stunning

centrepiece and the perfect setting for a social event with friends and family,

so it was a must-have for this kitchen.

addition to the kitchen and is topped Eclipse’ worktop. The same stone is

used as spashback behind the hob and creates an eye-catching feature wall. The outer cupboards are completed

with chrome cup handles and topped with solid oak work surfaces. The

sublime pairing of wood and stone worktops for this kitchen creates a

chic modern look, with added warmth and character.

A classic mixture of materials and

The client chose the latest Neff

contemporary look. This Shaker style

American style fridge-freezer and

design were used to create a timeless, kitchen delivers beautiful simplicity and its versatility means it can fit

both contemporary and traditional spaces.

appliances, which include a large

wine cooler, built in-to the island.

Innovative storage ideas have been

added to reduce clutter and increase space.

Finished in 2 colours using John

A tall cupboard serves as a pantry

award-winning paint. The cabinets

spice rack attached to the back of the

Lewis of Hungerford’s own range of are finished in ‘Easy White’ with the island in ‘Birch’.

Using a contrasting colour for the

island really enhances the aesthetics, and in this case, serves to create a modern feel.

for storing dry foods, with an oak

door. Taller units are kept together at the end of a run where they are least likely to block sunlight and views of the kitchen. An in-built

canopy extractor was added to create a striking feature over the hob,

complete with period detailing it 30

of kitchen cabinets. The variety of

harmony to create a tranquil space, with an abundance of natural light. John Lewis of Hungerford is the

original painted kitchen company. For over 45 years they have been

designing and creating, beautiful, handcrafted kitchens in their Oxfordshire workshop.

To find out more about John Lewis

of Hungerford and order one of their brochures please visit


Bathrooms & Kitchens

Introducing the WetBase™ tileable linear wet room tray

Twyford: The perfect partner for your next bathroom project

Amazing Grace from Hudson Reed

Wetrooms Online are pleased to introduce the fully tile-able WetBase™ linear wet room tray.

From planning and logistics to stock availability and aftersales, Twyford exceeds expectations to offer a wide range of bathroom solutions for any development.

The new Grace bathroom suite from Hudson Reed is a beautiful blend of organic curves and clean lines to create an elegant yet totally functional design.

Much as you’d expect from a name built on outstanding service and exceptional bathroom solutions, Twyford’s dedicated project planning team ensures smooth and efficient running of your project from start to finish.

The contemporary Grace ceramic collection is an extremely versatile design that would complement any bathroom style. Featuring a stunning freestanding bath, wall-hung basin and WC it is a style that delivers the ‘wow’ factor whilst being both practical and functional.

The linear drain of the tray can be fully tiled to match the surrounding tray and floor, resulting in a sleek, uniform looking floor that is not broken by drain grates. The 30mm thick tray currently comes in two sizes 1200 x 900mm with an ‘end’ drain location and 1500 x 900mm with a ‘side’ drain location, perfect for ‘walk through’ showers. Furthermore, the drain outlet can be sited left, centre or right allowing for the easy avoidance of joists etc.

Visit to view the range, call Freephone 0800 280 8008, or email for further details.

From classic to contemporary styles, Twyford offers a broad range of products to suit your budget and provide something different for your project. From ultra-hygienic Rimfree® technology to water-saving Flushwise®, Twyford continually seeks to improve its products aesthetically, technically and environmentally.

Like all ceramics from Hudson Reed, Grace comes with a 5-year guarantee ensuring consumers can be assured of the highest quality standards, durability and performance.

To find out more about the Grace bathroom suite from Hudson Reed, contact the company on Tel: 01422 417100 or visit the web site, to download a copy of their stunning April 2018 brochure.

Maximum system safety with a perfect fit: wedi Fundo Top

Here at wedi, we do not only offer individual products, we offer full system solutions so that you can sit back and enjoy the value of your investment. The wedi system comprises the highest quality components designed to work together to deliver unrivalled level of performance thus guaranteeing system safety for the whole floor to wall system. This year, for the very first time, we have brought out a ‘visible’ product to complement our Fundo Primo, Fundo Plano and Fundo Riolito neo walk-in shower ranges: a tailor made ready-to-fit surface, perfectly adapted to the slopes of our shower elements. As a 100% Fundo system component, the new wedi Fundo Top can be installed particularly easily to the corresponding Fundo floor element and can also be flexibly adjusted to suit requirements on site. 100% waterproof Non-slip surface=R11 Hygenic and easy care Safe to handle & cut on site

100% Fundo system component Load-bearing and wheelchair accessible

Installation advantages save time and stress

The one piece, seamless element is made from a 6mm thick, high-strength mineral material and is currently available in 4 colours: white, beige, grey and anthracite. It is wheelchair accessible and its non-slip surface (R11 equivalent) provides firm footing ensuring maximum safety in the shower for the whole family. The Fundo Top also offers a comfortable surface temperature at all times, so paired with the already excellent insulation properties of the wedi Fundo walk-in-shower elements, it further enhances the showering experience for all. Furthermore, the high-quality durable material has an antibacterial effect and its surface is dirt-resistant thus it’s not only hygienic but particularly easy to clean, and thanks to the practical full-body colour, over time, any surface scratches can be easily sanded down! The wedi Fundo Top truly is an ideal, elegant alternative to tiling without compromising the quality or the watertightness of the finish. wedi Systems (UK) Ltd · Unit 4 Mercury Park · Mercury Way · Trafford Park · M41 7LY Tel: 0161 864 2336 · Fax: 0161 864 1323 · ·



wedi UK

GETTING A HANDLE ON GREAT DESIGN How many times have you admired a

“So, we have in-house design and

but with the

a wooden door, an old door or a

us to work closely with customers,

metallic finish

great door? It might be a large door, beautifully designed door.

And, unless it’s an automatic door, the

manufacturing facilities, which enable so we achieve a practical and unique finished product.

handle (or handles) will have been in

is required on high traffic door

hardware, whilst offering the ability

then furnish it with ordinary handles.

to match the aesthetics of other metal furnishings contained in a project,”

It’s not just about shape either,

adds Charlie.

although that’s hugely important.

Its also about the materials used to

Anodised finishes provide many

construct the handle, its finish and its

benefits to our products.


There are no heavy materials used in

Each is an important factor in

the anodising process and they can

deciding what’s best for an internal or

be cleaned periodically with water

external door, and one that’s perhaps

and mild detergent to restore the

getting extremes of high use.

product's original lustre.

More and more, designers and

“We’re able to produce full working

that might create any sort of stand-

together with costing and delivery

bespoke manufacturers and craftsmen

leather, brass and copper alloys,


on occasions, use driftwood,” adds

architects are looking for something

drawings from an initial sketch,

out feature and once more turning to

periods. We work in hardwood,

rather than a mass production

stainless steel and bronze. We even, Charlie.

of Nottingham-based ASH Door

Each handle is customisable with a

points to his company’s ability to

projection heights available.

create exiting new ranges of finishes

and provide a bespoke design service as being the business’s stand out feature.

“Yes, we manufacture door handles,

but much more important is that we recognise that in certain projects

standard products cannot satisfy all

the criteria demanded by the design and specification.

through traditional anodised metal.

a hard-wearing durable finish

You don’t design a great door and

Furniture and Entrance Specialists


“It’s suitable for applications where

keeping with the overall design.

Charlie Tipper, managing director


range of diameters, fixing centres and

The designer-led handles are perfect for commercial and residential applications including offices,

schools, shops, hospitals, restaurants and hotels.

