We thank Publisher Karla Richey for serving as an Officer of our Miami Lighthouse Academy, a best practice inclusive learning program.
For more information about the Miami Lighthouse Academy contact 786-362-7483.
• Men prone to anxiety, worry may develop more risk factors for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
• Go Fund me Vs Go Fund Yourself.
Summer Activity Guide
• Summer Camp Expo And Easter Event.
• Branches 2023 Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala.
• Chapman Partnership Take A Walk in Her Shoes Fashion Show and Luncheon.
Enrique Chavez Pincilotti
Karla C. Richey
New year, new goals, and on page 6 you will have a great article on how to teach your kids to set realistic goals as individuals and as a family!
We will be celebrating this special milestone at our Free Family Fest on June 3rd at Regatta Park from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. We hope to see you all there!
We started this first issue of the year with a super interview and also on the cover page Ron Magill, the very well-known American wildlife expert and Communications Director at Zoo Miami. Don’t miss the interview on pages 20 and 21, and also the behind the scenes pictures and videos coming up on our social media pages.
We are officially in Summer, so our little ones are on vacation and ready to go to Summer Camp! We hope that you enjoy reading our Summer Camp Guide, sponsored by Iswim Academy. In this guide, you will find many options to keep your kids entertained while doing something they like.
As requested by many parents, our best and most complete guide for the summer, Summer Camp Guide number I sponsored by iSwim Academy on pages 22 and 23.
June is the month to celebrate our Daddys! And on the cover page, we have a very admirable person, Dr. Ivan Mendoza, who owns Merrick Dental in Coral Gables. He will tell us his story as an immigrant, how he served our country when he became a dad, and his life as a professional. Like him, we want to recognize all the fathers working hard to provide their families with a better life. Don’t miss reading the interview on pages 22 and 23.
February is the month of love and we have a Valentines Gift Guide for the entire family. In March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day and we have some ideas of activities to do with the family.
If you are planning a Summer vacation, we highly recommend visiting Cancun Marriott Resort; it is only a one hour or so flight from Miami. You will feel overwhelmed by the hospitality, great food, and service. Another good option for your next vacation is to check house rentals where you can save some money. Check out page 15 for more details.
We are proud that during the month of January, we were able to give away a toiletry basket that includes a hand sanitizer, face mask, hand soap, towel, and a toothbrush to one reader per day on our social media pages. We hope that while having the virus around, we maintain social distancing and keep washing our hands and taking the respective precautions.
Take all of the safety precautions this Summer; read some tips from the one and only coach Nick Bevilacqua regarding Summer Safety tips! You will find the article on page 17.
Cheers to all of us, we are here for you, stronger than ever and ready to provide you with great articles, keep planning great events, and continue with our mission to integrate exceptional kids into society!
A considerable recognition to my lovely husband on this Father’s Day. He is my other half, and we are raising our two kids together. He is a fantastic, caring, and loving father. Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads! Enjoy the entire month and get pampered! We hope you enjoy reading our magazine.
Diane Landsberg
Enrique Chavez Pincilotti
The American Heart Association
Coach Nick Bevilacqua
Nelly Lusich
Diane Landsberg
The American Heart Association
Coach Nick Bevilacqua
Nelly Lusich
Nelly Lusich
Madelyn Reiter
Ingrid Menendez
Karla C. Richey
Nelly Lusich
Claudia Del Castillo
Karla C. Richey
Lucia Galeano
Claudia Del Castillo
Enrique Tubio
Enrique Tubvio
Noor Barakat
Jhonn Rivera
Jhonn Rivera
Kenneth & Valeria Richey
Karla C. Richey
This is a very special issue because we are celebrating our 6th anniversary! Thank you to all of our readers, and thank you to ALL of our sponsors for believing in us and our mission.
Happy 2021! We are super excited for this new year with much hope and expectations for good things to happen for all of us! The vaccines are here! We are happy that our elderly and first responders are getting the vaccine and soon most of us are going to get it also.
Karla C. Richey
I am always watching you and seeing what a special man you are.
I saw you hug and kiss Mom when you came home from work.
I was watching you as you were speaking and laughing with your Father on the telephone.
I saw the tears in your eyes as you put our old dog in the car for the last trip to the Vet.
I was watching you when you took money from your pocket to give to the older man on the street because he looked hungry.
I saw you sweating a lot as you mowed the lawn and washed the cars.
I was watching as you tried to make pancakes for breakfast and laughed when you burnt some..
I saw you sitting at your desk paying all the monthly bills to take care of us all. I was watching when you were Praying in church last Sunday.
I saw you Cheering my brother at his soccer game, consoling him when his team lost, and when you congratulated the winning team.
I was watching you running next to me as I learned how to ride a bike without my training wheels.
