Editor’s Choice Coatings Control & Automation
Drives, Motors & Gears
Electrical & Electronics
& Safety Machining & Machinery Measurement & Monitoring
All models manufactured at the Neckarsulm site from 2025 will be net carbon-neutral
How bearings can improve safety and efficiency in cobots
Morley forges automotive role at leading European industrial association
WSCAD launches the first AI-Powered electrical CAD software
Does inertia matching still matter when designing a servo system?
Portescap to exhibit with the Power of One Regal Rexnord at SPS
Cover photo: Audi
Universal Robots unveils its AI Accelerator, enabling a new wave of AI-powered cobot innovations
£200,000 automation cell unveiled by In-Comm Training to boost advanced skills in the Marches
Tradition benefitting from technology
Elevating control strategies for fluidised bed drying to the next level
Spelsberg’s GEOS enclosure helps make tough decisions
How APC technologies drive consistency and efficiency in process industries
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All models manufactured at the Neckarsulm site from 2025 will be net carbon-neutral
With the new Audi A5 family, the first models based on the Premium Platform Combustion (PPC) with partially electrified drive systems and new electronic architecture are rolling off the production line in Neckarsulm. The brand with the four rings is consistently gearing vehicle production towards sustainability. The goal: In line with the “360factory” production strategy, all models manufactured at the Neckarsulm site from 2025 will be net carbon-neutral. To achieve this, Audi is relying on more efficient production lines, a higher degree of automation, and innovative technologies. From 2025, the renovated paint shop will be one of the most modern in the automotive industry.
As production of the new Audi A5 in Neckarsulm commences, the largest start-up phase in the plant’s history has begun. “Thanks to many years of experience in the production of vehicles with combustion engines and expertise in complex ramp-ups, the Neckarsulm team has the ideal prerequisites,” says Board Member for Production Gerd Walker. Fred Schulze, Plant Manager of Audi Neckarsulm, adds: “For the new Audi A5 family, the Neckarsulm workforce has acquired further qualifications for new systems and automotive production technologies. At the same time, we have created a future-proof production plant infrastructure.” Rainer Schirmer, Chairman of the Works Council at Audi Neckarsulm, is also confident: “Neckarsulm employees can handle complexity and are flexible. With these skills, we will contribute to the success of the Audi A5 for our site and Audi.
The company is modernizing, digitalizing, and transforming its plants to manufacture sustainably.
The four Rings’ vision for the production of the future is thus continuing to take shape: The company is modernizing, digitalizing, and transforming its plants to manufacture sustainably. By 2025, Neckarsulm, like all Audi sites worldwide, is set to achieve CO2neutral production.
When it is completed in 2025, the renovated paint shop at the Neckarsulm site will be among the most modern in the automotive industry. Numerous processes have already been optimized, and environmentally friendly procedures have been introduced for the launch of the Audi A5. While sustainable water-based paints have long been standard at Audi, the latest models also undergo a new painting process. The filler is
replaced by a pre-zone paint that can be applied wet-on-wet. The previous separate drying of the filler is no longer necessary, allowing the four rings to reduce energy consumption significantly: Up to 140 kWh can be saved per vehicle.
In Neckarsulm, Audi relies on modern and effective methods to prevent corrosion. Cathodic dip painting, for example, includes dipping and rotating the body upside down in the tank using a rotation process. This is more spacesaving and thorough, as it avoids minimal air bubble formation and dirt deposits. A new, more energy-efficient process is also used for drying the cathodic dip coating. Instead of the previous external drying process, a so-called transverse drying process is now used. Air is blown into the interior, and the body is heated from the inside. In addition to being more energy efficient, the transverse dryer is better suited to future electric and hybrid vehicles and their strengthened floor assemblies.
Audi achieves a further energy saving of around 50 kWh per vehicle thanks to a new paint separation process. Previously, the paint mist was collected in water with 100 percent fresh air and disposed of. In the new dry separation process, it is captured by state-of-the-art filters instead. This process allows more than 90 percent of the filtered air to be reused, largely eliminating the need for energy-intensive fresh air conditioning. At the same time, in contrast to conventional wet separation, the use of fresh water and chemicals is eliminated.
Audi is committed to using valuable water resources responsibly across all its sites: The company aims to halve its ecologically weighted water consumption in production by 2035. To this end, the four Rings in Neckarsulm relies on a closed water cycle using the Unteres Sulmtal Wastewater Association’s wastewater treatment plant adjacent to the site. New pipes and plant technology ensure that no more process water will be taken from the nearby Neckar canal. This will save up to 70 percent of fresh water from 2025. Audi will further treat the water purified by the wastewater treatment plant with the help of filter systems and membranes. The process water then flows back into the treatment plant. Last year, Audi joined the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), once again underlining its commitment to the economical and efficient use of water.
Neckarsulm is the first site in the Group to install all add-on parts in the body shop fully automatically. In this way, Audi improves the fitting accuracy of the add-on parts and minimizes external influences. Seven robots are used simultaneously for the highly complex fender attachment alone.
As part of Audi’s “360factory” production strategy, its supply chain relies on the smart, automated provision of materials. Automation roadmaps have been created for each location and are gradually becoming a reality. Neckarsulm was the first Audi site worldwide to put the freely navigating, driverless transport systems (DTS) into operation back in 2014. With the start of production of the new Audi A5, over 80 percent of the material volumes in the body shop are now provided automatically.
Virtually smokeless fixing is a world-first in car body construction. It involves attaching glued components, such as doors with small soldering points, to prevent the inner and outer parts from slipping. Previously, numerous soldered fixing points had to be cleaned, as smoke is corrosive. The new process almost eliminates residue build-up thanks to a rotating gas flow. Audi works more than twice as fast with the new method compared to previous techniques.
Quality control measurements in the body shop are mainly carried out inline, i.e., without removing a vehicle from the line. New measuring technology is used at two stations. Four robots at each station use measuring sensors to determine the components’ dimensional accuracy.
The measurement result is evaluated using software, visualized, and made available to the employees. With this new technology, every vehicle produced can be measured directly on the line. Consequently, Audi significantly increases the number of measurements and can react faster to any deviations. Continuous, interruption-free quality control is also possible thanks to the high degree of automation.
Employees use innovative technologies such as augmented reality (AR) to inspect car bodies. An AR app on commercially available tablets with an integrated camera shows the connection points to be checked in real time. This makes it possible to check and directly document whether, for example, weld seams or points are present and executed according to target specifications. The increase in efficiency through digitalization is enormous. For example, inspectors once had to go to great lengths to determine the specifications for a bonded seam. With the tablet, this work is now done in just a few seconds.
Audi defines balance sheet CO2 neutrality as a state in which, after exhausting other possible reduction measures with regard to CO2 emissions caused by Audi products or activities, CO2 emissions that are still present and/or currently unavoidable in the supply chain, production, and recycling of Audi vehicles are offset, at least in terms of quantity, by voluntary compensation projects carried out worldwide. CO2 emissions occurring during the use phase of a vehicle, i.e., from when a vehicle is handed over to the customer, are not taken into account here.
Menzel Elektromotoren has built a dust-explosion-protected motor in ignition protection type Ex tc (protection by housing) and provided it with the ATEX label II 3D Ex tc IIIB T125 °C Dc for use in zone 22 hazardous areas. The German motor manufacturer application-tailored the 1120kW squirrel cage motor for a leading Italian operator’s flour mill. Menzel used a machine from its extensive stock, upgraded it for converter operation, adapted the dimensions to the existing motor to enable a smooth replacement, and manufactured an oversized terminal box according to customer specifications. The mill motor with a nominal voltage of 690 V provides a nominal torque of 11575 Nm. It is suitable for operation in both directions of rotation and features protection class IP55 with IC 611 cooling (air-to-air heat exchanger CACA). Through its Italian subsidiary, Menzel has been the mill operator’s trusted motor supplier for many years. Thanks to its large motor warehouse, applicationspecific configurations and ATEX certification capability, Menzel can meet virtually any demand from a single source.
More about low, medium and high-voltage motors in ignition protection types Ex ec and Ex tc for zone 2 and zone 22 hazardous areas with a risk of gas or dust explosions can be found at the link at the bottom of the page.
Menzel has configured a squirrel cage motor from stock for use in zone 22 hazardous areas with potentially explosive dust atmospheres for converter operation, designing it for an efficient smooth replacement in the customer’s plant
Menzel Elektromotoren GmbH has manufactured and distributed electric motors since 1927. The company moved to a new, purpose built factory this year and specializes in large electric motors, including special models, within the shortest possible time.
Their range comprises high and low voltage motors, DC motors, transformers, and frequency inverters. Services include motor production and fast delivery of preengineered stock motors to specific requirements.
Thanks to its large motor warehouse, applicationspecific configurations and ATEX certification capability, Menzel can meet virtually any demand from a single source.
In order to ensure fast deliveries at all times, the company maintains an extensive inventory including more than 20,000 motors with a maximum performance of up to 15,000 kW. Qualified experienced engineers, and state-of-the-art production and testing facilities ensure Menzel, provide excellent reliability.
Menzel operates subsidiaries in the UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Sweden, and cooperates with numerous partners worldwide.
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Today, we dispatched two brand new ATEX long-coupled centrifugal gas oil pumps to a client of ours.
They’re going to be used for highvolume marine diesel transfer from tankers to tanks and storage vessels.
What is gas oil?
It’s also known as red diesel, tractor diesel and agricultural diesel. It has no connection with what the Americans call ‘gas’, short for gasoline, or natural gas which comes from the North Sea.
Gas oil is a liquid fuel that’s made from crude oil. In fact, it’s exactly the same as ordinary diesel, also called white diesel, which you’ll find on the
forecourt at any UK petrol station. The only difference is it’s a low tax version.
So why is it called red diesel?
Even though red and white diesel are the same fuel, they’re taxed very differently. In the UK, white diesel is taxed at a standard rate of 52.95 pence per litre – the same as petrol. Whereas red diesel or gas oil has considerably less fuel duty added to it - just 10 per litre.
Driving fraudulently
Obviously, this means that some diesel vehicle owners and businesses using diesel might be tempted to fill up with it instead of normal dieseland make big savings.
However, it’s illegal to do this on British public roads which is why red dye was added to the fluid from the 1960s. It helps authorities and Customs & Excise to quickly identify if a vehicle was being run on gas oil.
How is gas oil produced?
Gas oil is made from crude oil that is pumped out of the ground. Depending on the way this is distilled, a range of fuels can be produced.
First, the crude oil is pumped up from underground as a thick, black liquid. Then it’s heated in a distillation tower containing trays at different temperatures. After this it’s separated as the various components of the oil rise to different levels in the tower,
based on their boiling points. Next, the vapours of these substances condense on the trays and are collected. Gas oil is collected from near the bottom of the distillation tower, just above marine fuel oil.
So what’s the difference between gasoline or petrol, and gas oil?
Both diesel and gasoline are petroleum products refined from crude oil. However, gasoline or petrol is more refined than gas oil, which makes it thinner in density and more volatile. So petrol burns faster, which enables it to produce more power or horsepower, making it perfect for lighter vehicles that need less torque and more horsepower to go faster.
In contrast, gas oil is thicker, evaporates much more slowly and has a higher energy density. This means that it produces 20% more energy than petrol from the same amount of fluid. This is why diesel like gas oil is more suited to powering big machines because it can generate more energy at lower RPMs and provide more pulling power.
What did we specify for this project?
At North Ridge Pumps, we’re not limited to specifying just one type of pump.
As the UK’s largest pump supplier with over 25 years’ experience, we’re highly skilled at providing engineered pumps for a wide range of applications. We use this know-how to deliver a tailor-made solution for each client, not a standard product straight off the shelf.
Above all, we choose the best pump for every project – offering the lowest lifetime cost. For this specific job, we chose two of our XHLE longcoupled, end suction, single stage pumps. These are large, heavy duty horizontal centrifugal pumps with both high flow and high-pressure capabilities.
Both gas oil pumps will deliver around 180m³h (3000 L/min) at over 5 bar of pressure, and the client wanted this particular design
EN 733/DIN 24255, which means that the design is exactly the same size as many other pumps on the market.
Above all, we choose the best pump for every project – offering the lowest lifetime cost.
because it can operate at up to 80% efficiency. They’re also fitted with a brass coupling guard, ATEX motor and are long-coupled and aligned on a baseplate.
Our XHLE long-coupled, single stage pump is standardised to comply with
It can therefore replace most horizontal centrifugal pumps that are already installed, and indeed, is suitable for a wide range of applications in the industrial and marine sectors.
The XHLE long-coupled horizontal centrifugal pumps we supplied have ATEX motors which are mandatory for handling flammable fluids like gas oil.
If you have an application based around the bulk transfer of fuels or other liquids, speak to North Ridge Pumps today to see how we can help.
The vision of robots and humans working side by side is now a reality driven by the rise of collaborative robots — or cobots. Flippy, the world’s first autonomous robotic kitchen assistant, is one example. Debuting in 2017, Flippy flips burgers, fries sides, and works tirelessly in fast-food kitchens. Over the past decade, many cobots have emerged, but Flippy remains unique because of its pioneering role and continued advancements in kitchen automation. But what makes these cobots so effective? One crucial factor is industrial bearings. Here, Chris Johnson, managing director at bearing specialist SMB Bearings, explores how precision bearings are enhancing the performance and reliability of cobots.
Cobots, unlike traditional industrial robots, are designed to work in close proximity to humans. Achieving this necessitates levels of precision,
safety and reliability in cobots that are far higher than their industrial counterparts. Flippy, for instance, operates safely alongside human workers, showcasing the high standards required for such collaboration.
Bearings play a pivotal role in achieving these standards. Precision bearings, in particular, are essential for the smooth and accurate movement of cobots, allowing them to perform delicate tasks with the precision of a human hand.
The economic impact of cobots extends beyond individual businesses to the broader economy. By enabling companies to automate more processes and increase productivity, cobots can contribute to economic growth and competitiveness. For example, a report by McKinsey & Company estimates that automation technologies could help raise global productivity growth by 0.8 to 1.4 per cent annually.
According to Fortune Business Insights, the market for cobots is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 42.7 per cent from 2020 to 2028. This growth is driven by several factors: the increasing need for automation and the push for improved workplace safety. Cobots are not replacing human labour but are instead enhancing it by performing repetitive and dangerous tasks, while
allowing humans to focus on more specialised tasks.
Manufacturers are particularly drawn to cobots for their flexibility and ease of integration. Unlike traditional robots, which often require extensive reprogramming and retooling, cobots can be quickly adapted to new tasks and environments. This makes them ideal for small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) that need to remain agile and responsive to market changes.
But why are industrial bearings so critical to the functionality of these machines? Bearings ensure these robots can move fluidly, reducing wear and tear and extending the life of the machinery.
In terms of efficiency, bearings reduce the friction between moving parts, which decreases energy consumption and increases the operational speed of cobots. This is particularly important in industries like electronics manufacturing, where speed and precision are essential. The ability to maintain high speeds without compromising on accuracy allows cobots to significantly boost manufacturers’ productivity.
Consider the automotive industry, where cobots are increasingly used for tasks like assembly, painting and welding. These applications demand high degrees of precision and reliability, as even minor errors can lead to significant defects.
Safety is a primary concern when integrating cobots into a human workspace. The bearings used in cobots are designed to provide accuracy and repeatability, ensuring that the robot’s movements remain
controlled and predictable. This predictability is crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring a safe working environment.
Bearings also contribute to the failsafe mechanisms in cobots. In the event of a malfunction, the robot can come to a controlled stop which helps avoid injury to human coworkers without the need for extensive safety barriers.
The food processing industry is another area where cobots are making significant inroads. Here, the precision and reliability of bearings are essential not only for the robots’ performance but also for maintaining hygiene and safety standards. Bearings used in food processing cobots are often made from stainless steel or other materials that resist corrosion and can withstand frequent cleaning and sterilisation.
Advancements in bearing technology are also driven by the development of new materials and coatings. For instance, ceramic bearings are gaining popularity due to their superior performance characteristics, including higher resistance to wear and corrosion compared to
In terms of efficiency, bearings reduce the friction between moving parts, which decreases energy consumption and increases the operational speed of cobots.
traditional steel bearings. These properties, and the ability to run unlubricated, make ceramic bearings a possibility for use in cobots, especially in environments that involve high temperatures, exposure to chemicals or where weight reduction is required.
What’s more, specialised coatings such as Teflon and graphite can be applied to bearings to further reduce friction and improve their durability. These advancements not only improve the performance and longevity of bearings but also contribute to the overall efficiency and reliability of cobots. By reducing the need for frequent maintenance
and replacements, these advanced bearings help manufacturers achieve higher levels of productivity and costeffectiveness.
SMB Bearings’ precision bearings for robotics are designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern automation, offering reliability and performance. By working closely with engineers and manufacturers it can provide tailored bearing solutions that enhance the safety and efficiency of cobots — whether that’s in automotive assembly lines, electronics manufacturing or food processing.
As cobots continue to evolve, the future of cobots is bright. With precision bearings at their core, cobots like Flippy are paving the way for a new era of collaboration between humans and robots. These bearings ensure smooth, reliable operation, enabling cobots to perform tasks with high precision and safety. The right components, like advanced bearings, are key to unlocking limitless possibilities for cobots and the industries they serve.
To learn more about SMB Bearings’ precision bearings for robotics, visit its website.
For further information, please visit www.smbbearings.com
A Stainless Steel fabricating company, who specialise in the design and manufacturer of equipment for the food processing equipment, contacted Castle Pumps looking for advice on a solution. A project they were commissioned to work on required a pump to be installed onto the equipment they were manufacturing for an ambient food manufacturer.
The pump was needed to transfer soup, which could contain both meat and vegetable pieces. It was highly important to the end client that the chunks are passed whole without damage. Due to the pump being used for handling food products, they of course need this to be a food grade pump and able to be cleaned in place to ensure the soup remains safe for human consumption at all times.
The requirement for a food grade pump was no problem for Castle Pumps; with the food and drink industry being one of their specialities, What was important to carefully consider was the gentle handling of the meat and vegetable chunks within the soup. Not only did the selected model need to be able to pump these solids without clogging, but also be able to keep them fully intact so that they weren’t crushed and turned to slurry within the soup.
Given the above point and the duty requirements at hand, Castle Pumps specified a food grade progressive cavity pump. The progressive cavity pump design is known for handling viscous, solid laden fluids without clogging thanks to its large cavities and absence of valves and
This fully stainless steel model is of complete sanitary design, free of dead zones, ideal for clean in place and fully compliant with FDA, EHEDG and 3A.
reciprocating parts. The smooth, gentle motion of its rotor also means the pump applies low shear to the fluid as it passes through, fulfilling the requirement of keeping the soup’s chunks whole.
With production of the soup relying on this pump, reliability for this customer’s application
was paramount. These models of progressive cavity pumps have a patented pin joint designed for 8000 hours before maintenance is required and consumes 20% less power than other models thanks to its long pitch rotor.
This fully stainless steel model is of complete sanitary design, free of dead zones, ideal for clean in place and fully compliant with FDA, EHEDG and 3A. The pump was supplied mounted on a Stainless Steel base plate for ease of integration into the wider system.
Getting the wrong pump for your process can result in inconsistency in the finished product, crushed solids, clogging, excessive wear, loss of productivity, waste of costly product or at worst, contamination. Always trust technical experts to specify the right pump for your application.
A pump may do the job, but only the right pump will save you excessive wear, process failures, product waste & operator time.
Get the RIGHT pump with our 15 years’ experience in:
✓ Solid-laden, viscous fluids without clogging/wear
✓ Safe handling of chemicals, fuels & flammables
✓ Highly accurate dosing of chemicals & ingredients
✓ Difficult to pump or delicate, shear sensitive fluids
✓ 99.98% barrel emptying to prevent product waste
Contact our technical sales engineers now!