“The anodised finish becomes a part

of the metal and so the anodic coating will not peel or flake and imparts a

translucent metallic appearance; it’s unaffected by sunlight, preventing

fading and it also does not emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

“Using an artificially aged process we can achieve a vintage finish to our

products. The new finishes have been

successfully used with original fittings and fixtures in historic and period

buildings to match a similar finish. “Our clients also benefit from using the new Patina finishes, where a rustic theme is required, say for

And as well as a broad range of

materials there’s an exciting range

of finishes, such as Bronze powder

Coated, which provides the longevity of a polyester powder coat finish 33

restaurants, hotel lobbies or heritage building restorations.”

For more information visit


Period features such as windows and doors not only boost house values but make it easier to sell. However, the

generally held belief is that older homes are difficult to

maintain and costly to run, thanks in part to the lack of modern insulation and energy efficiency.

The great news is that Evolution timber alternative windows offer a solution to these issues, Period style wood effect

windows with very high energy efficiency which require almost no maintenance!

Victorian, Georgian, Period Cottage, whatever the period,

Evolution Windows have a superior quality period style wood effect window option to suit. Every handcrafted window provides superior A+ energy performance, technically

advanced security, incredible durability and sound proofing all with beautiful wood and period styled aesthetics.


With the rise in TV costume dramas such as ‘The Crown’ and ‘Victoria’, period properties are experiencing a

resurgence in sales. People are looking for period features to enhance their homes such as beautiful heritage style windows and doors.


All Evolution period styled timber alternative windows are handcrafted from uPVC but with all the beautiful timber aesthetics. Timber look joints, timber effect detailing and wood look finish.

Perhaps you need a sash window, a bay window, a small cottage leaded window or even a more specialised window.

Evolution's superior range of timber effect windows are best in class. The Flush and Storm ranges are award winning

window solutions that will deliver a traditional period style, beautiful wooden effect aesthetics but with all the benefits gained from fitting uPVC windows. Low maintenance with no sanding or painting, as well as technologically advanced security systems to truly give you that peace of mind.

Priced from ÂŁ1200, including installation, for a casement window measuring 1m wide x 1.5m height. For further information visit or call 0800 773.4045.

Doors, Windows & Fittings


FINE ITALIAN DESIGN Rosso Maniglie is our exclusive range of Italian inspired designer levers. Produced using a zinc base material and manufactured to the highest standards, this range takes designer levers to the next level.


Lyra lever on square rose with


Delivering safety, security and years of trouble free service, Garador’s steel Up & Over garage doors have long been a top favourite across the UK.

Created with a sleek and incomparable aesthetic appeal, our contemporary style Rosso Maniglie range has quickly become the first choice for home owners, architects and house builders throughout the UK.

Unlike canopy Up & Over garage doors, retractable doors are designed in such a way that they are really easy to automate with an electric operator.

turn & release on square rose

For further information on this range visit our website or call one of our friendly sales team.

Retractable gearing means the door panel opens on horizontal tracks running back into the garage.

T : +44 (0) 1228 672 900 E : W :

They can be easily automated by fitting a GaraMatic electric operator to the door so the

Rosso Maniglie is part of Zoo Hardware Ltd.

homeowner can open their garage door by pressing a button on a hand transmitter. GaraMatic operators are expertly engineered to ensure fast and smooth opening with total control and the hand transmitters incorporate bi-directional radio signals which are heavily encrypted for high security. A video explaining the advantages of Garador’s retractable Up and Over doors is available to watch on Garador’s YouTube channel at or find out more by calling 01935 443799 or visit




THIS NEEDN’T HAPPEN! A wide range of colours:  AVAILABLE IN 4 SIZES - 250, 350, 450, 550MM







The professional solution to preventing painful finger injuries.


• Prevents finger trapping on both sides of the door 250MM

• Suitable for use on internal


or external doors • Easily fitted and can be temporarily removed if required

Zero Seal Systems Ltd Units 43 - 45 Ladford Covert, Seighford, Stafford, ST18 9QG, United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)1785 282910 E-mail :

• Suitable for all door constructions • Strong design with 5-year guarantee, tested to 1 million cycles • TÜV certified • Available in 1980mm & 2500mm lengths • New colour - Anthracite Grey (RAL7016)






PORTA-DORS Porta-Dors are proud to announce

the launch of our partnership with

Weekamp Doors, in providing a

Supply and Installation service for

this stunning collection of External Premium FSC Certified hardwood Class 1-2 Door sets.

Internal Bifolds. Industrial doors and sliders.

These new and exciting products to

the UK have been selling througout

Europe in huge volume for many

successful years.

We have been given the opportunity to bring these fantastic statement

products into the UK marketplace

where we’re sure you will agree the quality and style is remarkable.

Welcome to Porta-Finesse – The Uk’s supplier and installation service nationwide for a truly remarkable entrance door.

Weekamp have achieved 40 years of dedication and passion to create a

54mm door to give a real wow factor

You can find out more about these exciting products by visiting us at

to every home. These doors are

innovative family company with love

Tel: 01335370793

designed and produced by an

for their products.

Weekamp have grown to be one of the leading door manufacturers in

the Netherlands with a High Tec state of the art factory any manufacturer would be proud to own. Quality is their top priority.

We at Porta-Dors built our own retail door business on the same passion and family values for quality and

service, providing our homeowners with beautiful secure entrances to

their home, with our Distinction and Virtuoso range of doors. From the

Anvil and Blu Performance marine graded hardware. It only seemed

right to link with a company who would complement our brand. 38


Or our main site:

Visit to find out more

Doors, Windows & Fittings

Keeping the burglars out with steel windows

VEKA locks down patio door enhancement to achieve PAS 24

Sought-after VEKA Greys, in days!

Difficult to force because of the inherent strength of their frames, steel windows are not liked by burglars. One of the best deterrents to a prospective thief is the traditional ‘cottage’ style steel window, divided into small frames, with interlocked steel glazing bars. Steel Window Association members also offer W40 steel windows that comply with Secured by Design requirements. Steel Window Association member, Steel Window Fittings Ltd (SWF), manufacture most steel window hardware. SWF has been successfully manufacturing handles, stays, hinges, bolts and openers, as well as safety locks/restrictors and concealed multipoint hardware for metal framed doors and windows, to the commercial and domestic sectors, since 2011; both in the UK and globally.

A simple, yet innovative upgrade to VEKA Group’s Imagine Patio Door now ensures it meets the requirements of PAS 24 certification.

Always adapting quickly to industry trends, VEKA Group now has a fantastic 16 colour combinations available ex-stock, including the increasingly popular Anthracite Grey Smooth. This foil option from VEKA’s 29-colour Variations collection, has a ‘smooth’ finish unlike the realistic woodgrain options - that makes it perfectly suited to projects that demand the look of aluminium, with all the benefits of PVC-U.

For further information on the Steel Window Association, please visit or call 020 8543 2841.

VEKA plc, 01282 716611

VEKA plc, 01282 716611

VELUX launches competition to recognise most inventive use of roof windows in building projects

Control your roof windows with your voice for a healthier living environment

Centor® launches new 345 Folding Door

Leading roof window manufacturer VELUX has launched a national competition that celebrates architects and designers for the most inventive and modern use of roof windows in a residential project. The competition, called The VELUX Roof Window Award, is now open and invites submissions from architects based in the UK and Ireland who can showcase the design, aesthetics and detailing of any completed project that includes a VELUX roof window.

From today, homeowners can for the first time ever tell their roof windows to open or close for a better and healthier living environment. Global roof window leader VELUX and smart home company Netatmo launch VELUX ACTIVE with NETATMO, the first ‘plug-andplay’ smart home solution for remote sensorbased operation of roof windows, blinds and shutters.