I saw you folding the laundry and food shopping to help Mom last weekend.
I was watching you Voting in the last election and not arguing with others about the candidates.
I saw you volunteering to be a scout leader and coach and helping with our school fundraiser.
I was always watching and saw what makes you the best Dad I could ever wish for. You have influenced me to be the kind, thoughtful, loving kid that I am now and the adult I want to be when I grow up. I wish you a very Happiest Father’s Day! I am so proud to be your child.
I love you, Dad!
To Dad on Father’s Day and every day, I want you to know that……
Middle-aged men who worry a lot have a higher chance of developing risk factors that can lead to heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes as they age, according to a new study that tracked men for 40 years.
Men who often felt anxious or overwhelmed developed heart disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol at a faster rate than their lessworried peers. The biggest worriers had a 10%-13% greater chance of eventually accumulating six or more risk factors,
compounding the risks for heart disease and stroke associated with normal aging. Researchers analyzed data collected by the VA’s Boston Outpatient Clinic from 1,561 men between 1975 and 2015. Participants, 97% of whom were white, included veterans and non-veterans whose average age at the start was 53.
The men were assessed for neuroticism – the tendency to interpret situations as stressful, threatening
or overwhelming – and worry levels through two mail-in surveys. They also had physical exams, including blood tests, every three to five years until they died or the study period ended. Seven cardiometabolic risk factors were measured, including blood pressure; total cholesterol; triglycerides; obesity; fasting blood sugar; and an inflammation marker called erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Overall, the men developed one cardiometabolic risk factor per decade from ages 33 to 65, with an average of 3.8 risk factors by age 65. People with high levels of neuroticism had more risk factors than their less-stressed peers at all ages and were 13% more likely to develop six or more cardiometabolic risk factors as they aged. Those who said they worried a lot were 10% more likely to accumulate six or more cardiometabolic risk factors.
“Individuals with high levels of neuroticism are prone to experience negative emotions – such as fear, anxiety, sadness and anger – more intensely and more frequently,” Lee said. “Worry refers to our attempts at problem-solving around an issue whose future outcome is uncertain and potentially positive or negative. Worry can be adaptive, for example, when it leads us to constructive solutions. However, worry can also be unhealthy, especially when it becomes uncontrollable and interferes with our day-to-day functioning.”
While the study did not analyze whether treating anxiety could reduce heartrelated health risks, Lee said people who spend a lot of time feeling this way should be aware of their risk factors and take steps to manage them.
“For example,” she said, “by having routine health checkups and being proactive in managing their cardiometabolic disease risk levels (such as taking medications for high blood pressure and maintaining a healthy weight), they may be able to decrease their likelihood of developing cardiometabolic disease.”
If you are planning a family trip but would like to save some money and to have more space, there is a vacation rental management platform, that you should be aware of before planning your next vacation.
Vacasa, North America’s largest vacation rental management platform, helps travelers create vacation memories through industry-leading home care and hospitality, and technology purpose-built for the vacation rental experience.
Vacation rental homes are perfect for family vacations, offering travelers more space for everyone in their group, as well as many of the same amenities guests love about hotels — all often at a lower price per room. Depending on your vacation needs, Vacasa has homes that can feature bedrooms and bathrooms for each guest, gathering spaces for games or watching a movie, and storage for everything you need to keep the little ones entertained. You can even find Vacasa homes with kid-friendly amenities,
including pools, arcade games, home theaters, and ping-pong tables.
When it comes to meals on vacation—especially with kids—the expense of eating out for every meal can quickly add up. With many homes offering full kitchens, refrigerators, freezers and pantry space, Vacasa can help guests create quality time over home-cooked meals, eating together in a private dining area, or whipping up sandwiches to take on your next adventure.
But budgets aren’t the only consideration. From waterfront and city-center, to slopeside getaways, Vacasa homes can be found in great locations across top destinations. Vacasa’s vacation
To talk about summer safety, we need to consider the following topics:
• Sun protection
• Hydration
• Proper sleep
• Screen time
• Pool and water safety
As a swim instructor by day, sun protection is of upmost importance to me. This is where I encourage you to take some time and do some extra research to make sure you have what is best for you and your child. Starting with sunscreen. There is an astronomical amount of info on sun protection, ultraviolet protection, and plenty of other protection factors you may be interested in. I also encourage you to test them. There is a name brand I no longer use because it makes my skin tingle. My wife and children don’t feel it, but I do, so I no longer use that brand. I prefer hats and clothing as my primary way before I put on any creams.