The Huck® fastening system exemplifies innovation and excellence in the fastening industry; the diverse product range plays a crucial role in high-demand applications ensuring reliability, durability and efficiency.
In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing, efficiency, reliability, and durability are paramount. The Huck® fastening range is a brand synonymous with innovation in the fastening industry. Renowned for LockBolt® and structural blind fastener technologies, Huck® fasteners provide solutions that enhance manufacturing processes across a multitude of industries where structural integrity is critical and where a strong, permanent, and tamper-resistant joint is required.
The Legacy of Huck® Fasteners
With over 80 years of fastener innovation, Huck® fasteners have consistently delivered performanceengineered solutions designed to withstand extreme conditions and demanding applications. This legacy of innovation and reliability has made Huck® fasteners a trusted name in the industry. The Huck® LockBolt, based on Lou Hucks’ original design, provides high stability and facilitates lightweight, stronger and more durable structures. Hucks’ ever evolving LockBolt and structural blind fastener capabilities continue to solve problems in in a wide variety of applications – no torque, easier evaluation, maintenance free and high corrosion standards are some of the benefits of using the Huck® fastener product range.
Speed of Installation: Huck® fasteners are designed for rapid installation. The installation process is often faster compared to traditional fasteners such as bolts and nuts, reducing assembly time.
Consistency and Reliability: The installation process of Huck® fasteners is consistent and reliable, reducing the likelihood of installation errors and rework, which saves time and resources. They benefit from rigorous testing, certifications, and quality management systems, ensuring consistent performance and building confidence in their use.
Cost Reduction
Reduced Labor Costs: Huck® fastener installation offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency and speed due to the straightforward process and visual inspection methods.
Reduced Material Costs and Weight reduction: Huck® fasteners are designed to create strong, durable joints, often requiring fewer fasteners compared to traditional fastening methods.
Maintenance and Longevity: Huck® fasteners typically have a long service life and require less maintenance, leading to cost savings over the product’s lifecycle.
Strength, Durability and Performance
Evaluation: Huck® fasteners provide high joint strength and are resistant to vibration and loosening; they are subjected to various tests to assess their performance under static and dynamic loads. Depending on the
fastener type, tests include tensile, shear, slip-load and creep testing as well as fatigue testing to emulate realworld conditions.
Aesthetic and Structural Integrity:
They can be installed without causing significant distortion or damage to thin sheet metal, preserving the material’s integrity and appearance.
Corrosion Resistance: Huck® fasteners are perfect for safety-critical applications; they are often subjected to harsh environmental conditions, including moisture, saltwater exposure, and chemical agents. Huck® fasteners are manufactured with coatings that resist corrosion, enhancing the longevity and performance of the final product. The coatings act as a barrier, shielding the fasteners from corrosive elements and preventing the onset of rust and degradation. By effectively sealing the surface of the fasteners, coatings significantly extend their lifespan, reducing maintenance requirements and replacement costs over time. This is particularly crucial in industries such as marine, offshore, and transportation, where corrosion can pose significant safety risks.
Advanced LockBolt Technology
Huck® LockBolts are renowned for their strength and vibration resistance. Unlike traditional nuts and bolts, Huck® LockBolts form a permanent joint that resists loosening, even under extreme conditions. This makes them ideal for high-vibration environments.
Huck® LockBolts are installed using direct tension and swaging. The Huck® installation tool grips the pintail of a LockBolt and then pulls to close the gaps in the materials being joined.
One standout product is the Huck® BobTail®, which has been proven to increase manufacturing efficiency. The BobTail® LockBolt eliminates the need for torque and re-torque procedures, ensuring consistent and reliable installations while significantly reducing labour costs, and unlike traditional LockBolts® no pin-break is required, therefore leaving no corrosion-prone area of bare metal or spent mandrels to be collected.
Huck LockBolts
Positive Locking Mechanism: Threaded bolts rely solely on frictional forces, in contrast, LockBolts consist of a pin and a collar and are installed using direct tension and swagingthere are no gaps between collar and pin ‘threads’ – a common source of loosening in conventional nuts and bolts.
Huck® LockBolt brand names include, BobTail® Magna-Grip®, C6L®, C50L®, C120L® and Hucktainer® (also available in encapsulated Hucktainer which can be colour matched to customers’ requirements).
When accessibility is an issue, Huck® structural blind fasteners offer a robust solution. Designed for applications where only one side of the joint is accessible, these fasteners provide high-strength, reliable joints often replacing welding. A key benefit is their internal locking mechanism that retains the ‘pin’ after installation.
Huck® structural blind fastener brand names include, Auto-Bulb®, BOM®, FloorTight®, HuckLok®, MagnaBulb®, Magna-Lok®, Magna-Tite®, and Penta-Lok™
Standard Nut and Bolt Frictional Force compared with Huck LockBolt Direct Tension Swaging
Huck® LockBolts High and Consistent Clamp Force: The installation process ensures a precisely controlled clamp force. This high and consistent clamp force minimises any potential movement within the joint, further enhancing the resistance to vibration.
Star Fasteners are the UK’s largest distributor of the Huck® fastener product range and stock a wide range of sizes, head styles, materials, and plating’s; this versatility ensures a wide range of applications and industries are accommodated. As industries evolve, Star Fasteners remains committed to providing advanced fastening solutions that meet the rigorous demands of modern engineering and manufacturing.
Complementing their extensive range of fasteners, Star Fasteners offers a suite of installation tools designed for ease of use and efficiency – offering a versatile range of battery and air-powered
options that enhance productivity on the shop floor. These tools ensure that Huck® Fasteners are installed correctly and efficiently, further boosting the overall performance of the fastening system.
Star Fasteners prides itself on its customer-centric approach. Through detailed case studies and customer feedback, the company continuously improves its product range to meet realworld challenges. This commitment to excellence ensures that Huck® fasteners remain at the forefront of the fastening industry, providing solutions that drive success for their customers.
In conclusion, Huck® fasteners represent the pinnacle of fastening technology. Their innovative designs, superior performance, and proven customer satisfaction make them an invaluable asset in modern manufacturing. Whether it’s enhancing the efficiency of assembly lines, ensuring the reliability of components and safety critical products, or supporting the sustainability of green energy projects, Huck® fasteners deliver solutions that meet and exceed industry demands.
Morley forges automotive role at leading European industrial association
A leading UK manufacturing figure has been appointed as the Chair of the Automotive Group within Euroforge.
Steve Morley, the current president of the Confederation of British Metalforming (CBM), will take up the influential role at the association’s high-profile Autumn Summit in Milan on October 21st.
He will be responsible for developing a strategy to tackle some of the major issues impacting European automotive forgers, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), fluctuating energy prices and the availability of material across the supply chain.
The experienced auto specialist has also put together an industry-packed speaking line-up for the event from across Europe, featuring Matt Pearson (Partner at EY Pantheon), Philippa Oldham (Stakeholder Engagement Director at the Advanced Propulsion Centre) and Euclides Coimbra (Senior Partner and Managing Director of the Kaizen Institute).
Together, the trio will give Euroforge members a clear insight into the current industry landscape, as well as exploring access to funding of new technologies and how firms can maximise efficiencies through new process implementation.
The Autumn Summit is an important pre-cursor for conFAIR 2024 on the 22nd and 23rd October, which has a full house of exhibitors for the only European event specifically designed for the forging industry.
“I’m very honoured to have been appointed as the Chair of the Automotive Group, one of the most prestigious roles within an organisation that now represents more than 350 members across Europe,” explained Steve, who has more than 40 years’ experience working in manufacturing.
“We are at a very important time in the evolution of forging as an industry, especially when you consider the emergence of electric vehicles and the types of parts we can supply. One of my roles will be to take all the intel we’re getting on the ground and funnel them into a strategy that moves us forward as one collective.”
He continued: “Milan will be a great start to the position and I’m looking
forward to meeting everyone at the Autumn Summit.”
Steve has been President of the Confederation of British Metalforming since 2018, working with CEO Geraldine Bolton and its policy advisers to lobby UK government on key factors affecting the sector.
Some notable achievements secured in the last six years have included increasing steel safeguarded quotas domestically, lobbying on the escalation of rising energy costs and providing intelligence on CBAM to members ahead of its European introduction.
The former Group Engineering Director at Sertec Group has spent the majority of his 40-year career in and around the automotive sector, working at all tiers of the supply chain and running his own consultancy business.
“Steve has the experience, industry contacts and passion to make a really big difference as Chair of Euroforge’s Automotive Group,” added Geraldine Bolton, CEO of the Confederation of British Metalforming.
“Importantly, he will be able to factor in some of the issues facing CBM members, ensuring they are represented alongside their European peers. He will also be in an ideal position to see new technologies developing at the earliest possible opportunity, intelligence that will help accelerate the growth of our own domestic supply chain.”
For further information, please visit www.thecbm.co.uk or www.euroforge.org
ViSWIR Hyper APO Features:
• Capable of fully corrected focus shift in visible and SWIR range (400nm - 1700nm)
• Achieves spectral imaging with a single sensor camera by simply syncing the lighting
Floating design adjusts focus for different wavelengths 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm* and 50mm* (*2023)
ViSWIR Lite Features:
• High transmittance at whole wavelength of 400nm - 1700nm by adopting hyper wideband AR coat
Outstanding cost-performance for single-wavelength lighting & narrow-band imaging
Compact design 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm
Many manufacturers and engineers are finding their online presence increasing important in attracting and retaining clients.
Sarah West of leading B2B marketing agency, Full Mix Marketing, takes a look at some important areas of digital marketing.
Whatever you make or engineer, customers will often look you up online. Your website can be both the first and last impression you make. The litmus tests for a good website are:
• Is it immediately obvious what you deliver?
• Is it clear where someone needs to click for relevant information?
• Does your website explain how you can satisfy your customers’ needs?
• Is your website modern and up-todate?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps ensure your website appears higher up (Google) search results. First, it’s important to know if customers are looking online for what you do. In some sectors searches can be minimal.
The most influential element of SEO is content. You need to include text, images and video which directly address the needs of your target audience.
Backlinks from other websites show search engines your website is respected. An effective strategy is to share content with trade websites. Google assesses all websites ‘mobile first’, so it’s crucial your website is optimised for all devices.
Sharing content across your company’s social media and including it in your company email marketing are also powerful tactics.
Whilst waiting for SEO to improve your performance, PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising can help you appear higher up search results.
1. Conduct thorough research
Online tools can help you identify the search terms your target audience uses.
2. Create compelling ads
The most effective search ads highlight features and benefits. Use an active voice such as ‘get’ or ‘discover’ to encourage clicks.
3. Optimise landing pages Create or specify pages which relate closely to the keywords being targeted.
4. Set the right ad scheduling Concentrating your campaign on working hours can help attract businesses who are ready to buy.
Content can demonstrate your expertise, engaging with your clients and improve SEO. Fresh content on your website shows search engines you’re active. Sharing content helps build trust and demonstrate your
industry leadership. The attention span of busy professionals is short, so split articles into bite sized chunks and avoid being too salesy. Something genuinely newsworthy can become a press release. If trade websites publish it, it will help your SEO.
Sharing content across your company’s social media and including it in your company email marketing are also powerful tactics.
Around 50% of senior professionals are active on LinkedIn, making it effective for increasing awareness of your company and capabilities. The most successful posts typically report something new, such as a product, achievement or completed project.
To boost your reach:
1. Ask staff to regularly like and share your company posts
2. Request senior staff invite individuals in target organisations to connect with them
3. Once connected, they can invite contacts to follow your company page
There are many other areas of digital marketing, including those which are no longer regarded as purely digital, like email marketing.
Analytics are important too but it is best to take a wholistic approach rather than expect stats to inform every decision.
Suncombe stands at the forefront of industrial process cleaning technology with its innovative Mobile CIP (Clean-In-Place) systems. These state-of-the-art skids are transforming the way industries maintain cleanliness and hygiene, offering unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. Designed to cater to a wide array of sectors, including BioPharma, healthcare, cosmetics, and food processing, our Mobile CIP systems are a testament to Suncombe’s commitment to quality and innovation.
The Mobile CIP is a Total Loss cleaning system, designed to be mobile, allowing it to be easily transported to various points of use within a facility. This mobility is a game-changer, eliminating the need for fixed cleaning stations and enabling comprehensive sanitation of equipment such as tanks, vessels, mixers, and more. Whether operated manually or automatically, these systems ensure that every piece of equipment is thoroughly cleaned, adhering to the highest hygienic and sanitary standards, including ASME BPE.
One of the standout features of Suncombe’s Mobile CIP systems is their advanced design, which includes a CIP buffer vessel for efficient storage and delivery of cleaning fluids. Equipped with heating facilities, detergent dosing systems, and sophisticated instrumentation, these skids offer a user-friendly interface that simplifies the cleaning process. Operators can easily adjust parameters like temperature and cleaning agent
Our Mobile CIP systems are not only about efficiency but also about sustainability.
concentration, tailoring the process to meet specific requirements and ensuring optimal results every time.
Our Mobile CIP systems are not only about efficiency but also about sustainability. They are designed to optimise the use of resources, reducing water, energy, and cleaning agent consumption. This not only minimises waste but also lowers operating costs, aligning with environmental stewardship goals and promoting responsible manufacturing practices.
Safety is paramount in our design. Suncombe’s Mobile CIP systems incorporate safety features such as emergency stop buttons and safety interlocks, ensuring a secure working environment. Compliance with regulatory guidelines and quality standards further underscores our commitment to safety and reliability.
Suncombe’s Mobile CIP systems offer a flexible, efficient, and sustainable solution for industries requiring portable sanitation capabilities. By investing in our Mobile CIP systems, manufacturers can enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and ensure product quality and safety. Experience the benefits of our cutting-edge cleaning technology and elevate your hygiene standards.
For more information or to discuss your specific CIP requirements, contact us at salesdept@suncombe. com. Let Suncombe help you achieve your industrial process cleaning goals.
Designed to cater to a wide array of sectors, including BioPharma, healthcare, cosmetics, and food processing, our Mobile CIP systems are a testament to Suncombe’s commitment to quality and innovation
The Mobile CIP is a Total Loss cleaning system, designed to be mobile, allowing it to be easily transported to various points of use within a facility. This mobility is a game-changer, eliminating the need for fixed cleaning stations and enabling comprehensive sanitation of equipment such as tanks, vessels, mixers, and more. Whether operated manually or automatically, these systems ensure that every piece of equipment is thoroughly cleaned, adhering to the highest hygienic and sanitary standards, including ASME BPE.
Bergkirchen, Germany. In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, AI is now redefining electrical engineering design. WSCAD introduces ELECTRIX AI, the world’s first AIpowered Electrical CAD solution, eliminating tedious manual steps and completing tasks in mere seconds – slashing design time by up to 99%. With smart error-checking, intuitive guidance, and the power to tackle complex tasks with simple commands, ELECTRIX AI is a gamechanger for electrical engineers. Novices boost productivity faster, while seasoned pros free up time for more critical challenges, helping companies meet tight deadlines and bridge the skilled labor gap. “ELECTRIX AI is revolutionizing how electrical design is done,” says Axel Zein, CEO of WSCAD GmbH. “We’ve seen massive time savings, and the streamlined process unlocks major productivity gains.”
At the core of this breakthrough technology is the AI Copilot. With just a click on the button marked by three asterisks, a chat window pops up, ready to assist users in their daily tasks. The AI Copilot reviews designs, find errors, and adapts to the user’s needs on the fly. “Instead of manually searching for components or designing from scratch, you just ask the AI Copilot and hand over the tasks,” says Axel Zein.
From material lists to macros and components, everything is generated and positioned in record time. When using other electrical CAD software it can take over 20 clicks to create a BOM (bill of materials). In WSCAD
24V DC, 64A” delivers the perfect wire with a 16mm² cross-section right to your cursor.
The AI Copilot reviews designs, find errors, and adapts to the user’s needs on the fly.
it now happens in seconds with a simple “Create the bill of materials” command. Placing macros? A breeze – Ai Copilot takes 15 seconds to place four macros on a new page, down from the traditional five minutes. Need to check your design for errors? Just ask, “Find the errors in this project,” and ELECTRIX AI will scan your schematics in seconds, pinpointing open connections, missing assignments, or misplaced components. Even technical inquiries like wire gauges are resolved instantly. A quick request like “Give me a copper wire, blue,
ELECTRIX AI – The Solution to Time Pressure and Workforce
Beyond massive time savings, the real game-changer is how easy it is to use. ELECTRIX AI delivers specialized Electrical CAD expertise while continuously learning from user inputs, making it more efficient with each task. Novice users can now tackle jobs that were once for experts, while seasoned designers can focus on complex projects with significantly reduced time investment. “This new division of labor supercharges productivity, enabling companies to handle growing demands more efficiently,” says Axel Zein. “By integrating AI into our Electrical CAD software, we unlock new possibilities and pave the way for enhanced productivity.”
For further information, please visit www.wscad.com
ViSWIR Hyper APO Features:
• Capable of fully corrected focus shift in visible and SWIR range (400nm - 1700nm)
• Achieves spectral imaging with a single sensor camera by simply syncing the lighting Floating design adjusts focus for different wavelengths
• 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm* and 50mm* (*2023)
ViSWIR Lite Features:
High transmittance at whole wavelength of 400nm - 1700nm by adopting hyper wideband AR coat
Outstanding cost-performance for single-wavelength lighting & narrow-band imaging
Compact design 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm
With today’s technology, inertia matching isn’t the requirement it once was to design a servo-based machine. However, when tuning a system to minimise the inertia mismatch, wider requirements remain in order optimise an application’s motion control performance. From motor sizing through to minimising mechanical compliance, a comprehensive approach to motion design will enhance system stability and precision.
Gerard Bush, motion engineer at Intelligent Motion Control (INMOCO), explains.
To size a servo system, previously, it was always considered essential to match the inertia of the motor with the load. Matching the inertia, that is the resistance to changes in rotational motion, ensures the necessary torque to achieve the required acceleration and deceleration. It also enables the right dynamism and stability, and optimises efficient power transfer.
These rules remain true, yet the problem of aiming for a 1:1 inertia match ratio would often result in a much larger motor than might otherwise be required, or it would require a gearbox. Either approach would create a more expensive, and less efficient outcome. Instead, today’s technologies involving faster processors and advanced control algorithms enables correction of the inertia mismatch.
Thanks to a closed loop servo system, which continuously monitors and adjusts based on feedback, the control and stability of position, velocity, and current/ torque loops are enhanced. The
An extended look at the detail of interaction across a mechanical system is also important to address compliance.
servo drive tunes the control loops to operate with the required bandwidth, determining how fast the servo can adjust in response to commands. The servo drive also impacts the level of stiffness, optimising precision and control of the system by managing the response to deformation or displacement when force is applied. As a result of these improvements, the development of the servo drive significantly reduced the need for inertia matching.
The introduction of brushless motor technology and low mass, torquedense NeFeB magnets, reduced motor inertia further still, however this extended the inertia mismatch. In response, the development of increased processing power, as well as higher resolution feedback devices, allowed the servo controller to create accurate mathematical modelling and simulation of system responses. Today, these tools enable motion engineers and machine designers to create interactive analytics by showing the precise detail of the mechanical system. Crucially, this data indicates how to address performance limitations.
An extended look at the detail of interaction across a mechanical system is also important to address compliance. This challenge represents the natural springiness of the mechanisms between the driven load
and the motor that creates delayed response times, leading to reduced system bandwidth.
When a large inertia mismatch is introduced to the system, such as a small, high torque motor connected to an exceptionally large load via a coupling device, the compliance problem is magnified. When the motor quickly applies torque, the large load hesitates to respond due to its high inertia; the delay is a result of coupling compliance between the motor and load that introduces windup before the load begins to move. As the load finally synchronises with the motor, the large inertia causes overshoot of the target speed, resulting in the motor adjusting to slow down. When the system adjusts the overspeed of the inertia, the target speed is again passed, triggering the motor to adjust once more. This causes a continued cycle of repeated adjustment that creates resonance and an unstable system.