The passion VELUX has for daylight, fresh air and better living environments has led them to run the competition for a second year. The winner will receive £2,000 in prize money and a VELUX curved glass roof window to use in their next project.

For more information on the VELUX Roof Window Award and the opportunity to enter, please follow this link:

Marketing Director Dawn Stockell explains: “Sliding patio doors are historically considered a vulnerable part of the home and research shows us that improved security is still a prime motivator for homeowners investing in new doors and windows. VEKA turned to ERA to help develop a simpler means to achieve PAS 24 (instead of a tricky and unsightly add-on such as a plunge bolt) and compliance with Doc Q. Now, thanks to a lock kit that is contained within the workings of the door, the system is simpler to fabricate, much easier to install and more attractive to the end user, especially in the new build and commercial sectors.”

VELUX ACTIVE with NETATMO is the first smart roof window system that connects with Apple HomeKit, allowing homeowners to manage indoor climate control at home or remotely across all Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and HomePod. The system can be controlled using Siri®, Apple’s voice-controlled intelligent assistant, or with the touch of a button on the Apple Home app.


Marketing Director Dawn Stockell explains: “It’s our aim to ensure that all our customers have every ‘tool’ they need at hand, to attract and retain customers. We’re continuing to make significant investment in our lamination department because we know that colours are a valuable way in which our customers differentiate themselves and their product offering.“

Taking elements from its award-winning Integrated Doors, Centor’s new 345 Folding Door is visibly different, and provides the perfect contemporary finish for modern homes. From the inside looking out, all hardware is concealed so there’s no visual distractions to views beyond. Centor’s 345 Folding Doors feature the same panels and concealed hardware as its 405 Integrated contemporaries but with a smaller frame, like a standard folding door. The new Access AutoLatchTM is a key differentiator for the 345. It’s a lever that replaces the traditional door handle and is cleverly concealed from view in the door stile. It is simply lifted to open the doors from the inside while outside, a slimline vertical pullhandle allows panels to be opened with ease. Visit for more information or call 0121 701 2500.


To find out why the consumer reaction to our new glow brand has been so overwhelming, visit or call 0845 340 0200.

• THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED • TOUGHENED SAFETY GLASS • PREVENTS CONDENSATION ALUMINIUM • SMART BI-FOLDING DOOR SYSTEM Visit our showroom to feel for yourself the benefits that ‘glow’ heated glass offers. Please call: 0845 340 0200



It’s no secret that Mallorca’s economy relies

heavily on investment from northern Europe. More than every third property is acquired

by foreigners. The dramatic global political

situation also clearly speaks for Mallorca. Many of the property buyers are “big players” with

appropriate financial resources, and they have discovered Mallorca for themselves. There’s wealth on Mallorca, but what also exists

amongst the droves of buyers treating property as a way to secure their future, is something

less tangible. That something is sophistication.



Signature Group perfectly mirrors the need for

a refined brand of real estate development and

project management, catering to high net worth individuals in a private atmosphere.

On trend yet timeless; international yet an integral part of Mallorca.

The image of the island is changing, which in turn also has a positive effect on the real estate market - because financially strong customers pay high prices.


Signature Group, with the rich, broad input

of a creative team ranging in age from 25 to

50, delivers a smooth experience of realising a custom-built home for refined and savvy customers.

“In order to deliver excellence, one must have a firm grasp on sophistication and

refinement” says Signature who relishes

the challenge of integrating cutting-edge construction methods into properties designed to stand the test of time.



It’s true that today’s astute Swedish, French, Swiss, British or German buyer views their

second home in Mallorca as an asset which will one day provide an attractive return.



Yeoman Rainguard rainwater

systems have played a part in the

refurbishment of one of Potton’s show

a durable and stylish black textured powder coating.

used on various houses at the centre

supplying a range of rainwater goods including Aluminium, GRP and Zinc

homes. The Milchester, a Queen Anne

Yeoman Rainguard XL Aluminium

one of the original show homes to be

benefits of a modern system - easy

Centre, based in St Neots, back in

life cycle, recyclable material -

Over the years Yeoman have provided

traditional gutters and downpipes,

an excellent level of customer service

style, 3,000 square foot home, was

rainwater systems offer the

sited at The Potton Self Build Show

installation, long maintenance free


partnered with the look and feel of

After many years of service, it was

well suited to the exterior design of

time for The Milchester to under-go a refurbishment, both inside and out to

The Milchester show home.

systems, the latest project being the

complete remodelling of our flagship show home “The Milchester”

many of our self build clients with

with both product and service and we believe they are the perfect partners for us as market leaders in the self

modernise facilities whilst retaining

Terry Mahoney, Marketing Project

throughout the property.

have worked with Yeoman Rainguard

For more information on Yeoman

With this in mind when it came to

Build Centre at ST Neots. or call

the much-loved traditional feel

replacing the rainwater system Potton

Manager at Potton commented “We

from the early years of the Potton Self

chose gutters and downpipes from

Not only do they have an excellent

range. Installed were 125 x 100

homes from an aesthetic point of

75mm square downpipes finished in

of time. Yeoman Rainguard has been

the Yeoman Rainguard XL Aluminium

choice of product to suit the show

MOG profile gutters along with 75 x

view but one that can stand the test


build industry.”

Rainguard rainwater systems go to 0113 279 5854. A virtual tour of the Milchester can be seen as

We would like to thank Potton© for the use of their stunning images.

Floors & Flooring

Cemfloor Cement Based Liquid Screed

The Specifier’s Guide to Flooring launches at CDW 2018

With over 50 years’ experience in the industry and more specifically 15 years in the liquid screed industry, Cemfloor and McGraths Limestone are industry leaders in the Cement based liquid screed market. We have been producing liquid screed in house at our facility in Cong, Co Mayo, Ireland for 15 years.

The Specifier’s Guide to Flooring has launched in the UK.

Cemfloor is a high-performance cement based, free flowing, self-compacting liquid screed developed by McGraths. It can be installed quickly (up to 2000m2 per day) saving time, foot trafficked in 24-48 hours and dries within 28 days with minimal shrinkage (<0.05%). It is suitable for a variety of applications; commercial and domestic floors, underfloor heated floors, wet rooms, Bonded, unbonded or floating floors, new builds or renovations and single or multi story projects.

“The Specifier’s Guide to Flooring is the must-have publication for every architect, designer, FM and specifier from Land’s End to John ‘o Groats. Never before has there been such a comprehensive guide to all aspects of an installation, and we predict that it will become the flooring handbook for everybody involved in installations,” added David Strydom, editor of CFJ.

See our website for more information. or

Kährs Kährs’ newly launched French Pattern wood flooring design has been shortlisted in the 2018 ‘International Design & Architecture Awards’, within the ‘Hard Flooring’ category. The awards, held by ‘design et al’ magazine, celebrate some of the best design schemes, product launches and innovation from throughout the world. The shortlisted design features a modern twist - an engineered plank format which improves install time and efficiency in comparison to a traditional ‘French Pattern’ floor. With the modern engineered format, the new designs can be installed more quickly than a traditional French patterned floor, ideal for efficient installation in both domestic and commercial projects. (0)23 9245 3045

Exploring key materials, from carpet to vinyl, ancillary products and accessories – and everything in-between – the Guide will provide a rich resource for the industry, in hard copy format and online at

For more information, please visit or contact Kick-Start Publishing on tel. 01892 752 400.

