Can UK manufacturing raise robotics uptake by learning from Europe?
ACG Becomes the world’s first capsule manufacturing factory to join the Global Lighthouse Network Community 202324
IoT and AI to enhance safety on operations
KHS HASYTEC Dynamic Biofilm Protection
Vision systems advance quality control capabilities
Intralogistex expansion ensures 2024’s show is set to be biggest and best yet
Europe’s No. 1 for home fitness automates new central warehouse
Consistently meeting fluctuating demand in logistics
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Despite punching well above our weight as a manufacturing powerhouse, the UK is in danger of slipping down the international rankings unless we increase our levels of automation. Now sitting at 25th in the global robotics league table , we are the only G7 nation outside the top 20 and have been eclipsed by most of our European counterparts in terms of numbers of robots per 10,00 workers, including Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. Here, factory automation leader FANUC, which has subsidiaries across the world, examines the potential reasons behind the UK’s reluctance to automate – and asks what we can learn from our continental cousins…
The benefits to UK manufacturing of robotics and automation technology are greater than ever, helping us to meet net zero targets, boost productivity and underpin our key industries. And with an estimated 70,000 vacancies in manufacturing, robots are also alleviating the longstanding labour shortages which have only worsened since Brexit and COVID.
In regard to automation uptake, it is certainly an improving picture. Led by the automotive sector, UK robot installations were up by 3% in 2022, with operational stock growing by 7%. But at just 98 robots per 10,000 workers we are still well behind European leaders Germany (415).
UK: Focused on short-term ROI
Among the many potential explanations for this are a focus on short-term payback rather than longer-term total cost of ownership (TCO); a fear of change; outdated
Led by the automotive sector, UK robot installations were up by 3% in 2022, with operational stock growing by 7%.
perceptions of engineering as a career; a lack of government incentives; our reliance on cheap manual labour; and no long-term national manufacturing strategy. While some of these are beginning to change – the government recently announced a £4.5bn package of support for British manufacturing, for example – should we also be looking to our European neighbours for some automation inspiration?
Germany: Prioritising precision and innovation
Dr Bob Struijk certainly thinks so. As the Vice President of FANUC
Europe, Dr Struijk has overseen automation installations across numerous countries, and believes there are a variety of reasons why certain nations are further ahead of the UK on their automation journey.
“Germany is the clear European automation powerhouse and owes a large part of its success to a profound respect for engineering and manufacturing,” he explains. “The German model emphasises the meticulous craftsmanship of products, fostering a culture that places a premium on precision and innovation. Catapulted by the automotive industry, robotics and automation have been at the forefront of bringing Germany to its position today as a manufacturing leader.”
In addition, bridging the gap between industry and academia has helped to boost German innovation. “In Germany, collaborative efforts between industry and academia contribute to a continuous cycle of research, development and implementation, creating an ecosystem that thrives on technological advancement. The German apprenticeship system also provides a seamless flow of skilled labour into industry, at low cost. The UK can learn from this by cultivating a similar synergy between its educational institutions and industrial sector to breed a culture of continuous improvement.”
In this regard, FANUC UK is working hard to help develop a pipeline of manufacturing talent through a range of different initiatives. The company’s Training Academy at its Coventry HQ offers accredited
courses that feed into educational programmes, giving students hands-on robotics experience; it recently held its first ever Work Experience Week, for young people aged 16-18; and the 2023 FANUC UK Open House played host to the finals of the WorldSkills UK Industrial Robotics competition.
However, for a nation built on SMEs, Dr Struijk is also clear that UK government support is critical to future success: “The penetration of robotics and automation in the UK is especially low among small and medium sized enterprises. Government tax breaks or accelerated depreciation of robots could certainly help to change this.”
At sixth place in the global automation league table, Sweden boasts an impressive 343 robots for
Above, Catapulted by the automotive industry, robotics and automation have been at the forefront of bringing Germany to its position today as a manufacturing leader.
Left, By investing in automation and robotics, UK manufacturers can help to futureproof their business and ensure we continue to compete on the international stage in the years to come.
every 10,000 workers. Neighbours Denmark have 274, Finland has 168 and Norway has 103 – all sit higher than the UK.
“With their realistic approach towards return on investment (ROI), the Nordic countries have successfully integrated automation into their industries,” outlines Dr Struijk. “By focusing on the longterm benefits, these nations have cultivated a business environment that encourages companies to invest in automation technologies.”
By looking at TCO rather than just ROI – considering indirect cost savings such as reduced energy bills, less waste, higher productivity and increased production capacity – investing in automation could be a far more attractive proposition to UK manufacturers than it is today. But again, the importance of government support cannot be overlooked, explains Dr Struijk:
“While the UK could draw inspiration from the Nordic model by fostering an environment where companies can confidently invest in automation, this must also be backed by supportive government policies and incentives,” he states. “In the Nordic countries, robust government initiatives have provided financial support and created favourable conditions for the adoption of automated solutions. For example, in the city of Odense, the government has stimulated the set-up of a ‘Robot Valley’ – a cluster of private companies, start-ups and academic institutions – that is helping to drive the Danish robotics market forward.”
Finally, Eastern European countries such as Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic have embraced automation as a means of prioritising worker welfare.
“By automating dull, dirty and dangerous tasks, these nations have not only increased their manufacturing efficiency but have also enhanced the overall wellbeing of their workforce,” states Dr Struijk.
“They have benefitted from their close proximity to the German automotive market and used a combination of skilled labour and investment in robots to take a large share of the tier 1 market, as well as a host of greenfield investments by major European and Asian automakers. The UK could benefit by adopting a similar mindset; using automation to alleviate workers from monotonous and hazardous tasks, thereby improving job satisfaction and increasing overall productivity.”
There is no doubt that manufacturing is already one of the UK’s greatest success stories. By investing in automation and robotics, UK manufacturers can help to futureproof their business and ensure we continue to compete on the international stage in the years to come
For further information, please visit www.fanuc.eu/uk/en
ACG, the world’s largest integrated supplier and service provider to pharmaceutical industry celebrated the inclusion of its capsule manufacturing facility in Pithampur, India, into the esteemed Global Lighthouse Network (GLN) by the World Economic Forum at the 54th Annual Davos Summit.
The World Economic Forum’s Global Lighthouse Network has acknowledged the exemplary integration of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, including artificial intelligence and big data analytics, by select factories globally. These facilities have been distinguished for their commitment to enhancing efficiency, fostering sustainable development, and simultaneously advancing their workforce’s skills and safeguarding the environment.
Upon receiving the award, Mr. Karan Singh, Managing Director, said: “I am delighted to receive this recognition on behalf of my team. For me the most unforgettable part of our journey wasn’t any technology or efficiency milestone, but the incredible team that made it all possible. Just ordinary people, united towards one goal, bringing about innovative collaborations to push boundaries of what is possible.”
He added: “One of the stand-out features of our application was the Gen-AI integration. Something that was done in the less than two weeks. In between all the debate on what Gen-AI can do to humans it is a beautiful reminder that ‘technology
One of the standout features of our application was the Gen-AI integration.
is brilliant, but humans drive the change’. Let’s remember
ACG operates across 138 countries in six continents and has positioned itself as a leader in the pharmaceutical sector by focusing on high-quality capsule production, increasing responsiveness, improving production yields, and boosting workforce efficiency.
The company produces billions of capsules annually and has implemented over 25 innovative applications of 4IR technologies, including the industrial internet of things (IIoT), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), digital twins, extended reality, and generative AI.
Selwyn Noronha, CEO, ACG Capsules, added: “We are extremely proud of our first factory lighthouse. From its inception the facility has pioneered in its field, but this latest honour recognises the excellence in adopting AI at speed and scale.
“Our continued future-focused approach sets new benchmarks in quality and innovation, with the aim of ensuring maximum benefit for customers, regulators and the entire pharmaceutical ecosystem.”
For further information, please visit www.acg-world.com
An intelligent, digital electro-pneumatic positioner in two-wire technology used to control pneumatically operated process valves.
• ATEX / IECEx certified explosion protection for gas environments.
• Two-wire connection technology.
• Bluetooth communication for remote app access and configuration.
• Fast commissioning using well-balanced reconfiguration.
• Economical, almost no air consumption when idle.
• Low maintenance replaceable solenoid / filter cartridge.
To avoid electrostatic discharge, plastics used in explosive fume extraction systems that move air, or are situated in an area where potentially hazardous fume are present, must be electrically conductive or static dissipative. The most effective way of dissipating electrostatic discharge is to add conductive carbon black to the polymer matrix.
For the context of this article, we’ll consider how polypropylene corrosion resistant fans which are the preferred construction material used to handle toxic and hazardous fumes in fume extraction systems, are modified to enhance the ATEX suitability for zone 2 potentially explosive environments. These ATEX certified polypropylene fans are manufactured from polymers that have special branched carbons with a structure that can transport the flow of electrons and dissipate electrostatic charge.
In potentially explosive environments, if the conditions call for it, such as the build-up of IIC hydrogen gas in large quantities, the presence of static discharge can be enough to ignite and cause an explosion. The concept of ensuring a product is ATEX certified ensures that the fan component in our case, is not itself, a risk or an ignition source. ATEX fans reduce the risks of creating sparks from friction, static electricity or from arcs in motor malfunctions for example. In ATEX product labelling, Ex h markings signify that the nonelectrical fan component (excluding the motor) has been constructed sufficiently to be used as intended
in an explosive environment. In short, precautions during the manufacturing process have reduced this risk.
By nature, without additives or fillers, commercial plastics are electrical insulators. Charges deposited on the polymer surface are living therefore a long time, and the longer the lifetime, the more likely the possibility of an electrostatic discharge event such as static discharge. The rate of charge dissipation is known as the charge decay time, this considers the electric resistivity which tells us how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current, and the dielectric permittivity, which characterises the ability of the material of storing an electrical charge when subjected to an applied voltage.
For static dissipation, we must reduce the decay time of the charge, by enhancing conductivity and reducing permittivity. The loading of polymers with conducting additives reduces the resistivity of polymers.
Due to the presence of static charges, polymers must be
turned into materials capable of draining these charges and protect the devices from static discharges. Therefore be able to conduct electricity to some extent. Commercial polymers are natural electrical insulators, so they need to be engineered to become antistatic dissipative or conductive. This is realised either through chemical treatment or through the addition of conductive agents during the processing.
One of those fillers is known as carbon black, a relatively inexpensive and processible filler material, formed by burning hydrocarbons in a limited oxygen environment. These are used extensively in packaging but also used, as shown in our ATEX corrosion resistant range, for CB filled high density and low-density polypropylene.
Simply put, carbon loading is a process in which carbon black particles or fibres are incorporated into the polypropylene during manufacturing. This addition of carbon enhances the conductivity allowing it to dissipate accumulated static charge more effectively, minimising the risk of ESD. Where airflow passes through fan blades, friction can generate static charges on the fan surfaces, and in environments with combustible materials, static charges can ignite or trigger an explosion
So, in a nutshell, that’s how we ensure that our ATEX polypropylene fans are manufactured in line with the ATEX directive, making them suitable for their intended use.
For further information, please visit www.axair-fans.co,uk
Containment of chemicals is one of the key activities in fume extraction processes, and at the core of these systems, when maintaining the required pressure and airflow to extract fumes effectively, the responsibility rests with the industrial fan.
This makes correct fan selection one of the most important system specifications. Enter our comprehensive specifier white paper: The Ultimate Guide to Fan Selection in Fume Extraction Systems.
One of the UK’s leading strategic manufacturing outsourcing specialists has set its sights on breaking the £40m sales revenue barrier in 2024.
PP Control & Automation, which works with over 20 of the world’s most successful machinery builders in a wide range of markets including energy, packaging, food processing, printing, material handling and high technology sectors, has seen sales rise from £24m to £36m over the last twelve months.
It is now looking to add a further £4m of orders by investing in more automation at its West Midlands factory, starting with the £250,000 integration of a new Komax Zeta 640 harness machine fitted with twister, ferrule station and 2-off crimp press.
Utilising improved crimp force monitoring and enhanced quality software validation, this technology can group cables together to simplify build orders, feed cables at up to 22mph and deliver automatic changeover capability, so that 36 cables can be loaded and ink colour changed from black to white when required.
Ian Knight, Chief Information Officer, commented: “We are massive advocates of combining investment in automation with investment in people and this blended approach seems to be paying off with a record year in 2023 and strong growth prospects for the next twelve months.
“The Komax investment brings the latest crimping technology to our
state-of-the-art facility and will provide the business with greater capacity, greater speed and the ability to eliminate human error that can prove so costly.”
He went on to add: “It will also give us improved inkjet marking
capability when it comes to quality, fonts and different sizes.”
Record sales wasn’t the only thing PP Control & Automation was celebrating in 2023, with apprentice Sophie Young and Chief Executive Tony Hague securing a
string of awards for their personal performances throughout the year.
The latter is excited about the future, especially now that global supply chains have begun to settle and lead times on materials have started to reduce, giving the company greater stability to plan for growth.
Exciting new opportunities in clean energy and the circular economy are at the top of the ‘potentials’ list, along with the launch of a new service that will foster innovation and encourage commercialisation in the UK.
Tony went on to add: “Despite all the pressures we’ve faced, the country has remained unbelievably resilient and there’s a real desire to buy British.
Exciting new opportunities in clean energy and the circular economy are at the top of the ‘potentials’ list, along with the launch of a new service that will foster innovation and encourage commercialisation in the UK.
“We must capitalise on this by working together to bring manufacturing back home through design, innovation and by adding value. These are our strengths and
now is the time to make the most of them.
“At PP C&A we have already started to benefit by working with international customers to help them launch new technologies in green energy, as well as developing a whole host of new innovations that will hopefully accelerate the move to cleaner transport.”
He concluded: “Two major international countries for us in 2024 will be the Netherlands and Denmark - I can see real growth potential in these territories.”
PP Control & Automation is also a proud member of the Manufacturing Assembly Network (MAN), a unique collective of six sub-contract manufacturers and a special engineering design agency.
ViSWIR Hyper APO Features:
• Capable of fully corrected focus shift in visible and SWIR range (400nm - 1700nm)
• Achieves spectral imaging with a single sensor camera by simply syncing the lighting Floating design adjusts focus for different wavelengths 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm* and 50mm* (*2023)
ViSWIR Lite Features:
High transmittance at whole wavelength of 400nm - 1700nm by adopting hyper wideband AR coat
• Outstanding cost-performance for single-wavelength lighting & narrow-band imaging Compact design 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm
What is a Huck® BOM® fastener?
The BOM® (Blind, Oversized Mechanically-locked) heavyduty fastener stands out as a structural blind fastener with superior strength and tamper resistance. BOM® not only delivers high tensile and shear strength typically associated with Lockbolts, but also introduces the flexibility of single-sided installation. This makes it especially well-suited for use in areas with limited access.
The versatility of BOM® structural makes them suitable for diverse range of projects.
Huck® BOM® fasteners are commonly used in industrial and construction applications. Here are some general applications: -
Heavy Machinery and Equipment:
These fasteners are often employed in the assembly and construction of heavy machinery and equipment. Their oversized design and structural integrity make them suitable for handling significant loads and vibrations.
Transportation Industry: In the transportation sector, particularly in the assembly of commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, and other large vehicles, Huck® BOM® are used to provide robust and reliable connections and maintain strength and structural integrity for the life of the joint.
Infrastructure and Construction:
For large-scale construction projects, such as bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure, these fasteners can be used to join structural elements securely.
Rail and Aerospace Applications:
The rail and aerospace industries often require fasteners that can withstand high levels of stress and
1. Insert the fastener into the hole and slip the installation tool over the pintail.
2. Press the trigger to initiate pulling action. As the tool pulls on the pintail, the unique collar design “stands off” the swaging action until the maximum allowable bulb is formed on the backside.
3. Continued pulling on the pintail draws the work pieces together and the swaging anvil overcomes the standoff and moves down the length of the collar, securely locking the collar to the pin.
ensure the structural integrity of components.
Energy Sector: In power plants, oil and gas facilities, or renewable energy projects, these fasteners are utilised for assembling components that need to endure harsh environmental conditions.
Often used as a replacement for welding, the Huck® BOM® fastener is so strong, one BOM® fastener can do the work of several conventional fasteners. Huck® BOM® fasteners have been proven to withstand years of service in high-stress, highvibration environments without weakening
Key Benefits of the Huck® BOM®
• Offers Lockbolt® level performance.
• Very high tensile and shear strength.
• Exceptional quick, consistent and
4. Once the collar is swaged, the pin breaks leaving a high strength, vibration resistant secured joint.
repeatable installation.
• Excellent vibration resistance.
• High grip capability
• Tamper-resistant features.
• A wide variety of diameters are available.
High strength/diameter ratio: BOM® is used in demanding structural applications as an alternative to threaded fasteners as it has high joint tightness when compared to conventional blind fasteners.
Huck® BOM® fastener vs Welding
The choice of fastening methods plays a key role in determining the success of any project. Whether Huck® fasteners are a superior fastening method than welding depends on the specific application, requirements, and constraints of the project.
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them should be made considering various factors. Here are some situations where the Huck® BOM® fastener might be considered preferable to welding:
Speed and Ease of Installation: Huck® fasteners are generally quicker to install than welding as producing a welded joint involves a more intricate process, demanding additional time for preparation, execution, and cooling. If time is a critical factor in a project, Huck® fasteners can offer a faster assembly process.
No Heat Generation: Welding involves the application of heat to melt and fuse materials which can lead to thermal distortion, potentially leading to weakened structural integrity. Huck® fasteners do not generate heat during installation, making them suitable for heat-sensitive materials or applications where heat distortion is a concern. As welded joints are more susceptible to vibrational stresses impacting long-term
The choice of fastening methods plays a key role in determining the success of any project.
structural stability, they may require higher maintenance needs over time. Once correctly installed, the Huck® BOM® fastener needs no further checking.
Corrosion Resistance: The corrosion resistance of fasteners is a critical aspect in any project, where durability and longevity are paramount. Ensuring the corrosion resistance of fasteners not only preserves the structural integrity of the components but also extends the lifespan of the entire assembly.
No Specialised Training Required: Installing Huck® BOM® blind fasteners requires less specialised training compared to welding. The simple installation procedure requires just basic training, which in turn reduces the labour costs associated with installation and assembly, ultimately optimising the workflow.
Enhanced Structural Integrity: The BOM® fastener creates a robust mechanical link, enhancing structural integrity. Its large bearing area on both sides of the workpiece ensures a permanent, tamper resistant joint.
Vibration Resistance: The collared flange is locked to the pin through a swaging process, creating a high
vibration resistant connection, crucial in maintaining structural stability.
Repair, Dismantling and Recycling: Welded joints may require cutting and additional processing for recycling. Huck® BOM® fasteners are generally easier to remove than welded joints. This can be crucial in situations where components need to be disassembled / recycled, repaired, or replaced.
Versatility: Huck® fasteners can be used in various materials. They offer versatility in terms of material compatibility and can be a practical choice for projects involving differing materials.
It’s important to note that although Huck® fasteners have advantages in certain scenarios, welding also has its own strengths, after all, welding has long been utilised in applications that requires a secure joint. However, today’s manufacturers have an alternative fastening method which offers several compelling reasons to consider installing Huck® BOM® maintenance-free structural blind fasteners as a proven alternative to welding.
In summary, the choice between installing Huck® fasteners and welding depends on the specific requirements of the application, including the materials being joined, the desired strength of the joint, time constraints, and the need for reversibility or repairability. Each method has its own set of advantages and limitations and the best solution depends on the unique circumstances of each application.
For more information call us on +44(0)115 932 4939 or email sales@starfasteners.co.uk
Automated processes and production lines are an integral part of modern production plants and are therefore indispensable in the sense of rapid technological development. For the successful use of complex machines and automated technologies, no compromises in safety and speed must be made within the framework of the respective production and operating processes. Safety at the highest level is an important prerequisite for the modernisation of production plants in industry.
For a safe and efficient working environment, it is first and foremost important to comply with the existing safety regulations and at the same time optimally position a business for future technical developments. In addition, there is the constantly increasing demand to optimally increase operating speed and efficiency. That’s why we’ve developed the new ASSA ABLOY RP400 – a more powerful new generation machine protection door that offers a new level of safety, quality and reliability for your operation.
In order to meet the growing demands of the industry in the long term, the ASSA ABLOY RP400 offers even more protection at high speed, smaller space requirements and maximum operating time. With this new combination of our most innovative technologies in one door solution, this new generation of machine protection door achieves maximum functionality and
efficiency. Designed with a range of built-in and optional safety features, this powerful high-speed door is our most advanced machine protection door ever.
The innovative door solution for production plants enables short cycle times due to a high opening and closing speed of up to five cycles per minute. In combination with the high reliability of the robust door and the minimised service requirements of the design, the ASSA ABLOY RP400 delivers long-term functionality at the highest level. Of course, this new, forward-looking door solution also meets the applicable standards and guidelines in terms of machine safety and is certified in accordance with the current EN-ISO requirements. The versatile safety functions packed in a typically elegant design characterise the new machine protection door from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems.
Building upon the known and trusted benefits of our RP door range, the ASSA ABLOY RP400 comes with several safety and design features.
· Safety light curtain: integrated into the door’s side frame, covering the full width and height of the door to better protect workers and equipment
· Advanced safety limit switch: more precisely prevents machine hazards with a higher stopping accuracy
· Flat-bottom profile: no protruding edges and a smoother front profile to reduce the risk of serious injury during the upward movement of the door
Easy installation choices: door can be wall mounted or freestanding to optimise floor space, while its highly robust and stable frame construction leads to less vibrations during activity
· Premium design: rounded edges and a better embedded motor to ensure a smoother, more flush profile
So, for one of the safest, most reliable, and highest-quality machine protection doors available today, look no further than the new ASSA ABLOY RP400.
For further information, please visit www.assaabloyentrance.com/uk
Work safer with the new ASSA ABLOY RP400
Work safer with the new ASSA ABLOY RP400
Advantages of the door
Advantages of the door
• Rapid opening and closing ensures short cycle times up to 5 cycles per minute
• Rapid opening and closing ensures short cycle times up to 5 cycles per minute
• High reliability even after years of high numbers of cycles
• High reliability even after years of high numbers of cycles
• Safety limit switches according to EN ISO 13849-1 and EN 62061
• Safety limit switches according to EN ISO 13849-1 and EN 62061
• Doors conform to EN ISO 12100 and EN ISO 14119
• Doors conform to EN ISO 12100 and EN ISO 14119
• Versions conforming to various factory standards are possible
• Versions conforming to various factory standards are possible
• Type tested machine protection door with fabric door blade
• Type tested machine protection door with fabric door blade
Energy usage causes up to 95% of the total life cycle costs of pumping equipment. Therefore, improving energy efficiency pays off quickly. Sulzer’s energy audit is a consulting service that aims at improving the energy efficiency of a pumping system.
“The concept relies on Sulzer’s expertise on pumping equipment and process knowledge, while supporting the environmental sustainability goals mutually important for both our clients and us.” Pekka Salmi Head Business Development CSS at Sulzer Flow Equipment.
The audit offers actionable insights into what to do to reduce the operational energy consumption and costs. All too often, unnecessary energy costs are a result of an oversized pump or equipment operated outside its optimal point. Changes in processes, planned capacity, or in the rest of the process line might lead to a pump operating off its best efficiency point.
An energy audit supports companies in the modernization of their equipment base. It has proven to be especially valuable for operators with a large number of aged equipment. Alternatively, the audit
can be used for the final optimization of equipment that is efficient to begin with.
Companies can leverage the results of energy audits in meeting emissionrelated standards, or when seeking environmental declarations and certificates. The audit can be used to assess and minimize environmental emissions by reducing energy consumption without decreasing the number of equipment or capacity.
How the audit proceeds
Sulzer experts work in cooperation with the customer to review available data sources and define
the scope of the audit. The selected scope may contain all equipment at a certain site or process. At large sites, the audits can be done step by step on a predefined selection of equipment.
The audit may cover only equipment with performance issues or a selection that is expected to have the biggest energy saving potential. Typically, the focus is narrowed down to pumps running less than optimally, leaving out the ones with variable frequency drives, low annual running time, and pumps that already operate close to their optimal point.
The pumps with the biggest improvement potential are identified and reviewed with the customer. “It is not uncommon that the customer is already satisfied with the audit at this phase, even though the most valuable part is yet to come,” says Pekka Salmi, Head Business Development CSS at Sulzer.
Following the analysis, the customer receives a comprehensive report that contains the current energy usage, identified savings potential, and a detailed list of recommended actions for decreasing energy consumption. To assure usability and easy adoption, the recommendations are completed with cost estimates and payback times for the equipment and site work.