Most mechanical systems can be mathematically modelled and
simulated using various excitation frequencies to identify the response point where resonance occurs. However, the bandwidth of a system can never exceed the initial antiresonance point. In fact, the higher the compliance, the lower the frequency of the initial resonance point, that reduces bandwidth accordingly. When the driven load is directly coupled to the motor to minimise compliance, the mismatch is mitigated, increasing the initial resonance frequency and creating a higher bandwidth system.
Mathematical models show that the ultimate solution for a higher bandwidth and cost-effective system is to increase the mechanical stiffness and reduce total system inertia. Consider a direct drive solution where the load is directly coupled to the motor with near zero compliance; in cases like this, precisely controlling the system with high bandwidth can be achieved with inertia mismatches as high as 30:1. As direct drive solutions are not suited to all applications, compliant links will
inevitably be introduced. However, advanced analytical tools, such as the bode plot, can readily identify the compliant elements that reduce system performance.
Applications often characterised by a high inertia mismatch can include printing and labelling, as well as various robot designs. Although inertia mismatch is no longer the main challenge, resolving the imbalance requires careful specification across a range of aspects, from motor sizing, through to tuning and analytics of the control algorithms, and mechanical architecture.
Assistance in specifying a system is particularly useful for machines with an inherent inertia mismatch. With comprehensive application sizing and best practices in designing a stiff mechanism, this can achieve a high-performance motion system capable of higher bandwidths, improved move and settle times, and robust dynamic control.
For further information, please visit www.inmoco.co.uk
Jones, the Technical Director at Axair Fans explains the deeper why behind their latest innovative and disruptive campaign –We’re Revolting
You’ve hopefully seen our revolting advertising out in the wild – and if not, or simply as a reminder, it features a few candid shots of me and our team in compromising situations; picking noses, ears, smelling armpits, or showing their lunch still inbetween their teeth. Revolting!
The visual is eye catching yes, but the messaging is powerful when you really get to grips with what we’re saying. If you’ve read my previous contributions on complacency in the fan industry, the importance of adding value to customer interactions, or the way we’re helping to bridge the skills gap in the industry, then you’ll understand that we’re leading a dramatic change from the front. A revolution if you will, and to lead a successful revolution, you need an initial revolt.
A revolution implies a successful revolt occurred which resulted in that major change, something we’re doing by making waves in changing the behavioural norms, advocating for a change in the way customer response times are reduced, how feedback on technical support is given within a set time, communication is paramount, and the same pre-sales support is delivered regardless of the value of the potential opportunity. Quite simply we’re waving the flag for what the customer deserves.
We’re revolting!
If you’re an advocate for changing fan supplier behaviour, then I encourage you to give yourself a nudge and examine the behaviours within your business.
We’ve not anchored our revolt on assumptions either, we’ve delivered and shared meaningful actions taken from research feedback, including customers not getting attention from the industry giants unless they’re a 6-figure customer, the average wait time on technical responses being 6 weeks or beyond, and the sheer amount of product fails with no final diagnosis or resolution.
We realised that what we offer is unique, we’re focused on customer outcome. It deserves to be shouted about, because it’s the basics of what the customer experience should be about but quite simply isn’t in the industry. Complacency and fear are leading the way right now.
So, the next time you see a post with one of our team’s uncomfortable poses disrupting
your social feeds, landing in your inbox or printed in an industry publication, give a thought to your current situation. Are you an advocate for change and how are you going about this?
The way customers go about sharing their advocated behaviours is now more important than ever, word of mouth for example in the digital intense era we’re in, spreads incrementally through online channels, very different to 20 years ago. Increasingly people make their decisions based on the influence of peers and people like them, to decide who to put their trust into.
LinkedIn is a prime channel with clear examples of grouped consensus, support and hyping each other up in this industry, specifically within the commercial kitchen sector. If you’re an advocate for changing fan supplier behaviour, then I encourage you to give yourself a nudge and examine the behaviours within your business.
Maybe it’s reviewing your supplier list to see if they truly add value, looking at product variations outside of your comfort zone, or demanding greater collaborative efforts from your component suppliers. As always, we’re here to support our customers outcomes and goals, that revolutionary change is right here in this text, as they say in Stoke, Viva la Revolution.
Portescap will be exhibiting at SPS 2024, Europe’s premier spotlight on the automation industry. Portescap’s range of miniature DC motors are designed with precision in mind, making them the perfect partner for robotics and smart manufacturing. This year the company is joined by sister brands, Stromag and Warner Electric, to showcase a full system approach for the end user.
Portescap and other Regal Rexnord Brands can be found at Booth 122 (Hall 3) at the Nürnberg Messe in Nuremberg, Germany from the 12th to the 14th November, 2024.
Portescap’s miniature motion solutions offer an extensive range of BLDC, brush DC, and stepper motors, complemented by motion accessories like gearheads, encoders, and controllers. Recent product highlights include frameless motors, which forego traditional
Portescap’s miniature motion solutions offer an extensive range of BLDC, brush DC, and stepper motors, complemented by motion accessories like gearheads, encoders, and controllers.
frame and bearings in favor of direct integration into mechanical assemblies; and slotted flat BLDC motors, whose flat architecture is ideal for applications where space is limited and performance demands are high. Working with our team of engineers, customers benefit from
maximum motor performance and efficiency, all within the smallest and lightest envelopes.
This year, the Portescap brand will be showcased with Stromag and Warner Electric brands, all part of Regal Rexnord. These sister brands offer electromagnetic brakes, limit switches, and servo motor brakes, which are perfectly suited for demanding automation applications. The show will highlight the capabilities of Regal Rexnord, showcasing support for customers as a single system provider for the most challenging industrial applications.
The Portescap team will be available throughout the show to demonstrate a range of products and to discuss specific customisation questions that visitors might have. To schedule an apportionment prior to the show, please email us at portescap. marcomrequest@regalrexnord.com.
Benefits of Keronite / PEO Applications?
• Extreme hardness
• Corrosion resistance
• High strain tolerance
• Uniformly applied coatings
• Wear resistance
• Environmentally friendly
• High fatigue performance
• High dielectric resistance (for electrical component applications)
• Plasma resistant coatings
enabling a
Universal Robots, the Danish collaborative robot (cobot) company, has presented for the first time the UR AI Accelerator – a ready-to-use hardware and software toolkit created to further enable the development of AI-powered cobot applications.
Designed for commercial and research applications, the UR AI Accelerator provides developers with an extensible platform to build applications, accelerate research and reduce time to market of AI products.
The toolkit brings AI acceleration to Universal Robots’ (UR) nextgeneration software platform PolyScope X and is powered by
NVIDIA Isaac™ accelerated libraries and AI models, running on the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ systemon-module. Specifically, NVIDIA Isaac Manipulator gives developers the ability to bring accelerated performance and state-of-the-art AI technologies to their robotics solutions. The toolkit also includes the high-quality, newly developed Orbbec Gemini 335Lg 3D camera.
With everything seamlessly integrated, the toolkit offers developers full go-to-market architecture and is ready to use straight out of the box.
Through in-built demo programs, the AI Accelerator leverages UR’s platform to enable features like
pose estimation, tracking, object detection, path planning, image classification, quality inspection, state detection and more. Enabled by PolyScope X, the UR AI Accelerator also gives developers the freedom to choose exactly what toolsets, programming languages and libraries they want to use and the flexibility to create their own programs.
“With the UR AI Accelerator, we provide our partners with everything they need to develop and deploy new, innovative AI solutions,” says Kim Povlsen, CEO and President of Universal Robots. “We are already a leading platform for taking AI cobot applications to market and now we are pushing the boundaries
even further. The most exciting part will be seeing the impact of these new capabilities for our partners and end customers.”
James Davidson, Chief AI Officer, Teradyne Robotics, elaborates:
“UR’s AI Accelerator is built for where AI will really make a difference - if you’re building solutions on our platform, it will decrease your time to deployment while also de-risking the development of AI-based solutions. With our objective to take physical AI to an entirely new level, AI Accelerator is just the first to market of a series of AI-powered products and capabilities in UR’s pipeline, all with the focused goal of making robotics more accessible than ever before.”
Unveiled the same week that sees hundreds of robot software developers gathering for ROSCon 2024 in UR’s hometown of Odense,
With everything seamlessly integrated, the toolkit offers developers full go-tomarket architecture and is ready to use straight out of the box.
Denmark, a demo of the UR AI Accelerator with a CNC machine tending application will be displayed at the ROSCon exhibition.
The PolyScope X platform is globally available and can be used for all cobot automation applications across industries. Its advanced flexibility and extensibility will be showcased at the PolyScope X Festival in November, presenting a range of the solutions already
developed with this new platform, including AI solutions. With a small hardware upgrade, the software is compatible with UR’s e-Series cobots and the new-generation cobots UR20 and UR30.
For more information, please visit www.universal-robots.com
automation cell unveiled by
A £200,000 state-of-the-art automation cell was unveiled at InComm Training’s Telford Technical Academy last week in a major boost to the Marches’ advanced engineering capability.
The independent training provider has extended its commitment to employer-led provision by developing a 6-axis ABB industrial robot and bespoke conveyor system, recreating a real-world manufacturing line that gives learners access to component nesting and sensing, robotic operation, PLC programming and interfacing systems.
Funded through the Local Skills Improvement Framework and the Marches Education Partnership, the new facility was demonstrated for the first time in front of more than 45 industry leaders from Collins Aerospace, HS Marston, Magna Cosma Casting, Autoneum, CEL Sheet Metal and VA Technology.
It is anticipated that hundreds of learners will be trained on it every year in four courses ranging from oneday Level 3 Cell Operator and 4-day Level 3 Robotic Programming, to an extensive EAL-accredited Industrial Robotic Technology qualification and a BTEC Level 4 in Automation, Robotics and Programmable Logic Controllers.
Paul Hodgetts, Business Development Manager at In-Comm Training, commented: “Our approach has always been to listen to what companies want and we’ve been hearing for a long time that they need flexible and modular courses that can
From left; Paul Aston, Jane Pottinger (both In-Comm Training), Steffan Willetts and John D’Angelillo (both Bauromat) and Paul Hodgetts (InComm Training)
deliver automation skills that have a real impact on the shopfloor.
“We held an industry meeting earlier this year and, due to further feedback we received, we tailored the cell and its operations even more. With the help of the Marches Education Partnership, we now have an unrivalled six-axis robotic automation line that you would only normally find in industry-leading businesses.”
He continued: “Located at our Telford Technical Academy, this will be available to SMEs, large business and OEMs in the Marches and West Midlands Combined Authority area, who need support in upskilling or training new staff in some of the latest robotic and automation skills. There was so much interest, we actually took several bookings for the courses on the day.”
Installation of the robotic and automation cell has been completed by Telford-based Bauromat, who has worked with In-Comm Training to ensure the line represents what
learners will be working on now and in the future.
The latest addition to the T54 facility will help existing engineers upskill or reskill in a new engineering discipline, providing companies with a more agile workforce and one that is prepared for the move to more automation and digital transformation.
Training will be focused on delivering Level 3 and Level 4 courses, with engineers learning how to interact with PLCs, perform essential maintenance and automate production lines.
Paul went on to add: “Thanks to existing partnerships with WMCA and Telford Council, we can offer funding for some of the courses but for a limited time only – the message is to act fast.
“Last week’s launch event highlighted the end of Phase 1 with the automation cell now ready and operational for learning. It will soon be followed by a further £75,000 private investment from In-Comm Training that will create a dedicated fluid power training suite, which will strengthen our ability to deliver advanced competences around fluid power, hydraulics and pneumatics.
He concluded: “The Marches has some world class companies and some fantastic industry disruptors, but these wonderful manufacturers need access to advanced automation, robotic and hydraulic skills required to release their full potential. We’ve giving them access to these competences right on their doorstep.”
Cordless tools have revolutionised industry; the convenience of being able to carry out tasks unencumbered by the need to find power and plug in, or to leave trailing leads around as trip hazards has resulted in almost all personal tools now being cordless.
In the World of vacuum cleaners, however, cordless options have been restricted to smaller machines with limited power and performance. This is because for anything other than the lightest applications, efficient vacuum cleaning requires a minimum of 1-1.5kW of power; something that is not easily achievable for useable durations with small batteries.
The new BVC IV60 eGX breaks the mould and has revolutionised the ability to provide cordless industrial vacuum cleaning power wherever and whenever it is required. This has been achieved through the unique combination of the proven BVC YP3 multistage vacuum turbine and the new Honda eGX electric engine with swappable battery power.
The Honda eGX is an engine that provides power in the 2hp class, powered by an on-board 750Wh lithium battery. When fitted to the BVC IV60 eGX industrial vacuum cleaner this power unit delivers around 1.5kW of power with a ½ hour run time, and around 1 hour of run time on a very useful half power setting. With a fast charger, and swappable battery continuous operation is achievable.
Since it’s introduction, the BVC IV60
eGX is finding diverse applications in several different markets. Examples include warehouse spillage cleaning in areas not serviced with power outlets, highbay cleaning with high-reach kits, use in areas for wet recovery and cleaning; in fact, many applications where the lack of available power outlets is the motivation to look for cordless alternatives.
Apart from the elimination of the need to find local power outlets for industrial vacuum cleaning, the other significant benefit the BVC IV60 eGX offers is the elimination of trailing leads. In an operational processing area, e.g. if there is a need to clean up spillages without interrupting the process or causing a hazard with trailing leads, BVC IV60 eGX can be simply pushed to the location and turned on for efficient cleaning.
Like all BVC Industrial Vacuum Cleaners, BVC IV60 eGX is available in different versions and with a wide range of hoses and tools. The first two versions available are the dry tank and wet tank versions. The dry tank version can
be optionally fitted with HEPA filtration and offered in M-Class and H-Class configurations. The wet tank version, can be fitted with a sludge separator bucket, and has a tipping tank and drain hose for easy emptying.
Both versions are provided with 51mm (2”) inlets allowing the use of the full range of BVC 51mm and 38mm hoses and tools available from Quirepace. The range of tools includes various crevice tools, bench and brush tools, and robust floor tools. BVC IV60 eGX is also suitable for use with carbonfibre high-reach cleaning tools for cleaning at high level whilst the operator stays at ground level, avoiding the need to “work at height”.
The BVC IV60 eGX is manufactured by Quirepace at the factory in Fareham, Hampshire, alongside the rest of the BVC Industrial Vacuum range of heavy-duty machines. UK manufacture means a UK source of spare parts and after sales services. In addition, BVC IV60 eGX has been validated by Honda as an officially approved product meaning that the warranty and any service requirements on the Honda eGX motor itself is available through any Honda service centre.
Quirepace have a specialist sales team covering the UK, so if you have a potential application, a member of the team can visit site with a demonstration unit for an on-site trial.
To find out more, contact Quirepace today.
The food and beverage industry is continually evolving, driven by the need for enhanced efficiency, quality, and safety. Central to these advancements is fluid process control, a crucial component in manufacturing processes such as mixing, fermentation, and pasteurisation. Recent innovations in this area have focused on precision, automation, and sustainability, significantly improving production practices.
Kieran Bennett, Industry Account Manager, Food & Beverage, for Bürkert, looks at the recent innovations in process control and the benefits they bring to the industry.
The brewery industry exemplifies the positive impact of recent developments in fluid process control. Modern breweries employ advanced process control systems to manage every stage of beer production, from mash preparation to fermentation and packaging. Automated systems monitor and adjust the flow of ingredients, ensuring consistency in flavour and quality. Precision sensors control the fermentation temperature and pressure, crucial for producing different types of beer.
As one of the simplest and most common examples, it only takes a deviation of a couple of degrees
during mashing or fermentation to have a noticeable impact on the flavour of the beer, which affects product quality. Process automation has numerous benefits, especially in terms of repeatability and accuracy. Modern process control valves can deliver this as well as achieving a long service life in a hygienic environment that is exposed to regular washdowns and humidity.
Aside from a clean and polished aesthetic, process valves can offer highly visible cues using multicoloured LEDs to indicate proper operation or process faults, enabling any issues to be resolved quickly with minimal interruptions to production. This status indication is supported by more advanced,
Bürkert’s FLOWave offers excellent accuracy, even with challenging fluids
fieldbus technology, which enables process components to be integrated, commissioned and operated more easily.
For smaller installations, modern communication technologies offer a greater freedom to experiment with new recipes while retaining the consistency and repeatability associated with the brand. Furthermore, the ability to monitor operations remotely with notifications of alarms and outof-tolerance conditions, enable operators to focus on core tasks and even spend time away from the brewery.
Beyond control valves, sensors also play a vital role in establishing the data points required for a consistent production facility and while many have remained unchanged for years, new technologies can improve process performance. Flowmeters are just one example. The challenges
The brewery industry exemplifies the positive impact of recent developments in fluid process control.
of accurately measuring the flow of fluids containing entrained gases have more recently been overcome using surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology.
Bürkert’s solutions for the brewery sector include the Element series of pneumatic control valves, which are well-suited to many applications, from small scale craft processes to much larger industrial-scale enterprises. The FLOWave offers excellent accuracy, even with challenging fluids, while
retaining the flow and hygienic characteristics of normal process pipework.
Recent advances in fluid process control are transforming the food and beverage industry, driving improvements in precision, automation, safety, quality, and sustainability. These innovations not only enhance the efficiency and reliability of production processes but also support the industry’s commitment to producing safe, high-quality products while minimising environmental impact. As technology continues to evolve, fluid process control will remain a key area of focus, shaping the future of food and beverage manufacturing.
Modern process control valves can deliver numerous benefits in terms of repeatability and accuracy
For further information, please visit www.burkert.com
Automated Water & Effluent Ltd
We at Automated Water & Effluent believe that accurate measurement and precision control is the key to process control, water and effluent treatment.
That’s why everything in our equipment range for measuring pH, Redox, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity and Liquid Level are of the highest quality for precision measurement.
We offer a wide range of products and services including:
• pH & Redox Controllers & Electrodes
• Conductivity Controllers & Probes
• Liquid Level Controllers & Electrodes
• Open Chanel & Magnetic Flow Meters
• Data Loggers
• Dosing Pumps & Tanks
• Custom Designed & Built Control Panels
• And much more.
Contact us today to discuss your needs, or visit our website to view our product range!
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Versatile Controls Ltd was established in October 1987 by the current owner Mr Jon Slim and the late Mr Edward Dowty.
The Company started as a distributor for The Versa Products Inc of New Jersey to serve the Oil and Gas industry in The North Sea with high quality pneumatic and hydraulic control valves.
During the following years, the company acquired other distribution rights with ITT Neodyn pressure switches, ITT Conoflow regulators, Ruelco switches and regulators and Deltrol flow control products.
In recent years, the company has made progress in the manufacture of high quality mixing systems for The Pharmaceutical industry and was responsible for many of the systems required during the recent covid epidemic.
GLOUCSTER, GL3 1DL sales@versatilecontrols.co.uk 01452-731447
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In this issue of PECM, we are delighted to showcase Sibor as our New Year Spotlight company.
Sibor has a long history, spanning over thirty years providing leading process control, engineering and project management expertise. Established in 1992, to originally provide process control systems and industrial automation to many industrial applications, such as large blue-chip companies, the company has been focusing on the energy sector more recently, notably the anaerobic digestion renewable energy sector.
Sibor provides turnkey design and build service solutions across manufacturing and automation control, including the following services:
• EIC/mechanical design and installation services
• Process control services
• Process instrumentation services
• Atex design and installation services
• Project management services
• Software development services
• Support services
With a vision for providing automated control systems that provide manufacturing benefits and added assurance throughout, Sibor are trusted professionals throughout the project. From initial requirements analysis, expert software engineers define user-needs from the offset, through to application design and software, component selection and assembly for a successful outcome.
Sibor runs applications as local stand-alone systems or alternatively, as Ethernet/IP networked solutions.
