VOL. 13 | SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2022 SALTEX The most important green fair in Europe AIRTER The sports turf care of the future with aerificationactive JACKSON’S FENCING Specifying robust security solutions for sports facilities

Andy Manager,Haileybury

DEMAND QUALITY, WHY COMPROMISE? Contact your local dealer to book a demo on your site today! www.iseki.co.uk “We have had ISEKI machinery for the last 8 years at Haileybury School and currently run three TG tractors within our fleet of machinery. The tractors are predominately used for vertidraining, mowing, seeding and scarifying with its high lift capacity of 1,600kg and low ground pressure. The SXG mower is used for cutting some of the pitches and lawned areas but also collecting up all the scarifying and fallen leaves as the collection system is so good. I would recommend ISEKI to any of my colleagues and friends within the industry. ”


CONTENTS In this issue RathoToro Park Golf Club in brand’sacquiredandhistoryScotland,Edinburgh,hasalongwithTorohasrecentlyoneofthebestsellers Sustainability and technology unite in new unique control system from Toro Across our lives, cleaner, greener energy resources are becoming more abundant and more cost-effective.70 3024 EGO Welcome to Groundskeeping Journal, the UK’s latest bi-monthly publication providing latest product innovations, industry news and opinions from key professionals within the industry. With focuses on Aeration, Irrigation & Drainage; Greenskeeping; Latest News; Machinery; Pitch & Line Marking; Specialist Mowers; Sports Ground Equipment; Sports Pitches; Top Dressing; Sprayers & Spraying and Turf Management. 3GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022


A Sidewinder from Toro does all the moving for you. Carefully cutting those trickier to reach areas. Trimming around trees, bushes, water features and obstacles is a delicate job. Available on the Toro Reelmaster 3100-D and Groundsmaster 3500-D mowers, the Sidewinder system from Toro lets you move all three cutting units 12 inches right or left from their center position — on the fly — for a full 24 inches of cutting travel. For precise control, there’s nothing like Toro’s Sidewinder cutting system. reesinkturfcare.co.uk Toro Reelmaster3100-D UK LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. shown for illustration only. MORE from your turfcare partner this year: More products . More advice . More training . More finance

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the perfect green or looking to source the right product for your synthetic surface GKJ has it all. Our vision is to connect our readers with professionals and suppliers working within their sector and we hope that we have created a platform that will become a must have tool for anyone working within the industry. Many thanks for taking the time to read our publication, we hope you enjoy the read and if you would like to keep up to date with all things GKJ then make sure you check out our subscribe page. H Editor-In-Chief Antony editor@mhmagazine.co.ukHolter01304806039 emma@groundskeepingjournal.co.ukPage01304806039 lee@groundskeepingjournal.co.ukMartin01227936974 josh@mhmagazine.co.ukHolmes01304806039
Contact Us Enhancing Quality Sports Services ello and welcome to Groundskeeping Journal. Our publication has been created to showcase the very latest industry news and product information from the Groundskeeping sector. In each edition we carry in depth articles from some of the industry leaders, the articles cover many aspects formore.KeepingManagement,SportstipswithGroundskeepingofsomeofferingandadviceonPitches,TurfGreensandmuch,muchWhetheryouarelookingtipsandadviceoncreating

Business Manager Josh

6 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TURF MANAGEMENT
airter® the sports turf care of the future with active aerification
The all-important oxygen, which is dosed into the turf layer by the aeration, ensures stronger roots and thus proven vital plant growth. Anaerobic bacteria are destroyed by the airter® with the supplied oxygen and thus a “black layer” profile layer can never again develop, which has a damaging effect on the soil.
There are also no disturbing puncture holes in the soil. This prevents the soil from drying out at high temperatures and there are no holes visible in the greens that could hinder and disturb the course of the golf ball.
Even unwanted and harmful grubs such as May and June beetles as well as Tipula larvae (leatherjackets) can be effectively and biologically controlled with the airter® using compressed air at 100% and guaranteed.
The golfers do not notice anything on the green from this maintenance measure carried out on the same day. With the airter®, treatment is always possible even during ongoing play without having a negative effect on the playability of the golf greens. U
nique in the world, the airter® loosens the turf layers homogeneously from 8 cm to a depth of more than 24 cm - with adjustable compressed air and in one continuous operation. 26 specially developed injection lances with different types of nozzles inject up to one million litres of air per working process into the ground of a football pitch. With regard to water infiltration, an improvement can be measured immediately on the treated surfaces. Even football pitches that tend to become waterlogged due to an unfavourable structural quality in terms of material selection and grain size distribution; soil properties as well as an unsuitable choice of substrate could be “defused” by working with the airter® with 2 to 9 bars of air pressure.

7GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 Empowering Sports Turf The first 5 prospective buyers receive 33% discount* * related to the regular sales price Arrange a non-binding demonstration appointment directly at your place! Phone +41 61 271 51 00 or by e-mail: info@airter.com Further information at: www.airter.com SWISS INNOVATION made by l Compressed air with oxygen, the best for sports, golf and hybrid lawns l Effective and biological grubs and tipula larvae control l No more Black Layer! airter® light 14160 Control leatherjackets now in autumn and spring!

Scientific studies have proven a homogeneous and comprehensive loosening of the soil after tilling with the airter®. Measurements with a penetrometer result in a soil loosening of the turf base layer of at least approx. 30%, which lasts for more than 3 weeks. At the same time, a 23% increase in the amount of cuttings was measured, as well as up to 48% better water drainage in the soil. Proper maintenance of organic golf and football courses in the future can only be achieved with active oxygen in the soil. The first golf operations have already successfully converted to this future form of operation with an airter® and more and more are coming! In addition to the effect of a better, more durable and more beautiful lawn, you also reduce your annual maintenance costs with the airter®. (Reduction of water, pesticides, machines and personnel). Especially with hybrid lawn systems, the airter® is unbeatable with its effect. Why? Fact: Until now, all hybrid turf systems could only be worked with a full chisel. The hollow chisels, which work better in the soil, are prohibited in all hybrid turf systems because they destroy the artificial fibres. This is a maintenance conflict! A full chisel creates little aeration and its penetration creates undesirable vertical compaction in the turf base layer. The result is poor and hard pitches in the long run. The airter® is the only machine in the world that can demonstrably loosen these hybrid turf systems homogeneously horizontally with compressed air. The quality of a hybrid turf is only sustainably maintained by the airter®. www.airter.com

A volunteer who is passionate about helping his local sports club has revealed how an ISEKI compact tractor is significantly improving the standard of pitches.

“It got to the point where our pitch was deemed poor by the Football Association and as a result, we secured some funding through a Football Foundation grant. This finally enabled us to purchase our own machinery so that we could maintain the pitches ourselves. “Our local dealer, RT Machinery, recommended some tractors and specifically the ISEKI TM3267. We found that during the demonstration, the ISEKI tractor was the best within our budget.”
The ISEKI TM3267 compact tractor is a versatile 25hp diesel compact tractor with a F8/R8 mechanical transmission. The ISO-mounted operator’s platform combined with ergonomically positioned controls ensures operator comfort during extended working periods. The 3-point linkage has a lift capacity of 600kg or 800kg when fitted with the high-capacity lift kit. T
8 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TURF MANAGEMENT
Iseki is brilliant in Bradwell
he picturesque village of Bradwell in Milton Keynes boasts successful football and cricket teams and both sports are played at the Bradwell Sports & Social Club. Until recently, the Bradwell teams had no control over the condition of the pitches as David Keene – Old Bradwell United FC’s Manager, Groundsman AND Chairman “Weexplains:were at the mercy of the parish council who carried out the groundwork on the football and cricket pitches, and they did it at their convenience, but it wasn’t always convenient for us.
• Excellent performance coupled with high
9GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 www.iseki.co.uk
The TM3267 is available with an optional front loader. Should you ave any other questions please give me a call, included Furtherdo benefits include:
• Power: 18.9 kW (25.3 hp)
•efficiencyISOmounted operator platform for reduced noise and vibration

David was quick to stress the importance of the ISEKI TM3267 being user friendly and explained how it has helped to improve the pitches.

It also features, as standard, a rear-PTO, two double acting valves, mid-PTO, two double-acting auxiliary valves, weight frame and a choice of AG or Turf tyres.
“I’m not a mechanically minded person - I work in an office,” he said. “I have absolutely no problems using the ISEKI tractor – which tells you how easy it is to use. Swapping the mower and other attachments is very straightforward. No preparation is needed - it is simply a case of getting onto it and then start using it. “We use it specifically for the football pitch and the cricket outfield,” continued David. “We will attach the mower to it predominantly in the dry months, and we then we attach a SISIS Quadraplay (a mounted frame which allows for up to four implements) to it in the winter months to break up compaction and allow for drainage. Since we have been using it the quality of the pitches have improved no “Iend.would recommend the TM3267 to any sports club who are looking to take control of their own ground this.”wouldsemi-professional–Essentially,maintenance.anyclubfromgrassrootsto-benefitfrom
• Drive System: Mechanical or HST
10 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 Vanmac Ltd Vanmac Ltd - Suppliers of tur f, grounds , greenkeeping and roadside maintenance equipment 020 3 318 5 37 2 | info@vanmac .co.uk | ww w.vanmac .co.uk Progressive Pro-Flex 120 The Pro-Flex 120 is the most widely used pull-behind contour finishing mower. It has become the ‘go-to’ contour and rough mower due to its reliability, a 304 cm (10’) wide cut, and its versatility. With 5 independent floating decks, the Pro-Flex 120 will easily follow contour changes that are found on golf courses, producing a uniform quality cut. TURF MANAGEMENT Perfect play requires Perfect maintenance All the tools of the trade for professional aeration • Linear Aeration • Core Aeration • Spike Aeration • Air Injection 01428redexim.com661222 OUR FAILSFUELTESTEDNEVERYOU As alkylate petrol pioneers since 1988, you can be assured of high-quality fuel in every can. Aspen alkylate petrol burns cleaner – resulting in equipment that starts easily, engines that won’t clog and fuel that doesn’t deteriorate over time. Count on your machine to do its job so you can focus on yours. www.aspenfuel.co.uk Seeusat APF2022 Stand No. D1A

“We’ve grown our business on the back of service and our dedicated and skilled team. Having the final solution is a big value to us and our
12 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 fter working together now for just over a year, Hunts Engineering Ltd is proving a highly successful dealer in the Midlands, for Campey Turf Care Systems.
Engineering Ltd is Proving a Successful Midlands Dealer for Campey
With two dedicated Campey salespeople and five fully qualified mechanics operating on-site and in the workshop, the Hunts backup team is more than capable of providing the first-class service customers expect from Campey.
With Peter Hunt having more than 35 years of experience in the industry and a strong reputation for customer service, Hunts make the perfect addition to the Campey dealer framework. Founded in 2007 owners of Hunts, Peter and Julie Hunt, want to continue growing the fine turf arm of the business, and they believe the Campey line of machinery is the perfect portfolio to do it with.
“Personally, it makes our jobs more interesting working with this type of equipment. Most of the time, you can see an instant result or effect with this machinery, and we think that is why people respond to it.
After Starting as an agricultural dealership focusing on engineering, the Warwickshire based family-owned company has established itself in the professional turf care sector.

“We’re taking on everything that Campey does. We want to have the complete range so we can go into a golf course, club or school and offer them a comprehensive package. For us, that was really important because we want our customers to come to us with any requests or issues and have an answer or solution for them.
“We also need support from Campey when we have questions and Jason Moody has been very good for that. When he says he’ll do something, he does it, which is so im-portant for our customers and us.”
“Thiscustomers.industry is very much person to person, and demonstrations are important. Espe-cially with Campey machinery because it’s not the run of the mill tractors and mowers; it’s specialist equipment.
From left; Jeff Deane Sales
Call +44 (0)1260 224568 visit www.campeyturfcare.com Campey supply market leading, innovative turf care machinery worldwide, we’re continually researching new techniques and refining existing practices. Machinery That’s Helping Turf Care Professionals Achieve Perfection

Lee Morgado Director of Campey Turf Care Systems explains what to look for when choosing a seeder:

Tackling Drought Conditions with Vredo Compact Seeders
If you want to effectively revitalise heavy wear areas in drought conditions, then you will have to aerate effectively first. Being able to aerate without stopping play, is increasingly important so options for addressing the compaction include the renowned Air2G2 Air Inject proving industry leading aeration with no disruption or the Campey Imants ShockWave® as the ideal choices.
Wastage is minimised because the seed is placed directly into the soil using high-quality self-sharpening baron steel discs to cut through dry and compacted surfaces, giving a 97% germination rate. Placing the seed where it needs to be in the soil profile prevents it from being dried out by the sun or eaten by wildlife and allows grassed surfaces to be mown with the seed perfectly placed within the slit.
Another factor working to prevent seed waste and improve germination is “ S
14 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
If you want to effectively revitalise heavy wear areas in drought conditions, then you will have to aerate effectively first.
• Choose the lightest Seeder with a disc system to minimise compaction on the field and allow smaller tractors to be used and still achieve a good working width. This is especially important for Vredo’sgreens.
new range of Compact and Super Compact double disc seeders meet all the above criteria and more with the three latest range additions include the DZ5 single compact, the .DZ5 Super Compact, and the DZ5 Turf-Fix. Full details are available on the Campey website www. Manycampeyturfcare.com.golfcoursesand pitches suffer from soil compaction because of the lack of moisture in the root zone and it is here where a double disc seeder comes into its own. Vredo double disc seeders were developed during drought conditions in The Netherlands, with the principle of not wasting seed by making sure it is placed at the correct depth in the root zone.
Once the soil has been de-compacted it is now ready for overseeding.
Here are the main features to look for when choosing a Seeder:-
ummer has arrived and with it comes the potential for drought conditions which can take a heavy toll on sporting facilities relying on natural turf surfaces, where even extensive watering and irrigation particularly on golf courses may not alleviate the effects of drought. This is when overseeders to replace grass which despite the best efforts of the professional ground staff, has been lost, comes into its own.
• Minimise wastage by choosing the Seeder which places the seed directly into the soil to give the highest seed into plant conversion rates.
• Look for precise seeding depths with an easy depth adjuster to main good playability with a stable of the soil structure. Precision planting will give you the flexibility of shallow planting “light-germinating seed” such as Bent grass, Agrostis, Poa pratensis and deeper depth planting for “temperature-germinating seed” such as English Ryegrass which needs the greater depth to ensure germination.
“light-germinating seed” such as Bent grass, Agrostis, Poa pratensis and deeper depth planting for “temperaturegerminating seed” such as English
Specialist Overseeders For Grass Playing Surfaces

The Vredo Overseeder places the grass seed in direct contact with the soil giving almost total seed germination and benefits from an infinitely adjustable and highly accurate seed dosage mechanism. Campey supply market leading, innovative turf care machinery worldwide, we’re continually researching new techniques and refining existing practices.