The recommended actions are tailored to the customer’s needs and
An energy audit supports companies in the modernization of their equipment base.
preferences. Usually, they consist of replacement and upgrading opportunities for pumping and mixing equipment. In addition to the hydraulic performance improvement a broader installation audit offers ways to improve the entire installation by modernizing and optimizing the construction of the equipment. Moreover, environmental sustainability is always considered.
The report lists detailed actions to be carried out on the equipment base, enabling reduced energy consumption. The suitable product range, adequate dimensioning, materials of construction, and accessories are specified according to the applications.
“The concept relies on Sulzer’s expertise on pumping equipment and process knowledge, while supporting the environmental sustainability goals mutually important for both our clients and us,” Pekka Salmi summarizes.
Improved energy savings in pumps, agitators, and turbocompressors
As a full-line supplier, Sulzer’s
portfolio offers a range of equipment and efficiency-enhancing accessories to decrease energy usage. “We constantly develop our portfolio to reduce energy consumption. We also aim at maximizing the lifespan and recyclable alternatives,” says Saku Vanhala, Head of Product Management at Sulzer.
Retrofitting is often the most costeffective method to improve the performance of larger pumps. This involves modifying the impellers to optimize the hydraulic
performance or changing the entire hydraulic kit, enabling the pump to operate at the best efficiency point. For smaller pumps, it may be more cost-effective to replace the equipment with more efficient and reliable equivalents.
Agitators can also be retrofitted for better energy efficiency. As the selection of Sulzer’s agitators is continuously developed, their performance is improved with each new generation. Most agitators can be upgraded by changing into a newer and more efficient propeller.
In addition to pumping and mixing processes, savings can be found also in compressed air applications. Usually, the best way to drive business performance and sustainability goals of turbocompressors is to upgrade them into more modern and efficient models. Sulzer’s oil-free high-speed turbocompressors provide significant energy savings over conventional compressors. Additionally, with nonwear magnetic bearing units, they offer considerable long-term costsavings with reduced maintenance.
To take the entire array of circular economy into account, the customer might prefer a preowned replacement pump. Sulzer refurbishes and repurposes usable pumping equipment. In addition to smaller environmental impacts, the customers benefit from reduced investment costs and faster lead times. The concept extends equipment life cycle while at the same time offering reduced disposal costs and increased CAPEX savings.
For more information, visit www.sulzer.com
Melling Performance Springs, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire adds specialist induction heat treatment equipment to aid technical advancements for the most demanding applications.
Melling Performance Springs has recently invested in specialist induction heat treatment equipment giving increased design and manufacturing capabilities for the most demanding compression spring applications.
Induction heat treatment is a highly efficient and precise method of hardening springs made from strategically selected materials. This technology is key for very demanding spring applications. The MPS machine operates with a 50 Kilowatt solid state insulated gate bi-polar transistorised power supply.
The induction heat treatment process improves the mechanical and physical properties of the spring material. During induction heat treatment, an alternating current is passed through a set of parallel copper coils, creating a rapidly alternating magnetic field. When a spring is placed within these induction coils, the magnetic field induces eddy currents within the spring material, generating heat due to resistance. This localised heating allows for precise control over the heating process, resulting in uniform and consistent heating. Once heated to an exact temperature, and held for a specific time, parts are then rapidly cooled using an exact concentration of a specialised polymer-based coolant at a controlled temperature. These quench parameters are critical to avoid steam pockets, material cracking and decarburisation. The machine is equipped with precise equipment to control the heating, holding time and quenching parameters that allows for a consistent and repeatable method of achieving specific metallurgical properties - giving improved and optimised performance.
Induction heat treatment offers several advantages over traditional heating
methods, The rapid heating, and cooling cycles, allow for a highly efficient process that is more economical and environmentally friendly, resulting in reduced cycle times, lower energy consumption, and increased productivity, leading to overall cost savings. The rapid heating from the induction coils coupled with the machines electronic and mechanical control technology allows the springs to heat uniformly in a matter of seconds which dramatically reduces decarburisation levels, maintaining the materials surface quality and wear resistance. This eliminates the need for an atmospheric heat treatment process that would require open flames or hazardous chemicals and gasses.
Induction heat treatment plays a pivotal role in tailoring the microstructure of materials, leading to enhanced mechanical properties and performance. During induction heat treatment, the raw material undergoes various phase transformations, such as austenitization, followed by precisely controlled quenching to achieve the desired microstructure. These changes in microstructure directly impact the mechanical properties of the material, including hardness, tensile strength, toughness, and wear resistance. The increased hardness coupled with
optimised methods of shot peening, allows Melling Performance Springs to increase the levels of compressive residual stress induced into the material. These improved levels of compressive residual stress enhance the material and provides a beneficial counterbalance to the tensile residual stress, therefore exhibiting superior performance and reliability, enabling Melling Performance Springs to manufacture higher stressed parts that allow for reduced weight/ active mass, improved natural frequency giving superior harmonics, improve fatigue performance, wear and relaxation resistance and reducing the chance of premature failure.
Melling Performance Springs, is based in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire and manufactures, high performance, precision compression springs for its global customers. We aim to provide solutions to our customers problems. MPS holds IATF 16949:2016, ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 accreditations. The company was originally founded in 1996 and purchased by Melling in 2020. Our parent company, Melling Engine Parts is headquartered in Jackson, Michigan, USA.
Further information can be found at www.mellingperformancesprings.com or contact springsales@melling.com
In 1977 Mr. Robert Cox set out to build a test and measurement platform based upon some simple tenants. He produced the best automated test platform that could be designed. He knew the needs of the market based on his time at several companies that were struggling to automate testing on the manufacturing/production floor. He wanted to take advantage of the nascent personal computer business that was just starting to take hold. Mr. Cox knew if he could incorporate a microcomputer with a robust automated test platform, he would have a winner. With the help of his brother and father, Autotest was born. While the market has changed significantly over those 45 years the company has survived the dot.com bust, the offshoring of technology, the throw away switching power supply boom and in 2000 the telecom bust.
45+ years later Autotest is still providing our customers automated testing platforms that now keeps our nation’s defense, healthcare, and consumer products up and running by testing them in high reliability test suites custom built for the customers we serve.
Over the years we have built systems for nearly every industry and niche, recently our business has been focused in two areas of high reliability power supply testing in aerospace and medical. We are proud to say we have shipped over 900 ATE Systems worldwide and can boast that some of the machines we continue to maintain have been in the field over 25 years and are still being upgraded, and test parts daily. We are extremely
proud and would like to share our successes in three areas.
APG testing software suite is a very user-friendly interface for building test procedures and recording the results. The program is now in its 35th year having started in DOS and moving into the Windows® environment at the time Windows®
was initially introduced. After all those years, our intention is to keep it Easy-to-Use so routines can be built using simple blocks like user functions and modules to build extremely complex routines that interface with today’s new instruments. We continue to improve APG in a 32-bit environment and now onto the 64-bit with the latest supporting Windows 11, just recently released to the field. APG allows for the use of OLDER hardware and/ or add new hardware along with the latest peripherals without the need to completely re-write custom routines our customers have written for use on the floor. This saves our customers tens of thousands of dollars at upgrade time in porting time for the latest software.
We had built custom interface boards with extremely tight voltage and noise requirements due to the extreme environment we needed to test products in. Autotest was able to build test interface boards with included custom tests programs that best allow for testing voltages in the 1-3V range while having resolution precision measurements at 0.2% at extremely low noise. Autotest was able to harness expertise from its engineering staff experience in the semiconductor testing and using on board instrumentation built onto the interface boards keeping traces and wiring to an absolute minimum and shortest length so as not to introduce noise. Those signals were then passed onto the legacy ATE test suite for recording and reporting to the QC & Production departments, along with engineering.
Finally, we entered a partnership with a large aerospace company that involves a long-term commitment to support. Autotest has built and updated our customers’ systems annually along with adding at least one new system to increase this customer’s
Over the years we have built systems for nearly every industry and niche, recently our business has been focused in two areas of high reliability power supply testing in aerospace and medical.
throughput, service, and support to their end customers. This machine has become an Autotest staple over the past 6 years, and we believe it will take beyond the middle of the 2020’s and perhaps into 2030’s.
In 2027, Autotest will CELEBRATE 50 years in business. Not many businesses can claim that milestone. Autotest commitment to long term support for our customers and their bespoke ATE systems built over the years which we believe speaks volumes to Mr.
Cox’s original vision and we know we will be there another 45 years with the add-ons of new young engineers eager to continue Mr. Cox’s vision.
For further information, please visit www.autotest.com
Modern industrial machinery is already benefitting from Industry 4.0 and digitalization with predictive maintenance solutions that can identify potential issues before they develop into unplanned downtime. The next step is providing live, expert technical support from a remote location using virtual and augmented reality, enabling local technicians to recreate their machinery virtually and receive step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting and maintenance operations.
Greg Griggs, Sales Engineer for Burckhardt Compression, looks at how the industrial metaverse is bringing a host of benefits to operators in challenging locations.
Reciprocating compressors are working across the world in refineries, gas transfer stations and offshore installations, which makes many of them difficult to access. Rather than wait for days for support to arrive, mobile devices such as phones, tablets or virtual reality (VR) wearables will become commonplace. By scanning the local environment and recreating it in the cloud, it is possible for remote experts to assess the situation and provide live feedback and support.
The advent of the metaverse has enabled the secure exchange of huge amounts of data with greatly reduced costs. The technology has developed quickly and now it is possible to use virtual, augmented and mixed realities to deliver live expert support to technicians.
Even in areas where the local networks have low bandwidth, this technology can still be useful. The use of sophisticated data
compression techniques enables these important communication processes to reach almost any point on the globe.
There are many industrial sites that are difficult to access, even impossible at certain times of the year, and many of Burckhardt Compression’s customers operate offshore or in hard-to-reach locations. This situation can be made more challenging with the zoning of certain areas due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres. This severely limits the tools and equipment that can be operated in these settings, adding to the complexity of delivering maintenance support.
In the past, modern communications would have stretched to phone calls, faxes or more recently video calls, each of which has their own drawbacks. On-site support for operators in challenging locations is key to continued reliability but flying specialists in by helicopter is limited
by available resources and budgets.
Delays in receiving technical support or long waits to resolve issues can have very significant consequences for a business. The advent of highspeed internet and virtual reality has led to a huge step forward in communications technology, which has the potential to drastically reduce unplanned downtime. Realtime support is the ideal solution to investigating a problem; technicians can be guided, step-by-step, with live feedback to address the findings as they appear.
It is now possible for subject matter experts (SMEs) to communicate more easily, to discuss technical issues in depth on a one-to-one basis with ability to overlay technical drawings and images to support the understanding of the subject.
The ability of two remote teams to simultaneously look at the same data, decide on the best course of action
and implement changes to prevent a reoccurrence is a step-change in modern maintenance support. Data is crucial in understanding the operating conditions of a machine and the increased analysis capabilities of modern algorithms can support predictive maintenance programs.
Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have paved the way for massive improvements in diagnostics and communications. The ability to access large amounts of data and quickly analyze it also offers benefits for planned maintenance.
For example, taking reciprocating compressors used on LNG transport vessels, there is a requirement for these ships to undergo dry-dock inspections every five years. Data analysis can be used to predict the expected service life of the equipment and highlight any components that may need attention in between planned overhauls.
As part of the Burckhardt Compression family, PROGNOST is a world leader in industrial equipment monitoring and these advances in communications technology have enabled its portfolio of solutions to be expanded. From a simple setup of a few temperature and vibration sensors connected to a PLC, to a complete sensor array providing
Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have paved the way for massive improvements in diagnostics and communications.
data to a secure monitoring site that analyses the information roundthe-clock for possible anomalies, PROGNOST is equally adept.
Now, wireless sensors are rapidly evolving, which means that a comprehensive data capture system can be installed without the need for
experienced engineers on site. These systems, wired or not, can be used for cost-effective, short-term multichannel data collection for root cause analysis as well as long-term process optimization for improved reliability and sustainability.
However, one of the major concerns of corporations, large and small, is the possibility of their data being compromised on the internet. Data security is the top priority of all providers of digital services and Burckhardt Compression holds the ISA/IEC 62443-4-1 certification for cyber security, which ensures the company’s solutions provide robust protection against recognized cyber threats.
The increased use of technology in everyday maintenance is becoming more accepted, but that is no reason to become complacent. Data security is extremely important and equipment operators should always seek assurances and evidence that the proper security protocols are in place.
The continued development of the metaverse and the tools capable of exploiting its benefits will enable expert engineers and local technicians to be in the same virtual space, looking at the same machinery and data simultaneously. Offering step-by-step guidance with immediate feedback, this technology has the potential to significantly improve machine reliability, efficiency and sustainability.
For further information, please visit www.burckhardtcompression.com
Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies, a subsidiary of the Curtiss-Wright Corporation, boasts a global network with over 70 worldwide locations, providing material surface treatments, protective coatings, high tech processes and much more for the aerospace, automotive, oil & gas, subsea, medical, and power generation sectors. They increase the performance life of metal components by protecting them against premature failure using their high performance metal surface technology.
Offering customers a single point of contact and source solution for controlled metal surface treatments, Curtiss-Wright are specialists in metal surface treatment, and strive to improve and reduce turnaround times and costs for their clients. Indeed, their history dates back to 1929, when the Wright Brothers and Glen Curtiss founded the CurtissWright Corporation. The Metal Improvement Company was established in 1946, which was then
Among their lauded engineering coating services, Curtiss-Wright also offers thermal spray coating.
acquired by Curtiss-Wright in 1968. With nearly 90 years of history to draw upon, Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies are unequivocal experts in their field.
Some of the practical applications and benefits of their services include controlled shot peening, which is excellent for reducing fatigue and stress corrosion cracking, shot peen forming for creating curvature in aircraft, laser peening, CASE Isotropic finishing, parylene conformal coatings and much more.
Among their lauded engineering coating services, Curtiss-Wright also offers thermal spray coating. Their thermal spray and High Velocity Oxygen Fuel spray coatings can be seen in use throughout aerospace, automotive, oil and
gas, and much more. Essentially, thermal coatings offer a costeffective and high performance alternative to hard chrome plating, providing a finish that protects metals from heat, wear, oxidation and corrosion. HVOF thermal spray coating has numerous advantages, including being able to be used with metals, alloys, ceramics and carbides. Not only that, but it also provides outstanding bond strength to withstand against extreme mechanical loads.
What’s more, their solid Film Lubricant and Liquid Component Coatings provide long lasting lubrication, and protection against friction and galling within harsh operating environments.
If you would like to find out more about Curtiss-Wright and their many specialisms, you can get in contact with the team using the details provided below. For more information and case studies on their services, be sure to head over to the website.
l Thermal Spray & HVOF Coatings
l Thermal Spray & HVOF Coatings
l Dry film lubricants - MoS2, PTFE, Graphite, WS2
l Dry film lubricants - MoS2, PTFE, Graphite, WS2
l Coatings for corrosion, chemical & environmental protection
l Coatings for corrosion, chemical & environmental protection
l Titanium anodising
l Titanium anodising
l Zinc rich coatings for corrosion protection
l Zinc rich coatings for corrosion protection
l Impingment coating processes for ultra thin solid film lubricants
l Impingment coating processes for ultra thin solid film lubricants
l Nonstick/release coatings for low coefficients of friction
l Nonstick/release coatings for low coefficients of friction
l Primers for rubber and plastics for sound absorbing and dampening materials
l Primers for rubber and plastics for sound absorbing and dampening materials
l High temperature resistant coatings
l High temperature resistant coatings
l Rare earth magnet coatings
l Rare earth magnet coatings
l Coatings for EMI/RFI shielding provide highly conductive coatings and platings to control electromagnetic interference
l Coatings for EMI/RFI shielding provide highly conductive coatings and platings to control electromagnetic interference
l Ultra thin conformal parylene coating to reduce friction and protect against contamination
l Ultra thin conformal parylene coating to reduce friction and protect against contamination
l Pre-treatments including Ti Anodising, Phosphate Conversion Coating and Chilled Iron Blasting, Aluminum Oxide Blasting and Vapour Degreasing
l Pre-treatments including Ti Anodising, Phosphate Conversion Coating and Chilled Iron Blasting, Aluminum Oxide Blasting and Vapour Degreasing
New Knowledge Hubs initiative at MACH 2024 identifies when manufacturers should adopt new technology, designed to improve productivity, efficiency and reduce costs
Reversing UK manufacturing’s poor record for adopting new technology will be tackled head on at MACH 2024 as The Manufacturing Technologies Association (MTA) launches its new Knowledge Hubs initiative, showcasing how to adopt new technology to improve productivity and efficiency in manufacturing.
The programme showcases new technology that is readily available to UK manufacturers, helping them to understand the potential adopting such technology can bring to their operation, as well as when to adopt it and how to implement it to best effect.
The Knowledge Hubs initiative will have dedicated stands across the event, each focusing on a particular type of technology including Automation and Robotics, Sustainable Solutions, Additive Manufacturing, Consumable Tooling, and Data and Artificial Intelligence.
In recognition of the importance being placed on these hubs, each is being managed by one of the specialist centres from the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, such as the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC).
The Catapult network is recognised for the cutting-edge research and development work being conducted at its various centres. The network collaborates with thousands of
innovative businesses across a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing, space, health, digital, energy, transport, telecoms, the urban environment and many others.
The MTA, which organises the MACH event on behalf of the engineering-based manufacturing community, has been campaigning for greater adoption of new technology for some time. It will expand upon this at MACH 2024, which opens its doors at the NEC in Birmingham on 15th April, by explaining that implementing proven, readily available techniques in manufacturing processes is the fastest way to boost the UK’s output.
James Selka DL, CEO of the MTA, said: “The MTA is part of a united front of UK manufacturing organisations, along with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and MACH 2024 Headline Sponsor Lloyds Bank, to increase the uptake of technologies such as automation and robotics.”
“Only by embracing what the hubs are trying to achieve will the UK restore its position as a sovereign manufacturer, re-establishing itself as a major player on the global stage.”
“To have brand agnostic input from the High Value Manufacturing Catapult network, running our Knowledge Hubs, is an indication of the importance these organisations place on our initiative. Combined with the ability to see advanced technology, live and in action, in a fully working state – MACH 2024 is a must-visit for all the UK’s manufacturing community.”
The need for this approach was recently brought into sharp focus in a new report highlighting the UK’s lack of investment in technology and its poor adoption of robotics in industry. The figures, from the International Federation of Robotics, showed the UK languishing outside the top 20 developed nations in terms of the global utilisation of industrial robots in manufacturing – lagging not just behind the economic superpowers, but also the likes of Spain and Finland.
The Automation and Robotics Knowledge Hub will showcase how easily the technology can be adopted into existing manufacturing operations, automating repeatable processes, improving accuracy and consistency, and reducing repetitive and monotonous tasks.
For further information, please visit www.machexhibition.com
The countdown to MACH 2024, the UK’s national event for inspiring, innovating and connecting manufacturing, has reached an important landmark, with just one year to go before the doors to the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham open for the UK’s national event for engineering-based manufacturing.
In recognition of the landmark – and reaffirming their commitment to UK manufacturing – Lloyds Bank have confirmed their headline sponsorship of MACH 2024, the sixth time they have done so. MACH is the UK’s only live, national event showcasing sustainable, innovative technologies used across the manufacturing spectrum and is the destination of choice for companies looking to adopt and invest in the digital revolution.
Commenting on the new deal, James Selka DL, Chief Executive Officer at the Manufacturing Technologies Association said; “We are delighted to again be working with Lloyds Bank –this time on the promotion of MACH 2024. Being owned by the industry, for the benefit of the industry, the MTA’s primary aim is to help and support the sector we represent to do business, boosting the UK’s manufacturing performance and enabling UK PLC to compete at a global level. Manufacturing is the heartbeat of the UK economy and growing a resilient manufacturing industry has never been more important. Lloyds Bank is an ideal partner for MACH as we share common goals and commitments.”
A key theme of MACH 2024, which takes place between 15-19th April, will be around sustainability, supporting
UK manufacturers transition to a low-carbon, sustainable business model. Dave Atkinson, UK Head of Manufacturing at Lloyds Bank commented; “Making the transition to Net Zero represents a significant growth opportunity for the UK economy, particularly for the manufacturing sector. However, we must invest in technology and skills to support such an ambitious change. Lloyds Bank are delighted to again sponsor MACH – the UK’s national showcase for the best in next-generation manufacturing technologies.”
As a full working week event, MACH exhibitors power their equipment and technology on display, demonstrating latest techniques and trends to improve productivity, reducing material resource and energy used in the process – helping to ensure a sustainable future, contributing to the drive towards Net Zero.
Attracting new talent into the engineering-based manufacturing sector is another key driver for
growth and a shared focus for both the MTA and Lloyds Bank. James Selka continues; “The MTA invests in a dedicated Education and Development Zone at MACH, successfully attracting over 3,000 students in the key age range of 1118. The zone is designed to inspire a future generation into engineering as an exciting career, helping to close the skills gap by investing in people.”
With 12 months to go before the doors open at MACH 2024, the show is already well on the way to being a sell-out. Attracting an audience of more than 26,000 people to meet and network with around 500 exhibitors, business attributed to the event in 2022 amounted to more than £180m.
Lloyds Bank’s sponsorship deal also extends to the Engineering Supply Chain Show. This three-day event, co-located alongside MACH in 2024, is where engineering and manufacturing buyers go to find world-class suppliers, exclusively in the UK engineering and manufacturing supply chain.
For further information, please visit www.machexhibition.com
In an era where precision and innovation are paramount, QFS Manufacturing Ltd emerges as the leader of metallic prototyping and turn-key solutions. Our mission is clear: to transform your visionary concepts into tangible creations with unmatched efficiency and speed. Our adaptability and flexible manufacturing capabilities ensure we meet the unique needs of our clients. We are dedicated to fostering strong, equitable partnerships and nurturing a thriving ecosystem of innovation and growth.
At QFS Manufacturing, our spectrum of services encompasses everything from adept in-house design to advanced simulation software, ensuring the seamless integration and rapid delivery of high-quality components. Specialising in metallic prototype parts and low to medium volume production.
Our technological prowess is evident in our comprehensive manufacturing capabilities. From our remarkable laser cutting facilities featuring Trumpf 5-Axis Lasers and Amada Ventis Fibre Laser to our bending, folding, and pressing capabilities, we embody precision and efficiency. Our team recently completed an impressive 72-piece Cross Car Beam assembly. This complex assembly was comprised of three sizable sub-assemblies, a mix of flat and fold components, pressed components, and a wide range of machined components.
We’ve also celebrated the successful modification of a hood hinge variant and a carryover modified Rockshield. We’ve showcased the adaptability and versatility of our production capabilities, all while working on an intricate tube fabrication project, affectionately known as “Bunny Bars.” Using bespoke aluminium extrusions and precision machined blocks, our talented team ensured the highest quality of this assembly with the help of our 5-Axis Laser and expert welding.
We invite you to experience the future of manufacturing at the MACH exhibition, where our team is in Hall 6 Stand 6-34 where we will be showcasing our cutting-edge solutions and on hand to discuss potential partnerships. Join us on this progressive journey and discover how QFS Manufacturing can bring your concepts to life.
QFS Manufacturing Ltd: Where Innovation Meets Excellence. WWW.QFSMANUFACTURING.COM
Industrial automation specialist FANUC UK will showcase a range of real-world robotic innovations at MACH 2024, including an affordable muti-axis turning and machining solution aimed at helping manufacturers in the aerospace, automotive, utilities and energy supply chains reduce cycle times, cut costs, save space and boost production efficiency.
As well as EDM wire cutting, aerospace cobot drilling and educational solutions, the centrepiece of the FANUC stand will be an advanced ROBODRILL machine, equipped with a 24k spindle and mounted with a Nikken two-axis high speed rotary table, featuring a built-in direct drive motor that achieves 1500rpm. In operation throughout the entire five days of the show, the demonstration cell will produce finished scroll compressor aluminium housings, showcasing live to visitors the costsaving and performance benefits to be gained from combining machining and turning processes.
Less than three metres long and a little over two metres wide, the ROBODRILL/Nikken solution is a truly lean machine with a compact footprint.
“FANUC and Nikken have worked together to create a combined machining/turning cell with an extended range of functionality, offered at a fraction of the cost of machines with similar capabilities,” says Oliver Selby, Head of UK Sales at FANUC UK.
“At the heart of the solution is our D21LiB5ADV Plus ROBODRILL,
which is a three-axis machine in its core configuration. The Nikken table adds a further two axes, allowing users to turn and machine components on the same unit,” Oliver explains. “This is a real breakthrough, which brings the functionality of million-pound machines within reach of SMEs at a significantly lower cost, helping them to become more competitive and consider undertaking work that would previously have been unavailable to them.”
