Raw Performance. Matt black.
design Fabrizio Crisà


Set in one of Melbourne’s leafier suburbs, Kernan Residence spatially draws inspiration from the exterior sculptural form, achieving a sophisticated sense of calm.
Set Melbourne’s leafier suburbs, spatially draws exterior form, achieving a sophisticated sense
This brownstone apartment, steps from Central Park, is the pied-a-terre for an empty-nester blended family who reside primarily in Seattle..
UPPER SIDE steps from Central Park, is the pied-a-terre family who primarily in Seattle..
Editor in Chief
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The world of interior to evolve, driven by the spaces that inspire, comfort, and living.
The world of interior design continues to evolve, driven by the desire for spaces that inspire, comfort, and adapt to modern living.
Brighton-based studio Spark & Bell is pioneering a new era of sustainable lighting, combining community-focused craftsmanship with quality and responsible materials in its contemporary design pieces.
Brighton-based studio is pioneering a new era lighting, community-focused quality responsible contemporary design pieces.
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The OASIS HOUSE desert home designed by Robert Majkut Studio, has won the residential architecture at the prestigious Opal Award 2024.
The OASIS HOUSE project, a unique desert home designed by Robert Majkut Design Studio, has won the residential architecture category at the prestigious Opal Award 2024.
The jury praised the exceptional aesthetics, advanced technologies and harmonious integration with nature that set this project apart from others.
The aesthetics, advanced technologies and harmonious with nature that set this project apart from others.
Can we live in the desert (again)?
Can we live in the desert (again)?
OASIS HOUSE is not just a house, it is a manifesto of modern architecture. Its uniqueness lies in the creation of a contemporary oasis that blends harmoniously with the harsh desert climate while offering comfort and functionality.
OASIS HOUSE is not just a house, it is a manifesto of architecture. Its uniqueness lies in the creation oasis that blends harmoniously with the climate while offering comfort and functionality.
The oasis is the beginning of each habitat, providing shade, water, vegetation and the opportunity to grow crops or raise animals.
The oasis is the beginning of each habitat, providing shade, water, vegetation and the to grow crops or raise animals.
It a place soothes with presence, and trees and shrubs protect from wind and sun.
It is a place where nature soothes with its presence, and trees and shrubs protect from wind and sun.
“Theoasisbecametheoriginalidea because,inourunderstanding,it isanautonomousmicrocosmthat containseverythingneededfor comfortableandconvenientliving inadesertlandscape.However, evenanoasiscanbesubject tostrongandviolentnatural phenomena.Itisvaluableaslongas itlasts.
“Theoasisbecametheoriginalidea because,inourunderstanding,it isanautonomousmicrocosmthat containseverythingneededfor comfortableandconvenientliving inadesertlandscape.However, evenanoasiscanbesubject tostrongandviolentnatural phenomena.Itisvaluableaslongas itlasts.
Justlikeapersonseekingshelter fromtheheat,theoasisandthe
explains the project’s author,
Justlikeapersonseekingshelter fromtheheat,theoasisandthe gardenneedcareandsupport”, explains the project’s author,
Robert Majkut, Head of Design and CEO of Robert Majkut Design.
Robert Majkut, Head of and CEO of Majkut Design.
“Forthisreason,themainelement oftheOASISHOUSEconceptisthe combinationofthedoublehouse ideawithmoderntechnologiesthat coexistwithandevenutilisethe naturalcharacteristicsofthedesert landscape.
combinationofthedoublehouse ideawithmoderntechnologiesthat coexistwithandevenutilisethe naturalcharacteristicsofthedesert

of desert climate
central element of the OASIS HOUSE is the concept of the The glazed structure, a kind screen, creating a for the inner the house at its heart.
The central element of the OASIS HOUSE is the concept of the double house. The outer airy glazed structure, a kind of screen, acts as a protective barrier, creating a microclimate for the inner garden and the house at its heart.
interior of building is of fluid, sculptural forms provide privacy and comfort for the the of the garden. allows the desert house to function independently in adverse conditions, providing comfortable microclimate for its occupants.
The interior of the building is a series of fluid, sculptural forms that provide privacy and comfort for the occupants while opening up to the lush greenery of the garden. This allows the desert house to function independently in adverse conditions, providing a comfortable microclimate for its occupants.
well thought out
Design well thought out

The ground floor houses a spacious living room surrounded by greenery, a dining room for ten, an office, a library and recreational areas, providing ideal conditions for daily life and relaxation amidst lush vegetation.
The ground floor houses a spacious living room surrounded by greenery, a dining room ten, an office, a library and recreational providing ideal conditions daily life and relaxation amidst lush vegetation.
bedrooms and an independent guest apartment, ensuring comfort for guests. The
technical building with garages, pool and guest parking.
The upper floors contain private bedrooms and an independent guest apartment, ensuring privacy and comfort for residents and guests. The project is complemented by a 300m² technical building with garages, swimming pool and guest parking.
cells and water recycling systems, of resources and the use of renewable energy sources.
cells and water recycling systems, ensuring rational management of resources and the use of renewable energy sources.
The airy patterns were created parametric design. The algorithms used allow the building scaled up and
The airy patterns were created using parametric design. The algorithms used allow the building to be easily scaled up and down.
prefabricated using printers ensures construction with quality. intelligent manages the entire house and grounds, lighting, air conditioning, energy and irrigation
Fromthiscombinationwehave createdaspacethatisidealfor comfortableliving,”headds.
Fromthiscombinationwehave createdaspacethatisidealfor
residence, with total m², has a three-storey main building living, family, leisure
The residence, with a total area of almost 1000 m², has been designed on a regular rectangular plot. The three-storey main building combines living, family, leisure and working areas.
is inspired by the colours of the earth, desert architecture and traditional a modern interpretation.
The overall design is inspired by the colours of the earth, desert architecture and traditional ornamentation in a modern interpretation.
Concrete prefabricated using 3D printers ensures a fast construction process combined with quality. An intelligent system manages the entire house and grounds, including lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, energy and irrigation management.
Modernity but tradition
Modernity but also building tradition
new technologies such
The project uses new technologies such as translucent photovoltaic
Interestingly, the designers also drew inspiration from traditional methods such as wind catchers, which have been used in Middle Eastern architecture for centuries.
Interestingly, the designers also drew inspiration from traditional as catchers, have been used Middle Eastern architecture for centuries.
As a result, Oasis House combines modernity with tradition to create a unique living space.
As a result, Oasis House combines modernity with tradition to unique living space.
Independence of desert climate

More than just another building
More than just another building
The Outstanding Property Award London the most excellent architectural projects
The aims promote innovative solutions
The Outstanding Property Award London annually recognises the most excellent architectural projects from around the world. The competition aims to promote innovative and sustainable solutions in architecture.
In this year’s edition, the OASIS HOUSE project won the award in the Residential Architecture category, an accolade for the Robert Majkut Studio, confirming that the is an innovative, inspiring concept that takes a step forward towards responsible “Ifapersoncanimaginesomething, itmeanstheycanachieveit.When beenvisualised,itmeansthatwe thenon-existenceofthisproject, whichwearealreadydiscussing,”
In this year’s edition, the OASIS HOUSE project won the award in the Residential Architecture category, an accolade for the Robert Majkut Design Studio, confirming that the desert house project is an innovative, inspiring concept that takes a step forward towards responsible architecture.
“Ifapersoncanimaginesomething, itmeanstheycanachieveit.When wetalkaboutaconceptthathas beenvisualised,itmeansthatwe arealreadythreestepsawayfrom thenon-existenceofthisproject, andthusclosertoitsrealisation, whichwearealreadydiscussing,” concludesRobertMajkut.
Robert Majkut Design
Robert RMD is international design and design strategy practice focusing on creative and quality solutions commercial investors. For over 28 years, using
RMD is an award-winning, international interior design and design strategy practice focusing on highly creative and high quality solutions for commercial investors. For over 28 years, using

our we have for bold people and evolving brands, helping transform to in their industries.
our expertise and experience, we have worked for bold people and evolving brands, helping them transform to become leaders in their industries.
Using of design, generate new market standards with them, achieving business and image goals.
Using the potential of design, we generate new market standards with them, achieving business and image goals.
We always look for authenticity in the design process, we want to tell real stories. The company is best showcased in numerous editorials in consumer and trade magazines.
We authenticity the design process, we want to tell real stories. is best showcased in numerous editorials in consumer magazines.
Robert Majkut Design Ltd is headquartered in London and has representation in Warsaw and Hong Kong.
Robert Majkut Design Ltd is headquartered in London has representation in Warsaw and Hong Kong.
Robert Majkut – CEO and Head of Design
Robert Majkut – CEO and Head of Design
A visionary interior designer, Robert is valued for creating original, narrative and often ground-breaking projects. Robert is known for his appreciation of high quality, his sense of colour, intelligent use of space, soft and free forms and his attention to detail.
A designer, Robert valued for original, often ground-breaking projects. Robert is known his appreciation high quality, his sense of intelligent use of free and his attention to detail.
He has studied architecture, art and culture and his interests, which include civilisation shifts,
He has studied architecture, art and culture his interests, which civilisation shifts,

revolutions in art, the anthropology of cultures and modern technologies, are consistently and successfully applied in his work.
revolutions in art, the anthropology of technologies, are and successfully applied in his work.
Robert also a speaker, competition founder world-renowned and unique piano manufacturing brand - Whaletone.
Robert is also a lecturer, keynote speaker, competition judge and cofounder of the world-renowned and unique piano manufacturing brand - Whaletone.
His has with awards such as Council’s Star Award, a nomination for the Elle Awards in the Good Design category and several European Property Awards.
His work has often been recognised with awards such as the British Council’s Rising Star Award, a nomination for the Elle Style Awards in the Good Design category and several European Property Awards.
He is frequently invited as a guest and expert on television and radio programmes, and his projects and statements can be found in hundreds of articles, magazines and publications around the world.
He is frequently invited as a guest and expert on and radio programmes, and his projects and statements can be found in hundreds of articles, magazines and publications
He has such brands as Noble Bank, Alior Bank, Time Trend, Boutique Moliera dla Salvatore Ferragamo, Wabu - Sushi & Grupa Profbud, Orange
Kolosej, Enka i Mori Cinema, Dr Irena Eris, Skin&Beauty by Supherpharm, Property Company, STRABAG Real Estate.
He has designed for such brands as Multikino, Open Finance, Noble Bank, Alior Bank, Time Trend, Boutique Moliera 2 dla Valentino i Salvatore Ferragamo, Wabu - Sushi & Japanese Tapas, Grupa Profbud, Orange Sky Golden Harvest, Kolosej, Imax Enka i Mori Cinema, Dr Irena Eris, RBL, Skin&Beauty by Supherpharm, LINCOLN Property Company, STRABAG Real Estate.
studio@design.pl | www.robertmajkut.com

Princes Risborough, Wednesday 26th February 2025 – With the 2025 Hilton Trends Report declaring this year as ‘the Year of the Travel Maximiser’, Hypnos explores how hoteliers can enhance guestroom comfort and capitalise on sleep tourism.

Branded as a year of the “Great Recharge”, 2024 saw sleep retreats and sleep tourism make headlines as guests focussed on their wellbeing.
Having interviewed over 13,000 travellers, Hilton found that guests want to maximize every moment of their time away during 2025. According to the Sleep Tourizzzm 2.0 report, around two-in-five travellers choose hotels they expect a better night’s sleep in.
Branded as a year of the “Great Recharge”, saw and make headlines as guests focussed on their wellbeing. Having interviewed over 13,000 travellers, found guests want to maximize every moment of time away 2025. According to the Sleep Tourizzzm 2.0 report, around two-in-five travellers choose hotels they expect better night’s sleep in.
A of even reported in ‘HurkleDurkling’ on – a Scottish phrase for ‘lounging in bed all – more than a quarter travellers booked a spa or treatment to enhance their sleep.
A fifth of global travellers even reported indulging in ‘HurkleDurkling’ whilst on holiday – a Scottish phrase for ‘lounging in bed all day’ – and more than a quarter of travellers booked a spa or wellness treatment to enhance their sleep.
A well-designed considers all sensory aspects that influence a good night’s sleep. Not just sight, also even support and ensure that enjoy a great night’s sleep.
A well-designed guestroom considers all sensory aspects that influence a good night’s sleep. Not just sight, but also touch, sound and even smell can support wellbeing and ensure that guests enjoy a great night’s sleep.
“Creating ambience is central – restful space isn’t just about
“Creating the right ambience is central to the guest experience – a restful space isn’t just about
colour palettes and finishes,” says David Hypnos, group managing director. “Together with a comfortable sleep means considering lighting and window temperature adjustment and acoustics, all crucial for and relaxation.”
colour palettes and finishes,” says David Baldry, Hypnos, group managing director. “Together with a comfortable bed, prioritising sleep means considering lighting and window treatments, temperature adjustment and acoustics, all crucial for restorative sleep and relaxation.”
Hypnos has launched collections of hospitality beds designed to address a variety of needs for its clients, hotels and residences in the UK
Hypnos has launched three new collections of hospitality beds designed to address a variety of needs for its clients, hotels and residences in the UK and abroad.
The reinforce the reputation for giving guests the ultimate experience with handmade, beds, from and recyclable at end life.
The collections reinforce the brand’s reputation for giving guests the ultimate sleep experience with handmade, sustainable beds, free from foam and recyclable at end of life.
Both Signature Collection Eden Harmony mattress - created in collaboration Eden Project - use the finest sourced materials, harnessing the power of With wool (Responsible Standard), plant-based fibres responsive
Both the Hypnos Signature Collection and the Eden Project Harmony mattress - created in collaboration with Eden Project - use the finest quality, ethically sourced materials, harnessing the power of nature. With breathable RWS wool (Responsible Wool Standard), plant-based fibres and responsive
natural latex, the collection delivers sophisticated Hypnos comfort with advanced support.
natural latex, the collection delivers sophisticated Hypnos comfort with advanced edge support.
The Boutique considered sleep broad appeal comfortable support zip & link options. The specifications combine layers eOlus Precision, eOlus Comfort, and matched with ReActive springs. Boutique Wool and Wool Deluxe models both feature wool for natural temperature control.
The Boutique Collection offers considered sleep solutions with broad appeal and comfortable support in single-sided, turnable and zip & link options. The specifications combine layers of eOlus Precision, eOlus Comfort, and blended wool, matched with expertly engineered ReActive springs. Boutique Wool and Boutique Wool Deluxe models both feature RWS certified wool for natural temperature control.
Designed for the Essentials Collection is eOlus fibres and pocket springs.
Designed for comfort, the Essentials Collection is made with breathable eOlus Precision fibres and ReActive pocket springs.
Every mattress in the new collections deliver Hypnos’ signature quality, responsibly sourced materials and craftmanship, giving hotels the freedom to choose the right mattress to meet specification requirements while also supporting guests’ wellbeing by maximising sleeping (and ‘hurke durkle’!) comfort.
Every mattress new collections deliver Hypnos’ signature quality, responsibly sourced materials giving hotels the freedom to choose the right mattress to specification requirements while also supporting guests’ wellbeing by sleeping (and ‘hurke comfort.

Inspired by our heritage, designed for the modern bedroom. The Iconic Collection features floating beds with unparalleled comfort and exclusive fabrics. Handmade in Sweden
Join the unwinding world of Swedish luxury beds by becoming a Carpe Diem Beds dealer.
Please get in touch with Oliver Bowen at oliver.bowen@carpediembeds.com
January Furniture Show, stand 1–D30

A Vision Rooted in Experience
A Vision Rooted in Experience
A Elegance
A Diverse Portfolio of Elegance

Katia Perez Design seamlessly aesthetics, creating that are both sophisticated and inviting. team carefully curates’ colours, and to foster a of This approach allows them to exude luxury while remaining and personal. Every design choice is underpinned by an unwavering commitment to impeccable craftsmanship, that each element of a project contributes to a stunning final
Katia Perez Design seamlessly merges classical and contemporary aesthetics, creating homes that are both sophisticated and inviting. The team carefully curates’ textures, colours, and layouts to foster a sense of harmony and elegance. This approach allows them to craft interiors that exude luxury while remaining warm and personal. Every design choice is underpinned by an unwavering commitment to impeccable craftsmanship, ensuring that each element of a project contributes to a cohesive and stunning final result.
A Commitment to Individualized Luxury
A Commitment to Individualized Luxury
This year marks a milestone for Katia Design, interior design that has been redefining private residential spaces for a decade.
This year marks a significant milestone for Katia Perez Design, an award-winning interior design studio that has been redefining private residential spaces for a decade.
Over the past ten years, the studio has established itself as a beacon of creativity and sophistication, bringing a deeply personal touch to luxury interiors across the UK. With an unwavering commitment to quality craftsmanship and a passion for blending aesthetics with functionality, Katia Perez Design continues to set the standard for elegant and timeless living spaces.
Over the past studio has established itself as a creativity sophistication, bringing a deeply personal touch to interiors the UK. With an unwavering to a passion for blending aesthetics with Katia Perez continues to the standard for elegant and timeless living spaces.
Founded by Katia Perez, a designer with over 20 years experience in the design industry, the studio has built a reputation for beautifully crafted interiors tailored to each client’s unique lifestyle.
Founded by Katia Perez, a designer with over 20 years of experience in the luxury design industry, the studio has built a reputation for delivering beautifully crafted interiors tailored to each client’s unique lifestyle.
“Each project each particular client,” Katia shares. “It’s about people feel connected, not just to their but their
“Each project is tailored to each particular client,” Katia shares. “It’s about creating a space where people feel connected, not just to their environment but to fit with their lifestyles and aspirations.”
This philosophy has been the driving force behind the studio’s success, is a seamless blend of luxury, comfort, and individuality.
This philosophy has been the driving force behind the studio’s success, ensuring that every project is a seamless blend of luxury, comfort, and individuality.
The hallmark of Katia Perez Design is its versatility. Rather than adhering to a singular design style, the studio adapts its approach to suit the unique character of each client and property.
The hallmark of Katia Perez Design is Rather adhering to the adapts its to suit the unique character of each client and property.
From sleek, high-end apartments in bustling city centres to the rustic charm of countryside barn conversions, every project reflects a meticulous eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the harmony between space and function. Whether transforming a quintessentially British townhouse or a contemporary mews house, Katia’s signature touch ensures that every space is as distinctive as its owner.
From sleek, high-end in bustling city centres to the rustic charm of countryside barn conversions, every project reflects a meticulous eye for detail and a for the harmony function. transforming quintessentially British townhouse or a contemporary mews house, Katia’s signature that every is as as owner.
its core, Perez is about more than interiors; crafting spaces that reflect the people who inhabit them. By prioritizing client and personalization, the studio ensures that every project is an authentic representation of owner’s taste This dedication to individuality has the reputation as of the leading names in high-end residential design.
At its core, Katia Perez Design is about more than just interiors; it’s about crafting spaces that reflect the people who inhabit them. By prioritizing client collaboration and personalization, the studio ensures that every project is an authentic representation of its owner’s taste and aspirations. This dedication to individuality has solidified the studio’s reputation as one of the leading names in high-end residential design.
to the Future
Looking to the Future
As Katia Perez Design celebrates its 10th anniversary, the studio committed to of interior maintaining core values of quality, creativity, and personalization. Looking ahead, Katia and her team are to bringing to new projects, luxury with their distinctive blend of elegance and functionality.
As Katia Perez Design celebrates its 10th anniversary, the studio remains committed to pushing the boundaries of interior design while maintaining its core values of quality, creativity, and personalization. Looking ahead, Katia and her team are excited to continue bringing their expertise and passion to new projects, shaping the future of luxury interiors with their distinctive blend of elegance and functionality.