Ryegrass which needs the greater depth to ensure germination. The user is able to determine the amount of seed with the help of the practically designed spindle and seed chart, which is equipped with the most common types of grass and mixtures. The seed gets regulated precisely through the cam wheel and the bottom flap, from the beginning until the end in all its Themovements.success of the machines means they are already used in football, golf, rugby, horse racing, country estates and campsites. The main reason for this is the close 7.5cm spacing of the Compact Series and the even closer spacing of 3.5cm of the Super Compact Series. With the slits created by the machine so close together, it is easy to continue play quickly after seeding, which an important factor at most sporting facilities. www.campeyturfcare.com
15GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 the precise seeding depths that Vredo seeders are known for. This is achieved by using the easy depth adjuster and gives the flexibility of shallow planting

Call +44 (0)1260 224568 visit www.campeyturfcare.com
The new in-field sports sprinkler with natural turf cup. For a seamless ‘Man of the Match’ performance and easy access.
Effective water solutions for all landscapes Irrigation . Pumps . Water Aeration . Lightning Detection and More interferenceMinimisessprinkleronpitch

Reesink UK LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Images shown for illustration only.

The new Toro B Series Turf Cup sprinkler from Reesink offers an invisible solution for irrigating your pitches. By enabling natural turf to grow above the sprinkler head, it creates a seamless and continuous area of turf, eliminating any need to dig up your pristine pitch during maintenance.


01630ttpumps.com647200 TALK TO OUR response@ttpumps.comEXPERTS For essential Irrigation you can rely on Hi-Dro Boost range. Extensive range for small volume applications up to the largest irrigation schemes. 01630ttpumps.com647200 TALK TO OUR response@ttpumps.comEXPERTS For essential Irrigation you can rely on Hi-Dro Boost range. Extensive range for small volume applications up to the largest irrigation schemes.

18 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 AERATION, IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE
TWL sell automatic and hand watering irrigation product’s for golf courses, sports grounds and agricultural area’s.
TWL offers advice and training through website articles and over the phone assistance.
Soil sampling is easy with either the compact fast and handy Soil Sampler, for small core sampling, or a deep inspection with the Soil Probe. Identifying turf killers 2-10 before they attack is simple with TurfSpy Glasses, so you can protect your turf. Gulp Pro Premium Water Removal Hand Pumps from handy syringe to large Gulp with hose attached. Removing water effectively from valve T boxes, for pipe repair, toilets and much CatchCanmore....
Ultra Sprinkler Auditing Cup assists you in accurately measuring your sprinkler performance.

EasyOut, EasyReach and SuperKey enables you to remove a sprinkler in 3 minutes or less, carry out repairs and maintenance effortlessly. TurboTrim with its forward and reverse drive ratchet mechanism keeps sprinkler heads turf free, easily!
WL Irrigation (formerly Tonick Watering) has been providing irrigation product’s and support from Tony Ware, all over the world since 1996. TWL offers an extensive range of turf maintenance Underhill product’s that provide start to finish turf care.

PelletPro provides wetting agent and LiquidPro can literally paint wetting agent to a 92 square metre turf area in less than 1 minute. Hand watering and DrainBlaster Nozzles providing the the right amount of water to the right spot.

TW-4equipment.Controller operates 2 Wire and radio decoders, remotely via an App or BuddyCloud. Bag contains handy items and tools needed for around the course. www.twl-irrigation.com
Magnum, CoolPro and Precision range, for light fan spray to drenching. We provide small to large scale application Irrigation Controllers, Decoders and Field wiring fault finding
TWL offers advice and training through website articles and over the phone assistance. “ TW-4 Controller
PelletPro™ Wetting Agent Applicator Gun Golf Sprinkler Head Trimmer EasyOut™ 2in1 3 minute Sprinkler Removal Tool Magnum™ UltraMAX UltraMAX Valves Magnum™ UltraMAX Economy Magnum™ TW-3 Irrigation Decoder Controller for 2 & 3 Wire Systems LiquidPro™ Wetting Agent Applicator Gun GULPPRO Premium Water Removal Suction Pumps Irrigation Decoders for 2 and 3 Wire Systems Soil Samplers Compact Soil Sampler Soil Probe Magnum™ Professional Nozzle Range

• Standard football pitch irrigation times approximately 1 hour.


The LRI Premier offers a number of benefits including:
• No electrical requirements.
The LRI Premier will work with a mains pressure of 6 Bar however we are able to offer options of a singlephase pump to boost the water supply to achieve satisfactory operation if needed. Simple adjustments restrict the amount of water applied to that which is actually required. The unit is fully portable and can therefore be M easily relocated to the most critical Aareas.wide range of hoses, fittings, pumps and controls are available to complete the installation.
The LRI Premier which is capable of dispersing water up to a distance of 80 meters and a radius of 40 meters due to the 360 degree head.
• 6 bar water pressure required to run off mains supply.
• We can provide alternative solutions to mains feed if water pressure is too low
• Significant cost saving verses an underground system.
• Nozzles can be changed to alter flow rate.
An electrical supply is not required since the controls are operated via a 12-volt rechargeable battery which is mounted on the irrigator unit itself.
• When used every training session it will make the surface slick for faster movement of the ball and the pitch safer for players.
It offers many of the advantages of a large irrigation gun, but only requires a standard water supply, enabling broad areas to be watered from one place. It therefore gives many of the benefits of a permanent underground system, without the need for expensive installation. It can be left to run through the night and is designed to be left unattended.
Mobile long range irrigation for sports pitches & playing fields

• Turntable trolley mounted to aid movability on site.
20 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
The LRI Premier unit operates on a self-timer and can easily be positioned by moving the turntable trolley to the desired location.
An electrical supply is not required since the controls are operated via a 12-volt rechargeable battery which is mounted on the irrigator unit itself. This means easy installation and repositioning – and has the added benefit of intrinsically safe operation.
• Covers a distance of 40m and with the 360 degree head an area of 80m.
awdsleys Pump Services have designed, developed and manufactured the LRI Premier to be ideal for remote locations without electricity and is an ideal irrigation solution for football pitches, rugby pitches, cricket grounds, school playing fields, racecourses, hockey fields, farms, indeed anywhere that needs irrigation.
The LRI Premier offers a number of benefits
• No Electricity needed onsite.
• Turntable trolley mounted to aid movability on site.
• 6 bar water pressure required to run off mains supply.
• Covers a distance of 40m and with the 360 degree head a diameter of 80m.
• Nozzles can be changed to alter flow rate.
•including:Usedevery training session to make the playing surface slick, for faster movement of the ball around the pitch and safer pitch for players.
The LRI Premier offers many of the advantages of a large irrigation gun, but only requires a standard water supply, enabling broad areas to be watered from one place. It therefore gives many of the benefits of a permanent underground system, without the need for expensive installation. It can be left to run through the night and is designed to be left unattended.
• Standard football pitch irrigation time is approximately 1 hour.

• Massive cost savings vs. underground system.
• We can provide alternative solutions to mains feed if water pressure is too low.
THE LRI PREMIER MAWDSLEYS PUMP SERVICES Unit C2, Kingsland Trading Estate, Bristol, BS2 0JZ Tel: 0117 9548030 | www.mawdsleyspumpservices.co.uk

Hunter TTS-800 series: the most advanced rotors in the golf industry

Over the last four decades, Hunter Industries has built a longstanding reputation for innovation in the golf industry. Some of the revolutionary inventions include the first Windowsbased central control system, the first Total-Top-Service (TTS) rotors, the first Decoder-in-Head (DIH) rotors with integrated Pilot Two-Way Modules, and the powerful and water-efficient G-85 Gear Drives. The newest products in this ground breaking line up are the TTS-800 Series Golf Rotors — the most innovative and technologically advanced rotors in the industry. Combining accuracy and power, they provide maximum uniformity and longevity in the field. They also reduce the challenges of reclaimed water use or poor water quality, thanks to their high-torque gear drives. The fast-access flange compartment is the golf sector’s largest, and it can accommodate full-sized DBRY-6 Splice Connectors. Even routine maintenance is a breeze with Total-TopServiceability, which allows solenoid and pressure regulator servicing without mainline depressurisation. For more information contact - KAR UK Ltd www.karuk.com – 0161 793 9703 – sales@karuk.com Invar Road, Swinton, Manchester M27 9HF, England Tel: 0161 793 9703 | Fax: 0161 794 5145 www.karuk.co.uk email: sales@karuk.com

22 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022

TTS-800 SERIES ROTORS The most innovative and theadvancedtechnologicallyrotorinindustry AERATION, IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE

T: 01963 824166 E: info@waterscapes.co.uk Award winning, reliableprofessionalsirrigation With over 40 years combined experience, producing & installing projects across the UK • Irrigation design & installation • Full maintenance services • Construction, local authority and private client sectors • Display water features & fountains • Excellent customer service & project management support waterscapes.co.uk @waterscapesltd

24 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 AERATION, IRRIGATION & DRAINAGE oro’s latest irrigation technology unites with sustainability in the new Tempus Air, a solarpowered, panelsymbioticTechnologytakesystemremote-controlled,battery-operated,cloud-based,wirelesscontrolofferingflexibleprogrammingtowaterautomationtothenextlevel.andsustainabilityformapartnershipasweseeasolarpoweranine-voltbatteryina IRRIGATION POWERED BY THE SUN AND CLOUD T Sustainability and technology unite in new unique control system from Toro TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Power: 9V batteries and solar panel option • Capacity: up to 30 field modules on Wi-Fi, 25 on 3G • Modules: either controllers (CT or MV), Multi Sensor (MS) or Pressure Sensor Module (PS) in any combination. Each Multi Sensor can accommodate up to four different sensors • Range: up to 800m radius for each gateway (1600m in total) • Connectivity: Wi-fi, 3G, Bluetooth (within 10m of devices) • Platform: available for desktop and mobile

“Combining all these features makes Tempus Air ideal for those looking for a sustainable and unique solution and where areas without electricity such as sports pitches, stadiums and training grounds keen to eliminate cables from the sidelines and professional landscaping projects. Remote management allows for control from up to 800 metres away and automated responses can be applied based on pre-set thresholds.”