Less than three metres long and a little over two metres wide, the ROBODRILL/Nikken solution is a truly lean machine with a compact footprint. It features a Nikken 5AX-201 tilting rotary table with pneumatic clamping, enabling difficult-to-hold components to be quickly mounted and changed. In addition, access from all sides means the majority of operations can be completed in one hit, optimising machine tool and operators’ time.
Cobot applications in action
Also available to visitors to the FANUC stand at MACH 2024 will be:
• An aerospace drilling cell comprising a CRX-25iA cobot, developed by FANUC partner Electroimpact. Delivering accessible and cost-effective prevalidated drilling functionality for the aerospace sector, it offers manufacturers improved reliability, repeatability and traceability compared to current manual practices.
• An automated robot machine tool loader, developed in conjunction with YMT Technologies, alongside a D21MiB5ADV Plus ROBODRILL.
Finally, as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to encouraging a pipeline of new talent into engineering, manufacturing and automation, the FANUC stand will also host a turning and milling education simulator and a new-to-market ROBOT G-code solution with a FANUC Education cell. Controlled by a proprietary FANUC CNC unit, it features all the real-world functions required to teach core robotics programming and operating skills and help inspire the next generation to realise their career ambitions.
To discover more about FANUC UK’s range of automated systems to improve manufacturers’ efficiency, visit stand 6-350 at MACH 2024, NEC Birmingham, 15-19 April 2024.
For further information, please visit www.fanuc.eu/uk/en
MACH 2024, already expected to be one of the most important exhibitions in the event’s illustrious history, is also set to the most sustainable. With challenges mounting for the UK’s engineeringbased manufacturers, MACH 2024 organiser, the Manufacturing Technologies Association is taking a proactive approach to the current situation with a show-ready ethos that promotes the green agenda while offering exhibitors costeffective solutions for attractive stands that won’t break the budget.
The approach is in keeping with recommendations from the Association of Event Organisers, which has recently published guidance for Venues, Contractor and Organisers to promote more sustainable events not just in terms of environmental impact, but true sustainability for encouraging talent and diversity, greener events and social responsibility.
James Selka DL, CEO of the MTA, said: “Let me be clear, this not a greenwashing exercise. As a not-forprofit enterprise with a strong ethos for socially responsible business decisions, the MTA is adopting the AEO guidance into its way of working as it is the right thing to do, both ethically and financially.
“We are working on a number of initiatives for the 2024 exhibition, both planned and in place, and while we are by no means fully there yet, the influence on the show will be considerable and set the tone for future events. Exhibitors and our host venue, the NEC in Birmingham, are supportive of the changes we are
making, and I thank them for their help.”
Examples of the sustainability approach include the re-use of the MTA exhibition stand from MACH 2022, the development of a ‘Green Mark’ badge of honour for exhibitors adopting re-used stands and as far as possible, a digital-only approach to marketing material to reduce unnecessary printing. Other initiatives are set to follow in the coming months, while the NEC’s own plan includes an LED light replacement programme, zero waste to landfill policy and recycling sent to a plant just seven miles from its campus to reduce unnecessary transport miles.
In keeping with this, examples of show readiness will include the use of lightweight materials so more can be stored in fewer vehicles, thereby reducing transport emissions, the encouragement of electric commercial vehicles, the re-use of show fabrics and carpets, the adoption of low-energy LED lighting, the use of solvent-free ink and where possible, the re-use or hiring of stand furniture and fittings.
This will benefit exhibitors as it helps with their own green agenda, and it also makes it easier for them to turn up of the day of the event to a good looking show stand that is all set for them to start exhibiting.
“This is the first time we will be offering this show-ready service and aside from the environmental benefits, it also means exhibitors can budget better as it enables them to fix and spread the cost of both stand space and stand build. This will also facilitate better cash flow and a lower administrational burden on their staff,” added Mr Selka.
However, one thing that will not be changing is the spirit of the event, with MACH remaining the national manufacturing show run by the industry for the industry.
This has been enhanced by developments within the MTA and its adoption of a new engineering-based manufacturing cluster containing both the Engineering Industries Association (EIA) and AMUK, the UK’s only trade association for Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing.
Each of member of the cluster will have a strong presence at the show. The EIA will again be organising its Engineering Supply Chain Show, while AMUK is advocating through the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Zone.
Co-locating the EIA with MACH 2024 also offers additional sustainability gains as it negates the need for a separate show with the costs that would entail, both commercially and environmentally.
For further information, please visit www.machexhibition.com/about-us/about-the-organisers
Quality Control Technology are a one stop solution for all your business CMM requirements, we have the largest stock of New and Refurbished CMM’s in the UK, with over 30 years’ experience of CMM service, calibration and repair.
Quality Control Technology are a one stop solution for all your business CMM requirements, we have the largest stock of New and Refurbished CMM’s in the UK, with over 30 years’ experience of CMM service, calibration and repair.
New CMMs
New CMMs
The ‘Quantum 4 CMM Range’ is built and designed at QCT’s UK works and is available in a variety of standard frame sizes, other sizes can be built on request. All CMM’s are supplied with our bespoke software and interfaces. The Quantum 4 offers outstanding build quality and cost to performance ratio.
The ‘Quantum 4 CMM Range’ is built and designed at QCT’s UK works and is available in a variety of standard frame sizes, other sizes can be built on request. All CMM’s are supplied with our bespoke software and interfaces. The Quantum 4 offers outstanding build quality and cost to performance ratio.
The ACE arm offers portable measuring capability for the largest of projects as well as the flexibility to take the measuring machine to the object. Like our Quantum range, the Ace measuring arm offers exceptional quality and is the perfect system for contact and noncontact 3D measurements with the addition of the laser scanning options.
The ACE arm offers portable measuring capability for the largest of projects as well as the flexibility to take the measuring machine to the object. Like our Quantum range, the Ace measuring arm offers exceptional quality and is the perfect system for contact and noncontact 3D measurements with the addition of the laser scanning options.
Refurbished CMMs
At QCT we only select high quality used machines, completely strip and overhaul them. Each used machine is rigorously tested, with all pneumatic pipes replaced, air bearings removed, cleaned, serviced & refitted. Electronics are tested & unsupported items are replaced with new. The original interface and controller are replaced with QCT’s own along with a new computer and operating system. QCT refurbished machines are supplied as a full turnkey package, fully backed with a comprehensive warranty. Re-using the frame of a pre-used CMM means that fewer resources are required to produce them, reducing their carbon footprint.
At QCT we only select high quality used machines, completely strip and overhaul them. Each used machine is rigorously tested, with all pneumatic pipes replaced, air bearings removed, cleaned, serviced & refitted. Electronics are tested & unsupported items are replaced with new. The original interface and controller are replaced with QCT’s own along with a new computer and operating system. QCT refurbished machines are supplied as a full turnkey package, fully backed with a comprehensive warranty. Re-using the frame of a pre-used CMM means that fewer resources are required to produce them, reducing their carbon footprint.
QCT also
Service and Calibration of All CMM’s
an ongoing calibration and service contract package to ensure your CMM is operating at its optimum.
QCT also offers an ongoing calibration and service contract package to ensure your CMM is operating at its optimum.
In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, every pack of oral solid dosage (OSD) form and its content must be carefully inspected to guarantee that it meets quality standards and complies with regulatory requirements. While traditional control methods have considerable limitations, by adopting advanced vision inspection methods, manufacturers can transform blister pack inspections into an extremely accurate, precise and efficient operation.
Matt Jones, Account Manager at Optimal Industrial Automation, looks at how state-of-the-art vision systems can advance quality control activities on blister packs.
In the world of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, packaging is paramount. Among the variety of packaging solutions available, blister packs have emerged as a popular choice due to their versatility, costeffectiveness, and tamper-evident features. The individual pockets on the packs protect each OSD form, ensuring precise dosing, tamper evidence and prolonged shelf life. However, their effectiveness depends heavily on the accuracy of the packaging process, therefore, their inspection is a crucial task.
This quality control activity should detect defects in OSD forms, such as chipped or broken tablets as well as any foreign objects on them, and
ensure that the right medicaments are being packed. In particular, for lines that process multiple medicines, there should not be any mix-up. It is also vital to spot any empty pocket or OSDs that have been incorrectly positioned within the blister packaging. Following this analysis, any off-spec blister pack needs to be discarded.
Traditional quality control methods, such as manual inspections or basic machinery, often fall short in guaranteeing the required level of precision and reliability. Furthermore, they can contribute to extended, ineffective cycle times. Industrial automation solutions that leverage high-power vision systems
can play a key role in effective and responsive inspection of blister packs.
Vision systems typically combine cameras, sensors, lighting and advanced software to capture and analyse images of blister packs as they move through production lines. More precisely, the process begins with high-resolution cameras and lights strategically positioned to generate and capture detailed images. The number and their placement depend on the complexity of the inspection required and the specific setup. For example, various lighting techniques can be used. These include diffuse, direct and backlighting, to eliminate shadows, reflections or other image distortions.
Once the images are captured, they are processed by powerful algorithms. These are designed to detect and analyse specific features, irregularities, defects and other attributes of the blister packsand the tablets within - that could compromise product quality or safety. The software compares the images against predefined criteria to determine whether each pack meets the required quality standards.
Blister packs that pass the inspection are allowed to move to any downstream operation, while those that have been flagged are automatically diverted and rejected from the line. This ensures that only compliant packs make their way to the next stages.
Vision systems can also provide detailed data and documentation of the inspection process, including images of inspected blister packs, timestamps and records of any defects detected. This information can support comprehensive reporting and quality auditing activities to ensure regulatory compliance. Even more, they support traceability strategies.
With the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) evolving
State-of-the-art vision systems can advance quality control activities, improving speed, accuracy and end results (Image source: iStock: 1607466465)
considerably, vision systems are deemed to become even more complex, accurate and smarter. For example, they can integrate increasingly advanced spectral functions, sensors, pattern recognition algorithms and data processing functions. Thanks to these, they can detect subtle anomalies that may not otherwise be identifiable.
Even more, thanks to the latest progress in unsupervised machine learning and deep learning, creating accurate vision systems is becoming quicker. This ultimately streamlines key project and helps end users benefit from quick returns on investment (ROI). Additionally, the development of innovative 3D vision technology will allow vision systems to provide even more detailed and accurate quality control, particularly for complex blister pack designs.
Case study: integrating advanced inspection machines in existing facilities
When a tablet manufacturer was surprised by the sudden breakdown of its three blister pack inspection machines, it was necessary to manually scrutinise products as a temporary yet highly expensive
solution. To overcome this issue and restart automated operations, the company contacted Optimal Industrial Automation, which could provide responsive, localised support and deliver a robust, futureoriented setup.
The new inspection machines developed by the industrial automation specialist consist of two vision systems monitoring the products as the move on a conveyor. The first component identifies a faulty item and tracks it, while the second, located at the end of the line, rejects any unsuitable pack.
The three identical solutions look for colour, shape and dimensions, as well as absence of OSD forms. They are also highly versatile, as they can be used by the manufacturer to monitor different medicaments.
Finally, the setups were seamlessly integrated with existing assets on the shop floor. In particular, to support the advanced functions of the new machines as well as the needs of the remaining equipment, Optimal replaced the controller with a more powerful PLC. This can handle data-intense operations while offering a scalable framework that enables future upgrades.
For further information, please visit www.optimal-ltd.co.uk
A customer required a pallet transfer system for the production of gate valves for water pipes, on which the valves could be assembled and buffered. The system needed to transport the valves to the customer’s dipping station where they would be checked for leaks. Three valves are processed on each pallet, making a total weight of up to 250 kg per pallet. The pallets had to have the option to be stopped at the assembly stations. The conveying path needed to be at an ergonomic working height and be secured in accordance with accident prevention regulations (UVV).
The transfer system supplied by mk was constructed out of chain conveyors and accumulating roller chain conveyors. The profile series used was selected to suit the loads being processed. The conveyors form a circuit on which the alignment of the pallets always remains the same, meaning that there was no need for rotating elements. The pallets are stopped for processing at the assembly stations. Here, the pallets are aligned longitudinally to the conveying direction, allowing workers to easily reach every workpiece. Pressing a button releases the pallet again. On the buffering section, the pallets are transported transversely to the conveying direction. This allows a large number of pallets to be buffered one behind the other in a small space. At the transfer to the customer’s dipping station, the pallets are stopped again and transported further as soon as the dipping station becomes free again. The controller and sensors were installed by the customer themselves.
roller chain or a duplex roller chain for higher loads and a larger support surface.
Like all chain conveyors, the system can be equipped with an optional tensioning device and continuous lubrication device.
The customer benefitted from the considerable experience of mk in transfer and circulation systems and could rely on them to understand the requirements and execute the best solution.
The KTF-P 2010 chain conveyor is a conveyor system for moderate loads and is ideally suited for transporting workpiece carriers. Its large selection of drives makes it extremely flexible, and it is usually used as the basis for constructing transfer lines. It is available as a single, dual or multiple line system with either a simple
Tel (01949) 823751, email
The various chains and wear strip guides allow the workpiece to be optimally placed on the conveyor, while their excellent anti-frictional properties make them extremely low maintenance and sturdy.
Longitudinal slots in the mk 2010 profile beam provide flexible options for connecting struts, guides, sensors and components from the mk profile system.
Like all chain conveyors, the system can be equipped with an optional tensioning device and continuous lubrication device.
The wear and guide strips that support and guide the timing belt are made from ultra-highmolecular weight polyethylene (PE-UHMW), which provides a low friction coefficient with excellent wear characteristics over a wide temperature range (up to 65°C over extended periods).
info@mkprofiles.co.uk or visit www.mkprofiles.co.uk
Ideal as a twin or multiple lane system for transporting pallets or workpiece holders
Load capacity: Up to 500kg
Suitable for dirty and oily environments
Sturdy & low maintenance
Marc Segura, President ABB Robotics Division, identifies three drivers for robotics-driven AI solutions in 2024, as ABB continues expansion in new segments not previously served by robotic automation.
“The coming year will see a growing focus on the critical role of AI,” said Marc Segura, President ABB Robotics Division. “From mobile robots and cobots, to enabling new robotic applications in new sectors and creating new opportunities for people to learn and develop, these new frontiers for AI are redefining the future of industrial robotics.”
1 - AI will drive new levels of autonomy in robotic applications
Accelerating progress in AI is redefining what is possible with industrial robotics. AI is enhancing everything from robots’ ability to grip, pick and place as well as their ability to map and navigate through dynamic environments. From mobile robots to cobots and beyond, AI is giving robots unprecedented levels of speed, accuracy, and payload carrying ability, enabling them to take on more tasks in settings like flexible factories, warehouses, logistics centers and laboratories.
“AI-enabled mobile robots can transform sectors like discrete manufacturing, logistics and laboratories,” said Segura. “Robots equipped with ABB’s new Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (Visual SLAM) technology, for example, have advanced mapping and navigation skills, granting new levels of autonomy, while greatly reducing the infrastructure needed by previous generations of guided robots. This
paves the way for a shift from linear production lines to dynamic networks, creating significant efficiencies and taking on more dull, dirty and dangerous tasks, to enable workers to take up more rewarding jobs.”
2 - AI will see robots enter new sectors
The potential offered by AI-enabled robotics is influencing sectors far beyond manufacturing. In 2024, these technologies are expected to bring substantial efficiency improvements to more dynamic environments, such as healthcare and life sciences, as well as retail. Another example is the construction industry, where AIpowered robotics can make a material contribution to boosting productivity, enhancing safety and sustainable construction practices while spurring growth.
“The construction industry is a great example of a sector where AI-powered robots will prove transformative, delivering real value by addressing many of the issues facing the industry today, including worker shortages, safety issues and stagnant productivity,” said Segura. “Abilities such as enhanced recognition and decisionmaking offered by AI, coupled with advances in collaborative robots enable safe deployment alongside
workers. These advances also enable robots to perform key tasks such as bricklaying, modular assembly and 3D printing with greater precision and speed, all while contributing to more sustainable construction by lowering emissions, such as concrete mixing on site, to reducing the need to transport materials across far distances with onsite assembly”
3 - AI will offer new opportunities for education and working with robots
The advances being made in AI and robotics is significant for training and education, closing the automation skills gap and making robots more accessible to more people and businesses. With AI making programming easier, through leadthrough and even natural language, education can shift more towards how robots can assist humans more effectively, rather than just teaching programming skills. This transition will make robots more approachable and bring them to a wider audience, leading to new job prospects while helping alleviate labor and skills shortages.
“A shortage of people with the skills needed to program and support robots has long been a hurdle to the uptake of robotic automation, especially in small to medium sized manufacturing companies,” said Segura. “We will see this increasingly being overcome as advances in generative AI lower the barriers to automation and expand the focus of education beyond programming. Developments in natural language programming, powered by AI in which workers can verbally instruct a robot in its task, will create a new dynamic in human-robot interactions.”
For further information, please visit go.abb/robotics
Quirepace manufacture the BVC range of Industrial Vacuum Cleaners. BVC is the original “British Vacuum Cleaners”, and the majority of the current range is manufactured here in the UK in Quirepace’s Fareham factory.
The BVC range of Industrial Vacuum Cleaners is specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of manufacturing and processing operations by offering robustness, efficiency, heavyduty construction and excellent after-sales back-up.
There are two separate and distinct applications for Industrial Vacuum Cleaners within manufacturing facilities. The first is for general housekeeping; a clean environment is a safe environment. The BVC range offers vacuum cleaner solutions for all products and environments, and in particular offers M-Class and H-Class machines designed specifically to collect hazardous materials or which are designed to operate in ATEX designated zones.
The second application for Industrial Vacuum Cleaners within process and manufacturing is where the machine is integrated directly in to the workflow.
With design and production in-house, Quirepace are able to customise standard machines for bespoke applications.
This integration may be physical adaptations to direct the vacuum to a particular part of the work area and/or may be control integrations to enable the
equipment to be actuated directly by the process controls. For example, BVC models in the IV62, Ti60 and Ti80 ranges all offer the option for control through contacts suitable for interface to external control systems.
A huge range of hoses, tools and accessories are available, and Quirepace carry extensive stocks of consumables and spare parts ensuring BVC Industrial Vacuum Cleaners can be relied upon to deliver robust performance whenever and wherever needed.
Quirepace offer demonstrations on site, and the knowledgeable and experienced sales team will guide the user to the perfect solution for the application.
bvcsales@quirepace.co.uk | www.quirepace.co.uk | 023 9260 3700
Aurrigo International plc has started its programme with International Airlines Group (IAG) at Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) for the deployment and demonstration of its autonomous baggage tractor, AutoDollyTug®.
To mark the start of the partnership, the parties gathered at CVG, a leading airport in autonomous technology.
“This relationship is an important milestone for us as it will be our first aviation operation in the USA - a key target market. This year we will have our autonomous vehicles operating at airports in the UK, Europe, Asia and now the US, showing the clear demand there is in the aviation sector for our technology,” said Aurrigo CEO, Professor David Keene.
“We’re pleased to be partnering with IAG, the parent company of British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, Vueling and LEVEL, beyond the UK and to be building a presence at a key international airport.
“We are demonstrating vehicles that are designed from the ground up to be electric and autonomous to provide substantial efficiency improvements in future ground handling operations.”
The meeting today marks the project kick-off for an initial deployment of one Auto-DollyTug® scheduled for spring of 2024.
This ground-breaking technology brings collaboration across the public and private sector, from the airport, airline and ground handlers
integrating the solution to the region that it will benefit.
Candace McGraw, Chief Executive Officer at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, went on to add: “As one of the fastestgrowing passenger and cargo hubs in the US and globally, CVG is always looking for innovative technologies to improve capacity and efficiency.”
“We look forward to working with Aurrigo and IAG to identify potential solutions to address many of the issues that aviation currently faces, such as staffing shortages, safety, capacity and environmental concerns, among others.”
Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio added his support: “As the birthplace of aviation, Ohioans are quick to welcome new technologies that improve air travel.
“The world is better connected to Greater Cincinnati than ever before, and Aurrigo’s decision to test their first autonomous baggage dollies in the United States at CVG will advance the airport’s efficiencies and strengthen the region’s economic competitiveness.”
On successful completion of the demonstration through 2024, Aurrigo expects that this will lead to the expansion of additional vehicles in 2025.
Auto-DollyTug® is an all-electric, autonomous vehicle that combines the utility of a baggage tractor, with the ULD (Unit Load device) carrying capability of an airport dolly all in one, making a more flexible and space efficient vehicle.
This means that a combination of an Auto-DollyTug® towing three trailers carries four ULDs, which is 30% more than a traditional tug set-up of the same overall length.
On successful completion of the demonstration through 2024, Aurrigo expects that this will lead to the expansion of additional vehicles in 2025.
Aurrigo’s technology also incorporates robotic arms on the body, allowing the vehicle to autonomously load and unload a ULD itself, for a truly end-to-end autonomous operation.
J.P. Nauseef, JobsOhio President and CEO, concluded: “Aurrigo’s decision to bring its autonomous baggage vehicles to the United States for the first time demonstrates the valuable
partnerships developed since British Airways launched its roundtrip service from Cincinnati to London last year.
“This new route, assisted through the JobsOhio Air Service Restoration Program and REDI Cincinnati, is attracting Aurrigo’s innovative products and services that will enhance CVG passengers’ travel experience.”
For more information, see www.aurrigo.com
RINGSPANN (U.K.) LTD. was founded in 1970 in Bedford. Since then we have grown steadily by offering world-class products & customer
RINGSPANN (U.K.) LTD. was founded in 1970 in Bedford. Since then we have grown steadily by offering world-class products & customer
Our warehouse is stocked with the vast majority of the items you find in our catalogues for next day delivery, with backup stock available from our international factories if required.
Our warehouse is stocked with the vast majority of the items you find in our catalogues for next day delivery, with backup stock available from our international factories if required.
We have a dedicated team of experienced engineers who cover each of our product areas Power Transmission, Workholding and RCS® Cables & Controls.
Our Power Transmission range incorporates Freewheels, Overrunning Clutches, Industrial Backstops, Industrial Brakes, Shaft Couplings and Shaft-HubConnections for use in many torque transmission applications such as industrial gears and geared motors, energy generation, material handling and food and packaging applications.
We have a dedicated team of experienced engineers who cover each of our product areas Power Transmission, Workholding and RCS® Cables & Controls. Our Power Transmission range incorporates Freewheels, Overrunning Clutches, Industrial Backstops, Industrial Brakes, Shaft Couplings and Shaft-HubConnections for use in many torque transmission applications such as industrial gears and geared motors, energy generation, material handling and food and packaging applications.
RINGSPANN workholding solutions specialise in clamping and centering of cylindrical internal and external surfaces. Typical components include automobile, gear and aircraft components.
RINGSPANN workholding solutions specialise in clamping and centering of cylindrical internal and external surfaces. Typical components include automobile, gear and aircraft components.
RCS® Cables cover both push / pull and pull only types and provide possibilities for configuration during manufacture. Thus creating a solution that fits the exact customer specification. Typical applications include high-end sports cars, mechanical safety devices and rail applications.
RCS® Cables cover both push / pull and pull only types and provide possibilities for configuration during manufacture. Thus creating a solution that fits the exact customer specification. Typical applications include high-end sports cars, mechanical safety devices and rail applications.
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any potential applications you may have now, or in the future, so please do not hesitate to contact us
We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any potential applications you may have now, or in the future, so please do not hesitate to contact us
We look forward to hearing from you soon …
We look forward to hearing from you soon …
Tony Gillard General Manager Tony Gillard General ManagerBrakes
The universal concept of the RINGSPANN Brakes ful lls various functions including emergency stopping, control braking and holding applications.
The universal concept of the RINGSPANN Brakes ful lls various functions including emergency stopping, control braking and holding applications.
Wide selection of Complete and Integral Freewheels to prevent reverse motion of conveyor belts, elevators, pumps, blowers and electric motors.
Wide selection of Complete and Integral Freewheels to prevent reverse motion of conveyor belts, elevators, pumps, blowers and electric motors.
Cone Clamping Elements for internal and external clamping provide the highest transmissible torques with shaft sizes up to 600 mm and Shrink Discs with transmissible torques up to 4225000 Nm.
Cone Clamping Elements for internal and external clamping provide the highest transmissible torques with shaft sizes up to 600 mm and Shrink Discs with transmissible torques up to 4225000 Nm.
Remote Control Systems
Remote Control Systems
Push and Pull Cables and Pull
Push and Pull Cables and Pull
Only Cables manufactured to the customers exact dimensions providing the highest e ciency without a stick-slip e ect.
Only Cables manufactured to the customers exact dimensions providing the highest e ciency without a stick-slip e ect.
RINGSPANN o ers a wide range of Couplings for applications where it is critical for torque to be transmitted to a torsionally rigid connection without backlash or misalignment
RINGSPANN o ers a wide range of Couplings for applications where it is critical for torque to be transmitted to a torsionally rigid connection without backlash or misalignment
Clamping Fixtures
Clamping Fixtures
Precision Clamping Fixtures based on the unique method of RINGSPANN clamping for thin or thick walled workpieces with long or short clamping lengths.