Seamless Surfaces Achieved With Osmo UK With the famous spring clean season amongst us, professional decorator, JGDecorator was contracted to renovate and refresh a composite oak kitchen worktop and shelving area in a family home. Thanks to its hardwearing properties and aesthetically pleasing finish, Osmo UK Polyx®-Oil was the ideal choice to rejuvenate the high traffic surfaces. The kitchen has a classic countryside look to it, so the client requested a natural finish that wouldn’t distract from design of the room. Jonathan Graham, a partner in JGDecorator, recognised that the traditional oil-based finish that Osmo supplies would meet these requirements, while also providing a durable and protective finish that is essential in the kitchen.

For more information on the Osmo range of eco-friendly finishes, please visit Find JGDecorator on Twitter and Instagram- @JGDecorator 48

Glass Design & Build London Let glass flooring light up your home With basements increasingly used to expand living spaces, the challenge is how to maximise and direct all available natural light into these areas, in a way that is creative, stylish and practical. The solution is bespoke glass flooring from Glass Design & Build London (GDBL). At GDBL, using our decades of experience in working with structural glass, we design and install extra-extra clear structural glass flooring with glass beams, using our exclusively designed secret fixings. With our in-house design, engineering and installation teams, we provide a complete turnkey solution for these specialist installations. For stunning, contemporary, seamless glass flooring, which filters natural light into areas of your home, contact GDBL.

Call us on 0207 074 8989 or visit

Time to try Composite Prime? Tasteful, practical and offering a truly sustainable solution, the stylish decking range developed by Composite Prime provides the perfect solution for those seeking an elegant outdoor finish for that special project. The company’s HD Deck® ranges utilise the latest composite technology to produce a long life, low maintenance, slip-resistant and child-friendly material which outperforms traditional treated timber. Highly attractive, it’s also environmentally friendly, combining Forest Stewardship Council FSC® 100% certified hardwood timber from well managed, sustainable sources and recycled plastics, seen as a crucial consideration in the global campaign to combat plastic waste. Now available through a network of stockists and resellers nationwide, the full range of Composite Prime products can be found at:

EXKLUSIV FLOORS JOIN THE MARVEL UNIVERSE Classic Marvel comic book covers and characters adorn hightech panels to turn flooring into a focal point

Believing flooring was lacking some punch, EXKLUSiV

Floors are excited to introduce the ultimate in superhero super-merchandise: authentic classic Marvel prints on high-gloss flooring.

Super-fans and newcomers alike can now have flooring

worthy of Asgard, and make their home come to life with their favourite Marvel comics. It’s the perfect way to take a room to the next level – whether it’s where you store your comics, your gaming or entertainment room, or even a feature in the kids’ bedroom.

From beige to boom

EXKLUSiV Floors was set up with a single vision: to turn

flooring into a focal point. With that alternative in mind, EXKLUSiV partnered with Marvel Comics, a compa-

ny that knows a thing or two about grabbing people’s

imaginations. The two have worked closely together to

create designs that will revolutionise the way people see flooring.

A page from the classics

product with unique technologies built in. The EXKLUS-

Designs originate from the early days of Marvel - long

iV Marvel flooring is not just scratch and fade resistant,

and became a phenomenon - and feature a number of

the floor.

each floor really feels one of a kind. There are authentic

Easy to install - no super-strength required

iconic issue or two as they walk through their home.

easier; EXKLUSiV’s Marvel flooring uses an easy-to-

German technology ensures top quality

the edges of the flooring; there’s even rounded edges,

before the Marvel Comics Universe hit the big screen

but it’s also high gloss – the designs are sure to pop off

the most famous characters. With 40 unique panels,

panels alongside the covers - collectors may well spot an

Changing the appearance of your room has never been install click-fit system. Attention and care was paid to

A hard-wearing flooring product made with the latest

giving an authentic comic book finish.

manufacturing technology was a must for EXKLUSiV,

so it sought to benefit from Germany’s long heritage in

Stand on the shoulders of your heroes

ward-thinking manufacturer, the company developed its

years of experience in the flooring industry, we noticed

manufacturing quality. Working closely with a for-


Says Shiraz Hussain, founder of EXKLUSiV Floors: “After

that floors were all just a bit… plain. Whether it was

plain wood, carpet or laminate, it all lacked character

and design. We saw this as a missed opportunity. After all, the floor is the biggest space in your home other than walls, so why not make more of it?”

“It’s our mission to end low-quality boring flooring and

bring about a new high-tech approach and design precedent. With our flooring, you can quite literally stand on the shoulders of your heroes.”

Where to purchase Available now.

Discover more at


RINNAI’S INFINITY HOT WATER HEATING RANGE - IDEAL FOR LPG USE Rinnai offers what is said to be the most energy efficient and cost-effective range of LPGcompatible A-rated eco-labelled continuous flow hot water heating products for any type of site or application. The Rinnai Infinity range includes the 16i (36.8kW output giving 16 litres of useable hot per minute) and the 17e for external mounting (29.7kW output giving 17 litres of hot water per minute) – condensing models within the range can deliver up to 107% net thermal efficiency. For heavy-duty applications the Infinity HDC1600i/e produces the lowest NOx emissions on the market - below 20 ppm NOx. The HDC1600i Low NOx can boost thermal efficiency up to 108% (based on net calorific value) and can keep to more than 97% even in the minimal heat LPG. The Infinity HDC1200 models also achieve energy performance of 107% net thermal efficiency while the larger HDC1500 internal and external models turn in 105% net thermal efficiency. The Rinnai Infinity Low NOx HD55i internal water heater is a room sealed, wall hung, LPG or natural gas fired continuous flow water heater.

Capable of supplying in excess of 780 litres @ 50ºC degrees rise per hour, while producing less than 20 ppm NOx, this unit combines environmental cost efficiencies and quality product offering. Up to 25 units can be cascaded to supply any specification. 54

LPG users can also take advantage of Rinnai’s Bespoke Package Design, created to provide better on-site efficiency and is supplied to site in bundles. The package also includes scale protection options to maximise system efficiency.

Another innovation from Rinnai is the Infinity Solo condensing low NOX water heater – this is the first Rinnai product for the UK to combine the advanced technology of its wall mounted continuous flow water heaters with a stainless-steel storage cylinder in one compact unit, boosting recovery rates of as little as 19 minutes and low standing losses. This system is ideal for light commercial requirements where services limit the use of continuous flow.

Comments Chris Goggin, Associate Director, Rinnai UK: “Contractors, Installers, site owners and end users can rest assured that these units, when used with LPG, offer the best energy savings and performance available for a hot water system. LPG is one of the most energy efficient forms of fuel available now, and our units take full advantage of their benefits.” For more information on the RINNAI product range visit 55

Heating, Ventilation & Insulation

‘SMART DESIGN’ BOXES WARD OFF THE LEGIONELLA THREAT Legionella control and risk avoidance thereof are top of the list when designing heating and hot water systems. The whole supply chain – manufacturers and distributors through contractors to endusers – need to plan and design systems to eliminate the risk of Legionella. It is one area where avoidance and prevention are the only sensible action to take to avoid problems further down the road.

The Plumbing Group Limited The Plumbing Group Ltd are said to be at the very forefront of water heating technology. Through their range of Unvented Venturi Cylinders and new 3S technology, the world’s first ‘Self-Sustaining System’ was created in which the internal expansion device is constantly replenished. The 3S Technology cleverly uses fluid dynamics in order to create a negative pressure. This pressure is known as the ‘Venturi Effect’.

Quite simple – limit the volume of storage on your hot water system.