“Scalability is a key feature making this an affordable water delivery solution – Wi-Fi allows you to manage up to 30 modules and 3G manages up to 25. Field conditions can be remotely monitored, and you can programme by time, volume and rainfall. And being able to deliver water at the right time and place means there’s no water Tempuswastage.”Air can also control the hydraulic valves, water pumps, pressure valve sensors and filters; you can link moisture levels, temperature, wind speed, so adding a lot of functionality as well as monitoring a wide set of field parameters for even more precise and efficient irrigation “Toroscheduling.hasdesigned a one-of-a-kind next generation system,” continues Robert. “It is entirely unique with nothing else like it on the market today. It’s fully app controlled so no control box or PC set up,” Robert continues. “The app itself is very intuitive and user friendly and Bluetooth connectivity is integrated to allow full control through the app via a smartphone, tablet or PC if you prefer – simply download and choose up to six stations, four independent programmes and three start Intimes.”terms of the sprinklers that can be used, Robert explains: “As you may expect the connecting modules fit into Toro Infinity Sprinklers, the smartest, hardest-working sprinklers on the market – top accessibility to all the critical components and built for flexible expansion, it’s the perfect Robcombination.”continues:
GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Well, Tempus Air is fully automated, moveable, scalable, precise and affordable, providing detailed feedback and Robertinformation.Jackson, division manager for Reesink Hydro-Scapes, the UK distributor of Toro irrigation products, explains more: “Air automation removes some of the inevitable issues of traditional automation such as the expense, labour required, and time needed to install. It’s the no effort way to take control of your water. It’s an extremely stable and secure connection offering real-time connectivity, now proven in the field.
The app itself is very intuitive and user friendly and Bluetooth connectivity is integrated to allow full control through the app via a smartphone, tablet or PC if you prefer – simply download and choose up to six stations, four independent programmes and three start times. “ product where all its data and information are stored in the cloud. It is a perfect example of how, when the two work together, a cost-effective green solution So,emerges.what’s the difference between traditional and Tempus Air automation?
Ardfin golf club welcomes Toro to its sustainable island course

Golf manager Simon Crawford says: “I’ve used Toro before in previous jobs, including overseas when I worked in Barbados, Austria and the Middle East. Nothing can G compare to it, it’s my favourite brand to use and as soon as I came here, I knew we’d have to switch. Our mechanic is also a Toro fan and prefers to work with Toro machinery, something that also has a big impact on what we buy. It was a match made in heaven.”
olf manager and mechanic united in their choice of Toro Ardfin Golf Club’s golf manager and mechanic were in complete agreement that the club’s hybrid machinery purchases should be Toro. Carved along the shoreline at the top of a cliff on the Isle of Jura in Scotland, Ardfin Golf Club is not only one of the most unique golf courses in the world but one that has had the least interference in the natural landscape it is part of. And to both keep its spot in the top 100 best golf clubs to play at and continue the sustainability work it is known for, the club is now trusting its greens to Toro.
26 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Speaking of heaven, Ardfin’s location as part of the Inner Hebrides is pretty close but maintaining a golf course in such a remote location doesn’t come without its challenges. Ardfin has managed to strike a balance between the site’s environmental needs and the commercial side of business while remaining at the top of destinations for both UK residents and international visitors looking for “a golf experience that’s like an adventure”, says Simon. “An island like Jura is a precious place that we try to protect as much as possible. When the course was first built, we didn’t move a lot of land; instead, we reused the
27GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
To talk to someone about Toro technology and how the Toro range could suit your course, call 01480 226800. topsoil, improved the drainage and kept everything on a smaller scale to ensure habitats were protected – the greens are narrow, and we have fewer bunkers than usual. We don’t use fungicides or herbicides and try to have as little impact on the environment as we can: everything is recycled, and all the grass cuttings are used for composting. Getting more sustainable machinery was the logical next step.”
“We are trying to slowly but surely move away from using hydraulics and diesel engines,” he explains. “These ones we bought don’t have hydraulics thus there’s less of a chance of damage on the greens, tees, approaches and fairways. It gives us peace of mind. “The difference in quality is also quite noticeable compared to other brands and the staff enjoys working with them. Overall, Toro machines are more robust, easier to set up and look after and we find the cutting units stay sharper for longer, too.
So, what’s next for the club? Simon explains: “We’re expanding the site by adding a new nine-hole course and when we do, we’ll be looking after 36 holes in total. So, we need to buy a lot more machinery to ensure we stay efficient and productive and, of course, provide the best experience to our visitors. It also needs to be reliable and have good longevity, which Toro delivers 100 percent.
Not to mention their brilliant finish. The service we get from Reesink is fantastic. It’s an easy company to deal with, with good aftersales and good contacts. Plus, when we ordered from them it only took a couple of months for the machines to arrive.”
“We’re planning on going down the all-electric route next and have our eyes on a couple of the Greensmaster eTriFlex 3370 greensmowers. They will solidify our sustainability plan and help us carry on the work we do for generations. The technology is there, and it’ll only get better so we’re very excited to bring it into the club,” he concludes.
The club chose a Greensmaster TriFlex hybrid 3420 riding greensmower and a Reelmaster 5010-H fairway mower as starters from Toro distributor, Reesink Scotland. Both are hybrid machines and a perfect fit for what Simon and his ninestrong team are looking to achieve at Ardfin.

Foley Couldn’t have been Better at St Andrews for the 150th Open
ne hundred and sixty-two years after the first Open at Prestwick, St Andrews hosted the historic 150th edition of golf’s most famous championship. In early July 2022, the anticipated recordbreaking crowds lined the Old Course to witness golf’s best players compete for the Claret Jug. Every blade of grass from the pristine greens, immaculate fairways and challenging roughs which have been cut with blades sharpened by a Foley grinder, and that is how Director of Greenkeeping Sandy Reid wanted it. Sandy is no stranger to hosting an Open, with three under his belt during his time at Carnoustie. But, this historic milestone in O the championship’s history may have been the best yet for the Open veteran.
“It’s the highlight of your career because it doesn’t get any bigger than hosting The Open, and you try to absorb all of that and cherish it,” Sandy explains. “It’s the 150th Open, so it’s a big celebration. There are big crowds, and that means the infrastructure requirements are bigger, and there is a more significant impact on the rest of the “Weestate.never stop planning for it, but from 18 months out, that’s when you’re doing more winter preparations. The infrastructure build starts at the beginning of April, so away from the playing surface, there is a lot of attention required.
28 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022

29GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
At St Andrews, four greenkeeping teams maintain seven courses. Each team has its own machinery fleet but relies on a central workshop. In the build-up to The Open, it was business as usual on the other courses, making the efficiency and reliability of the Foley grinders paramount.
The speed at which they can grind means we’re saving on person-hours and are never without machines for long, so it makes life a lot easier.
“The quality of the grind gives us longevity in terms of performance from the mowers, and because they are staying on cut for so long, we can be more productive.”
“As for the turf, you work back from the day The Open starts and build up to it, so at this point in June, we’re fine-tuning things.”
Presentation and playing consistency take centre stage during The Open, and with the three Foley’s in place, the Old Course team have achieved that in the build-up to the main event.

Preparation is everything at the home of golf, and for three years, the 653 AccuMaster Reel Grinder and 673 Automatic Bedknife Grinder have aided preparation. Recently joined by the 622 Accu-Spin Reel grinder, these machines’ ease of use and quality output have impressed Sandy and his team of five technicians.

“We really couldn’t ask for a better combination of grinders to keep our cutting units sharp for this year’s Open and beyond,” Sandy begins.
“It’s critical that all of our mowers are as sharp as they can be. What we’re able to get from the Foley’s is extreme accuracy and the ease of use for the technicians.
30 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
“The Sidewinder technology is brilliant,” Craig comments. “The fact that all three cutting units can move 12 inches right or left from the centre position for a full 24 inches of travel allows you to cut the grass exactly how you want it even when in tricky positions. Not having to put so much weight on the bunkers as we drive around them is perfect as we still get that close cut, but the tyres are kept back from the edges.”
Toro’s renowned Dual Precision Adjustment (DPA) cutting units feature a one-click dial for quick adjustment of the bedknife in exact increments for a clean and consistent cut of each blade of grass, which helps keep the sward green and healthy. That, paired with a patented three-wheel drive system that provides an impressive traction in both hilly and wet conditions, with minimal wheel slip that’s gentle on the turf, makes the Reelmaster 3100-D a great addition to any golf club.
The ride-on mower is also being used on the semi roughs, as Craig comments: “We’re cutting those to around 20mm in height and it hasn’t posed a problem for the Reelmaster. It goes through it like butter. It’s a huge step up – a night and day difference – between this and the mower we were using before. Toro really is unique in the technology it delivers.”
atho Park Golf Club in Edinburgh, Scotland, has a long history with Toro and has recently acquired one of the brand’s bestsellers: the Reelmaster 3100-D cylinder mower featuring its innovative Sidewinder technology. Craig McCrorie, head greenkeeper for over three years, and his team of five have been busy this year rebuilding 12 greens on the 18-hole tree-lined parkland course with plans to remodel the bunkers in the next few years, so the need for a machine to make the work easier, faster and with better results became a priority. The Reelmaster 3100D was, thus, selected for the job.

Toro’s sidewinder tech for Ratho Park
To talk to someone about Toro tech nology and how the Toro range could suit your course, call 01480 226800.

The quality of these machines is unbeatable: the finish, the usability, the longevity, it’s a whole package.
“Toro just seems to work on our golf course,” Craig concludes. “Especially the Sidewinder. Its performance has exceeded expectations and we hope to benefit from more of Toro’s technology in the future.”
Not only can it get under and around trees and other hard-to-reach places while bringing precise control to delicate jobs such as trimming around bunkers, water features, tee boxes and greens edges on the golf course but it also means that more junior members of staff can perform expert edging, as well as trimming neatly and closely around sensitive areas while keeping the mower’s wheels a safe distance “Theaway.quality of these machines is unbeatable: the finish, the usability, the longevity, it’s a whole package,” Craig continues. “Everyone agrees. Using them is saving us a huge amount of time as we don’t have to go through the hassle of setting them up. Plus, we’ve had far fewer breakdowns. The frequency of breakdowns of our previous machine is what put us off buying them again. But with Toro, we’ve had a break down this week for the first time since we bought them from distributor Reesink two years ago.
“They were minor issues and solved quickly by Reesink as they were still under warranty. The chances of Toro machines breaking down are very slim – it does happen, obviously, but it’s not common – that’s the difference. And that puts us at ease since downtime is not an option.
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32 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Turfgrass® aim to make golf more economically and environmentally sustainable, by reversing the size of golf courses and decreasing maintained areas. “ and maximising efficiencies across all areas of the maintenance budget. Advancements in golf technology have meant that there has been an increase of 20 – 25 yards in the distance that people hit golf balls. As a result, new golf course developments have become longer and larger. Even Augusta National has increased its course length by 495 yards over the last 20 years. What Turfgrass® has seen in the industry is an increase in maintained turf areas, once again putting pressure on maintenance budgets. Golf Course Architects have also had to renovate courses as bunkers became obsolete for the good player and were only “catching out” the average player.
Turfgrass® aim to make golf more economically and environmentally sustainable, by reversing the size of golf courses and decreasing maintained areas. “Naturalised” areas are being added and bunker sizes are being vastly reduced. Typically, your average modern-day area of bunker sand of 10,000 square meters, is being reduced to approximately 6,000 square meters. Emphasis is being placed on run-offs around greens as hazards. Generally, 2- 3% of golfer shots are from bunkers, whereas bunkers can take up to 20% of a maintenance budget! We completed one such project at Vidauban just last Whileyear. the “Augusta National Effect”is here to stay, Architects and Turf Managers need to communicate and educate the client more about what is happening in Europe with global warming, water reduction and the curtailment in pesticidal use. We need to work collectively to achieve the same goal of providing a rewarding experience, growing the game of golf and protecting the fine work that has taken place over the last 25 years!

When Turfgrass® was founded in 1997, green speeds would average 8 to 9 on the Stimpmeter. Today, even an average club is looking for speeds of 11 plus. The demands on Greenkeeping staff are not sustainable given the squeeze on many maintenance budgets and the strict new legislations around pesticides. This is also a concern for designers with the level of slope, number of pin positions and sizes of greens required. Architects and Turf managers need to communicate and educate the ownership team and members of the golf club, to the “beauty” of imperfections. The golf course of tomorrow will no longer be lush green nor disease, insect, or weed free. Turfgrass® role is to assist the designers and the clubs in achieving a new level of excellence, using natural and alternative ways of maintaining golf courses with integrated pest management solutions
urfgrass® is celebrating 25 years in the golf course industry and decided to look back at the important changes in the industry and the “game changers” for the Overfuture!thepast 25 years, television has played a massive role in golf course conditioning. We call it the “Augusta National Effect”. Every golf club aspires to have conditioning similar to Augusta, which is hard to accomplish, without the correct investment and personnel. Golf course owners, general managers and committee members, all see Augusta National in pristine condition in April and wonder why their course cannot be to that standard. They neglect to consider that Augusta National reaches these dizzy heights with a massive number of volunteers and an extremely healthy maintenance budget
33GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 www.CompleteBunkerSolutions.com 20YearProductWarranty The No.1 leading pedestrian anti-slip product in Golf ENHANCE THE SAFETY OF YOUR COURSE WITH OUR NEAT, TIDY, AND ZERO MAINTENANCE SOLUTION Contact us: enquiries@gripclad.co.uk | 023 8040 6796 | 07803 848819 • 4.00mm thick rigid GRP Diamond Hard plates for sleepers, steps and footbridges • Retrofit Surface Mounted with Screws • Design life in excess of 20 years • Over 700 UK & Europe Golf Clubs use our product • We cut to your specified size • Delivered within 2-3 Days https://gripclad.co.uk/industries/golf-industry/ The No.1 leading pedestrian anti-slip product in Golf ENHANCE THE SAFETY OF YOUR COURSE WITH OUR NEAT, TIDY, AND ZERO MAINTENANCE SOLUTION Contact us: enquiries@gripclad.co.uk | 023 8040 6796 | 07803 848819 • 4.00mm thick rigid GRP Diamond Hard plates for sleepers, steps and footbridges • Retrofit Surface Mounted with Screws • Design life in excess of 20 years • Over 700 UK & Europe Golf Clubs use our product • We cut to your specified size • Delivered within 2-3 Days https://gripclad.co.uk/industries/golf-industry/ Gripclad hh gk April 2022.qxp_Layout 1 10/03/2022 11:04 Page 1 GOLF COURSES

At Glasdon, we have over 60 years’ experience in designing, manufacturing and supplying essential products which can improve spaces, enhance site safety and help to support waste management systems and recycling. Glasdon UK serves over 50,000 customers throughout the whole of the UK. As a company, we are committed to constantly evolving, to meet the specialised demands of our customers. Glasdon are passionate about the environment and committed to improving our environmental impact. Dedicated to integrating sustainable and ethical practice into our day-to-day activities, Glasdon aim to be an economically, environmentally, and socially responsible member of the local and global Newcommunity.product development has been a defining element throughout our history.
34 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 LATEST NEWS
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We are continually enhancing our product range and pave the way in the market by introducing unique products. Working together with our innovative design team, we want to provide real world solutions, tailored to meeting our customers’ needs. We design our products to have a long service life and wherever possible they are made using recycled and recyclable materials. Researching and implementing new sustainable technologies and manufacturing processes allows us to achieve this. The vast majority of our products are proudly manufactured and assembled in the United Kingdom which helps ensure our carbon footprint is kept to a minimum.
To help keep areas tidy and litter free, Glasdon have a large selection of indoor and outdoor waste and recycling containers and dog waste bins, available in a selection of styles, sizes and colours to suit all requirements. Create inviting and sustainable outdoor spaces where you need to with seats, benches and picnic tables manufactured from recycled materials. Glasdon Enviropol® material is predominantly produced from post-consumer polyethylene and polypropylene. This means the Enviropol slats on one of our seating products could contain as many as 102,420 recycled bottle caps! Website: www.glasdon.com Email: enquiries@glasdon-uk.co.uk

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35GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 Low maintenance garden solutions that will never rot
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tiller removes ingrained sand and thatch, in even the most awkward banks, three times faster than hand raking and it’s a lot less tiring.
ne of the greatest challenges for greenkeepers is bunker maintenance. Although bunkers represent a small part of the playing area they are an integral part of the golf course. Keeping them in shape can be labour intensive particularly after intense heat or heavy rain so a machine that can make that process easier is worth the investment.