Precision Clamping Fixtures based on the unique method of RINGSPANN clamping for thin or thick walled workpieces with long or short clamping lengths.
WSCAD will showcase the expanded capabilities of its ELECTRIX ROCKET, a cutting-edge E-CAD solution tailored for electrical designers, switchgear manufacturers, building management, automation and electrical planning experts, at the Light + Building trade fair at the Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Centre from March 3rd to 8th, 2024.
This optimised building automation module is engineered to address the complex needs of the building automation sector, offering not only compliance with VDI 3814 and DIN EN ISO 16484 standards but also flexibility for innovative solutions. Key updates include the ability to automatically generate electrical schematics, state graphs, and process functional diagrams using innovative info linker symbols. Also, the inclusion of over 300 macros for building automation empowers users to streamline their planning and documentation processes.
ELECTRIX ROCKET enhances the digital building management landscape with the AMEV Building Automation Control Twin (BACtwin) technology. This digital twin framework revolutionises building management by facilitating efficient management from the initial planning stages through to maintenance. It fosters a structured exchange of information, championing collaboration and transparency, thereby elevating the overall quality of projects in the era of digital transformation.
Axel Zein, CEO of WSCAD GmbH, said, “Our professional Electrical-
CAD working environment merges swift, consistent planning with a transparent service for
customisable and cross-trade building automation. Eliminating the need to capture components and data multiple times avoids data inconsistencies and errors, which naturally leads to significant time savings.”
At Light + Building 2024, building automation design specialists and BACS companies involved in the comprehensive planning, design, installation, and commissioning of building automation systems, will see how WSCAD software simplifies the creation of BACS automation
Explore WSCAD’s ELECTRIX ROCKET at stand A36, Hall 11.0 at Light + Building 2024
schemes, logic flowcharts and function lists. WSCAD’s integration of building automation into its comprehensive electrical engineering solutions allows for a seamless transition from electrical schematics to control cabinet construction and electrical planning. This ensures that once data points are captured, they are consistently accessible throughout the workflow – from sensor inputs through electrical schematics to the programming of controllers.
Visitors to Light + Building can explore WSCAD’s ELECTRIX ROCKET at stand A36 in Hall 11.0 to see its capabilities in action.
For more information, visit www.wscad.com, where the software is available for purchase or subscription.
When you require something special, Helapet offers unrivalled flexibility in developing and manufacturing inline filter devices, specialising in custom-made designs. For over 35 years we have supplied filters for a range of vital applications across a wide variety of industries.
Designed for precise micron level filtration and clarification of particulates in air and liquids, each filter is produced in close consultation with our clients to ensure you receive the perfect filter first time.
Our selection of housing sizes, media options and connector types allow our clients to create the best filtration solution that can be used efficiently within or alongside several types of instrumentation, devices and equipment.
What we offer:
• A selection of disc housing diameters to suit sample flowrate and filtration requirements
• Wide media choice with pore sizes ranging from 0.1 to 100 micron. We can even use
You design, we create Helapet knows that no single filter can be suitable for the varied filtration applications that are used across industries.
Our new online design tool provides customers with a simple-to-use design wizard, combined with enhanced information to guide customers through the 100’s of available filter combinations.
clients’ own media
• Up to 10 inlet/outlet connector choices including hose barb, luer lock and pipe thread
• Tampo single colour printing of logos, instructions or part numbers on both inlet and outlet sides of the filter in a range of colour options
• Manufactured trial samples to test your prototype before final approval
• On-site cleanroom packing and testing. We also offer sterilisation services to optimise compliance
Sprinklers are an essential component of a building’s fire protection system. Automation can enhance safety, as well as ease of use, but this means that the control system requires its own protection. Grifen Sprinkler Solutions requested Spelsberg UK to provide high durability enclosures that could withstand the demanding environment. The service required digital printing as well as CNC machining, but it was essential for this customisation to maintain the integrity of the enclosure.
To protect from the threat of fire, sprinkler system design and manufacture is governed by strict standards. Though these regulations are highly robust, some sprinkler system manufacturers say that standards can be extended further.
“Key aspects of protecting a sprinkler system’s backup and maintenance, for example, are not completely included in the regulations, but ensuring the longterm electrical reliability of the system is important to optimise safety,” says Gary Noble, Managing Director of Grifen Sprinkler Solutions.
In the event of a water leak in the sprinkler system’s supply, the resulting pressure drop would typically cause the pump’s motor to temporarily kick in, as if it were reacting to the activation of the sprinklers. These motor re-starts would happen continuously, drawing repeated high current and damaging the motor’s windings. Instead, Grifen’s Asset Protect functionality upholds long-term reliability by putting the system into safe mode and generating an alert, enabling rapid maintenance.
The system’s electronics need a high level of protection. In the event of a fire, the enclosure must be able to withstand the initial heat.
Features like Asset Protect are the result of Grifen’s holistic focus on fire safety. The company supplies sprinkler system contractors in the UK and Ireland, with systems designed for domestic, industrial, and commercial buildings. This ranges from Category 1 residential dwellings through to Category 4 tower blocks above 18m, including the highest EN 12845 standard.
Even Grifen’s sprinkler systems for individual residences are electronically controlled by an industrial PLC, with logic control and software functions authored in-house. At the other end of the scale, Grifen’s fire sprinkler systems for Category 4 commercial properties include remotely controlled testing on a weekly basis. This optimises safety by providing more regular tests than the regulations require and reduces the resources necessary for on-site inspection.
The system’s electronics need a high level of protection. In the event of a fire, the enclosure must be able to withstand the initial heat. Then, the unit has to prevent water ingress when the sprinkler system is activated. The enclosures also have to be sufficiently durable to protect the electronic
controls from any impact. Grifen uses Spelsberg’s high-durability industrial enclosures, manufactured from polycarbonate. These boxes protect in temperatures up to 80°C, sufficient to match the rating of the electronics, and they endure until the sprinklers activate to quell the heat. The enclosures can also withstand water jets and provide a high IK09 impact resistance rating.
To accommodate the automated system’s multiple cable connections, as well as the control unit’s digital display, every enclosure requires a CNC machining process.
The digital display window, as well as the cable entry points, must be cut in specified locations and to exacting dimensions. Crucially, when the display and the cables are
installed, the surrounding gap must be sealed to uphold the level of ingress protection.
Spelsberg provides all CNC work on-site at its Midlands facility, and although Grifen supplies its own drawings, Spelsberg’s technicians can also create CAD designs. Providing a test prototype in days, Spelsberg then despatched the full quantity of Grifen’s order in less than three weeks. As a result of the enclosure’s precision CNC machining, combined with specially designed cable glands, when Grifen installed the control unit, this upheld the high IP rating.
“Spelsberg’s machining ensures repeatability,” says Gary. “It’s also a fast turnaround, so it’s become a key service for us.”
Although Grifen’s control unit is designed to be accessed remotely, or via the digital display, the device is still required to present a variety of user and safety information. Spelsberg provides Grifen with digital printing directly onto the enclosure, providing a highly durable, long-lasting finish. Combined with Grifen’s graphic design, Spelsberg’s printing service also ensures a professional presentation.
“Previously, we used stick-on labels. Printing directly onto the box is much more hardwearing, and it saves us significant time resource compared to manual application. It also ensures a high-quality finish,” says Gary.
While the capability of Grifen’s systems lay within its software functions, supported by the quality of flow control hardware, the protection of the automated system is fundamental.
“We’re committed to Spelsberg for our enclosures,” says Gary. “We’ve put our faith in this process, and the quality of the service means there’s no going back.”
For further information, please visit www.spelsberg.co.uk
We are an automation business, passionate about solving your most challenging automation problems using the latest cutting edge technology
Looking for a company with more than 35 years combined experience that can Design, Manufacture, Install and Commission Bespoke Industrial Automation Machinery?
Look no further...
We take pride in designing and manufacturing high quality special purpose machines for our UK and International customers. Here are some examples of projects we have worked on:
• Full Production Lines
• Automatic Vision Inspection Machines
• Laser Marking Machines
• Assembly Machines
• Pick and Place Machines
• Flow/Leak Testing Machines
• Industrial and Collaborative Robot Solutions
Our capabilities include:
• 3D Mechanical Design using Solidworks
• Electrical Circuit Design using AutoCAD
• Mechanical & Electrical Assembly & Commissioning
• Tool Making Facilities – We have 5 off Vertical Machining Centres, 3 off XYZ Proto-Trak Milling Machines, 1 off Proto-Trak Lathe, 1 off 4 Axis CNC Lathe, 1 off Surface Grinding Machine & 1 off CNC Horizontal Bandsaw.
• Fabrication
• MIG & TIG Welding
• Aluminium Profile Systems Design & Manufacture
• PLC Software
• HMI & SCADA Software
• PC Software Development
We are a Siemens Solution Partner for Automation Drives, a Bosch Certified Excellence Partner for their Assembly Technology range and we have recently become a Solution Partner for Kassow Robots who have partnered with Bosch Rexroth.
We pride ourselves on designing and manufacturing high quality special purpose machines for our UK and International customers.
Call today on 01752 696905 or email your requirements to sales@oakmountcs.co.uk
In this issue of PECM, we are delighted to showcase Sibor as our New Year Spotlight company.
Sibor has a long history, spanning over thirty years providing leading process control, engineering and project management expertise. Established in 1992, to originally provide process control systems and industrial automation to many industrial applications, such as large blue-chip companies, the company has been focusing on the energy sector more recently, notably the anaerobic digestion renewable energy sector.
Sibor provides turnkey design and build service solutions across manufacturing and automation control, including the following services:
• EIC/mechanical design and installation services
• Process control services
• Process instrumentation services
• Atex design and installation services
• Project management services
• Software development services
• Support services
With a vision for providing automated control systems that provide manufacturing benefits and added assurance throughout, Sibor are trusted professionals throughout the project. From initial requirements analysis, expert software engineers define user-needs from the offset, through to application design and software, component selection and assembly for a successful outcome.
Sibor runs applications as local stand-alone systems or alternatively, as Ethernet/IP networked solutions.
Utilising cutting-edge Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Sibor ensures streamlined services across all customer applications.
We caught up with Managing Director: Rob Mockridge to find out more,
“We have always enjoyed organic growth and over the last 12 months, the company has gone through a major transition and has now been accredited with ISO 9001 and 14001 and we have also been accredited by safe contractor.
We have gone from strength to strength completing many major
upgrade projects for the MOD and several renewable energy companies, ranging from replacing old for new to major electrical infrastructure and controls installations.
We have seen a 40% increase in business over the last 12 months- an accolade to our strong team.
We are very excited for the year ahead in the anaerobic digestion renewable energy sector and we have just signed two major contracts with renewable energy companies to provide LV power distribution design and installation combined with control and instrumentation design and installation. With a pipeline of projects to follow, allowing us to keep investing in our staff and business activities.
Our growth in control and automation projects is a tribute to our innovative approach to design and comes from our long history in many industrial sectors.”
For further information, please visit T 0844 504 7124 | enquiries@sibor.co.uk | www.sibor.co.uk
Cupio Services provides x-ray, acoustic, optical and electronic test, inspection and analysis services.
If you only require inspection, test or analysis services occasionally throughout the year, the requirement to purchase our equipment may not be necessary, this is where Cupio Services is the answer.
• Cutting-edge inspection and test equipment
• Functional testers and counterfeit part detection
• High resolution x-ray with multiple CT imaging options
• Acoustic microscopes for delamination detection within boards or complex devices
• Full failure analysis reports.
Speak to one of our experts today:
Cupio Services Ltd
+44 (0) 1256 262800 info@cupioservices.co.uk www.cupioservices.co.uk
Beechwood, Chineham Business Park, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8WA
Emerson’s solutions for dust collector and
The Schmersal Group launches a new pull-wire switch that can be used as a signal generator to start machines, open electrically operated guard doors and gates and as a light switch in lift shafts. Key benefits of the new PS216 switch are its compact dimensions and extreme versatility, enabled thanks to high degrees of protection under EN 60529 and suitable for use in a wide range of temperatures.
Thanks to IP66 degree of protection, the PS216 pull-wire switch is protected against dust and strong water jets and thanks to IP67 degree of protection, is also protected against temporary submersion in water. The switch can be used in ambient temperatures ranging from -30°C to +80°C.
Another practical benefit is that the PS216 operates according to the ‘start/stop principle’ in that it remains switched on after initial actuation and subsequent release.
Only when the switch is actuated and released a second time is the latch released and the switch switched off.
The PS216 pull-wire switch comes in two versions – the Q200 has a holding force of 45 N and is suitable for wire lengths of up to 50 m, while the Q210 has a holding
force of 70 N and can be used with wires stretching up to 100 m. Pulling on the pull wire actuates the switch function in the pull-wire switch.
Other distinctive features of the PS216 include cable entry via M20 or M12 connector and six different NC/NO contact variants.
For further information, please visit www.schmersal.co.uk or email uksupport@schmersal.com
www.schmersal.co.uk uksupport@schmersal.com
In line with Cambion Electronics Limited product development strategy, the non-magnetic range has gone through extensive R&D. Contrary to popular belief, normal free machining grades of Brass are slightly magnetic, as they can contain traces of Iron and Nickel in their composition, rendering them unsuitable for sensitive applications, such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scanners & Mine Detection Equipment. By careful control of raw material and plating selection and using the latest Magnetoscope technology magnetic permeability is tightly monitored ensuring the customer has absolute confidence. The range perfectly complements Cambion Electronics Limited existing product portfolio of industry favourites by retaining all the beneficial characteristics of the standard equivalents.
Sockets – A range of discrete sockets available in many mounting styles such as soldered, press fit, crimp, surface mount and stackable. Available to accept mating pin Dia. Ø0.41-2.06mm. The internal contact forms an hourglass shape with compound curvature that makes contact with 60% of the circumference of the mated pin, ensuring no discontinuity particularly adept in high vibration applications.
Pins – Precision engineered to be compatible with loose piece sockets and thereby provide positive and lasting electrical connections with low contact resistance. Pin diameters are held to +/0.05mm (0.002”).
Polygon Pin – A range of machined pins allowing for press-fit termination to PCBs. Available with various stand-off heights.
Terminal – A wide range of slotted, forked and pin styles in a range of sizes to suit standard board thicknesses. All variations are available insulated or non-insulated with a choice of mounting method. Cambion also offers a comprehensive range of insertion tools to assist assembly.
Shorting Links - Also known as Jumpers / Handbags. Male Insulated and Non-insulated. Insulator Polypropylene and available in standard colours Red/Blue and Black but others available upon request. In the following Pitch – 2.54mm (0.100”) to 12.7mm (0.500”).
Cambion is autonomous in its manufacturing capabilities with stamping, machining, moulding, automatic assembly and an equipped toolroom all under one roof at its ISO9001, ISO14001 and AS/EN9100 certified Castleton, North Derbyshire facility. Cambion have a long and established pedigree for high performance electro-mechanical and inductive components serving the professional, automotive, military, aerospace, and industrial markets. Cambion is committed to ongoing product development, continual Investment, especially in the latest machinery, which has resulted in substantial manufacturing and assembly capabilities to cover a broad and comprehensive range of disciplines and technologies.
• IoT, electronics and plastics design and manufacture
• Firmware, software and App development, Cloud integration
• Unbeatable cost-effectiveness and lead time reductions
Email: sales@alrad.co.uk
ALRAD Instruments Limited (established 1970) has been serving the Industrial, Automation, Scientific, Medical and Instrumentation markets for over 50 years and has a wealth of experience in all aspects of Machine Vision, Automation and Scientific Imaging.
Our product areas cover imaging, machine vision and automation components, Industrial and Scientific cameras for UV, Visible and Infrared wavelengths, thermal cameras, image sensors, photonics components including laser products, vacuum and related products, embedded AI and deep learning vision systems. We also provide standard and bespoke imaging software and complete system solutions together with our integration partners.
Our imaging technology operates in a wide spectrum from Ultraviolet through Visible to Infrared and Thermal wavelengths. We supply the latest camera technology and vision components including illumination products covering the complete spectrum from ultraviolet through visible to Infrared. These products are suitable for applications in Machine Vision, Automation, Scientific Research, Medical imaging, Agriculture, UAV/Drone, security and Search and Rescue applications.
For further information, please visit www.alrad.com
At the new motor plant of Menzel Elektromotoren, which is now fully operational in Hennigsdorf, near Berlin, Germany, the Company looks forward to a bumper year with even larger motor production. Moving to the new site with a total area of 24,000 m², the electric motor manufacturer increases its floor space and capacities, optimizes the factory layout for an efficient production flow and is planning to create additional jobs. The crane capacities will be increased to 80 tons and the entire shop floor will be accessible via two crane levels, which will bring significant logistical advantages.
In recent years, MENZEL has seen a growing demand for larger, more complex drive systems with a variety of auxiliary equipment such as transformers, converters, controllers and starters. The new test facilities are tailored to this need. For example, the area for load testing of large machines and generators has been significantly enhanced to cater for the largest frame sizes and loadings. A twofloor construction inside the load test field will house the control room, offices for the test field technicians and a separate lounge from which customers can observe ongoing tests. Soundproofing measures have been completed, and heavy-duty racks for shelf loads of 6,000 kg have been procured, which will accommodate part of the large MENZEL motor inventory and thus further shorten delivery times.
The gradual relocation from the existing headquarters in Berlin was complete prior to the end of
In recent years, MENZEL has seen a growing demand for larger, more complex drive systems with a variety of auxiliary equipment such as transformers, converters, controllers and starters.
December 2023. The production and shipping of industrial motors in the high output range has already commenced. The final commissioning of the new company headquarters is scheduled for early 2024.
MENZEL designs and manufactures its own efficient series of slip ring
Heavy-duty racks for shelf loads of 6,000 kg house hundreds of LV and HV stock motors for immediate delivery. (Pictured: Motors ready for dispatch)
motors and squirrel-cage motors and also specializes in custommade products, even with unusual specifications.
The photo construction diary for the new plant can be found at: https://www.menzel-motors.com/ article/photo-report-new-electricmotor-plant/
For further information, please visit www.menzel-motors.com
24,000 m 2
Motors up to 25 MW and 13.8 kV
Motors up to 25 MW and 13.8 kV
• Low voltage slip-ring and squirrel cage motors up to 3,000 kW
• Low voltage slip-ring and squirrel cage motors up to 3,000 kW
• Medium voltage slip-ring and squirrel cage motors up to 15,000 kW
• Medium voltage slip-ring and squirrel cage motors up to 15,000 kW
• Direct current motors up to 2,000 kW
• Direct current motors up to 2,000 kW
• Frequency converter-proof drives
• Frequency converter-proof drives
• In-house load test facility up to 13.800 V, 2.300 kVA, 120 Hz
• In-house load test facility up to 13.800 V, 2.300 kVA, 120 Hz
Customized special designs
Customized special designs
• Custom designs for special applications and operating conditions
• Custom designs for special applications and operating conditions
• Optimized motor design for higher efficiency
• Optimized motor design for higher efficiency
• Mechanically and electrically interchangeable motors
• Mechanically and electrically interchangeable motors
• Commissioning worldwide
• Commissioning worldwide
MENZEL Great Britain Ltd. | UK Branch Office
27 Hunt Drive | Melton Mowbray | Leicestershire LE13 1PB
Martin Rooney | Tel.: +44 1664 500 844 | Mobil: +44 7957 618046 martin.rooney@menzelgb.co.uk
MENZEL Elektromotoren GmbH
MENZEL Elektromotoren
German Headquarters
Am Alten Walzwerk 2 | 16761 Hennigsdorf | Germany
Container ships are the lifeblood of global supply chains, with the World Economic Forum estimating that 90% of goods are transported by sea.1 For operators, it is essential to have vessels out at sea meeting schedules and returning profits. When a container ship owned by one of the top three global shipping companies required a steam turbine overhaul, a regional team of Sulzer experts collaborated seamlessly to deliver a turnkey repair. Innovative reverse engineering restored the operational readiness of the legacy steam turbine.
For a working vessel like a container ship, all maintenance must be completed within the timeframe that the ship is in harbor. Any delay risks increased docking fees from the shipyard, a failure to meet shipping schedules and lost profits. While many modern container ships use more efficient diesel engines, some older vessels still rely on steam turbines for propulsion, which require specialist servicing.
In a recent project, an 18-year-old 5 MW steam turbine of British original equipment manufacturer (OEM) origins installed on a 98’000-ton container ship had suffered damages due to operational wear and tear. The unit had been at a standstill for 2 years due to a generator replacement, which delivers essential power for ship operations. With this complete, there was a window of opportunity to conduct repairs at the Port of Shanghai as part of the vessel’s scheduled maintenance.
However, the UK turbine OEM
couldn’t provide support in China due to the absence of local manpower. The cost of flying in experts was an extra financial burden that the vessel owner didn’t want to bear. Therefore, the vessel operator’s central procurement team based in Singapore contacted Sulzer Singapore due to its OEM agnostic repair support and reputation for quality. Subsequently, Sulzer’s technical team was dispatched to China and carried out a full inspection of the unit, which operates at speeds of 6’800 rpm.
Sulzer is a leading independent service provider (ISP) for all types of rotating equipment, including turbomachinery. The business has successfully serviced over 1’500 steam and gas turbines in Asia. Upon a methodological assessment of the turbine, Sulzer experts discovered the damage extended beyond the initial assessment of the vessel’s maintenance team.
A combination of visual inspections, non-destructive testing and root cause analysis revealed damage to the 3rd, 8th and 9th stages of the turbine. The trailing edges of the 3rd stage had suffered impact damage, the 8th stage had blades that were bent and cracked and the 9th stage had visible cracks and a completely broken blade. Bolts on the upper cover diaphragm were damaged and the retaining rings couldn’t be removed. In addition to this, the rotor journals had light scoring. It was also determined that the labyrinth seals would need to be replaced to ensure reliable running long into the future.
With all repair work complete, the turbine was reinstalled on the ship and commissioned. As a result, the vessel could return to sea on schedule and begin generating profits for the operator.
The repaired turbine is expected to offer an extended service life of up to 15 years, ensuring that the ship can continue to reliably deliver cargo long into the future. In addition, the customer was assured by Sulzer’s international coordination and overall project management despite a rather sophisticated repair.
After some underwhelming experiences with other service providers, Sulzer was able to win the trust and confidence of the customer. Consequently, the shipping company is organizing additional turbine and generator maintenance jobs with Sulzer for its container ships that will be travelling through Asia over the coming months.
For further information, please visit www.sulzer.com
The ambitious Dubai Hills Estate project, situated in the heart of Dubai, has set new benchmarks in architectural excellence and safety standards. During the estate’s development, fire safety was a critical consideration. Motor and drives specialist, WEG was called upon to supply its W22 Smoke Extraction motors, developed to ensure air circulation in closed environments, and fast smoke and heat extraction in case of emergency situations.
Boasting an 18-hole championship golf course, three top-tier schools and the grand Dubai Hills Mall among its facilities, the expansive 2,700-acre Dubai Hills Estate in Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) City, Dubai, promises luxury living. Behind this lavishness is Emaar Properties, one of the largest and most reputable real estate developers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Emaar Properties was responsible for guaranteeing safety for the estate’s residents. That includes the fire safety systems in Dubai Hills Estate, which must guarantee effective smoke extraction in the complex’s many apartments and villas. Emaar enlisted Maico Gulf LLC of Dubai, an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that specialises in air distribution systems and has an impressive track record in managing diverse projects in the Gulf region.
Maico turned particular attention to the fire safety system’s smoke extraction motors. The motors would be required to ensure optimal air circulation in closed environments. Aside from being reliable in emergency situations, the selected motors had to withstand operation
at high temperatures, ensure fast smoke extraction and, ultimately, delay the spread of fire. Another concern was that the motors’ design would not prevent access to the Dubai Hills Estate’s many emergency exits.
Fortunately, Maico has a longstanding relationship with the motors and drives specialist WEG, whose products were ideally suited for this prestigious and high-stakes application.
“WEG’s motors were readily available thanks to Maico’s strategic stockholding at its own factory in Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE,” explains Anil Kumar, development sales manager for the UAE, Oman and Qatar at WEG. “This further streamlined the procurement process, ensuring timely delivery even in the face of extended lead times from other manufacturers.”
High-temperature operations
WEG supplied 77 of the W22 Smoke Extraction motors, ranging
from 15 to 55 kilowatt (kW). These specialised motors are part of WEG’s wider W22 series, but differ from the rest of the W22 range due to their exceptional ability to operate at temperatures of up to 400 degrees Celsius for two hours uninterrupted. This is a critical feature for fire safety and smoke exhaustion applications in the European market.