Blending Tradition with Modernity
Blending Tradition
Embark on a design journey.

The Latest Marbles Collection
touch of timeless elegance.
Following the success of the preview at Marmomac 2024, Antolini®, icon of natural stone, launches Invisible® Sunset and Cipollino GreyWave, the two latest additions to the Exclusive Collection: two enchanting marbles that are the result of the curiosity and passion that have always spurred the Verona-based brand to explore the world’s remotest locations in order to discover the most extraordinary natural stones.
Following the success of the preview at Antolini®, icon of natural stone, launches Invisible® Sunset Cipollino GreyWave, the two latest additions the Exclusive Collection: enchanting marbles that are the result of curiosity and passion that have spurred the brand to explore the world’s remotest locations order to the most stones.
With its striated appearance, the result of irregular stratifications,
With its appearance, the result of stratifications,
The of Cipollino is made particularly vibrant by the mysterious white, grey and black veining that intertwine to unique, unrepeatable pattern.
The surface of Cipollino GreyWave is made particularly vibrant by the mysterious play of white, grey and black veining that intertwine to create a unique, unrepeatable pattern.
Invisible® Sunset, a true explosion of and sensory is an extraordinary marble, the surface of which features touches of nuances expand almost sugar-paper blue expanse like brushstrokes of a fresco.
Invisible® Sunset, a true explosion of visual and sensory emotions, is an extraordinary marble, the surface of which features touches of ochre and nuances of brown that expand across a dusty, desaturated, almost sugar-paper blue expanse like the brushstrokes of a fresco.
Its nature as a metamorphic rock, however, makes it particularly porous and subject to surface micro-corrosion, and it is precisely to allow the beauty of Mother Nature to be fully enjoyed in these environments that Antolini® has developed Azerocare®Plus, an innovative process that amplifies the visual power of its natural stones while protecting their surfaces from aggression from external agents.
Its nature as a metamorphic rock, however, makes it particularly porous to micro-corrosion, to of Nature to be fully enjoyed in these environments that Antolini® developed innovative that the visual power of its natural stones protecting surfaces aggression from external

The Latest Marbles From Exclusive Collection
Cipollino marble has fascinated us since ancient times.
Invisible Sunset® and Cipollino GreyWave marble can lend any room a touch of timeless elegance.
Cipollino marble fascinated since
Invisible Sunset® and Cipollino GreyWave lend any room a
Elica, the leader in stylish extraction, has introduced new models of NikolaTesla for 2025, broadening further already the widest range on the market.
Elica, the Italian world leader in stylish kitchen extraction, has introduced new models of NikolaTesla venting hobs for 2025, broadening further what was already the widest range on the market.
on has also Primis a of standard ideal for contract market.
Building on this position it has also launched Primis a range of standard induction hobs which are ideal for the contract market.

Elica’s new “green” induction technology is approximately 33% more efficient than conventional induction hobs. This is a real benefit as hobs use more energy when operating than any other appliance.
Ideally suited to the contract and developer market, where energy efficiency is particularly important for the marketing of new homes to environmentally conscious purchasers, it has been introduced on the highly competitive Primis induction hobs and Alpha B venting hobs. Both offer all the performance and features you would expect and are available in 60 and 80 cm sizes.
“green” is 33% more efficient than conventional induction hobs. is a real benefit hobs use than other suited the energy efficiency particularly important for the marketing new to purchasers, it has been introduced the highly competitive Primis induction hobs and Alpha hobs. features you would expect and are available in 60 and 80 cm sizes.

The Elica switch family of venting hobs is recognised the classic design in the sector 2025 sees a number major developments for the of the latest bright LED displays when use and are available in the new “Raw” matt as well The family are with automatic functions including simmer, melting and warming modes.
The Elica switch family of venting hobs is recognised as the most classic design in the sector and 2025 sees a number major developments for the line. Many of the latest models feature bright white LED displays when in use and are available in the new “Raw” matt antiscratch finish as well as traditional black glass. The Switch family are highly specified hobs with many automatic functions including simmer, melting and warming modes

Effective grease and odour filtering is at the heart of all Elica models and the new EVO filtering system gives the highest grease filtering efficiency available.
When installed in recirculating mode the combination odour/grease filter is convenient and practical. The EVO system is extremely easy to maintain – just lift out the filter from the top of the hob and in the dishwasher to clean and then put the odour element in a warm 75°C oven to regenerate.
grease and odour filtering is at the heart of all Elica models and the new EVO filtering system gives the highest grease filtering efficiency recirculating mode the combination filter convenient and practical. is extremely to maintain the filter from the top of the hob dishwasher to clean and then put the odour element in a warm 75°C regenerate.
is at a premium Elica offer FIT venting hobs. Available in 60cm, 70cm and the XL they maximum for fitting in size All have a bridging zone for large pans and the XL 80cm model is available with new Raw anti-scratch, matt finish.
When space is at a premium Elica offer their FIT venting hobs. Available in 60cm, 70cm and the XL 80cm they provide maximum flexibility for fitting in any size kitchen area. All have a bridging zone for large pans and the XL 80cm model is available with standard or the new Raw anti-scratch, matt finish.

also the gas venting on the is for more Flame is available in both black and grey finishes.
Elica also has FLAME - the only gas venting hob on the market and is perfect for more traditional cooks. Flame is available in both black and grey finishes.
All hobs can be installed in recirculating mode and there is a comprehensive range of recirculating kits for every type of Elica odour are long-life and can regenerated so they their up to
All Elica venting hobs can be installed in duct-out or recirculating mode and there is a comprehensive range of recirculating kits for every type of installation. Elica odour filters are long-life and can be easily regenerated so they keep their performance for up to 3 years.
For peace of mind all Elica induction and venting hobs come with a manufacturers five year warranty
For peace of mind induction and venting hobs come manufacturers five year warranty

Our German heritage and 70-year history means we stand for all the things you’d want from a kitchen contract team: quality, precision, reliability.
Our German heritage and stand the you’d want from a kitchen contract team: quality, precision, reliability.
And our modern approach give you a quicker, more straightforward and more sustainable at every
And our modern approach means we’ll give you a quicker, more straightforward and more sustainable kitchen project at every step.
We’re proud to climate-neutral company an achievement we think is one greatest to date. all, we kitchens a and export to over 60 countries, neutralising our effect on the planet hasn’t
We’re proud to be a climate-neutral company — an achievement we think is one of our greatest to date. After all, we make 900 kitchens a day and export to over 60 countries, so neutralising our effect on the planet hasn’t been easy.

Wabi refers to living with humility and simplicity, being in harmony is defined as the ability to accept the lifecycle anything as - flaws and all.
Wabi refers to living with humility and simplicity, while being in harmony with nature. Sabi is defined as the ability to accept the lifecycle of anything as it is - flaws and all.
This is Wabi Sabi, the Japanese philosophy of imperfect.
This is Wabi Sabi, the Japanese philosophy of accepting the imperfect.
It is in this package of authenticity and calmness that Caffe together with Tasnim reveals its personality.
It is in this package of authenticity and calmness that Caffe Latte, together with Tasnim Ashraf, reveals its unique personality.
Located of there is
Located in the main business center of North Africa, there is a small, but
cosy studio, combining different rooms in one singular and sober space, whose rustic touch perfectly fits with the elegance and wealth of the pieces.
cosy studio, combining different rooms one singular and sober space, perfectly fits with the elegance and wealth of the pieces.
At the entrance, we are impelled by Body an and charming element designed by Masquespacio, is, moreover, statement piece of the dark foyer.
At the entrance, we are impelled by the presence of Body Chair, an elegant and charming element designed by Masquespacio, which is, moreover, the main statement piece of the dark foyer.
A few steps ahead, we come face to face with the bedroom, improvised for some, but perfect for those who don’t want to waste time with decoration details.
A few steps ahead, come face to face with the bedroom, improvised for some, perfect for those who don’t to waste decoration details.

It’s right there, more ever.
It’s right there, more accessible than ever.
In this adjoining space, stripped of any embellishment, there is Minelli Bed, all in neutral tones, with Cocoa and Sugar, from Caffe Latte, serving as nature-inspired bedside table and rug, respectively.
In adjoining of any is Minelli Bed, all in neutral tones, with Cocoa and Sugar, from Caffe as nature-inspired bedside table and rug, respectively.
In addition, it can also be found a mid-century vibe, brought by Amy Table Lamp and Etta Pendant.
In it also be found a mid-century vibe, brought by Amy Table Etta Pendant.
Regarding storage, the closet is a key background complement that will add more and organization to the space.
Regarding storage, the closet is a key background complement that will certainly add more dynamism and organization to the space.

The synonyms of comfort and wellbeing extend to the living which, like the entire apartment, aligns the minimalist style with contemporary one, through the simplicity of of the in Cassia Modular Sofa, together with Ceylon Side the launch pad what’s coming.
The synonyms of comfort and wellbeing extend to the living room, which, like the entire apartment, aligns the minimalist style with the contemporary one, through the simplicity of the aesthetics and subtlety of the pieces, in which Cassia Modular Sofa, together with Caffe Latte’s Ceylon Side Table form the launch pad for what’s coming.
is present, and is distinguished by the curves and relax offered by Sofa and Hudson which find, in the centre, through Empire Coffee Table, of peace and tranquility.
The mid century spirit is present, and is distinguished by the curves and relax offered by Zelda Single Sofa and Hudson Armchair, which find, in the centre, through Empire Coffee Table, the ideal rest of peace and tranquility.
As more secondary pieces, but still renowned, Dolmen Stool is the clear symbol of classical antiquity, bringing with it a historical inspiration, such as the retro statement Simone Floor Lamp, or Metamorphosis Sconce, claded in wood, while imbued in the granite wall.
more secondary pieces, still Dolmen Stool clear symbol of classical antiquity, with it a historical as the retro Simone Floor or Metamorphosis Sconce, claded in wood, while imbued in the granite wall.
The principles that govern wabi sabi thinking are the same that guide Caffe Latte in its endless mission to enchant at every step, with every new achievement: what you choose defines how you want to live your life. And there is so much to choose from.
principles that govern wabi sabi the guide in endless mission to at every step, every what choose defines how you want to live your is to from.

CAFFE LATTE modern Design’s paramount is to provide ergonomic and functionality to any room, with a modern minimalist approach.
CAFFE LATTE modern Design’s paramount is to provide ergonomic and functionality to any room, with a modern minimalist approach.
Complementing other designs aesthetics with the use of a neutral colour palette, presenting sobriety to any interior decoration project, ultimately creating a consensual and transversal design, suitable for any taste.
Complementing other aesthetics use colour palette, presenting sobriety to any ultimately creating a consensual and transversal design, suitable for any taste.
| www.caffelattehome.com
At Franks, we believe your home should reflect your unique style and personality. Our passion lies in creating exquisite that not only your living spaces but story craftsmanship, quality, and timeless
At Tommy Franks, we believe your home should reflect your unique style and personality. Our passion lies in creating exquisite furniture that not only enhances your living spaces but also tells a story—a story of craftsmanship, quality, and timeless elegance.
Craftsmanship Beyond Compare
Every piece at Tommy Franks is a testament to the of traditional craftsmanship, blended with the finest materials sourced around the world. artisans meticulously handcraft each detail, ensuring that every item is not just a piece of furniture, but of art. the smooth curves of a to the intricate of table, our commitment to shines through in every creation.
Every piece at Tommy Franks is a testament to the mastery of traditional Italian craftsmanship, blended with the finest materials sourced from around the world. Our artisans meticulously handcraft each detail, ensuring that every item is not just a piece of furniture, but a work of art. From the smooth curves of a hand-carved chair to the intricate inlay of a bespoke dining table, our commitment to excellence shines through in every creation.
A of Style and Functionality
A Symphony of Style and Functionality
Furniture should be functional as is we design pieces offer both style and practicality. Whether it’s a luxurious sofa invites to unwind after a day or a table becomes the heart of family gatherings, Tommy Franks seamlessly combines elegance with utility.
Furniture should be as functional as it is beautiful. That’s why we design pieces that offer both style and practicality. Whether it’s a luxurious sofa that invites you to unwind after a long day or a dining table that becomes the heart of your family gatherings, Tommy Franks seamlessly combines elegance with utility.
Exclusive Designs Discerning Tastes
Exclusive Designs for Discerning Tastes
Our collections are for those with discerning tastes— individuals who appreciate things in life and seek furniture that resonates with their aesthetic. From modern minimalism to our diverse range ensures there’s something for every style. We also offer customisation allowing you to personalise pieces perfectly suit your home.
Our collections are curated for those with discerning tastes— individuals who appreciate the finer things in life and seek furniture that resonates with their personal aesthetic. From modern minimalism to classic sophistication, our diverse range ensures there’s something for every style. We also offer customisation options, allowing you to personalise your pieces to perfectly suit your home.

Trade Accounts with Exceptional Benefits
Trade with Exceptional Benefits
At the needs of professionals in the interior design and retail sectors. That’s why we offer trade accounts minimum order requirements, making it easier for you to access our premium collections. Additionally, we provide complimentary delivery to client addresses across Britain, ensuring a seamless experience selection
At Tommy Franks, we understand the needs of professionals in the interior design and retail sectors. That’s why we offer trade accounts with no minimum order requirements, making it easier for you to access our premium collections. Additionally, we provide complimentary delivery to client addresses across Great Britain, ensuring a seamless experience from selection to installation.
Sustainable Luxury
Sustainable Luxury
Our to sustainability is unwavering. We pride using eco-friendly materials processes that reduce our environmental
Our commitment to sustainability is unwavering. We take pride in using eco-friendly materials and processes that reduce our environmental
impact. Our dedication to responsible and sustainable production practices means you can enjoy luxury with a conscience.
impact. Our dedication to responsible sourcing and sustainable production practices means you can enjoy luxury furniture with a clear conscience.
Experience the Tommy Franks Difference
Experience the Tommy Franks Difference
Transform spaces into sanctuaries of elegance with Tommy Franks. tommyfranks.co.uk to explore collections, open a trade account, or book a consultation with design to bespoke pieces tailored to your needs. Elevate interiors with the timeless beauty, exceptional quality, and exclusive benefits only Tommy Franks offer.
Transform your spaces into sanctuaries of elegance with Tommy Franks. Visit tommyfranks.co.uk to explore our collections, open a trade account, or book a consultation with our design experts to create bespoke pieces tailored to your needs. Elevate your interiors with the timeless beauty, exceptional quality, and exclusive benefits that only Tommy Franks can offer.