Make bunker maintenance easier with a Mantis tiller and attachments

The Mantis 7265 deluxe tiller is lightweight at 11kg and compact making it easy to carry around the course or put in the back of a buggy; while being designed to work away from your operators for maximum control. It’s built to withstand wear and tear with a powerful engine over tine design that optimises the weight placement. A kickstand, engine guard and sure grip handle come as standard. The variable throttle lets you decide the speed of the tines to give you more control and the ability to adapt to the differing banks within the bunkers. The tiller is perfect for working in tight edges and banks, re-distributing sand with ease and getting the bunker back into shape. It aerates the top 30mm of sand and never digs in. The dethatcher attachment quickly removes weeds, dead grass, moss and thatch that can choke the grass around the bunker banks. The 60 spring-steel picks let you dethatch a 9”/23cm area with a single pass eliminating hours of back-breaking
Designedmaintenance.tolast. Designed for power and performance. A Mantis tiller is a long-term investment for your golf course. For more information go to www.mantis.uk.com
36 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Mantis introduced the lightest and most powerful tiller in the world nearly 40 years ago, over 2 million have been sold to date. The technology behind the Mantis tiller and its dethatcher attachment makes it ideal for bunker

Make bunker maintenance easier with a MantisQualitytiller|Performance | www.mantis.uk.comInnovation • Lightweight and compact, easy to carry around the course or put in the back of a buggy • Aerates the top 30mm of sand and never digs in • Perfect for working in tight edges and on banks • Redistributes the sand with ease • Removes ingrained sand and thatch around the bunker banks 3 x faster than hand raking

reason I started to look around at autonomous markers was that I found a real inconsistency with how staff marked pitches. They all marked them slightly differently, and the set-up was long and laborious, and that’s the main reason I started looking around at autonomous markers because it gets rid of the man bit of it.
“With the robot, we know that every time it marks out, as long as you set it up correctly, it’s going to do the exact
Paint saving, time-saving, and quality lines have been welcomed by the University of Leeds team, who have embraced the Turf Tank One as an essential tool. “
hen it comes to line marking, quality and consistency are key, and that is why the University of Leeds use the Turf Tank WithOne.

“Now, we’ve got more consistent lines, and I know exactly how much paint we’re using per pitch. We can let lines disappear and not have to keep things overmarked, which saves us a lot of time and all in all, I think it’s working really well for us. It makes everything more consistent and more Paintprofessional.”saving,time-saving, and quality lines have been welcomed by the University of Leeds team, who have embraced the Turf Tank One as a tool. With it, they can focus on the attention to detail tasks that could often be sacrificed for line marking, with initial marking that was taking two people two hours now taking one person less than an hour.
“You see videos online of how it works, but until you see it on your site and see it in person and how easy it is to use, you won’t actually believe it’s that easy. Get yourself a demo, get the product onto your site, and look at it for yourself,” Groundsperson Robbie Thackray explains.
14 full-sized grass pitches for football, rugby union, rugby league, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee and American football, the grounds team at Leeds has their work cut out for them. As predominately winter sports, all of the pitches need to be ready at the same time, taking weeks of work initially marking at the height of the cutting season. Head Groundsperson, David Thackray, joined the University from golf and, after analysing the operation, wanted to find a more efficient way of line marking, which led him to the Turf Tank
University of Leeds get Consistent Professional Lines with the Turf Tank One W PITCH & LINE MARKERS
38 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
We’re now onto ready mix paint, the Turf Tank paint, so we know exactly
Richard Hare, Head BromsgroveGroundsperson,School “It saves us a hell of a lot of time. To mark one pitch, it would take myself or two of my staff an hour, an hour and a half to two hours. But obviously, with the Turf Tank to mark one pitch alone, it takes 20 to 25 minutes. Generally, we’d use five to six litres of paint to mark a pitch, but with the Turf Tank, we probably use four litres.”

same lines, at the exact same speed, exact same quality and exact same consumption of paint every time you mark Whereasout.before, with just a manual marker, we’re not robots, so we are quite wonky, and on a site as big as this, we can’t use string lines all the time. So we are freehand marking quite a lot of the time, which you don’t have the same quality. It’s impossible to get the same quality without the robot. On such a big site like ours, we have four different locations for the base station to set up on, and the base station makes a big difference. I counted we have 30 different pitches plotted out with these four base stations. And you can get a good range from the base station to the marker, so it’s very, very helpful.
Alex Robinson UK Regional Sales alex@turftank.co.uk07766-220-190Manager what we’re putting through the marker, whereas before, we were using concentrate paint. We all measure differently. It might be one glug here and one glug there, so you don’t really know how much paint you’re getting Sometimesthrough. you might have a really bright line, and sometimes you might not, depending on how you’ve mixed it. But now, with the ready-mixed, we know exactly how much paint we’re using, so it’s easy to keep check of stock level and things like that.”
39GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
For more information on the Turf Tank One or to have a demonstration contact alex@turftank.co.uk (southern UK) or matt@turftank.co.uk (northern UK)
“When I first saw the Turf Tank One at the demo, I was absolutelly amazed, and having used it, it is revolutonary. It just makes the job a hundred times easier, all the lines are straight and there’s no mess.”
Matt Tietjen, Academy Head Groundsman, Nottingham Forest Football Club BOOK A DEMO ON YOUR FIELDS! www.turftank.com/en/ Matt Murray UK National Sales matt@turftank.co.uk07712-647-926Manager

ALTEX, Europe’s largest FREE sports turf, amenities, and landscaping trade exhibition, proves Britain’s exhibition scene is back to pre-Covid levels with international exhibitors and visitors from over 40 countries now signed up to Suchattend.overwhelming overseas support for the show which runs from 02-03 November at Birmingham NEC, shows the strength of this event, now in its 76th year, and it’s a great indication that Britain is back to being fully open for business as exhibitors and visitors travel from as far afield as Australia. But what is it about SALTEX that is generating such international interest? Francesco Dotto, president of GrAssMed, the Mediterranean Groundsman Association, tweeted: “[SALTEX] is the most important green fair in Europe, for real professionals, but also for those who to approach sustainable and serious green.” He refers to, of course, the show’s focus on sustainability and the environment, key topics at this year’s show featuring prominently in the Learning LIVE seminars, with the show bringing together the best in the business from around the world and the most effective products and innovations to help tackle current issues. This is certainly a view shared by SGL, manufacturers of grass growth products such as grow lighting systems and data monitoring tools based in The Netherlands – and just one of many international businesses exhibiting at this year’s show. Derk Pelle, content marketeer at SGL, Support for Saltex from around the world S Over 400 brands will be on show at Birmingham NEC from 2-3 November 2022

40 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
There promises to be a diverse visitor profile this year, we know there are visitors from over 26 countries already. “ confirms the reason they attend is because “SALTEX is an inspiring, international event where turf professionals come together to exchange knowledge and learn about the latest innovations in the industry and engage with turf professionals Matthewface-to-face.”Williams, national account manager UK and Ireland at CompoExpert, said: “European visitors come to SALTEX because they recognise it as the best golf and groundsmanship event in Europe.” The International Greenkeepers Association will again have a presence at SALTEX with members from around the world registering to visit.

41GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022

Geoff Webb, CEO of the Grounds Management Association, says: “There promises to be a diverse visitor profile this year, we know there are visitors from over 26 countries already. We had a good show last year with our post-show visitor survey, showing that 83 percent of attendees rated SALTEX 2021 overall as excellent, very good or good, and 67 percent of those saying they attended specifically to purchase new products or services, and 84
Among these is Daryl Davidson, head groundsman at Sydney University, who is excited to be making the journey: “This is a great opportunity to catch up with a heap of new and old friends from our great industry,” it was he says, “an easy decision to jump on board”. And it’s not just international exhibitors who are signed up for the show, overseas visitors’ enthusiasm for SALTEX is at an all-time high too.
SALTEX does not disappoint and registering for a FREE ticket to Europe’s largest sports turf, amenities and landscaping trade exhibition has never been easier thanks to the event’s new website.

Saltex is the most important green fair in Europe, for real professionals, but also for those who to approach sustainable and serious green “ Learning LIVE sessions are a key draw for visitors visiting SALTEX

For visitors keen to confirm their attendance at this show which is promising to be its biggest and best yet, find out more about SALTEX 2022 and register online at www.saltex.org.uk
42 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
The SALTEX 2022 Learning LIVE schedule this year has been extended to over 30 sessions, with additional papers attacking the key issues for the grounds care industry of pay, career development, how to negotiate in the workplace and how to find out about the millions of pounds of grant funding available from sports clubs.
SALTEX PREVIEW percent either had full purchasing responsibility or contributed to the process. These are great stats, but we knew that it was post pandemic and people were longing to get out and meet up again but to continue this momentum is really encouraging.”
Geoff continued: “A key component of SALTEX is the show’s Learning LIVE sessions. These presentations have been designed to provide support, insight, and real solutions to key industry issues, including those relating to sustainability and the environment and we have a growing line-up of impressive expert speakers.”

Join the best at SALTEX 2022 and hear directly from industry leaders, technical specialists, and experts from across the industry. Sustainability and environmental issues will star in the Learning LIVE sessions, with leading speakers from throughout the industry booked to appear. Learning LIVE provides support, insight, and real solutions to key industry issues delivered by an impressive lineup of expert speakers. With over 30 sessions attacking key issues for the grounds care industry including pay, career development, how to negotiate in the workplace and funding available from sports clubs – there is a session for everyone. And this is all alongside the opportunity to network with industry colleagues and make new connections while viewing the very latest from over 400 brands, showcasing products in three halls across two days at the centrally located venue – Birmingham NEC. Join the best and register now for Europe’s largest FREE sports turf, amenities and landscaping trade exhibition. Visit saltex.org.uk and register now for your FREE ticket. Get involved! #SALTEX2022

our knowledge of contracting to supply professionals with the ultimate turf maintenance solutions. www.gkbmachines.com l tom@gkbmachines.com l 07495 883617
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Alkylate petrol pioneers Aspen are back at APF for 2022, showcasing the benefits of their ethanol-free fuel for two and four-stroke engines. Founded in 1988, Aspen has long been helping to improve operator working conditions, enhance engine performance and reduce the negative impact on the environment - and they’re so confident you’ll agree that visitors to stand D1A can now trial Aspen Fuel with a new money back Beingguarantee!freefrom ethanol, benzene and many of the other hazardous hydrocarbons found in traditional pump fuel, Aspen alkylate petrol has been proven to improve equipment performance and reduce the wear on engine components. The cleaner burn not only brings benefit for your equipment, but significantly reduces pollutants into the atmosphere –better for both people and the planet. These benefits have seen Aspen become a popular choice with professionals, who also enjoy the convenience of having Aspen delivered in bulk, by the can or drum, directly to their site. For those yet to experience the difference, Aspen are introducing a new incentive at APF 2022 where, subject to a bulk purchase, operators can trial Aspen with an option to return the fuel if they change their mind. Commenting on the offer, Business Development Manager Axel Hildebrand said, “Aspen has a tried and tested record of making a real difference to the working conditions for arb and grounds contractors of all sizes up and down the country. However, all too often, we find people are tentative to give it a try! This initiative will give people the opportunity to put Aspen to the test in their own working environments, and we’re confident that once people discover first-hand the improvements it can make to sustainable working that they’ll not look back.”

the profession
44 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Experience the Aspen difference with new offer launching at APF 2022
Now that the grass is growing STM are looking forward to the customers enjoying the result of a new stock ordering regime to combat materials and transport delays that have been affecting so many manufacturers in recent months. With such a wide range of pedestrian, ride-on and remote-control machines it is a matter of following market trends from over the years to satisfy demand for the new year. For 2022 the pedestrian machine range now includes the new SFC 30” finish mower to augment the existing SW and SWZ machines that go from 32” / 14hp to 61”/ Stand-on22hp.machines are continuing to be extremely popular. The wide range goes from 16hp/32” cut through a wide range of engines and cutting decks up to The38hp/61”.comprehensive ride-on range of six models goes from 18hp to 38hp covering 36” up to 61”. Within this range are high-end domestic units right up to the equally high-end professional Turf Tiger models. The machines are available through the STM dealership network. To find your nearest dealer ring 01789 488450, email info@st-mach.com or look at our website www.st-mach.com
45GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Meeting demand for pedestrian, stand-on and ride-on mowers


alurit Group is a well-established manufacturer of equipment and systems for combination rope and mechanical splicing of wire rope. With representation in most industrialized countries, their products and solutions are used in a wide variety of sectors around the globe. Their GERRO™ COMBI system is praised for its high safety and great durability. It opens up a vast variety of opportunities and lets the projects flow with creativity. Every product in the system is tested and evaluated in order to ease calculations and guarantee that all regulations are meet. Even though the majority of the GERRO™ COMBI products are sold to the playground industry, they are also used for protection nets, stage rigging, fishing nets and various sports and leisure equipment. One of the largest advantages of the system is in the choice of top-tier materials and patented solutions. Investing in high-grade aluminium ferrules instead of plastic prolongs the lifetime of the application significantly and improves overall safety.
As an international brand and worldwide partner, Talurit Group currently consists of five companies that are strategically situated around the globe. One of which is Talurit Ltd in Barnsley, giving customers in United Kingdom knowledgeable technical support & first-class after sales services. A key success factor has been their ability to offer design and testing services for their customers, understanding and engaging in the projects at an early stage – ensuring a smooth process and ideal end-results.