The WEG W22 Smoke Extraction motors are meticulously designed to operate flawlessly even in the most challenging conditions, such as during a fire emergency. These motors are equipped with WISE insulation that enables them to function with Variable Speed Drives (VSD). The WISE system incorporates class H wire that can withstand high temperatures, advanced insulation materials, and a solvent-free resin. This exclusive insulation system, developed by WEG, enhances the winding insulation resistance, making it suitable for operation with frequency inverters. By using a frequency inverter, ventilation and
air circulation systems can achieve up to 70 per cent energy savings.
The internal bearings within WEG’s W22 Smoke Extraction motors correspond with the C4 code. Selecting the appropriate C code for bearings is crucial for both the bearing and the machine’s performance — the code encompasses all pertinent bearing characteristics including material, lubrication and internal bearing clearance. C4 means the W22 Smoke Extraction motors’ internal bearings can maintain these characteristics for up to two hours, at temperatures of up to 400 degrees Celsius.
Additionally, high-temperature grease is essential for optimal bearing performance. Mobil Polyrex™ EM Series greases are specially crafted for electric motor bearings, employing advanced thickener formulation and proprietary manufacturing techniques to enhance bearing longevity and protection, particularly for ball or roller bearings operating at elevated temperatures.
This specialisation is paramount in ensuring the safety of occupants and minimising property damage in the event of an emergency. Such a capability is achieved through
Extraction motors are meticulously designed to operate flawlessly even in the most challenging conditions, such as during a fire emergency.
rigorous testing and adherence to the highest industry standards, earning the W22 Smoke Extraction motors the coveted Applus+ approval from laboratories in Spain.
In the event of a fire the motors must continue running for at least two hours to allow evacuation and firefighting operations.
The motor boasts a Premium Efficiency (IE3) rating, signifying exceptional energy performance. It features advanced cooling methods including two types of enclosures, Totally Enclosed, Air Over (TEAO) or Totally Enclosed, Fan Cooled (TEFC).
The motors have various mounting options with foot mounted and pad mounted being the most common. Operating at a wide range
of outputs (0.18 to 900 kW) and offering various pole configurations (2 to 8), it adapts to diverse industrial needs.
“The W22 Smoke Extraction motor’s capacity to withstand extreme temperatures, coupled with the WISE® insulation system, allows for reliable performance even under demanding conditions,” said Anil Kumar. “Furthermore, its compatibility with frequency inverters promotes substantial energy savings, making it a sustainable choice for ventilation and circulation systems. This is particularly significant in a development as expansive and multifaceted as Dubai Hills Estate, where safety is paramount.”
Easy installation
Maico was wholly responsible for installing WEG’s motors, a straightforward process reflecting WEG’s commitment to providing user-friendly technology. This collaboration was further fortified by Shapoorji Pallonji, the main contractor appointed to build Dubai Hills Estate’s various buildings and associated infrastructure, plus invaluable guidance from engineering consultancy Khatib & Alami throughout the project.
Any concerns or issues were promptly addressed by WEG’s dedicated support team, underscoring their commitment to client satisfaction. The successful integration of WEG’s motors in the Dubai Hills Estate project stands as a testament to the company’s unwavering dedication to safety and innovation.
“The specialised W22 Smoke Extraction motors have fortified Dubai Hills Estate’s state-of-theart fire safety measures, ensuring the well-being of occupants and safeguarding valuable property assets,” said Anil Kumar. “With a legacy of supply motors for over six decades, WEG continues to be at the forefront of revolutionising safety in critical applications.”
Free from shareholders and owners, EEMUA is the industrial engineering community’s not-for-profit association that invests all its revenue into sharing practical ‘how to’ guidance resources, events, training, and more ~ all developed ‘for industry, by industry’ and proven by engineers in everyday use over more than 70 years.
Selection of Events early in 2024…
Robotics – Storage Tank In-Service Inspection – Capabilities and Future Trends – EEMUA Webinar – Live online – Wednesday,
6 March 2024 – 15:00-16:00 UK time; 16:00-17:00 Amsterdam; 09:00-10:00 Houston – https://rebrand.ly/6p703tx – Free and Open to All.
Focus an hour on:
* Current robotic in-service tank inspection technology
* Robots available
* Sensors used
* Abilities to meet industry-approved standards
* Regulatory challenges
* Technology acceptance
* Next generation robots.
More details and registration at – https://rebrand.ly/6p703tx
Ageing Electrical Assets Seminar – Live online – Thursday, 14 March 2024 – 12:00-16:00 UK; 13:00-17:00 Rome; 07:00-11:00 Houston. https://rb.gy/pyd47t – Open to All – Free for EEMUA Members and Associates – Discount for Higher Education.
•Gain or renew your 5-year Certificates of Competence*
•Courses based on EEMUA 159
• English, Dutch, German and French language options
•Select from courses each year, including:
TankInspector courses*
4-6 March 2024 – in Dutch – live online
8-10 April 2024 – in French –classroom – Paris, FR
16-18 September 2024 – in English
–live online – CST time zone
28-30 October 2024 – in English –classroom – London, UK
Storage Tanks e-learning
On-demand – in English or Dutch
In-house courses
By arrangement for your choice of: time, language, location, or online
TankAssessor courses*
18-21 March 2024 – in French –classroom – Près de Paris, FR
15-18 April 2024 – in German –classroom – Hanover, DE
20-23 May 2024 – in English –classroom – London, UK
27-30 May 2024 – in English –live online – KSA time zone
3-6 June 2024 – in Dutch –classroom, Rotterdam, NL
TankBasics courses
16 September - 25 October 2024
–in English – blended learning (live online, e-learning, and more)
Above ground flat bottomed storage tanks A guide to inspection, maintenance and repair Publication 159 Edition5
Focus half-a-day in Expert-led sessions with Q&A covering:
* Rotating machine assessment and monitoring
* Surge Protection Devices expected life, testing, replacement
* Variable Speed Drives upgrades and retrofits – problems & fixes
* Rotating Electrical Machines: Sustainability and minimising downtime for business.
More details and registration at – https://rb.gy/pyd47t.
EEMUA Dead Legs Seminar – Live online – Thursday, 25 April 2024 – 12:00-15:00 UK; 13:00-16:00 Amsterdam; 06:00-09:00 Houston. https://rb.gy/trrwvp – Open to All – Free for EEMUA Members and Associates – Discount for Higher Education.
Focus 3 hours of Expert-led sessions with Q&A on:
* Introduction to dead legs
* Corrosion issues
* Incidents & Lessons learned
* Non-destructive testing.
Registration and more details at – https://rb.gy/trrwvp.
Engineering the Energy Transition – EEMUA Seminar – London, UK – Thursday, 6 June 2024 – 09:00-16:00 UK time –https://rb.gy/9uslwd – Open to All – Free to EEMUA Members and Associates – Discount for Higher Education.
Focus 1 Full-Day of Expert-led sessions, Q&A and Professional Networking covering:
* Major Hydrogen Projects
* CCS Safety – CO2 Release Dispersion
* Progress with Nuclear
* Wind Turbine Life Extension
* Hydrogen Future – Asset Preparation
* Electrification: Runaway Reactions in Batteries
* More
Please find more details and registration at –https://rb.gy/9uslwd
As consumer demand increases for plantbased products and proteins, manufacturers are turning their attention to tried-andtrue technology in hope of unearthing new discoveries for financial growth and company expansion. Many manufacturers are turning to crossflow membrane filtration in search of answers.
Able to provide high-quality protein yields without the risk of altering the macromolecules’ structure, crossflow membrane filtration provides a way to separate desired molecules, like protein, from the undesired molecules. Using membrane filtration avoids the loss of functional and nutritional properties, as opposed to other processes such as acidleaching or thermal treatments. Research indicates membrane filtration can achieve a protein retention rate of up to 97%.
Axium Process has been helping such companies on the road to success.
“This is not new technology,” said Jamie George, Projects & Business Development Director at Axium Process, “this is a trusted
technology applied in new ways. For over 20 years we’ve helped market-leading manufacturers achieve results. The premise is the same, but the execution is a different matter entirely; we have the knowledge and experience to know where things diverge, and what to do when that happens.”
“At Axium, we tailor our solutions to customers’ specific needs, whether it’s maximising pea protein isolate for plantbased burgers or extracting soy protein for shakes.”
Research indicates membrane filtration can achieve a protein retention rate of up to 97%.
For companies looking to create plantbased products, membrane filtration can provide a cost-effective solution within a small footprint, helping maximise production output and efficiency. By embracing the automation of membrane filtration, companies can focus on product development and market demands, confident that their production line is up to the task.
For further information please contact:
Jamie George, Axium Process Ltd, Hendy Industrial Estate, Hendy, Swansea SA4 0XP
Tel 01792 883882
Email: jamie.george@axiumprocess.com
Leading food and beverage manufacturers are facing increasing pressure to eliminate the risks of product contamination. With stricter hygienic controls required, the key to success is the rigorous and effective cleaning of the process line itself. Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems are universally recognised as the most effective solution for maintaining dependable, consistently repeatable results.
the forefront of its design. Fully customisable with options ranging from manual to automatic, the system can be adapted to include an integrated control unit via a panel-mounted touchscreen HMI and PLC. With remote monitoring and ongoing technical support available if required, the system can be programmed to record historic data, accessible on site by an operator, or remotely by one of Axium’s own engineers.
Responding to demand for a more versatile approach, Axium Process have launched an adaptive Mobile CIP System for all industry sectors, offering a cost-effective and compact plug-and-play solution in place of traditional fixed-in-place methods.
The new CIP package is a highly versatile and easy-to-maintain clean-in-place solution, designed with mobility and hygiene at
Developed with decades of hands-on experience across multiple process applications, Axium’s new Mobile CIP System offers an advanced alternative for sanitary maintenance.
Jamie George, Axium Process Ltd, Hendy Industrial Estate, Hendy, Swansea SA4 0XP
Tel 01792 883882
Email: jamie.george@ axiumprocess.com
As customer demands for accreditation, safety, quality and value increase, the Hultafors Group continues to stay one step ahead of the competition. The Hultafors Group’s PPE portfolio already includes market-leading tools, workwear and protective wear brands such as Snickers Workwear, Solid Gear and Toe Guard safety footwear, Hellberg Safety and Hultafors Tools.
The acquisition of EMMA Safety Footwear considerably
enhances it range of safety shoes and boots with fully accredited, excellent value footwear to satisfy a wide range of user needs, working environments including light and heavy industry sectors plus office and retail environments.
To get more information on EMMA Safety Footwear, visit the website, call the Snickers Helpline on 01484 854788 or email sales@hultaforsgroup.co.uk
The innovative connected tactical vest project uses artificial intelligence (AI) for its abnormalsituation detection system and can transmit this warning to a command center via the Internet of Things (IoT). This innovation, applied to the operational needs of various law-enforcement professions, is the first result of a partnership between France’s General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie (DGGN) and Wearin’, the Swiss technology group Conextivity’s startup.
The new tactical IoT solution, which attaches to pre-installed body armor, ensures redundant safety and connectivity through a state-ofthe-art AI-enhanced warning device that is independent of current radio systems. Called the Wearin’ Brain, this ruggedized device is triggered either manually by an SOS button, or automatically when it detects an abnormal situation such as loss of verticality, piercing of the body armor cover after a stab wound, or a bullet impact. In the event of a warning, the device also transmits the geolocation of personnel.
The connectivity kit features smart power management via a central high-performance battery guaranteeing 8 hours of autonomy, which considerably increases the running time of gendarmes’ electronic equipment.
The kit’s optimized cabling allows equipment to be recharged via a single cable, which the agent can easily connect at the end of a mission, or to his/her vehicle if required during an extended mission.
The prototype connected tactical vest co-developed by Wearin’ and the DGGN offers optimal ergonomics and physical-anddigital integration of the warningand-communication devices worn by gendarmes (police officers belonging to the French armed forces). © 2024 Conextivity Group
The Wearin’ Brain, the Wearin’ Battery and its quick-release system are integrated ergonomically into the vest via MOLLE fasteners and/ or heavy-duty multifunctional pouches with no snagging areas. The kit also features luminous fibers integrated into the front and back of the vest offering personnel on night operations the option of enhanced visibility.
“The vest that we are co-developing with Wearin’ embeds the latest technologies in connectivity, detection, communication and visibility,” explains LieutenantColonel Fabrice Blanc, director of the “connected vest” program at the DGGN. The IoT solution called Wearin’ X DGGN Smart Tactical Vest has been designed with an open, modular architecture that keeps the interoperability of current and future systems in focus. Over the course of
the partnership, it will be able to evolve and adapt to meet the operational needs of lawenforcement agencies, which vary according to the different types of intervention by gendarmes, national or municipal police officers, or customs agents.
The IoT platform developed by Wearin’ can be delivered with a dashboard integrated into the commandcenter system to provide real-time information about the situation on the ground, via data from sensors, warning devices and communication systems worn by personnel on operations. Based on this precise intelligence of operations underway, transmitted in bidirectional streams, commanders can speed up tactical decision-making and improve the coordination of intervention units, as well as their response times.
Signed in November 2023, the innovation partnership between Wearin’ and the DGGN is supported by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces’ Defense Innovation Agency and the National Gendarmerie’s Transformation Department.
Officially unveiled at the Milipol show in Paris in November 2023, the connected tactical vest from Wearin’ and the DGGN will be showcased on the international stage at the World Police Summit in Dubai, March 5-7, 2024, on Wearin’ stand no. SS2 A32. The vest has also been shortlisted by the show’s jury to compete for the prestigious World Police Summit Awards in the Innovative Police Force category.
For further information, please visit www.wearin.tech
Postgraduate training that is personalised, flexible and taught by experts – that is what’s on offer from the Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC), whose unique course aims to create the UK’s next generation of nuclear experts, with the skills to secure a sustainable and safe nuclear industry.
Seven educational organisations in the UK who work together as the Nuclear Technology Education Consortium (NTEC), to support the UK nuclear energy programme. Established in 2005 after consultation with the nuclear industry, NTEC provides a wide choice of Master’s level course units for students with a science or engineering background, or relevant work experience, that are looking to enter the nuclear industry. The units are delivered in a short-course format of one-week duration that are suitable for full-time or parttime study. As well as the full Master’s option, students can also study for a PG Diploma (eight units) or PG Certificate (four units) or take individual modules for continuing professional development.
The units cover a broad range of topics including nuclear policy and regulation, decommissioning, environmental remediation, radiological protection and reactor physics and are therefore suitable for students with a wide range of backgrounds and career aspirations. We engage with our Industry partners to establish which new skills/units are required and we are looking at introducing three new units to the portfolio for 2024-25; Control & Instrumentation and
Functional Safety; Tritium and the Fusion Fuel Cycle; Primary Circuit Materials and Manufacturing.
Control and Instrumentation and Functional Safety covers the design, validation and verification, safety justification and assessment of C&I, focusing on its use in the nuclear industry. The unit spans topics from hazard identification and analysis, through the implementation of C&I systems, to the impact of developing technologies such as AI and quantum computing. Delivered by academic staff, industrial partners and former Office for Nuclear Regulation inspectors, the unit offers the chance to develop detailed knowledge of how C&I is applied in practice in the context of a functional safety process.
Tritium and the Fusion Fuel Cycle gives students an introduction to the growing nuclear fusion industry and the key tritium science and technology that underpins commercial fusion power. Tritium science is an inherently multi-disciplinary field, and this unit brings together nuclear physics, radiological protection, physical and chemical processing, and environmental impact considerations. It provides a well-
MSc - 1 year full time
rounded overview and enables learners to join the fusion industry with a solid understanding of the uses of tritium and its associated challenges. The unit includes experimental work and a guest lecture from the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s world-leading H3AT centre for tritium research.
MSc - 2 or 3 year PG Diploma • PG Short Courses for
Designed to create a generation and scientists with the skills and safe future for nuclear
Primary Circuit Materials and Manufacturing provides a comprehensive overview of the welding and cladding processes used in the fabrication of primary circuit components for pressurised water reactors. The unit starts from the physics of heat source-material interactions for the different processes used, moving through the metallurgy of welding and specific considerations for primary circuit materials. Links between manufacturing choices and throughlife structural performance are considered, as well as strategies for inspection and quality assurance. Case studies are used to demonstrate how the principles are applied in practice, as well as the issues that can occur.
Key features: Demand-driven •
Course delivered by:
The University of Birmingham • University of The University of Manchester • The University
With the consortium approach, students have access to a very wide range of academic and industry experts that provide challenging vocational modules but also support the students through their studies, in preparation for a career in the nuclear industry. Students are helped with the transition from university to industry by completing an industry-based project as the final part of their degree.
It’s an exciting time to join the nuclear industry.
For further information, please visit www.ntec.ac.uk
MSc - 1 year full time
MSc - 1 year full time
MSc - 2 or 3 year part time
PG Diploma • PG Certificate
MSc - 2 or 3 year part time
Short Courses for CPD
PG Diploma • PG Certificate
Short Courses for CPD
Designed to create a generation of nuclear engineers and scientists with the skills to secure a sustainable and safe future for nuclear energy.
generation of nuclear engineers skills to secure a sustainable nuclear energy.
Designed to create a generation of nuclear engineers and scientists with the skills to secure a sustainable and safe future for nuclear energy.
Key features: Demand-driven • Breadth of learning
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• We’re also subject to regular audits by SGS Belgium Ltd, to ensure we continue to meet regulatory requirements, including stringent checks on the effectiveness of our sterilisation process.
Your Fire Prevention and Measuring Technology partner for over 30 years!
GreCon Limited makes people and places safer and enables the ‘smart factory’ as the leading provider of innovative industrial fire prevention and process measurement solutions.
GreCon Limited is located near Newcastle upon Tyne and is a member of the FagusGreCon Group. With a wealth of experience as a global market leader, GreCon demonstrates a strong understanding of customer needs and provides turnkey solutions for many industries, including recycling, manufacturing, biomass, pharmaceutical, food, and hygiene.
The company focuses on developing sustainable customer relationships as a strategic partner. Customers depend on GreCon for consultative and problem-solving sales engagement and first-class customer service. In addition, a fast response is possible due to comprehensive local stockholding and a strong engineering team with national coverage.
GreCon’s fire prevention technology protects industrial premises, processes and people, detecting and extinguishing ignition sources in mechanical and pneumatic conveying systems, filters, dryers, silos and other production areas, making workplaces safer and enabling uninterrupted production.
The adage, ‘prevention is better than cure, ‘ rings true. GreCon believes that early detection of ignition sources is critically important. Once a fire starts, the results can be catastrophic. When companies are unaware of GreCon’s technologies, they rely on more conventional fire protection systems, which do not always provide the best defence.
A comprehensive range of industrial process measurement solutions equips the ‘smart
factory’, helping customers improve product quality in their production processes, using proven German engineering to reduce raw material and energy costs, ultimately maximising operational efficiency.
GreCon focuses on anticipating customer requirements in a technology roadmap, with a proven track record of bringing innovative products to market.
Customers are particularly interested in the DLD 1/9, a highly sensitive spark, ember and hot particle detector for protection against fire and explosion in industrial processes. Intelligent Detection Technology IDT® provides optimal detection performance
for all ignition sources in any environment and enables the detector to distinguish between dangerous sparks and harmless ambient light.
Demonstrations started in 2022 of the GreCon IEM, the Intelligent Extinguishing Module, as an exciting addition to an intelligent fire prevention solutions portfolio. Critical benefits include more rapid extinguishing of sparks and harmful ignition sources. In addition, integrated intelligent extinguishing technology (IET®) enables highly precise extinguishing process monitoring and predictive maintenance control.
Today customers all over the world rely on GreCon. Please get in touch to discuss how we can help:
Email: sales@grecon.co.uk
T: 0191 414 7200
For further information, please visit www.grecon.co.uk
Working with lasers can be highly dangerous, for large area laser containment, Laser Physics provide a comprehensive range of UK CA and CE compliant ceiling, wall and floor-mounted laser safety curtains, barriers and laser safety viewing windows, along with the widest range of UK CA and CE EN207 & EN208 certified glass and polymer laser safety eyewear.
Our EverGuard laser safety barriers are ideal for laser welding and cleaning applications.
Laser Physics UK offer the widest range of laser welding helmets designed for use with most handheld laser welding systems.
Lightweight and comfortable Laser Physics provide passive and auto -darkening solutions designed to provide protection against the scattered and difused light generated during hand-held laser welding.
To discuss your laser containment requirements, call Laser Physics on 01829-733155
With ultrasound, deposits on bottle washing machines, for instance, can be clearly reduced, cleaning intervals lengthened and downtimes shortened – not to mention the savings in energy and resources. German mineral water bottling plant Staatlich Bad Meinberger has put this simple principle into practice – and is delighted with the results.
“When it comes to sustainability and resource efficiency, we’re one of the pioneers,” explains Robert Mühlenweg, technical and logistics plant manager for the beverage producer. “Our colleagues in the sector thus like to come and see how we’re cutting down on our consumption of water and energy.”
As an SME bottler it’s important to move with the times, he believes. And that’s not all: “As we frequently push ourselves to the limit, we tend to be noticed in our branch of industry.” When he and his colleague Jannis Maas, the plant manager responsible for production and supply at BAD MEINBERGER, talk about cutting down on their carbon emissions, they mean genuine climate neutrality – and not mere compensation through the purchase of certificates. Their attitude and resulting success has earned them great trust and plenty of freedom among the managing directors. “In order to further improve our various consumption values, we often try new things out and sometimes even dare to experiment.”
They began exploring one such new avenue with KHS in March 2022 –incidentally not for the first time, for the mineral water company enjoys a long technological partnership with the Dortmund systems supplier. The bottler has repeatedly acted as an extended workbench and pilot
customer to the nearby machine and systems manufacturer, enabling new and further developments to be tested under real conditions and fine adjustments made where necessary.
This time the technology isn’t new, however, but a procedure that’s been in use for many years in a completely different sector, namely shipbuilding, and is now being applied to the beverage industry. KHS HASYTEC Dynamic Biofilm Protection is a simple plug-and-produce product where ultrasonic transducers cause the liquid in certain components of the machine to gently vibrate. The system is currently available for both bottle washing machines and pasteurizers – whether for new machines or as a conversion for existing systems.
Dynamic Biofilm Protection reduces deposits of biofilm, limestone and fibrous material from paper labels in the spray pipes on the KHS Innoclean
EE bottle washer, for example. In the past, without this system machinery often became clogged with deposits that required a considerable amount of effort to remove. “The combination of paper and limestone in particular presented us with a real challenge,” says Maas. “Our colleagues often had to get to work with a chisel!”
It’s not just the time-consuming physical labor that’s hard work when it comes to cleaning machine parts. In the peak season especially, with the plant running at full capacity, finding an appropriate slot for cleaning often proves something of a headache.
“Before we installed the ultrasonic converter, the level of calcification on the machine had to be checked at the latest every two months and the machine then descaled and partly dismantled in order to remove the deposits formed. This took up an entire day that had to be blocked off in the production schedule or moved to a weekend. And even if the team is basically motivated to put
in a shift on a Saturday or Sunday during the peak season if this is necessary, they’re understandably not desperate to do this work that’s strenuous and unproductive,” Maas emphasizes.
The Dynamic Biofilm Protection system, complete with two control units and twelve ultrasonic transducers, has been in operation at BAD MEINBERGER for about 18 months now. “It was primarily our trust in KHS that prompted us to install the system,” Mühlenweg remembers. “And of course we were also convinced by the fact that the process has been in use for many years without any problems, even in huge shipping containers.” The reason for this is easy to comprehend: the liquid is oscillated, thus keeping the particulate matter contained in it in motion, not by a constant permanent frequency but by intermittent pulses.
Autonomous and maintenance free
In the end, the engineers’ curiosity won them over, resulted in the mineral water bottling plant being one of the first beverage operations to use this technology. “This was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made,” says Mühlenweg happily. “We often filled an entire wheelbarrow with deposits in the past; now we barely need a 20-liter bucket. And this year we haven’t yet had to carry
out a single acid treatment. The system is completely autonomous and practically maintenance free.” Maas smiles that “the new system is making itself noticeable here by being unnoticeable. Or, to put it another way, the best service is the service you don’t need.”
BAD MEINBERGER is also being supported in its striving for greater sustainability by the use of the new procedure. “On the one hand, the Dynamic Biofilm Protection system considerably lengthens the time between cleaning operations and reduces downtime, thus enabling a significant increase in production,” stresses Kathrin Gareis, service product manager at KHS. “On the other, the consumption of water, heat, electricity and chemicals such as citric acid used to descale components is greatly decreased by this system. Besides the cuts in operating costs this results in, this also helps to save energy and resources – an issue which is so important to our customers.” For
has been lowered through close cooperation with the laboratory. “Most beverage producers use higher temperatures but that’s not our intention,” Mühlenweg states. “In view of the high costs for heat generation, at the moment our sector is undergoing a rethink. Lots of colleagues could follow our lead here.”