Set in one of Melbourne’s leafier suburbs, Kernan Residence spatially draws inspiration from the exterior sculptural form, achieving a sophisticated sense of calm through refined detailing and a rich material palette.
A well-considered series of spaces celebrate the home’s voluminous proportions, while creating intimate spaces for rest and relaxation.
of suburbs, Kernan draws inspiration from the sculptural form, a sophisticated sense of calm through detailing and a rich material of spaces the home’s voluminous while creating intimate spaces for

The more open spaces allow for impromptu meeting moments around the kitchen island and entry foyer. A sculptural staircase located centrally within the floor plate welcomes you on arrival with a gallery-like feel and a sense of being centre stage.
The allow for impromptu around foyer. centrally within the floor plate welcomes you on with a gallery-like being centre stage.
The brief was to heighten the interior the exterior’s solid sculptural aesthetic: a series of considered
The brief was to heighten the interior experience, drawing from the exterior’s solid sculptural aesthetic: a series of considered

Technical sheet
Fixtures and Fittings
Floor Boards-Havwoods-Botany Engineered Planked Timber Floor Boards
Polished Concrete Render Honed Concrete-Floor Paint-Whisper White-Dulux
Stone Kitchen Calcutta Oro
Kitchen - Calcutta Oro
Stone Benchtops Grey Tundra Honed- Nexus Stone
Stone Benchtops Grey Tundra Honed- Nexus Stone
Stone Floors HonedNexus
Stone Floors Grey Tundra HonedNexus Stone
Joinery-Walnut Veneer-Custom Hand Stained-Nantac Joinery
Joinery-Walnut Veneer-Custom Hand Stained-Nantac Joinery
Tapware-Brushed Gold
Tapware-Brushed Gold Appliances- Wolf-Subzero MieleSupplier Winnings
Appliances- MieleSupplier Winnings
Custom Concrete With Polished Concrete Finish
Custom Concrete Spiral Staircase With Polished Concrete Finish Marrow Reeded Glass-Steel Sliding Doors
Marrow Glass-Steel Doors
400 Series Window Frames-Direct Aluminium-Dulux
Frameless Glass Roof Glazing
400 Series Window Frames-Direct Aluminium-Dulux Black Ace Frameless Glass Roof Glazing
Loop Pile Carpets- Beige-Grey
spaces with heightened unexpected moments of light-filled double-height volumes engaging with its occupants, while connecting the upper-level sleeping and private
spaces with heightened unexpected moments through a series of light-filled double-height volumes engaging with its occupants, while connecting the upper-level sleeping and private retreat areas.
A sculptural central staircase connecting the two levels elevates the living experience of intrigue, intentionally defines the surrounding living more
A sculptural central staircase connecting the two levels elevates the living experience with a sense of intrigue, yet intentionally defines the surrounding living spaces for more intimate settings.

Fireplace- Realflame Pure Vision
Loop Pile Carpets- Beige-Grey Fireplace- Pure
Lighting-Recessed 90mm White Led-By Builder-Placed As Twin Lights 50mm Spacings
Lighting-Recessed Led-By Builder-Placed As Twin Lights 50mm
Feature Lighting Ross Gardam-Ceto Range
Feature Lighting Ross Gardam-Ceto Range
Joinery-Recessed Concealed Strip Lighting
Joinery-Recessed Concealed Lighting
Photo credit: Dave Kulesza
Photo credit: Kulesza
Completed works range from single houses, to multi-residential housing, mixed-use, commercial, hospitality, retail, conversions, reuse, corporate, and interior design.
Completed range from single houses, multi-residential housing, mixed-use, hospitality, retail, reuse, corporate, and interior design.

For over 10 years, Europa Wine Racks has established itself as a leader in the design and manufacture of bespoke wine storage solutions, notably with our flagship product, Millésime. With an unwavering commitment to quality and aesthetics, we have revolutionized the way wine collectors and enthusiasts around the world store and display their precious bottles.
Our team of expert designers, combined with premium materials, creates wine racks and shelves that go beyond simple storage solutions. Each piece we create is the result of a perfect fusion between functionality and art, offering our clients tailor-made solutions that adapt to their spaces and unique needs.
For over Wine has itself a of bespoke storage solutions, notably with flagship Millésime. With an commitment to quality and aesthetics, we wine collectors and enthusiasts around the world store precious bottles. of combined with premium materials, creates racks and shelves that go beyond simple storage solupiece we is the a perfect fusion between functionality and art, offering our clients tailor-made adapt to their spaces and unique needs.
Endless Possibilities for
Endless Possibilities for Every Space
Europa Racks, we believe that space is unique, just like collections. This why we offer a wide range of racks shelves, allowing for are
At Europa Wine Racks, we believe that every space is unique, just like wine collections. This is why we offer a wide range of racks and shelves, allowing for complete customization. Our products are

made from noble materials such as Oak and Walnut, in finishes: varnished, natural, even acrylic a sleek look.
terials with anodized aluminum, available in three gray, black, or gold, a new addition aligns trends.
made from noble materials such as Oak and Walnut, available in various finishes: varnished, natural, or even acrylic for a modern and sleek look. We combine these materials with anodized aluminum, available in three elegant colors: gray, black, or gold, a new addition that aligns with the latest design trends.
matter the size nature of project, we a Additionally, our experdesign custom installations created specifically to integrate seamlessly into your environment, whether it’s a wine kitchen, room, a high-end restaurant.
No matter the size or nature of your project, we have a solution that fits. Additionally, our expertise allows us to design custom installations created specifically to integrate seamlessly into your environment, whether it’s a wine cellar, kitchen, living room, or even a high-end restaurant.
also offer a wide of compatible with collections of all sizes. Thanks to our experience, we developed solutions for from small urban apartments to professional wine cellars, as well as and restaurants. Each optimize space the beauty and integof the bottles.
We also offer a wide range of products compatible with wine collections of all sizes. Thanks to our experience, we have developed solutions for spaces ranging from small urban apartments to large professional wine cellars, as well as bars and restaurants. Each rack is designed to optimize space while highlighting the beauty and integrity of the bottles.

More Than 10 Years of Expertise
Than 10 Years of
expertise of over a decade design and manufacturing enables to understand needs of have observed the evolution of trends and have adapted to new lifestyles and innovations in are built to offering both
Our expertise of over a decade in design and manufacturing enables us to understand the specific needs of wine enthusiasts. We have observed the evolution of trends and have adapted to new lifestyles and innovations in wine storage. Our products are built to last, offering both impeccable quality and timeless aesthetics.
In addition to our wide range of racks, we are currently new for complete turnkey wine cellars. These racking setup projects, currently development, promise to our clients an even complete and integrated solution, meeting their storage, display, and wine preservation.
In addition to our wide range of racks, we are currently developing new solutions for complete turnkey wine cellars. These racking and cellar setup projects, currently in development, promise to offer our clients an even more complete and integrated solution, meeting all their needs for storage, display, and wine preservation.
By choosing Europa Wine Racks, you are for a trusted brand customsolutions to your needs and style. We are committed to enhance not only your wines but also your
By choosing Europa Wine Racks, you are opting for a trusted brand that provides innovative, customized solutions tailored to your needs and style. We are committed to creating products that enhance not only your wines but also your spaces.

Wine shelves
Metal & Wood Design
Metal & Wood Design
Flexible Positioning
Flexible Positioning
Custom Options
Custom Options
Building on a decade of solid and exciting achievements in the wine cellar industry, we believe it was time to bring wine cellar racking to a new level.
on a decade solid and exciting achievements in the wine cellar industry, believe it time to cellar new level.
The Millesime Wine Racks custom made wine cellar allows you to create the wine cellar that best suits your needs. Discover also our advice for a wine cabinet
Millesime Wine Racks custom made cellar allows you the wine cellar that best suits your needs. Discover also our advice for a wine cabinet

Pop culture décor, top and artwork, a window, and more design and technical within just 71 m2. This is the interior of apartment for financier’s family in Moscow.
Pop culture décor, top brands, and artwork, a bathroom with a window, and many more design and technical solutions – all within just 71 m2. This is the interior of the apartment for a financier’s family in Moscow.
We completed a design project and implemented the interior. An estimate was prepared, and the implementation cost was fixed during the design stage, which remained unchanged throughout the renovation.
We completed design project and implemented the An was prepared, the implementation cost was fixed during the design stage, which throughout the renovation.
Features A apartment featuring bathroom, a spacious hallway, a bedroom
Features A corner apartment featuring one bathroom, a spacious hallway, and a small bedroom
Our clients, an active couple, had several key requests for their interior design: they wanted an isolated office, a comfortable kitchen with an island, and designated spaces for their collections and travel magnets. We successfully fulfilled all their wishes and discovered creative solutions for some of the challenges we faced.
Our clients, active couple, had several key requests for their interior design: they wanted an isolated office, comfortable kitchen island, and designated spaces for collections magnets. We successfully fulfilled their wishes and discovered creative solutions for of the challenges we faced.
We designed a kitchen-living room that spans 36.6 square meters, featuring three large windows and multiple functional zones. The kitchen includes a custom island by the Italian brand Cesar.
We a that 36.6 featuring windows and multiple functional zones. The kitchen a custom island by the Italian brand Cesar.
We enclosed the kitchen in a porcelain stoneware frame, smartly hiding the hood grill in the upper
We porcelain stoneware frame, smartly hiding the
section. Additionally, we finished the countertops, backsplash, and window sills with quartzite that showcases an active stone texture.
section. we finished the window with showcases an active stone texture.
We installed a cooktop in hood, a wine cabinet, and several deep drawers in the island.
We installed a cooktop with a builtin hood, a wine cabinet, and several deep drawers in the island.
The backlighting inside the kitchen and island drawers activates when the drawer fronts are opened.
The backlighting inside the kitchen and island drawers when the opened.
The island will serve as a comfortable breakfast area, as we added three semi-bar stools on the living room side. Sockets were discreetly mounted on the side of the island to maintain its appearance as a monolithic stone block.
The will serve as a comfortable area, we added three semi-bar stools on the living room side. Sockets were discreetly mounted side of to maintain its appearance as a monolithic stone block.

Illuminated glass shelves were installed on the wall to the island to travel memorabilia and contemporary art pieces.
Illuminated glass shelves were installed on the wall next to the island for customers to display travel memorabilia and contemporary art pieces.
We selected a dining table with a neutral finish ensure it wouldn’t from the and base the ring connecting the two cones matches the color of the legs.
We selected a dining table with a neutral finish to ensure it wouldn’t detract from the Midj chairs upholstered in bright blue. We chose the color and material for the table base separately; the slim ring connecting the two cones matches the color of the chair legs.
Above the table, we hung lamps designed by British designer Tom Nearby, wall, there’s poster of Marvel characters displayed in a special lightbox from the customer’s collection.
Above the table, we hung lamps designed by British designer Tom Dixon. Nearby, on the wall, there’s a poster of Marvel characters displayed in a special lightbox from the customer’s collection.
selected a Milano sofa to accommodate potential Opposite the sofa, there hanging In the living room area, we a system, with speakers positioned near the above the sofa.
We selected a fold-out Milano Bedding sofa to accommodate potential guests. Opposite the sofa, there is a metal-finished hanging cabinet. In the living room area, we installed a surround-sound audio system, complete with speakers positioned near the TV and above the sofa.
In this is a area by the window a MisuraEmme a for a vinyl player, and, Tischler wall-mounted bar with ribbed glass fronts.
In this kitchen-living room, there is a small lounge area by the window featuring a MisuraEmme armchair, a stand for a vinyl player, and, above it, an Alexander Tischler wall-mounted bar with ribbed glass fronts.
also created a rounded invited the artist Vasiliy from to paint it. Vasiliy incorporated meaningful words for the customers graphics. interior design has minimized use making the small space between the hallway and the highly functional. Behind
We also created a small arch with rounded corners and invited the artist Vasiliy Matafonov from Yekaterinburg to paint it. Vasiliy incorporated meaningful words for the customers into the winding graphics. The interior design has minimized the use of corridors, making the small space between the hallway and the kitchen-living room highly functional. Behind the

sleek black facades, there is a washing machine and a dryer, along with room for a laundry basket and other household items. To right of utility cabinet, we’ve installed that vacuum The facades do not extend to for a robot vacuum Inside, there also mounts and an electrical socket for a handheld vacuum cleaner.
sleek black facades, there is a washing machine and a dryer, along with room for a laundry basket and other household items. To the right of the utility cabinet, we’ve installed a tall cabinet that can accommodate two vacuum cleaners. The cabinet’s facades do not extend to the floor, allowing space for a robot vacuum below. Inside, there are also mounts and an electrical socket for a handheld vacuum cleaner.
The guest bathroom is across from the utility closet. We installed a large countertop with an integrated sink and a kitchen faucet, making it versatile for laundry tasks. This bathroom can serve as an extension of the laundry room, allowing one to wash out stains or clean shoes easily. By opening the doors to both the closet and the bathroom, a convenient space for doing laundry is created.
The guest is utility closet. We installed a large countertop with an integrated sink and a kitchen faucet, making it versatile for laundry tasks. can serve of the laundry to out stains or clean shoes easily. By to both the closet and the bathroom, a convenient space for doing laundry is created.
We decorated the wall and door panel in the guest bathroom with stainless steel panels, providing a perfect spot for customers’ travel magnets. Additionally, we installed RGB lighting around the mirror cabinet to allow the clients to surprise their guests with an inviting ambiance.
We decorated the wall and door panel in the guest with steel panels, perfect spot for customers’ travel we installed RGB lighting mirror cabinet to allow the clients to surprise their with an inviting ambiance.
enhanced hallway by installing a floor-toceiling mirror, which helped create the illusion of more space. of mirrors for storing small items, it visually the surroundings. On the opposite wall, we placed a large closet with covered in decorative plaster. To touch, we artist to paint closet. the corner of this we installed a water supply and heating manifold unit, ensuring easy to it. We left for storing suitcases.
We enhanced the small hallway by installing a floor-toceiling mirror, which helped create the illusion of more space. We designed a hanging console made of mirrors for storing small items, making it visually blend into the surroundings. On the opposite wall, we placed a large closet with facades covered in decorative plaster. To add a unique touch, we commissioned an artist to paint the closet. In the corner of this closet, we installed a water supply and heating manifold unit, ensuring easy access to it. We also left space for storing suitcases.

One of the customer’s wishes was to create a voluminous and aesthetically pleasing storage system, so we prepared a project and commissioned the Italian factory MisuraEmme to produce the wardrobes for the bedroom.
One of wishes was create a voluminous and aesthetically pleasing storage system, so we a project factory to the wardrobes the bedroom.
The cabinet features fronts made of tinted glass, with vertical lighting installed along its entire height. The accessory drawers are adorned with grained ecoleather. Additionally, we installed the mirror in the bedroom directly on the door leaf.
The cabinet features fronts made of tinted vertical installed along its accessory drawers are grained ecoleather. Additionally, we bedroom directly on door leaf.
We created a curved panel above the headboard, which was painted by an artist and accented with carefully mounted lighting.
We curved panel above the headboard, which was painted artist and with mounted lighting.
This lighting highlights the texture of the surfaces, as we applied decorative plaster to the walls, ceilings, and doors throughout the space. The curved panel also extends into the loggia, creating a cohesive design.
This lighting highlights the texture of the surfaces, as we decorative to the walls, ceilings, and doors the The panel extends into design.
We installed a second layer of glazing on the loggia, which made it warmer. We also organized a separate office space of 4.1 m². On one side, we placed a table with a concrete finish, and we set up a cabinet for documents on the other side.
We layer the loggia, which made it warmer. also organized a separate office space 4.1 m². On we placed with finish, and we set up for documents on the other side.

The developer initially placed the bathroom entrance in the hallway. We connected the bathroom to the bedroom, increasing the area of the first to 7.3 m².
developer initially placed the bathroom in the hallway. We connected the bathroom to the bedroom, of the first to 7.3 m².
the wall by the tiles the Italian brand 41zero42, featuring palm leaves that
We decorated the wall by the window with tiles from the Italian brand 41zero42, featuring palm leaves that lean against misted glass.
freestanding shower are separated. Lupi shower head directly into the covered it with decorative
The freestanding bathtub and shower are not separated. We mounted the Antonio Lupi shower head directly into the ceiling and covered it with decorative plaster.
In this bathroom, designed and created a large cabinet featuring Above installation, we added a shallow cabinet fronts and lighting, specifically for the customer’s
In this bathroom, we designed and created a large wallmounted cabinet featuring an integrated sink. Above this installation, we added a shallow cabinet with glass fronts and lighting, specifically for the customer’s cosmetics.
In the bedroom and bathroom, we installed parquet flooring designed to resemble deck boards, featuring a distinctive division of planks for added accent.
In the bedroom and we parquet flooring designed to resemble deck boards, featuring a planks for added accent.
Photographer: Olga Karapetian


Discover stunning decorative lighting options in our next catalogue which will be launched in the New Year.
Filled with both carefully selected existing products and a host of gorgeous new fittings we’re excited to share with you.
Discover stunning decorative lighting next catalogue which will be launched New Year. Filled both selected a host of new fittings we’re excited to share with you.
With a focus flush ceiling that add a touch of elegance to any room, to table that offer both style and function, our new collection has to every interior.
With a focus on exquisite flush ceiling lights that add a touch of elegance to any room, to decorative table and floor lamps that offer both style and function, our new collection has something to suit every interior.