Hydration is a no brainer, right?!?! Getting our kids to see it our way is not always the easiest. First things first is you must be the example and take water with you when you go out. Take a water bottle from home when you go for walks, errands, really anywhere and anytime you leave the house, bring a reusable water bottle for you and the kids. Sleep is something we don’t cherish enough and it is something we often overlook in the summer. Please don’t. Your future adult (child) will thank you. Children should get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. Allowing them to stay up much later than 10 is not really being a “cool” parent. Discover techniques and ways to help your child fall asleep, stay asleep, and ultimately help them create a sleep schedule that will last them a lifetime.
Screen time is going to be a hot topic for the next several years. Or, at least until they come up with whatever will replace our screens. Just like a sleep schedule, a summer schedule is a must. Things like reading, creative play, art, outside games can all go on the schedule. Practice a hobby, do something again, learning a new hobby can all go on the schedule. And yes, of course screen time can go on the schedule. This will allow you and your child to manage multiple concerns without feeling overwhelmed. Create the schedule with them, add in household chores (like putting away dry dishes or clothes, wiping the
placemats after meals, taking the trash out, etc.) Finally, and most obviously, Coach Nick is going to talk about pool and water safety. I teach at a school a few weeks each side of Christmas and we have three rules of the pool:
1. Keep my body safe
2. Keep my friend’s body safe
3. Have fun.
If we stick to these simple rules and set some boundaries for our pool time, summer will be filled with fun memories and new hobbies to practice into the next school year. Some boundaries to consider is how close should your child get to the pool’s edge? Or, if mommy or daddy is not in their bathing suit and outside, you are not outside yet either? Also, come up with fun games to clean up and clear the pool and the deck. Keeping the toys away from the pool when the pool is not in use will keep curious girls and boys from fetching those toys, even if they are at the bottom of the pool.
If you follow those 3 rules above as life rules, I think you’ll do fine as a parent. Don’t forget rule #3!!!
When life strikes with unexpected hardships, why rely on a Go Fund Me fundraiser or a well-to-do family member to help you pay for expenditures?
Life is full of twists and turns that can leave you and your family cash-less or in debt if you are not prepared. For those moments when navigating life seems difficult, you can fund yourself with a type of insurance coverage that works as an investment-like savings accounts, which can help you pay for medical expenses, mortgage, or even the life insurance premiums and other expenditures when you need money due to loss of income o critical illness. That’s right, life insurance is not just about having cash value when the policyholder passess away.
The initiative of funding yourself has helped thousands of families navigate financial difficulties, allowing them to use their accrued money to avoid having to recur to a third person or having to apply for bankruptcy. Funding yourself with life benefits should be the first option when you find yourself without a job, or with expenses that cannot be covered by your salary alone.
Ivan, tell us about your background and formal education. As a professional in the medical field in your former country and then coming to the USA, how was your prior experience used to validate your education? We know you graduated from the prestigious Boston University, where they only selected 5 Hispanic students from thousands of applicants. Congratulations!
I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I was admitted to San Martin de Porres University school of Dental Medicine at the young age of 16. Studying dentistry in a country like Peru, gives you the opportunity to practice and learn from actual patients since the first year of dental school. The school curriculum in Peru is very similar to any other dental school. But the big difference I should say is that the school is constantly organizing dental community outreach activities that provide free dental care for underserved communities. Unfortunately, there is a lack of dental services for a large sector of the Peruvian population and these people have a big chance of developing severe dental problems.
During those 5 years of dental school, you basically serve the oral health needs of the less fortunate. You learn a lot. You gain valuable, Hands-On experience. You learn to diagnose oral diseases others might only find in books. All these activities help you to develop unique skills and try things you might not otherwise get the chance to do. It definitely helps you to become a more compassionate dentist.
With all this knowledge you can do a lot, but it wasn’t until I was admitted to Boston University (Go Terriers!) that I realized, there was this side of dentistry I didn’t know much, an incredible technological revolution that I read about it many times before in dental journals, but never had the chance to personally explore this tech revolution. It was basically everything related to advanced dental technology and how digital dentistry and all these technological innovation were created to improve existing procedures, to make our job easier, and improve patients’ experiences and outcomes. BU is known for having the latest technology available for the students and they always incorporate it in the curriculum.
Applying to BU as a foreign trained dentist was a bit intimidating at first, there were applicants from more than 24 different countries, thousands literally, many with decades of experience, professors in foreign universities or double certified dentists, and I was there, worried about my strong accent and not having the same amount
of experience as other applicants. But my wife, who’s also a foreign trained dentist, convinced me that I was a good candidate, and I’m glad she did it.
At that time, I already had the degree of Bachelor of Science in Health Science from University of Miami and also 3 deployments with the US Navy during war time, under my belt. I applied to 3 different universities, and I was admitted to all of them. I decided BU was the best option for me. From the large pool of applicants, BU called 400 dentists for inperson interviews, and I was one of the lucky 75 dentists admitted to the 2-year Advanced Standing program. From all those dentists, only 5 were Hispanic and only 3 were from South America as I was the the only Peruvian dentist. It was an incredible experience.