Utilising cutting-edge Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Sibor ensures streamlined services across all customer applications.
We caught up with Managing Director: Rob Mockridge to find out more,
“We have always enjoyed organic growth and over the last 12 months, the company has gone through a major transition and has now been accredited with ISO 9001 and 14001 and we have also been accredited by safe contractor.
We have gone from strength to strength completing many major
upgrade projects for the MOD and several renewable energy companies, ranging from replacing old for new to major electrical infrastructure and controls installations.
We have seen a 40% increase in business over the last 12 months- an accolade to our strong team.
We are very excited for the year ahead in the anaerobic digestion renewable energy sector and we have just signed two major contracts with renewable energy companies to provide LV power distribution design and installation combined with control and instrumentation design and installation. With a pipeline of projects to follow, allowing us to keep investing in our staff and business activities.
Our growth in control and automation projects is a tribute to our innovative approach to design and comes from our long history in many industrial sectors.”
The intrinsic capabilities of fluidised bed dryers (FBDs) in achieving precise, controlled, and uniform drying of wet solids have made them indispensable in a multitude of sectors. To harness the full potential of these systems, companies must keep pace with advancements in control technologies and industrial automation. Through value-adding upgrades to existing systems, end users can both improve the performance of these machines and open the door to the opportunities that smart manufacturing holds.
Alan Messenger, Sales Director at Optimal Industrial Automation, looks at how manufacturers and processors can advance their fluidised bed dryers to enhance competitiveness and profitability.
Offering a highly efficient drying method, FBDs play a fundamental role in various manufacturing industries, including pharmaceutical, chemical, and food & beverage. These machines can deliver high drying rates and short cycle times, ultimately helping companies maximise throughput. Also, thanks to their thermodynamic efficiency and ability to uniformly reduce moisture and minimise the potential for mechanical damage to materials, they can drive quality-centric operations.
In addition, FBDs help the formation of strong bonds for the agglomeration of powder formulations and make it possible to obtain perfectly compressed products, such as tablets and caplets. As a result, these units are extremely popular when handling powders or granules, such as granulation operations for oral solid dosage (OSD) pharmaceutical production.
Moreover, they have a direct impact on the characteristics of a product, such as shelf life and quality. By reducing water content in end products, the rate of both biological contamination and undesirable reactions are slowed, improving storability and transportability.
It’s all about control
Beyond the key role of FBDs in effective drying operations, industry players also profit from the long service life of these machines, which can exceed 35 years. Due to the absence of moving parts, they require limited maintenance, lowering operational expenses and downtime.
The robust nature of these units, however, doesn’t mean that the system cannot benefit from upgrades. In fact, as the market places ever more demanding requirements on producers, continuously advancing manufacturing operations is a must to remain competitive. Typically, regular updates to control systems enhance time-, cost-, and energyefficiency, while outdated setups may lead to under- or over-drying, affecting product quality and value.
The recent quantum leap in control technologies and digital solutions
has unleashed a number of new, highly advantageous opportunities for FBD-based processes in a very short time. By adopting smarter control systems that communicate with key sensors and analysers as well as monitoring and visualisation platforms, it is possible to develop a greater understanding of FBD units, their components, processes, feedstocks and products.
Users can leverage these insights to better manage their activities, from equipment maintenance to fluidisation and drying conditions. The response can be manual or automated, with FDBs accurately and precisely self-regulating their operations to improve efficiency, product quality and resource utilisation. Ultimately, within fully automated setups, FBD control can enable the development of interconnected, smart manufacturing frameworks that futureproof production operations.
Perhaps more importantly for companies in highly regulated sectors, the use of advanced control systems can help store valuable process information as well as produce documentation for quality audits, supporting regulatory compliance and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).
The upgrade of control systems for FBDs should be customised to the specific application while also taking a number of factors, such as compatibility with existing components as well as safety and regulatory compliance, into consideration. Therefore, it is advisable for end users to collaborate with a knowledgeable
industrial automation specialist and system integrator who can provide key support in identifying and implementing the most effective improvement strategies for the intended control system.
A full-service provider, such as Optimal, should be preferred, as it can streamline the entire project as well as provide assistance at any stage while enabling continuous improvements. Furthermore, such a partner can help reverse engineer existing setups or handle situations when supporting documentation may be limited, ensuring that the new setup can run smoothly.
With nearly 40 years of experience in industrial automation and control technology applications in the chemical and (bio)pharmaceutical sector, Optimal has long track record of supporting the successful upgrade of FBDs. These have enabled end users to advance their operations and drive their competitiveness in increasingly demanding markets.
In a bid to modernise its FBD operations, a prominent pharmaceutical manufacturer sought to move beyond the limitations of its legacy control setup, which was reliant on traditional push-button controls that only supported basic functions. Optimal stepped in to upgrade the control system’s capabilities by introducing a PLC-driven solution.
This overhaul integrated a more advanced control system and key visualisation platforms, such as human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software. This provided both a more sophisticated control mechanism and enabled precise material tracking and tracing. The implementation of a comprehensive monitoring solution helped the pharmaceutical company manage feedstock across the entire manufacturing journey, from raw material to the final product.
a highly efficient drying method, FBDs play a fundamental role in various manufacturing industries, including pharmaceutical, chemical, and food & beverage.
Traceability was complemented by real-time batch reporting, which offered invaluable documentation for quality audits. By optimising batching processes and dispensary controls, Optimal was able to deliver a seamlessly integrated and autonomous solution that drove a remarkable 50% increase in productivity for the FBD. This surge in efficiency not only resulted in a swift return on investment but also positioned the pharmaceutical giant at the forefront of cuttingedge manufacturing.
Faced with the need to refine its FBD operations to enhance product consistency and reduce processing times, a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer asked its preferred automation and system integration expert, Optimal, to develop a suitable control system. As an expert Process Analytical Technology (PAT) implementation specialist, Optimal suggested the use of this framework as part of a more advanced process control system. This would support
real-time moisture monitoring through in-line near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy that, coupled with data from existing sensors, could form the basis of a robust multivariate analysis (MVA) model.
Thanks to this solution, the company gained unprecedented insight into the drying phases, facilitating informed decisionmaking for operators and subject matter experts. The result was a more thorough understanding of the process, leading to improved cycle times, heightened product quality and a substantial boost in profitability. The control system, which leveraged the award-winning PAT knowledge platform synTQ, enabled on-thefly temperature adjustments to optimise end product quality and processing times. Harnessing PAT futureproofed the system and opened avenues for scalability as well as further optimisation in other areas of the manufacturing process.
Case study: Advanced transparency supports regulatory compliance
When a premier OSD form manufacturer wanted to improve the transparency, accessibility and integrity of its FBD process as well as product data, Optimal implemented a secure and regulatory-compliant solution for data sharing and storage. The existing system’s capabilities included reliable data capture and storage within a cutting-edge SCADA platform.
To enhance accessibility and regulatory compliance, an Information Technology Company (ITC)-managed data centre was established, enabling direct, seamless data reception and visualisation by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The pharmaceutical producer’s adherence to cGMP guidelines was significantly strengthened, leading to the expansion of the framework to additional production units.
For further information, please visit www.optimal-ltd.co.uk
Using a well-engineered industrial chain, is of paramount importance in industrial processes. These chains play a crucial role in various sectors of manufacturing. In this article, we look at the significance of wellengineered chains, their functions, benefits, and the consequences of neglecting them.
1. **Efficiency and Productivity**: Industrial chains are the backbone of production lines. Well-engineered chains, as supplied by Köbo UK Ltd, ensure the movement of materials, products, and equipment. They minimize downtime, enhance production efficiency, and boost productivity.
2. **Safety**: Safety is a paramount concern in any industrial setting. Well-designed industrial chains, like the ISO9001 Chains supplied by Köbo UK Ltd, are less likely to fail unexpectedly, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Properly engineered chains also mitigate the chances of chain-related accidents, such as chain derailing or snapping, which can have severe consequences.
3. **Durability**: Industrial chains are exposed to extreme conditions, including high temperatures, heavy loads, and corrosive environments. A well-engineered chain is constructed to withstand these conditions, ensuring a longer lifespan. This durability translates into cost savings as it reduces the frequency of chain replacement and maintenance.
4. **Cost Savings**: While investing in high-quality industrial chains may seem expensive initially, it pays
Neglecting the quality of industrial chains can lead to catastrophic consequences, including accidents, downtime, and financial losses.
off in the long run. The reduced need for repairs and replacements, as well as increased operational efficiency, results in significant cost savings over time. In contrast, using inferior chains can lead to frequent breakdowns, expensive repairs, and higher operational costs.
5. **Precision and Accuracy**: Industrial processes often require precision and accuracy. Wellengineered chains provide the required consistency in movement and positioning, ensuring that products meet the desired specifications.
6. **Customization**: Industrial chains can be tailored to specific requirements. Well-engineered chains can be designed to accommodate various load capacities, speeds, and operating conditions.
7. **Environmental Impact**: Sustainable manufacturing practices are becoming increasingly important. Well-engineered chains can be designed to minimize energy consumption and reduce emissions. They contribute to greener operations by running
more efficiently which aligns with environmental regulations and corporate social responsibility goals.
8. **Reduced Downtime**: Downtime can be a significant cost factor in industrial processes. Well-engineered chains are less prone to unexpected failures, reducing the frequency and duration of downtime. This, in turn, improves overall production continuity and customer satisfaction.
9. **Global Supply Chain Reliability**: In today’s interconnected world, supply chains often span across countries and continents. Well-engineered industrial chains ensure the reliability of these global supply chains.
10. **Quality Control**: Quality control is a critical aspect of industrial processes, particularly in sectors like automotive and aerospace. A well-engineered chain contributes to consistent quality by maintaining precise movement and positioning, crucial for the assembly of intricate components.
In conclusion, the importance of using industrial chains, in processes cannot be overstated. These chains serve as the lifeline of various industries, contributing to efficiency, safety, cost savings, and environmental responsibility. Neglecting the quality of industrial chains can lead to catastrophic consequences, including accidents, downtime, and financial losses. Therefore, investing in wellengineered industrial chains is not just a matter of choice but a strategic imperative for any organization aiming for long-term success.
The demand for hand-held surgical power tools is at an all-time high due to significant surgical procedure backlogs and rising calls for elective and cosmetic surgeries. Where hospital administrators are under pressure to manage their costs, manufacturers are being challenged to produce tools that can be reused, typically requiring them to withstand autoclave cleaning processes. This is where Portescap’s autoclavable brushless DC motors can prove advantageous.
Despite the obvious opportunity for OEM designers, there are pitfalls and challenges that must be considered when designing surgical hand tools. It is a market of swift innovation with a trend towards miniaturisation to improve convenience, ergonomics and overall performance. This trend naturally requires advanced microelectronics that will perform to the tough regulatory standards that are rightly demanded of medical
tools. As a result, the devices are often associated with high costs, which may be seen as restrictive.
Keeping costs in mind, OEMs are faced with two choices. Reduce component quality with a view to producing ‘low cost’, disposable solutions; or develop solutions which can reliably be re-used, thus decreasing the ‘Total Cost of Ownership’. The second option is typically regarded as a more sustainable solution, both in terms
of economic and environmental considerations.
For the subset of surgical hand-tools that are designed to be re-usable, their components must be engineered to endure multiple autoclaving cycles: in some case as many as 3,000 cycles over the course of their operating life. Autoclave (or steam sterilization) cycles are one of the most effective means of fast sterilization of medical instruments. During autoclaving, equipment is exposed to up to 100% humidity, 121°C minimum and variations between positive and negative pressures for up to 30 minutes; the process is designed to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores1.
Historically the availability of miniature motors that were capable of reliably surviving autoclave cycles was scarce, and often expensive. As such various approaches were developed by manufacturers which
protected the motor – or avoided the autoclave cycle completely –such as disposable tools, removable battery packs and ‘redundant seals’2. However, none of these solutions are compatible with the requirements for convenience as listed above. This is why more designers are looking to brushless DC motors to answer the three key challenges of cost, performance and reliability.
By replacing brushes and a commutator for an electronic drive, brushless DC motors deliver performance improvements over other motor technologies, such as quiet operation and longer operational life (twice that of comparable brushed motors). The brushless design can also deliver up to 30% more torque than traditional motors of the same size, while generating less heat and greater speed control for the operator.
Designers should also typically specify brushless slotted (rather than slotless) technology, which, by design, offers protection to the slotted motor winding when inserted into the slots of the lamination stack. From here additional coating or moulding protection can easily be added within impacting the motor performance.
It is crucial to partner with miniature motor manufacturers who have a proven track record of delivering high-quality autoclavable
Exceptional global demand for hand-held surgical power tools is forecast to continue into the next decade.
solutions, given that the reliability and performance of these motors are vital in ensuring the success and safety of the surgical power tools being designed. Selecting a manufacturer with extensive experience in producing autoclavable motors also ensures that the devices will withstand the rigorous sterilization processes required in medical environments. For example, Portescap offers exceptional customization capabilities for 3,000+ autoclaving cycles as well as a complete range of sterilizable slotted motors designed to withstand 1,000+ autoclave cycles, and sterilizable slotless motors designed to withstand 200+ autoclave cycles.
Exceptional global demand for hand-held surgical power tools is forecast to continue into the next decade. As such, the outlook is positive for companies that are on the forefront of development. However, they are operating in a competitive environment, where pressure to reach the market must be balanced with ergonomic performance, product reliability and cost effectiveness.
Where products are intended to be re-used as part of their life cycle, then OEMs must ensure the tools are engineered to endure autoclaving cycles. It stands to reason that designers must adopt the most suitable technology to maintain reliability without sacrificing overall performance.
In this case, autoclavable brushless DC motors currently offer the best opportunity to designers looking to push the boundaries of size, performance and reliability for these critical devices.
According to the German Environment Agency, electric drives in the industry and trade sectors consume nearly two fifths of the total electricity in Germany. Particularly electric drives and the aggregates powered by them therefore have a great and economic energy saving potential. With its highly efficient latest-generation IE5+ motors, system provider NORD DRIVESYSTEMS offers an optimum solution for the significant reduction of energy and resource consumptions.
The compact and highly efficient IE5+ permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) from NORD are characterised by a constantly high efficiency of up to 95% over a wide torque range and thus also achieve optimum energy consumption performance in partial load and partial speed ranges. “That means that the efficiencies of our IE5+ motors clearly exceed those of the highest defined efficiency class
IE5”, says Jörg Niermann, Marketing Manager at NORD DRIVESYSTEMS. This significantly reduces the application’s energy requirements and CO2e emissions. Particularly for large systems with long operating times of the electric drives – for example in intralogistics with many installed drives – this makes a considerable difference. “Our IE5+ motor technology, however, is far more than just energy efficiency”, Niermann adds. “We rather think of it as a holistic concept that goes beyond the mere consideration of efficiency.”
Material efficiency as a sustainability factor
The compact IE5+ permanent magnet synchronous motors from NORD also convince with their innovative design and require a comparatively small quantity of material. NORD designed the IE5+ motor as an 8-pole synchronous motor in an IPM design. This reduces the size of the motor’s active components, which not only
results in material savings in the sheet metal package but also with the magnets.
With 8-pole synchronous motors, the stator can also be manufactured with the so-called single-tooth windings. As a result, valuable material such as copper is only used where it is actually productive; inefficient use in the winding head is reduced. “Our IE5+ synchronous motor combines energy efficiency with material efficiency and thus scores twice in terms of sustainability”, Niermann highlights. “This is also valid for our DuoDrive, which integrates the IE5+ motor with a single-stage helical gear unit into one housing.”
NORD as a system provider
With regard to the energy savings potential, the entire drive system including electric motor, gear unit and drive electronics must be taken into account. The highly efficient IE5+ motors can be combined with different components from the NORD modular system. This creates optimally matched and tailored system solutions from a single source. This allows to increase the total efficiency of machines and systems, and to reduce the Total Costs of Ownership (TCO). With the NORD ECO service, the drive experts from NORD also offer an effective tool to reveal savings potential in a system and to minimise the companies’ carbon footprint. “Finally, we want to enable the user to make the best possible use of the advantages of our drive systems”, Niermann summarises. “To make this work, we assist our customers from the design phase up to commissioning.”
Converts surface grinders to rotary work
forteq UK located in Huddersfield produce high volume injection moulded plastic components. They are a well-established supplier into the Automotive and Industrial product sectors. Plastic gear applications is a focus area for forteq Group, they have world class development facilities in Switzerland that support the manufacturing plants globally. Technical expertise and knowhow allow forteq to develop and produce very precise gears of all types using engineering and advanced polymers.
At forteq UK, applications such as door latch plastic
gears and worm mechanisms, gears for valve actuators, power steering worm-wheels, over-moulded gear shafts with magnet for wiper motors are some automotive components produced. forteq are also specialists at plastics used in Industrial applications such as gas and water meter components, valve mechanisms and internal functional components, including 2K moulding.
forteq UK have capacity for new projects, please get in touch with Steve Roberts on 01484 483516
– steve.roberts@forteq-group. com to discuss upcoming projects
Spelsberg’s GEOS enclosure helps make tough decisions
While it’s always best practice try to position your electrical enclosures and distribution boxes under cover and away from high traffic areas, this isn’t always possible. For electrical installations that are going to be exposed to the elements and risk impact from passing site traffic, electrical engineers need the very toughest housing. The Spelsberg GEOS has been design from ground up to tough, flexible and safe in even the harshest of environments.
At it’s core, the GEOS range is produced from high-grade polycarbonate which is resistant to many corrosive chemicals, as well as providing protection from damaging UV rays and the effects of extreme temperature. The resultant IK09 high impact strength and IP67 ingress protection makes the GEOS one of the toughest enclosures on the market.
But that’s on the beginning of the story.
Chris Lloyd, Managing Director of Spelsberg UK, explains: “At first glance, the GEOS might look like many of the other enclosures for Spelsberg’s vast range. But when you look a little closer you can see that every detail has been redesigned to offer the very best performance in the harshest of environments. We’ve included a functional, tool-free installation system, multiple internal and external mounting options and even a quick release closure system for the lids.”
One of the most beneficial features
Spelsberg UK maintains the largest UK stock of non-metallic electrical enclosures from its headquarters in Telford.
for those of us familiar with the British weather is the ‘Drain Protect’ sealing principle that was developed for GEOS. Any moisture that comes into contact with the enclosure is discharged by the widely overlapping cover and a drainage channel that is designed into the bottom of the enclosure at the rear of the box. The GEOS then doubles down with a elastomer seal to provide optimum protection from the worst of the weather.
Aside from the tough design, all of Spelsberg’s trademark usability can be found. Installers can choose between three sixes of enclosure – each available in different depths. The lids can be screwed
on or hinged and are available as a transparent option if desired. In total there are 44 standard variations in the range, before you start speaking to Spelsberg’s engineering experts about the internal mounting plates and complete in-house customisation, lid printing and assembly services.
Spelsberg UK maintains the largest UK stock of non-metallic electrical enclosures from its headquarters in Telford. The central location means it can offer next day deliver on the majority of standard orders. Having invested in its own tooling and inhouse assembly lines, it also boasts the best lead times on specialist orders or customisation requests.
For further information, please visit www.spelsberg.co.uk
Surface testing for curvy and small surfaces / Data memory for 1,245 readings / Measuring geometry 60° / Evaluation also possible without additional software / One-key operation / Calibration standard included
The gloss meter has a measuring surface of Ø 4.5 mm. Thanks to this small measuring surface, the gloss meter enables measurements on particularly small surfaces. With a maximum inaccuracy of 1%, the gloss meter is a high-precision measuring instrument for fast and easy measurements on surfaces. The one-button operation allows quick and easy operation of the surface inspection device.