If you love our current Perdita range then love our new Coral range. black finish on chain suspensions and a matching wall light two dazzling layers of different shaped crystals. The refracting light from the octagonal shaped coral-like glass layers makes mesmerizing to
If you love our current Perdita range then you will definitely love our new Coral range. Matt black finish pendants on chain suspensions and a matching wall light featuring two dazzling layers of different shaped crystals. The refracting light from the octagonal shaped and coral-like crystal glass layers makes these fittings mesmerizing to look at.
With emphasis on dedicated LED products there a number of ranges in the catalogue that provide optimal beautiful aesthetics, one of core values here at Franklite.
With emphasis on dedicated LED products there are a number of ranges in the catalogue that provide optimal performance with beautiful aesthetics, one of our core values here at Franklite.
One of that makes Eternity worth mentioning are curved which the upwards illumination of these dedicated dimmable LED pendants.
One of the unique features that makes Eternity worth mentioning are its curved edges which enhance the upwards illumination of these dedicated and dimmable LED pendants.
With its style of crystal glasses, Beatrice is an impressive range of
With its original shape and style of delicate angled crystal glasses, Beatrice is an impressive range of

single, double and triple tiered LED pendants. Featuring a new brushed bronze wall this is not be missed.
single, double and triple tiered LED pendants. Featuring a new brushed bronze finish and a matching wall light, this is a range not to be missed.
The pendants sophistication and class with its polished nickel black finish with glass frosted glass base. All the pendants can be converted to flush which a great design feature of this range.
The Sloane pendants exude sophistication and class with its polished nickel or matt black finish with ribbed glass and a frosted glass base. All the pendants can be converted to flush fittings which is a great design feature of this range.
We can’t to our ‘mix and match’ ranges. nickel and aged brass single and multi-drop fittings with array of glass options choose from. This extensive selection includes multiple designs, shapes, colours and sizes to fitting.
We can’t forget to mention our ‘mix and match’ ranges. Elegant satin nickel and aged brass single and multi-drop fittings with an array of glass options to choose from. This extensive selection includes multiple designs, shapes, colours and sizes to personalise your fitting.

For more information about our product ranges contact the Customer Care team on 01908691818 or visit www.franklite.co.uk

Gold - Perdita Eclipse Halo
Mix and Match - Mezcla
At Fritz Fryer we love the challenge and diversity of bespoke lighting design projects and have recently been asked to do everything from fairly classic office fit outs, to a Victorian House Museum and a huge chandelier made of bike parts.
At we love diversity of bespoke lighting design projects and have recently been asked classic fit outs, to a Victorian House Museum and a huge chandelier made of bike parts.
By leveraging the expertise of our design team, the skills of our engineers, and our extensive British-based supply chain, we effectively bring the creative visions of interior designers and architects to life through close collaboration and we never know what challenge awaits us.
By of our skills of and our extensive supply we effectively bring creative visions of interior designers and architects to life through close collaboration and never know what challenge awaits
No two briefs are the same so we start with initial brainstorming on paper. At this stage need to consider elements, size and space any issues at installation, such as maximum weight of the installation or inconvenient glass skylights Having solidified the foundational we transition software create detailed 3D of the designs that allow us to the concepts our from which, produce drawings that workshop instructions. Typically complications arise at different stages of the project, must reviewed to ensure that suitability as well as form and finish
No two briefs are the same so we start with initial brainstorming and concepts sketched on paper. At this stage we need to consider the practical elements, size and space available, any potential issues at installation, such as maximum weight of the installation or inconvenient glass skylights etc. Having solidified the foundational ideas, we transition to CAD software to create detailed 3D models of the designs that allow us to effectively present the concepts to our clients, from which, we produce comprehensive engineering drawings that guide the workshop instructions. Typically complications arise at different stages of the project, meaning each component must be carefully reviewed to ensure that suitability as well as form and finish meet the highest standards.
At Fritz Fryer we collaborate closely with designers, architects, interior designers, conservators and curators as well as homeowners. Over the past two decades, we have cultivated strong, enduring, relationships within these sectors to secure many repeat clients. Our commitment to exceptional service has enabled us to maintain lasting partnerships with many clients throughout our journey but we also love to work with those on the start of their design journey in collaboration with local colleges and universities. The innovation that this brings to our team as we view our processes through fresh eyes is always remarkable.
At we collaborate closely architects, conservators and curators as well as Over the past two decades, we have cultivated strong, enduring, relationships to repeat clients. Our commitment to exceptional service has us to maintain lasting partnerships with many clients throughout our journey but we also love to work with the start of design journey in collaboration with local universities. The innovation that this brings to our team as we view our processes through fresh eyes is remarkable.
The upcoming 12 months promise to be an exciting time for our team, marked by the launch of several high-profile bespoke projects. One element where we have seen huge growth in recent years is in restoration and reworking for commercial projects as companies
The 12 months be an exciting time our team, marked by the launch high-profile bespoke projects. One element where we have growth in recent is in restoration and reworking for projects companies

For residential apartment buildings at Ebb&Flow, Station Hill, Reading.
Interior designed by The Vawdrey House. www.fritzfryer.co.uk
embrace the need to reduce their carbon footprint and repurpose existing lighting but with a modern twist. We are working on some exciting new projects and designs and expanding our product collections into new areas and are particularly looking forward to initiating work on some significant hospitality.
embrace the need to reduce footprint and with a modern We are working on some exciting projects designs our product into new areas and are particularly looking to initiating work significant hospitality.
www.fritzfryer.co.uk 01989 567416 ask@fritzfryer.co.uk

Bespoke Alton Cluster designed by Fritz Fryer.
As step world of interior to evolve, driven by the spaces that inspire, comfort, and adapt to modern living.
As we step into 2025, the world of interior design continues to evolve, driven by the desire for spaces that inspire, comfort, and adapt to modern living.
At we pride on staying at the forefront of these trends, crafting furniture that seamlessly blends innovation, sustainability, and style.
At Fenabel, we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of these trends, crafting furniture that seamlessly blends innovation, sustainability, and style.
This year, focus shifts to that do more than fill a space— they story.
This year, the focus shifts to designs that do more than fill a space— they tell a story. From sustainable materials that honor the planet to bold colors and textures that spark emotion, the trends of 2025 reflect a deeper connection to the spaces we inhabit.
Fenabel’s dedication to exceptional craftsmanship and forwardthinking design ensures that our pieces not only meet these emerging demands but redefine what it means to create a space that truly feels like home.
materials honor the to bold textures that spark emotion, of a deeper to the spaces we Fenabel’s to exceptional craftsmanship and forwardthinking that our pieces not only meet these emerging demands but what means create a space that truly feels like home.
In embraces a “less is focusing environmentally furniture, like the Hullahoop Collection CarlesiTonelli, which recently been made with recycled fabrics.
In 2025, the design embraces a “less is more” philosophy, focusing on functional and environmentally friendly furniture, like the Hullahoop Collection by CarlesiTonelli, which recently has been made with recycled fabrics.
Sustainable Simplicity prioritizes clean aesthetics, and the use of eco-conscious such as Fenabel’s wood finishes.
Sustainable Simplicity prioritizes clean lines, timeless aesthetics, and the use of eco-conscious materials, such as Fenabel’s PEFC-certified wood and water-based finishes.
This trend reflects a growing desire for quality and sustainability go in hand, offering pieces that stand the test while respecting planet.
This trend reflects a growing desire for mindful consumption, where quality and sustainability go hand in hand, offering pieces that stand the test of time while respecting the planet.
With modern lifestyles demanding adaptability, places a spotlight on designed to serve multiple purposes.
With modern lifestyles demanding adaptability, 2025 places a spotlight on furniture designed to serve multiple purposes. Multi-functional

furniture offering that effortlessly transition between different uses and spaces.
furniture blends form and function, offering pieces that effortlessly transition between different uses and spaces.
From stackable chairs versatile seating solutions offices, and hospitality this trend focuses on practicality without sacrificing the needs of dynamic, ever-changing environments.
From stackable chairs to versatile seating solutions for homes, offices, and hospitality settings, this trend focuses on practicality without sacrificing style, meeting the needs of dynamic, ever-changing environments.
A example of that our Nuzzle Collection, designed by Aitor has been reinvented, not only to serve hospitality settings but to feature office demands a piece good quality and beautiful design.
A good example of that is our Nuzzle Collection, designed by Aitor Garcia Vicuña, which has been reinvented, not only to serve hospitality settings but also to feature any office project that demands a piece with good quality and beautiful design.

new minimalism by adding a touch of personality charm. Playful Minimalism retains clean, simple introduces vibrant colors, soft curves, and unexpected details that bring a sense of joy to trend elegance accents, creating modern yet inviting furniture, perfect for relaxed spaces such as Collection, made by Carlesitonelli.
The new year redefines minimalism by adding a touch of personality and charm. Playful Minimalism retains clean, simple lines but introduces vibrant colors, soft curves, and unexpected details that bring a sense of joy to functional designs. This trend combines understated elegance with lively accents, creating modern yet inviting furniture, perfect for relaxed spaces such as our Leaf Collection, made by Carlesitonelli.
Comfort takes center stage as furniture evolves to prioritize the well-being of its users. Comfortdriven design focuses on ergonomic shapes, supportive structures, and cozy materials, ensuring that every piece enhances the user experience, like the Liv Collection by Muka Lab Design Studio. Whether in dining rooms, or lounges, this trend delivers functional, inviting furniture that encourages relaxation and ease without compromising on style.
takes center as furniture evolves to prioritize the well-being its users. driven design focuses on ergonomic structures, and ensuring that every piece enhances the user experience, like the Liv Collection by Muka Studio. Whether in dining rooms, lounges, this trend delivers functional, inviting furniture that ease on style.

connection and grows stronger, in 2025, with the rise
Elements. So is nothing like Nature Collection by Carlesitonelli to enhance interior design project this year.
The connection between nature and design grows stronger, in 2025, with the rise of Biophilic Elements. So there is nothing like our Nature Collection designed by Carlesitonelli to enhance your interior design project this year.
trend incorporates and organic shapes to bring the outdoors inside. with woodgrain soft greenery-inspired hues fosters a sense of well-being, creating spaces that harmonious and rejuvenating, whether at home or in public
This trend incorporates natural materials, earthy tones, and organic shapes to bring the outdoors inside.
Furniture with woodgrain finishes, soft textures, and greenery-inspired hues fosters a sense of calm and well-being, creating spaces that feel harmonious and rejuvenating, whether at home or in public environments.
emphasizes beauty for all with the rise of Accessible
Design in 2025 emphasizes beauty for all with the rise of Accessible Aesthetics.
This trend focuses on creating stylish, durable furniture at a price point that fits a wide range of budgets, like the Milano Collection.
trend focuses stylish, durable furniture at a price that range the Milano Collection.
This piece designed by Fenabel Design Studio combines contemporary designs with quality craftsmanship, it ensures that everyone can enjoy modern, on-trend interiors without compromising on functionality or affordability.
These emerging trends highlight a shift toward designs that balance style, functionality, and inclusivity.
This designed by Fenabel combines designs quality craftsmanship, it ensures that everyone enjoy on functionality or These emerging trends toward designs that balance style, functionality, and inclusivity.
From sustainable simplicity to elements and multifunctional furniture, focus is spaces that modern lifestyles while staying connected to timeless principles.
From sustainable simplicity to biophilic elements and multifunctional furniture, the focus is on creating spaces that adapt to modern lifestyles while staying connected to timeless principles.
we proud embrace these trends, crafting that meets the needs today’s dynamic world.
At Fenabel, we are proud to embrace these trends, crafting furniture that meets the needs of today’s dynamic world.
commitment accessible, high-quality designs ensures that anyone can bring trends spaces, creating environments that are inspiring as they practical.
Our commitment to accessible, high-quality designs ensures that anyone can bring these trends into their spaces, creating environments that are as inspiring as they are practical.


Deep, moody colors and sculptural textured shapes, punctuated by richly veined marble elements, define the spaces of this Boerum Hill townhouse, designed to enable a social family of three to maximize spaces for entertaining and accommodating visitors.
shapes, punctuated by richly veined marble elements, this Hill townhouse, designed to enable a social of to maximize spaces for entertaining and accommodating visitors.
In the entry, the walls are painted a deep green, and a green and pink checkerboard floor is a twist on the traditional black and white. A custom asymmetrical curved mirror picks up the arch of the door.
the the are painted a deep green, and a green and checkerboard floor on the traditional black and white. A custom asymmetrical curved picks arch
In the parlor, a curved sofa and armchair frame two nested marble tables nestled atop a curvy rug. A custom walnut sideboard anchors the corner of the space.
In the parlor, a curved sofa and nested marble tables nestled atop a curvy A custom the corner of the
A gold painted relief by Andrew Zimmerman and Cloud Support by Mike Hansel are displayed over the original marble mantel.
A gold painted relief by Andrew Zimmerman Support by Mike displayed over the original marble mantel.
A deep fluted plaster arch with a bar area lit by vintage French smoked glass sconces frames the view toward the kitchen and rear steel window wall.
A fluted plaster arch with a bar lit by vintage French smoked glass sconces frames the view toward steel window
Calacatta vagli viola marble tops custom cabinets and an island painted
Calacatta vagli viola marble tops custom cabinets and an island painted in mushroom tones.
A curved pantry cabinet flanks a pale oak dining table and upholstered chairs, while a trio of hand-blown glass forms hovers overhead. A powder room the hallway creamy plaster
A curved pantry cabinet flanks a pale oak dining table and upholstered chairs, while a trio of hand-blown glass forms hovers overhead. A powder room off the hallway features creamy plaster

floor, the primary is plastered stained oak elements. linen wall sconces light the custom wall-hung side tables, and a still life is over the headboard.
On the second floor, the primary suite is plastered in a soft lavender gray with stained oak elements. Printed linen wall sconces light the custom wall-hung side tables, and a still life is framed over the headboard.

On top floor, curving stairwell ends in a sculpted hall. One bedroom features a feature wall arched with acid green accents.
On the top floor, the curving stairwell ends in a sculpted skylit hall. One bedroom features a feature wall of arched wallpaper with acid green accents.
walls, a backlit asymmetrical mirror, and a custom Irish Connemara marble sink.
walls, a backlit mirror, and a custom Irish marble sink.
The rebuilt stair leads to a lightfilled playroom. A tambour-lined transition hides a marble-lined bath with a stone sink and ledge and connects to the media room and garden at the back of the house.
The rebuilt stair leads to a lightfilled playroom. A tambour-lined transition hides a with stone connects to and garden at the back of the house.
Painted deep aubergine, the media room is flanked by a marbled bar area. A a barrel chair covered in chartreuse velvet frame a curvy custom coffee
Painted in a deep aubergine, the media room is flanked by a marbled bar area. A sectional sofa and a barrel chair covered in chartreuse velvet frame a curvy custom walnut coffee table.
A cocoon and curved perimeter cove lighting provide illumination from above.
A vintage Italian cocoon resin lamp and curved perimeter cove lighting provide illumination from above.
A vintage resin pendant hangs closet to the primary bath plastered in the same lavender gray. Here, green onyx and rosa vecchia shower.
A vintage resin pendant hangs overhead. An arched closet leads to the primary bath plastered in the same lavender gray. Here, green onyx and rosa aurora macchia vecchia line the large shower.
A steel casement window over the tub opens out to the garden, and onyx covers the stained oak vanity.
A steel casement window over the freestanding tub opens out to the garden, and onyx covers the stained oak vanity.
A home office with a custom tambour white oak desk features walls painted in a forest green, and is lit by custom LED sconces.
with a custom tambour white oak desk features painted in a forest lit by custom LED
The guest a velvet by custom travertine side
The guest bedroom features a green velvet bed flanked by custom travertine side tables.
A of clay pick up tones in the wool rug. In the guest bath, marble the wall and floor, aurora stone tile lines the skylit tub shower
A trio of clay pendants pick up the tones in the wool rug. In the guest bath, espectaculo marble wraps the wall and floor, while rosa aurora stone tile lines the skylit tub and shower recess.
The room features cement tile in
The laundry room features cement tile in anarch pattern.
Outside, the deck garden levels checkerboard.
Outside, the deck and garden levels are finished in travertine checkerboard.

info@baaostudio.com | www.baaostudio.com
The Green residential property in Islington, London, is and family home of awardnominated Foster, of Architects, a RIBA chartered architectural
The Green House, a mid-terrace residential property in Islington, London, is the personal project and family home of awardnominated architect Jeremy Foster, founder of J Foster Architects, a RIBA chartered architectural practice.
With a primary emphasis on improving energy efficiency and minimising environmental by employing design principles, the overarching objective was substantially reduce the building’s carbon footprint and overall energy while simultaneously enhancing comfort and for occupants.
With a primary emphasis on improving energy efficiency and minimising environmental harm by employing biophilic design principles, the overarching objective was to substantially reduce the building’s carbon footprint and overall energy consumption while simultaneously enhancing comfort and performance for the occupants.
The ground floor was extended, creating a naturally ventilated kitchen-diner with overhead glazing and views onto a newly landscaped garden. The original Victorian facades were retained, with a new second-floor extension added to incorporate a bedroom, en-suite, home office and laundry room.
The floor was creating a naturally ventilated kitchen-diner with overhead and a newly landscaped garden. The original Victorian facades were retained, with a new second-floor extension incorporate a bedroom, en-suite, home laundry room.
Having worked with Ted Todd Fine Wood Floors on previous projects, J Foster Architects approached their Commercial Specification team for samples. Ted Todd sent a selection of options that aligned with the brief, emphasising the natural, hardwearing and sustainable. The client narrowed the selection down to Hollington Wide Plank, from Ted Todd’s new Classic Futures collection.
Having worked with Todd Wood on previous projects, Foster Architects approached Commercial Specification team for samples. Ted Todd sent of options that aligned with the brief, the natural, hardwearing and sustainable. The client down to Hollington Wide Plank, from Ted Todd’s new Classic Futures collection.
Combining the with the practical, Classic designed with architects in mind. Curated from three former Todd collections, the for these extraordinary floors permanence
Combining the fundamental with the practical, Classic Futures is designed with architects in mind. Curated from three former Ted Todd collections, the vision for these extraordinary floors is permanence

and resilience: life-long floors in classic tones that become a part of the very fabric of the building.
and resilience: classic tones that become a part of the very fabric the building.
European Hollington’s tones perfectly matched the project’s light-coloured aesthetic, with careful brushing highlighting the grain and a transparent matt lacquer providing additional protection allowing the natural beauty to shine
Expertly crafted from slow-grown European oak, Hollington’s warm tones perfectly matched the project’s light-coloured aesthetic, with careful brushing highlighting the grain detail and a transparent matt lacquer providing additional protection while allowing the floor’s natural beauty to shine through.
Hollington also satisfied the project’s biophilic ambitions with its FSC certification. FSC certification guarantees wood from responsibly harvested forests where plant and animal species are protected, and old-growth forests are identified and maintained.
Hollington also satisfied project’s biophilic with FSC certification. guarantees wood from responsibly harvested forests animal species are old-growth forests identified and maintained.
Jeremy said, “I have specified Ted Todd on several projects, as the range and quality of flooring are second to none. The ply substrate, grain quality, colour, and finish were exactly what I was looking for in my project. Quoting, samples, and technical support were, as
Jeremy said, specified Ted Todd on projects, as range quality of are second to none. The ply substrate, grain and finish were exactly what for in my project. Quoting, samples, and technical support were, as
always, very swift, and ordering and delivery were excellent.”
always, very swift, and ordering and delivery were also excellent.”
This impressive retrofit project increased the footprint of the property by over 50%. The new spaces sensitively complement the Victorian fabric with simple detailing and high-quality materials to deliver a modern, environmentally thoughtful home that will last for generations. Website: www.tedtodd.co.uk | Email:
This impressive retrofit increased the footprint of the property by over 50%. The new spaces sensitively complement the Victorian with detailing and materials to deliver a environmentally thoughtful home that will for