You worked in Guantanamo Cuba supporting the US Navy! You were about to become a dad for the first time while you were serving our country. How was that experience? It was a rewarding experience. I’m a very proud US Navy veteran, but at the same time I must admit it was very stressful. My job in Guantanamo was basically to keep the hunger strikers’ detainees alive during those long 9 months as I needed to tubefeed them twice a day. Our identities were hidden from them, my badge said “Shelduck” instead of Mendoza, but they of course knew I was Hispanic. These were very dangerous people, but most of the time they cooperated. At the end of the deployment, I received a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal after negotiating with them and reducing the number of hunger strikers to less than half.
My wife was pregnant with our first baby when I was deployed to Cuba. This was my 3rd deployment. I was lucky enough to make it for the birth of my first Son, Stefano. It wasn’t easy at all as my wife developed preeclampsia and she needed an emergency C- section. Permits to leave the base needed to be done days before the day you wanted to leave and it was a Friday and flights out of Guantanamo at that time were only Mondays and Thursdays. I didn’t want to give my wife the bad news, so I went to the Chapel and just prayed for a miracle.
While I was leaving the Chapel I saw this Navy pilot I met just a couple of weeks ago. He asked me what was going on and I explained to him the situation. He told me he might be able to help me, but I needed to get 3 different Commanders signatures to be able to leave Cuba as he was the designated pilot for a very special flight leaving the following morning.
I ended up boarding this “secret” flight, a private jet commonly used by senators and high rank government people. This private jet
was sent to Florida to pick up family members for a person’s funeral, the funeral of the very first Cuban refugee in the Guantanamo Bay base. I always think about him, if it wasn’t for this person, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be there for my son’s birth.
Tell us about your family and how they play an important role in your life.
I’m a family-oriented person. My beautiful wife Leticia, who always inspires me to go the extra mile and my 2 children, Stefano and Francesco, are my biggest motivation. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for their support. They’ve been there for me every step, and I’m very grateful for that. Leti is my biggest cheerleader, and we always celebrate each other’s accomplishments. We always have each other’s back. My parents have also been very supportive of my career and every aspect of my transition to the US as I can always rely on them for support and advice.
You are opening your practice in the Coral Gables area at the Merrick Manor building with the best dental technology onsite. Tell us about the process of opening the practice and all the new dental devices you are providing for your customers.
We moved from Boston to Miami a few weeks before the pandemic started. We came with a plan, we wanted to build a State-of-the-Art Dental office and apply all the digital dental workflow I learned at Boston University. We wanted a dental practice with absolutely all the latest digital technology and that’s what we did. All this equipment works with Artificial Intelligence technology and it can drastically improve and make more accurate and efficient diagnoses, treatment planning, and prediction of treatment outcomes, enabling more personalized treatments. Technology has invaded all facets of our practice, but the areas of diagnostics and imaging have been the most impacted. All this modern equipment and digital technology allow us to offer an extraordinary dental experience to all our patients, kids and adults.
As a dad, leave us a final message about how you are going to celebrate this Father’s Day.
I love to celebrate Father’s Day at home. I know my kids and wife are going to get me the funniest Father’s Day cards, presents they made or bought, and they will let me know how much they love me. It’s a very special day. We usually don’t go to restaurants that day, instead we try to do something special at home. I would also love to see my dad during that day. My parents still live in Peru, so we will try to make them come for that special day.
Sponsored by
Iswim Academy
iSwim Academy, managed by Coach Nick, is a fun way for children to learn and improve pool safety and swimming. The classes are 30 minutes long and iSwim Academy offers both private and group classes. The academy offers a more advanced workout program for kids focused on swimming. We can come to you, or you can come to us!
Phone: 305-456-0518
Email: info@iswimsomi.com
Website: www.iswimsomi.com
Explorers Camp At Miami Children’s Museum
Summer Camp at Miami Children’s Museum is an experience that promises to evoke creativity in all children. We teach children different educational aspects, through food, art, music, dance and performance, language, literacy, geography and games. We are committed to providing opportunities for discovery and experiential learning that fit our community’s evolving needs through thematic weeks that include Daring Detectives, Sprouting Farmers, and Through the Decades.
June 12th-August 4th
Camp Fee: $325 per week for Non-Members $292.50 per week for Members
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm. Before and after care is available.
Cause Camps
Open to Grades 6-8
A Service and Eco-Action Camp like no other! Through interactive lessons, inspiring speakers, and eyeopening field trips, our campers will learn about global issues by taking action to become the future sustainability leaders of tomorrow
Real Food Academy
In our Summer Cooking Camp, we teach your kids to have fun, eat healthy, develop or hone their cooking skills, experiment in the kitchen, improve math and reading skills...all in a fun way, while expanding their culinary palate.