Another special feature of the gloss meter is the data storage function. This gloss meter automatically stores up to 1,245 measurements. To read the data, the gloss meter must be connected to a computer. No additional drivers or software are required to read the data from the gloss meter. The stored data is saved in the .txt file format on the surface inspection device and can be analysed directly. In addition to the storage of the measured data, a time stamp is created per measurement.
Gloss measurement on curvy and small surfaces
Gloss is one of the criteria that is always taken into consideration when it goes about quality assessment. Correct analysis of the gloss of a certain surface helps to make conclusions about the quality and whether the necessary standards have been met during the production or repair process. Excessive or insufficient gloss may be an indication of the application
of the wrong methods and time of the surface treatment, wear-out, deteriorating condition, and loss of the protective function, since gloss has not only optical effect, but very often, it also performs protective function if coating is applied.
Measurement on the even flat surfaces is an easy-to-perform task, but it often happens that the surface is curvy or the area to be measured is very small. For such challenging tasks a small portable gloss meter has been designed and due to this device even the measurement on the most complicated surfaces has become feasible. Operation of the gloss meter is easy, but the user should remember to be careful to obtain the most accurate results. The sample to be measured or some part of it must be in a stable position as well as the meter and
for each separate part of the curvy surface the upper and lower gloss limits should be determined separately. The convenience and possibility to get the best measuring position is also provided by the design of the measuring instrument. A small measuring window as well as the support area is so small that the device can be applied even on the tiniest parts of the surface. The examples of curvy surfaces may be numerous: parts of the automobiles, bottles, ceramics, window frames, doors, such materials as marble or granite etc. The gloss meter applied on such surfaces carries out the measurement continuously and thus, even the most complicated geometry of the surface, where the character of the surface changes does not prevent the device from getting very accurate data. Application of the other measuring instruments for this purpose does not compare in accuracy with the results provided by the gloss meter.
Gloss – is one of those parameters that has got its own paragraph in ISO requirements, which means that as all the other parameters, it should be treated with attention
and responsibility. Curvy surfaces often have more functionality and a much better optical look, and should not be ignored and left in the background by the producers just because the measurements on them are much more challenging.
ISO 17025:2017
Spectrophotometer Calibration
AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory accredited with ISO/ IEC 17025:2017. With more than 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, we have managed to build a stable position on the market. AMECaL is also a brand of its own, selling certified electrical and environmental test equipment to customers all around the world.
All test equipment should be calibrated to ensure that its measurement scale is always accurate and reliable. Due to common wear and tear of an instrument this may not always be the case. Factors like temperature, humidity, pressure and bad user-handling contribute to errors in measurements, which is why calibration services are so important and can save customers a lot of money in the future. Our laboratory is specialised in Spectrophotometer calibration. All measuring equipment naturally drifts with time and require recalibration and adjustment. Spectrophotometer are not an exception to this trend and that is why it is so important to keep them in optimal working order.
AMECaL offers calibration services in accordance to the ISO/IEC
Application of the correct device destroys this type of obstacle and turns the challenging tasks into doable.
- Data memory for later evaluations
- For measurements on small
- Measuring range up to 1000 GU
- Precise measurements thanks to high accuracy
- Micro USB interface for PC connection
- Simple one-button operation
17025:2017 standard (ISO 17025 spectrophotometer calibration) or National Traceability Standard (traceable spectrophotometer calibration). We understand that every situation requires an individual solution and that is why we are open to custom quotes.
AMECaL is one of the world’s foremost laboratories in the specialised field of optical measurement.
AMECaL has spent many years researching and developing a method of calibration relating to optical gloss measurement. This now allows both instruments and reference standards to be calibrated against measurement standards traceable to international/national measurement standards. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 & ISO 2813:2014
AMECaL also manufacture Reference Standards, to client’s high specifications, distributing them to
an international client base. The innovation of new calibration methods in this highly specialised field is not the only cutting-edge development to the company’s name; AMECaL also excels in complex - and related - areas Our expertise extends to developing new equipment as well; currently in development is our Goniophotometer – which will have some of the best accuracies in the world – some 20 times more accurate than the best available today from NIST USA or NCR Canada
Ongoing technical developments in unique and very specialist areas like these, alongside an ability to deal with an ever-increasing portfolio of products, have put the company at the forefront of calibration know-how.
5 reasons to get your repair done by UNIS Group
70,000+ repairs annually:
Proven reliability with thousands of successful repairs every year.
Quality since 1984 thanks to knowledge and experience: Decades of experience ensure in-depth knowledge and craftsmanship.
Comprehensive test centre:
More than 1,400 test rigs for thorough and reliable testing.
A ‘green’ choice:
Contribute to CO2 reduction by choosing repair.
Fast repairs:
Thanks to an extensive stock of time-sensitive components.
We carry out more than 70,000 repairs annually and have an extensive test centre with more than 1,400 test stands.
We can fully test your industrial electronics!
A repair takes place at our headquarters in the Netherlands and/or at our repair sites in Poland, China, Brazil and the UK. Skilled technicians repair at component level, supported by advanced measuring and testing equipment.
UNIS Group specialises in the repair of both end-of-life, used and new electronics. Since 1984, we have offered quality thanks to our extensive knowledge and experience.
We carry out more than 70,000 repairs annually and have an extensive test centre with more than 1,400 test stands. Moreover, we are a ‘green’ choice by reducing our CO2 footprint. Thanks to an extensive stock of time-sensitive components, we can guarantee fast repairs.
Contact us at uksales@unisgroup. com or +44 1604 499 777 and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.
For further information, please visit www.unisgroup.co.uk
Proven reliability with thousands of successful repairs every year.
SINCE 1984:
Proven reliability with thousands of successful repairs every year.
Decades of experience ensure in-depth knowledge and craftsmanship.
Decades of experience ensure in-depth knowledge and craftsmanship.
More than 1,400 test stands for thorough and reliable testing.
More than 1,400 test stands for thorough and reliable testing.
Contribute to CO2 reduction by choosing repair.
Contribute to CO2 reduction by choosing repair.
Thanks to an extensive stock of time-sensitive components.
Thanks to an extensive stock of time-sensitive components.
We can fully test your industrial electronics!
We can fully test your industrial electronics!
UNIS Group specialises in the repair of end-of-life as well as used and new electronics. Skilled technicians repair at component level, supported by advanced measuring and testing equipment. Contact us for more information!
UNIS Group specialises in the repair of end-of-life as well as used and new electronics. Skilled technicians repair at component level, supported by advanced measuring and testing equipment. Contact us for more information!
uksales@unisgroup.com +44 1604 499 777
uksales@unisgroup.com +44 1604 499 777
For nearly 40 years, Elmeridge has specialised in designing, manufacturing, and distributing custom low-voltage cables for various demanding applications. Below are some examples that highlight our durable and innovative cable solutions:
Polyurethane Cable: Supplied to a North Sea fish farm, this cable has outlasted expectations, still operational over 20 years later. Made with a highly resilient, hydrolysis-resistant compound, it is favored by underwater and offshore industries for its toughness and flexibility.
Termite-Proof Compounds: Elmeridge developed termite-resistant cables using compounds like Hytrel, Polyurethane, and Polyethylene. These cables withstood a lab test against aggressive Australian termites, demonstrating their durability.
Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (GFRP): Known for exceptional durability, Elmeridge’s pushrod cables for pipes and drains incorporate a unique GFRP rod, allowing for extended push distances without compromising strength.
Steel Wire Armour: Custom-designed for the Spanish Navy, this cable uses a combination of Kevlar yarn and Nitronic 50 steel wire armour for high-strength applications.
Rodent-Resistant Rail Cable: Developed for the Hong Kong Metro and later widely adopted by the London Underground, these cables help protect critical rail systems from rodent damage.
Single Core and F1 Cables: Elmeridge supplied Formula 1 with single-core cables in durable compounds, solving issues with in-car camera cables by preventing vibration-induced wear. Buoyant Fibreoptic Cable: Recently, Elmeridge produced a 5km buoyant
fibreoptic cable to inspect culverts under London, demonstrating strength with a 750kg breaking load.
36-Core Umbilical Cable: Designed for a ship’s radar system, this flexible umbilical cable withstands folding during navigation under low overhead structures.
Medical Silicone Cable: Elmeridge combined two silicone cables into one, reducing the diameter without sacrificing flexibility for medical applications.
Sensor Cables: Featuring inner vent tubes for pressure sensing, these cables serve industries in India, Europe, and the UK.
Copper Braid: Elmeridge supplied the Royal Air Force with copper braid sheaths to ground aircraft during refueling, reducing static electricity build-up and fire hazards.
CTD Cables: We are also proud to work with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), supplying cables of 8,000 and 10,000 metres of CTD (Conductivity Temperature and Depth)
Cables for the RRS Sir David Attenborough (pictured), and RRS James Clark Ross..
SPD Ltd and our partners have been solving problems in Lightning & Surge Protection for over 50 years. Our devices are European designed and manufactured, state of the art products, which exceed the requirements of the latest standards. With over 3000 products in our range, we are the markets Surge Protection specialists, with a device to suit every installation.
We carry out many seminars with consultants and specialist training organisations as well as attending exhibitions and conferences
both in the UK and overseas, where our knowledge is renowned. We also hold regular contractor training sessions online, some of which are live webinar sessions, where you can ask our Technical Director any questions, and some are on-demand, so can be accessed at a time to suit yourself.
If you have any questions at all please give us a call on 01484 851 747 or email info@surgedevices.co.uk
ViSWIR Hyper APO Features:
• Capable of fully corrected focus shift in visible and SWIR range (400nm - 1700nm)
• Achieves spectral imaging with a single sensor camera by simply syncing the lighting
Floating design adjusts focus for different wavelengths 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm* and 50mm* (*2023)
ViSWIR Lite Features:
High transmittance at whole wavelength of 400nm - 1700nm by adopting hyper wideband AR coat
Outstanding cost-performance for single-wavelength lighting & narrow-band imaging
• Compact design 5mm, 8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm
In 2023, 8 million sick days were taken across the UK for back pain. Medical experts have attributed this to changing working patterns, an ageing workforce, NHS backlogs and ineffective traditional treatments. Could motorised exoskeletons be the answer to reducing occupational back pain? Here, Dave Walsha, sales manager at drive system supplier EMS, explains.
Finding a treatment for chronic back pain can take years of trial and error. Standard treatments — typically massages, physiotherapy and yoga — can reduce back pain, but not in all cases, and can also be hard to access with NHS backlogs and time-financial barriers. More radical treatments, such as Ketamine Infusion Therapy, are being actively researched. However, due to risk, it’s unlikely that these treatments will ever become mainstream.
With standard treatments offering varied relief and alternative treatments too risky, could
motorised exoskeletons provide a viable and efficient treatment for Britain’s back pain problem?
Motorised exoskeletons:
Motorised exoskeletons are wearable augmentative technologies that use a motor, lead screw and a spring to provide musculoskeletal support. The wearer activates the motor when they move, turning the screw and transferring power to the spring. This removes pressure from the user’s spine relieve back pain and support with heavy lifting tasks.
Unlike traditional solutions, motorised exoskeletons provide relief while the wearer works and can prevent pain developing. The 2019 EU-based project, SPEXOR, found that motorised exoskeletons could be used as a long-term solution, strengthening the wearer’s muscles and predicting potential physiological issues. SPEXOR further found that introducing motorised exoskeletons to the workplace could save Europe 4 billion euros annually.
However, industry questions surrounding motorised exoskeletons’ practicality remain. The 2022 EXSKALLERATE project, aimed to increase the adoption of motorised exoskeletons by the manufacturing and building industry in the North Sea Region, noted that they needed design improvement. Motorised exoskeletons’ unreliability, rigidity, heaviness and noise has limited their widespread use. But choosing the correct motor could eliminate these issues.
Brushed DC motors are often seen in motorised exoskeletons due to their simple drive design, lower cost compared to their brushless counterpart and ease of control. However, care needs to be taken when selecting a brushed motor to ensure the commutation system, which will wear over the life of the motor, can deliver the longevity expected from the product.
EMS is the sole UK and Ireland supplier of leading miniature and micro drive manufacturer, FAULHABER, who advances small brushed DC motor technology with precious metal commutation.
FAULHABER SR series motors employ this type of commutation due to its compact size, precise commutation signalling and extremely low contact resistance, reducing wear-and-tear and enhancing reliability. Other benefits include no cogging torque creating smooth, accurate movement and speed control, higher overall efficiency and quietness, allowing for the desired
naturalness, freedom, and safety while the wearer works.
This makes these motors ideal for exoskeletons. In fact, FAULHABER has found exoskeleton success in France with JAPET, who use four FAULHABER Series 1524 SR precious metal commutation DCmicromotors in its Japet.W model. Each motor weighs 18 grams and is strong enough to take the weight of three to four medium-sized cars throughout the working day. The Japet.W is actively used in France’s transport, construction and medical sectors, observing a 75 per cent pain reduction in wearers.
Motorised exoskeletons are wearable augmentative technologies that use a motor, lead screw and a spring to provide musculoskeletal support.
Motorised exoskeletons offer a promising solution to alleviate and prevent occupational back pain, and with developing micromotor technology, the future of pain management could rest on the shoulders of forward-thinking, wearable support systems. With an ageing workforce, NHS backlogs, ineffective treatments, and working patterns not set to change for the foreseeable, motorised exoskeletons might just be the backup Britain needs.
EMS exclusively supplies FAULHABER products to the UK and Ireland. To learn more about FAULHABER S/G DC-micromotors and drive systems, and for specialist advice, contact one of our engineers today
FORTEC UK is proud to unveil the Litemax IPPS-4851-APL9, a cutting-edge 48.5” Panel PC tailored specifically for the transportation sector by Litemax, a renowned manufacturer in the outdoor market. This innovative solution is engineered from the ground up to excel in outdoor environments, boasting a remarkable brightness of 3000 cd/m² that ensures exceptional visibility even in challenging lighting conditions.
Key Features of the Litemax IPPS-4851-APL9 include:
• HiTni Panel for Direct Sunlight: Engineered with HiTni technology, this panel prevents blackening of the TFT polariser and maintains display clarity when exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods, making it ideal for outdoor and transportation applications.
• Auto DLS Dimming with IR Remote Controller: Advanced Auto DLS Dimming adjusts screen brightness based on ambient light levels, enhancing visibility and reducing power consumption. The IR remote controller adds convenience and ease of operation.
• 3mm AG Glass with Waterproof Full Flat Design: Featuring 3mm Anti-Glare (AG) glass and a waterproof full flat design, the IPPS4851-APL9 ensures durability and reliability in diverse environmental conditions, guaranteeing longevity and consistent performance in harsh settings.
• UVIR Film for Outdoor Harsh Environments: Specially designed UVIR film protects against UV and IR radiation, further extending panel lifespan and suitability for outdoor use.
• Slim and Sleek Design: With a slim 25mm display thickness and a sleek 1.5mm border, the IPPS-4851-APL9 combines functionality with a modern aesthetic, perfectly suited for contemporary transportation environments.
• Versatile Power Input Options: Supporting multiple power input options (AC110/220V, DC9-36, and optional DC110V), the Panel PC
features M12 connectors built to withstand vibrations, shocks, and environmental factors like dust and moisture.
Brendan O’Reilly, Display and Embedded Solutions Manager at FORTEC UK, expressed enthusiasm about the IPPS-4851-APL9’s introduction to the UK market: “Its exceptional brightness, size, and robust features make it an ideal solution for transportation applications, where visibility and reliability are paramount. This addition to our product lineup underscores our commitment to providing innovative and high-quality display solutions.”
The Litemax IPPS-4851-APL9 is now available for order. For further details, please click here.
Union Industries, the UK’s leading manufacturer of bespoke industrial doors, has helped Sonoco introduce more efficient operating procedures with the installation of its high speed Ramdoor.
It represents a first for the paper mill in Halifax, West Yorkshire, which recycles wastepaper and cardboard - converting it into a range of useful products.
With efficiency in mind, Union’s rugged Ramdoor replaced a slow and outdated roller shutter door, at the same time helping with the segregation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Sited in a section of the warehouse leading to the waste yard, the newly installed Ramdoor has enabled Sonoco to increase the frequency of both large machinery and forklift traffic through this entranceway, in line with changes to their operating procedures.
Due to the large volumes of wastepaper processed, it is important that the Ramdoor seals quickly, preventing the ingress of debris. A Class 5 wind resistance rating provides extra benefit - helping maintain operations during more challenging weather conditions.
Sonoco, a multi-billion-dollar global provider of consumer packaging, industrial products and packaging supply chain services, has been a customer of Union Industries for almost 30 years, having previously fitted four Matadoors.
This is the first Ramdoor to be installed at the site - features include a variable speed drive motor with
We are delighted to continue our longstanding partnership with Sonoco by providing them with a flexible and highly effective solution.
frequency inverter for greater control, thick Ramhide door blade material with anti-static additive and a ‘Crash Out’ system which reduces the potential of bottom beam damage - helping to minimise downtime and repair costs.
The heavy-duty wind-bar system, combined with the extra-deep sideguides, provides added strength, and contributes to the Ramdoor’s ability to cope with high wind loads and pressures.
Paul Hindley, Engineering Manager at Sonoco, said: “The installation of the Ramdoor at our Halifax facility is a game-changer. It allows for quicker, safer, and more efficient movement of our large machinery and vehicles. This has enabled us to introduce changes to our operational procedures, creating more efficiency. This upgrade is part of our commitment to continuously improve both our operational processes as well as our safety standards.”
Rob Howe, Technical Sales Engineer at Union Industries, said: “We are delighted to continue our longstanding partnership with Sonoco by providing them with a flexible and highly effective solution.
“The Ramdoor offers superior performance and durability, and in this instance has allowed Sonoco to ensure that this external entrance can cope with increasing traffic flows, effectively future proofing its requirements and allowing for future growth.”
Union Industries, the UK’s leading manufacturer of high-speed industrial roller doors, is celebrating its 10th anniversary as an Employee-Owned Trust (EOT).
Incorporated as Union Industries in 1972, the Leeds-based manufacturer has gone from strength to strength since founders Isobel and Paul Schofield took the decision to safeguard the future of the company by selling their majority share to the Union Industries EOT.
In the last decade, the business has paid more than £3m in tax-free bonuses; in the last five years alone, employees have each received an annual bonus of £3,600, and in 2024 that rose to £6,500 per employee. It has also achieved record levels of
revenue and profit, with profit soaring from £130,000 in 2013/2014 to £2.4m in 2023/2024.
Employees also have a vested interest in its success, particularly following the establishment of an Employee Council, full voting rights and representation on the board of Trustees.
Under the scheme, every employee can buy into the business at an annual dealing day, while new starters receive shares after 12 months of employment.
Andrew Lane, Managing Director at Union Industries, said: “10 years of success for any business is a major milestone, but 52 years of business and for 10 of those, the most
profitable ones, to be as an EmployeeOwned Trust is remarkable.
“Although we have always benefited from a committed workforce, becoming employee-owned has further empowered the team; everyone now also has an added financial incentive as a result of an annual tax-free bonus and the Employee Council ensures everyone is involved.”
For further information, please visit www.unionindustries.co.uk
LS Wastewater & Process Consulting Limited offers bespoke consultancy services for Water Process management and monitoring, with a long-term focus on energy and environmental conservation. Together with its sister company, Leachate Solutions: an industryleader in closed landfill engineering and bespoke leachate treatment plants, our consultancy brings over 35 years industrial experience, and an extensive network of engineering professionals working across the water and process industries.
LS Wastewater & Process Consulting Limited has considerable expertise in the following four overarching areas:
• Leachate Monitoring and Treatment: Customised solutions focused on compliant and sustainable discharge and monitoring protocols
• Robust Maintenance & Management Plans: Expert-led closed landfill and leachate management systems.
• Tailored solutions: Meticulous site assessments and surveys are carried out prior to any advice or recommendations being discussed or offered
• Adherence to environmental regulations: All advise is in alignment with current Environmental Agency, or HSE regulations so removing any ambiguity, and avoiding unnecessary issues with stakeholders or regulators.