46 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
T www.talurit.com
With decades of experience & a market-leading solution

it. “The hopper is the main benefit for us. The SP100 holds 1m3 of material at a time meaning we can apply over 100 tonnes in a day which is critical when the team are working to tight deadlines. It’s also really easy to use and adjust for lighter or heavier applications when needed. We use it primarily for football and rugby, but this year we used it on a cricket square for the first time and it did a brilliant job.”
48 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 o support their rapid and continued growth, Garsons Group Ltd have been investing in equipment to help them deliver contracting and maintenance services to the full spectrum of sports surfaces. One machine that joined the fleet and has now become their ‘go-to’ for topdressing is the GKB Sandspreader - and while perhaps it wasn’t quite ‘love’ at first sight, Director Gareth Davies says it was definitely ‘the perfect fit’ at first sight after spotting the SP100 at BTME! “Straight away, I could tell that SP100 was a great size machine that would suit the variety of work we do” explains Gareth, who has spent 25 years working in the groundcare industry and established Garsons as a limited company three years ago. “We’re conducting renovations, reconstructions and ongoing maintenance for winter sports pitches, cricket and golf courses so need something with a large enough hopper capacity to be efficient, but not too big that access to certain sites may become compromised. The Sandspreader ticks all the Garethboxes.”optedfor the mounted SP100 model and, since its delivery in the spring of 2021 from local dealer Ernest Does, he estimates they’ve applied in the region of 4000 tonnes of sand with

The GKB SP100 is the smallest unit in the Sandspreader range, with larger models offering up to a 4m3 hopper capacity. The material is transported from the hopper to the adjustable metering valve via an internal conveyor belt, before being efficiently and evenly distributed via the double disc hydraulic spinners. As well as trailed and mounted formats, GKB also offer the SPM model, which features a side material handler for the convenient filling of bunkers or trenches.

SP100 proving top of the topdressers for Garsons Group
“Another big thing for us, has been the support and customer service from GKB, which has been excellent throughout. Tom Shinkins is always on hand for advice and, when we needed some additional parts recently, he was able to get them to us in under 24 hours which is the kind of back-up we need as we drive our business forward.” www.gkbmachines.com
Advertising enquiries: Lee Martin – 01227 936974 Email: lee@groundskeepingjournal.co.uk Editorial submissions or enquiries: Antony Holter – 01304 806039 Email: antony@mhmagazine.co.uk

The UK’s latest bi-monthly publication providing latest product innovations, industry news and opinions from key professionals within the industry. With focuses on Aeration, Irrigation & Drainage; Greenskeeping; Latest News; Machinery; Pitch & Line Marking; Specialist Mowers; Sports Ground Equipment; Sports Pitches; Top Dressing; Sprayers & Spraying and Turf Management.

Subscription enquiries: Call 01304 806039 Email: info@mhmagazine.co.uk
industry news and opinions from key professionals within the industry. With focuses on Aeration, Irrigation & Drainage; Greenskeeping; Latest News; Machinery; Pitch & Line Marking; Specialist Mowers; Sports Ground Equipment; Sports Pitches; Top Dressing; Sprayers & Spraying and Turf Management.
Subscription enquiries: Call 01304 806039 Email: info@mhmagazine.co.uk

Advertising enquiries: Lee Martin – 01227 936974 Email: lee@groundskeepingjournal.co.uk Editorial submissions or enquiries: Antony Holter – 01304 806039 Email: antony@mhmagazine.co.uk

rofessional knapsack specialists Cooper Pegler are introducing padded straps to its Classic and Series 2000 models to heighten operator comfort and limit body strain during use.
Many of the go-to knapsack models across the popular brand include ergonomically tailored harnesses to channel loading forces in a way that limits stresses on the body.
The cushioned strapping is introduced at a time when more sports venues and amenity sites are reducing the quantity of treatment liquids they apply in a bid to improve their green credentials.
50 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
“Thismodels.isa global initiative,” says Allan Wainwright, Hozelock-Exel’s UK Sales Manager, “which aims to make our knapsack brands fully inclusive for all spray operatives.”
Golf course greens teams report they are using knapsacks increasingly for P

Padded straps on Cooper Pegler Classic and Series 2000 knapsacks heighten comfort and cut body stress
The latest advance from manufacturer Hozelock-Exel, which follows extensive trialling, further enhances operator safety and protection to include cushioned strapping on Cooper Pegler’s Classic and Series 2000 knapsack

spot-spray weed control, a practice that cuts the quantity of liquid applied Moresignificantly.knapsack hand spraying raises the importance of operator comfort to new levels, “Thosetherefore.whospend a full day knapsack spraying will find the new cushioned straps more comfortable,” Allan adds, “reducing the stresses and strains possible on the body during extensive sessions in the field.”

The strapping is understood to be available on new knapsacks from March 2023 but models already in use can be retrofitted with the accessory once Visitorslaunched.to Saltex 2022 will be able try out knapsacks fitted with the cushioned straps on the Hozelock-Exel stand, F125. Those who spend a full day knapsack spraying will find the new cushioned straps more comfortable. “

51GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022


She numbers golf clubs and independent schools in the region among her clients – “we’ve worked with a major educational establishment for 20 years,” Lesley states, “training what is a large team of grounds professionals, including their greenkeepers, in safe use of pesticides application and hand power tools such as chainsaws, brushers and pole pruners”.
“We run both Lantra and City & Guilds NPTC pesticide qualifications,” Lesley continues, “with assessors covering the range of age groups as required.
“The Cooper Pegler Evolution professional knapsack kindly provided through the Lantra/Hozelock-Exel initiative is already proving a popular and useful addition to our course aids by helping trainees better understand how knapsacks function and how best to maintain them to prolong their lifetime.”
L Ed
www.berthoud.fr/en/www.cooper-pegler.comwww.lantra.co.uk Dorey, Trainer/Assessor, Newlands Training
A leading force in the South-West, Newlands Training delivers operatorland-basedcoursesto the forestry, arboriculture, conservation, agriculture and local authority sectors.
Lesley Simpson founded Newlands Training nearly 40 years ago to deliver rural skills to serve the local and regional agriculture sector and has seen the scope of demand spread widely since then.
Knapsack sprayer initiative expands atest recruit to the Lantra/Hozelock-Exel initiative to raise sprayer maintenance awareness among operators is Newlands Training.

Competition is strict,” she notes, “with a college and at least two other training providers nearby.”
The CP3 Knapsack Sprayer is a good all-round sprayer for overall and spot treatment” “

“We trained mostly agricultural operators in the early days,” she says. “Now, it’s mainly landscape and forestry Newlandscontractors.”Training provision covers pesticide application using knapsack sprayers, hand-held and quad bike operation using lances and mini boom sprayers.
Lesley’s team of 12 trainers deliver courses for clients throughout Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire and, recently, Hampshire.
52 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September 2022 SALTEX PREVIEW
For distributor enquiries for Berthoud products, please contact our UK wholesaler Spindrift Sprayers Ltd. Tel – 01995 600001 • Email – sales@spindriftsprayers.co.uk See us atSALTEX standNumber F125

Zero-Turns from Cub Cadet a small business owner looking for a machine for your customers large lawn Youmaintenance.canbooka demo of our machines by finding your nearest dealer at www. cubcadet.co.uk or contact Cub Cadet on 01869 363677.

Made for slope….every MOWERS

54 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
“With extremely wide double wheels, the Z9 has been developed to effortlessly tackle even the steepest slopes up to 25° / 46%.” ub Cadet, the proven innovator of zeroturn technology, has created the industry’s strongest line up of zero-turn riders – whether you are a landscape professional looking for a machine that can handle any terrain or C
The ability to control all four wheels with a steering wheel and steerable front wheels, an exclusive offering by Cub Cadet in the commercial sector, minimises the turf being churned up by the wheels. The patented SyncroSteer® technology means that even the less experienced operators can benefit from the ease of use and amazing manoeuvrability of this machine.
The Z9 reduces mowing time by up to 10% compared to lap bar mowers, provides greater hillside stability, enhanced traction on uneven terrain as well as mowing in straighter lines. It powers through the thickest grass in one pass at maximum speeds of up to 12mph meaning you can do the job quicker. The high lift Marbain blades with a blade tip speed up to 18,500 fpm and the 3” total blade overlap will ensure that you always get a tight consistent cut. The frame and axle on the Z9 floats as the machine moves, allowing the multi-reinforced steel deck to follow the shape of the terrain and avoid scalping. The cutting deck can be adjusted at the touch of a button.
With extremely wide double wheels, the Z9 has been developed to effortlessly tackle even the steepest slopes up to 25° / 46%.
Ideal for commercial users, the Z9 has everything and more that you would expect from a quality professional machine - ultimate performance, comfort and durability that delivers a fast, premium cut time and time again. You’ll also benefit from a warranty of 3 year or up to 1000 hours (whichever comes first) for commercial and private use.
The NEW top of the range Z9 183id zero-turn, proven by landscape professionals, will fulfil all your commercial requirements.

55GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
The Kawasaki EFI engine provides the consistent power you need to get the job done and maximise your work-day – reducing the downtime which could cost you both time and money. The petrol engine benefits from having reduced fuel usage, while the 2 x 34 litre tanks gives you ability to operate all day.
The Award-winning design of the XZ7 L152i from Cub Cadet redefines the zero-turn mowing experience - with enhanced strength, re-imagined comfort and a best-in-class cut. Z9

Comfort is at the forefront of the machine’s design. Your operators can experience a smooth ride all day long thanks to the exclusive air-ride seat and isolated dampening system on the Z9 – meaning they are working in vibration-controlled comfort, lessening downtime for your business. Angled back adjustments, padded armrest and lumbar support give added protection.
Once tried. Never forgotten.
The latest steering lever lap bar technology combined with the extremely robust construction of heavyduty components and high-performance engines makes the machine the ideal professional machines for large lawn
The XZ7 L152i from Cub Cadet. Professional grade power for your business and your lawns.

The XZ7 L152i is ideal for mowing rolling hills, with its outstanding stability on slopes, and around obstacles, with its effortless manoeuvrability. Even on the most difficult lawns the spring-mounted suspension on the front wheels ensure a smooth ride with less vibration. At Cub Cadet we trust our new XZ7 L152i to perform with maximum durability and robustness and offer a warranty of 3 years or up to 500 working hours (whichever comes first) – for commercial or private use as well as offering a dealership service that delivers true advantages to you and your business.

Our unique zero-turn riders with a traditional steering wheel provide you with amazing manoeuvrability and full control of the front wheels.
With a large cutting width of 60”/152cm, the machine puts owner/operator comfort at the forefront of its design with a premium high-back seat with armrests and adjustable suspension for fatigue-free working.
The award winning continuous lightweight tubular steel frame is designed for strength and durability. A fabricated mowing deck ensures unsurpassed mowing performance.
With 3 cutting widths available from 107cm / 42” through to 127cm / 50” and a maximum mowing area of 11,500 m²h
The new XZ6 range will be steering you forward during 2022. Our large range means that both professionals and business owner alike can find their ideal zero-turn machine; whether they are looking for a serious bit of kit to mow steep slopes or to mow their customers large lawns… Cub Cadet have got you covered this year and every year going forward. For more information and to book a demo go to www.cubcadet.co.uk or contact Cub Cadet on 01869 363677.
and speed of 7 mph these machines will provide the ideal solution for your large mowing jobs. You’ll be able to mow in comfort for hours due to the high back premium seat and mow slopes up to 20° / 36%.
The new models in the XZ6 range, due to launch in May 2022, will give you unmatched steering capabilities in challenging terrains. The industryleading SyncroSteer® technology for full control of the front wheels, combined with powerful Cub Cadet and Kawasaki engines makes the XZ6 series the ideal machines for large lawn maintenance if you prefer the ease of a steering wheel.
tubular lightweight steel frame is designed for strength and durability. The hinged/removable floor pan allows quick and easy access to the welded, all round reinforced AeroForce Max™ mowing deck and engine for ease of maintenance. A powerful Kohler EFI V-Twin dual cylinder engine gives the machine the power to mow up to 15,000 m²h.

it’s there
Husqvarna Automower® cuts your lawn while you relax. The robotic lawn mower works at night, and when it rains, with a perfect result — even for complex gardens. Speak to your local Farol Automower Specialist today to find and buy your ideal robotic lawn mower!
The sound level is only about 60 dB, which is equal to a normal conversation. This means that you can actually have your ro bot mower working while hosting a garden party, without wor rying about any disturbing noise or fuel fumes. By comparison, an ordinary petrol lawn mower or ride-on mower generates between 95 and 100 dB(A).
The sound level is only about 60 dB, which is equal to a normal conversation. This means that you can actually have your ro bot mower working while hosting a garden party, without wor rying about any disturbing noise or fuel fumes. By comparison, an ordinary petrol lawn mower or ride-on mower generates between 95 and 100 dB(A).
Phone app and smart home compatible Thanks to GPS tracking and full connectivity, you can follow your
Husqvarna Automower® cuts your lawn while you relax. The robotic lawn mower works at night, and when it rains, with a perfect result — even for complex gardens. Speak to your local Farol Automower Specialist today to find and buy your ideal robotic lawn mower!