Address: 570 NE 81st Street, Miami FL 33138
Phone: (786) 395-0355
Website: https://therealfoodacademy.com/summercamp/
Artistic Dance Center’s Kid Summer Program
Will give your little one a chance to try out new activities like arts and crafts, dance, yoga, fitness, and even go on exciting field trips! Artistic Dance Center’s SUMMER INTENSIVE will help your dancer level up with quality dance training and a well-rounded approach to dance education.
Phone number: 3054714994 Address: 10181 NW 58 St. #13, Miami, FL 33178 https://artisticdancecenter.com
Kidcreate Studio- Artastic Summer Camp
Calling all creative kids! Fun, inspiration, learning, giggles, and grins await the children this summer at the Kidcreate Studio Art Camps held at the Miami Shores Recreation Center. Our camp is perfect for children who don’t get enough art at school, parents who need a break, and kids who love messy creative fun! This camp will be full of painting, sculpting, drawing, slime, and tie-dying! Your kid will have an art-tastic time! Website: https://kidcreate.com/miami/classes/ camps
NFL FLAG’s no-contact rule and team-oriented environment make it easy for kids to come together, learn football fundamentals, and most importantly-have fun. With the Tyreek Hill Flag Football league families will love the easy commitment, with teams only meeting once per week (Saturday or Sunday, depending on location) for a total of 2 hours. Our Fall leagues are available in Florida for boys and girls pre k-8th grade that runs for 7 weeks starting in October.
Registration opens May 1st for our Fall League. If your child wants to be active, make friends, and play on a team, flag football is the perfect opportunity. Sign up online at https://www.nflflagtyreekhill.com/
The Broward Center for the Performing Arts and The Performance Project School of the Arts
See old friends and make new ones, be taught by professional performing arts teachers, and have fun putting on an amazing show on the Amaturo stage. The camp offers students the chance to study singing, dancing and acting while rehearsing for a theatrical production culminating in a final performance on stage at the Broward Center. As part of enrollment, each camper will receive a Summer Theater Camp 2023 T-Shirt and cast photo. Web page: https://www.browardcenter.org/summertheater-camp
Camp J Miami
Camp J Miami introduces your child to new experiences while building confidence in a fun and safe environment. Early Childhood, Traditional Summer Camp, Sports Camp, Performing Arts Camp and Special Needs Camp are available. Campers enjoy age-appropriate activities like sports, art, STEM, swim, music and more. Inclusive camp program. All are welcome. June 19-August 4. Register now!
Webpage: alperjcc.org/camp
Global Connection
Global Connection International School is proud to offer a fun, interactive Summer Camp experience for children ages 1 to 12. Our spectacular Summer Camp will offer an array of activities for your children to enjoy. Activities include cooking projects, music education classes, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish classes, water splash days, gardening, field trips and more! Join us for a summer full of fun and exploration!
Address: 2401 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129
Phone: (786) 476-2105
Website: www.globalconnectionpreschool.com
Village Montessori
The objective of The Village Montessori summer camp is to create a curriculum that engages children in a fun and exciting way while we continue their academic progress in a safe prepared outdoor and indoor environment within a flexible schedule.
Throughout each of the eight weeks the children will have an opportunity to experience the outdoors, do science, re-create inventions, build replicas of wonders of the world, study famous artists, play soccer and a daily Montessori work cycle!
Phone: 305-858-9199
Website: https://www.montessorischoolmiami.com/
Area Stage Company
Do what you love this Summer at ASC! Theatre classes for every age, every discipline and every level! Take part in our most popular summer camp, Broadway Bites, or take private lessons with industry professionals. Enroll in our Conservatory production of The Little Mermaid Jr to be performed at our Black Box, or audition for our student-professional production of The Little Mermaid to be performed at the Arsht Center.
Website: https://www.areastage.org/summer
Miami City Ballet School: Children’s Summer Dance
Inspire a love of creative movement and dance at the renowned Miami City Ballet School. Children ages 3 – 8 will explore the world of dance at MCB’s sunny and cheerful Miami Beach studios, all led by a dedicated and nurturing faculty.
Wednesday, July 5 – Saturday, July 29, 2023
Web link https://www.miamicityballet.org/school/ summer-programs/childrens-summer
Summer Programs
Summer at Camp Carrollton is a fun-filled, engaging summer program for girls and boys. We provide children with a high quality, safe and fun learning environment.
Camp Carrolton offers several unique experiences in both Day Camp and Specialty Camps! • Camp Carrollton Day Camp (Rising PK 3- 3rd Grade) • Camp Carrollton “Design, Build and Sail” STEM Through Sailing Program (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Art Exploration with The Artsy Hippo (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Food for Thought Cooking C.H.E.F with Chef Alexandra Golovac (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Performing Arts with Movement Miami (Rising 4th through 8th Grade)
To register visit our website www.carrollton.org.