The precision of the design means that enough air is allowed to be drawn through in order to recharge the air gap as the tank is filled. All cylinders are WRAS approved and come with a 25-Year cylinder warranty and a 3-Year parts warranty. Sizes range from just 80 Litres and go all the way up to 500 Litres and are available in both direct and indirect models.

Our modern lifestyle demands that hot water is available on tap at any time, day or night. So how can installers and designers reduce the fear of Legionella breaking out – and give peace of mind to customers and end-users?

Hospitals choose spray foam for temperature control to aid patient recovery Spray foam insulation can be used in the healthcare sector to help regulate the internal temperature. It is one of the highest performing insulation materials in terms of preventing heat loss when closed cell materials are chosen. A superior insulant retains the heat for longer or prevents warmth from the sun entering the building during spells of hot weather. By controlling the internal temperature at an optimum level this is a key factor in a patient’s recovery. In the healthcare sector, King’s College Hospital’s Critical Care Centre has utilised spray foam insulation below the plant room floor. This compact and versatile insulant could be sprayed from below onto the underside of the irregular shaped corrugated sheeting, providing the required U-value and Class 0 fire rating. The installation was carried out using a British Urethane Foam Contractor Association approved installer.


The most discrete window ventilator • Self-regulating flap: i-Flux technology guarantees maximal comfort and minimal energy loss • Natural supply of fresh air • Discrete installation on top of the window frame • Easy to maintain • Different acoustic versions available • Water- and insect proof

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26/10/17 13:12





Heating, Ventilaiton & Insulation

Local Ground & Air Source heat pump Consultants, Designers & Installers

RHI Example - Detached house using 26,400kWh/y for heating and hot water. Estimated income over 7 years from ÂŁ24,500.00 and save up to 70% on running costs vs LPG.

Website Email Tel 01427 874308



It offers a delightful 50-room

Regular and stimulating activities

completed a complete refit of hot

three-and-a-half acres of beautiful

general well-being, and that's why

Sevenoaks, Kent, has recently

water heating systems at a well-

known care home in the South East of

residential and nursing home set in gardens near the north Kent coast.


The home is made up of two separate

Kestrel has installed two Rinnai HDC


1500i on Natural Gas and included

buildings that provide very specialist

there is a packed schedule of fun

activities to do. A reliable hot water heating delivery system was needed to replace the tangle of boiler units spread over the site.

the unique scale inhibitor protection

Both have the benefit of access to

systems delivery was provided by a

complete with conservatory and patio

system. Previously the hot water

the glorious landscaped gardens –

whole set of satellite domestic boilers


dotted all over the site.

are the key for social interaction and

For Kestrel Julian Ringrose said,

“Our brief was to make the hot water delivery system work at an optimal level of efficiency. We chose the

The care home aims to provide

The building is a stunning villa which

as comprehensive a range of care

that's been modernised to the highest

convalescent, respite, palliative and

is a converted private residence

as possible, so can offer 24-hour

standards of comfort and practicality.

frail elderly nursing care.

Rinnai 1500i units for a whole variety of reasons - reliable & continuous flow of useable hot water, safe

temperature water distribution at all

tap and shower points, overall energy

efficiency and ease of installation plus minimal ongoing maintenance costs.


Hot water is vital to the wellbeing

on supplying only the highest

There is a big potential of annualised

it right with the right product and

Rinnai products also meet and exceed

low NoX unit - these costs can be

of all residents, so we needed to get Rinnai was the right choice.”

Water temperature is pre-set through easy-to-use built in digital controls, eliminating the risk of scalding and

potentially eradicating the need for

efficiency units to the UK market. the requirements of the Building

Regulations Part L (fuel and power) and with these bespoke system

arrangements they can offer G3 and ACOP L8 best practice too.

fuel saving costs with a HDC1500i

minimised next to any comparable

type of storage water heater, such as gas direct fired storage water heater

or indirect cylinder system connected to the heating boiler. Contact Rinnai

for professional CPDS and studies on

thermostatic mixing valves. Water

Any possibility of Legionella breeding

points of delivery with no loss of

no storage and can be cited close

Rinnai Infinity HDC1500i Low NOx

the environment for bacteria

59.5kW to 2.8kW, and operate at

can be used simultaneously at several heat.

The Rinnai HDC 1500i range is

designed for use directly off the mains, with no need for large,

ungainly and energy inefficient

storage vessels -and is capable of

is minimised as Rinnai units have

to the outlet and therefore limiting production. The Rinnai Infinity series HDC1500i/e Low NOx is capable of

delivering in excess of 2000 litres per hour.

this topic.

can boost a modulation range of

a flow rate of as low as 1.5l/min.

Thanks to this high modulation range, the Rinnai units ensure that the

optimum amount of energy is used to heat the water, minimising waste and

delivering in excess of 780 litres per

It has efficiencies of up to 107% and

ensuring water temperatures ideal for

the most efficient hot water heating

The HDC1500i low NoX is extremely

HDC1500i/e Low NOx is an on-

31 kg.

hour at 65 degrees Celsius, therefore preventing legionella proliferation. Eco-labelling of products offers

transparency to specifiers and end users in a clear and simple guide

can realistically claim to be one of

units of its kind available in UK. The demand style hot water heating unit

– suitable for natural gas or LPG - and

maximising system efficiencies.

lightweight and easy to handle at just

By developing this holistic condensing

it has NO storage cylinder.

technology initiative, Rinnai offers

efficient hot water heating units.

This means that there is no needless

energy efficient solution to any

And so, the fact that Rinnai maintains

reheating a stored body of water for

when sourcing the most energy

‘A’ rated Eco-labels on all its units

speaks volumes for the company’s

manufacturing process and stance

waste of energy from constantly

when there is demand. Energy is only used on a Rinnai unit when there is demand – simple as that.


a simple, viable, cost effective, and consumer needs for hot water.

For more information on the RINNAI product range visit


its 100 metric tonnes a day capacity manufacturing plant, Lime Green Products held its first Open Day

attended by customers, architects and restoration contractors, conservation officers and the Lord Mayor of Much Wenlock, who all enjoyed a tour of

the new factory which impressed all. Joe Orsi of Orsi Contini Consultants, a customer and historic buildings

specialist said “I like what you have done and I have no doubt that this brave investment will benefit and

secure your business well into the future.”

Continuing over 500 years of lime production on Wenlock Edge, the

UK’s leading manufacturer of lime

based mortars, renders and plasters, Lime Green Products completed the construction of its state of the art

mixing plant in just 3 months, after 3 years of planning!

The building frame required over

150 tonnes of steel. Twenty three storage silos holding over 600

tonnes of raw materials provide the capacity for a daily manufacturing

output of approx. 100 metric tonnes. A sophisticated software system

ensures highly accurate computer

controlled batching of ingredients for all products.

Co-founder and Operations Director

of HGV traffic on and off the site, and eliminated a large amount of packaging waste.