LS Wastewater & Process Consulting offer informed, expert-led solutions for water and wastewater
Using LS Water and Process Consulting, ensures you have all the tools and expertise at your disposal, enabling you to optimise and monitor your business development
management across the entire process industry, agriculture, farming and closed landfill applications.
Using LS Water and Process Consulting, ensures you have all the tools and expertise at your disposal, enabling you to optimise and monitor your business development, while at the same time ensuring you remain compliant with current regulations
Using a consultancy service can bring a multitude of benefits such as pinpointing blockages and optimising process plant efficiency, streamlining process performance without rising costs and methodical action points to upgrade structural processes.
With all UK companies now looking for sustainable best practices, and a route to Net Zero, LS Wastewater & Process Consulting Limited and its sister company, Leachate Solutions pride themselves on providing innovative, futureproofed solutions for the water and process industries, as demonstrated by Leachate Solutions reaching the finals of the Lancashire Business Environment Awards 2023.
To enquire further about our comprehensive consultancy practice, and find out more about the services we offer, see the website and details below:
Pioneering Consultancy for Landfill and Environmental Management. Your trusted partners in Environmental Consultancy
We’re more than just consultants: we’re your partners in achieving your organisation’s goals.
Our commitment is to provide bespoke solutions for every project, regardless of size. Our team brings over three decades of engineering expertise to the table, delivering long term solutions with a focus on cost efficiency, energy conservation and sustainability.
Closed Landfill Expertise
Monitoring Treatment
Tailored Solutions
Regulatory Alignment
Water & Wastewater
Monitoring & Control
Cost Control
Quality Monitoring
Rainwater Cost Reduction
Process Performance & Management
Monitoring & Control
Productivitv Enhancements
Systematic Analysis
Cost Effective Solutions
New premises supports continued growth of control panel manufacture
workspace. Inverter controlled trolley movement and 2-step hoisting facilitate smooth and accurate load handling. EX C models are available with SWLs from 320 kg to 2,500 kg.
INDUS Engineering Services is proud to offer a wide range of custom control panels, automation systems and special purpose machinery.
After working on major control and automation projects for several of the south’s leading brands, the company has recently acquired a new premises with the aim of increasing production capacity of bespoke and sub-contract, control panel manufacture. The new premises will also allow us to support the wider range of engineering
activities carried out by the company, such as the design, manufacture, and testing of special purpose machinery. Also, to further our goals to reduce our carbon foot print we will be installing a high efficiency solar PV array in the coming months. For more information on the services that are available please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to discuss your project needs and requirements.
Konecranes has launched its range of EX C-series chain hoists for explosion proof lifting in hazardous environments. The models are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications where gases, flammable substances, dust and other ignition sources create the potential for explosions. The models have been designed and tested specifically to fulfil ATEX and IECEx requirements for use in Zone 1, 2 and 21 explosive environments.
Konecranes has launched its range of EX C-Series chain hoists for explosion proof lifting in hazardous environments.
871720 Scan the QR code to view online
Ergonomics, operational efficiency, versatility and ease of use have been the driving factors in the development of the hoists. The compact design and low headroom allow maximum use of available
Smart engineering techniques have been employed in the manufacture of the EX C-series with the use of Konecranes ‘Core of Lifting’ components, including a purpose-built motor, gearbox and controls. The robust and durable hoists provide reliable performance over extended periods, ensuring maximum operational availability, reduced maintenance requirements and extended life cycle.
Totalkare’s ergonomic positioners are single or double column devices that enable the lifting and rotation of a product during welding and assembly operations.
With overall capacity from 2,000 - 90,000kg to suit, they are both compact and flexible.
INDUS Engineering Services is proud to offer a wide range of custom control panels, automation systems and special purpose machinery. After working on major control and automation projects for several of the south’s leading brands, the company has recently acquired a new premises with the aim of increasing production capacity of bespoke and sub-contract, control panel manufacture. The new premises will also allow us to support the wider range of engineering
activities carried out by the company, such as the design, manufacture, and testing of special purpose machinery. Also, to further our goals to reduce our carbon foot print we will be installing a high efficiency solar PV array in the coming months. For more information on the services that are available please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to discuss your project needs and requirements.
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Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the crane and winch markets can now benefit from the highly modular Stromag electromagnetic spring applied HPB motor brake. This innovative solution sets new standards for dynamic performance, compactness, and flexibility in all applications. As safety requirements in the sector become ever more complex, the future orientated capabilities of the HPB place it at the forefront of motor brake innovation.
Offered in eight different sizes with three different friction linings, ingenious design allows each HPB variant to be offered in either two or four-face configurations without a large variance in brake size. As a result, a multitude of torque values can be generated from 80 Nm up to 6,400 Nm using the same basic architecture, making the brake highly suitable for use in marine, agricultural, construction, and machinery applications.
To exceed modern application standards and deliver a high safety margin, the development focus for the HPB centered on dynamic braking performance rather than simply end holding torque. Consequently, the HPB offers exceptional response times, heat dissipation, and time to stop across a wide speed range. Ideal for working, holding, and sudden stops, every HPB produced gets a run-in procedure followed by static torque test by Stromag in-house before delivery to provide quality assurance and ensure optimal operation at different speeds.
brake size can be fully customized to OEM requirement, but a standardized approach to spare parts means that a bespoke specification can be achieved with less components. This ensures a highly cost competitive, single source solution that actively reduces parts inventory, eases procurement, and streamlines maintenance.
Dynamic testing is also possible as an option.
Additionally, the increased braking performance of the HPB allows motors to be operated at a higher speed, improving operational efficiency. This can be a particular benefit for agricultural equipment working to demanding schedules during harvest, or ships loading and unloading cargo and equipment at port. In all cases, the HPB enables faster processes.
Flexibility of specification is another distinct advantage of the HPB. Every
One area of customization is the wide variety of connections, hubs, end caps, and flanges which can be modified to exactly fit an OEM’s motors. This enables accelerated assembly on the production line and straightforward retrofits into existing equipment designs. Other options include tachometer mounting, terminal boxes, anti-condensation heaters, and inductive proximity switches to monitor switching states or provide wear indication.
A brand of Regal Rexnord, Stromag has built an unrivalled reputation in heavy-duty braking solutions, and the robustness of the HPB illustrates why. An IP67 ingress protection rating, surface protection, and suitability for use across a wide temperature range ensures it is well equipped for outdoor operations, whether on-site, in the fields, or out at sea.
Ultimately, the HPB is a universal electromagnetic motor brake solution that can meet the needs of almost any crane or winch application. Inherent flexibility and ease of customization are combined with superior braking performance and high safety margin. Now, OEMs have access to a truly dynamic brake that can meet the future requirements of the most demanding applications.
◊ Manufacturing up to 1450mm diameter
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Linear motors are ideal for fast and accurate motion in a machine.
Linmot, the leading manufacturer of cylindrical linear motors, has made them even more suitable for demanding food and pharmaceutical applications. For these environments, any mechanism needs to have a high protection class and be easy to clean and require little maintenance.
The motors have been developed to be fully sealed and are made in High grade Stainless Steel. The cylindrical design allows the motor to be completely smooth and does not require seals. There are no food or particle traps and they can be fully washed down.
This is a big advantage over screw, belt actuators or pneumatic cylinders.
The motors are available in Linear modules with protection class IP64S and stainless steel linear modules with protection class IP69 consisting of a linear guide and an integrated LinMot linear motor.
Motor series in stainless steel (EN 1.4404/ AISI 316L) for wash down applications. The motors are characterised by their hygienic
design and the high motor protection class IP69 according to DIN EN 60529. Perfectly suited for «in-place» cleaning processes like CIP and SIP.
Food processing with LinMot
LinMot linear motors have been used in the food industry for years. They score here with industry-specific advantages, such as simple integration, flexible programmability, dynamics and hygienic design. The motors can be connected to common control platforms in synchronous operation or simple point-to-point motion. The advantages of servo technology enable the gentle and dynamic processing of food. With the help of stored motion profiles, frequent product changes can be achieved simply by pressing a button. LinMot linear motors are available in stainless steel with a high protection class, meaning they can be cleaned under high pressure and with caustic cleaning solutions.
Filling in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Users wishing to combine the advantages of dosing based on flow measurement with those of piston dosing in a rotary filling machine now have clean design LinMot motor options. Using LinMot stainless steel
Website: www.quin.co.uk/linmot
motors, the stroke movement of the filling needles can be mechanically decoupled from the movement of the carousel. Even highly dynamic needle raising applications are possible.
Unlike mechanical lifting curves, electrical direct drives do not exert any destructive forces on the bearing shafts.
Silverson Machines has now launched their new range of Small-scale mixers. These mixers complement the different types of laboratory and production models already available from Silverson, but importantly offer customers more options in terms of batch sizes and processing requirements.
The 150 UHS Small-Scale InLine mixer is designed for Ultra Hygienic applications typically encountered in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, where the smallest production scale mixers may be too large, but laboratory equipment may not offer sufficient capacity. This new model is built to the same high specification as production scale UHS mixers and can be supplied with Silverson-designed hygienic single mechanical shaft seals, which can be converted to hygienic double mechanical shaft seals suitable for pressurised flush. Ideal for batches of up to 50 litres, the mixer features a range of interchangeable workheads and screens, offering intense yet targeted high shear capability; a conversion kit allowing it to be used as a Multistage 088/150 is available.
The 088/150 UHS is the first small-scale Multistage In-Line mixer from Silverson Machines. Matching the capabilities of production scale Multistage In-Line mixers, these mixers increase
substantially faster mixing times and increasing the number of products that can be processed in a single pass.
The Multistage workhead features two concentric rotors and stators; this allows customers to configure the mixer to their individual requirements. Depending on the desired results the stators can be a number of different combinations which can be quickly and easily changed to optimise processing and increase mixing versatility.
For small-scale manufacturing of higher viscosity products, Silverson has developed the , an In-Line mixer which matches the capabilities of the production scale Silverson HV In-Line mixers. It incorporates a unique and innovative “pumping rotor” design that substantially increases the mixer’s selfpumping capacity.
High flow rates, typically around 6,500 litres/hour are maintained as viscosity
In an industry where Attachment Chains are typically brand-specific, Donghua Limited has introduced a solution that breaks the mould: the Universal Attachment Chain.
This innovative product offers compatibility with 99% of chains from other manufacturers, providing a seamless replacement option for distributors and endusers, regardless of the brand they currently use.
Traditionally, chain manufacturers produce Attachment Chains designed specifically for their own products, making it challenging to switch to a different make. Donghua, one of the world’s leading chain manufacturers, recognised this limitation and responded by designing a universal alternative. The Universal Attachment Chain caters specifically to the UK distribution market, where suppliers often deal with multiple chain brands.
Switching brands without the hassle
Bob Wellsbury, Managing Director of Donghua Limited, highlights the product’s appeal: “Our Universal Attachment Chain matches the critical dimensions of other manufacturers’ chains, allowing distributors and end-users to switch brands without hassle. It’s a true ‘one chain fits all’ solution.”
Manufactured at Donghua Limited’s UK headquarters in the West Midlands, the chain is produced in a dedicated workshop. This facility, designed for fast turnarounds, can handle both
Chain without Pre-load Chain with correct Pre-load
standard and bespoke Attachment Chains, delivering products quickly and efficiently.
Among the workshop’s features is a Chain Length Measuring Machine, capable of measuring chain lengths to within 10 microns per metre, far more precise than a human hair which is about 70 microns thick.
Daniel Wellsbury, Warehouse Manager at Donghua Limited, explains: “To combat the common issue of initial elongation experienced with in-house built chains, we use a dedicated Preloading Machine that stretches the chains before it is dispatched. This pre-stretching process reduces elongation that typically occurs during initial use, extending the chain’s service life and boosting performance.”
He added: “For applications
where multiple chains must run in parallel, such as in the food processing industry, precise alignment is critical. Our Matching Machine ensures that chains are tensioned within a close tolerance, allowing attachment links to engage with sprockets simultaneously. This reduces stress on the chain and helps prevent fatigue failure.”
This careful measuring, pre-loading and matching of each chain, ensures Donghua’s Attachment Chains are ready for immediate installation, saving valuable engineer time. With a 72-hour turnaround from quote to delivery, it’s easy to see why their Universal Attachment Chain has gained popularity across the UK.
Donghua Limited’s extensive UK warehouse spanning 25,000 sq ft, stocks a variety of standard chain including Attachment Chain and loose attachments.
, visit their website: https://donghua.co.uk/attachment-chain.
Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plants are playing an important role in supplying freshwater to communities that are struggling to find sufficient supplies. Sulzer is supporting these vital facilities with purpose-built pumps that are designed to optimize efficiency and reliability in this challenging application. The new ZF-RO is designed to match the technical requirements of energy recovery device (ERD) booster pump service. It combines the reliable design used in the ZF range, with extensive references for excellent efficiency both in hydrocarbon and desalination industries.
INDUS Engineering Services is proud to offer a wide range of custom control panels, automation systems and special purpose machinery.
Freshwater is a vital resource that is diminishing in many areas of the world. Reverse osmosis is being used to treat seawater and create a cost-effective water supply for local communities. The cost to the consumers for their water is directly related to the running costs of the desalination plant. Consequently, optimizing efficiency and keeping maintenance costs to a minimum means that plant operators can ensure an affordable water supply.
After working on major control and automation projects for several of the south’s leading brands, the company has recently acquired a new premises with the aim of increasing production capacity of bespoke and sub-contract, control panel manufacture. The new premises will also allow us to support the wider range of engineering
activities carried out by the company, such as the design, manufacture, and testing of special purpose machinery. Also, to further our goals to reduce our carbon foot print we will be installing a high efficiency solar PV array in the coming months. For more information on the services that are available please do not hesitate to contact and we will be happy to discuss your project needs and requirements.
The new ZF-RO pumps are ideal as booster pumps in reverse osmosis applications, directly contributing to lower costs of fresh water.
The launch of the ZF-RO pump complements Sulzer’s range of pumps that are specifically designed for operation in the desalination industry. The latest addition is tailored for delivering seawater, or similar liquids, across a wide performance range. For flexible operations,
workspace. Inverter controlled trolley movement and 2-step hoisting facilitate smooth and accurate load handling. EX C models are available with SWLs from 320 kg to 2,500 kg.
ZF-RO pumps are designed to operate with variable speed drives, enabling them to meet the process specifications as the booster pump for energy recovery devices.
Based on the ZF range that has delivered decades of service in the hydrocarbons industry, the ZF-RO pumps are fully configured designs to ensure minimal delivery times and extended service life. Improved efficiency has been achieved through state-of-the-art hydraulic and mechanical design making a direct contribution to lowering the cost of fresh water to the local population.
Konecranes has launched its range of EX C-Series chain hoists for explosion proof lifting in hazardous environments.
models have been designed and tested specifically to fulfil ATEX and IECEx requirements for use in Zone 1, 2 and 21 explosive environments.
Ergonomics, operational efficiency, versatility and ease of use have been the driving factors in the development of the hoists. The compact design and low headroom allow maximum use of available
Manufactured from Super Duplex stainless steel, which offers excellent protection against erosion and corrosion, these pumps feature excellent reliability. The minimal footprint of the pumps makes for a compact installation, maximizing the available space within a processing plant.
The new ZF-RO range is just part of a Sulzer’s portfolio of pumps specifically designed for seawater reverse osmosis. For more information, visit our website.
Smart engineering techniques have been employed in the manufacture of the EX C-series with the use of Konecranes ‘Core of Lifting’ components, including a purpose-built motor, gearbox and controls. The robust and durable hoists provide reliable performance over extended periods, ensuring maximum operational availability, reduced maintenance requirements and extended life cycle.
At QCT, precision and accuracy are at the heart of everything we do. We are proud to have held our ISO/IEC 17052:2017 Accreditation to calibrate to UKAS 10360 on Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM’s) for 25 years, reflecting our commitment to the highest standards in measurement and calibration. But what does this accreditation mean for us and, more importantly, for you?
UKAS 10360 refers to the stringent calibration and testing standards set by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for CMM’s. It is based on ISO 10360, the international standard for the acceptance and reverification of CMM performance, focusing on precision and reliability in measurement. This accreditation means that our calibration processes meet the highest possible level of traceability and accuracy, ensuring that all results can be trusted to the finest detail.
certifying its volumetric accuracy for the most demanding tasks.
Volumetric accuracy is critical in 3D measurement, and our UKAS accreditation ensures that we evaluate this crucial parameter with utmost precision. Whether your CMM is used for large or small volumes, our calibration guarantees that your measurements will be accurate across the full working range of your machine.
Our UKAS accreditation encompasses several ISO standards, including:
Standard calibration is a routine check against known calibrated artifacts calibrated to National Standards to ensure that the measuring machine is functioning and measuring linearly correctly. However, UKAS accredited calibration goes far beyond. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of the CMM, verified against recognized standards, also including probing uncertainties and the machines temperature & environment This level of scrutiny provides absolute confidence in
the machine’s performance, giving customers results that meet the most rigorous quality assurance criteria, with a full volumetric accuracy of the CMM. In short, UKAS calibration offers a higher degree of trust and certification.
QCT have been accredited to UKAS 10360 standards for over 25 years, and during that time, we have continually honed our expertise. This longevity demonstrates our ongoing dedication to precision and quality, reinforcing our place as a trusted leader in the calibration of CMM’s.
QCT’s UKAS calibration provides in-depth reports, detailing measurement uncertainties and the performance of your CMM across multiple parameters. You will receive a comprehensive summary of your machine’s capabilities, pinpointing areas of improvement, if necessary, and
• ISO 10360-2:2009. This covers length measurement accuracy on CMMs, ensuring precise linear dimensions.
• ISO 10360-5:2010 & ISO 103605:2020. Focuses on probing performance, a key factor in determining the accuracy of measurements taken by the CMM’s probe.
By adhering to these ISO standards, our calibration services provide you with the assurance that your CMM meets global benchmarks for accuracy and reliability.
In conclusion, our UKAS 10360 accreditation is not just a badge of honour, it’s a commitment to excellence. With this certification, we continue to provide the highest level of measurement accuracy and confidence to our customers, ensuring that every dimension, angle, and shape is measured to perfection.
For further information, please visit www.cmmsales.co.uk
Vision Engineering, UK designer, manufacturer and exporter of ergonomic microscopes and measuring systems, today announces a new sub £1k entry point for its patented optical stereo microscope technology with the global launch of OPTA, plus it has enhanced a number of its product ranges.
Available for only £900, with a choice of three stands and two lenses, OPTA redefines the entry point for users to benefit from Vision Engineering’s exceptional image quality, ergonomic design and ease of use.
Additionally, Vision engineering announces exciting advancements across its popular EVO Cam, Lynx EVO, and Swift PRO product lines. These enhancements broaden the appeal and applications of these powerful tools, making them more accessible to a wider range of industries and users.
The EVO Cam series now boasts a wider range of configurations, offering even greater flexibility for digital inspection tasks. With the launch of a new, simplified ICON model, users can now choose from
multiple software configurations and ergonomic stands to perfectly tailor their EVO Cam system, enabling effortless image comparison, capture, measurement, and reporting.
Award-winning Lynx EVO range extended for Superior 3D Viewing Building upon its reputation for unparalleled ergonomic design and stunning 3D stereo imaging, the Lynx EVO series has been extended to include a simpler, non-zoom variant to appeal to a more price conscious market. This makes the benefits of Lynx EVO accessible to a much wider audience who have applications demanding exceptional image quality and clarity, useable working distance, and exceptional user comfort.
Vision Engineering has enhanced the Swift PRO metrology line, its flagship range of bench-top optical measuring systems, with the release of the new Swift PRO EDGE. Featuring a 6.5x zoom, the EDGE enables
quick, precise measurements of a wide range of part sizes and features without time-consuming lens changes for different measurement tasks. Using our industry standard, userfriendly Metlogix software, operators of all skill levels will operate the EDGE more efficiently and more productively.