Phone app and smart home compatible

Visit farolmowers.co.uk/automower to explore the range

Good for your lawn and for our planet Automower® runs on batteries, and generate no direct emis sions like conventional petrol-powered lawn mowers do. What is more, because Automower® cut just a little grass on a con tinuous basis, the clippings are small enough to be recycled back into the soil as a natural fertiliser. The result is a greener, fuller, healthier lawn, and reduced need of synthetic fertilisers.
Good for your lawn and for our planet Automower® runs on batteries, and generate no direct emis sions like conventional petrol-powered lawn mowers do. What is more, because Automower® cut just a little grass on a con tinuous basis, the clippings are small enough to be recycled back into the soil as a natural fertiliser. The result is a greener, fuller, healthier lawn, and reduced need of synthetic fertilisers.
Automower® Connect is featured on all X-Line models. You can even voice-control it with Amazon Alexa or Google Home, and you can use it in IFTTT applets, so your robotic mower is ready to become part of your smart home.
Thanks to GPS tracking and full connectivity, you can follow your Automower® and update its settings wherever you are.
Automower® and update its settings wherever you are. Automower® Connect is featured on all X-Line models. You can even voice-control it with Amazon Alexa or Google Home, and you can use it in IFTTT applets, so your robotic mower is ready to become part of your smart home. Visit farolmowers.co.uk/automower to explore the range WORKSINTHERAIN


it’s there
• Formulated for natural and hybrid grass pitches • Super fast drying • No transference or ghosting • Extremely durable and long-lasting • Incredibly bright white lines • Ready-to-use formulation through Impact red, amber, green cone nozzles • Uses as little as 1.5 litres per football pitch or 2.25 litres per rugby union pitch Our brands: www.originamenity.com To find out more, call 0800 138 7222 or email sales@originamenity.com • Perfectly balanced and weighted machine • Clear forward sight of line to aid precision • Circulatory paint system for consistent paint flow and easier cleaning • Ergonomic design with choice of handle bars • Available with or without solenoid valve • Pre-drilled line widths from 2" (5.08cm) up to 4.7" (12cm) • Pneumatic tyres provide excellent stability and manoeuvrability • Designed for Impact ready-to-use paint and cone nozzle technology A leaguepremierpartnership Made with each other in mind, they’re the perfect match

Ian Forshaw at the Christopher Place training ground during the UEFA Women’s European Championship

Ian has developed an expertise in managing and installing various types of playing surfaces during his career and is a big supporter of Rigby Taylor products. Rigby Taylor are joined by Headland Amenity, Turf Keeper. com and Symbio in making up Origin Amenity Solutions. Ian joined Wigan W Athletic in 1998, from a background in horticulture, and worked his way up to Head Groundsman at the DW Stadium – managing dual-use surfaces for Wigan AFC and Wigan Warriors RLFC. Looking to further his skillset, he moved to County Turf in 2016, and gained experience in installing hybrid carpet systems at Real Madrid FC and Paris St Germain training grounds, as well as Croke Park, Gloucester Rugby, Leicester Tigers and Doncaster Knights – before moving back to a grounds role at Fylde FC.
60 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 SPORTS PITCHES
igan Athletic FC’s gounds team had a short window for renovation this summer – due to playing host to Belgium women’s national team at its Christopher Place training ground during the UEFA Women’s European Championships, alongside Wigan Warrior’s usual early start to its playing season at the dualuse DW Nevertheless,Stadium.grounds manager Ian Forshaw and his team of five managed to turn around exceptional playing surfaces at both venues in record time, thanks to Rigby Taylor’s R140 and Sports Field Renovation grass seed, plus a robust fertiliser programme from Origin Amenity Solutions. “We noticed seed germination at the training ground in just four days and were pretty amazed to say the least,” Ian says. “I had full faith in Sports Field Renovation’s 50% blend of Tetraploid & Diploid Ryegrass seed, which I used for quick germination in the short six-week renovation window. The soil temperature was there and so was the moisture. We didn’t sheet any of the pitches it just came through naturally.”
“During my spare time at Fylde, I helped Wigan with mowing and divoting, after they went into administration a couple of years ago, and when the club was able to take on a head groundsman I was asked to come back. It feels like I’ve come home,” he says.
Super-fast germination at Wigan Athletic FC
One of the first things Ian did on his return was to get the playing surfaces back up to standard by re-establishing a robust seed and fertilising programme. The demand for quality surfaces in the Championship League is high, which is why he says he trusts Rigby Taylor products and appreciates regular visits from his Technical Area Manager Andy Merry.
“Andy and I have put together a stadium and a training ground programme, which both fit within our agreed budget and are continually reviewed and adapted where necessary,” he says.
According to Ian, the stadium pitch’s programme includes R140 seed and a mixture of PolyPro controlled-release fertilisers alongside specific products from the Apex Organic range for the stadium’s SIS hybrid playing surface.
This is topped up with pre-mixed, liquid fertilisers – Nutri-Link Base, which promotes sward density, wear resistance and disease tolerance, plus Rapid Response and SeaQuest for exceptional pre-match presentation. However, the biggest benefit, Ian says, is that it ensures “excellent playability and recovery after each game”.
61GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
“The additional use and a shortage of irrigation equipment during the recent hot spell has given the grounds team some challenges, but we have managed to keep the grass green and are confident that we’ll continue our winning streak all season,” he says.

R140 seed mixture is used on the SIS hybrid playing surface of Wigan’s AFS DW Stadium iGo Advance line marker with Impact Sport paint provides excellent white lines on all

He is also planning to promote biodiversity at the training ground by sowing Origin Amenity Solutions Euroflor wildflower seed mixes to attract bee and insect activity. “We’re looking at introducing the Super Blue Bee wildflower mix on the banks of newly constructed areas around the pitches, which will reflect the team’s colours. It’s maintenance free and will add to the landscape aesthetics,” he says. “As long as we keep them well away from ball activity.” Regarding his team’s recent international duty, Ian says the Belgium side have not caused any damage to the pitch. However, when they moved off the club’s U18s moved on so it didn’t get much time to rest. He’s confident however that his choice in seed and fertiliser will allow fast recovery and the stadium pitch is also doing well during recent Wigan AFC and Warriors’ pre-season activity.
Ianpitches.Forshaw and the Belgium football team manager Roberto Martinez

Ian’s team also use R140 seed and the same fertiliser programme for the first team and U23 training pitches, after being Koroed by Talbott Sport Turf contractors. Sports Field Renovation is used on the academy pitches, after a heavy scarification, plus a reduced version of the fertiliser programme. Regarding his choice to ryegrass blend, Ian says: “I’m a big fan of the Tetraploid and Diploid mix after using Sports Field Renovation on a shady part of the stadium pitch and was impressed at how well it stood up to and recovered from a hammering by both Wigan AFC and Warriors during the winter months.” Ian also relies on Origin Amenity Solutions for the club’s goalposts and line marking equipment. He uses the iGo Advance at the training ground but prefers the sharper lines created by the iGO Premier line marker at the stadium – using Impact Sport line marking paint in both models. “We were so impressed with the iGo that it’s the only line marker we use on www.originamenity.com the training ground pitches, and the Impact paint provides excellent white lines, “ he says.
Pitch Protection covers can be deployed in three ways, via a remotecontrolled Automated System, by inflatable Air Rollers or as simple pull-on pull-off covers.
Based in North Yorkshire UK with global manufacturing and distribution channels, Matchsaver Pitch Protection is widely regarded as the leading name in sports surface protection. Trusted by long standing customers across Europe and beyond, including some of footballs biggest names, such as, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich and Chelsea. Matchsaver’s mission is to provide world class pitch protection, ensuring their customers have the best possible playing surface regardless of the weather. Protecting sports playing surfaces from rain frost and snow and helping to improve grass germination, Matchsaver’s customers include many professional, semi-professional amateur and junior clubs, schools, colleges and other sporting clubs across a wide range of Matchsaversports.
One notable benefit from the absence of trailing power cables is that storage options can be more compact allowing the rollers to be kept discreetly out of the way when not needed.
MATCHSAVER AUTOMATED PITCH PROTECTION 2021 was an important year for Matchsaver as it saw the introduction of new modern technological developments allowing the company to radically update their flagship product. The principle remains the same; sports surfaces are covered and protected using two or more motorised rollers, deploying a specially designed weather-proof cover quickly and easily using minimal grounds staff. Except now the system’s motors are powered via powerful state-of-art rechargeable batteries, similar in fact to the same tech that now powers the new generation of electric vehicles.
The first of the new automated systems was installed in Varnamo, Sweden with further orders on going.
62 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
A permeable, frost and germination cover is available as an alternative option to the waterproof covers.
This popular product is available also with a choice of waterproof or permeable cover materials. Seven air roller covers are needed to cover a standard full-sized football pitch side-line to side-line or five goal to goal. Flexible and adaptable, the air roller covers are used across a wide range of sports including football, rugby, tennis and cricket. For larger orders the air roller covers are delivered fully assembled and ready to deploy.
Improvements to the remote-control system have also been implemented, therefore, no power cables and no civils works are now required for installation.
World class pitch protection

Matchsaver’s Air Roller Covers have been protecting the sports surfaces of a wide range of customers for many years. Contact Matchsaver today for more information. B

• Any size of pitch can be accommodated. • Helps protect natural turf, hybrid and synthetic surfaces from rain, snow and frost. • Powered via latest rechargeable E.V. battery technology (no trailing cables) • No civils work needed, installed typically in 4-5 days. • 2 speed remote controlled. • Store behind goals or side-lines. • Ideal for stadiums and training grounds. • Waterproof and Permeable material options are available. Matchsaver Air Roller Pitch Protection: This popular product is delivered ready assembled and ready to be deployed. Helps protect natural grass, hybrid and synthetic surfaces. • Ideal for germination. • Protects from rain, frost and snow. • Ideal for stadiums and training grounds. • Waterproof and Permeable material options are available. MATCHSAVER AUTOMATED PITCH PROTECTION Contact us today enquiries@matchsaver.com | +44 (0) 3458 721800 www.matchsaver.com World class protection for sports fields, as used by some of the world’s leading clubs We need to cover the pitch quickly and smoothly to control the effects of adverse weather and Matchsaver does the job to meet our World Class standards. Jason Griffin, Head Groundsman, Chelsea Football Club. “

Key considerations 1. Keeping both the participants and spectators safe when the pitch is in use.
In this case, high visibility fencing around sports pitches and multi-use games areas (MUGAs) is ideal to allow spectators clear views without risk of being injured by stray equipment, and supervisors can look on from a safe distance but also spot any incidents or injuries to players on the pitch, as they happen.
SpecifyingW robust security solutions for sports facilities

3. Contemplate the level of security that is required for the enclosure when it is not in use. Here it’s worth evaluating if the enclosure is positioned in a public place with free or paid access, or is it within the perimeter fence line of a school? Think about the storage of sports equipment too and whether this is locked inside or in a separate compound.
hether a arerelatedprioritiesfacilitycommunity,school,orsportssetting,theforanyplay-fencingproductsafetyandtheability to successfully contain the activity to a designated area. This does not necessarily relate merely to the safety of users and visitors, but can also include the prevention of balls breaching the boundary perimeter and causing damage or unwanted trespassing. Sports facilities, especially at local and community level, have been amongst the hardest hit during the pandemic. To support their recovery, Sport England, Wales, and Northern Ireland provided £6.5 million to rejuvenate grassroots sports clubs across the regions in a bid to improve participation rates in areas where activity is lowest. Part of this investment was put towards surfacing, surroundings, and fencing to better equip sports facilities, making them safe for those who use them. In Scotland this month (August 2022) a new grant was introduced whereby schools and other organisations including local authorities can apply for funding of up to £100,000 (to a maximum of 50% of the project costs) to improve their sports facilities and, in areas of high deprivation, the maximum grant can be up to 75% of project costs. These grants are to help with the maintenance or upgrading of sports facilities. With many types of sports facility fencing available on the market, each with different applications and functions, settling on the right one for your project can be overwhelming. Below, I’ve outlined the key factors to consider when specifying the right fencing and gates for different sports enclosures, taking into account participant and spectator safety, the safety of surrounding properties, the security of the enclosure when it is not in use, and of course the playability of the enclosure.
64 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 SPORTS PITCHES
2. Assess if the area you want to secure has any surrounding property or walkways, which may require tall fencing like ball stop to prevent accidental damage, or solid fencing like acoustic barriers to provide privacy and noise reduction.
Investing in high quality fencing can help sports clubs provide superior facilities for users and although the initial cost may be higher, it will likely save money in the long run which can then be used to invest in equipment. While a cheaper option may seem appealing at first, opting for robust fencing will also ensure minimal repairs and replacements are needed, making the upkeep of the facilities less extensive.