Established in 2018, Grand Palette Studio has become the decorator of choice for many celebrated designers and high-profile clients looking to transform their spaces, right down to the finest finish. With a focus on high quality, sustainable materials and expert craftsmanship, they have collaborated with the likes of Ken Faulk and Studio Antoine, hung De Gournay wallpapers for world class VIP’s and royal families from the Middle East, and solidified their reputation for the specialist finishes they have become well-known for.
Established in 2018, Grand Palette Studio has become the decorator of choice many celebrated looking to transform their spaces, right down to the finest finish. With a on high quality, sustainable have collaborated of Ken Faulk Studio Antoine, hung wallpapers class VIP’s and royal families from the Middle East, and solidified their reputation for the specialist finishes have for.
“For us it’s also about the relationships,” says founder Zibby who has over 20 years of experience working in the sector; “You have to really nurture and create with the client, to build the respect and trust that allows for collaboration and that’s when something special happens.”
“For us it’s also about the relationships,” says founder Zibby, who over 20 years of experience working in the to create the client, to build the respect trust that collaboration and that’s special
‘Something is what Grand Palette tasked London villa dealer
Vervoordt. worldwide for his masterful of muted soft tones and but sophisticated aesthetic, any space of to a study precision and timelessness; Cue -made, pure limewash colours, bespoke plaster finishes, and traditional ammonia fuming to hue oak flooring. “We utilised lot of techniques to get the perfect but was for creativity and innovation” Zibby explains. For walls an artistic approach using many extremely layers to build up of colour. Similarly tadelakt an ancient plaster technique using plaster and olive-oil soap, natural earth pigments were used on a staircase to create nuances of colour grain that the of the marbles. “We were from start to finish.”
‘Something special’ is what happened when Grand Palette Studio was tasked with decorating the London villa of designer, dealer and gallerist Axel Vervoordt. Known worldwide for his masterful use of muted colours, soft tones and minimal but sophisticated aesthetic, any personal space of Vervoordt’s was going to be a study of technical precision and timelessness; Cue custom -made, pure limewash colours, bespoke plaster finishes, and traditional ammonia fuming to alter the hue of oak flooring. “We utilised a lot of timehonoured techniques to get the perfect finishes, but there was also room for creativity and innovation” Zibby explains. For limewash walls this meant an artistic approach using many extremely fine layers of contrasting paints to build up the depth of colour. Similarly for the bespoke tadelakt, an ancient plaster technique using lime plaster and olive-oil soap, natural earth pigments were used on a staircase to create nuances of colour and grain that imitated the movement of the surrounding marbles. “We were there from start to finish.”
a ‘all-in’ ethos carries the domestic, more commercial jobs; on-going a star hotel in Courchevel 1850, France, has so far been more than a year-long operation with Atelier Gohard; From scale and preparatory wallpaper patinas surface finishes down to the last detail throughout the building. No finish is impossible to achieve, it seems. So, when legendary designer Gabhan O’Keeffe came they up the
An ongoing friendship between the two since resulted in multiple collaborations using a versatile range of techniques applied by Palette in-house artisans; From trompe l’oeil murals, bas faux and to chinoiserie and a abundance of style yet gives you a amount of Zibby “-but is bespoke quality and attention to detail
It’s a bespoke ‘all-in’ ethos that also carries through from the domestic, into more commercial jobs; An on-going project with a fivestar hotel in Courchevel 1850, France, has so far been more than a year-long operation in partnership with Atelier Gohard; From large scale renovation and preparatory work, wallpaper hangings, patinas and surface finishes down to the last detail throughout the building. No finish is impossible to achieve, it seems. So, when legendary interior designer Gabhan O’Keeffe came calling, they were up for the challenge. An ongoing friendship between the two has since resulted in multiple collaborations using a versatile range of techniques applied by Grand Palette Studio’s in-house artisans; From gilding and trompe l’oeil murals, to ‘verre églomisé’, bas relief sculpting, faux marbling and woodgraining, to hand-painted chinoiserie and lacquering. “He has a wonderful abundance of style yet gives you a huge amount of creative freedom-” says Zibby on Gabhan, “-but everything is extremely bespoke and his quality and attention to detail are immaculate; A mindset we as a company also value very highly”.
A mindset also value

So far, this mindset has led them into the path of some of the crème de la crème of the interior’s world, and garnered recognition from the likes of the British Institute of Interior Design, the Guild of Master Craftsmen, and the Design and Build Awards 2025. With a brand-new showroom soon to be opening at the Design Centre in Chelsea Harbour, this is an in-demand studio to watch closely.
far, this mindset has into the of some de la crème of the interior’s world, and garnered recognition from the of the British Institute of Design, the Guild of Master the Design and Build Awards 2025. With to opening the Design in Chelsea is an -demand studio to closely.


This brownstone apartment, steps from Central Park, terre for blended family primarily in Seattle, with a palette drawn from Pacific greens, blues, deep grays, and white oak paneling.
This brownstone apartment, steps from Central Park, is the pied-aterre for an empty-nester blended family who reside primarily in Seattle, with a palette drawn from Pacific Northwest tones of greens, blues, deep grays, and white oak paneling.
The clients had occupied the rear garden duplex for a number of years when the front triplex became available. The two units connected only at the garden level, with front stairs leading up to the parlor and down to the cellar, and rear circulation leading down to the cellar and out to a two-level outdoor garden.
The clients the rear garden duplex for a of when became available. The units connected only at the garden level, with stairs leading up to the parlor and down to the cellar, and rear circulation to the cellar and out to a two-level outdoor garden.
The design approach sought to blur the boundary between the two units, while creating private
The approach sought blur two units, while creating private
suites at different levels that would enable visitors to come and go The primary living suite were located on the garden level. Divisions were removed to provide a clear view from through to the garden at the rear.
suites at different levels that would enable visitors to come and go independently. The primary living spaces and bedroom suite were located on the garden level. Divisions between the units were removed to provide a clear view from the front through to the garden at the rear.
The living room at the front was centered around a working fireplace, while white oak shelving surrounds the street-facing windows. The stairs connecting the three front levels were resurfaced and screened with a reeded glass wall.
The living room at the front was centered around a working fireplace, while white oak shelving surrounds street-facing windows. stairs three front levels were resurfaced and screened with a reeded glass wall.
A wallpapered powder room features a seaside scene, a custom soapstone vanity, and blue-green
A features a seaside scene, a custom soapstone blue-green

tiles. A white oak tambour banquette with a black wood table and white oak chairs creates an informal dining area.
penny tiles. A white oak tambour banquette a black wood table and white oak chairs creates an informal dining area.
White kitchen, where the oak is surfaced in a terrazzo slab.
White oak reappears in the kitchen, where the oak island is surfaced in a terrazzo slab.
A wall blue-green cabinets, inset with brushed copper. is lined with a fantasy soapstone work The rear replaced with a door sidelight.
A wall of deep blue-green cabinets, inset with brushed copper. is lined with a fantasy soapstone work surface. The rear façade was replaced with a glass door and sidelight.
The door opens out bridge over a cellar areaway that was added to living spaces to to the garden without going through bedroom.
The door opens out onto a bridge over a cellar areaway that was added to allow the living spaces to connect directly to the garden without going through the bedroom.

the primary suite, the deep bluegray bedroom walls are brightened by a white oak slat headboard and integrated nightstands.
The oak slats continue in the bathroom, where soapstone, terrazzo, and white porcelain penny tile provide a mix of color, pattern, and texture.
In the primary suite, the deep bluewalls brightened by a white oak slat headboard and oak slats bathroom, where soapstone, white porcelain penny provide a mix of and texture.
white oak stair leads down to second family room on the lower toward
A white oak stair leads down to a second family room on the lower level toward the rear.
a teal blue wall over the define the sitting which is flanked by a terrazzo-lined
There, a teal blue wall wraps over the ceiling to define the sitting area, which is flanked by a terrazzo-lined
bar. is that wraps up the to and waterproof surface below grade.
bar. The floor is surfaced in terrazzo tile that wraps up the walls to provide a durable and waterproof surface below grade.
A copper Japanese soaking tub enjoys a view of the sky through doors leading to the garden. The rear guest bedroom is lined in a mural wallpaper with a playful woodland scene. In the bathroom, wood-look porcelain lines the shower.
A copper Japanese soaking tub view of sky through to the garden. The rear bedroom is lined in a mural wallpaper with a playful scene. In bathroom, wood-look porcelain lines the
The reeded glass wall conceals the front stair, which leads down to a work-from-home space on the lower level.
reeded glass wall conceals the front stair, which leads down to a work-from-home space the lower level.

There, mural wallpaper depicting a tree canopy envelops the room, while in the bathroom, a bright green faucet punctuates the white and navy walls.
There, wallpaper depicting a tree canopy envelops the room, while in the bathroom, a bright green punctuates the white and navy walls.
Up the stairs from the garden level, a loft-like sitting room features a play space wallpapered in an underwater scene concealed behind blue-gray shutters.
Up the a loft-like sitting room a play underwater scene concealed behind blue-gray
The bathroom is tiled in forest green and ecru porcelain.
The is forest green and ecru porcelain. www.baaostudio.com

and Federica Bellotti the new face of Bellotti Ezio, the family for its
Donatella and Federica Bellotti are the new face of Bellotti Ezio, the family business renowned for its deep-rooted history and craftsmanship that has shaped the legacy of Made in Italy. As the third generation now at the helm, the sisters embody a fresh vision, ready to propel the company into the future while honoring its prestigious past.
craftsmanship that has legacy of Made in Italy. As the third generation now at the helm, sisters embody a fresh vision, ready to the the future while honoring its prestigious past.
With the same passion and determination that inspired their father Ezio to explore international markets in the 1980s, Donatella and Federica are embracing the challenges of the modern era. They are navigating a present and future where technology and digital innovation are inseparable from daily life, and where classic design must reinvent itself to resonate with contemporary living trends.
With the same passion and determination that inspired father Ezio to explore international Donatella and Federica are embracing the challenges of modern era. They navigating present and technology and digital inseparable where must itself resonate with contemporary living trends.
This transformation is at the heart of Bellotti Ezio’s journey today. Few are better positioned to lead this evolution than two women whose leadership blends tradition with innovation. While they respect the craftsmanship and quality that
This transformation is at the heart of Ezio’s today. Few are better positioned to lead this than two women whose leadership blends tradition with they respect the craftsmanship and quality that
have always defined the company, Donatella and Federica represent a turning point, bringing a fresh, bold, and distinctly feminine perspective to a sector steeped in heritage.
always defined the company, Donatella and Federica represent a turning point, a fresh, bold, and distinctly feminine perspective to a sector steeped in heritage.
Taking on the responsibility of such an important legacy was a courageous decision that has matured and strengthened over time. After nearly three decades working within the company, the two sisters have embarked on a new chapter not only in their professional careers but in their lives. As wives, mothers of nowgrown children, and forwardthinking entrepreneurs, they are committed to ensuring not just the continuity of Bellotti Ezio, but its growth and evolution.
on the responsibility legacy was a courageous decision that has over time. After nearly three decades company, the two sisters have embarked on a new chapter not only in their professional careers but in their As wives, mothers grown children, and forwardthey are to ensuring just the Bellotti growth and evolution.
Since 2021, this commitment has taken shape through significant modernization efforts. These include a clearer specialization in their respective roles, a more structured organizational model, substantial investments in technology, and an expanded creative direction for the brand’s collections.
Donatella represents the company’s managerial and strategic side, bringing rigor and pragmatism to her role overseeing administration and sales. Her leadership has driven critical updates, including the addition of young, dynamic talent to the team. Federica, with her imaginative and design-focused approach, leads the creative process, shaping collections that reimagine classic style for modern audiences.
imaginative and design-focused leads shaping collections that style for differing personalities of expertise, the sisters share an to a common goal: the company’s characters and approaches, but our keeps they explain. “Our bond is a we bring team into vision, ensuring they believe in and share the values that drive Bellotti
Despite their differing personalities and areas of expertise, the sisters share an unwavering commitment to a common goal: the company’s success. “We have different characters and approaches, but our purpose keeps us aligned,” they explain. “Our bond is a strength, and we bring our team into this vision, ensuring they believe in and share the values that drive Bellotti Ezio.”
Since 2021, this commitment has taken shape through significant efforts. These a specialization in respective more structured organizational model, substantial investments technology, and an expanded for the brand’s the managerial and strategic side, rigor and pragmatism to her overseeing Her has driven critical updates, young, dynamic talent to the team.
Together, Donatella and Federica are forging a path toward a future of innovation, ensuring that Bellotti Ezio remains a symbol of excellence in Italian design.
Together, Donatella and Federica a path a future of innovation, ensuring that Ezio remains a symbol of in Italian

As the winter season draws closer, perfect time to transform interiors into spaces filled with festive flair and timeless
As the winter season draws closer, it’s the perfect time to transform interiors into spaces filled with festive flair and timeless elegance.
At Posterlounge, we believe that art plays a pivotal role in creating the right atmosphere for any occasion. This winter, it’s all about infusing your spaces with a sense of celebration and warmth that complements any interior style – be it contemporary, classic, or eclectic. Our diverse collection of artworks offers countless possibilities for enhancing your designs, no matter the project.
At art plays a pivotal role in creating the right any occasion. winter, it’s all about infusing a of that complements style –it contemporary, eclectic. Our diverse collection of artworks offers countless possibilities enhancing designs, the project.