Commenting on the upcoming product launches, Paul Newbatt, Group Sales and Marketing Director at Vision Engineering says “These products are the combined result of listening to our customers and continuously developing our innovative products. By bringing OPTA to market now, and enhancing the value propositions of our EVO Cam, Lynx EVO and Swift PRO ranges, we are confident that these new solutions will significantly broaden the appeal of our Inspection and Metrology portfolio. This enables a much wider range of customers in existing and new markets to better achieve their inspection and measurement objectives with Vision Engineering solutions.”
Today’s industry requires user-friendly measurement technology that promises ultimate data security. T&D Corporation, a global leader in data logging systems, offers precise and flexible solutions for secure network integration. The TR7A2 series supports WPA2-Enterprise protocols and 802.1X authentication for secure corporate network integration, while Bluetooth, USB and cloud storage provide full data control.
TR71A2: Monitors temperatures on two channels from -60°C to 155°C with flexible sensor options, compliant vaccination mode.
TR72A2: Measures 0-55°C and 1095% RH, ideal for air-conditioned rooms.
TR72A2-S: Handles -25°C to 70°C and 0-99% RH, suitable for labs and clean rooms.
TR75A2: With thermocouple sensors for two channels, measures from -199°C to 1760°C,
ideal for extreme industrial applications and vaccines.
All loggers feature max/min displays, alarms and cloud access or alternatively T&D Data Server Software. Data is analyzed with T&D Graph software.
Designed for multi-output industrial and medical power supplies it combines best-in-class power density of 18 W/in3 with extensive digital communication options
‘The new configurable power supply by Advanced Energy provides optimized, application-specific power conversion in a small form factor with up to four times higher power density than conventional solutions.
The NP08, combines eight output power slots for rapid and flexible configuration with a best-in-class power density of 18 W/ in3. Rated at up to 4,000 W, the NP08 also has integrated and flexible communication capabilities with optional dongles that support all common digital communication protocols without the need for design changes or modifications.
NeoPower leverages AE’s expertise in high-efficiency server power supply design with our deep experience in configurable to speed development of high-density configurable power conversion systems that are precisely tailored to the needs of demanding applications. The new NP08 is a perfect first example and delivers more power in a 2.5” configurable supply than comparable solutions.
Designed for ease of configuration in both series and parallel implementations, the NP08 can be programmed as a voltage or a current source and operates with marketleading low noise performance. NP08 is qualified to all applicable standards including the medical BF (body floating) safety rating and the SEMI F47 standard relating to immunity from voltage sag.
AC inputs are 90 to 264 VAC. Advanced Energy’s ConnectedPower™ portfolio of interface options allows the NP08 to support a variety of different protocols.
This comprehensive connectivity also makes the NP08 ideal for IoT applications requiring cloud-based monitoring and control.
Most customers will tell you just how efficient Sepura oil-water condensate units are. But did you know that our patented filtration media found inside every genuine Sepura unit is made from recycled glass bottles?
This not only makes the outputs from our units environmentally friendly but also our manufacturing process too.
Going green and achieving your targets doesn’t have to be a compromise.
A new jet-mixing pump system has significantly reduced capital, installation, maintenance and energy costs at Moove, the leading global lubricants manufacturer and distributor, in the UK.
Our wobble plate pumps have been developed to transport viscous and solid-containing fluids gently and with low pulsation - without causing shear forces and crushing.
For a closed-top 50m3 tank used in the manufacturing process of quality lubricating, engine, hydraulic and gear oils, Moove wanted to trial a set-up that would not only be better economically, but also provide more redundancy.
With a flow rate of up to 30,000 l/h and a differential pressure of up to 15 bar, the pumps can handle liquids with a viscosity of up to 1,000,000 mPas.
Ian Lowe, Moove’s Manufacturing General Manager, explained; “A motor failure on a blender could mean as much as four days impact on production, so it was important for us to take the opportunity to prove a different technology.”
With FDA conformity & ATEX certification for the highest operational safety standards, the pumps can be equipped with optional temperature control or cooling for precise process control depending on client requirements.
‘A better option’
He added: “The performance of our existing paddle mixers has been good, but Borger were recommended as a company that would work with us to provide a better option; one that could be easily replicated.”
Offering simple cleaning and sterilisation (CIP & SIP), the pump has quick maintenance and servicing without disassembly to minimise downtime resulting in maximum system availability for uninterrupted production.
The team at Moove drew up a logic for Borger to examine, outlining their objectives, which ultimately resulted in
“Our cleaning time has been significantly reduced by using the wobble plate pumps. This means we can change between different colour shades of dispersion paints more quickly and, above all, we no longer have any contamination from the previously pumped paint” Feedback from a plant technician at a paint & coatings company
A new jet-mixing pump system has significantly reduced capital, installation, maintenance and energy costs at Moove, the leading global lubricants manufacturer and distributor, in the UK.
For a closed-top 50m3 tank used in the manufacturing process of quality lubricating, engine, hydraulic and gear oils, Moove wanted to trial a set-up that would not only be better economically, but also provide more redundancy.
a pump (plus two nozzles), for a 3-bar application with a flow-rate of up to 60m3/ hr. To meet the space requirement at the Gravesend site in Kent, Borger also provided the system as a skid-mounted unit, working closely with Moove to supply a customised control panel with a specially written program.
Ian Lowe, Moove’s Manufacturing General Manager, explained; “A motor failure on a blender could mean as much as four days impact on production, so it was important for us to take the opportunity to prove a different technology.”
“The fact that Borger were able to deliver a complete, all-in-one package was a real bonus,” continued Ian.
that could be easily replicated.”
‘So simple to look after’
“With a 9kW motor (compared to 12kW for the paddle mixers), we are automatically saving on energy, but one of the other main benefits is that the Borger equipment is so simple to look after. There’s easy access to the pump-head, and no special tools required.
Retrofit to an existing tank is also very straightforward.
The team at Moove drew up a logic for Borger to examine, outlining their objectives, which ultimately resulted in a pump (plus two nozzles), for a 3-bar application with a flowrate of up to 60m3/hr. To meet the space requirement at the Gravesend site in Kent, Borger also provided the system as a skid-mounted unit, working closely with Moove to supply a customised control panel with a specially written program.
He added: “The performance of our existing paddle mixers has been good, but Borger were recommended as a company that would work with us to provide a better option; one
“We’re very pleased with solutions provided by Borger that allowed us to achieve the goals of our project.”
“The fact that Borger were able to deliver a complete, all-inone package was a real bonus,” continued Ian.
Borger UK | 01902 798 977 | www.boerger.com | uk@boerger.com
SICK’s new multiScan and picoscan LiDAR sensors are more powerful, compact, and robust than ever before
Sensor expert SICK has expanded its high performance multiScan and picoScan LiDAR ranges to make them even more powerful, compact and robust. With a variety of industry specific software applications that run on-device, SICK is taking LiDAR sensor technology to new levels of performance, reliability and flexibility.
The modular multiScan 100 3D product family and compact picoScan 150 LiDAR sensors are customisable to suit a wide range of applications, with bespoke parameters, operation and integration. From robotic guidance and outdoor automation to SLAM, security detection and interactive art installations, SICK’s sensor range is enhanced with new products and capabilities, including improved light performance and accuracy.
Select your variant: Configure your solution
SICK’s flexible 2D and 3D LiDAR product range and families are based on a common user environment and programming development platform. Fast data streaming, 2D and 3D object detection with field evaluation enhance the quality, security and usability of both the multiScan and picoScan. This enables companies to develop dynamic sensing profiles and scale their LiDAR capabilities, leveraging the data generated and customizing sensors to their specific applications and requirements.
Superior performance and robustness from SICK’s tough LiDAR sensors
SICK’s expertise in the field of 3D and 2D LiDAR technology enhances the
robustness of both product ranges, improving accuracy, and providing ambient light immunity up to 100 klx (making them suitable for all lighting conditions).
The picoScan and multiScan devices have a ruggedized design, with an anticorrosive coating, venting element and vibration resistance, making them resistant to shock, vibration and interference. Suitable for use in rough ambient conditions (such as fog, rain and bright sunlight) and harsh environments, both ranges have a selection of connectivity options and accessories designed for outdoor use.
The picoScan and multiScan products also have a contamination indication and the predictive maintenance system means sensors can notify the operator before the system is influenced.
measurement performance in real conditions from the multiScan range
Based on time of flight (ToF) technology, SICK’s high value multiScan range delivers high quality 3D with simultaneous multiple measurements individually configured for precise detection and localisation. The multiScan 3D LiDAR range’s unique combination
of high-density horizontal layers and 3D point cloud offers outstanding measurement performance and advantage in real conditions, including wide-area environment perception on large machines and outstanding measurement accuracy for access protection in stationary applications. Capable of reliably detecting dropoff edges and obstacles ahead, the range is ideal for anti-collision and environmental perception to support autonomous driving for outdoor automation
With no blind zone and superior detection of small objects at a distance, the multiScan 100 is a product family of 3D LiDAR devices with 3D object detection and contamination indication on board. The multiScan 136 builds on
the capabilities of the multiScan 100 platform by providing 16 LiDAR layers, including two HD layers, 65° coverage at 360° and 30 m range all round. Meanwhile, the multiScan 165 has the highest detection capability in foggy, rainy and dusty conditions. It offers the same 16 LiDAR layers, but with a narrower coverage angle and range of up to 60 m, and the upcoming multiScan 165S will provide PLb and outdoor safety.
SICK’s picoscan 150 sensors: Small in size, big in range and performance
The next evolutionary step from the popular SICK TIM sensor, with higher data streaming speeds and more precise localisation, the picoScan 150 compact 2D LiDAR sensor is one of SICK’s highest angular LiDAR devices, with a rotary resolution of 0.05 degrees. The increased light suppression performance helps outdoor performance reach unprecedented levels. The multiScan family has a wide range of accessories, including mounting kits, connection boxes, gateways and reflectors. The picoscan 150 comes in three variants – Core, Prime and Pro, with a working range from 0.05 m up to 120m. Each model has a different specification to allow easy selection of a device for a specific application.
flexible 2D and 3D LiDAR product range and families are based on a common user environment and programming development platform.
Easy to integrate into various environments, with a range of software interface options, the picoScan 150 is one compact sensor for multiple applications and it ticks all the boxes in terms of range, resolution, accuracy, field of vision, scan rate, power consumption and connectivity. Its high robustness is perfect for harsh and challenging applications, such as mobile platforms, outdoor automation, mobile robots, building security, interactive 3D studios, logistics automation and security protection.
Nathaniel Hofmann, SICK UK Market Product Manager - Machine Vision and Measurement Systems, says, “These are two great product families with new features and capabilities that expand the capabilities and possibilities of LiDAR sensor technology. We are continually growing and enhancing our LiDAR sensor range, based on a commonality of user environment that ensures products are easy to use, customisable, robust and consistent.
“We are winning high-profile projects because of the new light immunity and resolution capabilities of the picoScan and multiScan ranges, across a huge range of applications and industries; from robotics to interactive art installations, intelligent infrastructure to outdoor automation. Our modular, customisable sensors fit almost all applications, with the exceptional reliability and performance you expect from SICK.”
In the same way that a thermostat maintains the perfect temperature by making continuous adjustments, Advanced Process Control (APC) technologies fine-tune process operations to ensure optimal performance. By leveraging real-time data analysis and predictive modelling, APC enhances process stability, product quality and operational efficiency. Here Stephen Hayes, managing director of Beckhoff UK, explains how APC can significantly enhance operational performance, reduce variability and drive cost savings across various sectors.
APC uses sophisticated algorithms and computer software to optimise the performance and efficiency of different industrial processes. Once up and running, APC systems can help predict future process behaviour and optimise operational parameters by making real-time adjustments. Today, APC can be found in industries spanning chemical, pharmaceutical and general manufacturing — and is serving a crucial role.
To support industrial control systems, Beckhoff launched its TwinCAT suite of automation tools and components. It provides instruments to turn almost any PC-based system into a fullyfledged supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. TwinCAT can transform almost any PC-based system into a real-time control complete with multiple programmable logic controllers (PLCs), numerical control (NC), computer numerical control (CNC) and/or robotics runtime systems.
Importantly, APC helps minimise process drive, shift, and variability and, in doing so, increases process capability and reduces product scrap.
APC serves as a communication hub between system-level controls, subsystems such as instruments and sensors, and the equipment itself. Each real-time controller within the APC system drives a specified controlled variable to its desired set point, ensuring all parameters are at the required levels.
According to a UK Government survey, over six in ten (66 per cent) of manufacturers have taken steps
in the past five years to improve energy efficiency, with methods including building improvements (47 per cent), behavioural and cultural changes (27 per cent) and replacing industrial equipment (24 per cent). Another option is improving process control and keeping a tighter grip on production parameters.
Parameters at the machine level
may include temperature, exposure and pressure, with platforms TwinCAT Analytics capable of capturing, storing, and monitoring data on these. Then, users can derive an optimisation potential for the various processes and machines before integrating these into the production process.
By adjusting these parameters on the factory floor, APC can help improve production performance, yield, throughput and flexibility in real-time. Take semiconductor manufacturing, for example. It relies on fixed, efficient production,
which requires tight process control — a level of control that’s only achievable by using complex software and algorithms. Semiconductor plants use drive modules to facilitate wafer production, which APC can control the speed of. Adjusting the motor speed according to production demand can help reduce energy consumption and avoid premature wear and tear by ensuring the drive doesn’t run at excessive speeds for long periods.
Importantly, APC helps minimise process drive, shift, and variability and, in doing so, increases process capability and reduces product scrap. The same Government survey found that 99 per cent of large manufacturers monitor their energy usage, so investing in APC tools means they can act on the results and make a positive change.
In the case of TwinCAT, it supports modular extensions, meaning functional changes and additions can be made at any time. Therefore, the openness of the control system not only allows the integration of third-party components, but also customised retrofits for
existing machines and system — ensuring flexibility and investment protection.
In process manufacturing, consistency is vital for converting raw materials into robust, highquality products — whether it’s food and beverage, pharmaceuticals or cosmetics. Returning to semiconductor production, manufacturers must be able to align the mask with the utmost precision. This means repeatedly placing the mask over the same location as the chip goes through multiple rounds of lithography.
APC platforms like TwinCAT allow manufacturers to improve their control over a wide range of process parameters, helping them weed out inconsistencies and anomalies. For example, in the food and beverage industry, APC can control fermentation conditions, such as temperature, pH, and oxygen levels. It can also standardise packaging operations, such as filling, sealing and labelling to reduce waste — a key concern for the industry. Similarly, it optimises purification processes, such as chromatography
and filtration, to remove impurities and recover the desired product.
In all cases, real time data analytics provide manufacturers with actionable insights, so they can make informed decisions and quickly address any production issues by adjusting key parameters. Consequently, APC can improve product yield and quality, optimising production and keeping customers happy in the process.
APC technologies are the unsung hero of production efficiency and quality. Using real-time data analysis, predictive modelling, and other complex algorithms, APC can fine-tune operations to streamline performance. This can have significant pay-offs, including process stability, higher-quality products, and operational efficiency. Meanwhile, opting for open, PCbased control technology such as TwinCAT can further support manufacturers by protecting their APC investment.
For more information on TwinCAT and how APC can get the best out of your process, visit the Beckhoff website.
Hart Door Systems, the original British manufacturer of the highspeed door concept, is confident that there are considerable prospects for another successful year for its Speedor and Typhoon brands.
“Despite global uncertainties on the political front and the ever present debate on Climate Change I believe our leading Speedor and Typhoon brands will continue to be in demand,” says Doug Hart, Hart’s chairman. “The fundamentals delivered by Hart are quality throughout manufacture to installation as well as service backup to comply with changing national and international safety standards.
“We are cognisant of Climate Change issues and the need to keep both Hart’s and our clients’ carbon footprints to a minimum by using the latest manufacturing technology to streamline the manufacturing process. Where possible we would use recyclable materials.”
“Looking more closely at the Speedor brand, as Britain’s original manufacturer of the automatic high speed door, Hart has always led the way with developments in commercial door technology by being aware of issues facing industry. Speedor is a good example of an engineered door system for frequent use in high-traffic situations. This rapid roll door is robust, requires low maintenance and delivers exceptional wind resistance in exposed areas.
“While its high-speed opening and closing action improve efficiency,
The fundamentals delivered by Hart are quality throughout manufacture to installation as well as service back-up to comply with changing national and international safety standards.
the energy-saving potential of this rapid roll door is high, controlling internal temperatures, escaping dirt, odours and noise. Special features include; moisture-controlled electrics, mechanical components shielded from dust and dirt, and a unique guide system offering exceptional wind resistance up to class 5 as defined by DIN EN 12424.
“There are several options with the Speedor brand namely ECO, Storm,
Mini, Conveyor and Cleanroom which together strengthen Hart’s overall high-speed door offer. Speedors are ideal for challenging applications where reliability is essential. Its increasing success is based on its improved, rugged, design predominately for external use up to 8m x 6m/6m x 8m often in robust operating conditions with high wind loads.
“We have always had quality as our prime driver and our success with new variants, not just in high-speed doors but shutters such as our new Typhoon range, the fundamentals are quality throughout manufacture to installation and service to comply with changing national and international safety standards.”
“Hart Door Systems is a global business supplying door and shutter systems to sectors such as automotive, agriculture, communications, consumer foods, energy, environment, exports, food, logistics, manufacturing, power, sport, transport and utilities.
Until recently, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and robots into the workplace was perceived as a threat to jobs. However, in the logistics sector, quite the opposite is happening. In the face of ongoing labour shortages and staff retention issues, these technologies are enriching people’s lives by opening new, more meaningful roles. Contrary to the expected narrative, man and machine are now forging collaborative, beneficial relationships that will come to define the warehouse of the future.
Dirk van Lammeren, CCO at Prime Vision, explores how its automation technologies are improving warehouse staff retention, and what is coming next.
The human factor becomes paramount
In a recent global survey of over 2,000 global supply chain professionals, it was found that 84% of organisations had issues with retaining staff.1 This is because traditionally, warehouse work has been strenuous, monotonous and unfulfilling. Walking kilometres every day carrying parcels or standing at conveyers mindlessly sorting parcels into chutes does not appeal to many. This lack of enthusiasm, combined with unique market conditions like aging populations and the aftershocks of the pandemic have made finding and retaining employees difficult.
The manifestation of this is that many large logistics companies now have dedicated retention officers either appointed or reporting directly to the board. Having to continually retrain new employees due to high turnover is expensive and time consuming – so
many of the big players are trying to make warehouse work more attractive. Programs to improve benefits and pay go a long way, but now companies are investing in new technologies to improve staff retention. The key aim? Make working in a warehouse fun.
About 3 to 4 years ago, positioning automation as a solution to this conundrum would’ve been met with scepticism. People were inherently wary of AI and robotics as they were considered technologies to replace workers rather than assist them. However, in the context of a labour shortage and efforts to make warehouse work more engaging, attitudes are changing.
Research has illustrated this. When staff were asked if they excited about the possibilities of AI and robotics, 75% and 72% responded positively to each respective technology.2 Why is this the case? After seeing the benefits in their day-to-day working lives, employees
are supportive. These technologies are making warehouse work more engaging and meaningful –increasing the chances of people showing up to work the next day. As a specialist in both AI and robotics, Prime Vision has experienced this revolution first hand.
Despite all the recent noise, AI has been around in one form or another since the 1960s. Terms like predictive models or big data illustrate the gradual evolution. Now, increases in computing power have made AI more proactive, predictive and helpful.
This has opened more strategic job roles in warehouse logistics. AI can now determine what packages are coming, the item diversity, predicted volumes, market trends, key destinations and the resulting effect on sorting operations. Many are using digital twins that accurately model real-world operations to experiment and plan for future scenarios.