When it comes to sustainability and resource efficiency, we’re one of the pioneers.
In this context, Mühlenweg and Maas monitor the quality of the caustic in their bottle washer extremely carefully. They use about 40 cubic meters of it which – should it have to be discarded – first needs to be brought up to the right temperature and then dosed with new chemicals each time. There’s thus constant filtration during filling and only the exact same amount of fresh water or caustic is added as is lost through the removed labels, for instance. At the same time, owing to specific process parameters that have a high risk of forming deposits, the caustic temperature at BAD MEINBERGER
Gareis totally agrees and not only sees deposits being greatly reduced and intervals between cleaning cycles becoming longer for both current and future KHS customers thanks to Dynamic Biofilm Protection but also potential for saving on energy and resources.
Ultrasonic transducers to reduce deposit formation on heat exchangers, process water baths, pipes and sprays; option for new machines or as a retrofit for existing KHS systems.
• Longer cleaning intervals
• Less downtime
• Increased production
• Fewer personnel hours needed for cleaning
• Water, electricity, heat and chemical savings
• Lower operating costs
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AFT Fluorotec Ltd is a group of Engineering companies based around the outskirts of London in Welwyn Garden City and Kent, with over 120 dedicated individuals, each bringing their own strengths, skills and experience to our work.
AFT Fluorotec is a specialist processor of PTFE and VICTREX PEEK® materials and manufacturer of complex precision machined components in engineering plastics.
Established in 1986, we’re proud to be pioneers in the processing and machining of PTFE, PEEK, PCTFE and hundreds of other engineering plastics using the very latest
technology. This includes a vast range of our in-house developed blends and compounds in PTFE and PEEK materials adding strengths to physical properties to suit specific applications.
‘Tornos Deco’ sliding head 10 axis turning centres, Mazak Integrex fully robotic machining centres supported by traditional Mazak CNC lathes and state-of-the-art Hass Machining centres give AFT Fluorotec an unrivalled range of machining resources to produce cost competitive machined parts to the very highest standards, regardless of the complexity, batch size or component dimensions.
AFT Fluorotec is a specialist processor of PTFE and VICTREX PEEK® materials and manufacturer of complex precision machined components in engineering plastics.
AFT Fluorotec offer a complete design and manufacture service for their range of PTFE spring energised seals for specialist sealing applications, as well as a range of PTFE slide bearings and skidway systems for pipeline, ship building and construction projects.
• Seals
• Micro Connectors
• Valve seats
• Spring energised seals
• PU seals
• Elastomeric seals
• Back up Rings
• PEEK Bearing Cages
We are proud to supply our services to virtually all branches of industry, large and small:
As Specialist approved coaters of Whitford, PPG and VICTREX PEEK® coatings systems as well as supplying a wide range of industries with AFT developed house stock coating systems, our expertise and range of products means we can tailor the properties of different coating materials to suit your individual application. PTFE, VICTREX PEEK, FEP, PFA, ETFE, Halar ECTFE, Teflon and Xylan are all standard coating systems offered by AFT Fluorotec.
For further information, please visit www.fluorotec.com or email getintouch@fluorotec.com
Launched in 2022, Donghua’s X3 chain is a cutting-edge advancement in roller chain. X3 is not just a solution, it’s a deluxe answer to the challenges of chain wear, fatigue, corrosion, high speed, lubrication, length accuracy and strength, faced by industries.
At the heart of the design of X3 lies the Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group’s commitment to excellence. Designed to surpass traditional roller chain performance, X3 chain represents a shift in durability, efficiency and reliability, setting new benchmarks for roller chain.
The chain delivers three times the performance in wear resistance, fatigue resistance, and high-speed performance when compared to traditional roller chains. This exceptional performance is a testament to Donghua’s commitment to product development.
The hardened, shot-blasted plate shape, calibrated pin and bushing holes, special heat-treated and surface-coated pins, seamless rollers and bushings, all contribute to its outstanding wear and fatigue resistance. Combined, these elements create a chain that thrives in arduous environments, making it an ideal choice for sectors that demand high performance drives.
Manufactured on a purpose-built production line, X3 chain represents the pinnacle of roller chain
engineering. It’s unique pin coating, optimised plate geometry, and highprecision stamping set it apart as a deluxe solution for industries that use high demand drives.
To ensure minimal downtime and maximum efficiency, X3 chain is supplied pre-loaded and prelubricated, as standard.
These features, together with availability in simplex and duplex ex-stock from Donghua’s 25,000 sq ft warehouse in the West Midlands, makes X3 the next generation roller chain solution for the UK market.
Cross+Morse is a Birmingham based manufacturer of Mechanical Power Transmission products and solutions with over 100 years of history, right in the centre of the engineering hub in the West Midlands region in the United Kingdom. We operate in a 5000m2 fully integrated factory with a dedicated and loyal staff who have amassed a depth of technical expertise and engineering experience over our many years of continued service.
and service we are well known for. With our in-house team of application and design engineers at your disposal Cross+Morse are able to provide bespoke technical solutions to your power transmission problems in the most costeffective way.
Cross & Morse are Mechanical Power Transmission solution specialists and at this present time we have £1.5m worth of finished stock on our shelves such as Roller Chain and Sprockets in both stainless and carbon steel, Gears, Racks, Couplings, Torque Limiters, Sprag Clutches, Timing & V belt Pulleys, timing & V Belts, Inverted Tooth Chain, Silent Chain, Sealmaster Bearings, McGill Cam followers, Shaft Clamping Elements, Freewheel & Overload Clutches.
We value innovation highly at Cross+Morse, which is why we constantly invest in new machinery and technology as well as training programmes and apprenticeships to maintain the highest standards of quality
Have a specialised or ambitious requirement? Send us your drawings and application details and we will do our utmost to find the best solution possible, we welcome a challenge! We have been providing solutions for the food and drink, oil & gas, agricultural, pharmaceutical, quarrying, energy and environmental industries, bottling and packaging plants and many more for over 100 years. Our customers come from the widest range of industries and include original equipment manufacturers for packaging, conveying systems and material handling applications. We also export our quality products all over the world, through our network of long standing distributors or directly to the manufacturers and end users of mechanical power transmissions on every continent.
At Cross+Morse we consider customer
support along with in-house design and manufacture an essential element in our service to industry, please browse our website for details and more information on our manufacturing capabilities as well as our stringent quality control. We are certified to ISO 9001:2015 and have been for over 25 years.
Call or email us now to solve your mechanical power transmission problems.
www.crossmorse.com | +44 (0) 121 360 0155 | sales@crossmorse.com
Vision Engineering will feature both optical and digital versions of Mantis 3rd Gen, the latest addition to its best-selling and awardwinning range of ergonomic optical stereo microscopes, on stand 18-430 at this year’s MACH show.
Mantis is in use in tens of thousands of R&D, manufacturing and analytical sites around the world. Mantis 3rd Gen incorporates the latest developments in optics, digital cameras and fully adjustable LED lighting, to keep Mantis at the forefront of stereo imaging.
Mantis 3rd Gen is designed for precision engineering, electronic engineering, medical device manufacture, and a wide range of other applications that require high-quality images and superior ergonomics. It features a unique, patented, eyepiece-less design that delivers a large, high-quality optical stereo image directly into the user’s eyes, making it more comfortable and easier to view than traditional microscopes.
Manipulative, rework and restoration tasks need stereo images, to allow easy hand to eye coordination and depth perception. Mantis 3rd Gen combines stereo optical images, with high resolution camera options for manipulation and recording.
Mantis 3rd Gen features long working distance and excellent depth perception, now with a choice of 3 magnifications, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. It also now comes as
Mantis is in use in tens of thousands of R&D, manufacturing and analytical sites around the world.
standard with five different ways to illuminate your subject, giving you the flexibility to adjust the lighting to get the perfect image for your needs.
In addition to its outstanding image quality and ergonomics, Mantis also features a powerful digital imaging system that allows you to capture, review, and share high-resolution images. This makes it easy to share your work with colleagues, document your findings, and train new employees.
Substantial R&D has resulted in a new range of stand options, to allow flexibility, stability and reduced footprint
“As our customers have told us for the last 28 years, Mantis is an ideal solution for anyone who needs to perform precise work with small objects,” said Mark Curtis, Managing Director at Vision Engineering. “We invest substantial R&D time and effort in exploiting the opportunities that fast moving optic, digital and lighting technologies offer our dedicated customer base. Mantis 3rd Gen offers the best of both worlds: superior ergonomics and optical image quality, combined with the latest digital imaging technology.”
Mantis is available for purchase now. For more information, please visit www.visioneng.com/mantis and to demo the system with your own components, please visit stand 18-430 at MACH.
For further information, please visit www.visioneng.com
Designed for multi-output industrial and medical power supplies it combines best-in-class power density of 18 W/in3 with extensive digital communication options
‘The new configurable power supply by Advanced Energy provides optimized, application-specific power conversion in a small form factor with up to four times higher power density than conventional solutions.
The NP08, combines eight output power slots for rapid and flexible configuration with a best-in-class power density of 18 W/ in3. Rated at up to 4,000 W, the NP08 also has integrated and flexible communication capabilities with optional dongles that support all common digital communication protocols without the need for design changes or modifications.
NeoPower leverages AE’s expertise in high-efficiency server power supply design with our deep experience in configurable to speed development of high-density configurable power conversion systems that are precisely tailored to the needs of demanding applications. The new NP08 is a perfect first example and delivers more power in a 2.5” configurable supply than comparable solutions.
Designed for ease of configuration in both series and parallel implementations, the NP08 can be programmed as a voltage or a current source and operates with marketleading low noise performance. NP08 is qualified to all applicable standards including the medical BF (body floating) safety rating and the SEMI F47 standard relating to immunity from voltage sag.
www.advancedenergy.com | info@aei.com
AC inputs are 90 to 264 VAC. Advanced Energy’s ConnectedPower™ portfolio of interface options allows the NP08 to support a variety of different protocols.
This comprehensive connectivity also makes the NP08 ideal for IoT applications requiring cloud-based monitoring and control.
Experience precision and efficiency with the Type 3700 Proportional Pressure Regulator. It features an LED display for easy output pressure monitoring and offers fast response times for optimal performance.
With a high flow rate, it ensures seamless operation and maintains output pressure even during power loss. The IP65 class protection ensures durability in various environments. Its compact and lightweight design allows for effortless installation, whether standalone or modular. Say goodbye to complexities in tension control, glue proportioning, spot welding, speed and force control, zero weighing balancing, position control, fl uid coating, and more.
Achieve consistent and precise
With a high flow rate, it ensures seamless operation and maintains output pressure even during power loss.
results, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of your processes.
• LED display for monitoring output pressure
• Fast response
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• IP65 class protection
• Compact and lightweight
• Suitable for standalone and modular mounting
• Straight and right angle cable options available
• Tension control applications
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• Zero weighing balancer
• Position control
• Fluid coating and many more!
Marsh Bellofram Europe Ltd, Unit 9, Castle Park
Queens Drive, Nottingham
Tel: +44(0)1159933300
Email: sales@marshbellofram.co.uk
For further information, please visit www.marshbellofram.com
In the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, every pack of oral solid dosage (OSD) form and its content must be carefully inspected to guarantee that it meets quality standards and complies with regulatory requirements. While traditional control methods have considerable limitations, by adopting advanced vision inspection methods, manufacturers can transform blister pack inspections into an extremely accurate, precise and efficient operation.
Matt Jones, Account Manager at Optimal Industrial Automation, looks at how state-of-the-art vision systems can advance quality control activities on blister packs.
In the world of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, packaging is paramount. Among the variety of packaging solutions available, blister packs have emerged as a popular choice due to their versatility, costeffectiveness, and tamper-evident features. The individual pockets on the packs protect each OSD form, ensuring precise dosing, tamper evidence and prolonged shelf life. However, their effectiveness depends heavily on the accuracy of the packaging process, therefore, their inspection is a crucial task.
This quality control activity should detect defects in OSD forms, such as chipped or broken tablets as well as any foreign objects on them, and ensure that the right medicaments are being packed. In particular, for lines that process multiple medicines, there should not be any mix-up. It is also vital to spot any empty pocket or OSDs that have been incorrectly
positioned within the blister packaging. Following this analysis, any off-spec blister pack needs to be discarded.
Traditional quality control methods, such as manual inspections or basic machinery, often fall short in guaranteeing the required level of precision and reliability. Furthermore, they can contribute to extended, ineffective cycle times. Industrial automation solutions that leverage high-power vision systems can play a key role in effective and responsive inspection of blister packs.
The power of vision system-based inspections
Vision systems typically combine cameras, sensors, lighting and advanced software to capture and analyse images of blister packs as they move through production lines. More precisely, the process begins with high-resolution cameras and lights strategically positioned to generate and capture detailed images. The number and their placement depend on the complexity of the inspection required and the specific setup. For example, various lighting techniques can be used. These include diffuse, direct and backlighting, to eliminate shadows, reflections or other image distortions.
Once the images are captured, they are processed by powerful algorithms. These are designed to detect and analyse specific features, irregularities, defects and other attributes of the blister packsand the tablets within - that could compromise product quality or safety. The software compares the images against predefined criteria to determine whether each pack meets the required quality standards.
Blister packs that pass the inspection are allowed to move to any downstream operation, while those that have been flagged are automatically diverted and rejected from the line. This ensures that only compliant packs make their way to the next stages.
Vision systems can also provide detailed data and documentation of the inspection process, including images of inspected blister packs, timestamps and records of any defects detected. This information can support comprehensive reporting and quality auditing activities to ensure regulatory compliance. Even more, they support traceability strategies.
With the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) evolving considerably, vision systems are deemed to become even more complex, accurate and smarter. For example, they can integrate increasingly advanced spectral functions, sensors, pattern recognition algorithms and data processing functions. Thanks to these, they can detect subtle anomalies that may not otherwise be identifiable.
For further information, please visit www.optimal-ltd.co.uk
enquiries@dalby.co.uk | 0116 291 6000
Gas Fired or Full Electric Option
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AquaDry blowers
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*Terms & Conditions apply
SEEPEX, a specialist in progressive cavity pumps for food and beverage applications, offers a sophisticated solution for chopping, pumping, and moving food waste, simplifying the handling of by-products, ranging from fish, whole chickens, and vegetables to peelings and fruit stones. The BTM progressive cavity pumps reduce food producers’ costs and improve their hygiene and health & safety standards.
Food processing facilities produce waste, including trimmings, wash residue and by-products. Sanitary guidelines require quick waste removal from production areas. Clearing this food waste not only frees up capacity for primary processing operations but also provides an opportunity. This involves turning waste and by-
products into additional revenue streams by using them for animal feed, compost, or even to generate renewable energy.
However, some waste products are notoriously difficult to handle –large, highly viscous, or non-flowable foodstuffs can be a challenge. These include whole chickens, chicken frames, heads, feet, and necks as well as other animal by-products. Whole vegetables and fruit, along with fruit stones, seeds, and peelings also fall into this category.
As a result, some operators still rely on traditional methods to remove them from the production area. Conveyor belts are often used in large food production factories. Compressed air systems, vacuums and water flumes are also common.
Operators use waste containers, like tote bins or dolavs, for manual handling. These methods can be inefficient, unsanitary and expensive.
The SEEPEX open hopper BTM pump range offers a sophisticated, hygienic, and cost-effective alternative. The BTM pump with a feed auger and macerating knives, chops and pumps food waste in a single operation, reducing solids waste volume by up to 60% and providing a pumpable consistency without requiring additional water.
Changing to an enclosed food waste removal solution like the SEEPEX BTM pump has several advantages:
Firstly, it is more hygienic. Transferring food waste products through a closed pipe system eliminates the need for dedicated cleaning of tote bins. This is especially beneficial before reentering high-care areas, as it helps prevent potential crosscontamination.
Secondly, it is safer. Manual handling or conveyor systems can cause waste products to fall on the floor. This creates an immediate health and safety risk for workers and increases the risk of slipping accidents. In contrast, SEEPEX automated solutions streamline the process, needing only one staff member to load products into the hopper or even fully automating the feeding process.
This improves efficiency and safety on the factory floor by minimising traffic and hazards in high-risk areas. Reducing the number of forklift trucks, operatives, and tote bins significantly improves overall safety.
Clearing this food waste not only frees up capacity for primary processing operations but also provides an opportunity.
Finally, the BTM pump range is more efficient, generating significant cost savings. By chopping and pumping all-in-one, the BTM pump is able to create a pumpable consistency without requiring any additional water, resulting in savings from water usage. It can also reduce food waste volume by up to 60%, making it easier to transport and cutting transport costs.
The operating and energy costs of the BTM are considerably lower than vacuum or compressed air systems, generating savings. Automating the process and eliminating manual labour also allows food producers
to cut down on labour costs, freeing up employees for more profitable primary production roles.
In chilled high-care production areas, using a simple pipeline to remove waste instead of manual transport through doorways will help reduce energy costs and minimise potential contamination from external sources.
Customised solutions are available for transporting more challenging by-products. To ensure continuous pumping, the BTM pump range incorporates an auger with a large pitch, feeding the product into the cutting elements.
Horizontal and vertical grinders can also be integrated; as can solids traps to prevent pump damage. Dewatering devices can help reduce waste volume even further. Additionally, all BTM pump systems can be fitted with Smart Conveying Technology (SCT), a pump maintenance solution from SEEPEX that enables rapid dismantling and cleaning, reducing maintenance time by up to 85%. With SCT, the adjustable stator can also increase pump stator life by up to 200%. Pumps fitted with this maintenance solution can be fully maintained in place without removing any pipework and are also suitable for Clean-In-Place (CIP).
Contact SEEPEX to discuss your requirements and learn more about our food waste pumps and food waste pumping applications We also offer solutions for fruit and vegetable processing, the fishing industry, poultry and meat processing, and other applications within the food and beverage industry.
Design hydraulic systems, large or small, with HydroSym in fraction of the time. Thanks to the complete library of hydraulic parts to easily click and add parts from. Designing with HydroSym not only saves a lot of design time, but also enables real time product configuration right inside your design canvas. Quicker design means quicker delivery to your customer. Here are some more benefits to using HydroSym.
1. Clearly identify all components
This may be a no-brainer, but lack of clarity here could mean delay and additional research necessary. This is time wasted and we all know time is money. Of course to clearly identify components there needs to be “one point of truth” with definitions that your team can look up when needed.
2. Digitize your schematic
For easy collaboration even across geographies – are you still using paper, or emailing bulky files? Have an easy digital file available for quick viewing and sharing that even in situations with weak internet connection your files are light and easily accessible.
Quicker design means quicker delivery to your customer.
3. Have updated data sheets for all components
Have updated data sheets for all components available with the schematic for easy reference.
We at PARO are hydraulic engineers ourselves, and with these challenges
in mind we have created HydroSym Software for designing flawless hydraulic schematics. You can clearly identify all the components and their properties, label them with internal item codes and so on. PARO Library contains millions of hydraulic parts that you can just click and add into the schematic as you design, this way component specs are always available and up to date. As for the Data sheets? Once you are finished designing, the entire project can be downloaded automatically into a neat project file containing all up to date data sheets for all components used.
About HydroSym Software:
HydroSym Software helps you to easily design flawless hydraulic schematics. Design with smart connecting lines and information flow. Drag and drop components from the PARO Library of more than 40,000 hydraulic components. Use HydroSymViewer to send dynamic files with all the information and datasheets for easy collaboration with internal teams, customers, and suppliers. Request a free HydroSym trial and test it out for yourself.
For further information, please visit www.paro.nl or email info@paro.nl
Optimal Industrial Automation has launched its new and improved company website, aimed at providing customers an enhanced online experience as well as easy access to valuable resources and technology insights. Available at https://optimal-ltd.co.uk, the site offers a comprehensive hub to visitors looking for key information on factory automation and state-ofthe-art industrial control systems for manufacturing and processing facilities.
As an expert industrial automation and system integration specialist, Optimal continuously invests in updating its services and improving the accessibility of data-driven solutions to help drive the adoption of Industry 4.0 applications. The launch of its new website is a testament to the company’s commitment to promoting innovation, delivering advanced engineering solutions and fostering lasting relationships with its customers.
As a rich content hub, the new site offers high-value, free resources to help companies better understand the landscape of industrial automation and control systems for smart manufacturing. For example, visitors can access Optimal’s virtual exhibition stand, which features an interactive product showcase consisting of full-scale models of automated machines developed by the company’s engineers, such as iPass for MDI. This is a robotised system for the accurate detection of leaks within pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs). Visitors can
The launch of its new website is a testament to the company’s commitment to promoting innovation, delivering advanced engineering solutions and fostering lasting relationships with its customers.
also learn more about the new SciYbotic product developed by Optimal – the SciYbotic TT-A60 machine – with videos and other resources.
These virtual representations provide extensive information on how robotised and autonomous setups can benefit key production and processing activities through more responsive, data-driven operations. In addition, visitors can learn more
about the real-world applications of Optimal’s solutions through compelling case studies. Gaining insights into how the company’s innovative automation systems have positively impacted various industries is made easier by a userfriendly and responsive interface that supports intuitive navigation to help visitors access information on the go.
“As a company at the forefront of industrial automation, we understand the importance of seamlessly connecting with our customers. The launch of our new website is a significant step forward in our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional support,” shares Alan Messenger, Sales Director at Optimal. “It is more important than ever to make it as easy as possible for companies to find information on solutions that will drive the efficiencies needed to keep their operations constantly progressing and improving. Our industry-leading services and solutions are designed to help customers advance in the digital transformation of their businesses.”
For more information, visit: www.optimal-ltd.co.uk
• Rugged and compact
• Easy to use
• Dust, splash or waterproof
• Data downloaded to PC
• Cost-effective
Tinytag Plus 2
Accompanying probes are available for monitoring extremes of temperature, and for awkward to reach areas such as pipework.
For larger sites, Tinytag Radio and LAN loggers automatically gather data for viewing on a PC, across a LAN or remotely across the internet.
Radio and LAN
Energy Logger
Tinytag Ultra 2
In today’s case study, we’re drilling down into a project we worked on for an overseas wine manufacturer. As well as making a range of wines, the company turned some of its product into vinegar to create another regular income stream.
They contacted North Ridge Pumps looking for a proven and effective way to decant intermediate bulk containers (IBC) containing vinegar with an acidic content up to 8%. The company wanted an all-in-one pump kit designed to quickly transfer the vinegar from the container.
How is vinegar made from wine?
Turning good wine into great vinegar is surprisingly easy. In fact, you may have accidentally made wine vinegar in the past by leaving out an opened bottle of wine too long.
Wine can be left in a warm place for two weeks allowing the natural oxidation process to undertake the rest. Too much alcohol will hamper the growth of the bacteria that turn the wine into vinegar. Too little alcohol and the vinegar won’t keep very well.
To make large quantities of wine vinegar, a ‘mother’ vinegar is needed. This is fermenting bacteria culture which turns alcohol into acetic acid working in combination with oxygen. It can be bought as ‘live’ or ‘mother’ vinegar, or simply as an unpasteurised vinegar. Mother vinegar can also be made by combining wine and vinegar and leaving it to ferment.
As part of this client’s production process, bulk deliveries of vinegar
were being made and had to be transferred into drums on site. To do this, a pump was needed.
Barrel or drum pumps are usually chosen for applications like this. They provide an easy and safe way to transfer or dispense virtually any fluid or chemical from containers like barrels, tanks, IBCs and drums. In addition, many different models, lengths, tubes and accessories are available to meet the demands of a variety of different sectors.
This particular application was just right for a sanitary barrel pump, also known as a drum pump. But which one to specify?
Here are 7 factors we look at when specifying a barrel pump for a client:
1. Cost of liquid
Barrel pumps don’t usually decant all of the contents from a container, and sometimes leave as much as 5% of the fluid at the bottom.
If this fluid is expensive, this level of waste can add up to tens of thousands of pounds worth of lost product and profit every year. On the flip side, significant savings can be made by taking out all of the contents of every container.
That’s why special types of pumps have been developed to totally remove these contents, and one specifically designed to do this is the North Ridge Pumps 99.98% Barrel Emptying Kit.
2. Type of fluid
Obviously, fluids come in a wide variety of viscosities, from some similar to water to others which have the consistency of a paste or sludge. The properties of the liquid also need to be taken into account such as whether it is rheopectic or thixotropic.
Rheopecty is the characteristic of some fluids to become more viscous if they undergo shearing forces. The longer these forces are operating,
the higher the viscosity. In short, rheopectic fluids, such as some lubricants, thicken or solidify when agitated or shaken.
The opposite and much more common type of behaviour is called thixotropy. Here, some fluids that are thick or viscous when static will begin to flow when they’re agitated, shaken, shear-stressed or just put under stress. It then takes a while for them to return to their original viscous state.