Summer Camp Adventures At The Frost Science Museum!
Spend the summer unleashing the power of science at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science from June 12 – August 11. Open to children ages 5-11, our science Summer Camp is designed to spark a sense of curiosity and excitement in children through week-long camps themed around the amazing science featured at the museum, including astronomy, technology, marine biology, and more. Register today!
Address: 1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
Phone: 305-434-9560
Lollipops & Gumdrops
We provide an innovative way to create a magical fairy-tale experience that helps build princesses self-esteem as well as promote awareness of self-care through pretend play and dress-up.
Address: 1119 NW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33136 Phone: (305) 450-2933
Crayola Experience Home Adventure provides video-guided, interactive activities – all from the comfort of your home.
Each kit features Crayola FUN with:
Order online and we’ll ship all the Crayola goodies, directions and video links directly to your doorstep! Seasonal kits also available while supplies last. Website: https://www.crayolaexperience.com/ at-home-shop
Alexander Montessori
Let your child’s individuality shine this summer at Alexander Camp! A family-owned & operated school dedicated to providing school & camp programs since 1963, Alexander Montessori School has been serving South Miami-Dade families with a great summer camp experience to thousands of children just like yours. Preschool-6th Grade.
Phone: (305) 665-6274
E-mail: school@alexandermontessori.com
Address: 6050 SW 57th Avenue, Miami, FL 33143
https://www.alexandermontessori.com/about-us/ summer-camp
I Am Kids Academy
No other camp comes close to I AM Kids Academy! We make a difference every day. With summer programs full of fun and skill-building experiences that last a lifetime. And a team of year-round professionals committed to your child’s success.A character-building curriculum, expertly designed to explore and expand our campers’ innate talents, curiosities, self-esteem and social skills. I Am Kids Academy’s summer will have a lasting impact on a camper’s growth and development for children 1-7 years old!
White Tiger & Dragon
Pinecrest Dance Project
Kids will experience high-energy fun, athleticism and art expression at Pinecrest Dance Project’s Dance & Crafts Camp! Days will be filled with a variety of dance styles such as Acro, Salsa, Flamenco, Hip-Hop, and Ballroom. Campers will also enjoy arts and crafts, learn theater techniques, and practice make-up and costume design. Ages 5 to 12, Spring from March 2oth to 24th, Summer June 12th to August 18th, Half Day: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Full Day: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 15% discount when you purchase 4 weeks or more. For more information visit our website or Register Here.
Website: www.pinecrestdanceproject.com
Atlantis Academy
At Atlantis Academy, we serve students with unique abilities. We offer a Kindergarten to 12th-grade program for students with small class sizes in a uniquely small, safe environment. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment to enhance students’ academic, social, and emotional growth and to foster a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Atlantis Academy also offers Summer Camp programs as well as before and after school care. Please call 305-781-4676 to learn more today!
Fine Arts Summer Camp
We have the most interactive, fun, and educational indoor camp in Miami! Our advanced degrees teachers, spacious and clean facilities, and various activities will keep your kid safe, entertained, engaged, and inspired to move and learn. Activities range from Art (Mixed Media), Dance, Music Band, and Music Theater. And parents can join us for a spectacular free show for each camp session. In everything we do, our team’s mission is to offer the highest value and standards of excellence and positively influence and inspire those who wish to be EXTRAORDINARY!
(2 locations, Miami Doral)
Miami https://miamifineartsacademy.com
Doral: https://www.doralfineartsacademy.com
FTF Theatre Arts Summer Camp
Fantasy Theatre Factory is thrilled to present the most spectacular summer camp in Miami-Dade County! Our exciting new program includes immersive courses, professional performances, and a camper showcase at the Sandrell Rivers Theater! Our campers are exposed to top-notch artists & instructors who teach them performance exercises, dancing techniques, diverse cultures, music genres, & more.
Contact Phone: 305-284-8800
Web Page:https://www.ftfshows.com/
Miami Lighthouse For The Blind
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired provides fun and educational summer camp programs for blind and visually impaired youth and their sighted peers. Through a variety of instructional programs, children ages one to twenty-two have the opportunity to participate in community field trips and specialized activities that promote independence and academic development. For more information, please call Miami Lighthouse Academy @ 786.362.7483
K Martial Arts
Give your child a SCIENTASTIC SUMMER experience at MODS’ summer camp program, presented by Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. We’ve crafted the ultimate STEM experience for children ages 6 - 12 (grades 1 - 6). Campers will have interactive exploration and hands-on learning opportunities in the coolest camp environment, including a weekly IMAX immersion! Awesome themes abound from Inspiration Takes Flight to Expedition: Dinosaur and It’s Shocking to MODS Magical Camp for Witches and Wizards and more.