From the opulent shapes of Morris’ masterpieces to the modern sophistication of contemporary illustrations, curated is designed a hint of festive opt subtle gold accents that add a refined or winter designs that colour and cheer to any room. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece on an catching acrylic gallery print, has the perfect artwork to bring festive charm any
From the opulent shapes of William Morris’ masterpieces to the modern sophistication of contemporary illustrations, our curated range is designed to inspire. For a hint of festive elegance, opt for subtle gold accents that add a refined touch, or choose vibrant winter designs that bring colour and cheer to any room. Whether you’re looking for a statement piece on canvas, an eyecatching acrylic print, or an elegant gallery print, Posterlounge has the perfect artwork to bring festive charm to any environment.
At we ourselves on our ability to cater to projects with a truly personalized approach.
At Posterlounge, we pride ourselves on our ability to cater to professional and large-scale projects with a truly personalized approach. Our comprehensive B2B service is tailored to meet the unique requirements of corporate clients, real estate developers, and hospitality partners across Europe.
From the initial consultation, our dedicated team is by your side, providing expert guidance on artwork selection, material choices, and framing options to ensure your vision is seamlessly realised.
B2B service to unique requirements of clients, real estate developers, and hospitality partners across From the initial consultation, our dedicated is by your side, providing artwork selection, material choices, and framing options ensure your vision is seamlessly realised.
With extensive experience large orders and coordinating complex we the importance of service and attention to detail. Every piece
With extensive experience handling large orders and coordinating complex logistics, we understand the importance of reliable service and attention to detail. Every piece
is handpicked, printed, and framed in-house at our facility in Leipzig, using only the finest materials.
is handpicked, printed, in-house at our Leipzig, using only the finest materials.
Powered by solar energy, our print house operates sustainably, and our skilled production team meticulously produce each piece on demand to meet your specific needs. This commitment to craftsmanship means that every print isn’t just another product –it’s a carefully crafted piece of art made just for your space.
Powered energy, our print sustainably, and our production meticulously piece on demand to needs. to craftsmanship means print just another product –it’s a carefully crafted piece of art made for your
We’re passionate about supporting our clients through every step of the process, offering tailored solutions advice to project success.
We’re passionate about supporting our clients through every step of the process, offering tailored solutions and comprehensive advice to ensure each project is a success.
Get in with us today and receive our exclusive sample box to our range the perfect inspiration for projects. you’re getting and you’re trusted partner committed to enhancing interiors stunning service. posterlounge.co.uk
Get in touch with us today and receive our exclusive sample box to explore our range and find the perfect inspiration for your future projects. With Posterlounge, you’re getting art and you’re gaining a trusted partner committed to enhancing your interiors with stunning visuals and exceptional service. posterlounge.co.uk

www.posterlounge.co.uk b2b@posterlounge.co.uk
Visit us online: www.atouchofbrass.co.uk Or visit our showroom:
210 Road, Chelsea London
210 Fulham Road, Chelsea London SW10 9PJ
One of London’s leading Architectural Ironmongers

One of London’s leading Architectural Ironmongers MANUFACTURERS
Since our establishment in we operated from our showroom, showcasing over products and substantial stock levels for items. diverse customer base includes architects, interior designers, builders, private individuals. Additionally, we have a robust export market reaching the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas.
Since our establishment in 1982, we have operated from our Chelsea showroom, showcasing over 3,000 products and maintaining substantial stock levels for many items. Our diverse customer base includes architects, interior designers, builders, and private individuals. Additionally, we have a robust export market reaching the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas.
Product and Finishes Touch Ironmongery offers an extensive selection of including:
Product Range and Finishes Touch Ironmongery offers an extensive selection of finishes, including:
Brass, Satin Chrome, Polished Satin Nickel, Copper, Antique Brass, Black, Pewter, Leather, Satin Stainless Steel, Gun Metal, and Four shades of Bronze.
Brass, Satin Brass, Polished Chrome, Polished Nickel, Satin Nickel, Copper, Antique Brass, Black, Pewter, Ceramic, Leather, Satin Stainless Steel, Gun Metal, and Four shades of Bronze.
Our offerings continue to evolve, ensuring we meet the of modern trends designs. From styles dating back 1638 (Louis through Edwardian, Victorian, Art periods, to contemporary designs, inventory to all project requirements.
Our offerings continue to evolve, ensuring we meet the demands of modern trends and innovative designs. From historical styles dating back to 1638 (Louis XIV) through Georgian, Edwardian, Victorian, and Art Deco periods, to contemporary designs, our inventory caters to all tastes and project requirements.
Unparalleled Expertise Our founder, Bill Benham, boasts 44 years of the ironmongery trade. is supported by Jim Haselup, who also has years expertise, and Saleem newest team member 24 years of experience. This knowledge ensures unparalleled guidance in selecting the perfect ironmongery for any project.
Unparalleled Expertise Our founder, Bill Benham, boasts 44 years of experience in the ironmongery trade. He is supported by Jim Haselup, who also has 44 years of expertise, and Saleem Qureshi, the newest team member with 24 years of experience. This combined knowledge ensures unparalleled guidance in selecting the perfect ironmongery for any project.
Commitment to Quality Touch showcases the finest of British manufacturing, products crafted by Midlandsbased artisans in over years of We are also the UK Designer Doorware known for cutting-edge designs using metal, wood, and concrete. Additionally, we proudly represent Olaria (Barcelona), a brand renowned for bespoke products and exceptional craftsmanship.
Commitment to Quality Touch showcases the finest of British manufacturing, with many products crafted by Midlandsbased artisans in factories with over 200 years of history. We are also the exclusive UK supplier of Designer Doorware (Australia), known for their cutting-edge designs using metal, wood, and concrete. Additionally, we proudly represent Olaria (Barcelona), a brand renowned for bespoke products and exceptional craftsmanship.
Service We understand that ironmongery can be a complex aspect of building project. To simplify the process, we an onsite service, providing detailed schedules for doors,
Service Excellence We understand that ironmongery can be a complex aspect of any building project. To simplify the process, we offer an onsite service, providing detailed schedules for doors, windows, and
rooms, ensuring all requirements are clearly identified.
rooms, ensuring requirements are clearly
Restoration Services Restoration forms a significant part of our business. We undertake complete ironmongery refurbishment projects, restoring items to their original glory and often achieving substantial cost savings compared to replacements.
Restoration Services Restoration forms a part of our business. We undertake ironmongery refurbishment projects, restoring to their original glory often substantial cost savings compared to
Visit us online or in our showroom to explore our offerings and experience the expertise that has made Touch Ironmongery a trusted name in architectural hardware since 1982.
Visit us or our showroom to our experience the expertise that has made Touch Ironmongery a name in architectural hardware

For more information about Touch Ironmongery or to arrange a showroom visit please call 0207 351 2255 or alternatively visit www.atouchofbrass.co.uk
For more information about Touch Ironmongery or to arrange a showroom please call 0207 2255 visit www.atouchofbrass.co.uk


The Future Begins Today
The Future Begins Today through outdated or digital brochures is yesterday.
Flicking through outdated static printed or digital brochures is for yesterday.
In 2025 expectations are the desire to seek product in most inspiring is not just Now all is possible in the world of
In 2025 expectations are higher, the desire to seek out product possibilities in the quickest and most inspiring way, is not just desirable but essential. Now all this is possible in the world of Vicaima interior doors.
Experience a journey discovery, with the new Vicaima Interactive Interior Door Selector (IDS 25). from performance, pricing to availability and back Constantly enhanced, dynamic and relevant. Ever changing for fast-moving market.
Experience a journey of discovery, with the new Vicaima Interactive Interior Door Selector (IDS 25). Navigate easily from design, through performance, then pricing to availability and back again. Constantly enhanced, dynamic and relevant. Ever changing for our fast-moving construction market.
As a company celebrating 65 years of innovation in 2025, the new Interactive IDS marks another significant step forward in progressing the interface between
a company celebrating 65 2025, the new Interactive IDS marks another step progressing the interface between
visionary ideas and realization. Blending a communication tool that speaks multiple levels, from intricate design concepts to practical and everyday ordering information. With at-a-glance door finishes, models, technical data, price list and even general availability guides, all readily accessible.
visionary ideas and realization. Blending a communication tool that speaks on multiple levels, from intricate design concepts to practical and everyday ordering information. With at-a-glance door finishes, models, technical data, price list and even general availability guides, all readily accessible.
Suitable for a myriad of applications, new interactive IDS 25 offers something for everyone and from all of the construction sector, whether the focus is on new build residential housing, and student accommodation, Senior Living, hotels, education or even medical buildings, Vicaima has the expertise and the product solutions to suit.
Suitable for a myriad of applications, the new interactive IDS 25 truly offers something for everyone and from all walks of the construction sector, whether the focus is on new build residential housing, social and affordable homes, student accommodation, Senior Living, hotels, education or even medical buildings, Vicaima has the expertise and the product solutions to suit.
For with the traditional Vicaima IDS, new incarnation sees a change in direction, not to its modern more dynamic
For those familiar with the traditional Vicaima IDS, this new incarnation sees a change in direction, not only due to its modern and more dynamic
format. Although of course your journey could begin wherever you to start, interior designers, aesthetics often plays an integral part in the specification process for interior doors door sets.
format. Although of course your journey could begin wherever you wish to start, for interior designers, aesthetics often plays an integral part in the specification process for interior doors and door sets.
Here vast of products by type material, you from real wood veneers; natural or stained, finished foils, hard laminates, through whites and solid colours to paintable finishes. in need of inspiration a series of mood boards helps to view intended from a perspective.
Here the vast array of Vicaima products have now been arranged by type of finish material, taking you from real wood veneers; natural or stained, finished foils, hard wearing laminates, through whites and solid colours to embossed skins and paintable finishes. And for those in need of inspiration a series of mood boards helps to view intended décor from a different perspective.
Where users want to look a little deeper, the IDS 25 explains everything from regulatory performance to environmental credentials, with in-range data sheets and specific certification details.
Where users want to look a little deeper, the new interactive IDS 25 explains everything from regulatory performance to environmental credentials, with in-range guides, technical data sheets and specific certification details.

These encompass doors and door kits with third party accredited
(SBD) and acoustic And not just for issues either. Simply by clicking the can even jump straight to handy help such as Recommendations for instructions everyday
These encompass doors and door kits with third party accredited fire assemblies, Secured by Design (SBD) and acoustic solutions. And not just for complex issues either. Simply by clicking the link provided, you can even jump straight to handy help such as Painting Recommendations for clear instructions on everyday doors.
all-new interactive IDS 25 includes a number of new,
The all-new interactive IDS 25 also includes a number of new,
However, if the desire is to embellish the chosen door design or avoid wasting time on site; through ironmongery factory pre-machining, the opportunity to select from the Vicaima Modify your Door options presents an ideal solution, and again, due to this interactive tool, can be accessed from all relevant door ranges inside the IDS.
However, desire to embellish the chosen door design or avoid wasting time on through ironmongery factory pre-machining, to the your Door options presents ideal solution, and again, due to this interactive tool, can be accessed from all relevant door ranges inside the IDS.
As of service, 2025 sees the introduction of new groove model PG2PT, with unique dual design emulating a traditional paneled door to effect.
As part of this Modify your Door service, 2025 sees the introduction of a new groove model PG2PT, with its unique dual groove design emulating a traditional paneled door to realistic effect.
Trends are something Vicaima pays attention to and the popularity of Embossed Range with its classic and linear skin designs is has seen a substantial increase over recent
Trends are something Vicaima pays close attention to and the popularity of the Vicaima Embossed Range with its classic and linear skin designs is one that has seen a substantial increase over recent times.
So from 2025, the MD55 model, with its 5 panel vertical will place as a stocked line, among the tens of thousands of held in Vicaima’s facility.
So much so that from 2025, the MD55 model, with its 5 panel vertical effect, will now take its place as a stocked line, among the tens of thousands of doors held in Vicaima’s Swindon facility.
The IDS has a built in Price List and many other door models can be checked price and availability to aid the decision-making process.
The interactive IDS 25 has a built in Price List so this and many other door models can be checked for price and availability to aid the decision-making process.
extended or designs for this year. For those projects where budgets remain tight, Vicaima new paintable to the catalogue.
extended or reimagined door designs for this year. For those projects where budgets remain tight, Vicaima have introduced two new paintable models to the catalogue.
MDF Lite, a cost-effective unlipped flush door and the Classic S Range, with its paneled styling both hollow and options.
MDF Lite, a cost-effective unlipped primed flush door and the Classic S Range, with its paneled styling in both hollow and solid core options.
Embrace the future now, by a journey of discovery with the new Interactive Interior Door for 2025.
Embrace the future now, by taking a journey of discovery with the new Interactive Interior Door Selector for 2025.
A constantly evolving resource making product information relevant for today and tomorrow. Helping stay in touch, with very best doors and door sets Vicaima.
A constantly evolving resource making product information relevant for today and tomorrow. Helping the market stay in touch, with the very best interior doors and door sets from Vicaima.

From our research into compositional balance and quest for a harmonious appearance comes the perfection of classical art that has rendered marble immortal.
From our research into compositional quest for a harmonious comes the perfection of classical art that has marble immortal.
Marble to mind delicate drapery shapes, whose consummate and perfection are accentuated by veining and delicate strength of marble.
Marble brings to mind classicism’s delicate drapery and sinuous shapes, whose consummate beauty and perfection are accentuated by the subtle veining and delicate strength of marble.
The porcelain Marble Lab collection comprises twelve shades, selected from the most elegant varieties of marble, featuring sometimes subtle, sometimes more intense
The Marble Lab collection comprises twelve shades, from the most elegant varieties of featuring sometimes subtle, more
veining which produces the elegant marbling effect.
veining which marbling
The refined color range comprises Arabescato Orobico, Atlantic Grey, Calacatta Bellissimo, Calacatta Elite, Calacatta Statuario, Dark Marquina, Glam Bronze, Noble Ecru, Pietra Grey, Premium White, Quarzo Greige and Taxos which are available in polished or semipolished finishes, and 120x60, 60x60 and 60x30cm formats.
The color range comprises Arabescato Atlantic Calacatta Bellissimo, Calacatta Elite, Calacatta Dark Marquina, Glam Bronze, Noble Ecru, Quarzo Greige are available in polished polished finishes, and 120x60, 60x60 formats.
To the we offer the Anti-slip R10 which greater anti-slip properties in showers and spa covered
To complete the range, we offer the latest Matt Anti-slip R10 finish which gives greater anti-slip properties indoors, in bathrooms, showers and spa areas, or covered

The pride of the collection is this unmistakable aesthetically stylish design which combines shades of white, grey and brown, alternating with more diffuse shades of ocher. Vibrant and sinuous, the contrasting colors of Arabescato Orobico make any space where it is used the focus of attention.
pride this unmistakable aesthetically stylish of white, grey brown, alternating of sinuous, the of Arabescato Orobico make any it is used the focus of attention.
surface designed to any a timeless elegance.
Featuring a slightly shaded which confers a elegant The delicate colors, with grey and cream shading give a warm, touch interiors, resulting in an incredibly effect.
A surface designed to give any setting a timeless elegance. Featuring a slightly shaded background which confers a subtly elegant look. The delicate colors, with grey and cream shading give a warm, soft touch to interiors, resulting in an incredibly beautiful effect.

interiors or a
interiors or creating a bold statement in luxury interiors.
Quintessential classical marble, used for millennia to sculpt iconic statues. An incomparable ivorywhite shade, interspersed with imposing grey veining, creates an eternally elegant design. The passing of time has not affected the appeal of this marble but rather rendered it immortal.
classical marble, used for millennia to sculpt iconic statues. incomparable ivorywhite shade, interspersed with imposing grey veining, creates an eternally elegant design. The passing of has the appeal of this marble but rather it immortal.
This design re-imagines the wellknown, prized Spanish black marble. With ultra-thin white veining running through the intense black surface, Dark Marquina is a surface suited to ultra-sophisticated settings. The black-white contrast adds character to any room.
This the wellprized marble. With ultra-thin veining running through black surface, Dark Marquina is a surface settings. The contrast character to any room.

PIETRA GREYScratches, indelible signs of passing time streak the dark stone. These are the white veins that, over the centuries, have created bold yet elegant patterning. The dark grey background adds character and mood to any context.
PIETRA GREYScratches, indelible signs of passing time streak the dark white veins that, the centuries, have created bold yet elegant patterning. The grey background character and mood to context.
The luminous stone is lightly caressed soft streaks formed by strata accumulated over time. Delicate as precious silk and luminous as a natural pearl, yet imposing powerful as white marble can
The luminous stone is lightly caressed by soft streaks formed by strata accumulated over time. Delicate as precious silk and luminous as a natural pearl, yet imposing and powerful as only white marble can be.
areas outside such terraces sun surface is available in Calacatta Statuario, Pietra Grey and Premium White.
areas outside such as loggias, terraces and sun decks. This special surface is available in Calacatta Statuario, Pietra Grey and Premium White.
Fiandre Architectural Surfaces, always mindful of the relationship between technology and the environment, created these 8mm thick tiles, to reduce energy consumption not only during manufacture but also in terms of logistics.
Fiandre always mindful of the relationship between technology and the environment, created these 8mm thick to reduce consumption not only during manufacture but in of logistics.
Thinner surfaces enable greater payload on the same means of transport.
Thinner surfaces enable greater payload the of transport.
Inspired by one of marbles, Calacatta Bellissimo features a bright white background veining.
Elegant, timeless and suitable decorative it in various interior design projects, from private public spaces, from hotels to retail spaces.
Inspired by one of the finest marbles, Calacatta Bellissimo features a bright white background with sophisticated grey veining. Elegant, timeless and suitable for all decorative styles, it can be used in various interior design projects, from private homes to public spaces, from hotels to retail spaces.
copious veining a ivory-white
The impressively blend lends a touch of grandeur this for accentuating minimalist
Featuring copious grey and cream veining on a soft ivory-white surface. The impressively rich color blend lends a touch of grandeur to this already noble material, perfect for accentuating minimalist
Unobtrusive veining cuts through the warm bronze-colored tile, while fine black and white threads embellish the stone’s surface, like antique embroidery on sumptuous velvet. The soft marble is enhanced by the delicate blend of colors.
Unobtrusive veining cuts through the warm bronze-colored tile, while black and white embellish the stone’s like embroidery velvet. The soft marble is enhanced by the delicate of colors.
A lighter bronze yet with no loss of softness. Black and white veining on the surface gives an elegant, cocooning effect, like wrinkled fabric on an exquisitely beautiful dress.
bronze with no loss of Black and white elegant, on an exquisitely beautiful
Crystals has joined together to translucent design. Like clear varnish on a canvas, which reveals the underlying tones of layers color, so crystals have formed one on top of the other, creating shades that are bolder, now more subtle.
Crystals which time has joined together to form a translucent design. Like clear varnish on a canvas, which reveals the underlying tones of overlapping layers of color, so crystals have formed one on top of the other, creating shades that are now bolder, now more subtle.
Originating from the Northern Aegean, the pure white surface is only broken by pale, barely perceptible, clouding. If the term marble is derived from the ancient Greek marmareos - meaning shining or sparkling - you could almost imagine the term was coined by the sight of this bright white, compact surface.
Originating from the Northern Aegean, pure is broken by pale, perceptible, clouding. If the term marble is derived from the ancient Greek - meaning shining or - you could almost imagine the term was coined by the sight of this bright white, compact surface.


the finest heartwood our collection stylish whilst practical and durable, to suit space.
Crafted from the finest Indonesian heartwood teak, our collection is effortlessly stylish whilst being brilliantly practical and durable, to suit every outdoor space.
To each is hand All our teak is sourced from plantations owned certified the Indonesian
To ensure perfection, each teak component is hand selected. All of our teak is sourced from sustainable plantations owned and certified by the Indonesian Government.
Most can weeks. All furniture is delivered fully assembled by our own team.
Most products can be delivered from stock within 2 weeks. All furniture is delivered fully assembled by our own team.
We can adapt most our collection your specifications. We also with you to a bespoke piece of
We can adapt most of our collection to your specifications. We can also work with you to create a truly bespoke piece of teak furniture.