3. Power source
Sanitary drum pumps can use a range of different power sources. They can use electricity working on differing voltages such as 110V/230V or 3 phase, air power or even be hand-operated.
Something else to factor into the decision is whether the unit is to be installed in a safe area away from flammable liquids or vapours. Or perhaps it’s to go into an ATEX zone which would require a full ATEX Pump kit. This can play a major part in deciding the pump and motor type we specify.
4. Mechanical seal or seal-less
Some liquids have the property of crystallising when they come into contact with air. In this case, mechanically-sealed pumps are essential to ensure that air doesn’t get into the pump. In addition, certain chemicals like solvents
Here at North Ridge Pumps, we’re not tied to a single pump technology.
evaporate, so the unit needs to be sealed to stop the contents getting out into the atmosphere.
Seal-less sanitary drum pumps are best for certain liquids which are aggressive and where the exact breakdown of chemical composition is unknown, making the right choice of seal more difficult.
5. Size of container
Fluids are transported in a multitude of containers ranging from small tote boxes of 25L and bigger 205L drums, all the way up to Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) and bespoke tanks. The size of the tank and the properties of the fluid it’s transporting will dictate the type of pump specified, and the method used to extract its contents.
For this specific project, the client would need a sanitary drum pump which was completely hygienic. This meant that a stainless steel pump could certainly have been an option.
Alternatively, a third partyaccredited hygienic pump could be a solution. This would need certification by an independent organisation such as 3-A, FDA or EHEDG as meeting food hygiene standards. These state that pumps used for transferring food or fluids must not affect the taste or composition of the material being transferred, must be fully traceable and inert.
Barrel or drum pumps can be configured to carry out bulk transfer of fluids, or more precise metered batching. They incorporate a flowmeter hose and can incorporate
Visit www.northridgepumps.com or call 01773 302 660
a batching facility with a range of pre-sets enabling batches to be decanted at the touch of a button.
With transfer accuracy levels of 99%, these units take away a great deal of time-consuming weighing and measuring of liquids, and help boost productivity and profitability.
In addition, barrel pumps can be set up by the operating company to provide different levels of access for users and managers with varying levels of access.
Our specification for this client The overseas wine manufacturer told us they wanted a sanitary pump kit designed to quickly decant vinegar from intermediate bulk containers (IBC) into smaller drums.
Here at North Ridge Pumps, we’re not tied to a single pump technology. We use our expertise to offer a tailor-made solution, not something taken off the shelf. So we always choose the most costeffective pump for any specific client and project.
For this application, we specified a sanitary barrel pump manufactured in highly polished and hygienic 316 stainless steel. It’s fully configurable and comes with a variety of options to give the client greater production flexibility.
Due to the low viscosity of vinegar, we specified an impeller pump type which is specially designed for liquids with low viscosities which flow easily and are not affected by shear forces.
All connections are tri-clamp ensuring that they are fully sanitisable for maximum levels of food hygiene. We supplied the pump with 2m of food grade hose and a dispensing nozzle for full control of every fluid transfer.
Looking for a quick and easy way to empty containers without having to use manual handling? We can specify a bespoke solution for your business.
Whether water is being used as part of a production process or for cleaning down areas and process equipment, recycling water can save manufacturing plants thousands of litres every year. Implementing a wastewater treatment system can therefore significantly reduce water bills, and Castle Pumps have been playing their part in delivering these systems.
Castle Pumps received an enquiry from a fabricator of fluid storage tanks who were designing a waste storage and recycling system. Their steel container encloses a water tank with pressure washers connected, used to wash down site equipment. Once used, the collected water is passed through a Lamella Separator and Filtration system to remove any large solid particles and returned to the original water tank to use again.
They were looking for Castle to specify a wastewater pump that would remove the filtered-out sludge at the bottom of the Lamella Settlement Tank and transfer it into a separate container to be disposed of.
When specifying a wastewater sludge pump for this Lamella Separator application, the nature of the fluid was the first thing to consider. 2-3% solid content was estimated and so it was important the pump in question could handle this, as well as the viscous sludge consistency. Due to its only wetted part being the internal tube, a peristaltic pump is ideal as
Its dry run capabilities means that there would be no damage if the pump is accidentally left running after the settlement tank is emptied of sludge.
the passing of solids is only limited to the diameter of the tube. There are no valves to clog or seals to wear, making it low maintenance for even more challenging, solid laden fluids.
After discussing the flow rate and pressure requirements, Castle Pumps specified the model of peristaltic pump that would meet the duty
range. To provide the user with flow control for when the contents of the Lamella settlement tank differ, the pump was also specified with an integrated inverter.
Its dry run capabilities means that there would be no damage if the pump is accidentally left running after the settlement tank is emptied of sludge. Peristaltic pumps are also self-priming which was important as the pump was to be installed above the settlement tank and needs to draw the fluid up.
The final tick in the box was that peristaltic pumps are low maintenance in design, thanks to the inner tube being the only wearing component. Given the often-harsh nature of waste products, this is an excellent feature when handling wastewater, sludge or effluent.
For further information, please visit www.castlepumps.com
Heat Geek, the sustainable energy startup, has announced a £3.7million Seed funding round, bringing the total raised in 2023 to £4.2million to power its mission to decarbonise homes via heat pump technology on a national scale.
Nearly half the gas consumed in the UK each year goes on heating. Electric heat pumps use electricity rather than burning gas or oil. They are also highly efficient and consume around a fifth of the energy of a gas boiler for the same heat output.
Just 25,000 heat pumps were fitted in private homes last year, but with a government ambition of 250,000 a year by 2025 the issue of insufficient qualified installers needs to be addressed. Currently, there are 120,000 qualified gas engineers in the UK, yet only 3,000 qualified heat pump installers and experts calculate the country will need 27,000 by 2028 to hit current government targets.
Founded by Adam Chapman (Heat Geek’s original founder and Chief Geek), Aadil Qureshi (ex Apple and IBM) and Matthew Gunn (ex JP Morgan), Heat Geek’s new digital platform provides heating engineers
with a “business-in-a-box”, empowering them with award-winning training, innovative technology and a pipeline of paying customers that have been prequalified using Heat Geek’s proprietary property intelligence algorithms.
A key factor in Heat Geek’s proposition and success to date is the creation and growth of the community of installers, which has 80,000 social media subscribers and 1,000 trained installers across the UK.
Co-founder and CEO Qureshi said: “At the heart of our business is a shared obsession with empowering everyone in the UK to upgrade their home and save money
every month. But one of the biggest issues facing mass uptake of heat pumps is a lack of skilled installers. Our solution is simple – train thousands of existing heating engineers and give them the skills, knowledge and tools to unlock the support for thousands of homeowners wanting to decarbonise their homes and save money on their energy bills.”
All Heat Geek certified installers will soon be given access to the digital platform, featuring unique tools such as a digital surveying and system design process, a training and community hub, MSC certification, plus an end-to-end digital journey for homeowner - all of which ensures the company continues to offer the highest efficiency Heat Pump installations in the country.
Chapman explained: “Heat Geek is built to support engineers running their own businesses at the heart of communities across the country. Our focus is empowering local heating engineers that have been keeping homeowners warm for decades. These engineers are best placed to upskill and guide their customers on the journey to adopt Heat Pumps.”
Minworth is the largest sewage plant within Severn Trent’s region, and the fifth largest in Europe. The plant operates 24-7, serving a population of around 2.5 million people in the Birmingham and Black Country areas. The plant covers an area equivalent to 300 football pitches.
After seeing SEEPEX’s success at Severn Trent’s Stoke Bardolph and Finham THP plants, the Minworth site decided to explore SEEPEX’s Maintain-in-Place (MIP) capabilities and digital solutions that included pump monitoring.
SEEPEX provided an open hopper progressive cavity pump with MIP technology to replace original progressive cavity pumps without altering the physical footprint or the installed power. SEEPEX MIP technology includes Rotor Joint
Access (RJA) and Drive Joint Access (DJA).
RJA enables the pump’s compression zone to be moved over the stator, allowing access to the rotor universal joint and giving the ability to remove debris without extensive maintenance work, for example, removing pipework and the pump’s stator. With DJA, the pump baseplate is split into three sections (rotor/stator, pump hopper and drive end) enabling maintenance tasks such as replacing a worn auger or a mechanical seal to be completed safely without needing to dismantle the whole pump.
SEEPEX Digital Solutions provide a comprehensive platform for pump performance monitoring, detecting potential issues with early warning notifications, and scheduling maintenance tasks. With the ability to track and analyse data on pump operation, tasks such as topping up
Over the course of over a year, the SEEPEX pump has performed reliably and consistently, maintaining optimal performance levels as confirmed by advanced analytics.
mechanical seal quench pots are transformed from regular, timeconsuming inspections into quick, planned interventions. Additionally, the monthly report provides a high-level overview of pump performance, including a simple RAG status to quickly identify any areas requiring further investigation.
Over the course of over a year, the SEEPEX pump has performed reliably and consistently, maintaining optimal performance levels as confirmed by advanced analytics. Thanks to SEEPEX innovative MIP technology, maintenance staff can easily access and dismantle the pump, streamlining maintenance and reducing downtime.
Integrated SEEPEX Digital Solutions provide a comprehensive platform for tracking pump performance and scheduling maintenance tasks in a preventative capacity, avoiding costly reactive maintenance and maximising process throughput and biogas production.
• One year of uninterrupted pump operation for improved process resilience and peace of mind
• Quicker maintenance with maintain-in-place technology, reducing downtime and costs
• Verification of pump performance through SEEPEX advanced analytics
• Improved process resilience through continuous monitoring and maintenance planning
• Peace of mind from knowing pump is operating at optimal levels
Partner with SEEPEX to enhance the efficiency of your pumps and simplify their maintenance. Contact SEEPEX today to explore our innovative progressive cavity pump solutions for the water and wastewater industry, designed to meet your unique pumping challenges.
Intralogistex expansion ensures 2024’s show is set to be biggest and best yet
The industry’s leading showcase for packaging, warehouse and logistics management solutions has expanded its programme, resulting in an exhibition packed with more shows, innovation, insights and inspiration than ever before.
IntraLogisteX 2024 offers unprecedented opportunity for those looking to stay one step ahead in a competitive global market place. Now in its 10th year, the show thrives on its reputation as the go-to connective for industry leaders and innovators to propel businesses to more productive, cost-effective levels.
The journey continues with 2024’s event, which adds a Sustainable Supply Chain exhibition to the twoday multi-experience show that also features a Robotics and Automation exhibition and an ‘Intralogistics’ space showcasing the smartest moves in warehousing and logistics.
Stephen Brooks, IntraLogisteX’s managing director, said: “There is no question that IntraLogisteX 2024 will be our biggest and best show to date. The Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition is a particularly exciting addition to the programme. It’s our response to the industry call for a
show that offers tangible, resultsdriven solutions that businesses can enact immediately. It’s an opportunity not to be missed for companies looking to engage with experts and get the inside track on sustainably-based supply chain solutions and trends.”
Featuring more than 350 exhibitors, 60 conference sessions and an expected 8,000-plus attendees from across the industry, IntraLogisteX is expertly-curated to maximise business profit through the optimisation of intralogistics management. Brother, Ocado
There is no question that IntraLogisteX 2024 will be our biggest and best show to date.
Intelligent Automation, Körber Supply Chain Automation, SEE (formerly Sealed Air), Carlton Packaging, Protega Global, Exotec, Hai Robotics, Locus Robotics, Springpack, and Siemens are among the global brands exhibiting at this year’s event, with more leading names in the logistics, packaging, and automation sector due to confirm their attendance in the coming weeks.
The newly-created Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition is aimed at compliance-focused supply chain professionals, as well as companies committed to achieving ‘above and
beyond’ environmental outcomes. It includes an array of exciting, enterprising spaces including a Start-Up Hub that offers small and medium-sized businesses an exclusive opportunity to promote revolutionary services and solutions that will help businesses to achieve sustainability goals.
as developments in sustainable delivery and materials, the Startup Hub will shine a light on new systems to improve traceability.
A Sustainability Theatre will also form part of the Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition Space, providing a platform for industry thought leaders and influencers to share their aspirations for the sector’s future sustainability.
IntraLogistex 2024 takes place on March 19th and 20th at NEC Birmingham.
The brand-new exhibition focuses on pivotal sectors such as packaging, last-mile logistics, cold-chain logistics, software and more – all crucial components of the supply chain ecosystem. As well For
visit: https://www.intralogistex.co.uk
The retail company Sport-Tiedje is automating its new logistics center with driverless transport systems from ek robotics. In Osterrönfeld near Rendsburg, nine transport robots from the VARIO MOVE series and four fully automated VNA MOVE narrow-aisle forklift trucks will optimize the home fitness expert’s transport and warehouse processes.
A small sports store in the center of Schleswig has developed into Europe’s leading home fitness specialist over the past decades. Sport-Tiedje GmbH employs around 700 people in 10 European countries. Due to the company’s strong growth, the previous central warehouse in Büdelsdorf reached its capacity limits. The dimensions of the new central warehouse in Osterrönfeld near Rendsburg are correspondingly future-oriented:
Over 51,000 m² of warehouse space offers room for order picking, storage and handling of goods. The driverless transport system from Hamburg-based manufacturer
ek robotics ensures efficient warehouse automation with decades of high availability. The automated guided vehicle fleet comprises nine vehicle models from the modular VARIO MOVE L series, which are responsible for linking incoming goods, order picking and outgoing goods. The high-bay warehouse will also be operated automatically in future and will contribute to an efficient material flow between the areas. The four fully automated narrow-aisle stackers will store and retrieve pallets precisely in the highbay warehouse with 30 aisles and a
processes in the central warehouse,” says Christian Grau, Managing Director of Sport-Tiedje.
For further information, please visit www.ek-robotics.com
The use of automated, softwaredriven solutions such as vertical carousels, vertical lift systems, vertical Buffer modules, horizontal carousels and robotic solutions for inventory picking can slash fulfilment times, labour needs, and warehouse footprint requirements, while vastly improving throughput and worker productivity. The goal is to use a combination of automation technologies and improved workflow processes to reduce the time required to pick, pack and ship items. Such an approach can help warehouses and
distribution facilities to become more productive and competitive.
A variety of automation technologies are available to improve both the speed and accuracy of the picking process and workflow. Kardex AutoStore is the fastest order fulfilment system per square foot in the market. The system is operated by autonomous robots that move on top of an aluminium cubic grid. Within this grid, storage bins are stacked on top of each other. The robots continuously pick up, rearrange and
deliver bins directly to connected ports for order picking and replenishment.
Automated storage solutions are used to improve space utilisation. By maximising the use of underutilised overhead space from the floor to the ceiling, traditional floor space requirement can be reduced by as much as 65-85%. For many it can mean the difference between staying put or moving to larger premises. Another major factor is improved working conditions.
Automated solutions are designed with the worker in mind. Not only do they help to reduce foot travel but are ergonomically designed. By bringing the goods to the person, bending, reaching and carrying is greatly reduced, which is faster and safer for staff.
Today, a variety of automation technologies and optimisation strategies are available to help warehouse operators overcome the limitations and inefficiencies of the
A variety of automation technologies are available to improve both the speed and accuracy of the picking process and workflow.
manual approach and many are modular in nature so that they can be phased in over time. This gives warehouse managers great flexibility in terms of managing expenses and training issues and analysing ongoing results to both fine-tune ongoing optimisation efforts and analyse return on investment (ROI).
Today, five main technology options are available for automating the storage and retrieval of individual SKUs, and for improving operational efficiency: Vertical lift modules (VLMs), Vertical carousels, Virtual Buffer Modules (VBMs), Horizontal carousels and Kardex AutoStore. These solutions enable warehouse operators to spread investment costs over time, move certain parts of the overall inventory into the automated solutions, support staff and analyse the experience over time to determine time and labour savings. No matter what the stock, whether fast moving items, tools storage, heavy goods, or cold storage items, in the end its all about increasing efficiency and remaining competitive.
To learn more contact Kardex Remstar at info.remstar.uk@kardex.com or visit at www.kardex.com
Growth can’t last forever, and current market conditions are making the logistics sector face up to uncertainty. Whether dealing with high, low or wildly fluctuating demand, the question of securing profitability has the same answer: flexibility. With scalable and efficient automation solutions like robots and analytics software from Prime Vision, postal, e-commerce and delivery companies have all the tools they need to seamlessly introduce flexibility into warehouse sorting operations.
The demands of change
The convenience of online shopping and the special circumstances of the pandemic have driven a dramatic growth in demand across the logistics sector. These favourable market conditions are changing though.
Rising inflation, high interest rates and cost of living crises in countries such as the UK have consumers scrambling to reduce their spending. A recent survey conducted by McKinsey & Company consultants found that nearly eight in ten consumers across five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK) would take action to alleviate the ongoing pressure on their incomes. (1) Among other things, this means less online purchases and deliveries.
Logistics companies can’t just downsize to meet these trends though - the situation is more nuanced. Periods of extremely high demand still define the market, especially during Christmas, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. These disproportionate spikes in demand must be met to secure profitability and safeguard
customer satisfaction. Consequently, postal, e-commerce and delivery
The clincher for robots in an environment of fluctuating demand is that the fleet can seamlessly expand or contract depending on requirement.
companies need to inject flexibility into their operations to meet wildly fluctuating levels of demand.
Fluctuating demand puts businesses in a quandary. With uncertainty regarding the future, companies are less inclined to make large investments in new facilities to increase capacity. However, when peak demand arises, it’s not as easy as adding more racking and hiring more
employees. Existing warehouses usually have space constraints and there is an ongoing labour shortage in the sector.
Another approach is to set up smaller scale, temporary facilities that can pop up to meet peak demand and then shut down or relocate when it drops. However, these sites are very limited in terms of space, providing no room for equipment like conveyors or sortation machines. In fact, static infrastructure is far too costly and problematic for a temporary sorting operation anyway.
Thankfully, there are automation technologies available that allow businesses to introduce scalability, and therefore flexibility, into any warehouse operation.
There are multiple approaches to scale up and down with demand, but robots are probably the most eye catching. Using onboard guidance
systems and information gleaned from barcodes, robots can move parcels to and from any area in a warehouse.
Notably, they take the strain from warehouse employees, with Prime Vision robots able to handle items weighing up to 35 kg. Furthermore, robots are more space efficient than sortation machines and conveyors, allowing businesses to achieve more throughput in smaller spaces. This is great for large warehouses wanting to increase capacity, or smaller facilities making do with what they have.
The clincher for robots in an environment of fluctuating demand is that the fleet can seamlessly expand or contract depending on requirement. During Black Friday, more robots can be added to sort to new destinations, meeting demand in existing spaces without putting unnecessary strain on employees. Following the seasonal rush, the number can be reduced, allowing a more efficient approach to lower demand. When combined with automatic storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) from other suppliers, which maximise available racking
space and warehouse capacity, Prime Vision robots give existing facilities the means to seamlessly scale operations.
In terms of temporary facilities, robots are an excellent choice too. As well as making efficient use of space, robots can be transported anywhere. Prime Vision specialises in these relocations for its US customers, moving an entire fleet and setting up new operations in a week. This gives companies complete flexibility while providing a low-risk method to test local or meet high demand.
But how can a business decide to scale up or down with any accuracy? The answer is to use Prime Vision analytics software to turn operational data into actionable insights.
Across a warehouse operation, data is being generated from management systems, scanners, sorting machines, robots, personnel and trucks. For retail and
this data and using analytics software to spot trends, businesses can scale operations in the most efficient manner.
This ensures that warehouses are adequately prepared and react accordingly to spikes or falls in demand. Therefore, facility managers can ensure service levels are maintained while maximising profitability. Nobody can see into the future, however software analytics enable postal, e-commerce and delivery companies to at least
make an educated guess, while any short-term decision making can be informed by a data driven approach.
Fluctuating demand presents many challenges to the logistics sector. However, automation technologies such as robots and analytics software allow operators to maintain a flexible and efficient service throughout. With the support of an automation expert such as Prime Vision, postal, e-commerce and delivery companies can capitalise on every market condition, consistently overcoming the challenges of uncertainty.
e-commerce companies, sales data from physical and online stores further supplements this. By collating For
There are multiple approaches to scale up and down with demand, but robots are probably the most eye catching.
Over the last 30 years there has been a boom in the traceability and identification of manufactured components. Many industries want to directly laser mark these, however there are some parts that are just getting larger and larger.
Casting and pressing companies sometimes have such large parts that they simply cannot fit these into a standard sized Class 1 laser enclosure leaving many companies wondering how they can mark them.
Even though they launched a new range of large XXL-Box class 1 enclosures in 2022, SIC Marking saw this problem as a new challenge for 2023. They have now launched their Funnel Integrated Technology (F.I.T. for short) as a complete all in one solution that combines all of the necessary components and settings to mark larger parts in a simple, safe and economic way within the customers production line and budget.
The FIT tunnel eliminates the need to enclose the entire part for the laser marking process by enclosing just the marking area. The compact design allows for the FIT system to be retrofitted easily into an existing robotic cell.
This ready to integrate and secured laser marking system comes as a ‘Tunnel Style’ Class
1 compliant enclosure. It is a compact and easy to integrate solution with a single connection to a PLC. The F.I.T. can be mounted to a robot head for presenting to a stationary part – or fixed in position allowing the robot to present the part for marking.
Not only is the F.I.T. adapted for production environments with its maintenance drawer for the cleaning of the lens, it has built-in shock protection preventing the funnel from damage. The F.I.T. tunnel can be adapted to your marking needs with three window sizes available as standard: 24mm x 32mm, 100mm x 32mm and 100mm x 100mm. Custom sizes can also be accommodated.
The F.I.T. is available as a basic chassis or as a complete solution with protective covers, a cooling system, electrical cabinet and tooling as well as an optional integrated Cognex vision system for 2D verification / validation or 3D lens for marking curved or angled surfaces.
For a demonstration of the new F.I.T. and / or any of the other laser marking systems in SIC Marking’s extensive range, please get in touch with SIC Marking UK in Warwick, UK on 01926 830372 where one of the very knowledgeable engineers will
be happy to talk to you.
The SIC Marking Group was formed in 1992 and has been growing ever since, as a result of its development in new sectors, winning many local and international customers, in addition to many takeovers. The increasing number of its distributor partners and the opening of subsidiaries on the 3 continents have given it an acknowledged presence and international reputation.
It has 10 subsidiaries, mobilised for promotion, implementation and customer support in France, Spain, Italy, UK, Germany, Canada, USA, Mexico, China and Korea. They also deploy its marking and traceability solutions locally on behalf of international groups.
Furthermore, its 40 exclusive distributor partners enable it, overall, to serve more than 50 countries worldwide.
SIC Marking UK is one of 10 subsidiaries around the World. SIC Marking Group has developed innovative, permanent marking solutions and automated identification systems for the complete traceability of industrial components for over 30 years. SIC Marking has a wide range of the most robust and state of the art Dotpeen, Scribe and Laser Marking machines available on the market today. Whether Column Mounted, Integrated or completely Portable like our battery powered cordless eMark for example, we can provide a machine that is suitable for both your application and budget. SIC Marking is constantly adding to the range and re-investing into R & D. The new eTouch portable Dotpeen marker offers Icon style Touch screen technology and the Laser systems now have a range of modular Class 1 enclosures with the XXL-Box range – offering the ability to mark parts up to 1500mm in length as a standard product.
Our UK Team is based in Warwick, where we have dedicated Sales and Aftersales engineers with over 50 years’ experience who would welcome a call to discuss your marking application.
Please call 01926 830372 for further details or email us on salesuk@sic-marking.com
Do you know the difference between Anti-Static, and ESD compliant Safety Footwear?
Rock Fall supply a full range of safety footwear, specifically designed for professionals working in the electronics industries.
High safety regulation anti-static footwear is essential for a wide range of fast paced electronic manufacturing industries, which use semiconductive devices, electronic circuits, and electrical power systems etc.
All Rock Fall anti-static footwear is designed to protect the foot from electrostatic discharge.
Developed with non-metallic components and ESD (Elector Static Dissipative) certified by SATRA technology, this range of safety footwear is manufactured with specialist comfort materials, shock absorbing EPR rubber outsole and climate breathable footbeds.
Understanding the difference between Anti-Static, and ESD compliant safety footwear
Why is Anti-static footwear so important?
Anti-static safety footwear is designed to protect those wearing them (and their colleagues) from the dangers of electronic build-up.
What Anti-static footwear is designed for?
Anti-static safety footwear is designed to conduct static electricity through
anti-static footwear is designed to protect the foot from electrostatic discharge.
the insole, linings, outsole and into the ground, helping regulate the build-up of electricity charge on the body and protect against the dangers of static build-up in the workplace.