For dates and pricing, please visit: mods.org/ summercampdiscovery
White Tiger and Dragon Martial Arts offers kempo karate/ brazilian jiu-jitsu/mixed martial arts/kickboxing and selfdefense. These classes promote a sense of physical and psychological well-being. The main goal is for students to learn independence and self-confidence that can be used inside and outside of the dojo.
Phone: (305) 505-4919
Address: 3051 SW 28th St, Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Nyfa Summer Camps In Filmmaking And Acting For Film
At NYFA South Beach summer camps, Teens (14-17) and Kids (10-13) learn and explore filmmaking and acting for film. In these immersive, hands-on camps, students will write, direct, shoot, edit, and act in their own original short films while studying under the guidance of professional filmmakers and actors.
Our camp is a very physical. Campers will practice Martial arts, play active games, and practice weapons. Campers will have social time to play and make friends, learning time, movie time, arts and crafts time, snack, and lunch time. Special activities include a water balloon fight, pajama party, and field trips.
Website: https://www.kculturecenter.com/camps
Camp Baco for Boys and Camp Che-Na-Wah for Girls is camp at its purest. We’re two separate camps built on a single tradition: the secret to a great camp is its people. We are a caring committed community that provides an abundance of opportunities to campers have fun, learn and grow in the most beautiful setting on earth.
If you are planning for a summer vacation, you should consider visiting Cancun, Mexico, only an hour and a few minutes from Miami. Nestled along the beach in the middle of Cancun’s hotel zone, you will find a luxurious AAA Five Diamond Award winner hotel, the JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa.
You and your family will enjoy comfortable accommodations. The rooms at JW Marriott Cancun are furnished with 32-inch flatpanel LCD TVs and lavish bedding with spectacular views of Cancun’s white sand beaches and the Caribbean’s sparkling water from the room’s private balcony. The bathrooms are made of marble with double vanities and large mirrors. Depending on your needs, you can select a suite, a
room, or a connecting room. The resort has modern furniture with bright colors and paneled windows overlooking the ocean.
The JW Marriott Cancun showcases an exclusive Mayan-inspired spa that offers spiritual revitalization for body and mind. After a day at the beach, feel pampered with a massage, facial or other spa treatment. The resort also offers a fitness center with a sauna, an indoor pool, and a biz size hot top.
You can enjoy a day of relaxation lying down on their comfortable lounge chairs by the three connecting pools or the adult pool, all facing the turquoise ocean. There are several international dining options. The JW’s restaurants, Bravio
for Spanish cuisine, are also open for breakfast. The restaurant has a hiding bar La16 Speakeasy to enjoy tequila and other spirits.
And a formal Gustino Italian Grill that offers a la carte and a tasting menu. They also offer pasta-making classes.
Hana Polynesian Grill is the new restaurant where you will immerse in the Polynesian culture, highlighting a modern, vibrant, and tribal atmosphere where you can enjoy Tikixology that pairs perfectly with the cuisine. Staying at the Marriott Cancun resort, you will enjoy nearby attractions like Isla Mujeres, the Mayan Museum, local shopping malls, and downtown Cancun.
Have an unforgettable summer soiree with Amazing Parties! Our goal is to take your unique idea and turn it into a reality. We will handle all of the event details, from event concept, decor, linens, furniture rentals, audiovisual, to event coordination, and entertainment. Celebrate the start of the season safely with the help of Amazing Parties. Phone: 786-344-2966
Gaylord Palms
Refresh your spirit, make unforgettable memories, and enjoy more of what you love this spring at Gaylord Palms Resort.
Our itinerary full of family-friendly, seasonal events and immersive experiences will delight and inspire. Celebrate the season with the fun of a springtime scavenger hunt, the excitement of a swashbuckling escape room, the thrill of close-up animal encounters, the wonder of a sparkling light show, the joy in spotting larger-than-life Easter eggs, and more!
Expect the vacation of a lifetime at Marriott Cancun Resort. Feel the soft sand between your toes and gaze into the infinite horizon of the Caribbean Sea moments after you step into our hotel. Our Cancun resort sits right on the beach near attractions like Isla Mujeres, the Mayan Museum, local shopping malls, Coco Bongo, and downtown Cancun.
Discover the magic of color at Crayola Experience, Crayola’s premier, one-of-a-kind family attraction! Dozens of hands-on, creative activities and a full day of fun awaits families in Orlando, Florida. Bigger, brighter and bolder than ever, the colorful adventures of Crayola Experience help kids and adults alike explore art and technology, express their creativity and experience color in a whole new way.