This has two key benefits. First, warehouse personnel can now get involved in more fulfilling work using cutting-edge tools. Second, the contingencies generated from this modelling ensure that seasonal or peak demand can be met effectively and sustainably. Both serve to improve working conditions for employees.
Play hard, work hard
Using AI to track parcels moving through a warehouse also helps workers on the ground. Prime Vision’s Flow Projector takes package information from the wider warehouse data system and beams a number onto each package that correlates with its intended chute. Instead of having to laboriously read each label, scan it using a sweaty glove and determine the correct chute – employees can quickly and easily take packages to the right destination.
The Flow Projector has proven transformative. At one customer, it was discovered that employees would clock in five minutes early just to ensure they worked at a Flow Projector equipped chute. Many users gamified their work, choosing to only pick a certain projected number or entering friendly competition with coworkers. It was easier to train new employees too, especially those that spoke other languages. The performance of new starts and employees was also improved, with the customer reporting less mistakes and up to 40% more parcels processed daily.
The droids we’re looking for Robots have liberated people from the strenuous work of moving parcels around the warehouse. For example, Prime Vision robots can carry up to a 2-metre square parcel weighing more than 30 kg. Fast, accurate, efficient and autonomous, robots have allowed all levels of consumer demand to be met without placing undue strain on warehouse employees. These capabilities have freed up workers
to graduate from manual labour and take advantage of new and exciting career opportunities.
Prime Vision operates over 1000 robots across 53 sites in the US, as well as additional fleets in Europe. Other than the efficiency improvements, what is most striking about these facilities is the strong relationships between people and robots. Many customers name their robots, some even immortalising the employee of the month on the chassis. A team at one facility referred to the fleet as their ‘babies’.
This affection is because instead of walking kilometres with heavy parcels, warehouse workers are now engaging in the exciting field of managing the robot fleet. Carrying out cleaning, maintenance, planning, battery replacement and changeovers has ensured that employees have developed a duty of care towards them. Inarguably, this illustrates how robotics has enriched warehouse work, and that people are happy about it.
Instead of AI and robotics rendering us obsolete, the future will instead involve coexisting with these technologies for more fulfilling work. The variation of goods and volumes in sectors such as e-commerce means that the dark warehouse is not yet attainable. However, to achieve successful future collaboration means
sensitively implementing these technologies into the workplace.
The first step is the safe design of areas where AI, robots and humans can collaborate. This is very much at customer discretion and must be conducted within the boundaries of local legislation. Whether that is to create rules to allow safe intervention by humans, or segregating areas between humans and machines – either is a valid approach to make people feel comfortable. As familiarity grows and the efficiency benefits manifest, employees become more accepting of new technologies.
The future of warehouse logistics is likely be a symphony of autonomous forklifts, robots, drones and computer vision technologies conducted by AI and overseen by humans. Realising this will not be straightforward. Arguably the biggest challenge will be implementing these technologies within brownfield warehouse environments. Here, vendor agnostic automation experts like Prime Vision will be key to widespread adoption, seamlessly integrating solutions with existing sorting infrastructure to smoothen the transition.
Following the recent successes of AI and robotics in improving job satisfaction and staff retention rates, warehouse operators and employees both have reasons to stick around in future.
For more information, visit https://primevision.com/
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ACCURL®’s Top level EuroMaster hybrid press brake built with highend specifications and execution, advanced motion technologies and is still impressively quiet.
of experience and a remarkable record of over 12,000 installed machines, ACCURL’s expert R&D team works tirelessly to research the most competitive technology for their customers. This dedicated approach aligns seamlessly with Axe & Status’s commitment to providing exceptional solutions to their clients.
ACCURL conducts exhaustive studies to offer a diverse range of fibre laser cutting technology, tailored to meet unique customer needs. This results in the production of ultralight, high-precision, and high-energy 2D fibre-laser cutters suited for a variety of industries.
The introduction of Green Hybrid Servo and Electric Servo bending technology for manipulating sheet metal gives ACCURL a substantial edge over competitors. The integration of the IPG Fiber Resonator, offering power ranging from 1kW to 30kW, further solidifies ACCURL’s position as a top-tier manufacturer in the sheet metal machining industry.
Axe & Status exclusively import the large range of fabrication machinery from Accurl in China, which includes Fibre Laser Machines, Pressbrakes and Guillotines.
We install all the imported machinery and provide comprehensive Service Support ongoing.
With decades of experience in the industry, our skilled technicians possess in-depth knowledge of sheet metal machinery and understand the intricate workings of the various equipment types.
Whether it’s a press brake, Fibre Laser, CNC plasma cutter or shearing machine repair that you require, Axe & Status can help.
We appreciate how crucial it is to get your sheet metal machinery back in operation quickly and reduce downtime. Our team will provide a prompt response to carry out timely repairs without compromising on quality. We prioritise our customer’s needs and strive to deliver an exceptional service that will exceed your expectations.
For further information, please visit www.axestatus.com
Miniature electric motors help robots get a grip
Grippers are essential for robots engaged in pick-andplace applications. These electromechanical ‘hands’ allow objects to be grasped, manipulated and released, facilitating fast and precise interactions for low-mix, high-volume industrial processes. For the past three decades, pneumatic designs have been preferred by automation specialists - but this is changing. Electric grippers are proving a more modern solution, providing benefits in terms of efficiency, cost optimization, and space saving. At the heart of this advancement are miniature electric motors.
Guillaume Mougin, Product Manager at Portescap, explores how miniature electric motors are improving the performance of grippers in robotics.
Pick-and-place robots have become a staple in assembly, manufacturing, packaging and material handling applications, where repetitive tasks must be carried out with high speed and minimal errors. Able to operate in confined spaces, handle a wide variety of objects and conduct multiple tasks – these programmable robots have revolutionized many industries.
However, increasing demands upon robots have exposed the limitations of using pneumatic grippers in these applications. Operators require robots that offer more precise control of grasped objects, increased intelligence and additional functionality to support complex, modern processes. Robots must also be compact to maximize
productivity in existing or limited floorspace. On top of this, end users want to reduce maintenance costs and energy usage to lower operating expenditure (OPEX). In all scenarios, electric grippers, powered by miniature electric motors, supersede pneumatic designs.
under control
Control and grip force are arguably the most important performance parameters for grippers, and miniature electric motors excel in both regards. Precise control of position, speed and torque can be achieved more effectively than with other types of actuation systems –making electric grippers ideal for complex manufacturing.
In terms of grip force, this can be modulated by controlling a motor’s current or voltage. As a result, the gripper can delicately handle fragile objects, like electronics, or hold heavier, more robust loads, with a tighter grasp. Electric grippers offer the advanced control and grip options required to support a myriad of modern pick-and-place applications.
Do it again, and do it quickly
One of the inherent benefits of using
robots is increased process speed. Electric grippers compound this advantage thanks to motors that reach high speeds with incredibly quick acceleration. Rapidly opening and closing the grippers allows the pick, place and release mechanism to be completed quickly – reducing cycle times and improving productivity for automated systems. The lower the inertia of a specified gripper motor, the bigger the benefits.
However, fast cycle times must be backed by repeatability. Thankfully, electric motors can perform motions over and over again with high accuracy. In applications where consistent gripping and releasing actions are required, like bin picking, this is crucial.
The problem with a pneumatic gripper system is that it requires complex air supply systems like compressors, filters, regulators, and valves. This increases the footprint of a robot which, considering the production manager’s goal to achieve more in less space, is undesirable.
Conversely, miniature electric motors are designed to offer big power in a small package. Available space on a gripper is limited, but torque dense electric motors maximize it by offering easy integration without the need for bulky sub-systems. This can save space on the production line for operators and offers original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) the chance to downsize robot designs.
Developed and verified ‘for industry, by industry’, EEMUA 231 Mechanical Integrity courses are for industrial engineers at every career stage – to aid efficient hands-on work with primary containment and prevent loss of hazardous substances, including with pressure systems.
• Satisfy industry requirements at each competency level – Awareness, Basic application, Practitioner.
• Certificated up to 5 years.
• CPD-approved
• Flexible delivery to suit Learners and companies – Blended, Live online, Classroom, E-learning, or In-house.
• Available to all – free or discounted to EEMUA Members.
• Courses throughout each year, including:
Mechanical Integrity Practitioner Certificate (MIPC®) – blended, live online learning – on-site or on-call – 1:1s and Mentor Support – workbook builds from day-1 for immediate use in on-site application of EEMUA 177, 231 and 232 guidance, and the PSSR ACOP – certificated for 5 years via exam and portfolio assessment – in-depth learning for 27 weeks, flexible 4 hours per week – CPD of 110 hours The MIPC course adapts to the engineering needs of each Learner their company and site/s via a 2-hour induction (made to fit work schedules ahead of the course) – learning on the next course starts 3 March 2025
EEMUA 231 Mechanical Integrity Basics –Blended, online learning – at Basic application competency level – flexible 4 hours of learning per week for 3 weeks – 12 hours of CPD – certificated via exam – next course starts 3 February 2025
EEMUA 231 Mechanical Integrity e-learning –Awareness level – with 1 hour of CPD –immediately available – on-demand.
EEMUA 231 Mechanical Integrity In-house training – at Awareness level – CPD – certificated – 1 day or 2 half-days – for your choice of: time, location, and method of learning – by arrangement
Deltec is the leading Impact Socket and Bespoke tool manufacturer in the UK and specialises in Impact Sockets, Specialised Sockets, accessories and related tools for various applications in different industries, such as Automotive, Construction, Bridge, Marine building and maintenance, Wind, Oil & Gas, Mining etc.
With 45 years of experience, Deltec aims for the goal of zero defects. Deltec has gained confidence and long-term support from many global clients due to its excellent quality, service, competitive price, reliability and on-time delivery. Deltec is well reputed with its excellent products all over the world.
All our products are manufactured to International DIN standards. Deltec’s Technical & Design Department designs and develops custom sockets and prototypes. Deltec is also a pioneer in product research and development, engineering and manufacturing – Fast track service also available.
Factory Tours available Please enquire – See British Manufacturing at its Best.
Designed for your profit
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CNC turning center for bar stock work up to Ø 25 mm (1”) and also chucking work. The EMCOTURN E25. Uncompromising quality right down to the last detail at a very reasonable price. With an extremely solid machine base, a thermo symmetric spindle headstock, high precision spindle bearings, preloaded roller guideways in all axes, a fast 12 stn tool turret and your choice of Sinumerik 828D or Fanuc 0i TD. Available with driven tools, C axis for main spindle, Manual tailstock with automatic quill.
Big performance for small parts. MAXX TURN 25
Universal turning center for the complete machining of small, precision parts. Available with Counter Spindle, C Axis, driven tools, integrated Y axis. The MAXXTURN 25. The perfect solution for the complete machining of small parts. Compact, economical and high precision. Suitable for bar parts up to a diameter of 25 mm and chucked parts up to Ø 85 mm. The tool turret has space for 12 VDI16 tool holders. The 36 indexing positions mean the number of tools can be increased to 42 cutting edges. The MAXXTURN 25 comes with a Siemens or Fanuc control.
Accept no imposters – the one and only true V-Cone meter
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Whilst it’s very common for cone meters to be called a V-Cone, McCrometer, Inc. invented and patented the first successful cone meter, the one and only V-Cone® Flow Meter, in 1985.
Due to the dynamics of liquids and gases flowing through elbows, valves, pumps, and other pipeline structures, every flow-meter methodology has its own design limitations. Unlike Venturi meters, pitot tubes, orifice plates, and other devices, V-Cone meters provide highly accurate and reliable readings with minimal straightpipe length restrictions and virtually no maintenance, in pipe sizes up to 120”.
The advanced V-Cone flow meter requires only 1-3 straight pipe diameters upstream and 0-1 downstream to operate effectively. In comparison to traditional DP instruments, the V-Cone Flow Meter’s design is inherently more accurate
because the flow conditioning function is built into the basic instrument.
The McCrometer V-Cone® flow meter technology accurately measures flow over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, under many conditions and for a variety of fluids (liquid, steam or gas media) with unrivalled performance. Accept no fakes.
For an evaluation of your flow application or to find out about our other flow meter products, contact info@able.co.uk today where are specialists are waiting to assist you.i
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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
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GEMÜ looks back on 60 successful years as a company, characterised by forward-looking innovations, customer orientation and products of the highest quality. Since its foundation in 1964, the company has developed into a leading world-wide manufacturer of valves, measurement, and control systems. GEMÜ is also a global market leader when it comes to solutions for sterile applications.
The anniversary is an occasion to look back on the GEMÜ Group’s history of success, while also looking to the future. “We are taking our 60th anniversary as an opportunity to pause for a moment, look back on what we have achieved and shape the future together with you.” says Gert Müller, Managing Partner of the GEMÜ group.
To mark this impressive milestone,
occasion to look back on the GEMÜ Group’s history of success, while also looking to the future.
The anniversary is an occasion to look back on the GEMÜ Group's history of success, while also looking to the future. “We are taking our 60th anniversary as an opportunity to pause for a moment, look back on what we have achieved and shape the future together with you.” says Gert Müller, Managing Partner of the GEMÜ group.
GEMÜ opened its new, prestigious company headquarters in June 2024. The new building is GEMÜ’s third site in the Hohenlohe business park, after the European Production and Logistics Centre (PLZ) and the Surface Technology Centre (OTZ). GEMÜ took inspiration from state-of-theart office concepts and chose sustainable materials when designing the new headquarters.
Scan the QR code to watch a video tour of the GB headquarters in Warrington. 1964 - 2024
To mark this impressive milestone, GEMÜ opened its new, prestigious company headquarters in June 2024. The new building is GEMÜ's third site in the Hohenlohe business park, after the European Production and Logistics Centre (PLZ) and the Surface Technology Centre (OTZ). GEMÜ took inspiration from state-of-the-art office concepts and chose sustainable materials when designing the new headquarters. The new building symbolises a new chapter in the company’s history.
The Great Britain subsidiary itself was established over 40 years ago in 1981 and has since grown to become a market leader within the industry. Located conveniently by the M6 & M62 motorway junction, the subsidiary offers extensive technical product support, training, and valve support services. Led by Managing Director Adam White, GEMÜ Great Britain prides itself on product quality and customer-oriented service..
has developed into a leading world-wide manufacturer of valves, measurement, and control systems. GEMÜ is also a global market leader when it comes to solutions for sterile applications.
GEMÜ is continuously growing, today the company has 25 global subsidiaries and 8 production sites. The Great Britain subsidiary itself was established over 40 years ago in 1981 and has since grown to become a market leader within the industry. Located conveniently by the M6 & M62 motorway junction, the subsidiary offers extensive technical product support, training, and valve support services. Led by Managing Director Adam White, GEMÜ Great Britain prides itself on product quality and customer-oriented service.
Scan the QR code to watch a video tour of the GB headquarters in Warrington.
Product quality, product safety. The guiding mantra in dairy production. That’s why the world’s leading dairy producers rely on the products and solutions developed by DMNWESTINGHOUSE. Our rotary valves and diverter valves offer the highest level of precision engineering, preventing bridging and possible contamination during conveying processes. At the same time, they guarantee unparalleled cleanability, drastically increasing product safety while reducing downtime for maintenance and repairs.
Through years of experience and valuable partnerships, DMNWESTINGHOUSE has gained a deep understanding of the global dairy industry and its challenges. We have earned the trust of an industry where hygiene, cleanability, and safety are paramount. In our R&D department, we leverage innovative technology, setting the dairy industry standard. In our factories, we control every step in the manufacturing of heavy-duty rotary valves and diverter valves.
Just like you, we strive for unparalleled quality and consistency. A commitment underscored by our compliance with current certifications, including USDA, EHEDG-ED Class II and ATEX. Whether it’s about infant formula, lactoferrin, (plant-based) milk powders, caseinates or probiotics, at DMN-WESTINGHOUSE, we help you maintain the highest quality standards in dairy.
Many producers of dairy products, ranging from baby formula to
lactoferrin, rely on our renowned heavy-duty rotary valves. These valves come in two types and various sizes: the drop-through type (AL/AXL/AML) and the blowthrough type (BL/BXL/BXXL). They comfortably comply with the stringent hygiene standards the dairy industry needs to maintain. All product contact surfaces consist of food-grade material, polished to perfection. They are all radiused and polished to an astonishing 0,8 µm Ra (150 grit), and the rotor vanes have precisely chamfered edges preventing the build-up of conveyed dairy powders.
Cleaning intervals will vary depending on which dry dairy substances are processed. To reduce cleaning time and resulting downtime, we developed the MZC rotary valves based on our AL— and BL-series. The MZC-I and MZC-II are equipped with supporting rails
so the rotor and end cover can be removed. The MZC-II opens on two sides for unprecedented easy access and superior cleanability.
These valves facilitate premium process handling, raising the bar in cleanability, hygiene, and safety. The rotor body clearances are set automatically when the rotary valve is closed after cleaning.
Adding innovative solutions can take your dairy production to the next level.
We offer:
· Rotor Interference Detection (RID 3.0) is our third generation, detecting unwanted contact between the rotor and body or end covers. This prevents major damage and provides insight into product contamination. RID 3.0 offers 50 times more accurate resistance measurement than its predecessors.
Through years of experience and valuable partnerships, DMN-WESTINGHOUSE has gained a deep understanding of the global dairy industry and its challenges.
· Shaft seal flow control boosts the reliability of our AL and BL heavyduty rotary valve series even more. Precise flow control prevents the build-up of powder residue on the shaft seals, minimising the risks of seal failure, contamination, leakage, damage and downtime.
· Rotary valves equipped with the Sanitary Air Seal (SAS) outboard bearing shaft seal minimise leak risks due to pressure changes inside the valve, thus maintaining the right airflow.
For maintaining hygiene and preventing contamination, cleaningin-place (CIP) is indispensable. CIP is about cleaning the interior of pipelines, valves, tanks and other equipment without the need for disassembly. In the dairy industries it’s a necessary, often automated method to maintain the highest levels of hygiene and prevent contamination.
Handling dry dairy solids is about maintaining the strictest standards and requirements 24/7. Are you currently operating Niro rotary valves needing replacement any time soon? Our NR347 rotary valves (NR = Niro replacement) match the outer dimensions of the Niro valves operating within your system, which means they are usually a perfect fit. The NR347 is based on our heavyduty AL250 model and is made of stainless steel. Meeting all hygiene and safety standards, the NR347 will
prove its value day in and day out.
Our diverter valves: boosting efficiency and hygiene
Diverging and converging powders or granulates is a daily routine in dairy production. Safety, efficiency and maximum hygiene are key. That’s why our 2-TDV, 3-TDV, M-TDV, and GPD diverter valves are very much in demand.
· Our 2-TDV and 3-TDV diverter valves are designed for quick disassembly and streamlined distribution. The 2-TDV effortlessly handles two destinations, while the 3-TDV targets three.
· The M-TDV efficiently handles the
pneumatic transport of powders or pellets, diverging and converging flows to multiple destinations. Available in different sizes, offering up to 14 ports.
· Our diverter valves are the perfect choice for systems needing regular, quick cleaning with minimal downtime.
Would you like to know more about DMN-WESTINGHOUSE rotary valves or diverter valves and discover why we are the dairy industry’s choice worldwide?
Please get in touch with the DMNWESTINGHOUSE: +44 1249 818 400 or dmn.uk@dmnwestinghouse.com.
Motors up to 25 MW and 13.8 kV
• Low voltage slip-ring and squirrel cage motors up to 3,000 kW
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Customized special designs
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• Mechanically and electrically interchangeable motors
• Commissioning worldwide
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27 Hunt Drive | Melton Mowbray | Leicestershire LE13 1PB
Martin Rooney | Tel.: +44 1664 500 844 | Mobil: +44 7957 618046 martin.rooney@menzelgb.co.uk NEW ELECTRIC MOTOR PLANT FROM JANUARY 2024
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menzel-motors.com info@menzel-motors.com
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