James Ayres said “The plant is

The plant has a wide range of

and mixing, for some ingredients

from the silos, everything from

designed for very precise weighing as accurate as 1 gram per tonne,

which allows us to make a product with greater consistency over time whilst also improving efficiency in raw material and energy use. The

bulk storage is cleaner and safer, as materials are contained in sealed,

constantly monitored silos. This has

also significantly reduced the amount 60

ingredients available on demand very traditional roman cement and

limes through to modern low-carbon binders. This allows us to switch

between products with ease to meet short lead times, a real concern for many contractors in the industry.” For further information please

contact or on M: 07914 394302

Home Automation

Bespoke Home Entertainment Rooms Bring Music And Movies To Life With their extensive libraries of music, movies and box sets, streaming services such as Tidal, Spotify, Netflix and Amazon Prime have created a revolution in our homes. Loud & Clear designs entertainment rooms that bring the music and movies to life. Loud & Clear’s bespoke music, cinema or media rooms enhance the home entertainment experience by placing the customer (and their family and friends) right at the heart of the performance. From their extensive showrooms in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Loud & Clear has been designing, supplying and installing bespoke home entertainment spaces for over twenty years. Starting every project with an in-depth design consultation, Loud & Clear prepare a detailed specification covering the technical aspects of the project (screen, projector, amplifier, loudspeakers and cabling), and then suggest mood lighting, an acoustic room treatment and a control system (which may be tablet based). They can also advise on the aesthetics of the room – even providing guidance on fabrics, furnishings

and colour schemes. From high end turntables to world class amplifiers and speakers - invisible speakers to electric blinds – 4k projectors to Atmos sound systems – lighting control to acoustic treatment – Loud & Clear treat every project as if it was for their own home. Working alongside an architect, interior designer, or directly with the customer, Loud & Clear bring the new entertainment revolution into the home. Loud & Clear Glasgow 520 St Vincent St Finnieston Glasgow G3 8XZ 0141 221 0221 Loud & Clear Edinburgh 94 Commercial Street Commercial Quay Edinburgh EH6 6LX 0131 555 3963

New Flow Acoustic Panels Artnovion’s new Flow acoustic panels deliver improved acoustics and give a striking appearance to any room. Indeed, they would not look out of place in a science fiction movie set. The Flow panels are hybrids that combine an acoustic core with a carefully calibrated diffuser. This duel functionality breaks away from the traditional parameters of acoustic design and creates new paths to solve excessive reverberation and uneven sound fields. The panels’ acoustic cores are formed by strategically interweaving acoustic foam with Helmholtz resonators over a sealed air cavity to deliver maximum performance. The parallel slats are designed to break-up incoming waves with a uniform reflection pattern to create homogenous sound fields. The most striking aspect of the Flow panels is the design possibilities they offer. Their parametric form (a trending architectural style, and unique to the acoustic scene), creates a pattern that flows along a room’s walls, morphing and unfolding according to your point of view. Made from a selection of solid woods, with a range of colour options, the Flow

range of panels offers a new dimension of acoustic design. Artnovion’s beautiful designs are created to deliver the best performance, and with as little waste material as possible to ensure minimal environmental impact. ‘Sound is an audacious and powerful living element. An element that shapes the perception of our universe and embraces our senses. Curious about this elegant interaction I have nurtured a passion for sound ever since I can 61

remember. Driven by the challenges of unravelling the mysteries of sound, I have been traveling through an extraordinary life journey of studying, imagining and creating acoustic innovation. Artnovion has become my life’s mission, the canvas I created to share this journey with you.’ - Jorge Castro, CEO, Artnovion.

For more information:

Home Automation

Sound for any season AWC Series

The All Weather In-Ceiling speakers series has a weatherproof construction for installation in more extreme environments such as bathrooms, beach houses, saunas or even boats.

VECTA Speakers Optimal acoustic performance

in corners, under eaves or wall mounted The stylish, compact and versatile Monitor Audio Vecta V240 indoor or outdoor speaker cleverly combines architectural aesthetics with innovation and the high quality professional audio performance. Using the clever single point automatic connection system Vecta offers simple installation in corners, under eaves or flat on any wall. UV resistant finishes in black or white.




Forget expensive air conditioning units and electric-

2. Blinds with Benefits

78% of the sun’s warmth. The sun’s glare can bring

Duette® energy saving blinds are the original and

to fading furniture. When temperatures rise and

insulating properties to keep homes warm in winter

guzzling fans – energy saving blinds reflect up to

a whole host of problems, from hot and stuffy homes

fully tested honeycomb blinds that offer unrivalled

make it impossible to sit comfortably or even sleep

and also beautifully cool in the summer months.

through the night, it pays to try out some clever tips and tricks that can help to make your home a cooler and more comfortable environment.

Reflecting up to 78% of the sun’s warmth, Duette® blinds keep rooms at a consistent and comfortable climate, reducing the need for expensive air

1. Turn off the Lights

conditioning systems or electric-guzzling fans.

It sounds obvious, but light bulbs give off heat so

It’s all thanks to the specially developed honeycomb

days and utilise the abundance of natural light as

innovative coating on the window-facing side of the

take advantage of the longer sunshine-filled summer

design that traps air and reflects heat and an

much as possible. Keep rooms cool after dark (and


save energy!) by using lights minimally (or not at all) and be sure to unplug electronics and small appliances which also give off heat, even when turned off.



3. Make an ice fan

Make sure doors aren’t overlooked

Not even an air conditioner can give

Duette® blinds range can be fitted

off a faux sea breeze, but this simple trick can. Fill a mixing bowl with ice (or something equally cold, like an

ice pack), and position it at an angle in front of a large fan. When the ice melts the breeze from the fan picks

up the cool air coming from the ice’s surface, creating a nice cool mist. 4. Don’t forget doors Close off unused rooms to prevent warm air from permeating these areas during the hottest part of

the day. Capitalise on the cooler

night hours by allowing air to flow naturally through your home.

when it comes to coverings.

to traditional patio, sliding glass or bi-fold doors without screwing or

drilling – so you can still let in the fresh air and the view or opt for privacy when you want it

5. Get Smart with Bedding Switching your sheets to cotton

during the summer months is a great

idea as this breathable material stays cooler than satin, silk or polyester

options. For an especially cool and

comfortable slumber invest in ‘smart bedding’ such as The Fine Bedding

Company’s Breathe Duvet and Cool Touch pillow, both of which have

unique temperature control action.


More Benefits of Duette® Blinds (or something similar)

The summer sun doesn’t just

conservatories and summer rooms

where the sun’s heat and glare can be a real problem.

mean hot and uncomfortable

The blackout option also helps to

to block up to 99% of UV rays,

for cool, summertime sleeping in

rooms. Duette® blinds are able preventing colour fade and

keeping furnishings and wallpaper within the home looking like new for longer.

Available in three transparencies

provide the perfect environment bedrooms whilst the top-down/ bottom-up fitting option offers

unique light control which is ideal when watching TV or working from a screen.

(blackout, semi sheer and

To find out more about

of colours, Duette® blinds are

translucent) and in a kaleidoscope perfect for south facing rooms,

Duette® blinds visit


designs for every style bonded to the substrate of choice

With over 300 Abet Laminati decors and 250 Egger laminates, these collections include a wide variety of laminates, providing design solutions for even the most demanding of products. With dĂŠcor, unicolour, woodgrain, material and fantasy designs to select from, the lamination possibilities are endless. Available in quantities as little as just one board.

Contact us for more information. Century House, Premier Way, Lowfields Business Park, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 9HF

T: +44 (0) 1484 658341 E:

Interiors & Interior Design The Vienna Home Office Collection (Available

Karndean Designflooring, Opus Columba WP422

on the Jual Next Working Day Delivery Service)

Stone Veneer – Lightweight, easy to install natural stone sheets Slate and Stone Veneer from Lite Stone is a lightweight and ultra thin, easy to install natural stone finish available in large sheet sizes starting at 122 x 61cm. Available in over 20 different finishes and with a thickness of 1 – 3mm Lite Stone offer the largest range of colours, the highest quality product and the best delivery times in the UK market. Their materials can be used for a huge range of applications – interior and exterior wall features, internal residential flooring, fireplaces, wet rooms and furniture cladding. You can make any room look stunning and unique with Lite Stone’s range, which offers the most cost effective way to introduce a natural stone finish to your project.