• Star in your own coloring page.
• Personalize your own crayola crayon.
• Learn how crayons are made in a live show.
• Create melted wax spin art and more. www.crayolaexperience.com/orlando
Adventure Island is Tampa’s island paradise, right across the street from Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. Families of all ages can enjoy laid-back island vibes where you can swim, slide and glide all day. From thrilling adventure on more than a dozen water attractions to relaxing beaches and a winding tropical river, you’re always on island time at Adventure Island!
Website: https://adventureisland.com/
Busch Gardens ® Tampa Bay is Florida’s thrill ride leader combining world-class roller coasters, exciting seasonal events, and one of North America’s largest zoos representing over 200 animal species. Guests can take on a top-rated list of favorite attractions for thrill-seekers, including the newly-added hybrid coaster Iron Gwazi and classics like Cheetah Hunt, Montu, and SheiKra.
Website: https://buschgardenstampa.com
Designed to be the ultimate day for little ones, Peppa Pig Theme Park features six rides, six themed playscapes, a water play area, and more oinktastic experiences, just steps away from LEGOLAND® Florida Resort! Families can snort, giggle, and create their first theme park memories with Peppa and her friends.
Website: www.PeppaPigThemePark.com/ Florida
Tidal Cove is the newest amenity of the multimillion-dollar expansion and renovation of JW Marriott Miami Turnberry. The waterpark features a 60-foot tower with seven water slides, a 4,000-square-foot kids pool with an aquatic play structure, the first-ever FlowRider® Triple surf simulation pool in the nation and a VIP pool area for adults.
The Westin Cozumel, a resort to discover a unique balance of energizing adventures and relaxing amenities surrounded by palm trees and sun loungers. All its boutique rooms, suites, and cabanas have breathtaking views to the Caribbean, ideal for romantic escapades or family memorable vacations, with three different on-site dining options, a fabulous kids club, water sport activities included and beautiful spaces for events.
https://www.marriott.com/es/hotels/ czmwi-the-westin-cozumel/overview/
Step into the exotic and adventurous world of Treetop Trekking Miami, South Florida’s only aerial adventure park.
You’ll be immersed in nature and experience a new perspective on Miami on this amazing aerial adventure – so don’t wait any longer!
Website: https://miamitreetoptrekking.com/
Located 45 minutes from Orlando and Tampa, LEGOLAND® Florida Resort is the ultimate vacation destination for families with kids. The resort includes an interactive, 150-acre theme park with more than 50 rides, shows, and attractions inspired by popular LEGO® brands and characters, LEGOLAND Water Park, and three uniquely themed accommodations.
Website: https://www.legoland.com/ florida/
On Saturday, April 1st We celebrated our inclusive, annual Summer Camp Expo and Easter event. We also celebrated Passover. Families enjoyed pictures with the Easter Bunny and Sharky. Many Summer Camps offered discounts and promotions for the children and had many goodies and prizes. At the egg hunt, children collected eggs, including golden eggs with prizes inside for local attractions. They also had to find the Matzah to get a big prize.
A special thanks to our sponsors, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, EDFED, Health Channel, South Florida PBS, and A1A Behavioral Therapy.
Branches celebrated its 50th Anniversary of supporting children and families at its 2023 Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala.
Guests played games alongside Branches youth and danced the night away under neon lights. The event raised over $650,000 to support Branches’ educational and financial wellness programs that serve 15,000+ people.
Miami’s notable female philanthropists and community leaders recently gathered to celebrate Chapman Partnership’s 14th annual Take A Walk in Her Shoes Fashion Show and Luncheon at Loews Coral Gables Hotel. The acclaimed fundraiser honors women who elevate the organization and raise critical funds to illuminate the path toward self-sufficiency for women and children experiencing homelessness.
Jackson Health Foundation hosted its annual Golden Angels Gala on April 22 at Ice Palace Studios in Miami, Florida. The gala honored the Golden Angel Society, the Foundation’s premier giving group, whose members play a vital role in advancing Jackson Health System’s mission through their philanthropic efforts. This year also marked an incredible milestone, the 30th anniversary of Ryder Trauma Center, Miami Dade County’s most advanced trauma center. The sold-out event brought more than 900 philanthropists and community leaders together for a spectacular evening of celebration and giving and raised $3.5 million to support vital health initiatives at Jackson Health System.
Mother’s Day Celebration at Shops at Merrick Park
On May 13th, we celebrated Mother’s Day at Shops at Merrick Park. Mothers enjoyed a full week with discounts and a celebration on Saturday the 13th. Beautiful flower arrangements, delicious treats, personalized cards, and much more were offered to the moms. Many retailers participated in activities such as cookie decorations with Pottery Barn Kids, making a queen crown with Gymboree, hair braids with Giss Salon, and more.