We truly passionate about teak and the quality of our products. It’s not just wood, but fixings and finish too.
We are truly passionate about teak and the quality of our products. It’s not just the wood, but the joints, the fixings and the finish too.
Available over a rolling 12 month period.
Available over 12 month period.
5* Feefo rating because we go the extra mile.
Visit our Hampshire showroom and one of expert will show you around.
Visit our Hampshire showroom and one of our expert team will show you around.


Basalte creates intelligent solutions that elevate every aspect of
Basalte creates intelligent home solutions that elevate every aspect of living.
From lighting and climate control to security and entertainment, their products empower you to personalise your home with refined elegance.
From to security and entertainment, their you to personalise your home with refined elegance.
Music isn’t just a feature of their products—it’s at the core of their DNA. They understand the transformative power of music in shaping environments, evoking emotions and enhancing experiences. That’s why they bring music to the heart of your home.
Your favourite music fills the room through their design speakers which are only a tap away using their Basalte Home app, touch displays, Miro remote and design controls.
Music isn’t just of their products—it’s at the core of DNA. understand the transformative music environments, evoking emotions and enhancing experiences. why bring music to the heart of your home. Your music fills the room through their design speakers which are only a tap away using their Basalte Home app, touch displays, Miro design
Rondo elevate your audio experience to a true piece of art Rondo is a unique collection of
Rondo revealed, elevate your audio experience to a true piece of art Rondo is a unique collection of
design speakers crafted for the most exclusive homes. These high-end speakers seamlessly blend crystal-clear audio with a playful design, elevating your audio experience to a true piece of art.
design speakers for the most high-end speakers seamlessly blend crystal-clear with a playful design, elevating your experience to a true piece of art.
Aalto, high-performance speakers
Aalto is a unique collection of highperformance speakers for exclusive homes. It combines innovative, architectural build with premium finishes and studio-quality sound.
Aalto, Aalto of highperformance speakers for homes. It innovative, architectural build finishes
High-end finishes that match your home
High-end finishes that match your home
The design controls and speakers from Basalte share the same uniform design and refined finishes to blend in with any high-end interior or to stand out as a true design statement.
The controls and speakers from Basalte share the same uniform design and refined finishes to blend in any interior or to stand out as true design statement.
Handmade with love in Belgium.
Handmade with love in Belgium.

elevate your audio experience to a true piece of art
elevate audio experience to a

www.basalte.be | info@basalte.be
www.basalte.be | info@basalte.be

Rondo refined collection design speakers. from high-quality finishes, fabrics and give your a unique look.
Rondo is a refined collection of design speakers. Choose from our high-quality finishes, fabrics and sizes to give your interior

discover the endless of basalte.be
discover the endless possibilities of Rondo


A respects the past, a regeneration change intended use that is places and people, that avoids overbuilding and recreates positive sensations, respectful of the past, almost creating two worlds, in perfect and in dialogue.
A rebirth that respects the past, a regeneration and a change of intended use that is “good” for places and people, that avoids overbuilding and recreates positive sensations, respectful of the past, almost creating two worlds, in perfect harmony and in continuous dialogue.
These are the design objectives pursued by Arch. Andrea Benedetti, who the renovation of the old family barn, the one that belonged to his grandparents, now transformed into home.
These are the design objectives pursued by Arch. Andrea Benedetti, who personally followed the renovation of the old family barn, the one that belonged to his grandparents, now transformed into his home.
First of all, important interventions have been made for the energy requalification of the buildings, in a successful attempt to make the
First interventions have been made for the energy requalification the a successful attempt to make the
most of the contribution of natural light and therefore reduce the energy needs of the house.
most of the contribution light reduce energy needs of
How? use of walls in the living area, with an An expedient that exposure to the sun in winter, it in summer.
How? Through the use of large glass walls in the living area, screened with an overhanging gutter. An expedient that favors exposure to the sun in winter, reducing it in summer.
In this way, heating and cooling costs of the rooms are limited and kept under Furthermore, the walls have been insulated with an external an wall with wool.
In this way, the heating and cooling costs of the rooms are limited and kept under control. Furthermore, the walls have been insulated with an external coat in graphite and an internal counter wall with glass wool.
A heat pump has been set with photovoltaic, storage battery and controlled mechanical
A heat pump system has been set up with photovoltaic, storage battery and controlled mechanical

Starting from the wooden roof, where the original terracotta tiles have been preserved.
Starting from the wooden where the original terracotta tiles been
ventilation dehumidification.
Closing a circle of studied efficiency, for effective savings and an increase in indoor living comfort.
ventilation with dehumidification. Closing a circle of measured, studied and now tangible efficiency, for effective savings and an exponential increase in indoor living comfort.
A virtuous “retrofit”, therefore, a process on the new function, the residential one according to architectural
A virtuous “retrofit”, therefore, a reuse process focused on the new function, the residential one according to contemporary architectural canons.
A deep renovation intervention, which has been able to enhance the characteristics of the Lombard farmhouse of the first post-war involving several distinct buildings, today connected and residential reality with different characteristics.
A deep renovation intervention, which has been able to enhance the typical characteristics of the Lombard farmhouse of the first post-war period, involving several distinct buildings, today connected and merged into a single residential reality with different characteristics.

The open space living area connects in an osmotic whole with what once the master nucleus, now the sleeping area and bathroom areas: here the original wooden trusses, are
contrast materials, clean, technical, rectified.
The open space living area connects in an osmotic whole with what was once the master nucleus, now the sleeping area and bathroom areas: here the original wooden trusses, ridge beams and purlins are found. In contrast the new materials, clean, technical, rectified.
essential, minimalist casing light tones of the walls amplify the brightness the rooms.
The essential, minimalist casing stands out, where the light tones of the walls amplify the brightness of the rooms.
Strong elegance and modernity the complex in its
Strong elegance and modernity permeate the complex in its
entirety, lighting is totally integrated and in the high volume of the barn becomes the important drops from the ceiling and luminous bulbs.
entirety, where even the lighting is totally integrated and in the high volume of the barn becomes the protagonist, with important drops from the ceiling and luminous bulbs.
The materiality of porcelain stoneware was chosen for the flooring, acting as a covering and a furnishing element.
materiality of stoneware was chosen for covering and a element.
Everything is totally integrated, fixed, immobile. Everything returns, colors and materiality respond
Everything is totally integrated, fixed, immobile. Everything returns, colors and materiality respond harmoniously.
the elements that the project, the of Haptic Chrome finish by
Among the elements that embellish the project, the choice of Haptic taps in Black Chrome finish by Ritmonio.
The of solutions for redevelopment project demonstrates is possible to harmoniously combine style with contemporary design.
The choice of Ritmonio solutions for this redevelopment project demonstrates how it is possible to harmoniously combine rural style with contemporary design.
The minimalist lines of the collection with the design mood, creating a captivating contrast; the Black Chrome finish gives a timeless elegance, making solutions a true design element with sophisticated allure, enhancing the essentiality of with a touch of refinement.
The sinuous and minimalist lines of the collection integrate perfectly with the design mood, creating a captivating contrast; the Black Chrome finish gives the collection a timeless elegance, making Ritmonio solutions a true design element with a sophisticated and refined allure, enhancing the essentiality of the design with a touch of refinement.

Brighton-based studio Spark & is pioneering era lighting,
with quality and responsible design pieces.
Brighton-based studio Spark & Bell is pioneering a new era of sustainable lighting, combining community-focused craftsmanship with quality and responsible materials in its contemporary design pieces.
Established in Brighton in 2015, & Bell is a custom lighting business committed bringing high-quality, bespoke lighting directly to consumers and interior designers.
Established in Brighton in 2015, Spark & Bell is a custom handmade lighting business committed to bringing high-quality, bespoke lighting directly to consumers and interior designers.
Founded by Emer Gillespie, a former photographer and lecturer, the company was started personal desire for original lighting options and a simple yet
Founded by Emer Gillespie, a former fine arts photographer and lecturer, the company was started out of personal desire for original lighting options and a simple yet
ambitious vision: to combine exceptional local craftsmanship and ethical practices into a sustainable family-run business.
ambitious vision: to exceptional local and ethical practices into a sustainable family-run business.
From the beginning, Spark established a distinct of reference Art Deco century elegance and which emphasise the intrinsic beauty in materials like brass, reeded glass, wood ceramics.
From the beginning, Spark & Bell established a distinct aesthetic of contemporary designs that reference Art Deco and midcentury elegance and which emphasise the intrinsic beauty in materials like brass, reeded glass, wood and ceramics.
The range has expanded to include a wide selection interior wall lights, pendants, chandeliers, ceiling lights, table lamps and recently, bathroom lights.
The range has expanded to include a wide selection of decorative interior wall lights, pendants, chandeliers, ceiling lights, table lamps and recently, IP44-rated bathroom lights.

All are customisable directly through the studio’s website within a lead time of just one to two weeks.
All customisable through the studio’s website within a of one weeks.
With the handmade to order nature of its lighting, Spark & Bell also collaborates with trade and retail customers on one-off pieces, developing bespoke lights for residential and commercial interiors.
Spark & Bell’s unique sustainable approach and the quality of its craft has seen it make a name for itself as a highly respected design studio with a history of high-calibre commissions.
With the handmade to order of Bell collaborates with trade retail customers on pieces, developing commercial sustainable quality its craft has seen it make a name for itself as design a of commissions.

has too has design practice, Spark supports domestic (as 2024, 88% its are from within a 200-mile radius) and collaborates with local
As Spark & Bell’s business has grown, so too has its reputation for excellence and environmental and social responsibility.
Championing circular design principles in daily practice, Spark & Bell supports domestic suppliers (as of 2024, 88% of its suppliers are from within a 200-mile radius) and collaborates with local artisans working in wood, ceramics, cork and jesmonite.
It has also taken to developing materials from sources headed for landfill – its Jewel series uses recycled plastics made in-house from salvaged CD cases.
It has also taken to developing materials from sources landfill its Jewel uses recycled plastics made in-house from salvaged
This appreciation for local heritage craft and dedication to sustainability is resonating with a growing customer base that values both environmental responsibility and unique aesthetics.
In recognition of a steadfast commitment to ethical practices and corporate responsibility, Spark & Bell has received B Corp™ certification with a score of 100.6.
Highly impressive for a company undergoing its first assessment under the internationally recognised standard of social and environmental responsibility.
This appreciation for local heritage craft dedication to sustainability is resonating with a growing customer values responsibility and unique recognition of a commitment to ethical practices and corporate Spark & received B certification with a score of for a company assessment under the internationally social and environmental responsibility.
Emer Gillespie continues to lead the company, by her Brad Guin, who brings him 20 of digital marketing strategic commercial experience.
Gillespie continues to lead the company, now supported by her husband Brad Guin, who brings with him 20 years of digital marketing and strategic commercial experience.
Together they are fostering a culture of innovation, responsibility and creativity, leading a team of 10 in their Brighton studio.
Together they fostering a culture of responsibility and creativity, leading a team of 10 in their Brighton studio.
Spark & Bell remains dedicated to Emer’s original mission of creating beautiful, timeless lighting that’s built to last a lifetime.
Spark & Bell dedicated to Emer’s original mission of creating beautiful, timeless lighting that’s built a

As one of the longest established practices in the of Dreaming Spires and the to Cotswolds, believe in contemporary, sustainable and innovative architecture with collaboration at the core of our ethos.
As one of the longest established practices in the City of Dreaming Spires and the Gateway to the Cotswolds, Oxford Architects believe in contemporary, sustainable and innovative architecture with collaboration at the core of our ethos.
With over 60 years of experience across multiple sectors including luxury housing, high-end development, hospitality and the education sector, our reputation in contemporary design, as well as in the world of heritage and conservation remains highly trusted by clients such as the University of
With over 60 of experience across sectors including luxury housing, high-end development, hospitality and the education our in contemporary as as in the world of heritage and conservation remains by clients such as the University of
1979, Lots Road has been a firm favourite for interior stylists and private collectors the carefully curated mix of antiques and contemporary fine art mid-century furniture; modern designer pieces; handbags and goods ensures that there is everyone to get excited
Since 1979, Lots Road Auctions has been a firm favourite for interior stylists and private collectors around the globe. The carefully curated mix of antiques and contemporary items; from fine works of art to mid-century furniture; modern designer pieces; designer handbags and luxury goods ensures that there is something for everyone to get excited about.
housed the Building in Lots Road is largest single auction in the country. Auctions are held every Sunday 11am.
Now housed in the iconic Piper Building in Fulham, Lots Road Auctions is one of the largest single space auction houses in the country. Auctions are held every Sunday from 11am.
are invited for forthcoming auctions and enquiries can to
Consignments are invited for their forthcoming auctions and enquiries can be sent to valuations@lotsroad.com.


Oxford and its respective colleges.
Oxford and its respective colleges.
Our studio with private clients and developers alike creating bespoke buildings which are as contextual as they sustainable.
Our design studio works with private clients and developers alike creating bespoke buildings which are as contextual as they are sustainable.
By profoundly understanding the daily routines, lifestyles and aspirations of our clients and their families, are able to create timeless designs which highly personal.
By profoundly understanding the daily routines, needs, lifestyles and aspirations of our clients and their families, we are able to create timeless designs which are highly personal.
We pride ourselves meticulously guiding our clients through the complex of creating
We pride ourselves on meticulously guiding our clients through the complex process of creating a
We thrive on the initial stages of distilling a client’s brief into concept design which we weave throughout a to completion.
We thrive on the initial stages of distilling a client’s brief into a concept design which we weave throughout a project to completion.
Our holistic service is interwoven with practical support through budgeting, obtaining statutory permissions, recommending trusted builders and ongoing technical support on site.
Our service is interwoven with practical support through budgeting, statutory permissions, trusted builders and support site.
Our studio, with locations in Oxford Bristol, serves nationwide and is internationally renowned for
Our design studio, with locations in Oxford and Bristol, serves clients nationwide and is internationally renowned for its work.


Family-run specialists
Family-run wallcovering specialists
By Haleys is bringing the outside in this spring, with new handpainted bursting with biophilic charm.
By Haleys is bringing the outside in this spring, with a new handpainted mural bursting with biophilic charm.
A modern on Chinoiseriestyle, Ophelia in is with and brings a 21st century touch to the classic design technique.
A modern take on Chinoiseriestyle, Ophelia in Zest is packed with colour and brings a 21st century touch to the classic design technique.
The offers a whimsical escape into nature’s luscious wilderness, capturing essence of suggestions of a river adorned with vegetation.
The design offers a whimsical escape into nature’s luscious wilderness, capturing the essence of tranquillity with suggestions of a far-off river adorned with vegetation.
What’s more, a sense of mystique and drama exude from opulent shrubs and resplendent in vibrant of pink, green blue, at the forefront of design.
What’s more, a sense of mystique and drama exude from opulent shrubs and blossoms, resplendent in vibrant shades of pink, green and blue, at the forefront of the design.
Richard Haley, Director of By Haleys, said: “Ophelia was born from the popular chinoiserie style, but we wanted to dismantle and redefine the conventional stereotypes to whole perspective.
Richard Haley, Creative Director of By Haleys, said: “Ophelia was born from the popular chinoiserie style, but we wanted to dismantle and redefine the conventional stereotypes to unleash a whole new perspective.
“Ourinterpretationwastohave moredepth,toberawand
“Ourinterpretationwastohave moredepth,toberawand authentic,andtoletthebeauty ofanunpredictablelayoutmimic theunrulyyetgracefulnatureof overgrownfauna.”
ofanunpredictablelayoutmimic theunrulyyetgracefulnatureof overgrownfauna.”
Like Ophelia in Zest’s starting was a sketchbook, with the design team bringing to life, one paint a
Like all murals from By Haleys, Ophelia in Zest’s starting point was a sketchbook, with the design team bringing their vision to life, one paint stroke at a time.
Ophelia in Zest is available in three finishes: matte uncoated, premier vinyl and grasscloth.
Ophelia in Zest is in three finishes: premier vinyl
Ophelia is also available in two other colourways: Vintage and Pewter.
Ophelia is also available other colourways: Vintage and Pewter.
By Haleys offers customers the flexibility to choose the exact portion of the mural they desire, ensuring a perfect fit for their space.
With it’s whimsical charm, Ophelia in Zest captures the essence of tranquillity with suggestions of a far-off river adorned with vegetation, yet still infusing a sense of mystique and drama with its opulent shrubs and blossoms at the forefront.
By Haleys offers customers the flexibility choose the exact portion they ensuring a perfect fit for space. With in essence of tranquillity with suggestions of a far-off adorned with vegetation, of and drama with opulent shrubs and at the forefront.
Your walls will sing with opulence with Ophelia, she’s a beauty!
Your sing with with Ophelia, she’s a beauty!