For more information visit or contact them today – 0800 2465329 /

Jual Furnishings: Supplying Stunning Furniture, to Your Unique Home, In an Award Winning Way Based in South Wales Jual Furnishings have been established for over 10 years. Jual are experts in introducing beautifully crafted, unique designs of home office and occasional furniture to people all over the UK and Europe. Designs include Desks and Bookshelves. TV stands, Coffee and Lamp Tables as well as Nests. However it isn’t just the products that make Jual different. Their award winning customer service is still revered throughout the furniture industry. All of the products in the Jual brochure are stocked here in the UK and any orders placed by 3pm (and sometimes later) are delivered the very next working day and better yet, there is no minimum order. For more information and to receive a brochure please email or call 01443 816982.

Karndean Designflooring adds new designs to Opus collection Karndean Designflooring is expanding its Opus collection with six new contemporary designs including three woods, three stones and two exclusive smaller ‘herringbone’ tile designs. Designed with a wide variety of commercial specifications in mind, Opus is most recognised for its stylish selection of grey tones and is available in an extra-large plank (48” x 9”), tile (18” x 24”) and small tile (18” x 3”) designs with a preferred 2.5mm thickness, 0.55mm wear layer and enhanced R10 and R11 slip resistance ratings. As well as expanding its limed wood effect designs, Opus presents mixed material and limestone designs for the first time. With a 15-year commercial guarantee, Karndean’s updated Opus collection now features 13 woods, 12 stones and two small tiles.

For more information visit


Bromleighs offer an extensive range of switches and electrical accessories to suit both period and contemporary interiors. Their Forged and Profile Collections are hand-made at their workshop in Cornwall, using inserts manufactured here in the UK.

The Hardwood, Bakelite and Period Switch collections are made with British Oak which is hand-stained and waxed. Recent installations include a Chateau in France and the extensive refurbishment of an Irish Castle. Bromleighs also offer a wide range of interior and exterior lighting and architectural hardware.

For a current brochure of further information, please call the team on 01208 79490 or 70

HI MACS® SPECIFIED FOR IMPRESSIVE HOOVER RESTORATION One of London’s most iconic art deco buildings has been transformed by IDM Properties as part of a major restoration and renovation project which has seen part of the building converted into 66 stylish apartments. Many of the building’s original art deco features have been retained and restored, including grand staircases with wroughtiron bannisters, high-waisted dado rails, terrazzo flooring in the lobby and the original green colour scheme has been used in the corridors. Of course, the rich heritage of the façade, one of London’s most famous Art Deco landmarks, has also been preserved. Beyond the exceptional exterior and communal surroundings, the interior of the luxury apartments - which are available either as studios, or with one, two or three bedrooms - cleverly combine contemporary style with modern features, creating a unique and striking blend of the old and new.

A central element of the design in these luxurious living spaces are the kitchens and HIMACS® has been used to create

impressive work surfaces in all 66 apartments. Contributing to the overall balance of high quality contemporary design with subtle art deco flair, the surfaces, which have been beautifully fabricated by Solid Fabrications Limited and supplied by James Latham, the exclusive distributor of HI-MACS® in the UK and Ireland, have been created using more than 100 sheets of HI-MACS® Andromeda. Debbie Northall, Specification Manager, Decorative Products, James Latham said, “IDM Properties have created something really special at the Hoover Building. When you stand inside one of these apartments, you are surrounded by luxurious materials and cutting-edge design. The combination of original art deco architecture and modern styling make them extremely desirable and the specification team here at James Latham are delighted 71

that HI-MACS® Andromeda was selected.” As well as its ability to be joined seamlessly so that it appears to be fashioned from a single piece of material, HI-MACS® is ultraresistant and completely hygienic, and thus perfect for use with foodstuffs. Its pore-free surface prevents any build-up of waste or bacteria, making the kitchen surface easier to clean. Another nod to the building’s heritage in the kitchen is that the appliances, of course, have all been made by Hoover. 0116 257 3415

BUTTERFLY HOUSE Sunlight is transformative. It has the ability to change the

experience of a space, as well as how we live, feel and relate

to one another. We brought our Australian affinity for natural

light and open-plan living to Butterfly House, an East London townhouse, while retaining its classic English details and sentiment.

The 90-square-metre home is located on a prominent block in

East London, a post-industrial area that has been transformed by vibrant creative and innovative communities and boutique

stores and galleries. Like many traditional English townhouses, it was dark and cramped due to small, constrained rooms and adjoining neighbours. The client tasked Biasol with breathing

new life into the dated building to create a contemporary home for a young, modern couple and their future family.



Now transformed, the townhouse has

sight lines; and integrated appliances

Herringbone marble tiles clad the

on the first floor, and two bedrooms

joinery with white and dark marble

style, while brass tapware is imported

open-plan living, dining and kitchen and bathrooms on the second floor. We removed the walls on the first floor allowing for an open and

give a smart look and feel. Navy-blue

is modern, elegant and accented with brass, and the existing floorboards and fireplace mouldings retain the

walls and evoke traditional English from Australia.

Butterfly House, like the butterfly,

townhouse’s classic English character.

now basks in the sun. By maximising

area. Drawing on our product design

In the bedrooms and bathrooms, we

formerly dark East London townhouse

freestanding modular kitchen units to

roof, for which the house is named,

light-filled living, dining and kitchen

background, we custom designed the make the room feel like an extension of the living and dining area. The low-line joinery creates a greater sense of space; removal of upper

cabinetry allows for unobstructed

accentuated the distinctive butterfly and installed new skylights to

increase natural light. The bathrooms, like the kitchen, have navy-blue

freestanding units designed by Biasol.


natural light, our design for this

has captured the energy sunlight can bring to a space and thereby

enhancing family relationships and wellbeing.


Skylight solution This multi-award winning private house was designed with a 13m long rooflight to flood the space with natural light. In such a contemporary designed space the blind solution to control glare needed to complement this. The solution was two SHY FTS screen fabric blinds extending from either end of the rooflight expertly installed by Grants Blinds.

With many years of experience in designing and manufacturing bespoke commercial roller blinds at our own specialist site, our in-house experts are happy to discuss your project requirements with you. All projects are different, and that’s where we excel.

Call us on 01462 455 400 to see how we can help.

Landscaping & Exterior Works

Image © Neil Kenyon@Arki Magazine

Ecodek achieve carbon negative status

Easi-Walls: quality, bespoke artificial planting

A life-cycle assessment programme, undertaken by the BioComposites Centre of Bangor University, considered production of the ecodek® decking on a cradle to factory gate basis, accounting all significant materials, transport, energy use and packaging inputs. Results showed that production of ecodek® had a net effect of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere rather than adding to it – hence carbon negative - a huge achievement in modern manufacturing and one that clearly illustrates the company’s environmental credentials. The Wood Polymer Composite ecodek® system is widely used for the construction of apartment balconies, commercial and domestic terraces and a variety of applications where timber would otherwise be used. ecodek’s durability, strength and low maintenance making it the preferred choice for these applications.

Handcrafted in Surrey, England, Easi-Wall is the latest innovative garden design to be launched by the multi award-winning Easigrass brand. +44 (0)1978 667 840

Cotswold Hill Stone & Masonry Cotswold Hill Stone & Masonry produces Cotswold limestone and Forest Pennant sandstone as well as stocking Bath, Iron and Lias stone. Our Cotswold stone has been used for the renovation and conservation of many prestigious properties including the Houses of Parliment. Our team work closely alongside clients to bring their ideas to life, supplying building stone, bespoke masonry, rockery stone and walling in a range of cream to honey colours.