Anti-static footwear is used to reduce the chance of sparks igniting flammable substances or vapours, they will also minimise the risk of electric shocks from electrical equipment and live parts.
How important is it to wear ESD (Elector Static Dissipative) certified footwear?
ESD compliant footwear does the same job and has the same benefits as anti-static footwear, but because ESD compliant footwear has a lower resistance range, between 0.1 and just 35 megaohms (M), measured according to EN 20344:2011, ESD is the more stringent version of the two.
For this reason, all ESD compliant footwear is anti-static, however not all anti-static footwear is ESD compliant.
What to look for when buying ESD compliant footwear:
Firstly, make sure you are aware of the different standards and the type of protection you need when choosing specialist safety footwear. All Rock Fall ESD certified safety footwear is clearly marked with a yellow tag on the trainer, boot, or shoe, indicating the standard it reaches.
Where to buy Rock Fall specialist safety footwear
Contact the Rock Fall Sales Team on T. 01773 608616 E. sales@rockfall.com
Deltec is the leading Impact Socket and Bespoke tool manufacturer in the UK and specialises in Impact Sockets, Specialised Sockets, accessories and related tools for various applications in different industries, such as Automotive, Construction, Bridge, Marine building and maintenance, Wind, Oil & Gas, Mining etc.
With 45 years of experience, Deltec aims for the goal of zero defects. Deltec has gained confidence and long-term support from many global clients due to its excellent quality, service, competitive price, reliability and on-time delivery. Deltec is well reputed with its excellent products all over the world.
All our products are manufactured to International DIN standards. Deltec’s Technical & Design Department designs and develops custom sockets and prototypes. Deltec is also a pioneer in product research and development, engineering and manufacturing – Fast track service also available.
Factory Tours available Please enquire – See British Manufacturing at its Best.
For engineers and technicians working in many industrial sectors FOD will always be a real and present danger.
Keeping track of every tool and piece of equipment, especially when several storage cabinets are in simultaneous use, can be challenging.
Snap-on Industrial’s Level 5™ automated total asset management system minimises the risk of FOD by constantly tracking every tool, detecting which tools have been removed or returned.
It also enables engineers and technicians to quickly find every tool they need, when they need it, saving time and easing stress. Engineered to track individual tools by user, without bar codes, scanners, RFID tags or other add-ons, the system works at the speed its users demand.
Save energy Save money Integrate the LHS 210/410 series air heaters with Leister’s new CHINOOK blower.
get in touch
Tel: +44 (0)1707 331111 info@welwyntoolgroup.co.uk www.welwyntoolgroup.com
Specifically designed to feed process air at inlet temperatures of up to 350°C
Quiet operating sound level of 58dB(A)
Capable of delivering air flow of 1,640 l/min at 50Hz with a static pressure of 14.6kPa
Level 5™ boxes are network ready, using either Ethernet or wireless connection.
Powerful software enables users to review activity at all boxes in their location from one central computer, avoiding the need to inspect each box.
Major benefits of the system include:
• No individual tool scanning required;
• No RFID tags to install or replace;
• Intuitive interface, via touch screen;
• Audible voice confirmation of tool removal and replacement;
• Automatic locking for maximum security;
• Errors announced and displayed to indicate
incorrect tool position or advise when a drawer is not closed;
• Keyless access control for easy access by authorised users.
Says Richard Packham, Director UK & Europe for Snap-on Industrial: “Snap-on’s automated system takes tool management to an entirely new level, giving workshop managers and other authorised users easy access to the tools they need, while protecting against foreign object damage.
“The ability to monitor several boxes from one central computer offers managers a huge time saving advantage.”
For technical details visit: snapon-industrial.co.uk; call (01536) 413904 or e-mail: ukindustrialmarketing@snapon.com
Phil Wares, Electroplating/ CAD Manager at DK Holdings Limited, introduces the company’s Direxpander®, a diamond coated precision reamer and long-standing engineering gem that has become the definitive tool for sizing and straightening the bores of cast components such as Hydraulic Transfer Valves.
“We have been supplying this tool for many years to our customers to fulfil their requirements. As an engineer and manufacturer I can say that this tool is a joy to produce, encompassing several skills and technologies, which ultimately results in a tool fit for the application which has been proved time and time again”, Phil explains.
What makes the Direxpander® Diamond Precision Reamer a perfect tool?
‘’This dependable engineering masterpiece consists of a diamond coated sleeve mounted on a tapered mandrel which allows the final diameter of the tool to be adjusted to very fine limits. It is a tool of great rigidity which is vital to the application. The precision diamond
coating ensures consistent sizing and surface finish over thousands of components, producing accurate bores every time. We can supply the tool in a standard range of sizes from 6mm to 60mm with other sizes available on request. The reamer is easy to use on conventional or fully automatic machines and has replaced many honing tasks, resulting in quicker, more reliable and accurate bore production”, Phil continues. “Design, Manufacture, Supply – to us this means to work in partnership with
our customers worldwide, offering precision engineered Diamond Tooling such as the Direxpander® Diamond Precision Reamer from inception to the supply”, Phil concludes.
This is just one of many quality diamond tools that D.K. Holdings produces and has been producing for decades.
Get in touch with one of the team at DK Holdings and find out how they can support your requirements no matter how large or small, or request their free Engineering product guide and Direxpander® Diamond Precision Reamer product focus, the team is always on hand to help!
DK Holdings Limited
Station Approach Staplehurst
TN12 0QN
Telephone: 01580 891662
Web: www.dk-holdings.co.uk
Email: info@dk-holdings.co.uk
Twitter: @DK_Holdings
For further information, please visit www.dk-holdings.co.uk
Peppers Cable Glands is proud to have upheld its unrivalled reputation for delivering quality products teamed with the highest possible level of customer service and flexibility throughout its 75 years of trading.
Peppers is the globally trusted cable gland specialist renowned for an end-to-end service, providing customers with a total cable gland solution and unrivalled confidence in the quality of the product. Peppers solely manufacture cable glands and enclosure accessories. It is this streamlined expertise, teamed with unparalleled technical support and service delivery that has contributed to its continued success over the last 75 years.
Sales manager, Grayham Churchouse says, “We take great pride in providing our customers with a confidence and peace of mind when they buy from us. From the design engineers who specify our products, to the fitters at point of installation, to the organisations all over the world that utilise them; our service and product quality is paramount to our success. As a focused product manufacturer, we have gathered 75 years’ worth of expertise and resources into making the very best, fit for purpose cable gland
Peppers satellite manufacturing unit and expansive global distribution network gives them a superior control over the supply chain. Their clever “component manufacturing” process allows them to remain agile which means they can provide customers with an unbeatable level of service, end to end. From quotation, to order processing, to manufacture, to a fast and reliable delivery time.
Peppers is a trusted brand that not only prides itself on its product performance and
response times, but the knowledge and expertise that 75 years has created. This ultimately provides the customers with unfailing confidence that they are receiving the integrity that comes with the Peppers name, built up over the last three quarters of a century.
Peppers maintains a quality management system approved by ISO 9001:2015 as well as an extensive range of global hazardous area protection concepts and marine approvals.
As businesses at varying stages of their digital transformations grapple with data management, it pays to use a unifying system allowing central analysis and control. Organisations entrenched in the world of big data or those just taking their first steps into industry 4.0, will benefit from Desoutter’s data-driven solutions. It’s now very easy to manage and analyse data gathered from the widest possible array of sources.
Never before has there been an opportunity to gather such an abundance of data from the tools and processes used day-to-day, from machinery and test equipment in manufacturing environments, software systems in warehouses or manual entry from operators in the field. Empowering? Yes! But, on closer inspection it’s too often left untouched, unobserved and
Organisations entrenched in the world of big data or those just taking their first steps into industry 4.0, will benefit from Desoutter’s datadriven solutions.
untapped. Data for data’s sake is no good to anyone.
With sensible planning, yes!
Desoutter’s ‘Pivotware’ process control software provides operator guidance as well as automation of equipment and tests. Pivotware processes can be created quickly and easily, whilst also allowing the
integration of our intelligent tooling and a wide variety of third-party equipment. This allows the data from all relevant equipment or sources to flow through one system, eliminating the requirement for separate databases or traceability systems.
With the ability for data to be recorded through one system, it can be stored centrally. Therefore, it’s simple and intuitive to perform analysis of historic data by searching for specific builds, events or time periods. Data can be viewed in its original state for quick reference or exported into various formats for advanced analysis and concise sharing.
Traditionally, data is used reactively as required. These days society is more connected and our business increasingly fast-paced. This means it is critical to proactively use data which drives daily decision-making within an organisation and prevents issues ahead of time. Desoutter’s ‘Demeter’ real-time data monitoring and analysis software allows easy viewing of key data in a tailored format, accessible from any webbrowser equipped device.
A proactive data strategy = reduced risk and increased productivity.
Don’t risk your company’s data being left shelved with its valuable lessons unlearned.
In the dynamic realm of welding, precision and reliability are paramount, and Weldability Sif stands out as the welder’s firm choice. Comprising four powerhouse brands – Sif, Newarc, Extractability, and Learn to Weld – Weldability ensures a seamless welding experience at every step.
Sif: 99 Years of Innovation in Welding Excellence
With a remarkable 99-year history, Sif has been a trailblazer in brazing technologies. As one of the UK’s leading wholesalers for welding consumables, gas, and safety equipment, Sif’s commitment to quality ensures welders receive the highest quality tools. Trust Sif as your reliable companion in the welding industry.
Newarc: 50 Years of UK Manufacturing Expertise
With over 50 years of UK manufacturing expertise, Newarc stands as a testament to robust welding machines thriving in harsh environments. Newarc’s 100% duty cycle machines operate continuously at maximum rated output without the need to pause for cooling periods. This innovation ensures efficiency and productivity, making Newarc a preferred choice for those who demand the utmost from their welding equipment. Hand built by an experienced engineer in the UK, these machines are made to excel in extreme environments such as offshore and dessert applications.
Extractability: Cutting-Edge
Solutions for Workplace Safety
For employers prioritising safety and environmental impact,
Extractability offers cutting-edge solutions in particulate, fume, and dust extraction. In addition to mobile extraction units, Extractability specialises in the planning, design and installation of bespoke projects tailored to any industry. With services like LEV testing, air quality monitoring, and noise assessment, Extractability delivers a comprehensive approach to workplace safety.
Dedicated to shaping the next generation of welders, Learn to Weld offers a unique blend of hands-on training and cutting-edge
augmented reality programs within our 10-bay welding training facility.
Experience the power of seamless welding with tools and services crafted by industry leaders who understand the importance of precision, reliability, and safety. Contact our friendly sales team at +44 1462 482200 or email sales@weldability-sif.com to discuss your needs.
For further information, please visit www.weldability-sif.com
Introducing the NEW Johnford SL-300L-II slant bed turning center with extended 40” turn length for longer part turning. Since 1979, Johnford’s SL Series lathes have been constructed with a one-piece Meehanite cast iron base for not only intense strength and added rigidity, but also to dissipate heat away from the part improving dimensional accuracy. Johnford still hand-scrapes their box ways and coats all mating surfaces with Turcite-B for exceptional fit, mobility, and precision. The SL-300L-II ballscrews are double nut type and pretensioned to eliminate thermal growth. The 30˚ slant bed design allows for improved chip removal away from the work envelope and workpiece, space efficiency for more compact footprint design, and improved operator ergonomics for better part visibility and accessibility to cutting tools.
While all the above factors make the new Johnford SL-300L-II turning center an excellent choice, there are more attractive standard features such as:
• List price: $142,000 (incl. everything above and below)
• 22.8” Swing over Bed Design
• 17.7” Swing over Cross Slide
• 2” Bar Capacity
• 40” Turn Length
• 20 HP
• 8” 3-Jaw Hydraulic Chuck
• 12” Tool Turret
• 787 IPM Rapid Traverse
• Fully Programmable Tailstock, and
Also included in the new SL-300L-II is a 12-station bi-directional servo turret or optional BMT-55 servo live turret with 7.5 HP milling motor providing .2 second indexing as well as coolant through the tool holders. In addition to the live tooling option, a true linear Y axis is also available for off-center milling operations. Our Y axis is perpendicular to X in a right-angle design, providing true linear Y axis movement. Fanuc OiT-F Plus CNC control with 10.4” color LCD, full MDI keypad, Manual Guide i Conversational are all standard accessories to complement this new machine model.
The precision spindle structure is mounted using precision double row roller bearings in conjunction with angular contact ball bearings for high rigidity and accuracy. The spindle quill inner and outer linings are precision ground for fine fitting with the spindle, thus ensuring extreme concentricity and accuracy. Three spindle
configurations are available to suit any machining requirement:
• 1.7” bar capacity, 6,000 RPM spindle
• 2” bar capacity, 4,500 RPM spindle
• 3” bar capacity 4,000 RPM spindle
Optional accessories include an automatic tool presetter, radial and axial live tool heads, contouring C axis with live tools, and much more. The C-axis accuracy is 0.001 degrees. The live tooling used for the C-axis is backed by a 7.5 HP spindle motor.
Add our SPECIAL PRODUCTIVITY PACKAGE which includes either a TRACER V-65E 4’ pneumatic bar loader, Vs-65E 4’ servo bar loader, or a TRACER Vs-80L 5’ servo bar loader, parts catcher, and parts conveyor for unattended operations. For more information or a quote on the new Johnford SL-300-II, email Absolute Machine Tools at info@absolutemachine.com.
For further information, please visit www.absolutemachine.com
Innovative design, rigorous testing and high precision engineering are why Oliver Hydcovalves are the most trusted valves for Hydrogen and Carbon Capture applications.
The range has grown rapidly to include instrumentation, Double Block and Bleed, Pipeline, and Subsea Gate Valves. Shown here is the 1” Hydraulic Gate Valve with manual override, DBB with 20mm bore, 3” Flange, and the 1/2” Hydraulic Gate Valve equipped with Remote Operated Vehicle bucket capability.
These valves, showcased for their diverse features, are en route for deployment in Carbon Capture (CC) injection applications.
For information on how Oliver Hydcovalves can provide Hydrogen and Carbon Capture valve solutions for your green renewable energy project, telephone +44(0)1565 632 636 or visit our website.
The range has grown rapidly to include instrumentation, Double Block and Bleed, Pipeline, and Subsea Gate Valves.
Drallim are specialist equipment manufacturers and offer a wide range of bespoke products and services. One area of increasing activity has been designing and building custom dehydrators to suit a variety of telecom applications from copper cable pressure systems to television, satellite, and radar systems.
There currently exists a large installed base of older equipment that is often found to be obsolete, where we have successfully supplied a full range of services to maintain, monitor or replace equipment of any brand. Maintaining an extremely dry air supply is essential to these applications and in recent years we have developed sophisticated remote monitoring solutions for telephone exchanges, and waveguide tower installations supplying an
We have a range of standard units to suit most applications but often our customers need something rather unique.
early warning of potential issues on often, extremely critical services. This monitoring capability has also spilled over into offering monitoring for cable theft, cable integrity and unauthorised access to manholes and cabinets.
We have a range of standard units to suit most applications but often our customers need something rather unique. We will collaborate with clients and their customers
to understand the needs of their application. We offer a professional service from site survey, customer design, manufacture, and installation; and we are not always finished then. We offer full training on all products which makes servicing and the maintenance of the units an inhouse option for the client if preferred. If you operate any kind of installation requiring a supply of dry air. We have over 60 years’ experience with this type of equipment.
Alongside our own products we also supply the Koganei range of quality Japanese pneumatics. Our specialist Rotary Selector Valve (65 this year!) is widely used to control complex pneumatic switching applications, it has multiple configurations for a multitude of applications, at Air pressures from -1 up to 10 Bar.
• Severe Service 650ºC, 10K psi
• Forged & Bolted Construction
• Instrumentation, Ball, Needle and DBB Valves for Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Applications
• Pipeline Ball Valves upto 18”
• 10K Ball Valves for Hydrogen Fuelling Stations
Pipeline Valves
Subsea Valves
• Ball Valves Upto 15K
Rotaflow provide solutions that enable different fluids (including oils, fuels, corrosives, food) and/ or air/steam to be transferred through awkward, and often, already established production infrastructure. With 40 years of experience, we have designed and manufactured swivels to withstand and perform effectively when faced with many tricky environmental factors: Overcoming issues with heat, pressure, size and material choice.
Swivel joints will allow the movement on a slowly rotating drum or remove the damaging effect of twisting on hoses.
Swivel joints will allow the movement on a slowly rotating drum or remove the damaging effect of twisting on hoses.
We manufacture in Carbon Steel and 316 SS with “specials” in any grade of metal to suit customer specification: Titanium, Super Duplex, etc. With bores ranging from 0.25” to 40”; Vacuum duty to 20,000PSI and multi passaged designs allowing multiple
flows of fluid though a single unit.
The photo attached is of a secondgeneration swivel design for use on cleaning rigs where acid is a factor.
Rotaflow is a global leader in swivel joint design and manufacture. We engage with clients all over the world to produce swivel joints for a wide range of industrial uses, from drilling and mining, food and drink production, pharmaceutical, process and plant, to subsea oil and gas extraction.
To find out more please visit our website and/or give us a call. Tel: +44(0)1663 735003
Swivel joints allow pipework to pressure 1/4” to 40” and beyond. Vacuum to over 20,000psi.
We were called to consult on several flow applications on board a multimillion-pound new generation of catamaran hybrid passenger ferry. These fabulous low emission ferries will operate on the Thames and be future proofed incase an ultra-low emission zone is introduced for river traffic.
The vessels designer identified a requirement for three flow measurements to be made. The first was on the diesel fuel consumption on the common rail engine. The second was for the battery cooling circuit and the third was the diesel engine cooling circuit. These ferries have a hybrid motor in each of the two hulls, so that was four measurement points per hull, eight in total. The battery cooling fluid was a water / glycol mix cooled indirectly via a heat exchanger, whilst the diesel engine cooling was raw sea water, drawn up and passed through a strainer. The pipework was all Nickel Copper alloy, DN25 (fuel lines) DN50 and DN100 line sizes for the two cooling circuits.
For the diesel flow measurement, a gear flow meter was already installed, but iCenta realised that it was sized incorrectly and was causing a significant pressure loss. A precision OVAL FlowPet 5G gear meter was selected for the task of flow measurement from the diesel flow.
Then the cooling circuits were surveyed, and the ultrasonic sensors were installed within the bilge, access was tight, the space was about 60 cm at its largest point and a person could not turn around. After a risk assessment and gas safety check, the ultrasonic meters were set-up and
the sensors installed. It is in such space critical applications a quick setup and small meter, in a rugged bumper case is a definite advantage!
Both the Metri Pro-Lite and the Precision Flow PD190 measured the flow well, particularly on the water glycol mix for the battery cooling. However, it was found that as the engine approached full power, a great deal of entrained air was mixed into the engine cooling fluid which is not ideal for ultrasonic meters, or many other flow measurement technologies, for that matter. Entrained air is not a good conductor of heat and would therefore also affect the performance of the cooling circuit.
The ultrasonic flowmeters proved unsuitable (due to entrained air) on the diesel engine cooling circuit, so a different flow technology was required. This remains a natural strength of iCenta, we have all the flowmeter technologies, so we can honestly recommend the best flowmeter technology choice for a particular application, and we represent the best flow instrumentation from around the World.
In terms of diagnostics, the ultrasonics did give us valuable insight into the flow conditions. A combined Doppler – Transit time flow meter is available via iCenta, and this would have been a good application for that device, automatically switching between Doppler and transit-time techniques.
Metri Pro-Lite was fast to set up and easy to operate, having a backlit graphics display for use in low light conditions. Signal diagnostics are available so you can see the acoustic signals in real time. The meter, after the signal amplification is fully digitised, using correlation detection, has effectively become an industry standard signal processing technique for transit-time flowmeters. All these features really help when working with a range of fluids in demanding situations. The Metri Ultra Pro-Lite also sits in a powerful position in the market. Due to intelligent modern design, it is perfectly engineered to provide a capable clamp-on flowmeter, at a realistic cost to the user. iCenta recommend clampon ultrasonic flow meters on site, especially useful for verifying other meters, and for general spot flow readings. The meter also has a fully configurable datalogger for post testing analysis.
Initially we thought that it was a good application for ultrasonics, but due to entrained air on the diesel cooling water it was felt that a magnetic flowmeter was a better choice. Post trial, the new meters were correctly specified sized and delivered, so the overall solution involved Oval geared meters and C-Mag Comac Cal 316L Magnetic flowmeters.
For further information, please visit www.metrimeasurements.co.uk
GARDENA has always proven to be a particularly sustainable innovator. Thanks to a partner, the basic requirements for future-oriented and sustainable production have been met: With the latest linear rotary and linear technology from the drive specialist LinMot, GARDENA has succeeded in redefining the precision, speed and sustainability of its production systems.
The Micro-Drip System (MDS) is a resource-efficient irrigation solution that delivers water drop by drop to where plants need it: to the roots thus greatly reducing water consumption.
The new generation of production should offer more process reliability, increased precision in force control and process parameters as well as sustainability and energy efficiency, which led GARDENA to choose LinMot.
Implementing industrial systems for precise and dynamic locking, screwing or assembly is an extremely complex challenge with conventional servo solutions.
The LinMot PR02 provides both the rotary and linear servo motion combined in one compact motor avoiding the need for more complex and heavy servo motors and guides.
Precision with Feedback Force and Torque sensors are available as options for the LinMot PR02 which enable real-time monitoring and evaluation of process parameters with an accuracy of equal or better than 1% of the demanded value.
Thanks to the precision of the LinMot PR02 motors, GARDENA have found their systems are 3 to 4 times faster than their older process.
Parameters and contours can change fundamentally and quickly on both the product and the machine side, so that the re-teaching of the individual positions must be done quickly, easily and precisely. Thanks to their flexibility, the LinMot motors adapt to all adjustments to the production machines at lightning speed and all changes can be made very quickly.
The modularity of the LinMot linear modules such as the DM01 and SM01 also impressed the GARDENA engineers.
This provides a way for X and Y pick and place units to be quickly and easily assembled.
The question of having sustainability and efficiency working together has been well and truly answered as the collaboration between GARDENA and LinMot proves.
For further information, please visit www.quin.co.uk/linmot
Explosions pose a great threat to plants causing not only damage to sites and equipment, but also potential loss of life or serious injuries of personnel. An explosive atmosphere can be caused by flammable gases, and when there is enough of the substance, mixed with air it leads to a source of ignition that can cause an explosion.
The GEMÜ 1441 cPos-X electro-pneumatic positioner is now certified with ATEX & IECEx explosion protection for gas environments, protecting your plant and personnel from serious danger. Equipped for a multitude of control applications, the device is suitable for both single acting and double acting pneumatic process valves with linear and quarter turn actuators.
The integrated actuator module for dosing the control air permits precise positioning of the valve and when idle the air consumption is minimal. At an estimate, 10% of all energy consumed by the industrial sector is used for compressed air generation, therefore consumption of compressed air is a costly expense to businesses. The GEMÜ 1441 cPos-X offers a cost effective and environmental conscious option. Not only is the positioner economical but it also has a clever solution to simplify maintenance with a replaceable solenoid / filter cartridge. The practical design allows your operator to remove and replace the filter in the event of build up of debris or dirt in your air lines.
Founded in 1981 in West Sussex, Flotronic Pumps is a world-leading manufacturer of air operated double diaphragm pumps (AODP). With the invention of our ground-breaking ‘One Nut’ pump design, Flotronic have revolutionised the application of diaphragm pumps throughout the industry.
Over the last 30 years our ‘One Nut’ double diaphragm pump has proven its success in an incredibly diverse range of international industries including but not limited
to pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, cosmetics, personal and household care and chemical manufacturing.
Our global customer base can rely on our expertise in delivering the highest quality products as well as our abilities to provide engineering excellence, thus enabling them to achieve their competitive edge.
For more information please contact:+44 (0)1444 881871 or email salesteam@ flotronicpumps.com
electromobility, hydrogen, chemicals, pharmaceuticals/ biotech, semiconductors and medical technology. With competent advice and innovative solutions, we have been inspiring our customers every day for over 65 years –worldwide.
LAUDA Continues to provide an expanding range of feature-rich, future proof solutions with energy efficiency and connectivity front of mind, serving a diverse range of industries including food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, oil & gas,
Furthermore, for applications requiring customised solutions tailored to individual requirements, we offer a made-to-measure design service using a long-established and highly skilled team. We are here to assist with your technical requirements from the very first stage of the application discussion, all the way thought the process to the final commissioning, and aftercare services throughout the lifetime of the equipment.
Get in touch today:
+44 (0)17880 243 118
• Standard and bespoke specification chambers designed to meet any needs.
• Sizes ranging from containers, walk in rooms, floor standing & bench top.
• Temperature, humidity or combined solutions available.
• Service, Calibration and Installation.