In the realm of luxury interiors, true distinction in craftsmanship, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
craftsmanship, heritage, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.
Dogan embodies all three, exquisitely furniture that seamlessly artistry with
Dogan London embodies all three, delivering exquisitely made-to-order furniture that seamlessly blends artistry with functionality.
With over two decades of experience, Dogan London has become the trusted name behind some of the world’s most prestigious private residences, members’ clubs, and five-star hotels.
With over two decades of experience, Dogan has become trusted behind some prestigious private residences, members’ clubs, and five-star hotels.

company delivers at without
and the finest textiles are masterfully combined with required finishes to create furniture that is both beautifully proportioned and deeply considered.
From sculptural mirrors to elegantly tailored seating, each piece is conceived with precision, handcrafted from the finest materials, and designed to stand the test of time.
From sculptural mirrors to elegantly tailored seating, piece with precision, handcrafted from the finest materials, and designed to stand the test of time.
For those who appreciate fine craftsmanship, Dogan London offers more than furniture—it offers heirloomquality pieces with a story, designed to elevate any space.
Whether working with designers on statement commissions or curating entire interiors, the brand’s approach is one of refinement and meticulous attention to detail.
Whether with on statement commissions or entire interiors, the brand’s approach is one of refinement and meticulous to detail.
What sets London apart is ability to bridge the gap between bespoke craftsmanship and commercial expertise.
What sets Dogan London apart is its ability to bridge the gap between bespoke craftsmanship and commercial expertise. www.doganlondon.co.uk


Juliettes Interiors, we interiors tailored to clients. Specialising luxury our award-winning design elegance, innovation, and meticulous attention to detail.
At Juliettes Interiors, we create exquisite, high-end interiors tailored to the most discerning clients. Specialising in luxury residential our award-winning design service blends elegance, innovation, and meticulous attention to detail.
From concept to completion, we deliver bespoke spaces that reflect each client’s unique vision and lifestyle, ensuring an effortless and seamless experience.
to we deliver spaces that reflect each and lifestyle, an and seamless experience.
Our company ethos is built on excellence, creativity, and unparalleled service. We believe that luxury is personal, which is
Our ethos is built on excellence, and unparalleled service. We believe that luxury is personal, which is
why we take the time to understand every detail of our client’s needs, sourcing and customising the finest luxury furniture, materials and finishes from the world’s best artisans.
why we the to every detail of our needs, sourcing and customising finest furniture, materials and finishes the world’s best
Sustainability, craftsmanship, and innovation drive us forward, ensuring that each project not only meets but exceeds expectations.
Whether a single piece or a full-scale project, our commitment remains the same—to deliver perfection.
Whether a single piece or a full-scale project, commitment remains same—to perfection.
Beyond interiors, we provide a conciergelevel experience, working closely with international clientele, including royalty, celebrities, and private homeowners, to curate timeless, sophisticated spaces.
Beyond we provide a conciergelevel experience, working with international clientele, royalty, celebrities, and private homeowners, to curate timeless, sophisticated spaces.
At Juliettes Interiors, we don’t just design create lifestyles.
At Juliettes Interiors, we don’t just design spaces—we create extraordinary lifestyles.
In the realm of luxury interiors, true distinction lies in
FD Platinum works with designers, project managers to deliver luxury logistics along FF & E installations. Whether your project involves relocation, installation, or renovation, we accommodate needs. Our tailored interior solutions reflect the company ethos luxury, discretion, exceptional service –wherever you in the
FD Platinum works with designers, architects, and project managers to deliver luxury logistics services along with FF & E installations. Whether your project involves relocation, installation, or renovation, we can accommodate your needs. Our tailored interior solutions reflect the company ethos of luxury, discretion, and exceptional customer service –wherever you are in the world.
Maximum Impact, Lasting Impressions
Maximum Impact, Lasting Impressions
Having with some of the industry’s most prestigious and celebrated interior designers, we are used of standards. Our clients include profile designer brands, celebrities, and international owners, and they entrust us with their most demanding projects. We specialise in providing high-level logistic support to achieve and meet most demanding environments.
Having worked with some of the industry’s most prestigious and celebrated interior designers, we are used to meeting the highest of standards. Our clients include highprofile designer brands, celebrities, and international business owners, and they entrust us with their most demanding projects. We specialise in providing high-level logistic support to help achieve visions and meet deadlines, even in the most demanding environments.
Every Property Type in Every Location
Every in Location
Our extensive industry experience has seen us involved in projects covering every property type, on every continent. In 2024 alone, we have assisted in the re-imagination
Our extensive industry experience has us projects covering every property type, every 2024 we have assisted in the re-imagination

of designer jewellery stores in Monaco, Shanghai, and Miami, renovated a luxury private villa in Saint Barthélemy, moved priceless family into a historic country estate
Whether it’s street or across continents, level service remains
of designer jewellery stores in Monaco, Shanghai, and Miami, renovated a luxury private villa in Saint Barthélemy, and moved priceless family art into a historic country estate in rural England. Whether it’s across the street or across continents, our level of service remains the same.
‘Impossible’ Logistics
‘Impossible’ Logistics
For many interior designers, the most important aspect a logistics partner can provide is reliability. We have experienced handlers in five international markets, supporting
For many designers, the most important aspect a logistics partner provide is We have experienced handlers in five international supporting
with customs clearance, bonded and consolidated deliveries using our network the world. But we believe in moving beyond pure that others deem too complex. Whether that’s installing a two-tonne luxury jewellery store or transporting an customstaircase from one continent to another, we thrive in finding that meet our clients’ - and exceed their expectations.
with customs clearance, bonded storage, and consolidated deliveries using our network of hubs around the world. But at FD Platinum, we believe in moving beyond pure logistics to solve unique challenges that others deem too complex. Whether that’s installing a two-tonne statue into a luxury jewellery store or transporting an entire custommade staircase from one continent to another, we thrive in finding solutions that meet our clients’ needs - and exceed their expectations.

For 25 years, husband-andwife team Russell and Janine Lowy have been at the heart of Indigo Interiors, transforming properties across London with made-to-measure curtains, blinds, bespoke furniture packages, and home staging. Specialising in the property investment market, they offer tailored solutions to suit all styles and budgets.
For 25 husband-andwife Russell and Lowy have the Indigo Interiors, transforming properties London with made-to-measure blinds, bespoke packages, home the property investment market, they offer tailored solutions to suit all styles and budgets.
Providing full turnkey FF&E service, Indigo Interiors ensures seamless project with great and full transparency. Their long-term clients time and time again, their elevate in the market.
Providing a full turnkey FF&E service, Indigo Interiors ensures seamless project management with great communication and full transparency. Their long-term clients return time and time again, trusting their expertise to elevate interiors that stand out in the market.
Whether you’re a property manager, developer, estate agent, or investor, Indigo Interiors has the experience and creativity to bring your vision to life.
Whether you’re a manager, developer, estate agent, or investor, Indigo Interiors has the experience and creativity to bring your vision life.
Contact us: 845 026 8086 janine@indigo-interiors.com
Follow us on Instagram: @ indigointeriors
Contact us: +44 845 026 8086 janine@indigo-interiors.com Follow us on Instagram: @ indigointeriors

Have you ever a space and felt at home, quite opposite, uncomfortable anxious?
Have you ever entered a space and instantly felt at home, or quite the opposite, uncomfortable or anxious?

The reason why is not always an evidence, be it the colours, the lighting, the furniture or perish the thought… the SMELL! A badly aligned interior may have you longing for more or running for the door.
The why is not an evidence, be the the lighting, the furniture or perish the thought… the SMELL! A badly aligned interior may have you longing for more or running for the
Aromatise Fragrance Diffusion Technology believe in the art of aligning those senses, with the help of the often-forgotten sense of smell. With premium perfumes and state of the art fragrance diffusion technology, we will assist you in designing the olfactive completion of any living space.
Aromatise Diffusion Technology believe in the of those senses, the the often-forgotten sense of smell. With premium perfumes of the art fragrance diffusion technology, we assist the olfactive completion of any living space.
Do call us and speak to us personally for an easy first consultation or visit us on our website.
Do us speak us personally for an easy first consultation or us our website.
www.aromatise.co.uk info@aromatise.co.uk 01223 894207
www.aromatise.co.uk info@aromatise.co.uk 01223 894207

Small, family-run paint company, Fenwick & Tilbrook create pigment-rich, paints in Norfolk. The brand centres itself on customers, designers trade professionals a of colours, whilst not on
Small, family-run paint company, Fenwick & Tilbrook create pigment-rich, premium paints in Norfolk. The brand centres itself on offering customers, interior designers and discerning trade professionals a beautiful range of colours, whilst not compromising on durability.
Made-to-order and delivered next working day to most parts of the UK, the extensive palette is available in six beautiful finishes including a highly breathable Claypaint for lime plaster.
Made-to-order and delivered next working day parts of the UK, the is available in six beautiful finishes including highly Claypaint lime plaster.
Available in over 150 colours, the hero product is Pure Matt Plus - a flat matt emulsion (3% sheen) that achieves a class 1 scrub rating whilst keeping VOC content to a minimum.
Available in over colours, the hero is Matt a flat matt emulsion (3% sheen) that achieves class 1 scrub rating whilst VOC content a minimum.
Instagram: @fenwickandtilbrook
Tel: 01362 125 sales@fenwickandtilbrook.com
Instagram: @fenwickandtilbrook Tel: 01362 684 125 sales@fenwickandtilbrook.com

“Established in 1893, reflects passion the beauty and craftsmanship luxury furniture and lighting.
“Established in 1893, Mariner reflects the passion for the beauty and craftsmanship of luxury furniture and lighting.
The company is renowned for uncompromising attitude to quality, deep expertise of architectural details and knowledge of the most enduring decorative styles.
The is renowned for uncompromising attitude to quality, of architectural knowledge the enduring decorative styles.
Mariner sources some of the most beautiful and rarest materials and show how this classic style elements can be used in the home today.
Mariner of most beautiful and rarest and show how classic style elements can used the home today.
Our uncompromising attitude to quality and correct selection of decorating style is vital to create exclusive turn key projects and assist our customers in developing their dream houses. Each of our furniture pieces are dated with the Mariner hallmark and given individual number”.
Our uncompromising to quality and selection of decorating is vital create turn and assist our customers in developing dream Each of our furniture are dated with Mariner and given individual number”. www.marinerluxury.com
Parador is delighted to introduce 15 new decors in its glue-down Vinyl category, offering enhanced durability, soundproofing, and water resistance—ideal for hightraffic kitchens
Parador is delighted to introduce 15 new decors in its glue-down Vinyl category, offering enhanced durability, soundproofing, and water resistance—ideal for hightraffic kitchens and bathrooms.
The 5 range includes seven stone-inspired designs square decors, allowing for mix-andinstallation. Meanwhile, 10 debuts herringbone in a glue-down format, custom laying patterns a unique look.
The Trendtime 5 range now includes seven stone-inspired designs and three square tile decors, allowing for mix-andmatch installation. Meanwhile, Trendtime 10 debuts herringbone flooring in a glue-down format, enabling custom laying patterns for a unique look.
excited versatility, blending and creativity,” says Product at Parador.
“We’re excited to showcase vinyl’s versatility, blending style, function, and creativity,” says Christoph Wellekötter, Product Manager at Parador.
These collections redefine vinyl flooring, making them perfect for residential, commercial, and hospitality spaces.
wwww. parador.de 0049 2541 736 678
These collections redefine vinyl making them residential, and spaces. wwww. parador.de 0049 736 678
In 1780, George Jackson revolutionised the UK market by introducing composition enrichments. Today, we are a leader in specialist plasterwork, offering a comprehensive suite of services encompassing design, manufacture and installation.
Our distinct expertise is concentrated in decorative ceilings, fibrous plaster, GRG, Composition and Sculptural artwork. We take pride in our rich heritage whilst remaining progressive by prioritising health and safety, utilising the latest available technologies and working efficiently within budgetary constraints.
1780, George Jackson revolutionised the UK market by composition are in specialist offering a suite services encompassing installation. distinct is in decorative ceilings, fibrous plaster, GRG, Composition and We pride in rich heritage whilst remaining progressive by prioritising health and safety, utilising the latest available technologies and working efficiently within budgetary constraints.
Our unique collection of reverse-cut hardwood moulds is the largest in the approximately 11,000 patterns, which architects interior a source of inspiration when developing their design. We welcome visits to and unparalleled history craftsmanship can demonstrated.
Our unique collection of reverse-cut hardwood moulds is one of the largest in the world, totalling approximately 11,000 patterns, which architects and interior designers use as a source of inspiration when developing their design. We welcome visits to our London showroom and workshop, where our unparalleled history and craftsmanship can be demonstrated.
www.georgejackson.com 02086879740 enquiries@georgejackson.com Instagram: georgejacksonltd

into world where design merges
Step into a world where design seamlessly merges with functionality.
We are a full-service interior and architecture practice based in Chiswick.
a interior and based in Chiswick.
Since our inception in 2015, we have helped over 500 families transform their homes.
If you are looking to add more space to your existing home, we offer a one-stop-shop solution from planning to completion with full project management.
We put client satisfaction at the top of our priority and throughout the project our friendly and professional team of architects, project managers, interior designers and builders will be there to support you at every stage.
We are at stand B510 & our team would love to discuss your dream home project with you.
Since our inception in 2015, we families transform their If you to add to home, a one-stop-shop planning completion full project management. put satisfaction at the top priority and throughout the project our professional team of architects, project managers, interior designers and builders will there to you at stage. We are at stand B510 & our team would love to discuss your dream home you.
Contact us: hello@gooddesignbuild.co.uk gooddesignbuild.co.uk 020 3846 7958
us: hello@gooddesignbuild.co.uk gooddesignbuild.co.uk 3846
‘Cemflow Pigmented is a highly finish manufactured world leading chemicals Construction Products’. The system comprises of a pigmented cementitious screed, which is sealed with a hard-wearing polyurethane resin. Cemflow Pigmented Topping is fastly becoming the specifiers choice for design interior finishing projects, due to its unrivalled aesthetic options and robust, characteristics.
‘Cemflow Pigmented Topping’ is a highly decorative floor finish manufactured by world leading construction chemicals supplier ‘Don Construction Products’. The flooring system comprises of a pigmented cementitious screed, which is sealed with a hard-wearing polyurethane resin. Cemflow Pigmented Topping is fastly becoming the specifiers choice for design lead interior finishing projects, due to its unrivalled aesthetic options and robust, hard-wearing characteristics.
‘Cemflow Pigmented Topping’ is a perfect alternative to polished concrete finishes due to being quicker to install, allowing for lower installation thresholds, and offering wide choice of colours to compliment any project.
For more information, or to request samples and brochures, get in touch now:
‘Cemflow Pigmented is a perfect alternative to polished due to being quicker install, for installation and offering wide choice of compliment any information, to request brochures, touch now:
+44 (0) www.donconstruction.co.uk
+44 (0) 1440 766360 www.donconstruction.co.uk 08

sustainable now.
With an exclusive construction made from agglomerated dark cork that eliminates the use of coloured metal sheets, the new design highlights the simplicity of utilitarian light while enhancing its environmental commitment.
With an exclusive construction made from agglomerated cork eliminates the coloured metal sheets, the design highlights the simplicity of utilitarian while enhancing its environmental commitment.
Inspired by a block of cork that appears to float, DAM’s ‘Cortina’ brings a touch of nature indoors, creating a warm atmosphere with its earthy tone and texture. The lamp transforms light into a delicate element like a curtain, shaping light and shadows in a vertical manner.
Inspired by a block of cork that appears to ‘Cortina’ brings a touch of nature indoors, creating a warm atmosphere with its texture. lamp transforms light into a delicate element light and shadows in a vertical manner.

efficiency and longevity. The carefully designed shape that enhances the light in harmony with the cork makes the ‘Cortina’ an ideal choice for environments that value aesthetics and ecological responsibility, whether in a workspace or a gathering space for family and friends.
‘Cortina’ is available in a practical size, suitable for different space configurations, and integrates a standard LED lamp ensuring efficiency The carefully that enhances the light in harmony with the cork makes ‘Cortina’ an choice for that value aesthetics and ecological responsibility, whether in a workspace space family and
CORTINA is a pendant lamp that plays with light like a delicate curtain.
is a pendant that plays with light like a delicate

The new edition of the ‘Cortina’ lamp was redesigned and it is even more sustainable now. www.damportugal.com
Its shape is crafted from agglomerated dark cork, evoking a piece of land that seems to float, bringing a touch of nature to indoors. Available in a practical sizes, suitable for various space configurations, CORTINA integrates a standard LED lamp, ensuring both efficiency and longevity. So, it is an ideal choice for environments that prioritise aesthetics and ecological responsibility, whether in a workspace or a gathering place for family and friends.
Its shape is crafted from cork, a piece that seems to float, bringing touch of nature to practical suitable space configurations, CORTINA integrates a standard both efficiency and longevity. it is for environments that prioritise and ecological responsibility, whether in a place for family
Materials: Agglomerated dark cork; LED lamp, power 8W, colour 4000K, useful life 25,000h, socket S14D, class A +.
Agglomerated cork; power 8W, colour life S14D, class +.
Finishing: Colourless aqueous finish (cork). Size: W75 x D12 x H14 cm / W29,5 x D4,7 x H5,5 in.
Colourless aqueous finish (cork). Size: W75 x D12 x H14 cm / W29,5 x D4,7 x
Designer: Hugo Silva and Joana Santos.
Made in: Portugal.
Designer: Silva Santos. Made in: Portugal.


The new edition of the ‘Cortina’ lamp from DAM was redesigned and it is even more