Each lush green textured Easi-Wall panel is meticulously built by hand with the finest quality artificial foliage, which has been carefully selected and arranged to accurately mirror the look and feel of natural vertical planting. Light and breathable, Easi-Wall panels can be installed on any concrete surface, brick wall or frame, such high-walled courtyards, balconies, commercial offices and urban spaces. UV stabilised and durable to withstand all weathers, each Easi-Wall installation is unique and offers a beautifully elegant garden wall feature all year round.

From our Birch Hill Quarry we produce Pennant sandstone favoured by architects, builders and planners for restoration, landscaping and revetment work where it’s highly weather resistant nature puts it in to a league of its own. Clients seeking stone for construction or landscaping use will find their needs expertly met with our tailor made building & bespoke masonry service.

Telephone: 0330 400 4498 Email: Website: 01386 584384


area under a deck with

to maximise outdoor living

lighting, ceiling fans

allows homeowners and developers environments and create the dream space. Trex RainEscape deck

drainage system manages water

to allow for a dry, useable space

outdoor furnishings, and entertainment components.

Unlike competitive

beneath an elevated deck.

products – which make

Installed above the joists of the

technology – Trex

substructure, this innovative

system features a trough and downspout construction that

drains water away from a deck and protects the area below from rain,

sun, snow melt and other elements. As a result, homeowners gain

bonus space for storage or added

living area. With Trex RainEscape, homeowners can safely outfit the

use of “under joist”

RainEscape is installed

The Trex RainEscape system is an

from moisture, water damage and

any elevated deck and is backed by

above the joists, protecting them

easy and inexpensive addition to

deterioration that may occur over

a 20-year limited warranty.

integrity of the deck. The system

To learn more about Trex

both new and existing decks –

time and ensuring the structural

is easy and efficient to install on

making it an ideal solution for both contractors and do-it-yourselfers.


RainEscape, visit www.

Visit for more information on Trex products.

Lighting & Electrical

First Choice Services UK Ltd


We are a Kent based firm trading for 25 years offering an experienced, friendly and reliable service to a variety of clients in new build and re-fit electrical installations in Shops, Offices, Cafes, Restaurants, Gyms, Car showrooms and New build houses to name a few.

Bromleighs offer an extensive range of switches and electrical accessories to suit both period and contemporary interiors.

New electrical installations or additions

The Hardwood, Bakelite and Period Switch collections are made with British Oak which is hand-stained and waxed.

Site temporary electrics Lighting design and automation Fire Alarms and Emergency lighting Periodic testing and Certification Communications One of our clients is the largest Costa Coffee franchise in the UK. We recently completed the 69th and 70th store in Autumn/Winter 2017. We have installed 50+ Costa Coffees and 4 Kaspas Desserts stores for Goldex Investments Group Ltd.

Their Forged and Profile Collections are hand-made at their workshop in Cornwall, using inserts manufactured here in the UK.

Recent installations include a Chateau in France and the extensive refurbishment of an Irish Castle. Bromleighs also offer a wide range of interior and exterior lighting and architectural hardware.

For a current brochure of further information, please call the team on 01208 79490 or

MELJAC’s engraving personalises switches MELJAC, the leader in high-end switches, uses its expertise in bespoke design, offering an infinite variety of engraving, from the catalogue or using a design provided by the client: pictograms, words in any language, designs, motifs, Braille… This French skill carries out engraving on the brand’s products in brass, glass and porcelain, to add additional information or decoration. 3 rue de la Procession 75015 Paris FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)1 47 34 21 42 Tel 01622661551 Email

Bespoke LED lighting solutions

Lighting | Controls | Electrical Accessories | Lighting Design

by JPR Lighting JPR Lighting offer bespoke LED lighting design and manufacture. Working with some of the best Architects and Designers in the industry from high end residential and hospitality to large scale commercial projects.

IP64 Rated



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We bring homes to life with light.... JPR LIGHTING +44(0) 1252 413 291

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Roofing, Cladding & Facades

Powis Mains Farm: an exclusive development enhanced with natural slate Located in Blairlogie, a small Scottish village, this project saw several old houses and barns renovated to transform them into 11 new stunning three-room houses, all while retaining their original charm. HEAVY 3 roofing slate was chosen for its unmatchable durability and the similarities to the local Ballachulish slate, which is no longer produced.

Find the perfect exterior for your home

Great Product and Fast Lead Time

As the days get longer and temperatures begin to rise, now is the perfect opportunity to transform your home and complete those home improvements.

Trendgrey Construction Limited is a successful building company based in Warwickshire. Specialists in challenging construction projects, they are also a longstanding customer of ARP.

With its wide range of colours, complementary trims and two finishes, Cedral fibre cement cladding is one of the leading materials you can choose to update your home’s exterior.

Derek Waters of Derek Waters and Sons, the Roofing Contractor for this project, added: “the slates are solid and can stand up to any powerful weather.”

Offering two solutions, Cedral Lap and Cedral Click, the materials offer a minimum life expectancy of 50 years and a Class A fire rating, providing you with the peace of mind your new exterior is built to last.

To discover more about CUPA PIZARRAS natural slate click here:

For further details about Cedral and to request your free sample visit:

Working on a project recently in Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa, Trendgrey Construction required an Aluminium Rainwater System for a newly built threestorey property consisting of six flats and a two storey-maisonette. To ensure the project progressed smoothly, Nigel Hancock, Area Sales Manager – ARP met with John Yates, the Quantity Surveyor – Trendgrey Construction to discuss the extent of the project. With over 100 metres each of gutter and downpipe, along with associated accessories, it was quite a sizeable project.


for use in Grade II listed buildings,

glazing variants available from

GW Polycarbonate is now being

Twinfix is a 6mm solid sheet

installed at traditional 600mm

that combines the appearance of

centres as rooflight glazing in many

Georgian wired glass with all the

refurbishment projects. Whether

material benefits of polycarbonate.

it’s a railway station canopy or

This lightweight glazing has the same sort of dimpled surface as Georgian wired glass, which should always face the inside of a building when installed. It is also incredibly tough and durable and will withstand all that the British weather can throw at it without cracking and breaking. Having been approved

overhead glazing in a swimming pool this innovative 6mm polycarbonate glazing looks very similar to traditional Georgian wired glass, but provides the much higher levels of roof safety required nowadays, especially in public buildings. It is also less than half the weight of 6mm glass, so its use can help extend the fabric of an older building.


Russwood Limited is a supplier of high-quality sustainable timber. We offer an extensive range of external cladding, including locally grown Scottish Larch, Siberian Larch, Architect Select® Western Red Cedar, and Accoya®. We also supply solid and engineered European oak flooring and naturally durable commercial decking as well as a range of innovative fixings and systems for cladding and decking. Russwood have extensive experience in advising clients on material selection, it’s specification and careful detailing, which are key to ensuring that every project looks fantastic, and meets its performance objectives. Our team of experts are well informed about the embedded energy of our products and can offer materials with an extremely low carbon footprint. Russwood products are all FSC® and PEFC™ sourced positioning them well with clients who appreciate the value of materials that work with nature rather than taking from the environment. We manufacture cladding and decking to each client’s specification, with a wide range of customisation options including: species, profile, fire retardant treatment, size and grade. We also have an in-house state-of-the-art coating facility, where we can vacuum coat cladding in the colour of your choice, in order to produce a consistent finish which will last.


Modern Lines for any space.

Designed and hand crafted by Karice in Canada

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