When specifying fencing for bigger sports events and stadiums, crowd flow and the safety of large crowds must be considered alongside the requirements for visibility, uninterrupted gameplay, and security. This could include counter terrorism measures, such as hostile vehicle mitigation bollards, or LPS 1175 rated fencing to protect the premises. For the perimeter of larger sites, mesh and vertical bar fencing offer the strength to keep intruders out as well as maintaining visibility, enabling it to work in tandem with CCTV. Acoustic barriers are often an option at top tier training grounds and arenas as they do not only stop noise, but also provide an elevated level of privacy and security.
Any fencing demarcating a sports ground where high-impact sports take place will need to resist the impact of the balls hitting the fence repeatedly, to reduce wear and tear and protect spectators. Any tall fencing also needs to allow for clear views of the pitch or court, so mesh fencing is an excellent choice for both security, safety, and visibility. There are also lower heights available for games like football, rugby, or netball where stray balls are unlikely to cause injuries, and people want to view the pitch.
65GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September 2022
When specifying fencing for residential areas or school sports facilities,

Investing in high quality fencing can help sports clubs provide superior facilities for users and although the initial cost may be higher, it will likely save money in the long run which can then be used to invest in equipment. “ noise reduction should be taken into consideration. Whether to dampen the noise of daily shouting and gameplay, or to mitigate the sound of late-night matches, acoustic barriers can reflect or absorb the sound from sports facilities to minimise the disruption to others.
For multi-purpose courts and pitches that can support multiple sports, flexible fencing that can accommodate every activity whilst meeting the requirements above will ensure safety, security, and a better sporting experience. Mesh fencing, with through-visibility, is a good choice, while double-leaf gates allow for improved pedestrian flow and enough room for emergency vehicle access.
Many sports clubs have playgrounds attached, meaning any fencing specified for such sites must take into account demarcation, pedestrian flow, visibility, and child safety. The fencing must meet regulations for rail spacing and have anti-trap properties to ensure youngsters do not become caught in the fencing. Colour coatings can also be used to both identify separate areas and gates, while brightening up the playground.
Tall net fencing around sports facilities can be further strengthened by adding a top rail. Particularly effective for cricket and golf boundaries, or behind rugby and football goal posts, ball stop fencing prevents damage to surrounding structures, as well as ensuring rigidity for the fence itself, as it is a tall structure.
For a specific sporting facility, like tennis courts, there are purpose-built fencing solutions like tubular chain link fencing. With strong construction, this fencing reduces sagging over time, maintaining both its aesthetic appeal and its functionality. Galvanised steel with optional colour powder coating enhances the durability of the fencing, while also enabling it to blend into the surroundings and add visual appeal.
At the recommended dose rate and independent of the cutting height, Attraxor® reduces turf height by up to 30% and clippings by up to 70% ffor up to 4 weeks following one application. Thus, Attraxor® reduces the frequency of mowing, ultimately leading to savings on cost and CO2 emissions from frequent use of petrol lawnmowers.
Attraxor® produces a consistent effect for up to four weeks after application. It is effective on all cool season grass species, such as Agrostis spp., Festuca spp., Lolium perenne, Holcus lanatus and Poa pratensis BASF’s expert range of products can be tailored to meet the demands of all turf landscapes, groundskeepers, greenkeepers, golf course managers and landscape architects, helping to protect the land from diseases, pests and weeds to keep it in tip top condition through every season. For further information about Attraxor® and BASF’s turf management solutions, please visit Turf/co.uk/en/Products/Product-innovation/www.pestcontrol.basf.

Using an innovative formulation for fast leaf absorption, the product provides almost instant results, making it ideal for those who need to act fast. Prohexadione calcium, the active ingredient in Attraxor®, is activated once diluted in water at low pH so growth regulation occurs rapidly following application. As there is no need for enzymatic activation product performance can be expected from temperatures starting at 7°C.
66 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 SPORTS PITHES
he art form of professional turf management requires the balancing of a range of drivers and needs, and this requires skilled labour and high-performance solutions to be successful. The unique formula of Attraxor® makes it possible for turf care professionals to meet a variety of these differing needs effectively.

PIONEERING Poa annua is a notorious problem for UK turf managers and greenkeepers who are T looking to create perfect conditions for sporting or leisure activities. Attraxor® limits the spread of Poa annua by reducing seedhead production by up to 38% and physiologically weakening but not killing the plant.

New technology of plant growth regulation, with forperformanceenhancedfeaturestheTurfManager. Rapid absorption and performance technology Allows for cooler weather applications compared to other plant growth regulators Improves root formation leading to healthier grass Improves sward density and playability Superior performance against Poa annua pioneering Attraxor ® Control the future today Attraxor ® reduces the clippings considerably whilst helping to maintain sward density. It is clear that Attraxor ® has a strong effect, even at a low dosage it is very effective on the green, so it’s here to stay.” Bring back performancepeaktoyour turf Attraxor ® is a registered trademark of BASF. Attraxor ® contains prohexadione calcium. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols, you can refer to https://www.agricentre.basf.co.uk/en/Products/Overview/Attraxor.html Agrovista Amenity, Allscott ShawbirchPark,Road, Allscott, Telford. TF6 5DY Tel: 01952 897910 Email: Contact:enquiries@agrovista.co.uk Jamie Blake, Head Greenkeeper, Broadway Golf Club, Worcestershire “

Snickers Workwear’s body-mapping Jackets, Tops, Trousers and Accessories work together for sustainable working comfort and protection wherever and whenever its needed. Designed professionalfor craftsmen and women who want maximum functionality and mobility on site, they incorporate the very latest in high-tech fabric technology for top-class performance. The new clothing in the Autumn Workwear System includes windproof, waterproof and Hi-Vis garments for both men and women to keep them warm, dry and visible all day, every day. So, when the weather takes a turn for the worse, make Snickers Workwear your first choice for tackling the toughest of jobs and the worst of weather. sales@hultaforsgroup.co.ukwww.snickersworkwear.co.uk
We have been providing Grounds Management Services for over 30 years Sports Turf & Pitches services Estate Grounds Maintenance services Estate & Land Management Green Waste Recycling Plant & Machinery Hire Our Ground Management Services Include: www.shorts-agricultural.co.uk E: james.winfield@shorts-agricultural.co.ukT:01344891983

Pretty Wild Seeds are a professional, family business, fully licensed with DEFRA who specialise in both grass and wildflower seeds. We supply wildflowers & wildflower mixes and a wide range of both amenity and agricultural grass seed mixes in any weight. But we also understand not every project is the same so we’re very happy to create bespoke mixtures for customer requirements, whether that means a slight adjustment of mixture constituents or a fully 100% bespoke Whenmix. you need a grass seed for your project, no matter how big or small, we can deliver with rapid despatch times meaning it’s one less thing for you to worry about. Wild Seeds 01325 www.prettywildseeds.co.uksales@prettywildseeds.co.uk353596


68 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
Suit up for changeable weather


69GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September 2022 https://www.facebook.com/SharpGradeUK All you have to do is choose your tool carrier and if you want to work in 2D or 3D, then leave the rest to us. www.SharpGrade.uk Meet us at Operator of the Year Finals day https://www.facebook.com/RMCEquipmenthttps://www.instagram.com/rmcpeter Find out more at ✆ 07973 175 244 ✉ peter@rmcequipment co uk TOOLS, PLANT & EQUIPMENT SALES | SERVICING & REPAIRS | PARTS | HIRE Visit our online shop! www.benburgess.co.uk/shop We have a great range of parts, garden equipment, hand tools, country clothing and footwear, ride on toys, branded merchandise plus much more available in our showroom and online shop.

Is progress?theperfectionenemyof

Some of the most common refrains are “battery power still has a run-time issue?” and “what about the cost implication?” But these are no longer the issue they once were Let’s take cost first. The reality is that repeated studies have found that, over the life of the equipment, lithium batteries deliver huge savings compared to petrol power. In 2019, EGO investigated the total cost of ownership between petrol and battery powered outdoor equipment. The study looked at the cost of a petrol brush cutter, hedge trimmer and leaf blower compared with their batterypowered counterparts. Researchers found that initially, buyers would spend approximately £690 extra on battery-powered equipment in year one but would already see a return on investment of £365 in their second year of ownership. In years three and four, the benefits of switching to electric really begin to manifest with users saving a total of £1,430 and £3,500 respectively. After the fifth and final year, even with factoring in full replacement of the equipment, the total lifetime savings stacked up to more than £4,500.
some who have described our Challenge 2025 campaign as “disingenuous”. And some that make claims we have seen before – that battery power is not up to the job. Make no mistake, these are tried and tested tactics. You will see them used to criticise everything from wind turbines and electric cars to battery powered lawn mowers and line trimmers. They are also hollow arguments that are easily pulled apart – and here’s how.
71GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TOOLS, PLANT & EQUIPMENT
The study also factored in seasonal use of certain tools so that energy usage was based upon four litres of petrol per day over a modest 170 days per year, and this was before the recent price increases we’ve seen in fuel. With more frequent use, the payback time accelerates. It is therefore clear to see that switching to battery-powered tools will save you money. And of course, this is without addressing the wider benefits to air quality and reduction in greenhouse gas Onceemissions.thisfinancial argument is breached, the naysayers retreat behind their next barricade, the claim that battery power is not up to the job. In some specific cases, this remains true, and neither EGO nor Challenge 2025 have ever claimed otherwise. But for the majority of applications in gardening and grounds maintenance, battery power is already meeting or exceeding the performance of petrol.
EGO is a business focused on electrification of outdoor power equipment because we fundamentally believe it is the best energy system for these applications. While we are a commercial business, we are passionate about electrification and have created a campaign, Challenge 2025, to drive the entire industry
Across our lives, cleaner, greener energy resources are becoming more abundant and more cost-effective. However, the legacy technologies that batteries replace are not giving up without a fight. Our media, new and old, is littered with examples of supporters of fossil fuels attempting to stall change. This backlash usually presents itself in one of two ways: attacking the new technology or attacking its advocates.
ithium battery power and its weunfaircontinueadvocatestoattractcriticism.Butshouldn’tletcritics stand in the way of progress, says Steve Roskell, Sales and Marketing Director EMEA, EGO.
Theforward.goal of Challenge 2025 is that, by 2025, batteries become the principal power source for outdoor power equipment, leading to significant reductions in emissions and noise, whilst increasing safety and user Therecomfort.are

“The goal of Challenge 2025 is that, by 2025, batteries become the principal power source for outdoor power equipment, leading to significant reductions in emissions and noise, whilst increasing safety and user comfort.”

72 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
On a single charge, our new 12Ah battery can help users mow up to 1900sqm, use a line trimmer for up to 340 minutes, trim hedges for up to 360 minutes, saw for up to 720 cuts or leaf blow up to 480 minutes. Anyone who works in the industry will tell you, this is more than sufficient for the majority of jobs done by most professional gardeners, local authorities and landscapers. On top of this, EGO batteries are interchangeable, meaning the user can have one on charge while using the machine, and a quick swap enables them to carry on working. It’s no different to having to refill the tank on a 2-stroke tool, in fact it takes less time and is not as messy.

A recent article which branded us as ‘disingenuous’ referred to our Challenge 2025 campaign as being a commercial activity. We are of course a commercial entity, so this is technically true, but is a little unfair.
For example, this year Challenge 2025’s campaign includes activities for schools, by distributing education packs highlighting the impact of petrol tools on climate change and air quality.
Battery technology is the best option for most applications, not all. To dismiss it because it is not perfect seems indulgently negative, whereas we believe that we cannot let an insistence on perfection be the enemy of progress.

Other traditional petrol-powered manufacturers recognise the performance capabilities of our battery technology, so we have created our Powered by EGO strategy to enable more manufacturers to electrify their Furthermore,products. battery technology is improving all the time; what critics say is impossible today could quite well be possible in a few years’ time.
With the aspects of new technology rebutted, we look now at our advocacy for it, as when someone can’t find fault with your views, so they try to find fault with you instead - they call this the “shoot the messenger” fallacy.
Obviously, it is not our commercial goal to sell equipment to children. This is a genuine campaign that includes changing the mindsets of the next generation, it is clearly not a sales-led commercial activity. Secondly, while we are funding Challenge 2025, in order for it to be a success it would have to result in increased sales of battery powered equipment for many other manufacturers, not just EGO. Challenge 2025 is our opportunity to drive the entire industry forward in terms of electrification and we will be only one of many beneficiaries of this change.
Overall, the media is playing an integral, positive role in helping to spread the word about Challenge 2025 and the benefits of electrification. I’m sure we all recognise that media companies are commercial entities but can also be forces for good by advocating progress? Equally the same is true of manufacturers like EGO. It’s not all about making money, we want to be at the forefront of driving a change that will benefit equipment owners, equipment operators, and the wider world.
205D SAFE-Trak delivers both quality and quantity for Babraham Research Campus
The first major thing they commented on was the ease of manoeuvrability and access, meaning we can position the 205D exactly where we are working which saves a lot of time. Secondly, the feed rate is drastically quicker with this machine… the teams just can’t keep up with it!”
“The EVO was installed in July by our local dealer Thurlow Nunn Standen and Julian Cullis of GreenMech, who delivered some outstanding training to the team that was on a par with – if not better than, some of the official woodchipper courses available. Although we’ve only had it a few weeks, the operators love it!

73GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 he Babraham Research Campus, one of the UK’s leading locations for academic and commercial bioscience, have taken delivery of an EVO 205D SAFETrak to keep pace with the site’s demand for wood chip and weed suppressant. The 100-acre campus sits within an additional 360 acres of estate land, maintained by Estates and Waste Manager Matt Antrobus and two ground teams – all of whom have been mightily impressed with the power, performance and build quality of their new woodchipper from GreenMech’s EVO series.
“There isn’t really much the team haven’t been impressed with. The build quality is fantastic and from a usability perspective, you can tell that GreenMech have really thought about what the operator wants and needs from a woodchipper.” Matt adds, “This EVO 205D will be fundamental to our new willow replanting and rotation programme which will help give us the quantity of wood and chip we need to continue our sustainable site management programme.” www.greenmech.co.uk
“The site has grown and changed a lot over the last decade, both in terms of the variety and types of research conducted here and the push towards more environmentally-friendly methods of maintenance” explains Matt, who has been at the Campus for 15 years. “We use in the region of 300 tons of woodchip every year for suppressing weeds as well as decoration for borders, beds and miles and miles of public footpaths! Our previous chipper was struggling to cope and, after comparing a couple of options, the EVO 205D emerged head and shoulders above the competition.” The backbone of the EVO 205D’s design is a deep beam, high tensile steel chassis, with a generous in-feed hopper measuring 1250mm x 700mm allowing the easy processing of bulky material. Maximum chipping efficiency is powered by a Kubota Stage V-Complaint 50hp diesel engine, while GreenMech’s SAFETrak system delivers ground clearance of up to 400mm, enabling access across uneven terrain and in difficult ground conditions.
mower, but not the high maintenance requirement and sensitivity to mowing conditions, like wet grass and weeds. The system The smooth cutting decks with fast ro-tating small blades ensure a high quality of cut and a good distribution of the clippings. The clippings are also well spread in wet grass. This makes it possi-ble to schedule this mower almost inde-pendently of the weather. Due to the electrically driven blades, the mower is very economical and quiet. The large wheels and clever deck linking system ensure good contour following and enable high mowing speeds.
Municipalities and sports field and park managers have also discovered the ad-vantages of the Eco Clipper mowing system. For them, Eco Clipper offers the EC-FM4 Sport. This 4.11 m wide mower has four independent cutting decks. The forward position provides excellent visi-bility and comfort for the tractor

The Benefits Users report high productivity gains, a factor two compared to 5-gang selfpropelled cylinder mowers, and appreciate the low maintenance and the ability to schedule the mowing even under less favourable mowing conditions, such as early morning dew and wet autumn. For more information, please contact info@vanmac.co.uk. www.ecoclipper.com Eco Clipper FM4 Sport for sporting ww.ecoclipper.comgrounds
Municipalities and sports field and park managers have also discovered the advantages of the Eco Clipper mowing system. For them, Eco Clipper offers the FM4 Sport. This 4.11 m wide mower has four independent cutting decks. The forward position provides excellent visibility and comfort for the tractor operaThe Benefits Users report high productivity gains, a factor two compared to 5 gang self propelled cylinder mowers, and appreciate the low maintenance and the ability to schedule the mowing even under less favourable mowing conditions, such as early morning dew and wet autumn. For more information, please contact: info@vanmac.co.uk. www.ecoclipper.com Sport for sporting grounds
‘Dedicated to offer the best mowing system for maintaining large area turfgrass ’ Eco Clipper FM4 Sport for sporting ww.ecoclipper.comgrounds

Eco Clipper offers large area mowers that help field properlyperformancemain-tainTheturfgrassthedevelopedsystemEcoacostsmini-mizemanagersmowingwhileproducingcleancutresult.TheClippermowingwasoriginallytoreplacecylindermowerinproduction.goalwastothecuttingofatunedcylinder

Eco Clipper FM4 Sport for sporting grounds

Eco Clipper FM4
74 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022
‘Dedicated to offer the best mowing system for maintaining large area turfgrass ’ Eco Clipper offers large area mowers that help field managers minimize mowing costs while producing a clean cut result. The Eco Clipper mowing system was originally developed to replace the cylinder mower in turfgrass production. The goal was to maintain the cutting performance of a properly tuned cylinder mower, but not the high maintenance requirement and sensitivity to mowing conditions, like wet grass and weeds. The system The smooth cutting decks with fast rotating small blades ensure a high quality of cut and a good distribution of the ble to schedule this mower almost independently of the weather. Due to the electrically driven blades, the mower is very economical and quiet. The large wheels and clever deck linking system ensure good contour following and enable high mowing speeds.
Top quality grass seed at the best prices. Free next day delivery* Offer can only be used once per account. Just visit: www.top-seed.co.uk Top Seed, #1 for grass seed At Top Seed, we have over 40 years’ experience in supplying grass and wild flower seed to the professional sports market, amateur clubs and private householders alike. Our seed comes from highly respected and trusted seed producers; DLF, Johnsons, Pro Master and MM Designer quality is second to none, so you can be assured of perfect results every time! Our trusted Discountbrands...code:groundskeeping22 Introductory offer Discount code below 40+ mixturesseed Free deliveryUK guaranteePrice FertiliserSpreadersSports fieldsGolf courses Cricket pitches EquipmentBowls greens *Next day delivery on orders placed before 10am in most instances. Weekends not included.

The show will be attended by our Sales and Product Development team. We look forward to meeting new and existing distributors and discussing all things turf related. Ask a member of the team for guidance on how to find or become a Velvit distributor. Visit the GreenBest team on stand C100 to enquire about our Bespoke fertiliser services and discuss the Velvit, SmartLawn and Florifeed ranges. You can also pick up a FREE trial pack of SATUGRAN and Purity Soil Conditioner. Contact +44(0)1963www.greenbest.co.uksales@greenbest.co.ukdetails:364788

76 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TOP DRESSING
‘Onyx 13-1-2 + 30% amino acids’ is a quality homogeneous organic fertiliser with highly effective biostimulant properties. We have now successfully registered and certified this through OF&G as an approved input for organic use.
GreenBest are proud to be back at SALTEX for another year
The Velvit range has had some new additions this year. In late spring we launched a brand-new granular wetting agent – SATUGRAN which is now available to purchase through one of our many distributors and has given some very positive results throughout the UKs summer drought. Due to the high demand of our Onyx range, we have expanded our range of organic fertilisers and biostimulants.

Here at GreenBest, we see the development of organic inputs as crucial to the progress of our industry and reduced reliance on synthetic fertilisers. Our goal over the coming years is to further expand our organic and biostiumlant range and move to more sustainable sources.

Onyx offers a vital food source for soil biology, increasing the resistance to stress, disease and drought. In part this is done by increasing root depth and surface area along with stimulating biology in the rhizosphere, giving the plant increased access to nutrients and water.
e’ll be back at SALTEX to exhibit our wide and unique range of Velvit fertilisers, wetting agents and biostimulants. You’ll also be able to find out more about our Bespoke fertiliser services, our SmartLawn range, new products we have released this year and what’s to come for 2023.
D i s c o v e r O r g a n i c T u r f F e r t i l i s e r s sales@greenbest.co.uk | www.greenbest.co.uk | +44(0)1963 364788 Find or become a distributor today

one that requires less water, fertiliser and ultimately cost, to sustain. In trials conducted by the STRI, Microclover is proven to deliver enhanced coverage and improved colour when compared to pure grass Masterline’sswards.PM82Microclover

Sport mixture from DLF, has been specifically blended with these benefits in mind. PM82 improves turf quality whilst being kinder to the environment thanks to its reduced requirements for herbicide and fertiliser. Alongside Microclover, PM82 also features 40% Double 4turf® tetraploid perennial ryegrass. The deeper rooting nature of DLF’s 4turf® varieties means it can better withstand drought-like conditions and remains green even when the plant above ground is starved of water.
78 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TOP DRESSING

Alongside more frequent periods of sustained hot and dry weather, the rise in fertiliser prices is driving seed producers to look for varieties that can be maintained with a more sustainable nitrogen programme. “

s drought conditions continue and more restrictions come into force around water usage over the coming weeks, it is hard not to notice that many local authority sports grounds, gardens and public spaces have fallen victim to heat, particularly in terms of visual merit. However, you may have noticed that amongst the current brown and baron land, patches of green remain – clover – which, as DLF explain, generates its own nitrogen from the atmosphere making it one of the most tolerant varieties to drought and other high stress environments. Alongside more frequent periods of sustained hot and dry weather, the rise in fertiliser prices is driving seed producers to look for varieties that can be maintained with a more sustainable nitrogen programme. The unique root nodules on clover are formed by the Rhizobium bacteria, capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a natural fertiliser available for the clover as well as the companion grasses. Sourced in this way, the supply will also be gradual and ongoing, contributing to more sustained growth when compared to the ‘flush’ that can occur when larger quantities of nitrogen are applied as part of a managed feeding programme. Microclover is a special bred dwarf white clover which joins in well with other turf species. The smaller leaves and lower growth habit contribute to a dense, uniform appearance as well as delivering strong wear qualities and heat/drought tolerance. All of this means that the inclusion of Microclover can result in a sward that suffers from less weed and disease invasion, and
Microclover could prove key to overcoming more frequent drought conditions
Come meet our Agrigem Team STAND E110 AT

EmeraldA® Pro From Agrigem New Seaweed Fertiliser
Emerald® Pro has been demonstrated by external universities to increase performance, marketable grade and root growth. It has also been shown to mitigate environmental stresses including drought, heat and salinity stress. This product is designed for foliar and fertigation applications meaning it can be used on crops and Theturf.key benefits include improves quality and yield of crops and aiding recovery of crop after periods of stress.
Emerald® Pro contains a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. It has been approved for use on amenity turf, ornamentals, glasshouse crops, soft fruit, cut flowers and salads.

The new Emerald® Pro Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser is available to buy online now at Agrigem.co.uk and will be showcased at the upcoming Saltex Show at the National Exhibition Center on November 2nd and 3rd 2022.
Agrigem has a dedicated team of turf experts ready to offer advice and ensure you get the right products for all your grounds maintenance in the right pack size for your needs. They have technicians based throughout the UK, so site visits are not a problem and with a 24/7 UK based distribution centre, next day delivery is available on the full range. Get advice on the right products for your turf with next day delivery with Agrigem. 01522www.agrigem.co.uk246491
Emerald® Pro has been demonstrated by external universities to increase performance, marketable grade and root growth. grigem, the professional turf and amenity care products supplier has announced that they have released a new seaweedbased foliar fertiliser as part of their liquid fertiliser range.
Emerald® Pro is a concentrated seaweed extract manufactured from Ascophyllum Nodosum Algae harvested from the Atlantic Ocean. It is organic, natural and highly effective in optimising growth conditions for maximum quality and yield. It works by helping to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria on plant foliage and roots. Emerald® Pro benefits plants with increasing sugar content, root mass, uniform ripening , stronger leaves and increased yield.
80 GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September/October 2022 TOP DRESSING
Tel 01522 246491 • www.agrigem.co.uk Emerald PRO Improves quality and yield of crops. Aids recovery of crop after periods of stress. Contains a wide range of nutrients, vitamins and amino acids. Approved for use on amenity flowerscrops,ornamentals,turf,glasshousesoftfruit,cutandsalads. Key Benefits Organic & Natural Seaweed Fertiliser

Headland’s range of selective herbicide products are effective against a wide range of amenity turf weeds – whether it’s management of deep-rooted weeds such as docks and thistles or economical broad-spectrum control, there’s a Headland herbicide that hits the mark.
Use herbicides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Please refer to the product label or our website for further technical information.
GroundskeepingJournal.co.uk | September 202282 01763 255550 www.headlandamenity.com info@headlandamenity.com AMENITY PRODUCTS Member of Origin Amenity Solutions

Targeted weed control A comprehensive range of selective herbicides for amenity turf WEED CONTROL

ProGreen – your supplier for all hard surface cleaning essentials

At ProGreen we offer a large range of products to cover all weandfertilisersfromlandscapingyourneeds,weedcontrolandtoequipmentPPE.Aswellasthis,offeranextensiverange of softwashing and hard surface cleaning supplies. After recent BPR guideline changes, many products lost their classification as a biocide. Thankfully our products have remained registered with the HSE. We pride ourselves on our range of hard surface cleaning and softwashing solutions, including the industry leader AlgoClear and our technical support. We also offer a full range of softwashing application equipment. These products are perfect for cleaning mould, algae and other biofilms from surfaces such as paving, decking and render and cladding. softwashing-cleaning-liquids-application-equipment/https://www.progreen.co.uk/